The Straits Times, 5 November 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 H
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  • 447 1 Spanish army on alert as Morocco troops battle tribesmen MADRID, Tuesday SPAIN put its army in the Spanish Sahara on full alert today as skirmishes were reported between Moroccan troops and desert tribesmen in the explosive area. At the same tinie Morocco and Spam sought to negotiate
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  447 words
  • 157 1 AN affectionate pat for Think Big. winner of the record ASIaMM (OltM) Melbourne Cub, frosa one of Its three ewitws, former Malaysia* Premier Tanks Abdul Rahman at the saaaddUng enclosure after the race la Melbourne Bat the nve -year-old frtdlng by Bob I g.
    UPI  -  157 words
  • 64 1 NEW YORK. TUSS. A loading American ougaatnc ha* offered reward of UBUM.OOO (8M35.0001 for information leadlni to the conviction of anyone who rootpired to murder President Kennedy. The reward wai offered by the Saturday (rental Post. which alao aald It would pay defence costs of anyone brought to
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 451 1  -  P. M. RAMAN By PORTUGAL has promised to speed up the process of decolonising East Timer, which It has ruled for nearly 450 years, Mr. Adam Malik, the Indonesian Foreign Minister, said here last It tv originally envtiaged In Lisbon that this r&r Eastern territory would remain
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  • 65 1 MADRID. TMS. Five BpanW> damocraUc pantos eallod today far argont de■aoarattc cihanm and the astshtlshaisnt of a muiuparty system of for*mm*nt aflor nearly 40 yoars of inn nil* by Oen Franco la a stsismont thay said the tsmporanr traasf or of povor from Oon. Franco to Pram
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  • 161 1 GUNMAN'S BID TO GET HERREMA FREED AMSTERDAM, TUSS A gunman who seised a policeman as s hostage In a bizarre attempt to gain freedom for kidnapped Dutch Industrialist Tlede Hen-e--ma In Ireland, was shot and wounded In a struggle here today. Police said the shot fired by a detect, re
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 43 1 N>W YORK. Tool Daw Jonas aiaagoa, baaed on Ant hour of trading an the ISjw York Stoekiaefeant* M Indue CM 44 down «.7i. M transp 1M 06 down Ml. Is utiu ttM up SjM; and M Mocks WM down Me. UFI.
    43 words
  • 75 1 ipob. rmm. rtv* worker*, hiahiihig a wiiiii. w<aro kJBwsT t*day hy a IsaiiMg at a ttsw> BwawA# tat BwAflaawMf aboat 41 sob aoaia of ■w*f* ptttOC kAi4 ttd&J UgJst wm*mm wre MffeMf on Ih« bed of Mm mlrr whea lonnog of gravel Ismail by
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  • 53 1 Palestine by Sadat NEW YORK. Tuea. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat suggested today that, to solve the Palestinian problem, a separate state be created consisting of the Western Bank of the Jordan River. the Ova Strip and a corridor between them. He emphasised that he was (peaking only for himself, not
    AP  -  53 words
  • 600 1 THE Government yesterday warned members of the public to be on guard against "subtle" approaches by Communist Party of Malaya elements who are trying hard to get new recruils. It said such approaches by the CPM, currently consolidating and expanding its Infrastructure
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  • 42 1 CAIRO. Toss. Ths two nuclear reactors gftypt Is expected to cet from the. United StaUa during President Sadat'i current vtalt will produce more than half the electric power the Soviet, built high dam at Aswan fsneraua. Bcrptlan official* mid today AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 34 1 LONDON. Tuoi Britain* aold and foreign currency reserve* fell for tr* third successive month In October, by U***** million (StMII million i to U*S.lll million (StIJ.HT million. the Treasury aald today Reuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 48 1 WASHINGTON. Ts«s. —Army Lt-Utn Daniel Graaasa ku resigned hU poM as Chief of the Defence intelUf ea«e Agency. ior*m«*y General Graham's realgaaUoa was directly linked to HiaHlat Port's »fil of Mr. Jum geaJestager at Secretary of Defence, a. a^maasWM* mmiti Beater (See Back fag') g)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 6 1 PROFESSIONAL U equipment J/iimkimm B^B^LW^als^^i a^r^B^B^Bß
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    • 194 1 SH^K More Bank for your family The Chartered Bank is now biggc and stronger than ever before But we re still the same friendly neighbourhood bank ready to help you and your family save better for a brighter future Our Savings Account helps you earn interest while you save Children
      194 words
    • 142 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL lu.-iirpl ON YOUR WRIST Al lOUATK WK/S/ f^^^\*. ■PRHISI<)\ fih/hl -W. A S//m Xl If K>K i I h\(.l\ttHS fllS/Sr.VSWrS M/rAmrs r/jors \^kJ^A Am*** at MM CHUN CHONG 62. South Bridge Roid, Ref 1 0 633 Singapore, 1. Ts): *****. Calculator SINGAPORE TRADE OFFICE IN NEW YORK
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 272 2 Abductors 'ready to quit for safe conduct' MONASTEREVIN. Tues. The kidnappers of Dutch businessman Tlede Herrema. trapped for IS days In a tiny garbage-filled bedroom In near freezing temperatures, are ready to quit In exchange for safe conduct out of the country, a mediator said today. Union leader Philip Flynn.
      UPI  -  272 words
    • 134 2 VUASHINOTON. Tues Lady Catherine Shaw, the wife of Australian ambassador Sir Patrick Shaw, was knocked to the street and had her purse stolen near the embassy residence yesterday evening, authorities said. A spokesman at the embassy said the ambassador's wife, who was apparently out for a
      UPI  -  134 words
    • 73 2 MOSCOW. Tltitwvtot setentista aav* loan* saler«-orgaa-ssaw eaa*Me of eating petroleum, the Taas sews agency saii yesterday Afcoct SM different •vests* of ta« ssisrs ■tisplii aahaals were discovered la the Cas- I pla« Sea and Ukesi I tm examination to the city «f Alma-Ata Taas said scientist* think
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    • 70 2 TWISTED metal and a sea of 1 glass in the fashionable Marble Arch area of London, on Monday morning after a bomb blast flipped a barrister's ear onto its roof. Three people were Injured. The blast came as barrister Richard Charnley switched on his car
      AP  -  70 words
    • 269 2 Smoking and pollution cause 90 pc of cancers GENEVA. Tues. Btrong evidence suggests that up to 90 per cent of human cancers are caused by the environment, a leading cancer researcher said today. The medical world has long been trying to determine the role of different factors in human cancer
      Reuter  -  269 words
    • 72 2 PARAMARIBO. (Surinam). Tuo*. A bank director w«« shot doad when thrc* (uitmen held up hi* bank here, tnco ed with 153.000 Surinam guilder* (BS3M.--500) and a woman employ** ai a hortagak. Police *>ld the director who died wa* 4J-ye«r-old Mr Han* Korman The IS y*»rold woman
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    • 183 2 rOLOMBO, Tues— The \J nationalisation of local and foreign commercial banks wss considered a certainty, a report from Sri Lanka said today. In addition to possible changes affecting the local and foreign Two of the country's largest banks, the Bank of Ceylon
      UPI  -  183 words
    • 147 2 Soviet team to Cairo over $5b debt fAIRO. Tues. —A 8oVy viet economic delegation Is due here on Nov 25 for talks on rescheduling Egypt s debts to the Soviet Union, the newspaper Al-Ahram reported today. Moscow originally suggested Nov l as the date) for the visit, but Finance) Minister
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 471 2 UNITED NATIONS, Tues.— The Arab powers are reported divided today on demands for General Assembly action supporting the Palestine Liberation Organisation with opposing draft resolutions wing for support within their group. Diplomatic sources said Egypt put forward in a caucus of the
      Reuter; UPI  -  471 words
    • 40 2 NSW YORK Tum.— Tho Rorml Dutch Shell Oil Ctompaor nutod in iv uumpc to firt Into Uw nuclear energy burtni and. with IU 00-partnor, tno Ooasral Atomtc 00. loot OMIU mutton iaiM mlUloa). N**twotk laid j— Unlay UW.
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    • 262 2 DANGER OF FRESH CONFLICTS IN LEBANON BEIRUT, Tuesday THE Lebanese crisis settled into a state of precarious stalemate today with the danger of new conflict still seemingly close. The rival guerilla armies, which had disobeyed 11 previous ceasefire orders In two months to engage In bitter fighting In Beirut, appeared
      Reuter  -  262 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 482 2 sV V P^Jl Shop now for all your Christmas Delights I atthe HOUSE OF TANG I BARGAIN COUNTER 3RD FLOOR) fTOYS (BARGAIN COUNTER) 3RD. FLOOrQ Usual Now Usual Now $2 50 upw. Wooden Clocks 4.6G 3.50 Ladies Plain Colours Money Boxes $"1.70 $1.25 3.00 upw. Fanciful Keychains 0.50 -$900 4.50
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    • 366 3 FRETELIN GRABS PRIVATE LANDS f EADERS of the leftwlng faction Fretelin have ordered confiscation of privatelyowned land in Portuguese Timor, where there Is a scarcity of food, the official Antara news agency said today. The revolutionary front for Indeoendenee of East Timor 'Fretelin) also r banned trading of food among
      Reuter; AP  -  366 words
    • 69 3 MOSCOW. Tuas. More than SOO African students In Kler ended a wsoktong strika today aftar being aasarod that a Cssehoatovak girl married to a Nigerian studrat would be able to continue her ttudie* there, a nudent spnliasman mid. The girl »-y«ar-old phUosophy (tudent Atena On»llCtsOVaV, had
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 31 3 TOKYO. Tuas. Japan* external rasanai in October dropped by UBS77 million 1 asiW million) to USail.lM million at the end of Urn muoth. the Finance Mlnlctry reported today —Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 199 3 Collapse in army discipline: Manila chief MANILA. Tuea.— Oeneral Romeo Bsplno. the Chief of Staff, has complained of an apparent breakdown of discipline In the armed forces and says the military wont be spared In trying to establish a new order in the Philippines. His statement appeared to confirm reports
      AP  -  199 words
    • 29 3 mem. Turn. A small explosive charge want off outsldt Urn Algerian oonsu«ie In this Riviera city early today, causing alight damage >ut no Injuries, pollca laid. Renter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 192 3 MANILA. Toes.— The Supreme < ourt »11l seek greater Independence for Philippine judges from luminary dismissal under the martial law rule of President Marcos, Chief Justice Querabln Makalintal said today. Justice MakaUntal. back from the I'nlted and Europe, where he discussed martial
      AP  -  192 words
    • 410 3 •CHINA ANGRY OVER U.S.- SOVIET DETENTE' WASHINGTON, Tues. President Ford is having trouble arranging his trip to Peking because of China's ire over US-Soviet detente, White House sources said yesterday. They said Mr. Ford still is confident he will make the trip at the
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    • 160 3 OPOKYO. Toes More 1 than one- third of the Japanese people are opposed to the use of US military bases In Japan In the event of a conflict on the Korean Peninsula, according to a survey published today by the w^Mn^i dally Malnlchl
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 411 3 Whitlam snubs opposition offer to end deadlock CANSCMU. Turn DRIME Minister Cough Whltlam today summarily rebuffed an opposition Liberal compromise offer for an end to the nations 19-day-old constitutional crisis. Hopes for a break In the deadlock. which could plunge Australia Into administrative and financial chaos by the end of
      Reuter; AP  -  411 words
    • 267 3 US Thai puliout: Some advisers to stay after March BANGKOK, Tues. Some American military advisers will remain In Thailand after the scheduled withdrawal of all US troops and closure of the three remaining US bases by next March, Foreign Minister Chartichai Choonhavan said here today. He said their numbers would
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 221 3 Thailand to open liaison office at Cambodia border nANCKOK, Taes. D Thailand isMSWfi today It would even a liaison ofnc* oa the border with Ca —belts en Monday *i an ad vanee step toward the reopening of their embassies la Ptanom Penh and Bangkok Foreign Minister Chart lehal Cboonhavan told
      AP  -  221 words
    • 184 3 ITONOKONO. Toe*, A II M-year-old Chlneee man waa sentenced to death yesterday In the murder of a 16-year-old schoolgirl whoee body waa found stuffed in a cardboard box. A Jury of five men and two women debated for three and a half hours after a
      AP  -  184 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 267 3 '■*^^^3w^a^aaa^sKT^^^ lS The GB 36 is solid, comfortable and exquisitely finished Grand Banks for a lifetime of luxurious cruising The QB 36 it ruggedly selected Southeast Asian A Grand Banks is debuilt with fine interiors. hardwoods like teak, maho- signed to take the rigours of Examine the hand-rubbed. O^V and
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    • 314 3 _j I \TT~ ~"IW~ ~~K V V Zj b kTr Lower Ground Floor Specialist*' Centre Orchard /Somerset Road Open Daily 10.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Sundays Closed Watch these Super Buys! Frtw We* stt Ntyffcer llti Notgwber 1975 TOPSIDE BEEF 500, 1.75 PORK SAUSAGES FIESN PORK >4K 160 (ROLLED OR
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    • 192 4 Uganda appeal: Angola MPLA seeks arms NAIROBI. THM. Uganda Radio today broadcast an appeal by the Sovirt supported Popular Movement iMPLA) In Angola for weapon* to fight an "invasion" by Zaire troops and white mercenaries from Portugal and South Africa. The Uganda Government radio said the Popular Movement asked the
      Reuter; AP  -  192 words
    • 156 4 NEW YOU, Twes.— A Viking saMeeerafl on a SSI.OM million (BSZ.4M million) mission to search for Bfe on Mars has developed battery problems, according to a report from the National AerosUMrtles and Space Administration (NASA). The trouble Involves the seeood Viking launched on Sept. 5 and
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 53 4 BRITAIN'S Queen Elisabeth presses a button to start the first flow of oil from the Forties Field offshore ln the North Sea on Monday. The Add is expected to prodace 20 million tonnes of oil a year by 1977. a fifth of Britain's current
      UPI  -  53 words
    • 261 4 ONDON. Tue«. Chrysler chairman Mr. John Rlccardo resumed his talks today with British ministers about the future of the car firm's British subsidiary, which could prove a political embarrassment to Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Mr. Wllaon underlined the Importance he attaches to the talks
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 333 4 N. YORK MAY DEFAULT BEFORE HELP COMES WASHINGTON. Tuesday LEGISLATION to help New York City out of Its financial crisis could reach the floor of Congress early next week, but city officials say New York could default on millions of dollars of debt before them. The House of Representatives banking
      Reuter; AP  -  333 words
    • 424 4 WASHINGTON. Tuesday "JJOPES for a strong business reviva in Western Europe this autumn art going down the dram," IS News mm World Report says in its latest issue. The American news magazine says "al In all, 1975 Is proving bad beyond all expectations. In
      Reuter; AP  -  424 words
    • 283 4 When dead flies had experts buzzing in circles LOS ANGELEB, Twes.— A crash Programme to wipe oat the most serious frmit fly Infestation in the Inited States boomeranged. Four million flies were killed— the wrong ones. ."It's a setback, no doubt about that," county j Agriculture Comnissloner Paul Engler said
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    • 247 4 'High class' Paris madame lands in court PARIS. Tues. A Frenchwoman who was alleged to have run Frances most exclusive ring of call girls was given a one-year suspended sentence today on charges of procuring Fernande Orudet. who under the name of "Madame Ctaude" had won notoriety for an establishment
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 36 4 LOUISVHXB (Kentuek7>. TMes PoUee used tears** last night to break up group of aome 1.500 rock sad botUe-throvtac tnU-buatnc deasonstraton At leaat aeven people were arreeted and three flOesra rvcMred minor inline*.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 475 4 Why pay more when you can own Coronamatic 7000 PRECISION ELECTRIC OFFICE TYPEWRITER for the price of a manual Coronamai.c Electr.c SBB V a W^aW CARTRIDGE whicn reT vp «wr,ttM have prov Jfc^ mov« arroc* qoK:klv and .-c^'cwT "«stlv. Another outstand--5^ S^^K^^T ng feature >s the CORO v NAMATIC CARTRIDGE
      475 words

    • 180 5 Schools close as Bangkok goes under water BANOKOK. Tuesday MOST of Bangkok went under water today as raini. a swollen river and high tides combined to push the Chao Phya river 2.71 metres above flood stage. The Thai Cabinet called in irrigation and SSSan-^ToTSm 1 dais the flooding could not
      UPI  -  180 words
    • 88 5 MADRID. Tuea.—Oeneral Pranclsco Franco survived an emergency operation to stop massive stomach bleedIng early today, but his doctors' prognosis remained pessimistic as he entered the critical post-operative phase. Only after lengthy consultations did the doctors risk an operation on the 83-year-old leader, who has been critically
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 157 5 pOME Tues. A Rome I a\ magistrate has de- elded thst the latest Increase in Italian phone chantes is illegal Junior Judge Angelo Orteco. ruling lr the case of s subscriber who refused to pay the new charges, ordered his line > restored ar.d his
      157 words
    • 186 5 A tense Lisbon buzzes with coup rumours LISBON. Twee. The far left gatketei Mb streskgth fer rm a«ttOevenußMtt shew ef feres yisOtSmy as Ike veassy wiisi eesjp nttttes te »est»eee large-scale at 1 1 1 1 ary saasMewefv tßias had keea ees—s a 1 tesstaUveiy^ fer the seseasl WGME Fw#TVHbbsT4sT*
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    • 316 5 Waiting for Hassan's order to march TARFAYA. T«eS. MOSTLY ignorant of the diplomatic furore they're causing, thousands of volonteers for King Hassan's march on the Spanish Sahara lolled in sandy tents yesterday, drinking sticky, sweet mint tea and eating canned foods while waiting for the march to begin. The majority
      UPI  -  316 words
    • 165 5 CKX7L. Toes. One of 0 South Korea's most Important Industrial railroads remained closed today following an accident yesterday In which a coal-laden freight train fell from a trestle In the eastern part of the country, police said. NAGOTA: A nine <Uy United Nations sponsored seminar opened here today te
      Agencies  -  165 words
    • 250 5 BANGKOK. Tuet—lnternational commodity trading has come to a virtual standstill because of the oil crisis, seriously affecting the purchasing power of dereloplngnaUons, according to Thai Commerce Minister Thongyot Chitla veer* Speaking at the openIng session yesterday of the committee on trade of the Economic
      AP  -  250 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 495 5 SONY. Within 30 minutes, just grab as much as you want, .p^EjgjpV all on Sony's account. *%&M*^!? q rabbi ng" competition fIfKSSSESK IhLbC *<I»S^^ dl TdLMlail oup^nllKliiwio M s^s»f» aaAadfcMiP^lgg^B^W CHOHSAHHfIiBKV K^^ i HbSBB^H LsBSBSBSSSBSBST^T^3I^'"^^SsIsaSsSSBSBaIfc I Bs»^?bbl BBBI^^^^BbPH BBSBSBSBSBstt i I f^^^^^^B I ■^^^^"^lssttsßl'fni BsV^sl^J Bsbsbsbsbsb! Hssb^LMssbsbsbTsbsbll How to Enter
      495 words

  • 349 6  -  RICHARD GROWALD By Washington rm age ef Kissinger may be over. la the eyw of White Hoes* asßetasi. rreale*s* Ford has stripped Secretary of State ■osmt JUaitager of his ■rune p#wcr iovm kis work -a day mor>ing kov la the Oval Dr. Usrtamr
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  • 128 6 WASHINOTON EUlOt Richardson, nominated by President Ford on Monday as his new Commerce Secret ary emerged from the scandal of Watergate with honour Intact and became talked of v i 08 Presidential candidate. The Harvard -educated politician has been rated among the half-doaen probable
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 209 6 New CIA boss has confident way pFKINO Mr. Oeorge Bush, mi director of the Central Intelligence Agracy. Is a lean and handsome Patrician who has held two top diplomatic posts and a seat In the House cf Reoresentatlves bat has known some bitter dls appointment* Hli breety. confident manner, a
    Reuter  -  209 words
  • 364 6 Politician who ran an 'open' White House WASHINGTON: Mr. Donal Rumsfeld, appointed on Monday as Secretary ct Defence, la regarded as an ambitious, hardworking but approachable Republican politician. 'as President Ford's Chief of Staff, the 43--year-old Mr. Rumsfeld ha« won a reputation for brisk organisational skill and for running an
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 «^|H^i|^bw '^#L U 2»3!£w -^^Ham^ TOTO DRESSMAKING SO MUCH FUN Mrs Kok designs and sews her own E» dresses, sometimes she mokes them for mV friends Dressmaking Tolo takes up all yA *>- my spore time she says. But it's really fun fl B having these two hobbies. Talking of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 210 6 Bgtofjag Up Father By BiM Kavmsjii <» HI Cmp f wCN<S«> I VVE»6 VCT MAVN* D MV BRCT-ER B VMy > /he MASNT ANY »OOm)-A JnZiSm J -Ays «OMB- &O<*O t^SXiP ONB CATBM A V^ LL_J~ r-nriZlA^ iv SOU* Tmin©GOOO M*Al A^ffßi^V^i.,^ THIMSAU. Kj M %iar iJiH-WnS Blontfle U By
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  • 430 7 CIM.AI'ORE would benefit f: oiii the injection of greater purt h;»sin^ power into the n through possible interna- agreements and cartel-like arrnenti among [iKxliKfis of rumiu«xlitus siuli as >nV«\ rublxT, jule. iron and copper. ThU benefit could be reaped despite the possibility of an accompanying
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  • 321 7 $38 mil contract to merge three islands into one rREE offshore inlands are to be merged together as one under a $383 million contract awarded by the Jurong To»n Corporation (JTC) yesterday 'Aider the contract, PuJau Ayrr Seraya. Pulau Srburis Luar and Pulau Seb'irus Dalam will be Joined together aa
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  • 38 7 MANUFACTURERS of mar* than M countries n»v« bam Invited to take part In the ascend International Eanlbtuon of Sports I it and Leisure Ooods (aVOtUEZ T to be heM at the National Stadium bare next July
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  • 33 7 OUJTARIST Room Urw wul give a classical recital In the Music for Everyone aartos auouaorad by the Ministry of Culture at the Stn»»i>*f Oaaejnass n*u on Sunday at t p m
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  • 69 7 A MUSICAL progTvnme Tata Beat. msiiilaMl by the- Central Young Ptopta'* BrcUon of the National Library. wU] be held at Ms lecture hail In Stamford Road, on Saturday, at (M pjn The prorramne wUI feature pop and folk asntn by ImA Hogaa. the Prtendlv. Mary App*
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  • 33 7 Tiff ascnUry of the ■tagapor* Modern Art Society. Mr Tan Ptng Chiang. win spamk on Art and Dartgnlng. In Mandarin, at the Bra* Baaßh community centre oo Friday at pjn.
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  • 74 7 $20,000 boost for college fund TIEN Mah Utho Printing Co. In Jurong has donated $30,000 to the Lorong chuan Junior College building fund. Announcing this vaaterday. Mr. J C. Chung, the dlraetar •nd general risnaw. said Ike donaOon had bam mad* In conjunction with the firm i ahlftuif to new
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  • 27 7 ICAMPONO Bl«ai Buklt Momh and Buklt ManOt South community eantraa ill hold the* klndertartan (raduauon ceramoolas at their r«apccUTT oantraa on How 14 at 7Jt pjb.
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  • 23 7 MANILA Strett community cantr* win eatctemte lv ltui annlvenaxv with a Unnrr at Albert Sttwt on Sunday at 7 J0 PJB
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  • 189 7 J^ FIVE-MAN gang struck twice within four hours on Monday and escaped with $1,328 in cash and valuables and a In the first robbery they pounced on luUt ant manager of a firm while he tv walking toward* a restaurant on the
    189 words
  • 140 7 WAITER WHO MOLESTED WOMAN: 2 MONTHS A MY EAR- OLD waiter was yesterday jailed for twe months by a magistrate's court for oatraging the modeity of the proprietress of a >andals shop. < horn G«an Lee pleaded f ullty to using criminal force on Tan Khan Rhah. 34. to outrage
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  • 274 7 'Bonus Bill' for debate next week PARLIAMENT will alt I next Tuesday after an Interval of nearly three months. One of the major Bills due for second reading on Tuesday is the Employment (Amendment) BUI which seeks to nrohibit employers from paying extra bonus a measure which the National Trades
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  • 25 7 CANBERRA community centra's youth group will ori»ni« a ftve-day Peninsular Malaysia lev iPnangOcnUni IflgMsnils risiarnn mytii.twfft Km. Tour fart to »1M per praon.
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  • 19 7 QunNBTOWN wiimwlty oantre wul hold a ktodargart«n graduaUm t«i— tutiy at lt« namn oa Nov. II at 7J»nm
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  • 202 7 AVISITINO Japanese textile team her* U looking Into the possibility of setting up Joint ventures with local garment makers. The 50- member NllgaU Prefectural TexUle Mission hopes to supply quality textiles to local factories to make finished garments for export Mr Takashl Kato. leader
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 519 7 I A V a^gflgaW^^Lr afl .^gaal J 9df aLI imlLr lV>^9Haf l^^tl I *> 'J w LiKi •>(■ ni .^H i a. a^r I ■■>% *B3*^^»aV a kaWay%ML^*x^*a*WßkA««k 1 9 gV W ft I 111 «m^\_j imvlC^wJfC POTTSfpCS JXjv^Jn l^J and Battery Related Systems B^L^LB sKai^B^B^B^B^B^BV B^B^^^^aT VIfM BBBBBW^^^ CXI
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 163 9 A CONTRACT labourer stole watch from J and pawned It M pay his PUB bill, a magistrates court heard '.ay Abdul Latif bin Omar. 15. waj jailed for two ifter he pleaded stealing a $170 vatch from Shah art bin Abdul Hamld at a
    163 words
  • 229 9 Trishaw rider's death: Open verdict A TRISHAWRID E R who stabbed to death his room-mate was found dead at the foot of a block of flats the next day, a coroner's court heard yesterday. The court recorded an open verdict on Png fee Chye. «5. and a verdict of murder
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  • 35 9 POREON Affair* Minister. Mr 8 Rajaxatnam. will attend the Kamponf Olam ruirununuy centre and Chinese Chess Club prise pre-setits.uo.-i of the Rajaratnam Trophy Chinese Cheat Competition at the centra today at S p.m.
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  • 517 9  -  T. F. HWANG By TWELVE YEARS FOR ANOTHER WHO BOUGHT REVOLVER FOR $1,000 (CONSTRUCTION worker Lai Soon Keng, 29, was sentenced to 14 vears' jail and 20 strokes of the cane by the High Court yesterday for possessing a semiautomatic pistol and
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  • 426 9  -  ELENA CHONG By A LABOURER was stabbed to death shortly after he Intervened In a squabble between h1 s friend and a jobless youth over who should be the 'banker" in a gambling session, the High Court heard yesterday. Jamaluddln bin All. 27. received
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  • 218 9 7 shops struck off for fleecing tourists SEVEN shops were struck off the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board register of associate mentbers recently for allegedly persisting In fleecing tourists and touting despite repeated warnlnga. This followed complaints to the board's complaints bureau by tourists of overcharging and harassment by tout* employed
    218 words
  • 57 9 r'O men were Injure* In a brawl mUMc the Eng Lee Seng petrol ktoak at the J«ftlen of Alexandra and Tanilln roads yeiterday Folice In a passinf pattol ear who taw the fight Involving three men arrested all of them. It la indent*** that two
    57 words
  • 307 9 Yards to take only the 'safe' workers SHIPYARDS will in future accept only workers who have been "orientated" In safety courses in support of the Government plans to cut down shipyard accidents. They will also award contracts only to those contractors whose workera have gone through such courses This was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 Supplamins MULTI VITAMIN TABLETS WITH IRON If we can tow half an airfield to the Celebes, keep Singapore's plywood industry supplied with timber and dp establish a floating helicopter Z^k base for oil rigs r y&Hw in Indonesia, W&ffiHiur Just imagine what W^f^m we can do for you. Consider the
      242 words
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 466 10 I it fe^M m mW f aY H A <^^. i( l) M a^K^R^a^^BM a^L^al^^^^ If p .^fll '^B^iß^^Br^^^ Big 66cm.(261 Colour TV FREE* in your home for 7 days. GEC's Rent or Own Plan puts a brand new 66cm. If s free 7-day viewing, but there is a small
      466 words

  • 240 11 Drive by SBS to cut down smoky exhausts THE Singapore Bus Service, which Is being fined about 11 0.000 monthly for running smoky buses, has launched an 'llutlon drive to minimise excessive unoke emission In Its buses. »-pron«*d Une Df action hu been taken to tackle poor maintenance. overloading and
    240 words
  • 65 11 DISCOVERY TalenIWS. organised M Shangri-La i\»thay Paclnc *.:rways and BMI of »n--laporr Utobe held this Th* rontM »i:i b* held B conjunction with the live Ingar. francs* Yip i th» Dtobvott r.:' »t in* Tlsrm ■upptr Club from Nor IT DM. Mia Yip wtU fee
    65 words
  • 25 11 UC!K,'IIVB from the Mamr tnmunu>n Branch f tlw CID nrnHd a lt-«J-oM flfhltr of thf lit sj f <»~uup fn<r. houat in >»""*■ Koad
    25 words
  • 608 11 QOVERNMENTS should igive conicvsions to handii .i|)jH(l people sQch as granting them free licences for their toU'\isioii and radio Mil These are the few means of entertainment available to handicapped people, said Mr. B.J. Lawrence, honorary secretary of the Malaysian Leprosy Relief Association
    608 words
  • 205 11 Boy, 10, loses all 5 toes in lift mishap SCHOOLBOY Ong Chis Tec. 10. who lost five toes ef his right foot In a fowls lift accident on Monday U believed to have had his foot stack through the grilles of the lift door while it was moving. HU foot
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  • 178 11 Post-grad course for teachers A POST ORAOUATB course in education U now open to teachers under the Comrnenwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Pan at the Chinese University of Hongkong starting next September. A Ministry of Education notification to schools said that the i one-year course would 1 lead to a Masters
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  • 277 11 'ARTFUL DODGER' CAUGHT NAPPING AT LAST A MAN dubbed "Artful Dodger" by police and brUeved to have cheated more than 10 people and shops of money and electronic equipment, has been arrested He was sleeping tn a Oeyiang hotel when a police party from Beach Road station, led by Det
    277 words
  • 55 11 Blood stocks above average level TOTAL Mttrvo blood 1 stoclu at the Sngapor» Blood Transfusion Service were above average level 2-ut week. Tb* total a— key of Used dooattaoj rtortTcd durtn« UM pa*t tul was TO wHo, wtth T7t trmnanulona fives. for Urn month of Octobar. th« toul number of
    55 words
  • 200 11 Envoy's 'come in' call to Jakarta students INDONESIAN students In Singapore wea yesterday advised to see officials of their embassy here about their problems and grievances. Though not all the students might be satisfied by what the embassy could do for them, it would still dc Its best to setUe
    200 words
  • 47 11 Afasaad Matter. PaxhmmmHArr fcoiurj .Cducatioai. win bt gwsC-of-honour at Uw autoport Ttehnleal TMtltiflfi fifth gra*MMoo iwswbhj at It* Mjattof^Mß In OlrcteM RoAd at Spjb. next WMoMdtr A total of MO gnduataa wiU rraii their Industrial technician oerUfleatat ■wardod k» Urn Industrial Traininc Board.
    47 words
  • 157 11 4 MOTHER of two was Jailed for two months by a magistrate's court yesterday for stealing a purse from a woman police constable last Sunday. Tan Lee Rlang 17, pleaded guilty to Uklng the purse containing $45 from WPC Tan Lay Beng.
    157 words
  • 222 11 rl P-bile rtUlUes Board's Eraajt-Paa-dan water project will be BOonpUUa soon and treated water from the Kranji and Pandas reservoirs will be distributed to residents and Industries In lac western part ef Siagapare aad the aeataera off shore island* next April The areas
    222 words
  • 31 11 THE DrputT Prtmt Mlr.l>t*r and Minister of Defence Dr Ooh Ksng Bwm. will offlciaU at the nioaiin of Avtmo Singapore tPUr Ltd.. Jurong Town, today at 4 p m
    31 words
  • 197 11 Ship crew won't sail-till they get a pay rise LUFIUN crew members r from the Oerman tanker. Uaolette Batberger. now at drvdock In Singapore, yesterday refused to sail with their vessel unless they were paid wages according to rates set by the International Transport Federation iITF' The crew from the
    197 words
  • 57 11 toaonu or the an*apor* Olrl Ouidaa association »nd the Jotters' Association will take part tn the Jofathon irn at TusoU Oollaso (round. University of Singapore on Nov 16 at *J0 ajn. Mi*. X W Barker, president of the Qlrl Ouktea VaoclaUon will opsn the 'ogathon. which
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 22 11 Relieve painful piles fast with Varemo'id Ju»r 4 of psn jnd 1 til fstflfflntflbon > ■omortisuau k irug ISMS "*^si 40 I mvmaammmV*
      22 words
    • 249 11 few V J»L Hg^^B^a^a^ss^amma The new Olivetti AS electronic accounting system caters for your changing needs am|^^_^^^a^^^s_^p^ esJlk^^^^^g^^jama^sl i^S m<t ml mw^^ l wbTbTsbi^^ rll hkJ^H^fck™iS\*^fl»*eM mV^kvfe gsmV^^^sm^Bamv^^ tji 5 Bo^VS W§ *^fcvll^E h'l be much more expensive without one Olivetti, the world's most in- The A 5 is designed
      249 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 636 12 THE selection of a vice-presidential running mate can have an important, if not decisive. Influence on the outcome of a White House election. The question that arises, therefore, out of Vtce-Presl-dent Nelson Rockefeller's decision to drop out of next year's campaign is whether it will assist or hinder
      636 words
  • 1029 12  -  G. GWERTZMAN By Washington ALTHOUOH PreslA dent Ford treated the subject of detente cautiously on Monday night, the dramatic personnel shifts he announced appeared to signal a strengthened determination to reach a new strategic arms agreement wltn the Soviet Union.
    NYT  -  1,029 words
  • 920 12 NEW YORK. Tuesday |N AN age of terrorism, assassinations and political kidnappings, diplomats around the world conduct their business behind steel doors and under heavy guard extremely cautious about whom they let into their offices. The US Embassy In New Delhi is guarded
    AP  -  920 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 |j CBE9 tessend rrc.ophones "F.1." Seriet Uc» -Hi. «t» ,4 #.m»4 C.">«« C.«» H| .u'd.d >o cool. ~".cop«*>«« and *o protect Jonag* 20*oo« Cab*. r* Ptug Suopfaad -H>*»'»Asl7»oo Wj^ mm v-~.e»uss« "mo tijsoo Jw^sW G <** ursoe If mi v.«-.-* $mm CAiH D«COUNT ALLOW! D> ZUuf>k*tJ T MA (Pte) Ltd.,
      53 words
    • 305 12 Small Families Brighter Future Two is enough FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE /j\ telephone *****6 or go to your I tilt I nearest Maternal and Child Heaif If| JjJ The best reason to feed your dog alpo lots of real beef. AI>I*O IS 100*/* MEAT n*i.»« »o.'«o cn«*s <* mm nrvp«c*«o
      305 words

  • 128 13 r[E dancer sign In the background (arrowed o b i o v I j doero't bother these chlltiren. who are more intent on having their swim In the pool. What they don't realise or aatm to Ignore Is that they court death every
    128 words
  • 169 13 HK's beachcombing whizzes (for litter) win a trip here r{£ days of beachcombing for Utter are over fur 11 studenU from Hongkong for they were rewarded last night for their toil with their nrst-evtr trip to Singapore. While most others were themselves during their summer vacation, these itudents from hlu
    169 words
  • 78 13 STADIUM CRACKS: PWD PROBE ON -TiHE Public Work* De- I 1 partment to studying the cause of cracks 'on the walls of the NaUonal Stadium and Is expected to make remedial recommendations soon. This was stated yesterday by Mr. Lav Teng Chuan. the chief executive director of the stadium. Mr.
    78 words
  • 34 13 A TWO-DAT children* ramp orcanlaad by the K»mponc Olun community oenix* and the Fty* Labor constituency will bt held at the National Youth Leadership Tralnlnc Institute from Nov 15 at J p-m
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  • 447 13 S'pore sets up trade office in New York A boost for goods on US marts THE Government has set up a trade office in NewYork to promote Singapore -made goods in the United States. This was disclosed by the Director of Trade, Mr Rldswan Dzaflr In a letter to the
    447 words
  • 60 13 A PAOfTCR was lined lI .MO In a magistrate's court yerterday tor itamUnt cotn» amruntlnt to 114 from a cotnafon at Far Bart Shopptnff Ontrp In Orchard Road an Monday at about 545 pm Thing Ouan Leng. J5 was caught br the centre's sacurlty guard. Mr.
    60 words
  • 35 13 ins Singapore Science Centre Pund hM rvcaived a 130 000 donation from tha United Uslayan Banking Corporation BertuuL To date. 13 3 million of the %i million taxict haj be«n collected
    35 words
  • 32 13 1 IB MP for Stamford and Parliamentary Secretary i Labouri. Mr Pong Sip Chee. will official* at hla constituency's tree planting campaign at Central Park on Sunday at t am
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  • 11 13 THERE were 7» road acetdSßla. thre* aertoua. on Monday
    11 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 173 13 SbTsl bmb^ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajj I *is>_. _j w Mm SB ata m I L \WHm\\\\\\\ A V"^ Jk y >mrm W m S^ m^ m^ m m m mM mmm^r^ I S^Bafl a^Sa^af I k^Bim. YOU R SKIN t ARt KEY TO BEAUTY Vindescent Pack, the new combination """J .f ii
      173 words
    • 416 13 W MAN CANNOT UVE &t FOOO ALONE m GOOO FOOO 6 THE ANSWER KASMOMN POOD 90 SJPWOH li S 9B6OTTJNM. O*XXMWT>€ O&IOOUS VMMr TO 0m« YOU*. VfllHl COS* TO T>« KCW HASKfVW m&UNHT AND UT US »»MFWVOU Now at %7 L par parson 2 12 OOnoon -3pm 7dtysawMfc 1 WEE
      416 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 809 13 Un your rv SINGAPORE 5 IN Ml Opening followed by Majallaii Keluarga 7.M Football Highl.gtits (Malay) /.3I Urn mt itwvwl (Halir) Ul Diary of Events (Malay) 7JS Sen Ash-Sem Kerajinan Tangan UJ General Hospital US Magazine Zero One 4.1S Ttmamka (Repeat) A Series of Malay sjJ fill Bui Mmy Musical
      809 words

  • 395 14 A stout heart sees 'Goa' writer through to success INDIAN playwright I Aslf Currlmbhoy could never take no for an answer. This, combined with tenacity, an unwavering conviction 1 and "sheer cussedness" have finally brought him recognition a decade after he wrote his first play. rinding no recognition In his
    395 words
  • 373 14 Case of the busmen and the terrified commuter A COMMUTER was harassed by a Singapore Bus Service driver and conductor when he took down the registration number of the bus after It failed to stop at Clemenceau Avenue, opposite the Australian High Commission, yesterday. The commuter, a 44--year-old man who
    373 words
  • 404 14 A BUSINESSMAN was trying to park his car on the eve of National Day when he was stabbed and robbed of It by two men, a district court heard yesterday. The robbers, with another accomplice, then used the car In a holdup
    404 words
  • 403 14 PASTOR yesterday spoke of the need for a new type of old peoples' home a "retirement home" for those of pensionable age to live together, yet independently. Re* Dr Tony Chi pattor of Wesley Church. Singapore, said that people of pensionable age <80
    403 words
  • 157 14 LOCAL lorry operators have reported a 3* per cent drop In business since September last year as a resalt of world economic recession and the restriction on movement of heavy vehicles Into the city daring peak traffic hoars. Mr. Ho Shio Kwang. chairman
    157 words
  • 32 14 AN executive officer from th* Ministry of Labour. Miss Yeong Poh Choo will speak in Mandarin on Youth and Dnployment at th* Kreta Ayer community centre on Saturday at pjn.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 265 14 LAST DAY! i 2 SHOWS AT Him, 1 30, 4 00, ***** 30 PM 7.00 *9 30 PM. > Pmi King Msm Fung CMm Hung anctala pXmc^ V 'iakfA o^J&s%\ a« BBlmP I —^VWdl L3f" l ,> CATHAY: OPENS TOMORROW! ij (liih Vai s IfMir rur Inn Starts t Rpiii
      265 words
    • 266 14 AUTHENTIC KOREAN CUISINE Special Choice of BARBEQUE. GINSENG CHICKEN SOUP Aad Many other eaottc KOREAN DISHES. Prepared by our KOREAN CHEF A UNIQUE SPECIALITY 2^2SWrSffi^2s^S VISIT QENTINO HIGHLANDS MALAYSIAN CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL NOVEMBER 14-27 1975 AND s«« Malaysia t Cultural Wealth Kxhtbitiom Demonstrations (James Shows. Etc throufhout thr OMival For
      266 words
    • 108 14 Highlights for today Public too lazy to take part in community centre activities. Thousands of dead fish at Yong Peng. The satisfaction a social worker gets from his work. Danger lurks at a pond in Jalan Penggaga. The Embassy door is always open for Indon students Irsan. Soccer: FAM decision
      108 words
    • 212 14 1 w TWO CONCERTS by I vodlfftniM prour.imme i M.S. SUBBULAKSHMI mpanted f>> Radlha Vtsvanathaa (Vocai) K.mdadevi ALmirivinn (Violin) Karuikuni H Man) i i. rh-'ttaaudi us Vlnajrakram (Kadami V Kanchira*. and Vija\.i Hi jrndran haMMI ISih and IMh NOV. VKTORIA THK XTRK. p.m. NOTE: Advance boDking from FRIDAY
      212 words
    • 427 14 jwee— m •t* HILARIOUS DAY B i RITURN 1 <M Tlia mm »AMTHIR i > *-**»«'«''w-»-^a a NOW SHOWING' I llw '45 4 00. 645 9)0 Doug WcOo** TNI LAND 1 MM* TIMI fOtOOT' color NIXT CHANGI m *t Black magic B U _^OngO'injr> Scopa I CokK NOW SHOWING' I
      427 words

  • 3 15
    3 words
  • 215 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Ju— jyjOTORISTS driving alone or with one or two passengers may have to pay a fee to inter the city's commercial centre The first step has been taken to Introduce legislation to Impose the lew According to Informed sources, a
    215 words
  • 241 15 IT WON'T BE A TOUGH BUDGET SAY BANKERS I/UALA LUMPUR. IV Datuk Hussein Onn ls not expected to p: a tough budget to the Rakyat ->n day afternoon. <ers. economists and financial analysts hold this slimtf leant revenue measures will have to affect the masses and this will cause greater
    241 words
  • 98 15 1,520 flood relief centres set up ITU ALA LUMPUR, Tues —A total of 1.520 evacuation centres have been set up throughout Peninsular Malaysia to accommodate up to 392.000 evacuees if floods should hit the country. In the Federal Territory, these centres Include the Merdeka Stadium and Stadium Negara. Bases All
    98 words
  • 374 15 IfUALA LUMPUR. Tues ■V Law Minister and Attorney-Oeneral Tan Sri Abdul Kadlr Yuaof Introduced to the Dewan Rakyat today the long-awaited Law Reform > Marriage and Divorce BUI which »*eks to provide for the non-Muslims a uniform law on marriage and divorce
    374 words
  • 62 15 PETALINO JATA. TUM The Minutrr of Trad' and Industry Ml mU i matting of rtpt— iitsmai of the rarlout chambers o( cony ■aiii and U» manufacturIng aactor aooo to enable them to study the draft raruUtiona ot the Industrial Co-ordinauon Act. Duckmnj this today. Trade and Industry
    62 words
  • 32 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Tim A It iraaitur H-'-j***" cultural troupe left bar* today (or Tokyo to prawnt Malaysia s traditional d*nc« at the aU-dar Aatan aiMtc and cultural fstUval there Rruttr.
    32 words
  • 121 15 2,000 to go on strike today KUALA LUMTIaV Tuei Aboat 2.M* Batter lastltate workers thrawgh•at the cavalry 111 strike loßsor raw over a dispute on the rlaasif.caUon of plantation workers at the Institute's experimental stations la SangaJ Baloh and Rota Tlaggt The RBI SUff I nJon is Of the contention
    121 words
  • 286 15 PENANO. Thoo. A SECURITY guard was brutally murdered and an engine driver severely beaten up with beer bottles at the Cold Storage Creameries In Penang Road last night all for a few dollars In petty cash and loose change. The guard. Muslehuddln bin Ahmad.
    286 words
  • 108 15 House to study Fan case I(UALA LUMPUR, Tues.—The Dewan Rakyt today approved a motion referring the Fan Yew Teng case to ths House's privileges committee. The committee will now determine whether or not Mr Fan has disqualified himself as the DAP MP for Menglombu following his conviction on a sedition
    108 words
  • 26 15 KOTA KINABALU. TttOS. Berjaya has reiterated lv call for State election to be held In Sateh soon fottovtnc the retirement or Tun Datu afusupha.
    26 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 563 15 AIR SHUTTLE SERVICES FROM MERSING TO TIOMAN N«« yo« <•■ sloa fMlaf yoa cast ftl to TloaMii *aot —aojsjh ft* aweas* ta* wovM. W« hay« aMaafctaataakaaal SaaW amssssssiMaW alsssslaili ■aw a a*na*»wv^s* amaw awmaaßCSavW vawaj a^vs* «*•> a*ww Vw9f 841 Ot— (SaoaiacaV MONDAYS from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. 4
      563 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 62 15 Straits Times Crossword ■di 3 I B.^jt sH sssßT' -asamt-— kaar— ROM prrhapa Itl 6 Pi»rt of ttw xlar nexu» ■aa ruad 5' .ii Latin '(> Ih in dudcy <3 in n .1.-: .id nvler- i7i thlna -train behind bar- '7' -art tak- .5, MB*!sa «>ll hr publKhctf Isassfvoa n
      62 words

  • 7 16  -  TSAI TAN Edited by
    7 words
    • 46 16 I M Krutt Mmtnm G. Cwtm NITT r m C. 8. Lu< JtHlM C. Prafk. •S.M •tJS «L« MM II M Mil $1JI u.n MM M-M M.M MM 11.77 ft J» I1.M 11.77 -«-.1t J« 1* 1« M M .M M 5 »S +41 M
      46 words
    • 8 16 1MB LOB M.M II.fl tS.M n.n —.m > >
      8 words
    • 22 16 ■taw Darwy MOSS*) f Mt»*rtta SMjIAM I O. B. MMN CMy D»» *St.SSS TtaJ T«*w*w: sJTBI T«tal Vasa* IIJ.IIM
      22 words
    • 48 16 U«M>i>ili: U«41 Ul.ll > riMMt «»«.Tt wim tut* in.« irrj« Pimm Mm: 1U.U 1M.4I Ttaa: KII MM I rabtara: HtN o.c B.c. wim nut 8^-S.IW.: tliJt tltn Dm M. IMStIM 1 Dm XI. IMt IM t DMl t». 1MI-1M Dm. II. ltft=.lM t Jm. i. im. im
      48 words
    • 1669 16 CLOIIHO TOHI All MTtkMW ctaaae fairly M—ir Tuaaevsa oartai scan. ■tfraal h* la* stack g»faaag» of Smnperr laclueiag *M kMa KaaSr' UMal S.STS.SSS aaiu valuae ai IT 744.000 laSoatnala acoMßtvS Har I 7*8.000 Saaara SSt.OOO. kot'ia TIt.OSS. iranwna 4MOOO. Sakaalana. uaaa and baaea II.SSS. a<l aakaa 1.000. tlaa
      1,669 words
    • 1697 16 BD and offer prices officially luted and business in and reported to tha Stock Urday with the number of aha/e* traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 unit* uiilet* otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or BtlUssnenl Contracts are quoted alter the word Seu big Board deals
      1,697 words
    • 1430 16 officially Uatttf snd hurtn—a in and reported to Uw Kuala Lumpur Stock Excruuife yslerday with Ihe number of shim trmded artowc In brsckfU In tots of 1 000 uniti unlcs ottktnrls SBSSSMB* IMOUITHIALS Anna 1 1 i •|«WM> 1 1 «4B) A Tim <0»oBi ll) SM. It) 3B
      1,430 words
    • 395 16 Profit -taking trims gains psxorrr-TAKiNG vimI mcd the strong gains made in the first boor of trading at the Stock Kxehange of Singapore yesterday. However, shares managed to retain part of their Initial rises ending a shade higher Operators appeared to he a little raatioa* as asost eoald not discern
      395 words
    • 298 16 Mixed finish in KL mart 1 INITIAL bullishness I during the market OLrmng nuled out later at the Koala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterdsy. Partly duo to heavy profit Uklnjc. Initial advances at the opening b*4l were trimmrd In the afternoon to finish mixed at the dose. The fen* rally weaker
      298 words
    • 137 16 EXPORTS of sheet and I crepe rubber from Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia In July roae to 129.234 tonnes_ from 123 152 tonnes In* June but declined from 155.287 tonnes In July, 1974. Singapore StatlaUes Department figures show. Of the July exports (with June In bracket* >. the
      Reuter  -  137 words
      • 155 16 "poarro. Tom xiw market mmd In Hnt with Will BLrmc ofmiftii with a ■mtt&w wnHnunt prmlttog. dMtats Mid. Tb« Dow Jooa* avcrvc* I Ml TJi to A.ZM.U on I vQluma of lit million AM Tht N«w Indo dreppad OJO to 115(7 TMti tiMUi prMM ta with «Wmae* oa UM
        155 words
      • 255 16 UONOKONO Tuas. The market was again stlgbtiy tower In very dull trading, with tow turnover, dealers said In the absence of major domestic or lntemaUonal news. Investors remained on the UdeUD**, awaiting developments Most iNuos were slightly tower, although n Dttta and Nk vnuvrf both flrmed against the trend,
        255 words
      • 286 16 NFW YORK. Mon— Continued worry about the ramifications of a possible default by New York City drove stock prices broadly kuwer today. But turnover was light aa many Investors stepped off to the aVleiines ahead of tomorrow's Election Day holiday, for which banks many of the nations
        286 words
      • 258 16 STDHT, Tubs.— The market closed tower In verr quiet trading, dealers Tne Sydney All -Ordinaries Index fell 253 poInU to W7.OS. BtV feU II cenU to AM «0 tv lowest level In over three month*. B Utiaiitii. I AHL. Myers aad Tweth ako lost pound. i The Baafc a*
        258 words
      • 64 16 m~+; UN UH MIIHOTI (1) ***** 113 Tl I Mill 141 7SH lUM 14] TM 141 MS ■wrwt Ih< Ih> larMk hi T»B 141 MM lUIU 111)01 Parti 14T 47 7« TMIM) llMtl) ■■MN 14S0O 144 «0 r»or» il. MtlSB CMM I*4 TM CVaMd Cip*n pricw la Ma-dnliM
        64 words
      • 101 16 FINANCIAL TIME! INDISTMALS Monday jjo 5 Friday Mjj Week a<o j»i.» TINS Monday Mil Friday r» «J Wee* »fo MM IIBBUI Monday 312 M Friday M 4 11 W«t* tfo J7» U OILS Monday 323 37 Friday jjj SO Week ar o MJ2I DOW JONCH AVERAGE INDI'STMAU Monday |».n
        101 words
      • 216 16 Money and exchanges THE US dollar opened low at 53 4560 SO yesterday in the Singapore forex market In the view of the New York holiday. Trading remained featureless and activity was extremely slow throughout the session. The dollar closed In quiet trading at (2 4545 50 In KUALA LI'MTUB,
        216 words
      • 137 16 Buftetted Interbank rmln »t 300 pm (imKln NmUuU rtln SmiUuanUn rm«*Uf %mmUi ytwUrtmy <tt—m) p*t*tj th«f US dolUr 2 4545 2 4J50 SUM 13 M Sterling 5 0925 6 0960 7 3469 -JOM Hongkong dollar UK 90 50 61 —1 J« Mml»-sl«n <Joll»r #6 J$ Vt 45 100
        137 words
      • 182 16 ASIAN curTsncy dsposlt Inccrbank rmtat as at ckMS on Nor 4 US DtUn (•»a*) (Ms BM 7 dsys 111 >>/4 1 mth 5" 3 mth* 8 11 18 Sf 1* J mthi 615 ie 16 13 16 mtru 7 1/1 13 S mtht 7 7S/4 12 mthi
        182 words
      • 34 16 Money Ckatraj interbank rmts in Singapore dollars for No* 4. Bal Orernlght I il > WS 1 mth 17.1 *>/« 3 mthi 4 1/1 4 I mths 41/1 4 1/S ■eeme: F. Mamy-JesMS later—ltieil
        34 words
      • 44 16 RANOE itm a*m4 kr «Mittai Mun aOil OvmWftt I If) II I Call ««w»u 1 IMMtk M Month Trauvrr Mil* ifll I 5 1« Mak txll* I I I SMcatk rt> tl< t 11* •■MwiUi CD 1 IWH: NltMMl Dllll t O»
        44 words
      • 46 16 Prime lending rates (in Atpamanaftonk 7 7V* tank of Amanco 6VS hnkdChm Bank at Tokyo 7 Bonk Main Infcnwn 7Vi •ano^oVllndocrww 7 ChfcTfrog Bonk 7 0« t* FNCB 6'a Hicsac t 1 Mm«. Bon*. 7 OCX 7 OUB 7 UCB i 7V» UMK 7V, UOw 7
        46 words
      • 213 16 •yHI Straits Un pries In Penang yeslerday was unchanged on Saturday* clote at Mil per ptcU on an official offering up 101 tons to 377 tens. The overnight London metal price was rteady with fciward buyers quoted up £10 to 13 050 per metric ton LONDON: Tin steadied
        213 words
      • 28 16 Rubber Nov. 4. .Singapore: Nov. 134. W cv (anch). Malaysia: Nov. 141.M eta (up 1-66 ct). T«n $938 (anch) Official offering: 277 tons (up 161 tons).
        28 words
      • 142 16 fNimu fnoouci ii CMAHCI. lIHOAFOaS NOON CLSime men »i« *icul VIITiaOAV ClIMm OM: Bulk SSS aellcra. SM Snam SM atltan. i»« Mi I Caara: Muae iMmm) UK/Ceat fSu| tvran ruin Mualok AST A wmitt fob 100% NLW SMS Milan. Sarawak wtm fob tS* NLW f 290 atllara. Sarawak asvcial
        142 words
      • 520 16 a rTER opsnlnf about un- ehanffd on Friday's doe*, the *Jt"f P"— rubber market yesterday steadied half cent in quiet conditions on short, covering of November and December One RBB Although the bullish Implication of the IRBO latest statistics were generally discounted, they tended to Induce a cautious
        520 words
      • 111 16 qAILT lUI and Sflß pnem taMMd at boob jmXi4*j: N»». Da* Bspwß Smmtb HfM S#9mv mill (Carnal MU) Trnmrt MU> BMR JCV (1 ton pallet) IMM 147HN 147 40 IMJMf ■Ml tL dtonpkUM) 144*0 IUJON IUM 144 00N BUR (1 ton psllM) 141 M 143 SOW 141
        111 words
    • 412 17 portfolio which has been written down to reflect current market value*. The group has made progress also In Identifying new source* of revenue from upgrading raw materials and processing what were previously regarded a* waste products of oil palm. The worldwide recession has made It difficult
      412 words
    • 39 17 TOKYO MlUuko»hl-i after tax proAU tn the first half ended August 1975 were practically unchanged at 3.5W million yen. Gross sales were 198.--309 million yen (205.051 million) The Interim dividend Is unchanged at five yen Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 263 17 |>AHANG Consolidated I said the proceeds Its. recent rights issue raising $210 miiste been temporaaced with Its as(l companies—Faber Merlin MalayMa and Faber Union- at an Interest rate of 13 per cent per annum. However the money will eventually be used |M purposes for which It
      263 words
    • 122 17 iON lncbcape i is offering 12.8 Inch- rape ordinary shares and a terminal interest payment of KUt (less tax. from July 1 to Nov Zi. 1975) for every nominal tIM of Si per cent Anglo-Thai Corpora- I (ion loan stock. Raring Brother, will underwrite the offer, paying
      Reuter  -  122 words
      • 170 17 AMSTERDAM. Mon.— Share* saaod In faaturekeaa trading after Initially holding steady at last »wk s h«htr lerrls Uaag»mia led falls among Dutch Uitrmatlonala. 1 1 s wer* wideaprcad *ith the sharpest losers HVA. Uisaerre, Hetm,j-» (kr. and MiaaraHai rnse strongly among mixed shippings aflor announcing It expects tower >qas*a
        170 words
      • 123 17 yURICH. Mon On a sosar* hat reducad trading rohun*. todays stock market Ln Zurich suffered loasss t* many stork hottsrs ratUlaed their profits Industrial* were weakened lo mined Bank* generally rrrr.*i:»*^ '^r t k#xi Bond* remained firm. The Credit Ailaae tndex ■loaad 0 9 punt lowrr at ia* a
        123 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    34 17 il In t\er lovinc memory of the late G.S. DASS A* V railed v rest on S.I 171 Sadly missed but will always br remembered by lo\tng wife children. relatives anj friends
    34 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1350 17 frl^VlS^ji^-i-ipgi'MM*^ KENYATAAN TAWARAN SYARIKAT KERJASAMA POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA BERHAD 1. A Tawaran daripada pemborong pemborong yanc berdaftar dengan J KR dalam Kelas A Kepala IT. Perahan Kepala 2. akan dltertma dl pejabat:— PENGI RfB BESAR SYARIKAT KERJASAMA POLIS DIRAJA MALAYSIA BERHAD. PETI SI RAT 765, NO. I. JALAN SULEIMAN. Xl
      1,350 words
    • 339 17 fdfcl- KENYATAAN leKJa TAWARAN Tswaran-uwaran adalah dlpelawa daripada pemboronc-pemboront yang berpengaiaman untuk kerja-kerja berlkutl (A) BP.NO: 312,75 Memblna 10 buah rumah kakitangan sementara dl Felda Ounong Besout II Sungkal Perak. ($20.00 senaskah) (B) BP.NO: 313/75 Memblna 5 buah rumah kakiUngan sementara dan sebuah pejabat serta setor dl Felda Selancar I.
      339 words
    • 379 17 ii in k WORKS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE PRE-qUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTORS FOR THE CONSTRICTION OF CIVTI. ENGINEERING WORKS FOR THE WATER SI'.TLY TREATMENT PLANT AT PAHANG TENOGARA. PAHANG. The Public Works Department. Peninsular Malaysia. hereby Invites suitably experienced contractors to register with the Dlrector-Oeneral. Public Works Department. Peninsular Malaysia. Kual. Lumpur.
      379 words
    • 1030 17 I'IHI.K WORKnrnuc wotu depa«t«nt oerAftTMEvr Malaysia FT.vnWLAB MALAYSIA TENDOI NOTICE YVJVDtft NOTin FAHANO TTNOOAHA TOWNS It) PAMANG TEXGAUA (TOWNS V S. IS a It) WATCH MW.T WAT« SUPPLY. PABANO. PA NO MALAYSIA Tenders from Claas A. Public Works Department Tenders are invited from Contractors registered under smltatoly qualified jkr re<U-
      1,030 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 586 18 HOB/ITB JOINT CONSTRUCTION TRADES TRAINING SCHEME PWD/ITB JOINT CONSTRUCTION TRADES TRAINING SCHEMF Appi -ted from suitably qualified ngapore Citizens to iom tne Construction Trades Training Scheme sponsored by the Housing ond D. "'uord ond the Public Works jnction with the Industrial Qteehttcetiont i las ot 7 7 75) At leost
      586 words
    • 482 18 4k <\ jkj? SATS invites applications from Singapore citizens for the following oppomtments jkf} APPOINTMENT RIQUIKIMENTS tA SIC SALARY A Safety Candidotes must be eligible for re- Within the salary scole $850 A d\ CnnaruiaAp giStrotiOn OS 0 Sofety Officer under X S5O $1450 Vi\ W» Supervisor the Foctones Act,
      482 words
    • 300 18 Sales Career Opportunity With GILLETTE Gillette Is the largest rr.anufacturer of razor blades in the world ano Is rapidly expanding into new products In Singapore, such as Cricket Lighters. Max Hair Dryers. Ball Point Pens. Toiletries, etc. With this expansion, a career opportunity has become available for a high calibre
      300 words
    • 690 18 ftfh iTri TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from experienced contractor for the maintenance and for supply of Fire Fighting Equipment in existing Jurong Town Corporation's properties in the Republic of Singapore. Showround Meet at Tender Office. Lower Ground Floor. Jurong Town Hall. Singapore 22 at 10 00 am on 11
      690 words
    • 669 18 mT STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY tiwaiHiat law I WB^k^^^LW hciiic emit aa>ia ratti s *n »«i «•'»>• I aa Ma- 'I il an -i 'I at. it HM vis an I aitaiacita nlt mm I him il n»k nii Mi ii il •him. im«-«] <- iwaaa i«mim. >ima»it il
      669 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1070 19 ran latrt acatiara nn i mmi lai ma an tt ItllLlcß nfwi i a a a t a i a a a •uu MT I a M Ml I Ml iM4ii mt Man aan ua mmi it a «M •mm iiaatu nan «a aa na na na Haw ia. ia
      1,070 words
    • 1306 19 Ben Ocean ArvtsernceofßenUne.BkjpFhnneiaerLdnpandNSMO 'i a [Miwn m Ua. itm Maw fMaa i atnt Pa> UMKIM tmm M/11 aa IMt rrm. ran. 1 laa at. law Matriaa n v an v it an n it an it an iti. im. nai I'aaa tiiaaju 1 1 it a an an turn an
      1,306 words
    • 1160 19 an— na— —ana. an— mg I llblcß [»>\V^vl73?Hl ■aaL_Z!Z^l^l^aaa! a» ■> aWit^^ *l! i^aaa mmm^ mm iiai« >ii»* aaa mmT ■> all BCt lm f aaaa am tat. ■tBALUa „mm rSm aaa t a IMi a a mmi Mi itaa iia -i a i a CMMU MT il Ma a
      1,160 words
    • 1019 19 FULLY CONTAINHIZIP StKVICI TO tUKOfE f it nat tm FM JSfJf*" Mteftja. MUlllll. »*Mf,. tl Hart. WTUMiI Mi il a it M"*"X I'MirMiii. -mim nut IS*,**** f" 1 I*"'1 fc-M-tl Ha«M ■"■*> bb it mb it SfctAdax Mt. NiHalu. QaM I itaa •aaa taa Ut a aat tv M aan
      1,019 words
    • 759 19 Satsari tiMM P. laaaj Ml; IL ***** Naaa IW Ttn BANK LINE LTD. UM FM I S tflU arntiat itn.t a. amt. a aa li. fI C i f Miaa 1,11 an i raai iitr tarn wnu im mumm. tan 'Wii ll il an inn ati aa KUWAIT SHIPPINC CO.
      759 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 969 20 l*Maa»^' w *Ma»**"" MA NT AAA gl BfMMBM »ABB* LTUV Ttlraa lMI»l (Via fcMl San P AMMf rTMf r«i A art IrBM innutM im im mm n m mm ji m awnm anvil iMtiMMMaM imi m S a»f P Maaj Ibbmm OmAi Mm aaaMMM im mm mm »m taMM MM
      969 words
    • 918 20 BBaaBBBMB^^^BaaaBBBaaMBBBBBBMBBBB^^^H raa tn IN) M> MMtT MMM B MMt IBM MM* MW UM Ml MaM M Mt I Mt BaMa*. MU rMMMran MBBM II M MM HI IHIII i/f IliaHl Mil MMM MMM PM MM iMani Man Baaa— im Mm. bm Mm Mb Mf. SMan i Tt* IHBII a Ibm)
      918 words
    • 901 20 hut MauMBMM mmm n mtm m mm ra»» r BMMt itaaa.T.ain iiq a«a Mail I'M Ml IMB Mf*MM MM) MM Hmm nmm MM B ttl MM MMM VIM I M NM MM MM MM MTIBM IBMMJ |/N MUM 1 Ma BMi IM I ha a Ma fMUT CMTAaaHWO SaWC PMB
      901 words
    • 833 20 UfatJS UMU Tl LlMam. JTeaTtat-taMTBatlT MJtTS T| BMa Imbmm r Maaj rrmm uaM« Mr MMI '111 llrtl Iw.illlla lit. im. Caava I L ttm i< v Win uu Iw II I? >vi MMM Mil il il M Tmß. tor** MIJ If Mm I ■H II >-a«i •mm mim anaj.MaM.naM. vim
      833 words
    • 695 20 JURONG PORT I Coastal Barth: Isri Mahkota, IN: Centaur| andKurlmarau B/l. Anna QUT: Centaur J Taylor B/1 'B/landCheAu Shinko Maru |B/4 B/3. and Che Au ComU B#r|h: Kurimarau. AUSTRALIA SERVICE UIWWIH 11/12 In 11/1} In D»<'.« IM'tt 1973. >3» D»t) m an f ii 1 mm m«w«m. s«*«y. •mN l»n.
      695 words

  • 14 21 CABLE RECEIVED FROM ,in pa lam lace 4 'hind his us loss
    14 words
  • 18 21 OW CHIIDR(» e« aasls--1 donations (to n the or- m r the FAMILY OF iir Madam
    18 words
  • 10 21 N EVER LOVING MM n I nr|
    10 words
  • 4 21 SOS SAMARITANS Singapore
    4 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1777 21 classified ads |g WANTIO BY A well established Organisation a competent Hscsb uonist Typist preferably with Telex abilities for Immediate employment Salary In the region of S2SO 8320 can be envisaged for the right applicant Please apply with photo to Mark Taxvcock L Co 8 pore Pte Ltd 301 Eng
      1,777 words
    • 757 21 ASRC OSSPmOS— I SMC lIAMSC I required by a leading building his nags mini company to service and repair alrcondiuoning systems and fillings Aaastesfasi mwet Save at Isasl 3 years aapertawos. Fisssi was ■Mi ißßaMsrs at Trade Crsß Ca*wSsala. SaMy above 8300 pfcssie contact Ntfl^er (S) snf le n» Orwp
      757 words
    • 794 21 I WORKSHOP/ OCMCRAL ASBIS TANT reuuired for sSsn fabrics Uon Completed N S Traws qualification with crediu an metal/ woodwork Driving licence an advantage r-ase ring *****3 for appointment gNIROITIC MIN/WOJBJUI re guirecl for various positions in new branch We offer good pmapecu and high »ut— l Call personall/ at
      794 words
    • 663 21 RCOVJRCO OMC UNMiMU Wharf Clerk and one office bojr with Class 111 Iscence Pleaae call personally to 33. Scan Street. KngmporeT Tel >4— t/3a*33l X invites spplicstions for the following positions m «AF-TY PROMOTER* Minimum Secondary education with previous experience In a similar capacity For Post 1 applicanu must be
      663 words
    • 960 21 NIWLV COMPLITID DOUBLI STOREY semi-detached Buklt Panjang MM. Lorong Chuan SI 000 Unrurnlshed Doublestorey Pasir Panjang 8500. Luxurious Apartment near Cathay Building MM. Water 100 Street SM* 23*515» 1. DCTACNCO BUMOALOW OFF NOLLANO OIST. IS. 3 bedrooms study, guest room. separate living and dining. 2. SsX-tITTACNIO DtBTS S/1S in Faber
      960 words
    • 871 21 OIST 11 BUM—LOW MBS fur rushed Oemenu Park double storey comer terrace. SISOO fully furnished Are Housing 2*217*4 MM DIST 11 OOU4JLI STONSTY semidetached 3 bedrooms servants fully furnished ***** 3 storey bungalow S bedrooms servant t. fully furnished SISOO Bungalow rully furnished 83.000 Ace Housing 25*014* ******4 MST 1*
      871 words
    • 763 21 FWRMSNtO PIAT bedrooms 2 aircondltloners 2 bathrooms carpeted, phone, fridge available Near Orchard Road Rent reasonable Ring *****1 Or Call 119 B River Valley Road Spore 9 MARINA MOUSE Ft— M«ed Apartments AuMlll M MMp« wNMn CBO Finn cutset Mr SM SISMB DISTRICT vSt Orchard Road tocT llty Spacious apartment
      763 words
    • 829 21 airline S SANKBRS ,|i.u LIUM H-^uire Apartmenu Bunamlows Semi detached Any THstncts Purnlshed UnfumMhed SSM* SM 000 JJ7SO7 *****0 VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL CLIENTS urgently require bungalows semi-detached terrace or apartmenu Unfurnished furnished Rose Oeneral Agency rtUOTv VERY UROENTLY REOUIRIO houses apartments dtsts 9 io II .11. 19. V IS. for engineer*
      829 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 315 22 OiST i* jalan JOLITA *in«ie rully fwr-->m. aircondl lioned ■aerspleaae IST II > BIOROOMIO I STORE* «cmi detached servant i uusassMrm L'n- MS MM2B AN GAROEN OP* LOROMO CMUAN STORE" SPIIT LEVf I TERRACE MOUSES 22 foot and 24 foot frontage 3- SMI KNH T.^slrr -»»1 ng and dining servant!
      315 words
    • 722 22 PEARLBANa LION.E TOVBR hign floor 3*130 M* MM* MB Harbour view tenanted S*2.BM lleUll* call 4*4243 4*7*3* j T r noOMEO PLAT for sale at Tuntn Jurong Tel *****29 SCRANOOON ROAO Close to »orM J bedroosTi Hat BM- ting/ dimns Martian 87* MS/ Loan available Eaa Melodies Ltd 27 2*.
      722 words
    • 781 22 POR SALfc snenton House 4 M 0 sq ft overlooking sea front suiUMe for shtoasM cosaoanv 8210 psf Peace Centre 2.8 M sq ft sulUble for departmental Store Showroom 821* psf To Let Orchard Road prtstsasnus office Nock SM 2.8 M sq ft KnMiuon Road showroom' office spaceSM BBMsq ft
      781 words
    • 965 22 PCO9LTS P ASM COB3PLJW 5M 5 0M shop space for lease snd sale Interested please call Sam Ho 11*777 i during office hours) FACIAL ROOM WITHIN Heauty Salon for rent Complete with facilities Orchard Road area Rrnul UM Interested please tei Susan 378M1 (cfflce hours) SOON WIMO mVUSTRtAL building (flatted
      965 words
    • 833 22 INTER-CONTINENTAL OCEAN EIPO 71 TOURS) fTOKVO/ O4UMAWA/ TAIWAN/ lIONBKONB Days II MS Dept 28 in 25 11 0* 12 23 12 TOKYO/ TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ HONGKONG Sill* 14 Days Dep 14 10 28/10 11/11. 25/11. 09 12 23/12. OS I JAPAN/ OKINAWA/ HONGKONG/ TAIWAMV MUAiJSJt/ AUBIIN 14 days 81.758/-. Dept 0311.
      833 words
    • 619 22 SPICIAL OPFIRI Delightful Wast Malaysu Days tour Tour fare includes tranaporuuon by super luxury alrcond lllooed coach. All lunches Dinners, including nightclub dinner at Oentlng. Hotel accommodation and all transfers Departure every Monday Tour fare USsY- Book Now' Universal Travel Corpn BM. People s Park Centre Tat S27M IHbllwSbiimlbl 20
      619 words
    • 665 22 EOUATOR TRAVEL SPECIAL air I fsres to London Jakarta Bangkok Hongkong Taipei Tokyo 117. Central Building Singapore Tel 9182*9 *****0 OONSO ABROAO FOR STUDY. BUS4MSSS OR MOLIOAY Cell on as tsr T« ««s» 1 iiißiii. USA Canaao »aalisslp. Now 2sa4and S Far laat CALL: INTERNATIONAL AM TRAVEL AGENCY PTI. LTO,
      665 words
    • 817 22 LMPTC ANO ICC individual subjects avallsble In Shorthand Typewriting Bookkeeping Buslneu Administration Advertising Stenography Recep« Uontst Public Relations Correspondence and Report* ruing Entwines contact LMPTC 4*o*o* *****3 7SMB 4*0733 EXPERT LOSWOM TUITION by air Las* (U. B Bar). Secretary- I ship (CIS). Accountancy (ACXA ICMA. AIA SCCA lAA lAS Banking
      817 words
    • 726 22 PRM TAIK on City and Guild* and Society of Engineers exams by panel of qualified engineers st 3* pm Thursday Bth November and i 00 pm Sat urday *th Novem ber Reservation by phone 74SM Management Training Centre 304 3rd Floor New People's Park Centre SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS T RAJ NINO
      726 words
    • 776 22 SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE. A Srrangoon Road (2M***** Science Mathe matirs English Secondary II HS.C swVBl for I*7* CTS.O COMPUTE AOWLT EDUCATION Shipbuilding Ternnictaa) Part I 4 Part II c iri'i siructursl Enaineerr shiprHjlldlng Ist rear Training a Architectural Building Construction a Mechanical Complete Training C T S O Treating
      776 words

  • 168 23 Youth who sold heroin for friends AN 18 year old youth, who admitted trafficking 8.5 grams of heroin, had his sentence postponed by a district court yesterday pending a progress report from the Reformative Training Centre. The eotjrt told Chla Choong Seng, now aenrtng a term in the BTC for
    168 words
  • 29 23 SCHOOLCHILDREN may now register In their own scl-ooU for adml-sion to the eleven vocational and technical Institutes next January The closing date Is Nov 16 18
    29 words
  • 22 23 LAM Soon community centre's, youth group will go to Alau TfckOßfc for a t day camp on Saturday at •gam
    22 words
  • 555 23 STORE DOCTOR'S DISCOVERY AFIELD trial of the I new three-minute I test for Dengue Haemorrhaglc Fever (DHF), discovered recently by a Singapore scientist, will soon be conducted by the World Health Organisation. The trial, to comrjare the new t»»t with exisvlnx ones will
    555 words
  • 83 23 rpHE 10th Singapore 1 Festival, to be held next year, will adopt cultural themes of Asean A Ministry of Education statement in Medan said the intention of having such themes wa* to portray the spirit and cultures of the Asean countries through various aspects of the
    83 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 178 23 t'< MfBCEOIS JOt ■ion Only done IMB Koad lax and insu j» '1M swaaiN r <CILLINT IST* COLT OALAHH.JSM) '•'I Air a MOtMO Spider gajurta it' 4 HONOA **C I**t MODEL YOI«*WA«€M. Sea FIAT 124 SPECIAL r| I -nortel l>one t liti..n tapeM.I o*tors M 91M*> 12 ks I
      178 words
    • 636 23 t*7* lIOMOA SM Trail nKXorcyrst I 4 months oM (>ie careryi lady I I «0 km Accli Taxed and insured Like new SI SM Teiepnone BBBB4J offk* ■IM**arters 30 p in itrj YAMAHA MOTOMCYCLC Tax insurance new. tiptop condition t BJ PjSjBJgsVM i >l <# New lyrts •n condition Ring
      636 words
    • 652 23 ■^s^LssK slfaS When you can but can't be there send flowers by Inlerflora j through ihe Interflora members CerofM na»ss« ■mm rte^a* She* Tat: 4«**ii ».-v7t Fiowtw Tei SBBtM. ISBUI fun s »lo#wsts i Fresh flowery .bj ggi ia*jM M h ggj Laaaa Huilding Raffles Quay Tel 220*575 85 Wellington
      652 words
    • 766 23 •rf AM UCIWCCO HUB cantractor specialising tn mosaic irrrano. nnyl Ulcs. cvramlc floor ui»s and wall tiles building rnalrnais supptitrs and rmusiru sgrnt Socrtal offer hail and 2 9edrtx>ms 2 mm nnyl llles floor ng S3JO hall 2 bedrooms Italian lerrano floonng SI SOO/Ptaasw call Nanking Enti rprissn PU Ud
      766 words
    • 466 23 AVAILABLE TWIN-TUB washing I machines dryers, freewers. refn- geralors. cookers and commit tele- vision Contact Bukit Tlmah 1 EtertncCo BttJM RIOIO TOOLS consisting. < wrenches threading machines < and stand selling at cost or on o Interested please contact Mr I AMkenS32IM/M3017 AMsUNCAN MOOCL MOsWNN, gat/ J rtectrtc rockers slaghUy
      466 words
    • 381 23 Ml CONOtTtON AM speakers. I AX amplifier National Panasonic .-aaaette tape deck. Sansui tuner TTioren 125 turntable SME MXII Cartridge shure Type 111. Symphony boarns: speakers View after 8 p m 51 Veerasamy Road weekdays only ELLINGTON PIANO lICILLINT condition Ring 513*8* after 9 M a m IVIMTON* KNOW* BT
      381 words
    • 251 23 M I A iH i bbbb\ 2Bbbbbbbs^B*ssw v wsssssssssssssssssssVsssfl >v sw*"^ 4 BswSSsTJ Bk f m ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssK l^^assssvV stssts^ssK msssssssstsl ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssß i| ang^ga^gsU am\ a4^LsTsssssw_ ssssVS V JbsssssssssH gggggggggggggggL^ r .ass M.•""*. ML LsssksV Lsssssm fsssl LsssV y^Lsl I W^C'i iFI/i ■■ayaaT^ wsssTsT sFsl^gaJgaJ W ss^B^B^B^Bssssss»ss^Bs^Bsssssssssl»sl»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»wss»ssisjiiiiiiißiss. Vsmlr TO BE WON
      251 words

    • 459 24 Derby will miss Lee in return with Real LONDON. Tuei. Derby County face Real Madrid tomorrow and dream of a unique soccer double trie European Cup of Champions and the English League title In the same season The reigning English champions go to Madrid for the second leg defending n
      Reuter  -  459 words
    • 119 24 World Cup draw on Nov 20 7UTUCH. Tuec-The Inter- nattoiju Pootoall Ptderation FIT A i laid that Lne draw (or the preliminary round of the ItTS World Cup would be made In Guatemala City on Nor. SO. FTTA eaid IU orfanlatnt commuter would make the final deadon on the grouping
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 164 24 CRICKET COSTS LILLEE HIS JOB PERTH, Tuts Australian faat bowler Dannie Ullee «ld he had lost hie yob as aalei repreeanuUre for a travel firm because of the tim* he gave to cricket. Ullee. involved in cricket almost the year round at home and uwiaiaa. told reporters hie f'rmi managing
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 525 24  - Newcomer Miss Vera shows galloping ability on the track EPSOM JEEP By rfl, Tues. Class 4 newcomer Misa Vera iNawaii All) showed galloping ability on a yielding track here today. The five-year-old Australian mare by Tantrum broke from the 800 m. running the last 600 m in 37 3/5. Miss
      525 words
    • 59 24 LONDON. Tusa Middles broufh beat Mansfield Town 3-0 last night to enter the Anglo ftrirttlTh Cup final. Middlesbrough qualified with a S-0 aggregate Result* of other ma tenet. Port Vale Aldershot 1: Wnxham v Bouthend United postponed DrVtssM Paw: Brentford 4 Worklngton 0 Darlington 1 Hartlepool 3
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 485 24 Tunku's Think Big storms to 2nd triumph THIRD HORSE TO WIN MELBOURNE CUP IN SUCCESSIVE YEARS... MELBOURNE. Tv««. Hve-year-old Think Big stormed thro u g h rain and mud today to win hit second taccei si ye Melbourne Cup and add to the amazing record of trainer Bart Cummings. Think
      Reuter  -  485 words
    • 29 24 KARACHI. Tuea Pak^tan will play their Dan Cup Aflrn Zone quarterfinal gainst Indonesia her* from Not 21 to Nov 23 Uie Pakistan Lawn Tennis Association announced Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 92 24 NEW VOIR, TMMb— Let talwtn ntim* Ik* NattoMl Tborvvfkfcre4 ClilMtlni>l| at luU AjilU ton m»r< th» nctea amr af Alln FrmjMr. Utr wwM'* Irm4l>< ry-wlaaf max*, a wpmkrmmMß far Lunl TWC4 9#STSC SAM yCSvVTSfty. A*|*l rrnna. tkc marv'a j tnlxr, mU the b^artra (UlTrrMl whllr flatehlar 111*
      92 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 314 24 t<\C*\ for on Import L^sV V^^. .^sW^H ■SB^B^s^sßsw»w»"*^^^Bi»»w»sl^i**^^^^^^^. s^sW \^sm .^bi^b^bT y^^^^^*^^**^^^^^»w ■W I I I bbbbbbbbbbbV bbbW l H^^ N If ll rt .^bs^b^bbbbbbs^B \^^Bb^b^^bl I I b^b^blbK. b^bT IM w days, looking for an executive car can drive one crazy. The price AVIDI 1 llJ w 1 W
      314 words

  • 408 25  -  GODFREY ROBERT By TRE THREE Leow Kirn Suan Is back in the Singapore Civilians team which takes on Malaysian Armed Forces in the MRU Cup seml-Anals at the University ground in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. Kirn Suan. who withdrew from the team
    408 words
  • 81 25 N«W YORK. Tttss.-Quar-tertack Jama Harris threw for three touchdowns and the Rama defence scored two other* as Los Angeles thrmahed Philadelphia Bnfles 42-3 in last nlfht* only National Football Leafue match The Rams, now 6-1 and running away with the National Football Conference Wastsm diuuon title, dominated
    UPI  -  81 words
  • 134 25 Kiwis with one aim: Victories ]AN Ormond, pictured above, with the ball fined to his boots as he lea\es two Indonesians staring with awe during a musclewrenching dribble, is the star striker in the New Zealand World Cup team. He will be in action at the National Stadium on Sunday
    134 words
  • 337 25 King's Cup men on trial today CINGAPOREs 17- member team for the King's Cup soccer tournament at Bangkok next month will be selected tonight, after a final test against a Combined Clubs XI at Jalan Besar Stadium at 7.30 p.m. The team has been pruned to 25 players, after last
    337 words
  • 320 25 1 I k UNIVERS ITY graduate and an undergrad v ate were among those who recently worked as part time women caddies at the Seletar Golf Club. he two pretty University strls. who declined to give their names, said: "It's a backbreaking job but we
    UP  -  320 words
  • 216 25 DEFENDINO champions Telok Ayer finished n top of their group In hf Inter-Constituency sasketball tournament Their 'victim*' were Kallsng Joo Chlat and Jalan Besar But they were stretched by stubborn Joo Chlat before .vrambllng to a narrow win They are led by Ang Kul Hong
    216 words
  • 149 25 Night of shame at Jalan Besar |?IVE players were r sacked and the game abandoned 1* minutes from time that was the shameful record of l-rt night's Pepsi Youth Soccer Tournament match between Jalan Kayu and Town Unltod at Jalan Besar Stadium, reports JOE DORAI. Unltod were leading when referee
    149 words
  • 195 25 TOUGH STINT FOR W-POLO TEAM WATER -POLO players will undergo tough, intensive training from today In preparation for the Peninsular Oames at Bangkok in December, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Coach Tan Eng Bock said this would be held In the morning and evenIng five days a week. Eng Bock said he
    195 words
  • 152 25 rt Thomas Cap a^nsd now mndergoing normal training thrice a week at the SBA hall will not have another trial match to select the final six player* far the Singapore-Malay-sia match on Dee. National coach Cheong Cheng Swee, who dismissed reports that the coaching and selection eoaunlttee
    152 words
  • 368 25  - EXCITING SIDE COMPLETE WITH A SCOT AND AN INDIAN JOB DORAI My National league and has the distinction of being the only player to have pla. Ed In every League mat-h He U the second top scorer In the league. He has represented New Zealand In seven International matche. and
    368 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 315 25 Now Pan Am gives you a month long 3GJMH BOUIRBur. ifYI 1 "1* Your flight there and back plus all hotels, 1/VF UJL al I ton rs from west to east and back agai n at no extra cost Just think: the normal regular return fare from awesome Niagara Falls.
      315 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 42 25 Kt (.BY SRC Mf I C Coy Support iDMppti. RNZAT r B Cot <T«nfml)i Dl» 1 A Coy 8AJT It iDteppti. TWikanla Support (Pfcdanci soccm smianw Kln« Cup Umm f ComMiMd Club. XI <Jalw Bmr IK pm > Ang Xwec Boon. Let Kok
      42 words

  • 200 26 WHEN THE CANAL SUDDENLY SHOT UP' RISIDK.NTS in several blocks of flats in loa Payoh North froir In their corridors when they heard a thunderous sound and saw the sudden upheaval of the bottom of a canal acrosa the road last night Minutes later, they rushed down and found, to
    200 words
  • 55 26 SALISBURY TUOS. Premlsr lan Smith and black Rhodcttan nationalist* have reached agreement on some points during preliminary talks about a poastble constitutional conference, a government communique said yesterday. air smith met Mr Joshua Nkomo. loader of the Rhodesla-baasd faction of the African National Council, far the second time
    55 words
  • 50 26 SAIOON. Tttsa A (TDup of l.ftM Vietnamese repatriate* from Ouam landed at an undisclosed port in South Vietnam on Oct. 17. the liberation Rod Cross announced today. The South Vietnam Red Cross sent doctor* to the awullnf port to provide medical car* to the repatriates. OFI
    50 words
  • 51 26 JAKARTA. TUM. Flft*«n pwpt* war* klUad and 41 injured in a brtwMn bua and a truek in Jakarta'* fouthtrn auburt> of Clputal, pollot mid ywttrday Tn# aodoant occurrsd whan tb» truck cmnytqr ■and ooUtdad with a bua oomtnff fnan tha opptMlt* dlractAoQ, a n***t-^r aookaaiaaii aid
    51 words
  • 40 26 a. S. SAkAM (Lawfar) Ml* P. IlltHII. *c. o» ML. —irSi tl. I mn S. Ta» PVaa p mr M««lf t II Tl Haia^ Ma< a^aMMMafaf) gafJtl AaMaaaLß. OMttgWt) OJL ItaKtrr M*mr IN t m tm C.C.X. mm*t Wll«|.
    40 words
  • 61 26 JAKARTA. Tues. A marine police patrol arrested seven people after finding It kg of explosives and 3* deUinators on board a sailing boat in Moluccas waters last week, the Indonesian dally Sinar Pagi reported. It said police had also detained 10 people believed to have been
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 26 26 BANOKOK. Tues -r Thailand's wholesale price* rose 16 par oant In August, the biggest lncreoM since February. 1*74. official Government statutes showed yeaterday. PFI.
    26 words
  • 230 26 Bangla army talks to end power struggle XTKW DELHI, Tues. FSBfaaJ Bangladesh army officers held marathon negotiations today to end a power Straggle threatening the stability of the yooßf nation. dlplamatie sources reported The saweas sad that effective power had shifted to Brigadier Khalid M>«haraf the Number Twe man In
    230 words
  • 57 26 LONDON Tuaa. a ladle carrying molten metal exploded at a steelwork* In Bcunthorpe. early today, killing four people and Injuring 14. five seriously police and British steel officials said. Molten metal was sent flyIng and the plant m this north-eastern gtagUah town was plunged Into darkness by
    57 words
  • 26 26 TKHBtAN. Tues— Twelve people were killed and 40 injured yesterday when two piMaucai buses collided head-on near Kermanshah, West Iran, officials said to-day-—lUuter
    26 words
  • 481 26 I ONDON. T*M. Tto latxtut < da** qaMUy bum «*ear. •im vtulita ciMta« am la mm 1 1 tanwvar. At i p.m. Urn riaucttJ "nmm iMu «v v II v MS 7 a-Mii byjriM m+m wgai em*n M*. fins mill lertMaat* awruMau. inian mit '«a*ais toatatrtau mm w
    481 words
  • 28 26 LONDON Tim* at* Bryan oast i*at. nan ssatr <*u> rmrmmr* Nm U*Sl (♦ill, •aUara U*U one). Saw Ilia i.t oas* (—iS> Tiaaai: SM Maa, p.m. ÜBMaa. Haw:
    28 words
  • 43 26 UMXM. TM* Raaaar slaaaS ■aaet s(aa*r «a*ar ««a ayat SI M laajran). MS* \mifn); Dm MM tsso Mb MM. MS*: Jes-Marsb M«S. MM ASM-Maa MM. M.U: Jmlf Sail MM Me*: OMDat IT M «Tm. O«Mnl tif Dai MM MM: iaa MM SIM.
    43 words
  • 605 26 Ford: I want my own man for defence WASHINGTON, Tuesday PRESIDENT Ford says he dismissed Defence Secretary James Schlesinger because he wanted his own man at the Pentagon, not because of Mr. Schlesinger's differences with Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger. The President explained In a televised press conference last
    Reuter; AP  -  605 words
  • 194 26 TEL AVIV. Tuesday AN Israeli court has charged two defence officials and five businessmen In a scandal Involving the most vital ministry In the Jewish state. Ihe »canlaJ. which erupted last fcprlnc. wu a raull-KAle hiTalr Involving alleged brlbet ranitlDC from a child's bicycle to
    AP  -  194 words
  • 33 26 ■OKOKOHO. Tues. Horttl K<W% ttMfta*^ OaCadaVßDaD* •d the Japanea* autaanoaa tor oflartog Japao a* a amY taiy base to the Cbttod suus m Its war of ijgfss aton aaamat (North) Korea.
    33 words
  • 117 26 POLL SHOWS DROP IN FORD'S PUBLIC RATING NEW YORK. TwFrisHiat Fortis overall standing with th« Asasctaaa Mbltc dropped three per cent from the arsTtoas mMth 111 the latest Hank surrey, gtrlag him an overall negative rating of 54 per cwt U 41 per cent positive The rasalto of the OeUber
    117 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 85 26 Your f^-il yy^Helrioenitßrff 4| AirGigioner r Jl Call us for an I estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration f Air Conditioning Co., 23 25. SAIBOO STREET. SINGAPORE 9 If TEL *****9 *****1 y i^ DIPLOMA-^^ IN ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT Jem our Eifhth Course lee«ifi| te »Ke CertiKcate lismi oi tht Institute
      85 words
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