The Straits Times, 28 September 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Sunday Times No. 2054 SEPTEMBER 28. 1975 30 CENTS M. C. (P) No. 1 1 1 7/75
    18 words
  • 860 1  -  AHMAD OSMAN Govt likely to be asked for the same rate of increase as that announced in Vienna By OIL companies in Singapore are likely to submit fresh proposals for price increases following the 1 0 per cent hike in crude oil price
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  • 328 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday THE value of the ringgit will from today be based on the currencies of Malaysia's "significant trading partners." This arrangement, aimed at stabilising the rate of exchange of the rlngglt In the foreign exchange market, was announced at a preu conference
    328 words
  • 50 1 TB. AVIV. Sat lsraeb soidlon killed three Arab guerilla tnflltrator* ami the LafaancM border at dawn today, the military ootnmanri sutd. Two Until soldiers were reported wounded to the Incident near the laraeU aeUiement of Bacita. ate kllometrM east of the Mediterranean coast AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 257 1  - Flesh parade? Oh no, says Maggie ANN PETERS by MAGGIE Sim (above), the property manager crowned Misa Singapore/World on Friday night, thinks beauty contests are certainly no "flesh parade**. Those who enter the contest* most h»ve a figure, she said in an Interview yesterday "And if you're all covered up
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  • 94 1 HIJACKED SHIP: ALL SET FOR PAYOFF MANILA, Sat. Two Japanese company officials new to the southern Philippines today with duffel bags containing part of a millionpeso ransom demanded by the Filipino hijackers of a Japanese freighter. They were to take a motorboat to within three kilometres (abiut two miles) of
    AP  -  94 words
  • 88 1 Home of Hirohito brother bora bed rKYO, Sat. Four petrol bombs exploded today near the residence of Prince Takamatsu, younger brother of Emperor Hlrohlto. but no-one was Injured. police said. Two of the four attackers were arrested near the scene while two others vanished Inside a nearby university compound, police
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 478 1 Oil: Opec nations agree on 10pc hike VIENNA, Saturday MAJOR oil-exporting nations raised the price of crude oil by just over US$l (552.5) per barrel today, and said the new price would remain frozen for the next nine months. The decision by the 13-nation organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  478 words
  • 198 1  - The five 'most dangerous people' in S'pore PAUL WEE By A 23-YEAR-OLD woman and her four male colleagues all believed to be communist agents have been listed smong the most dangercis people In Singapore. Special Branch officers and CID men have told all police personnel to "arrest her and the
    198 words
  • 58 1 MIAMI. Bat An Argentine cargo plane crashed on takeoff from Miami International airport today, kllllnc tlx people sad critically Injuring at least four other*, police said. At least two of th* Injured people were occupants of a ran hit by burning detorla as the Diana careened
    AP  -  58 words
  • Latest
    • 44 1 Fretilin will accept 'neutral' peace force DILI (East Timor), Sat Fretilin, the Revolutionary Front for the Independence of East Timor, announced today It would accept a "neut r a 1 peacekeeping force" to patrol the border with Indonesian West Timor. Reuter. (See Page S)
      Reuter  -  44 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 81 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. fBEWARE THIS WEEK IN WMEN WITH THE 1 The REAL Six MlBtonT Enlef the up r 9 17 24 office IGOLJL"1 G0LJL Doltar Pa9 l7 r T2z m -'Z. I ASSASSINS W MumttmMm—mA TYPEWRITERS lAH and I Bug mo( Ja%^
      81 words
    • 105 1 MILLIONAIRE ORDERED TO PAY $10m BACK TAXES -Page 11 UDT forces recapture Batugade stronghold t US. Russia heading for war, warns China t TAS to take over S'pore'i biggest computer 6 SIA ptans to lease Concordes g NEW Malaysian regulations to speed up trials of Reds 11 TV and RADIO
      105 words
    • 17 1 GEMS *.«,«.«<«. JEWELLERY U.S. de SILVA SONS, JewelUrt x 62, 24, RAf FL£S PLACE, SINGAPORE -1. TEL: *****
      17 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The SundayTimes Worldwide
    • 390 2 UDT soldiers recapture their Batugade stronghold COUNTER-ATTACK AGAINST FRETILIN JAKARTA, Sat TIMORESE Democratic Union (UDT) forces have recaptured their stronghold at Batugade in Portuguese Timor after a fierce counter -attack against the rival left wing Fretilin movement troops, official sources said today. A number of Fretilin troops were killed and
      Reuter  -  390 words
    • 38 2 JAKARTA. Bat— Two people have died of rabies In Padang West Java, the KNI news agency reported today. The dead were among the 2.348 people who have contracted the disease, the agency said. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 171 2 HONOLULU. Sat. Muhammad All's wife, Belinda, who it ft Manila hurriedly yepteraay after a tiff with h>*r husband, denied the disagreement at a stopover here on her way back to the United Staces. She told newsmen. "He Is my husband and I'll always
      AP  -  171 words
    • 18 2 MEXICO City. Sat—Mexico has rtrifnlttii Prince Norodom Sihanouk's Cambodian Government, the Foreign Ministry said here. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 29 2 JAKARTA. Sat— Plve people were killed and II Injured when a truck carrying fire crarkers exploded at Bukabumt West Java on Thursday pottoe said today.— Rev-
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    • 190 2 BEIRUT, Saturday \TEW outbreaks of killing In Beirut suburbs 11 have threatened the latest Lebanon ceasefire agreed on Wednesday. Eight more people were killed last night as Run battles broke out along lines separating rightwing Falangist districts and their leftwing nelchbovrs. Another 40
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 85 2 SAN FRANCISCO, Sat. —Odd Cornell, 82, a paroled prisoner who spent nearly a half a century ln San Quentln prison, wants to go back. "I'm lost out here," said Cornell yesterday. "I'm like a marble ln an empty barrel." Cornell, who was sentenced to hang
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    • 73 2 MOSCOW. Bat.— Vladimir Oslpov, editor of an underground Russian journal, was yesterday sentenced to eight yean ln a labour camp on charges of antl-Sovlet activities, dissident source* said Oslpov, 17. went on trial on Wednesday ln Vladimir. east of Moscow but Western newsmen who went
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 55 2 TIL AVIV, fiat A majority of Israelis are satiated with the new interim peace agreement with Egypt, according to a public opinion poll. The poll, carried out far the newspaper Yedlot Aharonot. showed 67.7 per ceU of those Interviewed were satisfied, with only 26.8 per cent
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 40 2 DAKAR. Sat. President Uopold Bedar Senghor said yesterday that Senegal would •oon start producing petroleum from an offshore deposit The Head of State was opening the Mcond congress of trie country's trad* union organisation ben— Reuter
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 139 2 'Boston Strangle.?' lawyer to defend Pat? SAN FIMNCIBCO, Sat. Noted criminal lawyer T Lee B*lley. who defended Albert besalvo in the "Boston Strangler" killings, could become chief counsel for accused helrees Patricia Hearst. Mr. Bailey yesterday visited her ln San Mateo Ccunty Jail, south of here. Her father, millionaire Diibli.-hfcr
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 71 2 MANILA. Sat— The military began an intensive investigation Into the gang rape charge* against six young men belonging to wealthy and Influential Filipino famllle. following- thetr urvnder. a Defence Department, spokesman said yesterday. The military Is Investigating how six young men, accused of twice raping teenage former
      AP  -  71 words
    • 38 2 DAR BB BALAM. Bat. The Tansam railway nnUng Zambia with the Indian Ocean will begin carrying peswngßn and cargo on a trial basts tor one year from next month, a Joint Tanxa-nta-ZambU statement said yeaUrday.— Router.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 24 2 LIBBOK. Sat. portufiMM Ftwfclsnt Prandsoo Da CoaU Oornw left her* today for a w*kmc TMt to Poland and the Sort* Union. Riitw
      24 words
    • 28 2 HONOfcONO. an --Baghdad Mayor Ibrahim M Ismall left Featas by air jtterday fbUowlng hli "friendly rtalt" to China, according to tnt New China New* Apncy. UPI
      UPI  -  28 words
    • 190 2 PRESIDENT Ford A chats with AttorneyGeneral Edward Lev! (right) and his deputy Harold Tyler outside the Justice Department in Washington on Friday under the watchful eyes of his Secret Service bodyguards (background). This is the first time Mr. Ford has ventured out of
      UPI  -  190 words
    • 216 2 NCW YORK, tat. LAWTEB Joseph Feldman had two flat* one for hlmmlf and the other for IS.VM hooka he stole from the New York Public Library. Fifty-eight year old Feldman s secret life as probably the dty's hem-read man came to light when
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 473 2 Israel backs nuclear free zone in M-E UNITED NATIONS, Saturday |SRA£L has come out in support of the establishment of a nuclear weaponfree zone in the Middle East, with a call for negotiations among all the states in Under a proposal fo: such a zone made b; Iran and Egypt,
      AP  -  473 words
    • 160 2 pAIRO, Sat.— President V/ Sadat has revealed for the first time that he had differences with Egypt's late President, Oamal Abdel Nasser. Mr. Sadat made the dtscloure ln the third chapter of his memoirs, published ln to d a y's edition of the
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 29 2 JAKARTA. Bat— Two people were killed by a landslide which hit their house ln Slndangsarl. West Java, yesterday, the Indonesian dally Pos Kota reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 216 3 MADRID, Sat. Five urban fuerillas were executed by flrinf squad at dawn today despite lastminute appeals for clemency and violent anti- Spanish protests that rocked Europe. The executions, the biggest number on a single day since the troubled days following the 1936-39 Spanish Civil
      Reuter; UPI  -  216 words
    • 145 3 TEENAGE MOTHER GUILTY OF MURDER- SYDNEY, Sat. A 16--year-old "girl was found guilty today of committing a murder while 8'/ 2 months pregnant. A Sydney Criminal Court Jury found Carol Edna Palntln, who has since given birth to a son, and her friend. Judith Anne Garrett. 17, both from Christchurch.
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 339 3 UNITED NATIONS. Saturday f|HINA yesterday said both the United States and the Soviet Union are irreconcilably bent on world domination and wftried other countries to prepare 1 for imminent war. "Since both superpowers are after world domination, the contradiction between them is Irreconcilable.
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    • 168 3 Revoke all military pacts: India UNITED NATIONS, Sat. Indian Foreign Minister Y. B. Chavan called yesterday for the early dissolution of military pacts "conceived In the context of great power rivalry" and the dismantling of foreign military bases established in the same context. The continuance of multilateral military alliances and
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 51 3 LONDON. Sat— The British Broadcasting Corporation said yesterday refugees trom Ethiopia have reported Ethiopian troops massacred 1.000 opponents of the military regime last June. It said most of them were Afar tribesmen living near the border of the neighbouring French territory of Afars and Issas (French Somaliland).
      51 words
    • 47 3 DAYTON (Ohio). Sat. The body of a kidnapped bu.Mnrtsman whose son paid USS4OO.OOO (SSI million) for his release was found yesterday along a road In nearby Jefferson township, the FBI •aid. It said Lester Emhoff 67. had been shot In the back. UPI.
      UPI  -  47 words
    • 120 3 SEOUL BID TO JOIN U.N. AGAIN BLOCKED UNITED NATIONS. Sat. The Security Council today again refused to discuss South Korea's application for UN membership. The 15-natlon body voted seven to seven with one abstention not to Include the application in its agenda. Nine affirmative votes are required for the adoption
      Reuter  -  120 words
    • 34 3 TOKYO. Sat. Japans four opposition parties have refined to co-operate with Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl'a ruling party to paaa BUU raising the prices of sake (rice wine), elgvettea and postage •tamps. UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 108 3 ONDON, Sat. Li Criminals who don gloves to hide their fingerprints are not as safe as they think British detective* have discovered how to make glove prints. After 17 years of painstaking research, the head of Scotland Yard's fingerprint department believes any glove whatever it la made
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    • 101 3 Paris stock exchange brawl: 2 die OARIS. Bat— The chief I of police at the Paris Stock Exchange and an elderly broker died yesterday after wild brawlIng between Bourse brokers and printing union demonstrators that halted trading for an hour, police said. Inspector Henri Puissant. 52. head of the special
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 52 3 NEW YORK. Sat. Militant actlvtat Patricia Swlnton waa acquitted yesterday of compiling to bomb eight buildings in Manhattan six years ago a* part of an antlVletnam war protest. A federal court jury of nine men and three women deliberated for eight hours before returning the
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 201 3 Trail of gems that led police to murder suspect SAPPHIRE (Australia). Sat. Detective followed a trail of gems across Australia to find a mar wanted for questioning about the deaths of a prospector and his son near this mining community in Central Queensland, police said today. The bodies of John
      Reuter  -  201 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 275 2 Another Pioneer breakthrough The world's first speaker system to use carbon fibre blended cone B^B^LTaaH 3k^>l •."*«w» fl«*"-- ■^gr^^^^^^^^Q^SagaH -'j tjg^ga^g^g^g^g^gS^ gjjj isK i kWm V. i^g^EisSM ■K $W' >^ wM JrMLHs^HaL *^^B^^^^^^ ,|SSEIILf gs^gE^^&flijF^ iSb^bSblb^b^b^b^bß»^b^b^H MIA Wk Jir^ J^BT ■L^ft /Jp sW 0»D PIONEER When you wan: sometmng better
      275 words
    • 280 2 COURAGE H 2 CONFIDENCE k LEADERSHIP flfj| OM£CMMB« 10 ways the Dale Cam efiie Course helps men and women: a Acquire poise and confidence a Speak effective!* Sell yourtclf and you' ideal Be at your best ohm any group a Remember names Think and speak on your feet Control fear
      280 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 949 3 When you make your own What to look for in Issue clothes, always ask for No. 7 neve mode detailed workjn fl TurrniivcM instructions in English iJJtwULUtIN 2 pattern sheets BOOK OF 103 Patterns FASHION msniuiN Fashionsforhot mgggggt^JL summer days W/w]\^M lots of needlework '^lOP'f^S for the summer holidays. mtßfmWnWi
      949 words
    • 531 3 sV m^^^^^ I I I rr 1 1 19 15 IS. I C- >• IGI [3 1 bVmMsI I PTI \S QUALITY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE. 131 iICONDENSED MILK """"J IF Quality Award Winner 396 g .74 B IL El j THAI RICE whvm oe jjjj T Best Quality Excellent Value
      531 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 258 4 I develop your property, with our finance. Planning your own home? Developing your property? OCBC Finance can help with a loan for your particular plan to become true, and at very reasonable terms. Whatever your financial needs, consult OCBC Finance. m(t£\ OCBC FINANCE (S) LIMITED jsi£^L I Haad Office 72/74
      258 words
    • 469 4 np\ A /smooth -textured I IVX VV REFRESHING.SOOTHING BODY TALC V«. it's OLD SPICE BODY TALC in a new aconomy pacfcl Smooth taxturad, rafraahing and toothing witfi that famout OM Spice fragrance Wait till you apraad it on! OLD SPICE BODY TALC will kaap you fraah and cool all day
      469 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 375 4 A B III Jill I MIHJ BY CHRISTINA RODRIGUES TOMORROW: SCIENTISTS have condiUoned pigeons to dance figure eights and play ping pong. Human behaviour can also be modified, advocates psychologist B.F. Skinner In Target. The Impossible "To alter human behaviour without mind control." On Ch. 8 at 7 43 p.m.
      375 words
    • 1569 4 VOLPONES decrepit BBrjH M body fools a court Into M ,2 believing he la Incapable of rape and Bonarto and f^H I I Celia are taken to the A cells to await sentence. r Jfl But the Incorrigible b^^ 1 M Vo pone though badly ■I^V 1 AMI j shaken
      1,569 words
    • 463 4 SERGEANT 8AUNDERS and his squad are stalked by a sniper who seemingly anticipates their every more In Combat: "One at a time" Ch. 8 at 7.10 p m. PART TWO of the preexamlnation programme "The Tempest starring Michael Redgrave, Ronald Pickup and Keith Mlchell. Tessa Wyatt, Jonathan Dennis, Jack McOoan,
      463 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 846 5 (^*9VA*^^y^~X Henri '^^flk^# yr\\ J^IV iwOMpH »gX^^ V^ /^M*l Zjm^S^^f E^ Wangle' liusiness iwoiil centre! a^ The answer lo voni* v —nL seai^h for office w fc^^^— JH iP^L^^ shopping space! I «mJ^JB^BIIBBi bBHBI B P enthouse In all of Kuala Lumpur today, theone Xl '^JKI^BB f n H,Hn D
      846 words

  • 131 6 NEW 'BIRD' STAMPS ON SALE AT PARK A SPECIAL post office counter will be net up at the Jurong Bird Park next Sunday to sell the new "Birds" series of stamps and first day covers. The stamps. In denominations of five cents. 10 cents. 35 cent* and $1, will feature
    131 words
  • 91 6 SI ,800 stolen from girl's flat THIEVES broke Into the Taman Jurong Hat of factory worker Miss Fan Peck Sing, 23. on Friday and escaped with cash and Jewellery worth about $1,800. She told police that she locked tne flat at 0.50 a.m. and went to work. On returning at
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  • 34 6 THE MP for Buklt Mermh. Mr. Urn Ouan Hoo. will officiate «t a fancy drew contest at the Buklt Mrrmh community centre on Oct. at 4.30 p m to celebrate Children's Day.
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  • 355 6 r'S a king-site Job for a "pint slse" girl, bat Miss Carol Tan Gnek Yoong enjoys her daily routine of working with massive ship engines. She gets her wellmanicured hands all messed an, and her nylon stockings seldom last
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  • 69 6 PRINCE Bertll of Sweden will visit Jurong town on Tuesday at 9.30 a.m. He will be briefed by the chairman of Jurong Town Corporation. Dr. W 8. Woon on the growth and development of Jurong town, a/ter which he will tour the town.
    69 words
  • 117 6 A MAN, believed to be responsible for a spate of housebreakings in Woodlands Road, Stagmont Road and Lorong Kebasi, was among three secret society saspects arrested by police on Friday. Police said he was picked up at Stagmont Ring shortly after S ajn. About five
    117 words
  • 185 6 'Husbands not bosses under law' HUSBANDS are not the heads of households under the law. according to a woman lawyer. Mrs Anamah Kennedy.. "Section 45 of the Women's Charter specifically states that both the husband and wife are mutually bound in cooperation with each other in safeguarding the Interests of
    185 words
  • 655 6  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By THE two-year-old Computer Utility of Singapore, operated by the De v c lopment Bank of Singapore in partnership with Chartered Bank and On-Line, has reeled off the last programming tapes from its $5$ million Univac 1106 computer described as
    655 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 307 6 We learned that our size is a big advantage At Pan-Electric, we like to think that our refrigerators are small .^v^^ enough to fit into any kitchen, and big enough to store more than a Vr- I whole month's food supply. Which is why we designed the Permadoor. The Permadoor
      307 words
    • 348 6 QUALIFY through I l^^^l training and specialized skills to qualify you for executive status in your chosen field. I Ba^^^w Withl.C.S you study in your own home at I «««bi a»^«^B yourown pace. Check the I C.S Courses shown here then take your first step in |^LH|^JH reaching the lop
      348 words

  • 214 7 Forfeitureorder on ship with illegal immigrants A MAGISTRATE yesterday ordered the forfeiture of a $1.4 million vessel selsnd by the Government on afirch 31 for harbouring Illegal immigrants. Mr. Kan ling Chlu made the order under the Immigration Act which provides for forfeiture of an offending vessel under 75 tonnes.
    214 words
  • 38 7 A 73-YEAR-OLD woman. Wee Mul Klah. was fined Si.OOO yesterday »it>r she was found guilty o trafficking 16 8 grammes of prepared opium In Craig Road, off Neil Road, on Pefc !S at 11.40 aJn.
    38 words
  • 231 7 Vietnam bound cargo: US accused of 'open -plunder— Sat North Vietnam's official newspaper Nhan Dan said today the United BUtes was committing an "act of plunder" by claiming the M,*M tonne* of Sooth Vietnam- bound cargo, which was offloaded In Singapore when Vietnam fell to the communists, the North Vietnam
    UPI  -  231 words
  • 80 7 Pipeline to link Katong and Bedok phone exchanges THE Telecommunication Authority of Singapore Is laying a multiway underground pipeline along East Coast Road and Mountbatten Road. This U to install additional telephone Junction cables to Interlink Katong and Bedok telephone exchanges. Work Is expected to be completed by early January.
    80 words
  • 43 7 CAIRNHILL community centre's youth group will organise a trip to Sentosa on Oct. 12 from S am to 4 pjn. The fee Is $3.90 for members and (4 for others. Details are available at telephone *****7. Closing date U Oct. 9.
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  • 36 7 IN A report beaded "Bright future In blue collar Jobs" in last week's Sunday Times, the MP for Uhi Pandan, Dr. Chiang Hal Ding, was Inadvertently described as a Minister. The error is regretted
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  • 212 7 'Adults setting youth a bad example' rE selfish and materialistic attitudes of Singaporeans are a bad example to the young. Dr. Ruth Wong, director of the Institute of Education, said yesterday. "We In Singapore are living In abundance by comparison with our neighbours. "Yet we see Quite clearly the signs
    212 words
  • 114 7 A LABOURER yesterday told a court In mitigation that he thought It was all right for him to- re-marry because his wife left him about 10 years ago. Toh Chwee Barf. 38. waa Jailed for four months for f« n^g a false declaration
    114 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 544 7 to mnn OFFER TO MEN WHO ARE j NOT ASHAMED OF A WANTING TO BUILD %y JL M A BODY THEY CAN BE PROUD OF _7. Our statistics show that nine out strength measured on Bullof every ten young men who worker's built-in Powermeter. At ask to try the Bullworker
      544 words
    • 1207 7 HE FACES A TOUGH FUTURE The child of today lives in ■^HHRHIWrB 11) since 1768 developed a a tough, competitive world. 1 special programme called And when he becomes a i WXm The New Children's Educaman his world is going to W^^KX!te"*^'^fSmM tional Programme. be tougher than yoprs. His BW/V^v^*M
      1,207 words

  • 366 8 Govt not 'writing off agriculture, seminar told SOME 1,400 hectares (3,458 acres) of land in Punggol have been earmarked by the Government for Intensive pig farming, the senior Minister of State for National Development, Dr. Tan Eng Liang, disclosed yesterday. Dr. Tan. who was opening the Singapore institute of Biology's
    366 words
  • 354 8 CINGAPORE Airlines plans to lease two Anglo-French Concordes by 1977 if "suitable" terras can be obtained from either M\e Brjjjsh Aircraft Corporation, Aerospatiale, British Airways, or Air France. SiAs managing director, Mr. Lim Chin Beng, was reported to have told a
    354 words
  • 32 8 THE Straits tin price In Panang yesterday rose 36 cent* to doss the week at $*78.2S par ptcul on an official offering down S3 tons to 1U tons.
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  • 94 8 AN unidentified cyclic was admitted to Singaoore Oeneral Hospital yesterday m a serious condition after his bicycle was invclvtd In a triple crash. The accident, which also involved a Volvo and a Ford Escort took pUce at Alexandra Read Just after 8.15 a.m All
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  • 190 8 Shipping conference to raise freight rates TOT Straits Bombay/ A Karachi Gulf Conference yesterday served notice on the Singapore National Shippers' Council of its Intention to raise general freight rates by 28.68 per cent from next year. The conference has, decided, to Implement the increase In two stages 18 per
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  • 93 8 Centaur in with birds and animals for zoo THE passenger-cum-cargo liner. Centaur. sailed In from Australia last Wednesday with new birds and animals for the Singapore Zoo. Tba «nii»».i. and birds, from the South Perth Zoo were In exchange for mookeye. apt* and gibbons from the slngapon 300. Among tne
    93 words
  • 60 8 MR BC "fr^— U» senior welding sngtnsar of Far arnst Marina DMaton, was olsctad Urn flrtt president of the Non-dsstructtvs Tasting and Watdlng SocJatj of Singapore. Mr Baaathnaa was tba Joint foundar of the aootsty togsUMr with Dr. PA Boon. ezecuuT* secretary of the Singapore InstituU of
    60 words
  • 239 8  -  EDMUND TCO By DRIDAL gowns, "bridegrooms, and an things wedding have always Intrigued Uttle Salamah bint* Hassan, 12. So In her Silent world, what better war could there be to expreaa herself In an art competition than to make a doll bride.
    Mahfutz Mattar  -  239 words
  • 99 8 Firm gets $50 mil order for two ships TURONQ Shipbuilders a J subsidiary of Jurong Shipyard, has won a $50 million order to build two Freedom vessels for a local shipping company. The vessels, each weighing about 15.000 tonnes, will be built for Wistaria Shipping Company Ltd., a whollyowned subsidiary
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  • 146 8 $114,000 new facilities for Sentosa visitors A TOTAL Of $114,A 500 is being spent this month to Improve recreational facilities at Sentosa because of the increasing number of visitors there. Of this. $80,000 is for building 50 beach shelters, $13,000 for transplanting 200 coconut trees from Pong g o 1.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 490 8 Qualify as an Accountant while you work. Read the Appointments" page of any newspaper and see tor yourself: Accountancy is a career with big future for you. The School of Accountancy has had over 60 years experience in coaching people for accountancy and other professional exams. Through SOA. you can
      490 words
    • 53 8 m^ m^gJ m^3^rn^^i^!^^^llm^^m^ I fl afr WMHVr 7 x I I awawawßwf 4vSaU2.D BiawP^^^^^^^^ sawH wßP^^sß BT^ B Lbl^^SbsM aTt HbbwJ V ~~~^ssaawi r"4MB HbVp sßr K V LawawawaT Jt 'it*. mjfr M ■F H 4mwawi awh Kwl "CW mjt L mx 1 1 TWIT Sa— J kl I F
      53 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 30 8 Tide tables THE 1976 Singapore Tide Tablas and Port FacUmas booklet la now on aaJe at Urn Chlaf Cashleri Ofßce. Ist Floor. PSA Tower*. Jtidlne Sups, at te per copy.
      30 words

  • 539 9 He said the testimony of the two policemen was full of contradictions, inconsistent and totally unreliable. He added that the action of Eng Soon was Inconsistent with his confessed intention of letting Lulu, a friend of the girl, take her
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  • 47 9 HONO Leong Finance will present eight colour television seti to the People's Association at the PA auditorium In Kalian? at noon tomorrow Mr. Lee Wai Kok. director of PA. will receive the ieu from Mr. Plm Mian Klan Hong Leong I*.general1 general manager.
    47 words
  • 191 9 PETER Frankl. the Hungarian -born Dlanist whom I last reviewed over four yean back In a rather negative way, gave another recital at the DBS Auditorium last night. I have littie to carp over this time. Mr. Frankl performed an Appa&slonata that must rank among the
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  • 348 9 Thefts at hotel: Security boss helps nab suspect A MAN wanted for a series of burglaries In nine top Singapore hotels has been arrested thanks to an alert secirtty manager. The security manager, Mr. Tony M.S. Llm. became suspicious of the activities of the man after a series of thefts
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  • 26 9 inspector Chan 3m Kong of Home Affairs Ministry Police Department waa (ihtnlMfd from sttvlce on Sept. It, according to the tbe latest Government Oaselte.
    26 words
  • 79 9 THE seventh day of the sales boycott by 33 Mobil dealers passed yesterday without any signs of "peace talks" between the two parties Ik* Singapore Mobil Petrol Dealers' Association and Mobil Oil (Singapore). The "strike" i* being carried out by 33 of the 39 Mobil dealers here,
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  • 429 9 AN International Labour Organisation regionaj adviser, Dr. Cicero Calderon, has called for the distribution of contraceptives at minimum cost by employers to workers as one of the "best policies" in achieving maximum population control. Dr. Calderon, who was here recently to attend a population
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  • 124 9 TWO-DAY SHOW BY JAMES LAST ATOP BILLING international music an, James Last, will arrive here next month with hit It- man orchestra and choir to give WO-per-head performances at the Hyatt Hotel. Last, who Is reputed to have sold 1W million records. Is currently on a Par East tour and
    124 words
  • 429 9  -  T. F. HWANG By A CLERK yesterday unsuccessfully contested in the High Court the validity of the will of his wealthy father, Mana Seena Veeran, 74, who left a substantial estate in Jalan Simpang Bedok area wlien he died on New
    429 words
  • 102 9 HTHE police publicity de■L partment yesterday received a trunk call from a Mrs. Shlra of 28, Heather Avenue, BK. Melbourne, who said she was anxious to contact "either Mr. or Mr*. K V K." The caller said It was urgent
    102 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 9 9 vw. ~bV H H^t»WHW v -"V v\ m IHkZ^V
      9 words
    • 97 9 J^^Sj^tj^x' '^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^B^^^*' ran 4fl ~KfiHHl|BM|*pflfeh^k> b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^L^T^b^b^b^Bsffi^ I b^b^b^LH b^b^^^fll^ b^b^b^ia^H Jb^Hyi^b^b^b^^^ •x4&^*sssBuy your iww RADO aid irant on RADO IManwtiMMl OuarwtM Cartificat*. RADO SERVICE CENTRES: SINGAPORE ftth Floo.. Sttn*m Houm. 67 Hi*i Str««t KUALA LUMPUR: 14. Jilan Anguka. Tong Foon« Manuon PENANG 181 A. CwnplMtl Strwi *££r wsssas-.^ s-.r^'j— i,«iLa^i!.
      97 words

  • at the CINEMA
    • 546 10  -  ROGER YUE By THROBBING music by Ennio Morrlcone (best remembered for his musical scores in the Clint Eastwood spaghetti Westerns) played against a blank screen, heralds the start of Fear Over The City, now on at the Odeon. It is cead or
      546 words
    • 616 10  -  WALTER SEOW By TIE war has never ended for Europe's film makers, Judging from the footage on the subject they crank out with predictable regularity. The genre seems to hold a special fascination for them. The financial aspect of it (box office takings) Is perhaps
      616 words
    • 614 10 ff)LLYWOOD: There la a curious scenario of boom and bust unfolding at the same time in Hollywood these days: Box-office receipts at the country's cinemas are looming toward a record for the second year In a row, but paradoxically. Hollywood's producers are turning
      NYT  -  614 words
    • 62 10 THE Singapore Film Society will screen A Doll's House at the Rerional Encash Lwpc■ace Centre In Orange Grore Road at 4 p.m. and 7 p m. today. Based on the Broad- way play by Henrik Ibsen, the film itaxi Claire Bloom, Anthony Hopkins, 81', Ralph Richardson and
      62 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 409 10 ll^ff'pypppy^pj^^y»yfpyF|F^ j. NOW SHOWING! DAILyV 7.OO 9.30 PM. AdrMMion: Adult. $2.00 Children: $1.00 i r munmtt THA^ntg afltnsr CATHAY: Coming! A SUPERIOR HORROR FILM a i s from 20th CEMTURY-FOX! miervoviiiHMoi«miM VETER WARREN FONDA. OATES r Ewe l i a.«»-,LO«nASWII LAMPWtKER. < a» W ail •MMunrtacMK MUM n aarUtaiaaaUM OJiKHIM*
      409 words
    • 10 10 CANBERRA •i. tj« »m oomt MO»r: M.S I •MM WaaiHn
      10 words
    • 443 10 FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE PREMIER STORE BATA BUILDING AND ALL RETAIL STORES AND AGENCIES Remain Open TODAY •CAPITOL COW(f SOON!" In one of the wildest chases in screen history, Freebie The Ben demolished 23 CARS, 5 MOTORCYCLES aid end up by ojshii^irtnite^ri^oorbedroom Alan Arkih James Caan Freebie and the Bean
      443 words
    • 765 10 OUCAU TIQIi" HOW SHOWING- Na Fr*« L»» Ham. I 30. 4 00. 6 45. 9 15 b Roaar Moora Jomat Bond W 007 .n "LIVI ft LET Ml" Jona Saymour -Color (UAI ™&WdTvF rttJ 11am, 1 30 4 00 •4} 9 30 A Kod Taylor A Adorn W«t "PABTIZAN" COLOR
      765 words

    • 379 11 IPOH, Sat THE Malaysian Government has approved new regulations to speed up court trials of communist and other a n t i national elements who violate national scanty, Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak said here today. At the Oerakan general assembly.
      379 words
    • 102 11 LORRY WITH TIN ORE DETAINED AFTER CHASE KOALA LUMPUR, Sat A lorry earryiag tin ore tv stopped by officers of the National Bureau of Investigation after a short chase in Johore Bam early this morning. The driver and three others in the lorry were detained. NBI director general. Tan Sri
      102 words
    • 30 11 SEOAMAT. Smt Tbe Land Office here has warned landowner* to pay up their land dues aa aoon ac poaeibJa or be prepared to have ttMlr land forfeited.
      30 words
    • 108 11 AUCKLAND, Sat. Auckland university students plan to picket the airport here when Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak arrives on Oct. 11 for a five-day visit to New Zealand. The International vice- president of the New Zealand University Students Association. Mr. Don Carson, told
      108 words
    • 365 11 ITUALA LUMPUR, 1V Sat.— Buklt Mertajam millionaire N.T.S. Aru m v gam Plllal was ordered today by the Special Commissioner of Income Tax to pay $10,323,230 to the Inland Revenue Department, as revised Income tax for 14 years between 1953 and 1972. The
      365 words
    • 53 11 KUALA LUMPUR, flat The Government la conslderln» flvlnf new Ulla— s loana to bulkt ttoelr own bows. th* Minister of Bowing and New VUkges, Mr. Michael Chen, emtd yeeterday. The Iflnutry had tOoce*ad W0 L-vUl'.on to acquire private land for houatng if state fend wms not
      53 words
    • 157 11 'Do not listen to rumours' warning KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Malaysians were urged today not to listen to rumours spread i>? antl- nationals in the country. Deputy MlriMer in the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, said that sensitive issues such as language, nee culture wen often raised In those rumours
      157 words
    • 55 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sfet The tempo of Hart lUya shopping la In foil swing in the FM«r»l Territory and In PttaJtn* Jsy*. The shops in Fettling Street, Jalan CwnptoeU. Tuanku Abdul Rahman and New Town Centra are crowded and the major ahoppinf oompaKM Ampejig. Campbell and Wtama Central
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 244 11 SONY Sony presents total home stereo entertainment *»^^> H*^*^ I^^ aW^^^^^^^^^Mh^aa^Bßsl I eaasasaV^Sva^Bsasß^BsasaliassK I I I B Wf^S^^^^^f^^^^ .mi>^>^>^B^2>i>^>J2>^>^>w^^ VIH Kv^ftUftl ftllaßr^aallallallKg j^^bbbhEbßjbbhr ieS] ""^^^^PJUi^^ Model HP-319 Jr Sony's HP 31 9 stereo music system is made for real music AM/FM reception... tical position. Comes with 1 8 feet of
      244 words
    • 175 11 \^fehavea history of making our depositors* savingsgrow The history of Lombard North Central goes back more than 100 yean. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British bunking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money grow b>
      175 words

  • The Sunday Times SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1975
    • 520 12 LIKE most national issues, the decision over the fate of Changi hinged on a question of priorities. On the one side there are the undoubted needs of a rapidly expanding tourist and world business centre like Singapore for adequate and up-to-date airport services in the 1980s. Government projections
      520 words
  • The WORLD
    • 397 12  -  JOSEPH FRAYMAM By LONDON: The British people have learned, to their shock, that Lord Relth, who as creator of the BBC shaped the presentation of news and views, loathed the common people. 1 a? ted after power and venomously reviled the country's leaders. Publication
      NYT  -  397 words
    • 703 12 F)LLOWING the controversial agreement in Helsinki, the new focus for detente in Europe is centred on Vienna where a two-year talking marathon between East and West on a mutual reduction in arms has just been resumed. The talks, awkwardly known as Mutual and Balanced Force
      703 words
    • 1204 12  -  BOB CREW: By 1 London They are the people who put the knife in when your back is turned' AN ENGINEERING company In the Midlands sacks an executive for persistently wearing suede shoes when asked repeatedly not to do so by his managing director who objects to
      1,204 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1 12 l|l|7i|l
      1 words
    • 67 12 t fj in su in an fernandez TO CONSUL M» 'NtTCAOOF f DOCTORS A«* AU. f KUEVIN6 VWMAT TH«- «A*»* -n«« a hop( U CAse y-"^ V rHev CA po<wrT 1M v phicx ___y S^ l"»t cii«f< VOU > B«* T *v AfOMKrif CM4CK UP r AM KX> JlBtiT^. y'
      67 words
    • 572 12 Be proud of your English You are judged by the way you speak and write Send for our booklet Arc you conicr.i with Ihe way and how lo cxnreu >uur idtas you speak and wnle' Arc you fluently. wire thai you art not making The <ludy rrquirn only a mi»ukes
      572 words

  • Timescope
    • 1115 13 Tm the world's best author' IN a hard, real world there are vary few chances of instant transformation from relative poverty to undreamed of woalth. But it still happens now and than in the world of publishing. Once every so often a writer produces
      London Express  -  1,115 words
    • 760 13 Ah he say... MODERN rcience has brought us several Inventions we could well do without. The atom bomb fs i prime example. But even on a smaller scale, the boiflns have several nasty little Ideas about to i.*OD out of their sleeves The ad boys
      760 words
    • 1356 14 SECOND IN A THREE-PART SERIES BY DREW MIDDLETON CAN AMERICA WIN THE NEXT WAR? positive and negative elements in the American war potential are more difficult to assess than those of the Soviet Union. America's is a less static society. Since the middle *****, the United States
      NYT  -  1,356 words
    • 1087 14  -  MICHAEL LIM am DEADER response to this column has been overwhelming, as is evidenced by the weekly flood of letters to the Sunday Times. To give Individualised, personal attention to every letter would be an extremely tedious endeavour. Here, then, are letters that constitute the broadest
      1,087 words
    • 929 15  -  Sri Delima By THEY talk of the bliss of escaping Into filmland and it Is indeed bliss while it lasts but oh the double frustration of returning to reality. You really feel hard done by. As someone once wistfully mused, how come the hero
      929 words
    • 406 15  - Album that's sure to top the charts JEFFREY LOW freeordsl by DINK FLOYD: WISH YOU WERE HERE 1 (CBS-Sony). The incredible success of "Dark Side Of The Moon" has had a terrifying effect on Pink Floyd. In the first place the colossal worldwide sales of "Moon" was totally unexpected by
      406 words
    • 482 16  - Batik Chinese style wong lai wah by VAN^Y FAIR TtAKE some batik, add a mandarin collar, side fastenings, and what do you get? The batik sam as Indonesian couturier Pra] v d i Admodlrdjo showed us here last week. Long or short, loose or firore huffing, the batik «am la
      482 words
    • 0 17
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    • 885 17 IN American medical laboratories, the first stops luv« already been taken to transform the TV fantasy off the Six Million Dollar Man into cold scientific fact. Within 20 years, according to one estimate, a real bionic man, an artificial superman, could be
      885 words
    • 614 17  -  EDWARD LIU London Scene BY MORI-: and more people are bidding farewell to troubled Britain. And the country that once was a popular choice of domicile for foreigners is now fast losing its attractions. In the first quarter of this year, 22.MM people packed up and left Britain
      614 words
    • 328 17  -  DAVID BENSON By London IN a class of its own. That's the only way to describe the new 240 km /h sports coupe just unveiled by Jaguar. There may be faster sports cars around, but none that combines Its high performance with such good looks and armchair
      328 words
    • 112 17 Those vital statistics ALL-STEEL monocoque body of a 2 configuration. Powered by an aluminium al'oy Via engine of 5,343 c c. with a compression ratio of 9 to Claimed power: 285 b.h.p. at 5 500 r.p m. Runs on 97 octane (4 star) petrol (has a single 4.4 litre— 20-gallon
      112 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 21 13 \«i out) '7 ii he man's first successful unpowered flight hut it mil in I ihIi- ilulv-free drinks and in-flight movies!"
      21 words
    • 274 13 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT H CENTENARY g H 1875-1975 S| The Chairman >|s Board of Directors ip Staff of M M/S K.A.J. CHOTIRMALL g CO. PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE sincerely thank US £r HH all their clients, •<^ business associates, bankers, friends 3pi well-wishers for their attendance congratulatory messages 38§! on the auspicious
      274 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 876 14 Introducing Claries POLYVELJJT IN TIMES LIKE THESE WHEN NOTHING LASTS, POLYVELDT IS REVOLUTIONARY. IT LASTS. y^T v^l am*. f mm m~ w/ A&*Jm\\ mmw r J i UM > \Jhp lM If j-d^" MT Sm mmo^ m%^^^^" '^ZmmJmW^ i nil.' Rubi» i —^«L made of the high- wav >' our
      876 words
    • 114 14 Beauty Hints Jb«v Pl m. T I k M Tone and Freshen Your Skin To keep your skin clear and fair you need the natural cleansing and bleaching tonic of a special skin freshener. Ask at your pharmacy for a bottle of Lemon Delph, the latest type skin freshener used
      114 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 533 15 9 1 mm^r 'MmmV lUJj^Bnr f [-2 Am\ EpnjH She bought her food when prices were low Now. she saves all year l A Leonard Freezer will lower your food bill and save you hours of cooking! Stock up when prices are low forming ice' crystals which puncture and and
      533 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1185 15 H< APKKORN 191 \yi XXII S P3 Feb*^ lo .lan 20 Wmm lo Krb IS BHB lo M*rr h 20 THOUOH the week JOBWIBE this IN THK first two or may beg:n with a few should be a week of three days of week hold-ups or an argu- Interesting progress.
      1,185 words
    • 241 15 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACBOBB DOWN 1 Cheerful (6). 5. Scanty 1 Tiwwurw (6), 3. T»lw (6). 9. Principle <s>. 10. Into the body (6). 3 Robust Pent (6). 11. Severity <«). <«>. 4. Brlnr to bear (6). 12 Orus disease (Si. 14. S. Feeble-minded person (S). Recet* <4>. 17. Colour
      241 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1236 16 INNOXA SOLUTION 41 Problem skin is a fact of life. Acne, pimples and blackheads affect everybody at some stage or other Solution 41 from Innoxa deals with skin problems. Effectively. Solution 41 is a medicated lotion formulated to combat skin blemishes. The sebaceous glands which control the amount of oil
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 340 17 NOW ON SALE DRESSMM luxated SEWING BOOK (2) BEVMMO BOOK mmmmmammmmmm* Content*: t* Full Color Pom Let's Moka Tour Original Patterns Instructive Signs in Pattern Sleevelets Shirfdress, Sashed Wrap Around Sleeveless Scooped Vesttuit Pantsuit with Kimono Sleeves Over- Vest with Cap Sleeves PRICE: $4.51 MAIL ORDER POSTAGE 50 CENTS EXTRA
      340 words

  • 889 18  - Highly skilled manpower and stability attract investors EDMUND TEO By SINGAPORE was chosen by a foreign investor to get up i machine tool factory because of the market potential in the region. Managing director of .a large manufacturing company, Mr. K. Vetter, "said that at first perhap3. most people would
    889 words
  • 546 18 pROWTH of a mou dern structure of skill Intensive and technologically advanced industries relies heavily on the availability of a pool of highly trained and skilled workers. The Singapore Government realises this and has taken a multi pronged approach to Intensify training to accelerate
    546 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 377 18 ■■HHPVIHb^b^H AUSTRIAN SPECIAL STEEL m Itt i""^!^*^^^ c aye ew com p et tors in the world whc offer the tremendous variety %^lnl M I 1 1 hi I ancJ SLJ P er or Quality of our product line. j B iH ■"^^^■H M I H Decades of research and
      377 words

  • 709 19 How 'numerical control' can benefit industry PROGRESSIVE gov- eminent and industry leaders in South-east Asia are working strenously to "sell" manufacturers on the wider use of new technology, according to executives of a Singapore company whose head office Is in the United States. The company has 33 man v f
    709 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 202 19 puirn walker [nsk TrOla \*MaM j K srjf-||-|#» \J rVUMUUM CONTINENTAL Binns Berry Lathes [NIKKcII, r T UJILSDIT (fnjjPih I:IWBH g^^|\ V— _4 TEmaai!ni ±PEm\ iTrojimporl Is*laaliayj f~l I j T gf T I ifWTWW 1 Hl'jlt^C George Fl»cher ISl^®^ HEI?BERr Shodr tos |jj^j| wMMHiIh >^ALENITE "RUMJfc F^gl MMMMBB sssssssssssssi
      202 words
    • 10 19 IBEr /BEEEK Z t-9l^BftaEi Operating a precision punch shaper machine
      10 words
    • 402 19 /""PRECISION MACHINES-** I for PRECISION INDUSTRIES I £E^ HEMBRUG Precision Lathe <^ Universal tool- cutter and formgrinder I Universal /i^V^ I Miling Machines ML m Drilling Tapping Jk\ I liK. "sss^ IVldvl 111 l"o V"^l I I BB' BP^af Lv>v I HI [fIP Gtonus ■SALT J Profile Projector Efcp^a^ E^B^B^B^Efla^B^Bta^.
      402 words

  • 549 20 LATHES FROM CHINA OINGAPORE, with a total land area of about 584 square kilometres, is now a highly industrialised country in Southeast Asia. It is a thriving manufacturing centre turning out ships, precision machinery, petroleum products, tele communication equipment, office machines, textiles and fabrics, mechanical
    549 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 484 20 B t IBJ 88-U JIJI P JL i B^H fm bbV_*' »^t bT I "M bY W A I bY I *H k bY L m BBH. Wk BT im BbPWOTH BBtWI Wwil^H Hi /^gw i m BBF^BBBBT*fT..nnilTrm _m.*v?"€! ~**7Jjk* Jb I bT /Abb b^^^T^m^^^^^l^^^^m i^^^^J BB^K^BB I M i^m
      484 words

  • Industrial machines SPECIAL FEATURE
    • 469 21 By STAFF WRITER SINCE Singapore's domestic market Is too small to absorb all the output of Its Industries, it has to seek external markets. To be export-orien-ted, industries have to maintain quality goods at competitive ;'3>rlces. The rising costs of labour make reliance
      469 words
    • 716 21 Bearings: Vital factor to determine quality of machined goods PROGRESS of so- ciety and development of technology are like the two wheels of a cart and Singapore Is now In the current of progressive industrialisation, acordlng to a company manufacturing ball bearings. Computers are now playing the part of humans
      716 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 113 21 SCHJESS FRDRIEP West Germany PRECISION Tt<Kk MACHINE TpOLS Vertical turret lathe, Centre lathe, Single column and double column boring mills, Crank pin turning machines, horizontal boring and milling machines, horizontal deep hole boring machines, Gear cutting machines, plate bending and plate straightening rolls. And other tooling machines. Sole agent (or
      113 words
      440 words

  • Timescope .. . Timescope .. . Timescope .. . Timescope .. >
    • 1190 22  -  SANDRA BONSAHTI By London I want to use an animal heart in a human body, says Barnard DEART surgeon Christiaan Barnard ap- pears unruffled by the controversy over his next operation. "I dare to do what nobody else dares to" 1* his comment. "There's *n old proverb
      1,190 words
    • 509 22 MANILA: Muhammed All last week defended his right to have a "girl friend" as well as a wife when he clarified the role of ex-beauty queen Miss Veronica Porche In his entourage. "I know celebrities don't have privacy," All said. "But
      509 words
    • 315 22 LONDON: Now thai "Jaws," Urn atocy •f a nan, woman and child ratine ahaifc, has oat-groeaed "Godfather 1" to become the bit-re* box-office suoeeaa in American dnema history, Him prodaeers are in frantic competition to bring oat a follow- ap. Coating a mat* £4 aaUUon
      315 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 575 22 Quite a few boots are pretending to be us. They're succeeding too except... only Johnson Cossacks are treated with j I $&£jj&a*± SoniL^ecL. This is a unique process which 5p actually stops the bacterial action on |> I Johnson Cossacks have perspiration which causes stale odour IJ WL *%^^k^K soft
      575 words
    • 36 22 Small Families •>% Bmsr Brighter Future Two is enough FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE fi\ telephone *****6 or go to your I tlit) nearest Maternal and Child Health 1 f|Tfl Family Planninrj Clmir >• Sena^BpcV rMWIy PlawMatl^ m SOaVd
      36 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 714 23 classified ads gg IF YOU KNOW something about watches which are faked Just let us know You can get a good reward for any valuable Information Write to P O Box 3248. Singapore I SULOSSB B^™^"^S CONBTauCTVSI en lto ,J Ta^M Jsjc ajaa», Ha ml, CONGRATULATION TO MISS MAOOIE SIM
      714 words
    • 748 23 VACANCY Pee Wen* marketing/ sales representative ps-bVj. CommunMaUons Systems li Industrial Controls Singapore citizens Electronics education (University level or Equivalent Sales experience preferred Sales operations Oversee contractual agreements Mwat eats iff Contact Singapore Technical Bervtcee 46(267 lor »pillHHlim PLAN PRINTING COMPANY require Printers Preferably with motorcycle. Salary (180 Tel: *****5
      748 words
    • 690 23 ROOM TO LET at 348-E. Margaret Drive. dUt 3. Blk 96 Single, couple, no cooking View 9am 5 p m •BOOK COMFORTABLE FULLY furnished rooms with/ without alrcon (180/ (225 each Prefer foreign professional *****1. LAROE ROOM WITH pleasant view/ attached bathroom In quiet centrally located flat (275/-. Phone *****9
      690 words
    • 683 23 Th« Flrat International Ocean EipoeHtOfi In the haste ry •> man-kind-Okinawa Japan. EiNblts Irani more tnen (0 eown- Oo Expo 7( with C ft E Tours Fly the Jumbo Famlly-8747 Collect your full-colour Eipo naialartai from C ft E Tour*. TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWAEXPO/ HONOKONG/ BANOKOK S 12 14 Days (1470/
      683 words
    • 798 23 ARCHIPELAGO SPECIAL RASA SAVANG MINI-CRUISES AUSTRALIA/ NEW ZEALAND 21/22 days (2298/ (2950/- 15/11. »'ll. 6/12. 9/12. USA 16 days (3375/- 8/11. 11/12. meals, first class hotels bath L sightseeing BKK/ TAIWAN/ JAPAN/ KOREA' HKO 16/20 days (2000' (2280.'- 6/10. 12/10. IS/11. 25/11. 6/12 BKK' HKO/ TAIWAN 12/14 days (1450/
      798 words
    • 673 23 Beginners Intermediate and advanced stage classes m preparation for the Pitman and LCCI Examinations Bookkeeping Shorthand Theory Shorthand Spaed Typewriting Audio -Typing Correspondence and Reportwriting I^^^^Erwo^odaT^^Tß 15A Mackenzie Road. *****7/*****8 I 7680 4 G Upper Serangoon Rd I *****0/ *****90 INTERIOR DESIGN DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to Interior design
      673 words
    • 786 23 ASIA DRIVING SCHOOL. Brand new DaUun. dual-controlled, moder ite charges. 13 Selegle Road. Phone *****7/ 321 177 ATTENTION CAR OWNERS for better performance more I m.p.f and smooth driving Equipped with latest Electronic engine tuning machines CaM Pr*»eln B.P. Santos Station IS ma 544 upper Chen* Road por. 18. Tet
      786 words
    • 618 23 TI TOYOTA CEUCA. One owner, alrcond Rims. R/tape. beautiful condition Low mileage. (8500 V.M.C.A Orchard Road (opposite Cathay Cinema IBM MORMS 11BS. lady owner leaving, good condition, new Insurance and tyres. (1.35 C o.n o Tel: 63*483 SILVER BEACH BUGGY asking for (2.700 Wide tyres flbreglass body costing (2.275. View
      618 words
    • 442 23 .YAMAHA PISH 14 registered with steering SBSO/- Seagull engine, new life Jackets etr cheap' Tel *****1 MORNING LIFT available Time, place arrangeabte Ring ***** MINIBUS TRANSPORT SERVICE from Sembawang Hills to Orchard Road Contact Johnny *****7 MERCEDES (MBS) LATEST model available for hire a? wtddlnr mr Chauffeur Driven Tel. *****88/
      442 words
    • 366 23 (ALON OE LA ORANOE fc maasage. sauna bath. Ladles and gentlemen Tanglln Shopping Centre. 2nd floor Room 224 Tel *****6. WE OPPER MASSAOE by qualified M 133 329A51 for appointment. T lOp m AT YOUR PLACE well-trained and experienced Masseur/ Masseuse Phone ***** (1100 am. 800 |> in i Concession
      366 words

  • 213 24  - SUNBURST CAN MAKE AMENDS IN RACE SIX... EPSOM JEEP By Friends and relatives of late Mr. 8.8. IYER, formerly of Japan Trade Centre (JETRO) S pore are cordially Invited to attend prayers at SIVAN Temple. Orchard Road today at 7 p.m. JOCKEY Johnny Wilson has been engaged to ride Sunburst
    213 words
  • 40 24 Ms. A. Jesudason and family exprets their heartfelt thanks to doctors, nurses and staff of Oenersl Hospital. Ipoh for their kind attention. relatives and friends for their attendance, wreaths, telegrams and Invaluable assistance during thetr >-ecent beresvement on 19.9.1975.
    40 words
  • 87 24 TEKNIK. IPOH Tawaran-tawaran adalan dipelawa untok "Pembekalan Makanan Bermasak" kepada Asrama Sekolah Menengah Teknlk. Penlaran Brash, ipoh bagl tempoh lbb. Januarl, 1976 hlngga 31hb. Dlaember. 1977 dartpada Pembo-rong-Femborong Makanan yang berdaftar dengan Kementertan Felajaran, Kuala Lumpur. Borang-borang tawaran d.l.l. bolehlah dldapatl dlpejabat Sekolah Menengah Teknik, Ipoh, pada wakut
    87 words
  • 1244 24 Race 1 SMOKEY SHADOW: Shaping up for win again; good third with 8.6 to Oranada Div 2 «f last week; run previous at Ipoh Sept 6 he was third with 88 to Predator Div 3 Bf. KOJAK: late Myopic ID; second with 8.4 to The Trident Div
    1,244 words
  • 1723 24 MURRAY LANDS KINOFF— A 15-LENGTH WINNER Total Pool ($9,275) 1st No: *****1 ($2,180) 2nd. No: *****7 ($1,909) 3rd. No: *****6 ($545) STARTERS ($60 each): Nos. *****9, *****8, *****9, *****7, *****0, *****6, *****5, *****1, *****5. CONSOLATION ($48 each): Nos. *****2, *****4, *****8, *****7, *****4, *****3, *****5, *****8, *****7, *****1. KUALA LUMPUR.
    1,723 words
  • 132 24 VTCW YORK. Sat. 11 The Women's Tennis Association will decide whether action should be taken against Margaret Ceart for pallIng oat of tw* women's pro tennis tournaments, Wendy Overtoil, head of the WTA's Disciplinary Committee, said yesterday However, the Colorado Springs San reported in a
    132 words
  • 812 24 ssf—sj-s-ass. 2.15 CLASS 3, DIV. 2- 6F ■iUfliSB ($9,500 $6,650 to wlnn.r) 1 M33SimM| »m» Usatam) ChonH 111 (*4)* SMto» 3 1 721« OmM Styto i(Y>i Chew) SH L«t 7 1.1 +2) ASsa 1 > 0452 M|* i <CT Teh) Davidson 8 < (iK) Mum) M la* I
    812 words
  • 99 24 Going Forecast: SOFT ■AC! >M JH TIT OIMMH CMI* PaHaaCar ■mote, «iado» Oraaafat Itylt PM let Car K.l.k taotn atadow I Wild»o«qiM< Today 1 PUvour MMtikk«B AnhibkM WIIOBM^IMt IVnanaa Today'! Flavour ••navua Today a Flavour Pair Play Butnu Cincinnati S Manikam Pamptrad Qu**o Cincinnati AtamM r+wm lUlavatt ItkWMt Atomic
    99 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 610 24 We Wish To Appoint An ENGINEERING MANAGER To Our Growing Jurong Based Operotion The Compony Manufactures Pollution Control Equipment, Conveyor Systems, Point Boohs And Ovens And Motenols Handling Equipment. To Our Australian And Overseas Designs Our Engineering Monoger Prepares Estimates, Negotiates Controct Proposols With Clients And Controls The Engineering Of
      610 words
    • 348 24 nr X h3 el' 3 GUTHRIE ENGINEERING p (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. POST OF SALES EXECUTIVE (FIRE A SAFETY SECTION) (jl Applications are Invited frqm suitable Malay- II 4 slan for the post of Sales Executive* Fire Safe- ;V3 Vr ty Section) to be attached to our Office In Petal- vft
      348 words
    • 93 24 GUTHRIE (MANAGEMENT SERVICES) SDN. BHD. requires a MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMAN to be stationed In Kuala Lumpur. Qualification MCE/HSC or Diploma from a Technical Institute Experience I 3-5 years working experience. Experience in draughting work on tank forms, piping layout, machinery layout and Jther related large liquid storage installations Is preferable but
      93 words

  • 314 25 Japanese favoured to regain team championship rpOKYO, Sat.— Japan Is strongly favoured to regain the team championship for the second time since 1963 In the finals of the Seventh Asian Amateur Boxing Championships to be held at Yokohama tomorrow. There are seven Japanese finalists in the 11 class divisions compared
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 150 25 Ishii fires a 73 for stroke lead TOKYO. Sat —Japan s Hlrcshl lahll. a second round-oo-leader. fired a one-over-par 73 fora flve-under-par 211 In the thin: round of the 197S Japan Open golf tournament at Naya today. The other overnight coleader. Sellchl Kanal of Japan, shot a 74 far a
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 297 25 Belinda: There has been no fight with Ali HONOLULU, tot. Muhammad All's wife said yesterday that "not one, not two, not six women" were going to come between her and her hatband whom the left In Manila with girlfriend Veronica Porche. Belinda All, upon arrival here enroute to her home
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  • 103 25 TNDIAN Association caused l a major upset when they beat favourites Ceylon Sports Club by 26 runs to win the Barker shield In the 25 overs cricket match at Baleatler Road yesterday. Indians scored 90 for nine wickets In 28 overs with Darshan Singh (44 no.) and
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  • 32 25 LONDON, Sat. ResulU of last night's rugby matches: Rugby Its fits Players No. competition: Salford »7 Mayfleld 3. CasUefbrd 3« York 15. Rugby Utafcn: Cambome 33 Somerset Polloe 11 Reutor
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 33 25 LONDON, flat. Result* of last night's Bjgllsh Footban League matches: Dtv. I: Chartton Athletic 1 Hun City 0, Orient 0 Bristol Rovers 0. Dtv. 4: Stockport County 0 Rochdale 1. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 246 25 MELBOURNE. Sat. A fanatical crowd of 110.551 packed the Melbourne Cricket Ground here today to cheer North Melbourne to its first Victorian Australian Rules football championship. North Melbourne defeated Hawthorn 122-67 in the grand final. The result was a triumph for coach Ron
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  • 44 25 CHARTERED Jurong beat Far last Oxygen 3-0 In a SUo soccer tournament match at Farrer Park yesterday. Scorers for Chartered were Suandl Karmln (23nd mln) and Suess Tusoff (Mth mln). Island Warehousing conceded a walkover to Teledyne In the earlier match.
    44 words
  • 454 25 STIPE'S REPORT JOCKEY Terry Lucas was I fined 1100 when he faUed I to weigh out with all his gears prior to Race Seven at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's races. RACE I: Due to excessive over-weight Jockey If. Ismail had to
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  • 680 25 ALI IS UNSHAKEN OVER BELINDA'S WALKOUT INCIDENT MANILA, Saturday MUHAMMAD MA brushed aside a walkout by his wif* today, declaring: "I live on controversy" and boasted he would "eat up" Joe Frazier during next week's World heavyweight title fight The 33-y ear-old champion said he did not "grieve or fear
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  • 478 25 Melvyn and Lee the stars at SSC meet PROMISING Melvyn Ang and Lee Chooi Nien were the star performers in the Singapore Swimming Club's Open championships at Tanjong Rhu yesterday. Top form Melvyn took four individual titles 50m freestyle, 50m backstroke, 100 m backstroke and 100 m butterfly for boys
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  • 107 25 All correct on weight forecast MANILA. Sat—Muhammad All scaled nine pounds fieavler than his challenger, Joe Frailer, at the official weigh-In today for next week's world heavyweight title fight. Frailer the first to weigh in— hit the scales at 215J pounds, considerably more than has been expected. All weighed 224
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  • 64 25 COPENHAGEN, Sat. Denmark took a 3-0 lead over Finland yesterday wmv nlng the first two singles of a second round European Zone Davis Cup tennis match here. Tom Cruistensen beat the Finnish ace Mattl Tlmonen 9-4. 7-6. while Lars Elvstroem beat Oorg Berner 8-4, 7-6, 15-13
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  • 239 25 Pakistanis take 2-0 lead over Malaysia KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Pakistan swept to a 2-0 lead over Malaysia in the first round Eastern Zone Davis Cup tie played here at the Stadium Negara today. p rfte Pakistanis, with supreme confidence, collected their first point in the opening singles through their National
    Reuter  -  239 words
  • 198 25 TURNBTRRY. (Scotland). B*t. South African Oary Player, one of the world's beat golfers at match play, was reduced to the ranks of the ordinary In the International Team golf tournament here yesterday by a former bartender from Walt*. David Vaughen. V, who rlsies Player m his
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 420 25 I PETROUAM NASIONAL BERHAD I PETRONAS I ji& Applications are invited from suitably qualified Malay mm sian Citizens to fill the following executive positions In the Company. W 1. PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER Iff JOB: The successful candidate will be Involved In plannmst- ing and organising public relations programmes for HH
      420 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 32 25 Accuracy with ihtt short irons bt.^— ott a..- f~- >, maw a*^. m VlflC b^bbbL_ "I I I J w _^/iMm MIL*—T\ j 1 jL J saaWv^V* AmS^^m I L V TAMO9T* _y
      32 words

  • 354 26  - Khanisen sets Indians a big poser JOE DORAI By ARMED FORCES A beat Upper Serangooji 3-0 in Div. One of the National Football League at Tanglln yesterday but their mldfleld player V. Khanisen set a poser for Singapore Indians FC officials. Khanisen was sent off in the soth minute by
    354 words
  • 57 26 FIRST DIVISION AKMKD FORCES 3 (0) UP. SERANGOON (0) Suresh Anandan 2. Ronnie Uew. THIRD DIVISION T. BLANGAH 5 (2) TG. PAGAR (0) Yusof Abidln 2. Kasbllah 2. Selappan. CAI&NHILL (1) TOA PAYOH (0) Eapan Carlos 2. B Rajagopal 2 Raiendran. Leong Kok Fan. BUKIT PANJANG 3 (0)
    57 words
  • 157 26 DIVISION ONI P W D L F A PI Fwt» T II 111 1 11 To«P»yon < 3 1 r» 8 7 Chmnd «U 3 7 rurarPk 7 3 1 319 20 7 Ji Dwr 7 1 I HIM T O*vl*ni 3 0 0 IS 3 6 Q'fown 3
    157 words
  • 60 26 AMRTTBAR. Sat Vljay and Anand Amrltraj each scored straight set victories today to send India Into a 3-0 lead over Thailand In their first-round match of the 1976 Bast Zone Davis Cup tournament. In the opening match. Vljay defeated Sompani Champlsrl 6-2. 6-1. 8-0. then elder
    AP  -  60 words
  • 264 26  -  ERNEST FRIDA By MAGNIFICENT Canagasabai Kunalan yesterday breezed through effortlessly to freeze the stopwatches at 21.4 sec for the 200 m at the SAAA Seap Games trials at the National Stadium. His performance was only four-tenths of a second outside the national record set at
    264 words
  • 277 26  -  JOE DORAI By rpOA PAYOH United, now in a free scoring mood after whipping Sem b a wang 13-0 last week, have a splendid chance of consolidating their position in Division One of the National Football League today. Ton Payoh, who have scored
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  • 285 26  - Telok Blangah trounce Tanjong Pagar DEPNNIS CHIA By nnELOK BLANGAH enhanced their chances of promotion from Dlv. 3of the National Football League when they hammered out a 5-0 win over Tanjong Pagar at Gillman Barracks yesterday to move up second behind leaders Calrnhlll. The result gave an accurate Indication of
    285 words
  • 236 26 Cairnhill turn on the pressure pAIRNHILL strengthen\j ed their title hopes when they trounced Toa Payoh City 6-0 In a National League Division Three soccer match at Toa Payoh yesterday, reports Bernard Pereira. This was OalrnhUTs b.ggest triumph and theu-stxth win In eight matches They now have 14 polnU two
    236 words
  • 54 26 BINOAPORB Badminton Association failed, after an hour's deliberation yesterday, to solve the dispute between coach Cheong Chang Swee and Thomas Cup player Kok Peng Hon. BBA president Lee Kin Tat •aid yesterday "We will be calling another meeting, at which we will hear what the
    54 words
  • 52 26 LONDON. S«t—Americanbred lUly ROM Bowl (WUlle Oaraon) owned bj Amertcan lira Charles Englehard. won Ux Queen Bllaabeth n BUkea run over one mile bare today. Mr. A. Clare's Oay Fandango (Lester Plggottt flnlshad aeoond with Sir C. Ctore'i Anne's Pretender (Tony Murray) third of five
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 219 26  - China's Chen wants 3 years' contract PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE Table Tennis Association's move to get Chen Bheng Heng, a China International player for over a decade, to coach the National squad has met with a snag. The problem The 35 year old Chinese coach wants a threeyear coaching contract,
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  • 363 26  - Desiree Urn scores record double A. JOHNSON By BANGKOK -bound 33 Desiree Lim achieved a splendid double yesterday when she posted two meet records on the final day of the Chinese Swimming Club's Open championships at Amber Road. Desiree, who last month beat the second place qualifying mark for the
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  • 326 26 Young David closes in on Thong ■ytXXNG David Lv put 1 himself in line tor a berth in the Putra Cup team when he turned in the lowest score of four-over-par 76 at yesterday's trials at SICC New Course. He has to beat Tony Thong by three strokes In U:e
    326 words
  • 445 26 QPR and West Ham share the lead f ONDON, Sat. London clubs Queen's Park Rangers and West Ham the only unbeaten First Division teams scored 1-0 victories today to shake off Manchester United in the battle for supremacy at the top of the English Football League. A 30th minute goal
    445 words
  • 35 26 WILLJI CMUA. 45. pUMd »w»y PMCtfullr *T/»'75 Ittvlni bafclotf baton* witt Nancy Taß. aooa Jmrry. limi Md intmy. daughter Rosalind, future aoo-ln-law Loula Koran Oorttft laara* T7-D. Jalan Batn. Stack I. 1/ie/TS for ertmauoe
    35 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 224 26 Sound Like No Sound You've Ever Heard Before From a Portable Engineered for maximum sound quality and for maximum sound output. A full 4200 mW. .more than ever before from a radio of this class. 4 radio bands (FM/MW plus 3 SW bands), cassette tape recorder, plus facilities for electric
      224 words
    • 101 26 war LEASING THROUGH CCS FREES YOUR CAPITAL FOR BUSINESS EXPANSION Acquire your equipment fron tractors to typewriters with no cash outlay by teasing it through CCS. Your capital is freed from the burden of buying equipment -w^a^^^swk r^~"~^TP l> -^^B and can be channeled to Jw^M H wM_i more profitable
      101 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 58 26 SOCCEB— National Football league Div 1: Toa Payoh v Jurong Town (Jurong IJO p.m.). SILO tournament: Heulett Packard v Dlethelm; Port of Marine v Morphr Richards (both matches at Parrer Park 3.30 pm and ft pm respectively) OOt# Putra Cup trial (New Course) SHOOTING— Seap Oamea Air Pistol trials (Mt.
      58 words