The Straits Times, 26 September 1975

Total Pages: 31
1 31 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 692 1 Sharp rift among producers VIENNA, Thursday OIL MINISTERS from major exporting countries broke up in sharp disagreement today after failing to agree on higher prices for petroleum. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister, left a price-fixing conference abruptly for consultations with his Government after
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  692 words
  • 244 1 KATMANDU, Thurs rlO members of a British expedition have reached the top of Mt. Everest by scaling the hitherto unconquered southwest face, the Foreign Ministry announced today. A ministry spokesman said Dougal Haston, 32. and Doug Scott. 33, reached the world's highest peak
    Reuter; AP  -  244 words
  • 36 1 MANILA. Thurr The first Chinese ambassador from Peking to the Philippines. Mr. Ke Hus. wUI arrive here In Ue October or early November, an official of the C«partment of Foreign Affairs *aid today. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 41 1 CATTO Thurs. The Indian Ambassador to Egypt Mr. Aahok Bhadkamlcar. died here last night of a heart attack, the Indian Embassy announced today. The ambasador, who was 53. had held the post for the past three years. Reuter
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 878 1 BELGRADE, Thursday SINGAPORE and Yugoslavia have called for further strengthening of the unity of nonaligned and other developing countries. The call came in a Joint communique Issued at the end of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's three-day official visit to Yugoslavia yesterday. The communiQue
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  • 98 1 Two face $650,000 bribe charges TjONGKONG, Than. 11 Two British superintendents of the Hongkong police today pleaded not gallty to receiving a total of HKSI.3 million (SSCM,--o*o from a corruption syndicate. Cecil James Canningham, 49, and Benno Thompson. 42, were each freed on ball of HKSISO.OOO by Judge Arthur Garcia
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 65 1 RAWALPINDI. Thurs. Mr. Qhulam MusUfa Khar, former governor of Pakistan* largest province and once Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto's close confidant, resigned from membership of the ruling party yesterday. Mr. Khar told a packed news conference In Lahore, hi* break with the Pakistan Peoplei Party was the
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  • 32 1 saioon, Thurs. The Provisional Revolutionary Government ha* fixed prloas for basic crmnxxiltti In South Vietnam and ordered that the price* be displayed on Rood* In all market* and ahopa. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 70 1 CAIRO, Thura. aVypt ha* recetvnd U8|1.2 billion (BS3 billion) in knc-Urm loan* from v..-«* Arab countries to help tide it over current economic difficulties, according* to Finance aflnls~ tsr Ahmed Afau-IsmaU. The newspaper A) Ahmn today quoted Mr Atw-IsmaUl as aajGng rasaoo mOllon cam*
    UPI  -  70 words
  • 78 1 FALLS BACK IN EUROPE BRUBSELS, Thurs. The dollar fell back at the opening of European money markets today as profit taking and the effects of Intervention by central banks took their toll. The halt In the dollar's rise allowed the pound to recover slightly from 1U all-time low. Gold continued
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  • 166 1 ROME. Thursday FOUR Italian FlO4 Starflghter Jets myste- rlously crashed today on flights from an American air base In West Germany to Italy, killing all four pilots, an Italian Defence Ministry spokesman said. "It was a real disaster." the spokesman said. "It Is very
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  • 43 1 WTW rODK. Thurs. Dow Jones averages, based on first hour of traotr- on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus ***** down 1.80; 30 transp ***** down 0.37; 16 UtllS 77.53 UP 0 36; and 66 Stock* 248.80 down 0.36 OPT.
    UP  -  43 words
  • 28 1 Ttfc AVTV. Thurs. Israel will receive Its first supplies of the Lance surface-to-surface missile from the United sutes within a month, a newspaper said today. DPI
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  • 757 1 UNITED NATIONS, Thursday SINGAPORE yesterday suggested four ground rules which the United Nations negotiating groups could follow in the conduct, of their business. Foreign Minister S. Rajaratnam, who was addressing the General Assembly, said he saw considerable merit in the consultative procedures
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  • 59 1 s- WE must ret away m from the prevailInc belief that a resolution passed by a decisive majority hit In fact resolved the problem. This is perhaps oar greatest weakness and one which has greatly helped to brine this organisation to Its present sorry state. MK. RAJ AR ATN
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  • 93 1 Rocket blast in Baling A LOR STAR, Thurs. A A rocket believed to have been fired by •ommunist terrorists exploded In the compound of the Baling information office at 7.35 last night. There were no casualties. The Information office Is about 200 metres from the town's police station. Two glass
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  • 81 1 PARIS. Thurs. The French Government announced increased taxes on tobacco, alcohol and pornography In a balanced 294.000 million franc (8$ 154.200 ml l ilo n) national budget for 1876 approved by the cabinet yesterday It also created a new tax on tickets for sporting events and Increased
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 73 1 LATEST Ford cuts travel plans WASHINGTON. Thurs. President Ford is cutting back on bis projected heavy travel schedule for October In the wake of the second attempt on his life in less than a month. White House Press Secretary Ron Nesaen reluctantly acknowledged at a news briefing today that some
    AP  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 Diamond [AHQ^h V Rings J V MANUTACruH/NC fiWtiilK 1 Plat*. S*MCWt 1 T«l "•72^2 Four clientsl are always 1 I right. I (Usually) J
      24 words
    • 204 1 TELEPHONE DAY N[GHJ fmr tnnr j *****0 *****0 SINGAPORE *****11 K. LUMPUR *****7 ***** I IPOH ***** ***** I PENANG ***** ***** LJOHORE 5474 HIGHRISE FLATS: NO NEED TO BUILD MORE Pag* 11 ISRAEL: We're ready to talk 2 BEATO to pack up in two years 3 AUSSIES ease crip
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 70 2 NEW DELHI. Thurs. India's ambitious programme to find offshore ol) win be in full swing at the end of the monsoon next month with at least five drill ships operating. The Government's Oil and Natural Gas Commission has reported good flow of crude oil In all
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 54 2 HAVANA. Thurs. A guerilla group said here yesterday that at least 423 United Btatea Ranger troops ware taking part In antiguertUa operations In Nicaragua. The Sandlnlst Liberation Oroup, which accused them of killing fanners, said the Rangers were «f*iM« g alongside former South Vietnamese militia troops and
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 52 2 TOULOUSE. Thins. About 10 maaked youth* art fire to the Spanish Cultural Centre with MMotor oooktaili here todmy in apparent prouat agilnit death aanteooaa paaatd on 11 alk«td urban gueiillai In Spain. Damage to the centre wn considerable and about half the books In 1U library ware
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    • 503 2 We're ready to talk, says Israel ...but Syria won't discuss Golan JSRAELI Foreign Minister Yigal Allon said yesterday his country was ready for negotiations with Syria without prior conditions. NEW YORK, Thurs But In BEIRUT, the Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel-Hailm Khaddam said Syria rejected negotiations with Israel on the occupied
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    • 268 2 Ceasefire but gunmen still out in Beirut streets BEIRUT. Thurs. Sporadic gunfire and explosions continued in Belrut during the night and gunmen this morning still manned street barricades and emplacements throughout the city. Despite this, Beirut Radio reported that adherence to the latest ceasefire the fourth In a week was
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 150 2 Rees: IRA attacks 'mockery' of the truce BELFAST, Thurs. Northern Ireland Secretary Merlyn Rees yesterday said that recent Irish Kepublican Army (IRA) bomb attacks were a "mockery and a travesty" of the guerilla ceasefire. His hardhitting statement was Issued after he conferred with army and police chiefs on this week's
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 50 2 UNITED NATIONS. Thurs. DN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim was reported to have told 'isltlng correspondents yesti-day that he was undecided axut whether to seek a second term. The former Austrian Foreign Minister, who is 56. win complete Ills present fiveyear term at the end of 1076— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 25 2 MIcmOAN City (Indiana). Thurs. Two knife- welding lnin»tes surrendered last night after holding an Indiana state prison doctor and two employees hostage.— AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 124 2 Man paid overtime while on holiday LONDON, Thurs. The British Post Office, which lost more than £320 million ($1,650 mil.) last year, paid an employee overtime while he was vacationing In Tunisia. The employee, John Ryder-Smith, 45, pleaded guilty in a London court yesterday to making the dishonest overtime claim
      AP  -  124 words
    • 34 2 LONDON. Thurs —Bangladesh police have arrested another 88 people In a widespread crackdown on Illegal weapons. Bangladesh radio said today Thi* brings the total oetalned since last week to nearly 700. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 223 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs pE^IRED Admiral Elmo IV Zumwalt predicted yesterday that the United States will be so weakened militarily by 1980 that an American President will have to back down In any confrontation with the Russians. The former Chief of US Naval Operations said the Basslans
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    • 429 2 DUSSELDORF, Thursday jtf R. WILLY Brandt finally had his day In the court trying the a former aide whose exposure as an alleged communist spy forced his own resignation. Seventeen months to the day since the early morning arrest of Ouenther
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    • 193 2 Bomb scare keeps jumbo 5 hours in the air HAMBURG, Thursday A JAPAN Air Lines Boeing 747 carrying 351 A people circled Hamburg for nearly five hours yesterday after an anonymous telephone caller threatened to explode a bomb aboard unless 110,000 marks (S$102,800) was paid. Police said the threat was
      Reuter  -  193 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 571 2 Robinas Ml SPECIALS 26th Sept.— sth Oct. /jP^x\ Robina House kfi First Floor Usual NOW >^^H{j£\ 4g*Cr Cotton Night Gowns from S^l^K^ lk> Australia 68.00 175.00 yUfIW/Lk. IL JH\ ZI > PIERRE LYCIA Demyi S/Slabnc blouse J\XM Wk^J, M I V^Vmr^/V^ from Fran* $36 00 $12.00 VsS^BTf^nt^/ I JfclV/^% P"t
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    • 280 3 Timor war: Lisbon ready to mediate LISBON. Thurs. Portugal last nigM said that she was prepared to negotiate with the warring political factions in her Far Easter:, territory of Timor at any time and In any place. An oiT.ctai statement Issued after a top-level meeting here chaired by President Francisco
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 131 3 Japan: Soviet 'Bears' violated our air space rpjKYU, Thurs. The L Defence Agency today charged that two Soviet long distance bombers violated Japan's air space yesterday afternoon. The agency said the two TU9S bombers, nicknamed "Bears," flew between Shlkine and Kozu Islands, about .52 km (95 miles) south* of Tokyo,
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    • 189 3 PHNOM PENH, HANOI TO END DISPUTE? BANGKOK. Than. A top Cambodian official has met with two hifh rankinc North Vietnamese leaders In Peking in an apparent Chinese effort to ret the two communist retimes to settle their differences. Saigon's Liberation Radio said Mr. leng $ary, Cambodian Dep at y Prime
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    • 36 3 WAfiHINOTON. Thurs. The House of Representatives rules committee today cleared the way for a new vote on lifting the US arm* embargo against Turkey, defeating an effort to postpone It for a month. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 408 3 'It's no longer needed in view of changes' ITMTED NAw TIONS, Thurs. The Council of Mini sters of the South-east Asia Treaty Organisation (Seato) decided ye s t erday to phase out the alliance within two years. US Secretary of State Dr. Henry
      Reuter; UPI  -  408 words
    • 101 3 'A dunce if you skip breakfast' LONDON. Thurs. Missing breakfast may make children dunces at school, claims a British nutrition expert. Prof. Arnold Bender, Professor of Nutrition at London University, put forward the theory at a seminar. In trials he said, children who were apathetic In class, Inattentive, nervous. Irritable
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 93 3 Thai doctors to boost Hanoi ties BANOKOK. Thurs A Thai medical team leaves on Saturday for a week-long visit to Harol and its leaders said that the trip will Improve future relations between the two countries. Dr. Udom Poaakriatna, who Is leading the five-man team, said thai the Thai doctors
      AP  -  93 words
    • 311 3 Ailing Chou again fails to make it TOKYO, Thursday MR. LE Duan, North Vietnam's most power--ITi f ul political figure, left Peking today without seeing Mr. Chou En-lal, reviving speculation the 78-year-old Chinese Premier's long Illness has taken a turn for the worse Mr. Le Duan. First Secretary of the
      AP  -  311 words
    • 99 3 MBS. Imelda Marcos. First Lady of the Philippines, at the UN General Assembly, where she called for detente to be applied to the creation of a new world order. With Philippine Forrrtn Minister Carlos Romulo next to her. Mrs. Marcos also suggested In her speech
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 312 3 'S. Korea will be another Vietnam unless...' WASHINGTON Thurs. vT Mr. Kirn Dae Jung, the South Korean Opposition leader, believes his country will suffer the fate of another Vietnam unless the present Secul Government is changed, he wrote in a document released yesterday. Mr. Kirn, who faces sentencing In South
      NYT  -  312 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 790 3 I mm\ I mmw^ ,^^^^^mm Baw 'i m** m m I I H 01 «cuiTT poods raranßLTSßmci CONDENSED MILK festival Quolity Aword Winnf 3% 9 .74 2J SUGAR SIS Ht Quolity 2kg 2.60 I TOILET ROLL snowy trio Soft Strong 3 for .84(51 MILO 1362 g 8.05^ GOLDEN CORN OIL
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    • 128 4 Burmah Oil $30m in the red f ONDON, Thurs. Ld Burmah Oil. Britain's second largest petroleum company which ran Into a financial crisis at the end of 1974. yesterday reported a net loss after tax of Just over £0 million (5530.8 million) after the first six months of this year.
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 354 4 Pat in second bank grab' probe WASHINGTON, Thurs, T»HE FBI is probing an alleged link between A newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst and a bank robbery earlier this year in which a woman customer died, its spokesman said here last night. Miss Hearst. 21. was kidnapped by the Bymblonese Liberation Army
      Reuter  -  354 words
    • 74 4 TCX-WAVE Cheri Foltz JLJ of Orlando, Florida (above), who worked in a navy discipline office before her discharge last month, said it was "ridiculous" that Commander Connely Stevenson lost his command for letting "Cat Futch dance topless aboard the submarine Finback. The 21 year old daughter
      UPI  -  74 words
    • 141 4 Kenya to Britain: Stop the smear reports NAIROBI. Thurs. Kenya has protested to Britain over "numerous defamatory articles" about Kenya in the British press and warned that If such articles continued Anglo-Kenyan relations would be Imperilled and British economic Interests in Kenya Jeopardised. The protest has been delivered in London
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 399 4 Aussies ease grip on mineral projects Foreign investment policy reviewed CANBERRA, Thursday THE Australian Government yesterday relaxed its strict adherence to the much-criticised concept of maximum Australian ownership in minerals and energy projects with a major review of its foreign investment policy. The new policy, unveiled here by Prime Minister
      Reuter  -  399 words
    • 116 4 TURKEY JOLTED BY NEW QUAKE ISTANBUL, Thur». —A new wave of earth tremors shook eastern Turkey yesterday and hundred* of buildings collapsed In the quakedevastated area of Lice, the semi-official Anatolia agency reported. The original quake Jolted the eastern provinces Of Dlyarbakir Erzurum and Urfa, an official told the agency.
      AP  -  116 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 293 4 M2430F am t*^^BpM__^sSSSj&sgy3^^Uf 1 J3S_?L^ rflr sls^HHHa?Hßi^BC^B^H?^^BKMS^^^^^^BH_tfßv 1 1 1^\" -^y^P^Sl— w^^^^^^isi FEATURE-LOADED MUSIC MAKERS every one a portable sound studio -&k*^. You'll never know how many features can be packed intoa J __Bfc. jf> \jf*lk s-J> portable till you've seen Sanyo's great range of portable radio |B_^ Am\ B_\
      293 words
    • 362 4 SINGAPORE AIRUNES OFFERS FREE TRIPS TO EXOTIC ASIA IN Green Spot CONTEST FIRST PRIZE: Double return tickets to Seoul SECOND PRIZE: Double return tickets to Hongkong THIRD PRIZE: Double return tickets to Medan Collect one complete set of Green Spot crown liners with Chinese or International chessmen printed on them
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 641 5 B^ Bm^^|^^^W LDI is HH^HSJy^^^ w4^*^M /at THE i S llffi^ mSMPUNGAHD MMGII/HMYS {g nf&j^ «*****222^5^*****22« I fresh from the bakery Bl HALAL A ZEBRA CAKE (Small) Each 4.95 K^^^^k uj CHICKEN soog 2.00 CHICKEN THIBHS us. PIZZA PIE COCKTAIL EaC h .30 W^^^kr H CHICKEN PARTS 500 g
      641 words

    • 67 6 Petrol pistol packers... MR and Mrs. Elmer Tow, service station owners in Ralei B h. North Carolina, seen here with tuns which they recently acquired. strapped to their waists. The runs are to discourage would-be robbers. Mary Tow, M. was assaulted last week by a robber daring a hold-up of
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    • 161 6 Mrs T: It's still a land of plenty OTTAWA, Thurs British opposition leader Margaret Thatcher said yesterday that Britain might have severe economic problems but for the average Briton It remained a very pleasant country to live In. The Conservative Party leader on the last day of her visit to
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 67 6 BONN. Thurs. West Oermany's opposition parties today accused the Government ot promising mot* flrsnclal aid to developing countries than It has budgeted for ov.t the next nve years. Opposition deputies of the Christian Democratic Party tabled four parliamentary questions called for an explanation of the pledee given
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 34 6 MIAMI. Thurs. Hurricane noise, leaving a trail of devastation across northwest Florida, today weakened to a tropical storm but Its heavy rains headed Inland threatening floods for the eastern United States. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 491 6 'BID ON HIS LIFE WAS PROTEST AGAINST SYSTEM* f OS ANGELES, Thurs.— Mrs. Sara Moore, accused of attempting to shoot President Ford on Monday, was quoted as saying in a prison interview published today: "It was a kind of ultimate protest against the system I'm
      Reuter; UPI  -  491 words
    • 41 6 ROME. Thurs. Kidnapped racing car driver Claudio Francisci was freed unharmed early today after his family paid a reported ransom of 300 million lire (SI 1 million). Francisci was seised on Sept. 18 by four masked gunmen. IPI.
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    • 64 6 BANGKOK, Thurs. Khmer Rouge soldier* shot and killed a teenage Cambodian refugee when he pulled a knife on them near the Cambodian border town of Polpet, Thai police said today. The victim, killed on Tuesday In Aranraprathet district. 300 miles east of Bankkok, was among a group of
      AP  -  64 words
    • 223 6 Betty hopes Ford will cut down on his travels WASHINGTON, Thurs Mrs. Ford has voiced douots for the first time about her husband's travel plans following t»o assassination attempts against him in 17 days. Mrs. Ford said yesterday she favoured the President's views on public appearances but wished he would
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 66 6 $3.8mil HK holdup: More arrests HONGKONG. Thurs Police probing Hongkong's biggest robbery have arrested another three men and two women, bringing the number of arrests so far to 11. police said here today. Th« police >lao seiaed foreign currency banknote* worth HKtl.l million; (*****.000) They have now recoTtred" almost half
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 29 6 HAIFA. Thurs. Tnlrtoaa; people were injured, four, critically. wtw>n truck tUX. with passengers crashed Into a train at a level no— lng north o« here todaj Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 206 6 Malaria: 'Delhi Govt not doing enough' NEW DELHI. Thurs. Malaria has struck India in epidemic proportions again, and private health authorities have charged that the Government's response Is dangerously Inadequate. In Interviews, these authorities accused the Government of trying to conceal the dimensions of the epidemic. "The Government does not
      AP  -  206 words
    • 68 6 TOKYO. Thurs. F^or^n«■ British prime minister Edward Heath said today that It was not In the best Interests of Japan or Britain for one to outstrip the other too fast In bilateral trade. It Is both our long-term Interest that this should not occur". Mr. Heath
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 73 6 TOKYO. Thurs. Police today reported the arrest of >hree Japanese businessmen for allegedly smuggling international driving licences from the Philippines for sale In Japan Police said that since last October the trio have sold at least 30 licences Issued by the Philippine Motor Association
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 432 6 Everyday to the USA Philippine Airlines(DCiO)crosses With Philippine Airlines you're the Pacific seven times a week to on the wings of a warm, gracious San Francisco. Five times a week bird where you'll find care, concern from Singapore: Monday Wednesday and generosity are part of the **"ZZSt*SS~ ~-~c~o connecting flights
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    • 1212 7 A Fashion Carnival is starting at the Specialists' Shopping Centre this week. Commencing tomorrow, there will be a fashion show at the Phoenix Coffee House every Saturday afternoon between 3 and 5 p.m. Tomorrow's show is being sponsored by Joy's Boutique and the emphasis will be
      1,212 words
    • 398 7 LGO2 G40 247 2nd Fir House of India Caia Pupp Tanti Robinson's S rd Fir OCBC 2 2 LG10 153 252 428 La Marccllinc Penny s Curls Tomiko Sharon New Way-in Garden 'Gcntsi n LGK1 MPHot 1st Fir 2KI Grcotways Robinson s Alko s LGK2 G42 2nd
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 198 7 Another Branch of Jong Mcc at Far East Shopping /4r\Centre Now! (Next to /Jt\ M Hilton Hotel) 18 hrs for a suit 6 hrs for ggM[ kJB{ MV trousers CW TSSSA i^mMimTu Look what Antoinette lias in store for Fabulous ncu /<nhi<>ns H l^> from France and Italy. I K>
      198 words
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    • 187 7 BALLY of Switzerland Baity leads the way tothe ultimate in shoe-fashions 1 f~ Bellie/ore (h Beouliful 4r 'm For the first time in Singapore, -yUy/^ pxpectarrt mothers now have their h' TRj own exclusive fashion boutique. jMrn^Sl Direct <rom us A §)i&t™ Fashions by: Jy^M CWCCnvi* o- ho.i,«ooo •jf^gl^^ Maternity
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  • 270 8 Helping firms to set up sports clubs for workers rE Singapore Sports Council has several schemes to help organisations upgrade or create sports and recreational facilities for their workers, its chief executive director, Mr. Lav Teng Chuan. said yesterday. Calling on Industry to promote sports amon* employees. Mr. Lav said'
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  • 83 8 Research facilities survey by SMA mHE Singapore ManaX factarers Association Is surveying research and development facilities and requirements In manufacturing. The survey is expected to be completed within two months, according to BMA chairman Mr. On g Leng Chaan. The SMA will then discuss expansion of existing facilities and establishment
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  • 41 8 THS Minister for Social AJTilrs. Enclk Othman Wok. will officiate at the >?tlMJiis; ceremony for the sa> of 673 units of three-room improved nat« at a car park In Ohlm Moh Road off Holland Road today at 3.90 pm
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  • 433 8  -  CHIA POTEIK By MOST, If not all, of the 50,000 tonnes of general cargo lying In Singapore, which the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam Is claiming, belongs according to the US Embassy here— to the United States Government which has no
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  • 78 8 MISSING: BOY WHO PLAYED TRUANT SCHOOLBOY Llm Choon Lye (above), IS, has been reported missing from borne since Sept. 11 His mother. Madam Teo Ah Kirn, 3«. tMd the Straits Times that he left home after she punished him for playing truant from school. On falling to find him at
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  • 81 8 KDSOPP College, one of the residential halls of the University of Singapore, will stage a musical Chu Chin Chow at the Development Bank of Singapore auditorium on Oct. 11 at 7 JO pjn. and on Oct. 12 at 4 pjn. and 7.30 pjn. Ticket* tor
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  • 29 8 MR. Chan Chee Seng, Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), yesterday officiated at the piling ceremony for the building of Chung Hwa Free Clinic in Lorong 4. Toa Payoh
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  • 185 8 Pooling building know-how for big jobs BUILDING contractors In Singapore should pool their technical know-how and finances to tap overseas markets, suggests Mr. Toh Seng Sit, president of the Singapore Contractors' Association. Mr. Toh told the r Straits Times that local contractors should look farther afield beyond the home ground
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  • 210 8 $40.3 mil pre-tax profit for SIA despite downturn CINOAPORE Alr--0 lines' profit before taxation for 1974-75 amounted to $40,376 million compared with $40,010 million last year, registering a 0.9 per cent increase. Thli was despite the substantial downturn In the world economy coupled with sustained pressure on costs. accordIng to
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  • 59 8 THE SAP Rcaervlsta- Association will nold 1U first big walk on Sunday at am R wUJ »tart from Lorong 6 Toa Payoh. and proceed vU Jalan Toa Payoh, Thomaon Road BraddeU Road. Lorong I and Lorong 6. Toa, Payoh The aaaodaUon will aiao hold a harmonica concert
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  • 25 8 DR. Chen Wen Hal, a local artist tpeclaUalnc on finger painting, baa prasanted the University of Singapore with three of hla Chlneae paintings.
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  • 61 8 Modern yoga classes at Katong CC THE katong community centre youth group will conduct beginner*' courses In modern yoga and guitar playing from next month. Yogm ana win be bald on Sundaja tram pirn, to 4 P-m «ad gutar J>taylnf on Mondirt (Ran 7 pjn. to M |am Thf fee
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  • 36 8 THE women ■üb-com-■ttUf of Leng Kee com■BDltr cantr* win omnlat a Okbla car rid* and picnic at Biitnw on CbUdran'a D«y— Oct 1 FHUlllor cblktrco and MM tot adofta. For details. t44cpbnoe MMU.
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  • 44 8 MR. O. P. Kearney, ft United Nation* expert on low ooK aiitomutrm. will talk on 'Building Your Own Automation at Uw MMtooai ProductlTltr A—xiaUnn lunch mectti* to be bald at the Juntur Room ot ApoUo Hotel at 13.M pjg. on Oct. 7.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 525 8 PVC ROLLER bunds mam The latest window shades in Europe. waterproof •non-corrosive •can be securely locked H* •colours won't lade ideal lor H- windows/balconies/shop :ronts. etc also available in aluminium I ll— u n 1 v 1 ssseS:^Enqulrt»« are w«icom«r~~^~ MOONLIGHT (PTE) LTD. 309Tan|ong Katong Road a Singapore 15 Tel
      525 words
    • 127 8 Newsweek THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 29, ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: The Story of Patty Hearst Testing the RFK murder gun Oil: how high will OPEC push? aMKauwssl Hill' MAIL YOUR COUPON TO Newsweek International c/o Sanvic Enterprise Lock Bag Service No. 1 General Post Office Singapore Tel. ***** 27 WEEKS FOR $19.00
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  • 604 9 A VISITING West German political scientist said yesterday that the recent attempt by the Soviet Union to convene a Helsinki -type conference in Asia has failed. Professor Helnrlch Bechtoldt, 64, of the Institute of Poii !cal Science at the Universities of
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  • 107 9 Secret society expert promoted A CID expert on Chl- nese secret societies Mr. Teo Hong Ouan. has been promoted to assistant superintendent of police, along with four others in the latest police promotion exercise. The promotions, which took effect on Sept. 1, were announced last Friday. ASP Teo. graduate of
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  • 70 9 Dr. Joan Mullaney from the National Ophthalmic Pmtbotofj Laboratory and Registry of Ireland. Dublin, will give two lectures at the pathology lecture theatre, Sepoy Lines, next month. She will apeak on Recent Studies la Retlnotolistan*. (eye tumor affecting young children) on Oct. 21 at 7 pjn.
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  • 204 9 Shipyard to set up $15m steel workshop pROMET Shipyard is to I set un a $15 million steel fabrication workshop in its new $20 million covered shipyard in Pandan Road, Jurong. When fully operational by January, the workshop will be able to fabricate about 30.000 tonnes of steel a year.
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  • 55 9 Stover heads oil engineers society MR. R.L. Stover haa been elected chairman of the Singapore Society of Petroleum Engineers. The other ««w^«i« an Mr. Chris Moves (first vicechairman). Mr. Doug Bostlck (second 1 vice-chairman). Mr. Mike Crowley (aecreUry). and Mr. Walter Mat (treasurer). The society Is part of a worldwide
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  • 158 9 TiHERE has been noX tlceable increase In the number of girls taking up architecture at the University of Singapore, according to the Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA). An article In the latest SIA journal attributes this to the growing number of girl
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  • 160 9 New $2m Gulf Pacific yard to build barges ASIA Pacific ship- yard in Jurong has built a $2 million shipyard in Tanjong Oul. The new shipyard, Gulf Pacific shipyard, will build mainly barges, while the parent shipyard will concentrate on tugboats and other types of craft. Asia Pacific Is also
    160 words
  • 57 9 SEMINARS on Marketing Advertising Budget Planning and Control will be held by the Joint education commute? of the Singapore Advertise.! Arsoclatlon at the Orovp Lecture Hall or Inchcape < i> Pte. Ltd.. Alexandra Road, from Oct. 10 to 19. .Topics will include pricing poiioy, proouct policy, channels of
    57 words
  • 55 9 THE Music R>r Everyone aeries will feature a choral symphony by the Singapore Chamber Ensemble at the Singapore Conference Hal on Sunday at 5 pjn. Ttckau at $1 are amllable at the usual booking centres. Victoria Theatre, Conference Hall, National Museum and the National Library
    55 words
  • 260 9 Court told of day gang struck at jewellers rpHE High Court yesA terday heard that a gang of five armed robbers staged a hold-up at a goldsmith's shop when there were no customers around and fled with $118,539 worth of Jewellery. Mr. Leow Han Chuah. 37. managing director of Mandarin
    260 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      290 words
    • 146 9 yfr^^^ga^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ g^gf P^ 2^m 'jm^E g^gv^Bja^g^L a^s. *ULaV^r fIU 1 r^^L^^^^^a^g^l mTF A Iw W^^M SWISS CLUB Ml I LUXURY THREE-STOREY SPLIT-LEVEL DETACHED BUNGALOW SB±* I SWISS CLUB RD. OFF BUKIT TIM AH ROAD I I NEARSINGAPORETURFCLUB iocatonpmn I I Central Air-Conditioning. ,^3^ I Aluminium Doors I with Tinted Glass.
      146 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 262 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS (It). 1 Hit in an offhand man- 6 Make tears in Insulating ncr <•>. material <7i S A British queen Is a rell- 7 Involve little brother In gluus leader <•>. tree-climbing (7). > Dutch flying mammal Material enabling fool to blrdllke <S>. understand prophet? (10).
      262 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 113 10 a HAS birthday treat to you Starting Ist October, our third birthday, we twice a week (via Sydney). You'll find our treat you to yet another major international one-stop flight so convenient and fast. No destination Melbourne. changing of flights, you'll arrive fresher, with Melbourne the second largest city in
      113 words

  • 691 11 'Ring' as answer to highrise living... £X architect claimed yesterday there is no need for Singapore to continue building highrisc flats. According to Mr. Tay Kheng Soon, skyscrapers in any given neighbourhood in a satellite town can be replaced by fourstorey blocks, which will still be able to accommodate the
    691 words
  • 48 11 THE Yamaha Music Foundation will hold the World Popular Songs Festival ln Tokyo from Nov. 14--16. The festival which will feature 1.540 songs from 57 countries. Is also sponsored by the Japanese Foreign Ministry, Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Japan Air Lines and Nippon Oakki Co. Ltd.
    48 words
  • 48 11 AN unidentified worker fell to his death from an uncompleted block of flats ln Cheng San Road In Ang Mlo Kk> yesterday afternoon. Police said be was believed to have fallen from the ninth floor of the building at about 2 40 p.m.
    48 words
  • 36 11 MR. Ahmad Mattar, Parliamentary Secretary (Education), will open the science teaching aids oompetltlon-cum-exhlbltlon organised by the Science Teachers Association of Singapore at the Hwa Chong Junior College auditorium oo Oct 4. at 10 a.m.
    36 words
  • 68 11 rffi Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals yesterday said It found no visible signs of 111-treatment on a puppy at Sembawang Hills Estate. "Our officer went to the address given by Sembawang Hills residents who reported to us about the puppy," an SPCA spokesman said.
    68 words
  • 44 11 A 58- YEAR-OLD man was yesterday jailed for three years by a district court for trafficking about 70 grams of morphine at Weld Road. Ng Kow Kob- was found guilty of peddling the drug there at 9.16 am. on April 23.
    44 words
  • 99 11 rO guided -missile destroyers of the French Navy wiU arrive today on a weeklong courtesy call. The F.N.S. DupetitThouar* and F.N.S. dtstrees will be berthed at Sembawang Naval Base. The public can visit the vessels from 3 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. tomorrow jnd on
    99 words
  • 177 11 Bigger buses for shuttle service 'PHE Singapore 1 Shuttle Bus (Pte) Ltd. is putting bigger buses on the road in line with Its aim to provide commuters with fast, efficient and comfortable rides. SSB's manager, Mr. Q.H.L. Pouller, who disclosed this ln an Interview yesterday, said two of these bigger
    177 words
  • 63 11 Another 400 in SILO and PIEU About 400 workers from six companies have Joined the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation and the Pioneer Industries Employees' Union. They are from Thevar and Co.. Asoka Cigar Co.. Kallmanl Cigar Factory and Singapore National Printers (811X3) Abitare Design Studio and Llm Hong Hardware (PIKU).
    63 words
  • 298 11 CaU for plan to teach school leavers accounting SCHOOL leavers can and should be trained to become accountants to help meet the tremendous needs of the profession in Singapore. The Singapore Society of Accountants should set Its own examinations for such students. These points are made by Mr. D.A. Beaton,
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  • 60 11 A TWO-YEAR-OLD boy, Jason Thomson, died Instantly when he was struck down by a school-bus outside his home at Sembong Road. Sembawang, on Wednesday. Police said Jason was playIng ln the area at about 5 p.m. when the mishap occurred. Police yesterday appealed for eye-witnesses
    60 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 259 11 r we REMIND Wfi^zSM I you JZSsziA Wy^yA > l >fflll.^i'i.Ttt| Many have visited us... And convinced that our prices are LOW! LOW! LfW! We're certain— our bulk-selling I gets you rock-bottom prices, even for single-buy, EVERYDAY! "■■■'■■■"•■■■■•••^■•■•■■■■■■•■•■■aaßßßßaßaia******* COFFEE..^?.'?si > tsys... l^^....fftfc3"9o LIQUID DETERGENTS- .^250 MANGO JUICE- -i«. jsp.saa.36C BLAWCURRANTJUICEr3-370
      259 words
    • 220 11 \^fehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow I The history of Lombard North Central goes back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady srrowt h has made us an important name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their
      220 words

    • 332 12 Razak bares supply lines to jungle gangs BENTONG, Thursday INTELLIGENCE reports gathered during Operation Indera V show that many west Pahang new villagers are giving material support to communist terrorists, Tun Abdul Razak said today. They supplied food to the terrorists and illegally opened up land to cultivate food for
      332 words
    • 363 12 2-gun man killed in Shootout IT UAL A LUMPUR, Thurs. A twogun thug was shot dead In a gun battle with police who had trapped him inside a shop storerooom In Jalan Kovil Hilir (behind the Tropicana Hotel) here this morning. The man, suspected to be a henchman of Botak
      363 words
    • 101 12 SECRET RED BASES IPOH Tbors. Communist terrorists have formed secret cells In towns and villages as bases for acts of terrorism against the Malaysian Government, a police officer said today. Supt. Wont San Tang of Ipoh police headquarters, told leaders of the Chinese community attending a civics course that these
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 105 12 New life for Cambodian refugees KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Hundreds of Cambodian refugees who had been living in a special camp at Kemumln. 240 km (ISO miles) north-east of Kuala Lumpur, are now leading a new life, accordIng to Informed government sources. The camp, which accommodated about 1.300 refugees when it
      AP  -  105 words
    • 23 12 SEGAMAT. ThUTS. A district flood action committee has been set up hen as a precaution In view of coming rainy season.
      23 words
    • 26 12 JAKARTA. TTiurs— Indonesia and Malaysia will stage a one-week Joint air force exercise in Malaysia next month, an air force spokesman said today.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 380 12 K LUMPUR. Thurs. DR. P.P. Narayanan, general secretary of the National Union of Plantation Workers, is suing the Tamil Nesar. and Its editor Mr. Murugu Subramanlam for allegedly printing a false and malicious article about him. A certified translation of the offensive parts of the
      380 words
    • 27 12 KUALA KANO6AR. Thun. achoolgaii Wan NorUan blntc Abdul Rahman. 1} waj killed when rtie wu knocked down by a bus In Jaian Baru resUrdaj.
      27 words
    • 75 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. A Dutch company has been awarded the contract for dredging and reclamation works of the Kuantan port project. Works and Transport Minister. Datulc Hajl Abdul Ohani Ollong said here today the company. Adrlaan Vo'.ker Group of Holland, won the contract with
      75 words
    • 337 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Malaysian and Singapore hawker* are better off than their counterparts In other parts of Southeast Asia, an expert on hawkers said here today. Prof. Terry McGe« of the Australian National University «aid that the majority of Malaysian hawkers earned about the
      337 words
    • 226 12 Selangor to raise water rates KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Selangor proposes to raise its charges for water from next year to meet the overall Increased cost of providing this amenity, this Mentrt Besar. Dato Hall Harun Idrls. said today. The proposed new rate for domestic use for every 1,000 gallons Is
      226 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 884 12 For their 30th Anniversary Lee Onn remind you that Diamonds are dp^w a girl's best friend... *'%JK f f A kiss on the hand may be quite There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer,/ Diamonds Are A Girl's then Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend /There
      884 words

  • 428 13 The girl who took her life a day after fiance's suicide A CLERK who jumped from the 24th floor of a block of flats one day after her fiance committed suicide left a note saying "it Is better to follow him." a coroner's court heard yesterday. The body of LJewSiew
    428 words
  • 205 13 rpHE Official Receiver is M. to declare a second payment for 11 chit fund companies and a second and final payment for one chit fund company on various dates from Oct. 1. The commencing dates and percentage of payment for the 11 companies are: Rolling
    205 words
  • 169 13 AN unsual sight in Singapore Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation (CISCO) guards keepIng an eve on this service station in Queensway. But it- wasn't cash they were guarding It was peace a< the Mobil Oil boycott by 33 dealer*
    169 words
  • 35 13 MR. Phu» Bah Lea. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Defence), will officiate at a performance by the People's Association cultural troupe at the KreU Ayer People's Theatre In Banrta Street on Monday at 7.30 pjn.
    35 words
  • 26 13 POUR passengers, the driver and the conductor of SBS service M escaped unhurt when the bus caught Are In Holland Road last night.
    26 words
  • 419 13 CANCER RISK WORKERS S'PORE FACE. 'DANGER POSED BY CHEMICALS 9 J£APID industrialisation in Singapore is exposing more and more workers to cancer-causing chemicals. In a paper, Occupational Cancer Risks In Singapore presented at the Second Asian Cancer Conference yesterday, Dr. Chan Ol Yoke of the Industrial Health Unit, Labour Ministry,
    419 words
  • 147 13 \M USICIAN Tony Castillo, who is wanted ITI by the Singapore police, Is believed to be In Thailand. He U said to be performing at a Bangkok nightclub with a group of Thai musicians. Castillo. 29, pleaded guilty In a magistrate's court last September to a
    147 words
  • 108 13 rtfVE soldiers were lnF Jured when their car hit an embankment and a tree trunk at 18 km (Hi mile) Tamplnes Road yesterday. The driver of the car. Ong Ah 81. was critically Injured and was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital.
    108 words
  • 284 13 Chinese more prone to it: Doctor rE Chinese here sutler most from lung cancer and the incidence In Chinese females is among the highest in women all over the world. A report from the Singapore Cancer Registry. presented by Dr. C.H. Law of the Department of Pathology, University of Singapore,
    284 words
  • 134 13 The cause of that after-dinner illness TWE 42 University of Singapore students who fell ill after dinner at Raffles Hall were stricken by a virus Infection, a university spokesman said yesteraay. Environment Ministry tests conducted the past week showed that of the 54 stoo's, environmental and food samples taken from
    134 words
  • 62 13 TWO armed men held up two tourist In their room In Hotel Mlramar at about 10.40 p.m. yesterday and robbed them of $3,000 worth of cash and valuables. Mr. Pong Yul Man. 27. and Mr. Poon Lee Seng. 22. who had Just arrived here from Hongkong for
    62 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 589 13 Auuuufl LuT auuutuuuW Lauf luul Laul L 4 \ML \.^u^^^ Jy^~ \f n M uufl uuuuut .^B al B uuufl^uuul I Luu«^^ ~^^^^^tr I uuum. LOWER -GROUND FLOOR L&DIES ACCESSORIES X^^^M^^K/^^Kk iyjw!iia7T7TTrrnri^uuuuu,uuui textiles dept supfp Jnnu^mf^^ h+^**—i MAMUM^^ H Swiss Lace 110 cm Width LESS 30% WrBK dRLE Blouses, imported
      589 words

  • 421 14  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By IN three generations of the Urn family with a total of 111 yean of smoking history behind them. And the man they are thanking profusely for leading them back on to the healthy and smoke -free road is
    421 words
  • 382 14 EDB London office moves into higher gear TOP OFFICIAL TO TAKE CHARGE From EDWARD LIU: London. Thursday CINGAPORE's Economic Development Board office in London is being geared to a higher level of representation with the arrival of its executive deputy chairman and director, Mr. P.Y. Hwang, next month. Mr. Hwang
    382 words
  • 240 14 15 years apart: Director gets divorce r»OMPANY director and v* manager Tan Kent? Slcng. married 25 years ago. was granted a divorce by the High Court yesterday because of long separation from his wife. Peggy Tan Hocx Hianß. Mr. Tan. seeking the decree nisi, had pleaded as his ground that
    240 words
  • 36 14 Bank officers course JUNIOR middle management cfltceta from Uw Chartered Bank's branches In Southeast Asl» are attending a regional management course a I La,dyhlll HoCeL Officers attending the oourse are from Hongkong. Thailand, Indonesia and SUigapore.
    36 words
  • 112 14 Year's jail for having explosive 'souvenir' A YOUTH who told a district court that he kept a thunderflash as a souvenir of his days in the Army, was yesterday Jailed for a year for unlawful possession of the explosive. Ang oeok Leng, 23, pleaded guilty to having the thunderflash at
    112 words
  • 81 14 Two-man team for talks in HK THE deputy chairman of the Economic Development Board. Mr. I.F. Tang, and the chairman of the Singapore Manufacturers' Association, Mr. Ong Leng Chuan, will atend a three-day Asian business In 1976 conference In Hongkong from Oct. 21. The conference will I*4 view and analyse
    81 words
  • 238 14 StHANOI beach has been \j cleared of oil sludge and seaweed by the combined efforts of the Ministry of the Environment and the Port Authority. But a few workers stood by the beach yesterday to ensure that the tides do not brine In any
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 500 14 (oßunpio) DIRECT FROM W. GERMANY color tv I ssß H 1 viv.vMv I sfl LussW v 1 xXvXv': IVVV T ***-Tat^a3s»SsißaW > 't^sfc_ aW W aflß '4awlal I^^ a* fj Zl SK> I^b^sW Mallorca Color SU 66cm (26") Fully Transistoristd r y T'^ Automatic stabilising circuits Low power consumption Urtrtsonic
      500 words
    • 269 14 /MM /IC liy^OC* Al th S** I l J *va Booltv*rd Hold AfT VlOl I Vy|\O Naturally" W«'re Sm^ipore Airhrwt' TjA I vticyr CDi^rV A choic in ivai/) i (tt^^^N Cl\ L^ A rV^\T>C! oiiKn n moving ,n soon ,4Sf^W) SP(j^Kl) jllNvj/\rVy|\t You find convenitntly locatad C«^p*\ /S'VJ /'V'va, SlfV
      269 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 393 15 QINOAPORE's Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, has given the United Nations something to think about. With some punchy, straight from the shoulder remarks, he has stated what he believes to be wrong with the organisation and outlined how he thinks it should fundamentally change in its "intellectual,
      393 words
    • 225 15 rpHE call by Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng for closer co-ordination between the universities and commercial firms in the training of businesss managers Is sure to stimulate much thought and discussion. The problem facing managements is not so much the lack of personnel who have paper qualifications but the
      225 words
  • 566 15  -  JAMES DICKENSON: By Washington IT IS with dreadful x irony that Gerald Ford, one of the moat personable and unassuming men ever to be President, and certainly the nicest in recent memory, should now be setting records as the target of attempted assassinations. It
    NYT  -  566 words
  • 3581 15 Moving towards a global community -by Rajaratnam THE FIRST CONDITION TO REVITALISE THE UNITED NATIONS... FULL text of the speech by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, at the 30th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Wednesday. PERHAPS most distressing of all is
    3,581 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 20 15 U SEIKO A timepiece AK^ captivatingly yy beautiful as the lady who wears it. SEIKO TKkM on technology ML *****0
      20 words
    • 363 15 Tohelpyqu come up smiling the morning-after the night before Too much drink and too little sleep, and you might wake up feeling awful. Be smart. Take one or two Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved in water before you go to bed. Or after you wake up. It will hen bring quick relief
      363 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 269 16 All set for ALI-FRAZIER return match Read the full story in... U; 1 it] PAPUA/NEW GUINEA. Independence celebration of the world's newest most reluctantly independent nation. JAPAN. A look at the rarelyshown art collection of the Japanese Imperial Household. EUROPE. The wine war is fermenting. THE U.N. Better times for
      269 words
    • 236 16 I CussonS I I BABY POWDER^^— I A superior quality JwH^ WS\\ economically priced talc (jwS2sS^^ Cussons White Cross Baby Powder is KaJL •jT»7ygßfl a fine quality talc containing an (fl |P^fTT^»U.^a^aW anti bactencide and a deodorant. VJ ■C*P*U//4^al am Also it is highly absorbent. Ideal (fl [••■g^gl B for
      236 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 902 16 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee 1.35 M Unriurt Sit*-*. Ryu s Express Jade Beauty (Mandarin Film, Pt 2— Repeat) 1N Breakthrough-Mutual Aid 3.55 Diary of Events (Chinese) M 4.01 For the Family (Chinese' 9^ aw 4.30 Intermission 145 W«U Prweri hrt*i-*mm Cfcaas, 6.00 OfMtac
      902 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 308 17 next to haying a chefinthekrtcnen! I P FULLY ELECTRIC J 411 S/PFER Double your dollar with J j MI mL^_^ I these exciting features! >.\'""T^T: jg Fully Electric oven« 4 multi G oHbß^Hb^H plated Burners •Electric Grill»Oven Hot Plate Indicator Lights •Turnspit Roaster* Timer Firm screwed-on Adjustable Legs* I X
      308 words
    • 297 17 NOW SHOWING! lJuialaaafeHaaaafal £Li^" MOWSMOWIMS! 1 JO. 4.00, *43 A t Mpm. DAILY S SHOWS AT 1 1 AM SHOWS AT t 30, JJO. 7.1 JTA«IIHC SHAM KWAN LIN I t JOpm. FOOMC t CNANC Wl I. JBlaVl H MAMO Wl «>«-<»«»<»» fl ja>w»T^W> J^ I H| rf C>— lfi-tta»
      297 words
    • 245 17 ■k/' ilfcaalJalaal aaTi^an Aaaal I -a--.—— a_ w H --,-_pa >1 aa»ya7 i fil I >l 1 >T 1 Vll »M*t 1 1 BARGAIN PRICES: Dresses from $8.00, T-shirts from $2.90 Full range of GALETON Skirts. Demi, Midi, Tango in 10 fashionable colours^ BBBaSafli^ilail'f i'W*3U^£^!it"alrfßi'iiW«'T»«-^^"""' i BB^»y:IJW« 1 ?ai* M
      245 words
    • 194 17 CAPITOL -P SHOW IMi m 5 Shows. 11, 130, 4, 6.45, 9 JO TSUE STORY OF RAW HUMAN M COURAGE A I N ST A VAST P t^ v BbW^Jw B^Bl^X '^^S^^B ik ■i L I^aß^aßMßK^afc*^B^^<Bß I PART I Z AN Co-starring ROD TAYLOR, ADAM WEST ft XENIA GRATSOS Iw
      194 words
    • 764 17 I* I 0»6*lll»ATI0W LAST DAY" 11am. 1 45. 4 00, 4 45. a is School Children CorKnttor, SI 00 to any taoi at I loin, ***** 00pm ihows dairy' Julw Gholson "Whafa Tka Übw lim" Color (UA) OPENS TOMORROW Roger Moor* "LIVI AND LIT NOW SHOWING' 11am. 1 JO. 4.00.
      764 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 386 18 frurt I S I GINGER BREAD FOR A ROUSING TIME I \{*J^fp 55 V a^^^^^k. J Only at the I vn 44 ■■>^»al% i^^P^H IS the "9 n of Athlete's' II d I lIJUI lUI 110 49^ VK F »o< or °the. lunga. infections. Use Mycota £r\V 44 jJ*l,m» cream
      386 words
    • 33 18 LVjVjVjLwjVjo^C«aißiX^aXilXM^lai9l "^is"k-iH HHi^^^^J?rt HOURSpO*/ OBCOUNT/^lj| 5 on all drinks plus C»*&i n I FREE TITBITS |&T^ a specially prepared by kc* j^' I I OMEI RESTAURANT C<^^ I Best Szechuan Cuisine in Town)
      33 words
    • 108 18 TAILOR UH(JW Now At Peninsula Shopping cj\ Complex. %n. UEimnncE wL£\ SRLE. JBSNt DiscounTs J^P ™l from Imported Knitted Body Shirts $30 less 30% Imported Long +Sr»ft Sleeves Shirts $20 less 50% Batik Long+Short Steeves Shirts <1151e5550% Fancy Lons+Short Sleeves Shirts $15 less 50% Imported Ties 10 less 50% Imported
      108 words
    • 186 18 O INI KYO Withers Units class value •ALL SOLID-STATE f^™™^"^! •SPEAKER SYSTEM RECEIVER Bass Reflex Full Range Speaker 26 watts of dynamic power type FM sensitivity as high as 20 jjv I B •MIC. MIXING •4-CHANNEL STEREO Circuit incorporated including Built in speaker matrix circuit I s P ec al
      186 words

      • Article, Illustration
        34 19 L Eater* |1.7» M. luL UM •JLC. UM bMiwM II.W XCJ.C. ICW ltekto« I. latawtM 1 IMHI $1M L.E. JIM J. rtmae* ll.5» i.e. «m Iknlliv «.lt I7*n 9*.n I.CJ.C. +.11.X .K +> +M
        34 words
      • 20 19 lartmatt L lTrta i. Iron Hut N. HW Loan »1M MM M.7S $41« W. 77 .rj .M M —M
        20 words
      • 18 19 Ime Darby I. O. B. Mi Electric oUI Twti»w: •tal V»lw: MMN TS.M* I.MM SS.TUI
        18 words
      • 59 19 Sept M Sc»l IS Imtoatrtib: 221.J1 tttJi W Finance SMJ* UIM Hotrti: IMJ7 IUM rrapertln: 1t1.17 Ul^l t Tins: M.57 HJT t f rakben: J1J.44 511.5S t 0.C.8.C.: IM.» 1M.37 8.E.8. tad.: Itt.n IM.IT Dm. JO. 1M« 1M f Dm. SI. 1M« 1M f Dm. M. IMS 1M m
        59 words
    • 1824 19 THE last transacted ready 1 aalo at the close of bislnaas on the Stock atechaii*e of Singapore yesterday coi spared with the previous day's prices together with 1976 hUh and low. Adjusted (oi scrip' rights Issue) iTIRUNO lIUIIIM Ito I.M H |L I.M J.« 2 IST Mtlakoff 242
      1,824 words
    • 361 19 rwas another doll session at the Singapore stock market yesterday when prices linished narrowly around overnight levels. A rally during the first hoar of trading proved short-Uved and the market later hoverrd within narrow limits. Trading activity again fell off as the bigger speculators found there was
      361 words
    • 290 19 SHARE prices retreated after orjening on a arm note to finish barely steady on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Business was brisk In the opening minutes, with some volatile Issues being sought a few cents higher. However, prices drifted to around overnight level*
      290 words
    • 1021 19 INDEX up 054 to 222.85 BID and offer prices officially lUted and busineu In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lota of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are
      1,021 words
    • 37 19 BRISBANE: Theiss Holdings reported consolidated profits of ASB.I million ($4-8 million) for the year ended June. A final dividend of 10 per cent or five cents, making 173 per cent (IS) will be paid. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 1155 19 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Kxchange yesterday with the number of sharas traded shown lo brackets In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS A|lnemete 1 1 908). A. Tspa <0 458) Alaan (IMB 1.988). XD.
      1,155 words
    • 115 19 BOTH Europe and Urn US were rather active and easier on Wednesday, according to the Malaysian Palm OU Producers' Association Quotations In US$ cents (Rotterdam) unless stated were: Sept. $435/ (US) 19 cents sellers $430 traded: Oct. $420 (USi 1850 cents sellers, $410 buyers. $420 $*****/ (US) I$2S
      115 words
    • 158 19 HONOKONO: Jardtne Matheson's -offer to acquire 30 per cent of Renn 1 c s Consolidated Holdings' existing Issued ordinary share capital received acceptances and tenders by holders of over 30 per cent of the Issued capital. The offer has been declared unconditional and will
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 105 19 BANDAR Raya Developments looks All set to recover some of the ground lost In 1974. At the half-way mark. Bandar has managed to report a moderate 18.9 per cent Increase in pre-tax profits from $787,621 In the previous corresponding period to* $936 542 for the
      105 words
      • 192 19 TOKYO. Thurs. The stock market eased slightly with dealers holding off ahead of the outcome of the Opec price fixing talks in Vienna, market sources said. The Dow Jones average fell 898 points to 3.933 32 on volume of 140 million shares. unchanged from last Friday. The New index
        192 words
      • 245 19 TIONOKONO. Thurs. "The stock market firmed In more active trading, dealers said. Prices opened higher in sympathy with the overnight gain on WaU Street and In London. 80m* slight easiness developed around mid-morning but the market overcame this and moved further ahead during the afternoon. Main interest was centred
        245 words
      • 277 19 SYDNBY. Ttauri.— The stock market firmed In modetately active trading, dealers said. They noted the market's bullish Interpretation of new guidelines for foreign Investment and by the cloae several shares were at 1975 highs with other close to their peaks. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles index added 3.84 points to 358.64.
        277 words
      • 323 19 YEW YORK. Wed Profit-taking shaved some early advances on the New York Stock aßcehange today, but prices mil closed with fair slsed gains In stepped up trading. Initial demand was said to have stemmed partly from Indications that major oil exporting nations would opt for only a moderate
        323 words
      • 67 19 WMmMir TaMdi) U till Melboum« in 101 M 10* 4» Loodoo 131 2»B 12VO0B miv imsm B»irut l'n«v Uaar. Zurtoh IUUOB IMOOB iv Ma lioooa P*rU 140T7 132 ho T»iurid«y WKkKidi) Hontkonc IM.U 131 20 »por« 12) 1M T7B 130 »7B 117 918 133 »7» En port pneM
        67 words
      • 100 19 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 341 1 Tuesday 334.9 Week ago 328.0 TINS Wednesday 95 03 Tuesday 95^1 Week ago 95.0 a RI'BBEJtS Wednesday 38J 71 Tuesday 381.21 Week ago 3*0.42 OILS Wednesday 314.16 Tuesday 307 2» Week ago ***** DOW JONES AVEJLAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 824 10 Tuesday 819 85
        100 words
      • 222 19 Money and exchanges THE U8 dollar opened tower at *****0 20 in quiet trading in the Singapore forex market yesterday. The market remained thin and trading was sluggish with the dollar slowly bid up to 82.5130 40. However. It closed steady at *2 5140 45. Suggested Interbank forward rates at
        222 words
      • 150 19 Suggested Interbank rates at 3 00 pm: Carreaclea Nominal rates Smithsonian PcrecaUfW «aote4 7»««rtU7 {tnm) parity ehaJ** US dollar 2 5140 2.5149 2 8196 —10 84 Sterling pound 6.1420 6.1490 7 3409 —30 01 Hongkong dollar 49.60 49.69 10 51 1 80 Malaysian dollar 97.39 97.46 100.00 209
        150 words
      • 186 19 ABIAN currency deposit in- r% terbank rates as at close on Thunday. Sept. 25. Oflar Btd 7 days 6 6/8 6 I/I 1 mth 6 15 16 6 13 :<I 2 mths T 1/2 7 3 S 3 mthi 7 11/16 7 918 6 mths S 11/16
        186 words
      • 25 19 Ctrslng Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Sept. 25. vemlght 4H mth 4 3'/» m hs 4 mths 4\ 4', Soarc«: P. Mn*f-J«M
        25 words
      • 53 19 RANTJC of rmtaa otTmd br dlacount bouaaa on Sapt. 23 Ovacnlght 3%. Chi! dapoalt 3% •ur S- Month Tnuury bllla 3 t S/ 16 1- Month bank Mill 4 S'l6 1/1 3 Month CD 4 l/» S/16 Month OD 5 i/» til* •wtnti Natlooat DUcount Ob iy differ
        53 words
      • 60 19 Algaxnene Bonk 7 Bangkok Bonk 71A Bonk of AmtfKO 41^ Bonk of Chino 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro Indonevo 7'/i Bonque d« L'lndochine 7 Chartered Bor.k 6V4 Chote Monhatton 7 DBS 6V4 First Chicago 51, FNCB (,</. HKSBC 7 Moloyon Bonking 7 Mitiui Bonk
        60 words
      • 154 20 AMSTERDAM. Wed— Most Dutch Internationals I advanced on demand, mainly bated on an expected rise I In Wall Street, with the initially firmer dollar aiding sentiment Royal Dutch firmed markedly and Aktoand Hoofovrn* gained some ground I'nlWver edged lower. Conditions, however, remained quiet. state loans firmed. Cloainn prim in
        154 words
      • 137 20 7URICH. Wed— At the opening of the Zurich Stock Exchange today, th* market rated on low trading volume However, during the afternoon, turnover Incmucd and many stocks recovered their earlier lomm. The overall tendency ni Irregular. Bonds weakened again. The Credit Sulsje lnder lost another 0.7 point to vmx
        137 words
    • jjHJHflflliiSB—
      • 223 19 -THE Straits tin price slipped fl to 3979 per plcul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 27 tons to 259 tons. The overnight London market waa quiet wit' .orward buyers r:.-. sagging (10 to £3,185 per metric ton. LONDON: Wednesday's tin .«lues finished showing on balance
        223 words
      • 30 19 Rubber Sept. 25. Singapore: Oct. 139.25 cts (down 1.75 cts). Malaysia Oct. 140.50 cts. (down 2.50 cts). Tin: $979 (down ID. Official offering 259 tons (up 27 tons).
        30 words
      • 99 19 pM.NUI MIDUCI BXw CMANCI, lINOPOm NOON CLOSING PKICII PER MCUL VISTIROAY. Caaanut Oil: Bulk S97t teUtn. drum (821 aallara. "•9r»: Mixed loco UX/Cont ♦JOi buyan ■'aapir: Uuntok ASTTA wblta fob JOC-, NLW 1257J aallara. Sarawak vhlta fob NL.W tZMt aallara. Sarawak apacial black fob. M% NX.W 5175 •»M--ara. Sarawak
        99 words
      • 35 19 London copper prieta on Wadnasday cprevioua in bnekau). W»»a*ar Hpo< bujrar iMS (£M7.M), atllar J 593 SO (iSM>: Tfcraa Month buy*r <814.M> KSOV.SO). aallar ISIS U81O). Markat tarn: Barely atasdy. 88*881 15.07S loon*.
        35 words
      • 491 19 POLLOWINO Wednesdays downturn and lower London advices, the Singapore rubber market yesterday was quoted one cent lower at the opening. Prices drifted lower on changing sentiment and stale-bull liquidation. Another half cent was lost towards the closing stages of the morning session on continued reserve of buyers. After
        491 words
      • 118 19 t\AILY SMR and 88R pi-.ce* issued at neon yeaterday. OM. Not. nmjtn (teller* Bayers Mat M.E.K1.8. (Carrrat Mth) IForrard Mtk) (r«aUparkc) (eenUp*rk<) SMR SCV (1 too pallet) 148 JO HP .SON UB 50 150 SON SMR 5L il ton pallet) 146 M 147 SON 147 M 148
        118 words
    • 342 20 AST week Esso Malaysia confessed that its first half pre-tax profits were a quarter lower than the previous half's level. This week the other local oil Riant Shell Refining (Federation of Malaya) has to admit also to a very severe profits slash. Volume
      342 words
    • 391 20 KHONG Ouan Flour Milling earned pre-tax profits of $1.68 million In the year ended April 1975 "a very far cry from the splendid figure of the previous year." said chairman Chang Ming Thien in his annual statement. And Mr. Chang is not exaggerating, for the
      391 words
    • 119 20 HAMPERED by depressed rubber prices and a low harvest. Kundong Tanjong Pau's first half earnings have taken a hefty 42 per cent fall. Pre-tax profits tumbled from $741,470 last time to $430,006 in the six months ended June 1975. while rubber harvested during the period
      119 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 693 20 ifuKfi) PUBLIC UTILITIES) I v ijg^ BOARD I Applications are invited for the following I posts STATISTICIAN ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT I $900 x A5O 1,650/ Eff Bar/ 1,700 x A5O Honours degree from o recocnised University I in Statistics, Mathemotics, Economics or other reloted sublets ASSISTANT SHIFT CHARGE ENGINEER ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT
      693 words
    • 728 20 HEWLETT Jm, PACKARD HEWLETT-PACKARD SINGAPORE PTE LTD A subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Corporation in US. A. invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the positions of: STAFF EN6INEER (SALES] DUTIES: The Staff Engineer provides marketing and technical support for the field sales of HP Desktop Computer products. He is technical
      728 words
    • 499 20 Wy TOTAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS (S) PTE LTD yr invites B applications for the positions of: MARKETING SPECIALIST Function: To promote the sales of data processing systems and I products and to develop a long ronge marketing policy. Qualifications: Ability to work independently and creatively. At least three I years experience
      499 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 570 21 (©JTC TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following projects: A FINAL PREMIXINQ AND ANCILLARY WORKS TO INTERNATIONAL ROAD BETWEEN PIONEER ROAD AND CORPORATION ROAD. JURONQ INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ELIGIBILITY: Civil Engineering Unlimited SHOWROUND: 3.10.75 at 10.00 a.m. Meet at the JTC Site
      570 words
    • 811 21 DIIDB TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are Invited for any one or all of the following:— (1) ERECTION A COMPLETION of 3 blocks of 13-storey 3/4-room new flats, (432 units) and 1 block of 13-storey 4-room new flats (96 uniU) (ToUl 528 uniU) at Bukit Batok Phase II Contract 11. (2)
      811 words
    • 1055 21 TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are Invited for: 1. EARTHWORKS for Inland Container Depot at Bukit Titnah/ Holland Road. 2. Design. Supply, Delivery A Installation of ALUMINIUM FRAMED SUSPENDED CEILING and INTERLOCKING PARTITIONS to Residential/ Shopping Office Complex at Tanjong Pagar/ Keppel Road. 3. DEMOLITION of Existing Buildings at SootU Green.
      1,055 words
    • 808 21 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from approved con- I tractors experienced In laying under- I I ground telephone plant to carry out the I I following works:a> Tender No. 404/EPL/75 Sem- I bawang Road Main Pipeline Eligibility: Registered Contractors: Class A, B, C D Non-registered t\
      808 words
    • 846 21 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY tIICUHIM 'It* tl. ■j^^ my ptcinc emit mm pmti S PWI Port KlltHf PtlUK| tllKS* I OtltlN 4 S 0<! 1I Id I T ttt I r,l I uwtii nil sit dini nii srl i I Nt» J I Mt I Ha iimmi Iv Inm.
      846 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1189 22 CmTAIIUBNIP SEWICE TO Ot/COTINENT J Kitoto Mori \?W 'r'Zf H' gg jj"g t= oi ..r is i.-k, "S T.S "S HS NONCIONC I IPtISS II Xt UK 4 I "at Tl M, It Ml tMt ",s ",s s: is ".s Cami'anut |5 NM 'Ke IMe MMc SMe CONTtINERSNIP SEItICE FWM
      1,189 words
    • 1171 22 Ben Ocean /ant sennced ßen Une.BlueFhnnelGlen Line and NSMO I UK CONTINENT (tia Satll Start P Ktiai Paaaaf Eanaa FMIMTM Urtat Sa,iH laPVTiaaj 11 Mt L*^ rta». "Vt nwtvis :i'Stun i/.im 4/ s mi ISffilßpftif HMOCN »/MSaat »t Mt Ij*. lm. Dat. MJ.IANACN I kl I kl C'aMNltt. Nyll [VisTniYs
      1,171 words
    • 1196 22 Lmmmbmil m%iw iuu^mmmWß ti itMPt *»i rm *j??±!: Dtr«».» I.iktm AMaarf All 0 I yltl S PO" P K.liiil Semi AMtr.» Httic Dt<l KITAHO MAKH ..T^t nstn nki »ki nki w« umpni ut imi »in aw "w hj KIWLOON lAT I oct .1 Xt <■« Jj* ,E *L' ■IMIIK lIPMSS
      1,196 words
    • 1143 22 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOft c «tu-t soo- rt< mlaniia" XT n "o'tert"' 11 *»»teTdam. Antwerp, l« Havre. Mm... lIIHtA M7il Ell B*'*8 B M B n rt W iNTLANiiA Me ii Xt 17 Stockholm. Oslo. Helsinki, l» tea Kintooffl. Camai Tarn Ul M Man Fa M Man FULLY CONTAINERIZED
      1,143 words
    • 794 22 )4]sm I1MM; P. Mm| tu\ ll JO7II. Ptsa| ISHI. THE BANK LINE LTD. U*K FOO I I S. tfUU. NTIAINI MM MM Ma<*ou. Twp. M.,a*Jß. (Xftt.. UP! A Cwto.! p Ciw* |Mt Span 1/ I Mt •UVIIAM IMtaritHN). h««. Daraai. 1.1 Captto.-! p MlM| t/ ,Mt S'K't 1/ IMt PUB
      794 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1133 23 lULW-LJ-ULJ IJiH I Hl'lll* I 111 FfUY CMTAHOtSIB SUVKf Ta froaa lurape (Via Muirm) S pore P IWliil H'bu'f Bftm Airtwero Row NtPTRNI SAPPNIRE 21 Oct 31 Oct II Net 21 an 21 Ntt 24 Ntt RtPTtNE OKRrII 13 Ntt 15 Ntt 4he Ikt 12 MC II MC SMre NEPTUNE
      1,133 words
    • 996 23 OnfTRK vi iwai tr RtAtr itarpottn ret imthmi. sampit MMMm~nMArf U taMM a MsT'mM' Am'^SiT'mAMl PMTS LC.T MAtTT HTM Cineen la Pert lIAITT «AMA Ml«.la I tct I M Itaiaßl ll Tarataa a Saet 1 M Mitaaaw/Tara*** ataillM I PaiiMaeta 1 ttt 4 M letiajetea Tantaa AfFittßT CMRTtT ueta
      996 words
    • 942 23 HUT CteTTaIaTJUO SCTVICt T» tIUPt tTiA SKI) Scan P MMaf f itowt Ntw| traa Aataar* rtea •eiINTAI IMPUTE! la Part 11 tit 17 ect II act It ttt ll ect RIPTRM IAPPRitI It ect a ect am ll an a aa> It Nt, ir (UK) iiur cttTTAiiratistt sowict Ftm mm
      942 words
    • 923 23 EPttss sonnet ti vmm. iMRTfm^MtJiCTT puts ll Mim Smanri P Ktlaw Piwit Laeeiat Mr: MMA aruara la Part 1/ I ttl I/it kl nil ttt lii Met .ll.l'eta. C».« II 11. raaa 1' II A'«trp?O 11. I'maU'll. Nterf ■MMCA MitiTi 11/15 let 1/ J art 1/ I td rieaJß'll. I'lttl.
      923 words
    • 876 23 ajkeaMj T Ht TSSISL aIMOA^OHR I Cctetel Be>th I MaaJH I Bart» AUTMOPJITY ANMOUMCCD POITV KLANO THt FOLLOWING •IRTHINO APtPUNOIMRNTt POM M*T M. RataJi Part:. Rriif Ann. Sri Man«OU Kou :n<l»h (lold»n lion OUT Brncruaehan ft Ramo- Suwurta mn ,i A Sr«otr» na »'JO. Totrto »^4. and On- not* (ho,
      876 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 691 24 classified ads DO YOU NEED ex(»rt and .juali fled advice on your sk... Then > consult Louise Klerk medically trained beauty therapist with 26 years tropical experience, at Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3 (Spore) ELBA VEO MODEL Centre Vacancies In the Tuesday and Thursday sftemoon Classes enquiries, tel *****3 MR. a
      691 words
    • 722 24 MM I A calculator, amplifier and television manufacturer requires ELECTRONIC ENGINEER (Product Dislaa) Candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree In Electronic Engineering or s Diploma from a Technical College Must have al least 2 years working experience I lrl the same capacity I Apply, giving full details of experience, qualifications,
      722 words
    • 763 24 REOUIRED FEMALE CLERK by a construction company spesk fluent English Mandarin preferable able to trpe and general office works. Apply with particulars salary expected and photograph to 385 Jalan Memblna Barat Block 26 Singapore 3. FEMALE BOOK-ftESPBR QwoJMoojfllOA bpociOftco^ 1) LCC. Intermediate accounting 2) School Certificate or equivalent 3) Oood
      763 words
    • 771 24 join OUR GROUP of high income earners and share the proflu together. Training given Ring ***** Peter Soh/ Richard Tan Great Eastern Life Building. 4th floor. 16 Cecil Street AMBITIOUS ANO C (ABLE young male/ female to b I ined .'or an unique ssslgnrm r Seconaai> education and age above
      771 words
    • 725 24 ELECTRtCAL FIRM SPECIALISED in airconditlonlnjt requires Mechanic Trainees. Apply with particulars and salary expected to ST Box A8042T SET-UP FITTERS Succooorul epenconto should: 1. Have 1-2 years experience In setting up punch tresses or other machine tools such as lathe, grinding, shaping or milling machines to produce parts to very
      725 words
    • 874 24 REQUIRED DELIVERY CLERK able to ride motorcycle. Call personally at 41 -A, North Canal Rokd interview 9 a.m. 1 p.m. BIIDB invites applications from MALE Singapore citizens for the following appolntmenU (1) ELECTRICAL "TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Ouominottoii: Technician Diploma In Electrical or Mechanical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnlc/Ngee Ann Technical College or
      874 words
    • 663 24 FLOWER SHOP REOWRBS an experienced flower arranger, an experienced gardener and an office boy Call personally at 5120 Ooiden Mile Shopping Centre. I Beach Road IP requires an OFFICE BOY Secondary English education: c Between 20-25 years old; Preferably completed National Service; Working experience desirable but not essential Please apply
      663 words
    • 770 24 Bs^BsVTT^TTT^Bs^si EX-POUCE OFFICER now seeking part-time security Job either In. factory or home. Would like I quarters for small family Excellent references. Has conucts 1 Kindly write 8 T Box A ***** AUSTRALIAN 2* seeking employment In Singapore. Experience 4 years with leading hotel In Sydney Including Front Office Food
      770 words
    • 828 24 PAR EAST TRAVEL Club (Pte) Ltd.. offers low cost flights to London/ Europe Also worldwide, reservations Please call *****2/ *****6/ *****1 AgWtCtwJ The First International Ocean Exposition in the history of mankind-Okinawa Japan ExhlblU from more than 50 countries. Go Expo 75 with Ctj E Tours Fly the Jumbo Famlly-8747
      828 words
    • 673 24 Express trip Heady ol 1 Executive alrrondltloned 1 coach to Haadyal. via Kuala Lumpur Ipoh. Butterworth Leaving Singapore Tiesday. Thursdsy Saturday |to Kuala Lumpur $20 Ipoh $26 Butterworth $30 Haadyal $40 FrisUinl Travel 48, Tentong Pager Tat *****. *****1. IK TRAVEL SERVICE 2*. Prlneep Sweet 3M2*4/ 335*34 M VA PUASA
      673 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 757 25 PHOTOGRAPHY FOR BEGINNEnS tfictrk] I/18V79 Hegmnen m In Advitixed Irvel Develop Bladt m White Phot— Ita-lall* Mr-tropoll-M C A *****1. BOOK-KEEPING Beginners leading toLCC Inter Mons ft Weds SUrtlng 29th Sept 1975 P2 Beginners 1 Intermediate s* Mon ft Wed SUrtlng Ist Oct 1975 Enquiries High Street Commerct*! TreMngi C*nrr*.
      757 words
    • 762 25 EXPERT LONDON TUITION by air Law (LL B Bar). SecreUryshlp (C 18 Accountancy (ACCA ICMA. AIA BCCA. lAA. lAS Banking (Inst of Bankers). Inst Credit Mgment. Inst Marketing. Inst Works Managers. Inst of Transport Commerce (L C C Inst. Commerce. British Society Commerce). OCE. MCt Associated Examining Board. Qualifying Test).
      762 words
    • 691 25 SHORTHAND: Rapid Simplified Course Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Sessions Success guaranteed Register early RAJA'S COLLEOE. Clifford Centre. Raffles Place (*****/ *****0): 218 D Changi Road (*****8): President Building. Serangoon Road (*****78) TYPEWRITING. Classes anytime individual attention Rasld Simplified Course SUrtlng October Register early RAJA'S COLLEOE. Clifford Centre. Raffles Place (*****/ *****0).
      691 words
    • 1099 25 71 MAZDA SOS aircon one owner, radio cassette. Insurance road tax. good condition. $7. 000 631 -B Blk 15. Jalan Buklt Ho Swee Tel *****7 1572 FIAT lIS, One owner, tip top condition, going cheap View 73 Nlven Road (Opposite Rex Cinema) MODEL 73 MINI Clubman good condition, sports rims,
      1,099 words
    • 734 25 SPECIAL OFFER OF British/ Anzanl SHP Outboard Motors Contact: Overseas Motors (Pte) Lid Tel *****7 (5 Unes). K L Tel ***** Ipoh Tel: *****2 WANTED STEEL FLAT top barge 120' x 40' x 8' New or near new condition. Phone Straits Engineers *****7 LIFT AVAILABLE FROM MacPherson- Allunled areas to
      734 words
    • 697 25 DYNASTY ENTERPRISE top CleanIng contractor undertakes nouse cleaning, carpet shampooing, floor sanding, polishing, electrical ft plumbing repairs private homes Appointment Tel: 621";: SPACE CLEANING SERVICE Specialist in carpet shampooing, floor polishing, carpentry, painling, plumbing/ electrical repairs Ring *****15 LICENSED HOB. CONTRACTOR Complete flooring for HDB Flats. MOBBS* "'"I Factories TERRAZZO.
      697 words
    • 431 25 LATEST SHACKLOCK ELECTRIC Cookers. Refrigerators Chest Freezers and Tumble Dryers now available at Singapore Refrigeration Company. 12/14 International Building Tel *****6/ *****8/ *****0/ *****2 SATURDAY SPECIAL! Special offer on Carrier room stir conditioners at our showroom. For more details read this column this Saturday. I. AC. (S) PTE LTD. 24
      431 words
    • 764 25 times friday properties Sjf BB*MU4M OIST 10 CORONATION 4-bedroomed home Split-level living/ dining room Fully airconditioned, telephone available Furnished, nice garden Close to Schools Available Immediately Also oth*r house* available al various districts tram SSOO 54.500. INTER-HOME MANAGEMENT Licenced Hou** Agant *****1 /*****4/******. Victoria Perk dtal. 1* colonial double-storey bungalow
      764 words
    • 857 25 HAVING ACCOMMODATION PROBLEMS? We have houses apartments rangum from SSOO 34.500 in various districts to choose Phono HTC *****72 *****11 DIST. 1S LORCNO J 3-bedroomed 2-storey terrace, servant's room, telephone, one alrcondltloner partly furnished 3700 *****0 OIST. 23 CHESTNUT 3-bedroomed 2-stotey semi-detached house, servant s room, matured garden furnished 3725
      857 words
    • 769 25 4-BEDROOMED APARTMENT I split-level living dining room. I sea vie* with swimming pool Available immediately Call *****1 *****4 *****8 M EXECUTIVE APARTMENT WESTWOOO. Heaullfullv designed 4 large bedrooms, separate living/ dining, centralised alrcond with swimming pool Modern spacious kitchen $3,200 OTHER APARTMENTS IN DISTS. 10, 11. Taman Serasl $1 200.
      769 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 26 who departed on 26-0-74 dearly missed by parents, beloved wife. sons, daughter and all relations. In ever loving memory of MR. A. KAHI PPIAH
    26 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 698 26 times fridoy properties oaf aaP^Peaav^Ba* COMPANY EXECUTIVES REOUIRE bungalows or executive apartments Rental $1,000/- $3,000'- Owners please call *****/ 9*237/ *****0 QMO-S REALTOR* require furnishco Apartments BUNGALOWS ANO SEMI DETACHED HOUSES for several newly arrived exRenuirfrom $800 to $3500 RenUl in advance Company leases. Property ownerygMe call COMFORTABLE BUNGALOW, partly
      698 words
    • 516 26 ORANGE HEKJHTS Type C. 7th Floor 3 bedrooms. 1 servant s room, flooring terrarzo/ PSJWt $150,000 00 on o 93*08. Victor It Mendez FOR QUICK SALE Sembawang Hills Estate. Slnnle- storey 3Bedroomed Seml-DetacMed Bungalow. I Bathroom. Moaalc Flooring 3.000 sq ft Phone ***** FOR SALE I Q Latest Split-level Q
      516 words
    • 270 26 JERVOIS ROAD renovated doublestorey bungalow 4-aircond bedrooms separate living/ dining 8.0*6*4 ft freehold Tel *****45 NO.l INHOMELCANS We can lend you up to 80% of the full purchase price of the home you long to own. And repayments may be spread over 10-15 years. Let's talk. We're open 9am spm
      270 words
    • 793 26 DOUBLE-STOREY BUNQALOW about 7,000 sq ft. In reputable residential area. dlst. 10 5 bedrooms, etc Interested contact Tan/ Tay *****0 MST. *1 BJNJAI PARK VtCHMTY Double storey detached bungalow around floor- large living room/ balcony, dining cum family room, study 4 bedrooms fitted with built-in wardrobes, all with attached bathrooms,
      793 words
    • 734 26 DIST. 11 LION TOWERS Ist floor luxurious apartment. 3 bedrooms/ servant's, marble/ parquet Fully furnished Ist offer 8140.000 secures. Practical Housing *****3/ ***** •LOCK A OCCUPATION NOW f 20* Can Payment 524.000 (mm) 80% Loan Available NO RESTRICTION TO *ON RESIDENTS 4-BEONOOM LUXURIOUS FLATS WITH BATHROOMS ATTACHED Adv No 0377
      734 words
    • 693 26 AVAILABLE ON 1.11.78, selfcontained and alr-condltloned office of 1.100 sq ft In District 1 Monthly rent below 81.000.00. Ideal for professionals Telephone *****4. SHENTON HOUSE OFFICE Space available for Immediate occupancy 3 units. Area 401 sq ft 2 units MM sq ft 1 unit each 780. 11M. 1459. 2108 sq
      693 words
    • 610 26 MVOLVMO MSTAWUMT cum Look -Out Deck »t Collrer Quay to let Enquiries telephone number ***** or call at 12A. Chance Alley Aerial Plan, rotlyer Quay. 8 pore •HOPHOUM NO. t*. Em Khont Terrace Tel *****5 between 8 30 a.m. 5.00 p.m. •uraiMi houm SHorwNtf cotmix Shop* on basement, frourtdfloor and
      610 words
    • 545 26 MILLION HOUSING ENTERPRISE Pte Ltd. HDB. rteenc* BR-0103 Specialised In renovating HDB flats and moaalc. terraxzo. vinyl vies and Iron grilles, power plugs, new Toxyo colour wall, etc Cash or Insullmrnl accepted Head office 303-B Blk. 6. Syed Alwl Road. Spore 8 Branch 71. Blk. 18. Bedok Plain. Spore 16.
      545 words
    • 508 26 SALES EXECUTIVE 1| Akzo Chemie Overseo* the branch office of o I multi national group of industrial comporwOur production programme comprises of a very large vonety of chemical products ronginq from simple bulk cnemicals to highly specialized products In line with the expansion of our activity in this region we
      508 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 567 27 i NOTICE OF REMOVAL AS FROM 30TH SEPTEMBER 1975 The Marketing Department of AUGUST ENGELS MALAYSIA CASTINGS SDN. BHD. will be located at 13, JALAN 13/6, PETALING JAVA TEL: *****2 Cable: Augustcast Kuala Lumpur Please direct all correspondence Xo the above address NOTICE It Is hereby informed that Mr. Khoo
      567 words
    • 431 27 MINISTRY OF HEALTH TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for sub-contract for the Electrical Installation for the Development of the New Singapore General Hoapital Phase IC (Block 10 Central Plant* Building) at Outran Road, Singapore. Tenders are open to all PWD Registered Electrical Contractors of $750,000/--class and above; and other reputable
      431 words
    • 645 27 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN RADIO TELEVISION BRUNEI Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies in Radio Television Brunei. 1. OPERATIONS ASSISTANTS (including Studio Cameramen) Qualifications and Experience: Four years relevent experience, working professionally in a Television Service. Salary: In the scale C. 1 E8.2
      645 words
    • 516 27 I PERSONNEL EXECUTIVE I 9 Applications are Invited from suitably quallfledH E|g Malaysian Citizens to fill the above-mentioned^ mh Candidates must be mature and hardworking. ills flMjl Possess a pleasant personality and an ln-fIH fHHI telllgent approach to problems and have thefijjg 5Hg potential for further advancement within thejj^j ■TOg
      516 words
    • 426 27 I PETROUAM NASKDNAL BERHAD I PETRONAS I m Applications are invited from suitably qualified Malay slan Citizens to fill the following executive positions In the Company. H 1. PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER M JOB: l&s The successful candidate will be Involved in plannSg^ ing and organising public relations programmes for jwL.
      426 words

    • 612 28  - Seraya shows good form in track gallop EPSOM JEEP By ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Seraya has trained on splendidly since his first run in a 6f race at Ipoh early in the month and may be worth a flutter against the form horses in the Class 3 Div. 4 6f race
      612 words
    • 150 28 BOGOTA, Colombia. Thurs. Japan assured themselves of a place in the Women's World Basketball Championship final whtn they beat the strong Czechoslovaklan side "0-58 last night. The Japanese girls, who led 36-26 at halftime, have won both their matches and head the table from
      150 words
    • 31 28 LA PAZ Bolivia]), Thurs. Nbbuald Kobaya** Of Japan, defending threecushion billiards world champion, yesterday easily defeated John Bonner of the United Slates «0-32 In the 90th world championship. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 146 28 LONDON. Than Peter Dawwn, of Britain, defied damaged tendons. driving rain and strong winds to crab the £1,500 ($7,710) first prise in the Double Diamond 36-ho4e stroke play getf tournament at Turberry. Scotland, yesterday. Despite being troubled by pulled tendons In his left hand, the
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 23 28 LONDON. Thurs.— Linneld lost 14 at home to Olenavon In an Irish Gold Cup second round football match last night— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 380 28 |>IO DE JANEIRO, Thurs.— The 1978 World x%l Soccer Cup Finals could be held In Spain if for any reason Argentina is unable to stage them, the president of the International Football Federation (FIFA) said here today. Mr. Joao Havelange, the Brazilian president of
      Reuter; UPI  -  380 words
    • 126 28 Nine nations for Gold Cup hockey V# ADR AS. Thurs— Nine natlons haw so far confirmed their participation in an international Gold Cup hockey tournament to be held in this southern city from Dec. 29 to Jan. 7, 1976. Mr. M.A.M Ramaawmmy, president or the Indian Hockey Federation, said today.
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 67 28 raw york. Thm* Result* of major league bMttell games pUysd yesterday: toirilin Itfi: Milwaukee 10 nimhilil >. Baltimore 8 Detroit 1. 4 Minnesota a, Oakland 1) Chicago 3, Boston at Ntor York (postponed rain). Natisaal Leacw: Chicago 1 New York ifets 0. AifcnU 7 San Praneisoo PtolladeUMa
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 244 30  - 'Non-qualifiers will also be considered...' ERNEST FREDA DHILLON ON SEAP SELECTION: By SINGAPORE National Olympic Council's secretarygeneral, S.S. Dhillon, yesterday said all competitors recommended by the respective national associations for the Eighth Seap Games would be considered for the trip even if they had not beaten the stipulated qualifying marks.
      244 words
    • 537 30  - Chong Boon tops men's list in Selection trials PETER SIOW By CHIA Chong Boon, lived up to his status as the national table- tennis champion when he topped the list -n the Seap Games selection trials. Chong Boon llnlshed leader of the two trials last week by win dng 11
      537 words
    • 259 30 T ONDON, Thurs. Schoolboy rugby football teams from many parts of the world are being Invited to take part In the 1979 centenary celebrations of London club Rosslyn Park. Invitations will be sent out by the club In the next few months to rugby
      259 words
    • 161 30 Geylang blast Indians rjHYLANO International, the National Footfcall League favourites, last night beat Singapore Indians 4-1 In a friendly match at, Jalan Besar Stadium. Oeyiang, who have not played any National League matches this month because of the puaui month, showed no trace of being affected by the fasting. Yesterday,
      161 words
    • 276 30  - Hamburg champs to play 3 matches in S'pore JOE DORAI By MANHEIMER Insurance Football Club, the Division One Commercial Houses soccer champions of Hamburg, West Germany, will play three matches in Singapore next month. In the 17-membei German team are five regular Hamburg players, who have played against visiting foreign
      276 words
    • 286 30 ASIAN Junior boxing •bronze medallist R Rathaluishnan and last year's Malaysian Open bantamweight champion. V. Karu. will feature In a special contest at thr Armed Force.; Boxing Finals at SBA hall tonight at 730 reports BERNARD PERERA. The two National boxers have been Invited
      286 words
    • 341 30  - PENG HON SACKED FROM CUP TEAM BERNARD PEREIRA i! IT OK PF < i h ON. who holds the national 1V badminton doubles title with Lee Wah Chin, was this week sacked from the Thomas Cup team which is preparing for the second round tie against Malaysia. Coach Cheong Cheng
      341 words
    • 211 30 Kadir and Jeeris fight tonight TOKYO. Thurs. dyed Abdul Kadlr (light-fly) and Cyril Jeeris (light). Singapore's hopes in the Seventh Asian Amateur Boxing Championships at Yokohama, will tight in the semifinals tomorrow night. There are 12 semifinals to be decided in six divisions. The strong Japanese team tonight had four
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 110 30 Lee beats Roy's record PEKING bronze medal--1 list Vincent Lee broke Roy Chan's four-year-old record of 1 minute 02.6 seconds for the 100 metres butterfly stroke by seven-tenths of a second on the third day of the Chinese Swimming Club Open Championships at TanJong Rhu yesterday. Results: Men: 100 m
      110 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 194 28 Royal Brunei Airlines wishes to appoint REPRESENTATIVE in Singapore Applicants should be up to 40 years of age, with an all round Airline experience with a minimum of 3 years in Traffic work, some Sales and Reservations experience and be able to administer an office. Salary will range from SS9OO
      194 words
    • 1533 28 FOR SALE M.V. "ESSO SIRIUS" The obove mentioned tonker is for sole on bosis of "as is where is" including normal spare ports on board Particulars of this vessel ore briefly os follows Place/ Year Buirt Middlesbrough 1953 Class A6S Summer Deadweight 16,645 Sum mcrd raft 29' 10 Cargo Capacity
      1,533 words
    • 796 28 r r r} 1 V BOUSTEAD HOLDINGS BERHAD (^b£ fltn orpoi Dear Stockholder BOUSTEADCO SINGAPORE LIMITED Further to your Company's circular to stockholders on Bth Septemher 1975, we are pleased to advise that the High Court in Malaya sanctioned the Company's Scheme of Arrangement and Reduction of Capital on 22nd
      796 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 39 28 SOOCm PAS Youth tourney: Jalan Beaar v Force* A', United PC v Tamplnes Rovers (Jalan Besar. 6.46 and 7 15 pm.i Friendly: Parrer Park United v PARC (Parrer Park Centre. 5.15 p.m.). BOXING: BAPBA Open championships (SBA. 7.30 pjn).
      39 words

  • 31 29 KARACHI, Thurs. A fourman Pakistani tennis team tod by Baeed User left here yesterday (or Kuala Lumpur to play Malaysia In the Asian Zone Davis Cup tie on Saturday—Reuter.
    31 words
  • 374 29 CHARLIE GEORGE GOALS TOPPLE LEADERS f ONDON, Thure. Manchester United were knocked from the top of the English Soccer League for the first time this season when they were beaten 2-1 away to title-holders Derby County last night. Two goals from Charlie George, transferred from Arsenal
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 432 29 Is Frazier still smoking? MANILA, Thura. He continues to be introduced as smokin' Joe Frazler but the smoke flutters in wisps now, as if the flames inside him had burned out. Once he was a gladiator consumed by fury. In those years he attacked his scarring partners, snorting and xrun-
    UPI  -  432 words
  • 233 29 Ali says it may be a first round knockout MANILA. Thurs. Muhammad All said today that he was packing so much power In his punches, that he would probably knock out Joe Frazier In the first round of their fight next week. The champion spent half an hour at shadow
    UPI  -  233 words
  • 150 29 MANILA. Thurs. Three men are apparently the prime candidates to referee the All-Frazler title fight on Oct. 1. Two are Americans Zach Clayton of Philadelphia and Jay Edson of Las Vegas. The other Is Harry Olhbs of England, who worked the AllBrlan fcondon title
    150 words
  • 34 29 NIW YORK, Tnure. Arthur Aahe. the first black to win the coveted Wimbledon men 'a singles tennis title, will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters degree from Virginia Union University. DFX
    34 words
  • 77 29 NEW YORK. Thurs. Bobby Cole and Dale Hayes will defend the World Cup for South Africa, in Bangkok from December 3 to Oec. 7. the International Ob* Association (IOA) said yeeterday. Cole will also defend the Individual title he won in Caracas last year. lOA executive
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 209 29 MANILA, Thurs. Muhammad All w*ants to return to Malaysia to train young boxers as he had promised in July. "Yes. I'll go back to Malaysia but I don't know when," he told newsmen yesterday. All had made the promise when he was in
    Reuter; UPI  -  209 words
  • 179 29 ORAOUE. Thurs— A virus sweeping Prague had taken Its toll on Australian tennis players yesterday, leaving In doubt who would represent the squad In openIng matches of the Davis Cup semifinals tomorrow John Alexander was ordered to bed on Tuesday when he ran a temperature of 37.6
    AP  -  179 words
  • 202 29 Hungary dent Austria's hopes OUDAPEST, Thurs Hungary defeated Austria 2-1 yesterday in a Oroup Two European soccer championship game before 50.00 C fans at the Nep Stadium here Ooalscorers for Hungary were Nyllasl In the second minute and Pusstal In the 33rd rrlnut* Austria's only goal was scored by left
    Agencies  -  202 words
  • 60 29 LONDON, Thurs. The Tyrrell motor racing team yesterday unveiled a revolutionary (Formula One car with six wheels. The car. called Project 34. will be tested during the winter by Tyrrell drivers Jody Scheckter and Patrick DepalUer. Team manager Ken Tyrrell said If it proved successful, It would
    UPI  -  60 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 152 29 Heartiest Congratulations to M/S Malayan Timber Trading Co (Pte) Limited, Singapore on the occasion of their 25th Anniversary Bormill Singapore (Pte) Limited Delta (Pte.) Limited Pan Sarawak Company Sdn. Berhad. k^kw YrwM^l I Blfl I a*. S nsist on your i^r TM^m^l I Iks^kV r W A I ■V^B'# guarantee
      152 words
    • 466 29 Cruise East Introduces the CAPTAIN'S PARADISE CRUISE On Board The M.S. RASA SAYANG A 10-day Indonesian Adventure Singapore-Surabaya-Bali-Jakarta-Singapore Ispkial <§£&, HURRY!!! INTRODUCTORY X rsfo THIS OFFER PRICES FROM e^r^fc ISGOOD S$ W34 I=:=:=^»r FOR 5 SAILING YOU SAVE FROM SS3O2 «i%.^ DATES ONLY TO SW2S OVER REGULAR HUfti^ Z sTpteT^Eß
      466 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 425 30 RONION lIOHI f UP ELEGANTLY LIBRA -IKHT Of IHE IOMM Libra the sign of elegant people. I F a i r an d tactful with well balanced fjffirffffjrl A A views.That's why the Ronson Zodiac n i«« is the right light for a Libra. It's K^VaynLk elegant in design and
      425 words

  • 137 31 Call for import curbs rejected LONDON. Thurs— British Prime Minister Harold Wilson's top economic adviser, Mr. Harold Lever, today rejected calls by trade unions for Import controls to steam the flood of foreign goods which are capturing large markets here. With unemployment at 1.249.000 or 5.4 per cent of the
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 56 31 LONDON.- Thurs.—American President Unas announced today [»an« for a full fortnightly conUln^rshlp ««r--rice to Bangkok beginning with the arrival of the 88 President L'ncoln in Bangkok on Oct. 7. The new call, via Singapore, links Bangkok with the west coast* of the united State* and Canada
    56 words
  • 583 31 OUTLOOK FOR S'PORE BRIGHTER SAYS MAS By NGIAM TONG HAI •THE outlook for Singapore's economy is 1 brighter for the second half of this year, according to the latest quarterly bulletin of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. This Is because there have been signs of recovery in the United States,
    583 words
  • 132 31 Jakarta troops battle Fretilin JAKABTA. Than. Official sources said today Indonesian troops fought a live -hour battle with lef twins Fretilin forces in Indonesian Timor territory, killing IS of them. The sources said fighting broke out yesterday when about 2M Fretilin Krv« I v 1 1 onary Front for the
    132 words
  • 66 31 MANILA. Thura. Government troops are tracking down Muslim rebels who kidnapped 11 Christians from two boats seised In the southern Philippines 10 days ago. military sources said today. The ratals, who hijacked the ships and 11 crew near the southern port city of y^Miw^nfa M 0
    66 words
  • 66 31 TOKYO. Thurs. By the year 3000. Asia's mushroomIng population will exceed today's world total of four billion, but any doomsday predictions were irrelevant, a US population expert said today. "It's coming and there's no question about It. Mr. Rafael Salas. Under-SecreUry Oeneral of the
    AP  -  66 words
  • 35 31 T. tUBKAMAMIAM PILL«I i Kuni» i formally of Miltw untnct OOc* puMd inn H»«« fully oo 24/8/T5. OorMci lam lltA T»nmh M«r«b daaar Ra*4 t 100 p m 2«'»/T8 for cram*tion at Mount Vtraon.
    35 words
  • 115 31 RANGOON, Thors. Underiroand >as cashing oat of a test well threatens to blow up the entire Letpando oilfield in central Burma, according to the state-owned Burmese language Working Peoples Daily today. Engineers at the Letpando oilfield, 83 km (51 miles) northwest of Chauk in central
    115 words
  • 379 31 LONDON. Tain. Tb* mark* elOMd nuM oa balance and at S p m- tat nnaasUl Tlbm* lada wu up I.S at 342 Tb* muktt largely *roda< IU tarltor advant* a* prica* wm d«fMalnly mark*4 lower on raporu ■om Opec membera have preaaea tor a SO to M per
    379 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 71 31 r DEMURGER Cie ROANNE/FRANCE M take great pleasure in 111 announcing the appointment of jj fk\ MARINE ONSHORE rlv TRADING CO (PTE) LTD A-r*mBm 89, Owen Road, Singapore 8. ""M^PBTel: *****7 (4 lines) Cable Add: MARONSHORE f/ 3r distributors for their Ultra Hacksaw j T Machines/H.S.So K,L Hacksaw and J^L
      71 words
    • 219 31 sL T 1 sssr'lwV^ «B«ttwTW ■sr BSW*'' "^^SBsl BBB*^^^B*sP^s*^3kK^^^B rPirv^ic by 'y^ I DIAMONDS RUBIES SAPPHIRES EMERALDS SET IN GOLD Strikingly beautiful designs I i Offered at 1 H^L I I IvWw A s^^ or a limited Period only I Watches of Switzerland I m 15th -27th Sept. Ip G7.
      219 words