The Straits Times, 24 September 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 22 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75 A big smile after the shock...
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  • 909 1 I will not cower to assassins, he says after second bid to kill him WASHINGTON, Tuesday HOURS after yet another attempt on his life, President Ford pledged he would "stand tall and strong" in confrontation with anarchists and assassins. "I don't think any person as President
    Reuter; AP; UPI; Gordon Stone of the San Francisco Examiner via UPI  -  909 words
  • 49 1 WA3HINOTON, TUBS. Commerce Secretary Rodgers Morton today lefuaed to comply wtth a Confraaatanal subpoena demanding the names of firms asked by Arab nations to boycott Isra«L The refusal could lead to Mr. Morton becoming the first Cabinet member to be charged with contempt of Onntraai Renter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 45 1 BELGRADE, Taea. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Tew, currently on a fourday official visit to Yugoslavia, arrived today in this fashionable Adriatic sea resort. Mr. Ut will spend two dayi sightseeing and resting in Dubrovnlk. He leaves Yugoslavia on Thursday morning. Renter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 430 1 If only I had my .44 with me Sara SAN FRANCISCO, Tuesday CARA Jane Moore has said she would have killed President Ford "if I had had my .44 with me." "I would have caught him." she told Secret Service agents during an Interrogation following the attempted amamina.tlon outside the
    AP; UPI  -  430 words
  • 95 1 NEW DELHI. Tues. Over 100 journalists on New Delhi* largest circulated English newspaper went on a 14-hour strike today to protest the firing of the editor by the management, a apokeaman for the protestors said. Mr. B. O. Vergheae, fonn-r press officer for Prime Minister Indira Oandhl, waa
    AP  -  95 words
  • 337 1 10 pc hike in oil price likely VIENNA, Tuesday ECONOMIC experts of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) ended a one-week meeting yesterday with a recommendation to increase the price of oil probably by 10 per cent, OPEC sources said. "The economic com mission has ended its discussions," an
    Reuter; UPI  -  337 words
  • 47 1 LATEST Call for new arm ban treaty UNITED NATIONS, Tues. Soviet Foreign Minister Mr. Andrei Gromyko today proposed an International treaty barring development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction. Be attached a nine-article text to his address to the UN General Assembly. ■eater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 21 1 r~t f— Law OIFFeRetMCE^^ NaharACo. Ml G-7 (Ground Floor) Tl Peninsula Shopping Complex 11 W Colemsn Street. Spore 6 \|^T.l *****9
      21 words
    • 85 1 I HOUSE OF TANG I UNBrJUAHi TANGFASTIC PRICES LAPIE S > u Bua i Now T-shirts $2.50 upw. Flannelette Blouses $1.90 Rain-coats length)s3o.oo $15.00 Nightgowns $7.50 upw. Panties $0.40 upw. Sv.odish Clogs $10.00 GENTS Sports Shirts $5.50 T-shirts $2.00 upw. Swimming Shorts $1.50 Tie Sets $3.50 Jeans $4.00 upw. CHILDREN'S
      85 words
    • 242 1 ACCORD ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT SINAI PACT —Pago 4 SHOSTEK light tabes plan to save energy 5 ANTI-smokJni drive: The Canadian dilemma 9 THE population target 11 ROBBERY victim beaten to death 2* SLAIN woman with 23 slash wounds 21 Sending home the 'dumped' mental cases -Pa** 7 CROSSWORD 7
      242 words
    • 25 1 <m:\ijty <.kiui\\cmmi; MM For those who appreciate 4^m tewty ond precision. P -|wt-t| Chun Chong ft^v^j 62 South Bridge Rd, M/M Singapore I. Tel: *****/2
      25 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 273 2 DR X's PLAN FOR 4- NATION MEET ON KOREA ROW AMERICAN SecreA Ury of State Dr. Henry Kissinger yesterday proposed the convening of a conference among the US, China, North and South Korea to settle the Korea dispute. In an address to the UN General Assembly, he also made clear
      AP  -  273 words
    • 62 2 BAN FRANCISCO. Tues Police Investigating the Symblonese Liberation Army (SLA) following the arrest of heiress Patty Hearst have discovered maps and documents they believe may lead to other radical underground groups, the dan Francisco Chronicle said jMterday. Some of these groups were said to have claimed responsibility
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 154 2 LONDON, Tnes. A i■d g c yesterday called for a clean-up of London's Piccadilly Circus area which be described as a scandal because of a homosexual vice racket Involving young boys. Judge Alan KingHamilton made his comments when Jailing five men for their part In
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    • 183 2 Three 'Red Army' men In court- rnOKYO, Tues. The X Tokyo Public Prosecutor's Office today charged three alleged members of the Japanese Red Army, deported earlier this month from Canada and Sweden, with violating the passport control law and using false documents. Two of t::e Ui:.«. Yoshlmasa Gyoja. 30, and
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 66 2 TEHERAN, Tues. Some United States officials have been under surveillance In recent months by persons believed to be Iranian terrorists who have vowed to attack Americans, well-placed Western European and American Informants report. The official confirmation has come from the United States embassy, which warned Americans to
      NYT  -  66 words
    • 310 2 'We'll decide our foreign policy' Hanoi thanks Peking, Moscow but... PEKING, Tuesday JJORTH Vietnam has thanked China for snpport in the Indochina war but has made clear it is maintaining an independent foreign policy line. At a state banquet here last night, Mr. Le Duan. first secretary of the North
      Reuter  -  310 words
    • 249 2 Reassuring US of China's goodwill PEKING, Tuesday r»HINA'S announcement of its second release of Taiwan prisoners this year is seen here today as another propaganda gesture in anticipation of President Ford's visit here The Internees to be released, including two Japanese and two South Koreans, numbered "W special agent! and
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 273 2 Apodeti forces capture 3 towns from Fretilin JAKARTA, Tues. Three towns In Portuguese Timor held by the leftist Fretilin faction have been overrun by troops of the proIndonesia Apodeti Party, an Indonesian army newspaper reported today. The Berlta Yudha said Balibo, Maliana and Tllomolr, a 1 near the Portuguese colony's
      Reuter; AP  -  273 words
    • 88 2 Finding out what makes the soccer vandal tick LONDON, Tues. The British Government will Initiate research Into what motivates the football hooligan, Junior Minister Lady Blrk told Parliament yesterday. Vandalism by young soccer fans Is growing into a national scandal here and British rail have had to abandon special trains
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 222 2 V baraldi FILTER HOOD KEEP YOUR KITCHEN SPARKLING CLEAN Of satin -finish stainless steel, the hood contains easy-to -clean acrylic fibre filters that absorb all fatty particles in the oily fumes from cooking. You never have to \nou\i about greasy deposits on tiles and other surfaces. Runs on electric system
      222 words
    • 32 2 A mnxnißE (ggPWg AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDmONER FOR mi mi MODEL 190 VftNDA remote control pflnd H Other models are available to suit all types and mades of cars (from 1,000 c.c. onwards).
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    • 502 3 A 'HUGE* FLASH -THEN FURY AND CONFUSION SAN FRANCISCO, Tuesday WHEN a shot rang out as President Ford stepped from the St. Francis Hotel towards his limousine yesterday, the horror of a chief executive being a bullet's target gripped onlookers. For Assistant Police Inspector Gary Lemos,
      AP  -  502 words
    • 65 3 TOKYO. Tues A spy war is ROinß on in space ever more fiercely between the Soviet Union and the United States in their contention for domination on earth, Peking's Hsinhua news agency said today. Hslnhua said the two superpowers are reported using every means to collect
      AP  -  65 words
    • 95 3 P HARDING the life VI of the President of the United States can involve some unconventional methods, as two plainclothes officers (left) recently discovered In San Francisco. They are seen with two men (right) they arrested while mingling with some demonstrators. In the
      UPI  -  95 words
    • 345 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday A DEMOCRATIC senator said the Secret Service "needs a good old shakinf up," and a Republican forecast a congressional Inquiry into presidential security after a woman took a shot yesterday at President Ford in San Francisco. Political leaders joined in expressing relief that
      AP  -  345 words
    • 277 3 A climax to 17 days of threats WASHINGTON, Tuesday FN the 17 days since Lynette From me pulled a pistol on President Ford In Sacramento, California, there has been a series of Incidents, culminating in the shot fired at President Ford yesterday. Indeed, hours before the unsuccessful aMM- slnatlon attempt
      AP  -  277 words
    • 129 3 Aborigine gents: The big white rip-off 'ADELAIDE. Tues.-Pri-rVmltive aboriginal tribesmen in South Australia are mining one of the world's few chrysoprase deposits and selling the valuable gemstones to whites for a fraction of their value, a mining engineer said here today. Mr. T. O'Flynn, an aboriginal, told reporters that tribesmen
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 64 3 LONDON. Tues.— Expert! from the world's 16 major shipping nations met here yesterday to work out nev measures (or stricter enforcement of maritime sa(et; standards. The nve-dsy meeting wat called by the London-based Inter Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (IMCO) and will mainly deal with the question of
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 30 3 TURD* (IUly). Tusa. The Flat car company yesterday announced price risas averaging seven per cent on tlire* of Ita most popular models, the 134, 1M and) US Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 107 3 LISBON, Tues. Enough small arms to equip two army divisions are In the hands of civilian political militias, a Portuguese newspaper reported yesterday. The Jornal De Notldas of Oporto cited military sources as the basis of Its report that ***** weapons, lncludlr/ thousands of automatic rifle*, were
      AP  -  107 words
    • 61 3 BRUSSELS. TUS*. A Common Market row of»x money loomed yesterday as EEC Budget Ministers began deliberation* on Community spending (or 1978. Informed sources said Wnt Oermany. tired of being the BBC's chief paymaster, was ilwnaiuilutt an 11 per crat cut In the 7.900 million unit of
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 33 3 WABHINOTON. Tun The United States has expanded a one-month moratorium on new train Miles to the Soviet Union to Include Poland and several other countries. State Department officials said yesterday.— Reutcr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 222 3 Announcement Beecham Research Laboratories wishes to draw attention to the following information relating to the presentation and marketing of ampicillin in black and red capsules. Counsel's opinion has been obtained and Beecham has been advised that: "It owns the reputation and goodwill attached to ampicillin when got-up and sold in
      222 words
    • 219 3 k ,q* Pork Chops %t t Local 500g 3.60 Minced Beef jr N.Z. 500g 9*99 Rolled Sirloin Roast j/j/j n.z. 500g «?*(rlr T-Bone Steak 7AA N.Z. 500g 9JjT" Ox-Kidneys n.z. 500g ##irlr Veal Loin Chops Tk Ttt% Aust. 500g 3*3W OxTails Aust. soo g OSO Beef Frankfurters lift U.S. 500g
      219 words

    • 280 4 London hotel blast sparks fears of fresh violence LONDON. Tun A BOMB blasted a luxury hotel In central A London last night injuring three people and bringing fears of a new urban guerilla campaign of violence in England. These fears were reinforced by Northern Ireland's we Ist day of violence
      Reuter  -  280 words
    • 31 4 NEW YORK. TUM. Mr. Chiac Kuan. Ftorclgn Minister of China, arrived here today at the bawl of a 14--member delegation to attend the current UN Oeneral Assembly session. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 126 4 MANILA, Tues. The Civil Liberties Union of the Philippines today called on martial law authorities to lift immediately the three-year-old emergency and restore "democratic processes" to the population. The powerful union made the call In a 106--page statement on the state of the Philippines three
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 233 4 Labour's shortterm plan to create more jobs LONDON, Tues. The Labour Government Is to announce shortterm selective measures this week to halt rising unemployment, now at a post-war peak In Britain. This was officially confirmed after a meeting yesterday between leadIng cabinet ministers. Labour Party officials, and trade union chiefs
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 296 4 LONDON Tues. ONE of the brains belli nd a £2^MJ*f (S$11.700.0O0) robbery at the Bank of America in Loudon's fashionable Mayfair waa Jailed for seven years yesterday after confessing because the rest of the gang used violence in the raid. Stuart Buckley. 26. got
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 53 4 DEMO OVER MISSING CHILDREN SEVERAL hundred Greek Cypriote demonstrated in Nicosia, capital of Cyprus, demanding the release of their children and relative* who are missing since Turkey's Invasion last year. The picture shows tearful women brandtshtaf photographs of missing people outside the gates of the Palace of President Makarios on
      UPI  -  53 words
    • 262 4 Price of gold drops as dollar rallies yURICH, Tues. The MA price of gold today plummeted to around 1291 31 dollars an ounce in Zurich about six dollars down on yesterday's closing price, market sources said. Holders of the metal began to cut their losses lollowing sharply lower trends in
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  262 words
    • 56 4 LONDON. Tuea Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi said In an interview broadcast here last night that her Government bad taken 1U emergency power* to protect democracy "All we have done Is to detain a number of people and ban two main groups— non-poUtlcal group*— who believed In
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 37 4 RIO DE JANEIRO. Tuea. Braall vesUrday devalued the crueelro by about 1.89 per cent to 8.470 8.63 to the U8 dollar from tte prevtout parity of 1.31 IM It was the 10th devaluation this jear. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 396 4 Accord on how to implement Sinai pact (JENEVA, Tues.— Egypt and Israel today concluded negotiations on how to put their Sinai peace agreement into effect after reaching a lastminute compromise on whether or not to sign the implementation protocol immediately. After 'wo weeks of bargaining which c M ninated in
      Reuter; AP  -  396 words
    • 43 4 BANOKOK, Tues. A Bangkok criminal court gave Se vocational students threemonth prison terms alter finding them guilty of public disturbance and possession of explosive*. The government's tough Uw enforcement stand Is an effort to stop dally street fighting here. AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 43 4 WASHINGTON. Tues.— Mr. Illchard Nixon's kwyer yesterday sau that the former President has denki under oath any "personal responsltuity for the 18J nilnule gap one of the White House tapes, one uf the few renaming mysteries In toe Watergate scandals.— AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 102 4 BEIRUT. Tues. Snipers virtually paralysed life In Beirut today, although the city had enjoyed its quietest night for a week. Police said at least one person had been killed by sniper fire In the city centre. Beirut radio reported that tension appeared to be decreasing
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 313 4 Hands off, Israel warns Syria TEL AVIV, Tuesday TSRAEL could intervene In the Lebanese crisis if Syria takes action that threatens Israel's security, government officials warned today "The policy of toe Israeli Government Is that we do not Intervene in the affairs of another country unless Israel considers that its
      AP  -  313 words
    • 84 4 LONDON. Tuea. South African Foreign Minister Hllgaru MuUer said last nigh', that there were potential situations of instability on the east coast of Africa and it was here that he feared that the comnwmtat naval presence In the sndlan Ocean could tip the scales In the wrong
      Reuter  -  84 words
    • 49 4 WASHINGTON, Tues. Major American corporations are using Intricate new schemes involving foreign operations to evade taxes. Internal Revenue Service commissioner Donald Alexander said yesterday. The chief US tax collector said the agencies would clamp down on such criminal practices, which he said were growing. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 33 4 BONN, Tuea. Airline traffic between West Germany and China will be soon be established, the Transport and Foreign Ministers said today. An airline tram.: agreement was Initialed today In- Bonn.— UPl.
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    • 77 4 MUNICH, Tues. West Germany's retired king of the car thieves was curious to see if the old magic still worked so he stole a sports car from its stand at Frankfurt's international motor show. Police said today Harry Koenlg, 33. gleefully re- turned the car an hour
      Reuter  -  77 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 194 4 Rill contaii ler ship service to the Mediterranean. S 4A Ms* v*/w.4 sa Lm, W A APL is back. (in round-the-world trade) Fortnightly Sailings computerized gateways m T x a ra P^y expanding system of interline tO Naples, LlVOniO, and inter-modal services you can Crnn-i ar»H M archill** cx P
      194 words
    • 79 4 Add colour to any ■■■K^- home and at the t same time protect HHIS it all year round against sun. wind B§S§§§^^s and rain. There are gKg2^§§§lsiili 'fixed' or 'roll-up" models to choose 'V -^y from in dashing jfa, horizontal or vertical stripes. Ask for a free measure and quote.
      79 words

  • 348 5  -  IRENE NGOO By 'They will be no less bright 5 CHORTER flUorescent tubes are to be used to light up stairs and common corridors in Housing Board estates in a bid to save energy consumption dv half. A board spokesman, however,
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  • 110 5 rO Division Two dentists Leong Knoon Chee and Wan Cnoon Kit have been struck off the Dentists' Register. A Health Ministry statement yesterday said the Dental Board held a dlsclnllnary inquiry on Leong on Aug. 22 and found him guilty of "Infamous conduct" in
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  • 207 5 Kusu isle ready for sun seekers in a week's time rl Port Authority assured the public yesterday that facilities on Ku&ii Island will be ready In a week's time while those on PuUu t'antu will be ready by December. A psa spokesman said that the facility at Kusu. Including toilets
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  • 23 5 PfWDDBCT and lit*. Bheare» will attend the *nfapore Chamber BueoJMe's Silver Jubilee Concert it the Conference Ball at B.lft pjn. today.
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  • 80 5 PRESIDENT Tito of i YnvtsUvia and Mr. Lee Kuan Tew In conversation at the President's official residence on Monday. In picture on the right. Mr. Lee is seen planting a tree at the new. Belgrade Park of Friendship, a tradition for all heads
    UPI  -  80 words
  • 219 5  -  N. Q. KUTTY by A HUGE stack of unrlpened bananas Is making scores of fruit sellers go bananas. They bought the green bananas at Incredibly low prices last month like $8 for 20 combs. But these bananas generally bigger and longer than the ones grown
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  • 22 5 THK Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research will conduct a 44-hour course on ultrasonic testing of materials from Sunday
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  • 70 5 THE Singapore Bus Service's $4 monthly student stamps for next month will be on sale from Friday to Oct. 3 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. Students may buy the stamps from the SBB head office in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 469 5 SONY. For only $138/--you can now own aTriiiitron color tv Lowboy KV-1 801 ES CASH: 1.525 Tallboy KV-1803ES CASH: 1,580 Lowboy KV-1 802ES CASH: 1,475 Flat-Payment B |fljf Flat Payment QIAQ Flat-Payment QIQR at monthly Wf MM9M at monthly Mf WuMM at monthly Visit any of the following Sony dealers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1703 6 MlOßlo^ fvrxNJk w Managing Agents CASH PLAN PAYS YOU UP TO $54,750 TAX FREE CASH INCOME IF YOU OR A COVERED FAMILY MEMBER ARE HOSPITALIZED DUE TO CANCER PAYS YOU CASH from the Ist day Of hOSpitalizatiOn sick Cancer-Aid does You're eligible to apply for ABOUT THE COMPANY thicmuoranonntnanofin Vat
      1,703 words

  • 220 7 Fund set up to finance 'strike' by Mobil -dealers jytEM bers of the Singapore Mobil Petrol Dealers' Association have set up a fund with voluntary donations to finance the current "strike" by 33 Mobil dealers, an association spokesman said yesterday. The third day of the "strike" passed yesterday with no
    220 words
  • 88 7 MP to open children's art display MR. Eric Cheong. MP for Toa Payoh, will officiate at the opening of the Children's Day art and crafts exhibition at the Toa Payoh Branch Library on Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. The exhibition will be held from Oct. 1 to 3 and Is
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  • 36 7 THE Singapore Kheng Chew Junior Association will hold a variety show at tbe Victoria Theatre from Oct 3 to 4 in aid of 1U scholarship fund. The programme will Include Hainan*** opera and dances.
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  • 37 7 MH Chal Cbong YU. Senior Minister of State (Education). will open the new t»iii»wn t of th* Kong Ylong High School and present long •errlce tt^^'i to staff on Oct. 6 at 11 s m
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  • 46 7 TOT National Museum In Stamford Road will screen "The r **"*i < "ii of the Guard" and three other colour nlms on Britain In it* lecture hall today at 7 30 pjn. Free admission tickets are available from the museum office during office hours.
    46 words
  • 29 7 JURONO Shipyard Ltd. and tbe shipyard's Pioneer Industries Employees Union branch will sign a new collective agreement at the shipyard premises on Sept. 39 at 10 am
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  • 40 7 TRI —"f P"— Flka Society will screen KenrtJc Ibsen's A Don's House at th* Regional English Tanging* Centre. Orange drove Road, on Sunday at 4 pja. and 7 p-m. The shows are tor numbers only.
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  • 30 7 THX Singapore Permanent Hair Waving BuHJejyers Association will celebrate its 18th anniversary with a dinner at the Northern PaJaas Restaurant. Ootombo Court, on Oct. I st 7.30 pA.
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  • 925 7  - 'Dumped' mental cases to be sent home CHI A POT El K NEW POLICY ON WOODBRIDGE PATIENTS: TOH By Government proposes to introduce a new policy in dealing with the problem of the mentally sick the "forgotten community" of Singapore, the Health Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye announced yesterday. Non
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  • 327 7 Youth who had 'no inkling' of a friend's plan A 19-YEAR-OLD sales assistant was yesterA day acquitted by a district court of a charge of being "jointly concerned" with a friend in causing hurt to a taxi-driver while attempting to rob him. fended by Mr. J.B. Jeyaretnam. said in his
    327 words
  • 119 7 Dr. Ng dies of heart attack f\R. Nr 8«e Took. MJ (Above), former Director of Medical Services and Permanent Secretary to tbe Health Ministry, died of a heart attack at his Stevens Road home on Monday night. Dr. Ng, 62, leaves his wife, his son, daughter-in-law and two f randchl
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  • 41 7 THX Queenstown clUsera' consultative committee presented an SAT road show In conjunction with the national productivity campaign at the Commonwealth Drive car park last night. The Minuter for Culture and MP for Queenstown. Mr Jek Yeun Thong, officiated
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  • 25 7 STAMFORD district scouts will hold Stamford Nlte dinner In aid of their scholarship fund, at Hotel RoyalRamada on Oct. 11 at 7 p.m.
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  • 282 7 Oberoi: ISI crisis has not hit hotel business rpHE financial crisis of X Imperial Securities International (181) has not affected the business of Oberoi-lmperlal Hotel, according to the hotel's deputy chairman, Mr. P. R 8 Oc?rol Mr. Oberol said: "Despite the appointment of the receiver over the properties of Imperial
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 70 7 [If jl ~t i V 1 I I ill j* 1 1 1 1 ill I sV |JT^ *^g^gl fi\\^g^H gf W la i V 4 lrfl 1.1-h I mm *sH Take your empty F N cordial bottles to your nearest shop and collect 25 cents for each one! Or
      70 words
    • 247 7 The TCM you buy today will work for three thousand tomorrows. TCM started making lift trucks in 1949. Now they're at work in 70 countries. And very popular. There have been few changes to the original TCM design: thanks to its quality and inbuilt TCM lift trucks .irr dependability. |jg«
      247 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 243 7 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS huge' (•>■ 4 Close agreement brought Oi&nt object turns brown! tack old-fmshtaned bed- wear f King's tody friend attends 5 Till Bast and tbe witch race* wearing nothing but <6> bright orange material t Draws In the itlng with a (T>. twUt Hnmethlng following lunch 10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 426 8 f $102,000 1 Z To Winners With Five Numbers Correct 2} tt CASH PRIZES GUARANTEED IN FULL C TOMORROW'S DRAW WILL BE HELD AT HICH STREET CENTRE W AT 6 00 P.M. ALL ARE WELCOME mJJ 111 1111 TJHalJjj.j.Lli i,LHB i%a^ka 1 1 V L^^^^^^^^BS^flßHllfwi9lHßidAß'BjiiMtV99Ettflflni^^^B wmmmxJvKl |i!S?£uLBHCaBBi A CHDNG GAY
      426 words
    • 102 8 i«l'lVh;ii>il To- Dor Only! at 1 .45, 4.00, 7 9.30 A Mandarin Tragady vrrh En,l,,h t Chinne Suktitlai Hu Chin at JBM jj^ aV^ T^aJf I^^ SA»o^jl^^4*^^^B^PjajaßW»<^H [G A L A B.ffl i Lott Day! 4Showt 1 15, 3 30,7 49 30 THE ynn CBRLS" Grand Opening To- Morrow at
      102 words
    • 301 8 ■na a«a««Baavß*v*BW m virii ai ■^■vnvira'vnrvr a^a w LAST DAY! 2 Shows: at 7.N A 9.30 PM. Admission: Adult*: $2.00 Children: $1.00 /bWUNCHWCHSIA CMNHAN A W MCWS HtM W I THIS IS A TALKING AD Look into har tvat and you afaflHa^lWv > will (aal that »hat tailing M H
      301 words
    • 319 8 r*x J^BS BATIK dOK !^fi- -i^-~^ IndonetUn Vb&Jßr Batik Fa Woo Show yffßj&GEp 1 fashion ffyKß? Designer Mr. Prajudl AdmodJrdJo i^i^ TONIGHT ONLY ROYAL-PALACE Jwß^R^ CHINESE jRcWmS^ RESTAURANT MgfV*^ HOTEL ROYAL RAMADA SHOWTIME 8:30 p.m. 6 DINNER From 7.00 p.m. MAKE YOUR TABLE RESERVATION NOW!! O^S*^ RING ANNIE *****1 Ext.
      319 words
    • 372 8 'LiD6"ii'2Vh'&i FINAL DAY!!! LAST 4 SHOWS at 11am, 2.15, 5.30 8.45pm. Circle $4"; Stalls $250 $150 No Free List 1 NjMJA^^RIC^^jHAIUTARYCONCESSION J "w^Lj A^ ~>^^^\ I lido -opens tomorrow: SCHOOL CHIURE\ CONCESSION $1.09 Uj seat at 11, 1.45 4 4pn slows diriit! seisoi fl IPfB jj^Tl "Where The Lilies 8100m
      372 words
    • 681 8 112 th FINAL DAY! Maw, 2 15, SJO 4 8 41pm gj No Fre« Li*t No Kolt Pnct J No Mtlitory Concas»*on Circle $4 -StaM v s2 5O& SI 50 S Poul Nt»mon, Steve McQueen "THt TOWERING INFERNO" B Paiovrtion Color (WB-fQX) OPENS TOMORROW' School Children Conceision m $100 to
      681 words

  • 561 9 RESHUFFLE IS TO ENHANCE EFFICIENCY SAYS JTC DECENT reorganisation in the Jurong Town Corporation, in c 1 uding reshuffling of staff, is intended to streamline management for en h a need efficiency and greater productivity, according to a JTC spokesman. Commenting on Monday's Straits Times report. "12 quit JTC after
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  • 37 9 THE Ministry of Labour has directed that the trade dispute over a collective agreement between the Food. Drinks and Allied Wbrken' Union and Holiday Inn Hotel be referred to the Industrial Arbitration Court this month.
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  • 136 9 A GLITTERING PALACE DANCE THAT TELLS A STORY rE Indonesian Lengong Kraton or Dance of the Palace performed here to the haunting music of gong* and drams. The dance, by two Indonesian participants of the Asean Exchange of Radio and TV Artistes, tells the story of a king who went
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  • 213 9 A SALES manager and his sales representative were yesterday acquitted on a charge of cheating a sales and production assistant by impersonating fire brigade officers and issuing a demand notice to Induce him to buy fire extinguishers. Chan It Keong and Chng Kirn Seng,
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  • 66 9 LIM Beng Tee. 44, a businessman arrested in 1973 and detained under the Internal Security Act, was released earlier this month. Lim, a journalist turned businessman, was arrested for "activi- ties prejudicial to the security of Singapore" in August 1973. He was released on Sept. 5. When contacted
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  • 153 9 Ong to launch shipyard safety drive— rE Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Pane Boon, will open the Shipyard Safety and Health Campaign and a mobile exhibition on the same theme at Jurong Town Hall today at 10 a.m. The campaign, held by the Labour Ministry in view of the rising trend
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  • 31 9 MR. Peter Upton, director of Wellcome Foundation Ltd., will open tbe new building of Wellcome (Singapore) Pte Ltd. at S3 Quality Road. Juroni. on Sept. 29 at 5 p.n-
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  • 29 9 THE Adult and Young People* section of Queenstown Branch Library will scr.-i three films on Japan lr lt» Ucture room on Frlc'ay at 7.30 pjn. Admission fTt«.
    29 words
  • 277 9  - The hot film that raked in a cool million ROGER VUC By rpnE curtain rings down tonight on the most successful film ever screened in Singapore The Towering Inferno. The film has enjoyed a record -breaking 112-day run at the Lido, shattering til previous records and RronlnK (up to Monday*
    277 words
  • 253 9  -  SHEILA CHEONQ By THE vice-president of the Canadian Cancer Society, Dr. R. M. Taylor, yesterday said that teenagers posed the biggest problem in this country's antismoking campaign. Dr. Taylor, who is here to attend the Secood Asian Cancer Conference, told the Straits Times that lung
    253 words
  • 262 9 High risk of the smokers who drink PEOPLE with the comI bined habit of smoking and drinking run a dangerously high risk of contracting liver cancer. Dr. Takeshi Hlrayama, chief of the Epidemiology Division, National Cancer Centre, Research Institute of Tokyo said yesterday. Elaborating on his paper Epldemlologlcal Patterns and
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  • 40 9 THE Touth Oroup of Tanjong Pasar community centre will hold a children's story-telling contest In English for kindergarten and primary school students at the centre on Not. 16 at 7 pjn. Entry forms are available at the centre.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 15 9 5S Dw^S VCIaKIIsP I Reservation Centre pi. Red Cap Toun 73-75 Robtnton Road Singapore 1.
      15 words
    • 208 9 THE CANON NP 5000 Canon's latest introduction to this region, Six Features Found in the NP 5000 the NP 5000. A highspeed plain paper copier, •High copy speed-22 copies per minute setting new high standards in copy capability Various sizes up to A3 (420 mm x 297 mm) Push-button double
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1975
    • 377 10 PRESIDENT Sadat and his advisers were r too sanguine, it now appears, in their evaluation of the likely reaction of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and other Arab countries, notably Syria, to the interim Sinai peace agreement. An initial show of bad temper, followed by an acceptance,
      377 words
    • 284 10 the second attempt on the life of President Ford within 17 days will tilt American public opinion in favour of tougher gun control laws remains to be seen. Mr. Ford was emphatic after the first assassination bid that he would continue with his hand-shaking tours in the
      284 words
    • 63 10 Prevent fatal falls with safety nets... I REFER to the report about a construction worker who fed down a lift weU and was killed (S.T., Sept. 20). This has already happened many times. These deaths could be avoided if safety nets were compulsorlly fitted to all lift wells during construction
      63 words
    • 99 10 WITH the opening of the Marine Parade housing estate, there is a heavy dally flow of traffic at the Junction of Still Road and Marine Drive In front of Block 87. The Junction is a potential danger both to motorists and pedestrians because there is no traffic light. I have
      99 words
    • 84 10 SOME Inconsiderate motorists are causing traffic chaos along the stretch of the alreadycongested Junction of Adam Road and Camden Park. The short stretch of service road in Camden Park parallel to Adam Road Is being made used of by these inconsiderate and impatient drivers who then "squeeae" their way into
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    • 85 10 RESIDENTS of Block IS and Its neighbouring flats are already putting up with the noise made by the nearby factory's machines throughout the night till morning, it does not seem fair that they should also be further subjected to an unhealthy smell. The smell is let out usually at night
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    • 73 10 INVESTIGATIONS carried out following the complaint of "Action Please" (ST., Sept. 4) reveal no unauthorised use at the carpark at Jalan Mas Kunlng/ Puteh. We would appreciate if your correspondent could furnish the Building Control Division with further Information, such as the house number or name of the operator of
      73 words
  • 509 10  -  CHRIS CATLIN: Bonn By WEST German legislators have Juat found out the hard way that It takes more than the law to keep a taxi driver quiet The biffest legal rumpus this country has seen for months beran when the Transport Ministry
    509 words
  • 1469 10  -  EVELYN NG MIXED REACTION TO SEX LESSONS FOR 10-YEAR-OLDS Dy TEN-YEAR-OLD Sue does not fight shy at the mention of the birds and bees. Neither does she subscribe to the "stork brought the baby" theory. If asked, her simple explanation for her being
    1,469 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 82 10 HE^gg^Ql pdesscnol mcrophones "P.E." Seri«s Ucti wW» h» ,4. Fitted C«ftT'"l Cat*. ■fl moulded to coal* th* HLf microphone and to protect it jflj HLv from damage 20-toot Cob* with Plug Supplied UnnpnereAllTSOO WjOT raa Umw*«r*BslSS.S« W 4kV HSM Umdyneß $110.00 M:jW HMD Umdynelll $235.00 ■KbT PfS4«VUn.oynelV $2*3.00 MM Un.tpnerel
      82 words
    • 490 10 The more you have The less they get Two is enough FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE xtv telephone *****5 or go to your I fl 1 nearest Maternal and Child Health /I Jfl|| Family Planning Clinic \JH^ S.^swon Fanaly Planfnng 4 Population IoM Cassettes f roniN^ I $2on occasion of today's
      490 words

  • 421 11 /X)UNSEL for one of the two police constables accused of outraging the modesty of a teenage girl in their police patrol car, yesterday applied to a district court to examine her statements with a view to discredit her as a witness. Mr. David Marshall, assisted
    421 words
  • 60 11 Education society officials MR. Eric Low has been elected chairman of the Technical Education Society management committee. Other officials are Mr. Lewis Sewell (vlce-ohalrman). Mr. Oh Chin Lee (secretary). Mr. See Chan Bock (assistant secretary), Mr. Cheong Cheng Swee (treasurer) and Mr Tan Ban Soon (assistant treasurer). Members are Meara
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  • 31 11 BEN Ada Container Service (BACS) has elgned an agreement with Nlkko Shipping Co. Ltd. of Japan to charter the container ship. Nlkko Mam. on the StraluJapan trade. 4.38 l<
    31 words
  • 332 11  -  LIM CHCON WANG By SINGAPORE is. expected to reach a replacement level in her popalation by the end of this year five years ahead of target. Dr. Wan Fook Kee, chairman of the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board, revealed this yesterday at
    332 words
  • 165 11 171RIED noodle hawker F lahak Mirlku (above) found himself the unlucky 33rd man at a food centre balloting yesterday. There are 32 stalls at the \yer Rajah Industrial estate food centre, bat 33 invitations were sent oat to hawkers. At the end
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  • 51 11 A RECEPTION will be held to celebrate the 26th. anniversary of the People's Republic of China, at the Bank of China, on Sept 30 at 7.30 p.m. It Is organised by the Bank of China, Kwangtung Provincial Bank. China Insurance Co. Ltd. and Tai Ping Insurance Co.
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  • 33 11 THE Johore Baru Cuctoms and Excise department will be closed on Oct. 6 and 7 (or the Harl Raya holidays and on Oct. 28 (or the birthday of the Sultan of Johore.
    33 words
  • 180 11 Children's Day holiday for primary pupils TTHE Ministry of Education has set aside Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 for children's day celebrations this year. All primary school children will be given a holiday on Oct. 1, said a Ministry statement. Each primary school will hold Its own celebrations to mark
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  • 55 11 THE Young People's Service of Toa Payoh Branch Library will hold talks on Malay literary classics Tale of Awang Sulong Merah Muda and Tale bf Mallm Deman at the library's lecture hall on Saturday at 2 30 p.m. The speaker Is Clk Suradl Parjo of Asas
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  • 33 11 The Desker Road outpatient dispensary will be closed from Sept. 39. (or about a month, (or renovation. Its patients will be attended to at the Rochore and Jalan Berath dispensaries.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 56 11 Domac* noote Iv^ iri jl fThe coziest most economical spot in town! i|^ HAPPY HOURS 3.00pm -7.00pm #/£l"ls£j% DRAFT BEER mUtULmli M $ per glass al^9l arr^^^i 20% discount Dance Hostesses COCKTAIL LOUNGE available NIGHTCLUB after 9.00pm iiSi BM'Ji- 1 IL W"y) HOTEL NEW HONGKONG Jl Kay W1 Vctoca Sum
      56 words
    • 370 11 I Wipe out acne and pimples. Use new Pureen-P. The antibacterial skin cleanser that fights acne effectively. Pureen-P is hypo-allergenic, meanin; it kills bacteria without ever harming your skin, not even if it's very sensitive. Pureen-P gets to the root of acne. Reaching deep down to draw out dirt and
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 872 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Taman Suri (Malay) 7.55 Tit Ciwtoys-Tfc. Trap 3.30 Diary of Events (Malay) JJ Jcie Report 3J5 General Hospital [jj !ST(SmmJ 4.15 Rentak Tan (Repeat) a.45 The WtrW AbMt Us-JUni m a WUi WUi 4JB intermission Su 6.00 Opening and Learning About
      872 words

      • 22 12 K. Totaoeo wtnm Oafefcor S. Gfea» I. Una •na. H*4*l < -MTH otd Kin fl.M ILii KM 11.1* H4« .M •I Jt
        22 words
      • 36 12 Piiilih F. C*Mn OB •»>■ H rt i. Darby .entlnc IBS )CBC PUhmnr JO. Lnd JE sa.M ti.u IJ.M ll.M «2M K.S» St.7* M.M 11.45 $1.M 11" .M —M —.•I .M .»i 05 —44 M M
        36 words
      • 56 12 IndiatriaJs: 2X1.44 ttIJW FlnkDcc: US.M M 7 »S HoU-U: iU.M 1U.44 rtimMa: 1«J.7» KI.U t Tin.: »7.44 t7.57 t t n*ben: SUM JU.7t i O.CJ.C: 1t».7« IM.M t 8.E.8. Ind.: U7.M IMJS Dee. M. IM4 1M f Dee. 11. IMS I— t Dee. Zt. 1M» 1M Dec. SI. l»7t
        56 words
      • 26 12 niasc Darwy ISMO* I a B. 144.8 M Pan gleet S4.SS* O. C. a C. U.BM TstaJ Tarnorcr: 1.84 M Total VaJae: UMM
        26 words
    • 1634 12 nrHE last Urania .ted lead; sale at the close of butane*. on the Stock Exchanne of Singapore yesterday comparrd with the previous cay s prtces together with 1075 high and low i *Aa justed for scr'p/ rights issue). CLOSING TON!: All txctlona cloa*d barely ataady. auppllad by tba
      1,634 words
    • 401 12 INVESTORS and spe--Icu ators kept away from fresh commitments at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday the eve of the crucial Opoc meeting which will decide the sise of the increase on oil prices. The outcome of the Vienna meeting today will have far-reaching effects on
      401 words
    • 286 12 KL fails to sustain overnight rally rE Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange failed to sustain the overnight rally as conditions turned easier yesterday. Prices slipped on pro-m-takinff. Noon-dose saw many counters dipping below overnight levels. Must rpecoJatlve Industrial and finance stocrs were affected by the easier mood. Llßht trading ruled In
      286 words
    • 1074 12 BID and offer prices officially luted and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Kxchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified INOU4TNIALS A. Tapa (0 708). AMan (IMB 2.008). XD. A. Cnaa. (0MB). A.M.
      1,074 words
    • 20 12 TOKYO: Sony Corporation's Consolidated net profit in first nine months ending October was UBJ4S million ($7O million) Renter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 1028 12 BID and offer prices officially listed and ba.iness In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word] "Sett."
      1,028 words
    • 259 12 Ex-Traders man named ITC deputy manager A FORMER Straits Trading manager In Penang, Mr. B.C. Engel. has been appointed deputy manager of the International Tin Council's bufler stock. Mr. Engel. 48, was with Straits Trading from 1051 to 1970. He has been employed by Continental Ore Europe In London since
      259 words
    • 118 12 EUROPE was very quiet while the US was active but easier on Monday according to the Malaysian Palm OU Producers' Association. Quotations In UBt/cents (Rotterdam) unless stated were: Afloat 1 US) IS cents sellers. (US) 18.50 cents buyers. $445 (US) 19 cents traded: Sept $445 (US) 18.75 cents
      118 words
    • 23 12 BRISBANE: Pancontinental Mining said It granted 110,000 share options to employees, •xerclseable at" each between six months and three years. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 40 12 MELBOURNE: Heavy Engineer, Walter Wright Industries has registered a wholly-owned subsidiary In Malaysia to distribute and maintain construction equipment. Walter Wright said the company UEB Malaysia has an Issued capital of $3,000 In $1 shares.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
      • 191 12 TOKYO. Tubs. The stock market edged slightly higher for the first time in six-sessions as buying at the lower level outweighed foreign investor selling, daaless said. Tba Dow Jonas average Bddad 0.13 points to 3.M3.X. Volume Improved to 130 million shares from 110 million shares yesterday The New Index
        191 words
      • 275 12 CYDNSY, Tubs. The stock market closed on a generally mixed note after a quiet session, dealers said. The recent advance was hxlted with sellers beginning to get the upper hand although traders said they believed the market was merely witnessing a technical reaction. The Sydney All-Ordinaries index eased 008
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      • 229 12 lIONOKONO, Tues. The stock market closed slightly easier on the day. dealers said. The market reopened after the long holiday weekend on a slightly higher trend but follow-through was lacking and prices later drifted lower In thin featureless dealings. Among leading Issues JarSllae Mathi— n fell to HKB23 30.
        229 words
      • 454 12 xtEW YORK. Hon.— Stock prices turned lower today as the market encountered profit-taking after Its twoday rally last Thursday and Friday. Except for special situation issues, most price changes were moderate and trading volume ran weU below last Friday's tevel. The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials was
        454 words
      • 65 12 «.*pon pneaa la boo .l.rlin, anaa la U.S. dollar par ounce. (1) Auatranan dollar per ounce i (2) Average price. ManOajr taturdar VH U*t M.lbourn. (1) 107. M 110.11 UhxJoo IU.OOB IaSOOB IMOM' 1M ZM Btlnit Umv. Hut tunch u«.oo i*t.oo lrroo Par" UI.M IM.M TuMd >r
        65 words
      • 160 13 AMBTERDAM Mon— In a mixed market today. Dutch Internationals led by llaogavena, firmed with sentiment aided by Wail Street's rise last Prtday Akao and Philips were, however, unchanged. Other leaden ruled quiet with small change* either way. but local lames, except »cry firm textiles, declined especially Helnemcn. Fwkker. IHO
        160 words
      • 135 13 yURICH. Mon Dggpttt Wall Street's firmness and the strong dollar. Uu Zurich Stock Exchange- continued to suffer today due to lack of Investors' Interest. Stocks were narrowly mixed In quiet trading. Bonds were hardly steady. The Credit Sulsw Index added 0.7 point to 17»3. Closing prices In Swiss fraacs
        135 words
      • 200 12 •T^HB Strait* tin price .1.. 1 J ln ed M8.63H to •••«-S7H per picul In «nang yesterday on an official offering up 103 tons to 283 tons. LONDON: Tin gained £16 for Cash and fully £13 per tonne for Three Months In both contracts on Monday The market
        200 words
      • 98 12 -MINSK ■B.OOUOS IXCMAMCI k SINCA'OIII NOOM CLOIING PNICSt aiCUL YIITIKOAV Caaanut 0M: Bulk »S7'i aalltra! drum *S2W aallara. Caora: MUad (losaa) UK/Cool. *3o>, buyara. >i||ir; Maatok ASTA whlta f.o b. 100% NLW S2S7M Milan. Sarawak wblta fob. NLW 1242', aallan. Sarawak •paetal Mack f.o.b. NLW ,171 eellan. Sarawak ASTA
        98 words
      • 30 12 Rubber Sept 23. Singapore: Oct. 140.W ets (down 150 cts). Malaysia Oct. 142.75 cts (down 200 cts). Tin: $985.37', (down $15.8*4). Official offering 293 tons (up lOi tons).
        30 words
      • 34 12 London copper prlcaa on Monday (prrrtoua In bcmckaU). WlMßor Spot buyer iSTS (1573.501 (9TS.SO (£374); Thraa Month buy«r IMT (IMS) aaUar fMT.ftO (1M5.90) Morktt tana i steady. Salet: B. TOO tonnaa.
        34 words
      • 523 12 •ymt Singapore rubber market yesterday ruled quietly lower and within narrow omits on lack of follow-through In Western markets to Monday's rise bareLack of a definite lead restricted turnover to routine adaptations to lower levels. The afternoon session was Idle and featureless The market dosed quiet with October
        523 words
      • 109 12 FkATLY BUR and 88R prices Issued at noon restorday Bwen AcMcn Barer* H*Mm MJLH.a (Carrot MUD (Furwart Mtk) lmli|«k|| (eenteptrkf) l SCV (l ton pallet) 150 so isi.son him isa jon t Hi (1 ton pftUtt) 148 00 149 OON 149 00 *****N 16 (1 too pallet)
        109 words
    • 191 12 Money and exchanges THE OS dollar advanced at the opening to *****0/ M In the Singapore forex market yesterday. Trading was generally active with minor prof It-tak-ing at the early session, thus depressing the rate to 82.5105/ 2.5112. However, the D 8 unit closed with a strong undertone at *****5/10
      191 words
    • 137 12 Suggested Interbank rates at 3.00 pm: «w>t«<l ymiriay putty ;s dollar 2 5105 2 5110 2.6196 Sterling pound 5.1970 5 2000 7 3489 iongkong dollar 49.55 49 65 50.51 Malaysian dollar 97.15 97 35 100.00 Mut KhUUng 13.4310 13.4845 13.1012 lei franc (com) 6.2710 6.2750 8.2915 Janlih kroner
      137 words
    • 42 12 Hanoi; of r»iaa e«tra4 *r dlatoum bouan on S*p4 M Uvrrmitl m t» I*. Call dapoall i% ClaatMS 3-Month rauury MIU 3 Month ink Mlla 3 Month CD 6- Month CD 4 I/I* 4 1/4 JT/lt ■Ml 4 ft a/i«
      42 words
    • 24 12 ingapore dolUr* foe Sept _tt. Offer BM vemight *V» mth »H 3,H mtha 4 1«% mtht 4 1 Honrcr: P. Ifcmf-J*" itcrnaUocuU.
      24 words
    • 61 12 Algemene Bonk 7 Bongkok Bank 71^ Bank of Amvrtco (>'/i Bonk of China 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro Indonmo 7'/i Sonque de L'lndochine 7 Chbrttred Bonk 6V4 Chose Monhotton 7 DBS 6V. f-rtt Chicogo 6V« FNCB 6V« HKS6C 7 Moloyon Bonking 7 Mitsui Bon*.
      61 words
    • 176 12 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Tuesday. Sept. 23. NOTE: These rates may d lifer slightly from Ukmb quoted by banks to their customers Offer Bid 7 day* 9 16 6 7/16 1 mUI 6 3/4 6 5 8 2 mths 7 1/4 7
      176 words
    • 365 13 UMW fears no second half recovery .OOMPARED with the extremely buoyant results which United Motor Works (Malaysia) Holdings achieved in the first half of 1974, the performance for the first six months of this year which the group reported yesterday must appear a tremendous letdown. Pre tax profU- were cut
      365 words
    • 43 13 INGERSOLL RAND South East Asia will Invest $250,000 to start local assembly of lowhorsepower air compressors. A company statement said the Singapore assembly operation will start production in late November, pro d v clng compressors for light manufacturing industries. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 150 13 RECESSION-HIT Associated Plastics Industries has reported pre-tax losses of $490,--000 for the first half of 1975, against profits of $1.6 million. But the chan-man, Tan Sri Talb bin Hajl Andak. Is confident that the company's performance will be better In the second hair. For the period
      150 words
    • 112 13 Bukit Sem b a wang Estates has been given the green light by the High Court to reduce Its share capital. Under its capital reconstruction scheme, Bukit sembawang will reduce the nominal value of Its $1 shares by naif by repaying 50 cents to
      112 words
    • 76 13 A 29.6 per cent drop In pre-tax profits was reported by Temerloh Rubber Estates in Its results for the year ended April 1975. The profits were down from $2.15 million In the preceding year to $1.52 million. The directors have declared a final dividend of 11 per
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 605 13 FORM I NOTICE BY THE COMMISSIONER RELATING TO INDEFEASIBILITY (Section 84 (2) NOTICE BY THE COMMISSIONER OF LAND TITLES Whcnas I am satisfied of the validity of Urn replacement Uttas to the holdinf > dsacrlbed In the Schedule hereto, together wllri the names and addresses of the proprietors thereof And
      605 words
    • 667 13 yJ^^^L^ LEMBAGA PELABOHAN KELANG. uHj) I|9u (KEtANO FORT AUTHORITY) v^y port kelano KENYATAAN TAWARAN NO. 1109 (R) Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa darl Kontrektor-kontrektor Kejuruteraan Awam "BUMIPUTRA" yang berdaftar dengan Lembaga Pelabohan Kelang dlbawah Kelas 'C\ For the Construction of guard rails along the open R.C. Drains at the southern end of
      667 words
    • 875 13 nruTDC VB= *9~ TECHNICAL APPOINTMENTS for the 52 storey OCBC Centre TECHNICIAN (MECHANICAL) Technician Diploma (Mechanical) Singapore Polytechnic or equivalent and at least 4 years relevant experience in the operation, maintenance and supervision of M E services with emphasis on maintenance of air conditioning plants. TECHNICIAN (ELECTRICAL) Technician Diploma (Electrical)
      875 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 636 14 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SINGAPORE (PTE) LIMITED I CALLING I I EX-EMPLOYEES TO WORK AS I I FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS I If you are still looking for a job or currently working but still I interested to come back and work with us please call DerI sonally at: 27 Kallang Place Singopore
      636 words
    • 858 14 BKeppel Shipyard Limited Major Shiprepoirers in Singopore OFFER Skill development opportunities for young Singaporeans (1) CRAFT APPRENTICESHIP to suitab'y qualified school-leavers who:--(a) Are Singopore Citizens (b) Are between 16 and I 8 years ot oge on Ist November 1975 (c) Hove completed 2 years of Secondary Education and possess o
      858 words
    • 856 14 SALES MANAGER A well established Company marketing wellknown brands of technical, photographic, sound and consumer products, offers a challenging and rewarding position of Sales Manager who will be responsible for sales in Singapore. The Company's outlets comprise direct sales to consumers as well as through dealer outlets The Sales Manager
      856 words
    • 782 14 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY •iWMttiM 'Nti m. PACIFIC CHIT MUD Mil t'Hrt '°'< Mint PlKlf It MIMM 1/ I (tt I Ikl > I »cl I ttl Main il 11 Mt M (MT I N/ll M 1/ IMf J J "t. < >»m I immi fit ikmi. tutu*. VMMmr
      782 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1335 15 mnumjomr samct ti ipytwrwEin rM rTNrf Awrf i!^ Mam 1 1 ma i P KilaM D Mr* tnn Hrn U K UttM Mill MSaat l'ta* II M HNt OM 11 Nt JtllPMl MT I Nt MtctMNtltNtMNt llarlMl UT INt II Nt IMI IMI IMt «Nt NtMKMt IVtfSS II Nt II
      1,335 words
    • 1151 15 Ben Ocean A/cmt9ernce<^BenLimßhieFUnnelC3enljneandNSMO Tl M/CMTIMNT (M SMI) ran F.lfMi PMaat i«h rttlUHIM l»m* Utmt UPI TMaj II Nt l«. "tjuri. MNMSCN It llSlft MMI L.t»,'u,«. 0«k. S'lwrtt, KSuViAc. V•*"M «^S S IB S- IT AS B ■uisTwas it'MNtt HMta* hiwi in*. Ot*. j tvTtMMM mm m 1 ■IMMACNAM It nNI
      1,151 words
    • 1178 15 k W 5 J-Vi Civmmmmm! Tl IMMI: MrMH tIMMa >M |-MMO» 1 1 Mll« IIIMII Aatstn All U K KITAMI Mill *>'' I>U *C s Atsim Hitre Otit HIIMV aMRI nsap, niapt it Nt n m ant iini I.UMPMi Mtr IM MNtMNIMNtMtat MWIMM MT I ail II Nt l Mi
      1,178 words
    • 1179 15 M,Ma_Ma_MaM_MtMMM_MJMM_M_M_t_S SI UHHiiPWPPNvTMMMMMMMI FULLY CONTAINEKIZEP S6KVICE TO EUKOft I l 18. KXFT kt 1 kt 2 B v siuuatiA HI Si NDmfMia, ruauiiuaiii. wiiwf rp, lc ruvrt, NfHltTt tijiMA mm 11 Mm 11 > "tiJMff, IftMM, cVtMtnaVtr 1 JWJJJ*,, NM 11 tM, C.IMgU tatkMMTt MMi. laruaiiA tM it Nc it
      1,179 words
    • 875 15 SiMMrt J1J444; P. laM| 1241; 1 1 *****; Pmmj 2IMI. THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK FM I I t AfIKA. MTMM IMwr.liiii. «a*>.», Ta««a. MafMa. Dwmi. (I PC 4 Ctpttcr.- p7lim«| lIM S'pwt 1/ T M HIKUM (Mawitim. Niwm. OarNa. EL P.E Cafatt.l) p Ktitff IMm Sport 1 7mm
      875 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1129 16 M^T- *ICAWASAIUiaSEN KAISHA LTD. F«UY COHTMItfIIStD SERVICE Torn» Burep* |VtM «U4r«) S port P. Kclaaf Httrf Irem Antwerp fJ'clati HtPTIW SAPPMIIE 21 let M (kt 11 Ml 21 Mf Mf 24 Mf MM*. EMMU 13 mm Ii Mf 4kc Ike 12 kc II kt AGENTS: S'atrt: NEFTOttE ACENCKS PIIYATE LTI.
      1,129 words
    • 1069 16 accipthh Au limb at matt immvut rat iwrtitnn, iawii. tjmtjAMa\ilN IAAIOAMa IAJAAtaaM SaMCMLMMkM TAaJkIAN MANIII. TtaMTf. MMM,'nn Itl AN AM VkaAl MAIN PWTs! I I fraa [TA fTO ttttwaMai I C T M AtTT HTM Ctr*ta la fart MAITT f AMA ttfl 1 Mt «M.U I PtMAIIM II Ttntit
      1,069 words
    • 930 16 hut CaWTAMonso smttf ti mm wu mn S'fan P. mum f'ltaat N'ttr| Iraa Antatrf rtaa HIIN-TU MPMTII a Sift 71 Swt II ttl 1? lit It tit M Mt II ttt IfPTWH aUwlrFwlßf <• #Ct J2 Wtt II M#t M Hot H Bst M HtW ItntM IMIAII II Nt. I
      930 words
    • 873 16 amss sowci to vmm. im-mummon puts T| Man I Hill it M<aal Ptva| Uatal M: liau AMSANA M Nrt 1/ I ttt 1/11 til IV I4 M l.ra»6 11. Lan C'l.f II 11. Tl*a 17/11. A'al»: K 11. I'Wif'll ItHl'l ■MMtAMiUTI 11.11 an I/I W VIM I1t« 8/11. ratal. CMaa/HuUIMM
      873 words
    • 980 16 T" autSSS, a'mmoSSc!' I B/4 «u. H« Soon .4 Bam mIWJS-mSmmTm XyStla Caaata. MrMM Htra.i Ball i£L\?H Q !mml L* Uftiun ana TivoU l MMWAY, tarrr. f«. oi>T! O-nUur IV2 and Hal Boon CHIT: Hal Tltn A»ta 5. Par- B r t UMnakaya Blaira «V 7. Savannah mom KLAMO MaruliVll.
      980 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 2208 17 S*isMC'Vl ft Oil /t/WV f^^l iMiSSUUM UlltS l&jjjj SINGAPORE CHAMBER ENSEMBLE Sliver Jubilee Concert Tonight. 815 p m Singapore Conference Hall Prograr-me Includes Bach's "Double Piano Concerto' Soloists Cheung I Mun Chit and Helen Foo Elgar's "Music Makers Alto soloist Shirley Fleury with Choir and Orchestra Conductor Paul Ablsheganaden Tickets
      2,208 words
    • 810 17 ELEGANT YOUNG LADIES with sound knowledge of dress designing and measuring required for local Fashion House Reply In writing with photograph to Room 22/ 13. 2nd floor Nunes Bldg.. Malacca Street Spore 1. F J. BENJAMIN a SONS PTE. LTD. EXPERIENCED COUNTER SALESGIRLS required to promote Formflt Foundation Undergarments Must
      810 words
    • 733 17 WANTED TRAINEE LIGHTER repairer preferably after Natlonai Service Apply with photo (non-returnable) to P.O. Box 3296. Spore 1 WANTED CHINESE LIVE-IN Amah Immediately Basic English, general housekeeping, limited cooking. Oood salary dlst. 10. Contact *****7 8 am 5 p.m. LIVE-IN ENOISH SPEAKING Oeneral Amah for Expatriate family with young children.
      733 words
    • 821 17 HILTON HEALTH CLUB) requires Ladles above 21 years of age to be trained as Masseuses No experience necessary Full training will be given. High rates of Income including commission, bonus, meal allowance and free medical service will be offered to suitable applicants Please call personally between 3 6p m for
      821 words
    • 759 17 SALES TRAINEES CUM collectors No experience required but must have own transport Salary, allowance and commission provided Apply full particulars Manager Bn-x Paslr Panjang Post Office Sport 5. WAITRESSES RSOUIRID POR New Coffee House. Call personally at 221-A. Outram Park. Blk 21. Tel *****55 Pay above $270. Department Store has
      759 words
    • 857 17 MESSENGER WITH SCOOTER urgently required Attractive remuneration Oood proapecu Call personally at Room 132 Stamford House. 39 Stamford Road MMMNTLY REQUIREO SECOND CLASS Engine Driver (Motor) for small harbour tug 120/ 200 h p 1 Salary will commensurate with experience Call personally at 201 Paslr Panjang Road. M.s. Spore 5
      857 words
    • 946 17 OIST. 10 MAJESTIC SPANISH designed bungalow. 4 huge bedrooms' study beautiful patio leads to 30.000 sq ft greenery Best for entertaining executive Principals 31RIH *****9 IF SEARCHING ACCOMMODATION becviev a problem don't despair We have nouses/ apartments from Sen«c> $4,500 to suit your requlrrin.-. v Phone RTC *****72 *****11 DATS
      946 words
    • 823 17 LUXURIOUS BUNOALOW DIST M 2'i-storey. 5 bedrooms. 5 bathrooms, fully furnished $2. 000 Tel *****4 DISTRICT 9 GRANGE HEIGHTS TYM B Ultra-modern Apartment on Highest floor 4 bedrooms, splitlevel Living' Dining Modern kitchen' bathrooms with coloured tiles Panoramic view. swimming pool, walking distance to Orchard Road Rental: St.SBS c no
      823 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 949 18 natt B4ST 6 ORANM MEIOHT6/ Hilltop Mansion 3-bedroomed apartments Available Immediately Rental $1,400 Phone *****1 OIST 11 TASTEFULLY FURNISHED 3-bedroomed tpartmenu In quiet and central locality Tel *****9- *****5 NEW APARTMENT WITH swimming pool 4 bedrooms wi". splitlevel living and dining room Available furnished/ unfurnished Call *****1/ *****4/ *****8 •f
      949 words
    • 570 18 NIW FONSION AMMVAL require, luxurious accommodation dlst t 10. 11, 21 Attractive rentals, deposits/ leaae assured *****1 VIPV LMOCNTLV WANTBO By foreigners house*/ flat* In dl.-.t 5 10. 11. 20. 21. 23 Oood renl payable Contact *****3 WANTBO BINOLB/ OOUBLB--BTOP.iv bunfalow. semi detached/ flats dlst 8. 10. 11 Rental 81.000
      570 words
    • 838 18 BBSJf»S)wBJ LUXURIOUS 1-STORBV TOWN houae split-level living/ dining. 3 bedrooms Italian rioor tiles throughout Jalan Meragl 10 miles Upper Changl Road Tel: *****6. I i 4p4k*2^sV I For homing/ Hat lean* The Malayan Finance Corporation (Singapore) Bertiad. where the loans are high and the terms of payment convenient. *****2. *****.
      838 words
    • 876 18 DIBT 14 SEMIDETACHED singlestorey renovation $120,000. Lucky Ovden corner terrace $120,000 Contact *****75 Food Thlan Houslnt DIBT 16 DETACHED BUNGALOW very big built-in area 2 halls. 4 bedrooms, utility room, built-in wardrobes, very large kitchen/ dining room Olased mosaic driveway and car porch Extensively renovated with retaining walls.' concrete fencing
      876 words
    • 763 18 GENUINE BUYER URGENTLY looking for a house In any residential district Immediate purchase Owners pleaae offer to Wong *****6. HOUSES WANTBO for ready clients Serangoon Oarden/ Katong/ any other districts Kindly contact Metroland Housing *****82/ *****59 WANTED FUTURA -B block Must be very high rioor Tel *****9 No agenu QUICK
      763 words
    • 761 18 CONVENIENTLY SITUATED OFFICE Space Available For Sale. Complete with carpeting, partitioned rooms, central alrcondlUonlng. Approx 2.735 sq ft located lr. Dlst 1 Interested parties, pleaae contact Mr Lam ***** PEOPIES PARK CENTRE office I 11th floor. 430 sq rt Tel *****4 SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE IN PRESTIOEOUS HONO LEONO BUILDING FOR
      761 words
    • 728 18 SK TRAVEL SERVICE 2v. PrinsMp vtrvo4 HARI RAYA PUASA SPECIAL OFFE R Oentlng 2 nlghu day 829 4/10. 5/10 Oentlng. XI 2 days 3 nights $49 90. $65 (sUy Merlin Hotel 2 to a room) 4/10. Cameron. Ipoh 2 days 3 nlghu $39 90 4/10 PVnang. Cameron 4 days 5
      728 words
    • 759 18 rFOnt/MUMAt'OftT <* BRUNCHr**jM 7 dan 'mm <«■ SJ*» HM R/UAH (ROOM SMI MJt. 1/10. 17/10. Jl'lo. JO/10, a/11. 17/11. K/11. Vl3. 14/12. IJ/12 I". '76. TPOHE r>O"T KtIANG S'POftt 1 davi iuw*i» tor SSJO KUNAK *—t I'lO. 20/10. t/11 37*11. I*ll KININGAU SMI 11 10 I'll 3Om 10/13. KIMANIS SBH
      759 words
    • 721 18 NAM HO TRAVEL Service I SlngaBOM) Pte Limited Tour Weat Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. CHlffhlands) by deluxe conditioned bus seven days ***** Departure Every Bun- i day. Monday Cameron High- lands Four days 8885/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days ssi l 5 Departure Every Wednesday Bangkok Chlengmal by deluxe alrcondltloned coach fourteen
      721 words
    • 796 18 TO AUSTRALIA FROM 8624/- U>n don- Europe from Kiwi -USA/ Canada from tl Trl *****5/ *****1 GASI AGENCY (PTE) ltd nflers cheap fares to Australia' Europe/ USA 1 Fui Baal Tel BTRAND MOTEL Benr«N,lf>n Street downtown, alrcon non-alr-cond Private bath MtiKlr $20/--double $25/-. Bar Ki-ilaurant Homely Service B !">rr Tel
      796 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 637 19 EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT com puter but why not learn to programme a computer and see how your programmes work at a special Introductory rate of $5 per lesson Ring *****9 for further dotalU PREMIER COMMERCIAL SCHOOL MM. Qussnswa; Snapplno Contra S por. 1. Tol S**U monetoo rm/ Sth OoL 7s.
      637 words
    • 743 19 FUBLIC RELATIONS tn spe- I clallst commencing Friday 26th I Sept at 8 p m Management Training Centre 304. 3rd floor New People's Park Centre Spore 1 Tel ***** CITY SCHOOL OP COSMSIRCB 21( OUEEN STREET SINGAPORE 7 SHORTHANO BEGINNER'S CLASS Monday/Friday 7 15 to SIS p m Commencing 26th
      743 words
    • 903 19 1871 PRESTIGE BMW 3 08 manual with rear unit alrcond Philips tape and cassette One owner, tip top condition Contact *****2/ *****7 David Quek DECEMBER 1870 FIAT 1248 1400 One owner, low mileage, very good condition cassette, radio $5,500 View 89. Cluny Road phone *****0 COLT GALANT ISS9 Custom, late
      903 words
    • 855 19 19SS/ 4 Hillman Super Minx 1592 c.c. tax end Feb. '76. Bargain S5OO Tel *****1 ext ***** or ***** 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 1970 Toyota Corolla 1200. 1969 Morris Mini MXII 6 Perak Road. Spore 8. Tel *****0/ *****7 1999 AIRCONO FORO Escort OT 1300 c.c 5 now tyres, sports
      855 words
    • 729 19 RENTAL HIRE PURCHASE, sale wooden furniture Contact London Woodworking 2582. Oeylang Bahru Blk 75 off Kallang Bah- ("ferry. ac ol z.' ''p 01 ll Tel: *****29/ *****96 open Sunday 11 00' am 4.00 p.m.. dally 8.00 am 8.30 p.m kjllE Central furniture ca RENTAL. HIRE PURCHASE, sale wooden furniture Contact
      729 words
    • 696 19 TO YOUR PLACE Massage, relax and facial by qualified masseuse/ beautician, Angerek Desa *****9/ *****8 RILAX AND BE MASSAOED at your place by well trained experienced masseuse, masseurs. Ring *****8 WAXINO Remove unwanted hair by waxing Call at Maggte's Imperial Beauty Shop Tel: *****6 ext 118 L 122 HOUSE PAINTING.
      696 words
    • 501 19 POR BALE: RESIDENTIAL. MulU- I store; and Commercial jub-dlvi- I slons in Canada. Information: I Phone Spore *****1 En 3 START YOUR OWN money making I business today. Free details. P.O. I Box 2969. Kuala Lumpur. 01-01. JAPAN TRADE AND Business Directory How to suit trade with Japan Consult Japan
      501 words
    • 307 19 *w w- Vto> f I FJ BbP B»f^ J 1 *ft j To fly aircraft in an impeccable formation requires W* exceptional skills. >-^- i i <fe^ At the SAF Display in June, Singaporeans saw the |p BLACK KNIGHTS, the first ever all-Singapore Na- g^ tional Formation Acrobatic Team in
      307 words

  • 645 20 4 SSESSORS nominated A by the Minister for Law to sit on the Board Of Appeals (Land Acquisition) are not required by law to have professional or specialised knowledge on land valuation, Mr. Justice Winslow heard In the High Court yesterday. State Counsel, Mr. Rajan
    645 words
  • 91 20 TWO police Inspectors. Insp. Quek Kan Pole and Insp. Joseph Lav Cher Thlan:. testifying In the High Court trial of Tallb bin Ha.i Hamza, 22 yesterday said they found spent bullets and empty shells at two goldsmiths where a gang committed armed robbery last year. Tallb Is
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  • 10 20 THERE were 87 accllenU. five serious, on Monday.
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  • 351 20  - HOLDUP VICTIM BEATEN TO DEATH K.S. SIDHU Fish pond owner found brutally murdered By A 72-YEAR-OLD fishing pond proprietor, Ong Yong, was bludgeoned to death and robbed of $200 and his watch at his farm in Tampines yesterday, police said Ong's killers also took his Identity card and his Datsun
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  • 211 20 A MAGISTRATE'S A court ruled yesterday that a company could be charged for failing to file its annual returns to the Registrar of Companies, even if the company did not hold any annual general meeting for the particular year. In the first case
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  • 34 20 RAYMOND Decastro. 47. died on the spot after his motorcycle collided with a lorry along Braddell Road yesterday. Eye-witnesses are requested to get In touch with Sepoy Lines police station.
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  • 109 20 CUSTOMS PLUGS REWARDS LOOPHOLE rl Customs Department Is believed to have implemented a new system of registering informers and agents to prevent fraudulent reward claims. Under this system, all Customs officers are required to register their agents. Informers and sources with the Central Intelligence Bureau, headed by a Senior Superintendent
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  • 56 20 HONO Leong Finance Ltd. will donate colour television sets costing more than $12.--000 to eight community centres on Sept. 29 as part of lta annual community project. These sets will be Installed at Joo Chlat. Havetock. Oeylang (West), Tetok Aver. Nee Soon. Upper Paya Lebar. Maude Road
    56 words
  • 112 20 mWKNTY fire ex tin X gulden costing about $2,000 were stolen from two shopping complexes and a hotel. Police believe that one gang stole them all. The security guard of Holiday Inn, Mr. Llm Swee Font, 40, found four fire extinguishers worth $400 missing from
    112 words
  • 108 20 r'O men and a woman were belleyrd to have fallen to their deattoj from different Housing Board flata yestarjlay. The body of Yeow Slew Thong, M. of Weld Road, waa found at the foot of Block 8. S-:e/ie Road at 635 p.m.
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  • 53 20 THE Society of Kalal Plthers will hold a Tamil variety show, Poovalyar T5, In conjunction with International Women's Year, at Victoria Theatre on Oct. 8 at 7.30 p.m. Dr. Nalla Tan. senior lecturer In the University of Singapore Department of Social Medicine and Public Health. wUI be
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  • 18 20 PEK Klo community centra will hold a children's singing contest on Saturday at 7 30 p.m
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 744 20 And we don't mean just after-sales service. We're concerned with your PAsT^S EXCllAllo£ specific machine requirements as well as your eventual cost and service ur LAVI benefits. That is CAT PLUS Service! This supporting service offers major assemblies and components at about half the normal selling price in exchange for
      744 words
    • 25 20 iVi^^B^B^kassssssft (^^^^uQ Lsssw' OPENING SOON /^»^T\ MM Til K AST ASIA T^n^ff lIOTFI 69. JdlonHd). Hussein. Off JdldnTuanlcu Abdul Rdhmdn. Kuala Lumpu< ■fel *****4(0 Uw)2KX>
      25 words

    • 291 21 Slain woman had 23 slash wounds SABAK BERNAM, Tuesday 45-YEAR-OLD housewife, Bidayah binte Mohamed AH, was found dead with 23 slash wounds, in her home at Sungei C°sar, about nine kilometres from here, yesterday afternoon. The woman was the wife of Haji Abu Samah bin Nordin, 48, personal representative of
      291 words
    • 152 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Mr. Justice Harun Hashlm yesterday allowed ball for a youth tentatively charged with murder in order to let him sit (or his LCE examination next month. In granting ball to Urn Yuen Chay alias Ah Choy, the Judge said: "Don't
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    • 114 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. City police last night found 10 unregistered guests when they raided jeveral hotels here. Four were women. Deputy city CID chief. Deputy Supt S. Kulaslngam, said today police from the Campbell police station swooped on a hotel In Jalan Raja
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    • 63 21 PENANG. Tues Malaysia ls negotiating with the World Bank for a US$lO million (55.75 million) loan to finance expansion of a power station at Pral. The World Bank vice-pre-sident for East Asia Pacific. Mr. Bernard Bell, told reporters that the expansion of the power station Involved
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 62 21 KUANTAN. Tue«.— Cuitonu officers raided a shop In Jalan Mahkota here and setied several bales of textiles worth more than f 100 .000 yesterday. They also detained s car tn front of the shop. In the car was $5,000 worth of Indonesian batik believed to have been
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    • 64 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The conjunctivitis epidemic In Malaysia appears to be on the decline with a totaJ of 28.878 reported cues between Sept. 14 to 10 a decline uf 6.497 over the previous week's figure. The director of health services. Dr. Raja Ahmad Noordln. said here
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    • 64 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuea.— M. Manimaran. 30. was jaUed for three yean by the Special Stations Court here today for raping a lft-year-old girl on March 13 at Brookland Estate. Banting. She was cycling along a path In the estate when Manimaran caught hold of her. dragged
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    • 81 21 Breaking up a 'pot party' KUANTAN, Tms. Police here broke up a "pot party" session and arrested 11 people, including two girls. In a secluded hoaue last night. Tbe Acting OCPD. Asst. Supt. AJ. Fernandez. and a squad, raided the house In Jalan Perlaal after a tip-off and found the
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    • 152 21 GROUNDED SHIP REFLOATS AT HIGH TIDE LABUAN, Tues. The 2.000-tonne freighter Sengzan Maru 7, grounded about 5 km (three miles) north off Labuan, has been refloated after 2,000 bags of Portland cement of 45 kilos each were removed from ihe vessel. The ship, belonging to a Hongkong shipping company, had
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    • 68 21 KUANTAN. Tues. Pahang police are anxious to contact two men who they believe will be able to help them) In their investigations Into the shooting of an 18- year-old youth last month. The two are Wong Klong 81ng. 26. of 340-B Jalan Baru. Dlndlngs, Perak
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    • 53 21 IPOH. Tues.— Malayan Railways general manager. Dato Ishak Tadln. welcomes criticism of the railway administration as "a sign of keen Interest" from the people "I do not set them as distasteful but ss a good sign of greater Interest from the public on this national transport
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    • 28 21 PENANO. Tues. The Consumers Association of Penang called on the Ministry of Trade and Industry today to review the maximum price* it recently fixed for eggs.
      28 words
    • 199 21 IfUALA LUMPUR, Tuea. Asean countries were urged today to develop their potentialities as the largest producers of tropical hardwood through co-operation. Co-operative action in the Umber Industry could also overcome the present hard »m»« secretary-general of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
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    • 80 21 Bargirl had dagger KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. -Barglrl Ainon alias Yatl blntl Ramll. 28. who carried a dagger in her handbag, was today fined $200 by the Sessions Court. She pleaded guilty to committing the offence while working at the Pellpor Nightclub In Jalan Chow Kit on Sept. 18. The court
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    • 60 21 Stabbed by gang IPOH, Tues. A 25-year-founciry worker. Yong On Ngo. died from multiple stab wounds received In a gang attack here this morning. He and a friend. Leong Ah Wan. 33, were set upon by eight youths, some armed with daggers, while they were strolling along the main street
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    • 171 21 PENANG. Toes. Happy days are here again for the belacsn-makers of Penan*. After staying away from Fenang waters for almost a year, the shrimps (ndang kepal), the main ingredient in making belacan, have returned in abundance. Batu Ferringhi belacan maker, Neoh Cheow Seng,
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    • 332 21 r THE Port of Singapore Aut h o rity plans to introduce an apprenticeship training scheme for teenagers who have completed their Secondary Two or Four education. Mr. P. Fernando, an executive officer with the Technical Training Section. Training Department, PSA. said however, that the scheme
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 756 21 pi S»M»i#MM» p IPs W^ I mdfic I Z%tiS& Our client Is a large brickworks In Selangor whose 5%k S()K existing plant Is to undergo major overhaul and s() SgY%» repairs, and a new plant Is to be constructed so as to SM Increase production to meet the Increasing demand
      756 words
    • 504 21 WARNING NOTICE The United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Ordinance ol the Repuolic of Singapore. States ot Malcva Sabah and Sarawak B^KafeaVafll aHk W J^t hbW B 1 ll^L a^v Registration No *****4 Registration No *****5 Friw bowl Glass Coaster Notice is hereby given that SELANGOR PEWTER CO SDN BHD of 231
      504 words
    • 433 21 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR LANGUAGE OFFICER Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the post of Language Officer In the Language and Literature Bureau, Brunei. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE: (a) Recognised degree or diploma In Malay Studies or Linguistics; or (b) Experleenced In writing Malay text books for
      433 words

    • 281 22 HK champ suffers 2nd round knockout TOKYO. Tue*. Vandui Batbiar. of Mongolia, knocked out Ho Hay Hlng, three times Hongkong champion. In the second round of their flyweight conUtt In the 1975 Asian Amateur Boxing Championships which began at Yokohama tonight. The referee stopped the fight after the hardhitting Mongolian
      Reuter  -  281 words
    • 887 22 The big fight distorts PI history Ali's $11.25 m purse is more than the original cost of 7,107 islands MANILA, Tues.— ITI Only the backdrops change. The voice remains the same. So do many of the words. In the modern Folk Arts Theatre that juts into Manila Bay, the voice
      887 words
    • 58 22 HONOKONO. Tues. A total of 17 national records were Improved In China's Third National Games Swim mlng Championships which ended on Sunday, the New China News Agency reported today. Without giving specific details. NCNA sa!d 10 of the Junior sw immers broke national records during the
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 213 22 Frazier. People want to see Ali punished MANILA, Tim. 1 will carry him," Joe Frailer said today. "The people want to see him punished." "Him," of course, is Muhammad All, and Frailer is confident that when they meet for the heavyweight crown bere on Oct. 1 (Sept. 3* in America)
      213 words
    • 177 22 TONDON, Tuts. Brt--4 tain-g joe Bugner is to give uc his European heavyweight boxing title, manager Andy Smith announced today. Bugner 'i decision to relinquish the crown he won in October 1972 fellows pressure by a Belgium promoter to have him stripped of the title
      177 words
    • 313 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Japanese-bred Sugatsurugi did a splendid workout in yielding going here this morning. With Mohamed Arlffln astride, the Canadian Champ four-year-old reeled off 3f in 37 1/5 on the bit. I On this showing Sugatsurugi is worth an
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    • 155 22 Bulgarian sets 3 world records MOSCOW, Tues. Valentin Khristov. a 19-year-old Bulgarian, set three world records when he won the heavyweight gold medal at the World Welg h 1 1 If ting Championships In Moscow yesterday. His Jerk of 237.5 kilograms (523' 2 pounds), his snatch of 180 kilos i
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 72 22 NEW YORK. Turn. Remit* of major Irague bsaet»U game* played jreatcrdajr: •■■rhua Ua|M: Cleveland 7 Milwaukee 6. Kama* 2 Tew 1, Boston New York Yankee* 4. Ulnneaou 2 Oakland 1. California I Chicago 0 (18 lnnlnct). NaUoaaJ Uipe: St. Lou* 6 Montreal 4 (12 lnntaf»-lst game). Montreal
      72 words
    • 20 22 LONDON. Tues England beat Wales by 2S-16 In a Rugby League World Championship match at WarrlQCUa yesterday— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 332 23  -  JOE DORAI By SINGAPORE'S new faces last night showed op well in their debut to help Singapore Selection upset a strong Ho Ho Cup Combined team 3-1 in the friendly soccer match at the National Stadium. Of the five newcomers tried out, the ones who
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    • 57 23 BRISBANE, Tues.— Former Australian Amateur champion Vie Bennette held on to an overnight lead to win the Australian POA championship here today. Bennetts shot a final one-over-par 72 for a four-round total of 387. Veteran Kel Nat le tied for second place with Robert Taylor and
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 114 23 EDMUND, YUNOS AND HO IMPRESS Singapore clinched the match In the 80th minute when Brian Batchelor headed a cross from Supramanlam past Bee Seng. A minute before the final whistle Edmund Wee brought oil a splendid dose range save oft* Soh Chin Aun. SINGAPORE: Brian Rossrlo (Edmund Wee); Jamil Ahmad
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    • 76 23 HONOKONO. Tues. An 18-year-old schoolgirl yeeterday cracked the world record In the women's small bore standee rifle snootIng event In China's Third National Games, the New China News Agency (NCNA) reported. t Chin Tung-Htfaac of Uaonlng Province, returned 578 point* of i possible 900 In the 50-nwtre
      76 words
    • 326 23  -  PETER SIOW By CEMBAWANO constituency, scored two goals during an exciting 35-minute spell, and then put up the shutters to beat Stable Boys 2-0 in the FAS Youth soccer tournament at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The opening goal was conceived In the 10th minute.
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    • 176 23 SOEN SETS NEW MARK COEN Lai Heng took top honours by setting a meet record in the men's 100 m backstroke on the second day of the Chinese Swimm ing Club's Open Championships at Amber Road yesterday, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Lai Heng. who represented Singapore at the Peking International meet
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    • 71 23 NEW YORK. TUe*. Arthur Aahe, winning several key polnU with staling pasting shots, beat Roacoe Tanner. S-8. 7-6. 8-3 In the ali -American men'i singles final of the UBIIOO.OOO (I3S0.000) Pacific Southwest Tennis Championships at Loa Angeles yesterday. Brothers Vljay and Anand AmrltraJ of India beat
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 152 23 CONCERN OVER ABSENTEES TOOUB players Yeo r Eng KU. Foo KU FsJ, Tony Shackel and Ong Poh Him who were absent at yesterday's practice Rugby match, have given SRI' officials some cause for worry, report* GODFRET ROBERT. SKI president Nlai Mohamad Shah said: "They were told about the match and
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 918 22 I PAC-ASIAN I I IT'S THE USUAL I MOVING STORY I We've moved to improved premises and are now able to give you a more comprehensive service. CALL ON US NOW AT: SUITES 1614/1616, OR CALL US AT TEL: *****33. TELEX: R5 *****. PAC-ASiAN SERVICES PTE LTD «TH FLOOR. •VTERNAnONAL
      918 words
    • 236 22 NOTICE OF SALE RCMO-AID Will offer for sale by sealed bids (IFB) the following items: Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Phosphide, Nylon Yarn for Fish Nets, Active Dry Yeast, Paper Machine Felts, Cigarette Paper and Carbon Black. Effective Thursday 25 September 1975, IFBS 8-75 thru 10-75, and further information may be obtained
      236 words
    • 392 22 IN IHK HIGH (OIKI OF SINGAPORE Companies Winding Up No. 44 of 1*75 In the Matter of tbe Companie* Act (Cap. I8S) Aad In the Matter of Pint Electronic Plaza (Pte.) Ltd. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of the abovenamed Company
      392 words
    • 304 22 SHERIFF'S SALE In The High Court Of The Republic Of Singapore In The Cause Of Suit No. 2232 of 1975 Writ of Seizure ti Sale No. 428 of 1975 OILLESPIE BROS $t COMPANY LTD Plaintiff Versus Sum Wing Fong Defendant Auction Sale Of Textiles, desks, steel filing cabinet, fan, showcases
      304 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 47 23 I fanfare I B>w^ON SALE NOW^^^H r"7* Ebb EI M Br2S BT^^'eT BBfc X BHbV^BIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb b/Z t^^LVl I^^B^BBB> k^Bßssi sL^B^s^sHl^L^tUsß! w 1 BBWWBBBB Mf*)*^ 1* BBV v 4^« BT nsEP^^^F fS BbV fl BBrl V BBr «K Bbl'^ tS^S*^^'* s^*^*W. S J\«BB Sm i BBV)CS BBBbI IbbW^b!
      47 words
    • 318 23 I I /Mm wit 1 snap-on lid K //Ml m 'deal for electrical installation or re- /Ml M ring. Water PVC trunking is shattefS /m§ m j 00<1 clean < light and simpli :o install with B /mi m i vs t a saw and hammer. Gives your electri- /ml
      318 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 34 23 BCOBT BRU DtV. 1: A Cot vs B Coy (Dieppe) DU. 2: Aiti*** 1 vs Support (Dieppe); Itakar* vs Police (Padant). 8OCC«B: Friendly— Purer Park Utd vs Woodlands Utd (PP Athletic Centre, 5.16 MM.
      34 words

  • 66 24 PARIS. Tues. Chad rebels today spared the life of captured French archaeologist Prancoise Claurtre. allowing a 10 a.m. deadline for her execution to expire without Incident, official French sources said today. The sources said negotiations on the ransom had reached an advanced stage and the bargaining waa likely
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 27 24 HILVERSUM (Netherlands). Tues.— Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel said yesterday he expects the Middle East to remain unstable for the next 25 years— UPl
    27 words
  • 304 24 Vienna arms cut talks: Nato to stand firm BRUSSELS, Tuesday TtHE North Atlantic Treaty Organisation J- nations will stand firm on previous offers of troops and weapons cuts when the East-West arms reductions talks resume in Vienna on Thursday, a Nato spokesman said today. The spokesman denied reports that the
    304 words
  • 415 24 LONDON, Tvm. A spHlonr of croHt-Uklnc (ram liU jraattnUy foraad ptiMi down mim tfc* boar* In n*mml turnover At S p.m. tfe* PlnaiMtal Tlnxa lodta wu down S.T at 134.0. TW wwkMM of at*rtlß< axaJnat t)K \m AoUar ud oonewn about tb* dn«k of rinirtaa mgMt«M«d by tk*
    415 words
  • 70 24 Pak arms list for US RAWALPINDI. TUas. Pakistan turn •utanlttßd a Hat of wcapoog It waata to buy from the United States an' It Includes defanatv* weapons like anti-tank mlatUea, howHatin and helloopten, the fcujUih newapapar Pakistan Tlmea aaid tody The govtrnment-cantroUed Mwspansr In an article bjr tv diplomatic oorraapotuknt
    70 words
  • 120 24 12 KILLED IN TAIWAN TYPHOON HAVOC T Air EH, Taea, Typhoon Betty churned toward the Taiwan Straits today after leaving 12 people dead in the eastern and southeastern parts of the island. Authorities said she was losing her strength and developing into a tropical storm. Another 108 people were reported
    AP  -  120 words
  • 244 24 Somchai fails in $125,000 claim BANGKOK, Tues. A CIVIL court yesterday rejected an insur- ance claim for US$5O,OOO (*****,000) from police Lieut. Somchai Chalyasuta, who was acquitted of murder in a controversial trial in the 1972 bombing of an airliner that killed 81 people. The court said it believed that
    UPI  -  244 words
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