The Straits Times, 22 September 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 496 1 FOREIGN TROOPS IN TIMOR —says Fretilin Reports of attacks by men in Jakarta uniforms DILI (Portuguese Timor), Sunday UNIDENTIFIED troops, tome wearing Indonesian uniforms, yesterday attacked forces of the Revolutionary Front for Independent East Timor (Fretilin) on the territory's south coast, Fretilin military commander Rogerio Lobato said here. He told
    Reuter  -  496 words
  • 228 1 Royalty agree to pay cuts KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday THE Yang Dipertuan Agung, the Deputy King and sultans have consented to sacrifice five per cent of their royal purses to help the country overcome the present financial difficulties. Governors of Penang, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak have also agreed to similar pay
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  • 128 1 KELANTAN SULTAN SWORN IN AS AGUNG XC A L A LUMPUR, San. The Sultan of Ktlantan, Tuanku Yahja Putra Ibni AlMarhum Sultan Ibrahim, 57, was sworn in as the sixth Yang Di pert aan Agung for a five year term at a colourful ceremony at the Istana Negara this morning.
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  • 26 1 TOKYO. Bun A weak earthquake ahcofc Wakaymma In wectem Japan at *M pjn. today but cauaed no or casualties, the meteorological agency said. UPL
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  • 267 1 Lisbon Premier escapes bomb blast at palace ISBON, Sun. A bomb today damaged a palace where Portugal's new Prime Minister, Admiral Jose Plnhelro de Azevedo, was sleeping. He was shaken but uphurt. It wrecked the door of the officers' mess In the Selxas Palace on the waterfront of the seaside
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 63 1 PRETORIA Sun. Finance. Minister Owen Horwood announced today the South Africa rand would be devalued by 17.i per cent against the American dollar from tomorrow. The move follow* tfie drop in the price of gold on the world markets South Africa, the world's largest gold
    63 words
  • 65 1 LONDON. Sun. Former South Vietnamese Presidsnt Nguyen Van Thieu flew bars last night to Join bis wife and 12-year-old son, a pupil at a British sctiooV. Mr. Thieu, who has been living in Taiwan since the communtat takeover in Saigon last April, said at the airport he
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 34 1 HAIFA. Sun. Poliabborn Israel artiit Moan* Mokady died here today aged 7*. Works by Mokady. who emigrated to Israel In 1930, have been shown in numberout exhibition* in Israel and abroad. Reutar.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 167 1 MOftONI. Sun. GOVERNMENT security \J forces landed on Anjouan Island this morning and dashed with supporters of ousted Premier Ahmed Abdallah, killing one person, Informed sources said here In this capital of the Comoro Islands In the Indian Ocean. Abdallah declared the
    AP  -  167 words
  • 604 1  -  LESLIE rONG By Egyptian officials invited to Spore f AIRO, Sun.— Sinf apore welcomes visits by Egyptian officials to study its port operations, indait r ialisation pro r r a mmc and free trade zone, Mr. Lee Kuan Tew told President Anwar Sadat last night. According
    UPI  -  604 words
  • 173 1 Troops kill 2 more border Reds A LOR STAR. Bun. Security forces scored another success within 48 hours when they shot dead two more communist terrorists In Buklt Tangga, north of Changloon, near the Thai border this afternoon. Mentrl Besar Dato Serl Syed Shahabuddlu said today that the two men
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  • 33 1 BANGKOK. Sun. Regular bus service will be restored tomorrow following s threeday strike. Prime Minister Kukrit PramoJ said today after reaching a stUkmsnt with protesting bus company owners and workers. AP.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 61 1 LATEST Timor: Whitlam accuses Lisbon MELBOURNE. San. Australian Prime Minister Cough WhltUa today accused Portnjal of failint to take responsibility for ending the strife In Portuguese Timor where fresh fighting was reported Involving unidentified troops who crossed the •order from Indonesia. Mr. Whitlam, in a television interview, aeeaaod Portugal of
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 ViXsA SAFETY ELi KINGS SHOES M |L? ON EARTH A OIL- No. 706^1 resistant mrVjk Wd KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK. 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT. SINGAPORE. 14. TEL: *****1 *****7 Dutributor M G TRADING COMPANY 134. Ist Floor Goid.n Mile Theatre Tower. Seech Ro«d Singapore. 7 Tel *****14 NEW
      162 words
    • 77 1 LEBANON CLASHES DESPITE CEASEFIRE BACK PAGE SMITH'S Mack PM remark stirs up Rhodesia t SOVIET arms making Libya Cuba of the Mcd S IMPASBE on eve of UN debate on Cyprus 4 SECRET US-British deal on Diego Garcia S CHEAPER policies plan for safe builders BLUMP in furniture despite boom
      77 words
    • 181 1 Itdenmarks STERLING y^^ 9LVERWARE STEEL KJr F^TV\^F^fP*fT by OEORO l&r JENSEN at. K 9ENA (PTE) LTD. HCHCLASC JEWELLERS BfUNOCS P% »UNQW-iA iWAfFLES HOTELS bVsbbbt 1^ V ■T ssW ("sss^ssJan AT ft VBBw nSK V BBBBw m i i BBBw 11 Bk> l na\ Wsbbbbv m BBf SWA Vj WA I
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 157 2 WASHINGTON, San. Mr. Sargent Shriver, brother-in-law of Senator Edward Kennedy and the late president John Kennedy, yesterday formally declared his candidacy for the Democratic Party's Presidential nomination In 1971 At a news conference, Mr. Shriver pledged he woald pat government on the side of
      Reuter; AP  -  157 words
    • 352 2 SALISBURY, Sunday RHODESIAN Prime Minister fan Smith's assertion that the country could one day have a black Prime Minister and a multi-racial Cabinet caused surprise and confusion among the top ranks of his ruling Rhodesia Front Party yesterday. Mr. Smith made the statement
      Reuter  -  352 words
    • 79 2 SEATTLE. Sun. Betty Hopper, a veteran Associated Preis editor and writer who cracked the mala domination of sports writIng and won the men's admiration In dclng It, died on Friday In a Seattle hospital after a long illness. She was 52. "She's a hell of a newspaper
      AP  -  79 words
    • 203 2 Call by Bogota group to topple 'corrupt' regime BOGOTA, Sun —A group calling Itself the Military Brigade for National Liberation and Reconstr uctlon has called for a coup d'etat to overthrow what It called the corrupt dvllan-elected regime of President Alfonso iX>pez Mlchelsen. "Aunt Rosle will come around Christmas t
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    • 78 2 JERUSALEM Sun. Israel's supreme court has rejected an appeal by the former manager of the collapsed Israel-British Bank and sentenced him to a fine of almost US$4 million (Bslo million) In addition to nil 12-year prison term. Yehoshua Ben-Tslon a leadIng banker convicted in a series of
      AP  -  78 words
    • 244 2 Anti-terror drive as 11 guerillas await death MADRID, Sun. Eleven alleged Spanish urban guerillas were under sentence of death yesterday as the Government stepped up Its campaign against urban terrorism which has claimed the ll\es of 12 policemen this year. 81x alleged terrorists. Including two women said to be pregnant,
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 31 2 htxsinki. Sun. nuns todty began voting to elect MSI parliament agalnat a background of rapidly rlalng unemployment and poor economic performance, but do big change* are expected. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 29 2 HAMBURG. Bun. An ■act Oerman pilot new a ilngle-englned sports plane «croa» the border to West Oemany today and asked (or pemuaslon to stay, police tatd. Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 207 2 MONTEREY (CallfornU), Sun. President Ford Indicated yesterday he will decide within a month whether to recommend a one-year extension of US anti-recession tax eats doe to expire on Dec. SI. Mr. Ford said that In any ease, he would not recommend bigger tax
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    • 403 2 French arms aid to Chad rebels claim— Sun Chad national radio said yesterday it believed a French military transport plane on a mission of mercy may In fact be unloading arms for rebel tribesmen. The plane left France on Friday with US$2.2 million <S$ c v 4 million which the
      AP  -  403 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 540 2 Pli MIL r yet ECONOMICAL MARINE DIESEL ENGINE MODEL' M SERIES JP w»s^»»^*^^"^ s»obmsbbbMbbbbbbb»< liifl I *^^^*a^SMBSB^pSWJSM] woo r to —^E~c—»- s«C ?s 7400 it *^~r* T" fe *^*^^Bsr^^^*^^^^^UM' > '^Tt^ssssssssssss^Bsr^naaaMaßs^sl •w -^> I 300 n I*-* 40% weight/HP ratio improvement over other diesel engine^H I 'J,' 1 JJJJJ X^
      540 words

    • 420 3 'Oswald's calls taped by CIA before JFK killing' WASHINGTON. Sun. rE US Central Intelligence Agency taperecorded two telephone conversations involving Lee Harvey Oswald less than two months before the assassination of President John Kennedy, informed sources said yesterday. The two conversation*, i which took place on Sept. 27 and 28.
      AP  -  420 words
    • 75 3 BTARKE (Florida). Sun. —Freddie Pitts and Wllbert Lee walked out of the Florida state prison as free men on Friday. 12 yean after they were sent here to die for two murders another man said he committed. Showing little emotion, the two blends who spent eight
      AP  -  75 words
    • 273 3 Chances 'slim' for price freeze: Opec VIENNA. Son— Officials of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Coantries say there Is a slim chance the International oil cartel might continue Its price freese. But ther stress the word "slim." Sources at Opec headquarters here say it Is a very good bet that
      UPI  -  273 words
    • 499 3 Soviet arms Staking ibya 'Cuba of the Med' f ONDON, Sun.— Soviet weapons and Russian personnel to handle them are flowing into Libya at such a rate that the country seems destined to become the Soviet Union's main base for operations in the Mediterranean area. In a front-page story in
      Reuter  -  499 words
    • 138 3 SALT II PACT BY YEAR'S END? WASHINGTON. Sun. US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger held detailed talks on nuclear arms cuts with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Oromyko on Friday, and said afterwards he still hoped a new Strategic Arms Limitation agreement could be reached before the end of the
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 83 3 Marcos' purge on army MANILA, Sun. Ptwrident Marcos' purge of "*"*i^h in his martial-law government will extend to the military. Oeneral Romeo ttntnci. Armed Forces Chlef-of-Staff. was quoted today as saying In an Inspection tour of Mindanao. The Manila-based newspaper. Bulletin Today, reported Irom Davao City that Ocn. bpino has
      AP  -  83 words
    • 360 3 Panama Canal talks: Snags over its defence PNAMA CITY. Sun. —Panamanian negotiators said yesterday that talks on turning the Panama Canal over to Panama have bogged down over US Insistence on the right to guard the waterway indefinitely. There was no immediate comment from the United States. The negotiators' report,
      AP  -  360 words
    • 157 3 ATHENS (Georgia). Sun. The United States faces a recession worse than at present if President Ford and Congress do not adopt more conservative fiscal policies, the chairman of the U.S. Federal Rntrvr Board, Dr. Arthur Burns, said last night. "If we do not follow wiser
      Reuter  -  157 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 27 3 [WPP^rsiLpwYT^n IrHi'iJ I J s^ mm? M nMBa Mt^^SZ T3* A *^»(*J I b^^^^bi^-^^^^^b^^^^b^^^b^^bP^^^^l^B b^bW '^b^b^^^^^^^ m b^b^bW W 1 i jT^ 11 BBS *^r %.^Hb^Hb^B^B^H B^st?^jifslßßw**j»**^f^4*^^BM
      27 words
    • 299 3 ig [wT lsl ig LX j < tr- r v \u\ QUALITY FOODS-FRIENDLY SERVICE. Z IS JUST ARRIVED! ILTI A bi selertion °f me English |j= Cheese Stilton. Caerphilly, Derby, Jp Cheddar, Leicester, Lancashire, I=. Double Gloucester, Wensieydale, [3 Cheshire. 13 fe aSHtik VfMTS AND fe CAIUFLOWER aust. ioog .30
      299 words
    • 303 3 i FISH/SEA PROBIfE |j IKAN BATANG .55 BI SOLE FILLET .65 |j i CRAB MEAT 2.75 Bl I rr-lE ANDRONICUS COFFEE Bj Regulor Grind 434 g 3.90 SH! ,401 (VEGETABLE OIL ~~77M LADYS CHOICE J./U [j| coffee¥aTe El CARNATION 312 g 2.65 fgl STERILIZED MILK dutch baby S HOLLAND 3%
      303 words

    • Briefs
      • 38 4 rKYO, Sun. Police have announced the recovery of five of the Mix baseball pitching machines they say were stolen by Japanese radicals to hurl rocks and fixe bombs In protest against Emperor Hlrohito's visit to the United States.
        38 words
      • 24 4 AGANA (Guam): Twentythree Vietnamese reCtiiates arrived here it night from California and were isolated from 1,5»* other repatriates awaiting permission to return to Vietnam.
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      • 35 4 JAKARTA: President Suharto has called for renegotiation of all contracts between the state-owned Pertamlna Oil Company and foreign and domestic contractors In which payments still remain to be settled, a preside ntlal spokesman said yesterday.
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      • 24 4 TAIPEH: Taiwan expects tourist arrivals this year to reach 8«5,000, a live per cent increase over the 1974 figure, the Tourlsro Bureau predicted today.
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      • 29 4 ROME: Mrs. Yelena Sakharov. wife of dissident Soviet psyslclst Andrei Bakahrov, was given an award here for collaboration with her husband's human rights activities In the Soviet Union.
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      • 31 4 HONGKONG: The Hongkoni Federation of Catholic Students today expressed concern over the continuing violation of human rlghU in the Philippines "and demanded the lifting of martial law Imposed by President Marcos."
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      • 29 4 HONGKONG North Vietnamese Premier Pham Van Dong recently held cordial talks In Hanoi with Mr. Michael Tamzer, an American petroleum consultant, the North Vietnam News Agency reported today. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  29 words
    • 422 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Sun. Mr. Steven Weed says It took him a year to put his life back In order after his fiancee, Patricia Hearst, was kidnapped from their Berkeley apartment by terrorists. Now she's been captured and jailed, and Mr. Weed Is
      AP; UPI  -  422 words
    • 360 4 impasse on eve of UN Cyprus debate UNITED NATIONS, Sunday JJN officials strove yesterday to break a deadlock over Turkish Cypriot participation in the General Assembly's Cyprus debate that threatened to delay US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's speech to the Assembly tomorrow. A UN spokesman said they were studying
      AP  -  360 words
    • 31 4 HONOKONQ. Sun. A slx-irember delegation representing the COmmunin. Party of China left Peking today (or North Korea for a friendly visit. th« New China News Agency reported Dpi.
      31 words
    • 293 4 Hunt tells of 'order to kill -Anderson- WASHINGTON, Son. Howard Hunt Jr. once told former Central Intelligence Agency associates that he had been ordered by a senior official in the White House to assassinate syndicated columnist Jack Anderson, the Washington Post reported today. The Post, quoting "reliable sources," said Hunt
      UPI  -  293 words
    • 98 4 Isabel back in power soon BUENOS AIRES. Sun. The Peronlst Pany said yesterday Isabe' Peron vlll return to her presidential office on Oct. 17, the day marking the 30th anniversary of her late husband Juan Peon's rise to power. The party statement, issued by its executive council, was aimed at
      AP  -  98 words
    • 220 4 Threat of 'Ulster type violence' in Lanka LONDON, Sun. The Tamil and Sinhalese peoples of Sri Lanka will have to compromise more it they are to avoid communal violence like that in Northern Ireland or Cyprus, according to a report published here today. The report, written by Journalist Walter Schwarz
      Reuter  -  220 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 553 4 Jo^ 1 1 L V w Th« SvMco «»v lyMffl n»* low co«t m«v to mooVnitt youf o«>ct WMpnoni tytwm VVith Setelco's new system,you can dial, receive, hold or transfer calls... without a switchboard operator. The Setelco 116 40 key Illuminated push buttons But find out more Call us system
      553 words
    • 55 4 The majority of haemorrhoids or ptles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting comfort. Avati- able
      55 words

    • 334 5 Heath and Mao in a surprise meeting L- PEKING. Sun. I TCORMER British Prime r Minister Edward Heath today had a surprise audience with Chairman Mao Tsetung and reported later that China's aged leader was well-inform-ed and still held strong views. Mr. Heath said the hour long discussion covered the
      Reuter  -  334 words
    • 189 5 Koreas to unify without foreign help HONGKONG, Sun. North Korea said yesterday it will reunify the divided Korean peninsula "as early as possible" without the help of outside forces. North Korea's cherished desire to reunify the two Koreas was brought up once more by the official Korean Central News Agency
      UPI  -  189 words
    • 135 5 $3.1 mil HK HOLD-UP: SUSPECTS HELD Sun. Police arrested an undisclosed number of suspects in a series of pre-dawn raids here today In connection with the largest robbery In the colony's history In which eight masked men ambushed two bank cars and escaped with US$l.25 million (S|3.l million). A police
      AP  -  135 words
    • 415 5 LONDON. Sunday BRITISH officials said yesterda- the United States covered nearly a!l Britain's costs of buying an Indian Ocean island wanted for American naval use. The secret deal related to the controversial project for developing Diego Garcia, a coral atoll In the Chagos Archipelago,
      AP  -  415 words
    • 58 5 CHICAGO, Sun.— Chicago's 660 city schools have opened tor the first time In 11 days after 27.000 teachers ended a strike over wage claims and conditions. Negotiations between the teaohers union and the Board of Education ended with an agreement that will give the teachers an
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 30 5 BAIOON, Sun. Petrol stations In Saigon are to be opened again alter five months of closure, a spokesman for the South Vietnam Petroleum Product* CO. said yeaterday. OTX
      30 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 mm BBPV sVI Si TtZlm aVI SsK^Pßsi _^fl V} aw JmT^ BF^ ajl A Donald Moore Hyatt Singapore Hotel presentation .Few artists have put so much heart and soul into achieving a sound and a style which is instantly. and joyously. .recognisable. AN EVENING WITH million^^^F^f m^f^^^^^^T^m^^^^ O Irl I
      78 words
    • 717 5 Inside or outside 1 8 I 1» 'Jmrnm I U Iml 1 38jS8q HI t ■Pkt* wB i i Wm\ 2 ff nV^^^^^i^Bl Nippon Paint looks good, stays good. Nippon Paint. By any definition, a great paint. It is manufactured from only the finest raw materials. And it's carefully formulated
      717 words

  • 203 6 Underworld chief held in police swoops on gang lairs mEN suspected secret society members Including an alleged "notorious headmap" have been arrested after a series of raids carried out by police In the Paya Lebar area. Police believe the suspected underworld chief Is head of the "18 Immortals Gang." Ht
    203 words
  • 45 6 JURONO Shipyard Ltd. on Friday signed a $6 million contract to build three units of deck cargo barges for a Srunel marine construction and fabrication company. The barges for Chung Pah Hlng (Brunei) Sdn. Bhd. are expected to be delivered by January.
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  • 40 6 THE Kampong Olam community centre will organise a 24-seaslon swimming course on Monday and Thursdays, from 5.30 p.m. to Tp m starting next month. Fee is $12 for members, fio for children, and 115 for others.
    40 words
  • 58 6 THE angapore Zoological Oaxdenj haa received a aat of National Geographic Maga tinea dating back to IMS the result of 26 yean of painstaking collection by a school tnxlwr The donor Is Mia* alarla Teresa Conatgliere. who retired from the Convent of the Holy Infant Jeaua
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  • 315 6 *pHE General Insurance Association of Singapore (GIA) has drawn up an incentive scheme which offers 3$ to 7$ per cent premium discount on policies taken out by building contractors with good safety records. The scheme designed to assist the Government's effort In promoting industrial
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  • 123 6 $600,000 C-centre for Leng Kee A $800,000 community centre will be built for residents of the Leng Kee constituency. The proposed centre, to be sited In Jalan Rumah Tlnggi, opposite Block 37, will have all the facilities of a standard key centre in a constitutency, Including a conference and meeting
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  • 64 6 Role of women display at library THE National Library will organise an exhibition in Its lecture hall from Sept. 23 to Oct. 2 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. to commemorate International Women's Year will Include book*. magaainca. United NaUona publications, picture* and porters highlighting the role of women in
    64 words
  • 41 6 Dr. Koh Biff Kheng and Dr. John Lim Khal Liang, representatives of the aingapore atarHral Ajaodatlon, will prevent a talk-cum-fllm show on "Writ to China" In the To* Payoh Branch Library lecture hail on Sept. 29 •t 1M PA
    41 words
  • 116 6 ALMOST HOME, THEN A FATAL CRASH... AN Ice-cream seller, on his way home to celebrate the seventh moon festival, was killed In an accident with a car a short distance from his home in Bendeemer Road on Saturday night. According to police. Ong Chlow Soon, 60. and his tricycle were
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  • 47 6 THE Alexandra community centre youth group will organise a night tour of the Straits Times Press, Jurong Abattoir. Jurong Pish Market, Jurong Hill and Mount Paber from 10 v. on Sept 37 to 6 am the following day Fee for the tour la $3 50.
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  • 217 6 A man's body found in sea off Kallang -jetty- AN unidentified man believed to be in his early 20s was found floating in the sea off Kallang Jetty, on Saturday evening. Police, who have classified the case as "murder." said that he was strangled. Police yesterday appealed to anyone who
    217 words
  • 95 6 FOURTEEN firms have been struck off the Register of Companies under the Companies Act. according to the latest Government Oaaette. They are Star International Pte. Ltd.. Oolden River Enterprise Pte Ltd.. Educational Services (Ptei Ltd. Hock Heng Manufacturing Pte. Ltd.. Exalt Pte. Ltd.. Arafura Shipping and
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  • 160 6 mHE Singapore Armed L Forces will conduct military exercises at seven areas from today to Saturday. They are: Sari m bun from 8 a.m. on Wednesday to noon on Friday; Lim Chu Kang/Chua Chu Kang: from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. dally today, Thursday and Friday;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 420 6 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ASIA RADIO (S) PTE. LTD. EXPRESS THEIR SINCERE THANKS to Mr. B.J. Pies for officiating at the Opening Ceremony and to all clients, dealers, manufacturers, business associates and friends for their presence on the occasions of the Official Opening of Asia Radio Building and their
      420 words
    • 166 6 Performs all classical slide rule functions simple arithmetic reciprocals factorials •xpotantiation. roots trigonometric ana logarithmic (unctions all in tree floating decimal point or in scientific notation Features an algebraic keyboard with single function keys for easy problem solving Most functions process displayed data only allows separate processing of data before
      166 words

  • 146 7 PUCE recently arrested a 24-year-old man suspected of using a master key to steal money from the coinboxes of public Colnafon telephones here. Police also seized the master key which can open coinboxes from the Colnafons throughout the Island. The key looks like
    146 words
  • 79 7 THE School of Postgraduate Medical Studies, University of Singapore, will orfmnlae three lecture* by Or. Joan Mullaney from the National Ophthalmic Pathology Laboratory and Reflatiy of Ireland Dublin. In the Pathology Lecture Theat She will talk on the Organisation and Function* of a Ontrallaed Ophthalmic Pathology Registry
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  • 396 7  - Alien from space? It's just a playsafe worker AHMAD OS MAN By T»HIS is what the ideal safety-con-sci o v s industrial worker of today will look like if he dons almost all the safety gear required under current safety regulations. He may look like an astronaut or a Martian
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  • 245 7 12 quit JTC after 'unpopular' actions AT least 12 officers have resigned in the last three months from Jurong Town Corporation the Government's second industrial strongarm and "siiter" to the Economic Development Boara. The officers seven of them senior workers are said to have thrown in the towel following certain
    245 words
  • 87 7 Convention on S'pore's living environment AN lnter-dlsclplinary discussion of Singapore's living environment. In which leading members of the various professions will take part Is to be held by the Singapore Professional Centre at Its first convention from Oct. 10 to 12. The Minister (or Science and Technology, Dr. Lee Chiaw
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 103 7 If b*^^^^ l^ J Jflfli I>/ If O^^ 1 fl*^B ft Mmi Dfi fiHoffi wflfilfi® UDiw MX-300N economy mini blender The new National MX 300 N M l^ TTVj 4**' is a mini with a giant capacity /J*J] y, -Ji> for work. It will blend, mix, W^~^*sL H puree, grind
      103 words
    • 281 7 l V .aJaaaa^aaat^BaaaH^^^^^^ilil^^^^^^^^^^^^^ aaaaa .;.;.;.;.v.v.y |F^^H>/ Iw I II kb Xvlv. I\vXv!vX K&V >^«K£S'X!vX¥X** I I aaaillU (laCwa >X\\vX\\\\V>. "vXvXv! wSSt.'wSSSflsSoßßaßsSf .^BaaaV .^aaV .aaaaV .^aaV .aaaaV **X*XvXvXvXv'vXvXv' VOvvvVVjArVVVVYYiiJAAr wJa* f% II aaaaVwv Baott '^X^BSa ""j^a*"-' Ml I 100 CONSOUVTION^WjJ^JJJsK I Get an entry form from youy l^fl favourite ABC EXTRA
      281 words

  • 772 8 KUSU AND HANTU-THE LATEST RESORTS -AND MORE TO COME... Pictures by Wan Seng Tip, Tow Yur Woh and Tan Wee Him. Report by Ranee Govindram. TIME may or may not be running out fo r Singapore's most popular beach, because of the Changi airport development scheduled to be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 644 8 s wr And with Flexifoam, you can do just that sleep soundly. Flexifoam pillows and mattresses are so restful, they induce deep sound sleep. They are soft, light and easy to move around. Sleep soundly on Flexifoam. They are priced within everybody's reach. Flexifoam [KIDiDSS SUJJM? rffrr FR «w September
      644 words

  • 179 9 British mission here to 'talk business' A 27 -MEMBER British trade mission Is now in Singapore to "talk business" with local r e p r c sentatives and seek new agents for their products. The mission. srx>nsored by the North-Western Export Club in England, flew in on Saturday night, led
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  • 595 9  - Furniture in despite espite boom in housing IRENE NGOO Dy MORE than 30,000 new homes are set up in Singapore each year. But most furniture companies queried last week reported a lull in business. Six of the 10 firms said sales had dropped by 20 to 50 per cent compared
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  • 53 9 Ei(ht teenage callgirls were yesterday picked up by the ClD's Anti-Vice Branch in a series of raids on brothels in ihe Katonc and Gey lan t; areas. All the girls, including two Malaysians. were taken to the CID for questioning and later sent to the
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  • 66 9 HMS MERMAID. the Royal Navy's last resident ship In Singapore which has been stationed at the Wbodlands Naval Basin for lust over a year, «U leave for Britain on Wednesday at ajn. Three ships from the Royal Australian Navy win arrive at the Basin to join
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  • 31 9 THE national Museum will screen four fllmi on Britain In its lecture haU on Wednesday at 730 pun. Free admission tickets are available at the Museum office.
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  • 164 9 BREWERY WORK-TO RULE HITS BEER SUPPLY BEER ran dry in a number of public houses over the weekend because of the failure of deliveries of fresh supplies by Fraser and Neave. According to several bar and restaurant owners, they had ordered beer from the company early last week In anticipation
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  • 481 9  - Newly-wed dancer Sylvia has 12-hour honeymoon packing most of the time... NANCY BYRAMJI By rpHEKE'S more to J. this loving couple at Paya Lebar airport than meets the eye. Theirs has been "honeymoon" which lasted 12 hours and she spent most of the time packing. The next morning two Sundays
    Fazlan Badron  -  481 words
  • 155 9 AN ASEAN cultural exchange troupe of 25 radio and TV artistes flew In from Bangkok yesterday for a week's visit on the second lap of their flve-natlon tour. The troupe will perform at the National Theatre on Saturday before leaving for Jakarta. •The Senior Parliamentary
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 192 9 Small Families m wS sVJ I Bl *^TBHH Brighter Future Iwo is enough FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION INFORMATION SERVICE /j\ telephone *****6 or go to your I illr) nearest Maternal and Child Health 1 f| yfl Family PlanninQ Clinic VU^ SonQApo** F<<m»y PtßfMmf oj Bo#**o SILENTA" HEARING PROTECTORS W^c 1 b^t^ In
      192 words
    • 116 9 NOW i 4 aVW Bl HK Ifeaw B^B^^B^B^B^B^bET^^^B^B BHBalate tit-* 'j> IMP* b b^L^L^lb^^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bhbM!^ Vj^PH V B^H^^^^^^ B^PtsK w W si I ffflnfflßP^siwsP^ M^k k sYJIW B^»^ Bh yJ THREE TIMES WEEKLY TO SEOUL Every Monday, Thursday and Friday. Take our Boeing 7478 from Singapore to Hong Kong and Taipei.
      116 words

    • 1090 10  -  CHRISTINA RODRIGUES By 250 DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS TO DISCUSS EFFECTIVE WAYS TO CONTROL THE DISEASE A TOTAL of 250 doctors and scientists from 16 Asian countries will meet in Singapore from today to discuss ways of overcoming the scourge of cancer. President Sheares
      1,090 words
    • 63 10 1: Have a regular medical and dental check-up. 2: Do not smoke. 3: Do a monthly self-examination of the breast. 4: Have a Pap test once a year. 5: See a doctor about any lump or sore that does not heal. 6: Avoid excessive sunlight on
      63 words
    • 864 10 Laymen play lital ole in ight against cancer... MESSAGE from Freddy Yin, chairman of the Singapore Cancer Society. IT IS indeed an A honour for the Singapore Cancer Society to be charged with the task of organising the 2nd Asian Cancer Conference on behalf of The Asian Federation of Organisations
      864 words
    • 691 11 A DECADE OF CONCERN... INCREASING TASK OF THE SINGAPORE CANCER SOCIETY SILENT as a cancer grows... this phobia for the lethal disease plagues us all. This is because cancer may begin at almost any site within the body with one being "carelessly" Ignorant of the warning signs until it is
      691 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 990 10 ■^^^■■■■■■■■■■^■^■■■■■■■■MHHHi^HH^HHH cc VLLAV pm ■■■■■uHuuuBuHuHuuI^HuuHuIu^HHHHHuMuMrau^HHHHHHHM w Managing Agents CASH PLAN PAYS YOU UP TO $54,750 TAX FREE CASH INCOME IF YOU OR A COVERED FAMILY MEMBER ARE HOSPITALIZED DUE TO CANCER PAYS YOU CASH from the Ist day of hospitalization PAY s CASH DIRECTLY TO YOU-not to the doctor or
      990 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 839 11 W Managing Agents CASH PLAN pays you *rA T€f% UP TO #**■*•>#* V TAX FREE CASH INCOME EIGHT WARNING SIGNS OF CANCER benefits regardless of any other insurance benefits 1. A sore which refuses to heal. you own. 2. A lump of thickening in the breast or elsewhere. 3. Any
      839 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 240 11 Bringing Op WmtHmr By BUI K«v»n> > h tfc H»l Camp S HCS A 6N009M PRACnce.^l I I WBAW3 YOU PRACTICING, I fSHE ~N /^VSS.VOUR W** <?.„ r^N/ (SENIU6-BUT 06AR -MV TEACHB* J MRS. Jl6tfS--TME»WS A FlffSD 11 B VB*V **JgP*<\ HI'S VKBV i IIS COMINO/ j- Bl© IMPROVEMENT __->
      240 words

  • 377 12 The Straits Times MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 BUYING TIME PORTUGAL las been, to all intents and purposes, without a government for more than a >ear. Premier Jose Pinheiro de Azevedo's description of the latest administration tl c sixth since the revolution in April. 1974 as a "government of national salvation"
    377 words
  • 249 12 EBANON continues to be torn by poli- tical and communal violence. The bloody factional fighting in Beirut, following the clashes between Tripoli Muslims and Zghorta Christians to the north, has been on a scale which surpasses even the grim standards of Northern Ireland. And a mood of almost
    249 words
  • 474 12 Why we grin from ear to ear f ONDON: Clark v Gable, they say, used to glue his protruding ears back before he went in front of the cameras. He might have saved himself the trouble and had Just as many perhaps more ladles swooning: if he had left them
    474 words
    • 150 12 A GOOD deal of A wide ning has been done to the stretch of Yio Chu Kang Road between Serangoon Road and Serangoon Garden Way recently. I wonder why the PWD has left a narrow stretch between Slrat Road and Jal&n Teck
      150 words
    • 195 12 I AM In full sympathy with Mr. Passmore's complaint (S.T., Sept. ID regarding the stretch of road In question, namely from Anderson Bridge to the Supreme Court which has all the appearances of a perpetual grand prix circuit. It is almost Impossible for a pedestrian to cross that confluence of
      195 words
    • 70 12 ¥I7E THANK Miss Sltl TT Fatlmah (ST., Sept 4) for drawing our attention to the presence of bed bugs In the wooden seats at the bus shelter infront of the National Library. We are pleased to inform her that the R^ads Branch of the Public Works Department will concrete the
      70 words
  • 1031 12 ADOLPHUS Cooke, a noted nineteenth century Irish mystic, once became so incensed by the misbehaviour of one of his dogs that he put it on trial. Gusty, a name that seems to have matched the temperament of the offending setter, was summoned to appear before a court made up
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  • 678 12 DAVID FAIRHALL REPORTS FROM LONDON WITH controversy still raging over Britain's treatment of the islanders of Diego Garcia when the atoll was handed over to the US Navy 10 years ago. Whitehall is negotiating compensation terms for another group of Indian Ocean islanders the Maldivian and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 14 12 Switzerland B distinctive k^f DIASTAR No. 8 Calandv Dav-Ane Amxrvmc AWmproof Scratch -proof m«t»l
      14 words
    • 206 12 W®% Soul swinger l|||^ <?y from Denver! C Cheryl f Barnes Jg j£ September 15th— October 4th ]p C;§ She's got style. She's got soul. Great igrv KJ fo\ voice (3'/i octaves of it great looks. Qqf A smashe*- when it come> to jazz j?5 5w j and pops. You
      206 words

  • 225 13  - WOMEN WHO FELL PREY TO CASANOVA K.S. SIDHU By pOLICE are looking for a Geylang Serai "Casanova" who lured several women into having sex with him and later cheated them of cash and iewellerv. The man. In his early I 30's, is described as "good looking and slim with long
    225 words
  • 61 13 Toto winning, special draw numbers THE winning numbers picked in yesterday's Toto draw No. 75/75 were 38, 37. 20, 44 and 19. The additional number was 34. The numbers In the circles draw were 12. 17 and SI. The results of the special Moon Cake Festival draw: Pint. *****; second.
    61 words
  • 549 13  -  MASK KWEE By fHE Health Ministry has bought $712,000 worth of equipment for more accurate and rapid diagnosis of syphilis, Kidney ailments, smallpox, viral and other infectious diseases. One of the lour new equipment Is also capable of fast analysis of a patient's
    549 words
  • 36 13 PEOPLE'S Association Youth Judo Club will conduct a judo beginner's class at the PA dojo every Tuesday and Friday from 7.30 p.m. to 9 pjn., Ftrtlng Oct. For details, please telephone *****2.
    36 words
  • 30 13 A talk on "Writing for Television by Mr. Clark Trent, an RTS producer, will be held by the National Übrary's meeting room on Sept. 26 fct 6.30 p.m
    30 words
  • 171 13 rESE ue the lorries that have been ■ending np clouds of dust, and annoying r-sidents of Mayflower Garden and Semba»»ni Hill Drive for the last eight months »t least It hours each Many irate householders have complained about the dust pollution to the
    171 words
  • 63 13 TKS Senior Minister of SUtc (National Development), Dr. Tan Ens; Liang, will open the Singapore Life Guard Corps Rescue cum OperaUona Centre at Changt Beach/NlcoU Drive on Oct 5 at 10.16 a.m. After the opening ceremony, the Singapore Life Outid Corps, Vigilante Corps, 'Ml Sea Scout Group
    63 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 137 13 I yp iq Q^ /0 ■*^MMiMMWmMMMPH|H|H||M Offices open on Sunday al Eng Lok lii'tli'lViiyi'iil Mansion and Yal Yuen ofiice Fs^ H^^HVI W ■flkfiV -"J ]\m m o'3 gfll CENTRAL AIR CONDfTIONINC Before you say it's too expensive to cool al your house us at *****4 Carrier makes the most
      137 words
    • 524 13 375,000 1.— EXAM SUCCESSES tr^"— Whtekrvar you want— rapid protßOCica in HsfMlai (Mtft your pmtnt job. biftcr opportunity with HsM A Cskviat M>f>Mi inolhrr company m an indcpemtont carm of your own -a Metropolitan Collat* horn* study training, direct from iht V K v th» litsnsl ttfrca «f ihortMt roul«
      524 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 80 13 SWIMMING TIMES TIMT: SHnptn 1139 a« (2.6 m). itm tttm 10.24 i.m rj.2n). 1102 p.m. (2.2 m). ftrt Mdv« 7.23 a.m. (2.ftm). 7.40 p.m. (2.6 m). TWM|fW: SMcanrt 12.01 an ((2.7m), 12.03 p.m. (2.7 m). StiHi Imm 1041 a.m. (2.2 m), 11.42 p m (2.2 m) Ptrt IkksM 7.52 am
      80 words
    • 1058 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 300 PM Opening and Manai Vilakku (Tamil) Ocui (Rstut) 131 Diary of events (Tamil) 7.30 Nwj (Malay) 3J5 General Hospital 7.45 Pesta Ria iMalay) 4.15 Isdi Amutham (Repeat) Indian Classical IJ» Uttte Mnu m tki Prairii -IN Hit Music Waft 4.35 Intermission 130 Nnrs art
      1,058 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 293 14 rITB VVYiWWtTti ma 9 m m r w w mm w m ww ■■>■■■ I a^r^^^tf^^^S^l I NOW YOU ARE^Bf POSSESSED V. WITH THE OBSESSION THAT YOU MUST SW^lv\ is^^ To EXORCISE A£\ Your CURIOSITY? I NOW SHOWING! Daily at 7.00 9 JO Pi. I* Adn-iwron: Adults $2.90 ChiMran: $1.00
      293 words
    • 139 14 Bradosol promptly relieves sore throats Bradosol lozenges are effective against the majority of germs causing. or associated with throat and mouth infections I Bradosol is an effective antiseptic for use in dental care Bradosol lozenges are pleasantly flavoured Available from all pharmacies and drug stores jWI i ii i I
      139 words
    • 120 14 SB bvS2b^b9 bKVvv^^! S^bl ft BBBr^CjS^I^A7 M *^B]lßßaß^Hfli ft^^l^w'^^^B^BKHfflSiiEfliffil 1 I B^f »^V« %I^L\ 1 -tVSSRS*^} v aVJv^ A^JBVBJSB f yK| I Jr .M i COMFORT MATTRESS A Ten-Year Guarantee Product Protides «ide ran^r of Fobb Maitreu Sftkaj nmtrM Mallreu PilUms C ushHins BoKtrn A Special Sun II Shapn nuiic
      120 words
    • 177 14 b^bßbb^b^bW. Highlights for today Does money bring happiness? Increasing number of literate women. Parents' reaction on sex education for 10-year-olds. Will Michael Somare succeed in uniting 1,000 tribal groups? Why efforts to organise meaningful activities for the Bawean community here failed. We bring BANDUNG to your table CS£c^ "HIDANGAN INDONESIA
      177 words
    • 277 14 LiDOHnm!HDm"! LAST 3 DAYS!!! 4 shows Note Times: 11am, 2.15. 530 8 45pm Circle $4; Stalls $2.50 $150 No Free List NOHAL^RIC^^OMILITAR^ONCESSION '^m\^ A^ >'^^S^ m^r^—^^fjm^^i^ 111 ■■H&i jj,n Tat REX-|Oth WONBER' 1AY!! 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11 am, 1.45, 4, 6.45 930 THE BARBARIC LOVE THAT LEFT THE GREAT PYRAMID
      277 words
    • 637 14 LAST 3 DAYS! MU««Y 4 SK.w, awly No** r.m.. 11am. 2.1 S, SJO 4 4S»~ No Fr«t L.»t No Half Pnct No Military Concouion Circl«S4-Sioll»S2 50i SI SO Poul Nmrmon, Strvt McQuaao "Th* TOWUIN6 INKKNO" Ponov.»K>n Color (W6-FOX) OPENS THURSOAY' Jul* Ghol»oo "WW. Th. IJJjJ^ljjar^otoriUAl a ItilaHt'lTri^Vl B LAST DAY
      637 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1498 15 CONTAJWCT3NIP SEIVrCE TO ttVCtNTINCNT U'karf A Wl'l r*'* ÜBMU BM S "C«CO't P Kfttnf o'aurl IrwM Have UK HlttM m*Tt jgui, „ui> nm it trt nkt ii kt uvtaPttt uv ikt airtaktaktMiM kowvmi lat kt tl kt i Mt I Rat imt pi kl NwNCItK lIPIISS 11 kt II kt
      1,498 words
    • 1286 15 Ben Ocean Aptntservced ßen Line. Blue FUnnel den Line and NSMO Ta ill continint T.i San) Oat S'aan P. le ant Paaaa* In oat Fit CLINITON la.M raPlTtaat til H Saft IS kt Ldn. I'oaai. Ntar|. trial. Mil MNttocN a/akat akt K lam ta*. cawrti. •(RWTVIS a/a W It/I M
      1,286 words
    • 1184 15 Tl HIM: o»'t ITaaa I'aaa. taaatti* Denaum Pteraa AMwtrf All U K livitPMi iit i kt a kt a kt a kt N kt KIWIMII lAT I kt II kt 1 Nat I Nat Mi a Set RINtMM IXPHSS II Mt ll kt lIS W Nat II Rat I Rat
      1,184 words
    • 1151 15 i aBBBMMMJBBBBBB p-^--,------— FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE P Ktient Si aj faa. NCI lELFT Ntt t let f siiiMiA tit ii Rottwdt.ii, Afflsterdani. fcitwtrp, le Htvre. NIKIITt lEIIMI Mt 11 Nat 12 J '•"■'•'li BreTiri, BrtTßertltlPltl. >'!n?iAM I K 1 C< cnll< w 6o»«*wt luuiNOii lac 11 Me II
      1,151 words
    • 862 15 Sißfann 11M44, t Mtaßf M4l IL *****. Pwoaf I»1. THE BANK LINE LTD. 10US FOt E I S VHU. MTIAM (Mnr.lin. (atm.aa. Miami. Taaajt. Mainaaa. Oar Ma. ElPf 1 CaettcM p Ktiaif I Mt S'part 1/ I kt tIIVEIANI IKM.n. Mjnio*. Darlat. EI P.E.. '.aHto-n) P K.lan, I IMi pan
      862 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1133 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. FtUT CtMMKUSIB SHtVICE To IfMM Buropa (Via SaMaml Spore P Kclang H'bur| Brem Antwerp P/dati NfFTlaf SAPPNIU 21 act M Oct II »n 21 M» ?l Ml ?4 KtTTIKF. FJKMII 1) Ml IS Hal 4 lac IMC 12 Nt II Mt AGENTS. S>re NCPTURf ACENCICS PttV-TT.
      1,133 words
    • 1073 16 ormraru ntl FMTMmi. sampit. lIMII— Hin lUIIPIMK. SAMAIMM. SAMtmiIAM. TAMIAN. MAMM TtMITC. SSMM. WIST IfllK AM SAMI MAM) Wtl litm CTA {TO llirlltNll LC.T. HAtn larw MMtp le Pert Ilinn HMI Manila MStft 1 ict Meilt. •mi hi II Tira»a« MStft 17 Stft laliiaapaiYTarakaK. lIMIIIKI I Pal'tMfta I let 4
      1,073 words
    • 958 16 hut MaTTAwatsn sonnet ti unpi im sun Sam P Miana F'sMat Wmtt I'tra AMtJtrl Iw e-iicHTAi iMPttTii m st«i m stft is an 11 act 11 act n t<i n ta KIPTUKI SAPPKIIt Mitt Jl Xt 1? Kt. II Mf MMf HMi MMI (Uiq hut cwtAiNDnsfi swict fwm mwh P
      958 words
    • 908 16 Exmss snvct to wmm. immmjtmman mm Ti Mtai SiMatcta P Kalaatj fvart Lalln Mr: atPMitautiu iitistft 1/ act tvti til ii/ii act a.itMt 11. 1 tm>. CMrt 11/11. i/aaa 17/11. Atari 20. 11 I'«ot2Ml. Hh't 17/11. •MMAMiuTi 11 is act 1, 5 act 1/ 1 act aiwtn.ll. nm. C'li* Hawt
      908 words
    • 838 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P Kelaaf S-nitpore Lui«f tar: I.9UIMAIVV4 laPrt 73/24 Stat Dtrain. Sydnry. Melt. fD»T 6871. Built 1970; SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE MAT CUP Vll la Part 23/14 Saat ID* 779? 1973) Capetnm. Ourbafl. DIRECT FROM JAPAN FOR DISCHARGE Sio|.isore P Kelaaf PtM«| WOW ST#V 27/21 Saat 21 .'3l Stft
      838 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 821 17 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY lIICMMINI HIM II A^«W MCine eoan Ham ntn IMM as** J I Oel T tti I II I! Oct Mll Ort i j *tt tttWm < I I IMtMt »f Ikw Urine. Immk (I CI. PMIIaM. itftHm. «Mcui*f («ii»>. «m IrtMiM* at In *«jt>ti. IWMM
      821 words
    • 678 17 Htm? SHOPS TO LET Tenders are Invited for the letting of the following: (A) A newly constructed Eating House *t Sin Ming Industrial Estate (B) Terrace factories and Warehouses at Marsiting Industrial Estate (Woodlands New Town) <C) Newly constructed Eating House, Service/ retail shops and Non-profit making premises at St.
      678 words
    • 679 17 ANNOUNCEMENT Re: MIDDLE-EAST TRADE DIRECTORY We hereby give notice to all concerned that THE MIDDLE EAST TRADE DIRECTORY Is In the process of being published under MC (P) No. 1037/75. It is edited and will be distributed to the Middle East Countries through Mr. Abdullah Alwl who Is working In
      679 words
      1,331 words
    • 291 17 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPI'BLIC OF SINGAPORE Originating Petition No. 21 of 1075 In the Matter of Section 04 of The Companies Act (Cap. ISS) And In the Matter of BUKIT SEMBAWANO ESTATES LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Order of the High Court of the Republic
      291 words

    • 1218 18 AS service to readers, Business Times publishes weekly a detailed analysis of selected shares un the Stock Exchange of Singapore. The year'a high and low are followed by the week's movement in price, the turnover, the dividend yield and toe gross price earnings ratio. INDUSTRIALS NOTE: ('losing
      1,218 words
    • 775 18 fp HK following is a liat of quotations for the 1 week up to Friday, Sept. It. for counters not included in the weekly share •nihiii. Price movement is baaed on a comparison on the last .sir. on Sept. It against Sept. 12 aa shown in bracketa.
      775 words
    • 271 18 Company meetings The following company mrrtmci are dua: cn«m,c«i Industrial (Far lut) Ltd.: sept. 32. 12 30 p.m. S3 Jalan Buroh, Jurong Town. Singapore 23. ran Malaysia DuaMr InOuatrlaa ■M.: 8«pl. 23. 10. JO a.m.. Refistered Offlca. MS-11. Jalaa Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur. Austral Intarprlses Bhd. Sept. 26. 10 am. lit
      271 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 222 18 THE wide interest differential between US and other European centres was the sustaining factor for the firmness of the US dollar when it opened at $2.4900 20 last week in the Singapore forex market. Due to a lack of interest, the dollar eased slightly to $2 4880 90 As
        222 words
      • 79 18 TPHE US dollar last week rose sharply to its highest in the year in most European countries including Switzerland. While profit taking brought the dollar slightly off its high* towards the end of the week, it will continue to perform well for at least another month or two. Talks
        79 words
      • 164 18 i HPOTAL volume of fund* 1 In the market last week remained relatively high and rates quoted were steady around the 3 per cent level. The call rate was around 3% and overnight was 2 jr. Treasury bills were traded between 3-1/8% to 3-1/4%. with most transactions In
        164 words
      • 51 18 FOR the week ended Saturday, Sept. 20, the range of call rates received from Short Deposit* M Berhad was as follows: BANK FUND: 4 per cent to 5H per cent. GENERAL FUNDS: 3t per cent to 4 3 4 per cent. Movements of funds totalled $347
        51 words
      • 220 18 A SIAN currency average deposits rates for the week ended Friday. Sept 19. Ilith lxi» 1 mth 10 5. 18 10 3/16 3 mths 10 916 10 7/16 6 mths 10 13/16 10 11/16 12 mths 11 1/16 10 15 16 EztC Hifh Low 1 mth 10
        220 words
      • 87 18 dates continued to ease v last week. Overnight and 1-3 months feU by Vi— l percent. With the exception of Monday, w-hlch was a Liability Base Determination Day. dosed lower at 9 for the week; while the 1. 2, 3 months weakened to 3\— and 4K.— 4
        87 words
      • 34 18 London copper prices on Friday (previous in brackata). Wirrter Spot buyer (STI.M ((374.00) aallar (574.00 I (374 50); Three Month buyar (3*5.00 <(MS.OO> aallar (3*3.30 *****30). Market tana: Steady. ••Ma: D.323 tonoaa.
        34 words
      • 61 18 Alg*)o^*iO4 oonk J Bonokok Bonk 7'/i Bonk of 6V4 Bonk of China 7 Bonk of Tokyo J Bonk Neaoro Indonnio 7V4 Sonque d« L'lndochin* 7 Chartered Bonk 6V4 Choi* Monhotfon 7 DBS 6V. F,r»t Ch.cooo 6V« FNCB (,'A HKSBC 7 Moloyon Bonking 7 Mitoui Bonk
        61 words
    • 326 18 NXW YORK. Prt.—»»couraglng news on the Inflation front a sharp decline In the) rate or growth in the consumer price index for August aided stock prices today. The Dow Jones Industrial average closed with a staeable advance for the second consecutive day accompanied by increasec volume. Th« Dow
      326 words
    • 90 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 3<?S.e Thursday 554.7 Week ago 311.5 TINS Friday 95.32 Thursday 96 40 Week ago 94.39 RUBBEKS Friday 382 90 Thursday 3*5.48 Week ago 44/2.M OILS Friday ***** Thursday 305.98 Week ago 295.06 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 8M.78 Thursday 814.61 Week ago 809 29 LONDON
      90 words
    • 128 18 Base Tear: Jan. 4. I*7l 1M 1974 5 Week's Action Hlrh Law 12th 19th Chance 1*9.17 MJ7 Automotive IMJM 142.15 -t-t.M 443.9S 183.17 Banks, Insurance. Finance and Trustees 3M.IS Sll.ll 9.K6 162.18 S2.SI Chemicals, Bobber Product*, Reflninc and Smelting 141.31 139.94 —1.37 M 9.17 113.48 Cooflatnerate
      128 words
    • 106 18 THE following lit of stock* fives the ton most dealt In bat week. It fivea the tamorea In thousands of otvlta, clostnc prices on FrMay and high and low for I*7S. Ime Darby fen Electric I.OJ lilivin Credit rntral gipn M H.» •her Merlin larimau Invrit B
      106 words
      • 52 18 Industrial*: Finance: Hotoh: Properties: Tina: S Rubbers: 0.C.8.C: S.E.S. Ind.: 219.21 379.59 US.M 160.32 97.19 316.M IM.M 192.69 219.M 380.94 KS.I6 151.44 97.32 JH.H7 l»l.:t 194«1 22».i3 382.M 1«5.«5 15J.M 97JJ8 316.87 192.27 193*1 219.84 381.87 165.16 ***** 97J1 316.59 191J7 193.37 119.9. 384.3: U5.5J 161.1 97.3; 316.6 193.1:
        52 words
      • 75 18 Scut. 19 Sept. 16 Sept.l 7 Sept 18 Industrials: 228.88 Zt'M 228.61 228.15 Finance: 314.21 316.92 317.69 116.92 Hotels: 183.91 183.98 164.19 184.17 Properties: 165JW 184.69 165.91 IM.M Tins: 98.79 99 24 99.28 M.M f Robbers: 298. 7 298.71 298.76 298.78 Dec. M. 1966 1M 1 Dee. 31, IKS
        75 words
    • 63 18 Current Dalf Total for ToUl for payment payable the year previous ym Euo Ord. S%TE+ "or. S%TE+ IS%TE Esso Fid. I%TE+ Nov. J%TEt It%TB (irnllnf S%TO <>«*• »%TEf I»%TE» Pahanc Cons. 7.5% Not. 19 12.5^ lU%« HUhmans 17J% Nov. 25 17^% 17J% 8.8.5. 12% 12% 11% Stbn. KJnU
      63 words
    • 553 18 INDONESIAN producers were again making their presence felt last week in world traditional markets fax commodities Including pepper, col fee and copra. Consequently, their Singapore counterparts were either priclnp themselves out of these markets or adopting a wait-and-see attitude. Under these circumstances. Singapore dealers had to be satisfied
      553 words
    • 199 18 AksHTBtOAM. Frl.— The market generally firmed today aidsd by Wall Street- rise with Rayal Dntch leading gains In Dutch Internationals. Hee>roTens recovered from Initial weakness to close unchanged on balance). In local Issues gains, led by Van Oweresy Gist, AbeW. Aamfas and Emia, trailed losses headed by ■ML RSV
      199 words
    • 118 18 Frl.— The stock market again showed a vary irregular picture. Volume of trading was considerably tow. The bond market closed steady today. The Credit Sulsse index yielded fractionally to 177.8 points. Cloalng prices In Swiss franca with the difference on the previous seaalon's prices. w Credit lulik MM 5
      118 words
    • 63 18 Friday Thursday UM Ui» Melbourne (1) 110.31 112.64 London 115 Ouß 139 00 8 1M 238 140.008 Beirut NA NA Zurich 133. J08 139.308 137.008 140 308 Paris 138 SS 144.29 Saturday Friday Hongkong 137.38 133.70 Spore (2) 133 708 137.738 1*9.278 140.638 Export prices In non-sterling areaa
      63 words
    • 555 18 THE proposed price increase by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries again weighed heavily on sentiment in the Singapore stock market last week. Hints provided at midweek by economic expert* for the oil cartel that the rise in October would not be more than ten per cent should
      555 words
    • 369 18 INVESTORS and ope--1 rators at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week adopted a wait-and-see attitude pending the outcome of the Opec Ministers' meeting this week. Some analysts have even held out the possibility that Opec members might extend their freeze on Increases in oil prices. On
      369 words
    • 609 18 LONDON: The market gained across a broad front last week, with leading industrials moving strongly ahead. At the close the FT. Index was up 25.1 at 343.6 compared with the previous Friday's close of 318.5. Buoyancy was linked with general absence of selling pressure and a trickle
      Reuter  -  609 words
      • 183 18 LONDON: Tins were traded culetly around overnight levels last Friday although Southern Klnta eased 3p to HTjp on lack of Interest. A slightly narrower contango of around £70 posMbly reflected expectations of a moderate decline In market stocks last week. Standard sales of 205 tonnes were mainly
        Reuter  -  183 words
      • 467 18 LONDON: Prices held steady last Friday. The terminal closed Irregular with on balance gains of 1.00 to 0.15 pence per kilo. Turnover amounted to 225 lots of 15 tonnes. Including 30 kerbs and 43 lots of five tonnes. CIFS officially closed slightly easier. Spot was still 0.50
        Reuter  -  467 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 678 19 ffinftl' Applications ore invited for the following posts >n our expanding Organization 1) PROJECT ENGINEER/SITE MANAGER A degree, diploma or professional qualification in evil structural or building or equivalent with ot least 3 years experience in the Supervision ond Management ot high-rise commercial ond residential development K nowledge of M
      678 words
    • 791 19 i MECHMARINE SERVICES PTE. LTD. A) Sales Project Engineer Remuneration: Minimum $24,000 00 po plus benefits Qualification: Degree in either Civil or Structural Engineering or its equivalent The Man: We are looking for a dynamic and enterprising Engineer who preferobly hos Soles ext perience The Job: The successful applicant will
      791 words
    • 616 19 UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons residing m Singapore or Malaysia tor appointment to the following posts in connection with the development of the new campus for the University of Singopore at Kent Ridge (1) ARCHITECTS (2) ASSISTANT PROCUREMENT OFFICER (3) CLERK-OF-WORKS (ELECTRICAL) (1) ARCHITECTS Degree
      616 words
    • 912 19 I HH jebsen&jessen I invite applications for the position of I I EXPORT MANAGER 1 I for Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. I I f Qualifications. "1 I jjljj*. Applicants should be very knowledgeable in export marketing I and have considerable experience in this line of business. j9» Good contacts with
      912 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 375 20 fRSAFf %> WTV g) ii \L §1" w V S/ To fly aircraft in an impeccable formation requires exceptional skills. J^ At the SAF Display in June, Singaporeans saw the .fe-/ r BLACK KNIGHTS, the first ever all-Singapore Na- £f tional Formation Acrobatic Team in spectacular action. t iP J
      375 words
    • 806 20 LCENTREjOKj technical appointments for the 52 storey OCBC Cen^e TECHNICIAN (MECHANICAL) Technician Diploma (Mechanical) Singapore Polytechnic or equivalent and at least 4 years relevant experience in the operation, maintenance and supervision of M E services with emphasis on maintenance of air conditioning plants. TECHNICIAN (ELECTRICAL) Technician Diploma (Electrical) Singapore Polytechnic
      806 words
    • 587 20 LJ GUTHRIE BERHAD (Incorporated in Singapore) INTERIM RESULTS The Directors of Guthrie Berhad announce the unaudited trading results of the Group for the first six months of 1975. The Directors intend to declare an interim dividend of six cents per share less income tax payable in November 1975. January- June
      587 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 546 21 BUMIPUTRA SERVICE ft PARTS MANAGER (Heavy Equipment) Our fast expanding Heaty Equipment Division has an Immediate vacancy fora Bumiputra to take charge of the Service Parts Department Qualification and bxpertonce Applicants must be qualified Mechanical Engineers. Preferably with a University Degree, plus 3 to 5 years experience In a similar
      546 words
    • 755 21 Wk m^iM^MMtmsMsMM pi 81 IS MM§& Our client Is a large brickworks in Selangor whose 55 ()B existing plant Is to undergo major overhaul and !fe()B repairs, and a new plant Is to be constructed, so as to increase production to meet the Increasing demand vUfv 25 1i 1S for
      755 words
    • 540 21 MMTMV Placement Services for Clients Our client, an expanding oil manufacturing group of companies wishes to engage for Its office in Penang. AN ADMINISTRATE Jj MANAGER KeaponsibiUUea: The successful candidate, preferably a I Bumiputra will be responsible for overall factory administration and of- flee management. He will report directly to
      540 words
    • 644 21 I ilc Operations Manager A rapidly expanding company in the automotive field requires the services of an experienced executive to assume this important position in East Malaysia. The Operations Manager will be in overall charge of production and procurement. Appropriate subordinate staff for the dual functions are in existence. Personal
      644 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 686 22 (tsso) ESSO MALAYSIA BERHAD (Incorporated in the States of Malaya) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the declaration of a First Dividend of 3% per Participating Redeemable Cumulative Preference Stock Unit of $1.00 each for the year ending December 31, 1975 exempt from Income Tax under the provisions of the Pioneer
      686 words
    • 258 22 GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERATION J OF MALAYSIA fvjria FEDERAL LAND DEVELOPMENT 't*^^ authority j notice no. bp .286/75 advertisement for pre-quaufication of prospective tenderers for the works of land development in the land development project in johoke tenggara, pahang tenggara jengka triangle, west MALAYSIA. The Federal Land Development Authority proposes
      258 words
    • 957 22 ENAKMEN LEMBAGA BANDARAN (N.M.B. Bab 137) KENYATAAN DI BAWAH SEKSYENSEKSYEN 39 (iii) DAN 43 PERBANDARAN IPOH Bahawa adalah dtcadangkan menerima dl bawah seksyen 43. Enakmen lembagt Bandaran takslrantakslran sepertl yang terkandung dalam Senarai Takslran bagi Kawasan Perbandaran Ipoh bagi tahun 1975 dengan membuat plndaan-plndaan khusus dalam perkara-perkara tertentu yang dlanggap
      957 words
    • 739 22 -4*. KENYATAAN fekja TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa darlpada pemborong-pemborong/pembekal- pembekal yang berpengalaman untuk kerja-kerja berlkut, dan bagi tawaran 'E' tawaran hanya dlhadkan kepada pem-borong-pemborong BUMIPUTRA yang berdaftar dengan LLN dibawah kelas (C) keatas sahaja (A) BP.NO: 2M/7S Memblna 401 $10.00 NMtktli htaigga 291/73 buah rumah- dan p«tan $50.00 rumah Peneroka
      739 words
    • 914 22 SOVRAN INDUSTRIES BERHAD NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Sixth Annual General Meeting of Sovran Industries Berhad will be held at the Board Room. 12th Floor. Bangunan Hontt Leong, 117. Jalan Bandar. Kuala Lumpur on Mth October, 1975 at 11.15 a.m. for the following purpoaes:1. To receive and consider the
      914 words

  • 22 23 FONDEST MEMORY Mdm Mary Sect Thlam 1.-c died 22nd Sept. 1948 sadly missed by daughter Swee Neo. grandchildren, great grandchildren
    22 words
  • 19 23 S.O.S. SAMARITANS of Singapore Troubled Discouraged? Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the telephone
    19 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 2010 23 classified ads |g mmmmmmmm Look up TOURS (61) OR AIR TRAVEL (62) in the CLASSIFIED ADS IF YOU KNOW something about ■atcßas which are faked Just let us know You can get a good reward for any valuable information Write to P O Box 3248. Singapore LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS in
      2,010 words
    • 747 23 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED Western cook for coffee house Apply personally today between 3 p.m —6 p m. at Hotel Supreme. Kramat Road. Spore 9 WANTEO OFFICE BOY. Contact personally J B Rupa 109 High Street. All IlllsW 'fctlltflUßit El^LafclafjßWaVM Mad Construction Company operating at an ottanore Island araund Jurong area
      747 words
    • 701 23 WANTED MALE ANO female for various positions In Sales Department. Interview call personally 1125. Uth floor People's Park Centre Spore I today and tomorrow between 11 a.m. 3 p.m CAMERON HOTEL 547. Upper Chsngl Road Tel *****8 Waitresses required, experience not necessary Please Apply Personally NEW COFFEE HOUSE OPENING SOON
      701 words
    • 858 23 OIST. 8 SBMI-OBTACHBO 4 bedrooms, central alrcondltlon $1600 unfumUhed Convenient Jurong/ American and International Schools location Please call Consultant Unique *****5/6 DIST. 10 LUXURIOUS APARTMENT 4 bedrooms, large living, dining, central alrcond with swimming pool Also available Orange Heights HUlcourt. Mandalay Towers and Amber Oarden. For viewing please call *****/
      858 words
    • 801 23 DISTRICT 8 West Coast Road. 2Storey Detached Bungalow. 3 Bediooms. 2 Bathrooms. Sit- ting/ Dlnlngroom. Oarage. Tatlo. Servant's Quarter with Own Amenities. Large Oarden. FurnUhed $2,000 Unfurnished: $1.--500. Phone ***** NAMLY HILL BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms/ servant's amenities partially furnished $1,500 Contact Victor Chla t Partners ***** COMPANY OWNED FOR rental
      801 words
    • 756 23 DIST. S PAR) BAST Mansion fur- nlshed. $750. Jalan Jlntan furnished $900. Hilltop Mansion furnished. $1,400 *****1 IS UNITS OF apartments In dlst 9 varying sues/ levels Large lounge with tennis court/ pool. Private parking Mdm Chng. *****1. 1 BEDROOMS FURNISMEO alrcon. telephone, carpeted Panoramic view Tanglin. principal nnly 3'
      756 words
    • 688 23 KATONQ, SEA AVENUE. Marine I Apartment. 2nd floor. $75,000 i Evergreen Housing *****2/ ****** OIST. IS NEWLY RENOVATED ele- j valed double-storey bungalow 7414 sq ft 4 bedrooms study servant's, $265,000 Ace Housing *****44/ *****29 Quality Houses in a modern residential environment APOLLO GARDEN Phaaal (Off 9* m 5 Upper
      688 words
    • 821 23 I DIST. 1* ATTRACTIVE 1-STORCV comer terrace Quiet locality 2I 600 sq ft School and market I nearby 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and hall upstairs BullUn wardrobe and study desks Living, dlnlr.d kitchen Servant's and toilet groundfloor Vacant Reasonable price Ring *****1/ ***** No Brokers JUST INSIDE CBD 4.100 sq
      821 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 741 24 ROOM SPACE. TABLE-SPACE. answering secretarial, typing, mailing and telex-fscllltles available *****88 *****6 *****10 UNFURNISHED OFFICE SPACE for rental Paslr Panlang Road Interested contact *****39 EXCELLENT SHOP OOOD for re-tail-wholesale with fixtures and furnishing for rent In Oolden Mile Tower. Dlstrlct-7 Please ring 258-7549 during office hours. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING ORCHARD ROAD
      741 words
    • 797 24 WANTED OFFICE/SHOP 300 to 400 sq ft preferably furnished with phone Near town Write Immediately ST BOX A ***** FAR EAST Shopping Centre ideally situated neil to Singapore Hilton end opposite Udo Theatre OPEN NOW LIMITKD BHOPPINa SPACE K>H BALI AND RFNT ORCHARD CENTRE HOLDINGS PTE. LTD. FAR EAST SHOPPING
      797 words
    • 807 24 l International Ocean Exposition in the history of mankind -Okinawa Japan. Exhibits from more than 50 countries Oo Expo 75 with C li E Tours. Fly the Jumbo Famlly-8747 Collect your full-colour Expo newsletter from C it E Tours rAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWA EXPO/ HONGKONG/ BANOKOK I 12/14 Days $1470/ SIMO/
      807 words
    • 671 24 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Limited Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. (Highlands) by deluxe airconditioned bus seven days *****/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four days SSB3/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days *****/-. Departure Every Wednesday Bangkok Chlengmal by deluxe alrcondltloned coach fourteen days *****/-. 28/9/75. 12/10/75. 19/10/75. 2/11/75,
      671 words
    • 737 24 WTS WTS WTS WTS WTS WTS ECONOMY FARES To London it Europe. U.S.A.. Canada. Australia. New Zealand. Japan Taiwan. Hongkong. Thailand. Indonesia Others Dally Regular Departures Contact World Travel Spore Pte. LUJ. 25 The Orchard (Nextdoor Fltipatrlcks) Spore 9 Tel *****6 GASI AGENCY (PTB) Ltd.. Offers cheap fares to: Australia/
      737 words
    • 681 24 UPPER SERANQOON PRIVATE I Commercial School (*****1). 6>-> m.s Bus Terminal LCC. New Classes Commencing October. Typewriting. Book-keeping. Shorthand. French. Japanese LCC ECONOMICS commencing j 23rd Sept 8 p m Management Training Centre. Unit 304. 3rd floor New People's Park Centre Spore 1 Tel ***** SHORTHAND THEORY Rapid Course. Mon.
      681 words
    • 673 24 Special 8 week RECEPTIONIST COURSE Tuesday 7 30 p m to 9 00 p.m Commencing 7/10/75 Replete* new ssc SpecM KIM TIAN COMMERCIAL SCHOOL (FenwerK Revet* Scheal o» Commerce) B Kirn Tien Meed (near Klnga Theetre) Tlono Behru Tet SHItS/ MTM IMPORT. EXPORT PROCEDURES DOCUMENTATION Special course for those engaged
      673 words
    • 913 24 [We can do a 1 1! GREAT DEAL for you on a new Escort So lot's talk about it NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED UNIVERSAL CARS 59. Orchard Road Tel *****1 COMPETITION FORD PARTS Hew land Limited slip, back axle. Cosworth Rockers. Steel Caps. Plywheel etc 1600-E seta*, trim, body panels.
      913 words
    • 733 24 HAVING FURNITURE PROBLEM? Consult Adrian s for cane furniture/ furnishing materials seagrass matting 425 River Valley Road Tel *****4 *****0 Spore' FOR ELEGANT AND modern cane furniture call Lee's 329 Far East Shopping Centre Tel *****5 SIN MAH TEXTILES CO.. »S5/*s*. North Bride* Road. (7) Tel *****3 A 25*7719 121:
      733 words
    • 631 24 SIN wah BEE trading co.. specialist in sales/ rental repair all kinds of hit conditioners, refnicerators It cold room Tel *****J AH KIEW AIRCONOITIONINO Refrigeration Service specialist In MM repairing, respraylng and rental Tel ***** LICENSEO HOB. CONTRACTOR Omipli'te fliNTlng lor HOB Hats. I M*)*Mi mil K.trtiinrs TERRAZZO. MARBLE. PAROUET.
      631 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1044 25 Kodak I KOMAL SENDIRIAN BERHAD A KODAK Company is looking for young Malaysian Citizens, preferably Bumiputras, for challenging career opportunities in both Marketing and Administration Applications for the following posts are being accepted now For a variety of photographic products Initial conscientious, and successful Technical training will be conducted in
      1,044 words
    • 798 25 I Pemohon-pemohon dipelawa untuk mengisikan jawatan-jawatan I I benkut diKHang Penapis Minyak Esso, Port Oickson. I (1) JURUTEKNIK PROSES I I (2) JURUTEKNIK MAKMAL I I (3) JURUTEKNIK MAINTENAN (CHARGEMAN) I I Kelayakan: I Pemohon-pemohon mestilah mempunyai Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia I I (MCE) atau setaraf dengannya. Sedia menjalani kerja giliran
      798 words

    • 112 26 MINERS: WELL RIDE THE STORM KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Tin miners here are optimistic that the industry as a whole would be able to survive the difficult times caused by export rest rlctions without having to resort to large-scale retrenchment. A survey showed that many of the mines which had begun
      112 words
    • 17 26 BUTTERWORTH. Sun. Another 1.800 pilgrims left here tocay in me Malaysia Raya for Jeddah.
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    • 256 26 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday jyfIALAYSIA and other developing countries can now look forward optimistically to a more concerted and effective international effort to solve outstanding economic problems, Primary Industries Minister Datuk Musa Hitam said today. The problems include commodity price stabilisation, access to export
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    • 157 26 Opposition warned on Rukun Tetangga KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Deputy Minister In the Prime Minister's Department, Datuk Abdullah Ahmad told Opposition parties today not to ma ice a political issue out of the Rukun Tetangga (Community Self -Reliant-? i Scheme. The scheme "Is the people's participation and the people's contribution to
      157 words
    • 72 26 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Police detained five men. Including a murder suspect, in two separate raids here early today. The murder suspect is believed to be Involved In the killing of Tunku Abdul Rahman College student Quah Pan Ouan. 19, in a back lane off Jalan Cheras
      72 words
    • 39 26 TAIPINO. Bun. Two mechanics on a motor-cycle were killed In a collision with a bus in Jalan Assam Kumbang here last night. They were Identified as Llew Choon Yu. IS. and pillion rider Choy Kirn Chow. 33.
      39 words
    • 28 26 IPOH, Sun. The State Development Corporation has drawn up a $61 million budget for next year an lncr»ase of $51 million over this year's budget.
      28 words
    • 35 26 MALACCA. Sun. A sundry ax- ids shop at Kerubong, eight miles from here, was descrtned this afternoon by flre. Daciage was estimated at *35.000 About $2,000 kept in a drawer was also destroyed.
      35 words
    • 96 26 A LOR STAR. San. Two ser v i ceable Armalite rifles of the type used by IS troops in South Vietnam have been recovered near Kuala Perils. The guns were recovered from the sea by two fishermen. Shade bin Mohamed Junid, 33, and Osman bin
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 605 26 Cruise East Introduces the CAPTAIN'S PARADISE CRUISE On Board The M.S. RASA SAYANG A 10-day Indonesian Adventure Singapore-Surabaya-Bali-Jakarta-Singapore a™* jsg\ MS!!!!" 11 PRICES FROM ty->^« IS GOOD S$U34 V ..T> FOR 5 SAILING YOU SAVE FROM SJ3O2 *^5S£f5wST DATFt ONI V TO SW2S OVER REGULAR t-AMtb 13 OCTOBER BO6CEMBER W^^k
      605 words
    • 74 26 Jr.' I I i ~^B HE t. HAfaVaX '1 ■v mi m m m m .si 1 I4W rjikT AaV 1 sVaV^ar isVaTsk 7* 1 •i i* ill Take your empty F N cordial bottles to your nearest shop and collect 25 cents for each one! Or better still, exchange
      74 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 297 26 Straits Times Crossword i/ i 2 r p r i 4 1 T5 r rs i H|^^Hp~ ■B~THgr"l^^^l~"~^^T~" ACBOBB link? (6). 1 Down south where this 7 Departs with a quick politician made his lajt movement <4-«) sucoearful stand (5. 6). > T- -es the bearing to be 1 Express
      297 words

  • 695 27 UNITED CONFIRM THEIR CLASS AGAINST IPSWICH fONDON, Sun. Manchester United finally beat a good team as they improved their position on top of the English Football League First Division yesterday. United, newly-pro-moted from the Second Division, have led the League since the season began, but, before yes t c r
    Agencies  -  695 words
  • 308 27 CHAFELL BROTHERS WIN CRICKET CONTEST JOHANNESBURG. Sun. J Australian cricket stars lan and Greg Chappell beat Eddie Barlow and Barry Richards of South Africa to win the International double-wicket competition at the Wanderers ground here yesterday. The South African "B" team of Graeme Pollock and Lee Irvine beat John Shepherd
    Reuter  -  308 words
  • 275 27 /CARACAS, Sun. Alfredo Escalera of Puerto Rico fought Venezuelan Leonel Hernandez to a draw last night and retained his World Boxing Council (WBC) Junior lightweight crown. It was the first title defence for the 22-year-old Puerto Rican who became champion last June by knocking out Japan's
    AP  -  275 words
  • 1230 27 FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 2 Everton 2. Birmingham 4 Burnley 0. Coventry 0 Stoke 3. Derby 1 Manchester City 0. Leeds 1 Tottenham Hotspurs 1. Liverpool 3 Aston Villa 0. Manchester United I Ipswich 0. Mlddlesborough 0 Queen's Park Rangers 0. Newcastle S Wolves I Norwich 2 Leicester 0.
    1,230 words
  • 35 27 SINGAPORE won the Talasco Challenge Trophy when they beat Malaysia 3-1 In the three-game Inter-Insur-ance Institute matches yesterday. Singapore won the golf and bowling events while Malaysia's point came from badminton.
    35 words
  • 182 27 BAASTAD. Sun Sweden moved into the Davis Cup final for the Orst time today as Birger Andersxm struggled to a 6-3. U--12. 6-1 victory over Patrlcio Cornejo and gave Sweden an unbeatable 3-1 lead over Chile. Bjorn Borg and Ove Bengts*on yesterday gave Sweden a 2-1
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 466 27 There is only one reason to buy Kitz Valves: TkAll'iA llA^f AsP and manual manufacturing |Hlf I C lIjI LCI processes that assure unsurpassed W ,I w uniformity and high quality We KITZ. Japan s leading producer honestly believe they are the A J% A *TTMW) W^^L) of Stainless Steel
      466 words

    • 2151 28  -  EPSOM JEEP HONGKONG ACE DEREK CHENG SCORES AGAIN ON GRANADA By TOTAL POOL $9,275 1st NO. *****S ($2,180) 2nd No. 14*229 ($1,090) 3rd No. *****1 ($545) Starters ($49 each): 14*735 *****8 142*97 *****4 *****7 *****1 *****2 *****8 *****1 149*12 149*41.
      2,151 words
    • 922 28 STIPE'S REPORT Nathan suspended for three months XT. NATHAN, the rider cf T Rainbow iff Race One on Saturday, was charged with carslsss and dangerous riding and suspended for three months. After viewing the film and acting on the stewards" observations. It was decided to charge Nathan under Rule 144
      922 words
    • 263 28 Caucasus scores all-the-way win in Irish St Leger LONDON, Sun. The Americanbred and owned colt Caucasus, brilliantly ridden by Lester Plggott made virtually all the running yesterday to win the Irish St. Leger at The Curragh. Caucasus, owned by Mrs. Charles W. Englehard and trained In Ireland by Vincent O'Brien,
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 124 28 A clean sweep by Japan TOKYO. Sun— Japan made a clean 9-0 sweep over Hongkong In the Thomas Cup Asian zone East section badminton competition at the Yoyogi Olympic Gymnasium Japan, which won Um> two singles and two doubles on Saturday, needed to win only one of the five matches
      124 words
    • 689 29  -  JOE DORAI Shirt- tugging incident lands Malaysian skipper in trouble... By MALAYSIAN and Sehngt>H skipper Soh Chin Aun last night suffered the ignominious fate of being sacked in the He Ho Cup match against Singapore Chinese at the National Stadium but it did not
      689 words
    • 310 29 T^EW YORK, Sun.— 11 The United States continued to overwhelm Britain and Ireland's go Ife rs yesterday, winning five matches and halving two to widen their lead in the Ryder Cup to 12} to H In Ligonler, Pennsylvania. Britain-Ireland won only one match yesterday. Tony
      Reuter; AP  -  310 words
    • 273 29  -  ERNEST FRIOA By r»ERALD Loong kept alive his hopes of win- ning a berth in the Singapore team when he shot a superb three-over-par 74 in the sixth round of the Putra Cup golf trials at Buklt Course yesterday. Gerald's card was the i best score
      273 words
    • 148 29 'Inter-con sports vital... 5 f\R. Tan Eng Liang, Chairman of the Singapore Sports Coun cil. yesterday described constituency snorts as "a vital facet of the total national sports programme." Opening the «"'"fr for sports liaison officers and constituency sports officials at the National Stadium, he said: 'All talngs considered. Inter
      148 words
    • 80 29 Hongkong, Sun Chung Shao-Chen. double gold medallist In the women's springboard and platform diving at last year's 7th Asian Chimes In Teheran, won the springboard diving event at China's Third National Oames. Hsieh Tsal-Mlng. Asian Oames champion In men's springboard diving, captured the platform diving title.
      80 words
    • 73 29 COLOMBO, Sun. India retained the Lionel Ftonaeka Memorial Trophy by defeating Bii Lanka 4-1 in a women's tennis International match here yesterday. India's No. 1 Nlrpua Indaranl beat Abeywlckroma 6-1 6-0 and' Udaya Kumar beat Srlma Abeyguiiawardeoa 8-3, •>3, 6-3 In yesterday's iln--B'e« In
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 404 29 ASIAN Age Group bronze medallist Angela Lecomber broke Molly Tay's six-year-old 100 metres backstroke record of lmin. 17.3 sec. by 2.2 seconds on the second day of the Singapore Swimming Club Open Championships on Saturday. Her effort also equalled the time she established at
      404 words
    • 117 29 MALACCA, Sun. Singapore Indians won their opening match In the 1975 Bardhan Cup soccer competition here today by beating Malacca Indians 3-2. Singapore's winning goal came seven minutes from time when Jacob Chacko sent Suresh Anandan through for the winner. Jacob Chacko shot Singapore Into
      117 words
    • 156 29 STEVEN Katn. driving a BM kart, scored a maximum of 1.200 points to win the First Changl kart prU at the Changl alrbase yesterday. Second was Patrick Tan (BM 900 ptsi and third Harry Tan (Komet/Bretel 603 pts). Bteven was certainly the man of the meet.
      156 words
    • 74 29 riTWO non Chinese 1 Malaysian internationals Santokh Singh of Selangor and Esa Dakar of Penang will play for Ho Ho Cap Combined team in a friendly soccer match against Singapore Selection at the National Stadium tomorrow at 8 p.m. Tickets priced at S3 grandstand and (1
      74 words
    • 67 29 MOSCOW. Sun. Soviet strongman Valery Snarl won the light heavyweight title In the World WeightUlUng Championships here with. combined Ufta of 587.5 kilogram*. Bulgaria's Trendafll Btolchev equalled Shan in both the Jerk and snatch event* but the) Russian won because of a lighter body weight.
      AP  -  67 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 300 28 New PGF Slammer Irons with perimeter weighting for sweeter shots allround. i Slammers larger "sweet spot' makes even your bad shots better Now you've got more of a chance to hit further with perfect accuracy thanks to Slammer's revolutionary perimeter weighting that increases the sweet spot' area. This simply means
      300 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 357 29 tßMuslnl ""T* JT IgM anVP«PP^B anH^nl h^^^W* LnnWaanUaK^Li v O v rtQ <° a vo e mm m*^^mmL&**'*£ DISCOVER THE SIMPLE VERSATILITY OF ISiWr THE HUSQVARNA 2000, with a 300-year y >J 1 tradition of QUALITY SOLE AGENT: THIS IS CREATIVE SEWING FROM SWEDEN StaHite Husqvarna Enterprise MAKERS OF THE
      357 words

  • 305 30 14 stolen birds set police a poser ■CVH'RTFEN val v a ble •T birds including tw, belonging to a fortune teller were stolen from two Dlaces on Saturday, thereby setting Dollce a rxser: Is there a group of organised "blrdnappers" in Singapore? On Sept. 13. a black swan was repotted
    305 words
  • 93 30 M.S. lINNAOURAV, 74. r*tlr*d po*tmut«r pMMd away paaccfully 21 «.TS at 6 pm. l«avin» bfhlod twlovad wir« tteUtmah. MBa 8 8 aundram. Qunaavcarun, Banthmainiii, Bundramoortby. KrUbnamoorthy; dauctatm Rajalakahmy, Baraaalakihmy. J«ya> lakjbmy. *Wf*i||nfiißy Vljayalakabmy: aou-la-law. rluitlm-18-law, grandetilldno. cnat iraad•on and naphaw Kuddltbamby. Oortaf* Imvm Ift BMofc Rim 4.30 I* m
    93 words
  • 274 30  -  EDMUND TEO By T«HE banners and caricatures go up at Ouan Tong service station in Farrer Road— and also at 32 others of the 39 Mobil stations in Singapore. The 33 dealers are refusing to sell Mobil products from today in protest against the oil company's
    MAHFUTZ MATTAR  -  274 words
  • 246 30 Denounce pact and we'll talk: Syria KUWAIT, Sun.— Syrian Foreign Minister Abdel Hallm Khaddam said in an Interview published today that Syria would refuse to talk to Egypt as long as the Egy p 1 1 an-Israell Sinai agreement signed on Sept. 1 remains in effect. Mr. Khaddam told the
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 44 30 HAIFA (Israel). Sun. Israel today postponed the test passage thro<.-ti the Suez i?anal of a Oreek freighter bound (or the Israel port of The Valentin* P., carrying a load of cement, put into the Mediterranean pott of Haifa AP.
    AP  -  44 words
  • 83 30 PINCE Charles stopped over briefly at Tengah airbase yesterday on his way home from Papua New Guinea's Independence celebrations on Sept. 14. He landed in a Royal Australian Air Force BAC 111 at about 4.30 p.m. Barely an hour later be was off in a Royal Air
    83 words
  • 363 30 Lebanese clashes continue despite ceasefire BEIRUT, Sunday J£IVAL Lebanese militiamen traded sporadic machinegun and mortar fire in several parts of war-torn Beirut today despite an hours-old ceasefire negotiated by Syria. The confirmed toll for fierce day-long fighting yesterday stood at 36 dead and more than 50 wounded, raising the casualty
    UPI  -  363 words
  • 39 30 VALLETTA. (Malta. Sun. Hundreds of supporters of Premli r Don Mlndoff's Labour Party and the opposition nationalists fought stone-throw-ing buttles in the street* of Valletta today over whether Sept. II should be observed as Independence day.— AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 249 30 Sign up for a Philips Colour TV set from Colourent yf~~" J^ anytime between now and 30th November 1975. VR« And receive this beautiful, HANDY PHILIPS J% FOOD MIXER X x ,^r if \i A DOUBLE RETURN 9-DAY DISCOVERY TOUR OF JJJiJ HONG KONG/ TAIPEI/ BANGKOK BY v CATHAY PACIFIC
      249 words
    • 235 30 AIR-CONDITIONER REFRIGERATOR QAS COOKER mm FREEZER 1 g^ WASHING > MACHINE From MALAYSIA UNION (RENTAL) PTE. LTD. 475, 810ck 30. Outram Park, Singapore 3 Tel *****P7 Ample Parking Space SUPER 90 PROTEIN fc YOU MEO MOTEM tmy Hi tKUua X cannot bi ikwk) in Hit body tor tuiurt UO>. You
      235 words