The Straits Times, 20 September 1975

Total Pages: 37
1 37 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 7.'>
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    • 170 1 CAN AMERICA WIN THE NEXT WAR? This is the question that a threepart series starting tomorrow in the SUNDAY TIMES hopes to answer. The series Is written by Drew Middleton, the New York Times defence correspondent and one of America's most respected commentators in military affairs, and
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    • 128 1 WE ALL want to own a house or flat. Only some of us are lucky enough to realise our dreams. But a few have their dreams shattered Just as it Is on the point of being achieved and also end up poorer for it. These
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    • 42 1 HI-FI COLUMN: Review of the Accuphase amp MISERY of being TV widow THE CASE for computer art ENGLAND'S Lake District: Holiday haven for nature lovers THE KIND of guys our girls fall for WHY WOMEN are the world's worst snorers.
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    • 122 1 THE MAN FROM RAFFLES WHO LIVES FOR BOOKS FOR 40 years he was teacher, principal, Inspector of schools and lecturer at the old Teachers Training College; he belonged to that generation of Singaporeans who took to the classics like ducks to water. He is N.I. Low, 78 years
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    • 83 1 THE QUAH who turned his back on football: a profile of Quah Kirn Tlong, Singapore's new 4*o metres champion SOCCER EXPERT Choo Seng Quee continues hI s Stars of Tomorrow series and writes about one of the few youngsters today who thinks as he plays; FOOTB ALLEI
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    • 51 1 OTHER Sunday Nation highlights this week Include: A CANDID interview with the world's richest man. J. Paul Oetty; THE FSIENDLY police state— why and how Japan is becoming the world's most crime -free country; COLUMNIST Chang Kal Ming discusses the effect* of current consumer spending habits on economic
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    • 73 1 A SPECIAL Urac of ASIA MAGAZINE cornea with Sunday Nation this week. Devoted entirely to an examination of the Australian Identity. It Includes such highlights as: AUBTRALIA? Shell be alright, nate! A personalised discourse by the veteran foreign correspondent and author, Richard Hughes, about the changing
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  • 728 1 Arrested after 19 months, then... End of the road for fugitive Pat Hearst-Page 10 SAN FRANCISCO, Friday SELF-PROCLAIMED revolutionary Patty Hearst, captured after a long police hunt, was reunited early today with her wealthy parents in a jail near San Francisco. Miss Hearst, who called her
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  728 words
  • 362 1 JAKARTA. Friday rE Indonesian army newspaper, Berita Yudha. said today that Indonesian marines had landed In Portuguese Timor to evacuate 31 refugees, mostly women and children. The newspaper said the landing tock place last Sunday night In *he west of Dill,
    Reuter; AP  -  362 words
  • 118 1 Students shot in clash BANOKOK, Fri. At least eight vocational students- members or a grouping that has resorted to violence frequently In recent months were shot and seriously wounded here today In a sharp clash with police, police said. Authorities said one policeman was seriously wounded by a bottle bomb
    AP  -  118 words
  • 45 1 NEW YORK, m Dow Jones average*, based an first hour of trading on the New York stock exchange: 30 Indus 834.94 up 10.33. 30 transp Ibi 48 up 2 83. 15 utlto 78 58 up 0.22. 85 stocks 247 M up 3.00. UPI
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 24 1 LONDON. Prt. The International Tin Council today announced It la maintaining Un export control! tar another threa months haglnntnt Oct. 1. AP.
    AP  -  24 words
  • 57 1 P VERGES (France), Fri. A masked funman released three of five hostages he took In a bank holdup today after authorities paid him a six million franc (BS3.C million) ransom In cash, police said. Ponce also parked a car In front of the hank In response to his
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 587 1  - Mr Lee to call on Sadat today LESLIE FONG By CAIRO. Friday MR. LEE Kuan Yew arrived at 7.20 a.m. today (12.50 p.m. Singapore time) by a Singapore Airlines flight from Shiraz, Iran, to begin a two-day visit to Egypt. Accompanied by Mrs. Lee and a party of offlCairo Airport
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  • 58 1 LONDON, Fri. Th* price of gold tumbled on European bullion markets today, continuing a threeweek slide. The U.B. dollar was steady against major currencies. The metal nose-dived to US$l34 (*****) an ounce in mid-day trading in London, a ISSS.SW (5513.75) drop from yesterday's closing figure and its
    AP  -  58 words
    • 50 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger today warned the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries against further •U price Increases at their upcoming meetIng, saying It would be In no one's Interest and "can only endanger the dialogue we seek." UM <Boe Page 24)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 Remember, the Asia Magazine comes FREE with your Sunday Nation!
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    • 150 1 TWO ISLES READY FOR FUN SEEKERS. Page 8 810 US lie backfired 2 ISRAEL starts Sinai pul'out S LEBANON trace chattered 4 ORCHARD Rood's old face to to In five years 7 TWO ranfera wounded in clash with Reds 16 SAFETY drive at shipyards It AGONY of boy who fell
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    • 263 1 Is^HRPHH 1 MM More Bank for your business I tt|t Ul «•••>■ .liillilliiuriui.ui We're more bank for your business V V because we're now t it any world currency, more banks worldwide k Their expertise As part of the Standard vi k covers five conand Chartered Banking B^ tinents and
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 370 2 HONGKONG, Fri iirESTERN diplomatic analysts said today the use of military troops to maintain order and boost production in China's troubled Chekiang province had only "limited" effect. But there hu been "some Improvement In social order and Industrial production," they said In an
      UPI  -  370 words
    • 440 2 VC STRENGTH: CIA ONLY SUCCEEDED IN FOOLING ITSELF WASHINGTON, Friday UNITED States estimates of Vietcong strength before the 1968 Tet offensive were halved in an effort to deceive the American public, but the result was to fool US officials instead, a former analyst for the Central
      Reuter  -  440 words
    • 110 2 US economy: A stronger upswing WASHINGTON. Fri. Figures isbued yesterday by the US Cc^mmerce Department 1 n d i c a ted that the recovery in the US economy in the second quarter ot this year wss stronger than "rlpinally estimated. The US real Oroa. National Product the market value
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 245 2 Day army waged germ 'warfare on White House WASHINGTON, Prl. The US army conducted simulated experiments to determine whether germ warfare could destroy the White House, the Pentt gon and New York City, a weapons expert said yesterday. An added purpose of the tests was to determine what measures the
      Reuter  -  245 words
    • 37 2 JAKARTA. Fri. Fifty erf the 200 people suffering trotn haemorrhafflc fever -tnce la*t June have died in South Sumatra, a aouth Sumatra medical officer said here. Mt-t of the victims were women and children. AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 240 2 Protect the battered wives LONDON. Fri. A House of Commons committee yesterday called for sweeping changes In the law to protect wives whose husbands beat them. "Assaults In the home are Just as serious as assaults In other places." said the non-partisan committee after hearing evidence of "unspeakable" cruelty In
      UPI  -  240 words
    • 86 2 JOHANNESBURG. Fri. Jom Valent« nnw home one night and fatally shot hU wife becaue his mpper *v cold. A court, where Valente was charted with murder yesterday, heard that he came home from a soccer match on Jaly 3 and found his sapper
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    • 203 2 $780,000 pay-off settles tussle for control of Rank LONDON, Prl. A struggle between two much-married executives for control of Britain's multi-million pound Rank Organisation entertainments and business machines empire ended abruptly yesterday with the resignation of challenger Graham Dowson, 52. After a three-hour board meeting the company announced that Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 378 2 M M.;nanu£* C a aI fl Ru II I 1 Only At New Showroom No 121, Ist Floor, Textiles Ce'ntrr, 200, Jin. Sultan, Singapore, 7. Tel *****52/*****53 We're open now|f YOU Wdllt fl€£lp In seven days a week from 11am. to Bpm. air-condition, Ample parking places. choosing the right jw^
      378 words
    • 365 2 COURAGE \Tm CONFIDENCE ,&M LEADERSHIP !!Si!! 10 ways tke Dale Caraegle Coane helps aen and women a Acqu"t f»>t* j"d cen'<tftnc< a Sptak »"»ct »»'r Stu iou'u'l *"d rour Ota a o> rox> tw«t »<th trtf |>oup ImtxHi r»m«» a Th.nk jra imii en ,our tttl Control <*•' and ■at
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    • 136 3 Court to review Indira's conviction NEW DELHI. Frl. The supreme court today decided to review Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's election laws conviction, a move she had tried to prevent with a constitutional amendment. The unexpected development followed four weeks of arguments before the court on the validity of the amendment,
      AP  -  136 words
    • 74 3 BARNSLEY (England). Fit— A 29-year-old man who retired from his Job here aft;r winning £94.--000 (5f 487.860) on Britain's football pools has been driven back to work by bondom. Only seven months after his win. Roy itolllnson has gone tiack to r.*of repairing without pay.
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 25 3 CAMP PENDLETON. PH. Fifty Vietnamese refugees demanding a return to South VUlni.m were flown to Ouam today, the US Marine Carps said. AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 428 3 fEL AVIV, Fri.— Israel has begun pulling equipment from its frontline positions in the Sinai Desert as a first step in implementing the interim peace pact with Egypt. A frontline commander said yesterday soldiers had already cleared land mines and barbed wire from the
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  428 words
    • 377 3 Marcos axes 2,000 and says: It's just the start MANILA. Frl. MarkIng the third anniversary of Philippine martial law with a "sweeping and drastic' government purge, President Ferdinand Marcosaccepted the resignations of six Cabinet members, a Cabinet Under-Secre-tary and 10 high-ranking officials and ordered a high-level Investigation Into military corruption.
      UPI  -  377 words
    • 73 3 BANGKOK. Frl. The That Government suspended all barter deals Involving Chinese crude oil because of serloui production problem* Involving the oil. Oil Industry technicians here ay that while the Chinese crude has a very low sulphur content and hence Is valuable for use In highpollution
      NYT  -  73 words
    • 148 3 ISRAEL TO GET SHORT-RANGE MISSILES WASHINGTON. Fri. The United States Is thought to have agreed to supply Israel with short-range missiles capable of carrying naclear warheads bat there has been no commitment oa selling longrange missiles. Informed Government sources said here last night the US had agreed to furnish Israel
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    • 116 3 SYDNBY, Frl.— A man lived for 00 years not knowing that the woman he thought was his sister was really his mother, the New South Wales Equity Court was told. The man learned the truth only last year when he applied for extra
      Reuter  -  116 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 274 3 Et^^^^^flJ'TT. ~*M tSSSSSSSSSSSSSSI' EEfIEfIEfIkIBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsfIfIBI M tsß i tflflflflflfllHflflHHflHl flflflV^fll I EflflflH H 111 M ofl flHitlH M itttttttttttttttttttttttttta J i "frjifll 0000 I -^Sttttfll P^^^^ Bl'^^aSlß flfl^^^ak .^•Staf vfl^^lflfl^StStsflflJ^^StSSl^ll I V* S? flßt^ESsflL^^lSßßflllr^^flll a^ESßSa^k^ Four Action^^llfljßf Packed features you^ don't find in other Radio Cassette Recorders. •i APSS Sharp las
      274 words
    • 162 3 5 FUNCTIONS _^fflW_ D. C/CE yjM fIBW 8 DIGITS X'^HP|m|m^ H 884 5 FUNCTIONS D. C/CE BOIGITS s^^^kS&^^^M/Mfa P-805 rW I FUNCTIONS D.%. \fx v'^R^^^.wj^aW. CE H^g. 8 DIGITS Moan 5 FUNCTIONS c/ce _r^Tarflgak MFMOHY Ofl r^a^LsW 8 DIGITS #> <) 4>J^^BflJßJßJfc. HOBlO 7 FUNCTIONS 1/x. V^ r c£ >*fl^^^
      162 words
    • 822 3 ENGINEER Around $2,000 plus car Our client is a manufacturing and marVet- ing organisation with an established busi- i ness record in Singapore. The company, j in the process of expansion, is looking for 5 an engineer who can be developed in the marketing and production functions, with I possibilities
      822 words

    • 495 4 BEIRUT, Friday GECURITY forces clamped a dusk-to-dawn curfew on Beirut's commercial districts today but street fighting raged ana bated between warring Christians and Muslims. Police reported 33 people killed in eight separate areas of this Arab capital. They conceded the count was Incomplete
      Reuter; AP  -  495 words
    • 305 4 IEA nations cutting oil imports PARIS, Friday ritHE leading non-conununlst Industrial •1 countries in a major economic reversal, are reducing* their oil Imports this year by six per cent below the 1973 level, the governing board of the International Energy Agency (IEA) said yesterday. Fuel saving In the IEA's 18-member
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 139 4 2 British officers in HK on graft charge HONGKONG, Frl. Two senior British officers of the Hongkong police arrested by anticorruption officials appeared In the central court today on a joint charge of conspiring to obstruct the course of Justice. No pleas were taken from Superintendents Cecil James Cunningham, 48,
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 51 4 MOSCOW. Frl DetecUt» work by s, Soviet ortentslw hu led to the discovery of a township created by Alexander the Oreat in the Fourth Century BC. Tms news agencr said today. Prof. Bobojan Oafurov band his theories on cen-turle»-old wrtUngt. Including those of the ancient historian Arrtan.
      UPI  -  51 words
    • 42 4 TOKYO, Frl.— Two people died In a mass poisoning from lunches sold at a national railway station in northern Japan today, police reported. Police said U people who ate the lunches were taken to hospital.— UPl
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    • 138 4 rpAIPEH, Frl. Former South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu taid today rumours that he took out huge amounts of gold from Saigon when his government collapsed In Anrtl were "pure communist nronagmnda." Ht laughed when he m*M asked about the gold before
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 84 4 LAKTWOOD (Colorado). Frl. The bones from an Ice Age mammoth, which roamed through Colorado some 00,000 yran ago, have bten discovered at a construction site on the west edge of this Denver suburb, officials said yesterday. Geologist Olenn Scott said the find consisted of a skull
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    • 182 4 LISBON, Prl. FRTUGAL'S miUtary rulers snnsemnwl today the formation, of a new ceaiWen CsTblnet, endlnf three weeks of political deadlock and reducing communist influence In the GoTernment. The peiley-masJag Be▼olntfonary Cennell said the new Cabinet Ministers womld take office tonlcht. Premier-designate Jose Plnhelro De
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    • 109 4 BANGKOK, Frl. A Khmer Rouge officer was stabbed and wounded by three Thais who robbed him of 200.000 bant ($25,000) In the Cambodian border town of Polpet yesterday, the Bangkok Post reported today. Quoting eye-witnesses In Its report from Aranyaprathet. across the border in Thailand, the
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 360 4 UNITED NATIONS. Frl rjiHE president of the X Gen eral Assembly sle^t, or meditated with eyes closed, when the Soviet Ambassador delivered an address yesterday. He also remonstrated with the Soviet and Chinese delegates when they became embroiled In one of their customary
      360 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 §23 Southalb Twin Pack normal price: 2 boxes $3^30 NOW 2 boxes $2.20 1 BpF Sole Distributor: Lftfej WT Smith Nephew W' Sales Sdn Berhad C f 11*1 ustir. ,!inSBB6 CONGRATULATIONS TO ASIA RADIO fSJ PTE. LTD. ON ITS 23RD ANNIVERSARY OFFICIAL OPENING OF ASIA RADIO BUILDING tan l$»lHI t£fW
      137 words
    • 248 4 H W I TO RE VJUOKI IKJ TUf I^*l Ensfl h l\J DC WUli IN I Mt I Li^s^sjJS < HiH SflSmßsP I I SW sV Wtk W ■Ma M^HHMj^ tsßM^Bm. ij [jpsHHb^ DRAW Nos 67-75/75 B K IST PRIZES sfdtffll JrTTfe TELEFUNKEN 26 COLOUR TV MODEL 26SDC-7533 W^f!r4LLJMm 1
      248 words

  • 224 5 Extra $5m to adjust SBS pay scale SINOAPORE Bus Service has agreed to rationalise Its salary structure and Implement the 1975 National Wages Council recommendations at an additional cost of $5 million. Various forrr.i'lae havo been workod out with the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation for SBS' monthly-ratxl ctaff, bus crew
    224 words
  • 175 5 Hubby's late nights broke up marriage A HOUSEWIFE yesterday told the High Court how her marriage turned for the worse when her husband mixed with bad company and frequented nightclubs. Olympe Vlven Garnell. 35, suing her husband Donald Andrew Naden, 40. for divorce on grounds of desertion, said her early
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  • 50 5 THE Ministry of Culture win hold Its sixth "on-the-spot" art competition for children at the Botanical Oardens tomorrow from 4 p.m to 6 p.m The competition, open to all those below it years, will be divided Into three sections secondary school, primary school snd kindergarten groups.
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  • 29 5 THE Institute of Education and National Junior College Alumni combined military band will perform at the Macßitchle *eservolr Park tomorrow from 5. J0 p.m. to 630 pro
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  • 269 5 COME travel agents here have uncovered a w loophole In an agreement signed by five major airlines to curb undercutting, and are making full use of It to continue offering attractive discounts on air tickets. The regulations drawn up jointly by Singapore
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  • 122 5 QC FOR WEE APPEAL CASE IS ADMITTED MR. John Newey, QC, has been admitted as counsel for Minister of State Wee Toon Boon, 46, In Wee's appeal against couvlcMon and sentences of 4Vfc years' jail on five corruption (-names by a district court In the High Court yesterday, Mr. Justice
    122 words
  • 88 5 THERE was an Increase of 0.3 ocr cent and 0.5 Der cent In mosquito breeding In residences and construction sites over the last two weeks, the Ministry of Environment said yesterday. A surrey of 5.90J houses and 2M construction sites between Sept 1 and 14 showed
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  • 23 5 THE Singapore Adventure Club will bold Its annual dinner and dance at Hotel Summit on Sept. 37 at 7 30 pjn.
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  • 94 5 NURSES showed their concern for the less fortunate when they again decided to donate $67,300 they collected during the Nines Week to 45 charitable organisations. Cheques for that amount were presented to representatives of the organisations by Dr. Ton Chin Chye, Minis- ter for Health, at the
    94 words
  • 784 5  -  CHIA POTEIK By 'J'HE first two of a series of offshore islands which are being developed into recreational and picnic areas under a $50 million plan are ready to take in holidaymakers from tomorrow. A new ferry service which the Port of Singapore Authority
    784 words
  • 37 5 MR. Phey Yew Kcfc. UP for Boon Teck, will officiate at the Boon Teck community centre building fund lucky draw and dinner at the centre's premises In Lorong 6. Toa Psyoh. at P m. today.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 167 5 self "adhesive carpet tiles rv~ and you get a SABCO SWEEPER [W (while slocks last) II _^^aas^ g^gWr^'x >< n^bH gg*^^ self-adhesive n. >/ S^^^^K* carpet tiles you >v^\. s^^i/ can create your own patterns and designs of y° ur choice. It lasts, saves anCl 6aSy >0 n n<)le tO
      167 words
    • 255 5 I' te-Ujt ITT] f -*.^t^^^-^ TO GRACIOUS I ■Y'^] Let our experts I S&^^^^^y hel P V° u make W^rZ^£¥f*~f^)Z the right choice T*i i^^~- J regarding gMtagagMßaMgag^ *Bed Room Suites Lounge Suits I ..J$b f |53| 1 (.1 Dining sets I H m Kitchen I jH^^ ■•J^A^ Appliances I^^^^^T^
      255 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 253 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 1 Pacific Island trip I can 7 Thriner-wrlter likely to arrange saD.? Flowers might be pre- s Fish with th* rett, posferred? (6>. sibly. hamlg permits 9 Features I read desul- 13 ClUsen lays out wanes tortljr. so to speak in fin a pound, rough--10 Make
      253 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 '.V.W.W.V.W.'.V.'.V.'.VW.V.VW^W 1 NOW SHOWING! T Daiiy 9 at S 7?00 9.30 PM. < Admission: Adults $2.00 Children: $1.00 CATHAY: i\l MIBMGHT TOMGHT! LIN CHING HSIA CHIN HAN J| O MCWSMCN f Jurong Drive-ln Ciiema«Odeoi -Orchard 2ND MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! i (Mfoi: Miniif Slow Toiorrw it IN ai) |2nd Great Week! ODEON
      238 words
    • 150 6 Foon ITCH is the sign of- Athlete's Foot or othei fungal infections. Use Mycota cream and powder for effective treatment and prevention. MYCOTA TREATMENT Rub in Mycota crtam liberally on lha alfactad araat. than dust with Mycou powder daily PREVENTION Rub <n Mycota cream or duit socks or stockings inside
      150 words
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    • 231 6 •^*T-St%J^^afc .j^t I «.«-aaPpF_riP "Cvflr^jV SS«Zpp3QppS3^^ioC3 rThe coziest most economical n I spot in town! I HAPPY HOURS ■k^f^aajkW^^ltjTa^V^ Alldnnksai 20% discount COCKTAIL LOUNGE avSGble A NIGHTCLUB after 9.00pm -fhTT^V Ground Floor. 1L (pd^J HOTEL NEW HONGKONG JJ <y KJi Vtctona Sbaat Sngapora I<h 360X1 En 102 y^BT CLOSING DOWN
      231 words
    • 166 6 LIDO Homi Horn! !i LAST 5 DAYS!!!! 4 shows Note Times: 11am, 2.15. 530 8.45pm I Circle $4; Stalls $2.50 $150 No Free List I NO HALF PRICE NO MILITARY CONCESSION, {REX 2nd WEEK!J 5 SHOWS DAILY: 11 am, 1.45, 4, 6.45, 9.30 THE BARBARIC LOVE THAT LEFT THE GREAT
      166 words
    • 925 6 OWCAw. £TlfM a EJ B LAST S DAYS! HUIIV 4 l|| awi aatlv Nata Timet ll.m ■> 5 SJO «4S,m No Fraa List No Hot* Price P No Milrtory Concession Circie J4 Stolls S2 504 $1 SOP I M Poul Newmon, Steve McQuaen •> The TOW!WM« IHM*NO p Ponovsion Color
      925 words

  • 423 7 nEAF children should be taught to read and write as this will open many doors to them, accord in g to Mr. Jerry Goh, president of ihe Singapore Association For the Deaf. Mr. Ooh said It was unfortunate
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  • 36 7 A COFTEE and music session will be organised by the YMCA or Singapore for all young people and national servicemen at Its premise* In Orchard Road today from 7.30 p m to 9.30 p.m.
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  • 73 7 2 VOSPER BOATS FOR KUWAIT A LOCAL shipyard, Vosper Tiiornycron. will ship two vessels, worth more than $2 million, to the Kuwaiti Government on Tuesday. One or them Is a 14 metre (45ft) patrol boat with a speed of 21 knots, capable of carrying a crew of five. The o.iier
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  • 31 7 A graphic design and silk screen printing course will be held by the Adult education Board at Its Beatty Secondary School Centre on Sept M at 1 p m
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  • 546 7 The last of 'old' Orchard Road... IN ABOUT five years' time, the Cathay Building will be the only landmark left to remind Singaporeans of the old face of the lower Orchard Road area. All the other houses and commercial buildings except possibly the more solid ones will be demolished to
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  • 104 7 HUNT FOR GANG WHO STOLE TWO DOGS P >I.ICr are hunting I a gang of doiuappers wno abducted two dogs from a house In Sunset Way in dementi Road on Thursday. The culprits, described as experienced handlers, struck at about 9 a.m. when the dogs were frolicking outside their owner's
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  • 68 7 More open spaces now CERTAIN areas and state reserves at Eng Neo Avenue Pan-Island Expressway have been rezoned as a public open space to prevent Intensive development there. The areas were originally open (or residential, seconddarv and primary scfaoot, local shopping and community building purposes. Notice has now been given
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  • 68 7 SIM planning course for top men THE Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a coune on Systematic Corporate Planning for directors, Sneral managers, senior onagers and corporate planners at its conference room In Thong Teck building from Nov 13 to 14. Mr John Anentl. management consultant. U the eonrse leader
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 321 7 CbuntryCheck§ Gof^Psurtying.. when gunne saxe makes them long, flowing and lavished with lace. Here are three from our prom-ready collection: lace-up bodice pinafore, $22.90, short sleeve style, $25.90 square neck long sleeve gingham $27.90. All styles in pink or blue. ibirxSl dept .store ILji ttjm ELITE OGBLOG SINGAPORE W PLA2ASINGAPURA
      321 words
    • 290 7 B^Br^^^ Jlt fILV BT jiwr bWjb^bl^Vblb^bbmbf' Ht^sat BaV^ i W B^BT W BT^B^bKEZ^ H ■■> i V b^sbVl BbW^AsSD bW V U ¥n {-^a/^ WW^v^PJO Elf f IL I jfli Af Jrr Ar fl Br^^^- ifl H JH B^ft Lufthansa German Airlines, Germany's official carrier, brings to Singapore, LIVE! from
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  • 506 8  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By gOCIAL workers here believe that Singapore women tend to take a lot more beating from their husbands than their Western sisters. Reported cases of wife beating are few, but the incidence of spouse assault is higher than most
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  • 155 8 Most of cases are not reported choked or burnt with cigarettes, and smothered. Domestic weapons used include the broom a dreaded means of beating among the Chines* N'cause it is believed to bring bad luck leather belts pillows, and sticks. Wives of vlolejit men usually net hit on the head
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  • 47 8 RAHMAT Un Said. 23. and KtMiunl bin Manl)an 20. were yesterday charged separately for taking morphine In Empress Place on Aug. 3 at about 7.40 pm The case will be mentioned again on Oct. 3 pending medical report*. Ball was set at 11.000 each.
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  • 40 8 WORK on the M million Junior college on a 7.7 hectare site In Lorong Chuan Is now underway. When completed. It can accommodate 1.300 students and provide a better environment for study for Secondary Pour student*.
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  • 242 8 PDS ban first two are men rO motorists— both men yesterday became the flint careless drivers here to have their licences suspended for six months under the points demerit system <I*DS) which came Into force In March. A Registry of Vehicles spokesman said that they had been given two weeks
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  • 32 8 THE Singapore Motor Repairing Worktop Association will hold an extraordinary general me«tlng-cum-house wanning party from Its member* at 1U new premises In Upper Thomson Road tomorrow at IJO p m
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  • 189 8 k 57-YEAR-OLD bache/\lor. who dreamt that hla wife from "a former generation" was urging him to Join her, Jumped to hJs death from a block of flats, the coroner's court heard yesterday. The body of trishawrider Urn Tlan Blah wi»- found at the foot
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  • 89 8 TCRASER and Neave em- ployees yesterday formed long queues for the second day running to see the con.pany doctor. According to sources, the aueuet again started forming at about 8.15 a.m. "The doctor (a private practitioner, the workers want replaced) had an- other busy day
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  • 334 8 6 years for migrants ring member A MEMBER of a syndicate specialising in smuggling illegal immigrants into Singapore was yesterday Jailed for a total of six years with four strokes of the rotan by a district court. 00l Klan Hong. 31, who pleaded guilty, was' Jailed for three years with
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  • 92 8 A N architectural designJ\ er of Sentosa Development Corporation yesterday denied a charge of accepting $260 bribe from a building products company. Edgardo E. Atlenza, a Filipino, is alleged to have received the money from James Huang Kee Wan of International I Building Products (Pte)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 210 8 Able Engrg. Cresendo JU M** Kong Hua Tel: *****55 Tel: *****, *****0 r 121/123, Geylang Road Singapore Singapore ™JJ£ Leong Radio flffi 0 Company Nam Huot Tiling Ye?: *****3 79 &81 Pa 9° da Street Panelling Co. PtcLtd. Singapore Singapore 16 Yong Sjak Street Tiong Bahru, Tel: *****, 91 1493
      210 words
    • 6 8 BBBflP^_^^W^^^BsP^X BS^BS^BsP^^BBBsV BB^^BBV^^SBB^B^^BB^BSn BsI^VWI^LJ\ J^. Mbbß
      6 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 62 9 hTI b^^^^^ bT P*^t^^^^l Li Hi »w»ffi9H^ Hh f^H *^t Ij« 'J I H.AH IBb^^^^^^b^bl HI /f k HI J r^H I L *jy Ll r?HI/HHHHHMHHIBII MW^ J k J F I /hWb^Hb^^^b^^^^^^Hb^Hb^Hb^H^HbF^Hb^Hbl^Hb^Hb^HHbß I I U [i/i/l 1 1 hbl n 9 i tl V>H^MU|I I 111 ''hhWhWhVbW^P" Ji-A^- r^HBHiW
      62 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 432 10 MAJOR political developments appear to be in the offing in India. An indication of whtt is to come has been given by B.K. Nehru, India's High Commissioner in Britain, who says that a new democratic system "to meet India's special needs" is certain to replace the British-type constitution,
      432 words
    • 210 10 rnHE number of Singapore artists, musicians and writers who have gained international recognition can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. This is a sad reflection on a society which has made great economic strides and attained political stability. While material progress is important, cultural
      210 words
  • 448 10 T.F.Hwang takes you down memory lane We have done it DONE It in great style as we strode out to achieve. Result: A modernistic $18 million rambling complex in Havelock Road, bringing all our present la lower courts under one root. With built-in provisions also for the iuture, as there
    448 words
  • 516 10 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. r.MR. F.P. KON, president of the Tourist Guide*' Council, was only asking for a bit more professionalism among guides, his reference to a Penang court ease was Irrelevant. A tour guide had been convicted of an offence
    516 words
  • 635 10  - End of the road for fugitive Patricia Hearst B. RUSSELL By San Francisco PATRICIA Hearst spent the days before Christmas, 1973. shopping with her mother Catherine for crockery and housewares for her planned wedding with Berkeley philosophy instructor Steven Weed. But 1974 was not to turn out the way she
    Reuter  -  635 words
    • 168 10 J REFER to your report "Police officer in vice ring" (S.T., Sept. 17). I would like to point out that the Dollce have not received any reports that a police officer Is Involved In a vice network as your report suggests. Your
      168 words
    • 106 10 Why is rice still 30 cents a bowl? I REFER to your report which said that the -Consumer Price Index rose by 0.7 point to 148.2 last montn an increase of 0.5 per cent over July. The increase was caused mainly by higher prices In fish, fruits, vegetables and eggs.
      106 words
    • 95 10 TOHE once shady and 1 pleasant Mount Elizabeth. Just off Orchard Road, has been converted Into a hawkers' centre. I wonder would It not be a good Idea to transform part of the nearby Orchard Road pedestrian mall into a lunch-time hawker centre? It would be convenient for everybody Instead
      95 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 12 10 sli& HA jfi| 1 B^A ssfbj#^liM%si ■sV 1 SALORA j colour TV
      12 words
    • 126 10 Heartiest Congratulations to ASIA RADIO (S) PTE. LTD. on the occasion of the Official Opening of ASIA RADIO BUILDING a their 23rd Anniversary FROM: Shorikot National (Pte) Ltd Meng Cheong Woodworking Industries Pte Ltd. Loke Shiong San Bay Khim Hoke Michael Yew lEZif 11 '^2 rdf| fc»tt>>m jh&: V- im
      126 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 70 11 WEL GEFELICITEERD! (Congratulations) We, in Holland take great Pride Pleasure in rejoicing together with m\ V ASIA RADIO (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. on the auspicious occasions of their 23rd Anniversary Official Opening of ASIA RADIO BUILDING /v today. (fl|&) SIERA ELECTRONICS B.V.HOLLAND 'V i 'V a il((|y!/i(»^^k «j I "^<»wp**" w<
      70 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 79 12 ASIA RADIO [SINGAPOnE)FTI.ITD. v&ermA keeps your machinery equipment going. proven adhesives A sealants for ail industrial needs. I IhrntnleV ALfTCMvIOTIVEi|jg^' 1 nx-rr products m E-POX-E PRODUCTS B CLEAN-UP PRODUCTS M AUTO RX-IT PRODUCTS S CLARION I CAR STEREO POPCAR I SOLDERING I EQUIPMEN^^ B a^B^a^^a^a^a^ailßS\^^^^^Mlraht^Sa7fP^aßKßa^^ I HE^«^^9liHifi^rfllGal^^liHlfilH I atwtitilißiaMaa !aS
      79 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 86 13 SBHBB SBlllS^S I Ak; p J \r f *a"*m,^i« B^^ll^L^ J^B asia radio jjjjjfj^fiyljijp^ INTERC W^-wW W^^^sU ELECTRONIC I I *fjT S^Hb i<^^H REC LATORS PA AMPLIFIER SERA SIERA fl/«\ P m W PWQ >OUK> I »«K>wom(>»HOiu#« rsssssass" 1111 liiKA I IIERA |R| tIERA ■MMtfaaMM^M^ ci»ar sNMtdv' SIERA Radio Recorder
      86 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 135 14 l^i^^^x^^ x^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^x^^x^^x^x^^!^B^^ffßP^BPT^W!Bl^x^xV x^Bx^k*'^^^^^ XflSVßßVllHVKrtHHxflHxfl^ n^^™^^^^^ M^^^fllXafl I^B^™^^^ KXfIXmrSnX^XfIBaVIXftxfIHHHHHAwVV ]^^^j^^j I Mikj I I^B^i xifcTxa f flH^*^^^^^^^^^^ KflflHxnMHlilKVHiHKMXaVKXflß^XflflJxfllxfl^ f~*w a 13 y^ m nl.Ji M 4^ ,p fa fy fVi H^X ||^^T?^^^OJKfl^n]Xfl^'J^*H^D]^^Xfl^^^*lTlßT^Tl^XflH^XaX^ II S c V^ B? kxß Bxß x^xV VxaHHXfUxTxWfxVßxflxaUUxxx^xUpxMxxUx^xn S ff Xfta XXXH B d I k 9^ mK^^xl
      135 words
      34 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 181 15 a I pHONE 1 POPCAR m^ I l^^|^b(R) v so much fun for your children! r>r\TLA A* rMVT TAII/ TCI CDUnMC I Rechargeable, battery-operated children's COMMON* T ALK TELEPHON fc. I j cars. For 2 12 year olds. INTERCOM SYSTEM. I §!3§@^ The practical intercom lujp l^^v^l^k system for offices,
      181 words

  • 145 16  - Salvaged plane that crashed into Johore Straits K.S. Sldhu Mazlan Badron Story by Picture by PARTLY submerged in the still waters off the shore of Seletar last nlfht was this twin-engined Convair--240 which crashed In the Straits of Johore on Thursday. The aircraft had been salvaged from the sea, 400
    145 words
  • 23 16 Water consumption on Thursday was 134.5 million gallons «U,«M cable metres), 19 milLon (alloas <I,*N cable metres) more than on Wednesday.
    23 words
  • 10 16 THERE were IT accidents, five serious. on Thursday.
    10 words
  • 260 16  - 'Fully booked' sign sparks angry scene PHILIP LEE By RESIDENTS In Met Ling Street, Queenstown, learnt last night that the earliest bird did not always catch the worm. About 40 .of them went to the HDB area office in Stirling Road from about 7.45 p.m. to queue for season parking
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 118 16 Got a cold? Get quick relief! MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING. COOLING, HE AUNG BALM Mentholatum gives quick relief from colds, coughs headaches '^^^m Mentholatum gently fe^^jj wtk cools and soothes away skin irritations. Kr insect bites, burns, bruises, S^jH Have some a handy for all Ky^ljjfl^ the family' MENTHOLATUM The Great Redever
      118 words
    • 236 16 All I Z^^^aU 2 J| AutoD&D Jfc:^^^ igSig U I b^4o JJ I v jpi 1.1 ami AutoD&D la^v B^ M II I I ■X: aaaßßal Helena Rubinstein the science of beauty FREE PERSONAL CONSULTATION by Helena Rubinstein's International Beauty Specialist PikW Mr Claude Fourot direct from America. m^m Wk.
      236 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 963 16 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 I.N PM Opening and Sesame Street 7.N Family Time (English) 2.00 Saturday Matinee— flame of Barbary Coast, 7.30 News (Matiy) starring: John Wayne, Ann Dvorak, Joseph 7.45 Bahas 75 (4th Quarter Final-Malay) Schildkraut US Tat Struts if Sii Frayhw UKtih 3.30 Werlri Cip Cricket 75—
      963 words

    • 22 17 KUALA LUMPUR, PrL Strike ballots have gone out to mccc than 1 000 workers in Majutemak, the National Livestock Corporation.
      22 words
    • 238 17 IPOH, Fit Two soldiers were injured, one seriously, in a skirmish with a small band of terrorists in the Operation Setia Lapan area, near Ulu Kinta, a government spokesman disclosed today. A patrol of rangers was carryIng out an operation In the Jungle
      238 words
    • 33 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. MAS bat agreed to give a 25 per cent rebate to Intending pilgrims flying on domestic flight* to come to Subang Airport to catch their flights to Jeddah.
      33 words
    • 176 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Friday OWE Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, will 1 pay an official visit to New Zealand and Australia from Oct. 11 to 22. A Foreign Affairs j Ministry statement said the visit to New Zealand from Oct. ll to 15 and to Australia from
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 56 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Frt Six thugs three of them "tiger generals" have been sent to Julau Jerejak rehabilitation centre In the last two months. They were members of Loong Poo Thong Tiger-Dragon > the 18 immortals and the 303 gangs. City police have also Imposed restrictions
      56 words
    • 45 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl— The Yang Dlpertuan Agung has Instituted a new order of merit known as Dartah Ba*> U (or Malaysians who have made substantial contribution to and who have earned letmwn In the fields of arts, sciences or the humanities
      45 words
    • 163 17 IGP: DO NOT LISTEN TO RUMOURS KUALA LUMPUR. Frl— The Inspector-General of police. Date Seri Mohamed Han iff Omar (above), called on the people today not to listen to rumours which might be spread by Irresponsible element*. He also appealed to the people to form residents' associations In their areas
      163 words
    • 48 17 MALACCA. Frl.— A young vegetable fanner was Jailed (or five yean by the Sessions Court here today (or having a revolver and three rounds of ammunition without a licence. Lee Chal Huat alia* Chal Meng. JO. of Kangkar New Village. Yong Peng, pleaded guilty.
      48 words
    • 282 17 Asean talks to draft agenda for the summit ITU ALA LUMPUR, Frl.— Senior oß\clals from the five Asean nations will meet here during the third week of next month to prepare the agfenda for the Asean s ujn m 1 1 meeting scheduled to be held in Ball before the
      282 words
    • 199 17 rpOKYO, Frl. Ma- laysian Primary Industries Minister Datuk Musa Hitam said today he was disappointed at the attitude taken by Japan at the special session of the United Nations special assembly op economic affairs, which ended earlier this week. The minister, on a brief
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 243 17 Brothers among three killed in crash fTAPAH, Frl. Two brothers and a third man were killed in an accident involving two cars and two scooters at the 47th mile Ipoh-Sun-gkal road this morning. The dead were identified as Ng Chtew Ouan, 34, Pang Ko Kheong. 26, and his brother, Ku
      243 words
    • 58 17 IPOH, Frl. Fireman in Perak are planning to go on a work-to-rule to press their demands (or an Increased committed allowance. They are all members of the Fire Services Staff Union, Perak branch. Union secretary Enclk. Mohamed Desa said U» union proposed to take Us* action If
      58 words
    • 25 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Frt. Pensions will be paid early next month as Karl Raya Is expected to (all on either Oct. 6 or vr.
      25 words
    • 78 17 KUCHING, Frl. The State Government today released two members of the Sarawak National Party (SNAP) who were arrested last year on charges of complicity in a movement for secession of the State's LJmbang territory from Malaysia. Before their release, former SNAP secretary Abdul Rahman Nawl
      Reuter  -  78 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 186 17 L*^^^ sal exciting professional lighting effects with a flash unit are now possible! > BBa^L_3Mafl fl y%^— Ifl gJBJI 12 models available Prices y lf^t\X' r?\ \KIS from $30 00 while stocks f\,P&^ vfcITTH last in Singapore only. I— cOLO ■■I I I Bl^^^^lßrl^Bkl I BB^BbW Hif 1'"") bw^l just
      186 words
    • 89 17 1 ■II WENG HENG'S AUTUMN saiE SALES •RICE 120 cm. German Fancy Cotton Fabric $3 SO 120 cm. Floral Printed $350 300 cm. Acrylic Material $9 20 FREE GIFTS PURCHASE OF 1 be. Enflith Carpot 274 cm < 366 cm 69 cm 130 cm 1 ac. Englith Caraot
      89 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
      256 words

  • 255 18 3 Religious Announcements PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGAPORE Corner Orchard Road Penang Road. Sunday Service 900 a m and 6.00 pm Sunday. School 900 am A nursery is provided for children of parent* iltrndlnK the Morning Service 1130 am Mandarin Service All Welcome ETERNAL LIFE ASSEMBLY vw A Outram Road Sunday School
    255 words
  • 103 18 PARENTS WIFE BROTHER, sister of the late Victor Quek wish to thank relatives and friends for their attendance, wreaths, donations, assistance and condolences during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF the late Mr. Chtam Tv 800 sincerely thank all relatives and friends for their attendance, condolences, wreaths, donations
    103 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 18 SOS SAMARITANS of Singapore Troubled? Discouraged? Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Li as near as the telephone
    20 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1572 18 classified ads H NIW ZEALAND FORCE SOUTH EAST ASIA 1 Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens for the following vacancy at the New Zealand Forces Hospital Woodlands situated at Terror Barracks. Naval Base Grade Salary Scale v.,.. /aawi easo aasa 2 Annual Wage Supplement upto a maximum of one month
      1,572 words
    • 680 18 WILL ESTABLISHED CONSTRUCTION firm requires an experienced full-time male or female accounts clerk Preference to candidates with knowledge of English and Mandarin. Apply with full particulars, experience, salary expected and a recent photograph (non-returnable) to Messrs K.P.P.L.. 8. Jalan Sembawang Kechll. Spore 27. ADMINISTRATIVE STENOGRAPHER wentod 120 wp m Shorthand.
      680 words
    • 705 18 AIRCONDITIONER MECHANICS and apprentices wanted Pleaae call or write personally to 21S Changi Road Spore 14 ELECTRICIANS/ MECHANICS REOUIRED 1 Trade certificate In Industrial electrician or equivalent essential. 2. Experience in machinery maintenance preferred. 3 Willing to work shift duties of 3 shifts cycle. Appry In writing or poiaonaw, KrOriental
      705 words
    • 802 18 LANDSCAPED GARDENERS/ supervisors for project maintenance work Call Immediately with photograph 31. Jalan Cnengkek off Macpherson Road *****9 VACANCIES FOR MALI unskilled labourers preferably those who have completed National Service Please apply to: Electrical Manufacturer- of Spore Pte Ltd BVm s Buklt Tlmah Road. Spore 21. |pPSA requires A) ENGINE
      802 words
    • 761 18 WANTEO EXPERIENCED WHARF Clerk with driving; licence. Must be familiar with PSA procedures, completed National Service. Call at B-97 Oolden Mile Towers. I Beach Road between 9 am 1 p.m. We have Immediate vacancies for the following post RECEPTIONIST CUM NCR 42 OPERATOR Secondary Four Singapore citizen Age: 25-35 years
      761 words
    • 841 18 OIST. 6 SIMI-DITACHBO 4 bedrooms, central alrcondltlon $1600 unfurnished. Convenient Jurong/ American and International Schools location. Please call Consultant Unique *****5 8 SEMI-DETACHED HILLCREST PARK 3 bedrooms. 3 bu'hrooms one room carpeted/ wallpapered throughout 3.000 sq ft furnished/ unfurnished $1.150/ $l.--300 View 12 Oreenmead Avenue after 4 00 p.m. DIST
      841 words
    • 863 18 PETROLEUM COMPANY requires houses for their staff in any dlstrlct for long lease Rental from 8630 $3,000 Contact *****7 *****6 WANTEO FOR RENT FLAT or terrace house unfurnished in dlst 4/ 5 around $250 $350 p.m. Call *****6 after 2 pm CONSULTANT UNIQUE has j foreign executive clients for detached,
      863 words
    • 768 18 DIST. 19 I-STOREV TERRACE. 3 200 so ft freehold 3 large parquet bedrooms, terrarzo lounge, study room, servant's room, extended 20' x 20' tiled up kitchen. 65' drive-way Selling $*****0 Tel *****3 TUAN SINO PARK, 2-storey semidetached, fully furnished. 4 alrronds. 4.200 sq ft Split-level lounge. 4 bedrooms. 1 servant's,
      768 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1454 19 t f B^ flee space at groundfloor Cantonment House to let either fully or partly Contact Mr Ooh tel: 5i 6430 JAKARTA INSTANT OFFICE AVAILABLE Complete wltn executive furnishings, carpeting, a/c telephone. P O Box. receptlor facilities photocopy service, a/c car. excellent secretary alsc available Approximately 130 sq metres Located
      1,454 words
    • 350 19 UNIVIPJSAL TP.AVI L COAPONATION (PTI) LTD. MALAYSIA (GENTINO) 7 days a/c coach 8175/- erery Sunday/ Monday OCNTN4O 2 days by air 8130/ Everyday OENTING 4 days by coacr 1115/- even Wednesday CAMEP.ON 4 days by coacr 883/- every Wednesday HAAOYAI/ SONOKHLA 6 day! A/c coach SI 20/- every Frldaj BANGKOK/
      350 words
    • 685 19 MAS TRAVEL CHARTERS Sun* 544. Tooolln Shopping Contr* Tol *****71/2 1 London/Europe S Amonco-U.S.A BV2OO-W 1 Portti S 524.00 Srdney'MoKßeturn) 11*0*00 Also special offers to Caws** Tokyo Bangkok Jo»H MWdts East Bsß Wkfl Branch oMco: 3SK Prtn**p SI. S'por* 7. i (Oppootf* Cathay Cinema) Tat: 3221*1/ ****** WORLD CHARTERS CENTRE
      685 words
    • 716 19 INTERIOR OBSION DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to Interior design Diploma recognised for membership of professional bodies Including the Singapore < Society of Professional Designers. < Full colour Prospectus sent by I airmail by writing to the Prln- clpal. Thomas B. Dwyer. DHE. j RIBA. Rhodec International. < School of
      716 words
    • 665 19 PEOPLES COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 20- A. Eaot Cooot Rood (Oppoono ***** KMong) Tot 4MSS4. 40*708 Oormon Bsomwri iwowwi oourao commencing 20 9 75 every Sat 2 p m. 4 p.m. by Oerman lady experienced teacher Japanm BsoJwwsr* S-mowth oowro* commencing 21.9 75 every Bun 1 p.m. 3 p.m. by Japan lady
      665 words
    • 739 19 Woollen Rugs: Floral. Aesthetic. Peking I>e.«!<rn« Ch.vre In quality, colours, size Decorative Carpets. 40 The Orchard. To! *****16 CARPETS IN VARIOUS CO ours clearing at wholesale price from I Tag Agencies Pte Ltd Hurry' I Ring *****2. H4ffROSOL^BIATS^S*j3Air The result of most modern, scientific agriculture, horticulture research 16 different 'yp»'
      739 words
    • 718 19 LAL-.E- AND GENTLEMEN Massagt at your place Attendee by experlerced qualified mas seuses. mass*-rs Tel *****8 RELAX ANO E MASSAGED a your place by well trained ex pertenced masseuse masseurs Ring *****6 JCUNESSE ET BEAUTE for yow si lentlflc relaxing massage snunn baths. spot.?duclng an< phvjio-therapeutlr treatment *|t very latest
      718 words
    • 648 19 M D S LICBNSEO CONTRACTOR. 3 Licence No MP 'lOOll We spe- I clallse in all types of tiling and renovation wonts. Also supplier |of made- to measure home/ office 1 furniture For prompt service and guaranteed workmanship Call Holden Tiling and Furnishing Work< Tel *****3 Mr I.lm weekI days.
      648 words

  • 441 20 Ministry team to launch two-month campaign J'HE Labour Ministry Advisory Committee on Accident Prevention in the Shipbuilding and Repairing Industry has adopted a multi-pronged programme to tackle safety and health problems in the shipyards. The committee which will launch a twomonth campaign on Wednesday says that
    441 words
  • 158 20 MR. JUSTICE Chua heard in a divorce suit yesterday allegations of adultery Involving a school principal, Soo Ngoon Hoong. and a married woman who was then a clerk In his school. A private investigator, employed by the petitioner, bank officer Harry Ang Keng Thlong, alleged
    158 words
  • 259 20 rr\HE price of long L beans dipped by lv cents a katl or 605k to 30 cents yesterday, the Trad? Department reported. Following are the recom-. mended prices: BICE: Thai 100 per oent "O". 76 cents a. katl or 605 g; Thai 10 per
    259 words
  • 128 20 A 19 YEAR OLD welder, Sim Kwee Chai, was fined a total Of $1,35* and disqualified from driving for five years at the 10th Magistrate's Court yesterday for speeding and dangerous driving. On Aug. 29 this year at about MM p.m.. 81m was seen speeding
    128 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1521 20 classified ads gg SATURDAY SPECIAL! 10 12 mwi»n oh) Cvrar Roan Air Conditioner* «ri»i on* y«*r gMrartMs SfSSB VkxWl AWOOft.7O3 SSftSlNa ICMO'M Übi Mod*! AWOO6 703 Sx.tiNo K*****8 |1M Moo*' HI 100 703 BMNa ALJ4BOSJ »%O3 Moo*' BE 100 703 Sv.tlNo KS4M7M SS2I Model Bt 100-703 S*>*lNo *****87 $VO Mod*
      1,521 words
    • 643 20 HONDA crvtc IS7S excellent condition 43 m.p g. accessories Third owner 17.000 Interested *****2 (and Sunday) OCTOBER im MERCEDES Benz 200 One owner, accident free, excellent condition Tel Mr. Tan *****22 1971 SUZUKI 2M OT Motorcycle Immaculate condition Selling 11,600 on o Interested, call *****7 Michael Koh FIAT 127 ENOINE
      643 words
    • 816 20 1172 AUSTIN 1100 MXII Stationwagon 1971 Toyota Corolla, Morris Mini Clubman 1969 Morris Mini MXII 6 Perak Road. Spore B Tel *****7/*****0 IM6 VOLVO IUS Oood running condition Road tax and Insurance expires 1970 Price 12.000 ono Contact Mr. Leow *****33 I*7l AUSTIN 1300 OT 2 ownes Tax/ Insurance February
      816 words
    • 542 20 HIAP MUAT CO. 246 Middle Road Singapore *****1/ *****1/ *****5 1974 Colt Lancer 1200 1973 Toyota Corolla 1200 Fotd Escort 1100 Datsun (pick-up) 1972 Maxda Capella 1600 Ford Escort 1100 XL Ford Cortina 1600 L Honda Life 360 4 door Toyota WOO (air-con 1971 DaUur 1200 Masda Capella lftOO V-Viva
      542 words
    • 269 20 Highlights for today Metrication: Students should help parents. Sister who turned out to be mother. Wasteful habit is against the spirit of Hari Raya. It's great to be alive after a 11 -storey fall. The end of the road for an agent. Football: Jalan Besar United to face big hurdle.
      269 words

  • 464 21 T^IVE men. Including r two Illegal immigrants, were yesterday jailed by a district court for a total of 18 years and ordered to be given a total of 78 strokes of the cane for armed robbery and theft. The highest sentence
    464 words
  • 47 21 HANAFI Kwtmln. 34 a National Serviceman, was Jailed for three month* yesterday for unlawfully abcentlng himself from 113 training •esalons. Be pleaded guilty to absenting hlmaelf from his weekly training at Whlteley Secondary Bchooi from Jan. 6, 1973. to Bept. 17 thla rear.
    47 words
  • 159 21 rE family of Khor Slew Choon, 18. who waa killed when he was struck by flying rocks from a quarry at Buklt Gombak on Jane 23, Is contemplating legal action. According to Biew Choon's elder brother, Khor Swee Klat, the family has consulted a
    159 words
  • 262 21 Agony of boy who fell 11 floors and lived... A 15- YEAR-OLD boy, who survived a 1 1-storey fall, recalled yesterday the agonising moments when he failed to save his friend from plunging to his death. Pint-sized Ye-v Ah Beng and his friend, Ho Puay Leong, 16, both construction workers,
    262 words
  • 324 21 INSURANCE DEALS: SALES MANAGER HIS FIRM AN Insurance sales manager is claiming damages and $10,--330 as commission from an insurance firm for "wrongful" termination of two agreements, the High Court was told yesterday. In his statement of claim. Choy Kok Wah, 57. said he had suffered loss and damage as
    324 words
  • 25 21 THE Workers' Party will hold a Moon Festival Night for Its members at Its headquaiters In Hill Street tomorrow at 7.30 p tn.
    25 words
  • 215 21 400 eat out in protest against canteen food A BOUT 400 employees A. of an electronics factory in Jurong took their lunch and dinner near the factory's car park yesterday to protest against the firm's canteen. The employees filed out of the factory do: Ing lunch break from 11 30
    215 words
  • 346 21 npHE "sudden 1 change" in the medium of instruction and examination from Mandarin .to English is worrying Nantah students, according to the president of the Association of Nanyang University Graduates, Mr. Ong Soo Chuan. Academic staff were also not prepared for the rapid change from the
    346 words
  • 198 21 A MAN, said by a lawyer to be owing about $391,000 to Four Seas Communications Bank Ltd. on a Judgment debt, was made a bankrupt yesterday in the High Court. Shee Pee Sung, of Amoy Street, was not In court when his name was called up
    198 words
  • 54 21 MR. K. C. Larsen deputy general manager of Inter-ocean-EOC Agencies Pte. Ltd.. will leave for Canada soon for a new post as president of Johnson, Wallon Steamships Limited there. Hi* successor Is Mr. L V. Jorgtruen from Standutch Ltd.. Hongkong. Mr. Larsen waa also concurrently the
    54 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 489 21 BRISTOL-MYERS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. requires PHARMACIST I The company is looking for a qualified Pharmacist to fill the post of Marketing Executive for its ethical division. The successful candidate will be very much marketing orientated who will be able to work independently with drive and initiative. He will be responsible
      489 words
    • 434 21 GENTING HIGHLANDS HOTEL BERHAD (Incorporated tn Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Board of Directors has declared an Interim dividend of 5% exempt from Income tax in respect of the financial year ending December 31, 1975, payable on October 31, 1975 to share holders registered at the close of
      434 words
    • 34 21 KODOK 5 Presents the exotic, spicy l|C «Us INDONESIAN PEP*^- PENANG FOOD ATITSBEST <r- /SPmT^-- BUSINESS HOURS: 10 A.M. 10 P.M. M^s*r"l> A GOURMETS Ma£ j/j PARADISE "^«r\l tor W6OO |n E rl J
      34 words

    • 422 22 UNITED'S BOSS SPEAKS OUT ON TODAY'S MATCH... LONDON, Fri— Man Chester United expect to stay on top of the English Football League tomorrow when they face Ipswich, who are still looking for their first away win of the season. United suffered their first
      Reuter  -  422 words
    • 201 22 American shooters win trap gold medal MUNICH. Fri. The United States broke me bast European gold medal monopoly at the World SKeet, Running Boar and Irap shooting Championships here yesterday by talcing the team title in the men's trap event. ihe American quartet scored 388 ot a possible 400 hits,
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 404 22 Ali to spar 15 rounds today to prove he can last distance MANILA, Frl. Heavyweight challenger Joe Frazier took the day off from his daily workouts today and said he was ready for his Oct. 1 fight against Muhammad All. All worked out for an hour today before a capacity
      UPI  -  404 words
    • 248 22 US are heavily favoured for 17th win VTEW YORK. Frl. 11 An awesome American team are heavily favoured to win the Ryder cup for the 17th time in 21 meetings when the biennial competition between the US. and Britain-Ire-land gets underway here today. With Arnold Palmer In the unfamiliar role
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 394 22 f ONDON. Frl— Britain's Li Olympic athletes will almost certainly undergo high altitude training at Colorado Springs In the United States Just before the Games begin In Montreal next July. The British Olympic Association, who have researched the facilities and arrangements at several sites
      394 words
    • 204 22 Leftwing demos closing in on Baastad OAASTAD, Sweden, ■"Fri. Chartered buses, laden with leftwi n g demonstrators from across Scandinavia, were reported heading for this Swedish resort where the controversial Davis Cup tennis match between Sweden and Chile began today. In the opening singles Bjorn Borg gave Sweden the lead
      Reuter  -  204 words
    • 277 23  - JURONG IN GRIM FIGHT JOE DORAI By CAN RAHIM'S YOUNGSTERS AVOID RELEGATION? DA HIM Omar, who rose to soccer fame at Fairer Park, returns to his "birth" place today as coach of the opposing team, Jurong United. Jurong United will have to take at least a point from Farrer Park
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    • 149 23 ONO Chal Seng was the overall champion at the Serangoon Technical School cross country meet at Macßitchle Reservoir yesterday. His time for the 3.1--mlle course: 17:02.0 sees. Second was Satiny a Muruthl and third Chan Keng Seng. BOYS: Sec. 1: 1 Tan Kun Alk 2 Koey Kei.r
      149 words
    • 230 23 CENTRE FORWARD Francis Fam scored two snap goals to give .lollllads a 2-0 win over Fra s c r and Neave Youth, the Group Seven champions, in a FAS Youth tournament soccer match at Jalan Besar yesterday. The nippy striker first found the net in the
      230 words
    • 74 23 KUALA LCMFDR. Frl. The Kentucky Fried Chicken table tennis team here will play three friendly matches In Singapore thU month. They »11l play against Eagle Engineering on Sept 26. against Nanyang Slang Pau on Sept. 27 and Singapore Selection on Sept. 28. The team Peong
      74 words
    • 22 23 FINANCE won the Mandarin Hotel inter-department raccer final when they beat Kitchen staff 1-0 at Toa Payoh Sports Complex yesterday.
      22 words
    • 64 23 TEHERAN. Frl— Secondseeded South Korean pair Sbom-Oh Lee and Duk-Hl Lee woo the women's doubles title at the Asian Amiteur Tennis Championships here yesterday. They beat top-seeded Indonesians LIU Suglarto and Lany Kallgls 6 2. 5-3. Indonesia's top- seeded Oondo Wldjojo and Lita Suglarto won the
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 217 23 SI N G A PORE Civilians' preparation for the MRU Cup semi-finals started off on a discouraging note: Only seven out of the 26 players turned up for the first training session at Dover Road on Thursday. Those present were: Mahat Zainuddin, Song Koon Poh. Kwok Khuen
      217 words
    • 411 23  - FAS should take a good look at Abdul Halim PETER SIOW By FAS selectors should r take a good look at Abdul Hallm, who scored two lovely goals yesterday to help Sembawang eliminate Leng Kee 3-2 In the FAS Youth soccer tournament at Jalan Besar. The 19-year-old packs power In
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    • 396 23  - FOUR SCHOOL CHAMPIONS IN TODAY'S SEAP TRIALS ERNEST FRIDA By pOUR school sprinten are among 20 athletes selected by the Singapore Amateur Athletics Association lor today's Seap Oames relay trials at the National Stadium. They are Leong Mcl Leng of Thomson Secondary. Lee Peck Kecw of Balestler Hill Technical. Urn
      396 words
    • 211 24  -  EPSOM JEEP TOP-FORM BOY FRIEND II IS TODAY'S BEST BET By CKYLAB, a Corinto four -year -old, has shown ability in recent runs and with a handy 8.0 and a favourable draw he should get off the mark in Race Two at Kuala Lumpur
      211 words
    • 1176 24 Race 1 DATDTS FANCY III: Won first up over Ipoh 8f with 1.4 June 1; flashed home fa^t second with 8 8 to Carnival Div 4 «f Ipoh Aug. 30; should go well KABBIM BABA: Showed promise last ti*rt B. Timah July 6 when fourth In finish
      1,176 words
    • 439 24 BOMBARA IS WORTH EACH-WAY ITU ALA LUMPUR, Fri. Bombara has regained the form which enabled him to win a Class 4 Div. 1 6f race by a "distance" here in April and is worth an each-way flutter against the fancied horses in Race Two here on Sunday, reports Epsom Jeep.
      439 words
    • 71 24 MBW YORK. FH—««•ulu of TwtanaVa major laapw b«a*ail grnmea: Aaaartaaa Lapr lUnaaj City RoyaJs 4 tt™*,*^,, Twins 1, Oerelaad Indiaju > Detroit Tlfe™ 1. CUlforroa. Anaels A Ttaas Ran«er» Oakland Athletics 7 Chicago Whit* Bos a Nitliasl If; Philadelphia Ftiinies 4 PUt»burgh Pirates 1, Cincinnati Reds 4
      71 words
    • 109 24 MM Datla'i Paocr Oattn-i Pwi ■Wlft H4MMT Ralabow ■win Booty rb« Thlt nun. i. r iu«d TaaMTtaU •kytaft Til— I Dill MhllaJn Itoatf Skylab Burabra* Bor ••r PrtnM Ctaetaaau Ntw O— U«wt CIMBMtI ClMtamtl ■hIoUK Moos KbM Mt. Bkadowi OlMntln Mt KIM BntartaliMr Mt. Malm MakXjr Fair Flaw* imity
      109 words
    • 1135 24 Going forecast: Yielding 111 2.30 CLASS 3 DIV 3 IF bT^USLSB (55.500 $6,650 to wfcNMW) I 0 Tl«bis»*ss. (Toawlnt) DavMson 4 1.13 (sum) *t T. Tan 6 t 7» aiwr Pakmaa <a*uuc) Hunt 58 (taint) ef Jsansa 1 tUN ll us* ii n (Hsrnano) Lsoot 7 t.u «k-ui)
      1,135 words
    • 600 24 Lit CLAM S DIV. S— ft. 1 Jackaroo t.M V. Nathan I t UtUe MtT 1.11 M. Lee It S Granada 1.11 T.C. Chenc 1 4 Freedom FlfhUr S.M Vela 5 Papillon I.U OIL Tan 11 Smoker Shadow Ml Skeitoo 7 Caah Inn II J c. Um| 7
      600 words
    • 93 24 LOS ANQKLXB. Frt Wimbledon cbampton Arthur A*he and four other hl(h-H«dsd plaren aeorad rclatlTal; May Tlctorlw her* last nlfht Hi third-round men 1 >ln«lei pUy of tbT $100,000 <8*J4».0O0) Pacific Southwest Open tannU Ashe needed Isaa than an hour to overpower Kirn Warwick Oi Australia,
      93 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 139 22 A SUPER FUN GUIDE MAP with every box of Kleenex! Penang North Peninsular Malaysia IW^flfe^. South Peninsular Malaysia Singapore r^~^ There's a Holiday Map of one of these S I^^^ gd places in every box of_ Kleenex facial tissues family size, regularize or multi-colour pack^^^^H^^ *^bH All the maps are
      139 words
    • 763 22 A Statement from Mobil Oil Singapore Pte Ltd It has been stated in the press that there may be a boycott of sales of Mobil products by some Mobil dealers at their petrol stations on Monday, September 22. These dealers claim that Mobil is "victimising" the dealer who operates the
      763 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 175 23 19A, Ist Fir. President Shopping Centre. I I I r*i 1"O T I T H v 320, Serangoon Road, Singapore 8. Tel: *****11/2, I I lIMItMIUI m^ W^^ Fty: 204 E, Braddell Road, Singapore 20. Tel: *****9. \V ■p. P.O. Box 290, Toa Payoh Central Post Office. Cable: "INSDESIGN" L
      175 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 160 23 ATHLCTIC8 Seap Oames Armed Pocres (Jala.Tr Besar) trials (National Stadium) Dlv. 2: Changi Utd. jn> Polytechnic annual meet Dynamos (Changi) Dlv. (National Stadium 2 pm.). 3: Ttong Bahru vT. Pagar GOLF— Putra Cup trial* (Queenstown). Telok Blan(Buklt Course.) gah v CalrnhlU (Bt. CherRIGBY SBU League mln). Bt. Panjang v Toa
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 66 24 Where theres fun... Orchid Inns nearby Orchid Inn nearest hotel to Thomson Road and Bukit Timah Road Recreational Spots is the ideal place for lunch. dinner or simply a long cool drink. MOBY DICK FRITZ bar KATSURA 24HRS COfFEEHOUSC Ortu, Must: DarV JMWNCSt STfAK HOUK Bu<le< iCoiy Almoaprafe Teppan-Vaki Cooi.nentai
      66 words
    • 338 24 r if.-' c atest r oomy, **4Wt squashy handbags in real. j£^^^^^ Wv'i so^ eat^ er ever V or| e ■J^^^^ v beautifully made in the Italian w^/^^ tradition of fine craftsmanship. j^^^J Available exclusively at I^^U our boutique now! f Mr ■^^^e%' g^P^aVV^L^ka^BaTaM^QSN H mfmkk i^WSaA^C I 1^ V
      338 words

  • 169 25 Watson: I'll testify in Europe LONDON. Fri. Mr. Donald Ogilvy-Wat-son, former nunatlni director of Haw Par Brothers International, was reported here as s»yinc that he had repeatedly declared a readiness to clve evidence in Europe. He was ordered by the Singapore High Court on Monday to appear before two inspectors
    169 words
  • 33 25 JAKARTA. Fn Tbt Indonesian Journalists Aaocution has iHimJ— id 10 of Us members for receiving bribes In the recent "Best Indonesian Actress" contest, an isjni lilhui spokesman said today— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 346 25 WASHINGTON, Friday {RAN disassociated itself yesterday from oil cartel "extremists" and said it would support a modest oil price increase when the 14-inember Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries meets next week in Vienna. Iranian Ambassador Ardeshir Zahedi predicted a five to 10
    AP  -  346 words
  • 234 25 HELD: MAN WITH $3.6 m HEROIN BANGKOK. Friday rnHAI police said today they had arrested v 1 man carrying more than six kilos (13 lb of heroin refined In Malaysia which he was apparently preparing to sell In France. Charged with smoggllng the drug Into Thailand was Songhal Thorndusadee, owner
    Reuter  -  234 words
  • 399 25 LONDON. Pri Tbt market clOMd arm uxu, and at S p.m tb« riaaadaJ Tlma Index wu up H at Me.l. In4u*UialJ doM« with cainj raadac to lOp in moteimu traduic afttr onraomißc aa aartMr actback. Wall Mmti r»llr. «ad-uaount thon eowtac a (all 1b im crude Joblau total
    399 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 243 25 Sign uo for a Setron Colour TV set ■^^^^^^^^HLil^^^^H^^^^^^^^b^b^ from Colourent anytime between now and 30th November 1975. P^^e-si2 il VbAiTT} Laß And receive this attractive, B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^aSl SETRON TABLE LAMP U |l absolutely I IJT. y r^^~^~^v r^"™^vr"^k Hi Bh I L^ I II H I McxM SCR-T22 I J^r
      243 words
    • 185 25 aPV RvVi£j&> 1 W/m^^ Exquisite Kjf Continental Jewelled M mm Rings DIAMONDS RUBIES SAPPHIRES EMERALDS SET IN GOLD I Strikingly beautiful designs y Offered at I Ml Prif*p<% Jk HH nivvP |h4 for a limited period only sssLr 3^Vam tIJotjW I Watches of Switzerland I H 15th -27th Sept. Bj
      185 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 970 26 ■■^■HH bkßbbl >i v IF >i\ W> t Heartiest Congratulations Heartiest Congratulations ***** l BBBBBV^TTFIk IVi 4 1 W'l iVM*] jM^ K t0 tO BBBBSHIuSUa BlC'^Bl MfpitSg ASIA RADIO iSI BbJ bM V°; rl C.LIU. /qv pjc ITQ li^^^^^^^^^^^^ H m-Vv^ Mbl on the occasion x TTin A 1 m
      970 words

  • 872 27 THE "Bandaranaike Sh o w." the longest-running serial in Sri Lanka politics, has taken an exciting turn in recent weeks. The break-up of the United Front coalition government represents not only a significant national development but a sort of resolution of the semi-public drama
    872 words
  • 587 27  - Judge to travel 16,000 km to settle dispute JULES ARBOSE By I: London A JUDGE of BriA tain's High Court will set out soon on a 16,000 km (10,000--miles) Journey to settle a complaint by 2,500 people that the remote Pacific island they once lived on has been ravaged by
    NYT  -  587 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 38 27 ul o @IS:UiISTFL AND dcjJI&diSULuAT TOWER DRESSES PRICED FROM $23.90 to $31.90 ■I P M w^^Sk |m 9 U^ FtfflffWjl Jlß Extra strong Ka^^^^^^JrC^Ufl H|BFrr^H)Htl QU'ckfy cases f/J\ i; W 1 Get some today. E? A IMS \^i^JkdN£
      38 words
    • 162 27 of ji\. L jffl j' Heartiest Congratulations j 1?L T ASIA RADIO I* OJ r I C. L. I U. on the occasion 1; of the Official Opening I ASIA RADIO BUILDING their 23rd Anniversary I from II I SHING FATT j Engrg Iron Works 255-^ Plantation Aye I Singapore
      162 words

  • 431 28  -  EDMUND TEO By WHY SHOOTING IS A DYING SPORT IN SINGAPORE MORE Singaporeans than ever before are learning to handle guns as a result of national service. But the membership of our gun clubs is dwindling. The president of the Singapore Shooting Association, Mr. Milton Tan, went
    431 words
  • 149 28 'All you need is steady nerves and good eyesight' plcnshlns In Kuala Lumpur last month. Singapore won only a silver and a bronze medal In the entire meet which included shooters from China. Japan. North Korea. South Korea, Malaysia. Thailand and Hongkc«g. Yet Mr. Tan was quick to point out
    149 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 227 28 CONOR A TULA TIONS BEST W/i'HES V ASIA RADIO (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their 23rd Anniversary and Official Opening of their ASIA RADIO BUILDING today. Funmaker Sprite Touch-Tone. Set it and forget it! This year Wurlitzer introduces the Funmaker Sprite organ series, a whole new concept in
      227 words
    • 198 28 W. orr*r -odim hnng and M homi at Upper Thornton [star* which M ">♦ 9'~" turroun*r. 9 t in Hi* brata. at 9 m.. Upp*r Thonwon Rood, Snoopor. m~^~ tit*. $*«mt U»w**kh» vmM,,*, The Eitot* consist* of 14 thophouMt and 23 rarraca httirm whkh cloM P">«'"»«ty. Yo« m h» anjay
      198 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 1284 29 (ADVERTISEMENT) PRESIDENT SHOPPING CENTRE five years old today ILJIN Fashion Show Every Saturday from 8 p.m. f#\ Wl^^^k the Board of Directors Of mJ Plus Free Make-Up Demonstration Daily M kJ|U Sf r^\ -r*A '-r a i Cjj^ 2nd Floor: I A4T South Union Co. Pte. Ltd. Free Food Samples
      1,284 words

  • Business Times
    • 364 30  - Higher costs behind Esso's sharp profit setback SOH TIANG KENG By 'THOUGH no*, pro fits managed to cling to their previous level, pre-tax trading profits of Esso Malaysia have dropped by 24.6 per rent to $4.6 million In the first half of 1975. But Esso has decided to raise its
      364 words
    • 842 30  -  PAUL LEWIS By THE last two or three years have marked a change in the conduct of Western economic policy. Inflation in the industrial world may still be running at rates once considered unthinkable. But unemployment is also nearing record levels and,
      842 words
    • 334 30 S'PORE UNIT TRUSTS LAUNCHES NEW FUND rOB present low fortunes of the stock market may deter most Investors and speculators. However, they certainly do not deter all, for one of the two unit trust managers iv Singapore has chosen this time to launch a new fund. From today, Singapore Unit
      334 words
    • 111 30 rKYO: canon Inc said It expects net aftertax profit of 400 million yen for the six months ending December 1975, compared with a loaa of 172 million yen in the preceding six months. A company spokesman said gross roles would Increase to 37f300 million yen
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 292 30 Former chairman of AngloThai dies CIX Denys Lowson k» (above), former chairman of Aii|lo-Th»; Corporation, died In London U-s. week. Born In January 19<K. Sir Denys In the years im- mediately before and after trr Scond World War, brilt i? an International nuiicUl empire which by 1972 managed j #t"
      292 words
    • 168 30 Genting impresses again KEEPING up Its Image aa one of the few publicly listed companies to turn in consistently good performances. Oentlng Highland* has Just reported another set of Impressive results for the half year ended Jun«- 1975. M'dterm unaudited grout- pre-tax profits recelvel a 28 per cent boost to
      168 words
    • 217 30 Hongkong and EEC textile talks collapse BRUSSELS: Negotiations on the quota governing Hongkong textile exports to Western Europe have broken down and are not expected to resume, Common Market sources said yesterday. Tney said three days of talks ended in deadlock late Thursday when the two sides decided they "could
      AP  -  217 words
    • 94 30 TOKYO: Yamaichl Research Institute forecasts Japanese corporate profits for the six months to endSeptember would show record percentage declines. Its survey, covering 375 companies listed In the main section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, showed pretax profits would be 46.3 per rent below the previous
      Reuter  -  94 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 196 30 IOI™" a^» ni ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmmm^m 'KJ">i>u tiN<.M.«i out jiimun oi Dr*>4rt TF I M '>- »^-v» U*p BANK OF AMERICA I Veal fti saE I ■■■fl v i n^w. W^m I i *""r* »w.'^Ar -*> .-nil I ■IB m^ \3wa m I ■■■H ■■■■■■■■K ItaBBBsV, .^■■P^l siaß Bank of America's Singapore
      196 words
    • 290 30 Garrard is f today's most logical choice in turntas 6 B«cauM Garrard offers you a wir*er range of turntable* to suit your every budget Because Garrard designs with ,m.. jinafon to give you extra functional features Because Garrard incorporates all tnjt is best in British to give you solid dependability
      290 words

  • 287 31 US refineries now ready to cope with future demand njiULSA: The US reA fining industry is in good shape to meet public needs tor petrol, luel oil, and other products through 1978, but future poh Lie ai and economic developments could cause problems. The Oil and Gas Journal, in its
    287 words
  • 347 31 MELBOURNE: Fears are growing that unless more oil is found in Australia, its reserves of oil will be exhausted by 1988. If there are no more discoveries, the natural-gas supply from the same source could also be in jeopardy. The discovery In
    347 words
  • 143 31 $400 m Euro currency loan for Comecon LONDON: The International Investment Bank may raise up to US$4OO million through Its five-year Eurocurrency loan. Instead of the $240 million to $260 million planned originally, bankers said. The credit for the Moscow-based Comecon institution went into full syndication on Wednesday. If the
    Reuter  -  143 words
    • 534 31 I^EW YORK. Thurs— Stock A^ prices today registered their best gains of the month In an upturn fed by expanded bargain-hunting In blue chip and glamour Lsues and declines In Treasury bill rates In the debt market. Easing rates of Treasury bills for the second day appeared to
      534 words
    • 167 31 MOTERDAM, Thur Dutch tntematlonals were mixed with the largest swing recorded by llssa^iwis which fell one guilder, while Philip* was unchanged. Elsewhere snares were mixed to lower. KNBM led the declines while Ore, backs and Insurances were oUwr larger losert. DeU firmed sharply while Bob also recovered some of
      167 words
    • 131 31 ZURICH. Thurs.— Th« reserved atutude of many Investors caused a continuing downward preasure at the Zurich Stock Exchange today. iiy«"^n-»» were well maintained. Insurance companies were quoted on about yesterday's level and bank stock* tended somewhat weaker. The bond market remained unchanged The Credit Bulsse Index lost another 0.7
      131 words
    • 91 31 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Thursday 334.7 Wednesday 339.0 Week ago 315 7 TINS Thursday 96 40 Wednesday 95.06 Week ago 84 52 RUBBERS Thursday 385 48 Wednesday 390.63 Week ago 404.60 OILS Thursday 305.99 Wfdiifsoay 301 96 Week ago 393.56 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 814 61 Wedntaday 798 04
      91 words
  • 235 31  - Merlin S'pore revamps Tower Block SCH TIANG KENG By HOTEL Merila Singapore will convert its 32-storey Tower block originally earmarked f«r M 4 more hotel rooms Into a shopping: and residential complex. The chance In use, explains the hotel management, arose from "a recent study for the best utilisation of
    235 words
  • 93 31 Growth slows down at Berjuntai PROFITS growth rslowed considerably a Berjuntai Tin Origin?. Pre-tax profits :<>r tne year ended April 1975 rose by a mere 4.7 per cent to $29.8 million. In the previous year earnings jumped by 79.9 per cent. Those were the dizzy days of the world commodities
    93 words
  • 286 31 ANRPC puts off its stockpile talks KUALA LUMPUR: The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) has put off its next attempt to formulate an international rubber buffer stock agreement until November. ANRPC officials said. Expert-level talks on stockpiling and price stabilisation planned for this month have been postponed because
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 153 31 The First National Bank of Chicago has named Mr. Charles A. Coombs as a director as well as a consultant to the First Chicago International Banking Corporation, New York. Mr. John Elliott. Jr., the newly elected chairman of Ogilvy and Mather International, will be in Singapore on
    153 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 699 31 STAMFORD COLLEGE (External Studies Dept.) Enables <'ou to obtain recognised Qualifications in your spare time through its famous HOME-STUDY Courses. 1. Book-keeping 1. Accounting 2. Business Statistics 2. Auditing 3. Enghsn for Commerce 3 co^g 4. Mathematics i SSSKI COmmBf c Msr-B-n-n, Accounting 7. Salesmanship, Sales- management 6 Marketing 8.
      699 words
    • 289 31 FINANCE HOUSE FOR SALE Enquiries are invited from principals interested in purchase of old established j F mance Organisation chiefly lending in the field of Personal Loans. Book debts approximately One Million Dollors ($1,000,000) This is an opportunty to acquire a progressive and sound business with offices in Sydney and
      289 words

      • 38 32 M- Fir--1 Hrr- fE t.. Uf i I B J' Jl'-MTH IUL I Nut t'Ct M.l* 11.45 *Z.« »I«1 t*.u »I.M 111* $151 +4i +M .M ••4 .»J OJ +M +M +M M +.M •I M
        38 words
      • 14 32 MM M Ftoar Cmt. lurdine 91.1Z *1.J7 *2.M .M .M —.•I •I .M
        14 words
      • 19 32 Put Electric I O. B. M. Credit ToUl Tunmr: T.UI Value: IMAM M.M« M.N) •JUf fI.MM
        19 words
      • 61 32 B<*C IS Sept. II IMwtrtah: HIM HIM 9 Itauec: MIJ7 U4JI 1 HoUta: 1«5.1« US.M PNfenki: IMJ* itl.U t TUu »7.U »74J t f nibbrn: 3i«.5» 3UJ4 1 0.C.8.C.: 191.87 IIS.II t B.E.S. Imt: US 37 lM^t D«. 3«. I*M 1H Dee. SI. IM* 1«* f Dee. M. IMS
        61 words
    • 1620 32 THE last trunsacted leady sale »t tl* cyyse of business on the ck t^cchanse of b-npapo- vesierday compared with I s previous day s prices tog«. er with 1975 high and I AajuMed for scrip/ rurhts Issue). CLOStNC TON!: All acctloaa cloaad tteady TUKNOVSR: Official Sguraa •upplltd by
      1,620 words
    • 1110 32 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIAL* A. Taae. <O.BOS>. AMU (2MB >UMI, XD. A.M. On. (0.70 B) a.
      1,110 words
    • 374 32 rrtHE stock Exchange of a Singapore yesterday sank deeper Into lethargy as investors and speculators became more wary of fresh commitments Market sentiment, at this stage, hinges heavily on the outcome of the Opec ministers' meeting next week. Although some corporate news Issued during the day was
      374 words
    • 306 32 Prices move higher in KL market QHARE prices dosed slightly higher In quiet trading at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Opening sentiment was better and shares were supported several cents hlßher under scattered buying In the first hour. Prices continued to Improve and. by noon. :i bullish tendency had
      306 words
    • 989 32 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with thf number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett."
      989 words
    • 50 32 LONDON: British Petroleum said chairman Sir Eric Drake will retire from the board on Nov. 28. He will be succeeded by the present deputy chairman Mr. D.E.C. Steel while Mr MM Pennell will become deputy chairman. Mr. J.W.R. Sutcllffe has been appointed a managing director. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 109 32 EUROPE was quiet but firm while Uve US held steady on Thursday, according to toe Malaysian Palm Oil Producers' Association. Quotations In US$ cent (Rotterdam) unless Uated were: Afloat (U8>20.50 cents sellers. (US) 19.50 cents buyers. (US) 90 20.25 cenu traded. Oct $435 tUb)19.50 cents sellers. $425 buyers
      109 words
    • 181 32 West Malaysian rubber output rises KUALA LUMPUR: Rubber production In West Malaysia Increased to 126.758 tonnes in July from 111,572 tonnes (revised) in June ,<.-'"m to Statistics I) partment figures. However. July production showed a drop compared with 140.204 tonnes In July last year. Exports In July rose to 117.648
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 93 32 February date for BHP participants MELBOURNE: Broken Hill Properletary (BHP) said prospective participants In a proposed 10.7 million tonnes a year Integrated steel plant in Western Australia will meet again next February for further discussions. BHP said the steering committee of the 11 International companies Involved received a final draft
      Reuter  -  93 words
      • 197 32 nrHE Strait* tin price In 1 Penang yesterday dropped tt.l2'* to S9M per ptcul on an official offering up eight tons to 252 tons. The overnight London metal price was. however, fairly steady with forward buyers quoted down £5 on Wednesday close to £3,190 per metric ton. LONDON:
        197 words
      • 30 32 RubbcT Sept. 19 Singapore: Oct. 137.75 cU (up IN ct). Malaysia: O:t. 141.M cU (up 1.25 cU). Tin: $984 (down $2,121). Official offering 252 tons (up g toas).
        30 words
      • 105 32 /■MINSIS PROUUCS IXCHANCt. V tINCAPORI NOON CLOIINC PRICII ■>■■ r>ICUL VKTIRDAY Caeamtf Oil: Bulk »37', sellers. drum »82', aellera. Caa»a: Mixed (loose) t'K/Cont WO', buyers a>ea*er: Muntok ABTA white f.O.b. 100* NLW I2S7', sellers. Sarawak white f.o.b »«<v NLW •242', sellers. Sarawak special black f o.b. 08% NLW 1175
        105 words
      • 35 32 London copper prim on Thur«dajr tpravioua In brackata). Wirakar Spot buyer <fSSB) aeller 1574 50 (CMS): Three Month buyer IMS UMK.SOI aeller fSM.SO (<SM>. Market tana: Very atasdy. 8a et: 10,27 ft lonnea.
        35 words
      • 505 32 rsiHE Singapore rubber marJ. ket yesterday ruled slightly steadier aided by higher overseas advices, short-covering before the weekend and some fresh forward demand from the trade. Prices were within narrow limits although turnover was fair. The morning session closed quiet. The market was unchanged in the altemoon. Weakend
        505 words
      • 117 32 DAILY SMR and 88ft prices Issued at i.eon yesterday: Oct. Nov. Bayer* Sellers Bayen Hellers M.R.E I B i Current Mthl (Forward Mth) («nU per kg) (cents per kg) SMR 6CV (1 ton pallet) 149.50 150.50N 150 50 151. 50N SMR 6L (1 ton pallet) 147.60 148.60N
        117 words
      • 362 32 A WIEX of Irregular trends, which was reversed on several occasions, recorded an overall downside movement of Just under five cents for first position. :&ys Holiday. Cutler. Bath in Us weekly rubber review. Long liquidation and sto,>loas selling alternated with ahortcoverlng and fresh buying. Shortcoverlng before
        362 words
      • 228 32 UONOKONO. Prl. The market rose strongly in much more active trading ahead of the long holiday weekend, encouraged by Wall Street's advance overnight and a anner trend In London, dealers said. The market Is closed on Monday for the Chinese mid-autumn festival The Hang Seng index galn-d 750 to
        228 words
      • 85 32 TOKYO. Frt. The stock market closed easier, reversing an Initial uptrend, as dealers retreated to the sidelines on pre-hollday considerations, market sources said. (The market is closed tomorrow). The Dow Jones average fell 19.20 points to 3.973.71. The volume drooped to 140 million shares from 150 million shares yesterday.
        85 words
      • 111 32 CYDNEY, Frt— The market closed generally firmer again but profittaking tended to pare earlier gains, dealers said The Sydney All-Ordlnarles index spurted 4.57 points to 385 10 Todayi '-loalng middle price, in Australian cent, with the difference on the previous aeaalon's cloae. INDUSTRIAL* P Ampol Pel «S uocll Ami.
        111 words
      • 305 32 Thw«»ay Wa«r>Mtey Ull UN Melbourne tli 112.14 US. M London 13* DOB 141 MB 140.008 142 00* Beirut fn»v. 144.00 KUTKh 135.508 141 008 140SOH 142 008 P>rla 144.2s 147.41 Thur.o.y WtdtMMaf Horxkoni lift 70 143 40 pore 12) 137. 738 141 SUB 140.53S 144 20* Export price.
        305 words
    • 169 32 Money and exchanges rpHE US dollar opened x easier at $2.4930 50 In Singapore forex market yesterday following aggressive pront-taklng In New York. The market continued to be thin and trading was extremely dull and sluggish. However, the dollar closed not much changed from the opening at $2.4935 40 Suggested
      169 words
    • 155 32 Sugge&ted Interbank rates at ?00 ,*n: CitmcW Nominal rale* Smithsonian PereenUf* «iuU4 yesterday (erota) parity rhtWf US dollar 2 4935 2 4940 2 8196 1 1 57 Sterling pound 5 1820 5 1850 7.3468 —29.33 Hongkong dollar 48 25 48 35 50 51 248 Malaysian dollar 87 15
      155 words
    • 193 32 A BIAN currency deposit ln- terbank rates as at close on Friday Sept. 19 L'B OolUn (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 6 3 4 6 5/* 1 rath 7 1/16 6 IS 16 2 mlhs 7 5 8 7 1/3 3 mths 7 15/18 7 13/16 6
      193 words
    • 62 32 Alg«mer>* Bonk 7 Bangkok Bonk 7 j Bonk of America fti-j Bonk of China 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro Indonesia T/t Bonque de L'lndochine 7 Chartered Bonk 6V4 Chose Manhattan 7 DBS 6V4 First Chicogo 6V4 FNCB 6'A HKSBC 7 Malayan Banking 7 M.tiui
      62 words
    • 25 32 SUigapoce dollars for Sept. IS. Offer Bid Overnight 3', 3', 1 mth i\ 3. 3 mths tM 4 Sourer: P. Murray- Joan International.
      25 words
    • 60 32 RANGE of ma offend by durouni l»u« on B«pt Ik. Overnight 2S to]',; Cfeil tf<pMit 3-; ClMim ur 4«JI 3 Month 1 Tnuury bllla 1 1/4 I I/a I 3 Month bulk bill. 4 1/U S 1»/1« 1-Month CD 4 3/14 4 1/1* •-Month CO 57 14 M/ll
      60 words
    • 72 32 RESULTS of Treasury bills tender held on Sept. 19 for 91 -day bUls to be Issued from Sept. 22 to 2«: Offered: $40 million. Applied for: S4C.B million Allotted: S4* million. Accepted bids: For Srpt. 22. 23. 24 and 25 $99.16 approximately "9 per cent; higher bids
      72 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 555 33 (I 3 1 REDEVELOPMENT >^»^| AUTHORITY The Urban Redevelopment Authority requires the following personnel to participate In the reshaping of thf Central Areas of Singapore. The scope of u> rk and responsibilities would offer challenge; and job satisfaction to the right person (1) SENIOR LANDS OFFICER DUTIES: To organise an
      555 words
    • 644 33 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE Applications are invited from citizens or permonent residents of Singapore who possess the requirements stated below for the following appointments in SAF BOYS' SCHOOL MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (A) INSTRUCTOR, GRADE C (Draughtsman Mechanical) Basic salary Scale: 1 90 x 1 0A 2 1 0/ 325 x 20A
      644 words
    • 698 33 MURDOCH UNIVERSITY PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA Murdoch University, Western Australia's second university, admitted its first students in February 1975 The University is committed to taking a fresh opprooch to higher education, with the goal of responding directly to the conditions ond needs of the lote twentieth century This is reflected in
      698 words
    • 717 33 I PROGRAMMER I I ANALYST I Our client, an established and reputable I I corporate group in Singapore with substantial I I international interests requires a Programmer I I Analyst for its expanding data processing I I department based in Singapore. It is in the I I process of upgrading
      717 words
    • 503 33 I SAIZ* ENGINEER I O.ircl 1 -rt-.-ation *> lift. MMeftfcji r •-> engaged I in manufac '.-> nology I oriented tctMdtt. I r. I in Strtßip. r itfl I technologically tc'vaice the South Ea*t Astar ifie I Singapurr Compnm an I impressive projf I recent years arid .th It wishes
      503 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 568 34 GUTHRIE (MANAGEMENT SERVICES) PTE. LTD. (PERSONNEL SERVICES DIVISION) Our client, o leading manufacturer of laboratory tiltrotion ond chemical separation products hos 0 voconcy tor o COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE FOR SOUTH-EAST ASIA who shall be responsible for the promotion of Sates of the Company's products at both user and distributor levels. THE
      568 words
    • 778 34 il s |A||B| I I Hull I BE A MAN WITH A SENSE II OF ADVENTURE BE A SEAMAN I Being the 4th largest port in the World and occupying a I i strategic position in South-East Asia, we need a viable Navy. We are looking for young men with
      778 words
    • 473 34 NOTICE The Subordinate Courts located at Sepoy Lines/ New Bridge Road and the Coroner's Court located at Outram Road will be moving to their new premises at Havelock Road on the 22nd September, 1975. The telephone number of the Subordinate Courts at Havelock Road Is *****2. Members of the public
      473 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 896 35 Applications are invited for the post of ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT which is opened to a person who: is a Singapore Citizen or permanent resident of Singapore, age between 25-35 has passed the intermediate stage of any professional accountancy examinations or holder of L.C.C. higher accounting/ costing certificate has at least 3
      896 words
    • 650 35 S FIELD SALES MANAGER k, |f CONFECTIONERY I $18,000 $24,000 plus p.o. As Sole Distributors in Singapore for the internationally I known range of MARS Confectionery Products wf are I looking for an energetic FIELD MANAGER to head our I Consumer Goods Division. You should be aged between 25 40,
      650 words
    • 672 35 A multi nationol trading Company seeks o dynamic, energetic and creative Singapore citizen I to fill a new position of SALES PROMOTION SPECIALIST I The ideal candidate should be someone who I would be an asset both to the Company and the I customers If you feel you con achieve
      672 words
    • 875 35 IN THK Hll.ll (Ol Xl IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRU STATE OF JOHORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 82 OF 1974. RE: ONO AH SINO trading as SIN HOCK HIN EX PARTE PERNAS TRADING SDN BHD A CREDITOR in the Matter of Bankruptcy Petition riled the 19th day of April. 1975 To:
      875 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 1467 36 CONTAIKRSaiP SERVICE TO CHI7INENT ram MMl I KitlM Mara 0 Irtm Hani PIIIITC Miri VUft m n „Hf iiYiiPoai aiY i an 21 Mt act it Mt mMt omioi air I let It Mt i Nn 1 Nn 4 Nn ia Mt NOKciOKt iiaaiss it Mt il Mt I
      1,467 words
    • 1284 36 Ben Ocean A jctntsenncecf ßen Line Blue FhnnelGlen line and NSMO j Tt UI CONTINENT 1..1 IMI) OM S'aara P. MIMt PttMl lartft roi ILIKLYIN IWIaMI 2* 21 SMt 23/14 Mtt II Ml 14.. I'aM. HtH»|. IrM, Hull lEHIEKK It 21 SMt St Mt Lit. ll.i. On*. C'awtta. Hall. lENWYTIS
      1,284 words
    • 1247 36 II lltlrl 1. p. 1 law n.-aa law DtMUrt li.r.n Antxrf 111 IU« KITIHA HASH s 1 l c >< M Havre Dmi. HIIHHU MNill it SMt 17 SMt II Mt 21 Mt 22 Mt 17 Mt LlVlafMl MY I Ml tl Mt K let H Mt 24 Mt ttWLMN
      1,247 words
    • 1128 36 M^^^l A FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE P H.'lnf S»'. fM. JfTUNIIA 21 neo Mirt ki i ttt i Kettfrtttm. Amsterum, Aittatrp, la Htrre. Sit? 1 I JJ *J IfcJU. Mamtmri. Brant* Brim«rwvtn "jjjjj" J* i*lA«rttt». CopMhaiea. Goihfrturt MalmM (OcaiciK ttc i SfcNhclm. Oslo. Helsinki, L'ntM Kingdom. CklH taMi ICi
      1,128 words
    • 853 36 Stafawrt *****4; P. Itiaat 1341: R.I. *****1. Ptaaaf 2SHI. THE BANK LINE LTD. ioabs rat c i s. Amu. MYtIM (M«,,t,«. IM..M IMMMrU.Tattl.Mt,Mta.tVMt. tI P C i CMttnra) Ji\ m a let SPf 1/ 1 tat aiiviaiNl IMMrittt. *tM*a. OtrMt. 1 1 P I CtatttM) P Mia>| Ia Nn S-atn
      853 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 1135 37 w-*"* KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. FUUT CONTAINERISED SERVICE To From Europe (VU atuars) j Spore P Krlnn Hbtrj Brtm Antweri) Rton j HfPIBW SAPPHiIE 7t Oct M Oct II Nti UNI Ntv H aavll KtprnNE CMEBAIB 1] Naf IS Nti A It: f Btc 17 Btt II Btt AGfNTS Spate
      1,135 words
    • 1093 37 ACCIPTMK AIL (INM S. NIA«T 'tKlHtl'lrT Ftt PatniAßal. SAMPIT. IAMiatSUiIN. IUItPIPIN. SAMAIIIIFA. UUSSSmiIAM. TtIAKAR auiattt. TEtatTi. sttaat. MST iiiA* am saian main pmts Fraai ITA CTD tettiaatJaa: LC.T Bf AtTY LSTBt Crrikor. a.. la Part BlltTT irtasa Vax'a ttUal I Bet ManU. pSmiiine n TarMea II Sept 17 Seal Bahiisaaw/TiTaaja.
      1,093 words
    • 1011 37 HUT CtsTTAIHarSU StBWCt TB tlUrt WA 1*1) Spert P Kelia. F »tow N'Kri Brut Aatwerp >"daa> 91ICNTII IMPSITEI IS last It Sett II ttl 17 Btt II Btt M Btt H Ott NEPTBNE SAPPDItI 21 hi JI ttt U Ml II Kn 21 Net Mac* Mlt» (UK) kin*B| EMEIALD IS
      1,011 words
    • 852 37 EXPKSS SOVICt TO LOWDON UVfRfOOt. CWTIUENT TORTS T| Mini SmiMC'l P ?f>~t liadiaf It' SimCl INCSAII 1)21 Salt SI Btt lit Btt 1111 ttt ESsVll CSrt 11/u. rtaa 17 11. A'wrreJC 1!. (""I* 2' 11. H'blKf ■BBBM MiUTI 11/11 Btt 1/ f Btt 1/ I Btt B'lona?! 11 INC-I C
      852 words
    • 1085 37 TH. PORT OP .IMQAPOPJt eoaTKLANO AOTMOHITV ANNOUNCED i^rMrrowah Joan l)e TUB POl LOWING .fRTHINO ArcKllu San. ralir Khu* ARPUNOtaPtNT. FOR K M«s« L^>Mt Shilliw OUT- Trmeralre 1 2 Vusel UnIMHI Conquest Maru 5. D-mlnics Maru 10. 11. I I™ l Bour 1 Brl Oarxa World lSKlmann 20 West. Salado
      1,085 words