The Straits Times, 13 September 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 25 CENTS iM.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 151 1 INSTANT WEALTH: LOTTERY CRAZE SPREADS IN THE U.S. (GAMBLING fever is spreading across the US like wildfire but it's not roulette, poker or blackjack that is gaining increased popularity. Instead more and more Americans are turning to the lottery as a way tc get rich quick and
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  • 114 1 WHO Is Charles Manson? Is it true that his intp on his followers Is «o strong that they would carry oat his will despite his being behind bars? A profile of Manson in this week's Sunday Times attempts to find out the answers. It traces
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  • 67 1 AN IN-DEPTH study of electronic warfare the type of war the experts say will be fough' on earth In the very near future with battlefields being dominated by robot warplanes. high powered lasai death beams, armed space satellites and precision munitions. YOUR FUTURE lies In your hands a
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  • 35 1 SIGHTS and CHOOSING the sounds of a magic pUyer f WHEN ordinary t S*™ nt <* .^J 3 habits seem so queer THE DAY a machine caught me *> HOW to seduce a lying stranger
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  • 110 1 JJE DOES not look like a footballer at all: SEinny, pale and slightly hunchbacked. But 21-year-old Abdullah All was the man who dashed Singapore's hopes of Retting the Malaysia Cup back with a memorable goal (above) at Merdeka Stadium last month. In PROFILE tomorrow,
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 90 1 MASTER film-maker Alfred Hitchcock recently marked the release of a new picture with a party in the graveyard. And as each guest arrived, the host led them to a freshly -laid tombstone bearing the guest's name. That episode typifies the man who. for half a century,
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  • 71 1 A FUNNY thlnf happened on the way to the beauty contest: A staff writer's straight-frou-the-shoulder account of last week's Miss Stnfapore/Mlas World preliminaries; BALI Paradise Lost or Paradise Retained? A fascinating case study of the dash of cultures brought about by the phenomenal growth of tourism
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  • 592 1 As Egypt seizes radio station... CAIRO, Friday THE Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Egypt are poised for an angry confrontation following Cairo's seizure yesterday of the Voice of Palestine radio operating from here under Palestinian control. President Anwar Sadat, angered by the PLO's fierce campaign against
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  592 words
  • 63 1 BONN, m We* Germany again took stop* to boost IU nagging economy by cutting :u bank rate to help Industry borrow money more cheaply. The cut. from four to thrte-and-s-half prr cent, came just two weeks alter Bonn announced a 5,750 million mark (IS .491 million)
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 112 1 Missing SBS passes: Public warned "pHE Singapore Bus Service yesterday advised the public not to buy season passes from anyone other than those authorised to sell them. A SRS statement sal-l 1000 SBS 1975 season puses bearing the ■eris.l numbers from *****1 to *****0 were found missing and sold to
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  • 54 1 CAIRO. Pit President Sadat will vuit the United States on Oct. M. fee newspaper Al Ahram carried a report from Washington toThe Invitation to Mr. Sadat bad been extended by former President Nixon when he Ttdtad Brrpt In June hwt year, and wa» later isnewsd
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  • 41 1 NXW YORK. PrL DOW Jonas trmm baaed on first hour of trading on the New fort Stock exchange: 30 Incrtu Sl«4» up I.U. 30 Transp ***** up 0.45. IS UUla TIM up 0.00. 66 Stocks M4.M up o*3. UPL
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  • 105 1 MEETING TO PAVE WAY FOR SUMMIT rjTHE first senior offl- dais 1 meeting to prepare for the Asean summit will be held In Singapore from Monday to Wednesday. The meeting Is to lay the groundwork for the proposed summit conference scheduled to be held In Indonesia within six months. The
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  • 68 1 SEOUL, Prl South Korea would not re-apply for United Nation* membership thU year even if the General Asasmbtjr asks the Security Council to reconsider South and North Vtotnam's membership, Pmeltn Minister Kim Dong-Jo said today. Ux. Kim said this was because South Korea's admission to the
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  • 49 1 LONDON, Fit Britain's annual rate ef Inflation rose last month to a record par rynt, the hirhest In the Western Indus trisH— worfd, •at showed sIfDS of dowta* down, the Government announced today. Last month's Afure was a M per cent jump from July. AT.
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  • 67 1 GRANGE MOUTH. Scotland FH. A bomb explosion damaged the British Petroleum company's 127--mUe oil pipeline from IU rich North Sea fields, police reported today. The blast occurred at a valve installation on the pipeline that Is scheduled to start carrying crude oil from Brs Forties Field off
    AP  -  67 words
  • 166 1 BULLETPROOF VEST FOR FORD NOW... WITH a protective hand from a bodyguard around his waist. President Ford addressed a crowd in Keene, New Hampshire, on Thursday seven days after an apparent attempt on his Ufe. Observers believe Mr. Ford was wearing a bulletproof vest under his white shirt daring this
    UPI  -  166 words
  • 328 1  - Tanker is back after crash JACOB DANIEL By fHE 71,000-tonne Japanese tanker Izumigawa Maru which left Singapore on Thursday after repairs, returned here again yesterday after a collision with the Indonesian freighter Diatimulia in the Malacca Straits. No one was Injured In the collision; nor waa there any pollution. The
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 40 1 I ffcto KING'S $SP SAFETY jg^ KING S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT, SINGAPORE. 14 TEL: *****1 *****7 Distributor: M. G. TRADING COMPANY 134 Ist Floor. Golden Milt Theatre To*f. Beach Road. Singapore. 7. Tel: *****14
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    • 191 1 WATSON CASE SET FOR MONDAY Psge 9 THE day Nixon got wrong M-E report 2 LOCKHEED on kickback demands in Jakarta 3 MINISTER: I'll quit if claims go through 4 GOVT to help charity bodies find new homes 5 FALSE claims: Ad firms warned 6 PORT Klang 'goslow' called orr
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    • 244 1 GERMANY'S BEST JfW^^^k FIRST IN FASHION nbermain Registered Trade Mark -tfSBBBBBr a as! bbbV Kak ■HE* I :>V 9 LbV ktaS bbbb^t Be? i A Mitsubishi TC 3500 vacuum cleaner You don't dirty your hands when you makes cleaning easy. get nd of the dust Mitsubishi A, introduces a powerful,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

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  • Jordan pledge on missiles
    • 500 2 Day Nixongot wrong report WASHINGTON, Friday A TOP-LEVEL intelligence advisory group to former President Nixon told him the 1973 Arab-Israeli war was nothing more than a small-scale action, a previously secret government document disclosed yesterday. The document, released by the Central Intelligence Agency to the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee,
      Reuter  -  500 words
    • 332 2 'CIA had plans to poison Lumumba' WASHINGTON, Frl rpHE US Central Intelligence Agency ex- plored ways In 1960 to poison Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba, a former head of the agency's clandestine operations said yesterday. In an interview, Mr. Richard Blssel. said: "There was an occasion when the feasibility of an
      AP  -  332 words
    • 63 2 MANILA, Frl. Military authorities today said that three Muslim rebel <v»««wi.^dera and U followers had surrendered over the pact two days In Jolo. the stronghold of chelr three-year-old fight for autonomy. MaJ. Oen. Fidel R anus. the Constabulary cruef. said the rebels surrendered) thetnselves and
      AP  -  63 words
    • 45 2 DACCA. Frt. The former OcTemor of the Bangladesh dlrtrict of JhaJakaU. Amir HuataJn. has been arrested on corruption criktges. police «ald yesterday Mr. Hussaln. a member of the Bangladesh Parliament, was appointed governor by the previous government He was arrested on Wednesday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 156 2 Leftwing protest against army move- BEIRUT. Frl— Lebanese army units stood between the warring towns of Tripoli and Zgharta In the north to prevent rrctarlan violence from spreading to other parts of the country. But leftwlng political leaders hav called for a nationwide strike next Monday to protest against the
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 260 2 PUT OFF OIL PRICE HIKES: SAUDIS NEW YORK. Frl. A Saudi Arabian planner said yesterday that his country favours a substantial delay in oil price Increases for Western consumers. The Saudi delegation will take that position at the meeting of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (O?ec) in Vienna late
      UPI  -  260 words
    • 204 2 SACRAMENTO, Fri Manson colt member Lynette Fromme went Into an incoherent tirade at her arraignment yesterday sayinc "the gun Is pointed" and calling for a halt to the cutting of giant redwood trees. Lynette, 26. said at her arraignment for attempting to shoot Pre- I sidrnt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 I 9 th SALE S2 w i I ANNIVERSARY ON I [t^g] supermarket I (Ground Floor) Quality food canned goods. Buy more save more with the FREE Gft Coupons worth 25* for every purchase of $5/ on all items (including cigarettes, liquors, wines and special offer items). Coupons can be
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    • 289 2 lAf f% II I IN TOTO DRAW 72/75 (11-9-75) IAI I I M COUPON NO *****3 CONTROL STAMP NO *****24 WW I IW 50LD AT m(w MIDGI ROAD TOTO BOOTH WW 1^ WOW THt MCKPOT PRIZE OF 51 08.000.00 I" "J'f.r 01 *****- »7 If 3 I 1 1 72
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    • 52 3 Bare-backed President PRESIDENT Marcos (second from right) spent his 58th birthday on Monday among farmers during their harvesting. Stripped to the waist, the Philippines President helped the farmers with their chore In Bulacan Province outside Manila. His birthday came in the same month in 1972 when he declared martial law.—
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    • 212 3 'COURT MARTIAL IF SPINOLA RETURNS' LISBON. Fri. An obviously worried Revolutionary Council issued a warning today against ex President Oen. Antonio De Spinola trying to return to Portugal and turn back the clock on the revolution he once led. "If he returns to any territory under Portutuguese administration. he will
      UPI  -  212 words
    • 104 3 'CAPTURED US. ARMS NOT SOLD' HONGKONG. Fri— The North Vietnamese News Agency today denied a press report that North Vietnam Invited lnt-rnationai arms dealers to visit Hanoi to buy American military equipment captured by the communists earlier this year. In a statement monitored rvre. the agency said It was authorised
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 108 3 Thai postal workers call off strike BANGKOK. Fri—Postal workers tonight called off their strike which has crippled Thailand's communications for three days. They agreed to end the stoppage after the National Assembly passed the fin*, reading of a Bill to turn the post office into a state enterprise a change
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 43 3 WASHINGTON, M. The US Agriculture Department has forecast record American grain crops, raising the possibility of further sales to the Soviet Unli-n The department's monthly crop estimates released yesterday predicted total grain production this year or 340 million tonnes. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 503 3 Lockheed on Jakarta's threat for big kickback WASHINGTON, Friday QVER Lockheed objections of "hanky-panky," the former Indonesian Government in 1965 threatened to buy a jet plane from France unless the American aircraft manufacturer raised its payoff to Indonesian officials by another US$lOO,OOO (Ss2 48,000). The payoff was part of a
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    • 171 3 Don: It's healthier to have traits of both sexes NEW YORK. Fri. Hemen and femme fatales may make successful Hollywood heroes and heroines but people who blend the better traits of both sexes are healthier psychologically, a Stanford University professor said yesterday. "Boys who are strongly masculine and girl- who
      UPI  -  171 words
    • 96 3 What it takes to be 'Mr Sexy' LONDON. Fri. Women think men with big ears are sexy, a British doctor said today. Dr. Ivor PeUteln of Manchester, writing In the medical weekly "Pulse." said ears are "subconscious symbols of male sexuality." and the bigger they are the more women like
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    • 63 3 LOB ANOELBS, Frt. A Judge yesterday approved the appointment of several ballistics experts Id re-flre tbe gun which killed Senator Robert Kennedy to discover If a second gunman was at the scene of the klllln;. Judge Robert Wenke ordered the inquiry Into a possible conspiracy
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 27 3 UNITED NATIONS FW. Laos, being both landlocked and war-ravaged, faces especially grave problems of economic development, Laotian Finance Minister Ptiagna Leuam Rajamnbat said yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 296 3 Soviet call for world ban on N-tests UNITED NATIONS, Friday T»HE Soviet Union yesterday proposed a 1 universal ban on all atomic weapons tests, Including those underground. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Oromyko asked the UN General Assembly to take up the Issue "as an Important and urgent question" at its
      AP  -  296 words
    • 211 3 'Suez Canal not swelling the kitty' NEW YORK, Fri.— The reopened Suez Canal Is not doing as well financially as the Egyptians hoped, but they are still planning to spend 25 per cent of Its revenue for widening and deepening the waterway to handle bigger tanker traffic. Reporting this yesterday.
      AP  -  211 words
    • 70 3 NEW YORK. Fri. The 1.800 pilots and 9*o flight engineers of ailing Pan American World Airways yesterday said they will forego US*2 million (BSS mlllloni In wages lr. coming months to •vert the layoff of 176 employees In autumn. This Is In addition to a combined
      AP  -  70 words
    • 61 3 LONDON. PM. The world cattle population at the beginning of 1976 Is expected to be at a record level, according to a survey published by the British Meat and Livestock Commission The survey said world beef prices could rise a UtUe next year u a result of
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 156 3 WASHINGTON, Fri. The United States said yesterday it would "react very strongly" If the South Vietnamese Government ever decides to hold the remaining Americans In that country as hostages In return for political concessions from Washington. State Department spokesman Robert Anderson, questioned at a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 IMETRD Co-ordinated Furnishings! at great savings! Now only at Metro Golden Mile imported lounge suites Below: Lounge Suite complete with designer co-ordinated accessories like carpets. Coffee Table Side Tables coffee table, side tables, lamps, side lamps, dividers, etc., Table Lamps Han 9 in 9 Lam e at unbelievably low prices
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    • 80 3 A double dose... BELFAST, Fri. A Belfast man, already serving a life sentence for murdering a firlfriend in 1S57, was today riven another Ufe term in prison for kicking to death a fellow inmate in the Crumlln Road Jail. Kcuter. When in Jurong Come to JURONG PIER RESTAURANT! Enjoy your
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    • 802 3 CONSULTANT PERSONNEL j SERVICES DIVISION (SINGAPORE) $40,000 $50,000 par annum PA. Management Consultants Pte. Ltd. is I a member of the P. A International Group. I one of the world's largest consulting I organisations with a professional staff of E around 1.100 and operations in over 60 K countries. K
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    • 509 4 Govt in peril, Aussie unions warned SYDNEY, Friday AUSTRALIAN Labour Minister Senator James McClelland last night threatened to resign from the Cabinet with a blunt warning to unions here to restrain their wage claims or face an unemployment rate of more than
      Reuter; AP  -  509 words
    • 35 4 MADRID. PrL A military court today sentenced three of Dve extreme leftists to death for killing a policeman two month* ago. Two others were Jailed for SO and 25 yean. Hauler.
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    • 141 4 LONDON, Fri.— Union leaders In Wales yesterday threatened a nationwide stcvl strike If the staty-owned British Steel Corporation starts up a new blast furnace Idled for seven months over a pay dispute. "If trry do that, we would have a full, all-out stoppage throughout the country,"
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 193 4 Rees may be axed as Minister for North Ireland LONDON, Frt Mr. Merlyn Reef. British Government Minister for Ncithem Irelend. minht be shifted to another Dcst within the next few weeks, political sources said today. The Government has come under growing criticism for Its Inability to Ret the majority Protestants
      AP  -  193 words
    • 100 4 LONDON, Fri. Home Secretary Roy Jenkins was pelted with bags of flour last night by demonstrators denouncing proposed legislation against racial discrimination. Chanting Insults, the women protester* hurled the bags aa Mr. Jenkins rose to make a speech la fiMt London. One bag struck the
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 41 4 WARSAW. Prl A Ore engine and a bus today collided near wloclawek. 140 km (SO miles) north of Warsaw the Pollah news agency PAP reported. PAP said aeven people were killed and 25 injured In the accident. UPI.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 267 4 ARTIST Dominic Elwes killed himself by taking an overdose of sleeping pills, coroner Gavin Thurston ruled today. Remorse for an article he helped write about his close friend Lord Lucan was believed a factor. The pills "were selfadmlnlstered (by Elwes) while suffering from depression."
      AP  -  267 words
    • 199 4 YYAMASCUS. Prl— The Lf Japanese Red Army guerilla organisation yesterday warned Japan. Sweden and Canada that It might carry out operations against them. In a statement Issued In Damascus, the Red Army said Canada had handed over "to Japanese Imperialism Japanese revolutionary who
      AP  -  199 words
    • 74 4 ¥\R ANANDA N. u Chakrabarty of Calcutta, a scientist at the General Electric Research and Development Centre in Schenectady, New York, peers at a culture disc (left) and flask (foreground) which contains microbe which will direst petroleum which has been spilled in waterways. The man-m
      AP  -  74 words
    • 52 4 NEW DELHI. Prl. Th» Indian Government today freed Mr. Kuldlp Nayar. a leading Journalist errested seven weeks ago as part of Prime Minister Indira Oandhls emergency crackdown. Mr. Nayar. a senior editor of the Indian Express and string correspondent for the Times of London, said his release
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 448 4 A highly recommended and approved genuine health product FomousSmce 1848 Has been awarded 24 gold and silver medals Over ***** Medical Testimonials It doesn't take a connoisseur to appreciate Serravallo's Tonic you too can enjoy it Serravallo's Tonic has all the goodness of wines. Serve it to your family, friends
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    • 123 4 DEMOLITION CLEARANCE SALE PRICES SLASHED TO BELOW COST 30% 50% OFF No. 348, 350-352 North Bridge Rd. phased for new UNION SHOPPING COMPLEX UNION SHOE STORE 350-352 North Bridge Road Singapore 7 (opposite Odeon Theatre) We bring BANDUNG to your table C3SS c* 'e c j *HIDANGAN INDONESIA *5 -»J
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  • 576 5  -  CHI A POTEIK By THE four private charity welfare homes which are affected by the Government's $1.3 billion airport development plan at Changi can count on very sympathetic consideration by the authorities when the time comes for them to make way for construction work.
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  • 278 5 Busman with a grouse on overtime A BUS conductor who was dissatisfied with overtime payment yesterday pleaded guilty to cheating the Singapore Bus Service of tickets amounting to $217.90. The First Magistrate. Mr. Kan Ting Chlu. postponed sentence on Joharl bin Abu Chlk. 24. who said that he was prepared
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  • 55 5 AVASAMY fUjvran. 33. PWD store-keeper, was ye»-ter-day charged with the theft of 3.172 pieces of steel plates from the PWD airport branch valued at 118 360 on July 8 No plea was recorded. The prosecution successfully applied for Avasamy to be remanded for one week In the
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  • 158 5 EMPTY FLATS: HDB TO 'KEEP AN EYE' mHE HOUSING and OeX velopment Board yesterday said it would "keep an eye" on several empty flats In dementi estate to ensure that no vandals or trespassers misused them. An HDB spokesman, however, did not elaborate on how the board was going to
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  • 284 5 JJLEND a Chinese and an Indian voice for a Malay song and you get a sample of Singapore in musical harmony. And here In action with their rendition of the song, Slngapura, are sir Ker Rita Chao and dancer
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  • 186 5 $15mil Aussie aid to Asean won't be shared out rIE Australian token gift of $15 million to Aw an -.01 not be out among the five member states, an Australian High Commission official clarified yesterday. He said the aid, spread over a five-year period, would be for Asean aa
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  • 269 5 Geylang terror rampage: Eight held in raids rriIGHT men believed to Hi have been responsible for a rampage through GeyUng last month have been arrested by the police. The men, suspected to be members of the Sto Gl Ho secret society, were arrested in an eighthoui lightning raid conducted from
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  • 58 5 THE Department of Extramural Studies of the Unlverrltv of Singapore will hold a 10-lecture course In the Practice of Industrial Relations at Nlssen Hut 10-B on Tuesday* and Wednesdays from 730 p.m. to 9 pm from 9ept. 16 The fee U »35. Further Information and application form,
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  • 58 5 THE first Merbah Jambul Bird Singing context will be held by the management committee of Oeylang East community centre at the centre prwnlm on Sept It at 8 am Further Information and application forma can be obtained from the community centre In Lorong 33. Oeylans Road. Closing
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  • 48 5 THE Singapore Chamber Ensemble will present a cho-ral-orchestral concert to celebrate Its Silver Jubilee at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sept. 24 at 5.16 p m Tickets at $2. tS and *8 are available from C.K Tang, Cold Storage and members of the Singapore Chamber Ensemble.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 aasr f K A^n 1. t -^"T*^^^^ Modern Trend Furniture has now tntared into the wonderful world of colours with their rt«w Bed-Room Furniture Model 600. Superbly designed with pink snips matched with white surface showing a delightful contrast creating a pleasant wedding atmosphere. Ideal for newly-weds. MODERN TREND FURNITURE
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    • 309 5 :&&:s:£ .Mm^l^^^f Ist P X I 7P •XvlvMv'/ Ir^^aiiH- v!v ■If 4 #3^o0 1 w^fcli 111l I I i 111l I 100 cx)nsouvtionSW|T^ljJ|sH Get an entry form from youw l^^k favourite ABC EXTRA STOUT retailer^ I'fl^te on a checklist. It's as sirurfroast hat! j^^^l J U r sB AW r
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  • 333 6 Disincentives system for pupils who won't make it? OTUDENTS who are unlikely to do well in secondary school should be discouraged from continuing their education after primary school through a system of disincentives. Suggesting this yesterday, the MP for Alexandra, Prof. Wong Un Ken said these disincentives should be in
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  • 98 6 KIDNEY SWOP PATIENTS RETURN HOME SINGAPORE'S latest kidney transplant patients. Mr. Yip Pul Lan and Mr. Cheong Boon Liang, have returned home. A doctor at the Singapore General Hospital yesterday said Mr. Cheong went home at the end of last month. Mr. Yip, however, returned home on Thursday because of
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  • 72 6 THE acting Senior AnLitant Comptroller of Customs ■rut *»"*tt. Mr. LUo Luna* Sine. 43. left for Bru-wl* on Thursday to attend the Customs Co-operative Council's Computer Working Party sessions from Sept. IS to 19. Mr. Uao, also the chairman of the Customs Modernisation Committee, will later
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  • 11 6 THERE were 75 road accidents, one serious, on Thurs4av.
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  • 136 6 mHE driver of this 1 private bus, Ang Seng Slong, 27, got away with only minor Injuries when it collided with an army truck injuring four soldiers at the Junction of Ayer Rajah Road and North Buona Vista Road early yesterday. Two of the
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  • 45 6 THE National productivity Board Is holding a course on "So you want to be an effective executive' from Sept. 22 to Oct. 3 between 9 a.m. and 11 am. at the board's premises In Corporation Road, For details, telephone «SKM.
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  • 255 6 Gold sales rise after drop in price rpHERE has been a 10 X to 15 per cent rise In the sale of gold ornaments the past week following a .iharp drop In the price of gold, local goldsmiths and Jeweller? reported yesterday. Heading the list of buyers are samfoo-clad amahs,
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  • 42 6 THE National Museum will show three Alms on Hongkong But-west Island. Report to the Oods and Undersea. Tunnel to Hongkong at the Lecture Hall on Wednesday at 730 p.m. Free admission UckxU arc -vsllable at the Museum office.
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  • 319 6 False claims: Ad firms warned ADVERTISING agencies would be abetting a dishonest act if they allowed manufactnrers to make baseless claims on advertised products, the Singapore Manufacturers Association (SMA) warned yesterday. Instead of acceding to manufacturers' requests for such claims, advertising agencies should provide guidelines to prevent manufacturers from lavishing
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  • 99 6 rE Singapore National Dance Company yesterday performed at the Asia and Pacific Nations Folk Arts Festival In Seoul. The festival began on Monday evening at the National Theatre In Seoul with a reception given to artistes and musicians by the Minister of Culture and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 564 6 f/72 Wa Kb aM Bfiß BSS^^ 111 SKBmI B^B^Bfc^^SJSyni BANGKOK PATTAYA 6 EXCITING DAYS $610 This one low price of KIU»£ 4^ kJ im nflß tUMUWTOIjMffIMB $610* covers your return F HK •Wini l^l^^^K^KH flights, first-class hotel b^hHblbH B accommodation, all k_____^_^| breakfasts and most other isl^H^^^^H^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ll^^KflflH meals, sightseeing trips
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    • 21 6 DEAF! CMICO IMVISWLI CA«fMON« to%Ma ro- «w» «wnm m. trk, >■»»+* I*4. Wwtt »mtm w* trtm* 'ii ii mtnm ii, l.i«w (Oitm
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    • 386 7 LUMPUR. Fri DISPUTE REFERRED BY MINISTER TO INDUSTRIAL COURT THE Port Klang Authority Staff Union this evening called off the work-to-rule which its members started yesterday. Union president Encik Ruslan Zainal, confirming this, said: "We received a letter from the Labour Ministry that the
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    • 265 7 Security drive against Reds at border IPOH, Fri. Security force* have launched a new anti-communist operation code-named Setla La pan, stretching from the outskirts north of Ipoh to Sungei Siput. It includes the surrounding area* of Untang. Lasah, Chemor and Tanah Hitam once the hotbed of terrorist activities. The operation
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    • 63 7 KUALA LUMPUR. PH. Central Narcotics Bureau agents on Wednesday seized two men aix) two kilogrammes (five pounds) of heroin after a gun fight at a hotel In Ke dan on the Thai border, a ou.eau spokesman disclosed today. He said one of the men was shot
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 293 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. About 200 MAS workers at Subang airport wearing red armbands called off their five-day protest action this afternoon following a meeting between Labour and Manpower Minister Datuk Lee San Choon, and their union leaders. The workers, who are members of
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    • 30 7 IPOH. Fri. Two youths, one armed with a pistol, held up an 18-year-old furniture shop atststant and robbed him of $2 at Jalan Chons Ah Ming here yesterday.
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    • 43 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Prt Three minibus companies are expected to take dellvery of 12 minibuses within the next two months. They are Peruaahaan Tenaga Tlmur (five buses). City Malay Petty Traders Association (five buses) and Boraq Sdn. Bhd. (two buses).
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    • 31 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Frt. Pour people were seriously injured ye&:erUay In a triple pile-up at the ninth mile jsian Sungei Best Involving a timber lorry, a van and a car.
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    • 207 7 2 BANK ROBBERS GET 20 YEARS AND ROTAN PNANG, Fri.— Tourist guide Mah Chi Beng. 22, and restaurant conk Knoo Kay Boon, 28, were today sentenced to 10 years' Jail and 10 strokes of the rotan each for robbing the Bank Bumlputra subbranch at Universiti Sains here of $23,625 on
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    • 172 7 KUALA PILAH. Fri. A man was shot and wounded and another arrested by two policemen In a three kilometre (two-mile) car chase along Tampin Road, near Senalltiß here yesterday afternoon. The man an extortioner suspect, aged 22. from Bentong. was shot in the mouth
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    • 143 7 MALACCA, Fri.— DAP Stat' Assemblyman Bernard Sta Maria, 28, was given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal today by the magistrate's court here on a charge of making a false statement. When the case came up for hearing, Chief Inspector H.R. Sehgal applied for a postponement
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    • 202 7 Cuepacs move against bonus freeze KUALA LUMPUR, Prt. cuepacs plans to take "appropriate measures" as a protest against the Government's decision to suspend bonus payments to civil servants earning more than $1,000 a month. It has also caUed for an immediate meeting of the official and staff sides of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 204 7 SWIMMING TIMES Today Tsjwwrww SINGAPORE 4.33am (2m), 6.34am (1 .9m), 3.39pm (2.4m) 4.46pm (2. 2m) PORT DICKSON 11. 41 am (2m), 1.39pm 1 Bml, 11.57pm (1.8m) 8.39pm (1.2m) PENANG 5.000m (1.9m), 8.16am (1 .8m), B.l lpm (1.7m) 9.41pm (1.7m) Coppertonegg Protects m jtj^L assalsaWW^^sa l^V#^P^fl «sesav -A *^7 9JTVvit esWsaasslaßßßßaK
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 320 7 Straits Times Crossword ACKOBS shabby runabout (TV 1 Ooe of the sweets of 6 Beloved accepting initial office for certain mini*- bribe to keep cut (S). ten, pertiapa (7, 7). 7 Palls on Turkish officer 9 Judge led astray by In raln-«tonn (7). strange call (7). S Thinking of Marryat'i
      320 words

  • 408 8  -  GERALD PEREIRA 100-year-old building puts up its shutters By JUSTICE will for the last time be administered in the ancient and dilapidated building of the Criminal District and Magistrates' courts in South Bridge Road today. The building has stood for nearly a
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  • 125 8 SUICIDE BY CANCER MAN A 51 -YEAH -OLD man suffering from lung cancer for three years, J u m p e o from the filth floor of his flat In Taman Buklt Ho Swee, the coroner's court was told yesterday. The widow of Teo Choon Leong told the court that
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  • 58 8 A 37-YEAR-OLD farmer who climbed up the roof of a vacant home u> look for wooden planks fell to his death, the coroner's court heard yesterday. Mah Boon Keng had gone with two friends to the house which was under demolition In Joo Koon Road in Jurong
    58 words
  • 24 8 EIGHTEEN hawkers were yesterday fined a total of 18.850 by the First Magistrate's Court after they pleaded guilty to using •unjust dachuigs.
    24 words
  • 96 8 VELAYUDHUM Subramaniam, 21, was sentenced to 58 days Jail yesterday when he could not pay a ISM flne for traffic offences he committed on Oet 15, 1975. He had earlier b*en fined and disqualified from driving for a year when he pleaded guilty <o
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  • 217 8 A SIMPLE, MOVING SERVICE FOR THE WAR DEAD A SIMPLE but moving service with nine religious leaders orrenng prayers for world peace was held at Kranjt War Memorial cemetrry yesterday to mark the 30th anniversary of the surrender ceremony in Singapore. The servlo*. to honour 24.000 British. Commonwealth. South African
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 EVEREADY Ift^Bvl T^^P/wL ilb bs j B^B^bK^B^^^Bhßbw. I n^Tifc^ film I sbV i M Ml^^ JgV Planet Earth's most used portable power. Super 99 is a highly developed players that need driving power energy source. A power pack spe- Power to move parts, to run motors, cially designed for new
      162 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 250 8 Bringing Up >•<»»•«' By BUI Ktvtmgh «fc Mai Camp i wwv did >©u sav that; \oo odn't answer >. /'just a minute-- j OONT KNOW IP H(\ I J***9? >©U KNOW j-^fT~~ TM(6 SPSeDIN* TIC*CT,y OH I"U_ SCE IF HE'S J .TiSS* IS isj- I'll 1 VBJV WSU- THAT J
      250 words

  • 192 9 THIS U the moment ef stress for both the cyclirt and the two yed—trlani u they race across the road In a deadly content ef ■nudes aralnst the Internal combustion engine. And they could well pay with their Uvea If they
    192 words
  • 286 9 MP's charge unfair, say school tuckshop men rpHE Singapore 1 School Canteen Vendors Association yesterday rejected an MP's charge that the standards of health and hygiene in school tuckshops were "doubtful." The association contended that all Its members had complied with the health and cleanliness regulations as they were required
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  • 81 9 Symposium on orthopaedic training THE second International Symposium on Orthopaedic Training In Development Countries will be held at the Apollo Hotel from Oct. 8 to 11. More than 50 leading surgeons from 36 countries win meet at the symposium to study how the much-needed specialists especially In the field of
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  • 113 9 rE Chief Justice. Mr. Wee Chong Jin, yesterday ordered Wlnson Timber Pte. Ltd., of Orchard Road, to be wound up on grounds of Insolvency. The order arose from an unopposed application by Mr. Roy Chua Keng Loy, for Chuan Hlap Seng Pte. Ltd., a creditor
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  • 606 9 A MOTION against Mr. D.E. O«ilvy Watson, former managing director of Haw Par Brothers International, who is away from Singapore, will be heard before the Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin, in the High Court on Monday afternoon. The Chief Justice fixed this new hearing
    606 words
  • 71 9 WONO Man Chal. 19, a Malaysian, was fined a total of $920 and disqualified from riding for one year for riding an unroad wort hy motorcycle along Oulllemard Road on A'ig. 28. The road tax of the motorcycle had also expired Chan See
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  • 25 9 PREBJDKNT Shearee will officiate at the genend Inspection of the 8L John Ambulance Brigade at Jalan Beaar Stadium at 6 pjn. on Sunday.
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  • 52 9 TWO men, one armed with a revo.ver and the other a dagger, held up six men and a woman playing mahjong at ah association In Victoria Street at 9.25 p.m. yesterday and robbed them of cash and Jewellery worth about $3,000. The robbers escaped in a car. awsy
    52 words
  • 58 9 A BOATMAN. Yeo Whay Leong, 85. of Commonwealth Close, who feU Into the sen. off Jetty No. 1. Clifford Pier, at 12.06 a.m. on Wednesday died at the Singapore General Hospital yesterday without regaining consctousneaß, Police who do not suspect foul play said he fell Into
    58 words
  • 35 9 TIONO Mel Fa of Jalau Binung was find ISO at the 10th Magistrate's Court yesterday tor parking his car near the junction of Rose Lane and Tanjong Katong Road In October last year.
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  • 224 9 THE havoc wreaked on the stretch of Tamplnes Road bordering the airport on Tuesday night was caused by an aircraft carrying out a fullpower engine run while on the ground, the Department of Civil Aviation said yesterday. It also said the aircraft carried out
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  • 265 9 Mobil dealers give seven days' notice MOBIL petrol deal- ers are believed to have served the oil company with a seven-day ultimatum for the company to withdraw its threat to cancel the licence of one Mobil petrol dealer. According to Informed sources, the dealers have threatened to 3hut down their
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  • 83 9 TAS phone pipeline work in progress THE second phase of laying underground telephone pipeline by Telecommunication Authority of Singapore is now In progre j between East Coast Road/Telok Kurau Road and Bast Coast Road/Joo Chlat Road junctions. Motortsta are asked to avoid this stretch of road during peak hours to
    83 words
  • 327 9 nrHE cheapest brand of macaroni are Clrcos retailed at 45 cents (227 grams) and Good Pood at 90 centa (one pound or 454 grams), according to a Trade Department surrey. Good Food Is available at all NTUC Welcome supermarkets, and Clrcos at the one In Tom Payoh.
    327 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 280 9 MEMOREX IZ. PRICE /2SALJE BUY ONE MRX2 OXIDE C9O AT REGULAR PRICE GET THE OTHER AT V2 PRICE. .HHMHIMILMLHLHIIM USUAL PRICE FOR e^Asin I TWO CASSETTES lv OW IWIM NOW$7-70 m^finmSm I new memorex mrx2 oxide if^miilSa I Cassette Tape is technically yjfsfc I superior. It provides fidelity superior to
      280 words
    • 720 9 HOW TO SPEAK "V.I.P." English QUICKLY, EASILY AMD INEXPENSIVELY FOR SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL ADV/ANCEMFNT WITH THIS REMARKABLE RECORDED COURSE THAT WORKS WONDERS OR COSTS NOTHING! Why is perfect speaking so No embarrassment bclore others, important that it can open up Complete on long-playing discs, a whole new world for you?
      720 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 428 10 LIDO'-Vth MOMTH": 101st DAY! 11am, 2.15, SJO 8.45pm Cash Bookings only I Circle $4; Stalls $2.50 $150 No Free List I N^A^PRIC^^NOMIUTAR^ONCESSION Jj a^y /^"3^l I I BBBBBi^^-^™^ I m^L^ r^* 111, I BROKE ILL PREVIOIS RECORiS FOR I I ALL LANGUAGE FILMS to BECOME SINGAPORE'S Wi ALL-TIME S ALL-LA\GIAGE
      428 words
    • 248 10 Wow Snowing 6ata>r 1.15. J JO. 7.00 JO GoWen O»r 1 .45, 4, 7 •JO lamth 2.30, 7 13 t f IS No Ftaa trtt Comedy with EnaJMi A OiirtM SwbrrHat Starrina Uu Shan Chian A Sia Ling Uns X^BaIBBBBBBBBIi Ta-Nifht MMntaht A To- Morrow Mamin| Show i Gc!aen City
      248 words
    • 548 10 g^^^^^^^M^y^yyyy^^^^\/VVVVVVVtft*»VVJV^V^^*efa^^^r^^*«%'^^^^^^^*^^^^^"""""""'^"""""""""""""p |< i OPENS ODEON TODAY! j 5 Shows Daily At 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.30, 9.30pm cash tmm iiy hi hub list j A Great Adventure... Filmed in MALAYSIA and 6ERMANY DAVID TOSHIRO HARDY I NIVEN MIFUNE KRUGER M. jft_ Jb Mm i im jjj dfl bjbbbbV«^ INTRODUCING INTRODUCING UHa^^^^^^E-HJ
      548 words
    • 379 10 W^WWNVaVSrVWWWWVWVSVWSrV^ Grand Film Premiere /r A Under The Distinguished Patronage Of > i Th» Honourable Minister for Social Affairs ENCIK OTHMAN WOK To aid THE JOGGING ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE I c -ORCHARD THEATRE-, i 17th at 9.lspm^\ Tkkattat $3, $3, $10 and Datsatkm Saatt A^ailabh at Orchar. Tkaatra at Phone
      379 words
    • 764 10 VV*N%WWW\W.W»%V. i^COTHfiV •::I- S ORMNISATION:: •:f!l'r!M-a < afll.'l-:ii P NOW SHOWING i 2 Mm: 7.00 t 9 Mpm. > i% Golden Horvest presents ■2* "TMI M OIVILLID" (Mand) e? Ko Chun-Huung 'ReAo Ike J Jef ColorScope English Subs •I" Ort^Wi Omm j* J J Oaee« *n4 Orcfcara: »"l Tonight of
      764 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 258 11 r The 1 I Beefeater i A genuine English Pub (as near as d- it! Ul 7, River Valley Road, Singapore phone *****5 open 7 days a week 11.30am -midnight Cocktail time (Ts\ 7pm —9pm and 20% JK^^i off all drinks. n) Charming SJd^tjif k ßeefeaterette" jf^lw^f^ waitresses yM?f&) •NO
      258 words
    • 79 11 ■Mr~^B^~Hß^B^^99^B^^^^9 BSfl^^r^^Br «P J < ~4Mb^b^bl b^T J^^BaV .^BaWJa^Baa^fl bWaS^^^J m i nT^fl «J aV rZ bKJI BaßaCf^Bßl L^bW v aVaW fl *V L ■>'" Jbl Cf* BF L^k.^^ißfl Kfl 3' f IHi |K Curt ii a speciality praparad from air BJ flown ba«f ao f raah, chunky and juicy,
      79 words
    • 537 11 BBJBJBLB L^B^^b^^h B^ar"?A^^^iai 1 I B^Br^r^B^HßV^BßVß^flßl M IbV4 Ll a^ 111 Ol bAbHI j/^\ L^lflflflMliHkMßfl tC—' n^>" Kj/ l» if^Uii l \O BaVBBBBBHBBI^^F^ I niiiiini rfifrrrrr > M iWW^HHW!! P II iniiniii rrfrrfirr I IflMV'^rHflHFflßßaS W^ IKI I'rWjl^aß ■PM L I Wbf^Bb^S2 I k!V i I I--x 7 '^^b^b^ aSafl
      537 words

  • The StraitsTimes
    • 378 12 VL'ITH the arrival in Dill of the first group of newspaper correspondents, a little light has been shed on what is happening in Portuguese Timor. It seems that the leftist Fretilin Independence group has won control of the capital after three weeks of bluer fighting with its rivals,
      378 words
    • 270 12 INDIA'S Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi turns down most' invitations to diplomatic functions. So when she stepped out recently to dine at the United St&tes Embassy she started speculation that I ndo- American relations might be about to take a turn for the better. US diplomats in
      270 words
  • 469 12 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane ABBREVIATIONS c*4 acronj/mt ain't what they were. INEVITABLY so. ai more and more of such abbreviated names gain popularity with us. The list can be prolific. to say the least We have PUB. TAB. MINUET SAFTI, NTUC, COMFORT SILO. EDB, SBS. CBD, NJC.
    469 words
  • 501 12 EXCERPTS of editorial comment from the New Strait* Times. Malaysia. DEriTY Minister Datuk Mena-ard Bahmafi statement *n Brunei tNM at a time of cool relations between Koala Limpir and Bandar Seri Betawan. Malaysia's interest in Brunei stems naturally from the fart that the protectorate border* Sarawak (which
    501 words
  • 1046 12 JEREMIAH O'LEARY REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON f\RESSINQ for a formal dinner party in their plush residence, the American ambassador to a European country and his wife got Into a drunken quarrel. Before the first guest arrived, she had stabbed him In the shoulder with a
    NYT  -  1,046 words
    • 146 12 VOUR report headlined "Problem of gett--1 ing jobs for the deaf (ST.. Sept. 11) Is timely in view of the growing number of deaf and hard of hearing children in Singapore. There are about 1,000 such children today, registered and
      146 words
    • 286 12 It is very encouraging to see the efforts In making Singapore a centre of learning, but the efforts for our deaf are miserly by comparison. Our deaf need Jobs, but first and foremost they need education and the abilltr to communicate they need speechtherapy at an early age. pre-school. primary
      286 words
    • 90 12 rl Introduction by the Singapore Boa Service sometime ago of green and white boards signifying "outgoing" and "Incoming" buses was of great help to bus commuters. Of late BBS buses plyIng along toe St. Michael's Estate route did not care to change their boards with the result that some commuters
      90 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 35 12 W University for your CHILDREN I Our Life Policy >4^(A. c*" guarantee you 2?S Overseas Nil'] ASSURANCE CORWH LTO V |I. i I GINCC >9X) il|jL I ICC INSURANCE OF ALL, *X&^ *-»>/G OH SMALL
      35 words
    • 322 12 You get more than air conditioning when you buy Carrier Ara*j.«km m t „j,< n i is. 1 T .1 1 mm mmm 9 iwilii nc «Mi WaaAaOTMtw VDA, ri 1 f 11 O»M ViwrtKftß Ccri lhai As tkt mifi ln*w» mt E»w> moid a ioufett dwefcad faitanau —fat,
      322 words

  • Business Times
    • 707 13  - Pact reflects a greater French interest to invest in S'pore By pARIS: The attractions of Singapore as an ininvestment centre are expected to be explored with greater interest by French investors following the signing of the first Singapore French agreement for the promotion and protection of investments here earlier this
      707 words
    • 121 13 HongkongEEC textile talks to resume HONGKONG A Hongkong delegation will leave tor Brussels today to resume talks on the questions of certain textiles exports to the community, the department of commerce and industry said. The colony's textiles advisory board met on Thursday and examined, inter alia, data collected on the
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 82 13 RENAULT subsidiary. 8A de Vehicules Industrlels et D'equipements Mecaniques (Baviem), has signed a contract with the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works to supply 430 medium-tonnage trucks at a cost of M million francs, for delivery from January 1978. Hitachi expects earnings from ils current fiscal year to be better
      82 words
    • 277 13  - Oriental Data Systems opens office in S'pore By HO MINFONG ORIENTAL Data Systems, an affiliated company of the shipping magnate C.Y. Tung's Island Navigation Corporate Group, has Just established a new branch here. An exclusive distributor of Datapolnt mini computers, OD6 will offer comprehensive sales, systems design. and maintenance services
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    • 224 13 Inflation will hit spending in the US, says Citibank NEW YORK: The current resurgence of inflation In the United States will slow the growth of the economy by adversely affecting consumer spending. First National City Bank said In the current Issue of Its monthly economic letter. Consumers will be able
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 123 13 Shell begins to reap profits in Sabah L ABU AN: Shell, after spending millions of doiiars over the past 20 years of oil hunt in Sahah ha« at last begun to r. au nrcf Its The company, which recently atsrtui production at its Seme-rang field located tome 25 miles offshore
      123 words
    • 305 13  -  CHAN BONG SOO By CHARE market pundlts are not saying very much these days, much less offer any opinion as to when the market will be lifted out of Its present rut. Market reviews offered nv a handful of broking houses, are coming
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 5 13 I f HI s^^ESISSSs^^H Eglilifl
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    • 194 13 I ¥111 JIB CONVERT YOUR TRADE DEBTS INTO CASH Is the working capital you have tied up in the trade debts owed to you limiting your turnover and depriving you of the opportunity to take cash discounts or make advantageous purchases? If so, contact us and learn about our unique
      194 words

  • 188 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Undeteves J a c oberg (F.K.) recently announced the appointment of Mr. Tan Chin Huat as manager of Its general division. Mr. Tan succeeds Mr. as. Giele who has taken up a senior posting In Taiwan. Mr. Haroid Smith has been appointed vice president of the International
    188 words
    • 478 14 xjEW YORK, Thura.— Concern over the prospect of an upturn In Interest rates kept stocks under pressure today In light trading. The interest rate question waa talaad anew alter yesterdays close when the Treasury Department disclosed It had raised its estimate of borrowing needs by UBs3 bUMon to
      478 words
    • 87 14 l INANCIAL TIMES INUI STKIAUt Thursday 516.7 Wednesday 320.1 Week ago 329.3 TINB Thursday 94.M Wednesday 93.26 Week ago 95.35 BIBBERS Thursday 404.60 Wednesday 407.4] Wtek ago 407 83 OILS Thursday J9J.S6 Wednesday 296 J* Week ago 309.52 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Thursday 812.66 Wednesday 817.66 Week ago 838
      87 words
    • 304 15 OONOKONO. Frl. The stock market cloaed lower on the day In slack trading despite a recovery in toe altercooa session, dealers said. The Hang Seng index feU 1 SJ to Ml 84 after being 3.61 lower at the morning ctoee. Combined turnover of the four exchanges was $1581 million
      304 words
    • 86 15 TOKYO. Frt. The stock market nrmed on dealer anticipation of one point cut In bank rate later this month to stimulate the country's economy, dealers said. The Dow Jonea average rose 24 94 points to 4.027 83 on volume of ISO million shares, up from 130 million shares yesterday
      86 words
    • 239 15 OYDNEY, FTI. The Byd--0 ney stock market closed on a generally mixed note In quiet trading conditions today. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles Index edged up 027 point to nut. Today* ekwlns middle price* in Aiutrallan cent* with the difference on tba prevlou* seaataa'a efssa INDUSTRIALS Ampol Pet 11, Auat. Coo.
      239 words
    • 238 15 Money and exchanges r T r HE US dollar opened x steady at 83.47*0' 1248M In the Stnagpore forex market yesterday. The market continued thin and trading was dull However. in fairly late trading the dollar began to firm to 92.4*10/30. Trading was then moderately active with the US unit
      238 words
    • 162 15 Suggtflted Interbank rates at 3.00 pm: Curacies Nmbliul rates I>— r*rcenU..« «M»rd rinhy |(tM| p*ri» 7 eJunt US dollar ***** 2 4820 2.8196 U.ol Sterling pound 5 2280 5 2320 7 3469 —28 -4 Hongkong dollar 49 10 45.20 50 51 »T» Malajrtfan dollar 98.15 98 25 100.00
      162 words
    • 296 15 A BIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Friday. Sept. 12. OS DeUars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 6 9/16 6 7 :fl 1 mth 7 1/1* 8 16 18 2 mths 7 7/16 7 6 16 3 mths 7 7 1/3 6 mths 8
      296 words
    • 63 15 Prime lending rates (in Algemene Bonn 7 First Chi. ogo 4V4 Bongkok Bonk 71A FNCB 6% Bonk of America (,</, HKiBC 7 Bonk of China 7'/j Mole yon Bonking 7 Bank of Tokyo 7 Mit* 11 Bank 7 Bonk Negoro Indonesia 7'/^ OCBI. 7 Bonque de Llndochine 7 OUB 7
      63 words
    • 55 15 REBLXTB of Treasury •Ills tender held on Sept. for 91 -day bill* to be issued from Sept. If to It: Offered: |M million Applied for: Ilt7&•.--•N. Allotted: million Accented bids: $99 17 appro* Innately 22 per cent; higher bids In fall Average rate of discount on allotment:
      55 words
  • 171 14 AMSTERDAM. Thuw.— Tha market rloaad lower In oontlnufed dull trading -vlth tne weakness of Wall Street a major (actor. Uaafvtns ted fall* airong Dutch lntematlonsU while Royal Dutch firmed ahead of Its Interim dividend announcement due today. The heaviest gains ware In the shipping sector where Scbcearaartaale and V»n
    171 words
  • 103 14 yORICH. Thur*.— ai- twufh volume of tradlasj on the ZUrtch Stock Kxchange wsj «g»ln mnrtsat, moat stock prices rafttared marglnsJ InerMujaa UxWy. The bond market closed fkm. The CredH Bui«-e index ended 0.1 point higher a* ISO*. Omik price* Hi awua maoi with UK Wmct ob tk* pmlOM union
    103 words
  • 492 14  - HK developers launch multimillion dollar plans MOK SIN PIN By HONGKONG property developers are having a busy time In Singapore and Malaysia, transforming their multimill ton dollar plans from blue-print into reality. Some are carrying out the real estate development projects on their own, while others have sought and found
    492 words
  • 147 14 pARIS: New rales governing the operation of the Paris commodity market are now expected to be officially given the goahead towartis endSeptember, Commerce Ministry and industry sources said' Commerce Minister Vincent Ansouer U still waiting, however, for the different parties Involved to try to
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 90 14 MENTAKAB Rubber pre tax profits have plunged to $109,702 (or the nrst half year ended June 1975 from $289. 36a previously. Net sales are also heavily down at $418,158 against $737,164 last time. The company said the rubber crop tell 11.58 per cent below that of the
    90 words
  • 147 14 Unctad to make major decisions at Kenya talks UNITED NATIONS. The fourth session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad) next May should make major decisions on stabilising commodity prices, secretary general Oainanl Corea said. Reviewing what are likely to be the major Issues at the conference in
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 816 14 «>/)/ fc— r* V »v»£ .^^—^*bb%>>^*^^^H EaaMaaaW JSA at 1 Luxury residence |/)f° QtMif* IN PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA. m\Jl i-3£M.M\^ Enjoys panoramic river view* at No. 20 j Edgewater Road, St. Lucia. f n Now offered for sale, this fully airconditioned home was built by Burke £r Gaynor Pty. Ltd.
      816 words
    • 22 14 ii '^^^■f /a\ wTs^i r^^i liz^udv M \1 B I I^l^l^HsSSu^^v^ 111 !^a^l^l^Hl di ijl m «k k i i i •j
      22 words

  • 162 15 TTiaiMiin l*.»5 Owtmatm M M Mfttetef «.n G. Orta ll.« C. rnp. 11.15 C. Store SX.71 r»hM| OMM. 11.44 A. Bat. 11.54 OLB W.7J a Fkutt «.n 8. Ua M7J C. Dot. *1 •> BBS ll.M Pm-EL II 57 C. Cur. .1S 5 .M •J .M •01
    162 words
  • 1639 15 fHI last transacted icady aale at th« close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1976 high and low. Adjusted for acrlp/ rights issue). CLOSING TOrJS: All Metloea closed barely steady TUDNOVia Official Sruraa aupp4r*i by tha Stock
    1,639 words
  • 420 15 mRADING at the Stock X Exchange of Singapore closed yesterday on a barely steady note. The market was characterised by small price movements with a growing dlaclinatton to deal. Uke the past several weeks, only a selected group of shares came in for transaction, mainly of a
    420 words
  • 966 15 DID and offer prices ufflclally listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of share* traded shown In bricieti in lots of I.OM unite unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett."
    966 words
  • 1005 15 f>a> and offer prices afflclally listed and buslne*s In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In lou of 1.000 unit*, unles* otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A. Tapa to 1S8) (2.208). XD. A. CM*. (0.708 O.MS). A.M.
    1,005 words
  • 47 15 SYDNEY: Pacific Mining reported that In the quarter to end-Jane It produced 18.883 tonnes of •and compared with 17.374 tonne* the previous quarter. Clay production stood at 1,991 (1,1X3) tonnes while rutlle output totalled 5.930 (4,101) tonnes. Zircon output was 4,637 (5,457) tonnes. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 89 15 NEW YORK: Th« board of directors of the New York Stock Exchange were unable to reach a decision on whether to approve a Merrill Lynch, Pierce Tenner and Smith Inc plan to trade odd- lot securities off the flour of the Exchange. The Merrill Lynch
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 295 15 Erratie trend in KL market THE presence of dabblers kept condition)! barely steady at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. The undertone was still uncertain and price changes were minimal. Business was so slow at one stage that trading practically came to a standstill. Tfe bulk of *****0 shares traded
    295 words
  • 198 15 NEW YORK: Pan American World Airways expects third quarter 1975 earnings of more than US$35 million compared with a loss of $459,000 in the same 1974 period. Consolidated net profits of $17.3 million were achieved for July this year compared with $400,000 for the previous corresponding
    198 words
  • 60 15 Tkaraeay Ut» OM Melbourne (1) 117.20 US.M London 147. SOB 149.258 14*808 150.3M Balrat 14*. 63 ISI.OO >WMB) 147 SOB 145.288 *****8 IM.MB Part* in m IH.4* Hiiinair WtBaaa*»F Honrt— t 145.70 IM.M Sport (3) 145.M8 14S.SSB 148.74S 151.548 Export prlcaa la ooaa(trlla< ana* la U.B oallari
    60 words
  • 124 15 EUROPC ni quiet with the OS active and firm cm Thursday, according to the Malaysian Palm OU Producers- Association. Quotation* in uat/cent (Rotterdam) unkaa stated MM Afloat (US) JO cenU aeUert; Sept. M33.50 <O8) 1» 50 cent* *"D*r»: Oct. MIS (OS) 19 25 centa seller*. M1750 »***** traded,
    124 words
    • 211 15 TTHK Strait* tin price slipped $a.BJ', to MB2.S7S in Penanc yesterday on an uoohanced ofiiclal offering of IST too*. Ihe overnight London market ws; steadier with forward buyer* prtoe atcglos; 14 to £3.1?t per metric ton. LONDON: Cash Un lost U6 per tonne and Three Months <33 In
      211 words
    • 29 15 Rubber Sept. 12. Singapore: Oct. I«.M ets (up «.5« em). Malaysia Oct. 144 M cU (up I.M Ct). Tin: $982.37, (down $2,621). Official offering 157 tons (unch).
      29 words
    • 99 15 f MINUS PNODUei IXCHAMOS. »IM0*»0«I NOOH CLOSIHO '•I'll ■SH »ICUL VIITIKOAT Caaam: OH: Bulk «37s aellera. drum t*2S aallars. Caarsi Mlsad (kMaa) UK/Coot. $3O', buyers. ■aaatar: Muntok ABXA whit* f o.b. lOtHt NLW (2*6 sellers. Sarawak whit* fob M% nlw •2SO ••Hers. Sarawak apacial black fob. NLW «l«2Vt acllars.
      99 words
    • 33 15 London copper pncea on Thursday (preview In bracket*) Wlrehar Spot buyer (574 (£577.501 aellar (575 (£S7M Three Month buyer ISM.M (19*9.50) *eller <9M.50 <(*Oo>. Market tana: Steady quiet. til**: 17.02S tonne*
      33 words
  • 605 15 pIRST> n the Sinr gapore rubber market yesterday was struck at 142 60 cents per kilo for October following higher overseas advices but the gain was not folk; wed through and the market lapsed into dull conditions. Past noon, better short covering and some forward Interest developed
    605 words
  • 123 15 TkAILY SMR and SBR prices ismied at noon yeiten'ay: Oct. Not Barer* Setter* Bayer* Seller* M.R.E.L.B. (Current Mth l (Forward Mth > (ecaU per if) (eeaU pw kg) SMR SCV (1 tan pallet) ***** 152 SON 162.50 153.50N SMR 5L Cl ton pallet) 149 60 150 SON
    123 words
  • 378 15 -r>HK recent gradual decline in mart tit was extended more fully during the past weak although once more prices recovered part of the IMS in final trading. s*y» Holiday. Cutler. Bath In IU weekly ibber review. In Btn*apore the 140-cent per kilo level for first month was resisted
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  • 3 15
    3 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 595 16 L/JQ HEWLETT-PACKARD SINGAPORE PTE LTD Hewlett Packard, a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Corporation in U.S.A. invites applications from suitably qualified candidates with relevant experience lor the positions of: PROGRAMMER ANALYST RESPONSIBILITIES Performs all functions involved in Computer Systems Analysis, i.e. identifies and describes functions and problems; determines end-user requirements, specifies procedures
      595 words
    • 604 16 I 5£ ACCOUNTANT WF SINGAPORE SALARY NEGOTIABLE Smit International South-East Asia (Pte.) Ltd., a leading international salvage company, engaged in salvage, towage and marine services, is setting up an office at International Plaza. A dedicated and experienced accountant is required to head the Accounts Department and establish a permanent and
      604 words
    • 692 16 |B 1 Placement Advisory Services for Clients CAREER OPPORTUNITIES An export credit insurance company is now being formed in Singapore with banks, insurance companies and the Singapore Government as its shareholders. It is expected to develop into an organisation of maior and critical importance in Singapore's growing export trade business.
      692 words
    • 613 16 A Singapore Bus Service Ltd. Applications are invited from suitably I qualified persons for the following posts:VEHICLE INSPECTORS I Qualifications: I (a) City and Guilds Motor Vehicles Mechanics Works or its equivalent plus few years working experience and mjst possess a Class 4 Driving Licence Those without the full technical
      613 words

  • 132 17 SINGAPORE'S first girl parachutists nine of them from the Singapore Armed Forces recently completed a full course In parachute Jumping and axe now qualified Jumpers Dubbed the Jumping Jills, they are all parachute riggers In the Commando Battalion. The girls, whose average age Is
    132 words
  • 390 17 $96 mil to fight petropollution THE Government and the Sumitomo Chemical Group are expected to spend more than $96 million (US$4O million) for pollution control equipment iathe proved $2 billion petrochemical complex to be set up in Pulau Ayer Merbau. According to a survey carrVxl out by the United States
    390 words
  • 34 17 MARINERS are adrbed to manoeuvre their craft slowly while pasrtn* the Ma off Pa&lr Panjanc wharves to make way for dredging works to b* carried out there, for th» next 11 month*.
    34 words
  • 20 17 THE Jewish community will begin a days fact tomorrow night to commemorate the day of atonement. Yom Klppur.
    20 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 91 17 Silhouette 100 Cartwheel has tf recessed wheels built in so that you f never have to lug another heavy jfr' —^gagj suitcase Just pull your case along f£ A by the fold-away handle. jKfr B Take the 'lug' out of luggage get /S Samsonite Silhouette 100 Cartwheel. wm £S<k Sa
      91 words
    • 256 17 *^^^^w^ Strepsils kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute another international product from (2s&& the practical beauty of Heuga Juißr Ciflav~"2^;~» f s^ V^BBBBBK^Bj^k. <^ i^< < aw^^^^^^Mß^^HS^^BUUß^M MHaHB^BaBBI *\^-a WA^BBH ■P^V^bT" ■CBS jt^j I Pi r a^haflk li W^f^^^^^^^^^^ m Heuga Carpet Tiles Jr t look
      256 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 934 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IJI PH Opening and Sesame Street 7.38 inn (MaUr IM Saturday Matinee— lady for a Night start 745 71, Qti Quarter FinaO ng Joan Btondell, John Wayne, Ray Middle- fc rf ftmiM^ tm 131 KM** tf 37tt SAM Out Track »i i**m mt hnml (Ei|faU
      934 words
    • 51 17 lijUlMliil/AU RI6HT KIP. UJH£N I COME IT'S MER W53& /STAND \X". I K«N AfSXftP VOO rTS HER I "we PiAosaouNß J stanpupdo mv first r 7ne*r^^ ■«W HEAg Mt ?7 SMtfTHEAgT.' lIF HOO DON'T OO UIHAT I SA* /j»^T) /^iX"" THIS 06A6CE UJILL ftTE I KA6l£?! [VOOR L£6 r T|
      51 words
    • 21 17 Water consumption on Thursday was 129 million gallons (SM.M* cubic metres), 1.7 million rations (7.M« cubic metres) more than on Wednesday.
      21 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1272 18 GUTHRIE ENGINEERING (S) PTE. LTD. HlK^^"^« »!j W Wm 1^ Applications ore invited from Mole Singopore K*^.* ivX AIM Citizens tor tfie above pos.t.on \£fG mmm^ m^ mm mmm^^^^^^^^^^^^ JOB SPECIFICATION CiFNFRAI MANAfiFR To De r «Ponsible to the Soles Monoger of the W/ll W Jt:lNl: IXrVL 'VirUXAAVJCIX Diesel Engme
      1,272 words
    • 510 18 Morrison Knudsen Low Keng Huat Jointventure For immediate Sale: (a) Six Each Heede 10 Ton "Chicago" Booms, Model CB-65 in new condition complete with Sheaves, Block etc. Boom length: 63 ft. 0 inch. Maximum Pivot Mounting height: 82 ft. 0 inch. Maximum lifting capacity: 10 tons. These units can be
      510 words
    • 875 18 THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Directors have declared an interim dividend of 12 cents per SI stock less Malaysian Income tax al 40% in respect of the year ending 31st December 1975. payable on 27th October, 1975, to stockholders on the
      875 words
    • 428 18 MORTGAGEES' SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties To be held at the Lecture Room, ground floor, Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Hill Street, Singapore ON THURSDAY. 18 SEPTEMBER 1975 AT 2.30 P.M. NO. 25 JALAN HAJIJAH Area ***** sq ft Freehold Annual Value $1,200/NO. 531A UPPER CHANGI ROAD (near Guan Soon Avenue)
      428 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1375 19 CINTAINERSMP SERVICE 10 11'CHITINfNI ftm Exprm \?i%' p ,,"u7 'o« .S' u iiiriM Maiu a smi it imi "Oti ii on non tr Kt iivcatttx iav i ott aKt aKt it Ott it ott KOWLOON 111 I Kl I Kt I NOT 1 Mi 4 Mi a Kt NOICIONf
      1,375 words
    • 1268 19 BenOcean Ajantsennce of Ben Line Blue Fhnnel den line and NSMO Tl UI CONTINCNT (ni Stall Oat I'aura P Kt'ant Pttatt Ewoft FOItIENITIH II Sift an Stfl 11/14 Imi ll Kl lonaan. a-atai. H>irt. lira. Hlii lIHIIKN il 77 Stat 71 M Silt a Kl L1... DM. Cawttn. Mil.
      1,268 words
    • 1304 19 aKaTiiV*lf'r4^'^~JVaOTaflaOTaH TO EDIIPE Ntarf lln. lua 5 kma Dfnawrk Irrn-tn Anl»rg «n u K ll»ig express lllaat UStft It Kl ll Kt ll Kt IKt ■HAM HAM ISMfI llltft II Kt 11 Otl a Kl IT Oct iivitpooi in i ott nktaoctnKtMKt ■OvnOON lIT 7 Kt I Olt I not
      1,304 words
    • 1073 19 I FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE r■• »T™fii!r^ nii him (at i H J Rottentoai, Amtentirn. Antwerp, leHtvi?, NiilS"* SI *i Btfl H »"*wi. iremen, Bremerlnveri. 'iuilS!* "T. Z Co l »l w Gott««6urt Mtbvioe. aiiiiuN kc i Strx-Mieim. Oslo. Helsmki. LUitec Kintdom Ttata LCI Kan FCL 71 kun
      1,073 words
    • 759 19 Simon '1M44 P. UMf 1341. II *****1; PtMtf 2SMI. THE BANK LINE LTD. IMS lat tl l UtttL EL P E A Cantoa- p Kalttf 1/ IKt Spo,, ki lIVIIAM f K f nr Jwf j j t)tt Htm lAIT t M«TN AFtltA Fit lAI.CIOI MANILA MIMMW p «•*>€ ttm
      759 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1148 20 1 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KIMMI KISEN MISHA LTD KTMI. HONC mt STRAITS StWICE tcatt Nkent Siopfert Pttoal t RtIOOJ A WSSH left 2 Japan Arabian, OuT "«r»laje> Smtwor. FM •OMIN'CA MAiru 11/11 left Kewa.l liuiimiMM. Japan South Alrlria Well Alrtoa Sorvloo lianiit Ftt 1 COItMtIA MAIU II 'I
      1,148 words
    • 1069 20 UCtPTHK AU IIRM tf MATY IMIfMRT Ftt PtRTIIMt. SAHfIT. lIMIAtMA.III IUIIPAPaR. SAMAIIN(A. UNUM It AM. lAMIAAI. miiiiii. TtißiTr stiaat. win itim am sami Kami pmts Frea ETA (TO Illlllltlll T. MMTY itTW (ti*w 14 left II left laurta aity <AMA Maaita II Soft a left Ikwia. MiliNt ll Tireue a
      1,069 words
    • 1013 20 UlUt CWTAIMfRIUI UIVIU TI EtJMft (VU SMT) t'oare P Relate F Itene Rtwt lr.« Aataerf I'lani i>iertu iMPtiiEi a sett a teat 11 act 11 act it act a an n act RiPTiNi mppniie aact a ait n Net it Rot a net n Ret m r» (IHQ NEPTUNE EMIULI
      1,013 words
    • 987 20 UfKSS SEIVIU TO LOWBOH LIVEIPOOt COKTIWNT WRTS :> vi', Singaaore P Riiani PetaM Laatiag tar taaCA arcsana llltsttt If I act 1/11 act 11/11 act l.iwe. leatea. Can! It. t'ta-*. A''«ir. B'ttatn. IMttNJ •aORtA MILAII 11/11 HI ll t kt 1/ I kl IPL3I CiiJII. Le Hettr. HterL I'IMN MMA
      987 words
    • 976 20 HI POUT OF •INOAaoM AUTHORITY ANNOUNCED T»ff JOHOHO POtlT FOLLOWING tIFtTHINO AN- M ToKuifl Mini B/l u. liunryauTi mr*m u rl naaru a I. He RANOEMENTa wem a«F»T. 1». nonal Enterpnir B/2 Oavrll Drnhavln B 2 Tokyo Mam B/J Han aoo B'3. Mlnuoaa B'3 and TweciDunk B 4 OUT: Veta
      976 words

  • 29 21 ACNE. PIMPLES. OPEN PORES are these your problem' Then onsult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 26 years tropical experience, at Hotel Slngapura telephone *****3 (B'pore
    29 words
  • 134 21 MRS. ROSS CHIA Bo Jacqueline Chua Lay Hwa and Chua Slew Tuan aged 26 Oone home to Our Lord 2 am today 12.9.75 leaving behind dearly beloved husband, mother. 2 brothers and a sister Cortege leaves 35 SS2/46. Petallng Jaya for Penang Early Saturday Morning Funeral service at
    134 words
  • 116 21 MR. MRS. R Manlkam wish tc thank relatives and friends fot their kind attendance at the marriage of their daughter Saraua Devi with Mr W.J. Thompson and also for their presents cable; and letters THE FAMILY OF the late Madam Karthlgasu Paruvathy thank relatives, friends and staff of
    116 words
  • 46 21 IN LO VINO MEMORY of Grace Tan Gek Hwa. called to the Lord 13/9/71 Deeply mourned and missed by all who love her. IN MEMORY OF my dearest papa. A D Jacobs Gone 7 years ago but not forgotten Deeply missed by all
    46 words
  • 20 21 S.O.S. SAMARITANS OF Singapore Troubled' Discouraged'' Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the telephone
    20 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1980 21 classified ads H FEMALE FREIOMT CLERK InUrnatlonal Freight Forwarding Company in Singapore has an u immediate vacancy for a Female 0 freight Clerk AppllcanU must possess a minimum OCE O' level Ortlficate or IU equivalent with a pass In English Age between 20 25 Preferably with some ship- f. ping
      1,980 words
    • 746 21 SP REFINERY S PORE PTI. LTD. invites suitably qualified Singapore citizens for the following positions in iu refinery: OPERATORS Age: above 19 years. QmlMiilliiai. (1) OCE O' level In Science or" Technical Stream preferably with credits In Mathematics, Physics snd Chemistry or Technical sublecu [2) Aptitude for technical field work
      746 words
    • 752 21 OEMERAL ELECTRIC (USA) HOUBIWAJWS PTI. LTO. IMIWII iliaHllll for poet efePLANT ROOM ATTENDANT/FITTER Applicants should possess a recognised Boiler Certl flcate and Automobile Trade Certificate from any Vocational Institute with knowledge of air compressor and be able to repair any machinery breakdown and carry out Plant Maintenance. AppllcanU must be
      752 words
    • 704 21 Wanted for expansion Four (4) MALE PROCESS OPERATORS for manufacturing of Food Beverage Oood prospects for successful candidates Must be able to work 3-Shlft cycle Applications close on 20/9/75 Please apply in own handwriting giving telephone number for easy contact to TME PROOUCTION CONTROLLER. OVALTINE FACTORY. P.O. BOX 11. JUROMG
      704 words
    • 838 21 SERVICE STATION REQUIRES Oreasers and Pump Attendants. Oood prospects and Incentives. Apply personally at: 1 15. Farrer Road. S'pore 10. CAMERON HOTEL Restaurant requires Waitresses Call personally at 547 Upper Changl Road. 15 km. Singapore 16 before noon EXPERIENCED ANO MONCST Office Boy wanted Call Miss Ng ***** for Interview.
      838 words
    • 855 21 IDEAL FOR JUROMO executives brand new 2S-storeyed hilltop detached bungalow in Phoenix Heights Chua Chu Kant Road (alnng American School bus route) 5 bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Large basement 4000 sq.ft. built In area (1700/ (200(1 partly fully furnished. Tel: OIST. It OPT MOLLANO Road Bungalow 3 bedrooms/ study split-level,
      855 words
    • 699 21 Couple requires an EXECUTIVE APARTMENT OR BUNOALOW Will consider furnished or partly furnished Pleeee can SM7M exl t CONSULTANT UNIQUE has foreign executive clients for rrtmenu in duts 9. 10. 11. and preferably unfurnished, rentals from $1,000 (4.000 Please call *****5/6 MANAGING DIRECTOR of a hotel requires 1 single-storey detached
      699 words
    • 763 21 FABER HILLS hexagonal spUllevel bungalow (central aircon dllionlng. swimming pool) 8.000 sq rt 4 bedrooms, guest's, study servant s Call *****29/ *****46/ *****64 HOMO LEOMO QAROEN doublestorey split-level semi-detached approx 5.00U sq ft Freehold 4 bedrooms, guest's, servant s 5198.000 (all i*****« *****29 DETACHED NAMLY ESTATE double-storey bungalow dlst. 10
      763 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 630 22 Lam si INDUSTRIAL ESTATE LAND FOR SALE Land for 2 989 acres al Larkln InI vuuv Johore Bahru for sale No brokers Those interested apply to P.O. Bos 3378. Spore 1. FREEHOLD LAND AT Tanjong Rhu Road with approval for 3 storey 6 unlU flat Interested principals contact *****2 Miss
      630 words
    • 419 22 MOOSRN WAREHOUSE In Juroni with 24 hours security Immediate occupation Available an] site Rental 65 cts ps f Plea* call ***** *****/*****0 DOUBLE-STOREY SHOP with fla< .it dirt 14 (Jalan Kembangan )foi rrnt ring *****1 *****6 PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE grnundfloor shop 600 sq ft fo sale Interested parties phoni *****8
      419 words
    • 455 22 I BBM al The First International Ocean Exposition in the history of mankind Okinawa Japan Exhibits from more than 50 countries r 'Oo Expo 75 with Clt E Tours I Fly the Jumbo Family 8747 Collect your full-colour Expo newsletter from C It E Tours. I TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWA r
      455 words
    • 452 22 NAM HO TRAVEL Service i Singapore) Pte Limited Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oenting. C/Hlfhlands) by deluxe irrondllloned bus seven days SSITV-, Departure Every SunMay. Monday Cameron Four days BSBS/-, Oenting Highlands Four days SSIIS/v Departure Every Wednesday Bangkok Chlengmal by deluxe alrcondltioned roach fourteen days SI3BO 22 9/75. 28/9/75.
      452 words
    • 793 22 INTER-CONTINENTAL OCEAN EXPO *7S TOURS TOKYO/ OKINAWA/ TAIWAN/ HONGKONG 9 Days $1,695 Dept 16/9. 30/9. 28/10. ll'll. 25/11. 09/12. 23/12. 08' 1 TOKYO/ TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ HONGKONG 91BM 14 Days Dep 16/9. 30/9. 14/10. 28/10. ll'll. 25/11. 09/12. 23 12. 06. 1 I JAPAN/ OKINAWA/ HONGKONG/ TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ AUSHCN 14 days
      793 words
    • 632 22 STRANO HOTEL Bencoolen Street downtown, alrcon/ non-air-cond.. Private bath, single 820/-. double 825'-. Bar Restaurant. Homely Service S'pore Tel *****8 SLOANE COURT HOTIL. 17. Halmoral Road, quiet residential. orchard Road area, air- 'ondilloned. *22/- upwards. Tel *****11 (S'pore) BAMBOO QAROEN RESTAURANT serves Cantonese Food dally Caterers for all occasions. 4
      632 words
    • 675 22 infingua LSARN THE LANGUAGE YOU NEED FROM THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW IT BEST OAV COURSES New ENGLISH course commence I' on 15th September at 8 levels. Courses in FRENCH. OERMAN. MALAY i> MANDARIN commence the same day. EVENING COURSES ENGLISH FRENCH It OERMAN courses at various levels commence early September
      675 words
    • 748 22 PEOPLE'S PARK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL (A Stenderd and Soactous School) BOOK-KEEPING (Beginners) a) Saturday 2.00 pm to 400 p m started on 8/9/75 b) Tues/ Thurs 600 pm to 7 00 p m. commencing 16/9/75 SHORTHANO (Beginners) a) Sunday 400 pm to 800 p m started on 7/9/75 b) Tues/ Thurs
      748 words
    • 734 22 75 FOOT BILIAN Trawler type hull main Eng Clrey Marine. Two Yanmar generators. 5 K V A 6 KVA Deep freezing space. VHF radio echo sounder Contact Mr Jack, phone 3040 Kuala Belalt Stale of Brunei or PO Box 151. Kuala Belalt. State of Brunei Teak and Cheaflhel Wooden TWIN
      734 words
    • 645 22 EMEL L I N B The Boutique lor OMoe lassos ot to dey Attention .ill Kmrlline customers and ladles We are having a special offer plus special discount on all of new stocks'te all our regular customers Do drop by and pick your choice 33*. 3rd fir. Far East Shpg
      645 words

  • 285 23 Case of woman with 49 packets of cigs... WOMAN who aroused a police offleer's suspicion when sneaked past the Customs counter at Woodlands was arrested and found to have 49 packets of cigarettes strapped to her waist and legs. ThJawaa cited by the Customs and Excise SSK? e K l
    285 words
  • 158 23 VISIT BY NZ BRASS BAND NEW Zea 1 a n d's 36--member Skellerup Woolston Brass Band with members' ages ranging from 16 to 80 flew into Singapore yesterday for a two-day visit. Led by musical director. Mr. Mervyn Waters, 51, the band, which was oriirtnally formed som 30 years ago.
    158 words
  • 366 23 Judgment in Koh divorce expected today MR. JUSTICE Choor Singh Is expected to give his Judgment today on the Elsie Koh divorce case which entered Its 25th day of hearing yesterday believed to bethe longest heard In the High Court. Mrs. Koh nee Yu Chen Chee, 32. an acting superintendent
    366 words
  • 38 23 THE Singapore Zoological Oardena will hold a priseglvlng ceremony for toe second annual photo contest at Its cafeteria tomorrow at 2.56 p m Mr J P. Ooncelcao, UP (or Katong. will officiate at the ceremony.
    UP  -  38 words
  • 165 23 Ban warning on renters tampering with films riILM renters eaaght r Uurotrlng with thrtr fllass will be banned from aereenins: their films In Singapore, the Board of Film Censors warned yesterday. Mr. ChlM Clue Fern, the chairman, said that tampering at* re-edltlng of fnme without the consent of the hoard
    165 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 682 23 MAOGIES IMPERIAL BEAUTY Hers up-to-date hairstyling, colour perming manicure It pedicure, facials with E*lee Lauder. waxing, sauna li body massage Tel *****6 ext 118 122 TERRY SNG. just returned from Europe with latest halrslyllng siudenls ••ommences 15/9/75 Enquiries *****1. Prospectus available FANNY HUEN JAPAN trained, working experience Australia often *pecmlisr<i
      682 words
    • 735 23 CREATE A BEAUTIFUL InU-rlor with curtain. Carpet. Wallrx.per tram M Alk Brothers Co rte Ltd. 188-2. Tanjong Katong Rd. Phone *****4 Showroom 121. Textile Centre. Jalan Sulun WE AM LICENSID H D B contractor No: PWI7IO For Dee I quotation on wall tiling, mosaic, I terratzo and vinyl asbestos floorI
      735 words
    • 587 23 SATURDAY SPECIAL! tO r*-4sond monad »nd ft** introductory offort on Cantm HOOTI AK COOtJrt tOOGTI <t |iil sway prwos. im. suuuatxni ssooew SaraiNo 2X831 SMO mam »>»« 'JSHnnaaocst-i S»«No ZUIXXMt UN KM* Strff!J»>o3l<>Sooat.d tOTMNe noMini uso «•> »)M€iJS«anjsoooi-i ms iiimstiniimiiij im. tioci»>Kaii«joo»i<<i sbmn. ana* ssoo taw tiMtjooKUniooost-i sv«n» »G»Man wm»
      587 words
    • 2110 23 times Saturday car mart AIK LEONO DftfVma School 328. 389 Alexandra Road (Opposite Queensway Shopping Centre) Qualified instructor* and reasonable charges Dalsun 1200 and Honda Ufe Tel. *****4 LIBERTY AUTO DRIVING School Car. lorry and Highway code courses; Enrol at 24. Upper Serangoon Road. Tel *****3/ *****18 Branches at Oeylang.
      2,110 words
    • 1087 23 MINI SFICIAL LATI 1970 2 owner*, very well maintained, new tyrei. paint, ilereo and Mlnlllte ivioo 0.n.0. View 7 Ooodman Road. Tel: *****8 Nasir I«7X ALFA ftOMCO Spyder 2000 Phone Victor Ho Tel SB32M or view Melvin A#to S3 551 Upper Thomson Road I*M MA2OA SALOON new model. Tax/ insur
      1,087 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 671 24 PROSPER WITH MATSUSHITAS COME JOIN US I aaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaßaw^fl I MATSUSHITA INDUSTRIAL! CORP. SON. BHD. (MANUFACTURER OF AIR-COMITIOIERS) Due to rapid expansion. Matsushita Industrial Corp. Sdn. Bhd. offers Immediate career opportunities to suitably qualified Malaysian citizens for I the following poslllons:--1. MECHANICAL ENGINEER (BUMIPUTRA) I Agr: Below 35 years. I
      671 words
    • 723 24 aaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^y SHARP- ROXY CORPORATION (M) SON BHD BAKAR ARANG SUNGEI PATANI KEDAH A NEW PLANT manufacturing sophisticated electronic/solid state consumer products invites applications from Malaysitm/Bumiputras for the post of: PERSONNEL GENERAL AFFAIRS OFFICER QUALIFICATIONS! Applicants should have a Diploma or Degree in Business Administration, Law, Social Science, Economics from a
      723 words
    • 651 24 HUME EDIBLE OIL SDN. BERHAD Applications are Invited from sulUbly qualified MaJavyHan ClUsena for the following potitloru 1. MECHANICAL ENGINEER QuallflcaUm Degree/Diploma from a recognised Institution OR Member of the Institution of Engineer* Malaysia with 1 yean relevant experience. m The successful candidate will assist the Production Manager In the
      651 words
    • 551 24 H»Muiia.luLy^fawAUC!Sw^TT|T^^ Our well established organisation at Shahalam Invites applications from qualified Malaysian citizens for the following posts:--(a) CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARY Applicants must have a recognised secretarial qualifications In addition to at least SC/MCE with a good credit In English. Candidates should possess a typing and shorthand speed of 40-50 and 80-100
      551 words

    • 388 25  -  EPSOM JEEP By CWEET MEMORY 11, a well-bred three-year-old English colt by 2,000 Guineas winner Pall Mall, has come right and should get off the mark «n Race Seven at today's pro-am races at Bukit Timah. He ran two encouraging races at Bukit Tlmah last
      388 words
    • 364 25 EPSOM JEEP Race 1: ImpaU Rinr«> Race 2: Bamboo Preston. Race 3: Cyrus Fury. Race 4: Easy Chang* Rlnggit. Race 5: Texas II Intelligence 11. Race 6: Rich Return TiJL Race 7: Sweet Memory II Honest Guard. withdrawn after bolting to the start, dislodging the rider. Race 4 EABY
      364 words
    • 111 25 PARIS. Prl Japanese motorcycling champion Mono Sumlya died In hospital here yesterday after falling white practising for the International Gold Cup race at Lr Mans, track officials said. Sumlya. chief rider for the Honda team, was riding a new 780 cc machine In preparation for the Gold
      111 words
    • 459 25 Honey Prince impresses in 3f workout TJONE Y PRINCE, an easy all the way winner here In July, underlined his chances on Sunday with a smart gallop at Bukit Tlmah yesterday morning, reports DENNIS CHIA. With W.H. Chan up. Honey prince was never off his bit when running 3f In
      459 words
    • 146 25 f ONPON, Fti. A British newspaper said today Uu>t England and Scotland could be Invited to stage the IS7B World Cup If Argentina withdrew as hoatt of the world's major football competition. The Daily Express said Britain could host the competition because they could
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 43 25 Narrow win TOKYO. Prl. Thi touring Shamrock Rover* team of Ireland defeated the Japanese National team 3-2 In a friendly soccer match here at the National Stadium, lart night. The Japanese outplayed the IrUh In the first half for a 2-1 lead UPI
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 56 25 SYDNTY, Fri. Robert Parish, manager of the Aujtrailan teams which toured England In IMS and tht West Indies In 1973. was elected chairman of the Australian Cricket Control Board here last night. Mr. Pariah from Victoria succeeds Tim Caidwell of New South Wales, who has concluded the
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 32 25 TOKYO. Frt. Champion Morlto Kaahlwaba of Japan wIU defend hh Orient lightweight title against aCalalthong Slthkun of Thailand In Hongkong In late October, Filipino matchmaker Lope Sarreal «ald today. AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 199 25  - Horse in mix-up for sale in Singapore DENNIS CHIA By GRAND MEMORY, one of Australia's most promising stayers who was flown to Singapore by mistake, Is for sale here. Singapore owner Leslie Olam. whose Royal Windsor was the other horse In tne big mix -up. said: "I have been asked
      199 words
    • 415 26 Piggott's chance to score eighth St Leger triumph LONDON, Fri.—Lester Piggott, England's classic specialist, has a fine chance of scoring his eighth St. Leger victor at Don caster tomorrow. PlKKott will ride the Insh favourite. King Pellinore. truined by Vincent O'Brien. for whom he has already ridden three St. Leger
      Reuter  -  415 words
    • 46 26 PALERMO (Sicily). Frl Italy's Pletro Manne* equalled his European 100 metres dash record of 10 .seconds yesterday during a track meet between Italy and Finland. Mennea shares the European mark with Valery Borxov of the Soviet Union. The world record la 9.9 seconds. UPI.
      UPI  -  46 words
    • 229 26 United face their biggest test against QPR today LONDON, Friday ENGLISH Football League Div. One leaders Manchester United face their bigg est test so far this season with an away match against Queen's Park Rangers tomorrow. Rangers axe fourth In the table, three points behind United. Both clubs are unbeaten
      229 words
    • 215 26 United last Saturday and were beaten only 3-2 after conceding an own goal and a penalty. Tottenham's Northern Ireland International goalkeeper Pat Jennings was in superb form against Manchester United and. if he reproduces this performance tomorrow. Derby may have to be satisfied with a
      Reuter  -  215 words
    • 216 26 MCC calls off its tour of South Africa T ONDON. Frl. The Marvi*b«ne Cricket Club (MCCi yesterdav cancelled Its tour of South Africa scheduled for next year. The anouneement. was widely expected. There have been no official matches between an England or an MCC Eleven and South Africa for five
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 131 26 Kavelange talks about China and lottery LA PAZ, Bolivia. Frl I The president of the International Football Association (FIFA), Mr. Joao Havelange of Brazil. said yesterday FIFA was seriously considering the possibility of admiring China Into the organisation. Mr. Havelange declined to discuss details except to say that "this problem
      AP  -  131 words
    • 261 26 f ONDON. m— Lancashire and Hampshire kept their hopes alive of winning the atacuah County Cricket Championship by gaining maximum bonus points on the second day of their penultimate matches yesterday They need maximum points from their last two games to have any chance
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 382 26 Poland rout Dutch side with Cruyff WARSAW, Fri. Poland's footballers whipped their Dutch visitors 4-1 at Chorzow on Wednesday and leapfrogged over them to the top of Group Five in the European Championship. The result raised a serious possibility that Holland, beaten World Cup finalists in Munich last year, may
      Agencies  -  382 words
    • 40 26 TOKYO, Frl. Japanese flyweight Busumu HanagaU started serious training yesterday for his most important fight with champion Erblto 8a la van-la of the Philippines for the World Boxing Association (WBA) flyweight title in Yokohama on Oct. 7. AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 442 26 Nicklaus tells why he withdrew: 'I fear for my life' IJANGKOK, Fri. Thailand's Army Commander-in-Chief and President of the Thailand Golf Association, General Kris Slvara, said today Thailand was absolutely safe for any foreigner to visit despite statements to the contrary. He was commenting on a statement by Jack Nicklaus
      AP; UPI  -  442 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 17 25 L p I v±~ 4HH W _^»***^O Vm^ a^^^HVW^ at j^ W AaM I LZ^^^taK#sW •^■»»»»^-***»»»»»»y^^^^^ W
      17 words
    • 587 25 UNIVERSITI MAjLAYA KEMASUKAN TAHUN AKADEMIK 1976/77 UJIAN KHAS BAHASA MALAYSIA Semua calun-calun yang bermaksud untuk memohon masuk menglkutl kursus-kursus ljazah dl Unlversltl Malaya dalam Tahun Akademlk 1976/77 yang bermula pada bulan Jun 1976 dan semua calun lepasan unlversltl-unl-versltl dan maktab-maktab lain yang hendak memohon masuk menglkutl kursus Diploma Pendldikan adalah
      587 words
    • 814 25 NOTICE Messrs Urn Kean Chye It Company solicitors for the receiver appointed by order of court dated 27 November 1972 ln Ipoh High Court Originating Sum mons No. 91 of 1972 announce' that the following properties will be sold by tender. Particulars Ana LOT I (1) O.L. No. 8394 for
      814 words
    • 655 25 IN THE HIOH COVBT IN MALAY* AT KUALA LI MPI K COMPANIES WINDING UP NO. M OF 117S la the Mailer ot Sari Arilats Pllsa Proauc taaaa SeaAlriaa BerM Aaa la the Matter ef the CaaaaanlM Aet. IMS. ADVERTISEMENT Or PETITION Notice Is herebv Riven that a pettltlon for the
      655 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 56 25 X KJKldLy o \uCLL U. ■nrvssH 2 30 MARA class m T (catchweightt 120) 1 333 I— Hi IS tor PRO (7-lb penalty) Imn 1 2 »■<■■■« (8 port PC) *.j—«tlni 2 1 0M2 Wn|* (Spore PC) F LH 4 OtiS Mrnqt K*w (Spore PC) Clark* IKMN*««iSri Lara PRO Jimiileli
      56 words
    • 713 25 ■ffJJLJ| 3.0 CLASS 6 DIV 2 6F IllllTl ($7,000 $4,900 to winner) 1 0700 Mail— Circle (ATL) Samiufl 5 9 0 <♦«> tlllllll a 3 i P«c*c KM* i Liu I Samiurt SI 13(»»)» Am 7 3 ooue ■until Me Achlnamjmi a (Bamboo) Buani 4 4 11 (dd>3i riamin S
      713 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 493 26 E2EEEIS3MJI |H Prosper withaH come join us MATSUSHITA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (M) SDN BERHAD Due to expansion, Matsushita Electronic I I Components (M) Sdn. Bhd. has vacancies I I for the following posts:Chargehanda (Male) (10 vacancies) I Age 19 to 23 years. I Qualification* MCE. Grade I and I diploma/certificate In
      493 words
    • 768 26 Electronic Designer/ Production Manager A leading electronic manufacturing firm in Malaysia requires an electronic engineer to head their application and production department. The candidates must be a qualified electronic engineer majoring in radio/ television field possess a minimum of 5 years experience in factory management of radio or calculator production.
      768 words
    • 61 26 Where theres fun... Orchid Inns nearby Orchid Inn nearest hotel to Thomson Road and Bukit Timah Road Recreational Spots is the ideal place for lunch.dinneror simpry a long cool drink MOBY DICK FRITZ B*a KATSURA 24 HNS CO* FIE HOOK DnMMuK IW> JAMNME STEAK HOUK Bu<t« »Cosy MnuagrOT JjESHril*. Continental
      61 words

  • 70 27 fj^ROM Sept. 15, book- Ings of tennis and squash courts at Farrer Park will be accepted on Mondays for the period between Monday and Wednesday and on Thursdays for Thursday to Sunday. Personal bookings can be made between 8.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays.
    70 words
  • 383 27  - 'SINGAPORE'S AIM-A PIPE-DREAM' JOE OORAI By CINGAPORE In- dians' ambitious 5-0 target against Perak at the National Stadium tonight at 8 was yesterday dismissed as "a pipe-dream" by Perak coach M. Karathu. Singapore lost 4-0 at Ipoh last February and must beat Perak 5-0 to reach the Bardhan Cup Final.
    383 words
  • 482 27  -  GODFREY ROBERT HE'LL BE INSPIRATION TO TEAM By £OACH John Burgess has finally decided to play for the Singapore Civilians in the MRU Cup rugby match against Malaysian Armed Forces at the Mindef Stadium in Kuala Lumpur this evening. But whether he will play one half or
    482 words
  • 202 27 AN extra narrow slalom course will be used for all but the men's open slalom event at the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club's water-ski championships tomorrow. The organisers have decided to lay a course that is narrower than tt\e standard 75 feet vide course with one aJm:
    202 words
  • 91 27 DEFENDING champions Spiders FC last night hammered Actlonltes 7-0 In the FAS Youth soccer tournament at Jalan Besar Stadium. Outstanding In Spiders' win was striker Ahmad Sayutl, who netted three of the goals. The others were scored by Salleh Palman (2), Appendl Kassim and
    91 words
  • 51 27 ISLAMABAD, m— China, yesterday agreed to provide eight coaches to train Pakistani teams for the 1978 Asian Oames, it was announced here The mtarrw three tor haakrthall. two (or gymnastics, two (or table tennis and one (or badminton win work In Pakistan (or the next three years
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 194 27  -  PETER SIOV By YOUNG karatekas Hui Yew Kok and Llew Joon Hian are serious threats to blackbelt freesnarrlr.R :hampion Lam Kin Hoe in the Metronolltan YMCA annual Karate -do tournament which starts at Palmer P.cad tonight at 7.30. Yew Kok. 20. is a fast
    194 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 574 27 THE BIGGEST SELLER IN EUROPE. Quality Uncompromised. SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBat£k MM* m M^mm^mmtm^-^mmf m m\m>^m> mi'mmr-RA-312 I ■^■■^■avr* v- r ''aasMßaaWavawaVaaaSßtta^aaai JaVSB^BVa^BVSBBBVaT* !a\'-*k W^T I, WjtS9Mk^.'*\' HbV' J t a fH2gS» J LjSi W L^aa&SSa^amaVSßw a *Hi 1^ ROTEL has b n m k|r| 0 steady inroads ■^kJ^^Bfl^^J^^Hfl^^^^Hfl^^^^^^kfa^^^b^^MQ^l M^j^B t in *o
      574 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 99 27 KI'GBY MRU Cup: Spore v Malaysian Armed Forces (Kuala Lumpur). SOCCER Bardhan Cup i semi-final): Spore Indians v Ptrak Indians (National BUdlum. 8 pm i National League EMv. 3 Parrcr Park Dynamos v Whampoa (Farrer Park) Serangoon Oaxdens v Tamplnes Rovers (Serajtgoon Oardens). Dlv I: Buklt Panjang United v Telok
      99 words

  • 316 28 JAKARTA, Frl. INDONESIA cast a shadow of doubt today over the proposed Macao meeting between representatives of the Portuguese Government and Portuguese Timor's three major independence parties on Sept. 20. Indonesia agreed In Drlndple yesterday to a proposal by Portugal's special envoy, Dr. Almeida Santos,
    Reuter; UPI  -  316 words
  • 157 28 Business upturn in five Western nations rpOKYO. FrL The X Sumitomo Bank of Osaka today predicted a general business upturn for five major western nations the United States. Britain. West Germany, France and Italy during the first half of next year, Kyodo News SV .-vice reported. Their business activities, which
    AP  -  157 words
  • 33 28 ROME, m The Bank of Itsjv, trying to stimulate the country'* lagging economy, today cut !U discount rate Irom semi to six par cent, the lowest In two years UPI.
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 124 28 PUCE and Public Utilities Board officials were lest night Investigating the cause of a fire at a "Magnefixkiosk" In Kakl Buklt. which is believed to have l'-d to a power failure in the Jalan Eunos area. According to residents In Kakl Buklt. tho newer
    124 words
  • 135 28 Bomb attack threat in Tokyo TOKYO, Friday 'J'HE leader of an extreme leftwing faction here warned today that a riva extermist group planned to launch a series of bomb attacks in Tokyo on Sunday Takeo Saijo. leader o the revolutionary Mancls (action (Kakomaru), tok a news conferenct th rival middle
    135 words
  • 378 28 LONDON. Prl. Th« nurktt clOMd anntr on taluct but the SSTO million deficit la Um August trad* figures may caiis* sonw reaction la afttr noun trading. dMl•n laid. At 1 pm. Um FT. tnd« •u up 3.1 t* JU Oovirnnxnt bonds abowtd Ml ■alas of up to nntbair
    378 words
  • 37 28 LONDON, m. SKX MM Oct MIS. Dae M.«6. Oet-Dw 33 56. JU-MMk a.M. AKtl-JIUM 36.06 July M *>. Od-D— M 06. Ju i-Mint MM. aphi-Jum «e.i» OMU—J CIF Oct 10 00. Nov SI.M. Hut«: About •t«*4y.
    37 words
  • 29 28 LONDON, m WfM kt~m ai» £111. HlUn tSIJO Ut). Fan r.n» buytra JIIKO (+<ll>, —41--m «1»1 cHIJ) SMtMMM: OIM Tumov— am US Urn. p.m. 86 us* Tom: Blautjr
    29 words
  • 131 28 Japan's leitwlng strongly opposes the ministerial meeting and also plans demonstrations against the state visit by Emperor Hlrohlto to the United states at the end of this month. About 1.000 members of minor leftwlng factions are expected U> demonstrate tomorrow. On Sunday, nearly 8,000 leftwlngers. Including members of
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 23 28 MAMAtVAm 0 S. KRISMMAH iHocpttal Atiltlul) ptiHt ur PMC* fulljr 11/t/TS. Oortac* Mn Block It. Bulraiir Koad to«K7 2 OOpb for C.C.K.
    23 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 222 28 Sign up for a Setron Colour TV set >^^^^^^^|^^^^^^^^^^^^^k_^_ from Colourent anytime between now and 30th November 1975. i IT —Ms And receive this attractive. _V^^^ HMB<^^^*s^99lllnll _P* SETRON TABLE LAMP 111 fl W WORTH $45/- l| absolutely ™H I Model SCR-T22 V per month iL Comes with a free
      222 words
    • 347 28 Mwswi&n |i2th Sept 1975fc fl| Oct igfe w _^_8^ w Mm i*^ j^^^^l |P JF JUT •»>••♦♦ *> *$UTm 4 W I __^__B»H J^_^_B_B_S_— __u IL Mi :?«^l _-___r-___R. _^__K_____B^^_l_^^k^' V: I m^kmr _^_^_k _l S-Ih Ceo o LONG V -_^°O SLEEVE SHIRT #Oy 55.90 k SHORT A SLEEVE SHIRT
      347 words