The Straits Times, 12 September 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 568 1 Jakarta *yes' to Timor talks move JAKARTA, Thursday INDONESIA today agreed in principle to a Portuguese proposal to arrange negotiations between representatives of the Portuguese Government and Portuguese Timor's three major independence parties in Macao on Sept. 20. The proposal was made by Portugal's special
    UPI  -  568 words
  • 113 1 London train crash: 61 hurt LONDON. Thurs. A crowded four-coach commuter train collided head-on with an empty train In London today, and hospital authorities said at least 81 people were injured. Trains in the area are controlled by a new, multi-million dollar signal box, and officials immediately opened an Investigation
    AP  -  113 words
  • 46 1 Kiki takes over PORT MORESBY. Thurs.— The Minister tor Defence. Foreign Relations and Trad*. Sir Mauri Klkl. was today named as Papua New Oulnea'i new Deputy Chief Minister He will replace Sir John Oulse. who next week becomes the newly Independent country's first Governor Oeneral ReuUr.
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  • 534 1 US: Oil price hike will be marginal WASHINGTON, Thursday T«IE United States Treasury yesterday gave x a strong indication that any price hike by oil-producing countries, if it comes at all, would only be marginal. Assistant Treasury Secretary Oeraftl Parsky told a news conference following a series of private consultations
    Reuter; AP  -  534 words
  • 98 1 EMBASSY 'MISSING COOK' RIDDLE A Soviet Embassy official Is believed to have reported to police on Monday that an embassy cook was missing. Tast night, however. Mr. Valentin Miklu>Uovlch P-sentchuk. counsellor at the embassy in Nasslm Road, denied that any of the embassy officials or employees was mliMlnir -Nobody is
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  • 47 1 CARACAS. Thurs. Vene*uela will pay aome UBS9SO million (SS2.MM million) compensation to 21 foreign oil companies It nationalised last month. m»«it»g and Hydrocarbons Minister Valentin Harnanoes announced here today. The 4.000 million hoHvars (BSJJOfI million) fixed by the Qoremment was Mas than tipectad. Renter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 155 1 GRENOBLE, (Prance), Thurs Six exhausted British pothole rs sought escape from the world's second deepest grotto today as a giant rescue operation was mounted to bring out two French colleagues trapped and probably dead further below. Earlier reports said the Frenchmen were dead,
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 85 1 Helms grilled by Senate on CIA's poisons stockpile rRMER CIA Director Richard Helms is escorted from the Capitol hearing room after he was questioned by Senate Investigators on the ClA's stockpiling of "lethal bacteriological toxins". The stockpiling was against a 1971 order »r former President NUon to destroy them. Now
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  • 358 1  -  TSAI TAX By City Editor nriROUBLED Imperial Securities Interna- tlonal has sunk more deeply into the red. Losses for the year ended June 1975 came to $5.44 million, bringing total accumulated losses at year-end to a staggering $18.15 million. I The distressing state of ISl's
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  • 56 1 CAIRO. Thurs. A freight train hit a bus yesterday near the Nile Delta town of Tanta, 90 km («0 muss) north of Cairo, killing 11 pssssngsri and injuring M others seriously, 'alro newspapers reported today The collision was so violent the train siloed the bus
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  • 68 1 LONDON. Thurs. Mrs. Margaret Thatcher. Britain's Conservative opposition leader, has engaged a 34-year-old German-bom fashion designer to provide eight new outfits and a new Image for her North American tour starting at the weekend. "I cant put her over as too glamorous." said Ulan
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 59 1 FRANKPVRT. Thurs. The Bundesbank today announced a out in West bank rate from four to three-and-a-half per cent, effective tomorrow. The Lombard tate. which commercial banks pay for central bank credit* «gyit»«t securities, would also be cut with effect from tomorrow m from fire to
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 479 1  - US 7th Fleet can fill void left by Anzuk' PHILIP LEE By THE US Seventh Fleet may be able to fill the psychological void created by the withdrawal of Anzuk forces from Singapore and Malaysia, the new US Ambassador, Mr. John Holdrjdge, said here yesterday. But whether the fleet should
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  • 138 1 Toon Boon engages QC to argue appeal MINISTER of State Wee Toon Boon. 46. who Is under sentence of 4* years' jail for corruption, has engaged Mr. John Newey. QC. to argue his appeal in the High Court Through the law firm of David Marshall, he has filed his court
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  • 95 1 MAHA Okinawa i Thu.» A 21-year-old US Marine who had l«en absent from auty tor 40 days was eboc and killed thU morning by a gate sentry he had nrwml in the back while trying to enter a Marit c base In central Okinawa. The AWOL
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  • 37 1 Two killed in raid SID O N (Southern Lebanon), Than. Two children were killed and six people were womnded when foar Israeli planes bsibfd the Barghadyeh region of southern Lebanon for IS minutes today, residents said. Beater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 141 1 GEMS OF THE ORIENT Star Blue Cats Sapphire Sapphire Eye EMERALD AND RUBY C C DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS. 3, Rettlet Piece, Staiaasw 1. TEL: ***** ACBC understands You need a strongly entrenched bank that's in a position to offer you customer-first service. Whether your banking needs are simple
      141 words
    • 193 1 DOCTORS' 'WHO WILL PLAY GOD?' DILEMMA Page 11 CAIRO denies that 'kill Sadat* report 2 FOREIGN policy: US not going it alone 3 TOKYO parliament debate on the slump 4 THE ClA's James Bond-type poison 8 PROVISION for walkway* in new plans: PWD 8 THE dangers of backaches 10 WIDER
      193 words
    • 25 1 TELEPHONE DAY NIGHT (*****0 *****0 SINGAPORE i? ***** K. LUMPUR *****7 ***** I IPOH ***** ***** I I PENANG ***** ***** fl LJOHORE 5474 Jj
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 90 2 '2 publishers living off vice' MELBOURNE, Thurs A member of the Victorian Parliament has demanded that two newspaper owners, whose Journals carry advertisements for massage parlours, be charged with living off the earnings of prostitution. Opposition Labour member Mr. C. Klrkwood. claimed Msttday that publisher* Mr. Bupert Murdoch and Mr.
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 501 2 Cairo denies that 'kill Sadat' report EGYPTIAN officials today denied a Voice of Palestine Radio report from Baghdad that President Sadat had been the target of an assassination attempt. The report said the President was shot at while walking together with Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy and other aides. In the
      Reuter; UPI  -  501 words
    • 277 2 Rabin: No move for new talks with Syria on Golan- JERUSALEM. Than. Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin yesterday told bis Cabinet that Israel had not taken any decision on frr»h negotiations with Syria towards an interim settlement on the Golan Heights, a Cabinet communique said. Mr. Rabin was speaking after other
      UPI  -  277 words
    • 65 2 TAIPXH. Thur» A new medical personnel law went Into force In Taiwan today under which quacka who poee aa qualified doctor* can be Jailed for up to tore* year*. The ,ew law alms at tightening up medical practice In th« country which haa 7.600 officially
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 131 2 GENEVA, Thurs.— Egypt and Israel are apparently ""Hnf gOOd progress in talks here on Implementing their new ainal peace agreement and have already begun detailed negotiations on transferring the Abu RudeU oilfields back to The delegations met for more than four hours yesterday In their
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 321 2 ARM Y ORDERED INTO TRIPOLI T»HE Lebanese Gov- eminent has ordered the army to take up positions between warring Christian and Muslim factions around the northern port city of Tripoli, where a week of fighting has left at least 100 people dead. The Government ordered the army into the area
      Reuter; UPI  -  321 words
    • 33 2 PORT MORESBY Thun The Dank of Papua New Oulnea win laeue a 100-klna (5313) gold coin to mark the nation? Independence on Sept. 18. Finance Minister Julius Ohan said yesterday Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 138 2 WASHINGTON. Thurs. Key members of Congress have proposed a compromise to the Ford Administration that would permit the sale of 14 batteries of Hawk an tl aircraft missiles promised to King Hussein by the US. Well-placed Congres slonal sources said yesterday that under the compromise
      NYT  -  138 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements

    • 198 3 Tycoons charged with 'upsetting Viet economy' SAIOON. Thurs. The Military Management Committee iMMO of Saigon has arrested several Vietnamese and Chinese businessmen on charges of "undermining and disturbing the national economy." The ann o v n cement about the arrests was made by a spokesman of the MMC at a
      UPI  -  198 words
    • 100 3 'Beware Red Army attacks' HONOKONO, Thurs The US ConsulateGeneral today warned American businessmen here of possible attacks by Japanese Red Army terrorists. A consulate spokesman also disclosed that security measures have been tightened In US Government offices here. US officials met with omcers of the American Chamber of Commerce today
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 50 3 PARIS, Thurs. The French National Assembly today gave solid support to President Valley Discard d'Estalng's 30.500 million franc (f 15.690 million) economy recovery plan. After an all-night sitting the Assembly accepted the programme by 300 votes to 182 despite strong opposition from socialists and communists. Reuter
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 55 3 CAMBRIDOE, Thurs. Sir Eric Thompson, one of the world's leading authorities on ancient Mayan civilisation and American archaeology, has died here aged 76 Although he was born In Britain and returned here srfter retirement. Sir Erlo spent most of his working life In the United
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 54 3 LONDON. Thurs. Makers of a major new film have abandoned shooting in Ireland after getting two threatening letters purporting to oome from the Irish Republican Army (2RA). Filming of "The Hew Spartans." an action comedy starring Susan George and Oliver Reed, waa due to start near Dublin
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 69 3 rIS latest close-np shot of Chairman Mao Taetung issued by the Hsin-hna News Agency yesterday shows him gesturing with his left hand. Earlier this year, reports received from official visitors had indicated that the leader of the People's Republic of China had to be helped
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 367 3 PEKING, Thur* In an apparent reference to violence, a July broadcast mentioned the troops had shown a "death-defying spirit, fearing neither hardship nor death," In carrying out their mission. The factory was mentioned as being a place where "class enemies" had committed acts of
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    • 87 3 UNITED NATIONS. Thuis The oil-exporting United Arab Emirate* devoted about 25 per cent of their 1974 dross National Product to grants and concessional aid. an official told the UN Oeneral Assembly's special economic session yesterday. Developed countries an asked to devote only one per
      AP  -  87 words
    • 216 3 rE chairman of the standing committee of China's National People's Conference was Quoted today as sajrinc his (overnment would not fear a strengthening of Japan's armed forces. "In a world threatened with war by the two superpowers (the United States and the Soviet
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    • 221 3 Chinese star atlas found in tomb tjONOKONO. Thurs. XI A coloured star atlas, containing the first known pictures of the 12 signs of the Zodiac In Cnlna, has been discovered In an 800-year-old tomb unearthed about 160 km (100 miles) north-west of Peking, the New China News Agency (NCNA) reported
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    • 51 3 DACCA. Thurs. A martial law court has sentenced six people to U yean in )all for keeping Illegal anas, according to an official announcement today. At the same time the Oovrnimmt has granted an amnesty for the surrender of Illegal weapons In the week ending Saturday.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 37 3 UNTTXD NATIONS. Thurt The fourth round of talks on Cyprus betw—n Wdrm of the Oreek and TurfcMi oommunlttes ended in a deadlock yesterday with proapscu ttw Imu* will laid to a General AMtmbly debate. UPI
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 28 3 OTTAWA. Thurs. Canadian Finance Minister John Turner has übnltted hi* resignation to assume a ssntor executive position with the World Bank. |iir«insMril sources said yesterday. fteuter.
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    • 458 3 Most Americans reject the idea WASHINGTON. Thurs. READING public opinion analysts of the United States yesterday rejected the idea that Americans are growing isolationists in their foreign policy attiPolister Oeorge Oallup of the Gallop Poll reported little evidence of a return to "Fortress
      AP  -  458 words
    • 66 3 LONDON. Thurs. TWO garments traditionally worn by Junior ratings in Britain's Royal Navy bell bottom trousers and black "silk kerchief" have been abandoned In favour of more modern dress. Bell bottom trousers. U Inches In diameter, go back to the days when sailors made their own
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 53 3 BOSTON, Thurs. Racial-ly-troubled Boston waa calm yesterday as 300 antl-bustng mothers itagcd a peaceful prayer rally following another night of scattered violence The women, from the mainly Irlsh-CaU-.ollc Charlectown district, marched up Bunker Hill site of one of the first revolutionary war battles to a
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 82 3 BANGKOK. Thurs. Thailand today went into its second day without communications with the rest of the world except by land and air. A strike by some 2.000 General Post Office workers stopped all telephone, telegraph, telex and teletype communl- cations with all foreign
      UPI  -  82 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 641 3 Vjsf I I ISSSSIBBSSS^fI 1 f A I ■^^■M Lssssw AW A k. A. \W A [I V lJ^ 191 sT"* JbsMUS" 1 ICI sssl I I. ;a w w >Uy// )du. i I isW^VV^lsssssi ssssssssW^rw-pTJVsisssssk. L Srfioi«fit J 5l IfCOOKING OIL cock brand 2 Pure. Refined, With One ..l^i
      641 words

    • 109 4 SURVIVORS sifting through a mass of debris on the spot where their houses once stood in Lice. Turkey on Tuesday after an earthquake hit Eastern Turkey, killing at least 2.3 M people. The quakr. measuring 6.8 on the Richter Scale, caused extensive damage to properties.
      AP  -  109 words
    • 55 4 LISBON. Thuri. Portuguese workers of a French company renovating Portugal's railways have threatended to go on strike next Tuesday unless their job* were guaranteed. The 1.500 employees of the Consorcto Somite. Bote-Dehe decided on the strike action to protect against a plan by the Bute Railways to
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 116 4 WASHINGTON, Thurs. A congressional vote yesterday gave support to President Ford's campaign to do away with price controls on domestic oil. The Senate failed on a 61-39 vote to muster the two-thirds margin needed to allow Congress to override Mr. Ford's veto of a Bill
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 487 4 TOKYO, Thursday A SPECIAL session of the Japanese Diet (Parliament) opened today to consider urgent measures to combat recession and overcome a budgetary deficit. The tone of what Is expected to be a stormy session was set at the start, with
      Reuter; UPI  -  487 words
    • 215 4 KHMER PAT ON THE BACK FOR SIHANOUK BANGKOK. Thurs. A Khmer Rouge leader has paid tribute to Prince Norodom Sihanouk's role ln the Khmer Rouge victory ln Cambodia last April, according to Radio Phnom Penh monitored here today. The radio broadcast recording/ of the speeches of Prince Sihanouk, titular head
      Reuter; UPI  -  215 words
    • 34 4 JAKARTA. Thur* -France today agreed to land Indone■a ***** S million (BSITT.J million) for the expansion of (arms, purchase of heavy equipment and construction of flenston rent* ataUona. source* aald yesterday. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 225 4 Portugal: Party rows hold up peace efforts LISBON. Thurs Political squabbling today stalled stttlement of Portugal's k>n«--runnlnß political crisis. President Francisco Da Costa Gomes tapped the socialists as middlemen ln talks (<imcd at breaking the political deadlock between com munlsts and Ponular Democrats. The refusal of the two parties to
      Reuter; UPI  -  225 words
    • 59 4 JAKARTA. ThUrt. A tiger was klled In fight with two youths at the village of Ouguk. west Sumatra. Antar* news agency reported today The youth* were walking in the Jungle when the tiger Jumped on one of them. The other youth took hu knlle and subbed
      Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 606 4 Ifr^a^S^tnffl NORMAL $335/ NOWS2SB/- Manual and automatic HiFi turntable By and record changer. Dual '-pole Il^*^^iT^lJ»^H^Ti| I synchronous induction motor. 33 1/3 B^^^^^^M^^^AljjJM^ad I and 45 rpmwithlpltch control and IP^ I I built-in illuminated strobe. 4 Ib. die-cast 10 5/8 m. platter. I Counterbalanced tubular aluminum toncarm with gimbal suspension.
      606 words
    • 2 4 sa^ .d
      2 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 576 5 psMC^@plslsEr E^[alr <E^lslslaSls[sSlsiaislaSlalsis A_V«l aM Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm^ ni^^^^-rSOJ^.- fepflj"lii^ mmmmmmmmmmmml -g &^j£^-^'' r m, fa# -"i&x ■li^LTr: iL ■^■\flMHM^^MMMMMfeßl^i^ Mb A-v MMMMi VMMMMMMMMMMHMMM^ .^HMMB V 4 A VMk .^MMv5£ ■M' B^ 1 W NAM THONG**!^^ ATTHE BIGGER I MOONCAKES GALORE! W W^f BRIGHTER STORE! §1 Ml SAMPLING AND jjito GRAND GIVHWAYS
      576 words

    • Briefs
      • 37 6 rIXYO. Thurs. North Korea will pay US$4O 000 (*****.000) in compensation to the families of two crewmen of a Japanese fishing boat shot dead by a North Korean patrol last week. the Japan Red Cross said today.
        37 words
      • 40 6 HONGKONG: The Sooth Vietnamese people and army have over the past two months removed or dea c 11 vated 17«.tM bombs, mines and shells left in the country by the previous regime, according to Sooth Vietnam's Glai Phong Press Agency.
        40 words
      • 28 6 WABHINOTON: The house yesterday voted to deny any US economic aid to countries that violate human lights through such actions as torture and pro longed detention without charges.
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      • 29 6 NEW YORK: A Jewish organisation has accused Commerce Secretary Rogers Morton of helping an Arab boycott of business interests that support Israel or are owned or directed by Jews.
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      • 35 6 HONGKONG: The South Vietnamese Government has converted an old US M 133 armoured vehicle into a mechanical plough and Intends to turn out more ploughs of this kind, the North Vietnam News Agency said today.
        35 words
      • 33 6 BONN: A s** pound American bomb dropped on Bonn during World War II was fonnd intact yesterday on the edge of the West German capital's "Little America,'' housing area for US embassy personnel.—Agencies.
        Agencies  -  33 words
    • 114 6 Colour bar: Tougher laws LONDON, Thurs. The British Government tociay proposed tougher laws to combat racial discrimination ln Jobs, housing, education, advertising and the provision of goods, facilities and services. A policy document (White Paper) Issued ln advance of legislation envisaged greater investigative powers to the state to root out
      Reuter  -  114 words
    • 29 6 LO6 AMOELBS. Than. Mint* Durfet. tbe first wife of comedian Fatty ArtMiokle and the first leading lady of Charlie Chaplin, has dkd at tbe age of M.—UPI.
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 401 6 Suicide pills too for its agents Senate select committee on intelligence has evidence that the Central Intelligence Agency considered operational use of the shell-fish poison found m its laboratory, including making suicide pills for agents and aggressive actions, informed sources said yesterday. The poison*, these
      NYT  -  401 words
    • 276 6 Australia gets set to buy Cocos for $11m pAMBXRRA, Thurs. V* Tbe Australian Government Introduced legislation yesterday to buy the Goeog (Keeling) Islands l n the Indian Ocean from their owner. Mr. John Clunles-Ross and said it planned to make immediate changes there. The Special Minister of State. Senator Doug
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 92 6 Indicted on murder bid charge NEW YORK, Thurs. Lynette "Squeaky" Fromrae. a disciple of convicted murderer Charles Manson, was Indicted yesterday on a federal charge of attempting to assassinate President Ford. Miss Promme, M. became the first perron ever Indicted under a less taw eoverln* attempted aasaatliiejUooc of United States
      AP  -  92 words
    • 34 6 NEW YORK. Thurs.— New York Mayor Abraham «««mj> ha« a|)pseJsd tt> the city's 56.000 striking Uechera to return to work and aafcad state negotiators to rasUrt talks on pay and tondltlona. Beutar.
      34 words
    • 220 6 LONDON, Thun. The sunrlvai of the world may depend on nurturing and encouraging its gifted children, leading scientist* are suggesting here. If gifted children were asked what would happen If the world's population trebled In the °*xt t& yean the first answers would be
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 51 6 AUFI aletajrc »a*Uab.ed on page M on Sept. I was headed: "Indians in London demo" »aui described it as a HesieetftisUau »y Indian residents against India's state of emergency. It was in fact a demonstration in ——act of the emergency declaration. The caption was irrssisi—sy suppMei by
      51 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 507 6 ZISSICARES FOR THE THINGS CLOSEST TO YOU Monthly $28.90 FREE INSTALLATION •FREE GIFT --^^%aBBBBBBBB»»»»%W" 1^BBBBBl I Fully automatic 1 1 lbs (5 kgs) washing machine .^^i Special cash discount. ij T g9 Also availab* Easy- Terms on other appliances Illal NEW ORIENIAL ELECTRICAL CO. 2% mile Thomson Rd. 1 89
      507 words
    • 386 6 i SINGAPORE A/RUNES OFFERS FREE TRIPS TO EXOTIC ASIA IN Green Spot CONTEST FIRST PRIZE: Doubla return tickets to Seoul SECOND PRIZE: Double return tickets to Hongkong THIRD PRIZE: Double return tickets to Medan Collect one complete set of Green Spot crown liners with Chinese or International chessmen printed on
      386 words

  • 1202 7  -  JOYCE EGGINTON: By New York CONCERN OVER THE ADEQUACY OF CONCORDE'S FUEL SUPPLIES AMERICAN opposition to US landings of the Anglo-French supers omc airliner Concorde has intensified following a revelation that the plane's British and French manufacturers privately expressed concern over the
    OFNS  -  1,202 words
  • 556 7  -  CO generous is un*3 employment benefit in West Germany that some of the millions of people out of work are showing an Increasing reluctance to accept jobs offered to them. Life can be more than tolerable doing nothing If you are
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 234 7 MOOr^AK^ESTIVA^^^^ SPECIAL OFFER 12-9-75 TO 18-9-75 SINGLE EGG PKTofTs $6.00 DOUBLE EGG PKTof4s $7.20 LIN YONG PKToMs $4.60 TOW SAR PKTof4s $4.20 KUM THOY PKTof4s $5.60 TOW YONG PKTof4s $4.20 (PURE BEST QUALITY) THAI RICE 100% aaa 6k 9 $7.25 THAI RICE 10% 6kg $6.25 ITEM PACKING PRICE Cream of
      234 words
    • 253 7 jJatf *!V^BVB a afflHßfeflßttßffafaVa a a*a^BteaW^ ,^r^jE^^^^BflßßCjk^^^^Bßß»» >«a| mk Ih !K' VC bbM! in '"^■iirttkwh k iti B WEBr* J bmblbb^^^i^3»ttm^bb tf\\\ SAliffM^ "Never Beaten 1 Cutty Sark the legendary Tea Clipper I I .uC-*^ b^^^* B I BLENDED -V SCOTS WHISKY I St K "«jM«it«««t kfaa^v* BP B JS^jg-'^tSUy^
      253 words

  • 123 8 Ready:Church's $37,000 funeral parlour A $37,000 church funeral parlour possibly the first one in Singapore has been buUt by St. Josephs Church In Victoria Street The on**torey parlour, stud next to the church, took two Months to construct and will open on Sunday. According to Rev. Father Beta of the
    123 words
  • 60 8 TWO construction workers charged with rape were yeaterday remanded for week at the Central police lockup pgndlng further Investigations. Lea Tong Hal alias Ng CJUn Teck. 11. and Kajanthlran Pakrbamy. IT are accused In a Magistrate's Court of raping a teenage girl at an uncompleted building
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  • 765 8 THE Public Works Department recognises the need to provide walkways for pedestrians and paths for cyclists and its newplans have accommodated such a need. A PWD spokesman gave this assurance yesterday when commentIng on National Safety First Council chairman Mr. Milton Tan's caU
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  • 40 8 POLICS have arrested two •uspactad fighters of the Motaj Bob secret society of the Independent group opermitng in Jalan Hwi Yob area. According to a polk* spnii— msn both were picked up In Cecil Street at
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  • 235 8 Body of nude girl in canal: It's still a -mystery- /^LEMENTI residents V' are baffled by the mystery surrounding the death of a 10--year-old girl whose nude body was found In the new monsoon canal In their estate on Wednesday. All that police spokesman could say at the press conference
    235 words
  • 43 8 HAJI Sha art Tmdln. Senior Parliamentary .Secretary (Culture), will open the sixth Young People'! OaUery exhibition at the Nations! Museum on Thursday at 5.30 pjn The exhibition will feature the beat works of art collected from schools In Singapore.
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  • 31 8 thi University of Singapore Department of Extramural Studies win hold a course In Introduction to Land Surveying at the Singapore Polytechnic on Tuesdays at 7,30 pja. from Sept. 16;
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  • 260 8 The two robbers who didn't keep a date POLICE yesterday threw a tight cordon «around Jalan Potong Pasir, off Upper Serangoon Boad, to trap two robbers who were to make a rendesvoas with a taxidriver after robbing and abducting him on Wednesday. Bat the two men failed to turn op
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  • 54 8 A SUPERVISOR was Jailed for six months yesterday for theft of components worth a total of 54.000 used for manufacturing fans For Sack You. 37. pleaded guilty to committing the offence between April 1 and Sept. i while being employed at the Mfhanlcal and Combustion engineering Company
    54 words
  • 91 8 SIXTY FIVE doctors. Including those In Government service, hay* volunteered to be Judges In the grand national baby competition at the NTUC Conference Hall Sunday. In addition to being Judges the doctors will examine the babies for general health. Top winners In A, B
    91 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 WWTdli 'J'' 1 fgjfcinLilisMSS^lrsitliaStSsl HSiiWm^ i^BrF'B^T*^Hf"'''''T''**^'^Bsl BsßS^^^^m i SS*Sß<SSw l^^T* l^^^Bßsl rp^*sv *H g>k \*T! M HgwJsM^* «^l I Jgwsi-sdaLkMu^gwsi HAVE YOU HEARD THE TRUE DEPTH OF THE MASTERPIECES REPRODUCED IN ORIGINATED BY ■|H^^5MH \^B g^v^^ jZy^Biiiiiiiiiiiifl S üßW^^^ußr? i PT*F i B I 4sf Ik m HH 2?*^ j*g,%
      197 words
    • 74 8 Newsweek THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 15. ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: China: Journey to Nowhere Timor: A Leftover Battlefield Australia: King of Cocos m asi^*»-uuuuuuuu, MAIL YOUR COUPON TO Newsweek International c/o Sanvic Enterprise Lock Bag Service No. 1 I General Post Office Singapore Tel: ***** I 27 WEEKS FOR $19.00 SPECIAL CASH
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  • 213 9 Where it's only lunch and library after lectures I TNIVERSTTY of Singa\J pore students have, been urged to take part In activities that will enable them to establish heatlhy relationships with one another. Workload is heavy and people Impersonal at the campus so that there is even feeling of disappointment
    213 words
  • 43 9 DR Toh Chin Chye, Minister for Health, will open an exhibition on Infant and Chlla Care organised by Singapore Jayeees at People* Park Complex on Saturday at 230 p m The exhibition will be on till Sept. 18.
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  • 241 9 9 pc fall in Spore births forecast for this -year SINGAPORE'S fertility, 0 it is estimated, will drop nine ocr cent this year compared with 1974. Dr. Wan Fook Kee, chairman of the Singapore Family and Population Board, said in an Interview yesterday. The number of live births in the
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  • 56 9 A FILM "Bridge on the River Kwal" will be screened at the Rocl.ore community centre, Prlnaep Street, on. Sept. 19. Other activities are: a hike in the Marslllng Area on Sept 28, a carrom competition on Oct. 1, and a barbecue and dance on Oct. 11 and
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  • 33 9 CHENO Kway Eng Of Lorong 23. Oeylang. was fined MO at the 10th Magistrate* Court yesterday for parking bis car along a white line at Jalan Be_r In March bust yar.
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  • 502 9  - Hotel told to pay $500,000 to staff AHMAD OSMAN '600 ENTITLED TO ____-_-_-_-_~~Bva _________~«jw-»Jb______»»_____»» FREE MEALS' By THE Industrial Arbitration Court yesterday ordered Hyatt Hotel to pay more than $500,000 to about 600 employees after it found the hotel "guilty" of not providing free meals to the employees. Court referee
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  • 88 9 Saree Queen quest: Call to single girls rE Singapore Indian FUm, Arta and Drm-m-tlc Society la in rlttni tint le (rtrU to enter the Saree Queen contest In conjunction with Deapayali celebrations. Tit* contart wIU blthttgfat cultural _x>w at the National Theatre on Nor. at 7.30 p.m The wlnnar wIU
    88 words
  • 113 9 TOP MARKS FOR S'PORE SCHOOL SYSTEM SI NO A PORE'S dualsession school system attracted great interest from more than 400 delegates at the World Education Conference held In New Zealand last month. This was disclosed by Mr. Ho Kah Leong, president of the Singapore Chinese Middle School Teachers Union, and
    113 words
  • 211 9 The phone call that told wife all about it A HOUSEWIFE told the High Court yesterday that she received a call from a pilot who asked if she knew that her husband was having an affair with his wife. Mrs. Nanette Sandford, 48, said that Capt. Harry Roderick rang her
    211 words
  • 31 9 THE Adult Education Board will hold lv annual croat country race at MacRltchle- nwirrolr on Sunday at 9 a— More than SOO people will take part.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 42 9 __&4M_^Mi4fciidyMwililiAi^_Hd 1 I^^^^^^^^ _-_---_--f 1 1 1 I M ltf___^l___ l B __-__l_M-i--___l '^^t li 2^_r*^__________________P^^^^__| _ff______^ IB^^ 1 HKv7*«2f4aiMMmjUnw^| BM___~~__fc _J; 4_i L-- hM» ___F m^ a___K __H ■__/^_»i m\ -I __MnTrV9'yPV^^T^''VT_^r9rT____i /T\^k________l H^Mv^aMiH^KrfiiiMiM_HlvHHitH_l MvvA^B Imi HPMAl_pi'_9l'lll^Pi'V_PP37''___l A^__l bßV^^P^bl^^kVtV 9^^tt^ r*T^__i
      42 words
    • 711 9 -IB- mM _M _T __A_tf__vlr a le aMTRAL AIR CONWTIONtK: Before you say it's too expensive to cool all your house.. .call us at 8101 H. Carrier makes the most install and operate a Carrier complete line of central air system, conditioning systems for the tl__ va/ q v/ home.
      711 words

  • 229 10 Another 145 Vietnam refugees take off for US THE refugee population on St. John's Island dwindled to 201 yesterday with the departure for the United States of another 145 Vietnamese. Those who left early In the morning aboard a chartered flight for Fort Chaffee. Arkansas, were 106 adults. 35 children
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  • 69 10 A HEALTH Education Exhibition on rood Hygiene Is being held at the Alexandra Community Centre till Sunday. The exhibition will also be held at the following community centrex Alexandra Terrace from Monday to Wednesday. Buklt Merah from Thursday to Sept. 11. Buklt Merkh (North) from Sept. n
    69 words
  • 150 10 Timber trade starts to -pick up rMBEE trade will pick ■V and return to normal by the end of this year, according to sawmill experts who attended the Southeast AsU sawmill seminar here recently. The seminar noted that the alow recovery from last year's "drastic slump" was doe to the
    150 words
  • 427 10 LACK OF EXERCISE; SEDENTARY WORKERS GET A WARNING SEDENTARY workers were yesterday warned that slack muscles could very well land them with physical and psychological distress of backaches ranked very high on the list of common medical complaints. And if not prevented or treated
    427 words
  • 213 10 Fringe car parks start to fill up MOTORISTB are making Increasing use of fringe area car parks since the extension of morning peak restricted hcurs from 9 30 to 10.15 a.m. This is noticeable parti:ularly in Kampong Java, Duneam Road and Whltley Road car parks which used to be practically
    213 words
  • 42 10 AEB's new courses THE Adult Education Board will hold four new courses at It* various centres from Sept. 21. They art simple household wiring (Moun (batten Centre >. Chinese brush painting and Japanese language (Beatty Secondary School Centre) and advertising design (Cultural Centre).
    42 words
  • 413 10 FOUR members of r the German Federal Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag) now visiting Singapore praised the Republic's "systematic" approach to its housing and urban redevelopment programmes. They were not, however, so impressed with the public transportation system. The team, representing the parMamentary committee of urban
    413 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 622 10 .'ft norrY^nc At s hid Booi«afd Hots< fXj V lj\ I V>/lA J Nati-rallvl 1 We're SMaapore Airlinei' fvA xUkvt rrVMI A ch<MCt in -i**"* TtnUtl 3| NLj/\r\JKt You II f.nd u« conwrnently located CSJ^A /S^ y-\T~\a kVK \r^ t/A in of Jakarta C^Sc>S, > fit I I lf\/lir\)l I
      622 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 344 10 Straits Times Crossword jj— -kmmaJ— LbbW, ACBOM made of day (7). 1 Jack come* In for each 6 Ag«d In vessels giving book of Psalms (7). triumphal soncs 6 They aptn and plunge 1 Flirting with everyone I once more back In the met in the ball (V). ship (7).
      344 words

  • 403 11 SUK YEE'S FORTE IS NOT ACTING HER AGE HONG KONG TV actress Wong Suk Yee, 26, (above) whose lead role In the popular Cantonese series Mother has won her wide acclaim and thousands upon thousands of fans here, prefers not to act her age. Not. of course, that she wants
    403 words
  • 416 11 MIKE Smith Thomson (above) doesn't like to blow his trumpet about this, but he is the only Royal Marine among the 2,Ht sailors who arrived here with the Royal Navy Task Group on Wednesday. "Being the odd man oat doesn't
    416 words
  • 37 11 MR MUton Tan has bean elected chairman of the National Safety Pint Council of Singapore. Other officials arc: Profaasor Pboon Wai On. deputy chairman. Mr. Tana: Tuck Wan. aecretaxy; and Mr William Wee. treasurer.
    37 words
  • 281 11 A VOCATIONAL Institute training officer yesterday denied a lawyer's suggestion that he had a row with his wife over a former colleague and that he drove her out of his home. Tan Teng Kee, 37, of Baharuddln Vocational Institute, was being cross-examined by Mr.
    281 words
  • 179 11 Love, sex and marriage course a success nnHE third course op •L love, sex and marriage, held by the Orchard Road YMCA recently, turned out to be a big success. According to the YMCA in Its latest newsletter, young people are overcoming their shyness and showing their need for short
    179 words
  • 45 11 Four new courses TOT Adult Education Board will bold four new rrmrsaa this month. rhey are Chlr.«ee dishes at tha Mountbatten ABB Centre from Sept. 21, drawmaking, radio and line transmlaslon, and ****mntmiii i yttpn radio at toe Kirn Keat MB Centre from Sept. 13.
    45 words
  • 403 11 'Who will play God?' dilemma Doctors question that call for 'automatic kidney donation' J)OCTORS here yesterday qaestioned the medicolegal implications of a suggestion to introduce a system of implied consent in kidney donations here, such as a kind practised in some European countries like Austria and Belgium. Suggestion The National
    403 words
  • 23 11 thi Quaenstown Secondary Technical School will bold Its annual speech and prtsesirtnt day In the school hall today at 4.30 pjn
    23 words
  • 34 11 MR. YEO Hoc Koon will hold an exhibition of his recent paintings at the National Library lecture hall from Thursday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to S p m dally.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 699 11 Wehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of Lombard North Central goes back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money grow
      699 words

    • 256 12 ITUANTAN, Thurs. Several American, Japanese and Canadian oil companies are expected to bid for oil exploration rights In Malaysia, the chairman of the stateowned oil company Petronas, Tenfku Razalelrh Hamiah, said here today. He was speaking at a ceremony In which
      256 words
    • 60 12 JOHORE BARU, Thurs. A robber who was caught by his victim after a short chase along the seafront here was sentenced today to two years' jail. Mohimed Nor bin Abdul Latiff, 21, had pleaded guilty to robbing Singapore businessman Quek Swee Choon of $20 and a watch with
      60 words
    • 37 12 BANTTNO. ThUTS. Th« defeated DAP candidate fur the MOrtb state constituency. Idrus IdrU. 32. charged with submitting a forged nomination paper, was given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal by the Magistrates' Court here today.
      37 words
    • 527 12 WIDE POWERS FOR VIGILANTE TOP OFFICERS (ARREST. SEARCH AND SEIZURE) SWEEPING powers including arrest, entry and search of premises as well as seizure and forfeiture of articles or belongings in them, are vested in Government officers holding key positions in the Kukun Tentangga vigilante set-up. These officers also have powers
      527 words
    • 352 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday rpHE ministerial pay cut and bonus payment x suspension for public servants will add to the much-needed savings on recurrent expenditure. Selangor Mentrl Besar Dato Haji Harun Idris said today. "Nobody likes to see his salary
      352 words
    • 53 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs A Malaysian plastic* mission will leave for Europe later this month to seek new Idea* with a view to expanding the local Industry The 44-member mission, wtuoh 1* organised and sponsored by the Malaysian Plastic* Manufacturers Association, will leave on Bept. a> for
      53 words
    • 32 12 ALOR STAR. Thurs Police recovered a large quantity of valuable* and other article* reported itojen from two firms here recently following the arrest last night of two suspected burglars.
      32 words
    • 114 12 I FOB. Than. PoUoc 1 Intercepted a communist Meat liiimi aa he wm eonveyinj a lar quantity of rappUes U terrorists In the Operation Betla area near her* last night The man escaped after an exchange of Are with two poUcemen la a patrol car.
      114 words
    • 293 12 6-month delay in completion of XLSeremban -freeway V U A L A LUMPUR. Thurs. Completion date of the new Kuala LumpurSeremban expressway has been delayed by six months the new completion date is now December next year. The $5« million highway was originally scheduled to be ready by the middle
      293 words
    • 43 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Thun. Sweeper Chong Hoc. Pah. 14, wa* crushed to deUh in a paper factory at ?japong near here >—tuday. Police believe that '.oe boy was cweeplng the floor when he slipped and fell Into a I compressing machine
      43 words
    • 202 12 IPOH. Thurs. Police fired several shots with a mb-machlnegun In an 80 kph (50 mph) car chase in a residential area here and detained two men after forcing their car to a stop last night. From the car. police recovered four screwdrivers, a bearingscraper and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 748 12 TOWER SUPER COOLING TOWER Accepted and Recognised by Industries in tropical zones for its QUALITY, DURABILITY RELIABILITY H .X- From 10.5 kW to 3600 kW I t si's LM \i'u^\ s^l^^^^^^gHp SCTuwy \X^ BwL m aril i WAX CHANG ENGINEERING CORPN. [PTE] LTD. (MMUI CMAMC GROUP OF COMMUNES) ITC^FUZKDR. ROBINA
      748 words

  • 541 13  -  NANCY BYRAMJI Poachers believed responsible for Gardens theft By •pOUCE believe the Botanic Gardens' missing black swan was "birdnappe d" from "Swan Lake." The mysterious disappearance of one of the gardens' three black swans had stumped park officials and police since Its loss was detected
    541 words
  • 106 13 VTOUTHS in Singapore X are beginning to shun bard work, Mr. Eric Cheong Yuen Chec, MP for Toa Pay oh said at the B c a t t y Secondary School prizr-fivinc day yesterday. He said the youths were enjoying the frnits of their parents'
    106 words
  • 148 13 rE Public Utilities Board yesterday said that it allotted "small" jobs to outside contractors because skilled electricians employed by the PUB were needed for Important maintenanceand repair work. A PUB spokesman said this in reply to criticisms by the PUB Daily-rated Electrical W o
    148 words
  • 196 13 Mobil dealers plan protest action- ABOUT 38 Mobil A petrol dealers are planning to "strike" unless the company withdraws its threat to cancel the licence of a dealer who has been hit by poor sales. Informed sources said the dealers have drawn up elaborate plans to shut down their stations
    196 words
  • 35 13 lim Kin ten. 23. a mlwman. ru fined tMO jrwUrday lor stealing three 10 -cent coin* from a colnafon In the lobby of Singapore Hilton on Wednesday at about 8.4* pjn ORCAMItiATION
    35 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 293 13 wt Sjf^^ II V\ B ROOM tHjlvilwl *IP3 fabrics in our upholster} department »*l^ i l '^^V^ ilWfW'W^B^' ft -^^kL\ scur \a nc .^y^^^^l- -jT centre table with marble laminate I iiungi' r> I'""jgtsyM1 jgtsyM i Settees, m dep*j* 2Tat>ie« V r .^tfl jjj3ML •*"^^32«^^^llSii^^tjll I beaut >' "n"«yl»n nwalite.
      293 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 270 13 Bringing Up Father By Bill Ksvinigh €t Hal Camp I CANT MCAR MySELF^V J«65, WiU. >O0 ©O^j I MY <5OO0NB«S, I "11 I M ©LAO 0U« NCOMBOR^ I V. SiN6 WITH AU. THAT J JPSTAiR* AND ASkT DIDN'T (iNCJW Ji*«« j VtTT MB MIS KEY WWSN I v MAMM6RINO THAT
      270 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 546 14 a *S>_aV^ aflßal air cu-^ 1 a iioiriiirW (H^w Jh \\Hims// COME TO OUR COZY ALAmDIN rnuo EXECUTIVE LOUNGE Lo¥¥ SUNv 5 mtlUßM^m Lo*«^^lo«e«»eswi^•epyou Ground UUIMCf Xo if "mM9 company wh* you enpy yrx» Floor lUiyi/t 12 drinks and entertainment thai MUSI£ B J||^_ B^TTtj t^gE^PAgKIN^AFTt SPJM^^» lIDO-TtVilifHi 100 th
      546 words
    • 402 14 The woikils top-seller YAMAHA offers you 6-year manufacturer's warranty WHY YAMAHA PIANOS ARE SO POPULAR 1 They ara made from carefuaV seajded gueWy majanato 2 Natural oryng proce*. and »oentific dryng process ensixe most idee! lev* o» moien^e content w\ woods use<J forproducbon 3 Fine Craftsmanship and Preaenn Engineering n
      402 words
    • 256 14 t B^BMr^aVr^BWaHß^aVa^B m■ I l^ laWk 1^ l 1.. iTV.BkJB^ ■fSjbfflßSl -~~-^a^a^a^a^aF I L^B^ ■^■^^■^■am^^ B a^^!HKrv^^^B\V H .^aS a^aV .aw^aw liiiSElfl GINGER BREAD /^Sr^TM4S ATWbI« LTD. i^M?i:''H.{'.. i -Eg3 [3WSJEES2B HOW SHOWING NOW SHOWING GCH-O€N DAILY 5 SHOWS AT DAILY 5 SHOWS AT HAM IJO II AM. I 4
      256 words
    • 395 14 Grand Film Premiere 4 Umter The Distiogutshed Patroiuat Ot t^TL] i Tkc Honourable Minister for Social Affairs ,3:1 ENCIK OTHMAN WOK To aid THE JOGGING ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE I r -ORCHARD THEATRE- 1 I -Wedaesatay, 17th at HSpa-i; Tkfcf t >»■ »I fl D— <fcm B— H Av«*iaale Orchard TlkMtf*
      395 words
    • 775 14 •Ml MONTH! 10Of* OAT 4 aae> Hate ThMa llam. 2.1 S. JJO 4 B.4Sem No Frta L.»r No Holt Poc« No Military Concniion Circl«S4-Srolttt< 50* $1 SO CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Paul Newman. Steve McQueen "Tke TOWIRIMC INFUHO Panavtwon Color (WBfOXI HOW SHOWING No Free Uet i I I lorn, I
      775 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 327 15 t I V,« A. JKwStml .^.^b^H b^A V^V >saßy^ jl f /.t3 b^b\^ 4 l 1 f JBHfw_ This ol<> Chioasa coin shapad jada it A^^B2K* mountad on diamond ancruttad platinum. ■k Saaour va/laty of axqulslta daiigni carv«d from talact quality jada. JK^^B^^B Mada from tha bait quality jadas
      327 words
    • 222 15 Wtmana Voice-Link can take you to a brighter future Our famous postal courses In shipping store keeping frelKhl transport purchasing are now also available with remarkable two-way cassette tuition Choose also from secretarial, professional, leisure and other commercial subjects plus our new 'English as a Foreign Language' course. Write taaast.
      222 words
    • 83 15 L^^| |B These fantastic srtowmen 4k^| S mustclans are performing Kf ONLY TILL SEPT 20»h > |^A VK^HBw so come and enjoy their It* 'abn'ous music singing 7^S B b (or th ey leave Singapore IP^V^LBKbI B^L^J OQiVBBVW*>NGOC>O cyVlake a date mtii'MlMl Mimi's Bar Nite Club for the best in
      83 words
    • 146 15 MAnNEETOOAY! »^>ojpora: Aug 291h S«pt 21st Location Shore Garden, Kallang (Next to National Stadium) ***m**m Mon :No show -«»a« Tue Thu Daily at 730 pm tafM^MalM Pn 230 pm and 730 pm H H Sat and Sun 3pm and Bpm l^^^^Sfc*^^ 'rtea.: $15. $12 50. $10. $7 50. $5 and
      146 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 426 16 rpHE drift towards communism in Portugal has been halted, and the prospect of civil war, a very real possibility until last week, has receded. The voice of the people and, in the north of the country, their bombs have been listened to in time. Having ousted a dictatorship
      426 words
    • 232 16 THE political crisis in Northern Ireland goes on. Leaders of the Protestant majority, predictably, have rejected the British Government's proposal for a new provincial administration based on power-sharing with the Catholic minority, thus removing any lingering hope that a compromise could be worked out between the rival
      232 words
    • 116 16 IT IS unfortunate x that about 52 per cent of the housewives interviewed in a recent survey have not heard of or know about simple metric units of weight and length like the kilogram and metre (8.T., Sept. 8). I think
      116 words
    • 39 16 rOULD the Public UtlVj titles Board please Investigate the cause of the frequent breakdowns of water supply In Block 138, Jaian Buklt Merah. Our taps run dry at least once a week for a few hours. RESIDENTS, Singapore 3.
      39 words
    • 48 16 I MADE a request last year (ST.. July 14) for a shelter bus-stop to be built between Namly Garden and Namly Avenue. The authorities had replied that they would Include It lnio this year's plans. So far nothing has \y n done. What happened? KUTH GOH. Singapore It.
      48 words
    • 60 16 rS residential houses at Jaian Pelatok, J*lan Kuang and Jaian Pergam at Eastvlew Oarden, were completed In 1949. Up to now the Oovernment has not issued any title deeds to the owners. With the development of a second International airport In Changl, residents of the estate are anxious to know
      60 words
  • 1960 16 RAJA ON THE ECONOMIC DECADES OF THE U.N. modltlei. thereby ensuring stability In the earnings of developing countries. My Oovernment Is In favour of any scheme to eliminate violent and contrived fluctuations of commodity prices. As a trading nation, we ace concerned with the future of commodities. Stockpile schemes, however,
    1,960 words
  • Article, Illustration
    51 16 IT IS my impression listening to speeches in this Assembly that an increasing number of delegates are paying more serious attention to the practical solutions of economic problems than they have been inclined to In the past The economic decades of the United Nations, I like to believe, have
    51 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 21 16 MULTI STAR Your 'star' watch in gold. Precise timing. ■a^^^?L.»^^ Masculine design. A Swiss time »^V masterpiece. FC-12»^H Jjffifa *sf%inc isr
      21 words
    • 264 16 THE GUARANTEED FILTERS' ssbw^ .^BVjajsW J ai i 'i sv Hfcitas«#»^^Z»^^^^^^^^^^[»««il k ■frfili in 1 1 in w*at*\ mm In iff dm ■■< lyii urn I mm* Ii 9 v fflsT^tj lift Jf M^Qij Available at ROSEWOOD HOUSE I Singapore Handicrafts 4 Oxley Road Singapore 9 Tel *****6 I SIAK
      264 words

  • 660 17  -  MASIE KWEE By JAPAN should avoid ignoring the role of Southeast Asian countries, including Singapore, ii; its economic strategy as the economic health of the re?ion inevitahjy afects that of Japan's. Singapore's Ambassador to Japan. Mr. Wee Mon -Cheng, said although there
    660 words
  • 223 17 Call for stricter laws to protect the sane WHERE is Inadequate 1- legal protection in Singapore for the sane to prevent <hem from being wronKfuJly confined to mental institutions, a doctor Mid last night. Dr. Owee Ah Leng. a private practitioner, said there rhould r.lways be such safeguards when Uws
    223 words
  • 50 17 THE Government Intends to acquire 10,261.7 aq metres (i:O.4M sq. It) of land In Jurong for general development. Tbe pieces of land, an in one tot. belong to wven owners. They may Inspect tbe plan at the Collector of Lajid Revenue office on office days.
    50 words
  • 25 17 THE Old Outramlana' Association will bold its 10th itnnuil dinner and dance at the Oardcn Ballroom. Holiday lon. on Saturday at I.M pjn.
    25 words
  • 185 17 Thieves' $6,000 gems haul from two houses THIEVES broke Into X two houses during the past 48 hoars and got away with about M.MB worth of Jewellery. In the first case, a tyre-shop owner, Mr. Leoni Kirn Sens:, 32. of Bochorr Road, reported the theft of aboat M.M* worth of
    185 words
  • 42 17 CHAN Ah Baa of Tab Cninf Road wai fined S4M and disqualified from driving class four vehicles for one year (or *pe*dlnf at 70-75 km per hour along a SO km one at Upper Ayer Rajah Road on Jan. 39.
    42 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 89 17 I BABY POWDER I A superior quality CHI IftVl economically priced talc fjJ^^7^^^Sfcj% Cussons White Cross Baby Powder is a^^m a fine quality talc containing an 2^^w7T*i^Bsßßwrjl ant i bactericide and a deodorant Yasal^Bt^'^^^^Baul bb\ ul Also it is highly absorbent. Ideal for baby and the family too. Ife^fe^l BubTbul
      89 words
    • 813 17 AraiQT B^9H^H disapproves of EjLn c Tlie Nevi L. WSgmm IS Sinai Accord. «^^^_^^#j Read the full story in... lift iasßSßslat^laiW^^ >$$]js££. WB&t&MsiMM&fi*''' bbul Introducing m\. \]M the Pulsar Master Time Computer. W^ I J 1 1 Let us show you how it is J| vm 6 ways better than
      813 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 973 17 on your rv SINGAPORE 5 Ul m Opening and Housewives' Matinee— The US lib Nntart Sktw-Swiy, Htm Fanily (Cantonese Film, PL 2) m r J gh Anima Express** 4.05 Diary of Events (Chinese) aj| Hnn (Etjlus) S) 4.11 for the Family (Chinese) M 5 WwM tmmn rwtan Utters Iraa 4.41
      973 words

      • 44 18 JOB it Bank. >CBC >B8 I. Dtubj fee* Chan. UrtmM Fliuuirc *»b Elect, f. Credit Ttm» WE i M $1.08 $VS« $4.10 $112 ttM 84.47 •0.J7H $1.47 U.M $1.R SS.M $s.n 14.1Z -05 .M +.M .01 .02 +M +M ■VM +.M +M .tt
        44 words
      • 11 18 I. TradlBf Prnln. k>td Cola ■uthrte $l.»5 11.11 tt.M «.5i
        11 words
      • 14 18 >. C. C. O.B. cUI Tanwrcr: eUl Vklae: 1M.M* tl,*M IjHM f£Jt7M
        14 words
      • 54 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 11 Dee. M, 1984 I*B 1 Dee. 81. 1988 IM t Dee. t», 1982 x I*9 t Jbb. 1. 197* IM IndulrUb: t!9li 9 FlmuKe: 375.M f Hotob: 165.M Propertln: 1M.SX t Tin*: MM t robber*: 317.Z» t O.CM.C: 1MJI 8.E.8. lad.: ltl.54 n-.M 1S4.75 IS9J»
        54 words
    • 1595 18 THE last transacted ready sale at the close or business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore Yesterday compared wltn UN rrevlous day s prices together with 1975 high and low. Ao. Justed for scrip/ rights issue). ITIRLINC RUIIIRI 1.90 1 24 H. U 1.40 2.17 I.ST Malako* 2.1T
      1,595 words
    • 357 18 mBADING on the Stock 1 Exchange of Singapore yesterday remained Highly selective with prices moving within one per cent around overnight levels. A mixed close was noted, the strength coming mostly daring the afternoon when short covering took place among most speculative stocks. Blur chips were
      357 words
    • 983 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bncttis in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett."
      983 words
    • 1049 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number ol shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIAL* A. Tie* (O.SOB 0688) AUin (2.208). XD Alai Ml|. (1.068). A. Chat.
      1,049 words
    • 57 18 HONGKONO: Stelux Manufacturing said It has acquired a5O per cent stake In Colex. a Hongkong 1 maker of electronic calculators. Steluz's principal activities are in the manufacture of watch accessories and watch assembly and it has substantial investments In banking and real estate. Financial details of
      57 words
    • 132 18 BOTH Europe and US were active and rather firm oo Wednesday, according to the Malaysian Palm OU Producers' association. Quotations In ÜBS cent (Rotterdam) unless stated AJoat (US) 30.50 cents sellers. Sept $43 (US) 18 cent* sellers. $430 traded; Oct. $430 i US) 18.76 cents sellers, i US)
      132 words
    • 282 18 similar trend in KL exchange aPECULATTVE and volt 3 atlle stocks finished slightly stronger under late buying support on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. But trading, In general, drew to a mixed close, with marginal losses among second and third liners. Overall conditions were quiet with the volume of
      282 words
    • 187 18 Royal Insurance plans to raise £63.7 m f ONDON: Royal In--1-4 surance said underwriting is In progress for a one-for-four rights issue of 30 million shares at 220p per share to raise around £63.7 million after expenses. The company said It Is still looking for a marked Improvement In un-der-writing
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 82 18 TOKYO- Mitsubishi Chemical Industries mid nn non-consolidat-ed Income fed 44 per Tret to 2148 million yen In the first half year ended July 1975 from 5,826 million yen In tnc same period last year. Director Mzs a y ukl Ashlda told a press con- ference that
      Reuter  -  82 words
      • 214 18 T*OaKYO. Thurs. The stock market firmed on dealer anticipation ahead of the Government's latest paokag* of antirecession measures due to be published shortly, market sources said. The Daw Jones average roes 39.87 points to climb back over the 1000 level to 4.009.89. Volume totalled 130 million shares, down from
        214 words
      • 222 18 uONOKONO Thurs.— The rtock market drifted tower in lacklustre trading, dealers said. There was a complete sosenc* of newa to inspire buying and the decline on Wall Street over two consecutive stxslons was a furt.ier discouraging factor HK Bank cloaed lower at HKI'S 40 Hillllill was also lower at
        222 words
      • 66 18 Wiam»«»y Tuaada* OSS U II Melbourne (1) 118 20 lift 13 London MS 2SH 145.238 iso 2sa lttna Balnil ***** 149 50 tuxico 14C.258 14T.508 *****8 *****8 I^IlS ISS.4S IM 27 Tt»w»#a» wsdnaadar Hbnckous 150.50 ISI 70 S-pora (21 14S.SSB lltHB im sea im.%28 a>port prlcaa Id non
        66 words
      • 259 18 SYDNEY, Thura. The stock market's recent advance slowed under sustained profit-taking but the undertone remained firm on increasing speculation of ar election, dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordinaries continued to move ahead, gaining 1 40 points to 374.34. ChaiWhali rose to A9B cents on news of a North Sea oil
        259 words
      • 305 18 i»jEW YORK, Wed.— The A^ stock market fell shaxply on Wednesday for the second consecutive session in stower trading. TTie weakness was widespread, with losses of a point or more not unusual. Ihe blue chips and glamour Issues were hardest hit. At the end of trading on the
        305 words
      • 96 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 320 1 Tuesday jjo S W*ek sgo 330.9 TINS Wednesday 93.21; Tuesday »j.Bi, Week ago 94.41> RUBBERS Wednesday 407 4: Tuesday 406.12 Week ago 408 a. OILB Wednesday 298 Tuesday 298.8 Week ago 300 8 1 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday 817.1 J Tuesday 83T.-.5
        96 words
      • 208 18 Money and exchanges T*HE U.S. dollar opened x at BX4BOO/ 2.4830 to very quiet trading on the Stngapore forex market yesterday. The market continued to be thin and trading activity was at a very low level with practically no interest In the U8 unit, which closed quiet at $2.4760/86. Suggested
        208 words
      • 195 18 A BIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at cloee on Thursday. Sept 11. NOTE: The** rate* may differ aught ly from tIKM Yd by banks to their customer!. US Dalian (Spa*) Offer BM 7 day* 918 6 761 1 mth 615 16 6 13/18 2 roth* 7
        195 words
      • 40 18 Ctosuf interbank rates In Singapore Oollan for Sept- 11 Soarec: T. Mimf-JoiiM InUr»«M»— l Offer >emlght 1 mtb 2 mttu 3 mthi 4 1/4 1/3 4 ft/I 4 3 4 4 1/ 4 1/1 4 l/: 4 6/1
        40 words
      • 47 18 RANOE or nxm affm* bjr discount ho*mm on Btpt. It: Ov«rnl»ht tVk to I*. CUI deposit ■MM ■•r MM MM Trauunr Mil* I 1/4 1 Month bank bllla 4 1/1 4 ft/1* (-Month CD 4 t/lf 4 5/1* (-Month CD »1/1 IwrH: National DtMCunt Co.
        47 words
      • 126 18 Suggested interbank rates at 3.00 pn: CureneU* N«Blnal rate* SmJUiMalaa Percentage <Mkd ywtirday (er«M) partly ttrnm US dollar 3.4780 3 4785 2 8196 —13.11 Sterling pound 5.3310 7.5469 —38 80 Hongkong dollar 49J0 49.30 3.5» Malaysian dollar 9f< 20 98 30 110.00 1.80 Au»t. schilling 13 6040
        126 words
      • 134 19 AMSTERDAM. Wed.— The market cued generally in quirt irsdlng following Wall Street! fall, dealer* anld rfcl*» and Aim tod Dutch Internationals lower while Bajnl DtU tmsmi ahead of tomorrow 1 Interim dividend ataUment Loaaea elaewhete were led by CUt. AbaU. Vaa OamMerva and major >»"^» State loans were barely
        134 words
      • 99 19 ZURICH. Wed The Zurich tCock market ckxed Irregular today. Demand tor bonds liivvvei but priew htid steady. The Credit Sutm index ckaed 04 point tower U IMJ. CMN *CMW tm SWIM ffmaci «lU> Ik* lit! IX H»TMaa mhmi m— p. -f MM SMM* IWS trim Butt Obn» 41» 1
        99 words
      • 61 18 Minimum leading rates (in Algemene Bonk Bangkok Bonk 7</i Bonk of America (>'/} Bank of China 7'^ Bonk 0* Tokyo 7 Bank Neooro Indonesia 714 Bonque de L'lndocbine 7 Chartered Bank 6V4 Chose Monhatton 7 DBS 6V« First Chicogo 6V 4 FNCB 6 1 HKSBC 7 Molayon Bonking 7 Mitsui
        61 words
      • 198 18 nrHX Straits tin price fell 12 to SBBS per ptcul in Penang yetterday on an ol Metal offering up two tons to 157 tons. The ovtmlght London market was barely steady with forward buyers price sagging £9 to C3,1»3 per metric ton. LONDON: Wcdne day's tin prices finished
        198 words
      • 27 18 Bubber Sept. 11. Singapore: Oct. 141 50 cts (unch). Malaysia: Oct. 143.00 cts (anch). Tin: $985 (down $2). Official offering 157 tons (up t tons).
        27 words
      • 107 18 CNINSSS PROOUCC IX CHANCI. SINCAPOMI NOON c.o«jnc mien pmn picul YtITIROAT Caa*nul Oil: Bulk »47', aallara. drum H*V, •♦Her. Caa«a: Mlxad (looaa) UK Cont *3O>, buyara. Paaoar: Muntok ASTA whlta fob. 100% NL.W SM6 aallan. Sarawak whl(« fob »f, NL.W SZ9O aallara, Sarawak apadai Maok fob M% NLK $1-2
        107 words
      • 34 18 London copper prteaa on WadDfaday iprrvloua la brmekau) Wlraaar Spot buyar (577 50 < (173 50), aaUar I6TS KS7S); Ttan* Month buyar iMS.M ((SSS). adlar £600 (<W6). Miitit Una: «»ad> 6alaa: 6.OTS tonnaa.
        34 words
      • 534 18 /"VPENINO quotations. In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were 1.60 cents lower following overseas advices and the market was lethargic at the start The loss was later erased on hedge buying and shortcovering. Some Interest was shown In forwards which were generally better held than nearby but physicals
        534 words
      • 112 18 rvAILY BMB and fIBR prteaa jnwl at noon yestfcisf: Ort. N*v BVTOT Blllt 1 1 ■Mi I g|UgMJHI.» (Carnal Mth) (renrar*) Mtki BMR 6CV BMR »L SUB. 6 BMR 10 SMR SO SMR 60 SSR 30 BBR M (enUpwkc) (Mtal^k,] (1 ton pallet) 161.00 163 OON 163
        112 words
    • 335 19 O A HANG Consolldated has managed to beat Its profits forecast for the year ended July 1975 by a small margin. In Its prospectus for tU recent rights issue a large portion of which was left with the underwriters Its target for the year was $5.4
      335 words
    • 226 19 WHEN Berjaya Kawat indicated In the last annual report that more bad news was to come after the setback in the 1974 second half It was not exaggerating. Its interim accounts for the six momns ended June 1975 show that business had deteriorated further In the
      226 words
    • 136 19 LONDON: The Singapore Government is interested in floating a bond on the Japanese capital market, bond market sources here said. No farther details on this are available, bat they add that an international queue comprising the World Bank. Kuropean Investment Bank and
      Reuter  -  136 words
    • 115 19 ISFAHAN (Iron) B.L Duront De Namours Inc. In a Joint venture with Iranian investors, is to start cors-tructlon soon of an artificial fibre plant near this central Iranlin city that will be one of the country's costlltst private Industrial development Drojocts. All told, several hundred million
      NYT  -  115 words
    • 67 19 UNAUDITED trading results of Prima, excluding its subsidiaries, tea by 54 per cent to $455 million before tax in the six months ended June 1975. Turnover was Just oni> quarter down at $49.88 million. Cum Its subsidiaries the setback was less harsh. Pre-tax earnings were about
      67 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
      1,024 words
    • 185 19 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from approved con- I I tractors experienced In laying under- I I ground telephone plant to carry out trie I I following works. a) Tender No. 402/EPL/75 Jalan I Ahmad Ibrahim Main Pipeline (Part I) I ML Eligibility g| Registered Class
      185 words
    • 203 19 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the Erection and Completion of 3-Storey School Building on Lot 1546 Mk. X Chua Chu Kang Road for Nam San School Tender documents are obtainable from the Architect's office of M/s. Ec Hoong Chwee tt Co. 48-A Winchester House. Collyer Quay. Singapore 1. against
      203 words
    • 230 19 NCEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE EXPANSION PROJECT (PHASE II) PROPOSED STUDENT UNION BLOCK. MI'LTIPl RPOSE HALL. CLASSROOM BLOCK. LECTURE THEATRES. CONCOURSE, DISCUSSION AREA. COVERED LINK. ETC. INVITATION TO TENDER Contractors are Invited to submit tenders for the above works. Tender documents and drawings may be obtained from Monday. 22nd September. 1975.
      230 words
    • 219 19 TKNDKH NOTICE PWD SINGAPORE Tenders are Invited from PWD teglstered Contractors in Civil Engineering or Earthworks above $100,000 for the undermentioned works: I) SEE (APTVT/59/7S The Excavation. Transportation and Levelling of Karth. for variou* Development Proievl* at Singapore International Airport Contract D Show round: Contractors to meet at the office
      219 words
    • 169 19 SHERIFF'S BALE IN THE lIM.II COURT OK THK KH'IIIik OF BINGAPORI IN THE CAUSE OF Suit No. 1266 of 1975 Execution No 408/75 NELSON-MELWANI (PTE) LTD Plaintiffs Versus GENERAL TEXTILES it rvwimtno (sued as a firm) Defendanu AUCTION dALE OF Office equipments and furniture, textile*, etc TO BE HELD AT
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 518 20 IF 222 IF YOU ARE CAREER MINDED and sn.">\ drive, confidence and ability to tondixt business with top management, we .in i>tter you a < hallenging career with one of the laritest manufacturers of glass container tumbk-r mac hinery in the world (Kir uiiiif in Singapore requires the loMoMiMg TECHNICAL
      518 words
    • 805 20 I ACCOUNTANT SINGAPORE SALARY NEGOTIABLE Kemtron Group of Companies is starting its manufacturing operations in Singapore and is looking for a qualified and experienced Accountant to head the Accounts Department. The Accountant will report directly to the Singapore Manager and control the complete accounting, finance and administrative function of the
      805 words
    • 627 20 ARCHITECTS A mo|or firm of Architects in Singapore ho* openings for Architects with experience in th« development of designs into working construction drawings, ond in post-contract supervision Telephone Singapore *****7 for Application Forms or write to ST. Box ***** Singapore. A well established Troding Company invites applications for the position
      627 words
    • 744 20 TKNDKK Tenders will be received In the Ministry of Defence (Logistics Division), Tanglln. Singapore 10 for the undermentioned Items up to 11.00 a.m. on date shown against the Items 1* Diskettes ii Diskette Identification Stickers Teuder No: MINDEF (LOO) 350/75(3) Closing Date: 22.9.75 2 Mast Antenna (Sectional) as per MINDEF
      744 words
    • 892 20 DIIDB TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the following: -(I) KKKITION AND COMPLETION of 2 Blocks of U-Storey 3/4 Room New Flats with Shops and Living Quarters, I Block of 4-Store> I I Room New Flats with Shops and Living Quarters (Total 290 units)
      892 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 612 21 KUMPULAN KENDERAAN MARA BERHAD Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa darl Warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhl beberapa kekosongan Jawatan berlkut dl Syarlkat-syarlkat dl bawah Kumpulan Kenderaan MARA Berhad laltu sebuah Syarlkat Induk MARA. Jawatan- Jawatan tersebut lalah:— A. 1. PENOLONG SETIAUSAHA SYARIKAI Bertempat dl Kuala Lumpur. I) Kelulusan :a) Sekurang-kurangnya lulus Part II Institute
      612 words
    • 807 21 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN RADIO I TELEVISION BRUNEI Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidate* to fill the following vacancies In Radio Television Brunei. 1. PRODUCER: Qualifications and FypsrissM*: Six years relevant experience working professionally in a Television Service. Must have a good knowledge of Malay language Experience of
      807 words
    • 534 21 A Reputable Firm of Architects has vacancy for: ARCHITECTURAL ASSISTANTS Experience: (I) Ability to Design and Produce Perspective sketches. (H) Ability to Prepare Working Drawings. (ill) Must be able to converse and write in ENGLISH. Please send: (1) Full personal particulars and experience. (II) Copy of typical drawings prepared by
      534 words
    • 556 21 LAM SOON OIL ft SOAP MFG. SDN. BHD. has a vacancy for INDUSTRIAL BALES REPRESENTATIVE Applications are Invited from Malaysian citizen for the post of Industrial Sales Representative QUALIFICATION: School Certificate with bias towards Science subjects. AOE. 20 30 years. EXPERIENCE: Some sales experience in food industries. REMUNERATION: Commensurate with
      556 words
      773 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 304 22 f^ip J T C TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following projects: -(A) CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF NEW NURSERY AND ANCILLARY WORKS AT JURONG TOWN HALL. JURONG TOWN HALL ROAD. SINGAPORE BJOnWUITi Bulldlng/Clvll Engineering $100,000/--and above SHOWKOIM): 19.9.75 at 10.00 a.m.
      304 words
    • 245 22 Morrison Knudsen Low Keng Huat Jointventure For immediate Sale: (a) Six Each Heede 10 Ton "Chicago" Booms. Model CB-65 in new condition complete with Sheaves, Block etc. Boom length: 63 ft. 0 inch. Maximum Pivot Mounting height: 82 ft. 0 inch. Maximum lifting capacity: 10 tons. These units can be
      245 words
    • 597 22 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited for the supply of: |j A. PT/1 04/75 (X) Miniaturized Main Distribution Frame I ■X; for 450,000 pair terminations. W; Eligibility: T Registered Contractors: Class D only I Non-registered Contractors: M Deposit $2,000/- I M Closing Date: 17th October 1975 B
      597 words
    • 478 22 ft i^^^x In Singapore Malaysia to market an American well-known Automotive Product: For more details write to: Mr. Quah Jim Song The Penray Company Paya Lebar P.0.80x 29 Singapore 1 9. BUYING (a) Ocean Tug 1000/ 1500 BHP (b) Harbour Tug 240/ 500 BHP (c) Flat Top Barges 500/ 600
      478 words
    • 487 22 GOVKRNMKNT Of THK RKPIBLIC OF MNGAPOM THE PLANNING ACT (Cap. 279. 1970 -Ed THK MASTER PLAN Xl IKS. 1962 Nolicr under Rule 12 Notice Is hereby given that the following proposal for Alteration to the Master Plan was submitted to the Minister for National Development for approval RrzoninK of LoU
      487 words
    • 698 22 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY •iscmkim ma us W^^ MCIMC CtlSt Mill PMTS WmT. SinS I until ii w*! iM«t« iw lacw StatlH. Nwm C I. PtnltM. mt..»» wBBm MU '"*<— t« »-i"" „hi,i SliviCl MMMWM mi'iout >' •"> I aACHIMCTAH 1] tl Sf|' Jmi" n/»W »»"»••< it<t»«f ciiuwm mi
      698 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1465 23 NtMf Inra S P KlMt tmmt In. Mara U I IMM Upritl iurn ii sitt it act ti itt ii td i ati hum Mitu a l*|t lltatt il tet Ii ad il ttt 11 art UVttPMI lAT lilt 21 tit a tit 21 tct 14 Id m itmoo*
      1,465 words
    • 1188 23 Ben Ocean <AK*nt service df^Lne Blue Fhnnel Glen line and NSMO Tl tt CMIIRIa. (Nt IMl) S ttrt P It'Mf PaaMf larett I MUIRITIR a/n SMI ItMMtl II Mt .or««. I'M. H wif. tlMitca »4, stat a a sttt n ftt H*Tm «'*wtt, IcRUMiACa 21 m SMt 1 1 tc!
      1,188 words
    • 1272 23 L___l r^Ti^ u^i^Wmmmm io ititpt im> t«aa*a Dtaaurk titvta Aatmra All v A Tviria tianM s '•>'' P «»'t»c Sea*. Amli* Hn:i OtlL icmw uprtrsi tftttt uiMt iiM ti ad nad •mi iii>ko main m Mtt aa s*«t ii let n act a tct ii act liiiipooi iat lad
      1,272 words
    • 1175 23 I P¥V n '"^P n 9"^P^P^P^^ l 7^PY^ki^_ n '^ki n ßiy' H V FULLY CONTAINCKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE p. Kiimt snxi raj I KTUMIIA latin mi. Miff td itd J Rotterdm. Ansterdam, Ajrtwtfj). LeHatfe, Sm?" I JJ, »J Hwbart BrttMt, B.tii>tTt»t«t. IIZmV U U "T." i\' Cot*****.. Cotktakirt kWawt.
      1,175 words
    • 813 23 Sapftrt 11M44; P (Hwf Ml It M7ll. *M_f ISHI. THE BANK LINE LTD. LNK Ftt E I S Amu. MTMM mmt ti. km. lift. _*M*! O«r_t. lIP I i TaMUM) P (.I** |< |Mt S P ,r, ,Mt HtniAM ,m. S w i Imi rtm iast t i»ai lIC rai
      813 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1160 24 KAWASAKI KJSEN KAISHA LTD. KAKASAKI KINUI KISEN MlSrtt ITS. lim. HONG XONC. STRAITS SERVICE. laoir. N'kaai taraaort Ptaaat «eltt| »ISSIL Stft Japan Arabian Cull •arrtee) S.niwi »H--DOMiMict ttiau nil Seat Japan South Alrlea Waat Afrlaa Sorvla* s nemo'i rot CHOHIII Mill) II II Sift atmian. Ttau ujßEsaiu. let Port
      1,160 words
    • 1045 24 IMB HB| utirintt >v ry iMimtNT rot 'pojrrtuui. unfit a.BOiantt.iN tuitPaPtN. suiMiar. uNwmitMC Tiiaua. BULMMM lEMUU. SOtONC Win lII.N tM UIU HIM PatTS Frcoi ill FTD OetMaetioa: I C T. lIUTT LITtS (»r*-.n it Saot II teet lakarta at.aTT tutu iran.ii ts S>al tl ttat ataaiia 1 rOM.HNE II Tirana
      1,045 words
    • 969 24 HUT ONTAINtRISt. StRY'Cf T| WOt (YU SW7I S'aort P Kaiinf F tto»t N'bbf trora Antvera loaai 01IINTU IMPUTE I 75 Stat 71 Snl IS let 17 Itt It Itt It hi n Ocl NIPTINI Sir-Mill II Ici Jl tci 22 Net II Net 20 Net It No. 74 Ne> (UK)
      969 words
    • 962 24 EkTKSS SERVICE TO 10N0ON LIVfR^OOI COMTIMEMT PORTS 't "li S-ntapcf P Mloaf Ptm*. laooiai for auNt.iNr.sitt 2!2tlaai s a Oct in Oct nil Oct t.ioao. lonew. CarrMl. tif. «'*»orr. 6rt*er*. 'lUNII MM 12 IS Oct 1 Ocl I I Oct "pcil *C»r3 II tt Httr. Htorf. mm turn, tllll.i ii
      962 words
    • 853 24 I a^>»»j 1 iy| ItflwJ? Ttfj Ht POMT O» •INOA'OHI I (too X 1. Mlnarnaa B'.l L B'4 AUTHORITY AMNOUNCEO '•'•vihunk IM and atngaporc THE FOLLOWINO Bl«THIN(, ARMAHOCMENTt FOB SIPT it. Coootal ■otttw Wanoaobo Uih-tr-rs Sunlifht 2 Bant*. Talyo Tug .3 O H T i*7n£*!«r nm. Pe°r^» tS^JoSS^^Sl/32. Salavat 3S'3«.
      853 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1859 25 classified ads H W) Enter tht CLASSIFIED ADS. i BULOVA ft C~i>ntests i '8 Every Saturday I till Nov 15. 1975 You may win j ifl an 18kt Hold i BULOVA <0 Ladies' Watch I 'v designed by J fi Christian Dior J HOUSE HUNTING? Look under FRIDAY PROPERTIES CLASSIFIED
      1,859 words
    • 689 25 live-in baby aman serangoon Oarden Phone ***** between 10 a n. —4 p m TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are a newly Jsnmsl Singapora baaed cißtawi ef me world wide Beet* Gretai Applications are Invited from suitably qualified personnel to fill a position available due to the rapid expansion of this
      689 words
    • 749 25 BP REFINERY SPORE PTE. LTD. Invites suitably qualified Singapore cltliens for the following positions in IU refinery OPERATORS AgaK above 19 years. (1) OCE O' level In Science or Technical Stream preferably with credits In Mathematics. Physics i and Chemistry or Technical subjects (2) Aptitude for technical field work and
      749 words
    • 704 25 requires waitresses Interview Top Tea House Macßltchle Reservoir Park, Thomson Rd Singapore Transport provided Preference residing in vicinity Earnings about 8250/ 8300/- Telephone *****7 MALE MACHINE OPERATORS Must be prepared to work shirts. Wage $7-88. plus shifts allowance, free medical care and bachelor's quarters Please contact by tel *****1. *****6.
      704 words
    • 670 25 LT3 Ingersoll-Rand Applications are Invited for the position of: INVENTORY ANALYST c Age 25-35 years Nationality: Singapore cltlicn, preferably completed N.S. Education Cambridge. HSC or equivalent a Experience 5 yean experience In mechanical spare parts or related field a Duties. To keep a close watch on total Inventory and commitments
      670 words
    • 733 25 VERY EXPERIENCED MATUREO lady required temporary permanent service, shorthand, telex. filing, dictaphone, capable of running small office Independently Assistants also available *****88 Supervisor OUALIFIEO BRITISH MARINE Radio Officer. Immediately available Worldwide experience Adaptable Contact Metropole Hotel telephone *****1 room 809 COSMOS EUROPEAN COACH TOURS FIVE EUROPEAN CAPITALS 8 OAVS 1,714.00.
      733 words
    • 700 25 The First International Ocean Exposition In the history of mankind Okinawa Japan Exhibits from more than 50 countries Go Expo 75 with C E Tours Fly the Jumbo Family 8747 Collect your full-colour Expo newsletter from C E Tours TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWAEXPO/ HONOKONO/ BANOKOK 9/12/14 Days *****/ $1870/ $1676 20/9,
      700 words
    • 790 25 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng by Deluxe airconditioned bus seven days SBI7IS Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four day* SBSS Oentlng Highlands four days SSIIS/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oentlng Highlands Two days by air SSI3O Departure F.veryday (Sole Agent for denting Helicopter
      790 words
  • 30 25 BETHESDA BOOK CENTRE S Sale ends on Saturday (13/9/75) Stock replenished with fresh arrivals direct from Publishers For ISS discount Dally 10 00 am -8.00 p.m Tel *****1
    30 words
  • 89 25 THE FAMILY OF late Mr Koh Eng Juay gratefully thank all relatives, friends, associations, nurses and doctors of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, staffs of Duneam Secondary Technical School. National Theatre Trust. National Theatre Club. Vigilante Corps. Rollel (S) Pte Ltd Electronic Components of OE (U.S.A.) Pte Ltd Union Knitting
    89 words
  • 36 25 SOS SAMARITANS OF Smu.l Troubled' Discouraged? Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help is as near as the telephone MRS. FROST can now be contacted at tel no *****49 Please telephone between 9 am and 10
    36 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 1441 26 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Why Go Abroad? Train in the largest and most innovative resource centre in txisiness education in SxjtiEast Asia. Stamford's Computer Centre develops your basic ability into a special skill (s a Computer Programmer, Languages taught ASSEMBLER COBOL Students punch their own programmes and run them on the COLLEGE
      1,441 words
    • 828 26 ELETRIC AL ENGINEERING INTtRMEOIATE for beginners commencing 18 9/75: Builders' Quantities Stage 11/111 by experienced A.R.1.C.8. lecturer commencing soon Regal School *****9 PHYSICAL SCIENCE. PHYSICS. Chemistry Secondary IV/ 111 Oroup Tuition with Individual attention: Practlcals In approved laboratory lessons held Saturdays 230 p.m. to 5 30 p.m Regal School *****9
      828 words
    • 893 26 NEW SOCIAL OANCING classes for beginners commencing 7 30 p.m Friday. 12 9 75: 4 30 p m Saturday 13 975 Contact Sunny Low (M N AT D London) Pohsan Dance Studio. *****. Private lessons by appointment SWIMMING LESSONS for adults and children by experienced in- I struclor Moderate charge
      893 words
    • 899 26 Wecandoa GREAT DEAL for yen on a new Escort So tot's talk about it NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED UNIVERSAL CARS 59, Orchard Road Tel *****1 1973 COLT OALANT 16L Sport rims, cassette. One owner 88.300 o no Tel: *****3 1988 FIAT 8000 Bongo Station wagon 767 c.c. Tax. Insurance *2
      899 words
    • 825 26 URGENTLY REOUIRIO ONE I economical car Preferable Mini Escort' Volkswagen/ Japanese Cars. Please ring *****41 Vincent 7$ FOOT BID AN Trawler type hull main Eng Orey Marine. Two Yanmar generators. SKY A 6 i K V A Deep freezing space. VHF radio echo sounder Contact Mr Jack, phone. 3040 Kuala
      825 words
    • 752 26 J^ t ii|BPWbß TERRY SNO, Just returned from Europe with latest halrslyllng techniques Next course for students commences lS'9/75 Enquiries *****1 Prospectus available MAROUERETTA TOP TINTING Continental Colouring Expert 27 years experience Superb Hair styling Scissors Cut Manicure/ Pedicure/ Reowned for their Craftsmanship Singapore's Top Colouring Centre for appointments tel
      752 words
    • 787 26 KOH ENO HOCK 1 r lei *****36 for removal .f household, only 825 Reasonable price for any transportation set contract basis FRANK TRANSPORTATION AMD wnrehouslnii wrvn-r Datfß Pick-Up or Lorry to .Shift touimf fice household or cargoes (%&1 tail 4UAB7 410^56 TRANSPORTATION/ REMOVA"t SERVICE. I'ilsun Cnkvyj. Mwiiuin Big Lorry to
      787 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 777 27 times friday properties BssH7t*tStl^ l 2 DETACHED BUNGALOW Double-storey house situated off Buklt Tlmah Road 4 bedrooms with bathrooms atuched and built-in wardrobes Separate llvinx and dining rooms, matured Afden Furnished with Jgjphone •Use ether houtet tvsllsblw In ■jajstMtt dlttrlctt worn 3700 81.800. INTER HOME MANAGEMENT *****1/ *****4/ *****0 Vteawls
      777 words
    • 814 27 DIST. 11 CHANCERY LANE SINGLE STOREY BUNGALOW with spacious verandah, large matured garden, newly redecorated. 3 alrcondltloned bedrooms, carpeted, den. marble floors, lounge/ dining rooms. large kitchen/ pantry, separate servant's quarters, garage, car porch Rental: 83.800/- nißv twntotav*. Enimtrtll CM WILLIAMS 0 CO. (PTE TEL: ***** DETACHED BUNOALOW DOUBLE STOREYED
      814 words
    • 682 27 OIBTB 0-11 FURNISHED/ unfurnished With/ without swimming pool Taman Serasl with telephone Ollstead. Hlllcourt. Orange Heights etc ConUct CMS *****7 *****54. LUXURIOUS ELEQANTLY FURNISHED 3-bedroomed apartment al Katong. overlooking beautiful scenery Quiet surroundings Interested please call *****70. LUXURIOUS NEWLY COMPLETED PENTHOUSES 8 APARTMENTS lor IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION at ORANGE HEIGHT St
      682 words
    • 704 27 AIRUNS PERSONNEL requires SulUble accommodation In good residential area. Company tease on a budget not exceeding 83.500. Unfurnished but furnished properties will also be considered. Oood terms of payment to exclusive properties only. Department. S.T. Bes AOOl7B S>ore. LARQE AMERICAN COMPANY requires toe following a) 3 semi-detached b) 2 bungalows
      704 words
    • 695 27 NO.l IN HOME L£>\NS We can lend you up to 80% of the full purchase price of the home you long to own. And repayments may be spread over 10-15 years. Let's talk. We're open 9am spm weekdays, Saturdays till lpm. I rutrd (KentM limner lid 134-6 Robinson Road Tel:
      695 words
    • 646 27 OOUBLE STOREY BUNOALOW house si Melodies Oarden. Johore Bahru. ConUct Mr Leow, Tel J B *****. DM. 10 liMtt tttrsy attsehtd tifiaalii ii on 20.000 sq fl freehold land Large living and separate dining room Extended patio. 4 alrcondltloned bedrooms wlln bathrooms. Flooring terrano and parquet Total built-in area 4.000
      646 words
    • 855 27 PEOPLf S PARK COMPLEX high rise furnished apartment. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 24-hour security Tel *****38/ residence *****1 Mdm Ng LUXURIOUS CORNER APARTMENT 4 bedrooms. 3 longbaths, wall to wall carpeting, alrcondltloners. with swimming pool. Opposite University of Singapore No brokers Tel Mr Leong *****0 office hours *****2 after 5
      855 words
    • 787 27 wOuiuJM I flww m w w| PROPERTY CONSULTANTS VALUERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS NEW OFFICE/ SHOWROOM SPACE FOR LEASE SIN CHEW JIT POH BUILDING at Keppel Cantonment Road Outside Restricted Zone Scheduled for completion around October 197S Office rental from 81 30 p.s.f month upwards. Areas ranging from 1 .242
      787 words
    • 1020 27 SSSSSS tsssssawjwjawjwjwSS C NE *U""'TURE/ IMPORTED ■■pIgT^^pEHIOMS^ptBB^I furnl.thlng materials at its best Bss>OsaVMosdßvVß>>Bßm^H I anrt seacrass matting I Adrians 425 River Valley Kin.l JjjJiißl Tel *****4 *****0 Sporr KATONQ SHOPPING CENTRE Ne '"""'TV" 1 r «P°« Basement 216 sq ft Selling price {""Tri' 482*" vtiv*t v.l. v""--$85,000 Interested telephone d
      1,020 words

  • 427 28 THE final chapter in the troubled story of the House of Dawne will be written within the next two weeks when the High Conrt is expected to auction off all movable properties belonging to the beauty figure saloon. The auction Is
    427 words
  • 119 28 'POSING AS DETECTIVE' CHARGE LIAU Klat Koon, 24, yesterday denied a chare? ot t— rcatening to arrest a courting; couple bj impersonating a detective and two other charges of outracing the modesty of a girl Me wu alleged to have Impersonated a police officer and threatened to arrest Nro Hoi
    119 words
  • 501 28 r[E High Court yesterday heard that L.C Construction and Co. Ltd., which is suing Straits Engineers (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. for $253,730, has presently no assets of its own. Mr. Chan Klin Suan. a :onsultant engineer ol LC. Construction, said this when he
    501 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 477 28 ORUnDIG mm Direct from W. Germany coior %w cc rm r79 1 Model 2210 jKiiZPb, 3DCITU__.- J Super 22 yr/fGTß%nt> _____________________________________r__Kv J_E_riB____^^K______ f -i^^^^^^W____F_____ _^^^^^^^________H_Vf^^^^^^^ I Bl^llillll _L^^i km ___»g__ Br—^^«b—^^H ■W*«*csl 111 ~~^Jfl Hi___— M ASK FOR (Easy Payment Terms) sot mask p icture Tube Fully transistorised S( I||
      477 words
    • 1091 28 f r/mMff/w/fff Mr <tt need people, to »er»e people Sfc Job TrHe Passenger Service* Agent J^ Dutiet To assist passengers wiih pre-tlight formalities W_ which includes check ng and processing of tickets oncl other trove- documents, boggoges. A ond collection of airport service charge ond ex- jK YE cess baggage
      1,091 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 646 29 CUARP /arista I pal ffl F stlOR Ik wjk L I %ls^^M O J j^m GUARANTEE W A SHARP ELSI WtE/ §B&§£ Sharp's personal pocket computer. EL-81 04, is so small yoo can take it A^3v A VJm anywhere. But don't let the small size fool you. The FL-81 04
      646 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 366 29 Sweet Memory II does good run on yielding track EYE-CATCHING GALLOP BY TOP RIDER CWEET MEMORY 11, engaged in Race Seven tomorrow, did a good run in his winding-up gallop on a yielding track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. With Terry Lucas up, Sweet Memory II was never off his
      366 words
    • 244 29 Mixed fortunes for Lanes, Hants LONDON, Thurs. Lancashire and Hampshire had mixed fortunes yesterday in their chase for maximum points victories to stay In the English County Cricket Championship race. Newly-capped Andrew Kennedy launched Lancobhire on the- road to four batting bonus points with a fine 32 against Gloucestershire, but
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 33 29 IPOH. Thurs. Bank of Korea, one of the top South Korean teams, started a series of friendly basket hall matches on a confident note by defeating Perak 97-76 last night— AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 93 29 Over 7,000 for China Games HONOKONO. Thurs— Over 7.000 Chinese sportsmen and sportswomen will take part In China's third National Oames opening tomorrow In Peking, the New China News agency reported today. China's first National Oames were held In 1969 and the second In 1966. Among the events for adults
      Reuter  -  93 words
    • 261 29 CANTTAOO. Thurs.— Chile will play the Davis Cup tennis semi-final tie In flweilm this month although their star player Jaime PlUol. has refused to go because of threats to his life, the president of the Chilean Tennis Federation, said here last night. Mr. Htrnan Basagoltia
      261 words
    • 70 29 PERTH. Thurs, Australian Test wlcketkeeper Rodney Marsh *ss last night lapnanasd captain of the Weotera Australian cricket tarn for the comlns; Sheffield Shield season. State selectors announced here. Marsh. 37. veteran of M Tests and tipped as an outside chance for the Australian captaincy following the retirement
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 267 29 Grand Memory may run in Singapore Gold Cup race ANE of Australia's brightest staying finds of the season, Grand Memory, flown out to Singapore by mistake, may have a crack at the Singapore Gold Cup to be run at Buklt Timah on Oct. 26, reports EPSOM JEEP. The brilliant four-
      267 words
    • 718 31  -  Teoh Eng Tatt SEAP GAMES REMINDER TO AFFILIATES By 'p H E controlling: bodies for soccer and shooting (skeet and trap) are the first to confirm with National Olympic Council that they would be com p c ting in the Eighth Seap Games to be
      718 words
    • 172 31  -  JOE DORAI By r.E New Zealand soccer team, now preparing for the 1978 World Cup tournament, will play a match against Singapore at the National Stadium on Nov. 9. The Kiwi side will play here after a. 10--day tour of China where they are
      172 words
    • 34 31 HONGKONG, Thurs. Wales overran a Hongkong Colony XV 67— 3 In the openIng tune of their five-match Par Bast Rugby Union tour here last night. The Welsh led l»-3 at half-time Reuter.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 53 31 GRANDSTAND tickets (S3) (or tomorrows Bardhan Cup ■»mifln»] soccer match between Singapore Indians and Pertk Indians at the National Stadium at p m will be on sale today at (our centres The centres are: Jet Holidays. Battery Road. Jetataout, Orchard Road. India Coffee House, Market Street and Komsla
      53 words
    • 163 31 VRANK Columberra (above*, Mr. Australia 1073. Is one of the top contenders for the Mr. Asia title in the meet that will be held here from Oct. IS to Oct 20 A competitor In the Class Three (Short) event. Prank's forte 's his sharply-defined abdominal
      163 words
    • 195 31 rpHE Singapore Table Tennis Association has selected several Under- 12 year-old players for special training. BTTA secretary 81m Song Kol said yesterday: •This aquad will be a nursery for the national team." After the Primary Schools Natlor al table tennis championships two months ago. STTA's
      195 words
    • 32 31 NIW YORK. Thun Bfhth-rmnkail Ught hmrjwelfht Mike Quarry survived second round knockdown last night aid want on to ■core a 10 -round ipllt decision over Puerto Rlcan champion Taml Sentlafo.AP
      32 words
    • 91 31 A HATTRICK by batty striker George aimmons helped British Combined Services hold Singapore Chinese to a S-S draw in a friendly toccer match at Jalan Tlr—i Stadium last night. Singapore Chinese, who are preparing (or the Ho Ho Cup match agalnat their Malaysian counterparts on Sept. 21,
      91 words
    • 468 31 fONDON, Thurs. —Star-studded Stoke City crashed to Fourth Division Lincoln City 1-2 in the second round of the Football League Cup last night in a match packed with drama. When Dennis Booth headed what proved the winning goal 22 minutes before the end, a wall collapsed,
      Reuter  -  468 words
    • 264 31 OAKISTAN'S National I basketball team will plaj a friendly match against Singapore here In early November on their wmy to Bangkok for the Asian Basketball Confederation's men championship from Nov. 1« to Nov. 25. Nothing moch is known of the Pakistanis' current strength
      264 words
    • 308 29 Anne nets both goals in England's title win EDINBURGH, Thurs.— England bfcume the first holders of the Women's World hockey title when they beat a brave but tired Welsh team 2--0 In the Anal here yesterday. England, who had a reasonably easy run up to the final, attacked strongly for
      Agencies  -  308 words

  • 115 30 BREMNER TO GET SEVERE REPRIMAND ONDON, Thurs.— BUly Brem- ner. one of the five players banned from International soccer for life by Scotland on Monday, is to be "severely reprimanded" by his English club, Leeds United. The bans were imposed for alleged misbehaviour in Copenhagen last Wednesday following Scotland's 1-0
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 147 30 yUR'ICH, Thurs, A Li spokesman for the international Soccer Federation said today that there were no plans for shifting the next World Soccer Cud tournament away from Argentina. "Up to now, there Is no reason for Fifa to consider a transfer of the 19^8
    AP  -  147 words
  • 45 30 BINQAPORK Hockey Association Invite entries for the Blr Oeorge Oehlers Cup (Senior Division) and P K Bhaskarmn Cup (Junior Division), knockout competitions. Kntrles close on Sept. 23. The entry fee Is $10 per team Late entries will not be accepted.
    45 words
  • 24 30 LISBON. Ttaurs. Ben flea were held to a goalless drear by Boavlsta In a Portuguese First Division soccer match her* yettiriisjr. UPI.
    UPI  -  24 words
  • 1032 30 Britain seems to lead in the hooligan stakes ESCALATING SOCCER VIOLENCE BY 'THE IDIOT MINORITY' JONDON, Thurs. Football officials, police and even the government are alarmed at the escalating violence by small and vicious bands of hooligans, whose wild behaviour on the terraces is ruining the game for thousands of
    Reuter  -  1,032 words
  • 316 30 Frazier: Wherever AH goes I am going after him NEW YORK. Thurs. Joe Frazler yesterday predicted he would recapture the World heavyweight boxing title on Oct 1 by piling the pressure on Muhammad All for IS rounds. Frailer, on his way to Manila last night for the US$6.5 million ($l6l
    Reuter  -  316 words
  • 145 30 NKW YORK Thurt— Afttr two ywn of hacsllns and inpiltiltoiii P>nifPftT)** m liucfcr Roberto Durmr. regained hU N«w York BUte bozlnc licence jester day under the condition that be meets Scotland's Ken Buchanan for the World lightweight championship In MadUon Square Oarden next year. Duran. who
    145 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 520 30 I A CAREER IN I I SPORTS REPORTING I THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS! 1975) LTD. requires sportsmen with a flair for writing to join its editorial team as SPORTS REPORTERS We are looking for keen and knowledgeable sportsmen who are capable of lively and analytical sports reporting. Preference will be
      520 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 280 31 II ll!al@l Bfl m^k ■jdt. Wm^mmm^^^^f^^^A slbsmJ •''.NVHI I%r~^ aasssssssssMa.ssHa.ssssssM H I 19*9 &m*lT m t m t^M CS-70R ST6R€O PM/AM TUNER AMPLIFIER 'Digital Clock *Auto On/Off Switch with Timer *74 Watts (IHF) at Bft 'Wireless FM Mic Mixing 'Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.9% or Less *4-Channel Headphone Jacks 'CO-4/R.M ./Matrix
      280 words

  • 23 32 QUETTA. Tnura At leant 18 aoldlers snd 18 militiamen were killed by antigovernment guerilla)] In Pakirtan's rugged Baluchistan province. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 45 32 A ZAGHARTIOTE priest holds on to his fan while a militiaman stands by in Zagharta, Lebanon, as the civil war continues. Fighting has been goinf on between Zafharta and Tripoli since last Wednesday, killing 100. AP picture. (See Pace 2).
    AP  -  45 words
  • 353 32 T ONDON. Tbui» Th« uiklt cloMtf •llcfaUr «al*r la aubeuad (radio* alMsd of Um> in* Scans for Aucuat. 4n* tomorrow At 1 p.m. UN F.T. laeax wu down 5.4 at SIS.T. Oovtrnmaot bonala ahowad aat taJla raxioc lo >»th« of a point amonc lea(*r loaju. caaaanM* about a
    353 words
  • 36 32 LONDON. Than. Spat U 00. OM. »M. NWr S4 TV Oct /B*. St.Si. JaJL/Mtn. SSI*. Aprtl/JMM S4.M. Jnlr/aapt MM. OM./DM. MOO! Ju/tonk a».M. A*rU/J«a* owm on» om so 00. no* MOO, MartM QrtiMj ataa4j
    36 words
  • 27 32 LONDON. Than *OM barm OtlS «lS>. illllra 011 l (—00) P«nma bow* O1T» i-iwi, «xi m HIM <— m> TOTmr *a. Majn*. a.m. SO* tea*. Am: Mate.
    27 words
  • 288 32 PORT KLANG, Thursday at the port slowed down drastically today the second time in three weeks as the 3,000 members of the Port Authority Staff Union began a work-to-rule. About 30 ships are lying idle and lorries formed long queues at the gate of the
    288 words
  • 78 32 OMAHA. Thurs An Omaha attorney amid yesterday his experience In army counter-lnteUlfence during the Korean War helped him In arranging the defection of CMchoatovaklan tennis star Martina NavratUova to Use United States. Attorney William Craig Mid the defection of Mm Narrmtllova last weak cam*
    78 words
  • 290 32 IJH3YPT today clos- ed the Voice of Palestine radio station which was run here by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), using Egypt's broadcasting system. A PLO spokesman said orders from the Egyptian Oovernment to close the station were received this afternoon. CAIRO, Thurs. Egypt
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 62 32 KOBE, Thnrs. Twelve Taiwanese crew frosa the 3.753 tonne Singapore freighter Crown rralt were taken into custody foi questioning by Cbstoflta bore today on sasptclon of trying to samgglt electronic lighten aad clothing oat of Japan COBtoou said lighten and clothing worth •boat BAH.— yen (M
    62 words
  • 93 32 KUWAIT: IT'S STILL STERLING FOR US KUWAIT, Thurs. The Under Secretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Finance. Mr. All AlKhallfa Al-Sabah, today denied reports that his country was planning drastic cuts In the amount of sterling it accepts In payment for Its oil exports. He told the newspaper Al-Watan that
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 61 32 OSAKA. Thurs. The Osaka High Court today sentenced six one-time radicals to Jail aantoncos of between six and 14 month* for attempting to derail a train aed by American force* 13 yoars ago. The fc.-mer radicals tried to derail the US militarychartered train tn an Osaka marshaling yard
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 27 32 SYTJNXY. Thun. Oround •taff employed by Qantai tonight Impn— fl a flight ban on all federal politician! In protest against alleged government Interference In wage
    27 words
  • 145 32 —DUCHESS AND THE MAN WHO RAPED HER LONDON. Thurs. Britain's Duchess of Bedford said today that a tall, smiling stranger who raped her In her hotel bedroom 39 yean ago had written her a letter. The attractive Frenchborn duchess, now 64 and marrieu to one of England's wealthiest aristocrats, related
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 125 32 step-up SOUND Step-down o o 0.0 o j iho-n wrHi optical WC-22 walnut cabin* 2220 B AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER 0 20 Wwttt minimum RMS par channel ot 8 Ohmt, from 20 Hi to 20 k Hi, with no more thon 0.5% Total Harmonic Distortion Phot* Lock Loop (PLD FM Multiplex
      125 words
    • 174 32 H I The coziest most economical spot in town! BmfmSjmWfC^^^ Lounge Nightclut Business Hours P9lal/^ 3 00pm -200am (Happy Hours) 3 00 pm- 700pm X?j^ Dane* hoaMMM najlaMi aftar 900p.m f[l>!l!«y) Gf ound Hoar Mot* Naw Hone Kong V^^ 101 Vciona Suaat Smgapty* 1M *****1 E«t 102 mPV» mmC1 x
      174 words