The Straits Times, 7 September 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Sunday Times No. 2051 SEPTEMBER 7, 1975 30 CENTS M. C. (P) No. 11l 7/75
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  • 1074 1 Cult leader's followers don't act on their own, says Tate killings trial prosecutor SACRAMENTO, Saturday A PROSECUTOR in the 1971 trial of Charles Manson Mid he believed the jailed murder cull leader had masterminded the attempt by one of his girl followers to kill
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  1,074 words
  • 547 1 LONDON, Saturday DOLICE searched 1 today for two men seen speeding away in a blue car from the Hilton Hotel minutes before a bomb blast ripped through 1 1 s lobby, killing a man and a woman and wounding 63 other people. Hotel staff
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  547 words
  • 23 1 IT Is almost always true that small and narrow minds go with Mf mouths. Mr. Devan Nalr. NTUC secretarygeneral. (See Pace S)
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  • 40 1 MUSLIMS in Singapore win start the fasting month today. This was announced last night by the president of the Muslim Religious Council. Hajl Buang Sir a). Malaysia and Indonesia will also observe the Puasa month from today.
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  • 124 1 Typhoon heads for Tokyo rKYO. Bat. One of the largest typhoons to menace Japan this year raced towards the Tokyo area today, and weathermen said It may land late tomorrow or early on Monday. The g o v e r nment's mcteorolorteal agency warned that high waves generated by the
    UPI  -  124 words
  • 33 1 JAKARTA. flat. A Thai trawler with 17 craw ha» been arrested by an Indonesian patrol boat for llllasjaly Ashing in Train— stan waters near But Sumatra, Antar* news agency reported today.
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  • 58 1 Latest Quake kills 250 DIYARBAKIR, (Turkey), Sat A it ronj earthquake i h o o k eastern Turkey at lanchtlme today, killing at least 2M people and destroying hundreds of mud and brick houses, foveraroent offlciaU Mid. In Ankara, government •ources said anvSfcUl and still unconfirmed reports Indicated the death
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  • 568 1  - 'Revise pay scales' EDMUND TEO By ONG CALLS FOR NEW WORK ETHIC I ABOUR Minister Mr. Ong Pang ioon yesterday called for a re-examination of wage structures and the rationale by which salaries were constructed to narrow the gap between white and blue collar workers. He said: "The gap In
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  • 184 1 Reds: Govt to use all its powers KUAi^A LUMPUR, Sat The Government will enforce In full several provisions In the Internal Security Act enabling the death penalty to be Imposed for Illegal ownership or carrying of firearms, bul.ets or explosives. In a statement today, the Home Affairs Ministry said the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 "To her in haste; give her this jewel; May my love can give no »pacf, bide no denay" 1 PiU TWELFTH NIGHT. LCome to me for the right jewel to give her today SEXTOS DE SUVA. IbjsJM d« SiUo 4 Hyd« IN k'f lUr* of Ditnncf.on CoM $»or«t. *«•<• Orchard
      176 words
    • 88 1 HUDC FLATS SELECTION WILL BEGIN SOON Pag* 10 ME ACCORD: No problems with Soviets, sars Kisslnrer 2 GONCALVES ousted mfter six-week campalf n 3 RARE brain disease: A heart to heart call by parents 7 'BE hard-nosed and practical' Devan tells shipyard bosses and unions I $43m to nak: S«ntosa
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    • 10 1 Wrolex Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 411 2 UNITED NATIONS, Saturday JJS Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger yesterday briefed UN chief Kurt Waldheim on the new Egyptian-Israeli interim agreement, and later predicted there would be no undue problems with either the Soviet Union or the US Congress concerning the
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  411 words
    • 37 2 $1 .6b payments deficit FRANKFURT. Sat— West Oennany's balance of payments showed a 1.8 billion mark (851.6M million < deficit In July. the Central Bank has said. This compare* with a 664 million mark deficit In June. —UPI.
      UPI  -  37 words
    • 138 2 TOO MUCH SOAP AND' WATER CAN KILL LOVe piILDFORD (EagVI land). Sat. Too much soap and water could rain your sex Ufe, a British scientist said today. A bath or shower just before you go to bed may well wash away bodily odours that stimulate the area of your partner's
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 134 2 15 soldiers hurt in shelling of barracks TRIPOLI (North Leba•a. non). Sat. Rockets and mortar bombs struck an army barracks here, wounding IS soldiers as a general strike in protest at communal violence yesterday entered Its third day, security sources said. The firing on the barracks during the night suggested
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 25 2 President Tord (arrowed) surrounded by security men and newsmen, walking towards the Capitol momenta before the attempt on his life. UPI picture
      UPI  -  25 words
    • 33 2 WABHINQTON, Sat Preiktant Ptord hu extended the tour of Admiral Noel at Commander-in-chief of American forces 1b the. Pacific for another jraar until Aug. SI. 1978 the Defence Department announced. ■mar.
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    • 131 2 SACRAMENTO, Sat. President Ford, ■peaking shortly after an unsuccessful attempt on hia Ufe by a woil d-b e assassin. made a new nle» for Paasafe by Oonrresa of his comprehe naive antl-crlme BUI. Hia Bill, sent to Coniresa on Jane 19 bat ■till not acted
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 110 3 THAILAND INVITES GROMYKO TO SIGN PACT BANGKOK. Sat. Thailand, balancing its foreitn relations with world major powers, has extended an official invitation to Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromkyo to visit Bangkok and to conclude a Thai-Soviet cultural agreement. "Thailand wants to have closer official contacts with all world majors powers.
      AP  -  110 words
    • 331 3 GONCALVES OUSTED AFTER 6-WEEK CAMPAIGN LISBON, Saturday pRO-COMMUNIST General Vasco Goncalves has been forced from power after a bitter six-week campaign by political and military moderates that edged Portugal close to civil war. The move has opened the way for formation of a broader-based government. A communique Issued by President
      Reuter; AP  -  331 words
    • 255 3 Paving way for talks with Muslim rebels MANILA. Sat. The martial law Oovernment has ordered the military to suspend operations against Muslim rebels In the Philippine south to permit a highlevel defector to negotiate the sui render of other Insurgent leaders, an official spokesman said today. He said the Armed
      AP  -  255 words
    • 29 3 MANILA. 8«t. FJ*B top International grandmasters Including two from the Soviet Union will take part in next month's fourth Philippine International Ctoesa Classic, organisers announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 87 3 Try makes it on second try CAMP PENDLETON (California). Sat. Choeun Try, a Cambodian refugee, failed in his first suicide attempt but succeeded on the second try. Try. 27, who was admitted to the Naval Hospital psychiatric ward as an "acute psychotic," drank chemicals from a fire extinguisher In a
      UPI  -  87 words
    • 45 3 LUSAKA. Sat A meetIng of lour African heads of state due to take place here this weekend has been postponed because of the wedding tomorrow of Mozambique's President Samara MacheL a senior spokesman for President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia Mid today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 27 3 TRIPOLI, Sat. The Libyan revolutionary command council has nationalised government-financed private houses and the motor vehicle Industry, the Libyan new* agency Am* reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 347 3 'Cambodia will accept aid without strings' |p«TKD NATIONS, Sat. The Vice-Premier of Cambodia. Mr. leng Sary, In the first major speech here since the communists seized power in April, said yesterday his Government would accept aid without strings from friendly countries. Bpeaklng at the special session of the General Assembly
      Reuter  -  347 words
    • 165 3 Important new topic' for CIA probe hearing WASHINGTON, Sat. The Senate committee investigating US Intelligence gat h e ring operations will begin its first public hearings on Sept. 18 and will concentrate on a new subject which has not yet come to the public's attention. Senator Frank Church, chairman of
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 200 3 DARWIN, Sat. A SPECIAL peace mission will fly tomorrow from Australia to Atauro Island off war-torn East Timor, Portuguese envoy Dr. Antonio de Almeida Santos said here today. He said he was "optimistic" that a settlement could eventually be reached between the Timorese Democratic
      Reuter  -  200 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 272 2 i Jom Super flights lr to Perth 3nd //JO/ik Sydney. r////////''flf///rtli hostesses. Savour the subleties of curried JwJ'S^^mlSl cuisine. Or perhaps, the delights of iK^P/^<^r\^ Continental fare. With Air- India, the /jrjfi//^*^C7\ > choice of food is yours, even in economy. sWJ^^xNX itlllh Air-India's super flights to Perth //liL^*7 \sv\\\\lim\i\\\\\\K
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 101 3 PERFECT COMPUTATION kk^aaaa- jg^gßal Ba^sa^Kaf^ 1 iBHH^^ v tk, LI T^^^^^^ rl^" sfl 4?^ sa^^ The compuMt age a her*' Man and macNn* The i P**v ajjjjj— periect computation tof progras* And «i the tame way M y|y I^^^^ I aw^^^ gV I as computers have bean designed 10 give
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    • 1555 3 "Now I make all the decisions. 19 AN you hav» to do s mate the first Oecison surt a Homt Study programme with Collar MacmiUjn ScroO'S it you want to be i success rt snairy up lo I^P^K you rou re me one who has to malt up your ■m
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  • 23 4 WATER eoiummpUofi on Friday was IS7J million gallons <578,Ht) eubie metres), fear ■Billion gallons (* cable metres) tesa than on Ttaoradaj
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 591 4 "*-^trt -^aa*** a^BaL blbHb^BbbbK' HLWW jPjbJ iKkaM. BaaitßCaMi TAKE UVITA FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE M Livita livens you up! Improves performance! '^*cTON 0 i Vitaminises the body! 1 1 VI ?A Improves appetite! Tones up one's health' Activates Digestion! uZ*2£* ISae Ajar* W Manufacture)* fH \J Tatsho Pharmaceutical Co.. Ltd Guthrie
      591 words
    • 205 4 Ik J A ;UW/£££ aieaBBVBBBBBBBBaBBBStaW noire Tnot>tt£S" maV \f/^nrnnirffifnliuW^\u\mYn Hnimi\\\\\\vwW^^ «jl« II GW/221 series T I GW/133/bTTW Highlights for today Will pollution in Singapore be worse in the year 2000? Life in a 'pondok' of Bawean community. Sterner action taken against long-haired civil servants. Is Malay Studies still major subject
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1469 4 Murphy, Merry Anders. James Best and Walter Sande. On Ch. 5 at lO.rt p.m. (Colour). Emergency! "It's how you play the Game" depicts Squad 51 cheeking out an Illegal moonshine still, attending to an unconscious used eardealer and helping to remove a man. stricken with a slipped disc from his
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    • 610 4 BY CHRISTINA RODRIGUES JUNE ALLYSON ...In Leu*™ Fran Three Lover* in the Cilia Black Show (repeat) on Ch. 5 at 10.10 pjn. IN DR. KILDARS: "Web of Hate" Richard Chamberlain as the famous doctor. finds himself In the middle of a. marital storm. Dr. BecUr's marrlag; has been on the
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    • 347 4 —"Three Ballon And A OlrL" On Ch. 5 at 11 20 p.m (Colour). AN IDYLLIC setting for lovers a weekend stay In the woods. Off on this Jaunt are Sena, tor Ames and his date. Linda and Katy and Olen in Farmer's Daughter (repeat). Inger Stevens stars as Katy, a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 899 5 B^^"^ I 88l i^: BBBBBBBBb! I Bw^^Bi BF I I I I Lv^^^ k ß^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bßbl f^M^v^u^ LKULH'PIf 1 introduces JLV^^^mHHJlm^b^M^b^b^-^b^^bwamb^m^^ THE MODERN, REVOLUTIONARY COOKING 9 IDEAL FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Bl > >'*j^|fc Slow cooking in Crock-Pot will result in more tastier and delicious food. Crock-Pot simmers pH|^P9n^^/^V j
      899 words

    • 308 6 Addicts tell how they kicked the habit pENA N O, Sat— Three former drug addicts from Singapore talked about how they kicked the habit at a forum at Trinity Methodist Church in Green Lane here on Thursday night Edmond de Souza. 24, Jeremiah Tap, 21, and Peter Pang. 25. said
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    • 176 6 KDALA LUMPUR. Sat. All MAB flight, at Sabang Airport arc proceeding normally today following the agreement reached between the employees' union and the management last night. The management has agreed to lift the suspension on 1* employ ees while the onion members will atop
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    • 243 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Saturday THE present "tight situation" in the supply of electric power will continue until the end of this or early next year, the National Electricity Board general manager, Datuk Abu Zarim /S«« :j r__. i Omar, said today. "By
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    • 88 6 DOCTOR ON DRUG CHARGE IPOH. Sat— A doctor and a driver were charged In the Sessions Court today with possession of heroin in a house In Hugh Low Street on Tuesday night. Dr. Mohan Singh, 34. pleaded not guilty to unlawfully having 2.88 grams of heroin. A driver with the
      88 words
    • 41 6 PSNANO. Sat The state s Chief Kathl. Hajl HaniManl bin Hajl Zakarte. told Musllia leader* last night It was not right to blame Lne Islamic Council and Religious Aflalis Department for th« economic weakness of Muslims.
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    • 191 6 Sacrifice to avert economic crisis: Razak KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. Tun Abdul Razak called on the people today to show some sacrifice to avoid economic and financial difficulties and reminded them to understand the Government's position In facing the "critical situation." Opening the 19th general meeting of Bank Rakyat at the
      191 words
    • 59 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Police have detained another two men in connection with Wednwduy's grenade attack on the police field force central brigade headquarters In Jalan PekeUung here. City CID cUef. Bupt. M Balasundram, said today "We have also located four witnesses who bad clearly seen
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    • 370 6 Jungle basher on Red hunt killed by booby trap blast IPOH, Sat.— Veteran Jungle basher Acting A&st. Supt. Mo hamed Zambri bin Abdul Hamld, 38, was killed on Thursday by a booby trap blast while leading a special police commando unit hunting a band of terrorists. Asst. Supt. Zambri, whose
      370 words
    • 107 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Sultan of Belangor criticised today organisations which made use of women to raise funds by holding beauty contests. He said there were many ways other than beauty contests through which these organisations could raise funds. Speaking at the statelev*) Koran
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 462 6 Firstly, we'll give you a big dinner. Then we'll show HVw iriuui f jujll you a good movie, and tune you in to seven channels flOirV yUII Icf*l of stereo.* And then, before you nod off, we'll tuck -——!> mm J^aM^a«*J-a you in with a blanket, to keep you cosy
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  • 267 7 The 'fish' that could not get away By PAUL WEE JT was one -ash" that did not get away tnanks to two swimmine policemen. The two dived in after a suspected robber who had tried to escape bv jumping into the Singapore river, and made an arrest in the water.
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  • 29 7 THE Straits Tin price In Penang yesterday plunged lio 78 to clow the week at ISM per pjcul on an official offerrlnc unchanged si IBS tone.
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  • 106 7 SAF medal for good service rIE Singapore Aimed Forces has Instituted a medal to be awarded to a serving member in recognition of his good, efficient and faithful service In the force. The minimum Qualifying period for the medal is five years' fulltime continuous service in the case of full-time
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  • 46 7 Off to attend TB talks DR N.C. Seii-Oupta. medical director of the Singapore Antl-TubercukMU Association left yesterday to represent Singapore at the 23rd International Tuberculosis Conference opening In Mexico tomorrow. The conference will discus* ways of helping the lesadeveloped oountrlas In the global fight against the
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  • 125 7 By-election call to fill Wee's place THE United People's Front, an oppoaltlon party, yesterday called for a by-election to be held in Sepoy Lines becauae of the conviction of Wee Toon Boon, Senior Minister of State (Environment i and MP for the constituency. Wee waa jailed for four-and-a-half years on
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  • 44 7 A 4»-T«AR-OLD m*n. Pen* lftitiemDed, ooUapaad and died while UnT*Ulne; in an BBS bus alone Chaogl Road yeeterrtay aitemooß. Police aatd Pew. of Oafyaat Hoed, was In the bun at about 441 pm. when he auddenlr icreaaaed and oollapead.
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  • 522 7  -  NANCY BYRAMJI MORE CASES OF CHILDREN WITH 'EMBARRASSING' AILMENT By \OW it's a heart x to heart call from parents to parents all with children who are suffering from a rare brain disease called meningoeceles. They want to share
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  • 186 7 $200,000 loss in plastics factory blaze MORE than $200,000 worth of goods and machinery was destroyed when a flash fire swept through a plastics factory in Upper Bukit Timah Road yesterday morning. No one was Injured In the fire which waa Orst spotted at about 6.15 a.m. The prompt arrival
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  • 245 7 Higher parking fees in town areas DARKING charges In certain areas In town have keen Increased, while more parking places In housing districts have been gasetted as feecharging parka. The new roles, which came Into force on Friday, raise the 197» fees of 2S cents per hour to 4* cents
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  • 85 7 THE case against Tae Ng Chee, 33, who faces three charges of breaking a front door glass panel of tne AttorneyGeneral's Chambers in High Street by using a catapult and steel bails, was yesterday fixed for mention again on Sept. 25. The faces two count*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 340 7 4^^^ .gtwanwlnwlwlw^iX •t J^Kodak awl ■•■•i'-^^^r^ Win a Pan Am Holiday Prizes worth over $13,000 Tour to Hawaii must be won! WOrth f^^\ Mttua^ The Big Prizes present of a KODAK Pocket Art f\r\t\ S*^*«P VV& IR»ISSS> Fantastic prizes worth more than INSTAMATIC 60 Camera Outfitl VO UUU S 13,000
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    • 801 7 (GIRLS!] I 6th OCTOBER I could be the first step towards a smart and highly-paid new career for you! If you went a career at a highly-paid Private Secretary, enrol now at the International Training Centra. The ITC Private Secretary's Diploma has long been recognised at the region's leading quslification
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  • 117 8 4 GERMAN MPs TO VISIT S'PORE UtOUR members of the •T German Federal Parliament (Detacher Bundestag) will arrive here on Tuesday for a twoday unofficial visit. They are Mr. Horst Krockert, Dr. Helmut Prassler. Dr. PtiedrlchAdolf Jahn and Dr. Rolf Bogar— all of whom will be accompanied by their wives.
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  • 105 8 Instant death for crash m-cyclist AMOTOR- CYCLIST, Tan Kay Tiong, 10, died instantly when his machine was Involved In a collision with a lorry along South Buona Vista Road yesterday morning. Police said Tan. of Paslr Panjang Road, was riding towards Ayer Rajah Road at about 10.05 a.m. when the
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  • 191 8 Twinkle-toes Ida (I can dance all night) practises 16 hours a day By IRENE NGOO pRITTY Ida Manu I Tranfgana dances IS hours dally and stUl will not call it a day. Dasihttr of ton Indonesian artist and dance choreographer, Encik Batons Kassud'arja, Ida, 2*. launch ed Into her career
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  • 264 8 Safety and health drive for 26,000 shipyard workers rE Labour Ministry will launch a threeday safety and health campaign from Sept. 24 among 26.000 workers employed In local shipyards. The campaign will Include a mobile exhibition which will be opened by the Labour Minister, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, at Jurong
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  • 36 8 'A Potter's worid' THE National Muaeum will screen "A Potter's World" and three other colour films on pottery In Its lecture hail at 7 30 pjn. on Wednesday. Ptte tickets are available at the "■"f^im office.
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  • 22 8 A RKLJOIOUS group. Be Religion, Is orgmnlalne; a Oantonaaa show at Krela, tyrt People's Theatre on PV.ia.jr at 7.45 pjn.
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  • 232 8 MORE women are to be absorbed into the postal department In future, the Senior Minister of State (Communications) Mr. Ong Teng Cheong, disclosed yesterday. Speaking at the third Postal Week dinner and dance at Shangri-La Hotel Mr. Ong said at present 260
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  • 956 8 DEVAN'S CALL TO SHIPYARD BOSSES AND UNIONS VTUC Secretary--1 General Mr. C.V. Devan Nair yesterday called on Singapore shipyard managements and trade unions to be as hard-nosed and practical as their Japanese counterparts in meeting the problems of shipbuilding and repairing industry. He stressed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 657 8 f~f jfay Bacauw only Fhiilt Film euaranraad to pravant^rust Outstanding qualitiai and charactsxtstica of Fluid Film Grade B (gal) Whit* No. 1 ara at follows: Fluid Film r I r O t cauaa any pollution proWarn. Ftuxj Film do** not raquir* mpansn« turtaca ewaparation mcti a< sandblasting of wrlra brushing.
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  • 307 9 Happiness for these two cats is seeing the rojak- seller rpHKSK two Waterloo 1 Street alley eats certainly seem to recognise an old friend in rojak-seller. Mr. M. F. Mohammad, when he returned to survey the site of his old sUU yesterday. Their feline instincts probably told them that their
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  • 161 9 TTCE first "s pecl a 1" •L group of 3% mental patients from Woodbridge Hospital has been transferred to the new secondary mental hospital In View Road at Woodlands for rehabilitation. "These patients are a special group because they are no longer suffering
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  • 209 9 'Kidney donors can save 140 lives a year' rpHERE is NO reason 1 why 140 kidney patients must die each year while waiting for kidney donors to come forward, said President Sheares yesterday. He said Singapore had a high accident death ra'e of about 400 victims each year and this
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 848 9 fll \^m %3 FROM BELOW AVERAGE!.. TO UUALIr T TOPdTHE CUSS! Y > thartcstcihe through mj7z Vatawawaw I training and specialized skills to qualify you I \^^V Lwl M^ *'f> for executive status in your chosen field. Iv^l I \,p> ■J&i I *^^^h_^ With I.C.S. you study in your own
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  • 171 10 PRINCIPALS TO ATTEND SIX-DAY SEMINAR PORT* school prlncl- Pals and senior assistants have been selected to attend a six-day seminar on rtaff management which open* at the Reponal Kng-llah Language In Orange Orove «ojd tomorrow. The seminar U being Jointly organised by the Ministry of Education and the Commonwealth Council
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  • 21 10 THE Odar Oiris Secondary school band performance at Botanic Garden* on Sept. 14 at 6.30 pjn. has been cancelled.
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  • 183 10 PUB is wasting money, says union T*HE Public Utilities •a. Board Dally rated Electrical Workers Union claimed yesterday that the PUB was "wasting*' the funds by allotting small Jobs U> private contractors. The union's secretarygeneral, Mr. V K Vandasa 1 a m said PUB tenders calling private contractors for such
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  • 322 10 THE Ngee Ann Technical College in Clement! Boad has started work on the second phase of Its $15 million expansion programme. This lnc lodes a three-storey classroom block with academic offices, three lecture theatres, a lecture hall lobby, a multi-purpose hall
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  • 33 10 A FIAT car burst Into flames In Dunearn Road at about 4 p.m. yesterday, causing a long traffic jam. The occupants escaped unhurt. Firemen later put out the blaze.
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  • 32 10 A OOMBXNK> performance by tha Jalaa Task wtajr© Secondary Bahooi ■Dd Biait Panjanc Oovbands will be held today from t pja. to 4 pjn. at the aantota cat* ear «U--tton.
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  • 44 10 Tht Minister tor aDdal AOalm. stortk OUkmu Wok. WO opan Uw 1V» ancxnrt National PbotofrapWc tthlMUon at ttw National library ob Mot. n at Mo tun. ta» wife Ok Dab will ■tatani prieM to wlnnara of ib> aahntm wshifettSk
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  • 120 10 APPLICANTS for the Housing and Urban Development Company's middle-income flats will soon be called to select their flats, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Development said yesterday. It was originally announced that they would be called to make their choice in May a
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  • 342 10 WORK IN ESTATES GOING AS SCHEDULED The number of applicants for the type B flats has exceeded the number of units available. Construction work is progressing according to schedule and the first two estates to be completed next year will be at Parrer Road and Lake View. Meanwhile, the HUDC
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  • 191 10 Local musicians fear invasion by foreign bands AN INFLUX of foreign pop and Jazz bands, especially from Thailand Into Singapore, is threatening to deprive local musicians of employment in nightclubs and restaurants here, according to the Musicians' Union of SlngaDore. Already, two Tb a bands have been engag ed by
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 432 10 sssssssssssskw. st^mfl «V .s^ml I RmW- 4 s^sssT asjßßßjmmm| IHH^HHHHHmVHHmVMB, '^|^Ss% l s^ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssMasssssVl ijp» &4k£t ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss^B^B^ssssV I I 5 RHS2O IHH^^^^^^' -^-^B^B^B^k^H| RH426 A fully compatible Philips sound system. It's the difference between good stereo and great stereo. You can buy a great turntable, a Call at the Phllirama
      432 words
    • 196 10 Qualify as an Accountant while you work. Read the "Appointments" pas* of any newspaper and tec lor yourself: Accountancy is a career with a big future for you. Th« School of Accountancy ha* had over 60 years experience in coaching people for accountancy and otter professional exams. Through SOA. you
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  • 374 11  -  WHO will be the fairest of us all? That surely must be the qsestion uppermost in the minds of these beauties as they successfully crossed another hurdle yesterday in their bid for the title of Miss Singapore 1975. The answer e%n only
    YOW YUN WOH  -  374 words
  • 311 11 Sugar: 75 cents a kati the limit for retailers RETAILERS will not be allowed to sell loose sugar at more than 75 cents a katl The recommended retall price of sugar was fixed yeiterday by the Sugar Industry of Singapore after consultation with the Government. Converted to the metric tutft
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  • 194 11 AN "ECHO sounder" will be used by the Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) in Its hydrographic survey to determine the depths and undulating features of its lagoon. The instrument, costing about $5,000, Is expected to arrive from Britain In a fortnight "It will be used to
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  • 656 11 $43 m to make Sentosa island paradise VEARLY $43 million is being spent this year and next to complete the transformation of Sentosa into an island paradise with a range of facilities wide enough to please both young and old, Singaporeans as well as overseas visitors. Every Interest is being
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  • 129 11 Cabin band jailed for theft of lighters IJ7ONO Chec Mine, 28 J» an airport cabin hand, was Jailed (or six months yesterday for hit part In stealing cigarette lighters worth $4900 from a Swissair aircraft while It was on transit here. He pisadad gutitr to two theft charges and wma
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 294 11 V V\ m* Develop your PSYCHIC POWER OF ATTRACTION What strange lorcH pull you toward inner powers of self which everyone has, another? Why do you at times experience but few understand. Learn to master this uneasiness in the presence of some person phenomenon. The full application of your without
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    • 1061 11 A new exciting contest from Hudson's jfe J r" on j FIND TBE HIDDEN TREASURES! Here is a map of Hudson's Treasure Island. Filled with all kinds the box beside Ain your entry form, and so on. of interesting dues to lead you to our Hudson's treasures. Can After you
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 4 12 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1975
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    • 525 12 SINGAPOREANS may be the world's biggest grumblers. But we are also a nation of pragmatists. And we come to terms with any situation, however uncomfortable, quicker than most. That is how we have learnt to live with the much-dreaded area licencing scheme. It is now three
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  • 1008 12  -  ONCE, and once and a half ago. there weri no tales that started this way for children. In fact, there w«re no stories told for children at all. But that Is a distant story, and would take us too far back
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  • 634 12 America and Russia, the Peking **Guang Ming" commented: "In this life and death struggle, the Soviet Union is generally on the offensive while its rival, more often than not. is in a state of passivity." Other papers have dubbed Mr. Brezhnev "the Soviet revisionist chieftain"
    634 words
  • 828 12  - THE NUMBERS OF DOOM N. G. KUTTY By TOR reasons unknown to most of us, 13 is considered an unlucky number. The belief In the "unlucklness" of 13 Is almost universal. Notice, for Instance, that there's no room 13 In most hotels while certain apartments do away with the 13th
    828 words
  • 180 12  -  GERARD CORR By these new literary outbursts? Almost certainly the answer has something to do with the recent developments In IndoChlna the victory of the communists in South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos and the eradication of American influence in these countries. China appears to fear that the Soviet
    180 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 9 12 jff*-£ Automatic Chronograph magnificently crafted for the action-man. LC-0900
      9 words
    • 249 12 [i m "*****1 [jfe^NAjjjjjr f WHtM I'D CAICM < a W I mv wire am© «v C^____^ B*ST F*ltNO It* I* SuCM COipKMI^Ot I taoSlTlCaM 1 AIM J J w^^rnt? sm<jckcx> ~^W Out or w»v w«ts I U JL *•*«> »«J*r mwko J "1 nni r M V y -w
      249 words

  • Timescope
    • 1 13 ■■^■^^^■■■^^■■■■■■■■■■MHII|^piBHHIHIBHBMIIa^nBaBMHM^^^^M|
      1 words
    • 2212 13 JUST over a year after resigning from the most powerful Job on earth Richard Nixon has begun to think about a return to public life. More time must pass "the natlo.. Is not ready to see my presidency In its true perspective," he tells
      2,212 words
    • Article, Illustration
      14 13 "We'll have to move, I didn't sleep a wink all day"
      14 words
    • 1044 13 AH Q goes sailing, part 2 (see Ah Q He Say Sunday, August S) "Spend a weekend with ut on a Chinese sailing Junk, going up to Pulau Tioman," taid my oatdoor friends, "It'll cost yoa only M«M>." they added as an afterthought
      1,044 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 555 13 nP\A/ SMOOTH -TEXTURED I ■W V V REFRESHINGSOOTHING t I Yes. it's OLD SPICE BOOY TALC in s new economy I Pacfcl Smooth textured, refrsehing and toothing with tftat famous Old Sows fragrance. Wait till you spread it onl OLD SPICE BODY TALC will keep you fresh and cool aU
      555 words

  • 1158 14  -  pi 1961 Kissinger publicly recanted his faith In limited nuclear war and in a published article espoused a conventional capability of simpler weapons. In 1963. he elaborated on his new philosophy In a new book, "Necessity for Choice." He had had "the good grace"
    1,158 words
  • HiFi
    • Article, Illustration
      798 14  - :i higher frequencies. This Job U essentially for a step-by-step frequency equaliser, and this midrange control on the 8--2M is about as close to an equaliser as you can «et. Other tone controls are the usual treble and bass, and a very versatile tone filter system with selective cut-offs at
      798 words
    • 336 14 Introducing EQUIPMENT REVIEW, an occasional feature within the Hi-Fi Column in which Michael Um testt and revortt on ttereo equipment at the request 0/ importers, distributors or agents. rE Harrison S-2H U an Integrated amplifier made by garrison Chapman Ltd. of England. The manufacturers
      336 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 503 14 375,000 EXAM SUCCESSES TZL."-* Whichever you ••ni-rmptd praaotio* in IMBflßt'taVt your ptmmu jofc, tisfir opportunity wnh BMifetota.taf^ •nother romp«n> or ui in<i*pend*m rtnt ol your own— MMrovoliua CoUan hoac tmmmm Mudy irairuiuj. &r«ct tnm th* U K u tW NSMMI SSjWU 1 thortttt roui» to your foal A (ut. oorldwtdr
      503 words

    • 292 15  - Sri Delima By with: "I say. like that cannot, man!" or. even more quaintly. Just "I say man!" In this category, too. are words like "compound" and "outstatlon" which we use not only when consciously speaking MBE but also when we speak "proper" English. (Whatever happened to that gorgeous word
      292 words
    • 559 15 IF I spoke to my old K cronies the English I am speaking to you now, says a professor at a seminar discussing language, they would probably turn away. He Is speaking the semi Informal English that people speak at seminars. Warm and colourful though
      559 words
    • 321 15  -  URIAH HEEP: RETURN TO FANTASY (Bronze). The music of Uriah Heep needs little Introduction because In the last five years and eight albums, they have become extremely successful and popular. "Return To Fantasy' does not offer anything new in the style of Heep apart from the
      321 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 599 15 Our computer is complicated so your life isn't. It's just one of the many K Mnro Rnnlr Chartered Bank services L *w_ J^W'^ I™***"!*, that add up to more bank MBw I "™(B convenience for your money 1 We were Put money in one branch the first bank in Singapore
      599 words
    • 230 15 /ts- mH K M^J M^J l^^pP^^^^^r f\ M. Ulili Get a vll' BrKl 1 p nt PYR^ X Store 'n'See sflluj EnV container (worth Ssl4 75 Singapore ft. :fi HjjUlJlliii, V and M519.26W. Malaysia) when you VtV- m i yV^BBsmB UMIhbU TM buy a Moulinex Combine Major 1 18 iE/
      230 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1032 15 BH^r 1 [HT^T Ills, I»J«»» IBM '■■>'■ HH| lo M.r.-h 111 g^f lo April 211 YOU must consider CHANGES that you THERE could be a THIS is a difficult carefully this week had planned a few little tension in the week for close relawhether you want to months ago become
      1,032 words

    • 497 16  - wong lai wah by spoke to had at least one such call. And their main fear is that the caller may be an acquaintance, or neighbour wno may carry out his tnreaU. But It seems we needn't fear them. For according to psychiatrists, such people are rarely dangerous. They are
      497 words
    • 593 16 rro A.M. All was still and Yen was fast asleep. Suddenly, the phone rang. Yen awoke with a start, lazily rolled over and picked it up, wondering who It could be at that hour. "Hello," she said In her sleep-laden voice. She heard heavy breathIng then
      593 words
    • 116 16 POIS D for just about anything be it dictation or after five cocktails that's what til* ideal secretary should be. And Marilyn here shows just how neat full-fring-ed bob, pert red on vanilla jersey dress that will not look out of place in the twilight, smart
      116 words
    • 876 16  - How doctors can help the barren woman nno the married woman longing to have a child there is a wealth of misery in just one word. "barren." A young husband may suffer agonies after being told that he Is "infertile." not only because of the unhapplness caused to himself and
      876 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1113 16 Advertisement s^B**T^^ lEbSJI All women can now I some special achieve a SOft, 1^ K Skin-care Hints youthfully radiant 1 J Jpfc *^K 3V I 1 JLI A Relaxing A Youthful complexion i A*X3 wim BeaoiyFacUl WMmuwL tM^fx^ Give yourself this special The neck is perhaps one of ■jHPHK mw^^^
      1,113 words

  • 536 17 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS DURING BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS r*OOD news for Slnga- poreans intending to visit the US in the next eight months. They can take advantage of cheaper travel within America under special discounts just announced by major railways, bus companies, car rental firms and fcirllnes.
    536 words
  • 393 17 Any foreign visitor lexcpt those from Canada and Mexico) can qualify for the Usarallpass by purchasing it abroad from most travel agencies before coming to the United States. The pass Is good on all coaches of the "Amtrak" passenger ra 1 system. About the only Important lines not
    393 words
  • 320 17 RIVALRY between British colleges and polytechnics is giving the rood life to students. Fearing that some courses will he closed down by the Government becaase of a lack of students, local education authorities are propagating the good things they can provide students to entice
    320 words
  • 110 17  -  EDWARD LIU BY nisably the home of Geordles, the Blaydon races and, of course, brown ale. "All around there is spectacular countryside and a quiet coastline. There are popular resorts like Tynemouth and Whitley Bay and a multitude of quieter historic spots." The rival TEESIDE POLYTECHNIC urges school-leavers:
    110 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 734 17 We will teach you the secret of success Eammore! £7^T^ Knowledge and qualificatioiii are what cS/£!^w^2' you n<«d to bring lucces*. The world- yoimt k a famous Bennett College, can give you 'REFUND OF this knowledge, help you qualify for a PFE Gtmriuu, better job. Experienced, friendly from }>» momma
      734 words

  • 908 18  -  PETER CALVERT: By London from a A hoaxer with a Middle Eastern accent have aroused concern that Britain Is not properly defending its most precious Investment the North Sea oil and gas rigs. Telephone calls two weeks ago telling of bombs attached to
    Reuter  -  908 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 387 18 ■■431 IPyBKIT 3V X U B^^H^ Ma^au Ma^am a^a^a^i mt£k\ HAj^jj IBJB^ Ja^a^a^^^^^^^^^^^aa^^^^a^aWalf Ja^HL* a^amt mJ^m \^a^a^a\. A small down payment Is all that's needed to get any of these. And we'll work out an easy payment scheme to suit you. Why wait? Wayfoong MAF can help you buy it
      387 words
    • 136 18 Last day at At THE BOOKFAIR 111 Today Is the last day for the 7th Festival of Books, the bookshow of the year. A record crowd well in excess of 23,000 had already visited the Fair. Have you? The Fair closes at 9.00 p.m. tonight, so you still have time
      136 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 211 18 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACftOSS DOWN 1. Receive (0) ft. Pn- HcrmiM n"T (6) 2 of crow (5) 16. Mechanic (7 > ■lus*Ulty (7) IS Related (4) 1». Bun- BtT <3> I, Plying m»mm»li ch«* 3} Church dlfnl- '*< Sputt*r (4) S. Rellem Uuy <4) SI. Directed (3) 23. 10. Startle
      211 words

  • 1429 19  - Bulgaria heading steadily toward bright future ON Tuesday, Sept. 9, the People's Republic of Bulgaria will celebrate its 31st National Day. On that day in 1944 Bulgarian workers and farmers with the help of the Soviet Army of Liberation overthrew the fascist dictators and laid the foundation of the new
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  • 486 19 BIG SCALE PRODUCTION OF MACHINE TOOLS rpHE high growth A of Bulgaria's industrialisation accounts for the special attention which is being paid to the production of machine tools, i As a result, today Bulgaria exports machine tools to more than 60 countries in all continents. The all-purpose lathes with the
    486 words
  • 1107 19  -  IN the past 30 years of socialist constructlOQ the People's Republic of Bulgaria total industrial production has Increased ten times over. In comparison with 1939, in 1973 its volume has expanded 47 times, while the national income has grown about 7.4 times and the gnp
    1,107 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 167 19 ""I 1 J I L L^M I I*l Ik A II I H J» s^s^s^s^s^^s^w^s^ s^s^^ I BULGARIAN quality and I j sr*s. 11l Jn*,^^m>S\ I precision mncHiM cools productivity! I AC^ m mk'- mil SHAPING MACHINE 1 9^ m U ?Tirr?-rriir» Mnrnnc ao-eo series 0.25-136 HP >/ l^gEL \h
      167 words

  • 390 20 BULGARIA is now specialising along CMEA Unes in some branches of electrical engineering. Thanks to this specialisation, production in this branch is on a relatively mass scale. For instance, in 1960 some 364,000 storage batteries were turned out; in 1971 their output exceeded 3.5 million.
    390 words
  • 671 20 pi the past few years Balkancar, a Bulgarian state corporation, has become known on the International market as one of the world's foremost producers and exporters 'of hoisting and hauling machinery and equipment. Specialisation along CMEA lines haa enabled Balkancar to set up a solid
    671 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 364 20 Congratulations Best Wishes^] Heartiest to the Congratulations PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC of j thePEO PLE's Republic of BULGARIA on the occasion of their 1 BULGARIA 31 st. ANNIVERSARY on the their °f the 31st ANNIVERSARY SOCIALIST REVOLUTION of t l J**? i i I A LIBT I from REVOLUTION. s from REIMAN
      364 words
    • 313 20 '■Bfl-'aar"— •''^•y^ar"— -■'«^s^"^ < I Q Congratulations Q 5 I Best Wishes 5 to the ft A PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC X I of BULGARIA 2 q on the occasion of their A A 31st. ANNIVERSARY M of the m SOCIALIST Q REVOLUTION I From BSCORPRICON PTE. LTD. jf SINKO PTE. LTD.
      313 words

  • 843 21 IN the past 30 years, Bulgarian shipbuilding has beei advancing by rapidly. Its growth ratrs may well be said to be spectacular. Within a relatively short time the construction of 3,000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000 and 38,000-ton ships was launched, and last year, when socialist Bulgaria
    843 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 293 21 Congratulations and Best Wishes to the PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA on the occasion of their 31st ANNIVERSARY of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION from SINGAPORE SOVIET SHIPPING CO. PRIVATE LTD. (lixoipofaHd in Singapore) sth. Floor, Far Eastern Bank Building, 156, Ocil Street, Singapore 1. Tel: ***** Cable Add: "SOSIACLINE" Telex: RS *****.
      293 words
    • 341 21 Wfjmm Congratulations (Sji II Best Wishes Ift Tne People's Republic of B^^-"! BULGARIA on the occasion of f/ their 31st. Anniversary of the w 8) SOCIAUST REVOLUTION '"f^V ii) from h h\ IHH advertising W& design U f m I H international B-jyy___Jj_^ Suites 129-132. Ist fl. International Pl»za, /v,
      341 words

  • 638 24 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA NATIONAL DAY: SPECIAL FEATURE KOREA in the east of the Asian continent is known as a land of morning calm or a land as beautiful as a silk embriodery because it has beautiful mountains, crystalclear rivers and rich
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  • 178 24 Place Of the finest scenes PYONGYANG is the capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the land of Joche. The history of Pyongyang spans 1,500 years. It Is also called a "hero city" or an 'invulnerable city". On the Mansudae Hill in he heart of the capital stand the
    178 words
  • 628 24 BID TO ATTAIN 6- YEAR PLAN OBJECTIVES rpHE Democratic A People's Republic of Korea Is making an all-out effort to fulfil its Six-Year Plan (1971-76) before October 10, the 30th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. In the first three years of the plan, industrial production Increased by an
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 35 24 Congratulations Et Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE on the occasion of their 27th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREA and their NATIONAL DAY K.J. KIM CO. (PTE.) LTD.
      35 words

  • 896 25 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA NATIONAL DAY: SPECIAL FEATURE HPHIS year, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea aims to produce eight million tons of grain. In order to achieve this, the DPRK has to obtain 40,000 million maize plants. Maize
    896 words
  • 453 25 T>APID development In agriculture in the Democratic People's of Korea Is due to the implementation of the rural programmes. Agricultural output Increased 200 per cent during the past 10 years and 30 per cent every year on an average since 1973. The country
    453 words
  • 9 25 A section of the .Pyongyang Metro.
    9 words
  • 63 25 COUNTRY OF SCENIC SPOTS pROM ancient times, Korea has been called a land as beautiful as a silk embroidery. The country has many scenic spots. Left: Sin tine and dancing in beautiful and elegant Mt Kum-fanf-san. Left, centre: Pyo- hun -sa Temple in Nae-Kumfanf (Inner Diamond Mountain). Left, bottom: Lake
    63 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 114 25 r Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Government and People on the occasion of the 27th Anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and their NATIONAL DAY from I EASTWOOD TRADING J Congratulations and c Best Wishes to the Government and People of the DEMOCRATIC
      114 words
    • 163 25 I Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Government and People on the occasion of the 27th Anniversary of the founding of the I Democratic People's Republic of Korea and their NATIONAL DAY from:I P§\ Guan Guan Shipping (Pte) Ltd. 23, Telok Ayer Street, I Singapore 1. Tel: *****2, (15 Lines)
      163 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 26 TREASURED memories of liikel Sarejlal Fraaeat. A dear wift and mother left us on T.9.M. Sadly muted but never forgotten by husband and children
    26 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 269 26 A PORTABLE MUSIC CENTER WITH POWER AND FLEXIBILITY JVC's new radio cassette recorder is a portable music center with a difference. It packs power enough for you to hear beautiful music on the beach, in your patio or in your living room. And the music which comes from a 4"
      269 words
    • 472 26 MAJOR INTERNATIONAL COMPANY NEEDS TOP MARKETING MANAGER The rrfan we are looking for has wide and thorough experience in advertising, research, distribution and all related skills in marketing fast moving consumer products, including market segmentation and product positioning; a proven record of successful achievements particularly in the area of new
      472 words
    • 757 26 F BRISTOL-MYERS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. 1 requires PHARMACIST The company is looking for a qualified Pharmacist to fill fhe post of Marketing Executive for its ethical division. The successful candidate will be very much marketing orientated who will be able to work independently with drive and initiative. He will be
      757 words
      6 words

  • 32 27 IF vou KNOW something about watches which are counterfeited Just let us know You can get a good reward for any valuable Information Write to P O Box 3248. Singapore
    32 words
  • 30 27 3 Religious Announcements PRESBYTERIAN QHURCM SINGAPORE orner Orchard Road. Penang Road Sunday Service 9 00 a m. and 6 00 p m Sunday School 9 00 a m All Welcome
    30 words
  • 63 27 HOME LEAVE CAR HIRE Ford. HI Mi cnryslrr Datsun. Saloon. Estau- Motor Caravan Inclusive rates from :74 for 4 weeks inittract up to 40H period discount and include road tax. ••list added lax. maintenance. iii-.iir.mi-* unlimited mileage Denver} collection service Contmentnl touring service Write lor brochures A
    63 words
  • 23 27 FONDEST MEMORY OF Miss Krishnakomari d/o S Veeranathan died on 7/9/72 Sadly missed by Father. Mother. Brothers. Sisters and Brothers-in-law
    23 words
  • 22 27 SOS. SAMARITANS OF Singapore Troubled'' Discouraged 7 Ring Kl -44-44 day or night Help is as near as the telephone
    22 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 588 27 classified ads CROCK-POT Conlaal 2 (1) Why would cooking with a Crock-Pot eliminate worry about the condition of the food' -TOWARDS A REDISCOVERY OF FAITH" Special Meetings lo be held at Wesley Methodist Church. BsnEppor* Dr. Michael Orlfflths. Oeneral Director of O M F will speak on--The Lord of me
      588 words
    • 704 27 SINGAPURA BAR RESTAURANT requires Bar Hostesses Interested applicant please contact Mr o*s lei *****5 after 300 p m CONSTRUCTION FIRM requires 1 Experienced f77K Tractor Driver Applicants must have minimum 3 years experience in field work Ri ng *****62 for details PUB 1M Wonderland Amusement Park requires Waitresses. Call personally
      704 words
    • 822 27 FOR OUICK SALE I Prompt service and quick results call Ace Housing *****29/ *****64/ *****46 CLOSING DOWN SALEI shop fittings comprising wall shelves, showcases, alrconditloner. cash register Selling cheap Suitable for departmental stores, mini supermarkets, grocer's shops HDB shophouses To view tel: *****4 between 8 30 am. 1.30 p.m. CHANOE
      822 words
    • 733 27 OXLEY TRAVEL (PTE) LTD OVERSEAS TOURS 1 Korea/ Japan/ Taiwan/ Hongkong/ Bangkok 19 Days $2,250/- 17 Days $1,980/-. 22/9. 6/10. 20/10. 3/11. 17/11. 24/11 2 Taiwan (Allsan/ Hualein)' Hongkong/ Bangkok 14 Days f 1490/-. 12 Days $1420/-. 8/9 15/0. 22/9. 29/0. 6/10. 13/10. 20/10. 27/10. 13/11 3 Bangkok/ Chlengmal 7
      733 words
    • 807 27 INTERIOR DESIGN DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to interior design Diploma recognised for membership of professional bodies Including the Singapore Society of Professional Designers Full colour Prospectus sent by airmail by writing to the Principal. Thomas B Dwyer. DHE. RIBA. Rhodec International. School of Design. BCM/ Rhodec. London. WC I.
      807 words
    • 960 27 WE ARC SPECIALISTS In Accountancy. Banking and Secretarial Studies Career guidance booklets given free Enquire Management Training Centre 304. 3rd floor New People's Park Centre S'pore I Tel ***** PITMAN NOVEMBER EXAMINATION registration open now Singapore Institute Of Commerce. 53c Selegie Complex/ 75 Middle Road (*****9/ *****1) NEW DANCING CLASS
      960 words
    • 566 27 I 1»7O MORRIS IMS Van One owner. 42 excellent condition View 155. Lor 27. Oeylang 1572 TOYOTA ISSS one owner, very good condition SSSOO o n o Phone *****6 Chong it7s minica SSS one owner, very good condition ***** 0.n.0 Tel *****6 Allan AIRCONDITIONED AUSTIN IBM 1965 model tax/
      566 words
    • 375 27 AOORABLE TOY PUPPIES from Australia Contact Jason Sim. 11B. Irrawaddy Road (12). Tel ***** LOVELY FURY MALE Pomeranikn for sale Interested please call 171-C. Block 8. Telok His ngah Crescent AMY WEE MICHELLE Beauty ic Model Ac* demy (the largest and most comprehensive Beauty School In Singapore) gives you full
      375 words
    • 301 27 ■SEsSSBSBBaaaHi Japanese garden m*. ironic L^LiaW^A^^HL I Supermarket STO Queensway I^^'^^^"^ >^* l Spore 3 Tel *****2 (wholesaler In n n j. n electrical foods) Special offer TV^R.rtin n?J?«r2^ ,S. Tunic* coffee pot 119 Moulinex L™^t2i 2?&JP y nl|M c offr l 2*" I*" standlnf fan service Tel *****8
      301 words

  • 106 28  -  WALTER SEOW By WOT surprisingly, 11 Night of the Cobra Woman (now showing at the Rex) crawls with cobras, dozens of them. They are all over the place In the grass, on the trees, in the house, in the caves.
    106 words
  • Article, Illustration
    503 28 at the CINEMA instance, the dusky and svelte Marlene Clark as Lena of the title role. Lena has found the secret that women have been looking for through the ages the elixir of youth. She has through the years retained her vouthfulness and beauty by imbibing the cobra's venom. She
    503 words
  • 543 28  -  EXORCISTS Two (soon at the Odeon) Is yet another foray into the now fashionable area of demonic possession and like the first Imitator, Summon The Exorcist, it is unencum bered with any trace of subtlety or conviction. This second attempt by the
    543 words
  • 168 28 MADE In 194«, THE GREAT DICTATOR (now being re- released at the Orchard) la the film In which Charlie Chaplin finally bowed to the Inevitable aoand. Sound came to Holly* wood in 1921. bat Chaplin held oat on two films he made after that—
    168 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 796 28 QIZI Ql IK I BIGGEST ATTRACTION! I «^^l I\| Ham, 2 15, SJO 845pm Cash rJookings only V^ -MM 1 Mm y* ADMISSION MICIJ CUCLI MOO-JTALLJ 2 JO 4»» 10 ■■■■■■■■■■■■^■BSV -^IBsW- -m hq MAL p^c^Mo M UTAjl y CONCISSIOM-NO Mil LOT Selsun is medically proven to I ■aaaaaa»sssssssssss»saßß«« bbbvV^Bsbbbbbbbbbbl
      796 words
    • 163 28 :niiii:r:iniii M4:ili;i 22nd Kg Day! CoMon City 1.49.4. 7 «*JO Z»nith 2.30, 7 IS *9 1S A Mondorin Dromo Coloncop* with Ingjuh A Chin.t. Subtitk* Chin Shion 9 Lin ft Urn Chin Sio in ICf Aw^y* PB 15, 3.30. 7 19 30 A Mut.col HokkMn Comody Kono, Tin ft
      163 words
    • 289 28 *VW.VWWSVWVWWtfyWAVVVVWWVVVaWA i NOW SHOWING! T D L aiiy 3 AV 4 7.00 9.00 PW ij I; Admission: Adults: $2.00 Children: $1.00 > Wei Meng. Shi Ming _Vv4 »»fc k [_^gggggggH_ *~«'-l kr IO MA* 9^^mW^ ISfS ORCHARD: COMING! |> .SARRET: fc^l K/ I I mud rnnfW sf Aofcohciri I MASCHA
      289 words
    • 649 28 JOKSAMI Tlf N J I 4rh MONTH! tStfc DAY' I 4 Show* 4o«y Hat* T T IIM,I.IS,S.NIMi r I No FrM LM No Holt Pric. No Military Conc«i«>n Crcta »4-Stoll» S2 SO SI 50 1 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY 1 9 Poul Ncwmon. Strvc McQuaon "Tha TOWItIMO IMH«MO" 1 E Ponoviiion
      649 words

  • 1953 29  -  ¥PO H, Sat The Garnet Bo u go u re-Terry Lucas combination hit a bright note, scoring a goodpriced treble with Matchbox ($88), Swift Honey ($44) and Riva Raj ($44) here today. Predator, with Sairi Sullman astride, came from last to
    1,953 words
  • 944 29 APPRENTICE M C. L«m and trainer I. W. Allan were fined 1500 by the stewards at Ipoh yesterday I4un vu fined (or careleas riding of New Continent In Race 1, and Allan wu fined under Rule 211 for removal of bUnkn-s from Napahot In
    944 words
  • 48 29 TOTAL POOL: $9,453 Ist No. ***** ($2 340) 2nd No. ***** ($1,170) 3rd No. ***** 585) STARTERS ($54 each): Nos. 3237*. *****, *****. *****, *****. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, 392*0. CONSOLATION ($45 each): Nos. *****, *****, *****. *****, *****, *****. *****, J6445 *****, *****.
    48 words
  • 88 29 Singapore set for final SEREMB AN. Sat. Singapore, showing allround superiority, are assured of winning the MCFA South zone soccer quadrangular when they beat Johore 6-1 at the Station padang here today. Singapore led 2-0 at halftlme. Tan Kheng Poh, Ho Kwong Hock two goals each i Qua h Kim
    88 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 421 29 I "LEST WE FORGET" 1939-1945 v e> fa> 9j JUBBP^j^^Haj^P^ 1 ahttk i at m "i '^SaVaaaaaßaE^ZZl^ IsaP I jß^ataHl On the walls of Singapore's beautiful War Memorial at Kranji are recorded the names of twenty-four thousand soldiers and airmen of many races united in service, who gave their lives
      421 words
    • 217 29 ioins get F TOGETHER for a proper meal As former executive chefs of Lai Wah Restaurant (wrtcrt has branches all over the country) Messrs Chow Tuck Chee Pon Chee have unfailingly provided superb meals for a large following of clientele. They now bring you more culinary excellence in their own
      217 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 72 29 Stand correctly 7"""" ai&iv cMjm\ M^CirfAw ssBaaBBBBP^BaBBaaWI WITW (jAMsT N^PW aaaa^aT fBW V#aaaaW 7 .^asssssP I 'Jr. —r—~— JT YV-aSaT *Sv' sVaaaaaaafr^ i B»V> UTI sU^fl BT IWI a^aaC^^Baaal aaaaaaaaaV I FOOT HP TV*6> TAttwW? >>•« jaC*! CILjW F^tVftW T lAasjV IHX WaW .^bbbk^. V aBaBBBBBBBBBV^assI aßaaaaaaV I h^., aa^aa
      72 words

  • 101 30 NEW YORK, Sat Results of ma tor league base ball games played yesterday. AMERICAN Baltimore 5 New York Yankees 4 (1* gamer. Baltimore 2 New York Yankees 1 (2nd game); MUaukee 4 Boston 2: Detroit 11 Cleveland 3; Chicago 3 Minnesota 3; Kansas Cltv 5 California 2: Texas
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 31 30 LONDON. Sat Result! of last night's English Football League Division Four matches: Northampton Town 4 Bradford City. 3. Southport 1 Swansea Olty 1. Tranmere Rovers 3 Darlington 0. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 359 30  -  EPSOM JEEP NAPOLEON SOLO CAN BEAT POLY ROBIN, SO BLESSED AND MARIBEAU IN FAST-RUN RACE TODAY... RAIN or shine, Napoleon Solo 11, Poly Robin, So Blessed and Maribeau all sprint record holders can make the 26th running of the
    359 words
  • 1798 30 BACC ONE ENEBGY: Chalked up fourth win Uils jresx when beating strong Dlv 2 field over with 8.6 lsat week can handle wet track; carried 9.0 to smart win Class 4 Dlv 1 11 on yielding going B. Tlmah Slav n. GEBUUtIA II: Won with Slenty In
    1,798 words
  • 136 30 T^EW YORK, Sat.— U.S. Open champion Lou A Graham and Johnny Miller will represent the United States in the 1975 World Cup team competition from Dec. 3 to Dec. 7 in Bangkok the International Golf Association (IGA; announced yesterday. Miller replaces
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 153 30 Ali may fight in Germany NEW YORK, Sat. Negotiations are underway for a title fight between Muhammad All and an unnamed opponent In Germany early next year If Ail beats Joe Prazier in Manila on Oct. 1, promoter Don King said today. The We s t German newspaper Blld Zeitung
    AP  -  153 words
  • 114 30 A6I ■ma Mir OIHHIt C4MA Twin Victory Urmblra Twkt Vi«l*ry Sharp Focua B. Ptrformano PtrfcrmafM* Wibmpi Laurtl ■wo ■•on Palm Ofta Intlnuillon •in Laaa Ch»«llng Hrart Intimation Mm ".r Cheatlnc Hrart Ww Lake 1 Tim Ortt Primacy Fairy Story Tna Ortt Un«KOrt«l Palry Story Uimnmd Tnw Out Primacy Oral**
    114 words
  • 104 30 MEW YORK. Sat— Jimmy Connors was named today In the United States team for the 1978 Davis Cup match against Venesuela in Tucson. Artaona. on Oct. 17 to Oct. It. Connors, America's top- ranked player, had refused to play white Dennis Ralston was the
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 1243 30 Going forecast: Yielding mnw9imm 145 class 3 div 1- sf liUSaXfl ($lO,OOO $7,000 to wlnn*r) 1 299)1 Saataj a (Energy) Boufoure Sail (ud«si f Laaaa 5 i OKI a aw* Ira II a (Suka Rial Manaor 5 a 11 iud«li r Xjm 9 9 0 Ssa»a»Ml »npli [Bernhard)
    1,243 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 334 30 l/r^HOHV I Wg/ Mew Bedroom Suites I I \tat 9 ■Hal SSaHai task _^.a«9ssisß>al i V I Fill ROXY DISPLAY CENTRE I \\mUJ T, I 9177b! 4 *****7 tffl BUI Exhibition Showroom Plaia Sinoapura Rm. 129. SIT W nJU| Itt Floor. Sinaapora9. "I (0 fr i~HT WENG H6WC CO WENG
      334 words
    • 325 30 Congratulations Bvst Wishes to the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA on the occasion of their 31st Anniversary of the SOCIALIST REVOLUTION FETIM Sales Service hiring The only factory assembling forklift trucks locally complete range of 0.6, 1 2, 3 and 3.2 tons electric and diescl forklift trucks. t ELECTRIC TURRET TRUCK
      325 words

  • 874 31 IT'S LIEM VERSUS DELFS FINAL TONIGHT KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The World Invitational Badminton Championship took a dramatic turn tonight when Svend Pri, of Denmark, the favourite for the men's singles title, was eliminated by an injury. Prl tore his right thigh muscle
    874 words
  • 76 31 MONTREAL, SaL— The two contractor* who built the framework ■art of Olympic rlllacc h»vr received a bonus of I s»I.Jg million 4M> each for harlot flntohcd 184 <Uyi ahead of ■cheoulr. In aUning their contract for the apartment complex, which will boose athlete* during the 1976 Game*.
    76 words
  • 189 31 mHE Russian acrobat JL team which recently won the world title at Moscow will provide two hours of non-stop entertainment at the BBA Hall on Sept. 21-22. The team, comprising 25 acrobats, will stop here enroute to Australia. Among the Russian stars are Allmanov and Nazarov.
    189 words
  • 413 31  - Giant-killer Wiyono falls to Ros By RO 8 CHANTRANITH of Singapore entered the men's singles final when he beat Indonesia's Ludy Wlyono 6-3. 2-6. 6-3 In the Pesta Sukan Open tennis championships at the National Stadium yesterday. The Cambodian born left-hander gave no room for giant killer Wlyono, who toppled
    413 words
  • 180 31  - STORE WIN PESTA HOCKEY By SINGAPORE won the Pesta Sukan triangular hockey tournament when they held Malaysia to a scoreless draw in the final played at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The title was decided on goal average. Singapore had beaten Indonesia 3-1 In their first game while Malaysia edged Indonesia
    180 words
  • 132 31 Kl ALA LUMPUR. Sat. Danny McComutck of Australia, riding a Yamaha 240, today overcame a late start to win the SM ec class motorcycle event In the Belanfor Grand Prix at the Batn Tl«ra race track. MeCormack, a professional from Adelaide, trailed the field of U
    132 words
  • 296 31  - Loh still ahead in trials for World meet DENNIS CHIA By OOUTHPHAW S.Y. Loh o maintained his lead In the FIQ World bowling championships trials at the end of the third day's play at the Paslr Panjang Bowl yesterday. He chalked up a total of 7,018 plnfalls to lead from
    296 words
  • 182 31 Illingworth steers Leics to victory LONDON. Gat. Ray Hllngkorth's off-spin sent Leicestershire to the brink of lu flnt-ever English County cricket < h »T>""«rilp title yesterday. lUlDgvorth. former captain of England, took 4-23 and paved the way for vtctcry over Middlesex by eight wlcketa. Brief score* At LsttiaUr: Leicestershire (IS
    AP  -  182 words
  • 48 31 EDINBURGH. Sat Result* of yesterday's Women's World Hockey Championship*: England 2 Ireland 1. Wales 0 Belgium 0 (Wales win on penalties). Scotland 1 Argentina 1 (Argentina win on penalties). Australia 3 India 1. Holland 0 United States 0 (Holland win on penalties). French tourists (Eagle Kngl—UPL
    48 words
  • 28 31 TOKYO. Sat. The University of Southern California Basketball team defeated an All Japan a.*laettoo 84-13 today for Its sixth straight win In as many games. UPi.
    28 words
  • 259 31 PAKISTAN'S Oogl Allaudln and Mohibullah Khan powered their way Into the final of the men's singles kt the Pesta Sukan squash tournament at the TangUn Club courts yesterday, report* Joe DeraL Oogl. ranked third In the world and top seed of the tournament, destroyed Queensland professional
    AP  -  259 words
  • 73 31 MOMBASA. (Kenya) Bat. Kenyan Daniel Onrwansa. who was sent home from a European tour earlier this year for Indiscipline, beat Tanzania's Filbert Bayl In the 800 metres final yesterday at the Bast and Central African championships. Omwansa led from the first lap, which he ran In 61
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 565 31 IT'S EVERT VERSUS EVONNE VEW YORK. Sat— Top-seeded Chris Evert reached the women's singles final of the U.S. Open Tennis Championships for the first time yesterday when she defeated her close friend Martina Navratllova of Czechoslovakia. 6-4, 6-4 Miss Evert, favourite to win title will meet Evonne Qoolagong of Australia,
    Reuter  -  565 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 271 31 With Hush Puppies,you can forget about smelly feet, sweaty feet, squashed feet, sloppy fee^shabby feet... No more smelly feet. Hush Puppies have perspiration resistant inner soles. That means any v dampness from your feet will not be absorbed to become stale and smelly N. B^ after a while n. With
      271 words

  • 315 32 Veteran Chye Hong wins gold for S'pore By A. JOHNSON TUNG Chye Hong yesterday won Singapore's first gold medal in the Pesta Sukan Asean weightlifting championships at Kreta Ayer People's Theatre. Veteran Tung, who started training seriously three months ago. surprised local welghtllfting officials when he hoisted a total of
    315 words
  • 340 32  - SINGAPORE UPSET DEFENDING CHAMPIONS KOREA SINGAPORE scored a dramatic 87-83 upset win over defending champions Bank of Korea and Japan's Matsushita team humbled the Philippines 115-89 to By PETER SIOW throw open the Pesta Sukan Invitational Basketball Championship at Oay World Stadium last night. With one minute to full-time, the
    340 words
  • 787 32 THE SHOWDOWN between Asia's women superstars, Chee Swee Lee of Singapore and South Korea's Kim Kyung Sook, in the 400 metres is on at 3 p.m. today, final day of the Singapore Amateur Open Athletics Championships at
    787 words
  • 467 32 Men: Final.: 300m 1 Anat Ratanapol (T) 31.0. 2 Oh Sae Jin (SK) 31.4. 3 Ramli fvhmad (M> 21.6; 800m 1 K. Yogeswaran (M) 1:60.7 (meet rec > 2 Rudolf Brueckner (WO) 1:51.6. 3 Hwang Kya Hoon (8K) 1:84.0; 400m hurdles 1 Haratah Barlk (S) 66.4. 2 Randall Parr
    467 words
  • 26 32 *jJhO T fl!iuK?lSd Of Th lUnd «n Wi w^r to ri ctory in the 200m flnaL Oh A«c Jin of South Korea
    26 words
  • 404 32 Leeds slam Wolves to move up to third f ONDON, Sat. Leeds United slammed Wolverhampton 3-0 in their old style today and crept up behind the leaders in the English soccer championship. Gordon Mcqueen. Allan Clark and Duncan McKenzle scored the goals. Manchester United came from behind to edge Tottenham
    404 words
  • 56 32 TOKYO. Sat Japans Maaaahl "Jumbo" Oxaki marked a course record. 10--under-par 62 and took a two-stroke lead after the third round of the Suntory Open golf tournament here today. Ozakl had 300 total after three round*. Lying second 11 Yoshltaka Yamamoto on 202. and two
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 87 32 MOM. LILIAN BAIHYAM m. Bur»»h OorUMUm* tu *w to b* wttk tb* Lord art«r 111mm brmrrty born*. D~pt, iwjiM by cblMna Mw-ialaw. grudcftlMran, rataUTM. Cort*r> Mm Taaglln BUI Road Block SI. 2.00 p.m 7-»-T5 tar LuUMTtn Cburch. CDmmoowaaltk Drlv«. (Mac* OCX Cbrtstun OMMtwr. KANO TIAH IMO ptMM «»>* peacefully
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 93 32 ATHLETICS—BAAA Open championships (National Stadium 0 am and 2.16 pm DIVING Seap Oames trials (Toa Pa yon 10 a.m.) BASKETBALL— Pesta Sukan finals (Oay World 7.30 pm). TENNIS Peata Sukan championships (National Stadium 3 p.m.) SQUASH Pesta Sukan Open championships: Men and Women Plate finals (10 am) Men and Women
      93 words