The Straits Times, 5 September 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FIN At EDITION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 797 1 Angry at being left out of- talks.. .so US stays away too, for sake of detente. GENEVA, Thursday THE Soviet Union boycotted the signing ceremony here today of the new interim agreement between Egypt and Israel presumably because of Kremlin annoyance at being by-passed during negotiations for the
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  797 words
  • 256 1 GENEVA, Tnurs. ISRAEL and Egypt 1 signed their Interim Sinai agreement today in a quick and sober ceremony not attended by Russia and America. There were no smiles, handshakes or speeches, as a soldier and a diplomat from each side signed the
    Reuter; AP  -  256 words
  • 87 1 BEIRUT, Thurs.— lsraeli commandos landed on the southern Lebanese seacoast early today but were pushed back In a three -hour battle that Included hand-to-hand fighting. Palestinian guerillas said. Independent reports said six guerillas were wounded, two seriously In the battle near Sldon. Lebanon's third largest city.
    AP  -  87 words
  • 38 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs Jerantut district. 160 km (100 miles) nit of here has teen declared a eholerm-ln-tected are* following the report of one death and IS cams of the disease, the Health Ministry said today. AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 16 1 WEATHEH forecast from 6 am to noon today: Isolated «hower» with thunder late morning
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  • 261 1 Court again says 'no' to Pinder FORMER S i m c Darby chairman Dennis William Plnder, 51, yesterday failed In his second court application in a month to be allowed to leave for England for medical tests arising from an operation on his left leg last May. The Senior District
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  • 135 1 KUALA LUMFUR. Than. Security forces have detained two suspects in connection with the communist rren»6e attack on the Police Field Force headquarters here yesterday in which two policemen were killed and 51 wounded. It was announced here today. Home Affairs Minister, Tan Sri GhasaU 8 h
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 95 1 SYDNEY, Thurs. More than nine per cent of children between the ages of 12 and 17 claim to get "very drunk" more than once a month, and two per cent claim they regularly become unconscious, according to a government report on teenage drunkenness
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 67 1 SWEDEN RETURNS TWO RED ARMY MEN TO JAPAN JAPANESE Bed Army gaerlllas Kyoichi Shimoda, It (centre with glasses) aadAklra KiUgawa, X, (behind Shimeda). eseerted by police officers, step down the r»mp of their plane on their arrival at Tokyo's Haneda airport after being expelled from Sweden lee entering the oevntry
    AP  -  67 words
  • 371 1 Airgirls with black armbands sent home KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday SEVERAL Malaysian Airways System (MAS) flights were delayed today when cabin crew members wearing protest black armbands were barred from boarding their aircraft. I The airline's employeei began wearing the armbands yesterday to protest against what they said was "the death
    371 words
  • 84 1 BANGKOK, Thurs. Pathet Lao soldiers opened fire Into a Thai border town lajt night after mistaking logs floating in the flooded Mekong River for a Thai Invasion force, government flf^'ilt said today. The nve-mlnute barrage l-iddled riverside buildings in the provincial capital of Nong Khal,
    84 words
  • 34 1 BUKNOS AIREB. Thurs The Argentina state airline AerollneM Argentina* oane«Ued an flomwtlo and International flight* attar Its flight and ground staff walked out on an Indefinite strike to support wage demands. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 50 1 CAIRO, Thurs. President Anwar Sadat tonight attacked those In the Arab world who had criticised Egypt's new Interim peace agreement with Israel. In a televised speech broadcast live by Cairo radio throughout the Arab world, be appeared to be aiming chiefly at Syria. Renter. (See this page)
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 43 1 Navy backs Goncalves LISBON, Than. The Ntvy brake with the Air Ferae and Army today and threw Its support to prao—luiunWt forme/ Prime Minister Vasee Gonealves, who hi under heavy pressure to resign as Aimed Forces Commander- In Chief. CPI. (See Page Two)
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  • 265 1 DEN PASAR. Thursday •pHE first-ever Asean summit will be held within the next six months, possibly in December, it was officially announce here today. The venue is likely to be Bali A brief communique Issued after two days of Informal talks here between Prim Minister
    Reuter  -  265 words
  • 216 1 RAAF relief plane 'hijacked' in Timor /CANBERRA, Thurs. —An RAAF plane, operating on behalf of the International Red Cross, was forced to carry about 50 Timorese to Darwin tonight after a group of armed men boarded it in the Portuguese Timor town of Bac a v, a Defence Ministry statement
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 164 1 KICK OUT IDLE SONS CALL TO PARENTS Page 7 'SADAT wants arms frran the UB' S TIC backing for Wilson's wage emrb policy S IMF aid plan hits Ml IN 4 CHINA hits at Moscow 5 HOUSE of Dawne's financial wees IINDL'STBIEB mast go for bigger foreign markets It HUNT
      164 words
    • 189 1 OVERSEAS UNION BANK LIMITED -SvslNimv nco *****5 > o .p. ii a— lm«^ t^^cmsHmt^hSM fla»si t^M£l— Am. »««>»t».t.l timmtmavti* 1 1 liliV- «m miwti *m*mm*m* T»W[HI<WM>»CH»— ll»W»«C<N»»»««0l!»|»»l an., KomMM>Mjmi INVEST IN OUB NEGOTIABLE S$ CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT AND MAKE FULL USE OF YOUR SURPLUS FUNDS 0.U.8. launches another new service
      189 words
    • 43 1 TyffiJT SAFETY SHOES KING'S ON EARTH No ™^M OILRESISTANT^ W KING'S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD. 122. BLK. 38, DAKOTA CRESCENT, SINGAPORE, 14. TEL: 40n031 *****7 Distributor: M. 9 TRADING COMPANY 134, Ist Floor. Golden Mil* TkMtra Towrvr. ktc* ftosd. Sintspera. 7. J1: 2******
      43 words

  • Straits Times World News
    • 677 2 'Sadat wants arms from US' EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat told a group of visiting US congressroen last month he wants to buy a variety of sophisticated American weapons, the Boston Globe reported today The Olobe. quoting Rep Joseph Early. one of three Congressmen tc, meet with Mr. Sadat, said the
      Reuter; UPI; AP  -  677 words
    • 147 2 CAIRO, Thurs. The Arab League's boycott committee today added 14 foreign firms to its blacklist, but lifted Its ban on Arab dealings with 19 other companies. The boycott Is Intended to stop Arab states from dealing with companies said to be doing, business with
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 478 2 I U.S. ROLE IN SINAI LIMITED, K TELLS CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Thursday SECRETARY of State Henry Kissinger, home from a successful Sinai peace mission, is telling Congress that the United States jwill play only a very limited but important role In enforcing the accord between Egypt and Israel. President Gerald Ford,
      Reuter; AP  -  478 words
    • 253 2 PLO bid for Syrian support to wreck pact BEIRUT, Thurs. Palestinians, battered by Israeli bombs and shells, sought today with Syrian support to wreck the Israeli-Egyptian interim peace agreement. "It is the national responsibility of aU revolutionary regimes and forces in the region to work Jointly to defeat the US
      Reuter; UPI  -  253 words
    • 27 2 RANGOON. Thurs. BL' ty-eiglit Talwtnne fishermen were deported yesterday after having served 16 mor.ths In i»ll on charges of po*.3hlng in Burmese terrttort'i waters. UPI.
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 285 2 1 munlst Party today t said former Portuguese Fremident Antonio De Splnola planned to art ap hi* he adqnarteri In Madrid to organise attacks and posutblj a coop against the Lisbon regime. The ac c■e sa t lons appeared In the party organ Humanlte
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 How to teach your children the value of saving The Hongkong Bank now has special Lion Money Boxes to help your children save. Your children should know how to count The Hongkong Bank can help you too by making Because all our accounts are computerized, you may the chance they
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    • 217 3 LONDON, Thun. Queen Elizabeth ignored Jewish protests today and officially Inaugurated a 70 nation parliamentary conference attended by four observers from the Palestine Liberation Organisation. A group of about 25 Zionist demonstrators stood In Parliament Square waving banners denouncing the
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 31 3 DACCA (Bangladesh). Thurs. Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Oandhl has promised that her country's future relations with Bangladesh will be guided by non-Interference in each other's internal affairs. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 26 3 YOKOSUKA (Japan). Thun. Five people were killed and eight injured in a gas explosion at an apartment houte here today, police reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 267 3 SLUMP: NO FAST RECOVERY SAYS GATT GENEVA, Thurs. reduce the rates of Inflation. World trade was unlikely to make up In any recovery in the second half of the year for the decline experienced In the first half, the report said. Recovery could be delayed If smaller Industrial countries, unable
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    • 431 3 BLACKPOOL, Thursday BRITAIN'S trade unions yesterday voted overwhelmingly to support Prime Minister Harold Wilson's policy against inflation by limiting their next wage rises to a flat rate of £6 (Ss3l) a week for everyone. "The stark reality Is that some people for a
      Reuter  -  431 words
    • 33 3 RANGOON. Thurs—Special criminal courts have sentenced more than 1,000 people to Jail In the past two moths in a government campaign to crack down on Lawlessness In this socialist capital.— UPl.
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    • 148 3 AEROFLOT DEATH STILL A MYSTERY MOSCOW, Thura. A group of weary and baffled passengers arrived eight hours late In Moscow last night unable to shed any light on the mysLeiious death of a Russian aboard a Soviet Aeroilot flight. The night was delayed In London for nine hour* during a
      Reuter; AP  -  148 words
    • 26 3 RABAT. Thun. Thirty people were killed and M Injured in two rad accidents Invohtnc lorries, the Moroccan new* agency MJLP. reported today— Reuter
      Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 I m B^^kk^^stsaK j v. riifljirirPT^XMT^ii S* i I I 1 r\ J V
      14 words
    • 651 3 is fAji w in ipH s¥«^^* ll^BVSjdtjMß^lMll^B^B^J Bs£ 2a4 Ili S2 IS MMHraM El ig EJ2 ¥ci 13 El [g QUALITY FOODS FRIENDLY SERVICE, gj m |u| JPllP^b Fresh Cheefe from France Co- And now! More varieties of \U\ memb«rt, roquefort,, Fro- FRESH SEA FOODS, VEGEIQI 9SimStK modon, Crotlin
      651 words

    • 38 4 BANOKOK. Thurs— Alan Dawson UPI manager In South Vietnam and the last full-time Amet^can news agency Journal!* In that country arrived in ™*rig*rjr yesterday under orders from the communist government that he leave Saigon— UPl.
      38 words
    • 337 4 COCOS GROUP SHOULD REVERT TO BRITAIN, SAYS MP LONDON, Thurs. A British Member of Parliament yesterday said the owner of Cocos Inlands In the Indian Ocean had no right to negotiate their sale to Australia. The group should revert to Britain. Mr. Anthony Nelson, a Conservative, said he had asked
      Reuter  -  337 words
    • 55 4 TOKYO. Thurs Kghtyelght officers and soldiers returned to Laos from Thailand and were "warmly welcomed." the Vietnamese News Agency (VNA; re ported today. MemtxTs of the 3 at Battalion of the Lao National Army In Savannakhet Province, they had been "forced by the reactionaries to ieave
      AP  -  55 words
    • 156 4 SALISBURY, Thurs. £3 Rhodesia's African National Council (ANC) today appeared split by internal fending which could harm its bargaining position with the white minority government. The three-way division, between moderate and militant elements in the ANC. has emerged into the open after last week's abortive
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • Briefs
      • 36 4 UNITED NATIONS: A four man delegation from the UN Special Committee on Colonialism was named yesterday to attend independence cer e m o nic« of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby from Sept. 14 to 17.
        36 words
      • 32 4 OSAKA: Four people collapsed and died while cleaning a sewage treating tank In Osaka, western Japan, yesterday, police reported. Officials said 'hey were apparently poisoned by methane gas generated in the tank.
        32 words
      • 21 4 TAIPEI: Taiwan will have three million metric tons of cement available for export next y»r, the Central News Agency reported todar.
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      • 35 4 LAS VEGAS: The Nevada Oamlng Control Board sent a "goodwill mission" to Japan this summer In an effort to counter adverse publicity about alleged crime In this US gambling capital a board member said yesterday.
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      • 36 4 WASHINGTON: A spokesman for the Atomic Industrial Forum Inc. said yesterday the United States should press ahead with advanced terms of nuclear energy, which he called safer and more economical than more traditional energy systems. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  36 words
    • 817 4 plans to finance development aid for the world's poor countries by selling International Monetary Fund gold stocks, face serious technical difficulties authoritative sources said here. Monetary expert* at the IMF annual meeting privately conceded last night they had not done their homework before the dramatic
      Reuter; AP  -  817 words
    • 488 4 Opec: No intention to create any new problem' T*HE Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) has no Intention of creating problems for the Industrialised nations by Increasing oil prices, Venezuela's Mines and Hydrocarbons Minister Valentin Hernandez said yesterday. The Minister said the 13-nation oil cartel, whose members Include the Arab
      Reuter; AP; NYT  -  488 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 348 4 r^^s^a»^Br ~^-~^^^^^^^a^|^^^L|?Rg^^|^|Hßh^^^sv^B b^b^t^^shi b^b^b%SSSßs&^?^. B^bV^^^^Sl B^B^HB^bV km o/i on it hiiw% 1 '^■-Ti bSb^ P^fcfcl^B^Z^HiiJl'H wK B^^^^B^BJawT B^B^a^H k^?M l*^^Ja^^t^^^s^^ S^Bv^^ B^BB^BMaiWfl IP^^3 \^^io^^^^^^ tl^^**^^^ •a. I j^ vA^ B^B^B^KS&l w^^S^^^^^^^^ sv 1 t^^. I if m Ml B^^^^^ •> I l IS&BS'HmacSBeBuu i*O**J**l*%»*»»**»**2* Hb\v^9lb?9 I Fir .^dttf^^ \s3SSSSSr I
      348 words
    • 99 4 9ik oo o 111 who buy C^fc I I t Carpet Tiles i (Tim i i BZEEZSH I We also deal in Curtain, Terrazzo tiles, Marble slabs, Mosaic and Wall tiles, Vinyl sheets, Wallpaper, Furniture, General Decoration and Renovation. WE ARE LICENSED TO UNDERTAKE ALL HDB RENOVATION WORKS. HOPE FOR
      99 words

    • 480 5 HONGKONG, Thursday the risk of embarrassing his North Vietnamese hosts, one of China's top military leaders sharply attacked the Soviet Union in a speech dejivered in Hanoi yesterday. The Chinese goest, Mr. Chen Hsi-lien, also warned the North Vietnamese in an indirect way
      480 words
    • 185 5 II7HANGAREI (New *T Zealand). Thun. An official Inquiry today began into a blaze on board a French freighter in which 16 people. Including the captain's wife and three children, are believed to have died. The 3.614-tonne Capltane Bougainville was abandoned when it caught fire In heavy
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 57 5 Conqueror Christel, 8 CHAMONIX (France). Thun.— An tlght-year-old French glr. has become the youngest person ever to climb to the top of Mont BlancEurope's highest mountain, officials said here. Chrlstel Bochatay. who Is 1.2 metres (tour ft one In) tall, reached the peak of the 4.807 metre (16.700 ft) high
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 28 5 HONOKONO. Tburr— TMk Peking Astronomical Observatory has discovered a new star, Nova, la the Swan (Cygnus) ConsttUalloo. the New China News Agency reported yesterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 269 5 'Mao in good health and Chou slightly better' rpOKYO, Thurs. Chl--1 nese Vice-Premier LI Hslen-men was quoted today as saying that Chairman Mao Tsetung. 81. Is in good health and ailing Premier Ctiou Zn-lal la •slightly better." Japanese correspondent* In Peking said Mr. U made the statements to Klnkazu Salonjl.
      269 words
    • 112 5 Talks on future of Seato CANBERRA. Thur«. Vj The ultimate fate of the South-East Asia Treaty Organisation Seato may soon be known. Prime Minister, Oough Whltlam said yesterday. Members of Seato were presently engaged In consultations about the future of the organisation which two regional members. The Philippines and Thailand
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 61 5 TOKYO. Thurs. A 11--year-old boy committed suicide on the first day of his senior year of high school because he did not have 6.700 yen (St47> In Interest money due to a money lender, police said. Ifaaahlro lltyao hanged himself In the bathroom of his family's
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 129 5 AT least 50 people have died from cholera In this flooded capital of India's north eastern Bihar state, relief officials said. Seventeen people have already been officially reported dead In floods in Patna district, where more than l.Mt.M* people were affected when rivers
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 220 5 Do not resume aid to India: WASHINGTON, Thurs Claiming that Prime Minister Indira Oandhl had eliminated Indian democracy, a conservative Senator today urged the United States not to resume aid to India. Senator Harry Byrd, said In a speech prepared for delivery In the Senate that "Mrs. Oandhl, convinced of
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 43 5 MISS Serene Mishlawl. 18, holds on to her trophy In Beirut after being elected Miss Arab World from seven other finalists earlier this month. A secretary from. Beirut, Miss Mishlawl also holds the title of Miss Palestine. UPI picture.
      UPI  -  43 words
    • 317 5 NEW POLLS CALL BY SACKED MINISTER COLOMBO, Thursday BACKED Finance Minister N.M. Perera yesterday demanded that Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike seek a new mandate from the electorate "now that she has destroyed unity upon which she was elected to office." Dr. Perera made the demand during a three-hour-long speech he
      Reuter; AP  -  317 words
    • 29 5 HONOKONO. Thun. China has brought In a good early rice harvest following a substantial rise In output last year, the New China News Agency has reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 199 5 P^^_ _^P^PJBt?^^ l i **ffi|pJPJ ft MOON CAKE FESTIVAL SPECIAL OFFER FROM 5.9.75 TO 11.9.75 ITEM PACKING PRICE Pure Best Quality THAI RICE 100% aaa fekg S7 25 THAI RICE 10% 6k 9 ccoc Hot Vinegar Chilli Sauce UFC 227gm 0.65 Sesame Chilli Sauce UFC 1.00 Young Ginger UFC I*os
      199 words
    • 302 5 lUij/ji in "v IHrji S^^^ Z TMHQ*. The instant orange drink yAS^^-^- j^ "^sk na t s brimful of energy and goodness. /^^v^^-- T "^mr Just one glassful provides enough I^^ l^^^^ Z. Z- jf\ Vitamin Cto see you and your family J through your busiest day. And you B
      302 words

  • 1217 6 PETER NIESEWAND REPORTS ON THE BACKGROUND TO TRIAL OF 3 ABORIGINES FIRSJ a simple auiz on repressive racial legislation, and then an answer which may surprise you. Where would you find laws demanding that blacks, over the age of 17, need written official permission to visit their
    1,217 words
  • 564 6 WASHINCTON: Thursday "]t| AY you have as 1Tl manjf enemies as there are drops left in the bottom of the bottle," runs an* old Russian toast and by this test the average Soviet citizen has nothing but friends. Where vodka to concerned the Russians
    564 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 MOVING MESSAGES produce results! What does your business front say about your Company, your Products, your Service? Use Salescaster to reoch more people affectively with your own messoges. You can change, build up and vary your programme of messoges to any extent you desire. Five brilliant colours for colour change.
      141 words
    • 87 6 Newsweek THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 8, ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: U.S. China relations. Japan: the bankruptcy boom. Mideast: the road to peace? ■M me. »V COS PVr ■■9mmt% if? m 1 Wr 4H£ *^H Mk fir Jir~*<. Mm MAIL YOUR COUPON TO Newsweek International c/o Sanvic Enterprise Lock Bag Service No. 1
      87 words

  • 166 7 OOLICE want to contact two brothers. Tan Chuan Hal. 31. and Tan Chuan Eng, 24, who they believe could help In Investigations into the murder >f a shopassistant in Jalan Besar on June last year. The elder Tan, who Is also known as
    166 words
  • 185 7 Not enough drivers, so it's fewer books for readers READERS in out- lying community centres here are "suffering" from a temporary shortage of books as there are not enough van drivers for the Na- tional Library's mobile library service. This service to the I community centres has. since Tuesday, been
    185 words
  • 209 7 Jail and rotan for 2 who smashed up car A BUSINESSMAN WU In his father-in-law's house for a birthday celebration when he saw seven to eight men, armed with Iron bars and parangs, smashing his car outside the house, a district court heard yesterday. Koh Boon Toh, a partner of
    209 words
  • 48 7 THE St. John Ambulance Brigade will hold a charity fair for old folks and children from IS homes at lte headquarters In Beach Road on Sunday at S pjn. The MP for Tlong Bahru, 'Mr. Chng Jit Khoon, will present (tilts to the Inmates.
    48 words
  • 76 7 THX Minuter for Culture. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, will attend the cloalng ceremony of the Rafting Round Singapore expedition orfanJatd by the People's Association Regional Youth Council (Weat) at PfcaJr Rls holiday complex on Eunday at 11 aflL About 600 guests and members of youth groups
    76 words
  • 41 7 TOT Water Department wll) be laying a water main at the Junction of Adam Road and Dunemrn Road during the weekend, starting at S p.m. today. Motorists are advised to avoid this area to minimise trail ie congestion.
    41 words
  • 44 7 THE "Metro Ooet Korea" promotion at Metro Orchard and Metro OoMas Mil* will be extended to Sept. 14. Tt» $760,000 proutotton featuna a wide rant* of connuner marchaivHw and Imported foods from Korea, ■uppoTtad br cultural ahowa and damonnraOon*.
    44 words
  • 11 7 Time wart n road accident*, one aertou*. on Wednesday
    11 words
  • 630 7  -  PHILIP LEE By pARENTS have peen urged not to tolerate in their homes "idle sons" who take their three square meals a day but contribute nothing to the family income. A number of employers In the private sector claim that this parental forbearance
    630 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 129 7 BmmmmmF^^Hml W^tl I If^m-H^Bm-L- Q HmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmSß HmmVW ft ASHBMtaJ BBBT^B) BTaTsr^^^^mTsl amY Bmmmmmi mWHr fflaW i\l£i BEWARE OFidTATION When Buying Bridgestone Tubes *jpjsßHjapjmjapjaß«m)Bß^a]a_. 'M^bM^BL'MbMK,' MaßattHßafsmm! XOHi oftfvt r^"^ w^VM&^^X T*rtHt 3--^"'^ l> d^\ v^\^^^ tr t m» «BT\\ Bt\\ E W tube n \bridqestone §1 TUBE The original Bridgestone Tube
      129 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 230 7 Bringing Up Fath»r By BUI Kavanagh Hal Camp "77^ NITWIT/ 1 TOLD -VOIA [AUNT MAOOIS IS 111 f AHD I KNOW MILLO, OA*LK'-- OUCH/ HRWTOWBB Mi MAD BE CAUSE S*« j I VVHIRt- TMBV ARI J N- S WHSN I'M SeWlN©'/ LOST MBR PIMS/ J I v BlondU By Chi*
      230 words

  • 157 8 SPECIAL 'BIRDS' STAMPS TO GO ON SALE ANEW set of four "Birds" special stamps in denominations of five cents. 10 cents, 35 cents end $1 will be on sale at all post offices from Oct. 5. The stamps, designed by local dc signer. Mr. Fr.K Slak Loy. depict some birds
    157 words
  • 30 8 SIXTY members from the People's Association Youth Movement will take part In Its fourth youth canoe camp at the Faalr Hit holiday com pin from tqday to Bunday.
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  • 313 8 SISIR to help boost production of SMA members THE Singapore Inx stitute of Standards and Industrial Research is to help the Singapore Manufacturers Association in supplying industrial technical information, developing new products and designs and improving production processes. This was aimed at a meeting between the SMA's committee headed by
    313 words
  • 111 8 A TOTAL of nine Industrial workers were recently sacked far HMilm sfcaggy locks aa the Singapore Manufacturers' Association pursue* its antl long hair campaign In factories. According to the latest publication of SMA'S organ. The Manufacturer, a second wrvey among Its member firms showed that 2*
    111 words
  • 29 8 THE combined Upper Aljunled Technical Mt Vernon Secondary School Band will perform at the MacRltchle Reservoir Park on Sunday from BSO p m to •JO p m.
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  • 80 8 DROP IN JULY CARGO THE total cargo handled In Singapore during July amounted to 4.7 million tonne*, a drop of 29.700 tonnes compared to July last year, according to the Department of Statistics. Cargo loaded In the month totalled 1.5 million tonnes compared to nearly 1.8 million tonnes In the
    80 words
  • 541 8 'House of Dawne lost money 5 By NANCY BYRAMJI piNANCIAL losses are believed to be a major reason for the closure of the House of Dawne, registered as the Scandinavian Health and Fitness Company Private Limited. It is also learnt that two of the company's three founder director's resigned this
    541 words
  • 111 8 |Lf B. Onr Ah Urn, a, ITI a clerk U appealing to hU missing wife Low Slow Yin (above), 23, to return home "for the sake of onr two children." HU wife loft him on Aag. IS after they had a quarrel. Said Mr.
    111 words
  • 78 8 Seminar on the hotel industry A SEMINAR on productivity Improvements for the hotel industry win be held at the Regional English Language Centre on Oct. 15. The objective of the mlnar, which will be conducted In English, v to drmw mention to the problem* and to disclose the techniques for
    78 words
  • 213 8 How the public can help police fight crime MEMBERS Of fiepubllc can help tie police in crime prevtntlor by not only providing u«efui Information, bitt also by taking precautionary measures, Mr. Lee Ylok Seng, MP for JlukltPanJang, said yes^rday. Mr. Lee, who -was speaking at the opening of the Crime
    213 words
  • 38 8 THE numbers picked in j».terday's Toto Draw No. 11 75 were 2, 43. 31. and 21. The additional number »as 11. In the circles draw, the n unbers plcfced were 38. 10 ai U 33.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 692 8 No.l Killer 'TBly JaT I ißa ±i Yes, coronary heart disease has now achieved the unenviable posi'ion as the number one killer in many countries, noubly in urban areas. Contrary to popular belief, no one is really safe from this dreaded disease some of its victims are seemingly robust and
      692 words
    • 56 8 yH) v£) i V W •j Bp>* Jp f For immediate installation Call *****10/*****11 m:ntacolor TV RfcNUL SPF( ULISTS HORLDHIDI 27 GotdhWl Pfeua Thomson Road Singapore (INTERNATIONAL BARITONE) PIANIST: ALWIN LEE JAPAN'S CANDIDATE IN THE TSCHAIKOWSKY COMPETITION D.B.S. AUDITORIUM TUESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 1975 8.30 p.m. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT C.K. TANG.
      56 words

  • 1265 9  -  EVELYN N3 Role in political sphere has declined but... By J^ SOCIAL movement on behalf of women's rights and demands may be permitted in a future Singapore, a university lecturer said yesterday. This mctsment may even be absorbed Into the flanks of
    1,265 words
  • 194 9 Apron-strings for husbands? Yes says SMA I^HE Singapore Manu- facturers' Association Is ail for husbando taklnc over half their wives' household chores. If this will enable the women to Join the labour force. Mr. One Lend Chuan. its chairman, said he thought It tn even better Idea to build more
    194 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 671 9 ROOM OUiN/liMiL/i jK&ffiM find a wide variety of designs, styles and A\ j A l^y jj>; -A^ fabrics in our upholstery department |^A\ k.U^^^^^^^ Lw^Hi' >t m IW. #1 V 4 *BBBK^^BBBBBn*BBBBBvCsi i > .rtair. mi^ m i r »bjbbb"^^^ t^ T bj r»• »i™\T L sturd> fabric^ Jj^^^^^^^-,r centre
      671 words

  • 441 10 Industries must go for more and bigger foreign —markets— LOCAL industries will come to a standstill unless manufacturers strive for more and bigger international markets, the Singapore Manufacturers Association warned yesterday. Manufacturers must maintain a "broad front" in their marketing strategies and seek out all possible markets to sell their
    441 words
  • 40 10 THE Upper Serangoon community centre's youth executive committee organises rtinrtng volleyball, stilt walking, singing and harmonica classes free of charge. It also conducts courses In Japanese language, conversational English. gulUr ana Highway Code at nominal fees.
    40 words
  • 384 10 CHEAPEST BRAND OF BABY FOOD AND TEA rpHE cheapest brand ni 1 Infant food is the locallv-Dacked Lactoaren. which is sold at $12.00 for flvelb. < 2.268 nm>. acrordlnK to a Trade Department survey. There are at least 18 brands of infant foods or baby feeding powder In the mnrket
    384 words
  • 73 10 JLTRONO Town Residents' Association Is «warding 10 scholarships at $100 each to Secondary students and 10 scholarships at $60 each to Primary pupils. All pupils born In Singapore or who are Singapore citizens by re- glstration are eligible. Application forma axe available at the
    73 words
  • 38 10 ABOLT Stt.Mf worth of timber and machinery were destroyed when fire rased a storehouse at Tien Bock Hlam sawmill in Cfcna Cnu Kant Road yesterday afternoon. Two fire-engines pat oat the blase in 20 minutes.
    38 words
  • 94 10 LEE-SUHARTO TALKS START IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE rE Singapore Prime MlnUter and President Suharto of Indonesia chatting In a relaxed atmosphere in Ball where the two leaders have been conferring since Wednesday. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's first round of talks with President Suharto on Wednesday lasted
    AP  -  94 words
  • 294 10 21-MEMBER TEAM TO TAKE PART IN IRAN TRADE FAIR A 21-MEMBER trade mission from the Singapore Manufacturers Association will leave for a nine-day visit to Iran on Monday. The mission the third to be organised by the SMA— will take part In the Third Taheran International Trade Pair from Sept.
    294 words
  • 96 10 r'O men, Nk Hoo Bengl, 32, and Lai Ah Ngow, 20, were yesterday fined $300 each for using criminal force on a police constable outside Kirn Novak Nlte Club in Serangoon Road on Sept. 1 at 9.55 p.m. The case arose from an
    96 words
  • 73 10 Psychology in business deals The Department of Extramural Studies, University of Singapore, will hold a six-lecture course in "Psychological Aspects of "Effective Business Negotiations" at Nissen Hut 10 B every Friday at 7.30 p m. from today. Fee Is $25. The department will alto hold a 12-lecture course In piano
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  • 120 10 Man who punched cop: 6 months SECK Koon Kee, 29. was yesterday jailed for six months for punching a police constable and another six months for attempting to escape from police custody, the sentences to run concurrently. PC Choo Soon Chye noticed that Seek was driving a car In an
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  • 39 10 THE Singapore Art and Crafts Education Society will hold Its 17th annual art competition for students on Sept 20 at Bahamddln Vocational Institute. Stirling Road, (rent ISO p.m. The competition is divided Into crafts and painting sections.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 404 10 has never been Lj. jk easier to have ttjj^^ mk Not someday. Now, The new o^2saVsß Echolac beauty case you're buying. r^^\^^^^m The beauty outside creates a striking frieze around all the whimsy and sophistication inside. A beautiful lined harmonious colour quilted rayon interior fitted with mirror, tray, pocket and
      404 words
    • 162 10 k Hsls^L^L^s^s^sl P Mat tresses Grovewood Divan Sets Kitchen /T/^ V *s in 5 qualities with LJfiitS xj^^" with melamine lining, P»^^^ GOLD SEAL easily assembled at ZIPPE D home. Furnish entire kitchen, LOCKED DIVAN SET or one unit at a time, starting with Cresta headboard 84,271/- with only 8145.
      162 words

  • 1211 11  -  T.F. HWANG By I)ENNIS William Pinder, 51, former chairman o£ Sime Darby, yesterday lost his second court application for leave to undergo a medical "re-investi-gation" in England under a Harley Street specialist in connection with his left leg, ok which an operation
    1,211 words
  • 241 11 Security firm boss fined $3,000 A FORMER court prosecutor, who engaged security guards in his private investigation firm, was fined a total of $3,000 yesterday for failing to submit full particulars of his emDiovees tn the authorities in time. Vernon Aerla 49. now retired from the police force, admitted falling
    241 words
  • 38 11 A BRIDAL Make-up count will begin at the Adult Education Board's Centra at Beatty Secondary School on Sept. 14. rimri will be on Sunday, between 1 prn and 3 p.m The fee U ISO. lll»l»
    38 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 253 11 aw 4 1 to D^PnmMmster mZ+% V Datuk tfassein Bin Orm fIC w Am < jwkiskmdattmla^ I amnemorytingtlwinmi^^ Arub-Mjlapan Deud^^ on September 4th 1975. You have to be really good to be chosen car of tne year in America. When it comes to cars, talk to the Americans. four cylinder
      253 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 191 11 Straits Times Crossword I H* IB ll* BF H^Lf^ iHP~~H ACSOBB a boat (S). Yeoman b.r* ft-J-kJ-* M 9SS mlrue» (X Zeu. >** to P°» :er o^.sT"* Clent nun-producer -the flr»t 10 i tod. or' to put It an- *H£* r srt ruai x li gS n&* -14 One 3
      191 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 316 12 Grdnd Mini Y rcmicrc sv^ Jffffrti^ar -\t LaJ •J Under The Distinguished Patronage Of >"X F hu<i> 'fll BrVl The Honourable Minister for Social Affairs V ,i. BY %C^^^"Sv^^^B FNCIK OTHMAN WOK !winms%iW7^PTT^f'ifffti i r^ 5 To aid THE JOGGING ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE I X ORCHARD THEATRE- s gg£» Wednesday,
      316 words
    • 362 12 LAST HW DAYS? O Hs TODAY COLDiN: S SHOWS AT 1 1 AM. JVT^l^^, AM 1 JO, 4 00. Ml 4 •.30»M. A 'i V«i M ?I?» A I «a^ KONG CHIAN: 4 SHOWS AT '■>•• 4 4S •■>•"»*. 1 30 J 30, 7 IS 4 *.30fM. ST AIRING: TUN
      362 words
    • 416 12 B^B^Bk -J^\ %^H *L 30,000 Singaporeans have now seen Disney on Parade! And the rush grows daily. BOOK NOW at the DISNEY ON PARADE Booking Centre at Shore Garden, Kallang Park, (between the National Stadium and the Sea). Telephone Numbers *****0, *****4, and *****6. This booking office is open until
      416 words
    • 286 12 fUDO-93rd'DAYi and STILL SINGAPORE'S BIGGEST ATTRACTION! llam, 2.15, 530 8.45pm Cash Bookings only a ADMISSION PRICES: CIRCLE S4 00- STALLS SJ 50 tSI 50 NO HALF MICE— NO MILITARY CONCISSION-NO Mil LISt j OVER 450.000 PEOPLE Shave seen it- HAVE YOU? HOOVER-OPENS TODAY 4 SHOWS DAILY at 1.45, 4.00, 7
      286 words
    • 742 12 > iiaai aww §«B6A«itJmaN 4th MONTH! »3rd DAY' B 4* Shawt aailr Nate Tim.. f| 7 llam, i 11 5 30 t 8 4Spm No Free L*» No Hal) Price No Mihtory C ncession Circle J4-Stoll» M 50 4 il 50 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY S Paul Newman, Steve McQueen w
      742 words

  • 334 13 f>OLICE are looking for a gang which specialises in stealing from hotel rooms while the guests are out. Informed sources said the gang, comprising at least three men. had been responsible for stealing thousands of dollars worth of property and cash
    334 words
  • 410 13 a haemoglobin level below 10 gm "When the above features are present, the cancer Is usually In an advanced stage and although surgical removal Is possible in most of these cases, the eventual prognosis is poor. "As in other cancers, the only
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  • 71 13 New SBS canteen at Changi ANOTHER canteen— for the benefit of Singapore Bus Service workers has been opened at the Changi eight milestone bus terminus. The canteen, opened by the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) Is the fourth co-operative bus canteen of it* kind. Pood and beverages are sold at
    71 words
  • 125 13 A MUSLIM religious association is planning to organise a mass wedding ceremony for Muslim couples in Singapore. The Persatuan Pelajar Pelajar Ugama Dewasa (Adult Religious Students Association) will discuss the feasibility of the scheme at Its next monthly meeting on Sept. 13. The president of
    125 words
  • 141 13 rE General Insurance Association (OIA) has set up a technical department to provide eipert advice to the Industry on fire prevention and Industrial safety. The depart ment located In the GlA'a Bremises8 remises hi Shell louse, is hraded by fire engineer, Mr. Sin Thiam
    141 words
  • 127 13 HE DIDN'T KEEP PLEDGE SO WIFE GETS DIVORCE A WOMAN supervisor In an electronics company told Mr. Justice Window in the High Court yesterday that her 1973 marriage had not yet been consummated. Madam Lee Hwee Keng said she married Khoo Yong Ho on May 22. 1973 at the Registry
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  • 75 13 Management course THE Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a course In Management Reporting Systems for affective Planning and Control from Oct. 7 to 9 between 930 am and 5 pjn. at Its conference room. Thong Teck Building. Scotts Road. Pee for the course, to be ooMiucted by Prof, aK.
    75 words
  • 227 13 *****74 wins $400,000 in S'pore Sweep TUCKET No. *****74 A won the first prize of $400,000 in Singapore Sweep No. 9/75 drawn last night at Colombo Court. Second prize of SI 50.000 went to ticket No. *****24 and third prise of $75,000 went to ticket No. *****58. JACKPOT NUMBERS ($10.0
    227 words
  • 63 13 A JOBLES6 man. Ho Sin Sung. 67. was ywterdav fined a total of $3,400 for having opium and a smoking pipe at an unnumbered hut off Kallang Road. He pleaded guilty to having the utensil and 95 5 grammes of opium on Aug. at about 1 IS
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  • 46 13 MR PVancls Chlam, a British-trained photographer, will conduct a course on Advanced Practical Photography at the YMCA, Orchard Road, every Mondays and Thursdays between I p.m. and 10 p.m. from Sept. 29 at *55 for members and $60 for others. For details, telephone *****8
    46 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 179 13 Shoes Handbag Shopping? The More £l fs^X Fashionable Ladies Mil V CSsS^-s^A shop At fim^^^) ar I w -A Bj afl mm. V M.' HHiLB W «S jM^^B&^^__i^_jnß *^^»S»^^aia^»V^ U f S^H BI^mII Hssisfifl fc^^tS^SiK" k.X| B sB A P^^ W isWlia^B^^^^Sßi IsisH Extra strong Pbi#iMLy| Woods 9 Great PPJP^PI^pi^J
      179 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 433 14 BRITAIN'S Prime Minister, Mr Harold Wilson, and his Labour government have won a vital round in their struggle against Inflation, at 26.6 per cent the worst in recession-hit Europe. Their plan to limit wage Increases to £6 a week has been approved by the Trades Union Congress,
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    • 218 14 'THE prospect of the first summit meeting of Asean countries within the next six months is a significant Indicator of the growth of the organisation and what it means to its members. In its early years Asean was more of a talking club where progress was painfully
      218 words
    • 315 14 r APPEARS that the area licensing scheme has only achieved about 40 per cent success in easing traffic Jams In the city area. Unfortunately, the result seemed to be off set by the worsening traffic congestions along the fringe restricted zone
      315 words
    • 65 14 I UNDERSTAND that many local banks have sold $100. (250. and $500 "gold coins" to their clients. The coins were Issued on National Day. But the POSB has no such coins. Since the POSB Is providing several facilities like housing loans, GIRO payment system of PUB bills, etc., surely it
      65 words
  • 1316 14  - Indonesia fears Timor may become another Cuba C. SWEENEY AS PORTUGAL'S A other colonies have broken up In communal savagery It was only a matter of time before the same tensions erupted In Timor, the tiny Portuguese province sandwiched in the Indonesian archipelago. Fledgng political groups have been vying for
    1,316 words
  • 575 14  -  LEROY POPE: B> EV E R T B O D V's talking about soaring food prices and some are tryinjr to do something about them. The most, radical movement In the United States is by croups called "community unions" that seek to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 26 14 How to keep your cash from floating all over the t■' im- m world. -vm^H Contact us. 1 v «»S^n One step ahead. BANKof AMERICA tfl.
      26 words
    • 217 14 MOWMSIMMMfft V 100 AM \v2« HB^ Come and enjoy the magic of Malaguena and Fiery Flamenco. CORPUZ TRlOthe most beautiful harmony in town A <,r*/ \Z'<7unran<7/ Bukrt Tanah Road Singapore X) Tel ***** Associated with Hotel Equatorial Kuala Lumpur Highlights for today Open letter from Haji Ya'acob Mohamed. No sighting
      217 words

  • 309 15  -  By THESE oranges growing on a rare type of miniature tree from China in the backyard of a house in Balestier area are as big as grapefruit. And to meir proud owner. Mr. Goh Che Ping of Jalan Kemaman. who
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  • 296 15 MOTORISTS can help reduce traffic jams in the Central Business District by doing business and shopping as far as possible outside the area. This Is one of the suggestions put forward by a motorist in the latest issue of the Highway, the official organ
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  • 96 15 THE NOISY WAYANGS: 34 LOSE DEPOSITS A TOTAL of 34 wayang operators and sinf-sonr croups lost their $200 deposits laat month for falling to observe noise control regulations imposed by the Ministry of Culture One of tne conditions under which the ministry issues licences to operators is that amplifiers most
    96 words
  • 83 15 Japan's Young Liberals on tour A GROUP or 220 young members of the Japan Liberal Democratic Party will arrive on Sunday for a two-day visit. The group, led by Mr. Sak o n shlro Inamura, second secretary-general of the party and a member of the Japanese House of Representatives, Is
    83 words
  • 52 15 MR. Peter Bostock. O, Blncapore-bejed managing director and regional vlc~prealdent of Burson-Mars-trller. haa been awarded the Communication! Advertising and MarlcUng Society Diploma In Public Relations. He also scored two distinctions Ui the examination, one for bis analysis of public relations and the other for public relations
    52 words
  • 40 15 Wong Leone Che*, a lorry driver, was yesterday fined ISO after he pleaded guilty to falling to hall at a stop sign at the Junction of Chin Bwee Road and Outrun Road on May 14 at 50 a.m
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  • 124 15 rE Port of Singapore Authority said yesterday that from Sept. 10, all surveys, packing, remarking and labelling of cargo discharged In port areas would be carried out only with official approval A PSA statement said this new system, to start at Paslr Pan Jang wharves.
    124 words
  • 116 15 VISIT BY ROYAL NAVY TASK FORCE A ROYAL Nary task group of nine ahlpa will arrive at the Naval Base, Woodlands, on Wednesday. The croup will be exercising in the area for several weeks before continuing its Journey around the world. The task group will be led by the Flagship
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  • 29 15 THE combined Upper AUunJed Technical/ Ml. Vernon B«ondary School Band will perform at the MacRltchle Reaervotr Park on Sunday from 530 pjn. to 6 30 p m
    29 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 295 15 TIME SAVE NOW! Special Introductory Offer for new subscribers only. 27 weeks fors24.3(M For 27 weeks we'll mail you a copy of TIME at a great saving! 27 weeks of TIME costs $54.00 at the newsstands, $25.92 by regular subscription. Our special price? Just $24.30! The world's most respected news
      295 words
    • 474 15 H^aJaV^SHatfUrtft+BlßW^ W TbNNlnjrMtf KmraMiZoenLMS The Komuranon zoom lent B?i Apartur* -alio t 4 5 I^Ts^ffiJEEJi 0 •*>e-i«*lh 80mm- 2 ,om m photographers *ho want to produce B u |l < n lena hood prize winning works or commercial OLens holder Optional material This zoom lens can be used with almost
      474 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 912 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.N PM Ooening and Pre examination Programme US M Nmfart ttw ilici Cm» Eoml- Cold Rice (Chinese-Repeat) ant 4.01 Diary of Events (Chinese) IN Mnj kprt 4JS For the Family (Chinese) Ul Km (Eaffeft) 4J5 Intermission 149 WarM hmkn Fiatere-Mari lay H Mm 6 H
      912 words

    • 49 16 it. Tob f. Brew. 'thanf >. Darby >B8 Plant OB lou»U*d .rnlinf .uthri* L Credit MB rwlor LftOd ■UK (4 At li.40 MM n.u n.t: It.M IJ.1S $3.M fZU W.J4 I1.C7 «.7S IJ.M $1J7 «2.M +.H .1* .88 M M -±M »8 +4: .M .W .M 05 4 +M
      49 words
    • 12 16 •nto»« Hj-d. Gltf. Merlin $3.!« UN 1019 .1" —.11 .0
      12 words
    • 24 16 SfaBC Du*7 SSX.M* I'. O. B. 144.M* F. Mcrtln 1U.M* N. Iras Lm 13I.M* ToUl T»n»m 1.C5M TMkl Vmtm: $J 2#M
      24 words
    • 57 16 Dec. M 1966 IM Dec. 31, IMS IM t Dec. 19. IMX m I** Dec. 31, 197* IM t Jan. 1. 197* IM Sept S Sept. 4 toiitrUh: tlt.41 ttl.M ft Finance: 17>.7( M4.«7 I Hotrk: US.44 K5.7S Prepertin: Kt.71 1MJ7 Tias: 97.95 t7.M t I rabkera: S17.4S J17.4S
      57 words
  • 1654 16 THE last transacted icady sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1975 high and low. Adjusted for scrip/ rights issue). STIRLING KUIIIM I.M I.M HAL 1.41 .0* LSI I.ST MalakotT ITS Sinf'vara Unit Tmal
    1,654 words
  • 362 16 ALTHOUGH prices finished generally off best, moderate gains were seen among active isaacs at the St*>ck Exchange of Singapore yesterday. The general attitude was still one of wait-and-see, especially with so many doubts nagging investors. The coming month may well se« a farther Increase in the
    362 words
  • 1202 16 BCD and offer prices officially listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yxterday with the numbtr of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise speclfkd All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett."
    1,202 words
  • 1089 16 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stuck Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specllled. INDUSTRIALS A. Ta#a i 0 IZB 0 688) AUan (2 21)81. XL) A.M.
    1,089 words
  • 470 16 HONOKONCV Hutchison International Is not in a position to reject the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking CorDoration's rtscue offer, the comnanv made dear to shareholders at the EOM here yesterday to consider the bank's offer to buy 150 million HK«I Hutchison shares at nar.
    Reuter  -  470 words
  • 309 16 Sentiment improves in KL trading SHARES rose under steady buying; support on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Most counters attracted fresh interest to score moderate gains at the close. Despite the previous day's setback, prices op:ned slightly higher although initial business was slow. The market later advanced steadily on
    309 words
    • 201 16 TOKYO. Thurs. The stock market fell to a seven-month low on uncertainty over the aowwawle outlook, dealers said The Dow Jones average declined 61.83 points, falling through the 4.000 level to close at 3.949.53— the lowest since the Feb. 1 closing of 3.935.23 Volume remained unchanged at 160 million
      201 words
    • 240 16 CYDNEY. Thurs. Mining leaden recovered In quiet trading, dealers said, this being reflected in the Sydney All-Ordinaries index which rose points to 360 00. Today a cioalng middle prlcea In Auatrallan centa with thf difference oa the prevloua aeaalon'a cloae INDUSTRIALS P Avut Con Ind 1M SS Aiut
      240 words
      • 256 16 OONOKONO. Thurs.—The stock market ended little j changed on the day dealers said. The market was almost completely dominated by today's Hutchison International EOM with dealers and Investors closely watching development* Prices dipped slightly during the morning but the trend was reversed in the afternoon Hutchison closed higher at
        256 words
      • 375 16 TVJEW YORK. Wed.— A A^ surge of buying swept into the rtock maiket late today, puthlng share prices higher on rising volume amid mounting speculation that the summer decline had ended. The Dow Jones Industrial > average, down 5.56 points after the firs; half-hour of trading, closed with
        375 words
      • 65 16 Wednesday Tueaday UM UM Melbourne (li 118 so ***** L«ndoa 14» 738 UI 008 130 738 14V 3OS Beirut 131.30 130.23 14C.308 145.M8 *****8 130.008 Pana 134 41 133.T9 Thuxday Wadnaaday Hongkong 132.20 130 70 Spore (21 14V JOB 148 208 132 2SS 131. 15S Export prlcea
        65 words
      • 100 16 FINANCIAL TIME8 INDUSTRIALS Wednesday «20 S Tu«d»y 322 Wtek ago sis 9 T1N8 Wednefday M 40 Tuesday 95 U Week age 88.43 RUBBERS Wedntfday 408 82 7"*«Jay 41SJ2 Week ago 410.31 Ml Wednesday 300 86 T ""d«y ***** Week kgo 290 94 DOW JONES A VI 'RACE INDUSTRIALS Wednesday
        100 words
      • 165 17 AMSTERDAM. Wed— The rx market closed tower over a broad front, with Wall Street's overnight decline being the main depreoant. lieaJeis eaid. Aaj» and KeyaJ Dutch were hardeat hit In Dutch International*. Dutch iocala were very weak, with Bata. KLM. Bak Gttawn and Vaa Oeatar among the loarra. HVA
        165 words
      • 135 17 r/URICH. Wed.— ffyHnf IU earlier downtrend. moat atock price* recorded ■KMbie losiei on the Zurich Stock Exchange today. The volume of trading, however, waa again aUm. The bond market ahowed not much activity either, but closed on a well maintained teiidency. The Credit filial Index closed l.a polnuj lower
        135 words
      • 224 16 TrHE Straits tin price fell 1 $7.50 to 1994.50 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 100 tons to 260 tons. The overnight London market was easier buc Its forward buyers price perked 119 to I 3 2JO per metric ton. LONDON: Wednesday's tin prlct-s
        224 words
      • 31 16 Rubber Sept. 4. Singapore: Sept. 146.25 cts. (up 0.25 ctj). Malaysia: Sept. 148.M cU (up •.25 ct.). Tin: $994 50 (down $730). Official offering: 260 tons (up 100 tons).
        31 words
      • 100 16 CH c'm N "os uSSnmm noVn cloiinc puicn ran picul Ceaenut OH: bulk SOO aellara. drum SW aellera. Caora: Mixad clown UK/Cont. 131 SB. PljUr: Muntok ABTA while (Ob. 100", NLW S2TO aellera Sarawak while fob NLW »2ii aallara. Sarawak aptdal buck fob M% NLW 1183 aallara. Sarawak ABTA
        100 words
      • 35 16 London coppar prlcas on w«l naaday ipravloua In brackets i Wirakar Spot buyer iSTT.SO UJTS). aallrr 1578 50 K&SO); Tim Month buyer IM» <(600>. aeller (JMSO KS01) Uarktt tana: Eailrr Salat: 9.SM loanea.
        35 words
    • 439 16 A PTHI an unchanged opening, the filngavpore rubber market yesterday ruled quiet and within narrow limits until past noon wtien better trade buying interest developed for both nearby and forwards. October was taken up to 148.50 cents per kilo before the buying power faltered. The market was mixed
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    • 87 16 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates (or ealculaIng Customs duties from Sept. 4 until further notice. Rubber 69 3 5 cts a lb Copra $534 a ton P. Kernel $235.25 a ton The rates of duties available are: Rubber 4 eta alb (Total 9) cts
      87 words
    • 113 16 rjAILY 8MR and SBR prices mued «t noon yetterlay s*pt Oct. »«j»n 8*Hrn Bayer* Setter* Mil KB, ICtttnt Mlk) Ihmri Mtk) (MaUpcrkc) (Mate parks) SMR SCV (1 ton pallet) 156.50 156.50N 156 50 157 SON aHR 5L (1 ton pallet) 153 50 154 5ON 154.50 155 SON
      113 words
    • 208 16 Money and exchanges •yHE us. dollar opened 1 msrglnally higher In the Singapore foiex market »t J***** 95 yesterday. Trading was light In a very thin market, especially when there was not much commercial demand. The dollar closed at $2 4790 95 Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3.00 p.m 1
      208 words
    • 158 16 Suggested Interbank rates at 3.00 pm Carrot!* Noniaal rates ■-■j'-T-n'n- rcrctntec* «Mtea jtmttriMj (eras) parity U8 dollar 2 4790 2.4795 2 8196 —12.12 Sterling pound 5 2340 5 2360 7.3469 28 76 Hongkong dollar 48 95 49 05 50 51 3 09 Malaysian dollar 98.45 98 55 100.00
      158 words
    • 285 16 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates ss at close on Thursday, Sept. 4: 3 3 3 SS US 2.4775 2.4790 MS US 2 5170 2.5180 81 t 5 2325 5 2365 SS MS 98 40 98 50 HK US 50«35 3.0645 US Can&dlan 97.06 97 08 Money Market
      FT  -  285 words
    • 62 16 Minimum leading rates (in Algemene Bonk 7 Firtt Chicogo AY. BoogKok Bonk 71^ FNCB Bonk of Americo fti/i, HKSBC 7 Bonk of Chino 71^ Moloyon Bonking 7 Book of Tokyo 7 Mitvoi Bonk 7 Bonk Negoro Indoneiio 7'/j CXBC 7 Sonqoe de Llndochine 7 OUB 7 Chbrtered Bank t# A
      62 words
    • 253 17 IT NIT ED AsbestOB U Cement has done it again. After a first half slowdown It again made up for lost time smartly in second six months, so that the full year ended June 1975 is able to show a 22 per cent advance in
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    • 33 17 FOR the first half-year ended June 1975. unaudited group profits nt Negrl Sembllan Oil Palms declined nine per cent to $2.32 million. Sales fell 14 8 per cent to $6.25 million.
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    • 262 17 rE year ended May 1975 was the most difficult in the history of North Borneo Timber. In fact, the chairman. Mr. J.H. Olyn, revealed In the annual report, things were so bad at the half-way mark that It looked as If NBT might have to consider
      262 words
    • 84 17 M. Banking's stake in new company MALAYAN Banking has gone Into partnership with Arab Investors to set up a company for channelling foreign funds for Investment into Malaysia. It Is taking a one-flftn share in ArabMalaysian Development Finance Corpora tlon which has a paid-up capital of $5 million. Other shareholders
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    • 296 17 AFTER achieving a 35.3 per cent growth In group pre-tax trading pronts to $1.52 million lor the year ended March 1975, George Kent (Malaysia) expect* to make further headway In the current 12 montns. The optimistic forecast comes trom the chairman, Mr. F. B.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 721 17 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE 1 PRISON WARDERS (Male) ■ask Salary Scala: $165»10-185/210k15-285 gToss Monthly Salary Rang.: $279 to $441. Applications ore invited from Singapore Orisons or permanent retMants o» Singapore with the following requisite quolifications: O Between 17'/i 35 years of age c Passed Primorv V in o Government or Govern-ment-Aided
      721 words
    • 583 17 Calling all I Book-keepers. I Accounts and I Audit Clerks I here's how to get more money I I and enjoy a more interesting job. Ever feel you're stuck in the job you've I I got? Ever feel you'd like to get out and I I meet more people? Here's
      583 words
    • 482 17 HEWLETT-PACKARD SINGAPORE PRIVATE LIMITED Invite* applications from suitably qualified candidate* tor the lollowlng po«ltloni TOOLROOM SUPERVISOR DUTIES: Must be able to design, alter and repair Plastic Molds. Design and construct jigs and fixtures. Organise and Supervise a team of Tool and Die- makers QUALIFICATIONS: School Certificate or Graduate of Singapore
      482 words
    • 709 17 CAREERS IN ASIATIC NAVIGATION LIMITED I The company owns and operates a large fleet I I of tugs, barges and coastal tankers. There are I I now vacancies foe ambitious and hard- I I working men. 11. MARKETING MANAGbR I Duties: To head the Marketing Division and I I attend
      709 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 640 18 (^p) J T C TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from Registered Contractors of the Jurong Town Corporation for the following projects:A EARTHWORK EAST OF JURONG TOWN, PHASE 111 ELIGIBILITY: Civil Engineering Unlimited SHOWROUND: 12.9.75 at 10.00 a.m. Meet at the Tenders Office of the Design Division, Jurong Town Corporation, Lower
      640 words
    • 697 18 DHDB TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the f olio wing: -(1) ERECTION AND COMPLETION of 3 Blocks of 14-Storey 4- Room New Flats (Total 390 Units) at Clementi New Town Neighbourhood IV Contract IMB. (2) CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS, DRAINS AND CULVERTS at Jalan
      697 words
      961 words
      717 words
    • 743 18 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY itCMKIM FIM *l ■j^^k^g^^r mcihc emit Htm ran I S'Mft felt UK* *I—H Stlnw I •mhimtm u/ii tMt •msm urn ft M/niMt it/mm* ivmuw I MWII l«/tl *t iMMiNf: TtMM, iMttx. Mum (SO. MrUaM, Mfrin. |M.|, «m Fwiw m* in UsMm. imiM itivKi iruin ruinc
      743 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1235 19 """a^aif A 1 cariigai myot '„"m7 rar ."a ."cr e?2. Sam n sz js sa i's i's S4SaauuT sm aM aM aM ■iwiaaa mt im iMt inn iRm «Rm aMt NMMM lIPRISS II Mt II Mt IRM II Rm 11 Rm I Ra» TMTI MT it Mt 21 Ml 21
      1,235 words
    • 1182 19 Ben Ocean m tsernceofßenLineßkjeFUnneiaenLineandNSMO Fl M/CMTIMRT (m MM) S'aara P. lakjaf PMMf laraw tRUIi M*i 4/ IMat vHaal 4 M lajMM. »JHi^rt». IRI IMI HI MiM II Pt'l Mft 7/ I Mpt I M LaaMa. S'awrck. Natt. fMtKa 11/11 Mat a* SMt II M UM. La.l. M. C'-artk. UkXTM 17,
      1,182 words
    • 1115 19 BMMMMMMMMMMMMBMaakaMa»MM^^^^^^^M^^faaaaaMaaaaaai r La«««««MMBMi Mat m\ ITi L aJ If laMPt aTMrf HaaM llRfta. Maawt IMR AMaarp All UK. raor. p. MMM tM <a«tna Rawa Oaf. CARDIUI MY ii Mat UMpt IM IM IM IM I TMII lIPMSS ITMft HMft MM JIM lIM IM HAM MAM ItMft BMat II Jet 21
      1,115 words
    • 1066 19 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE P. MlMf S'M'l FM. »MHCIH SMt II Sari 11 lITUMIA tStv wneroam, RMJtaTaai. Aattrarp, liHarn. SJST. "L i Itmwmim. SSUaiiiii."" m Z .1 mm ti StrxkkoM. Oslo, HefMki, Untai KiarJom CaMai Taw LCi a Mn ra a Man FULLY COWTAINEKIZED SEKVtCE FKOM EUKOPE p. KaiMf
      1,066 words
    • 817 19 Saapam 11J444 P. MM| U4l LL »711 PtJBMJ TSUI THE BANK LINE LTD. UAB FM Lit AftXA. TATMM (MaaritiM. PmUm. MiMiii. MMa A Caaatan) p, mt 1/ I Mpl Jfati I «/l Mft ■araAM (Waaru.n. laaiw.. Majaap. D,i«n. UM 4 CaMtnraj P. Kalaaf 1/7 M rporo 1/1 M naM iait
      817 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1025 20 \yir "ICAWASAKIICISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI RWKAI KISIN UISHA ITB. JAPAN HODS MM. STUITS StIVICL MM ratal S.atato.l Paataj P Ktlaa, A »«SSIL ••P 1 g Japan Arabia* Cull »eevtae Siatattre »M; iiTiusiA maw mutrnm Jjj' 1 Ol ti B-t> MMINWA MAIU I>ttft Mllll Illtat I. Japan South Atria. AMea
      1,025 words
    • 1009 20 uttPTNat Ul lII7M m aTJ^ JMItsJtaTt ttaPTT. Miiittt. Itaaurt. stteM. wist itua' tat Saata bum petrs. rrta ITA iro ttttaataa.' LC T lltin HIM Ctrata I Soft II ttft MUrta. aU«TT VANtA Manila I Stfl II loft PIMAIINI I lal'Mttta I ttal it Stft tti<ktaf»/TanUa. I attltlMf ii Ttntaa
      1,009 words
    • 975 20 ■Wj|WjTTTfffWffTT9s HUT CtaTTAHIOtSO SEIYICE Tl fJWK (WA SUD: Store P Helen* I Howe Ht«r| Irea Antwerp Mat o >k «ni iMPtiTit a it* t 2i seal is in n tct it ait a let n act MPTMt SAPrwiit a act it let aaae il tm n»m n Nee MMte pa
      975 words
    • 945 20 EIPKSS SmKt TO LOHMI, LIVERPIMi. COMTIttCMT NtH If Ml.ii tiafttort P Mlani Pe<u«f Ltatiat far: HtU lATA la Pact II I seal B'leeo 2 10. I'tta. 1,10. Ilia, IV It. htaen It/ 10. H'tart, 20, 10. »«t«rp 14 10 IUNCt uniim 4, I Sttl ItrctMta n 10. Ltttl. CartiH.
      945 words
    • 883 20 TNI PORT OF tINOAPOPIt OUT: Crystal B'2 Shuwa Maru 1 AUTHORITY ANNOUNCIO B 3 and Talmel Maru B 4 THI FOLLO«FI»a •IRTHIMO I Coaotal BorVi: sintlnf Barf* AMUMaiMurra «>« sp»tiu- PO m klang Bt tOMth aott Kmn Pearl. Sant OUT: Tatekawa Maru 15/16. Se)»r. Svend Munk and Burns Ttllsal 20
      883 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 438 21 classified ads g| FEDERAL OPTIEK (PTE! Optometrists, and Optician Contact Lens Practitioners (1-08 The Oallery. Straus Tradlni Building and 206. 2nd floor Supreme House, will be closed oi Saturday 6th September for 1 da; onl> ACNE. PIMPLES. OPEN PORES are these your problem' Thei consult Louise Klerk, medicall; trained beauty
      438 words
    • 810 21 SRN FOR SPECIALIST clinic In Tanglln Road Starting 6450 p m Apply with phologrnh (nonreturnable) and telephone s number to S T Box A901L3 AiJi~i itnuti iiiiii OMc*) of INTBRMATIONAL INSURANT* CO. invites applicants lo fill the following poiltlons y 1) SENIOR CLAIMS CXCCUTIVC 1 preferably with five or more
      810 words
    • 844 21 AN ESTABLISHED INSURANCE broker firm Invites applications for the following posts 1) Bookkeeper Capable of keeping full set of accounts 2) Male outdoor clerk cum bill collector with driving licence and motorcycle Applications containing full personal particulars, expected salary together with a recent passport photograph lo P O Box 1134
      844 words
    • 668 21 WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY require* Salesmen and Salesgirls for household products Salary $230 $300 per month Please call personally at 295. Thomson Road opposite Novena Church Tel. 188 INTERCHEM-TOYO (SEA.) LTO. A JOINT VENTURE OF INMONT CORP USA S TOVO INK. JAPAN) requires SALES REPRESENTATIVES for InetT printing Mka, pleetlc coloranto
      668 words
    • 784 21 4£ PUB TRANSPORT CENTRE ELECTRICIAN I. TRANSPORT CENTRE, in Wage Scale Oroup VI (S3 80x0 60-816.20 per day) QUALIFICATIONS It EXPERIENCE 1 At least 5 years' experience as Electrician II 2. Able to re-wire lighting system, overhaul starters, generators, etc 3 Able to diagnose faults In Ignition, lighting and starting
      784 words
    • 695 21 MALE ANO FEMALE Production Operators and Troubleshooter required by Radio Manufacturing Co Apply personally to 6-F. Blk 6. Kallang Place. Spore 12. DRAUGHTSMAN (FEMALE) Required immediately for major aircondttionlng/ refrigeration establishment Fxpenence essential. Oood salary, benefits and prospects Oood working conditions S^B^sSST"^ te MARINE ENGINEERS Required for tug work in
      695 words
    • 866 21 APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the following posts (1) Outdes (tourist guides) (2) Local Trade Mate (3) Book-keepers (4) Sales Representatives Please apply immediately giving full details Includlng telephone contact number to ST Box A9OlOB DRIVER WANTCD for Immediate employment Hours: 7 a.m. 5 p m Salary negotiable Tel *****47 p.m.
      866 words
    • 687 21 NECKTIE FACTORY REQUIRES ironing, sewing girls, female Clerk/ Typist, convenient for Katong. Oeylang. Changl Road Apply personally 7-A Jalan Saudara-ku off East Coast Road Junction of Frankel Avenue before 1 00 p.m. today VOSPER THORNYCROFT PTC. LTD. A leading Shipyard Invites applications for the following positions: A) WELDER CHAROEHAND Candidates
      687 words
    • 875 21 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Slnga- II pore) Pte Ltd Tour West Ma- laysla (Inclusive Oentlng. E C 'Highlands I by Deluxe air- I conditioned bus seven days 9 SSI7S/-. Departure Every Sun- day Monday Cameron High- 3 lands Four days SSSV-. Oen- ting Highlands four days d SSI 15/-. Departure
      875 words
    • 743 21 NO4A: 40% DISCOUNTED airfare Hollday-In-Kashmlr) Madras/ iangalore/ Bombay/ Delhi/ (ashmlr/ Agra 14 days sight eelng lour. Hotel, meal $1,400 (outh India 10 cities 14 days $1 ISO Contact P T Chacko. Carerays Travel. 78A Jin Masjld Inlla. X.L *****0/ *****3 John Mahew. Singapore *****7 The First International' Ocean Exposition In
      743 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 782 22 2"^*>wawawawaws>*>wa**>*S*>*wt ■■m r I I CITICENTER TOURS f Oar* Ponang. Q*iw)ng. Cameron 81 18/- MonUep I SISS/- Wed *£nmTD*p The above lews are Lundntl«< by deam* alr-cend coach 470. m«or Veßor Read. I ■jajj Singapore 19 i Tel: 17«512. *****0 CIP TRAVEL OFFERS Kconomical airfare* L lours to Amenca. Europe.
      782 words
    • 723 22 PITMAN ISB9 SHORTHAND beginners classes September. Morning 9am 10 am commencing 8 9 75 Evening 6 30 pm every Wednesday or Monday/ Wednesday 8.30 p m -930pm commencing 10 9 75 Special weekend classes.- Saturday 2 p m commencing 6 9.75 Also Sunday morning class Him 11 30 am commencing
      723 words
    • 659 22 EXPERT LONDON TUITION by air Law (LL 8.. Bar). Secretaryship (CIS). Accountancy (ACCA. ICMA. AIA. SCCA. lAA. lAS.). Banking .(lnst. of Bankers). lnst Credit Mgment. lnst Marketing. lnst Works Managers, lnst of Transport Commerce (LCC lnst Commerce. Bntlsh Society Com-rm-rce). OCE. MCE Associated Examining Board. Qualifying Tes:). The Rapid Results
      659 words
    • 727 22 TYPEWRITING S-WEEK rapid course Ordinary Courses leading to Pitman and LCC Examinations. 900 am 930 p.m Coaching by experienced Instructress Sin Chew School of Commerce. 171-B. Bencoolen Street *****6 PEOPLE PARK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL BOOK-KEEPING (Beginners) a) Saturday 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p m. commencing 6/9/7S b) Tues/ Thurs 5 30
      727 words
    • 622 22 THREE MONTHS RAPID COURSES: Shorthand/ Typewriting/ Bookkeeping Morning' Afternoon sessions Register early Details from Raja's College *****/ *****0/ *****8/ *****78 ABACUS ACCOUNTANCY STUDIES CENTRE A NEW APPROACH to the study ol LCC Subiscls. COMMENCING ON 18TH SEPTEMBER 197S We an sßertwa weft-programmed course* tar th. loftowmy LCC subjects In reepeel
      622 words
    • 866 22 TELEVISION RADIO ILIC TRONICS classes make your Iran i ststor and IC circuits commen- < clng September 20th Telephone I Dr John *****0 < cams fob C4BHB DtVROrVMENT New courses In 1 Certificate In Administrative Manacemenl (7th Session L also Revision for Dec Exam i 2 !.aw (LL B. Intermediate)
      866 words
    • 917 22 lAOUAR XJ9 1972(4 2 litres) Company Chairman's car Good conlllinn with automatic drive, elet rlcally controlled windows, radio ■ajsette. new tyres, tax IJecrmber Contact Eddie Teh rel *****5 of (Ice flours for detail NO KEONO CAN TRAOERS PTE. LTO.. Home el OueMy Used Cars, 313 A. Buklt Ttowh Read. J
      917 words
    • 896 22 MUST SELL 1991 Mini Cooper 1000 c c with complete 5 sports rims, console box cartridge player, aircooler and extras Selling 52.350 Phone Herbert *****67 anytime NOVEMBER 1972 AUSTIN 1306 GT good condition. View 11 00 am 300 p.m at 60 Holland Grove Drive Best offer secures 1994 TRIUMPH HERALD
      896 words
    • 734 22 I Anc— ti ai CeSection snd New I Acqwwbon* of Orwntal Cultural ftahct on **ptoy io ao EXHIBITION of AntMawssnd New Bmah PAINTINGS and J SAT^WsTooTooTn^H I SUN 7 9-7? 2 00-9 00pm I I Boon Ueaj Bldg., Jrd Floor. I 204 Bukit Timjh Rd S(9) (before NEWTON CIRCUS) CHINESE
      734 words
    • 654 22 MARTINA'S SALON 11- A. Cairn hill Circle, massage-saunabath barber, complete gentlemen grooming by trained lady attendants Ring (Spore) *****1/ .1730W JURONG SPORTS SAUNA offerexcellent Sauna-Buth/ Massace .inds ».(ial V I P priMleges Call at 1. Yuan Ching Road Jumni; Town. Tel *****3/ MS m LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. "•••sage at your
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 779 23 PI classified ads g BBBBBBBB*^flflflBflflBflBBflfllMflflBflMiflflflflflMM*M""""""fcMWB" Fl ZBX3H AUSTRALIAN IMPORTER requires garments manufacturer to produce simple garment! of simple design in Targe quantities made from locally supplied material Write to Advertiser. Blk 4 815-F Bedok Highway. Spore 16 SOLE DISTRIBUTORS WANTED to introduce 2 new US products DIRTZ-OFF, a Miracle hand
      779 words
    • 683 23 FOR SALE:- 2 units Denyo dlesel welding sets 1 unit Airman compressor 1 unit 15 KVA Uster generator All in good condition Tel *****43 GENERATOR SCTS available portable sets ranging SKW 700KVV Contact Padftc Equipment A L***lng Pto LM. Tel: *****7 SLS BEARINGS (S) Pte Lid 432 in Hoar! Spore
      683 words
    • 656 23 I, a LATEST SHACKLOCK ELECTRIC •< cookers refrigerators Chest H Freezers and tumble Dryers now fl sjvalHMf .it Singapore Kefngera- T I (inn r»iiipuny 12 14 Inter- C Hullding TeL *****6' Z I <7LM'»H .(721.10/*****2 0 I'ffirfr Kg -Hlf^ PURCHASE BUYING/ SELLING ELECTRICAL office equipment, piano, sound equipment, home
      656 words
    • 835 23 HOENIX HEIGHTS C'hua Chu Lang Rood 2'i-slorey detached ungalow Beautifully designed nd brand new. 5 bedrooms with lUched bathrooms. Close to urong and 5 miles (ram imerlcan School. Partly furlUhed $1,800 p m Tel *****5 alter 4 00 pm). OR THE BEST Bungalows, partmenls Sime Road. Nasslm toad Bin Tong
      835 words
    • 780 23 OIST. BEAUTIFULLY FUR- NISHED 3-bedroomed apartment I with colour television, walking I distance to American/ Tangl'n I Clubs Rental $2,200/- Also available Orange Heights. Kumhlng i Court. Jalan JTntan. Leonle i Court. Fernhlll Road. Please Call *****/ *****/ *****0 LUXURIOUS NEWLY COMPLETED PENTHOUSES S APARTMENTS tor IMMEDIATE OCCUPATION at ORANGE
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    • 771 23 JAPANESE EXECUTIVES -QUIRE furnished houses In Hlllcrest Park. Watten Estate. Eng Khong Oarden or dlsts. 10. 11. 21 Oood deposits and company lease assured Rental $800 $1,600 Phone *****9/ 235 K42 ACE HOUSING has many clients staying In leading hotels looking for accommodation For good tenants call- us today Tel:
      771 words
    • 593 23 CORONATION DRIVE Off Buklt Tlmah Road Semi-detached. 5 rooms. 3 airconds.. fully furnished. Contact: Mr Ooh *****47/ *****94 (during office hours). ii INHOMELCANS We can lend you up to 80% of the full purchase price of the home you long to own. And repayments may be spread over 10-15 years.
      593 words
    • 750 23 LUXURIOUS 2-STOREV town house split-level living dining 3 bedrooms. Italian floor tiles throughout Jalan Meragl 10 miles Upper Changl Road Tel *****6 ENSURE QUICK BALE Clean Homes irlve better Impression Call *****0/ *****3 for consultation FOR SALE Q Latest Split-level Q > terraces, U semi-detached and (J link-bungalows, 3 (/•to
      750 words
    • 758 23 SINGLE-STOREY DETACHED BUNGALOW 4 bedrooms, large hall, carpark, large garden, near school, market 10 minutes to town Principals contact *****0 SINGLE-STOMEY BUNGALOW 1,--750 sq ft. at Marlam Close. Dlsl 17 $125,000 Ring *****9 (after 10 00 am) r^^^TJ ciiwiojw iw*i i m iro ,^JbsC*»o»V»iou»\L, Dial. 21 2-slorey detached bungalow 000
      758 words
    • 773 23 VACANT LANDS ISS.SSB sq ft at Upper Serangoon Road and 73.--000 sq ft at Cavenagh Road Plans approved for 40 units Town House and 59 units Maisonette respectively For sale or Joint venture negotiable Further Information contact Tel ***** TELOK KURAU LORONG K 8.772 sq ft freehold. Immediate possession Reasonable
      773 words

    • 162 24 Together till death did them part... KOTA BABU, Than. A couple who had never parted since they were married died within hows of each other on Tuesday. Madam Kirn Liang Neo. 79, died at 835 p.m. 2t hours after her husband. Mr. Pang Cheng Chlew. 71. passed away. He had
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    • 289 24 ITUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations does not benefit much from the generalised system of preferences (OSP) of the European Economic Community because of quotas apd other restrictions imposed by the EEC, a seminar here was told today. The
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    • 27 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. Tan doctors. Including two women, will be among the »8- member medical mtatson who win attend to Malaysian pilgrims In Mecca this
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    • 229 24 George Town: 4 So shabby and grubby' PNANO, Thurs. Penang's "city ft ♦.hers" have been taken to task for letting the city of George Town become "so shabby and grubby." "What have the city fathers been doing?" asks the Automobile Association of Malaysia. In the August Issue of AAM news
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    • 272 24 'FEFC can afford to cut rates' KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Hamzah Abu Samah said today the Far Eastern Freight Conference (FEFC) can afford to Immediately reduce the freight rate by seven or eight per cent following the reopening of the Suez Canal. Expressing concern over the
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    • 302 24 GHAZ: BE ON GUARD AT ALL TIMES KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday pOLICE detained two men in connection with yesterday's grenade attack on the Police Field Force central brigade headquarters in Jalan Pekeliling which left two policemen dead and 51 others injured. The Home Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafle, said that
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    • 113 24 KUALA LUMPUR, fhurs City police are anxious to interview Wong Swee Chin, 22, alias Ah Chin Chal (above), who they think can help them in their investigations into the $126,000 robbery by a gang of four at the Chartered Bank's Pudu branch yesterday. They described the
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    • 142 24 PNANO. Thurs. One university student was acquitted yesterday and six others were bound over, without any conviction recorded against them, on a charge of being members of an unlicensed assembly and disobeying a police order to disperse at the Unlversltl Sains on Dec 3 last
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    • 74 24 KUALA LUMPUR Thurs. TV Malaysia has made several changes In vte air times of 1U programmes because of the atmuttaneoua Imiiilnliins to Smteb and Sarawak, an RTM spokesman said today "The tranamlsasona are on between BSo and 11.46 p.m. During this period we want to
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    • 47 24 PENANO Thurs.— The oil leak from the sinking ship Tolo Sea near North Bank has been plugged by divers from the Aqua-dive Salvage Company The ship, listing to itarooard. was towed to North Bank so that It would not pose any danger of pollution
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    • 106 24 KUALA LUMPUR. was given public Thurs. Tan Hong award today. Kuan, a New Straits The monthly award. Times photographer Instituted last month "who risked his Ufe to by Oulnness Brewery help a wounded police for civic consciousconstable" after Japs- ness," Includes a certlnese Red Army
      AP  -  106 words
    • 48 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Thur*.. The Assistant Nurses Union hu postponed Industrial action oy three weeks following an aasuranoe by Dtt« Public Service* Department tnat their claims are being looked Into. A two- week strike notice which the union served on the Health Ministry expired, yesterday.
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    • 35 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs The National Bureau of Investigation has arrested two local political leaders at Slim River. They are alleged to have manipulated purchases of building materials far Town Board projects.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 723 24 times frida; AREA REPRESENTATIVE M■OUIKES prwstpU] praaUgsMM oi- >ri-riard area 400--400 m ft 12 month.', renewal i>-x line r<Njuired Write to H I Ifaix A9IBBO OFFICE MACE Discs 7/ 8/ 9. ISO 200 sq ft Willing to rontlrui't partition shire Ring *****3 fcPPROXIMATELV SOOO 10,000 od li.iTnlllnn I rental kvaMaMi
      723 words
    • 589 24 y properties CLOSING DOWN SALE good used Furniture, refrtferators 1275/--iMublr single Dunlop pillow mattress $4S'- '»35/- Sideboard/ dressing UM» wardrobes $407--etc Teong Nam Furniture 10 Jalan SeUsrh. Selrtar Hills M 7092 MEMO HUAT IRON/ OSM Furniture Co 2S. Cavenagh Koati. SB off <>r< liard Hoad Tel *****6. MILLION HOUSING ENTEHMHM
      589 words
    • 853 24 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BRUNEI Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies In the Education Department, Brunei. 1. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR, CARPENTRY AND JOINERY: Minimum Qualifications: Must nave passed the City and Guilds No. 605 examination, or equivalent, preferably at Credit level.
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    • 330 24 RESIDENT ENGINEERS AND DESIGN ENGINEERS Consulting Engineers invite applications for immediate appointment for the post of Resident Engineers/Assistant Resident Engineers for major highway projects in Peninsular Malaysia and for Design Engineers in Kuala Lumpur. Candidates should be registered professional engineers with a minimum of 5 years post graduate experience in
      330 words

    • 693 25  - Podmore may ride Tresor D'Or in Gold Vase race EPSOM JEEP By JPOH, Thurs.— Champion jockey George Podmore will probably ride Tresor DOr in preference to the Trial winner Kemosabe in the $41,000 Sultan's Gold Vase over s|f straight here on Sunday. A regular moneyspinner with already eight wins and
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    • 319 25 Lan quits and Greg is likely successor SYDNEY, Thur». Australian cricket will be given an entirely new style of leadership following the retirement of lan Chappell as captain and the expected appointment of his brother Greg as successor, sports writers predicted here today. In reports from London on lan Chappell
      Reuter  -  319 words
    • 24 25 MOBCOW. Thurs. The Soviet Union and East Germany drew 0-0 yesterday in a friendly soccer International match in the Lenin Stadium.— UPL
      24 words
    • 144 25 GREIG: WE NEED YOUNG FAST BOWLERS LONDON, Thurs. England captain Tony Orelg. who has seen Australia's pacemen Dennis Lillee. Jeff Thomson. and Max Walker dominate the last two cricket Teat series against England, stressed England's need for young quick bowlers here last night at theend of the Fourth and Final
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 89 25 Javed gets offer from Sussex LONDON Thin Javed Mlandad. 18-year-old Pakistani cricketer, is to be offered a special registration contract by English county side Sussex. It wae announced yesterday The offer follows a spectacular debut by Javed for the Sussex Second XI last week when he scored 227 against Hampshire.
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 321 25 f ONDON, Thurr— Norman McVlcker strengthened Leicestershire a English County crlket championship hope* with S-8S a«alnst Middlesex at Leicester yesterday Leicestershire had Middlesax reeling at 105-5 until Oraham Barlow hit a career beat 84. This included a partnership of It with former England
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 523 25 Evert scores 82nd straight win to reach last four XTEW YORK, Thurs. 11 Chrif Evert, the No. 1 oeed. seeking her first US Open title, eliminated Kerry Melville Reid of Australia 6-2, 6-1 in a closely fought match at Forest Hills yesterday that took her to the women's semifinals. Also
      523 words
    • 178 25 S'pore girls selected as Asian stars YTONGKONG, Than II —Three Singapore piayera Rosa yuan, fcsah Mydeen and M. Kama la are among 24 players selected for the Asian AU-Star Women soccer team to tour Euroiw for exhibition games next year. Rosa, of the famous Quah footballing family, ls a midfield
      AP  -  178 words
    • 34 25 NEW YORK. Thurs. The Davis Cup challence match between the United States and Venezuela will be played at Tucson, Arizona from Oct. 17—19. officials of a sports promotion group said yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 320 25 Blunders by Swiss give England a 2-1 victory DASLE (Swtzerland). Thurs. Enj lan 4. capitalising on two defensive blu ides by the home team, defeated Switzerland 2-1 last night in a friendly lnterjia;lonil soccer match. Kevin Keegan put England 1-0 up after eight minutes and Mike Channon made It 2-0
      320 words
    • 246 25 Holland's Kuylen nets a hattrick T ONDON, Thurs. World Cup finalist. HnUtnd moved to the to > of their group in the Kunpean Soccer Chaoipioudilp last night with a 4-1 home win over Finland at Nljmegen The victory. Mth striker Vsn der Kuyien .-ontrlbtitmc a hattrtck. carried the Dutch above
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 39 25 LONDON. Thurs Remits of last nights Rugby Union matches: Bridgewater and Albion 6 Blrkenhaad Park ft Cardiff 30 Ofemorgan Wanderers 6; Newton Abbot 7 Public School Wanderers 36; Taunton 0 Bath 35; Weston-Super-Mare S Gloucester 37. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 567 26  -  ERNEST FREDA By BURNING QUESTION IN STAR-STUDDED MEET: 'pHE big question hanging over the star-studded Singapore Open athle ti c championships which starts today at the National Stadium is: Will the showdown between Chee Swee Lee and the South Korean star Kirn
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    • 256 26  - PENANG WANT 80LD CUP FINAL HERE JOE DORAI •f P£NANG Malays, the North Zone finalists of the Sultans' Gold Cap soccer tournament, want the Final to be payed at the National Stadium, bat will confirm this at a meeting this week. Singapore Malays. the other finalists. would also prefer the
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    • 69 26 LONDON. Thurs. England's Brian Brlnkley set a new British 100 metres freestyle •wlmmlng record of 62.3 seconds as he won six event* at tfie British Notional Championships here ywUrday. Earlier In the day he retained his British championstikp In the 200 metres butterfly, the event In which
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 69 26 NEW YORK. Thurs.—Results of major league baseball games played yesterday Aaaerieaa: New York Yankees 8 Detroit 0. Boston 3 Baltimore 2. Cleveland 11 Milwaukee 3. Kansas 6 Chicago 4. Texas 6 California 4. National Philadelphia 6 Montreal 3. Pittsburgh S New York Mete 1. San Diego
      69 words
    • 223 26 Aussies win world netball title AUCKLAND. Thurs. Australia won the Women's World Netball ChamPtowrup when they drew M-34 with New Zeatondta the final match of Uje tournajnrnt here today Australia finished with "Hy »nd a draw from their 10 games. England finished second with Sne wins and one defeat and
      Reuter  -  223 words
    • 282 26 CINOAPORE beat Indonesia 3-1 In the Pesta Sukan triangular hockey tournament at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. But It was a big bore, reports JOE DORAI. The Indonesians, apart from showing speed and determination, were novices at this game. Their stlckwork was shabby
      282 words
    • 168 26 A USTRALJAN Oraham i\ Douglas S?ott snatched the men's Individual epee event after a sensational "barrage" on the fourth day of the Confederation Zone of Oceania Second Fencing championships held at BBA Hall yesterday, reports Dennis Chla. Scott and Thailand's RoengyoU Srtvorapong Pant were tied with four victories
      168 words
    • 615 26 Indonesians upset Ros and Daniel Lim By B. PEREIRA INDONESIANS Ludy Wlyopo and Muckl Tan caused a major upset In the Men's Doubles event of the Pesta Sukan Open Tennis Champion ships at National Stadium courts yesterday when they ousted third seeds Ros Chantranith and Daniel Lim, of Singapore, 9-8,
      615 words
    • 346 26 Favourite Gogi looks set to win title fOGI ALLAUDIN, of Pakistan,- who powered his way to victory in the Malaysian open last week, looks poised for another triumph in the Singapore Pesta Sukan Men's Open squash championship at Tanglln Club courts. Top seed Oogl was In devastating form when he
      346 words
    • 291 26 A TIRED 'KING' TALKS OF QUITTING A NAT Ratanapol, Asia's reigning sprint "king,,' has decided to hang up his spikes in 1877. The 28-year-old Thai soldier, who has not lost a single race in the last five years to an Asian sprinter, yesterday said: "I am tired." He added: "When
      291 words
    • 971 27 KUALA LUM- PUR, Thura. Defending champion Svend Pri of Denmark, beat Moo Foot Lian, of Malaysia, 15-12, 15-8 here tonight to move into the men's singles quarterfinals of the Third World Badminton Championships. The Malaysian raced to a 4-0 lead,
      971 words
    • 551 27  - Japanese cagers stun critics by beating Korea PETER SIOW By JAPAN'S Matsushita team, who were considered no-hopers after losing their opening match to Malaysia, stunned their critics with a shock 97-89 win over defending champions Bank of Korea in the Pesta Sukan Invitational basketball tournament at Gay World StaUi'im last
      551 words
    • 90 27 LONDON. Thurs. Wally Barnes, former captain of the Arsenal and the Welsh National soccer squad, died In hospital today aged 55. The tall defender, who won 22 caps with Wales and Cup winners and Cup runners-up medals with Arsenal, briefly was a manager at home and
      UPI  -  90 words
    • 66 27 PANAMA. Thura World Boxing Amoclatkm president KUa« Cordova aald yesterday that tbe WBA annual meeting would not be held In the Philippine* aa scheduled because the government there refund vlaaa tor South African delegates The Executive Oonsnlttoe voted 12 to 7 to choose a new ate.
      AP  -  66 words
    • 62 27 TOKYO, Thurs. Bryan Jones, a veteran pro from Auitralla. broke the Naraahlno course record with an elght-under-par 54 today to. take the first round lead In the UBs 100.000 (5346.000) Santory golf tournament Jont-s. who had nine birdies and one bogey, lead* Japan's Mlnoni Kawakaml by
      AP  -  62 words
    • 130 27 A death threat to Fillol of Chile "^EW YORK. Thurs. Chilean tennis player Jaime PUlol said yesterday he would probably decline to play In the Davis Cup Inter-zone semifinal in Sweden because of a death threat against him. The threat was reported to have been made by a Chilean exile
      Agencies  -  130 words
    • 80 27 NBW vt>RK. Thurs.— Jack Nlcklaus. who missed the be Open last west and, continues to top (he U8 gott circuit money list with earning* of U*****.489 (5633.000) It wa* announced here yesterday. Top 10 money winners: 1. Jack Nloalaus US63SIJ49, 3. Hale Irwln 53M.016, 3. Tom Welskopf
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 31 27 NEW YORK, Thura. Wimbledon champion Blllie Jean King has been chuaen Player of the Tear for I*7B by (tie Women's Tennis Association. It was announced yesterday.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 234 27 riDiNBURGH. Thurs £i A late equaliser by Wales prevented Argentina winning their match In the World Women's Hockejr Championships here yesterday and from topping Group *C. The Argentine girls dominated the first half and went ahead two minutes before the Interval. It was
      234 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1123 25 I SEAWARD SHIPPING TRADING CO (S) PTE LTD I With effect from Monday, September Bth 1975. our offices will be at Room 1711, International Plaza, A nson Road, Singapore 2. I Telephone Numbers remain the same. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE 63rd Practical Course Highly-appreciated practical course begins on Saturday, 6th September. Learn
      1,123 words
    • 96 25 X^g^a^ssawajgjsiaMw^aja^aß^^^Zirr*--***^^^^^ PE^^^^afei Jr- WE B^awr^^^awC ■LawawawawassawawawawawH LwawV AmW 1 II WM W"^ LW Mirwrnnotmrnrnm* 4^ CHRYSLER TDfICT JwW)TI^R tHt^ f DTFI ITft 26< S B Com P < Ground Floor. SeUf Wosd. S'noapori 7 Tel *****1 (3 hnn) I IMFMv I I'lW I %gr|% %ST I WmM mm mrm Showroom
      96 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 391 26 ¥>v get more than air conditioning when you buy Carrier 88 m I ivo W a.,Cq B a.»» m I c^"* 'HR «A.H wi cooUd P«t^« Sirtrem Chilli W—t/DX Ftn Ccul Uirn \>ni get quality and reliability A» chc worU'. leading Jir fc^cr% nvxlrl n double checked •■riJitii.niiis rrui.T. u.-
      391 words
    • 17 26 SuperRotax Confidently mm with StperW Rotax R49 MADE IN W GERMANY Fan Bros. Co. (Pt«) Ltd. Singapore
      17 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 75 26 TENNIS: Peat* Sukan Open c'thipt (National Stadium. S tjn.i ATHLETICS: BAAA Open c'shlps (National nt r Ilnm. 2.30 pjn.). FENCING: Confederation Zone of Oceania c'ahlpa (SBA. 9 ami SQUASH: Fiesta Sukan Open c 'ships: Men* Plat* quarter-finals (Tanglln Club. 4.30 to 6.00 pm). Woman I quarter-finals (SICC. Buklt 5 to
      75 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 322 27 I I xVvJI S |tf|H^^^P^P^s^^£n^w^ V •k^sVzl^ Perfect sleep. That's Dunlopillo, the world's best It's as good as sleeping on air. Gentle support while you sleep Unsurpassed shape retention 10-year guarantee When you sleep on a Dunlopillo mattress. Ordinary mattresses first start to sag around Rigid quality control tests at
      322 words

  • 23 28 Some of tha 181 refugee* who arrived In Den Pasar. Bali, from Portuguese Timor in an Indonesian ship
    23 words
  • 28 28 BAN MATBO. (California) Thurs. Sixty birds. Including several rare Brown Pelicans, have died In a 13--mlle long oU slick off the Northern California Coast, authorities say.-^AP.
    AP  -  28 words
  • 414 28 rE Portuguese delegation trying to restore order in East Timor has Invited the two warring political parties to lay down their arms for peace talks, according to a report reaching here to lay. An official statenent Issued In the Portuguese enclave said
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • 70 28 HONOKONO, Thun Chinese officials yeaterday laid wreatha at the tomb* or Russian soldiers who died In China during the war against Japan, but Soviet diplomats were not allowed to attend the ceremonies. The .New China New* Agency said wreaths were laid at "the local tombs of
    70 words
  • 45 28 TAIPEH. Thurs Bght people died of uphyxlatlon Then pbatic raw material* itored cutside Uxdr wooden ■hack caught fire here today Police Mid the Ore. which trapped the men. was lUrted by «n old woman burning paper money (or her ancestors. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 162 28 Belfast demo after night of violence BELFAST, Thurs. Thousands of Protestants down tools in Belfast today to attend two rallies protesting at British authorities' failure to maintain security In the province. The demonstrations started after another night of violence when a Catholic farmer just returned from three years In Australia
    Reuter; UPI  -  162 words
  • 33 28 LOS ANGELES. Thurs. Warner Brothers Records yesterday sued British rock star Rod Stewart and his accompanying group. Tba Ptoat. for alleged (allure to lire up to their contract with Warner— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 77 28 $248 mil Japan aid for Egypt rKYO, Thun. Japan will soon provide Egypt with emergency aid totalling US9IN million (S3M million), govern inent sources reported today. The sources said the aid consist* of US$5« million in the form of commodities and ISWO million of cooperation in development projoeU. An agreement
    77 words
  • 33 28 JAKARTA. Thurs. Indonesian authorities in Ambon, In the Moluccas Island, have detained a Taiwanese vessel (or Ashing In Indonesian waters without permit, the armed forces newspaper Angkatan Bersenjau has reported. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 380 28 r ONDON. Thun. Tba martin ek>a«4 Brm aft*r a hihi tra4ta< ■Maion and at t p.m. Ut rtaaaeta) Timae uaSaa had galaad alaa petata to J» ICt'a aaeoad qaanar profit* which w«n above aotn* markM Mtlmataa. huprt aland aarly amall galaa. net Itaatf waa around lOp up at
    380 words
  • 15 28 LONDON. T»ur». Spat 14 SO. MM. IS. SO. CO*: Oct. 11.10. Nsr. St. 10.
    15 words
  • 29 28 LONDON. Tfcma. Spa< bwyara £114* £T). aallan HIT* <— Fonrirt taqran <S*M («aak). milan IttSS laaafe). SKtlawaH: itltt IS). Tmraawar: a.m. tSt taaa p.m 306 taaa. T*m: Banlr ctaady
    29 words
  • 158 28 5 Japanese die in premature bomb explosion TOKYO, Thursday A HOME-MADE bomb exploded at an apart- ment room rented by an ultra-leftist In Yokosuka, site of a big US naval base near Tokyo, early today, killing five people and wounding eight others, police said. The tremencous force of the blast
    158 words
  • 342 28 rrHE Sabah State Legislative Assembly to--1 day passed a BUI giving Chief Minister Tun Mustapha Harun a monthly pension of $3,500 and other official privileges on his resignation on Oct. 31. Tun Mnstapha yesterday told a special meeting of the ruling United
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 66 28 MANILA. Thurs. A three-day preparatory conference on petroleum co-operation In Asean will open here tomorrow, a conference spokesman said. The objectives of the three-day meeting Include the establishment of a firm foundation for mutual co-operation and assistance on petroleum and petroleum resources among Asean countries and provide assistance
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 62 28 <Rfai Ventilating Fans Robust Construction Impeller Design Totally Enclosed Motor Accurately Balanced Sole Agent Sing Chow Engrg Co. Pte Ltd., I 2 Kollong Junction, P O Box 37, Swongoon Rd, P O Singapore. 12 Tel *****66 (3 l<n«s) Sot* Distributor in W«»t MoUyw. Urn Kirn Hoi Electric (M) Sdn. Bhd.,
      62 words
    • 328 28 McCurrant The Blackcurrant Juice Drink containing VITAMIN C is coming to SINGAPORE YAOHAN fSft Charity Sale on 6th 7th Sept 1975 (SAT. ft SUNDAY I (with Free Gifts at Special Offer Prices) McCurrant will be undertaken by the KIWANIS CLUB tpt OF SINGAPORE ALPHA CHAPTER in aid of Singapore Association
      328 words