The Straits Times, 3 September 1975

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 1736 1  -  T. F. HWANG BEN DAVIDSON Toon Boon found guilty on all five charges By and MINISTER of State Wee Toon Boon was sentenced to a total of 41 years' jail by the First District Court yesterday on five charges of corruption. Wee, 46, who
    Vow Yun Won  -  1,736 words
  • 334 1 By BILL CAMPBELL IT LOOKS as if Tun Mustapha has finally decided to step down as Sabah Chief Minister. The ruling Uspo and Sabah Alliance leader gave the strongest indication so tar of this on Monday night when he told United Sabah Islamic Association members
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  • 74 1 KAPO6VAR (Hungary), Tues When Janos Pek shouted "penalty" while listening to a radio eommtnury on a wooer match from lil? hcspiul bed. the doctors couldn't believe It It was the first word he had uttered for 11 yean. Now Janos, who was struck dumb In sn accident
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  • 215 1 The sentences charge by charge SIX MONTHS' JAIL on the charge of corruptly accepting the $3,50* galvanised roofing constructed at his Green mead Avenue house. SIX MONTHS' JAIL for corruptly accepting a bank guarantee for $200,000 in the name of his father, Mr. K. K. Wee. SIX MONTHS' JAIL for
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  • 80 1 Australia may buy Cocos SYDNEY Tues— Australia may bay the Cocoa-Keeling Islands In the Indian Ocean for CM million (Ssll million), according to Canberra sources. The possible purchase was discussed by the Australian Cabinet and Parliamentary Labour Party today, the sources said. The 27 islands in the group were given
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 41 1 NKW YORK. Tuee. Dow Jones average*. bat«d on first Hour of trading on the Mew Yort stock exchange: 30 Indus 137.14, up 180; 30 tramp HIM. up O.M; 16 utlls 79.31 up 0.07; 65 stocks ttiJt, up Tja. XJPL
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  • 45 1 PRIME Minister Lee Kuan Tew left yesterday for a three-day visit to Ball for wide-ranging discussions with President Suharto of Indonesia. He wa« accompanied by Mr K.C. Lee. B*n'or Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, and a small party of officials.
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  • 50 1 LDCnm (England). Tims. A man firing a ihotrun from a burning house killed three people and wour.-Jed two. most of them policemen or policewomen, laat Dlght before he was seized. A woman and two children escaped by ladder frmn the building during t&e hour-long stage. UPI
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 1028 1 Face to face for pact signing TEL AVIV, Tuesday JSRAELI and Egyptian delegates will meet face to face in Geneva to sign the Sinai truce accord on Thursday, government officials said today. The accord was initialled In separate ceremonies last night in Jerusalem and Alexandria, climaxing 12 days of diplomatic
    Reuter; UPI  -  1,028 words
  • 89 1 Another plunge for gold LONDON Tues. The 1 price of gold took another plunge on Europe's bullion markets today as dealers worried over an International Monetary Fund decision to sell off at least onesixth of its gold holdings. In London, the precious metal was selling at US$l5l 50 an ounce,
    AP  -  89 words
  • 21 1 LONDON. Tues.— Britain's currency reserves (ell by USS2M million (SS6O4 million) during August, the treasury reported today AP.
    AP  -  21 words
    • 66 1 Dr. K briefs Khalid TAIF (Saudi Arabia), Tues. US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger briefed Saudi Arabia's King Kbalid and Prince Fahd today on the Egyptian-Israeli agreement Initialled in Jerusalem and Alexandria yesterday. Dr. Kissinger meeting King KhaUd for the first time since Faisal was assassinated last March, flew
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 43 1 GENEVA. Toes. Israeli and Arab sourres aald tonight the tlcnlni of the Interim agreement would be a brief ceremony In the coancll chamber of the United Nations' Palais Dea Nations with neither aide planning* any speeches. AF (See this pace)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 17 1 THE I/I] PROFESSIONAL^^ /Ml U I Distributor* EQUIPMENT if I mfj ft a**,, fxlj** ?*m* Shoppn Campfc»
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    • 19 1 m -:V "-"M only H|r lun ctione hours LED DISPLAY V J 'HHSHt GUARANTEE CBHbbßb^ »»conds 1 YEAR Isß^^ll^SSl^H
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    • 200 1 DEATH FOR SHA BAKAR Page S CONGRESS: Ford's toufh task t DR. X's loans to poorest' pl^n for IMF 3 INDIRA'S polls ease: A-O's reply 4 •STORE has only minor problems with EEC S TWO get lail, lashes for robbery spree 11 Why the men should wear aprons Page 9
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    • 46 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL luriirpl ON YOUR WRIST AUTOMATIC WRIST f^^^^^*. CHRU\OC.RAPH»ITH f >e^Bßola. V PRECISION BEZEL JkX A SLIDE-RULE hOR i B ENGINEERS. BUSINtSSHr wIPHaT SCIENTISTS. PILOTS M Ava.lablt at MU CHUN CHONG 62, South Bridge Road, Ref 1 Q 533 Singapore, I. Tel: *****. Calculator
      46 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 125 2 Putting their seal to a new peace formula rwVE left picture shows Dr. Henry Kissinger and Egyptian Premier Mamdouh Salem signing the American "proposals" of the new pact In Alexandria. The "proposals" are a key part of the accord which calls for the operation of early- war nlnf systems hi
      UPI  -  125 words
    • 477 2 'Sabotage Sinai accord' call by Arafat BEIRUT, Tues. Palestinian guerilla leader Yasser Arafat has called for Intensified efforts to fight off American presence In the Middle East and sabotage the new Sinai disengagement accord. He called the agreement between Egypt and Israel an "imperialist plot to llQuldate the Palestine cause."
      Reuter; AP  -  477 words
    • 118 2 rL AVIV, Tues Arab gunners in. Lebanon fired a number of shells and directed small-arms fire at an Israeli position on the slopes of Mt. Her mon during the night, the Military Command said today. A spokesman said there were no reports of Israeli casualties
      Reuter; AP  -  118 words
    • 566 2 DEEPER PULLOUT BY ISRAEL JERUSALEM, Tues. The agreement initialled last night by Israel and Egypt pledged that they would not use force against each other while extending their ceasefire indefinitely. It was accompanied by a map showing Israeli troop withdrawals deeper into the Slnal Desert,
      Reuter  -  566 words
    • 566 2 WASHINGTON. Tuesday PRESIDENT Ford and Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger today face the tough task of stilling Congressional fears that their new diplomatic coup in the Middle East could lead the US Into another Vietnam. The approval ol the Opposition controlled Congress Is needed for
      Reuter; AP  -  566 words
    • 206 2 NO FINAL PEACE WITHOUT PALESTINE SOLUTION: SADAT ALEXANDRIA (Egypt) Tnea. President Anwar Sadat said he urged US President Ford In a telephone conversation yesterday to start a dialogue with the Palestinians. 8p caking at a Joint televised news conference with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at Mr. Sadat's seaside
      AP  -  206 words
    • 31 2 TOKYO. rues. North Korea yesterday becan a full stall. 11-y«ax compulsory education «yitetn that flvea !U younger generation achoollnj free of charge. Pyongyang's Korean Central News Agency tald.— AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 65 2 LISBON. Tues. Today* planned rwe*rlng-ln ceremony for a new government headed by Admiral Joae Pinhelro de Aaeredo has been postponed because he has not yet completed talk* with political parties, a ■nitmaimi (or the presidency aid A separate ceremony to install Oenejral Vaaco Ooncalvea. the ax-Premler. as
      Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 544 2 i* Hi 11 ~s».^ The beautiful OS 42 diesel cruiser carries you In solid luxury, comfort and safety 2000 km over any ocean. Singapore craftsmanship shows in every detail of a Grand Banks 42. Advanced engineering de- lamps and extensive sheit and Her 4m beam, deep 1m draft, sign from
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    • 247 3 Sunken Atlantic island found 4km deep SAN DIEOO, Tues. A sunken Island 4km >2> 7 miles) under the northwest Atlantic's surface was found by the research ship Olomar Challenger while drilling Into an ocean ridge, according to a deep sea drilling project spokesman. The submerged land mass was "by far
      UPI  -  247 words
    • 35 3 banokok. Tuss.— Torelan Minister Cnarttchal Choonhavan will visit Chins. Japan tnd South Korsa next month after attending the United Nations Oensral Assembly session In New York, a Foreign Ministry spokesman ssld today— UPl.
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    • 68 3 TOKYO. Tuss.— A SO-year-old alleged member of the Japanese Red Army guerilla croup arrived here yest«irflsy after being extradited from Canada. Police said that they had received unconfirmed Information that Toshlmasa Qyola. a former trade union leader In Japan, was In Canada In an attempt to
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 85 3 DAZZLING— BUT NOT TO POLICE SITTING on a swinging aluminium trapeze, Miami daredevil Gary Cook floats above New York's Hudson River. H 1 s spectacular feat was accomplished by a parachute attached to a speedboat by a 300--foot cable. As the boat picked up speed, the .chute ascended. Although the
      AP  -  85 words
    • 70 3 LONDON. Tues— A bomb scare at Heathrow airport today led to the evacuation of the long-distance terminal building and flight delay* All people In the airport's central area, including employees, were held back several hundred metres away as bomb disposal men blew open the lop of
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 258 3 Hanoi ready for ties with US: Pham HONGKONG, T■e s. North Vietnam prime Minister Pham Van Dong said today his country was ready to establish normal relations with the United States, Hanoi radio reported. The Prime Minister, in a speech marking North Vietnam's Mth anniversary of independence, said his Government
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    • 177 3 Crisis talks over Ulster flare-up BELFAST. Tues.— Nor them Ireland Minister Merlyn Rees called an emergency security meeting early today following a new wave of sectarian viol ence throughout the British province that left at least seven people dead. A statement from Mr. Rees said he would discuss the situation
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 423 3 Recession: 'Big Three must do more' WASHINGTON. Tuesday rE Big Three of the world economic order the United States. Germany and Japan must do more to stimulate their economies and help In the world recession, the director of the International Monetary Fund said yesterday. But US Treasury Secretary William Simon
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    • 318 3 A PORTUGUESE special envoy left today for Portuguese Timor without getting any firm commitment that Australia will Join a proposed multinational force to restore order in the colony. The envoy, Dr. Antcnlo d Almeida Santos, was flying to the tiny island ef Atauro. some
      Reuter  -  318 words
    • 389 3 New IMF loans scheme... UNITED NATIONS, Toes. US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger yesterday proposed creation of a new facility in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stabilise overall export earnings. He said it would give loans to sustain development programmes in the face of export fluctuations, up to
      Reuter  -  389 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 In an advance society amidst a busy exciting environment.. 3j£ pniCflß plans an ■Hlb^hbbwlbbbTsl ikßaduutiSßßUßiaW bMhbbbW MsUbbbbbl ImPOPwQnw Peru Living in this internationally known city, life is busy and exciting. Frequent entertainments and tonsunt personal contacts form part of this /.jjjj aw^^^wsw^ existence. Asa result, punctuality, time budget, fe^ fashion
      201 words
    • 231 3 ■Baa sUJra^J saJuMtiSLaf^M A*.*.*J kt I iH Fillet Steak N.Z. 500g T-Bone Steak 3 7/1 N.Z. 500g <9*w" Scotch Steak a £4} N.Z. 500g «k?#Vlr Pork Loin Ribs 3 Danish 500g O*W Back Bacon 7 tA Danish 250g m*w" Sliced Ham a Danish 1 OOg Whole Chicken 9£A u.s. i
      231 words

    • 117 4 RESCUERS checking through the wreckage of an Interflug plane at LeipslgSchkeudlti airport on Monday f o lowing its crash shortly before landing. Twenty-three West German businessmen on their way to the Leipzig Trade Fair and three crew members were killed. Fire other passengers and three crew members
      AP  -  117 words
    • 61 4 SAN JUAN. Tue*. A simulated plane crash to test civil defence procedure* at IsU Verde International Airport produced nine victims. A civil defence spokesman said three people were treated for hytteria. one for diabetic shock, one for heart trouble, two for fainting and two others for undetermined
      AP  -  61 words
    • 470 4 A-G defends Indira's amendment NEW DELHI. Tuw. INDIA'S AttorneyGeneral told the Supreme Court yesterday it was a fallacy to suggest that free and fair elections could not be held if judicial scrutiny of the elections of one or two persons were eliminated. Mr. Niren
      Reuter  -  470 words
    • 294 4 Freed: The man who wanted to defy Indira NEW DELHI, Tues The Indian Government has freed a prominent retired politician who was arrested five weeks ago for threatening to defy Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's clampdown on the press and on public speech. The release of 74-year-old Bhim Sen Sachar came
      AP  -  294 words
    • 40 4 BANGKOK. Tues. Two people were drowned and three others missing In two northern prov'nees In a weeklong flood that cut communication links In those ana* and Inundated thousands of acres of rlcenelds. the Interior Ministry wld today— AP.
      AP  -  40 words
    • 238 4 Backing for Mrs. B on sackings COLOMBO, Tuesday ORI LANKA'S Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimava *3 Bandaranaike has won the full backing of her dominant Freedom Party for the expulsion of the three Trotskyite ministers in her coalition government, a party spokesman said. Sources said Mrs. Bandaranaike threatened to resign as
      Reuter  -  238 words
    • 144 4 PROBE BOAT INCIDENT JAPAN CALL TO N. KOREA rpOKYO. Tues. The 1 Japanese Government, through the Japan Red Cross Society, yesterday sought a North Korean Investigation into a reported incident where a Japanese fishing boat was allegedly fired on by a North Korean coastal vessel. The Maritime Safety Agency said
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 40 4 CANBERRA, Tues. The Australian Government has agreed to grant temporary residence to eight South Vietnamese refugees rescued off the coast of Vietnam In April by a Japanese freighter, a spokesman for Prime Minister Oough Whltlam announced today— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 217 4 MANILA, Tues. At least 49 people were killed last Friday in two Incidents connected with the continuing fight of Muslim Insurgents in Mindanao, well-informed Philippine sources jald yesterday. The clashes came at a time when the Government has claimed It has reached a ceasefire agreement with
      AP  -  217 words
    • 144 4 Another shipping firm in deep waters mOKYO, Tues. A 1 medium-sized shipping company with debts estimated at U5542.7 billion yen (5*352.« million) Is expected to apply for protection Irom creditors under Japan's bankruptcy law before the end of the week, Tokyo newspapers said today. However, the Terukunl Shipping Co. may
      UPI  -  144 words
    • 49 4 SBOUL. Tues A Korean resident In Japan. Kirn DaiNam, was sentenced to death by the Seoul Criminal District Court yesterday lor Instigating antl-sovemment student and opposition campaigns since IMS. The court also sentenced four collaborators of Kirn to Jail terms of one to 10 years. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 89 4 NOW .jjjaßsiii^siiiiiMs^. t#> b^bW^ THREE TIMES WEEKLY TO SEOUL Every Monday, Thursday and Friday. Take our Boeing 7478 from Singapore to Hong Kong and Taipei. Enjoy a night stop in either destination, then fly on to Seoul the next morning at 9.15 am from Hong Kong or 11.25 am from
      89 words
    • 56 4 I *nu.ol The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly Anusol for long lasting comfort.
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  • 412 5 TRADE ties between Singapore and the European Economic Community (EEC) are "good enough" to overcome minor day-to-day problems caused by the world-wide economic slump, the president of the EEC Commission, Mr. Francis-X avier Ortoli. said yesterday. He said there were no significant differences
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  • 105 5 BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN (Brunei). Tuei. Two former Brunei rebels who were freed after swearIng loyalty to tbe Brunei sultan have fled to Llmbang in Sarawak, It was officially announced yesterday. A Brunei government statement said the two men, Mlslr bin Kemddln, 50, a former Brunei
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 166 5 Plan by PSA to revise tariff system rE Port of Slngapo r e Authority proposes to revise certain tariffs and has Invited shippers and Chamber of Commerce representatives for talks on Sept. 15. A PSA spokesman confirmed yesterday that the structure was to be revised, but declined to discuss It
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  • 61 5 BANDAR BERI BEOAWAN. rues— UnlU of the Singapore Armed PoroM have arrived to Brunei for a live anti-aircraft firing exercise In the remote junfle-covered Tejnburong district. The exercise, which will last two months, will Involve about 1,000 Singapore troops on rotation, but there will never be
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 171 5 Aaron leads in Asian Chess championship INTERNATIONAL chess 1 master Manuel Aaron of India is leading now In the Asian Masters Chess Championship with Bft points from eleven games. Close behind Is Singapore's Qlara Choo Kwee with 8 points; however, Olam has a suspended game the result of which may
    171 words
  • 233 5  - SCREEN-WRITER WHO MET HIS MATCH AT KARATE TOURNEY MAUREEN CHUA By LOVE blootned at a karat* tournament In Washington D.C. for Hollywood screen-writ-er Stirling SUttphant and Vietnamese actress Tiana. It waj there that the screen-writer of TowerIng Inferno was Introduced to Tiana by the late Bruce Lee. The couple flew
    233 words
  • 30 5 PROFESSOR PN NaUrajan of the University of Singapore will inaugurate tbe 10th anniversary celebrations of Krishna Our Guide at the DBS Auditorium. Shenton Way, on Saturday at 7.30 pjn.
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  • 72 5 A 24 year old housewife, Mdm. Yeo Owak Ngo, Is appealing for help to trace her husband. Madam Yeo said yesterday that her husband. Tan Chee Chye. 24. a stevedore supervisor, had been missing from home since Aug. 22. The couple were married on
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  • 578 5 Missing: man who went to the barbers LIM Kirn Chye (above). 68, went for a haircut last Sunday and did not return to his Housing Development Board flat In Jalan Bahagla. off Balestier Road. His worried lamlly fear Urn might have lost his way while returning to their flat. His
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 440 5 SONY. For only $138/--you can now own a Trinitron color tv Lowboy KV-1801ES CASH: 1,525 Tallboy KV-1803ES CASH: 1.580 Lowboy KV-1802ES CASH: 1,475 Flat- Payment QlAjf Flat Payment QIAQ Flat-Payment OiQQ at monthly ff I ill at monthly at monthly lUU Visit any of the following Sony dealers cm a
      440 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 456 7 «ooooooooooooooooooooooooo« s^^3wißT^i"^^ii^" l T!a^^^B»^ ANDENTERTHE DU c PER \fl B*g P*| K^ I £fi2»PMZES pop cars flfc^ 4gt^ <>mimmNV> cassette tape gfflfl B ■NK^ 0""rllBx5 recorders Nf w I N K*^ II I V~k. OJLJVJU 4'"PIIIZES F&N DISNEY GAMK^I I MS L "^Jj J A i aggK^ g^gw MH^^g^M^gsw. k
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 212 8 A 14 TEAR OLD schoolgirl yesterday recounted at a coroner's Inquiry how she found her eight-year-old cousin 1 oolong pale shivering violently and with hla eyes staring upwards. An autopsy on Tan Kok Huat, who died from poisoning, revealed traces of what appeared
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  • 354 8  - Sha Bakar sentenced to death GERALD PEREIRA GUILTY ON ALL FIVE CHARGES By CHA Bakar Dawood was yesterday sentenced to death by the High Court for shooting and wounding three people at a brothel and then opening fire at a police squad in Thiam Slew Avenue, on He is the
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  • 123 8 600 call off work to rule ABOUT M 0 employee* of Fraaer and Neave called off their work-to-nile campaign yesterday after the firm anspended wirnlni letter* lasaed to three employees for altered necUcence. The warning letter* lssnrd on Aof. 18 were suspended after F and N agreed with the Singapore
    123 words
  • 94 8 Troupe to Seoul for festival rE Culture Ministry baa accepted an Invitation from the South Korean Government to take part In the Asian and Pacific Nations Polk Art Festival In Seoul from Sept. 8 to 12. The local troupe, to be led by Hajl Sha'ari bin Tadln, Senior Parliamentary Secretary
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  • 26 8 THB Sennet Youth Group will hold its Flcata National 1976 closing ceremony at lta community centre In afaoPheraoei Road on Saturday at t p.m.
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  • 232 8 Puay Leng and his milkmaid win another prize sr>HUA Puay Leng, 11, wondered If his milkmaid would be equally successful on her second "appearance." Taking a deep breath and simulating the movements of his unfortunate heroine, he began the tale of the saucy milkmaid on her way to the market
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  • 236 8 A TOTAL of 97,487 people visited Singapore in June this year representing a 1.9 per cent increase over June 1974. Of these, 15,691 were from Indonesia, 14,394 from Australia, 8,754 from Japan and 8,035 from the United States. The rest were from Malaysia, Britain,
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  • 30 8 Dressmaking course A dressmaking; (Stage 1) course will be held by the Adult Education Board at Its liountbatten centre, Dakota Crescent, from Sept. 14. The (ac (or the course Is
    30 words
  • 258 8 ORICES of chye dm I and cabbage rose by five cents a katl each to 56 cents, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following art the recommended prices: RICE: Thai 100 per cent O 76 cent* a katl or 606 g; Thai 10 per cent, 64
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 189 8 V^BW^afc sLs^a^av JsV A. f A a^^ TONIGHT I SMoapera. Aug 29th Sept 21 st location: Shore Garden. Kallang (Next to National Stadium) PartormancM: Mon No Show Tue Thu Daily at 7.30 pm Fri 2.30 pm and 7 30 pm Sat and Sun 3pm and Bpm JpJßß*"^^ Prleaa: $15. $12.50.
      189 words
    • 118 8 H if.t:i.:a.-i:; wn«:.-:««: rlffl NOW SHOWING B SOLOiN: S SHOWS AT II 1 1 AM, 1 JO, 440, *4 J y B PALACE t KOHG CHIAN: 4 H SHOWS AT 1 JO, M. 7.1 S 1 fJOPM. M I AN ACTION PACKED WAR FIATURI .ISM S»a«BB»aBBBBa7T I^OPENSTOOAyr^I DAILY S SHOWS
      118 words
    • 122 8 ■I I »BBiMa»M»»aaaB»»»»J LAST DAY! 2 Shows at 7.00 ft 9.30 PM j Admission: Adult*: $2.00 Children: $1.00 2nd Fnn-Fest MONTH!! 5 shws nncnu i.3§. Baily 4t UUIUIi S.SI *1 131 pi. i* 'OU riO v(O i j^^O ;it Y«t You win 8888 l |^^k Know You Hoy« il Misted
      122 words
    • 195 8 LIDO 4th MONTH 91st DAY! 11am, 2.15, 530 8.45pm Cash Bookings only ADMISSION MICE*. CIftCLE »4 00- STALLS S2 JO t SI SO MO MAU HUCE-NO MIUTAHY CONCESSIOM-NO HUE LIST OVER 450,000 PEOPLE have seen it- HAVE YOU? ■CAPITOL- 2nd Big Week! I 5 SHOWS daily at: Ham, 1.45, 4,
      195 words
    • 654 8 ia%L^a"// t tt^. T i OIir.AMISATION assajJMSJ«H|SJJJBSJBSaaamsjJJI 4tfcMosTM^l^Ar 1 4 S»>«w. *mhy Hrn»% TifM* ll mm 2 IS. S 30 t »*tfm No trtt LM No Holt Pric* No Milifory Conc«t%ion Crete S4-Sioll» S2 50 4 SI 50 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Pool Newmon, Steve McQuaan "Ttw TOWSRINC IHfIUKO Pono».ion Color
      654 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 209 8 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSB In a mess (7). 1 The PM\i alternative 6 °'jj{*^ prei^ MUM^UiL dbtrtct **J^ iS^SL f" 001 -dtptays the colour, or 10 c '•"«> the siJectrum (T) 10 fZ*',??**?* 11 It? illuminating to f utter "£fncy on rabble Initially the F.ench poi.tlclan «J. lor n<eds "K.^"
      209 words

  • 735 9 JJOUSEWIVES should be considered part of the employment pool economically active .and productive. Membership of trade unions should be opened to them, and both men and women should accept that domestic activity Is a shared responsibility half the man's and half
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  • 84 9 THE case against footballer Brian Gerard De Rozarlo. 21. charged with three traffic offences, will be heard in the Eighth Magistrate's Court on Dec. 5 at 9.30 am. Brian la accused of riding a motorcycle without a licence at the Junction of Bendemrer Road and
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  • 33 9 OR D. Plrananda, president of Washington Buddntat VJhara Boo My. will talk on T»«v<m»r> M living force" at the angapore Lodge TbeoaDphlcei Society in CalmhUl Road oc Thursday at T pja.
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  • 30 9 THE Minister for Science and Technology, Dr. Ls* Chiaw Meng. will speak at the Suigmpore Institute of Management's annual dinner at the Shangri-la Hotel on Sept. 34.
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  • 633 9 PUTURE industries 1 in Singapore will possess considerable oppo r t v nities for female employment only if women workers are prepared to be upgraded, an economist said yesterday. This is because new industries would primarily be of higher technology and skill
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  • 80 9 rE Singapore National Shippers' Council (S.NSC will meet representatives of the Far Eastern Freicht Conference here next Tuesday to discuss FEFCi Intention to increase freight rates by 14 per cent. The other shippers' councils in Asean will also meet FEFC representatives Individually before the Asean-FEFC official
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  • 82 9 Getting your licences' laminated by the AA rE Automobile Association of Singapore has offered to laminate membership cards and driving licences at SI each. The size of the new membership card Is the same as that of the driving licence. It will show not only ihr name and address of
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  • 11 9 THERX were VI road accidents, four serioas, on MoiuUy.
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  • 306 9  -  TAN HSIU LINO By IF LOCAL men are prepared to put on the apron at home, boys study home economics in school and companies set up creches for their workers' children, it should be easy for married women to continue their careers
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  • 140 9 Lack of money holds up kidney probe LACK of money may soon affect Associate Professor R. Sinniah's research on the new type of kidney disease found to be prevalent in Singapore. It is understood SM.tM ar« needed to continue his research on r»hat Is called the IgA disease. Follow-up studies
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  • 56 9 BUTCHER LJm Back Yong. 25. accused of murder ng his wife, was yesterday ordered to be sent to Changl Prison Hospital for a psychiatric report on Sept. 23. He ls alleged to have caused the death of Neo Yoke Kua at the PSA Jetty in Sembawang End at
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  • 275 9 Shelved: Plan for Nantah mass media dept THE setting up of the Department of Mass Communication at the Nanyang University has been shelved, Mr. Lv Yaw, Deputy Vice-Chan-cellor of the university, said yesterday. •This has been deferrrd due to lack of star? and equipment. he said. The proposed department was
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 433 9 SUPER TANGFASTIC OFFERS AT THE HOUSE OF TANG 2^sbJ^L "raWT^* t TTT H §fiT2bs^stf ■HHH^, Mu^Qffftj )&lZS^±^^^^^- tt^^^^^r^^^ EUERVTHinC OH THE 3RD FLOOR NT SUPER LOW PRICES r=& (LADIES') o j .^s^^ lllll^iW. Usual Now Plastic Cups Saucers $1.15 $0.70 Usual Now Creamer Sets $5.00 $1.50 Dresses $188.00 $25.00 X^s^BiSJ^^B^A
      433 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 412 10 rpHE suspense Is ended. After 12 days of 1 tough bargaining and some intensive shuttling over the Sinai Desert by Dr. Henry Kissinger, Egypt and Israel have Issued a historic statement in which they agree that "the conflict between them and in the Middle East shall not
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    • 291 10 A NYONE who flies into Paya Lebar air- port on a busy night will realise how heavy the traffic is. Even now the airport is congested. And at the present rapid rate of growth passenger traffic is expected to triple by 1982. It is clear we urgently
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  • 477 10 HK, the paradise for the modern pirates HONQKONO: Hongkong, a haven for seafaring pirates centuries ago, Is now gaining a reputation aa a paradise for unscrupulous "commercial pirates." These modern pirates are making fortunes every year by selling inferior goods bearing the labels of genuine products. The pirated goods range
    Reuter  -  477 words
  • 1709 10  - Datuk Harris, the 'maverick' of Sabah politics BILL CAMPBELL PROFILE OF BERJAYA'S VICE PRESIDENT By IN THE hectic days that followed the launching of Beriaya, Datuk Harris bin Mohammed Salleh was difficult to tie down as he shuttled tirelessly between Kota Kinabalu and Kuala Lumpur and his island constituency of
    1,709 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 70 10 Be young with Juvelon Multivitamin plus Vitamin E Juvelon revitalises your system. l '^i Gives you a new I^^^^ and youthful life. Wrm STS"* I Feeling old and A I EisaiPte Ltd 561 1.5th f100r, X ■Etsalß Woh Hup Complex. Golden Mile. M X Beach Road. Singapore? M X En*
      70 words

  • 197 11 2 airport workers jailed for theft from airliner mHREE airport cablnX hands went on board a Swissair aircraft on transit here and stole seven goldplated cigarette lighters worth $1,500, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. In the dock were Tan Beng Leong and Llm Choon Hee. both 23, who pleaded guilty
    197 words
  • 41 11 THE Public Utilities Board's water department will lay a water main across Old Airport Road (naar Mount batten Road) from Sept. 13. Work Is expected to last three week* and the public Is aaked to avoid the ana.
    41 words
  • 39 11 Home decor course THE Adult Education Board will conduct an Interior Decoration and Home FunUaru.-.* course at Its BeaUy Secondary School centre from Sept. 14. Claans Will be on Sundays from lo a.m to 1 pm. Fee is 136.
    39 words
  • 175 11 Young robber gets 30 months and rotan A YOUTH waa Jailed for 3# months and ordered to be given eight strokes of the cane yesterday for his part in a robbery. Sidek Mn Mohamed Said. 21. admitted robbing Rabu bin Mohamed Awidl, 36. and Baeb Mn Mahadi. 25, of a
    175 words
  • 65 11 Panties case THZ case of Wdy Teo Ouan Hock. 25. accused of attempting to outrage the modesty of a 10-year-old girl In a toilet, was fixed for hearing at the Second Magistrate's Court on Sept. 16. He denied having put his hand under the toilet door and demanding from Woo
    65 words
  • 35 11 MADAM Llm Pa© Lien, a part-time lecturer, with the Adult Education Board, will give, a ulk-cum-demonstra-tlon on fruit carving at the National Library's meeting room on Saturday at 2JO p.m. Admission la free.
    35 words
  • 69 11 AN UNEMPLOYED youth, who peeped into a ladfe-s' toilet was jailed for three months yesterday. Yong Klong Sing. 21. admitted intruding upon the privacy of telephone operator Poon Lee Hlang, 24, by peeping at her while she was in a toilet In the Far Eastern Bank Building
    69 words
  • 325 11 TWO youths who committed a series of armed robberies were yesterday jailed a total of five years with 40 strokes of the rotan by the Fourth District Court. Neo Eng Seng, and Ng Kian Chai, both 17, pleaded guilty to robbing
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  • 233 11 MAN who tried to befriend a teenage girl was later beaten up, robbed and abducted by four men in Orchard Road on Sunday. Informed sources 'said the gang members. In their teens and early 20s, used the girl as a decoy
    233 words
  • 190 11 Hospital escapee wanted to play the drum A N escapee from Wood- bridge Hospital, accused of stealing $1,214 worth of musical Instruments from a High Btreet shop last Friday was sent to Chang! prison for psychiatric examination by a district court yesterday. The Second District Judge, Mr. E. C. Foenander,
    190 words
  • 117 11 SURPRISE AT SUGAR WARNING rJK Singapore Provision Shop Friendly Association yesterday expressed surprise over the Trade Department's warning of retailers taking advantage of metrication to raise the price of sugar. The department had said that sugar was n controlled commodity and a kilogram of sugar should be sold at about
    117 words
  • 42 11 ACTING Assistant Superintendent of Police. Mr. Chin rook Leong. ha* Joined the Police Publicity Department from Sept. 1. Mr. Chin who was with the Special Investigation Section of the CID has been with the force for four-and-a-half years.
    42 words
  • 41 11 DR. Ounnar J. Telknann. director of the Churches Counselling Service, will talk on the topic Are you Matured? at the Lee Kong Chian Hall. Psnang lane, tomorrow. The talk Is organised by the Singapore Association for Mental Healttv
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  • 247 11 Call to curb 'overbearing' officers A UNION leader has called on the govern- ment to take aculon against overbearing supervisors and senior officers who cause a deterioration In staff relationship in the public sector. "Behind nine out of 10 cases of applications for transfers there are always the symptoms of
    247 words
  • 37 11 MISS Joan Lye will conduct a slx-aeaslon course on Efficient Reading Techniques at the Orchard YMCA on Mondays from 9 Dm to 7.30 pjn. The fee Is 126 for members and $30 for others.
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  • 23 11 THE YMCA will organise a five-session course on Japanese silk (lower making at Its Orchard Road premise* starting on Sept. 12.
    23 words
  • 172 11 A TAIWANESE Industrial group has shelved plans to set up a $10 million synthetic fibre plant In Singapore because of the current recession. According to Mr. Peter Chang, representative of the Taiwanese trade mission here, uncertainty over prices and the timing
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  • 93 11 Studying car park system in London m superintendent of the car parks division of the Urban Redevelopment Authority, Mr. Tan Yew Kang. leaves for London on Friday on a two-month study tour. While there, he will be attached to the corresponding car park authorities. URA sources said yesterday that he
    93 words
  • 251 11 The master strokes that won Kah Hui a trip HO Kah HUI. 20. never scribbles or dashes off a line no matter how much In a hurry he is. He takes his time wrftlng in a beautiful, flowing hand which never falls to Impress. His teachers in England where he
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  • 38 11 THE Singapore Dressmaking Technical Institute win hold a fashion show, exhibition and jumble sale at the People's Park Complex from Sept. f to 10. Proceeds will go to the Chung Hwa Free Clinic's medical fund.
    38 words
  • 24 11 DETECTIVES from CID arrested aev*n secret society suspecu during raids at the Qurenstown and Stirling Road areas on Monday and early yesterday
    24 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 80 11 When you scream scream for *m* BurnoHX For burns, cuts, grazes I sores, insect bites fCCpI/<)| Wur family haMruMed it fw generations... \^^f \J Highlights for today Man broke his world of silence after watching a soccer match. Pilgrims advised to book for air passage. Panic sets in after a
      80 words
    • 255 11 protect your from infection Bathing the eyes >^ regularly with S^ Optrex Eye Lotion f is the best and I I most effective V protection against *S eye infection Sore, irritated '^k^^^wP^^vTS I eyes are soothed k/^fl |J I and relieved „<#*- Optrex a**r-~£ "EYE LOTION Protect your eyes with
      255 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 883 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Taman Sun (Malay) 7 M Mm art NtrnrNl (Hstov) 3.M Diary of Events (Malay) 7.55 Tit Cnrtays 3JS General Hospital 121 Magazine Zero One 4.15 Pre examination Programme: Twelfth Night US Taut Tto Frietfc if laaqf liidw (Part 3— English) Ul
      883 words

    • 161 12 Rites M. But. lUS +M Aea* $L 7« H. Law 11.(1 M. Pl*^ Sl.** BK Iml Mil +.M c. riMt v.m ENS CLM +M 8. Trmdlnc $4.M +.M K-U Ind. W.7i +.N C. Iml tIM +M C. lad. »1.7« +44 M. OMMBt StJS +M C. Mot* fell
      161 words
    • 1564 12 "T*HI last transacted leady 1 sale at the close of business on the Stock BEChang* of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day s prices together with 1975 high and low. (•Adjurtsd for scrip/ lights Issue). INDUSTRIALS tICTION OHI CLOSING TOHIt latfuatrtala and propartlaa barely itcadjr while tha
      1,564 words
    • 388 12 VALUES finished around overnight levels at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday after some sjalck flutter during the morning when buyers came out in numbers. But the initial strength was quickly sapped by profit-taking which continued dnHng most < f the afternoon «esst©n, resulting m most price*
      388 words
    • 1261 12 BID and offer prices officially listed and buatiMM In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of sham traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unkss otherwise specified AU Time Bargain* or Settlement Contract* are quoted alter the word "Sett."
      1,261 words
    • 1042 12 BID and offer prices officially luted and buatnesa In and reported to Um> Kuala Lumpur Slock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units, unless otbenrus specified. INOUITHIALS AlMamata d.SOB). A. Taa* (0 708) Alaan (2.108). CD. Al»i HIS. 11.068),
      1,042 words
    • 101 12 VT ELLINGTON Plastics company PDL Industries K id It Is lnvestltyc nz»io million In a Malaysian project to supDly electrical Roods over an area covering Malaysia. Indonesia, Thailand. HongkonK and the PhlliDDlnes. The Dlan. In the West Mnlaysian state of Selangor, will be 55
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 22 12 ALL markets In New York and In other parts of the United States were closed on Monday (or Labour Day.
      22 words
    • 294 12 Buoyant trading in KL market A STRONG upsurge early In the morning lifted share prices significantly on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Prices hit peak levels Just before the mldmornlng break. Monday's bullish tradIng across the Causeway and some short-covering also contributed to the morning's spirited rally. Shares were
      294 words
    • 182 12 Progress in HK textile talks with the EEC UONOKONO Hong- kong and EEC Commission negotiators have made progress towards devising a possible solution to problems experienced with the new Hongkong EEC textile restraint agreement, deputy director of the Commerce and Industry department Lawrence Mills said. He told a press conference
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 151 12 AMSTERDAM. Mon._ The market tinned over s broad front In quiet conditions with Akso, Philips and UnMever heading gains In Dutch Internationals. Insurances. Amro, Ahold, RBV and Gtessra also firmed. Declines were led by Van Ommrrrn. KNSM. Fokkcr. Oee and Fakhoeal Shippings were mixed. State loans were quietly mixed.
      151 words
      • 241 12 ff>NOKONO. Tuss. —The narket closed firmer en day In moderate trading after a decline In the morning on profit-taking following yesterday's sharp advance, dealers ss Id The recov«ry in the onehour afternoon if Inn was aided by the progress In the Middle But talks and optimism that the planned
        241 words
      • 60 12 Mendar Saturday uss u»s Melbourne (1) 128 <X IM.IT London IMOOB IM.OOB IM.OOS 110.008 Balrut IM.M IW.SO Zurich IMSOB 149 TSB ISS.WS ISOSOB Parta ISS.TI 115.4S Tueedar Mendar Honskooc IM 10 im.9o Soon (I) 154 Xtß IH.MB 157 408 III.TOS Export prieaa In nos-atarllnf araaa la U.S. dollar
        60 words
    • 199 12 *T*OKYO. Tues. The ftock market ended little changed, dealers said. Prices opened easier. extending yesterday's decline, but rallied later on reports that the Ocvemment's proposed economic stimulus later this month wtu be drastic, they said. The Dow Jones average closed 184 points higher at 4.***** with the volume expanding
      199 words
      • 30 12 Rubber: Sept. 2. Singapore: Sept. 146.25 cts (down ••75 ct). Malaysia: Sept. 147.75 cts (down 2.25 cts). Tin: $985 (down $4). Official offering: 273 tons (up 48 tons).
        30 words
      • 105 12 pMIHISI PROOUCI IX CMANOI SIMCArORI MOON CLOtiNO pmcu riR »icol VIITMDAV. CmM 811: bulk »«O aallara, drum Sot aallara. Oaara: Muad (loosa) UK /Coat MIHB Paaoar: Muntok ABTA while fob 100<» NL.W S3TO aallara. Sarawak wblta fob M% Ni.w SSU aallara. Sarawak apodal bteek lob. NL.W SISB aalltra, Sarawak
        105 words
      • 34 12 London ooptxr prieaa on Moo <Uy (pravioua In brackrto WlraOar Spot buyar (5*4 BO (<W3.SO>. atlltr IMS (fSM>: Thraa afooth buyar ISIS.M («S2S) acllar (IIT KlMi Markat Tana: Btaa4lfr. lalaa: 7.673 toanaa.
        34 words
      • 483 12 TWE Singapore rubber market yesterday fluctuated narrowly, after an unchanged start, and held quietly steady around opening levels for the best part of the morning session. Physicals were very quiet. The market drifted lower attain In the afternoon on lack of sustained buying; power and seme outsider seillnß.
        483 words
      • 114 12 txAILY BMR and 38R prices issued at noon ytxterdsy: Stpt Oet Bayers Setters Bayers Sadora MKEI.It (Carrot MU) (Forward Mlfc) (!!■>■ 11 1<) (oeatspcrkg) BMR SCV (1 ton pallet) 160.00 157 00N 157.00 IM.OON BMR SL (1 too paUot) 154.00 IJS OON 155 CO IM.OON BMR 5
        114 words
      • 193 12 Straits tin down -THT BtralU tin price fell 84 to 8986 per picul In Penang yesterday on an official offering up 48 tons to 373 tons. The overnight London market wu steady but forward buyers price slipped £8 to £3,210 per metric ton. LONDON: Tin prices lost £20 per tenne
        193 words
    • 260 12 OTDtmr. Tuss. The market was Irregular in listless trading, dealers said. The OfAtey All-Orcnna- rtes Index gained 0.00 point to 340.27. North BH attracted further buying support to reach a new high for the year of At 1.44 before) settling at $1.43. Coal stock Utah was also actively supported.
      260 words
    • 116 12 yimiCH. Mon. Indecisive £J moves In both directions characterised today's activity on the Zurich Stock Exchange. The Credit Sulae Index closed 0.8 point higher to 181 J. Cloalnx prtrea In Swlaa franca wlta the difference on the prevloui aeaeion a prieaa. Cndic Bui— Swm Buk Corps. 2733 unch .417
      116 words
    • 89 12 FINANCIAL TOTES INDUSTRIALS M°n d 323.4 rridny 327 6 Week ago Closed ""?<*» »*J4 SrMfy mm Week ago Closed RUBBERS M° n °»V 4J6.M fro** 413.M w>«k ago Closed OILS Monday J04.30 •Tlday 304.34 Week ago Closed DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday Closed r^Oay 836 .34 Week ago 81J.34
      89 words
    • 138 12 Money and exchanges TTCE American dollar A opened firm at $2.4840/60 in fairly active trading in the Singapore forex market yesterday. It was traded between $2.4840 and $2.4845. The US unit closed at $2 4836/45 In thin trading. Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3 p.m. 1 month 2.4780/00. 2 months
      138 words
    • 150 12 Suggested Interbank rates at 300 p.m ('■rrractca Nominal rates Smithaonlmn FcrccnUfe »*>W T-**r4»j (crws) parity itasfi US dollar 2 4835 ***** J 8196 11.92 Sterling pound 5 2290 5.2340 7 3468 28 83 Hongkong dollar 49.00 49.10 50 51 —2.99 Malaysian dollar 98 50 98.60 100 00 1.50
      150 words
    • 192 12 a BIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Tuesday. Sept 2: US Dollar* (ga»a| Offer BU NOTE: Theae rataa may differ sllgliUy from thoM quoted by bs&ki to Uistr ctstomcrs. 7 days 6 7/16 6 S/16 1 mth < 6/8 6 1/3 2 mtha 7
      192 words
    • 33 12 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Sept 2: OaTsr Mi Ov .-might 5 4H 1 mth 3\ 3% 2 mthi 4'n 4 3 mths 4 Ihih: r. Mmmj J*mm Ii«ir»«l1iaal
      33 words
    • 49 12 RANGE of rataa offend hj 41acount houaaa oa B*pi. 2: Overnist.t 1* Call deposit i* Claim* Buy MM 3-yonth Traaaurr bllb 3 1/11 3 1/11 3-Month bank bun 4 S 1/4 3-Month CD 4 3 15/11 1-Month CD 5 7/11 5 5 14 liivh: National Discount Co.
      49 words
    • 62 12 Minimum leading rates (in Algernon* Bonk 7 Bongkok Bonk 7'/» Bonk of Amtrico &V} Bonk of 7V, Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk NoyofO Inoonovo 7Vi Bonque oe I'lndochin* 7 Chbrtorod Bonk 6% Chose Monhotton 7 DBS 6V 4 First Chicogo 6V« FNCB 6V» HKSBC 7 Moloyon Bonking 7 Mitsui
      62 words

  • CITY DESK Contd
    • 294 13 SEACORP is back on growth path AFTER a year In the wilderness when profits were heavily knocked. South East Asia Development Corporation recovered most of its lost ground in 1974-75. Its latest results show that it has now returned firmly to the growth path. Pre-tax nronu for the half-year ended
      294 words
    • 94 13 FOR the first six months ended June 1975. pre-tax profits at Riverview Rubber Estates plunged 46.2 per cent to $501,565 as a result of the lower rubber crop and the steep fall in prices. Rubber output fell 11.8 per cent to 1.13 million kgs while the
      94 words
    • 274 13 ¥>ROFITB have contlnu--1 ed to slide at Kuala Lumpur Kepong. With the completion of the thlrd-<iuarter it now appears certain that the group will not be able to maintain current year pre-tax profits at the previous 12 months' level of $30 million. With pre-tax earnings down
      274 words
    • 188 13 A SET of impressive results has been turnt d In by newly-listed Dah Yung Steel (S) for the first six months ended June 1975. Pre-tax profit.* have doubled to $1.83 million from $902,000 previously. The strong earnings uptrend was achieved on the back of a
      188 words
    • 132 13 IN the first half-year ended June 1975, total gross premium income of Malaysian American Assurance fell by 15.3 per cent to $547,401. The drop Is due to "stricter underwriting of motor business" which MAA explains has affected income from other lines, resulting In a 59.4 per
      132 words
    • 58 13 LONDON: A newlyformed merchant bank in Malaysia, UDA Merchant Banken, opened for business In Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Its major riiareholder Is the Urban Development Aotho- rlty, a Federal government agwiey. Other shareholders include the Hoafkonr and M f Corporation and Antony Glbte (Overseas Inv— t
      58 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 653 13 I Calling all I Book-keepers, I Accounts and I Audit Clerks I here's how to get more money I I ond enjoy a more interesting fob. Ever feel you're stuck in the job you've I I got? Ever feel you'd like to get out and I I meet more people?
      653 words
    • 494 13 I Systems I I Analyst I I Due to our expansion in I I marketing systems equipment, we I I need men with the right ex- I I perience to join our Systems Divi- I I sion. I Preferably 23 years and above I Qualification and I Experience I Candidates
      494 words
    • 658 13 I SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD Applications are invited for the following posts: (A) MARKETING OFFICER The Job The successful candidate will be required to undertake all aspects of travel marketing, both in Singapore and overseas, under the direction of Assistant Director (Marketing). Requirements The Board is looking for a person
      658 words
    • 655 13 TRAVEL SALES REPRESENTATIVE A well established, growing Travel Agency requires a Sales Representative. Applicants must have a pleasant, patient personality as he or she will be required to work in co-operation with our current sales staff in generating new business ond in servicing our present clients. Previous sales experience in
      655 words

    • 267 14 IPOH, Tuesday OFFICERS of the National Bureau of Investigation are investigating a $10 million racket involving government rubber replanting subsidies in Perak. The NBI office nere will be strengthened with the arrival of officers from Penang, Kedah, Perils and Pahang. It is believed
      267 words
    • 45 14 KUAIA LUMPUR. Tues. Malaysian police are waiting for detail* of an International confidence trickster detained by London police recently. Police sources said today that the suspect could be the one Involved In at least four cheating cases here In June last year.
      45 words
    • 176 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Officials of the National Union of the Teaching Profession and the Public Services Department met today to discuss problems affecting about 20,000 teachers. The problems, described by the NUTP as anomalies arising from the Aziz Commission recommendations, have been pending for
      176 words
    • 146 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —The special commissioners of Income tax reserved Judgment yesterday In the appeal of Buklt Mertatam millionaire Mr. N.T.S. Arumugam Plllal against the decls'oi. of the Director General of Inland Revenue ordering him to pay $3, 145.851 as Income tax he had
      146 words
    • 79 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Tue«. The Malaysian International Shipping Corporation iMISCp. Malaysia 'i national shipping line, last year made a net profit of 33 million rlngglt compared to a profit of seven million rlngglt In 1873. according to the latest MI3C anruaJ report. However, the report, released
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 27 14 penano Tuei It ra a National Day triumph far aecreUry Mary Tan Me: Lie. It. who was crowned Mia Penang 1975 at mu.mght la»t night
      27 words
    • 100 14 KL 'yes' to Timor force KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. —Malaysia has agreed to join a four-nation peace- keeping force to end the fighting In Portuguese Timor proposed by Indonesia. It was announced here. The secretary-general of Malaysian Foreign Affairs M nlstry. Tan Sri Zalton Ibrahim. last night said that Malaysia's decision
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 102 14 TUN GETS BRIEFING IN SIBU SIBU, Tues. Tun Abdul Razak arrived here today at the start of a two-day visit to Sarawak. The Malaysian Prime Minister visited the military headquarters here soon after arrival for a four-hour briefing on the security situation in the state and progress In suppression of
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 52 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The State Government's tint bulld-your-own-house progiamme will be for estate workers, said the Selangor Mentrt Beaar. Dato Hajl Harun IdrU. The Scale Government was negotiating with a representative of the estates In the nope of acquiring a portion of their estatea for housing purposes,
      52 words
    • 334 14 'Cowboy draw' dare by gunman to his 30 victims KUALA LUMPUR, Toes. A gunman placed two piatols ea the table and challenged any of his St victims to a "cowboy style draw" here last night. The Incident occurred during a hold-up at the Railway Recreation Club in Sentul at about
      334 words
    • 60 14 PETALINQ JAVA. Tues Retired veterinary surgeon Dr. Lee Chin Hua and his wife went out to dinner on National Day. but the night out coat him more than be bargained for. While they were out. thieves broke Into their home In Jalan University here and stole
      60 words
    • 280 14 K. LUMPUR, Tues WATER and power shortages, due to Insufficient rainfall, may well be over as the inter monsoon period, which is characterised by afternoon thunderstorms, has set in According to the Deputy Director General of Meteorological Services, Mr. K. Markandan, the Inter-monsoon period
      280 words
    • 81 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue*. -Former Senator Datuk Mohamad Zahlr bin Hajl Ismail. SI. wai sworn In m a High Court Judge before the Chief Ju»tice, Mr. Justice 88. GUI, In his chambers In the High Court here today. In hit speech. Mr. Justice Zahlr said he was
      81 words
    • 221 14 Power failure hits Selangor and Negri KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Power was restored by this afternoon to affected areaa In the Fcdeial Terrtton. SelanKor and Negri SembUan following a breakdown from 6.30 a.m. The failure resultea from a breakdown at Tunku Jaafar power station. Port Dlckaon. which supplies a lanrs part
      221 words
    • Obituary, Illustration
      44 14 In Loving Memory of Mm Mary Coh Meow Sin departed tvddcnty 3-9--1972. Com bat never forgotten. Dearly remembtred by Fit her. Mother, Brothcn Then* Yew, Thong Keng, Thong Mmi. Sitter Meow Un. ■rother-ia-Law V c a Meow Sam. Srtten-in-in-Ljw. Nephewi and Niecea.
      44 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 603 14 W A STEADY EMPLOYER invites applications from Malaysian citizens to fill the following positions: I I FEMALE PRODUCTION I OPERATORS I Qualifications I I 16 to 28 years of age I M Single m Studied till LCE/SHP 3£ Able to Work on 3 Rotating shifts il REMUNERATION I 3& an
      603 words
    • 620 14 IN THE HIGH COUBT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE Coapanin Winding Up No. 40 of 1975 la Urn Matter of Coapaaiea Act. (Cap. 185) And la Urn Matter of Bee Huat Hen« Piliai m Tramport (Ptc.) Ltd. NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a petition for the winding up of
      620 words
    • 708 14 NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Mr. Chan Chee Wai (NRIC No. *****47/ F) and Mr. Arumugam Haridas (NRIC No. *****73/ B) had resigned on their own accord from our company with effect from 31st August. 1975. Therefore they have no authority to transact any business or collect monies on
      708 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1382 15 [~MM----------_-----^JJ CWrTAIKBIrP StUXt Tl ItVtMTIN'NT CAUIfiAI lAY'TSm* VB Vm i"^ S' -m TMII limit 17 MM ItMM H eel tl M 11 M I M mutant* mmm MMM tt Bit n Btt )i jet 1 1 act IlaiMN MT M I M IMI IMe 4Me M M MMKtM IVtIU It
      1,382 words
    • 1262 15 Ben Ocean A)ant9erviced ßen Una Blue Fhnnel den Lure and NSMO le UK CMTtMNT mi Saul t'aare P Itiaat Ptatae lertte Fat lINUII 1 41/1 Mpt 1/ IMM 1/ IMMII Mt lfjoei. MNLMMM t M/TOSPI 1/ IMM 7/ I Mat M LoMoa. fa— l». Nell MNMBCN H USeet 11/17 Mat
      1,262 words
    • 1169 15 ti inert Wmi tftat t taa j«—e.- Oeaaiert Ireae. Aatatl* All UK S'por i P. uiaac Scat Aeetna Der KMLKI MM IMM MMM "MM MMM aMM CAMIIAN UT I MM n SeM *M IM I Mt IM ***** IXPIISS II MM HMM W M 11 M 11 M I
      1,169 words
    • 1062 15 FULLY CONTAINCKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOPE (MIICM Sai'iTs4»rii inuuent T. ism IWtertM.ii, tasterdM, Ajitwrp, le Havre, tSmST "1 £tl i ■""*>. NlietN Mt I AaftMt fMMalMit. r.ilfciAin y.^ M NiMiart itiiau ate ii iw.ii ttitMMn, him*. "to n StKtkoM. Oslo. Heist*, Umted Kiptfctom. Otaikl Taatt IU M Man rci M Man
      1,062 words
    • 799 15 SMjaMra *****4; ft Man 041; LI. *****. Pout, BMI. THE BANK LINE LTD. utfs m i t s A/mo. TirUM IHaer.t.n. It-.,-. Moaatoaa. Oerla. t Um.o-1 tlim fmn.mnum m \*V?, Me»i«a. Muwta. Dark-. EL P t i Caw-owi) p iv,-, M, s tmt/i fct 'Mot lit! 1 SatFll IFIKA. FM
      799 words

  • 192 16 TNI PONT Or IINOAPOR! 1 AoTMomrr amhoumcio I tni POLLOwma m«TMi«Q AMANCMMBrra pom mtt. j. OUT: Thomaiervtrett S/4. Bant Olobai Mariner «/7. Oudrun Bakke Irt. Done Skou IS/ 14. Peril! 20 West. Ajean Pioneer 29/30. Adrmitui IV J4 and Eaqulllno 47 IN: Slraal Cumberland TaUkawa Mafb 1V1«.
    192 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1088 16 Bern SJLm\ mial ■k^ I D^La A<& Kmmmml BmmU^mmvJl |YUa KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KMMt KlSrt lAI9M ITS. iapan. nom «w« smiTS sowct tmm W*m t-ftttn Pnaat P (aim f AHfHI Mfl Tapan «aM Mtwrttw htanara ft* TITIUW4MAH lta.ll/l Mft 2.^'J^"' 0-ti MHiaiCAMAM I»«tft »airaa«M»r. Japan t.uih Alriaa
      1,088 words
    • 1007 16 ucipti witwer fm PtertiAßAi lAtiPfT. imicw, lAiivAna. lAMMtaft. lAMtmitAai TAaAjAti. autM. lIMIII. MMBL WIIT Mtta MM ÜBU MAIM PMTt. II frea ITA (TO I Mil LC I tIAtTT lim CarrMa I laft MMft MaartA. tlitn (AMI Btailt la Part IMft PIMAtiM I lal.>caaa> IMfl MMft M».Maaai./T.rnn. pfMAIIBI II TarHn
      1,007 words
    • 916 16 Mr CMTAiatitsn sewice ti eiww oru sttZr Span P. fctlaaf Fitaat irawi Ira. Aatnn 1 taa mcaiii impmtii a Mai a Mft v act 17 Mt it Mt a Mt n an icnaat sap* him n tti aert a*n 11 an aan it an Man Ml IiPTBM IMIUIt lII* lIM
      916 words
    • 766 16 dwbs sum to urn*, imamutmvmm mn Tl Mn. ttamart P Mint rV<— tin n n>: •aauun i. pwi 4/ium iHaaT mo. itw. caitrft i/io. im! IV IO, frtawo 11, 10 aarj 20/10. MKA TAHMM 1/11 Mft I. Part i^ien^lO. Iftal. Cartili. H/IU. It Hrn 5.11. Hhi| ill. MfMA UHU« a/M
      766 words
    • 659 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P. KtUtt Smfipcre lafJaSJ NT: KTIUI HAM 11/11 Seat 11/17 Seat Sydney, Melbourne, (DWT 6571, Built 1970) SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE MAT CUP 21/21S*tt 22/2]Stat Capetown, OwDan. (DWT 7292 Built 1973) DIRECT FROM JAPAN FOR DISCHARGE SiifAport P. Ktlani Pmarif ■AWES STU ¥-12 1/ I Salt 11/11 Stft
      659 words

  • 25 17 LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS In Motel singapura for your latest hairstyles expert perming and gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments Telephone *****3 i .Spore)
    25 words
  • 98 17 3 Religious Annoucements PASTOR JOHN THOMAS reaching tonight at 7 30 at Bible House Chapel the need for sanctlflcation. baptisms and Christ's return Bring your sick people for prayer Literature on nettling and Hook CMMH 4 Irr.iwaddy Road, Singapore 12 Telephone *****7 BETHESOA BOOK CENTRE'S 6th Annual Sale now on
    98 words
  • 91 17 MRS. FREDA BALHETCHET and family express their heartfelt thanks to His Orace Archbishop Olcomendy and clergy, all the religious communities, relatives and friends for their kind attendance, prayers, condolences, flowers and donations during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Ram zan All s/o Hakim All
    91 words
  • 20 17 EVERLASTING MEMORIES OF a great dad Jaglr Singh departed 3 968 Remembered always by wife and children
    20 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1964 17 classified ads BfttHBBMMBI— SS*»»S».»*> IT BOX N***** post has been filled We wish to thank all applicants NURSE REOUIRED FOR jynaecology clinic Apply S T Box A ***** PART-TIME REGISTERED Pharmacist required Please contact SKO.U23SP7 01 epsjaej^Bejßjsraeaa essejea APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED tor the post of Female Oeneral Clerk She must
      1,964 words
    • 715 17 WANTEO COUNTER SALESMEN and Salesgirl* Speak Mandarin or Cantonese. Preference will be given to those who also speak Japanese. Aged for Salesmen 22 35. Salesgirls 20-25. Apply with non-returnable photo to ST 80xA***** CREATIVE SALESMAN "MleaTefei'Sl KatSaaMl BMOTtd Mjfctßßl ftefJoM Organisation requires Mature, aggressive and dynamic Sales Personnel for Its
      715 words
    • 697 17 MANUFACTURING COMPANY Have immediate vacancies for 2 Turners 3 yaars working experience as Turners Apply 5. Benol Place Jurong Town, Spore 22 (durtntt office hours) MACHINERY TESTER/ TECHNICIAN QyaWlCßliens:--a) Polytechnic Diploma Holder or Equivalent b) 2 4 years similar experience c) Familiar with measuring Instrument/ equipment Duslsi:Checking. testing and Inspection
      697 words
    • 827 17 TRAINEE EDITORIAL ASSISTANT for English Publication Must be strong In English and world affairs Ability learn fast, willing work hard. Irregular hours essential Details photograph (nonreturnable), telephone number lo ST Box A ***** ISLAND SUPERMARKET requ I r i TRAINEE RETAIL SALES STAFF (MOLE) 1 f Preferably completed fulltime National
      827 words
    • 738 17 MESSENGER REOUIRBO. must rid* bicycle, completed N 8 Experienced in import/ export, shipping procedures App'y personally Scan Trading Company Pte Ltd 16-T. Realty Centre. Enggor Street WHARF CLERKS Applications are Invited from experienced persons to fill the above positions Only persons who are prepared to work long and irregular hours
      738 words
    • 773 17 OFF HOLLANO Road single-storey semi- detached 3 bedrooms well furnished $1,000 Off East Coast Road newly painted 2-storey house overlooking sea 3 bedrooms furnished 8800 Eastern Mansion and First Mansion off Meyer Road 3-bedroomed apartments overlooking the sea furnished MOO and 8800 respectively Off Buklt Tlmah Road newly painted 2-su>rey
      773 words
    • 845 17 I FURNISHED: CHANOI BEACH seafront bungalow $1 200 Skyvllla (Clemenceau Avenue) 2-bed-roomed apartment, unfurnished $550 Henry Park luxurious double-storey semi-detached. I partially furnished. $1,800 Ewart Park (Holland Road) apartment $1,400 New Century Really. *****5,*****2 DETACHED BUNGALOWS doublestorey Oel Tong Ham Park furnished 3 alrcon bedrooms, telephone installed, matured garden. $2,500
      845 words
    • 823 17 1) GUANOS HEIGHTS TYPE A. ft and C All with swimming pos] tennis court and fully furnish*] $2,000 $3,500 2) Peach row* (dlst 15) luxurious apartments central alrcond swimming poor 4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms, faclrfc sea front $2,400 fully furnished ft Mandalay Towers dlst 12 spilllevel apartments 2.500 sq ft
      823 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 697 18 •I B*uMsua**al INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CONSULTANTS urgently require B UfMIsITO*M a A(T BMJBII III ># fill tor several newly arrived expatriates Ren tal budget (1.500 (3.500. Big advanced rental anc company lease assured Pt**** c*a 23(0411 COMPANY OIRECTOR (unrequlres modern new 2 bedroom apartment furnished/ unfurnished In central location *****/7 COMPANY
      697 words
    • 838 18 DETACHED OARLICK AVENUE single-storey bungalow dlst 10 area approximately 10.300 sq It Freehold Four bedrooms Selling (260.000 Luxuriously furnished Telephone *****3 ***** V *****3 CALIFORNIA BUNOALOW. Watten Estate Road 3-storey 7 bedrooms. 4.600 sq ft (228.000 Contact *****/ ***** I J BUS-DSeO >T sy^^b coaaTrssjcnoaj m lto Ij^^ JaacaeetiiPuml, c
      838 words
    • 860 18 DIST. 1* APARTMENT 3 rooms. 2 bathrooms servant's amenities with bullt-11 cupboards, mosaic/ parquet flooring (135.000 Phone *****1 CHARTCWORTH COURT DI*T 1* 4 bedrooms. 3.5-10 sq ft. with swimming pool Prnclpals call *****6 0r*****7 *sl t.smtl DIST 10 PRESTIOEOUS locality 16 000 sq ft vacant land suitable for developing 4
      860 words
    • 804 18 WATERFRONT WAREHOUSE suitable to load/ discharge cargo direct (rom twrges especially oil rm equipments, heavy tractors, machinery and transhipment cargo, also available forkllfts. cranes, barges, export documentation und complete shipping ser- ices accepting space/ tonnage 1. mm 1 "lease contact Hu/ Tan 010 *****9 TARRED GRANITE reinforced Suitable for
      804 words
    • 784 18 The F International' Ocean Exposition In th* history of manklrrd Okinawa Japan Exhibits from more than 50 countries Oo Expo 75 with Cli E Tours.. Fly the Jumbo Family 8747 Collect your full-colour Expo newsletter from C It E Tours TAIWAN/ HUALIEN/ OKINAWAEXPO/ HONGKONG/ BANOKOK 9/12/14 Days Sl47*/ (1(70/ (1(70
      784 words
    • 668 18 21 Days London/ Europe 551. 220 00 16 Days USA (West C...U1) 8*3.***** 17 Days New Zealand Tour 553.***** 11 Days Delhi. Agra and Kashmir 3(1.743 00 12 Days Bombay. Delhi. Agra and Madras 5t1.***** 8 Days Northern India 551. 421 00 9 Days Bombay. Ooa und Srtiitn moia SSI.
      668 words
    • 719 18 I I^^H I fill [p^sa Experience a culture that's more than 5000 years old. Experience it in the dance, music and festivals of India. 14 days for only $2055 Call Mansfield Travel *****3 for your free brochure*. I*l Floor. Motel Miramar, H*v*tock Road. Smaapar* 3. Tel: 7*3*7 M24IS Knoeca inconjuncuon
      719 words
    • 668 18 FOh QUICK LUNCH tt Reservation visit Lai Wah Restaurant 377 C Jalan Besar (air-con) Tel: *****03' 25*1694. Branch. Block 44 1136 Bendemeer Road (aircon) Tel 25*4460/ *****61 EXCELLENT VEGETARIAN FOOO. Fast service, alrconditloned. easy parking 10 a m 830 p m Kwan fm vegetarian Restaurant 190 Waterloo Street Tel *****9
      668 words
    • 722 18 EXPERT LONDON TUITION by air Law (LL.B Bar). Secretaryship (C IS I. Accountancy (ACCA. ICMA. AIA. SCCA. lAA. lAS.). Banking (Inst of Bankers). Inst Credit Mgmenl. Inst Marketing. Inst Works Managers. Inst. of Transport Commerce (L C C Inst. Commerce. British Society Commerce). OCE. MCE Associated Examining Board. Qualifying Test
      722 words
    • 419 18 THREE MONTHS RAPID COURSES: Shorthand/ Typewriting/ Bookkeeping Morning' Afternoon sessions Register early Details from Rajas College ***** *****0' *****8/ *****78 TW fjßkaol at 111 II ll TVmku^ ♦is With our training, no reason why you can't succeed Otr new Glasses for Sept n Accountancy Business StudieC 'IAtIPTC arid TcCjLtJect LMPTC
      419 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 723 19 typewriting CLASSES Anytime from 8 a in to 9 pro 7 days a reek Individual coaching Please Rglster early Oeylang Commercial School 9! -A. Oeyland RrMd (opposite (li.> World) T.-l *****9 ABACUS ACCOUNTANCY STUDIES CENTRE introduces A NEW APPROACH to Me Mud* o« LCC Subtec* COMMENCING ON I*TH SEPTEMBER I*7S
      723 words
    • 726 19 CTY 4 QUtLwe P. tide. s QuanUl e» First Stage v^nipenclng 7'i'7s. Electrical Engii...--'nt Intermediate for beglnnen commencing soon Regal School *****9 3l LEARN THE LANOUAGE YOU NEED FROM THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW IT BEST DAY COURSES New ENGLISH courses commence on 15th September at 8 levels Course* In FRENCH.
      726 words
    • 865 19 WANTED LADY TUTOR for Primary 5 boy 4 m s Buklt Tlmah H im tv 9 a m Mondays to Fridays daily at $80 p m Apply to P.u '•ox 2322 giving telephone number NEW SOCIAL DANCING class for Beginners commencing 8.9.75 Saturday 4 30pm Contact Sunny Low (M.N.A.T.D. London)
      865 words
    • 953 19 PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT Pte Lid .Showroom at 511. Buklt Tlmah Road. 4'i m s Spore 10 Tel *****1/ *****3 *****4 offers 1974 ToyoU Corona 1600 alrcon.. Mitsubishi Mlnica. Datsun 120Y 1473 Coll Oalant 1400 5-speed airnn Ford Escort 1300 XL. Austin 1300 MXIII. Colt Lancer 1200 alrcon.. Austin Mini SUtlonwagon
      953 words
    • 804 19 It7S AUSTIN MINI MK2 Second owner. 5 new sports tyres and steering Winding windows, comprehensive Insurance till February 1976 $4,100 View anytime at Blk 25. 359 Jalan Memblna Barat Spore 3 m> FIAT ISSS original seats, new tyres, taxed' Insured $850 o n o 1987 Austin Cambridge $3,100 o n.o
      804 words
    • 701 19 GENERAL SPRAYPAINTHMa repair refrigerators five hours. Customers' Home re-enamel longbath *****62 *****43 Spore. F.P.S. (ESTABLISHED It4K). Helps you get 'Mends partners straightaway .Alexandra PO Box 108. Slngapore-3 fine QOLO CHAIN witn small gold brlnjal pendant attached Great sentimental value Finder please return to owner Contact Maureen Lee *****1 LOST A
      701 words
    • 758 19 DYNASTY ENTERPRISE top cleanIng contractor undertakes house cleaning, carpet shampooing, floor sanding and polishing for private homes. Appointment Tel 6212 M W INSTANT COPY SERVICE I Letterhead Circular m Statement Lesson Notes Stock Sheet Formi Pamphlet! Chart Book Reprint Certificate We are equipped with tully automatic equipment to print any
      758 words
    • 643 19 ABC ARAB TRADE Reference Just arrived Hongkong. Taiwan. Indonesia, etc directories are available now For details '•ontact *****9 *****8 Room 312. Shell House. Collyer Quay Spore 1 FOR QUICK SAL! 60. U00 roll. Ilford FP4 B a, W panchromatic films 124 12 cartridge exposure suitable fur all liuunt cameras Price
      643 words
    • 983 19 SALCS ANO RENTALS .if rook-rr. an thing machines, televisions .".id refrigerators at reasonable ill Prestige Electrical Company. 427. Shaw Centre, tel ***** 1 hionrn AIR. CONDITIONERS FOU RENT sale service Washing machines and other home appliances also .ivuilablc *****4. *****4 DRUMS PIANO ELECTRIC gulUrv amplifiers. TV. Refrigerator, bed. drer .ing
      983 words

    • 249 20 Hants get seven bonus points f ONDON, Tues. Hampshire collected seven bonus points yesterday as they stepped up their chase for the English County cricket championship. Bottom County Sussex, replying to Hamshire's massive first innings total of 501-5 declared, were dismissed for 259-8 and following on were 151-3 ln their
      Reuter  -  249 words
    • 228 20 LiDINBUROH, Tuet. The Netherlands and Canada net the pace on f he second day of the women's World Hockey Championship with crushing 8-0 victories over Austria and Denmark reapectiveiy here yeaterdiy. Australia, also among the leading contenders for the title, romped to a A-2 triumph against
      228 words
    • 570 20 Chinese SC lead in 3-club meet /^HINESE Swimming Club >* *n leading by nine point* In the two-day Interclub swimming contest against the Aqua Group from Western Australia and Singapore Swimming Club at Tanjong Rhu yesterday. At tne end of the first day CSC swimmers won eight gold, run* silver
      570 words
    • 555 20 NEW YORK, Tuesday FOURTH SEED ED Arthur Ashe, the 1975 Wimbledon champion, was upset by Eddie Dibbs but fifthseeded Bjorn Borg, of Sweden, came through, as expected, over Australian veteran Rod Layer in fourthround matches in the United States Open Tennis chafnpionships here
      AP  -  555 words
    • 520 20  - Can Poly Robin emulate General Trong? EPSOM JEEP GOLD VASE POSER: By IPOH, Tuea. Can Poly Robin do a "General Trong III" in the $41,000 Sultan's Gold Vase here on Sunday? In 1973 General Trong. lll, then a three-yey-old, won in his second start over the Buklt Tim ah 6f
      520 words
    • 145 20 f ONDON. Tw. The faw ■■■■■■ill u«t alckt It "T" T-^T—lB MM Glaafaw MM make Ita aid to tk* MiimHiml Otjmpto C— iW«— (IOC) la IS7S. "Wa aar« a cart Iraa aaaa far krtagtaf the Otysapie* to ■;»&■<■■• the The not OtTvpfe Oyw are nait»li<
      145 words
    • 432 21  - Hockey players told: Do well in Pesta or else... E. FRIDA By rpHE National hoc- key team's chances of competing In the Eighth Beap Games at Bangkok in December will depend on their performance in the Pesta Sukan International Triangular Meet at Jalan Besar from Thursday to Saturday. Malaysia and
      432 words
    • 185 21 Favourites score easy wins GOOI ALLADIN and Mohlbullah Khan the two favourites from Pakistan. reached the fourth round of the Pesta Sukan Open squash championships with easy wins at Tanglln Club yesterday. Top seed Oogl outclassed Benny See 9-2. B-l. »-3 while Mohlhullah. the No. 2 seed, heat Nik Din
      185 words
    • 24 21 HONOKONO. Tues. New Zealand captured the Pint Asian Women's Soccer Tournament today beating Thailand 3-1 In a rough final.
      24 words
    • 92 21 Penang in Gold Cup final PKNANO. Tass— Peaaoc 1 Malays played inspired football last nlcht to snatch a SalUn Gold Cup Anal berth from Ksiaataa Malays, wtnninc the second leg her* hy la the flnt match at Kate Bakra on Friday. Kelastfaa Malay* won by Th» Keiaatao defence foncht well
      92 words
    • 88 21 V V ALA LUMPUR, Turs. Byed Abdul Kadlr won the only gold medal for Singapore at the Malay*an Open Boxing Championships bare when he outpointed Abe Rahlm of Malaysia In their llghtnywelgbt contest. Singapore's M Selveekam was unlucky to lose narrowly on points to Indonesia's Chalniddln In their
      88 words
    • 305 21 Malaysia lose six key players but upset Japanese ]l| ALAYSIA, despite losing six key players, managed to upset ifl Japan's leading basketball team, Matsushita, by 88-81 on the second day of the Pesta Sukan Invitational basketball tournament at Gay World Stadium last night. Malaysia's ace player, Tang Kok Heng, was
      305 words
    • 33 21 AUCKLAND, Tues Score* In the world netbell tournament here today were: FIJI 62 Singapore 39. Scotland 60 Papua New Oulne- 38. AubtraUa 67 WalM 14. England SS New Zealand M.— Reuler
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 246 21 Shamuri leads in World Cup trials STRONG hitting ghaawri SUck yesterday ahat a c swr-par 73 ts> fea4 la taw Orst roan* of the WarM Caa trials at SICC New Casvse. Urn Klaa Tloog. who rctsne. last Saaway frasa Taiwu to compete hi th* trials, is Jaiat second with Gkasvl
      246 words
    • 136 21  - ONE THE GREEN FRIDA Ah those tolerated aleasc get la toaea with Mr. Wee or they eaa get the apaaoattoa (arsaa horn taa otohhasaa or froja tho Jarong Tawa haJL Entry loss to lUM. latoaaV lag a—bars wtll have to pay M«©« down aad taa hahtaao of »» wia have
      136 words
    • 375 21 Full S'pore side to meet S'gor CINGAPORE will field practically the same Malaysia Cup final team in the friendly return match against Malaysia Cup champions Selangor at the National Stadium on Saturday at 8 p.m. This was made possible yes terday when Singapore Chinese Football Club agreed to release three
      375 words
    • 262 21 England close gap to only 8 runs TONDON, Tues. v England staged a magnificent recovery and gave themselves a fighting chance in the Fourth and final Test at The Oval here today. When bad light stopped play they were oni]t eight runs away from Australia's massive first innings total of
      262 words
    • 53 21 AUSTRALIA Ist Inns: 532-B dec ENGLAND Ist Inns: I*l ENGLAND 2nd Inns Wood lbw Thomson 11 EaXeh b Lulee 96 Steele c Marsh b Ullee 66 Roope b Llllee 77 Wootmer not out 37 Grdg not out 1 Bxtras 34 Total (for 4wkU) 333 WkU fell at 77.
      53 words
    • 40 21 NKW YORK. Tues Don Iverson registered his first victory In On years on the POA tour here when he won the U811 75.000 *****.000.. BC Open named after the syndicated cartoon strip "8.C." with a 10 under-par UPI
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 253 21  -  B. FEREIRA By A USTRALIA and A New Zealand shared the honours on the second day of the Confederation Zone of Oceania Fencing Championships at SBA hall yesterday. Australia's Helen Smith grabbed the gold for the Women's Individual Foil while New Zealand's Richard Peterson
      253 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 482 20 {industrial/manufacturing engineers A progressive, high volume toy company is anxious to hear from ambitious decision making industrial engineers who would like tne challenge of |oining a newly formed department in Hongkong. The positions available range from engineer to department manager. All applicants should possess an engineering degree and have a
      482 words
    • 335 20 MASTER MARINER required for Ocean Going general cargo ships Good service conditions Please apply or telephone: G.P.O. Box 303, Singapore 1. Telephone No. *****1 I NOTICE OF REMOVAL Please be Informed that with effect from Monday, Ist September. 1975 our office and factory will be at:- »J NO. 209, KALLANG
      335 words
    • 145 20 H B^a^^ f I I\ 24th AUG- 21st SEP 75 I K^ DRAW No* 67-75/75 H IST PRIZES TELEFUNKEW »-COLOUW TV^MOOCL.J6SOC-7533 JrvUh< tO 2NOPMZES V^afl SHARP 16 COLOUR TV MOOEL 18C -60 l_xi i iiii i»i lup i jiii ii«ip» iiaiiim an i»»iihi On* ic** jm [>«m Cuir»n ber- uvs
      145 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 134 21 Trbu get more than air conditioning when you buy Carrier -1 ,R "The Round On*' 50 MH Air-cooled Air-cooled, split syscem Carrier Single-Package condensinj; unit Room Air Conditioners Cooling Unit Jt -^Bnan^-^ 30 HR 42 A. H Water-cooled Package System Chilled Water/DX Fan Coil Unit You get quality and reliability
      134 words
    • 559 21 No.l --y Killer a^l n daß^r* *^^^Bi^s >on*BhMShk^ \l £^BbsH7va^bßl B^S^ V SnßnW "w^^ Yes, coronary heart disease has now achieved the unenviable position as the number one killer in many countries, notably in urban areas. Contrary to popular belief, no one is really safe from this dreaded disease some
      559 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 48 21 FENCING: Confederation Zooe <A Oceania c 'snips (SBA, 11 sjn.K BQUABH: Pesta Sukan Open c ships (Men's 3rd round and Plate Ist round. Tallin Club 5.15 to 11.16 pjn). SWIMMING: Inter- team 88C. CSC and Aqua Oroup of W. Australia meet raid). TENNIS: Pests Sultan c'ahlps (National Stadium).
      48 words

  • 99 22 Hutchison's new chief executive HONGKONG. TUML The chairman of otme Darby Holdings subsidiary. ntfna. Engineers Holdings i Ltd Mr. W.R.A. WyUto. h** beet, appointed deputy chairman and chief executive of Hutchison international from Not. 1 v the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation's nominee. On* of the conditions laid down by
    99 words
  • 375 22 LONDON. Taw. Tha atoak markat anrtail aajicr on balaaca la alaak trmdinj At 1 p m u>t FiAaacul TlaMa iain waa axn II la Ji» OoM aharaa «af« diitinil lollowtac rasawatf »aa>«aaa In taa aulltoa pr««a. Hmrrmtuti laauaa aaat mp to ITap. OcxnuMit bondJ wan mlxad with abort
    375 words
  • 35 22 UOHDOM. Tv« Rakkar etaaaa aawttala wiu aaat *T.M Oet saw. Mar. nm. Oat-Da*. MM. Jan-Mar. IS M. Apl-Jaa. M.4e, JulySrp nil, OM-Da*. M JuKir. *».06. Apr Jun 4« 4*. Oaiiaal CIT Mov use.
    35 words
  • 32 22 TIN IX>NDOtf. Tarn apet buym (11M iomb). aalKra UITO <+(5i rarwaj« aujrara iMll (-f II). MIMn ***** i +11) atlUaaMal I*ll* <+!*»>. tvnevar: »m MS laaa p.m. TO MM. Toa*: gut«tly •U*4;
    32 words
  • 108 22 TeM tIAK MIHQ, H. formally at por* fruit, a Vccatablaa lamaartara A Tipailan Aaan.. kaikaai at tha Eta Han. Laa BT> Oak waa callad la b. with tha Lar< aa It 11 laavlac oahlad aona. t amucbtan. T dauchtan 10-law. t adaplai aaaa. I alaam daucbiar and tamMj (i«adaoaa.
    108 words
  • 273 22 Probe into $4m gang demand from bank pOLICE laid today they are investigating bomb threat* in Tokyo and Nagoya linked to an extortion demand for 50 million yen (SI4-2 million) made to the Mitsubishi Bank, apparently by a terrorist group. A voath handed a canvas bag to a gttard at
    Reuter  -  273 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 81 22 Bjf tcßflfliiioner I Call us for an estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration 6c Air Conditioning Co., 23-25, SAIBOO STREET, SINGAPORE 9. TEL: *****9/*****1 P CONJURE UP A PARADISE UNDERFOOT |V», a^HBBP^ itaV^af^BW BaBBBBBBBBBBBB^ B ~^^BBBBBBBBBBB^HaH|H as»aM B S a T« aB B B aB B I aBBBBBBBBBBBBBVIr MaaT^VBBBBBT SbBBbT/
      81 words
    • 344 22 (MADE IN GERMANYI WORLDWIDE TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIOS WITH NO LIMITS GALAXY MESA 9000/Star«o V With 17 Wavabands. inr 1 11 bandtpraad SWBand*. AM. FM. LW. 3 SW Bands from 1.58 19.0 MHz. Modarn Slida V Controls, 69 Solid ■^isaS^^a^^^^ Stata Davicai mcl Transistor*. Starao vJjaaV Dacodar. BFO for Ataalß^^ LaaaaaaaaaaaaWW
      344 words