The Straits Times, 2 September 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116 75
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  • 756 1 Accord after all-night talks J E R U SALEM. Mon. The Israeli Cabinet tonight approved the Interim peace agreement. The vote was 20-1. with one abstention.— UPI Egypt: Peace now possible with goodwill on all sides ALEXANDRA, Monday A SPOKESMAN for PresidentAnwar Sadat said today
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  756 words
  • 260 1 BEIRUT. Mon PALESTINIAN guerilla leader Yasser Arafat says his men have gone on the offensive to foil US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's attempt to arrange an interim peace settlement between Egypt and Israel. Mr. Arafat's declaration was underscored by two guerilla raids
    UPI  -  260 words
  • 79 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. The Army has discovered that enough weapons have been stolen or lost from US military facilities In the United States and abroad "to equip approximately 10 combat battalions with their basic toad of small arms and ammunitions." A 368-page report, prepared by the Army- Physical
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  • 46 1 NEW YORK. Mon—Kuwaiti oil Interests are making their biggest Investment to date in the United States— 126 million (5»65 mil) for real esate In Boston. Newsweek magazine reports. It says of six blocks of flats. 12 office buildings, and two parking garages. Reuter..
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 174 1 HOW PAR: DBS DENIES LONDON REPORT rE Development Bank of Singapore yesterday denied a Sunday Telegraph report in London that it had been buying Haw Par Brothers Internat lonal shares on behalf of the Singapore Government. A government spokesman also denied that the Singapore Government or any of its agencies
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  • 36 1 MEXICO CITY. Mon. Hurricane Carolli.e. now downgraded to a tropical storm, hit the northeast coast of Mexico with heavy rains yesterday and authorities said floods drove at least 1.000 people from their homes— AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 73 1 $1,350 m setback rrOKYO. Mon. Ja--1 pan's external reserves fell by US$545 million (851.351 million) during August to US$l4.--090 million at the end of the month, the Finance Ministry said. The decline, the first monthly drop In Japan's reserve* since January, resulted from dollar sales by the Bank of Japan
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 393 1 TOKYO. Monday A WELL-KNOWN Japanese trading company specialising In carbon products and two of its affiliates petitioned for bankruptcy today, listing combined liabilities of U5577.6 million (Ssl9?. million). Failure of Toho Sangyo Co. of Osaka was the second large bankruptcy to hit Japan In less than
    UPI  -  393 words
  • 40 1 TOKYO. Mon. North Korean President Klin n Sung said yesterday his country Is "knocking on the door of the United States" to conclude a peace agreement but that the door remained closed. Kyodo News Service said today. TOT-
    Kyodo  -  40 words
  • 288 1 jy|R. Lee Kuan Yew last night suggested the formation of new social institutions and organisations to minimise the problem of married women interrupting their careers to bring up children. Well-run creches and kindergartens should be part of these new social Institutions In
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  • 446 1 Timor at top of agenda for Bali meeting JAKARTA, Mon. J Mr. Lee Kuan Yew flies to Bali tomorrow for talks with President Suharto which are likely to be dominated by the civil war in Portuguese Timor. Indonesia, with It* forces poised to intervene In the fighting, between rival Timor
    Reuter  -  446 words
  • 76 1 BEIRUT. Mon —Libya celebrated the sixth anniversary of Col. Oaddafl's regime today with a military parade that confirmed for the first time that the Libyan armed forces are equipped with the latest Soviet-made MIO 23 fighters and T62 tanks the Iraqi news agency said. The agency. In
    UPI  -  76 words
  • 58 1 JERUSALEM, Mon. Israel tonight initialled an agreement with Egypt pledging not to use force against each other and extending their ceasefire Indefinitely The U.S. Secretary of State. Dr. Henry Kissinger, said: "Ha vine taken this step, perhaps the parties will gain some confidence to take further steps
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 79 1 R #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. We are the Rolex people in Singapore Come and see us! ppSr If you are thinking of investing in IAITr a Rolex, see our VBf fabulous range of ROLEX fine watches at EASTERN MICH CO. OFFICIALLY APPOINTED DEALER I
      79 words
    • 194 1 .^^^^■fl^^B i^^^^ •'Ol m $IBIL FOR BUILDING SECOND AIRPORT P. 24 SHOCK more in Lisbon 2 JORDAN warns US Congress 3 GUERILLAS: We have killed aU the hostages 3 SHARP fall In (Old price 4 DANCE dates— by computer NEW kidney disease 'very common' here 7 ALS starts to gain
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 214 2 Whitlam rule 'almost at an end' LONDON, Mon. Britain's leading business newspaper, the Financial Times, today published a 16-page review on Australia saying that the Government of Prime Minister Oough Whitlam was almost at an end. In a leading article the Financial Times said: "The end of the Labour Government
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 63 2 BANOKOK. Mon. TWO senior rightist Laotian generals have left Thailand at the request of the Government. Foreign Minister Chatichal Choonhavan amid today. Mr. Cnatlchal told reporters that following the reouest last week. Oen. Udon Sananlkone and Oen. Sud Chal had left for the United
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 136 2 WINNERS of the Ramon Magsaysay Award with Mrs. Luz Magsaysay (third from right) widow of the late Philippine President, during a ceremony in Manila on Sunday. The award winners from left are: Mr. Georxe Verghes« of India (Journalism i Father Patrick McOUnchey from Korea International understandlng);
      AP  -  136 words
    • 164 2 Police kiU two of their men by mistake BANGKOK, Mon. Two squads of police staking oat an extortion payment without each other's knowledge engaged in a shootout and two policemen were killed, police reported today. The Incident took place on Saturday night after tbe extortion victim and his family notified
      AP  -  164 words
    • 87 2 PORT MORESBY, Mon. The island of Bougainville officially broke off with Papua New Guinea today and in quiet ceremonies unilaterally declared Its independence. Some 5,000 Bougalnvllleans. most of them villagers, wore traditional dress and carried spears to a ceremony In the capital of Arawa, the administrative
      AP  -  87 words
    • 149 2 HONOKONO, Men North Vietnam tomorrow celebrates Its 30th anniversary of Independence In the wake of communist takeovers In Its neighbourIng countries In once war-ravaged Indochina. The festivities look like being the biggest ever, and speeches by Hanoi leaders could provide clues to long-term policies In
      Reuter  -  149 words
    • 465 2 LISBON. Monday AIR Force Commander General Jose Morais da Silva has changed sides in the quarrel among Portugal's military leaders and has repudiated the authority of the communist-racked Chief of Staff, Gen. Vasco Goncalves, reliable sources rei>orted today. The air force,
      AP  -  465 words
    • 187 2 Ceasefire in Angola? No says Unita LU3AKA. Mon— An official of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unite) here has denied reports of a ceasefire between Unlta troops and those of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). Unlta foreign secretary George Sangumba said last
      Reuter; AP  -  187 words
    • 304 2 BELFAST, Monday A 48- YEAR-OLD man shot to death as his home in a border town last night to die in separate shooting and bombing c answered a call at was the fourth person incidents in Northern Ireland in 48 hours. Two of those who died
      Reuter; UPI  -  304 words
    • 35 2 NSW ORLZANS Mon. Police telsed 14 2 cms of LSD with a street value of U9I&00.000 (SSI .24 million) yerterday from a medicine cabinet aboard a freighter shortly after It moored. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 293 2 MANILA. Mon. Criticising the medical profession for its "social Irrelevance," the direc-tor-general of the World Health Organisation today called for more emphasis on the barefoot doctor and less on sophisticated technology to bring health to the world's poor people. "The employment of less
      AP  -  293 words
    • 67 2 CAPE KENNEDY Man Launching of a second Viking spacecraft to search for life on Mars ha* been postponed for el least 10 days. US space officials announced. It was to have taken place hare today but was put off until Sept 10 when a probut was put
      Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 314 2 COOL,QUIET w%m r\n n n r w£m U\JC§JLjUvryU UGsJL TOPCOOL AIR-CONDITIONERS *»l ISSU) r 1125-^^i^is^^"""'* HR^\, i?£> WHISPER-QUIET PERFORMANCE precision engineered The powerful, whisper-quiet performance of National The compressors in National Air-conditioners operate Air-conditioners is the result of many years of ultra-quietly because of the special double-float research and development.
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    • 342 3 RUMANIAN DEFECTOR HELPS SPY PROBE IN LONDON LONDON. Monday A RUMANIAN diplomatic defector is reported to be in London helping British security officers complete inquiries into Rumanian industrial espionage in Britain, the London Daily Telegraph said today. The newspaper said Western European security orflcials have smashed a major Rumanian Industrial
      AP  -  342 words
    • 231 3 Petitions against Indira's crisis rules: ICJ r»ENEVA, Mon. The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) said today it had been told of a number of legal actions seeking to Invalidate India's state of emergency. Members of State Bar Associations were reported to have filed petitions in the Indian Supreme Court and
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 27 3 CORSICA. Mon— A daylong general atrtke halted activity throughout Corsica today In support of demands for a measure of home-rule far the French-governed Island— UPI.
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 28 3 JAKARTA. Mon. Indonesia and Singapore will stage Joint naval exercises in the Java Sea for four days from Sept. 10. a navy spokesman said yesterday.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 72 3 Horror crash HURLEY (Wisconsin). Mon. A head-on collision between a car, part of a group of 13 motorcyclists and another car on a narrow highway has left five people dead and nine seriously injured. The Iron County sheriff said a car swerved Into the midst of an oncoming 13-cycle caravan
      AP  -  72 words
    • 75 3 GARDEN CHAT FOR Dr K and FAHMY AMERICAN SecreA tary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, scratching his head as he listens to Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy, while walking in the garden of Egyptian President Arrwar Sadat's summer villa in Alexandria on Sanday. Under Secretary of State Joseph Sis c
      AP  -  75 words
    • 329 3 'ARMS FROM MOSCOW THREAT NEW YORK, Monday JORDAN'S King Hussein is warning 150 members of the United States Congress in personal letters that unless they remove their ban on selling 14 Hawk antiaircraft missiles to his country, he will buy arms from the Soviet Union. Newsweek
      AP  -  329 words
    • 305 3 Arab guerillas: We have killed the Israeli hostages OEIRUT. Mon. "Arab guerillas yesterday said they had executed hostages taken during a raid on a northern Israeli settlement but the Israeli army laughed off the claim. "Nothing of the sort occurred," wid an Israeli army spokesman. The clash between the Palestinian
      Reuter  -  305 words
    • 39 3 BANOKOK. MOD. Thailand today denied a Pathet Lao Radio broadcast that Laotian troops had lunk two Tha! patrol craft, killing 14 Thai troops, and captured another on the Mekong River in Laotian territorial waters last week. AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 58 3 WINDHOEK (SouthWest Africa), Mon. The first all-race conference on the political future of South-West Africa adjourned today. 90 minutes after it opened because of a congestion problem. A total of 136 delegates representing the territory's 11 racial groups turned up for the talks but there were not
      AP  -  58 words
    • 101 3 Flare-up leaves 24 dead BEIRUT, Mon. The troubled provincial town of Zahle was quiet but tense yesterday after an outburst of factional violence which has left at least 24 people dead. Six people, including two Syrians, were killed during scattered shooting during the night, but a ceasefire arranged yesterday evening
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    • 21 3 JAKARTA. Mon— Twenty people. Including 10 children have died of cholera In Indonesia recently, it was disclosed here today—Reuter.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 332 3 1* V B#^b bj^mW V^^^—a—Bßßßßaißaß^B^B^B^B^B^lß^B^B^B^BVa^M HbW |^^P H^**^B^r B^B^^^^^^^^^B^f^^»^r»J^Bß^«^B^B^ Bb. MOTORS CORPORATOI 9^^^^^B|HhP^R W Lancer. This is the 2-year old newcomer that has outperformed and outshone some of the biggest and brightest names in tne automobile world. This is the car that everyone is talking about. The fast, tough competitor
      332 words
    • 236 3 ffßß|l||j| sp€ c/ai orm Tuesday 2nd Bth Sept. 1975 Hot Dog Sausages TULIP Dtnmork per tin 1.55 Corned beef oc IMPERIAL Bcoiii 340g. Z.JD Bi-HoOII ORIOLE 500g. 0.65 Pure Honey on ANCHOR Autt. 454g. Z.jU Coffee Mate 9fi CARNATION U.S.A. 311g Z.OJ SUStagen Vanilla/Chocolate MEAD JOHNSON 1134g 12.65 Boh
      236 words

    • 271 4 DACCA. Mon. The Bangladesh Government is to sell 4.000 tonnes of Jute to China to formally mark the new relationship between their countries following Peking's recognition of the young nation last night. TOKYO: The National Police Agency reported today that 1.236 people had drowned or had been reported missing
      Agencies  -  271 words
    • 52 4 TNITED States A1 r U Force General Daniel "Chappie" James receiving his fourth star at NORAD headquarters ln Colorado Springs recently. Pinning on the star Is the general's wife. Dottle. Gen. James, who la Commander-in-chief of NORAD. v the first black four-star general ln the Ua
      AP  -  52 words
    • 29 4 MADRID. Won. Police last night shot and killed a left-wing demonstrator ln renewed street violence ln the Basque country, the national newt agency Clfra said.— UPX.
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    • 829 4 Sharp fall in gold on IMF move... ZURICH, Mon. The price of gold fell sharply here today in what bullion market sources described as a psychological reaction to news that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was to sell some of its gold holdings to help developing nations. In very nervous
      Reuter  -  829 words
    • 286 4 US-EEC response to Third World demands? UNITED NATIONS, Monday rpHE United States and the European Eco- nomlc Community are today expected to indicate how far industrialised countries are willing to accommodate Third World demands for a new international economic order. I Speeches on behalf of the two trading giants will
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 216 4 US oil firms now free to raise prices WASHINGTON. Mon. The U8 oil industry is now free to raise domestic prices at all levels from the well to the petrol pump, but major oil companies are not expected to Impose price hikes Immediately. The Government's complex system of price controls
      AP  -  216 words
    • 251 4 A GROUP of officers led by the chief of »tair or the armed forces tried to overthrow the country's military president. Gen. Guillermo Rodrlgues Lara, today, bat the outcome of the attempted coup was in doubt. Reports before dawn said the leader of the rebellion. Gen.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 764 4 Hand-crafted Ibyotas thai keep their value better M a»»»»»l m* How do you change the world's favourite car? Toyota engineers redesigned its body, boosted the brakes, improved its roadholding, put in more comfort and retained its name. The totally new Toyota Corolla. CRITICS may ask, "Why change the world's get
      764 words

  • 185 5 Success— and it's thanks to her friends Fwas only after much coaxing from friends that Sbarifah No o r Aljunrid. 16, (above) winner of Talentime 15 for schools, decided to enter the contest. And after her success, Sharifah, who drew rounds of applause from the audience at the National Theatre
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  • 141 5 BIG DRIVE ON GUARANTEE CARDS MANUFACTURERS and importers of some of the biggest names in home appliances are planning an advertising campaign to drive home the message to consumers that they must insist on guarantee cards. The campaign will also stress that all guarantee cards will be honoured when they
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  • 67 5 THE blood bank received 779 units, an average of 111 units per day, during the past week. Donations recelvfor the whole of last month amounted to 3,569 units. The largest number of donors came from SAFTI (134), with Vigilante Corps District "D" (82 donors > second.
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  • 27 5 ST. HILDA'S School will stage Shakespeare's Twelfth Night the highlight of the school's Library Week programme tomorrow night at 7.30 p.m. at the Cultural Centre.
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  • 28 5 TAN Kah Hook, 17, was yesterday fined $1,200 after he admitted having seven packets of flre-cracken In Ellifeii Place on Aug. 5 at about 2*5 pm.
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  • 320 5 Teachers must do their utmost' call by unions ALL five teachers' unions in Singapore have called on teachers to ensure a smooth and effective implementation of the new education policy. The teachers, they said, must do their utmost, individually and collectively, both In and out
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  • 42 5 THE Singapore Mathematical Society will hold prtzegivmg ceremony for IU IB7S Inter school mathematical competition at Hwa Chong Junior College. Buklt Tlmah Road tomorrow at 9.30 am Mr. Chan Kal Yau. the Director of Education, will address the fathering.
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  • 120 5 Police seek his help PLICE are trying to get in touch with Lew Hoi Chong, 20 (above) who they believe could help In their investigation In to the death of Llm Kian Tee, 19, a Malaysian. Llm was murdered at 10.35 a.m. on Nov. 17 last year near a roadside
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  • 122 5 Heroin pusher gets 3 years, rotan ISMITH bin Ha J 1 Idrak. 20, was yesterday Jailed for three years and ordered to be given two strokes of the rotan for trafficking In 1.0 grammes of heroin In Lorong 33, Geylang on July 10 at about 8.15 p.m. The court heard
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  • 216 5 Asean cultural troupe here next month SINGAPOREANS will get a flavour of Asean culture when a 25-member al l Asean cultural troupe performs here late next month as part of its monthlong tour of the five member countries. The troupe, comprising well-known modern and folk dancers, singers and musicians, will
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  • 73 5 BOH Chin Huat was fined a total of $2M In the Tenth Magistrate* Court yesterday for committing three traffic offences In Clemenceau Avenue on May 7 at 1.16 am He was fined $50 for riding a motorcycle without a Registrar of Vehicles disc; another $50
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  • 396 5 rpHE public should find A out more about vocational guidance so that they can help youth and school leavers, an Education Ministry official said yesterday. "They have to know better what guidance can do and what It cannot do." Mr. Tan Teng Wai.
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  • 487 5 RATEPAYERS GROUP TO STUDY 3 BILLS rE Singapore Ratepayers' Association has Invited members to submit their views and safcevtlons on three Bills, now before a Parliamentary Select Committee, to the Association's sab committee formed to study the implications of the Bills. They are the Land Titles (Strata Amendment), Residential Property
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 155 5 LAST CHANCE EVERY Ml PIirHASE PAY ».EXlt.l CASH lISTKYT DAILY REQUIREMENTS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Bathtowels (Many Colours) NOWII.OO Bedsheets Single 100% Cotton $4.50 Blankets Single (4 Colours) $5.50 T-Shirts Many Colours For Ladies S2.JO Car and Kitchen Cloth (3 Pieces) $1.00 Shorts Many Colours (Freesize) $1-00 Bedsheets Double 90
      155 words
    • 253 5 /^^/WGE INTERNATIONAL PRESENTS I a Decade of Progress" I 830 Colour Photos The most up-to-date coverage of Singapore A t as seen through the eyes of KTrVIIB overseas Journalists Ks^^Nr^ and Photographers W A MkVJA SlNGAJ^^res* SPORTS wivKP^ nW^ x V U SCENERY 4vv JtTm^^k INDUSTRY -.-y i^;jiirl| j *^£-jSm^}P^*Si&
      253 words

  • 303 6 Dance date for all through a computer By VO one need be a 1 wallflower at the Finance Ministry's annual dinner and dance this year thanks to the computer. Civil servants who have difficulty getting partners for the dance at the Singapore Hilton on Not. 15 will soon be Invited
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  • 215 6  - 'Housework still alien to Asian men' tortes or homes, staffed by well-trained workers, should be part of our new social Institutions." However, he said, what had not yet taken place In traditional maledominant Asian socleties was the helping in household work by husbands the marketing, cooking and cleaning up. This
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  • 60 6 THB annual """ti* 1 (tamp ■xhlbltlon— Slngpex 15— will be held »»t the Victoria Memorial Hail from Hot. 29 to Dec. 5 It la Jointly or«anleed by the Poetal Service* Department, the Singapore Stamp Club and the Singapore Philatelic Society Entry form* are available from
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  • 143 6 Two top police officers made supts rO senior police officers have been promoted to superintendents and five to deputy superintendents In the latest police promotion exercise. The promotions, which took effect from Aug l, were announced on Friday. This Is the first promotion exercise for senior officers this year, aimed
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  • 28 6 THX mobile library service of the National Library to community centres will operate fortnightly instead of weekly, with the exception of MacPhenoo community centre, from today.
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  • 53 6 rE owner of Elma ■ttt and O. of FlMMer sXoad, Jarong. m fined MM bj the Pint M*|Mr*tt'i Cowt Ust Friday wider the Clean Air Act. ltil. The owner was charged with falling to take the reejulred action to ■dut—i— ajr pollution at his asphalt premlx plant.
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  • 121 6 Dilemma of Pui Siong's foster mother ITOH PUI SIONO, six, is ready for primary one admission this year, but his foster mother cannot register him until his real mother turns up with his birth certificate. Madam Goh Ann Lean who has been looking after Pul Slong since 1970, said the
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  • 37 6 DR. Urn Be Koon. Dr. KameJnJany Puranendran and Dr. Raymond Teo Cheng Soon were successful In the Primary Muter of l^wHrlne (AnanMtheela) era ml nation held ~»nUy by the School of Postgraduate Medical Studies.
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  • 110 6 MB. Francis-Xavler OrtoU, president of the Commission of the European Economic Community (left), being greeted by acthii Foreign Affairs MinUter. Mr. E.W Barker, at City Hall yesterday. Looking on Is the Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr. Lee Khoon Cboy. Mr. OrtoU
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  • 165 6 Taiwan trade team to visit Singapore A 16-MEMBER trade ""delegation from Taiwan will arrive here on Sept. 9 for a three-day visit to promote closer trade ties between the two countries. The delegation is expected to have Informal talks with local businessmen, according to Mr. Samuel Lee, deputy representative of
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  • 59 6 LOH Kirn Liang. 55. was yesterday fined MOO for employing an Ihdoneaian Illegal (Immigrant aa a domestic servant Tom August 1974 to August this year. She pleaded guilty to employing Urn Ah Oefc, 38 Urn herself was Jailed for one month when she pleaded guilty to entering
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  • 22 6 THE Singapore Art* Council will hold an exhibition of eastern flancea at the Cultural Centre on Friday at S pjn.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 204 6 Telephone and electrical breakdowns can be caused by corrosion in the conduit pipe Al MOT— t^-ar m. HUMEPLAST »'s. Ik sn»W S3^»"^^-. BF^"ERDLJUHIIIL in/irni aot Bui l* r M CURVE AND BEND TO THE CONTOUR OF THE GROUND. BeCaJSe Of HumeplaSt'S reSiSt- Sewerage/Drainage Concrete pipe* fitting*ance to corrosion, it is
      204 words
    • 151 6 TANDBERG WORLD RENOWN NORWEGIAN AUDIO EQUIPMENT COMBINES THE V«kU~<%/'ie6/ RECORDING TECHNIQUE AND THE rjQ[^^!!«h TO GIVE QUALITY ABOVE ALL OTHERS. AND OVER 40 YEARS OF ELECTRONICS EXPERIENCE TO BACK IT UP. I Electronic control for 3 speeds: 7%, 3 V 1.7/8 ips max. ease of operation. Fader-type potentiometers. 3 motors,
      151 words

  • 586 7 A NEW type of kidney disease, whose exact cause is not known, has been found to be apparently very common in Singapore. The full significance of the disease simply named the IgA disease is not yet known to medical science, but follow-up studies have
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  • 157 7 AN odd-Job labourer who robbed a tatidrlver of his wristwatch while two other passengers looked on was yesterday Jailed for two y*ars with six strokes of the rotan. Yeai. Hor Yu, M, plea dec guilty to robbing 'io Hal Niuan of his watch in Aljunled
    157 words
  • 155 7 $1,750 for greatgrandma hit by m-cycle AN 80-year-old great grandmother was awarded a consent judgment for $1,750, inclusive of costs, In a road accident claim before Mr. Justice Kulasekaram in the High Court yesterday. Ng Chal. said to be too ill to attend court, agreed to the settlement offer made
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  • 68 7 FORTY girls have been picked to enter the semifinals of the Miss Singapore Miss World contest next Saturday. They were chosen out of S3 girls In the heats on Saturday. Prom the 40 aetnl-flnaUsta. 20 will be selected to take part In the finals
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  • 45 7 MORE than 500 parents of pupils from Chmi Chee secondary School were entertained to an evenIng of music and dance on Friday. The pupils of the school took part In the programme. The function was aimed at promoting better parent -teacher relationship.
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  • 208 7 Two who robbed customs man: Jail, rotan TWO youths, who robbed a customs officer of a watch and $15, were caught separately after a chase in Oollyer Quay, a district court heard yesterday. One of them. Tan Ah Pin, 20. an assistant mechanic, was caught by a detective police constable
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  • 43 7 THI YMCA. Orchard Road, will conduct a fivesession course on Japanese 811k Flower Making at Its premises erery Friday between 10.30 »jn and 12.30 p m beginning Sept IS. Fee for the courx Is 120 for members and 1.25 for nonmembers
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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  • 200 8 The Cup Final he won't forget KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —It waj just not Singapore security guard Nathan Harold's day. Por yesterday he travelled 400 kilometres (250 miles) to see his team beaten by Belangor 1-0 In the Malaysia Cup Final at the Merdeka Stadium. Then this morning at 4.30 while
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  • 112 8 SHOPMAN WITH MORPHINE GETS 18 MONTHS A LOU STAB. Mon *\a Pa dang Bcsmr shop assistant, Mohamed Kasaim bin Ibrahim, 21, waa sentenced It months' Jail In the at—tons Court here today for Illegal possession of eight grammes of morphine. Kasaim was found guilty of having the morphine, wrapped in
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  • 84 8 Our sense of fair play: Suffian KUAIA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia 'i Judiciary im proud of the confidence ihown by the public In "our aenae of (air play," the Lord President, Tun Mohamed Sufflan, aald yesterday. Ha added thla could be aeen from the stipulation made by the Opposition. every time
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  • 50 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Two temporary wards are to be built In Hospital Bahagia ax Ulu Klnta and Hospital Permal in Tampol to cater specially for drug addicts. Health Minister Tan Sri Lee Sok Yew said this would be In addition to treatment for addicts In government hospitals.
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  • 59 8 28 hurt in bus mishap JOHOBE EMEU, Mon. Twenty-eight people travelling In a tourist bus were Injured when it went off the road at the 451 mile. Johorr BaruArer Hitam Road, near Simpang Bengam at 5 p.m. today. They were sent to Batu Pahat, Kluanc and Johore Bara hospitals for
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  • 409 8 KUALA LUMPUR Monday COMMERCIAL banks, particularly Bank Buruh, were urged yesterday to look into the possibility of introducing a loan scheme whereby those with intangible assets could obtain loans. Tun Abdul Razak, who made the call at the Inauguration of Bank Buruh here
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  • 192 8 Pot parties in library building IT UAL A LUMPUR, Mon.— City Hall's neglected workers library building in Sentul has been turned into a haven for "pot parties," drinking orgies and gambling sessions. Located at Jalan Sentul here, the place, which Includes an outdoor badminton court, was a source of recreation
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  • 34 8 TAPAH. lion— Leoof Kum Yoke. S3. from Port Klamg. tu killed In a head-on colll•lon here between a Volvo car In which he waa a passenger and a Mercedes on Saturday night.
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  • 45 8 irOH. Mon. The body of a aeveii-year-old schoolboy. Abdul Rahman bin Samad was found floating in a disused minim pool in Tebing Tingg i here about S p.m. yesterday. Abdul was seen piaylm near the mining pool at I a.m. yesterday.
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  • 210 8 pORT KLANO, Mon. I The people of South j Sulawesi renewed today their 250-year ties with Tun Abdul Razax's fa- I roily through a sailing boat symbol of the great days of this seafaring race. The beautiful hand-made 84-ton "Putera Mang- kasa" was presented
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  • 34 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. A gunman fired a ahot at the celling before robbing a restaurant manager. no Van Kuan. 37. of cnah. cigarette* and articles totalling about 11.000. here early thla morning.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 238 8 UIU «M|g^k|ijSS%^Ktjß^^B^B^Bß^B^Bßa^Bfc bIbM4B *aV~^B. gflLl^fc'.aV BBBBB^^L^B^B^L^baBBBBBf !LIDO-90th DAY! Z 11am, 2.15, 530 8.45pm Cash Bookings only admission micis cikcli 14 00-stalls s2 50 ft sim no half mici-no militait concission— no hui list srtWtM ALLI»rS jj I^HB sJrif ~~f^Bwi Bbb: aiSBBBBf I '•^aa^g^gfl i TUE /////In E ml Powering o
      238 words
    • 326 8 Wait Dlvwy PioAkUw. AN ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTEREST TO ALL EMPLOYERS EMPLOYEES, CLUB MEMBERS OR MEMBERS OF ANY ORGANISATION Our block booking offer for DISNEY ON PARADE succeeded beyond anything we had thought possible. Very many thousands of Singaporeans are thus able to see the GREATEST FAMILY SHOW ON EARTH at
      326 words
    • 213 8 •■■■■■■■■t C L S 3 S94^BBBBMBS«BlliB«lgai NOW SHOWING! Daily At 7.00 9.30PM Admission: Adults: $2.00 Children: $1.00 I* jt\\\\)^^^i^ajß^BßL Ao"" t^JSajrtsj */4^tß>i*t HJftO v^HM9QPO Ls>* ORCHARD: Now Showing! Plfise >»lf TiMS: I.M. 3.45, 5.31 L S.lapi 20th Century-Fox presents CHARLIE CHAPUN in his greatest and funniest role as HK^Btß^* i
      213 words
    • 678 8 L mm_m^m_m_mamm L mm_nm MOW SHOWING! 2 Sbawt: 7.00 t X>,m J. Adam Chang Chang Moo ,n LOVIaSLI MR. AtLI" Comonata Color Scope with English Subtitles a B ■.•j »j 1 1? 2St». FUN-PUT DAT'! S M..-. CW.U At ii .m, i jo. 4 oo a jo. sop™ Columbio Pictures
      678 words

  • 240 9  -  CHRISTINA IDRIGUES By MELODY Card (left) and Linda M'Laren "crossed swords'' yesterday and cave onlookers outside the Badminton Hall in Guillemard Road some anxious moments. They lunged at each other, but what appeared to be a cold, deadly duel turned out after all to be a friendly
    240 words
  • 63 9 THE YMCA, Orchard Road, will hold a 15-aeauon Qerman language course at beginners and Intermediate levels at $40 for members and $45 for non-members. The beginners course will be beld on Wednesdays from 7.30 p.m. to 9 pm.. beginning tomorrow and the Intermediate classes will be held
    63 words
  • 289 9 Dances that tell th e story of his T IFE'S never-epdlng struggle may seem tragic to many but Taiwanese dance director, choreographer and author, Lin Hwai-min finds beauty there, and everywhere And what better way of presenting Us optimistic Insight than by creative dancing and writing. As senior lecturer in
    289 words
  • 73 9 NOEL Albert Harris was fined a total of $400 and disqualified from driving for one year by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday on two traffic offences on Jan. S at 5.30 p m In Tah Chlng Road He was fined $200 for riding a motorcycle
    73 words
  • 35 9 THE Automoblls association of Singapore has expressed Its apreclatkm to the Malaysian Ministry of Transport for responding to Its appeal by extending the Malaysian Vehicle Entry Permit from two weeks to one month.
    35 words
  • 410 9 ALS starts to gain objectives BRISK SALES OF DAY TICKETS THE extension of the Area Licensing Scheme from 9.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m. appears to be gradually achieving its objective, according to a recent survey carried out by the Automobile Association of Singapore The editorial in the latest issue of
    410 words
  • 327 9 Learn how to live with it: Ministry SI NG A P OREANQ will have to adJust to the reality of the Government's measures to curb car ownership and movement of vehicles in the Central Business District during peak hours. These measures are "prompted as much by the need to achieve
    327 words
  • 644 9 Bakar: I was going on a holiday ALIBI DEFENCE SHA Bakar Dawood. a former seaman, accused of five charges of shooting at a police squad and three people, yesterday made a defence of alibi in the High Court, saying he was on his way to a holiday in Johore Baru
    644 words
  • 35 9 HO Aw Huaji. 64. was fined $150 yesterday for driving a pick-up carelessly by falling to keep a look-out for vehicles and colliding Into the rear of a car In Nlcoll Highway on
    35 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 259 9 Straits Times Crossword mCmOM facing aong with short J The rtrtct torm+aiy O f the note <». journaJM Is the lardtr Recantation by friend ii. (I). rxwm (I). 6 Raid about qulat hurl Foreign spiders eventual!/ prefect twine catund' starting to spread "mm*rw*. n fttmnfe y to t Trustworthy bond
      259 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 395 10 VT'HEN he became leader of the 76 million people of Bangladesh after the bloody overthrow of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on Aug. 15, President Khondaker Mushtaque Ahmed declared that the four pillars of the constitution secularism, nationalism, socialism and democracy would remain. But the late Sheikh Mujlb had
      395 words
    • 216 10 GOOD teachers do not necessarily make good principals. Heads of schools fulfil a role comparable to that of company managers, but some of them have been criticised for having little or no idea of administrative and financial procedures. Last year the Education Ministry took a remedial step by
      216 words
  • 411 10 A new sign language for mentally retarded QOUTHBURY (Con£3 necticut): A new sign language using the simplest of hand movements is being fashioned at the Southbnry Training School here for mentally retarded people who an aM unable to move easily and unable to speak. The gestural language programme Is one
    411 words
    • 172 10 fiSE has Just to v look at the empty fringe car parks to know that the area licensing scheme is a failure. Although the relevant authorities have tried various means, some with such rapidity that not a chance Is given
      172 words
    • 196 10 I suggest that before we get lost in all these money-making ventures, let us re-state our main objective and see what we can do to achieve it. The government, at the outset, recognised the needs for car pooling and built fringe car parks. This is a step in the right
      196 words
    • 58 10 I REFER to the report headlined "Case of seaman who broke Aussie Laws" (ST., Aug. 26). Paragraph 4 of the report was wrongly reported as the air ticket produced by the seaman in support of his application for a visa was not supplied by the ship's agents in Australia. CHEANG
      58 words
  • 1112 10  - Peace to the sound of the fiddle ROBERT WHYMANT r*y J^T AN exceptionally colourful press conference in his Manila palace the other <lav a triumphant President Marcos announced that peace was at hand jn the Southern Philippines, which is torn by war. Mr. Marcos said he was able to announce
    1,112 words
  • 801 10 -LEONARD SILK ON THE ISSUES BEFORE I.M.F. AND WORLD BANK WASHINGTON: This year's meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which have brought the top financial officials of 126 nations here for this week, are taking place at a
    NYT  -  801 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 5 10 BBBBBsVV W J W dll
      5 words
    • 344 10 ■HLbsUbB^BBI BBBsßssMsl BBB^^^^S SB—^^^ "*^^BBBBB^wMsWH I Bs5""^l^B BBsP^^ II W iV IB I ■BBBBBBbI BBBr Vsßsfl gij Day and night, without taking your hands from the grips. \-ou can warn others you're turning on your Vespa. Now turn signals make a Vespa an even safer investment Every Veapa now comes
      344 words

    14 words
  • 203 11 Asian currency rates A SIAN cunency deposit i.-iierbann rates m ai cto t on Monday. Sept. 1. is dollar* Offer Bid 7 days 6 12 6 3/8 1 rath 7 6 78 2 mths 7 1 16 615 16 3 mths 7 3/8 7 1/4 6 mihs 8 716 85
    203 words
  • 487 11 nose--1 dived at the Stock Exchange of Singapore last month for both investors and speculators kept a wary distance from the market. The number of shares traded in August came to a mere 28.71 million unite valued at $61.32 miUlon the lowest since December last year.
    487 words
  • 8 11 Company news for the week ended Aug. 29
    8 words
  • 84 11 L'ooipanin Vr.rlo Krt Ta« Profll/Loutl.l ftm EaraiM** Div Mm** A HiUmTin June 75 13.775 (12.503) 247 5 (184 1) 79 1 (585) Cnem Ind tv Mar 75 552.570 (551.803) M.7 (268) 10TE (BTE) H *L lands Dec 74 18.710 (C 3.585) 44 9 (72.0) 14.51 (12 88) Hume(M)
    84 words
  • 107 11 ompanm >unlop Msian Ind H.lf >..r to June 75 m— imx Proflt/L«M<L> MJ8.411 i M* 11. 466) inirrim DivWw<i' 6 (6) -long Leong Finance June 75 812,696 (552.340) (a) riotel Negmra June 75 S$2S (SS63)L (Nil) (ndli Realty Group June 75 M52.500L (MS3SO) (S)b K hong Ouan Hold
    107 words
  • 284 11 Kaber Merlin Malaysia is to seek approval from preference shareholders and the members of the company to bring forward the conversion date of the 12% cumulative convertible preference shares from October 15. 1977 to September 15. 1975 Iniraco has sold Its 1.--583.333 SSI shares at par In Oatx
    284 words
  • 188 11 BANK AMERICA Corporation reported that results for the 1975 second qnarter showed record earning*, deposits and resources. A balanced performance in both domestic and international arras helped to bring about the one quarter rise in pre-tax profits, betterinc the 22 per cent advance achieved in the first three months.
    188 words
  • 444 11  -  SOH TIANG KENG By WORLD bank president, Mr. Robert McNamara, has proposed a staggering $100 billion aid to developing countries over the next five years. This sum the largest programme of financial and technical assistance to be undertaken by any organisation will help these
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 s^v m*VL BB\ Bk I W aj Conveyor systems run smoother on RHP bearings RHP's Pillow Block units run smoother, longer, with a pre-packed lubricant and sealed movable parts. They keep going trouble-free because of end covers to keep out the dust, dirt and grime. And RHP's special casting method
      112 words
    • 433 11 1 J^bJ-J-J-J-JJ n o n run Bl l^^^^^^^l F we aye care a^ x)u W ■^^^^^|p l^l^^^^V more dn money. vJ BB^mlbl a*^ >BB B^T B^r B^sW C^^ftflL All banks care about money We're IBJ. Japans oldest and largest long term credit bank, and we care about more than money
      433 words

  • 0 12
    0 words
  • 588 12  - Our publishers look to overseas market for expansion SOH SIAM LOM By TF there is one indus--1 try in Singapore that cannot survive without the export market, it is publishing. The reasons are obvious. The domestic market for bookf is small and this is further segmented by a multilingual society.
    588 words
  • 438 12 Classified: The small ad with big sell IN the area of newspaper advertising, a special kind of ad stands out. This Is the classified ad. Its uniqueness lies In the fact that unlike other types of advertising, it does not need visual impact or adjacent news to attract the reader.
    438 words
  • 102 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Central Sugars has announced the following changes In Its board. Tan Sri Datuk Tan Hian Tsln has resigned as chairman but will reta'n his post as managing director. Tan Sri Nik Dand bin Hajl Nik Mat will take over as chairman. Two other resignations from the board
    102 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 542 12 istEVER REDUCTIONS!!! LAST WEEK ONLY U P HOW PIERRE CARDIN Shirts S 65 00 S2 00 CHRISTIAN OIOR Shirt* 95 00 MOO PANCALDI B Shim 75 00 60.00 CASSERA Shirts 49 90 34*0 IB* RS Shirt* 49 90 34.90 SIR ANTHONY Shirt* 42 90 30.00 GLO-WEAVE Shirt* 32 90 23.00
      542 words
    • 14 12 BLACK&WHITE SCOTCH r Aganta < 4fi*' II 11 1 M >HNEO COMPANY I>M»K»K«.Ii IMI OmW
      14 words
    • 580 12 The Bank of Canton, Limited W CXer 60 years of banking in Asia Security Pacific National Bank Over 100 years of banking in U.S.A. I Wp and around the world. I BaP^^ Over 160 years of banking experience you can bank on With combined assets exceeding US $15 billion, ofcr
      580 words

    • 176 13 Rises B>ntal 111.*- -SO O.C.H.C. OJw +.M Paa EL I in GcstUag f 1,04 +.1S 108 I 1.14 +.14 D. Yaag I Ml ll VIC I &03 +.1* 8. Darby f 1.44 +.10 (MB XXI t .10 ■slaaaeas f tM +.10 M. Bex SO* .1* PMC f
      176 words
    • Article, Illustration
      1579 13 THE last transacted leady sale at the close of budness on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day s prices together with 1975 high and low. Adjusted for scrip/ rights issue). INDUSTRIALS SICTION ONE CLOtINC TONI: All •Mtloni cloaad nrr ataady. TUKNOVBR: official Bguraa
      1,579 words
    • 1359 13 DID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the 8 1 oc k Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded thown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Tune Bargains or Settlement Contract* are quoted after
      1,359 words
      • 199 13 THE Slnuapore rubber market yesterday drifted lower In extremely thin conditions particularly as the Malaysian sector remained closed yesterday for the National Day holiday. There was a lack of orders and Incentive to trade. Turnover was minimal. The morning session closed quiet. The market picked up very slightly
        199 words
      • 41 13 QAIL.Y 88R prices Usued at noon yesterday: Buyer* Seller* Barer* Setters RJi.B. (Current Mth) (Forward Mtk) (eeaUßcrkc) (eaaUparaf) ft 10 (1 ton pallet) 148 00 147 OON 14T0O 14J OON M (1 tori pallet) ***** *****N 146 00 147.00N
        41 words
    • 399 13 MRM trading eondlr Uons persisted on follow through buylue support at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday when sentiment was farther boosted by anticipation of farther reduction in bank rates. The First National City Bank had initiated the more by bringing its prime rate down te
      399 words
    • 56 13 TN quiet trading the US dollar opened higher In the Singapore forex market yesterday morning at $2.4810-30. The market wax extremely thin and trading was very sluggish with the US unit closing steady at $2 4840-50 Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3 p.m. 1 month 2 4775-95. 2
      56 words
    • 159 13 Suggested Interbank ratet at 3 pjn.: Cmmmttm Nanlaal rstw W»Hh»»»tf Pn-ccnUge m*>U4 rotmU; (crwi) pmrttj thin t> U.S. dollar 2 4MO ***** 2.8196 —11.90 Sterling pound 5J410 5 2435 7.3469 —MM Hongkong dollar 49.00 49 10 6041 3.99 Malaysian dollar 100.00 Aust. acblDing 13 6370 13.6939 13.101] +13.69
      159 words
    • 220 13 UONOKONO. MOO.— Ttkt market closed firmer In Increased turnover foik.jring stronger martets oveneas and a general stock ahorUge. dealers said. Property and construction shares gained ahead of Che announcement of contracts for the mass transit railway system. The Rang Sane Index rose 943 points to 309.47. Turnover on the
      220 words
    • 187 13 •TOKYO. Mon— The stock market eased fairly sharply on dealer apprehension over reports that further local companies were In «in«twi f i difficulties, market sources said. The DJ average fell 44 points to 4.048.96 on a volume of 130 million shares, while the New index lost 3.70 to 303.40
      187 words
    • 251 13 CYDNCY. Man. The stock market closed slighUjr flrmer aided by late demand, dealers sotd. Prices had opened hesitant wiui trading subdued. North 8.8. featured, rising seven cenU to a 1976 high of All 4o an a turnover 66.000 shares Cyrlaoe was also active and rose 30 cents to 63.10.
      251 words
    • 79 13 rxoouci ix C cma"oi. »iNOA»oas Neon Y 'eU^° A :i: .uu, H. a— Sarawak whlta lob. ff. MLW ,""b r '»S%' l *Nt.V k .lS B I T.M. tm. Sarawak ABTA black fob. 100t NLW 1115 aallara. L*»i£l black ABTA fob. ioe* NLW »M2>,N atllara CUM AP 1 fob.
      79 words
    • 36 13 Saturoar FrMar use use Mint M.~Ur SatMraar BefKkons IM.W ISI SO Spon <2> IftSMB IiSSIB isi tm i«esa Export ptieaa la nai ittrimi anaa la US «aUara par aaaw. <1> Aransa prtea
      36 words
    • 276 13 HANOI of MM oß*r*a by 4Heounl Imim OB S«pt. 1: Ov«rnl|h( i%. Oil acposll BSMSOJ •oy SoM MtjatJ Trauury bilU 3 S/1S J 1/16 1- Month tank MUI S II II S t/ 4 J CD 4 1/S S IS/IS Moolh CD S T/1S S l/« IwiM
      AP  -  276 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 607 13 PERBADANAN KEMAJUAN NEGERI SELANGOR Vunit Kejuruteraan Shah Alam) KENYATAAN TAWARAN Kontrek No: PKNS/BBS/KON 161/75 Tawaran-Uwaran daripada pemborong-pembo-rong ying berdafUr dengan P.K.N.S. di bawah kelas D' ke atas, kepala 1 akan dlterlma dl pejabat Pengurus Perkhldmatan Teknlk, Yunlt Kejuruteraan Shah Alam. untuk:--•CONBTRUCTION OF A R.C. BRIDGE AT CH. 24*4. SECTION 11.
      607 words
    • 774 13 13 Blocks of l-storey shop houses/Offices/Flats 13 Blocks of .1-st orey shop houses/Offices/Service Industries/Flats at Batu 4' Jin. Scudai, Johore Bahru. Bumiputra applicants are invited for the purchase of Shop houses/Offlces/Servlce Industries Hats at Taman Intan Batu 4'». Jalan Scudai. Johore Bahru. 30% of Shop houses/Offlces/Servict's Industries/Flats are reserved for
      774 words

  • 2 14 Especially Women
    2 words
  • Article, Illustration
    82 14 Nice 'n cheap IT'S hard to tell the price of clothes these days because there are so many nice and cheap ones around that look quite expensive. Take these clothes shown by Lisa. (Left) The smock blouse of printed cottion has double layer sleeves and cute Peterpan collar. It costs
    82 words
  • 668 14  - Poking round (Petticoat Lane MEI-LIN CHEW \EL A VISIT to London's "Petticoat Lane" near Aldgate reminds one of a circus with many, many entertaining acts. The "r isar malam" type stalls throughout the half-mile stretch are a refreshing change from the fashionable and more expensive shopping arena of Oxford, Regent
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 287 14 sticks arouiuTtil the healing's done Sole Distributors Smith Nephew Sales Sdn. Berhad Highlights for today Malay Chamber of Commerce needs new and dynamic leaders. Two policemen killed because of mistaken identity. More Malay women in tourist business. Milk scheme to continue in schools. Soccer: Why Singapore lost to Selangor. Takraw:
      287 words
    • 218 14 has arrived (ok i -€tOT\ mW ,y*y at ROBINSON'S METRO ICCTAM H '9h Street Ibb lAN Supreme \AOHAN cSde^Mile with their international cosmetic collection, the most luxurious preparations created to make a woman beautiful. To scent you royally all over. To care for your skin. To make up your face
      218 words

  • 278 15 a 4uA uuwL adott Oum.\ A sample of Imelda's bmndwrltlnr MANY girls may claim to write a good hand but 14-year-old Imelda Casanova has a certificate to prove that she has the best handwriting in the
    278 words
  • 227 15 HOTEL GAS LEAKAGE KNOCKOUT MYSTERY DEEPENS rrliE mystery of last Friday's gas leakage In New Serangoon Hotel deepened yesterday when Public Utilities Board engineers reported that they could not find any leaks in the hotel's mains system after three days of testing. A PUB spokeswoman said a team of engineers
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  • 11 15 THERE were 91 road accident*, one serious, on Sunday.
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  • 27 15 THE Yen. Ananda Manga la Then, a puddhiat missionary from an Lanka, has been rc-appolnted patron and chaplain of the University of Singapore's Buddhist Society
    27 words
  • 113 15 PWD to repave seven roads TUffi Public Works De- partment will resurmo'nth"™ f te thte ..They are Fairer Road. High Street. Ja an Kebun Lima, Jalan Bahagla. Jalan Tenteram, Jalan Aman and Sims Avenue (Lorong 1 to Aljunied Road). These roads have not been resurfaced for the last few years
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  • 35 15 THE National Muneum will acreen Edinburgh and three other colour fUnu on Scotland tomorrow at 730 p m In Its lecture hall. Free admission tickets are obtainable at the museum during office hours.
    35 words
  • 66 15 rIE revolving restaurant area on the top floor of the Prlma Ltd In Telok Blangah may be converted Into a penthouse if the restaurant idea does not materialise. A spokesman of the company said yesterday that they had fully furnished the restaurant, but a final decision
    66 words
  • 153 15 Strive for world audience, writers urged HAJI Sha'ari Tadln, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), has arced local writers to aim hlfh and strive to reach a world >adlrncc. Hajl Sha'ari said local writer* had a better chance of achieving this— lf their work was sufficiently Interesting since they used languages not
    153 words
  • 361 15  - $30 m ANTIFLOOD DRAINAGE PROJECTS RAYMOND JAMSEN By Three districts fHE Ministry of the Environment is to spend $30.55 million on three unprecedented drainage projects in new housing and industrial estates being developed at Bedok, Geylang and Ang Mo Kio, to offset flooding in these districts. The projects have been
    361 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 215 15 The best things in life are free, b where you enjoy them that runs into money Ihe I ifTcl lower. And (he Leaning lower. The island o( Hong NiftjMa I alls. The CanaK at Wnne. They're free for all lo feast ihcir eyes upon It's jum ihal little extras Ihal
      215 words
    • 366 15 Does the Vitamin Tonic you give your children contain all these essential vitamins'? V-— r^^ jumuiTE t£§/ A and D the vitamins of fish liver oil. pkn "^J J L the 4 other essential vitamins, in nice lasting T concentrated orange |vice J| k Other vitamin tonics may seem to
      366 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 886 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and By Family Time (English- 7JI Im (Matijr) Repeat) 3andi«wra Karam Bersama Hati Sendiri 3JI Diary of Events (English) jj, D lS r> _j M lift Oast 3JS Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing esisafc) 4.15 Pre examination Programme-Twelfth Night Ut Dm
      886 words
  • 62 15 THE Environment Ministry's Drelrage Department will construct a culvert and concrete drain across the northern carriageway at Queens Circus to alleviate flooding in Commorwealth Avenue. Work wll begin on Sept. 8 and Is expected to be completed by the end of next month. Motorists are
    62 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 597 16 for a I satisfying I sales career? You'll find it with Olivetti, Europe's I I leading manufacturer of office equipment I We are moving ahead fast and we need I I more dynamic and experienced young men I I to |O.n our marketing force If you are in the administrative
      597 words
    • 740 16 llffllßißTiWi Requires A ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (PUBLIC RELATIONS) To be responsible for the promotion of industrial training activities through the production and publication of news bulletins, reports and other publicity materials and by organising and managing the publicity/ PR activities and events of the Board. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Candidates should possess an
      740 words
    • 1194 16 I NEPTUNE ORIENT LINES I I FOR THOSE I WHO LOVE THE SEA I We are offering an exciting opportunity for physically fit and mentally alert young men to be trained for a rewarding and professional career as Deck Officers. Successful candidates will undergo training as navigating cadets on board
      1,194 words
    • 727 16 TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE PUBLIC NOTICE I CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS |l IN PAYA LEBAR AREA The public is hereby informed that on Sunday, 31 I August 1975 at approximately 8.30 am., about 5,I 000 telephone numbers connected to the Paya I Lebar Telephone Exchange will be changed to new
      727 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1422 17 ctNujujunp saticE ti itvnirrwuT: faaa »%irt Asnrf mt*., mrm !>|il» UlaM O'aart Ina Hana UK UNAIKI I, Ptrt 1 Saat a safl 17 Sr pt It lap! aMM citeitin mt I Safl ii Mft I tat I Ml I Ml I Mt TMia IIPfISS lISMt lISMI II Mt II Mt
      1,422 words
    • 1165 17 Ben Ocean ctnt semce d ßen Line Blue FhnnelGlen Line and NSMO U M/CtaTIMNT ma SatJ) S'aara F. bttaf Faaaaf lartft Ftt AMAaTfS 111/Taan *t H'Mri. Irta. Datlit UtafMl ItPXEM 1 41/4 SMt 1/ I Mft 1/ I Mft II Mt I. ml. Nail. Can. MHait. L,nrpMl MMMaaat t a/4
      1,165 words
    • 1214 17 mTm^irTiu^J^mmmm Tt II Xl tTMB B ana. I taa rMafM. Oiaairt Irtaaa AMaara All 111 raori F. KalaM ten AMtna Matri Daf. a E NALKt I Part s«at aMfl IT Satt ta Saat nhn CAMHUN MT ISMt lISMI I M SMI I Mt 1 tat tmm urain iiiaft iiMft it
      1,214 words
    • 1005 17 I •aaj^F*™^p"*^^"^ MMk^"^W If^ailj wl FUU.Y CONTAINIKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE P. KtiaM. ratn FM ■fTUMU S "L M %ii Rotterdwi, AflttttftUrn. Ajrtatrp. LiHtvre, HUMII ■>■ fl iTjNMIWJf ViMN, DfIwWrMVM, NiMa an I Aartas, Cm 6otVn6yr t "Jtaoe. Ctnaa Taan Ul SI Man rm M lean FULLY CONTAINEKIZtD SEKVICE FKOM EUKOPE
      1,005 words
    • 771 17 SitPftrf tIM 44; t. Majaj {Ml, LL *****. PtMf| ISW. THE BANK LINE LTD. iflAB WE IS AFItCA. TaTMM (Maarit,M. RtMiM. M Oarka. a Cafaim) p Ktlawj 1/ I Mft Spxi I 4SI taft MTMai i (a>a>r,nm. Imm>. Miratji. Dwtm, I L P E a CMtmn) p Ktlanf 1/ 4
      771 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1164 18 |PI^KAWASAICIKISEN KAISHA LTD. ■.mum kmmi usu uism in. IAPM. MM MM, STIMTS SOVKL Haw N'kaai Mfiare PMaaR P. RriM A IfSUI StU Japan Arabia* Gall larrtu %.*twn PM ,1,1,1.1 au 1 4 Seal CoW"Be. «i ajii.. Maul. DaMi. Oaka. Japan South Atateat ktarrvl.*) Saaatare PM: CRUCMiA HAIR 14/11 Saft
      1,164 words
    • 1029 18 lUCIPTIM AU MaPMBTT fM PMTUMI. SAMPfT. Iran HA (TO tallNnMeo: UJft MARTT IRTM Cer,*aa I Saft I Saft MAarta. Mian »M 4 Maauu M Part IR4R4 Man.v 1 PMuum i RKiifeaa. Saft S Saft lat>tfeaaa./Tanu> IRHiaai II TaiakM II Saft 11 Sett Rai.taaaea/laratea. 11IR fkar. SkMIM RRaa. aßßtta War. Sovaaara.
      1,029 words
    • 914 18 HUT CWnißtlrSO SDWIH Tl EITtPt (VIA Sftti S'atn P Aeiaaf no»e **.<% \nm Aetver* *'*aa otiiNiai iMPOtii a a SMt a SMt "Oct IS Ret a Ret a Rat it Oci NIPIRM sippNiM i* act a Ret n n*. naae RM aaa* MOJm lIPTMI IMIRAIR II Mi 11 Ml I
      914 words
    • 841 18 anus sum n Lwriw, unßTt^xwTwtin mn if Maai S>«caae<t P deiaat Pnarw laaeMa] *k MMA uti M Pan R7 i SeeK Riikat 1 10, l"Ma. Ca.a.rr 1/10. «ea». 11- 10. R-ea»« 14 10 Mtar|lo/!ll. Aatett'l 7* m RtPMA TAijRM 7l* SMt la Part Rareeieu 7)10. Itaai. C4.4.H. !t k\ la
      841 words
    • 850 18 VrMVjRSVMBiPofJII I m P7*T I HMMM UF PELANGI TRADE TRANSPORT SDN. BHD. ■DILA IRMPVO Til Mill 111'! U"1 P KHANC 111 MTllt. 141*45 MII4I. SIMAPMI IMSITT II lit.i STRJUTS/SMTH INAIUNO SERVICE I Raawt« RaaM S'aare P Keiaear Ptaeaf pnetet ASIAN PIMUI 11)11 le Pert Seat S SMt T --lUCKI Him
      850 words
  • 114 18 ▼MR P>o*)T OP RIHOAP>OMI -1 AUTHORITY ANNOUMCRO THR FOLLOWING RRPJTHINO APWAMOCMCMTR FOU RI^T 1. OUT: Eaautrn Jade* 10/11. DorU 3kou 13/14. Alauia Mam IVI6. Oejona 1». Peralc Eaot. P»riu 20 Wot. Kliai 21. Ancona and M^u, M/J4. Buno Tmnjoo, JVM. Doun Maru M/M. lino 47 and Uon
    114 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 380 19 classified ads (jg OAVID AirRED: Between Perclval Jeyapal. son of Mr. and Mrs. J A. David and Maureen Premala. daughter of Mrs Daphne Alfret' on 31 August 1975 SO S SAMARITANS Of Singapore Troubled 1 Discouraged 1 Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help is as near as the telephone OILWELL
      380 words
    • 706 19 REQUIRED IMMEDIATILV ONI Male Store Clerk and One Female Clerk English educated with knowledge of Chinese Please apply personal! -> to Union Containers Pte Ltd 12, Jalan Jenirn Jurong Town. Spore 22 L.T. SECRETARIAL SERVICES urgently required experienced shipping clerks Fleas* call at room 104. Ist. floor, Nehsons Building. Peck
      706 words
    • 669 19 IHIP MMIKINa COMPANY rr quires female clerk Must be experienced In typing, repair Invoices Fluent in Mandarin. Cantonese and Hokklen dialect* Reply with full resume and paasporl photograph (returnable) to S T 80XA***** WANTCO FIMALE TYPIST CUKI ac counu clerk, preferably with knowledge of Chinese Please apply with resume and
      669 words
    • 827 19 experienced lALiikiN WANTED to promote win of provision »-yvii for local Import/ export Company Applicant* mini be Singapore CHu?p wlUi secondary school education and preferably with own transport Oood salary plus commission write with full personal particulars to P O. Box 1753 3 pore enclosing a photograph (nonreturnable). EARN SMt
      827 words
    • 749 19 TATA PRECISION INOUSTINIS •TE LTD. 1. Liv PMf Roe* Jaran*. requires 1 DRAFTSMAN/ PROGRAMMER 2. TWO TRAINEE OESIOM DRAFTSMEN J. OKI OUAUTY CONTROL IN•MOTOR (Pemte) 4 SCVEN TOOL ROOM MECHANICS NMt 1 am) 2. Senior Cambridge Technical with food pass in Mathematics Industrial Technical Certificate in Mechanical Kiißinrennt Posit 1.
      749 words
    • 892 19 workers with or witnoul experience for an Orchid Farm In Upper Serartfoon district. Fret board and lodging provided Salary exceeding $150 p m depending on experience Interested parties please ring Mr Chan SUMS after 7pm SCHOOL LEAVER* and 16-20 required immediately ai Despatch Clerk Applicants with PDL scooter licence will
      892 words
    • 760 19 OFF lAST COAST Raul newly painted 2-storey house overlooking sea 3 bedrooms furnished $800 Eastern Manaorf and First Mansion off Mayer Road 3bedroomed apartments overlooking the sea furnished »«00 and WOO respectively Off Buklt Tlmah Road newly painted- 2storey semi-detached house 8660. Jalan Labu Ayer off Bartley Road 3 -storey
      760 words
    • 851 19 INTERNATIONAL HOUSINQ AGENCY Tel *****1' «35»33 *****4 often Oel Tlong ;iam Park 12.400 Sunset Clow $900 Thomson Green $1 400 11.800 r«m»n Mil Mereh $750 Phoenix Heights •680 f 1.700 Chartwell Drtvr (450. Pasir Rli MOO LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED DOUBLE-STOREY Sennell Estate $700. Thomson Hills 11.300: Executive Double-storey semidetached Chestnut Drive
      851 words
    • 766 19 BALESTIER M««. SI Thomas Walk $750 Fernhlll 11.200 Geylang 1700 Ewart Park $1,400 ConUrt *****7/ *****2/ *****1 APARTMENT available immediately tor rent $750 with telephone, alrcon partially furnished Contact *****7/ *****2/ *****1 RIVfR VALLf V CLOSE biOoomi For swrtlcirfars plun contact M: J7MSI IJO «.m p m KATOMO FURNISHED PLAT
      766 words
    • 863 19 COMPANY DIRECTOR (unmarried) requires modern new 2 bedroom apartment furnished unfurnished In central location 3t22»T ELECTRONICS FIUM requires for Its Director Unfurnished Apartment in Orchard. Orance. Tanglln. Napier Road Phone *****8 MODERN. LUXURIOUS 2-storey semi-detached bungalow al Changl •*>'• "is and also shop for sale at Upper Paya Lebar Road.
      863 words
  • 75 19 DO YOU NEED expert and qualified advice on your skin? Then consult Louise Klerk medically trained beauty therapist with 26 years tropical experience, at Hotel Singapura. telephone *****3 (B'pore) PICK A COURSE FROM COLUMN (76) •PROFESSIONAL •COMMERCIAL •TECHNICAL •LANGUAGE •CRAFT ETC. ORATUIOR FROM (77) SINGAPORE BALLET ACADEMY New
    75 words
  • 180 19 3 Religious Announcements PASTOR JOHN THOMAS reaching at 7 30 at Bible House Chupel the need for sanctlin iticiti baptisms and Christ's return Bring your sick people for prajai Literature on healing and baptisms .ivailable at Apostolic li'«ik Centre. 4 Irrawaddy Road. SiiiK.i[Hirr 12 Telephone *****7 -TOWAROS A REOISCOVERV
    180 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 804 20 I **^rw«w^ WATTEN ESTATE CALIFORNIA bur.galow 3-slorev servant's bearoom 4.600 sq ft $228,000 Loan avail >ble ***** ***** BEDOK (DIST 1*) douole-storey terrace 2.200 sq ft freehold 3 bedrooms $100,000 Ace Housing *****64 2580)49 2.*****6 GEVLANO. DOUBLE STOREY IX--i.i. h.-<1 I'.ungalnw Approx 12.000 m| ft S ilUlile Knr A Premlsei
      804 words
    • 787 20 OFFICE SPACE 1*37 square feet for sale or 840 square feet for rent al New Building. Realty Centre Modern Partitions, air-con-dl tinned ring *****06 PROPERTY CONSULTANTS VALUERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS NEW OFFICE/ SHOWROOM SPACE FOR LEASE SIN CHEW JIT POH BUILDING at Keppel/ Cantonment Road Outside Restricted Zone Scheduled
      787 words
    • 748 20 TO LIT S4SS soft Pasir Panjang area, suitable for light Industry Ring office hours *****1 SINGAPORE -JOHORE FACTORIES BUILDING 7 storey flatted factories to let at Kampong Bugts. Singapore 8 i near Kallang Qaswork) Suitable for light Industries and stores Will consider to let whole building Eaaulrle*: 314**/ 1243*4 during
      748 words
    • 679 20 AIRMASTER. TRAVEL SPECIAL "I Fares London. Europe. Canada. USA Australia. Indonesia. Hongkong. Tokyo 36 Dhoby Ohaut Near Cathay) Tel *****. ***** QASI AOENCY (PTE) LTD Air-broker Travel Aaencv) OFFERS LOWEST FAR! TO: LONDON. EUROPE. AUSTRALIA CANADA. U.S.A. AND FAR EAST FOR PROMPT It RELIABLE SERVICE Caflat 112. let Floor. Ootaan
      679 words
    • 626 20 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES and Documentation Established overseas contact, sales clause, methods of payment, freight calculations, types of L/C. contracts, banking and shipping procedures. BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment, reexport, insurance and claims, elr Evarj Saturday afternoon 3-6 p in commencing 6/9/75 al 402. 3rd floor People's Park Complex B^BjnUaMrißlafl Commmlna
      626 words
    • 855 20 TYPEWRITING CLASSES Anytime from 8 a m to 9 p m 7 days a week Individual coaching Please Register Early Oeylang Commercial School 91-A. Oeylang Road (opposite Oay World) Tel *****9 PEOPLE S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 20-A. East Coast Rood T*»: 4SSIS4. 4M7M Ti in iiaHLsaii 1 wiiibli n MM I
      855 words
    • 644 20 SPECIAL SUNDAY BOOK-KBEP- I INO, typewriting. Shorthand. Stenography classes 9.00 11.00 a.m./ 11 00 1 00 p m Starting 7975. LEARN FRENCH French Beginners classes starting now Morning classes Mon, Wed. Frl 9.30 II a.m. Tues, Thurs. 9.30 11.30 a m Evening classes Mon. Wed, Frl 5.30 7 p.m 7
      644 words
    • 867 20 8.C.1. MATHBMATICB PHVSJCAL SCIENCE, Oroup tuition Retired trained graduate teacher (18 years' experience) *****2 (Ooh). PIANO/THEORY LESSONS for beginners especially In kindergarten and grades by experienced teacher Please ring ***** CHILDREN'S PIANOFORTE Tuition/ Pupil's home/ R S M Exams always achieve very good results Excellent foundation *****2 HANDICRAFT MAKING CENTRE
      867 words
    • 878 20 JUNE 1971 MAZOA RX4 1146 cc one owner with alrcond. radio. cassette, sports rims and tyres Condition like new Tax till November 1975 Price $9,500 J o.n o. Call Michael ***** JUNE 1971 MERCEDES 200 With alrcond One owner, tax till November 1975 Perfect condl- tion Price $14,800 on o
      878 words
    • 750 20 HEALTHY. 1 YIAR old Dachihund *****, black' brown going -heap to good home with large larden Tel ***** C 'iae.V tt .&,l^s?!,a-'ftole'»»' vooMna/ aawarmtns* eto -WE SELL/ WE BUY/ WE EXCHANOE a f XPORT" any breed dog Conoun Mark, f ***** Vteen bay Dags sWattoos t. Jaton gamunto| 12 ma
      750 words

  • Article, Illustration
    22 21 in loving memory of MB. BALAKRIBHNAN MENON who departed on 2/9/74. Sadly missed by beloved wife, children and loved ones.
    22 words
  • 61 21 AN open-air art exhibition (or those under 19 will be held by the Ministry of Culture at the Botanic Oardens on Sept. 21 from 4 pjn. to 6 p.m. Those Interested ln participating are Invited to bring their art works to the gardens by 330 p.m. on
    61 words
  • 242 21 THIEVES TAKE $101, 700 IN CASH, GOODS RAIDERS FAIL TO CRACK SAFE IN SHOP THIEVES broke into a shop in North Bridge Road and got away with cassette players worth $80,000, $7,000 in cash and assorted jewellery worth $14,700 over the weekend. But they failed to crack a safe containing
    242 words
  • 197 21 Bored dockers make money fishing OORED dock workers, especially those on night shift, have found an enjoyable and lucrative pastime: Fishing right where they work. But by persisting in It, they are, so to speak, fl shl n g in troubled waters as it Is an offence to fish ln
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  • 161 21 ESSO dealers hare set np a special fund to finance their protest activities if the oil company goea ahead with its move to reduce their commission for selling diesel by three cents. Informed sources said that a formal letter protesting against the move to reduce
    161 words
  • 41 21 A MOTORIST. CheoChwee Hor. was fined $100 yesterday for speeding at between 79 kph (49 mphi and 82 kph (51 mph.) ln Jalan Toa Payoh on PW>. 1 at 10.06 pm. The speed limit U 85 kph (40 mph).
    41 words
  • 108 21 ONE out of every three workers in Singapore's labour force today Is a woman, according to Mr. Ong Pang Boon, the Labour Minister. In his message published in the souvenir programme to mark the NTUC seminar. Towards Greater Participation and Con t r lbutlon
    108 words
  • 83 21 $300 fine and year's ban for m-cyclist MOHAMAD bin Moldeen was fined a total of $300 and disqualified from riding motorcycles for a year ln a traffic court yesterJay for ommitting two traffic offences in June. lie was fined $150 for riding a moto -cycle ln Margaret Drive on June
    83 words
  • 223 21 A tLABOURER, Tng Kirn i\ Keng. 38, who collected down payments from eight people for a nonexistent housing project, was yesterday Jailed for 28 months on three charges of cheating. The court i card that Tng Indicated to some brokers that he Intended
    223 words
  • 352 21 CINQAPORE women are proving to be "sew reluctant" when it comes to tailoring men's clothes. Their reluctance to do what women have for centuries regarded, together with cooking, as their calling, has baffled the secretary of the Singapore Master Tailor*' Association (SMTA) Mr. K.C. Leong.
    352 words
  • 73 21 Year's ban and fine for m-cyclist LAM Kai Keong was fined a total of $200 and disqualified from riding motorcycles for one year for two traffic offences committed on May 31 at 2.50 a.m. l n Jalan Ahmad Ibrah'm. He was fined $60 for riding a motorcycle wren his provisional
    73 words
  • 221 21 rTiHE price of hone A mackerel (selar) dipped by "30 cents a katl over the weekend, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended price* Rice: Thai 100 per cent ■O\ 76 cent* kaU or 606g. Thai 10 per cent, 64 otnu; Australian 10
    221 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 524 21 TRANSPORTATION/ REMOVAL BCRVICE. Dalsun Ptckup. Medium 9ir Lorry to shift cargo, household offirr equipment 4031(7 4*9353 Lenwa Company FRANK TRANSPORTATION AND warehousing service Datsun Plck-Up or Lorry to Shift your office household or cargoes Contact 41 165*7 *****4 FOR PROMPT and efficient servich In house removing and packIng contact Mayfalr
      524 words
    • 718 21 SS^S^a^Sl KAWAI MANO FO« »up»rlor tone quality and durabllly Liberal LL^LugnM^Jß I discounts for cash or $900 down. I balance »9o monthly SoleafenU I Robert Piano Co Tel WZTTI or at wmmmmmmmmmm o n KattMlfBho p PllltCtll w pressor fitted on four wheels. 15 AMT IOUI KINO »IZ« 'our poster
      718 words
    • 984 21 ('A HUME INDUSTRIES MUr (FAR EAST) LIMITED COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1975 1. HUME FAR EAST GROUP The Directors of Hume Industries Far East) Limited have pleasure ln announcing that the Group has achieved another satisfactory result for the year ended 30th June. 1975, with
      984 words

    • 733 22 Oonara gets topweight in big sprint RACING... with EPSOM JEEP FINE ARRAY OF SPRINTERS, STAYERS IN $41,000 GOLD VASE LINE-UP... JPOH, Mon. A fine array of sprinters and stayers will line-up for the 26th running of the Sultan's Gold Vase over s|f straight here on Sun day. Surprise packet Is
      733 words
    • 308 22 Barrier draw for Ipoh races DAJUUEB draw for this weekeaaVs rstn a* fee* SATURDAY Class 3 DW. I— 6F: 11, It. 17. 11. 8, 7, I. 3, 6 16. 16, 1. 14. 15. 4. Class 3 Dl». J— «F 16, 5. 11, 1. J, 15, 4, 14. t. 17, 16,
      308 words
    • 255 22 Richards steers Hants to 6-wkt victory ONDON, Mon. v South African Barry Richards hit a lightning 112 off Leicestershire yesterday and pushed his county, Hampshire, to the threshold of winning the 40-over Sunday Cricket League. Hampshire's slx-wlcket victory ensures that unless they slip up In their final match next week
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 63 22 TEHERAN. Mon— lran has offered to stage the 23rd Olympic Games in Teheran In 1964. Its National Olympic Owimlttfia anrrtHirnMHi here today The Shah of Iran's brother. Prince Ohola Rosa, president of the National Olympic Committee, and the Mayor of Teheran. Oolam Kess> Nlkpa>. made the
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 43 22 CARTAOsWA (CokanfaU), Sun World middleweight boxing oruunpton Rodrlgo Vaides fractured his right hand in a car accident yesterday and a doctor amid Vaidea must stay out of the ring for at least six months He has no scheduled title to defend.
      43 words
    • 97 22 New York. Mon Results of major league hast ball gamcj played yesterday: Natksaai: Pittsburgh 9 Houston 6 (Ist game); Pittsburgh at Houston Astros (postponed rain); St Louis 8. Cincinnati 3; Atlanta, 3 Chicago 1 (Ist game); Chicago 9 Atlanta 6 (2nd game) (10 Innings). Ban Diego
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 25 22 DUBLIN. Mon.— lrishman Christy O'Connor Junior won the £25.000 ($130,750) Irish Open Oolf Championship here yesterday with a four-round total of 275 —Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 332 22 Acrobatic Connors dazzles French rival NEW YORK, Mon. Top-s eedfd Jimmy Connors advanced another step toward retaining his men's singles title when he scored an easy 6-3, 6-1 victory over Georges Goven, of France, In a third round match of the United States Open Tennis Championships here yesterday. The talented
      332 words
    • 887 22 SATURDAY W DaHTS for the Perak Turf Club Sultan's Oold Vase meeting this weekend CLASS 3. DIV. S— BF Carnival 9.00 Rlva Raj t.U Freedom Fighter 8.09 Ouardl*n Saint 8.07 Oraceful Style 8.07 Altruistic 8.06 Leon's Dream S.OS Shanghai 80S Three Musketeers S.OS Master Day 8.04 Intuition II
      887 words
    • 403 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA By ITIM KYUNG SOOK, who defeated Asian 1V Games 400 m champion Chee Swee Lee at the Second Track and Field Championships at Seoul in July, is in South Korea's 16-strong team for the Singapore AAA Open Championships, beginning
      403 words
    • 165 23 Hongkong drivers make it 1-2 finish PEN/NO, Mon. John Mao Donald. of Hongkong, today won the Penanc Grand Prix for cars fcr the third consecutive year. MacDonaid. 38. driving a new racing car— Rait clocked 52 minutes 7.2 seconds for the 50- lap race here. Hi.; teammate Albert Poon. also
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 678 23  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE'S "new 13 look" side, including five players making their international debut, thrilled 5000 fans by sinking Indonesia 126-66 on opening day of the Pesta Sukan Invitational basketball championship at Gay World Stadium last night. The five newcomers Ho Tal Nam,
      678 words
    • 208 23 England fight back after follow-on F ONDON, Mon. England, fighting for survival In the current Test cricket series against Australia, were 179-1 at close in their second innings at The Oval here today. The not out batsmen are John Edrich and David Steele. Edrlch Is at 91 and Steele 52.
      208 words
    • 58 23 AUSTRALIA Ist Inui 632-9 dec (I. Chappell 193. R McCosker 127 K Walters •6). ENGLAND Ist Inns (Saturday's ckMe: 169-1) Old not out 26 Hnow c O Cbappell b Thomson 30 Underwood c O. Chapptll b Thomson 0 Extras It Total (all out) I*l WkU fell at 190. BowlIng.
      58 words
    • 217 23 ALWYN James Wardle won the first gold medal of the Confederation Zone of Oceania International Fencing Championships for Australia at Singapore Badminton Stadium last night. Wardle beat 29 other fencers to win the men's Individual foils event. Five Singapore representatives made it to the
      217 words
    • 613 23  -  JOE DCRAI and EDMUND TEO By SINGAPORE will meet Selangor, who won the Malaysia Cup final last Sunday by 1-0 at Merdeka Stadium, in a friendly return match at the National Stadium on Saturday (kickoff 8 p.m.). Selangor officials have agreed to this return
      613 words
    • 113 23 FIANCE'S champion table Unnta km. Clae Sportiff and Atatetieae aa Kreealla-Blectre. will tear Blncmp**« trum Friday I* Sept. I. In tkc teaJß ar* Jaeeaee Srcrrlin. France's Btn'i sine Its etmnataa for the past a'eeaa'e. farmer chajnpteaa Vlaaeat Parkart and Danny Dhondt and wmtn players YveMnc Lectrrc w>d
      113 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 674 22 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES FOR NURSING SISTERS Applications are Invited for appointment to the posts of Nursing Sisters In the Medical and Health Department, Brunei. QUALIFICATIONS: a) S.R.N. of Singapore, of Malaya or of any country recognised by the General Nursing Council of England. b) Division One Midwifery Certificate of
      674 words
    • 570 22 KILANG GULA FELDA PERLIS SON. BHD. INSURANCE CLERK A leading manufacturing company In northern Malaysia Invites applications from Malaysian citizen to the above post. Qualification: SC or MCE with good result In English and Mathematics preferably with Insurance background, especially on fire, consequential loss and motor insurance. Dutic*: To handle
      570 words
    • 182 22 KENYATAAN TAWABAN INIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA TAWARAN (temula) darlpada pemborong-pem-borong yang berdaftar dengan J.K.R. dalam kerJa Pemasangan Lift akan di terlma dl Pelabat Bendaharl. Unit Pembangunan U.K.M.. Jalan Pantal Bam. Kuala Lumpur untuk kerja: U.K.M. Projek D (Non Science Faculties) Lift Dumbwaiter Installation. Segala butlr-butir boleh dl dapatl pada masa kerja
      182 words
    • 614 22 a IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR ORIGINATING PETITION NO. It Or 1175 In the Matter of Boustead Estate sdn Bhd. And In the Matter of The Companies Act. lMg. Boiutead Estates Sdn. Bhd.. Petitioner. NOTICE it hereby given that a Petition for confirming a resolution reducing
      614 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 192 23 1975 1976 I^LBDaI (Ist Editionl AVAILABLE NOW! The MALAYSIA BUILDER DIRECTORY is the first publication of its kind to be published in Malaysia. It is an indispensable guide-book for firms and people involved in the Architectural, Building, Construction, Development. Engineering, Planning and Surveying fields. This unique 441 page book includes
      192 words
    • 109 23 has moved up to Rooms 1401-1406 14th Floor Shaw Centre Scotts Road, Singapore 9. Telephone us at /r^, OfUafcll (no change) /M^M? Flavettes. th« great new orange tasting Vitamin C tablets, ant mad* by Parka-Davis. Tney v« been vitamin health products for people right around the world for over
      109 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 44 23 BASKETBALL: Peata Sukan c'ahlp (Oay World) RI'GBY: Friendly— Civilian! v Support Coy (Police Academy S pjn.). FENCING: Confederation of Oceania c'atilpa (SBA). SQUASH: PeeU Sukan c'shlps (Hen's 2nd round and Plate competition 6.16 to 11.16, Tanglin Club. Women's Plate Ist round. 6-1 pm. SICC/Bukltj.
      44 words

  • 74 24 DURBAN, Mon.— Seven African labourers were killed by fumes when fire ripped through an underground tunnel here today. The fumes came from blazing cans of paint stored in the tunnel, which is to be used as a passage for prisoners between a new magistrates court
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 79 24 Driver hurt in 392 kph crash URIVER Dick Lahaie was seriously injured on Sunday when bis "top fuel" dragster crashed at the end of a 392 kph (236 mph) run during a qualifying run at the national drags. Lahaie, 33, of Dewitt, Michigan, suffered multiple injuries when his supercharged racer
    UPI  -  79 words
  • 162 24 26 DIE AS JET BURSTS INTO FLAMES E>3T BERLIN, Mon An East German airliner crashed near Leipzig airport today and first reports said 26 people were killed, the East German news agency ADN reported. Eight people survived the crash. Eye-witnesses said the pjane approached the Uniting atrip and burst Into
    Reuter; UPI  -  162 words
  • 297 24 "pHE Government will spend about $1.3 billion over the next seven years to develop Changi airfield into Singapore's second international airport. Changl will eventually have two runways capable of taking in the biggest and fastest planes, with up-to-date terminal facilities. The Government hopes
    297 words
  • 50 24 SAN JUAN (Puerto Rlcoi. Mon —A high State Department official said yesterday the United States was willing to meet with Cuban officials to discuss renewed diplomatic relations but only If Havana first agrees to Include In any talks such matters as compensation for expropriated US property— UPl. notice.
    50 words
  • 34 24 DETROIT, Mon. Two gunmen hijacked a Orey hound bus enroute from Chicago to Toronto late yesterday and robbed It* driver and 42 p»wn<wi of UW3S.OOO (SIM.800) In cash and other valuables. UPI.
    UPI  -  34 words
  • 26 24 HONOKOKO. Mon. North Vietnamese leaders met Prince Norodom ahanouk, titular head of state of Cambodia. In Hanoi, the North Vietnam News Agency reported. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 362 24 JAKARTA, Monday ABOUT 10,000 peoA pie are at the Timor border waiting to cross into the Indonesian side to flee from the civil war in the Portuguese colony, Antara news agency reported today. According to reports received over the weekend, these refugees were "poised aat
    Reuter; UPI  -  362 words
  • 40 24 MB. It. HULA I, BT. formally m Oammon niaii awajr aud«amrr at > O.H 1 »/7B laavmg >ata»H wlfa aad t miMram. Oartaca latraa IS. borox Piaang Emu Hoover Park. ■'pan. 21 t*4*r J 00 p.m. for Hindu erataaHrlu (BMdaaar".
    40 words
  • 422 24 LONDON. Mob.— Tha marktt cloaad quleUr mliad and at p.m. tM ruuu Tlm<a rxl«* wu down l.a to 52«.«. Oovernmant booda showad faloa ruilai to 5/« Uu of a point la ihln tradlix whllt gold >harM fell fairly iharply with ih» bullion artea. Bqultlaa ran Into aom* profit
    422 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 217 24 1 AIR-CONDITIONER r _X^n KFn REFRIGERATOR AS COOKER FREEZER 1 (j___i, I WASHINQ 1 MACHINE Frcm I- I MALAYSIA UNION (RENTAL) PTE. LTD. 47D, 810ck 30. Outram Park, Singapore 3 Tel *****97 Ample Parking Space STEAM BOILERS For Sole. 50,000 LB/HR 230 PSI BABCOCK WILCOX CROSS DRUM WATER TUBE MODERN
      217 words
    • 158 24 Bisbell makes the welders job easier Bisbell Earth Clamps have designed, tested and used by welders in just about every y ___f_\ condition throughout the V _^_^k world. 1 $£e&^&'*____V I Combing Earth Clacnp and PortHorwf *£R^? AU I Clamping anywrMf* ragardlM* o« *dgM j*S^ j£s£ >• H I S«H
      158 words