The Straits Times, 1 September 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Ertd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 294 1 SPORES YOUNG LIONS GO DOWN TO THE MASTERS ON A RAIN-SOAKED FIELD |T WAS a triumph for experience when the battle-hardened Selangor team ploughed their way to a 1-0 win over Singapore in the Malaysia Cup soccer final last night. The, winning goal was scored by Abdullah
    Mak Klan Seng  -  294 words
  • 473 1 SNAGS HOLD UP PACT ALEXANDRIA, Sunday DR. Henry Kissinger's Sinai mission has hit a snag over the number of Egyptian troops to be stationed east of the Suez Canal. Egyptian and Israeli sources said today. The Israelis are holding out for a 7,000-man limit in the "thin-out" zone, while the
    Reuter  -  473 words
  • 152 1 SUHARTO TO BRIEF LEE ON TIMOR? rpHE Prime Minister will leave for Ball tomorrow evening to have 'informal dlscusfions" with President Suharto of Indonesia on Wednesday and Thursday. A statement from the Prime Minister's Office yesterday said they would discuss developments sine* they met In Singapore in August last year.
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  • 36 1 BAIOON. Sun —The Saigon authorities nave launched a campaign to clean up the South Vietnam*** cant Ul's black market*, arresting alleged Illicit gold dealer* •aid to have been operating on the city* street*.—Renter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 42 1 BUSNO6 AXRBB. Bun.— A pnM^i.n was *bot dead by two young people, fawmahly Mtwug guerilla*. In the wsslam city of If andoaa. poooe •aid. bringing the known death toll in political violence in Argentina thl* yaw to JS4— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 33 1 UNITED NATIONS. Sun.— South Africa. TTfitii from laat y«ari Oonenl Assembly, will not tend a itstaiatton to a special UN teuton on economic problem* opening tomorrow, well-informed sources laid yesterday Beater.
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  • 171 1 Troops kill armed Red in ambush If OTA BARU, Bun. —Security forces shot dead an armed communist terrorist In Bertam, Ulu Kelantan, yesterday, the Mentrl Besar. Datuk- Hajl Mohamad bin Naslr, said at a press conference today. He said that, acting on information, a unit of 13 soldiers from the
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  • 70 1 NKUQUKN Argentina) Sun. Jauanass bnrn Shirs Yoshlo. who survived the IMS atom bomb attack on Nagasaki but lost the use ol hi* leg*, died In thl* south Argentine town from the bites of a rabid dog, police said yesterday. Yoshlo, U, was unable to get away
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  • 42 1 ChinaBangla ties TOKYO, Sun. China today extended diplomatic recognition to Bangladesh, the official Hslnhua news agency reported. Premier Chou En-la! cabled Bangladesh President Khondakar Mushtaque Ahmed today, Informing him of the Chinese Government's decision, Hslnhua said In a broadcast monitored here. AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 585 1 On the cards: Pact to end money crisis WASHINGTON, Sun. Finance Ministers of the five biggest Industrial nations have paved the way for agreement on key monetary Issues at today's session of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) interim committee, informed sources said here. The minister from the United States, Japan,
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  585 words
  • 70 1 MOSCOW, Sun.— The Soviet """""iinltt party dally Pravda aaid today that proposals to turn Asean into a military bloc were a bankrupt idea which would profit only imperialist circles. The history of Asia, of the last decades snow* that the erlrtence of antl -communist military bloc*
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  • 95 1 GRENADE ATTACK ON CITY BUS: 24 INJURED RANGOON, Sun— A terrorist grenade attack an a parked baa in alt* an Friday injured M Beo«le. officials ■aid today. The attack oocarred at the janetlon of twe boay streets near Sale Pagoda In central Ban roon in oYtaattn* rain. Confirming the Incident,
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  • 72 1 rl all ever. Gaalkasper Eric Paine ainks to his knaea aad weep, aa the Anal whlatl- blow* dashInf Singapore* hope* of brlnrtaf back the Malaysia Cap. The IB.MO Slnjapore fans at Merdeka SUdlaan In Koala Lumpar last night wOl not forfat the ilnrje fatal foal hammered
    Mak Klan Seng  -  72 words
  • 31 1 CANBHIRA. Bun. Th* Aui»rattan Minister tor Health. Dr. Douglas ■vertngham. said today an lnersasa in ajnnnol im wiiiihiMihi and drug rtayenrtrime waa affecting the structure of Australian Society. Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 101 1 'SHOWA MARU SKIPPER TO BLAME' JAKARTA, Sunday THE Indonesia^ Shipping Arbitration 1 Committee concluded i^oday that negligence by the captain was the main cause of the grounding of the Japanese supertanker Showa Maru In the Malacca Straits early this year. r--8. Z. Pattlnasary, chairman of the committee, udd that the
    AP  -  101 words
  • 41 1 ZURICH (Switzerland), Sun. A Sovlet-bailt Turxxlev 134 plane belonging to Polish Airlines with 72 passengers and a crew of seven on board crash-landed at Kloten airport here today but no one was injured, airport officials said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 211 1 ONDON, Sun. Londoners faced tight security conditions today following the fourth successive night of bombs in and around the capital and police warnings of a prolonged blitz. Scores of bar proprietors and restaurant owners posted their staff and security guards at doorways to search
    UPI  -  211 words
  • 37 1 BEIRUT. Sun. Zuhelr Mohsen, chief of the military department of the Palestine Liberation Organlaation, aaid todty relation* between Egypt and the Palnettnlan guerilla movement were "extremely bad." UFI. (See this pa[e)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 ran THYi'iTaWg^ AwaUaMeataMlaadingahoaatoraaoratour I a»>owToom,Moi97JaxBuWan,Kuaa»Luropur. 'SLOPPY DOLLAR CHASERS' RAPPED NON-allfned statea* blast at DS policy t HUNGER In Cambodia? Not true says Sary j FERMENT news as Gonealves faces new challenge 4 OUT ANA talks end with hopes dimmed 5 'WIDER choice' schools courses at Nantah 6 PROGRAMME to ensure
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    • 142 1 IN RATIONALIZED ACCOUNTING we have a wide range of equipment which can cope efficiently and economically with any accounting problems for any size and any type of business. We present the new P603 SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING COMMERCIAL DATA the micro-computer that can immediately become the backbone of your administration for
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 160 2 'Oswaldletter' destroyed after shooting' DALLAS (Texas), Sun. A threatening letter from Lee Harvey Oswald was given to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI i here only days before he was alleged to have shot dead President John Kennedy, a newspaper reported today. The Sunday Dallas Times-Herald quoted FBI director Clarence
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 257 2 Bhutto leaves for talks with King Khalid ISLAMABAD, Sun. Pakistan Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto leave* here for Saudi Arabia tomorm-v for a three-day official visit expected to result in a continuing flow of flnarclal aid fn»m King Khalid. He will have wide ranging political talks with the Saudi monarch
      Reuter  -  257 words
    • 373 2 Non-aligned states' blast at US policy LIMA, Sun.— The fifth ministerial conference of nonaligned states ended here yesterday after adopting a wideranging programme containing strong criticism of United States policy, imperialism and colonialism. The 82-m ember conference, representing more than half the world's population and a substantial majority of United
      Reuter  -  373 words
    • 189 2 Police injured in fare hike demo NEW YORK, Sun. More than a dozen police officers were reported injured yesterday In a confrontation with a group of demonstrators protesting a 43 per cent fare Increase on the city's transit system. Police said two of the officers suffered broken bones and six
      AP  -  189 words
    • 161 2 A NCHORAGE (AU»A ka). Snn A Wrln Alaska Airlines plane carrying SI people crashed more than half a kilometre thort of a native village runway on St. Lawrence Island in the Bering Sea yesterday. A state patrol spokesman said there were two known
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    • 309 2 Civilians may be in Peru Cabinet with Morales as leader BUENOS AIRES, Sun. Gen. Francisco Morales Bermudes. sworn in last night as Peru's new President, may brine civilians into the Peruvian Cabinet for the first time since 1968 During the swearing-in ceremony, broadcast live from Lima and heard here. Gen.
      Reuter  -  309 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 958 2 Vivitar lenses The Photographer's Delight New 85-205mmf3.8 Zoom Lightweight and compact with Macro focusing. 5-year guarantee. Also Computer-designed available from 24mm 35mm SLR automatic f 2.8 to 400 mm f 5.6 lenses. 75-260 mm f4.5Z00m. y lVllflla Americas best-selling quality lenses. scAgem M.H.E. CONSUMER (S) PTE. LTD. <A member ot
      958 words
    • 196 2 Yomeishu Hard work and sports take a lot out of you even more than you think. If you're feeling exhausted at the end of your day, then it's time you started to restore what it has taken out of you. It's time for Yomeishu. Yomeishu is the timeless tonic for
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    • 268 3 Nizam's palace to be turned into school HYDERABAD, Sun. The once-fabulous palace of the legendary Nlzams of Hyderabad. In southern India, Is to be handed over to the Government by the former royal family and turned Into a central school, officials said yesterday. The vast grounds of King Kothl (Palace),
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 103 3 COLOMBO. Sun Prime Minister Mrs. Sirima Bandaranaike hinted yesterday that Sri Lanka's tripartite coalition might have to be scuttled In the greater interests of the Government and her dominant Freedom Party. She said the time had come to make a decision on whether to protect the coalition
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 609 3 NEW YORK, Sun CAMBODIAN Deputy Prime Minister leng Sary arrived last night to represent the new communist government at the UN special session on economic problems, and denied there was any hunger in Cambodia. "The news that has been spread on the socalled
      UPI  -  609 words
    • 99 3 rpOKYO. Bun. The 1 Japanese Government has told Libya that Japan Is ready to receive 10 Japanese terrorists If Libya allows their extradition, Foreign Ministry sources said yesterday. Fire of the guerillas aeiwd the US Consulate In Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 4 and later released
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 248 3 BANGLADESH BAN ON POLITICAL PARTIES DACCA, Sunday PRESIDENT Khondaker Mushtaque Ah--1 mcd yesterday banned all political activities in Bangladesh. i An ordinance issued by the President prohibited the formation of political Dailies in the country and said any violation of the order would be punishable with rigorous lmi-riioo-mcnt ud to
      AP  -  248 words
    • 143 3 Marcos acts against trade curbs MANILA. Sun. President Marcos has banned the imports u f luxuries from countries that boycott Philippine products or have a favourable trade balance with Manila. The directive, announced yesterday, appeared aimed at ending the trade restrictions against the Philippines, boosting foreign exchange earnings and eliminating
      AP  -  143 words
    • 39 3 KARACHI, Sun. Farooq All Khan. Speaker of Pakistan's National Assembly, left here today with an eight member delegation for the Inter Parliamentary Onion Conference In London starting tomorrow. The delegation will later visit Switzerland and Yugoslavia. Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 178 3 Pledge by Miki: We won't block US forces mOKYO, Sun. Prime L Minister Takeo MUd pc r s onally reassured President Gerald Ford that his Government would not obstruct deployment of US forces In Japan in case of war on the Korean peninsula, sources close to Mr. Mlkl said yesterday.
      UPI  -  178 words
    • 26 3 KARACHI. Sun Pakistan has exported 70.000 bales of cotton to India since the two countries signed a trade protocol in November last year Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 206 3 BANGKOK, Sun TSE South Vietnamese Government has ordered all private financial institutions, including foreign banks, to settle with their customers and close. Liberation Radio broadcasts over the weekend said the National Bank of Vietnam would take over all banking service* for the country.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 107 3 J^BSBBsI DHDV SPECIAL ATTRACTION Tomorrow: Federal Fantasia, story-telling I^^B :^:i::::: for children, in English and Mandarin. 4.00 p.m.. Orchid Room. vSS^ Admission free. S^l^B Wednesday: Free film show, Shane, 3.00 p.m. IflH ISS&S^S 6.00 p.m. I. (Free parking in second floor, access from Mt. Elizabeth/Nutmegßoadl^^^^K at the 5O storey International
      107 words
    • 509 3 ig sK tr ha— mSSHM bi 13 Illflllll^^ [51 lE] QUALITY FOODSFRIENBLY SERVICE. Z 13 j 51 1 em Singapore m SJ e IR!^ Food Fair Qj 13 SINGAPORE for fine products gj 15 1 1 Efl IHletdce soog ;7jSTtl UDtOIWATOES 500Q AS 1 fjtjfffilililll**' 51 [3 yam cake
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    • 167 4 'Overseas calls bugged by NSA' report NEW YORK, Sun. Nearly all overseas telephone calls from the United States and most domestic and International printed messages were being monitored by the National Security Agency (NSA). Intelligence arm of the US Defence Department, the latest Newsweek magazine reported. The ultra-secret agency used
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 91 4 II7INDHOEK (South-west Africa) TV Sun. The South African Government has chartered a 9Mberth luxury cruise liner to take Angolan refugees to Portugal, a government spokesman said today. The Interior Department spokesman said the Oceanic Independence was due In Cape Town to- morrow at the end of
      UPI  -  91 words
    • 595 4 Ferment grows as Goncalves faces new challenge LISBON, Sunday new chief of Portugal's armed forces, the procommunist former Premier Vasco Goncalves, today faced a challenge to his authority as supreme military commander with a number of units in the conservative North refusing to take orders frqm one of his close
      Reuter  -  595 words
    • 110 4 FISCHER AUTHOR FOR $50 m LOS ANQELBS, Sun. Former world chess champion Bobby Fischer has filed a USS2O million <S*so million) suit for Invasion of privacy against the writer and publishers of an unauthorised biography about him. He filed the suit in Los Angeles Superior Court against Brad Darrach, author
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 41 4 HONOKONO. Bun. A Chinese delegation led by Vice-Premier Chen Hal-hen left Peking (or Hanoi by special plane today to attend the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the founding of North Vietnam, the New China New* Agency reported. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 152 4 SIUILDFOBD (EngVI lam"), Sun. Drucs, ■ar 1 1 a 1 breakdown, emotional Instability and even suicide are the price some middle class wives have to pay If ambitious husbands are away from home too often. This Is one of the «m«ng» of a
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 365 4 HUNT ON FOR SECRET BOMB PLANT IN LONDON LONDON, Sunday DOLICE today scoured London for a secret 1 bomb factory as the capital's fourth explosion In as many days intensified fears of a Droloneed extremist campaign of violence Mystery bombers, who ive set off an explosion •cry 24 hours since
      Reuter  -  365 words
    • 177 4 Fighting flares up again in Lebanon BEIRUT. Sun. The sound of explosions and Urine echoed again in various parts of the troubled provincial town of Zahle during the night but the district governor said today that there were no reports of casualties. He expressed optimism that the situation in the
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 21 4 LONDON, Sun— The Nigerian Government la to take over two leading newspaper group*. Lagos Radio monitored here said yesterday.
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    • 260 4 Kissinger's top secret papers revealed MILAN. Sun. The new edition of the weekly majtfzine Domenlca Del Corriere shows telephoto pictures of US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger reading classified documents and a hand written note from President Ford during the European Security Council summit meeting In Helsinki. In some
      UPI  -  260 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 308 4 g^*Vs| PsVsPbJQQ^^JPsVHJPßsj^^V^W^'^'V'^M^H I ■WVPHHIMsiHIIIIPMI B^bsb4bl r iMCTRD orchard I I Holiday Inn Building. Scotts Road. Singapore. L Ist 6th September 1975 J fißlßm^gsTTi m ls«^^nniliiL^J^^gat^gSL^T^^B»sfc- KsWH slllllliiW^sßi^gs^aSi sh^Lßsi^b^H Bs^sssJ^^^^^^sllllllliiiVssss^^glß y^gß^sWsT^gßwi^siliiVssssswZl^ •^^sM Wt B sUB sliilllH ***t »s >^'iis*i I A s\l Oil A A V FEATURE S LOADED MUSIC MAKERS
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    • 314 5 Special UN meet on economic issues begins today ITNTTBD NAIIONS. V Bun. A special UN General A.wmMy on economic tunes opening tomorrow will test the ability of Third World and Industrial countries to substitute dialogue for confrontation. The 12-day Ratherinn. will hear from more than 100 foreign ministers and other
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • Briefs
      • 36 5 NAGASAKI, Sun. A 26-ton South Korean fish carrier 'Ten No. 5 Nam-Yong Ho." ran aground and sank In waters off southern Japan last nlnht. but all seven crewmen were rescued safe, the Maritime Safety Agency reported.
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      • 37 5 BUENOS AIRES: Argentine Economy Minister Antonio Caflero left here yesterday for Washington on the first leg •f a world tour to seek loans to bolster his country's sagging economy and try to renegotiate its massive foreign debt.
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      • 30 5 LEIPZIG (East Oermany): The Leipzig Autumn Trade Fair, a traditional shop window for East-West exchanges, opened today with exhibitors from 40 countries selling goods ranging from machinery to consumer Items.
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      • 32 5 MADRID: The Spanish Government has informed Don Juan de Bourbon, the head of the Spanish Royal Family, that he no longer Is barred from Spain, the news agency Europa Press said yesterday.
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      • 31 5 SALISBURY: Five Africans are to serve on an 11 -member commission of Inquiry which will study ways of removing unnecessary and undesirable racial discrimination In Rhodesia, the government announced today. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  31 words
    • 186 5 SEVEN YEARS AHEAD. pARACAB, S«n. V Venezuela will take control of Its huge oil Industry seven /ears ahead of the originally scheduled 1983 deadline. Prseident Carlos Andres Peres signed on Friday a BUI nationalising his country's SI years old, 2.5 million barrel a day oil industry. Formal takeover of the
      AP  -  186 words
    • 297 5 Guyana talks end with hopes dimmed GEORGETOWN, Sunday |JOPES for a brave new deal for the world's developing countries were somewhat dimmed by the three-day conference here of Commonwealth Finance The final conference •ommunlque said that jroposals for narrowing he gap between rich md poor nations, conAlned In a plan
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 52 5 TtX AVIV. Bun. Tht French Health Minister. Madame Simon* Veil, arrived In Israel last night for a four-day official visit. She was greeted by bar Israeli counterpart. Mr Victor Shetn-toy. who trpr— rl the hope that her visit would strengthen relations and cooperation between the two
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 146 5 1.5 mil jobless in Britain warning LONDON. Sun. The Influential and highly regarded National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESRi has forecast that 1.5 million people will be Jobless by the end of 1976 and called for early pump-priming of Britain's economy. Supporting the new counter-inflation moves, the Institute
      UPI  -  146 words
    • 77 5 NKW ORLKANS (Louisiana). Sun. New Orlean* Mayor Mooo Landrleu. president of til* US Conference of Mayors, said Uiu a trip to Chin* by 14 American mayors may be cailed off because of a daput* onr a Puerto Rlcan mayor The Bute Department said earlier in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 318 5 -fc b^b v^kWtkTtmmi^ MAYLEcS Department Store relocated for your convenience at FITZPA TRICK'S Ist Floor Jalan Raja Chulan (Weld Road) t Come to Kaala Lumpur's first SHOP within a SHOP where Your money will BUY MORE and BETTER THINGS. GENERAL DEPARTMENT SPECIALISTS CORNER Bargain Counter BAT A (30i upwards) Trend
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    • 581 5 |J*; HaV(%^" a^B^aWS^B^P^^^^BlS^BTßSk Balm J^aaßaaW Aat 1 'O^ aßaT^aa^aal aa^aT For Finance and Business in Asia take the EBIC connection Eurasbank It's the banking link between Europe and Asia Many of today's growth centres and tomorrow's So if it's a matter of specific banking needs in South are in Southeast
      581 words

  • 326 6 Chong to be chief judge at Swiss karate meet TOP Singapore 1 karateka, Mr. Peter Chong, 34, has been invited to be the chief Judge at the Swiss National Karate Open Championship, In Zurich on Sept. 9. Mr. Chong. Japartraincd chief Instructor of the Singapore Kyokushlnkal Karate -do. has accepted
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  • 108 6 Two varsity management courses THE University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will hold two courses in "Capital Investment Decisions" and "The Management Process" every Tuesday and Thursday from Sept 2. The 12- lecture course on capital Investment will be held at Room 6 of the Chinas* Studies Department from
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  • 27 6 DR Owee An Laog will speak on Man In Search of Sartty at the La* Kong CbUn Kail. Pniang Lane on Sept. 11 at pm.
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  • 165 6 INDUSTRY DEATHS IN FIRST 7 MONTHS rTIHB shipbuilding and X repairing industry In Singapore claimed 11 lives in the first seven months iMs year. Five other workers were Tendered partially or DermanenUy disabled during this period. These were among a total of 584 industrial accidents reported to the Ministry of
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  • 32 6 ADDITIONAL toUet facilities are being planned at tbe paimger terminal building at Singapore airport. Tenders from registered PWD contractor* have been called for. The closing date U Sept. 11.
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  • 165 6 'Trader' turned out to be a thief A FEMALE sales clerk who noticed a "businessman" slipping something into his pocket pulled out his hand and found a $2,000 diamond ring In It. the First Magistrate's Court heard yesterday. Qoh flock Quan alias Andrew Qoh, 44, pleaded guilty to stealing the
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  • 53 6 Trishaw rider found dead on road A TRISHAW rider. Cheng King Cha, 09, was found dead at the Junction of Campbell Lane and dive Street In Berangoon on Saturday. Police investigating the case said Cheng had a bad head wound. A post-mortem win be carried out today to ascertain the
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  • 64 6 SINGAPORE Cancer Society U in vital c application for cancer research (rants for tm. Research may be on any aspect of cancer but preference will be given for work on common cancers In Smga- pore cancer of the lone, stomach, liver, breast, cervix, nasopiiarynx and oesophaffßS.
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  • 276 6 Wider choice' courses at Nantah fIANYANG University will set op more integrated courses to give students a wider oppo r t v n ity to choose their studies. This was disclosed by the deputy chairman of Nanyang University Council, Mr. Qoh TJoel Kok, at the ninth general meeting of members
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  • 92 6 $800 fine for theft at godown A DELIVERY clerk was Jailed for a day and fined $800 on Saturday for stealing a cassette tape recorder from a Port Authority godown. Tan Chin Hock. 23. pleaded guilty to stealing the $130 recorder from Oodown 23, 24 on Friday at 1 pin.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 343 6 MOVING MESSAGES produce results! What does your business front say about your Company, your Products, your Service? Us# Salescaster to reoch more people effectively with your own messoges. You can change, build up and vory your progromme of messoges to any extent you desire. Five brilliant colours for colour change.
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    • 159 6 BiTNsi I Ly c 150airconditK>n«d rooms *vitti Private bath attachad. PABX phon* sv«tem. fully carpeted piped music. 24-hour coffee houst, cocktail lounge. Siechuan rastaurant. Modern conftf ence room and indoor garden. Complimentary news paper. TV and rtfrigerstor available Centralitad tourist location in the Orchard Road Shopping area. Ample car parking
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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    • 106 7 rB Minister for Home Affairs, Mr. Slan Chin (left). In conversation with the Malaysian High Commissioner here. Tuan Mend. Yussof bin Zalnal, at a reception In Shangri-La Hotel to mark Malaysia's ISth National Day last night. Mr. Chua, representing the Singapore Government,
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    • 410 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday J^ CENTRAL clearing house will be set up soon to provide the "infractructure" for Malaysia to become the main commodity market in the world. The Malaysian Rubber Exchange and Licensing Board Is now seeking expert advice from the International Commodities
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    • 72 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Malaysia will remain an Independent nation so ton* aa the people fully appreciate and safeguard the Importance of Independence and aovereignty In the country. The Deputy Minuter of Education, Mr. Chan Btang Sun said a aelf-rellant society la only pnarthle If the young
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    • 22 7 IPOH. Sun. Five youths wanted In connection with a number of houaebreaklngs were arrested by the police on Friday.
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    • 202 7 Boatmen missing after Red ambush found dead |POH, Sun. The two boatmen of a police boat, who were missing after a communist terrorists ambush on Thursday in upper Perak, have been found dead yesterday morning. They were Wan Marnikl bin Wan Hus«eln. 40. and Nik Alias bin Nik Daud. 35.
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    • 79 7 Model is crowned Miss Selangor KUALA LUMPUR, Sun Miss Jennifer Rabel, 18, a model, was crowned Miss SelangorMlss World here last night. Jennifer, who stands sft •In and has a 38-U-371 figure, weighing .1H lb. beat 13 others In the line-up at the Lake Club. She will represent Selangor In
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    • 75 7 Bumis borrow more now KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Bank loans to bumlputras has Increased six tunes between the end of 1971 and end of July this year— from 1117 million or 4 J per cent of total loans to $875 6 million or 112 per cent. This howerei Is (till far
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    • 27 7 TANAH RATA. BUJV— Thieves broke Into a petrol Kiosk belonging to Mr. Mun Kheng Cheong In Brtnchang here last night and took more than U.ioo
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 496 7 A&vertUement HINTS for a lovelier complexion kt it j by a leading skin care consultant All you really need to bring out a wonderful youthful bloom on your skin is the resolution to nurture and protect it every day of your life. Try some of these suggestions and incorporate them
      496 words
    • 281 7 Mo An THE WORLD'S BEST SELLING FINE I [SvVr' CAMERA W*W >^. v .^BBSW^X gtssssw mf^ sssssss(sssW\^ssssss> .^sssssHs^sssssssslW^SSs^^ K^B^Hj,^WIWyW|HPW^WjB .^sbbbbbVlebbW B si ßl^s^ B s|j ß 2 B 2li4 B U^ B^i| BB^BBlfeiw^Sßßßßßsl ■*****88 LbßS^*V>] VOT^PVisbPt^RB B*WbJsPO*BBBbI wS_*^uttgi?B ssa^^sst ssssssW^fssssssl ■r*!n^u!^i^ VMaaT^SSBSsI BBB^HsBBBsf BBSst^ B«sHLbBBBBb| sPripiM^mNßilfiPsffiisrl Asb«w.vsbs^H nffififWs^sssssssssss, Tl Mhjjjj
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 214 7 Straits Times Crossword ACKOSB the Mayor of Caster- £Z?2> L wt^ wi *l o y Consplra'txw' against Brltim In Houamans shade uln Md L.nmt, r P cou n.'rJ^ls'jade^her" Why t. U aLoic miracle n-s- «"f 7 8) Rown! t4 l I to r 18 D«»ctor' taking fluid In 'Alto. Li
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  • 622 8 A COMPREHENSIVE programme, whjch will be systematically implemented, is being planned to ensure that school principals are effective, Mr. Ahmad Mattar, Parliamentary Secretary (Education), said yesterday. Mr. Mattar also disclosed that programmes would be mounted to upgrade the skills, competence and knowledge of those
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  • 316 8 NTUC to set up fund for social objectives rrHE NTUC is to set up a foundation to finance social, welfare and educational programmes. This was announced by Its chairman for Education, Social and Cultural Affairs, Mr. N. Oovlnda*amy. He said the proposed foundation would truly make the labour movement a
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  • 25 8 MISS Soh Ah L*k allM S h Chin Slew alUu Liew Chlat. 27 from Malacca ha* bee.i barred from entering Bing»--pcrt jurmanenUy.
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  • 34 8 LABI AN. San. Tri Airlines, a Singaporebased company, has commenced a new air service linking Labuan directly to Singapore. The airline is using a modified 36-seater Convalr 440 for the ran.
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  • 17 8 MR. Koh Chong Hwa has been appointed Senior Superintendent of Customs and BxcUe from thu month.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 757 8 mbongate Collection m^^L JJ The Orient abounds in folktale; and myths, Th« Moongate Collection H4|^r HT seme dating back thousands of years. Many The Raja's Crown a Singapore folktale m I ■^^^^B B^. W of these tales remain unknown to the rest of The Redhill a Singapore folk tale I
      757 words
    • 56 8 Bradosol promptly relieves sore throats Bradosol lozenges are effective against the majority of germs causing. or associated with throat and mouth infections. Bradosol is an effective antiseptic for use m dental care Bradosol lozenges are pleasantry flavoured Available from all pharmacies and drug stores the^B FAvis car at thel I
      56 words

  • 198 9 SINGAPORE women arc becoming Increasingly conscious of the vital role thcry have to play in the economic and social development of the country, Clk Dah. wife of the Social Affairs Minister, said yesterday. At the opening of the Women's Sports Carnival at Toa Pay
    198 words
  • 276 9 Let more women take up 'men' careers THE Acting Director of the Singapore Science Centre, Dr. R.S. Bhathal, has called (or more opportunities to be open to women in the science and engineering fields. Dr. Bhathal pointed out that It was essential to find ways of Inducing more women to
    276 words
  • 94 9 YOUTHS TOLD: DON'T TAKE CHANCES rE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture). Hajl Sha'ari Tadln. urged students to work hard and not to leare their future to chance. "Much 1< expected of you from your parents," he said. "Although we cannot predict our own future with great accuracy, we should not leave
    94 words
  • 65 9 BURGLARS' 'LOOK-OUT' HELD POLICE yesterday arrested a man. who they believe, was a "look-out" for a group of burglars. Later, the police raided a hideout and recovered three drums stolen from a High Street shop on Friday. The man was seen perched on a drainpipe In High Street at 1
    65 words
  • 82 9 A CHINESE play. Misunderstanding, directed by Hsu Tyrone from Taiwan, will be presented by the People's Association Drama Unit at the Victoria Memorl r I Hall on Sept. 10. The three-act comedy has a local theme and setting. Tickets at Jl and S3 are available
    82 words
  • 428 9 Rapped: The sloppy dollar chasers' ■pHE Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs), Mr. Lee Khoon Choy, hit out at some Singaporeans for being "too money-conscious and sloppy," and blamed them for being responsible for an "unhealthy trend" in national survival. "The habit of sloppiness, if unchecked, will like white ants,
    428 words
  • 48 9 THE Singapore Art* Council will hold an exhibition of Eastern dance* at the Cultural Ontre on Friday at pjn. Dances will be by artistes of Indonesian choreographer Bagong Kwsudlardja. tha National Dane* Company. the Peonies' Association Dance Company and t*»ehcra of toe. Ministry of Education.
    48 words
  • 159 9 Army and air force exercises rE Singapore Armed Force* will conduct military exercises In a number of area* from today to Friday: Urn Ctxi Kang/Cbua Chu KaMaj. a~ro. midnight dally from today to Mdar; Itoaa/bokjatiaj. fc.m. mi/iniytit dally from "*j to Fridayy 4 Hong K»h. 10 ia UO pjn. on
    159 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 219 9 ECONOMY RANGE FROM STEWART&STEVENSON jgf DIESELDRIVE y §»V^ few Now at last, here's a complete range of economical diesel engines for workboats or pleasure craft. /M*^^ Stewart Stevenson Dieseldrive marine engines are available at United Motor Works for all C^T diesel Stem-drives from 1 1 2 to 260 hp.and inboard
      219 words
    • 270 9 ■SlaV at' It Really Works! Joanna Orew are th« slimming axpertt. Many of tha traaimanti which they adopt are exclu«iv« to them in South East Asia Their salons ara ultramodern and contain the vary latest and most up to rtat« equipment. After much research, Joanne Orew has compiled a special
      270 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 198 10 CLUB RAMADA Dancing every night, 15th floor Non-stop music from B.oopm tol.OOam. SAT. and holiday eves till 2.00 am Featuring two bands with singers THECROSSWINDS& THE BENEFACTORS ©NO-CCVER- CHARGE FREE PARKING Minimum charge $6.00 Sat and Holiday Eves:s 8 00 Hotel Royal ramada BM Newton Road Singapore 11 Phone *****1
      198 words
    • 146 10 NOW SHOWINGI'DaiIy At*7.oo 9.30PM Admisuon: Adult*: $2.00 Children: $1.00 ji| VVl^^ COl f)R M CataflfTOaWßjTl OtALOOUI -^J^Bj-rr ->•»»• i Ai) a n< cuuav arm J fj^ j! ORCHARD: Now Showing! Plfisf \»tf Hrn: I.M, 3.45, 131 <Msii "FROM CLOWN PRINCE TO A KNIGHT" Stralta Timaa World Naws A Great Honour
      146 words
    • 86 10 *f**wfr^B» ."fc I* J i ■k^^AjhMMajßfßaaMfl llulu "^B^^BTBBBB^fc BMCt \_JW»jy **a»*a»»*-*aß**r "ft I DKordngiUr -«/^BbbP^^^B INOONESIA 3 NOW SHOWING I Goldan Oty 1 45, 4, 749 30 < Golom, 1.15, 3 30, 7 4 9 30 A Mandarin Oramo Color»cop« with English 4 China** Subtitlai Chin Shiang Lin A Urn
      86 words
    • 277 10 aVaf^'lJ'Cb^ShartcT^lT^^^^^^fflJl^^ Ttheatre e restaurant night club WrgfttjlW I j Staps'R Strips j lIELIuHT \ycF> l^rl «^b¥ ax^^a. l\l aPfIMW ami Jr I *bb 1^ B^tty* tothe \&V%* T'J"\CI r«»»*na RIICV Ci sV vl iy entertain iUuW TJ^Baj^T 9*4? younttely H Qn /Ja^^"-"T» rT"l*a^ W4%A V *"^bW ■bbbW .aaafl r- BB*"^
      277 words
    • 285 10 LIDO-89th DAY!: llam, 2.15, 530 8.45pm Cash Bookings only ADMISSION PRICES CIRCLE S4-00— STALLS J2 50 ISI 30 I HO h7l» P««E-NO MILITA«T CONCBSION-ND Hit HIT OVER 400,000 PEOPLE have seen it- HAVE YOU? bY mJiMbbV r^^Lm I rrevi newman! M Ji FAYI HOIDB. I V>S^. jA OUNAMWMT rwwm AxxMn
      285 words
    • 579 10 Irft>/J1H 4 U| \f I >WCJIBIISJ.TI>W -——-vanvvfffaß IJH. W||r tVH. O*Y 1 4 Ik.-, aaity Mata Tlmat 11am. 2 13, J JO t 43am No Fraa Lut No Holt Pnca No Militory Concaition C.rcla J4-Stall» S2 5O& $1 50 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Poul Ni»mon, Srava McQuaan Th. TOWIRINC IMFUNO Porxjvino
      579 words

  • 212 11  - 6-nation 'conman' held in London PAUL WEE By A MAN. believed to have swindled people in at least six countries, Including Singapore, has been detained by the London police. The man, said to be a 34--year-old Italian, waa described by Singapore police as an international confidence trickster. He Is also
    212 words
  • 21 11 REVEREND Sister Mary Ita Cleere has been appoint' ed Reverend Mother Superior of the Oood Shepherd Nuns in Singapore.
    21 words
  • 188 11 College's finest' effort during the big move SENIOR Minister of State (Kducation), Mr. Chai Cheng YU. said that the hard work and self-disci-pline of the students of Hwa Chong Junior College had pat to shame the selfish and self-centre attitudes of many local youths. Mr. Chal who officially opened the
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  • 66 11 $3 mil grant for junior college THE Government will give a $3 million grant for the construction of the Junior college at Lorong Chuan. The Junior college's fund raising committee has so far raised $3.17 million for this proposed college A new building committee headed by Mr. Ooh TJoel Kok.
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  • 30 11 THE Mobile Blood Bank will be stationed at the Specialists' Shopping Centre (In front of the OCBC) for a donation sfsnkm from 9 a.m. to 4 pm today.
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  • 444 11  - Fostering youths' idealism... IRENE NGOO NEED FOR PROPER PROJECTS By rpHE MP for Telok 1 BJangah, Mr. N. Govindasamy, yesterday stressed the need for proper programmes to harness the creative energies and Idealism of youth so that they may take part effectively In national development. Mr. Oovindasamy added that there
    444 words
  • 558 11  -  ELENA CHONG By youths should be given every encouragement to express their views on rectifying the fault of society, a trade unionist* said yesterday. mm In his paper on youth and the future or Singapore. Mr. V. Jayakody. executive secretary of the Singapore
    558 words
  • 90 11 39 out of 70 pass SIM exam THIRTY-NINE out ot 70 candidates have passed the recent examination in management studies, according to the Singapore Institute of Management. 1 2*? r WIU I cei tnei* diplomas at the SIM annual dinner on Sept X at which the Science and Technology Minuter.
    90 words
  • 45 11 MRS. Ang afun afol has been re-elsctad prwlawit of U* Singapore Trained Nurawr Association. Other ortlelaU are Mrs. Molly Cheng (vice-president). Mrs. Beancr M Nunla (secretary), Mr Harbhajan Singh (assistant secretary), alia* Aw Chor Kuen (treasurer) and airs. Jeanett« Chan (assistant treasurer).
    45 words
  • 26 11 THI second ssMttM chamntntishlos of tha CbnfedaraUon Zoo* of rv»»ni« wIU to heal from today till FrMhy at the angapont Badminton Hall. OuUkaamrd Road.
    26 words
  • 43 11 A CABARET hoaUat was Jailed for three months In the First Magistrate's Court mi Saturday for consuming morpblne at a coffee tUll In Queen Street on July 1 Vm Hoe Heonj, M, who bad a similar previous conviction, pleaded guilty.
    43 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 Genuine Cantonese food at its lest by famous chef CHEONG YUEN caterer for wedding t birthday dinners economical lunch law prices ample parking space CAPITAL RESTAURANT PTE. LTD. 207, Cantonment Reed, Singapore 2 Tel: ***** B^^^p^SS^B»Mß^il^|w^B ll > l»a^B> |i)tiBVA(MIAHH|MMUtMHhjIMiH L^jk^H LZd^H t4HB^PHian^PVPVVfVM|IIP4MBiBiB^B Add colour to any iNN^>^?^l^^ss*jSS^ home and
      132 words
    • 340 11 Everyday to the USA Philippine Airlines(DCiC)crosses With Philippine Airlines you're the Pacific seven times a week to on the wings of a warm, gracious San Francisco. Five times a week bird where you'll find care, concern from Singapore: Monday Wednesday and generosity are part of the Friday Saturday Sunday. With
      340 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 335 12 ANY agreement that furthers the peacemaking process in the Middle East Is valuable, and a second-stage disengagement by the Egyptians and the Israelis in the Sinai Dewrt is, therefore, to be welcomed. But the Sinai is only one front In a many sided area of'confrontation, and a desert
      335 words
    • 267 12 I^EXT Monday (Sept. 8) the Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation will be 21 years old, but it will be an occasion more for a death wake than a comlng-of-age celebration. The call by the Lima conference of unaligned nations last Friday for the dissolution of Seato as
      267 words
  • 456 12 'Dev,' a man on the run for a united Ireland DUBLIN: Eamon De Valera, Irish guerilla firhter, politician and statesman, who died on Friday at the age of 92, was a father fifure of the Irish revolution who dominated his country's politics for half a century. His career spanned SO
    Reuter  -  456 words
    • 177 12 Motorists pay $15 fee but can't get a parking lot I AM surprised that car owners in Toa Payoh tyorth are not entitled to a parking lot even though they pay a monthly fee of $15 each. It does not seem fair that private car parks (with two steel posts
      177 words
    • 92 12 rE stretch of road from the Junction of Jubilee Road/West Coast Road onward Is polluted by dust caused by fast moving trucks carrying earth for the nearby mangrove swamp reclamation project. Flying duct forced residents from both sides of the road and those from a private housing estate nearby to
      92 words
    • 71 12 SINCE Sims Avenue has been changed to a one-way system, the volume of traffic along this stretch of road has Increased considerably. Aa then la a school and a market nearby. ichoo 1-chlldren and other pedestrians take a big risk when they cross the road near the Junction of Lorong
      71 words
  • 1045 12  -  Gerard Corr E TWIRTY years on, x many of tne older generation In Singapore still have a vivid recollection of those uncertain, uneasy days of August and September following the Japanese surrender on Aug. 15. The official surrender documents were signed Just over two weeks later on Sept. 2
    1,045 words
  • 987 12 Twilight years for Seato? J. ROGERS REPORTS FROM BANGKOK f| WANTS TO i npHE victory of pro- communist forces In In d o china has pulled the rug from under Southeast Asia's anWcommunlst alliance, which the majority of members now regard as Irrelevant to regional security needs. The Southeast Asia
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 5 12 Bank $AFELY BankOCBC tOCBC Ov«rMa-CMn«Mß«nMngCorpn.lM.
      5 words
    • 308 12 jfllr Asia's hottest lip singing star! V C C Carmen f h Patena jx Jm* August 25th —September 13th jp Cl| Sultry Filipino Carmen sinys your x)K VL £jl} favourite hits like you never heard m\ S* (S v) them before —in her own sensational X/ y singing style! Dine
      308 words

  • 426 13  -  AHMAD OSMAN By i THE NTUC insurance cooperative Income is to draw up a special Workmen's Compensation policy for trade unions to cover workers against injuries suffered during off-duty hours. This was announced by Income's general manager, Mr. A.T. Shimpi, who said that Income wouia also
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  • 88 13 NOL vessel held up in M-E port THE 5.480 -tonne freighter. Neptune Jade, owned by Singapore's national shipping line. Neptune Orient Lines, is being held up in the Middle East port of Khorramshahr because of harbour congestion there. The vessel, presently chartered to another shipping company on a spot charter
    88 words
  • 317 13 $60m target for 1975 in sights rE NTUC Insurance co-operative Income haa secured 8.814 policies worth $36.1 million during the first eight months of this year. It Is confident of reaching its target for 1975 of $60 million by the end of December. The $60 million target might even be
    317 words
  • 47 13 LT. COL. (kin.) Anne Hendry hti been appointed a member of the Board of Vtalton for the Mount tally OlrU' Hume. To* Psjrori Olrla' Home. Muslim Women i Welfare. Home. Telok Blanfah Olrl Home and Katong OlrU' Home from this month to Jan. 31. ItTT.
    47 words
  • 266 13 SHELTER AND ADVICE FOR ADDICTS IJALFWAY House the new home for drug addicts who want to kick the habit completely through a change of environment, is now open and ready for service. Formerly the Rnmah Miakln police station, It underwent renovation of Its 20 to 30 rooms and Is now
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 Highlights for today Have Malay writers contributed enough for the literary world? Sociologist on the quality of life. Does the older generation oppose mass wedding? Conflict between army and the new regime in Bangladesh pose a threat to peace in the country. Badminton: Stiff compe- tition for Haji Yunus Trophy.
      160 words
    • 279 13 You can't really cure a cold ■lllHslssP^M But you can relieve the symptoms 1 I of cold and flu, which make you Wk I feel so miserable, with Febs cold I tablets. I Each Fab* cold tablet contains a I balanced medicinal formulation to give I fast relief to aches
      279 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1000 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.N PM Opening followed by Valar Pirai (Tamil) 7JS WiM, WM WtrH Of MaHt-Tracks at 1M Diary of Events (Tamil) m 7.31 Ram (■atty) 9 J. 35 General Hospital 1M p^ Ria (Mal y) lIS Pre-tamination programme-Twelfth Night US Littti nmm n tkt Prajria-CMairy (Lnglish-Pt.
      1,000 words

    • 1391 14 AS service lo readers. Business Times publiahes weekly a detailed analysis of selected shares on Ihe Stock Exchange of Singapore. The year's hiajri and low are followed by the week's movement in price, the turnover, the dividend yield and the gross price earnings ratio. 1*74/75 NOTE: Closing
      1,391 words
    • 762 14 rK following U list of quotation! for Ibr r»k up lo Friday. Aug. 21, for coualm nul included in (he <aorkl\ th.r* inilin. Price movement it bated on a companion on the last tale* on Auf 29 againil Aug. 22 at •bown in bracket! INDIsmiAUS 096 OK)
      762 words
    • 147 14 Company meetings The following company meeting* are due: The Sangei Best Nines Ltd.: Sept. 4 noon. Registered Office, 7 Rolls Building;. Fetter Lane, London ■C 4 A. Highlands and Lowland. Para Rubber Co. Ltd.: Sept. 6, noon, at Rubber Producers Council Chamber. Bangunan Oetah Asli, Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur. The
      147 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 150 14 fHB US dollar opened firmer at the start of last w*ek at $2 4745-55 and was strongly supported to reach a peak of »2 4585-95 the next <lay. However, a technical reaction occurred at mid-week and the dollar lost over one cent to remain steady at around the 12.4770-M
        150 words
      • 137 14 *t*HC dollar's underlying strength In International markets came to the for* again last week resulting In gains of the US-unlt against all other major currencies The news of a July foreign trade surplus of lust below US$l billion was first received with some disappointment In reassessing the figures It
        137 words
      • 224 14 VyiTH the persistent surplus of short term Interbank fund*. discount houses continued to experience another easy week resuitlng In little change In rates quoted for money market Instrument*. Commercial bill* were actively traded with rates remaining steady at 3 3/4 ».16% level in the early part of last
        224 words
      • 48 14 rR the week ended S.tturday. Aug. 30. the range of call rates received from Short Deposits (M) Berhad was as follows: BANK FUND: 4} per cent to 7 per cent. GENERAL FINDS per cent to 6 per cent. Movements of funds totalled $298 million
        48 words
      • 216 14 A SIAN currency average deposit* rate* for the week ended Friday Aug. 28 7 days 1 mth 2 mtha 3 mtha 6 mth* 9 mtha 12 mths Hicli Uv a 7 18 5 5 8 8 11 18 6 1/4 7 1 16 6 15/16 7 9/16
        216 words
      • 160 14 DOTH overnight funds and one month term money finned up during last week by H par cent while the two months and three months term money remained steady throughout. The overnight funds and one month term money opened on Monday at 3— 2\ and 3S— JS respectively
        160 words
      • 58 14 ■rt*«r Thursday US* US* Melbourne 1 1J407 IM.M Loodoa IM.OOB ItI.TSB l»0 oO* HIM Balnil I*l.oo ISI.OB Zurich IM.TSB 1«1 7SB I*o MS) 142 SOB Parts ias.4S I*4 so SakK«ar Hoa«»— I*l.oo 152.40 Span <Jl IM.W I*l.ol ltlOJ IM.M Export print IB nea-itaiiui* areai Mi US. ooilara par
        58 words
    • 256 14 N»7W YO6MC FH— The stock market. which scored Its secord best gain on the year yesterday, continued along a firmer path today, but In heavier trading. The Dow Jones Industrials) rot* more than five points to around 895 34. and brought to about 28 points the advance in
      256 words
    • 110 14 ZURICH. prl._The firmer Hew York quotations influenced the stock market here and 1 caused most stock prices to rUe The bond market dosed on a firm note. Ctoains pneta in swiu franc. wltb tbt diß>r»no on to* pr«viouj •aaalon prlc**. P. Cradit auisat rt» ft Bwlsa Bank Corpn. 414
      110 words
    • 91 14 FINANCIAL TIMES DTOUSTBIALS Friday 337.6 Thursday 333.4 Week ago 315 8 TINS Friday 90.00 Thursday •«-7« Week «fo «6.46 Friday 413.M Thursday 413 M Week ago 40&00 OILS Friday 304.34 Thursday 3W.&1 Week ago 393.46 DOW JONE8 AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 835 34 Thursday 838.47 Week ago 804 78 LONDON
      91 words
    • 119 14 Baac Vear: Jan. 4. 1»71 IN W«nV. Aettoo iM f i7 aVE MBd th 443.95 183.17 Banks, Intnrinre, Finance and Trutrci tM.'.l M7.41 +1I.7* l«.li M.M Chemieala, Banker ProducU, Rrfininf 8«eUln« 1JJ.1I M1.U l.M 289.17 113.48 C— ficmttmU HIM 18« 11 US itlM 114.47 CootUaction. BuUdln»
      119 words
    • 101 14 "THE fo4kn»lng Hit of steeks give* the ten aaeat dealt la las* week. It gives like tarnovrr In Irioinnreals at units, closing prices on Friday aaa blgh «nd lew far 1975. tmc D*rfcy 191 ft.M Ll»)r«n Credit 44* II (4 "B 411 $1.1* I.OB.C. 397 ttli II
      101 words
    • 68 14 LOCAL STOCK INDICES SINGAPORE img.ti Intetriab: Z1S.*1 0 Finance: M1J* t Hotrta 1(4.78 Properties: K3.K t Tina: M.U t f Eabben: IltJI t O.CJ.C: 188.58 t 8X.S. Ind.: 1M.M Aag.U Ao» 17 Au» II Au* 29 Z15.M I1S.SS I1S.7S tPM IM.44 IM.K SMJI 3M«» l«44i 1M.U 1S4.J3 1SSJ7 16t.4« Iil47
      68 words
    • 74 14 A/Uf. IS Indmtrtata: 222.75 Finance: M3.13 f Hoick: 1C4.I1 Properties: 1(7.4* t I ins »7.31 t Rubber*: i9t.ll AagM Aof. 27 AlfU Au* 29 nt.47 ttt.4t 2J3.51 JI5.JS J«J.25 SU.I1 3M.H 3K.4Z 164*3 164(3 1(4.(2 KS.I6 1(4.71 1(4.31 164.51 1MJU •141 MM M.14 MJ1 2M.22 2J(31 288.44 298.(5 Dae.
      74 words
    • 66 14 Const Date Total for Total for 9*rm*at payable Ike year pnitim year G.E. Lift 7%f Oct 11 7%t U% "T" <*> Oct. t 11% IM%. K.L. Kcponc 5%f Oct. f%f 3% MaUyawaU I*%TS Oct. IS 1«%TB 7J%TE Tronoh Mine, l»%t Oct. tl l«%f 14J% TO Tmx exempt, (a)
      66 words
    • 483 14 T*RADINO in the angapore produce market remained slow-moving but week for reasons ranging from the wide differences In price Ideas to the changing pattern of the selling Programme at the Indonesian end. Indonesian growers are generally adopung a different attitude of late and from all Indications there appears
      483 words
    • 178 14 TOKYO, Sat.— The market closed with substantial gains following the continued upswing on Wall Street, dealers said. The DJ average gained 28.41 to close at 4.039 88 with a volume of 70 million share*. The New Index closed at *****. up 2.06. Today's cloainc prlcea la yen with the
      178 words
    • 168 14 AMSTERDAM. Prl.— The market advanced virtually across the board with sentiment aided by overnight firmness on Wall Street. Dutch XnternaUcnals, apart from steady Iloogovraa, row led by Akso and Philip*. Oalns elsewhere were featured by Investment fund* me, Ennla, Van Older, Elsevier and Ahold, ahead of Its half-year results.
      168 words
    • 34 14 London copptr prices on Friday (previous in brackets* wirekae Spot buyer (503.50 (I61B.0O). seller 1*04.00 (f«2O 00) Thrat Month buyte (825 00 HS4J.9O) stllar i«2«OO < (643.00) Market smmi Easy Sales: 10.200 tonnes.
      34 words
    • 57 14 SEOUL: South Korea exported goods worth U552,157.3 million during the first six months this year, a drop of four per cent from the same period In 1974, the Com-merce-Industry Ministry reported. It was also only 36 per cent of the export target of $«,000 million set
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 486 14 |>UT for a score or so of speculative stocks which saw active bear covering at the dose, last week's performance at the Stock Exchange of Singapore was far from satisfactory for all concerned investors and speculators, brokers and remisiers. The market as a whole had lapsed into a
      486 words
    • 513 14 rpHERE was a general •I Improvement In share prices last week, as sentiment took a turn for the better on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. After the sharply higher levels set In Friday's strong rally, first and second liners In particular gained significant ground over fairly heavy
      513 words
    • 62 14 Minimum lending rates (in Algemene Bonk 7 Bongkok Bonk 71^ Bonk of America (,i Bonk of China 7'-j Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negara Indormo 7V4 Bonque d> L'lndochine 7 Crtorteretf Bonk 6*4 Chose Monhoffon 7 DBS 6% First Chicogo o y 4 FNCB lu 4 Moloyon Bonking 7 Mitsui
      62 words
    • 477 14 LONDON: Share prices "losed higher last week with the FT Industrial ordinary share index up 11.8 at 327.6. Latest recommendations by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research on UK economic policy and the miners' vote backing the Government's pay policy helped to stimulate demand, dealers
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      • 154 14 LONDON: Tin prices lost fully £13 for cash on Friday morning and £12 for three months in both contracts. Despite the steady East 'he market moved lower under long liquidation prompted by the lack of consumer Interest and the downtrend In other metals. Sales were 380 tonnes.
        154 words
      • 355 14 LONDON: Rubber was quiet on Friday particularly physicals. Clr's officially closed Inactive. Spot was unchanged on balance while nearby top sheets closed 0.25p per kilo lower en balance to unchanged. The terminal closed Irregular at 0.95p to O.lOp per kilo lower on balance. Turnover totalled some 200
        Reuter  -  355 words
      • 73 14 Aeg. Jaly Tin: 51.001.858 Eakbcr: 147 B*7* IM.7SS* t Rubber 149.188 c 139.47 a* ■'perc t M'saa e-eaal* Tin: Am- 25 Ami. 24 $***** $*****4 Aur 27 $*****1 Auc 2t Ami. 29 A $990 00 $***** Aac- $989.( t Tonne: 205 210 180 215 185 225 Rubber (8):
        73 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1374 15 CanrAiNPSiip sawcE ti w/mcthbTjtT: r<t> ""n'ftrl Aatrf t Mil I P KtUaf O'atrk Irta Mart U lENALWI fSMt istft HStti 77 stft a Stft tlstft CAM lAN lAV IStft 11 taat IKt IMt IMt IMt mil lIPMSS IlSaat tlSaat II Xt 11 Mt 11 Mt IMt ■ITAM HAlti M Stft
      1,374 words
    • 1251 15 Ben Ocean A/ant serviced ßen line Blue Fhnnel Gen Line and NSftfO Tl M'CMTININT (1.1 SMI) run P. Mraaj Pi am EtrtM Fll AMASTVS 1 SMt ail A»lt. H'otrf. Irta. DMI.t LlMrfOOl. UHIII 1 4 SMt S IStlt I IStft II Xt La.wat. Hall. Cat*. KHltt. Lntrfoel UmiMIM 1/ 4
      1,251 words
    • 1216 15 Tl lIWI PU IIHH I tan faßMai Maajtri trMM Aatairf AU U rttra P. Ulanf Staa Aaltrit Mvrt r>af MilKl l Stft 1 Seat 71 Seat 71 S aft Mttat 71 Saft CAMIIAN lAV IStft 11 SMt 1 Xl I Mt I Mt 1 Mt TMII EIPIISI IlSaat II Stft
      1,216 words
    • 1135 15 ■■■MBHMM^LMMaMH^^^M| FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SERVICE TO EUKOfE TIYiMi -T^laa! 1 «»MiiiN itatw sJftn DonerdM, tmtortm. irtaarp, leHtvie. iiriAMi l Itat n B M i. i|. -1., i- tvaMAA Nil MUT Mt 1 Ml i iofl ""■■l- ataaMa, SfUUIUJin. •JmT" 5, c sott«**t •<*»»•• StPCINcIB., Oslo. Hffstll.. Lk*it(4 KtaftfML ClaMaf Taat. LCI
      1,135 words
    • 860 15 Smtmn HMUi t. **m O41: LL *****; Pmm| mi. THE BANK LIMB LTD. lUX FN E t S tfltUL TAVIAM iHtar.tir MaaiM. HaaMM. MrMa I Cmiiom) »lanf IV 7 SMt S'aon s Soft MVUNI MtaiM, SmW" ELM A Un'fm) P MUnf 1/ I Mt S pore a Snl ;Kl
      860 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1074 16 M^- *|!aWASAKJILISEN KAISHA LTD. mw4SJ.ll KINKAI KISEN MISHA ITD. lAPAN. HOMC KOMa STUITS S£«lCt Mea N-*eaj 1-fOParo PoaaHJ P kaiaaf A »issu not r Japan Arabian Cull Sarvla. S'lfMOn PM: irnuaik... SSfJSf 1 Japan South Alria* Alrta* ill (If* Ivan f* CaUOMIA HAM 14 IS Saat H Hircaart. IMdn.
      1,074 words
    • 1019 16 accipthm au lines ti acATT tMipaitin roe panuaaa. saaotit IUIWAPAk SAAUaiMA. SaMtmreAM. TaMUN. HAMM. TIMATI. HaM. OrtST IOIAk AM SAOAk HIM PMTt. Fraa ITA (to twtiaahaaLCT lIAITT LinrS Cinaoa I Seal I teal ii'in OlAon Ylaai la Part I loot Hauu PMUUHM II Torokaa I Sift 11 loot
      1,019 words
    • 1059 16 )tu> ONTAmano sowice ti eipipe (via sotr> Spoil r Midi F itoaf mki| fna Aufaerp I'laa oiiikTU ihmitei ataat it saot ii oct n oct is act n act n act kErruni. sAPPttiof t a fct a let nk«i n >» a>« mhm mmi tun nEPTukI IknaAiat 1 1 mn
      1,059 words
    • 929 16 EJtPtESS SEWfICE TB UMrlOfl. HVtlfOtX COWTIfrtMT POTTS P K »n| tulaj oar lIMI Ull la Part 1/ I teal I, I teat o'law 110. l-OOa. Cl'l M b 10. II 3im, I'ian U.lO Hb«f|,o 1 Aatnrp 24 lo aoMA TAAUMt 1/11 Ual M Part 1/ 4 Seat airc.lwi 10.
      929 words
    • 932 16 aa»a»«eßaa»ea»eß»aa»aeaßeaaaa»aaaaa«Baa»»aaa»»»»»»»aaa»M AUSTRALIA SERVICE P. Keiaaf Sintapore laa*w| tar: ■TMAI MAN U/ll Saft IS/11 Soft Sydney Melbourne, (DWT 6871. 19/0) Adelaide. SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE MIT Iff f 7f H Sailed Io Pi Seaomif Cjpetoam, Du;»li. (DWI 70» Built !975) DIMCT FltOM JAPAN FOt DISCHAtGI S.r.|»pore P. Kclartf P»<ti-j UOKSSTAIVI2 l/ISoft
      932 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 618 17 Change of Address as from Ist September, 1975, the office of Koh Brother's Transport Company will be situated at 76-A, Boat Quay, Singapore, 1. Telephone Number: *****. 13 I I STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY ■91 DISCMKIM (tCM Ul ■S^^-^^n^ MCIMC CMJI MIIN PMTS Port Ktlanf P«M"I ttlawn I ?.Y"h"*'
      618 words
    • 6 17 we P Keuni nun n let
      6 words
      384 words
    • 439 17 CHARTERED INDUSTRIES OF SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. "TENDER NOTICE" Tenders are Invited for the purchase of Cupro-nlckel. Brass, Lead and Aluminium Scraps. The scrap can be viewed on 9th September. 1975 between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon. A tender deposit of SSI.OOO Is required to be paid before the tender forms
      439 words
    • 1568 17 Effective T st Sept. f 75 Our Telephone IMo- is *****11 1 5 lines! L ISINSAPORE MATDNAL PRINTERS PTE LTD 303. Upper Serangoon Road. Singapore 13 PQ Box 485 IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF HNGAPOa COMPANIES WINDINC. I I' NO. 3H of 1975. In the Matter of
      1,568 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 571 18 SALES MANAGER If you are interested to work for a well established international company which is first in its field of publishing, you are invited to apply foi this position The successful executive will report directly I to the Southeast Asia Regional Manager and will be m charge of the
      571 words
    • 706 18 Requires A ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (PUBLIC RELATIONS) To be responsible for the promotion of industrial training activities through the production ond publication of news bulletins, reports and other publicity materials and by organising and managing the publicity/ PR activities ond events of the Board. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Candidates should possess an Honours
      706 words
    • 755 18 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL OFFICER. GRADE II (MALE) CIVIL AVIATION DEPARTMENT. SINGAPORE Applications ore invited from citizens or permanent residents of Singapore between 18 27 years of oge who possess the following educational qualifications (a) GCE 'A' Level Passes in 2 subjects and 'O' Level Passes in 2
      755 words
    • 602 18 Institute of Education Singapore Recruitment of Academic Staff Applications are invited for the following lectureship positions Department Discipline 0 School of Psycho-Social Educational Ps; chology Professional Studies Studies b School of Art Education Art Education with Curriculum Studies specialisation in primary school art Cb,nt%eStud\n Chinese Longuoge/L.terature English Studies English Longuoge/Literature
      602 words
    • 403 18 Iffijjf^ PUBLIC UTILITIES 1 V lggF BOARD SENOKO POWER STATION The Public Utilities Board, Singapore, Invites tenders for the construction of the Foundation Piling for the Second Stage Development of Senoko Power Station In the Republic of Singapore. Tender documents for the above are available now and tender will close
      403 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 632 19 classified ads H IF YOU KNOW something about watches which are counterfeited Just let us know You can get a good reward for any valuable Information Write to P O Box 3248. Singapore Look up TOURS (61) OR AIR TRAVEL (62) in the CLASSIFIED ADS CHANGE Of BUSINESS NAME Pteaee
      632 words
    • 756 19 DOCTOR NEEDEO tv do part-lime ur full-time work in Johor Baru -r*l Ifaix A ***** TRAINING AND MEMBERSHIP *>f Institute of Supervisory Management (UK) leads to better paid Jobs Tel B I M *****6 Air details e"*ae^r^**aasr**ssi CloaTiaaal APPLICANTS replying to Box numbers for Vacancies are requested not to enclose
      756 words
    • 752 19 RECEPTIONIST CUM SALES COORDINATOR R*aulr«d by eetebttehed *rm. QysWSlcsllsws Senior Cambridge, typing 40 w p m. Knowledge In Accounting and shorthand advantage Apply In writing with enclosed photograph (non-returnable) to S.T. Boi AMMO* giving Ml parHcuteTS Ol fiartSMMTsl BsfWj atAaß^MsSss^eMMa. ESTABUSHED TOURIST SHOP requires salesgirls/ salesmen with experience and Initiative
      752 words
    • 649 19 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY needs Chinese Salesgirls Salary $200 Call personally at 129 Rose Oarden or lelephdfte *****5 FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVES required Attractive commission plus allowance Apply personally with photo at 5-L. Jalan Senang off Changl Road. Singapore 14. LEAD! NO PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY requires EXPERIENCED MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES calling on doctors and dispensaries
      649 words
    • 782 19 REOUIREO DELIVERY CUM van driver, age 30 plus Contact Goldhill Enterpriser Co 134. Onan Road. Spore 15 Tel *****8/ *****0 MALAYA COFFEE HOUSE requires female waitresses Apply personally 27. Stamford Road. Phone *****6 KEPPEL SHIPYARD LIMITED VAC AN C V Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates for the following
      782 words
    • 504 19 CONSTRUCTION FIRM requires 1 Experienced 977K Tractor Driver Applicants must have minimum 3 years experience In field york King *****82 for details g*?2 KODAK (SINGAPORE) PTE LIMITEO has s vcency ter a HELPER VAN DRIVER QUALIFICATIONS: Male Singapore Cltlsen Completed Full-Ttme National Service Valid Class 111 driving licence Completed Secondary
      504 words
    • 707 19 YUMIN OREENPANK AVENvt DISTRICT 11 AVENUE DISTRICT 1 1 Double storey detached. 3 badrooms and study $1,500 unfurnished. PHOENIX HEIGHTS ESTATE DISTRICT 23 Brand new 2-s'orey detached. 3 bedrooms and study. $1,400 unfurnished YUMIN HOUSING AGENCY •X3S4. *****. 71*0* IDEAL LIVING from HAPPY HOMES PTE. LTD. For the family that
      707 words
    • 711 19 FOR THE BEST Chestnut Crescent, Chlltern Drive, Thomson HIUs. Chartsworth Road, Nicol Drive. Sunset Height. Sweltenham Road. Faber Drive. Woollerton Park. Orange Height, Futura. Orchard Towers $500 $3,500 Tel *****70. *****83 FOR 'RENT/ SALE. Dlst 17 detached bjngalaw newly completed facing sea Land area about 23 000 sq ft built-in
      711 words
    • 777 19 DIST. 9 BEHIND Fitipa trick s Supermarket corner terrace. 3 bedrooms/ servant's amenities, unfurnished 81.000 Contact Victor Chla 4 Partners. ***** DIST. 11 DETACHED BUNGALOW (central alrcon $3,700 Hlllcrest $2,000 Watten Estate $1,600. Dlsl 5 Faber Hills large semi -detached $1,000 $1,300 Dlst 17 Changl (central alrcon $1,500 -*****2 WATTEN
      777 words
    • 785 19 CHANCERY LANE I IST. 11 3-bed-roomed flat 3 nil 'ondllloners 2 bathrooms, living cum dining $1,150 servarts amenities Contact *****3 3-BEDROOMSD F.AT Charlton Park si ms Upj»r Serangoon Road Spore 19. $400 p m Tel *****8 KIMSIA COURT 3 t*droomed luxuriously unfurni tiled flat Contact *****5. 8 30 a m
      785 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 970 20 m$ a»*»*ae»*J*l SELETAR HILLS renovated single storey semi-detached' corner terrace. 4.000 6.300 sq ft 3 bedrooms 595.000 $100,000 Call *****29/ *****46' *****64 DIST. 10 HEHRV PARK storey Intermediate terrace. 2400 sq It I bedrooms, servant's split-level. fully furnished $150,000 Tel *****8 *****2 Andrew Leong Housing Aiieni v CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW i
      970 words
    • 776 20 JTC 3-ROOMEO $2 1. 000 Oeylang $68 POO $85 000 JooChtat $96.IXXi Hong Leong (iarden $135,000 Nrss Continent *****6' *****2 BALMORAL POINT APARTMENT fur quick sale with tenant $2S)000 ono Ooh *****1 LUXURY APARTMENTS (2) required at OotaTl (iolden Mile' Kur-i Hing Court. I.conic Towers .milar r hasers private deal
      776 words
    • 629 20 APPROXIMATELY SOM 10.000 -q fl modern warehouse spare, with good handling facilities at very reasonable rental Available immediately In the city but Just ..utMdf CHI) Tel *****65/ 2.51L5177 a PEARLS CENTRE THE NEWEST AND THE MOST. UP-TO-DATE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT^,, -Jiw\ OUTRAM REALTY (PTE) LTD Pearls Centre Eu Tong Sen Street
      629 words
    • 812 20 ATC HOLIDAYS 1 One Way To XL $20 Ipoh $26 Hutterworth $30. Alo'r Star It Haadyai $40 on every Tue. Thur. Sat. 2 Malaysia Cup 3f/8 $35 3 5 Days Pulau Tioman from 13/9 $***** 2 Days Pulau Tloman 5/9 $55 00 4 7 Days East Coast from 31/8 $170
      812 words
    • 814 20 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. c Highlands i by Deluxe airconditioned bus seven days SSI7S/-. Departure Every Sunday Monday Cameron Highlands Four days s*BS Oentlng Highlands four days BSIIV-. Departure Every Wednesday Oentlng Highlands Two days by air BSI3O/-. Departure Kveryday (Sole Agent
      814 words
    • 732 20 AIRMASTER TRAVEL SPECIAL Fares London, Europe. Canada. USA Australia. Indonesia. Hongkong. Tokyo 3* Dhoby Ohaut Near Cathay Tel 39">20. ***** WORLD CHARTERS CENTRE flffl 201, 2ltQ HO#*T, Inw" H#MB# Coßyor Ouey Spore 1. Tel: NMI/ItITH Offers Low Fare* To London Ameterdem Pens Brueeets Frankfurt Roma Geneva Copenhagen Oat* Also Special
      732 words
    • 596 20 Cwncli|:l/7/l/l/Wl» I. H'ml'imlml 1. Tumi His, IUoIWt, Oa«T «HlylH V«nd»». S.OO G*j«oi*aafn4a*4 a nc«w# ISfcarttatfTkaarv *.*>iraii««paa< «.Hi»t>w «m >. easts* a.Cu noilinai* WMoimiium 1. Co—iwyiiMaiioii 2. SaainaM tnnn Sacrtuxal Owns lOtaOttwmtii EeaVMWM T,»e..w«a i" hmraMx *> K3A AS. ACA lAS. ICCI Itowwi Ovura. <WMf tx UaMmi CAM 1 Mutotme. 4
      596 words
    • 814 20 EXPERT LONDON TUITION by air Law (LL.B.. Bar). Secretaryship (CIS). Accountancy (ACCA. ICMA. AIA. sec A lAA. lAS.). Banking (Inst. of Bankers). Inst Credit Mgment. Inst Marketing. Inst Works Managers. Inst of Transport Commerce (L C C Inst. Commerce. British Society Commerce). OCE. MCE Associated Examining Board, Qualifying Test). The
      814 words
    • 787 20 NEW CHINESE PHONETIC Script by Dr Lai Kuen Yee This book Is considered an invaluable addition to the East Asian History of Science Library. Cambridge liHwrMty Be your own tutor In Mandarin, so that you can pass your examination easily, especially English stream students from Sec -I onwards It Is
      787 words
    • 641 20 MATHEMATICS. ENGLISH. SCIENCE Tuition! Typewriting. Hinik keeping. Shorthand Classes' National School. 433-A. Oejrlans Road Lorong 23). 8.1 B I 375- A. Upper Aljumed Tel *****3. SBl9Ol. REVISION COURSES, Physical Science. Biology wfth practlcals. Mathematics. English. Primary 6 (t C I- O" Examination. Upper Serangoon (*****1) PIONEER DRIVING SCHOOL. Trl *****1
      641 words

  • 238 21 CONTRIBUTIONS to the Central Provident Fund last year, which totalled $686.7 million, made a "landmark in the history of the fund," according to the annual report for 1974 of the CPF Board published yesterday. They exceeded the 1973 contributions by $212 million and
    238 words
  • 242 21 S'pore Sports Council in the red rE Singapore SporU Council finished 1U financial half year ended March 31, 15 74, In the red, with payments exceeding recelpU by *****Z1. A statement of Its general account for the period, published yesterday, shoved that this deficit is absoroed by an earlier rand
    242 words
  • 108 21 Training up leaders for tomorrow rpHE Pioneer Industries 1 Employees' Union and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation will conduct a course on the Challenges Ahead for Leaders of Tomorrow from today to Sept. 13. This course for branch leaden of the PHX7 and 800, will be conducted at the National
    108 words
  • 27 21 MR. Huan Tm Hong haa been made a member of the Council of the Ip;tltut« of Education from Ajg thla rear to March 11, 1976
    27 words
  • 182 21 A STRING quartet comprising four youni 8 1 ng a pore musicians K&ve a reasonably satis factory account of them■elves at a full concert lr the Music for Everyoru series at the Conferenci Hall last evening. Members of the qusrtei were the leader Char
    182 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 756 21 1174 FORO CORTINA 1600 Estate, with radio, rotary motor alrcond Immaculate condition 513.000 on o* 1970 Ford Escort Super immaculate i-ondltlon 44.--500 o n o Phone *****24' *****27 Mr Chua JANUARY 1»73 DATSUN 200 L with alrcond cartridge. nM tyrea. .Selling for 57 900 negotiable Contact *****0 ext 8 Mr
      756 words
    • 644 21 *XC APPROVED Pedigreed Dobermann Puppies for sale Parents winner of Best Locally Bred daises In shows Contact tel: *****5 MAGGIE'S IMPERIAL BEAUTY shop offers up-to-date halrstyllng. colour, perming manicure L pedicure, facials with Estee Lauder. waxing, sauna L body massage Tel *****6 ext 118 L 122 QUINS SALON (Ladtea Matr
      644 words
    • 618 21 ILETNOOEX TV. SIRVICINO repairs any make of television. Day Night Service Phorw *****5/ ***** M SIMBRO DAY/ Night Service Any mmke TV/ Fixing colour antennae Moderate charges Contact lUW, FIOCHAL TV DAY/ Night Service All brands Repair guaranteed Moderate charges Tel *****59/ *****6 Spore C ALLINOI CALLIMO CAU.HMI CALLING ALL
      618 words
    • 96 21 A.E.G. TURNAMAT D Automatic washing machine Price $180. One full sue table tennis table $!60 Interested ring *****8 HEAVY EQUIPMENT POM SALE Caterpillar 97TL. 9SSL. D9O. DBH. D7F. D6C, D 5. Caterpillar 988. 960 (66C, 950. 920 P 4 H 435TC. 320TC. 105TC. 55TC. 335A5. 330. 320HLH. 320 H. H350
      96 words
    • 116 21 NEW 400 AMP. Lincoln Diesel welding machines for export. Chan It Urn Ltd *****8/ *****5 FOR BALI Twin Cage* Ahmet passenger/ material* hoM to a height <X about 4sr MtW'WtoO DssVtlßM ptsMS# OOMtsKt Mr Tan or Ch*ong lei: 11(1188/ 2MSS4I far InepecMen. SIS BEARINGS (S) P> Ltd 432 Serangoon Road.
      116 words
    • 875 21 xp€^ en c day a^ -*ss!S MALAY AWATA STEEL BERHAD NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fifteenth Annual General Meeting of Malavawata Steel Berhad will be held at the Registered Office In Kuala Lumpur. Wllayah Persekutuaji, on Tuesday, 30th September, 1975, at 11.00 a.m. for
      875 words
    • 567 21 PAWNBROKERS ICT 81-1»7I Unredeemed pledged good* and jewellery from the .following pawnshops in .Vrak NFOtRI PFJtAK 1 Went Pook 117. Hugh Low Street. Ipoh 3. Ban Loons: S3. Market Street, Ipoh 3 Yick Woh 16. Hugh Low «rr-t. Ipoh 4 Koong Sing. 7 Jalan Pantal. Kuala Kangsar 6. Koong Thye
      567 words

    • 371 22 Chelsea fans attack Luton players TONDON, Sun. Chelsea, challenging for the Second Division lead after their mid-week win over Oxford United, lost their place among the top teams after a troubled match at Luton yesterday. The young Chelsea side went down by 3-0, after several, of their supporters had invaded
      371 words
    • 325 22 Balding Noble is best scorer hla perfa mance yesterday showed he Is M sharp as ever. DenU Tueart had two penaJtle* In Manchester City* win. the other two goal* coming from Joe Royle. once considered England's most dangerous centre-forward. One of only three First Division games that produced one goal
      325 words
    • 1011 22 HKM DIVIHION Aston Villa 1 Coventry 0. Burnley 4 MlddKioroufh 1. Everton 2 Derby 0. Ipswich 4 Birmingham 2. Leicester 1 Liverpool I. Manchester City 4 Newcutle 0. Queen's Park Ranters 1 West Ham I. ShefMeld United 0 Leeds 2. Stoke 0 Manchester United 1. Tottenham Houpur 2
      1,011 words
    • 172 22 Zamora knocks out Thai rival T OS ANGELES, Sea. World banUaweifbt champion Alfonso Zamora, of Mf»ka easily retained bis World Boxing *asatlsttan UUr here sast nigtjt by baatniag Thailand's ThsnomJlt SosJwthal to the floor in the fourth mini of a lirovnd title boat. Referee Dick Young went In with arssa
      172 words
    • 197 22 f ONDON. Sun. Gordon Ore c n 1 dge, Hampshire's West Indian Test batanan, set a record of 13 sixes In an Innings In County championship cricket yesterday, leading his side to 501-5 declared against Sussex at Southampton. In addition to his stxea. Oreenldge hit 24
      197 words
    • 484 22 ONDON, Sun. England were finishing the Test series yesterday as they began It battered and bemused by the Australian pace bowlers. Skipper Tony Grelg t cricketers crashed on the third day of the Fourth and Final cricket Test ma'xrh at The Oval,
      484 words
    • 98 22 AUSTRALIA Ist Inns 532-9 dec (R.B. McCosker 137. I la Chappell 193. X.D Walters M) ENGLAND Ist Inns (overnight 19-0) Wood b Walker 33 Kdrirh Ibw Walker II Steeie b LUlee 39 Koope c Turner b Walker Wootmer c Malle'.t b Thomsons 6 Greig c Marsh b LlUee 17
      98 words
    • 22 22 NEW YORK. Bun.. Chris Evert w&s elected president of the Women's Tennis Association (WCT) yesterday succeeding Blllle Jean King. AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 577 24 Chris Evert, Virginia Wade outplay their Russian rivals FOREST HILLS. New York, Sunday rpOP-SEEDED Chris •I Evert and secondsee de d Vlrglnlß Wade, of Britain, easily gained the third round of the women's singles in the U.B. Open tennis championships at Forest Hlla yesterday. Mm Evert required only 45 mlnuteg
      AP  -  577 words
    • 134 24 Koreans make 8-gold sweep SEOUL. Sun South Korea won all the eight gold medals at the Second World Taekwondo Championships here today. Mexico, West Oermany and Taiwan finished with two silver medals each, and Australia and Guam won one apiece. Taiwan won four bronse nn><lala. and Australia and the Ivory
      134 words
    • 1946 24  -  EPSOM JEEP By JPOH, Sun.— South Pacific II (R. Rajoo) upset a heavy betting plunge on stablemate Mabrouk in die Class 1 Div. 3 6f race here today, leading practically all the way to pay a thumping win dividend of $194. The 6f
      1,946 words
    • 46 24 TOTAL POOL: S»M* 1st No. 335W ($2443) 2nd No. S7491 <S1.171) 3rd No. ***** ($585) STARTERS ($59 each): Nob. ***** ***** 30*23 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 3*390 *****. CONSOLATION ($46 each): Nos. ***** ***** ***** ***** 3*523 ***** 340*7 3037* ***** *****.
      46 words
      • 915 24 JOCKEYS D. Kwong (Public Defender) and George Podmore (Kemosabe). the riders In Race 4 yesterday, were severely reprimanded and warned by the stewards to keep their mounts straight. In the final 50 metres. Par East II (C.H. Tan) was forced to ease when Public Defender (D. Kwong) shifted
        915 words
      • 771 24 RACE 1: Indian Qaest (Velayutham) and Daylight ■sprees (Rahman) were slow to move. Daylight Eipiess began awkwardly, failed to stretch and tailed the field throughout. loan Lovingly (B.K. Ho) raced greenly throughout and was Inclined to hang In over the final 2f. In the final furlong MmUatoj Boad (M.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 647 22 r^^BSBBBBSai f^^^ "We're not all bad girls just because HBk, we're social escorts..." J^^r "What kind of girls are escorts, then? "^i |^fc IB Social escorts speak out-so do their clients, i' j and the men who manage the agencies. al B 3S BBBBBBBnBnBM B^ta^B snBBBBaT W IS W 4
      647 words
    • 91 22 Hbi S SS S wSrrll** H LSJl rr rr sni sm« ia» fjß» Manar i c H asai gani »*Bs»r srs-rrrrr-H bbbs is* uvsare-rrr H* fjsj am* BBS nsannr f r t r r ■lßßjHitßja9BTrrrrrrr ß ■^MMaßjaaaurrrrrrrtH 888 l fBBB fSBB ISBBBT f sbbb Bssaosr »"rr M I IK Z
      91 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 536 23 TENTERA LAUT DIRAJA MALAYSIA PEMILIHAN UNTUK LATIHAN APPERENTIB JURUTEKNIK DI SEBERANG LAUT AM 1. Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia memerlukan calun-calun yang berkelayakan untuk dlhantar ke Seberang Laut berlatlh sebagal JURUTEKNIK: a. Australia Engine Room dan Shipwright b. England Radio dan Weapon Electrical TANGGA GAJI DAN ELAUN 2. a. Rekerut 70.00
      536 words
    • 1116 23 A manufacturing company in Petallng Jaya invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians above the age of 25 years for the executive position of INVENTORY CONTROLLER. Responsibilities Include planning and physical control of inventories in addition to supervising stores employees, expediting materials, etc. The successful candidate should have M.C.E.
      1,116 words
    • 253 23 SEACORP SOUTH EAST ASIA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BERHAD HALF-YEARLY REPORT TO STOCKHOLDERS COVERING ACCOUNTS TO 31ST JULY 1975 Your Directors are pleased to announce the unaudited results of the operations of the Company and of the Oroup for the half-year ended July 31, 1075 as follows:— 31.7.75 11.7.74 Co— pny Group
      253 words
      123 words
    • 629 23 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KOTA BHARI COMPANIES WINDING-IP NO. 2 OF ItTS In (I.c Matter of Mohamed Jaffar A Co. Ltd.. J»6* B, Jalan Dmlo. Pali. KoU Bharu. KrUnUn AND In the Matter of the Companie* Art, IMS. ADVERTISEMENT OT PETITION NOTICE Is hereby giver that a
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 194 24 I Introducing IN «^p^p^Hft c versatl e money-maker I M Mercedes-Benz 911 I It carries prestige that indefinable "something". It's 111 f^^M *B|P| versatile -it can be a luxurious tourist coach, a school 8' S^^^ "1-^S bus can be used for factor V or airport feeder services. \m m m^^-S^BbMHs^HbHHB
      194 words

  • 1051 25  - STICKY END FOR SINGAPORE IN THE FINAL JOE DOR AI By POH LEONG, ERIC PAINE WEEP OVER FAILURE RUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Singapore lost this year's Malaysia Cup Final by 1-0 to Selangor in the atrocious mud of Merdeka Stadium, before a crowd of 30,000 here tonight. And as the final
    1,051 words
  • 199 25 Holiday in PI for winners KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The delangor team will be rewarded with a holiday to the Philippines for wlnn'ng the Malaysia CudSelangor FA President and team manager Dato Harun idrls told the team this when he congratulated the Jubilant players after captain Son Chin Aun had received
    199 words
  • 179 25 TIAN Keok Hung enhanced his claims for a A berth In Singapore's Seap Games team when he won the Pesta Sukan 180-kilometre road cycling race at Sembawang yesterday. Keok Hung beat Richard Tann In a thrllllne fln'sh. winning by only a cycle length. He
    179 words
  • 35 25 HONOKONO. Sun. Thailand and New Zealand advanced to Tuesday's final of the first Asian Women's soccer championship. Thailand defeated Malaysia 1-0 and New Zealand edged Australia 3-1 in today's semifinals. AP
    AP  -  35 words
  • 33 25 AMSTERDAM. Sun.— Britain's Ron mil won the Marathon here yesterday in two hours 15 minutes 69.1 seconds Second was his fellow countryman Sandy Keith and third Brompton Norman of Australia. neuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 36 25 SOFIA, Sun. The Bulgarian national 4 x 600 metres women's relay squad set a new world record of eight minutes 06.2 seconds at an athletics meeting in the VaMI Levafcl Stadium here yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 56 25 Ooteborg. Sweden, Sun. John Walker. New Zealand's Mile King failed by only «v tenth of a second In an attempt to beat the 2.000 metres world record bore yesterday. Runnlr.g after the first day of the Sweden lemu Csechoilovakla track International, the 23-year old New
    56 words
  • 33 25 HDDIE Ooh rolled a total of 3943 plnfalli to win the Jurong PmmJly Bowl 20--games single* tournament last night Second was PrancU Tan (3761) followed by Robert Ong (3665).
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  • 183 25 NATIONAL champion Tan Cheng Ouan cruised to a 3-0 victory In the first round of the Festa Sukan men's Open squash championships at the Tanglln Club courts yesterday, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. The hard hitting Cheng Ouan proved too formidable for his rival Teoh Hoon Cheow and
    183 words
  • 55 25 HIROSHIMA, Sun.—'Taiwan s Lv Liang-Kuan won the 20 million yen (*****.--6W) fourth Hiroshima Open golf tournament champtonshlp here today after a twohole play-off nune with two Japanese Kosaku Srumada and Toru Nakamura, Lu. the first, second and third rounds leader, shot an even-par 72 today for
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 29 25 THE touring Maharajah Organisation limited from Sri Lanka will hold a coaching clinic for Singapore youths and schoolboys at the Singapore Recreation, Club at 3.00 pm. tomorrow.
    29 words
  • 311 25 KUALA LUMPUR, Son. Helen Chin Chen of Singapore upset first seeded Glynne Wong of Malaysia 9-4, 3-9. 19-9. 9-9 In the final and won the women's title of the ant Malaysian Open Squash Championships today. Miss Chen needed St minutes for her victory after beating Anita
    311 words
  • 331 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA By SINGAPORE gave a dismal batting display and crashed to a 127-run defeat against the visiting Maharajah cricket team from Sri Lanka In their two-day match on the padang yesterday. Final scores Maharajah 229-5 (dec) and 137-4 (dec) Singapore 155 and 84.
    331 words
  • 270 25 MAHARAJAH Ist Inni ZM-Sdec,. SINGAPORE Ist tans: us Young c Benedict b Pert* 10 A. MokbUr st Hamer b Burke 3S Chstvarajafc c Mendls b Netoon 0 Ishvarlal c Rajapaks* b Burke 3 ■iaJatrHanan c Peril b Burke IS A. Fate! c Bllva b Nelion 30 lauma HamM b
    270 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
      4 words
    • 119 25 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to BANQUE DE L'INDOCHINE on the occasion of their removal to the new office at Shenton House from TJIAT SENG EXIM. (1970) PTE. LTD. TJIAT HUAT LUMBER CO. PTE. LTD. KIAN NIN HAN6 PTE. LTD. INDUS COMMERCE CORPN. CO. PTE. LTD. Heartiest Congratulations Best Wishes TO
      119 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 36 25 BASKETBALL: PesU Sukan c'shlps lOay World) FENCING: Confederation Zone Confederation or Oceania c'sttlps (SBA). 8QIA8H PMi Stlkan Open c'shlps (Men's Ist rd. Tanglln Club 430 U> 11.1* pm Women's Ist rd, SXCC. 5 lo 9 pm.).
      36 words

  • 45 26 TOO SLOW— AND 4 DIED HANNOVER (West Germany). Son. A railroad level crossing attendant's failure to lower the barriers In time caused the death of four people, killed when an electric locomotive careered at fall speed into their car. Hannover railroad authorities said today. AT.
    45 words
  • 209 26 Holiday kidnap: Tourist official. 5 others detained TtfANILA. Sun.— The A Constabulary has detained six people, Including a Muslim tourism official, In connection with the kidnapping (or ransom of 30-year-old Japanese Mrs. Yoko Sekl In the southern Phil i p p 1 nes last Monday, the military said In published
    AP  -  209 words
  • 77 26 Feathered his own nest POCATKLLO (Idaho). •Un- Cbartte Ttop aky. *Hre«i-o|d ChJppa^ra-Cwe ZndUn. has been convicted on flve count* of lUenlly "Uinf «*«V» featraßr* Hli soowa* sentenced on Wedne«l*y to 30 day* Jail oo a dmllar oonvtetton. Top Sky. who has rcaldeoces at the Ptort Rail Indian ReaarvaUon In aouth•astera
    AP  -  77 words
  • 43 26 CNTIID NATIONS. Bun Ambassador lioulaye B Haven of Mauritania begins a month's term ai president Of the UN Security Council today lucceedlnf Ambassador Shixuo Salto of Japan m alphabetical rotation of the presidency among the Ik countries on the Council. AP.
    AP  -  43 words
  • 46 26 «lf« of Oms* Wood sad mouxr o* Kirn mmt K&no. S Caabam* lUtt4 Ptaawl «wmjr JOU. Altfuat, fUaaral aenrlc* at it. Owim Ckurefc Tuwlla Tloaa to b* aJTtod TnuSii' Sad. Mas SSSSU. pnv&t* rn—tton, no Iwin by mini ttmllmm t» StasMam C^ ii ear Pal
    46 words
  • 541 26 Timor: Lisbon envoy to meet Whitlam SYDNEY, Sun PORTUGUESE special envoy Antonio Almeida Santos arrived in Australia today for talks with Prime Minister Gough Whit lam during which he is expected to seek help in restoring peace in Portuguese Timor. Dr. Bantos landed in Sydney and was expected to fly
    Reuter  -  541 words
  • 125 26 SWEET NEWS FOR ALL THOSE FATTIES fIUILDFOBD (EngKM land). San. The lives of sllmmers may soon be sweetened by a West African berry which is S.H* times as sweet as sugar but without the calories. Scientists are trying to Ball down what it Is about the fruit, call ed the
    125 words
  • 133 26 'Suicide squad holding Israelis hostage' rkAMASCI'S. San. U The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed today a suicide unit of its commandos seised a number of hostages In an Israeli settlement In Upper Galilee last night and still held them after 11 hours of fighting. A statement
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 81 26 B^^LjJafaisafc .^^tsV^^^B i i f^r, E^R? r*^l DIAMONDS RUBIES SAPPHIRES EMERALDS SET N GOLD I 7 Strikingly beautiful designs I 1 Offered at I I HrV PrirPQ mm nii/Co jM r m for a limited period only Ist -13th Sept. r£ 15th -27th Sept. I 12 bat Towers Gi) G7.
      81 words
    • 486 26 SUPER 90 PROTEIN ja> YOU NEEO ffIOTEIN ntry my bactim ..i^^ it cannot b* ito««d in tt» body tw hiturt int You mutt promdt you' body m\\h •noufti protfin «tfy an or r«t "piottm tr*- ft >v n n JB build ttrmftti. nsrmru tod powtf tor worn, tircm wok md
      486 words