The Straits Times, 27 August 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 112 1 SuhartoLee talks next week in Bali JAKARTA, Taea. President Suharto and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will meet In Ball next week, the Armed Forces newspaper Angkatan Bersenjata reported today. The paper quoted the Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. Rukmlto Hendranlngrat. as saying that the leaders woulc" meet on Sept. 3
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  • 399 1 pRIME Minister Gough Whitlam said here today that Portugal could not abdicate its responsibility for 1 restoring order in its colony of Timor. Help frcm the United Nations would not completely solve the problem and Portugal must actively Intervene to end the Killing. Mr. Whitlam
    Reuter  -  399 words
  • 53 1 LAS VEOAB. Tues. The world'! largest cambllnf Dot machine payoff U*****.M3 (8$380.000) wu made here on Sunday at the MOM Grand Hotel. A 25-year-old Lv Vega* man pat In three dollars to win the Jackpot, which had been building up In the machine since the hotel opened In
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 67 1 DODINOTON PARK (Enjiand), Tues. A re-enact-ment of the 1648 "Siege of Bristol" this weekend left 30 participants wounded. Including one man In hojpita: with conclusion, organisers aald here today. Some 1.500 people, equipped nth 3.5 metre 133 ft > pikes. lummen. tongs and replica muaketi.
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 42 1 NCW YORK. Tues. Dow Joom averages, baaed un tint hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: SO Indus 800.76. down Tit: 30 tnnap 154 03. down 0.31; IS utlU 7730. down 003. 65 stocks M4.U. down 0M DPI.
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  • 30 1 AMSTERDAM. Tue». A US Air Force bomber ahot down In World War Two has been discovered In an undisclosed Dutch area, the Royal Dutch Air Poree said yesterday—AP.
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  • 34 1 BINOAPORK has been dedtfad chotera-tnrtcted area. It tv announced yeaUrdajr. This followi U» confirmation of nve ttm thto year. Urn latest being a M-jrear-old lorry driver who contacted the man ii on Aug.
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  • 542 1 HUNT FOR MONUMENT BOMBERS Terrorists strike in XL's Lake Gardens KUALA LUMPUR, Tues TV MALAYSIA tonight flashed a picture of one of four people believed to be responsible for the bombing of Malaysia's National Monument in the Lake Gardens this morning as police stepped up their hunt for the bombers.
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  • 103 1 BANOKOK, Tue«. King Bhumlbol Abdulyadej, In an effort to help million* of landteaa farmers, has donated hit 10,000 acres of farmland to three central provinces to the Government for use In land reform. Prime Minister Kukrtt Pramo] announced today. Mr. Kukrtt aald the King wanted
    AP  -  103 words
  • 174 1 Bank boosts backing for the yen TOKYO. Tue*day rpHE Bank of Japan today increased Its supx port of the yen, selling nearly US$2OO million (Sssoo million) to maintain It at 298 00 per one US dollar, foreign exchange dealers said. i The bank sold about US$lOO million at the same
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 627 1  - Toon Boon: Judgment reserved T. F. HWANG By JUDGMENT was reserved yesterday in the Wee Toon Boon corruption trial at the end of a 39-day hearing before the Senior District Judge, Mr. T.S. Sinnathuray The judge said he would give his Judgment one afternoon on a date to be fixed.
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  • 48 1 dip Final Special GET a 12-page Malaysia Cap Final Special with you NEW NATION today. This exciting souvenir Issue brings you a host of action-packed stories and pictures and a two-page eo'onr picture of the Singapore stars who will be doing battle at the Merdeka Stadium this Sunday
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    • 64 1 JEKL SALEM. Tves. —US Secretary of SUU Or. Henry Klaatarcr headed for Egy»* t#day, carrying a partially agreed apoo draft of aa InUrlm Slnal accord between Egypt and Israel that diplomatic swtaea say Bar he wrapped ap aa early as Friday. "W« have Bad* remarkable progress." saM
      AP  -  64 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 &r THE «^T THOROUGHBRED I^9 Power Bilt m Distributors: I NAHAR A COMPANY m The Peninsula Shopping Complex I Ground-Floor (G-7) Cotetnan Street. Singapore 6 Tel *****9
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    • 138 1 EDB AID PLAN TO LURE OVER INVESTORS -Page 8 PYONGYANG In ■nun for Seoul i SMITH 'no' to African talka plan 3 LISBON clampdown on Fat* backer* 4 PBAISE for Spores defence aptitude 6 WITNESS: I was ahot. at point blank ranee 11 TONTINE htad who couldn't pay up IS
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    • 24 1 QUALITY GERMAX CLOCK For those who appreciate 4^B beauty and precision. W-l&t-iM Chun Chong ■IC^'Wl 62 South Bridge Rd Singapore 1. |HH| Tel: *****/2
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 252 2 UNIVERSITY RE-OPENS WITH A PLEDGE BANGKOK, Tuesday THAMMASAT University, Thailand's centre of political protest for reforms, re-opened today vowing to continue its struggle. Workers were repair- Ing some of the buildings looted and burned down by bomb-throwing vocational students last week. Professors and student leaders, after a special meeting, announced
      AP  -  252 words
    • 111 2 UK exports to Arabs doubled LONDON, Tues.—British exports to Arab nations have more than doubled during the first six months of this year, according to a report published yesterday by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Exports to the M!do> Bast and North Africa have risen from C 439.6
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 73 2 rfUE Norwegian 1 freighter Lloyd Bakke In Darwin port with the IJSS refugees she had rescued from strife-torn Portngvese Timor. The refagess told of horror stories In the colony's capital of Dill Fighting between rival political groups there has resulted In the murder of babies and
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    • 61 2 MOSCOW. Turn. Soviet and Mongolian sclentlau have found the fossil remain* of the ancient hippopotamus Corypnodont In the Gobi Deim of Central Asia, Tail News Agency said yesterday. Prof. Herbert Martinson. one of the leaden of the joint expedition, aald the Oobi hippo lived In the socalled
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 233 2 Honeymoon stewardess abducted MANILA, Tuesday A JAPANESE stewardess honeymooning on a tourist resort island in the southern Philippines was kidnapped yesterday by armed men calling themselves Muslim separatists. Japanese Ambassador Mefao Sawvkl today said that the Moro National Liberation Front had demanded 200,000 pesos (8567.*00) for the release of Mrs.
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  233 words
    • 103 2 ■*JKW YORK, Tues. i* Charles Revson, a founder and chairman of the worldwide multi million dollar Revlon cosmetics empire, died In hospital here on Sunday, a hospital spokesman said. He was 68. He formed a partnership In 1932 with his brother Joseph and chemist
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 76 2 KLAaarnmr (Austria), Tuea.— a muk«d man who lot Friday entered the post offlo> in a small rural community and than put a otaaqnt tor achininn (BW.iaft) Into ttao "BMopla BaMar* account of a charity-' group Just wanted to remain anonymous. Pottos aald today the donor told
      AP  -  76 words
    • 672 2 iN. Korea in— snub for Seoul fHE Non-aligned Nations Conference early today granted membership to three nations and the Palestine Liberation Organisation but rejected an application from South Korea. During a marathon opening session of the five-day conference, the applications of North Korea, North Vietnam, Panama and the PLO were
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  672 words
    • 174 2 Sihanouk homecoming: No date set DEKINO. Tues. Three days after returning to Peking from North Korea, Cambodian Prince Norodom Sihanouk (above) has still not announced the date for his long-delayed Journey back to Phnom Penh. Diplomats here now doubt whether the Prince Cambodia's titular head of state will travel home
      Reuter  -  174 words
    • 48 2 MOOBGKEEN (England), Tutu. Three BritUfc iub; parachutist, made pinpoint landinc In front of handrrss of spectators at an air »how here yesterday, only to reaHae they were 3.3 km (two miles) off coarse and at the wrong thow becaase of a navigational error— Beater.
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    • 339 2 SEOUL, Tuesday rpHE United States Defence Secretary, Dr. James Schlesinger, heard reports of "Incessant" North Korean military build-up as he opened two-day defence discussions here today amidst continuing fears of aggression from the North. He attended the first plenary session of the eighth
      Reuter  -  339 words
    • 58 2 MAIT.LA. Tue«. The Philippine Olobal Communications. Inc.. said today the motor ship, prince, found a axlltlng and empty lifeboat on the South China Sea. about 136 km (85 mlies) ;omh of Manila. The radio message from the Prince yesterday also said the lifeboat bears the Panama flag
      AP  -  58 words
    • 60 2 TRORO (Mas-oachuxetU). Tues. About 1.500 people turned up at Bnuh Hollow beach yesterday. Fhre hundred of them Immediately took off all their clothes The 1.500 were protesting a Fedfral ban on nude bathing along the Cape Cod national seaahore. where nude dippers may be fined
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    • 24 2 NEWPORT BEACH (California). Tuea. Actor John Wayne has entered hotpttal (or routine tests, a snoke*man at Hoac Memorial HoeplUl Mid yesterday Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 24 2 JAKARTA. Tuea. An Indonesian P*r 1 1 amentary Dilation win visit the Netherlands from Sept 11. a Parliament spofceaman aaid today. Reutcr.
      Reuter  -  24 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 271 2 KV^IM iv il W MM A v IlMsiW' ilsf 1 I -dt '^issH sllv ft. i^lMH^^^Nß^^H|^^^H^ t^^r s^sslllllllllllllllil^BsllllllllllS P^P»^^r^^^^^^^ -^isiill^P^BsiH 4 M w sfl W i Vr i ''''^yiH^siiip^p^p^Bsiiß. p^p^sw i ib»*F*fCt/ p^pm. ss«If your travellers cheques arerit in dollars, Last Chance, Colorado is the last place you want to
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    • 104 3 HPHESE are some of the thousands of Indochinese refugees in Camp Pendleton, Ca ifornia, who will be homeless this winter because of disInterest among Americans in taking them in. The task force at this southern Callfornian marine base, which is responsible for the relocation of the
      UPI  -  104 words
    • 187 3 'Libyan coup bid chief had links with CIA' BEIRUT. Tues. The Libyan Chief of Stan. Lt.-Col. Abu B a k r Youness, today confirmed reports that an attempt had been made to oust the regime of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi Libyan Government officials said the leader of the attempted
      UPI  -  187 words
    • 121 3 $10.4 mil drive to fight inflation LONDON. Tues. The British Government stepped up Its antl-lnfla-tlon campaign today telling the nation In Welsh, Hindi. Bengali. Urdu Punjabi and Oujeratl besides English of inpendlng Industrial collapse unless Inflation Is mastered. The warning comes In a 16-page pamphlet to be dropped through every
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 26 3 TOKYO. Tues. South Korean and Japanese official* attended the second of a four-day annual meeting of the Joint Committee on Fisheries here today —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 334 3 IN D I A N 8 abroad earning more than rSSIt.M* (S$».M«) a year will be required to remit II per cent of their salary under new measures announced yesterday to boost the country's foreign exchange reserves. Non-resident Indians and aliens of Indian origin will
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    • 418 3 LIVINGSTONE (Zambia), Tues. RHODESIAN Prime Minister lan Smith has rejected African Nationalist proposals for breaking the deadlock in constitutional talks although they involve a major nationalist concession, informed sources said today. Demands The sources, close to the African National Council which is demanding that
      Reuter  -  418 words
    • 35 3 TOKYO, Tut*. About 3,300 experU from 40 oountrlas are UxUy attending a flye-day International congress bere on education of the deaf the tint of 1U kind to be held In Asia.— Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 416 3 —Political unrest hits output at China factories VIEW YORK, Tues. 11 Political factionalism bet weep radicals and conservatives continues to hamper Chinese Industrial production and brings soldiers Into factories to restore peace, Time magazine said yesterday. The newt weekly added that some recent developments In this contest Indicate that "China
      AP  -  416 words
    • 88 3 US cutting inflation: Ford MILWAUKEE, Tues.— Pres dent Ford said yesterday he was satisfied that the United States was making substantial headway in cutting Inflation and recovering from recession. In a televised Interview he expressed disappointment over a 1.3 per cent rise In the cost of living Index In July,
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 210 3 CIA has ruined me says Bung's son-in-law SYDNEY. Tues. A former Egyptian diplomat and son-in-law of ex-President Sukarno of Indonesia said today the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had ruined his business and his marriage and was trying to prevent him from remaining In Australia. Mr. HO Ahmed Hassan told
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 40 3 NEW YORK. Tues.— Two tyre punctures wen blamed for causing an American Airlines DC-10 to come to a screeching halt In marshland adJo ulnt Kennedy airport during take-off yesterday. Fifteen people were injured, none seriously.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 *^^H ijEiuli'^'-'*'"** s^B»^a^n^^^^u^L[^^^^^B^^^^Mß»^B»BßV^B»^B»L- Tu^Li mm ft* £Vj*^ -^^^^VVP*^^*T BMB^Bt^k-a^B^BM^^^^^BHsV^B I T BB^a^Bß^BkhL^ ~Bj j I |B^^^to b(w* j j «^--*~^^^^9^HBB^^*^^^ H sfls^slßit^ F^rive Apartments for Sa/eTT^S ■^111-^-^LWm^-W^^mmmmmmmmmM^l I l^^^l B^^u^^^s^^^i II a bm m^^^^ll^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^bbl^blb^ C3BSf3CS3HH If IB
      37 words
    • 227 3 m Fillet Steak EU N z 50 °9 T-Bone Steak 3 7/) N.Z. 500g 4*##r Scotch Steak 9£Jk N.Z. 500g Pork Loin Ribs 9AA Danish 500g O*VU Back Bacon 7 1A Danish 250g wß.*/C/ Sliced Ham h &c Danish 1 OOg V*O& Whole Chicken 9£A u.s. i k «?»py Veal
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  • ft 'J1
    • 440 4 Lisbon clamp on PM's backers f ISBON, Tues.— Portugal's military leaders today clamped down on outspoken supporters of pro-commun-ist Prime Minister Vasco Goncalves within the armed forces but, despite intense speculation, did not remove him from office. In a communique early today the policy-making council of the revolution suspended the
      Reuter  -  440 words
    • 123 4 Held-2 more top men in Bangla LONDON, Tms. Tw« Bangladesh officials. Including a former Cabinet secretary have been arrested under martial law re eolations. Radio Bangladesh monitored here said today. Mr. H.T. Inum secretary la the Cabinet division, and Mr. Nuruddin Ahmed, secretary in the Ministry of Forests, Fisheries and
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    • 45 4 BONN, Tues.—Passengers travelling In taxis, buses and trams til West Germany will be fined If they chat with the drivers. From Sept. 1, new transport regulations forbid conversat'ons between passengers and drivers other than discussing the fare or the destination. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 60 4 A lighter moment at peace talks PEU ME MINISTER Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Yigal Alton (left) joking with UA Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and Under-B ecretary Joe Slsco 'right) at the start of their meeting In Jerusalem on Monday. The meeting was held after Dr. Kissinger had
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 28 4 PORT MORESBY. TUU— The Papua-New Oulnea Oovernment has signed a U8»io million 18*34 9 million) timber development agreement with Rongkoog-ba^ed com pan v. Sagaral Lumber.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 575 4 *CW DELHI, Tues. TNDIA'S Supreme Court yesterday began hearing a challenge to the validity of a constitutional amendment which gives legal protection to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's election to Parliament. The legislation Is being challenged on the grounds that it alters the basic structure of
      Reuter  -  575 words
    • 297 4 Guidelines for world trade policy LONDON, Tues. Commonwealth Finance Ministers were today receiving a report proposing guidelines for a world commodity trade policy designed to secure a progressive Increase In the real export earnings of developing countries. The 47-page report, being put to the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Conference In Georgetown.
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 26 4 BANOKOK. TUW. OB Cbar«i d'Attalna to Urn, Tbomaa Cbrconn. made hi* tint official rmll on a member of the P»thrt-L*o Ooteromem on Monday.— AP.
      AP  -  26 words
    • 215 4 Soon: Jet fighters, missiles and tanks made by Arabs BEIBUT, Tms, Saudi Arabia's f>elence Minister says the new Arab Armaments Manufacturing Authority woald concentrate on fighter and bomber planes, guided ground-to-air and surUce-to-sur-faee missiles and tanks. The list of Priorities aiso include personnel carriers and electronic equipment. Prince Sultan bin
      AP  -  215 words
    • 61 4 HONGKONO TUM.— Tour man and woman, who sntaked Into Hongkong illegally aboard a f r»p*n from China on Sunday, were caught by police today aiur they were spotted by fishermen. Another five people who also arrived aboard the sampan are still at large and police
      AP  -  61 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 at I ST shopping hours HH^B ssMBgHOgBBBB ons^ ues^ et s r s I Rfyli B^rSSi Ml Iss^VsC^^aiHiss^VslgLw^fl 9.45 am to 6.30 pm I Vi m\. I/ sssssl IIL M gsssa^ssl sssssV I^LsssV sUß^gsssss m "UTS o3tS aJp- SLo I Ks^g^k^2sss^L>iii>i>>Sßi«ii>ii>>ssi^BissssHMßSs^sßssssss^^Bi^ilHßSlssssssssssssssssssssßiiH 9 45am tO 9.300 m gfl i!Hi^HHiHHg«HsHHHHisss.isssssssssssiisissssflHsHH Sundays 9.45
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    • 49 4 1 RABRO relieves stomach disorders with the very first <?< Y*^ Rabro brings lasting relief 10 thousands cf Ml sufferers all over (he world. Its mam active ingredient. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE. effects quick relief in ulcers treatment. Rabro is Available in strips of 10s and boxes of bOs. Made in Holland.
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  • 270 5 fH E Economic D c v elopment Board has offered to finance up to 70 per cent of the cost of plant and machinery incurred by high technology industries keen to start business here. This is disclosed In sn EDB brochure
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  • 227 5 Five-year ban on m-cyclist with 9 offences A MOTOR-CYCLIST was yesterday fined a total of $1,950 and disqualified from driving all classes of vehicles for five years after he pleaded guilty to nine traffic offences. Tan Kok Huah was fined SI 00 for not stopping when the traffic light turned
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  • 143 5 THE KOHS ARE URGED TO MOVE OUT rpHE Housing and LVveA lopment Board yesterday urged the Kob family, who have put up a make-shift shack under an acacia tree In Kampong Henderson, to settle lit proper premises soon because the site will eventually be cleared for HDB flats. An HDB
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  • 287 5 Spruce up call to 'eyesore' homes THE Government has stepped up its efforts to get property owners to sprnce up their homes and buildings which are "eyesores" to the public. Thla v not only to ensure that the buildIngs are attractive but safe for occupation and are property malntalned, a
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  • 41 5 PAIRCHILD Singapore Ptc Ltd ha> donated HM meh to the Children Orphan*** and Old People* Home at Lotus Hill. The money m r»ued by employee* of Palrchlld a* part of the Chinese wreath Lunar Moon PtaUval cclobraUans.
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  • 290 5 Need for more sidewalks and crossovers: Safety expert MORE sidewalks and crossovers should be made for pedestrians in Singapore owing to the large motoring public, in the opinion of a United States road and industrial safety expert. i Mr. David U Johnson, of the International Executive Service Corp*, said yesterday
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  • 114 5 npHE cams* eethreak 1 el "sere ejea* KPOTC la ezaeetesi to ■nder central In twe weeks' Usae. tke Health Ministry said jasUraay. A Ministry apakesmo saM the namfcer •f patient* treated far eeatfcuMthrttto at the Government eatM t ent dispensaries was Uaerinf off. A total ot
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  • 113 5 ABIB-STOP taiiaatir between twe feraaar casjssaaasaa fsVd with •ac eatarlag Use ether ef $41. Ike Seeend Magistrate's Oeart aeard OU attendant Ibrahim ate lias!, a. awt Ballsa Ma Aaasad. XI. at a baa step la Nerta Br dee Bead ea Aag. 2 at
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  • 236 5 Fatal fall day after her mother's death rpHE State Coroner 1 yesterday recorded an open verdict on a 45-year-old woman who was found dead at the foot of a block of flat* the day after the death of her mother. The cour; ueard that Lek Chye Ngob sad her mother
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  • 107 5 FORMER SCHOOL SITE FOR CUSTOMS ACADEMY? r« proposed Customs Academy to be set up by may be sited at the tanner Ansuk-foree occupied Alexandrt Grammar School, informed sources said yesterday. They aald the Customs Department had already applied to the relevant authorities for the site to be allocated to the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 357 5 Add Colour to any samammmm^v^ home and at the same time protect H^™^ Wf it all year round gßgssa*M»l!^^ against sun, wind Jjw* and rain. There are I^^^^^^^ESs—^ 'fixed' or roll-up' models to choose from in dashing gMgsssssP»W MM horizontal or gaPlkfti vertical stripes. fe^faf Ask for a free gfc^^^B
      357 words

  • 145 6 Coming: 2,000 China flower plants r* If R T c A N THKMUM Vs lover* will be able to ut, for the first time, a collection of about 300 varietif* of this flower plant which will be broußht here from China In November. An exhibition of 2.000 of these plants
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  • 54 6 MR Akira TSkahaahi will conduct six -session mom Ing and evenlnr course* on fruit and vegetable carving at the Orchard Road YMCA. Morning classes will be on Fridays •rom 10.30 ara to noon, starting on Friday and evening courses from 730 pjn to 9 p.m. beginning
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  • 97 6 SSA'TO RAISE FREIGHT RATES rV, Singapore Shipping Aaaartattaai (ISA) is to raise the freight rates for vessels plying between Singapore and Indonesia, Thailand and Hongkong to meet lnereaslng operating costs. The amount of Increase la not known bot it Is learnt that diacmaaions are now oa with shippers to Ox
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  • 59 6 SHOPPERS at the Katong shopping centre watched In horror as a ?lrl feU to her death rom the fourth storey at about 430 p.m. yesterday. Police later Identified her aa a waitress. Mlaa Wan Hong Hwa. 30. of Balestier Road. A note written
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  • 275 6 Why most of the children who drown are' boys gOYS account for the majority of drowning ♦if*f* 8 of chlldren to Singapore because of their bold and adventurous nature, accordlng to two paediatricians Dr. William Tip and Prof. If. Freda Paul from the University of Singapore's Paediatrics Department. In a
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  • 45 6 $521.7 mil deficit in July SINGAPORE'S trade deficit in July amounted to $521.7 million, with Imports valued at $1,585.9 million and exports $1,064.2 million. The deficit shows an Increase of $96.6 million over that of June. The figures Include those of trade with Peninsular Malaysia.
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  • 63 6 THK National Cadet Corp. will hold IU annual camp (or outstanding cadet* from tv land. *aa and air unit* and from the NCC Band at the Singapore Armed Force* Training IntUtute. Paalr Laba, from Sept. 1 toi The cadeta win be taken on familiarisation tours to the
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  • 200 6 Rowling: NZ forces to pull out in 2 yean U/CLUNGTON, Tas*. T? Prime Minister BUI Rowling today said the Government haa decided in principle that New Zealand farces in Singapore will return "in the next two years or no." The Prime Minister said the decision had been taken after consultation
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  • 26 6 THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce win hold its monthly management committee meeting at Its premises in Hill Street 00 Friday at I p m
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  • 293 6 Spores defence: Praise from admiral YEW Zealand's Chief of Naval Staff. Rear-Admiral E.C. Thorne, is "highly impressed" with the defence capability of the Singapore-Malaysia region and the role Kiwis are playing in the Five-Power defence arrangement. Adm. Thome, 51, who (lew home last night after a 10-day tour of military
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 451 6 KONICA THE TALENTED TRIO makes photography alot easier, alot more fun! B^t^^^^^^ lT "^B ,1 BjW. CSpCF. A compact 36mm camera with 3-way automatic ja»ai^»fc exposure control Also built-in Tjw»^,f»_ |V9^^M W electronic (lash unit It is the fcHStzlatest addition to trie Konica ißfcsfe automatic compact camera BmSBI La. V
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
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  • 282 7 Fallinsales with ALS claim by petrol dealers rpHE Federation of x Singapore Petroleum Dealers' Association will meet soon to discuss complaints by several dealers who claimed that they suffered a 10 to 20 per cent drop in their business because of the recent extension of the area licensing scheme to
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  • 29 7 THE administrative office of the PSA Paslr Panjang Wharves (PPV7) haj been transferred from 197 Paslr Panjang Road, to the corner office of Rodown SO4 at PPW
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  • 129 7 The State Coroner yesterday recorded a verdict of murder by a person or persons unknown on a 15-year-old boy who died from a fractured skull following a clash between two rival secret societies in Kolam Ayer. Thevathasan so Slvanathan. testifying Into the death of
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  • 39 7 A PUBLIC Utilities Board electrician, Rohadi Tijan. 27, feU to his death while working on a lamp-post in dementi Road yesterday. A police tpofcrunan said It wax not Immediately known whether he had been electrocuted
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  • 578 7  -  EVELYN KG By New 3-min test discovery by Spore doctor J)ENGUE haemorrhagic fever (DHF) virus cultured in the brains of day-old baby mice have been used by a Singapore scientist to diagnose the disease. For the virus, combined with a drop
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  • 23 7 AN exhibition of art m 81« Up Seconds ry School will be held at the National Mustum tomorrow at SJO p.m.
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  • 248 7 Car park girl who cheated on $2 fees A DISTRICT court yesterday beard how a woman car park assistant misappropriated $2 by altering the fees paid on the duplicates of eight receipts. Saocrlah blntl Mohamed Jais, 20, with the Housing and Development Board, Stirling Road area office, pleaded guilty to
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  • 203 7 rwaa "plain sailingaO the way far yaehtaasaa skipper David Kae, winner ef the First Ocean Yacht Bace frsaa Singapore to inching held recently. Short periods sf b»d weather and absence sf wind daring the m-ksa (4M-aatie) voyage held no threats for this
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  • 31 7 MR. Chnc Jit Koon. lIP for Ttong Bahru. win officiate at the opening of the Crime Prevention Tr«T*»f¥ t W' at Kirn Tlan oomoiunltr centre tomorrow at pm
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 565 7 CEMTRAL AW CONDCTONING Cool every room for the cost of coding three rooms. Carrier makes the most electrical cost as operating three comptete line of central air room air conditioners, conditioning systems fc the home or apartment. As fuHy Tho am va/ov/ trained Carrier specialists, we JJ "r^V^i^L u~™^ will
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 289 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 6 One BcotUsh toch— and 1 Area west of the Atla.i- another within close protic, pirhaps 1 3-5). ximlty <•). ft Bell sounds within the 7 A sticky sweet (I) little Olckenslan's hear- Most happy to bn about ing (6). home and dry (I). S Oive
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    • 1118 8 REPORTERS: T. F. HWANG and BEN DAVIDSON Wee didn't make *a single cent' for himself —Marshall ]ygR. David Marshall, in his final submission yesterday for Minister of State Wee Toon Boon, 45, said the Minister had not made "a single cent" in respect of the five
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    • 547 8 COUNSEL ON RETRACTED CONFESSIONS CONFESSIONS cult it was in the circumstances of the case for the defence to criticise these two prosecution witnesses, within the understandably restricted capacity of the defence He said there was a very probable repugnance in many at the suggestion that the CPIE could have acted
      547 words
    • 1626 8 Accused 'a gentle soul who likes to help anybody and everybody' statement of Wee's father. Mr. Marshall argued that the prosecution had omitted to prove that the whole steu-rmnt had been voluntarily made, because the recorder Mr. Ch'ing Song Mens. of CPIB. was not called to give evidence. Counsel recalled
      1,626 words
    • 2098 9 A STROKE OF LUCK. ..IT WOULD SOLVE THEIR MONEY TROUBLES AT ONE G0... A half -million dollar house bribe doesn't mean much to Lauw: Ghows I 1 HE Solicitor-General, Mr. A.VV. Ghows, yesterday submitted at the close of the Wee Toon Boon trial that in assessing
      2,098 words
    • 724 9 guarantees discharged, and Woe's Jewellery was put In iii substitute guarantor. "There is no doutt that the Chase Manhattan Bank has been cheated in this transaction. Less than eight months later. Wee's Jewellery terminated Its
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 362 8 M6TIO &THC NORM TMX C&m\ < OTM)(\T)Pft6SOT gMETM]G6€SKORG4 /4TM€TIOGOID6IMI£&M€TIOOI<>MRD 1. Korean Dolls of every size and 1 2a» »^B iiM^^^^a* description. A. SI 2.00, B. S 1.50 aflr f. I t^M* Sfetaa^fc^aal Miafl S^^fcllfc 55.50. W~ Wl fj^^ 2. Bottle Opener fashioned K fS^E <■ in brass f 2. 50.
      362 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 222 9 B^BB^BB^BB^BB^B bI BbW*** b^BbHsbwUHbbbl VHHk sbbHbbbß b^bbbH LbH I|BB(HJ^^DEVELOPMENT FINANCING You've got this piece of land 9am lpm Saturdays. You want to build a bungalow, a housing The United Finance Companies fjißlßk estate, a godown, or a factory. We can No.l in home loans; Fixed Deposits and help finance your
      222 words

  • unknown
    • 176 10 Johore's pledge to fight corruption! JOHO RE BARU, Tues. J oho r e j!; has becomt the first state to launch a pledge-taklpg cam- j palgn against curruptlon In the civil service at all levels. The pledge Is for civil servants to reject corruptlon and expose others who are Involved
      176 words
    • 119 10 Shares case appeal is rejected KUALA LUMPUR, Tuea.— The High Court today dlsmUaed an appeal by a former securities marketing manager of Malaysian Industrial Development Finance iMIDPi who was jailed for two years In a case involving $17,500 worth of New Straits Times Press (NBTP) shares. -2 Chew Hln Sheong,
      119 words
    • 235 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuesday pONJUNCmVITIS v (sore eyes) has taken on epidemic proportions with about 13,000 eases being, reported over a period of 22 days this month. Health Minister Tan Sri Lee Slok Tew said yesterday the disease, caused by a vlrms, was extremely contagions and could spread
      235 words
    • 195 10 JOHORE BAKU, lues. There's more to It than meets the eye. that was the opinion of Rovernment departments and officers hfre on the burning of a yacht, the Havrakazie, off TanJunß Petrl here last week. The owner, Australian Industrial design enKineer Michael AUls. went to
      195 words
    • 138 10 Woman dies 20 hours after husband- IPOH. Tues. The death of hardware merchant Mr. Wong Tuck Hln, 81. In the General Hospital here yesterday was too much for his wife she died of heart failure barely 20 hours after his death. Madam Loh Yoke Lin, 68. died at her home
      138 words
    • 86 10 Michael will get his 8 pints KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. University Hospital patient Michael Junlm has received an overwhelming response to his appeal for eight pints of A-Negatlve blood. By this afternoon, 37 persons with the blood group had already responded to the appeal which would enable Mr. Junlm to undergo
      86 words
    • 168 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday FOREIGN investors engaged in the ex- ploitatlon of Malaysia's natural resources have nothing to {ear from the recent government measures to protect the country's resources. This assurance was given today by the Minister of Information and of General Planning and Soclo-E
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 383 10 Agarol is mmhb I a gentle liquid |^^s^^ laxative, ¥?i effective |||y=~ •n res- |i~^odJ toring normal bowel functions. Agaro! is so safe doctors recommend it for all the family including children, expectant mothers and even haemorrhoid sufferers. Liquid Agarol is available in two flavours. From chemists, dispensaries medicine shops.
      383 words
    • 216 10 Have you any*** bayonets, Japanese bikes, civilian passes, documents, seals, flags, medals, stamps, currency, clothings. The Singapore Tourist Promotion Board is setting up a war museum at Sentosa. It will incorporate the waxwork exhibit of the Surrender Ceremony. If you have any souvenirs and keepsakes of the war period and
      216 words
    • 53 10 Train hold-up JOHO. E BARU. TUM. A aintapur* labourer. Boh Ah Kow. 14. was robbed of «3M by two youths while travelltr* on a 81n«apore-boun(l train at about 4 pm. yesterday. TaaVay OiOy JM 4 7JO p.m. Tamil Opant To^norrow "AMI NAWAS" (Indonawon Cotoncopa) Mew StaHigbt ■|r> Q n n]
      53 words
    • 280 10 j WST DAY! 2 ShUVatVoO B.OOPM Admiwion: AdurH: $2.00 Children: LOO S J Im (CATHAY: OPt« TOMORIOW!) 1«JUI oBr*V_ —k f ORCHARD: Opens Tomorrow!^! "FROM CLOWN PRINCE TO A KNIGHT" Straits Tima» World News j Great Honour i| j Xi'Jiiri _w Uji v IVlUll J CBFft! 4bbbL JCfer i iODEON:
      280 words
    • 685 10 &ftTHftV ESOR6ANtSATIOW:; Ju liLl l J 2 S»»»i: 7-00 4 t.3oam. i Wolt Di»nay tfeiann i! -JO.OOO LIAftUES ONOIR i TtH SEA" .n ColocScopa I Kirk Dougloi Jan** Mown OPENS TOMC* ROW I 1 Adam Chang Chang Hoo ,o "LOVEAiIE Ml AM4" 1 Contonata CotorScopa 1 1 with English Sub'itlat
      685 words

  • 374 11 How schools can help check youth from getting 1 'spoilt'— A "SPOILT genera- tlon" of young Singaporeans will result If schools here failed to appreciate the Importance of character building warned Mr. R.W. Mosbergen, chairman of the Singapore Schools Sports Council and principal of Swiss Cottage Secondary School, yesterday. Referring
    374 words
  • 120 11 Bogus fund men warning nOLICE have warned 1 the public of a groap of bo cos canvassers who are going round collecting money for a non-exist-ant souvenir programme. The men, according police, claim to he representatives of the Ministry of the Environment. They take collections, telling the public it U
    120 words
  • 121 11 Butcher on murder charge rpHE case of butcher A Lim Back Yong, 25, accused of murdering his w'fe, will come up again for mention In the First Magistrate's Court on Sept. 2. At yesterday's mention of the case, Senior Inspector Amarjeet Singh, prosecuting, successfully applied for Llm to be remanded
    121 words
  • 34 11 THE Raffle* Players will stage Orettt Expectations musical In the RI auditorium on Friday and Saturday at 7 30 p m Admission Is by programme which Is obtainable at the school.
    34 words
  • 165 11 rnHB Port of Slnga--1 pore Authority will rent out the M units of three-room flats it Is completing In Cantonment Road to 1U staff. The new block of flats, scheduled for completion next month, is sited next to the PBA Everton housing estate and
    165 words
  • 234 11 rE price of Bpanl*h mackerel (t«ngglrl) haa dipped by 10 cenU a katl to $2.50 yesterday, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Fallowing are the reoommaided price* RICK: Thai 100 per cen ■O. 16 cenU a katl or 606§ Thai 10 per cent. M cenU Australian
    234 words
  • 78 11 THE Thai Embassy will organise a Thai Longan Day at the Embassy's Orchard Road premises tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Forty-five longan grower* from the T*mpbun Agriculturalists AsaoclaUon In Thailand will be preeent to 'promote the market" for longans here and answer questions
    78 words
  • 78 11 $84 hold-up at Tanglin boutique A MAN who entered a boutique under the pretext of using the telephone, held ur> a salesgirl at dagger point In the busy Tanglin Shopping Centre and robbed her of $84 yesterday. The robber attempted to tie up toe wleaglrl Mis Annie Thio. 11. but
    78 words
  • 30 11 S H R I Lakahmlnaraln (Mandlr) Temple will celebrate the Bhrt Krishna birthday festival at No. 6. Chander Road on Friday from 8.30 p m. to midnight.
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  • 24 11 THE Singapore Tamils' Movement will hold a National Day dinner at 35 NorrU Road, Singapore 8. on Aug. W at 7 p.m
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  • 452 11  -  GERALD PERQRA THE SHA BAKAR TRIAL By A 26- YEAR-OLD man yesterday told the High Court how he was shot at pointblank range when he tried to stop Sha Bakar Dawood from firing at a woman during a hold-up in a house in
    452 words
  • 28 11 ASIA lUdto (Ongapore) Pte Ltd. will be ceteorau 1U Srd anniversary with the official opening of 1U new 14-starey buikßnt In Benooottn Street on Sept 20
    28 words
  • 170 11 A WARM handshake, a cheeky smile and Mickey Mouse made a "deal" with Mrs SC. Chal. deputy director of Social Welfare for 1.000 underprivileged children to chew him at the comlnst Disney-On-Pa-rade show. His Disneyland bunch, the lovable Pluto, charming A!lce-ln-Wonder-land and the flat-footed
    170 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 359 11 •Bmksa^s^Ha^sW^Qtf ctf^^^afl ■^sHftfes^BT k tam^^ki^**i^^B^^^^B|Lßm^mm^^^hmmmm^Bm£ vm v +< x 1 B L Jim I V B m^^^B^^L y 4Mfc^^B^B 1. I ■^B^^^^^B^s^^k^ks^kss^^Lm^^^kAs^^ilAvilHEilitt^^^ KVHbhMJH B^B^a^B a^^B k H I a *'i. BJA^^K. ■w^™^ *H* a&J I I B bVb IT I B» SBM t Mk^km IB KBKBrWBTBVIiIrBTrBI IK^CI V \i KiMpii
      359 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, AUOUBT 27, 1975
    • 382 12 "WHAT kind of organisation is this whose members celebrate their anniversary by Killing people?" Malaysia's Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Datuk Mahmood, asked the bitter, rhetorical question in June after communist terrorists had murdered a special branch officer, wounded another, shot dead the deputy superintend it of a deteptlon
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    • 210 12 RATIONAL service Is an obligation to the state young male Singaporeans have to discharge. To a large extent the state provides them with education and medical services and other amenities. The corollary is that they owe their country a stint in the armed forces or the police. The
      210 words
    • 501 12 IT IS not usually necessary for a critic to reply to adverse letters, but the correspondence about Equus (8.T., Aug. 12) Indicates an ignorance of the following facts: (1) Space allotted for critiques v usually limited. It is therefore not possible to
      501 words
  • 1163 12 GAMINI SENEVIRATNE REPORTS FROM LONDON LIGHT peed not be denied to millions who go blind. Light can be restored to almost as many who we already blind. And tbc«e who must remain blii-d can contribute to society, with a little
    1,163 words
  • 975 12  -  CHARLES FOLEY: By Los Angeles WITH the unanl- mous demand last week rrom the Los Angeles City Council for the release of the Los Angeles Police investigative flies on the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, a reopening of the seven-year-old case has become
    OFNS  -  975 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 70 12 ftwto tuning. 3 vmKttm. 72 txMMi in 6 row* Comptot* with Podfed Strop and Strong Carrying ■»T c SBIO.OO m ABWTTA MM H/ Sam* a* Artorta IM. but with 3 Mtt pSQB rwdi Octav* tjntng. 5 trabt* ViStWi witchn and 2 taw ragtatwt Com A 1 P^f pt«t« with Poddad
      70 words
      391 words

  • 342 13 TWO men escapx ed with minor injuries when a 21 metre (60 ft) tree fell on their moving Colt Galant at the junction of Clemenceau Avenue and Cairnhill Circle yesterday afternoon. They are Mr. V.K. leong. 27. a food technologist,
    342 words
  • 73 13 An economics course for the deaf THE Singapore Associat on for the Deaf home economics section will launch a home economics course at Its Mountbatten Road premises at 3 p.m. on Saturday. The section wa» act up recently lor Its girl members to put their skills to practical an at
    73 words
  • 186 13 "Tontine head who couldn't pay up fined $2,000 A FORMER tontine A head told a district Judge yesterday that she was unable to pay her subscribers because some of them had refused to settle their debts after they had successfully bid. Ang Slew Luan, 32. had earlier pleaded guilty to
    186 words
  • 32 13 TH» Society for the Prevention' of Cruelty to Animals <SPC/>) will hold a jumble sale at the Orchard Road Presbyterian Church on Sept. I from 2 pm. to 6 p.m.
    32 words
  • 110 13 -Smashed cockpit screen: Was it a bird? A MID-AIR collision with a large bird could have cracked the cocknit windscreen of a Singapore Airlines Boeing 7t? flying from Hongkong to Singapore on Sunday, airline sources said yesterday. They aa I d Urge eagles or other biros were often encountered by
    110 words
  • 25 13 THE Keppel Harbour community centra will hold Its National Day big walk at Block M, Tttok Blangah Crescent, on Sunday at 7JO ajß.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 273 13 I If we can turn a barge into a fuel storage basin, act as an /J aircraft carrier or deliver tugs and barges to the J 'fe Persian Gulf nonstop. bSb®^- 11 J ust im *&n* what we can 4° *or you MtfH^M«fl |PBB^^^^^^ Just because one of ou^ barges
      273 words
    • 332 13 B^B^ *is/A^BB BB^^VSa I This is the Great Wall of China more than I 1 .500 miles long, and one of the world's greatest structures and the earliest surviving architectural monuments This is the EYE one of the most delicate and precious assets that give sight and the beauty of
      332 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 987 13 On your TV Singapore's" 3.M Pi Opening and Taman SM (Malay) 7.J5 Lana-lifßßi if lit fN f Ul Diary of Events (Malay) 7JI Utws aai HmsTml (Malay) 9 US General Hospital J* tSu"# 4.1S Rentak Tari (Repeat) iM Mm (JariUi) Ol Intermission 145 MtstM Witawt Vab— U CsTtaasT 6« Opening
      987 words

    • 100 14 Mttt Ktivt tttckt ■mm Darky 177^68 L. O. a si. sts Mateymn CradH 7J.M4) Faker Merita 44.M4) Toial Taißami: t.UU Total Valae: |I.7tM r. if. Huh M. ML Cml CCM ■•pm rx C. Nm i m. n«u c. rr»» r. ciMn Mw»U Ritts MM •La UM tui
      100 words
    • 57 14 Aag. U Abb. v bssBsMBM: ZISJ3 HIM rriaanae: ISIJB ***** Ba4els: 164.78 164.46 Frasgrtfcs; 16M8 16*46 t Ttas: MJt MM t 8 iBBlms: IMJB tUM i 0.4.8.C.: ISSJS ISBJ3 t BX.S. lad.: IMJ6 ISBJ3 Dee. 38. ISM IM I Df. iU IMB IM t Dae. t», IMS IM Das.
      57 words
    • 1518 14 •v-HE last transacted teady 1 sale at the cloae of but lneas on the Stock Btchange of Sing-spore yesterday compared with the previous day s price, together with 1975 high and low. Adjusted for scrip/ right* issue). STIRLING BWBBSMS I.M I.M l.tL I.M I.M 1.57 —T'-fc-ap I.TS Slnsasara
      1,518 words
    • 55 14 HONOKONO Jardlne Fleming has arranged a US$ll million medium term floatlnc rate loan for hongkong Land In conjunction with Robert Fleming. The loan was provided by Manufacturers Hanover Trust. No further f nanclsi deta<ls were available. A Jardlne Fleming official said the loan was to
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 902 14 BID and effer prices officially Ustcd and builneat In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 unltv unless jtheiwlse specified IMDUITKIALI A. T>a* (0.7*8) AMI Mil. (104 a). XD. A. ChM lONtl a.p.i.
      902 words
    • 379 14 MARGINAL losses In the morning were offset by some aiternoon gains, resalting la a barely steady market at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. By and large. Investors were still avoiding the market. The bomb blast at the National Monument In Koala Lntnpnr was Interpreted as
      379 words
    • 922 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 units unless otherwl-* specified All Time Bargains or Settlement Contract* are ouoted after the word "Sett."
      922 words
    • 125 14 TOKYO: prices fell m. sharply on the Tokyo Stock Exchange yesterday, following published reports that a major pulp maker may soon file for bankruptcy In Japans biggest business fa' lure since World War Two. The Asahl Newspaper said Kohjln. a pulp company which branched out
      125 words
    • 308 14 Shares on ELSE end easier rpiADINO turned dull J- and uncertain at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Kxrhange yest c r d ay, with prices drifting quietly to an unchanged or slightly easier position. The general lack of support was felt right from the beginning when trading opened on a barely
      308 words
    • 202 14 SEC proposals on disclosure by stockholders WASHINOTON: The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed a series of rule changes to force more disclosure of stock ownership. The proposals would broaden the requirement for owners of five per cent or more of a company's stock to provide names, nationality and nature of
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 86 14 ON A turnover Increase of 39.8 per cent to £6.10 million, net after-tax profit at Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging grew by 32.3 per cent to £1.38 million for the year ended June 1975. Profits are after tax of £2.25 million against £148 million previously and extraordinary losses
      86 words
    • 41 14 FOR the first six monthi ended June 1978, net after-tax profit* at Tronoh Mines plunged 42 8 par cent to £6OM»0 Tax m £00.000 again* £1.26 million la«t time Turnover came to £2.41 million compared with £3.45 million previously.
      41 words
      • 260 14 TjONOKONO. TIMS. The n market closed slightly firmer In dull trading although below the day's high, dealers amid. Some strsrurth was gained frota a hit her ovaralgtit Wall Street but the market genoraliy continued to lack buying Interest or new Incentive ■atokJaaa lost to HKSI.&7 ahead of the publlcaUon
        260 words
      • 60 14 Maatfay Satiar4fc* UM UM Mißjsarai 41) IM.Tt im.m Liaita Cloaad ISl.TftB Cloaa* IS2SOB Balrul IM.M IM 10 tarisa ISI.TSB ISI 7SB IM.MB IM.SOB Part. IS4JS IS4.M TiaHMkiy ISatMay naaatwis- IS2-M Cloaad Span (2) 181 088 .SI.OIB IM.TOB ISJ 708 Export prlna In non •t»rllnj araas m U.S. dollfr
        60 words
      • 386 14 NEW YORK. Mon.— The stock market extended Friday's sharp gain with another broad advance today In continued slo* trading. Brokers attributed the upswing mostly to Investors encouragement over reports of an Impending Stnal agreement between Israel and XaTPt and to the statement of Mr. Arthur F. Burns, chairman
        386 words
      • 88 14 FINANCIAL imU INDUSTaUALS Monday Closed Friday Jl5 a Week ago JOJ.7 TINS Monday dosed Friday 16 46 Week ago S3 98 aitIBERS Monday Closed Friday 406.00 Wee* ago 404.« OILS Monday Closed Friday Week ago DOW JONES AVEKAGE INDUBTBIALB Mcnday 812 34 Friday 804.76 Week ago 822.76
        88 words
      • 299 14 cYDNinr. Tues— The stock J market cloaad quietly mixed, dealers said They noted some nrmneas In kit* trading following demand far key stocks. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles Index ended 0.64 point to 3*6.66 Nattk BH rose to AS 1.37 but profit-taking pared the advance to Just two cents on the
        299 words
      • 208 14 T lol^ 7o t»ms. Ths stack market today plunged heavily foJlowlna; rßports that Kohjln. a MaJar FsnansM ustile and real otiti company, was In financial trouble Selling pressure mounted, as the fcrchangß siwnfnrtßd trading in the company's shares as a precautionary measure. Ths Dow Jones averag* feU 47 56
        208 words
      • 124 14 rpHE Straits tin price A gained $3.37 i to $988.37 i per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up five tons to 210 tons. LONDON: The market here was closed on Monday tor the summer bank holiday. NEW YORK: The tin market remained quiet on Monday.
        124 words
      • 32 14 UxvJon copper prlcai on Moa«S)r (prrvleiu IB brmckrti). Wlrakar Spot buyir Ooard (f«IS.SO). mifr Cloaat (f«30): Tkraa MaaUi buyar Claaal (1541.50) aillar Oo.«J (IMS). Markal Tana: Ctosad. Sain O«. J.
        32 words
      • 29 14 Rubber: Aug. M. Singapore Sept. 15*25 cU. (down •.25 ft.) Malaysia: Srpt 151 .M cts. (anch.) Tin: $9*8.37J (up $3.37i>. Official offering tit tons (up 5 tons).
        29 words
      • 108 14 CM. Mill PIOOUCI IX (.HANOI. lIHQAPOai HOOM CLOSING FHICIt PSM »ICUL —Urn. CmwMt 811: bulk M 0 atllara. dram MS atllara. Caara: atlaai (laeat) UK/Cool IS] B Pisiiii afaatak AST A whltt fob 100* NLW 1270 sallara. Sarawak whll. 1.0.1. M« NLW MM aallara, Bsrawak laiclal black fob.
        108 words
      • 512 14 "T*HE Singapore rubber 1 market yesterday saw another very quiet session resulting In further minor price erosion (or Jack of any lead from overseas and some twitch liquidation of the current month. Forwards, however, were bitter held under some hedge buying Interest and the reluctance of sellers to
        512 words
      • 102 14 f\AILY Ska and HSR ortew lamed at none paUcrrtay: B«m«. Oct. M I (CmatMtk) {hmr4Wkl BUR IVC (1 too psliet) JI7 0C IMOON IHN IMOON BMB »L (l too |»Uet) IMOO IM.OOK IM.OO 157.00H SMB. (1 ton pallet) IUOO 1M OON IMOO IMjMN SMR 10 (1 ton
        102 words
    • 196 14 fHX US dollar opened hlghx er at 82 4695/4030 In Singapore's fore* market yesterday. Trading was sluggish throughout the whole aeaston In extremely thin market conditions. However, the US unit closed steady at 63.4675 85. Wsjalliil Interbank forward rates at 3.00 p.m. 1 Month 3.4630/40 2 Months
      196 words
    • 158 14 Suggested Interbank rates at 3.00 p.rr Currencies Noanloal rates "Tihrflan rmiiasilai ■Ml US Dollar Sterling pound Hongkong dollar Malaysian dollar Au.«t schilling BeL franc (Com) Danish kroner French franc Italian llrNeth guilder Nor. kroner Swedlah kroner Swim franc DeuUche mark Japaneie yen Aust. dollar N7. dollar yiiiida 2
      158 words
    • 165 14 aBl AN currency depoalt Interbank rate* aa at cloae on Tuaaday. Auc. M: US ttaOan (Bfwt) Offer Bid 7 day* (1/1 3 1 mth •13 18 •11 16 7 mtbs T IS 7 I mtha 7 ll 1« 7 1« mth» S 9 16 S 7/U mths
      165 words
    • 31 14 Cloalnf interbank r»tas in Slncapor* dollars (or Auc. 36' Offer BM Oernlfht 3 1 ">th 3H 1% 3 mtha 4^ 4 3 mths 4% 4 •saras: F. Mamj-Jaaaa ■-liraiMiail
      31 words
    • 68 14 RANOE of ratH aaTerad t, dlaoaunt houaaa as A a*. M: Ovtrnicto 1 s/n to 9%. Call «aaaall S%. MMBM Ba* SaN 1- Month Tnoum bllla 1 1/1* 1 l/i« buk kill* 1 «/4 9 14 3-Month CO 4 1/1« t 11/14 •-Manta CO S 7/1 St 1/4
      68 words
    • 64 14 Minimum lending rates (in Alfl«mio€ Bonk 7 Rr»» Ch.cogo 7 Boogrok Bonk .7 >/, FNCB 6</i Bonk or Am« 6'/j HKSBC 7 Bond o« Chino 7 Moioyon Bonking 7 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Mitsui Bonk 7 Bonk N agora I ndonnio 71^ OCBC 7 Bonque dc llndochine 7 OUB 7
      64 words
    • 284 15 ALTHOUGH Malayawata Steel managed to achieve a 17 per cent rise In consolidated net profits to $14.15 million in the year ended March 1975, It is obvious that the second six months had been a let- down after an extremely buoyant first-half. The full
      284 words
    • 197 15 rE hotel industry on the whole may be Just keeping Its head above water, but here and there are a few hotels which are doing far better than average. One such favoured hotel in the trade Is ShangriLa Hotel which has just reported higher profits, wider
      197 words
    • 78 15 UNAUDITED group pre-tax profits at Khong Ouan Holdings Malaysia fe'l by 8.2 per cent to $1.19 million in the first six months ended June 1975 In the interim report, the managing director, Mr. Chew Choon Han, says group sales, excluding trading subsidiary Swee Hln Chan, dropped by
      78 words
    • 356 15 H and L closer to Malaysianisation OLANS are at an ad--1 vanced stage at Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber to Malayslanlse operations. A reconstruction scheme may be effected by Jan. 1. Chairman T.B. Barlow, In his annual review of the group's activities, says plans to form a Malay-sian-registered company to
      356 words
    • 179 15 A MBTERDAM. Mon The r market was quietly mixed with losses trailing gains on some bargain hunting after last week's steep fall dealers said. Akao and Haagareaa tost some ground whll* rhlllp* ami B*yal Dateh finned and Ualstrer was unchanged. Elsewhere, declines were lid by *SV and Glinin. SrhwipTaartmnle
      179 words
    • 111 15 7URICH. Urn —The Zurich Li stock market remained quiet today Prices shoved some erratic movements but closed almost unchanged »t last Friday's krraL Bond price* war* wall maintained. The Credit Buisa* Index remained mKhanff* at UIJ Cloattc Prtoa* la awtu fruc* ilk in* aKanact on UM fnvMut Cnen mum
      111 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 648 15 AJINOMOTO (M) BHD requires: CHEMIST Bumlputra (male) age 25-30 yrs. Qualification: A University graduate of biochemistry or applied chemistry preferably. 1. To develop techniques In manufacturing process and research for better methods of products. 2. Planning and survey to promote and diversify our products. 3. Technical Servlct for manufacturing and
      648 words
    • 366 15 The BurrouKhs Division of Plenary Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. has vacancies for:-MINI-COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS Successful applicants should have the following attributes An enquiring and analytical mind with an ability to work effectively without close supervision. Capacity to accept a challenging career and responsibility At least one year experience In assembler language programming
      366 words
    • 608 15 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the supply of (A) X-Ray Machine Roentgen 301 Unit, (B) Combined Monitoring and Therapy Unit for Cardiac Resuscitation and (C) Laboratory, Hospital and Medical Equipment to the Sarawak Medical Department to be delivered to Central Pharmaceutical Laboratories and Stores. Tanah Puteh. Kuchlng,
      608 words
    • 677 15 VMssMsßsßsiHssssaAAssssMss3«sWssUsS*fll TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE TECHNICAL OFFICER grots salary range $661 $1226 TAS, a fast expanding organisation invites I I applications from citizens or permanent I I resident* ot Singopore/ Malaysia with any of I I the following qualifications for th« obove op- I I pointment: o) Technician Diploma from
      677 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 601 16 GENERAL MOTORS I OVERSEAS DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION I invites application* from Singapore citizens for the challenging position of I PROJECT I I ENGINEER I I The Protect Engineer reports to the Assembly Protect* I I Manager and will be required to render technical assis- I I tance to various dealer assemblers
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    • 589 16 STORE MANAGER A well established local Group of Companies invites applications for the post of Store Monoger REQUISITE QUALIFICATIONS AND EXrtIIENCE A young and dynamic man with an appetite for retail troding Preferably a University Groduate in Business Administration with ot least 3 to 4 years of working experience at
      589 words
      389 words
    • 922 16 In Ihr matter of I h.Companies Art. Cap. IHS and la in* matter of Q's Organisation Pte. I. id (Crrdlton' Voluntary Winding-up) At an Adjourned Creditors' Meeting of Q's Organisation Pte. Ltd. (Creditors' Voluntary Windlngup) duly convened and held a> 75 Tras Street. Singapore 2. on the 15th day of
      922 words
    • 742 16 STATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY Stmf iiuMtfiai rte« it. JiVirie eSn turn n*n •£T™ »ffhn IIWtSS MtVICC STUIT*/Wt*lflC P*tWWtlT J1 MTI. saw l ti- *>- fjg I sSt'isr 1 nMu viiii uttrta* imn»JK i*ti 1 m Sime Darby Shipping Limited B&*U£.t&S! >mm 'ItHtvai i«u«n -4 mf« isf mi*** S.«|«»°'l t.
      742 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1266 17 a gM a M a MMMMa_M_M_a_M_WM_Mi' M M-r-M_i [clWalMKaa* aaWXf W M/TaWaBTT >ra>t 1 'Ml' i P MMa* t'aaa Ha <tn I aa£ H tS ll'S ?S IS TM tmm <ipnu iimm aMM ato ti to v w m uiaa aMa amm a mm ato r to n to "to
      1,266 words
    • 1035 17 Ben Ocean ant savtxd ßen Une9ueThnneiOailjne and NSMO it a carraiai M mb 5 tar. ka| PaMM ttrta awtn ar mi *to JJJ"^"™' —v Mmm a, imm t imm s. imm a a. ljmm. •J^**MMMMM 1 IMr 4/ IMM I MM Mto MM Sartt, IBM ■taauca M^iStiiaSr I M ij.
      1,035 words
    • 1060 17 I MaTat'^^^'^^^^l^Haaaaaal M tmmn mmt ran "a- it mi MaiM Maaa aan nai Van P MMM MM aana Mart Mr afaaUa IMM 1 Sal BMM VMM MMM 21 MM CBMIIIB MT 1 SaM MM 1M Ito tto 'to Maonn hmm him mm ato him ito ■ruMMM bmt a mm a
      1,060 words
    • 900 17 np^vi-jpiiißilPTl I Vail M a-i T a-a-l a-T^^^-l _^H FULLY COWTAINEIIZED S£tVlCt TO EUtOfi I Mai Maa FM MMaMAM aHI W Silt tl ™3^sf^-O>, taattVaVi, fct*fj. cC Mafffa, sns, to g"; 1 /rrMUMH ton aarta. CaiMtlca, tllUlMiX MMax. StecMc*. Oda. Htnak. IMM Haiaa. FULLY COWTAIMEKIZB) SttVlCf FtOM EUtOfC "ay** "Mr",
      900 words
    • 699 17 Sapaan iimu P Ita, IMI U ***** PMaai^Sai THE BANK UNE LTD. LMSFME I t MO. afMM awbM anawi. MM. •alCararii It mj I TMM J a-. »M|l Mr Mtaaß t«i ana«i Ma IXn iMaM Mai 1 I to part M tat Ito •HUM a m <a| s m tl
      699 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 979 18 aVUSHA LTD. UWASAKI RMJUI Kn "IS-* IT! MMJI MX tm, STIAJTS StWCt MM »»aat t mini Paasat P ttiaaj MMMB »M Japan Arabian CtaM aWrvlaa unumaiM i.a!^mm c^jjj*. n-«t. mm.. Ma. japtnttuih Al>iea-Weet AM. XtrvitM I mti'i rM> Mla 11 II IS Mft P' Hartoan. Mdiaa. Taat. laat. Dtaall. J«a>tiai(a?atrr
      979 words
    • 1028 18 iceifTi l imm er Mtn lanam pm pmtmmk. uaftr. lint ii mi in uumPia. tAtuViaet uattmittat iiuui SutMM rVtM*wT%MM». wut leva Ma imm bam pmti. Frat (TA nt atttaMbM: I C T HAaTT lITM Hajaj 4 taat ttaat Mtans. MAITr (AMI swi la Part n Aa| Htaik paaunai II Itraua
      1,028 words
    • 939 18 FattT CMFrMMaHO SOrtlCt TO EMUW: m^^~ m m ~~n P MIMf 'Haw Ht»rt Irtai /utxt laaa tSfnMumuH* »*act ""att n£ "SI i£ a SC aIPTMI IHIIAIIt lIM nM I lac IBM t tat 12 lac II aat fiut CMntwoco sornct fmm emmw P tilt* S tart fan MMatAL laPtlid IMM
      939 words
    • 931 18 HWKS StIWI Tl IJM|M|. LWiyim^tWMllT PITS I t| MM. I'lfW'l P Mlint Ptu*t Ultiat far Ii MPMA lATI ta Part >, Itaft 1/ I Itft I, I ttft l.iuo 2 10. i W CKtitf 6 10 loam. p U !0. Iraaifa It 10 KriM IS. 4 Antwrt 24 10 eWtti
      931 words
    • 876 18 rHI »ONT OP imatPOM POM KLAfM HI FOLLOWINO •UtTHIMO IaMIH Part: J 10 1 S??"; JMANOiaWMTI »O« AU3 tT. sinlut Sani Surla. Hrru MaeiM OUT: Hal Pena Crtkvrnlca and Kustii Maru D/11. Jaiamanlls 18 Komaomo- i-Ttt, ahara: Montr Crltto. 'U Uuunytka It. Philippine Hu TibiTi ForUi.i and r«id*ni Maftayaay and
      876 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 605 19 classified ads If LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS in Motel singapura for your latest hairstyles, expert perming and gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments telephone *****3 (8 r pore> Classifieds Columns 145 149 Can fix your TV Radio Fridge Wall Floor Lights Carpets Air -Cons Plumbing Etc IF YOU KNOW something about
      605 words
    • 711 19 ■*W»Utftal and CUH— I WANTEO IMMEDIATELY a Singaporean Payroll Clerk/ Typist Minimum Sec Four education Knowledge of Book-keeping an 1 advantage Salary: (200 p m I Plea*e apply personally at Broadway Enterprises Pte Ltd 8. Kwoni Mln Road. (Jurong). or QUTHRIE (MANAGEMENT SERVICES) PTE. LTD Invites applications for the position
      711 words
    • 852 19 CLERICAL ASSISTANT w« nled by garment manufacturer Minimum School Cert qualification with credits in Mathematics and Chinese Knowledge uf Typewriting Is essential Please apply in own handwriting with a photograph and preferably telephone contact to The Manager. P O. Box 1317. Singapore W% MUSTAD Norwegian Manufacturing Company In Jurong with
      852 words
    • 829 19 SALESGIRLS WANTEO. Apply personally 142-D. 142-E. Ist floor yueensway Shopping Complex. Alexandra Road Spore 3 12 00 noon 10 00 p m POSITION FOR SALES PERSONNEL Kluent in English and major Chinese dialects, capable of business transactions and promotion of sales Able to drtve and preferably own a car Some
      829 words
    • 853 19 AMERICAN COMPANY REQUIRES I a bright young man for duties as "I storeman' Clerk Applicant must 1 be Singapore cltlien minimum < age 21 yean who holds a valid motorcycle and car driver's llceftce. possesses a Senior Cam- I bridge School Certificate and i musi be able lo type Job
      853 words
    • 805 19 FACTORY IN JURONO require* 1 Trainee Maintenance Worker (2) Trainee Plastic Polishers Qualifications: (1) Singapore citixens (2) Above IS years (3) Completed National Service (4) Primary and above Apply personally 1. Fourth Likyang Road. Jurong. Spore 22 UNIVERSITY O* SINGAPORE Invite* applications for the post of PHOTOGRAPHER (TRAINEE) QUALIFICATIONS OC.E
      805 words
    • 706 19 PART/FULL TIME bar. waitresses/ waiter wanted Any race, lodging provided Honey Bar. IJrJ. SeTegie Road. 324(19 WAITRESSES S MALE KITCHEN HELPERS wsnled for reputable Snack HesUuranl No experience required and no split shift Food and drink provided Preference will be given to those redding In did 10. 11. 12 and
      706 words
    • 846 19 OIST. S off Orchard Road (near C K Tang) 2-storey corner terrace unfurnished (950: Dlst 5 Faber Terrace 2-storey terrace fully furnished $1,000. Dlst 10 Cherry Avenue 2-storey semidetached fully furnished $850: Dlst II Watten EsUtr 2 1 .-storey deuched bungalow fully furnished $1,800 For viewing phone *****9' *****42 STRAITS
      846 words
    • 777 19 DETACHED/ SEMI-DETACHED Watten Clement! Park. 3-8 bedrooms aircondltloned. furnished, convenient school location Other properties available too. Please call consultant Unique *****5 LUXURIOU( BUNOALOW at Holland Road 11.500 sq ft 5 bedrooms, living and sitting room, one servant's. 2 study rooms *****(3 *****(4 IF SEARCHING ACCOMMOOATION becomes a problem don't despair'
      777 words
    • 755 19 DIST. M AVAILABLE now Large furnished room, bathroom, suitable working girl' bachelor' couple Oenulne caller* *****9 DIST AJRCON FURNISHED room bathroom attached (330. Inclusive servant's/ laundry/ service* Tel: 373(02 FURNISHEO ROOM BATHROOM attached 43 Jr-o Avenue Spore 8 '(off Rangoon Roadl for bachelors working gtrls FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR stu- dent
      755 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 654 20 fBJ^JWBa^PPfBJfyytJ ■i *«o^*^*"" ROOM WANTED FOR single male student with food and lodging Area around 81 OabxlersSecondary School Contact *****90 during office hours oil Boistjojs CLEMENTI PARK Type^T detached Bungalow Area 8000 *q ft (Built-up 3000 sq ft.) Freehold Price $350,000 No Agents *****8 FOR OUICK SALE St-mbawang Hills Estate.
      654 words
    • 329 20 CLEMENTI PARK TYPE J. single<tlore> bungalow. 3 bedrooms, servant's room, morning sun Sell with tenancy 8220.000 Tel *****55 TERRACE HOUSE IN Nemesu Avenue off 7 1 m.s Upper Thomson No brokers Tel *****5 CLOVER PAR*K BRAND new double-storey terrace house 3 bedrooms, servant's room 8110.--000 Tel *****55 J£ For houokioy
      329 words
    • 423 20 JALAN JENDELA 13 mile* Woodlands single-storey semi-de-tached. 4.000 sq ft freehold, facing morning sun 3 spacious bedrooms, built-in kitchen cabinets, large hall, renovated kitchen, extended backyard, covered carporch. mosaic floors throughout and other Improvements Fully furnished with immediate vacant posse. sion Mature Harden with fruit bearing trees and hybrid orchids
      423 words
    • 358 20 2-BTOMV MOOMN DCSIOM splitlevel terrace house* at 6 m.s Upper Serangoon Road. Immediate oc. upatlon. Price 1132.--000 IW.OOCTeI *****8/ *****2 Andrew Leong Housing Agency "o MST. 11 MCAN BOKIT OOLP COUNM Bungalow 31.500 sq ft 3 bedrooms/ study, spacious living area Vacant possession 6600.000 DIST. 0 CAMOHMU. CHICLE spill-level carpeted,
      358 words
    • 748 20 •FUTURA' APARTMENTS Leon!* Hill Road, dltt 9 DUtlncthrely designed split-level 3.500 sq ft Private lift lobby, circular key operated lifts, round bathrooms elliptical living and dining, cenditlonlng system, central vaceum cleaning system. C C T V and intercom, underground carpark and storeroom, etc. A few left 1 Apply Prestige Homes
      748 words
    • 753 20 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY fully furnished office space in Shenton Way of over 2000 sq ft. available Ptaaaa ring *****62 durtne oßtco hour*. REOUIRED FOR IMMEDIATE occupation approximately 500 tq ft office space DUt 9 preferably outside CBD Contact *****6. GOOOWN CUM OFFICE space required MacPherson/ Aljunled/ Paya Lebar Road area between
      753 words
    • 805 20 MAM NO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd Tour West Maluysla (Inclusive Oentlng. (Highlands) by Deluxe airconditioned bus seven dayt I SSI7S/-. Departure Every Sun--1 day. Monday Cameron Highland! Four days SSSV-. Oentlng Highlands four dayt SSIIS/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oentlng Highlands Two days by air Ssl3o/-. Departure Everyday. (Sole Agent
      805 words
    • 774 20 21 Days London/ Europe 551. ***** 16 Dayt USA (West CoaX) 553.***** 17 B»y» New Zealand Tour 553.655.00 11 Dayt Delhi. Agra and Kashmir 581.743 00 12 Dayt Bombay. Demi. Agra and Madras 851.4610P 8 Days Northern India 581.421 00 9 Days Bombay. Ooa and Soutn moia SBI.BIB 00 11
      774 words
      675 words
    • 724 20 I CHIOUERS NOTIL. Alrcond Sh"s2Soo double $30 00. twin SJ7OO. 418. Thornton Road. Tel BAMBOO GARDEN RESTAURANT serves Cantonese food dall> caterers for all occasions- Birthday "uffet. CockUll. Wedding k Plvale Parties, and for Tourist Groups 323 River Valley Road (9) Tel *****1 HOTEL MERUN tIMCAPORI Sapprh!^- 500 pm to
      724 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 707 21 PRIVATE SCCRETARIAL COURSE for Girls (Shorthand/ |.r»-ntlng Bookkeeping' -.■.• Duties/ Structure of Business English) Preparing for i LCC BBC Exsms Keglster early. Starting September. Raja's College. Cllf!,rd Centre. Raffles Place (*****/ V *****). Raja's. 21BD Changl Ituad (*****8) Raja's College. i-iMdrnl Hullding. Serangoon X... id *****1781 C»B,iMSChMj:6/7/8/./1Ot» i H'Vil'i.iliil
      707 words
    • 660 21 BUILDING DRAFTSMANSHIP (Orade lilt leading to Industrial Training Board l.umi Course by Lai Pang Fee commences In September Enquiries Asia Commercial School 642-A Upper Serangoon Road Spore 19 Tel: offers the following courses IMPORT EXPORT DOCUMENTATIONS i PROCEDURES commencing 18 September. 1878. ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMANSHIP STAGE I consmoiiUin 28 August 1878
      660 words
    • 689 21 I ECONOMICS POLICIES I PROBLEMS for ICSA December I 1975 Fxamlnations commencing 1 28tn August Enquiries Systems- tic Business Training Centre. Tel: *****5/*****3. I OUEENSTOWN COMMERCIAL SCHOOL TYPEWRITING Any convenience Time 8 s.m. 9 p.saBOOKKEEFINO Wed fc Fri 6 7 30 p m MIOMf R ACCOUNTING Sun 9—ll am SHORTHAND
      689 words
    • 798 21 INTENSIVE REVISION COACMNM in Mathematics. Additional Mathematics and Physical Science for OCE 'O' level by experienced graduate tutor Slglap iu-ea Tel *****1 iiMir4sataßle»ota. Jatey and Th* fcrflton. TstSSSISS A TUTOR OF Japanese National wanted lo teach Chinese girl advanced Japanese. Call Suzy Ms4 ls after 6.00 p m. UNIVERSITY GRADUATES
      798 words
    • 888 21 SWMAPOREUSCOCAR(Pte)Ltd 154. Albert Street. Spore *****4 *****4 offers 1874 Colt Lancer 1400SL (air-con) 1973 C01t Oalant 1800 L Austin 1300 O T 1972 Chrysler ISO(alr-con) 1971 Austin Mini Van Masda Capella Coupe 1970 Renault RlO Matda 1200 Volkswagen 1300 Morris 1 100 S/W 1909 Cortina 1600E We pay hot cash
      888 words
    • 765 21 1874 MERCEDES BBSS Philips radio/ cassette, road tax/ Insurance new. 2nd owner, showroom condition 838.500. Contact after 208 p.m 321 3rd floor supremr House Penang Road Spore 9 0000 NEWS TO MOTORISTS. Contact Pioneer Business Development Pte. Lid for more information Enquiries, tel *****5/ 9. Nancy/ Anthony AUSTIN 1100 OT
      765 words
    • 649 21 LOST BLACK/BROWN/ White Female Basset Hound near Botanical Oardens on Saturday Ring *****85 Rttrard. I FOOND YOUNG KELPIE dog apparently lost a few days Now fed. washed and ready to go home Phone *****57 OOBERMANN PUPPIES. DELDERLANO and Tavey bloodlines, six weeks old. dewormed. SKC papers, phone *****7. Kennelling/ boarding/
      649 words
    • 678 21 OYWASTYENfEH>IIIBEU»pciean- I ing contractor undertakes house < cleaning, carpel shampooing. I floor sanding and polishing for I private homes. Appointment Tel j Uiase ■7 INSTANT COPY SERVICE I Orcular Stststrwnt Lnson Note* Stock Shaat Forms I PampMstJ Chart BJ Booh Raprint Ortificats B I Wk a>* aquippod with fully
      678 words
    • 985 21 MJOUtmO FINANCE for our fresh HAVNM CHILDREN'S BIRTHDAY jj. rater fish breeding industry in part/? Why not Hlrs Your <m ilsuaysia Licence available For Children Slides, swings. M»rr> m letalii write to S T Box A *****. Oo Round Tables It Chairs and -5 also Household Furniture from IMBVSIfaBI I
      985 words

    • 796 22 Japanese-bred horses show galloping ability ON THE TRACK with EPSOM JEBf JPOH, Tuea. Three Japanesebred horses, gifts from the Japan Racing: Association to Malaysia's National Stud, will make their bow here this week-end. They are Shuuyuu, Takadaoh and Mashuu Pawah. Shuuyuu, with M. Arlf t ln astride, showgalloping ability In
      796 words
    • 370 22 LIEGE, Brussels, Tues. Dutch riders took three gold medals to come out on top of the World Track Cycling Championships which ended here yesterday. The only disappointment (or the Dutch was that they did not get (our. which would have been their ben ever performance. But
      Reuter; UPI  -  370 words
    • 283 22 pENANO, Tue*. 4 Kedah were the luckiest team In the Tup Razak Cup hockey championship here today. They lost their two matches today by 1-0 to Pahang and by 4-0 to Selangor but they managed to enter the semifinals Sarawak, who were beaten In
      283 words
    • 72 22 PRINCESS ANNE IN BRITISH TEAM LONDON, Tues.—Princess Anne, daughter of Queen Elisabeth, was today named In Britain's four member team all women for the European three-day equestrian championships In Lumhulen. West Germany, from Sept. 4 to 7. It U the first time that Britain's team will be composed entirely of
      72 words
    • 485 22 LONDON. Toss. Two owsaai Test batsmen. Worcester^ 'res Glenn Turner of New Zealand and Olamorgans Ms] id Khan of Pakistan, rtnmlnaum the second days play In the County cricket championship match at Swansea yesterday Turner hit an unbeaten 164 In
      Reuter  -  485 words
    • 254 22 Russians are too good for Britain OWDOW, Tues. The 8o- Tlet Union, with their effort anchored by Tlctory In ail but one of the Held evenu. completed dsdalve victories over Britain In both the men'i and women's matches In the two-day athleUes International at Oyatal Palace here yesterday The Soviet
      254 words
    • 31 22 KOALA LUMPC* Tttss.Vajirsvuth CbUage of Bangkok beat Malay Cbllage of Kuala Kangaar (S goals. > tries and 1 penalty) to <» «osl) In their annual rugger match at Kuala Kangsar yesterday.
      31 words
    • 143 22 'GIANTS TO BE SOLD TO JAPAN' SHOCK FOR US NEW YORK, Tues. Americans were shocked to learn yesterday that one of their best known baseball teams was up for possible sale to a Japanese group. Horace Stoneham. the 72-year-old owner of the San Francisco Giants, however, denied reports that he
      143 words
    • 100 22 Connors buries the hatchet N«W YORK. Tues.— Jlmmr Connors and the tennis establishment burled the hatchet yesterday with the Association of Tennis Professionals settling out of court "for v substantial amount" Ute mulU-mlUlon dollar suits Connors had filed against Association of Tennis Player executives Jack Kramer. Donald Dell and Arthur
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 205 22 West Ham take over Div 1 lead LONDON, Tues. West* Ham United took over the leadership o? the English Football League First Division last night when they beat fellow Londoners, Tottenham Hostpur, 1-0. The win gave them a total of seven points from four matches one point more than previous
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 153 22 Jumbo Ozaki is out of Japan learn •yrOKYO. Tuts. Japan's 1 biggest name In golf. Masashl "Jumbo" Ozaki. 38. will be missing in the 33rd World Cup golf tournament scheduled In Bangkok from Dec. 4 to Dec. 7. Although Ocakl Is eligible. having won the Japan Open and the Japan
      153 words
    • 225 22 BONN, Tues. Six world track and field records have been set In Europe in the past three weeks, yet possibly the most significant of them received the least attention. Last week. West German girl Christa Vahlensleck ran tha 10.000 metres In 34mln 01.4 seconds.
      UPI  -  225 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 572 22 SETRON Applications ore invited from suitably auolifiwd Singapore Citizen* for the appointment of (A)INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER Hove completed formal troining leoding to o diploma in industrial design Candidates with experience in industrial design m the consumer electrical ond electronic home appliances and currently holding similar post is positively on odvantoge (B)
      572 words
    • 181 22 W Singapore J I Turf Club I I 4-D TICKETS-NEW BRANCH OFFICE. I A new branch office for the sale of 4-D tickets I will be opened at 65 and 69 Chin Swee Road, Block 52. I From Wednesday, 27th August 1975, 4-D tickets I "BIG" and "SMALL" will be
      181 words

  • 1 23
    1 words
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  • 345 23  -  FRANCIS EMMANUEL By KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Selangor will go all out for an outright victory in the Malaysia Cup Final on Sunday against Singapore to give this year's National Day celebrations added significance. FA of Selangor president and Mentrl Besar Datuk Harun Idrls said
    345 words
  • 337 23 By JOB DORAI Q O A L KEEPER Eric Paine has a special reason for being happy that Singapore are in the Malaysia Cup final on Sunday s He has proved a point to his wife, Helen. His return to the side In January, after a
    337 words
  • 378 23  - Justina makes the Seap grade in 2 more events ALBERT JOHNSON By JUSTINA TSENG yesterday qualified for two more Seap Oames event thfe 200 m bre a s tstroke and the 200 m individual medley at the Pesta Sukan Open Swimming championships at the Toa Pay oh pool. On Monday,
    378 words
  • 99 23 CUP FINAL souvenirs travelling bags, TShlrts and an informative souvenir programme will be on sale from tomorrow at FAS Clubhouse and four centres. The souvenirs were produced by FAS. The eiegant looking travelling nag. with the FA of Singapore emblem, costs $10; the T-Shlrts
    99 words
  • 49 23 STABLE BOYS beat Kskl Buklt 3-0 In a FAS Youth knockout tournament match at Jalan Boar Stadium last night. In an earlier match. Changl Constituency beat Kallang 3-1. Results of other matches: Farrer Park 3 Telok Kurau 1 and Sembawang 4 Toa Payoh 1.
    49 words
  • 53 23 LONDON. Tuea. The Australian c.ickrters beat ban by 98 runs at Chelmsford today. Final scores: Australians 385-6 dec (A.M Laird 137 R Edwards 101) and 325-4 dec (A. Turner lit Laird 73 Walters 81) Essex 335-S dec (K. Boyce 79 K. McXwan 71 Oooch M)
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 41 23 MELBOURNX. TUBS. Pakistan's Mohlbullah Khan today won the Australian ■quash open with a straight acts win over New South Wales veteran Kan Hlacoe In a hard- fought final hare. Khan, seeded fourth, defeated HISCO* 9-5. 9-0. 9-1
    41 words
  • 150 23 FILIPINO CAGERS COMING FOR PESTA rIE Philippines have confirmed their participation in the Pesta Sukan basketball in vitatlonal championship at the Gay World Stadium on Sept. 1-7. Two weeks ago they had informed Basketball Association of Singapore that they were withdrawing from the meet. They have now reversed that decision.
    150 words
  • 114 23 Sha'ari: I am honoured HAJI Sha'arl Tadln. president of the Singapore Amateur Cycling Association, has been selected Asian continental delegate for the FIAC (Federation of International Amateur Cycling) to attend the UCI (Union rte Cycllste Internationale) Congress. This was ratified at the UCI Congress at Brussels recently. Enclk Sha'arl. who
    114 words
  • 377 23 SELETAR Oolf Club's chances ot winning the Singapore Oolf Association league title for the third year look slim after their 34-2* defeat by SICC at the SICC Old Course last Sunday. It was Seletar's second straight defeat In the championship. They lost to Warren on
    377 words
  • 151 23 TOUR operators have X expanded their fleet of coaches for Sunday's Final, following bigger response from local soccer fans. Holiday Tours have added two more alrcondltloned coaches to take 80 more fans. The trip, plus a ticket and accommodation. cost $59. Bookings for seats can be
    151 words
  • 62 23 Gold sweep at karate by Janan LOS ANOKLBB. Tues. Japan von all five gold medals and Italy were runnervup In the World champlonIhlpa of the International Amateur Karate Federation held here over the weekend. Japan also won three diver medals and two bronse medals against teams from 51 nations. West
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 194 23 rE Hongkong Police soccer team, which won the Division Two title last year, will play two friendly matches here this week. They will play against the Singapore Police team at the Police Academy on Thursday and a Police Selection on Saturday at the Jalan Besar
    194 words
  • 578 23  -  DENNIS CHIA By MRS. Yap Pow Thong, Malaysia's crack sharpshooter, stole the thunder from the exciting Chinese when she beat a strong field of men rivals to win the air pistol event In the Pesta Sukan shooting championships at Mount Vernon yesterday. She registered a
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 23 23 SHOOTING: Pesta Sukan trap competition < Mount Vernon Range. 9 a.m). BADMINTON: Thomas Cup Asian Zone Ist round Brl Lanka v Sings pore (Colombo).
      23 words

  • 37 24 8T PAUL (Minnesota). Tura. Oovcrnor Wendell Anderson leave* for China tomorrow, beading a 13--■W"- 1 MlnnesoU. daaHiHon that will mark the states first effort to open trade doors with the world's most populous nation.— AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 35 24 JOAO PCBSOA (Broil). TOW. At lc«at JS people. nearly all women and children, were drowned when a boat ckpctMd In park teat in tats northern BraslUan town. poUoa said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 249 24 DREAM CHILD OF THE TUNKU... MALAYSIA'S National Monument built at a east of $1.5 million was a dream child of former Prime Minister. Tanks Abdol Rahman, who wanted to establish a permanent tribute to the nations heroes at the end of the 11-year Emergency in 19M. UnveUod by the then
    249 words
  • 61 24 BEIRUT, Turn. Torrential rains falling on vanoui parti of North Yemen tlnce Saturday have killed or Injured about TO person* and destroyed 100 homes, the Egyptian Middle last News Agency Mid yesterday. Quoting a Radio Sana broadcast, the agency tatd 10 people were killed and 70
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 665 24 4 90pc agreement on troop pullout' JERUSALEM, Taea, Aa anonymous telephone caller tonight tetd Israel television that US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger had keen sentenced to death by an Israeli organisation The sentence weald he executed In M hours, the caller aalsL
    AP; UPI  -  665 words
  • 259 24 TCKYO. Tuesday ITOHJIN Company, a leading textile and real estate company, today announced it was unable to meet pending debt payments in Japan's biggest business failure since the Second World War. Kohjln's total debts were reported by Its banks to
    Reuter  -  259 words
  • 340 24 LONDON, Tims. TW maitut i Until Bra but o« IM toj> ib treetac At S p.m. UM F.T. lutu vu up I 1 to US.*. Mm that Urn tr»d«i untott. tb< •MJtoyan «=4 tk* o*m»ui art jointly propoxns to monitor Moaomic Iwiisfswt nrvai I* MSsms* mtlnoat. ii«m» ssM.
    340 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. TM. SsM M.M. Oct 14. 75 NOT SS.TS. Oct/DM tl M. lu/Mu* M.U. t|r/J« MM. July/*** 40.M. Oct/Dw 41 M. laa/Marca u.»O. Aani/JnM Jutrtl (W OM S*.M. Nov »J.T».
    31 words
  • 29 24 LONDON. TIM«. WfH *mr— HIM nOn OltT MS>. hrau« *mrmt MtM (—.11). mm ant t— «ss>. imi— i: mw (—an. tmmo sat Uh ».m. MS w. Tw: HkMr
    29 words
  • 54 24 MM. W«MO TMI CMS! |Wt *w*r ymmtuUj M/S/tf k»W BSBMM ■MSWSI Wtf MAVL TWb( •mb uu, tamM w«i rm. Wal Ku, fo>tar mm Uk tai, •■I Ty% u« Hai Mi tot Rocar M Man kl* Urn. "■Xi i«*i* s-c. c>n— u tai M/S/n M 1 Mm «tr TM Tm>
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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