The Straits Times, 21 August 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1975 25. CENTS M r C.(P) 1116 75
    18 words
  • 631 1 University building set on fire BANGKOK, Wednesday RAM PACING technical school students today broke into the Thammasat University campus, firing shots and setting fire to at least one building, but the Government held off declaring a state of emergency that would permit the use of army
    Reuter; AP  -  631 words
  • 262 1 125 die as jet slams into hill DAMASCUS. Wednesday CZECHOSLOVAKIA Airlines jet carrying 128 people slammed into a sandy knoll and exploded in flames early today while trying, to land at Damascus airport. Authorities said only two children and a man survived. The crash was the worst recorded air disaster
    AP  -  262 words
  • 520 1  -  CHRISTINA ROORIQUES and RANEE GOVINDRAM FATHER SENTENCED TO DEATH FOR MURDER OF HER FIANCE By HEVA Kumari Govindasamy lapsed into a state of deep, numbing grief when she learned that her father was sentenced to death yesterday for
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  • 81 1 AUSTRALIA WANTS TO PHASE OUT SEATO /CANBERRA. Wed.— The \j Australian Oovernment intends to phase out the south-east Asia Treaty Organisation (Seato). the Minister for Foreign Affairs Senator Don WUlesee, said today. He told the Senate there should b* a gradual phasing out of the organisation from the next Seato
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 66 1 CAPE CANAVERAL. PUjrlda. Wad. A Viking apaoeeraft waa ready for launchIn* today on a twice-delayed. bUllon-dollar mission to took for life on Mara. Upaee agency officials on Tuesday aald all system were ready If all goat well, toe Viking «hip wUI Journey SOS mUlloo km (Me
    66 words
  • 31 1 BUENOS AIRES. Wad. Lcftwlng guarlllaa an ptannlnc to lead an uprtalng In the central Aifantloe proTtnce of Ccrdobs a traditional lertwtag stronghold the provinces Interior ktlnistar aald today —Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 112 1 Missing Hongkong student arrested If ONGKONG atadent II Teal Ben Kweag. against whom the Singapore Gtwrsailt taeaed an tipoUon order last year, is at* being held by Johore B a r a Isasaliraitaa authorities. Be was handed ever te the Johore Immigration departsnent by MalayaUa police who arrested aba en
    112 words
  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Wed. Dow Jonea average*, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York stock exchange: M Indus •DOM down 7.M; JO tramp 158 JJ down 1.18; 16 utlls 75.7S down 0 10; So stocks 241.56 down S. IT. UPI.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • 283 1 r| Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has Riven a preliminary go-ahead for plans to en up a BLuirapore told enhance, fny^iai noure's told Renter yetUcday. The doureet said sponsors of the scheme first reported last month were asked at a meeting with MAS
    Reuter  -  283 words
  • 55 1 NEW DELHI. Wed. Monsoon rains today flooded huge areas of India's China State where until recently six million people were being hit by drought. The eastern state's government called In army boat* and helicopters (or rescue and relief operations as report* came In of disrupted
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 152 1 PEKING, Wednesday pRINCE Norddom Sihanouk, Cambodia's r titular Head of State. Is expected to leave North Korea this week on the first leg of his return home after five years' exile, diplomatic sources said today. The sources, speaking from Pyongyang by te'ephone, reported that the
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 25 1 slip again BRUSSELS. Wed. The US dollar opened lower today (or the third consecutive day against all major European currencies except the Swiss franc— UPl
    25 words
  • 57 1 UNITED NATIONS. Wed.— The Special Decolonisation Committee yesterday endorsed the desire of the Brunei Peoples Party for immediate tripartite independence talka with the Sultan of Brunei and Britain The talks would aim at fixIng a date for UN-auparrtasd •ttrtVm* and for a declaration of independence. The
    AP  -  57 words
  • 710 1 Lee: Don't pamper your children |F you want to do good to your children, don't pamper them. If you bring a child into this world and you don't bring it up right, then the ultimate responsibility must be yours. Thus spoke Mr. Lee Kuan Yew at the National Day rally
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  • 203 1 Wife of bank manager slain by intruder JOHORE BARD. Wed. A bank manager's wife was killed and ope of her daughters assaulted by a masked Intruder in their new home In Taman Maju Jaya here early tiiis morning. Mrs. Kee Yong Bwee. 44, died of head injuries suused by a
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  • 71 1 OENTVA. Wed. A committee cf sclentlsta lnwestlKUng nuclear-free sonet for r United Nations has decided not to make any universal recommendation to the UN General Assembly on the establishment of such areas. an a report Issued here, the committee Made up of nuclear experts from Si countries
    Reuter  -  71 words
    • 53 1 NEW DELHI. Wed. Bangladesh's new President Khondakar MashtaaM Ahmed iaeaed a proelaaMttoa today empowering him to enforce martUJ Law In the eeantry aad to set ap special eearts, the Bangladesh Badto reported. The radto s*4d that aa*er the •reclamation martial law weald isassla la feme -antM
      AP  -  53 words
    • 45 1 COLOMBO. Wed.— Prlaae Minister Mrs. Siriaaave Bandaranalkc Is axfsatsi to i labels her Cabinet vary see* teUawlat attacks by the TrwtakyHe Lanka Saaaa SaaaaJ Farty (L88F) en certain aspects ef the coalition Mwraaaent's aelky. {■tensed aaarces said here Uday— Beater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 O«e»gn oa v^aaaaaa f^^W •Uee 3a- 44 B mWk aflaaV ESSO CARES (ssOa^Bfl FOR YOUR CAR CRANKCASE ADDITIVE ANTVSMOKE ADDfTTVE OIL S/VER ADDTTIVE FUEL SYSTEM ADDTTTVE TOP LUBE USSO) Where you get al the Extras
      35 words
    • 175 1 K!HHaM^9 HaVvr«aka7jaM| lW.^^Jmi K>^SBBVr A irni iMfM PLUGGED: PROPERTY BILL LOOPHOLE Page t GONCALVES losing sapport? S BANGLA not an Islamic republic- X UPRISINGS In China says Moscow 4 FUTURE schools to have, own Identity I THE Waa Toon Boon trial HAMIA pasaes the back 1 BACKING far that one
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 69 2 Taking stock of a $55 m haul ITS Customs offi- cers study ing their biggest marijuana seiiure In a remote island In the Bahamas chain last Saturday. Forty tons (40.--640 ktlos) of the drug were found stacked In rocky land. The haul, worth an estimated US$22 million (SSSS million), was
      AP  -  69 words
    • 90 2 HOLLYWOOD. Wed. Eleven-year-old child star Tatum O'Neal, who won a tou«ii little girl rote in her Oscar nomination for her first movie. Paper Moon. Is to be paid U5136.000 (8*87.--160) a week tor her second film. Her 10-week contract filed la a document in Los Angeles
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 29 2 UNITED NATIONS. Wed The Security Council on Monday unanimously approved UN membership for the newly-Independent African states of Cape Verde. Sao Tome and Principe, and Mozambique.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 142 2 Rhodesia talks: 2 QC's to help Africans LUSAKA. Wed. Two leading lawyers from Britain and South Africa said here they would be helping Rhodesia's black nationalists prepare for their constitutional talks next week with the Salisbury Government. Mr. Robert Wright, a Queen's Counsel from Britain, and Mr. Israel Malsels, a
      Reuter  -  142 words
    • 48 2 CAIRO. Wed. Efcypt has made It a crime, punishable by a six-month prison term, to carry a flick-knife following a spate of muggings In which cheap Imported knives were used The Interior Ministry has also banned the sale or such knives, an announcement said. Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 47 2 BRESCIA (Italy). Wed Th* charred body of Count Olanfranco Lovatl Cotlnl. an Italian landowner kidnapped last Wednesday, was found on Monday night in the trunk of a parked ear near L*ke Oarda. police said yesterday. Police aald Lovatl't wife Identified the body— AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 318 2 GONCALVES LOSING RED BACKING? COMMUNIST BID TO REGAIN POPULAR SUPPORT LISBON, Wednesday pHIME Minister Vasco (ioncalves today appeared in danger of being deserted by the Communist Party, so far his most tical survivalThp party called on its members and allies to march through Lisbon today In support of a radical
      AP  -  318 words
    • 162 2 LAGOS. Wed. Official oil MMircea said Nigeria had reduced the price of Its cmdr oil by five I.S. cents (•beat 12) eenta) per barrel. They said the decision to drop the price was taken before the coop on July 29. They said the price redaction was
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    • 181 2 JAKARTA, Wednesday npHE Indonesian Armed Forces newspaper, x Angkatan Bersenjata, yesterday called on Australia, New Zealand and Asean to consider the steps they should take If Portugal was unable to deal with the current political unrest In Portuguese Timor. "The problem is complicated and Portugal's
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 248 2 Increase aid to developing nations call to Miki rpOKYO, Wed.-The Ja--1 paneae Economic Cooperation Council has recommended to Prime Minister Takeo Mlki that Japan should) Increase Its aid to developing countries In view of its heavy dependence upon their supply of energy, resources and rood. The council said yesterday that
      Reuter  -  248 words
    • 39 2 HONOKONO. Wed. The Khaosan Pathet Lao (KPL> reported today that people In all four districts of Vientiane City overthrew rightist cras*rools administrations and set up their own "people's administration." according to Ute Vietnam News Agency (VNA). UPI.
      UPI  -  39 words
    • 32 2 JAKARTA. Wad. Twenty -two people wen killed and 39 Injured when a tully packed truck hit a tree •t Ctpanas, Writ Jara. on Uundajr. police apn*<—ian aatd today Rcutar
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 249 2 _the m joyof Sex A Gourmet Guide to Lo vema ki ng Dr Alex Comfort's fully illustrated book has already helped literally millions of couples to enjoy a richer, happier love life. This famous book's appearance in paperback at a price everybody can afford is an event of major importance
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    • 21 2 I v b^H I For immediate installation Call 2520T10/2520T11 RENTACXMX)R TV RIM\L SPK lALISIS V%ORU)VM,(. 27 GoWh* Pte/a Thomson Hoad Stogapore
      21 words

    • 267 3 SLUMP IN U.S.: 'WORST IS OVER' DIBmB PEORIA (Illinois). Wednesday pRESIDENT Ford said yesterday the worst of the recession In the United States was over, but he voiced concern about the continuing threat of Inflation. He told a White House-sponsored conference on the economy that recent rises In the cost
      Reuter  -  267 words
    • 139 3 A NEW AUSSIE DAILY TO FILL THE VACUUM. MELBOURNE, Wed Australian nrws Paper publisher Rupert Murdoch has launched a new afternoon newsPaper in Melbourne. Mr. Murdoch today started publishing an afternoon daily called '•The Daily Truth." The newspaper appeared on Melbourne streets for the first time today, with a print
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 28 3 LONDON. Wed. New offlce buildings In London are the most expensive in the world— and take the longest to put up. a survey showed yesterday—UPl.
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    • 312 3 It's still a people's republic ISLAMABAD. Wednesday BANGLADESH has not become an Islamic republic after the military coup which toppled Sheikh Mujibur Rahman last Friday, according to diplo- ma tic sources here. The sources, quoting I reliable diplomatic reports from Dacca, said yesterday stories last I Friday that Bangladesh from
      Reuter  -  312 words
    • 115 3 YEW YORK, Wed. 11 Nine out of 10 American women under the age of 25 who took part In a survey on sex said they had premarital intercourse. Redhook magazine said yesterday. The overwhelming majority of young, mid-dle-class women no longer .subscribe to the
      AP  -  115 words
    • 62 3 HONOKONO. Wed. Three local university students who just returned from China said today they were detained for almost two months In the public security bureau cells In Nanking. They said no official reasor was given for their detention but speculated they were arrested for making false
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 35 3 WABHINOTON. Wed. President Pord will begin lobby.r.g personally within the next lew days for the relmposltlon of a US embargo on chrome imports from Rhodesia, a delegation of black Congressmen said here. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 23 3 BRINAOAR. Wed. Pictures of footprints said to be those of the fabled Abominable Snowman (the Yetl) were published here yesterday—Reuter.
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    • 259 3 Export boost plan by Japan car firms TOKYO. Wednesday. JAPANESE car manufacturers are raising J their export targets to offset an expected decline in domestic sales. A spokesman for Japan's largest car firm, Toyota Motor, said that the company now believed that exports this ye* could match or exceed the
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 181 3 BELFAST. Wodnooday RIVAL TntmUnt and Catholic politicians met h«r* >est«nUy to prate Uto pros|<eeti of ■trccßMnt a partnership form of fovernment aa i«cU.ri*ji trouble continued In the city. Leaden of the Catholic Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLF) and the Protwtant United Ulster Unionist Council
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 95 3 Wilson's antiinflation appeal LONDON, Wed— Prime Minister Harold Wilson will today broadcast a appeal to Britons to save their country's economy by backing tough Government moves against Inflation. The nationwide television appearance by the Prime Minister at the height of the summer holiday season Is Intended to bring home
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 198 3 The hoax picture that caused a stir... DETROIT. Wed A photograph of missing former Teamsters union president James R. Hoffa and a handicapped Florida businessman sent as a hoax created a stir today until It was determined the picture was taken about one week to 10 days before the former
      198 words
    • 44 3 WELLINGTON. Wed. The Nepalet* Oovemment has Riven permission to a party of New Zealand climbers to attempt an ascent of Mount Everest on the whole of the western ridge. It will be the first time the entire ridge has been attempted AP.
      AP  -  44 words
    • 31 3 TAIPEI. Wed. The China Shipbuilding Corporation of Taiwan has started the construction of a 445.000--ton supertanker In a newlybuilt shipyard In Kaohslung. the Central News Agency reported today— Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 30 3 WASHINGTON. Wed— The US Air Force said today that It had tempo* arlly grounded most of Its F-11l swtngwmg fighter-bombers because of possible faulty engine compressor blades Reuter
      Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 174 3 Mjl f^w»j We have the latest methods V^B Mjl JJIMI an d systems to help you I W>^f a^sm^^s^Hl overcome any figure pro- I biem No matter how you I tried in the past, this time H we will guarantee the reI «vy suit you want Special reduced rate to
      174 words
    • 420 3 HONEY SUPERIOR U.S.A. ORANGE 454 9 2.80 CLEANSER vim economy 1.3Q LYCHEE CORDIAL tecuse ;>, 340 FACIAL TISSUES" ■gP f JR»R V JO NORWEGIAN SARDINES lot 57 81-HOQN umb 5009 .63 COOKING OIL MP „agffißo o „174jb CORN FLAKES Robertsons u.k. 34q 9 2.20 CREAM STYLE CORN "Jiff 454, 7
      420 words

    • 151 4 Pentagon warns of Tokyo demo WABHINQTON, Wed. The Pentagon has been warned that Japanese radicals may demonstrate violently against Defence Secre tary James Schleslngc; when he visits Tokyo late next week. One intelligence report estimated that some 3.000 Japanese leftist may use the Schleslncer visit to protest the continued presence
      AP  -  151 words
    • 174 4 ftAKLAND (California), Wed. *s— Rock superstar Mick Jaffer (right) says he's not responsible for a U*****,000 (Ssl.7 million) bill for ranchland trampled during the Rollinf Stones' 1969 concert at Altamont, California. Jazrer testified in Alameda Superior Court on Monday that he was
      174 words
    • 345 4 Uprising in China says Moscow TROUBLE IN PLANTS, COMMUNES SPARK MUTINIES BY TROOPS' MOSCOW, Wednesday MOSCOW newspapers today reported that purges and deportations had taken place in China following worker and peasant uprisings in several provinces because of economic problems. The reports, which in part quoted the Chinese press of
      AP  -  345 words
    • 250 4 BUENOS AIRES, Wed Federal police surrounded the Villa Devoto Prison touay. hours after guards put down a riot by scores of political prisoners. JAKARTA: The Jakarta Lloyd has bought a 123M-ton ship from Norway at a cost of 1554.5 million (BSII.I million), a company spokesman said today. TRAUNBTEIN (West
      Agencies  -  250 words
    • 197 4 'Bung was not always wrong JAKARTA, Wednesday ATOP army general has called on the Indonesian Deonle not to forget the services of the late President Sukarno. deposed by the army nine years ago following an abortive communist coup, the Jakarta dally Merdeka reported yesterday It said Lt.-Oen. All Murtopo. adviser
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 190 4 HAVANA. Wed. Prime Ministrr Fidel Castro todsy denounced the US embargo on trade with Cuba as the main obstacle to an improvement of relations between both countries, despite the recent lifting of diplomatic and economic sanctions acainst Cuba by the Organisation of American States
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 115 4 LONDON. Wed. Several British colleges are using beer, swimming, the sporting life and a holiday atmosphere to woo students. Fearing that some of their courses will be closed down If they have too few students, polytechni colleges are waging a £300.000 (551.040--000) advertising campaign
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 46 4 DAR E8 SALAAM Wed Visiting American Senator Dick Clark today suggested .he United States, China and the Soviet Union should seek agreement to stop the supply of weapons to rival nationalists movements In Angola in *n effort to bait the civil war. —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 21 4 MOSCOW Wed A new medium range paaaenger plane, the YAK-42 hu been •uccenfulljr flight teatcd. Prmwla reported today AP
      AP  -  21 words
    • 150 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Wed CTRIKINO Ban FranJ claxo po 1 icemen hare been ordered to be back on the beat today or face illimlnal The 1300 policemen —about 90 per cent of the city's foree went on strike on Monday to back demands for
      150 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 759 4 Joseph See just came back from Jakarta and he is so happy. He is back home again. A big. radiant smile on his face. Mission accomplished. He followed the footsteps of his fellow businessmen. He stayed with us. At the City Hotel the only modern 200 room hotel in the
      759 words

  • 176 5  - No fantasy—this Korean fan dance in the frozen world of do lls... By rE fan dance of Korea has come to the world of dolls But no fans are a- flatter. All the little ladies In the., •mbro dered silks and chi.fona and delicate faces, staud poised and pretty as
    176 words
  • 56 5 THE genera) manager of Shangri-la Hotel, Mr. Lawrence B klagnan. yesterday presented 13.800 cheque and television act to the Superintendent of the Tamplnca Home tor Retarded Children. Mr. Adam Moletlna. The presentation was made on aehalf of the Hotel's staff and management, who raised the
    56 words
  • 117 5 rE Foreign Minister, Mr. 8. Rajaratnam, Is leaving for Lima, Peru later this morning to attend the triennial ministerial meeting of nonaligned countries. The five-day meetlnc Is expected to discuss, among other Important matters. arrangement* for the non-aligned summit to be held In
    117 words
  • 170 5 CENTRE FOR SHOPS ON COURT SITE? rpHS site of the sub--1 ordlnate courts In South Bridge Road may be used for the development of a transit centre to resettle those shops In the vicinity which hnve been gazetted for acquisition by the Oovernment. These courts are due to vacate their
    170 words
  • 39 5 HAJI Sh»»rl Tallin. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture), will be the guest-of-honour of the Monk* Hill Secondary School's ninth annual ipeech and prtie giving day at the achool hall In Wlnstedt Rood on Auf 17 at 10 am
    39 words
  • 438 5 Future schools to have own identity SINGAPORE schools of tomorrow will hopefully have their own distinctive building design and identity, according to the Senior Minister of State (Education), Mr. Chai Chong Yii. He said It was also the aim of the Education Ministry that where possible, primary pupils would not
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  • 141 5 rE Singapore Organisation of flfnvn (SOB) yesterday criticised the National Marttime Board's decision to suspend a local seaman for more than three months as "unfair and unjust" The seaman Goh Hun Tlonß, from the duipRer liner Patria. was suspended by the hoard's
    141 words
  • 99 5 rE Singapore Manafaetran' ftswclaUoo and the Finance Ministry are expected to spend SIMM on a ••tow doenmeniarr fllß to prttrti 81n-(apore-niad« foods. Several s spits of the Also, to be called Export rriiXlin, will (c distributed to the Bincapore gwisoari and Hlch Coiilnrtons ahroad
    99 words
  • 211 5 'Not that many kidney disorder cases' rwmz "high rate" of kld--1 ney disorders among Singaporeans reflected In the preliminary findings of the recent National Health Surrey may be an Inflated one. "It Is only an Interim figure and Is subject to confirmation after tests," stressed Dr. Ng Took Kirn. who
    211 words
  • 65 5 Pedestrian dies in road mishap A pedestrian died on the spot when he was knocked down by a car In Lorong 6, Toa Payoh. on Tuesday night. He was N« Yew Kin. M, of ■jorong IA. Toa Payoh. who was crossing the road when the accident occurred at about (46
    65 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 150 5 J0 jd*& !jBB^C B^BSsalmW wP^H wit S ,tS J ££§9 .BmMBCI .^ittfl^l^Jl for art's sake The SR-T Super was made to Then, to further satisfy the meet the highest, most demanding requirements of the knowing lens creative standards. artist Minolta built in multiple All the information you need exposure capability.
      150 words
    • 349 5 a^HEaimE&fc'-^'fc'J^'*"* 13 bJ f** m^r mr^ mw^^^ af^^m*W# 4T*' WM W mm BBBBa»w^^^»»M^r J m^ssamfc^r ■jM*a%am«rfatflßßßßal The Southern Alps: yta }iew Zealand's spirit of fieedm in our uncrowded South Vacific This world is unhurried, un- crowded South Pacific. Air New beautiful islands of the South spoiled and very uncrowded. Zealand
      349 words

  • 5002 6 Wee: I was very angry when I heard about the guarantee... VTm^^ET^fTvSi ii t i r i^B* JiTil '/ill 1 M 1 w I^B REPORTER: T. F. HWANG •"<■ BEN DAVIDSON MINISTER of State Wee 1 Toon Boon, 45, told the First District Court yesterday that he was "very angry"
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 Extra strong M^IILIU iTTiTLMMsJ [^H\!M I B Woods' Great Wr&TTrtWiWvm MßV^rfßrtlM P^ppermint Cure K^^^^fl quickly eases A t %>/ Get some today. A J *B3r jjm^tm MEfcMl Be ready for die first sigji of a cough. t
      36 words

  • 186 7 fVR PHAY Seng Whatt MJ will receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters in recognition of bis distinguished service as chairman of the Public Service Commission on Friday President Sheares. who will preside at the convocation for conferment of honorary degrees and the pre s
    186 words
  • 204 7 Refugees to get refund of airport tax rpOE Slags, pace Gejverm--S- m^n| ||m dttcAsted to ref >ad the alrfwti tax paid by a gr««B> S)f Vieiaameat) rsfmg— s who recently flaw to ABBtralU, althoach appHcatl— far a waiver waa saa4a. The nrntratt— Ministry sate this m a itstsm— t yestorftay,
    204 words
  • 46 7 A SHIP 1 master. Un Chins Chine, yesterday denied a Cham thai his Wf Ml discharged oil Into the aea off Marine Parade on Aug. at 2 30 pm. The caae waa fixed for mention on Sept It. Ball »ms Set at WO.OOO.
    46 words
  • 247 7 Smaller stengah but it may cost less too mHE Singapore Metrics 1 tlon Board has announced that since the volume of liquor sold lr. hotels, restaurants, ban and samsu shops will ty reduced when drinks *■> metric on Sept. 1, thr prices of each should be reduced proportionately From that
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  • 32 7 AN Illegal Immigrant. Un Ah Keng. IS. waa jailed for a month by the Pint Ma«U.trate't Court 7C*terday for enuring Singapore In January without a valid peas. Ha pleaded guilty.
    32 words
  • 366 7 rreE Home Appli- ances Manufacturers and Importers Association has advised consumers to lodge complaints regarding g u a r antee cards to the sole agents. Importers or manufacturers first before approaching the association. HAftOA said In a statement that should the consumer receive
    366 words
  • 48 7 ONO Bang nrck waa fined 1400 yesterday for driving hi* pick-up dangerously by falling to obey a l atop' l sign and hitting a aeooteriat at the junction of Upper Juror* Road and Old Jurong Road on April M at 4JO p m Be pleaded guilty.
    48 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 293 7 £*£w. I w^aas^hi^ j y^j^^- W W '.aHßr^asar Lj"-_ J *^f jti ta 'jf StL w^t jsffP^k 'JL m a^skaa aar^ CT *flasksfaaVP SEE MOREIV WITHOUT LEKJING SINGAPORE? Hyatt give* you rich gtimpeas of Koraan culture through its tongs dances, roods fashion*. Flovwi in directly from Korea by Singapore Airlines
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 225 7 Brtnihag Up »y aWI laviaaih «Js Hal C— JJ} 1 0SJKJN5, WOULONOU^ I /"-OB WOULD MXI "N_— \O*TY, -you OOMT jiea^wwycAr/rxsuJiaTl u**a hck 3tbakJ iww a lamb i know what vouwb TEU.X3U* VvWEXJUHg- I L ""DNtOMT A. CHOP FIR p-p T»UON« ABOUT/ J SOIN'OJT7>OU L«AOA,I^L /vvATTA 7375~\T~^ 1/ Blonds* By
      225 words

  • 943 8  -  GERALD PEREIRA By A 59 -YEAR-OLD man, Nadarajah Govindasamy, was yesterday sentenced to death by the High Court for the "senseless and brutal 1 murder of his young daughter's fiance. Nadarajah, the owner of a transport company, showed no apparent emotion when the
    943 words
  • 222 8 Jailed: 4 who made a bid to escape TOUR men charged with offences carrying the death penalty were yesterday Jailed for one year each for attempting to escape from the First Magistrate's Court on June 9. The court police and prison offlcera mounter* extra security tn the court when Chua
    222 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 670 8 V«V|V^y.%WAYaWjW>VVV«**V»V»VVV'/a^'» SOPENS TODAY!' D L aii/At V 7.00 9.30 Pi. Adw > on Adaj>H: $2.00 Children: $1.00 1 The Mightiest Motion Ptetnre of datm A 0( XL i— T «is#63. r-Sr^Siiwii vi TECHNICOLOR* Jilp Vpitp's bnUii Aivfitiir jl^^Actitlly RI.H Ii Tte leptli Tte Sei«j ji ORCHARD: 27th Hisioi Bay! 3
      670 words
    • 121 8 La* F.- Oaya! 4 .hot 1.00. »JO, 7 4 *.M An U<i»iiiaw Mm (oitmoncotor 4 Ittal 4 I 4J. 4. 7 t JO A Korean film In Manoonn ColorScopo -ith Engli.h ft Chm.u Subtitle* Yam Bokioon in CX)NTINENTAL RESTAURANT INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE LUNCHEONS will highlight the food of different countries in
      121 words
    • 92 8 We bring BANDUNG to your table fjj^f INDONESIA 4 J IKANMAS CATCH YOUR OWN FISH I Complete with LaUb Jl iWjM ASantbalonUkkan «4aaL c Indonesian Buffet Set Lunch ,f n. fjaaaaaß Everyday yriuNc»#HoM\ Ji^Pl Buitasaoo \^Z») )/«sfc^^^ Ms per person \>jo,~m,™/ U^^ {y Set Lunch $SjOO Ns^X CURRY FISH HEAD
      92 words
    • 375 8 LIDO 12th WEEK fi 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, 530 8.45pm g ADMISSION FiICIS: CIRCLI »4 00— STALES $2.50 >$1 »0 HO HALF PtlCI-NO MILITA«Y CONCISSION-MO Mil LIST 9 Advance CASH Bookings only THE FIRST FILM in Singapore's entire cinema history I to gross OVER $1,000,000.00 in one season at
      375 words
    • 709 8 kjjCATHAvi P^,OR6ANIS»IION:: oTINJTOOAY' I 2 Sh«rt: 7.00 t *.JO»M. "I a Wolf Oitnav praMntt •S "MjMO LIA6UIS UHOft \t THf SIA" .r. Color Scop. i 1 Kirk Dowgkn Jomai Moton i i a 1 Juraoa oH**-ln Cmwa O4m« n4 Och.rrf Ji J 4th Midmohi Soturdor' (O4s««: Sunday ot 9 OOom)
      709 words

  • 618 9 engineers, executives, civil servants, those serving In the Police and Armed Forces and others for whom every endeavour should be made to enable them to enjoy home ownership." Mr. Barker amid that since Sept. 11, 1973. administrative control In
    618 words
  • 1510 9 Now foreigners are not allowed to accept housing transfers FOREIGNERS will be expressly prohibited to acquire, purchase or accept transfers of residential property under the proposed Residential Property Bill. 1975. The Bill, committed to a Select Committee after its second read'jig In Parliament on Tuesday, also
    1,510 words
  • 398 9 PRISONERS 1 salaries I under the prisoner earning scheme will be revised to scales comparable to those in other Industries. The revision of scales it to take effect when the new statutory board to run prison industries —Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises (SCOWS) to formed
    398 words
  • 233 9 Tighter property control for PSA PROPERTIES parchu--1 ed from the Port of Singapore Authority cannot be sold, lease i. mortgaged, transferred or charged without the written consent of the PSA. The Port of Singapore Authority (Amendment) BUI passed by Parliament yesterday, states that any property sold by the PSA will
    233 words
  • 172 9 Go-ahead for $2.5 m land scheme A SCHEME to reclaim 10.93 hectares of the foreshore and seabed off Pulau Damar Laut was approved by Parliament on Tuesday. In a motion seeking approval for the project, the Minister for Law and Environment, Mr. E. W Barker, said that the reclamation would
    172 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 465 9 .to j^^^ I^l jil 111 I fl^j pi-C^^v^ M I M^SSb^Sbk aW^aW/ BiaW* aaawJ Ba^Bar la I bvsf^BbT I a^a^aT^^H sai^^^r^wsi avsrwaV C^^h^ J S The show that has (V/Ji// LftaawsafataW. .^BmttmV I thrilled 25 million people \^\J Baw^^ma amW. .^afl K around the world is J-^ f\ coming your
      465 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 440 10 HOW do you begin to explain the real meaning of difficult times, even hardship, to a young person who has known only the good days, has never had to bother about where the next meal is coming from, whether the Job will last to the end of the
      440 words
    • 211 10 AN ARCHBISHOP of Canterbury once remarked and, presumably by a miracle managed to avoid the gallows that he looked upon cricket as organised loafing. This sacrilegious cleric was obviously ignorant of the vital role the game has played in the survival of the British nation. The Battle
      211 words
    • 234 10 OUOHT there not to be limits to rules and regulations by which our bureaucratic masters govern such things as the allocation of Housing and Development Board flats to members of the public? Whilst one can understand that
      234 words
    • 149 10 lira refer to the letter ff from "No Hope For Metric" (ST.. Aug. The TV programme telecast on July 36 and referred to by the writer was "Family Time." Imperial weights and measures were used In the "t'-m sum" demonstration by the cooking spec allst from abroad who could not
      149 words
  • 2362 10 FULL text of the speech by the Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew at the National Day rally at the National Theatre on Sunday. THE past decade was probably the most spectacular of all the ten years of Singapore's history.
    2,362 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 59 10 Stylci cut to th* l«t»ft tr«nd by our most •■p*fl*nc«d crafts* man tine* 1934. Suit* completely land tailored A Hitched right to the buttonhole! enmuring bett workiparnhlp. We are alto importeri 4 enportert o« finett Oenti textiles thereby we have the latest ft oldest range or materials for selection. 21.
      59 words
    • 311 10 STOCK TAKING WE WILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS ONLY FROM 12. OO noon I TODAY THE INCONVENIENCE IS DEEPLY REGRETTED L oY«ioliam Your company 's emblem on solid ITALIAN MARBLE PAPERWEIGHTS Your logo etched in up lo 5 colours on solid, white polished marble Size 2" x 2"x V Kxcellent quality
      311 words

  • Business Times
    • 107 11 I ONDON: Imports of k>w-«o«t shirts from Honf- konr durinf the first sU month*, of 1915 rose oy 45 per cent compared wtth the same period last year, the Shirt Manufacturers Federation here said. Under new quota arrangements, the increase ,J~} bt ho t current year compared
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 488 11  - Slump in foreign investment in developing countries SOH TIANG KENG By pOREIGN investment in developing countries has Dcen hit by world recession, inflation and uncertainties in financial markets. Instability in the world economic situation for the past year has at least temporarily robbed the attractions for investment In these countries.
      488 words
    • 136 11 New BA chairman formerly served in XL OIR Frank McFad- lean tabove), chairman of Shell in London and a former Malayan civil servant, has been appointed chairman of British Airways. Be succeeds Sir David Nicolson. who has tendered his resignation, effective Dec. 31 Sir Frank will Join the ait line's
      136 words
    • 181 11 One-third of Tokyo companies In the red' forecast rKYO: About one third of Japan's major companies will report pre-tax losses on their business operations for the three-month period ending September, Dalwa Securities predicted. It reported on Urn prospects of 361 large companies whose shares are traded on the Tokyo Stock
      UPI  -  181 words
    • 252 11  - IWP blames market depression for losses MARTIN LIM By LIKE most plywood companies In Slnea pore. International Wood Products has been badly hit by the market slump In the year ended "Feb ruary 1975. particularly in the second half when It Incurred a net loss •■>• $3.51 million. Together with
      252 words
    • 173 11 LONDON: The smouldering dispute between France and the US over the exchange rate regime Is likely to postpone any interim monetary agreement until 1976, according to European monetary sources. The International Monetary Fund's Interim committee, which represents the Interest of all 126 members of the
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 100 11 mHE Stock Exchange of 1 Singapore yesterday suspended trading in the shares ol Industries and Realty Oroup at the company's request. The shares were last traded at 49 cents on Monday In making the request I and RQ says: "As a result of difficulties faced by our
      100 words
    • 226 11 LONDON p«t »P the best perform anee this week with the improvement in sterling being the bull factor behind the good galna seen in the Market. Another factor was anU clpatlon of something positive coming oat of Prteo Minister Wilson's speech on the UK's anil -inflation
      226 words
    • 105 11 HONGKONG Land has bought a substantial shareholding i n Cannae which Is building an office block jointly with Indonesian partners In Jakarta for the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Other major Cannae shareholders are Hongkong Bank and New Zealand InsurPtice. Slater Walker Securities pre-tax profits for the 1975 first
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 217 11  -  COWARD LIU By LONDON: United Overseas Bank earlier this week opened a branch In the heart of the City's I nking and financial hub. making It the third Singapore bank to have operations In the UK. It occupies a choice site in the banking area
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 289 11 WE'VE KEPT THINGS QUIET) and as atJirect result the Linn Sondek LPI2 is being acclaimed as possibly the finest performing deck on Ch9 market today. A single point bearing rotating in an oil bath, a belt drive, a 24 pole synchronous motor, ana over Sib of platter on a stainless
      289 words
    • 170 11 BsVWi**J'VJ Watch-watchers, watch exit! New SEIKO watch horizons Watches to match the individuality and tastes ol each wearer comes m various shapes, sizes and designs, indicative of the manufacturer's desire and total commitment to please each and every customer besides ensuring precision accuracy from each timepiece SEIKO with this quest
      170 words

  • 186 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Gerrlt F. Hep kema has been appointed a director of Pacific Milk industries (Malaya) with effect from June 27. He replaces Mr. Andrles A. Boawes who has retired from the board. Mr. G.E. Bogaars has ceased to be a director of Intraco with effect trom August
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  • 614 12 Malaysia has a few hurdles to overcome before it gains shipping status QannniTinfTO I^IJALA LUMPUR: To say that a lot needs to be done if Malaysia Is to achieve status as a maritime nation is to oversimplify the situation and understate the problems. For a start. Malaysian registered tonnage of
    614 words
  • 102 12 Hapag-Lloyd optimistic but cautious HAFAG-LLOYD shareholders were warned in Frankfurt last week that 1*75 profits would not equal last year's "exceptionally good" results. However, this did not mean that profitability would be as poor as in 1973. they were told. A measure of the concern's confidence In the face of
    102 words
  • 232 12  -  JACOB DANIEL By FB new container shipping consortium. ACE Group, of which Neptune Orient Lines Is a member, will send Its first vessel, Seven Seas Bridge, on the Far East/Europe run next month. It will be followed by NOL's vessels Neptune Sapphire
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 484 12 Expand without expense... I use our finance. Is lack of capital holding up the expansion of your business? OCBC Finance can help with loans for factory or office machinery, marine or construction equipment, and at very reasonable terms. Find out how you can expand business without additional capital outlay. Consult
      484 words
    • 29 12 mix with GORDON'S GIN i /^a^L^gfe gggW I 9 \i 'l^ I 1 I gggflggair^ v x Jv >^9l gg* THE BORNEO COMPANY <IUWE> (A Member <* tie mchcape Oroup)
      29 words
    • 470 12 Thinking about SHARES? Have you been thinking lately about buying shares? Do you know the market trends Have you sufficient capital to spread your risks We can help you to invest. Wiaely. Through the Singapore Growth Fund. A unit trust with a multi-million dollar portfolio of over 30-top claaa securities
      470 words

      • 30 13 T-gMf F. CaMw Tat. CNf, G. Obi 8. Skin*. »3«2 IIJ6 II 75 1 47 »J7 11 18 f 1.41 $152 .0« .04 .M .01 .01 .01 •01 .01
        30 words
      • 49 13 t 8.E.8. lad.: 1M.U 1M.M Dm. M. 1M4 1M 1 Dw. II. MM 1M t Dee. M. 1MI 1M Dee. SI. 1»7« m 1M t Jam. 1. It7« 1M liulMlrlih tlTJ* t! Finance: IliJt SI Hotfh: 1RM II ri»»«rUn: 1M.U II 11m: MM I I rakkcn: SK.7S J
        49 words
      • 43 13 M In. M C rn»lnc Ft— Cr*4U iC I>B Buk CBC Dot. B--11 as $zoa $2 18 MM $1 46 *1M $>.!» 12 96 UOO »SOS $O.» $140 M —.06 M —JH —M —.06 —.04 M —.06 .06 —.06 —.06 —.04 —.04
        43 words
      • 18 13 l.O.B. llLHt Ihhyu Ot«t MjIM O.CAC. lt^»» T.UJ TwMMf: l.N It Tatai Vakw: $U» M.
        18 words
    • 1799 13 THE last transacted ready sale at the close of -iiftin on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the prevloui day's prices tu«tthcr with 1975 high and iow. Adjusted for scrip/ rights Issue). CLOaiHG TONS: All eectloru closed eaalar. TUHNtVIII OOclal ««ure« •uppiied by the Block »:«rh.n«r
      1,799 words
    • 396 13 n/HATEVEm baying TT support there had been In the previous two days petered oat in the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, resulting in an easier trend with losses ranging ap to three per cent In extreme cases. The next few weeks will be crucial as
      396 words
    • 1029 13 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown ift brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise *p«clfled. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts sue quoted after the word "Self
      1,029 words
    • 973 13 BID and offer prices officially listed and tmslncat. In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of share* traded shown tn bracket* In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS A Tim (0 7081 AKafi 12 WWt. CO. Alt! Hl| <1 MSI.
      973 words
    • 107 13 LONDON: Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber expects profits will be substantially lower this year than In 1974 due to the current depressed state of the world economy, chairman TB. Barlow said In the annual report. The rubber crop to end-July was 19 per cent
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 287 13 Trading in KL turns erratic mRADINO at the Kuala 1 Lumpur 'Stock Exchange yesterday turned erratic after two days of uptrend. Most shares ended the day fractionally lower. The market opened on a mixed note before turning barely steady. Prices then fluctuated around the previous day's dosing levels before easing
      NST  -  287 words
    • 236 13 Singapore and KL rubber stocks are up STOCKB of rubber In Singapore at the end of June rose to 40.997 tonnes from 36.508 tones In May but declined from 51.306 tonnes in June 1974. Singapore Statistics Department figures show. The June stocks (with May In brackets) comprised dealers' stocks 35.350
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 97 13 KUROFC m sughtly taster and the US was quite on Tuesday according to the Malaysian Palm OU Producers' Association Quotation* In US* cent (Rotterdam) unlesf stated were: Aug «470 sellers. MU traded Sept 1463 SO/ (U8) 31 cenU sellers. (US) M cents buyer* S4S7.M/MM <metrlc ton) traded; Oct
      97 words
      • 209 13 fHE Straits tin price fell 1 810 to $1,000 per ptcul In Penang yesterday on an official ottering up 63 tons to 377 tons. LONDON: Tin prices finished £10 lower for Cash and £6 down for Three Months In both, contracts on Tuesday. The marginally lower Penang price
        209 words
      • 32 13 Rubber: Aug 26 Singapore: Sept. 156.75 c ts (up 625 ct>. Malaysia: Sept. 151 cts (up 1.50 et). Tin: SI 0«0 (down SlO). Official offering: 277 tons (ap 83 tons).
        32 words
      • 104 13 MlNttl mOIiUCI IX CHAMCI. SIMCArODI MOON closing rmcit fin ricuL Caaanat OH: bulk SSO aalltrs, drum SU atltora. Caa*a: Mimed (hwaa) UK/ Com. 534 B. Paasar: afuntok AST A mhlte fob 100* NLW $370 a*Jl*ra. Sarawak while f o.b Mt NLW 1213 atlWra. Sarawak aptetal black, f.e.b M« NLW
        104 words
      • 33 13 London copptr prtc«a en Tvaaday (previous la braefctta). Warsaw Spot bujar (Sir, vain. aaltar ftlS.3o uiiiMi. Thm Monllu buyer fS37 (IS33> atllar {53T.50 41*33.90). Market tarn: Steady Salaa 8 •00 toobes
        33 words
    • 550 13 nrHJE Singapore rubber 1 market yesterday Improved slightly on balance irom Tuesday's final levels despite a 0.50 cent marlted down opening. Fluctuation* were confined to extremely narrow range Turnover was very fair. The morning session closed very quitt The afternoon market was fractionally steadier but very quiet with
      550 words
    • 103 13 Sept Oct. fl^« Wtma i aM/OTv MIIRI IMJVI WIKffV MHII ICmilMlk) ihmrflHkl Imh^kl ltnur«krl •CV (1 ton pallet) 15*50 117 JON 167 00 IMOON 6L (1 too pallet) 165 50 IMMN 15*00 157 00N I (1 too pallet) 153 50 IU.MN 153 00 IMOON 10 (1 Urn
      103 words
    • 239 13 Money and exchanges THE U.S. dollar continued its downtrend In the Singapore forex market yesterday by ahedd'ng nearly two cents from Tuesday's level of *****0/70. The US unit was traded at 62.4720 early In the morning and was forced downwards under heavy selling to reach as low as $2 4660
      239 words
    • 145 13 sufgesteo w»™n« raica »w iw. CvrcMtn NaalnaJ mtos FMMta|i «Ml»d ytnr<»y (ana) parity l>l»f US dollar 2.4665 2.4476 ***** -13J2 Sterling pound 5 2320 5 2346 7 S4W 28 79 Hongkong dollar 48 80 48 80 SO 61 3 3t Malaysian doltar 9«46 98 55 100.00 IJI Aust
      145 words
    • 281 13 Interbank rate* »t close on Wednesday, Aug 30: US Mltn (iMt) Offar BU T days 7/t 5 1 mth 3 18 1 16 2 mthi 11 1< t/16 3 mthi 7 1/4 7 1 < 6 mthi t 1/4 1/a 9 mths t It 7/1* 13 mtbi
      281 words
    • 63 13 Minimum lending rates (in Algemerx Bank Bangkok Bonk 7 '/j Bonk of America 6' j Bank of China 7 '4 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk N«goro Indonesia ~> i Bonque de I IrtdocHine 7 Chortecad Bonk 6V4 Chose Monhatton 7 DBS 6*4 First Chicago 7 FNCB 6'/j HKSBC Molayon Bonking
      63 words
      • 161 12 AMSTERDAM. Tues— The market ruled quietly mixed today with Unllerer scoring a good gain In Dutch Internationals. Royal Datch also advanced. Ho»f«y«n« and Philip, eased, as did Aka» which closed unchanged at Its year's low of 36 00 guilders Aamrakank weakened markedly following Its first-half figures, while Algeosene Bank
        161 words
      • 113 12 yURICH. Tue».— Increatcd MJ wiling pressure on the Zurich Stock Exchange forced Klces to slide again today, •urancr T»<M*fc T. however, continued their steady irend. Bonds tended firmer. The Credit Sulase Index closed 1.2 point* lower to IM7 Cloalac prtca* la Swiu fraaci with th* dlfcnaca oo ib. prmau*
        113 words
      • 286 13 SY DNr Y. Wed— Coal stocks, depressed by the export levy imposed In yesterday's Budget, staged a general retreat In snare prices In quiet trading, dealers tald. The Sydney AU-Ordlnaiieaj Index tumbled 4.19 point*, to *****. Leading exporters Utah and Thlrtjs tumbled to A 67.60 and 83.38 respectively. foal
        286 words
      • 416 13 VIEW YORK. Tuts.— Blue chip and glamour Issues ted the stock market sharply lower today after a government official warned that the next few months are likely to be a turbulent period. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials dropped 14.21 points to close at A pickup
        416 words
      • 241 13 UONOKONO, Wed. TOO 11 market closed lower In tha smallest turnover on tho Exchange since tho middle of January, dealers sad There n^ a general lack of buying Interest and new Incentives and tho weakness of Wall Street aided the downtrend. Unconfirmed rumours that Textile AlUunce, a Jardine staUieaon
        241 words
      • 64 13 TaasSay MaaMar USS USS Melbourne II) 13«.4S 138*4 Lonilaa 181 408 181. TAB 183 208 I*2 MM Beirut I*2. M I*3 TO SarMh 181. 358 I*l. SOB lsrooa i*22sa Pan. 1*4.93 IU.3S Wednesday Tuasday Hoatkaas I*3 30 183.00 Spore- (2) 180.P48 10S.S8B 153.38S 183.54S Eiport prices In uon-sterlln*
        64 words
      • 196 13 TOKYO Wed. i— The atoek market posted sharp lost, reflecting the overnight decline on Wall Street and growing kui thai results of many domestic companies will be wont than expected dealers said. The Dow Jones average dropped 40 8» points to 4.183 n with 100 million shares chancing handa,
        196 words

  • 115 14 WHEN you have to cha«r a meeting, what would you wear? Something smart, simple and decant? Lee here chooses this jersey dress of abstract graduated blue and white prints and looks cool as any chair person should be. The dresa ha* a soft tie collar, pin
    rVAHFUTZ MATTAR  -  115 words
  • 211 14  - A 'ritual dance' between mum and baby DAVID ELLIS By ONE doctor described the way a mother and li;il)\ communicate as "a sort of ritual dance." Those cooings and babblings that the small baby offers to mum are not as meaningless as they seem, according to recent research. And mum's
    211 words
  • 565 14 Especially Women taking part in a sort of ritual dance." That "special relationship" has been the subject of research for some time. And in Birmingham researchers found that the old wives' tale about every mum knowing her own baby's cry is in fact, quite true. Mathers were studied during
    565 words
  • 612 14  - Floral art keeps Mike 'ticking' MEI-LIN CHEW gIOHT years ago, gripped by flower power, florist Michael Ong abandoned his job forcefeeding birds and the occasional animal. He could not have made a better switch, for floristry turned out to be his forte. Michael, 27, had humble beginnings in an aunt's
    612 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      297 words
    • 359 14 ORANGE JUICE COMPOUND I ORiUr6( Supplaman, you' cffKtrtn d«tl coknx^lH daily with Vitamin C tnrichad ih^rSßST^^^^M NYAL Oranaw Jut* Compound. ■^Vjflßu^-£r~7| 1 Nyml Oranaa Juica n mada from l^ft^Sl I I J fmh. tun-dranchad ortngn. Hj^Hl^K^KßktJ (I luppfmtntad with txtrw "haaltti lifEJ^iQ Mr I giving Vitamin C... til tha Vc^HHßj^ftKls
      359 words

  • 67 15 48, 000 get pay award rE Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation and the Pioneer Industries Employees' Union have concluded agreements with 187 firms to Implement the 1975 NWC recommendations In full. About 48, a©a workers have urnrftlfcd from the agreements, said a Joint SILO and PIEU statement yesterday. Negotiations are now
    67 words
  • 61 15 A motorcyclist, Chong Ten* Loy. 30. wts fined SlOO yesterday In the 10th Magistrate's Court for riding his motorcycle on Tuesday when hi* provisional driving licence had expired on May IS this Mar. He was also banned from riding motorcycles for on* year and fined another
    61 words
  • 38 15 A BUS-DRIVER. Ismail btn H«jl 3ir»t. ra fined SIM yesterday In a migUtr«te's court (or driving a bu» careleuly and hitting a pedestrian at about 2 p.m. on Mar. 25 in Jalan Bunoa. He pleaded guilty
    38 words
  • 392 15  -  rnHE head of the 1 Uni v c r sity of Singapore's English Department, Prof. Maurice Baker, yesterday came out in strong support of a return to monolingual education for those students who genuinely can not cope with blllngualism. His stand was
    392 words
  • 296 15 3 thugs (one in army uniform) terrorise T. Pagar DOUCE are looking foe a three men ene of whom had worn an army uniform believed to have been Involved recently In robbery and acts of hooliganism In TanJong Patar The men, said to be la their rarly Mi and sutderstood
    296 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 74 15 x^^m a^is^aaßiaßßißiaßßßißßßw\ afl aaaaan I F aaaaaaaaaaat 1 YOUR SAFETY IS OUR CONCERN USE liMz^fJ SAFETY PRODUCTS "tJOI *^B^^ir^ Ba^gVs^'^ Om 2 M _V JH 9 TYPE N GAS MASK NOISEFOE RESPIRATORY PROTECTION EAR MUFFLER USTOM COMBO W\ CHEMICAL CARTRIDOE OOtTFOf M We are ttockUU of a Wide Range of
      74 words
    • 386 15 Tandoori ifttfiP Chicken \f^mM& INEXPENSIVE \/d DELICIOUSLY SATISFYING f Great as a snack, lunch, dinner or in-between. Try it with Naan— a specially baked bread. They make a terrific combination. For information on the outlet nearest your home, office or while shopping phone *****08 IMPORTER DISTRIBUTOR WANTED We, a maior
      386 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 956 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee i TJS VaaJarM NarM af bVatket Un-Om m, -The Virtuous Wile (Cantonese Film, PL 1) ?J| JjJJ^JjL, 145 Love is a Many Splendoured Thing 1M $traßJtr Wl lss*i Uto Me (Part 1)# 4.25 Intermission t.45 Pre Examination Programme— Wuthering
      956 words

  • Article, Illustration
    43 16 IN ME MORI AM In everlasting memory of MX. JOHN MM WHKK WHATT. Called to eternal rest on 21st Aug 1974. Sadly missed by loving wife and family. A requiem mass will be sung at St. Joseph Church at 5.45 p.m. on 21/8/75.
    43 words
  • 61 16 THE FAMILY OF LATE MR M.P. <;ANGAI)HARAN 33, Hooper Road. Singapore exlend their most sincere appreciation and thanks to all friends and relatives especially his former colleagues at the R.0.V.. the doctors and hospital staff at S.G.H., and members of the Shiva family of both Singapore and Malaysia for
    61 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 523 16 KbJH Wk«iPUuTTMAHmPOHK2fI77 9MCM>aMi CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN ENGINEERING Troctors Singapore Limited invites applications from young and ambitious graduates with a degree in Engineering either Mechanicol or Electrical tor appointment as Executives. THE JOB Successful applicants would initially undergo a period of full time training with the Company so as to equip
      523 words
    • 907 16 fi Assistant Secretary I required I A lorge local group of companies with offices in Singapore, Mqloysia, Hong- I kong London. I (11 Candidates must possess the following qualifications and experience:- (i) Gtiicnship: Singaporean or Malaysian with permanent residence in Singapore. (ii) Qualification* and experience: University graduate, preferably LLB, or
      907 words
    • 660 16 I NOTICE I Jl NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General I n Meeting to be held on 30th August, 1975 the Directors I m will recommend the payment of a first and final A dividend of 10% less 40% income tax in respect of the E) financial
      660 words
    • 735 16 (ifQKm) public utilities!) I v f^p BOARD SENOKO POWER STATION I The Public Utilities Board, Singapore In- I I vltes tenders for the construction of the I I Circulating Water Conduits Phase A for I I the Second Stage Development of Senoko I Power Station in the Republic of Sin-
      735 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 3098 17 af^ I Ben Ocean ifmStiiSSJM9\ MBRMMMM MSBBEBM mnui ''Jfti? 'hT* ZX£ Ajortservcec/Ben line ßkieFUnnel dun Une and NSMO fc_____l _r^"#Tiiu^in»____i -'r/^-^'^^BPWPi^Wi^^B.--- w-i uti. n win *mmi run Ssm SS J? jj? IB *■>«—-«■.«-, I lil___££l-_aWB THE BANK LWE LTI> EX' "I 2S SS SS sS aZtT^iJTa,;^^ rag^^- :r=. C 2.
      3,098 words

  • 191 18 OUT: I I B/S POUT KLAMO, nlngau. CRirtlmr Hlbli-ui ()l»m Ann. King Dragon. Molar* Oriental Hawk. Mar* Srien: Mont* CrMto. Fv kuun and Kayu Btf HMi Akihiro Mam. mat K Maru. Mar ran Mondo. Tim. rafverrtt and Fedor UlMlkov tr»«m ■•rirw: Hrnvrark' Kingung. Ayultila. Htmat Ken
    191 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1087 18 YW"-«— *-**ICAWASAjUKISEN KAJSHA LTD. unauxi immi man uifttt ltd uru. mt we stuits stmct MfM N'MSf %>m—n PMMf P (SlMf I msu JgMM*a AMibuui C«Ut Banrlae Haiiiis FMTAIIUWA MAM Mvti MJ Ksrsc^. Mmst. Dm*. OsM. Japintsulh Alria--Wa« AMa AWrvlafsaafsrs n* Mt MMjn lam i4/'.l Nat Pt. Hsn-rwi. AA.Jian. Iraa. Lsm.
      1,087 words
    • 957 18 itrrrm «rrlAjiu sampit Urn ETA ETO NM'MaHSfi LC T. MACTY LlTat PMMf il AM tl Ma Cli'M* I C T MAITY MCBII II I Iwt 4 Mat IMWWU sffl-sr rsi. a s» SmUtm-. PMM 5 I BsliH»M> a Isg a Asf l|l«w» MtTilai 5aS» ha, >a. 'j;^'*--,-lift Fawr SkfMf mw.
      957 words
    • 980 18 FUJI CTTAINEWSn SEHtW II EIMH taan P AstMf F >*m Htwf %nm lmn im iiiiam iiareiiK atast atari HBtt aatt a aci it at, n an ■iptuni iappniii' a ki art naw nm. aan Nm mbm NIPTVaI IMIUII- lIM ItM INM 4Mt Ikl II he II M FIUT ONTAINUISEI SEIDCE
      980 words
    • 899 18 EJMtss groct n wm, urnftit^iiTWDrT mn P KtUSf PtMSg UMMg tar ■aauUTA a/aisg a/IMfV 1/4 M 8/ I Mfl fclMu JVJ. l-tm. C*r>in 4/ 10. R MM. ll'iO. *>-*• uno. Html It/ 10. AMMMf n 10 MM4A lANJIM Mlhfi 71: ISnl 1/ I Mft BamNm n. 10. 4.* MM, ClfSift.
      899 words
    • 868 18 W SUNA LINE I COPENHAGEN IMEPfMCNT MBHTMT UI»ICI Tl lIPMPt SiaMfsll P. MlMf PMMf IMMM t* inMia n/a amj »1/a Asg a/a Asg AatMwt I'«mi/Al»v •M» SVMAWIS a/ISSft 4/ I Mft 1/4 MII Ant«f|, Ms«/AMn. ItaMMr, m-v*. »IA CAPE ff BMB Mft /SNU CANAI OTMUL. MMtn limmmi IHTIAMA (PTEI in.
      868 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 575 19 classified ads gj IF 'OU KNOW something about watches which are counterfeited just let us know. You can get a good reward for any valuable In- mat ion Write to P o Box 3248. Singapore For Lowest AIR FARES Look in Classified Column 62 ON COMICS ii.) comics harm children-
      575 words
    • 736 19 APPLICANTO replying to Box numbers for Vacancies are requested not to enclose original copies of testimonials or references with their applications No responsibility can be accepted for their loss Applicants arc also advised to write to Box numbers correctly and check them before posting. Aw taniinws HHiri requires mas* or
      736 words
    • 735 19 FEMALE CLCRK typist required for Indian firm Apply with telephone number and sa.ary expected to ST BOXA9IBBI WANTEO AMBITIOUS AND hardworking young men preferable age 25 to 30 keen to take up SellIng as a Career Experience not essential but with a flair In Selling Qualifications HSC or minimum Senior
      735 words
    • 674 19 INDENTING SALCSMAaV Salesgirl for wholesales textile, sundry Items Well established company with uiirtaat branches. Salary plus commission. All applications treated confidential write particulars, previous experience with phuto PO Box 3346, S'pore TEMPORARY SALCS PROMOTERS urgently'' required by TNC BORNEO CO. PTC. LTD. for a period of 3 months Trw pfof
      674 words
    • 587 19 ■TELEPHONE OPCRATOR TRAINEE wanted' Secondary education, dialects speaking advantageous. Job guarantee Application booklet V Phone 33SM8. *****8. PURCHAOtNG MANAGER required by locally estabushad dredging company. To mm k« me ainigi mi of Me PvrHlllllig BacNaii si Bw Company BlSUwli osxwmwe- lap! .lull Please apply with comprehensive resume Indicating qualifications and
      587 words
    • 779 19 WANTCD DESPATCH RIOCR with scooter for work In city area. Apply with details to: Tanglln PO Box 7. S'pora 10. ENGLISH SPEAKING WAITRBJBSOS for wall estabushad coffee house restaurant Please call personally 60. Stevens Road oa.m. spm DCLIVCRV CLCRKO RCOUIRCO urgently Driving licence essential Interested pleats apply at 38, Blk.
      779 words
    • 769 19 OUT. >• UNFURNISNID TCJtftACE. telephone available MM Frank* Annut adaauatair furnished bungalow MM Tel: ■MR.* OUT It detained bungalow (Cornwall Oardans) 2 large bedrooms. 1 small bedroom*. Fully furnished l»,000 sq ft Phone t&iev 512*15. DMT. 11 OW ADAMS ROAD seml-colonlal bungalow, S bedrooms/ study, fully atrcon. lanra entertaining
      769 words
    • 818 19 S-VTORsTY OCTACMtO houM In BukttTlmah district 4 bedrooms, study, wninii j alrcond spactouayard. furnished $1,500/Rlnf2MS4«8/ ***** 19 Ot«T. THOMSON PAR* doublestorey terrace telephone furnWwd. taao. DUt 21 brand ne« duuble-storej corner terrace furrushed. $l.J00 M1081 DltTMCT 1* Ocl Tlona Hun Park Detached bungalow 3 Bfdroorai servant's rocn Sl.SOO/- unfurnished Tel:
      818 words
    • 833 19 OIST 6 S-BCDROOMCD APARTMENT. Brand new furnishings alrcond 81.000 DUt. 5 Faber HIUs furnished $850 BSISO6. BEAUTIFULLY FURtMSMCD FLAT swimming pool. 3 bedrooms. 1 separate servant's room, district 9 Rent $1,900/ Ring *****9 •T. THOMAS WALK 4th floor furnished $850. River Valley Close furrushed with 3 alrconds SOW. Contact Panmay
      833 words
    • 735 19 WHAT IS TOWN House worth todsy' Ring Victor L Mender Pte Ltd Auctioneers and Valuers Consultations Free and Without Obligation Teleohone 9B34l6 CONSULTANTS IN POJOPERTY 6 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT offers the followinc MOTWCT 16 BRAND NEW BLOCK OP PLATS Limited Units Left Available for viewing Price ranging from 9*7.000/- to $75,000/Finn
      735 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 695 20 P flWVwWcl ORCHID VILLAGE, well-maln-tairvd 2-storey furnished semidetached 3.800 sq ft tenanted 82.200 p m Selling 8330.000 Tel *****9 TERRACE HOUSE at Paslr Pan- I jane Oardens Overdraft facility available Price negotiable Tel *****6.*****7 SINGLE-STORE Y BUNGALOW 10 400 sq ft with large cemented ground. Dist 14 8150.000 o.n 0
      695 words
    • 763 20 OFFICE ROOMS AVAILABLE Ir Shopping Centre outside CBL $250. $500 r m inclusive maintenance. PUB *****4 OFFICE CUM SHOWROOM avail able at President Shopping On up Negotiable rental Outsldi CBI) Ring *****7 PROPMTV CONSULTANT! VALUERS ANO REAL ESTATE AGSNTS OFFICE/ SHOWROOM SPACE FOI LEASE SIN CHEW JIT POH SUILWNO al
      763 words
    • 769 20 BTTBs*T^^sbl NAM HO TRAVEL Service (SlngaI pore) Pte Ltd Tour West Mala/ su (Inclusive OenUng. C/ High- lands) by Deluxe alrcondltloned bus seven days *****-. Departure Even Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four days SSEV-. OenUng Highlands Four days *****/-. Departure Every Wednesday OenUng Highlands Two days by air *****/-. Departure
      769 words
    • 702 20 LIHU-C inHVBL, £3 Jl AUg VJ. Highlands tpoh Penang C. Highlands Malacca 9130. 21/9 Ipoh Haadyal XL 8130 One way air/eon coach K L 120 Ipoh 826 Butterworth 830 Haadyal 840 Blk 177 No 162 Toa Payoh Central Tel: *****2 MALAYSIA GOLD CUP FINAL SINGAPORE VS SELANOOR 838 (Std Coach.
      702 words
    • 676 20 UOS CAFETERIA International Buffet Lunch served every Tuesday and Thursday Come and eat as much as you can for only 84/- per person DAILY Set Lunch V 83.50 Self service speciality Nasl Padang Far reserv etton' Tel: 91SBM Bit 4M UOB CAFETERIA IBTH FLOOR, UOB BUILDING. BONHAM STREET. SINOAPORE 1.
      676 words
    • 790 20 TORONTO. Pre-Unlverslly Admissions from Orade 12 to College Technical Courses, from Orade 13 lo University Professional Degrees Present Forms IV. V and VI students may make applications for January Semester now with academic results Early applications are processed for tion visa procedures and flight arrangemenu. A good University education Is
      790 words
    • 848 20 m •/P/frTtTf^ RADIO 6 TELEVISION COURSES 11-6-76: Radio Sunday. 1 p m 8-8-78: Radio. Mon/ Wed/ Frl. 830pm 1-9-78: B/W TV Mon/ Wed/ Fn 6 45 p m 4-9-7S:C TV. Tue/Thu/Sat. 6 45 pm SCIENCE ELECT. (PTE) SCHOOL 167-C. Now Bridge Rood, *****9 (app. Paoptot Park Centre) SINGAPORE INSTITUTE OF
      848 words
    • 907 20 dlllon only Sl. ooo* or nearest ofier secures Phone SS26S9 office hours 1964 FORO ZEPHYR 4 1703 c c Mechanically sound, rust free (lond appearance, good running order fix (8256 6 months) Insured till November Owner leaving Singapore next week Asking $900 o n 0 Byrnes 1. Baker ■street. Seletar
      907 words
    • 825 20 School) Tel *****72 *****9 *****7 1974 Maada Dl5OO Truck 1973 Colt Oalant 1400 S/Wagon Colt Coach (mlnl-bus) Masda FlOOO S/Wagon 1972 DalhaUu li-lon 1-nrrv 1970 Tovota 1200 Sprinter Ford Cortina Super 1969 Ford Cortina Super (open till 5 30pm ISM VAUXHALL 101 original paint cushion Tip top condition $750 0.n.0
      825 words
    • 759 20 boards, rotating speaker Mini Pops' Automatic Percussion Both for *****/- Phone Chla. *****1. niter 6pm FOt^LfIOAWTcANE furniture Superior quality furnishing materials, wagrsii malting Vlsll Adrian's 425 River Valley Road Tel *****4/*****0. S'poi* HENO HUAT IRON/ Cant Furniture Co 25 Cavenatti Road- 8» Off Orchard Road Tel *****6 RENTAL. HIRE PURCHASE,
      759 words

    • 194 21 Strike threat nurses get Govt pledge KUALA LUMPUR, W«d. Health Minister Tan Sri Lee 81ok Yew said today the ministry Is looking into the grievances of assistant nurses. "I understand their problems and have spoken to officials of the Assistant Nurses Union." he said. The assistant nurses, about 3.500 of
      194 words
    • 38 21 PARIT. BUNT AH. Wed A three-year-old girl Roktah btntl Ahmad, was knocked down and killed by a motorcycle at the 13th mlltstone, of the Kuala Kurau road. 14.4 km (nine miles) (ran here, it pa yesterday
      38 words
    • 21 21 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed Tht Chief Minuter of Seychelles, Mr. Jtmes Matrfham. arrived her* today for a four-day unofficial vttt.
      21 words
    • 136 21 KUALA LUMP UR, Wed. Halt-a--nilllon ..liars to change a name, that's what It la going to cost the Malaysian Red Cnea Society to revamp its symbol and change its name to the Maliyilan Red Crescent Society. The society's chairman. Tunku Tan Sri Mahaßsed
      136 words
    • 311 21 KL bid for World Bank 'soft loans' KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Malaysia will press for more "soft loans" from the World Bank to finance projects under the Third Malaysian Plan, Deputy Finance Minister, Tan Sri Chong Hon Nyan said tcday. He win put up Malaysia's case at the meeting of the
      311 words
    • 273 21 JOHORE BARU, Wednesday fHE Immigration Department is willing to release the Sooth Vietnamese skipper of the hijacked ship Junsang Trader and four crew members who were abandoned off Kukup last week, after the ship had been seized by 18 mutineers. Capt.
      273 words
    • 74 21 OENZVA. Wed. The ON High CotmnlsMon for Refugees said her* today It would give UalaysUn welfare organisations tom« *****--000 this year to help torn* 1.100 people who have fled Cambodia, The Comm'tston said the purpose of the agreement, concluded with the Malaysian Muslim Welfare Organisation and
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 190 21 DAY A HOLD-UP VICTIM LOST HIS VOICE KUALA LUMPUR, Wed —Clerk Said Ahmad bin Sultan Khan, 38, lost his voice for a few minutes after a robbery at the Central Railway Station parcel office here today. He ran to the station master's office to make a report when the two
      190 words
    • 39 21 TAIPINO. Wad. Tbw body of Pah Ah Kofc TS. who left hit house to collect vegetables near a river, was found floating In Sungel Nlbong. about 33km (14 miles) from here by UM police yesterday afternoon.
      39 words
    • 42 21 IPOH, Wed. An antl-communlst rally will be held In Sungel Slput, once a hotbed of terrorist activities. 29 km <18 miles) north of here, on Sunday morning. It will be highlighted by the burning of an effigy of a terrorist.
      42 words
    • 42 21 IPOH. Wed. Tan Sri Chelvasingam Maclntyre. former Malaysian High CommlsÜB/ier tn India anrj federal judge, died In tpoh over the weekend alter a short Illness. He was 73. He was burled at Chens Christian Cemetery In Kuala Lumpur.
      42 words
    • 140 21 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —Police suspect Arsonists were responsib'e for the fire which destroyed a Sri Jaya bus which was Involved In an accident tn which two people died In Kampong Datuk Keramat her* yesterday. "We suspect some yout*is In the area did the mischief. We
      140 words
    • 101 21 $23, 000 robbery: Two men held PtNANO. Wed. Police have detained two •aspects And recovered $14,500. part of the ftt.M 7 robbed from the Bank Bumlputra branch on the Unlverslti Sains campus on Aug. One of the men was picked up In Onsen Lane at 945 am. yesterday. He subsequently
      101 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 721 21 BOOK-KEEPING ACCOUNTANCY SCNVICES rendered for •nrr. la I firms Kindly coo- Mr Lor* *****84 (after 2 week Ays) FOR LAOV ESCORTS, also hairdressing and perming for ladles erntiemen Call "Merlg Dublin Road. *****0 I <***** (Spore) for CMANMINO ANO sociable irtl dial 3770*1/ *****68 I .ah Society 248-C3 Orchard Ruad
      721 words
    • 651 21 tt TO« LOftAIN HVMAUUC CftANI Vcmr of Manufacture 1(71 122 feet Main Boom 43 feet Fly Jib <-'ornpln*d with larf* quantity of Hr.c* f 180.000 negotiable mi»Mm IMiM »IVIMI ampere. *'Win» machines for hire/ »le Interested phone 4MBS6 .THOMMOU COCHNAN MULTWAC BOILER FOM ALI 201 h p (6990 Ib/hr Max.
      651 words
    • 448 21 ACCOUNTANT Our client, a subsidiary of an international insurance company, invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians for the newly created position of an Accountant, to be based in Kuala Lumpur. The successful candidate, preferably a bumiputra, will be a fully qualified accountant and preferably with a few years
      448 words
    • 1044 21 I^RjaßßHßasatsSSttSSßsi SsistsM Bs^BSttl TO RENT Luxury Offices in a Choice Location A limited number of offices ranging from 100 sq.ft. 10,000 sq.ft. are readily available for occupation. A choice of partitioned and open areas. Excellent parking facilities and complete amenities within the complex. Ring Miss Tan at ***** Ext. 49
      1,044 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 279 21 Strains Times Crossword HH kflaa ACROSS Imprudent, employ Ing urn 1 Aa it were, an income tax cultured type' <4i collector on the way' (4- 7 Defend keep, perhaps <•> 3 i S Settling an Item Involving S A cream dlah many de- current expedlturC <•>. manded for a tweet
      279 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 695 22 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES FOR TEACHERS Applications are Invited from qualified (English medium) teachers to teach In Government Primary Schools In Brunei. These teachers should be prepared to teach basic subjects (English and Mathematics) and a number of other subjects In the class where they will be Form Teactiers. Teachers
      695 words
    • 1288 22 DOW CHEMICAL PACIFIC LTD. has a vacancy for a suitably qualified Malaysian citizen, preferably a Bumlputra, to fill the post of an: ACCOUNTANT Qualifications: Must be an accounting graduate or possess professional qualifications. Experience: At least 3 years of experience In the field 1 of accounting and finance. A Age:
      1,288 words
    • 502 22 M l Kempas (Malaya) Berhad INTERIM REPORT 1975 The unaudited results of the Company and its subsidiaries Jenta Plantations Berhad and Tong Hlng Plantations Berhad for the half year to 30th June 1975 together with comparative results for the previous year are as follows: -1975 1974 1974 6 months to
      502 words
    • 385 22 INVITATION OF TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND HEAVY VEHICLES TO SABAH LAND DEVELOPMENT BOARD, SABAH, MALAYSIA. The Sabah Land Development Board is inviting prospective equipment suppliers from the Asian Development Bank Member or Luxembourg countries to tender for the supply and delivery of heavy equipment
      385 words

  • 629 23 GIVING STRATA TITLE OWNERS IN CONDOMINIUMS A BETTER SAY THE Land Titles (Strata) (Amendment) BUI to allow buyers to exercise fully the rights of management conferred upon strata title owners was committed to a select committee In Parliament on Tuesday. The Bill provides for the issue of strata titles (or
    629 words
  • 114 23 Have you seen this girl? SCHOOLGIRL Tan Lcok Ching, 11, (abovr) has been reported missing from her Lorong 1, Tom Payoh home since Aug. IS. Her mother. Madam One Geok Enf. appeahi to anyone knowing her whrremboaU to contact her at telephone 55»5? or get In touch with Sit Lav
    114 words
  • 152 23 Labourer who stole a bus for joy-ride A LABOURER stole an BBS bus In Changl for a Joy-ride with his lr lends but the vehicle later crashed into an oil drum in Palmer Road, the First Magistrate's Court heard yesterday. Retnam Kunasekar, 20. who admitted stealing the bus in front
    152 words
  • 241 23 rl price of horse mackerel (selar) has increased by 20 cents a kaU to $1.60 yesterday, the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prlcev BICg: Thai 100 per cent •O\ 76 cents a katl or 605g. Thai 10 per cent. 64 cents: Australian 10 per
    241 words
  • 469 23  -  TAN HSIU LING INCENTIVES ALONE NOT ENOUGH By YOUNG people here must revise their work ethics as incentives alone may not a It r act them to more difficult and hazardous jobs, various companies said yesterday. Commenting on the recent caU by Mr. Ho See
    469 words
  • 436 23 Suggestions to the boss end up in dustbin A NATIONAL Productivity Board official A said yesterday that a sore point in bossworker, relationship in many firms here was that Ideas for Improvement from shop-floor workers seldom reached higher management This, said Mr. Kenneth K.C. Mok. head of NPB'i General Management
    436 words
  • 39 23 THE Khang Shemg Slngrrs will present a choral concert Night of Khang Shemg at the DBS auditorium on Aug. 30 at 8 1J p m Ticket* at U and SI can be bought at Cold Storage.
    39 words
  • 46 23 NEW Zealand's Chief of the Naval staff. Rear Admiral EC. Thome, yesterday called on the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee. He leaves for Malaysia this afternoon and will return to Singapore again on Monday for another two days.
    46 words
  • 26 23 winners of Nantah Bconamlc Society accond InUrBSC Economic Knowledge contest will receive thatr prises at the university's first laeturc hail on Saturday at 4
    26 words
  • 211 23 Beating for man suspected of raping girl, 14 A MAN, alleged to have raped a 14--year-old girl In a Joo Chlat Road brothel early this month, was caught and thrashed by her brother and later warded in hospital. He was discharged from hospital the next day and taken to Joo
    211 words
  • 46 23 THE Minister for National Development and Communications, Mr. Llm Kirn San, will present letters of appointment to members of the CalrnhUl Cltlsens Consultative and Management Committees at a National Da; dinner at the community centre In Buyong Road at 7 JO p.m today.
    46 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 270 23 f we can turn a barge into a fuel storage basin, act as an aircraft carrier or deliver tugs and barges to the Persian Gulf nonstop, JJust imagine what h'" Tr^i can do f or y° u ggj^s^AL^ Rgciifl gßsfawi^^^^^^^ J ust because one of our barges j^^^g^s^^^^^ isn't going
      270 words
    • 209 23 i! if I D m sw jg outside M micrometers toolmaker's microscopes vernier calipers I I 1 Hi v I dial calipers 'tfg^'sk^ dial tesl indicators J ImMB Mitutoyo precision H I measuring instruments H 9 are used in most H J industrialised countries. I Hgfcgiß^ We have available in
      209 words

    • 113 24 Shooting golds shared KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. —China, Japan and North Korea equally ahawd the six fold medals at stake today In the Third Asian Shooting Championships at the Subang Range here. Chinese women shooters took the gold In the air rifle team event with 1,121 points out of the total
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 47 24 URAZ iauiuui. Wea. Racine driver Mark Donohue died her* shortly before midnight yesterday. tpntwmtn of the Orai hospital said. Donohue had been hospitalised ■Ince Sunday after he craart•d In training far the Orand Prix of Austria Formula One race at the nearby Zeltwef track— AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 147 24 Tourney has problems -j-OKYO. We*. Pktatag 1 fee the pre-Otysasee SMeat awUtfyls* ntK ka Teky* te •artr October Is nsstaf Me nAiMsig seewMy. s«tmesJ U4 niiirrlsl teisi TIM aftMMu frasß the ■a.iMilMtlii ef Israel snd Talwma te Or«at> Three cf the Aataa Oiysßfee sjwUtfyteg tsantßsaeat Mm eaMal 1 Ike Jaaaa
      147 words
    • 450 24  -  EPSOM JEEP By THE dry spell in Singapore appears to be overHeavy rain fell on Tuesday night Bukit Timah racecourse recorded 2} inches of rain and there was a rainstorm late yesterday morning. The going at Buklt Timah has changed from firm to
      450 words
    • 201 24 Board says no extra Test LONDON, Wed. The Test and County Cricket Board officially announced last night that a fifth and extra Test between England and Australia will not be played. A statement from the Board scretary. Donald Carr. finally ended speculation that an additional match might be played after
      201 words
    • 37 24 JOHANNESBURO. Wed The world llght-heavywatght title fight between Plenv Pourle of South Africa and Victor Oallndec of Argentina will be held on Sept. 13 at the Rar.d Stadium here. It was officially announced yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 353 24 Mcllroy goals give United the leadership LONDON, Wed.— Manchester United, back In the English First Division after a year in Division Two, took over the lead by winning their second game of the season last night. United beat Birmineham 2-0 and are the only one of the 12 First Division
      Reuter  -  353 words
    • 200 24 LONDON. Wed. French filly Dahlia led a European humiliation of Britain's triple Classic winner Orundy in the valuable Benson and Hedges Gold Cup horse race at York yesterday. Dahlia, owned by American Mr. Nelson Bunker Hunt, landed the £39,397 ($206,830) top prize as
      200 words
    • 190 24 LONDON. Wed. When 16 fans are stabbed and 27t arrested and a newspaper describes this as a "relatively Deaceful" start to the new soccer football season you can understand why many Britons are worried about their national sport. The season opened last Saturday and ail
      190 words
    • 209 24 Yorkshire back at the top ONDON. Wed. Rain M J wrecked yesterday's County cricket programme, but Yorkshire managed to retain leadership of the county table, even though their game against Glamorgan was rained off as a draw. York-thlre. who last won the County title back In 1868, picked up seven
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 1274 24 Thirty-nine hones have been entered for the main sprint over ijf straight In the Sultan's Oold Vase race meeting at the Perak Turf Club course on Aug. 30. and SI and Sept. C and 7. They are among a total of 774 horses, comprising 76 In Class 1.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 368 24 A ft I Hair Liquid A The complete modern M k hairdressing liquid for H men from Japan. w j I li_l^BSsV^^^^^e^PnH r\vlC^ '^sfsaW *SmV s^Bs^Bs^Bs^pmr I«blbmsV^* J* .BBBsf BmsV*^ "r^ AW **,dPsWaWaVJaBWaWaWaWaV* fc wJm -jt jp> 4aß pV V» .m. aaaik PsWaW^T* laV^sk^sWawT YW4t j jMpWJ i #Bli W*
      368 words

  • 273 25  -  JOE DORAI 'NO DECISION TO BAN STORE FROM M-TOURNEY' By p.V of Malaysia secretary Dato Kwok Kin Keng yesterday described reports that Singapore would be dropped from next year's Merdeka Tournament as "purely speculative." In a telephone interview Dato Kwok said: There's no truth In it. No
    273 words
  • 326 25  - STORE AT WINTER OLYMPICS? TEOH ENG TATT By if anyone had sug--1 gested a year ago that Singapore would one day be taking part in Winter Olympic Games, one would have told him to get his head examined. It Is unbelievable but true that there Is every possibility now of
    326 words
  • 395 25  - SHA IN THE DOLDRUMS ERNEST FRIDA ■r THERE is more pessimism than confidence in the Singapore team that will compete in the Tun Razak hockey competition at Penang from Aug. 23 to 30 because of their poor performances this season. The Under-23 team, which Is virtually the national side, failed
    395 words
  • 34 25 LONDON. Wed. Vicente Fe: nmndfti. Of Arger. Una. •cored a blnlle on the final hole to win the Benson and Hedge* P* tlval foJf tournament by one stroke from Maurice Bembrvdre. Reutar.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 173 25 ARROGANT. inA efficient officials are a Might to any sport It's even worse when the sport is Af httng to avoid experiencing the same fate at the dinosaur. Take the recent Pests Sakaa Kartint Champlomhtoa. Confased reporters did not relish th« Idea of covering tkls Meet, where
    173 words
  • 411 25  -  BERNAD PEREIRA By rpHAILAND's Juta Tinfisapati, who turned down an invitation to play in the Just concluded Merdeka tourtournament, almost single handedly shattered Singapore in the Pesta Sukan Under-23 triangular rugby tournament yesterday at Jalan Besar Stadium. Thailand won 22-12 (a goal, a try and
    411 words
  • 445 25  - KADIR HOPES TO WOO THE FANS BACK GODFREY ROBERT By SYBD Abdul Kadlr. the veteran of over 50 flghU In a career spanninx about 10 years, *s the most accomplished boxer In Singapore's eight-man team to the Malaysian Open Championships In Kua 1 v Lumpur from Aug. 39 31. But
    445 words
  • 87 25 Production edge Editorial PRODUCTION edged attl- tortal 3-3 to win the StrmlU Tiroes Inter-depart-ment table tennis champtonship at Baffles iy»t»«t»nton hafl. Results (Production first): How Ham Yee beat David Oan 21-11. 11-1T; James Lss lost to Albert Johnson la-n, 20-n. How and Lee Bee Seng lost to David Oan and
    87 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 307 25 EvmruwE^ first in outboards fastwin Jl IS POWERFUL ill I ENOUGH TO IT I MAKE YOU <fti II FORGET IT'S ■hi A SMALL «L^ OUTBOARD fTfß> SINGAPORE BRUNEI W^'y^\ USUAL J93S l^^Wm EAST WEST MALAYSIA \> A NOW $1450 H USUAL 33«t Note: Above prices for standard shaft models. Longshaft
      307 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous

  • 37 26 BONN. Wed. Cast Oermany has Installed about 16 000 shrapnel spraying devices along the border with rival West Oermany to help trap people trying to nee the communist country, the Interior Ministry said yesterday. UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 99 26 HONGKONG, Wed. Many suspects under investigation by the colony's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) had a number •f bank accounts, not all in their own name, the commission said yesterday. A statement by the organisation which was set up early last year to fight
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 32 26 PEORIA (Illinois). Wed President Ford's planned trip to China will take place In late November or early December this year, white House Press Secretary Ron Nessen told reporters today. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 76 26 Typhoon toll rises to 61 TOKYO. Wed. Typhoon Rita, the sixth of the season, was located today about 100 krr. (SO miles) north-north east of Okinawa moving slowly towards the East. China Sea. weathermen reported. The typhoon had maximum winds of 30 kph (56 mph). Meanwhile, the death toll in
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 61 26 TRAP AM (Sicily) Wed. The roof of a house declared by the city unsafe for habitation collapsed yesterday, burying at least six people under tons of nibble. Police said a mother and her two children, aged 14 year* and eight months, were killed but rescue workers pulled
    AP  -  61 words
  • 39 26 TOKYO. W«d. The Bank of Japan today continued to support the. yen on the Tokyo foreign exchange market for the third straight day, selling an tsttmamrt UBSM million at 2M.00 yen. local banking sources said. Reuter
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 28 26 OBMKVA. Wed Crown Prince Fabd of Saudi Armbu ha* btcotat the latwt fmnoui panonallty to own choice property overlooking Lake Oeneva. the city annojneed yesterday —UPl.
    28 words
  • 24 26 OH. IHNIIT NOHONMA u^ T4. 4MM) tl t.4* p.m. M.S.TS n»r > brtx iumm at An—ia Tkuk» to aocion «~1 ■!>« 1.C.1) V^W«ral arraagtnMiitfl lAttf.
    24 words
  • 51 26 OENSVA. Vved. Th« United States and Soviet Union have completed a draft International treaty banning environmental warfare, Western diplomats said today. The proposed treaty will almost certalntly be presented to the Sft-naUon Oeneva disarmament conference 6efore its soncudas Its summrr session on Aug. SS. the diplomats said—
    51 words
  • 381 26 f ONDON. W*a. TIM Mock mar- ktt eloMd hint today, aaa all S p m UM Financial Tlmaa Index wu OS I to 2M.4 Prim eair.« off tk« bottaao arm tk« mIIIks «n«d up but tattmat ramalntd imall await lot tlx Pnas* aflalattr'a apaaek a* ttlrvuioo tonlskl lamcklßC
    381 words
  • 30 26 ■ÜBilR LONDON. Wrt. Spot MOO MIlMt: a** M.M. O«t M4S. Oct.Dm M.Sft. JuMiict Moo ApniJun* St.M. Jalf-s*p( 40 a. Oet-Dw 41.06 O*oml at —V* MOO. Oct UTS. Marktt: Ht»ll»rl
    30 words
  • 32 26 LONDON W*. Spot kajttn ISISS (-(Mi HlKn £31(6 I— ll»> rarwtr* buy*ra UI4I i— £24 1 MlH>ra ***** (—(Mi. Sttliii»< (SIM (—ll*l. Turno»tr a m 41* m 140 tOM. Ton* Stoa«jr
    32 words
  • 422 26 CAIRO, Wednesday JjJGYPT and Israel were apparently still at odds today over the duration of a new interim peace accord as Dr. Henry Kissinger prepared to leave Washington for Jerusalem to resume his shuttle diplomacy between the two countries. Egyptian officials insisted that under
    AP  -  422 words
  • 56 26 BANGKOK, W«t Troop* fanning out into the thick jnnfle to provide security durinf a visit by Kins; Bbumipoi AdulTadej to in outpost recently attacked by communist-led Insurgents, stumbled on ayes eontaininr the 4e« of 24 rebels. The find brottfht the number of lnsurfento confirmed killed during
    56 words
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