The Straits Times, 17 August 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Sunday Times No. 2048 AUGUST 1 7. 1 975 30 CENTS M .C. (P) No. 111 7/75
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  • 561 1 'Situation in the country satisfactory 9 NEW DELHI, Saturday THE new rulers of Bangladesh teemed to be in firm control of the country today after yesterday's coup in which Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was ousted at Pretident and killed. The new Cabinet met today
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  561 words
  • 145 1 lITIELDING multi hard flowers, 742 girls frees the Nan Hwa Girls' High School sa*H oat this Intricate-ly-formed message to wish Singapore a long life and a bright future at the combined mill tary tattoo at the National Stadium last night. Dressed la purplr blouses and
    145 words
  • 61 1 BBOUL. Bat The moUodng SMSkn tor four prominent Christian minister* critical of the OoTernment of PrssMsnt Park Chnag-HM has been re-achedutad for Aaf M. Chief Judge Kwak Done-Run said today. Judf* Kwmk said he reffcr^ah" 1 the aanUncinc ssaston birsnss there was a difference between the prosseutton
    61 words
  • 33 1 BdROT. 8«t A Dutch firm u\<\ an <iwtfin group have dlacoverad oU In tfte OnlUd Armb Bnlr.U of Ru KlwliM h. a Betrut wwklj Sn«ll&h-lancuace n«» mary tald today UPI
    UPI  -  33 words
  • 189 1  -  PHILIP LEE By ANOTHER 100 of the 450 Vietnamese refugees still in Singapore are expected to leave for their new homes in the United States late next week. They were to have left by air on Aug. 7, via Subang Airport In Kuala
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  • 41 1 BANOKOK, Bat. One Thai border patrol poUoeman was killed and IS injured in a clash with a group of oommimM sucrUlas In the Dorthem province of Chiang Mai near the Laotian border ycfterday, (overnment offldeJa saW today. Beuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 82 1 PERTH. Sat— A Singapore Airlines Boeing 707, which landed safely here this morning with 156 people aboard after reporting an undercarriage failure has now been cleared by engineers and will return to Singapore later today. Ihe tjane. R*ht 89 *M from gtnempcre to Ftrtn. Utntrcd a full-xca*
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  • 101 1 SAN DOCK) (California) Sat— Ou Of two convicted child moiMten has been granted permission to be castrated aa an alternative to possible life lmprlsonxnent. But unlike previous sex offenders who nave be«n released without bail to have the operation performed. Paul Ds La Haye
    AP  -  101 words
  • 21 1 BEIRUT. (Lebanon), Sat. The military regime in North Yemen has thwarted a monarchist coup attempt. An Nahar reported today
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  • 441 1 SINAI ACCORD DRAFT COMPLETE: DINITZ Washington. Saturday SECRETARY of State Henry Kissinger was at the Rocky mountain resort of Vail Colorado today to brief President Ford on progress made by US and Israeli officials on an interim Middle East peace agreement Their meeting was set
    Reuter; UPI  -  441 words
  • latest
    • 54 1 CALCUTTA. Sal— The family el ShsSka Majlbar Bassaaa Is seMeved te saw* seea iliwilr wl*e« anar-M ees*. tNsseaMMe sjsm saW essr a ta*r. rwaMftetf le> kaw earrHwi Ike m<m eT U* MM* rillmt The «eaa bMSillt -kfc M«J1». his wtte. i« mm a SMfkter. tkey •ass.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 Wrolex Sales Service '.Branch) Now at Ocean Buildir.g Collyer Quay. [THE PRIVATELY THIS WKK IN M THE JAMES T^%*swr m MS"" F^ HE -T-*^ «*«ha« LIVES OF DR. P X HOFFA P 9 three classes of KISSINGER k&hScsm*miA MYSTERY 1 Keeping up with «.i«-t-n.ii rt m j a D rlnc»«l
      73 words
    • 71 1 STEPS TO CHECK SHIPYARD MISHAPS -Page 7 SUHARTO: No formal China lid If she backs Beds 2 NO final accord on »übber buffer stock plan S BIRTH rate down but It's still hlfh 4 THE sslUtary tattoo In picture* S EARN-as yo«- learn plan by BITC far leavers DONT
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    • 34 1 GEMS Kwiuii* JEWELLERY U.S. de SUVA SONS, Jewellers 62, 24, RAFRFS PUCE. SINOAPOftC-i. TEL: ***** When sickness or strain darkens a child's daynew Brand's Chicken Preparation for Children brings his brightness back. r MB]
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Times Worldwide
    • 198 2 Spy confession at gunpoint: Thai attaches BANGKOK. Bat. Two Thai military attaches •ay Lao authorities forced them at gunpoint to confess that they had ■Pled on Laos. "On the last day In Vientiane, the Lao guards gave us a prepared text of the confession and put the gun right on
      AP  -  198 words
    • 374 2 JAKARTA. Saturday p R E S IDENT Suharto today accused China of supporting underground communist movements in nesiaHe declared relations between the two countries would not be normalised until China dropped her support lor a revival of the banned Communist Party.
      AP; UPI  -  374 words
    • 145 2 JAKARTA. Sat. President Suharto said today the Government had managed to overcome the financial difficulties of the stateowned Pertamlna oil company. The Indonesian leader said the Pertamlna case should serve as a lesson. "The Government feels relieved that lt still has the ability to
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 72 2 Brian gets a fishful ORANTHAM (Enflandi. Sat. College lecturer Brian Clarke munched his way through 10 platea of fried cod fllleta and chips to win an eating contest In this eastern England Tillage yesterday and amid afterwards he never wanted to ate any more nth and chips. But the prise,
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 151 2 Minister: Rot sure when I'll have to quit rOLOMBO, Sat. The \j finance Minister Dr. N M. Perera. leader of the Trotskylte Lanka Sama Samaja Party (LSBP) said ysterday he did not know how long he would be a minister. Dr. Perera, who was warned by Prime Minister Slrlmavo Bandaranalke
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 53 2 I— WOCRMK Sat. Thrw people, ti^hwtir^ a prominent onion taarWr. wcra hurt and n«n man ware arrattod altar a brawl liilmwi rival onlnnlf outskh» a niwayanai office bar* ysataraay. PrtnUn rrcm both Uribouro*'* papers. Tha Af» and Bun-Plctortal, hay« bam on ■trlka tor weak owr a
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    • 29 2 TOKYO, aat. > and air atrvtoas waw ■iwnrted In awrthrn and urn Japan today a* a puwsrnil approarhb* typhoon was eaurfnc basvy rains, rtronc wtads udhlfhnn« Id the
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    • 259 2 Soviets have an eye on S-E Asia, warns Peking TOKYO, Sat. China ■I yesterday accused the Soviet Union of extending its "evil tentacles" to South-east Asia after the United States withdrew Its forces from Indochina. The charge was made by Chinese Vice-Premier Teng Hslao-plng In a speech at a banquet
      AP  -  259 words
    • 194 2 riiHE martial law OdvX eminent refused yesterday to divulge further details of its claim lt had reached a ceasefire agreement in the Southern Philippines with officials of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF). There was no Immediate sign of an end to the fighting which
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    • 110 2 filed a US$B m 1 1 1 1 o v (B*2o million i libel suit against President Marcos and other Philippine officials for a report alleging they were Involved In an International plot. Mr. Steve Lopez Pslnakls, and his wife Presentation said Mr. Marcos, Consul-Oeneral Trinidad Alcccel and
      AP  -  110 words
    • 120 2 Stranded car in flood-hit London AMOTHCK helps her two daughters to the bonnet of a stranded car after floods hit north and west London on Thursday. The flash floods came after a lon*, hot and dry spell of weather killing a man and leaving thousands homeless. Engineers were still working
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    • 258 2 Rhodesia talks hit a new snag SALISBURY. Sat. A new snai today threatened the Rhodesia settlement tails due to open in nine days time. Despite auparent agreement ear ler on the format for the talks, the black nationalists represented by the African National Couitcll <ANC> now refuse to negotiate Inside
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 109 2 N-free zone: Call to Waldheim by NZ, Fiji UNITED NATIONS. Sat New Zealand and Fiji have formally requested next month's UN General Assembly session to discuss the setting up of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the South Pacific. In a Joint memorandum last night to Secre-tary-General Kurt Waldheim asking for Inclusion
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 43 2 TOKYO. Sat. Mr Takco Yo»hljj. 6»-year-okl retlrtnt manaftnr director of TMnoku Food, apparently despondent over (tvlnc up hU career, lumped to hU death from hla l Oth Door office jiUm day after bidding aayonar* (farewell) to his mllaaama. police reported. AP.
      AP  -  43 words
    • 29 2 PARIS. Sat. Special police patrol arrwtad MM thlrvM in tha past two month*' honday imon. In Part*, where pone* e*Usaat« theft U committed every 11 ntnitir Keutar
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    • 4 3 if 'row stage On,
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    • 172 3 ALTRINCHAM (England), Sat—Retired coal merchant Eddie Horiey remembered the tax man in has will. To his tax collector and his tax Inspector he left a half- lemon each with the message: "And now squeeze this." Mr. Horiey died In Jane, aged 7i and the
      UPI  -  172 words
    • 320 3 -Tension mounts after day of violence in Belfast B>BLFAST. B*t.— A Ro- man Catholic was shot by gunmen here early today as tension heightened throughout Northern Ireland following a day of violence that left one young Protestant u de.d and 59 people Police said the man was on his way
      Reuter  -  320 words
    • 238 3 Portugal: Socialist offices set ablaze LISBON, Sat— A group of men set fire to the offices of the procommunist Movement of the Socialist Left <MES> in the northern town of VUa Nova de Oaia early this morning, police said. They threw two petrol bombs which partially destroyed the building before
      Reuter; AP  -  238 words
    • 56 3 LONDON. Set The Ot>atrter ntwipiper has announced staff cuts of about tt per cent after a aarias of talks between management and official* of three major union* The newspaper originally called for a M per cent ataff cut became of an expected teas of
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 50 3 KUALA LUMPUR. BU. Datuk Abdul>ah bin All. Malaysia's Ambaaaador to West Oermany and former High Commlaaioner to Singapore, has been apotnted High Commkriloner to Britain, the Ftoreign Ministry announced yesterday. He rucceeds Tan Sri Sjred Zahlruodln bin Haaaan. who waa appointed Oovemor of Malacca, last April
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      • 390 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday EXPERTS from five countries ended four day% of intensive talks here last night without reaching final agreement on their plans for an international rubber buffer stockpile and price stabilisation scheme. A communique Issued after the meeting said the experts
        Reuter  -  390 words
      • 208 3 Foreign capital: Worry over new laws WASHINGTON. Sat. Two recent Malaysian taws affecting the petroleum and manufacturing Industries "may erode Malaysia's reputation as one of the most attractive Investment areas In South-east Asia." the U8 Commerce Department says. A department report says that the Petroleum Amendment Act and the Industrial
        UPI  -  208 words
      • 93 3 GEM ROBBERS' GETAWAY CAR FOUND MALACCA, Bat— The car used In the $05,000 Jewellery robbery at a goldsmith's shop here yesterday was recovered this morning in a lane behind Jalan Ong Kirn Wee here. Pour hooded robbers, three armed with revolvers and one with a hammer, had robbed the Moy
        93 words
      • 128 3 40,000 officers declare their assets IPOH, Sat The entire 40.00* members of the Royal Malaysian Police Force have declared their assets In a move to eradicate corruption In the force. The Inspector-Gene-ral of Police, Dato Sri Hanlf Omar, said here today "we have completed eoUeeUng the declarations from all personnel.
        128 words
      • 184 3 Govt urged to release salary report KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday rpHE Government was advised today to re- lease the Ibrahim All Salaries Commission Report "within the next few days to avoid any possible industrial unrest In the public sector." i "The staff side of the National Joint Council expects the report
        184 words
      • 149 3 Razak to be featured in BBC's 'Portraits' series LONDON, Sat. The BBC's world service will run a special 15--mlnute programme on Tun Abdul Razak In Its ■Portraits of Our Time" series. The programme. which takes an overall look at the Prime Mlnltttr as a personality rather than Just a political
        149 words
      • 137 3 /CUSTOMS officers cxv» changed gunfire with three smugglers whom they ambushed on th* Chuplng Jungle fringe, off the Perils- Thai border last night. No casualty was reported on either side, but the officers seised three flour sacks containing raw opium abandoned by the
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      • 30 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. Thieves broke into a petrol kiosk at the 3( mile Jalan Klang Lama here early yesterday morning and took away caah and articles worth CS.MI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 318 2 j Lr^inTslCT laO y^ flights to x < £t^-. New York. A^^^^h Dressed in smooth silk and adorned •88»V a with twinkling trinkets, your gracious Air-India J/ hostess will take the tiredness out of a long trip. vW^aaKv Bam Swift to do as you bid, she'll serve you cold (soft
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 830 3 middle-age spread? at any age, you're better ott without it Pol bell) Flabby arms and legs? Thickening mHmamjmmmmmHsasmvmjßjmmjmjmmmj waistline? "Ro»" yourself back into top shape in just minutes a dsy with ROWMACH II: the stunl\ and economical -new home trainer ■.pt-i ull\ designed for men and women who don't I
      830 words
    • 596 3 tgßSj.M^.*.- Ebjbi ■bi BmmmVmfl I ffll jg VMtMkllAlMMM av k immsvisssMiswssv g| |inrT| 51 Hi SlPtt SAYIiS I CONDENSED MILK g Quality Award Winner 3% g /4 i GOLDEN CORN OIL LAM SOON 3 kg 1 A QA Q1 in 100% Pure, Polyunsoturoted IU.OU ftl GUAVA JUICE 8n ICI I
      596 words

  • 121 4 New Dr. Kildare series— in colour OCHOOLGIRLS and O housewives once smitten by the medical heart-throb. Dr. Kildare. will be glad to know a new series will be shown over TV Singapore. It starts with a four-part story. "Behold the Great Man." on Wednesday on Ch. S at U. 35
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  • 319 4 (HJRRENT birth and population growth rates here are still too high for Singapore despite a considerable decline in the past nine years, Dr. Chan Foong Lien, medical officer of Clinical Services, Singapore Family Planning and Population Hoard, said yesterday. Dr. Chan attributed
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  • 34 4 RESIDENTS of the Yew Tee Home of the Afed In Woodlands were entertained to a dinner and variety show by the Reereatlnn Club of tht United Oversea* Bank Orour. last night.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 285 4 BBaßaßa>aßaßaßf *^aafl BBaaß^a>aßaßaßaßaßaß«^B>aV \Vj(tl Xl W I STAMFORD COLLEGE (External Studies Dept.) Enables you to obtain recognised Qualifications In your spare-time through its famous HOME-STUDY Courses. 1. Book-keeping 1. Accounting 2. Business Statistics 2. Auditing 3. English for Commerce r tino 4. Mathematics sim 5. Structure of Commerce Law 6.
      285 words
    • 204 4 NON-CATHOLIC Friendi, LEARN at HOME about the CATHOLIC CHURCH BY MAR. NO COST NO OBLIGATION Fin in tad mail U BJ.C. 24. Nutlm Soad. Sißgapon 11. Name Address SMS^'B»^%wWC~ DON T MISS THIS 'mEJ^\ GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!!! m^IC jj^^ Business Hours Everyday 10 30 am to 9 P m Tai Brothers
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2118 4 I ATI If 1 1 J highlights bybailynesung ■jsjsjpsjsjsjsjjMßjM soldier, a would-be sulsaaKi miiLT^ eWe and tne «»c»»e of ■MBWBsßaßaaaiWssaßaßl W passengers from a downxnuOßßnu m ed plane About to exTONOUOW: Diode —In Emfrrrnrv't TARGET: the Impos.l- 1 P^Edlng" oTctT sat ble take, you on a visit .-j 8.35 pm
      2,118 words
    • 395 4 kill her doctor but hits Hoss Instead. He then tries to commit suicide, providing material for the good doctor to come ridin? a'ong to make a double-barrelled save. In "Once A Doctor," In Bonanza At 11.50 p.m. on Ch. 3. SUZANNE Pleshette guests in the Bob Newhart Show. "Confessions of
      395 words
    • 23 4 WATER rensumtv tion on Fr<da)r was ItSJ million gallons (SM.SM cubic metres), four mi Uon gallons (IS.SM cubic metres) less than on Thursday.
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  • 29 5 Dazzling display of courage, discipline and precision A highly-disciplined precision drill by 400 men from the 3rd Battalian of the Singapore Infantry Regiment Display of discipline and rugged ness
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  • 257 5  -  IRENE NGOO By MORE than 30, 000 spectators were mesmerised last night by a dazsling display of courage, discipline and precision during th»» two-hour combined military tattoo at the National Sadium to mark Singapore's 10th National Day. The tattoo was made a'l the more
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 83 5 l^K Bl wa^B^B^^^aß^B^Hß^B^B^B^B^L^L^B^kkaV Bl^iJjwVflaß The graceful elegance of swans on a sunset lake. A rare blend of beauty m and natural style in perfect harmony. This is the mood of 'Elegance. Elegance by Rado of Switzerland romantic, sleek, handsome. An exclusive creation in steel or gold-plated. Or in the dazzling
      83 words
    • 246 5 Wehavea history of making our depositors' savings grow The history of Lombard North Central goes back more than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British banking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money grow
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  • 122 6 Two fatal fall in 45 minutes TWO elderly people fell to their deaths from HDB flats In separate Incidents within 45 minutes of each other yesterday morning. In the first incident. Police found the body of Madam Chang Yap Jong. 75. sprawled at the foot of a block of flats
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  • 30 6 THE StraiU tin price In Penang yesterday gained SI to clow tht week at 11.013 per plcul on an official offerIng of 147 tons, down 73 tons.
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  • 181 6 IT was a treasure And for contractor Leong Jong Pin, 31. and bis partner, Cbaa Song Chong, when a client settled a bill with a freak $1,9— Singapore note on Friday. Leong, of Kuantan. bad wanted to deposit the money in a
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  • 28 6 SINGAPORE Pools (Pte Ltd. will now conduct all Thursday Toto draws at the High Street Centre. The time of the draws wliu be 6 p.m.
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  • 345 6 Earn-as-you-learn plan by SITC for school leavers fHE Singapore I n s v r a nee Training Centre (SITC) is to launch an earn-as-you-learn training scheme for school leavers next month to alleviate the acute shortage of profess ional manpower faced by the insurance industry here. Under the scheme, school
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  • 155 6 Authority cards for HDB officers and Developmrnt Board officers who call on reslaldents at their flats are to be issued with staff authority cards for Identification la a statement yesterday the HDB said people who are unable to produce their staff authority cards should not he admitted. The laminated plastic
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  • 76 6 300 attend career workshop MORE than 300 secondary four pupils from various schools attended a career guidance workshop at the Baharuddln Vocational Institute yesterday. Tht workshop was jointly organised by the Education Mlnlatry'j OukUnce Counitllors' Committee and Urn Singapore Jayccettc*. The speakers were Mr Lawrence Mah, managing director of Singapore
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  • 26 6 THE Ulu Pandan community centre youth group will hold an "Art of SeU Defence Nlte 1975" at its premlaea tonight at 7.30.
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  • 16 6 THB Association of Singapore Radiographer* has changed iv name to Singapore Society of Radiographers.
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  • 16 6 THB President has appointed Mr. Let Tcck Yuen a* Deputy Controller of Land Revenue.
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  • 486 6  - A new treeplanting drive all for the birds NANCY BYRAMJI Dy SINGAPORE'S new tree-planting campaign is all for the tyrds literally sneaking. 88VM8a H HM A new bird sanctuary committee has been formed under the Nature Reserve Board of the National Development Ministry to regenerate Singapore's bird population by planting
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  • 142 6 RF-INFORCEMENrS may be sent to assist the salvage vessel, Mlsslslppi, which left Singapore last week to help the 19. 152- tonne bulk carrier, Nicolas 8. Emblrlcos, which ran aground near Nlcobar Islands In the Indian Ocean last Sunday. The vessel, owned by
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  • 130 6 FMJCE have arrest- i ed It secret society inspects in a series of raids conducted during the past U hoars. Five were picked up in the Beach Road and Queenstown areas under Operation Eagle. They are said to be on the wanted list
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 218 6 ■IT,**,? L ff«r) icn WENG HENG'S AUTUMN sam SALES MICE 120 cm. German Fency Cotton Fabric* $3 JO 1 20 cm. f lorol Printed Furnnhing J3 50 300 cm. S»iti Acrylic Mettiiel $9 JO FREE GIFTS URCHASE OF 1 ac. Enfllith Cora«t r 12' 2 Ritas 27" SI" 1 ac.
      218 words

  • 363 7 rPHIS is an artist's impression of the $26 million TanJong Pagar redevelopment project which is scheduled to be completed by the end of next year. Accord Ins to the Houslnf and Development Board, about 33 per cent of the project has been
    363 words
  • 591 7 STANDARD REPORTING SCHEME TO CHECK ACCIDENTS SUGGESTED 'piIH governmentappointed advisory committee on accident 1 prevention in the shipbuilding and repairing industry in Singapore has taken steps to ensure a safer and healjhier working environment lor 26,000 workers in some 70 shipyards in
    591 words
  • 37 7 MR Yolchl Ottawa, president or Win Lighter Corporation. Tokyo. Japan. y«st«ro«y officiated at the opening of Ihe Win Service Centra in Ocean Building. Collyer Quay. More than 500 people attended toe cc lemony
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 584 7 HOW TO SPEAK "V.1.P." English QUICKLY, EASILY AND INEXPENSIVELY FOR SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL ADVANCEMENT WITH THIS REMARKABLE RECORDED COURSE THAT WORKS WONDERS OR COSTS NOTHING! Why is perfect speaking so No embarrassment betore others, important that it can open up Complete on long-playing discs, a whole new world for you?
      584 words
    • 217 7 One locally made refrigerator you can stop giving cold looks Stop and look at the Permadoor. You'll notice a couple of things that make us different from the others. :i z r -*i*^^otf£^^^ We're slimmer. And take up less space. T^L^j^V^^-- That's because of our door. The Permadoor we use
      217 words

  • at the CINEMA
    • 875 8  - Massacre, Nazi style— the film that enraged Vatican WALTER SEOW By MASSACRE in Rome «1 (opening this week at the Golden and Palace) is a reconstruct ion of the 1944 execution by the Nazis of 330 Italians in retaliation for a partisan ambush of an SS column in the Holy
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    • 348 8  -  RCGER YUE By IF The Confessions of a Window Cleaner (which is having an unexpectedly succe s sf ul run at the Odeon) had been made in the Forties with Oeorge Formby in the title role, the humour would have been
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 375 8 jLIDO 3rd MONT ill 74th DAY!: I 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, 5.30 8.45pm ADMISSION PRICES CIRCLI $4 .00— STALLS S2.SO *SI 50 NO HALF PIICE-NO MILITARY CONCESSION— NO FREE LIST Advance CASH Bookings only LIDO: Ladies Oily Preview j Saturday 23rd Aug 9am No Free List I in Ie
      375 words
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    • 11 8 |a^|^ > a, »j aj»^gy»ajaeiaajae»ae»aeiaeiaiae»aeiaa»a»»aeiaia< r^T^or 4 n^^S^3S lllM^UtHfcMi L._^'r.L\'l-.-.e».e»aajaJrtW.«aejaaja^l l ß^aWrt.
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    • 263 8 NOW SNOWING! Daily At 7.00 9.30 PM ij Admission: Adults: $2.00 Children: SI. OO CATHAY: OPENS TOMORROW! |jj SHALL 'k t "*<Wsr<m i i' j rt^P*J ST ANDREW S MISSION HOSPITAL FOR I T^|y THE ROTARaA CLUB OF SINGAPORE CITY) P^g3);| r GRAND CHARITY PREMIERE -Z$ > Unaor Tho Ontinf
      263 words
    • 739 8 WWrVWWVYV VAVW. IEbORGAWjSATION:: "I mow sho ving' 2 Sho»i 7 00 1 9 30pm 5 THOU SHALL HOT KILL f iUT ONCE" n Mondonn J Chen Stng C^lorScope with English .ubtitles K a? LAST OAY 1 f Item. 1 30. 4 00 6 30. 30pm.; Jfi Chrntion Fecrvtr presents LES
      739 words

  • 270 9 Hon: Give 'restful yet alive' air to shopping complexes Finance Minister. Mr Hon Bul Sen, yesterday suggested thai developers here should «T[ to create a "restful, ret alive" atmosphere in shopping complexes they build, for the benefit of shoppers. Opening the Plaza Slngapura at Orchard Road, Mr. Hon said the
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  • 103 9 GIRL IN COMA AFTER WORKSITE ACCIDENT A 14-YEAR-OLD girl U In a critical condition in the Singapore General Hospital after she was believed to have been hit on the head b? a falling plank near the High Street Plasa building on Wednesday. Alnon blnte Abdul Rahman, of Jalan Nylur. was
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  • 49 9 A FORUM on AtUn Women will be held at the National Übnrj't Icctur* hall today at 3 pjn. It Is organlicd by the Ong tpore Buddhist Youth Or*»nUatlons Joint celebration* committee and U being held In conjunction with the Republic's 10th annlvcnary »nd International Women* Y«ar.
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  • 211 9 More S'poreans sit for a music exams LONDON, Sat Music appreciation is fast taking roots In Singspore Judging by the number of candidates who sat for the examinations conducted by the associated board of the Royal Schools of Music in the last five years. Last year there were 12.010 candidates
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  • 100 9 Catapult pot -shots: Maa cha rged re Ng Cbea, M, was charged in the Pint M»f»«* r »i^J Cert yesttrfey with arsalrtaf a freftt door 3aa7»e*el altk. Attome y-Csi aral's Chaashers la Me* Street mm three eeeasataaa by aatec a eaUmmtt as* tUri ball*. ■a laces *we charges ef vaadaltsi
    100 words
  • 387 9 THE Senior Minister of State (National K Development) and MP for River Valley, Dr. Tan Eng Liang, urged Singaporeans last night to work harder and avoid the danger of drifting into a state of complacency as a result of the Republic's achievements.
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  • 152 9 BATTERED BODY OF MAN FOUND IN WELL rE highly decomposed body of aa unidentified man, believed to have been battered to death, was recovered from a dumping well la Jalan Sabu, at the 9th milestone off Chang; Bead, en Friday night. The man, said to be be.ween 4e and 45
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  • 323 9 TCCHNICIANB and en- g'neers here will determine the degree of success In developing Singapore as a centre for shipbuilding and repairIng, according to the managing director of S ngapore Slipway and Eng neerlng. Mr. Lawrence Man. He said this In a foreword to the
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  • 41 9 MR. Venkata Sidharthacharry has been appointed India's new High Commissioner In Singapore. Mr. 81dharthacharry, 56, who Is currently Indian Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, replaces Mr. Thomas Abraham who left Singapore recently at the en<l of his tour of duty.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 518 9 wfU-SUHEDFORLOCAL ■^^^raf- Jfc affc at> giT TASTI SPtCIAICHCHCE ADC M\ L/C] |> lUCdilAnt bdkAf a^L^l L^H bT^w*bw^t chlck+n, p r awnt, m m^^^ b^bVbW^b^ m SPECIALITY. I g^F^' laT JHr^AyTwSgert^^^ST SINGAPORES FINEST w \L JKar^ $5& KOREAN Restauranti I I^T W^dai'"*^.^ PREPARE BY FAMOUS >C> aflwk A 1 KOREAN CHEF
      518 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 481 10 rpHE decision of the Housing and Deve--1 lopment Board to license contractors doing renovation work at its estates is wholly to be welcomed. There will of course be the inevitable outcry from some contractors about the extra hardships the licensing scheme effective from yesterday would Impose on them.
      481 words
  • 1788 10  - Private lives of Henry Kissinger RALPH BLUMENFELD By First in a series OENRY KISSINGER was 12 years old when he negotiated his first peace settlement. His adversary was Otto Presttelder, who was 11 but big (or his age. Their encounter, according to Prestfelder who now lives in New York, took
    1,788 words
  • Article, Illustration
    5 10  -  IVAN FERNANDEZ rsi i
    5 words
  • 977 10  -  GERARD CORR By /^HINA'S naval forces, \s once the Cinderella of the People's Liberation Army (FLA), have been spared the drastic budgetary cuts imposed on the Army and Air Force in recent years. The fundamental defence review, undertaken aJ-er the disappearance and
    977 words
  • 303 10 'He didn't read books he ate them' letter from Henrys draft board. On March 5. 1943 Private Kissinger, agvd 19. reported for active duty with the us Army. It was a clfflcult time fcr forming lasting: it latk whins, and many of their friends doubt that Henry committed himself to
    303 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 23 10 r+n*na**drt... _^*H for those who rM&V jffe^ 'V^uV value technical fj/M watch ptrfectitm jVk *-^^^^"B a cla ys by itsdf. H^Jjjjs^^^ FC-9479 Qf
      23 words
    • 88 10 I Win a Sony colour I I TV set every week I H Win a new Sony colour TV set every week in the easy Melody Makers Contest that begins in the New Nation H tomorrow. The contest will run for four weeks and the top price is a Trinitron
      88 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2098 11  -  ROGER BARNETT By Second in the series CTEPHEN Smith and Peter Razzell, authors of the new book The Pools Winners." point out that under present British law the legality of the pools depends upon skill being Involved. The pools companies argue that It is possible to predict the
    2,098 words
  • 673 11 Ah <t he say... I AM not in the Woodward and Bernstein league news-hounding is not really my scene. Trouble is with me. I tend to like people. I've got this nasty feeling that, had I got an exclusive interview with Hitler, I
    673 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 562 11 a v by r M t^^ajta^^awv^Bßsl B^r^Bi^Bi BSBr^BS^^Sn BSBv -i fa* T| .A^P^fcw Sr^BBV^B: SBSSi sW'^^J Bsnansa tk^■SM^sW mmW^^'^^mmh^^m^^^^A. MSBBasStßanf llW^^Bnv^^L .aC 4 V^ ansßßßßsV^' W^^ W^am -^anaaaai JkL 2 aa^L*^^ I •^•bbbbbW^ r-^m^'^K mr*t Ibbl SSta^BBBBBsi S«J W 1 ■BT V^BBBBW V BBBBT^^ ■nBBBnI ■cm t*m V il /v>
      562 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 911 12 The horror that haunts Elvis Presley AFTER ever three years of denials, Elvis r*resley has finally admitted that he is suffering from glaucoma, an eye disease which could result in blindness. Now undergoing an enforced rest with no books, TV or movies, Elvis hopes to avoid an eye operation. But
    911 words
  • 613 12  - Kings: The answer to the world's problems ANNE RUBINSTEIN: By London rpHERE are 100,000 1 optimists, if the international monarchists league Is right, who think they have the answer to the world's problems more kings. The league believes that crowned heads in every capital complete with orb and sceptre but
    Reuter  -  613 words
  • 704 12 SPEND anywhere from PM to *s,ot* for hi-fi and you'd naturally w»nt a good idea of what you're getting for your money. Some happy Individuals dismiss the problem with a casual wave of a cheque book. But for most of us, cost dominates the final
    704 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 515 12 THE AUTOMATIC MEMORY SYSTEM INSTANT MEMORY is the only AUTOMATIC Memory system S in existence. It is based upon the revolutionary new concept that MEMORY and higher powers of the MIND are not braincentered but are the normal and natural result of a "different way of thinking" about yourself. This
      515 words

  • 492 13  - It's powerpacked music from Todd Records! L JEFFREY LOW i by JODD RDNDGREN: INITIATION (Bears x vllle). Master recording technician Todd Rundfren has the distinction of being on« of the pioneers of what Js called "Moo| ruca,. It to a Ubel employed to categorise an exclusive group of keyboard players
    492 words
  • 212 13 NEW INVENTIONS [SCIENCE Wajshinoton: Instead of pushing buttons and turning cranks, people now can literally tell machines what to do. Vocal Instructions and figures can be given to computers, tape can be punched for the operation of machine tools, and luggage can be sorted. The coded words are recorded beforehand
    NYT  -  212 words
  • 877 13  -  Sri Delima \CORNErV By TJOW good are the a good old days? I am sure you have sometimes silently asked this question even as you Join a crowd of contemporaries on a nostalgia kick. Memory Is notoriously clever at touching up pictures from the
    877 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 672 13 l' \/4t sVßlnFaTsPsfaflwßtVPsTlFaTT^si H| pacorabanrw I glJS^j JEAN PATOI 1 LAN VI N r Accountant OUR HEARTIEST K jA Read the "Appointments" page of any newspaper and see > for yourself: Accountancy is a career with a big future for you. OONf^RATI II ATIOMQ The S*" 00 Aetoununcy has had
      672 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 949 13 HCAPKICORN BM AQUARIUS Frjfl H9 ARIES l}fc 2.1 1 Jan 21 IM W» K3 March 21 t0 J. n 20 Hsl Krb IS mfiH <» March 2 attml to Aprll M YOU find you must YOU hear a good IF you have a pro- THOUGH you will think seriously about
      949 words

  • 522 14  -  SUZY MENKES: By London TOP: Princess Mariam of Johore wears a sky blue and white printed overblouse, scarf and rath-red skirt frosted translucent bracelets. Cream T-bar leather shoes. LEFT: Patterned pure silk blouse, but ton-through skirt, toning peach cardigan. Frosted beads. RIGHT: Drckchsyfr striped embroidered
    522 words
  • 805 14 Pictures by TONY BOASE Making your marriage tick By ROBERT OAKLEY ¥S THERE a recipe for a happy and successful marriage? The romantic Ideal can be perfect before marriage, but can it last among the bills and the mounting household chores? It Is the endless adjustments of marriage that many
    805 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 319 14 Fight corrosion in a thousand places with ARNESSENJ Chipping Hammers and Deck Sealers. _t^ Remove rust, scale, old paint, \^J\ even tough epoxy coatings on \~y\ decks, bulkheads, overhead Vy structures, and all uneven yC areas. Make surfaces ready ~_MMt x f° r repainting quickly J V and efficiently. Tried
      319 words
    • 258 14 Minor Image? Is she the kind of girl you want to be? Bright and breezy, alive and active? Do you look at her and wonder how she stays th.H way. no matter what day it is? Chances are. she uses Tampax tampons. Because they're worn internally, they can protect dependably
      258 words

  • 1306 15  -  MARTIN WALDRON: By Detroit EX-TEAMSTERS BOSS A VICTIM OF HIRED KILLERS? A BOUT 1 p.m. on the warm and sunny afternoon of Wednesday, July 30, James Hoffa got Into a Pontiac at his home 64 km (40 miles) north of here and drove away Into one
    1,306 words
  • 706 15 Bid by FBI to make his foster son take lie test look Jimmy, you're tired. go to sleep." Then James Hoffa began to hint In news conferences that he believed O'Brien may have led the elder Hoffa Into a trap laid by his enemies. Mrs. Crancer also began making such
    706 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 170 15 We've a family to keep yours w That's right, Sanyo has a range of rice cookers to suit from the _4 S ideal family unit to big "^BWfffWl lAl^I Al^ E restaurants. Each electric, l AlAj 1 !K^ automatic cooker has a direct "sl_ljff^ heating system that reduces HESII v
      170 words
    • 308 15 I Fabulous show of top I Japanese creations from I the fashion houses of I Haena Mori and Durban. I modelled by 5 Japanese 1 I mannequins with 3 local 3- V I models. SgEjJßfwife-' r I From today till WBBgjjßJ&t' I 1 9, daily at JIJHHBhB?^' I •^•vU p.m.
      308 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 251 15 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACBOSS DOWN 1 Violent wind <«'; S. 1. Ntrve* (6): 3. Skin (J): Scabtwrd (6); 9. BluaUr (7); I. Wearing machine (4); 10 ParUcl* (4); 11. Noble- 4. Boundary (5); 6. Fractalman (4), 13 Decline (J): 15. tou* (J); 6. Listen to (4); Dndenround worker (Si. 7.
      251 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 725 16 classified ads M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGAPORE i >fhard Hoad Pe- ,i Bund*] Service 900 a m and 6 00 [> m Sunday School 9 00 a m All Welcome WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH Worship service at 730 a m 10 v m ,s 30 p m Sunday School for all ages
      725 words
    • 780 16 AN OVERSEA* PLYWOOO factory urgently requires the service of production and maintenance division Please send full par- qualifications, experience and salary expected to Crawford Road PO Box 573. Singapore 7 We are an established Catering organisation We are looking for a man aged 24 30 years to manage a shop
      780 words
    • 735 16 FOR BALE 1-BEOROOMCO flat sitting/ dining room Off Stevens Road. Spore 10 Apply Kwong Tel *****0 FOR OUICK SALE houses/ apartments in any locality Call Ace Housing *****64/ *****46/ *****29 FURNISHEO OFFICE IN Anson Road with telephone extensions and telex facilities for letting Area approximately 1.100 sq ft_ Apply Sun
      735 words
    • 780 16 j Kl* l'j rirjVj 'd I bibVV PRINCE ROOM RESTAURANT Selesle Rd. Hong Kong Tim-Sum. Lunch. Dinner. Weddings end other functions Tel: 32*014. *****1. *****1. STEAMBOAT GARDEN (above Prince Room Restaurant) Specianee. In Poh-Pl.h •Wemboet and M.tood at economical rat*. (5 p.m. 2 a.m.) Ampt. perking feciWtes si 3id floor.
      780 words
    • 950 16 VACANCIES! Secretarial Course. Stenography. Bookkeeping. Accounting. Typewriting. Shorthand (Theory/ speed upto ISO) OCE 'O' t A' Level. Sec. XV m. Correspondence: Details from Rala's College. Clifford Centre. Raffles Place *****/ *****0; Raja's. 21SD Changi Road (*****8) Raja's. President Building. Serangoon Road. (*****78) GUARANTEED THREE MONTHS rapid courses Typewriting/ Shorthand' Bookkeeping:
      950 words
    • 555 16 9ANDCN ROTARY CAN alrcondl- I Uoner. original brackets guarantee 2 yean Prospective buyers Please contact Raymond Koh *****9 TOYOTA COROLLA 1971 Beautiful condition engine guaranteed tip top Ideal and economical 97.200 Call *****5 James JWUHPII DOLOMITE Nov. 1973 One owner, very good condition Price $10,200/- Tel *****3 9am 1 pm
      555 words
    • 382 16 WANTED A PAIR of Siamese Cats (male and fema!e) Around 1 to 2 yean Any colour Price Is negotiable Tel *****2 (9 00 a m 4.00 pm.l STRONG. ACTIVE, HEALTHY, cute Alsatian puppies (Oerman Shepherd) for sale. 7 weeks old Our Holland Ang Kennel Is at 82-D Jalan Kong Kuan.
      382 words
    • 259 16 i im H i wmmymfSm PEELIMO BORED? Joyce Social Escort provides charming ladles for your entertainment 400. 4th Floor. Par East Shopping Centre *****25 rON LADY ESCORT*, also hair- I dressing and perming for ladles I and gentlemen Call "Mertgold" 6. Dublin Road *****0. *****7. *****2 (Spore) ton CMAP.MINQ ANO
      259 words
    • 497 16 =•> tines smtoj guide ;Ui: to mi Mm <C1 Jaft' CANTONESE INDONESIAN SAT AY/ |_i mm^b. s»—^ PEN ANO LAKSA •■> 377-C. Jalan Besar "•JJJ "XJed > !t Tel *****03 ?!f^ S?T ext 595 5 Branch Block 44 Tel. 2*3011 c«. 9». 'i 1136. Benderr.eer Road Tel *****60 VEGETARIAN: 1
      497 words

  • 327 17 HIGHER INDUSTRIAL GROWTH RATE EXPECTED IN D I STRIALISATION In Indonesia means the processing of natmre's wealth obtained throagb agriculture and mining. With the current obvions weakness in the agricultural structures. Indonesia Is of necessity directing herself toward the formation of industrial structure. The accomplishment of the first development plan
    327 words
  • 1031 17 INDONESIA INDEPENDENCE DAY Special feature INDONESIA'S Second Five -Year Development Plan (1974/1975 1978/1979) called RepeUU 11, sets out development objectives and specifies policies, programmes and projects for the five-year period beginning April 1 last year. Here is an outline of the essence of
    1,031 words
  • 2104 17 Menafe from the AmiMsndor of the Republic of Indonesia to Singapore, HE. MR RLKMITO HENDKANINGRAT, on the occarton of the 30th anniversary of Indonesian Independence Day nnODAY Indonesia la celebrating her 30th independence anniversary. For the past years both our country and our people have had
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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  • 1165 18 Country on course of steady and stable progress INDONESIA INDEPENDENCE DAT ip«rt«i mnw Message from the Indonesian Foreign Minister. MB. ADAM MA UK on the occasion Of Indonesia's 3*h Independence anniversary celebration, Aarust 17, 1175. WHEN Indonesia proclaimed its Ind c p c ndence 30 years ago, she was in
    1,165 words
  • 714 18 NINETEEN seventyfour was an Important year for Indonesia, because on March 31, 1074 Indonesia completed her first National Development Plans <R£PELJTA I) and immediately embarked uoon the Second RaTELTTA on April 1. 1974. And It U in the successful Implementation of REFELITA after
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 520 18 We proudly join Congratulations in the Celebration of THE INDEPENDENCE DA Y Best Wishes OF THE to VnDONESiT THE GOVEMIIEIIT mm for °f the Prosperity Happiness Knm mm%[k 17th August 1975 on the occasion of their IL% INDEPENDENCE DAY SIBASCO CT^Sa@^O PRIVATE LIMITED. r Room 604, 6th Roor, Hou.e,
      520 words
    • 277 18 Our Heartiest Congratulations to the PEOPLE GOVERNMENT of INDONESIA on their NATIONAL DAY from ifC&v PACIFIC i INTERNATIONAL LINES (PTE) LTD. 45, Market Street, Spore 1 Tel: *****1. aiiiiiiiniiiiinnmiiimniiiiim»HMiiimiiniiniiinnniniiiinife We rejoice with the People Government of INDONESIA in celebrating the NATIONAL DAY from PALKA UTAMA J£ tto. 801, SHENTON HOUSE,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 74 19 HE4RITESr CONGIOTlMnONS in^nsTucflFntn Greetings and Good Wishes on the INDEPENDENCE DAY of the REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA •JP Indonesian airways SINGAPORE: Wisma Indonesia, Orchard Road. Tel: *****4. KUALA LUMPUR: 232, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Tel: *****/2. WARINGIN (PTE) LTD. Singapore P.T. BOGASARI FLOUR MILLS Jakarta Surabaya P.T. INDO CEMENT Cibinong Jakarta
      74 words
    • 148 19 ml No. 63/68, Jalan Banaan Kapal. fira 2§ Kallang Marina Industrial Site. fcjj Singapore 14. g| is proud and happy to g j I join the Government j and People of the Republic of Indonesia |g in celebrating their gg INDEPENDENCE f| m DA Y. m Heartiest Congratulations a Best
      148 words
  • 1089 19 IN the heart of the Asean region and 20 kilometres Southeast of Singapore is the multi-facet Batam Industrial Development Project. In the exploration and development of oil fields. It U vital for materials to be 'on-hand and on-time. To be effective this base
    1,089 words
  • 700 19 Asahan project for completion n 2 stages AS early as 1908, A the .potential of the Asahan River as a source of hydroelectric energy was discovered, but it was not until 1930 that the Asahan Project was mooted by a Dutch company which subsequently started the construction of hydroelectric project.
    700 words

  • 1102 20  -  STAFF WRITER INDONESIA INDEPENDENCE DAT «p— to! I— fw By INDONESIA is a kaleidoscope. No matter 1 where one looks, the scene falls together Into a pattern of spectacular beauty and vivid colour. A vibrant red hibiscus blooming halfhidden from a waxen
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 254 20 3 We Rejoice With THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA On The Occasion Of Their NATIONAL DAY. m USAHA EXPRESS TRAVEL SERVICE 80 Tc'ok Ayer Street Singapore 1 Tel: *****, *****, *****, *****4-5 Head Office: 41, Jalan Kopi, Jakarta. USAHA DIAMOND TOURS JAKARTA YOGYA BALI TOUR
      254 words
    • 179 20 We rejoice with the People Government of the REPUBLIC of INDONESIA in celebrating our National Day on the house*... Fully air-conditioned with all the modern amenities including attached bathrooms, every unit is a private suite unto itself. Airlines, travel agencies. banks, shops, casinos everything a businessman or holiday maker can
      179 words
    • 206 20 We rejoice with the People and Government of Indonesia in celebrating the NATIONAL DAY from ICCTA -INTER-COASTAL CARGO TRANSPORTATION AGENCY. Room 906, 9th Floor, R obi no House, Shenton Way, Singapore 1. Tel: *****88, *****49 *****40. rl Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Government People of INDONESIA on the
      206 words

  • 329 21 Satellite communications system for Indonesia INDONESIA INDEPENDENCE DAT lp»«Ial Itifw JN February this year, the National Fabllc Service for Telecommunication entered Into a contract with the Huhes Aircraft Company to build a satellite communication system in Indonesia. The n't of this satellite communication will greatly help wnoothrn the pace of
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 227 21 Congratulations and Best Wishes to The Government People of The Republic of INDONESIA on the occasion of their Independence Day 17th August 75 RS BULSING (PTE) LTD. INTERNATIONAL PLAZA. Cj ROOM 824, ANSON ROAD, |s»JWiiJ SINGAPORE 2. WM P.O. BOX 3124, El S^g 21 7 cables TEL: *****32, *****71, *****40
      227 words
    • 158 21 HBs?*"""*-******"^5 HEARTIEST ODNGRATULAnONS TO THE GOVERNMENT AND PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA ON THEIR 30th INDEPENDENCE LW IMETRO High St.* Orchard •Supreme* Golden Mile 1 i Mix Match Centre Warmest Wishes St Congratulations to The People and Government of INDONESIA on their NATIONAL DAY Ijfl^V TAISEI 1 (^^3 101
      158 words

  • 147 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By TALL has been a model of consistency and over Bf, perhaps his best distance, he will take a lot of beating in Race Six at Bukit Timah today. Handsome Grey goes over his right distance after an enco v r a glng
    147 words
  • 1745 22 Race 1 HECTOR II: Speedy; smart winner over Pg Bf lv lm 11 3/6 with 8 3 In Dlv 1 July 11; retains form; chance In spite of 9 0. BELMONDO: still without a win; second four times this year; creditable second with 1.10 to Hector II
    1,745 words
  • 1521 22 mrrwarmm 2 15 class c div 1- bf ■iUSdUH (57.500 to $5,250 to winner) 1 IJtl Mum «a(Hactor)Oaman »0( ll)7f F w«« I 1 >230 ■■InmiSi a i Albm Oni) Rods*™ tin (-l)Tf Mafaa 1 0071 Hw «M (Slim Olft) Alton 9(7 (ud +l)Tf ls«*y S 4 1033
    1,521 words
  • 118 22 VMM Ml» OIMMIt CNIA Mitiit, NalMacJ PU« Watlawai flat M.d.rt>r »lT.r Olft ■tM<r oin" N»l tonal Ftaf Matertqr •VMM >!■■■ Rohaal ■KyactaltaM Pitta* Dnu O««hn Kh.n I Cl»k*ma Boj-nglaa NIB* Vp •Mftatm Mack Two Bojj»«l*a tlrtiwl B«)aacl« Macti Two Holland CilSandir Mm PH«a Wla^walar Hallaad aua Pn4a Paiaotui Mawtiiit
    118 words
  • 282 22 Ashok Patel hits 95 in Saudara match (TUALA LUMPUR. Sat A splendid innings of 85 by Ashok Patel gave Singapore an 17-run lead against Malaysia In the annual Saudara Trophy cricket match here today. Aahok'i »5. which Included 14 boundaries, took two hours. He helped to take Singapore's total from
    282 words
  • 121 22 Record 711 by S. Y. Loh C.T. LOU. Uat tjtutk l Master* towUac esuunjAavsWrsjty ssTTod waniag to Bswy Taa, laat tmj-s latiaraitJi— l Mas* am ntjtMptw, wkati ha toils* a aawetaemUr Til Ugk MrtM la Ik* saUad Uasa emit al Ik* Us«ap«r» InieraaUewaJ Oywa CiiMpiiMitlpi at jMktVt aWwl Orrbard. It
    121 words
  • 697 22  - TONIGHT'S MATCH -A TEST FOR ZAINAL JOE DORAI B» \|IDFIELD "dyna--ITI mo" Zainal Abldeen, who has been out of action for a month, will get a Cup final test today when Singapore meet Johore In a friendly soccer match at Jalap Besar Stadium (7.30 p.m.). Zainal reported for training last
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 603 22 a- 1 .j t t-..u-- M «J M*> svsfJVWVlfiaj Na^yßJ rVfwVnrtWl Iff vmv V^yjsWCW^M^H far «Jsy <«<«■» iwe, swat*: 1 SALES ENGINEER TRAINEE (GARMENT EQUIPMENT) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering preferably with tome Electronic background. Must be keenly interested in the marketing and promotion of machinery and automatics for the gorment,
      603 words
    • 185 22 BORNEO COMPANY (1975) SENDIRIAN BERHAD (A Member of the Inchcape Group of Companies) ELECTRONIC SERVICE MANAGER We are looking for a top calibre Executive to take charge of our Sanyo Service Workshop based In Petallng Jaya. He will have several years' experience and will be technically up-to-date in Television and
      185 words
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  • 2191 23  -  EPSOM JEEP SMART COMEBACK WIN BY GENERAL TRONG 111 By and DENNIS CHIA gEABOARD, with Asuwadi Nawi astride, broke the ice yesterday, winning; the Class 5 Div 4 8f race at Bukit Tim ah to pay a thumping dividend of $204. Oeneral Ttong ni, with
    2,191 words
  • 44 23 lit: No. ISIM> ($4433) 2nd: No. JC99M (IIjUS) 3rd: No. IS2M4 <$ «»> STARTERS (SIM each): Noa. 16*788. *****4, *****6. 1«M45. *****8. *****5, *****1. *****3. IMIM. *****6, *****1. *****1. *****9. CONSOLATION <$1M each): Noa. *****4, *****3. *****9, *****5. *****2. *****1, *****5, 1598*2, *****4, *****9.
    44 words
  • 206 23 APPRENTICE M. C. Lam was fined $300 by the stewards for earless riding on Tudor Pirate In Race Two at Buklt Tlmah yesterday. The stipendiary steward's report on yesterday's races: STATE OF GOING: Good RACE 1: Shortly after the start. Auk Buah i M Ismail) blundered and clipped
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  • 617 23 tu forced onto Movie House VI. Asuwadl was forced to ease and check out. Rider M.C Lam was shown the film of the Incident and charged with careless riding And fined $300 Master Disc ■m Impounded for routine swab check. RACE S: Chye 8o»n (A. Nawart).
    617 words
  • 215 23 Choon. the 1970 winner boosted his hopes of a second win when he won the first part of the main race in the Peata Sukan Kart Prix championship at Kallang yesterday Chin Choon. who has bagged several kartlng trophies here and abroad, went round
    215 words
  • 57 23 HILBOVRNI Sat Percy Cerutty, who coached Herb Elliott and almost every other top Australian runner of recent times, died suddenly at his bom* and training camp In Portsea. Victoria, on Thursday. He was 80. Elliott one of his more famous P-iplls. won the Olympic 1500 metres title
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 97 23 HARI WINS SILVER IN MASTERS MEET AT TORONTO M. HARICHANDRA yesterday won a silver medal In the 400 m final of the First Masters Track and Field Championships at Toronto. Canada. Harl competing in the 45-50 Age Group, covered the 400 m in an excellent time of 53.3 seconds. Harl
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 274 23 STUDY with WOLSEY HALL, through FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS A. HOME STUDIES DIVISION ii TUITION BY CORRESPONDENCE AVAILABLE FOR Institute of Admmistrstive MaftejerrienJ MCE/hS^Sj| HP J i^^ bb^b/\ Institute of Chartered SecretarieitndAdminifrraton J.^H GC»9 and 'Al»veH 9 g^BßHßaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaßaaaa^aa^SßßaaaHaa| 0 9*Vl 'A *f^^E S1 j •flggggc^s^ggggs* *Yd ,i I Tht D,-.cto» of Studitt
      274 words

  • 559 24  - GEYLANG STARS 'MASSACRE' ARMED FORCES By JCE DORAI QEYLANG Inter- national yesterday nude themselves virtual first winners of Div One of the National Football League when they "massacred" Armed Forces, their strongest rivals, by 5-0 in the League match of the Year at Tanjflin From the word go, they mesmerised
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  • 354 24  -  G. ROBERT By eINOAFORES Apbal Naldu 19 caused a stir last night when he came back from a second round knockdown to beat Indonesian champion Ricky Amir by a split decision In the bantamweight final of the Pesta Sukan International boxing championships at the SBA
    354 words
  • 22 24 M4ITMIA HAIOU ajAJASIMA, 54 mull >«y pwMftilly IS-S-Ts! Oort«t Mm (Block il) S, Mi«ru tai, s per* 17. IT-S-T* •I *pm
    22 words
  • 294 24 Prop Burhan Bakar relayed the ball to the six-foot No. 8 Mohammed Aman, and then he deliberately obstructed a Singapore defender from tackling Aman. and umpire Major B. Coomber awarded Singapore a penalty. On the run of play. Malaysia were the better drilled
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  • 442 24 LONDON, Sat. England piled on the runs at Leeds today, after they had dismissed Australia for 135 in the first innings, and at the close had scored 184-3 In their second innings for a lead of 337 runs. First innings scores: England 288 Australia 135.
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  • 224 24 Stewart, Carter are still the joint leaders By E. FRIDA rpHE STAGE is set for an exciting final round between L.C. Carter and Jimmy Stewart in the Singapore Amateur Open golf championship at SICC New Course today. Stewart and Carter yesterday continued their great fight for the lead but at
    224 words
  • 373 24 I ONDON. Sat. Manchester United celebrated their return to the First Division of the English Football League with a 2-0 win over Wolverham pton Wanderers today. Aston Villa were less successful. They were beaten 2-1 by powerful Leeds United. Norwich also had a
    373 words
  • 529 24 Scores after third round: 334 J. Stewart 76. 76. 74 (38-38). L. C Carter 76. 79. 74 (38-38) 333 K. C. Choo (M) 76. 77. TO (39-40). 316 Bill Boaley SI. 77. 77 (40-37) 319 P Neville SI. TO. 79 (17-43). M Ant (I) S3. 84.
    529 words
  • 133 24 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE DIVISION ONE GEYLANG ARMED FORCES (1) S (0) t Anhad Khamls 3 Dollah Kasslro Samsuddln Rahmat All Baharom JALAN BESAR FC (4) 4 UPTER SERANGOON (S) 4 Yip Kum Thong 3 Din Daud Ng Kheng Mln Manual.: Raj AMvlndran Ramadass Rao DIVISION TWO TAMPINES ROVERS BALESTIER
    133 words
  • 263 24 r— LATEST POSITIONS P W O L P APU Oeylang 3 S 0 0 IS S 6 Porcci 4 3 1 10 6 Chungl i 2 1 0 10 2 6 TPUtd. 3 2 1 0 3 S J Beau- 4 1 1 >• 10 3 Up. 811 4 1
    263 words
  • 225 24  -  A. JOHNSON B, CECOND-HALF replacement t-> Ra mafias Rao yesterday helped Upper Serangoon to draw 4-4 with Jalan Beaar in their National Football League Div. One match at Queenstown Newcomer »fifrf«« playIng his first game for Upper Serangoon. showed fine anticipation when he pounced on a
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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