The Straits Times, 14 August 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 704 1 4 We're moving in right direction' CAIRO, Wednesday EGYPT and Israel have moved closer to an interim Middle East peace accord but some points remain to be settled, a spokesman for President Anwar Sadat said here today. "So far the movement is in the right direction,"
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  704 words
  • 220 1 LONDON, Wednesday IRAN has returned to the International markets as a borrower for the first time since the 1973-74 five-fold increase in oil prices, it was disclosed here yesterday. The Industrial and Mining Development Bank of Iran la rosin* a US$lOO million (Ss2so rm fiveyear Eurccuirency
    220 words
  • 35 1 ANKARA. Wed. Ttn people, cine from the same family, died yesterday after eating contaminated bread In a small village near Samsun, on Turkey's Black B*a coast, according to the stateowned radio— Reuter
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 58 1 LITTLE ROCK (Arkansu). Wed Ha Thang Suong. 72. a Vietnamese refugee at Ft Chaffee. wu arreated and charged with awault and attempted rape of a 13-year-old Vietnamese refugee girl, th« PBI said yesterday. The charge U the most serious lodged agaln*t a Vietnamese refugee since Chaffee became
    AP  -  58 words
  • 199 1 THEY'LL GROW UP NORMAL, SAYS AUSSIE SURGEON rK condition of Siamese twins Yew Txe md Yew Son, born in Melbourne and separated soon afterwards. Is improving. Bat there are still a few medical hurdles to be overcome, according to doctors, although It Is likely
    AP; UPI  -  199 words
  • 60 1 WASHINOTON. Wtd. Oilnim Communist Party chairman Mao Tse-Umf lnvttad former It— 'rtont Mlaoo to vMt China. again as a private cltlsen. syndicated columnist Jacc Anderson reported today In Urn Washington Port. "Nixon has not acespUd because he wants to complete bis memoir* before he ends
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 171 1 Heir buried alive for $llm ransom NEW YORK. Wednesday IfIDNAP victim Samuel Bronfman, 21- year-old heir to the Seagram Uquor fortune, 1a believed to have been burled alive by his abductors to push their demands for a big ransom. Newspaper and radio reports here have mentioned a* US$4.5 million (S$ll.
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 41 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A Berjaya delegation, led by Tun Mohamed Fuad Stephens, arrived here from Kota Klnabalu today for "heart-to-heart" talks with Tun Abdul Rasak and other National Front leaders on the Sabah crisis. (Sec rage 23).
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  • 56 1 PAIMPOL (Prance). Wed.— Three people were killed and 18 Injured when a train ploughed Into a lorry at a level cTosslnc near this Breton town, police said today. The lorry was In the middle of the crossing when the train rammed It. Its driver and two people
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 46 1 NXW YORK. Wed. Dv Jones averages, based on Hrit hour of trading on the Nc» York Stock ttchange: SO Indus. 838 07 down 0 47: M tramp 197 88 up 0.41: 16 utlls 78 87 up ON; 65 stock* J49 48 up O.I9— DPI.
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  • 74 1 Airlift shock for Paris BANGKOK. Wed.—Authorities at Saigon airport today refused landing permission to a chartered Royal Air Lao Caravelle sent In by Prance to alrl'ft foreigners from the South Vietnamese capital, airline officials said. They did not know the reason for the refusal. France, which has at least 8.000
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 164 1 JAKARTA, Wed. An Indonesian destroyer today was steaming towards. Timor, where Portuguese authorities are facing a political party's demand for Immediate Independence, Informed sources said today. The sources said the ship was heading for East Nusa Tenggara an archipelago east of Ball, of which the
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 160 1 JUDGE TO DECIDE TODAY ON WHETHER TO CALL FOR WEE'S DEFENCE rpHE Senior Dls--1 trict Judge, Mr. T. S. Sinnathuray, will decide today whether or not to call the defence of Minister of State Wee Toon Boon on five corruption charges. The Solicitor-Gene-ral. Mr. AW. Ohows. and defence counsel. Mr.
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  • 377 1 New top men in Phnom Penh BANGKOK, Wed. v Cambodia today appointed pro-Hanoi hard-liner leng Sary to take charge of its foreien affairs, and a new top-ranking minister, who apparently replaces neu t r allst Khmer Rouge leader Khieu Samphan as defence supremo. A Radio Phnom Penh broadcast monitored here
    Reuter; AP  -  377 words
  • 29 1 TB. AVIV. Wed Mr Pinna* Saplr. chairman of the Jewlah Agency* Executive and former Israeli Finance Minuter, died of a heart attack yesterday. He was U Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 191 1 INTRODUCING PHOTOSUN Bifocal and Trifocal Lenses. •Wotun Uim it on uUol compWm«nt to Fhotofray Urn. H offers you an optimum balance of comfort and miWBty which hat n.y.r boon available. (Since 1929) DAH SIN OPTICAL CO. 046, HIGH STREET CENTRE. SINGAPORE, Ta(«phon«: *****0 ***** (Next door Eastern Emporium i Cannons,
      191 words
    • 79 1 EXPOSED: 'GREATER' PERILS OF SMOKING Pago IS CALL to give richer nations a bigger say S LISBON Prime Minister's fate in the balance 3 KIM wants peace pact with VS. 4 COMMUNICATIONS gap between Finance Ministry and other ministries 5 THE Azad murder trial 7 XL Immigration studies stricter entry
      79 words
    • 39 1 I Sup* Color 22K) 1- Walnu) 56 cm (22) Europes Bestselling ColorTV GRUNPIG Our business schedules to Hong Kong Hp 3 flights daily 8:00 am, 11:15 am 2:55pm Hong Kong* discovery airline V\ CATHAY PACIFIC Hf> The Swire Group
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 368 2 i^i^f~Buy 2 worthof^^^B ij^VL Van Houten chocolates at yjH| ■t£) Metro Golden Mile UgjM muT and win free tickets to isfl F*j iJi V\ V- Vsstv J lA!_ I* —a; I *-TL_ .^sbbbbbbV y sjTOfIUCT Iflfl \O It's a yummy double treat! !_fcx_ -i 4LsBl mL,^.Then simply answer one easy
      368 words
  • Straits Times World News
    • 82 2 HONOKONO. Wad.— The prixommunUt Patnet Lao. who last week arrested two Thai military attaches for alleged spying activities, said It haa found an arms cache In a truck of the Thai Consulate In Savannaknet Province, the Khaoaan Pathet Lao (KPL) reported yesterday. The Pathet Lao
      UPI  -  82 words
    • 290 2 UNITED NATIONB, Wednesday OECRETARY-Gener&l Kurt Waldheim said yesterday the United Nations must continue its efforts to persuade South Africa to change its apartheid policies. "The world community, and the UN In particular, have a responsibility to persist In efforts to Induce the Oovernment
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 96 2 SYDNEY, Wed Half of Sydney's hleh school students have experimented with the occult and Satanism, a report said today. The report, made by an Anelican Commission into the Occult, said some students in the cities of Brisbane and Adelaide were Involved in witchcraft and black
      Reuter  -  96 words
    • 70 2 TAKING IT LYING DOWN... rvORMEB Australian Deputy Prime Mln-i-ter Dr. Jin Cairns lying on the ground in Melbourne City Square on Sunday after CM anti-nuclear demonstrators marched through the city. The demonstrators Were commemorating the 30th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. In 191*. Dr. Cairns led an anti-Vietnam war
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    • 212 2 LONDON. Wed F>RMER C f a n d a n foreltn mlaister Princen Elisabeth Baray«. ef Toro today denied reporta that her life had keen threatened by Uganda's President Idl Amln. British newspaners have said the beautiful farmer model was threatened by
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    • 469 2 US MOVE TO GIVE RICH NATIONS A BIGGER SAY IN NEW UN BODY MONTREAL, Wednesday AMERICAN Secretary of State Henry K is s i n ger has called for "weighted voting" in a proposed new United Nations body, a procedure that would give extra votes
      Reuter  -  469 words
    • 209 2 'Ghost towns' as Italians beat the heat ROME. Wed. All but five million of Italy's 30 million city-dwellers are away from hnme this week the climax of the summer holiday season which each year transforms towns Into empty deserts of tarmac and concrete. For the whole of this week, cities
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 165 2 14 MORE DIE OF CHROMIUM POLLUTION TOKYO, Wednesday fpHE alarm over chromium pollution spread x to northern Japan today when a university survey disclosed 14 more deaths linked to exposure to the toxic substance on Japan's northern main Island of Hokkaido. The mrvey released by a Hokkaido University research group
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    • 55 2 DACCA, Wed. Forty people. mostly married couplet, lulled themselves in the lfcst six months in the ShUlakupa area, according to a survey by the Psychology Departmrnt of Dacca University. It was the highest suicide rate for the period In any one area of Bangladesh. Shlalakupa haa a
      AP  -  55 words
    • 41 2 BYENTY. Wed— Brtwmrd Kenneth Qill. 3», of C»nbcm »«i charged In oourt her* an M"~<»y on nine oounU of Importing heroin Into Aiutrmll*, Involving 177 (rmnu of the drug allegedly brought from Malajrtf* He lion btUUU Aug JS -Renter.
      Reuter  -  41 words

    • 132 3 Gowon: Ml go back to Nigeria f ONDON, Wed. Deposed Head of State Oeneral Yakubu Gowon said on arrival in Britain yesterday that he Intended to return to Nigeria. Gen. Gowon was ousted in a bloodless coup on July 39 while he was attending the Organisation of African Unity (OAU)
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 60 3 CANBERRA. Wed. Five ships of the Royal Australian navy are to undertake a aeries of goodwill visit* to ports In the northern Indian Ocean and South-east Asia during the next three months. Defence Minister William Morrison said today. Count rlM to be visited Include Iran. Pakistan.
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 23 3 RAWALPINDI. Wed. Five people were killed and" at least seven Injured when a bus overturned near here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 323 3 LISBON, Wednesday 100 key military commanders gathered at regional headquarters here today for a meeting which could i e le m !S c fate of the pro -communist 1 rime Minister, General Vasco Goncalves They were summoned by Oeneral Otelo Saralva de Carvalho, one
      Reuter  -  323 words
    • 263 3 Angola 'crisis' as Govt collapses LISBON. Wed. Angola's transitional government ceased to exist three weeks ago and the northern region has broken away from the territory, a Oovernment Minister said here today. Dr. Vasco Vielra d"Almeida, appointed by Portugal as Economic Minister, added: "At the moment, nobody Is governing Angola."
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 37 3 JAKARTA. Wed. Indonesian Government officials are no longer required to be members of the ruling Golkar (functional groups) and can Join either of the two other political parties, a Parliamentary spokesman said today.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 258 3 BUENOS AIRES, Wednesday PRESIDENT Isabel Peron faced a new challenge today as reliable military sources reported a split In the armed forces over her appointment of an army colonel to the key Interior Ministry. The sources said that r some armed forces
      Reuter  -  258 words
    • 42 3 KATMANDU. Wed. Sixty-thrte people. Including women and children, have died in floods and landslides caused by torrential rains throughout Nepal In the past two months. Secretary General of the Nepsl Red Cross Society Dr. J. N Girl said yetterday— OPl.
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    • 186 3 IT WAS SELF-DEFENCE SAYS WOMAN WHO KILLED HER JAIL WARDER RALEIGH (North Carolina). Wed—Prosecutors will today begin calling witnesses In an attempt to disprove a young black woman's claim that she killed her white jailer In selfdefence. Four or live witnesses are to be called In the trial of Joan
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    • 96 3 The present that didn't bring a glow TOKYO. Wed— A smiling Foreign Minister Kllchl Mlkyazawa of Japan quietly took out a small 'box, a souvenir he bought In New York, and presented it to one of his Liberal-Democratic Party leaders at a meetlir; yesterday. The recipient, Mr. Ralzo Matsuno. chair
      AP  -  96 words
    • 55 3 NEW DELHI. Wed. The Jammu and Kashmir State Assembly today pasted a BUI taking the power of Jurisdiction over officials found guilty of corruption sway from the courts. The Bill provides for thr establishment of an antlcorrupdon tribunal with the powers of a high court, the Press
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 337 3 U. S.-SOVIET GRAINS FOR OIL SWOP? WASHINGTON, Wednesday DUMOURS circulated in the Chicago grain market yesterday that the United States was discussing with the Soviet Union a business ?wap arrangement involving grains The dlfcufsicns were said to b: going en In Helsinki, site of the recent East-West summit meeting. But
      Reuter  -  337 words
    • 136 3 WASHINGTON. Wed —The US and Japan yesterday agreed In principle on the sale of at least 14 million tonnes of grain annually to Japan over the next three years. After a meeting here with Japanese Agriculture Minister Bhlntaro Abe. US Agrlcu'ture Secretary Earl Butz
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 128 3 Telefunken JW. IB the Remote H^dl^H^^^^^^^^H^^LJ Control. !^99HPi^^^^^^^^^^^|^H| While you r»lax in your armchair you can do all B^HllMli |*b^. these with the Tatofunken Remote Control. :Im| UHI I 'w£t ***^^B 1. You can select your programme '^illillfltV V JbbHsHUbßi 2 You can control the volume ■'nllilfl W v il
      128 words
    • 263 3 w W CLEARANCE Wr'f I L 4 J a •3TT*B ■XC R ■Cf i K4JI Xi fti J y-.-vsß LYCHEES UNISUN TAIWAN 565g 1 13 1 CREAM OF CHICKEN SOUP CAMPBELLS USA 305g .70 1 WASHING DETERGENT FAB IMPORTED U.S.A. KING SIZE 5.40 I CHILLY SAUCE oiness sweet 3409 .62
      263 words

    • 33 4 MOSCOW Wed. Valentlna Zakoreukaya from the Soviet city of Klrovograb has become the first woman In the world to have made 5.000 parachute Jump*, the Taaa news agency reported today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 242 4 '13 Red Army men in Spain' report MADRID, Wed. Thirteen members of the Japanese Red Army have entered Spain in a bid to free Jailed Spanish terrorists, It was reported today. The Government newspaper Arrlba. quoting unnamed contacts In France, said that nine men and four women belonging to the
      AP  -  242 words
    • 111 4 The crocs finally got him BRISBANE. Wed.— A man who lived in terror of crocodllea was eaten by one almost four metres long with three legs and no tall near Weipa In Queensland, a coroner's Inquest heard yesterday. The Inquest Into the death of Peter Reuners, 35. was told he
      AP  -  111 words
    • 140 4 Man jailed on forged evidence gets $1.8 m LO S ANGELES, Wed. A man Jailed because of forged evidence was yesterday awarded U*****,000 (Ssl,--852,500) an amount said by his lawyers to be the biggest settlement In a false Imprisonment case. William Depalme, 37, a track driver, spent aVi years In
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 126 4 BANGKOK, Wad. A ZJttt-year-old Buddhist shrine In Northeast Thailand, revered by millions of Thais and Laotian*, collapsed on Monday night after being drenched by four days of rain, the Fine Arts Department said today. The collapse Is locally considered a bad omen and a reflection of deteriorating
      126 words
    • 164 4 LONDONDERRY, Wed. A major Protestant parade ended today In three hours of fighting between troops and rock-throwing youths. The inarch of the Protest a n t organisation known as the Apprentice Boys of Derry pasted through the city with only two minor Incidents amid
      Reuter  -  164 words
    • 36 4 RAVENNA (Italy). Wed Four-year-old Andrea Zambelll accidentally locked himself tn a car and died of suffocation and heat while his parent* and police searched for him on a nearby beach, police aald yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 171 4 Timor rivals headed for blow-up DARWIN, Wednesday TWO rival political parties In Portuguese 1 Timor are facing an Inevitable confrontation following the action of one of them, a leader of the Fretilin Party said here today Mr. Jose Ramos Horta. secretary-general of the political committee of Fretilin, was commentIng on
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 241 4 MANILA, wra. The Asian Development Bank yesterday approved a loan worth UBS3O million (8*40.4 million) in the Industrial Finance Corporation of Thailand. HONGKONG: A North Vietnamese economic delegation left Hanoi yesterday for China and the Soviet Union, the North Vietnam News Agency reported today. CAIRO: Egypt has turned again
      Agencies  -  241 words
    • 552 4 rKYO, Wed. President Kord has told Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl that he had received a peace pact proposal from North Korea, a Japanese newspaper reported today. The Asahl Shlmbun quoted leaders of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) who met
      Reuter; UPI  -  552 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 I vj; V--'^??^j^^^^pgSaKyfS«nNPrHyf r wt% m '"^sssssssai flj i^^^^ aa l aaa^ aaaaaa^ aaaaaaa^ aaaaa^ aa^t^Bi^ a >»^^^^^^a&^r9£ > *'^^*7'*^^ Bh^bsssss! Ls^BsT L^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BBBBBBBBBSa^Maiaßiaßiaßiaßiaßiaßiaßiaßialßiaßiaßiaßi^Baßia^Baßiaßiaßißaaßiaßaßiaßiaßiaaßßßaaaaaßiaßß SSSaI .flVMalßflLssaißßßß^Bß^Hß^Ba tS A HPBHHPPHHBIH IS I SHHL*HHB X v a WH Mill 5 9 *j H^^^Sl^^rBH^'BH j|^K^A^^^^s^e| 4 k VTnl^ETff^TTa^HfJsssvT^^^fl* 1 1 I d tfCdjVll II
      49 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 330 4 Straits Times Crossword ACmoss iij stimulate former part--1 President. lnexoertenced. ner and quote start of sporting brifhtly-colcured Ruddigore (7) material (7. 5». 7 Dcnkey consumer flower 8 Montgomery's here, so a first half of strong, wellgln hugs a bachelor (7). timed act (12) A clue half hidden tn a 10
      330 words

  • 239 5 'Step up fuel efficiency' call to local industries A JAPANESE engineer Associate Professor lakehJko Otsuka. yesterday 'called upon Singapore Industries to step up efforts to achieve greater fuel efficiency. Dr Otsuka, who was addressing a seminar on Energy Efficiency and Pollution Control Measures organised by the National Productivity Board, said:
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  • 26 5 THE St. Anthony's Convent Girl's Secondary School Band will perform at the Macßltchle Reservoir Park on Sunday from 5.30 pjn. to 8.30 pjn.
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  • 557 5 The Budget 'rejects' that tell nothing A serious gap says probe committee J^S estimates committee of Parliament, which was appointed to look into the system of budgetary control, has reported that a "serious communication gap" exists between the Budget Division of fhe Finance Ministry and other ministries. "In the majority
    557 words
  • 103 5 rE price of coffee seeds !n Singapore has dropped by $2 to $163 a plcul (60 kg) following the price drop In overseas markets since last Friday. Coffee seed Importers and exporters said the price remained unchanged yesterday. They said Indonesia U st'.ll
    103 words
  • 206 5 rjiHESE six girls from X Japan drew admiring glances from visitors at Pava Lebar airport last Bight when they flew In here for a rcrles of fashion shows jointly organised by Hilton Hotel. Cathay Pacific Airways and Isetan Emporium. The girls are
    206 words
  • 63 5 90 N-day messages received SINGAPORE has received 18 more National Day congratulatory messages from various foreign hearts of states and governments, bringing the total number of messages to 90. They were from the Philippines. Bulgaria. German Democratic Republic. Japan. Switzerland. Nepal. Yugoalavla. Senegal Dakar. Egypt. Malawi and. Israel. Austria. Czechoslavak
    63 words
  • 349 5 CBT and fraud: 17 months for exsecurity officer A FORMER hotel »?urlty officer was yesterday Jailed for a total of 17 months after he pleaded fullty to a cha r g c of criminal breach of trust md another of cheating. Fhe First Magistrate's Court heard that aa Australian tear
    349 words
  • 254 5 Summit: Senior Asean officials to meet in S'pore SENIOR Asean officials are expected to meet here soon for preparatory talks on the Asean Heads of Government summit to be held towards tbe end of the year. Sources said yesterday that Singapore had been chosen as the venue for the preliminary
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  • 45 5 THE Deputy Vice-Chan-cellor of Nanyang University. Mr. Lv Yaw. will give way 1 prizes for the second naI tlonal Industrial. buslneu and economic contest organised by Nantah's Industrial and Business Management Society at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce on Saturday at 1 pjn.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 131 5 kJ \A M/ k it \A kJ i 1 r U r \fc^ wopENINOHOURS FU, J m f f COMMEHONG SUNDAY OPEN:THURS.I4th-SAT.l6th:B-30am-7pfn IAIHCtt) < 5%3| ijii^V, ANOTHERGOOD 7 FULL DAYS: THURSDAY THRU WEDNESDAY SLk^K tfO I TOP SHELL -JSS&JK 2H 175 •PEaWUTBUTTCRCREJUW^ 980 FRESH ~1l I CANNED PINEAPPLE^°iiH^.... 4 .^.9....
      131 words

  • 877 6  - S-G: Wee like pickpocket who was caught red-handed... T.F. HWANG and BEN DAVIDSON REPORTERS: THE Solicitor-General, Mr. A.W. Ghows, in his submission at the Wee Toon Boon corruption trial yesterday, compared an act by the Minister of State to that of a pickpocket who was caught red-handed. Mr. Ohows was
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  • 639 6 "In Wee's confession to the CPIB. he admitted the otter of a bungalow to be built on plot 18, and his acceptance of such offer." Mr. Ghows then dwelt on the fifth and last charge, alleging that on or about Dec.
    639 words
  • 1016 6 If his trip to Jakarta was innocent of corruption why did he tell all those lies to the Prime Minister? "Criticism has been levied against the prosecution tor giving dates and places which have not been proved. For Instance, the date 5 May, 1973, was mentioned in the first charge.
    1,016 words
  • 847 6 ]t|R David Marshall. IT winding up his three-day submission yesterday, said that "much has been made out of nothing" by the prosecution. "The whole thing has been grossly inflated." he amid. Mr. Marshall argued "Wrong slants have been given to
    847 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 353 6 A time machine locked in a vault of steel Before putting anything into a T^TT Tudor watch, we leave something s^^~ '< out. ,^M#|2^^Ss^_ T"* Tw n '°ck winding crown -/^gjß^^\^ N Y Water. Dust. And dirt. t-<^ip screws down onto the case like a JtU^n. C We simply eliminate
      353 words

  • 58 7 A CHARITY concert will be held at the National Theatre on Sept. 27 at 7 p.m. by the Sri Lanka Ramaya temple In aid of Its building fund. Among the attractions are the Experiments, the Adaptors. Pest Infested. Sweet Charity, and Wilson David, and the Jubilees from
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  • 114 7 Police seek help of these three POLICE wish to inUr- view a Malaysian couple and their friend whom they think can help in their Investigations Into a cheating case involving $221,000. Teh Kheng Teong, alias Neon Soon Loo. 34. his wife Loh Bee boo. 30, and their friend, Richard Neon
    114 words
  • 50 7 A FORMER chaplain for /verscas students In Me.bourn*. Rev Father Griffin. hopes to meet "old" friends during his stopover In Singapore from today to Saturday. He may be contacted at 7 Jalan Lakum, telephone M 3755 or Church of Bt. Alphonsus in Thomson Road. tel. IMMI
    50 words
  • 717 7 THE AZAD MURDER CASE J^ YOUNG woman social worker yesterday told the High Court of her plans to marry an airline executive, allegedly murdered by her 59-year-old father who had oi>posed their courtship. Miss D?va Kumarl. 24. an arts graduate from the
    717 words
  • 180 7 A 72 YEAR OLD boarding house caretaker was found murdered in his room in Serangoon Road yesterday. Yeo Ah Teh lay face downward on his bed. his hands tied behind his back. He had severe (ace Injuries. The murder weapon was not found In
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  • 28 7 THE Raffles Irutltutlon music committee will orfanlM a music quiz at 1U school hall at 3 pjn. today. Seven schools will take part In the quls.
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  • 126 7 A SCHOOLTEACHER. walking along High Btreet, was grabbed by the neck, pushed against a pillar, and kissed on the lips, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. An unemployed man, Ooh Klan Seng. 22. pleaded guilty to outraging the modesty of Nancy Tay, 24, on Tuesday at
    126 words
  • 130 7 LORRY driver Cherng Ya Kan. 32. of Block 9. Jalan Bata. was crushed to death In an accident in TanJong Rbu Ro«d on Tuesday evening when his tral'er axle snapped, sending six steel beams crasaing into the driver's cab. A passing crane helped to extricate
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 326 7 gsssss&^MW^MwUJß Latest nev¥» in the photography workf our great new XE-1 We've taken all the tried and proven features of the famous SR-T series and added an outstanding electronic autorratic exposure system control. developed from Minolta's top X-1 model, plus a smooth new vertical plane shutter, specially developed by Minolta
      326 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 186 7 Bringing Op Wmth^r By BUI Kavanagn Hal Camp I .f~. >, f OH-Ot' ~N FwHAT AKS "V^ A "*\l r* r «AT CMARM BRACSIEtT HOW SWEET OF THOOSWT y\ HE*E CCMES. >O0 VtrtTCHINS./ LECTU*K W»6 n« BEST S *XJTOBOYMeA YOUt> '..H» uE V MAO^E.' y-, P6A«* ->[ ON INVESTMENT I
      186 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 436 8 jaMkb A WEEKEND TRIP TO /T]N W GENTING HIGHLANDS VUJ7 i by entering^MOST EXCITING SCENES sssks t^^ CONTEST Gt*on balow art 6 tconot from »ha Euan Uayd Rim "PAPf R TICIR". All v*m hora ro do it to *•!•<• in row opinion, rh« icanoi you think art Tfco Mot* I.citina
      436 words
    • 376 8 a B**BTTr|Et iiilfcoii 1 >» l »j*.»ja(i4i roi~rai h>r r* *^_r*_ft_ft_*^-ft-A-t* J i~ lTTr» ■■■WlTTi ITWIITrW* ■■Wir»Tr»jTiTn» IXITIT OPENS TODAY! 7.00 9.30 PM.| Adrrm.ion: AdyrH $2.00 Children: $1.00 CATHAY: stt Midnight Saturday. 2nd 'CRAZY" Week!! fATmV:lnl> llw 1M.U31 .13l M j CHARLOTS the /l|^ .V. J JaHßkaV^Brs^Vß^^^ THE CRAZY BOYS'
      376 words
    • 298 8 1 1 1 h iiT-i^iri. -UZ.V-^-" LAST 2 OATS' DAILY 4 SHOWS AT I JO. JM GOLDCN 5 SHOWS AT HAM 7 1S ••*•>«- -•'3o. 400. 6304 930pm AU ttIMH NtVIl KONG CHIAN 4 SHOWS AT JM _?AY! I 30. 330. 7 15 930pm 4jt Hf%ti i^^^^^ LAJT FIW DAYS'
      298 words
    • 278 8 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, 530 8.45pm ADMISSION PRICES: CIRCLE S4OO-STALLS S2.SO .SI SO M MO HALT PRICI-NO MILITARY CONCESSION-NO FRII LIST 3 Advance CASH Bookings only SWe's NEW ill tkc boi-offkc CHAMP JAaDtfabvnv |fe#>T [%^p Jariß Bf i nvfoH H KITSMft Hk J I I "We Mai Never Roßa4^3T
      278 words
    • 669 8 Jrd TOWIRINC MONTH! lit* WEEK! 71st DAY--4 Shews cc.l T Nete Ttmes Mom. 2.15. JJO t 4S p». No Free List No Holf Pr.ce No Mihtory Concession Circle U -Sfotls S2 504 SI 50 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Puol Newman. Sic»« McQueen "The TOwrtINC INFERNO' Fonavrsion Color (WBFOX) iklWl'BßMOffl I NOW
      669 words

    • 374 9 Immigration studies stricter entry checks KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THK immigration authorities are looking into more effective ways of screening people entering the country, the Director-General of Immigration, Encik Mohamed Khalil bin Haji Hussein, said today. For the moment, however, the present controls were adequate, he added. "We are looking Into
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    • 453 9 Policies that the majority will have faith in KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Government leaders are determined to implement policies in a manner that creates confidence among the majority of the people and not Just among the bumiputras and good public relations have helped a lot. the Primary Industries Minister, Datuk Musa
      453 words
    • 37 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Institute (or Medical Research Is to act up Its own snake (arm In PerlU to produce anti-venom serum (or •'•»un^ snake bites. All untlvem serum used In Malaysia now li tmported^
      37 words
    • 214 9 3-NATION TALKS ON STRAITS TRAFFIC SCHEME KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Senior officials from Malaysia. Indonesia and Singapore will meet in Jakarta early next month to map out plans for a traffic separation scheme in the Straits of Malacca and limitations on giant supertankers, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said today. The meeting
      214 words
    • 74 9 TAMPIN. Wed. Ptour men. one armed with a pistol and the others with knives, held up three people in a goldsmith's shop here last night and got away with more than 131.000 worth of Jewellery. The robbers, two of whom were masked, tied their victim* with
      74 words
    • 122 9 KOTA KINABALU. Wed. sabah and Sarawak are discussing with Malaysian Airlines Sysftem (MAS) the possibility of setting up c. new airline serving East Malaysia. Sabah s Sute Minister of Industrial Development, DatuK Herman Luplng. said today. Datuk Luplng said the proposed airline, to be owned 40 per
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 112 9 Bangi— where cyclists will rule the roads BANGI, Wed. This new town will ke a town of pedestrians and cyclists when it is completed in 1*77. Its eoief planner, Encik Mohamrd Ahyat bin Mohamrd Nor. said today the> new town would have many bicycle and pedestrian lanes becaue of its
      112 words
    • 235 9 ALS: It won't be the same as in S'pore KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The government will not Introduce the proposed area licensing system to control traffic In the city on exactly the same lines as Singapore. "As far as we know, the system In Singapore has apparently hit a snag. That
      235 words
    • 84 9 The case for rubber buffer stock KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia's case for an International rubber buffer stock will be heard at a special United Nations session early next month. The Primary Industries Minister, Datuk Musa Hltam. will lead the Malaysian delegation to the UN session on commodity arrangement* beginning on
      84 words
    • 63 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. A travel agent. Mr. M Shan. was killed yesterday evening when his Plat 124 crashed Into the railing at Sungel Subang bridge near the airport. He was (lung out of tne car by the Impact and landed on the river bank about (our metres
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 35 9 PIMPLES> ACNE A BLEMISHES successfully cleared with Guardian Ointment. Active ingredients ol Guardian Ointment, work efficiently. Also effectively nelp soothe and clear shin of rashes, itching, irritation, ringworm, eczema and inflammation Apply GUARDIAN OINTMENT ral*fa^B^a^.
      35 words
    • 619 9 aV^^^aW^aw .^fl bBbI JfT IN HOME LOANS We're industry leaders in the The United Finance Companies— field of housing loans (over $92 million No.l in home loans; Fixed Deposits and I I loaned to date). We can help you get the other savings options at competitive I I house you
      619 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 410 10 A SECOND disengagement agreement between Egypt and Israel is now within grasp. Or Henry Kissinger has relayed to Tel Aviv the final Egyptian terms for an interim settlement, and It seems they Include an acceptance of the Israeli proposal that the agreement should run for three years
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    • 217 10 rpHE Rhouesian Government and the country's black nationalist leaders could not have chosen a more exotic location for their constitutional conference the "no-man's land" of the Victoria Falls bridge over the River Zambezi. But will the talks In a parked, luxury rail coach provide a breakthrough in the
      217 words
    4 words
  • 426 10 SAF drivers must pass stringent practical test OLEASE refer to 1 the letter by L. K. L. (8.T., Aug. SAF drivers must first satisfy the physical requirements before they can be accepted into an eight week full time course at the School of Driver Training. At the end of the
    426 words
  • 483 10  -  DAVID MARTIN By I: London rE bitter war for control of Angola, Portugal's last African colony, has taken a new and serious turn with extensive fighting In the south which has drawn In the country's third nationalist movement the Union for the Total
    OFNS  -  483 words
  • 328 10  -  NEIL KELLY ty AFTER 12 yean of war Laos Is at peace again, slipping quietly under the control of the communist Pathet Lao forces whom the Americans and their allies fought for so long. The writer reports on the strange atmosphere that has descended
    328 words
  • 609 10  - 'Cowboy' police squad under attack ANDREW WILSON By I: London rpHE Paris Public x Prosecutor has been ordered to start an Investigation into the city's Flying Squad, the favourite arm of the Interior Ministry's year old law and order campaign. This time It Is not only public opinion that has
    609 words
  • 649 10 LAoa. says be Is prepared to go to any lengths to stay on. Along the (treets of Vientiane. Indian, Chinese and Vietnamese traders still deal In silks. Jewels, gold and silver. Magnificent Jewellery, packaged as If by Cartier, is selling at ridiculously low prices. Shops
    OFNS  -  649 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 38 10 Styl«« cut to th« lat**t trantf by our moil (iptiltnctd craftsman ttnea 1934. Sultt complataly hand tallorad 4 ttttcnad alto Importart a axportart of flnatt Gantt taxtllat tharaby 21, Chulla St.. Singapora. 1. Tal: ***** Hong Koflg (Branch)
      38 words
    • 478 10 INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING STAFF Affiliate. Association of Certified Accountants. UK Stamford College, Asia's largest independent Resource Centre in Business Education recognised by tne A CCA for full-time studies, now offers an intensive evening programme lor working students to prepare them for lAS Parts I andll A nine month course for
      478 words

  • Business Times
    • 881 11 The politics of oil in S-east Asia SOUTHEAST AB|A; CWUDE OIL PRODUCTION, 1974 HO MINFONC presents the first of a twopart in-depth study of the oil industry in South-east Asia. VERY special kind of map hangs on the walls of many posh offices in South-east Asia today. Like complex patchwork
      881 words
    • 497 11  -  MICHAEL CONNORS By f|V)KYO Japan is a major industrial Inverter In Slmrapure. with 10.4 t>er cent share about $320 million cf the manuf&cturins sector of the Republic. This wes revealed by Singapore's Ambassador to JaDPn. Mr. Wee Mon Cheng, in his messagr to
      497 words
    • 392 11  -  MARTIN LIM by AFTER two years of sparkling performance, Dunlop Estates has gone Into reverse In the first six months of 1975. For the half-year ended June 1975, Dunlop suffered a setback of 10.4 per cent in pretax profits to $4.60 million mainly due to
      392 words
    • 480 11  - A top man from Barclays picked to spearhead IBS operations SCH TIANG KENG tfy INTERNATIONAL Ba n k 1 of Singapore the blue chip partnership of the nations "Big Four" has recruited a to? Barclays man to spearhead Its operations. He U Mr. J. G. Craig, who has been appointed
      480 words
    • 240 11 HONGKONG led the advances for the past week. The market had firmed as it awaited the outcome of Hongkong Bank's offer to buy HK $150 million of Hutchison shares. Another reason for the rise in prices was a general stock shortage. Second was New York, believed
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 243 11 cfi n Commodity Futures trading is probably the least known and understood medium for investment. Yet it is the best in many ways for private Investors and investment companies seeking capital gains much higher than current interest rates. Once the misconceptions and market jargon are swept away, commodity trading is
      243 words
    • 173 11 |^fl PP**WJJ»WW«BbB I BIG, DEPENDABLE I CUTTING POWER Big 106.5 c.c. engine! r^^^l\ HE Extra thick chrome cylinder 9| for increased horsepower, faster i^Jr*"Wßl»\ JMr heat dissipation and wear- W\ mm. resistance. Automatic bar and JKC IpA mm chain oiling. Plus manual oiler. VCLv Hj All-weather ignition for fast I
      173 words

  • 927 12  - Oil supply bases: A slowdown but still steady HO MINFONG By SINGAPORE IS 3 clearly lacking in. oil as a natural resource. But it more than makes up for It by cashing in on the auxiliary serv 1 c es necessary for oil production. One of the most lucrative evea
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  • 190 12 Neddrill to convert bulk carrier into drillship MITSUBISHI Heavy Industries of Japan has got an order from Neddrill the newly formed subsidiary of the Netherlands Shl p p Ing Union, Europe's largest transportation group to convert a 19 500 dwt bu k carrier into a drillship. The bulk carrier belongs
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  • 182 12 KUCniNO: Sarawak recorded a trade suiplus of $133 7 million for the first five months of this year. But the amount is 535.6 r.Mlilon less than the surplus for the cor res pordliiß period last year. recording to flKures released by the
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 200 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Tap Fon Fook. managing director of Ben has announced the appointment of Mr. Danny Lam as marketing manager. Enclk Latiff Sher Mohamed, personnel manager of Texas Instruments Malaysia has left for Sydney to participate In two senior management seminars on Job evaluation and salary administration. He
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  • 121 12 |NGERSOLL-Rand has been awarded a major contract worth $2 mil. to supply drilling and compressed air equipment to P.T. international Nickel Indonesia In Sulawesi. the largest nickel mining operation in Asia. The contract, signed last month, is for eight units of Ingersoll-Rand Crawialr drills and
    121 words
    • 149 12 AMSTERDAM. Tue».— The market «galn ruled mixed In dull condition* with Hoojortni edging higher on balance despite the •eoond quarter loaa reported by EMeL Rayil Dutch was another modest gainer, but Akaa. rhJfcpa and Unilever loat kdu ground. Gains elarwhere were headed by Hal. HVA and KBV. Major banks.
      149 words
    • 152 12 7 U RICH. Tute.— The Zurich Stock Enhance opened on > §U«hUy firm note today only to c Jose Irregular Bco^-j icoerally maintained ye:terday T s prlcee. The Credit Sulaae index gained 0 2 point to 187 1 ClMlnc prtras In a*lo frmaea with Urn iMmm ea Urn pre-
      152 words
    • 180 13 *T*OKYO. Wad.— The stock market eased today on Ptchtent liquidation, reflsctlng the uncertain economic outlook, osalsrs said. The Dow Jones average dropped 23 points, fslllng below the 4.200 level to clow st 4 194.49 with the volume falling to 100 million shares from 120 miUion shares yesterday. The New
      180 words
    • 296 13 CYDNEY. Wad.— The stock 0 market closed firmer In quiet trading, dealers saltl. Early buying support nvsed the bearish trend of the past few seas luns The Sydney All-Ordinaries Index 0.37 point to 459 36. PsassatlmaUl jumped to an all-time high of A 56.20 Golds firmed with tasasrsr rising
      296 words
    • 243 13 uOWOKONO. Wed. The stock market drifted lower in the lightest turnover since last January with Hutchison leadlnj the downtrend. Following its decision to appoint merchant bankers Schroders and Chartered to advise on the HK and Shanghai Bank's offer to buy HKSISO million of stock HalcaJsM closed caster at $1.70.
      243 words
    • 260 13 PJEW YORK Tues— The ■j stock market gave up some of its early gains this afternoon, but the Dow Jones Industrial average managed to close up 4.78 point* for the day at 828.54 Ibe Dow has now closed higher on each of the last five trading days, rising-
      260 words
    • 151 13 rerd Motor MS i, Jen. Electric 4414 V, lea. iMlrumrnt >en. Motor* 4»\ Joodyear Hl4 l, lull OH MS in 1* Int. Hirvnur Mi, 14 Int Ttl 4 T«U 2H, S ICalMr Aluminium MS -"ton 7>4 uodu «v H Mobil Oil 44S »4 >tU Elevator UH f*u
      151 words
    • 93 13 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Tueadsy »0.0 Monday 281 1 Week ago 2SS< TINS Tuesday 16.77 Monday Si M Week ago r?.M KLBBERB Tuesday 395 45 Monday 388 74 Week ago ***** OILS Tuesday 283 51 Monaay J75.47 Week ago 283.T7 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 828.54 Monday 823.76 Week ago
      93 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 285 12 din JSMWEiMI ECONOM EKpiiNVESTMINTB Knn "MminTnu fDsUB i^rlsV l^*'^ißisßH .111 i +W, M is^is^is^is^is^iisissfl^iH GORDON'S f^3w3 fit S^^M m. m .-i?.O^H M A F>ltO A M sons(m) T\ !TF* Wl 18. BATTERY ROAD. I THE ItOHMXX'OMI'ANY^ JthO* (A Mtn«« at lnc*c«» Group) 01/ V Wi\J »I# V HUP TO 50%
      285 words
    • 400 12 Look, listen and learn with Australian educational equipment Australia with its experience and technical skill in most forms of audio visual and general educational equipment, has much to offer in the field of teaching and providing information. With greater emphasis being placed on advancement of the education system it is
      400 words

    • 421 13 Onawiia rut Bbsm Darby MMM Faker Msika US.SM nsis—a ISS.SS6 Tatal Tvam: 1M M Tatal Vahw: 15.61 M. OSO O.M O. JuU 40i MM*. 037 027 O. Ptnt O.Mi mm? 1 06 04t H. Par <L> 0T« Nap. 1» O.M lack Lou lit 0.10 0.01 inch.
      421 words
    • 53 13 Aug. It Amg. IS l»4—tH«h: 117.11 WI.M M7Jt f Hotels: 1(7.14 INN Properties: 1(4.43 IMJ7 t Tto»: MM M.71 t t ia»»m 117Jt 117J4 1 0.C3.C: Iliil UIM t RX.B. In*. IMJt 1M.17 Dm M. IM4 1M 1 Dm. XI. IMS 1M t Dm. M. lMt IN Dm.
      53 words
    • 425 13 1M 1M U.A.C IN If 1 ll* 11l 1 40 01 Ml ISO U.I.C N 170 10* mtnoor J» M t.» ow uiiwk. i.a 2 141 WMrm 151 0* 1 M ISO W 144 02 2» 1.1) Til IJB PIMAMOI 3.44 1 M D.B.S 1«0 M 116 IN
      425 words
    • 28 13 ENC >. Tag tea. Hold. >U EL nrhrapr Ft** »1.M 11.43 »2 86 II. M $1.31 m>M 11.41 11.82 $1.63 .<M .00 JUi .05 .01 .01 .01 .01
      28 words
  • 772 13 rE Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday finished lower In sporadic trading. There were Intermittent periods when no business was done. An early rally In unison with the overnight closing Hongkong market proved Just a Hash In the pan. Sellers were all too eager when prices moved up
    772 words
  • 1496 13 BID and offer prices officially Usted and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of »haxe» traded shown In brackets In tots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement ContracU are quoted after the word "Sett."
    1,496 words
  • 933 13 BID and offer prices officially listed and bu*ln«a& in snd reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares trailed shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified IMOUITRIALI A. Tap* (OSSS). Al.i Ml*. (LOW) CD. A.M. Da*. lO.Mil. A.P.I. (O.TOB
    933 words
  • 57 13 MELBOURNE: BH South said copper output from Its wholly-owned Cobar Mines subsidiary fell to 9 601 tonnes in the year ended June 28 from 10.6 M tonnes in the previous year. In the same period, copper production at its 51 per cent owned Kanmantoo Mines subsidiary fell
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 83 13 HONOKONO: Hutchison International has appointed Schroders and Chartered to advise It on HK Bank's offer to buy HKSISO million worth of Hutchison shares. The appointment came as the result* of Tuesday's board meeting from which no other decision emerged. It said that while appreciating the
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 302 13 Shares in KL end barely steady SHARKS drifted quietly In light and scattered trading at the Kuala Lumpur stock market yesterday to finish on a barely steady note. There was very little Incentive to trade, apart from some mild buying during the early part of the morning. But this soon
    302 words
  • 146 13 KUALA LUMPUR: San Holdings has said Its wholly-owned subsidiary. San Development, has acquired 70 per cent of the paid-up capital of August Erßels Malaysia castings from Sovran Industries. A eompeny statement said the purchase Involved 3 5 million shares of $1.00 each for $2,625
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 41 13 HUME Industries iMalsvfU) who)ly-owned subsidiary Federal Paper Products has completed the rebuilding and reinstalment of its plant. damaged by a fire last September, and has now resumed operation*. According to a company letter to the Kusla Lumpur Stock Exchange.
    41 words
  • 23 13 TOKYO: Mitsui Bank said it will lower us prime rate to 7.75 per cent from 8.25 per cent from Saturday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 112 13 EUROPE wm easier on Tuesday but picked up toward* the clom while the the US market wm acuve and firmer, according to the Malaysian Palm CHI Producer*' Association. Quouuons In USt/c«nU (Rotterdam) unless stated wars: Afloat (US) 26 cents »26/***** 60 traded; Auf. HM/(UB> 23 cenu sellers. 1466/
    112 words
    • 238 13 Money and exchanges •THE US dollar opened un--1 changed In the Singapore forex market yesterday from the previous day's level of 12 4760 70 but was quickly forced down to reach as tow ss 83.4700/ IS before firming again and steadied at $2 4730 40. Trading was more active when
      238 words
      • 197 13 THE StralU tin price rose 11.12 4 to 11.013 per picul In Peuang yesterday on an official offering down 78 ton* to JOS tons. The overnight London market was very steady with forward buyers price slipping (1 to C 3.264 per metric ton. LONDON: Tuesdays Cash tin finished
        197 words
      • 31 13 Rubber: Aug 13. Singapore Sept. 147.5* cU. (up 025 ct.) Malaysia Bep t. 149.M cts. (up 075 et.) Tin: $1,012 (up S1.12I). Official offering 205 tons (down 75 tons).
        31 words
      • 105 13 /■M'NIII PROOUCS II v CNANOI, JIMOAPOHI NOON CLOSING PBICIS MX PICUL VSSTSBJOAV. Caaamrt Oil bulk 137* Mlltm. drum (421 atllara. Caora: Muad dooaa) UK/Cool. t»i b ■aa*ar: Muatok ABTA whIU fob. \OO% NL.W |2*7 i •allara, Sarawak white f.o.b. M<. NLW ***** atllcra. aanwtk •racial Mack f.o b. nlw
        105 words
      • 34 13 London copper prim on Tunday iprtvloua in brackau). wirakar Spot buyar UM (1*00). aallar fSOS USOO.SOi; Thra* Mootha buytr (423 1 1421 SO) aallar 1523.50 <tS22>. atamit tarn: Klrmtr. Salaa: 8.318 tonaaa.
        34 words
    • 577 13 /\PENINU quotations In the Singapore rubber market yesterday were marked down I.SO cents par kilo following easier oversea* advices. First Uiiln— s was, however. struck at 147 00 cents tor September RSS One and the market fluctuated quietly around this mark In thin and featureless condition* Forwards tended
      577 words
    • 96 13 Sept. Oct. a Mi nn_iL n-ii,. M f l.» (OtnwtMtk) (rwwmHMtk) l.«li»«k|) |Mmp«tr) 5 CV U too pallet) IM.OO 156 00N ***** 1S« iON IL (1 ton palkt) ***** 155.00N 154.50 155 50N I (1 ton pallet) ***** 153.00N 151 JO 153 SON 10 (t ton p«Urti
      96 words
    • 167 13 Suggested Interbank rates at 3 00 pm: Carrcaeiss Nominal rates Smlthsootea Paraaataga aswted yesterday (crass) parity najaags LJB dollar Sterling pound ■lorgkong dollar Malaysian dollar tust schilling 3d franc (com) Danish kroner rrench franc tUUan lire *eth guilder for kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Seutache mark tapanese yen
      167 words
    • 186 13 A MAN currency deposit tnte"b«nk rates as »t close on Wednesday. Aug 13: Offer Bid 7 days 6 1/4 6 I/I 1 mth 6 14 6 18 2 mths 6 7 8 6 3 4 3 mths T 18 7 6 mths 18 0 mttu 9 18
      186 words
    • 34 13 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollar* (or Auf 13: Offer Bid Overnight 3 3*4 1 1 mth 3*4 3H 3 mth* 4V« i\ 1 mth* 4 Saaree: P. Uumj-Joae* lal Us— l
      34 words
    • 59 13 RA.var of run offend by discount houaaa on Auc 11: Overnlsht 2S UK*. Oil depoalt mk%. aSSBBSJ Buy SaM 3 Month Traaiury MUa 13 14 1 1/14 3 Month bank Mil* 4 1/S 1 14/14 1-Moßth CD i 1 14 4 4. Month CD 8 1/S 3 1/10
      59 words
    • 61 13 Minimum lending rates (in Algemeoe Bonk f% Bangkok Bonk 7V. Bonk of America Bonk of China 7 '/j Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro Indonesia 7 2 Sonque de L'lndochine 7 Chartered Bonk 6V4 Chose Monhotton 7 DBS 6V. Fir*f Chiccoo 7 FNCB 7 HKSBC Malayan Banking 7 Mitiui Bank
      61 words

  • 6 14  -  wong lai wah EJ
    6 words
  • 93 14 f'ET SET for holiday capers in these very casual blouse tops of nylon ascetare. They are striped brightly in "engineered" prints. The cool comfort of the wide, kimono sleeves and easy tie-belts make for laiy lolling about. Wear them to a beach party teamed with pants or
    93 words
  • 1049 14  - Preparing your child for freedom By DAVID ELLIS ITNOWING exactly how mnch independence a child should have is a problem for all parents. And the big test is the first day at school. This Independence Day is his first experience a\v a y from his mother. Even nursery or play
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  • 97 14 A JAPANESE ceramics firm claimed that It Is miking artificial emeralds that can be sold for about h-lf the price of natural ones. A spokesman for Kyoto Ceramics Co. said its ersats emeralds have almost the same color, shape, hardneae, specific gravity and transparency as natural emeralds. The
    UPI  -  97 words
  • 261 14  -  MEI-LIN CHEW By rrALKINO has help- ed 26 year old Lai May May to mind her own business. To her. loquacity ecmais sales md profits Til/ir q {.hop is her passion, sh^ rays. May May and her mother. Mrs. Mary Lai, M. keep
    261 words
  • 252 14 No cure for suncaused browp spots i-VRLANE'S international v/ beauty consultant Frederique Dele a g c openly admits she is a tomboy. And she has scars to testify to her tree-climbing days. Vet she Is no less a beauty, though not the delicate kind. Hers is the healthy, outdoor, rugged
    252 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 399 14 Another ideal business machine from Carrier. VJ r Camcr f I Univrrfcil Q \^J\^ SODAOO9// A\«satile,singlei»ckage air conditioner that* powerful enough to cool a medium-sued store... .o, r«.. U r.n,. or .n oftce. of to .r« alr«dv In io your pl.« ..f bu«i*« TV r«lly «ood for Kwiiwm. CIRCULAR
      399 words
    • 223 14 TOO SHIMMY lo eiiioy lite? Revitalise your energy and vitality with SUPER WATE-ON Super Wate-On «^JS is a food supplement that can give pounds and inches of healthy B^^^i solid flesh to skinny 'W a^^^e^^l underweight men f/i and women. V^ HL Super Wate On \y IP^ contains fruit >
      223 words

  • 330 15 XTOTHING can be more 11 tragic to a ballet dancer that to be told that he or she nay never be able to dance again. Such a tragedy has struck Ken MtSwain, the lead male dancer of the 12-member
    330 words
  • 241 15 Plan to upgrade skills of school principals T»HE Ministry of L Education is planning to set up a permanent committee to upgrade the competence and skill of present and potential school principals. To be called the Principals' Professional Development Committee (PPDC). Its members w 11 comprise representatives from the ministry's
    241 words
  • 139 15 GROUNDED SHIP: HELP ON THE WAY A SALVAGE tug from an international firm Is on Its way from Singapore to the Nlcobar Islands In the Indian Ocean to help the 19.162--tonne bulk carrier. Nicolas S. Emblrlcos. which ran aground on Sunday. The vessel, owned by 8.0. Emblrlcos Of London, was
    139 words
  • 447 15 Exposed: 'Greater' perils of smoking gMOKING has been confirmed to cause even greater health dam-' age than previously believed, posing risks even to unborn babies and non-smokers. Many studies confirm that the lung function of cigarette smokers Is Impaired In every known respect compared with that of non-smokers. Evidence gathered
    447 words
  • 145 15 British team finds it most rewarding rE leader of a 12--member British engineering trade mission, Col. R. E. Scott, yesterday described their eight-day visit to Singapore as "most rewardIng." w Interviewed before their departure last night, Col. Scott said members representatives from Rolls Royce and other established British engineering firms
    145 words
  • 47 15 CAJRNHUi ccoaUtuencT will bold a dinnar to eattbraU National Day at iv Buyong Road community centra on Aug. U at 7JO pjn. Tb« MlnU-CT for National Drwiopmsnt and Oomtnuniftttfuij, Mr Urn Kirn Shn, who U also MP for CalrnhlH will bt Urn gUMt of honour.
    47 words
  • 37 15 DR Tan Cng Liang. Senior Minuter of BUU for National DllllOPHMll tOd UP (or Rlvw VaUey. *W «tUnd a dinnar and variety ihow at Br*«r TaUty community <aotrt on Saturday at 7 JO pm.
    37 words
  • 125 15 OOLICE hare stvted I lnvcstifationH Into a two-hour strike on May IS by about 20* worker* of the Intrr-ocean-EAC ahlppinf afeney In Robinson Road. According- to informed sources, the Investigations are aimed at determining the person responsible for organising the strike by the 2tK)
    125 words
  • 33 15 MR. E Wljeyslngha. assistant director of school organisation. Ministry of Education, will be the guest speaker at Bartley Secondary Schools annual speech and prize giving day on Saturday at •JO am
    33 words
  • 30 15 MR Victor Ho from the Institute of Motor Industry will speak on How to Stretch Your Petrol Dollars at tne National Library Lecture Hall at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
    30 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 117 15 ws*"*x&<BifC mmt rirL''*** Your family has trusted it for generations... Bumoi hat been around for a long time your M3MM*m family has always trusted it, because there isn't any jtttt other antiseptic craam good enough to take its place. y^^^^X Bumol soothes and heals cuts, burns, sores, insect bites every
      117 words
    • 265 15 THIS WEEK IN V V- iTheRushl reod about: EUROPEr Season of tha Lotus Eaters the 13 billion dollar suanar vacation spraa of 85 million Europeans starting this month. WORLD: Traval today who*a going where, why, what they're looking for and what they'll probably find. AMCRICA: Why Hubert Humphrey ie Cerald
      265 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 911 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 tM PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee: The 7JI Htws Outoy) Unexpected Fortune (Cantonese film, (Part 1) 7.49 Tkt So-MJkw tfatar Hat: Saninl if Urn 3JI Love is a Many Splendoured Thing Fitttst 4JI Intermission 8.45 Exoionn? the Sea (last episode) 6.01 Opening and Mans Manja
      911 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      68 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1385 17 CWTAINEISIIIP SOYICt fmt IVMmTIWmT: M'b«f| %r*m 9 fom Sto* P Kilmm I'ktm aatat ».<*. karaaa Mara Sa.itt Sa.lea biM It {2 ll ST HJ^i HI rri sa iT3 ».S r> -'2 S 12^ »Am 1 «r»t i>m niajt HM as ataka Mt i ltd I ted I Bait Mid Mlaat
      1,385 words
    • 1205 17 Ben Ocean Aic^senncec/BenUn&B^FhnrielGlenljnsandNSMO ti m eternal m im taaii m.«ac,,i mTa. m£"2, *5" '.X K. m. r-. M j AkkAirn M/ia it mm M t/ >sa»t ikd J^JJJi;- 11 Dtki-e miUMIBt i IStd 4 IStd 1 lied 11 Bet Itaaaa. C'aada. Mall. SkuT! 1 uiTt KitXS i>4S5 v,-,. ig. Maiaca
      1,205 words
    • 1255 17 HtM'i luw k'aaa Siiajw Iliaflrt I'tat. Aataai* All MA. ITT If EIINMWI itMt il Aaj IStd "Seat used 'led 'B«to bat I] Aai n Aar lt tad Sad H Sad 14 Sad l au ntmt nM ««d IW 4 act s tat M SMt TMN lIPItH 17 Sed It Sed
      1,255 words
    • 1106 17 FULLY CONTAINCKIZtD SEKVICE TO IUKOft P Mlaw S'aert pM. Ml kfllMl mm n TBTAeu Tit 1 wttsrtwt, Ajutintom, Antwerp leHirre, mEJTi l li 2JJ! kVe-eiki-.. uuawT "L 1 Si 11 Co rtJ 1 Sat*-**! l** l^ ■""kk utT I Mt 1 Stocikola, Oak). Htlsmii, Ufitec Kin|itom. CAaiMI Tarn icl M
      1,106 words
    • 854 17 Sa«awa *****4; P. Ua»t 1141. 11. mi\\ Pata) fjj|i THE BANK UNE LTD. IMtS Mill AftKA TATMM iMa.r,t,,i. laaket. Maaatta oar»aa I Caetlo- P uiai S 7 Sad Sm. M laj a tad Fk*M iut k kktni iratcA. fm lAnaut. mahiia iiTiAm phum Mll A« p s x-i il aam
      854 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 919 18 I '^!ATASAJt7iaBEN KAISHA LTD. uwasaii imui msa uism ltd. lAPAN. MMN UK. STUTTS SOmtt Mao M.o-t S.afooor. Poaatt P. ■Httf i "ism j.paa Arabian Oull Swrvle* Siafaaara PM: TIUU.A MAM NIPI/aAM >*»■ MMMMJ mam lai laj J*oci«.' M««: OaM.. Oata. Japan AlrlM-WtM AflrtMl AVa»vle. SiOfMNTO PM MIW MAM «aj
      919 words
    • 954 18 i2E '^ZE™JZuS2£*'l2S. ■AMIPtTIMATI SeMM Win IMAN AM SA4AI MAIN PMTS Fraa ITA FTO MatiaaMa. St-Xm. 5»..:: [a !!g gL pmVKmT* sit :a r,a r^«. UU iim ft«|-« a »at M Aaj [|JJJ2£' >I litt naar Sttf-t tM. a-atM Satuftrt 1. TU 22H711 0 MM). Trta B 22W. bttt "team RICULAI
      954 words
    • 1006 18 fu FJST-aww vmtaiajvimamm. stwict tvu tm rpan P MUaf Poaaai loot Lootoo fa-> N'tat MPTfNI IMIMU 1l Aat a Aa| I It* Mft tl Saft r,pi!^r ll T. i irr,.' lirnTrj^M,MM,,»»l1 irnTrj^M,MM, »I fWt imfl P Ultoj S »ftr. MmfUH lotto aiPTfNI TtPU I il Sot* Kitsial Mtoft aMM tiu.l
      1,006 words
    • 903 18 Umx StWCf Tl UWW, WOWIiTCiWWDrT Win T|. Htai tajatin P mum Povor laaaaaj lor MMA MIIM la Part 11,11 Aai Ii too lit. I ton Cartitt IST t'.Mi 22 t I'naoa 1)1. x *ri n MMA UTI M/IT Aof «/B M| 11/ 1 Soft 4/ ISaft {Moo'" L'Ow. b«n 4
      903 words
    • 996 18 •TMI POUT OP aiMOAPOPIt OUT: Hoyu Mam. Dtepa 8uT AOTMOHITT AMHOUMCIO bur Mvokm Mara. Tropic Wlndt. THI POL LOWING I ••■.TMIHO SPC clunker II and nir*ant*ra AMtAMOIMIMTI PON AUO. 14. 11l OUT: Bant Hal Uan No 1 V POUT KLAHO) Tamura*ver»U 6VT. •^"jF 1 Sow* Pwt 8n Salado; Bunfa S^.'-S^Sa.TS'Si
      996 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 587 19 IMLJfijiuj UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE Applications ore invited from suitably qualified persons residing m Singopore or Moloysio for appointments to the following posts in connection with the development of the new compus for the University of Singapore ot Kent Ridge (1) RESIDENT MECHANICAL/ ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (2) STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS (3) ARCHITECT (4)
      587 words
    • 523 19 Mansfield Shipping N Services Re Ltd A member of the Straits Steamship Group requires a SALES REPRESENTATIVE The successful application will be a member of an export sales team, responsible for generating cargo support by initiating, developing and maintaining contacts at all levels. He would be a Singaporean, aged 25-30,
      523 words
    • 533 19 Fitzpatrick's Food Supplies (Far East) Ltd. requires A Male Assistant Maintenance Executive who shall also be the "Safety Officer" for their Jurong Manufacturing and Distribution Complex. The successful applicant shall be a Singaporean, holding not less than a Singapore Polytechnic Diploma In Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent qualification from
      533 words
    • 341 19 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER 18) f IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 300 OF 1»75 RE: NO KHENO HWA EX PARTE: MALAYAN BANKTNO BERHAD CREDITORS NOTICE In the Matter of a Bankruptcy Notice filed on thl 25th day of July. 1975 To: NG KHENO HWA. No. 203.
      341 words
    • 541 19 ®PUB TENDER NOTICE ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT: (2»d Floor. City Hall) (1) DUpoaal of 7 Items of scrap materials lying at Al- Junled Road Cable Store. Tender deposit $100/-. Close at 2 15 p.m. on 28.8.75 (2) Supply and delivery of 3 Nos. of Rotary Percussion Drills Tender deposit f 100/-. Close
      541 words
    • 641 19 NANYANG PRESS (SINGAPORE) LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that an Extraordinary Oeneral Meeting of Nanyang Press (Singapore) Limited wilt be held at 307 Alexandra Road Singapore on the 22nd day of August 1975 at 10.30 a.m. for the purpose of considering and
      641 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    75 20 MADAM CHAN NIA NEO, aged 64. beloved wife of Urn Kirn Phuang passed away peacefully on 12.8.75 leavlni? behind husband, four daughters Lily. Daisy. Rose arid Jasmin, and adopted daughter Janet, four sons inlaw James Chua, Gordon Lee. Ooh Slak Chiang and Charlie Tan. an adopted son-in-law Llm Hong
    75 words
  • 36 20 Parents, brothers, sisters of the late MICHAEL YEO PENG WKK (passed away 31/7/75) of Malayan Banking Sdn Bhd thank Doctor and staff of OROH (wards 18. 11), relatives and friends for their kindness and sympathy^
    36 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    26 20 BHRI K. V. DEVAN Departed thia- world 14/8/71 Fondly remembered and mined b\ all who knew him Iwsrtsil by his loving wife and fcsairy.
    26 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    53 20 S. (HINAYAN of 448. Jalan Plrlng Singapore passed away suddenly in India on 1--8-75 16th Day Prayer's will be conducted In Slvan Temple. Woodlands Road on 16th August 1975 between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All friends and relatives are invited to attend the above function. Sadly missed by
    53 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    53 20 MR. LICK HOCK KOOI. aged 45, of 413-A. Woodlands Road. 11*. m.s Singapore 23. passed away peacefullyon 11th August 1975. Leaving behind wife, two daughters, son, son-in-law and two god-sons Cortege leaves for Cremation at Kong Meng Sua Crematorium on 15th August at 1 p.m. Oreatly missed by all
    53 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    48 20 P. LOURDEB In loving memory of P Lourdes A year has gone, you left us suddenly, a shock severe to part, your heart kind and true. Inserted b> Peters daughter A high mass at Holy Family Church. Katong at 6.15 p.m. on 14/8/75 All are welcome
    48 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 495 20 ILs^yjbJsWssU^UsyLsV^mJsJLCJsß ■nvites applications from suitably qualifiedH HmALAYSIAN citizens to fill the following^ ■position: BsENIOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT IResponsible for the Supervision and of the Finance Section of ■Accounting which includes preparation of ■Annual Financial Accounts, Monthly Reports, ■Divisional Statements, Recording and MainItaining Working Capital, Payroll and other ■General Accounting functions Applicants
      495 words
    • 582 20 ACCOUNTANT CUM ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Our client, whose main activities are in the assembly of agricultural machinery and machine parts, invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians for the position of Accountant cum Administration Manager, to be based in Butterworth. The successful candidate, preferably a bumiputra, will be a fully
      582 words
    • 575 20 I TEXAS INSTRUMENTS the world loader in ttte I manufacture of semiconductor components, has opthlngs for ELECTRONICS REPAIR TECHNICIAN ELECTRO MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN I BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I ELECTRONICS HEP AIR TECHNICIAN I Qualifications: Diploma from Electronic Technical I I School. I to 1 yeari experience In Solid Bute I Electronics.
      575 words
    • 620 20 LEMBAQA PELABUHAN KELANQ TENDER NOTICE NORTH PORT BERTHS 6 to 9 REINSTATEMENT OF FENDERINQ Tenders are invited from Civil Engineering Contractors who are registered with the Kelang Port Authority under Class "Al" and with the Public Works Department under Class 'A' Head 1. Sub- Head 2 for the reinstatement of
      620 words
    • 238 20 ENAKMES LEMBAGA BANDARAN iN.MB. BAB IS7) NOTIS DI BAWAH SEKSTEN-SEKSTEN 117 A ISS Dengan Inl diberitahu bahawa adalah dlcadangkan dl bawah seksyen 144 Enakmen Lembaga Bandaran iNMB Bab IS7) untuk memlnda Plan Bandar Ipoh Yang dlluluskan No. B 3 y«ng dlslarkan sebagal Pemberltahu No. 2846 dalam Warta Kerajaan Negerl-Negen Melayu
      238 words
    • 351 20 IN THE MAGISTRATE'S COURT IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRU CIVIL ACTION NO. 20 OF 1975 BETWEEN Yon* Keong Machine House of Vt m s Jalan Mawal. Kota Tlnggl. Johore (suing as a firm). PLAINTIFFS. AND Then Chee Mln of Room 3. (3rd Floor). UMNO. Building, Jalan Segget, Johor Bahru, Johore.
      351 words

  • 40 21 IN MEMORY OF Mrs Marie Catherine Symons Dear Mummy remember with love on this your birthday Love from all your children IN LOVING MEMORY of Chan Slew Klam departed 14/8/47 Always remembered by his wife and children
    40 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 541 21 classified ads (gl LOUISE KLBR*.. SALONS In Hotel Singapura for youi 'aleit hairstyles, expert perming ami gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments telephone *****3 (B'pore) TEACHING OF ENGLISH The standard of English spoken by Singaporeans Is the subject of debate and controversy New Nation today presenu the view of a
      541 words
    • 791 21 SECRETARY ABLE TO speak Mandarin or dlalecu wanted for Law Firm Minimum typing speed required 40 w p m shorthand speed 100 w p m commencement salary $350 00 p.m Enclose nonrtiumable passport site photograph Keply 8 T Box A ***** WANTED INDIAN TAMIL female clerk with some knowledge of
      791 words
    • 748 21 SXPBRIBNCBD FEMALE RECEPTIONIST/ clerk typist wllh some accounting knowledge reouired by established comoanv Send non-returnable photograph and testimonial lo Colombo Court PO Box 482 Spore 6 FEMALE OFFICE CLERK/ typist with Secondary education required by forwarding company Tel *****95 (or appointment. RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED. Appllcanu should be capable of conversing fluently
      748 words
    • 683 21 ONE YOUNG CHINESE Female Shop Assistant/ Typist Preferable achool-leaver and Uv ing in vicinity of DMt. S. Apply Kllllney Road P O Box 206 SALESMAN ILBCTRtCALS Expertenced. well connected, selfconfident, capable producing results Profit-sharing cum minimum guaranteed allowance $600 p m Apply with latest photograph (non-returnable) and full resume to
      683 words
    • 693 21 required by Leading International Company for their Ammonia Plant Engine Room Operation IppSmil* «*MwM hove prao«HoJ «w*V *T froorotloal know MHOe) tf RdnyssTVwftovi. SwajasMre CSawsn* who have csjsjrsbW%bjsJ WaUxxjii It tot protorro*. Apply P.O. Boa BBS Ssjigoporo. LIVE-IN. ASIAN WANTEO. to do cooking, cleaning and shopping. for English speaking expecting
      693 words
    • 845 21 EXPEP4ENCED OFFICE BOY required urgently Plea** ring Albert Chin tel *****/ *****0 for an appointment URGENTLY RSOUIRED FEMALE compugraphlc ohoto typesetting operators One •experienced and one trainee Apply ST. Box A ***** with full particulars nonrefirnablc photograph A C#wts)VfJ(9<MM O#wt*o| > MB> l r > bWvWbjb Tii ill, naipwsiaiig end
      845 words
    • 757 21 WANTED EXPERIENCSO WAITRESSES immediately Pleasant personality Call personally today for interview between 1 to 6 p m at Maxim Nlteclub. Suoreme House Basement Penang Road. Singapore A JOB fOR the widow's son 20 years alrcondltloning and refrigeration. 3 years power generation and I year recent offshore rig maintenance *****7 L.T.
      757 words
    • 912 21 DtSTPJCT IS Oarllck Avenue Furnished Bungalow 3 Bedrooms separated living and dining room 4 alr-condliion*rt available 1/9/75 Rent ***** p m Tel 93PS8 BRAND NEW t-STORBY semi detached. 4.200 sq. ft U Hwan Ckxw. dlst 19 Unfurnished SSOO ono Tel *****0 Mrs Lee DIST. M 1-STOREV TERRACE house 3 bedrooms.
      912 words
    • 806 21 b| sThsu VERY LUXURIOUS APARTMENT In dlst 9. huge living/ dining room 4 large bedrooms with bathrooms attached, with central alrcon modern and adequate kitchen with attached servant's amenities Including a swimming pool 5 minutes lo all amenities CaS «S44SS/«9S3tS/«SSBSS SUPER LUXURIOUS fully furnished. large apartment, with central air -con.
      806 words
    • 843 21 BASK MANABINB D4RSCTOR and assistants Just arrived need several bungalows/ apartmenU In respectable district* Oood rental with deposit/ advance for right house Call Mr Michael tel *****9 ext 10/***** IF YOU HAVE MOO 8900 properties (or rent In dlsu 5. 7. 6. 12. 13. 15. 16 or 19. we have
      843 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 834 22 ST. XAVMJPrS LANS off 7 m s Upper Serangoon Road old single-storey deUched bungalow on 20.000 sq ft freehold land $9 psf Please call Mr Toh *****. OtST. 13 DOUBLE-STOREY comer terrace 3.700 sq ft 3 bedrooms, partly furnished $109,000 on o *****4.***** FABER HILLS luxurious deUched bungalow near completion,
      834 words
    • 751 22 COMFORT MANSION beautifully furnished apartment, 4 bedrooms, t atucheri bathrooms. 1 servant's room with toilet $130.0000 n 0 *****4.***** PEOPLE'S PARK Mlh floor 4bedroomed apartrrent parquet throughout, grilles 184.000 Metroland Housing *****82/ *****59 3-ROOMSD HOB FLAT for sale at Sl5 000ono View 255-1) Blk 67. Circuit Road or telephone *****1/
      751 words
    • 781 22 CHANGE ALLEY Aerial Plata Collyer Quay. Singapore I Shops to let at reasonable ren'-al Enquiries telephone number ***** or call at 12A. Change Alley Aerial Plaaa. Collyer Quay. Spore 1 SHOPHOUSC FOR SALS OulUemard Road 2-storey bungalow 2 800 sq ft freehold main road and Junction Oood for any business.
      781 words
    • 739 22 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore i Pte. Ltd Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. C/ Highlands) by Deluxe alrcondltloned bus seven days *****/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four days SBB5/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days *****/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oentlng Highlands Two days by air *****-. Departure Everyday (Sole Agent
      739 words
    • 638 22 THAeUMO TOUR HAADVAI 5 day tour 860/SANOKOK/ CMJfNOMAI sir-con coach 14 days S37S 11 days by air coach 3486. Dep 17/8. 31/8. 14/». 28/9 One way alr.-con coach to HAADVAI 844 Two wey 860 WORTH 833 IPOH S3S Dep. Every Tue. Thur^Sat 717 TRAVEL SERVICE G34 OoMen Tower. B>ors 7.
      638 words
    • 834 22 SPECIAL SATURDAY CLASSES Commenting 16 August In preparation for the 1976 LCCI lAB. AIA. ICSA. ICMA. ACA and other professional Examinations 1. HIGHER ACCOUNTING Time MS p.m. 4 60 p.m Tutor: Mr. Oopala Krlshnan AAIA AAAI Dip Aoctg 2. MARKETING Time LBS bum. IN p.m (Al Ketong Branch) 4.30 pm.
      834 words
    • 646 22 I -ti-lnaj IMI ■Ell ft owflaVt W4MJ ESfaßßfaW I betterNew clauses commencing in Aug for 1976 LOT Spring Exam Baaa Heeplne c Ceettog Commercial Lew o Meneoement Accovntrno. AueWns Shorthand Typewriting I Also available courses for ACA. i ias icsa aib icma and aia Ifxams Enquries New Horlions tor Ths
      646 words
    • 856 22 JAPANESE FOR COMPLETE beginners by a Japanese graduate commencing 14/8/75 6>> pm Enquiries Management Training Centre. Unit 304 (3rd floor). New People's Park Centre. Spore 1. Tel ***** CITY 6 GUILDS Electrical Engineering Course commencing 21/8/75 Mon/Thu 7 930 p m Conuct Metropoliun V M C A *****1 KNBTiAN COMMERCIAL
      856 words
    • 1087 22 I IBM SIMCA NEW brakes/ up- J 1 holstery nice air-blower for only I 31.4000 no Call *****5 I 1873 AUSTIN MS M Van. petrol In good condition 33.500 Ring ***** 3 MONTHS OLD Dauun !20Y In showroom condition $10,500 Ring ***** LATE ISSS MAZDA 1500 88 1490 c c
      1,087 words
    • 765 22 1664 OPEL COUPE 1000 c c SellIng 3800 only. Conuct Tan at 10 Lorong 26 Oeylang or call *****3 1676/ 1671 CAPELLA alrcon I radio, cassette good tyres $5,000 Pavttt *****3/ *****3 office 1972 MERCEDES 188 concealed alrcon Phillips radio/ Upe. accident free. $15,900 o.n o Vie* 106 A Rangoon
      765 words

  • 273 23 A LORRY driver who caused the death of his best friend by a negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide was Jailed for a year and banned from driving for three years by a district court yesterday. Eng Nyok, 32, pleaded guilty
    273 words
  • 232 23 MISS Chan Kirn Cheng made history at Singapore Airline* by becoming the first woman engineer with the flag earrter. A happy Miss Chan said yesterday: "ThU only proves that no man's job b too u.fncult for a woman to handle." Bat
    232 words
  • 22 23 MR. Ong Pang Boon. Minister (or Labour, will attend a National Day dinner at Kirn Seng community centre at Bp.m.
    22 words
  • 73 23 Lectures by top British surgeons TWO eminent surgeons from the United Kingdom kill give three lectures at the Orthopaedic Lecture Theatre University of Singapore soon. Mr. R B. Wright of Olaagow will speak on Rarer Rectal Tumours at 5 p m on Tuesday and Endocrine Oddities at 5 p m
    73 words
  • 605 23  -  BILL CAMPBELL 3y KOTA KINABALU. Wed. Tup Puad Stephens today scoffed at the censure motion moved against him in the Legislative Assembly on Monday for Involving himself in politics as Yang Dlpertua Negara. "I think It puerile, stupid and unnecessary," said the Party
    605 words
  • 153 23 AN unlicensed moneylender was fined a total of II.SOO yesterday after he pleaded guilty to four charges of unlawfully retaining the Identity cards of tour of hl» borrowers. Inspector E Scully, prosecuting, told the court that following a complaint against Ng Buck Bwee. 33 for conducting
    153 words
  • 392 23 Doing up HDB flats: New ruling Only licensed builders now QNLY licensed contractors of the Housing and Development Board will be allowed to carry out renovation works in its estates starting from Saturday. Announcing this scheme yesterday, an HDB statement said all flat owners will only be given permits to
    392 words
  • 269 23 PICES of chye slm and bayam have dipped by five cents a katl each to 40 and 90 cents respectively the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended prices RICE: Thai 100 per cent ■O\ 81 cents a katl or 605
    269 words
  • 273 23 rE Singapore National 8 1. 1 ppers Council yesterday protested against a 25 per cent general freight Increase to be Imposed by four African shipping conferences from next month. The council has coun-ter-proposed that the Increase be limited to not more
    273 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 748 23 YOUNG INDUSTRIALIST terest In western music, photography, travelling and business ventures wish to hear from like .?T < £xAT?$i." P<n r n<1 GENERAL SPRAYPAINTINO repair refrlre r a t o r s five hours Customers' Home re-enamel loiißbath *****62. *****43 S pore CHINESE CAREER GENTLEMAN Hfi Ji"^ 1 luc t
      748 words
    • 691 23 •f°?-"«HN0 ACCOUHTANCY services rendered for Commercial firms Kindly con- Mr Loh *****84 (after 2 P m weekdays) rom COMPfttMCNSiVI and th.rd P«rty insurance motor vehicle SKmsbb 1 conUft m OINIRAL SPRAT PAINTING repair and respray refrigerators, •ongbaths For prompt home servlcr contact *****1 Wl Rf PAIR ANO service black «nd
      691 words
    • 663 23 SCLLIMQ BCLOW COST Bar Billiard Tables 8' 10" Long x 3' wide Ring *****79 office hours SMNSTfix inolish piano excellent condition Selling 11. (00 0.n.0 Contact Mr. Pam. *****7 SALI ON TM 16th August at T. Camden Park Spore 11 (9 30 a m 12 30 p m I and
      663 words
    • 58 23 TO SILL unaiNTLV bedside table dresalni table 4 ft. and sideboard with top display shelf 4 rt all in plywood a months old •MO Tel *****6. f STHI A SfNOAUUVANt, Bernstein piano with heater In ran good condition What offers? Rlnc *****1 •ASMNOM HOt»T caoactty It passenfers approximately 350 ft
      58 words
    • 350 23 Wspecial^^PWm ft O ff e r jßmmmmmmmmßMmimftmmmmm-sl jA^^^^Mmmamm^mmmmmmgmm on the 27th of June. 1968. during the Cultural I^Br w §itrili*'H'* H Revolution, great excitement was caused throughout China by the excavation of the Man Cheng tombs a iPJF' Bm^lwTlsPPCij I'A 9. M discovery that ranks high among the great archaeoBlFfWifPP*pC4lfflMH
      350 words

  • 928 24  -  DENNIS CHIA By JOCKEY CHEAM RETURNS AFTER STINT IN HONGKONG, ENGLAND JOCKEY A. K. Cheam, back after a successful stint in Hongkong and England, will be in action at the Pesta Sukan meet at Bukit Timah this Saturday. Cheam finished third behind
    928 words
  • 23 24 Walking Tall Prince Abu Roll of Honour Claiborn. Handsome Gray National Flag Audacious Challangar Crostador Tudor Pirate II Tyrant
    23 words
  • 68 24 MOSCOW. Wed. European Cup champions Bayern Munich and the holders ot the European Cup Winners' Cup, Dtnamo Kiev, have agreed on the dates for their "Super Cup" clash Soviet soccer officials said yesterday. The fust leg will be played In Munich on Sept. with the return
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 477 24 Can ChappeU break that hoodoo at Headingley? ONDON, Wed. Australia, who have won six of the last nine cricket Tests against England, may be approaching the latest encounter starting at Leeds tomorrow with Just a little apprehension. The third match of the current four-Test series follows a revitalised England performance
    Reuter  -  477 words
  • 314 24 LAN STEERS AUSSIES TO VICTORY lONDON, Wed. A tupsib cenlury by lan Chap Dell carried the Australian cricket"rs to a runaway victory over Northamptonshire on the final day of their three-day match »t Northampton yesterday. Set to (core 318. the Australians raced to their t*ntet in only 24 minutes with
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 320 24 Staggering mile feat by Walker (""OTHENBURO, (Bwe- dm). Wed. New Zealander John Walker's staKptTirs world mile record of three minutes 49.4 seconds here last night has set a new dimension for the historic track event. His great run was slx tenths of a second Inside the previously inviolate 3 50
    Reuter  -  320 words
  • 536 24 Derby are 9-2 favourites in League LONDON. Wed. The English Soccer League programme opens this Saturday with a big question mark: Who can stop Derby County? The English champions have been strengthened since the end of last season by the transfer of mldfleld star Charlie George from Arsenal. The bookies
    AP  -  536 words
  • 52 24 Water-skiing congress JAKARTA. Wed. Indonesia will send a three-man team to the World Waterskiing Federation Congrei >. opening In London on. Sept 1. the .-ecrelary -general of the Indonesian Water-skiing Association. Mr. Amir Padha. said yesterday. Indonesia ned bttn select:d to host the Fouith Asian Water-skiing Championships next year, Mr.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 292 24 I ONDON. Wed. Yorkshire moved Into second place behind northern rivals Lancashire at the top of the English County cricket championship table with an etght-wkeket victory over Derbyshire yesterday. Fml Carrtck, Yorkshire's 23-year left arm spinner, followed his highest first clasa score of 87 on Monday
    Reuter  -  292 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 177 24 gives you coolness everywhere... sssssstssßr \W ARIAGEL on wheels aircon. It can be installed EASILY and QUICKLY, in fact, no Soles and pkimbkngs are required either in the window or in the walls. It ventilates, filters, cook the air with a very HIGH COOLING capacity. There will be no noise
      177 words
    • 178 24 MARINA SKBSKff «4L LARGESTPORT *ffl linilOr WITH SOUTHEAST IT Jot ASIA'S FINANCIAL <* iivuvl. CENTRE ONIYA FEW BLOCKS AWAY Strategic location at the maior entry- exit point of Mm w proposed coastal expressway jy*»V ■T^* Sfc V^^*^»w linking Changi. Jurong and WO*WM "^saw Office space of approximately MM jsf^ l^
      178 words

    • 409 25  -  BERNARD PER E IRA By PROBLEM ON EVE OF PESTA BOXING MEET SINGAPORE Amateur Boxing Association officials had a special problem on the eve of the Pesta Sukan Boxing hampionships the mysterious disappearance of Asian Junior bronze medallist, R. Rathakrishnan. Ratha, an introvert with fierce determination,
      409 words
    • 408 25  - 'TOTAL SPORTS' PLAN FOR SINGAPORE PHILIP LEE By rpHE Singapore Sports Council (SSC) is to set up a network of sports facilities throughout the island and deploy more trained personnel to accelerate the Republic's "Sports for All" programme. These facilities would be strategically located as basic operational units to encourage
      408 words
    • 124 25 T»HE Pesta Sukan 1 Invitational basketball tournament, from Sept. 1 to 7 at the Gay World Stadium, will serve as a test for the Singapore team. Reason: The Basketball Association of Singapore will send a team to the Asian Basketball Confederation championship in Bangkok from Nov 10-25. only
      124 words
    • 147 25 KUALA LI MPIR. H>d— South Korea will know tomorrow who they -ill meet In the Merdeka soccer toum-ment Anal at Merdeka Stadium on Sunday. Victory for Japan, or a draw, when they meet Burma at 7.M tomorrow night will pat Malaysia In the final even before the
      147 words
    • 227 25 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. -All-England champion Svend Pn of Denmark will be the top attraction In the Perak Invitation badminton championships at the Dewan Teerath Ram here from Aug. 36 to 28. badminton officials said yesterday. Prl will use the championships as a "warmup" before defending
      AP  -  227 words
    • 644 25  - CHAMPION BOSLEY UNDER PRESSURE ERNEST FRIDA By THE big question oeing asked In local golf x circles iy Can "allb Haron upset defending champion Bill Bosley and American schoolboy Jimmy Stewart In the Singapore Amateur Open championship which starts at the SICC New Course today? The last time this big
      644 words
    • 168 25 HONGKONG. Wei. fU»Hir t— tilts mad the PaJestaae Uaentita Og (PLOI kin te Uw laIn— Him I »»iinr Swlaißlßf Feiiiellia (rbaa.) to czyei Taiwaa *j*i eeevaa CMeew Ike New Ckha News Agery npirtii jiwirliy. m Tfce Aftmtj, aiaaitorea h»rr. aaM tke ktUr in Mt »k«lly fey A»ej»a.
      168 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 71 25 ■I 13a H w£ T. I I aaia MArilTAllH I H_«a^9 ■both In buiktta^BM naVo< V ■fire protection «a-H|HBl| blbMbi j^^^H*P" nk ie» «v»»«>. P I ■Vft f r rrrl »v* tßrTl "^e>^^| I livstafn. CO] sy«ta*n. COMPANY X^J ll»oee»e«i hydrent tytmrH k JAVA ENGINEERING Ifcxotetole f>re ext.n«u.t*ersH W. BHO.
      71 words
    • 107 25 W TSE 6REHTEST 7 PERSIHn CHRPET OFFER EDERI I TPDSiXiETJTTOSr'TB I >H w W [Ivlq w\ ylSiyi 9^ r BOKHAMUUIPETS I L it J |^fcjg> CARPET FttL/iCE ORIENTAL CARPET PALACE PTE LTD. Vivitar. lenses The Photographer's Delight aafaal aaHH^V Lb^ New 85-205 mm f 3.8 Zoom Lightweight and compact with
      107 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 90 25 SOCCSB: Merdeka tcur- HOCKEY: SKA Otv. 1 aty Burma v Japan T Vanity > Schools ißuklt ptn; UiUvsli v Trnl~wi<l. TUneii) 915 pm (leerdeka Watiliim. S4)VA&H: SSRA'a liuUriBX). National League Dtv. dual graded tourney eeml--1: Toa Payob v Jalan Beear final* iW) novices (SICC. Utd (Jalan Be>e,r. pm): S3O to
      90 words

  • 75 26 fPHE Prime Minister •!> responding to a toast to the Republic at tbe National Day variety show and dinner at the Tanjonc Pagar community centre last night. Mr. Lee Kuan Tew received a rousing welcome from tbe lion dancers of the Chin Wee
    75 words
  • 142 26 HONGKONG. Wad rl Hongkong Legls lative Council today gave qualified rr.proval to plans for a commodity exchange in the British colony But non government members, who had earlier ODPoaed the scheme, made char their support did not prriudlce them in debating government orcDosals to
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 206 26 'Danger' blood mercury level in Cree Indians TORONTO, Wednesday A GOVERNMENT loctor says Cree Indians In northwestern Quebec have mercury blood levels approaching thrt of the victims of mercury poisoning in Mlnamata, Japan, the fishing village where more than 100 people have died of mercury poisoning The Globe and Mall
    AP  -  206 words
  • 139 26 Day Ford's plane was buzzed by Swedish jets STOCKHOLM, Wed. Swedish tighten intercepted (he plane carrying US President Ford from Helsinki to Bucharest, early this month because of a mistake by Swedish civil air traffic controllers, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said yesterday. The ipekecman amid the pilot of Air Port*
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 184 26 Bankrupt bank's $75 mil loss: 8 charged NEW YORK, Wednesday piGHT former officials of the bankrupt Franklin National Bank have been charged In connection with the loss of more than US$3O million (SS7S million) of the bank's money. One of the accused, Brltuh-born Peter Shaddlcks, 50, former head of the
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 25 26 BOSTOK. Wed. Nine people were injured. one •erloiuljr. ai arvertl hundred youth* attacked motorUts paoslng through two *«~«^«f project* yaatarday poUcc •aid AP.
    AP  -  25 words
  • 19 26 Ma. KV'MMAMT J***«AM i nm«ian» P.W.O. >»■■■< «w»jr t-«c.fullr U-a-it ta ia«a. Lmt- MM wi(. 4 aaaa u< atacktm
    19 words
  • 363 26 LONDON. Wat. Tka *taak m»r k«t cloud arm as Bilaati tatejr. At S p m urn Finucui TUaat Max wrnj up I U Ml bbu* prtaai iI»H a task of *aaaa kalaw tkalr rutin torcai of ta* aajr attar Inrtlftful burin* la avtil aban of ataak aaakat prtaai
    363 words
  • 112 26 POLICE SMASH CHINESE GANG IN LONDON fON DON. Wed.— ScotLt land Yard detective* saM today that they have smashed a Chinese gang that was behind a wave of violent crime In London's West End entertainment district. Senior detectives said that the crimes Included drag peddling. armed robberies and assaults, protection
    112 words
  • 45 26 Larger scope of education for bright future of our children. New CASE move to help consumers against cloth sellers. Death at the jaws of a bear. HDB safeguards its residents against irresponsible renovation contractors. Soccer: Does Majid Ariff possess his old prowess?
    45 words
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    • 369 26 WORLDWIDE TRANSISTOR PORTABLE W^ -THbLjH Rb2bl RADIOS WITH NO LIMITS WjL "j 11^ l|||| GALAXY MESA 9000/Sterao Wf Tb^bbb! v Wnh 17 Wavabands, mcl. 11 bandspraad Dfef J*»bbbl I a^^Bß^BaKTrnlV^Bal SW Band*. AM. FM. LW. 3SW Bands PH JV^R^V^^^'HllMiwvfl from ***** 0 MH/ Modarn Shda PvWHWB»Wjfc-_^BT^JKm?^3'f Controls. 89 Solid Mri^^^^^^2^^^9RQjflKi<^^f
      369 words
    • 297 26 /^bbbßs'' b»b^^^ bb^bv\ Sunsilk y SHAMPOO I^/^ M ffW HOT COMB 8* STYLER tm M Multi-attachments give you complete flexibility Drying comb speeds througn wet hair for faster ll drying a^ Fine tooth shaper adds shape to even the ft straightest hair I |SunjaiL,B Bristle brush shapes soft curls for
      297 words