The Straits Times, 9 August 1975

Total Pages: 48
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 2438 1 Lee to young workers: Shake out of your complacency MR. LEE KUAN YEW last night told young workers in Singapore to shake out of their complacency and confront the sombre economic climate and increasing unemployment in the Republic by adopting new work styles. Making the
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  • 41 1 NTW YORK. Frl Dow Joom averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Bechance: 30 Indus *****. up Ul; 20 tnuup 18T.16. up 0.53; IS UUU TS.4I. down 0.33: 65 Stocks 347.43, up 0.71.— UP1.
    UP  -  41 words
  • 551 1 Red Army group gives up arms, frees hostages TRIPOLI, Frl 'TEN Japanese Red 1 Army guerillas surrendered peacefully today at the end of a 12-hour flight from Malaysia on a Japanese airliner carrying four hostages. The hostages and the nine crew members of the DC-8 jetliner were released unharmed. The
    Reuter; UPI  -  551 words
  • 30 1 LONDON, m Lord Hurcomb. wbo v Mlntctcr of War Transport ran Britain i vital and sprawllnf merchant fleet durtnc World War 11. died yesterday. He iv n DPL
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  • 91 1 HONOKONO. M. Bight senior rank file police officers and a constable have so fa.* this year left their post* without giving official notice, a police spokesman said today. The spokesman said three detective station sergeants, four detective sergeants and toe con- stable had been declared
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 317 1 BANGKOK KICKS OUT TWO LAOS ENVOYS BANGKOK. FrL D Thailand Way ordered the expulsion of two Laotian diplomats as relations between the two neighbouring countries continued to worsen. The Foreign Ministry here annosjimed that the embassy's se-cond-ranking official and a third secretary had been asked to leave Thailand as soon
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  • 33 1 JAKARTA. Fil. Th* United BUte» wllj prorld* Indonesia with m*o» mlllUry stance to haip modemlK 1U armed force*. US Onigi—iinii John Myrei (Republican-Indiana) of the appropriation coat mlttee tald today
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  • 386 1 National Day honours for 326 TWO SENIOR GOVT DOCTORS HEAD LIST TWO senior government doctors head the list of 326 people, including 37 women, who are awarded National Day honoum. They are Prof. Wong Hock Boon and Clinical Prof. Scan Cheng Slang, director and deputy director respectively of the University
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  • 37 1 plunges LONDON. Frl— «erUng quickly fell to a new tow cf USC2.OMO In early trading on foreign exchange markeU today but rallied later to around US$2 1015 This was still bebv iv ovemlcht lerel of DBSXIO46. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 34 1 JAKARTA. Frl. Jakarta Oovrrnor All Sadlkln »ald today a special tax will probably be lmpraad en those with more than three children as a measure to check the capital* population growth. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 58 1 TOKYO, Frl. A Jtpum DC-I that had mM M )m--nea* terrorises U Libra left TrtpoU today f»r Cain *a a retsva night to T«ky», Jaysui Air lines officials said. They wtd Uto aiaae wUI brinr keek two Malaysians and two Japanese Ovvenuaamt officials wbo acted aa
    AP  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 568 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsJ '"i-f^BSSSSSSSSSsV-' Isssst JsW^^ms^ssC r** bsskV t 4'i MBJSF WT^iSSSSSSBSSSSSa The Sunday Times POOLS MILLIONS: DO THEY BRING REAL HAPPINESS? 14 million people in Britain fill in pools coupons each week in the hope of the "big win" that will change their lives. what are their chances of winning a
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    • 144 1 COURT ADMITS WEE'S CPIB STATEMENT P«f«t 10. 11 WAT open for new role «>y Japan 3 EGYPT offer: Kissinger told of Israeli stand 3 MARCOS: We'll meet arms with arms 4 WATSON contempt motion for sept. 13 19 MARRIAGE on rocks: Tne only solution n $4 mil sugar deal counter-suit
      144 words
    • 33 1 IBjSBBSi 'The Toshiba Touch' Touch-button efficiency for your laundry! Model AW-2500 ■^338! 4.6k,(10*.) AgaT^ ■TOSHIBA Wouthri* Trading ...pan mmrnm uvmo ■BBcoNautc* 000*6 Ring ***** Ext. 271 far directions to your nearest Toshiba dealer.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 783 2 WAY OPEN FOR NEW ROLE BY JAPAN In his addreab. Mr. M kl said "the easing of tensions Is at last beginning to be seen In Asia." "The end of the fighting In Bouth-east Asia has made It possible, in fact necessary, for the nations of Asia to seek a
      Reuter; AP  -  783 words
    • 315 2 UNITED NATIONS. Friday THE Security Council Committee on Admissions yesterday approved the application! of North and South Vietnam for Unltec Nations membership, over the vigorous opposition of the United States. The committee, in I which all 15 council members are represented, considered
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 131 2 N. Korea to join nonaligned nations? JAKARTA. Fri North Koreas Foreign Minister Ho Dam today conferred with his Indonesian counterpart Adam Malik on international and bilateral Issues Including Pyongyang's desire to Join this nonaligned group, Informed sources said. There was a possibility that the proposal would be raised at the
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 356 2 rDIA's Parliament gave final approval today to a constitutional amendment overturning Prime Minister Indira Gandhi'i crnvictlon of corrupt electoral practice*. The Upper Hovse voted 1(1 to In favour ef the amendment, which the Lower Hoase pasted SM to yesterday OppeslWea members eeat'need their twoweafc
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    • 47 2 MUMINLLJIIR (France i. rrt A.1577 flrfMrmen In this southern ettf today (bonpwt a too of ruun flata ouUkte the Town Hall to add substance to demands for f "^-pf^lmi^Ti nssasurss to be takso In a local river. Plremsn war* called to remove the nsb— lUuter.
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    • 213 2 Takeover of bases: Talks with US soon- MANILA. Frl. President Marcos said I today the Philippines and the United States will start negotiations within a "month or so" to Iron out what he calls "non-controver-sial" questions over his Government's demand to take control over US military bases here. Mr. Marcos
      AP  -  213 words
    • 56 2 WASHINOTOM Frl Setunlc signal, from a presumed underground nuclear test were recorded early yesterday from the Soviet Union's test area st Semlpalatlntk, the US Government announced. The Energy Research and Development Administration said signals picked up were equivalent to sn underground nuclear explosion In a range between JOOOO
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 166 2 HONOKONO, Fri. Fragments from bullets recovered from cars Involved in Tuesday's HKS7.2 million <8536 million robbery have been Identified as "similar," to those used by police, a police official said today. 3en 1 o r Supt. John Thorpe, who heads a special 78-man unit
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 125 2 Rolling Towards A New Era... on entirely new breed /^3JS^\ of Vibrating Rollers from vjyijjjy A design with Pure Hydraulic Transmission, Hydraulic Brake Systems and perfected for Complete Compaction, Efficient Work, Little Maintenance. Distinctive features like:* •Convenient controls on Compacting effort up to Seven Times Handle Bar. its own weight
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    • 59 2 Congratulations Singapore on your 10th Anniversary fl FORALLYOIR ft U PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS U m shop at m bb^b^bbV I mt Hbbl bb^bW tt^flßsJaK Hal wk\ if r- if EHBEE3wSK BiUbM BbO I FOR YOUR 1 SHOPPING CONVENIENCE fUittt retail stores •COlO STORAGE SHOPPING ARCADE •PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX -KATONG SHOPPING CENTRE
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    • 170 3 FLIGHT BY A WINGLESS WONDER J? DW AMDS AIB FORCE Ci BAM (CaHfenUaK Fit A wtafleas XMb* experiment*! alrermft nuuinf a SM-kph (tM mph> landlnf on the nuUn ranwiT here in a fawtaate af fa tare maa*** spacecraft that will land on the fraud. The ataae, flown try Mr. John
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    • 263 3 US Army I to build up its weapons I stockpile WASHINGTON, Fri The US Army proposes to spend UStt.soo million (8g«,i75 million) in increasing its arms stockpile over the next five years because of expected higher loaaas In future conflict*. Informed Government sources said yesterday. An army study of the
      Reuter  -  263 words
    • 99 3 ANOTHER 483 BEGIN NEW LIFE BANGKOK, Fri. The United States today flew 483 Indochlnese refugees, 443 of them South Vietnamese anl the rest Cambodians, to Camp Fendleton, California. All ar* former US government employees In Saigon and Phnom Penh or have immediate relatives In the US, an American embassy spokesman
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 271 3 IVENVER. Fri. —An •Lr American airliner with 131 people on board belly-flopped, as it was taking off on an internal flight during a thunderstorm here last night, and police said at least 35 people were injured. Eyewitnesses said the plane, a Continental Airlines Boeing 727 carrying
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 518 3 VERY OPTIMISTIC ISRAELI ambassador Simcha I)i--nitz last night delivered to Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger Israel's "preliminary reactions" to Egypt's latest proposals for a new interim agreement in the Sinai Desert. Although he was cheerful and smiling, Mr. Dinltz refrained from any
      Reuter  -  518 words
    • 22 3 P"OWO. Tri. Railway links botmwu Peking and south China have been cut by flood* travel oOcials amid today.— Router.
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 286 3 Ford: M-E peace hopes brighter than ever before WASHINGTON, Fri president Ford said last night he was Increasingly optimistic over the prospects for a new Slnal agreement between Bgypt and Israel. "They are better today than they were yesterday, and they are a lot better today than they were last
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 25 3 npjvm. m An «*> Ptotton ripped through an entrance to the federal court houm here early today, causing extensive damage but no Injuries.— AP.
      AP  -  25 words
    • 24 3 LONDON, M. Mr. June* OrlfflUu. former Secretary of SUte for toe Colonies In tbe 19SO-81 Labour Government, died yesterday He ru 54.-OPI.
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    • 279 3 'HOFFA VANISHED WITH $2.4 mil' REPORT DENIED r-iTßorr. m. The MJ family of Jimmy Hoffa has denied an allegation that the missing former Teamsters Union president disappeared with more than US$l million (893.47 million) in union pension funds. "That's a damn lie. My father would never have touched any of
      AP  -  279 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 119 3 I BUY or RENT I SETRON COLOUR TV I from REDIFFUSION on easy terms as low as 1 ([HLj gflrC P^^MMm^ I SMB^ Hurry, m*mTcrr r r rTB i 4 fc* f m **mmm^^m^^ m L mm M__Wl stocks m I l3St. I Mode) SM22-C707 22"(56cm) R'ZSSSSS^^- SETRON COLOUR TV
      119 words
    • 1324 3 INVESTMENT mawappr OFFICER /cj^a^an I Around $2,000 per month (OllNbArUht) mm Our ctlent, a prominent merchant bank in niu^rlfiT^! oo^ ■9 Sinoapore, seeks to appoint an experi- company car H enced executive to this position^ The In- B An )nterndtiona Wltn ftxterisive J I be reaponsiWe. under H operationi
      1,324 words

    • 499 4 Airmen take over jobs in factories HONGKONG, Fri.— Air Force units in China's troubled Chekiang province have sent an undisclosed number of men to join army troops already working in factories pla?ued by industrial strife, ihekiang radio reported today. Commanders of the regional military command headquarters In Nanking also Also
      UPI  -  499 words
    • 128 4 THDKYO, Frl. A ■L top Japanese Oovernment economist said today be expected the Ooverrurent to announce in early September a new package of measures to help boost the domestic economy out of recession. Mr. Isamu Miyazakl. director general of the research bureau of the government's Economic Planning
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 94 4 PRTUOUESE .roops with field artillery driving through the streets of Luanda m a show of strength believed to be aimed at warn--Ins; off the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) from attacking them. Fighting has erupted between rival Angolan nnti/wiflUtt groups near a hydro-electric
      AP  -  94 words
    • 225 4 Carvalho left out of new Lisbon Cabinet- LISBON, Frt. Prime Minister Vasco Ooncalvea, In forming a new government, today named two Deputy Premiers one civilian and the other military to head the cabinet, leaving out strongman Oen. Otelo Saralva De Carvalho. Formation of the new government came a month after
      AP; UPI  -  225 words
    • 34 4 OTTAWA. FW. Bcteroal Affairs "lntittr Allan MaoMchen mnmuu^ today ttet Canada will kaep Its troops in the United Nations emergency fores (UMBP) In the Middle But for an addtuonal throe monttoa.— Asutsr.
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    • 29 4 BURMA, Prl. C 3 Senate Democratic majority leader Mike Uanaftald arrived hen ysstorday on a four-day visit in the ccurse of a fire- nation st-id/ lour OPt
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    • 273 4 Peking wants Macao to be 'little HK' NEW TOBK, PH. China wants to maintain a Portuguese presence In Macao for practical ratslntas pnxpoaea, Jm>« aa it wants to maintain the mutually profitable status quo of the bigger and richer British colony of Hongkong. Reporting this yesterday. Business Week magazine said
      AP  -  273 words
    • 236 4 MANILA. Friday WITH an oblique reference to Tun Harun TT Mustapha of Sabah, President Marcos warned today the Philippines would meet "arms with arms" against attempts of foreigners to dismember the country. "We protest this nak- ed stab upon our borders," Mr. Marcos
      AP  -  236 words
    • 31 4 MARYLAND. Prl The liner "United States," once the queen of the US. merchant fleet, will be put up for auction on Nov. 6 for the third time— UPl.
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    • Briefs
      • 30 4 DACCA: Police were today searching for a gang of masked men who bombed the homo of a medical college principal killing one of his daughters and aertoasly InJarlng two others.
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      • 23 4 LONDON: Mr. Bill Morrison, new Australian Defence Minister, will hold wide-ranging talks with Mr. Roy Mason, his British counterpart, tomorrow, British officials said.
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      • 31 4 NEW DELHI: The Government cut off all communication from United Press International's New Delhi bureau for three days this week for what it called "repeated viola tlons" of rigid censorship guidelines.
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      • 27 4 JAKARTA: Mt Semeru the highest mountain on Java, erupted with hot clouds and lava on Tuesday, the official Antara news agency reported today. No casualties were reported.
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      • 25 4 MIJUIU CITY: Students yesterday hijacked 20 city bases and three police cars In the northern city of Torreon In protest against increased public transport fares.
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      • 28 4 MOSCOW: Nineteen US Congressmen led by House of Representatives Speaker Can Albert arrived In Leningrad yesterday to begin a week* official visit to the Soviet Union.
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      • 27 4 WASHINGTON: President Ford has raised enough money from private donors for his 1976 Presidential campaign to qualify for matching federal finds, the chairman of his finance com
        27 words
      • 32 4 mlttee said yesterday. MADRID: An earthquake registering 5.3 on the open-ended Rlchtcr Scale shook the south of Bpain yesterday. th« Central Observatory at Toledo reported. There were no Immediate reports of damage.
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      • 33 4 NEW YORK: the National Broaden ting Company (NBO said it has ended negotiations with an agent for former President Richard NUon over proposal documentary television programmes In which Mr. Nixon would appear. Agenctas.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 166 4 saammv^n >w vfn l^asaT iT'^^B msr^^SßE S* r i^M v S" J^fciW^i BBBT '.jßSlk'* 'jfcj j^BßßfeSa .^a^BBBBV^^^sTsBBBBBBaTJr "7* B^H^T'j^- I l«aJ ll Hi 7' ¥''i£fe Bsbbbbb! B *WlJBrT.£ ajjjJnSJtTaT *i saLnml Thai's daylight, non-stop Bj^SmttteJ DC- 10 to Sydney leaves 2k iEw 1 -^Ibw JwLmV Singapore 11.35 a.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays
      166 words
    • 173 4 PhfT-,r> T W CABARET «T^^^&\ j-f- -flfK rto RESTAURANT f» Multi-Storey Csr Park. Top Floor. Cecil Street. fl) N* Singapore. 1. Tel: 9475 M I Restaurant I I Ni^it-Club-^Bar I Cabaret €12 NOON 3 PM LUNCH Chinese food /A La Carte I'" Lounge^ Happy houn with our charming Hostess** ■v
      173 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 508 5 DHIIIDC KnlLIrS P^^^ m&J^u*y~ i 1 Illi It '^|p§£f, fl v fl V I 1 1 1 fl l I 14 K v*A* S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aBBp fl fl _rr"" v I Illi 1i! ■m. I BF >< .^kl 'SB I 1 B^B^^.^ B^B^BV
      508 words

  • 75 6 The new Japanese envoy to S'pore ]tfR Shinsuke Horl XTI has been appointed the new Japanese Ambassador to Singapore to replace Mr. ToUchlro Uotomo who will leave for home on Aug. 13 on completion of his tour of duty here. Mr Horl, 56, 1* expected to take op bit new
    75 words
  • 35 6 UOHAUXD KHAIR bin Murabak. 30. was Jailed for sis months by a magtstrmte's court yesterday tor rn— laang 1J grams of heroin In Lorong Agku tfssan on July IT at about 1» pjn.
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  • 198 6 Year's jail for prison warder A PRISON warder, who admitted that he supplied drugs and took money from prisoners, was Jailed for one year by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday. > Lee Kok Chye alias Robert of Medium Security Prison in Moon Crescent was Jailed for six months on one
    198 words
  • 32 6 A YOUNG wsis.ii was fined UM* by a magistrate's comrt yesterday far satoklng heroin in Madras Street on June Mat afcevt 11 M p.m. borls Mabel Chma, »lea4e4 gmUty.
    32 words
  • 42 6 Seminar on 'managerial grid 9 THK Singapore Institute of Management and Scientific Methods Inc. will hold a seminar on Managerial Grid at the Cockrit Hotel trom Sept. I to 6. The seminar v tor ma nagers from himness and Industry. Government and
    42 words
  • 113 6 WHITLAM TO CALL ON LEE AT ISTANA rruHK Australian Prim* 1 Minister, Mr. Govgn WhitUm, U ex pected to call on Mr. Le« liii Yew at the Istana tcnlgfft a few hoars after arriving here on a Concorde proving flight. Scheduled to land at Paya Lebar at 5.15 p.m. Mr.
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  • 34 6 OAK Ing Sea* School wUI celt orate lti »Oth anniversary with a Tartety ooocert at the National Theaue on August 29 at pjn. Proceeds of the show will go towards the school's
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  • 194 6 Robber's plea to judge: Don't cane me A DRIVER begged a (Matrix Judge yesterday not to give him the rotan because he could not "stand It." But' the Third District Judge. Mr. Dallp Singh, told Mohamed Yont bin Mohamed Dawan. 23, that caning was mandatory for robbery and jailed him
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  • 515 6  -  NANCY BYRAMJI By JOIN US CALL TO SPORE FIRMS JjGYPiT is "anxious" to establish joint ventures with Singapore in (heir Suez Canal redevelopment project, and plans are underway for the exchange of expertise between the two countries. The chairman of the Suez Canal
    515 words
  • 89 6 Stole pants from wrong man A SECURITY guard caught a man ln the act of stealing his pants, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. Yeo Kow PH. 58. was slssplng la his flat at Telok Blangah on Wednesday at about «.J0 pjn. when be was awakened by his wife's cries g*
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  • 31 6 ONO BWO KB. 30. was Jailed for two months by a magistrate's court yesterday tar falling to enlist for national service at the Central Manpower Base on April It.
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  • 29 6 KAMPONO Chal Chee constituency area ill sub-com-mittee will hold a children s party at Rollel car park tomorrow from 3 p m. to 6 p m
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  • 138 6 A35-YEArVOLD hawker was found dead with a leather belt around his neck ln a locked room of his Tanglln Halt flat at 9.30 a.m. on Thursday. Wee Cheng Ho, a father of three, was believed to have been dead for more than 30
    138 words
  • 63 6 N. Korean Minister's visit THE Vice-Premier of the Admlnlit ration Council and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Mr. Ho Dam, will arrive for a two day visit on Monday. During hit stay he will call on the Minister (or Foreign AHalrs. Mr. 8. Rajaratnam.
    63 words
  • 42 6 AN BBS bos was •lightly damaged when a tree fell on It while passing along Sembawang E— a at 7.1S aJa. yesterday. Police said none of the passengers ln the bus was Injured. The tree was later removed.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 94 6 ZANUSSICARES FOR THE THINGS CLOSEST TO YOU Monthly $28.90 •FREE INSTALLATION •FREE GIFT _^-^^aj_MM«jaM£hM««mmsmSSBSBJMfIBJBBSJHHfea^i' Fully automatic 11 lbs (5 kgs)wsshlng machine Vi .^i Special cash discount SVM Also available Easy Terms on other appliances LJal NEW ORIEMTAL ELECTRICAL CO. 214 mile Thomson Rd. 1 89 GoWhill Shopping Centre Tel: **********255
      94 words
    • 261 6 Straits Times Crossword **MOW which no pluck Is re--1 Not absent-minded now <iulred (7). (7). Traveller getting aasts--6 Performer needs cunning uno "n* o «"»«ds <•>. and Is taking note (T) Dld not ttie will 10 or many notes ln a durtn examination at harmony (4). "1U start (9). 11
      261 words
    • 27 6 For your luncti and Entertainments EAT at Dip- Dip House 102 Emerald Mill Road TEL: *****1 Specialize in TitPan&SaPo HONG KONG STYLE CHINESE FOOD No Parking Problem
      27 words

  • 861 7  -  IRENC NGOO ■y THOUSANDS of young and old will line the streets or flock to the 13 decentralised parade centres today to watch this year's National Day celebrations. Special televUion and cultural programmes, exhibitions, fireworks display and other community centre activities
    861 words
  • 349 7 Goodwill notes pour in from foreign governments pONGRATULATORY messages from foreign Heads of States and Governments have started pouring Into Singapore on the occasion of the Republic's 10th National Day today. A total of 32 congratulatory messages have so far been received by the Singapore Government Among these received from
    349 words
  • 131 7 POUCK U*t uifht aonmuiced that extstlnf avalie parkinf facilities alone Cann»««ht Drive woald ecaae to ipwli from 5 M to 9.M taalgkt far the arawariu 4taplav U b* at* fed from the DeC«uufkt Drive win not be ekwed. Bat In the event of heavy traffle
    131 words
  • 55 7 Stamp showat Ponggol C-centre Ttaa Poofgol SUfllp BrhlhmnnliTO onanUed by the Pontfol Stamp-Collecting Oroun to mark Stngapora'a 10th National day and the group's sixth anniversary will be held at Ponggol community centra In Upper Serangoon Road, today from 10 a.m. to 10 pm. and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 6
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  • 238 7 r« sealer Mlaltter of State (Eaaeatton). Mr. Ckal Ckeof Ytt, yesterday wgaj 8 1 af a yen's M6.M6 aekaol eklMrea ta wark kmrd and eoatitt t swathes to the ealtaral frowth af the ■aUem. In kla National Day ■imagi to an aaaeela, Mr. Ckal
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 252 7 A highly recommended and approved genuine health product •#tICKA W ALLU FomouiS.nce IB4S BnVJaWwd 1 "^sB'"i^i^Bk BL -T* bY bT\. v ■■ja^ B| fJi^iAt cj BaaJi a mi WA W)l *^B)W Has been awarded 24 gold and silver medals Over ***** Medical Testimonials It doesn't take a connoisseur to appreciate
      252 words
    • 577 7 ;^B ttw Fiv< wwiiP6fs Cof r0<t CASH PRIZES GUARANTEED IN FULL ALL TOTO IOOTNS WILL IE 1L OPENED FOR BUSINESS TODAY V^^^__ tommiow j maw will tiiicast ::-::-:^J^^^ :TT1^B UVI ovu cmanmil S at 4 Jt NM ■r<v::; AND ENTER THE (XaO^pV Jafffc. X^Ji WJm laCrM U\|hQ Ma^E*J A HaY
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 62 8 Omß^Mb^bßl^B^B^Bl .^Jfiji&^ii'i! W Jj&~ > #^t^^Jjw fc^Ut^|»^^^^^Bßßßßl^Bßß^B^BlHSß^^W^^^'O^^- I .^^atjt .jjH^Sm B^BwW™^^^B^BißßWy-j^Bt-j^A m^x i^Sßßr' &r < >&tc* i^BP^SP?v 4Mn^B^^S^^B^|BJM|tMß^ -A| -rf > '*VRHm^^ BB^B^B^B^B^B^B^^^^BBBB^^mbßH I Jft* w fr -^:^WS*^f^flKltt^ 3BP^^BP^^^EL- B^B^^Bfc i "^Br^'' .v:>: >%^*^*' > vt B^^^ii I^9ll^l Bf^^^^l j^^fej -il^MKir Au i^^^^Bbl ><4MMHMfe> T j^y^Bj9^Bßßßßl^B^Bfß^^B^^EuQßS^3^B^B^B^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Bß^Hi^BLTl*.t J_m^ J l \<i
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  • 1563 9 HONOURS FOR PEOPLE FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE T<HE Government has honoured 326 people from all walks of life to mark the 10th anniversary of Singapore's independence. Here is the full National Day honours list: PINGAT JASA GEMILANG Meritorious Service Medal Professor
    1,563 words
  • 73 9 riUU late Mr. Sng JL Taw C%— g. farmer director ef the Industrial Training Board. waa g the pssils awarded the National Day haataari. Mr. Bag. received the Public Administration Odd Medal postksua§Sa% Mr. Bng died of hepatltia at the gtagapan General ■tjtttal en March
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  • 264 9 Devan: How young workers can help S'pore fHE secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress, Mr. C.V. Devan Nair, in his National Day message, urged young men not to opt for soft jobs which can be filled by women. Calling on trade unions to help counter many of the male
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  • 371 9 Llm Taong Oark. Joreph Loh, Loh Kirn Yong. Loh Peng Ouan. Loh Ylah See. Low Khal Num. Mrs. Lucky Low nee Poo Ah Lan, Low Sim Chan, Lye Chen Fan Lye Hln Wins. Maon Mn All, Masulhl. Md PUue Mn Yaacob. Carl Hertford Miles. Mies
    371 words
  • 245 9 "What we can receive trom Singapore Is very much dependent upon what we, as Individuals and as members of various social and civic organisations, can' give to Singapore. "It is In this spirit and with this consciousness that I hope all ot us will
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 123 9 1 1 V*slv!!R!Ri s p| I WTi AWIVIKSIRV jfrmm I UUII\ISI\k\PIRA! I I Uf irjwf w ilk Ihr mk I JtaTM aa\ saTl Wa%» m% a» I aa\M aaa\ ka\m\W^a\M*aaW IaWWW 4m VM rm llflKfl nl IN k^V I m wMm wW&%\ V^k JBaatw*™ I WW% W W m^r^mf^*mW^aYu I
      123 words
    • 250 9 Braun's Synchron Plus has the narrowest shaving head in the world. What does It mean to you? With the Synchron Plus, you can now The hexagonal holes catch short shave closer than you ever did before. stubby hairs, the slots catch long Thanks to the narrow shaving ones. Result: the
      250 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 767 11 s^Lsßßssfli I Announcing an Important and Most Timely Publication "TRENDS IN SINGAPORE" Proceedings and Background Paper Edited by Dr. Seah Chee Meow This outstanding volume in Urn "Trends in South-East Asia Seminar Series" comprises the papers presented and the proceedings of a seminar which took place In Singapore oa 24
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 2151 12 i^mib __i _______________________n z ■■■■■■■___t\ Jl€l%/UJII V mmS^Sm tothe W 4/ \^gM_al/ ftocifJty of Engineering /vr Uwiv«rsjty of Malaya I II \C__s_P/ from __r I \~RKk^' 5l ,|iVr I Ift B I ||>-^ Far Eastern Lumber Sdn. Bhd. at JB M£^ M M B~L-/~-_-/ai JLJLJ-Lfi^ Woo Brothers' Construction 4~^ Ready
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    • 440 13  - Phone call to an 'old friend 5 did it... N.G. KUTTY and K.S. SIDHU NIGHT THE STALEMATE WAS BROKEN Ul KUALA LUMPUR, Frl. fT was a telephone call from the Malaysian Home Affairs Minister, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie to an "old friend" in Libya on Wednesday night that broke the
      440 words
    • 34 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Prl. The Oovemment lost more than 144.000 In aircraft i«»mtwg; fees as result of the doeure of Bubang Airport from Wednesday morning until yeeterday evening, according a> airport sources today.
      34 words
    • 98 13 BUTTKKWORTH, rr 1. A heroin addict who did not mend his ways was today Jaiied for 18 months when he could not pay a $300 fine for having 0.083 gramme of the drug. Sessions Court president Victor Isaacs told Tan Chye 00. 27: "The
      98 words
    • 70 13 WASHINOTON. Frl Import* of peJm oil from Malay■U. Indonesia and other tropical countries have soared this year and are cutting; Into the US soybean oil market, according to the Agriculture Department. During the first six month* of 1975. Import* of palm oil totalled S3J 6 million
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    • 78 13 Now tor that tall Scotch... A BATH, then a tall Scotch. That's bow American Consul Mr. Robert Stebbln said he would eelehrate his freedom from the Japanese Bed Army gunmen. One of the last hostages to be released. He is nen here with his wife at Snbang airport last after
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    • 26 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl —Pensioner. Ottoman bin Hajl Abdullah. 58. tfled shortly after being Knocked down by a ear In Jalan FekeUUng here this morning.
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    • 183 13 MCA youth told: Arouse interest in politics KUALA LUMPUR. Frl —MCA Youth should give urgent thought to a campaign aimed at encouraging more Malayslan* of Chinese ortgln t« take an interest in politics. Its national chalrman Mr. Chan Slang Sun said today. .-TK- M~n.t.. i. Ttoe campaign is Sd Se
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    • 255 13 Violence charge: Prove it says Fuad By BILL CAMPBELL KOTA KINABALU, Fri. Tan Paad Stephens today repudiated allegation!! made by Tun Mustapha last night that Berjaya intended to provoke violence to create an emerreney situation In Sabah. The last thing we wyjit la any form of violence,'* the Berjaya president
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    • 193 13 Kepala shot dead by payroll -robbers- JOHORE BARU, Prl. J Estate kepala Ooh Foo Yang, 49, died following a struggle with a gunman who held him up at his office while he was distributing pay packets to his workers. Ht was fired at three times the first shot missed and
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    • 60 13 IPOH. Prl Youths In the country who are "Infatuated" over hot music, wild dancing and drug festivals have been criticised (or attempting to destroy the Malaysian cultural Identity. Mentrl Besar Tan Sri Hajl Ohazall Jawl ma<!e the criticism last night when he opened 'the drama
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 198 13 jw'^h ah m m G&b^bb|iw ww ILLH > «i~ i >-'v: B^L LJ* iyTTMiP tssi Wr^^^^ jH 9 'm. i m^^m J VJI^BL L bßbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbl l^fern Make it soft, smooth. ET~ Mr I silky healthy with 2 Wella exclusive hair B£J IW% conditioners. W Lif*-fex Bateam Wr W The active
      198 words
    • 467 13 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy Business Studies. with 60 years successful experience. offers you Courses for the examinations of: Assoc. Cert. Accts. (A.C.A.) last Cost MgONtt. Accts. (1.C.M.A.) Assoc. IdlbL Accts. (A.1.A.) fnZ^r: Coat Accts. Assoc. (CA.A.) jtf>^^; k last Chid. Sees. AdntisM.
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 285 13 Bringlni Up F»Uitr By »UI vn« t h Mai C«xmp -r~l ASHE M6ANT SHS- I T MOW JUST THe\ 1 1 UM-I^) f TM£ COO« SKX.-9O I I OVBWCOCKCD <T' J I IT I v^AV I Llt^H I I MEAN A- I BETTER COCKED >OU« BOSAtC-y N _L^ 1 OBAR?A
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  • 386 14 T.F.Hwang takes you down memory lane "Singapore it part of me." Stirring words, spontaneously spoken by two people within my hearing In two unrelated situations early this week. The first was a schoolgirl, aged seven. The second, a woman visitor from Britain with two children in universities there. Reglna Chung,
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  • 482 14 The Straits Times SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1975 ROUGH BEFORE THE SMOOTH A SOMBRE note was struck by the Prime Minister in his eve of National Day message last night and with good reason. For the first time in a decade the growth of our Gross Domestic Product is almost at
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    • 146 14 I REFER to remarks by Mr. Desker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on communallsm and communism tS.T. Aug. 8). I agree with him that these have no place in Singapore. However I disagree with his point about chauvinistic sentiments arising because Singapore will in
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    • 106 14 RECENTLY. (ST. Aug. 6) there waa a report of an accident between a military truck and a trailer resulting in the death of a soldier. Reports of accident* involving military vehicles seem to appear frequently and I feel that the Ministry of Defence should issue a statement to clarify doubts
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    • 113 14 comxnonDlace. FRANCIS THOMAS. Singapore, 19. IN Britain, the Secretary of State for Em- ployment, Mr. Michael Foot, has said that the unemployment situation In his country is extreme-. ly grim. A total of 1.25 million may be unemployed by the end of this year. Every week, I see an advertisement
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    • 138 14 A FORM teacher has to give troubled children support and concern. Mr. Chew King Hwan argues that a second language teacher, with professional training, can do this, as he can collect fees and mark attendances. But the problem Is deeper. To help children In their problems at home or in
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    • 168 14 I REFER to Mr. John Son's letter (ST. July M>. The Peoples Association has provided some guidelines for the organisation of annual baby shows at the community centre level. Adherence to these guidelines depends very much on individual organising committee In the community centres, which may adapt rules to suit
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  • 135 14 MY WIFE and I would like to record our appreciation of a number of airport workers who were Indirectly involved In the recent Japanese Red Army affair. I refer to Malaysian Airline System's sales manager Mr. Michael Man and his staff at the airline's desk
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  • 1047 14  -  NORA BELOFF ANSWER LIES IN LEVEL OF OUTPUT From in LONDON THE first casualty of the British economic crisis, in which a British Government has, yet again, had to in* troduce emergency anti-inflation curbs is the cosy orthodox view which has prevailed since the end
    OFNS  -  1,047 words
  • 640 14  - Flying saucer rumours in Peru again GORDON STEVENS From In LIMA 4 NEW squadron of flying saucer stories looks likely to land in South America at any moment, according to rumours of recent sightings in the Pacific coastal country of Peru. The area has long been a favourite for spotters,
    OFNS  -  640 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 21 14 Which bank works [or you around the clock, and around the world? we do. ry<iM iANKOF AMERICA ITI. One step ibemi.
      21 words
    • 250 14 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PEOPIE AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBUC ofmSgapore on thbr (WE'RE OPEN TULIPM. TODAY) For immediate installation Call 2520t10/2520tT1 RENT4COLOR TV RENTAL SPECIALISTS WORLDWIDE 27 GoMNtl Ptaza. Thomson Road. Singapore. INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING STAFF (Affiliate. Association of Certified Accountants. UK Stamford College, Asia's largest independent Resource Centre
      250 words

  • Business Times
    • 1434 15  - World slump hits economy of Singapore 808 NG By fEN years of the most rapid growth in Singapore's history have come to an end the victim of the fierciest and longest attack of recession to have hit the world since World War Two. For the first half of this year,
      1,434 words
    • 132 15 Asian dollar touches new height rvESPJTE uncertainties 1/ in the world economic scene, the A»i»o dollar market continued to make I»od 5 r I «^T Total assets and liabilities of the Singaporebased market reached US$ll MUlon at the end of Jane this year, according t» government statistics. This represented 35.7
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 141 15 SHOW ELECTRIC WFE CABLE CQ LTD Manufacture Wire Cable For Various hcfcistries FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONT/fCTExclusive Distributors Established 1927 CHUANHIAPSENGPTE.LTD CHS Building. 174 176. Road. Singapore 8 Telephone: *****55 (7 Lines) p O Box Queen Street 94 Telex CHS RS ***** Cable- Ropehouse. IPS FUNDS (IN LIQUIDATION) To the
      141 words
    • 745 15 ■ft', vv9 GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT BY INDUSTRY AT CONBTANT IMS FACTOR COBT 1974 1075 Ist half $M Change SM Change over 1973 over 1974* TOTAL 7.738.0 8.9 3.875.5 0.2 Agriculture fishing 133.3 -7.3 88 1 2.2 Mining quarrying 25.4 -0.8 13.3 4.7 Manufacturing 1.692.8 3.9 7836 -9.8 Electricity, gas it
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  • 810 16 LONDON: The annual report of the Invisible Export* Committee, the publicity arm •of the City Lobby, highlights London's success In establishing Itself as the principal repository for the vast cash surpluses of Middle East oil producers with "hot money" four times more than New
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  • 209 16  - Birmingham, mission is keen to set up joint ventures in Malaysia keen to set up joint ventures in Malaysia EDWARD LIU By LONDON: Serei-al mcml bers of the 11 -strong mission from the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce planning to visit '.Malaysia from Sept. 19 to 27 are keep to set
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  • 137 16 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Lan Infleby has been appointed manager and a director of Eric Whites Associates, Singapore. Mr. Ingleby has been a senior consultant with the Sydney office of the Eric White group fur the past five years. Messrs. Keith Whltten and Frederick P. Brewer were appointed directors of
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    • 417 16 NEW YORK. Thurs. Stock prices continued mixed today in slow trading, with some bargain -hunting In blue-chip Issues propping up the Dow Jones avenge of 30 Industrials The Dow closed up 2.12 at 815.79 alter having been up as much as 8.06 at 1:30 p.m. The early upturn
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    • 179 16 AMSTERDAM. Thun.— The market advanced over a broad front today with Kntiment aided by Wall Street's upturn and the US dollar's rtae, dealers aald. Boyal Datek scored the best gain among Dutch Internationals amidst better than expected first halfyear figures Elsewhere, gal n were headed by banks. H»a Van
      179 words
    • 123 16 I yUTUCH, Thurm.— Better sentiment in Wall Stmt and the firm US dollai led to a slight upward price movement at the Zurich Stock exchange today. Bond prices were also somewhat increased. The Credit Bulase Indax gained 1.00 point to 1114 Cloildi prteaa in Swim firanea with tb* alffarMc*
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 395 16 Wnm m ll Jtudio equipment home /hopping guide ■In the worM of the professional sound engineer, advance follows advance, and new product follows n«w product. Bring yourself up-10-dats with th« S/rure Protinional Product* Catalog, 24 pages of Shurs products to maks your Job tnitr: the SM6I Microphone, beautiful to look
      395 words
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  • 163 17 rails ■ttt activt stocks Mass Darky lit.*** I O. Laad 142.*«s Malayan Credit 11S.SM U. 0.8. I.S.tM Total Tarae*er LU M Total Value: »J47 M INDICES Rim S-E.A. Lmmbn Eat. Itrtel Box t. Cabfea r. a n. At Wood OB Rictus km tothm»n. Bank >.C.B.C. iothrte t
    163 words
  • 1596 17 THE Ust transacted ready ■ale at the close of business on the Slock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared wilh the previous day's prices ti«cther with 1975 high and low. Adjusted for scrip/ rights Ifjuei. CLOIINO TON!: All aactMos cloaad baraly steady turnover Official ssuraa ■uppllad by the Stock
    1,596 words
  • 123 17 EUROPE was fairly scUvt as was the United States market which ruled steady on Thursday, reports the Malaysian Palm Oil Producers AsaodaUop. Quotations In U8» cents i ßotterdam) unless otherwise stated: Aug. i OS) 22 50 cents traded; Sect. f4M (US) 22 25 coots sellers. M 7O 472
    123 words
  • 1014 17 BID snd offer prices officially listed and btulm&s In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1000 units, unless othawlse .specified INDUSTRIALS a. tip* loses) A.M. Ot«. (OMS) API. (0 728 0 748) (1)
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  • 343 17 SLIGHTLY improved sentiment in the early alternoon lifted prices from their day's low on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. However, most shares ended the day In minus territory. Falls, though generally marginal, were fairly heavy In some canes, ranging from four to seven cents. Trading rema
    343 words
  • 62 17 TKur»d«, WMiMli) UN U»» MHhounw (1) 127 67 12* II Loatfoa IM.MB IM.OOB iMooa imom B»lrul IHM I*B 00 Zurich IW.MB 1M 008 IMOOfI IUIOt PUIa 18* 01 IK. IT FrXl) Thura«ry Honikont IUW IM.OO •'pan (t) IM.OSB IMTSB i«7 in iwsii Export price* In nan-alerilnjc irfti in
    62 words
  • 315 17 Marginal losses seen in KL market OOME covering activity 0 ahead of the weekend during late trading 'lifted shares off their day* low on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Trading was slightly more active than usual with turnover rising to 1.11 million units valued at $1 35 million from
    315 words
  • 1109 17 DID and offer prices i D officially listed and bualneas In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded ihown in brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. AU Time Bargains <>r Settlement Contracts are quoted after the
    1,109 words
  • 90 17 D ESILTB of TTi— ry MUs leader beM on sVsr. tor 1 1 -fey and Its-day MUs: Offend: »J« aailUoa (»1day Ms, a* lamed frees Aag. 11 to IS) aad |M satl■m tin -da j b*s» to W tosaed i_. A«g. 11). Aa«JM if-: Vl**.— us |41
    90 words
  • 333 17 Hongkong Bank action seen as rescue bid HONOKONO The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking action In seating to buy HKIIOO million worth of Hutchison International shares Is essentially a rescue operation, laformed sources said. The bank Is obviously very concerned that unless Hutchison receives an Immediate cash Injection the company could
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      • 229 17 fHZ Strait* tin price again exceeded the four-figure ■nark )atterday with an upturn of $14 ta 11,011.37 s per plcul in Fenang on an official offering up 25 tons to 230 tons. The overnight London was very steady with forward buyers price Jumping £65 to £3.285 per
        229 words
      • 37 17 IvOodOD copper prices oa Thursday (previous in brackaU). wirakar Spot buyer fMT U573. 50) seller <MS (£574 401: Three Month buyer ftOT USMSO) seller fSOH lIWI. Market tmm: Barely steady after firmer Sales: 10.950 tonnes
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      • 33 17 Robber: Aug 8. Singapore: Aug. 145.23 cts (op 1 25 CU). Malaysia: Sept. 14LM cts < B p IN et). Tin: $1 «1$ 37) $14). offering: SM tons (up 25 tons).
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      • 90 17 THE Malaysian Minister of Finance has Used tnese rates for calculating Costoms duties from Aug 7 until further notice. Babber M 5/8 cU a Ib Copra $492 a ton P. Kernel $235.25 a ton The rates of duties available are: Rubber 3J cts a Ib (Total 81 cts
        90 words
      • 104 17 CHIHISI MtOUCI IXCHANQI SINGAPORE NOON CLOSINC KICJI Pill PICI/L YSITSHDAV OMMHit Oil: bulk tin selle-s. drum 162 ft sellers Caara: Mixed tlooae) UK Coal $32 B reaair: liuatok AST A, whit* fob. 100% NLW 1210 setlers. Sarawak white fob NLW 255 sellers Sarawak apeclkl Mack feb. NLW tIU sellers.
        104 words
    • 483 17 |)EBPITE a slightly lower 1 opening yesterday, the Singapore rubber market went ahead strongly on weekend short -covering and some fresh outsider buying orders while sellers become markedly reserved. September was taken up to 149 50 cents before profit- tiklng appeared to pare the gain. Turnover was good
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    • 109 17 DAILY BMR and SSR prices Issued at ooon yesterday S»pC Oct. Barm Scllrr* Bijm SelW» m»wi (Carrent MUD (K«n»ar* Mtfc) (cento per a*-) (eenuper kff) SMR SCV (1-ton palkt) 146 50 156.50N IM.OO 15J.00N SMR &L (1-tOO palkt) 154 50 155 50N 156.00 IM.OON BMR 5 (1-tOO
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    • 428 17 Steadier week rVKSPTTI some midweek Lr hesitancy and uncertainty, the markets were generally steadier for the period ami finished some 4 00 cents ahead of last week for September. aays Holiday. O tier. Bath In its weekly rubber review. One of the c/ilef guides to the steadiness was currency changes.
      428 words
      • 293 17 ffONOKONO. Fri.— Stocks fell further In afternoon trading, reflecting a negative market assessment of Hcngkong Bank's offer for HK4150 million worth of Hutchison International's shares, dealers said. The Initial aeseesment of the offer here. In line with London yesterday, had been bullish but Hutchison shares then fell steadily on
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      • 209 17 fOXYO. Frl.— The market firmed for the first time In four days on cheap buying as investors believed the market had reached the bottom, dealers said. The Dow Jonea average gained 28.93 to close at 4.244 81 with volume expanding to 140 million shares from 100 million shares yesterday.
        209 words
      • 298 17 SYDNEY, Frl— The stock market closed generally mixed in quiet trading, dealers said. The main feature was proflt-Uking which pared most ol yesterday's gains. The Sydney Ail-Ordinaries Index to.: o*t point to 361.20. Fan-ContlnenUl. which hit an sll-tllme high yesterday. feU and Amanda, CRA. Hamrntey, Poseidon, Western Mining. Cons
        298 words
    • 276 17 Money and exchanges pROyiT-TAKINO overflow- *> Ing from the previous day continued to erode the strength of the US dollar In the Singapore .for ex market yesterday. From an opening of »2 4770 80. the dollar rapidly lost ground under heavy sellIng pressure to reach a low of (2.4715 25
      276 words
    • 158 17 Suggetrd Interbank rates at 300 pm: Cvrrroeies Nominal ralrs Smithsonian TrntnUt* Urmt-d jrrslerdaj (cross) p»r«y chu|t US dollar 2 4730 2 4740 2 8196 —12 29 Sterling pound 5 1990 5.2030 7.3469 —29 24 Hongkong dollar 48 80 48.90 MSI —3 39 Malaysian dollar 98.25 98 35 100
      158 words
    • 200 17 A BIAN currency deposit lnteihnnk rates as at close on Friday. Aug S: Offer B>d 7 days 6 7 16 6 18 1 mth 7 1/16 6 15 16 2 mthi 7 S/16 7 1/16 3 mths 7 3 8 7 14 6 mthi 6 6 16
      200 words
    • 56 17 RANGE of mn offrrad br dlacount houaM on Aug. Ovrrnight 7-. to t%%. Call dcpoaii J',<(. I ClaiKii Bjjt tan 3-Month Trruurj bills 3 IS J. It tnnk bilk* 4S «>. 3- Month CD 4 11 IS 4S 4-Month CD 3\ 9 11 It ta ria: National Dlacoum
      56 words
    • 32 17 Closing interbank rate li Singapore dollar* for Aug. 8 Offer Bid Overnight 4 t 1 mth 4', 4 J mtru 4% 4U 3 mths 4% t% Saarac: P. Marnr-Jonr IntrrutlaiuU.
      32 words
    • 59 17 Minimum lending rates (in Algemene Bonk 7% Bongkok Bonk 7V< Bonk o« Americo 7 Bonk o« China 8 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro Indonesia 7' 3 fionque de L'lndocKine 7 Chdrfefed Bonk 7. Chose Monhotton DBS 7 First Chicago 7 FNCB 7 HKSBC 7. Maloyan Bonking Mitiui Bonk 7
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 610 18 A newly estoblrshed p/ecision engineering compony invites applications from suitably qualified persons to fill the following positions: FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Reepeosibilirifi The Financial Controller reports to the Chief Executive and is expected to contribute actively os o member of the management team. He will be responsible for the overall accounting, finonciol,
      610 words
    • 713 18 rcis-\ CHARTERED INDUSTRIES OF SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. I I f^~ r«quira« I S 1. Assistant Accountant (Costing Section) K OuaMHcations end Experience 8 Candidates should have completed ACCA Part 111 X or equivalent W\ Holders of LCC Higher Accounting and Costing certificates with at least 2 years standard costing experience
      713 words
    • 521 18 AOVHtTISING We require a young experienced media booking clerk with the potential to become a Media Executive in a short j period. Please write giving detail resume including a nonreturnable photograph to: R Choo uspneedram advertising GPO Box 3867 Singapore. TENDER NOTICEB appear daily in BeriU Harian. You could mii»
      521 words
      255 words
    • 919 18 as m t*s m m s m Mil urvirrED overseas bank ltd I mnim»eiM«a m >in»««m) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES Notice Is hereby given that the undernoted share certificates have been reported lost or destroyed Name Certificate No. of Not. Shane Hongkong Shanghai Bank (S) Nominees Pte. Ltd. *****91-8 -1000--10 Collyer
      919 words

  • 138 19 Skipper tells of assault by cabbies rf«Z^ r f the exploration veaa»i Aquatic Rxpiorer Tai e^r£urS.y Ca Capt. W.R. Qr»y M sustained facial injuries and was treated as an out-patient at the Singapore General Hospital. Capt. Gray said he "SEW*? a "tf-drWer with his wife and a crew S l
    138 words
  • 37 19 THE houaekeepen of the hotel industry here and the Hotel and Catering Training School will hold their annual dinner In conjunction with National Day and International Women's Year ■t Orchid Inn* poolstJe on Aug. 15.
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  • 122 19 rriHE Housing and Oere--1 lopment Board will only erect chains and posts to parking lots In some of Its smaller car parks not manned by attendants. These chained parking lota. Introduced by the board a year ago. were to prevent unauthorised vehicles
    122 words
  • 237 19 A CHINESE palntbrash Is mightier than the sword, as far as Macam Mvi Shu Yinr and her daughter Winnie Pane, are concerned. To show what they mean, the mother and daughter team will pat no IM pieces of their
    237 words
  • 356 19 *pHE High Court was yesterday told that former managing director of Haw Par Brothers International, Mr. D.E. Ogilyy Watson, was considering with his solicitors in London whether he "should not resist an originating motion" to appear before two Inspectors appointed to investigate the affairs
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  • 80 19 Opening of SIA repair base THE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence. Dr. Ooh Keng Swee, will open the newly completed Singapore Airlines engine overhaul baae at Paya Lebar Airport on Aug. 1^ at 5.30 p.m. Tlie opening oerrmony will be attended by air Denis epot'A-ood. vice-chairman of Roll»-Royce.
    80 words
  • 68 19 THB Minuter tor Labour. Mr. One Fine Bom. wUI attend the TVlok Ayer Cltlasn'i Gonaulattv* Committee Katlonal Day dinner at the Hokklea Hum Kuan Auditorium. Telok Ayer Street, at 8 14 pm. U morrow. Tk3 Minuter for Social Affairs. aVidk Othman Wok. will attend the MkUooal Day
    68 words
  • 55 19 MR. SIA Kah But UP for Uppsr anrnncooo. will attend a National Day dinner at fata T"*i"»<y ee»ti» en Tttaaday at Tit pjn. Two public oonoarta and two Tartetjf abowa. at an •Cn Blfta aetooot touxurow and at the community centre on Uoockvy. wUI ke held at
    55 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 283 19 •< a MhIM llril! Ilhi-HhlM ilitHlirill I 111^11 ••••••o I XXtZX tttt m SSSStSS !!*M«I 001 *****00 OOOOOOe •>•• •••>•••• I t**Mt« 000 000 *****00 NOVIK With numerous brands in the market today, choosing a calculator can be an exacting business. Particularly when it comes to the professional range. You
      283 words
    • 156 19 ■BaaaaaaaaaWßaaaWaVoaaißl A 1 relief tfor sore X throats ndcouns Strepsils <& kills germs in the mouth and throat in 1 minute •Inflammation •Irritation •Infection .These are caused by germs. Medical evidence proves that Strepsils. with its two powerful antiseptics, kills the germs that cause sore throats and coughs in only
      156 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1040 19 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 !31 AM Opening and Programme Summary US Manis Manja (Malay) 145 ktMt HTNHIU Laofups) 5.30 Nin Bf wf 1133 left)* IWißst--lwri fm, starraf US Wkttht at* tt» Cktaftr Ibk* Vitibu McawSM, M Tram*, Gttitrry IM Family Time (English) Urn J| Ntm (Maiayj 12.11 PM Muiatvt
      1,040 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 529 20 93 CARS DESTROYED! .OPENS TODAY k TNE Capitol most 5 SHOWS -NO FREE LIST jl^^^ HAIR lla. 1.45, 4.M, MS, 9.30 ff RA|S|N g !^«^r"^F"^ -^> L-v^^a« a PAD j^"""L JaaaßatlP^aaafc^^^al *jftH i M^^«^^ v bS* < ILIfltU BaaBBB^K ■aST™^^B ataSHPaP < I a« "~^**^off?P>a^^ S aaKwr A^ BraßaßaßM I
      529 words
    • 216 20 V S**Baf VTAm-v MAJULAH 7 XVOSINOAPUBK 1 *tar iirrhail I LTOT7I f Haw Sho-ir.9 Ha Ftaa liat CaKaii Of, Ms, 4.00. 7.00 i 9 30 GaUi, at MS, 3 JO. 7.00 9 30 Zamrii 2 30, 7.1S I 9 IS I A nillKol Mandarin CamWy Starrina Alan T. n g
      216 words
    • 325 20 ■JaBipisiNGAPURA NOW SHOWING! eOLMN S SHOWS AT 1 1 AM. 1 30. 4 00, *JO i 9 30PM "ALACI: S SHOWS AT 10 JOAM. 1 .00, 3 30. 7.1 S I 00 Pm KONSCMUjhJWOWS AT 11AM, 130. 3 30. 7 1J ft fe|fl*^r*_*^ ■Plvbbj Baaa\ Bb^Eh Hftm |MTKYMOi3S IaTTWIWMMtHaU 1
      325 words
    • 268 20 VV'/aVV\rNVBVVV^%r\VW'»%V > %VWVaVaVaVBV^^ i tL Vj^*4^HBtBBBBBBBBaaBaI NOW SNOWING! Daily At 7.00 9.30PM Admiaiion: AdulH: $2.00 Childf n: $1.00 MAJESnC-ODEON-KATONG-RUBVSILVER'CITY I 4th*MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! _4^_^MARIA VI PO CHIEH CHUN^^^ Xaa^k aaP^^K-plr^^Wai > aa»> ra^a« l^ > *~jl bbbbbbbHbbHbbßßW »w JURONG DRIVE-IN CINEMA ODEON ORCHARD 4TH MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! :[(MfQi: MoniiK Shin Ttiiy Towmm
      268 words
    • 881 20 ,V I VWWWSiPaWaVWW.VaVS I :<iy n:r viii;m:K'iKf:H[iu-Lv 5 5 S now showing: > >? 2 Sfcan 700 I JOam I'j 2a? Golden Harvnr prrwntt i"C S Mono Vi PoChi«n<;rnjn 1, JJ ■C "TIGER OF NOtTHLANO" MorxJono CoiorScot>« Ji 4 with English Subtitle* 4 Jurong On'*- In OfWMM a OaVon and
      881 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 312 21 a il PK*'****, bbbbJb^bbbbP^^M •■<^| »^A >^<^^sbbb! bbbPSTJ BT^ ML A k "*> •.aBfIBBBBBP^^BfI W^^^^^^t BBjß^^J^^^ BBbT^^Bß^^ I i *****8888 BBB^Va^^ .^^V^H I ]p7^^^ -fvcT^l BBB^atav*^aWC#^^^^^B viv I BB^jß^^ iJ^^S I .a^BP^^^ am. < h aHP ViV Nbl bC I^^bbbV \IW* Lb^^^Z^^Vl I V A^^^^^^^^r 1 -^bt^bbb! ,y /Ci >
      312 words
    • 384 21 IEXCITIHGI —a CRRnEULVOn/ZHOUJ FROM AJ4EIUCA and GERMANY* CAIAJIET MM m ONWMbbtS. KSniMNTANnICUiI: 7Np« ti HJI^ HON6KDNGTIM SUM: FROM 7AM tW/ MITIOfMLMV/PECIM.! jj^ B»W^BWr Chrtdrenborn«iAuguetareinvTtadtO(o«nour HAPPY aRTHD*Y CELEBRATION Game* S to be he«d on National Day Sunday and Monday. A fer J R CWTA-KU COCKTAIL LOUNGE VjHF' bVLVbbbbbT iMthagroundfioorranowopanec HV^Vyj I
      384 words
    • 146 21 j-^ Hbbbbß^Cl 91 *Hfc r W^ dßy^Bar<' > -/4K f 1 2nd floor Irntrrmional Wa«. Anton Road, s'noaport 7 jPjgj^J X*^^BV^^*(afS Tel ik>««74 MA BBBT^Vi BBBBBBbIbB^BBBBBBB^B^Vi^BBBIBBBV^BBBB I I I V BBBL i BBWfl BTt— bbbbbbW!^^^bbbbW£SbbbbV^V£!Sbl S 'jL*\k%P \<&%,jfj&' bbP^^Xb^bbbHßHbHbb^^^bbb! *XS^ I "b^LbbT V T^^LbbbT fl "^»J H SbbbbV 'wit t
      146 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 640 22 1 MOTOR ABBOCIATEB SENDIRIAN BERHAD < A Member of tbe Ucbcape Group of Com^ejuee) has an Immediate vacancy (or A GENERAL MANAGER THE JOB: (a) ThU hi a very aenlor ponuon and came* Urn overall reeponslbtliijr for the opermuorf of one of the Motor Companies In the Group The appointment
      640 words
    • 389 22 Lindeteves I Jacoberg (1 V fl world -wide marketing organisation I require* a 1) SALES REPRESENTATIVE I for their Coatings Department to handle a I popular brand of anti-corrosive chemicals I applicable to the marine industries, I factories and for the maintenance of I machinery. This job will suit a
      389 words
    • 564 22 /^^F A leading Engineering Marketing Vv in Electrical motors, genera- yk tors, machine took, verves end related I engineering products invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced Malaysians for the post of: SENIOR SALES ENGINEER I The Job Ref: 190 The successful candidate will report to the I Branch Manager
      564 words
    • 990 22 0 FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK Say Citibank it's faster! Kuala Lumpur Penang AIA Building 28-30. Medan Pasar 1 Leboh Light 99, Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur Georgetown Kuala Lumpur Tel: 03-***** Penang Tel: 03-***** Tel: 04-***** Consolidated Statement of Condition Aseeu (In Thousands USS) December 31, 1»74 December 31. 1973 Cash
      990 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1381 23 HAf* TS IS *$z aS :!a u il ssjs:u, ?i3 Jg ?«S ?S -SI twit lIPMU vmm UM ia let il oS ii m i7*J I'TIOPMI MT IMI IM TIM tM Dm| cwTAwasMf scrmt ni imtcwtim-itt TMTt Mr M.M Tl MMM MtM m! 3 IM| I? Karaaa Han b.M MUM
      1,381 words
    • 1296 23 Ben Ocean A&ntsernceofßenLLnaßk*FlLnnel<^L^andNSMO Tl M/COMTIMMT liv taai! MMTIACKII iJiTam WNNMJ 'lM S. la-, rt-. I*-. AMAITM Mm MJ M/lt M| 1/ tMM I M AMl^^tJalt. traa. DaWia MMUHIM 1/IMM t/IMM T/IMM 11 Oat U_*;'S_T*?.J!"MMUII I/4MM I/IMM I/IMM tl Ml MMXI I MMpt 11/11 MM I•■ B If*. «a». e'-oata. lUMITM
      1,296 words
    • 1256 23 ■mmmmmmmmml K-tTVT^Tr^^HH It IMtH: Hal aVMtM Mm ni.lli Mm amaMa AaOaan All U.K. *t— P. MUM km Awun Mwa Ml*. CITT If FJtMHCI i, m, n t%m ntm it mm i M»i TMTI lAT tl Ml MAM UMM UMpt UMM 14 MM MMMMI .II Am I Mil 11 MX MMM
      1,256 words
    • 752 23 im^SU It— l^1 'af— mS J bTaWi^m- I F'^l i l I Va_ T*^^^^^ I FULLY CONTAINIKIZED SIKVICI TO IUKOfI /_~*««;pa-|MJ_ HMMO- F-rler__. Awtirt-a. A»tw~. LiUmtc. ImS?.. n g,! mmm. mTSTJt m 7 i Si"! rtlll C M fa --*-i. M tiLAMu V Mt it StcckkoHn. Olio. Helsmk,, Untie KjairJom.
      752 words
    • 840 23 S-PM~ HM44; P. MM| O41; 11. -*****: Pmm| mil. THE BANK LINK LTD. i__s mm Anta. TAIAI M iVmtiliM. twin, Martail. DarMn A CaMtaa iaj P ui<f 1/ IMM I ten M Aa|/t MM FM- un i ton a iiiki no iamoam mamiu TATIAM OMMI lI'M Aat Mwaj I'm
      840 words

  • 243 24 TNI mm or tiNOA»om 1 AUTMOHITY ANNOUMCID TMf liTlMia AHJUII— OJiWTI PO« OATUHOAT. AUttUIT I OUT: Barn Hal Uan No (l)i/» Barn Sin Uan Huat No I Sun Cupid 11. Ptrlli 21 WMt. Olartf Ann 21 Etn SBS I (B. Barfti 40/4). Chidambaram 42/43. Rhcxtnor 4S. rroUuanto*
    243 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1071 24 Ylm m KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. UNUMI UMUI lAISJU ITI. urn, mm nac. stwits arm > Mow NtMt t-HOPlro Poaaaj P Wa| J .itmi i Jllin CaUl Bornrlao) Stwaro PM. raiMuit ham "/ii J2J JtnMfaoj.Mll AMow-WoMt AMa AtaA^rloM t>a*>oara PM ttllVU aUt* 14 II ta| BtM.. ta|.l Ttoa. AM|M UUMIU
      1,071 words
    • 984 24 MCtPTNM AU UM tf OUR IMaMaIaTT 111 rvaniuul UttPIT -BrftHraßr- jrsK-L. f> %a rraa ITA ITS Motlattaai .CT. Illtn UTM PMaai It AM It aaj PaaMt <■ I 1 HtliT (*ca 1 11 I* Part Otct.r, lIOTT IUOI Haailt HAM 11 Aoi toaajlat > taioiai 11 Tmoto la Part 11
      984 words
    • 861 24 it on EMt« CMtAiMa/CWwanitttu snmct ■AlINt FM LIMM. MTTOMM. MMMM lit SWI. own**. r»a la— $wj lg—^ r<i<| ajajan* IMMI I MO-B-M 11/11 Aa| 11/11 la| IS lc| toft II toot II aafi Mo 'raw* I toot. UaMtot il UU. Uaa. II Ittl UPIMI TtPAi V I Ml I/N Ml
      861 words
    • 881 24 awes sumct tb umj, un^wtycwmiitin ptxrn T| waii J."|a*ori P Mlaat Pi%a«t Lillat tor: MMA lIMIA la Part I'PWI. Catlirf »1, UHffrt I 10. Miatori J/11. OotttrOaa t/11. MMI aiLM It/11 Aaj IS. 14 An 11/11 Att I. aa* HI. Law. cwiitf is v rtaa 12 lioaMn til%, Hia-i »1.
      881 words
    • 751 24 Available shortly. HELICOPTER LANDING BARGE with diesel storage (400 ton), dispensing pumps and lines. Suitable for rapid modification to ACCOMMODATION BARGE Particulars:--230' x 56' x 13' Draft: 12' DWT2BOO ABS A1 Towing Service. For full details, contact: MB ASIATIC NAVIGATION UMfTED T& 345 B, Jalan Besar, Singapore 8. Tel: *****00.
      751 words

  • 313 25 New changes for law on evidence THE admissibility of confessions to the police, and the right of an accusec to set up his good character, are among the principal matters dealt with by an Edivence (Amendment) Bill which has been introduced in Parliament. The Bill will make confessions made to
    313 words
  • 221 25 British naval task force for S'pore LONDON, Frl— A nineship British Royal Navy task force of 2.000 men Is expected to sail Into Singapore at the end of September or early October for Joint exercise* with their Singapore and Malaysian counterparts. The task force under the command of RearAdm. John
    221 words
  • 39 25 SIR. Kenneth Mot from Uie Natlonai Productivity Board will talk on productivity Commlttess are Necessary for Our Continued Etonomic ProEness at ths lions Club of Sin jf pore (Host) luncheon meeting at Marco Polo Hotel on Aug JO
    39 words
  • 75 25 Outrage on girl: Guilty plea A 19- YEAR-OLD labourer admitted In court yesterday that he used criminal force on a four-year-old girl and outraged her modesty. Urn Cheng Slew alias Tap Cheng Slew pleaded guilty to committing the offence at a house In Oemmlll Lane on June U at about
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  • 19 25 THE YIsCA wUI hold a roller-ekaUng course at Its Orchard Road premises every Sunday from Aug. IT.
    19 words
  • 177 25 'Reserves of crude good for 37 years' fWE world's recover--1 aMe erode oil reserves of tl billion tons will last another 37 yean a t Its emrrent rate of rssassisnarlSßL Mr. Chee Koon Us. Trade Relations Manager of Shell Petroleum, said this In a task mi "How Look will the
    177 words
  • 100 25 PERSEVERANCE hag I brought its reward to Mr. Koh Soon Kwsnt, secretary of the TJnlted Nations Association of Singapore, despite failure In two previous attempts to win an international essay prt»e. An End to Economic ExpiolUtlon, won him the srioctson as one of the brat
    100 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 613 25 classified ads g Miatrtu BsaSMtsre Cewee is.S.J Bam. t* am 18 neen PHJSMh IMI II Silll Cum IS 8.7 Bum. S.S* ayn. S.S* eun. fc.e»».r» Com im 11JL7S Men. Woe S.SS njn. -Tl Thsi BssSanere Cewee 11J.7* MM SMSBjMSf/ «V#f)aß*«w%sj>f t O#BJf*)# 11. eveey Men. 7 em IN p.m ■ssaO
      613 words
    • 372 25 WW Msttsr Msndsrm 1 If you hsvs ths wiM line usßflon* has th* way. LJNOUsiPrrOME 3.000.000 wccntei UMK) 84 COiKin* I demonttrMMyn Ftmntula thoppins oeni't >d n T* 323*1? Prefcdmi Shopoint Centre in PI Tt. 3*3 807 s OUR POPULAR PART-TIME LCC PPtVATS MCRETARV* CERTIFICATE COURSE Commencing en 11.8.78 MONOAY
      372 words
    • 441 25 CIBLDRSarS BANTAM CPMStsW. age 7-12 years Oultars provided Commencing August on Monday 4pm Enrol now at Yamaha Music School S4*. sth noor. Ptasa Slngapura M. Orchard Road. Tel 3SSBSI. *****4 PABB wSSI DISTINCTIONS) OAA level textbooks and selfstudy lessons with model answers for intensive revision Surplus stocks to clear below
      441 words
    • 480 25 i BflsaHQsjswßßjGSsis^^S -NITftOSOL- BEATS THEM all The result of most modem, scientific agriculture horticulture research 1* different types of Amlno-Aclds boosted with Miracle Hormone OBC- A Vekje Orchid Hardens 41SBBS. BUTCMBD system PC«"sT«B» Nlkko ampliner M watu. Sontea speakers 70 watu each. Qarrard automatic changer Call ******3 Mr. Ouy a.m
      480 words
    • 693 25 CAUCHB BALOSI ATHOTEL MNUMAR OFFERS short tent HaH dressing snd fa clal treatment courses Class* will commence soon Ff MNr mi pte— CeS 89*77 r s FANNY HUEN JAPAN trained, i working experience Australia offers specialised treatment foi pimples, congested Irritated I skins, ptgmcnted patches, bridal I make-up, facials, scissors
      693 words
    • 612 25 nSSSS^S I^EaSBnaSSESSS ffp7i ECS FOR HIRE Bolve your feature film producI Uon problems Consult us for our I comprehensive range of arrtflex camera equipment, negara taps recorder sad expertise without obligation tervicei and assistance .re our motto. Enquiries welcome SABAH FILM PROOS S OtSTS. 044. Pease Centre. TefcarfXsasrs. F JUST
      612 words
    • 846 25 KEEP YOUR TYPEWRITER tree from dirt and stencil wax all the time A-Z type cleaner consist of a spectalr* deatgrmd aersol can with brush Now selling at 87 50 each Available from: I.C 8. S3. Malabar Street. Spore 7 Tsl: ssssts Ancestral Collecuon and New AcquUlckms of Oriental Cultural Relics
      846 words
    • 674 25 NEW SMIfSSENT original English made pianos lost arrived Bernstein. Challen Sender Robert Piano Co. O-77. Katnng Shopping Centre Tel: 498*71 REOUNDANT TOOLS FOR sale View at Voapar Thornycroft 200. Tanjong Rhu. 8 pore IS. Offer to be submitted on or before 14.8.75 MUST CLEAR oddloU Lee Jeans from $12.50. Levt's
      674 words

  • 96 26 3 Religious Announcements PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGAPORE Corner Orchard Road Penang Road: Sunday Service 900 am and (00pm Sunday School 9 00 am A nursery Is provided for children of parents attending the Morning Service II 30 am Mandarin Service All Welcome. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL i Anglican/ Episcopal 7 a m
    96 words
  • 99 26 DAVID KHOO 800 Teong. aged 89 passed atray peacefully Sth August 1975. 335 am leaving behind beloved wife. Rebecca Tan Khek Lool. 3 sons. 7 daughters 3 daughters-in-law. 5 sons-in-law. 28 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren Funeral 11 30 a m Sunday from 80. 882/47 to Saint Xavler's
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 376 26 Classified ads gg CLASSIFIED ADS. BULOVA Contest 2 starts today You may win an lBKf Gold BULOVA watch worth S6OO designed by j Christian Dior J -fffi iBn mm in itlAiiTOit h^LUMN i ■^-t^L3fca«t*!l«»ai C-A.T.S. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OR TELEPHONE OPERATOR WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE AS PROM S AM 1
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    • 663 26 GENERAL USA Oeneral Electric (USA Invites applications for the position off SECOND SHIFT COMPUTER OPERATOR Candidates should have some experience In computer operations preferably with IBM sVsten^' flcati 1 I**1 potMm eno 1 I h *i u «'«"'"l candidate win be responsible for the total operauonof the computer and must
      663 words
    • 690 26 ESTABLISHED COMPANY requln experience lady, at* around 30 pendently. keep simple accounts Apply with full resume, stau salary expected to P O Box 3741 Spore ONO COMMODITIES PTE. LTD. invites applications for the position of TELEX OPIRATOP. The successful candidate will bt In his early 20's with at lea* Senior
      690 words
    • 932 26 I LABORATORY ASSISTANT 1 wanted, preferably H8 C Science stream with experience In J analysing edible oil products Submit resume with expected salary and phone number to PO. i Box 56. Circuit Road. Singapore. I 13. c ©Ou^KDOlr^l^TO i MILACRON THE COMPANY CINCINNATI MILACRON (SOUTH EAST ASIA) PTE. LTD a
      932 words
    • 814 26 MALE SECURITY GUARDS ranted. Able to read and write English Apply Room not High Ureet Centre. \ppllcauons are Invited for the following positions STENOGRAPHER lultably qualified girls to be rained as Secretary Interests In aook-keeplng would be an adrai)tage TYPIST/ ACCOUNTS CLERK ■xpertenced girls, able to keep Umple accounts book
      814 words
    • 819 26 LUXURIOUS APARTMENT NEAR FtiN hat 2 furnished rooms to let 1250 non-alrcond $350 with alrcon inclusive laundry. Tel. *****9 UNPURNISHEO ROOM TO let at dlst 14 Contact tel *****0 DIST. 1 UNFURNISHED ROOM to let Suitable for single/ couple No rooking 123- E Blk 81. Commonwealth Close ROOM TO LIT
      819 words
    • 709 26 I ROQMBD IMPROVED HOB) flat at Toa Payoh. Lorong 7 going for 528.000 ono Immediate occupation Phone S9O3M Chung MARYLANO PARK (lor Solo S Rent) Newly completed spacious 4-bed-room flat all with bathrooms and buUt-ln cupboards. Area 1.900 sq ft minimum sale price 1120.000/- 20% down payment 80% loan available,
      709 words
      593 words
    • 724 26 UNIOUE NEW PRICING 1-Oey KusnUtn Olant Turtle Egglaying Ceremony Tour MB Dep E»ery Fn Sat a-Ooy S-NtaM Oentlng Tour SM Dec Every Frl L Sat I-Oey S-Ntahl Cameron Highlands li Ipoh Tour S3* Dep: EVery m li Sat OUR NEW PRESENTATIONS I I-Oef 1-NlgM Pangkor Island Tour (Include Round Island
      724 words
    • 574 26 INTERIOR DESION DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition lends to Interior design Diploma recognised for membership of professional bodies in eluding the Singapore Society of Professional Designers Full colour Prospectus sent by airmail by writing to the Principal Thomas B Dwyer. DHE. RIBA Rhodec International. School of Design. BCM' Rhodec. London WC
      574 words

  • 295 27 Court extends ban on new PKMS committee rpHE High Court yesterday granted a three-week extension to an interim injunction to restrain the newlyelected executive committee of the Singapore National Malay Organisation (PKMS) from entering, occupying or using the organisation's premises in Chang! Road The extension was granted by Chief Justine
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  • 31 27 THE Singapore Muatcal Society and the Young Musical Society will preaent a piano recital by London-born Richard Deer Ing at the RSLC auditorium next Friday at 8 30 pm.
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  • 322 27 By SHEILA CHEONG A PROMINENT British judge, Lord Alfred Thomson Denning, finds divorce by consent the only solution to an incompatible marriage. The Master of the Rolls. who has presided over the English courts for the past 31 years, said In an Interview
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  • 170 27 EXTORT, PETTY THEFTS GANG SMASHED THE CID is believed to have smashed a gang said to have been responsible for a series of anreported crimes, ranging from petty thefts to extortions, since late last year. According to informed sources, six members of the gang aged be.tween 18 and 22, have
    170 words
  • 54 27 THE National Productivity Board will conduct a course on Selection and Placement at the HoUl and Catering Tnunluf School Nmialm HIU. (.-on Aug. IS to Ml Th* course awk* to offer creative idea* and techniques to help Improve recruitment and selection procedures and alao to 0..i--mmlnat* technique*
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  • 301 27 Mechanic who died in tractor mishap A TRACTOR operator was lifting the seat of the tractor to fill 'n some lubrication nil when he saw the shovel arm of the machinery fall on top of a mechanic, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Male): bin Ahmad, a tractor operator since 1981.
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  • 49 27 THE Singapore Jayceettee (Orchid Jayceea) will host the Grand National Baby Competition to be held In conjunction with the Infant and Child Care Exhibition at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sept. 14. Winners of baby (hows held in 66 community centre* will participate In the competition.
    49 words
  • 282 27  - Envoy: Seoul embassy marks new chapter ANN PETERS By HPHE establisment of the Embassy of the 1 Republic of Korea here yesterday has opened a new chapter for friendship and co-operation between the two countries, tfce Korean Charge d' Affaires Dr. Boh Jin Chull, said yesterday. The conversion of the
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 20 27 *^J§k TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR QUALITY fSw AND FASHI0N CHILDREN s WEAR Jik /Aft .b« North Brtdo* Road. T»l: *****3
      20 words
    • 813 27 (I i|i RSN d you want a highly technical career tn radar and missile control and you possess the necessary qualification we A H have a rewarding career for you. The RSN will train successful M S applicants in the fields of electronics for repair and main- I I tenance
      813 words
    • 948 27 V Opportunities I with the National I Broadcasting Commission of Papua New Guinea 1. To train NBC broadcasting staff Th N Ilon Bto a catling Convnmion o t Papua Naw Gurnaa providm a wid* rang* o* aducaoonal. r\w*i »n<*. antartammant programmes on a natwotk of 16 d>»«rict nations (Oparatmg local
      948 words

  • 155 28 rVO firms were In a ■■■111 ewart yeetsrahy fer setting pis psTrtsjasl food with laasii— ,te lniormatWn afcwt Ingfsilssits en the packages. In Use first ease Tjlat Seng Exist <I*7»> Pte. Lid. fu fined MM far felling jare-seeke* batter crackers when the net weight
    155 words
  • 36 28 TBX National lfuaeum will acreen four turns on Australian painter* and sculptors In 1U lecture hall on Aug IS at 7.J0 pjn. Free 1 tickets are obtainable from the Museum Office during office hours.
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  • 97 28 Man denies using force on 2 women A 22-year-old man denied in court yesterday two charges of outraging the modesty of two women In lifts on July 26 and 30. Teo Tong Kung was charged with uatng criminal lore* on Hasnah btnte Abdullah. 11. In a urt of a btoek
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  • 35 28 All SAP Road Wbow and a credential! pressMaUon nii—oiU of the Lang Km dttaen-i iimmuMsllm comaattta* win be heM at Alexandra BU Prtmary Bonocl in Boy Patt Hoad ■est Saturday at IJO jijb.
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  • 316 28 THE deputy director of the School of Accountancy and Business Administration, University of Singapore, Mr. Chin Kin Shek, has filed a statement of defence and counter-claim In answer to a High Court writ claiming about M million allegedly entrusted to him for buying
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  • 357 28 Workers who may lose out on overtime Statutory board employees may lose out In overtime pay following the recent Government m o t c excluding them from the ambit of the Employment Act. This is stated by the general secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employee*. UK. O. Kandaaamy,
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  • 27 28 MOHAMED Nor bin Araat was yesterday lined MS by the Tenth Magistrate's Oswrt fer throwing rambntan aklnj at Changl Beach on July M at 4
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  • 123 28 RAHIM: WHAT ASEAN SUMMIT MEANT JAKARTA, m Singapore* Ambassador to Indonesia, Enclk RahLn Isbak, said today the growing mutual understanding and cooperation between, the two countries was a big achievement for both countries In the past 10 years, Antara news agency reported. Interviewed by Antara on the ere of Singapore's
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 26 28 TH* Singapore Medical Association will hold a iympoatum on Pvptlc Ulcer at the Pathology Lecture Theatre. Singapore General Hospital, on Wednesday at p m
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  • 32 28 THI MlnUler (or Labour. Mr. One Pang Boon, and Mn. Ong will be gueats-of-honour at a dinner and cultural sbow of the Seng community centre on Thursday at T pjn.
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  • 179 28 Sheares to nurses: Keep pace with advances PRESIDENT Bheares yesterday called on nurses to keep abreast of the theoretical and practical advances being made In medicine. •There is therefore a continuous need to upgrade nursing skills which advancing technology demands," he said. President Sheares was speaking at a dinner held
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  • 56 28 Ocentre jumble sale ITS a medley of Junk and goodies, from household gear to fashion accessories all at a Jumble sale for a good cause. The renue win be the Ttong 3ahru jm—hhi^hi^j centre at Eu Chin Street at SJO ajn. on Aug. IT. Proceed* from the. sale win be
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  • 189 28 THE Port Authority is investigating two new collisions in Singapore waters early this week involving four vessels. The collision*. the sixth and MTenth In less than two months, occurred within an hour of each other on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. The first
    189 words
  • 107 28 The day his scooter stalled. r'O robbers pounced on a despatch rider •Jong Cluny Road on Thursday and robbed hJm of t252. A police spokesman yesterday said Knelk Abdullah bin Mbhamnv td Said, 44, was on his way to the Supreme Court at about «J» a.m. on Thursday when bis
    107 words
  • 76 28 Photo contest closing date extended THE closing date for the Inter-flnanclal Institution* Photographic Competition organised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore Recreation Club has been extended to Sept. 16. Attract!** prlaas Including two BIA return air-UekaU to rmfr* and Jakarta and Yaahtoa morie camera* will be awarded to winners during
    76 words
  • 38 28 MRS. Hllga Chin. a cookery expert. wUI give a vcsjsUrtan cookery demonttratlon at the Serenth-Day Adrentlat Church In TTslattter Road on Sunday at (JO p m She will also Introduce re doe books on vegetarian cookery.
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  • 10 28 TOTRX wert road mecldeota. four aerlou*. on Ttwraday.
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 181 28 __aw^^ I BkV kßi TIMEX have all the time in the world. Get a week-end bag FREE when you buy W»sH '^M a TIMEX watch. There are more than WlJi^ 100 TIMEX models to choose from. Offer I valid whilst stocks last, in Singapore only. kr&M ■silf^saC.sam. Wn Mmimm Fully
      181 words
    • 149 28 ON SALE NOW (fK) fanfare \^H law aar I l mm \W W/ I X /R icciip V^l aw^/ »w. v lOOUU ft t r W^y^k Wk Personalities on the scene: \mw\ ■M^^^illi John Wayne, Chicago, Andy lInH Jlr/ Williams Peter Noone, Michael y^j A Landon and Jackie Stewart >oS9^
      149 words

    • 281 29  -  JOE DORAI B) 'THE Ho Ho Cup— an annual soccer match between Malayan Chinese PA and Hongkong Chinesewill now be a triangular contest with Singapore Chinese as the third team. The first Ho Ho Cup triangular tournament will be played at Nay? 11
      281 words
    • 203 29  - WHITES MAUL JAPAN STUDENTS 110-92 PETER SIOW By CINOAPORE Whites mauled Japan's Dal to Bunka University 110-W in a friendly basketball match at Oay World Stadium last night. A crowd of 2.000 watched Whites raced to a 68-47 first-half lead effortlessly They slowed down In the second period. Both teams
      203 words
    • 40 29 KINO's College from New South Wales yesterday edged St. Andrew's School, the National Schools Post Secondary )otnt champions, 13-9 (a goal and two penalties to a goal and a penalty) in a friendly rugby match at Orange Road.
      40 words
    • 665 29  -  Mirnigar, Heather, Tang and Lim star in their events... By JOHORE BAHRU, Fri. Singapore's 14 member team brought out their best form today to win four gold, one Bil v c r and two bronze medals at the Malaysian AAU championships at La r kin
      665 words
    • 737 29 MALAYSIANS WARM HEARTS OF FANS ON A CHILLY NIGHT KUALA LUMPUR, Fri. Malaysia rose magnificently from the gloom of their earlier poor performances to bomb Hongkong into submission by 3-1 in this thrill-a-minute Merdeka soccer tournament match here tonight. Three noals In a 21--mlnute second-half blitz stood as Rocd evidence
      737 words
    • 231 29 Than Soe nets hattrick in 7-1 rout KUALA LUMPUR. FTL —Burma took some time to find their rhythm on a ralnsoaked pitch and then trounced Bangladesh 7-1 in a Merdeka soccer match at the Merdeka Stadium tonight. Under the slippery conditions and In a light diisxle the Burmese move In
      231 words
    • 715 29 T ONDON. Fri.— New champions Derby County and Cup winner West Ham United parade at Wembley here tomorrow In the annual charity match which rings up the curtain on England's new soccer season. One week later all 92 clubs of the four
      715 words
    • 36 29 4 4 0 0 11 J I 5 4 0 1 15 4 B S 4 0 1 10 4 I i 4 is a 4 0 111*1 5 0 1 4 2 18 1
      36 words
    • 896 30 Going forecast: Yielding Emu <.& c -iS4 1 OMt HaytvMhsa) a (Anton) Lmnc 4 o <t%n^K\ IBs!! u^jjM^,t mm IJtmM^ t AiuMdi t^otls) !^53 3.05CLA88 4 DIV. 2-6 F (W.OOO $5,600 to wlnr»r) 2 &ttzzv£x::ti?~i *as" i w Pianiaal tarn ibiu* Oiuii Hfddif 4• I F <T
      896 words
    • 175 30  - MUTAUWIF CAN SCORE HATTRICK TODAY Batu Karang has regained form RATU KARANG looks a bright each-way prospect in Race Four at Kuala Lumpur today. winner of two good races earlier in the season, the five-year-old showed a return to form last week when he flashed home a fast fourth to
      175 words
    • 1674 30 Race 1 LUMBER JACK: Oood thing beaten last week when ■hlrd with 811 after losing valuable lengths at start to Royal Sonata Dtc 4 it. carried 9.0 to smart win Dlv 4 B. Tlmah In January; giving Leon's Dream 7-lb and head bf Unit: should not miss.
      1,674 words
    • 103 30 IMM OMIA •vtaa Club ■ailllaa Bar UMky Kw J»4r OM mniii«« nor Mia t«-«— ■ateft L«4 Amirmk Jar* LJll MtfMM Amirs* Jura r. Kmvwim. Ull M«rl»n» l«wm IrUb Fun ■ia—— Irtafe ha SMpMtta Mak I'M ■am Karaat BMvtalaar QaaMmUm Pr Jup«l«r J*4l WU( Pr. 4m*tfr Bata kafmac Oltalla ItllH
      103 words
    • 242 30 BINTANO TIMOR 111, surprisingly left out of the Wilayah Persekutuao Stakes on Sunday, should win Race Five at Kuala Lumpur today reports Dennis fihta. The Portobello eeldlng found winning fotm In hla last itart ut Buklt Timah last month, when he led
      242 words
    • 160 30 MONTREAL, ItL—Cuba edged Mexico 6-5 yesterday In the fournation pre Olympic waterpolo tournament at Quebec City The victory was Cuba's fifth In eight games. Mexico has lost all but one of its eight games The Soviet Union leads the tournament with a 8-0 record. The fourth team.
      160 words
    • 465 30 Dallas Cowboy shows form on the track KUALA LUMPUR. Frl. Dallas Cowboy II (apprentice M.C. Lam) galloped in great heart on a good track here today. Going from the 4f he reeled off the last 3f in 36 stylishly. On that gallop, Dallas Cowboy II Is worth a nutter In
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    • 23 30 PARIS. Frl.— Lille and Monaco draw 9-9 y set si day In the opening match of the new French Soccer Championship
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    • 449 31 SINGAPORE'S Junie Sng set a new national record when she won the 400 metres freestyle event on the sixth day of the International swimming championships at Peking yesterday. Junie, 11, clocked 4:46.98 to break her sister Elaine Brig's national mark of 4:47.50 set In September
      Agencies  -  449 words
    • 218 31 Plans to wipe out soccer hooliganism LONDON, Frl. English First Division clubs are to arrange meetings with local police, magistrates and court clerks In order to work out a consistent policy in dealing with soccer hooligans. This was announced by Mr. Denis HOwell. Minister of Sport, when he met club
      218 words
    • 124 31 Hapkido: 194 get their bells A TOTAL of 194 students A of Hapkido- 120 from the Metropolitan YMCA, Tanglln Centre, and 74 from Claoo Ouarcto of Queenaway—received their nrst grading yesterday. Fifteen of tham, from Claoo, gained a double promotion to green Up orange belt. The others were graded from
      124 words
    • 55 31 SXZTBBr teams haveentered for the Paslr Panjang Constituency Intra-constltuency soccer tournament beginning today at the OUlman Barracks. Fixtures for toe weekend: Today: Terrace Utd v Alex Utd, Radln Mas Ramblers (Orange) v Islanders. Tomorrow: Falrfleld Wednesday v Pulau Saklng. Price Malay 80 v P. Sudong CC. Cool
      55 words
    • 56 31 KUALA LUMPUR. FA Oyanf Usa, Tnflnnasla'i captain, has been ritir— H for one match In the Herded* aocoer tournament This puta him out of Indonesia's game »f«in«« Thailand tomorrow night. Oyong's one-match auapen*on cam* after the tournament dlielpllnary committee today found him guilty of violent conduct In hla
      56 words
    • 48 31 H«W YORK PH. TflS> aecded Jimmy Connors and UHrd-eaeded ibe HaaUa* of Rumania ywUrday advanowl to the quarter-finals of Urn Volvo International tennk tournament In New HampfiE Connors defeated Nicki Spaar of Y-jfoalana. e-1. «-4. white Naauat beat Roger Dowdeaweil of Rhodesia 7-5 ReuUr.
      48 words
    • 225 31 Australians win by nine wickets LONDON, Prl. A vigorous half-century by Gary Gilmour carried the Australian cricketers to a nlne-wlcket victory over Somerset before lunch on the third and final day at Taunton today After brave resistance yesterday, the Somerset second innings folded quickly this morning when Australian snin howlers
      225 words
    • 113 31 AH invited to watch Ellis fight JOHANNESBURG. Fri. —World heavyweight boxing champion Huhammad All has been Invited to South Africa to watch this month's fight between American Jimmy Bills and South African heavyweight champ'on Jimmy Richards, promoter Dave Levin said yesterday. It would be All's first visit to South Africa,
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 25 31 OLASOOW. Frt. Falklrk and Ayr United drew 2-3 In an Anglo Scottish Cup tour- j nament football match at Pslklrk last night —Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 247 31 Howell: No more the polite second LONDON, Fri. The picture of Britain being a polite second best In world sport should be dispelled by a more professional approach, a government white paper on sport and recreation urged yesterday, The report, presented by Minister of Sport Denis Howell, stated: "Success Ist
      247 words
    • 35 31 NIW YORK. Frt— Arthur Ashe completely outdated Mexico's Joachim Loyo-atayo »-l •>! last night win a consistent net game and advanced to the third round of the U8 Clay Court tennis championships at Indianapolls.—AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 380 31 \TKW YORK. Fit Mark Hayes turned In one of his best round;; of the year yoterday a sparkling three under par 87 to take the first round lead In the 57th. U.B. Professional Golfers' Association championship. Hayes, M, a professional for only two
      380 words
    • 303 31 New Caledonia and Tahiti battle for honours AGANA. (Ouam), Frt —New Caledona and Tahiti continued their neck-and-neck battle for the most medals In the Fifth South Pacific Games yesterday, leaving the remaining 13 island nations far behind. Besides their normally strong performances in swimming and track and field, the New
      Reuter  -  303 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 233 29 DONALD MOORE TALKS ABOUT DISNEY ON PARADE NUMBER 3 The poles of the world's biggest tent, which will house the fabulous DISNEY ON PARADE, are up! The huge tent itself will follow. After the parades today come to Shore Garden (Kallang Park, next to the National Stadium) as a National
      233 words
    • 262 29 The Best Qobalf p. Last yesr, setersl hundred Singaporesnt md Malsysiani hsd a wonderful time in rurop* withCluhaltosch EURW* For 1975. Global preienti s series of Europesn Tours which they recommend ss providing unequalled vsriety and value for money Here are a few of thent 99 isXIO European Round Up
      262 words
  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 73 29 SWOST— Friendly: 8-por* Paste Panjang Intra-OonsO-Uoder-33 v Bucka (Dim tuency tourney: Terrace Utd Rd P-m->. v Asm Utd (3 JO p.m.) Radln OCCII vierdeka Mas Ramblers (Orange) I toamament: Thailand v Islanders (OUlman Barracks Indnnsssa (7 pjn); Japan v SQUASH BBRA Indla\ Korea (Merdak* fillnin vtdual graded tournament: S4> pjn.)
      73 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 64 30 Tabard insect repellent for protection against bites by mosquitoes .tafl^ and other insects. M Rub on Tabard insect repellent to protect the w^ ole f ami 'y f rom msect bites especially when outdoors. Tabard gives B long protection, up to 4 hours. It does not p irritate sensitive skin
      64 words
    • 954 30 U~ DfISHRUn HOTEL NO. 285 287. JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, KUALA LUMPUR DASH OF PLEASURE LIVING AND RUN OF GOOD CHEER Dashrun Hotel does the honour of making Its bow to the public on Saturday. Where the household word is at your service as only we know how. A special
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 732 31 r SHELL INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Applications are invited from qualified candidates for a SHELL INTERNATIONAL PETROLEUM COMPANY SCHOLARSHIP for a post-graduate engineering course leading to the degree of Master of Engineering or Master of Science, beginning in the January term 1976. This Scholarship is tenable at the Asian Institute of Technology
      732 words
    • 336 31 wT i Ib i X ™~^B Jib bY The first-ever anthology of sports and games In MALAYSIA AND SINGAPORE compiled at g eat expense, containing over 600 pages of facts, figures, pictures and charts on our sports realm, sportsmen and sportswomen biographical sketches of responding sportsmen also included in this
      336 words

  • 24 32 TOKYO. Pil. North Vietnam said today a comunkjue ha* been signed In Hanoi on the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Philippines—AP.
    24 words
  • 63 32 GRANDLY Illuminated decorations were pat up in the Republic last night for the 10th National Day celebrations today. But there seemed to be fewer Hjhts in the city this year compared to last year, due perhaps to the Republic's efforts to conserve energy.
    63 words
  • 70 32 pXAHJCAMA. FH. O.a OotigrsswHsii wUbur D. Mills win b» triad by tha JtMonlc Lodge because of hl> rsoant bout with alcoho"«n and escapades with stripper Fanne Foxa. according to Orand Master i. Laa Ofwisuaat. Ovwrstraet said the -trial" will be held on Aug. a. probably in
    AP  -  70 words
  • 70 32 N»w TOWt. PH. mm .National City Bank at Mew York raised lv prim* raw today to 7 per cent from TH par oant because of a recent surge In the Interest raUa which the bank uses to set IU prime Moat other mator banks are trailing
    AP  -  70 words
  • 56 32 DOasaLDORP. Pit— Two schoolboy* aged 11 and II haw adamnaM anilines an SS-yvar-old woman to death, wan setting Ore to her boat to otfltroy tk* wfaani. pottee said ywtarday Botn boys aiw too young to be ufoswawtld under West Oerman law and ha»e basn put In tha
    56 words
  • 320 32 LONDON. FM. Tfc» itock nar. kat alaaa* narrowly mliaa U«aj artar a «*Mt mmMs. At S p m tk* Slsaaslal Ham MSsm »v ■■■>■■!■ at STT.t. n twa4a Maaxl a taskaMai nastMß M nasal faiia aM SrsM* u» M KOM si a toiat uua tnaMa. Smm aasrt-Mns m—ii
    320 words
  • 388 32 Raja hits out at the habitual grumblers COREION Minister Mr. 8. Rajaratnam last night hit out at those Singaporeans who were becoming "accomplished grumblers." He said: "They are those who do not appreciate the blessing of life here but are quick to grumble about this and that." "The motorlaU feel
    388 words
  • 55 32 MANUAL O'CaUZ btlavW at U.r. UCim U. ut DaIMT Tlssiu lulu piml twajr at CoebuUmrti Kukakuttun as S.S.TS. Ma. s.r.K. rsaNAitoe as*a St. fornxrly of Unloo Itm. Ay»r lUJth Road |iiil iwty paac*fullr 5 ITS Cortac* I«»tUi» Bincapon CutM IS boob far cremation at kteuat Vim—. AJjusiad RM4 Satttroay
    55 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 42 32 (2L Automatic g«wP^^^^^ m alsoavailabl^) f^Vs^Egpav^b-^^ I 1 ChrysierlBolBl2c.c. M 1 Chrysler 160 1639 c.c. M t Simcal 100 GLS 1118 c.c. M Avenger Super 1 300 cc. W (Automatic I Transmission I also available) v RssHaaßi iBl Avenger GL 1600 c.c.
      42 words
    • 234 32 cav^ v 1 "m -Jl CASIO personal mini Now pocket sized electronic calculator $35/- only. (FREE recorded cassette with every set purchased white H itock lasU!) Icsose U OOOG *100 6 C I O O O G5 C I Double length 12 digit read-out Au* jmatlc floating decimal Constant on
      234 words

      3 words
    • 1512 1  - Singapore must seek role useful to region of the 30th Century should be, then the risk we run of being used as a pawn and destroyed is that much diminished." Though spoken tome years ago. his thesis remains valid till today, perhaps more so now that Singapore's destiny la that
      Mak Kian Seng  -  1,512 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
        103 words
    • 1786 2  -  GERARD CORR By IMS AUOUBT 8 Singapore gains full Independence on separation from Malaysia. It Is announced simultaneously in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur that Singapore Is now "a sovereign., democratic and Independent nation." The United Nations General Assembly unanimously accepts Singapore as Its 117
      1,786 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 472 2 Gases make the modern economy breathe In 1902 when Georges Claude, a French scientist and one of the founders of the Liquid Air Group, first discovered the process of separating the natural elements of air in bulk, he could hardly have forseen the tremendous benefit of these gases to industry
        472 words
      • 102 2 yt "Long Live ft tf The Republic of Singapore" ft a* ft "Majulah Singapura" ft g g APPLIED ENGINEERING? (PTE.) LTD. ft tt ft Lot A 1682, Benoi Placa, g ft Jurong Town, «C ft P.O. Box No. 96, g ft Singapore 22. *C 2 Tel: *****1 *****5 g ft
        102 words
    • 25 3 Second-Lieutenant Lim Kok Keonf rives the operation orders to his section commanders during an exercise.
      25 words
    • 967 3 'In the army, I was to and well' "■RATIONAL serA vice," says Se-cond-Lieutenant LJm Kok Keong of SSIR, "is a whole new life style for me. I didn't even like reading war comics." Second-Lieutenant Lim began his national service two years ago. He describes his days in camp and his
      967 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 135 3 Il\« i t^Bßßia^SS^SSvflgl Li iS" Vlrl BsW IUtS^I T*■ gP- %V' v I^Bt^^Fal f iB« w J^L W^rfM M gfl m w I^gw V~J>S r^^H I MajulahSingapura! Metro Salutes the Nation. IMETRD ■hthowcmst. »«T»ooi»c«*i«o.iMT«osuwwMf»smK>Qou)eMi«iu •■rrooMuc* match ctmut J^ Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of SINGAPORE on the celebration
        135 words
      • 86 3 ROX Y ELECTRIC INDUSTRIE S (S)PTE.LTD. BOXY (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. vBHj Pmp^o' Companies is proud to have played a of the high standard of living and the efficient administration of "business systems that are evident in Singapore. SHARP Colour and Blaok/ White TV j^^ SHARP Calculators, Home Appliances and Audio
        86 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 166 4 Singapore National Day 1975 Member Banks of the Association of Banks in Singapore rejoice with the Nation on this happy occasion of the 10th anniversary of independence b^bl HbH b^b^bl Hil Bhßfl .^p^Bßiß^"^" _^<^^^BBBBJB|^^^^p^^^^^^^^^^S3^^^|^B^^^^Br B^l^X .^^^m "^BSItS r^BPfc^^B B^^^^S^Bl B^* j^ *^^b^l Bhfli bWJ b—^BBJBBP^^ *^^3^g^^^Bß|Bjßßßß^C^^BPßß^J^^BßJfiM^^^BME^M^^^B^JßMf^^jßjllt^B^^BMMßgjk^-fV^> wm^m BBVJ bS^3^bl :^i^3^j^»jl^2»-^S«r^-^^^^!^BBBrffc3^^Bßß^E^^^Bk^Bffißt^?^^^B^B^B^^3«B^^*'^B^^^M^^iß
        166 words
    • 936 5 STRAITS Times Interview with Mr. Chan Chin Bock, alternate Chairman of the Economic Development Board and Special Assistant to Minister for Finance, on EDB's overseas operations: Ql. Since Independence EDB has eaUblMied quite an international network. Can you tell as what wmuMUlss this network
      936 words
    • 508 5 From Page 3 military law simple tests but I had piles of notes to read. Boxing, compulsory at OCB. came as a surprise. None of that lancy Walts, Tank or Shuffle, Just good, solid punching. I had fun, probably because my opponents were
      508 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 93 5 CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to the People and Government of Singapore on the occasion of their 10th National Day From: NISSHO-IWAI CO., LTD. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) Singapore Branch Malayan Bank Chambers, Fullerton Square, Singapore, I. Tel: *****4 (15 Lines) Heartiest Congratulations to the Peopfe Government of SINGAPORE 10th NATIONAL DAY
        93 words
      • 144 5 Congratulations Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT and PEOPLE of SINGAPORE on the occasion of their 10th NATIONAL DAY 7*7 service on Taipei~Los Angeles route n^nn^» Ln^^^ MON. THU. SAT. SH6APORE KUALA LUMPUR HON6 KONG TAIPEI IMMEDIATE CONNECTION BY B-747 HONOLULU LOS ANGELES TUE. I SM6APOBE HON6 KONG TAIPEI WED. SH6APORE
        144 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 617 6 We join the Government People of Singapore >4| J in celebrating the Republic's 10th National Day Sm\ fc and we look forward to making further contributions v V I] k to nation-building for the continued happiness I 45-storey office complex, prestigeous shopping 8 ft mSZ arcade and apartments meeting the
        617 words
    • 1114 7 Sports and the challenge leisure THE 20th century, more than o *py other, has brought aoout many technological changes at an accelerated pace Consequently, our life style has changed drastically. New time-saving devices, fast transportation, shorter working hours and new forms of energy, are but a few of the tremendous
      1,114 words
    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 88 7 Bfl BP^a^^av^^^lßsm^B^^ *^>s^Bb\ 4V«\^Cr v BKr^sv**^Bk\Y\^Bs\^\^ Tsv i^Hti Ml -V "OiBJ BBr .^BhBBB! sflsßsMsV^k^^^^^^'^^^aV^^^^i^B^^'^SidsMstfs^^k^^^^sMsMs^^^^Bßsi Lbs^^^^V BCjbvbV 8 BW^^attksl Bsi^aKv n—BßßsmsH BB[«BBe'- B^^? L^^Ml Bf BBBsPaBaBsBBa^B^BBBBBr^ V *^^^^*™^^^^^B»fgB BBstek. I' I BBf b^^^hßhl Bi^a^'^^^grf j^bßßhßßv^^shßßßßßß^^bßi^s^^^^aT^^Bsi BB^,sA/ m 1 1 1 BMs^^BMsßsßsl I BBsWsßsl BMsTs* sW M I sfl 111 t H
        88 words
    • 432 8 \TisiTORS arriving In V Singapore are confronted with a modern city moving at a bewildering pace, Its bustling Inhabitants dwarfed by towering skyscrapers. Not surprisingly, they are often disappointed. "But It's so western," they complain, their pet visions of scurrying rlckshawmen In conical hats quite destroyed.
      432 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 257 8 1 tot JM ■t«jbjbb>^Y^BWVbbJ| *Tr l I ,> a* *ft iflHfll Br2 I I w JoMt BM^fli hMHbBbF Bs-^BbA^bßvlbb^BßbH is more than a I I ■bmW tremendous range LiJSb.^bsßßL of important products. WBkgS^^^^M sa important people mm_ mm who know all about them. iii«Bß^aSßsß For a long time now, the
        257 words
    • Page 8 Miscellaneous
      • 40 8 The way Jgl/T\ speak... 'My English is perfect! Who say it are need many many correcting*?' OF COUft.SE, X AdKfcE J< TMAT.. -E« .'ef-eFFKCnie ei-UNfr-UAL-IS*!"^ /IS A 6000 lOCA BUT X'P APP«€CJATe^ If Moee if x KNCwr «/HAi it mcaait/
        40 words
    • 441 9 Our practical nature colonial masters no longer matters that Is a decision typical of this vibrant, growing nation. The Singapore-English dialect borrows from all the main language streams, both In structure and vocabulary, and has innovated several examples of changed stress and meaning-condensation which add to the
      441 words
    • Page 9 Advertisements
      • 137 9 I THE HOUSE I I OF TANG I I Joins our Government I I and our Fellow I I Singaporeans in I I Celebrating our Ten I I Years of Independence, I I Peace Prosperity. 1 I lf==sii C.K.TANC (S) PTE LTD. H R=!?V| 310 ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE 9 LmmmltEL
        137 words
    • Page 10 Advertisements
      • 63 10 |8| Warmest wishes of Singapore^ National Day &x A^ We are dote today |k ofe but open as usual tomorrow Siv*^ HavelocK/Outram Roads. Spore 3 Tel: ***** (10 LINES) \J%P Open Daily 10«. m. 9p.m. Congratulations to the Government and People of Singapore on the 10th ANNIVERSARY of our NATIONAL
        63 words
      • 247 10 Heartiest 1 Congratulations f to the People Government of 1 Singapore I on their I i 10th National Day. I From The Management Staff of 1 BARKATH STORES (PTE.) LTD. L C 55, Tanglin Road, M d Singapore, 10. H f IT I I 55. TANGLIN Ro.(O§^pjal SINGAPORE 0/M I
        247 words
      • 174 10 r(WH^* •^p'mv wbfw Congratulations I i to the I 1 Government and I I People of I Singapore on the f occasion of the f Republic's 10th Anniversary to k(] FIGURE SALON I Lower Lobby, Glass Tower 180 Clemenceau Avenue, Spore 9. z CONGfMUMTES THEGOJERNMENT PEOPLE OF SINGAPORE ON THE
        174 words
      • 209 10 Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to The PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT of SINGAPORE on the occasion of the 10th NATIONAL DAY from A MITSUBISHI CORPORATION 34th 35th FLOOR, D.B.S. BUILDING, 6, SHENTON WAY, SINGAPORE 1. TEL: *****11 Best Wishes to the GOVERNMENT A PEOPLE of SINGAPORE on the occasion of the
        209 words
    • 1777 11 GROWING IMPORTANCE OF MANUFACTURING riE Singapore economy has undergone rapid changes over the past decade. In 1974, the value of all goods and service produced in Singapore, at constant 1968 prices (that is, real Gross Domestic Pro duct) reached $7,736 million. Compared to that of
      1,777 words
    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 297 11 We rejoice with the People Government of SINGAPORE in celebrating the NATIONAL DAY P. N. PELAJARAN NASIONAL INDONESIA SINGAPORE Asia Insurance Building. Singapore 1. Tel *****1 (5 lines) *****9 QURESHIS Congratulates The PEOPLE GOVERNMENT of SINGAPORE on its 10th NATIONAL DAY f7^\ Qvrcshi's Carpets c Pte. G Ltd. 1 f\
        297 words
      • 113 11 liiO I CONGRATULATIONS 1 BEST W/SHES 1 to the m PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT 1 j of the |m I REPUBLIC of SINGAPORE I on the occasion of their I 10th NATIONAL DAY 1 KAJIMA CORPORATION 1 jSg (Incorporated in Japan) S ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS 1 H Head Office:! -7, MOTOAKASAKA
        113 words
    • 1515 12  -  DURINO the first decade of Independent Singapore's history, Its development as a financial centre has been legend and Is unprecedented In modern Asia. It is a'l the more significant since there was no substantial base from which financial business could grow. Japan, with its massive
      1,515 words
    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 68 12 STAINLESS STEEL COOKER HOOD STAINLESS STEEL GAS COOKER HOB IBg '00-j a SELF CLEANING ELECTRIC OVEN Heartiest Congratulations a Best Wishes to our Government and our People of THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE on the occasion of our NATIONAL DAY 9th, AUGUST 1975. FORWARD SHIPPING CO.. (PTE) LTD. HUDSON CO., (PTE)
        68 words
      • 116 12 5 CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES ♦o the 2 People ond Government J of Singapore on the occasion of the 10th Notional Day J& S SUMITOMO SHOJI KAISHA LTD. ]2 SINGAPORE BRANCH 12 21st Floor, Ocean Building SCollyer Quay, Singapore 1 J2 Tel: ***** I S Congratulations Best Wishes to the People
        116 words
      • 235 12 Congratulations to the People and Government of Singapore on their 10th National Day TRUE BETTER PICTURES WITH HOVfl HmC:r,;r"° A Japanese high prscmon. multi costed |f%| |A filter designed to prevent ghojt snd dare I in your pictures, ensuring shsrp picture* I evervtime Blsck White filter and MM V M
        235 words
    • 936 13 IN the ideal society, there 1 would be, I suppose, a fine balance maintained between the satisfaction of individual egoistic needs, and the demands of the social or national conscience. Of course, we assume that the Ideal society can only exist in the
      936 words
    • 596 13 why British employers In Singapore have generally proven more resistant than Japanese, American or Oerman managements to try out Innovation* like Works Councils and the like. The pity la that the British management syndrome has been allowed to Infect others. Including some government -owned undertakings.
      596 words
    • Page 13 Advertisements
      • 226 13 Heartiest Congratulations to The Government People of Singapore on their National Day From The Managing Director staff of HACKS STORE PTE. LTD. HACK* Congratulation* to the GOVERNMENT A PEOPLE of SINGAPORE on the celebration of the 10th NATIONAL DAY J INSURANCE SERVICE 5165 E WOH HUP COMPLEX TEL: *****73 ISC
        226 words
      • 250 13 TITONI is SWISS SWISS is QUALITY QUALITY is TITONI i w^^^^^^9l -^^^^^^^^^k 3 g^g^g^ge^^^^L^L^L^r «saß Fle^gW'^^^ ■^gfVV^ S/Rerf DG 102 Re>f "99^J^i»w^ s -SP' R f 7 1220 Rcfll22 COSMO 99 R*f.ll33^^^ Authorised etoalfs and service stations throughout the world. Congratulations 8- Best Wishes to the PEOPLE and GOVERNMENT of
        250 words
    • 1210 14  -  CHIANG By Ir ...AN APPRAISAL OF THE P.A.P. tXDR all of the ten r yean of its existence as an Independent and sovereign republic, Singapore has had the People's Action Party as the ruling party. The PAP has now been in power for 16 years. It
      1,210 words
    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 174 14 m The progress and .achievements that our young Republic has made is in line with what motivates us at Getz pride in Singapore. We at r *Hz Bros. Co., Inc. salute iW people and Government of Singapore on this decade of nationhood Getz Bros. Co., Jnc. has been in Singapore
        174 words
        137 words
      • 126 14 Congratulations ¥> 5 and t Best Wishes to the Government and I 1 people of Singapore I <<. > i on the occasion of the 3 10th ANNIVERSARY g I of the Republic < t I from SINGAPORE SOVIET I SHIPPING CO. PRIVATE LTD. g p (INCORPORATED IN SINGAPORE) <
        126 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 338 15 I THE -L. PROMET GROUP Joins Singapaeans "n cdebathg our I©TH NATiONAL DAY We Specialise In: Steel Fabricating Building of Offshore \fessels Shotblasthg Engineering Marine Coatings Dredge/Winch Bufclng Leasing and Towage of Equipment Building of Intercamp Units REGISTERED SALES OFFICE: OFFICE YARD: Lot 2102, 21$t Floof, 27, Pioneer Road D.B.S.
        338 words
    • 15 16 Youth at play on the way up The hope of our nation youth with rigour.
      15 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 227 16 HE A R TIES T CONG R A T ULA TIONS to the Goverment and the people of SINGAPORE on the Republic's 10TH NATIONAL DAY We are proud to haw the opportunity to contribute towards the progress of SINGAPORE'S Building Industry. at the 5O storey International Haza a n, Other
        227 words
      • 437 16 X Heartiest Congratulations g||| To The Goverment And I JH| NATIONAL t The Reople Of Singapore I |^«i OAY. On The Republic's 111 l L^LVy^^^ln^B^BßßßW/TVvVV^Bm^^i^*~~^^ sS sV a^sssaV.^^■"'^^ -^saaaaal BBBBBBBTV7>^t\\\IBBBBBBBT7//i^^k^Bßm^"^ BBBBBBBBB^sV J I B 1 W a^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBB^BI w^SS^ fcUt 1 Jl>g^2atti Lm «l LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbE.^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbKi^^BHS^-^^\''' bbbbbbbV V^ *\3*' \Xr^ »A bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbHSbbW^^
        437 words