The Straits Times, 8 August 1975

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) lllfi T.-
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  • 1640 1  -  5.45 pm take-off after last-minute problems solved By N.G. KUTTY and K. S. SIDHU Kuala Lumpur, Thursday AUDIBLE sighs of relief and loud applause broke out at Subang airport as 10 Japanese guerillas left here today with four hostages on board a special Japan
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  • 57 1 WASHINGTON Thun. President Ford today warned of "a real possibility of confrontation" between the United States and the Sorlet Union If war aialn breaks out In the Middle last. The President delivered a strong warning to Israel and Egypt, saying both mast be flexible and move soon if
    AP  -  57 words
  • 107 1 SINGAPORE billnessmen, Mr. Ton Alk Choong, 49, one of the IS hostages who was released yesterday after a 79 -hour ordeal. Mr. Teh was held hostage on the 9th floor of the AIA building In Jalan Ampang •from Monday to Wednesday, and then In the
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  • 450 1  - Wee: I lied to the Prime Minister BEN DAVIDSON MINISTER of State Wee Toon Boon agreed in the First District Court yesterday that he had lied to the Prime Minister that he had paid Mr. Ong Keng Kok, of Lauw and Sons Pte. Ltd.. $4,000 for the trip to Jakarta
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  • 37 1 PLO denounces XL attack HIROSHIMA, Than. —A mreaeatetto of the Palestine liberation Or 1 1 n I wUoo <rU» toefey denounced the Attack on the US embassy la Kula Liapw by the Japaneao Reel Army fwtfU-US.-AT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 GEMS OF THE ORIENT 9 0 Hue Cats Sapphire y# EMERALD AND RUBY G. C. DE SUVA BROS. MANUFACTUIINC iIWILLERS. 1. «oMI», PiK«, 5in,,,,,, TIL: 772J2.
      27 words
    • 15 1 ■SB) aw^ Sr am«^bY^ L^ft— Vs^Bs^sV I H Eua^B^av^feSaW^^l L^L^ ■iJMMBMaWF^Ta^^J~*- aUU ""Nl I IsUM
      15 words
    • 172 1 CANAL CAIRO SEEKS OUR AID -Page 7 US WILL veto UN entry bid by two Vietnams t THAI students storm aniverslty 3 NEW M-KAST peace offer: Israel replies today 4 REJECT dental cost sharing call to lAC 17 ROBBERY and rape: Youth gets six years and 10 lashes 25 MUSTAFHA:
      172 words
    • 48 1 KING'S WjS( SAFETY SHOES KING'S fed 0N EAR H No 706 M oilRESISTANT tf KING S SHOE MFG. PTE. LTD 122. BLK 36. DAKOTA CRESCENT SINGAPORE. 14 TEL *****1 *****7 Distributor Ml G TRADING COMPANY 134. Ist Floor Goldan Mil* VfceMN Towtr. Beach Ro«<* Sing*por«. 7 T«| *****14
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 113 2 Hunger strike on eve of visit by Marcos MANILA. Thurs. An undetermined number of detainees in the stockade at the constabulary headquarters in nearby Quezon City were on a hunger strike today on the eve of the Pr c sident's appearance there and the release of about 400 prisoners, tomorrow,
      AP  -  113 words
    • 364 2 nnHE Oovernment claims 1 It has evidence that two Thai diplomats under arrest here had been posing* as Laotians and "engaging in espionage and sabotage." Information Minister Ouday Souvannavong told reporters yesterday that Major Lert Pungpak and Major Prasert Tongpew. deputy military attaches
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    • 121 2 JAKABTA, Thurs North Korean Foreign Minister Ho Dam files in tonight far a three-day visit aimed at cementing closer ties between Indonesia and North Korea. Foreign Ministry officials said the visit was Important In promoting co-oprratlon and friendly relations between the two conntries. Mr. Ho
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    • 486 2 UNITED NATIONS. Thursday SECURITY Council committee today examines applications for UN membership from North and South Vietnam, with the virtual certainty they will be vetoed later in the council by the United States. The US said yesterday it would bar the two communist
      Reuter  -  486 words
    • 189 2 Ford's pledge on nuclear umbrella WASHINGTON, Thursday JAPANESE Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl ends his visit here today with firm assurances from President Ford on America's commitment to maintain the nuclear umbrella over Japan. Mr. Mlkl Hies to New York today for a round of meetings and receptions with American businessmen.
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 86 2 JAPAN: WE'LL AGREE ONLY 1F... WASHINGTON, Than. Japan would agree to a fivepower summit conference on monetary affairs only If there were sdeajuate preparation, Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl said here yesterday. Replying to a question at a National Press Club luncheon. Mr. Mlkl said the Issue had not come
      Reuter  -  86 words
    • 196 2 Keep up role in S-E Asia, Malik tells US senator JAKARTA, Thurs.— Foreign Minister Adam Malik told a group of visiting American senators today that Indonesia would like to see the United States continue its role in Southeast Asia. "I told them recent developments in Indochina do not scare us
      Reuter  -  196 words
    • 146 2 47pc jump in Japanese exports to China rpOKYO. Thurs. Japan's exports to China in the first half of this year totalled this year totalled US$l. 18m billion), a 47.9 per cent Jump over the same pc rlod a year ago. the Ja Dan External Trade Organisation (JcVTRO) reported vest*rday. But
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    • 68 2 LO6 ANOELBB. Thura.— Bailors aboard an oil company boat yesterday harpooned a gnat whit* rhark weighing 2.400 pounds (I.OM kilos), one of the largest ever caught. The shark. IS feet 3 Inches (4.C3 metres) lone, was caught after a threehour nght about 10 miles (16 km)
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    • 47 2 LAOO6, Thurs—Nigeria's new military regime yesterday announced the names of 2ft commissioners (ministers) to senre In the cabinet of Brigadier Murtala Mohammed, the country's new military leader. A Radio Nigeria announcement Indicated that the cabinet, called the Federal Executive Committee. Includes 12 dTlUans.— AP,
      AP  -  47 words
    • 269 2 Aussie troop offer to UN peace forces TkJEW YORK, Thurs. X1 Australian Defence Minister William Morrison yesterday offered to contribute se v c ral hundred troops to United Nations peace-keeping forces anywhere In the world, including a contingent in the Middle East In the event of a new interim agreement
      UPI  -  269 words
    • 61 2 HONO KONO. Thurs. Police last night arrested a young woman at the airport for possessing a kilo >2 2 pounds) of heroin hidden In a sack, a sanitary tcwel and In her shoes. The druc. worth about £4.300 (SUMO) on th* Mick market was selasd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 314 2 maw IN FIJLi SWING!' -p-^ B^s^V r fiKtffSSSio imm^^mmmmmmmmmPmi l^^mmmmmmmm 1 mmm ■mT mmmmmm'^mmJ gßs^^i^TWl mf Avllmmm* at Courts "Q^J Sio 2 sert«%. comer iablc& occasional table nfmV''^ml ß^. I IsmV I 1 m TP^r' Fl iJ^iWw^rTt** II till com P' c c include* double hanging wardrobe I t 1
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    • 82 3 pCCOMBO. Thurs. A V> government-appoint-ed committee has recommended that the longstanding dowry system that prevails In thin island nation be abolished. The committee, composed entirely of women. said In a report released yesterday, "the dowry system Is only a feudal right of husbands and
      UPI  -  82 words
    • 104 3 STORM HAVOC: HUNT GOES ON RESCUE workers digging through mud and rockj searched for bodies left In the wake of a ™nstorm which swept over northern Japan yesterday. Police said 22 people were killed and four still missing as a result of the cloudburst which dumped more than four Inches
      UPI  -  104 words
    • 74 3 Thicu's London trip: Taipeh in dark TAIPEH, Thurs. Government officials known «f no plans by former south Vietnamese president Nguyen Van Thleu Sy to London this month to meet his son, reliable sources said today. The Foreign Ministry has declined comment on reports from London about Mr. Thleu'a plans to
      AP  -  74 words
    • 122 3 Missing earl's $236,250 debt JONDON, Ttaars.— Lord A Lacan. the fugitive English earl sought for the murder of his children's nursemaid, ran up debts of at least &45, Me (8J838,--«M) with assets worth Just half that amount, nla creditors were told yesterday. Debts included a lat claim for £IJM, a
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 41 3 ROME Thun. The Italian PUota Aaaocktton yetferday ealted on it* members to staga a waek-loof strike Iran today. The atoppse* Is txpftxi is virtually halt natteaal and Inurnatlooal fllftiu of AIIUIU and two anaU doBMitle attunes.— AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 60 3 UMXXOO CTTT, Thun.— More than 100.000 Mexican children aged under fire die every year becauae they are poorly fed, a senior government medical official amid yetterday. Dr. Salvador Zublran, director of toe National Nutrition Institute, gave thla estimate at a conference of government medical expert* at the town
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 51 3 CHatcauun (Franco, Thura. Two police •ere killed and about M Injured when an sijilnaiw rocked a gunpower factory near here during lunch hour today, polka said. Original police eaUmataa after Ihe accident Indicated that the death toil might have baen hither, with 10S to U0 people reported Injured
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 173 3 MURDOCH TELLS OF $237,000 TO AUSSIE POLL FUND SYDNEY, Thurs.—Australian newspaper owner Rupert Murdoch said In court yesterday that his company, News Limited, had contributed AJ74.257 (*****,000) to the Australian Labour Party's 1972 election funds. Mr. Murdoch was testifying in court at a hearing of conspiracy charges Involving the zoning
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 356 3 BANGKOK. Thursday THOUSANDS .of Bangkok students stormed into Thammasat University today in an anti-government demonstration similar to the opposition that caused a revolution in 197.1. Btuden\s from three universities boy c o tted their clashes to denounce the Government for the killing of eight
      UPI  -  356 words
    • 140 3 HONGKONG nan. A sealer British ■oUee efllesr eeavfcted yesterday wider the Colony's Pmnttaa of Bribery Ordinance wu rtteiied on a WbTMM,— (MSSMM) kail today. B*pertaUudent Boy Starrest!, SI. from Belf sat, was Statsaeia" te three and kfUf yean Impri— nment and fined HK*M.*M alter s
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    • 415 3 SPECIAL FORUM TO REPLACE COURTS NEW DELHI, Thursday 'pHE Lower House of the Indian Parliament today passed a Bill under which disputes over election of people holding the offices of Vice-President, Prime Minister or Speaker of the House would not go before the courts but would go to a specially
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    • 164 3 India bans rebel Mizo Front NEW DELHI, Thurs The Indian Government yesterday outlawed, the secessionist Mlzo National Front for de m a ndlng independence for the Mlso tribesmen of northeast India. It said It was necessary to declare the front and Its other bodies, including the Mlso National Army, to
      Reuter  -  164 words
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    • 139 3 JL Hearfest 1 Congratulations p to the Government and people of the i y Republic of Singapore^/ fjL 9^^ on the occasion f of their \w 10th National Day 9 Ajgust P7s^^^SJ Ri TOKAIBANK Singapore Representative Office 1506/ 1 507 ShingKwan House. W 4. Shenion Way, Singapore 1 U Tel:
      139 words

    • 153 4 VTSW YORK. Than. 11 A doctor has been charted with killing his wife with a huge Injection of a paln-kllllng drug and stealing UBSMB.OOO (8tl.40S.000) from her estate. Dr. Charles Ftledcood. 56, a father of six from Kensington, New York, was jailed In
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 131 4 French N-offer to Saudi Arabia BEIRUT, Thurs. Crown Prince Pahd of Saudi Arabia has Indicated that France has offered to supply his oil wealthy kingdom with nuclear energy. "We did not discuss this matter In detail." the Prince said In an Interview published today by Al Hawadesa. "But we felt
      AP  -  131 words
    • 35 4 FNOLAND. Thura. Irish •tunlman Mike ODataDo. 60, emerged from TO days la a glass tomb at an amusement park In Manchester yesterday and claimed the world record for betas burled alive Reuter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 118 4 GUNFIRE ACROSS LEBANESE BORDER BEimUT, Than. Israeli and Uhueae army troops exchanged lire across the t*nie frontier for M ■riimtra today la the foarth eonsecatlve day of clashes along the herders, a Lebanese military tpokeaman ■ML The cpokesman said an advanced position of the Lebanese army ate* came wider mtehlnec«n
      118 words
    • 470 4 TEL AVIV. Thursday JSRAEL planned to respond to Egypt's proposals for a new Sinai troop withdrawal agreement by. tomorrow, government source said today. The government run national radio said the gap between the two sides has narrowed. The source made the comment shortly after a radio
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  470 words
    • 69 4 SALISBURY. Thurs Rhodesia's Alrlcan nationalist leader. Bishop Abel Musorews. aald yesterday "we are at war now" with the Smith reglm*. In a statcmont <asusd here, regarded as the moU militant ha ha* ever made, the leader of the. African National Council (ANO addad: We must
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 220 4 \M ANILA, Thurs. The i»l Mth session of the World Health Organisation regional committee for the western Pacific will be held In Manila next September 1 to 6 to review the regional programme and budget, it is announced today. lAKABTA: President -haxto today opened the Trans Asamatra microwave telephone
      Agencies  -  220 words
    • 153 4 igrASHXNOTON. Thurs. glv —After a spectacular wrap last year, oil com!pany profits now have settled down to levels only moderately higher on the average than two years ago, the American Petroleum Institute said yesterday. The API, an oil Industry trade organisation. issued a list of
      AP  -  153 words
    • 192 4 Goncalves sets up new Govt in Lisbon LISBON. Thurs. Oen. Vasco Ooncalves has formed a new government to replace the one which feU last month when the Socialist* and centre-left Popular Democrats resigned, his office said here today. A spokesman said the new adml n i s t ration would
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  192 words
    • 56 4 BEIIIUT. Thurs. 9ud»ncas President Oaafar Numelry says oil has been discovered In the central Sudan and In the Red Sea off his country's coast. Oil-bearing areas nave now bean jttermlned. and all we need to do now is to dig oil wells." he told Al Hawadra
      AP  -  56 words
    • 281 4 'Hoffa's former bodyguard in the know' LAKE ORION (Michigan), Thurs. rE son of former Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa said last night he believes Charles "Chuckle" O'Brien "has some knowledge of what happened" to the missing labour leader and demanded he take a polygraph test. I Mr. James Hoffa said O'Brien,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 492 4 ■I V n i^TsBBBH ia^afisssssssi sssfc^" v X ■'.</'{?( A I FORVTXIR \^KMi M A U WE'RE OPEN M V TILL 9PM. JM/jf [mMUmM a\ I(J|\JI(jH I /^M The Hongkong Bank can give you $100 at midnight. You're not tied to banking hours when you're with us! The Hongkong Shanghai
      492 words
    • 51 4 W "9 RABRO relieves stomach disorders with the very first Rabro brings lasting relief to thousands of ulcer sufferers all over the world. Its main <*.tive ingredient. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE. effects quick relief in ulcers treatment. Jg Rabro is Available in strips of 10s and boxes of 50s. Made in Holland.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 850 5 '^j^lslaßtalalalglslalslHlglslalsßlalalalalsSlsßlaSSßßßßSEßßSSßMMßSSSSßßMsMß^ RB B^'"^''^ n M^BMHMlMipjpaHpjpjpjpjpjpjp^HjMMjpßapjl^pjHpßj IS W JB^P^^ P^ Hk^B^B^HHßflßßifei^ 1 SI s i bHppbpi'b^b^Hb^bM S b^b^Os 'i bT"3 2-^b^b^B3SSSSB9lblb^Hb^b^b^bV 'Ci B^B^^a^^^B^R^^B^l^a^^B^K. B^B^^^i^JrW^ R^R^_^^fl Ul fcriaTi^^M^T^^ffß^^^^TaßT^Tr^^^^T^^^f^^^E^Bl^jPc^^ VJRR^bI^B^B^B^B^B^B^BmB^B^B^BwiB iJ I fc r *\^R^J^R^BT*^^^^B^^^B^^By^^^B^^^B^Bs^^^'. RSH 13 I Bjßi I Sp* aW^ B^B^blb^Bß BHte. I 1 Hiu lllllllllklL b^^^^^^^^b^^l^^^b¥Wl^^l^^l^^^ B yg |j h|
      850 words

  • 204 6 'Kisses are like handshakes but she won't buy A SALESMAN who failed to convince a girl that "kisses are like handshakes these days" landed in court yesterday on a charge of outraging her modesty. First Magistrate. Mr. Kan Ting Chlu, called for a probation report on Toh Kal Slong. 23.
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  • 48 6 A total of Ita student* have won the People's Scholarship Fund awards this year Among them are 100 from pre-unlversltg. 30 each from tiger Ann Technical College. Nanyang University and the University of Singapore. IT from Singapore Polytechnic and five from Singapore Technical Institute.
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  • 94 6 MORE than $IM,«M worth of timber and machinery was destroyed when a fire rated a storehouse belonging to Hln Bee Sawmill In Mill Lane, Kallang, early yesterday. Two Ore engines took more than two hoars to put oat the blase, which was spot- ted shortly
    94 words
  • 97 6 POLICE would like to get in touch with Lee Eng Keng (above), 21, who they believe can help in their investigations Into the murder of Ong Chye Lee, 24, at Norfolk Road on April 11. Ong, a motor mechanic, was seated on a railing and talking
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  • 34 6 THE Changi Swimming Club Is organising a Children's Day In conjunction with National Day celebrations on Aug. 34. Closing date for entries for the children's fancy draas parade Is on Aug. It.
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  • 145 6 Soviet gift of harpoon gun to museum THIS 3.05 tonne whaling harpoon fun and harpoon with a firing ranee of 454 to 600 metres was the 16th rift presented to the Maritime Museum on Sentosa since it was set up' last year. It was donated by sailors of the Russian
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  • 91 6 Radio Quiz on libraries THE Library Assocla--1 tlon of Singapore will sponsor a quiz on the theme "how well do you know your Singapore libraries?" from tomorrow. This is m conjunction with the festival of book) organised by the National Book Development Council of Singapore. It will be conducted r.vrr
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  • 171 6 SENSITIVE PLAYING SHOWS MELVYN'S PROGRESS rls one or the more pleasant tasks of a critic to re x>rt regularly on the irogress of a young and talented musician and the recital by Melvyn Tan at the DBS auditorium last night v»as. 9n many ways, mother rewarding experience. Melvyn's very challenging
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  • 525 6 Parents told: Impart right values gRRIXG parents may need to attend schools to learn (o play a more effective role in the education of their children, Dr. Augustine H.H. Tan, Political Secretary to the Prime Minister's Office, said yesterday. Dr. Tan, who is also MP for Whampoa, said even the
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  • 118 6 SINGAPORE and the Republic of Korea today raised their diplomatic relations to ambassadorial level from today. A Government statement this morning said this was the result o« recent discussions in Singapore between the foreign Minister, Mr 8. Bajaratnaia and Korean Vice- Minister for Foreign
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  • 130 6 STOLEN: TWO BIRDS AND POODLE TWO boys raided the compound of a house in Dunsfoid Drive, off Braddell Road, on Wednesday and walked away with a $200-parrot. Mrs. Spltzange. 42, left the bird outside her house at about 10 a.m. Five minutes later, she found It missing. Her neighbour told
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  • 31 6 MR Ong Teng Cheong. Minister of State for Communications, wlli officiate the official opening of National Maritime Board's new premises at 20 South Quay, next Friday at 3 p.m.
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  • 29 6 THE combined Tanjong Katong Oirls' School /Tanjong Katong Technical School band will perform at the Macßltchle Reservoir Park on Sunday from 530 p.m. to 6.30 p m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 622 6 DONALD MOORE TALKS ABOUT DISNEY ON PARADE -NUMBER 2 The first night of DISNEY ON PARADE (August 29th) was virtually sold out two days after the bookings opened. Is this a record? Ye* l like almost everything in DISNEY ON PARADE at, for example, the fact that nearly thirty million
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    • 217 6 Bradosol promptly relieves sore throats Bradosol lozenges are effective against the maiont y of germs causing, or associated with throat and mouth infections. Bradosol is an effective antiseptic for use in dental care Bradosol lozenges are pleasantly flavoured Available from all pharmacies and drug stores BY bTbm il Business Opportunity
      217 words

  • 197 7 Shares: Shippers Council wins suit rE Singapore National Shippers Council yesterday won its High Court civil suit against the former managing director of the Shipping Freight Centre Sdn. Bhd Mr Koh Cheng Scan. Mr. Justice Choor Singh, before whom the suit was heard, ordered that Mr. Koh pay costs and
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  • 49 7 A LABOURBI was Jailed for three months by a district court )«afrday for staalmg a bicycle on reclaimed land oft Katong Park on Jan. 11 between 11 JO i m and 2 p.m Abdul bin liandarl. IT. who had six previous convictions, pleaded guUty.
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  • 40 7 THI Lion's Club of Singapore (Central > will as a charity proj«ct. hold a urn sum lunch for about M inmate* of the Salvation Army old folks' home, at Dragon PaJacc Restaurant. Oxkptt Hotel, on Sunday at JJO
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  • 32 7 JASUAN Mn Bagor. 94. vat JaUad for three mooth* by a maftetraM's court y«etcrday for oornrmtnc morphine in front of 7». Jalan Üb> on July tt at about noon.
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  • 446 7 A\. Egyptian delegation has invited Singapore Government engineers to visit the Port Said free trade zone apd contribute their expertise to Suez Canal improvement plans. This invitation was given yesterday by the Suez Canal Authority chairman Mr Mashour Ahmad Mashour. when he called on
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  • 86 7 TWO motorists were yesterday fined $650 each and disqualified from driving for one year when they admitted driving under the influence of alcohol and not having proper control of their vehicles. Lee Chin Teck. 31. committed the offence In New Bridge Road on May 3
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  • 32 7 raMAWTM bin aiobd. Tusofl ni BMd and had h* taxis farftfM jtHihj after he admitted KUlnc baodkarebMs In a pnolMtcd place lr RadhUl bant an July n at 9M ±m.
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  • 109 7 BRITISH TROOP PULLOUT: 177 TO LOSE JOBS A TOTAL at 171 atiW.a to Ike paJlaat et Brt task traaws tna ■tecspat*. as ICfTKCB ycatcraaj that M akin *<l a*al sawai-skißra' warkars ka«l kaaa I— < twa-aw lk rawaiefc vaaM exatr* a« ta» kacftaatag afOatokar. (DOB). to «a*t a? Oat. 1
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  • 32 7 TSO Kflk Kirn. 11. tu flncd in th* Fto* IligiWnui Court tiur ha irtaittt•d Mine aiXMivc langaaat on pottw o«e«r at a tnlrtawlth ■bop In Toa Fayoo on Aai- 1.
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  • 341 7 Plans finalised to send more trade teams abroad rfHS Singapore AMoclatlon is working on details to send several trade missions abroad In the next 12 months. Its chairman, sir. Ong Leng Chuan, raid yesterday. "Details are bdnc ta*Uaed and wtll be announced won. he said, adding "Some of the prupoaiJ
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 JAPANESE RESTAURANT Jafcfl I Tbe elegance of Japanese art of eating be it Sukjyaki.Yakitori. Tempura or Sushi, the Daikoku is second to none FOR RESERVATIONS CALL ***** Associated with /•""> pNk— HOTEL EQUATOPIAL Kuala Lumpur
      34 words
    • 118 7 SHARP Advanced L S I Cirojitry ■N-14-digit capacity 1 independent memory g' Dual advantage Wm Printout cum display^^^B H Kl^kk«^^B«Bta Ibt or display alone WW Percentage PHC LbT calculations B r^i^ii bbf Constant and Wr complex calculation? WF Add mode selector Item count key Right shift key \MJ\ ROXY (STORE)
      118 words

  • 1335 8 Why I signed the CPIB statement: Wee explains _jp t REPORTERS: T. F. HWANQ and BEN DAVIDSON MINISTER of State Wee Toon Boon told the First District Court vetterdav tha* he signed a CPIB statement as being made by him, although it did not contain what he wanted, because he
    1,335 words
  • 1419 8 Counsel thought it unnecessary to "lnlect" evidence such as tnat about a ring, and said that consideration should be given that the accused was very much a public figure. Mr. Ohows, replying, said it was his duty to prove the corruption element alleged
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  • 3440 8 He is asked about his Jakarta trip and the casino scheme Mr. Marshall objected at this stage that the prosecution was Introducing matters that were not relevant to the Immediate Issue before the court (the validity of the CPIB statement). The Judge, however,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 434 8 A new exciting contest from Hudson's iaU j" y pivzes I FIND THE HIDDEN TREASURES! Here is a map of Hudson's Treasure Island. Filled with all kinds the box beside Am your entry form, and so on. of interesting clues to lead you to our Hudson's treasures. Can After you
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  • 139 9 T-HE labomr movement In Singapore 1. playing a Brogres«lve role by working together with employer, and the Government for the good of the nation, a Japanese trade union leader «*ld yesterday. Beeasse of this tripartite working relationship, the lakoar movement here U In a setter
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 630 10 ADVMTISEMENT Congratulations to the Republic of Singapore on the occasion of their 10th national Dau. PENINSULA SHOPPING COMPLEX TRADERS ASSOCIATION PRESENTS JT nflllOV^ J~^ c f* /i\ [(I CC B &J FROM Bth AUGUST TO ulW^-n^ r^ c v-'^- r InV v r f c k 7th SEPTEMBER I97S A
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  • 2901 11 Buses passing parade routes to be diverted OOLICE yesterday 1 warned that vehicles parked at the "no parking" areas on National Day would be towed away. A police statement yesterday said although the 13 decentralised parades hud been planned to puts through
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  • 225 11 A splash of colour at Toa Pay oh y^^ THE pageantry of 816 colourful costumed students performing intricate bat harmonlously patterned movement* will hlfhUfht the National Day parade and celebrations at Toa Payoh sports complex centre beftinnlnf at 5 p.m. on Auf t. These students, from the Monk's Hill Secondary
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 104 11 '^^S^JwEfc sUsflHsl LV '■:t. '^j^SewS^ ■aj^BjßJßJßjE^^^^^BaflßflßJSM 1 I 3~y Cf. Sa OUfSI «V g m^kW 7A. < It mi *'i nnii achievement In modem design, mm ■tamyppi wmea trwtm ngmiy wo Superbly slim. Stylishly sculptured. MM m m^M co iforttt)ty m your fiand Even its prestigious swivel MM M.WThen glide*
      104 words
    • 387 11 Capture the excitement of the 10th 1 NATIONAL DAY Celebrations on KODAK Cobr Rim! sftstfstJT^B^^sSsßl sHh^vQ^sH^Hhsh! bHP^^'^^^^^ Bf^^^^Sl bbH&V saflsaHßasi sPaM hV v B^l sBT .v\x VVv^HaX Hlßi^p^Hk^ B SB B^Bll^H Just imagine. The Combined Military Tattoo at National Stadium, the exciting parades at Constituency Centres and the colorful fireworks
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  • 42 12 w >r.v v i:im A*r.i r.m n>r, i ati -..m -j i.ri m i7:VMii m*ihw ;i >m) f Sm >' [ri'r.w Special reports and pictures by our ««it-oit-th*>-spot N.G. KUTTY, US. 81DNU and VOW YUW WON
    our it-oit-th-spot  -  42 words
  • 216 12 TO BE DEFUSED AT EDGE OF AIRPORT TWO Japanese ganmen, carrying six bomb* contained In paper hags, approach a ear which two army bomb disposal specialists are waiting to take the explosives oat for detonation. The twe mm, still In their hoods, had enterted from the JAL aircraft with armfnU
    216 words
  • 128 12 A TRAIL of bulletIX ridden doors and walls, and scrawled slogans were left behind by the five gunmen of the Japanese Red Arm* who occupied the ninth floor of the AIA buUdinf for days. There were ll bullet Burks at the American
    128 words
  • 480 12 Terrorists gave chocs to shot mechanic... AN aircraft mechanic, who was ace t den t- ally shot by one of the Red Army guards on Monday In the AIA building, was later given chocolate "to sweeten up the situation." Recalling the Incident from his hospital bed, where fie underwent aji
    480 words
  • 104 12 SUBANG Airport was reopened at 6.15 p.m. yesterday after It had been closed finer I a.m. The daylong closure Caused Singapore Airlines to cancel four of it; domestic flights from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. Three Malaysian Airline System flights bypassed the Federal Capital, while one
    104 words
  • 503 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday TT was a tense mo--1 ment at the airport today, as the second batch of five hostages were being exchanged for four guarantors. For the hostages, it was the end of a 79 hour ordeal In
    503 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 8 12 H^B iKHukk^JT^ ■mdttiuduPiufm^uß BsH BsiiK^^Tr^BsKsS^^Bsiil SsH m^ss^^" ssiw^^^^Bsa^^^nP^i!P^lllilPPV'nWV|V*nH^
      8 words
    • 112 12 NOW You can own an imported coloui^V on EASY HIRE PURCHASE ■■PANORAMA^^^sissssl W 26 "(67cm) Console Mode^^^ssi with Tetecomfort Remote Control^^^^^^ MODEL DOWN PAYMENT I 24 mths I 18 mths I 12 mthTl 2200 CONSOLE 22" (56 cm.) 5542.00 $84.00 "~*****7 IHF^o" KOMMODQPETABLE26- 5604 QQ 7^"^^ KOMMOPQRECONSOLE26 5653.0Q SIOI.QQ *****
      112 words

  • 820 13  - MYSTERY OF RED ARMY'S GUNGIRL MARK FRANKLAND FYPHOON OF JAPAN'S STUDENT POLITICS TURNED A SENSITIVE AND GENEROUS STUDENT INTO A VIOLENT REVOLUTIONARY By TOKYO. Thursday THE Japanese terrorists who seised the American consulate in Kuala Lumpur on Monday are part of the Japanese Red Army, which has become notorious in
    820 words
  • 260 13 TH E terrorists of the Japanese Bed Army first hit the headlines In 1970, when nine members hijacked a Japan Airlines (JAL) domestic flight over Mount Fuji The aircraft, travelling, from Tokyo to Itasake, was taken to Pyongyang, together with the IS7 people on board who were
    260 words
  • 85 13 Fusako— her face behind the hood? THIS Red Army guaglrl one of the five terrorists who struck in Kuala Lumpur oa Monday presents a menacing figure with her features hidden behind a nood. There are about 49 girls In the* Japanese Red Army, of whom the best known is Fiuako
    85 words
  • 266 13 decided to become a "Drofesstonal revoluttonEhe had been readlna the most violent of Janan's left-wing Marxist theoreticians and decided that "only violence can champ the world. This was the natural conclusion that I finally came to." She seems to hay* been a
    266 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 136 13 /ommmS mZS»v«^^uit( MBwHßwHßßwHsV'l^'wßnM B^B^b^^^B^B^L&^B^B^B^B^bb ,j£v HH^ HHHH^^ H^^ H^^^^ M^^^^^^^^^^V If mm 9bv^bib BwX^LPHjf I BBBBBBwBwau BBBBwBwBwBw ml BBBBBwBwBwBww I I l Bwßßwßwßwßmw •^™^™**^™^™**^™^™^BW^P^BwJ™^BW^Bmm«»>^mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB» I# s\ ki yj is k 'S'T^^'-* 4 1 BwBwBwBwBwJb^BwbVIbHBwBwBK^BwIHbVVVbwHHbw 31 JebsenA Jessen PHILIRAMA^ W SHOWROOM New Business Hours: Now you can select your quality -a
      136 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1663 14 Mi^AJ»iWA_H_W_rVH_K AHWAAHBHUA^WWWWRfIfIft WAAAA'A/^A I Bl B B B fli B J B B B I^HB^^HiMM^^^B^^^ ■lM?ftl<||ii!lW^l r |^lJ|^'.Pß Spores NEW aU time box-office CHAMP |t7:l^- l g™j' l> <'fl f A hli!!lS PIS 171 10 th LIDOj -^r /^A Singapore "I™™M jiIMAjESTiwDEOM-KA^oTwuS^ERH IIGWSWC6K fi^tVlT^AY^ J^Q CONTACT LENS Simultaneous Midnight Tonight
      1,663 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 154 15 bare I traps Sunshine Sandals with /A w&\ Wood E^y>%sy^ Platforms A/^liii V^/\}^7 DEFT .STORE t BUSINESS HOURS 12 NOON TO 10 PM ELITE PLAZA SINGAPURA BUSINESS HOURS 10 AM TO 9.30 PM *fl c complete modern m aKs hairdressing liquid for Bp fnen /rom Japan. |^Ristßvaxro<s raaa\ l^lßaMlfwWAlK LINJ-IN
      154 words
    • 86 15 M M f~Te» I m-^-J "fabulous I ROUNDS From ■|s§UAjsbsVjuj|s^^B .y^^^p^y^^^ aaa»^T?J //l waaaaK^aaaaaaal W sKaaaJ I tjf^^ 1 1 IV! AGES I FOR A ROUSING TIME I Cgaleton) FOR FASHIONABLE DRESSES I De r CuJtomeri, 'jfxB&SB&IBS] Iffij^^l Our brand fJfJtmjfJSSM t^ H orotund is now known as iiScmSaaa! jJBBMMBBrf«
      86 words
    • 396 15 lAutknticSiamescFjod A PreparedTheWayOnlyThe Thais Know How. Th« On* And Only Rwtaurant Offejhng JJ A Full Section Of GwwiiM PopoUr J Thai CuwM And Exotic D— eti 7[ Prtpsvad By Thai Cooks. Sj Soma of Our Spacialitiar M Gang Ktow Warn-Kurma Ci'rry With J Chicken, Catfish, Beef and Fuhball. A 53.00
      396 words
    • 344 15 n §8) [PINE COURT; V^H j w^V S"^ "^BkfllJaWi Bi V*^^ißßßalß>«^i^B*aßßßVßSSaßß^B^aailßV a 7 JBt t^^ ItV more than a Bowl of Rice SUMPTUOUS CHINESE LUNCHEON BUFFET Every Sunday 12 noon 3 p.m. $8.00 per person $5.00 per child. plus 10% service 3% govt. tax. Orchard Road, Singapore 9, Tel: *****
      344 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 397 16 CINGAPORES Foreign Minister, Mr. 8. Rajaratnam, suggested to his ministerial colleagues in Asean a few weeks ago that it would be helpful if they indicated how and In what direction the West, particularly the United States, should reassess its postVietnam policies towards Asia. He stressed that it
      397 words
    • 291 16 CINGAPOREANS will soon be able to go on holiday or business abroad in the comforting knowledge that there is no possibility of them being stranded if their travel agent happens to go broke. The Government is Introducing a scheme to compensate people who may suffer from the collapse
      291 words
  • 1558 16  -  ANDREW STEPHEN From In NEW YORK WITH the ceasefire In Northern Ireland showing- signs of strain and British officer* worrying that the Provisional IRA is making use of It to regroup and rearm, fund rals- ing by the Provos' American supporters goes
    OFNS  -  1,558 words
  • 864 16  -  KHOO HOW SAN By npHE Association of A South-east Asian Nations (Asean) Is eight years old today. During its brief existence It has weathered the predictions of doomsayers to become in the words of Singapore's Foreign Minister, Mr. S. Rajaratnam the "strongest a.nd
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 Which bank cut the world down to size, lust for you? ftxi We did. P^S^n One step ahead. I BANKof AMERICA ITl.i
      22 words
    • 386 16 THIS WEEK IN BWf A I BWsVawl a^saJ^ IwanK^sir rend about: Portugal's new leaders 3 men known as •Tho Cork 1 'The Idealogue* and 'The Playboy* hold Portugal's uncertain future in their hands* Bizarre goinga-on at the organisation of African unity. Cancer the chemicals that cause it. Paris fashions the
      386 words

  • 155 17 Hongkong Beach Beauty who opted for Singapore DEBRA Tang's first plunge in beauty contests won her the title of "Miss Beach Brauty" of Hongkong. "And It was the people's choice," Mid the 18-year-old beauty who arrived In Singapore three days ago to celebrate her victory. Debra. who beat 2t other
    155 words
  • 196 17 AN In-depth survey ot what Singapore has done In public housing, and a projection of what It U proposed to do tor the next 15 years, highlight a Housing and Development Board publication. Public Housing In Singapore, released yesterday. The book provides
    196 words
  • 546 17 UNION official yesterday warned of widespread repercussion among employers if tne Industrial Arbitration Court accepted a proposal by two employer organisations that employees share the cost of dental benefits provided them. Miss Law Swee Hong, representing the Sln- gapore Manual and Mercantile Workers
    546 words
  • 121 17 Lee 's N-Day message on TV and radio MR. Lee Kaan Tew's National Day mesaafc will be broadcast by RTS en the eve ef National Day at the following times: TELEVISION: %M .p.m. (English, Channel 5), 7JM p-m. (Malay, Channel S), B.JS pjn. (Chinese, Channel and 9M i»jn. (Tamil, Channel
    121 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 143 17 H AUGUST itTfSJtiOO WOMEN AND ADVERTISING of thoee modcla and their audUnc A REVIEW OF THAT ONE BIG PARTNERSHIP O^HI^MBWSaiaBWaWaWaWaWaWsi or WBat> th W^ I H^^L^^K natter with ■T T WJ^aawß asattiawaT J^E GUIDELINES awa^aaaaaaaT 7^, W M FOR tfM I SECRETARIES B a> aW^"^ SmJ Oaal *b« «Hg1bl«» tjl
      143 words
    • 355 17 I BABY POWDER I A superior quality JvP aaaattVl economically priced talc (Mill^Sl Cussons White Cross Baby Powder is a«^^ a fine quality talc containing an J^f^Twaaij aY J anti-bactericide and a deodorant. Wg^i^uJJ^A LaTwa! Also it is highly absorbent. Ideal [i^Ttfll WM for baby and the family too. aawawafl
      355 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 23 17 WATER consnmption en Wednesday waa 133.3 million gallons (606,000 coble metres), 1 J anil lea gallons (1.000 cubic metres) lees than on Tuesday.
      23 words
    • 833 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee- 7.31 km ad Rtwvatl (Mawj) The Bargain (Mandarin film, Pt 2-Repeat) 7.55 Satxtj Pvaai 3J5 Diary of Events (Chinese) "j "^J^^^^Jf-SSf^f 4JI For the Family (Chinese) u*i fTatfei) 4JI Intermission iic mjL al-^J. huars-aatat S.M Opening and Jet Jackson-The
      833 words

      • 48 18 M«Ti-l» •C Land IC Urto UN Ktar ■kf to*. i B. •6 56 11.10 $1» $1.«1 tXM «41 W.OO *480 $1.70 Mil «J4 13 JO »2.»4 U.M MM AM I.SI M —.01 jort oa .0* o» j« —.04 —.04 —.04 —.!>4 .C 4 —.04 .0* —M —MX
        48 words
      • 7 18 t rx L*nd IIJS -rJ -.1
        7 words
      • 20 18 IBS wq aai^vv hfejM CnM I7MH ttar Merita UI.9M •tv Tnmr: t*.*3 M Ml ValM: I.M II
        20 words
      • 42 18 i nmw: 4MJI Ml H«Uta: IM.M 111 FII|M«IH. ITtM 1M Tk»: M.X M t raktan: MM Mi O.CJ.C: IMJt 1M IXB. la*.: MM* Ml Dm. N. IM4--1 Dm. tl. IW=) t Dm. M. IMS=I Dm. 11. H7«=l t Urn. l, M7t=l
        42 words
    • 1572 18 rB list transacted ready sale at the cloae of bualaeas on the Block Birhange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous days prices together with 1976 high and low. (•Adjusted for scrip/ rights issue) INDUSTRIALS SBCTIOH OMB i«7S Last N. l_ Saia 8.84 I. IS Aema 1.88 3XB
      1,572 words
    • 356 18 A GENERAL dialnc Una Atton to deal resulted In prices closing lower on the Stock Exchange Of Singapore yesterday. Trading was «ulet throughout the day. There were small movements In prices of shares. Dealers and operators adopted a cautious stand In front of the Bevn^Uc'B
      356 words
    • 18 18 MELBOUNRNE: Hammersley Holdings has declared an Interim dividend of 4 A cents (three) payable Oct. 6. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 1035 18 BID and offer prices officially listed and buslneas In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lot* of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett."
      1,035 words
    • 918 18 BID and offer prices O officially llstad and tmaliir— In and reported to tlia ir^iala r^intiwir ftti^K Jtxehanf* yesterday with the number of share* traded shown In bracketa In lota of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS A. TSSM (0 70S) AI*M ll.OOB) CO. Atal IMS. (18Sa» CO.
      918 words
    • 64 18 SYDNEY: Wlnns and Burns PhUlp announced that Wlnns will buy six retail stores In Bums Philip's mates chain for ASM mJUlon. Burns Philip also said negotiations for the sale of six other stores hi the mates chain to another retail group are at an advanced
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 82 18 SYDNEY: Renlaon said It expects tin sales will be restricted by more than 40 per cent In the quarter ended September due to International Tin Council export restrictions and decline In domestic consumption Australian tin exports are restricted to 1.443 tonnes In the quarter.
      Reuter  -  82 words
    • 294 18 in KL ends easier Trading SHARKS were lightly traded to an easier close on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchanic j yesterday. Trading remained quiet and fea< truelegg. Prices continued their downward drift across the boards with hardly ai.v >bm of hardenlnK. even on a temporary basis. Falls during the day
      294 words
    • 193 18 KUALA LUMPUR: A new $5 million merchant bank Amanah Chase Merchant Bank will be opened today by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Ra*ak. The (our partners of the bank are the Komplek Kewangan Malaysia, Chase Manhattan Overseas Banking Corporation, Mitsubishi Bank, and
      193 words
    • 120 18 ITUROPE was quiet and eaalsr on Wediieedajr. according to tha afalajsUn Palm Oil Producers' AasoctoOoo. The US market ni active and steady. Quotation. In vm/cmtM (Rotterdam) unlaas stated war*: Afloat (UB) 24 oali seUen, (US) 23M ocnU traded. Aug. (US) 23.50 ccnta adlats. (US) 22.36 oenU traded; Bapt
      120 words
    • 270 18 cYDNET, Thurs. The 19 market dcued firmer with energy stocks leading tne way In sustained buying, dealers said fasiiisathinilßl race to a a new all-time high of ASC 00. reko WaaWsML WaiiaHi Wai bibb, Ocean ■saspma and Isrtirasttiaal Oil ware also firmer. Utak rose to within a few cents
      270 words
      • 138 18 uONOKONO. Tbura. Shares piioes raoordad martinsJ gall j In light tradThe Bang Seng index gained 6.33 points to 398.47. The markat opened on a steady not* in the morning and share prices fluctuated within a narrow rang*. Purthor lncrauas were, reglatsrod In the afternoon as buyIng aeunt lea contlnueri.
        138 words
      • 321 18 NEW YORK. Wed.— The stock markat, still wary over slims of an inflationary upsurge In the economy. turned mixed today. Declines again tupped advances, but th* Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials clattd modtstly higher. Selected galnß In several blue chip issues helped the Dow Industrial average to
        321 words
      • 133 18 Widwss ßay Tuaattar lSBr*.f 1 > jSSb M 8.038 laasse Bolrat 188.00 18T.S8 Xurfeh 184.808 18S.80B 188 SOB 188.808 Paris 18O.1T 170.17 Ttamdar WadMaaony ■rasirrrs 184.00 184.80 < f \fSS Export prteaa la aon atartins arau In U.S. dollar par ounoa. (1) AaatralUa dollar par ouoc« (t) Avoraa*
        133 words
      • 151 19 AMSTERDAM. Wed The emarket again drifted lower in dull oondltlons today with Uaito*«r and Rayal Dirt losing most (round In Dutch Internationals, while ll— y »na edged higher, dealers asld. Banks turned weak on profit- taking »fter Initial •harp rites, to close mixed on balance Lomcs in local issues
        151 words
      • 92 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUS miALfl Wednesday 887 J Tuesday 2M.g Wtek ago 288 5 TIN 8 Wednesday 87.99 Tuesday S7.M Week ago 90.63 KVBBERB Wednesday 306 M Tuesday IM 70 Week ago 400.31 Ml Wednesday 361.16 Tuesday 254V77 Week ago 363.01 DOW JONES AVEKAOB INDUftTBIALS Wedneaday 811.67 Tuesday 810.15 Week
        92 words
    • 151 18 mjpOKYO. Tbura,— The stock 1 market extandad Its decline In the absence of oooouraglng ."actor*. dssJers •aid. The Dow Jonssl avent* bat 33.06 polnu to ctoae at •jitm The number of ahaies changing hands totaOsd 100 »int««» compared with 80 Bdnton shares yesterday The Haw lndcc dipped 1.43 to
      151 words
      • 215 18 I*HE Straits tin price pierced the four-tlgure per plcul mark again yesterday with a rise of 88.3T* to 11.6W.37i, per plcul in Penang on an official offerIng up 16 tons to 208 tons. The. last time Straits tin prior broke the 81.000 mark was on July 11, when
        215 words
      • 31 18 Rubber: Am 7. Singapore: Aug. 144.M eta. (up I.N et.) Malaysia: Sept. 147.50 eU. (up 2.25 eta.) Tin $1,04)4.371 (op $3,371). Official offering I 205 tons (up 15 tons).
        31 words
      • 97 18 CHINMI MIDHtI IX CMAHQS. SINQArODS MO4MI olommo. micas •>•• mcul VISTIRDAT Oisir* OMi bulk 88Tt Milan, araa 80*1 aaoara. •ami Mtxaa (loosa) UK/Obat. BMB. Paeeari Munuk ABTA wtuta fob. ioo% nuh %rro —\im. Sarawak whit* fob 80% M.W 8888 aaUara. Btnwak special buck fab ra,W 818* aaU«n. Bmnnk ABTA.
        97 words
      • 34 18 Imnlwi ooppar pneaa on Wadm—mr (ta»lum la btackaU). Wlrakar Snot buyar 1473 SO ({877) aaUan {8T4.80 (iS.T.SO). Thna Month buy.r UM.SO (1808.80) aallar 18*4 «WT). Markat tanai Bamy ataaay. Salasi 8.888 Hbboj.
        34 words
    • 513 18 come early buying interest J took the Singapore rubber market up by 0.76 cent yesterday after an ■"■■^""iiil flpfntnf The buying was aligned to currency cooalderaUon and higher London prices but the raw was not t«»intait»«ri and prices settled back to range quietly around Wednesday's dose. Bids for
      513 words
    • 101 18 ryULT BMB tad MR pricct Imum! U noon ywtardar ft**. Ort. Bvrtrt ftrffarv Bwv ftdlm Mill, ft lOvraillU) iNrnHMU) (•Mtoyvkf) ImhkV OH 6CV (1-ton pallet) ***** IU.OOM IUJO 161 JOK fIMR 5L (1-ton palM) 15L00 lUjMH HIM 163 SON an 6 <i-ton p*ikt> ia.Bo imim i« oo
      101 words
    • 251 18 Money and exchanges A BTRONO upsurge of •**the US dollar was noticeable when the unit opened In the Singapore forex market yesterday at 83.4810/30 compared with 12.4616/26 on Wednesday. However, sellers gradually Increased in number and the dollar steadily weakened In fairly active trading to dose at 63.4790/96 at 3.10
      251 words
    • 141 18 Suggested Interbank rate* »t 1.00 pm: Cvreacka Nominal rate* BiHhmiha Perecatag* •jootcd yuAwUj (eroei) parity diup US dollar 3.4790 3.4300 2 819« —12.08 Sterling pound 5.2510 6 2540 7.3499 24.61 Hongkong dollar 48 85 48 96 60 51 3.29 Malaytlan dollar 98 45 98.55 100 00 1.66 All*.
      141 words
    • 239 18 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank ratca aa at close on Thursday. Aug. 7: US waOara (Spat) Offer BM 7 days 6 3 8 6 1/4 1 mth g 7 8 3/4 a mtba 7 J/8 7 1/4 3 mths 7 I/a 7 >/• 6 mtha 5/16 t 1/16
      239 words
    • 65 18 Minimum lending rates (in Algernons Bonk 7'/ 4 Bangkok Bonk 7Vi Bonk of America 7 Bank of Chino 8 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk, Negoro Indonesia 7 </i Banqua oe L'lndochine 7 Chartered Bonk 7i/ 4 Chose Monhotton 7 DBS 7 First Chicago 7 FNCB 7 MKSBC 7'/ 4 Molayon
      65 words

  • 192 19 Roxy results better than expected pONTRARY to forecaat, Rozy Electric Industries (M) is performing well in the current year at least In the first six months ended March 1975. During the period, it was able to Increase its profits by 33.3 per cent to $1.18 million in the face of
    192 words
  • 56 19 NET after-tax profits at Sungel Best Mines rose by 25.8 per cent to £712.--000 for the year ended March 1975. Tax came to £705.000 compared with £504.000 last time. Turnover Increased by 17.8 per cent to £4.14 million Sungel Best paid total dividends of 5.9957p for
    56 words
  • 252 19 LOW consumer demand, depressed selling prices and high priced raw materials were responsible for Electrical and Allied Industries' severe 83.5 per cent setback In pre-tax profits to $453,--277 for the year ended March 1975. The situation was particularly severe In the second half-year when
    252 words
  • 221 19 AMCOL Electrical Industries Incurred trading losses of $2.83 million last year compared with losses of $2.51 million In 1973, accord Ing to a recent company statement announcing Its 1974 results. After extraordinary Items of $2.21 million against $222,340 previously. Amcoi suffered a total loss
    221 words
  • 86 19 AFIRE, which broke oat on Wednesday morning in the kiln dryers of General Timber Presenting, a subsidiary of General Lumber (Holdings). «*us«d substantial damage to factory buildings machinery and stocks, according to a company statement to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange General Lumber says- the extent of
    86 words
  • 103 19 7URICH. Wed.— Due to Urn continued kbaonoe of invmton became ot the prseoat aununer holiday waaon. moat stock* could barely maintain their prices. Plnanoe coWipanWe. and mdustrUls tended bekw >wt»rdayi ctadnf prices. Bonds, however, tncreaatd UMtr prlcea due to the current liquidity «UU of capital market* The Credit Sulan
    103 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1118 19 Kapal Management Private Limited rr Go to sea with a difference rTjf Join KAPAL MANAGEMENT for "I good ship management. We ore a newly established Singapore Shipping Company, and we will soon be operating a fleet of modern bulk carriers of sizes ranging from 1 5,000 to 30,000 d.w.t. and
      1,118 words
    • 729 19 [I RSNIj II Technical Car**-* In The REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE II Vi B We need young men who are technically inclined to be I J| I trained as: If A. NAVAL ENGINEERING MECHNICIAN TI 1 B. NAVAL WEAPON MECHANICIAN B Successful candidates will be given technical training in I ri|
      729 words
    • 675 19 MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT SINGAPORE Tenders axe Invited from PW.D. Registered Contractors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following works:— Tb* Supply and Installation of Sewnf* Pumpinc Equipment ate. at Beaafc Sewage Pumping Sutioa for Bedok/ Tanjoac R*a Reclamation Sewerage Scheme Stage 111, Contract IV Opon to All PWD
      675 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 542 20 PENERBANGAN SABAH (SABAH AIR) requires MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS holding A, C, E I or A C/E I, valid CAA Licence on Boeing 707-300 series. Generous remuneration and fringe benefits. Salary negotiable depending on qualifications and experience. Please apply, giving full personal particulars, qualifications and experience toThe Personnel Officer Penerbangan Saboh (Saboh
      542 words
      1,734 words
    • 1140 20 TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are Invited for:--1 PILING Works for Maritime Mneeum at SENTOSA 2 Construction of ELECTRICAL SUBSTATION at Sembawang 3 SUPPLY and DELIVERY of Approximately CIS piece* of Vehicle* Battertee for PSA Vehicles and ForklifU from 1 Sep 75 to 31 Aof 4 Annual Contract for SUPPLY of
      1,140 words
    • 730 20 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Mr. Jeffrey Scow Scow Kkim Yeen holding Malaysian I.C. No. *****38 Is no longer with this Company w.e.f. Bth July, 1975 and la therefore not authorised to transact any business or collect monies on our behalf. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co. Ltd., 12/16
      730 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1324 21 jHJ^JJ^M-a-waawaaaaaa-aa% mn W EMMMM *TS '.ftf \H ,?mVi iS I'tatl i!"?.!V J" tMt ii an hrn C^a^MY 1& ,?g »«S 351 XiVmV ss ss us sz ss ta-MM MY iX a M il at w fat ntS CMTMMBM> SHtXt FM, MVCMSMTJfT: P MUai Sport Matt ParM- tttrt til Sa.M SUM
      1,324 words
    • 1204 21 Ben Ocean AKMsenncrrffaiineßteFhiwelGlenUreandNSMO la at cfaiiat »t («M MM) "Sm *2**aa"flM »"tan r SJ-,..' t *3rM-. UHTIMM MkM ItPtlMf itott WftJfhJ'mm nPIMCSM U.'H Mt 11/ M Mf I toft lilt. tfa. C all. "all IMAITM M/a laj ayit Mf 1/ I toft 1 at tawt ■lIUMMI 1' lltat 4, I
      1,204 words
    • 1167 21 ■w*MHM*aMw*aa*aw*a*a*af~WMi a| I I >l^ir^vHß*aßawl I TtiMtM: rawj rtaaw Hi in ttaaarl tnaaa Mlnin tii v i Tmm MMtj Scm Maana Matn Mf.. lITT IF EIIMMtI 11 Mi il Mt toat n ton n tan I twt TMYt MY aMf MM. II toft U ton II toft MSWI MMUtt umi
      1,167 words
    • 1083 21 FUU.Y COWTAINIKIZID SIKVICE TO EUfcOM P. MMf rwrt FM: iMmmjiha t <I J ftii tottirtM, Aanttrsvn, jbitaerp, LtHttrt. fwiSiM iSi! KTJJJ, .7 Jlf 11 Cmmlmm, GoOaMwt "mmwi siiAMU ttt ti StKkkoM. Oslo, NetsariD. UnitM KiajiM. CMwj Tww UI a Man Fa M Man FULLY COWTAINCKIZEP SIKVICt FKOM EUKOf E p
      1,083 words
    • 878 21 Satjajtrt *****4; t. Umi *M«. I *wM( 2Stl. THE BANK LIME LTD. LMK FM E I t MM. TIYMM > Mwr .Int. wwiw. aiatm. farwa I Ctfttan) p ItlMf 1/ 1 kat S'ftn a Itf '4 tart PMM un i wtrrt apmu. fm iiiiiiii. imjl TtYMM twMf nm m Mlaaj
      878 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1028 22 M^U 1 *^CATAaAjaMSttN KABHA LTD. lAWASAII IMUI MSN UUSIA ITI. mm mm inc. stutts somct MM N-Mg 1-" PMn P«aMj a«imu «n jaaaa-AnMaa C«M ■atJTlaa mum mun 11/11 an ««t»'. mmmi. Mm. tm o»j*.. o*u. JiaMIMMM AtrtaJM-WM- AlrlM awrrltM W«M*n PM. Minu HAM 1411 An "a<aa.. Lagal. taM. AM|M. MIMMIA
      1,028 words
    • 1046 22 KCIPTI M»TT IMIMW Ml PMTUMAA. ItMPfT. ii*aMirn lALrafAP** iimiimii mmmmlham Taauua. l.ra ITA ITD MMt let. auan utm nt-t naj it An p**kc LI.T. ggMIT MMJ ll MPWi **c*;n auamr mmm na»n nAn it am *mnm\. PmK«7T Trn*. lag "ft W^*IMIIIIM 1 Ttraaar la Part II Am taMMMa. TXrIZ a^a
      1,046 words
    • 979 22 MMM^IM-l^^-l^M^^^^^^i^TO!l FA* HIT BMW MtTtAMW/OMWAWMMii SHBCt tatJMn FM IMMM, MIIIMAta MMMM. tm Sail. raw* P *«M| PtMn Mi Lm«m r«M Ntara MrmKIMMu Ma.M>ll n/il im n iTli hi* lImI nirpt II Ml Cant it Mra I mm, MMMaag tt Mt. MM tt l-pt M7IMM T*P*l I/IM 111 11/11 M B
      979 words
    • 861 22 ONQS SOVCf Tl IMMML UIWWLrtMTTMTJT POtTS l| Mm. twfMwt P Ulan Prwf ImMj tan •MMA UMM I* Part LW. Carlirt lil. la Namt l 10. Mfltrg S/U, lontr*M I 10 MMA MIM It,!! An tJ/M An M/11 An *>*ao 11/*. I to-. Caraitt 1)1. Ilia 1 8/1 IrMMii »t. Htlli
      861 words
    • 728 22 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P Mani Smpport UmMMJ far: TW TAI hurt 11/11 AMJ Otrw*. Srdrrty. amiMUMiiM. ST^.. mmMMmS, i niWIMAM 11/11 S«t 12/11 SMt Sydney. IWaogmt, 1 (DWT 6571. Built 1970) Anew*. SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE i MAT CUP 1/2 Stft M/11 Aaj Capetoan. Dgrbtn. (DWT 7292. Bmlt 1973) DimCT HOM JAPAN
      728 words
  • 202 22 TNI POUT OF SIHaAPONt AUTHONITT AMMOUMCIO TNI FOLLOWING MRTMINO I AIMAIMtMfNT* POM PTMOAY. «UOUIT I OUT: Barf* Hal Uan No 1 >lv». Klmanu a. Orient* ZVI4. Rhexrnor 4S. Uon City (B Barft) and Olang Ann 11 But IN: Klmtnli 22. C Joyce (9 VOW i ZT7» Chrtiuan
    202 words

  • 51 23 IRNINA 110 AUTOMATIC. Switzerland'! wonder aewtni por'tb\r ask for Illustrate llWrawre and price, better mil come for a demonstration at 3-07 peninsula Shopping Complex 11 am to 5 15 p m For a limited period only, we allow a trade-in of any old sewing machines of any make Oammeters. Tel
    51 words
  • 23 23 OOMO ON LEAVE? Only clean arm fully furnished houses In Sussex Hampshire, recomrtended to those on leave HomeUjaves Bllllngshurst Sussex
    23 words
  • 20 23 1 Announcements 12 Merriages THE WEDDINO IB announced between Charles Poh k Loh Ouek l.lan Nancy on 4th Aug. 1575.
    20 words
  • 20 23 MR t MRS Albert Ho Bee Hock, a son thanks to doctor and staff of Mnunt Alvemla Hospital
    20 words
  • 51 23 CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr k Mrs Albert Ho. a son at Mount Alvernla Hospital from Mr. k Mrs Urn Jen Kum and family CONGRATULATIONS Mr li Mrs Albert Ho Bee Hock, a son al Mount Alvernla Hospital from Mr k Mrs Low Lye Poh brother Ronald Hlng and sister
    51 words
  • 97 23 ACNIAMMAL. 47. wife of Perumal Naldu <Ex-postal Dept) passed away nrwefullv on 7/8/75 leaving behind brothers Capt Jayaram. Ralaram and sister Pappa sons tnandra. Moorthy daughters Neela. Suppuletrhml Pusparanl. sons-in-law N Chandra (FAS Krferee). Jeganathan and daughter-in-law Rita and four Kandchlldren Cortege leaves ock 58. 557 A. Lengkok
    97 words
  • 152 23 THE FAMILY OF thr late Mrs Urn Eng Tong nee Madam Tan Tuan Ylm. thank priesu. church membrrs. friends and relatives for tlteir condolences, service, assistance, donations, attendances, wreaths and scrolls during their recent bereavement. Qrateful thanks also to doctors, nurses irvrj staff of Ward 8. Toa Payoh
    152 words
  • 23 23 IN TREASURED MEMORY of late Mr Michael Muthlah departed 7th August 1967 Always remembered by loving wife, children, daughter-in-law, crandehlldren
    23 words
  • 20 23 5.0.1. Samaritans of Singapore Troubled? Discouraged' Rtng 91-44-44 day or night Help is as near as the telephone
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 130 23 Enter the n CLASSIFIED ADS. BULOVA Contests Every Saturday Q till Nov IS. 1975 You may win n (in 18kt Gold BULOVA jj Ladies' Watch 2 designed by A Christian Dior S 40 YOUR NBEO expert and •lallfled advice on your skin? Then consult Louise- Klerk. edically trained beauty fierapUt
      130 words
    • 655 23 wanted for part-time consultancy assignments or challenging lobs Write or call Business Industrial .Management Tte Ltd Room 606. Colombo Court, Spore 6. KEPPEL SHIPYARO LIMITED VACANCY Aorjllcations are Invited from suitably qualified Singapore Clllstns for the following appointment In Keppel Shipyard HOtPtTAL ASSISTANT OiißßiisSiiia Sisirl (1) Must be Registered Male
      655 words
    • 788 23 senior easeutlve Oood English. stenography, pleasant personality, ability to work Independently, and Initiative essential Apply in personal handwriting, stating qualifications, experience and aalary expected to S.T Box A ***** NURSE RECEPTIONIST for clinic dm 7 Apply own handwriting stating age, qualifications, languages spoken, enclosing photograph (non-returnable) to T Boi A
      788 words
    • 759 23 shop. Experience preferred Apply to sTbox AtltM giving hill details of experience together with one recent photograph tSTABUBIPIO COMPANY require TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE wjr wo* known brand ef weMtawi eajulpmont ana aflawj proourev Applicants must be hardworking, a fast learner, possess a car and have pleasant personality Previous welding/ sales
      759 words
    • 764 23 and Production Operators required Apply personally t-P. Blk 6. KallangFiace, Spore 11 BN4M6ta*M6Mj (PTE) LTD. invites applicants to fill the following vacancies A) IST CLASS TURNSR. experience essential In operating oil Country- Lathe. B) IST CLASS MACIBSNBT. ex pertence eassntlal in operating hortsontaJ borers and milling machines. Applicant! must be
      764 words
    • 592 23 Assistant An is 23 Stngaior* cltlaen; heuiht 5 and abovTApply personally between 10 am 12 noon. EJO>B*wENCBO BBPORT/ EXPORT Manager required Capable of handling overseas export especially fa Majanta Par details Please rtng 4636*3 We have \m niSiili recenote. tar FEMALE PROOUCTMN OPERATTVB* Ist and 2nd shift rotation or permanent
      592 words
    • 727 23 IiUIIWU I wan V*waFVj |aawaw«swai 1 uisj gssui Wong *****5 between 3 6 p.m. FINALE CASHIER required by well established nlteehib. Oaea aalary ISt^saw'^sesi. OEMTIEMAM USA PASSPORT. manager textile converting firm Honolulu, to relocau <n conver Ung, manufacturing.' fashion or retail; 10 years management, styling, sales, design merchandising, Japan Orey
      727 words
    • 665 23 iwij rw L.M imir ww#i Malaysia .inclusive OenUng. C/ Hlgfilandsi by Deluxe alrcondlUoned bus erven days 8*176/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highland* Pour days am/-. OenUng Highlands Four days SSIIV-. Departure ■very Wednesday Oentlnj Highlands Two days by sir SSI 30/Deperture Everyday (Sole Agent for Oentlng HeUcopter Servfce) Lake
      665 words
    • 705 23 «-«j.. unm iow cost nignu to London/ Europe Also worldwide MALAYSIA CUP PWAL IiwAPQRE VS SELANOOR For Only »70 00/ 665 00 Hotel Merlin (2 to a roomi Tickets 110 00/ 85 00 to tne soccer match Dep 22nd Aug '75 at 10 p m tiSß^MorTrtrp 4 Daya/ 3 H*s**»
      705 words
    • 634 23 1 TYPEWRITING AUDIO- TYPING Anve*v» ftvrwaar* 6 00 a m and (Xt<n Ouafc'M letv irxrruc traam Oeartiwi, lniarrrea«ta and M,atwr stag> oeilabfe 2 SHORTHAND THEORY On* month rar*4 or tnrw monrto normal Ciaaai Miljt>.« 3 SHORTHAND SPEED W to ISO wb m OCWM 4 BOOKKEEPING ONE MONTH/THREE MONTHS COURSES Siaei
      634 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 673 24 INTERIOR OltlON DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to Interior design Diploma recognised for membership of professional bodies Including the Singapore Society of Professional Designers Full colour Prospectus sent by airmail by writing to the Principal Thomas B Dwyer DHE. RIBA. Rhoder International School of Design. BCM/ Rhodec London. WCI England
      673 words
    • 694 24 EXPERT LONOON TUITWN by sir Law (LL B Bar). Secretaryship (CIS). Accountancy I ACCA. ICMA. AIA. SCCA. lAA. tAS.) Banking (Inst of Banken) Intt Credit Mgment. Inst MaVkeTlng. Insl Works Managers Inst of Transport Commerce (LCC Inst Commerce. British B»«l«»2 Commerce). OCI. MCI Associated Examining Board. Qualifying Test). TheßapM Reaulte
      694 words
    • 892 24 RADIO SERVICING COURSE. CO ducted by experienced Qualified < instructors Commencing 14/J2? Enrol at Southeast Asia Elec- ironic Institute. 3-H. Pajra Lebar j Road. Spore 14 Tel: *****1 COMPREHENSIVE TUITION available at home or our centre For all < subjects at all levels Enquiries 512. Sth floor. Katong Shopping Centre.
      892 words
    • 898 24 IS7S POM) CORTINA S.W.. Ford Cscort Deluxe. Austin Club-man. 1972 Peugeot 104 air-con 1971 Vauxhall Viva S-L. 1970 Ford Dor Una 14ME, Honda M 3M. ISM Dor Una OT.. Cortina Super, 1887 Austin A-5S Van. Cortina Deluxe. Teck Huat Uted Car Co.. 48, Rangoon Rd Spore S. Tel: 15M740/ *****41
      898 words
    • 850 24 MAP HUAT CO 248 Middle Road Spore *****1 *****1 *****5 1979 Mln lea 340 1974 Maada 1000 4 door Jamboo Colt Oalanl S/Wagen i 1973 Maada SM 1971 Dateun 1200 S/Wagen Colt Oalant OS. Toyota Corona 3000 atr-cond Honda 340 pick-up 1971 Austin Mini 1000 Special Dateun 1200 Masda 1300
      850 words
    • 733 24 1 PEDMRSE FEMALE Dachshund pups No papers 8159 each Phone *****1. GORGEOUS SHI TZU various colour, cuddly adorable, wonderful companion and pet Contact *****5 SKC reaittered OOBERBiANtt/ BIUCY/ IRISH setter puppies SKC registered. Oood pedigree. View 35 Tavlttock Avenue Spore 19. WONG PHOTOGRAPHERS PLT. We specialise in Studio and outdoor
      733 words
    • 705 24 SPACE CLEANING BBRVICB SpectftUst in carpet shampooing, floor polishing, carpentry, painting, plumbing/ electrical repairs Ring 8)2915 Complete flooring for HDB Flats. Hornet and Factories TERRAZZO. MARBLE. PARQUET MOSAIC. WALL TILES Contact UnWrto Interring— l Trading Co 4M. 4w) Br. Katana Shpa. Centra. B>ere 16 Tet *****8, *****1 FEELING BORED? Seeking
      705 words
    • 772 24 JAPAN. TAIWAN. THAILAND Trade Directory For details. Contact Sunho Trading Co 844 Oeylang ßoad. Spore 14 Tel *****1 4 UNITS BULK Flbreglass tanks 500-gaUon capacity each. Apply P.O. Box 107. Sepoy Lines, Spore VERY 0000 SECONDHAND portable, standard and electric typewriters are available at 150C Market Street (Oroundfloor Multi-stony Carpark
      772 words
    • 892 24 Latest shacklock electric cookers, refrigerators. Chest Freeaen and tumble dryers nnw available at Singapore Refrigeration company. 12/14 Inter national Building Tel: *****8/ *****8/ *****0/ 37*442 CCC JUNK STORE PTE. LTD.. 22. Newton Road Offen for Sale A Large Variety of Secondhand I New Household Furniture Many Other Useful Items. Our
      892 words
    • 765 24 DIST. 19 SHAMROCK PARK double-storey semi-detached 3 bedrooms, servant's i room. 3 bathrooms fully fumUhed 2alrcondltloners ***** Dial *****7/ *****3 dist. is •"•«-«:J T I T J% tacned bungalow 16,000 sq.n J bedrooms, servant's, air-cons 82.300 partly furnished Tel 28t2407 JALAN RBMIB 8 TAI KENB GARDEN 2 -storey newly painted
      765 words

  • 315 25 Robbery rape: 6 years and 10 lashes YOUTH was yesterday jailed for six years and ordered to be given 10 strokes of the rotan by the High Court for robbing and raping a teenage Spanish housewife at her home in Jalan Cherpen in Sembawang. Mr Justice Tan Ah Tah found
    315 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 743 25 times friday properties BaVSVaSi 6)1 Hoasaltte) AIRLINE EXECUTIVE needs Bungalow or flat Immediately 4 6 miles from Robinson Road Preferably furnished, for 2 years Direct lease with Company Oood deposit payable to suitable ac- commodatlon Principals call 38 1 242 suite 130 HuJ# rOf #*4jn CoftC6)f n requires a BUNQALOW6
      743 words
    • 546 25 OIBT. 11 OOLDEN MBS Estate off 7'i m s Buklt Tlmah; Newly completed ultra modern 2M- torey semi-detached Approximately 4.000 sq ft 4 bedrooms, servant's, split-level living dining, large Indoor garden $162,000 Practical Housing *****3 ***** SEMI DETACHED HOUSE, land area 3000 sq ft 3 bedrooms and 1 utility room
      546 words
    • 725 25 GOLDEN RIM ESTATE off 7V, m J Buklt Tlmah. new 2-storey corner terrace Split-level living/ dining proxlmately 2900 sq ft Price $130 000 Dial *****1 speak Hokten Cantonese CORNER TEP.RACI DOUBLE-STO-REY Daisy Park Off Braddell Road 2.700 sq ft Freehold 3 bedrooms $130,000 Tel *****8 MEYER ROAD SEMI DETACHED double-storey
      725 words
    • 731 25 4-ROOM HOB FLAT at Henderson Crescent Spacious, private sulrcase. Meal location Immediate occupation can be arranged 636.--000 Tel *****5 MARYLAND PARK (tor Beta S Mart) Newly completed spacious 4-bed- room flat all with bathrooms and built-in cupboards Area 1.600 sq ft. minimum sale price $120. 000/- 20H down payment BOH
      731 words
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    • 491 25 ■KCBMMMT lIOMMtt CCNTM. Seranfoon Road (hop on 2nd floor for Immedlau rental Ml sq. ft Pleaae ring *****7 OROUNOFLOO* Of 466 sq fl (actnc elevator at Oolden Mil* Shopping Complex. Terms of rant very attractive Tel *****13 OMCHARO TOWERS lOWII ■xoundfioor shop facing Orchard Road for immediate rental Excellent location
      491 words
    • 722 25 r#jTcj TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited from Registered I Contractors of the Jurong Town Corpora I tlon for the following projects: A DESIGN, SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PILED FOUNDATIONS TO TWO (1) •LOCKS OF 4-STOREY LOW CO>T FLATS CUM SHOPS AT PANDAN, JURONQ TOWN ELIGIBILITY Piling $100,000/- and above SHOWROUND:
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 183 26 TH E SINGAPORE "Caused for comfort and /tw^-\ delectation of the heart.^_^_^ (^^^lBbV yl mVm^^V jß^Bf^^^^. .^B^B^S^B^k^B^BV s v^B^K^f Z/V^B^l xTN^^^^B^^E^^^' *^**^^^^BJt vUr7 l^^^^^^BV^* 4^ jv/^Br^ J%. BB^VBV^B^^ w^ Ij B L. 1 vA i<(- *^MMBBB^ i h^F^^^ Rock! Pop! Beat! A1 ;;^*^3 The 3 uick f n u ck
      183 words

    • 571 27 Mustapha: Berjaya trying to stir up crisis By BILL CAMPBELL KOTA KINA--01 BALU. Thors.— The Chief Minister, Tun Mustapha, in a broadcast tonight, accused Party Berja^a of trying to stir up an "emergency situation" to get the Federal Government to declare a state of emergency in Sabah. He alleged that
      571 words
    • 143 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Thurs. The Government will be urged to encourage the migration of urban dwellers to the rural areas by allocating land to them. This will ease urban congestion and reduce social problems, giving every citizen a sense of security
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    • 199 27 Chinese women told: Help shape future KUALA LUMPUR. Than Malaysian women of Chinese origin should take mart In politics tt the future of their children and that of the nation. Wanita MCA chairman Madam Chew Poh Kheng (Mrs. Rosemary Chong) said today. MCA women, she added, had a responsibility of
      199 words
    • 248 27 IPOH, Thursday rjULA Perak is negotiating with an Indo- neslan firm that could reault In the foreign company gaining control of the sugarcane plantation and factory. The Indonesian company. Syartkat Terko. sent a three-man team ♦o visit the caneflelds and factory of Oula perak in the Dlndlngs dlstrct about three
      248 words
    • 148 27 IT UAL A LUMPUR. Thurs. The Selangor anti-drug committee has commissioned a study to determine the nature and level of the drug problem In the state. The study will also look into the socio-eco-nomic and environmental problems associated with drug abuse In
      148 words
    • 74 27 SRI MENANTI (Negri Sembllan), Tnurt. The body of schoolgirl Pauxlah btntl Adnan. 16. with slash wounds on the neck and bruises on the body, was found In a stream near here yesterday. She had gone to the stream about half a mile away from her
      74 words
    • 56 27 ALOR STAR. Thurt. P»di planter Hashlm bin Nan. a. waa sentenced to five yean' Jail and *lx strokes of the rotan today for unlawful possession of a pistol. Haahlm said he had bought the pistol for tSOO from a Thai friend, who told him he
      56 words
    • 28 27 PENANO. Thuw The armed force* have presented a television act to Penang Oeneral Hospital for the use of Injured army personnel warded In the hospital.
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    • 337 27 THE PLOT OF LAND A HOTEL WANTS BADLY... PMANO, Thurs.— Palm Beach Hotel has applied for a court order directing land-owner Enclk Huasaln bin Man to transfer to it his onefifth share In a piece, of land (beside the entrance of the hotel in Batu Ferrlnghli, of which It owns
      337 words
    • 137 27 pENANO, Thurs. 1 Plans for the construction of leveral beach hotels In Batu Ferrtrißhi have been shelved because of continuing Inflation. Certain sites intended for first-class hotels have been advertised for sfcle by the owners. A hotel operator said the hotel industry was,
      137 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 15 27 ■pa* ir> >^Bsr" rß *s r s .^Bk BsbbbbbVO^Lslb^B mil f-«j BKvvsv M c UUH^AMpB^BMMBjAiBjI^^
      15 words
    • 1174 27 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. Doong Ooh Hws of No. 101 C. Sunset Way, Singapore, have applied for a Transfer (Wholesale and Retail Liquor) licence from Sng Cheng Hock in respect of premises No. 41 Sixth Avenue, off Bukit Timah Road Singapore, and that this application will be
      1,174 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 266 27 Straits Times Crossword F I* I I' I I* I 5 I I* isßßß^Sslsl 'IsSsP" bBTiHb! Issssf^ ACBOBS applicant* (10). 1 Sources of NUe— crisp and Put oul run v *»»*l ons soft-centred (10) wltto outflow (10). S (lainM? on a Wond letter lt Un ta 1(1 f ooclljlll (4j
      266 words

  • 258 28  -  EdMUND TEO By nnHE wife of Mr. 1 Yip Pul Lan one of Singapore's latest kidney transplant recipients yesterday spoke of how her husband suffered before receiving his transplanted kidney. Madam Lai Sow Uan, 34. said: "You can't Imagine the ordeal my
    258 words
  • 199 28 rE Registry of Vehicles yesterday urged members of the public to "file" official complaints against uxl drivers who "double charge" or refuse to use the meter when carrying passengers. The ROY also confirmed that double charging of fares or failure to use the meter
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  • 25 28 KAKI Buklt Secondary School Band win perform at the Botanic Oardens on Aug. 17. from 5.30 p.m. to 6 30 p m
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  • 123 28 BROUGHT IN ILLEGAL MIGRANTS: 3 YEARS A FORMES fisherman was Jailed for three years and given three strokes of the roUui by a district court yesterday for bringing three Illegal Immigrants Into Singapore. Omar bin Yussof, 27. admitted that he brevgfat the Illegal Immigrants by tariff" from Indonesia last August.
    123 words
  • 58 28 August Moon Festival at Crawford AN August Moon Festival celebration will be held at Crawford community centre on Aug. 17 from 7 p.m. Mora than JOO people arc «-«cUd to attend the fourhujr tone etWarmUoD otfmaU•C by Henc Bo* Paint Manufacture Company Apart from a dinner, there will be lion/dragon
    58 words
  • 251 28 CALL TO EASE TRADE CURBS IN 'SPIRIT OF ASEAN' rpRADE restrictions J- among Asean countries ahofld be further liberalised, according to the president of the Singapore Garment Manufacturers' Association, Mr. Lam Thlan. This, he said, should be so as to emphsslse the "Asean spirit" so frequently called for these days
    251 words
  • 225 28 Statutory body to be set up NEW statutory body is to be set up. whose principal duties will be to pro vide technical training in skilled trades for suitable prisoners, and to promote their vocational skills. The Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises, which Is being
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 243 28 SB /it H v i^ra WI j** W, i bw 1 W A 9/ V il Kr fc wß»* bT/m iur* XT .aaHam afl O%t' EAV f^ -aav^Bßtaw^BlßK i BBnßr BBBr _^^^B slbß^^i BbT V aBBr 'V. |F^ mm m J* Coppertone® M Protects your skin. All Coppertone® products mbmtomm
      243 words
    • 21 28 J^^^^^|CO*»f TO MPH 71 77Sum<ord Roed. Singapore 6 UMMrCKOundtloo' «MC«iwi Cantr* Orrt«n« «o»d.8ne«»»r 9 A mamtaar of TK* Jack Ch»MPH Group.
      21 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 323 28 Brina-lni Up >■«!■•» My ■Ul ttavtmth «fc Hi Cmm» < v—u 1 M /can *oj otoowt hctv^l wi 1 vnivY on, i Tnoue>rr mdv we»b^ WHAT KWO OF A W«/ IS )I If EMiUKRASStX) It) BE H DONT IOU I EXCUSE V TAUfINS TO YOU* J TMAT 1O SIT AROUNO
      323 words

    • 155 29 FILBERT BAYI SCORES TWO EASY WINS HONOKONO, Thurs.— A track and field team from Tanzania, led by world record holder Filbert Bayl, won 13 of 15 evenU In a meet with a provincial team in northwest China, the New China News Agency reported yesterday. Bayl, who holds the world record
      Reuter; UPI  -  155 words
    • 60 29 LAHORE. Thurs—Pakistan will stag* a nlnc-natlon hockey tournament next February to prepare It* team tor the 1976 Montreal Olympics, It was announoed here Th* Pakistan Hockey Federation did not specify which nation* 'would be invited to the tournament. Th* federation mj also considering an Invitation for
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 659 29  - Lowland Chief winds up with top form gallop over 3f EPSOM JEEP By ITUALA LUMPUR, Than.— Lowland Chief showed top form in his winding-up gallop on a rood track here today. Ridden by M. C. Lam, the seven-year-old showed a delightful turn of speed to run 3f in 35 3/5.
      659 words
    • 87 29 KING PELE SIGNS SMILLION CONTRACT nut of the New York Cosmos, snrt Jo* Namath, the New York Jet» quATtcrbaek. irt teen her* in an imususJ hearting iuel. Pel* (left) usm Ml head to g*t a feet for the plaieUa, while Namith head* a iooo*r bail. The two In their reeps-uve
      AP  -  87 words
    • 32 29 KUALA LUUPUR. Thun Pakistan has withdrawn tram the Asian WhnoMng Championships here from Aug. 17 to Aug 21. The organisers said the team failed to get clearance from Its government.
      32 words
    • 330 29 VJEW YORK, Thurs. ii Olven a vote of confidence little more than a week ago. Yogi Berra was sacked as manager of the New York MeU yesterday, becoming the fourth managerial casualty In the major leagues In 16 days. Roy McMillan, one of
      330 words
    • 1207 29 SATURDAY BACK 1 fcJS Clms 4 Oh. S— 4F 1 flipiiaiay M Im| 4 S LMakar imck IN Am»»4l S I Ssnluag Bar S-1S GwUllan S 4 MoUmml Faafeni 111 BajM 4 Billy Wkks 111 Arißln 14 4 SUM MirtasMM 111 Skaltoa 1 7 lar>4 111 BMW IS 5
      1,207 words
    • 128 29 Ellis to fight white rival In South Africa JOHANNESBURG. Than. Jimmy tills, ox the United States, the black former World Boxing A— oclatton heavyweight champion. will meet white South African title-holder Jimmy Richards In a multi-racial tournament here on Aug 23. it was announced today. Special permission for the tournament
      128 words
    • 70 29 LONDON. Thurs. Blackburn Rovers beat Manchester City 1-0 In the Anglo-ScotUsh Cup soccer tournament last night. Other results: Blackpool 1 Sheffield United 1. Chelsea 1 Norwich City 1. Dundee 0 Motherwell 1, Hull 1 West Bromwich Albion J. Mansfield S Leicester City 0. Newcastle United S Sunderland
      70 words
    • 90 29 RIO DB JANKIRO, Than. Brazil yesterday beat Argentina 3-1 in a Group One match for the American Cup aoccer champion •hip. The two Brazilian goala were •cored by rtghtback Nellnno. The first goal came at the 3lst minute of the first half when Nellnho converted a
      UPI  -  90 words
    • 33 29 MELBOURNE. Thurs. Seventeen-year-old Melbourne striker Duncan cummlngs gave Australia a 1-0 win over China with a goal scored in the aeoond minute of the friendly International soccer match played her* today.
      33 words
    • 30 29 MONTRKAI Thurs. Oaba yesterday handed Mexico 1U sixth success! y» defeat In the pre-O Iym p 1 c water polo tournament being played her*. Cuba woo by S-4.
      30 words
    • 215 30 MONTREAL, Thurs Olympic waterpolo champions Soviet Union beat Cuba 11-8 last night for their seventh straight win In M|g- Canadian preOtrmpic series. Mexico won their first game In seven matches, edging Canada 9-8. The Soviet national* team, which won the gold medal at the 1973
      215 words
    • 705 30 EUROPE HAS AMPLE TALENT TO WORRY AMERICAN ATHLETES BRUSSELS, Thurs. The 1972 Olympics in Munich ended a golden age for the US track and field team. Now the Montreal Games are exactly a year away and there is talk ih Enropean track circles
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    • 90 30 Tapio is overall champion HAMXDOJNNA. (Finland), Thun. Tapto Vlrtanen of Finland, riding a Yamaha, emerged th* a\ erml 1 winner of the Finnish 76Occ motorcycle Grand Prix after taking the 100-mUe race here yesterday The 23-year-old Finn, who won the fin* race on Saturday, ended th* meat event with a
      90 words
    • 167 30 Hockey row settled in India DRUSBELB. Thurs. The International Hockey Federation IIHPI ha» officially recognised the recently-reorganised Indian Hockey Federation, an IHF spokesman aald here today. The IHF recognition followed the settling of Internal differences In Indian hockey, the spokesman added. He declined to give further details. Sources close to
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 163 30 Foreman's trainer joins champ Ali NEW YORK, Thurs. Dick Sadler, veteran trainer who helped George Foreman win the heavyweight championship from Joe Frazler, Is now working with Muhammad All for the champions next title fight against Frazler at Queson City on Oct. 1. "Foreman annihilated Frazler." said Oene Kllroy, All's
      Agencies  -  163 words
    • 40 30 THE Peat* Sukan Billiards tournament will begin on Monday with a match between Chinese Swlmmhig dub and SRC at Amber Road, starting at 630 p m Other teams In the tournament are Amicable AA and Chin—* Association.
      40 words
    • 377 30 Ratcliffe,Wood bowl Lanes into last four LONDON, Thurs. Lancashire, beaten finalists last year, were first Into the semifinals of the Gillette cricket Cup yesterday, beating Hampshire with surprising ease by six wickets. They were followed Into the last four of this one-day 80-over knockout competition by Middlesex. Derbyshire and Gloucestershire
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    • 251 30 Walters hits century off Somerset LONDON. Thurs. A century by Doug Walters was the highlight of the opening day of the three-day match between the Australian cricketers and Somerset at Taunton yesterday. Walters led a spirited Australian attack against accurate Somerset seam bowling, slamming a six and 17 fours, and
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 424 31  - S'pore cagers hit Japan tourists for century PETER SLOW OINOAPORE recovered their prestige In front of a 3.000 home crowd when they swamped Japan's Dalto Bunka University by 128-68 at Oay World Stadium last night. American coach Ronald Kaupplnen, sitting on the sideline must have been truly pleaaed with hU
      424 words
    • 629 31  - Yoke Phee gives Malaysia's Ramli a fright ERNEST FRIDA By JOH O R E BAKU. Thurs. Singapore's Ong Yoke Phee today came close tc creating the biggest upset In the MAAU Open athletics championships when he finished second to Malaysia's new sprinting ace, Ramll Ahmad in the 100 m final
      629 words
    • 290 31  - Indonesia enter seven boxers for Pesta meet GOOFREY ROBERT By INDONESIA have entered seven boxers all their national champions for the five-nation Pesta Sukan boxing championships at the Singapore Badminton Association hall on Aug. 14 to Aug 16. They an Ronny J. Bavimolle light-fly). Rachmond Mone (flyweight) Virki Amir T&miDuboion
      290 words
    • 55 31 JUNIE BNG yesterday won gold medal for Singapore at the International Swimming meet at Peking. Junle, 11, won the women's 4*tm freestyle In 4 mln. UN to set a new Singapore national record. Her time beat Elaine Sac's record of 4:47:5. Janle beat a Chinese swimmer with
      55 words
    • 21 31 4 4 0 IS 1 I 4IXt 1 I 4 4101 4 9 4•l> 1 1 4 0 13 1111
      21 words
    • 106 31 JOHORX BAHRU. ThurtThaUand'i top eycJUt Satapora wan the U» mile Tour of M^lajaa race today by awe than a*ht minutes. Thailand atao woo the lean >K *Tr~— Hr from WK Germany with Malaysian Armad Porcai third Bataporn covsred the dkv taaee fasa Kaagar. near
      106 words
    • 384 31  -  JOB DORAI By pOOTB ALL Association of Malaysia has fixed August 31 as the date for the Malaysia Cup final between sin fapore and Selangor at the Merdeka Stadium. The date will be con f 1 r mcd next week by Malaysia's King, who
      384 words
    • 445 31 KOREANS SLICE THAIS TO PIECES RESULTS: South Korea 6 Thailand 0; Japan 4 Indonesia 1. |TUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. South Korea 1V mercilessly and methodically sliced the Thai team into pieces with their uncompromising attacking soccer in the Merdeka Cup tournament at Merdeka Stadium tonight. On tonight's grand victory, the South
      445 words
    • 183 31 Indonesian captain ordered off KUALA LUMPVK. Than. Japan teeaghl wea a hetty contacted match aialaal ImWaceia by 4-1 hi Ike Msra-ifci Cae aweer toanMaacsl at Sfatwaka ssadteaa. The Japaaaae. whe iwept to a 3-1 lead la the ant ha*, miliiMil the aseeaa half and eawasted a Bnal geal la the
      183 words
    • 266 31 Bee Khim routs her rivals by 11 strokes I£EE BEE KHIM won the Singapore Women Open golf championship unchallenged for a record fifth straight year at the Bukit Course yesterday. Bee Khim. who led from the first round, finished with a three-round aggregate of 232 to be 11 strokes ahead
      266 words
    • 34 31 A. MYNETT a handicap t 24 golfer, scored a bole in' one at the Warren Ctwb course yeiterday He achieved the feat at the 334-yard par-3 fifth hole with a driver.
      34 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 103 29 Highlights for today Has Spore achievements in 10 years bypassed that of 146 years. Role of parents in educating their children. Move to abolish dowry. Is the ulamak the only sources of religious knowledger Boxer tries to outwit woman. Takraw: Perses waiting for Malaysia's reply for participation in Pcs t
      103 words
    • 244 29 f^V^tsWawi- AjT VV LwaVt" aw»" s»^^^ for casual 7 wear... choose W7!Jfßffil Available wsw 7 *lssjsjsia WJ3 atalllMding^fl Mm? lot all department %\of%^^^^^T o< (isH)Hs ygg Start yiHir personal ■fat collcctkMion2 animals WB InmiCounwsicrtodaj-! Which is you' animal symbol t^^^aaf-fJ COURVOISIER has all 1 2 of them rat. ox. tiger.
      244 words

  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 32 30 1 Ur EICHHOF BBjHg^^^^^k^^^J^^UV^^ I iflg^B' gig^Mgl g^V i 1 W I lanial s^iK^i^iK i ■SoffiwiTTT^fTWf ii iT ■■■sIBHBBsIs^HI ■nr^/TTTTTI i^L^H^i^iiiiis^iiiiiiiiiiiiii^iiiiHH ftj ,MVWI HVftsssV hAgfiEgPrVvJ i^^W K I "f-*_ iT aXSvVfSsVsKCsSaMMMIXsSIiI E^ff|fflr(pl|
      32 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 73 31 FROM BEN HOGAN I I i \o Hi I^. 11l X SaHSaaaaaaaMaaaailßaaaaaaaaaaaaaißaaaisaaaaaaaaar i hfProducer i., Designed by the master Stands without parallel in proportion, detailing, sound and feel in performance for the uncompromising golfer. I PAN WEST (PTE) LTD J Singm>orw UIC Building Tel *****14 Ltst Towers Tel *****6 *****3
      73 words
    • 63 31 ***A **AMERICAN** JByMDEPENDEJMCE OFFER! BBBT gfWj sV^j UTam v^. 1 p^^^isj^n Just buy 10 oz. of Maxwell House Instant JM Coffee right now and this djSC* *^sv "1776" glass jar, with an M embossed eagle on it is am Wm^M all yours! Absolutely free! Get your Maxwell House now. It's
      63 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 46 31 BASKETBALL —Tour match: Singapore Whites v Dalto Bunka Unlrerany of Japan (day World p.m.) ATHLETICS MAAC champtanahlps (Jobora Baru). BOCCSB— Mardcka tournament (Kuala Lumpur): Burma v Hinglartaah 7 pm. Malaysia v Hongkong l« (Merdeka Stadium). AUPC final: Thn Toek Seng v TAS Artisans (Farrsr Park I.lft).
      46 words

  • 61 32 drops to new low LONDON. Thun— fltcrUng fell more than USI.S cent* to yet another record low against the American currency on the London foreign exchange today as the US dollar strengthened sharply against all other currencies. Sterling slumped to ÜBSJ lias 45 at the opening but later rallied to
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 162 32 MIKI: THE BEST 'WEAPON' AGAINST HIJACKERS WASHINGTON, Than. Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl commenting on tbe Kuala Lumpur selinre of diplomats and other hostages by Japanese gunmen, expressed tbe hope today that the day woald soon come when hijackers and their planes would ke refused landing by all countries. This
    162 words
  • 53 32 India expels newsman NSW DELHI. Thurs,— Tb» Indian Oovtmment today ordered the expulsion of Associated Press correspondent Edward Cody for his reportIng on India's political crisis. Police officers gave Mr. Cody a 34-hour deportation order, a day after the AP rtfused a Foreign Ministry request to withuraw him voluntarily. AP.
    AP  -  53 words
  • 451 32 LONDON. Tburs. TIM nock marktt clout w«ak rnonUi. Turoovtr «v •mall and at S P.m. th« Financial Tlinca lodax waj o*7 4 7 to 2M.8. Th« markn retnatad furtbar, rrflacting rtnvwed praaaura an tcrltn< and a Bloomy acooocnlc •urv.y by tk* OontaaantkM of Britnh Industry Oovarnnwnl beada ahowtd
    451 words
  • 465 32 A joyful reunion after the long, long vigil KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday IT was a joyous reunion tills afternoon for relatives who had kept a round-the-clock vigil at Subang airport for the release of the last batch of hostages. Within minutes, after tearful hugs and kisses, they all left with their
    VOW YUN WOH  -  465 words
  • 375 32 HONGKONG. Thura rpHE Hongkong and 1 Shanghai Bank today announced a KKIISO million (Ss7sm) offer to take up shares In one of the British colony's top four trading groups, Hutchison International Ltd. The bank said Its offer was conditional In the company taking
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 44 32 NSW YORK. Thuri. Dow Jonee im|M, baaed on fint hour of trading on the New York Stock Kicbanfe M Indus SI4.M. up US; M trtnap 117.00. up OJt; IS utlla 78 73. up 0.25; W stock* J44 71. up 0 440— DPI
    44 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 86 32 KUANTAS offers you 3 EASY WAITS to own PHILIPS Colour TV |EPTS9VNET nnsi 1 P ro? bwmtMt including 3 >«pnNSURANa&INTH?EST.ISS lA ym \^M F H.P lOW DEPOSIT WITH l^» Wi7 _t_ MAXIMUM 18 MONTrtY I— J^H^^ LEASE-RENTAL ■Lf V ALLOWING ULTIMATE WZ% y CWNKSHP L^£kß*Jl^B^ TRADE- INS ACCffTHD K22 K2OI
      86 words
    • 165 32 _i_r^_n_^ _l^^ ks^_._l_l_l>_[_[_^ Jy^Mm -_b_»*^^ m _^^^^^k__r <S* ._r CXBIOB > alllßlS3nCiSlnln3nßHSs^'^ n_^_nV^«s^_ Colourent Showroom Office and Service Department are closed for business on National Day, August 9th, 1975. Rent SETRON Colour TV horn COLOURENTfor trouble-free viewing! Only#«#O \l_i__ V P«r month /^T^c Comet with a free Jf SETRON COLOUR
      165 words