The Straits Times, 7 August 1975

Total Pages: 29
1 29 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 1417 1 Libya agrees to give refuge after negotiations KUALA LUMPUR. Thursday THE five Japanese Red Army gunmen who seized the ninth floor of the AIA building on Monday are due to leave Subang airport at 8 o'clock this morning in a japan Air Lines DC
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  • 170 1 KUALA LUMPUR, Wedneaday AN unidentified Singaporean man, who was seized by Japanese Red Army gunmen, was among 15 hostages taken on board the Japan Air Line DC-8, it was learnt tonight. He was marched at gunrxlnt this morning from the AIA building to a
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  • 33 1 MOUNTAIN VITW (California). Wed. A wind tunnel uaad for tasting the us space shuttle blew up last night, causing extensive damage to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration laboratory here. UPL
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  • 66 1 LONDON. Wad. The BrtUah lonmownc wamad today that it was raady to Introduce tough laws to regulate the manufacture and promotion of cigarettes. The way tobacco prod'iru are nude and promoted "mult be subject to the aaaae eonstderations aa other drugi of addiction which can be
    AP  -  66 words
  • 50 1 TOKYO. Waa. A Ctltn— I woman from Kuala Lumpur oollapasd after day of algntasatag at Okinawa's aaa ejposlUon on Tuaaday. and dad latsx In a bosptUJ. Okinawa prefecture police Identified her as Mrs. Lav Ah Fob. at Doctors attributed bar death to a stroke —UPI
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 83 1 Concorde flight to S'pore for Whitlam /CANBERRA, Wed V> Prime Minister Oough Whltlam will fly to Singapore on Saturday aboard the tint production Concorde supersonic aircraft and Is expected to hare a round of talks with Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. A Foreign Affairs Department spokesman said details were being
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  • 70 1 SYDNKT. Wad. rwo A,m»rt>«n brothen were remanded in custody In the special federal court today on chaigas of Importing cannabls natal with a street value of UBSSOO.OOO 18Sl.MS.OOO1 Arnold Stephen Maaer. 37. and Daniel Jeffrey Maaer. 13. of Baltimore. Maryland, were both charged with posaasaing
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  • 72 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. The US Customs Bureau •aid yesterday it had assaad a banana beat at Miami carrying nearly 19 klloa (41 lbi of cocaine with a street value of about UBM ■wltlici (BJS33 million) It was the second drugcarrying banana boat sataad in Miami In two
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 120 1 Rithaudeen takes over as Foreign Minister KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Tengku Ahmad Rlthaudeen. 44. has been appointed Foreign Affairs Minister In a minor Cabinet reshuffle announced by Tun Abdul Rasak today This Is the first time the foreign affairs portfolio has been filled by a minister and not the Prime Minister.
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  • 41 1 NSW YORK. Wad. Dow Jones .average*. baaed on first hour of trading on the New Tort stock tiirhanga M Indus SUM. up M transp IM.TI. down 00S; IS uUU 71.44. down O.U; tt stocks 24SM, up 057 OK.
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  • 144 1 KOTA KINABALU Wed. Police Commissioner Yuaof Khan today banned all party political meetings In Sabah to prevent what he said was an Impending threat to public order. The Commissioner's decision will affect both the ruling United Sabah National Organisation (Usno) of Chief Minister Tan Ifustapha Harun
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 65 1 JAIL AND $25,000 FINE FOR POLICE CHIEF HONOKONO, Wed. Hongkong Police Supt. Roy Sturgeon, found guilty of possessing assets In excess of his official Income, was today Jailed for three- and -a- half years and fined HKS-J.OOO (8*25.000). Sturgeon, from Belfast, is the fourth senior British police officer here to
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 58 1 SANLUCAR DX BARRAMEDA (Spain*. Wed. Prince Alfonso de Orleans V Borbon. a cousin of the late King Alfonso XIII of Spain, died from a heart attack In his palace in this southern Bpanlah town today, his family reported. Ha was SS. Prince Orleans V Borbon was
    AP  -  58 words
  • 282 1 5-nation alert for HK bank robbers HONGKONG, Wed. Five Asian countries have been alerted to look out for a gang of robbers who yesterdaystaged Hongkong's biggest ever armed robbery, a senior police officer here said today. Countries which had been notified of the HKS7.2 mullcn (B*3 8 million) held- up
    Reuter  -  282 words
  • 56 1 WASHINOTON. Wad. Thieves apparently searching for confidential document* have ransacked the hoase of Senator Howard Baker, a member of the Senate committee Investigating the CIA. police said. The FBI was called In after police discovered a safe containing private papers *iad been forced open at the Sanator's
    Reuter  -  56 words
    • 29 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Thar*. There waa no sign of activity on the plane at I a.m. It Is believed moat of the gwetillas and the hoatagea are aaleep.
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    • 27 1 A MIDNIGHT Mas* Stted a stareha— e of I Ua Bm Sawmill at Mill Ua* 1h Kallaatg. Ne ana waa lnJmred. Caatw Xflnb ■a* kMn.
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    • 29 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. The United State* win wto United XaUooa swesabenhJgt tor Nertfc and Swath Vlttsumb anteaa Swath Kern Is alao adsaitted. the State Departamt aald teway AT.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 Design 09 Sizes 3S-44
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    • 26 1 I The newest of the new now at... m I WATCHESOF I SwVLTZsSILAND I I DBS Building I 6, Shenton Way tfisHfidlvo oiociiai from QofmsMy jv
      26 words
    • 194 1 $83,000 HOLDUP RUSE THAT PAID OFF Page 17 HANOI and Saigon keen ea C 8 tie* 2 HUSSEIN: Were on the brink of war S •Hsu's call to the US 4 URINARY test for Primary One girls a nut g SPECIAL fund to Preteet travellers 11 PCAD togged' (or land
      194 words
    • 60 1 XT Telephotolens I 3 aroMf. 8 ilsnmiu I AnaWcrf Vnw 12* Otsstaasm Auttmstlc doHn •Mi M«s*>t SOOa Filar S2a SSnwn Dtanwtor 73mm. a^reW™^ faoM S7em. MuKkomm ffIw.P.QOOOALEPTE.LTD. Wnm 402. 4«i riaor. OIM Tom IKI CWanw «n»x PO Bo> )O4 Taatlkt rot Otflc*. snifinii S. T«4 loan. 1 KMk lymXK P.O.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 161 2 Moves— to improve HK's crowded prisons LONDON, Wed.-Actlon wax being taken to remedy overcrowding In Hongkong's prisons and Improvements made In police techniques and organisation In the colony, Parliament was informed last night. Mr. David Ennals, the Deputy Porelgn Minister, stated in written answers that this year three additional jails
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 114 2 Portugal Red Hqs up in flames LISBON. Wed. The tempo of violence increased in Portugal today with communist and slasjdst headquarters reported in flames in at least three towns. A bomb destroyed an army truck In Colmbra. Police reported major attacks against the leftists In two northern towns and In
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  • 508 2 UNITLD NATIONS. Wodneeday REPRESENTATIVES of North and South Vietnam said yesterday their countries wished to establish normal relations with* the United States and indicated readiness to discuss the fate of missing American servicemen. "Now that the war is over and peace has been
    Reuter; AP  -  508 words
  • 46 2 MILAN. Wed. A bandit walked Into a Milan bank, pointed a pistol at the cashier and demanded: "I need some money for the summer vacation." After grabbing two million lire (8*7.873 > In cash he fled In a car parked outside the bank yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 36 2 $690 m hike LOS ANOELEB. Wed S.x months of negotiations have ended with the US Navy agreeing to nay Litton Industries Inc. *UBt3M.3 million (BSM9 million) more for SO destroyers being built by the firm. AP.
    AP  -  36 words
  • 186 2 ORDEAL OF A WITCH DOCTOR'S WIFE. CAIRNS. Wed. An Australian aboriginal witch-doctor who tried to cure his wife of a broken hip by burying her neck-deep in sand has bowed to modern medicine. The woman, )<, was In serious condition in hospital here tonight with the broken hip. Doctors said
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  • 59 2 LONDON. Wed. British Parliamentarian John Stonehouse. In Jtll awaiting trial on 31 charges of fraud, theft and forgery, failed again today In his application for bail before a Julge In chambers at the High ccurt. It was the fifth time that Mr. Btonehouse was refused ball since
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 163 2 NCW OELHI, Wed. MONSOON rains, which nave already killed more than 350 people across India, today lashed New Delhi, flooding houses and stranding motorist*. In the north-eastern states of Bihar and Assam, where at least 11 million people have been affected and 90,000
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 87 2 WASHINGTON. We*. A grwa* of UtHe-known venereal diseases are believed spreading rabidly and vtrtuUy udeteeted thre«f boat the United States, the PaMte Health Serrtee said yesterday The PBS said that keeaaee af pat. tens ef auaal sjehavioar," the dsteaasv east be ■syettsa to eon
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  • 44 2 CBADRON 'Nebraska). Wed. A sun strolled onto a vacant lot here, domed himself with petrol and set himself ablase Officials mid the burning body of Bernard Fceket. to was found early Monday afternoon by firemen called to pot out a grass tire.
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  • 30 2 BONN. Wad. Sweltering hut caused acoree of ptd» trlant to faint reaterday on btklnf city pavement* In the Rhlncland. where the hUtian temperatures this rummer were nmtQti AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 139 2 18 DIE IN JAPAN RAIN HAVOC rriOKTO, Wed. At 1 least IS people were killed and six others ■»i— tig- tod'j after torrential rain caused landslides which struck a village and an express train in separate areas of northern Japan, police said. Sixteen people were killed and six others were
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 402 2 Rebel threat, so Thais plan defence strategy BANGKOK, Wednesday THAILAND, confronted with Increasing Internal insurgency and communist neighbours In Indochina, has been holding daily military strategy meetings since the middle of last month In case of a possible attack. i "Thousands of Insurgents In the country have been receiving war
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  • 132 2 VIENTIANE. Wed. Two Thai military attaches and an unidentified Thai civilian have been arrested and are being held without trial in Vientiane, a diplomatic source said today. The Thai Ambassador filed a protest with the Laotian Foreign Ministry, the source said. A Pathet
    AP  -  132 words
  • 71 2 CASABLANCA. Wed. Sheikh Zald Itn SolUn. Chief of sute of the United Arab Emirate*. has donated USS4OO.OOO (StSM.OOO) to families of the victims of the Boeing 707 Jordanian Charter Airline crash on Sunday, a Oovernment spokesman said today. The crash near Agadlr In southern Morocco
    UPI  -  71 words
  • 44 2 HOLLYWOOD. Wed. Singer Stevle Wonder signed the biggest contract In record Industry history yesterday. Wonder. M. and a star performer for 11 years, accepted a seven-year contract from Motown Records that guarantees him more than UBtll million (Sau million). UPI.
    UPI  -  44 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 290 2 B^P SHARP j Unique "Automatic Verification System" answers the toughest problems Instantlyl SHARP'S Unique Automatic Constant multiplication division Verification System Addition and subtraction Verification indicator Chain multiplication division #2 Memory registers Dimensions: 226mm(W) x 9imm(H) *14 Digit capacity x 282mm(D) 8 7/8" (W) x 3 9/i6"(H) Automatic credit balance x
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    • 6 2 Avis I we try harder. I
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    • 259 3 XTEW DELHI, Wed. 11 The Indian Parliament's Upper House gave final approval today to a rewrite of the electoral code designed to get Prime Minister Indira Gandhi out of her legal troubles. The retroactive amendments were passed by acclamation without a dissenting voice. Under
      AP  -  259 words
    • 56 3 CLEVELAND. Wad. Harris Corporation hu announoad a UBS3O million iBS4»J million) agreement with TniVmnla (or a nationwide radio broadcasting system. The network win prorldat the first <aUon*l radio Unk to many ot Ihrtoneali'a 3.000 Wand*, stnt/rhed out along the equator for a '"innrt equal to the
      UPI  -  56 words
    • 55 3 osnxva. w«l oodftton In major world ports is tttUaf out at band with riUpa havtaw to wait up to 1x nonthi Man t*ttUV in to unload cargo. A report praparad by U» UK Conference on Trad* and DvMtopmant laid than baa fcaan ~a dramatic growth," in web
      UPI  -  55 words
    • 34 3 ZURICH. Wad. Kxpcrti of Cwlsi watch* dropped ill per e*ni In vorum* and It par cant in valut dating Urn fait half of Urn year. Industry sow at La Chaws-da-Pooda, raportsd. AT.
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    • 155 3 DETROIT. Wed. A VSttfta.M* (*****.--•M» reward for information on the whereabouu of former Teamsters (Transport) In ion leader Jimmy Hoffa. missing since last Wednesday, has been offred by bis family and friends. The offer was announced here by Mr. HofTa's lawyer son, James, who
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 23 3 LONDON. Wed. Br.tuh MPt. today urged restrict ons on abortion clinics that attract nearly 80.000 foreign women a year to Britain. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  23 words
    • 333 3 £10 a week per worker handout plan to save jobs LONOOM. W«d T»HE Government, battling Britain's worst 1 unemployment In 35 years, yesterday announced a £10 (5J52.60) per week per worker handout scheme for private' firms to help them save threatened Jobs. Employment Secretary Michael Foot told the House of
      AP  -  333 words
    • 338 3 Firms in Japan cautious on new projects rrOKYO. Wed. With 1 the outlook for an up-turn in the Japananese economy still uncertain, and stocks of finished products still high, Japanese firms remain cautious about undertaking new Investment projects, according to a Government survey released here. The survey, conducted in May
      UPI  -  338 words
    • 219 3 Order oat for those secret papers WASHINGTON, Wed. A onicrrssional panel yesterday voted '-o subDt>ena two hlarhly claulfled documents needed for its investigation of US intelllner c activities but wtthhr d by the Defence Department's intelligence sunervtsor. The House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee authorised Issuing the subpoenas after Assistant Secretary
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 56 3 JAKARTA. Wad The Municipality In ««i«.rt~<. Kaat Borneo, has banned the town's 300 procUtutcß from practice on the ere of «*»ry Friday the Muattm Sabbath whan they will be required to attend religious daaaes In a building specially acquired for them at a cart of {40.000 (StSIOJSO)
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    • 41 3 LONDON. Wad. Fat people cost Britain's staterun national health asrvtoe £3 4 million (BSIJ I4 million), latt year. It was announced today. The money went on drugs prescribed to obese people to suppress their appetttea. Ranter.
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    • 205 3 DALLAS. Wed. THALIDOMIDB, Urn drug blamed for thousand! of malformed babies a decade ago, U being used by researcher* In experiment* with pregnant monkeys to help children born with disfigured faces. The researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School say they are giving
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    • 606 3 Fresh disaster ahead if interim peace efforts fail, warns Hussein AMMAN, Wed. King Hussein of Jordan said the Middle East is fast drifting towards a new war which could erupt if the curr c nt negotiations for an interim peace settlement between Egypt and Israel
      Reuter; UPI  -  606 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 142 3 bY JB^jr H HbSBBmS '■BBBr for art's sake The SR-T Super was made tc Then, to further satisfy the meet the highest, most demanding requirements of the knowing lens creative standards. artist Minolta built in multiple All the information you need exposure capability. And a hot to take inspired photographs
      142 words
    • 366 3 OVERWEIGHT? OUT OF SHAPE? "V We havf th« latest method > and •■y^.tm to hflp you J A ov«rccm« any ti9or* pro<f^BSxm^A blrm m *u*' how Ou MBPBsW tried m tn* past, inn urn* tT J«7 w< will quarantff th* r»H. suit you want Specai reduced rate to inyx>nt who
      366 words

    • 297 4 HOWGKONG. Wod. A SENIOR British officer of the Hongkong police was today Jailed for three-and-a-half years and fined HKf5O,OOO (8*24,500) after he was found guilty of being in posseslon of assets In excess of his official Income. A Victoria District Court Judge lmnpsed the
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 127 4 Putting up prices: 7,750 arrested rpEHERAN. Wed— afore 1 than 7,750 Iranians hare been arrested on charges of profiteering in a campaign for lower prices launched by order of the Shah of Iran 16 days ago. government sources said yesterday. The sources said many of those arrested have been Jailed
      UPI  -  127 words
    • 174 4 Incidents A-bomb day in HIROSHIMA. Wed. H Tike Mth anniveraary today of the ataaale bombing of Hiroshima was marred by two Incident* here. A hrlmtted radical perched en a MUdlng ovrrlooklnt the eKy*a Peace Park yelled "Stop the Emperors visit to America," and another youth hutged at the city's mayor.
      AP  -  174 words
    • 303 4 ROWLING PRAISES ASEAN WELLINGTON, Wednesday pRIME Minister Wallace Rowling today 1 praised the contribution the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Asean) and member country Thailand had made to South-east Asia. "This U a vital period In South-east Asia's history and for our region as a whole— lt U a time
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    • 41 4 PAKis. Wad. MMtam mnootot Otroud. a French mlnliter napon^ble for womtn'i attain, to In favour of tai» bnuU on tha \tmcb -1 find tbM being at MM with our body ti a good ■ten." ib* told nportcn. JUuUr.
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    • 36 4 TAIPIH. Wtd- T*o enwmen of tix IJ*I-«» PM»»—atoii mltTtil Jgg« vmMt Sun Star, which Mok ual^in KaotMtnos harbour In typbooo on Sunday nlgnt. bare dtod and urt an still MlMjiH port authortUat r»porud today.-R«u««-
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    • 57 4 Attacked— the Sheriff of Nottingham NOTTINGHAM. Wed. Robin Hood and his merry men may be around no longer, but life still la tough for the Sheriff of Nottingham. The prwent abertff. Councillor Gerry Elliott, and hU wife were attacked anf beaten by a group of taxpayera when they arrived home
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    • 427 4 WASHINGTON. Wednesday JAPANESE Prime Minister Takeo Miki said today the post-Vietnam era is a time fb*r reconciliation in Asia, and called for the US to join Japan in playing a more flexible role there. Mr. Mlkl. who*e official visit here coincided
      Reuter; UPI  -  427 words
  • 212 4 BANOKOK. Wed. Thai police In a Cambodia border province 320 km (200 miles) east of here yesterday fired two shots at a 12-year-old girl and wounded her in the thigh while she was smuggling three litres of gasoline to sell to Khmer Rouge soldiers, police said today. PARIS: A
    Agencies  -  212 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 411 4 I a^^aHuaT^ 1 I V_^H Good news I firvisUorsto M Kuala lumpur I M L aaW i 4 uaHl ~1 V i s I f-v' MA >% 44 Shfiroom Ahmad Ghouse ol the HoiKfy Inn invites you to envy jm KJ ffl the kwcm/ triencthness called HokOay Inn hotpifl'ty your'd,.
      411 words
    • 142 4 her world ■w-on sale now SIMPLY MR. SIMON T^mJ The neat and classy cut \S Jb^s^bJ you've been waiting for! «1W jf L f'W I J h A i CONSTRUCTIVE IV M® A A* J 1 L QUARELLING It could be your key to a V|NHWNiwN^^^ happier marriage NMPPiP^^H BANANA
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  • 501 5 A TRADITIONAL Malay wedding wilj take place amidst a spectacular display of colour and precision at the Jalan Besar Stadium National Day parade. The bride and bridegroom. In ancient wedding attire. v,m be accompanied by 40 callydre&std Seksl Wanlta (wemen) marching to the
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  • 127 5 nriHE Port of Singapore 1 Authority 111 provide special harbour tours and luxury harbour cruises on Saturday and Sunday to mark National Day. Both cruises will start and end at Clifford Pier from 19 a-m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and 10 a.m. to t
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  • 297 5 OINOAPORE's Natlo- rial Junior Chess Master, Terence Wong, Is a "champ" with a difference he has no ambition to become a grand master or an international champion like Bobby Fischer. Terence, 17, who ascribed his success to a combination of hard work
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 5 THE managing director of Singapore Bovtet Shipping. Mr. B.V Toherepanov, will present a whaling harpoon gun and a harpoon on behalf of the »-i«i«f» Whaling Flotilla to the PSA Maritime Muwum In Bcntota at 10 M ajo. today. TERENCE .hard work and practto*
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  • 31 5 MR. Chee Koon Un, traderelations manager of Shell Singapore, will talk on "How long will the oil reserves last" at tot National Library meetlng room at I pm. tumonow.
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  • 92 5 SUMMER STINT FOR TOP ESSAYIST MR. Koh Soon Kwang. 23, has been selected to attend a 10-day summer school from Sunday at Lancaster Polytechnic In Coventry, England. His selection was based on an essay he submitted on an end to economic exploitation. The best 120 essayists from 80 memoer countries
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  • 11 5 THERE were 77 road accident*, two awloua, on Wednoday.
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  • 270 5 More taking to art as a hobby says Jek INTEREST In art is gaining an Increasingly strong hold among Singaporeans, according to the Minister for Culture, Mr. Jek Teun Thong. He observed that more citizens were taking to art as a hobby and that art exhibitions here ware better patronised.
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  • 35 5 THX lee Palace In Kallang will bold an exhibition of figure ■►'""g and Ice hockey at its rink today and on Sunday at 10 pjn. Toe exhl- MUon wIU feature local akatF*.
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  • 259 5  - British army man in S'pore to lead Everest team EDWARD LIU From LONDON, Wed. A BritUh army In•truetor at the Junjlr Warfare School In Singapore, Lt -Col Tony Straatber is to cad the 1»76 BritUh/Nepalesr forcet' Everest attempt which U to co ahead despite the deaths of four team members
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 220 5 4| OPEN EVERYDAY: MON. SAT. B 30am -7pm SUN. 9am spm .^mW mJV ANOTHER GOOD 7 FULL DAYS THURSDAY THRU WEDNESDAY^ Am H^ \sffizSli«r WV* •COFFEEMATE....---.^ 265 \l^aß/i\0 510'L\9SC/ Tmirot m •swEnrcKiiMLiSH..^^^^ j-« '^SD^-^X-'^Cv^^ /Tjl ij •MUSHROOM IN SOYA UHCE^sss^ MS 'V^.B <^ 1^ /T^w •SELFRAISIN6 FUWRaust)...^^..^^.!^. 1-95 A LW
      220 words

  • 114 6 WOMAN DECIDED TO END IT ALL rl Coroner, Mr. Chee Wai Pcr.g. yesterday recorded a verdict of suicide in the case uf a woman. Lav Bu Kang, 01. who died lr. hospital cf paraquat (weedkiller) poisonlnc Lav's nusbend. Out Cheow. 08. a f»rmer testified that at sbcut 2JO a.m. on
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  • 202 6 Court allows extradition hearing THE Pint Magls--1 trate, Mr. Kan Ting Chlu, yesterday allowed an extradition hearing for Tibor Albert allu Karl Weiss alias Hans Oross after DPP Glenn Knight submitted the minister's notification authorising the magistrate to try Albert Mr. David ftfanhtll. for Albert, had earlier aid that the
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  • 100 6 POLICE have re--1 covered more than $40,000 worth of reptile-skin roods which are believed to have been stolen from a shop In Tras Street In early May. According to a police spsksssian. Central Station Botiee reeetved a tip-off that some ef the snss«eted stolen roods
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  • 30 6 HAWKK, Sew Yoke Keng was fined $10 veaterday for falling to duplay her licence prominently at her itall In Boon Tat Street at 8.30 a.m. on July 17.
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  • 27 6 HAWKER Lee Chen* Ttcfc was fined 1500 reaterday after be admltte-i using a tampered iprlntt ■cale In hla Mali In Albe.i Street on Feb. IS.
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  • 28 6 THE TMCA will hold a oourae on Japan— llowcr arrangement (Uubana) at IU Orchard Road prenUM* •very Saturday from pm. to 6 pm. from Aug. U.
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  • 357 6 Primary One urinary tests a 'must' SCREENING of all Primary One girls for urinary tract infections will be compulsory from this year. This project Is undertaken by the Institute of Health's School Health Services, to prevent the girls from developing serious chronic renal diseases In adulthood. Dr. Connie Llm, head
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  • 243 6 rIB manager and partner of Edley Corporation, Tan Tin Meng. 29, -as {ailed for four years by a district court yesterday for forging documents to cheat a bank of about fSN,»M. He claimed he did so with the help of a former
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  • 231 6 rnHE provocative Oscar A Wilde was brought to life by one-man theatre actor Brian Bames In the DBS auditorium on Tuesday night. In a rich wine-colour-ed smoking jacket with deep marine-blue quilted lapels and cuffs, ornamented with a flamboyant silk blue bow. over a white
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 584 6 UtPrWlßKnl olUKfc tt II \iW I m I GROUND FLOOR NEW STOCKS OF iftpWMMHiV^ B^ /Mm kM W I FOOT JOY GOLF SHOES FROM DOI APnineimri acccc C-/ W W I U.S.A. SPECIAL DISCOUNT rULM^^ S U n MG o L^ CIDCDUAMITT I L£SS 10/. now from 16.50 TO 35.50^^
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    • 14 6 Fear has wing 1 mirrors, I seat belts and I L radial tyres A
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  • 2792 7 REPORTERS: T. F. HWANG and BEN DAVIDSON when I signed the document Mr. Hldayat was not before me. His signature was already there on the contract." Witness said the document before the court was a copy of the original. He produced the original
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  • 609 7 WITNESS: WEE ASKED WHY WE TOOK ACTION... witnesses who come to the CPIB to read earlier statements. Mr. Thambiah said that he himself had never asked anyone to go to the CPIB to read his statement. Another witness. Miss Kirn Sloe Nlo, an assistant manager of the Chase Manhattan Bank,
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  • 766 7 Mr. Tan continued: "Later that afternoon at about 4.30 p m. following a message I received In my office, I went up to the visitors' loonae and Invited Mr. Wee into the director's room. There I asked Mr. Wee if he still wanted
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 499 7 ssst saffl AC KadgV iMkXZ- l^. I ssssssssssaai^ssssssssssssssss^_4h asssssssW^^ y ±—ImL T»» Swrteo key tyMtm a naw too com w»» kj tno&mn you< o«*» MMshon* mum VVith Setelco's new system, you can dial, receive, hold or transfer calls without a switchboard operator. The Setelco 116/40 key Illuminated push buttons But
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  • 588 8 You're a brave man, guerilla leader tells driver Osman KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday MARA bus driver Osman bin Din, 35, who drove the gonmen and 15 hostages from the AIA building to Subang airport today, was praised for his courage by one of the gunmen, believed to be the leader of
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  • 62 8 L*LjSjj isM TWO PAGES OF SPECIAL REPORTS FROM OUR MEN-ON- THE-SPOT M. Q. KUTTY and K. S. SIDHU Swedish Charg* d'Affalres Fredrik BergonstrahU On suit) waves to his wife (not in picture) as he leaves the AIA building with two other hostages. A hooded gunman
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  • 981 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday A STUDENT today recalled the "three unforgettable days in my life" as he was being held hostage with some 40 others by the Japanese Red Guards. Twenty year-old Francis Netto, looking pale and wornout,
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  • 225 8  -  IfOmV has never felt Use rood V>fore for schoolgirl Chong Fei Fei. ft*, one of the awamfw freed by the Japaaom 804 Army twtsitots oarty yostordw aurwJHg. Keetlng with her reUerod family at thoir homo at Jama Oamac hero btat night, Fe* Fei said:
    225 words
  • 282 8 - TVHE fear that his newly wedded wife would become a widow stayed In the mind of Insurance exec utlve Mr K P. Choong. 28, throughout his threeday ordeal at the AIA. building nere. He was among the hostages released by members
    282 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 200 8 vsv aW^ -4- *^f afl Felix Mendelssohn look over fi\-e years to saw perfect his lolin Concerto in E minor. w' jj/s JJ L^K The concerto was first performed in 2K3fflt JE^ B 1845 hy Ferdinand David and is /V*K^^^J^ acknowledged us hfing one of the fl finest violin concerio\
      200 words

  • 500 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday IT WAS 11 a.m. Outside the AIA Building, the bright morning sun added more heat to an already explosive situation. Crowd* of foreign and local newsmen waited barely 20 yards from two Mara buses parked in
    500 words
  • 546 9 Ing entrance and exclaimed: "It's good to be alive" when he met a friend. Another hostage, a man In his mid-30s, came out and burst into tears In the arms of his relatives. He was weeping like a baby. "He just couldn't stand it," one
    546 words
  • 58 9 WASHINGTON. Wed. Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl has told President Ford he refretted the capture of the American eonsal in Kuala Lumpur by Japanese Bed Army garrlUas. Daring s White Bo«se working dinner last night, Mr. Mlki said: "I sadly regret the penistenee of movement* which employ
    58 words
  • 393 9 STOCKHOLM. Wednesday A SWEDISH em- bassy secretary who was among hostages held for two days In Kuala Lumpur said today they were well treated but under psychological pressure. In a telephone talk with Swedish journalists here, Miss Ulla Odqvlst said there
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 40 9 DAMASCUS. Wed. TV lasjaaas* led Arm,, la Kaaia iMsir, today denied thai It had asaght moatj ta enaun for the rafts*** *f It* inlim. Aa earlier r*9*rt had saM Uwt Utev were desaaadlßf USStt ■iltttMkl FatBMflLL Wtit%t^t
    40 words
  • 92 9 Hostages In good condition' THE nine hostages, lnelidlnr fear children. who were treed early yest«rday sssralaf, were physically exhausted but In goad condition. This was 4he impression of the doctor* who examined them about three hoars Before they were released. One of the doctors said: 1 feel they were treated
    92 words
  • 180 9 THE COFFEE-SHOP THAT CASHED IN ON BIG SIEGE irrHILE all shops In Jalan Amp a n g were closed following the dramatic seizure of the American consulate in the AIA building by five gunmen on Monday, one shop did a roaring trade during the threeday selge. This coffrrshoD. about 50
    180 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 145 9 aaaaaaaaaaaV^ f^ J^tAß^E^B A t TTJ| La*EJ2a»«s*Bll*«ialT**lar A- i VjsjpaavfPm BURF' w^^C i 4 fTake a journey of exciting experience to the tropical highland and discover true Malaysian hospitality in Fraser's Hill Merlin by the hill-resort's lake-side. The hotel complex of log-cabins offers 100 super luxurious rooms with a vegetable
      145 words
    • 211 9 I msfit»a?\ *a ■■A life. Ka5S» .dflLafc The giant of SflL that makes u^ you want to think small in this age of spiralling Custom molded softly padded urrttyne foam scats fuel coils and incre.ising envi- make driving fatigue it thing of Ihe pjst Ride MaMfe) h ronmenlul concern, the
      211 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 473 10 I OPENS CATHAY TODAY! S Shops Daily: Uii, 1.31, 4.00, 6.30 I 9.3op|i. i IN LOVE IN WAR lhey were the clumsiest! I cHP^MiMCHNiiLirj CHARLOTS ii THE CRAZY BOYS' j PRIVATE WAR J^^X-ailM^-ai-aB PIMPLES |Tj l^r^R ACNe SdSUASMMSIMaUM BLEMISHES HI L-^ I i 1 U% 4- f- successfully cleared with
      473 words
    • 197 10 |OPENS TODAY! Daily* At 7.00* 9.3OPMi: Admiaaion: AdwlH: $2.00 ChiMrwt: *1.00 I; MAJESTIC'ODEON-KATONG-RUBy'SILVER CITY Simultaneous Midnight Tomorrow Saturday MARIA VI POCHtEH-CHUNgB^ fCa^flflaT BBall^^^Bafll fl -|^^E9 JbbbbW ■^*"TP^Url ?B_k_ a 'iMJJ lU *^BflEfl£^ I tBB>- f ltfeW >■■» ■^^^E^BfIBBBBBBBBi BBBBBaW ORCHARD: nu nisiul uyi 3 Showt Doily: 1.13, 4.30 A 8.30pm
      197 words
    • 750 10 *^^^^WB^BTB^nT*^H»^>Bßß^Pßf^^aM»]P^i^»Jß^fßg IBa^M *^Vj^ft^*^^k aVjj^^B H IbV iSt9tHtifc&3KMii&&i££^amK&o' mi? fir All TIM 17 I^ S ™*P» j BOX-OFFICE CHAMPION sta..™";.:^ hill lUin wEEt< LIUU "^sk'ncu 1 wot'g'cHAkitis 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, 5.30 8.45pm N COLO MAIINA VLADY ADMISSION PRICES CIRCLE S4 00-STALLS S2 SO isl JO 1-*****-J LJWWPBJBI NO MAL
      750 words
    • 713 10 :;gVrvpiiykiTin>c: OfINS TODAY' J Golden Horvetf pretemi J Morro Vi *Po Chian-Chun S TICI« Of NOtTHLANO Mondorm Color Scope »rih English Subtirlet •S Jwanf Or'm-lm Omm S Oaeer. and Orckara Jk Tomorrow/Soturdoy M'nife' OJnii: Morning Showt So'urdoy Sunday at 9om "THOU SHALL >*OT KILL BUT OMCI" .n Monoorm Ji Chen
      713 words

  • 105 11 rK Port of Singapore Authority has Introduced new procedures for the survey of cargo at Keppel Wharves. According to the latest Issue of the Seafreigbt. monthly bulletin of the Singapore Shipping Association, under the new procedures gppr oval must be obtained from the wharves'
    105 words
  • 145 11 Missing: Girl who is 'fed up' of studies \rERONICA VlrfUU Garneil (above), 15. has been mlasiin from her home since Jmbr a. She was last area by her mother. Madam Lye Chye Yin. at 1* a.m. that day. "She told me the was going to work." Madam Lye said yesterday.
    145 words
  • 38 11 THE Minister of Ptarelgn Affairs. Mr. 8. Rajaratnam will attend a dinner at the foot Clan Oeneral Association at Berangoon Road tomorrow at pjn. The dinner Is to celebrate National Day and the asaociatlon's ISth anniversary.
    38 words
  • 28 11 SHAMeRjL (.0 Mohamed Haaamn was fined $80 yesterday for wiling drinks at a stall In Alexandra Terrace at 4 pjn. on July without a nconoe.
    28 words
  • 430 11 A SCHEME to travellers who may suffer from the financial collapse of a travel agent, or as result of his malpractices, has been Incorporated In a Travel Agents Bill which Is now before Parliament. Under It the travel agents will have to be licensed
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  • 102 11 Costly joyride on another's motorbike rwaktt. Abmed bin Naclr Ahmed Ismail was yesterday fined a total of $800 and banned from driving all vehicles for three years for committing five trafflce offences on Nov. 17. last year at 8.46 p.m. in Yto Chu Kane Road. He was fined ISO each
    102 words
  • 256 11 Price of chye sim moves up to 45 cents a kati rB price of chye slm has Increased by five cents a katl to 43 cents, the Trade Denartrr.ent reported yesterday. Following *re the recommended Driers for essential commodities: PtUCE: Thai 100 per cent O f 81 cents a katl
    256 words
  • 45 11 THE Sinrmporr approach to public honslnf is summarised In a 4»-p*«e book produced by the Hoaslnc and Development Board. It is a mmltt- disciplinary rt«dy with contributions froaa builders, administrators, architects and aoclaJ adentisU. It U on sale at $15 a copy.
    45 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 487 11 H^j^D T»l tMM7< IMMM I A ,i V *^M arwHWiB EVtRV PATRON < U K 3VEN o>c <&-DB* EQC -fiSk SSli S PLUS rPEL S T V T rjR kT tP t-OLMGL B HI I STOimNC ON .r AUQUST "-5 9 BjJf fl^F^B^i^^jl 0C rVEi OOLOt 1 £GCS m U-
      487 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 238 11 Bringing Up Uy still Kawsuitgt, «jg Hal Camp f** f* I Twaw i i -1 K- An. «io»fr-l londbar/'V thaFvww"^ K-j^TN ISTABT>*sy 7 liksO Tw«orM«a> f Viv mao*.' i, we m«*cd I -rue xvrf^tsf Sl.y >ID OKT< V P"*** STT >r >J s>) i\m Ftnrr I > ACT XV* "*2**y
      238 words

  • The Strais Times
    • 507 12 rpHE law stood In the way of Mrs. Indira -L Gandhi remaining In power as the Prime Minister of what was until a few weeks ago "the world's largest democracy". So she has had the law rewritten. In June she was convicted of corrupt electoral practices. Now
      507 words
    • 156 12 npHE Singapore Government's offer to x companies engaged in certain fields of advanced technology of tax Incentives through pioneer status of up to 10 years, financial support through the Capital Assistance Scheme and training grants is, by any standard, a generous one. As Finance Minister Mr. Hon Sui
      156 words
  • 1380 12  -  REMOTE-CONTROL LABORATORIES WILL PROBE PLANET ]y|AN'S first attempt to find life on another planet is about to get under way. A billion -dollar United States sciVntiflc project will be launched on Monday when the first of two viking spacecraft blasts away from
    1,380 words
  • 672 12 The Red Army— are they 'scientif ic' or 'insane'? riß. GEOEGE Habbash. V the Palestinian gue rills leader. calU It "scientific" and "revola 4 tlonary The Japanese press deacrlkes It aa -inmane" and -suicidal. What, la fact, hi the Japanese Bed Army? Thrust into new prominence by the seiiare of
    672 words
    • 730 12 THE LONG WAIT FOR APPROVAL TO SELL AN H.D.B. FLAT r accordance with the original HDB Act. one could, after having acquired and Uved in a flat for over five years, sell the unit so long as the buyer was eligible for HDB accommodation I completed this requirement and found
      730 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 60 12 Stylat cut to tha lata»t Iran* 1 by our molt •nßarlaneaa' cralttman tinea 1934. Sultt camajataly hand 'allorad 4 ttiurtad alto importin a aiportart of flnatt Oantt taatllat tnafaby Kava tna latatt 4 wldatt ranga of matarlalt for talactlon. AM for our cuttomart In a hurry, thara't our upfin tarvlca.
      60 words
    • 163 12 TIME SAVE NOW! Special Introductory Offer for new subscribers only. 27 weeks f0r 524.30 For 27 weeks we'll mail you a copy of TIME at a great saving! 27 weeks of TIME costs $54.00 at the newsstands, $25.92 by regular subscription. Our special price? Just $24.30! The world's most respected
      163 words

  • Business Times
    • 800 13 KNOWLEDGE INDUSTRIES LONDON: The "Knowledge Industries" a term coined by the economist Fritz Machlup to cover all sectors of the economy depending on information rat h er than physical force now account for just over half the GNP in advanced natton such as the US. At the turn of the
      800 words
    • 394 13 Petrocon and Swire to set up oil base here By EDWARD LIU LONDON: A leading .British oil services company and a giant Hongkong enterprise with interests In offshore servicing are to set up a major oil development base in Singapore to service the rapid i> developing oil exploration Industry In
      394 words
    • 108 13 PERTAMINA SEEKS JAPANESE LOAN mOKTO: A Japanese L consortium of five Industrial firms has been asked by Indonesian state oil firm Pertamlna to supply an additional loan of US$4BO million for IU project to build a natural gas liquefaction plant in Indonesia, a spokesman for the grout) said. The spokesman
      Reuter  -  108 words
    • 224 13 SINGAPORE, which has had a poor fortnight, Mored the highest fain thai week. It reacted teehniealty to the recant decline, with late buying Koala Loatir, honofoc. lagged Singapore tola time faßewim trouble created by Japanese terrorists. Next to Slngaswre is Sydney Its hlfturt record of experts
      224 words
    • 298 13 S'pore centre for UK cost and management accountants gRITAIN's Institute of Cost and Management Accountants (ICMA) will set up an overseas centre in Singapore soon. I The centre here •win be the 12th to be established, outside UK and the first since the ICMA was granted the Royal Charter early
      298 words
    • 360 13 Japan's 3rd straight monthly balance of payments deficit rpOKYO. Japan has re--1 corded a revised oalance of payment* aeflclt of US$2B2 million in June against a denclt of $391 million In May and of $1,274 million In June last year, the Finance Ministry said. The revised deficit was $8 million
      Reuter  -  360 words
    • 62 13 LONDON: Britain* four major banks have announced a one-half per cent ncrease In base lending rates to 10 per cent. T h c announcement by Barclays Bank was quickly followed by similar revisions by National Westminster. Midland, and Lloyds Banks. Interest rates on deposit accounts will
      62 words
    • 51 13 DBTROrT UjS. ear manufacturer! hare reported sale* Of 356,600 can In the final third of July, off 19 per cent from the 204,048 In the ■am* period last year. Salea for the full month tftttjlltd 896,666 7J per cent lower than the 6M.904 Uat July.
      Reuter  -  51 words
    • 122 13 fiILLETTE of Boston VI said foreign exchange losses, including those resulting from the devaluation of the Argentine peso, cut its profits in the second quarter and first half. In reporting a 13 per cent decline in second quarter net earnings and a drop of 12 per cent In the
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 146 13 HUME Industries (Singapore) has scored another export success by winning an overseas contract worth $11 million. The contract calk for the supply of 23.165 metre* of steel pipes and fittings weighing tonneg for a huge water project In Kano i State, Nigeria. j Mr. Tay Kwang
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 186 13 KgBg§j^uKKj|g||||||fl HHIiiiii^HB BPwlSwSfflFiiEfflffl 1 the finance I I you need Come and discuss your future plans with us j&j If you are planning to expend L pr> your business activities, <>-^ JJ_ ~ii i increase your service facilities, C- "I 6gS| ißti or buy a new home. OCBC g£ 3s
      186 words
    • 124 13 This is the watch that /SsSga^L^Bfe speaks for itself —in mH| Em precision accuracy, craftsmanship and I |L x W^dmj style. A watch geared ME for the man who's 1 WJ J destined to lead. Wm a class hy itself. *£ZZ^*fl Lc-951 9 I BIG,DEPENMBLE I CUTTING POWER Extra thick
      124 words

  • 334 14 T ABU AN: Lying at anchor in Brunei Bay within clear sight of this Island are nine lald-up tankers which will soon be Joined by a lot more. The Sabah State Government has gazetted an area of 42 square miles as
    334 words
  • 84 14 Fremantle to S'pore route re-introduced THE Singapore-Austra-lia Shipping Company wIU re-introduce its Fre-mant'e-Slngapore service in October. The line's general manager, Mr. R. Zar, said it would operate the vessel either as an owner or under charter. The company's previous vessel. Eastern Princess, was taken off the run some months ago
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  • 198 14  -  tankers of the British Petroleum fleet including three brand-new snips coming here direct from shipyards in Japan. The three new ships are around 225,000 dwt each. The other one coming is about 60,000 dwt. The BP fleet marine superintendent, Capt. B. A N Lafevre, was In Victoria last month
    198 words
  • 403 14 VrrASHINOTON The executive directors of the International Monetary Fund have agreed to Increase the amount member nations may borrow under the fund's oil facility, monetary 'sources said. Under current arrangements, any member's access to the oil faculty is limited to 125 per cent
    Reuter  -  403 words
  • 175 14  -  By HAWKER de HavlUand <Au*t) has made the biggest sale ever of Beech aircraft in the Pacific region. The aircraft, two King Air 100s and 21 Sundowners, have been sold to Indonesia. Value of the sale. Including aircraft, spares, workshop equipment ground laboratory Installation
    175 words
  • 128 14 Mr. George M. Wattrrs. president of Singapore Petroleum has announced the following promotions with BPC recently: Mr. Cheng Hock K*k to seneral manger, special accounts and affiliates; Mr. H. F. Bhagat, general manager, marketing: Mr. H. 8. Lou. general manager, refinery: Mr. Tan Boon Pin, technical services
    128 words
    • 151 14 A aUriXROAM. Tfte».— Tbe market generally aaatd In very quirt condition* today with Dutch lnteroattonala lodng acne (round and aentlment depreaatd bf continued woumcaß of Wall Street. Calamr. bowwer. restated the trend. DecUnea eawwrme wan lad by Hehwfcea. Gal Oee, Vaa OeMer and Gliiiii Oain* were beaded by banka,
      151 words
    • 120 14 7VEICH, Tuaa. Under MJ vary dull tradlnf oondttlODa the Zurich Block ■whaiiaj underwent anotaar day of laatiilin and the market closed on an Irregular note. Boode continued their firm trend. The Credit Suiaee index doted OJ point lower to HZ cimibs prtMi a *»im bmaoi wltt taa 4Utmnmtm aa
      120 words
  • 276 14 Shippers call for joint action against under—cutting LONDON: President of the Oeneral Council of British Shipping. Mr Tim Bolton said that rate-dumping and other non commercial practices by the Soviet Union and East European ship ping are becoming Increasingly rife. "The ultimate effect could be a halving of the British
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 31 14 CHICAGO: Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust seid it has received flnaj approval from the Bank of Korea to open a representative office In Seoul later this year.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 469 14 4.aV^ *i A &MH* I !s^BpWß| aVVaaflEvaßaak^Vr aaSaaaaaK* Ji llPljßßaßßr _^> Siaaaaaaaaaaaßaaf^^^^'^Bfc A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaT HflHTleuga Carpet Tiles jBBH look better-last longer wmm——A\ I than anyotherfloorcoverings 'Szfzzi'zzz*. Heuga are the world's leading carpet tiles that's why t532?i~ they are becoming so important in the furnishing of stay put by their own
      469 words
    • 134 14 BaaaflEafailVaVx^sLTiWa'iMdßaaaaa! aV^ Why worry about Inflation? Material Saving Energy Conservation Is Our Business Metallizing Thermospray Help To Cut Your Maintenance Cost We provide U.K. trained personnels and expertise to solve your marine engineering problems: production of corrosion resistance coating "bulldlng-up" of engineering components such a i repair of worn or
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  • 135 15 New Guinness bottling line is the largest in S-east Asia GUINNESS Malayria VI hu installed a flant botUlng line which U the Uu-rest In Southeast Asia. The installation of the new bottling line, of which the washer and pasteuriser wore ordered from aa Australian firm, is part of a $15
    135 words
  • 104 15 HONOKONO: Unofficial Legislative Councillors, who were originally against the proposed Hongkong Co m m odlty Exchange may refrain from opposing the idea If adequate measures to protect the general public are introduced. Councillor James Wu said. Mr. Wu was speaking In the resumed debate on
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 753 15 Commodities: A long drawn-out wrangle over an orderly system NEGOTIATION of an orderely system of International trade In raw materials will take a long time. This Is the Tlew of Mr. Hugh Corbet, director of the Trade Policy Research Centre in London. In a report on "Raw Materials beyond the
    Reuter  -  753 words
  • 31 15 LONDON: Clive DUcount Holding! announced that iU Consolidated Drofit droDoed £ to £822.000 for year to end June after rebate and tax and trtntfer to (from) contingencies rcicrve. Reuter.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 414 15 Now the Hongkong Bank brings Master Charge to Singapore. Now your shop or restaurant can accept- and get full benefit from -the world's most popular credit card. The Hongkong Bank s ~^^m^ In fact> there are more Inter now represents Master bank cards in circulation than Charge in Singapore. A
      414 words

    • 39 16 L Pm4. U.TT Mn 11.1* i.U. Tiwt H-M ■v |3IM IK Laad 10 10 BT »3 18 A N M.U OL Laaa $O.M Glmb 11.01 IB #1 .M oa oa 01 .oo oa 01 +.w 01 01 01
      39 words
    • 37 16 LL. Ind. M.7J l r. i»L si.oo L<m »1 S3 CUlti II.M >. Umbtr tO M I. lilt W«S K B( 1695 O Und IIM L Urn —.11 —.10 —.07 06 .06* —.04 —.08 —.04 .00
      37 words
    • 12 16 M .C. 71.1 T»am: I.M M VllK: ST« M
      12 words
    • 46 16 InrfmtrUta: tM.ll lU.M naaata: WM 4MJU Hateta: IUM IUM PiijiiUm: 171.47 ITM Ttot: 1M.41 M.7J riMm: ***** 11«.J» O.CM£.: lftM lUM »XA to*.: tflJ* ttlM Dm. M. 1«M 1M Df«. SI, IMI 1M Dm. M, IMS 1M DM. SI. 1»7» 1M Urn. l. UTI 1M
      46 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1693 16 THX Uit traiuacted ready ale at the cloat of hnilnan on the Sloe* Exchance of Singapore jrMtenlay oomparad with the prvrtous dayg prleaa toctthcr with 1976 hl«h aod low. Adjtutad (or acrlp/ rt|hu iaiue). CLOIIHC TON I: Industrials steady whll* taa mt barely steady. TUHNOVIII: Omclal nfUTea supplied
    1,693 words
  • 334 16 QUIET and lacklustre trading persisted at the Stack Exchange of Singapore yesterday with shares ending practically unchanged. After opening around their overnight closing levels share prices were confined to narrow movements either way. Afternoon trading waa quieter with prices stagnating at their morning levels and the
    334 words
  • 34 16 TAJPEH: Taiwan had a record harvest of 1.315,000 tonnes of rice In the first half of this year, nearly 25,000 tonnes more than the harvest for the same period last year. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 1035 16 BED and offer prices ofllclally listed and business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in bracket* In lota of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. AU Time Bargains or Settlement Contract* are quoted alter the word "Sett."
    1,035 words
  • 925 16 BID and otter prices officially listed and buslnfss In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in bracket* In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified INOUITNIALS AllmnuU (l.WB). A. Taa* (0 70S). Altar) (2.108 1MB) CD. A.P.I. 10.748
    925 words
  • 89 16 THE Straits refined tin from Penang for July 1975 totalled 5.487.33 tonnes June 5,381.00 tonnes), according to statistics Issued by Straits Trading The following table shows the destination and metric tonnage, excluding metal shipment, from Klang via Port Klang. Jnlted Kingdom Singapore Jnlled States Continent Canada f a
    89 words
  • 313 16 Similar trend in XL market FFRADINO remained 1 dull on the Kuala Lumpur Stock ff»cr»«"g» yesterday with only scattered dealings seen throughout the session. Turnover fell to 541.--000 units valued at $»43--000 from the previous day's 589,000 units valued at $1.06 million. The lukewarm sentiment resulted in most shares maintaining
    313 words
  • 215 16 Central Bank may dispose BP stake LONDON: Disposal of the stake In British Petroleum held by the Bank of England Is expected to take place In the near future, banking sources raid. But a firm decision has still to be taken on whether the bank should sell any or all
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 81 16 BOTH the European and US market* were quiet and thin on Tuesday, according to the Malaysian Palm CXI Producers Association Quotations In U BB cent* (Rotterdam! unless staUd were: Aug (UBi M6O cenU sellers; Sept $460/ (US) 31 cents sellsrs. (UBi 30 13, cenU traded: Oct MM/(OS) SO
    81 words
      • 202 16 •fOKTO. Wad. The mar--1 kat closed lower attar a continuous decline during the day which waa slowed to the afternoon by cheap buyIng of electrical*, pharmaceutical* ana housings, dealen laid. The Dow Jonas average lost 80.37 to dot* at 4.238 »6 with the volume unchanged at 90 million shares.
        202 words
      • 248 16 HONOKONO. Wed— The market dosed firmer today, particularly near the 1 dose, rising back to the Bang Seng Index level of SOO In moderate turnover, dealers said. The rise could not be attributed to any single outstanding factor except the belief vis market waa oversold yesterday and that today's
        248 words
      • 63 16 Tuaaeay mam US* USS Malbouna (1) lzt.TO IZS.TT London I*3 SOB Itt.OOB i**.3os irr.oo* Btlnit 18T.ZS 167.75 Bunca is* sob imoob I*4 SOS 1*7.008 Parki 170.17 170.M W I*ll mar Tuaaaay HofitUnx 1*4. 80 140 SO port (1) ISI.tSB IN.MI IOT.STS 1*8.148 ■■till I pnen in 000-itarlins ana*
        63 words
      • 287 16 SYDNEY. Wed.— The market dosed mixed with energy stocks firmer, dealers •aid. The Sydney All-Ordlnarles Index eased 028 point to 360 58 PaaeoaUaeaUl led the energy stocks with a Jump to a new peak of A 85.78 before settling back to 8870. PefcoWallaend firmed to 83 00 On the
        287 words
      • 293 16 xjZW YORK. Tuea.— A 11 mld-arsslcfi rally wilted today on the New York Stock Exchange and prices again closed lover In an extension of a three-wee* market correction. The rally was attributed to some bargain minting and a slight easing in Treasury bill rate*. But at the erase,
        293 words
      • 90 16 INDUSTRIAL* Tuesday 389 6 Monday 282 1 We«k a«o 291.8 TINS Tueaday 87 .U Monday 88.8: Week ago 904: tIIBBUS Tueaday J98.7( Monday 400 M Wtek ago 402 61 OILS Tuesday 258.T Monday SbtM Weak ago 268.* DOW JONES A VKKAGE INDUSTRIALS Tueaday 810.11 Monday 818.01 Week ago 8M
        90 words
      • 219 16 THE Straits tin price rose »7 to >996 per ptcul In Pensng yesterday on an official offering up three tons to 190 tons. The overnight London market was steady with forward buyers price surging {16 to £3,172 per metric ton LONDON: Tin was an exception to the general
        219 words
      • 30 16 Rubber. Aug. 6. Singapore: Aug 143.M eta. (up Ct Malaysia: Sept. 145.25 cts. (up 1.25 eta.) Tin: ISM (up $7). Official offering 190 tons (up S tons).
        30 words
      • 101 16 CHIMStS PHOOUCE IX CMAMOS. lINQAPOHS NOON CLOIINQ PRICES >IB PICUL Caaatwt HI: bum SSTI Milan, drum s*3| aallan. Caora: Mlxa* (looaa) UK/ Cont |S1 B. •oaoari kruatok ASTA whlta f.o.b. 1004, NLW »270 aallan. Sarawak vtalta f.o.b NLW I2JS aallan. aarawak apaclal black fob SS* NLW jiss aailara. Baimwak
        101 words
      • 37 16 London eoppar prieaa oa Tuaa<Uy (i.r*viouj in bnckaia). Wliakar Spot Duyar £377 <IMS>. aallar an so usmi. Thn« Month burn- (SM.M uSOoi. Mlltr fSST (i«04). KUrkat tana: DtraOjr St UM lowar mal. Salaa: 4.800 tonnas.
        37 words
      • 507 16 pOLLOWINO the trend In r London, the Singapore rubber market was quietly steady yesterday alter a alow formation. Interest once more waa concentrated In nearby months but turnover was only moderate. Physical Interest was confined to routine manufacturer buying. The morning nntiAfi closed steadier. Trading In the afternoon
        507 words
      • 100 16 gAILY aim and W prtett tanad U noce yiHwdy: •^■■n uwjm m sewn •Ulii (OBTNtMUI inmHIHI BMR scv (l-ton paJtat) iu.oe uioaw its jo iumn ■MB U, (1-too paltet) 151.00 ISJOON HIM 151 JOK BMB (1-ton isitot) lttsO 14* JON 14*40 150 00N BMR 10 (1-ton (MOM)
        100 words
    • 254 16 Money and exchanges tH£ U dollar weakened 1 slightly further from the previous level In the Singapore fores market yesterday and remained unchanged at 82.4615/26 throughout the day. Trading was again rather thin and quiet. Suggtsted Interbank forward rates st 3.00 pjn. 1 month 2.4595 05. 2 months 2.4666/78. 3
      254 words
    • 234 16 88 U8 3 4416 3 483S Ml US ***** I*olo 8» -,2bOO BjsM 8» 1U 98.40 98 50 HK US 6.0460 6 0470 US C'dlan M9l MM Money market Closing interbank rates in Singapore tollars for Aug 6 OaTer BU Overnight 4% 4H 1 mth 4 jv
      234 words
    • 136 16 Suggested Interbank rate* at 3 00 pm: Cwreacias Nominal rates ■-Stlintoi Fumrtat* «Mtc4 yirtirfcy (mas) puHr ehaac* US dollar 3.461* 3.4636 3419* —13.70 SteiUng pound 5.2605 6.2645 7.3469 —38*0 Hongkong dollar 48 75 48 S5 50.51 —3 48 Malaysian dollar M.45 M.SO 100 00 1.55 Auit (Chilling 13.6*65
      136 words
    • 59 16 Minimum lending rates (in Algemen* Bonk 7% Bangkok Bank 7V 4 Bonk of Amef ica 7 Bonk o< China 8 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bank Negof a I rxtonesta 7'a Bonque de Llndochine 7 Chartered Bonk 7•/ Chote Monhotton 7 DBS 7 First Chicago 7 FNCB 7 HKSBC V/t Moloyon
      59 words

  • 102 17 NATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST FOR WORKERS A NATIONAL essay competition for workers will be organised by the National Productivity Board as pan of Its drive to stimulate thinking on productivity. The theme of the competition Is that "Singapore can only achieve higher standards of living through greater productivity. "Workers play a
    102 words
  • 101 17 Australia takes in more refugees AUSTRALIA has accepted about S0« South Vietnamese re. fngeea from both Sin* npere »nd MaUysU for resettlement in the country. The rafmgeea, 2M of whom >iave been stayIng at St. John's Island, «-in leave for Brtsbant on Saturday. The Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Ooagh Whltlam,
    101 words
  • 39 17 MR. FA mine haa twen fkcted prMtdaot ot the maoafemnt mtnmlrtee of the «n»mpor» RacimtioD Club. Other offletmlj an Mr. PM. DAlmeidi. Ttce-preal-(knt; Mr CJI. CMom. flnanne aewher aad Mr. K. Scully, chairman. fames ouulrol board.
    39 words
  • 38 17 MR lamaU Mohd. flhad, AMMaot Dlrecter of SapeoUl DoUa*. MhtaattT o* ■duov ttosx «1B offletoU at the Bout Bo a»ee akeaatawr •eteol annual apeech and flttiituf davr in the ialMel bail tomorrow at io jo aJL
    38 words
  • 449 17 $83,000 hold-up victim fell for ruse fHREE men one armed with a revolver robbed a housewife of $83,650 in jewellery and cash after using a ruse to gain entry into her house in Parburv Avenue, off East Coast Road, on Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Chua, 38, wife of a general manager
    449 words
  • 198 17 Diamond-head shock for fishermen rpHig dUmond-beaaf 1 ssarfc gave three their lives whan they found It straggling hi their Ashing net yesterday morning. The fishermen, who were casting their nets from a boat l.« km (a mile) off Changi Beach. Übaured far half an how to haul the TThaurtnl shark
    198 words
  • 291 17 Cairo bid to get S'pore to come in on Suez project rE Egyptian Government wants Singapore firms to participate In a six-year project now going on to widen and deepen the Sues Canal. Mr. fttaahour Ahmad Maanour, chairman of the Suei Canal Authority, said thU when he new Into Singapore
    291 words
  • 35 17 POO Doon Chuaji waa fined $40 Tcstardar for «U--lng ~Mttt<t food In a stall la Built Pmnjang paaar rntUam on July I*, at 830 pm. without a licence. His food waa confiscated.
    35 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 235 17 TO-NIGHT I MELVYN TAN (Singapore Pianist) D.B.S. AUDITORIUM 8.30 p.m. Proceeds to Singapore Association for rh« Deaf Vitalitest tdls you the deep-down secrets of your sltin...stientifically... IsK oBBmB^^V 1m ■Ii 1 ,aCa>T r m lkn»-at<"f^^^^Fv W tfMH iKSaaW Bam^aaaaßn -nmmmaßil^ilaa^lwl tJt^_ B^V^SBaVaWaWaWa^-SnS^^-^p. vnu tomalffiit %7 ITj younger. more beautuul \\feVcomealong
      235 words
    • 287 17 sn^^^s. m bbbbHPt^ When you move ia move up mnalSBH «aW nliiiiiiV *ftw si *»mT JSaaVB7 WEmW^m^m^mW£^~ mm^^aM A nrw address becoma a reduced moisture content la whole new way of Irving with delivered within seconds to any or Carrier's Round One (38CR) every room of your choice, central air
      287 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 959 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN PM Opening and Housewives' Matinee- TJI Ins (Mataj) The Bargain (Mandarm Film, Pt 1 -Repeat) 7^5 Tit Sd M*m Mtar Mat-Tst Urt if 1.41 Love is a Many Splendoured Thing tta" tall if Jatjs 4.25 Intermission 145 Magazine Zero One ill Opening and Adventures
      959 words

  • Untitled
    • 78 18 QETTINC their feet wet hi Hie latest bikinis oh tlie local scons are Neptune Theatre Dancers Maureen (left) and Irene. The sisters and six other girls front the dance troupe wiH be giving a choreographed bikini-on-parado at the Mandarin Hotel's Sandbar pool side tomorrow night. The parade is
      78 words
    • 717 18 The problems of today's unwed mother J^EGAL abortion is reducing the number of unwed mothers in Singapore. Fewer unmarried girls are today seeking help from the Social Welfare Department to have their babies quietly or, If they are under 16, to get married. And Rom Villa, the hideaway home for
      TAN WEE HIM  -  717 words
    • 86 18 TO pi Maria aHeed apples far fntnre nsa, flfiV^terlMeed Jar hailtmU of the sliced apples, sM an aspirin Üblet. and flnlahkr tUMn* the Jar with the apples. Bu seM water InU the Jar until It everbows. and teal wHh a etsrPJesi Bd. When ready U urn the
      86 words
    • 375 18 'Golden Door' to health and beauty r«CONDIDO. (Cail£j fornla) Maurice Stands and Herbert Kalmbach came here to be revitalised after the pressures of WaterKirn Novak makes two visits a year to have her "battery recharged." Debbie Reynolds came with daughter Carrie Fisher Bartea Streisand checked in before starting a new
      AP  -  375 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 234 18 ♦>\ BRASSIERES ▼v/ m I \w lf P'*j2JjC gtVgW mr ta\ aWaaaaaWaaaT^ r^-ygyo*^^* I I Jnl tiir insist on vomi T /fH Vsll ■sTnTdBKr-Jr ouamanti cam> •Til ST^ \aW FROM TILS H^ammF' Hi^™eml mW -<- Vm^mt aaWraaaa^ m^Ri^ 'It'R IQm9| I L* II |r\ ji I ItJ '"■*''*eiftF* I gVf
      234 words
    • 320 18 Nyal ORANQE JUK E COMPOUND ilmffl I Oliltt >^9mWn^nV S*4X>*«™>trourt*>Mnntd»n m co<"o^-m]m^M^k dairy with Vitamm C anhenad |L_V^BE r^™™^P| WVAi On** -*"<* Compound. mW/mTeal^Sl- Til Nyal Ormaja Juica m mmta from |"m™*fj'^=-Stj| J traafi, iur*-draoc*md onr*at. ■■■JlhJ fl M^MMTMnSH/ H"tf) »xrr» ~AM/tfc UtCaflKV gnina Vimmki C~...a1l th* VbBJHI Kg* 1
      320 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1132 19 [CMfMMMM? Him II MVMttTfiOn^ tin IF EMMMat* 'TuJ M II Ma 1J |n fttaal ll tan* uaai ■3H k if ilil ii Lmtajwmmp tang hmi wvmnmi: EmW* N*torf t'iMi I 1 p Mi^t ftVrt taa MaM MIM MaM Zm iS Km ST ■Caaa itra M.M li.M MUM II ta JAa
      1,132 words
    • 1241 19 Ben Ocean A K*nt serviced ßen Line iiftjp Fhnnel den Uneand NSMO It aa cmumit iai MM Star. Pla aaj ftant farm fM tMiirn tia HBl m ii/a n< mmm mljni. Iwa. Mta ■UMM I IMM 4 (Mat Mat II HI Ltafa.. t aaMk^a*. ■mill IVIMM IHMM HIIMM tl M
      1,241 words
    • 1250 19 I MT^F7W^7^7*r*^H^MMkH 11 iMa»l r»ar, ttM. Itta rMaatta Otaaait Imm Aataaff All v MUat ka. Atflnt at* BtiITT IF EIWHMII is Mt it Aat *MM 11 MM It MM 'Mfl TMMMT atat attj II MM UWM It MM UMM MMUtI UN I Mil tl MM ff MM KM HMM CAMMII
      1,250 words
    • 1135 19 I^iIIBBIIIIIIIIBBBIMMMMMMMMMMMMMaMM^MI aaal FUUY COHTAINMIZED SIKVICI TO tUKOPI P. ankat S'a<y. njtj. wi mima J 1 'ii MteraV*, AmttrM*. MtMrt, It Haw;. ■MMA. Mfl It Sm i! »<*■'(• ►•»*-«>. jRTn fc 7 S"!!*^* c <»—l»- B*»tMft UiAMu m n StccUtoini. (hi;. Hcluiaj. UritM tjntdom. Ctnat Taat LCI a Man rci a
      1,135 words
    • 838 19 Savnajra *****4; P. btaf O41 LL 2CTII. pmmj 7SMI THE BANK LINE LTD. UttS Hilt Matt. I TITiAM utttr.tiM. Ifian. all aim. Dtrtta A CtftlttW t MWa 1/ I fat r,., a/ 4 MM FMM lilt A MBit tf t«A. PM MMMf, MMHUL I iitiam fmm vn Vmn „)f tUrn
      838 words

  • 203 20 THI *OMT op imoiroM *OTHO«IT» IMNOUHCtD TMI FOLIOWINQ ■IHTHIkia •RSSSSrr* On U"§--,.0W»-«ol« Ath«»kui (TankOT) IKli CX«niu Pnmn It Kiwhin* O«rm World 40/41, HorUjidi 1 47. Uon CTty 18 Bara?) U MB 111 (B Bart*) a and Aatan L#aotr s. _J* HI (B Barn 41. Uoo Or <B
    203 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 996 20 Iyl KAWASAKI KaVN KASHA LTD. IMMSAB IMUI MSI ÜBM in MPM. MKMK. STMJTS JOWCt MM mmmj lmm Pmmi f Mto IBJMIII IMt SBjaaMji bam U/11 Mj ML Haul Dm*. Urn Oaa>, DM MtMM. lM»l JMmm ••a.tjj Afrlaa-Waat AMm MrrM* I PI I fM MMtM MM M-tt MJ m'l4 LMH a
      996 words
    • 987 20 J fctetfi IMI mm > J* M l I ISSS m i32amMir M y*^■bmmmVM, TImbVITI, •WmjMA, WU* mWMI Jmm) UmmUl MMH PVmTs. Iraa IU rrt NUMMt Ul MMTT MIM PMM| II MJ It MJ Ht"t IXT MMTT MMB fat laciiai lit MAttT MMM N to Pat Dvi.« "I MAtn HMt
      987 words
    • 1012 20 lUMM FM IMMtI. NTTfMAII. MMMM M* WU Inn f ■mmi Pmmi tetr Immb la- H-Wi MPTMI MWU Ht»M M/IIMJ Unit M taj Iteat II teat M Mat MM UMMIM M— Mat n MM. MaMlat mbTWXS FMM MmwUMMMtJUj PMTS MM IMMi. M IH MPTbm rlPtl i/tttepl M.ti'iirt MMpt* M teat mil
      1,012 words
    • 845 20 nwtn snwtt ti vmm urarMvtMiMtiT wtn I| MM iMMMm f MMMJ f|MM IMMBJ MMI MMU to fat -T^ Tmm: CarMf Uitow* i/ii. lll.l.r! I/M. IMtorMa l/ll MMa MIM M/11 MJ 11/14 MJ M/M MJ I'M. P t i'tM C«rMt 15,1. 1 4Mi at. araaM at. h-w-i at. MMI MTI M/II
      845 words
    • 698 20 m SUMA LINE COPENHAGEN MMPIMtBT aMTMT UITICI Tt lIMPI liMBMfl f MIM| >t«J-| UMMJ f« MM PIMM to Pat mNM IMswt. I'Ma/l imi. MMM ■at «wm »v ii/ii iaj IMI tax it/tt Mi Man. iimvi'im. MMM) •IW. Mtot ail 11/1 teat 4/ I teat I/ttept IMatit. rtMi/lwa. Mtß) »ll CIFI
      698 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 668 21 classified ads gg) BBRNINA SSS AUTOMATIC Switzerland s wonder sewing portable, ask for Illustrated literature and price, better still come for a demonstration at 3-07 Peninsula Shopping Complex 1 1 am to 5 15 p m For a limited period only, we allow a trade-in of any old sewing machines
      668 words
    • 770 21 I WANTBO A full-time teacher Preferably qualified to teach English to non-English speaking ttudenu Qualified non-Singa-pore cltlaons may also apply Chemical Co moony offers rewarding career for LAB CHEMIST 1 Iji,-. 1 li. BBc In Chemistry. Knowledge/ experience In Textile and/ or Leather Tanning Processes preferable, but not essential -o
      770 words
    • 822 21 IMMEDIATELY RBOUIRBD GENERAL Female Clerk. Knowledge of Bookkeeping. Mandarin, typing and English correspondence Salary approx. 8300/- p m Please apply: 1397-A. Serangoon Road. Spore 12. (a) RECEPTIONIST/ CLBRK TYPIST (FSMMte) School Certificate or Equivalent Typewriting 35 wp m Some working experience on PABX Switchboard (B) ACCOUNTS/ OENERAL CLERIC (Female) School
      822 words
    • 708 21 LADtfIS ANb OBNTLEMSM Here U a wonderful opportunity to earn ■ood money lo your spare time. Ho exporters knirstwary Work ing hours to suit yourself and earn up to 8900 p.m Ring *****6 and arrange to come in and see us for further details Start earning money now. LAPIS S
      708 words
    • 735 21 OUANTTTY SURVIVOR required preferably with Polytechnic diploma in Building Construction. Exuatleuce neceesary Must have valid driving licence and able to speak Mandarin and Hokkien. Apply personally to 272, Joo Chiat Road. B' pore 15 tTOfW-KSsVCN AaaVwSllsßßsßlta ■hswlllsl "f^P" w^ww^^aswsj Bwes^BVesjasktj BJBjßj} (a) OCX/ Trade/ Craft Certificate in Mechanical Engineering Practice.
      735 words
    • 721 21 WANTED lAI EXPtJNBNCwS clerk of-worfcs who must either have been a contractor before or who must have bean in charge In a construction firm for many years (b) eipertonred female personal assistant/ secretary with good command of English and some knowledge of Chinese Appllcanu must state qualifications, salary required, age
      721 words
    • 752 21 A LEADNIB SECURmr firm offers employment to male citizens v Security guards. Qualifications Aft:- Above 18 yrs. Able to spank and write Englssh Salary 8 hrs shift 8200 If Interested. piss as call at 15-C. Beach Rd B'pore. W% MLJSTAO kt Jwong ■iiMms 8-dtw was* requires FEMALE PACKERS Staring uliri
      752 words
    • 745 21 WANTED TRAVEL ASSISTANT ana Sales Executive Age SO to 30. Neat appearance aUpoitoiico essential Attractive wages paid. Apply Miss M Ton. Travelmore. 414. Far Bast Shopping Centre. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Prnltailnml Cleaning Camp an r requires MALAY TRAINEE CLBANN4O BUPBRVsSORS Preferably English educated Salary 1160 upwards Training provided Oood
      745 words
    • 813 21 INMVtMIAL ARCHrrBCTURALL V BUILT independent bungalow in excellent residential locality 4 bedrooms, study, split-level living, dining, well-equipped kitchenette First class decor Exclusive matured garden offering maximum privacy Tel *****5 *****3/*****3 BUNGALOWS: Clement! Raffles/ Blnjal Park/ Eng Kong Oarden Furnished 8 1800 -***** For full details contact Victor Chla 4 Partners.
      813 words
    • 869 21 OIST. SS Island Park opposite Oolf Club completely alrcondltloned. 4 bedrooms, study, choice furniture. $1,700 Dial 11 Hlllcrest Park detached $1,800. 82.100. Coronation Drive 4 bedrooms. 81.800 *****2 Sal'Hß. 1 1 TBRRACS SSSS. Carmen Terrace 8600 Bedok. 8650 Coronatlon Road $1,000 Namly Avenue $1,100 Paslr Pan Jang $1--300 Jalan Lada
      869 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 486 22 I PUWaiHO ROOMS to let in modern flat with telephone and amenities Suitable bachelors Tel Mr*. Tan ***** I*4. AJRVSIW TOWIR. S pore 9 alrcondUloned furnished room, bathroom attached 8460. including laundry and cleaning service* Tel *****5 Mdm Man luxurious rooms at DalattMr Road with cooking facilities Rental 81*0 Tel
      486 words
    • 389 22 vnrr uaaasmv wajrrao more bungalows, house*, flats for ready foreign clienu. furnished/ unfunilancd Rental 0600 82.--000 Tel International Housing Agency *****3 RIOUIRID HOUOIO. PLATS. bungalows In any locality urKntly for immediate clienu aaa* call Alice. 91*801/ *****1/ 9)8847 for more particulars OH. COMPANY/ JAPAN*** corporation urgently require apartments, houses Dttt.
      389 words
    • 412 22 MUOLISTON HILL (Ylo Chu Kang Road) Elevated luxurious bungalow, semi-detached and terrace houses Best fittings spacious garden, private fencing and aluminium main doors Low selling price 60H loan Contact Mr Chong tel *****11 (9 lines) SELSTAR HILL* well renovated single-storey comer Urrace 6.000 sq ft /semi -detached 3.600 5q ft.
      412 words
    • 347 22 SEMI-DETACHED ARIA 4,000 sq ft Contact Mr. Singh. *****4 after *00 p.m on Kh/ 9th 10, Raglan Orove. Serangoon Oarden. Spore 19. BCOOK OOUBLI-BTORIY semidetached leasehold $65,000 Single- storey semi -wooden detached 5.000 sq.ft freehold 008,--000. Metroland Housing *****82/ *****59 OIOT 10 OOUSLE-STORoTY semidetached 8115.000. Slglap doublestorey terrace 996.000" negotiable
      347 words
    • 426 22 POR OMCK BALI Dtstrlct 15 Unique 2-Storer 3-Bedroomed Semi -detached House L-Shaped SltUnt' Dlnlnc Room. Servant t room, Store, Kitchen. 3Bathrooms. Parquet/ Mosaic Pioor. 8.000 *q ft., well laid tarden with special facilities for orchids must be teen to appreciate Inspection by appointment. Telephone: ***** DETACHED MAMLV O.AROEN double-storey bungalow
      426 words
    • 799 22 •LOB. I MOM— PLAT. Queenstown. Commonwealth Crescent Renovated terrano/ mosaic and furniture, t v •fridge, kitchen cabinets Ring *****6 -(2pm 9p.m.) •MANOALAY TOWIR PLAT for tale at 8170.000 negotiable. Principal pita**, or rental at 81.300 unfurnished Area 3.800 sq. ft. 4 spacious bedroom*, (attached bathrooms) split-level living/ dining room, spacious
      799 words
    • 766 22 OOLMJt NU SHCPFia Centre outside CBD 400 sq. ft. facing Beach Road. 8700 p.m. Including service charge*/ light fitting*/ built-in cabinets' room partition*. Immediate occupation. Telephone available Meng Housing *****49/ *****99 OfTtCI SPACE PON sale/ rent. Near New Magistrate Court High floor with panoramic view. 800/ 800 sq ft Hoe-
      766 words
    • 809 22 NAM HO TRAVIL Service (Singapore) PM. Ltd. Tour West Malaysia (inclusive OenUng. C Highlands) by Deluxe alscondlUoned bus seven days *****/-, Departure Every Sunday. Monday. Cameron Highland* Pour day* 8800/-. OenUng Highlands Pour days *****/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oenttaf Highlands Two days by air ***** Departure Everyday. (Sole Agent for
      809 words
    • 713 22 PAH EAST TRAVIL Club (PU) Ltd offers low coat flights to London/ Europe Alao worldwide reservation] Please rail *****2/ *****5/ *****1 KINOS TOUR NATIONAL OAV OEPARTURE 1 TANJONO PINANO TOUN 473 Days 9135/ 120 8/8. 9/8 OENTINO/ MtMALAHO/ K L 2 Days/3 NlghU 805/- 9/8 i OENTINO/ X.L r 1
      713 words
    • 587 22 1 TYPEWRITING AUDIOTYPING ■v>VO)vt b»l»a|i 600 m •nd 9 JOp m Ouali'ad i«Jv final Baaonat miartnad and Haxa> Slap *—•*>* 2 SHORTHAND THEORY On» nwlf 'apO Of «\im 3 SHORTHAND SPEED BO] at 4 BOOKKEEPING ONE MONTH/TMRi t MONTHS COURSES U*»nnan Imwfrmhmm and M.aXa. M.a. COM Mo' 5 HIGHER ACCOUNTING
      587 words

  • 600 23  - Fuad 'begged' for land: Paper BILL CAMPBELL By KOTA KINABALU, Wednesday fHE Sabah Times today published a photostat copy of a letter allegedly written by Tun Fuad Stephens to Tun Mustapha in 1971 "begging" the Sabah Chief Minister for a large area of timber land for himself. Tun Fuad was
    600 words
  • 436 23 Timber deal: I've nothing to hide Fuad replies 1/-OTA KINABALU. Wed. Tun Fuad Stephens today was strongly critical of Tun Mustapha for publishing off icial documents such as his letter of application for a timber licence which he said he had submitted on the instructions of the 8a bah Chief
    436 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1599 23 classified ads g GBYLANG CO*SM*JNCIAL SCHOOL Typewriting anytime from 8.00 am 900 p.m Pleas* reglatar Early 91A. Oeylanc Road (oppoalU Pay Worfa) Tel: 4*680* CORRSS/MPORT-WRrrMO (8 mourn I hi oowaa) COMMENCING Ahq Tw. I*** CSRTIFKATM AM AWARDED en ■si-liS)s« 1 e—raa. Ass* starts- was week: TYPEWRITING BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND H/ACCOUNTINO ENOLISM
      1,599 words
    • 904 23 PACIFK MOTOR CREDIT Pta Ltd. Show mum at 511, Buklt Timah Road. 4Vi m.% Spore I*. Taj *****1/ 6*03*3/ 66*534 offers 1*74 Dauun 120 Y. Honda Civic. 1973 Colt Lancer 1400 5-speed alreon Austin 1300 MXm. Ford Cortina 1600 L. ToyoU Corella SUUonwagon. Austin Mini SUUonwagon. Toyou Carina 1600. 1971
      904 words
    • 1006 23 CORTINA MM with alrcond radio and tape, lat* 1871 model Low mileage. 2 owners, excellent condition. 85.500 on o. View at Hock Service SUUon (MobU). m.s. Dunaarn Road. 8 pore 21. or phone MOM 7 NO KEOBM CAR TRADERS (P) LTD, Ho«e Ol OuaMy Uwd Car.. hMTM Rssil^a (Opp. ACS)
      1,006 words
    • 600 23 I*7* HONDA 178 Motor Cycle *****/- Blk 15. 807 F. Lorong T ToaParoh 18*1 ANOUA good engine condition B*oo o no Contact ******4 before noon. 1871 FORO B*CORT 4-door one owner, road tax. Oood condition ***** Contact 28*3377 HOLDEN KINO*WOOO MOAN 1973 Best offer secures Ring *****8. 1*72 MAZDA SB*
      600 words
    • 400 23 KM BIB*/- DOWN-PAYMENT YOU CAN OWN A WOWEW Et*Bß» ITIUfO STSTIMS Balanct on 11 instalment of SSS M per month For demonstration call Sawßl teas Tratta* Co Ma LM, M1 VteSsria Mm) Spar* T MATCHED SYSTEM for 81.000 Ntkko Amplifier 80 wait*. Sonlcs speakers TO watu each. Oarrard automatic chanter
      400 words

    • 204 24 THE Perak Security Committee has banned log gi n g activities with immediate effect 1,000 yards on either side of the east-west high way project from Grik to Banding, 23 miles away. This is to ensure that ao loggers are shot accidentally by security
      204 words
    • 236 24 $2 mil loss in pre-dawn timber factory blaze PETALJNQ, JAVA, Wednesday A PRE-DAWN fire destroyed the major lx part of the factory of the General Timber Processing Co. In Jalan 203 here. Initial damage was estimated at $2 million. Quick action by firemen prevented the blaze from spreading to other
      236 words
    • 252 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed Tun Abdul Razak outlined today a fourprong attack to overcome poverty, restructure the farming community and bring about rural institutional changes. The Prime Minister wants: A NEW STRATEGY from now to Intensify agricultural production; STREAMLINING of the agricultural credit policy to
      252 words
    • 36 24 PENANc-, Wed. State executive councillor Datuk Hajl Ahmad bin HaU Abdullah has assumed duties aa acting chairman of the state Umno liaison committee following the retirement of the former chairman. Datuk Byed Hassan Aldld.
      36 words
    • 185 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. —Senator Datuk Hajl Dzuiklfll Hamid announced today his resignation from the post of Deputy Defence Minister as from tomorrow. "I received an urgent call from Usno to return and serve the party In Sabah." he said this morning before leaving for
      185 words
    • 79 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed—. Urban development In the, next two decades will tee uv Increasing number of Indigenous people living In town* and cities In Malaysia Prof.Tar. Brl Hamaah Bendur said yesterday. Urban living of the 80s. and 60s should offer them." the opportunity for effective, participation
      79 words
    • 62 24 KUAJfTAN. Wad Polk* bay« Information that not last than eight hmnwjimn bar* have received extortion notes from thugs. Pahang OOCP BupL Hajl Abdullah Sanl said yesterday Ha urged the towkays to eon* forward and report to the police. Hajl Abdullah said some of the towkajw had already
      62 words
    • 66 24 PSwfAMO. Wad a upeet gave himself up to potto* after a woman had bean reported slashed to death at BaMk Puma. Mkm from here, yesterday evening Ponce found Zalnab btnte Man. 30. with her throat cut In an upstairs room of bar home In Jalan Bahru. The tuapect.
      66 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 680 24 classifiei ATTINTIOM LAOItt. *auna batns. scientific slimming, spotreducing. postnatal treatments with very latest machine! at Louise Klerk's Salon. 22 Ngee Ann Building No strenuous nsrclaSs Telephone T***** (Span). AT YOUR PLACI well-trained and experienced Masseur/ Masseuse Phone ***** ill 00 am 9.00 Rm Concession for post-natal idles/ the sick MASSAOt,
      680 words
    • 675 24 iads (D "|IC0N0N»»B »<«O«OCTIOMCM for sal* and rental Interested call at 314. Telok Kurau Road. S'porc IS IHANiFOHTATION/ KtMOVAL MBVICI. Datsun Pickup. Medium/ Big Lorry tt> shift cargo, household/ office equipment *****7/ 4W353. tenwa Company •HANK TNAMSPOBTATION ANO warehousing service. Datsun Pick-up or Lorry »o Shift your office household or
      675 words
    • 1141 24 r^^v^^t rf^^v^^fc r^^V^ar* *W*"^^v« *^^N^ar« i jj d APPOINTMENT OF ADVISER TO PURSUE THE > L ELEVATION OF THE BTATUB OF KOTA KINABALU TOWN BOARD, SABAH, TO A MUNICIPALITY J The KoU Kinabalu Town Board Sabah Is Inviting offer of service A pi from individuals or professional organizations well verse
      1,141 words
    • 526 24 SOC SINGAPORE OILSE AL COMPANY PTE. LTD. Our newly established firm in Jurong (o leading international oilseol manufacturer) is expanding rapidly, ond os such, invite* applications for the following post:PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT THE JOB The person will assist the Production Manoger in co-or-dinating manufacturing efforts within the operation to achieve established
      526 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 270 24 Straits Times Crossworcjj ACROSS 7 md with a lot of Dual-' 1 Omitting laader? (7). neaamen In the cart, per--1 Run to get the fuel In. haps .4-5. perhaps (7). 8 Old billiards champion 10 A gnddaas of the middle gives soprano a dnnk (7>. Parted tTV programme probablr 11
      270 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    58 25 Called home to Ood August 7 1972. You Gave Us So Much Love, Kindness and Wisdom. You Are In The Thought* And Hearts 6f All Who Love You You Are Remembered Today And Always With Pride Inserted by beloved wife. Madam Hu Ik Cung and lov«d •Ma. LIU
    58 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 685 25 SUNOSTRAND PACIFIC (PTE) LTD (Manufactures of Aircraft Components) We ore expanding and we need career minded ond ambitious people to |Oin us 1. Manufacturing Engineers i) A degree or diploma in Mechanical Engineering ii) 3—5 years' experience in Mochine Workshop in) Must be matured ond be able to handle people
      685 words
    • 750 25 (fd\emicals Growth I Opportunity CtjiefCljemist I (Salary around S 25, 000 p«) I Our diem is now diversifying in production on I an already profitable manufacturing base so at I to lake advantage of the shortage of production facilities in the region for their specialised I chemical formulations. I The
      750 words
    • 470 25 PTTIfAR AST OXYGEN I |4J PTE LTD I SYSTEtt MANAGER The job re&ponsitities cover all aspects of the I company's dato pressing activities, feasibility I studies and the desn of data systems. The successful aklicant mus! have odequate I experience in systej designs ond computer ocI counting opplicotior, coupled with
      470 words
    • 605 25 FDR SALE (VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES) IN NASSIM ROAD DALVEV ROAD Single-storey bungalows on choice elevated land between 30,000 to 45,000 sq. tt Large lounge cum dining room .opening to a patio, 3 large air-con bedrooms with attached bathroom and one with adjacent dressing room, kitchen, servant's quarters, wash area, and
      605 words
    • 648 25 IN THE MATTER OK THE COMPANIES ACT, CAP. IU AND IN THE MATTER OF BEACON HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) At an Extraordinary i Oeneral Meeting of the members of Beacon Holdings Private Limited, duly convened and held at 23rd Floor. Tunas Building. Anson Road, Singapore 2 on the
      648 words
    • 494 25 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, CAP. 18 1970 EDITION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No 212 of 1973 Re: Partner Aluminium (a firm) Ex part* TJloe Ah Mol Creditor In the matter of a Bankruptcy Notice Issued on the Bth day of AprH. 197* To: Partner Aluminium (a firm),
      494 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    33 26 ll In ever loving memory of our beloved mother, K.P. Ammu Kutty Amma who departed us on 6.8.69. Although your physical presence is not felt anymore you ft among us always.
    33 words
    77 words
    • 296 26 Greig: Draw has boosted our confidence T ONDON, Wed. The drawn Second cricket Test against Australia had given England an enormous boost in confidence, captain Tony Greig said at Lord's here yesterday. "We have had a tremendous psychol oglcal boost and the team la bubbling and ready to go for
      Reuter  -  296 words
    • 169 26 f ONDON. Wed. Bngllah and Scottish football fixtures for Saturday are Blackburn v Blackpool Bradford City v Prfston" Brentford v Aldenhot. Brls^ to! City v No-wlch, Crewe v Arsenal. Derby v West Ham Pulhum v Chelsea, Huddere-' field v Rotnerham, 'rtratter v West Bromwlch. Manchester
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 1075 26 A TOTAL of 260 horses —64 CtaM 1. 1 M CUai ft and 79 Class 6 has been entered for the PesU Sukan Cup meetIng at Buklt Tlmah on Aug. 18,17,23 and 24. There will be eight races each day, starting at 3.15 p.m. The racing schedule: First
      1,075 words
    • 369 26  -  My EPSOM JEEP RUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Wonderful Surprise 11, an impressive first- up winner, is in splendid trim and can be a formidable rival to Pingat Mas in the $25,000 Wilayah Persekutuan Stakes over 6f for Class 2 Div. 1 sprinters here on Sunday. Ridden
      369 words
    • 259 26 f ONDON. Wed. Lan- osshlre moved to the too of the Engnsh County Cricket championship table when they crushed Warwickshire by an innings and 11 runs at Manchester yesterday. Lancashire, whose manmum haul of is points took then- total to IC3 from U
      Reuter  -  259 words
    • 53 26 Mexicans upset US LOS ANOELES. Wed Mexico upset the United States e- is. U-J. 15-7. »-is. 15-13. while Canada defeated Haiti IH. 11- 1». 15-11. 15-s In Olympic volleyball qualifying matches here last night In women's matches, th? V.B. beat Canada u« li-7, 15-5 and Cuba defeated the Dominican Repubttc
      53 words
    • 201 26  - Indonesia may take HK's place on Aug 18 JOE DORAI By POOTBALL Asso--1 elation of Singapore is now negotiating with the Indonesian team, currently playing in the Merdeka soccer tournament, to meet Singapore in a friendly match at the National Stadium on Aug. 18. FAS offlclaii. now in Kuala Lumpur.
      201 words
    • 41 26 TOKYO. Wed. Japan Lawn Tennis Association said today the Davis Cup ■astern sone second round for 1171 would be held In Tokyo from Nov IS to Nor 17. Japan will meet India or Thailand In the elimination round. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 288 26 LTOW do turf clv'« reckon lM the ages of Malaysianbred horses? Th-re seems to be some confusion In the official race prugrammm. Now we are having Japan-ese-toed horses. Do they follow Australian and New Zealand system as far as their sges are concerned? AT A LOSS 'eaang. KEP:
      288 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 595 26 LEN BENQ OMNIBUS COMPANY SDN. BERHAD LOSS OF SHARE CERTIFICATE Application has been made to the Directors of the Company to issue a Certificate to the following Shareholder who has stated that the original Certificate was lost, mislaid or destroyed. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that If no claim or representation
      595 words
    • 270 26 NEGERI SABAH. MALAYSIA KENYATAAN TAWABAN Tawaran adalah dlpelawa dartpada Pemborong-pembo-rong yang berdafUr dl-bawah kelas 'A' untuk Memblna dan Menylapkan "Oovernment Secondary School at Blngkor. Sabah. Malaysia". Wang cagaran: M 5300.00 Wang Cengkeram: Mt 10. 000.00 Tarlkh tutup: Sthb. September, int. Borang-borang Tawaran dan butir-butlr lanjut bolih dldapatl pada masa kerja
      270 words
    • 767 26 IN THE HlOfl COUBT IN MALAYA AT KOALA LUMfTJB Orlftakftttakf PMWsttNa. 4/M IN THt MATTE* OT SHABIKAT HABTCB QILFILLAN BCBHAD A— l IN THE MATTBB OF THE COMPANIES ACT. lttt NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that a Petition presented to the High Court r.i Malaya in Urn High Court at Kuala
      767 words
    • 705 26 FUBAN FISHING NET MANUFACTURING BERHAD NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Tenth Annual Oeneral Meeting of Puaan Pishing Net Manufacturing Berhad will be held at the factory premises at North Klang Straits Industrial Area, Port Klang on Thursday. 28th August. 107S at 10.00 a.m. AGENDA 1 To
      705 words
    • 601 26 uitfE UGH COURT IN MALAYA AT JOHORE BAHRr IN BANUUTTCT no. i or \n% Re StfUKAT UAN HKNO <st as a flrmi Jmi HJBMZYER TRADINO CC (MALAYSIA) SC BHD A redltor •a Ike Matter af a Rskraatcy PMMisai Uaa Urn Mb flay af Aartl. I*ll Srflksi Uan Her*. (•tl as
      601 words

    • 386 27 HONGKONG, Wed. Elaine Sng won Singapore's second fold medal of the International Swimming Championships at Peking yesterday when she won the 200 m freestyle event Elaine, who finished a close second in the 100 metres freestyle on Sunday, beat teammate Anne Hoe easily
      Agencies  -  386 words
    • 369 27  -  GODFREY ROBERT CT. ANDREWB SCHOOL yea- terday regained the Kiwi Cup, the symbol of Inter-school rugby supremacy, and lost prestige in the recent National School championship finals when they beat their arch rivals Raffles Institution by 6-0 in the second leg match at Orange
      369 words
    • 24 27 MKLBOURNK. Wed. Australia defeated the tourIng Chinese soccer team 1-0 bare tonight with a «3nd minute goal from striker Duncan Cummlnge. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 240 27 Improved S'pore players to take on tourists AFTER a month's coaching by American coach Ronald Kaupplnen, Singapore basketball players were said to have made vast Improvement, reports PETER BIOW. This was confirmed yesterday by BAS secretary Quek Hlang Chiang when he announced the Singapore teams to meet Japan's Dalto Bunka
      240 words
    • 184 27 Bee Khim takes Open lead to 8 strokes QINOAPORE'i golt O queen Kee Bee Khlm stretched her iei'd to eight stroke after the second day ot the Women's Open golf championship at the Buklt Course yesterday. Bee Khlm playing to a handicap of three, yesterday shct a three-over-par 76 for
      184 words
    • 733 27 Chong Sai and Mirnigar score at MAAU meet By ERNEST FRIDA JOHOR BARU, Wed Singapore's 11-mem-ber team had a good haul of two goldi, one silver and three bronse medals on the first day of the MAAU Open athletic championships at Larkln Stadium. Singapore's golds came from pole vaulter Wong
      733 words
    • 423 27 Malaysia get a roasting from their fans KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. Malaysia, for all their total domination and attacking flair, have very little to shout about over their 3-0 victory over Bangladesh In their Merdeka soccer tournament match at Merdeka Stadium tonight. They should have won by a Miner margin, but
      423 words
    • 343 27 BURMESE GIVE HONGKONG TORRID TIME KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. Burma unleashed a'fearaome array of firepower Id the second half to cruah Hongkong by 5-0 In their Merdeka Soccer Tournament match here tonight. After allowing Hongkoog to dictate terma tar a long spell, the Burmese shook their opponenu with two welltaken rt»»iwj
      343 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 78 27 saT^ mw *^^^^^^^^i3aas?i^^^^^^ K This Avis offer is good from noon Thursday, August 7 to noon Monday, August 1 1. Avis has new. prestigious and reliable can for you, with air-conditioning if you should want it. Get into an Avis car and drive out to wriare the fun is for
      78 words
    • 422 27 KONTREKTOR KANTIN Permohonan dijemput darlpada kontrektor yang berpengalaman untuk menyelenggarakan sebuah kantin syarikat. Jenis masakan yang perlu lalah Melayu dan Clna dan kebolihan memasak makanan Eropa akan mendapat pertlmbangan yang lebeh. Syarikat lnl mempunyal lebeh kurang 750 orang pekerja. Perkerjaan dijalankan dengan dua (2) glllran. Bekelan letrlk, air dan gas
      422 words
    • 501 27 H C LATEX SDN. BERHAD Applications are Invited from Malaysian citizens for the following postsA. Accountant B. Assistant Factory Manager. OUTICt. A. Supervision of:Offlce Staff Preparation of Monthly Accounts Future Cash Requisitions. Arranging: Banking Exchange Control Formalities Sundry Expenses, and undertake Internal audit of the Company's two branch offices. B.
      501 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 49 27 aOOGBV-afsKhka tonrnaaaant (Koala Lumpur) Japan v TmfcinHa. a. toraa t ThaUand (lfirasta audrum 1 ml). SQUAW— BBRA Ibdindual Oradad toaraaaMot: TTiaaaii Mbvtaa* (aid rd) itOOC pjb.). Dtr. 1: CSC v Potto, (ianatMr); SMC v Uniwntty (Padaag) Dh. 1: Prto v Folto* (Ohaagl): Dlv. I: IA "C" r SakU (Baiaauar).
      49 words

  • Article, Illustration
    58 28 Called home to God August 7 1972 You Gave U$ So Much Love, Kindnets and Wisdom You Are In The THougnu And Hearts 6f All Who Love You You Are Remembered Today And Alway* With Pride lmcrt«4 by beloved wife, Madam Hu Ik Ciuf and loved ww. LIU
    58 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 687 28 SUNOSTRAND PACIFIC (PTE) LTD (Monufoctures of Aircraft Components) We are expanding ond we need coreer minded and ambitious people to iom us 1. Manufacturing Engineers 0 A degree or diplomo in Mechonicol Engineering n) 3 5 yeors' experience in Mochine Workshop hi) Must be motured ond be able to hondle
      687 words
    • 706 28 uTCljpmicals Growth Opportunity CljiefCljemist (Salary around $25,000 p.a.) Our client is now diversifying its production on an already profitable manufacturing base to a* to tike advantage of the shortage of production facilities in the region for their specialised chemical formulations. The firm, already established locally for S yean, is a
      706 words
    • 491 28 DFAR EAST OXYGEN (S) PTE. LTD. SYSTEMS MANAGER The iob responsibilities cover all aspects of the < company's data processing activities, feasibility studies ond the design or data systems The successful applicant must have odequote experience in system designs and computer oc- counting applications, coupled with sound leadership qualities, maturity
      491 words
    • 609 28 FOR SALE (VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES) IN NASSIM ROAD DALVEY ROAD Single-storey bungalows on choice elevated land between 30,000 to 45,000 sq. tt. Large lounge cum dining room .opening to a patio, 3 large air-con bedrooms with attached bathroom and one with adjacent dressing room, kitchen, servant's quorters, wash area, and
      609 words
    • 690 28 IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT. CAP. 181 AND IN THE MATTES OF BEACON HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED 1 Incorporated in Singapore) At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of Beacon Holdings Private Limited, duly convened and held at 23rd Floor. Tunas Building. Anson Road. Singapore 2 on the
      690 words
    • 499 28 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. CAP. IS IS7O EDITION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No 212 or 1975 Re: Partner Aluminium firm Ex parte: Tjloe Ah Mol Creditor In the matter of a Bankruptcy Notice Issued on the Bth day of AprH. 197* To Partner Aluminium ir firm), late
      499 words

  • 33 29 MB. S.r.K. riasiANoe ages SI. tmmitl at Uaiea Stone. Ajrrr fU)ah Roae pum4 away peee*fully S/S'TB Certege leavtac StMsrillll Casket S p m for aiaaiallea at kleaat Ventea. AlJualea Rota Taaieemy 171/TS.
    33 words
  • 203 29 BANGKOK, Wednesday rpHE United States consulate here was x cleared of people today following a bomb threat, police said. Police searched the building after the threat, telephoned by an anonymous male caller, bat found nothing, they added. There was no Indication that the threat
    203 words
  • 37 29 TOKYO. Wad. Bank Of Japan today sold an estimated UBSIOO million (SO4S mUUon) on the Tokyo foreign exchange market, defending the yen at IM.OO yen to D8»l for the third straight day, dealers said —Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 76 29 EL AAIUN (Spanish Sahara). Wad. A man has drowned in the middle of the Sahara Desert, the national news agency Clfra said yesterday According to the report. torrential storms ended a sixyear drought In the interior uf the Spanish Sahara. When the rains were over, alohamed
    76 words
  • 61 29 HONOKONO. Wtd. Chinese scientists have developed a new cereal by crossing strains of bread wheat and rye. according to a New China News Agency report yesterday. Use new cereal, called octopsotd trlUoak*," has proved to be highly i -latent to diseases, dry ■■ether and low temperatures and
    61 words
  • 66 29 jmUSAUBI. Wed. An American tourlat went masure hunting in Israel with a homemade metal detector and dlacorered s ran 1,100-year-old Roman statue laorton Larentbstf. a Mew York stockbroker, turned up llf e^lse bronae statue of the Roman Emperor Adrtanus. Oast In the tod century AX> while
    AP  -  66 words
  • 31 29 BANK. Wed. The British use mare toilet soap than anyone else In Europe, followed by the Bwlas and the West Germane, according to SwltaerUnd's soap and detergent manufacturers association—UPl.
    31 words
  • 76 29 GBNIVA, Wed Developlnf countries will suffer Tirade deficit of UB$U billion (8$«1 18 bUllon) this year, the UN Trade and Development Organisation forecast toKxeludlng petroleum, UNCTAD said, prtces tor the exports of the deve- loping nations are falling while at the same time they have to pay
    76 words
  • 203 29  - 33 flights to and from Singapore cancelled By RANCt GOVINDfIAs A TOTAL of S3 flights to and from Singapore were cancelled yesterday due to the closure of thibang airport In Kuala Lumpur from 8 a.m. yesterday. Malaysian Airline System cancelled nine of Its Incoming flights and 11 of Its outgoing
    203 words
  • Article, Illustration
    366 29 LOJfDOH. Wes. The ssarkM eleeed euler on balsass toe*/ after a dull aeaasaa. At I at. Ike neaaalsi TUaes laaes was asm I.* at tST.T. The isaiml pnaamrs ea stertsss u4 aassnalaty saiiu— aim lat*r«et latea iiea—m aaldag at too«-aat«e io»«ren»eat aeaas, when act falle raasaS to t/ataa
    366 words
  • 79 29 OWEDISH embassy *3 secretary Ull/»a Odqvlst (centre) leaving the AIA building yesterday with her father and an unl d c n tlf led woman after she was freed by the Red Army guerillas. Miss Odqvlst, a relief secretary, was with the Swe- dish Charge d*Affaires, Mr.
    79 words
  • 391 29 'Security of Seoul vital for peace in Asia' PRESIDENT Ford and Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Miki concluded two days of talks today with a joint statement asserting that a secure South Korea is essential for the maintenance of peace and stability in East Asia. At the same time, they expressed
    AP  -  391 words
  • 68 29 NAIROBI. Wed. Uganda's PnairJent Idl Amln tu* retired his aJr force chief "because he spends most of his time consolidating hit private business." the Ufanda Broadcasting Corporation said today The radio, monitored hare, said Brlf Smart Ouweddekko was retired on the advice of the ruling Defence Council
    AP  -  68 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 141 29 We have opened another sewing centre -elna boutique G-4, HOLIDAY INN, SCOTTS ROAD, SINGAPORE 9. TEL: *****92. For elna precision- made sewing machines and ironing presses from SWITZERLAND. Opens and Closes like a Lctus Flower. .£#^L V Accessories. No carrying case >^T<a> needed-Transistor, it Size 14 lbs. First in f
      141 words
    • 561 29 ILP»SBalßfera^^ia^M^— -^B EX aaaV.^^^ W* <aaßßai BWS^wsV^fle! eaV^wfl Swam W^^^A^ llaFstV^ [a mil —^sb^M aaamV 4aS Haaaaaawaw^j/ laraaai T J 'A waaaaaaaaaaßaaKgßfiSa^ LteaWsißßil i aaaaaaWgeal dßaaaaaaaaaav^BaßaaasasßE^^' assm a^^^ar^*^*^^ What exactly bMETAXA? IN THE FOURTH CENTURY B.C THE GREEK CONQUEROR ALEXANDER THE GREAT CARRIED GRAPEVINES AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF WINE MAKING
      561 words