The Straits Times, 6 August 1975

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL. EDITION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 1496 1 AIA drama enters its third day but hostages are still not freed KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE AIA drama entered its third day this morfiing despite *the arrival from Tokyo last night or five Japanese guerillas as part of »n exchange deal for 50 hostages held
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  • 309 1 TOKYO. Tuesday A SENIOR politician today called for international agreement to refuse sanctuary to guerilla groups after Japanese Red Army men In Kuala Lumpur forced Japan for the first time to free prisoners to save hostages. Mr. MlcMo Watanabe. deputy secretary-gene-ral of
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 102 1 SKVSRAL international flights to Kuala Lumpur were diverted to Singapore following the closure of Subang airport last night after the arrival of the special JAL DC-8 carrying the Ore prisoners freed by the Japanese Government. The first diverted High* to arrive here was a
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  • 196 1 Armed gang grabs $3. 6 m inHK lIONGKONO, 11 Tues. A gang of eight gunmen got away with nearly US$l.5 million (553.6 million) in foreign cur re ncy notes today in Hongkong's blggest-ever armed robbery, a police spokesman said. They shot and wounded two bank employees In a daring and
    Reuter  -  196 words
    • 145 1 STRAITS TIMES reporters N.G. KITTY and K.S. SIDHI phoned 1.45 a.m. from Koala Lumpur: The gunmen released nine hostages live women and four children at 1.2S a.m. One woman was carried oat on a stretcher and taken to hospital In ambulance. The other four women and
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 15 1 I^^^^s^e^ss*-!^^ i(n *rfl '/wVJafl efL^=->*. IM' Wtrr^^m^ ZJ2 60CQms oo»e-> W^-^-^Bsl ist stocks last '^^Sa^g^g^Hg^gl
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 207 2 BANGKOK, Tues. Six member countries ef the Economic and Social Commission fee- Asia and the raelfle (ESCAP) have signed Asia* first agreement fer liberalised trade among developing countries here after month -1 o ng negotiation*. The "Bangkok Agreement* wa* ratified on Thursday, by senior government officials
      AP  -  207 words
    • 94 2 DOVER, Tues.— An Australian grandfather. Des Renford, broke the world record for the most English Channel crossIngs when he swam from Dover to Cap Qrlz Nez, Prance, yesterday In 13 hours 10 minutes. It was the 47-year-old New South Wales swimmer's eighth Channel crossing to
      AP  -  94 words
    • 58 2 DUBLIN. Tubs. Selfstyle British spy Kenneth Uttlejohn was yesterday back In Dublin's Mountjoy Prison -where be escaped from It mn««ti» while sernng a 20-year sentence for bank robbery. He was recaptured last December In Brtu n and was secretly flown to Dublin at the wenswnri cfter
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    • 27 2 PARIS. TU*s. Benolt Prachon, one of the most pnfcnlnent flfurea In French trade union history. died yesterday and. M. the Communist Party tnimim*. ed.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 283 2 Bonn urged to check sharp fall in exports PARIS. Tuesday WEST German exports have suffered a sharp fall in recent months and the country risks further deflation unless stimulatory measures are taken, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) said yesterday. In a report on the West German economy.
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 76 2 Australian exports set record CANBERRA, Tues. Australia exported goods worth a record A 52.246 million (857.140 million) In the quarter ended June 30, the Bureau of Statistics reported yesterday. The total wa* AST* mulloo higher than the previous re cord, act In the Daoember quarter taut rear. For tta* financial
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    • 480 2 NEW DELHI, Tuesday GHOUTING its acclamation, the Indian Parliament today rewrote the law to free Prime Minister Indira Gandhi from her embarrassing conviction for corrupt electoral practices. The retroactive amendments to India's electoral code passed the Lower House by voice vote with
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    • 221 2 920,000 out of work in Japan mOKYO. Tues. The 1 number of Jobless workers In Japan rose to 920,000 In June, giving the country Its highest monthly unemployment rate In 15 years. The Prime Minister's Office, providing unemployment statistics today said tnat when seasonally adjusted the figures showed an unemployment
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 29 2 BANuKOK. Tues. The Thai Oovemmer.t ha* decided to sign cultural agjrcmenu with the Soviet Union, Iran and India, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said here jasti day.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 47 2 ANKARA, Tuts. Seven adulu and three children nenng in a lrnlrod. taxi <U«1 la«t night when the .ehlcte collided with a lorry near Adana, southern Turkey, local official* said today. Police are looking tor the torry-djiYer wno drove, off after the accident. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  47 words
    • 210 2 LONDON, Tu«e. ffCIK British Qovern--1 ment yesterday rejected a call In Parliament to cut off aid to India because of toe state of emergency and other itep* recently imposed by Prims Minister Mr*. Indira Oandhl. Conservative MP Teddy Tayior had asked If It
      Reuter  -  210 words
    • 22 2 11 -year-old mother POET MOSEBBY. Tacs.-A 11-ycar-cU native flrl has (iven Mrth te a 17kg (sU-Beand) bebj at official said today CPI
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    • 301 2 The day Hoffa was told: Quit or you'll be killed TVETROIT, Tues. A LJ longtime Teamsters union gadfly says former Teamsters leader James Hoffa told him last year that Anthony "Tony Pro" Provenxano threatened to kill Mr. Hoffa or kidnap his grandchildren if he refused to give up efforts to
      AP  -  301 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 (GRunpicP) DIRECT FROM W. GERMANY color tv Iws^gmwV e^Bfe^K^_ aissto ■Be%r^2di BsflK ««^gwefl Metz 3HmwBBSS_J Panama-Color SU 66 cm (ac c Fully Transistorised l*mflgmlflfl||^||^|||B s Electronic diode Tuning c hwtant Sound Picture Sensor Touch Tuning nfrWil&' c Ultrasonic Remote Control I BTBtoB. GRUNDIG Super 2210 98LwPM| X'*Ptif&^tf 56cm(22 i J
      261 words
    • 52 2 gf K RABRO relieves stomach disorders with the very first (g)ne Rabro brings lasting relief to thousands of wtcSf sufferers all over the work). Its main active ingredient. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE. effects quick relief in ulcers treatment. Xfc^'Siel' Rabro i« Available in strips of 10s and boxes of 50s. Made in
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    • 225 3 V tKNTIANK Tues- The 'official Laotian news Sf l 1 yesterday that American jet flfhter planes had violated Laotian air space over Luang Prabang province three times in the last half of July. WASHINGTON: 4 lisnemaer Con f r«ts>ioiuU defecation headed by P^yse of Bepresentatlvea Speaker Cart Albert left
      Agencies  -  225 words
    • 52 3 LONDON, Tuea. Britain's reserves of told and foreign currency rose attgfatly in July after aharp faUs in the previous two months, the Treasury said yesterday After falling by USS64I million In May and 5993 million In June, they rose by 161 million laet month to UM»
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 24 3 BEIRUT. Tuea. Iraq has outlawed the carrying of anna and ammunition in northern Kurdish regions, the Iraqi news agency rtported yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 496 3 TENSION AFTER TROOPS SHOOT TWO DEAD II SB ON, Tues. Thousands of anticommunist demonstrators rampaged through the northern market town of Famalicao this morning, while in Lisbon a leading leftist general suffered what appeared to be a political defeat. The crowd in Famalicao broke
      Reuter; AP  -  496 words
    • 474 3 LONDON. Tuesday rpHE British Oov--L ernment has come under attack for allegedly promt sing Irish Republican Army (IRA) leaders "safe conduct" as part of the ceasefire In Northern Ireland. The Issue, which developed Into a major political row In Belfast last night,
      Reuter  -  474 words
    • 261 3 Racialism In Britain: Wilson urged to act LONDON, Taes. There to still toe m»ch racial discrimination la Britain, especially In the fields of jobs, housing and education, the rating Labour Party said yesterday. The party urged Prime Minuter Harold Wilson's Government to boost its machinery for lighting against discrimination Much
      Reuter  -  261 words
    • 149 3 DOCTOR HOSPITAL FOR $26 mil pHICAOO, Tues. A V> physician from India filed a Federal court suit yesterday contending h? was fired from a Chicago hospital because of his race. The suit, filed by Dr. Mohammed Abdul Nayeem, asked for US$lO .6 million (8526 million) in damages. Dr. Nayeem said
      UP  -  149 words
    • 50 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. Richard Nixon might itUl be President U be had destroyed the White Houae Upas when, they first became publicly known, said former special Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworakl. Mr. Jawormkl mad* hie comment* in an Interview last night jn Public Broadcasting Nsrvtofa "Martin Agronsky* evening WlOon
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    • 20 3 MCOfBAPOUS. Tuea. The Air Una Pllou aaaortaUnn ■truck Northwest AlrUnaa •arty yw> stray, a union apoa-aaman said. AP.
      AP  -  20 words
    • 245 3 LUANDA, Tuea. Thousands of chanting Por t v guess settlers marched through central Luanda yesterday app c a ling for foreign help to evacuate them after a night of sporadic small arms fire and explosions. The demonstration had been planned since last week but
      Reuter  -  245 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 Watch for Hie foshionconscious lady ENICAR kaaps you in touch with the latest fashions of ?/?f;f/// the world, with the introduction of an entirely new -'vJV/.V.V. range of fabulous models to grace every wrist, to match V.V.V.V.v.' any occasion. Little wonder ENICAR is the ultimate 8 choice of fashion-conscious ladies
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    • 219 3 ■tssssssi *^sstW i^r A. M 1 j I M A. _M Ml I I I^gsssssi gsssssssm jfßtot A Rum P Steak N.Z. 500g Minced Beef g N.Z. 500g W*9U Topside Beef tStC Aust. 500g **O9 Sirloin Steak 3 y Aust. 500g 9*mW Chicken Wings XO< Donish 2270g &**9 Back Bacon
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    • 513 4 Egypt's new peace offer to Israel DR X: WE'RE STILL IN BUSINESS WASHINGTON. Tuasday SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger today gives Israeli ambassador Suncha Dinitz the latest Egyptian position on a new interim peace agreement apparently containing some slight concessions. "There has been slight movement on both sides," Dr.
      Reuter  -  513 words
    • 62 4 SEOUL, Tues. Seventy- three people were killed ln South Korea over the weekend as hundreds of thousands swarmed seasides, rivers and other fcenlc sports to beat the hot weather. Police said yesterday the victims Included 62 people who drowned while swimming and
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    • 119 4 A MODERN replica of the ancient rowing boats kelleved to have keen used for travel between Korea and Japan arriving at the southern Japanese port of Fuknoka yesterday after a M-day voyage from Inchon, South Korea. The l.tH-km (CMmile) voyage was designed
      AP  -  119 words
    • 65 4 CANBERRA. Tue*. The Australian balance of payments (or the ftnartc**! year ended June 30. although ln the red to the extent or USSSOI million (851.4 M million), was an improvement. Bureau of Statistic* figure* released yesterday ihow that the advene balance was IS.B per cent
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    • 360 4 WASHINGTON, Tuesday PRESIDENT Ford, returning from a 10-day European tour, says 1 his meetings with leaders of Eastern and Western Europe make him believe that "we are on the right course and the course that offers the best hope for a better world."
      Reuter; AP  -  360 words
    • 241 4 rjiYRE. (South LebaJL non), Tues. Israeli aircraft attacked the village of Burghullyeh about seven km (four miles) north of Tyre this afternoon but there were no Immediate reports of damage or casualties. The raid came almost 12 hours after Israeli troops attacked a refugee camp
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 28 4 CAIRO. Tuat. 81x employee* of the Mtar Petroleum Co. have been charted with embeatltaf fund* of up to OSSSt million (SSS3 mulloo). Al Oomhourta newspaper reported.—UPl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 707 4 TAI HWAN GARDEN Off Lorong Chuan Singapore ********************88-B-B-Zl-X N. -BB^Br^BFj-B^^B-Jsßst l^^_—^^ l BBBB_r^*" ""-^^^islsßßßßßßß^^ n>fftiwBBBBBBBBBBBBB-«SB-B-r if i I^Mbl^wW-I BBk-888-M aB-a-B-B-J j_»!- B_La»_»_— _**-^^bbbbbbbb«B| |s^T*'»r > ,i*r 4^Bss_»_,-' rm^ttMm JUST S6BO.OO FOR Utt K_^|_HLr_t EACH SQUARE MET* W-H J^^^W ($5O 00 FOR EACH SQ FT.) I Vg \s"\ OUR PRICES __S^^
      707 words
    • 67 4 HOME LEAVE CAR HIRE Ford. Bm-h Leyland. DattuD. Ckn-hr. Vauxhall. taloon. •aMM or motor caravmn. Raalistk ratal from C 76 tor 4 w«fci attract up to 40V. penod dacount anil Inrliirta i imniiiliiMiia iimii an. mslmaasnB». U.K. Taut •fd UNUMITED MILEACL Otlntry mnhct throughout U.K. Quotattoaa/aVochuraa ainnaihd. A compfau aarvice
      67 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 324 4 Straits Times Crossword f F I 5 I F a__F~l P I P 1 P~ LssJ— L__l— L_J— L__— _b_s— L__l— ACROSS enthusiast come* down to 1 A calm reaction to current earth reverse ln Malaya (7). 6 Stare in wonder at first a Able to Include American galley copy
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  • 507 5 DEVELOPER ORDERED TO PAY TENANT $240,600 THE Tenants' Com- pensatlon Board J*^ 1 1 Mr. Tan Boon Chiang, yesterJjay morning toured a Cecil Street office site before ne resumed hearing of a case in JoTvS." 16 JS m Mr Tan, who was £««npanied by foul other board members £Ur ruled
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  • 109 5 rpHE world's largest X supertanker, the 484.377-tonne Nissel Maru. will sail through Singapore Strait* today on her -maiden voyage from Japan to the Persian Oulf. The giant ship Is travelling slowly because Japan's oil stocks are still high. It will take 45 days for the
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  • 141 5 Broke into 11 houses using a screwdriver AN unemployed man and his accomplice ■slag a screwdriver brake late 11 houses and got away with $20,880 in cash and valuable*, a district court hoard ye«tenlav. Nothing of the cash and valuables was recovered. Usttg Kafc Sun. 43, and Koh Kirn Hock,
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  • 39 5 THIRTY -THREE people were yesterday fined a total of M.835 «n the Tenth Magistrate's Ocurt for falling to furnish. l n cofnf > t m returns on ttm* and various other offence* under the Broadcasting and Television Act.
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  • 258 5  - Shipyard closes down JACOB DANIEL By In the red despite Si 42m contract A SINGAPORE shipyard, which recently won a $142 million contract to build ships for a Norwegian company, has closed down because of financial difficulties. Stratton Shipyard In Jurong has now gone into the hands of the receivers,
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  • 91 5 Man denies $67,500 theft charge HO Eng Beng, 22, yesterday denied areaking into the premises of Wlnsln International Pte. Ltd. and stealing reptile goods worth $67)585 between May 2 and May 4. Ho la auend to have stolen 155 repute okln handbags vßlued st 100 reptile skin belti valued
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  • 28 5 OOH Sent Koon. M. was jailed tor four months ytsurdajr after he admitted ■nosing opium In a> bous* in Hard* ttroH on Monday at »J» pm.
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  • 144 5 NEW U.S. ENVOY PRESENTS HIS PAPERS riwjE new American ■a. Ambassador to Singapore, Mr. John Holdridge (above) yesterday presented his credentials to President Sheares at the Istana. Mr. Holdrldge who succeeds Mr. Edwin Cronk, was once chief of the embassy's political section in the then Ame r 1 can ConsulateGeneral
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  • 50 5 POLICE yesterday appealed to the next-of-skln of a former Woodbrldge Hospital inmate, who died in Toa Payoh Hospital on Sunday, to contact them. Cbong Yung Cho. 60. died at about 4 s-m Relatives should contact Inspector a Nslr of Para Lsbar station at tri. H3344.
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  • 91 5 THE BIG QUEUE FOR GOLD COINS DART of the long queue of people who lined op along Empreu Place yesterday to collect their commemorative gold coins from the Currency Board. The «.mm comprised the bulk of the M.BBB lucky applicants. The coins, issued in denominations ef SIM, S2M and SSM,
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  • 276 5 Red Army: S'pore police put on alert CINOAPORE police 3 and the Internal Security Department are now on an islandwlde alert for Japanese Red Army members or subversive elements, following the abduction of the US consul and Swedish charge d'affaires and at least 14 other people In Kuala Lumpur on
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  • 32 5 TBS UP for Ponaoi. Mr Ni K*h Ting, wul pnsont prista to the winnon of the Kmggol sump Bchttttoa It 7» at Pongsol oommunlty centre on Saturday at S pjn.
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  • 312 5 A BARBER, Yeap Chow Sin alias Yap Dew Seng, SO, who was sentenced by the High Court to seven years plus 10 strokes of the cane for armed robbery, yesterday walked out of the Court of Criminal Appeal a free man after his
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  • 69 5 rvPERATiONS to dean I the beach off Marine Parade of thick oil sludge ended yesterday. In yesterday's operations, workers from the Environment Ministry and the PSA cleaned several patches of oil Klcbules on the beeches. The Ministry will send a few men today to survey
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  • 44 5 A STRAITS Times clerk. Miss Chlam Soon Hlang. lost an envelope containing her birth certificate and personal documents at a bus-stop in Zion Road last Thursday. She appeals to the finder tc contact her at teL *****1 ext. 290. or *****3.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 220 5 iiiii JACKPOT ■W GROUP II PRIZES WON 111 SUNDAYS (3.8.75) DRAWN 111. 61/75 Tui i97S <"^ \iX l»M»|xi C m/^^4, J_sJ_lC|)<lB 'ji9_ |>C 16 $7) IB |19 gTraJ* 1 2Q 1 2i ~n\!& W Jf^f? m 25 "*****128 129 I 25 |26t 27 28 IT] jft*ffi' M T' i »*r
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    • 95 5 Highlights for today Malay girls told to widen their mental horizon. Proposal to set up Pilgrimage Fund. Safety precautions for flag day helpers. Jealousy that led to murders. Bodybuilding: Fierce competition among participants. WE CHEHMI MIH IK RffWUC OF SMWOK FOR 10 GOOD YEARS OflNH>BttrttrMPraGttSS. MCOMMEMORAnTHIS Misncnus occasion with 10C0UWRFI1
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  • 3263 6  - Ong told me that Wee expected gratitude to be shown Lauw T. F. HWANG and BEN DAVIDSON REPORTERS: MILLIONAIRE Lauw Tjin Ho, 48, chairman of Lauw and Sons Pte Ltd., said in the First District Court yesterday that his secretary/ director, Mr. Ong Keng Kok, had told him that Minister
    3,263 words
  • 104 6 rE MT for Aljanled. Mr. Chin Ham To nf, haa erltldMd former national »erTleemen who disliked hard work and Mac MUar Joht despite hay- gone throe (h toagh Military training. He said It was dUappotnUm that the eompUcent »ifU plea—rs sensing atUtadc of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 a^H ■YaW RJ Philips M^^^^^JMH^^n* Hairdryer .^^^^^^^HP^Hl^r Elegantly J^K^^^^^^m designed for .^Hn^ fdstdrying. '^^^^^?^3SISBBfisB^^HBIB* Utfir'n' Easy. f3 Perfectly balanced, the Philips You can have your hair set at lightweight hairdryer is a fabulous aAM'Y*' fe the right ptece. And it's so light. You can personal care appliance, both in I
      108 words

  • 233 7 Case of boy who died after basketball game npHE State Coroner, A Mr. Chee Wai Pong, yesterday recorded an open verdict on the death of a teenage boy, sayIng that the evidence of a fatal fall during a basketball game was only 'hearsay." The court heard that Tay Hock Beng,
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  • 28 7 THE People AaodaUoo Youth Judo Club will hold a judo claa for beglnnen every Twli; and Friday from 7JO p-m. to »30 pjn. startIng neat month.
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  • 742 7 Mandatory caning: No escape now SUBORDINATE courts are to be given power to impose heavier sentences on offenders and to ensure that a person will not escape the mandatory caning for his offence, even though he may be sent for corrective training or preventive
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  • 160 7 Search without warrant: Wider police powers A POLICE officer below the rank of sergeant will have powers of search without warrant provided he has good reason for believing that, by reason of the delay which may be caused by referring the case to his superior officers, any evidence q£ an
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  • 98 7 A BILL to give leglslatlve effect to the economic expansion Incentives recently accounced by the Government has been given first reading In Parliament. The Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax> (Amendment) Bill seeks to dispense with the requirement that a com- pany must Incur a fixed capital
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  • 222 7 *****73 wins $400,000 in S'pore Sweep TICKET No. *****73 won the first prize of $400,000 In Singapore Sweep No. 8/75 drawn last night at the People's Park Centre. Second prize of $150.--000 went to ticket No. *****09 and third prise of $75,000 went to ticket No. 3116M3. (SIMM> *****43 *****22
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  • 108 7 Hajl Sha'ari Tadln, Senior Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Culture, will officiate at a National Day cross country run organised by the Kampong Chal Chee community centre youth group on Aug. 24 at 8 a.m. Kntry forms arc available at Kampooff Chal Che*
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  • 32 7 Bukit Merah courses BUKTT Morab «>»»i«...nitv centre will Mart courm la children's art, «xl*i fence, elementary folk dano*. volley ban. tabto-tonnls bMfcot ball karat* and pufUMte claaa* mo. For dttalls tetapbon. Mlßf7.
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  • 326 7 pHE National Day 1 parade at the Old Raffles Institution field from 9 a.m. will feature 41 marching contingents followed by seven cultural groups. Cultural Items Include a benlUt display. *ung f u and lion performance, and a gymnastlci snow. Ive school
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  • 115 7 rriAXIS with monthly 1 ana licence* plying along Kesyel Road are s»*d to be charging double the usual fare for trips which Involve passing thrcogh the i— <ik>ed son*. This malpractice is aaM to may bog— following the extension of the
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  • 109 7 Diploma and degree courses in Britain APPLICATION forms and handbooks for admission to first degree or diploma courses in universities and colleges In the United Kingdom for the 1976 session are now available at the Public Service Commission (PBC). Singapore candidates can only submit their applications through the PSC and
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  • 60 7 KOH Kofc Hong alias Kofc Kok Hot, M. was Jaltod (or (our months by a ***~flttrate'k court yesterday (or ■(tempting to commit theft at Uat Tower* Orchard Road on Monday at about 7 pjn. Koh was caught by a security guard while he waa scratching
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 DONALD MOORE TALKS ABOUT DISNEY ON PARADE Disney on Parade is the biggest, most spectacular show ever to come to Asia. It will appear in Singapore, next to the National Stadium, in the world's biggest tent seating more than 6000 people, all on tiered seating. Wherever you sit you will
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    • 85 7 SItOOO J Kj I I jijji I'• Plus! f£ I 100 CONSOLATION PRIZES i I OF AN ABC EXTRA STOUT GIFT CARTON EACH. 1 LOOK! IT'S SO EASY TO WIN! I Get an entry form from your favourite ABC EXTRA STOUT retailer, read the facts JBsg| about ABC EXTRA STOUT,
      85 words

  • 30 8 .Tun Akdul Razak leaving th« AIA building under heavy polk* escort after visiting the operation* rocm-Plctur. by Vow Yun Woh.
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  • 532 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday MALAYSIA appreciates the quick action of the Japanese Government in meeting the demand of the Japanese Red Army terrorists. Tun Abdul Razak said today. "The Japanese Oorernment must have taken a
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  • 243 8 Groom of three weeks among the captives A NEWLY-WED, Mr. K. P. Choong, 28, Is believed to be among the 50 hostages held by the Japanese Red Army terrorists. Mr. Choong, who Is sales manager of the American International Assurance, was married at the Civil Registry on July 12. A
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  • 184 8 ABOUT 19 commercial establishments and banks boused in the American International Assurance building remained closed for the second day today because of the seizure of the ninth floor by guerillas of the Japanese Red Army. The building bouses two banks and three
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  • 121 8 ARMED police escort a trolley loaded with steel boxes containing millions of dollars, from the First National City Bank offices on the ground floor of the besieged AIA building, for safekeeping at the bank's Old Market Square branch nearby. The cash was taken out of the
    Vow Yun Woh  -  121 words
  • 407 8 THERE has been little sleep for Mrs. Wllhemlna Bergcnitrmhl since her hasband. Swedish Charge dAfTalres Frederick Be rgenst rahj was taken hostage. She has keen keeping vigil by the phone for news of the latest deve opmenta. "Yes, l>e rested a
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  • 355 8  - PC who shot it out: Wine bullets whizzed past me N.G. KUTTY By A POLICEMAN today recalled his narrow escape from death, when he exchanged fire with the armed guerillas on the ninth floor of the AIA building yesterday. P C Amurthallngam. 30, who underwent an emergency operation for a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 169 8 (THIS FABULOUS CHILDREN'S J^^^^ T-SHIRT IS YOURS FOR JUSIJ k /^S\ (f^/ft\ AND SPECIAL Mm WID <^|£/ WRAPPERS* B~* 4**S^H For |ustSl.9o and special Tiger Balm wrappers worth nw *^^P* sT^Va^afl gV 4 points, this export quality T-shirt Is yours. And we have It W gV In sizes to fltKtds
      169 words
    • 73 8 I COOLING TOWER 1 Quality Products I -i I For Air Conditioning aft-L Aul Lvli I STOCK SPARE PARTS OF VARIOUS SIZES AVAILABLE IN SINGAPORE ALSO AFTER SALE SERVICES I A\ I Agents ffOaMBB I INCO ENGINEERING PTE LTD. I Head office: 125 126, Central Building, 1 2, Magazine Road
      73 words

  • Across the Causeway
    • 220 9  - Storm over Tun M's Tray for me' order BILL CAMPBELL Prom rOTA KINABALU. Tues. Tun Mustapha has raised a storm ln Sabah Islamic circles by Issuing a circularletter to all United Islamic Sabah Association (Usia) divisional chairmen instructing all imams to say a special prayer for his party, Usno, and
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    • 45 9 JOHORS BARO. TUe^ A "hof-ynioon-lljnd aobaoa tar uoblj iiinfi oomphb ■oTcmment aoen, MaMn E^aVTaa Brt Kajl OUmmii BMt amid jiaiarHy. which land would be aito- to rouna uavl|-weaa w^bTrSTiVaoJh-J-^. aebcmaa be said at ttie S^S ««*abop atitoa BukM a*nyum Youth TrattM —IW
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    • 328 9 KUANTAN. Tuesday LEGISLATION will be drawn up soon to enable road accident victims or their beneficiaries to qualify for automatic compensation Deputy Law Minuter, Datuk Atbl Nahappan. said yesterday the Oovernment was now working out details of the legislation under which the victim need
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    • 189 9 DENANO, Tues.— ShlpI pins clerk R. Anthonysamy, 30, was today jailed for tiro yean when he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of voluntarily raiiffag grievlous hurt to former state goalkeeper Abdul Rahlm bin Pawanteb who died after he had been struck by a
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    • 43 9 KUALA LUMPUR. TUaa.— The* North Koran VleePrcmlar and Minister of Ptonsai Attain Mr. Ho Dun. armed bare today lor a Uiree-day official «tstt B* ni accompanied by the Deputy rontga mmater. M> Oo Bunt BUD. and Om other hfch-raaMof ndnJkUy •tttdssi.
      43 words
    • 106 9 KUALA LI'MPUB, Tues. A Johore Bars prlvau practitioner. Dr. Chn Chee Peng, has beea mipended from the Malaysian medical register for three years, the president of the Malaysian Medical CoouMdl. Taa Sri Dato Dr. Haji Ahdml MajM lamail said la a stateBBCat today The eeejwefl
      106 words
    • 27 9 LONDON. Tues. Judges from the 34-naUon Commonwealth will attend week-long commonwealth magistrates' conference opening ln Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 10, it was announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
  • 656 9 Prisoners told by phone from KL: Check the plane TOKYO. Tuesday THE Japan Air Lines DC-8 jetliner carrying five of the seven prisoners whose release was demanded by the gunmen who took over the US consular office in Kuala Lumpur on Monday, took off at 2.45 Tokyo time (1.15 p.m.
    Reuter; UPI  -  656 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 749 9 IF YOU WANT I TO EARN MORE ACT NOW! nw stesem cusersttoa n csmtarttj Msrtfcai ter mm I awae* wth IW *2"r m sttnMei el skcssi. Tei e»« lets' in W 'k^ ttM »iMM«/tiKitn«/efe«ttaeail •*e/ J 1 fieMs with LEAD IH£ FIELD staßiafll LM> THE FIELD po«« pack*. •fefaßaaßafel EMI
      749 words

  • 252 10 Year end start for co-op pig farm \yOKK on the proposed $1 million commercial pig farming project in Ponggol by the Singapore Livestock and Agricultural Co-operative Society (Slacs), whose members are mostly civil servants and teachers, will begin in December. Slacs plans to start rearing pigs in a year's time
    252 words
  • 125 10 MR Maahour Ahmad Mashour. chairman of the Suez Canal Authority, will arrive here today fcr a threeday visit. He will spend a busy day tomorrow with courtesy calls on the Minuter for National Development and Communications. Mr. Llm Kirn Son. and Port of Sinuaoore
    125 words
  • 43 10 MR. N. OoTtndasungr. MP for Telok BlangaM. officiated at the baDotlnc of 139 hawker stalls at the Depot Road hawker centre in Telok Btengah yesterday. The tingle-storey hawker centre has 83 stalls selling market produce and 4B sellIng cooked food.
    43 words
  • 128 10 Lorryman and soldier killed A LORRY driver died on the spot when his vehicle slipped and turned over on Its side, pinning him underneath, at a granite tjuarry In Jalan Kwok Mm, off Woodlands Road, on Monday. Ong Yeo Chi. 31, of Lorong Kadnt. was driving his vehicle ap a
    128 words
  • 89 10 Blood Bank donations and transfusions THE Blood Bank received 804 units In donations during the past week, an average of 114 units a day. Dcnors came from Tanah Merah Camp, Singapore Polytechnic (Prince Edward Campus I. SeleUr Air Base. Rifle Range Camp. Pateraon. Candy (8) Pte Ltd. OulUemard Camp. Olivetti
    89 words
  • 21 10 THE SAF is conducting live firing exercises on Pulau Pawal until Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. dally.
    21 words
  • 284 10  -  RAYMOND JANSEN ■y DRIAN D. Barnes, the famous oneman theatre, is a solo performer in the truest sense of the word. Tot. when he goes on stage for a show, stage props are down to a mini mum, supporting actors and actresses
    284 words
  • 48 10 A ti-USMBBI Uve*tock farana study mlM'on from Taiwan will arrive today for a two-day rUlt. Members of the SUißapore Uvrstock Parmeri' Aoodttlon win wekxane them at the airport at 4.40 p m and. entertain them to a dinner at Mayflower Restaurant tomorrow at B pjn.
    48 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 395 10 UST DAY! I Skwwi: 7.00 ft 9.30PM j Admission Adults: $2.00 Children: $1.00 (CATHAY: inrcTNftiiW) 1 lictiniw Oat* i»k Mssiai h»' 3 Shews Daily: MS, 4.30 A 8.30pm (Saturday A Sunday Extra Show 10am) CASH BOOKINGS ONLY-NO FREE LIST. The Most Popular Picture Of Oir Time! ii fautisiei IP mutimm
      395 words
    • 139 10 Taear VMwtt. 4 Kmit IM. 4, 1 4fJ* Aa Ajtww He«»« Man^srMi Ha wltti •agtsk lOwimM T« Tlsm UMf Ts* Lmlm Wbl ssmyv^S*»w Te-Osy onry 4 S»«.-. 1 00 3 JO, 7 t M A>MmwmCmm<t Cslswcsn Ma Ctnniis 4 Cm»il fc*»4*ta i Op*nt To Morrow "True irf TbT >4J FlWlill
      139 words
    • 172 10 Hm mH CLEARANCE /£s/ ITALIAN Mf ■bi Bh| J Cy RESTAURANT Jp NIGHT CLliB W^m^l^K^nV^T I I DINE WINE DANCt IN AN M^ k i«Jf fj BM7 JiC C ffi >^5 INTIMATE ATMOSPHERE KCf l\ i qPAB E w\\ Ws«uufww Buwruss Hows K Jli^- '7j I DAILY 12 noon to
      172 words
    • 277 10 9th^LlDo:i 63rd DAY! 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, 530 4 8.45pm ADMISSION PRICES: CIRCLE S4 .OO— STALLS 5230 4 »1 50 NO HALF PRICE-NO MILITARY CONCESSION-NO FREE UST Advonce CASH Bookingt only -ssss. tssssssssssaH B^jfia^W^L^sCW V. H RssV tssssV^^^aPv' 'fl sssV^^*V I I 4i B^ B^ B^^a^T' 1 BSBBB \3aT^^^BßJ
      277 words
    • 778 10 „j TOWERING MONTH ♦Hi WEEK 1 43H DAY' 4 »*>•*• Ns«« Ti«>M U^Tl I S, $JO 4 8.45.-1. No^ri. U»« No Hol« Pr.c. No Militory Common Celt S4-Stoll» S2 50 4 $1 50 CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Poul N««mon tUStS^ TK. TOWERING INFERNO Ponovi»ion<;o)or WB-FOXI Lt 1 1 sl A i'l
      778 words

  • 315 11  - Cop's last wish gives new life to two EDMUND TEO By pWO men have re- celved a new lease of life following a dying man's last wish to donate his kidneys on Saturday. Shortly before he died of a gunshot wound at 6 pin. that day. police sergeant. Leong Chee
    315 words
  • 56 11 A SPANISH housewife, who was allegedly raped and robbed by a neighbour and identified only as Mr* x. r««e her evidence In camera In the High Court yuaterrtay. She was testifying against Uo Meng Cheng, who waa accused of committing the offences against her at her Jalan Cherpan
    56 words
  • 38 11 University course THE University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will hold a 10-lecturi> course In TwoSpeed Electric Motors from Aug. 38. Dr. K. C. Rajaraman. a Singapore Polytechnic lecturer, will conduct the course The fee Is US.
    38 words
  • 32 11 QUEENS-TOWN Neighbourhood VI House Owners Association win celebrate National Day with a film show to be screened between Blocks ISS and 169 In Stirling Road on Saturday at S pjn.
    32 words
  • 43 11 /FHE Pioneer Industries X Employees Union has won the right to represent another 1,600 workers, bringing Its total membership to more than 28,000. The 1,800 workers were from the Jurong Family Bowl, Singapore Folex Pte Ltd. and Overseas Textile
    43 words
  • 80 11 BUSMAN WHO IGNORED SIGNAL FROM PC AS SBS driver was fined $700 and disqualified from driving for one year yesterday after he admitted colliding with a ear, after disobeying a police constable's hand signal. See Hock Teek earlier pleaded guilty to driving dangerously at the Junction of Sooth Bridge Road
    80 words
  • 39 11 MR. ALBERT Low Seng Chua has been elected president of the International V's Men's Club of Singapore (Beta Chapter). Other officials Include Dr Seng Kwang Meng (vicepresident). Mr. Leslie Be (secretary), Mr. Tan Khek Khng (treasurer).
    39 words
  • 17 11 MACranaON community centre management cMWnltUe wUI hold a tmbr ■how on Bun<Uy at t ajn
    17 words
  • 546 11 Foreign ties: Why S'pore must be careful OOMMUNALISM and communism are still problems for certain section of Singapore's population because of the nature of the Republic's society, according to a senior government officer. Mr. Barry Desker, actIng principal assistant secretary of Foreign Affairs Ministry, said this when stressing why Singapore
    546 words
  • 305 11 Widow died of gas poisoning in air-con room A CORONERS court heard yesterday that rk a 61 -year-old widow, Mrs. Lilian Jeffrey Phillips, died ol gas poisoning In her alrcondltloned bedroom in Blntong Park on July 23. I She was found dead by her daughter, Mrs. Kathleen Mac Master. Their
    305 words
  • 246 11 PRICE OF RED SNAPPER DOWN 30 CENTS rE price of red snapper (merah) dipped by 30 cents to $1 a katl yesterday, the Trade Department reported Following arc the recommended prices for 1— mm commodities: UCt: Thai 100 per cant 'O', si cents a katt or CoteThai 10 per cent,
    246 words
  • 44 11 THE Metropolitan YMCA will Inaugurate 1U Health and Pltneaa Centre on Aug. 16 at 2 30 pm Mr. John A. Koakl. from the United BUt« YMCA and a ne* executlre at the centre, will introduce programma* of physical fiuvea and testing.
    44 words
  • 42 11 MR. j. F. Concetran. MP for Katong. will attend a variety thow and dinner orgamMd by the l»th National D» y commute* of Katong constituency at Katong community centre tn Jalan Batu. Block on Aug. IS at 7 M pm.
    42 words
  • 57 11 ACOUBT yesterday Jailed a bu for three daya. dlatimaUfled him from drWlng far thre* yean and fined hi* a total of MM for driving ander dh^aaUficatlon and withoat lnsarancr Wong YU K*w of K«Uh waa fo«iMl gmUty of committing these offences along Jalaa Ahmad
    57 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 360 11 Diethelm Aluminium Ladders make life a lot safer. non-sap feel non slip step* only 10 2 cm in width easy to dean A A ii aft w*\mm j^n^M^r^nNnrr^ /I l\ L__ii4_JßL r^rPTi l sir large standing platform lightweight portable VsaW fl 1 long lasting: won't corrode, rot or warp (only
      360 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 205 11 Brtntiag Op Hthtf sly »UI K»v>n*>li «c Hal C—ip ■^V^VB^-^ I THtT'S RIOICW.OO* I Al I JW6«.llXt4«c\=* JK96S. PONT TEU. r NEED COULD UNOERSTXND IT "ID ASK. X3U TO l/ IN B imilCV- ME >OJ»e SOME WBPE AN EMEROENCV/ 7 SO TO THS B THAT i I'M OUT OP ©ON©
      205 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 427 12 PORTUGAL'S political crisis Is deepening. The ruling troika of generals, formed in Lisbon last month with the objective of bringing some stability back to the country, has burnt its collective fingers in snuffing out the flame of democracy that nickered after the overthrow of the Salazar Caetano dictatorship
      427 words
    • 164 12 a LTHOUGH standards of advertising are generally high in Singapore, there is still room for Improvement Judging from the number of complaints received by the Consumers' Association (CASE). The decision by the industry to draw up a code of advertising practices and to work with CASE In stamping
      164 words
    • 223 12 I LISTENED with exasperation to the RTS TV programme Tor The Family" on July M and could not believe my ear* when I was given a comprehensive lecture In the ass of Imperial weights and measures. Temperature was quoted In Fahrenheit and weight In
      223 words
    • 56 12 ANXW road haa been built named Bartlev Orove. May I request the authorities concerned to do something about numbering the houses there In such a way as to avoid confusion with booses In Hartler Orove. Postal district numbers an a help, I know, but very often these very useful numbers
      56 words
    • 77 12 H7B refer to your report ff "Two Tankers Crash Off Singapore PSA Probe" (ST. July ST> and wish to clarify certain Inaccuracies. The two vassals Involved In the accident at the Eastern Roads on the night of July 13 were not tankers as reported but
      77 words
    • 95 12 trouble and made cootact with the "Cherry Blossom II" anchored there. Damage to both vessels was slight. The MS ORT "Cherry Blossom n" Is now plying around In the harbour carrying on Its business whiie the "Duma* Is anchored In the Anchorage. T. KANNU. Pert ec Slngapere Authority. DLIASE refer
      95 words
  • 434 12  - BLAST MADE CITY INTO A NUCLEAR WASTELAND IAN MACKENZIE By MILLIONS of people across Japan paoaed briefly at 8.15 a.m. today, the Mth anniversary ef the world's first atomic bomb attack that devastated Hiroshima. The bomb was droned at exactly S.U on the swing ef Wednesday, August UO. Hiroshima was
    434 words
  • 2047 12  - Was the second A-bomb attack ally necessary? BARTON BERNSTEIN 30 YEARS AFTER HIROSHIMA, PEOPLE ARE STILL ASKING... By MEW YORK. Tuesday YEARLY four years after Japan's sneak attack on Peark Harbour, American planes, without warning, dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wreaking havoc on a scale unprecedented in the
    2,047 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 18 12 for those who /^^H^| \V value technical B^ m\ watch perfection. /JH a dass to itsetf. FC-9479 Ml
      18 words
    • 131 12 agfc:__ ->W' sal Will [J! BSBBB^^^^''*' Laaaaaaaaaaaalaaaam. s^saaaaaaaF REDIFFUSION aaaam^^^^all^^^Rs^TT^^s^fi^^ssßßßßß! Baaa(r^aaT^^^^^9^^^Baaa! FROM l^ Bw^raa> Bar as SBBB>3s>^^^ I V BEr^l For immediate installation Call 2520H0/*****T1 MNTAOOLOR TV RtNULSPFCU LISTS *ORLI)V\ 11)1 27 GottnW Plaza. Thomson Road. Singapue Yivitar. lenses The Photographer's Delight Law bsbbbbbl I Laar^ D New 86-206 mm
      131 words

  • 194 13 THE kamp ung house In 1 Loyang Besar said by the poll( :e to have been bou ght by the Communls t Party of Malaya f( >r Its agents In Slngapo re for storing arms. The house i /a* shuttered and
    194 words
  • 107 13 EXPLODING THE MYTH OF MENTAL ILLNESS rpHE Slngapoae Assoda--1 tlon for Mental Health will hold a series of weekly talks on mental health from tomorrow at the Council of Social Service Building, Penang Lane. Dr. Paul Ngul. president of the association, will talk on "Myth of Madness" tomorrow at 8
    107 words
  • 164 13 A DISTRICT Judge yesterday called for a probation report on a 19--year-old youth who robbed a six-year-old girl of her earnings. Syed bin Mohd. Kasslm pleaded guilty to talcing the earnings from Kalsom blr.te Ibrahim on the fifth floor corridor of Block 34. Lorong 5.
    164 words
  • 78 13 SINOAPORE Airlines' filth Boeing 747 jumbo let Li expected to be deliven»d next April, according to a SIA spokesman. Ths sixth and seventh Jumbos are scheduled to arrive by 1977. The chairman of SIA, Mr. J.Y.M. PUlay. said recently that by *****, the
    78 words
  • 161 13 Double crash freighter towed for repairs rB Fan manl&nrea—Uretl freighter, Tm Peng Me. 2, which was Involved in a doable tanktjr collision in the eastern Anchorag* en J«ne 24, was y— twday towed to •M-h-wmag Shipyard from EMtern Anchorage for repairs. The vessel was refloated on Snnday -Ight by Btnga—ce
    161 words
  • 766 13 Financial aid and training **c******* s p*rant^ trwv Won B ranis non the Finance Minister, Mr Hon Sin Sen, announced yesterday that the Governraent was prepared to offer tax incentives to certain "front-end" projects of up to 10 years' pioneer status, generous training grants,
    766 words
  • 347 13  - Six students remanded for week COWARD LIU By LONDON. Tue«. The six Malaysian itudenti and a -waiter from Hongkong who were charged laat week with offences ranting from attempted murder to possessing firearms, were ordered to be remanded In for another week when they appeared In Hendon magistrate* court yesterday.
    347 words
  • 62 13 POLICE have «elxed a fuanUtj ot -Uchet and Jewellery. hrfteved to be stolen WQf*rty A aottM tpoketman ■aid: -Utmt of the rlcttma are ttudenU and youUM, many of whom did not report the km' He appealed to them to contact Insp. Abdullah Bakar of Orchard' Road station
    62 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 145 13 Got 8 colo Get quick relief! MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING.COOUNG, HEALJNG BAIJM Mentholatum gives quick relief _<^^ from colds, coughs and headaches Mentholatum gently cools and soottoes kaP away skin irritations. > insect bites, burns. ■k bruises, etc. JM I Have some handy for W^S all the family* MENTHOLATUM H The Groat
      145 words
    • 159 13 We can do a Dttll for you on a new Escort During August September Come in and tell us what your want Trade-in We can be more than generous on our trade in valuation Finance? We can arrange terms to suit your budget So let* talk about jt__ REASONABLE REFUSED
      159 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 892 13 On your TV i 1 SINGAPORE 5 3.M PI I Opening and TanonJuri (Malay) IM mm mi Imvml .Hatay) 3JJ Diary ot tvents (Malay) IM Sew Asli 3J5 General Hospital LM Tnu-T-w Mi Ptoct Mmm (PL 1) l 115 Re itak Tan (Repeat) LM Iras (b«M) I US Int ermissKMi
      892 words
    • 22 13 WATER consumption on Monday was 139.1 million callons (MS.IM cubic metre*), 8 4 million callona (SUM cubic metres) more than on Sunday.
      22 words

      • 56 14 T Tni. Mcritn P. tal E nU a H*U. D»t I Land a Et Credit Btiik (kite Dutr 13 16 woe 11 90 tin tiu 12 30 IOW 11 12 II JO SIM II 73 II (6 I2JO 1357 .M 04 .03 M 0J .01 .0J 01 01
        56 words
      • 19 14 1» ardlnr I. Iron ilcma »l Tnat lytei •4.10 •X39 U 53 tO.T« —.110« 0« —.06 08 —.04
        19 words
      • 21 14 Mm Dv+7 OMM I 08. 11<*M Wmkm Merita UMM 0.C.8.& •«.•<• Trtal Tnmr: 1.44 M T««^ Vital: M.M M
        21 words
      • 47 14 *IMartfteh: m.*S a Tnaaaat: 4M.TS Hateb: IUM M Plipallu: ITLM 17 t Tta»: IM.SI 1* t f ri»in: SISJI 111 t O.CM.C: IMJI U iIU MS.4I M Dec M. IM4 1M f DM. St. IMS 1M Dm. lMt IM •Dec SI, ltW=lM Ju. 1. ltT* IM
        47 words
    • 1548 14 THE last transactod ready ask at the close of huslnasi on the Slock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 197S high and tow. Adjusted for scrip/ rights Issue). CLOtINO TONS: IsduatrUU baralr Maady walla Iba raal aaalar TUBHSVSB: OCSdal Ssvraa auppliad by
      1,548 words
    • 373 14 SLIGHTLY iaiprored sentiment la the afternoon lifted share actees from their day'J low on the Stock Exchange Singapore yesterday. Thin and quiet tradIng persisted throughout with prices confined to narrow, erratic movements. After dipping lower at the start, pries* finned slightly aad then softened again to
      373 words
    • 1059 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday wltn the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of I.OM units unless otherwise specified All Time Bargain* or Settlement Contract* are quoted after the word- "Sett."
      1,059 words
    • 755 14 BED and offer prices officially listed and buslnrs* In and reported to tbe Kuala Lumpur Stock stechsnge yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In tote of 1.000 unlU. unlOM otherwise c ed ii«ousTiiiALS AIMWMU il MB) A. Tim (OTTSI. •km (J ll» 1MB). A
      755 words
    • 184 14 MELBOURNE: Broken Hill Propriety said It will submit to the Prices Justification Tribunal shortly on cost Increases Incurred since December 1974. This follows the tribunal's agreement at the end of last month to a 10.5 per cent steel price rise by BHP Instead of
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 298 14 Trading in KL ends mixed SHARES fluctuated within fractional limit* on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday to close on a mixed note. The market was characterised by very quiet and cautious trading throughout the day as operators remained withdrawn. Reflecting the lack of Interest, turnover cam* to only 5A5.000
      298 words
    • 191 14 Indonesia defers fertiliser and rice imports JAKARTA: The Government has decided to defer Imports of rice and fertilisers because of sufficient supplies at home. Government spokesman sad. The decision was taken at a Cabinet meeting chaired by President Buharto. The State Logistics Board (BULOD) has a stock of about 700.000
      Reuter  -  191 words
    • 40 14 LONDON: Petrocon Group of the UK and Swire Pacific of Hongkong said they agreed to form a Joint holding company, Swire Petrocon (Hongkong) to establish a technical service base In Singapore for Bouth-east Asia's oil exploration Industry.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 77 14 BOTH Europe and the OS market were quiet on Monday, according to tbe Malayilan Palm Oil Producers Association. Quotations In USI/ccnli (Rotterdam) unlaas stated ware: Afloat (08) MM cau atUars; Aug (US) 32J0 cenU MUan; Sept *4e»/(UB> 11 oenU MUan. (US) 10 50 cenU traded; Oct two/ (US)
      77 words
      • 189 14 -f-OKYO. Tues. The stock i market eased on selling prompted by the on Wail Street, a sharp fall In Japanese export* In July and weakness In the yen In i terms of the US dollar, dealers said. The Dow Joner average i dropped 45.78 points to I 4.J5823 Trading
        189 words
      • 229 14 fJONOKONO. TUBS Tbß stock market ea»-d fairly a! -tarply In oonUnusd dull t -adlng today, deakas said. Prices drifted down t hroughout the saaaVio with ieaien dtlng a lacs of Inoantlve on the part cf Investors for Urn decline The Hang Stag Ixdex fell through the 300 lerel tumbling
        229 words
      • 243 14 M£W YORK, Hon.- Blue A chip and gUmour Issues led another dec'ine In the stock market today in the lightest trading of the year as Investors remained uncertain over t'kt protpects for another upsurge of Inflation At the close of trading th« Dow Joru* average of 30 Industrials
        243 words
      • 238 14 SYDNaTY. Tues. The market closed Irregular In quiet trading, dealers said. Following yesterday's lead In Melbourne, share price* moved hesitantly either way. (The Sydney Stock Exchange was closed jesterday tor the bank holiday). The Sydney AU-Ordlnarlas Index eased 1.12 points to 355.86. Fb»«— <lae«sl dropped to A 85.40 while
        238 words
      • 279 14 fHX U.S. dollar, at Its opening level of $2 4690, 10 In the Singapore forex market yesterday, recorded a loaa of nearly 1.00 cent from previous level and remained unchanged at *****S 95 throughout the morning session. However, after lunch the dollar weakened rapidly In quiet trading
        279 words
      • 165 14 ban£™ uS? "uSon^l 11 U U <™» <*»* *T ASIAN currency deposit Interbank nta* ■< at ■■tot* on Tuwdiy. Auf. 5: US teUua Offer BM T day* 3 f 1/4 1 mth •11 i« «t 16 2 mth* 7 1/10 15/IO 5 mth* T II 7 1/4
        165 words
      • 138 14 Menda? latuntay v«» uti Melbourne (i) iis.rr oom4 lonian IM.OOB Ck>Md 117. 0 M CkMd Beirut 1*7.76 IM 74 Zurich IM.OOB Ctaaa« 1(7. OO« Cloae4 Pirn 170 54 ClOMd Hoatkont IM.SO Cloeed pan (2) IH.tOI 1M.758 1M.14* IM.S2S Ezpon prtcea In non-sterllns arem la V.B. 4ollmn per ounce.
        138 words
      • 90 14 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIAL* Monday JM.1 Friday 283 8 Wtek ago 294.5 TINS Monday 88.61 Friday 89 07 Week ago 9141 RIBBERS Monday 400 98 Friday 400.98 Week ago 402.22 OILS Monday 2M.N Friday 266 M Week ago 271.86 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDISTRIALS Monday 818.06 Friday 836.90 Week ago 827.83
        90 words
      • 154 14 Suggested Interbank rate* at 300 pm: CarrmMtoa Noalnal imtca ■■Hfcwlaa rmmtin mntii 7«tcrd»7 («ro«) parity ckup US dollar 2.4665 2 4675 2 8196 12 52 Sterling pound 8 2750 5 2790 7 34«8 —MM Hongkong doUar 48 80 48 90 MM —3 39 Malaysian dollar 98.55 M.7S 100
        154 words
      • 66 14 Minimum lending rates (in Algemene Bonk 7'/^ Bongkok. Bonk 7V« Bonk of America 7 Bonk of 8 Bank of Tokyo 7 Bonk N agora Indonesia 7 Bonque oe L' lndochina 7 Chbrtarad Bank 7>, 4 Cho*e Monhotton 7'A DBS 7 Fir»t Chicago 7 FNCB 7 HKSBC 7'/ 4 Moloyon
        66 words
      • 31 14 UKMtnf Interbank nt«s In Uocapor* doll»r» (or Aug. 5: O««r Bid Overnight 4\ 4 1 mth J'» j% 3 rattu 4% 4 3 mtlu 4% 4H ■mum: P. MarTaj-jMc*
        31 words
      • 29 14 RANOE erf rtw o«m4 by ifc» juoi bouM on Au«. Ov«rnlgbt ta »>*%. bank bMla 4 i n aik Math OD »5 J S| t~nt. Ntuoau "limn CkT
        29 words
      • 215 14 mHE Straiu tin price I rose $8 to (MS per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offerIng down 13 tons to 187 tons. The overnight London market was quiet with rorward buyers price sagging £3 to £9.157 per metric ton. LONUON: Tin prices were fully (11 per
        215 words
      • 34 14 Ru bteer: Ai ig. 5. Singapore: Ang. 142.80 cts (HP et). Malaysia: Aag. 143.8* ets (an IM cts). Tin: $989 (a p $8). Offlci'al off erlng: 187 toils (doi m 13 tons).
        34 words
      • 108 14 |'Himn mcd ucs ix closing rWioss npj pieuL VISTIBOAV. Caaamjt ail: bulk M7| Him. drum Mtl Mlltf*. C«wrai MIMd (kM as) UK/Coat. SU B. Piinri Muntok asta «alta fob. 100% NtW $270 aall«n, sutni wblU f.o.' >. M« NL.W 1233 aallara. Bar iwak apa>laJ black r.u.b. nlw |im aallan.
        108 words
      • 39 14 London copper prteaa oa Monday (pt-avKwa la brackMa). Wlnfcar S[ ot hurt ISM (ISTT). Milan (SM 1 1377.50). Thm Month be jrer COOS (<MO>. aalUr <0M i f 39 O.SOI. Mark<tt Ttmi Vary alaadr IU« ».M0 tonoaa.
        39 words
      • 558 14 '['he Singapore rubber market was traded quietly and rather uncertainly yesterday around Monday's final level*. although the opening was quoted lower. Turnover was mainly In nearby months and forwards were neglected apart from small switching. The morning sflijn closed Quiet The market Unproved slightly during a quiet afternoon,
        558 words
      • 105 14 TXAILY BMB and 86R prior* jautd at noon j—lMltaj B4Q^ajj B#SCC% Bfl^W BtaBBTS Mill.! (JvnrMiMU) IhmHMU, BMR »CV (1 tan pallet) 149 it 160.MN IMJt 1J1.60N BMK SL (1 ton pallet I tUJI) 149 SON 149 SO 150 JON SMR (1 too paltati 14«0<) 147 OON 147.00
        105 words
    • 248 15 Gloom still hovers over NBT rpHOUOH the year A ended May 1975 at North Borneo Timbers has turned out to be as dismal as expected, the dlsappointment of shareholders at the performance Is being ameliorated by a scrip issue of one-for-slz. This U the third consecutive scrip issue In v
      248 words
    • 90 15 Uptrend at MBS continues GROWTH at Malaysia Building Society has continued into the current year with prospects of pre-tax profits surpassing by a good margin the $9 99 million achieved In 1974. This U the Indication given In the interim statement which reported a 24.9 per cent growth In pre-tax
      90 words
    • 198 15 AS expected, Metro A Holdings has turned in bumper results for the year ended March 1975 with group pre-tax profits Jump i ng 42.2 per cent to $3 81 million. Coming after Interim profits of $1.49 million. the full year results Indicate that Metro did exceedingly
      198 words
    • 197 15 FR the first half-year ended April 1975. Kuala Lumpur Industries has Incurred a pre-tax loss of $220,843 compared with profits of $10,099 in the previous corresponding period. In his Interim report the chairman. Datuk Teh Hong Plow, describes the period as a dlfflault one in
      197 words
    • 111 15 GROUP pre-tax profits at Xv Van Sang Holdings grew by 17.9 per cent to $415,676 for the first half-year ended June 1975. Gross trading profits ro&e by 8.4 per cent to $796,098 on a turnover increase of only 1.2 per cent to $4 20 million Interest received
      111 words
      • 132 15 AMSTERDAM. Man I%e market generally firmed in oontlnued dull condition*. with PklMea. U«Miiii and ■•yml Da** higher and Akae and Bin mater unong Dutch lntcmatknala, dealers Mid. Major banks roee ahead of haU yearly rwulu due toon, and Pis»Uie, AkAm and Gfcaa> also firmed. 'thnsum—di, KLM and As—lifcm were
        132 words
      • 120 15 ZURICH, lion— IB the afaMnc* of tttimileUng news, th* Zurich Hock bum m aknoet uneh*D«M on U*t PtKUyi levete today The voiuma of trading w WST7 MMUThe bond market 000UniMd flnn The Credit Bulm* todec. eloMd 03 point toew to IMJ. null pin— la Iww MM Witt U» UM
        120 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 651 15 f OCBC CENTRE (PRIVATE) LIMITED invites applications for the post of: MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER for the 52 storey OCBC Centre The successful candidate will* be Head of the Maintenance Department and responsible for the management of maintenance, repairs and renovations of all mechanical, electrical and security services, including fire-fighting systems
      651 words
    • 564 15 Ij VO/PER THORNYCROFT PRIVATE LTD. A leading Mtgh technology shipbuilding and repair company engaged in the design, construction and repair ol specialized naval and commercial vessels. including patrol craft, hydioloils oil rig supply vessels etc. invites applications lor the following positions:— PROJECT MANAGERS Up to $30,000 p.a. Accountable to the
      564 words
    • 632 15 %3 A V A LEGAL OFFICER a^— q ESTATES OFFICER SALARY SCALE A B $900 x A5O I I 50/ 1 200 x A5O 1400/U5O x A5O *****/1700 x A5O 1850 •ENTRY POINTS COMMENCING EMOLUMENTS (Note Entry points will depend on quolificotions ond experience but the minimum commencing emoluments will
      632 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 796 16 mWmA HH I OPPORTUNITIES I I FOR LADIES I ID to work at their own I speed and hours. I I 2) to meet and talk to peo- I pie from all walks of Life. I I 3) to be rewarded with I regular high income. I Please telephone *****53
      796 words
    • 617 16 BOSCH invites suitable applicants who wish to be members of the BOSCH Family for appointments as:TRAINEE ENGINEERS Applicants should possess a degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Electronic Engineering from recognised Institutions A. Those with Mechanical Engineering Degree/ Diploma should be able to read ond draw tech- nical drawings
      617 words
    • 851 16 tfx» g > wnW U Palaitga bines j| ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF four winds; fours (pie) ltd. 17th floor, U I C Building 5 Shenton Way, Tel: *****00 => >.f$ Cable Four winds.Telex: RS ***** Turhold '.'.&s Singapore 1 As their General Sales Agent in Singapore Malaysia PALANGA LINES operates
      851 words
    • 298 16 I OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGE OF SHIP'S NAME WE. Crossworld Navigational Services (8) Pte Ltd. on behalf of Crossworld Management Brokerage Ltd Hong Kong, hereby give notice that In consequence of purchasing a ship, we have applied to the Registrar of Singapore, under section 417 or the Merchant Shipping
      298 words
      694 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1274 17 COtTTAIKtSI rlTl^srTW«T^^^^^^^^^^^V CITT Of EIIMMM ''TS °,2 A gI I „,,0 in 12 mi 1 I>l **t xtatU, tl.i° til ii i 2 H ,£S '4 Mai ItMtt ii Mti Ml "lilt AH UT JitS ,|J2 IS »*>" '"^l ""ilt.pttss ,?i5 ,'ifij ,'g ,4 act j ajt »u..| 1 act
      1,274 words
    • 1241 17 Ben Ocean A/omtaernceafßenLneßheFhiJieiGtenbneandNSMO Ti at cantiwar mi Saul raara P. lataaf Paaaaf lanaa PM> ItPfMt MrM Vt nm V2SS»St2m*. rimTMiti laM l/IMf tiaat la-jaa^ *"aa«. taaati Ss?r- vim -wa ws s Saggr MMfKa lif Mat u/11 Mat I «tt int. leii. Oat. faaata, MOTTvtt it'll Mat aa Mat 1/ 1
      1,241 words
    • 1187 17 1 rrrm aSMMIMMMMMMi mmiridjulf fmmLl^J SaMMMM (^.irt in^ AatWan All VJL raaia F.uat teat Matna Ntart Mat. CITTIFEMMMM tl tat II Aaf «Mat 11 Mat llMat IMal Mm tAT D taj MMa II Mat II Mat tt laat 14 Mat tUAiMi tt mi tlaaC niaat ataat it«<at 11 Mat unit
      1,187 words
    • 1024 17 MM-M-M-M-J-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-MM-M-M| PB^aaaaalHaaaPlaaaßßjVaHa^PHHa^^^^BH FULLY CONTAIWEKIZED SCKVICI TO EUKOfE P Ulaaf Stan raj M?ItJMA i| W lsjn Ketterdam, AMttrttM, Aattatrp, It Hut;. TtTAMA %9si I t|.|| HtWntrVTf BrUTttll iVtaffVtiMVfft 2?!?^ *r'! S''l;* r1w Co t lit w 6«"«««t Miamia act li Stockholm. Oslo. Helsinki. United Kiaftot. Clauat Taaai ICL a aaan rci
      1,024 words
    • 905 17 Sapptra 5.U444 P Mtq 134 V II 201J1I Ptaaaf 2SMI. THE BANK LINE LTD. UAK FNE II AITMCA TATtAM Maaaaat, MaaaMaa. Ovaa. t Cf'tra- I Mat S »>'e Aaf IMt Fttai tut t Mtna Aiixi rta iamui mamiu. rtriAM Ptx«t ii ii Atf f Miaaf stft nn i«« MTIIM
      905 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1101 18 KAWASAKI KJSEN KJUSHA LTD. UWASAKI RMUI NSCN UISHA ITI \im. nous iorc slum smicc Maa Mit«t titnitn Ptaaaf P ItMaj I WISH Japan Arabian Cull leevlee Si«etaon FM TIMIWIaUM llUlal •£>. HMCII. 0-1.. la. Wufc. goat. Japan South Alrla. Waal Afrtea tea ll— SiOftaort PM: Mmii Mitu 14 is laj
      1,101 words
    • 1013 18 KCfPTiM iv lines ar mitt iMif>otn fm PMiuaii. ua»iT. f-rr~ii- etiM>iPM. uaueiMi suauatitiM. tiatua. Miaaei nun leitM. mn raua im utia mia pmts LC.T man larw Pan* "taa II tai 'a»««j I IT marr late it Port noca.aj lit tiiair cacaia ll it Part Docxat Miarr «aaai n lot
      1,013 words
    • 1091 18 fAt EAST mm CMfAIRa/CMrtNTWaBI StWKE IMMM FM IMMI. MTTtMAH. MWMC <v SHI raan P ltia>ie Ptaaai latl ttaaai Urn Maori MPTiwi fHfuia I I lot nil lai ll'" laa lai 1 laai 11 laat 11 loai Coin la am I Stot. tiiaiaaai II loal. uaat If liat AMIVAIS FMM NMTN
      1,091 words
    • 848 18 evkss anicf to lmmh. Livfifoot cmti«nt pmts l| |pa.i, t>*pao<a P Mi««| Pi.«| lor lunci sieau la part i doc Caravf n it «i»i I p, Mtaaurl J 10 emaraaa 1, 10 •u>c> miaa ii/ii lot ii/ii t., ii/ii lat e>ato lit laaa IS V aiaa 7! Irtowa
      848 words
    • 784 18 THE PORT OF SINOA- Cygn us Forest 19, Pro--1 PORE AUTHORITY tesliaus 8/9. Ortente ANNOUNCED THE 13EBU) 23/24. ChlFOLLOWINO BERTHING dambaram 42/43. Stolt ARRANGEMENTS FOR Athenian (Tanker) WEDNESDAY. AUG. 6. 15/16 a nd Asian Arrow OUT: State of Tra- 31/32 vancore Cochin 3/4, Rytterhav 13/14. Asean Blntang SamuPloneer 22. Vlshva
      784 words

  • 105 19 ATTENTION LADIES Ii Housertvaej Enrol Now with Michelle urauty •> Model Academy for courses in Personal Oroomlng or Professional Modelling •..•rough Training L Individual Mtentlon Provided. Enquiries King *****3 LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS In Hot*! Slngapura for your latest hairstyles, expert perming and gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices. Appointments
    105 words
  • 65 19 MRS. JEE KOK TEONQ nee Chin Bwea Cheng, aged 80. passed sway peacefully on 4 8 75. leaving hrhlnd 4 sons. Ouan Huat. Ouan Kool Ouan Foo. Ouan Keem, one laughter Kirn Leen. 4 daugh-ters-in-law, one son-in-law. 13 grandchildren, one grand-son-in-law, one grand-daughter-in-law and two great-grand-chil-dren Funeral on
    65 words
  • 65 19 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Rl-i-hard Verghese thank doctors and staff of O H for their kindness, relatives and friends for their condolences, assistance, wreaths, donations and attendance during their recent bereavement THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Kwan Lan Po thank all friends, relatives Firms. Associations
    65 words
  • 21 19 S.O.S SAMARITANS OF Singapore Troubled"" Discouraged l Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help is as near as the telephone
    21 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 498 19 classified adsW 'finwfth FRANCIS Leow Yoong Cheong .iii.l Medelene Llm Sool May ani ounce their marriage today Hi neymoon In Taiwan and Hongkong JMG. To Veronica and Eng Urn a t) on 5 8.75 at Our Lady's Hospital. Ipoh Orateful thanks lo Obstetrician and Staff EXPERIENCED SENIOR AUDIT Clerks/ Assistants
      498 words
    • 845 19 ShJ^.*** 1 7 1 required by nternational advertising agency m K H at^l dlttrtrt Oood^om^ rnand ofliigiuh Knowledge^ DrefSJLiS*"^ 11 o°°«*2plng Kll£^* Bubmlt '"'I P*rt|T pTboW U>N WtOn KSJirSP WBRNWCBO INOBff I P«*T. Correspondence Clerk \Vf, y Cltlxen. Race nhJJ^" Pply wlln P»»Port site photo stating experience and aVuoJ' <lulre<l
      845 words
    • 897 19 WANTED LIVI-in COOK/ general amah for Bombay family Apply 4 MargoUoulh Road, Off Stevens 1 Road, (near Hotel Equatorial* DMVER FOR FAMILY. 9-day week No late hours. Holland Road Pensioners considered Tel. *****6 I aesjßßSjs^BMl BUILDINO FOREMAN REOUIRBD, preferably with Polytechnic diploma in Building Construction Able to read blue print
      897 words
    • 831 19 REQUIRED FEMALE TYPIST/ junior clerk Salary $150 10-2 pm and trainee apprentice for electrical plumbing and painting 2 pm 530 pm Apply personally 849 Oolden MUe Tower. Beach Road. Spore 7 CONBULTTNO ENOINKERS have vacancies for the following female staff. COMPUTER OPERATORS (2) HSC with A Level paste* in Mathematical
      831 words
    • 808 19 OIBT. 11 WHITLEY ROAO bungalow. 5 alrcondlUoned bedrooms Servant's amenities. Split-level living/ dining 83.200: Orange Road magnificent bungalow very exclusive Residential area, exquisitely furnished $3,600 Leo Cancerlan Housing Management ***** VACANT DMT. 10 double-storey semi-detached Lantana Avenue beautifully furnished $1,390: Namly Oarden luxuriously furnished $1,300 Henry Park furnished $1,400 Mount
      808 words
    • 791 19 OIBT. IS SOTM AVBNUC 2-storey semi-detached fully furnished 81.400: DM. 11 Watten Drive Istorcy terrace fully furnished $1150 DUt 21 Hongkong Park 2storey detached bungalow fully furnished $1,800; DUt 21 Eng Khonc Oarden 2-storey detached bungalow fully furnished $1,600 Please phone 378SS«V *****42 2 UNITS OP detached bungalows with swimming
      791 words
    • 725 19 HH.LCOURT APARTMBNT. 3 bedrooms, fully alrcondlUoned. furnished/ unfurnished 82.000 $2,500 Swimming pool, security services Call Consultant Unique *****9. CLEMENCEAU AVENUE: 3-bed-room flat Immediate occupation Ring *****/ *****4 during office hours. OPPOSITE BOTANICAL OAROEN luxurious furnished apartments 3 bedrooms, living/ dining rooms For viewing, contact: 11. Tesaae. Boreal Tel S7SSSS/S2S2M between
      725 words
    • 783 19 mWmmWB) DIST. 18 ATTRACTIVE doublestorey semi-detached. 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, servant's room, spacious back yard 3.900 sq ft approximately Marble/ terrano flooring $170,--000 negotiable Dial *****7/ *****5. THOMSON HILL, semi-detached. 3.600 sq ft Yew Llan Park terrace house 3.000 sq ft fully furnished. Contact owner. *****4/*****4 OIST. IS JALAN HITAM
      783 words
    • 864 19 YOU'RE NOMB WITH Ooodhomea Register your properties with us Looking for suitable accommodation, why not call us? *****9. DISTRICT IS (Off Buklt Timahi Slngle-storeyed bungalow. 3bedroomed Area 5200 sq ft Price 6168.000 No agents Call *****8 MLfTAR HILLS well renovated single-storey comer terrace. 6.000 sq. ft 3 bedrooms, separate living
      864 words
    • 818 19 MAXWCU. HOUM OFFICE spare for rent 544 10.000 sq ft Contact Soon Nam Co Ltd Room 110. l«t floor Maxwell House. Maxwell Road Tel *****22 OOLDCN CASTLE BUILDING M Sou* Bridge Rood Office space available For particulars, please contact: •BBSS/* Mr. Leans SHAW HOUM approx 1. 000 sq ft Partitioned,
      818 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 776 20 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore I Pte Ltd Tour West Malay- sia (Inclusive Oenllng C Highlands) by Deluxe alrcondllioned bus seven days Ssl7s'Deparlure Every Sunday. Mon- day Cameron Highlands Four days 8885/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days *****/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oenllng High- lands Two days by air 38 130 I
      776 words
    • 711 20 S.K. TRAVEL SERVICE. 29 Prtnsep Street. (Opposite ROY). Tel *****4/ *****4 Haadyal/ Songkhla 7 nights days 8140 16/B/tV Cameron/ lpo.i 2 days. 3 nights $39 90 S/S/7S. OcnUng 2 nights 1 day SSS departs 8. 9/BAS ■WEST! NMnamtun Departure Pain- Aug 21. Sept. 4. Oct 2. Nov 6. Dec 11
      711 words
    • 676 20 PAN BAST TRAVEL Club (Pte) Ltd oners low cost nights to London/ Europe. Also worldwide reservations. Please call *****2/ *****5/ 3276T1 Tawjeng Ptnaaa Deajai Tear 3D/ 2W (Passenger Ship) *****/Spaakd Oas Way Te Jakarta By Ship asl6o/- (Ist Class) EXPRESS SERVICE ENTERPRISE P4MVATB LIMITED 07. masmatHnal Plata TafcBS7SB4A CIP TRAVEL
      676 words
    • 561 20 1 TYPEWRITING AUDIO-TYPING Axvom uimv a 00 <" and 9 30 1> "V OuaMaO Hay Kmiuc«x) i*fh« Siaei mMili 2 SHORTHAND THEORY On* moot*' 'MXI or thra* montht nofpfW CUMaM *>Rfilcs>B> 3 SHORTHAND SPEED 50 to IS0«*"> Plan 4 BOOKKEEPING ONE MONTH/THREE MONTHS COURSES H.ow> SUfi CU»«> Msming Ati*rnoo" al
      561 words
    • 721 20 TYPEWRITING CUM. OPPICE prac tice New system In Typewnung to make you fit for immediate employment: Experience not necessary when qualified from Rate's College Our training gives you office experience: New Sessions suiting In August: Details from Rajahs College *****/ *****0/ *****8- *****78 ~crrv~icHOOL op cosmmrce 216 QUEEN STREET BINQAPORM
      721 words
    • 788 20 UNIVERSITY OCQREES BY cor- B respondence. examinations E Comprehensive Directories of fi U.S. and Commonwealth A colleges Also personalized assls- c lance service available Write Educational ConsultanU. P.O. Box 6. Port Credit Postal Su- r tlon. Mlsslsaauga. Ontario. Ca- nada ajSjassaßjaSspSJ/ REGRET) RBORBTI NO MORE VACANCIES IN THE < 16TH
      788 words
    • 730 20 UROPSAN FAMILY RSOUIRES Ingtish tutor for Thai boy with a sir knowledge of basic English. ,lso Mathematics tutor Please all 282>318 Mrs Roland lUALIPIBO/ EXPERIENCE/ •UAB4I tutors offer home lullon. Primary/ Secondary All üblecu/ all levels Phone Mr Lav *****. XPERIENCEO NANTAH ORA•OATB giving tuition to English educated students Contact
      730 words
    • 775 20 ISBS SMtCA ISSS OLS Beautiful condition all mund. body rebuilt plus many extras Enquiries *****6 JANUARY I*7l Austin 1300 Taaed till 31/12/78 Excellent condition New tyres Offers to Telephone 2566)74 1*74 MERCEDES IBS Denso alrcon.. low mileage, showroom condition, one owner. View 143 Braddell Road. 1871 FIAT ISSB one owner,
      775 words
    • 671 20 WE OFFER MABSAOE B> qualified masseuses tl your place. Ring JHI33/ *****1 for appointment 10 p m MARTINA'S SALON 11-A. CairnMil Circle, massage saunabath/ tisrber complete gentlemen by trained lady attendants Ring (Spore) *****1/ .*****8. SALON IS for Manage. Steam ,ath Saunabaih Oent's Hair Stylist Business Hours 10 00 i
      671 words
    • 862 20 ENO HOCK TRANSPORTATION Tel: *****36 for removal of household, only 825 Reasonable price for any transports tlon services on contract basis. LEATHERS because of their superior natural Qualities are proven very suitable for many applications, such as upholstery, footwear bags, belts, wallets. gloves, books, novelties, sporu goods saddlery and other
      862 words

  • 438 21  - Pingat Mas sparkles in 3f gallop EPSOM JEEP By ITUALA LUMPUR, Tues.— Unbeaten Pinjjat Mas, the probable favourite in the $25,000 Wilayah Persekutuan Stakes for Class 2 Div. 1 horses over 6f on Sunday, did a sparkling gallop in good going here this morning. Giving Panaung (John Murray) a two-length
    438 words
  • 1 21
    1 words
  • 188 21 Under 23s give Kiwis good fight By A. JOHNSON CINGAPORES Un-der-23 rugby squad gave an encouraging performance in their first workout yesterday although beaten by 12-24 (three tries to six tries) by 'C Coy IRNZIR in a friendly match at Police Academy. The Under-23 side showed good teamwork but were
    188 words
  • 70 21 NTW YORK. Toes. ResnlU of yesterday's major league baseball games: AMERICAN: Cleveland 6 Detroit 4. New York Yankees 1 Milwaukee 1. Chicago 4 California 1. Baltimore 13 Boston g. Kansas City Mlnneeota 6. Texas 13 Oakland 0 NATIONAL: St. Louis 8 Pittsburgh 4. Montreal 4 New York
    70 words
  • 56 21 PARIS. Tues. Spain yesterday won the doubles match of the Oaiea Cup Junior tennis tournament final to cv Caschostorakla's lead to 3-1. The Csech* won the first two singles on Sunday. Ytaterday Spain's Miguel Mir and Angel Olmenes beat Chechoslovakia i Tavel Sk»u and Tomas Bmld
    AP  -  56 words
  • 173 21 Coan sets world freestyle mark AJFW YORK. Tues. Andy A^ Coan. winner of three gold medals at the recent World Swimming championships set a world record In the 100 metres freestyle at Port Lauderdale yesterday Coan. a 17-year-old High School senior, was clocked at 81 ll seconds during the Region
    AP  -  173 words
  • 245 21 GOALKEEPER ARUMUGAM BACK IN ACTION KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Goalkeeper R. Anim.ifcam will be back In action for Malaysia aninst Bangladesh in their Merdeka soccer tournament match here tomorrow night at 7.50. Arumuftam. who last Saturday had three stitches on his cut left eye brow after colliding with Japan's Ncbus Kawakaml,
    245 words
  • 259 21 LONDON. Tues. Worcestershire showed snmethlnx of the form which made them chamDlons last swin when they captured H Gloucestershire wicketa in less than four hours In their English County cricket match at Cheltenham yesterday. Twelve of Olcuceatershlre's wickets fell before lunch, enabling Worcester to cruise
    259 words
  • 468 21 CHINA AND SINGAPORE SWIMMERS DOMINATE WON GKONG, Tues. Singapore's Khoo Teng Chuan yesterday broke his own National record for the 400 m freestyle when he won the event at the 21--nation International Swimming and Diving competition at Peking. Teng Chuan, the only foreign swimmer
    468 words
  • 362 21  - HEATHER, MIRNIGAR AND TANG ARE SINGAPORE'S BEST GOLD MEDAL HOPES ERNEST FRIDA By fJEATHER MERI- CAN, Mirnigar Begum and Tang Ngai Kin are Singapore's best hopes of winning gold medals at the Malaysian Open Athletics Champions hips which begins at Johore Baru today. In fact, on known performances they should
    362 words
  • 20 21 OLASOOW, Tues. Mo» therwell and Dundee drew l-i in an Anglo-Seottiah tournament football match here last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 225 21 Vf ANILA. Tw, Fw l Ada fwtmmlat officials have eriUeiaed the International I) ll Federation (Ptoa) for threaieatag easpead mtmkin^ eoaapetlaf with Withes* FIBS lIIMBIiH. Urn pmuiiil itilHaseai News Ageae? resorted from P*sln f today. Tkc report mid the torn officials tin from Malaysia,
    225 words
  • 38 21 NKW YORK, TtSM. Seventh -seeded Tom Oorman •cored his first major tournament victory In 31 months, rallylDg tor a 7-5. i-t. S-4 win over iinsurtsrl Sherwood Stewart In the Hill Imspiii Western Tennis Championships yesterday AT.
    38 words
  • 198 21 Asia's top players invited to Open SOME of Asia's leading tennis players Thailand's S. Champisrl, Filipinos Eddy Cruz and Alexander Marclal, and India's veteran player Ramanathan Krishnan are expected to compete in the Singapore Open championships at the National Stadium courts from Sept. 3 to Sept 7. Twelve countries, including
    198 words
  • 379 21 AUSSIES DASH GREIG'S DREAM. F ONDON, Tues. Tony Greig's dream of leading England to victory over Australia In his first match as captain faded when the Second Cricket Test ended in a tame draw at Lord's here today Final scores were: England 315 and 436-7 declared, Australia 208 and 329-3.
    UPI  -  379 words
  • 90 21 ENGLAND Ist Inns 315 (Orelg Knott 68 Steele 50 Llllee 4-84 > AUSTRALIA Ist Inns 2M (Edwards 90 Llllee 73 no. Snow ENGLAND 2nd Inns 436-7 declared (Edrlch 176 Wood 53). AISTK ,\LI A 2nd Inn.. MsCsaker lbw Steele 78 Turner c Gooch b Orelg 31 I. t happen
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 217 21 TAEFLNDINO cham--13 plon KeeßeeKhim opened up a threestroke leaa at the end of the first day's play in the Singapore Women Open Oolf Championship at the Buklt course yesterday. Bee Khim, who Is strongly fancied to win the title for a record fifth
    217 words
  • 42 21 SUVA. Fiji, Tues. Australian professional Frank Phillips yesterday won the Air New '"vi Open golf championship here with a six -under- par total of 283. Another Australian. Stewart Olnn. three-putted the final hole to finish one stroke behind Phillips Reuter
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 297 21  - Negri to test Cup final side on Sunday JOE DORAI By VEGRI Sembilan. 11 beaten in the semifinals by Selangor, will test Singapore's Malaysia Cup Final side at the National Stadium op Sunday (klckof f 7.30 p.m.). Two National league Dlv One matches on Sunday Geylang Internationals v Farrer Park
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  • 81 21 MUNICH. Tues. Women's world record nolder Burgllnde Pollak of Cast Oermany turned In this year's best women's pentathlon performance at an international tournament at Dortmund yesterday, scoring 4.783 points. European Junior women's champion Daerbel Mueller, also an Bast Herman, came In second with 4.561 points
    81 words
  • 65 21 MUNICH. Tues. Maurice Bembrldge 30-year-oid British Ryder Cup golfer, swept to a seven strokes victory with a final round of M In the German Open champlorshlp at Bremen yesterday. Bembrldge finished 11--undrr-psr on 355 to collect a prise of 13.000 (118.000) Joint runners-up on 292 were 2S- year-old
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 24 21 MUKI«CAL. TUBS. Olympic champions Soviet Union defeated Mexlcc 104 to record their filth straight victory in the pre-olymplc water polo troumament here.
    24 words
  • 308 21 August 30 most likely date for Malaysia Cup final TIPm-l'M'i'l^'l'Lillai npBE Malaysia Cop 1 final between Singapore and Selanffor is most likely to be played on Aug. M. Top FAM officials told me at Kuala Lumpur last week that this was the MUlir date because of two rfn—ws thu Puasa
    308 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 43 21 BY miXJ Dlv Two: Police v OCB (Thomson Rd. 6 n tti i SOCCKB Merdeka tournament: Burma v Hongkong; Malaysia v Bangladesh (both matches Merdeka ttsiHT" T pjn. and I is pjn.) ■UtJLlll Mini individual graded tournament: grade quarter-ftoala (TaoaHn Club BP* to
      43 words

  • 84 22 VDDfNA. Tua*. AustroMlneral. an Australian oonsuJung and encutearlns; flnn, y«t*rday denied report*- It had Uruck huge deposit, of gold during proapwrtlnt work In the fc«i^/».--mountaln range In Pakistan. A spo*-—n*n for Austro-. Mineral, a subsidiary or Austria's nationalised Iran and steel producer Voeest Alpine, •aid -It I*
    AP  -  84 words
  • 65 22 TOKYO, Tuea. A ground self-defence force helicopter crashed In heavy rain on Shlkoku. Japan's smallest main Island today, killing four people, police reported. Police said the helicopter was hit by lightning and burst Into flame on crashing Into a mountain In Kagawa province on northern Shlkoku
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 51 22 ROMT. Tue* Slipping milllonaress Christina UnasaU Andreadls and bar husband Alexander Andreadls have been spending pan of their secret honeymoon In Rome, a newspaper reported here today. The dally D Hi— printed two photographs of the couple shopping In the fashionable Via CbndotU near the Spanish steps.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 49 22 WAaHTNOTON, Tubs Ainfcall service Ujfsen the Milted State* and South Vietnam, suspended on April W. was resumed f iislj the OB Postal Service announced. •"Beaimptton of service resulted from the Soviet Union's agreement to provide transit service for ■m.ii to Saigon,'* an »T-*— said— Rauter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 52 22 LONDON. Tues Runaway lIP John SUnehouse has tecome the "scrabbs* king" of Brlxton Jail, the Sun newspaper reported yesterday The newspaper said that Mr. Stonehouse. who Is remanded on fraud charge*. beau everyone In the prison at the word game, searing twice as much as bis nearest
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 36 22 LONDON. Tuea. An Air bdta Boeing 747 jumbo Jet caught fir* yesterday a* it was preparing lor takeoff. London Airport authorities said. The pilot ballad the Plan* and an psssrnasn got off safety— UPL
    36 words
  • 149 22 BANGKOK, Tubs.— The United State* and Japan hare requested and received beefed■at security for their diplomatic missions in Bangkok following the Japanese Red Army attack en the American Embassy In Kuala Lumpur. police said today. An offlcl'J at the Special Branch police action
    UPI  -  149 words
  • 62 22 Bank acts to save yen TOKYO. Tttea. The Bank of Japan today Intervened In the Tokyo PoreJgn Exchange Market for the second straight day. selling an estimated ***** million (8)147.6 million) at MtM yen, dealers said. Thl* was in addition to an estimated US«7O million (***** mlllloni sold by the
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 49 22 JERUSALEM. Tue*. Th* Israeli pound was today devalued by almost two per cent against the OS dollar, the Finance Ministry announced The value of the dollar, with which the Israeli pound Is officially linked, now rise* from 6 12 Israeli pounds to 625 Israeli pounds. Reuter
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 35 22 MUUCO CITY. Tues. Two new oilfields discovered last year In Chiapas and Tabasco. In southern Mexico, have produced 100 million barrels of crude In the past 13 months, an official report said yesterday. /<•>.
    35 words
  • 313 22 T ONDOM. T«ss. SporstM »t«rLi .M aukM aqulllM to turn nrtn tr to UM UMW of •tains »»4 »t I p.*. urn riMMltl Tlsms Ma was m> i» SM.S. TM ob« half ptr seat Hi «a btH r.t« br U>« -ajsr «»M bank* Imlim* kuk sksras hl«k*r but
    313 words
  • 12 22 uokdoh. t*m a>M tras CIF MM. Ost. Sin M*r k«: QMM
    12 words
  • 29 22 LOICDOH. IM BpM b«y«n UIU MUM* ***** (t||). Ksrwai* tay«n »»in ♦iisi. mi. n* UIT« (+114) huiaw (IliS <+ilt> T<u— »w: am Tt» tau. P IS* tana Tub.
    29 words
  • 72 22 Off for the swop— one of the 5 freed guerillas HANDCUFFED and flanked by grim-faced, policemen, Jun Nlshlkawa, one of the five Japanese guerillas freed from prison, Is taken to Tokyo International Airport on Tuesday for a flight to Kuala Lumpur. With two of their colleagues refusing to leave, the
    UPI  -  72 words
  • 176 22 $l,lBom extra loan bid by Pertamina TOKYO, Tuesday npHE Indonesian state-owned oil company 1 Pertamlna has asked a Japanese consortium to lend It an additional US$4BO million (SSI.IBO million) to build a natural gas liquefaction plapt In Indonesia, a consortium spokesman said today The spokesman for the Japan-Indonesia Liquefied Natural
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 172 22 MARCOS: U.S. CAN GO ON USING BASES MANILA. Tues. The Philippines U ready to let the United States continue using all the facilities on the American bases here, provided they are under control of the Philippine Government. President Marcos said today. The President was talking to *a visiting member delegation
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 75 22 BANGKOK. Tuea At least 300 communist terrorists ware holding a small Thai border police outpost of M awn at bay near the T --**tTi border, poll c source* said toThe polk« said the North Vietnamese- Jacked terrorists In Nan province gag km (660 miles) north
    75 words
  • 60 22 DACCA. To**. At least M people arc ntMng after ferry boat capalaad and sank In the Rl*«r Marhn* In »*nfiart*ah. the stata-own** newspaper ItUfao. reported today. Of approximately 300 pasMifn aboard, many swan to there tart others m faared trapped la-id* the mscl when It sank
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 152 22 Nigeria regime meets to chart new path LAGOS. Tues— Nigeria's week-old military administration held Its first meeting here today to take stock of events since Oen Ya k u-b v Oowon was ousted on July 29 and to chart a new path for the nation. The new military leader, Brig,
    AP  -  152 words
  • 86 22 KUWATT:WE WONT ALLOW PLANE IN KUWAIT, Tuea. Kuwait would not allow a plane carrying Japanese goerlUas to land here. Foreign Ministry Under- Secretary Isa A""m(l said here last night. Reports from Kuala Lumpar said Japanese Red Army gunmen holding hostages there had demanded to be flown to Kuwait once their
    86 words
  • 258 22 Miki is busy with the 'Malaysian affair' WASHINOTON, Tues Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl. currently In Washington for discussions with President Ford cancelled a planned visit to the Smithsonian Institution yesterday. A Japanese Embassy splkesinan said that Mr. Mlkl was too busy with the "Malaysian affair" to do so. Meanwhile
    AP; UPI  -  258 words
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