The Straits Times, 5 August 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 30 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 1401 1 Demand for release of seven prisoners in Japan Red Army squad takes over two embassies in XL KUALA LUMPUR, Monday JAPANESE Red Army gunmen were tonight still holding at least 16 hostages inside the AIA building in Am pang Road after wounding a watchman and two
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  • 207 1 Japan ready to free the prisoners TOKYO, Monday rE Japanese Government Is ready to accept the demand of the raerrillae who eetsed the US and Swedish embassies In Kuala Lnmior, for the release of aeven comrades Jailed In Japan, a spokesman said today. Mr. Hlromori Kawashlma, Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary,
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  • 360 1 today's attack M. against the US embassy In Kuala Lumpur by members of Japan's Red Army Is the sixth by the leftist group In five years and the first In Malaysia The methods employed to earrylDf out toa attack in Kuala, Lumpur
    AP  -  360 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK. lion. Dow Jone* average*, based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange SO IndUt 818 52 off 7.98; 30 transp 15S.M. off 1.72; IS utlla 7».58. off 0.18: 68 stock* u»u. off— rjpi.
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  • 22 1 Watchman and two policemen hurt by gunshots WATCHMAN Sokdev Singh, with his head bandaged, being helped to an ambulance by two attendants.
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  • 1525 1  -  AHMAD OSMAN 5 CPM MEMBERS HELD By PICTURES IN PAGE 9 POLICE have arrested five active members of the Communist Party of Malaya and uncovered an arms cache which includes 298 hand grenades, two firearms and 75 rounds of ammunition. A Ministry of Home Affairs
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    • 143 1 All quiet outside besieged building KUALA LUMFI'R, Tues. All was aalet on tride the AIA build l/>« early this morning. Police were tellini cartons onlookers to g o home. Jast before midnight, the New Stralte Times office had a call from a man who claimed to be speaking on behalf
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 #ROLEX Sales Service (Branch) Now at Ocean Building, Collyer Quay. mw fcrjjß Blfgl
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    • 346 1 PINDER'S PLEA FOR LEAVE REJECTED -Pag. 17 MORE trouble far Lliaen leaders I ABMS U>9 Ust of Op*c Imports WRONG way riddle of IU-deatta air crash 4 SURVEY on doctors and nurses JAKARTA euro, on Stncaporr ttxWe* t MORE Biae Arrow stopa In RZ tS WEE TOON BOON TRIAL f*aga
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  • Straits Times World Nevus
    • 236 2 Bill tabled to absolve Indira NEW DELHI, Mon The Indian Government today tabled parliamentary legislation that will automat! cally absolve Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, found gmUty of electoral malpractice by High Court jndge. The BUI was Introduced in the Lok Sabha (Lower House) for discussion and voting. The ruling Congress
      Reuter  -  236 words
    • 40 2 $2.4 m blunder LOS ANOKLEB. Mon Banque da Parts of Geneva has filed su.t to recover nearly US»I million (8*3.4 million) it lost when It cashed a cheque stolen from the Loa Angeles City Treasury. It was reported yesterday —UPI
      UPI  -  40 words
    • 122 2 Miki in US for talks with Ford WASHINGTON, Mon. Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlki arrived here last nlftht tor a three-day visit and talks later this week with President Ford. Mr. Mlkl. who arrived here after an overnight stay in Seattle, was welcomed at Andrews Air Force Base by acting
      Reuter  -  122 words
    • 27 2 OVERLAND PARK (KanMS). Mon. BIU Vano sent a 11-year-old world record up In smoke this wsekend He became the 1076 world pip* unoklng champion.— OPl
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    • 514 2 J^ TEST of communist influence in a key military unit complicated Portugal's leadership crisis today as the nations divided rulers struggled to form a new government. After a weekend of anti-communist violence and apparent disagreement within the ruling three-general junta, Gen.
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  514 words
    • 87 2 10 DIE IN TAIWAN TYPHOON HAVOC nriAIPEH, Mon. The ■a. death toll cansed by typhoon Nina, which swept Uirough Taiwan yesterday, has risen to 10 dead, 10 missing and 132 Injured, the police announced today. Nina, the first typhoon to hit Taiwan this year, battered the east coast with 230
      UPI  -  87 words
    • 31 2 WASHINGTON lion. President Ford U confident he will to elected In 1974. and says hU most likely Democratic opponent U Sen Hubert Humphrey, according to an Interview published ywUrday.
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    • 217 2 250,000 Angolan whites to be flown to Lisbon LUANDA. Mon. AnKolan whites prepared today for a massive airlift to evacuate more than 250,000 to Lisbon in the next three months, escaping what many believed would become a drawn-out civil war between rival Independence movements. A committee made up of Portuguese
      UPI  -  217 words
    • 365 2 DETROIT. Mon. Police today were Investigating two ransom demands for the release of former union leader Jimmy Hoffa, a police spokesman said. Police declined to elaborate, but It was understood that they received one call demanding U8550.000 (*****.000) for the release of Mr. HofTa.
      Reuter; AP  -  365 words
    • 209 2 Exports from Japan at record low TOKYO. Mon Japan's 1 exports on a letter of credit basis In July showed their steepest year-to-year decl'ne In more than 17 years, the Bank of Japan announced today. Export letters of credit received In July, Indicating the trend of actual exports In comKf».
      Reuter  -  209 words
    • 171 3 'Detente has cooled the Russians' N BW YORK, Mon Detente with the Soviet Union has cooled R^^ajrreaa^nSilS to* Middle Cast and brought progress in its n «^e*r disarmament J*lks with the United Btatea, President Ford said In an Interview with Newsweek m»g»Ttrvr In the Interview, pubU*b*d yesterday. Mr. Ford listed
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    • 159 3 European socialists against Israel's UN ouster rL AVIV. Mon. Israeli Premier Yitzhak Kabln returned last night from a gathering of European socialist party leaders and said he had succeeded In mobilising unanimous support against any Arab-backed move to have Israel ousted from the United Nations. "Israel «.n a long time
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 65 3 KAOHSIUNO (Taiwan). Mon. Fifteen crewmen and the skipper of the 1.697-ton South Korean freighter Sun Star wars reacued and brought to Kaohdung In southern Taiwan, port authorities reported today. The Sun Star, owned by Kukje Shipping Co. of South Korea, aank In rough waters In Kaohdung
      AP  -  65 words
    • 31 3 IBTANBUL. Mon. Turkish Premier Bultjnnan Demlrel has declared that Turkey cannov negotiate a new defence pact with the United States as long as tlie US arms embargo continue*. AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 134 3 Char tichai: Seato can go AUCKLAND, Mon. -t* Thai Foreign Minister Chartlehal Choonhavan arrived here today for a six-day visit and said Thailand wanted activities of the South-east Asia Treaty Organisation (Seato) phased oat. Mr. CharUchai told an airport news conference that Thailand no longer wanted military pact* bat wished
      AP  -  134 words
    • 67 3 KYOTO. Hod. A Mortean hxapltaJ director warned bare r«t«rd*y that lnfanU lnadequateiy nourlabcd In their tint sU montha could tmim maJu up the iltaaiiiaii Uaa la,tar in HI: Dr. J. CrarVXf «upertnt«odeot of Mexico Ctty a ClUaena *»Qf|rttfl told an intarna>aao•l oon/ereooe on nutrttlon that «irat— wnirlaltf 1
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    • 473 3 Tito may get US arms FORD 'I'LL LOOK INTO FT PLEDGE RELGRADE, Mon. President Ford told Yugoslavia's President Tito today he will give "my very personal attention" to a Yugoslav request that it be permitted to buy second-line American arms and spare parts. Appearing with Mr. Tito to brief reporters
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  473 words
    • 392 3 Arms top the list of Opec imports NEW YORK. Mon. MILITARY hardware, manufactured goods iU and construction equipment are the goods most sought after by the oil-producing nations. With nearly US$lOO billion (3*240 billion) In oil revenues last year. the nations belonging to the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec)
      AP  -  392 words
    • 219 3 Sadat: We're firm on our demands CAIRO, Man. President Sadat has said Egypt remains adamant that Israel must w*s»draw from the strategic Mltla and Olddl Passes and the Sinai oilfields, the Influential dally AlAhram reported today. The President was briefing top aides yesterday on government policy In attempts to obtain
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 49 3 ROMX. Mon. Former Premier Amintore Panfanl. 67, married Maitepla, Tavaa> aani. M. In a private Catholic ceremony jaalantaj It was the eecond marriage tor both. Panfanl a widower for eight yaara, baa arm children. HU new wife, a widow atnee I*7l. has a sob UPI
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 33 3 ANKARA. Moo— Turkey la taking the United SUtee to pay landing (aea lor the MO American military aircraft that touch down on Turkish attflalds every month, informed UB aourcat said jm-
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    • 25 3 JAKARTA. Mon. PoUce In Oarat, Wast Java, h*T* detained It youth* for taking marijuana to school. AnUrm news aganev reported today -Reuter
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 221 3 'Loss of Turk bases may hit Salt talks' WASHINOTON, Mon. Mr. Fred Ikle. director of the Amu Control and Disarmament Agency, said yesterday the lou of US bases In Turkey could have a crucial effect on future Strategic Arms limitation Talks with the Soviet Union and U8 ability to monitor
      UPI  -  221 words
    • 27 3 LONDON, late. Eamawmj Mp J*k D gUmt■xuc m ntwm* WtU far tke fourth llmt tadi; •n SI akargw theft, frm«d, forgery ud o^»-
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    • 63 4 LONDON, Mon. Briton* are becoming expert* In their neighbour*' love-making habit* because of the flimsy partition* between modern houses Mr. Anthony C adman. director-general of the Brick Development Association, believes that people will only be able to keep their sex lives private If walls made
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 27 4 VTXNTIANE, Mon Burmese Foreign "'-Mtt U Hla Phone arrived bare today for a 24-hour official vMt at the Invitation of the Lao coaMUon foremment. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 463 4 CASABLANCA. Monday MOROCCAN officials probing yesterday's Boeing 707 disaster in which 188 people died were today trying to establish why the plane was heading the wrong way jOst before it crashed. The plane, chartered by Air Maroc frcm the newly-establUhed Jordanian Trans-World Airlines,
      Reuter; AP  -  463 words
    • Briefs
      • 25 4 JAKARTA: President Suharto today formally opened two cement plants each worth US$35 million <BSMJ million) at Cibinong. some 72 km (45 miles) south of here.
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      • 27 4 SEOUL: Representative Kirn Young-sam. leader of South Korea's major Opposition New Democratic Party left today for a two-week tour of four Asian cities—Hongkong, Manila. Taipei and Tokyo.
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      • 21 4 TEL AVIV: A U-member Japanese Parliamentary delegation arrived here yesterday on a goodwill mission as guests of the Jrwlah state's Parlissnent.
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      • 27 4 WARSAW: Polish authorities Investigating the drownlngs of at least 15 people on a capaslxed, river ferry said a passing steamer hooked the ferry's cable to overturn it
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      • 40 4 MANILA: Dr. Lee Talyonng. South Korea's first woman lawyer and a leader in the struggle to achieve eouallty for women in her country, will receive the 1975, Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership, lse award's board of trustees announced today.
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      • 26 4 IBARRA (Ecuador) Rescuers worked today to recover the bodies of about 20 villagers who were burled in an avalanche of mud and water early last week.
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      • 30 4 ANKARA: One of Ankara's best restaurant* the Washington, has changed its name to the KrUtal because of the US embargo on arms sale to Turkey, Its owner said today.— Agencies.
        Agencies  -  30 words
    • 344 4 COMORO TO REUNITE WITH FRANCE? MORONI (Comoro Islands), Monday rpHE leaders of an opposition group which x took over this Indian ocean archipelago In a bloodless coup yesterday are expected to begin talks today aimed at uniting tr.e four Islands and maintaining close links with France. Armed with rifles, revolvers
      Reuter  -  344 words
    • 118 4 A WHITE HANDED gibbon, the smallest of the great apes, was born at St. Louis Zoo on July 11 and is now on display at the children's zoo. The tiny male, named Tarzan, is the first gibbon survivor at the zoo. He was taken from his
      UPI  -  118 words
    • 100 4 PEKING. Mon— China today reported the death of Mr. Cheng Wel-san a communist veteran who served with the Red Army and took part In the epic Long March. He was 74. The official New China News Agency said that party and state leaders, among them
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 45 4 JAKARTA. Mon. Ball earned USS32 million (8179 million) from foreign tourUti last year, Bail Oovcmor Sukaxmen told a meeting of central Java legislator* Oov. Sukanran told the visiting leciaUton that Ball commodity experts In trie same period earned UBIT.S million— AP.
      AP  -  45 words
    • 228 4 LAGOS, Kon VIOERIA'S new 11 military rulers are expected to start appointing Government Commissioners (Ministers) this week to replace the Cabinet of Gen. Yakubu Oowon, dismissed after last Tuesday's coup. The new Head of State. Brigadier Murtala Mohammed, is understood to be discussing the appointments
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 200 4 Chartichai: Third party up to mischief BANGKOK, Mon. Foreign Minister Chartichai Choonhavan last night charged that an unnamed third party was trying to cause trouble between Thailand and Laos, and said he wcmld visit Vientiane soon to try to create a better understanding between the two neighbours. "We have no
      200 words
    • 67 4 WASHINGTON, Mon. The nation* unemplcyment rate dropped OJ per cent to 8 4 per cent last month and the number of people with Jobs roae for the first time In eeven months, the labour Department said. The number of unemployed lest month wae 7.S million. down 100,000
      67 words
    • 65 4 HONOKONO. Man. A 34-7«ar-old man. believed to be a reddest of Canton, had hi* left leg bitten off by a shark today while attempting to cwlm to Hongkong, police The man. Lav Plng-Kuen. was found by a potto* ssrf*ant at Peaked Head VUteg* in Hongkong
      65 words
    • 20 4 CALOARY. Moo. Leonid ShamkoYlch. a Russian International grandmaster, captured the 12th annual Canadian Open Cham* Championship ywterdar AP.
      AP  -  20 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 132 2 BB\vJ Bm.7s a^sssSßl M s-<A DAILY bsbbbsl- 1 1 i '^BT .^Ba BBfe iii BBBKBBBBBBBBBBBSk Ml! jssf sH Ik Ml A. '^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB* I 1 W BBS _^^_kbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi '•V^ Jb^bbbW Lm. yI y bbbbbl asbY? bbl bbbbl <^*wbbbWbub^L**^ WV SJStM BBBB»sBBBBm _BBB\ sssssßßßß^H V BBBBT^BBBB* sSBBBBBBBBb9bBBb\ BBBBBnk^^sssl I BnBBBk bbbbf vbbbbH^Vbbbbbb
      132 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 711 3 UNIVERSAL BANK (lorm«rly City Bank) incorporated under the banking laws ot Denmark 5 Amegertorv DK-1160 Copenhagen K 10%~ and more Savings account No Danish Taias Fun Secrecy Write ie further details Slr»« Couniry Xj 1 S^K^COMPLETE HOME WORKSHOP 4HBK D 4 accessories 3?oai|jljjl Bi\s^L The Complete Home Workshop really Hve«
      711 words
    • 378 3 SP£C/Al OFFSR Tuesday sth Aug. to 11th Aug. 1975. <Beer anchor'tigir 1.27 j J per can J* Oil 6.20N CordiilS Assorted Flavours MAGNOLIA Jumbo Size 3.40 Evaporated Milk SISIR AWARD A M KING OF KINGS 411g. Q.pQ Ovaltine Witt Honey 3979 2.65 Bi-HoOn China DOUBLE SWALLOW 500 g. Q. 68
      378 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 454 4 Telephone and electrical breakdowns can be caused by corrosion in the conduit pipe s^B'T I I l^x K_TjMuT gggf I ''->Kggggggggggg^M S I J^^«^E gggj%^* f A M HUMEPLAST pipes fittings |BB»^BBluB o RESIST CORROSION. ■■■MH| •CURVE AND BEND TO THE CONTOUR OF THE GROUND. BeCaUSe Of HumeplaSt'S reSiSt- Se*.era«e/Orß.n*»e
      454 words

  • 540 5 Doctors and nurses survey to check stock rirst step in planning for future service needs THE Health Ministry hopes to carry out a survey to find out the number of doctors and nurses in Singapore, Health Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said yesterday. It can then take stock of manpower
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  • 63 5 On techniques in business deals The YMCA of Singapore will conduct a alxsesslon specialised course on human relations techniques In business negotiations beginning on Aug. 19. The course will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 6 pjn and 7M pm and on Saturdays between 2 pjn. and 3 30
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  • 127 5 NO NEW oil slicks 1 were sighted yesterday in the aea off Marine Parade which was hit by thick oil sludge over the weekend. A PSA spokesm-ui said that a. reeewnaJaeancr ef the area affected by the slick showed that there was no thick
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  • 285 5 'Chieftain' who took up a challenge AM RS. EM. Kiereini from Kenya can claim ill to j^ descendedfrom a tribal chief. But with her own capabilities and charisma 1 tic qualities, she U proudly a chieftain In her own right. At president of the National Nurses' Association In Kenya and
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  • 68 5 A SHIPYARD worker died three hours after he fell seven metres from the Mellta. a vessel, anchored In the Outer Roads, on Sunday. Police, who Identified him as. Tan Mong Oeok. of Harvey Avenue, said he "stepped on an unstable plank" on hatch No. 2 and
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  • 23 5 HONGKONG brush painter Norman Woo Cheong-Bht-k will host a lunch at the Imperial Room In North Bridge Road today at noon-
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  • 90 5 AEB course in Mandarin at SJI THE Adult Education Board will conduct a course In conversational Mandarin 1 stage 1) at the St. Josephs Institution centre on Mondays and Wednesdays (7 p.m. to 9 p.m.) from Aug. 18. The lee Is $65. It will mlao conduct a course In elementary
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  • 39 5 THX Attorney -Oencnl bu appointed Mr Onf Ottee Hu»t. an Inapector In the EiUtca Dlruion of the Juronf Town CXtrpormUon. tu aamUt In the proeacuUoo of oflencM under the EnrtronmenUl Public Health Act In the subordinate courts.
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  • 30 5 THX Social Affairs Minister has appointed Col Winston Ctaoo and Mr. Chla Cheong rook to be members of the Singapore Sports Council until Sept N, next Jtair.
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  • 259 5 Shooting of knife man: It's justified homicide A POLICE sergeant yesterday testified that he opeped fire when a mental patient charged at him with a knife. Set. Heng Song Cheok. testifying at the Inquiry into the death of Tan Meng Juay, 46. said he and PC Tan Boon Heng. were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 426 5 C CIVI concrete #CIII pumps save time cut costs Wgnfflf ability of the concrete. In such placed into the chamber and applications. SEM pumps come allowed to be blown through the up into their own. pipe-line thereby clearing it of all 1 concrete. The pump is then po'sslblV* y t
      426 words
    • 441 5 I BUY or RENT I I PHILIPS COLOURTV I from REDIFFUSION on easy terms I I You pay as low as B Model X26-K2Ol 67 cm (26' aaV PHILIPS •fT'N PHILIPS bring you colour so natural. I 3L=*~S It's almost like being there. H ns_£S' Please ring ***** 1 or
      441 words

  • 3023 6  -  T. F. HWANG and BEN DAVIDSON REPORTERS: MILLIONAIRE Lauw Tjin ITI Ho, 48, on the third day of his cross-examination in the Wee Toon Boon corruption trial, said in court yesterday: "I admit to consciously bribing the Minister of State." He made the
    3,023 words
  • 191 6 Wanted: Donors to sponsor the handicapped rE Singapore Sports Council for the Handicapped Is looking for donors to sponsor a team to the Olympic Games In Canada next year. A spokesman for the council said the participation In the Olympics would be a great booster for Its members, but finance
    191 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 ■c'^H Bl^b! Er s^ BBB^B^^^sal B^BW^sßa^^Ba s^s^snl 15m* iftHr lE(HssS^^VbK^b^b^bbD Lbmb^b^bV^Lb^F ti Ifij jdss Plfflrv T^^^^^^E^SwKr^^^^m At 730 am.exactly,. exactly, jtik I was ready for the day 77 J&- .^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bHb^bl l ke m ons ha PPy Philishave users all jQI -^^Kb^^2sSS over the world, Mr. Tan gets a fast, smooth,
      269 words

  • 389 7  - Setback for ham and bacon venture EDMUND TEO Japanese decide to back out By PROPOSED Japanese- Singapore joint venture pig industry to produce, among other things, ham and bacon locally, has suffered a new setback. The Japanese partners, the Overseas Agricultural Deve 1 o p m ent Foundation (OADF), have
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  • 81 7 M-cyclist jailed for 2 offences AMOTOR-cycllst, Tay Chan Seng, was Jailed for three days and fined a total of $480 on Saturday for two traffic offences. He pleaded guilty. He was also disqualified from riding for the next three years Tay. who bad two previous conrlctioru was Jailed for three
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  • 354 7 YOUTH IS ACCUSED OF RAPING AND ROBBING NEIGHBOUR riE High Court yesterday beard bow a Jobless youth raped his neighbour, a teenage Spanish housewife, twice and then stole a photograph of her which was later found in his house. DPP Jeffrey Chan said this In his opening address against Urn
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  • 189 7 The 'sof ties' who look only for light jobs HTHE MP for Crawford, Dr. Ang Kok Peng x urged Singaporeans yesterday to work hard and not be choosy when looking for employment in the "present difficult period." Speaking at a dlnne to mark National Day and the 15th anniversary of
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  • 31 7 MR Eric Cheong Yuen CUre. MP for Toa Payoh. will open the District Three Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the First Toa Pajroh Secondary School tomorrow at S pm.
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  • 34 7 THE Netajl Memorial Library will be starting new beginners, intermediate and OCX level Hindi and Urdu clanes next weak. Cliimn will be conducted by Mr RP. Pandey. For details ring *****81
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  • 44 7 THE University of Singapore Drama Society will present a play. Equu*. by Peter Shaffer at the Cultural Centre from Thursday to Saturday starting at nightly Tickets at tt. »3. and U are available at the Cultural Centre and Cold Storage.
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  • 41 7 THX Metropolitan YMCA will hold a tea recaption to Inaugurate the new programme* of physical fltnea* and tasting by Mr. John Kaakl. executive of lv health and ntnea* centre at 70. Palmer Road on Aug 16 at 330 p.m
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  • 231 7  - Not so fiery now, this thunderegg ANN PETERS By rIS is a thunderegf a product of Are and fury looking surprisingly quiet at the National Museum. The "egg", which legend says was taken from the nests of the mythical thunderbirdi by the angry Red Indian gods to use as weapon
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  • 197 7 Mr Lee invited to visit Pakistan PAKISTAN'S Federal Communications MlnUter, Mr. Mumtai All Bhutto, has invited SinEpore Prime Minister, r. Lee Kuan Yew. to visit Pakistan next month. At an airport press conference yesterday, Mr. Bhutto amid an Invitation had also been extended to the Parliament Secretary (Foreign Affairs), Mr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 274 7 "I had a job that paid more money than any of my mates." When I ten school I thought I was smart But now I realise the W/K^L truth I had no future and by the I E 4 #9H time I was 25 1 was at a dead HL
      274 words
    • 188 7 all L < I II ssM ■asßßsfLasßßßl WL^*^I IFt JBBBBBBBBsI BBBBBBBsf ■BBBBBBBBBBBBsB "^B^T 7 PsbHF THIS FREE! JH FOR EVERY $400 WORTH OF f \^^^^T\ FURNITURE PURCHASED II J I lID HO MARKET STREET I I I I Wlr l\^ CLEARANCE SALE. I B«ajr JIB^B^L^BBBBBBB^eaBBBBB^BaBBBBB^SBBBBBBUiBBBBB^H ***** l sssssssssssssLaissssssssl sssssllsssssL^sw ssL
      188 words

  • 269 8 THE Government has Instituted a new x State award the Darjah Utama NUa Utama (the Order of NUa Utama) the highest award that may be conferred on a foreign dignitary. A Government gazette which announced the institution of the new decoratlop said that
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  • 105 8 $700 fine for using tampered licence VfUHAMED lamall, 32, iT waa yesterday fined $700 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court for uatng a tampered driving licence on Dec. 12 last year at Ifywbray Camp In Ulu Pandan. He pleaded guilty to writing .Is name and siWiew over the original name and.
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  • 56 8 THX Lorong Naplrl community centre wUI bold a carrom Individual rh*irp*"^" anlp contest at It* preouses from TJO p m. tonight There wUI also be a friendly table tcnnl* match on Thursday at 1 JO pjn. and a children's party and friendly eaxrom match on Friday at
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  • 17 8 THS Labour Minister ha* appointed Mr. P. Arumalnatoan as a member of the steiptoyer Panel.
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  • 148 8 CHAIN UP AS YOU DRIVE OFF AT HDB ESTATES ALONG string of complaints have led the Housing and Development Board to Introduce this "chain up as you drive off" scheme In some of Its estates' ear parks. Under the scheme, now on a trial ran, season parking ticket holders, pat
    148 words
  • 46 8 KOH Jook Byn waa yesterday fined 9660 for driving his car dangerously by making a right turn Into Paya Lebar Road from Aljunled Road and «<ninrf»ag. Into another ear. Be pleaded guilty to the offence on Dec 22 last year. at 9.17 pjn.
    46 words
  • 42 8 THX State Coroner. Mr. Chee Wai Pong, yesterday recorded a verdict of suicide on the death of Quar Ah Bee, 73. who was found dead at the foot of Block 66. Lengkok Bahru on July at a JO a .in
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  • 71 8 f|\HE Singapore CtrX rency Board Office In Empress Place yesterday began the sales of three gold coins U mark the ltth anniversary of Singapore's Independence. IV coins, all In Hue told, are In the denominations of QN, CU« and $s*o, and are legal
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  • 221 8 Jakarta curbs on Spore textiles BID TO STOP 'DUMPING' GTRICTER measures are to be lmplemen ted by the Indonesian authorities on the import of textile products from Singapore, Malaysia and Hongkong. Disclosing this yesterday, an embassy spokesman here said the move was to "protect" the Interests of Indonesian textile producers.
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  • 64 8 College ready soon WORK on the second Government Junior college la going on smoothly and Is expected to be completed by the end of the year. The $5.7 million college at the 7% mile Upper East Coast Road U being built by the Public Works Department. When completed, It will
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  • 23 8 UR Yeo Toon Chla, MP for Kampong Kapor, has been elected advisor of hi* constituency's 10th National Day celebrations committee.
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  • 62 8 THX Adult Education Board will hold an Tnrtone*l»n cakemaking ooune at It* Mountbatten centre on Sundays from a pjn. to I pjn. starting on Aug. IT. Fee 1* »25 The Board wIU also hold a course on Architectural Illustration at toe BaharuddLi Vocational lasUtute centre on Saturdays from
    62 words
  • 54 8 THX Btaie Coroner, Mr. Che* Wai Pong, yesterday returned an open verdict on the death of Klang Chow Tal. n. whoa* body was found floating In the sea near Sentosa lagoon on July J» at SJO pjn. The cause of death was certified as drowning
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  • 35 8 MR Ahmad Matur. Parliamentary Secretary (Education) and MP for Lang Km. will distribute food hamper, each wurth 990. to ISO underEvUeged parsons near Lang- Bahru market on Aug 10 at 9 mm.
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  • 22 8 Temple In Cwjrlon Road wsU »*J special prayers, on the otoaston of Singapore'! 10th ai nlvenary. at gJo pa. on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 332 8 IN THIS ISSUE: b This Mtentc? How to Cope With All over the world the Jealousy Soviet Union is callously It's an almost inevitable and consistently ignoring feeling from ante to rime agreement! with the United but if you can State* that were determine what it's designed to reduce JCj
      332 words
    • 142 8 FOR EVERY TASTE AND EVERY ROOM e (nS 891 ES C 7002 C-7001 C-7003 212 mm 214 mm H 230 mm* 225 4mm x 225.4 mm ONE PIECE UM2 I BATTERY EFFECTIVE FOR 9-1 2 MONTHS B* J!J, £S:s£s,J^ I VMC 1 235 I FM •AM 2 BAND RADIO m
      142 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 207 8 Straits Times Crossword ■aa| BJBV H Baf"~~^I~~^^l~"^l ACROSS up line? (T, T). 1 PWplexirtf questions to m countries and military In- 7 S^*?, 1 d ncer ta 9S^ "ike. rin, ™£ZL *Z °i road back to river (•>. i^f'rS 0 l 9 Winds about? West Isnt £Z?ll r worried' (9)
      207 words

  • 31 9 MADAM Shlh Chun, a local writer, will glv* a talk In Chinese on The Technique of Utetmrr Writing In the National Library lecture hall on Friday »t IJO pjn
    31 words
  • 261 9 PRINCIPALS and teachers were yester- day cautioned on using the prize to motivate children Into studying. For If they lost sight of the real objective behind the principle, they could cause irreparable harm to the child and society. Mr. Cbal
    261 words
  • 186 9 Teachers swop plan 'not practical' i^DUCATIONISTB and Ei teachers have dismissed a suggestion tor a teachers exchange programme In government and aided schools as "Impractical." The verdict: The scheme could be benenclal to teach'rs but detrimental to students. They wer* commenting on a rec«-nt suggestion by Mr. BJ\ Atherton, former
    186 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 451 9 'A"J*. Isiite^l HsflLP^"* Ssavta siwßWSiiwsw»"Bsw»s^i^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^»«^Bsi^^^^^ffKß isiiiim^^^^^^^^^^^*^^*»*^^siiiilW I stW^ ssisk SWAT Imk U^i^^fl H^fl Bl^9HE^, Bbl BIIIIIV W M SS^BB BlllllSlltllJ BlM9bV^^^BH BlllllllllßllßV^HßllHfl sIb^^HP^PBbIIIiBBwB^ BvixlW BBBBBBV* SBBli BBBBBBW M Jsl BBBBBB^bHssT^^^^BBII^L^BbI BBBwi BmA 1 W isHm^^slfl BsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllV^BllllllHr^'lsßf^BHnr'^'.'^ I I iBm f 5 i^^*^^*^**^^^ Ls^sMMsik^B s^C^^H *^^sH^| y^ Iwl I L I
      451 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 424 10 y.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.' '.'■VAV/AWtVi'^ j: LAST 2 DAYS! Daify At 7.01 1 9.30PM j: Adm...ion: AdulH $2.00 Children: $1.00 -r=r— us chariots i TKCMZYMYS* QfA^J iJODEON' Opeis Tomorrow! Jl^iT meet the jjjflqqfj «H WIKNW CLEINEI 9 BBBBHBBBtBVBUBiBi^fIUMItffr •r > i». i* i«h *r«irf*-, J JO*IIMSJ«> KMMIMne m>iwMin« k»»M»« j ■.^niMuanr.vci 5 ORCHARD:
      424 words
    • 278 10 Highlights for today Can Non-Muslims donate to Mosque Building Fund? Malay woman works herself up in the electrical works. The jobs that women monopolise. Love portion 2 arrested by police. Flight to freedom that failed. Soccer: SAFSA on top of Division One League. Handicapped basketball players seek more help. /cranes
      278 words
    • 204 10 GEORGE FI HILTON M Jmti'^^ tmi a cinc mivir THt DEVIL wiihSE^N FACES 1 TTiTITmfTiTWITff" (Er3E*n3BaTß TjlHllik ■■■if«l*li LAST 4 SHOWS ATI JC, GOLMH sUwWaT II AM ot fe T 1 JO. 4 00. ».J0 t «.30«« it-f TO tOW MtACfc 4 shows at i 00. RED AZALEA 3.3«. 7.00
      204 words
    • 2 10 HB|H| I
      2 words
    • 293 10 S'p^e'i HEW 'ill tit boi-WfKe CHAMP"; 9th^llDo 62nd DAY! 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, SJO 8.45pm ADMISSION PtICIS: CIRCLI $4 00— STALLS $2 SO 4 $1 50 NO HALF PRICE- NO MILITARY CONCESSION- NO Nit LIST Advance CASH Bookings only__^ -CBK '^bbb^^^^^i^^bbbbl IbV *Bfl CAPITOL MT CHANGE I 93 CARS
      293 words
    • 669 10 VUSNWYW.'.W.V.V.' ijiCATHAV;: IPStMUiMIKITiniC' LAst 2 OATS" 2 Wio-. 700 I 9 30pm Christion F-chn«r ixe»#nti *C LES CHARLOTS m THI CRAZT BOYS' S MIVATt WAI" .n Color > Directed by Cloud* 2 k)i OPENS THURSOAV rf Golden Hor»e»t pre»ent» Mono V i *Po Chren-Chun 5 TICI« Of HOtTMLAHO > Mondo»m
      669 words

  • 151 11 A 17-YEAR-OLD schoolboy was fined $3,000 yesterday after he admitted having five rolls of cannabis In Peninsula Hotel on July 13 at 3.45 p m. Two officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau detained Khoo Kay Joo at the cocktail lounge of the hotel and
    151 words
  • Article, Illustration
    9 11 RP: Release paint DA: Dispersal area FA: Parade area
    9 words
  • 62 11 Nurses to check on Primary One girls rE Institute of Health will screen all Primary One girls for urinary infections. A team of three nurses from the institute will be visiting primary schools to conduct this screening for covert bacterinria or symptomatic urinary infection An Education Ministry notification to schools
    62 words
  • 175 11 Judge to accused: That's not an excuse to rob AN unemployed man, who claimed he committed armed robbery because his child was sick and he needed the money, was told by a district judge yesterday: "That's no excuse to rob somebody with a knife." Mai id bin Maarof, 23, pleaded
    175 words
  • 383 11 MARCHPAST BY 40 CONTINGENTS, THEN... A COLOURFUL harvest dance by 250 schoolgirls will highlight the National Day programme at the Redhill parade centre on Aug. 9. This lively dance of colour and grace will be performed by girls from the Tun Seri Lanapg secondary school. It
    383 words
  • 39 11 THX Culture Ministry will sta(e a music concert by four Australian musician* at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sunday at 6 pjn. Tickets at fl each are available it the nail and other usual booking centres.
    39 words
  • 192 11 pOUCE sergeant 1 Leone Ctaee who was found with a gunshot wound In his head outside his home on Friday had his last wish donation of his kidneys fulfilled when he died 2© hours later. Leong Che*. 31, was found sprawled on
    192 words
  • 156 11 Architect and shopman lose $6,900 A WOMAN archl- tect and a shopkeeper lost about $6,900 in cash and Jewellery when their premises were burgled over the weekend. Mrs. Hlzabeth Karol. 28, of Orange Orove Road, told police she lost $2,900 worth of Jewellery. She said that at 230 p.m. on
    156 words
  • 39 11 THE United Peoplfi Front will hold picnic at Changi beach on Aug. 31 from 7 am to 6 p.m. Thoae Interested ihould contact Clk KJktaom btoU AUd or Km Ang Bee Can tel ***** or 7*479.
    39 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 402 11 SONY. For only $138/--you can now own a Trinitron color tv Lowboy KV-1801ES CASH: 1.52S Tallboy KV-TBO3ES CASH: 1.580 Lowboy KV-1802ES CASH: 1.475 1 2-month AjfA 1 2-month Atflfl 1 2-month Affl.fl Flat-Payment S 111 Jl Flat Payment SlfflX Flat-Payment XI {X at monthly ff IIU at monthly If TTli
      402 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 450 12 \M AJOR General Richard Clutterbuck, ITI the leading British authority on counter insurgency campaigning, recently wrote: "Urban and rural revolution have the same aim to bring about the overthrow or capitulation of established authority by means outside the law." In other words, by armed struggle. The Communist Party
      450 words
    • 124 12 a FTER last year's bomb* blast at Pulau Bukom and the Laju hijack in Singapore harbour, it was hoped that the extremists of the Japanese "Red Army" had made their one and only appearance in the region. Their sudden appearance in Kuala Lumpur a city assumed to
      124 words
  • 432 12  -  ALINE MOSBY By DESPITE the world's love affair with the automobile, cities are more livable with fewer ears if elty government's ■apply public transport to move workers and goods, a new sarvey says. The Organisation of Issasmlr Os operation and Development, the inter-governmental group
    432 words
  • 1307 12  -  PATRICK GILKES WHY THE AFRICANS ARE FIGHTING EACH OTHER By THE situation in Anfola grows more seri•us as the conflict between the liberation movements takes on all the appearances of full civil war. The Portuguese troops, soon to leave the country and therefore reluctant to ret Involved,
    1,307 words
    • 678 12 I REFER to the letter by Koh Tal Chong (ST., July 16). The management committee of the Singapore Karate-do Fed c r atlon decided to invite Mr. T. Yoneda to be the chief Judge of the recent second annual karate-do championship. The commltee
      678 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 67 12 3 group*. S (tamants Anfteof Vwwl2* Diip*»tyin Automatic down kM toF22 MMofit: SOOa FilMr: 62 a ■H 82mm O«m»Ml 73mm L#f>fltti 97rr>m Minimum H^_ Focui 87cm MulticoMKl jgjljw P GOOOALE PTE LTD Room 402. 4tt> Floor. Olaa Tow«. 160 E Clmmw Avtrw. P O Boa 104. Taofln Pom O«lc.. S.nyvort
      67 words
    • 244 12 jfiP&nsatipnal^il ft staror Las M \fegas revue... I Marc 1 I Anthony 1 W August 4th 23rd Mj® Qty Good looks, powerful voice, 68 W magnetic personality Marc generates. *> k £F^ excitement in every performance. |V Dine and dance to music by The rfrj (V Ortegos, Singapore's top orchestra.
      244 words

  • Business Times
    • 835 13  -  MARTIN LIM By THE Stock Exchange of Singapore has yet to find its feet after going on the slide in midMarch. This is all too clearly illustrated in July when the market drifted With a plethora of bearish news coming from the
      835 words
    • 509 13 BASLE: Growth of the Euro-dollar market, which resumed in the final quarter of 1974. continued in the first quarter of this year, with the underlying trend more expansionary than before, the Bank for International Settlements (BTS) said. Banks in eight European countries reported external
      Reuter  -  509 words
    • 46 13 DETROIT: American Motors Corp said tentative retail prices on 1U 1978 can and Jeeps are up an average of SJ per cent or US$3OO over final 1975 models. Optional equipment prices are being Increased on an average five par cent. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 170 13 INDO-SUEZ and Morgan Orenfeli (Singapore) one of the most recent merchant banks estabtsned here has been granted an Asian Currency Unit licence by the Monetary Authority of 8 ngapore. This brings the number of merchant banks with ACU licences to IS. Currently, there are 21
      170 words
    • 75 13 TOKYO: New Zealand Motcr Corp lr Wellington will assemble Honda "Civic" passenger cars at the rat, of 5,000 units a year Initially, starting In March, Honda Motor said. Honda will supply engines and other major parti, while tyres, radiators and some other minor parts
      Reuter  -  75 words
    • Briefly...
      • 23 13 The scheme, already approved by shareholders, will come Into effect on Aug. 11, when the company will change Its name to British Leyland.
        23 words
      • 22 13 Plantation Holdings chairman, Mr. B.W. Livesey has said the continuous expansion of the past five yean will not be maintained this year.
        22 words
      • 26 13 There are signs of firmer Malaysian rubber and palm oil prices. But UK activity Is expected to fail because of the deepening recession, he said. Reuter.
        Reuter  -  26 words
    • 122 13 REFLECTING the difflcuKies being encountered by the ship repairing industry, profits growth at Sembawanc Shipyard has slowed down considerably in the first nix months ended Jane 1915. Interim pre-tax profits crew by only 11.9 per ceat to $12 08 million compared with the 30 4 per cent
      122 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 167 13 The Oil industry runs smoother on RHP bearings All the machines that extract, process, refine, distribute and transport oil run on bearings. RHP makes the whole range of precision quality bearings. And at UMW the whole range is held in stock. So if you're involved in the oil _K_ —m
      167 words
    • 336 13 In any game, to stand a winning chance, a lot depends on the players you choose. Money isn't a game but the rule still applies To have the fighting edge in the competitive game of finance, a lot depends on the financial team you choose. We have confidence in our
      336 words
    • 144 13 BBBBBV Ls^B^lbl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSW jL JUM MM^ fi^BBBBsV. bbbbbbbbbbbbbK JbbbbbbV Mm bbbbbbW mmt bbbbbbbbl LW^sfl i m* -*m BBIT SBBBb! B jBBr '^^BBBTBBti mM bbbT Vbbbb! bbbbbbbbV BIBf .^te^BBBBB^ ilB^B*^^*"lBBB BlB^^^^^^^^^^^^l m^L Mt ii P m^F W m Jkw Aw W m AW mm^r m W b^bbbbbbbbbbbbbb^ 4bbW .sb^bbbbb! bbbbbbbbW "*!j
      144 words

  • 539 14  -  SOU SIAM LOH By IN advisory council Ato the central committee of the Consumers Association of Singapore will soon be formed to stamp out malpractices In advertising The council will comprise members from CASE and from the Advertising Standards Authority, Singapore. The ASA
    539 words
  • 136 14 EWOM September, pas- seagera flying te Europe. by Singapore Airlines can count their ■Issslma For they will be reeelvlßg free "Countdown" cash cards and hand books offering signifloant benefits. Oa arasantattsit ef the cash ear*, the holder will get special discount* in shops, ressaarants
    136 words
  • 139 14 Spore to launch a Comet MARKETING PR an additional 70 cents, consumers can purchase a Ronson Comet lighter with their own zodiac sign. Each lighter carries a aodlac sign sllk-.screened In gold on black. Accompanying each lighter la a small gift a little "Magic book" which carries a brief horoscope
    139 words
  • 193 14  -  LEO GONZAGA By MANILA: The few enterprises that have already reached commercial production stage In the Philippines 1 first and only export processing ■one In Marlveles. Bataan. four hours by car from Manila, are starting to feel the recession pinch. Pamlcusa Manufacturing has* temporarily laid
    193 words
  • 84 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Neel de Leon Eieaier, director of Banoom International has announced the appointment of Viscount Errington to the Hongkong headquarters of the company A member of the Baring family, prom'nent merchant bankers In London for 250 rears. Lord Krrtngton has had wide experience In Asia, having lived
    84 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 452 14 v^^^j a>^*a^few^ The Bank of Canton. Li mitsKt W <^* #r veers of banking in Atis '^^ssf^^^^^^sT^^ V m J m\ i Lar^Ssl Security Pacific National Bank Over 100 years of banking in US A I and around the world I aTsa^aw^ Over 160 years of banking experience you can
      452 words
    • 152 14 No Time to look after your SHARES? lasl w^Tl II you hold shares and you lack the time or knowledge to manage them, why not exchange your shares for Singapore Growth Fund units? You will be Investing In s rnultl- million dollar unit trust with emphasis In shares believed to
      152 words
    • 574 14 PRELIMINARY STATEMENTS Aust.Ent.rp. lUT.7S M 88.571 (MBI.SJB) <»»> jj" Cnt See h^W 101.2T0 (M 88.780) 98 7 (M 3) ISI.aPWI. ItorTS M 811.484 (M 10.588) 38.4 Sun**!)* Mar .75 £1.417 U1.070) 3078 (158.8) 46.8 (40.6) TalamMlnas Mar. 75 MBBSO (M8700)a 51.8 (38.6) a 15 (10) INTERIM STATEMENTS Pra-Taz latarta CwaptuM
      574 words

    • 477 15 JACK Chia-MPH appeart to be getting ready to hit the acquisition trail again after two yean of satisfactory internal growth. This Is the indication Zlven by the chairman. Mr. jack Chla. In his annual statement U> which he describes the oast two years
      477 words
    • 49 15 SEOUL- South Korean companies in the first seven months of this year won contracu worth U*****447 million for overseas contraction projects, the Construction Ministry said. This included $*****4 million for projects In the Middle East. $25,939 million In South-east Asia and $6932 million in Africa. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
      • 52 15 OCBC ■K L*a4 ssr «Tw»U WOI. lIMW Owtmm r. B. L'*tea UOB BU. r» n not II 41 MTO MM »3« UJO MM till tI.U till IIM 1157 MOO $as» ton •i.v .it .v .M OS —.04 —.07 art —.07 —.06 —.06 M 04 —.04 .0* —.04 —.09
        52 words
      • 11 15 TtUMag NBT KNB Vt u.oa •I.W .M M 02 01
        11 words
      • 23 15 StaM Darftr Hi,— Hak^i Cr««H 1SMM Tmhrr MliBa 1IMM l.O. Lm* OjM* T«UI Tmmt: HI U XMmI Vafew: «LM M
        23 words
      • 50 15 DM. M, 1M4 1M f Dm. II. 1M* 1M t Dw. M. IMt 1M Dm. tl, »W IN t Jm- 1. It7t IN latatrtate: t&M IttJM "■in: M7.71 Mt.71 H»t»ta: IM.47 1MJ3 fwpMlli: 174J7 171J« Tlaa: IHN IM.S1 I Irtttn: lit 1» SltOl O.CJ.C: 1M.7I l—*l lad.: tMJM MJ.41
        50 words
    • 1521 15 THE last transacted ready mle at the close of 'i ulnae* on the Stock Exchange of »ng»pore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1676 high and low Adjusted for scrip/ rights Issue). aOUITBIAk* ■iCTiaa oh* CLAtINO T0N1: All aactMM cloMd aim. TURNOVIR: CXBrlal Scuraa auppllad
      1,521 words
    • 890 15 BID and offer prices 0 officially listed and bualnns In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of ahaxaa traded ihown In brackets In lota of 1.000 unit*, unleaa otherwise specified IHDUtTBIALS «lmmu (1MB). A. Ti«t (tTOB). A.M. Ox. (0.NB). A.P.I. (OT4B 0
      890 words
    • 381 15 MILD selling pressure took prices lower In aaiet trading on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Opening slightly below their overnight closing levels, prices drifted (radsally lower across a broad front. Falls, marginal initially, widened slightly In the later stages as more sellers appeared. The silently
      381 words
    • 1134 15 BID and offer prices olllcUlly luted and builneas In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of iharrt traded shown In bracket* In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Bargains oeltlement Contract* axe quoted alter the word "Sett." Big
      1,134 words
    • 153 15 f ONDON General Li Electrics ability to keep most of Its factories property loaded will depend on 1U continuing success In obtaining orders from abroad, chairman Lord Nelson said. This Is because OEC does not expect any appreciable upturn In the UK. he added
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 302 15 Trading in KL ends easier HHHE Kuala Lumpur A Stock Exchange clGktd easier yeatcroay v conditions turned dull and uncertain followlnK news of the Japanese terrorists' seizure of the American Embassy together with a number of hostages. The market had opened en a fairly steady note with first business manrtnally
      302 words
    • 312 15 Hongkong Gas profits jump 57 pc HONO KONO: Hongkong and China Oaa said lv after-tax profit rose 57 per cent to HKS7M million In the first half of 1975. and Is confident that after-tax profit for the whole year will not be less than $12.3 million compared with $8 93
      Reuter  -  312 words
    • 189 15  -  KINGSLEY WOOD By BROKEN Hill Proprietary has begun a severe austerity campaign which could have long-term significance for the Australian economy. All capital expenditure Is to be deferred, all outside contracting services at the company's steelworks are to be cut back, all overtime Is
      189 words
      • 25 15 THE Straits tin price slipped $4 to $981 per picul in Penan? yesterday on an official offering up 49 tons to 200 tons.
        25 words
      • 369 15 YYESPITE a fractionally *J higher opening yesterday, the Singapore rubber market was lackIng In orders and, to gether with liquidation of August and September, an easier trend developeU About 150 cents was lost before the market checked and remained quiet. The morning session cosed quiet. Afternoon rubber ruled
        369 words
      • 31 15 Rubber: Aug. 4. Singapore: Aug 141.25 cts. (down 1.5* ets.) Malaysia Aug. 141 M ets. (down 125 ets.) Tin: $981 (down $4). Official offering 200 tons (up 49 tons).
        31 words
    • 109 15 txAILY mat tnd 86R prteei iMUcd at ooon j**ter<i*j Aar. B^< Mmimt Bwjm Mm M«II.« (Owi— t MUD (ranrord Mtk) SMR SCV il -ton pallet. 149 00 150.MN 150 00 ISI.OON SMR 5L (1-ton pallet) 14*00 149 OON 149 00 150.00N QMR 6 (1-ton pallet. 116 M
      109 words
    • 108 15 /'MINUS MODUCI II V CMAMOI. imOANII HMD CLOSING PHICII PS* PICUL VISTISJDAV. CimK bulk M 0 aMtora. «nua Mt aallara. turn Mis* (laoaa) UK/Omi. ssa b. ■a)**: Mualok a*Ta »hit» f.e-b MH NLW WTO aallm. Sarawak wkiu (.a b. M* NLW IJ&S atllrra. Sarawak special black M« NLW
      108 words
      • 238 15 TOKYO. Mon. The market closed slightly firmer in thin trad ng. dealers said. The Dow Jones average gained 15.84 to close at *****1. with volume climbing to 90 million shares from 80 million shares on Saturday. The New Index closed at 315.80, up 1.06. Sony added 100 to 3.400:
        238 words
      • 34 15 THE Svdnry Stock Exchange was closed yesterday for the first Monday in August, a bank holiday. All markets in HONG KONG were also closed yesterday, for the first Monday in August holiday.
        34 words
      • 99 15 Money and exchanges THE US dollar opened X slightly changed at $2.4790/00 In the Singapore forex market yesterday and remained •steady throughout the day at $2 4785/95 Lack of interest accounted for the quiet market condition. Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3.00 p m 1 Month 2.4740/50. 2 Months 2.4715/25.
        99 words
      • 36 15 Saturday Friday UH UH ••"n" ies 75 ie«i» mmttmt taturti., ionckonc Cloud iv 33 r»Of» (2) lftt 7JB 145K3H 14-.128 lUfiS Export prim in nonalrriuu «r*«a OK dollar, prr ouan (2) prlc*. •lrut
        36 words
    • 138 15 Suggested interbank rate* at 300 pm: JS dollar 2.4785 1.4790 2*196 —12.10 3terUn« pound 5 3180 5.3230 7 3469 —21 62 tongkong dollar 48.85 48.95 50 61 _o 39 Kalaytlan dollar 98.90 99.05 100 00 I.l* lutt aehUllng *****0 13 6845 12.1012 +I*l4 Bel franc (ccm) 6 4540
      138 words
    • 188 15 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates mat :to«e on Monday. Auf 4: vn miui is*.!) Offer BM 7 day* l/« 4 1/t 1 mth 6 7 16 S/16 2 mthl 613 16 811 16 3 mthl 7 6 7 6 mtha i 7 n 0 mthl t 1/4
      188 words
    • 64 15 Minimum lending rates (in Algemene Bonk 7 Bongkok Bonk 7V« Bonk of Americo 7 Bonk of Chino 8 Bonk of Tokyo 7 Bonk Negoro Indonesio 7 M Bonque de L' 7 Chortered Bonk 7% Cho»e Monhofton 7 x /> DBS 7 First O.coqo 7 FNCB 7 HKSBC 7'/j Maloyon Bonking
      64 words
    • 30 15 Closing interbank raUa li Singapore dollars for Aug. 4 Offer BM Overnight 4S 1 mth 1H 1 »/l( 2 mini 4 3 mth» 4^ So«it«: P. Murrsr-Jonr Inlernalfeul.
      30 words
    • 55 15 RANOE «f IKM ottmd DT count Muih co Aug. 4 Ov*n>l(M I It IS< Call 4«pwlt 1 lo !'»<* 3-Moam Trtuury Mill 1 S 1-Moalh bank bill. t T/l S 11/1* J Month CD 4 1/4 4 Month CO 11/ l I J 14 »m»m: Nailoaal Dlaeeunt Co.
      55 words

  • Especially Women
    • 303 16 rrtHE boutique resident designer is still a rare ■1 find In Singapore. So I readily agreed to meet Lorlta Ong. She didn't disappoint me. At 31, she looked barely 25 In her bottle green crepe dress with the plunging neckline (her own work down
      Mohammed Ynsoof shows Kirn Im wearing one of Loritas pet creatlona midnight blue loose skirt suit which has fathers round its neckline  -  303 words
    • 815 16  - Learning to love baby can take time... By UZ SHERRY I^HE romantic view of motherhood is of a serene, happy, mum-to-be longing for the day when baby will be born. Of a painful, but bravely-borne labour and of the Big Moment when mum finally holds her child in her arms
      815 words
    • 50 16 £AiCt ft* starna off your nylon or leather opho'atavjrt Try whjppinf up a aolnUon of deterf ent and ammonia and nainc Joat the tm* mat a clean cloth, go over the ataina with thla. Finlah off by wiping with another cloth rtnaed oat of Hear water.
      50 words
    • 180 16 SOME 50 nurses from all over the world are currently meeting in Singapore to try and upgrade the status* of their profession. This international Council of Nurses (ICN) Council of National Representatives' Meeting Is held every two years to provide a common platform for
      180 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 404 16 How can A you feel like M a woman... M m if you shave like a manf^^ You shave your legs? How ghastly, how manly! To feel like a woman, take it off like a lady. With Immac. Immac creams away hair. Creams away hair like it never was there.
      404 words
    • 304 16 sticks arouncTti 1 the hea 1 i ngs done Sole Distributors Smith Nephew Sales Sdn. Berhad Introducing the most comprehensive health scheme for air conditioners. I.A.C. Team Service. Only fully trained specialists equipped with proper tools -~§«^«^B^B»Bsa»4-» and modern, testing T T *""^TT^^^ instruments are on the team. y il
      304 words

  • 310 17  -  GOLORIA CHAN By A N 18-YEAR-OLD housewife thr^l 10 wa vesterdav iailed for three months for cheating took her baby along with her to prison so that she could breastfeed her. Masrlfah blnti Abdullah pleaded guilty on May 30 to cheating
    310 words
  • 87 17 HON FOR C'WEALTH TALKS rE Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sol Sen, U expected to attend a three-day meeting of Commonwealth Flnanee Ministers in Georgetown, Guyana, from Aug. 28. Mr. Hon will later leave far Washington to attend a meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Krcon
    87 words
  • 34 17 THE Adult Education Board will conduct a 30-week beginners count on Builders QuantUiea at Joo Avenue School on Mondays from 7.30 pjn. to 8.30 p.m. starting on Aug It. Pte la «3A.
    34 words
  • 30 17 A PICTORIAL exhibition, tracing the Republic's 10 years of Independence, will be held at Basement Two of Yaohan Singapore in Plaza Slngapura from Thursday to August 28
    30 words
  • 97 17 Aid from nonMuslims, too fFHREE non M>i«n miT have contributed a total of $130 towards the Mosque Building Fund, the Muslim Religious Council disclosed yesterday. The monthly contributions from the three, at $15, 130 and $101, will continue for between six months and a year. These contributors are believed to
    97 words
  • 927 17  -  BEN DAVIDSON He wants to consult doctor in Britain By CENIOR District Judge Mr. T.S. Sinnathuray yesterday rejected an application to allow Dennis William Pinder to leave for Britain to consult a doctor for a second opinion on the condition of his left
    927 words
  • 49 17 THK Dnl»ers»ty of Singapore's Department of KxtraUural Btudlea will hold a 10--lacture ooutm In Buatnea Cbrreapondanoe at tha New Lactur* Tbeatrc three from Aug. 11. Btaainrn win be coodocted bf Mr. Peter Stephanann. a marketing manacamaot eontulUnt. from «M pjn. 19 pjn. on Tucadaya and Tbura-
    49 words
  • 36 17 THE Adult Education Board win conduct a 12-aeaatoa count on Interior decoraUoQ and furolAhlna; at Ma Belatia Prtmaxy School Cantr« oa Tuaadayi from T p m to pa. tram Auf It >w U Ul
    36 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 116 17 Tandoori m| Chicken (fjUS INEXPENSIVE DELICIOUSLT SATISFYING Jf HAVE YOU TASTED IT Great as a snack, lunch, dinner— or in-between. Try it with Naan a specially baked bread. They make a terrific combination. LOOK OUT FOR THE COLONEL SINGH SIGN AT YOUR FAVOURITE EATING S*OT. CofmfiSttJti mmmmwti tmm)4pm < TRADE
      116 words
    • 410 17 The stars in your eyes wont pay for that ring on her finger. One of the besi ihing> in life being in love. But some uT (he beu things ihji go with it tun to run into money Like engagement nno And lrou\scjus Honeymoons And MHne furniture for that Ant
      410 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 21 17 WATER roninmption on Sunday was 126.7 million cations (57MM coble metre.), 7.8 million gallons <U,*M cubic metres) leaa than on Saturday.
      21 words
    • 782 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.88 PM Opening and By Family Time (English 7.31 dm (Mat- j —Repeat) 7.49 Sandiwara- iuram Disenja Sunyi (Malay 3JI Diary of Events (English) Drama) 3J5 Magazine Zero One 141 EaWfMC* The Ciawa Bat 3 M Love Is A Many Splendoured Thing 138 Im mi
      782 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
      419 words
    • 258 18 C Congratulations To y I FAIRCHILD S SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. on the occasion of the 2 official opening of their g Integrated Circuit Test Finish Building |j on this auspicious day *9 !bJ bbbbbbW bbbulW *3 f h^^ I fjr v __^^BBv BB^bhivlb^Hb^Bßßl BB^SBSIBk I 1 2J" I <^BBBB^^^s Bi^Bß
      258 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 456 19 C AC Congratulates FAIRCHILD aßßaavaaavvaavvvteaaaaaißißiaßaaißiißaaaaaaav SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. on the occasion of the official opening of their Integrated Circuit Test and Finish Building fliC^ AIRFREIGHT SPECIALISTS __v MSAS offer new concepts w»- of speed and economy in Br freight movement. I i Singapore's first forwar- T hi f a— _»A
      456 words
    • 128 19 Sesr Wishes to FAIRCHILD SINGAPORE PTE LTD on the official opening of their Integrated Circuit Test Finish Building -a'lo* Sockets Cuttan ~f^ PROTEX [WPgf •JBSSBL. F 2!T «-«p <«^^> SOLDAPUIir. S^ NSS^^f Oatcldarlnf Mlni-M«t«r. Tod* Ejrphont Jack ft D««old»rln» Votum* Control Toott TvuN*' y2 Inwlatad TwNtm Miniatura Wira Lampa —■■■Mt^r
      128 words
    • 548 19 Con^ratutotions To |> I FAIRCHILD I SINGAPORE PTE LTD 9 on the occasion of the official opening of their Integrated Circuit Test Finish Building "WE ARE PROUD TO BE ENTRUSTED WITH THE SUPPLYING A INSTALLING fr OF PVC FUME DUCT A PVC CHEMICAL TANKS FOR THE PLANT" i YEO BROTHERS
      548 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1096 20 COST AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Our client Is a large textile group located In Taiplng. They are looking for a Cost and Management Accountant to assume full responsibilities for the entire accounting functions Including the production of Information on all aspects of financial and management accounting relating to manufacturing activities In
      1,096 words
    • 563 20 IN THE HIGH COVBT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMPANIES WINDINO-UP no. it or im In the Matter of Olu Bemam Malay Tin Sdn. Bhd.. ltt. Floor. Ng Ooon Han Building. 11. Jalan Klyne. Kuala Lumpur. AND in the Matter of the Companies Act. ltt» ADVERTISEMENT Of PETITION NOTICE la
      563 words
    • 807 20 in the tana covbt IN MAIAYA AT KOALA •■UMPfB COMPANIES WIXDING-UP NO. 11 Or ltTt la Mm taaMii af Klbb Hlac tTatm O. Lta, 4*l. 4th near. Lee Taa Uaa Ballisaa. auU Laeaaw Aa* the aaaUer af Ike (■■I ah. Act. IMS ADVERTISEMENT Of PETITION notice It hereby gtten :hat
      807 words
    • 680 20 IN THE UIOB COVBT IN MALAYA AT KOALA LOMTtm companies wnrMNO-ur no. m or ltit ■a Urn Mautr 1 ■bwm Ofrtl— Ma. BM. •44. EMI Aafe BolMlac H. Jaha KrrM. Kub Laapar. AND la* M»Ucr •C Uw Ci Art. IMS ADVCmTISEMENT OP PETITION NOTICE It bcrebr gtaeo U»t a petition
      680 words
    • 896 20 [The Singapore Armed Forces hot vacancies in the 1 I Regular Service for WOMEN in the following roca- I tions: A. Ctwrk B Pay Clerk C Medical Orderly (Non-Combat) D. Language Instructor E. Driver F. Telephone Switchboard Operator QUALIFICATIONS: C°4 Ato At least 3 GCE 'O' level* or equivalent For
      896 words
    • 443 20 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES' COURTS SINGAPORE D.C. TlMiini N«. M tf 1575 Between KUMAR KISHINCHAND trading as RANIS Plaintiff And TAHIL 8/0 WASSIAMUL SURTANI t/a SURTANY'S INTERNATIONAL ...Defendant To: Tahll s/o Wasslamul Surtanl t/a Surtany"s International lately of No. 151-C. Amber Road. Singapore ana 506. Batnam House. sth Floor. «7. High
      443 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1035 21 nnirEMMMU Tff 'ii*lrj V 22 f- 1 TMTI lAT Oa2 if JU Jiff "MM UMM ItM Matltlt S*2 >>*M MMM UMM II MM 14 MM uniss mm ,','£S J trl 4mj iMt MMrt i^HZi "i«"«li ItßiAiiJ! titTKlt Imt 'VL -^*^*__CMriA»Mi ammhi mm uum imi MMMMtaaMMasAMMM>Ma«M»JMIBMaMMMMBoMMMMj u.w,a. 'am^'m^'u-fm-, 1^ TtTMM
      1,035 words
    • 1147 21 Ben Ocean A^intaervveofßenLineßlueFhnnelGtenUneandNSMO It m CMIIMRT (M MM) FLMntRtM I 14/1 AM 1/ lAM *Mt *»M»a, IM. Mil MUTUCAII 11,14 A>| IS, II AM IM Lrta). Un. Cat*. Ball AMvim tiTM M,' »/IMM 4tM J-^-I- ■MJMMM 1/1 MM 4 IMM 7 IMM tM LaaMa. C'aaaO. Hall. BmlTl I/IMM M/11 MM
      1,147 words
    • 999 21 I'^^rM^MM? IM<W rMI I«K IM fiMMM v fMM P. MUM lua AMtn* ttr. ?nT W7.7«.— l J >M t "N >M MAM MM| yjTMUIaMMM j, 17 AM %MM It to? ll Sm! IMM !.V!... nlm 14 Aa| II Mtt UMM UMM II MM ?i?!i U ?Jf«. tti 4Mt IMt
      999 words
    • 865 21 I l iMA^«P'M^'«MP^^^^^*J^B^^Wßßf^Bß^F —p^ > FULLY CONTAINERIZED StKVICE TO EUKOPE mmn mfVmFn m mjma "5 nltotteriM. >mMm, l*m% lUiirr*. IM«IM MMII MM'!;*" I*'1 *«*-l t>«MITM>M. mTSSt m S" 1 1 11 -*-*t -*m. > FS I MMC ta U lMfcit^ FULLY CONTAINEKIZEP SERVICE FKQM EUHpfE P ruimi s a». pmi
      865 words
    • 805 21 Sappon 11M44 P. Waj 1141; II H3IW Pomm JiMV THE BANK LIME LTD. ummt is inu titmm rMioiim. am.,.1. am Im. M») P IWAH 4/ IfM S'rv. Am M IMo: FMM IAH I MWT* AFIKA. FM UMM. HMIU ■•MM FTW, It/WAM P UK, imn ,7 11AM j miAI pMM an
      805 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 865 22 ff^l i >nn» im IMUMU UMAI IIStH UISM LTI. v upm. mk mi JT-vn swict nM MM*n S i nun j.».. ArablM O-M Hr»lM joaiatauik AlrtM W«M AntM S«wn PM uciit anu ■i "1 L Japan »abah M MMWaa a—apv MO-. UM- Ma PM--1 «>- b--b--bb-b-bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbll -WaWaßJafJWlPaa|aj"a"J BBBBaBat-88-888-B-Mi TllfT ntt
      865 words
    • 810 22 3&*G*mT^,rttJ& fraa IT* m MM CT MMTTUTM "-an M gJJJ, STMUTTMJU "J* "22 t JnTZL mmn rr,.SS ,f-, 2i5 iivlJTrr Taraoto aP«T I lai Übajoaa 'SSSm I inw a Pat IMI Mi<aam 11. Fmt. SIMM mm. -MM Vm. latMtn ij. UGULAI SBBVICBS TO MIOM OIWIA •MDraWl FfM HA ETD Waal
      810 words
    • 939 22 m east mm mxtuautmoimm. sawct IMM PM IMMI. MTTtMAM MMMM ta SKI laaaaaa na sJiriPMlaa| Poa— tool LaaMa roaa M—l MPTM IMWI l-ljit .M/11 taj limZ|Bal I«WI 11 aft UUm AMT^^MlT»«r«^| I Jll^ t i^ -SB. MTTM TtPU t/VttSi M^MI ntm MM* HUT CMiAMJIgI SBWCE Tl AM FMM M TMIW
      939 words
    • 757 22 dwps gwet ti iMaW. uw-^-utaaTaPT rwn fu^^^Mf* 9 UAH— at PtMaat iMpa—M !•> MM MMM l/t SaT C^ MI SffJBJSS MUMM nmmVHMW"*! SaTwjTwSi o a/f. ka— a/*, hW| M 7*. <M«*ro 1 10 MM MTI 14/11 Mi nm aaj 11/ 1 Mat V I Mat Mao. l/«M. IraaM. Wimi. M.MHI.W./IMW
      757 words
    • 765 22 RAMaIHtHTI NM TUMOAT. D«»" TVSLS^r— In II aU» A4M4MTT I. v CaMMI aarac OUT: Qulrlntlt 1/2. Shunl alarulO 11 Blr.unf KoJOfm 15 1« aom KIAPM r.rn»n<lo««r»u K P»r»* 21 aai?Kln|s!m. P**^ l City (B Ban* i 41 SBS 111 (8 SSI £if "<B M Itth-ou. S»n■TuorTcity (B Bu«t)4a. O*r M»m
      765 words

  • 84 23 ACNC. PIMPLES, OPEN PORES are these your problem' 1 Then consult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 26 yean tropical experience, at Hotel Singapura telephone *****3 I Spore) BAGATELLE'S UNBELIEVABLE SALE, prices drastically reduced on all dresses, separates, new stock Call al 334. Orchard Road Ist Floor *****0
    84 words
  • 15 23 LACHU SON OF Shewaram blessed son on 2 875 Thanks to I Sambhl Clinic
    15 words
  • 128 23 FAMILY OF THE late Mrs Poon Bak Seah nee Madam Yeo Chay Slang (of No 3. Rosyth Avenue) gratefully thank relatives and friends for their kind condolences wreaths, scrolls, donauon aisUtance and attendance during "eceru bereavement the FAMILY or *he late Madam Mary Ong Saw K if 46-A Prince
    128 words
  • 20 23 8 0S SAMARITANS OF Singapore Troubled Divouraged' Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the telephone
    20 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 536 23 classified ads Ss| >W>BBBl»SI«l CHURCHES' COUNSELLING SERVICE invites applications for post of "Staff Counsellor" Must have professional academic qualification In one of the helping professions, with at least 3 yean experience In Individual. Oroup. Family and Marriage Counselling Must be EnglUh speaking with one or more other fluent languages Applications
      536 words
    • 772 23 JfOUIRBo SXSWMBNCBO INOsT" f*»*P«NT Correspondence CTerk by Import/ Export Firm Preerably Singapore CiUaen. Race Indian Apply with passport size photo stating experience and A9IBOfJ r qulr d WIT Box LEVER BROTHERS SINGAPORE SON. BHO. Requires FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATOR/ TYPIST 1 Minimum Cambridge School Certificate 2 Preferably with some experience In
      772 words
    • 736 23 DYNAMIC TECHNICAL SALBS assutant to promote sales of machine tools and engineering equipment Company car provided Attractive commission The hardworking man can look forward to manager's post which offers profit sharing Apply S T Box A ***** WANTEO SALES EXECUTIVE for printing Company Must be experienced and with established contacu
      736 words
    • 648 23 LATHE MACHINISTS. TECHNICIAN Welders. Oeneral Workers required by Engineering firm In Jurong Tel *****8 between 900 a m u>s.oop m BOILERMAN A Food Company situated at Chin Bee Avenue. Jurong requires a Boilerman Immediately with the following o Orade II boilerman certificate a Preference will be given to those with
      648 words
    • 827 23 WANTEO EXPERWNCBD MALE/ I Female office Assistant of any I race Able to do KnglUh Corret- i pondence Independently and I some knowledge of simple ec- I counu Interested please apply with a recent paaspon slae photograph (non-returnable) to < Tanglin P.O. Box 146 i We kaee inwnedM* vaoanato* tar
      827 words
    • 723 23 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES RBOUIRBO for quality Oarmenu Workshop al Tanglin Phone *****8 or call at 878. Oeyang Road for enquiries RECEPTIONIST* FOR SHOWFLAT tales and reception work during weekends and public holidays Pleasant sales personality and matured outlook are basic requlremenu Telephone *****7 for Interview SOUTHEAST ASIAN MINISTERS OF EDUCATION ORGANISATION
      723 words
    • 742 23 SALESGIRLS ANO LADY CLBNK wanted. Call personally to 25 Coleman Street (Opp Peninsula Shopping Centre) Tel *****3 AwiriHß CMI (Ag» 40) 23 years foreign experience on heavy Civil Projecu as Project Manager/ Engineer desires position South East Asia Especially well versed In cost estimating and the overall direct supervision
      742 words
    • 805 23 DIST. IS HOLLANO ROAD Bungalow 4 alrcondllloned bedrooms, separate living/ dining, servant's, matured garoen. furnished ***** Sale 8350.000 DUt 5 2Vi-storey bungalow facing beautiful sea front 6 spacious alrcondltloned bedrooms Splitlevel living/ dining Modem kitchen, servant's, private yard Furnished ***** *****4 DIST 11 NEWLY PAINTED 2-storey detached bungalow in quiet
      805 words
    • 860 23 PHOENIX COURT PENTHOUSE ***** Hilton Tower' Devonshire Court ***** furnished Dalvey Road 8900 Lock Cho 8900 furnished Faber Hills 8750 Skyvtlla 8700 furnished Katong 8700 furnished Seletar Hills 8400 Ace Housing. *****29 *****46/ *****64 LUXURIOUS APARTMENT AvaNaMe la dtst 10. 11. With 3 spacious bedrooms, bathrooms attached, alrcon servant's quarters.
      860 words
    • 665 23 DUTCH AND KOREAN couples recently arrived require urgently semi-detached/ bungalow terrace/ apartment In dlst 8. 10 11. 14. 15. 16. 19 20 Company lease *****97 WE NEED HOUSES, flats, bungalows urgently for immediate cllenu Kindly call Miss Wong for more details *****2. *****1.*****7 General M*nea*r~en«l P»r*oaaat Director et American Corporation
      665 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 918 24 ssWRaVI BUla^SasVaW II BssPWaWViaai I I s *>> mmmmmß LUXURIOUS 2-BTOREY TOWN 4 House spllt-levH living/ dining. 3 a bedrooms. Italian floor tiles 2 throughout Jalan Meragl 10 miles Upper Changi Road Tel 407*36 WHAT IS YOUR House worth U>day'' Ring Vletor L Mendel PU Ltd Auctioneers and Valuer* g
      918 words
    • 935 24 4OLLANO ROAD SMMU-STORSY T lungalow 10.000 sqft 3 bed- n ■ooms. 3 bathrooms servants, xl Freehold, large garden $250,000 B I>l *****2/ *****2 '■< DtST S KNJJNtn^"O*» a 0 itorey terrace. 5.000 sq ft $I*o- J MM East Coast Road double- v itorey semi -detached $122,000 > Seleur Hills luxurious
      935 words
    • 840 24 UNAS (PRIVATE) UMITED Newly >novated office space of approimately 1.000 sir rt at Tunas ulldlng. Anson Road, svallable x- immediate occupancy Pull articular* are obtainable from unas (Pte) Limited. Building >epartment. Basement Two. Unas Building. Tel. *****41/ *****3 (7 lines) during normal fflce hours ESK SPACE IN Newton Roal. Ith
      840 words
    • 796 24 NAM NO TRAVBL Service (Singapore) Pte Ltd Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oenllng. C/Hlgh lands) by Deluxe slrcondltioned bus seven days 3*175/ Departure Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four days ami/-. OenUng Highlands Four days SSI 15/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oentlng HlghIsnds Two days by air *****/Departure Everyday (Sole Agent for
      796 words
    • 666 24 INCLUSIVE TOURS Ban Island Faneall 5 Days- *MJ Be* Jogy. Jakarta 8 Days *79» Lake Tosm Tour SDays 8440 s*paMsjßa#)S> WsMaksVktf T«*pT 3 Days S3SS TAB TRAVBL S TOURS 321. Baawame House Tel: 33*411. 332*33 416. Snow Centre. Tet 3TTTBS. 3TTTSS. AIRMASTBR TRAVEL SPECIAL Fares London. Europe. Canada USA. Australia
      666 words
    • 494 24 1 TYPEWRITING AUDIO- TYPING AnvOtn tmoaai 8 00 a m and 9 30 p m. Outf.twl UOv IMSJjaJ and l*«tw> Slaga awilabb 2 SHORTHAND THEORY On* month rapid or tnrw nvntnt no'ffial Ciauai avadabw 3 SHORTHAND SPEED SO 10 ISO op m Oaaan bsbßJßbj 4 BOOKKEEPING ONE MONTH/THREE MONTHS COURSES
      494 words
    • 815 24 STENOGRAPHY: YOUR SUCCESS our responsibility 30 years experience RAJA'S COLLEOE is your right place to learn Classes anytime New sessions starting August Details from: RAJA'S COLLEOE *****/ *****6/ *****78 PEOPLE'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 18-A, East ***** Rood Tot J 4*S**4, 46*706. normal dees any convenient lime from 9am —10 p^m Pitmen
      815 words
    • 580 24 RAJAS COLLEOE prepare students for LCC. Pitman. BSC. College Examinations Your success our responsibility We train you for immediate employment Register early at Raja's College We an enrolling our last class of Part Time Secretarial students for the June 1976 ISC/LCC Diploma Course Lowest fees Free 10 Executive and Language
      580 words
    • 889 24 INTENSIVE REVISION COACHING in Mathematics. Additional Mathematics and Physical Science for OCE 'O 1 level by experienced graduate tutor S'.glsp area Tei *****1 OCE MATHEMTICS. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Oroup tuition Retired trained irntdule teacher IS years' experience) *****2 (Ooh) PIANO AND ORGAN tuition available preferably Teachers place River Valley Road vicinity
      889 words
    • 940 24 HONDA SSS •TAT«OI*WAOO»* 1971 Good condition $3,000 on o Phone *****7 26. Fowlle Road. Katong LATB I*7J FIAT 124 Sports wltn alreon. cartridge, igorts rims Contact *****95 7 258T075 NEW DATSUN 12BS for tuition purpose reasonable charge Contact Tan *****6 NOVEMBER -72 MAZDA FIOOOStaSoriw?«r Excellent condition $5 200/ o n
      940 words

  • Article, Illustration
    58 25 In Loving Memory Of Late Mr. Reginald Jowph. departed sth August 1005. He Wai A Loving Husband, A Devoted Father He Suffered In Silence When No One Knew, Deep In Our Heart*. His Memory Is Kept. Par We Loved Him Too Dearly To Ever Forget. Always I -membered
    58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 25 There are no words To tell the world How great our loss How deep our pain But sweet memories of your love Forever with us remain Brothers. Sisters. SUter-ln-law and nieces Murga* Stamley Mvi
    36 words
  • 88 25 URA workers union officials MR. Yeo Swee Seng has been elected chairman of the Singapore Urban Re-development Authority Workers' Union (Parking staff Branch). Other officials are: Cut Jamlah blnte Banar (vloechalrman); Mr. Tan Kirn Scan (secretary) Mia* Tan Cheng Kirn (aartatant secretary); M-- Teo Khooc Kane (treasurer) an£ air. Llm
    88 words
  • 274 25 More Blue Arrow stops in RZ Singapore Bus Service will set up more bus stops within the restricted zone for the convenience of commuters, who travel by its Blue Arrows semiexpress. i This was disclosed by an SBB spokesman yesterday, who was commenting on sufrgestlons by commuters to improve the
    274 words
  • 235 25 PRICES OF MOST FOODS STABLE |>RICKS of most essen- tlal commodities remained stable during the weekend, the Trade Department rep o r ted yesterday. Following are the recommended price*; ■ICE: Thai 100 par cept 'O\ SI cent* a katl or 806 g; Thai 10 par cent, SS cent*. Australian 10
    235 words
  • 100 25 Course on sailing for secondary students rE Junior Sailing Club will conduct two courses In the basic art of sailing for secondary studenu from Aug. 11. The courses will b* conducted, one on Mondays and" Thursdays, and the other on Tuesdays and Fridays, at the. club premise* In Pier Road
    100 words
  • 295 25 Police error halts dinghy voyage rE Koh brothers, Ronnie and Alan, who wer: sailing around Singapore in a dinghy, had to abandon their voyage yesterday all because of a misunderstanding. Their father. Mr Edmund Koh, had contacted the Marine Police yesterday to "keep In touch" with the brothers because of
    295 words
  • 36 25 THI Ceaseerde, tt»e Atifle-rreßsess saperse«k JsAlssaer, yeeterway Beffvn s serW ef endiinfse« fllfbu between Slßfftpere Mstßear— Th. flights are »surt of ft test prsgrßßEis la BEBpftiisttssi let •maUfyln* fer ft eertttWte ef ftlrwsrtlilsiss.
    36 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 810 25 classified ads H WANTED PUT 13* 1800 c i °"J»«»« B "W2pM. Alfa Saloon 1300 Super 1970 onwards Call *****89 ext 235 contact O L Ooh VOtVO 184 ONE year old ConUetMr Han Tel: *****88 OPtL COMMODORE 1979 or 1871 Must be accident free Ttl *****4. Ismail oTflce hours FIAT
      810 words
    • 645 25 GENTLEMAN why not visit Maate's Imperial Barber Shop (Oberol Imperial Hotel) L enjoy the relaxing experience of our »u--per sauna Room L Body Maaaage Salons Massage by expe-' nenced Ladles Also hair styling, colouring, perming facials, manicure, pedicure a private rubtcle v available If rfcalrsd Book your appointment now Tel
      645 words
    • 659 25 UATMBMS Because of their superior natural qualities are proven very suitable for many applications, such as upholstery footwear, bags, belts wallets, gloves, books, novelties sports goods, saddlery and other products we are dealing In leathers and seek to diversify Into finished product* We welcome ideas, proposals or sincere enquiries Contact
      659 words
    • 290 25 VINYL FLOOR TILIS clearing •tock Japan Vinyl floor Ulc* 1 mm 12" x 12" Sale for clearing stock at 30 cU per piece Ptaaae rtnt377S4B MM Tan nMtorrnwrnommmtro'l' A Demonstration Centre for washing Machines. Dtshwaahsn and Tumble Drrers Brands available are AEC OaU (OBC). Oeneral Elecinc (USA). HlUehl. Hoover. Kenwood.
      290 words
    • 613 25 .^B^B^BSS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bsß^. I I MA PROGRESSIVE INTERNATIONAL^ I COMPANY engaged in on integrated I I mass production of electro-me- I I chonical products is seeking an ener- I I getic and capable man to fill in the I I position of SENIOR MANUFACTURING ENGINEER I This is a challenging and rewarding
      613 words
    • 634 25 fSALES REPRESENTATIVE/EXECUTIVES I FOR SANITARY FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES I Qualifications: Must be very well versed in the field of sanitary fittings, sanitary ware and accessories with a minimum of 3 years experience. The right man chosen will be required to take complete charge of this department. Must be able to
      634 words

  • Article, Illustration
    39 26 Memories we hold so dear win keep you ever I near. Missed deeply by:- Ngsn Yoke. Kit I Mul, Leong Sing. Boe Har. Chin Teck. uillan. 11 H W *'"< I IMB. UM CYLON DEPAKTED STH AUGUST 1»«
    39 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 948 26 SEA-QOING TANKER WANTED Bulk capacity 1,000 to 1,500 tons. Year construction 1956 onwards. Subject Lloyds survey Engines L Hull. Lightening protected. Full description, Price, when available to> Seamade Charters (M) Sdn. Bhd. Room 237, 2nd Floor Hotel Merlin Kuala Lumpur |TtWOtW HOTICg «A» TENDER FOR WORKS OF JUNGLE FELLING AND
      948 words
    • 212 26 f elda KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa darlpada pem-borong-pemborong/pembekal-pembekal yang berpengalaman untuk kerja-k*rja berikut dan bagl Uwaran C uwaran hanya dlhadkan kepada pemborong-pemborortg BUMIPUTRA amhaja:— (A) 8P.N0.25V71 Merlka bentuk. membekal. menghaniar, memaaang. mengujl dan men Jalan kan "Pumping and Water Treatment Equipment" dl KUang Sawlt Puiat Penyelldekan, Bg. Ttkam. Jerantut.
      212 words
    • 650 26 LEMHAGA LtTRIK NEOARA KENYATAAN TENDER TENDER NO. JMK/IMII RecctpUoc Mat bin* Tender adalah dlpeUwa dartpada Pembekal-Pembekal untuk n.embekal Caah Recetptlim Macilncs. Oorang-Borang tender dan buttr-butir lanjut boleh dldapatl mulal 4hb Ogos. 1975 dari pejubat Pegawal Membell dan Kunterek Kanan. Lemba ga Leulk Negara. No. 139 Jalan Bangsar. Petl {Jurat 1003.
      650 words
    • 126 26 kenyataan tawaran National Library Building IWV *"ZL I Sr O<>AAN LOGO COMPETITION Tawaran darlpa* p«^ W* %W '£*&r?l£ a L£%. CW-i-gDaffarE-Ui*: 1 2 noon 3 1st August. 1975 Sr^rTaSrSE^ En^fon-^avallabUf^.: Installation) akan dl uruni Pejabat Perpu»Ukaan Negara, dl Pejabat Bendahart U K M Tingkat 7, Banfunan UMBC, Jalan Pantal Baru.
      126 words

  • 294 27  -  BILL CAMPBELL From KOTA KINABALU. Mon Miss Patricia Jacqueline James (right) niece of Tun Mohamed Fuad Stephens said here today she could still not believe she had been declared a prohibited immigrant. Miss James or "PJ" as she U popularly known said she
    294 words
  • 146 27 My $2,000 'loan' surprise —by a canteen boy MALACCA. Mon. A canteen boy told the sessions court here today tnat he was surprised to receive a letter from Mara stating that his application for a loan of $2,000 had been approved when In fact he had not applied for It.
    146 words
  • 33 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The aole MCA woman MP. Mrs. Roaemary Chong. will be confirmed ai the first MCA Wanlta national chairman at Its assembly here on Thursday. The post was uncoi.teat-
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  • 99 27 Search for woman in river BUKIT MERTAJAM, Mon. Police have launched a search In the Pral River for a woman who had earlier quarrelled with her husband. The husband, lorry driver 00l Chee Seng, 25. has been warded with serious Injuries, believed to have been caused by a parang. Police
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  • 95 27 Jailed: Car thief caught red-handed BUTTERWORTH, Mon. A i»Uee oatrot on rounds spotted two men In the act of ftodJnK a car laat month, the Seaston* Court was told toOn MelDt the police, the men. who were pushing the* car aloac JaUn Bang Chooo Thlan. abandoned It and fled One
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  • 66 27 IPOH. Mon. The Sultan of Perak today called on Radio and Television Malaysia to give priority to special programmes for Malaysians of Chinese origin In tha new Tillages and Orang Asn In isolated jungle areas "This 1* In line with the concept of winning over their
    66 words
  • 64 27 KUALA LUMPCR, Men. Petroleum refineries and dealers ha»e until Aug. »1 to apply for Besoess If they want to continue their budnos Endk Mk S3allefa Mi Nik Mat. OontroUsr of Suppita*, said today. Under the Otatrol of Ommitai Regulations uSSSnant) 1*» which was gaasttsd on June 11.
    64 words
  • 25 27 KOALA LOMFCK, Mon.— 9. bah CMS* «|Hnls»srTMa today for a sarprts* visit. Hi wai accompanied by Deputy Defence VtlnHHr. DuA Bejl DMfttftt Baild.
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  • 281 27 Gun duel after 'tec foils $18,000 payroll robbery KUANTAM. Monday GUNMAN fired several shots at two businessmen in an abortive attempt to grab $18,000 at the Jalan Bukit Übi and Jalan Masjid junction in the heart of town at about 11.30 a.m. today. The shots Injured the businessmen, Wong Soon
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 330 27 THE COOL FACTS OF SANYO'S WHISPER QUIET RANGE OF ELECTRIC FANS Hgl I g^L s"~gf Sanyo's specially designed contoured blades fl I r: fe^^^^^^B» *^i displace much more air than ordinary fans. v H <^~\ Sanyo's well-balanced metal blades do not fray 2_^ or are c^ ecte d by heat
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 262 27 Bringing Op WmOfr By BUI Kavanagn Hal Caamp -vT' f I /nO,M«S. a^SftVMSV-^ V WMOSJVWt THAT 'Xitl Mtt. J««0 VtMC "W" IT* NOT itib iwe phone- j xlj. do I V m ao6is isn't fwewd of jteos is. I in a fwenoly I ukb thst ILL AHSWSR^A. iT 'S I
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    • 80 28 Indian HF gains recognition BRUSSELS. Mon. The International Field Hockey Pederatlon annmmosd yesterday that it had deckled to recognise the Indian Hockey Federation The Brussels- based organisation had so far refused to admit the Indian federation as a member because of what It said was the way It was organised
      AP  -  80 words
    • 585 28  - Flaming Dragon may be the star EPSOM JEEP By KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Drag: on (late Archduke Ferdinand) msf> well turn out to be the star of Agasam Stable's formidable team of first season norg*?s. He Is a four-year-old English "rig" by Oreat Nephew, whose progeny are now in great demand
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    • 118 28 It's Littler after a playoff VsTW YORK. Mon.— Oene Littler won U3160.--000 (1134.000) as he edged Julius Boros on the first extra hale of their suddendeeth playoff In the Weateheatar Golf Classic yeaterThe 4»-year-old UtUer has won for the third time thla year and the 3*th time In his brilliant
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 267 28 Barrier draw for weekend races DARKIES draw tar washes* race, at Ksala Lvalues-. BATUBDAY Cktsa 3 Or*, t—tr. 13 3 16 14 g issi 11 in 11 U U 7 8 1* L Class 3 Div. 3— CF: 17 > 11 1 it 11 nu 11 i 15 1 1
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    • 53 28 PARIS. Mon. Csschoalovakla, the Cup holders, led Spain 3-0 yesterday after the first day of the final round In the Oalea Cup Junior tennis tournament. Cafchoelovakla'fc Pavel Slcall beat Spain's Miguel Mb- 8-«. 3-«. S-Te-3. Barller. Caechoslovakla's Tomas Bmid beat Spain's Angel Olmenes •-1, 4-«, 3-«.
      AP  -  53 words
    • 821 28 \ETtIOHTB for TT the weekend races at Kuala LumSATURDAY CLASS 3, DIV. t— «T. Llbertad 8 00 AU Regency t.lO The King 8 07 Wild Bouquet 8 07 lormahUng II 80« Singapore Sun 8 06 Simply Wonderful 8 OS Today's Flavour 806 naming Dragon 8.05 Together 8
      821 words
    • 412 28 Singapore grab 2 silvers at Peking DEKINO, Mon. Singapore won two silver 1 medals on the opening day of the International Swimming and Diving Friendship invitational meet here yesterday. Justlna Tseng swam a great race to finish behind China's Yang Chan-Kun (5:36.09) In the women's 400 metres individual medley in
      Reuter; AP  -  412 words
    • 321 28 Kennedy's catch dashes record bid lONDON, Mon. Hot sunahlne. true Ditches and faat outfields Inspired batsmen to records and near records In the English Sunday Cricket League yeaterdav. Leicestershire's Barry Dudleston hit a rt«— »"g 152 against Lancashire three short cf the Lea(ru# record before Andrew Kennedy held a brilliant
      Reuter  -  321 words
    • 199 28 SANTIAOO, Mon Chile have accepted Ba.istad as the venue for their Davis Cup semifinal against Sweden, the president of the Chilean Tennis Federation said here yesterday Senor Hernan BasaKoltla, who two days airo said ho had asked U>» ILTF to change the venue to a neutral
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    • 542 29 RESULTS: Malaysia 1 Thailand 0; Japan 3 Bangladesh 0. LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia squeezed out a goal from a give-nothing-away Thai defence tonight to win two precious points in this Merdeka soccer tournament match at Merdeka stadium. With five minutes left and the match heading for
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    • 391 29 Japan 3 Bangladesh 0. KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Japan dominated play throughout to make short work of Bangladesh with a 3-0 win In the Merdeka soccer tournament match at Merdeka Stadium here tonight. Bangladesh limited to occasional raids were unable to make much out of
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    • 65 29 KUALA LUMPUR. Hon.— The World Invitation Badminton Championships to be held here from Sept. 4 to Sept T may be cancelled IT the Badminton Assortatlon of Malaysia cannot raise 1160.000. The w*,iiil— have «o far collected $50,000 of the WOO .OOO needed. BAM official are expected
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    • 53 29 MONTREAL, lion. Bernd Kannenberg of West Oermany yesterday won an International pre-Otympie ao-kllometre walk, followed by Oerald LeUevre of France and Vlttorto Vlstnl of Italy Kennenberg covered the distance in one hour, M minutes and 44 seconds, Lellevre l:M:n.6 and VUnl 1J5:15.3. 14 wsjkers started but only
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 155 29 3 stitches for goalkeeper Arumugam KUALA LTJMPUK, Mon— Malaysia goalkeeper ft. Arumaram has recovered from a Jarring knock he received daring the closing stages of Saturday night's Merd&a soccer tournament match against Japan. Anmifsm wai admitted to the Koala Lumpur General Hospital after the match and was pdt under observation
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    • 30 29 BRISBANE, lion. Australia's Hector Thomson tonight stopped Japan's Bhlnlchl KadoU In the fifth round of their scheduled 10--rcund light welterweight bout at the Festival Hall here to-nlghtr-Reutet
      30 words
    • 473 29 9 SINGAPORE'S golf queen Kee Bee Khim U hot favourite to win the National Oven wosaen's golf champion ship, which begins today at Buklt Coarse, for the fifth straight year. Bee Khim, who plays to a three handicap. Is the only single
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    • 633 29 Australians made to chase 485 by captain Greig f ONDON, Mop. Australia, chasing 485 runs In eight hours 20 minutes for a win against England In the Second cricket Test at Lord's were 97-1 at close of play today. England captain Tony Qrelg set them this formidable task when be
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    • 428 29 Serangoon appeal for new ground after $400 loss UPPER SERANGOON FC. one of the 10 Div One teams in the National Football League, have appealed to FAS to change their home ground. The reason: They have lost $400 from their two home matches. The club's home ground Holy Innocents High
      428 words
    • 116 29 ENGLAND Ist Inns: lIS Al BTBAUA Ist Inns: MS ENGLAND and Inns Weee* c Marsh b Thomson M Urtea c Thomson b Mallett ITS Strete c and b Walters 4S Aatkß c O. Chappell b Ullee 10 Goocii b Mallett 31 Gresg c Walters b I. ChappeU 41 Knot*
      116 words
    • 58 29 TAN Tock Seng Hospital will meet TAB Artisans In the final of the AUFK soccer tournament at fmrrer Part on Friday. In the sttnlflnal* yesterday, Tan Tock Beng beat Schools Employers 1-0 while TAB beat Fire Brigade 5-3 on penalty kicks after full time sod extra time
      58 words
    • 243 29 THAI ARCHERS SHOCK THE FAVOURITES BANGKOK Archery Club shocked Selangor Bowmen Club, the favourites, to capture the team title at the Third Metropolitan YMCA Indoor Archery championships at Palmer Road over the weekend. The Thai quartet totalled 2357 points to edge defending champions Selangor Bowmen Club by four points. Third
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 1208 28 THE MOSf AMAZING AND SUCCESSFUL BODY SHAPER EVER CREATED 64 You Better Believe It!...REBECCA and JIM lost 9)2^ (24 lcm)off their^^stlii^^S^^lSJcm) off their hip-ines...!*)^ lbs, (8.85 kg) of excess weight. and shaped up... in just 14 days!" ONE 5 MINUTE EXERCISE. TWICE DAILY. LYING ON THEIR BACKS. WITHOUT GIVING UP
      1,208 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 68 29 gar^*9 .^awaakw. Be young with Juvelon Multivitamin plus Vitamin E Juvelon fevitalises »|fca^Ba«atataTaTsl your System. gaaßsaTMaWa^Wgaw^^^l Gives you a new fc^^— i— and youthful life, j V r_w_g J Feeling old and TAKE JUVELON! ft^ju L ,j*<^^ Eisai Pie Lid 561 1.5 th tlooc. t fctaaifj woh Hup Complex GcMden
      68 words
    • 191 29 Rupert Thomas X Kr bTVIQ MdA I 1 I afaflLaw^ New Zealand v^HL Banking Group rJ^^ BTsV lli¥ 111 jfl gff^allll l M\ «kv .i LmiUHK' iimil 'f^aTaV jaVaPsal aflMavF isbW JflV'^Bßm, Ml. iSß^aW^ifl I '/slliSM LBk iflgaK '^bH Ba^aV MbbW' HaY y^Jkaass^jja^B I ■P^H sfl Jh B¥sSate^ii^siHi Rupert Thomas
      191 words

  • 44 30 Families of the hostages get 'all safe' assurance WATCHMAN SHOT BELOW EYE WHEN HE PEEPED OUT OF THE LIFT Reserve Unit policemen and two dogs guard the entrance of the AIA building A large crowd of onlookers >utslde the AIA Building in Ampang Road.
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  • 67 30 KUALA LUftiFUR, Mbn A JAL DCS, which flew into Kuala Lumpur with 62 passengers from Hongkong, enroute to Singapore at 8.35 p-m waa still at Subang airport late tonight Pa stingers were told that the aircraft had developed "engine trouble" and would be delayed
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  • 372 30 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday PQLICE tealgat awe- ed the feUewiag itilemtnt aa Urn gaerilla raid: AT abeat 11 aua. today a greaaef armed paraeaa. cUlmtnt to be Urn operation aait cf the Japanese Red Army, seised control of the ninth floor of Urn AIA haUdlag. which bias
    372 words
  • 361 30 LONDON. Mob Tb» market eloMd mU«d an«r a rary «■>•< mw totanat waa laklMtaa by Ifea imi»«4 vnaaur* <m atarilac aae i» lUxxny praaa bmlnaai ravtawa. At S m tb* FT latfu wm off 1.4 to SSI.4. Itonraigm boodj Snaai up v H point aawaf loosar loan* la
    361 words
  • 294 30 Thai student call for nationwide protest BANGKOK, Monday rnHE National Student Centre of Thailand (NSCT), which helped topple a military regime two years ago, today called for a nationwide protest against "the rise of authoritarian rule" in the current civilian government." Behind the protest call v the issue of help
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  • 56 30 PORT HEDLAND (Australia), Mon. Three mon wen Ultod today when a twin-engined Caacna-SlO aircraft crashed and burned rhortly after take-off from Karratha Airport in the northwest of Western Australia Police named the pilot as Douglas Prlend. His two passengers, btheved to be schoolteachers Uldnir aortal
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 39 30 AOADIR (Morocco), Mon. Five members of a Jordanian Investigating commission arrived In Anadir today to Investigate the cause of the crash of a chartered Jordanian plane yesterday that brought death to IBS persons. AP. (See Pate 4)
    AP  -  39 words
  • 63 30 nUMKFDBT. Moo— The doUar continued lv rtae on the West (knnu forelfn exchange autot here tutey to be Ond at L»?«S. a new fixing hsch this year. The OS currency opened thU roomlnc at Use* after being fixed on Mki at J 47*0 but then easd aUchtly
    63 words
  • 138 30 GADDAFI TO BLAME: EGYPT pAIEO, Mon. An \y Egyptian Minister today blamed Libyan leader Maammar Gaddafi for Uie failure of the Organisation of African Unity summit conference In Kampala to pasa a resolution caUing for Israel's expulsion from Uie United Nations. Mr. Mohammed Rlad. Minister af State for Foreign Affairs
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  • 130 30 Lee puts off talks with Suharto JAKARTA, Mon. An Informal meeting between Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and President Suharto has been postponed until next month at Mr. Lee's request. ForeUm Minister Adam Malik discloeed here last night. Mr. Malik, speaking after his return from a trip to India, said
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 9 30 LONDON. Mon.-BrttaaVs Quean Mother, turned 7» today.—AP.
    AP  -  9 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 38 30 I THOMPSON COCHRAN 1 I BOILERS I Guthrie Engineering provides application expertise to ensure a boiler selection to match your requirements, and an efficient parts and service back-up from twelve locations. al _*T^ aH ■I ajfcsa» .laauujßiaß. Kjg^a^ki
      38 words