The Straits Times, 4 August 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 1116/75
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  • 715 1  -  BILL CAMPBELL From CANDAKAN, Sun. Tun Fuad said here today that he has personally written to the Malaysian Minister of Home Affairs to appeal against the expulsion of one of his nieces from Sabah. The former Yang dlPertuan Negara said his niece, Patricia Jacqueline
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  • 396 1 Bodies lie side-by-side in blukar KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. THE body of the suspected killer of lawyer R. Mahadevan, 33. was found in the blukar off Taman Seputeh —50 yards from the RMAF Golf Club house here this afternoon. Police have identified him. as Mr. O.P. Hazlitt,
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  • 287 1 House move to clear Indira NEW DELHI, Sunday *pHE Indian Parliament is to be asked to approve legislation to absolve Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of court charges involving election malpractices, Parliamentary sources said here today. The legislation will seek to amend the country's election laws with retrospective effect on specific
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 45 1 Market blast: 20 hurt VIENTIANE, Bun. About 20 people were Injured, four seriously, when an unknown person threw a grenade m the Central Market of Vientiane today. Eyewitnesses said the attackers threw the bomb at a stall selling clothing material Just after midday today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 29 1 Madrid. Sun. Urban fUOrtUas in a oar shot two policemen pntr ft>M "g a Madrid sti»*t last nlefat killing one and In J urine the ether. UFL
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  • 174 1 UONOKONG, Sun. 11 Hanoi reported today that a delegation of North Vietnamese leaders led by Communist Party first secretary Le Duan has paid a "friendship visit" to Cambodia. The official Vietnam News Agency (VNA), in a broadcast monitored In Hongkong, said officials of the
    Reuter; AP  -  174 words
  • 35 1 WU.AMABAD, Sun Thirty-four members of a woddtnf party drownsa yaaterday when a boat on which they wort coMnsUug capslasd In a lake at Manila Dam. M km (to doles) south of here— AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 26 1 BOSTON. Sun— A team of Asatrtcan and British scientlsu has photographed the fabled Loch Ness monster In Scotland, kccordlnc to a Boston academic.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 160 1 TAIPCH. Sun AT Wast n>e people died and over 1M others were mjared when Typhoon Nina ■went acreea central Taiwan from the east •east today, pells* reported here. Winds of ap ZMkJa (1M miles) an how kit the east eaaat town of Haalien.
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  • 201 1 Holiday crash: 1 88 die JET LOST IN DEkSE FOG SMASHES INTO MOUNTAIN CASABLANCA. Sunday j^LL 188 Moroccan passengers and crew were believed killed today when a chartered Boeing 707 airliner crashed some 45 kilometres (30 miles) north of the coastal town of Agadir, Moroccan authorites said. The Jordanian El
    Reuter; UPI  -  201 words
  • 201 1 Miki, Ford to discuss new US role in Asia WASHINGTON, Sun President Ford and Japanese Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl will attempt to crystallise the postVletnam role of the United States in Asia during their official talks here this week, according to diplomatic sources. Mr. Mlkl. who was scheduled to arrive
    UPI  -  201 words
  • 66 1 BANOKOK. Sun. A complete phasing out of the •outh-east Asia Treaty Organisation (Sea u» v expected within two or three yean. Thai Foreign "'"lrttr CharUdial Choonhavan said ■tld tonight. Mr. Chartlcnal told reporters before laartnr on a two-weak rlalt to New Zealand and Australia that he
    Reuter  -  66 words
    • 74 1 MORONI fComor* Isands). San. A C roua ealL'ng for clsst Urn with France today took control of tb« Cs—sr» Islands In the Indian Ocean, just foar weeks after the I s I a n d President. Ahmed AtdaUah, had declared Indoptna—us from Franc*. The groap, the National
      Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 «>»owroom.Ho^t»t"au<Urv*{^Ual^r. Jmndwiti I MUSLIM 1 ip PQQD mL BP FINER QtMUTY has bean served at Bilal I Appreciated and enjoyed I oy the most fastidious gourmet I ivavaui mm emewn The Malaysian answer to fried chicken anywhere I BILAL RESTAURANT I St. Mm Aapaaa. lasts** ci 1 7 T« SOSO4
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    • 229 1 YOUTH ON THE ROAD TO DISASTER —Page 13 STRONGER Earope-Aaean ties 2 LEAKS from Congressmen stamp the CIA i OPEN talk of a new coup 4 CYPRUS accord on stranded minority S KEEP CLEAN youth threat to industry SPECIAL officer far ECA arged 7 TOP notes for the Mg parade
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    • 21 1 Itdenmarks STERLING s&^% 9LVERWARE JUTmM &STEEL JTJ^ by QEORO l^^ VT JENSEN -^gfl^NowatiH SENA CPTE) LTD m^ HCH CLASS JEWELLERS «um>cs
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 300 2 STRONGER EUROPEASEANTIES Call by Parliamentarians MANILA, Sun. Europe should strengthen its relations with Asean following the communist takeover in Cambodia and South Vietnam, the leader of a visiting 12-man delegation from the European Parliament said here today. The delegation, led by Parlia- ment president Mr. Georges Spenale of France, flew
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 147 2 FBI's SECURITY RISK SECRET LIST XJEW YORK, Sun. 1* The New York Times reported today that the Federal Bureau of Investigation* began drawing ud a secret list In the 1950s of Americans who would be detained In a national emergency, and said the list U still feet*. The Washington reDort
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 29 2 MADRID. BIUS.>) mlliury autnorlUai last nlfhl announced the arrest of two ■mars otters presumed to have taken part In illesal PJ-ttoal acttrKT in thsTraT•d forcas. Rsuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 134 2 Rising number of woman alcoholics QYDNEY, Su.-One-O fifth of Aast raH Vs heavy diinken are now woenen, and the proportion la riatnr .Tk* Director of Sydney's 8t Vincent's ■oaMtaJ ilrshsHew CUnle, Dr. WJ. Hen- May. said It was In eritaaie aeeaas* of the ißereaatef naonaer of wosaea taking on high•traaa
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    • 290 2 'China helped Khmer Rouge in final fight' BANGKOK. Sunday f AMBODIA today Indicated China helped Khmer Rouge forces In the final fight which drove the US-backed Government of President Lon Nol out of Phnom Penh, according to Radio Phnom Penh. Radio Phnom Penh alao Implied that a former Sihanouk followerturned
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    • 112 2 Strained ties affecting joint Arab activities pAIRO, Sun Btralned V/> relations between Egypt and Libya were handicapping the activities of the Federation ol Arab Republics (FAR) comprising the two countries and Byrls. the federation's secretarygeneral, sir. Mohammeo Ahmed, said here today. In an interview with £he weekly newspaper Akhbar SI
      Reuter  -  112 words
    • 49 2 AH! THIS IS BLISS ON A HOT DAY... rIS young g:rl apparently Is the type who appreciates and takes full advantage of whatever comforts and advantages a big city offers. With the temperature rising In Montreal, she makes very practical use of the city's fountain at Larouls. UPI photo
      UPI  -  49 words
    • 70 2 LONDON. Bun— British actor Rex Harrison's fifth marriage was reported to be on the rocks. The Dally Mall t-H Harrison's wife Blsabeth. M. had filed for dlvotrx from her OT-yaex-old husband on (rounds of Irreconcilable difference*. They wers married lour years avo Columnist Nl«el Dempster
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    • 56 2 NTME3 (France). Sun A French family of five burned to death near here on Friday after their car crashed on the first day of their summer holiday. Police s»ld the oar was engulfed In flames, stopping other motorist* from reachIng the occupants who Included a 13-year-old
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 38 2 BUCHAREST. Sun. US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger fell victim to fatigue at an inopportune time yesterday. He fell asleep as President Ford gave a news conference on board Air Force One.^AP.
      AP  -  38 words
    • 184 2 Argentina rebels offer to lay down arms BUENOS AIRES. San. Marxist guerillas fight Ing the Argentine Government yesterday offered to lay down their arms If the authorities released political pn •oners and repealed legislation Introduced to combat leftwlng violence. Ib a communaiue sent to aaaae news media yesterday, the People's
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    • 101 2 UJMXW. Sun. —nn prominent Ugandan* wen battered to death with dubs In Kampala's Ns*uru Prison on the eve of the Ornnlaation of African Unity (OAU) summit in f»T-tn last week. the Observer newspaper said here today, quoting what It said was an eye-witness account. The article
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    • 27 2 XL AAIUN <BpanUf> Sahara). Bust. Moroccan troops using mortars and rockets attacked two HtaanUh frontier outposts early today, the Spanish news agency CUra reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 160 2 British trade smallest in C-market LONDON, Sunday BRITAIN has a smaller proportion of Its total overseas trade with fellow European Economic Community (EEC) countries than any other member of the Community according to the Treasury's latest economic progress report. Only about one-thin with the Communlt; while no other member' proportion
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    • 101 2 500 BC 'dead city' found in Greece CALONICA (Greece). Sun. A Mere polls extendlnf two kilometers laag and tettag to the fifth century BC has keen sTsses Tared eatslde this northern Greek etty, the Archaeological Service announced today. Another announcement aaM that In separate excavations a asasalc iwacriaOan dating J44
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 535 2 ■■■PI |9V ii ii STARUTE SLIDING FULLED SCREENS Starlite sliding screens are available with single or double sliding tracks made in vinyl bonded aluminium. STARUTE MAGI-FLAP FIXED SCREEN A low-cost fixed screen with the advantages of a movable screen. One or two Magi-Flaps can be fitted anywhere in the sagproof
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    • 288 2 Advertisement IN LOVE WITH TSING TAO ASaWCA'i tratk ttmm Mlw la a laiilnn l» hibi" i mum «w ikx mm* a*M IMB mmn, taMB at »t tW tonlw^UM (Ma, rkatrmsn MilnS la CkBM ny fm Barn ta| *«r- A»«. iliiilil aa \u» T*. U-, *n*v .>« bm- S». «ir ii.SWlirt
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    • Briefs
      • 32 3 IfYOTO. Sun. The \j rowln contrast pevween over-nutrition >n advanced countries and under- nutrition in the developing world the main theme of a week-long International conference on nutrition which opened here today.
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      • 39 3 MORONI (Comoro Ulands): Mr. Ahmed AMaliah, Head of State of the newly bide »c n d eat Comoro Islands, said yesterday he may call on International bodies to heli settle a dispute with France over the Isle of Mayott*.
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      • 21 3 TEL AVIV: Israels Defence Ministry and army general headquarters are to merge their planning sections. Defence Minister Shimon Peres has announced.
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      • 40 3 CORPIS CHRISTI (Texas): The Coast Guard seised a Cuban shrimp boat in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday, placed the vecsel under armed guard and ordered its captain to face charges he violated the United States 19.3 km < 12-mUe) fishing limit.
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      • Water alert
        • 31 3 WASHINOTON: Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz said yesterday US grain sales to the Soviet Union will be halted until the next report on how large the parched US corn crop will be.
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        • 30 3 NEW YORK: The Department of Water Resources declared a citywide water alert yesterday as New Yorkers turned on Are hydrants to escape the sixth straight day of unusually high temperatures.
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        • 26 3 ANORA DO HEROISMO. (Aaores): The clandestine Front for the Liberation of the Azores (FLA) today announced the formation of an underground government.for these Portuguese Atlantic islands.
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        • 16 3 DACCA: Bangladesh expects to receive a substantial interest-free loan from the newlyestablished Islamic Development Bank. Agencies.
          Agencies  -  16 words
    • 239 3 ASSAD'S HOPE 'OVERALL UNITY' WITH JORDAN DAMASCUS, Sunday ORESIDENT Hafez Assad said yesterday he did not aspire merely to establish a Joint military command with Jordan but alao to merge the two countries In one He called for an overall settlement of the Middle East crisis and i said he
      Reuter; UPI  -  239 words
    • 474 3 Leaks from Congress 'stump the CIA...' WASHINGTON. Sunday AMERICAN Defence Secretary James Schlesinger said yesterday the Central Intelligence Agency's sources of information abroad "have been dramatically reduced" as a result of leaks from Congressional investigating committees. Mr. Bchlesinger. who formerly headed the CIA, was asked by Senator James Buckley In
      AP  -  474 words
    • 108 3 HELD: 20 REDS IN ANTI-GOVT GROUP CAIRO. Sun. Egyptian security authorities have arrested 20 comr unlsu. including five girls, for setting up an underground Trotskylte organisation aimed at overthrowing the nations political and economic regimes, the newspaper Al Akhbar said today. It said the group, which called Itself the "International
      108 words
    • 54 3 DAMASCUS. Sun. Five men convicted of committing terrorist acU In Syria were hmnged here early yesterday, It wat officially announced. The five, members of the clandestine Arab communist organisation, were sentenced to death by the Higher State Security Court last Tuesday. The five men were four Palestinians
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 259 3 US timber firm closes after rebel demands MARAWI CITY (The Philippines, sun. An American-operated firm has shut down a multl-milUon dollar timber company, and Its Canadian general manager has fled to **«"lls after Muslim rebels in Mindanao province stopped logging trucks and demanded protection money. Local residents fear the Mawanaw
      AP  -  259 words
    • 57 3 MANILA, Sun— At least 10 people, mostly children, died and 24 others were hospltalIred after eating dried fish believed to have contained poisonous chemical pre—rvatlves. the Oovernmentowned Philippine News Agency (PNA) reported yesterday. The food- poisoning esses were reported In five villages In Cebu Province. 440
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    • 40 3 JAKARTA. Sun. Indonesia has aimed a 08*40 million (S*MJ million) Miiswail with West German and British companies for the installation and purchase of colour television studios and equipment, as Information Ministry spokes man said yesterday— Reuter.
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    • 32 3 HIROSHIMA. Sun Pacifists from II countries today met her*, the scene of the worlds first atomic bomb attack M yean ago, for a conventton against atomic and hydrogen bombs Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 168 3 LONOOM. Sun r T oo think motorracing is danter•h, yo» sh— ld trj Mrd-watehlac Both are classed as "hazardous hobbies" In this month's edition of the British medical maradne The PracUtloner. To UlastraU It* point the maiaiine teUa of a bird wmUher who, while oblivions
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 722 3 4551a15.5.9.s issaaaaaaaaal aaaaa^^^^^ .aaaaaal saaaa^^^^^^^Ba^^aT^^^si^B^^Bßa^^^^BaP^ sßaah^r^P^ ig r*T*BwPPiTssiWo, rfPiffl Of w fl-Tl'^iJT 'I 13 51 ig L Bl j| SUPER SAVINGS H E |RED APPLES 100 IPIGS LIVER 2.00| j S??P"'« Tl |j in PIGS MUWtI mo; Z.ZO <n» sit. <*.> wi 4.10 IDI fej CRAB MEAT 2.75 liquid bleach
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    • 395 4 Open talk of a new coup LISBON HIGH COMMAND MOVE ANGERS ARMY LISBON, Sunday J^ SENIOR Portuguese army officer has openly discussed the possibility of another coup, as the country's military rulers struggle to form a government. Col. Jaime Neves, a right-wing officer removed from command of a commando unit
      Reuter  -  395 words
    • 22 4 BELFAST. Sun. Tfar* masked man shot and kllkd a, n-TMr-old Potcatant ouMAt i tar In county Tyrone last night ftauter.
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    • 43 4 JAKARTA. Sun. PreUdtnt Soharto hu declined to accept an honorary doctoraU degree on economic davalufjoDent from the Onivmlty of ItedotioU became he feeU that his achievement* are still short of the challenge* faced by Ilia nation. a university spokesman said Reuter
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 30 4 TOKYO. Sun North Korean aad US officials held talks in Algeria last May when Pr— ldsut Kirn II Sung was there, the Yotnlrt Bhlmbun newspaper reported today. OPI.
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    • 58 4 WELLINGTON. Sun. New Zealand Prime Minister Wallace Rowling announced that ha had ordered an Investigation of the country's Security Intelligence Service. The Inquiry will be conducted by the Ombudsman, Str Ouy Fowlea, who will make a confidential report to the Premier. Mr. Rowling said hli dactton
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 124 4 rKYO. Sun. The Japan Communist Party organ Akahata (Red Flag) today called for a national campaign to protect children from pornographic shows on television. An article signed by Mr. Kolchlro Ueda, chairman of the party's central committee policy board, said over-liberal sex programmes on
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 313 4 STOCKHOLM. Sun DOR TUOUESE 1 socialist leader Mario Soares flies back to Lisbon today after securing promises of International support for his party from fellow European socialists. Dr. Soaxes was a guest at a one-day summit of socialist leaders here yesterday which decided to
      Reuter; UPI  -  313 words
    • 230 4 KILLINGS: I'M IN THE CLEAR SAYS AMIN KAMPALA, Sunday THIESIDENT Amln of Uganda said yester- day he will present the organisation of African Unity (OAU) with an already published report clearing him of charges of mass killings. Ugandan Justice Minister Oodfrev Lule said the report showed there iv not the
      Reuter  -  230 words
    • 47 4 BANOKOK. Sun.— Twenty four terrorists In Southern Tlialland have surrendered with their weapons to provincial authorities, police have reported. The police chief of Yala province bordering Malaysia said the Urrorirts turned over four Ml6t, 11 M 3 rifles and 165 rounds of ammunition.—AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 135 4 2 LIFE TERMS FOR BABY KILLER CAMDEN (New Jersey). Sun. A man has I been sentenced to two I concurrent life prison terms for murdering I two unborn babies. Winfleld Anderson waa convicted of killing the twins when he shot and wounded a woman in the seventh month of pregnancy
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 121 4 PANAMA. Sun.—Reprer sentatlves of 25 Latin American countries ended a five-day conference yes t c r day that was seen as the first step towards the setting up of a Latin American economic organisation Independent of the United States. "With the organUatlon. we are seeking to
      AP  -  121 words
    • 36 4 SYDNEY. Sun. BchooW boy Tony McCarroll U to apply to the Qulnness Book of records for a world-beating eaten a positively Identified 4.1 kg (nine pounds) goldfish hauled from a local dam. lUutwr-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 565 4 SUMMER'S CHOICE: Slim with a little practical knowledge of GOOD HEALTH" Give yourself more reasons as to why you are fat but there are only rvo reasons why you should SLIM, i.e. 1. YOUR HEALTH 2. YOUR BEAUTY We have more solutions to SLIMMING than there are reasons for being
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    • 143 4 her world won sale now SIMPLY MR. SIMON Ht/M The neat and classy cut CT i^^^K^^^^^^^T^J j/^^^^M you've been waiting for 1 !> I/ L Jif M h Mm M CONSTRUCTIVE *Hll 7 JL uA'JjL QUARELLING i a jSSte^ j It cou Id be your kf»y to a r happier
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    • 86 5 SEX CHANGE GIRL'S JOB DILEMMA pAROL Lynn Voyles was known as Charles Voyles before undergoing a sex change operation on March 4. She is seen here in the Federal Court of San Francisco where she filed suit to get back a hospital Job she claimed she lost because of the
      AP  -  86 words
    • 86 5 Australia rabies alert CANBERRA, Sun. A rabies alert went Into force In Australia today after a man In hospital In Melbourne was identified as a possible rabies victim. Health authorities here said the man had been bitten by an animal while on holiday In Bangkok. A quarantine spokesman said health
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    • 468 5 Cyprus accord on stranded minority VIENNA, Sunday fURKISH and Greek-Cypriot negotiators announced an agreement today to help their minority communities stranded by the ceasefire line dividing the island. United Nations secretary-general Dr Kurt Waldhelm. who arranged the talks here, described the agreement as an Important breakthrough in efforts to reach
      Reuter  -  468 words
    • 181 5 LAGOS. Sunday QEVERAL members of the Nigerian delegation to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) summit in Kampala arrived back in Lagos tonight after the coup which overthrew the head of state, Gen. Yakubu Oowon. t I They Included tome members of Gen.
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 100 5 33 more jailed by tribunals RANGOON, Sun. Burmese special crime tribunals have jailed S3 more criminals from four to 10 yean each for offences Including organised burglaries, attempted armed robberies and gangland killing, the Burma Broadcasting Service said toThe State-owned radio reported that four tribunals last Friday found 25 people
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • 92 5 I>OBTON. San.— lndia D to puahlnt China eastward over the •ecan floor at a rate •f a few centimetres a year. according to Ifaisnan— cIU inflttt«U of TeehnolofT rtotogtsts. Prof. Peter Molnar. MIT* Department of Earth and Planetary Science*, and Pa I Tapponier. a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 6 5 I\ f to. ~»V a\- -u_
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    • 215 5 *^|B^^jl Come and see the most spectacular live entertainment ll I ever presented in this, part of the world— direct from Disneyland. I gWm^^ll Meet all your favourite Disney characters in person. Mickey \W l-\ im^^^xX Mouse. Donald Duck. Goofy. 2 1 /2 hours of singing and dancing K^m\ lltfsH
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  • 33 6 Japanese course THS Adult Education Board win hold a Japanese language (stage one) course at Its headquartera In Calrnhill Road on Mondays and Thunders from 7 pjn. to 830 pjn. starting on Aug.
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  • 509 6 'Keep clean' youths threat industry 70 pc outsiders in building jobs THE Minister for National Development and Communications, Mr. Lim Kirn San, last night warned that Singapore's construction industry may collapse if it has to rely on citizens for its labour supply. He pointed out that at present, about 70
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  • 264 6 Move to amend Land Titles Act to stop abuses POVISIONB to deter members cf manaireAent corporations operating under the Land Titles (BtraU> Act from abuslnß their power have been introduced Into a bill to amend the Act The Land Titles (Strata* (Amendment) Bill, now before Parliament, has added a new
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  • 340 6 Heart disease and pregnant mothers IJEART dlaease in preg--11 nancy baa become one of the principal cauaei of maternal deaths In Singapore, according to four doctors of the University of Singapore's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Drs. Peter C.T. chew B.C. Chew, and Y.K. Lee. and Prof. 88 Ratnam. •aid
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  • 67 6 A 'thunderegg' gift for the museum A RETIRED Australian banker. Mr. JU. Bayllss. has donated a 'thunderegg" to the National Museum In appreciation of the many pleasant memories he has of Singapore and Its people. "Thunderegis" arc found In those localities of tbe world which hay« had Interne volcanic action.
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  • 55 6 THS Ministry of Culture will present the ltth "Concert* tor the Young series at the Singapore Hal) today at 3 pjn. The Hwa Ctaong Junior College Orchestra. Pel Pel Hwa school choir. Chinese High School Harmonica group and brass band and two organists. Audrey Boh and
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  • 131 6 SINGAPORE dUsens and permanent rc■USenU bwi in UM ■itiw Jan. 1 and Hank SI will have to KfMcr far national •errJee at the Central Manpower Baae. IVinp •ey Road. Tancttn. from Aa«. II to Oct. tt. RectetraUon dari will be ■«>»rdlw t to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 668 6 Here^ something you could never get before. An air conditioner that's specially made for small rooms. (It saves you paying for power you don't really need) Choosing an air conditioner capacities to cool different rooms. cool a small, about 3.7 x 2.7 metres is similar in some ways to selecting
      668 words
    • 43 6 y s Avis we try harder, j V^MAi^H IWVJI Wt WS SHTV •*"M MM ■<««<«■ m an Mkaco hwi int.! >i|» iimir Ca- NW M tmn \m twmiii rmu m«m m XH« f" «M CM MIW i»o»itio« pmu iac *lhOti»k,M HnlMXliM' '»••> sntros U'Ji Mt-or*'
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  • 410 7 Special officer for ECA urged TEACHERS are urging the Education Ministry to allow the appointment of a co-ordi-nator of extra-cur-ricular activities in every school. This officer, to be called ECA co-ordlnator or Senior Assistant tECA) and who could be the sports secretary, would be responsible for planning, co-ordinating and evaluating
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  • 32 7 MR Hon Sul Sen. Minister (or Finance, win officially open the Integrated d.-cu:t test and finish building of PVlrchlld Singapore Pte. Ltd. ■t Toa Pujroh tomorrow at 4 30 pjn.
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  • 149 7 Lee Lynn survives the noisy brats riINOAPORE soprano Lee O Lynn gave a recital at the Conference Hall yesterday evening In the 'Music for Everyone' series. There was very agreeable singing overall for her voice was pure and lyrical. Die programme sampled widely and, as usual with Chinese recitailsts. Included
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  • 131 7 KEEPING brisk pace with these enthusiastic joggers around him Is Enclk Othman Wok. the MlnUter for Social Affair, (fourth from left In the baekrroond) in the Pesta Sukan 1975 National J°g yesterday morning. And accom pa n j ing him on the sanny
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  • 314 7  - Airport taxi drivers warned: Don 't demand tips RANEE GOVINDRAM By CTERN action will be taken against taxi 1 drivers who demand tips from passengers. This warning comet from the Department of Civil Aviation (DC A) following complains that a number of taxi drivers plying on the airportcity route hajre
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  • 52 7 THI NaUonaJ The Ore Trust, in conjunction »lth the Japanew Bnbaa.y and th« A»lan Composer*' Leaa-ue. will present the Japan*— KOtO Mu&lc BMnfa-M Yidw Emsembto at the Conference Hall on Saturday at a 30 p m Tickets at* available at the theatre box office and the usual
    52 words
  • 35 7 THX winning numbers Picked In yesterdays Toto draw No II 76 were IT. 31. M. 44 and The .«mft~» f number was 11. in the circles draw, the numbers wen IS. and M
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  • 97 7 Geylang Serai CC fund campaign pEYLANO Serai com\J munlty centre Is to launch a fund-raising campaign In aid of Its new building In »«'g Road housing estate. Its present building in Jalan Paslr will be demolished to make way for a new two-storey centre, which will cost $400,000. The new
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  • 34 7 the Adult Mneatton Board will conduct a ooun* In conrantUonai Mala? <>*«• 1) at Raffles Otrli Primary School on Tuesdays and PrtdKys from 7 pjn. to pjn. wnmsmlng cm Aug. 11. Fk to
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  • 119 7 'A ruined S'pore if we take it easy' rB Senior Mlnlater of State (National Development), Dr. Tan Eng Uang yesterday warned that aingapore would be "ruined" If people became complacent and snubbed hard work. At the National Day cultural show at the Kirn TUn community centre he said Singapore, with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 461 7 jSg^ 2nd Anniversary V^tv PI safari sale if BETTER; BRIGHTER! ®t ILf* I V '^^BK JJ" L#vi 8 "<>«••• LESS 19fc '/sl/i St Sy&iiat 35SYM/ fr \C\ Many colours SBSOS 5 SO c£r^ S^ «I^JJ_ 510.50-513.50 S 3.00 kj^tt—,/ Xjf Uf Aries Blouses. Many designs S/L Betow Sl5 00 Bedspreads
      461 words
    • 251 7 Highlights for today Co-op .houic plan .cfl. vltlot to suit th« time. Youth organisation* urged to Instill wholesome traits In Youths. Doss South Allies face more sanctions? Nixon s yssr later. Takraw: Doss It hsvs s bright future? PEARLS CENTRE THE NEWEST AND THE MOST UP-TO-DATE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT the latest
      251 words

  • 172 8 N-Day shows, contests at Ponggol rpHE Ponggol com■l munlty centre at Upper Serangoon Road will organise several exhibitions, contests and sports activities as part of National Day celebrations. On the eve of the National Day. it will hold a children's party at 9 am A stamp exhibition and flower arrangement
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  • 64 8 A party for the kids THE Ponggol Point community centre will hold a party for kindergarten children at its premises on Friday at 0 am to celebrate National Day. Other programmes will Include a sepak takra match on Aug. 16 at 7.50 P m. a film show on Aug. 23
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  • 32 8 A CHINESE brush palnunj exhibition in aid of tne Singapore Aiaociation for Mental Health and other charity omanlaaUons will be held at the Chinese Cha-aber of Commerce on Aug. IS.
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  • 283 8 EZ2^XiJ^u&X2E2iiZIZZ^23 CPECTATORB 3 watching the National Day parade at the Halg Road School's centre will be treated to an Impressive band display by the comb 1 n c d Tanjong Katong Girls' and Tanjong Katong Technical Schools. The 93-member band, which will demonstrate Intricate
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  • 323 8  -  MICHAEL YEONG By SEASON ticket holders In Housing Dcv c 1 o pment Board carparks have found a new way ot preventing nonticket holders from making use of their parking lots by putting a chain across them. Sources said the HDB has recently
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  • 20 8 DB Urn Teck Beng has been appointed acting medical superintendent of Toa Payoh Hospital from Aug. 1.
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  • 135 8 Surcharge Bill before House A PARKING Pace. (Surcharge) Bill has been introduced In Parliament which seeks to Impose a surcharge on parking places owned by any parson, statutory board or institution for the palling of live or more movor vehicles. The rate of «ureharge payable will be determined by an
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  • 199 8 Parking fees for policemen also? OOLICEMEN who drive to work In cars may soon have to pay a fee to park their vehicles at police stations. The Car Parks Division of the Ministry of National De-. velopment id now considering Introducing paid parking at all parking lots there. It is
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  • 38 8 Indian music course A HINDI and Indian classical music claat for bojuntn will be conducted at the Sree Narayana Mission In a. Soon Klat Road by Mr. RP Pander and Mrs. Krishna Kumar Thoot Interested may telephon* M00»4.
    38 words
  • 90 8 $3,500 STOLEN FROM FLAT mHIEVES. using a du--1 plicate key, sneaked into an unattended flat In Outram Park last Saturday and stole about $3 500 in cash and Jewellery. f Police said thai the theft was discovered at about noon when the owner, Mr. Ang Hua Tua. 45. returned home
    90 words
  • 31 8 MR Chal Chonf YU. Senior Minuter of BUte (Education), will bt tbt (UMt-of-honour at the Institute ot Education convocation d»v at IU auditorium on Aug. 13 at 10 »JD
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  • 233 8 TURONG Town Cor- poratlon has offered 20 three-room flats In the area to enable the Singapore Council of Social Service to start another old people's project. Disclosing this at the council's annual meetIng recently. Mr. Ec Peng Liang, president of the council, said the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 343 8 A V V% V T/H Now that the Airbus A3OO has over In operation with Air Siam, the A3OO Jm I M m-M I I a year of service behind it, let's take another burns 4,500 lbs. less fuel than the older four LA 1 m^T W^L I look at
      343 words

  • 526 9  -  MASK KWEE WHY YOUNG STUDENTS FALTER... By MANY students who have performed well at primary school are slipping up badly at secondary education. This, according to some teachers, is due to a combination of three factors objective testing at primary school, poor reading habits among
    526 words
  • 275 9 Grads who are shut off from the world TtEACHERS In ter- tiary Institutions have a crucial role in preparing their students to meet opportunities and threats ahead of them. Unlett they do thu, the majority of the new generation of adult* will be out of touch with their world. Mr.
    275 words
  • 132 9 34,300 to get NWC pay rise ABOUT MJN iwken win receive the NWC wage increases for tkis year under arreemrnts dfned between TC companies and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation. A Silo statement said that the union ass* signed new collective agreements with six companies last month. Under these new
    132 words
  • 54 9 A CHILDREN'S party will kick off the National Day celebrations of Kimpong Sungel Tengah community centre on Friday at S a.m. It will be foUowed by a friendly sepak takraw match with Ponggol Point community centre on Aug. 14 at 7.30 p.m. and a basketball match on Aug.
    54 words
  • 51 9 THE Asian Oofnpoairs' League, National The«tr« Trust and Japan*** Einbaat? hers will praaait the U-iUtmg Japan*** Koto Murtc— ehlnlchl Yulxe Et>lemWe at th* Wngapor* Conlcraooa Ball on Saturday at 1 p.m Tickets at lit, 010. 15. 13 and 12 ar* available at the National Theatre and usual booking
    51 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 263 9 f f'^' JZ^^mssssH I Basil wssiiissssssssssT* August Ist-31st Good, wholesome country food prepared in the best French tradition Famous soups, stews and desserts Whole Bahed Ham, Leg-of-Lamb. Roasted Pork-Leg. Qoq au Yin (chicken simmered in red wine with onion's and mushrooms), Boeuf Braise (tender beef cooked in its owo stock
      263 words
    • 466 9 MOVING MESSAGES produce results 1 J~ Mod* in USA Potent No *****50 MODEL 56 PRESENT YOUR MESSAGE WITH IMPACT AND REACH MORE PEOPLE EFFECTIVELY. Your message is perforated on a continuously moving tope which is brilliantly illuminated by a coloured lamp. It can be used day and night. It catches
      466 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 223 9 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM 11- «>• 1 No wcattolay but an un- In dust turning Wast kind trSTi 4). and not othsnrtat t, »*VU* of salntsd revolu- •>■ Uonan (7) >• A tiny wound Is no handt1* A aqoarc about to kiss cap (7). P* lrtll go utnr (7). Ofrl
      223 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 224 10 S'pore'tNEWil i boi-fffice CHAMP i 9th We^ LIDO 61st DAY! a 4 shows daily: 11am, 2.15, 530 8.45pm ADMISSION MICIS: CItCLI »4 00- STALLS JJ J« t SI SO I NO HAU PtICE-NO MILITARY CONCISSION-NO HUE LIST I Advance CASH Bookings only I A.At 1 SIIVI NEWMAM^^ fe MrOURN WeUiAM
      224 words
    • 538 10 QTHAKNIVERSARY A GENUINE ONCE-A-YEAR SALE In Full Swing uwniiiniiii > KU tOTTOM SLACKI TO W OMJ.T Ma »C«. T-IHMtn M cfce» JSJ rro/«jktH exooin 1/4 i^i SHORTt MANY COU. M.o» UJa *4f««»* T MINI S«MTS UMITW STOCK »J t« OMLT PANT Sum IQTT) *1i M. SM O» t UM U*.
      538 words
    • 81 10 Ti^l.^aMßßßMßßiaiaMß B^ll RABRO relieves stomach disorders with the very first Rabro brings lasting relief to thousands of ulcer sufferers all over the world. Its main active ingredient. BISMUTH SUBNITRATE. effects quick relief in ulcers treatment. Rabro is Available in strips of 10s and boxes of 50s. Made in Holland. IMPERIAL-
      81 words
    • 166 10 HIGH POTENCY VITAMIN E *J~uvela Juvela rejuvenates the heart and blood vessels and ensures a smooth blood circulation which keeps you healthy and energetic Maintain your health and energy with Juvela. ElsaiPte. Ltd., 561 1,5 th floor, ■EiMlB Woh Hup Complex. Golden Mile. Beach Road, Singapore 7. E.M.CO Ltd Tel:
      166 words
    • 368 10 ,««^AAA^^y^L«^A^^WAjWWWAM NOW SHOWINGrOatIy At 7.00 9.30PM Admi.sion: Adytt, $2.00 ChiWrtn: $1.00 m mm I* CM ARLOTS i TIJECRAZtIIY-T Q|A^ r^^Tj ST ANDREWS "jSSIO^ HOSPITAL FOR /GkJ&S •'t>4J WITH THE HELP OF PC¥^ y^£9 THE ROTARACT CLUB OF SINGAPORE (CITY) \»K/ r«-6RAMO CHARITY* PRWIKE Jj iM^er The OJeHna-W-* PetM—ae I DATUK
      368 words
    • 694 10 OBCAMItATIOW M TOWMING MONTH! 9rk WUK! »1 1> DAY! 4 ftenMr-NeN Tlwms 11m*. 2.1 S. 5 M I I 45 r« No Fre» Li»» No Holf Price No Militory Cooce»»ion Circle S4-Stollv S2 50 4 50 I CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Poul Newman, Steve McQueen The TOWItINC INFWNO Ponovmon-Color (WB-fCOO itiißfratfrt-M-ri
      694 words

  • 209 11 spades and small buckets, wJL Ministry porkers yesterday "conquered" the oi s«ckwh,ch struck the beach off Marine Parade on Saturday afternoon. Beginning at 7 am the workers worked f? erte Uc U Z. to Prer«n the slick from spread Ing. And about four
    209 words
  • 200 11 Mosque fund payments: Onus on bosses EMPLOYERS will be required to pay on behalf of their Muslim employee* contribution* to the Mosque Building Fund, under the Administration of Muslim Law (Amendment) Bill which haa been Introduced In Parliament They m»y then recover the contributions from the waxes of the employees
    200 words
  • 124 11 Minister's 'be thrifty' call to citizens rE Senior Minister of State (Education) and MP for Batok. Mr Chal Chong YU. last nlrfht urged Singaporeans to be thrifty and no* squander their earnings unnecessarily. This, be said, would prepare them for the future and Increase the wealth of the country,
    124 words
  • 147 11 New way to grow straw mushroom rIS possible to grow straw mo—room —ring a i— —tare of woody materials and vegetable and (nit waste, according to a Nanyang L'nivei—ty biology lecturer. Dr. Chang Yang. However, she said yesterday, the yield Is net aa good as from the conventional method of
    147 words
  • 276 11 rE head of a big Filipino corporation is now In Singapore to scout for local expertise In the building and construction industry to develop several multl-milllon-dollar projects in the Philippines. Mr Abdulkarim Mangeien, chairman and president of the Muslim International Develophas strong <in«m>t«i hacking
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  • 60 11 New AEB courses TUB Adult education Board wUI hold various new count* at Its Satefla Pli n_ry School centre auJ Mountbattan centra ti- month. The counai are: Photography for Beginners. Flower Arrangement, Skincare and Make-itp. Bookkeeping (Elementary). Ooromerclal Engllah (Intermediate and Htfher), Co»tlng (Intermediate and Higher). Bridal Make-up. Japaneaa Language
    60 words
  • 95 11 Four offences cost driver $850 A MOTORIST. Tan Boon Hua, 20, was fined a total of 1850 and disqualified from driving for two yean on Saturday for committing four traffic offences in Paya Lebar Road on Feb. 37 at 10 ipj— He waa fined 1050 for drlv—f a car without
    95 words
  • 34 11 THE National Iftwaum will aeraan two colour film* an Korea at Ma lecture hall aa Wadnaadavy at 730 pja. Free r*r-|— t—keu are at I— rmwauni office during office hours.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 96 11 a ISOaircondittonad roomi with Private bath attached. PABX phone system, fully carpeted piped music. 24-hour co'fee house, cocktail lounge, Szechuan restaurant. Modern conference room and indoor garden. Complimentary news paper, TV and refrigerator available. a Centralised tourist location in the Orchard Road Shopping area. Ample car perking facilities. Ist class
      96 words
    • 423 11 __^__T 1 SUHh _hBBh« Ib^i -4^ aa_H **^'s^__f K. y ______ji _La______a S S^__. at the Plaza Hairdressinq Saloon Idcallv located, centrally air conditidned and equipped with B^^B all the facllltips of a modern hairdiessinq saloon ■^^F here's a place where you can relax and be pampered in I a
      423 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 289 11 Bringing Pp >--»•> »y »UI K-van-gh 4* I C—ap I—^1 1 ri»HeCT--<SB— OUT All I /Y IF THAT'S ONE O*= MO« III^DIOYOU SWAT~V NO-Z &OOD NEWS, MAN /AUNT OF MY KITCHEN J ©000 MOOPS, I'M SUU? j THAT FLY. OPINf P MAS©iE IS IN A ©000 J S /V «M6iS
      289 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 476 12 AFTER the signing at Helsinki of the agreement on European security, the next milestone In the progress towards reducing the danger of a third world war is a new treaty to limit the production and deployment of strategic nuclear weapons. After a three-hour meeting in Helsinki, President Ford
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    • 169 12 a FEW disgruntled visitors can do lncaldamage to Singapore's tourist trade by complaining when they get back home about dishonest traders. Fortunately, shopkeepers who cheat are not numerous, but there are enough complaints by aggrieved visitors to give cause for concern. The NTUC has urged the Government to
      169 words
  • 912 12  - The gigantic symbol of Japan's success in shipbuilding STEVE WILSON WORLD'S BIGGEST SHIP CAN CARRY FOUR MILLION BARRELS OF OIL By I: KURE. Sunday THE world's biggest ship is the Xissei Maru, a gigantic symbol of the incredible success of Japan's shipbuilding industry which now seems headed for major trouble.
    AP  -  912 words
    • 244 12 TO VIEW of the recent automat ve safety campaign in Singapore. I would like to make a sug g c s Uon regarding what appears to be a safety hazard of substantial proportions existing in Singapore This is the problem of window stickers. In
      244 words
    • 259 12 Ft few days I shall leave Singapore for the third time My first visit was with my parents 1947-48 >, the second as a member Of the WRAF (1952-54) and this time as a wife (1974-75). I feel it would not be untrue to say I've seen the many "faces"
      259 words
  • 1285 12  -  Gerard Corr n/TTH the familiar scream of tortured rubber, the VCIO touched down at Lagos airport. It was one o'clock In the morning. The roar of engines In reverse thnist had hardly died away as the captain made his announcement: Due to uncertain conditions In Lagos and toe vicinity
    1,285 words
  • 285 12  - Queen's ride in a fire truck' STEPHEN DOWNER From It MEXICO CITY II7HXN Queen Elizabeth |V arrived In Mexico to start a six-day state visit last February she was ushered onto what, to one critic, looked like "a fire department truck." President Luis Echeverrta bade her farewell six days later
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 10 12 Bank $AFELY BankOCBC iOCBC OvefSM-CMnaee stoking C«pn Ud. L. j
      10 words
    • 477 12 We will teach you the secret of success How to pass exams! I study at home Get a better job! MT r4SWn,« Earn more. ntfmvmßnmu Knowledge md qu»U6c»tions are whit CMtgt ufmmrdi you need to bring success. The world- Lnous Bennett CoUege, cmn give you MF%£?° P this knowledge, help
      477 words

  • 323 13 BALLERINA Patricia Hon has stepped down temporarily from her classical he 1 g hts and flamboyant character dancing to tackle more contemporary "earthy" type dancing modern ballet. The dancer, who decided two years ago, to pursue further ballet studies at the Martha
    323 words
  • 398 13 Absence of 'wholesome traits' THE lives of many young people here have been wrecked be c a use they lack the "wholesotne" traits of obedience, reverence, discipline and self respect, the Minister of State (Labour), Mr. Sia Kah Hui, said yesterday. Describing this m
    398 words
  • 170 13 2 killed In accidents on the roads A NINE- YEAS OLD boy and a houwwlfe were killed in two road accidents last Saturday. Polite ud the first accident happened when the boy. Aw Llm Choon. of Block IM, Toa Cheng .toad In Jnrong, was knocked down by a car near
    170 words
  • 42 13 Varsity course THE University of Slnc*pores Department of Extramural Studies will bold a 10-lccturc course on Manpower Planning and Recruitment from tomorrow. Mr. Tan Huat Keng. a group personnel manager. will conduct the course Pee U $38. Por details, please telephone *****6.
    42 words
  • 284 13 By f.M. MUTHU rxi drivers have reported a further loss In business owing to the extension of the area licensing scheme by another 4a minutes from 9.30 a.m. to 10.15 a.m. The drivers on dayshift said that the area licensing scheme now in operation
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 86 13 Helena Rubinstein the science of beauty a^^-.^^^^ MrsHJOng Mrs HetenSoh FREE Consultation by London, Paris trained beauticians Mrs.HJ.Ong and Mrs. Helen Soh at: j||ll Hal lat -M laV^^BV^kW Speciolists' Shopping Centre. Orchard Rood. Smgopore 9 Tel *****2 Ist Bth August 1975 For further consultations visit: Helena Rubinstein, Beauty Training Centre.
      86 words
    • 202 13 Wipe out acne and pimples. Use new Pureen-P. The antibacterial skin cleanser that fights acne effectively. Pureen-P is hypu-allergenic, meaning it kills bacteria without ever harming your skin, not even if it's very sensitive. Pureen-P gets to the root of acne. Reaching deep down to draw out dirt and excess
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 22 13 WATEB consumption on Saturday was 134 3 million rations (*II.«M cubic metres), 1.2 million gallons <5,»H cubic metres) less than en Friday.
      22 words
    • 692 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM PM Opening and Valar Pirai (Tamil) IM Itwt a kW IJI Diary of Events (Tamil) SJS Tell a Story (Malay) US General Hospital IM Urn (MaHy) lIS Isai Amutham: Indian classical Music /.45 Ptita Ru (Matay) featuring Mrs. K.R. Sivakamasundari US Bonuua The Sound
      692 words
    • 51 13 SWIMMING TIMES THAT: Sisgastn 9.16 a.m. (2m), 7 56 p.m. (2.3 m;. StsW IttM 759 a.m. (2m), 526 p.m. (2m). Pert licks* 4.08 p.m. (2.3 m). TIMIUOT: Usgapert 10.02 a.m (2.2 m). 8.56 p.m. (2.5 m). Setli leckll 8.49 a.m. (2.2 m). 6.29 a.m. (2m). Pert McsMß 5.09 p.m. (2.5
      51 words

  • 158 14 Chided -girts who are afraid of sun rTHE MP for Ulu Pandan, m. Dr. Chiang Hal Ding, last night chided young girls for rejecting job offers as car- park attendants for fear of. among other things, becoming "dark." Speaking at his constituency's 10th National Day celebrations at HDB Car-park No.
    158 words
  • 37 14 NEW Zealand's Chief of General Staff, Major General R.H J" Holloway, will meet the commander of the NZ Force South-east Asia In Singapore. Air Commodore M.S. Gunton, and visit units of the force today.
    37 words
  • 587 14 New unit to manage full-time NS police Four intakes a year A NEW unit Police National Service (Fulltime) (PNSF) is being set up to manage the increasing number of national servicemen who will do their two-to-2& years' training as fulltime policemen. Home Affairs Minister, Mr. Chua Slan Chin, who announced
    587 words
  • 203 14 SHIPYARD UNION'S PUSH FOR BETTER OUTPUT T*H£ Keppel Shipyard Employees Union Is now preoccupied in promoting productivity In the shipyard, its honorary general secretary, Mr. Stephen Wong Chay iKlong said last night. Speaking at the carnival organised by the union for Its members and their families at the Wonderland Amusement
    203 words
  • 71 14 AN lntarnallooai milliondollar sales, exhibition and auction of precious stono, jewellery and jewel watches will be held at the Devclopmtnt Bank ot Stngmpot* building from No*. 34 to Nov. 39. Mr. Sain M Mackcen. ori«nlaer and promoter of this Jewelrmm* "It Singapore. laid that about 300 dealer*
    71 words
  • 199 14 Biggest appeal letter bid to get funds THE Singapore Natural Health Society will make »n attempt to write the world's biggest letter of appeal to two olirlch monarch* In conjunction with its launching of Nature Cure Keaort Hospital Fund Results of the event will be submitted to the Guinness Book
    199 words
  • 414 14 AT least a hundred i pairs of eyes were fixed on Tea Master Soil Yamada aa he delicately brewed a bowl of tea at the Seiwaen Japanese Garden In Jurong yesterday. Unperturbed by the watching crowd, the Tea Master w?« demonstrating
    414 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 802 14 I l Climb the ladder I l to success I l with ICS There's always an assured career for the man or woman H^^^^^^^H who's a qualified specialist Thousands of people, following every career you can think of. have obtained their qualifications and I won success with the help of
      802 words
    • 75 14 You can't really cure a cold W^ But you can relieve the symptoms^^k lof cold and flu, which make you K feel to miserable, with Feb» cold I ioPWTeI I Each Fate cold tablet contains a I balanced medicinal formulation to give I fast relief to aches and pains, feverish
      75 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 845 15 I UMNHI Ta-*'i*a3 i*^ *"^J »«1 Sam' Lam* 'S -iS 'S'S JImS J^L^\^'fl JL im. M CMTiißißißir icWtTrttti^^^^'^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^ I-Sbs: !S-Sa'!i3 l 5 ?t. U UM?S!t U^ K ?,m. *T SmVmmTmKST ■4T»M .UT CMtT MA I^Mu'Umt'Sa";, pm-T.^. w^, SIRCAPORt MARWIIU IRIPPIIH ttillCU Man |ci.i 4M Ul S? i sals"? li s
      845 words
    • 1173 15 !S£iVOCEAiV I A^o^sefvireci'BenljcTieflbeflinnerGt^iineandA^^ I I, M CMTHMRT ..I laat) riw. PR* mi Pmmi Una, rti (lilts mm 4/ 1 Mt i Mtt it iwi. Cam. l»mi ILPIMI MM t/ I to, 11 MM IM. irtari knn DaM.a. l.Mrta,!. ■I rLiRTSRNH is km 7• mi imm LaatM. c an. Halt KIMICIII
      1,173 words
    • 1009 15 'iiiM Riart I w»m im ITim ■taaart traaM Mtani AIIU.I. *-toRJB» Icm toitn, irf. ■•■WIkWW HT |a fWt 1 Mat 11 mm* 1% mmm- kmW M tStTr. I 1^" 11w "»5 "«S "«S "«S "«5 a!..!... «*5 "M II MM tl MM MMM IMtt lIMM DM :lt.M TTMit llto tti
      1,009 words
    • 912 15 1 I f-^-M-W-W-j^^MmjJ^MMM-M-MMM FUUY CONTAINEKIZCD StKVICE TO EUKOPE It tun- m "Ji n »otttrM», toxtenlM. tatatri. It H*rrt. JJ^i WR iSI! IV«MrtMM. s^lSr\ mT ft'll*^* 5 GttJMMft MtMM. MlM tot 11 i StNtteta. Otlt. Itehaß. Unttd Baftm Cleat TaRM LCt a Man WDM FULLY CONTAINimZED StKVICE FKOM EUKOPE 5 FMJ
      912 words
    • 764 15 limn 1134 U. P MiM| O41; IL *****. pmm| 2SHI. THE BANK LIME LTD. iMK mnt Afitcx TirtAM Mm m. Rmmoi. MaMaa. o*%m k tftmm) P'.MMI IMM S t-t tot a SMr: rMM hit t iMtR MMI rtt mrrmr, mmka. r^mirto, pmm, uai, pata-t a n to, s»> nniat KUWAIT
      764 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 944 16 ■m. Vi |^81-Mm-----»m--Mmwml |VI- KAWASAKI KISEN KAJSHA LTD. UWASAH IMUU ■Btl lAISMA 111. mil. mmc ions, stum samet MM* N't*w UMI an, Paaaw P MH*w IfltMl Japan Arabian Call ■■tilt* S.WM." rtIMWIMAM 11/IIAW rj^j. MMUJ. IMI.. AM DM.. MM. Japan South AMM-WtM AJrtaa mt-Im I ipn.i rM Mtnu MAM IWI
      944 words
    • 945 16 ACCtPTIM AU lIMt IT MI*T IMHNMRT rM PMniAHAI. SAMPIT. lAMIAMU>M »All«PiPiN, SAMAIIWA. SAMUUMM. TIMIIM. MAMM ItnlTl SMtNt. HSI MIA* AM UAi* HIM PMTS. UC.T. MMTT ItTM P*MW > •<• fM>W I S.T. MMTT SMA* "Ift o*c»'>«--iii MAIIT IMMI* II w PM Dact'W mwiiiU m*i "ig PMUMM II TtrMtt Urt lAw
      945 words
    • 1015 16 far tin EMiPt CMrAwa^wwomMAi sotice LMMM FN IMMR. MTTnMM. HAKIMS SK7 rptrt P mimi Pn*w >m> Im*m rtaa Ntari MPTIM IMf Mil VI AW Hll *m 11. 1« I 4« BAw I Swt 11 Swt 1> SW> C*«) It M«t I l*pt llMllliri II SMt ARRIVALS FMM RMT»'«ST E»WfAN PMTS
      1,015 words
    • 886 16 DWESS StWCf Tl UHMW. UWI»Om./C«m«tllT PUTS T| Van fcnfjfort t Mta^i f***n* liMm tar ll.Mlit.tJl II IW la Pirt TT 1 rsTc«..l»Bt. It Mm 1/10. M— *ai| 3/10. MMA MtIM II II Aw 11/11 IW IMI Aw t!»M^7 '"t'iw CJ'dH 111. rtM r 9. trMM« a.r Htii MT mma tin
      886 words
    • 717 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P. kaiM| SlippO" I**** TKTAI SE^! I*^1 (OWT 7MB. a,i« 1974) KT'tobJKt to indaCMNMI). SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE ASIAN PARI.I hPlrt »»*< Cipitcw. Dirt*. |D»YT Built 197 C) DHICT PROM JAPAN PO« DISCHAKCt Sitfipon P. blMf Pmmi MATPRINttKI liflrt ITITUt HAH M HJUB. STM »1I 11/13 *ai H/UAn OtCCEPTIM
      717 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 735 17 TO AjLL FRIENDS AND BUSINESS ASSOCIATES Please be Informed that effective Ist of August 1975, UNION SHENG WELDING PTE. LTD., GENERAL OFFICE will be at: 139, UPPER PAYA LEBAR ROAD. SINGAPORE, 19. TELEPHONES:- OFFICESTATES LINE STATES STEAMSHIP COMPANY OISCMKIK fltal (II W^^^^^^w rK*M emit mil rtan I inn Fort tola*
      735 words
    • 554 17 VICTORY ELECTRONIC ENTERPRISE 437-439, North Bridge Road, Singapore 7 NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER *****7 (5 LINES) SOLE AGENTS DISTRIBUTOR WHOLESALER RETAILER FORSANKEI (Radio Cassette Digital Clock etc.) SUPERMAX GILLETTE Hairdryers Hairdo accessories. SONY Electronic Goods including Radio Cassette, Colour TV., Sound Equipments, etc! SONY tci ccntJifCki HIRE PURCHASE (12mthsI bLfcr-UNKfcN 24mths)
      554 words
    • 916 17 SALE BY TENDER FOR FERROUS SCRAP Tenders ore invited from scrap dealers and contractors for the purchase of Ferrous Scrap from our Shipyard for the period of 1 2 months commencing 1 8th August 1975 to 17th August 1976. Arrangements for viewing which will be held on Thursday 7th August
      916 words
    • 680 17 (CHAPTER IS) IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE In Bankruptcy No. 344 Of 1975 R«: LEONO HON KAY also known as ALLAN H K LEONO Ex Parte: TEO SENG HONO also known as RICHARD TEO Creditor NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT To: L«ong Hon Kay also known as Allan
      680 words
    • 631 17 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES' COURTS. SINGAPORE D.C. Summons No. 4334 of 1974. Between UNITED MOTOR WORKS (8» PTE. LTD. Plaintiffs And 1 NO KUM LUN «NO HON FUN 2. NO CHUN WAH Defendants To: Ng Kum Lun Ng Hon Fun of or late of No. 15, Lorong 24. Oeylang. Singapore 14.
      631 words
    • 640 17 PEMBERITAHU MESYUARAT AGUNG TAHUNAN DENGAN in! dlberltahu bahawa Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Ke tujuh Utusan Melayu (Malaysia) Berhad akan dladakan dl pejabat Inl dl No. 46M. Jalan Chan Sow Lin. Kuala Lumpur lam 12.00 tengaharl, bersamaan 24hb. Ogos, 1975. kerana tujuan sepertl berlkut: 1. Menerlma dan mengesahkan Lapuran Lembaga Pengarah. Penyata
      640 words

    • 1184 18 AS service to readers. Busiaeaa Timea publishes weakly a dMaiM aasOysia of astected shares on tfc* Stock Exchaace of Bis«apore. The year's kick and lew arc followed by the wwak's mv*ml la price, the turaovcr, the divkWad yield and the grow prior earnings ratie. NOTE: (loiing Price
      1,184 words
    • 739 18 THE followißf ia a list of quota tkm> for Urn waafc up to Friday. Au«. I for couauti sol ladodad la Ik* weekly ahart aaalyaia. Prie* »«»l«ul ia based ea a companion on the last aaiea on Au<. I afalael Jul> 2S aa iho n in braduta.
      739 words
    • 133 18 Company meetings The following company meetings are due: WtrUwMt Holding* Bhd.: Aug. 4. Registered Office. No. as, Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur. Electrical And A 111*4 laaWstrlsa BM. Aug. 16. 11.30 am., Bangunan VUDFB 117 Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Gilan* Jute at Textile Mills (M) Bhd.: Aug. 19. 2.30 p.m.. Registered
      133 words
    • 35 18 London copper prtcaa oo Friday (Pfevl—a la braekata). wirakar Spot buyar 15T7.00 liMl.OO) atllar iSTT SO UMI.OO). Tkrw Maath buyer ISM 00 (ftOO.OO) aallar IIMU ((tOl.00). Marftat tana: imdr lalaa: 1.47 ft tooaaa.
      35 words
    • Money and exchanges
      • 117 18 pROPTT TAKING <K overflowing from the previous Friday continued to suppress the US dollar last week to as low as 2.4000 last Monday before finning up to 2.4800-20 the fol- < lowing day. The dollar fluctuated widely upward and downward on alternate days during the week. Trading towards the
        117 words
      • 29 18 OWING to the Swiss National Day on Aug 1. there was no weekly foreign exchange and gold highlights last week from the Zurich office jf Swiss Bank Corporation
        29 words
      • 165 18 nnTH continued surTT plus In short-term Interbank funds, the discount market witnessed another week of depressed rates. Rates quoted by discount houses for overnight funds last week were In the region of 2u% to 3V»% while call deposit rates fluctuated between 3 3'«%. Trading In NCDs tv quiet
        165 words
      • 111 18 OVERNIGHT local funds varied considerably last week; from a 3 2} on Monday It eased off to 2) i on Tuesday, up to 7 6} on Thursday and finally closed at 3 2| on Friday. Term money, as with previous weeks showed Tittle variation throughout the week. One
        111 words
      • 16 18 ALL markets In Hongkong art cloned today for the first Monday la August holiday.
        16 words
      • 222 18 ASIAN currency average deposits ntr* for the week ended Priday AUf. 1. USf (BUrrtc«s) Htfh Urn 7 day* 1/4 1/1* 1 mth 11 18 6 7/8 1 mQu l 11/16 7/1* 3 mths 7 18 6 13 18 6 mths t 9/16 7 IS 18 9 mths
        222 words
      • 62 18 Minimum lending rates (in Algemene Bonk 7W Bongkok Bonk 7V, Bonk of Americo 7 Bonk of China 8 Bonk of Tokyo .7 Bonk Negora Indonesia 7 >/i Bonque de L'lndochine 7/4 Chartered Bonk 7 '.<, Chose Monhotton 7vi DBS 7 First Chicago 7 FNCB 7 HKSBC 7Vi Molayon Bonking 7
        62 words
      • 52 18 riOR the week ended F Saturday, Aug 2. the range of call rates received from Short Deposits (M) Bernard was as fallows: BANK FUND: 3 per cent to S) per cent.. GENERAL FINDS: 31 per cent to 4 per cent Movement of f■n d s totalled
        52 words
      • 71 18 WOLFBURO: Volkswagen alms to be out of the red In 1976. but this depends on a number of factors. Including sales volume price rises, material and wage costs on Increased productivity chairman Tonl Schmuec- ker said. He told the annual meeting It Is too early to
        Reuter  -  71 words
    • 528 18 ■fVTBW YORK. F*l. Shrug--I^l gmg off the Government report thai the nations Joblaw rate dropped to 8.4 per cent in July iro* 8.6 per cent in the previous month, the stock market today closed lover in the lightest trading of the year. At the dose, the Dow Jones
      528 words
    • 89 18 FINANCIAL TIMES INDUSTRIALS Friday 283.8 Thursday 283 3 Week ago 2M.7 TINS Friday B*o7 Thursday 89 74 Week ago tl.l* RUBBERS Friday 400.98 Thursday 403 M Week ago 404.48 OILS Friday 266.25 Thursday 260 28 Week ago 276.40 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Friday 826.50 Thursday 231.51 Week ago 834.09
      89 words
    • 130 18 Baat Taar: Jan. 4. I*ll 1M IM4/W Wcck'i Action Hl«k Low Ulk lit Cnang* 1M.17 M.C7 Aulomoilw 14k »1 AiM —I.l* 441J5 183.17 Banks, Iwmm, Finance and Tniitm M 7.7* 111.7; 4 »5 IU.U 81.81 r^Mlr>h. Babtxr Prod«cU, RWlnlnf and WwfWlni 142.45 141.5t ».M 181 17
      130 words
    • 103 18 rE followiiif list ol rtoeki (irn the tea BMt duU In last week. It fin* the tarnovrr In taoaMads af anits, cMMinc prices on Friday and hlf h and tow for It7i. Compuile« Tintm Price* Ulfk Unr ■•M Act 1 U75 Faker Merita t7t MAI $1.44 W.SI
      103 words
      • 55 18 Industrie: tt* 7« niiwi M«jt7 HMck: IM.ZZ Propcrtlea: 175.44 Tin..: MJ7 I Rubber*: HIM 0.C.8.C: tN.II S.E.S. lot.: MUI 224.34 224.71 4«5 2* 4«7JM lU.4* 174 J3 ***** »».»5 t» SIIJC SltJ* ZM.M ZM.4S 2«J 95 NUt 225.54 4*8.42 1M.47 175 11 MJ7 11».1» MI.IS 2«3.4» 4»7.71 IM.«'
        55 words
      • 62 18 IndmtriaU: 211.54 ITiam SSSJS Holfli U7.»l FfptfUti: 177. It Tin.: M.SS f Rubber*: ZM.JX XU.M US.II UXJM SMJ* M7.M JM.I4 U7.M 177J7 IMJS 11Ut M.SJ 91 «4 MJU tM.l> KM.IK Dm. M. I*M 1M f Dm. 11. IMS 1M f Dm. t». IM* IN D»*. SI.
        62 words
      • 39 18 Ales. Hold. 111. ?rnimular Mrtro H«M ST. Textile Ttnjonf Tin CMmat lU%t Dale ToUl tm T»UI for paysble the rear pnrtmyeM Sept. 1% ah n 11% 11% Oct. M Sept. l%f ltS% Sept. It lU*t t inUrlm
        39 words
    • 438 18 rK Singapore produce market remained steady test week although It was somewhat quieter towards the dose. Prices of various commodities were mixed with copra and oil advancing higher but pepper oased slightly at the end of 'the week. The coffee section of the market was steady throughout but»o.uiet
      438 words
    • 196 18 rKYO. Sat Trading on the Tokyo Stock Exchange ended on a mixed note today as interest slackened considerably. This is reflected in the considerable drop in turnover from 200 million shares the previous day to only 80 million units today. The Dow Jones average closed at 4JM.n for .a
      196 words
    • 160 18 A MSTERDAM. Frl. The /V market generally eased in dull conditions today. Dutch Internationals were marked lower with Royal Dutch, Aku and Unilever hardest hit. Philip, edged lower and Hoof ovens finished unchanged on balance. It: local issues most lnsurrances firmed slightly. Shippings and banks ruled mixed. Hrlnrfcen and
      160 words
    • 63 18 FrMMT Thundly U»» Ull Mrlbournt (1) IM.«T 12V 01 London IM.MB 1M.408 167. 2 M 167 40* Beirut IM.M Zurtcn ClOMd 1M.508 CtOMtf 1«T.SO« P»rl» 171 21 171 15 tllurtUf Frtd»» Hoogkoni 1« S5 165.70 rpor* (1) 165 SOL IM.MB 16D.43S IM.V3N Export prICM in non-ilrrllns inu
      63 words
    • 498 18 T^HE Stock Exchange of Singapore ended a week of dull and lacklustre trading on a mixed note last week. Except for Thursday there was hardly anything to enthuse about durin* the five trading days. Trading on the whole remained daU and featureless with share prices confined to narrow
      498 words
    • 476 18 SHARES plodded through another week of thin and sluggish activity to finish marginally easle/ on the. Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Operators were still generally passive and cautious in opening new deals, while the unsettled Haw Par-Pernas developments continued to cloud market sentiment. It was. In fact, a
      476 words
    • 641 18 LONDON: Share prices eased slightly last week with the weakness of sterling and disappointing company statements contributing to the decline. The FT Industrial ordinary share index closed 3.9 down on the week at 282.8. Major losers Included Beechams down 8p BATS down lOp. and Hawker Biddeley down
      Reuter  -  641 words
      • 427 18 LONDON: Rubber was steadier for much of last Friday but later became mixed and uncertain. The terminal closed hesitant at 0.25 pence per kilo higher on balance to 0.30 pence lower. Turnover was relatively small at 79 lots of 15 tonnes each which Included 21 kerbs. CIFs
        Reuter  -  427 words
      • 154 18 LONDON Tin contracts Hnlshed £13 per tonne lower for cash and around .'.io down lor three momta last Friday morning. The market was quoted lower early on l olio wing another decline at Penang. But values held steady In the ring as pront-taklng and liquidation met underlying
        154 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 658 19 th RSNII Wl c^eng^'^^ II NAVAL GUNNER 1 NAVAL DIVER NAVALRADAR PLOTTER NAVAL COMMUNICATOR I Applicant* mutt: 0 Be between )6</i and 23 yeors of oge b. Be medically fit. C Hove good eyesight (6/6 or 6/9) without the aid of glosses d tl°£ P d 9Con<iar y H° f
      658 words
    • 562 19 ■II OCBC CENTRE (PRIVATE) LIMITED invites applications for the post of: MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER for the 52-storey OCBC Centre The successful candidate will be Head of the Maintenance Department and responsible for the management of maintenance, repairs and renovations of all mechanical, electrical and security services, including fire-fighting systems within
      562 words
    • 113 19 SALES REPRESENTATIVE US$l5,OOO- US$2O,OOO Excellent opportunity for a bi-linguol individual (Contonese/Mondorin and English) to join a major U.S. Company. Will be stationad in Singapore. A qualifiad candidate will have a successful solas background, an education in the chemicals or graphic arts field and preferably, experience in the graphic arts or
      113 words
    • 799 19 s<\/m./rj£s iss/ RESIDENT ENGINEER SIA 8747 HANGAR PROJECT SINGAPORE AIRPORT J Applications are invited from qualified engineers with extensive ex- a M 7 perience for the above post. Duration of the project is expected to be about 1 6 months commenB? c jng late September 1975. M? Applicants should submit
      799 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 591 20 CREDIT GUARANTEE CORPORATION MALAYSIA BERHAD (Ditubuhkan di Malaysia) Permohonan adalah dlpelawa daripada warganegara Malaysia bagl Jawatan-Jawatan berikut:— (1) Pegawai Keredit Togas: Pegawal Keredit lalah seorang Pegawal Bahaglan I yang membuntu Pengurus Besar dan seUausaha/Juruklia. KeUyakaa: Satu daripada berikut:— (a) IJasah unlvenltl yang dlakul, seelokeloknya dlbldang pentadbiran pernlagaan atau ekonotnl anailsa
      591 words
    • 522 20 BANQUNAN BANK NEQARA MALAYSIA, KUANTAN Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa daripada Warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhl Jawatan PENYEUA TAPAK (Site Supervisor) di Bangunan Bank Negara Malaysia. Kuantan yang sedang dlbena Butlr-butir berkenaan Jawatan lni adalah sepertl berlkutKeiayakan dan Sljll sebagai Chargeman (CerPangeJatwan. tificate as Chargeman yang dlkeluarkan oleh 'Lembaga Let- rik Negara dan
      522 words
    • 543 20 TRACTORS SINGAPORE LIMITED I FINANCE MANAGER I Applications are invited from Singapore citizens for the position of FINANCE MANAGER Applicants should be qualified accountants with at least 3-5 years of experience in the field of finance at a senior level. This is a top management position reporting directly to the
      543 words
    • 1061 20 f ANNOUNCEMENTS PROVISIONAL RESULTS, YEAR ENDED 31 ST MAY, 1975 PROPOSED FINAL DIVIDEND PROPOBED CAPITALISATION ISSUE BOOKS CLOSURE AND ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING PROVISIONAL RESULTS Subject to flnalizatlon of the audit, the group financial results for 1974/75 are expected to show: Full Year to 31tt May 1975 UZi $'000After provision for
      1,061 words

  • 32 21 tTTENTiON LADIES L House wives' Enrol Now with Michelle Beauty t Model Academy fur Courses In Personal Oroonung or Professional Modelling Thorough Training L Individual Attention Provided Enquiries Ring *****3
    32 words
  • 69 21 MR RICHARD VEROHESE aged 73. passed away peacefully on 2 8 75 leaving behind beloved wife, sons Lionel. Vincent. Alan and Reggie and daughter Clara, four daugh-ters-in-law, one son-in-law and six grandchildren Cortege will leave from 57. Jalan Terubok. Singapore 20 on 4 8 75 at 2 30pm
    69 words
  • 36 21 FAMILY OF THE late Mrs Maria Cordelro thank priests, relatives and friends for kind condolences, services, attendance, wreaths and donations on their recent bereavement Also thanks to doctors and staff of Singapore Oeneral Hospital
    36 words
  • 23 21 S.O.S SAMARITANS OF Slnga- I pore Troubled' Discouraged'l I Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the telephone
    23 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1940 21 I classified ads (j) WANTED A CHINESE speaking qualified nurse to work In a plant in Buklt Tlmah For details phone 25*0030. office hours CABLE-LOBOMNB SPECIALIST Road consuuauon and logging Supervisor, twenty five years experience five tropical Proven instructing ability Applications, with full personal resume, to be addressed to J.
      1,940 words
    • 672 21 WELL ESTABLISHBD FIRM requires one mechanic for repairing of typewriters and calculators. Please apply personally to 21S-B. Lavender Street. Spore 12. sbove Hone Leong Finance THE FOLLOWING VACANCIES REQUIRE TO BE FILLED: Da BLSCTRICAL SUPERVISOR OSMMISBIM Preferably passes Diploma in Electrical Engineering, but candidates with Trade Certificates In Electrical Fittings
      672 words
    • 767 21 WANTED PEON for general works furniture shop. Singapore clusens Age 19-26 Apply personally is. Orchard Road. Spore OPPKE BOY with knowledge of EnglUh required Immediately by Walls Fitspatrtck's Sdn Bhd Appllcanu In possession of a licence for a scooter and motorcar U an advantage Interested appllcanu please contact: Accountant tel
      767 words
    • 712 21 RSCRUmNQ UFT Al I END ANTS to work on shifts (6 hours) Above 25 yean and with Sac 2 education Apply Land and Baa Security Service Tel *****2 COCKTAIL LOUNOE stewardesses wanted Monthly Income approximately 31.200 -81.800 Apply personally 436. Orchard Road. 2nd floor Danny's Cocktail Lounge (9a m lOp
      712 words
    • 872 21 SEASIDE HOUSE dtst 5: 2*storey with covered patio, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen and private yard Well furnished ***** Please call Comprehensive Housing *****2 (5 lines) LUXURY APARTMENT In dlst 9 available only In 2 months time 3 bedrooms, attached bathrooms partly furnished 31.300 *****4 BUNGALOW*: CLBMBNTI/ Raffles/ Binjal Park/ Ens
      872 words
    • 811 21 DtST. Si OBTACHBP BUSWALOW 3 I bedrooms, alrcondltloned. I telephone, nice garden at 9 m s Buklt Tlmah Rental SOW p m Tel *****3 OIST S FABSR HILLS corner terrace double-storey 8000 unfurnished Dlst 10 Ban Ouan Park semi-detached, furnished $1,300 *****1 2S-STORBV CORNER terrace In dlst. 19 4 bedrooms,
      811 words
    • 802 21 OPP CHANOI ROAO SW m s. new double- storey semi-detached, 4 bedrooms and 1 servant's room 3550 Contact Panmay Enterprises 712*50 HILLCREST 81.6*8 Faber HUU3I.--500 Blnlal Park 31.400 Near Jurong 8000 Namly Oarden $800 Thomson Road 3420 *****/ 91*373 LOOKING FOR ACCOMMODATION? Why not contact us We have houses available
      802 words
    • 709 21 AMO9HCAN AND JAPANESE executives require furnished house* apartments In dlsu 5. 9. 10, II 21 Other districts considered Rental 8800 12.000 Owners pleaae phone *****9/ *****42. ESTABLISHED INTERNATIONAL concern requires accommodation either an apartment or a bungalow 3/ 4 -bedroom, paitlally furnished In DUt 8 or Tb Budget 82.700 Please
      709 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 474 22 I B*a **p*^***eej*> I THOMSON PARK (OIST. 16) I double-itorey semi-detached 2--500 sq ft 3 bedroom*, servant's $125 000 ono Are Housing 2M0146 *****64 •ABEP. HILLS LUXURIOUS splitlevel double-storey terrace 3 teakwood bedrooms' built-in cupboards expensive fittings $148- 000 Practical Housing *****3/ ***** DISTRICT 16 Ming Teck Park 2-storey semiI
      474 words
    • 737 22 land AT 2W mile* Thomson Road approximately 22.000 »q.ft with approved plan to build 14 storey flat Tel *****94 *****95 HOUSES/ APARTMENTS IN any locality wanted for immediate cash purchase (870.000 $250 000 Call *****29/ *****46/ *****64 ■EOUIRED IMMEDIATELY NEW detached Locality must be cloee to market and bus-stand Maximum
      737 words
    • 682 22 SHOWROOM/ SHOP/ OPPICE •pace available In UIC Building in Shenton Way on ground, first and second floor* Minimum rent $1 70 psi per month Apply to S T Box A ***** Indicating slae required PAYA LEBAR SHOPHOUSS 1.100 Sft freehold, vacant poueaon 890.000 one Loan available Phone *****5/ *****4 SHENTON
      682 words
    • 827 22 GI ANT TURTLE SEASON S-Dey Eaet Ceeet. South Theaend (Sungei Oeeok) Otanl Turtle Egg laiwai Ceremony Tour |1H Oep. Every Monde* Bangkok/ CM newel 14 Day* lieluTci meal. SMB Whi Male yelp/ o*wrlne 7 Day* Delux 3 Meals 8178 8196 Ponong/ Qliiang/ Cawawn Highlands S [»ys SIM Pengkor/ OwiWug/ Peneng
      827 words
    • 657 22 NAM NO TRAVEL Service (Singapore. Pte Ltd Tour West Malaysia (inclusive Denting. C/Hkjnlands) by Deluxe alrcondltloned bus seven days SBI7V-. Departure Every Sunday. MondaTcaineron MlgtUand* -r°™ day* 8885/-. Denting Highlands Four days *****/-. Departure Every Wednesday. OenUni Hhrhland* Two day* by air StlSO/-. Departure Everyday (Sole Agent for Oenting Helicopter
      657 words
    • 635 22 Mb) agency (PTE) Ltd. offers cheap fare* to: Australia' Europe/ USA A Far East Tel *****68/ 258M53 CHEAP FARES' Travel anywhere in the world for less than normal INTERNATIONAL CHARTER FLIGHTS CENTRE 70. ltd Floor, The Arced*. ReßU* Place. Spore 1. Tel: *****8/ *****8/ 927*2 AIRMAOTBR TRAVEL SPECIAL Fare* "London.
      635 words
    • 642 22 EXPERT LONDON TUITION by air Law (LL B Bar). Secretaryship (CIS) Accountancy (ACCA. ICMA. AIA. SCCA. lAA. lAS.). Banking (Inat of Bankers). Inst Credit Mgment. Inst Marketing. Inst Work* Manager*. Inst. of Transport Commerce (LCC Inat. Commerce. British Society Commerce). OCE. MCE Associated Examining Board. Qualifying Test), The Rapid Results
      642 words
    • 793 22 BOOKKEEPING: Preparing for LCC. Pitman. BSC College Examination* Qualified/ Experienced/ teachers Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening Sessions: New sessions starting August: Details from RAJA'S COLLEOE *****0/ *****8/ *****78 TYPEWRITING CUM. OFFICE prac tlce: New system In Typewriting to make you fit for Immediate employment: Experience not necessary when qualified from Raja's College:
      793 words
    • 655 22 fnV^W^KTO Evening 7 30—9) New session* suiting August Details from Raja's College. Raffles Place (*****0). Rajas 218 D Changi Road (*****8). CORRESPONDENCE CUM. SECRETARIAL duties Four Months Rapid Course Starting August Success Guaranteed Details from RAJAS COLLEOE Raffles Place (*****). Raja's. Serangoon Road (*****78). Raja's. Changi Road (*****8). C.T.S.O IST
      655 words
    • 908 22 MARY CORDBIRO SCHOOL of Fashion Acquire the techniques and skills of the up to date Katlnka method in pattern making, dress designing In a short P*nod New classes August Tel. 343^1 ELEMENTARY ORBSSMAKINO COMMENCING on Wednesday 6th Aug '75 at 630 p in 810 members. $12 non-members Registration and enqu.rles
      908 words

    • 273 23 3,000 in bis defence exercise in Johore JOHORE HARD. San. Men than MT troop* Boarded the Royal Malaystaa Navy vassal K. D. Sri Laagkawt hen this morning for a joint sarvtoes defence exercise la Mentaif. The ship was eaeortod by a feree romaitahii the «MN frigate KjTlUhmat, the fast strike
      273 words
    • 109 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. The MIC Is setting up a unit trust to Rive Indians of all Income levels a greater stake In the economic irrowth of the country. MIC president Tan Sri V. Manickavasacam said today Applications to register the trust had bom mad* to
      109 words
    • 149 23 Razak: Brain drain will be plugged trUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A Tun Abdul Rasak said tonight the proposed scientific civil service would arevent further brain drain of government officers with science qualifications to the private sector. The Prime Minister admitted that there was concern over the Imbalance of opportunities between arts
      149 words
    • 141 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Bun. —Deputy Minister In the Prime Minister's Department. Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, said tonight all Malaysians must defend the Rasak ArtmlnUtratlon from "Insects" who were out to destroy It. The administration bad brought about an era of good feelings to the country and
      141 words
    • 63 23 FENANQ. San. Two caen died ana fly« thaw were lajve* wkea their ear aMiiii aat ■aaai laU a f*Uar ef We* JeteUau Mai ■*lrt.ii sh*» at aksvt LM this msciilm Sakgna Lm Boon Hock. l», died ea tate waj to tie nl -"iMal TTfi wlißaMiß I'm
      63 words
    • 344 23 Don't live on dreams, says Razaleigh KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday pETRONAS chairman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today a happy, prosperous Malaysia could be founded only on the sheer "good, hard slog" of all Malaysians and not on dreams. Tengku Razaleigh was opening the International conference on Malaysia In the Year 2001
      344 words
    • 139 23 '10 years left to decide man's fate' KOALA LUMPUR, Bun. Renowned futurist Dr Buckmlnster Puller believes that man has only the next 10 years to decide his fate— whether be can make It to a better future. He sees the period as mankind's final test "By- that time well know
      139 words
    • 55 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Cuepacs multl-purpoee co-operative society la planning a housing scheme In Tehrau. six mllaa from Jobore Bam for Its members Work on the scheme Is expected to begin In eight months time. The society plans to build about 700 units ranging from toarcoat
      55 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 778 23 r«wmtSSi ■EEJ 18TI DATSUN PICK-UP 1300 1911 Toyota Corona 1800 Datsun 1400 Mini Special 1000 Toyota Corolla 1200 Datsun IISP* 8 w Mlnl Clubman 1000 8/W 1970 Dalsun 1200 Ford Escort 1100 1989 Tovou CoroUa 1077 Datsun 1000 Mini Coooer 1000 1968 Maada 1200 1987 Fort Anflla 1000 1966 Flat
      778 words
    • 659 23 i^fV*" >tu speakers One JVC quadraphonic amplifier model No 4VR5348 sUll under Euarantae Ring *****0 •>""MTIN« NEW FRIENDS Available!! Doctors. Accountants. Engineers. Executives. Teachers. Nurses, free Brochures OPO 867. Singapore WORKING GENTLEMAN. 26 seeking sincere friends with general educations Reply S.T Box A ***** GENERAL SPRAVFAINTIHO repair Customers' Home re-enamel
      659 words
    • 673 23 TRINITY WOOOSKILL a Construction Specialist in partitioning, celling, renovation, carpen tary furniture L uphoistertas Tel *****4 SPACE CLIAMINO .SERVICE Spi lalist In carpet snampoolng. floor polishing carpentry, painun«, plumbing/ electrical repairs Ring *****5 oav/nioht TV service, fast and reliable, antenna Installation el. Contact Vincent Radio t Dretrtcal Co Tel *****4
      673 words
    • 636 23 4 UMTS OM IZV7I Dtaael Enflm drand new ratad at JOO HP 436.000/- ascri 0.n.0 10 unlU. OM SV7I Dtewl En«lne raaondltkmad with cartltlcau ratad at 350 HP 118.000 tach on o. Phont StralU Knglnatrs aWIW. AY Alyasa a> assat, a aa«a raitja af COMCWTB THUCK MIXMS UIVLANO. ALBION OUT
      636 words
    • 466 23 3 1 E ALTH ■Home I OBBIES EXHIBITION '~sssW I X^m m^Mmm 9 From Bth to 18th August, 1975 at The New People's Park Centre, Upper Cross Street. Organised by the SINGAPORE NATURAL HEALTH SOCIETY in conjunction with its Tenth Anniversary celebrations. Daily 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. BRING YOUR
      466 words

  • 1246 24 WASHINGTON. Sunday THE use of lie detectors by employers in the Washington area to check the conduct of their employees has spread to drug stores, banks, clothing stores, jewellery stores, bars and even massage parlours. If you're looking for a Job these
    NYT  -  1,246 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1006 24 SOUTH PACIFIC TEXTILE INDUSTRIES BERHAD (Incorporated fn Malaysia) NOTICE Of EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINQ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the company will be held at the registered office of the company. 3 m s Jalan Kluang. Batu Pahat. Johore on Saturday, the 23rd day of August
      1,006 words
    • 335 24 fefda KENYATAAN m imm TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa daripada pem-borong-pemborong/pembekal-pembekal yang berpengalaman untuk kerja-kerja bertkut dan bagl tawaran C tawaran hanya dlnadkan kepada pemborong-pemborong BUMIPUTRA sahaja (A) BP.NO.Sw7S Merika bentuk. membekal. menghantar, mematang. menguji dan men jalan can "Pumping and Water Treatment Equipment" dl KUang Sawit Putat Penyelldekan, Sg. Tekam.
      335 words
    • 917 24 TENDER NOTICE NONA SENDIRIAN BERHAD Contractors currently registered with PKNS or Jabatan Kerja Raya under Class BX and above. Head 11. Sub Head 2 are Invited to tender for the Construction and Completion of a 3-Storey Building with Penthouse and a Basement on Lot* 88 4 70 Jalan 52/4. New
      917 words
    • 487 24 01 TH* HIGH COVBT IN MALAYA AT KOALA LUMPUR COMPANIES WINDING-UP NO. 16 OF 1t75 In the Matter of Ulu Bernam Malay Tin Sdn. Bhd.. Ist. Floor. Ng Ooon Han Building. Ji Jalan Klrne Kuala Lumpur AND In the Matter of the Companies Act. 1966 ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE I*
      487 words
    • 478 24 IN THE HIGH COOBT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMPANIES WINDING IP no. is or main the Batter of Zephyr Chemical feedstuff* Sdn. Bhd.. Lot 4A. Jalan lIS PeUling Jaya And In the matter of the companies Act. IMS ADVERTISEMENT OF PTTITION NOTICI U hereby given that a petition for
      478 words

  • 190 25 f ONDON, Sun.— Hall The Pirates, Amerl- can owned and bred, edged home under top weight In the feature race on the final day of the five-day Goodwood meeting yesterday, the P.T.S. Laurels Handicap. Top English jockey Lester Plggott rode one of his strongest
    Reuter  -  190 words
    • 706 25 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. Apprentice Chew 81ong Hua was suspended by the stewards for three race (lays for careless riding In Race 0 here today. Shortly after the start Chew rode Shelford Road In towards the fence, causing severe Inconvenience to all horses on his Inside. The Stipendiary
      706 words
  • 2489 25  -  EPSOM JEEP B* KUALA LUMPUR, San. Martin Sag came out of the doldrums to score a splendid double on Grand Ovation and Archibald here today. Both were "photofinish" winners. Orand Ovation got up In the last stride to snatch a short head win
    2,489 words
  • 42 25 pool tarn Ist: No. *****1 (B.1U) Ind: No. 14J37C <$l.t#l) Jrd: Ne, 1439 M 545) BTAKTIBB ($M each): Not. 14*145 1 .«4JJ lout 14HM. lttsM 14M14 1454 M 14<171 .^CONSOLATION Off ttek): No. 143M1 !tS2 iSE JSB. mm im l:
    42 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 130 25 I tpldvn investment opixniumly with hiffh ivlnvns 3 "*&(fc^V^^ "^^^^^aaaal I M HmaaataaaaaaaU. B I ff lt^T%iTimwalllL-,Mmwaiii M^MSim^^^^^mmSß^Kb^^ 1 a^mV 1 > VbbbbV s^^aaBBBBBBaVsaBBBBBr I 1> ''•''^^^'m^B 1 H^A gggggggaaH^V^ aa^aHLaaaaH LaaW I wtaBBBBBBBBBBI maw*^^ \f wt^gP* .^•^gggggt P E3^^"* 1 CLEME]\fTI PARK /fc7?Z&^K /M% I MM fSa ffld/ /T'
      130 words

    • 77 26 ENGLAND Ist Inns Sl5 (Orelg M. Knott Steele 60: Ulle* 4-841. AUSTBAUA Ist Inns 368 (R. Edwards W. LUIM 72 not out. Snow 4-M). ENGLAND 2nd Inns, (overnight 8-0) Woad c Marsh b Thomson M E4rleb not out 104 Steels c sad b Walters 46 AaUas not out 6
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 148 26 Misukami's late burst wins marathon T\/f ONTREAL. Sun. Norl--ITK rasa Mlsukaml. of Japan, won a pre-Olymplc marathon race here yesterday, completing the 20-mlle. 356-yard course In 2:28:45.8 leas than five seconds ahead of second-place Jukka Tolvola, of Finland. Toivola completed the course In 2:26:60.6. Third place went to Ron Hill,
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 445 26 I ONDON, Sun. Opener John Edrich batted throughout the day for an undefeated century as England fought their way back to power against Australia on the third day of the Second cricket Test at Lord's yesterday. The 38-year-old left-hander finished a day of
      UPI  -  445 words
    • 166 26 STRAITS TIMES WIN C.C. TAN TROPHY KUALA LUMPUR. Bun. The Straits Times of Singapore carried home the C. C. Tan Challenge Trophy In their annual games series against New 8 1 ra 1 1 s Times Press here today. The Singapore team won five games out of eight. Their victories
      166 words
    • 41 26 HOBART. Sun. A tourIng aoccer team from China •cored a 3-1 win over Tasmania before a crowd of 2.600 Here today. Chang Tiung-Pen and captain Paao Kl-chung •cored for China. Tasmania 'i goal was aoored by Tommy Wright.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 211 26 Russian cagers prove too fast for US \f OSCOW, Bun. The ifX Soviet Union beat the United States 86-72 (halftlme 52-40) in the final match of the European section of the Intercontinental Basketball Cup in Leningrad yesterday. The four European teams competing In the event the Soviet Union, Italy, Yugoslavia
      Reuter  -  211 words
    • 80 26 ACnONfTKS trounced Toa Payoh City 7-0 In the PAS Youth tournament at Parrer Park yesterday. Results of other matches: Jubilee 0 Changl United. 0; Town United 0 Buklt Tlmah Const. 0; Singapore Malays PC 2 Darul Aflah B 1; Parrer Park United beat Radln Mas wo;
      80 words
    • 143 26 TOKYO. Sun Taiwan! Hatch Mln-Nam won the i»75 Kanto professional golf champlonahlp at Tomakomal In Hokkaido, northern Japan. today after carding a 71 for a four-d»v total of 274. 14 under par. Two at-okea behind at 276 were two popular Japanese player*. laac
      143 words
    • 204 26 BRITISH SOCCER BEGINS WITH FANS BATTLING POLICE LONDON. Sun. Police were In action against soccer hooligans when major English and Scottish clubs played their first matches of the 1975-76 season yesterday. More than a dosen people were arrested following a pitched batt c between scores of youths and police at
      204 words
    • 309 26 LONDON. Sun. Pacemakers Hampshire and Yorkshire rested yesterday but Kent and Lancashire, Joint third in the English County Cricket championship, turned In nightmare and dream performances respectively Kent, weakened by Test calls, were plundered.for 430 runs by Middlesex at canterbury. When the 100 oven expired
      Reuter  -  309 words
    • 82 26 SIRKMBAN. BUn. Jimmy Khor. of RoyaJ Pen* Motor Club, won hto UUrt the Negri tanbUaa tvcnt here today Jimmy, an looh buatiuuman had earlier in the ny mx and the Lumut iwa JUrt Prtx. Drtrtm a JJTr «»y Twin K MUxamy h« winner of twomaJor heat,
      82 words
    • 491 26 Steve Riddick completes sprint double ONDON, Sun. Steve Rlddick, of the United States, completed a sprint double at the British Amateur Athletics Championships at Crystal Palace here yesterday when he won the 200 metres In a chain pionship record time. Rlddick held off a determlned challenge from 21 -year -old
      Reuter  -  491 words
    • 338 26 Stones and Boit fail in bid for world record HANOVER. Sun. Mike Bolt of lOnya, American Dwlght Btones and Ugandan John AkllBua turned In top performances on the second day of an athletics meet here yesterday. Bolt faUed In his attempt on Italian Marcello Fiasconaro's men's world 800 metres record
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 454 26 'X oKJdW V—^ No one knows Australia like Australians first bank Doing business with people thousands As the largest free-enterprise of miles away can be difficult at the best finance, investment and banking complex of times and in a market as large and m the region, we know the area,
      454 words

  • 585 27  -  JOE DORAI DISPUTED GOAL DECIDES THRILLER By rjEYLANG International had every reason to be satisfied yesterday they beat Jalan Resar United by 1-0 in a thrill-packed National Football League Div One match before a record 5,000 crowd at Geylang Stadium. Oeylang was Jammed with fans long
    585 words
  • 248 27  -  PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE Armed Forces had Farrer Park on the run for most of the game but could only win 3-1 In the National Leamie Div. 1 soccer tournament at Tanglin yesterday. It was not that Farrer Park goalkeeper All Nlam played the game of
    248 words
  • 225 27 Ar*M4 FHW 3 0 1 4 Ch«n|i Oft. XI 1 0 < 2 1 T«« r>«r«h UM. 2 0 2 0 2 2 2 jilui mmtr PC 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 U. lim UU. 2 10 15*2 •Carlanf Int. 1 1 0 1 1 kaaanf Cw.
    225 words
  • 86 27 RESULTS AT A GLANCE NATIONAL LEAGUE CHANGI CON. (3) < UPPER SERANGOON Yunos Bab* 3 I'TD. (0) 2 Sharlman Kerning 3 Sutarl Kadlr Jallanl Said Rajamuthan ARMED FORCES (2) S FARMER PARK LTD. (0) 1 Jacob Chacko 3 Brian Batchelor Muttapha All GEYLANG INT. (0) 1 JALAN BESAR I'TD. (0)
    86 words
  • 62 27 Defending champions Armed Force* woo the SHA slx-a-slde Pe*ta Sukan hockey tournament yesterday. beatIng Ceylon 8C 1-0 In the final at the Padang The winning goal wa» scored by Pramjlt Singh In the first half. Special Constabulary woo the Junior division when they beat BCC 2-0 in
    62 words
  • 350 27 V U A LA LUMPUR. Sun. South Korea scored an exciting 3-2 victory over Burma In their Merdeka soccer tour* nament match at Merdeka Stadium tonight. The two teams, who are favoured to meet In the final on Aug. 17 at the end of
    350 words
  • 171 27 ITU ALA LUMPUR, Sun. Indonesia came from the brink of defeat to deal a severe blow to Hongkong's hopes In the Merdeka soccer tournament at tbe Merdeka. stadium tonight. The Indonesians wrn by 3-2. Hong Kooc tock the lead In the 18th minute through Chi Ming,
    171 words
  • 127 27 Punctures help Carlos NUERBURORINO, West Oermany. Sun. Carlos Reutemann. of Argentina, won the West German Formula One Orand Prix here today In a race In which IS of the 24 (tarter* retired, most of them with punctures. Reutemann drove a faultless race In his Brabham to win by more than
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 225 27 Jfef' mm/ m *^a^Va4^*l (^Bt^l 98. w*^H t^^f I V I "^aß I Wt* l^^^^f a^a^ai B^Kf W 1' U s^aw^a^a^LW^al |V W Ba^Hßa^L^L^L^a^aJ [uaA-a^tt. «a^^o Hs^H a^aUa^aV J _^k i, '*^^^P *^L^gr,'^a^H J ■■■■^^^^^^^V^.^^^^^^ F^^^^^^^p Aluminium Ferrule Clamps from 3mmto64 mm Dia. H!Hrs**^aßr lßi^Lr^t. V^WS StC A jf mBE
      225 words

  • 102 28 Traffic lights that stay red for 10 minutes VJOTTINOHAM. Sun. il Traffic lights designed to frustrate automobile drivers by making them wait 10 minutes every quarter mile will go into operation here tomorrow. To Induce motorists to use mass transportation Instead the city will run buses from free parking ioU
    AP  -  102 words
  • 34 28 LUANDA. Bun. A joint Portuguese military, government and airline commlUe* has organised an airlift of between 350,000 and 300.000 white Angolans to Portugal by Oct. 11. a committee spokesman said today.— UPl.
    34 words
  • 323 28 CIA probe has hit us: Ford REDS IN LISBON HAVE GAINED WASHINGTON. Sunday PRESIDENT Ford says the current investigations of the Central Intelligence Agency and resultant limitations on covert operations abroad have made it impossible for the United States to help her Western European allies stem communist inflaence irt Portugal.
    UPI  -  323 words
  • 51 28 LONDON. Sun. An undertround organisation that opptiM the nils H President Idl Amln Is operating In Uganda, the Sunday Telegraph said to IU early editions. It was reapomiMs for a series of during the recently concluded Organisation of African Unity summit to Kampala, the paper said
    51 words
  • 163 28 Cambodia calls for Israel's expulsion BANGKOK, Sun. Cambodia today called for the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations, according to radio Phnom Penh, monitored here. The radio. In its once a week commentary on foreign affairs, expressed supDort for those African countries which wished to see Israel expelled from
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 73 28 SINGAPORE. Sun— Saigon's Olal Phong radio said yesterday that Norway has agreed to give SO million kroner (about 8*231 million) to i the Pronatonal Revolutionary Ooremment (PRO) of South Vietnam. The radio, monitored here, said the oft was arranged In Hanoi last Tuesday to lHanisrtrini bstvcsn
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 38 28 BKOUU Sun. A South Korean army-police unit backed by mHltlamen shot to death a Notth Korean agent on Friday rear a provlnctal town 300 km (ltt miles) south of Seoul the Defence MlnWry said* yesterday.— DR.
    38 words
  • 166 28 Padi men warned: Quit Berjaya or else KOTA KINABALU, Sun.— Sabah Padl Board workers found to be Berjaya members will either be asked to resign er dismissed. Berjaya secretarygeneral, Hajl Mohamed Noor Mansoor, said the board had Issued a circular dated July 22 to this effect. According to him, the
    166 words
  • 33 28 LISBON. Sun. Troops and police have detained 4t communists at their party headquarters In Portugal's northern town of Fsmattoao. where shooting broke out on Friday, an officer •aid today —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 38 28 BDRUT. Bun. Lebanon Is expected to atad a detenUon to Saudi Arabta coon for Ulka on a dispute) which resulted In an oil cut-off for Lebanon and IU subsequent takeover of a Saudi terminal AP^
    AP  -  38 words
  • 41 28 'Closer to war. BEIKI T. San. SjrUn President Bafes Assad was ««Mted today as saying the Arabs were a*w eleecr to a war wltk Israel asore than before and -there shall be no settleasent with the Jewfah state AP (•ec Page
    AP  -  41 words
  • 199 28 TEL AVTV, Sun. The chief of Israel's Army Engineers said today an Israeli withdrawal In Sinai as part of an Interim agreement with Egypt would cost Israel hundreds of millions of dollars In fortifications. Brig. Oen. Yitzhak Bendov told foreign correspondents In Tel
    AP  -  199 words
  • 286 28 Rumania gets 'most favoured' terms from US cinaia (Rumania), J Sun. President Ford today signed a document that put .into force most favoured US trade terms for Rumania, the first communist nation to enter Into such an accord since the American Congress linked trade and free emigration. The document, a
    AP  -  286 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 145 28 L^^^^H b^LV^^ 1 L a^saaa a^aw^^^ V AIR-CONDITIONER I REFRIGERATOR COOKER FREEZER I laSfe/ WASHINQ MACHINE MALAYSIA UNION (RENTAL) PTC. LTD. I 475, 810ck 30. Outram ParK, Singapore 3. Tel *****97 Ample Parking Space SUPER 90 PROTEIN c *|fr you MIO mortal m «n loa n at»* U tun* m
      145 words
    • 143 28 EX STOCK EX- STOCK EX- STOCK HL^ EMERGENCY POWER 4 MULTIPURPOSE. MAXIMUM DEPENDABILITY, MINIMUM MAINTENANCE I i NEV itf^THtai GENERATOR Completely Mobile Serving DEN YO POWER, enjoys popularity among I users in many fields, as a mobile, standby, or ToddY'S emergency generator for civil engineering I and construction work, ships,
      143 words