The Straits Times, 27 May 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
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  • 436 1 PKI MALIK WARNS CHINA 'We'll crush any foreign move to meddle in our internal affairs' JAKARTA, Monday FOREIGN Minister Mr. Adam Malik, against a background of China's pronounced support for Indonesian communists, warned today that his Government would crush any foreign intervention in its internal affairs. Mr. M;ilik was commenting
    Reuter; AP  -  436 words
  • 615 1 Tension as antiUS mood grows in Laos VIENTIANE. Monday •JM+XSIOXS grew in the Laotian capihil today as tiie mood of anti-American demonstrators started turning ugly and the IS Embassy made preparations against |>ossible attack. The pace of document burning at the embassy accelerated, and US marines took gas. first aid
    AP  -  615 words
  • 116 1 Ruse in hotel costs trader $13,500 AN INDONESIAN businessman lost about $13,500 at the Holiday Inn In Scot is Road on Sunday after he was "distracted" by i man who asked him to direct him to the toilet. Mr. ong Owan Liang. 31, was arranging the money, which was In
    116 words
  • 59 1 TOKYO, Mon. North Korea has no Intention of Invading South Korea. Kyodo news rervlce. quoting Chinese sources, reported today. In a dispatch from Peking, Kyodo quoted the unlc'er.tllled sounder as saying China and North Korea had agreed that "objective conditions" were not ripe for an
    59 words
  • 31 1 WASHINOTON. Mon. The American economy Is In the process of turning around and there are »len» of beginning economic recovery. Federal Reserve Board chairman Arthur Burns sab! yesterday. AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 89 1 r)RSHIPPESS climb ■p the Zv-metre bun mountains to snatch as many bans as possible at the hriiht of the four-day Bun Festival In Hongkong on Monday. The buns mounted on the surface of pyramid towers are sacrificial offerings to the spirits The festival being held
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  • 75 1 REIRUT. Mon—Southwestern Europe and Turkey were shaken by earthquakes today, causing alarm in several cities, but with no Immediate reports of casualties or major damage. The first shock, reported Initially from Ljubljana. Yugoslavia was felt In Spain and Portugal, and apparently centred In the Atlantic
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 69 1 MOSCOW. Mon The Soviet Union today launched a vitriolic attack on China* Asian policy, saying it was aimed at stirring up hatred between the Asian peoples and pushing the world towards a new world war. The official government newspaper Sovletskaya Rosslya. tn the latest of a
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 28 1 PARIS. Mon. President Valery QUcard dEstilng will par an official rwi to Poland from June 17 to SO. the Dyne Presidential Pmlac* uld today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 42 1 WYANOA (Rhodesia). Mon. Prime Minister lan Smith »ald here today hu Government would call off talks with the African National Council If It did not agree to hold a constitutional confetence to decide Rhodesia i future. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 390 1 Lebanon in new crisis as army govt quits BEIRUT. Monday f KHANOX'S military Government resigned today, barely 48 hours after its formation, plunging the country into a new political crisis over the running battle between Palestinian guerillas and rightwing nationalists. Premier Noureddin Aifai, after a meeting of his eight-man Cabinet,
    UPI  -  390 words
  • 177 1 PAYA Lebar airport stoodby on full alert as a SIA jumbo jet with 325 passengers landed safely with three burst tyres last night. The airport went Into full alert at 3 p.m. when the jumbo from Sydney was still three hours away. According to an
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  • 72 1 LONDON. Mon— A British journalist said today he was arretted, interrogated and expelled from Oechoslo\ akla lor following the country's formei leader Alexander Dubcek to work. Dally Express reporter Brian Vine said tn a frontpage article that he followed Mr. Dubcek from his home In a
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 73 1 LATEST Police arrest Biggs BAIRRO JABOIR (Brasil). Mon.— Ronald Bigg*. Britain's Great Train robber who has been living in Brazil for the past six yean, was detained today by local police because he did not have identification papers. Biggs, 45. does not carry Brazilian identification papers because the Government has
    UPI  -  73 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 It takes 162 separate operations to make the Rolex oyster case T«J Hong Hung (Pte.) Ltd. 324 North Bridge Road, opposite the Odeon Cinema "Ghost-face" or "Ant-nos»" money was used in Ch 'v in ancient Southern China v^^^nW^Hfe^^^-vv until 1122 BC. These /j|^BJ>Jg^ W copper pieces were fJUvi_^W .^BhH)/ Bs
      172 words
    • 210 1 RMTMaPTMi s^^^^^ EMUUM STORY TOLD IN BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS Pag« 5 ANOTHER Kissinger trip to Mid -hast? 2 SAIGON kicks oat two Western newsmen 3 MINISTER accused of telling lie 4 GBEEN light for S30m complex S SHIPYARDS: Lee's warning "timely" 7 STATE hockey player dies in attack 9
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 501 2 WASHINGTON. Mon Critics hit out at those Holystone missions by the US Navy pOR nearly 15 years, the US Navy has been using specially equipped electronic submarines to spy at times inside the five -kilometre (three-mile) limit of the Soviet Union and other nations.
      NYT  -  501 words
    • 292 2 Ford paving way for new M-East trip by K? WASHINGTON. Monday AMERICAN officials hope President Ford's four-nation European tour that starts on Wednesday will help revive step-by-step diplomacy in the Middle East Although Secretary ol State Dr. Henry Kissinger told reporters on Saturday that a Geneva conference on the Middle
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    • 212 2 TED: WHY U.S. FOREIGN POLICY FAILED NEW YORK. Mon. Senator Edward Kennedy, whe has said he will not seek the Democratic Presidential nomination npxt year. said yesterday the "lack of a humanitarian concern has been the principal failure of Us foreign policy in recent times." In an Interview with Newsweek
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    • 53 2 NEW YORK. Hob. linger Frank Sinatra has cancelled a concert In West Berlin tonight because of hostility there towards hint, his New York agents announced. The statement said there had been repeated rumours he might be attacked or kidnapped, and concern over adequate security for him had caused
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 47 2 LOS ANGELES. Man. Pour people are still being sought here after the breakup of a multi-million dollar > iDlen alrrlane ticket operation, authorities said yesterday. The nationwide black market tldut ring was .■in ashed last Saturday with the arreat of 17 people —AP.
      AP  -  47 words
    • 150 2 Soviet bow to demands over war games DUBLIN, Mon. Russia has yielded to Western demands for advance warning of all major military manoeuvres, so bringing nearer long planned summer talks on European security The surprise accord was disclosed by delegates attending a Dublin conference ot European Common Market foreign ministers.
      AP  -  150 words
    • 31 2 JAKARTA. Mon. Indian President Pakhruddln All Ahmed arrived In Indonesia today for a six-day visit aimed at promoting cloter relations between the two major Asian co uc trie*.— AP.
      AP  -  31 words
    • 54 2 MARTHA Watson, of Los Angeles, a member of the American track and field team competing in China, joins a group of children to pose for a photo- graph during a trip to the Groat Wall on Sunday. The American athletes hive shown all-round superiority over
      AP  -  54 words
    • 162 2 LONDON, Mon. Prime Minister Harold Wilson was asked yesterday to Investigate whether America's Central Intelligence Agency is secretly financing a movement to keep Britain In the European Common Market. The request came from several opponents of Britain's membership in the nine-nation economic community
      AP  -  162 words
    • 65 2 PALO ALTO (California), Mon. An American woman who wants to marry a Russian artist says her Imprisoned boyfriend Is headed for trial In Moscow on charges of spreading antiSoviet propaganda wilh his works. "It boka very bad for him." said Charlotte Dalgle. who was thrown
      AP  -  65 words
    • 63 2 New look by order LONDON. Mon. I Ugandan President Idi Amln has announced that his Cabinet has approved a new formal attire for Ugandan men a long-sleeved safari suit with a neckacarf bearing the Ugandan coat of arms and a shoulder badge tearing the name of Uganda. He said the
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 132 2 'CHINA TOP OIL EXPORTER BY 1980s' I¥,'ASHINGTON, Mon. TV China has the potential to become a mijor exporter of oil by 19-M). Senator Hubert Humphrey said today. The Minnesota Demomt. chairman of the Congressional Joint Bcon( mlc Committee, said he was basing his statement on a report prepared for the
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 54 2 WASHDJOTON, Mon Paying tribute to the nations war dead on Memorial Day. President Ford mid that "as long as there are lavbreakers in the world, we must have the strength and the resolve to stand up for what I. light." "It Is the price we have
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 605 2 ?£sSwiCE Movement B^P^^^gJ^^J J Y^^^B^ B^ (vSSjiV^^^ Take just one Hicee every day \^y/ ar) d you have joined the 'resistance to colds' movement with fringe benefits of improved health and vitality. Each Hicee sweetlet is equal in Vitamin C to 10 fresh oranges. Tastes delicious, the whole family should
      605 words
    • 151 2 CASHEWNUTS /J W% W£: p] MH Sffl Zm SSST I": K .00% pu,. corn*,. ,j~ J -56.80 ISV4 $170 Jumbo-Size cashewnuts Yacht Brand Horu M«xkw« hi «»a a* cookina oil 2 kas -24 00 TonutoS«Kt 10 n SOSS 160 gm can plus 50 gm pack c™l, Ds.aiss.iiM. 12 $100 Art**
      151 words

    • 445 3 PRG 'get out two foreign writers SAIGON. Monday JWO Western journalists were yesterday expelled from South Vietnam, the first foreign newsmen to be ordered to leave since the Vietcong took over Saigon on April 30. They were Mr. Matt Franjola, an American correspondent for the Associated Press, and Mr Jean
      Reuter; AP  -  445 words
    • 172 3 LONDON. Mon—Christian clergymen in South Korea last nldht in a television programme screened here renewed charges that the Government was using torture against dissidents trying to preserve human rights. Several of those Interviewed in the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) programme said they were
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 27 3 LONDON. Mon Britain's television programmes were disrupted today by a lock-cut of technicians workIng for mot comrmrcial channels because of a pay dispute. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 29 3 LONDON. Mon. The Shah of Iran has ordered 1.200 Chieftain tanks worth arout £150 m.1.10n iE5784.5 million) from Britain, informed sources said here tcday. -Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 70 3 OENEVA, Mon. The executive committee of the International Air Tr a n sport Association (l ATA) today expressed concern at Inadequate safety measures at some international airports. In a statement issued here, the committee repeated a call for strict screening of airline passengers and their hand baggage,
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 28 3 FORT LOUIS (Mauritius). Mon. All private secondary colleges resumed normal classes today after a fourday close down following massive student strikes and riots lsat week.— AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 56 3 DUBLIN. Mon. Rioting broke out yestrrday In the maximum security prison at PurtlaoU*. MS km (60 miles) aouth of here, when Irish Republican Army prisoners refused to allow prison guards to search their clothing A Justice Department statement said a number or prison officers, policemen and prisoners
      56 words
    • 36 3 PARK. Mon. Thar* will be no French newspapers tomorrow because of a, M-hour strike by printing workers in protest against an attempt to publish popular French daily in BaltiiT.. union leadera said today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 164 3 HONGKONG. Monday "VORTH Vietnam said today a cargo of valu--11 able Vietnamese art treasures discovered aboard a refugee ship which anchored In Guam must be returned to Vietnam. The treasures are estimated to be worth US$l5O million <***** 5 million). They were found aboard the
      AP  -  164 words
    • 57 3 WITH a Vietcong soldier looking on with an amused smile. South Vietnamese youths in Saigon go through clothes discarded by foimer Saigon troops before their surrender. The disintegration of the army led form r President Duong Van Minn to surrender Sairon result., t in victory
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    • 46 3 BEIRUT (Lebanon). Mon. —Syria closed file Iraqi Consulate In Aleppo and ordered Its personnel home within three days, the Iraqi News Agency reported last night. The Syrian move was communicated to the Iraqi ambassador In Damascus without giving reasons, it said. AP.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 370 3 LCNDON. Mon RUNAWAY British politician John Stonehouse was quoted by the mass circulation Dally Mirror yesterday as saying he was a fraud. According to the newspaper. Mr. Stonehouse said In a Melbourne hotel that before his disappearance (rim a beach In Miami. Florida,
      Reuter  -  370 words
    • 146 3 Orbiting space lab 'in fine fettle' MOSCOW, Monday 'TWO Soviet cosmonauts today reported that a Russian orbiting laboratory launched last December was still functioning well after more than three months In automatic flight around the earth. The cosmonauts, Pyotr Klimuk and V Italy Sevastlanov, boarded the laboratory, Sal y v
      Reuter  -  146 words
    • 73 3 BRISTOL. Mon. Onelegged Bill Chapman accepted eagerly when a girl he picked up In a tavern sug gexted they go to his apartment and have a bath together. Chapman, 49. a hotel worker hurriedly stripped, took off hla leg and went to run the bath.
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 110 3 'BIG TWO CONFLICT LIKELY' HONGKONG. Mon. China ha* aa_d that the intensive rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union would ultimately result in armed conflict between the two superpowers, the New China News Agency reported today. The agency, monitored here, was quoting a ■peach the Chinese ViceJpremier U
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 271 3 Mekong to be cleared of sunken ships OANOKOK. Mon. Cambodia is trying to clear the Lower Mekong River, one of its I main supply routes, of I about 100 merchant ships sunk during this years Khmer Rouge offensive, Rad'o Phnom Penh said today. The boats were sunk between the start
      Reuter  -  271 words
    • 126 3 'Cuban-style govt not wanted in Portugal' PARIS, Mon. Portu--1 fruese Socialist Party leader Mario Soares said In an Interview published today that the Portuguese did not want a communist dictatorship or a Cuban-style regime. Dr. Soarea told the left-wing magazine L* Nouvel Observateur lv an Interview that hla party remained
      Reuter  -  126 words
    • 143 3 BELFAST. Mon. Northern Ireland today faced a growing political controversy over a report, denied by the British Government, that it had been agreed to withdraw British troops. The claim was made yesterday by the Rev. William Arlow. one of the clergymen responsible for negotiating the pre-
      Reuter  -  143 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 89 3 I II k-^jMHIi 11 11 1 il h Pt^^^^^^^Bl Kill KV-18O1ES A console typ* with a dlinlfl«d walnut finished cabinet. Trinitron 4O^ A SONY COLOR TV «T M_W%Wm DOWN I 24 MONTHS MOL)fcL PAYMENT (PER MONTH) ~KV-1801ES $280 $68 XV 1802ES $260 $67 IKY 1803ES[~ $300 $70 •Price based on
      89 words
    • 281 3 snciuom* Tuesday 27th May to 2nd June 1975 1100% Thai Rice 8,10 Bi Hoon chna aor DOUBLE SWALLOW 500 9. U.Q J Cordials cc Jumbo Size 0.00 Ribena With Sampling Econ. Size 5.55 Cream Of Chicken "T.. CAMPBELL'S U.S.A. 304g. Q./b Corned Beef 0 CA IMPERIAL 340g. Z.dU Al Mackerel
      281 words

    • Briefs
      • 36 4 MEXICO CITY, Mon. At least 15 people were injured, some seriously, when someone yelled "fire" In a crowded theatre yesterday and the audience fled for the exits In a panic. Authorities said there was no fire.
        36 words
      • 20 4 HONGKONG: A fivemember Thai parliamentary group, led by Mr. Pichai Rattkul of the Thai Democrat I.Party, arrived In Canton yesterday.
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      • 31 4 MOSCOW: The Soviet oil industry today revealed plans to boost the flagging oli production of the fields in the Caspian Sea by SO to 100 per cent within the near future.
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      • 27 4 BUENOS AIRES: The Argentine army has broken its silence in operations in northern Tucuman province, citing 350 guerillas either killed, wounded or arrested in 14 weeks.
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      • 18 4 DACCA: Bangladesh and Yugoslavia last night signed a six-year agreement to co-operate in education, science, sports and culture.
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      • 31 4 MADRID: Setbacks for Spanish foreign policy and a tense situation in the Basque region today overshadowed celebrations of tbe 36th anniversary of Generalissimo Francisco Franco's victory in the civil war. —Agencies.
        Agencies  -  31 words
    • 151 4 Rape: When the shock is more severe riHICAGO Mon. v* Women raped by men they know suffer greater psychological damage than those raped by stransrers. according to a University of lUlnoLs Medical School sociologist. "It Is certainly not surprising that when a woman is raped by a man whom she
      AP  -  151 words
    • 140 4 ROME, Mon. A senior official at the Italian Merchant Navy Ministry said Uxu.y action to defuse what has been described as a "poison time bomb" lying 100 metres (300 feet) deep In the Adriatic off the Cape of Otranto would be taken In good
      Reuter  -  140 words
    • 466 4 SURPRISING CLAIM, SAYS HEALEY LONDON, Monday CHANCELLOR of the Exchequer Denis Healey has indirectly accused a Cabinet colleague, Industry Minister Tony Benn, of not Idling the truth in tbe referendum campaign on whether Britain should stay in the Common Market. The Chancellor's statement, released
      Reuter  -  466 words
    • 69 4 TIJUANA. Mm. Matador Adrian Romero wa« gored In the thigh yesterday a* be tried to place six-Inch bandertllaj on a bull he wu preparing to kill before 10.000 fan* at B Toreo De Tijuana. Hoono, S3. was Hated In serious condition following surgery at a nearby
      69 words
    • 53 4 OENXVA. Moo Modifications to older <*ta to reduce their notae level had proved to be a. failure, the executive commiuee of the International Air Transport AaocUUort (lATAi Bald hare todar. Arter a two-day meetlnc the committee uld the costly modifications had not reduced take-off noise but Incremwd
      53 words
    • 314 4 Four-power pact urged for Korean stability TOKYO. Monday DROFESSOR Zbigniew Brzezinski, a profesK sor at Columbia University in New York, today proposed four-power arrangements to maintain stability on the Korean peninsula In the aftermath of the conflicts in Indochina. Speaking before a luncheon meeting held by the Foreign Correspondents Club
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 44 4 MOSCOW, Mon. A firing squad has executed a high business official convicted of taking bribes from a foreigner. Soviet sources said yesterday. The sources said the widow of Yuri Sosnovsky was Informed about the execution after it had taken place UPI
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 264 4 Freedom flight after release by abductors KIDNAPPED American girl, Barbara Smuts (right) wa ka to a waiting plane at Klgo m a, Tanzania. helped by a student girlfriend. One of four students kidnapped last week. aha was released by her kidnappers on Sunday with sealed messages. The others were two
      Reuter; AP  -  264 words
    • 26 4 VIENNA, Mon. North Korean President Kirn living ended a five-day visit to Rumania today after signIng a long-term treaty of friendship and co-operation. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
    • 181 4 PARIS, Monday "MEW Zealand's economic outlook for 1975 is 11 less favourable than a year ago, with its foreign reserves considerably reduced and its major trading partners' general prospects very uncertain, according to a report issued today. I The report, a survey of New Zealand's
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 34 4 MOSCOW. Mon. Queen Margrtthe of Denmark arrived In Leningrad today to become the flm reigning Western monarch to make a state vWt to the Soviet Union since the 1917 communist revolution. Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 54 4 FO«T MORESBY, Mon. About IX* university and eetlep students today protested again** Government decision to invite Qaeea P'«n»i4h to become Head of State, Police amid the atoetouts barrteaded roads, diverted traffic Into the Port Moresby and argwed with poNce In an atUnipi to iala tap port
      54 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 8 4 IHI /jA i^a»)« t $JXbl* Jatfl&&k '"^sßß^^ttC *1V
      8 words
    • 69 4 Relieve painful piles fast with Varemoid The active ngredwrt n Varemoid acts on the cause of the problem of pies (haemorrexds) quKWy and effectively This results n rapid relief of vifldmmation and pan It also stops Weednn and suppresses it crung It s recommendetaj to admnsasr Vbremad tablets over a
      69 words

  • 1726 5  -  LESLIE FONG Flight from a homeland turned communist By The night their boat almost didn't make it... fHE story of the thousands upon thousands of Vietnamese refugees who fled their homeland is written in blood, sweat and tears. It is the story of
    1,726 words
  • 209 5 Mlnh. 48. headmaster of a small high school, made up his mind to nee two weeks before Saigon fell on April 30. Still, despite having more time to prepare for escape, he could not arrange for his two brothers and two sisters and
    209 words
  • 151 5 HPHE Singapore Police will conduct harbour tours for children of the lower-Income group* and those living in rural and outlying areas on June 4 and 5 to mark the annual Police Week. Selection of the children, aged between 10 and 14 years, will be carried out
    151 words
  • 28 5 SIX policemen were treated a* out-patlenu at Toa Payoh Hoepttal after tbelr vehicle studded and crashed Into a lamp-port at Loroog 7 T» Payoh. yesterday.
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  • 63 5 rB People's Association Choir Is recruiting part-time choir members. Applicant* will have to undergo an audltlou test. Vocal training .teutons will be held twice a week from 730 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. Transport allowance will be provided. Those Interested can obtain application form* from the People's
    63 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 427 5 INTRODUCING A NEW WORD: J^^HmiillhuW JOANNEDREW^W/WTOASUJviYDUTnTUI FIGURE WITHOUT BACK-BREAKING EXERCISE. What's wrong with exercise? Cleaning up a 4-letter word: Diet M It's not what we've got against exercise Gone are the days of slowty "starving to death" After much research, A j It's the time and energy it takes, which
      427 words
    • 120 5 Agfa/mas Pop Colour Cassette Contest WIN THREE mas return TICKETS! PLUS $500 IN CASH TO Sj EACH WINNER £v] VERYSIMPLE TO ENTER I contest message is pre-recorded I r in the special cassette Iff contained in the 4-pack Lw special offer carton. Q|j^^pS| Listen to the mystery ♦o jj*» message
      120 words

  • 208 6 Trishaw parking angers residents of HDB flats TUIISHAWB are poslnc a X »rofcas— to residents and motorists In Boasinc Board estates 6eraase of Irresponsible parking by the owners and riders. T Kj! elli ?i e «a«stn« obstruction in estates. Many of them park atom corridors on the c rosuid lloor.
    208 words
  • 52 6 I Two new Bills FINANCS aOnlster sfr. Bon But Bsn will Introduce a new Bill at Uw next sitting of Parliament to amend tiw awnM^nfr arprnrtiTn Id* centlvee (Relief man Income Tax) Bill Social Affairs MUUrter toetk Ottoman Wok will table an Administration of MkuMsi Lew (Amendment) Bin at the
    52 words
  • 247 6 Green light for $30 m complex JJBBANISATION in Singapore is 1 spreading further into the suburban I districts with the National Development Ministry "green light" for the first modern project to go up in the Bukit Timah satellite town. To be called the Buklt Tlmah Shopping Centre, the over $30
    247 words
  • 108 6 HOTEL EXTENSION PLANS SHELVED Tif ANDARIN Hotel has l shelved Its plans to add another 500 rooms. Ojue to economic reasons, but will reconsider It "when the time is right." The hotel, which was opened in 1973, now has 700 rooms. The original plans called for a total of 1.200
    108 words
  • 85 6 THE owners of the giant bulk carrier. Iron Parlcgate, In which IS a>en were killed during a fire on board last December at Jurong Shipyard, have renamed the vessel the Nordic Trader. A spokesman for CF. Sharp and Co. the local agents, yesterday confirmed this.
    85 words
  • 42 6 SASIDIRAN bin Wuylo. M. pleaded guilty In a magistrate's court yesterday to entering the compound of Ansuk Base, a protected place, without a pasi last Saturday at about 7 40 p.m. HU caae was postponed to today.
    42 words
  • 89 6 A YOUTH was charged 1 In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday with Importing 20 kilograms of raw opium In a car at the Woodlands Customs checkpoint last Friday at atout 9 30 p.m. Urn Bwee Tsck. I*. MtJaystan. dented the chargeMr. R. VaWyanaiaaxi. prosecuting, ottered
    89 words
  • 313 6 BIRD stealing Is on the increase In Singapore because of the growing popularity of bird keeping and breeding as a past-time. The thieves Include bird lovers who cannot afford the high cost of rare birds and common thieves who steal to cash In
    313 words
  • 69 6 A MAN wo Oned a about 11.65 pjn. total of $320 by the The court beard that First Magistrate. Court Mohatned was found yesterday on two charges lying down In front of of being drunk and In- the restaurant, capable, plus overstay- A
    69 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
      332 words
    • 363 6 aTfVT!!^!aT' l -^^^B LAST DAY! B| I"OA,LY SHOWS AT ,IAM. m" VoO^TlViJf^l IJT 4.00. 4.454 »JOfM 1 30. 4 JO. *Ai t t J»fM-M A FUNN^SL O» THI "Saj-ffffal SSI SBARB» SWUM ft UN COtOt) (tOiOaSCOM)MANDAI>IN g HI THEJffsB JMM'iiiMt'ii/.iTiWiß asaaaSaSMV laaha-aa a^Bh r>AV OMNS TOMoaaow? bailvlsmows ATija ■aTTINTION ALLCHILDKIN.
      363 words
    • 928 6 l *BaaSBß»»aa^«Vaß»:af4iiSß»«>aV*>">iaaMß«a»V«>BV« ySPpat— ~»W i murm hk wbme mm cum »*•«•"<« J A 6RAMD CHAKI MLM rKcMitsYc i ORCAMiSATinM UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF I MH.i.mmiTlsl THE SENIOR PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY I mowimowTmb" MINISTRY Of SOCIAL AFFAIRS I v—. i«. *m *as, rll m CHAW BS WC i &'*a«» I Ml
      928 words

  • 389 7 Yards: Lee's pay warning 'timely' J^OCAL shipbuilders and repairers yesterday described Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's warning that wage bills and repairing costs in Singapore shipyards should remain lower than those of comparably located competitors as "realistic and timely." The Prime Minister gave the warning at the opening of the $50
    389 words
  • 55 7 ASP for US course MR. LEE Kirn Hock, an assistant superintendent of police, will attend a trafflc administration course at the National Trafflc Management Institute. Central Missouri State University, United States from June 4 to Aug. 14 The course provides specialised training In advanced police management for law enforcement officers
    55 words
  • 143 7 THE Communications Minuter. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin. will officiate at the opening of the two-day South-East Asia Shipping Conference at Shangri-La Hotel on June 19. Mr. Yong, In his opening address, will discuss the Government's policy on the snipping Industry. The conference is
    143 words
  • 43 7 THE seminar on foreign exchange for manufacturers and businessmen, which Is being organised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, on June 7 and 8. will be held at the RBLC and not at BIA building aa reported in yesterday's Straits Times.
    43 words
  • 226 7 When the bric-a-brac can become things of beauty... LITTLE things mean a lot and Mrs. Iwen Tan, a highest degree holder of the Sogetsu art of Japanese floral arrangement demonstrates Just how they can fee put to graceful and effective uae. Dried stems, wayside flowers, tea leaves, banana leaves, rattan
    CHRISTOPHER LOH  -  226 words
  • 144 7 Buddhists pay homage to spiritual leader A BUNCH of Sowers clasped In hi) hand-., Buddhist monk. Von. Seek Hong Choon. bowed before a portrait of Lord Buddha thus leading some 5,000 Buddhists In celebrating Vesak Day at the National Theatre on Sunday. The flowers symbollshed the Buddhist philosophy that nothing
    144 words
  • 278 7 100,000 cross Causeway for the Vesak holiday riTHE c"ouble-hollday fol•l lowing Vesak on Sunday saw at least 100.000 Singaporeans leave their homes In the city to cross the Causeway and spend the festive time In West Malaysia. The peak day was on Sunday, when an estimated 55.000 people crossed the
    278 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 913 7 f Comes T| in all 1 Lcolours j jfi9Jai9fl|^Bßßßßts^ '"V Mr should apply for w an American Express CarcL* Read eight of the ways an American sls^gs^B Is^gggtsß gs^ggfM gsssssls>H «sssH»>^si gsssssssssß g^gsßM Express Card can take the worry out of A travel. pS|S] Application How it can save you
      913 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 321 7 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS to give Rirl a tranquilliser 1 Dilutes fruity content of (2. 7>. book (9. 4). 7 Awful rows at last mran 10 Boy having to pretend defeat <S). to get the cloth (9). 8 Odd men spt to lake part fl Leave car with one in
      321 words

  • Especially Women
    • 66 8 Suits to suit Girl Friday THE efficient Girl x Friday must dress to suit her Image •mart, proper and elegant. She can't pirouette into the office in swirling chfffon or stride in wearing sloppy Jeans. Suits seem to suit her best, as you can see here. Angela (extreme right) and
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    • 1012 8  -  MEI-LIN CHEW Dy gE WARY, when the children are at home, if an unexpected silence falls over the house. It may mean trouble. Like the day when grandma Mrs. Tan was alone at home with her four-year-old grandson. There appeared to be an unusual air of
      1,012 words
    • 121 8 wOST Japanese husJrl band* are afflicted with nagging wives who give them no rest even on holidays, according to a recent private survey conducted by an Interior decorating firm In Kobe. "Why uont you stop loafing and take me out?" v the demand most husbands hear from their
      121 words
    • 53 8 Lemon juice for your hair HALF a cut of whu vinegar of the juici of a large lemon can add a shine to your hair, and highlight it Just poor the vinegar or lemon Juice ontn the scalp for the final rinse after shampooing. The formula is also good for
      53 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 297 8 this washer this washer handles up to handles up to 8-1kg(18lbs) 1-Ikg(2V 2 lbs) of heavy of light laundry laundry, saves r~ 2 M<m\m\v time and up to 70 iro electricity L^Dr^-«!B- SX^BTf it's the same washer! «>^f^Mß«^B^a^aß \Jt ?sS^* ff"^ f (it tB 'l^L^lßß a^a^^^ i a^a^aba^ 11^1* WUMmI
      297 words
    • 132 8 KIMBERLEY t Mhouse oTcosmeticsM i (t^ OUTDOOR GIRL I I BEAUTY EAR by Area Beautician, Miss Mary Hang l\mm\ 12 noon 8 p.m. Date: May 27- 31,1975 Outdoor Girl Super Special Offer 2 forth* price of 1: Matt* Shadow and Shadow Stick Usual Pnce Spooa Pnc« S2 25 «UB
      132 words

    • 93 9 IPOH, Mon A MOTHER and her three children were struck by lightning at Kampunr Niponr in the Padanr Gajah area about 35 km (22 miles) from here yesterday after- noon Madam Beh Kool Nal, 43, and her son Goh Lai Hock, 13, were killed. Her
      93 words
    • 170 9 Factory locks out workers after go-slow- If UAL A LUMPUR, Mon. The Electrical Industries Workers Union will meet the management of Sanyo Industries Bhd. at the Ministry of Labour and Manpower tomorrow in an attempt to resolve the lockout at the company's factory in Kamunting. Workers of the factory started
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    • 62 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Bread vendors here and In Petallng Jaya today agreed to absorb a half-cent reduction :n commlrslon for a 41b. loaf while commissions for standard and smaller loaves remain the unw. The price of a standard loaf has been reduced by two cents
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    • 50 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The proposed Workers Bank will start operations In the city centre within three months. Arrangements are underway tc renovate the premises which, according to acting MTUC secretary general. Enclk Yahaya Mohamed All lo In the "heat of the banking sector of Kuala Lumpur."
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    • 300 9 Japan fears over Suez opening ITU ALA LUMPUR, Mon. Japanese shipbuilders are worried that the reopening of the Suez Canal next month will result in a loss of orders, according to a report on the shipbuilding industry. released here today. The report on shipbuilding and ship-repairing was presented to the
      300 words
    • 219 9 SEREMBAN, Monday Sembilan hockey player Le&w Yin Foh, 21, died at the General Hospital here early today after he was attacked by a group of youths armed with Pour others, also state players S. Subramanlam, 20, a technician in Senawang; See Man Teng. 22,
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    • 84 9 TIPS THAT WENT INTO THE WRONG POCKETS KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. For 30 workers of the Lee Wong kee Garden Restaurant in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the $2,700 in tips was the highest collection for the week. But as they waited for the share-out yesterday, two gunmen, both wearing crash helmets,
      84 words
    • 53 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A social security expert Jrom the International Labour Organisation flew In here yesterday to look Into the [osslblllty of Malaysia hosting a Mmposium, on Rural population aspect* of social security. He Is Dr. T.I. Mathew--.. Chief of Social Security at the ILO regional
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    • 31 9 PENANO. Mon. A group of toclal workers and professionals has set up a protem committee to look Into the posslblity of establishing a therapeuticcentre for drug addicts In Penang.
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    • 93 9 Selayang polls: Front names candidate KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Forty-five Umno branches in the Selayang division today unanimously accepted Wanlta MCA national chairman, Mrs. Rosemary Chong, as the National Front candidate for the Selayang parlamentary byelection. The decbv'on was made at a special nutting of branch committee members chaired by Selangor
      93 words
    • 54 9 BUTTERWORTH. lion. Price* of MaculU will not drop despite the recent fivecent decrease In the price of flour. "This la because the cheaper flour price hu been offset by the 10 centa a k«U Increase In cufir." chairman of the North Malaya Biscuit* Manufacturers Association. Mr. Tan
      54 words
    • 69 9 IPOH, Mon. About 3,000 people of Lanfkap today staged a two-hoar anti-commu-nist terrorist demonstration which started with a rally on the town padanf and ended with a procession through the town of about 5,50*. OrjanUed by the Lanfkap Local Council, the demonstration was to denounce the murder
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 Have a Superflight to London Four each week taking you the fastest way-only 15^ hours m i Fly to London any day of the week with British Airways-the only airline that flies one-stop. In addition, we offer you 3 two-stop B^^V^ flights, and a choice of VCIO or 747. All
      164 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 326 10 WHILE population control is a national priority, the findings of a Singapore University senior lecturer underline a disturbing deficiency in our family planning educational programme. Up to now the family planning campaign has been mainly directed—and rightly so at married adults. If the objectives of a twochild family
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    • 277 10 rpHE AMERICAN evacuation from Laos was Inevitable after their ejection from Cambodia and South Vietnam last month. The circumstances are not as dramatic, but they are traumatic enough. On the face of it, the Americans are being forced to leave by student demonstrations staged by Laotians American
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    • 202 10 TT IS very distressing to keep on seeing photographs in the press of accidents between vehicles where passengers have either been killed or injured. These photographs do serve a purpose In brlnßuur to peoples' minds the need for careful and
      202 words
    • 159 10 rpHE banning of skating X by the Housing and Development Board on open ground floors under the flati is somewhat unfair and un. ustlfled. The reasons given are that complaints have been received, from residents, of the skates spoilIng the floors and causing noise. It is said that children should
      159 words
    • 84 10 rE Singapore Association for the Blind seems to have overlooked the tape recorder as a means of helping the blind to obtain higher education (Sun. T., May 18). It should be no problem getting a sighted Dorson to record lecture notes or books on tape, and these recordings are easily
      84 words
  • 934 10  - Pathet Lao now turn the Americans F.H. MARKS By Vientiane THE prospect of a communist Pathet Lao soldier telling a lIS Air Force captain to shut up would have been unthinkable as little as a year ago, but it happened over the weekend in this Laotian capital which has slowly
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  • 1092 10  - Shipowners still cautious over security of Suez LIONEL WALSH NINE MORE DAYS TO THE REOPENING OF THE CANAL... By London THE reopening of the Suez Canal Thursday week is bound to have a major impact on world commerce and shipping as confidence in the security of the waterway builds up.
    Reuter  -  1,092 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1 10 mmKtm
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    • 503 10 STAMFORD CENTRE Full Time and Par t Time course s leading to Recognised Professional Qualifications ADMISSIONS 1975 fACCOUMTANCYI f SECRETARIAL 1 The only recognised STUDIES centre in Singapore LCC/S'amford Centra for ACA full-time p.ptoma m p- vxt Sacrataryihip Students on* year course. Recognised lull- Internationally validated time course (or intern*
      503 words

  • Business Times
    • 236 11 rpOKYO: Result* for the A six months ended March 1975 announced by most Japanese city banks showed increased profits from foreign exchange operations, banking sources said. Dailchi Kangyo Bank, the largest Japanese bank in terms of deposits, said profits from foreign exchange operations
      236 words
    • 1332 11  - Why convertibles are more expensive than they appear JOEL STERN By RISK MAP 4«* OJI itant COSTi 10% 12% 11% H% t MfM numrtW cmpw rU** 6>->6t>4 jUU anticipate ytoM pr«« iwr«Ml 12% star* pot* ■paihaH THE two most popular reasons given for issuing convertible loan stock (CLS) are that
      1,332 words
    • 157 11 HONGKONG: Hutchison International's plan to raise HKSI7B million through a rights issue Is almost certain to depress the stock market here, broking sources said. However, the issue of three new shares for five at par is expected to be taken up. It is
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 46 11 FOR the year ended March 1975, estimated net after-tax profits of Sungei Best were £635.--000 compared with £535--000 in the previous year. It is paying a second interim dividend of 3.88Mp making a total of 5 8857p for the year against 5.5p previously.
      46 words
    • 41 11 AFTER-TAX profits at Tronoh Mines last year rose to £1.53 million from £423.000 In 1973 on turnover of £6.63 million against £3.48 million previously. The company has paid total dividends of 4.02p compared with 2.975p last time,
      41 words
    • 188 11 LOCKHEED Aircraft estimates that Its total pre-tax profits in the next two years will reach at least US$2l" million. These hopes are based on Us lan?e tax credits, a steeo cut In Interest rates and significant sales from proerammes other than the L-1011 Tristar. Banqne Natlonale de Paris is
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 313 11 PIPES& PIPELINES FOR POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS, GAS, SEWERAGE A INDUSTRIAL SERVICES. mmmr VmtVV *SJ| BB^m^BBTI.^BV 'nkrTA^V jBI bl gyrr ••■■art* if^ ■■fjka^kt^^p^fklHfkl BbYbBV^L^BBhI ■^■^▲■eV.^b^flß^B^l B^B^B^BBMbWSBt^B^B^BtS 1 WE FABRICATE, SUPPLY STOCK:- (1) Cast Iron Pipes to B S 1211 19^8. BS 4622 1973 and fittings to BS 2035 and 78. TYTON
      313 words
    • 431 11 mBHhH ■JHBBBJBBj IaBBBBJ BBBBBBBBJ^BtJ I ""Cfcrf^gWTTl Wd B^B^BB BY I ■Ifltßll 3A J^^^^^H n I°"^ run jjl m I^^^^^^H r^w 1 I we have to care about V Kaflßß^^^V more n r^oney. Til Lpß WtmWMkWmW >' ftw^Bmm^mmmmWm H wfl m\\mSmT W Jm\ All banks care about money Were IBJ. Japans
      431 words

  • 127 12 TED Bates Singapore has Just launched a marketing services division which will offer complete services covering product and market analysis, compilation of detailed marketing programmes, test marketing and product development. Another section of the division provides a wide variety of ancilliary services such as seminars, sales
    127 words
  • 681 12  -  SOH SIAM LOH By WHO are the big spenders in town? Last week I did some shopping around for this information ana came up not surprisingly with the fact that the bulk comes from neighbouring countries like Indonesia and the Philippines. The occasional wealthy
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  • 144 12 SEALING a first for Singapore's mailfcagt is a colourful, multi-fold lettercard by Singapore House of Wax in a novel promotion of its wax personalities. The lettercard. depittIng figures from the well figured Rag v c I Welch to the Master of Horror himself, Frankenstein, doubles as
    144 words
  • 330 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS The New York Stock Exchange has elected Mr. John J. Phelan Jr., senior partner ol Phelan, Silver, vicechairman of Its board. He succeeds Mr. Donald. F. Began, chairman oi Merrill Lynch, who served three years as vice chairman and chose not to seek re-election thl> year. Mr.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 290 12 Now you can keep your assets liquid and still achieve a handsome yield. Up until now, one of the few secure ways of achieving a good return on big investments has meant tying up valuable capital for extended periods... up until now. Introducing Negotiable Singapore Dollar Certificates 01 UGpOSII* With
      290 words
    • 274 12 Lml* A Lvefl e^l w r -^1 51 AmW m Mat >l -M M MODEL AngeU Banks shows off over S2».ott worth of gold chains, bracelets, rings and pendants at the 'Le Mast de Cartier Boutiqu*' in Singapore. Australian Electrical Equipment onDisplay KSSi W Jtk m± I Australia is a
      274 words

    • 374 13 US to introduce sweeping reforms in the securities industry WASHINGTON: Legislation ordering sweeping reforms in the struc- ture and regulation of the securities in- dustry received final I Con g r e ssional approval last week and was sent to the White House for the Presi- J dent's signature. Four
      374 words
    • Company news for the week ended May 23 compiled
      • 153 13 Companies Year to Pre Tax Profit/Low <L) Earnings* C000) Dividends* Allied Choc. Esso Eu Yan Sang LeongHuat Matsushita OC.B.C. Pan Elect. PMC I'MRI S E.S Shell Tan Chong Motor Dec. 74 Dec 74 Dec. 74 Dec. 74 Dec 74 Dec 74 Dec. 74 Dec 74 Mar 75 b
        153 words
      • 63 13 Companies Half-year ProflwXoiVr o!?idendi tO IMHII National Industries Jan 75 5J225 (S$ll5)L (Nil) Kemayan Oil Palm: Scrip Issue two-for-three. capitalising MSS million Pan Electric Industries: Scrip Issue one-for-10, capitalising 551, 758 676 Irengganu Development Management: To Issue 4.062.500 MSI. 11% Convertible unsecured loan stocks 1975/79 at par on
        63 words
      • 192 13 Haw Par Brother* International has sold Its wholly owned subsidiary. Tiger Properties, to Tong Holdings for 559.25 million CMft) Khong Guan Holding! Malaysia has disposed all its 50.000 shares in Vegetable Oil Industries (Malaysia) for M 5142.818. Malaysia Rice Industries has acquired 750.000 MSI shares, or 25 per
        192 words
    • Untitled
      • 294 13 HONGKONG, Mon. The market rallied to close with Might gains for the aav, brokers said. It o^ned sharply lower on new!. of the three-for-flve rights issue by Hutchiton International. Bargain buyers entered at the '.ower levels to bring prices higher in quiet jctive trading. Hutchison closed j round HKS2
        294 words
      • 31 13 Msnday Saturday utl UH Hongkong 172 40 ***** Spore ■2 > Closed 172.M8 Closed 174 ««8 <2> Average price Export prices In non-sterling ax*aa In V 8 dollars per ounce.
        31 words
      • 205 13 'TOKYO. Mon— The stock market cpsned a little firmer but eased by noon to clom weaker. In the morning, shipping muca such as Sanko Line. Japan Une and Nippon Yusen were bought. Speculative issues also advanced. The Dow Jones average tumbled 4«5« to 4.457.38 and the New index lost
        205 words
      • 281 13 cYDNEY. Mon. The stock J market closed on a generally steady to firm note, dealers .«aid 'I he Sydney All-Ordlnaiies index advanced 2.57 points to 372 41. Blip ended higher at AJ6BO after reaching S6.BS. In mining*. PaoconlinrnWl eand Queenatend Mines both declined. llanirrsley. Woodsldr-Bur-mab. PoM-tdon. CRA and Bougainville
        281 words
    • 584 13 linTH the Singapore !TT stock market once more on the skids, it seems hardly the time to bring a new issue to 1 market. However, those brave un. derwrlters the Development Bank of Singapore— which gave us National Iron and Steel Mills' convertible loan stock (to be converted into ordinary
      584 words
    • 193 13 LONDON: Reed Inter- I national, owner of the Dally Mirror, has enjoyed a 30 per cent rise In group pretax profits to £854 million in the year ended March 1975, on a sales increase of 32 per cent to £968.6 million. A final dividend of
      Reuter  -  193 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 606 13 .•aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafjfa^aajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafafaaaaaaj Appliconts ore invited for the following positions DEPUTY DOCKMASTER Qualifications A Holder of Master's Certificate; B At least 2 years experience as Master/ Navigation Officer on board Ship, C Understand English and Malay. Duties A Mooring shifting. Docking and undocking of big ships (VLCCs), B Ship maintenance and control
      606 words
    • 376 13 WANTED!!! 2 TOUGH MINDED AND DYNAMIC SALESMEN AND WOMEN A Prestigious and well established International Organisation which is expanding very rapidly invites 2 more salesmen and women to join our New Division. To qualify for selection, you must possess an appealing and forceful personality with enthusiastic working abilities, self-motivated, self-confidence
      376 words
    • 384 13 Jl .F^^^ m I we need You You know of our presence We are the youngest m our Republic with some of the most talented professionals We need fellow-professional 1) COPYWRITER 2) ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE 3) VISUALISER/F A ARTIST 4) ACCOUNTINC/ADMIN ASST If you have confidence in us as a do/en
      384 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 850 14 88 Sin Heng Chan M Berhad a leading and AMD well established manufacturer of animal JC% IHI feeds Invites applications from suitably IBi ■MB qualified Malaysian Citizens to fill in the flpC Applicants for the above post should M M possess post graduate level qualifications |v in animal nutrition or
      850 words
    • 470 14 GUTHRIE ENGINEERING (MALAYSIA) SON. BHD SALES EXECUTIVE (Electrical Communications Division Petaling Jaya) As part of our expansion programme, we are I seeking additional iales executive who is dynaI mic, conscientious and have high organizational I ability to develop a business plan, responsible I for the sales and marketing of communication
      470 words
    • 1138 14 CAREER OPPORTUNITY IN IBM I IBM Malaysia invites applications from Bumiputras for the following positions in our Office Products Division:— Technical Service Representative The Job: Servicing and maintaining electric typewriters, typesetting machine and copier machine Qualifications: Those who have attended Trade School or Technical (College with Electrical or Mechanical Engineering
      1,138 words
    • 1050 14 KEMAYAN OIL PALM BERHAD (INCORPORATED IN MALAYSIA) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at the Registered Office. 5E Foh Chong building, Jalan Ibrahim. Johore Bahru on Wednesday, 18th June, 1975 at 11.00 a m for the purpose of considering
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  • 488 15 Motoring— curbs: Keeping a close check fHE International Bank for Reconstruction and Development will continue to monitor closely the effects of Singapore's motoring restraints the area licensing and park-and-ride schemes and the future travel pattern The IBRD will also develop behavioural travel models which may provide a powerful predictive tool
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  • 97 15 Dale Carnegie Alumni Assn officials MR. Francis Eu was elected district governor of the Dale Carnegie Alumni Association at its annual meeting at Hotel Marco Polo. Other officials are: Deputy district governor Mr. Chong Kit Lin district secretary Mr Ronald Urn, district treasurer Miss Allison Ong. Brick Chapter representative* Mr
    97 words
  • 71 15 Brushing up on the latest skills TEE Singapore Institute of Management and the Australian Institute of Management will hold their Hth advanced management programme at Hotel Equatorial from July 20 to Auk. 1. The realdantlal programme alms at providing prmcUalng manaffcn wltlt the Ute»t knowledge, skill* and techniques in problem-solving.
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  • 33 15 MISS Chew Bwe« Choo of the Science Centre will give talk-cum-slde thorn on the Science Centre at Jurong. on r.iday at the Toa Payoh library lecture hall Admission U free.
    33 words
  • 586 15  -  BAILYNE SUNG By SINGAPORE urgently needs to develop a forward market in foreign exchange, according to Mr. Michael Wong Pakshong, managing director of the Monetary Authority of SingaI>ore (MAS). He said that unless this was done, manufacturers. Industrialists and traders would suffer
    586 words
  • 172 15 Man held after car rams six vehicles nOLICF early yesterday I arrested a man after a eat w», involved in a collision with six parked vehicles In Lorong One. Toa Payoh. Tbe man. who put no a violent straggle with a patrol ear crew, waa overpowered, hand. cuffed and whlsr/ed
    172 words
  • 45 15 POLICE on S a t v r day arrested a youth who threw away a cigarette box containing two knives along Ton Tuck Road. Four policemen were on patrol at 7 p.m. when they saw the youth throwing away •he cigarette box.
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  • 21 15 THE Singapore Polytechnic will hold Its annual Welcome Convention (or new students of 1975 at the National Theatre tomorrow.
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  • 282 15 f T-OEN. Chaveng Youngcharoen, leader of the 18-member delegation from the Royal Thai National Defence College said the team's four-day visit to Singapore had proved "very fruitful." He said his members were able "to gather much information" that would come In helpful fjr
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  • 45 15 THE First Lady. Mrs. Sheares. win attend a children's party to be held in conjunction with Police Week at the Police Academy gymnasium on June 7 at I am A total of 838 children from 16 welfare homes will attend the party
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 172 15 NYAL. Ascorbic Add VITAL VITAMIN C FOR HEALTHY GROWTH ANO RESISTANCE TO INFECTION Take Nyal Ascorbic Acid the vital Vitamin C for maintaining healthy bones, skin and body tissue, promoting growth and building resistance to respiratory infection. Vitamin Cis particularly essential for infants and fc^^ A?**ft growing children. For W
      172 words
    • 250 15 HOUSING LOANS? M^MmaflßMsW v Njl-Afaf*- .A X /*^^B m^mtT" V m^mtTF^ TT IT^mmW^ *^#Tl il I I I! I 1 I I f**^ Uk^U^a^^£^^^| flfl See Singapura Building Society today SBS provides Loans up to 80% of SBS valuation or selling price on houses and flats in housing estates accepted
      250 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 752 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.N Pi Opening and Family Time (English i 7* Jim Thomas Outdoor Repeat) 7* Nnrs (Matay) iM Diary of Events (English) 7.45 Sandiwara (Malay Drama) 3JS Zero One (KepeaO Ml **M» tutn nt J^ l 3.M Love is a Many Sp,endoured Thing S3« News
      752 words
    • 23 15 WATER consumption on Sanday ni 117.6 million rmllMM (SU.M* cubic metres), a drop •f SJ inii-k»n falloni (M.M* eybk metre* from Saturdmy't flfurc.
      23 words

  • 255 16 'Your wife and child are dead' shock for man A FATHER of four* was woken up by police yesterday morning and told that his wife and one of .his children were lying dead below their block of flats. Mr. Yeow Tlet Kwong 42. an optical goods dealer, learned that his
    255 words
  • 48 16 THE Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Dr. Goh Keng Bwee. will open the International Metalworker! Federation's (IMF) first Asian Shipbuilding Seminarhosted by the Pioneer Indu»trtes Employees Union (PIEU > and the Singapore Induxt* rial Labour Organisation (SILO) on Wednesday at the Singapore Conference Hall.
    48 words
  • 223 16 CUTTING BISCUIT AND DRY NOODLE PRICES BISCUIT and dry noodle D manufacturers will be asked to reduce the prices of their products since the prices of flour and cooking oil have gone down recently. This was disclosed yesterday by a spokesman of the Singapore Provision Shops Friendly Association following its
    223 words
  • 84 16 A 54-YEAR-OLD man Is now helping police In their Investigations Into the death of lorry driver A. Arunachalam, who was beaten to death at Pulau Saigon Road on Sunday night According to the nolle*. Arunachalam. was seen drinking with a man at about 8.50
    84 words
  • 201 16 The two 'selfish' landlords of Jurong rE Minister of State (Communications). Mx. Chai Ctaonr YU, has hit out at two "selfish* landlords for refusing to allow a road to be built In Loronc 2. J■r o n g BoasJ Be said other landlords and quarry owners in the area had
    201 words
  • 616 16 $114 mil IMPORTS FROM STORE SINGAPORE'S total trade with Canada recorded an increase of more than 1»M) per cent last year compared with 1971, according to the acting Canadian High Commissioner, Mr. C.R. Gallow yester day. In a farewell interview, Mr. Gallow, who leaves
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 33 16 agjBjwJWJSVfBBSBBBBBWSBSSBSBBBWSSSBWM iiiii i 'i 111 tjzzXy .vx I MESSER GRIESHEIM I I r V. ~^m BH a *X Afwl> mm m w k$ /w^^^ss^^^sflßfl* j. mm $m ?fc mm vfc F mm H
      33 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 266 16 Bringim Up FathT By BUI Kavanagh cic Hal Camp ~L /^MO-BUT^jl WHOAHe^NI/l OPEn\-| I I'M MRS. AviArs AU. "Nl K ""S A SuSPOSNA «MR.JI©«XIU.TA^E Jj U. %Ji AU.HS 1J Jl<3©S// I I WANTED FOR NOT ANS.VEWINcW By ChU Youb| J^""U HEY GCTVS lui U lai^VSOCV GETS OUT OP lpnE I
      266 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1277 17 L"\ a *l.*i T IJ a^Tc<.>f»Ttlft'ltfJtl.-11l Hlf?faaMav'J CUTAIREtSRIP SERVICE T8 WL^M^iWir^^^^^^^^^ rtm RHINE MMI "o*** k ZV', u> uTtmirimmml JlKl 2S! h IMT BJT IHi VMM 11 Ma* n ItM M -aaM M Imm mmv Itll HUM %S HIM |Mp lS "S "S jgj-M na ,im ,:3 il ,!S '3
      1,277 words
    • 1116 17 BENUCEAN Ajomt service d ßen Une, BtueFhnnelGten Une and NSMO ii RucatniNEßT CM j'Mn P. M'taj PMaaj Inn Pan LaRUW 1.1/ m aa, M Pt/M Mn 4, Imm 14 MM A'tMi. rat. fatt. OM. titimiaca CM/M Mo v.mi m/m Mar la* lmSm*. HM*.r| MNtntw la Part/M Bar t mv Irw.
      1,116 words
    • 1141 17 Tt intu r»«t R-mmm rM Hi ii D«w mmm Man AHUH HUE Mill SX '-KS iJm- SSS JTm. h'm rv tr itiMMM SS ni-7 *5 sm mm UM MAM IMM NMM IMM IMM IMM 1 Mtr TMTI M. 11 MM IMM IMr IM, It M lITAM HAM IT MM It
      1,141 words
    • 813 17 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE P. MMMJ fpK. FM: !r*m«4U ml,r»ttenl», Arumimm. Ajrtatft. Li Havre. wTJSI, .BKU, Hmmwi. IrtMM. BrtatrMVM. SS'SSt m 7» J2U'***"- CtM-MM. aMVM.,I. MIkRM. tmtmu TMM LCL M Man FU M Man FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUKOrE P. lulu* S i»r< FNM JbTmjima Vm !l mi? totter*",
      813 words
    • 917 17 SIMM** JIM 44 t. MM| 1141; LL MTU. Pimm IWI THE BANK LDOS LTD. lmr mi is ttmu. MTT MMI 1M.V.1.M. tIMIM. TMM. MaMII. (MftM) JUUST' "4ataM«) P MMM 4/ IMM I'Mra 1/ IMm WAVtIAM imilLW,! P.MMap VIM) linlWIM PMM IAtT kMU IMKA. Ft* IMIM, BAttlU 'Mta, W.| StcnHUjnm, IPIIANT
      917 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1026 18 i^Jr-* l| i KAWASAKI tUSEN KAISHA LTD. uwisAii iMuu nsn usm lti. lAMM, HBKIOM. STUiTS SOVKL Un> Niac I amiit taawt I tfllll jipw-AiuM Golf «Milaa Bapwn PM: MMiaici mai a Mi; Unc*. Mmcit. BaMi. Ai DMI Don bk'l.a. Kmit Japan South Alrlaa Witt AMtM BtIaVIMI S'lW'l fit •■AII MAIA
      1,026 words
    • 989 18 AcciniM au imm m tun (Mtpmar ret paaniuw warn. MUtMHHSIa IAiKTAMa. MMIttMI. SAaCIHI4AM. TAaAIM. MAMM TIMATI. MtaM. MIT IMM AM tMH MAM ttttl. LC.r. tiirrr itras n Part ti Ma 'm i lit man ntia i. p»rt tactaf I S T MAITT tICRIt II H«| lit IMMM. MAITT TAMA Itekla
      989 words
    • 1101 18 FAR EAST CTMft CMTAJMH/tMWWpMIJ. SHtWCt UmJNM FM IMMM. MiTOMM. MMMM. 'sa r ,raa ssT/ J.IT, w ""^l MM* 1. Mt m r S t£?!?:! AMraU rIM Mtm KST EMtPfW PMTS AW iJRMJ «n»i mi irar 1,7^1. ••"rrs MFTMK UVtMM 71 ,75 JMI alt >Z FKIT CMTAWOUD StRVICE Tl AM FROM
      1,101 words
    • 823 18 ants swm n vmm, immatL/ttmrnan nm 'i 1 V«wi P «r.»<n Pi mv taim Nr L MMA MUTI II HUM l/ltaat I'll Jim I tail. Cirtrl ItT. U Dm J/l. m Kf| tl I'tOT IJ'I Mail ANMMM 1/ I taat I taM S7II taat 11/14 tan tiM 11/7. I'w 17/7.
      823 words
      746 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 641 19 classified ads (g) 00 YOU NEED expert and fled advice on your skin? Then consult Louise Klerk, medically trained beauty therapist with 26 years tropical experience at Hotel Slngapura. telephone *****3(S'DOrel ELSA YEO MOML Centre: new deportment and personal grooming course commencing on Wednesday and Saturday Vacancies In the afternoon
      641 words
    • 818 19 FEMALE CLERK CUM Typist with sound knowledge of English Book-keeping an advantage Preference given to those living In Dlst 14 or 15 Call personally with relevant documents between 9 a.m 4 p m.. International Transit Enterprise. Wonderland Building (next to Roxy Theatre). 2514. sth floor. Spore 15. LADY STOCK CLERK
      818 words
    • 679 19 TRAINEE SALES REPRESENTATIVES required for promotion of ship chandllng and marine products Attractive commission, salary and travelling allowances Age preferably 23 30 years Pieasr phone *****0 for Interview LOOKING PON A prospective Job Join our organisation as part/ full-time Sales Representative* We promise attractive Income 4flgure If you work hard*
      679 words
    • 880 19 remuneration and other benefits Call personally Martina Salon. 1 1 A. Calrnhlll Circle. Spore 9 Tel: T***** for appointment DHDB invites applications from Singapore Citizens ror the following appointments: -1) HOUSING 6 MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR OuaMßcabon* B'pore-Cam-bridge OCE with 4 O' Level passes- or Oovernment Sec IV School Certificate Orade I
      880 words
    • 681 19 uniy inose residing in jurong locality need apply with I passport photographs to 462-A. Serangoon Road 8 pore 8 Those willing to work In Jurong may apply Loo WAITRESS MUST HAVE pleasant personalities. Experienced/ Inexperienced apply personally to: 401, Havelock Road. Hotel Mlramar AVKRY-LAUfWNCS IISSMOAPORS) Applications are Invited from suitably
      681 words
    • 664 19 s^r^P^Bß/ ayvvvwvTyTßHH B H a Vr7>)*MßiHHMga| (1) DIST. 16 EXECUTIVE BUNOALOW WITH SWIMMING POOL 3 bedrooms and a study, separate living and dining available 1/6/75 (I) SINGLE-STOREY BUNGALOW IN OUIET RESIDENTIAL LOCATION Cosy Interior comprising 3 bedrooms, large matured garden, beautifully furnished. (1) CHOICE OF APARTMENTS/ SEMI-OETACHED IN OISTS 9,
      664 words
    • 844 19 oeiacnea aourjie-storey ti.swo. Kumhing Court apartment 11,--250 OoldhUl Towers apartment $1,600 Watten Estate semi-de-tached $1,500 Brighlhlll (Thomson) detached bungalow $1250 People's Park Complex bachelor's apartment 6460 New Century Realty *****5. *****5. DIST. 19 SEMI-DETACHED 3 bedrooms, renovated, partly furnished, alrcon.. telephone Available Immediately Contact *****. office hours. COLONIAL DETACHED SINGLE
      844 words
    • 782 19 DMT. IS VACANT unfurnished luxurious flats available Immediately at Taman Nakhoda 2 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, living/ dining roosaa with mosaic tiles, servant's quarters prortdod Please contact 649X68 NEW LUXURY APARTMENTS Bfl CeNf fsMal P«OSlO with swimming pool Batata 1 Bfaßattftaaßßaal CaWaßaWataV 1. IX 3-bedroomed apartment all with baths attached 2
      782 words
    • 794 19 by newly arrived expatriates In dlsls 9. 10. 11. 15. 28. Contact *****7 NEWLY ARRIVED EXPATRIATES urgently require houses/ apartments In dlsts 5. 9. 10. 11. 21 Contact *****94 ARE YOUR PROPERTIES for rental Then let RTC handle them efficiently Just dial *****11 *****72 OVER9EAS JOINTS VENTURE Company respectable executive
      794 words
    • 879 19 storey semi-aeiacnea so. it. selling cheap $85,900 EBC *****16/ *****1? MLLVMW ESTATE Bukl Tlmah Ssi in I 2-storey semi-detached. 4M bedrooms. I servant's. 3.606 ssudj fl very cheap $115.iM0 IMB *****9/*****34 FABER HILLS Ayer Raja!. Road I 2 units double-slorer semidetached /ith central Mrcondllioner completion sotn Rose Oeneral Agency
      879 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 771 20 TUNAS (PRIVATE) LIMITED Newly renovated office space of approximately 1.000 sq ft at Tunas Building. Anson Road, available for immediate occupancy Full particulars are obtainable from Tunas (Ptei Limited. Building Department. Basement Two. Tunas Building Telephone numbers *****41 *****33 -9(7 lines i during normal hours. WING ON LIFE BUILDING PimsaUm
      771 words
    • 860 20 aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBII NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pte Limited Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. (Highlands) by Deluxe air conditioned bus seven days BBIIS/- Departure Every Sunday. Monday, during school holidays departure everyday Cameron Highlands Four days SSSS/-. Gentlng Highlands Four days ASt 15/-. 28/5/75. 31/V7S. 2/6775. 4/6/75. 6/6/75. 8/6/75. 10/6/75, 12/6/75.
      860 words
    • 715 20 FAR EAST TRAVEL Club (Pte) Ltd offers low cost flights to 1/indon Europe Also worldwide reservations Please call *****2/ 163HSV *****1 TAIWAN/ ALIBHAN/ HUALIEN/ HONOKONO BANGKOK TOUR 9/12/14 days $1179/ $1199/ $1490 1 1/5. 18/5. 25/5. 3/6. 1/8. 8/6. 10/6. 15/6. 22/6. 29/6. 6/7. LOWEST FARES TO LONOON S EUROPE
      715 words
    • 714 20 AIRMASTER TRAVEL SPECIAL FARM London. Europe. Canada. USA. Australia. Indonesia, Hongkong. Tokyo 36 Dhoby Ohaut (Near Cathay) Tel: *****, ***** MAS TRAVEL CHARTERS TEL: *****7 London/Europe 140 00 Americe U.S.A. $1,299.00 r>erth s eaiSS Sydney/Mcl (Return) 51.479.99 ALSO SPECIAL OFFERS TO Canada Tokyo Hka Baß Jakarta MMdte-Eaet Bangkok. Contact: 39K.
      714 words
    • 734 20 NEW CrMNESE PHONETIC Script by Dr Lai Kuen Yee This book l.s considered an invaluable addition to the Fn<t Asian History of Science Library. Cambridge University Be your own tutor In Mandarin, so that you can pass your examination easily, especially English stream students from Sec -I onwards It Is
      734 words
    • 781 20 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES and Documentation Es'.iblishing overseas contact, sales clause, methods of payment, freight calculations, types of L/C. contracts, banking and shipping procedures. BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment, re-ex-port. Insurance and claims, etc. Fvery Tuesday/ Thursday 7.30 9.30 p.n commencing today at 402. 3rd floor. People's Park Compleir FuN-ttmo S
      781 words
    • 591 20 LCC NEW SESSION COURSES IN Accounting Buukkssplnu Costing Csnespeiidsnes a ManeeeMen? Aoeeanßng Srwlrthand (Theory/ Speed) Typewriting students are prepared for the 1976 LCCI Examination. The Courses have been carefully planned to ensure success FEES: InlermsdlaNi Stage S 7/Hlgher Stage 919/COMMENCINO: tin/ 9th/ 10 June DURATION: 2 Hours Weekly Please Enrol
      591 words
    • 856 20 PIANO TumON MRS. Cramer (Le Merrier) formerly Jalan Jlntan. now at 122-B. Holland Road Tel *****2 Pupils kindly conlact EXPERIENCED TUTOR giving tuition In Mandarin for school children or conversation Slglap area Tel: *****1 SLOW LEARNERBI Tuition for Primary arwi •'"•ondary levels Success guaranteed Ring *****2 Suitable for dlst 12
      856 words
    • 758 20 VOLKSWAGEN CABRIOLET (Convertible) registered July 73 9400 miles Excellent condition. SSBOC n n n Tel *****2 ext iS Mr. Vogt. ONE TRACK LOADER cat 955 for cheap sale Apply P.O Box 237 or Tel ***** J.8 FOR FULL RANGE of used/ tradein cars call at Ng Keong Car Traders Private
      758 words
    • 722 20 FOR MODERN DESIGNS In canr furniture furnishing materials seagrass matting. Visit Adrian's 425. River Valley Road. Tel: *****4/ *****0 Spore RENTAL. HIRE PURCHABC, sale wooden furniture. Contact London Woodworking 2SS2. Oeylang Bahru Blk. 75- (off Kallang Bahru Terrace Factory Spore 12 Tel *****29/*****98 HENO HUAT IRON/ Car* Furniture Company. 25.
      722 words

  • 444 21 Three oil states among our top trading partners THREE West Asian oil-producing countries Saudi Arabia, Iran and Kuwait —were among Singapore's top 10 trading partners in the first two months of this year. During the same period last year. Kuwait was the only country In West Asia to be Included
    444 words
  • 287 21 2 Jaycee 'envoys' for fifth youth voyage A TEACHER and a technical assistant will represent the Singapore Jaycees on the fifth Jaycee Asian Youth voyage next month. Miss Violet Loo, 35. a graduate science teacher with the Ministry of Education, and Mr. Antonle Ooh, 22, from Hilgepore Pte. Ltd.. will
    287 words
  • 76 21 Hinduism for pre-varsity students THE Hindu Endowments Board will hold a course on Hinduism for Pre-Unlverslty studenU at the Ramakrlshna Mission, Bartley Road, on June 14 and 15. The course Include* lectures by Bwaml Damodaranantha, Professor* R. Kangaiundararn. AN Rao and A. KrUhnamoorthl and Mr B.R. Vakil Applications. with th*
    76 words
  • 25 21 THE National Trades Union Confrwt has toe* reftstered as a martial art association under the prOTistons of the Martial Arts Instruction Act,
    25 words
  • 30 21 A LOCAL firm of jewellers, In collaboration with the Belgian Trade Commission. will hold a first exhibition of rare diamond Jewellery from Belgium at North Bridge Road today.
    30 words
  • 79 21 A CYCLIST who was Involved In an accident with a van along alandal Road on Sunday died on arrival at Toa Payoh Hospital. Police said Chua Hal San, 15. was cycling near his home along Lorong Oambas, off Mandal Road, at about 11.30 a.m.
    79 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 700 21 KUANTAN AQENCKS. KUANTAN. BN satlsfa~tory buying. "•Ming or renting cf properties t outlet Kuanlan Agencies. V 1 2nd floor). Jin MeraVka. Kuantan Tel ***** SEEKING TRADEMARK requirement! in Singapore. Malaysia. Brunei: consult wrnplng Co.. 80A. High Street. Spore 6 *****5 > DELON TRADING COMPANY jperlallte In factories office, reilaurmnts. houses
      700 words
    • 961 21 rOR SAL! Ford DlOOO prime MOHODC SIML ITMmN mover with 20 foot container all tiae«; banding tooli. acait. cuttrailer UK reconditioned $28,000 ten dispensers and ipare part* or beat offer Call Mr TaVMSM nO w t a «t/Yhe J A Leonard Co I UMney Road PO WOrn SALE USED VALI
      961 words
    • 701 21 ACMA ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Incorporated ln Singapore) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Annual General Meeting of the Members or the Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company at Jurong Port Road, Jurong Town, Singapore 22. on
      701 words
    • 772 21 THE STRAITS TIMES BOARD OF ARCHITECTS, PM "igSS© K> SINGAPORE <l»c.rpor..ed in Singapore, Notlre Is hereby given that The Board will be holding an Examination share certificates Nos in Professional Practice through the *****0/6 covering 7 x 1.000 Singapore Institute of Architects Board of shares and certificate No Architectural Education
      772 words

    • 672 22  - Punters find some truth in racing adage EPSOM JEEP By IPOH, Mon.— The bigger the field, the bigger the certainty some punters found this old racing adage to be true at Penang yesterday. Punters were right on target in two races with fields of 17 runners, but missed out on
      672 words
    • 990 22 WfEiGHTS for all races at Ipoh nn Saturday and Sunday: SATURDAY CL. 4. DIV. I— «1F. CIA. 9.00 Kingpin II 9.00 Campanologist 8.09 Windsor Light 8 06 Cincinnati II 8.05 Ching Dynasty II 8.05 Harimau Terbang 800 Lonnihu- 8.00 Sliantung Ace 800 Napshot 7.11 Suspicion 7.11 Stow Away
      990 words
    • 387 22 Barrier draw for for Ipoh races Barrier araw far this we«jrao"» races acre: SATVBDAY CLASS 4 DIV I— «HF: 1, 3, 11, 19. 1. 11. 4. 13. 9. V 1. CLASS 4 DIV B*F: 19, 7, 3, 9, 9, t, 4, S, 1, 11, CLASS 4 DIV I— »HF Str:
      387 words
    • 279 22 JOCKEY Vetayutham was fined S6OO by the stewards at Ipoh on Sunday fcr careless riding on Uli Marlene in Race Eight. The stipendiary steward's report on Sunday's races: RAlfc ONE: At the start. Grand Final (Wadl) and Hurricane IU (R.C. Allan) were slow Into stride. PassIng the T-jf
      279 words
    • 680 22 RACE FOVB: At the start. Kiae iTB Chlam) waa stow to move. Weatferfal Maascnt (Maaruhen) was Also slow to move. H easing Devdepsaeat II (P. Tulk) gave considerable trouble In the stalls. Jockey Johnson, when questioned as to niiaaaVs poor performance, explained that his
      680 words
    • 241 22 Belgian victory gives Lauda world lead Z OLDER, Belgium, Mon.— Nikl Lauda, of Austria, drove his Ferrari 312 to victory in the Belgian Formula One G^nd P.lx here yesterday to take the lead in the World Drivers' championship. Brazilian Emerson Flttlpaldl, the reigning world champion who led the championship after
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 141 22 Iceland's amateurs shock France REYKJAVIK, Iceland. Mon. The amateurs of Iceland held France to a goalies* draw In their European soccer championship OrouD Seven match here yesterday. Goa.iteeper Dagson saved brilliantly from Marc Berdoll early on. but for the most part the Icelanders held the Initiative. Midway through the first
      Reuter  -  141 words
    • 151 22 Ratha wins at Manila MANILA. Mon .—Ramamoorthy RathakrUhnan of Singapore beat Suryadl of Indonesia on points at the end ot a lucklustre three round flyweight fight In the Third Asian Youth BoxIng Chamnlonshlps here tonight. Two more bouu are scheduled tomorrow. In the only bantamweight bout of the night Nanadjuhama
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 241 22 NO HOT SPOTS In Sanyo's Twin-Door Feature-Packed Refrigerator Even when it's packed to capacity, this Sanyo inside temperatures for minimum power refrigerator has no "hot spots". That's consumption. It's built to occupy less exterior I because a Sanyo refrigerator comes with a space but extra-thin polyurethane walls allow built-in circulating
      241 words

  • 339 23  -  ALBERT JOHNSON SEPARATE TEAMS FOR PEKING AND SEOUL By PROBLEM has arisen over the decision of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association to send separate teams to Peking and the Asian Age- Group rhampion ships at Seoul. Reason: Because the association's stipulation I that only the
    339 words
  • 141 23 'ASIAN GAMES DECISION BEFORE JUNE 7' ISLAMABAD, Mon. 1 Pakistan has decided, on economic grounds, not to host the 1978 Asian Games, according to two newspapers here. One source told Reuter that Prime Minister Zulfikar All Bhutto had decided that Pakistan could not afford to stage the Games and that
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 156 23 Cramer to quit Bayern? r<RANKFURT, (West Germany). Mon. Dettmar Cramer, manager of European soccer champions Bayern Munich, may sign for West German rivals Borussia Moenchengladbach after Wednesday's European Cup final in Paris between Bayern and Leeds United of England. A spokesman for Borussla, whe last week won the UEFA (European
    Reuter  -  156 words
  • 157 23 Jameson, Amiss in form LONDON. Mon. Two century opening partnerships both Involving England Test batsmen dominated a highscoring John Player Sunday League cricket match between Warwickshire and Yorkshire at Birmingham yesterday. Warwickshire won by eight wickets after Dennis Amiss and John Jameson had put on 158 for the first wicket
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 206 23 LONDON, Mon. Rtsults of yesterdays Sunday League cricket matctve* were: >*"*•: Hampshire beat Middlesex by 5« runs Hampshire 211-5 m 40 overs <D. Turner 46. T Jesty 41). I** in 37 overs i&iks:™- At EdtkMtoa: Warwickshire beat Yorkshire by 8 wlcfceu. Yorkshire 217-3 in 40 overs <O.
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 436 23  - Everton's Henderson has some more tricks up his sleeves... JOE DORAI By SINOAPORE will be able tc play three to lour different types of formation before the Malaysia Cup semifinals which are likely to be played In July. One of the patterns of play w:.h six men In the attack
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  • 132 23 T EEDS, Mon.— Leeds manager Jimmy Arm fie id still has two fitness doubts before he can name his lineup for the European Cup soccer final against West German holders Bayern Munich in Paris on Wednesday. Armfleld said yesterday that neither Scotland striker Joe
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 227 23 T AUSANNK. Switzerland. Mon. Some of those millions cf dollars that are paid out for television rights at the Olvmplc Games are beginning to do some good for sport around the world. The International Olympic Committee (lOCi Is spending US$BOO 000 (B*l.B million 1 this year
    AP  -  227 words
  • 233 23  - BEE KHIM REIGNS SUPREME... ERNEST FRIDA —By If EE Bee Khim, Sin- gapores queen of golf, yesterday won the SICC woman championship for the sixth consecutive time a record that will be hard to beat let alone equal. Bee ::hiui, Z3, a dealer's representative by profession, has won the championship
    233 words
  • 135 23 AT Bukit Coarse Ong Beng Bee and R. Clayton shared the lead after 36 boles in the SICC Intermed'ite championship. They are on 160. The other leading qualifiers' -162 Wong Sin Fan. 163 S.T. Poon. 164 Dennis Tay, 168 J. Fones and P.J. Coates. At Seletar Course
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 86 23 HOCKEY: 8HA tMr 3 C8C v Schools; Dlv. 2: Sp*cl«l Constabulary v Sem»*M{ Shipyard; PWJ v S>RC B'; Olv. J: Woodbrldge v RTC. SQL' ASH: SSRAs 2nd round r> grade league TangUn 4 v RAIT I; SAF8A 3 v 8ICC 2; UYMCA 8CC 4: Gordons 1 v FBA. 3: PBRC
      86 words

  • 131 24 EEC plan to save Lisbon economy DUBLIN. Mon. Foreign ministers of the European Economic Community today authorised massive, multimillion dollar plans to save Portugal's totterinx economy and to avert a threatened communist I takeover. They agreed also not to be hustled by Russia into a grand summit conference on European
    AP  -  131 words
  • 89 24 r)M Sneva's NortonMclaren racer flies through the air trailing flame and debris after a 272-kmph crash on the second turn of the Indianapolis Speedyway on Sunday. Sneva suffered burns and other injuries in the spectacular crash on the 12th lap when he was
    89 words
  • 49 24 BONN, Mon Th« West Ocrmar. Government announced today that it Is taking steps to dulroy large stocks of poison gas in the hands of the army but a spokesman added that It will take some decades to dispose of it it 5 stocks run Into tons. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 74 24 NEW DELHI. Mon. A I deposed Prime Minuter of Nepal warned today that unless India Intervenes. China will occupy Nepal by default. Mr. B P Kotrela. now In exile lr. India, told new«men In Oorakhpur City 96 km 60 inUts) east of here. "If the Government and
    74 words
  • 34 24 LAOOS. Mon Leaden from IS West African nations continued flying Into the Nigerian capital today (or a summit conference which will five birth to their own equivalent of the Common Market.— AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 22 24 SANTIAGO. Mon— Chile's Central Bank today devalued the financial rate of the eacudo from 4,500 to 4.800 per US dollar— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 209 24 STUDENTS AND POLICE CLASH IN NAIROBI NAIROBI, Mon. Hundreds of students and po ice clashed In the capital today hurling teargas and rocks at each other for several hours. At one point, helmeted riot police moved through the city centre, scattering hundreds of shop- pen as they fired several I
    209 words
  • 232 24 Marcos: We'll stand on our own feet PRESIDENT Marcos i 1 pines planned to b bilities in developmei would not depend on ti favour of any other na MANILA, Monday said today the Phllipuild up its own capant and security and tie temporary grace or tlon. In a speech read
    Reuter  -  232 words
  • 30 24 TEL AVIV Mon. Defence Mlnlater Bhlmon FVrea revealed today that an official Yugoslavian emlsaary visited tirael last week U> discuss renewal of diplomatic tie* between the two countries.—AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 232 24 rpOKYO. Mon. The 1 alleged leader for the ultra leftist Japanese Red Army said the group's next targets of attack are Japanese embassies, offices of major trading firms, and Japan Air Lines, the mass-circulation Yomluri Shlmbun reported today. "We have three enemies:
    AP  -  232 words
  • 81 24 Freak plane crash: One dead VESIVEHMAS (Pinland), Mon. A passenger died and four people were Injured in the freak crash of a light plane which was caught in the alrstream of a huge air force helicopter here today. The aircraft had taken off for a demonstration flight when the tlrstream
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 318 24 Accord with Hanoi on ties: Kukrit BANGKOK, Monday NORTH Vietnam and Thailand will soon begin diplomatic ties after nearly three decades of diplomatic cutoff. Thai Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj told a news conference today. Emerging from a 30-mlnute meeting with North Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Plran Hem, Mr. Kukrit said
    AP  -  318 words
  • 32 24 TOKYO. Mon. The Bank of Japan U likely to lower Its official discount rate by 0.5 per cent to eight per cent In June, Kyodo Newa Agency reported today. Reutex
    Reuter; Kyodo  -  32 words
  • 161 24 BANGKOK. Mon. Thai Prime Minister Mr. Kukrit pramoj said today that a review of all ThallS agreements would be completed within two months and all American troops In Thailand would be withdrawn by next March. If not before. Mr. Kukrit said that I the
    UPI  -  161 words
  • 64 24 Diabetes drug scare CHICAGO. Mon. A long and controversial study of an oral drug used to treat diabttes Is flawed by statistical and procedural errors, medical xclentlats argue In continuation of a protracted > debate Unwarranted assertions that ui>e of (he dru?. tolbuumlde. rtsulls In a higher rate of death
    AP  -  64 words
  • 60 24 BANGKOK. Mon. Pour South Vietnamese warship* that fled to Singapore to escape the (all of the old Saigon reglm* have returned to Salmon, Die Vletnamex communists' Liberation Newt Agency says. Hanoi Radio today quoted the agency as taylng the ship; arrived last Wednesday In Saigon
    AP  -  60 words
  • 149 24 SATO IS CRITICAL AS PNEUMONIA SETS IN rpOKYO, Mon Pormer 1 Prime Minister Eisaku Sato, 74. unconscious ii critical condition since last Monday, developed pneumonia today and doctors said his condition warrants no optimism. Physicians at Jlkel Medical University Hospital, where Mr. Sato lay In a coma, said he developed
    149 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 197 24 4CHANIS .SOUND The Bmsystim 6000 is i multichannel sound system, fully compatible for quadraphonic CD4 discrete and matrix (SQ or QS), ambio, stereo and mono. Beomaster 6000 4 x 40 watts RMS (300 watts total music), a highly advanced FM tuner-amplifier with a cordless remote control, forms the heart of
      197 words
    • 21 24 Published by The StralU Times Pros (Singapore) Ltd. and printed by Times Publishing Sdn. Bhd., 390 Kirn Seng Road, Singapore i.
      21 words
    • 450 24 BOILER yUIWJ FEEDWATER t PUMPS up to 230 lit/min-250 M head For Special Order up to 26,000 lit/mm 2,500 M head We have a pump to suit every boiler Sole Agent: AVech/XVar 1121, 8LK 170, STIRLING ROAD, SINGAPORE 3. TEL: *****8 72.JALAN PASAR, KUALA LUMPUR. TEL: 8862 a *****9 Rm.
      450 words