The Straits Times, 26 May 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY. MAY 26, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 902 1 We can't afford to be priced out of the shiprepair market' They must be lower than those in HK, Japan or Taiwan' MR. Lee Kuan Yew yesterday cautioned that Singapore would be priced out of the shiprepairing market if the wage bills and repairing costs
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  • 517 1 CAIRO, Sunday fOLL rates for the Suez Canal are to be virtually doubled when it reopens on June 5 compared with those charged when it closed in June 1967 during the six day war with Israel. But the Suet Canal Authority believes they will
    Reuter  -  517 words
  • 63 1 LA PAZ. Sun An American with cocaine worth UBSIO million (8*23 million > on th» black market triad to hang hunaeU after he vu arrested In Bolivia, a government official alleged today. Bolivian custom* dlrectnHeman Castro VUlam aid the Ameucan, named as Peter Vans Vandervoort.
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 18 1 BELGRADE, sun. President Tito today celebrated his 83rd birthday quietly at hli home here— UPl.
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  • 77 1 LONDON. Sun.— Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Tse-tung is unable to speak, hear or aee properly as a result of a stroke he reportedly suffered last autumn, according to a London newspaper. The Sunday Telegraph said the 81 -year-old Chinese leader's health had deteriorated
    UPI  -  77 words
  • 66 1 Winning the people's hearts rE flfhUnf Is over bat for Provisional Revolutionary Government President Hojnh Tan Phmt the new "battle" for the hearts and minds of the Sooth Vietnamese people is just beginning. Here a smiling Mr. Phat Is seen amid the "common" crowd, waving at cheering throngs daring a
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  • 42 1 WABHINOTON. Sun— ThS US birthrate la*t year wu th« lowest In history, the Census Bureau said today. The rate fell to 1.163 birth* per 1.000 women batwam the agea of 15 and 44 from I.SM In I»7J Rentar.
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  • 103 1 GUERILLAS FIRE ROCKETS TO FREE PRISONERS pORDOBA, (Argentina) V/ Bun— Urban guerlUas fired rockets and started fires to distract attention as inejr freed about 9C women from a Jail In this central Industrial city last night, police aald. The guerillas launched their diversion about three blocks away from the prison
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 354 1 -AS PRESSURE ON NEW BEIRUT REGIME MOUNTS... BEIRUT, Sunday JSRAELI raiders backed by warplanes battled Lebanese troops along the border today as politicians struggled with Lebanon's worst political crisis since a 1958 civil war. The Israeli Jets bombed and strafed Lebanese positions through the morning, supporting
    AP  -  354 words
  • 173 1 Reunite two Koreas peacefully says Kim IHENNA, Sun. North Korean leader Kirn II Sung said yesterday that North and South Korea should be reunified through democratic and peaceful means. Mr. Kirn said foreli?n speculation about a Northern attack on the South was "foolish." representing "nothing but a last-ditch effort of
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 54 1 SINGAPORE were held to a 1-1 draw by Malacca In their Malaytla Cup match aX Serembaa j«»tenlay. Slngmpore'j goal waa acored by Oollah ir«— i"i At Sarcnban. MagTt Banbllan edged Johore 2-1 In anouier South boo* tie to take a itap cloaar toward* quaJUjrtng >°r th* atmlflnali
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  • 30 1 NEW YORK. Bun Overcait and rainy weather prevented North America,'* Ant total lunar eclipse In three yean tram being eeen In many area* last night and Sunday morning.— AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 31 1 Latest Seven-vehicle crash POLICE early this morning arrested a man at Lorong One, Tea rayon, after his ear was involved in a collision with six parked vehicle*. He suffered facial injuries.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 45 1 SCM it on* of lh« |B largaai and moat producart A ol typmrrltart in in* world I Trtit lalatt Eiactrtc Modal I 7000 with 16" carnage haa B the world Firtt Can ring* r^^Ba Syitem ol ribbon cnanglng SEVEN MORE DAYS FOR AREA LICENSING SCHEME
      45 words
    • 187 1 FAMILY PLANNING AND PRE-U STUDENTS Pag* 13 US B'D to patch up Mid -East rift S FOSD ii(ns Wllm Bill to ad refmgew 4 "PUBLIC wi I take to area 1 LORKYMAN battered to death 7 CALL TO bnild up ski Is for export S NURSES: Less than five
      187 words
    • 132 1 *aw a L^nt aVa^Ss^b^ aaWa Central memory with magnetic cores: 31 registers each with a capacity ol 14 digits, plus sign Programs registered on magnetic tape stored in interchangeable cartridges, with capacity of 1 ,280 instructions Paper controls: platen divisible into two independent sections, double front feed for separate forms,
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 181 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday SENATE Democratic leader Mike Mansfield today said it should be possible for the US to pull out militarily from the entire Southeast Asian mainland including Thailand without severing normal international contact with that area. "And certainly without abandoning our vital Interests
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    • 139 2 Black Eva scores a beauty 'first' MANILA, Sun. Eva Arnl. the new Mlas Asia of 1975 and the lint black woman to win a major contest, said today she will represent Papua New Guinea In tbe Miss Universe pageant In El Salvador next July. Arnl, a M-year-old cub reporter of
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    • 99 2 Khalid says it too WASHINGTON, Sun King KhaUd of Saudi Arabia said In an Interview published In the Sur Washington Post that his nation would cor cede Israel's right to exist In return for total Israeli withdrawal from Arab lands occupied In 1967. Another condition would be the establishment
      UPI  -  99 words
    • 79 2 Twice unlucky house of jewels... LONDON. Sun— Jeweller; worth over £60.000 <S»2«1.500 1 tu yesterday stolen from wealthy. Swiss-bom Mrs Maria Holder In the second raid on her house In three years. In December 1073. burglars broke Into her Hampstead. North London, home and escaped with diamonds and emeralds worth
      Reuter  -  79 words
    • 67 2 ROME. Sun —About 1000 Catholics from 30 countries last night cut snort, on Vatican orders, a planned allnight vigil In St. Peter's. Squad to recall the church to Its early traditions. The torchlight prayer vlglL organised by Catholic* calling themselves Tradition lsts who belong to the
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 63 2 OBNEVA. Sun Mr WUdilaw MaUi.otarskl of Poland, who helixd set up the Doited Nation* Conference on Trade and Development (UncUd), died here yaUerday, afed M. A A former secretary of the UN Economic and Social Council Mr. Mallnowakl. who Joined the UN In 1M«. was lately
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 60 2 JAKARTA. Sun. Presldent Pakhruddln All Ahmed of India arrives here tomorrow for a five-day Mate visit aimed at fostering pood relations and friendship With Indonesia President Ahmed, the second Indian Head of Bute to visit Indonesia after the late President Rajendra Prasad. will be met by
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    • 36 2 TEL AVTV, Bun. Israeli security forces have arrested four members of the B Fatah Arab guerilla organisation. suspected of carrying out sabotage In Jerusalem over the past year, the army I announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 289 2 PARIS, Sun ATOP Soviet military scientist, who fled to the West four years ago, has revealed that he planned for years to defect and that the Soviet- led Invasion of Czechoslovakia finally decided him. In a rare interview here Dr. Anatoli Pedoseyev, a prise winning
      Reuter  -  289 words
    • 57 2 DAR E8 SALAAM. Sun. American Barbara Soiuu, on* of (our students kidnapped from a jungle camp on Monday, ha* been released with a note posslbtr setting out condition* (or the release of the other students, informed sources said here today The source* said the note
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 39 2 MADRID. Sun A member of the Spanish Parliament suggested yesterday that the Government .of Oen. Francisco Franco 'make every effort" to re-establish full diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. D.plomaUc relation* wen) cut In IMS— AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 25 2 NEW DELHI. Bun. Th» 1(75-76 Indian Jute crop la. not eipected to be higher than for the previous year. according to a Oovemment
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    • 416 2 \y A S HINGTON, Sun. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger said yesterday the United States "is determined that diplomatic progress be resumed" in the Middle East and may unveil Us own ideas if Israel and Egypt remain far apart.
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    • 160 2 'Aid Arabs' plan by non-aligned nations LXJYPT, India and Yugoslavia will lead a drive among non-aligned nations to establish an apparatus for providing the Arabs with military, economic and political assistance. i i I g i Z_z; The semi official newspaper Al Ahram said this today. It said the proposed
      AP  -  160 words
    • 131 2 SMASHED: STOLEN AIR TICKETS RACKET T OS AN'OELES, Sun. A nationwide operation of sellir-c stolen airline tickets was broken up by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents with the arrest of 17 people, authorities said. An FBI spokesman said the blank tickets were stolen from travel agencies In southern California
      AP  -  131 words
    • 36 2 SYDNEY. Sun A sixmember Parliamentary delegation from Bangladesh arrived today to start a 10-day tour as guests of the Australian Government. Members will hold talks with state and federal government ministers and officials. Reuter
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 70 2 PORMER South Viet niniMe Vice-Presi-dent Nguyen Cao Ky is reunited with his wife a* Dulles International Airport on Friday. Mr. Ky was greeted on his arrival from Camp Pendletoa in Ca'ifornia by Madame Ky and three of their four children. Madame Ky left Saigon a
      UPI  -  70 words
    • 68 2 ADRIAN (Michigan). Sun. Omry Addlson Taylor, an escaped mental patient, has admitted that he murdered tour women tn three states and burled two of them In the yard of hU home, Michigan authorities aid. They laid Taylor told Texas police yesterday that he killed two Toledo
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    • 64 2 PENBACOLA (Florida). Sun. White-robed and hooded Ku Klux Klansmen silently marcned through downtown streets yesterday following the same route blacks used the day before for their own protest marco In this racially troubled city. About 135 aruw^n walked two abreast down It blocks or the main
      AP  -  64 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 265 2 WE ARE OPEN TODAY < W*iß rj»aisjiMlliJii> f HPI .~-l"ia»V"-mi mt I J t-jsCSil njattf] psßmsmsmsftMssl WA B I 3 sK^amHsPill f nnn^S^trVsnnnß I mm W^mm^^K^WSl^mMßk isnr k i 4sbV kf m r ix mm ~£w ana* i^ml nsnu t<-\Ve <Cr*9 J« I Sk tL A I unffsnV l I
      265 words
    • 232 2 f VICTOR MENDEZ f 4 9-A.CTIOITCER. APPRAISERS ■<* M 4 proudly present £t CHOICE PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS 17 rare pieces of accomplished excellence and beauty for the discerning collector. For the very first time in South East Asia! S natural colour wools (no dyes) Turkoman Bokhara Rugs. Only a very
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    • Briefs
      • 37 3 fT-BARTOUM, Sun. IV President Jaafar El Nlmelry said last night that Presidential elections would be held In the Sudan before October 1977, and would be preceded by elections to the leadership of the ruling Sudanese Socialist Union.
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      • 27 3 GENEVA: Vaccination against tooth decay offers promising possibilities as an alternative to water fiuoridation. according to a com-, munique Issued at the end of an International symposium.
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      • 26 3 LONDON: Eighty new train coaches ordered for London's underground rail network h we been built too big to go through the tunnels. It was disclosed here.
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      • 29 3 CATK TOWN: The wc-ld's first fallopian tube transplant patient was reported in fine condition today raising; the hopes of thousands of Infertile women for a chance to become pregnant.
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      • 46 3 SALZBURG: Presidents Ford and Sadat have changed the location for their June 1-2 meeting In Salzburg because Mr. Sadat dlsukes climbing stairs. Officials said the change to the 18th century Resident Palace was made at Egypttlan request because the building originally chosen had no lift. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  46 words
    • 125 3 WEW YORK Sun.— Israel and the Soviet Union, which broke relations during the 1967 Middle East War, have held official discussions through their ambassadors in Washington, the New York Times said yesterday. The paper quoted Informed sources as confirming that the ambassadors of the
      Reuter  -  125 words
    • 53 3 MANAOOA (Nicaragua). Sun. At least two people were killed and another two reported """""g yesterday when torrential rains and flash floods swept through the lowlands of U«"fgvr authorities said. There was no Immediate estimate of damage. Several areas were blacked out by an electrical power failure,
      AP  -  53 words
    • 127 3 Husak tipped to take over as President PAGUE, Sun —Communist Party leader Gsurtay Hd* a k (above) U widely expected to become the next Csechosl ovak President this week following the prolonged Illness of Incumbent Head of State. General Ludvik Svoboda. The election is expected to go smoothly, though President
      Reuter  -  127 words
    • 290 3 LONDON. Sun A VETERAN politician and an eminent heart surgeon clashed today over the ethics of an operation which linked the heart and kidneys of a critically ill baby boy to those of a live baboon. London doctors, who disclosed the operation yesterday, said the 12--month-old
      Reuter  -  290 words
    • 78 3 NEW YOJUC Sun. Secretary of Bute Henry Kissinger myt he ha* nothing personally to gain by staying In office but he ace* no need to reatgn and believe* It would not be in the national interest under pi went tions"One should not lightly redgn
      AP  -  78 words
    • 33 3 HKW DELHI. Sun —India faces record trade deficit Of 108 WUlon rupee* (B*3 billion) tor 1974-75. Oomneroe Secretary TT. Shah told a meetlrn of the Indian Institute for Tonifn Trade. Hauler.
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    • 417 3 WASHINGTON. Sunday T»HE world may be on the verge of rebuilding some of Its severely depleted food supplies but experts see It as a fragile and temporary victory at best. Prospects for big harvests look good for this year and the next throughout the world
      AP  -  417 words
    • 185 3 'Form a new postVietnam alliance' fHICAGO, 8un. v> Senator Adlal Stevenson has suggested a new alliance of Europe, North America, Japan and other Industrial democracies to face the postVietnam problems* of security and Inflation. Speaking at Rosary Col ege In suburban River Forest yesterday, the Democrat also said he opposed
      UPI  -  185 words
    • 252 3 MOSCOW, Sunday rpwo Soviet cosmonauts were orbiting the earth today on board a Scyuz spaceship which is expected to link .up within the next two days with a research laboratory circling the earth since last December. The two cosmonauts Pyotr Kllmun and Vltaly Sevasttanov were
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    • 161 3 SPAIN TO PULL OUT FROM SAHARA UNITED NATIONS, Sun. —Spain has Informed the United Nations of Its decision to terminate Its presence in the Sahara and a&ked the world organisation for assistance to bring about an orderly transfer of power, a CN spokesman said yesterday. It proposed that a conference
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    • 91 3 JAKARTA, Sun— The Indonesian OovernmerA has pledged to buy between 25 per cent and 35 per cent of the sugar produced by foreign Investors who want to open sugar factories In the country. Minister of Agriculture Thoylb HajiUwlja, following a meeting with President Suharto, said
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 92 3 Trinitron I ill i-™™ I H """"""""■"^■^^■SsiidßM I F XV 18O1ES A console type a dign.f.ed walnut finished cabinet, I Bbßi^^BhH DOWN PAYMENT 5 MONTHS 10 MONTHS _^^V I fIV KV-18O1ES SI.&2S 5256 $267 $146 I I MBm kv ibo?es $1,476 $246 $256 $142 tvitnxs $1,580 $264 $277 $152
      92 words
    • 458 3 L^^k #I^l 13 IWililliW mm IS j 13 QUALITY FOODS -FRIENDLY SERVICE. Id A a—g «w» isi g STRIPLOIN f 131 AUST ALIA V 4.10 1 -^2Wf[^^^ Bl 13 FRESHLY MINCED LEAN TOPSIDE WW-ViU*"" ~^*4 Bl IG) 500 a 2.60 j^r>*^"^ '""HflaL sop 270 kJmdehsed ®*B 0 g S LEG
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    • 261 4 CREDIBILITY GAP AND THE VOICE OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, Sun f TS taxpayers spend nearly US$59 million U (***** million) a year to run the Voice of America. Questions were raised in Congress last week whether VOA broadcasts were news or presentations designed to make the United States look as good
      UPI  -  261 words
    • 41 4 BBOUL. Sun. Five menben of a family were burned to death In a fs~e that twept through their home today, police aald. Killed were Bhung ChanBok. 38 his mother, wife and two daughters, police laid UPI.
      UPI  -  41 words
    • 111 4 'Watergate helped towards Saigon's fall' WASHINOTON. Sun. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger has described Watergate as a tragedy for American foreign policy and suggested that the scandal contributed to the collapse of the previous government In South Vietnam. In a television Interview broadcast tonight. Dr. Kissinger said the Thleu
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 502 4 FORD SIGNS $91 1m BILL TO AID VIET REFUGEES WASHINGTON. Sunday PRESIDENT Ford has signed a US$405 million iS$911 million) BUI to provide the funds to find homes. Jobs, and a fresh start for more than 100,000 refugees from the war in Indochina. Now that the measure hu become law,
      AP; UPI  -  502 words
    • 72 4 ACAPULCO. Sun. Police are tearchlng for tha head of a murder victim altuea body was dismembered and ■trewn over a wide area along the beach of this Mexican reaort. Including the luxury Puerto Marque* beach front. "Without the head we cannot expect to Idantlfjajthe victim."
      UPI  -  72 words
    • 19 4 tOLBOORNT. Bun— Australian author Journalist and poet Cllve Tumbull 66 died at hu home here today —Reuter
      Reuter  -  19 words
    • 81 4 LINING UP FOR THE BEST RIDE OF ALL AFTER being racked in boats and planet, it was a delightful change for these Vietnamese refugee children to squeeze themselves on top of this accommodating elephant. The elephant, from nearby Lion Country Safari, came for a visit at the refugee village of
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    • 280 4 Soares bid for outside support LISBON, Sunday PORTUGAL'S socialists, who are shunning 1 the country's leftwlng coalition government, yesterday looked abroad for support for their stand against the communists Socialist leader Mario Boares is now In France to attend a summit of southern European socialists where he will brief his
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  280 words
    • 181 4 'Timor freedom possible after polls' LISBON. Sun One of Portugal* military mien said yesterday independence would not be given to Timor bat that it was posslble after elections had been held In the territory. Major Vltor Alve«, returning from a South-east Asian tour, ■aid Lisbon had dropped the original idea
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    • 253 4 Congress call for probe on lethal drug WASHINGTON. Sun. Two Congressmen have asked the Government to Investigate charges that an experimental drug caused widespread suffering and death among patients being treated for slipped discs. At the same time. Food and Drug Administration officials disclosed the FDA has been asked to
      UPI  -  253 words
    • 60 4 ISLAMABAD. 8un— FUbUui hu donated 08*10.000 <Sf23.M0> (or the iwtttf and rfhablllUUon of Uw homr leu and war-affected I In Vietnam and Ctoilgovernment officiate tvtn Mid yesterday Till* token of rontributlon. the officials Hid. iu made in rMponaa to appe«l» from tba international oobuwuv of the
      60 words
    • 33 4 TEL AVIV, Sun An Arab guerilla yesterday hurled hand grenade at an laneb army patrol in Um acei*Md Oata atrip. Um mlUUrjr ommand announced There wan no caaualtua AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 39 4 SYDKITT. Bun. Flftj ■embers of tha Roany Childno's Choir of Tasmania and between tight and It. toft Sydney today for a thra*weafc tour of China, the tot Tint of tv kind by an Australian performing group. Reutsr.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • 44 4 tmjz yj*¥* sun Tm week o' mfnil the rs uropean Condon Market and th> S^'n^Jf O° vernn »ent aimed at securing a volun tary limitation of textile exports to EEC countries are making "painfully slow progress," Informed source, reported yesterday— AP
      AP  -  44 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 345 4 \bufe better off living without it. The largest single cause of cereal go stale and limp. acceptable levels with an air damage to a home and its contents is Here, in the tropics, the level of conditioner, humidity. humidity is always high. Even better still, a good air it encourages
      345 words

  • 920 5 SINGAPORE A BASE FOR SMUGGLING OF PROTECTED BIRDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA SINGAPORE is believed to be a base for international syndicates smuggling wildlife from Thailand. Indonesia and Australia by various means to the West, says the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. The illegal
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  • 44 5 THE dealers In Singapore act as Intermediaries In this trade, and some even claim to be able to provide any rare and protected species that Is requested It would appear that some dealers arrange the smuggling of animals but maj not actually handle them.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 266 5 -3? «.*iff I j^kk^k MBA Th« Sflco try tvtwm rm» low, co«l way to modrmw yom offict Wtphorw lywni With Setelco's new system, you can dial, receive, hold or transfer calls... without a switchboard operator. The Setelco 116/40 key Illuminated push buttons But fmd out more. Call us system will
      266 words
    • 271 5 p5 tine SS. MALAYSIA" (FULLY AIR-CONDmONED) TO WESTERN AUSTRAUA For your Holiday of a Lifetime. Six Wonderful %!B Fun-packed Days to FREMANTLE (Western hemantS Australia) or Seventeen Days SINGAPORE *f Ib SINGAPORE (with Four Days in WAI FARES FROM 5J624. 00 (SINGLE WAY) OR SS l f 3BB.OO ROUND VOYAGE
      271 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 281 5 Straits Times Crossword WAmmmmWAmS' I P I I 5 I PI I 5 I I ACROSS 7 Doctor on leave (bids Twtot Ucc to and out tropical bird and five a J«b (t). He defeated 1 on 17 10 Voluntary drinker (5). down 23 (S. S. 7>. 11 Not the
      281 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 531 6 808 mi L^ Ifcy DAISY MILK I l l i up ALTH A* WE AI.TH 'sasssF 58 -Ist Prize: All this mountain of cash BBBASsBIiB II W■ lUMH MB 3. Example: Picture A depicts a beautiful com in a Daisy Milk mother plexion. If you think statement No. 1 is
      531 words

  • 160 7 rE $7 million Jnrorn Town Hall which will be officially opened by Mr. Hon Sol Sen, Minister for Finance, •n June 2 at 5.30 p.m. The hall consists of two five -storey horizontal blocks of unequal length connected by bridge
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  • 167 7 Lorryman found beaten to death AYOUNO, unidentified lorry driver wu battered to death In Pulau Saigon Road last night. Police who went to the scene at about 9 p m. found him sprawled Inside the premises of a woodworking company, with severe head and facial Injuries. An Iron-rod, believed to
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  • 55 7 Malay cooking course KUO Chuan community centre will hold six-month elementary Malay cookery course, starting next month, on every Sunday between 7 p.m and 10 pja. The fee Is $13 a student Application form* are obtainable from the organising secretary at the centre dally between 3 pro and 9 pjn
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  • 33 7 THE National Museum will ccreen two Mnu entitled Two Weeks In Japan and Touring Japan at 1U lecture hall on Saturday at 11.10 a.m. Admission, (or student* only, la free
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  • 25 7 MRS Qracia Tay-Chee will apemk on the National Women'i Council of Sing*. pan at the Toa P»yoh Übrary on Saturday at 3 p.m
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  • 23 7 THX Singapore Karate Auoclatlon. one of the major karate bodjea In the Republic, haa changed 1U name to Bhltorjru Karat* Aaaoclatam
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  • 345 7 Public will take to area licensing THE Area Licensing Scheme to be implemented on June 2 is expected to meet two main initial problems public acceptance and administration, according to Mr. Lim Leong Geok, secretary of the Road Transport Action Committee. But, Mr. Lim said, he expected these restraint schemes
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  • 199 7 T*HE Singapore Asso- elation for Retarded Children will convert its old Tamplnes Home Into a training centre for children In the neighbourhood when the new home In Lorong Buang Kok Is completed later this year. In the meantime, the association's social work
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  • 112 7 rl seventh residential pre-unlverslty seminar, organised for preunlver&lty students, will be held from June 2 to June 7 at the Singapore Conference Hall and Euaofl College, University of Singapore. This year's seminar, with the theme "Singapore and the World Economic Crisis, Is being
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  • 157 7 Religious leaders told: Help guide youths RELIGIOUS leaden were last nUht urged to give adequate guidance to young Singaporeans to ensure that national progress was not Impeded by misinterpretations of religious principles and precepts. Mr. Chan Chee Seng, 8e n lor Parliamentary Secretary (Boclal Alfalrs) who made the point, streaaed
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  • 140 7 rX. Monetary Authority of SingftDore (MAS) la organising a seminar on foreign exchange for manufacturers and businessmen at the 8IA Building on June 7 and 8. The topic* to be discussed at the seminar Include basic concepts of foreign exchange, money market rates
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 186 7 370,000 I EX 1 0 EXAM SUCCESSES gSft Whichever you want— rapid promotion in s»»limf your present job. a bigger opportunity with u««taii«« another company or an indpppndenl career of your own- a Metropolitan College home Hurt study training. SMCt fmm the U.K. ii the HoUl 4 Cittriaf shortest route
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    • 196 7 l|^H| German-Engineered for best quality, reliability, vision sound.H ■^Hb Every cm., every cent of it, will H j^^^Bj prove it's the best ever buy Super 22 is engineered as only I circuit breaker, and a host of Grundig can do it With I other technical refinements multi modules, an solid
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  • 231 8  - Fatal fall of toddler with toy parachute N. G. KUTTY By AFOCB V EAB OLD Ctrl, bettered to have been playing with m tor para«h«te. feU to her death from the ltth floor of her Housim Board flat In Marine Terrace Ml Saturday. Bananas blnte Ahmad Khan, was found lying
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  • 56 8 THE Adult Education Board will conduct an advanced permanent wave halrdreaslng and styling course at the Mountbatten ABB centre on Sundays from June 1 8.30 a.m. The fee Is 170. at will also organise m Japanese language (Beginners 2) course at toe Beatty Secondary School centre
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  • 41 8 THZ Life Singers from the Prinsep street Life (Presbyterian) Church will perform at the Development Bank of Singapore auditorium In Shenton Way tomorrow at p m Tickets at fl. *2 and »3 are available from the church.
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  • 46 8 Swimming courses TRI Metropolitan TatCA will conduct an etght-sasaloii beginners course on swimming for children al Tc* Payoh swimming pool on Sundays from June 18, and a six-session course for adults Thursdays from June IS. A six-session skin diving beginners course will start on June 4.
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  • 38 8 DR. Lee Chlaw Meng. Minister for Education, will officiate at the sand anniversary celebration of the Singapore Chinese School Teachers' Union at the Chung Cheng High School (main). Goodman Road, on Friday at 7JO p.m.
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  • 192 8 KEEPING YOUTHS FROM GOING ASTRAY A SENSE of relationship with a lasting culture Is essential to stop youth from, being led astray by the ephemeral values of Imported cultures and sub-cultures, according to Haji Sha'ari Tadin, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture). Halt Sha'ari Tidln, said folk culture and. particularly folk dan«tng.
    192 words
  • 389 8 'Build up skills for export' •pHE Institution of Engineering has called on the Government to assist with incentives and finance the development of Singapore's professional manpower to enable the Republic to export its technical, administrative and negotiative skills to other countries. There u a tremendous potential In the provision of
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  • 180 8 Singapore, Australia sign pact to extend double tax SINGAPORE and Australia bare agreed to extend (or another five year* the operation of an Article of Che Singapore- Australia Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement signed In Under Article 18 (3), whose operation expired In June laat year, Australia will allow tax
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 mW <mm% '*il^^r^*^y^iT^sk »s^i^e)^^^aw^^t^s^^^*^l^e>B^B^B nn WU wP^Hb#l^\\ <^^mm v J^jß-,\ jf a DIOR summer in Singapore a curry-flavoured feast C^ I house of the spiral staircase \j *<^ facts and fantasies about flowers 2^" w%£ copy Anak's make-up something striped and swirly eye of the Gods new dessert ideas ._^b^b7^*^^3hb^b^b^^^sb^b^b^b^b^b^b^bßbw*
      280 words
    • 88 8 IbLsJI ■BM^B^BBSI ■toy aceemmod.i neals a day, guided excursions, theatre uansfers on arrival and departure, and pon of hand luggage.. You can take advan tag these two special c tours of Russia, weiy week from April to September 1975 Book now to avoid disappointment. For full detailt contact GGNANDU A
      88 words

    • 436 9 World Bank call: Bring housing nearer to the masses KUALA LUMPUR. Sun THh World Bank has suggested the lowering of housing standards to bring housing within reach of substantially increased numbers within a relatively short period. It said that by permitting the use of lower-cost building materials and lower quality
      436 words
    • 214 9 Paying more for money orders to Britain KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. A new supplementary fee wtti be Imposed on an money orders baaed from July 1 for payment in Britain. A minimum fee of $1.15 wi 1 be levied on money orders not exceeding $70. For orders above the amount the
      214 words
    • 30 9 IPOH. Sun— The Minister of Housing and New VUlages. Mr Michael Chen, yesterday opened thr SSOO.OOO Tow Boon Keong tempte anc 1U ancillary buildings In Jalan Tokong here.
      30 words
    • 139 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Sen. The Government has exempted the payment of sales tax on several items for the building and manufacturing Industries. They are polyvlnvl and polyvinylidene derivatives in the form of pines and tubes, other cement products, and built-in furniture specially designed and mr\de
      139 words
    • 687 9 KUAMTAN. Sun THE Government was urged today to avoid imposing restrictions or restrictive controls on the country's present free enterprise system. The call was made by the chairman of the Associate Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Malaysia, Mr. Koh Pen Ting, at the ACCCM
      687 words
    • 68 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun The president of the flirt can Aandatkm of Petroleum OeologliU. Dr M W Haa*. arrived bare today tor a two-day >Ult Dr. Haas, who Is on his way back to the United State*, alter attending tne World Petroleum Congress In Tokyo, will (It*
      68 words
    • 33 9 PIN ANO. Sun.— A group at aocUl workers and profeedonaU has an up s protest commute* to look Into the poe»l--biuty of establishing a therapeutic centre for drug addict In Pcnang.
      33 words
    • 101 9 ANOTHER DROP IN PRICE OF FLOUR? KI'LIM. San. The price of flour may drop further within the next three months. Trade and Industry Minister Datnk Hamsah Abo Samah said here today. "And by the middle of next year, the price of sugar may also decrease," be added. "But one thing
      101 words
    • 32 9 LANOKAP. Sun. About 5.000 residents from nine kampungs here will stage an antl-communlst rmlly tomorrow morning In connection with the killing of Special Branch constable. Leong Ming Kont. la*t week.
      32 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 Relieve painful piles fast with Varemoid The active mgredwnt m Varamdid ads on the cause of the problem of prfes (haenvxroids) quickly and effectively This results n rapd re»B< of nf lammation and pan It also stops bteedng and suppresses itchng It is recommendat* to admnstar Varemoid tablets over a
      71 words
    • 428 9 Tientsin mm lulllll aaaaaaaflU I I aaaaaaraHl aaal aaL *aTSM It 1 Lfl I w l';l 1 1 Specialising in: All kinds of elegant wonderful Chinese carpets rugs. Attractive colours Wide range of varieties .pco*^ Reasonable prices Orders welcome ££m %3f GNEE HONG CO.. (PTE.) LTD. (c*rp.«. d^.i I vll-*4
      428 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 298 9 Bringing Op Father By BUI KtvinMh <g Hal C— ip I•- IT r CANrr HB.pV'wEU-, 1 1 *OB»yHO r THANK&pOC.\ if~ I TEpoW" you lock wouwtSD. rr, doc oont wony hslp.' j fix swrr i I JIOOS CHEE* UP/ BOSWBSS IS \MOW*V DONT TAKE "S^, By not I VJrWNOS CANT
      298 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1902 10 SMCtfttf rk mcAtx sports cv« present, i JL fSWkKB ISSSBBBBJiM iflftfllWl fl.m# ?RbLCh7HhY. A CRAND CHARITY HUM PREMIERE SOME |™l I™ "^^"s Jfl UAf JISOBSANISATIOWg UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE Of 5 oaky ssmowsat «>a'ly iswwi atuo- |U|/ a Pl\ I mT% Jl^TWfflTHE SENIOR PARUAMENTARY SECRETARY OF YOUR I 1 ■Mm
      1,902 words

  • 166 11 An air-horn blast, then a klaxon salute... rE Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Tew and Mrs. Lee on a Land Rover as they toured the Sembawang Shipyard's new drydock named Sembawang Premier. On the extreme right is Mr. C.N. Watson, the managing director of the shipyard. The dockyard opening was
    166 words
  • 29 11 THE pre-unlverslty seminar 1975 on Singapore and the World Economic Crisis will be opened at the auditorium of toe Singapore Conference hall on June a at 340 djp.
    29 words
  • 93 11 East Coast bird thief caught POLICE have arrested ■1 a 19-year-old bird thief whose main victims have been residents In housing estates off East Coast Road. Detectives from the Chinese Investigation Branch of the CID, acting on a tip off, detained the thief at a house in East Coast Road
    93 words
  • 23 11 FOUR films on France wi.l be shown at th« National Musedm's lecture nail on Wed—day at 730 p.m. Admission Is free.
    23 words
  • 245 11 Science or art, it's all the same... IS TEACHING a science or an art? This question was posed at visiting American linguistic specialist. Prof. Edward M. Anthony, by Dr. Mllagros M. Ibe, a Filipino lecturer, on Friday. It arose when Dr. Ibe told Prof. Anthony that while she held a
    245 words
  • 80 11 MORE than 80 scholarships and bursaries worth a total of $144,900 have been offered by various organisations to Nany a n g University students. The organisations Include the Tan Lark Sye scholarship fund. Lee Foundation, Nanyang Slang Pau. Singapore Finance Ltd.. Mitsui Bank Ltd. and United
    80 words
  • 100 11 60 CENTS FOR A 'FREE' BAR OF CHOC rE Consumers' Association of Singapore has alerted consumers of shot In Orchard Road which. It said, was overpricing Mars Snickers and Milky War— chocolates. Mr. 8. Dayanandan, a CASE official, said there was now an offer of one free bar of Mars
    100 words
  • 706 11  - Warning on new bout of high inflation BAILYNE SUNG At year's end or early 76* By J^ LOCAL economist last night warned Singaporeans to expect a fresh round of high inflation either at the end of this year or early next year. Dr. 8.Y. Lee, senior economics lecturer at the
    706 words
  • 47 11 POLICE yesterday ameted a man In Onan Road and ricotOTd an alr-condltloncr worth 11.000. The Ifalajrs and Other* branch o.' the CID also arrested a 25-year-old man from a house at 81ms Arenue on Saturday He was wanted tor a robbery In Oeylanf
    47 words
  • 266 11 Yard workers told: Brace yourself TWE general secrex tary of the Pioneer Industries Employees Union, Mr. Phey Yew Kok, has called on Singaporean* to brace themselves to meet realistic national goals. This was essential, he said, because the Republic <*ould not Isolate itself from world-wide economic Ills which was affecting
    266 words
  • 30 11 rpwo Malaysians have been oermanentlj prohiX MteH from entering Singapore. They are Kamarodsamaß bin Mohamed Zaln. 22. of Negrl SembUan, and Ngu 8m rent, 24, ef Perak.
    30 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 17 11 aaaaWj^ T*J* '•"^ai V' Cw hULVai 1 f9aaaaß'«%. J !ii ''■aaaaaaßs*^ 11 haaaaaaaV '•■ID JaaaaaaWk ~^l I
      17 words
    • 296 11 How you look is as important as the way you feel about yourself. Elsa Yeo's special deportment and grooming courses are designed to teach every girl good grooming social etiquette, makeup, dress sense and speech. «2h^W Here s what one of her successful ft students has k^^J I to say.
      296 words

  • 637 12 The Straits Times MONDAY, MAY 26, 1975 LIGATION LEAVE SOME civil servants do not consider seven days' unrecorded fullpay leave much of an inceptive for voluntary sterilisation. Their initial reaction albeit off the cuff seems even ungracious. Perhaps It is because not enough details were given about the material advantages
    637 words
  • 2021 12  -  JAMES OUTMAN FEAR OF VERY EXPENSIVE LAWSUITS MAKE SOME AMERICAN DOCTORS LET THEIR PATIENTS DIE r-By ON MAT 17, a Florida jury In West Palm Beach awarded a paralysed dentist and his wife US$l.6 million (553.5 million) in damages from a neurosorgeon in what is believed to be
    Reuter  -  2,021 words
    • 309 12 English textbooks that are full of grammar mistakes THE other day, to while away an Idle hour, I picked up the English textbooks of my grandson, a pupil In a primary class of the Anglo -Chinese School. On looking through the pages, I was shocked to see one grammatical mistake
      309 words
    • 110 12 Apart from the grammatical mistakes, there are certain little absurdities like "I want you to cook the best fooae I have ever tasted?" This is almost as good as an Irishism. I cannot Imagine how anyone can cook a goose that hart already been eaten. Having a«ld all this. I
      110 words
    • 41 12 rX Housing Board should carry out a once-a-week mass-sprav-lng of Insecticide into the garbage chutes of the older flats Cockroaches. llxards. spiders, centipedes, scorpions and other insects and Dests are multiplying In Kreat numbers in the garbage chutes. -rniAz," Singapore 1
      41 words
    • 41 12 I CANNOT understand why the bus shelter opposite the Church of Cur Lady Perpetual Succour at Chanel Road was demolished recently. Could the authority concerned please explain why the shelter was demolished and the site being planted with grass? Singapore 14.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 7 12 BankSAFELY BankOCBC OvarsM CMmn g*r*ing Co»p«. lid.
      7 words
    • 281 12 Yomeishu BOTANICAL I gftggr^ BREWED FROM L cIA ftvom«,h v A 37O YEAR hn OLO FORMULA fc*^^ fIV WITH MORE par 4 THAN 10 MEDiCINAL I PLANTS I^^ Vomdjhu Although Yomeishu has adopted advanced technological methods for its brew ing today, it still maintains the essence of its initial formula
      281 words

  • 136 13 HEADS turned and eyes popped when vivacious, blonde Miss VanJer Kuilen strode Into Pay* Lebar Airport on Saturday. A fitting greeting, perhaps, for 29-year-old Vander she Is Miss Windirlll of New Zealand. A law stodent from Auckland, she was pawing through on her
    136 words
  • 201 13 Union probes illegal strike by 200 workers rpHE Singapore Max nual and Mercantile Workers Union has conducted an inquiry into the two-hour Illegal strike carried out by about 200 branch members of Inter-ocean-EAC Agencies in Robinson Road on May 15. Informed sources said the Inquiry was held on Thursday to
    201 words
  • 47 13 MR S. RaJaxatn»M. Minister for Foreign Affairs, will rtpnttnt the Singapore Government at a reception by Dr RoberU) De Cardona. the Italian Ambassador, to celebrate Italian National Day at the Rugency Room. FUiflea Ho.c; on June 2 trom noon to 140 pjn.
    47 words
  • 244 13 CALL FOR CODE TO PROTECT SHIPYARD WORKERS MR. Renzo Yanagisawa, president of ttie jar^k W edera "on of Shipbuilding and Engineering Workeri Unions last night called for a standard safety code to look after economic welfare and safety of shipbuilding workers In the region. He said the safety code should
    244 words
  • 35 13 THK Ya»C* In Orchard Roac will conauv. a threemonti course on *i*.r»an lang-i-ge at lv premises oti Thursdays from Kay 39 at 7.30 pm. Fees are JOS for members and $30 for others.
    35 words
  • 631 13  -  IRENE NGCO FAMILY PLANNING AND THE PKE-U STUDENT By NEED TO TEACH THEM ALL ABOUT IT 1^ SENIOR university lecturer has stressed the need or a comprehensive and gradd programme of family life sducation including sex and amily planning education in Singapore secondary schools. Dr.
    631 words
  • 76 13 CYCLIST Mohammed Iqbal. died at the Toa Payoh Hospital three hoars after he was involved In a road accident with a car along Monlmrin Road on Saturday Mohammad of Loron*. 39, Geylanc Road, tu on his war to work at 7.4» a.m. when the collision
    76 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 76 13 THE LOWEST RENTAL COLOUR TV- 67 cm (26") J LflL^B^B^B^B^Ba^B^Hfl i^M 4*^M fls^Bs^aw 24-hour maintenance servicel^^^^^ #REDIFFUSIONgi SHOWROOMS: 182. OmtncMu Av««u« Td *****1 233. Nopta't Plrfc Complex. Ift Floor T.I *****5 1 49. Joo Chut Rotd Ttl *****9 3SA. Corporation Oim. Blk 101 Jurong Town Ttl *****0 •woooaun M^M nMmum
      76 words
    • 605 13 FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Premier store Bata Building all retail stores and agencies will Remain Open For Business As Usual On MONDAY 26th MAY '7S itoeto OPEN TODAY (VESAK DAY! FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE dbSinqapura EMPORIUM PTE BIUMITED #j) tJ B till (owl Rd Spore IS Td ******. *****1 k
      605 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 927 13 Un your TV SINGAPORE 5 18J8 Ml Optutj Immmmmts Ukmi k> 6.18 Tiairfiiaajji •J' twl in it Me. y^..^ m 6JS Make Room fof iMa «omay MatiM 7 JS WH, liX W«K Aaub 12.55 PM Niw ZnUti Caxs (4 7.30 Hew^ (MaJar) lis The Wayang Wong 7^S PesU Ria (Malay)
      927 words

    • 1192 14 AS a service to roaaws. Basfam. Ttoos puaUabs. wosfcb "*«allo« aaalysts of nlsßtal aaares oa tas Slock facaaage •< Magaasro. The roar's kick aaa tow arc foUowoa sy tat week's aavaawat la arloo, the lumw, ih» divMoad ytoM aas the (root pries oaraiags ratio NOTE: Closing Price
      1,192 words
    • 558 14 1 FrM.,. Hmj atm .*****11 M lllhlll I. Ik. m*" "»tIM mlm Nw a infcil May N •l»«a >mfcili. im a. l. B. 8. o«e o to A t^, !iJ JUS 1.90 ON AUWdChoc 1 JO 1.74 bT^JST 1 OM CM SoJj™ 1 2 2S I -SV
      558 words
    • 197 14 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Tile following company nm>»fin g« are due Bate (Malaysia) Bad.: May 37. 11 a.m., Malaysian Industrial Development Finance. 117 Jalao Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Guthrlc Baa.: May 31. noon, Shell TheatreU. Shell House, Oollyer Quay, Singapore 1. Malayan Flew Mills Bhi: May 39. 11 am MIDP. 117 Jalan
      197 words
    • 564 14 Domestic TrHT US dollar cloeed lower last week at $3.2600/10 Irom the week's opening level Of $2 2540 50 Trading IU thin and actual selling was not particularly heavy but the absence of continuous buying Mjpport had a ihi|*wslli| effect. ThU occurred d«9pit« a round of European bank rate cuta
      564 words
    • 199 14 a SIAK currency average deposit, rates for the week ended Friday. May 33: 7 day* 1 mtli 2 mths 1 mlhi 6 mttu mUu L2 mibi 1 mth 3 mlh» 6 fflttu 13 mths 1 mth 3 mtha 8 mttu 12 mths 1 mth 3 rathi 6
      199 words
    • 145 14 OVIRNIOHT fund showed vary little movement throughout last week, as compared to the previous week The rate throughout the weak ranged from 41 34. The term money also show- ed very little movement. The one month term money opened at 6| 6. on Monday but tu traded to
      145 words
    • 54 14 im la l' taUu* »*r mm. I (1) Ai*trmJi»n «ollu* fr ouaet. (S> AW|> prto«. PrMay Ttmnttt Ull U-».« MMbounwd) \t».Vt 1K.U LOBlM 177MB 174. DOS 1TS.M* 17V(X» Mnt Uu>. Uw. Zwieb 1T2.T6B 1T».OOB in.M* 17toos Pull 1TS.T* 1TS.M tatunj y FrtAair m^liont 171 TO 11V.M rpml3) 171»»
      54 words
    • 37 14 London eosvOT BTM* rt14»» limlni la bnaktU) Wtrm»r apot buytr 1MS.00 <<94».M) Miter 1MB 00 (£560.00); TkrM Month buyw (MT.M KMt SO) MUar iSW.OO (ioTOOOl MirkM BMW: Mradr at ik* low«r Kml. »«Jo>. t.MO MM.
      37 words
    • 51 14 pOB the wwsk saded Sa*ar4ay. May 14. Iks raago W call rates iiiislml from Short Deposits (M) Berhsd was as follows: BANK FUND: SH par esstt te 1 per seat. OENBBAL FUNDS: S* psr coat Is »H per saws. Mi i —Is «f rands totalled »)U
      51 words
    • 293 14 •V«W YORK. Frl. The x^ stock market, spurred by out In the prime Interest rate by Urn First National City j Bank, posted a broad advance i today In continued active l trading. The Dow Jones Industrial i average advanced 13 99 points I and dosed at 831.90.
      293 words
    • 91 14 financial rana INDUSraUALS Friday 566.0 Thursday »4J.T Week ago MIJ TINS Friday UO.Sfi Thursday 110 M Weak ago 108 M RIBBEKfI Friday 524.43 Thursday 530.03 Weak ago 508.65 OILS Friday 278 M Thursday 274.59 Week ago 269.67 DOW JONTB AVrJaVAGE INDUS ntIAU Prlday 831*0 Thursday 118.91 Weak ago 837.61
      91 words
    • 116 14 STURICH. Frl. The down- I trend of the market was j checked today and many j stocks registered a slight J Increase. Bonds were steady. The Credit Suisse Index < moved up 0.5 point to 191.1. J Ckatas prtox la Bwia> rruai < wltk Uw dia-*nne» on Uu pr»vloas
      116 words
    • 111 14 last 4, 1911 166 «jr n S Wwsk-i Aetlmm Low l«th 83rd Cbuumc iSil .S!J a^T^* ms# 441JJ 163.17 Banks, Insoraßee, asaaa 3£?S^ Tr-lus 4*3.59 Ml M —13.71 163.11 93.53 Cwraalrnh, Bmkwer FrwSweta, sUrbUag H? II Jl!-fl iI«J4 MI M -13.64 3SIJ6 134.47 fiaaiiillia. BaUalng f^
      111 words
    • 86 14 FTUE foUowiar Uat W M«ki girt, the tern ant dolt to teal A wc«k. It rives the Uia»*ti ia Uu«iiub of units, Frt*»7 hlfh ud In for l»M/7»: f»1'"" tinwi frite, Hl«h Low May tS lt» •ta^ »~V KM fXM hm UJ« JUhjma Cn*it 7M II J7
      86 words
    • 136 14 SINGAPORE May It IutmtrtaJ.: ttt.4* FkMM: 441.41 I Hot** 1W.1J Prt>M»n: 1M.1S t Tta. U1.TI t I Irthn: HIM 1 O.C.B.C.: tSUl t US. In*.: »M.JJ "»JM Ibytl Marts Muli U7JT I«.7I «|7JS t«44« ♦«7.«» 4M.4S 441.7* 444.SI 1«I»3 Hit* 1W.11 1MJM 1M.5J 1MJI M7.7S I»lt7
      136 words
    • 87 14 Current Date Total far Total far WJwsl payable the year »mlaa» year *-NX. 7j% jaae IS 15% «16J% «ss» OrC 15% TK imlj 14 16% T« 9% TK fTr 1 7 7 js 1 7^s™ 8 a ttt!? r.5 iSU Til Si New Semklah 15% teN vi% N.8.0J-.
      87 words
    • 396 14 T^XCCPT for the pepper section, the Singapore produce market tu generally oetter last week following more overseas lntexe*t. Price* of ooftee, coconut oil and copra were *teadler as Improved oversea* interest reacuvated market sentiment and activities. Lack of oversea* Interest and reports of new crop arrival from Sarawak,
      396 words
    • 232 14 TOKYO, Sat—The market reoovatl following gains In Now York stock price* SHctrteak, automobiles and not blue chips rose following the strong trend In New York. Dredging*. tw»iMnf and anil pollution equipment makers war* sought following reports that the Government may Introduce further anti-rernasinn nuaiina next month. Pharmaceuticals war* also
      232 words
    • 164 14 AMSTERDAM. Frl Dutch internationals firmed In the stock market today, led up by Royal Dateh and Aks*. with the aid of the DS dollar's leuumy and Wall Street* steaiV cloae. dealers said. Tennis predominated In local issues. led by KSr. AHOLD, B8V. VMF and OCE. Gains were headed by
      164 words
    • 553 14 rpRADING on the 1 Stock Exchange of Singapore last week was reminiscent of the bad old days of last year when the market was languishing in the doldrums. It was the quietest week seen this year with prices t e n e r a lly on the slide.
      553 words
    • 380 14 cjHARES passed a very subdued week to nnlsh lower on all fronts on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. Trading lacked both volume and direction, and uncertainty was still the underlying note In a market highly sensitive to any bearish Influences. It was clear that the big time
      380 words
    • 660 14 L3NDON: The market moved up steaauy u-*ing the put weeic under Increased Investor interest, particularly In overseas stocks. Tbe FT index closed at 355.0 on Friday lor a rise of 13.2 polnu since the previous i-tiday's close. Rue in leading shares Included Tnorn. up Hp at 152p.
      Reuter  -  660 words
      • 162 14 LONDON: Both tin contracts showed gains on Friday of £13.50 for Cash and £9.50 per tonne for Three Months. The further drop In the Eastern price appeared to have little effect. Influential borrowing of Cash standard continued to be a notable feature of the market and the
        162 words
      • 457 14 LONDON: The CIF section officially closed at mid-session on Friday, reflecting the onset of the long holiday weekend. Inter office activity continued In the afternoon, however. with values tending to harden, dealers said. Top sheet physicals closed o.flclally quiet at 0.1 Op per kilo higher on balance
        Reuter  -  457 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1351 15 L*\?A*i!iHKia«kal*la] i h] ]\J m FMmT m^ ma m imm CaanAWOSaW SttTKE 11 ItVOItmaTW ■■■■•■^^■^■■aalaaaaaaTj !!f JSB TB H "a si SfL "s vl -2 41 iS CTNTAINEKNtP SttyHt FMH m/trnwUl «7m et^^iß'Wti iB (■•aha mm saiiat Stai imm STm n7Z sssimoi a*-? w -y JS .tr i'r SS hssstsr
      1,351 words
    • 1111 15 Ben Ocean AjamtsennoectßenlA&BkßßwnelGlenldaeepdNSMO T» M/CMTFIMaTT Dm Start P. Kttat Ptatat (.'Ota Nta LMMItOM IMM n/a Ha| 4 IMm A'MB. rtaa. C'atk. Ott. laM. I IlINf iiLtca UM* a Part latti a/a Hai IMM loaaa. Haaawra. 1 MNinaa M Part/a Hai I MH araa, I'taa. C'atk. IAIMsUM 11/ IMM 1/IMM 1/
      1,111 words
    • 1205 15 Lbbbbbbkbbbbbl KTTVTT^tMhMM IHtMTti v rat Wm raa rMaaaa Biaairl artau Aatawt All U.K. ■■11l Mill ■*■**> Aaatnt Nttra 0,« ■■laic a., imm mmm nmm nmm nmm cm ci iaiM»Ma ii mm Bmm mmm smm Smm HIE NaM IM aMm IMM SMM IM) laaj iMia ii. ii mm llai imh imm
      1,205 words
    • 913 15 I Im^Li al I aa> 'aari ibß I 'bbvi^B aal I laaaßaaaaßaaaßaaaaaßaßaaaaaßaßaßaflßaaßaßßaßaaaaaaaal FUUY COWTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOPE ■M ia^Ta-TJl'" Ma. auaal mmii IMttrtai. Aatttrdaa. Antwerp, lerltvn jK«u« a?",!-*. Ha««urt n-m i-j i StockNohr, Ota. Mti.aU. Unum Karaoa caaat raat Ul a Man m M Man FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SERVICE FKOM EUKOfE
      913 words
    • 968 15 Sh>ta«««- V1J444. P. Kawrra 4141; K.L. *****1; Fma| ***** THE BANK UMB LTD. ink m 1. 1 v we*. UTMNM ( ataaita. Ttaat. Maiaaaj. OarMa il «j tv» «a,trt laMciaiat) Pa. ia-i I/Smm S'part 1/ IMat WAVItAM (til 1 1. Itatao) P. I Mat 1/ 4M> S part a MtVl
      968 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 858 16 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTO. uvasau tnui waa iabm in. UNI. MRHK STUITS StttCE imm Ntaaj Kaaatn PaMaf P Kilmi A TFMII Japaa Arao jui Cull ■»»*laa tiafa>ara FM> MMiNiCiMli :l/MMt| Jjrtct.. Moat. Oatti. At. Otaai. Data. Japan South Afriaa -.Waat Afriaa aTaaTlaa Siaajaart FitMAtIMAU MAtU 111 II IBM MltM,. «M|M,
      858 words
      1,032 words
    • 1157 16 FM EAST EMROPt I^TAIWR/CMWNTIIaIAL SERWCt LMMM FM IMMR. MITEtUa. NAailW. PHWBJ p Mini rttra laaoaa t'taa Hsbti Mtrtaai iiacm m Part it m>, wt\ m« mib ni m it m S'atra PM at PtM>t laMax H kara MPTmI TtPAI- 11/14 UM I/It IBM 11/11 MM IT M I II la
      1,157 words
    • 864 16 M---MMaaataMMaa-MMMaMMMMtMa| 1 qygss snwet 10 towon inrtgooi/cwmiion ram •I. mm. liajanri P uimc Paiwi( Uauaj lar: MIIU MfUTI II III.M I TIM, I hum lIMI. Ctrffl ft 7. It Unri J,l. H'Kri IWWA IKSUA 1, JIM. I lIM 111 IBM 1114 MM MbM"^/7 U rMB an, N'kur| 11/7. Aurvarp n
      864 words
    • 664 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P. rtetaM. Support lM*t| tar: UMNM Vttm VShM Sr*«». AiWuOe. (7392 (tat •wilt 1974) SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE NANSNIN M 31 Hay/I Jan 27/31 Mar Durban, tast UN**, ***** Dwt 1969) CapttoM. DIRtCT PROM JAPAN FOR DISCHARGE SmiapoFi P. KtlM| PwaFrf N4.NSIIIN VI SaiM Ii Part IARNES STU
      664 words

  • 65 17 The family of the late Chen Jan Chong (J.C. Chen) would like to express their appreciation to all friends and relatives for all their help, assistance, messages of condolence, wreaths and donations to the Genting Highland's College Fund during th"lr recent bereavement. Deepest appreciation is also due to all
    65 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 640 17 Computer Processing^! Services Pte Ltd A member of the Straits Steamship Group requires experienced COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS FOR IBM 370/135 Candidates should be Singapore Citizens and must h., A good H.S.C. At least 2 years experience in Assembler and Cobol. Preference will be given to candidates I who have completed full-time
      640 words
    • 882 17 I Singapore polytechnic SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Applicotions ore invited from suitobly qualified persons for the following posts (A) Lecturer*/ Assistant Lecturers in Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Electrical I Electronic Engineering, Cvil Engineering and Building Department! and Marine Engineering Division QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should hold o degree or professional qualification ond
      882 words
    • 351 17 i tMrovYA Auxin a< mm i:\ m i lAvm i> ,4 A fost expanding typewriter manufacturing plant at Bedok New Town invites suitable applications for the posts of: MANUFACTURING ENGINEERS Requirement*: Degree/Diploma in Mechon.col or Chamicol Eng.neenng Two years ond obove expenence in metal work process Practical knowledge in ONE
      351 words
    • 943 17 SHARIKAT HARPER GILFILLAN BERHAD (Incorporated In Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Meeting of the Cumulative Preference Shareholders of the Company will be held at the Registered Office of the Company. No: 38 Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur on Monday, the sixteenth day of June 1975 at 10.00 a.m. for
      943 words

  • Article, Illustration
    35 18 in Ever Lovin, Mentor, of TAN SING KHIM who wa, caned to r«t on 26th May 1974 dearly »i«ed and --•>•"-«- bered by wife, foster sons. daughters. daugbt«ra-u> Uw. aoM-ln-law. and a* the grandchildren.
    35 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 646 18 MJJ*iiTr»:taV f BfM RfIKYnT 1 V*X^ MMTTAfIKAN 01 MMkH OfCMAN SttNKAT KERJASAMA Kami sebuah badan kewangan bumiputra yarg seda-.g giat berkembang dalam berbagai bidang perniagaan dan perusahaan sekarang memerlukan tambahan Pegawai-pegawai Permohonan adalah dipelawa untuk memenuhi |awatan-iawatan Pegawai terutama dan caluncalun Bumiputrayang mempunyai kelulusan dan pengalaman seperti berikut (A) (i)
      646 words
    • 368 18 SUPER ICI Paints (Malaysia) applications for the po THE JOB To daily clud and paint THE PERSON Must age b Min Grad with Math work super sirab Applications stating fu tions, experience, age should be addressed n 30 May 1975 to:Personnel ICI Paints (Malay PO B Petalin Dynamic and expan
      368 words
    • 261 18 VISOR Sdn Barhad invita* tt of Supervisor organise and supervise filling operations ining labelling of paints allied products in the factory. be a Malaysian citizen etween 20 to 25 years. imum qualification e 2 MCE or equivalent credits in Science and ematics. Previous ing experience in a visory capacity is
      261 words
    • 731 18 WAGES COUNCILS ORDINANCE, 1947 NOTICE OF PROPOSAL TO AMEND WAGES REGULATION (CINEMA WORKERS) ORDER, 1972 CINEMA WAGES COUNCIL IN pursuance of the provUloni of section 41/47. 13(2) read with section 12(5) of the Wages Council Ordinance. 194". it it hereby notified that the Wages Council for Cinema Workers Intents to
      731 words
    • 999 18 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT IPOH ORIGINATING SUMMONS NO. 88 OF 1974. In the Matter of Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgment Ordinance 1849. And In the Matter of a Judgment of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong being 1973 No. 37«9. Between: Leong Ngan Lenr(f) ...PLAINTIFF And Luk Chung
      999 words

  • 23 19 lisa VEO MODEL Centre: new irportmenl and personal grooming course commencing on Wednesday and Saturday Vacancies In the ifternoon class hnuuiries: *****3
    23 words
  • 86 19 Acknowledge ments JACQUELINE LEE MEI LIN llnme to (Hory Praise Ood for Jacqueline Her Parents and loved ones deeply thank relatives, friends, and brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ for love. care, concern and rejoicing expressed throughout her Illness and on her going home to Olory We give >to Ood
    86 words
  • 26 19 NANO PRASAO PANDAV. On this ■I.IV you left us so suddenly and i efull/. but sweet memories Mways remembered by loving wife and children
    26 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 469 19 classified ads Look up TOURS (61) OR AIR TRAVEL (62) in the CLASSIFIED ADS LOUISE KLERKS SALONS In ;i!i^ura for your latest expert perming and rorgeous tint.: Very moderate I tOMBI '.'iephone m 173 (8 pore). C.A.T.B. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR TELEPHONE OPERATOR WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE AS FROM 9
      469 words
    • 673 19 EXPERIENCED FEMALE OFFICE assistant* needed in Engineering establishment Knowledge of bookkeeping and general duties «n asset Reply to Sin Hwa Marine Engineering 299. Kampong A rang Road by 31 5 75 THE MANDARIN SINGAPORE requires TELEPHONE OPERATORS At lent Sec. 4 education Must be prepared to do thin work Applicants
      673 words
    • 623 19 SALES SUPERVISOR for house-to-house distributions. Age 26 and above Apply P.O Box 1653 smetmT (.BOOPC* O€BAPTM€NI STOWS METRO needs 30 FEMALE BALE* ASSISTANTS REQUIREMENTS: 1 Between 16 and 22 years of 2) Minimum Sec 3 education 3) Knowledge of Chinese dialects an advantage. For those without experience, training will be
      623 words
    • 695 19 EUROPEAN GENTLEMAN. 17. wish** tn employ an English speaking pleasant looking person to do housekeeping Must be over 25 years old Please send application preferably with photo to Tanglln Post Office Box 337. Spore 10. METHOD ENGINEERING (PTE) LTD. unite-, applications for the post o( (A) WORKSHOP ASSISTANT Candidates must
      695 words
    • 711 19 WANTED YOUNG PUMP attendants and car mechanics. Call at 183. Upper Thomson Road. s'. m s Shell Station ATTENTION ENTHUSIASTIC YOUNG SINGAPOREANS AND MALAYSIANS (18 26 yeera) He** you ever wondered WHY you heve mini Ifte good Mng* In IN*? MONEY. TRAVEL EXCITEMENT ANO POSITION Here is an invitation to
      711 words
    • 748 19 LUXURIOUSLY RENOVATED over $30,000. 4 hedroomefl Tvoe A' split-level corner terrace at Tml ffavan Garden inclusive high class furniture, fittings, with alrcon and carpets Enquiries Chen MDM. FABERHILLS 2-STOREY SEMIDETACHED Land area approx 6000 sq ft $195 000 SELETAR HILLS 2-STOMV SEMI DETACHEO Land area 3300 sq. ft. Vacant possession
      748 words
    • 739 19 NAM HO TRAVEL Service Singapore i Pte Limited. Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. Highlands) by Deluxe air conditioned bus seven days 8*175/-. Departure Every Sunday. Monday, during school holidays departure everyday Cameron Highlands Four days B*Bs/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days A*Tls/-. 28/5/75. 31/5/75. 2/6/75. 4/6/75. 6/6/75. S/6/7S. 10/6/75. 12/6/75. 14/6/75.
      739 words
    • 687 19 l\ MCMA£I II SPECIAL DISCOUNT TOURS BANOKOK MONOKONO TAIWAN 10 days ***** 1/6. 2/6. 7/6. 16/6 ANOKOK-PATTAYA-C HIE NOMAI 7 days B*oo BANGKOk-CHIENGMAI (by alr> PATTAYA 6 days 8725 4 days 84*5 departure BANGKOK CHIENOMAI HONGKONG 8 days SBM Every Monday TAIWANALISHAN-H.KONG-BANGKOK 12/14 days $1380. *****. 19/5. 1/6. V*. 16/6.
      687 words
    • 894 19 MM» m M^^M FOR QUICK LUNCH Resenra- I lion, visit Lai Wah Restaurant i 377 C. Jalan Beaar (alrcon Tel i *****03/ 2581*94 Branch Block I 44 1136 Bendemeer Road (air- j con) Tel *****60/*****61 I i^_Zr PART-TIME PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE You can now take a part-time i evenings only,
      894 words
    • 726 19 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES mo Documentation. Rst.ibllshlng overseas cont sales clause, methods of ptKjl ment freight calculations types ntracu. bonking and shipping procedures. BTN coding, rmtnrns procedures, transhipment, re-export. Insurance and etalun etc Every Tuesday/ Tlwrsriay 7 3* 9.30 pin commencing tomorrow at 402. 3rd floor, People's Park Complex LCC him
      726 words

  • 193 20 Mosque: Those who want to give more Ml' S L I M employees who wish to contribute more than 50 cents m month to tbr mosque building fond through the Central Provident Fund should notify their employers of their wish by completing a form obtainable from the Majlis I'gama Islam
    193 words
  • 120 20 Six-day SAF exercises from today THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises in the following places from today to Saturday. Pulau Tekong from S am today to 10 a.m. on Saturday; Turn Lokyang dally from 9 am tomorrow to 10 pjn. Saturday; Chua Chu Kant Llm Chu Kang daily
    120 words
  • 428 20  - Nurses: Less than spc males TAN KSIU LING By ]y|ALE nurses are still a minority in the nursing profession despite equal opportunities open to both sexes. Statistics from the Ministry of Health show that the number of male nurses recruited In the past few years has remained at less than
    428 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 782 20 TYPEWRITING CLASSES (all If v»l.i) from 9am —10pm every--lay Management Training Centre. Unit 304 (3rd floor) New Peoples Park Centre Spore I Tel ***** OUR POPULAR PART-TIME LCC PRIVATE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATE COURSE Com-nonemg on 9.6.7S MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY 6 pm M> 9.48 pm A FREE BOOK-KEEPINb COURSE ON SATURDAY or
      782 words
    • 1010 20 DECEMBER 1970 TOYOTA Crown aircondllloned with new road lax. Price S3 200 1971 Mazda Capella RE 1 146 c c sport nms. new tyres and alr-condltloned $5,800 Contact 5528T3 CHRYSLER 184 LATE 1973 2nd owner, well kept, showroom condition, economical, alrcond, radio, tape Owner posted overseas $10,000 Tel Hwang. *****9.
      1,010 words
    • 795 20 WE PAY TOP PRICES for good used can 46. Zlon Road, behind (ireat World. 3T9959 19SS7 1170 MERCEDES Benz 280 wanted Principal sellers Please contact *****1 Richard A LARGE CAR automatic and alrcnndltloned In top condition Phone ***** 1 Mr Manning WANTED MIDGET or sprint Ring Kioky *****8 MARINE TRANSMISSIONS
      795 words
    • 539 20 A E. SPECIALISTS PAINTING, white-washing, roof leaking, electrical, plumbing, sanitary, leneral contractor Tel *****78/ 8853T7 SIMMM INSTANT PWNTING WHY WAIT? Call on us for your immediate requirements We provide quick, slick, quality and economical printing Other services include: Instant Offset Plates (For all the small offset) Instant Negatives Instant Photoprints
      539 words
    • 834 20 1. AUTOMATIC INCUBATOR, Universal brand Taiwan. 10.000 dp wlllns at S4.WO- brand new 2. tpwdboat n-foot aluminium made. Maccullork brand, selling at S2.MM/- I. 533-91 Bonier light carriage, drill type (high impact rock drill) selling at $7. 500'- 4 447-82 Bohler rock drill type shank and wrench al $3,000/ 5
      834 words
    • 543 20 U^Azl sL jjEMaMI NOTICE This is to advise that MR. RONALD A. MEDDINGS is no longer employed by our Company with effect from 19th May, 1975 and we will no longer be responsible for him or his financial transactions. INDONESIA SURVEYS S.A. GEOPHYSICAL SERVICE INTERNATIONAL 101 BOON KENG ROAD SINGAPORE
      543 words

    • 979 21 ALAN BALL, 'RUNAWAY' KEEGAN, BELL AND FRANCIS REDUCE RIVALS TO A WALK T ONDON, Sun. England won the British international football championship for the .iOth time yesterday with a crushing 5-1 victory over Scotland at Wembley in the final match of the series.
      Agencies  -  979 words
    • Article, Illustration
      21 21 AMEKICAN anil Chinese athletes link arms and run round the track after their two-day track men In Shanghai on Friday.—AP photo
      AP  -  21 words
    • 419 21 ]^EW YORK, Sun.— 11 British champion Joe Bugner, who will challenge Muhammad All for his world heavyweight boxing championship in Malaysia on July 1, said he is "two and a half years older and 10 years smarter and cooler" than when he lost
      419 words
    • 31 21 TOKYO. Bun The visiting Soviet men's national volleyball team today defeated an All-Japan squad 16-4. 15-8. 16-13 to win an four games In their current tour of Japan. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 206 21 Programme for Asian meet in Seoul OEOUL, Sun, Organisers of the Second Asian Amateur Track and Field championships, to be held at Seoul Stadium here from June 9 to June 14, yesterday announced the meet programme. Some 500 athletes from 18 countries will compete In 39 eveni.s. with competition starting
      206 words
    • 70 21 LONDON, Bun— Opening batsman Geoff Boycott has advised tti«land"a cricket selectors that for personal neaps he will be unaraUable for the forthcoming World Cup tournament and the four-Tact series against Australia The English Teat and Country Cricket Board announced yesterday that the It year-old Yorkshire captain had
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 223 21 Pleasant, easy tour worries US team PEK1NO. Sun. For the flm Ume on this trip, the United States track and field team is beginning to worry. Not ao much because the Chinese have saved their best athlete* tor the final meet here beginning on Tuesday, but because they have been
      223 words
    • 194 21 Canadians hand Australian Test side a shock mOROMTO. Sun. The 1 Australian cr i c ket team, on their way to England to play In the limited-over World Cup, and four Tests against England suffered a shock defeat here yesterday by five wickets in a one-day game against Eastern Canada.
      Reuter  -  194 words
    • 300 21 Littler shares lead with Mahaffey \TBW YORK. 8un. IX Oene Littler blrdled the final hole yesterday to share the lead with John Mahaffey after three rounds of the Danny Thomas-Memphis golf tournament. The veteran Littler and young Mahaffey had 12-under-par scores of 204 and were five-strokes ahead of Jack Nlcklaus
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 58 21 VANCOUVER, Sun. Hyderbad Blues, one of India's top cricket cluU, defeated British Columbia by 09 runs In an International exhibition match here Testerday. Hyderbad Blues declared at 203 for seven. British Columbia were all out for 103 after some fine bowling by ttuw^ Test cricketer. 88. Chandrashekar,
      58 words
    • 375 21 f ONDON, Sun West Indian express bowler Andy Roberts tore the heart out of the Kent batting yesterday taking the wickets of four Test players before lunch at Southampton. Playing for Hampshire. Roberts had Mike Denness, newly-appointed to captain England In the
      375 words
    • 203 21 Bayi now aims to break 800 m world mark fAAR-ES-SALAAM, Sun. U Filbert Bayl. holder or the world mile and 1.500 metres records, said yesterday that he now Intended to trv for the 800 metres mark. The Tan&anlan said he Intended to run In both the 1.500 metres and 800
      UPI  -  203 words
    • 46 21 LONDON. Sun. Mike Dennesa was yesterday appointed captain of the England cricket team In the World Cup nen month. Denness. 34. captains Kent In English county competitions In which they nave built up an unrivalled reputation In ::ie strategy of one-day cricket.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 2330 22  -  EPSOM JEEP pENANG, Sun.— Jockey Subian Dalwee came out of the doldrums to score a brilliant win on Boleh 9adi II (late Goldmorin) in the Class 2 Div. 2 lOf race here today. Riding a cool waiting race, Subian brought Boleh Jadl II
      2,330 words
    • 47 22 TOTAL POOL: $8818 Ist No. ***** ($2,910) 2nd No. ***** 727) Srd No. ***** S6S) STARTERS ($4O each): Nos. *****, *****; *****; *****; *****; *****; *****; *****, *****; *****; *****; *****. CONSOLATIONS ($36 each): Nos. *****; *****; *****; *****; *****; *****; *****; 524*2; *****; *****.
      47 words
    • 805 22 OEOUL-bouud Y e o Tseng Tsal was declared Champion Swimmer In the Lower Secondary Boys Division of the Anglo -Chinese School Swimming Cham pionships at Barker Road on Saturday. Yeo captured four gold medals by winning the Su metres backstroke, 100m backstroke,
      805 words
    • 90 22 Magdeburg are champions BERLIN. Sun rc Magdeburg retained the National UUe aa the East Oerman First Dlvlaton soccer champlonahlp series ended yesterday, the Bant Oerman News Agency AON Hid. Magdeourf von the national pennant for the third time In four years. ResulU of yesterday's matches: Wlauut Aue 2 Rctveios Erfurt
      90 words
    • 66 22 YOKOHAMA. Bun. Talwani Haleh Yung-Yo woo the 25 million yen <S*1M.711) Papet-WUaon golf tournament here today, (coring a two-under-par 70 for a four-day total of 0 re- under par 333 ThU wai the aeajon't first Tlctory hare for the Tallwaneae who climbed Into a fourth place
      66 words
    • 62 22 BRISBANE. 8un. The England Rugby Union tourlsU are hoping to hare Brltlah uona flanker Peter Dtxon brought to Australia in time for Saturdays Second Teat here. Oddata laid tonight that they had aaked for Dixon to be sent to Australia to replace Tony Nearby, who tu
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 332 23 FAS TWO-YEAR PLANA SIGN OF BETTER TIMES pOOTBALL Associa- tion of Singapore gets a pat on the back for its twoyear plan to broaden its base of topclass players. The choice of coaches for the various schemes In the plan Ibrahim Awang and KeJ apathy to train a team for
      332 words
    • 47 23 Mr Singapore contest BINOAPORB Amateur Bodytfuuden' Federation will hold Its Mr. Singapore 1 bodybuilding championship* at the National Theatre o.i Aug 24. BABBF secretary Paul Chua said yesterday that tickets at S3 and 12 are now available at 141 A Cecil Street, Singapore 1 (telephone ***** *****5)
      47 words
    • 92 23 Irvine top scores for touring Scots AUCKLAND. Sun. The touring Scots rugby team Inflicted a heavy 51-0 defeat on the lcwly Nelson Bays team here yesterday In the first encounter of their seven-match tour. The tourists' kicker Andy Irvine scored 23 of his side's 51 points. Nelson's six points came
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 473 23 CEREMBAN, Sun.— Negri SembUan moved a step closer towards the Malaysia Cup semi-finals their first in the new series when they beat Johore 2-1 at Station Padang here tonight. The win gave them equal oolnts with Pahang on 11— two behind tone leaders Singapore,
      473 words
    • 276 23 LEADERS SRC HELD BY FORCES ARBOR) FORCES draw with leaden BRC. CBC"s shock defeat at the hands of Joint Services and a splendid M by BCRC» Nah Seang Choo that In a capsule, were thr highlights of yesterday's SCA Senior league programme. Armed Forces team of youngsters llnally pulled their
      276 words
    • 161 23 MEXICO CITY, 8un. Mexico's Miguel Canto had a convincing points victory over Betullo Oonzalez of Venezuela at Monterrey last night to retain his World Boxing Council flyweight Gonzalez. 36. who has held the title twice, was never able to connect with his heavy rights. Canto.
      Reuter  -  161 words
    • 850 23  -  JUE DORAI RESULTS Penang 2 Kelantan 0, Negri Sembilan 2 Johore 1, Malacca 1 S.ngapore 1 By MALACCA, Sun.— Singapore could not have asked for anything better today than the 1-1 draw against Malacca in their Malaysia Cup soccer match at Kubu Stadium after a below-form
      850 words
    • 257 23  - Boxers told: National meet a must GODFREY ROBERT By SINGAPORE Amateur Boxing Association announced yesterday that all boxers, who want to represent Singapore In this year's international meets, must compete In the National Chamolonships from June 19 to June 21 at the Boon Tcck Community Centre. "Performance at th» National
      257 words
    • 339 23 Penang dent Kelantan's Cup hopes PNANO, Sun. Kelantan's hopes for a Malaysia Cup semlflnai "^erih suffered a big dent today when they were beaten 2-0 by penang in their second round match at C-ty Stadium here tonight, reports OH KEE HMO, Althouj»:i Kelantan tried to repeat their first round superiority
      339 words
    • 205 23 Singapore (Home)—beat Negri SembUan 3-1 (Makasamel Nohl; beat Malacca (-Z (Ram Krishnan 3. Quah Klsa Song 2. DoiUh Kialoi; beat Johor* Z-l (8. Ra)ag*pal); beat Trennaau 5-t (OoUah Kassla Z. Brian ~|l|»||||. Ua Teoc Sat. Qaah Klsa Song); beat Pahanc 2-0 IMilisi me* Nan and DoUah Kassiaii;
      205 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 91 21 is The Chairman g9 Board of Directors cC CMOL SHIPPING CO. (S) PTE. LTD. H sincerely thank SS| jjj» Mr. Arnulfo Stanziola P. Consul General of Panama 3? •ViSf Jakarta, Indonesia j& Mr. K.H. Chow, C.P.M. |g Capt. C.C. Ho j 'G' Lines, Hong Kong Ltd. all friends, clients, business
      91 words
    • 338 21 Highlights for today New hop* for barren woinin. Men who claimed to own land on moon. New leadership line-up of Majlis Pusat. MUIS to set new condition for Muslim bursary applicants. More complaints on RTS Malay programmes. Soccer: Fans disappointed with Singapore's performance. TRANSLATION SERVICE AVAILABLE FREI! JUST FILLYOUR COUPON
      338 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 382 22 m/i !l B 111 HI H I yjlr "I Law 4/T For immediate installation Lw K Call *****10/1 jW Js£& VRFNTAL SPECIALISTS WORLDW|[>E^Ejr HBHLiCS2jB.^B i^aVß^Et^BV Improve your stopping power with new Unico Brake and Clutch Fluid One of the major causes of brake failure at moisture content tests to ensure
      382 words
    • 105 22 IF YOU WORK WITH WOOD, LET ittaKLta. WORK FOR YOU IfuxKitcL 'W MODEL 3600 B ROUTERS MODEL 3501 GROOVE CUTTERS MODEL 4300 BA JIG SAWS MODEL 3700 TRIMMERS MODEL 52C1 CIRCULAR SAWS MODEL 1805 HAND PLANERS Also in our range of Wood« working Power Tools. Table Saws. Chain Saws. Orills.
      105 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 74 23 FROM DUCKHAMS! get a FREE quality T-Shirt when W you buy lean of s litre Duckhams <7 motor-oil while stocks last! 1 Printed in attractive colours of the world famous John Player Special on both sides. A fantastic, eyecatching T-shirt you should not be BY I _1 1 J i_p
      74 words
    • 143 23 fi^gfe emoorium CHINESE i^fcdMt^Ji X/^ /S T n emporium *-^T^Sr a^ v\. x emporium I I I y 1 Z L KATONQ yr as; I^DAi-nwi V— toamvOH cm **JT, tH r^^L J -*E^a»S2L "JJjjf Quality goods at cheaper prices than ever before! UNBELIEVABLE! ift.^ft^OFF SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Remember, the 11
      143 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 92 23 ROCKET: SHA League Dlv. a Khalaa 'B v CSC B p Janaenlt«s 'B v Police 'B. Dtv. S Police tT v BAPSA -a. SOCCEE: PDAWU Tournay Holiday Inn v Sngapura Porum (Tanglln). S*Jl ASH: SSRA's 2nd rd "E" grade. League Competition— Varsity 1 V RAFF 2; SCC 6 V TanyUn
      92 words

  • 535 24 ANOTHER $2.25 UP WASHINGTON, Sunday PRESIDENT Ford has ordered speechwriters to draft a major energy message, apparently announcing a US$1 (S$2.25) a barrel hike in the oil import tariff and attacking Congress for failure to act on energy legislation, a White House aide said
    The Times  -  535 words
  • 175 24 Student sit-in at US agency continues •irrENTIANB, Bun. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) efforts to pay largo numbers of Its Laotian employees remained deadlocked today as a student occupation of the organisation's headquarters here entered it* fifth day. Some of the workers. worried by the impending withdrawal of
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 33 24 COPENHAGEN, Sun. Danish Defence Minister Orla Moeller said yesterday the chances that four Nato countries would agree to buy the American-built Pl 6 Jet fighter appeared "better than ever before PPL
    33 words
  • 35 24 LOS ANOEU9S. Sun. Actrrw Shirley Jones— who Marred in the now defunct TV series -m* Partridge Family" r— lias been granted a divorce from actor Jack Caasldy, ending an 18-year marriage. AP
    AP  -  35 words
  • 66 24 MUSCAT. Sun.— An explosion yesterday rocked oaa of two hlatorlc forta flanking Kuacat Bay, and unconfirmed report* spoke of a number of deaths and lnjuriea. Port Mlranl U used by the military, and aome sources say there are prisoners there though the main Jail la Port
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 336 24 Ex-con kills two in shooting, raping spree T\AYTON (Ohio), Sun •■/—A 28-year-old exconvict killed two women, wounded nine other people and raped two teenagers before killing himself early yesterday police said. The slayer was Identified as Russell Lee Smith, a parolee from a reformatory where he had been sentenced for
    AP  -  336 words
  • 42 24 KANAZAWA. (Jin. —An unidentified gunboat And at three Japan eat ftchinf boat* In the Japan Baa about 240 km (150 mile.) eait of the central North Korean, coast, the Maritime Safety Agency reported today. No one was Injured.— AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 45 24 WASHINGTON. San. American nuclear submarines have been spying on Soviet missile smbmarincs to learn as macfl as possible a boat Soviet capability to attack the United BUtes. military soarees said. They saU the t*7ta> has keen rolnf on cinee the early lMts.— UPl.
    45 words
  • 60 24 COMMANDER Pyotr Kllmuk (waving) and flight engineer Valery Sevastianov are all smiles before boarding the Soviet spaceship Soyuz 18 which was launched on Saturday at the Baikonur Coscodrome. The spaceship is to link up with an orbiting research station, only six weeks after
    AP  -  60 words
  • 37 24 JAKARTA. Sun. OB Asalatant Secretary of SUt« Philip Bablb arrived In .Jakarta, today tor a two-day vlalt on hit tour to brief Adan leaden on the American poalUon on the; latcat derelopmenu In Indochina.— AP.
    AP  -  37 words
  • 31 24 MON-ITVIDBO. Bun Uru-suay-a eivlUon Praatdant Mr. Juan Marta Bordabarry. and military leaden have artUad their wont dtapute in ataaoat two ream of )oint rule, an official apnsaaman aald. Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 29 24 SBOOL, sun. Two ChlD*a» vassals took away a 60--ton South Korean nahlnc boat with 10 Baraw aboard In the Cast China Saa aarly todaj maritime police aakL—
    29 words
  • 119 24 Glasgow protest against N-sub bases CLASGOW, Son. About I.OM demonstrators marched through Glasgow yesterday to protest the Pwesioe of "monster" American and British n■e I e a r submarine bases in Soot and. The demonstrators, Including several Chilean political refugees, carried a letter addressed to the commanding officer of the
    119 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 236 24 TUFF-KOTE is the world's largest automotive rustproofer. Fhc secret Tuff- Hole's exclusive 2- step system. aaaWZr I td STBPI: Penatrant STEP 2: S—lantk—ps kills rust out moittura St«> 1: Dinol Penetrant* neutralises existing rust, displaces moisture and ensures maximum penetrat ion into seams, welds, crevices and joints by capillary action
      236 words
    • 155 24 I Bor9O |OS Gentlemen, Children on<» I PEsKINQ imi nodth *i*oac koao smoa>o^ FOR ELEGANCE, PRECISION AND VALUE dfc J A with "IncaWoc" yp rAIjUJj WorW Famous rf 70c**e* gvetfTtoce QUALITRON Electronic Slide Rule solves all complex calculations you can think of I M del aaam^aa! aaaam advanced 8 Digit,
      155 words