The Straits Times, 20 May 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
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  • 1210 1  -  CORINNE THAM Millionaire's son jailed for 3 years By Court told of bid to kill father's mistress IKEWARD $50,000 J lor Information reiened t>\ .TlsrV December 1974 leading directly (■n thqr i opinion of her loUeUon) to the arrest\ of person or person* responsible for ln-^
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  • 634 1 Ford tells nation: Forget setbacks PHILADELPHIA, Monday PRESIDENT FORD has called on Americans to rebound from recent military, diplomatic and economic setbacks and to display a renewed national purpose and a strengthened national will. Speaking at the openInn of the University of Pennsylvania here, he said that throughout American history
    Reuter  -  634 words
  • 426 1 Manila seeks new defence treaty CAN A NTONIO (Texas). Mon. The P h 111 p p lnes wants to renegotiate Its defepce treaty with the United Stages, according to its ambassador. In Interviews published In San Antonio newspai>ers yesterday, the Philippines ambassador in the US. Eduardo Romualdez, said his nation
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  • 160 1 T»HE First District Court has adjourned furx ther the trial of Dennis William Pinder, 51, to Aug. 18 because he is still ill in hospital. The Senior Distric Judge, Mr. T.S. Slnnathuray. fixed the new hearing date yesterdaj after hearing that Plndei underwent an
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  • 79 1 FAS fines, suspends Krishnan NATIONAL football team's striker, Ram Krishnan. was yesterday suspended 21 days and fined $150 by the Football Association ot Singapore's disciplinary committee. He is already under a four-match suspension by the Football Association of Malaysia, for "violent misconduct" In the Malaysia Cap match against Johore at
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  • 69 1 NEW YORK, Man. Ch»je Manhattan Bank of New York and Pint National Bank ol Chicago today lowered their Interest rate for prime buflneas loans to 1% par cent, effective Immediately. A new round of cutr In the prime rate began on Friday after the Federal Reserve
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  • 68 1 CAIRO, lion. Arab chief* of ataff opened a twoday meeting here today to prepare a military agenda for a summit conference later thl* summer and discus establishment of an Arab arm* Industry Co-ordination of the armlee of Hypt, Syria. Jordan and force* of the PtkaUne Liberation Orfinteatlon
    AP  -  68 words
  • 44 1 NEW YORK. Man. Dow Jones averages. baaed on first hour or trading on the New York Stock Exchange 30 Indus 829 08. down 8.53: M tranap 167 77. down 103; IS utus 177.81. down OJS; 85 rtocka 253 85. dawn 1.14.— OPI.
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  • 28 1 BOKOKONO Man. Thirty-five Vietnamese war refugee* arrived today aboard the Panamanian. registered veuel Eurybate* and were refused perml«torj to land, a government apofceaman •afcL-AP.
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  • 120 1 MOSCOW, Mon. Soviet airmen today c aimed new world records for rapid climb to 25, 30 and 35 kilometres '82.021. M.425 and 114.829 feet), lopping several seconds off records established In February by an American F-15 fighter plane. According to the Tass news agency, airman
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 55 1 LONDON. Mon. Labour MP Marcus Lipton wants restaurant customers to have the legal right to Inspect kitchens before ordering a meal. Mr. Lipton is to press Parliament for a change in the law to allow restaurant customers to Inspect the kitchens, as part of a campaign against unhygienic
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 167 1 Lee flies into Tokyo for talks mOKYO, Mon. Mr. 1 Lee Kuan Yew arrived here today from the United Slates for an unofficial fiveday visit during which he will have talks with Japanese Government and business leaders. Mr Let is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Takeo Mlkl and Foreign Minister
    Reuter  -  167 words
    • 45 1 TOKYO. Mon.—Former Japanese Prime MlnUter Elmau Sato collapsed tonight and doctors said h*> waa la serious condition. He remained In a coma and wai being treated by doctors at a restaurant where he collapsed while attending a meetlnr with business leaden. AP.
      AP  -  45 words
  • 663 1 BANGKOK. Monday WITH demopstra- tors besieging its embassy gates In Bangkok, the Tjnited States today said It regretted the mi s understandings with Thailand over the unauthorised use of Thai bases in the Mayaguez rescue. The diplomatic note, viewed by observers as something
    Reuter  -  663 words
  • 477 1 BANGKOK. Monday COUTH Vietnam's new government said today that normal relations with Thailand will be held up until Thailand hands over military planes flown here by Vietnamese refugees The first diplomatic mission to Thailand said this before leaving .'or home. It also said that
    AP  -  477 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 165 1 Philips breakthrough! Big-set TV features in a Philips 31 cm. (121 portable. Now. for the first time, you csn 6. Earphone connection for private buy s portable TV with all the viewing, features of the big sets PLUS th« 7 Built-in telescopic aenal. for "guaranteed reliability' that makes vlvld r
      165 words
    • 16 1 For Clear Comfortable C Hi C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULiA STREET. SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 135 2 Thailand will recognise China by September BANGKOK, Moo. Thailand will recognise China before the United Nations General Assembly meets in September, Foreign Minister Chatkehal Choonhavan was today quoted as laying. Peking bad told him It was in favour of opening diplomatic re'atlont with Bangkok. the Bangkok Post reported. The newspaper's
      Reuter  -  135 words
    • 180 2 VIENTIANE. Mon T*HE Lao Government today Issued tough new directives restricting travel within the country and abroad, Indicating that the communist Pathet Lao grip on the Government Is continuing to tighten The broadcast today by the Provisional Government of National Union (PONU). In which the
      AP  -  180 words
    • 36 2 TOKYO. Mon. Mr. Kelahlro Ogiwa. Jipan'* Ambassador to China, returned to hta port yastarday with a compromlae proposal on the deadlocked talks for conclutlon of a Slno-Japanaee peace and friendship treaty, government sources reported. UPI.
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 37 2 QLABOOW. Mon. The United State* Ambaaaador to Britain. Mr. Elliot Richardson, ha* called for a new ■ertw of International arrangement* to allocate more properly the world* raw maUriaU, food, energy resources and Industrial good*. Rautar.
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    • 42 2 JAKARTA. Mod. Three men were tilled in heavy floods which swept the district of Kudus In Central Java, earner thla week. Anlara news agency reported yesterday. The floods followed days of torrential ralps In t*e area. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 66 2 HONOKONG. Mon. Taiwan officials Investigating the applications of 10 former Nationalist military officers, who were released by Peking and now want to go to Taiwan, have refused to Interview the men directly, it was reported today. Mr. Robert Der. chairman of the Taiwan-back-ed Kowloon Chamber of Commerce,
      AP  -  66 words
    • 499 2 WASHINGTON. Mon fIVE US servicemen were killed, 16 \\ere still missing, and 70 to 80 were wounded in the air-sea oneration to rescue the American container ship Mayaguez from the Cambodians, Defence Secretary James Schle singer said yesterday. "The numbers are a little bit
      Reuter; AP  -  499 words
    • 285 2 It's 'war' on troops who refuse to give up NEW YORK, Monday pOMMUNIST forces in South Vietnam are now fighting off the same kind of guerilla attacks they used for so many years against the Saigon Government, Newsweek said yesterday. "Bands of South Vietnamese troops who have refused to surrender
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  285 words
    • 22 2 HONKJKONO, Mon North Korea and Burma have agreed to establish diplomatic relations, the Kvft rorea, news agency nparjU to**?. Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 133 2 ONLY $90 LEFT IN SAIGON BANK VAULT WASHINGTON, Mon. *h« new communist authorities in Saigon succeed In opening the vault in the Bank of America oflle* there they will find only US$4O (SIN). That was all the US money left behind by fleeing bank officials, according to Mr. George Corone*,
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    • 177 2 All hands join in rebuilding Cambodia BANGKOK. Mon. Young people, the aged and even children are being mobilised and divided up according to their working capacities to rebuild war-wrecked Cambodia, a Phn o m Penh Radio broadcast said today. Giving the central province of Kompong Cham as an example, the
      AP  -  177 words
    • 49 2 LONDON. Mon. Frank 81n»tra and a fWe•trong entourage flew to Geneva yesterday after the entertainer ran Into trouble with authorities at Heathrow Airport by demanding special Customs clearance and a hush-hush departure Officials said Sinatra made the request twice and was turned down both times.— ap.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 755 2 FORDIGRAPH m CC ATI ID EC COMPACT f>cT rCMIUHM.... euDcnnCD 1. Up to aht ihaatt of papar at a tkna. onncuucn m^J^^^toiathar with ttapim and pint, an and comartad to unraadabla stnpa. Tha fina $hndt an ImpoaMw^a id n ataajttofa for raadmo, Compact doatn't onlythrad o^v^^^^^B A 4/ntb«v>iM/ matariala-lt can
      755 words
    • 129 2 HUNGARIAN lANO TORNADO! Mi« two •Wctrifyifta, imlol- 4JH Htanajory't doifling young 4^| »EZSO RANKII 'who ..II pl, r tacfc'i Hoiioo JH Concur to Moatrft &oao*o jj I Vxialo. >n 4o> "pro- 4^H >4ig>ou> MW ho ho> boon W^M >do«:.. bod ot "ttio Syiowlo. t tlchta* of Iko tutvo" M* locond
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    • 241 3 Giant Soviet missile putting brakes on Salt talks XHENNA, Mon A giant T Soviet missile, described as 'horrendous" by US officials, Is at the heart of a dispute that has stalled the Geneva Stratezlc Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), according to US officials. Secretary of Btate Dr. Henry Kissinger and Soviet
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 144 3 Oil: Shah sets poser for West WASHINOTON. Mon.— rhe Shah of Iran last night defended his prediction that the price of oil would rise in the autumn and asked Western countries why they have not developed alternative sources of energy. Appearing on a television interview programme, he said the Arab
      Reuter  -  144 words
    • 54 3 RANGOON. Mon The Buimese Government hu agreed to raise the level of South and North Korean mL-s.ons here to embassies. diplomatic sources said Both South and North Korea are represented la Rangoon by their respective con«ulat« general cfllcea. Burma has not yet opened missions In either
      AP  -  54 words
    • 95 3 PARIS. Mon. French Defence Minister Yvon Bourges said in an interview published today that France would conduct several underwater nuclear tests in the South Pacific this year. President Valerr Giscard d'Estaing announced the switch from atmospheric to underground tests shortly after takinr office last year.
      Reuter  -  95 words
    • 576 3 Kirn: Too busy to attack South TOKYO. Mon. Korean President Kirn II Sung said his country has no intention of attacking Sooth Korea because North Koreans are busy "planting rice." President Kirn discussed the present situation in the communist-ruled northern half of the Korean peninsula in an exclusive Interview he
      Reuter; UPI  -  576 words
    • 183 3 Scare for US embassy man at demo LISBON, Mon. Several hundred lefcwing demonstrators trapped an American emoassy official In a Portuguese military police jeep outside the embassy here yesterday. Mr. Wayne Combs, the embassy's security chief, was wedged Into the vehicle as soldiers formed a human shield around It to
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 36 3 TOKYO. Mon. Foreign Minister Kllchl Mlyasawa plans to confer with U8 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger In Part* nest week on the changing situation In Asia. Including Korea. Kyodo newi service reported yesterday. UPI
      Kyodo; UPI  -  36 words
    • 212 3 TOKYO, Monday DOLICE today arrested eight anarchists. Including three women, In connection with a bomb blast last month at a Tokyo research Institute on South Korean economic affairs. A police announcement said the seven were seized this morning and that investigations were underway to
      Reuter; UPI  -  212 words
    • 105 3 WASHINOTON, .Mon— An unusual coalition of six senators, ranging from conservative Republicans to Liberal Democrats, is mapping plans for a "great debate" on the nations foreign and defence pollties early next month. "In the aftermath of Vietnam." they said in a letter being circulated
      AP  -  105 words
    • 25 3 JOHANNESBURG. Mon One black miner died and IS were Injured when about 100 mlneworken rioted at the Landau Colliery near htre yerterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  25 words
    • 16 3 PEKINO. Mon. China's Vice-Premier. Mr. Ttnj returned home yesterday after a precedcnt-Mtting stale visit
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    • 236 3 LOa ANGELES. Mon. A 29-year-old pregnant woman was klUed by an attacker who slashed open her belly and removed the full-term baby, police said yesterday. A woman accused in the slaying took the baby to a hospital and claimed she had given birth to It, authorities
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    • 338 3 LONDON, Mon. Two hundred people disturbed the calm of a wealthy London neighbourhood yesterday with a new style of tourism a guided walk to the home of an alleged CIA agent. It was not a routine demonstration. It was a street theatre
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 39 3 JERUSALEM. Mon. An International Jewish committee to co-ordinate worldwide activities against the Arab boycott has been established by the World Jewish Congress (WJC). Mr. Ylthak Korn. chairman of the Israel branch of the WJC, said ysUrday. lUufr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 84 3 K V 1801 ES A consols typ« with a Hgnif i«d walnut finished cabinet. Trinitron tA£ A SONY COLOR TV *T f^%MM I DOWN I 24 MONTHS MOUfcL PAYMENT (PER MONTH) KVIBOUS $280 $68 XV 1802ES $260 $67 XV 1803ES $300 $70 •Price based or Model KV-1802ES (Lowboy) down payment
      84 words
    • 553 3 $P£CM OFFER Tuesday 20th May to 26th May 1975 Cooking Oil fi Qn PIGEON 9 3kg D.J|| Evaporated Milk «oc DUTCH BABY 41Jg 2 for 1.00 Pure Honey 0 oc SAW jQronge Bottom 454g Q. Jj Milk Powder ,11 q« INESPRAY R«gulor OP Tomato Ketchup 3 4 0g n9O LIBBYS
      553 words

    • Briets
      • 50 4 KUWAIT, Mon. Kuwait's Oil Minister Abdel Motaleb AlKazeml said in an Interview that Kuwait's two foreign oil companies will be supplied with enough oil to meet their current commitments when negot!atlons for the takeover of their operations Is completed. The companies are the Ameri-can-owned Oulf Oil Co. and British Petroleum.
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      • 30 4 TOKYO: Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries said It had abandoned negotiations for tbr sale of turbines and generators to South Africa for a nuclear power station construction project In that country.
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      • 22 4 KATHMANDU: The deposed Chogyal (Ruler) of Slkklm has been "seriously 111" for the past several days, Everest, a weekly Nepalese newspaper reported.
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      • 26 4 TOKYO: Visiting IS Commerce Secretary Rogers Morton said the United States hoped to expand its trade with China farther, according to Japanese Government sources.
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      • 37 4 ST. OEORGES Six holiday makers drowned when their motor boat capsized in rough seas off Grenada's south west coasl. police said. Eight survivors were in the water for three hours before they were rescued by fishing boats.
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      • 38 4 TEHERAN: An energy conference to discuss the relating of oil prices to the prices of other commodities has been decided at secret meetings here, the newspaper Rastakhls said. It did not say when the conference will take place.
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      • 37 4 MADRID: Spain has shipped military supplies to the Spanish Sahara where violent Incidents have erupted In past weeks, but the military governor believes chances of war breaking out In the disputed North African territory are minimal. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  37 words
    • 195 4 Tea' to $308 b 5-year plan for Saudi Arabia RIYADH, Mon. Saudi Arabia's Council of Ministers yesterday approved a five-year economic plan of stupendous proportion calling lor a US$l4O billion 8*303 billion) Investment. The plan would be carried out with the assistance of half a mlll.on foreign technicians, managers, teachers
      NYT  -  195 words
    • 74 4 WABHINOTON. Mon.— The Warren Commission discussed k report that Lot Haxvey Oswald had worked M an PBI undercover agent for more than a year before the uuislnatlon of President John Kennedy, according to a recently declasalfled commission transcript. Members of the commission, ncludlng the late Chief Justice
      AP  -  74 words
    • 61 4 THE SWEET SMILE OF SUMMER MISS Summer Bartholomew, 23 (above) of Merced. California, startIng her reign as Miss USA as she sits on the throne wearing her tiara and holding her sceptre and roses on Sunday. The five foot eight beauty measures 36-24-36 and will represent the United States at
      UPI  -  61 words
    • 338 4 Warning on oil dims summit outlook j CAIRO, Monday ■pHE climate for next month's US-Egypt-ian summit was clouded today by American Defence Secretary James Schlesinger's warning that force might be used to break any new Arab oil embargo. Egyptian officials described the warning as tactless and untimely. Al-Alchbar headlined its
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 132 4 f ONDON, Mon.— BriLi tain's entire horse population could be wiped oat by a flu epidemic next year unlesw a ~n^n«l vaccination programme Is started now, veterinary surgeon Simon Smith said today. Mr. Smith, who based his forecast on periodic cycles of recent flu
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 36 4 MOSCOW. Mon. Labourers working on a manganese ore excavation site In the Ukraine unearthed an unbroken ostrich crk which local professors said was several minion years old. the newspaper Rab<>chaya Oaseta said today.— UPl.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 v Jed* 0 10 !^1 Mtxing Bow< Set |te B > MY '^'^laxj^SOSi^ I BB^f B^B^B^B^B^l^B^^B^S B^B^T^^ Unique Fashion i^^* Ladies' Cardigan Set from Japan -^T^ ~iwPPI $13.90 $18 50 -$23.00 ye* t (^^jH^ ■>"'" r**^*3S^\ Shopping wjt Pullover «*^s^B i\ Vlaa €Q f«O *T^ 1 V^b^bßA *W MW bl^9lblbM
      152 words

    • 526 5 THREE CHOICES AT HEARING IPOH. Monday Malayan Tin Bureau based in Washington is seeking three alternative assurances from the United States Government relating to "the protection of the producers, processors and consumers against avoidable disruption of their usual markets." The alternatives were put forward before
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    • 153 5 CASE OF THE MIDWIFE'S 'SHRUNKEN' WIG Bl TTERWORTH. Moo. A woman took a hairdresser to court today orer a wig. Lav Chen* Be, 48, a midwife, c'aimed that Saw SeJ Kee. M. had damaged her wig while treating M two yean ago. Lav asked for $30 damages. She alleged Saw
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    • 54 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon About 1000 mwmlll and Umber industry wuteia are considering a general strike to protest against a contract labour system being Introduced by some employers. A spokesman for the Sawmill and Timber Industry Workers Union said the matter has been reported to the Labour
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    • 187 5 5 KILLED IN TWO ROAD MISHAPS KLUANG, Monday ETVE people were killed and seven injured r In two road accidents In the Kluang dis- trlct yesterday. In the first accident, three people were killed and four others injured when their Colt Lancer and a petrol tanker collided at the 48>/
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    • 89 5 Killing of 'tec 'cowardly deed' KUALA LUMPUR, Mon -Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ohazall Shane described y e s t c r days killing of Det.-Bgt Tong Weng Poh as a dastardly act of cowardice. Hs said "This man was a good fUibter. Trie communist agentc may go on killing
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    • 134 5 KUANTAN. Mon. A wild boar hunter who had encroached Into the Klau forest reserve control area In Raub was shot dead by a security forces patrol yesterday evening. The hunter was In a party of four In the forest reserve at about 3 p.m.
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    • 78 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon The appointment of the Malaysian High CoounJavloner in London. Tail Brl Sfc-ed Zahlruddln bin Syed Hassan, as Governor of Malacc* was officially announced here today by Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Abdul Raamk. Tan Sri Byed Zahlruddln who was the High Commissioner as well as
      78 words
    • 49 5 IPOH. Mon. A Kuala Lumpur cushion maker. Chan Hoong Hon. 33, who returned U> his family home in SungkaL was tat upon by xeveral thugs and stabbed to death In front of the Majestic Cinema In Bldor. 70 kni (44 miles) south of here, last night
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    • 230 5 Put a stop to free love; Harut KUALA LUMPUR. Mon J Belangor Mentri Be«yr Dato Hajl Harun iarts urged the Government today to take serious action against contraceptive pedlars. He said shops In the city and other major towns were selling contraceptives, especially the PM. and thu had given nse
      230 words
    • 38 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon.— Lt-On. Tan *l Datuk Ungku Nsmruddln. Malaysian Chief of Oanaral Staff, has been promoted to the rank of full general with effect from Jan. 1, 1*75. th« Defence Ministry here announced today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 51 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon Malaysia could have colour TV by 1977. Information Minister Temrku Ahmad Rlthtmddeen. speaking at an Umno meeting said his Ministry waa reviewing Its plan* on colour TV. "Should the project b» approved early next year, ws could have colour TV in irrj. he
      51 words
    • 34 5 PXNANO. Mon. The training ground on Pulau Yu johore. will be activated between 9 am. and T pm from May M to June for bombing exercises by the Royal Australian Air Force
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 703 5 DISCOVER THE VAST WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE IN THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britannica 3 30 MAGNITICENT VOjUJMES IN 3 SERKRATE BUT INTEGRATED R\RT$ 111 M- \d I ll\ k.^ I YLj TT I I/I 1 IN ENCYCijOPAKDI/\S IN OVER 200 MARS A breakthrough in encyclopaedia publishing history. Since 1768, Encyclopaedia Britannica has been
      703 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 320 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS to give girl a tranquilliser 1 Dilutes fruity content of (2 7). ■xx* <•. «>• 1 Awful rowa at laat mean 10 Boy having to pretend defeat (6). to get the doth I Odd men apt to Uke part 11 Leave car with one In tharlng
      320 words

  • 258 6 Laid-off shock then 100 stage -protest ABOUT 100 workers of Maritime Pte. Ltd. staged a mass protest at their worksite In McDermott Shipyard in Jur o n k yesterday after their company Informed them that they had been retrenched with Immediate effect. The workers (fathered outside the worksite office immediately
    258 words
  • 61 6 EIGHT men were fined $100 each ycstertUy (or treopaulng Into a house In Benda Street belonging to the Government on April 4. Soh Klan Bin. 30, Urn Cheng Chwee, SS, Tan Ah Kee. M An« Hock Choon. 52. Chua Say Beng 20. Wong Pool Nal. 29.
    61 words
  • 283 6 MX pills: American student fined $1,000 A 17- YEAR-OLD American student was fined $1,000 by the Third Magistrate's Court yesterday for unlawfully having three tablets containing methaqualone. Christopher Paul Broadhurst (above) was found guilty of having the three tablets along Orchard Road at about 9 p.m. on Jan. 16. The
    283 words
  • 451 6 Asking for these seamen THE National Maritime Board said yesterday that local seamen should do their share to increase the percentage of Singaporeans working on board Singapore r egistered ships. The board's chief executive oilcer. Mr. Cheang Kok Ming, said: "It U most unfortunate that because of many incidents of
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  • 238 6 'Freight booking centres can help counter slump' pO-ORDINATION of v/ activities by freight booking centres In the region can help counter the effects of recession and the expected drop in business as a result of the re -opening of the Suez Canal next month, according to the general manager of
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  • 33 6 LEE Seng Koh. 28. was yesterday fined S3O by a magistrate's court for behaving In a disorderly manner in Palmer Road at about 11.30 p.m. on Saturday He pleaded guilty.
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  • 54 6 SOU Tai Hock, 20, was* jaUetl for three years and riven 12 strokes of the rotan by a district court on two chargw of committing armed robbery Involving >Ul>. Soh had earlier pleaded guilty to the charges and consented to another robbery and three housebreaking charges
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 > liiiLMJij'Ui/a ■fliJiJuign > LAST 2 DAYS*?' *Daily at 7 30pm J j; Admission: Adults: 52.00 Children: $1.00 Jl atftrtg Hj \,_f thai an tv— SM «m _.■[«*> A*t a" I HAYES BERRY POWERS McMTRtE WYNH -..wsmnea 4* j. ODEON: Today Tomorrow Only!;! S Shows at 11am. 130, 4, 7
      184 words
    • 44 6 «*®»*SS» *J®»®k> W©«<9V v#®^3jv «*<e)»*SV*<e>«<s-v 1 DAILY SET LUNCH 'IvNvnlJ© (EXCEPT SUNDAY) I NOW AT LOW LOW PRICE 83.90*1 I ALL LUNCHES INCLUDE COFFEE OR TEA J Plus 3% 10% I VSI UMI \l W*V Cavenagh Road/ Orchard Road 4_ Sirvgapora 9 TaT *****4_
      44 words
    • 125 6 Relieve painful piles fast with Varemoid The active ingredient m Varemoid acts on the cause of the problem of pHes (haemorroids) quckly and effectively This results n rapid reaef of ■tflammation and pan K also stops btoedng and suppresses rtchmg It is recommendabte to adrnraster varemoid tablets over a leiauwly
      125 words
      120 words
    • 283 6 SH^aaaaTSaK^-iaaaaaaaaaaa«laaaaataal» j»'*^**'t/ laaHaataMal •^■•^■jssß^^BßapaaaTaaßal aaala^P^Saalaaas^P*^aaaV aW aaaF *J »BW i ijdo— opens TemoKifew HI Mfaaff BafCaMMafl IHS DnSM ■ÜBSaaf* a»»~»»a»«SJ«»a» a»a»ai .urninow! COMPANY *m* CHRISTOPHER GEORGE *e« O W fbninsula Hotel v m Poolside Terrace i f Restaurant Surabaya" L for m L Indonesian Cuisine -J Breakfast and Dinner saafl
      283 words
    • 562 6 iilLiiCflTHftV so«s*his«iion:; LAST 1 DAYS" •i J lho». 700 4 f JOam C :i Wnll Oitnvy Production! *C i[< MUlll RIDIS ACAIN !i 1 Haltn Hoy«% Kan Bury _a f■[ Stt»oni« Powt Color ij •I Oparn Thurtdoy' J 1 Jenny Hu in "»A« CI«L- '•i Chm Van Ling Mondorm .Ji
      562 words

  • 490 7 Trial judge ruled from 'ivory tower' says counsel Workers Party case T»HE Court of Appeal was told yesterday that the trial judge who dismissed the Workers Party action of slander and libel against an MP and the Broadcasting Department last year was viewing from his ivory tower when he ruled
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  • 326 7 Air link with Fiji: SIA survey in June rpHE Fijian Prime x Minister, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, said yesterday that Singapore ,A I r lines would make a feasibility study of his island next month with a view to startIng an air service between the two countries. Aatu Sir Kamisese,
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  • 69 7 AN unemployed youth w Jailed for total of two jrwn and a month by a dlstriat court yesterday on two charge* of having and consuming methaqualone on Mm ground floor of Block ft. whampoa Drive, on Mb. tt. Abdul Rahman bin aadtay. 18, wai Jailed two year*
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  • 39 7 THE Royal Customs and Excise Department in Johore Baru will be closed on Vesak Day. May IS. the following day In lien of the public holiday and on June 4 birthday of the Yang Dlpertua ifHf.
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  • 275 7 fHE Housing and D c velopment Board will soon extend its daily and seasonal paid parking system to another 11,000 parking lots in various housing estates, the Straits Times learnt yesterday. No date has been fixed for the extension of the scheme, but an
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  • 103 7 3 GOLD COINS TO GO ON SALE SINGAPORE Currency Board will Issue fold coins in three denominations on Aug. 4 to mark thj 10th anniversary of Singapore's independence on Aug. 9. The coins. In 9M fine gold, are in the denominations of $100, $250 and $500 and are lejal tender.
    103 words
  • 131 7 Refugee Viets: UN man praises S'pore AN official of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees Mr. Ernest Schlatier. said yesterday that the South Vietnamese refugee situation In Singapore had been "well handled" by the Singapore Government. Mr. Schlatter, who returns to Bangkok today, after a four-day stay here to
    131 words
  • 45 7 A woman. Chang Ah Ot. 37, yesterday claimed trial to tauMr.g hurt to Urn Kheo Hlang. 36, with a penknife In Upper Cross Btrret at abcut 3.4S a.m. on April 11. The case will be mentioned on June 3. 550.70
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 10 7 Rimvition Centra I (Ud C« Toun 73-76 Robinson Road I
      10 words
    • 265 7 g o ggtf SHARP Liny tron Colour TV... for Unsurpassed Brightness Sharpness SHARP has come a long way since making Japan s first TV and Radio to bring you colour TV sets that are second to nore. SHARP LINYTRON' rectangular pattern picture tube gives you brightness that's brighter and sharpness
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1270 8 PLURAVIT kw^^Bi ■■l^^^r^^^^H ONE A DAY CAPSULE I 1^ J^J B H U J^ P"^ H f il *w »m Swk A al^fe I IT^S PLURAVIT TIME AT //if H JIB 'S# */«i^ f^ ;^^p^ Ar^^aL-iUijCDr" BREAKFAST FORTHE WHOLE FAMILY... H^IH JK^Bk Pluravit provides ill the ejsentul vitamin* md minerals
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  • 359 9  -  LAI YEW KONG By pOLICE are stepping up their hunt for an elusive four -man swimming trunk gang suspected to be behind I spate of recent robberies and housebreakings involving loot worth more than $100,--000. It Is learnt that the met., described by police
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  • 34 9 PEDESTRIAN Koo Joo Kiang. 78. died on the spot after he was knocked down by a bus along New Bridge Road yesterday. There were 94 road accidents, four serious, on Sunday.
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  • 115 9 Reckless busmen fined 1,300 TWO bus drivers were fined a total of $1,300 yesterday for driving negligently and causing hurt to two passengers. Kuet Soon Pang. 32. who was fined $700. pleaded guilty to causing a woman passenger, Ho Mul Eng. 20, to fall off a moving bus when he
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  • 62 9 THE AFIA Worldwide Insurance in Orchard Road has reinstated a clerk, who was dismissed for alleged Insubordination and failure to carry out his duties, on the order of the Labour Ministry. A ministry spokesman confirmed that he had been reinstated without to&a of pay following representation
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  • 201 9 FIVE youths were yesterday Jailed for a total of 12 years with 52 strokes of the rotan for armed robbery. Saw Boon Hai. 21. Rahman bin Amat, 17, Othman bin Rahamansa, 17, Yacob Rusmatullah, 18, Kadlr bin Abdul Rahman alias Kadlr bin Jaafar, 18.
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  • 35 9 NEO Boon Hock, 49. was yeterday Jailed (or three month* by a, magistrate's court for stealing a WO 50 bottle of whisky from Yaohan Department Store at about 114 ft a.m. on Saturday
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  • 34 9 TEOH Kuan Poh wbj yesterday fined (100 for driving his station nagcn at 72 kmh <4S mphi at 50 kmh (30 mph) zone In Jalan Bahar on Feb. 7 at 11.15 a.m.
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  • 179 9 rE Secretary-General of the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union. Mr. Joseph Tan. has been urged to substantiate his allegation that there were "political adventurers" behind the walkout by 200 of its members working at Inter-ocean-EAC Agencies. In a statement Issued late on Saturday night.
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  • 239 9 A RETURN to elccance and ultra femininity this the vafut look Aossles are projectlni In their simntr collection*, now beinc shown in Singapore br foar models. Some 54 creations from slinky evening (owns to "prehistoric" bikinis are beinc modelled at the
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  • 181 9 Why a student must develop fully FORMAL education cannot be regarded complete as long as the individual has not developed his potential fully, according to an Institute of Education lecturer yesterday. Speaking at the opening of an exhibition of teaching aids and educational resource materials at the Institute In Paterson
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 323 9 FOR PROFIT BY THE TON With WABCO on your earth moving project you can be confident of profitable productivity. Scraping or spreading, loading or dumping, WABCO scrapers and dumpers are made to give B^^^fc^ V° u maximum output in minimum time. The WABCO 222 G. self-loader of the 200 Series
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
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  • TheStraitsTiines
    • 487 10 MODERN techniques and sophisticated equipment are not enough in many cases ot medical treatment. Often Just as crucial is the human touch, the value of which tends to be overlooked in this technological age. Last week's warning in Geneva by Dr. Half dan Mahler, directorgeneral of the
      487 words
    • 119 10 rpHE month-old Khmer Rouge Govern--L ment in Cambodia has shown more diplomatic sophistication than longbearded Uncle Sam in dealing with Thailand. Twice this month America displayed a complete disregard for Thailand's sensitivities, first by the hijacking of former South Vietnamese warplanes from US bases in Thailand, then by
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  • 433 10 Europe 25 years after Schuman —Plan— BRUSSELS: When the 25th anniversary of the Schuman Plan occurred thU month It was fairly certain that the majority of people In Europe had forgotten who Schuman was and hat his declaration was about. Rat the Schuman Plan. named after French Foreign Minister Robert
    433 words
  • 900 10  -  TEST OF LEADERSHIP OF THE MAJOR POWERS T*HE next 12 months, beginning the last quarter of the 20th century, are likely to be a critical period in the politics ot the world and a test of the leadership of the major powers. For
    NYT  -  900 words
  • 762 10  -  STANLEY UYS: By Cap« Town SIX months ago Prime Minister John Vorster said 'Give South Africa six months and It you give South Africa that chance you will be surprised where South Africa will stand in that time." Looking back on the six
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 33 10 MK^, SEIKO M *t1 m R llRyt^ 7 A m ADDRESS WATCH w\ AA Square-cut to VM Bt your tastes. nj I Revolutionarily U k B beautiful. I SEIKO Tadbonl technology 4100-5009^H W
      33 words
    • 355 10 every driver needs a pair of NWHTHAWK NNHINIYsIMttASSiS (with Impacl-rMlslsnl "Snlp«rsco»>«" glass lansts) (ran mtm-iiMi ysi) Available in 3 models; larg*. small and clip-on without Nighthawk glasses wrtti Nigfithawk glasses POSITIVELY CUT DOWN HEADLAMP DAZZLE Headlamp glar* Irom on-coming traffic is reduced lo really a tolerable minimum FOR SHARPER. CLEARER
      355 words

  • Business Times
    • 369 11  -  MARTIN LIM By rpHOUGH the total 1 unaudited pr etax profits of its associated companies had risen by 15.3 per cent to $31.35 million for the year ended March 1975, earnings of Pan Malaysia Cement Works fell by 38.9 per cent to $3.2
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    • 205 11 RECORD profits have been turnea in by fcmpat Nombor Ekor for 19i4 with group pre-tax earnings rising i>^4 per cent to $13.01 million. This achievement has not only recovered all the ground lost in 1973 but also tops the $11.40 million earned In 1912. The
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    • 184 11 Hongkong market in a consolidation phase HONGKONG: San Hang Cal Securities said it continues to feel the Hongkong stock market Is in a consolidation phase as It digests the sharp gains made since the beginning of the year. In its latest letter, the company said the fundamental outlook is sound
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 655 11  -  LEO GONZAGA By M ANIL A Not too long ago, It seemed as if the Philippine money market was beyond regulatory authority. Of late, however, as it becomes subject to more and more government restrictions one is likely to get the
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    • 624 11  -  TERESA UM By ■pHE energy crisis which erupted on the world in October 1973 has become something of a forgotten event for most people in the humdrum of every-day living. Of course when an oil producer makes the occasional threat of raising prices, the world
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    • 118 11 AMSTERDAM: The A. Unilever group's three per cent net profit margin achieved in 1974 Is not enough to maintain present business, let alone ensure the company's growth. Unilever chairman D.A. KUjnstra told the AGM However, the required Increase In profit margins Is thwarted not
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 188 11 BRITISH LryUnd tank deeper Into the red In the half-year ended March !97S with a pretax loss of £19.8 million against 1S.6 million last time. Sales, however, rose from £741 million to £843 million. The workforce ha* been reduerd by 6.006 ilnce last September and by 17.000 since January
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 219 11 PROPERTY SPECIALISTS Sales Valuations Feasibility Studies Leasing Management Consulting Work From the smallest personal investment to the largest new development. j^k rrrr^fHrTprri sth Floor Ocean Building, i MAI I U Collyer Quay. Singapore 1 \JUIIAUU ULLAJU Telephone 932s9. ***** Offices also throughout Australia. United Kingdom. Europe W' Also in Hong
      219 words
    • 262 11 PRELIMINARY RESULTS Pt«-Tm ComMßiw Year to Profil/LoM L Earninfi' Dividend i" COM) CaxUtert Dec. 74 Mt1.145 (lU4SB)L 9.S < S J>L 2H iEH! Con Hotiu Sept 74 852.526* (8»I»4)Lb S.»« <>;*)Lb Oen Ceramics Dai 74 MS&46 (M 1536) 12.7 (12.4) JTE NU KlngsHoUl Dec 74 5»34« (3S3M) 7 8 (7.9)
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    • 247 11 HOUSING LOANS? See Singapura Building Society today SBS provides Loans up to 80% of SBS valuation or selling price on houses and flats in housing estates accepted by SBS Loans on completed houses and flats with strata titles Loans of up to Ssi 50.000 may be obtained from SBS SEE
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  • 241 12 ANEW breed of computers designed soeclally with quality control In mind, may soon be available In Singapore. The Quantlmet 720 l* based on the Image analysis concept. Image analysis is the technique of extracting quantitative data from planar images. These Images can be produced by all conceivable methods.
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  • 97 12 A alz-delegate mission, comprising members of the Singapore Optical Trade Association, ha* left for a 23-day tour of ten European countries to promote Singaporemade optical products. Led by Mr. Che* Chal Man, they will attend three International optical products fain OpUea T9 International Fair (West Germany), Trade
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  • 696 12  -  BOHSIAM LOH By EVER since the sentence was passed on Adam, man has never been able to cease working. And there Is no %rea of work In which man perseveres more than In that of finding ways and means to lighten his workload and
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  • 161 12 SKA Containers Inc's demonstration of Its latest development in liquid contalnerlsatlon generated high interest among spectators at Qatx Terminals In Jurong last Friday. The demonstration was arranged by Sea Consortium. SCl's agent In Singapore. The 20-foot long eljht-by-eleht module, called the high cube tank, is a new comer
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 169 12 iff I]] W k IjMEa I m t Cto**« prwkim cmi in Motor*" Ihww IIM«d on ttw Stock Exchong* tor 19tt> May. 1973 c,_- k Pr«m/Shar«For Stock 30doyt oOdoy. 90doyi ISOdoy. API 10 14 18 26 KNANOCO 19 27 33 48 CANOC 30 32 SI 76 ENE 29 41 50
      169 words
    • 91 12 tT^^BlOßabwN^s^i Alpine Highlife Summer Holiday Programmes Swissair suggests something better than tourism: Alpine Highlife, a fascinating series of exciting, relaxing, invigorating, unusual, interesting and always satisfying holidays in Switzerland, the heart of Europe. A beautiful full-colour brochure outlining a variety of holiday programmes you'll long remember is yours for the
      91 words

    • 1534 13 THI last transaetod ready sal* at Urn doo* of ImslnoM on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yoottrday compared wiui Urn prtvkwa day* prtoos togothar with 1975 high and tow. (•Adjuolod (or scrip/ light* itsuo). INOUtTRIAL* eICTIOM OMB I*7* Lail m. la Sata 214 113 Aema IT* 2. JO
      1,534 words
    • 1104 13 BID *nd offer price* officially i'sted and buslocao In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Slnfmpore jrestfrday with the number of share* U aded shown In brack<u In lot* of 1,000 unit* unless otherwise specified. All lime Bargain* or Settlement Contract* are quoted after the word
      1,104 words
    • 1097 13 BID and offer prices officially listed and bualnoM In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock exchange yesterday wltn the number of shares traded shown In brackets tn lots of 1.0-10 units, unloM otherwtM (notified. INDUSTRIALS AllnaiMta 1 1 MB l.OM). Altan it.MB). A.M. On. (1000) A.r.i. d.oiß
      1,097 words
    • 202 13 LONDON: There U likely to be a newsprint shortage In two years' time because of lack of current Investment in new plant and machinery Bowater Corp vice chairman CJ\ Popham said. Because of the softness of present newsprint demand all manufacturers have been closing mills
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 394 13 Carlsberg not out of the woods yet CARLBBKRO Brewery Malaysia chairman. Mr. Erik Petersen does not spell it out in his annual statement, but it appears evident that the brewery's maiden profits In three years of operation are the result of widening market acceptance of its brands. Mr. Petersen notes
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 98 13 TTHE NTUC Travel Bervice has achieved a ■ales turnover of more than 1X90,000 since It started In February last year. Because of the encouraging performance, the travel service borrowed $150,000 from the NTUC to pay for airline tickets purchased on behalf of 1U cllenU according
      98 words
    • 312 13 PRICES easec" as trading crawled through one of the auletest sessions on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Turnover was slashed to Just 1.4 million units valued at $2.97 million. which was a drop of some 36.4 per cent on Friday's volume. Most Issues met
      312 words
      • 49 13 r. City ft* T. CtUn H. Buk. a. rsr. Darky >nUn| LOB L llMW LumI Buik rvhc»pr I.M. RU. i.V. Trart »1.M •4.1* MM M.N mt SS.M illl »4.S4 $1.74 fl.U *r«j O.1T «.7» »«7 «.M .It 1» —wit .M .M M —Jtl .91 —.•7 .t7 .M M
        49 words
      • 5 13 Rice 91.H n.ii +'.m
        5 words
      • 17 13 Btae Dattjr Ihhru Credit Faker Mcrtln T*U1 Ti >■: Toi»l \rntm: UMN 1M.M* US.M* 1J7M
        17 words
      • 57 13 IndBstriah. 15*15 SU.M Fiaanrt: 454 .M 44S.U f MoKh 1IJ.H 1121* Pnpetiin: U5.17 JM.1S t Has: 1*1.71 1*1. 7t i t rabbrn: UUI SUM t O.CJ.C: tSS.ll U141 t 8JK.8. Ind IMJt USJS Dee. M, ISM 1M I Dm. 11, IMS 1M t DM. M. 1MZ 1M Dm. SI,
        57 words
    • 398 13 DULL and featureless conditions continued to rule on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday and most traded shares ended the session with moderate to marginal losses. Activity was concentrated on a handful of volatile stocks. Observers attributed the depressed sentiment partly to thr reported weekend terrorist shooting
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      • 163 13 •TOKYO. Mon. The stock market today opened &!lghUy higher and firmed towards the dooo of the morning- seoaaon. However, the market ctoaed easier under proflt-takLig aelling. In the morning MiUaaMU Eleetiie moved ahead and government related Issue* such a* construction* and housing*, foods, deportment •tores and printing Is. tier
        163 words
      • 355 13 HONOKONO. Mon. The market closed quietly easy after a firm and active opening, brokers said. Profit-taking pared early gains and prices later drifted lower In reduced turnover. Hongkong Land and Hutchison both declined to dose at HK$7 05 and $275 respectively, and Hongkong Bank and Jardtne Matheson also shed
        355 words
      • 325 13 SYDNEY, Mon. Ihe stock market closed on an undecided note, dealers said. Slight selling pressure depressed some sections after a relatively steady opening. The Sydney All-Ordin-aie3 Index eased 055 point to 348.77. Sugar stocks attracted demand with Pioneer and CSR both advancing. Banks were mainly steady. BHP moved ahead
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    • 132 13 Money and exchanges THE US dollar openrd 3.30 pm unchanged at 1 1 Month 2.2590 2010. $2.2545 65 In the Slnga- 2 Months ***** 30. pore forex market yes- 3 Months ***** 60. terday from last Friday's 6 Months 2 2770/90. level. Trading In the In KUALA LIMPLR, early session
      132 words
    • 152 13 SugreOed Interbank rate:, at 3.30 pm CBrraoetM Nooalaal *aiM Smlthaontan rrreeataf* aaaied yesterday (cranl parity eaatag* US dollar 2 2550 2 2560 2 8190 —20 02 Sterling pound 6.1930 6 1960 7 3469 —29.33 Hongkong dollar 45.90 46.06 5051 —9 13 Malaysian dollar 99.95 100 05 100 00
      152 words
      • 25 13 THE Straits tin price rose $1.87j to $938 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 43 tons to 249 tons.
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      • 30 13 Rubber: May 19. Singapore: June ***** ets (down 1.25 cU). Malaysia: June 118.50 eta (down 1.25 cts). Tin: S93S (ap $1,871). Official offerlnc: 249 tons (up 43 tons).
        30 words
      • 108 13 pHIHIII PROOUCS IX V CHAHCI. (IMQAPOIII HOOH CLOdNO raicit M> picol YHTIUDAY Caaanut OH: Bulk »»J',N aallara. drum »«7'-,N aallars. Caara: Mlxad llooaai UK/Coot S3ON B Piapir: Muntok ABTA while fob. 100% nlw »J4T', Milan. Sarawak whit. fob. M% NLW SSM aaUara. Sarawak apadal Mack fob »4% NLW
        108 words
      • 56 13 STOCKS of rubber In Singapore at the end of March fell to 40.804 tonnes from 47,131 tonnes In February and 70.393 tonnes In March 1974, figures from the Statistics Department show. The March stocks (with February in brackets) comprised dealers' stock of 35,814 tonnes (40.128), ports
        56 words
      • 35 13 NATIONAL Renderen Aaoodallon reporter! that the North American market Improved last week on small overseas buying Interest. Price* per metric ton extra fancy USS33O. Meachable fancy 8330, yellow grease »286 and edible tallow Q425
        35 words
      • 37 13 Saturday PrMtar Utl UU B.lrut IMU I*4 75 M.nd>> l.lMrti., Hoaltani 1M M 1M 40 pon (2) IM.MB 104M8 i2i A»«rm*t pnea. Eipon priaaa la nor. •t«nin« ■nu la I'l. Oollara par ounea. ItT.OM 10TMO
        37 words
    • 343 13 AFTER opening three-q uarter cent lower, the Singapore rubber market yesterday was Idle until afternoon when some selling of nears and forwards caused a further slight decline. Turnover was moderate and physicals were neglected. The morning session closed very quiet. The afternoon session was featureless and inactive, with
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    • 118 13 TVULY SMR and SSR prtcet iMued at noon jreatwtUy: I-* Jan* Mr (Cvml Mtk) (forwtutl Mtt) M»«i Bur era ScUrra Bayen ScUm (OOBU par EC) (e*»U per kf I SMR SCV (1 ton pollen IK.OO ISO.OON 130 00 131 OON BMR JL (1 ton pallet) 126*0 1M
      118 words
    • 195 13 ASIAN currency deposit "■interbank rates as at cloee on Monday. May 19 IB Dalian (Spoil Off/or Bid 7 days S 3 16 5 l 16 1 rath 5 3 t 6 1/4 2 mths 13 16 6 11/16 1 mths 6 1/16 5 15 16 6 mth*
      195 words
    • 33 13 Cloalnc Interbank rate* In Singapore dollars for May 1» Offer BM Overnight 4 1 mth 3 mth* t% 6Vi 3 mths 6S t% Prune rate tH% Saarct: P. Marraj-Joaca la4ar— < tonal
      33 words
    • 49 13 RANOE or rain o*tr*a by ducouni houm on *Uy 1*: Uvtrauhl 3>» to Call dtixMit 4%. SmoaU IMM ■>l *MI Trr»j»ry bill. 4 1/16 IlifU 1-noaU ■Oka Mil* till 11* a-Montk CD 11* ••Month CD 1/1 nil ■oum National Dtacovnt Co. riar lUghtiy from thOM quoted r*.
      49 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 756 14 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND PERSONNEL MANAGER We need a mature, dynamic, responsible person who can assist in formulation of policy, pay scales, records system*, and training in an electronics factory with a work force of 600 people. The Job wtll involve government relations as well as relations with people within the
      756 words
    • 155 14 SALES EXECUTIVE We are seeking a Sales Executive to market a range of equipment and replacement products for quarries and mines. Applicants must have tertiary engineering qualifications with 3 to 4 years sales experience. Must be able to work independently and have the ability to plan and promote the products
      155 words
    • 1099 14 FORM I NOTICE BY COMMISSIONER RELATING TO INDEFEASIBILITY (Section 84 (2) NOTICE BY THE COMMISSIONER OF LAND TITLES wtvrrcu I am lauifttd of UM vaiMlljr of Uw replacement title* to Urn H.*jmfi iW-irlhfl in Uw Schedule hereto, together with Uw names and uMreuei of Uw proprietor* thereof And whereai such
      1,099 words
    • 1472 14 UNITED MOTOR WORKS (MALAYSIA) HOLDINGS BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that the Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the registered office of the Company at Jalan Utas, Batu Tlga Industrial Estate, Shah Alam. Selangor on Thursday 12th
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  • Article, Illustration
    182 15  -  K. S. SIDHU By Tea break saves more from injuries npWO workers were critically injured in an explosion at a quarry in Jalan Perang off Chua Chu Kang Road, yesterday. They were a driller, Tan Choon Poh. 27. of Jurong Road and crane driver Ng Seng Toh 23
    182 words
  • 194 15 $11,300 riddle as Mayaguez leaves Singapore ABOUT $11,300 (US$5,--00 was reported missing from the American container ship. May agues, aa It leit Singapore yesterday for Hongkong. The Straits Times learnt the money was missing from the vessel's safe which was believed to have been broken open. It Is not known
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  • 64 15 The International Real Estate Federa tlon's iFIABCI) 26th annual congress meeting now in Paris nas admitted Singapore as a new member. Mr. Hanson Kwauk. president of the Singapore Land and Housing Developers' Association and the Asian Pacific Real Estate Federation iAPREF), Is representing Singapore
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  • 53 15 A PEON. Rahmat bin Ahmad. 29. who worked at Ktolte (Pie- 1 Ltd. In Shenton Way. was yesterday charged In a magistrate's court for misappropriating a $487 cash cheque on March 4 at about 10 a n. No plea was recorded. His case will be mentioned
    53 words
  • 65 15 QI'EK Chin ChjC. 17 m charged In the First Magistratc't Court yesterday with putting a 15-year-old sir! In fear of death while harii.jt sexual Intercourse with her In a Uft at Block 67. Redhlll Road, on May 13 at about 4 pm His case will be
    65 words
  • 81 15 Man found dead In monsoon drain— A M YEAR OLD A European was fwsmd dead In i wo—on drain off Tanglln dress, opposite Marco Polo Hotel at 7.14 a.m. yesterday. Police believe he fell Into the drain and drowned. There were no external injuries en his body. In another rase,
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  • 54 15 FRANCIS Ho Kum Hoon 27. claimed trial yaaUnlay to using criminal force on Barry Llm, a bailiff by grabbing and dragging him from fie back with Intent to prevent him from performing his duty at Block 87. lUdhlll Close, on April 25 His cast will be menUoMd
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  • 349 15 'Police didn't use too much force' That soccer Held scuffle OOLICE yesterday denied they had reacted too strongly or used excessive force to remove a soccer fan from the playing field during the Arsenal-Ginga-pore match at the National Stadium on Saturday. The fan, a 16-year-old boy, had jumped down from
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  • 41 15 MRS. S.K Wong, president of the Chinese women's Association, will speak on The Statin of Women at a lunch meeting of the Lions Club of Singapore (Host) tomorrow at the Marco Polo Hotel from 12.46 p.m. to 2 pm.
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  • 187 15 A HOUSEWIFE tried to escape lrom a police raid through a third floor fiat window but she lost her balance and fell, a coroner's court heard yesterday. N( Cheng Hul. testifying at the Inquiry Into the death of his wife. Tang Lee Meng.
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  • 32 15 DCZSO Rankl. a world renowned Hungarian pianist. will perform at the DBS Auditorium on Saturday at 5.16 p.m. Rankl will play pieces from Bach. Motart. Bartok. Schumann and Usst
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  • 81 15 rE Electrical and Electronic Society of Nfee Ann Technical College will hold the first Singapore open electronic projects competition at the Singapore Conference Hall on Thursday The comp c 1 1 Uon which will he opened at 5 p.m. by the college principal. Mr.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 97 15 ■sVHHafMaffjßslßiiVH 4 HJ SsWSI gflmi Maw w nms) aaaja^aa^Baß^Baß^^^Baßw^aaw^^sjawHß| W SSSSSi BBSi V^ |BHB fBJgS^^^aVBW^BVB^^^^BVa^BSBW^^SwSBBBBBW^r '■c __^^^_^i^ MB^B^BsWßßWaaßHkSSflßßßßMkJV^^^^^^^^^ 7 STOREY FLATTED FACTORIES AT JALAN RAJAH Ideal location situated at Jalan Rajah off Balestier Road. Convenience in transport and labour is easily available. The factory units range from 1,225 sq. ft.
      97 words
    • 312 15 Highlights for today S'pore-lndon feaders meet here to discuss welfare of seamen in both countries. Wild boar hunting that ends in tragedy. Hawkers are advised to look after their workers' welfare by contributing to CPF. Why should men want to design womenr fashion? Soccer: Spore is more confident of reaching
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 21 15 WATER consumption on Sunday was 57MM ruble metres (125.4 million gallons), 19,wt» cubic metres (4-1 million gallons) lees than on Saturday.
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    • 840 15 Un your TV SINGAPORE 5 I.H PM Opening and Family Time (English- 7.3« Nnrs (Mjtty) -Repeat) ;.45 Sandiwara-Germis (Malay Drama) 131 Diary of Events (English) |j| Science Report 3 35 Magazine Zero One (Repeat) US MedcJ Cwtow-lN Way Inn 3.M Love is a Many Splendoured Thing 130 Ntm HewvteJ (Eiflhk)
      840 words

  • 90 16 MR Lee Kwee Hock baa been re-elected president of the Chenn Beng Buddhist Society for 1076/1* other oOcUUs are: Mr. Low Kin Chong. Mr. Urn Kirn Chwee. vlee-Dce«JdenU; Mr 81m Peck Kwang. aecreUry; Mr. Phua Chin Slang. Mr. Toh Ohee Seng, uslstant Mcretartes; Mr. Sin Hock Chuan. treasurer
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  • 384 16 By TAN H3IU LING THE number of Kirls enrolled in the University of Singapore and Nanyang University has increased considerably in the last five years. This is said to be due to the lncreaslntt awareness among girls of the Importance of a tertiary education.
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  • 83 16 HOW TO READ PUB METERS ON TV A TELEVISION programme In English on the reading of PUB meters will be telecast on Saturday on Channel 5 at 7 p.m. This programme, jointly organised by the PUB and Television Singapore, will be repeated on May 27 on Channel 5 at 3
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  • 209 16 Liftmen's course 'will upgrade their skills' rpHE training course for 48 lift maintenance mechanics now in progress at the Singapore Technical Institute will nil an urgent need to upgrade their skills, according to the Industrial Training Board. The course, which started last month at the Institute. Is Jointly organised by
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  • 77 16 THE acting Chairman of the Port of Singapore Authority. Mr. H.R. Hochstadt. will officiate at the signing ceremony between the PSA and Woh Hup Pte. Ltd. for construction of the Singapore Maritime Centre in Telok Blangah at PBA Towers, Jardlne Steps, at 10 a.m. today. The $83
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  • 87 16 Open verdict on girl's death The State Coroner, Mr. Chee Wai Pong, yesterday recorded an open verdict on the death of an unidentified girl whose body was found in a bush in South Buona Vista Road on May 2. According to the police, they found the body at about 70S
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  • 52 16 Mr. Chin Swee Thian has been elected president of the Tanjong Rhu Housing Estate Plat-owners' Association. The other office bearers elected were: Messrs Tan Peng Huang, secretary; Lee Hin Cheong. assistant secretary; Wee Chiang San, treasurer; Koh Shen Swee. assistant treasurer; Wong Sara. Hew. auditor and JP.
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  • 43 16 THE Singapore Institute of Management will hold a course on Effective Materials Purchasing and Controlling at the SIM Conference Room. Thong Teck Building, In Boutts Road from June 18 to 21. Closing date for applies Uons L- June 9.
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  • 141 16 BEN Line Steamers Ltd. is to pay retrenchment benefits totalling about $90,000 to four employees who will be retrenched at the end of the month. The benefits WU b« paid to the employees under an agreement reached between the company and the Singapore Manual
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  • 110 16 Budgeting and plant lay-out THE Singapore Institute of Management will hold two courses budgeting and budgetary control and plant layout and materials handling at Its Scott Road next month and in July respectively. The budgeting courae win be held from 9 am. to 1 pjn. from June 34 to M
    110 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 570 16 SINGAPORE SCIENCE CENTRE Applicotions ore invited for oppomtments to the following posts ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (technical) Qualification* A recognised University Degree in Engineering or Exhibit Design or its equivalent Good knowledge of modern concepts in Science ond Technology ond their applications to everyday life ond industry Experience Minimum of 5 years
      570 words
    • 1005 16 l^f strait* OlvdllS \m BEHN MEYER '•"<>" " fl fafnilD I invites applications for the following vacant MBL^^W %^*^^*^l I I^9l 11^^ Ml \J%M^S position in their Singapore Office ELECTRICIANS Group Strategic Planner for domestic appliances and FOR POWER TOOLS Straits Steamship are looking for a man to lead the
      1,005 words
    • 372 16 DISTRICT AND wmmw CCH'RTS SINGAI'OKK D.C. Summons I Between No. 3926 of 1974 CHARLES HORVATH (PRIVATE LIMITED) Plaintiffs And (MAN AH KIAT trading as CHAN AH KIAT CONSTRUCTION CO. Defendant. 1 To: 1 Chan Ah Klat trading as j Chan Ah Klat Construction Co. of No. 44-H. Lorong Teck Hock.
      372 words
    • 97 16 *cTlLcHi<lffig HA ETD LIMIK FM: MmVSuntaTi o» hrn tor m fe, i m «*>«'<■« am, sr*e, iwoo.--.. uunumr urn, »m, tt^M/zmn "G" LINES (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Im UH-IM, im n«r. ttw»» *m*. l**m Wt,. tun i T«t awni (7 few). THw, IS mil ASIA BARU NAVKATKM PTL LTD. cms! itmit.
      97 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1339 17 f +m* 9i vm±liri777^MMmw^ ;-.:>iat»S?llP SEWKE Tl M/CMTWBfT: ISWLOOI MY TS7 'a**-? SS ,!Tm S um cnaritiMMM at* im a<,£ 17 m, mmT sr«-r s Is rs -sa :-;i M -iw 3S m-m ,:s jS IJX lIMIHI IJf* MMI 17 Ml lIMI » a- aa us jas a i S
      1,339 words
    • 1056 17 Ben Ocean AKuVsernxofßenLin&BkieFhnneiGlenUoeandNSMO T* K CMTIM*, Span PM»f Paaaaj Com Parts lamkim a/a Mr a/ma* 1/ im 11 mw am. I'm., tw, om L'taai MMTTaw IS/a Mat 1 Mto lim. Pmb itm»i Kiaf auaca a/a m, a/a Mat a, 11 aai Imi lmm mmi IafMUM 11/ IM* VIM lIM 14
      1,056 words
    • 1091 17 111 iarJ V^i^SJi^f^ I \l2sLm\ br^AiM--jl ti laaapt. wmn iimm immm OMaat Brawa AMatrt All UK. InritM lay SmV *m. A"m IVm "iTm. mjm^mmmt mmm mm UM MM IM* MM* IM| IMf Ik* IM| WTt M. 17 tmt IMI IM) 7MI tt la RfTAJM MAI IT kmh* It l«Va* II
      1,091 words
    • 925 17 FULLY CONTAINtKIZED SCKVICt TO EUKOPE mm- mi mi *ott#nMH. AMtaraM. M«*rp. Ltrlavr,. muuT.. z Si! "-""t StTamu a t?'**"**- f ll>| l |ll t^mtrnv MiMoi. «ci tlin Mm Zi a SttxtMa. Otto, rtttmta, UatK fimjian (Maaj imm Ut amm pa M Man FULLY COWTAINEKIZED SERVICE FKOM EUKOfE aiHM TL 7,
      925 words
    • 953 17 SIMM**. «U444, P K,t,», 4J41. X.L 2037 H; IPmatm, MM, THE BANK LINE LTD. IHBWin AflltJL MTMM (IMaritiat. taaa.ii. Tapga. Miaan, Mm A m Hat* I MartMi taatKl iMacanwat) P. toimi 1/ IMm Im tl Mil Mm M«1 till ,cal E laMo.) p >.i M 4MI ImIMVIM fNH iait 1
      953 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1065 18 t^yi mm i »hii» i iii UNAUKI IMAI DS» lAISM LTI. irvu. MMt, JitAJTS somct IMM ni.| MUMar. Ptataf Ma. I. nttti Japan AfabaW CmM Imvlh S.*fWOil FM: MMIIIOMAM MtMT-ltaM K«KN. Mjuat. DM... At DM.. ON. MltMI/StHMk AtataM-WtMt AMM SoWViM i.^aara PM. MATIMAU HAH 11/ 11 MM Mala*. AMiaa. Lafti'Aeata
      1,065 words
    • 1041 18 ACctPTMt AU timt t» MATY IM tNIT PW UMIIMIM. UMPIT I "*^HHH ssfsa sriSMnwtßJf itt M LC.T. lIAITT itrts I Mar v Mar PaM»i lit MAITT IWM Ii Pan Oactaki lIT lIAITT HCM II Mat M Mar laMatW. tl »ll ir iiiiii MtaMa H Mar MM* MaaiM. MAM 1* Mar
      1,041 words
    • 1180 18 (it EAST EIMPC tMTAIaM/CMiIWWMAI SOWCt IMMM FM IMMM. MTTfMM. lAMMK Ptaaat P Uaaf ftori loaaaa t'taa Ntar mttlM IlKta II Mar II Mtr W* Mar M la.f MMM II M rptra Pl* taf Nattf laaaaa I'aaai Ntar MrniM TtTAI 11/Hliaa HIM 11.11 KM 11 Ir-r B laM Mil AMHAU FMM
      1,180 words
    • 832 18 anas sarm n loiwm. imrnoi/ummnn mn i 'I"" 1 i ««"k| Itataajran lIMA MIUTI 11/11 MM 1/1 MM 1/11 IM TT* FMtlTCtaJra »,7. ll Ha«l J/t. H'awl Mtumuu I/IMM I/IM i/ii mm ii/ii ran tlLt" '*Sli "raka. M Ofl, N-lai| 11/7. M Aatavrt a). f<aa M/l mpma niATii m/ imr
      832 words
    • 868 18 lajUVl Itwl I 111 J I laaaMaaaaa^aaMafca*aaa«a»taa«-^a»^aaati *'^£%W > \£!!£S!!S£ tit CaaMbaitOrmHmOou' poll^T!»7o aihio l?KVm,?2 "•sr.&'SHS?;™ ABNAMOCMtNTt POU MAT M. OUT: Htrma i Clarence 8/9. Thor- pomt KLANO sririSFVzti l^^ a Pioneer n/n. 8t Sultan. »^4, Saruurla and Makavarett Slnara Orent 38/38. Bunca Butang 40/41. Hoaffti Orrti 42/43. tawiti A«r
      868 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2141 19 classified ads -gg t DOCTOM RCQUMCD POM loriim In .<**#■ /•>■ k w»«»iaita. o f 1 1 July Very good remuneration n ,2i£-.7?t V v !s====SSSiaiMHS Please apply giving particulars Ac u U V"*-^ Vis Puteh *7£RLAND't BESTi WORLD'S irvlodlng telephone number to J.™. V 7' Jal n M PuUn
      2,141 words
    • 791 19 REQUIRED BALIS RIPRISENTATIVES. Monthly Income around SMO/- $1,500/- Call at 2»1. Racecourse Road Spore t OUTHRIE TRADINO (S) PTI LTO REQUIRES A risskiui r li The successful candidate should have--4 a 0.C.1. O' level Certifies te or its equivalent c St. years commericai sales experience with a wide knowledge of
      791 words
    • 749 19 EXPERIENCED AIRCONCKTrONMt mechanics Minimum age: 24 years. Bound knowledge of Installation and repairs of packaged unite Valid driving licence an advantage Please apply to Llong 4 Toh Pte Ltd.. 875. Buklt Timah Road. Spore 10. requires WORKSHOP SUPERINTENDENT •tae* Responsible to the Factory Manager for: 1 Execution of the production
      749 words
    • 719 19 MKNOWN FOAIION TRAVEL agency requires book-keeper clerks, and full/ part-time tour leaden Either sax and nationality acceptable. Free training for inexperienced tour leaders wtth view to acquire tourist guide certificate Qualification OCX/ Chinese Sec 4 Chinese, aofct w speak several dialect* afford preference Resume with copy of certlflcates to 8
      719 words
    • 698 19 WANTED EXPERIENCED/ rNfXPERtBNCED alrcondltlonlng drivers Apply ST. Box ASW332 Spore. OVERSEAS TEXTILE CO. LTO. W9 eflCOffX MM |O Ml MSFINALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Above 16 years old, minimum f tall, able to work shift. SECURITY GUARDS Fx-Servicemen wllh good physique and minimum Secondary 2 ELECTRICIANS 1 2 yean experience ln same
      698 words
    • 824 19 MALE O*t"ATIO«S SUPfBVISOK for service company Driving licence essential Long working hours. Only hardworking persons need apply Tel *****36. 10 a m -4pm A LEADING TRAVEL AOENCY requires 1) FEMALE CLERK 2) OFFICE-BOYS APPLY PERSONALLY TO MICHAEL TRAVEL ENTERPRISE ,PTE) LTO OS. ItaMi Read/ Setagta Read. Singapore, t. JUNIOR EXECUTIVE.
      824 words
    • 869 19 SSMI-OSTACHEO BUNOALOW at 578 Sembawang Road Spore 26 Tel 121 926 SSLETAR HILLS ultra-modern sei..l-detached house Upstairs 3 bedrooms with attached bathrooms and family room Downstairs- servant's rooms with attached bathroom, dining room and lounge, terrano. fully furnished with 'iuilt-in cabinets Rental $1,200/ Contact 53*222 ext 754. after office *****0
      869 words
    • 864 19 NEWLT-COMPLETED LUXURIOUS FURNISHED C Übltstorev Semi-Detached |BJ Buklt Tlmah tl 900 Uprsr last Coast ttOO: Furnished Apartment People Park Stft Pacific Mansion tSOO: Ft rnUhed Single-storey Seml-[> tached Sembawang/ Woodland $450 *****55 DIST I DOUBLE-BTORJY TERRACE 3 bedrooms, tirvanl's amenities, alrcondltlor er. furnished 8900 negotiable nva lable Ist June. Lai
      864 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 689 20 FURNISHED AIR-CON ROOM bathroom attached at 112-B Orange Road No cooking, no children T*l *****0 DIST 13 FULLY FURNISHCO air conditioned rooms available for immediate occupants Contact *****2 SKI exWSBJSBBJBJ B9BM BBBBSI lows/ apartments In vicinity of Holland Koad/ Buklt Tlmah Bank lease' attractive terms assured Particulars call Manager. *****9
      689 words
    • 929 20 VERY PROFITABLE INVESTMENT: J B Four terrace houses 3 bedrooms, fans, freehold, high ground, buses, schools, shops nearby Rented $210 each All four $100,000/- 0.n.0. bungalow. 4 bedrooms. 8.000 sq rt high ground, overlooking valley, retaining wall, mosaic. 5 fans $70,000/- 0.n.0. semidetached. 3 bedrooms, fresh breezes. 3 fans, mosaic.
      929 words
    • 767 20 NAMLV GARDEN OETACHEO double-storey bungalow dlst. 10 five bedrooms, servant's, luxuriously furnished Area approximately 11.000 sq. ft. Freehold Selling $330,000 negotiable Telephone *****3/ MM PASIR PANJANO GARDEN (dlst 5) double -storey terrace 1750 sq (t freehold 3 bedrooms, servant's, with/ without tenancy lease Ace Housing *****64/ *****46 H4LLVRTW ESTATE Split
      767 words
    • 759 20 WOP HUP COMPLEX. We have Clients requiring 3-roomed Apartments at this Complex In Oolden Mile. Please Contact early Richard Oils. Sallmann. Seward L Loh (Pte). Telephone: *****55 FOREIGNER REQUIRES APARTMENT with/ without tenancy for Investment In dlst 9. in *nnly 0.P.0 Box 3208. Spore URGENTLY REOMRS detached/ semi-detached/ hlghrlse apartments
      759 words
    • 821 20 HOTEL WITH 14 rooms all with halhrooms attached near 5\ m.s. Paslr Panjang Suitable for conversion to students or workers dormitory Rent $3,500 p.m. or sale $325,000/- Tel: *****84/ *****61 SELEGIE COMPLEX GROUNO FLOOR S IST FLOOR SHOP VACANCIES FACING SELEOIE ROAD UnN N^r. 257. 257 A L 258 A
      821 words
    • 706 20 AUSTRALIA TOUR SERVICE 8823. Special fare London Europe 8880/- Also worldwide ticketing 142 Race Course Road (*****/ *****9) rAIWAN/ ALISHAN/ HUALIEN/ HONOKONO BANGKOK TOUR )'12'14 days *****/ *****/ ***** 11/ S. 18/5. 255. 3'il. 1/6. 8/6. 10/6. 15/6. 22/6. 29/6. 6/7. LOWEST FAKES TO LONDON 8 EUROPE 6 FLIGHTS A
      706 words
    • 695 20 AIRMASTER TRAVEL SPECIAL FARES London. Europe. Canada. USA. Australia. Indonesia. Hongkong. Tokyo 36 Dhoby Ohaut (Near Cathay) Tel ***** ***** MAS TRAVEL 8 CHARTERS TEL: *****7 London/Europe 8 980.00 America U.S.A. 81J8S4S Perth ***** Sydney/Mcl (Return) 81.***** ALSO SPECIAL OFFERS TO Canada Tokyo Hkg Be* Jakarta MMdto Eaal Bangkok. Contact:
      695 words
    • 803 20 BOOKKEEPING BEGINNERS INTENSIVE 2-monlh course commencing 20 5 75 Tuesday. Thursday 800 p.m. 930 pm. by qualified Accountant People's Corrmerclal School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel *****4 N yen are tssklng Buslnisi Education at Its Beet ■Rf Per Reeurta awe BmanUU Aware* ConeuH The RigUWl Large*) RsjßfeMflf CV CMVtrO In BUSINESS
      803 words
    • 753 20 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES and Documentation .establishing overseas contact, sales clause, methods of payment, freight calculations, types of L/C. contracts, banking and shipping procedures. BTN coding, customs procedures, transhipment, re-export. Insurance and claims. etc Every Tuesday/ Thursday 730 9.30 p m commencing 27 5 75 at 402. 3rd floor. People's Park
      753 words
    • 727 20 ECONOMICS LCCI. INTER MEDIATE ACA. Part I Intensive 6-month course commencing 14 5 75 Every Saturday 2 30 p.m 5 30 P m. DV experienced ouallfled lecturer People's Commer clal School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel 4«5334 PITMAN 2000 SHORTHAND thr new easier modified system, commencing 20 5 75 Tuesday. Thurs
      727 words

  • 202 21 A BABY SITTKR. who forced an American tourist's signature on a I'SSIM traveller's cheque, spent the money en coffee houses and entertainment, a district court heard yesterday. Tay G«*t Llan. ?5. also gave SIN to her friend. Urn Son Har, who later bought a
    202 words
  • 59 21 THREE) men were each fined trJOO or t«*» month*' tail yesterday for consuming methaqusbne Wee Choon Lye. 21. and Lee Eng- Tong. 21. pleaded guilty to consuming the drw near Loronc 42. Oevlang R»d. at about 120 am en April 3, while Mohamed Zln bin Shahadan. 21.
    59 words
  • 237 21 PICES of most essential commodities re malned stable during the weekend, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended prices RICK: China 10 per cent Vim Cheok. 85 cents a katl or 60S v. Thai 10 per cent. 70 cent*. Australian 10 per cent.
    237 words
  • 428 21 Flats: 98 parties at High Court hearing •JMIK High Court yesterday hc;tid an application involving !)""> defendants, including Idea! Homes Pic Ltd. and 16 banks and finance companies, mortgagees of flats in Woollerton Park, off Fairer RotfL The other defendants are either Individual purhasers or Joint purchasers of a total
    428 words
  • 46 21 THL National Productivity Board mill hold a course on Import -Export Practice* at It* Jurong premises from June 25 to July IS on weekdays from 215 pm to 4.30 p.m Pee Is $120 for members and $150 (or others Por details, telephone *****5
    46 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 750 21 ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS secondary IV 111 L Pre-U subsidiary In groups with Individual attention leason held Wedne« day Friday 130 to 4 p.m tel: *****4/ 3603 M O.C.E. MATHS (Alternative B) 197} Exam. Intensive course, experienced teacher, commencing •ione evenings *****5 PIANO/ ORGAN TUITION at slu i dents' home by professional
      750 words
    • 1038 21 MARCH '74 MAZOA Capella Deluxe alrcon, one owner, very beautiful condition Price: SBOOO 0 no. Taxed till February '78 Mr Ongtel *****9 1(71 FORO ESCORT 4-door. 1900 XL excellent condition ***** ono. In'erested call Mr N«o. Ul *****0 ri honoa CIVIC 1200 Owner selling cheap Excellent condition (ontactMr F0ng*****1 itro
      1,038 words
    • 728 21 VOLKSWAGEN ISSS new paint, good condlt.on. 2 lady owners, $2,700 0.n.0. Contact *****7 Spore HIRE PURCHASE Hong Leong Finance offer flexible terms for your Hire Purchase requirements. Advertisement Permit No. 0074 Tat SS4BS. IS7S CAPRI ISS4V 1600 excellent condition. New paint, extras. Taxed, insured. 34. Jalan Kelulut *****1 epCMW rt#O
      728 words
    • 769 21 LONDON trained MAY OP May Melinia 23. Wattan Rise Is back with lh« latest In precision -cutting, blow-styling and beauty care Tel MOMI LONDON OUALIFIID BEAUTICIANS to attend to your beauty needs, specially trained on treatment of troubled skin Profession*; and personal makeup courses available at Avon Beauty Salon Telephone
      769 words
    • 527 21 RENOVATE YOUR 4-roomed H.D.B flat complete with wall tiles, lerraszo and teakwood flooring for 13.500 only. Offer ends 31/5/7* i"or> Brothers Pte Ltd. 34 Cross Street. Tel *****/ 916*71 OSSIONCRAFT Marts* and CawaatycWan Group 111S, 11* Baar, PMptt-s Park C«n*r« WE RENOVATE AND FURNISH from Moor to celling homes, of
      527 words
    • 237 21 EUCHEUMA SPINOSUM SEAWEED and Thai sugar available Interested parties please contact tel *****74 No brokers. WE PAY TOP Price for good si condhand typewriters. Ring *****/ ***** B|^^3ECX^!3HBg«sW AVAILABLE FULLY AUTOMATIC, twin-tub washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, freesers, cookers, black and white and colour TV Contact Buklt Tlmah Electric Co *****0
      237 words
    • 622 21 LAROE SELECTION of all paintings and art reproductions Ideal for home or office at prices you can afford Mao available pictures and boards for Decoupage Scandla 1425. Changl Village open 11am till S 30 p.m Phone *****0 ONE PARKINSON COWAN gas cooker almost new. MOO and one Westlnghouse alrcondltioner almost
      622 words

    • 173 22 Europe's best: Green Dancer PARIS. Mon. Green Dancer established himself as the best three-year-old colt in Europe by winning Longchamps Prix Lupin yesteraay and is now the shortest priced favourite for the Epsom Derby since his sire, Nijinsky, five years ago. His tJuii ent Jockey, Freddy Head, summed up everybody
      173 words
    • 815 22 I STIPE'S REPORT APPRENTICE W.H. AuA Yeung 1 Lion Cub) was charged with incompetent riding In Race 3 on Sunday and suspended for three days by the stewards. The Stipendiary Steward's report on Sunday s races: ■ACE 1: At the sUrt. SsonsaerlaDd < VUuanathan >
      815 words
    • 473 22 US wait for big guns in Peking CANTON, Mon.— American at h let^s and officials had their first look at the Olympic track and field potential of China, but are making no hasty judgments. "This first meet doesn't mean a thing," said Willye White, the 35-year-old Olympic veteran, after watching
      Agencies  -  473 words
    • 101 22 NEW YORK, Mon. Results of yesterday's major league baseball games: American League: New York Yankees 9 Oakland Athletics 1. California Angeis 5 Baltimore Orioles 1. Minnesota Twins 6 Milwaukee Brewers 0. Boston Red Sox 4 Kansas City Royals 2. Cleveland Indians 7 Chicago White Sox S. Texas
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 251 22 Juventus romp to title with 5-0 win ROME, Mon. Juventus. of Turin, won their 16th Italian National soccer title yesterday by thrashing relegated Vicenza 5-0 on tho final afternoon of the 1974-75 season. Narjoli clinched second place with a 2-0 victory over Varese, also a relegation casualty. The Naoles club,
      251 words
    • 1030 22 WEIGHTS f o r Penang races on Saturday and Sunday. SATURDAY CL. DIV. 6F. Black King II 9.00 Singapore Sun 8.11 Classic Melody 8.09 French Court I.O'i Sunny Haw* 8.07 The Gambler 807 Master Day 8.05 Nyonya 8 of Lowland Chief 8.04 Cher Tho 8 03 Royal Commission
      1,030 words
    • 485 22  - Lili Marlene boosts earning of Malaysianbreds to $100,000 EPSOM JEEP By j ILI MARLENE II boosted the earnings of the first batch of Malayasian bred horses, sold at a public auction, to the $100,000 mark when she won the Class 5 I Dlv. 3 6f race at i Penang on
      485 words
    • 254 22 Russians edge the Irish VIEV, Mon. Th. Soviet Union beat Ireland by 2-1 vi a European championship Group S.x soccer match last night whlcn lelt both sides mil In the running to quakty for the next round of tne competition. After taking a 2-0 lead «ithln 28 minutes through Blokhin
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 33 22 MELBOURNE. MOO. Steeplechaje Jockey «mi 8>ke*. 30. died In hospital last night from Injurtm received when he (ell from a tone he wa* schooling over hurdlis rrsterdav »t Warrtcknmtxal Racecourse.— Reuler.
      Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 1034 22 EMPAT NOMBOR EKOR BERHAD AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS TO MEMBERS The Board of Directors of Empat Nombor Ekor Berhad wish to announce thY following audited results of The Company and The Group for the year ended 31st December, 1974:COMPANY GROUP 1974 1973 1974 1973 (W00'») (SOOO't) (IQOO'i)
      1,034 words
    • 522 22 Career I Opportunity m in Engineering jj We are inviting application from male Singapore Citizens for vacancies in our Office Products Customer Engineering Division This is a 488$ challenging and rewarding :areer in a ***** dynamic industry. The successful applicants will be responsible for the 888 servicing and maintenance of
      522 words

  • 282 23 Jubilant SBA: Our efforts are beginning to bear fruit SINGAPORE Badmlnton Association officials could not conceal their surprise and Jubilation when Singapore's Combined Junior and Touth team beat Thailand's Under-18 team handsomely in their friendly intern ational match on Sunday. SBA secretary B.C. Long said: "We are very happy with
    282 words
  • 260 23  - Chong Boon will not defend title next year PETER SiOW By INTERNATIONAL Chla 1 Chong Boon made a surprise announcement after regaining the national men's singles table-tennis title last week. Chong Boon, whe equalled Llm Wae Bheng's record of winning the national title four time*, said he would not defend
    260 words
  • 287 23 SAFSA are one point ahead of SCC in 'B Grade table SINGAPORE Armed Forces S.A. 1. who won the B 1 grade title last year, are now In top position with 34 points after the first round matches In the SSRA's men's graded league squash competition, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. They
    287 words
  • 555 23 rpALIB Haron show--1 ed his golfing prowess with a fine "double" over the weekend. On Saturday, he won the Tengah Open title from a record field and the next day, he returned the best card among the Asian Cup triallists. Talib who is
    555 words
  • 215 23 Easy night for seven in novices tourney I*HI STVEN liijht-welter bout* In the preliminary n unds of the Oordon Highlander* novices boxing toarrmmeni ended abruptly w.'th the referee stopping the bout* before th- distance at Nee Soon on Sunday night. McCallum, Robertson and Taylor made short work of McKay, Buchan
    215 words
  • 59 23 Hongkong sweep HONOKONO. Mon. Hongkcng retained the V.C. Bath Trophy m rowing race* against the Manila Boat Club and Republic of Blngapo'3 Yacht Club yesterday. D*. Rdbtnson won in Individual rowing In the Hongkong Interport Regatta and teamid with Andrew Wlgram to wn the dduble sculls. In the -women's pairs
    59 words
  • 22 23 SINOAPORX National Olympic Council will hold Its annual meeting at flporU on May J7 at S JO p m.
    22 words
  • 214 23 CINOAPOfUI L*wn Tennis Association has 'srr* three of Its coacbes— Albert Tan, Kam air Talb and Chew Boon Chwee to instruct ball-boys on the rudiment* Of the sport, rtp«rU FCTtm BIOW. Their duties are to prepare the ball-toys for the ootntng Dolphin Ada BallBoy* tennis
    214 words
  • 281 23  - Krishnan fined, suspended JOE DORAI 'I WAS PROVOKED' HE SAYS BY RAM KRISHNAN. the national soccer team's regular forward, was last night suspend* ed for 21 days and fined $150 by the FA of Singapore Disciplinary Committee for "violent misconduct" in the Malaysia Cup match at the National Stadium on
    281 words
  • 138 23 f ONDON, Mon Li Nearly half the accidents In Grand Prix motor racing are doe to driver error, not mechanical or safety faults, a team of researchers reported today. The Jim Clark Foundation, a racing safety organisation set op in memory of Jim Clark, the great Scottish
    138 words
  • 341 23 nrttE Sunday Times A (May 18) report on the ArsenalSingapore soccer match referred to poor refereelng by S.H. Dhillon." As the referee of the came. I would like to explain my stand on the penalty and the off-side Incidents. The penalty: It was awarded In
    341 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 330 23 COOL,QUIET IBM r\n n n r TOPCOOL AIR-CONDITIONERS I^B^gajtJßMMgij^sXJ 9H XT O** ,V^ J* I bbbbbbbbbbbbV. -^^^^^S^^^^^^^^^^ -^g^Bwl I *^siiPl***********V *****, .^*V I g^g^^g^g^^^Ba*^g^gttßagriaKfla**^g^g^a*B^^nfl U|t SsW^^^^^^^Bm^B***! a^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI^^BII \>fV Jm-^^k m*^^^^^T^ WHISPER-QUIET PERFORMANCE precision engineered The powerful, whisper-quiet performance of National The compressors in National Air conditioners operate Air-conditioners is the
      330 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 97 23 HOCKET; BHA i)tv. 1 CSC V lA. Dlv 2: SCC v SRC B SAPSA B V I A B BOXING: Oordon Highlanders preliminary round* (Nee Soon camp). sot x: EH: Inler-constltu-ency tourney Jurong v Parrer Park 7 pm: Rampong Übl v Telok Blangah. tJO (both at National Stadium) Whampoa v
      97 words

  • Article, Illustration
    0 24
    0 words
  • 54 24 MR. LEE Kuan Yew being greeted by Mr. Hiroshi Uchida, the Foreign Ministry's chief protocol officer, on arrival at Tokyo airport yesterday for a five-day visit to Japan en route home from Kingston, Jamaica. Looking on are Mrs. Lee and Mr. Wee Mon Cheng, Singapore's Ambassador
    AP  -  54 words
  • 356 24 T OfTOON. Mob. The Mock mar- L*k*t do** quutiy firm totajr. and at S p.m the Financial Tinua lad** «v up lit to SH 4. LJfhl laMltulUmal dimmd pranpod a broad advanm. draitra ■aid Slock •nortag* and abunc* or aattafa eauacd disproportionate movmenu Oil* wtra also wall favoured.
    356 words
  • 31 24 LONDON. Mm. etxx buyer. ticca < «>. w»u»n iitt/r < u>. ror»»rd bum UUD i Hi. Milan HOW I +14). eMtKBMKt (*»U (■■ek.) Tunwmr: am lift Uaa. V m 100 Was. TBaa WUm4r
    31 words
  • 48 24 new YORK. Man. Thousand* of Cttineae Americana mirrhed on City Rail today In a mm protest MaJnit alfefed police brat*Uty In toe Chinatown aecUoß of tower MwnTiattan End aiicrtmlnauon now," chanted the crowd eaUmated by police at about 5.000 aa It circled City Ball Park. OPI.
    48 words
  • 34 24 awtl— l Jo* XTM. July 17 43 "ft J7 T». Oct. Dm. SO. Ju Mareb 10 M. Afdl/JM* lIM. inly •a*, tm. om./dm t»eo. ju Marc* U4O Otml Jw July MIO liarkr- Dull
    34 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 262 24 YOU TOO CAN SUCCEED! "YOU PASS YOUR EXAM FIRST TIME or I go on helping you until you do put" My promise to evtry Bennett College student i* backed by long, luccenlul eiper lence of a lamoui British college which offers f»rton*l tuition by post. Thousand* of students have passed
      262 words