The Straits Times, 13 May 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
    16 words
  • 395 1  -  PHILIP LEE Six ships sail for Saigon By SIX VIETNAMESE refugee ships with an undisclosed number of passengers on board pulled a last minute surprise yesterday when they left the main fleet heading for Subic Bay in the Philippines and sailed for Saigon. A Defence Ministry
    395 words
  • 21 1 A OROUP of nearly M Vletnameae were flown from Singapore to Prance by a UTA flight lait night.
    21 words
  • 35 1 MEXICO CITY. Mon. Twantjr-n»» peopto ww killed and JO injured when a bui collided with two other »i!lIi Im and rolled Into a rarlne n«ar Tamplco northeast of her* early jeaterday lUuter.
    35 words
  • 514 1 <A little late in the day to give advice' WASHINGTON, Monday ]yflß. LEE Kuan Yew said yesterday that he felt the situation in Laos had gone too far to be reversed; The Prime Minister was Interviewed on the Columbia Broadcasting Systems Face the
    Reuter; UPI  -  514 words
  • 67 1 ABU DHABI. Mon.— An Iraqi archaeloglcal team excavating in the United Arab Bmlrates has made discoveries that date back to 2.700 BC. It was announced here ye.«terday A woman's gold bracelet found three days ago on Umtn Alnar Island, a few miles from the capital city
    AP  -  67 words
  • 42 1 NKW YORK. Mon— Dow Jones averages, baaed on tint hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus NOM, up 0 23; M transp 171.95, up 004; IS utlls 78 U. up OSS: BS«tocks UtM. up 014— TJPt
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  • 46 1 VIENTIANE, Mon. Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma tonight sacked General Atsaphancthonc Pathammavong, whom he appointed commander of the Vientiane-based Fifth Military Region only two days ago, and whose dismissal was demanded by a group of officer cadets yesterday. Renter <Bee Back fa to
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 30 1 WOLFBBURO (Oermany i Mon Volkswagen, Europe's largest car manufacturer, announced today the first loss In IU history, amounting to SO7 million marks (8*774.3 million) for 1»74 -UPI
    UPI  -  30 words
  • 93 1 FLICK are investigating a report that three policemen stood by Idly when the Pahang soccer team swarmed round a linesman In the closing minutes of Sunday's Malaysia Cup soccer match at the National Stadium. The three, who were on duty about 10 metres from the spot, stood
    93 words
  • 983 1 Accord on draft treaty of friendship KUALA LUMPUR. Monday gENIOR Asean officials today reached agreement on a draft treaty *of friend ship and co-operation as a prelude for a neutralisation pact for South-east Asia. But officials said they had failed to reach unanimity of views on a blueprint for the
    983 words
  • 84 1 RAJA OFF TO TALKS IN KL IX>REION Minister Mr. S. Rajaratnam returned to Singapore last night from the Commonwealth heads of government conference In Kingston, Jamaica then flew to Kuala Lumpur a few hours later to attend the Asean Foreign Ministers meeting starting today. Mr. Rajaratnam Is leading a nine-man
    84 words
  • 85 1 AMSTERDAM. Mon Dutch Development Aid Minister Jan Pronk said today Indonesia Is expected to hay* a quite substantial foreign exchange gap In Its new fiscal y*ar. Opening the 19th meeting of Indonesia's regular aid donors, he said a World Bank report showed that between 1972-73 and
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  • 242 1  - Riddle of suspension of tin buffer stock manager HARRY MILLER By f ONDON, Mon. The mystery over the announcement late on Friday of the indefinite suspension of the buffer stcek manager «f the International Tin Council and his deputy may be cleared at a press conference cat ed for this
    242 words
  • 242 1 Wilson fails to rally the pound ONDON, Mon. Sterling weakened today and added to mounting concern over the British economy despite a super-calm, pipepufTlng TV appearance by Prime Minister Harold Wilson yesterday aimed at boosting confidence. The pound, which has been declining for six weeks, fell sharply when foreign exchange
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 36 1 MOSCOW. Mon— The US guided missile frigate Leahy and guided missile destroyer Tattnall glided Into Leningrad today on the first visit by American warships to a Soviet port since the Second World War. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 26 1 MOSCOW. Monday. Soviet Premier Alexet Kosygin arrived in Libya today for a three-day official visit. the Soviet news agency Tasa reported from Tripoli. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 21 1 PARIS. Mon Chlnai first Deputy Premier Teng Hsiao- ping arrived today for talks with French government official*— —UPL
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    • 65 1 WASHINGTON, Mon. A Cambodian naval vessel has seised a U.S. merchant ship on the high seas and forced it to the port of Komponi Som, the White House said today. It said President Ford considered the seliure to be an at t of piracy and demanded
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 68 1 LONDON. Men. later■attwal Tin Coaneil execatlvr chairman H. AUrn ■mid today hla prompt Intrrvrntlon In the markrt as »rtlnt bmffer atoek ■imiii but week pn Mat •d ritaaUoa el near ckaea." Mr. Allen tack erer aa aunagrr after the ITC undtil baffer Keek aaanncr B.T. Adnaa
      AP  -  68 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 27 1 I 1/ ayear \sy to make s > j^^S a Rolex Tal Hong Hung 1 (Pte.) Lid. 324 North Bridge Road, opposite the Odeon Cinema ■Ik Br fH
      27 words
    • 77 1 $5m DENTAL SCHOOL TO BOOST TRAINING Pag* 21 GUAM ordered to halt refugee flow to US j ■BILLIONS made by Thleu' charge 3 CHINA to be a major oil producer 4 ITS a good idea HT the bosses and unions PROFESSIONS who flatter aliens 7 TWO new container thiM for
      77 words
    • 143 1 The GRBI4 cassette recotxJerrecord player, for Philips Super bound in stereo. This attractive unit is designed to give you full, rich Philips Super Sound. There's an all-round depth in the sound quality which you'd normally expect only from larger models. You have to hear it to really appreciate it. The
      143 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 131 2 HONOKONO. Mon China wants a stronft and United Europe and is greatly Interested In the Issue of Britain's continued membership of the European Economic Community. EEC Commissioner for External Relations, Sir Christopher Soames. said here today. He was addressing a press conference after a
      Reuter  -  131 words
    • 34 2 CONNELLSVILLE. (Pennsylvania). Mon. Mayor John Shaw declared a state of emergency yesterday following the arrest of seven of ConnelUvllle's 23 policemen In connection with a burglary, robbery and arson ring. AP
      AP  -  34 words
    • 550 2 Guam ordered to halt flow of refugees AGANA (Guam), Mon. Military authorities here have been quietly ordered to halt until further notice all transportation of South Vietnamese refugees to the continental I'nited States. News of the order which came Just 36 hours before the arrival of another 20,000 refugees on
      Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  550 words
    • 68 2 N- Secrets at dump WASHINGTON. Mon. Classified US army documents! deaKng with atomic weapons were found last month at an open dump In West Germany, according to Representative Les Aspin. The Wisconsin Democrat said in a statement yesterday that the discovery on April IS of documents describing the operation of
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 164 2 Tanaka associate in land deal probe TOKYO. Mon. The 1 Tokyo district Public Prosecutor's Office today began in arrogating the president of Muromachi Sangyo Co. in connection with alleged financial manipulation* said to involve former Prime Minister Kakuri Tanaka. Mr. Klnichl Irluchl Jima. 59, president of Muromachl Sangvo, a Ann
      Kyodo  -  164 words
    • 226 2 PekingJSP stand against superpowers PEKING. Mon. Delegates of the powerlul Japanese Socialist Party and Chinese officials today Issued a joint .statement on SlnoJapanese relations. The communique included a controversial clause opposing "superpower hegemony," which Peking insists should be Included In any SlnoJapanese peace treaty, but which the Tokyo Government objects
      Reuter  -  226 words
    • 61 2 India's trade deficit NEW DELHI. Mon -India spent 6.520 million rupees (about $1,830 million) on foodgraln Imports during 1974-75. according to official figures released here Combined with an oil 1mCMII of about 9.000 milrupees, the purchases will contribute to aa esUmal ed 1.000 million rupee trade deficit when final figures
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 27 2 RAKOOON. Mc>i A bomb exploded In th» West Oetman Embassy compound here on Saturday but no one was hurt, an official announcement said today. AP.
      AP  -  27 words
    • 119 2 2 BANKS IN JAPAN ROBBED OF $30 m rpOKYO, Mon— A bank ■a. in Magasakl, southwestern Japan, was robbed of 20 million yen ISJIS 6 million) during the night, police reported today. The money was stolen from the Kumamoto Mutual Loans and Savings Bank's safe after the Intruders, who had
      Reuter  -  119 words
    • 56 2 DAMASCUS. Mon Syria has accused Iraq of executing 50 people recently In what It called a campaign of terror against people opposed to the twi -month-old agreement between Iraq and Irui. The Syrian Arab news agency listed the 50 people, among them two colonels, six lieutenants,
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 22 2 DACCA. Mon— Bangladesh produced a record 31.7 million kilogrammes (70 million pounds) of tea last year. Uie Government announced Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 344 2 OAS MOVE TO LIFT TRADE BAN ON CUBA WASHINGTON, Mon The general assembly of the Organisation of American States (OASi meeting here Is nearlng agreement on a formula that will lead to the lifting of the trade embargo against Cuba some time this summer, according to US officials. Secretary of
      NYT  -  344 words
    • 67 2 ROME. Mon. Rome Magistrate Oluseppe dl uennaro was freed unharmed yesterday the day after authorities met his kidnappers- demand to broadcast nationally their call to an "armed struggle for communism." The 51 -year-old Judge, a Justice Ministry counsellor and member of a United Nations panel studying social
      AP  -  67 words
    • 234 2 KY PLANS A 'KIBBUTZ' IN TEXAS FARM WASHINGTON. Mon. —Former South Vietnam?*- Vice-Presi-dent Nguyen Cao Ky (above) said today he wants to lead a few thousand Vietnamese families Into Texas or Arkansas to cultivate potatoes and corn on a communal farm. In a taped interview for the mrri c a
      Reuter; UPI  -  234 words
    • 356 2 Diplomat's threat to betray five evacuees STOCKHOLM. Monday A SWEDISH Journalist said yesterday a Soviet diplomat threatened to betray five Cambodians smuggled aboard the first convoy of foreigners to leave Cambodia if the other evacuees continued to be unfriendly toward the Russians Herman Lindqvtst. a staff correspondent for the Stockholm
      UPI  -  356 words
    • 80 2 'Saudi Arabia Cabinet to be reshuffled' BEIRUT. Mon. A Lebanese newspaper today predicted a cabinet reshuffle m Saudi Arabia involving five or six ministries. The pro-Syrian A-sh-Sharq uld Informed Saudi sourer* quoted Crown Prince PUid, aa saying the changes would cover the Ministries of Agriculture. Religious Endowments and Communication*. The
      80 words
    • 26 2 JAKARTA. Mon. Indian President Pahruddin All Ahmad will arrive here on May 36 (or five-day Slate visit to Indonesia, a palace spokesman said Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 277 2 KelAir present the dry air facts: higher profits lower production costs longer tool life improved product Kelair compressed air dryer can make a big profitable m^^^^^^ m^^^ m ST^^^^^ mmm^^^^^ m m difference to your production. Because every Kelair dryer *JB o automatically removes all the impurities in raw IV6I
      277 words
    • 63 2 Executive IVplet Drettmen STEEL EQUIPMENT Deifc Typist Stnnd i visible individual Recorder! F'Pocket FIRE PROOF SAFES r Ni,ht Home Wail I ->oubie I Door J CMM I! Coin Note Pap* 1 Counter Counter snreddtr DeMverr can be arranged outdo* Smgeport EnqumM without obfcgetnn ftes Rrk« K < Me, S*efat S)
      63 words

    • 242 3 HANGCHOW, Monday A VIGOROUS wall poster campaign is under v/ay in this eastern Chinese city with local communist leaders coming under strong attack. An official of the Hangchow Revolutionary "Municipal" Commlttee told a British delegation that posters I were being put up In several areas.
      Reuter  -  242 words
    • 52 3 Elazar's new post TEL AVIV Mon— lsraels former Chief of Staff. Li Gen. David Elazar. has been appointed to a senior post ir. army reserves, military headquarters announced today. Gen. Elazar resigned last year after a Judicial Inquiry Into Israel's lack of preparedness before the 1973 October war recommended his
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 54 3 BELFAST, Mon—Northern Ireland's unsigned truce appeared close to breakdown today after the outlawed Irish Re- publican Army admitted killing a young policeman. Constable Paul Gray, 20. was the first full-time memb?r of the Ulster Security Forces to de since the IRA's hard-line "provisionals" proclaimed a ceasefire
      AP  -  54 words
    • 171 3 Soviet plan for Red govt in Lisbon LONDON, Mon A prominent Csechoso ovak defector to the West has disclosed a Soviet plan to install a com-mnn'st-controlled goveminent in Portugal by 1976 or 1977, the Times of London reported to- day. Firmer Major- General Jan Sejna, who fled to the West
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 22 3 NEW YORK, Mon. India Is preparing: to explode another nuclear device. Newsweek if ported ycstirday. quoting Intelligence sources. AP.
      AP  -  22 words
    • 82 3 A TINY Cambodian boy carrying his possession walking toward the exit at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport on Sunday past the watchful eyes of airport security policemen. He was one of the second batch of Cambodian, refugees who arrived in France from Bangkok. They were
      UPI  -  82 words
    • 220 3 SEOUL. Mon— President ***** Chung-hee won an Important endorsement for his national security policy today when the opposition New Democratic Party decided to support two key draft laws being prepared by the Government. The opposition group, led by youthful anti-Park leader Kirn Young- sam
      AP  -  220 words
    • 37 3 FROSINONE (IUly). Mon A 40-year-old nun yesterday shot dead three people and wounded nine others, four seriously, at Ferentlno mar here, police said. The exact circumstances of the shooting were not Immediately known. Reuter
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 242 3 WASHINGTON, Monday OIK members of the US House of Representatives Armed Services Committee proposed yesterday what they called an "alternative" U5529.3 billion (5564.4 billion) weapons budget, US$6.4 billion (Ssl4 billion) below President Ford's request. Their alternative ea'ls for scrapping the proposed new B-l
      AP  -  242 words
    • 202 3 Wilson faces 2 vital issues this week lONDON. Mon.— Prime A Minister Harold Wilson today faced an anxious week on two vital fronts after making a major attempt to restore confidence In the British economy and reassert his political leadership. The two Issues that may become clearer in the next
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 69 3 Indonesia's $41 m surplus in budget J AKAREA, M O n Indonesia recorded g surplus of 7,7780 million ruplahs >Ss4l2 million) In the 1974-75 state budget, a parliament spokesman said. Total Income during the period reached 1. 975,700 million ruplahs (StIO.MO million) and expenditure was estimated at around 1,9T7,M0 million
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 41 3 JAKARTA, Mon.— lndonesia plan* to have its first SOv-mefawatt nuclear power plant in 1983. a spokesman of the Atomic Reactor Centre said today. Indonesia now has (our atomic reactors which produce radio isotopes (or technical and research purposes.— Beater.
      41 words
    • 20 3 LOS ANOKLBS. Moo. Homosexuals can Join the Los Angeles police force, the city* legal office has ruled. ReuUr
      20 words
    • 839 3 Misuse of US aid cash \yASHINGTON, Mon. Eight years of corrupt control of South Vietnam has made former President Nguyen Van Thieu one of the richest men in the world, one of his former ministers alleged. The accusations, made by Mr. Nguyen Van Ngal. who
      NYT  -  839 words
    • 26 3 WASHINGTON. Mon—President Ford on Saturday announced he has nominated Mr Malcolm Toon, a career diplomat, at the new US Ambassador to Israel. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 349 3 Fterform 4 different y ommt > s^t^^ functions with /Tade/* m, o E i a sin 9'e L.s.i^V^7^^fcM Seal press Departments Printers, Commercial photographers. Schools and Colleges, seal prmses are simple to use and Advertising Agencies, Service Centres, are equipped with all the latest safety ArrhitPrK anH I ihrafiPS features
      349 words
    • 300 3 Tuesday 13th May to 19th May 1975. Condensed Milk COWBELL 397g. 2 for 1.55 Evaporated Milk sisir Award KING OF KINGS 410g. 2 for 1.25 COrdialS 3 Flavours 3 4fl TECLISE Jumbo Size v Strawberry Jam 4so 9 1.25 DAISY Baked Beans »n tomato sauce) HEINZ 2269- 2 for Q.
      300 words

    • Briefs
      • 36 4 rKYO. Mon. Foreign Minister Kllchl Mlyasawa will leave here on May 25 (or Paris to attend ministerial conferences of the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the International Energy (IBA). It was reported today.
        36 words
      • 40 4 WASHINGTON: The Central Intelligence Agency U cutting back on the sise and number of companies that It owns and ha* used In paat clandestine activities, bat It appears to retain the power to revive them if needed, Newsweek magazine said.
        40 words
      • 36 4 TOKYO: A one-year-old, baby. MUa Sato, was terrified and burst Into crying when a young burglar bound her mother up and demanded money. Angered by the crying, the robber strangled the baby to death, police reported.
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      • 27 4 JKRI SALEM: A fovrrnntnl committee, of inquiry today blamed the Bank of Israel for exercising inadequate control over the IsraelBritish Bank, which collapsed last year.
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      • 33 4 MO8COW: The dissident Soviet physicist, Dr. Andrei Sakharov. and his wife Yelena ended a three-day hunger strike to protest against official refusal to allow Mrs. Sakharov to travel to Italy for medical treatment.
        33 words
      • 27 4 LAGOS: A Ni err lan east central state tribunal hat sentenced a 33--year-old man to three years' Jail with hard labour for bringing marie charms into court.
        27 words
      • 32 4 JAKARTA: Mr. Philip Hablb. adviser to US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, is expected to arrive here on May 25 for a three-day visit to Indonesia. US Ambassador David Newsom said. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 295 4 African-Arab co-operation setback LAGOS, Monday ATTEMPTS to promote co-operation be- tween the Arab and black African nations suffered a severe setback last week when delegates of 37 nations attending the 11th annual meeting of the African Development Bank failed to elect a new president for the next three years. During
      NYT  -  295 words
    • 41 4 TOKYO. Mon.— A beaming l Queen Elizabeth bade farewell to Emperor Hlrohlto today to the strains of Auld j Lang Syne at the end of a i highly-successful first state visit by a reigning British monarch to Japan. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 159 4 SINATRA: MY AIDES DIDN'T PUNCH LENSMAN rpORONTO. Mon.-Sln-■l tier Frank Sinatra lnterruDted two of his shows here to deny a newspaper report that his bodyguards had punched a freelance photographer hours earlier. The outburst by 59--year-old Sinatra followed a report of his arrival from Montreal In Saturday's Toronto Star. It
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 391 4 POSSIBLE MEMBER OF OPEC. PARIS. Mon WESTERN oil specialists see China developing as one of the world's biggest oil producing and exporting nations by the end of this decade, and possibly joining the cartel of oil states known as the Organisation of Petro--lou
      NYT  -  391 words
    • 59 4 TOKYO. Moo. Japan and the United State* agreed today to co-operate In solving International e.iergy and trade problems, government sources reported. The sources at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said the agreement carm at a meeting between visiting US Secretary of Commerce Rogers Morton
      59 words
    • 44 4 TOKYO. Mon. Japan and the Soviet Union wIU open a three-day a-inual trade conference In Tokyo on Thursday, the Foreign Ministry announced today Ministry source; said there are no major pending Issues and discussions will centre on general trade problems UPL
      44 words
    • 33 4 CAMBRIDGE. Mon—Student volunteers have started a vigilante service to protect girls living alone In this university city terrorized by a hooded rapist who has claimed seven victims In •even months— AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 102 4 88l BSELS, Mo n. The European Economic Community sixned a preferential trade treaty with Israel here yesterday, despite a last-minute Arab demand that the action be delayed until similar treaties could be signed between the Community and three Arab countries. Morocco. Algeria and Tunisia.
      UPI  -  102 words
    • 246 4 Withdraw strike notice plea to NEB unions KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Moves are underway to settle the dispute In the National Electricity Board without going to the Industrial Court. Labour Minister Oatuk Lee San Choon met officials of the^ three unions In the NEB this afternoon and advised them to withdraw
      246 words
    • 56 4 BRUSSELS. Mon T*.o Malaysians were each jailed two years on Friday for Illegal possession of 3 Ib of heroin. Judicial sources said. They said the two were arrested at Brussels Airport last February after arriving from Kuala Lumpur. The heroin was found In their auttrasei wrapped In
      Reuter  -  56 words
    • 143 4 Shot refugee allowed into Penang PENANG, Monday A YOUNG South Vietnamese refugee Nguyen Truong To. 17, was admitted to the Penang General Hospital this afternoon after special permission had been granted by the immigration authorities. 1 He was taken off the Dutch vessel. Neder Elbe and sent to hospital by
      143 words
    • 45 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon A Walter 33 pistol loade-1 with six rounds of ammunl tlon war stolen from a car parked at Jalan Birch hen last night. The pUtol belonged to Qiclk Ahmad HaJI Omar. Secretary of the* Agrtcu'tural and Rural Development Authority.
      45 words
    • 49 4 IPOH. Mon— A housewife. Low Hon. 33. •■> allowed $10,000 bail by the sessions Court here today when she pleaded not guilty to posse. slon of nearly 00 grains of heroin in her house In Slmer New Village last Friday Hearing was postponed to Oct. 23
      49 words
    • 267 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Monday PRIMARY Industries Minister Datuk Musa Hitam will visit Singapore, In donesia, Sri Lanka and Thailand this month to pursue further the price stabilisation scheme for natural rubber. Datuk Musa said today he would exchange views "at the political level"
      267 words
    • 106 4 Police seixe eight Samurai swords KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Police have seised eight Samurai I words from the 18 Immortals Gang operating In the Pudu area here. They found the swords hidden under some firewood in an open space In Kampung Brunei early yesterday. Police believe they were used in the
      106 words
    • 101 4 Singapore motorist fined and banned JOHORE BAKU. Mon. A Singapore motorist was fined $1,500 and a day's jail when he was found guilty today of driving in a reckless manner. Wong Kan 800 waa also disqualified from driving for cne-and-a-half years. He was charged with driving In such a manner
      101 words
    • 58 4 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.-> Two more children died last week of dengue fever In Peninsular Malaysia One ro three-ye*r-old girl from Buntons New Village. Ipoh. and the other a 14--year-old girl from Petallng Jaya. The Federal Terrttorr haa been re-declared v cholera infected following a new case
      58 words
    • 45 4 PKNANO. Mon The Penang Union High Scnool j hai allotted more than 10.- j 000 aquare feet of land for the cultivation of vegetable* A small project has been started and It is planned to extend It under the schools Oreen Book scheme.
      45 words
    • 19 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon New Zealand is to hold an etghi-day Industrie, fair here beginning from May 34.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 154 4 COOL,QUIET RVUfI "\l ji 1 n 1 v N f mSm U\JC§jLjUvs/U UC^JL TOP COOL AIR-CONDITIONERS isY sawv^^gl ga^^^*^^^^B^g^^^^^^^^Bßiwl L^^^^wß "*^^w^^^_^ :^V^ r J]^^^^^t>^ .^^^]lH a^g«^gt\ i\ N^ ~s^ _a% r ~'^^^i >t a Jl}l^^»^ •^■■SL^gP^-^Lr 111. WHISPER-QUIET PERFORMANCE precision engineered The compressors in National Air conditioners operate The powerful,
      154 words
    • 116 4 iTeNAiB 7ioTi7sh| hungarian <m iano tornado; M»n two •(•edifying ?Mo> 23 !JK H^nqary 'i douling ,ovog DEZSO RANKII who will ploy Sock 1 IMI.OO J| Concofto, Moaott'i donate jj K.MJ liut-i Dont. 4H SonoM of 'proH<g'°v> loloW ho hoi boon C^B doit'ibo. "I*. tlcKfOf of *Ho »uhjr«" imq,
      116 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 291 4 Straits Times Crossword gsssaT"" LssssP~~gsssaP HgflgsssaaP UP gsssaT H ACSOSS 5 A top-up to the main vegetable <6> 7 lie hopes to be paid fur 6 Plot to leave aircrait m the horse »7) river? (7) I Article about underground 9 Plant that may have spr.tes additional name tickled Ehsheb.
      291 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 41 5 jn^B^ nu" if '-yT" "Tomorrows the big day, when we take to the air for the first time. Naturally, were all thrilled and very determined to provide the best service you can imagine. Hope you can come aboard soon." Royal Brunei
      41 words

  • 562 6  -  AHMAD OSMAM Retiring the women at 55 By gEVERAL employers and trade i unions are FOR raising the retirement age of women workers to the same level as men, a Straits Times study revealed yesterday "Everything being equal, women employees should
    562 words
  • 321 6 ABOUT 250 workers of Far East Oxygen £X Pte Ltd. in Jurong went on strike yesterday to back their demands for a settlement of 10 disputes between the staff and j the company. The workers, who are members of the Singapore Industrial Labour
    321 words
  • 154 6 What the jaga found in the sawdust A WATCHMAN who dug his fingers into his colleagues box of sawdust "out of curiosity" found some stolen iron pipes Inside, the First Magistrate's court heard yesterday. The court was told that Ahameh bin Shalk Mohamed. 48. was on duty with Sujak bin
    154 words
  • 44 6 POLICE are tnve»Ug»Ung the dlMppcaranca of 16.015 from safe In the StralU Tlmca' circulation department. The Wm* wu diicorcred by c>ahtar. Mr tanatl Mohammed. M. when he opened the safe to deposit another rash collection at about 7 am. jrerttrday.
    44 words
  • 106 6 ABU BAKAR alias Onn bin Yacob. 24, was fined $1,200 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for showing and having four reels of obscene films. Inspector Amarjeet Singh, prosecuting, said that police, acting on a tip-off, arrested Abu Bakar In a hut In Peng
    106 words
  • 332 6 325,000 set aside for Air Vietnam —staffs A SUM of $25,000 has been set aside by Air Vietnam to se paid to Its staff of 14 Singaporeans should their services be terminated. The money Is now with Messrs. Laycock and Ong, solicitors for the airUne. It would be paid out
    332 words
  • 81 6 Supervisory course THE National Productivity Board (NPB) will hold a course on Supervisory D*relopment Programme Module IV at the Hotel and Catering Training School from May 27 to June 37 between 7 p m and 815 pjn. at SIM fur members and 1130 for nonmembers. The NPB will also mount
    81 words
  • 87 6 TWO men fell to their death from Housing Board flats In Jalan Batu and Marine Terrace yesterday The body of Loo Koh Wane 27, was found at the foot of Block 11. Jalan Batu, shortly after 5 55 a.m. He lived on the
    87 words
  • 124 6 YjTBOM a stark white sandy "crater" to a tempting cool, blue la toon that will be the metamorphosis of this t«ene in the next few months. When completed In the first quarter of next year, the S.Ihectare, $4 million artificial
    124 words
  • 82 6 A 30 minute blaze i broke out at the National Iron and Steel I M'lls factory In Tanjong Keling. Jurong, early yesterday. The fire, which was spotted at about 3am. was put out by two fire enplnes within a few i minutes. A police
    82 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 294 6 ■W^TTT^TTT'ft'nfflPW^^^^^rHLi 'i LAST 2 DAYS! om, it 700 a mw| > Admittion: Adults: $2.00 Children: $1.00 V j*> m the TOURNAMENT m T ANGELA MAO fnP £|£x CARTER HUANG V"JhHhVJKI^Mv «rtctt«ky»Uß«FEM Jurong Drive-ln Cinema: Opens Thursday! greatest love (bug) story j w?C^ft^ eve told! XS^^ UHMjTDgia TECHMCOUW' HAYES BERRY POWERS
      294 words
      201 words
    • 105 6 V' 3B A m^—m«^^ m^—^b^'^»^P .^■W B^ VOW at THE LIDO 5 SHOWS at 11am. 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 A 9.1 Spm. wVjul lOSEPH ELFVINr^* GEORGE C SCOTT .MIKE NICHOLS in, THE DAYt^e DOLPHIN Technitoror* Pinavision' _jmm AVCO EMBASSY PICTURE-Di.tnbuted hv/££\ l aOUCBWTUtY FOX FILM COR POtATIQW (JBJ OPEXS TODAY AT
      105 words
    • 575 6 VWWWWWAV.'.V, k^CATHAV;: jiCOR6*NIS*TION:! LAST 2 DAYS" J 2 Mio.i ***** JO pm I Gold«n Horveit o" I j "THE TOURNAMENT" Mono I Angela Moo 'Cortcr Huong 1 Color Scop* 'Eighth Subs j Open* Thursday' Wolf Oitnrv Production! "HIRME RIDfS AGAIN" H«l«n Hayrt K«n Berry StgtoniyJ'owyrt Color TOOAY 1 TOMORROW ONLY.
      575 words

  • 215 7  -  EDMUND TEO By A BLEEDING couple sat screaming in agon> for 15 minutes yesterday as rescue workers tried to free them from their van after a road accident in Thomson Road. Vegetable seller Koh Ah Pau, 38, was pinned t in his teat. His
    Francis Ong  -  215 words
  • 213 7 DOUBLE DECKER BUSES FOR S'PORE? DOUBLE-decker buses may be introduced here if a featblllty study now carried out by the Singapore Bus Service Ltd. ends them suitable. BBS managing director, Mr. Tan Kong Eng, who was on a 16-day visit to Britain recently, spent five days In northwest England looking
    213 words
  • 58 7 Girl, 4 killed in road mishap A KOIRY FAR-OLD girl. Ng Lay Chin, died on the spot after a lorry ran over her in Lorong Kerabu, off l'">prr Chanel Road, on Sunday. The mishap occurred while the lorry was reversing to onload some timber at about 5 p.m. There were
    58 words
  • 54 7 THE Singapore Taekwondo Academy will be Martins new beginners 'linns at Its new gym at 397 Setingoon Road, opposite Petaln Road, every Monday and Thursday at 7.30 p.m Classes will be conducted by the academy's chief Instructor Mr BB Huan. Those who wish to Join should apply
    54 words
  • 54 7 Mrs Barker is Girl Guides chief MRS E W. Barker has been Installed as president of the Singapore Qlrl Guides' Association yesterday. Mrs. Lien Y'ng Chow, former president of the association, prtamted the president's auh to Mrs. Barker during the ceremony. Mrs. Barker will hold the post of president for
    54 words
  • 46 7 DENNIS Croneen Oallerles of Australia will hold an Oriental Carpet exhibition at Raffles Hotel fro-n Thursday to Saturday between 1 pja. and 11 pjn. Tbe exhibtttor will feature I'cmadic carpets and rugs frou. the West Asia, ranging in vaide from $1,000 to M.JOO
    46 words
  • 121 7 rO men were convicted in court on Saturday for Illegal reconnection of electricity supply after It had been cut off for non-payment of bill* Both pleaded guilty and were fined S2O per day for the period during which they obtain- ed electricity supply
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  • 170 7 Runaway tanker skipper to attend inquiry THE South Korean skipper of the run away Liberianregistered tanker, Cactus Queen. Is to be brought to Singapore to testify in the inquiry of the doubletanker collision in the Singapore Straits last month. The 149.634-ton tanker slipped out of S'ngapore waters on April 18
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  • 70 7 Advertising course by AEB A 30-WEEK course In advertising will be organised by the Adult Education Board, the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Singapore and the Singapore Advertisers Association at the AEB headquarters In Calrnhill Road every Monday and Thursday from 5.30 p m to 8.30 p.m.. startIng on June
    70 words
  • 49 7 TICKBTB for the programme Band Symphony Sound organised by the Ministry of Culture and the British High Commission at tbe Singapore Conference .■toll on May M arc priced a tt each and not 110 a* printed In the Straits Time* on Saturday The wtvc U i*grett«d.
    49 words
  • 280 7 Professionals who I flatter aliens. CHOR: IGNOMINY OF IT 'JMIE Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Environment), Mr. Chor Yeok Eng has hit out at some professionals who, he said, had stooped to flattery to serve the interests of foreigners here. He said they acted i selfishly for their own interest, forgetting Singapore's
    280 words
  • 40 7 THE of a bunch of keys found several days ago by the side of Upper last Coast Road, opposite the gate of Bedok Camp Two can claim them at the Straits Times. Times House. Kirn Seng Road.
    40 words
  • 92 7 Coffee house hurt case: 5 discharged FIVE men accused of causing hurt to Young Meow alias Yong Slew Seng and Lye Lye Young at Singapore Hilton coffee house, were yesterday given a discharge not amounting to an acquittal. Kwang Kwong Wtng. 34. Pang Ton How. 27. Mohamed Amln. 20, Lee
    92 words
  • 298 7 Divorce case told of 'death threat Letter r[E High Court yesterday heard that an acting superintendent of the Industrial Training Board allegedly wrote a letter to her father-in-law, threatening to kill the who'e family. Madam Tok oeok Choon said that before she could take the letter from her husband, Mr.
    298 words
  • 221 7 60 kick off nurses blood donation campaign OVER 60 nursing staff from the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital and several "guests" donated blood yesterday the first day of An island-wide blood donation caml Paign. The campaign, which is being conducted by the Blood Tran fusion Service's mobile unit, will visit seven
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  • 64 7 THE Serangoon Oarden South School Advisory Committee has granted $50 merit awards to three of the school's students and scholarship awards of $100 each to another three, for this year. They are Hsu Tsau Lun. Llm Al Ling and Vincent Llew, who get the merit awards
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 157 7 New Antco Drifters, Taking it so easy. »|^^^^^^^^^^^H^hHßh^^^' E#* A free and easy new tßßPif^^^^^BMl^^^^^Bßßlilff^ K. Amco style to let you m^^^^^^^^^^Ht^B^Uß^^^': stay relaxed and cool isHP^sls^sisK^ IH[l^HHr^h||||P^ In Indigo Denim, Scruo Hi j Denim, and Amco's brand <r«| I new Jailhouse Blue 'wP^fls^F mW^B W^^ 1 nC 537 50
      157 words
    • 6 7 fWlCapToort 73-76 Robinson Ro«d Sinaapor* 1.
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  • Specially Women
    • 102 8  -  EDWARD UU By A BRITISH woman's magazine. In its May Issue, features 24 pages of fashion taken in Singapore. Tbe magazine. "19", picks tbe theme, "Fashion flies to Singapore." It describes Singapore's climate as "pleasant", its shopping facilities as "fantastic", and says eating
      102 words
    • 358 8 Coming to terms with abortion ANEW attitude secure, assured and unashamed has developed among American women having abortions, according to a report from Washington. "rney are comfortable with their decisions, and their main source of discomfort Is concern about what «thers will think." say the researchers. "Thus. ior »nany women,
      MAHFUTZ MATTAR  -  358 words
    • 847 8  - The lady's nonya dinner is not for burning NANCY BYRAMJI By A HIGHLY -agitated neighbour came apstairs to my flat one evening and declared: "There's a fire. Something's burning. Smells like rubber and plastics burning. Can't you smell it?" I sniffed around and was honestly baffled. Then he pointed to
      847 words
    • 88 8 How to put on an abstract look ABSTRACT blobs and splashes of colour may look haphazard and meaningless to sojv people, but to others they are an art'stic expression which shouldn't be confined to the canvas. Some imaginative manufacturers a.c now producing fabrics with such vivid, vibrant prints in bold
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 345 8 KIMBERLETT Mhouse of cosmetics]dT7 generous discount WITH FREE GIFTS ONE NAIL POLISH, USA. made 30 different colours at yourchoice when you purchase $20 worth Look out each week until 30th June. 1975 for this advertisement which will appear on every Tuesday to offer you our WEEKLY SPECIAL |K^ffifff^ffß bbJ^B^^^bl^^^^^^'.^bl B*~
      345 words
    • 129 8 Relieve painful piles fast with Va remoid The active ingredient m Varemad acts on the cause of the problem of p4es (haemorroids) quickly and effectively This results n rapid relief of inflammation and pan It also stops bteedmg and suppresses itching It s recornmendable to admnster Vteemoid tablets over a
      129 words
    • 30 8 ■hbehß Prestige PRESSURE COOKER Takes the PRESSURE out of cooking ■'^^R^.; 3|, > i^ißw^^^bM^^^b^b^bl I jS^ft^M>|^^^BS^^Ba^Bß^^^^^^^^^^|M|B j^A v^lftfl ,7^BV M\.i i 'in n n yß m ~\^r ■J^BBB^BB^t B^Lr Bat JL.
      30 words

  • 2437 9 PINDER IS I CALLED FOR HIS DEFENCE 'Every transaction was done openly' Setting up of Simit fund explained to Bellam says QC Court told of divorce which cost him £30,000 to £40,000 -and of Sir Charles Miles' decision to get the company to help him... DAY 26 OF THE TRIAL
    2,437 words
  • 734 9 'Sime's assets grew from £25 m to £200 m under Pinder' also by the finance director. These are- facto of Infinite significance." Counsel recalled the evidence on how SDH under Mr. Plndert chairmanship expanded after Sir Charles' death In October l»7i. He said: "IU profits in the last complete year
    734 words
  • 319 9 Now it's 3 scientists to 2 engineers rpHE distortion in Singapore's postsecondary education policy was partially corrected by last year with the two local universities producing a ratio of three scientists to two engineers. This compares with 10 scientists to one engineer during 1964 to 1968 period, according to the
    319 words
  • 56 9 THE Minister fur Finance and MP (or Havrlock. Mr. Hon But 8»n will official* at an appointment ceremony of members of th* citizens consultative committee. Management Committee. CCC subcommittee. Women's Bubi Committee and the Inauguration of the youth executive l committee at Havelock Road community centre at 7
    56 words
  • 71 9 DOLICE on Sunday I I detained two 17- < year -old youths who are suspected to have been involved In a re- I cent spate of housebreaking and thefts. The first youth was detained near La bra- dor Villa. Pasir PanJans, while the other was
    71 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 374 9 Step into one of the best paid jobs in business today. BE AN ACCOUNTANT -OR A QUALIFIED BOOK-KEEPER Train in your spare time with I.S.A. Theft's no natd for you to stay in a dull job lim MUCH MCOUITUT with low pay. An LSA Homa Study Count Ism now *w
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 293 9 ■ringing Pp Vmthmr By sUll Ksi vnagh Mai C— p sue must know i I |rvnri' tii irnnr I|tii>ii in m ■■luowij T A n I ST!»VBD OUT TIU- RPJB J I STJ&W OUT TILL/ M/ ROUJNO PM /W •*~N t*V* rfsi AX- iD Bfcl 'I* POUR THIS r—-^ll TTTUS
      293 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 450 10 RICE AND MEAT issues dominated the seventh Asean ministerial meeting in Jakarta last May. The eighth annual meeting opening in Kuala Lumpur today will also be concerned with the progress of and planning for regional projects and the setting up of a permanent secretariat. But the five Foreign
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    • 167 10 rHDMMONSENSE dictates that policemen should stay out of soccer controversies. Individual displays of temper on the field, even acts of violence, are for the referee to handle. But Sunday night's ugly incident in the Singapore Pahang Malaysia Cup match was an exception and a potentially explosive one, too.
      167 words
  • 2302 10 LEE TALKS OF THE THREAT OF INSURGENCY AND THE RESISTANCE THAT COMES FROM GOOD SPREAD OF NATIONAL WEALTH FROM CBS NEWS. WASHINGTON, a spontaneous and unrehearsed news interview on Face The Nation, with Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. Mr. Lee was questioned by CBS news correspondent Bernard
    2,302 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 69 10 ■Bg Telephotolens 3 groups. 5 elements Angle of View 12 Diaphragm Automatic down WA to F 22 Weight: 6Oog. Filter: 62 A VI 62mm Diameter: 73mm. Length: 97mm Minimum B£__— Focus 87cm. Multicoated PTE. LTD. Room 403. 4th Floor, Glass Tower. 180 E, Clemenceau Avenue, P.O Box 104. Tanglin Post
      69 words
    • 351 10 When you move in, move up A new aJJrrsi becomes reduced moisture content i\ whole new w»y of living with delivered within teconds to any or Carrier's Round One (38GR) every room of youcentral air conditioning system The Carrier Round One itself Comfort is just one of many is situated
      351 words

  • Business Times
    • 447 11 fIKW YORK: Cor- i I>orate net profits in the first qaarter were on average 15 per cent lower than ar year eariier and 21 per cent lower than in the final quarter of 1974. the First National City Bank reported last week. Only 10
      447 words
    • 221 11  - Guinness sales and profits up a little MARTIN LIM By THE first half-year at Guinness Malaysia has ended with the company making little headway in its trading position. Sales rose by only 6.9 per cent to $44.61 million while unaudited pretax profits were up by 7.1 per cent to $6.93
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    • 228 11 Thailand Exchange has a quiet debut BANGKOK: The Securities Exchange of Thailand was not active during its first week of operations because the number of listed and authorised companies Is small and because tax privileges granted them are considered not attractive enough. This was the view expressed by Mr. Sukrt
      Reuter  -  228 words
    • 171 11  - British missions seeks new contacts in S-E Asia EDWARD LIU By LONDON: Two groups of engineering manufacturers will be visiting Singapore soon to seek new contacts in the South-east Asian market. The nrst mission. Jointly organised by the Engineering Industries Association and the British Overseas Trade Board, is expected to
      171 words
    • 163 11 fIiOKYO: Financial statements an- nounced by Japanese companies for the six months ended March 1975 showed they had the worst business period since the end of World War Two, Wako Securities said. A survey made by Wako, covering 35A major companies showed their current account
      Reuter  -  163 words
    • 410 11 Hachette beset by financial troubles and worker unrest PRIS: Hachette. the biggest publishing company in France and one of the biggest in the world, has been beset by financial reverses, worker unrest and potential anti-trust Investigation by Common Market authorities in Brussels. The company's empire stretches from textbooks, to video
      410 words
    • 152 11 I ONDON: The Investors Chronicle's mining column says tin shares have staged a spirited recovery this 1 ?ar after their listless showing in the second half of 1974 when they might have been expected to receive some lift from the sparkling profits coming
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 210 11 BROOK BOND, one of B.jtams Biggest lea companies will sell its vast estate, in sn Lanka. It has three tea plantations on the island covering 3.0U0 acres. I'nilever's combined pre-tax profits tor tne lint quarter have tumbled by rougruy twothirds to CM.I million irom Ct/J million previously. Sales increased
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 206 11 DBS 1 1 NEGOTIABLE SSCDs Your Answer to a Better Investment 1 CDs (Certificates of Depositl are receipts certifying deposits I of funds made with the Bank and are fully negotiable by J mere delivery S CDs can be sold before maturity in the Secondary Market f so useful to
      206 words
    • 393 11 In any game, to have a fighting edge, a lot depends on how well you know the arena. Money isn't a game put the rule still applies Knowing the arena. Knowing what's coming up round the next curve That Kind of knowledge can give a chance a fighting edge at
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    • 758 12  -  SOH SIAM LOH By WHILE many trades in Singapore are cautiously observing the "go-slow" principle the furniture business is enjoying a boom it has never had before. This is because demand is growing, as people become more homeconscious. The proliferation 01 furniture
      758 words
    • 310 12  -  MARTIN LIM By r'O companies Mosbert and National Industries of Singapore from the Amos Dawe stable look all set for a setback in the current year. Both have reported dismal first half-year earnings which are less than halt of those achieved In the
      310 words
    • 185 12 VICKERS TO INVEST TAKEOVER FUNDS LONDON: Any funds received by Vickers in compensation for the state takeover of lv shipbuilding and aircraft Interests will be reinvested in Its remaining businesses and possibly one or two major acquisitions, managing director Mr. P.A. Mathews said. Vickers expects, after net assets, profit record
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 121 12 PEOPLE IN BUSINESS Mr. Steven 81m M<*tg Ctacow. a foreign exChange trader with the Bank of America, has left for a 10-week familiarisation visit with the bank's Inte r n a t lonal financial centre in New York. Mr. Eugene Heng Chin Hien, recently promoted to assistant cashier, also left
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 295 12 Now you can keep your assets liquid and still achieve a handsome yield. Up until now, one of the few secure ways of achieving a good return on big investments has meant tying up valuable capital for extended periods... up until now. Introducing Negotiable Singapore Dollar Certificates of Deposit. With
      295 words
    • 415 12 Foot Joy B STREET SHOES Available at Winston's (Pte) Ltd., Melwani's Men's Shop, s GoU Centre. SICC Pro-Shop. Par Golf \^A FROM THE U.S.A. jSP^\ fT"?) I INNERSHIELD cuts I I WELDING COSTS BY 50%! Improve your efficiency. Change now from stick welding to Innershield and reduce your costs by
      415 words

  • 512 13  -  MARTIN LIM By pURRENT year earnings at Pali an g Consolidated are expected to decline by about one quarter because of lower tin prices and expectations of a much reduced output. Pre-tax profits are expected to come to only $5 4 million compared with
    512 words
  • 79 13 BRUSSELS: Informed sources said the EEC commission effectively warned Third countries not to flood the community with textiles by ordering a statistical analysis of the textile Import situation. "This Is a warning shot across the bow for Third countries to watch it because the community
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • Company news for the week ended May 9
    • 220 13 Companies Year to Pre-Ta« Proflt/LoM <L) Earninct* C 000) Dividends' API Benu B. Kawat Oentlng Outhrle Bhd H Ollflllan Haw Par H. Par(Lond) Kempas M. Flour P M I SEACorpn Bhangrl-La 8 Trading Ta. ping Cons TalplngText Treng. Dcv Ltd Plant Dec. 74 Dec. 74 Dec 74 Dec
      220 words
    • 57 13 Companies Half-year to Pre-Ta* Proflt/LoM(L) C0O0) Interim Dividendi* B M Trustees Cycle Carriage Oulnness Malaysia Mosbert Rothmans Straits Times Preis(S) Dec 74 Mar. 75 Feb 75 Dec 74 Dec 74 Feb 75 SS37 (SS2S) 8*8.958 (5J11.715) MM. 932 (MM.471) MSI.OIO (M 12.400) MJ5.979 (MtS.77l) SW.9W (5M.400) (10) 10
      57 words
    • 9 13 Associated Plastic* Industrie*: One-for-slx. capitalising MS2 million
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    • 350 13 Kaber Merlin (M) has taken up 51 per cent of the shares In Merlin Samudra 1 loman. a hotel and catering company with an Initial paid-up capital of Ms 2 8 million and the entire Issued capital of MS3 million In Faber Centre, a construction company. National Iron
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  • 230 13 S'pore expansion base for Clyde in Asia SINGAPORE has heen chosen by Clyde Industries, an Australian tng Ineerinc and ma-terials-handling equipment company, as the hase for Its expansion programme In Asia. This programme will be implemented through Clyde Industries (A? la) the Singapore Joint- venture between CIL (6* per cent)
    230 words
  • 182 13 Best work record for over a year By KINGSLEY WOOD SYDNEY: Australian workers turned In their best work record for more than a year last January. The number of working days lost In the month through strikes fell to Its lowest point for more than five year*. The number of
    182 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 361 13 r FRENCH DESIGNERS' 1975 .asaaaHaaP l^^'" DADIC Soutk (EiastSZsia Skipping 19-20 JUNE 1975 SHANGRI-LA, SINGAPORE Organised by the Financial Times Limited, The Straits Times, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways and Fairplay International Shipping Weekly Speakers w.ll mclude Division Jopon OPENING ADDRESS Development Bonk Woos Woh fang Mr Yono Nyuk Lin
      361 words
    • 705 13 How to keep your cash from floating all over the world. ffiyHP V'4|tf»K| ik^^^S Bank of America has world wide on the facilities of the world's largest Cash Management Programs that can bank to help improve your firm's financial help your firm minimize currency float by picture. To solve your
      705 words

    • 1568 14 THE last transacted ready sate at the dose of business on the Stock Exchange ol Singapore yesterday compared witn the previous day's prices together with 1875 1i ghand low. ('Adjusted for scrip rights hsue). closing TOMB i ladiuuuia baralr ataadjr whlla tba raat aaalar. TUMMOVIRJ: Official figure. auppliad
      1,568 words
    • 1315 14 INDEX down 2.72 to ***** BSD and offer prices officially listed and business In and reponed to the Stock Exchcange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains or Settlement Contracts are
      1,315 words
    • 1101 14 •oID arrf Mle.- prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with tfce number of ahtt-e* traded shown In brackets In k>U of l.oco units, unless otherwise spqdilad. iHoi'tmiAks Allnamata iJ.IXB 2.205). Alaan (2.308 2 408) All I Nil .11 OftS).
      1,101 words
    • 42 14 PARIS: Michelln achieved net profits of 83.3 million francs last year compared with 81.4 million In 1973. It is paying higher dividends of 29.25 francs per 'A' share 2". 40 franc:: last time) and 27.75 lrancs per B share (25.80 francs).
      42 words
    • 30 14 Agip Nucleare, Australian subsidiary of the Italian state petrochemical group. ENI. has cut back Its Ass million budget for uranium exploration In Australia this year to $1 million.
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    • 27 14 VOLKSWAGENS Darent company suffered a net loss or 555 I million marks In 19.4 compared with a profit of 109 3 million marks last time.
      27 words
    • 116 14 HESSTON (Kansas) The Hesston Corporation has signed an agreement with the Australian Government to open a sales and manufacturing division 402 km (250 miles* southwest of Sydney. The farm Implement manufacturing firm said the sales branch Is expected to begin operations on July 31
      AP  -  116 words
    • 82 14 T^J^.Z 1 tln from Penan for A Prtl IWS totalled 6,366 82 tonnes (March 7.256.38 tonnes) according to statistics Issued by Stralte-^dlng TTie following table shows the destination and i^via^kiK" ***** mCtal BWPment United Kingdom Singapore United R'.ates Continent Canada Apr. 81.28 14.77 *****7 3,193.70 5538
      82 words
    • 133 14 ASSOCIATED Plastics Industries expects to pay a dividend of six per cent In the current year on the capital as Increased by the scrip issue of one-for-slx. This Is the same rate paid by the company In 1973. Directors are not proposing a dividend for the year
      133 words
      • 55 14 M. Bank. OCBC m n llnUni 108 8. Trs4*n S. Land DM Cm. Fteat 8 Darby N. If«a *-U I 1M I 4.M I I 74 f 4.M f Stt f I.M I 111 t JOT (5.14 I M« I IM I in —.15 a* —.v —as —.it oM
        55 words
      • 34 14 SEA Cor*. B'jaalal K. Gmi Tractor* Ems M. Box Com. Ho<*l M. Btoe Ml I S.7S SIX.M I L« S.S4 IJt 9.T t f I.M +.1* +.W .M +.M +.M +.•1 4»1 41
        34 words
      • 21 14 Haw Par UI.OM Hartsnaa lavajsi. ISI.tOO aha* Darty S«S,««O Faker Merlin SSS.OM ToUl Tumor**-: I.KM Tata! Valne: I7JSM
        21 words
      • 59 14 Ma?t Mayl* MmMUi: *MJS tSS.It rtauct: 4MJI 441.U I Hoteb: 114.11 ltt.7» freptHlf: lt».»l M7JS t Tim: ltl.M MI.IS t f rabfeara: ttiM M 4.47 1 O.CAC: KM.II !MJI J 118. Iml.: 1 4 1.(1 U7.11 Dec. M. ISM 1M f Dee. SI. IMS 1M f Dm. S*. IMS
        59 words
    • 345 14 rnRADING was Irregular X on a dull Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with most shares dealt moderately lower. Observers attributed the easier tendency partly to reporti of a possible Increase in oil prices. Alter an easier openIng, shares reacted sll*htly higher. But this reaction proved shortlived
      345 words
    • 30 14 TEMENOOONO has acquired for cash three shares of HK$lO each at par in Trewabo Enterprises of Hongkong. The acqulsltlo i represents 60 per cent of the equity of Trewabo.
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      • 241 14 HONOKONO. Mon. The market closed slightly higher in very dull trading, dealers said. Some leading issues picked up slightly in the afternoon session. Hongkong Bank advanced to HK514.50. Hutchison gained to $2.79. and Hongkong Lind was unchanged at $6.00. Jardlne Matheson fell to $2610 and Wheelock slimed to $3,375.
        241 words
      • 326 14 SYDNEY. Mon. Tht stock market drifted in lack-lustre trading. dealers said. The Sydney All-Ordln-arleg Index eased 1.32 to 350.80. Golds, however, firmed, prompted by weekend press comment and weakness of sterUnu. Central Norseman. Emperor, and Kalxoorlie Southern all advanced strongly. Other speculative minings were generally steady on balance, although
        326 words
      • 258 14 TTOKYO. Mon The stock market surged ahead at the opening today as leading Ismm. lnoludlng government expenditure relaxed imuem such as Okbayasfii Garni, high pr.ced light elecUicals. non-life Insurances and oil 1 ssues were bought. Midway In (he first session, speculative trsuea gained ground. The market turned easier and
        258 words
      • 29 14 THE Straits tin price in Penang was unchanged at $935 per plcul for the seventh day yesterday, on an official offering up 34 tons to 266 tons.
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      • 28 14 Rubber: May It Singapore: Jane 119 00 ets. (down 0.75 ct.) Malaysia: Jane ***** cts. (down 1.00 ct.) Tin: $935 (anch.) 2M tons (up 34 tons).
        28 words
      • 108 14 V-MIMISI PROOUCI lICMANCI. l SIHOAPORI MOON CLOIINC P«ICI» PIN PICUL TKTIHOAY. Caaanut Oil: bulk »«2»N Milan, drum MTtN aallara. Capra: MUcd ilooao UK/Ooot Pappar: Muntok AST A whlta t.ob. 100% NLW 1245 M trSi Sarawak wblla f.o h. M% NLW ***** acJlara. Barawak apaclaJ black f.o.b. M«i NL.W
        108 words
      • 35 14 Saturday FrMar US6 US* Balrut 1*6.00 166.60 Mansj^r tsOjrSßf HonskODf ISS.M 163.60 S'POra (2) IS4.SW 164 MB 167.52S 167 SU Kxiort prtcca la ■on-aUrllns anas la U.S. dollan par aunca. (2) Avarasa pnc»
        35 words
      • 77 14 NEW YORK: American Brands' chances of achieving higher earnings and sales In 1875 are "better than good," chairman Robert K Heimann told the AOM In 1974 American Brands earned UBis 18 per share on sales of U553.5704 million. Ftor the first quarter the company
        Reuter  -  77 words
      • 334 14 •THE Singapore rubber market yesterday was quiet and slightly easier at the start on lack of orders and a general disinclination to trade. Turnover was very slow throughout the morning. The morning session closed very quiet. There was no change In levels during the afternoon session which was
        334 words
      • 99 14 jjAILY SMR and BBR price* lamed at noon yasterday ME I I.E. (Cwnat Mlh) iramrt Mtk) Bayer* Seller* Buyen Sdlen BMB &CV il ton pallet) BMR 6L (lton palkti BMB ft (ltoo pallet) BMR 10 (lton pallet) SMR 30 (ltoo pallet! SMR 50 (1 ton pallet) B.S.S.
        99 words
    • 420 14 Rfc easle* Mas of last week continued on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday wtlft most prices ending the day two to five per cent off last Friday's close. The morning s- ision opened on a very ajuiet note before seller* took to the floor in numbers,
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    • 100 14 Money and exchanges rK Singapore forex market opened yesterday on a strong note with the US dollar quoted at $2 2570 2600 The dollar was quickly bid up to $2.2675/35. Trading was moderately active and there was a fair amount of buying interest in the dollar in the morning session.
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    • 146 14 Suggested lnttntank rate* at 3.30 p.m. Cmmmekt US dolLr Sterling pound Hongkong dollar Malaysian dollar Aust (chilling Bel franc (com) Danish kroner French lranc Italian Uie Neth guUder Nor kroner Swedlah kroner 8wla« fnuic DeuUche mark Japanaae m Auit dollar NZ dollar N^^ ml nt 8"»U»«-la« Fwwnlag. ■Micri
      146 words
    • 249 14 ASIAN cunencr dcpoalt interbank rates u at clow or. Monday, Mar II. U« Man (Spat) Offer BW 7 dan 5 3 6 1/4 1 mch 1/3 1 mthi 3 16 l, 16 1 mthi 6 3 4 6 6 mUu 7 13 IS 7 111* 9 mtht
      249 words

  • 164 15 JAIL FOR YOUTH WHO MOLESTED TWO GIRLS A FACTORY girl who was molested by a plumber pointed him out to her brother who later reported him to the police, a magistrate's court heard yesterday. In the dock was Peh Bok Kwee. 18. who pleaded guilty to two charges of outraging
    164 words
  • 33 15 THE State Coroner yesterday recorded an open verdict on tto death of Ang Kirn Teck. 43. whose body was (ornd floating in Jurong River on May 6 at about 1125 a.m.
    33 words
  • 299 15 TRIO WHO ROBBED AT BEACH rnwo ex- foundry work--1 ers who pleaded guity to two charges of armed robbery were each sentenced to a total of four years' Jail and 20 strokes of the rotan by a district Judge yesterday. Heng Soon Liang. 21. Tian Huat. 18, were charged with
    299 words
  • 30 15 THE State Coroner yestsrday recorded a verdict of suicide on Private Chng awke Kirn, ai, who was found hanged In his cell In Oulllemard Camp on May S.
    30 words
  • 36 15 ALL the 38 licensed stallholders from the popular Jalan Sultan eating stalls, which used to boast 24-hour service, have moved Into their new premises at the three-storey hawkers centre in Beach Road.
    36 words
  • 264 15 Soft and exotic that's Moreno's creations ]tf ANILA mannequin iTI Maria spreads the "wing s" of her silky-soft, red and marbled k'aTtan dress as she floats down the catwalk during a fashion show yesterday. Soft fabrics, silk tassels, frills and embroidery In natural colours are main features of PI toy
    Mohd Yusoof  -  264 words
  • 80 15 Standby duty: 30 to get allowance ABOUT 30 employees of Shell oil company will receive a dally allowance of $15 If they axe required to perform tandby duties at Shell's Pulau Bukom refinery during weekends and public holidays. The allowance cornea under a recent agreement reached between the company and
    80 words
  • 87 15 Jail and rotan for heroin pusher LEOW AH TEE, 24. was sentenced to 3) yean*' Jail and three strokes of the rotan by a cart yesterday for trafficking 12.5 (rams of heroin in China Street at about It p.m. on May i. The court heard that Leow was arrested after
    87 words
  • 39 15 PAN American Airways presented a Pan Am's Award oi Mem piaque to McOregor Swire Air Services Ltd. (MS AS I In Singapore last week In recognition of the "splendid record of MSASs 1874 sales for Pan Am."
    39 words
  • 277 15  - Two new ships for NOL JACOB DANIEL $135 m ORDER FOR IHI YARD By (SINGAPORE'S national shipping line, Neptune Orient Lines, is to order two new container ships worth $135 million (US$6O million) from IshikawajimaHarima Heavy Industries (IHI) of Japan for use on the Far Eastern Freight Conference ran. The
    277 words
  • 45 15 THE youth group of the Buklt Panjang community centre will hold a weekend campflre at Its premise* at 7.30 pm. on May 11. Ticket* at C 3 may be obtained at the centre from 3 p_m to 10 p.m daily until May M.
    45 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 39 15 ■*»> presented by Shiseido's Top Japanese Beauty Consultant, iflkj I fliJk MissChimikoKamiishida at HI MmiH Ground Floor. Peoples Park Complex Time: 1.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m. «^H Date: May 13— 20, 1975 J^^^^^^^^^^^^ FFCC AttrßCtlVC GlftS wim purchase (wwe stocks last
      39 words
    • 263 15 sflßsW s^LW NYAL Ascorbic Acid VITAL VITAMIN C FOR HEALTHY GROWTH AND RESISTANCE TO INFECTION Take Nyal Ascorbic AckJ the vital Vitamin C for maintaining healthy bones, skin and body tissue, promoting growth and building resistance to respiratory infection. Vitamin C is particularly essential for infants and kiw -jys^> growing
      263 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 895 15 Or^ourjn^ SINGAPORE 5 3.N ftt Opening and By Family Time (English— 6.35 Faatastka Repeat} 7.05 Jim Thomas Uutdooi 3.31 Diary of Events (English) 7.30 Mnrs (Malay) 3J5 Magazine Zero One (Repeat) 7.45 Sand wara—^yan Sejati (Malay Drama) 3.51 Love is a Many Splendoured Thing 8.35 Ik Eltot 429 Intermission 9.38
      895 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 517 16 A newly formed Ship Operarng Company, port of o group of Established Companies, offers attractive career opportunities and rewords to the right people Taking odvantoge of the support of its existing sister Companies, the Compony anticipates immediate and fost increasing profitability The following opportunities now exist (a) GENERAL MANAGER 5542.000
      517 words
    • 813 16 Singapore polytechnic SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Applicotions are invited from suitably qualified persons for the posts of Senior Instructor/ Instructor In (A) Mathematics and Science Division (B) Department of Production Engineering (A) QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should hold a general degree in Science with Mathematics/ Physics as the maior subject Possession of
      813 words
    • 654 16 /i^jfiS) PUBLIC UTILITIES^ m|§SF board Applicotions are invited fof the post of, SENIOR LEGAL OFFICER This appointment is in the salary scole $1 700 I x A 1 00 2000 and the gross salary incluI sive of wage supplements and leave allowance I ot the minimum and maximum salaries of
      654 words
    • 363 16 NOTICE OF REMOVAL AND CHANGE OF TELEPpONE NUMBERS CMOL Shipping Co. (S) Pte. Ltd. V^CTPf^/ We have pleasure to announce that as from Monday, 12th May 1975, our new address will be at:11th Floor, Shenton House Shenton Way Singapore 1. Our new telephone numbers will be:--*****11 (7 lines) Cable: "CEEMOL"
      363 words
      233 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1440 17 naiNti frjirM»aiiNnii^^^^^^^^^'^^ I IMmmTI Mart ft* "S IZ. S i u ,l t lo.iooi ail II Mn aMn 11 iwt a taw n Jaw tl Jaw cur ti inMUCN aim hrn niaw iim aim XI.I «»ll II Nn I I.M TIM lII.M UJMt 111" i.l l»we Illaw 4i.i, i hi,
      1,440 words
    • 1261 17 Ben Ocean \jant service ol ßen Ur.o.Bhie Fhnnel Glen Ltne and NSMO 1 M'CMTINfNT bat Spare P Mt Pt-tn( lartw Pam ACMEMN I* n Mai is I. Hi' 1/ Itaw II tall A'wa. tea. Cam. Oat. txitioa r M Mai a taw Irta. I'taa. t'al>. UNFItItCN 11 IS Hai It/1*
      1,261 words
    • 1249 17 mmhmm n^ti "tj^ttLWL^tm I 1* IMMJfI Ntarf ItiMM I'Wa I^WapMa rmuit B'mm. AMaart til u n KlMllkiri Mtfl ii Hn 11 Hn IJaw IJaat liaw Dm ■MniM tv is am a Nn hrn a mi him h i.m cm if laiNatjMN aam Illaw at Jaw n Jaw T>Jaw MIM HAM
      1,249 words
    • 1112 17 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE p uwm I'm-. FM "iilf* jm. i "taM 2 'i f.otterMH. AmttriUNi. AMaw*. It Havn. riJuli""* Z Sin H l *»t tV«Ma, IraNerkavn. VILA'S?,. £1 lUA (U S"** 6 Ml tEiFT tat, ii Stociwii*. uski. Hclvnlu. United KnatdoK (•**J ;jmi ICI It wan FCI M
      1,112 words
    • 1044 17 liKftww *****4. P. Kflonti 6341. X.L *****1; PfM M *****. THE BANK LINE LTD. LUIS Milt AFIICA. SITMNtI iHMT.tiM. RtoniM. Ml,,*!* •VtM. lIW I MI-"MV 4 MUM) P <»| 4/ IJaW > 1 1 Im. WIVIIIN*. icam E lommi P Ktlata] I I lah S'pori I S tal, FltH IIST
      1,044 words

  • 205 18 THt PORT OP ■INOAPORI 1 AUTHORITY ANNOUMCID ARIIAMOEMIMTt FOR MAY 1 J OUT: Savannah Man 3/4. Zlnoirty Sotovyrw 10/11. Horgh Dykr 13/14. OoM*n Eastern 15' l«. Don Eduaxdo 11. Pr/rmk 21 Fill Neptune Jaiper 28/30 Shlnkaara Maru 31/32. Tatekawa Maru 33/34. Andorra 3SM lion City SB/J« Loon
    205 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1118 18 M KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. UNUAU IrMUI USER URM LTI. atflM, MM. STtAITS SONKL Maa Nkaag S "taowr Ptatng P Mlaag rtSSll Japan Cult Maaivlaa fMattva Fa* ItTraaai mVv. Mwcat. IMa. .Data. Illttici mitsas is 17 Mai taaapt. OoM. «aar.aaia»a«r litumct vi, i: n Ma? C. aato a, Maacst.
      1,118 words
    • 982 18 iptim au imm ar aim itaaPMim rat pawityij, mmpit, mavAPAa SAMtanaM SAJHsniaAM. TtMiia. himm. iiiiuTi itaea. wist MM am SAtua ham ram. Fraa ITA ITS HHIaalM: icTMAaniam »p«i I«I lI A tin I«AM rtn MCtUataf itr SSS mcnm n nm, jjm«... •"T""" "K "5 'SSL LTia I Mla«t a Ma,
      982 words
    • 1197 18 fm tin bmw tmma/tmmmm»L samcE LMJINC FM LMNM. MTTEMAai. IAMMtt PmaM P UaM Sm laaoa* I'aaai Htart MPraM oacaa a/11 Mai n/a Ma/ iviu ait, 11 n»i it i> S'tara P iraaf Ptaaag Iwaaa I'taa Ntan niPTaaC ItJPU l/WMa tl/ISlaaa ll ll laaa II MM nMI NMr ARRIVALS FMM MMTI
      1,197 words
    • 887 18 anas sum to imaa, uturM/CaMaton ptm Ti Haa. S.t«atara P MiaM p*mh latlMg tar: aaMA uaitat nil Mai la Pa:t Imi nn. It Hatn J. Ntw| 1.7. I'taa 11 Mail Ull la Put IS 11 Mai t.Kar lot. laoaaa' Cara.M lit. Iwi M*. Ntari 14 I. A'aart nit. Hum
      887 words
      783 words

  • 85 19 _>O YOU NEED expert and qualified advice on your skin 7 Then consult Louise Klerk, medically ■r lined beauty therapist with 26 years tropical experierice. at Hotel Slngapura. telephone s pore' SPORTS IN CHINA New Nation today starts an extorlal feature on sports in China Never before published
    85 words
  • 27 19 THE FAMILY OF til late Mr coin) Kah Hong gratefully thank friends, for their condolences, donations, wreaths, scrolls, assistance and attendance during their recent tuent
    27 words
  • 38 19 SOS. SAMARITANS Singapore Troubled' luscouraged'' Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the leiephone MISS SEAH MAY LEE alias Ah Keng please contact your mother who Is seriously 111 in hospital Tel: 3263(18
    38 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 559 19 classified ads g) Pi»Ot*)«*TltlB)l APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for in Physics. MalhemaUUonal Mathematics and ny in Secondary Four md Kive Please address appllitions. giving full particulars of lions and experience to The Principal. St Oeorice's School. Bandar Sen Begawan. Brunei TRAINEE ENGINEER OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY requires a Trainee Engineer for their
      559 words
    • 797 19 WANTED ONE Assistant Bookkeeper, salary $300 plus transport allowance $30 p m Minimum qualification LCC Intermediate Previous experience and abUlty to keep full set of books up to Trial Balance Stage essential Female or well mature male persons preferred Apply with testimonials to Republic of Singapore Yacht Club. Sungel Pandan
      797 words
    • 772 19 WANTED SALESMAN AOED below 30 years Experience In selling electrical products to retailers to start work immediately on salary, travelling allowance and commission basis Apply to PO Box 36i5 staling experience etc. AUSTRALIA/ GERMANY/ SWITZERLAND Our product* ere unr»»r*aay known •M tfi# iMeMv stonoeWo tn tn# idoimMcl Besd. To market
      772 words
    • 863 19 1 swa|Ba*Je7g*e OFFICE BOY REQUIRED aged 10 18 Must pass at least Sec One English Education Able to converse In Chinese dialects preferred Must possess a valid Class 2 licence and a motorcycle Possible promotion to clerical staff for the applicant with an Interest to learn and take up night
      863 words
    • 771 19 WANTED MALE/ FEMALE pump attendants, greasers, and car wash men for Mobil Station Apply personally to 560. 4. m ■> Thomson Road (at the foot hill of Thomson Road Hospital). Tel *****4 DENTAL ASSISTANT CUM Receptionist dlst 9 Write 34 Poole Road Spore 15 Enclose Photograph contact telephone number. WANTED
      771 words
    • 838 19 DIST. 11 HILLCRSST ROAO de tached bungalow. 4 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, one large study room, servant's, toilet, fully furnished $2,500 DM. 23 Chu Lin Road 2-storey semi-detached. 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms mosaic throughout Fully furnished $800 Dlst 23 Chestnul Crescent detached bungalow 3 big bedrooms. 2 bathrooms with longbaths Mosaic
      838 words
    • 834 19 DIST. 11 SOMMERVILLE ROAD double-storey semi-detached 4 bedrooms, servant's, furnished $700 Dtst 10 Henry Park doublestorey terrace furnished $1,200 *****1 DIBT. 1* SEMI-OBTACNID BUNOALOW for Immediate rent Tel Miss Ng *****11 FULLY FURNISHED BUNGALOW near Buklt Tlmah 3 bedrooms alrcon Phone ***** 1 after 6pm *****1 DIST. IS 2-STOREY DUPLEX
      834 words
    • 816 19 IMMEDIATE CLIENTS from large foreign company requires Detached semi-detached with 3 or 4 bedrooms furnished/ unfurnished In dlst 9. 10 1121 Rental $1,200/- $4,000/- Apvtments In dlsts 9. 10 11 Rental $1,000/--$3.50 0' Please call JIB Services *****59/*****21 REQUIRE MINIMUM 4 BED ROOMED partial or unfurnished house with alrcondltloning and
      816 words
    • 790 19 SEMBAWANG HILLS ESTATE. Single-storey corner terrace 3 bedrooms. 3.500 sq ft $86,000 Please ring Wong *****7/ *****3 SERANOOON GARDEN two singl-siorry detached bungalows approximately 6.000 sq ft 4 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, terrazzo/ parquet flooring $220,000 each Principals only S T Box A ***** OIST. 10 LUCKY PARK doublestorey semi-detached 4.000
      790 words
    • 740 19 DIST. HIGH CLAM apartment on Bth floor at nilltops. 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. 1 akrvant's r»m spacious sitting/ dining room price $200 000 Tel ***** WeM kepi comer 1-roomed HOB PLAT in Tanglln Halt Aluminium kitchen windows, kitchen cabinets flooring etc $23,000 o no Fof mof# Dintcwifl tot CTIMa. OFF
      740 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 861 20 HENTON HOUSE OPTICS Bth "oor 417 sq ft good locality for immediate occupation Please vEItV 1 Mls Le M *****7/ w*442 office hours S«?r?«" N office space central prestl««>us locality, furnished, unfurnuned immediate occupation inquiries phone *****6 FAR EAST SHOPPING centre 1 llh floor Well renovated office space M 3
      861 words
    • 855 20 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore) Pu- Limited. Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Qentinic C Highlands) by Deluxe alrcondttloned bus seven days SSI7S/. Departure Every Sunday. Monday, during school holidays Departure everyday Cameron Highlands Four days B*Bs/-. Uentlng Highlands Four days SSI 15/- Departure Every Wednesday denting Highlands Two days by air
      855 words
    • 665 20 AIRMASTER TRAVEL SPECIAL FARES London. Europe. Canada. U.S.A.. Australia. Indonesia Hongkong. Tokyo 36 Dhooy Ohaut (Near Cathay) Tel: *****. ***** St* SAVE UP TO MS OR MORE MS FLY SCHEDULE OR CHARTER FLIGHT London. Europe. Canada, U.S.A. Australia end Far East also Guaranteed Oood Summer Tours LONDON/EUROPE II day. $11*5
      665 words
    • 749 20 PRIVATE SECRETARIAL COURSE for girls < Short hai d Typewriting' Bookkeeping' Secretarial Duties/ Structure of Business/ English). Preparing for Pitman/ LCC/ BBC Exams. Register early Stalling May Raja's College. Clifford Centre. Raffles Place (9335*/ *****0) Raja s 21BD Changl Road (497M8): Raja's College. President Bu.ldlng. Serangoon Road (*****78) typewriting: Individual
      749 words
    • 855 20 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCIDURCS and Documentation. Establishing overseas contact, sales clause, methods of payment, freight calculations types of L/C. contracu. banking and shipping procedures. BTN coding, customs procedures. transhipment, re-export. Insurance and claims, etc Every Tuesday/ Thursday 730 p m commencing 22.5.75 at 402. 3rd floor. People's Park Complex. HIGH STREET
      855 words
    • 745 20 Jata SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS TRAINING CENTRE f O r LCC. OROUP DIPLOMA/ INDIVIDUAL SUBJECT* I*7* SPRING EXAMS M»v/Jun» MMlcni Auditing Accounting Costing Management Accounting Bookkeeping E.'onomlcs Commerce k Finance Statistics Commercial Law Company Law Business Communication Business Administration Shorthand (Theory k speed) Enquiries Ml-M4. *jh*s»or Csjntrf), SopMa RMS S'por* Tel: *****5/
      745 words
    • 913 20 I*7l *O*» FAIRMONT s*o/ automatic transmission. 1970 Ford Falcon 500 automatic transmission Both with alrcon low mileage excellent condition View at 150. Prlnsep Street. Spore 7. Tel 328*35/ ***** Mr. Llm 1*72 ESCORT 11M XL one owner, taxed/ Insured, tape Accident free. Ist offer above $5000 secures Contact Toh 49*704
      913 words
    • 875 20 IS7S VOLKSWAGOK 1972 Morris Marina. 1971 Cortina IBM L. Corllna ISOOOT 1970 Masda 1200 SW. ISM Volkswagon 1300. Cortina Super. IM4 Volkswagon 1200 Teck Huat Used Car Co 46 Rangoon Rd. Tel: 18(8740/ 25*7241 DAIMLER IM7. Top condition AlrcondiUoned. radio, automatic transmission Interested, please ring *****4 OCTOBER 1*73 TOYOTA Cellcv
      875 words
    • 842 20 FOR SALE one drum set compiete Tel *****5 ROSEWOOD HALL CHAIRS. Ming Dynasty vases. 24 porcelain vases. Bronte Buddha. Ivory carvings, statues. *****1 FOR MODERN DESIGNS In furniture/ furnishing materials. seagnus inatUng Visit Adrian's 425 River Valley Road Tel: *****4/*****0 Spore TWO MALACCA DINIMG tables, camphor wood chest. Danish, armchair
      842 words
    • 695 20 I FOR LADY ESCORTS and I professional lady barbers call "Merlgold" 6 Dublin Road. *****0, *****7. *****2 (B'pore) CALL SPACE CLEANING SERVICE for floor polishing, carpet shampooing, painting, plumbing/ electrical repairs Ring *****5 ANY Of YOUR office machines giving you trouble' r rT 'f* and repairs Contact PaUlck *****0. Sm»IODAY/N*OhT
      695 words

  • 739 21  - $5m complex to step up dental training programme CHRISTINA ChEANG Meeting the shortage of skilled staff By A $5 MILLION, six storey block is to be added to the present Institute of Dental Health at Alexandra Park to provide facilities for the Government's stepped-up dental training programme. Health and Home
    739 words
  • 312 21 Girl raped in school toilet, court told A( 16-YEAR-OLD girl told the High Court flt yesterday that she lost consciousness after a man pushed her down and raped her In her school toilet. Hie girl, a former Secondary Two pupil of W h a m p o a Chinese Secondary
    312 words
  • 60 21 PATIENT MISSING FROM HOSPITAL A 41-YEAR-OLD tVoodbridge Hospital patient, Wong Ah Leong (above) has been missing from the hospital since March i: His sister, Ah Ting, an amah, said Wong had been an inmate of the hospital for about 1* yean. Anyone knowing Wong's whereabouts. may contact her at tel
    60 words
  • 102 21 ABDUL Hameed bin Mohamed. 21, who tried tc grab a canvas ban containing $406,710 from a security guard nutside a bank In March was Jailed for nine months with four stroke.s of the rotan on Saturday. He had pleaded guilty last Saturday to attempted
    102 words
  • 79 21 Trafficking of opium: Couple charged A MAN and a woman were charged In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday with trafficking 13 slabs of raw opium weighing about 26 kilograms at a flat In Toa Payoh at about 9.45 a.m. on Sunday. The man. 800 Sal alias Moh Kirn Yoon. 36.
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  • 234 21 Course in Tokyo: New date for essays rE closing date for the essay competition to select Singapore students from tertiary institutions for summer course scholarships at Sophia University, Tokyo, has been extended from Thursday to May 31. This Is to allow students who may have missed the earlier announcements about
    234 words
  • 56 21 THE Vi Mem' Club of Singapore will hold a beauty contest In conjunction with the club's chanty ball at the Shangri-La Hotel on June 29. The contest Is open u> girls residing In Singapore who are over 16 year* old. Application forms are available from the
    56 words
  • 85 21 Two who didn't register marriage A COUPLE who were married according to Chinese customary rites were yesterday fined $300 each for not giving notice ol their marriage to the Registry of Marriages as required under the Women's Charter Low Pook Khoon. 47. and his wife, Choi Lai Kin. 32. were
    85 words
  • 78 21 $150 for a snack of bread A MAGISTRATES court yesterday heard how an unemployed 22--year-old man entered a canteen at four In the morning and opened a bread container. Once Kallmuthu Oopala Krishnan got the bread, he sat on one of the benches and started eating. In court, he pleaded
    78 words
  • 242 21 rpHE price of horse 1 mackerel <selar> dipped by 20 cents a katl to $130 over the weekend, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended prices of essential commodities* BiCC: Ciuna 10 per cent Vim Cheok. 90 cenU a katl or 606 g; Thai
    242 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 558 21 CLEARING BELOW COSTtI (LIMITED STOCK) JVC NIVICO FM/MW'SW Radio T *P er c &r<ler Usual J225 NOW ONLY 8189 With 1 Cassette Rack Given FNSt ALSO CLEARING: Portable v riters With Tabulator 4 trying Case At SPECIAL PRICE Of 8118 UM Available Olympla. Olivetti A-1 BARGAIN STORE No 95 Hill
      558 words
    • 96 21 MtOICAL PRACTICt In district 2 r »ith drugs alr-condl-tloned furniture optional Write to 8 T Box A ***** OOIHO OVERSEAS Oeneral Household Items and room suites K.ngT34£5 dmOn ng Ch P IMMEDIATCV approx 15.000 ru yd red earth rx-Hlll-vlew Avenue Transport provided Phone *****. ONC O.t. RtFRIOENATOH 12 CU. ft
      96 words
    • 565 21 my M SDN BHD INDUSTRIAL NURSES Invites applications from suitable qualified Malaysian citizens for the position of Industrial Nurses urgently. The successful applicants will be responsible for the general health of employees in the company's clinic and related administrative duties. Applicants should be S.R.N. with minimum of 2 years qualified
      565 words
    • 651 21 ENAKMEN LEMBAGA BANDARAN iV.SU. BAB It: i NOTIS DI BAWAH SEKSTCN-BEKBTEN UT ltt DENOAN INI DIBERI TAHU bahawa adalah dl radang di bawah peruntukan seksren 144 Bnakmen Lrm baga Bandaran (N.MB. Bat 137) meminda Plan Bandar Ipoh Yang Diluluskan No B 3 rang disiarfcan sebagai Pemberftahuan 81l 2846 dalam warta
      651 words

  • 375 22  - Tulk right on target with Golden Way EPSOM JEEP By FNGLISH jockey Paui Tulk was right on target when he elected to ride Golden Way in preference to Mallane, Napoleon Solo 11, Credit Centre and Jingle Bell II in the $40,000 Lion City Cup over 6f at Bukit Timah on
    375 words
  • 187 22 It almost ended in 3 deadheats ba astronomical It happened on Uon City Cup day. Fashion Parade (Moses Lee; and Texaj Ranger II (M.C. Lam) Hashed past the poat together In Race Three and after a tense wait the Judges declared a deadheat And In Race Seven Nyonya Chantek. with
    187 words
  • 35 22 BONN. Mon. Teenage Venezuelan motor cycle rarer Johnny Cecotto picked himself up after a skid in the 2Mcc West Oerman Grand Prix yesterday then went on and won the 360 a: event. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 1014 22 WEIGHTS for a 1 1 eight races at Penang on Saturday and Sunday. SATURDAY CL t i»iV 3— 6 F Black King H 900 Wonderful Surprise U S.ll Singapore Sun S.ll Sunny Hawa 6.10 Master Day 8.08 French Court 8.07 Lowland Chief 6.07 Achilles 111 8.06 Smiling Tiger
    1,014 words
  • 384 22 Keegan nets England's winning goal f IMASSOL, (Cyprus), Mon.— England man- aged only one goal, a sixth minute one by Kevin Keegan, in their European Soccer Championship qualifying match against Cyprus here yesterday. The win kept them at the top of Group one with seven points three more than Czechoslovakia
    Reuter  -  384 words
  • 40 22 THE two Malaysia Cup matches Negri Sembilan versos Malacca at Kubu Stadium, and Prnang versus Perils at the City Stadium— scheduled for Sunday werr postponed because of the friendly match between Arsenal and Malaysian Selection at the Merdrka Stadium.
    40 words
  • 53 22 NEW YORK. Mon American Arthur Ashe made gypsy woman's prediction come true when he defeated Sweden's BJorn Borg in the World Championship of Tennis (WCT) final at Dallas yesterday Ashe 31. who said a gypsy In Stockholm predicted his win two weeks ago. beat BJorn 3-8. 8-4.
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 70 22 PARIS. Mon. Csechoslovakla yesterday toppled reigning champions Australia 3-0 to win the Federation Cup the women's world team tennis championship for the first time Martina Navratllova. the ass i ant ye 18-year-old Csechoslovak No 1. beat Ivonne Ooolagong 6-3. 6-4 and Renata Tomanova. a 30-year-old Prague law
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 627 22 Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada War«aii»KPr;i Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk memenuh! Jawatan bertkut dl dalam Perkhldm.itan Bank Slmpanan Naslonal Malaysia:•lawatan RsjMMl Kerja Bank Kumpulan B TanKMKaJi (813-4) $440 x 40 600/640 X 40 -880/960 x 40 1200. I mur Pemohon-pemohon untuk lantlkan terus hendaklah berumur tidak leblh darlpada 30 tahun dan
      627 words
    • 474 22 VACANCIES An International Industrial Organisation with a factory located In Shah Alam Invites Applicants from Malaysian Citizens, for the following posts:MANAGEMENT TRAINEES TECHNICAL Job Description: The appointee will be given on the Job training in Production Technology, Personnel Management etc. Qualifications: Applicants should Either have a degree in Science or
      474 words
    • 919 22 1 BHBP^WP^Hr^^H^fW^JrTM NGEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE EXPANSION PROJECT SINGAPORE INVITATION TO TENDER On behalf of the Republic of Singapore, Ngee Ann Technical College invites sealed tenders until 12.00 noon on 14 July 1975 for the supply of teaching equipment to the laboratories and workshops for the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
      919 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 52 22 ■achtr: BHA Dlv 1 Khalaa v CSC; IA v Schools ißaiasUrr Road) Dlv. 3: BCC v PWD Dl» 3 Pollt* C V SFB; BAKTI v BMHA ■mar: Inter -constituency Kuo Chuan t Alexandra. Thornton v Jurong (Jalan Besar. 7 and 830 pjn.). Whampoa v Tamplnes i National Stadium. IJO p
      52 words

  • 333 23 lOC begins talks on China I>OME, Mon. The 1V politically sensitive question of China's admittance to the Olympic movement will be discussed in five days of meetings by international sports officials here beginning tomorrow. The first three days will be taken up with meetings of National Olympic Committees (N'OC's). On
    333 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 23 ARSENAL'S Brian Kldd jumps to beat Malaysia Selection fullback Vincent Thambiraiah to a cross, with Soh Chin Aun (No. 3) falling back to cover and roalkeeper R. Arumugam (No. 1) on the ready. The other Arsenal player looking on is Terry Mancini.— Timesport pic by TAN HONG KUAN.
    48 words
  • 434 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia will be good enough for the World Cud soccer finals after 1978 If they maintain the present rate of progress, Arsenal team manager Bertie Mcc said here yesterday. Balding Mcc made this prediction alter seeing Malaysia Selects n defeat
    434 words
  • 407 23  - Fine material —but not as a team JOE DORAI HENDERSON'S ASSESSMENT OF NATIONAL XI By RAY HENDERSON, Everton's chief coach who is here to advise the national soccer team, said there is "top class" talent in the national team. "With the right approach, and correct coaching, these various indlvfduals can
    407 words
  • 290 23  - TAUGH STANDARDS FOR LIFTERS ALBERT JOHNSON By OINGAPORE Amateur Weightlifting Federation has recommended tough qualifying marks for this year's Seap Games at Bangkok. The association has set second placing* at thr last Games a* qualifying marks for this December's Games. Sawlf president Khro Kay Eng said: "We have decided to
    290 words
  • 258 23 rkUTSIDELEFT Salv leh Paiman yesterday made a spien did return after a two-week suspension, to score two goals to take Farrer Park to a 3-0 win over Chua Chu Kang in a replay of their InterConstituency socrer tournament matcn at Jalan Besar Stadium. Speedy Salleh had
    258 words
  • 152 23 KUALA TRENOOANU Mon. Trengganu, beaten 5-2 by Singapore in their return Malaysia dip match at Singapore last Friday, has strongly protested to Football Association of Malaysia against Singapore's Inclusion ot Quah Kirn Son? tn that match. Encik Abu Bakax Daud. TAFA vice-pre-sident, said Trerwßanu considered Quah
    152 words
  • 328 23 ABDUL BARAK scored a treble to win the 'Best Performance' award at the Mountbatten AEB Centre sports meet at the National Stadium. Barak won the 100 m In a record 11.9 .■econds la the Secondary B division. Half an hour later, he won the 300 m
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 368 23 We've made tracks Agricultural Tractors Sdn Bhd have moved Our new address: Lot 1 Jalan 19/1, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Phone: (To be advised) .iLffej KENYATAAN 1222 TAWARAN Tawaran-tawaran adalah dlpelawa dart pemborong-l*-niborong/pembekal-pembelcal yang berpengalaman untuk k.-rj.i- kerja berlkut Tawaran bag! B) dlpelawa HANYA dan kuntrekter-kontrekter letrlk yang berdaftar dengan LLN
      368 words
    • 258 23 MOTOROLA SCHOLARSHIPS In keeping with our policy of contributing to the economic and social well-being of every community in which we operate, Motorola a world leader in communications systems Invites applications for the above scholarships from suitably qualified, deserving Malaysians for full time study at universities and other recognised Institutions
      258 words
    • 124 23 JABATAN TALIKOM KIN* \T\%N T\WARAN Tawaran adalah dtpelaun untuk membekalkan I Sptrn far r.M.R.V lUf: SWP IT/BIS li Sul~ Ititnlup pada llhb Jun 1*75. I MM IMade* Ref: SWP iT >l« 75 M IHlu tap pa4a link Jan IKS Boran«2 tawaran boleh iah didapati di Peiabat Talikom Setor dan Wokshop
      124 words

  • 79 24 Boy who killed his stepfather JAKARTA, Mon— The Jakarta district court has acquitted a 12-year-old boy who Killed his stepfather. The court was told that the killing took place last December after the boy had tried to intervene when he saw his mother being beaten unconscious by his stepfather. The
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 47 24 THE $113 m FIND IN RIVER CHICAGO. Mon. Divers searching for bodies in a river here have found a strongbox containing stolen bonds worth more than ISSSO million (SSII3 million) The bonds were believed to have been stolen last August from a suburban Chicago printing firm. Beater.
    47 words
  • 33 24 BUENOB AIRES (Argentina). Mon.— An explosion presumed caused by escaping gas fumes in a service station killed at least three people and injured nine others today, police reported AP.
    AP  -  33 words
  • 43 24 tM. RICHARO tIAM MNC M«K, *«ea 51. puh4 «w., ea IS/6/TS 115pm kMvuc bakind S wlTa*. S eaaa and 7 adoptad uu Philip Cbaa and rrancla Cb<a Obrtac* laavaa Ttoehav Parlour. Upn»r Smaiooa Road. «ta mil* ea i« 5 73 mda> noon
    43 words
  • 28 24 ABU DHABI. Mon— The Bupreme Federal Council of seven Persian Oulf emirates sat today for delicate talks on unifying their armed forces and oil policies —AP
    AP  -  28 words
  • 423 24 T ONDON. Mob. B, U W elolw Brm In lljchl trading today and at *p m the Financial Tlnm index waa up 10 2 to J« x Tn« wmknaa* In Martins prompt«d bads* buying amonc atvaral l&aoan and abaraa with high ovtrtma aanlnss Thin condition. ■""•var, axawratad pnea
    423 words
  • 58 24 Several F-5 ftfhtor bomktrs at rijht are being ■hewn offloaded on Sunday from the US aircraft carrier Midway in Gum'i Apra Harbour At left are A-37 fighter bombers. The planes were snatched from L'tapao airforee base In Thailand where they had been left by
    58 words
  • 723 24 Neutral in Sino-Soviet row SAIGON. Mon rpHE first man to A emerge as one of the new rulers of South Vietnam, LieutGeneral Iran Van Tra, has said the country will have friendly relations with all nations and will not take sides in the Sino-Soviet dispute.
    Reuter; AP; NYT; UPI  -  723 words
  • 199 24 37 HELD IN DEMOS AGAINST REFUGEES BANGKOK, Monday I\EMONSTRATORS calling for the expul- slon of all Vietnamese refugees from Thailand gathered for the third day in the north-east Thailand town of Sakon Nakhon, though police in the town reported no incidents. I Yesterday 37 demonstrators were arrested (or damaging shops
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 135 24 iriENTIANE. Mon.— The V communist Pathet Lao moved today within the coalition cabinet In Laos to establish control over loyalist military forces. Prince Souvanna Phouma. the neutralist Prime Minister, went on radio to try to stem panic and public fears about the deteriorating political
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 105 24 PRAVDA EDITOR HAS TALKS WITH CHARTICHAI RANGKOK. Mon Dr. Ivan Sehe-rov, chief editor of the Soviet Pray da newspaper, today called on Thai Foreign Minister Chartlchal Choonhavan to discus international problem*, a Foreign Ministry spokesman raid. He said Mr. Charti cbai had Informed Mr Schevrov daring the discussions thai the
    105 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 213 24 I I '4 L i_ T^ 'fl I ■i wp »s,-" Comes 'iHJi in all mMLcoloursj at r^^^#/\a^BV^val BobW. *A ik Jh_" DOkJUNjCA 1 i^sP^.. Introductory J^L_ Offer ~^^^^k\. Collection of 55 different stomps >'om oil port* of the world for only '^BBoflsr Smaa SI 00' Stomp* depiction AmA Mm
      213 words
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