The Straits Times, 7 May 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
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  • Article, Illustration
    718 1 Giant copters snatch South Vietnamese jets from Thai airbase BANGKOK. Tuesday A MAJOR ROW flared up today between Thailand and the United States after giant American helicopters plucked South Vietnamese warplanes from Utapao airbase and carried them to the US aircraft carrier Midway in the Culf of Siam. Reports
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  718 words
  • 479 1 BANGKOK, Tuesday JMIK new South Vietnam Government has seized six islands in the South China Sea's Spratley archipelago from the defeated Saigon forces, Hanoi's Vietnam news agency reported today. Quoting the Vietcong's Gial Phong press agency, the news agency said "all the puppet forces on
    UPI  -  479 words
  • 456 1 Lee on peril of too swift US pullout KINGSTON. Tues. AMR. LEE Kuan Yew i?1 yesterday came out strongly against too swift an American military retreat from Asia because this would let Russia in. "If this withdrawal takes place precipitately It could give the Bovis* Union the chance to move
    AP  -  456 words
  • 59 1 VHNNA, Tues. Cardinal Mlndtoenty, the former primate of tb* Hungarian ChUjoUc Church, died here today. He was «3. A bitter enemy of oommunlsm. Cardinal Mlndsatnty was long a refugee in the United Statei mission In Budapest. Cbmmunlsta had tortured him and sentenced him to life Imprisonment In 1949
    AP  -  59 words
  • 44 1 NEW YORK. TUN. Dow Jones avrraxc*. bated on first hour of tradlnc on the New York Stock exchange M Indus JS27I. down 3 S»; JO tranip 173.M. down 0 34; 15 ullU 7538 up 0.19; «S »toclu 25« down 055 ypx. A
    44 words
  • 53 1 LONDON. Tues. Teachers at many of Britain's universities held their firstever strike today In support of an IS per cent pay clalir. No lectures were expected to be held at 10 universities including Manchester, Leeds. Belfast. Swansea and Leicester At other teachers planned half-day strikes and
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 302 1 BANGKOK, Tun rIB Khmer Rouge radio in Phnom Penh said today that Cambodia would respect the national and territorial Integrity of neighbouring states but would not allow any foreign troops on Its soil. The broadcast said Cambodia would continue to seek good relations
    Reuter; AP; NYT  -  302 words
  • 180 1 A SOUTH Vietnamese refugee, Mrs. Tran Le Kien. 23. gave birth to a baby girl at Toa Payoh Hospital on Monday at 4 a.m. Mrs. Kien Is among some 6.500 refugees who have arrived in Singapore since last Sunday on board 3fi vessels now
    Mak Kian Seng  -  180 words
  • 107 1 LONDON. Tues.—Sterling was again weak on foreign exchanges today and early gains by the currency were soon wiped out by selling pressure. The pound's depreciation since December 1071 returned to a re-cord-equalling 23.3 per cent, the same as last night, after improving in parly trading today to
    Reuter  -  107 words
  • 681 1 jJI'SINKSS and industrial activities are expected to take an upswing in the second quarter of this year, with industry showing a marked improvement over the next six months ending September. This forecast, published yesterday in the survey of business expectations for the second quarter by
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  • 183 1 Two gunmen shot dead in holdup TPOH, Tues. A businessman last night shot dead two gunmen and put to flight two other robbers who were armed with knives. The businessman, whose Identity is being withheld, four women and another man were playing cards at a friend's home In Talping Oardens.
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  • 82 1 ZURICH, Tues. Kjwait, largely as a result of Increased oil revenues, has ousted Switzerland to become t c country with the hlg est per capita income In the world, the Uni< n Bank of Switzerland (ÜBS i reported today Other major oil-pio-duclng countries, SLch as Saudi
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  • 41 1 LATEST US missiles for Jordan WASHINGTON Tues IS has agre-.-d to aril Jordan near'y 200 Hawk antl a fora ft miNNilr, worth VSSIOO million, infortnnl sourMa a«id today. Final airrrm'nl was reached last week with Jordan's vlsitlr f Kirn Hussein Rrutr
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 THE PROFESSIONAL U GOLF Mil ml Distributor*. EQUIPMENT wiA, i ciMMMY Jfm A/ Tht frn—siShMßnß Cans* l^ ta^AP I If j£- Gran! floo> IG7) ssfl W*l V, VO\ Cissmn Sm* 5^ i \y/^vbv Srßlwt6 TWO FLIGHTS WEEKLY TO EUROPE ROD JRKARTP BY GRRUDfI DC-IO EVERY mOfIDRY ROD THURSDRY p .9?^f
      97 words
    • 111 1 PAY BACK $102,000 ORDER TO EX-BOSS Pag* 1 1 FORD seeks more funds for refugees 1 BUDGET cuts: A change of mind 3 "SECRET" US move on Mid- Bast 4 ("WEALTH bid to bridge rich-poor gap 5 MAN who flew home to find out truth about wife 6 CALL girt
      111 words
    • 114 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL Ihciicrl on your wr|ST AUTOMATIC WHIST X^^sssss»^A^ CHKO\O(.KAPHniIH V PRtXISIOS HI /U j9 /A SLIDE-RULE hOR UW hM.lshhHS. BUSINESSMEN O si usiisrs. vii ors y^fcsw^ M Avilsbh at IBA|] CHUN CHONG 62, South Bridge Road. Ref Q 633 Singapore.!. Tel: *****. Calculator rwi colour tv Trinitron The
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 233 2 VIENTIANE. Tuesday PATHET Lao foreaa supported by North Vietnamese units, have driven Vientiane troops oat of the Sala Phou Khoune region, military sources said today. The sources said Pathet Lao troops launched an attack supported by artillery and tanks yesterday morning and forced
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 60 2 UNITED NATIONS. Tues. The Economic and Social Council (Ecoaoc). Ignoring US objection* last night Invited South Vietnam* new government u> take part In a UN Women s Year conference In Mexico City next month It was the first Invitation received by the Revolutionary Government of South
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    • 36 2 MANILA. Tuea— US Ambanador William Sullivan aid today the aurrender of Salgnn and Phnom Penh did not signal the aUrt of peace In Indo-CJtfna but the continuation of a "very Mttcr" struggle. UPI
      UPI  -  36 words
    • 23 2 UTAPAO ATA B A 8 E (Thailand), Ttia* Ttoe United States today began airlifting 9M Cambodian refugees to America. AP.
      AP  -  23 words
    • 525 2 Ford seeks more funds for refugees WASHINGTON. Tues. The Ford Administration yesterday remiested an additional US$5O7 million (551.115 mil.) to resettle up to 150.000 South Vietnamese refugees but ran into immediate resistance in Congress. The director of Mr. Ford's refugee task force, Ambassador Dean Brown, said the money is needed
      NYT; UPI  -  525 words
    • 162 2 r- N.Z. TO FOR N-FREE ZONE WELLINGTON. Tues. New Zealand will continue to press its case for a nuclear-free lone in the, South Pan 1 Ac, in spite of opposition from Washington and Canberra, actin* Prime Minister Bob Tizard said yesterday. "We can't expect to please all our friends all
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    • 29 2 BANGKOK. Tues. The American Communist Party has sent a telegram congraj tulatlng the Revolullonaiy Government on Its victory in South Vietnam. Hanoi Radio reported yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 84 2 WASHINGTON. Tues. President Ford was quoted today M tayini opposition to brinfinf Vietnamese refugees to the United SUtes "makes me damned mad." A White Rons* spokesman quoted Mr. Ford as telling a Congressional delegation about opposition to the refugees: "It Just burns me up, these
      AP  -  84 words
    • 334 2 Four-nation talks with Ford WASHINGTON, Tu'es npHE Prime Ministers of Singapore, Britain, Australia and New Zealand will held talks with President Ford this week on US foreign policy in the aftermath of the collapse of South Vietnam. The four leaders, pass- Ing through Washington briefly after attending the Commonwealth heads
      Reuter; OFNS  -  334 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 the sizzlin3 mood for '75 Beauty is more than skin deep. It is in fact V^aaL a description of personality Beauty is the .^bIbMlV 4bV way you walk. The way you talk Beauty is the |^fey way you feel. It is a reflection of your MOOD (M Jk For 1975.
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    • 345 3 VIA was involved in coup that toppled Malagasy Govt' TK7ASHINOTON. Tuei. The Central Intelligence Agency was Involved In the coup that overthrew the Malagasy Republic Government and assassinated Its leader in February, according to an article in the current Issue of Penthouse magazine. The article by Tad Bzulc also said
      Reuter; UPI  -  345 words
    • 47 3 NANKINO. Tues. Chinas* astronomers claimed today to have discovered two minor ptoneU between Mars and Pluto. They told a British press delegation vwilng the Nanking Observatory that the planeU. (potted last January. were rarely visible because of their position In the solar system.— ReuUr.
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    • 423 3 WASHINGTON. Tues. Secretary of State Or. Henry Kissinger warned there would he drastic consequences in Asia If the United 8 1 at c abandoned Its defence treaty commitment to South Korea. "If we abandon this treaty it would have drastic consequences in Japan and all over
      Reuter  -  423 words
    • 22 3 CARACAS. Tu*s. The Shah of Iran arrived here yesterday at the itart of a five-day Bute vuit to Veneluela. Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 62 3 Kissinger hugs That Girl Mario PRESIDENT Ford applauding as Secretary of State Henry Kissinger hugs TV personality Mario Thomas at a party in Washington after the White House correspondents' dinner on Monday. Mario sta>:s in the TV series That Girl. The occasion provided a brief respite from a more sombre
      UPI  -  62 words
    • 552 3 'Defence bill will be slashed by 7pc only' WASHINGTON, Tues. Congressional liberals and moderates are backing away from an earlier intention to make record cuts in defence spending and reductions of overseas forces. Interviews with more than two dozen Democratic legislators and staff aides
      NYT  -  552 words
    • 169 3 REFEREE WHO CAUSED RIOT ARRESTED BUENOS AIRES. Tues A last minute penalty has landed soccer referee Jorge Alvarez In jail on charges of poor referee ng during a First Division match in Rosarlo. the central provincial capital of Santa Fe state. Police arrested Mr. Alvarez on the field after he
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 29 3 RIO DC JANEIRO. TUM. Ttilrty-lhrw poUOol prisoners toon hunf«r ttrlke here yesterday In protot anlnot allef«l overcm »alng and lack of medical care, their families mM. RtutfT.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 68 3 IT'S MADE FOR IT 0 M Hill V i >-i±r P^m .t±JU hwhsbk(ptkijd Qf) PIONEER Jcl RL SHOWROOM 306-307 Supreme House 3rd Floor Ponang Road SINGAPORE 9 Tel *****1 IVJI%*-1— 1» SERVICE SPARES Hock Seng Bu.ldingll4C Lavender Street SINGAPORE 7 Tel *****76/*****65 when you want better W "W" (ELECTROniO)
      68 words
    • 238 3 Cotne to Greatways for the choicest quality meat in Town specially selected and cut for you by our Master Butcher from England. Chickens Pork-Soup 2x1200g g£Q BOneS 50 0g QJO Chicken Wings Minced Beef Danish 2270g \9S 500 9 6£ Topside Lamb Chops n.z. soo g 2*20 500g 2*95 Calves
      238 words

    • 152 4 HONGKONG, Tuesday rro suspected bombs were found today In the Chinese University before Prince Philip arrived there for a visit. Police Immediately stood guard over the suspected bombs, which had the words "Hongkong 1 and "Britain" written In Chinese on them. Police said they did
      AP; UPI  -  152 words
    • 51 4 LONDON, Tues— An Arab terrorist group, poaslbly Including diver*, plans to hijack an oil tanker In the Persian Oulf, minorities said here today. The Times of London said US. British and West Oerman Government security utndn have warned oil and shipping companies' to be on the alert
      AP  -  51 words
    • 403 4 Ford's 'secret' move on M-East WASHINGTON, Tues. Presi dent Ford is preparing to embark on a major new stage in Middle East peace diplomacy with no one here qoite sure exactly what he and Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger will do. His Administration is expected to complete a w
      Reuter  -  403 words
    • 31 4 ROME. Tues A 17-year-old prostitute has been arrerted (or ni^ault after biting a poUcemnn who tried to stop her chatting up s, traffic warden. police said today. Reuter
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 255 4 Move to expel runaway MP from Commons LONDON. Turs A parliamentary committee recommended today that runaway British MP John Stonrhouse be expelled from Britain's House of Commons. "We have reached the conclusion that Mr. has abandoned his parliamentary duties," said the committee which has been considering the strange case
      Reuter  -  255 words
    • 388 4 TOKYO, Tuee. r A PRINCE of the Japanese Imperial Family has said he feels Insulted when bluntly told, "you live off our taxes," and believes that his family should be given a "work quota" to repay the nation instead of wasting the stipend provided by the
      Reuter  -  388 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 501 4 10STOREY OFFICE COMPLEX p FOR RENTAL 1 yy FEATURES:- 52 X >^V »P»cnHy d«i9ned modem ofy MM ficr Mock oith nioh *ntr«tic V > > Hi Jta^^HkwW QiuiitiM md optimum utility £3 ML 1 «*cii caters the rwtoS of tn* f 3 Kf J JS^TMNkS^O^v profttMoiui and commrrcui V 4^T^n||^K9^
      501 words
    • 67 4 HOME LEAVE CAR HIRE Ford. Bnuh Uyland. OaUun. Chryiasr. Vsuxhall. isloon. et late or motor can in Raaliatic ntm from 176 foe 4 »m>i attract up to 40 V. period dawount and inciud* ooasprahsntiv* trour•not. miinl—snf UMt law and UNLIMITED MILEAGE. XHtomywnk* throua*out U.K. Quota tiona/lcocsf alnnaitod. A compteu acme*
      67 words

    • Briefs
      • 24 5 HONGKONG. Tues. China has dismissed the Soviet Unions efforts toward detente following the recent Soviet naval exercise the New China News Agency reported today.
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      • 38 5 JAKARTA: The MobH Oil Company of the United States plant to build a 30-km (18.7--mile> pipline from Ann and Blang Laneang. North Sumatra, the site of a projected liquefied natural gas plant, the State-owned oil corporation Pertamina said.
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      • 36 5 MANILA: imprisoned Opposition leader Benlgno Aquino Jr., now on the 32nd day of a hunger strike against martial law, has been brought to a military hospital because of a slight fever and chills, his mother said.
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      • 29 5 KUWAIT: Arab oU ministers meeting here at the weekend called for continued consultations towards establishing of a special monetary •f account for use by their Joint oil-related organisations.
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      • 25 5 BRUSSELS: Common Market heads of government will meet here In a Community summit on July 16 and 17, EEC Foreign Ministers decided here.
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      • 26 5 GLASGOW: Seven men •aid to be linked to a guerilla Scottish army went on trial here today charged with planning to set off explosions in Scotland.
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      • 29 5 WASHINGTON: Senator Edward Kennedy complained that the Soviet Union had cut Jewish emigration lo a bare trickle and was applying pressure on those who wished to leave the country.
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      • 28 5 ATHENS: A Journalists strike that has closed down It major political and economic dallies in Athena entered Its second week today and threatened to expand to other industries.
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      • 27 5 JERUSALEM: Foreign Minister Ylgal Allon Is to make an unexpected visit shortly to Rumania, that for years has tried quietly to help settle the Mid-East conflict. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  27 words
    • 33 5 KINGSTON Tues Commonwealth leaden are considering draft communique that will call on the new regimes in Cambodia and South Vietnam to play "their full part in the community of nations."— AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 415 5 KINGSTON, Tuesday THE week long Commonwealth summit conference is expected to announce agreement on setting up an expert committee to co-ordinate its approach on the problem of narrowing the gap between rich industrial nations and the poor developing states. The 33-nation summit which
      AP  -  415 words
    • 270 5 Hopes fade for Sino-Japanese treaty PEKING, Tuesday THE chances of early agreement on a SinoJapanese peace treaty are receding because Peking is insisting on inclusion of a controversial clause aimed at the Soviet Union, Japanese sources said today. The clause Is that China and Japan should oppose any efforts by
      Reuter  -  270 words
    • 137 5 - LIMERICK (Irish Republic). Tues. The centre of this south-west Irish city was sealed off and people were evacuated when bomb* were discovered in three hotels here early today. An immediate watch was put on the city's prison where millionaire's daughter Dr. Bridget Rose Dngdale is
      137 words
    • 61 5 MECCA. Tues. Saudi Arabia, wary of foreign Influence and (earing a manpower shortage aa (U economy booms, haa banned contraceptives. The April 38 decree, following a World Muslim League ruling that 'birth control was Invented by the enemies of Islam makes smuggling pills or other contraceptive
      AP  -  61 words
    • 55 5 LUANDA. Tues. Authorities in Luanda, where more nan 600 people have died in fighting between the two rival liberation groups, announced a shortening of the curfew after the city quietened yesterday. An uneasy calm settled on the city yesterday and shoppers flocked to stores to stock
      Reuter  -  55 words
    • 25 5 LISBON. Tuei. Prealdent Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia arrived here today for. a two-day State visit, waving a white handkerchief to signify peace Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 22 5 JOHANNESBURG Tu#» An otlmtM 80.000 South Africans ywtCTcUy watched the first television thow ever broadcast In the republic WHIMT.
      22 words
    • 384 5 'Ford's policy can cause $791 Ml loss in output' WASHINGTON. Tues.— President Ford's economic policy can cost the United States as much as US$35O billion (SJ79I billion) In lost production over the next five years and create severe economic, political and social problems, an Independent research Institute said yesterday. "Except
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 9 5 Ra— rratton Contra K RtdCiaToun 73-75 Robinson Road I
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    • 285 5 /riubsciyiny your yums is J^*k M sl^Sk sLLav \n 11 If rt^^Tl yv/UI IOwII I H^m V \wm\ ~-!^n j9L^^ The brush-head is p—» j sJms^>w small enough for WpH9ilHntol^^H| ,< maximum manoevrFfl r^T^l^J iTSI I ability, and can effi!a!aJ ciently reach the hidden comers. mmmmm^ Bu/ests wests wests I
      285 words

  • 80 6 LAM Soon community ceotrt will hold four alx month oounat soon. An elementary folk dancing claw will be held on Wednesday* and an Intermediate ooe on nidajrt from T p.m. to 10 p.m. A harmonica claai will be held on llondayi from 7 p m to 10
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  • 546 6  -  ELENA CHONG 'CONFLICTING VERSIONS OF WIFE'S BEHAVIOUR' HUSBAND TELLS HIGH COURT By J^ RESEARCH assistant flew home from London last year to find out the truth for himself after hearing two conflicting versions about his wife's relationship with a male colleague, the
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  • 320 6 $7,400 haul by black-face armed gang WHREE armed men, wearing dark make-up, burst into a fruit dealer's shop in New Bridge Road on Monday night and robbed seven men, including the proprietor, of $7,423. The robbers struck at Yeo Huat Lee fruit wholesalers at about 10.25 p.m. and surprised the
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  • 67 6 TWO SHOPS DESTROYED BY FIRE Al5-MINUTE blaie destroyed two shophonaes In Sumbawa Road off Victoria Street yesterday afternoon. No one was injured. Four Are engines took a few minutes to nut out the flames, first spotted at 12.34 p m According to nollce, the shophouses which formerly housed Mmiaya Motor
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  • 48 6 DR. Morrli BerkowlU. Professor of Sociology. Brock University, Canada, and currently a visiting fellow at the Institute of South-east Asian Studies, will hold a seminar on Changing Patterns of Polk Religion among the overseas Chinese in the institute's seminar room on Monday at 4 p.m.
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  • 27 6 A BIRD singln» contest wul be held at Calrnhlli community centre on May 26 at 8 a.m. Closing date (or entries v May 11.
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  • 169 6 S'PORES ONLY WOMAN JUDGE RESIGNS OINGAPORE'S only woman district judge, Mlas Jenny Lav Buong Bee, has resigned. Miss Lav has scored some "firsts" in local legal history in her 15 years' career with the Judicial and Legal Service. She Is now on leave, prior to vacating her post as the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 273 6 Cathay Pacific's Special Announcement Patricia Sect has great pleasure in announcing Cathay Pacific's new schedules designed especially to give you the fastest, most convenient daily flights to Taipei, Osaka and Tokyo, via Hong Kong. Take-off time is 1 1 .25 a.m. each day with easy onward connections in Hong Kong.
      273 words
    • 22 6 Neito|)hcrol Natural Vitamin E Products of ABBOTT U.S-A. HEALTH CARE y WORLD-WIDE Natopherol Vitamin E ABBOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE. LTD SINGAPORE MALAYSIA
      22 words

  • 126 7 Bi:EP! Beep! More over Bit Brother. And a white, Volkswagen minus hood whined by thii astonished motorist yesterday leaving a "wu that for real?" look on his face. It was only executive secretary Miss Pamela Leong, 24, living HerMe Junior a test
    126 words
  • 301 7  - CALLGIRL RACKET SMASHED PAUL WEE 30 HELD IN SWOOP By ft IE Immigration Department has crippled a panMalaysian vice network with the arrest of 30 callgirls from a block of flats in Geylang last week. Informed sources said yesterday the callgirls, all Malaysians, have been deported. But many others. It
    301 words
  • 86 7 Samsu man's car forfeited A 23-YEAR-OLD man J\ was yesterday fined $6,000 for having 204.5 litres of samsu and had his car forfeited. Senior Superintendent of Customs. Mr. R. Valdyanathan. prosecuting, told the court that actIng on information, Customs officers trailed Low Teng Tong's car from Lorong Chuan to Balestler
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  • 47 7 THE Young People's Berlce of the National Library's ~oa Payoh brunch will hold a ilk In Malay on How to Itudy Mathematics In its leciire hall on Saturday at 3 m. CUt Sukalml Kijan from fpper Serangoon Technical econdary School will speak.
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  • 38 7 ONEWAY FROM FRIDAY A STRETCH of the two-way Johore Road from Ophir Road to Rochore Road will be made one-way from 10 a.m. on Friday. Motorists are advised to follow the traffic signs and markings on the road.
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  • 23 7 ROCHORE community centre youth group will organise an excursion to the Chinese Garden In Jurong on Sunday For details telephone *****0
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  • 209 7 A NEWLY-WED labourer, who claimed that he planned a robbery as a Joke, was Jailed for two years with six strokes of the cane by the Fourth District Court yesterday. Yahya bin Abdul Ohanl. 22, who admitted robbing a taxi-driver of $45 in Pepys
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  • 48 7 Blood, health course THE Department of Extramural Studies. University of Singapore, wijl hold a sevenlecture course on Blood and Health at Brunnel Hawes lecture theatre. Singapore General Hospital, on Mondays and Wednesday: from 730 p.m. to 9 p.m., starting June 23 Pee Is 130 For details Ulrphone *****6
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  • 33 7 MR. Choo Ping Chyuen. an RTS assistant producer, will nive a talk In Mandarin on comparison of British and American pronunciation at Queenstown library on May 16 at 730 p.m.
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  • 254 7 |F YOU like red chillies and your digestive tracts do not object to them, then go on and eat them, because they are nutritious! For, though they are the cause of many a stomach disorder, chillies do contain quite a lot of Vitamin j
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  • 21 7 CHI Yu How yesterday pleaded guilty to shouting In Collyer Quay yesterday at 2.15 am He was lined $30.
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  • 161 7 Overhead bridge to open tomorrow THE pedestrian overhead bridge at the Junction of Hill Street and High Street will be open for use tomorrow. The bridge. costing $Mj,uoo was built by the Public Works Department. A PWD statement said yesterday the unction was one of the most traffic congested junctions
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 549 7 UC^LUvUUc/vKLy U U v_D LIX/OLOvLJGOUIXJO GROUND FLOOR IST FLOOR I 2ND FLOOR f~\CZD C~Z)f\ PO/^5 PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPT. Usual Now f Usual Now (O) Ij [7 (G| iic,, a i Nnui Goya Perfumed Talc. 3Vioz $0.90 Lady Arrow Lady Manhattan V^^/ U UtAJLMVJ Kodak Instamat.c 32 Corel le Dinner Set $80.00
      549 words

  • 121 8 SURJIT Singh Randhawa. a major with the Ministry of Defence, claimed trial In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday to a charge that he received a bribe of 1300 from Messrs Neo Boon Lye at Seletar East Camp on Jan. 14. 1971. Surjlt was alleged to have
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  • 33 8 THE Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union United Engineer* Branch) will hold a get-toge-ther picnic from S am to S pjn on May 26 at the NTUC holiday resort In Changl
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  • 308 8 THE BABY WHO DIDN'T MAKE IT A PATHOLOGIST told a coroner's court yesterday that the death of a two- day -old baby boy resulted from the pressure he underwent during birth Or. Seah Han Cheow of the Department of Pathology, Singapore General Hospital, said that the Infant, born to Che
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  • 89 8 Why the taps went drip, drip, drip A WATER mala was damaged in Jalan Lembah Bcdok, near the Reformative Training Centre yesterday, resulting la Poor preuore to several anas la Bast C«a»t Road and Changl The pipe was damaged daring construction work In the area at about 11 a.m. A
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  • 32 8 MR. Teo Cheng Kok will speak In Mandarin on Science and Technology and Its Increasing Importance in Singapore at To* Payoh Branch Library on May 16 at 3 p m
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  • 232 8 Man who refused to go through -wedding- AN electrician, who refused to go through a Chinese customary marriage with a clerk told her that he had no money to do so, the High Court heard on Monday. Ong Oeok Hong told the court that her marriage to Llm Chor Guan
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  • 54 8 THE Lions Club of Singapore i Host i will present a cheque of (2.000 for uae by the Child Psychiatric Clinic Library today. The cheque will be received by Dr. Tsol Wing Poo, medical superintendent of Woodbridge Hospital, at the dub* lunch meeting at the Cambaluc
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  • 483 8 That extra spoonful can be lethal MILK POWDER FOR BABY AN extra spoonful of milk powder can prove lethal for a newborn baby it can lead to death by hypernatraemic dehydration (high content of sodium in the blood). Exploding the myth that babies especially sick ones need more milk. Professor
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  • 11 8 THERE were 93 road accidents, two serious, on Monday.
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  • 155 8 WHEN a group of Central Narcotics Bureau officers raided washerwoman's house one day. they found that one of the four men inside had Just finished smoking heroin, a court heard yesterday. In the dock was Yip Mun Woon. 44, who was fined $4,000 for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1157 8 H^tpmMafP a^H I a^fl a^aV i^^^^^i a j [*T»1 Nj I H lK*im^ Below are the names of &*fy LHI MM LKPKPIV /rjk a^Li minor prize winners of the /J lllNllliii.lll AIMS LaH recent Hennessy King of V IlillllLUU I Iftntg i M If o CO r 9 n n
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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    • 175 9 Robbery suspect and his girl held in ambush J^UTTERWORTH, Tues. Police last night arrested a man believed to be the head of a threeman gang responsible for at least seven robberies since February. They also detained his 18-year-old girlfriend from Malacca. Police are now checking whether she 1« on the
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    • 61 9 PENANO. Tues. A Jade polisher and repairer. Wong Swee Choong. 34. was today fined $3,500. or six months' jaU in default, for possessing jade ornaments on which $313 60 Customs duty was not paid. Wong pleaded guilty to having nine Jade ring/, four Jade bracelets, and
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    • 52 9 PORT KLANO. Tues. A lorry loaded with more than 540.000 worth of gooci was hijacked from a forwarding firm off Jalan WaUon here early this morning. Watchman Olhman bin Daruc SI. was punched ar.d choked by two of the robbers In the incident which occurred at about
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    • 147 9 Gunmen's $43,000 haul in three hold-ups KLALA Ll'Mr-JR, Tu«s. Armed robbers sot away with $43,0## iii three separate holdups In the city over the past 24 hours. In the first robbery at about 11.45 a.m. two gunmen held up the driver and three women cashiers from Tan Chong Motors along
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    • 44 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Thirty dental officers from 18 Western Pacific countries are attending a two-month course In public health dentistry conducted by the World Health Organisation. The course, which is Jointly hosted by the Malaysian and Singapore governments, began on Thursday.
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    • 27 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues The Stlangcr Anti-Drue Abuse Committee will launch a campaign tomorrow aimed at eradicating drug abuses In areas contideird most prone to such abuses.
      27 words
    • 305 9 BUFFER STOCK: KL GETS 2 OFFERS ITUALA LUM- PUR, Tues.— A large European financial group has offered to finance the proposed international rubber buffer stock. Primary Ind v s t ries Minister. Datuk Musa Hitain. said today. He added that one European government also Indicated to him Its willingness to
      305 words
    • 44 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. More than 10 thugs armed with parangs and speari slashed three youths In another gang clash In Jlnjang near here last night. The injured are Tan Chong Wah. SI. Ng Ah Ngau. 24. and Chen Ku. 34.
      44 words
    • 55 9 IPOH. Tues —Ton Hah Chuan, 18. unemployed, pleaded guilty In the Special Session's Court here yesterday to possession of a .38 revolver with five rounds of ammunition In a house In Jalan Hablb Abdullah on Sunday. Sentence was postponed to June 2 pending a probation report
      55 words
    • 43 9 ALOR STAR, Tues. Three men, two armed with pistols, tied up padl planter Adrian bin Yahaya. 44. and hi* family before robbing them of »3.700 worth of Jewellery and $180 In cash at their Changloon-Jltra Road home at 1 ajn. today.
      43 words
    • 158 9 Midnight hold-up: Two get 8 years oach PENANO, Tues. Teh Lee Hock, 26, was today jailed for a total of eight years and ordered to be given three strokes of the rotan on two counts of trying to rob a man of his car and robbing a girl of $60
      158 words
    • 95 9 The penalty for illegal digging KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Anyone undertaking earthworks In the Federal Territory without the prior approval of Dewan Bandarmya wIU now be liable to be jailed for not more than five year* or fined not more than $50,--000 or both. "Where the offence Is continued after conviction,
      95 words
    • 40 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tue» Police have re-established the Anti-Secret Society Branch to curb the gangster menace In the city. The squad, which was disbanded in the reorganisation of the CID last year, started functioning at 4 p.m. yesterday.
      40 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 246 9 4Sfei t BARGAIN CENTRE J^s <^^^^^^^^ m^ #r^ Printed jtrtey drtun .30-60 Q flfl Bhav 4SfcgaV(£. X^9HK»Jgafe^^gaV Pnntid l* rt *Y blouses I U-Sfl wAIU 1 Hp B Beaded sling bags A &69 3.00 HCJJ^^i^bMß*^l irK. Z Beaded shopping bags A &-M? .3.50 fl i^mtlt'lgo'iyß HouM Coitt a^g*. 3 9
      246 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 214 10 bbb^^^^^^^^^^^^bb! I bbb^^t^^t"^^"^^^j^^l^^^^^B l s II JHBBJBBBJMH B in MWttMLI I C 9 bbH bbbl bbbl ;C APIT OL-OPEXS "f ODAY; >5 SHOWS DAILY: 11am, 1.30, 4.00, 6.45, 9.30pm -No Free List* > i 120,000 elite German troops, 1! several Tank Divisions and Jojt incessant waves of bombers unleash their
      214 words
    • 243 10 BBbHbBBBBbbII^X. I kaaaatta! -.a 1 bbT J■ I BL jail iC^al^.: ay V U»1 |i I <»<A-^/ TbV^bbW^ I T^Plßßß*Taß~*^*^^H K ■> I I K>SEPH E. LEVINE p**^ 1 GEORGE C. SCOTT .MIKE NICHOLS. 1... THE DAYi?r E DOLPHIN Technicolor F^navi»ion EMBASSY PICTURE-Dtttrlbutad by/^\ H aOth CENTUEY FOX FILM CORPOEATION
      243 words
    • 453 10 GOLD! N: LAST DAY! 1 1 AM. 1 .30, 4.00, 6 45, ft *JO pm KONG CHUN: LAST 2 DAYS! II 30. 3.30. 7.15 9 30 pm ft bbbi The War in Vietnam! N rr Guerillo Fighter* in Action' •B* fcfc The Heroic Defence of Hanoi!. ■I /^Jf^t Three Drxu
      453 words
    • 243 10 [yyT^7T7TT»Trn^j^ißl I I LAST 2 DAYS!* Daily At 7.00 9.3000*: Adatts: 82.00 Childrw: SI .Of J CHCN CH(N AWt CHIN HStANG LIN A >. i V** THE CHOICE >!■ A ji 3pSidkOF tOVf > "I W* *mk a-BiVToarla. --P»bb»i JT iSB I ODEON: 2nd BIG WEEK! i 5 Shows
      243 words
    • 515 10 i"CftTHPV ''-""THIV/iiTV LAST 2 DAYS" S 2 Sr.o-. 700 I♦ 30 dm CHfln C^#° C* 1 Httong m THI CHOICI Of LOVI J Color Scope I- Enajwl 5 btiMet J« J Open* Fr«toy' •a GoMmM»<«ip'«f". S THE TOUINAMtrIT AnoelO Moo 'Curler Huong Colo«Scop« 'EngLi' S .is c* $U\Kl\lMV..' LAST 2
      515 words

  • 151 11 TWE Singapore Em- ployers' Federation has declined to take part In a proposed Industrial relations seminar to be organised by the Singapore Bank Employees' Union. In a letter to the union, the federation's executive secretary, Mr. ER. Baum, claimed that the seminar would not
    151 words
  • 513 11 Fraudulent sale of share rights THE High Court J yesterday ordered Patrick George Ralph to pay his i former employer, j South British Insurance Company, $102,784 the! amount he mis appropriated 5 through the sale of Ben and Company shares jn 1969. t Ralph was
    513 words
  • 50 11 THE Mandarin congregation of St. Andrew's Cathedral celebrated Its 21st anniversary on Sunday with the opening of its first "daughter church." All Saints Church, in Upper Changl Road. The $700,000 church was opened with a consecration service by the Bishop of Singapore. The Rt. Rev. Chlu Ban It.
    50 words
  • 70 11 MRS. Dorothy Ng has been elected president of the Singapore Music Teachers Association. Other officials are: Mr. Ng Kok Cheow. vice-president; Mrs. Oon Blew Llan. treasurer and Miss Esther Appaduray. secretary. Committee members are: Miss Maria Chen. Mrs Helen Poo Miss Grace Llok. Madam Elizabeth
    70 words
  • 58 11 Mr V. Otneun has teen elected president of Muneeswaran Temple Boclety lor 1975,76. Other officials are: Messrs C. Sambaslvam (vice-presi-dent). K Thangmvelu (secretary). M N Alagappan (asrt. secretary). V Qanapalhy (treasurer), N.B. Bankar (•sat treasurer): Messrs. K. Shumnugam. K Kunju. V Ramachandran. M. Vasudevan. V. Narayanan. KM. Perlasaml.
    58 words
  • 145 11 A SCHOOLTEACHER told the High Court on Monday that he and his wife had differences right from the start of their marriage. Suing Yoon Chow Ylng. a nurse, for divorce. Koh Kirn Hock said his wife a Malaysian, refused to live with him In
    145 words
  • 78 11 THE West German Finance Minister, Dr. Hans Apel. will arrive tomorrow on an official visit at the invitation of Finance Minister Mr. Hon Sol Sen. Dr. Apel. who will be here till May 10. Is accompanied by his wife and top officials of his
    78 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 529 11 Lie, j: jt :t j j: j j: tl jt j j j: fi| CALL TODAY SAVE XL. N Choose the best from the whole array of —W vß k beautiful textiles ready-made garments. W^M I I DON'T MISS THIS VALUABLE I 94 OPPORTUNITY JM W~ M LADIES DEPT. $1.90
      529 words
    • 881 11 PEPSI $38,400 WORTH OF SUPERMARKET SHOPPING! 16 WINNERS EVERY WEEK! JS CONTEST N0.5 "Guess how much I've spent" Test your skill! Show what a good shopper you are' J^HH g>^^ Here sail you to do M /Tj VHrindalS^ Just guess the total value of the goods our shopper has
      881 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 278 11 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 4 Having t&len out. I took 1 Where one- views are to the family pet «nd went to be considered (10. S> live in the country (10> 8 Burden too much? It's 5 Suffered after a non-drlnk-open to question (S). er Joined <8> Baby biros <6».
      278 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 445 12 AN ESTIMATED 130,000 Vietnamese refugees are seeking new homes; 7,112 of them are on board 46 ships anchored off Bedok. Some 20,000 are already in the United States, 50.000 at Western Pacific transit points, and 50,000 on the way to the US in American and Vietnamese ships. The
      445 words
    • 188 12 T»HE Americans have added a new and highly controversial chapter to the history of skyjacking hijack by helicopter. On Sunday and Monday US Jolly Green giant helicopters snatched warplanes from an airbase in Thailand and landed them on an American aircraft carrier. The Americans say that the aircraft
      188 words
    • 128 12 ]yjANY home viewer contestants in Television Singapore's "Make It Together" finals were disappointed. Although there were over 1.000 correct entries out of a total of more than 50.000 received, only 24 were lucky enough to win prizes. Do the organisers
      128 words
    • 115 12 HTE refer to your edlt- orial "Proper choice" (ST., April 24) with which we concur. In every secondary school there Is at least one teacher who has received basic training to give vocation?! and educational guidance to pupils. These teachers provide Information on careers and advise pupils on how to
      115 words
    • 152 12 U/E would like to lnff iorm "Pro Bono PubUco" (8.T., April 19) that It is not true that landowners are not allowed to chop down trees as it Is their responsibility to remove trees which are a hazard to life. However, to prevent wanton and unnecessary removal of trees and
      152 words
    • 60 12 CONG RATULATIONB to the Ministry of the Environment on Its current campaign for more hygenic food being served at eating stalls. I hope that the nroblem of stray cats at these stalls will not be overlooked. Often one finds sffch cats at these stalls nibbling at dirty dishes a situation
      60 words
  • 1207 12  -  H.L.LIM WONDER what your thoughts were on Vietnam last week. I kept thinking about the soldiers, though many of my friends seemed more concerned about the refugees. I put myself in the shoes of a South Vietnamese soldier, watching bewildered as the war turned Inexorably against him and his
    1,207 words
  • 959 12 -KINGSTON, Tuesday THE new Commonwealth Secretary-General is the Foreign Minister of Guyana, "Sonny" Ramphal. He Is a figure long known among diplomats at the UN and in the non-aligned movement. Mr. Ramphal takes over from Canadian Arnold Smith on July 1. Gemini
    959 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 42 12 AMPLIFIERS f*"^ g^fc Dual Showman Rc»etb, Quod Roerb, Super-Six U*erb Twin (U«trb, BondmotUr lU»«rb Super (Urerb, Mumant, Etc.. Etc. Immexfiot* Delivery T.M.A. (PTE) LTD., 41-43, High Str«t S pore 6 The Fender Sound is Unique' T M A After-Sales Service is Unrivaled'
      42 words
    • 256 12 Highlights for today Why th« Amazon culture is considered more advanced than the West. Beware of dishonest shopkeepers and smooth tongued salesmen. Book borrowed in 1918 has just been returned to the library. The last of the Three Stooges. The voice of Singapore press. The egg war is on. TRANSLATION
      256 words

  • 31 13 SINGAPORE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (left), having a beer while talking to British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson in Kingston, Jamaica, on Monday. AP picture.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 235 13 THE Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen. said on Monday night that Singaporeans' ways of life had been gradually changing to fall in line with the demands of industrial society. Speaking at a variety show held in conjunction with the Better Food for Better Health
    235 words
  • 37 13 A 23- YEAR-OLD laundry worker. Hashlm bin Jaim. waa yesterday Jailed for two months for stealing 18 caaes of condensed milk from the Magnolia factory In Upper Buklt Tlmah Road on July 31 laat year.
    37 words
  • 99 13 Robberies: 10 help police rN youths are now helping police with investigations into a spate of recent street robberies In the Chinatown, Tanjong Pagar and Tiong Bahru areas. The suspects, aged 17 to 25. were rounded by detectives from the Central Police Station during raids over the weekend. Their arrest
    99 words
  • 35 13 THE National Trade* Union Congress yesterday clarified that IU Insurance co-opera Uve. Income, secured a net premium of 54.048.000 last year and not tM.045.000 as reported In the NTUC May Day souvenir magazine.
    35 words
  • 112 13 Man denies 3 cheating charges KO Kal Liang claimed trial In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday to three charges of cheating last year. Ko la aiWfad to h»ve cheated Lee Wah Char a supervisor of Dencirt Pi* Ltd. of Realty Park on Bepc 11 at about a pjn. by dlahonesUjr
    112 words
  • 508 13 'Australia creaming off Asian professional skills 9 KINGSTON. Tuesday MR. LEE Kuan Yew yesterday launched a blistering attack on Australia's immigration policy, protesting that the country was creaming off the talented professionals of Asia. In a reference to the abandonment of the "White Australia"
    AP; UPI  -  508 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 131 13 lllllw is when you really start fl to feed your baby %M* *M a I a«| 11 In the ooming months, as your baby »w^ forms and grows inside you, he is living r **»«>»^_ iiih»*i< on what you eat; all the strength and J^J goodness from your food is
      131 words
    • 355 13 I .i i fc^iJSE^-— JS onFrklays «p WrY/ May 9th at lunchtime. K\) Y\ jc It's pret-a-porter for ladies and O*/ A-C gentlemen from Manor of Paris, 4_^s imported by C.N.T. Pte. Ltd. Wf-v And the Serge Manzon collection r-fj 1 m) watcncs i" so^ c sil*" presented by <sr^
      355 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 985 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.M PM Opening and Tainan Sun (Malay) 7 J« Htm mt Umnd (Malay) IM Diary of Events (Malay) 7.55 MautoM T Tlm lam (Malay) 4.15 Persembahan Ku (Repeat) 8 M 1mt nt mm CwtrKt 4JI Intermission IM to|*W I ill Opemng and Felix the Cat
      985 words
    • 22 13 WATEB contwnpUon cm Monday wax 141 S mllUon rallona (Mt,*M euWc soetrea). 14.1 mUUon allons (tt.«M c«Uc Metres) more than on Sunday
      22 words

    • 1585 14 TKX la«t transacted read; tale at the close of business on trie Stock Exchange of Slnrapore 'estrTday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1875 high and low. ('Adjusted for scrip/rights issue*. CLOSING TON!: All sections cloaed easier TURNOVER Official Bsures aupplled t» the Stock Exchange of
      1,585 words
    • 1414 14 BID und offer prices officially luted and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of sham traded shown In brackets in lota of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Tune Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quolsd after the word "Sett."
      1,414 words
    • 1324 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of snares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units, unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Allnamta (2MB 3.228). AUan 1 2 MB 2.448). A. CIMM. il 12B>.
      1,324 words
    • 46 14 IiIALA LIMPIR Kuala I.umpur Ke'xng said 1U 525 million 10.5 per cent mortgage debenture stock '981 has 'jeen overscrlbed by million. Under the Urms of Its prospectus. It ha- accepted the cver-subscrlptlon. The piocesdi will be used for development snd construction plans. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 83 14 THE European palm oil market was on holiday ou Monday. The US was quiet and featureless, according to MPOPA. Quotations US* cents (Rotterdam) unless stated Afloat (US) 19.37', cents sellers. 18.75 cents buyers. May (US) 18.76 cent* sellers. IB cents buyers, 18 50 cents traded; June (US) 18
      83 words
    • 171 14 JA RDI N E Matheson Australia achieved group net after-tax prodt of A 1805.280 for 1974 (1700.214). The company declined to state tax and depreciation provisions or whether a dividend was paid to parent, Jardlne Matheson. In 197« the Issued share capital rose to
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 163 14 OWINO to the li times Jump In earnings at the half-way mark:, Talplng Textiles was able to report a 24 per cent growth In net profits to $4 08 million for 1974. After the tremendous mid-term jump. Talplng suffered a sharp turnaround of 58.8 per cent
      163 words
    • 69 14 NEW YORK: Bache. which has an office in Singapore, said it has established a new department for International arbitrage and trading. The company said Mr. Donald Williams has been appointed vice president in charge of the department. Mr. Williams will be responsible for Baches trading In
      69 words
      • 33 14 f Bum M. Csrhbrrr M. Ownt Shell UN $2.14 I23« SZ.M +.U +.M .M 8. Finance Scolou K.C. Hold. H. Royal Hjlrx Intraco fl.SS ll.U ll»l sits S2tl +.M +.M +M
        33 words
      • 21 14 OCBC Bou»U.d FAN lit JardJiw C. C. Ml *e.3t MM >S.M »1.8S S3.1* tJM $4.40 —.15 10 .M .M .M
        21 words
      • 19 14 IUw Par Fiber MrrMn 81mc Darby Pan Electric ToUl Twraortr Total Vatae: 4S4.M0 33S.0OO 1HM tt.SIM
        19 words
      • 57 14 Mar 5 Mbj Industrial*: M9.4J t51.14 Finance ««39 4MJ7 I Hoteb: 1M.13 184.4* Proprrtin 293.13 t Tins: 101.M 101.6* t t rubber*: IMJJ SU.7I 0.C.8.C.: 131.11 131.75 i BX.B. Ind.: 151.11 Dec. M. INC s 1M t Dec SI, IMS 1M t Dtc. 29, lMt IN Dec SI,
        57 words
    • 313 14 SHARE values continued to ease on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday in the absence of any concerted buying support. Deals recorded were mainly on contra account with activity still largely concentrated on a few selected counters. The market opened eas er and prices thereafter moved
      313 words
      • 512 14 "TpRADING In the Singapore lubber market yesterday sjbjj vtry quiet and cautious within a half cent price range i while operators preferred to j wait for ne»s from the ANRPC meeting presently taking place In Kuaia Lumpur The morning session closed quiet. In the afternoon, turnover Improved slightly,
        512 words
      • 37 14 London copper prlcra on Monday ipmloua in brarketa) Wirafcar Spot buyer 1527 50 (1938) teller IS2H (153*): Thraa Month buyer 1546 (£955.90) teller {946 50 (*****. Market tone: Rarely Heady Salet: 7*75 tonoea kilo yesterday:
        37 words
      • 110 14 rvAILY SMR K.RX.L.B. SMR SCV SMR 5L SMR 5 SMR 10 SMR 90 SMR 60 KJi.B. SSR 30 SSR 50 t and SSR prices tnued at noon yesterday: May jow >< urrrnt Mlhl (Forward Mttl Bayrrt Scllrrs Buyers Seltor* (ccaU perkf) (ccnU perky) Cl ton pallet) 131.00
        110 words
    • 29 14 CLOSING PRICES Rubber: May 6. Singapore May 118.75 cts. (up 025 ct.) Malaysia June 122.50 cts. (down (•.50 ct.) Tin: $935 (unch.) Official offering 242 tons (down 36 tons).
      29 words
    • 177 14 THE ftralts Un price In Fniang yesterday remained unchanged at $935 per plcul on an official offering down 36 tons to 242 tons. LONDON: Ca«*i standard tin dipped £9 and Three Months £4 per tonne In rather dull trading on Monday. The market tended to drift In line
      177 words
    • 106 14 /MINIS! PMODUCI IX V CMAMCI lINCAPORI NOON CLOSING PRICII Pl* PICUL »w« Oil: bulk M2|N sellers. tftiim »«7»N Ml.rr. Ceaca: Mixed IIOOM) UK/ Coat. SMN B PIMM: Muntok ABTA «lme fob. IKK NLW f24S sellers. Sarawak whit. fob. Mt NLW ***** sellers. Bara«ak special bUck l.ob. M* NLW |mo
      106 words
    • 364 14 rADING at the Singapore stock market yesterday was again characterised by a wait-and-see attitude on the part of operators. Turnover was still on the thin side. Activity was mainly concentrated on a handful of volatile stocks most of which ended with marginal losses. Market sentiment was
      364 words
    • 240 14 Money and exchanges TrHE U.B dollar opened easier at $2.2640 60 in the Singapore forex market yesterday. There was light trading in the beginning Later, the market was very quiet and trading was thin The dollar closed st $***** 45 Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3.30 p m 1 month
      240 words
    • 174 14 Suggested inu Currencies US dollar Sterling round Hongkong dollar Malay ,ian dollar Aust schilling Bel franc (com) Danish kroner French franc Italian lire Neth guilder Nor kroner Swedish kroner Swiss franc Deutsche mark Japanese yen Aust dollar NZ dollar M i rbar.k rates at 3 30 p m.
      174 words
    • 207 14 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rate* as at close on Tuesday. May 6 IS Dollars (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days S 1 2 5 3 8 1 mth 5 13 16 5 11 16 2 mths 6 5 1C 6 3/16 3 mths 6 7 8 6 3
      207 words
    • 34 14 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for May 6: Offer Bid Overnight 8 8 1 mth 7 2 mths 7V, 3 mths 7S 7H Prim* rate SV,* Source: P Murray- Jonn International
      34 words
    • 43 14 RAS'iK of n i M offered bl tflacounl houaaa on May 4 Overall Call 6>^. *<HI|I Bur Sail 3 momth Treasury btll 4 1/16 3 14/U 3 month bank biHa 7 him. Bouree Naliooal IMacoum Co slightly from those quoted by
      43 words
      • 366 14 cYDNEY, Tues. Prices letreated In light trading »nd mining, industrial and oil leader., gave up a few cents at the close. There was patchy support for retailers, transpo-ts and some energy stocks but the overall trend was downward The. Sydney All-Ordinaries Index -shed 2 points u> 352.13. BHP toil
        366 words
      • 297 14 UONGKONO Tues. The 11 stock market extended yesterday'; decline but managed to close above the day's lows, dealers said. Xi sharply reduced volume, prices moved lower during the morning session with some slight recovery noted In the afteinocn. The main nfluences continued to be the Jardlne/ Gammon bid situation
        297 words
      • 202 14 I'OKYO. Tues. The stock 1 market. after opening actively higher, ceased to advance towards the close as dealers became cautious agalnn the high price level*. The Dow Jones average climbed 0.36 to 4.543 40 and the New index gained 0.70 to 330.08 Trading volume shrank to 210 million shares
        202 words
      • 53 14 Mrlbounw (1) 123.40 ClOMd London 1«3 23B ClOMd 1M.2M ClOMd Bflrut ClOMd Ck»rd Zurich 113.90 ClOMd 1M.W ClOMd Pana 1«T S3 ClOMd TiMtda, NMti; H.r«kon« 1M.40 163.S5 por- (2) 1S3.2SB IU33R 1«S.T68 1MSTS Export Prior In non-ittrllnf •r»ii in US dollar p«r ounce. Ill Auilrallan dollars per ounc*
        53 words
      • 462 15 XJEW YORK. Mon- The stock market registered its fourth on.-ecutive advance today In lighter trading »ft*r prices tsjed on profittaking earlier In the day The early selling pressure »»s expected, since the Dow Jones Industrial average had risen 45 44 points In the preceding three session.At the conclusion
        462 words
      • 123 15 7URICH. Mon— Prices advanced broadly on :< »i Stock Exchange in line wltri the r.iins of the past :>.ree ».'sion? on Wall Street. KM vts heaw and aliu lm numbered declines than four to one ■r maintained In* Cred.t Sulrse Index :imbed 4 9 points to a new iti.
        123 words
      • 104 15 ri.i.iniiAL ll.ncn TINS Monday 99 66 Friday 100 78 Week ago 98 21 RUBBERS Monday 488 28 Friday 493 48 Week ago 480 72 OILS Monday 239 38 Filday 247 52 Week ago 247 52 INDUSTRIALS Monday 315 0 Friday 330 7 Week ago 327 9 DOW JONES AVERAGE
        104 words
      • 15 15 ALL market!) in Amsterdam were closed on iMonday for thr Dutch National Day.
        15 words
    • 381 15 Carefully worded 'no' from Haw Par {JAW Par Brothers International yes••■rday turned in a set of results for 1974, accompanied a carefully word:ual of market umours that a i jndamental change afoot at the group. Replying to a Stock xrhange of Singapore •mand that It "confirm •itely whether It
      381 words
    • 231 15 AFTER a strong first six months Harper Gilflllan went Into reverse in the second half of 1974 to turn In an unaudited group pre-tax profits growth of only 19.9 per cent to $11.03 million for the full year. This Is a considerable slowdown compared with the
      231 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 522 15 e^— -^^^^—■■■^■■■^b^ TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE ICI (Singapore) Private Limited invites opplicotions for the post of Technicol Kepresentotive for the Nalfloc Deportment THI JOI To be o member of a team responsible for the soles, promotion, sales development ond servicing of o range of speciality chemicals THE PERSON Must be o Singopore
      522 words
    • 1208 15 I CAREERS IN A I RAPIDLY EXPANDING I I ORGANISATION. I H A newly incorporated machinery trading company dealing in machine tools, marine equipment and construction equipment in- vites applications from suitable candidates to fill the following positions under its expansion programme. A 1. Management Officer (Managing Director's Office) TB
      1,208 words
    • 961 15 THE STRAITS TRADING COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual general meeting of The Straits Trading Company Limited will be held at the company's registered office. 20th floor Straits Trading Building. 9 Battery Road, Singapore on Saturday 21st June 1975 at 11.30 a.m. when the
      961 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 636 16 VJTeli:hiM:i:hm PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION Application* are Invited tram eligible Singapore Cltlxent for vacancies In the appointment* below I TECHNICAL OFFICER II EXECUTIVE OFFICERS QUALIFICATIONS Pott I: A Diploma in Building or Planning from Singapore Polytechnic or Its equivalent. Candidates without the relevant qualification but possessing previous experience in building or planning
      636 words
    • 379 16 FAIRCHILD I siwapoKptlltT An established and progressive international semiconductor I manufacturing compony offers opportunity for personal I growth and career development. Applications from suitably qualified candidates with relevant I experience are invited for the following position. PROCESS ENGINEERS I You are the person we are looking for if you possess:
      379 words
    • 1032 16 MALE PERSONNEL OFFICER THE INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL BANK GROUP invites applications for the above post. Applicants should possess: (1) University degree or appropriate professional qualifications. (2) At least 3 to 5 years experience in a large organisation in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations covering some of the following areasRecruitment and induction
      1,032 words
    • 543 16 Placement Advisory Service* for Client* A U.S. baaed company engaged ir ithe manufacture of equipment for the off-ahore oit-drilling industry in»H«* applications for the position of: FINANCE I MANAGER I Mot less than $504)00 p.a. This is a senior position within the Cony panyj management team. Reporting to the General
      543 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1449 17 CINTAIWISNIP UIVICE TO UK'CINTINENT l«a- N-baf Ami Kiaakin Man s ,T£aV 'n£f I'Z. im7 i. umlvN iat 71 Mii a Mai II mm a Mm him. ii Ma CITI IF lIIMIMtI aMai II MM M laM tiMM aMM MINI Mill] UMM IMM aMM 17 IMa aMM aMM 111 l MAII
      1,449 words
    • 1209 17 Ben Ocean AK*nt9ervKXofßenLineßhjeFhnnel3lerUneandNSMO Ta M/CMTININT DM rpart r m aaf PtaMf Ewom Parts •iNAnta a/a an n:i aq si mm M-t, iraa a ta. Cam CiiaraiLOca il/IS Mq 71 71 mi, all Mq I*l law. NaaMrf. H.ll lAMIIMN a/11 Mq 1 Imm n Mi A'ua. laaa. Oat. im ASPNAiiM iv
      1,209 words
    • 1184 17 I f^^T^l K'l T JmWmWm\ Tl IMW: narf fMMa aaa tl IN Hill DaaaMt traaaa Aatnrp All UK. KlMikuri Mara m MI<M *<•" •••"•a Hrn 0.,. CITY IF (lIMIItIN BtUl lIM. tkN UMM n" MINI MAPt SIMM 7 im. MMM 71 Im. IM n«a 111 l »»B IMM II laM
      1,184 words
    • 1062 17 I=^^? mmT~^Mml bMMMMm-^MM^^-FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SERVICE TO EUKOPE P KahM I*' FM uumha".. ...1... 1 %!S ii Rotterdami. ibatctttt-daaM. /WaMrcfV. Le ß*wr». KTVjima T Si? lta u 't wmw, Iremerktttt. SmSim h*7 5»/W*CM«M|iN. (Mmnm.,. Mtitwe. KTUMIA 35 StocUoaa, OtiO. HtiSaMi, UMtM RmMML ciauM tmm Ut M Man ret aMn FULLY CONTAINEKIZED
      1,062 words
    • 1000 17 Si-a—a-a "*****; >. lUlnaj 4J41, K.L. *****; Ptaaaaf JSiOI. THE BANK LIME LTD. INK mill. AFIICA •aviiam (ciui Maiaafa) <M<| MMM Span 1/1 Mm IMIMM icuit I Laaaaaj r kiloti II II MN S pori lIM, FMM Uft I MtTI MM. fM tAaUM. mW. IMtIAM p MOMJ a/11 Mj| s
      1,000 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1229 18 r^l^ i ii ...i"— KAWASAKI kisEN KAISHA LTD. UmSARI RMRAI RISH RAISIA LIB. HYMN., NON.NMG. STRAITS SOVKL v Mtaa Ntaag tdpaort Peam P. Kaiaeaj U eeai«a miiu smei s*i«a I Her 'i*i m v Japan Arabian Call Sarvia. s -iiro-« FM: C lITIUfI Miau 7,11 Her Ma«lt. Dew,. Ooka. CEeMias
      1,229 words
    • 1021 18 ACCftTIK AU lIHI af MITT laawejOT FM PtaiTII'UI. UMPIT. UMMaaMSM IAIMPIMa. taHMMM. tiaKHtPttm, IUUU MAMM TiMATi. mint wtn saiia am vmaji maim fins Froa ETA [TO UMinlln: c r iiiarr iitm THn 1 Har Paaaat I T Mian swam la Part Deck.* ST. ii.utt MClia 11 71 Mar Har ineenei.
      1,021 words
    • 1153 18 I a EAST EtttPE COMTAIKR COWENTIOHAI StRTKt LIUIM fH IMMNJN. MTTFJUai. NAHMRC Paean P Hi tea S'aera loMo* I'aan Ntare ■irtni iku n.jiMir 14 it Ma, n m Mar ta Mr HMj 11 Mt S'aera P M'wt Im— *tm H'aan ieptmk tapu a/il tan il/iSJen H/i7ma i? Maj aMr nMi
      1,153 words
    • 872 18 O7KSS SOVKE TO LOHOOH LtVOPfK/CIMTMEIT PWTTS T| Haxi Jofeaort P KtlMf Piian leealai Mr ijnci lianx 11 ll Ma, 11 11 itir 17 14 Mar i/eni »l, Ii hwti 57, Hiwi 1/7. luitci nn ii pen 11/11 Mai ij/it at* t.iau id I. loowa 14 1. t'KXit 10/«. Hterl 711.
      872 words
    • 790 18 XHC a««T Of BIP4OAPOW AU- 04JT: MM M«u anl KW 7 THOMTV AMMOUMCtO THi KLAHa LLOWINO •taTMIMO AR- 22 S-Vp,ullnt Hoi Ylnf F.AMOEMCNTS FOF, MAY 1. a E»O OUT. B«rft> ConUlnrr Suectai Sinus 10/11. HontHont Surely li/ 16. BarpS29andßarf»HupHuat3. t*aa Jatljr: Ralau^ 1« Pvrak 21 Writ. Thr Malayan North Shore:
      790 words

  • 27 19 LATEST NEWSI Bernlna Swiss Machines are famous 'it the world Toplnperand simple In operam mended Five i .an tee Free catalogues/ Icmonslrallons at Oammeters Tel *****/*****2
    27 words
  • 52 19 THE FAMILY OF the late Mr Fong Kum Poey gratefully thank relatives and friends for their condolences, donations, wreaths. tendance during their recent bereavement FAMILY OF THE Late Mr. Soon Joo Chuan gratefully thank Pastor. relatives and friends for their condolences, donations, wreaths, scrolls, assistance and attendance during their
    52 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 577 19 classifiedads ON VIETNAM The fall of South Vietnam has •irern for the security of South-East Asia New Nation tola', begins a three-part feature that looks st the changing polltl vene in South-East Asia and the responses of the big A ers LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS In .singapura for your latest
      577 words
    • 724 19 EXPANDINO PUBLIC accour?tants firm requires: Tax Assistant S C prererably with experience In tax department: Audit Clerk S C. at least 3 years experience in accounting firm Typists SC. good and accurate typing: Despatch Clerk S C Apply with detailed resume stating qualifications, experience and expected salary to ST. Box
      724 words
    • 840 19 REOUIRE A RECEPTIONIST with pleasant personality Please write with full particulars and a recent photograph to Managing Director. B-86 Oolden Mile Tower. Beach Road. Singapore BOOK-KEEPER required by Imports/ experts firm. With I.CC Intermediate or equivalent and 2/ 3 years experience Apply with full particulars, telephone contact and nonreturnable photograph
      840 words
    • 768 19 UROENTLY REOUIREO one building clerk-of-works with approximately s—B years experience In building trade and preferably holder of Technician Diploma from Singapore Polytechnic For appointment call 5M635 f% MUSTAO Norwegian Manufacturing Company In Jurong with 5-day week requires AN ELECTRICIAN (1) A Singapore citizen and above 23 years of age (2)
      768 words
    • 882 19 WANTEO COOK AMAH. Should be able to prepare Asian and Western dishes Salary $250 $300 p.m to a first class applicant Apply personally 2 5 p.m. 32. Bin Tong Park. Singapore 10 WANTEO LIVE-IN AMAH for general housework. Spore dtlzen Apply *****6 from 9 a m -6pm. 21-1 Amber Arcade.
      882 words
    • 756 19 WANTED BY AN Electrical com- I pany two storekeepers with good experience In electrical store- I keeping State experience, age and salary expected with copies of testimonial! to S.T. Box AMO76 SINOAPORE ORCHIDS PRIVATE Ltd. has vacancies for Female Packers and Male Junior Horticultural Assistants Ex-N S Preferred at Mandal
      756 words
    • 776 19 SEWING GIRLS for workshop I behind Oreat World Tel *****1 I 930 am 7p m I 1 A tonje Internetlenel manutoctortog concern, located In Soon Keng Road, has Immadtoto vacancies tor FEMALE PRODUCTION OPERATORS Applicants should be above 16 years of age and have a minimum 2 of Secondary 1
      776 words
    • 895 19 MSI. 21 CLEMENTI PARK $2500 31st 13 detached bungalow $1800 31st 20 Thomson Ridge $1600 fuly furnished. Dlst 20 Teachers Cstatr $1200 fully furnished: dlst El semi-detached $1800. Dlst II .Vestlaxe Avenue $1800. Dlst 11 "instead Road detached bungaow wall-to-wall carpeted $3800. 31st 1 1 detached bungalow 10.000 va ft
      895 words
    • 801 19 DIST 10 VACANT unfurnished luxurious flats available immediately at Taman Nakhoda 2 bedrooms, bathrooms attach d. living dining rooms w«th mosaic HEM s«Tvant's quarters provided Pleaae contact *****9 OIST 11 TASTEFULLY furnished 3-bedroomed apartments and bungalows in quiet and central totality Tel 5.*****5 ***** CHOTEK APARTMENTS 37 Neeeim Road Spore
      801 words
    • 799 19 ESTABLISHED OIL COMPANY re quiring several unfurnished partly furnished 4 bedrooms with study btxeass arotmd dlsts 9 10 1 1 (iikki< ompunvleaw Wfflkifto pay $2 000 Lai Housing «6|Tm SHIPPING MANAGING OIRECTOR with wife require* cellent rental deposit No pets chlldr. telephone 8 MONTHS RENTAL ie K otlable directly hy
      799 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 759 20 St) BB4M8s)0MI THOMSON PARK DIST 20 double- ruer terrace )ust renovated, fully furnished fans, airrrtasJS and man> extras Immediate occupation 3 bednaimi servant's room, extended covered backyard Very big builtin cupboards Mosiac vinyl flooring. 3 100 sc ft $*****0 Tel *****0 9 am- 12 Noon TERRACE HOUSE 916 sq ft
      759 words
    • 733 20 I UPPER EAST COAST Road 2-i-Bedroomed Corner Terrace House Utility. 2 Bathrooms Kentlle Mosaic FloorIma Over 4.600 sq rt ms noo <4307 I OKTRICT Single-storey. 3-Bed-detached bungalow silting dining room. 2 Halhrooms. 7 85". sq ft (215 000/Phone ***** WASHINOTONIA VILLA SFMI-DFTACHED BUNOAi II.T TO CATER FOR HOME LOVERi EXCLUSIVELY
      733 words
    • 799 20 OFFICE SPACC AT International Plaza around 1.000 sq ft Fully furnished, carpeted, switchboard, partition rooms Tel: *****00/ ***** David/ Mr Loh WHY HUNT for office space when you can have prestigeous office telephone answering mailing for only (45 p m *****88 VACANT OFFICE SPACE 1 1 200 sq ft I
      799 words
    • 826 20 SHOP CUM OFFICE lo let at Textile Centre approximately 1.200 sq ft and 100 sq. ft at North Bridge Road Interested party conuct Mr Wong *****2 PENINSULA SHOP Ist floor, near escalator 500 sq ft available Immediately Phone *****7/ *****5 GOLDEN MILE SHOPPING Centre 4th floor 360 sq ft at
      826 words
    • 851 20 SEA 8 SCIENCE! SEA 8 LIFEI SEA B FANTASYI The riRST International Ocean Expo In the history of mankind and probably the LAST In this century Exhibits from more than 50 countries. World Organisations and International Corpora tlons' 5 million visitors around-the-world are now rushing to Expo '75 in Okinawa.
      851 words
    • 768 20 UNIVERSAL TRAVEL CORPN. I (PTE) LTD West Malaysia/ Oen- i ling 7 days (175 Sunday Oentlng I 2 days (By Am (130 Everyday < Haadyal/ Songkla 7 days (155 < Sunday Lake Toba 6 days (440 i Frl/ Sun Hong Kong 7 days (889 Hong Kong/ Taiwan I Allsan 112
      768 words
    • 777 20 kUOITING FOR ACA Professional lAS Part 11. AIA Part II and -(X" Higher Exams commencing >n 10/5/75 spm 630pm For 'nqulries and detailed llme-Üble. rail at Management Training "entre Unit 304 (3rd floor). New People's Park Centre. Spore 1. rel ***** lINOAPORE INSTITUTE OF Science. 593-A. Serangoon Road. *****20) Science.
      777 words
    • 794 20 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS Sp. clal class for students only Mor day. Wednesday. Friday 2pm 3pm or 4pm spm Corr menclng 12 5 "'S (Fee (6/- pi month") Please enrol earl; School. Unit 410 3rd Floor (ne< House of Wax) People's Pai Complex Tel *****/ *****1 ***** PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTS OCI
      794 words
    • 914 20 COMMERCIAL CORRESPON >- OCNCE The ability of writing intelligible Business Sales i- Banking letters Commercial Abft brevlations Import and Fxport f. Documentation. Report of kl Business, will be taught Tuesday ir 730pm -930pm Commen'k clng 13 5 75. Sunday 200 pm 400 p m Commencing 18 575 People's Park Commercial
      914 words
    • 778 20 1000 TOYOTA CROWN, aitcon radio, excellent condition Tax and insurance paid thiough October 1975 »4 oSo ConU.t M> Bradley weekdays 800 a m 600 pm *****1 evenings mi weekends 6351 1 1 ext 205 1971 MINI CLUBMAN 10l« 197 Dauun 1200 Mini special 000 19,1 Ford Escort 1100 4Dr* Ma*da
      778 words

  • 296 21 'Prices of veg have not gone up' retail prices of vegetables in the market have remained unchanged over the past one week, according to a Irade Department official. He was commenting on a newspaper report that vegetables cost 10 to 30 cents more a katl (605 g) following a Malaysian
    296 words
  • 264 21 10-cent drop in price of duck rwmE price of duck I yesterday dipped by 10 cent* to $1.80 a katl. the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prices of essential commodities: BICE: Chins 10 per cent Ylm Cheok. BO cents s kstl or 605 g; Thai 10 per cent.
    264 words
  • 224 21 TICKET No. *****19 won the first prize of $400,000 In Singapore Sweep No. 5/75 drawn In Qucenstown last night. Second prize of $150,000 went to ticket No *****48 and Third prize of $75,000 went to ticket No. *****32. JACKPOT NUMBERS ($10,000) *****70 *****83 *****32
    224 words
  • 52 21 THE Department of Extramural Studies. University ot bimcapcre. will hold a 12--lecture course on Developing Management and Leadership Skills for executives at the university s NLtsen Hut 6B on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 pm from June 23. The fee U 840 Ptor further Information.
    52 words
  • 149 21 NO new typhoid case* have been reported since four J Dronf Town student* contracted the din— t last month but the onus for prevention is on parents and the school authorities, said the Environment Ministry yesterday. It la believed that the four students are
    149 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    28 21 Today brings back sweet memories of the days you w«re with us. Tim. though ycu have left us for seven years, sadly missed by loved ones.
    28 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 953 21 PACIFIC MOTOR CREDIT P Ltd showroom at 511. Buklt Tlmah Road. 4>> m s Spore 10 Tel *****1/ *****3/ *****4 offers 1974 Honda Civic. Datsun 120 Y. 1973 Toyota Carina. Austin 1300 MK3. Colt Lancer 1200 Honda N6OO Austin 1300 OT 1972 Toyota Corona 2000 MK2 alrcond Volkswagen 1200. Toyota
      953 words
    • 766 21 1971 AUGUST OATSUN with radio 1200 c c One owner Up top condition Selling Call *****2 William after 5 30 p m OATSUN 100 A DECEMBER 1971 2nd owner, beautiful condition $4,750 on o Appointment *****6 Philip Owner leaving MERCEDES 200 1974 model MK4 alrcond with tape player $25
      766 words
    • 703 21 HURRY BOOK IN advance Imported from USA and Oermany hobermann with cropped ears. Oerman shepherd puppies Trained Dobermann. Oerman shepherd dogs Interested ring *****67 SINGAPORE CHAMPIONSHIP DOG show at National Stadium. Kalian* Park, on Sat 28th June Judge* Mrs Hazel Rldgen from New Zealand and Mr Ashoke Mukherjee from Calcutta
      703 words
    • 999 21 LNkN AIK DECORATION Construction Company specialise In brick/ grille fencing, gardening, house painting, furniture, office/ house renovation, extension, (including permit application) Tel: *****71 H.D.B. FLATS Replaster your hollow block walls, mosaic/ lerrasao floorings, vinyl/ asbestos tiling, wall tiling, general renovation works, etc. Jetmln Contractor *****0 •AM TAT LIE Construction Co.
      999 words
    • 765 21 FIBREGLASS-PILKINGTON (M) SDN. BHD. 144-C, Jalan Segambut. Kuala Lumpur. requires an Experienced Sales Representative for flbreglass moulded products and flbreglass Insulation. Applicants must have good contacts with Architects and Engineers and should possess a car. Salary will commensurate with qualifications and experience. Please apply with a recent passport size photograph
      765 words
    • 476 21 rEBBADANAN MEMAJUKAN IKTLSAD NSGERI TRENGGANI Tawaran darlpada Pemborong 1 -Pern borong yang berdaftar dlbawah KX.aa c 1 keatas di perbadanan Metnajukan IktUad Negert Trengpanu dan dl Lembaga Letrik Negara akan dl tertma dl Pejabat Perbadanan Memajukan Iktlsad Negeri Trengganu. Tlngkat 2. Wlsma Maju, Jalan Paya Bunga, Kuala Trengganu hlngga pukul
      476 words

  • 628 22  -  CHRISTINA CHEANG AS FOOD REACHES 7,000... By I SUBSTANTIAL supplies of bread, water and powdered milk nave begun tn reach the Vietnamese refugees on board the fleet of vessels anchored off Bedok. So far. 2,000 lb of bread •lid 5001 b of powered milk,
    628 words
  • 223 22 ]Lf ORE than 80 drug addicts being treated ITI at the St. John's Island Drug Rehabilitation Centre have been temporarily transferred to Khalsa Crescent Remand Centre. It Is learnt that the transfer, which began last week, was ordered In anticipation of the need that some
    223 words
  • 155 22 TWO ON CHARGE OF CHEATING COMPANY TWO men were charged In the First Magistrate's Court yesterday with cheating a firm of $200 by posing as National Library officers and Inducing the firm to contribute money for an article In a magazine allegedly published by the library. Wai Ol Fah and
    155 words
  • 223 22 In Vietnam Prof's plan for a mag as a 'link' A SOUTH Vietnamese orofrssor of ma«s media plans to launch a magazine for Vietnamese refugees scattered ->ll over the world to maintain some kind of link among them. Miss Vo Thi Hoal Trinh told the Straits Times yesterday that by
    223 words
  • 271 22 KOTA BARU, Tuesday EK)UR hundred and sixteen refugees who 1 landed In Malaysia recently would be sent away as soon as word came from the US authority US authority. Internal Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ohazalie Shafle said today contacts had been made with U8
    271 words
  • 173 22 WHY THEY CANT STAY: LEE KINGSTON. Tues.— Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said yesterday his country would be completely swamped if It allowed thousands of Vietnamese refugees now on ships off Singapore to settle In the Republic. He was asked at a news conference during the Commonwealth summit to explain the
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 39 22 THE women'? sub-commlt-tee of Buklt Tlmah, community centre will hold baby j show on June IS at 9 a.m. I Entry forms are available 1 from the centre's organising I secretary. Closing date U i June 1.
    39 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 487 22 ■hjk 1 rr^w 19 Some European makes do not give you instant picture and sound. You have to Model 26DC-7531 wait f° r tne picture tube to warm up before you can enjoy your favourite programme. Other European makes give you almost 2 instant picture and sound by means of
      487 words
    • 200 22 couldn't better Vl^^^^/ on the sporJ^Hf if^ HIGH STREET CENTRE \*^^s'^^ssT Vlr has choice office spaces tor immediate V»^^^^^s^^^^?^7 iJyyV/ HIGH STREET CENTRE V^^^^^^^?? XOS otters you better rental rates and services. *y /^>s^V HIGH STREET CENTRI vs^?s^? speeds you up in a jiffy with 6 high speed .^^^y^^a^ajt^^^^^^^^^J Jv
      200 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 649 23 W invites applications from suitably qualified^ MALAYSIAN CITIZENS for the position I I of: I INDUSTRIAL NURSE Responsible for I I the general health of employees in the I Company's First Aid Centre and related I I administrative duties. Applicants should be I I State Registered Nurses with 3 years
      649 words
    • 718 23 UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada mereka yang berkelayakan untuk menglsl Jawatan-Jawatan kosong dl Unlversltl in). Permohonan-permohonan yang dlpillh boleh dllantlk ke salah satu darlpada Ja-watan-Jawatan yang berlkut dan dlletakkan dl atas tangga gaji menglkut kelayakan dan pengalaman mereka. I'rofwuor: A 6: 2575. 2650, 2725. !800 A 5: 2800.
      718 words
    • 775 23 SHIPPING ASSISTANT An International Timber Exporting Company requires a Shipping Assistant to take full charge of its Shipping Department. The candidate must have several years of experience in timber export documentation, Customs procedures and Licence application. Remuneration will be commensurate with experience. Applications together with a passport size photograph (non-returnable)
      775 words
    • 784 23 TUNNELLING PLANT FOR SALE The HIGH ISLAND JOINT VENTURE C TUNNELS) has during the past 3 yeans constructed 22 miles of tunnels ranging from S 6" diameter to 13' diameter using rail bound equipment with rail gauge 900 mm C3S"D. \Afe have also constructed 19 sink and raise shaft and
      784 words

  • 422 24  - Monitor III works like winner EPSOM JEEP By MONITOR 111, with apprentice T.L. Wan astride, did a dashing gallop on a good track at Bukit Tim a h yesterday. Breaking from the If. the speedster reeled off 3f in 36 1/5, finishing with plenty in hand. At seven years. Monitor
    AP  -  422 words
  • 325 24 Classy Diligent loses out to Tudor House UfHEN classy Delig- ent won first-up In a Class 1 Div 1 event on Sunday his owner, Mr. Tan Hock Chong. thought he was the first since 1945 to achieve such a feat. Diligent was not the lirst. Tudor House, owned by Mr.
    325 words
  • 899 24 TOP GIRL LEE SETS THREE NEW RECORDS AHMAD Ibrahim School's top girl sprinter Ln> Poh Kirn shattered three records at the school's annual athletic meet at Upper Thomson Road. Lee, who won the National Schools 200 metres event for Lower Secondary last year, set new marks for the senior girls
    899 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 618 24 I $142,000.00 fe To WiMtw s WitH Fiv6 Numows Cor rs<t m± DRAW AT V PEOPLES PARK CENTRE UPPER CROSS ST.- <■ EUTONGSENST rjt TOMORROW AT6.OORM W^pw 2 WELCOME Announcing Shell Super Motor Oil in the new 3 litre convenience pack! WM I offer the most convenient JH 1 units
      618 words

    • 122 25 First Open ice hockey match tomorrow rE first open Ice hockey match In Slnga pore will be played at the Ice Palace in Kallang Park tomorrow at 7 p.m. The game of three 20--mlnute periods. wJth five minute Intervals between, will be played between the Jurong Ice rink and Ice
      122 words
    • 390 25  - Schoolboy Somu does hattrick for Sembawang JOE DORAI By SCHOOLBOY: inter--13 national So m v Manoharan last night showed that he would soon be knocking on the National team's door when he .scored a splendid hattrick to help Sembawang beat Tanglin joy 4-1 in the I n t c r-constituency
      390 words
    • 144 25 Vf ONTRTAL. Tues. Com- i m petltort In shooting events at the 1976 summer Kmplcs will not be allowed to bring their firearms Into the Olympic Village, the c»«mes organising committee •i.nounceo It would be the first time In Olympic history that such a
      AP  -  144 words
    • 374 25 rI.IB Haron of Keppel took the lead In the Asian team coif championship trials, after 36 holes, at the Island Course on Saturday and Sunday. Tallb. who competed In last )ear's Asian team championship at Jakarta, showed consistent form In the trial*. On both days his
      374 words
    • 720 25  -  Shukor Rahman -RARE TREAT FOR LOCAL FANS ON MAY 17 By LONDON, Tuesday MALAYSIAN and Singapore football fans will get a rare treat of seeing Arsenal's first team in action when the London team tour the Far East this month. They are scheduled to play one
      720 words
    • 382 25  - Chong Boon regains National title PETER SIOW By fHIA CHONG BOON last night regained his crown, as Singapore's table tennis king, when he beat Tan Kai Kok In the men's singles final of this year's National championships played at TanJong Katong. Chong Boon, who had beaten Kal Kok easily In
      382 words
    • 60 25 NEW YORK. Tues. Result* of major league OB basetall games played yesterday American League Baltimore Orioles 3 New York Yankees 1; Boston Red Sox 7 Cleveland Indians 5; Texas Rangers 4 California Angels 2. National League Montreal Expos 3 Chicago White Sox 2: Bt. Louis Cardinals 11 Philadelphia
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 36 25 LONDON. Tuea. Results of UK football matches played here last night: Welsh Cup final first leg nwrexham 1 Cardiff CJty 1: English Division 3: Bournemouth 2 Peterborough United 1 (Postponed from Kb. 1»). Reuter.
      Reuter  -  36 words
    • 256 25 KUALA LUMPCB. Tues. Poor handling of some Malaysia Cup soccer matches this season has been mainly due to referees' inexperience, according to Zain Hashlm, chairman of the FA of Malaysia Referee** Board. He said the controversial decisions and match incidents so far Involved the younger referees
      256 words
    • 148 25 TUEW YORK, Tues. Promoter Don King confirmed yesterday that Muhammad Ali is scheduled to defend his world heavyweight boxing championship against Joe Bugner in Kuala Lumpur, on June 30. The only stumbling block would be a loss by Ali to Ron Lyle on May 16 in Las
      148 words
    • 289 25  -  ERNEST FRIDA Siyt QUAH KIM TIONG, 21, Singapore's new 400 m "king," is tipped as a medal prospect at Seap Games in Bangkok in December. SAAA officials are excited over Kirn Tlong's magnificent runs In recent meets. He has clocked the fastest time this
      289 words
    • 50 25 SALE OF M-CUP TICKETS TICKETS tor Singapore's two Malaysia Cup soccer Hutches against Ttengganu (May 9 1 and Pahang (May Mi at the National Stadium are now on sale. .They are available, during office hours, at the National .Stadium office, the FAS headquarters. Sports House and Winstons. 4 Arcade building.
      50 words
    • 68 25 TOKYO. Tues. The 7th Allan Amateur Boxing Championships will be held In Yokohama, near Tokyo, from Sept 23 to 28. the Japan Amateur Boxing Aaaoclailou announced today. About 19 countries are expected to take part. They include Brunei. Burma. Brt Lanka, Hongkong, India. Ir.dotn&la, Iran,
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 117 25 TANOLIN Community Centre will be holding Its annual Big Walk on May 29 There will be four divisions Men: Juniors (under 19 yearn, seniors (44 years and below), veterans (44 years and above) and women (.open Entry forms are obtainable from TangUn and Onraet Road Community Centres,
      117 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 395 25 S^sA l^^^gfal gea^L t a^e»B^^^^ el gfa^ga^gaks^^^ gas^gaL^gs^gaflJ ''^i*P^"'^V HJ^a^g^gSg^g^^^^^ Parking is easy with a Vespa. Put your helmet in the storage locker and arrive on time. And neat.' Beat the traffic! Invest in a vespa.. No more waiting. No more walking. precisely and built so sturdily, it doesn't wear
      395 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 65 25 WATtirOLO: Bui Under- 17 ootnpeUUon (Toe. Payoh. SSO pox). lOCCII Inter-constl-tuency Ruiggol v none Baiim. nrrer Park v Jalaa Kayu (Jalan Besar. T and S3O pm> Buklt Batok v PasJr Pan Jang: Telok Aver v Paya Lebar (National Stadium, T and I JO pen) ATBLSTICB: Singapore Artillery (Queenstown. 9 am).
      65 words

  • 74 26 RANDY Owens. 29--year-old brother-in-law of car racer Richard Petty. is shown Just before hitting tbe ground after a water tank exploded and threw him six mrtrrs into the air, killing him instantly. Owens was preparing to sejuirt water on a not wheel bearing on Petty's
    AP  -  74 words
  • 262 26 War fears over new troop build-ups AMMAN. Tuesday REPORTS circulated yesterday of Israeli and Egyptian military build-ups for possible new war in the Middle East. A Jordanian newspaper said Israel last week recalled thousands of reservists to active duty and was masking troops and armour along the entire length of
    AP  -  262 words
  • 100 26 Fugitive earl may be dead LONDON, Tues. Lord Lucan. the English aristocrat wanted for the murder of his children's nanny and for trying to kill his wife, may be dead, the detective leading the worldwide manhunt said today. But his body might not come to light for years, said Det.
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 67 26 LOS ANOELES. TUCS. A PhllUplne Chen official says wot Id chess champion An«toly Karpov Is now apparently Ignoring former champion Bobby Placher'i Inquiries about a proposed "unofficial" match, after saying last month he was interested In such a contest Karpov. 33, of the Soviet Union, was officially
    AP  -  67 words
  • 51 26 ROME. Tues About 300.000 civil servtnu began a two-day strike today, temporarily closing Italian airports to Incoming and outgoing tllghts and seriously disrupting activity In government offices. Rome's International airport was closed for six hours when firemen joined the stoppage. Most Italian and foreign airline, canceled flights.—
    AP  -  51 words
  • 101 26 JAKARTA Toes. Indonesia hat called for a meeting of participant* in the coming Asian Film Festival over a threat by Taiwan to withdraw becaose of alleged political discrimination by its host*, Indonesia, an organising committee spokesman said today. Indonesia hoped that meeting could he
    101 words
  • 405 26 LONDON. Taw. The •lock milker. etoMd ami today. ■hare prtcn moved tow*r with Mntlment UMetUee by th* weakMea la ittrtinx omrrr moaey worrit* and general •eooomic uncertainly At Ip.m. tkt rinanetai Time* Index waj oft 5 to 30* 5 Leading Uwm •bowed net fall* ranging to Sp while
    405 words
  • 17 26 IKHOMI. MOAN PMOOf pauad »w»jr pe«o» fully in Lee *.nf>— U «.A OB Sth Mty 19T».
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
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