The Straits Times, 6 May 1975

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
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  • 537 1 US troops in Thailand... BANGKOK. Monday ALL American troops and aircraft will be pulled out of Thailand by March next year, with almost 30 per cent of the men due to leave in the next two months. A joint Thai-l'.S. statement today said that 7,500
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  537 words
  • 391 1 SINGAPORE. Mon T»HE Revolutionary Government of South A Vietnam today ordered all foreign missions established by the previous administration to close Immediately. The three-point order Issued by the Foreign Ministry and broadcast over the Vietcong Glal Phong Radio also warned that all acts of
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  391 words
  • 142 1 NZ TROOPS IN SPORE TO GO WELLINGTON, Monday VEYV Zealand is to 11 withdraw its troops from Singapore but no date has yet been fixed for the start of the withdrawal, acting Prime Minister Robert Tizard said today. Speaking after a Cabinet meeting. Mr. Tlxard said it wai possible that
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 47 1 RANGOON. Mon. About 390 people. Including some Infants, died last month in a sudden heatwave during which temperatures rose to 110 degrees Fahrenheit at the town of Mandalay 480 km 1 300 milesi north of here, the official Hanthawaddy dally reported today— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 84 1 Jumbo with engine trouble SYDNEY, Mon.-A British Airways Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet with 57 passengers on board made a successful emergency landing at Sydney airport this morning after a warning light indicated engine trouble. The airline was on a direct flight from Singapore to Melbourne, but was diverted to Sydney.
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 178 1 'Years to stamp out graft in HK' lONDON. Mon. The j Governor of Hongkong said today that corruption In the Crown Colony went so deep that it would take "some uncomfortable years before Its back la broken."' In a copyright article In the Times newspaper to mark Queen Elizabeth's visit
    Reuter  -  178 words
  • 41 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Dow Jones averages, baaed on tint hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. 30 Indus *****. down 320; 20 transp 171.71. down 028; 15 utili 74.96, up 0.32; 65 stock.* *****. down 0.56. UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 70 1 JAKARTA. Mon. Indonesian Information Minister Raden Mashurl has warned of a growing gap between the rich and poor and said Indonesian society was turning into a "survival of the fittest" situation. "The present situation 1* creating individualism among certain people In which they
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 32 1 A JUNKYARD In Hue shows American war materials destroyed by bombing of the North Vietnamese forces and pictured after take-over of the town by the communists. AP picture.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 52 1 BEIRUT. Mon— Pour people were Injured today wben a bomb was hurled at the offices of the -tally newspaper Al-Muharrer, officials of the paper said. Windows and furniture In the office were smashed but the people hurt In the explosion suffered only slight injuries, they
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 500 1  - Medical aid, food for refugees PHILIP LEE By and EDMUND TEO ARRIVALS NOW TOP 6,500 AS 11 MORE SHIPS SAIL IN MILITARY and welfare organisations yesterday swung into action to aid Vietnamese refugees on board ships anchored here as another 11 vessels ar rived to swell the refugee imputation to
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  • 151 1 LONDON, Mon—Sterling plunged to a new record low In early trading on lorcign exchanges today, and share prices were falling sharpiy on i he London stock exchange. In terms of the US dollar the pound eased slightly to ***** 2 from ruaays closing oi
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 59 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. The Ford Administration mIL ask for US$5O7 mlllloi iSII.ISO million) to transpoit and care for more than *****0 Vietnamese refugees the director of the President'! Refugee Programme said today At the same time, th' dliector. Mr. Dean Brown suggested refugees will br free to
    AP  -  59 words
  • 20 1 WASHINGTON. Mon. President Ford plans to htii a televised press conlerer. c tomorrow, officials said todty. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
    • 51 1 (See Back Pace' WASHINGTON. Mon. President Ford will confer here with Israeli Prime Minister Yitxak Rabin on June 11 and 12. the Whitr House Announced today. The meeting will take place after talks between Mr. Ko d and Prcsidn. t Sadat in Saltbure early next month.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 127 1 Some say money is the root of all evil, but Malay pawangs (magic sZ&y&^^J medicine men) of a century ago used tin animal "coins", JfmmjmUr^^^ then in general use. Tffi Chase Manhattan makes money handling easier Money matters are much less mysterious today, especially when you bank with Chase. We
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    • 235 1 LEE: RED WINS WILL INSPIRE GUERILLAS —BACK PAGE TAKING stock in US X GO for local foods with quality stamp 5 INCOME premium soars to $14 mil. 7 SPORE shipyard clinches $142 million order IS THREE-ROOM HOB flats the top choice U FINDER TRIAL Page A CROSSWORD 4 ACROSS THE
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    • 15 1 For Clear Comfortable Coniult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE 1.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 118 2 Britain may admit evacuees LONDON. Mon. Britain Is urgently cons derlng admitting refugees from Vietnam, a Foreign Office spokesman said today. Hongkong has appealed to Britain to help In resettling several thousand refugees who have fled there. Hongkong Is also consulting with US authorities on the fate of 4,600 refugees
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 28 2 VIENNA. Mon TurklshCyprlot leader Raul Denktash yesterday demanded a 50-50 sharing system between Greek* and Turks In management posts In future federal establishments In Cyprus. RcuUr
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    • 305 2 WASHINGTON, Monday ¥\EMOCRATIC Senator George McOovern has said 90 per cent of the thousands of South Vietnamese refugees to be resettled in the United States would be better off going back home. Sen. McOovern. an unsuccessful 1972 Presidential candidate, said last night he Is
      Reuter; UPI  -  305 words
    • 151 2 Whitlam's aid Vietnam caU KINGSTON. Mon.— Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam today urged a greater international effort to assist the reconstruction in Vietnam and said he wanted a reference to this In the communique Issued at the end of the Commonwealth summit talks here. Mr. Whltlam told a news conference
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 37 2 BANOKOK. Mon Thailand and Laos have agreed on a new plan they hope will end long years of smuggling by drastically limiting boat crossing of the Mekong River, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said today AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 227 2 KY: I MAY WORK AS TAXI' DRIVER AGANA (Guam). Mon. Air ViceMarsha] Nguyen Cao Ky. one-time flamboyant Vlce-President of South Vietnam, prepared to leave for the United States today saying he might take a Job as a private aircraft pilot or a taxi driver. Defending a recent statement he made
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 28 2 ISLAMABAD Mon. Nine people were killed and 14 Injured when a bus fell Into a 650-metre-deep ravine near Dargal In Pakistan, pollc* amid today. AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 220 2 Chaos— all through envoy's secret CHICAGO. Mon pRAHAM Martin. US V Ambassador to Vietnam, kept evacuation plans to himself during the last days of the embassy In Saigon and refused to divulge them even to Washington, the Chicago Tribune reported yesterday. As a result of Mr. Martin's action, the Tribune
      UPI  -  220 words
    • 65 2 NEW DELHI. Mon —India haa agreed to provide trainIng faculties for 150 Namiblans following a visit here by a seven-member mission led by Mr Ruplah Banda [■Mlrwul of the United Nations Council (or Namibia (South-west Africa). A communique on the visit said India would also send experts
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 543 2 AFTER SAIGON'S FALL, A REVIEW OF ITS MILITARY POSITION YEW YORK, Mon. A1 The United States, according to senior Defence Department officials, has begun a review of its military position in the world after the defeat of South Vietnam's government forces. The officials emphasised that the
      NYT  -  543 words
    • 164 2 When signatures could be sold for $6,000 NEW YORK, Monday A RETIRED air force colonel said yesterday f many South Vietnamese evacuated In the hours before the fall of Saigon were sold affidavit signatures by Americans for as much as US$3,OOO (556,710) "One American bragged he had signed for some
      AP  -  164 words
    • 110 2 French lensman killed in fighting DARIS, Mon. French journalist Christian Hoche, who disappeared while covering fighting near Balgon on April 27, wa* treated at a VletcnnK hospital for Injuries and then returned to Saigon, a French Foreign Ministry official said today. But the official quoted reliable sources in Saigon as
      Reuter  -  110 words
    • 81 2 Violence again in Belfast BELFAST, Mon— Twi bombs exploded and twi people were injured li shooting Incidents li Northern Ireland durini the night. A small bomb wa thrown at the home of I 74 year old Romai Catholic woman herf Two women were treat ed for shock after the ex
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 318 2 Shift in SE-A line-up likely: Dr K NEW YORK, Mon.— With the fall of South Vietnam, US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger expects a major realign ment in South-east Asia. Time magazine said yesterday. I Dr. Kissinger expects Cambodia and Laos will i become satellites of Hanoi while Thailand, Malaysia
      AP; UPI  -  318 words
    • 129 2 World Bank to Co Sts row ovei work harder B .i bomber WASHINGTON. Mon —The World Back said yesterday It will work harder to Improve the health of the peoples of I poorer countries. In a newly-released policy paper, the bank said its assistance for health projects In the population,
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 35 2 OTTAWA. Mon. Canada's Postmaster -O enettl, Bruce Mackaaey. has said In Parliament that a counterfeit ring was manuf act iring and selling bogus 1»"6 Montreal Olympic Oiums go I coins In Europe. Reutex
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 33 2 DETROIT. Mon Senator Henry Jackson, a candidate j for the Democratic Presidential nomination, said yesterday he would support full US military Intervention to prevent aggi eaalan against South Korea. AP. A
      AP  -  33 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 364 2 Ban SLaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaV <^ataaaaVi LaaV aaP*^^^ P^B aTIFLaaaaaaaaaaaaa^aV aaaa^^Bßß Improve your stopping power with new Unico Brake and Clutch Fluid One of the major causes of brake failure at moisture content tests to ensure it is truly the critical moment is usually due to the use homogenous before being approved
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    • 244 3 JAKARTA. Mon. The biggest fire in two decades here raged through the central market of Padang In West Sumatra yesterday, causing an estimated damage of US$7.5 million (Ssl7 million) but no loss of human lives, press reports said today. LONDON: A two-to-one majority of Britons want to remain in
      Agencies  -  244 words
    • 360 3 Geneva: Has Soviet bid ended in failure? MOSCOW, Monday THE Soviet Union's recently accelerated efforts toward resumption of the Geneva Middle East conference appeared to have failed after three weeks of intermittent consultations here between Kremlin leaders and high Arab officials. The indication that the Kremlin had not achieved substantial,
      NYT  -  360 words
    • 299 3 GENEVA, Monday CENIOR diplomats from the western, east- em and neutral nations attending the European Security Conference here say that there is no sign of a breakthrough on several key issues, some of which appear trivial or procedural but are considered politically significant by East
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    • 147 3 Hunt on for 'kill Hussein -squad- T ONDON, Mon. British police are searching for an Arab assassination squad which has orders to kill King Hussein of Jordan when he visits Britain later this month, the Daily Sun newspaper reported today. The Sun sand tne wouldbe killers belong to the Black
      AP  -  147 words
    • 99 3 NZ to give $155 m in aid to 30 nations WELLINGTON, Mon. New Zealand will allocate more than NZ$5O million (Sslss million) to overseas aid in over 30 countries this year, a government spokesman said today. The director of external aid, Mr. David McDowell, said the Government was working towards
      AP  -  99 words
    • 147 3 ONDON, Mon. Li Coffee, if drunk with certain foods like bacon and cheese, could speed up the production of eancereausing agents in the stomach, a team of British scientists claim. Dr. Brian Challis and Prof. Chris Bartlett of London University's Imperial College warn in the current edition
      AP  -  147 words
    • 80 3 QUEEN Elizabeth of Britain stops to look at a grocery stall while visiting a housing estate in Hongkong on Monday. Later in a luncheon speech, she remarked on the colony's harmonious coexistence with China and forecast a bright future for Hongkong.
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    • 67 3 PEKING, Mon. Sir Christopher Soames. viceJT president of the Common Market commission in charge of external relations, said last night at a banquet that the community did not believe the world's problems could or should be resolved by the action of the two superpowers. He
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 156 3 Boost for Schmidt with polls victory BONN. Mon. Chancellor Helmut Schmidts Left-Liberal coalition moves Into the remaining 18 months of Its four year term strengthened by regional election successes, seen as a major test of popularity. After severe setbacks In regional ballots during the last two years, the ruling parties
      Reuter  -  156 words
    • 64 3 geneva, lion A (rash attempt to nuclear and potential nuclear nations to Join the pact to stop the spread of atomic weapons begin* here today without three leading nuclear countries. Prance and China, two long-standing nuclear states, are not members of the nveyear non-proliferation treaty
      Reuter  -  64 words
    • 270 3 —Reserves drop for seven Opec members WASHINGTON. Mon. The official reserves of seven member countries of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries i OPEC i dropped by 4 9 per cent in March following a rise of 6.2 per cent the previous month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported yesterday.
      Reuter; AP  -  270 words
    • 51 3 JERUBALEM. Mon. Israel will offer to compensate victims of last week's shooting at Its Johannesburg Consulate, authoritative government sources said today. One person died and 37 were Injured when a consulate guard. 24-year-old South African Jew David Protter. held Israeli staff hostage and fired Into the streeu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 126 3 Hi-Fi pleasure Hon easy terms Portable Stereo Phonograph with built-in automatic record player 2xfour stage 6 watt stereo transistor amplifier Complete witn two 6 watt wide range speakers m i^afe? CX' al P43 m Mtim M S An ultra modern hi power solid su te stereo tuner amplifier with push
      126 words
    • 355 3 spictu orm Tuesday 6th May to 12th Hoy 1975 Groundnut Oil 71C COCK BRAND __2kg /.ID Rice Vermicelli nas DOUBLE SWALLOW China 5009 V.O J Condensed Milk t COWBELL 397g_2 for 1.99 Ovaltine 7.95| Pasteurised Milk zsomi. 0.25 MDI Plain 500 ml. Q45 Pure Honey S& W Orange Blossom 454g.
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  • 1999 4 Pinder co-operated with police probe: Puva 'He would have acted within his rights if he had refused to answer police questions 9 Question of special expense allowance DAY 23 OF THE TRIAL REPORTERS: T.F. HWANG AND BEN DAVIDSON I)ENNIS William Pinder, 51. former chairman of the Sime Darby Group, co-operated
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  • 68 4 PROSECUTION: Senior State Counsel Mr. S. Rajendran. assisted by DTT Mr. Lawrence Ang and Asa*, tape. M Paranendram. DEFENCE: Mr. Owen Stable. QC, assisted by Mr. A, p. R»>h and Mr. Chelva Ratnam Rajah Watching Wiefa are held by: Mr. M Karthlgew for Sime Darby, and
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  • 1815 4 'Pinder wanted to give an explanation of all issues 9 says witness He said he took a statement from Mr. L. R. PatU son (SDH director) In respect of a telephone call between Mr. Patterson (then in Kuala Lumpur) and the accused (then In London) on Oct. 8. 1973. On
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  • 97 4 'Unhappy* woman hangs herself A 57-YEAR-OLD woman had "a longstanding hlstorv of rheumatism. diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer of the womb" before she hanged herself in a kitchen, a coroner's court heard yesterday Tan Ah Kirn's body was found by her son. Wan Meng. 27. when he returned home
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  • 42 4 POLICE want to contact the family of Cheok Kah Jee. 41. an inmate of the Tamplnes Home for the Retarded who died In the home on Sunday His next-of-kin should contact the Paya Lebar police station at tel *****4
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  • 41 4 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Home Affairs) Mr. Lim Ouan Hoo will open a variety show by the voluntary aid detachments of the Singapore Red Cross Society to commemorate World Red Cross Day at the National Theatre on Friday at 7.49 pm.
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  • 38 4 CLASSES In spoken English as a second language for adults by the Trinity College In London will be held from Thursday at the Regional English Language Centre at 7 pm. The fee is 830 a month
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 The Hongkong Bank is now issuing Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Information on this new service is available from all our offices. Now you can buy Negotiable Issued on a yield basis, these Certificates of Deposit from us for new NCD's may be freely bought sums of $100,000 and above for
      94 words
    • 83 4 DONALD MOIRE tfc ZUmCHCMAMBEWI ORCHESTRA OH AudiKv ,1| Mar I.ISk. jH i ***>**'_ <* po' orch«»- d^B ,Hi ol \>nr> IV ploy«a) fl^H Hmaranwaf ItwtoloMi 1 ■n*O Kow« p4V?O*MsC ,1 V.hod. MwMkin, i <tw jH '•on, WIIMb SocklM, «i^m MiOi«lo<ig»l., Mwlia o^ 1 -W UU, Cloud... A™., »O*"T(| 1 FitclMr,
      83 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 302 4 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS flyer as pianist (4. 4. 4) I 1 One detertlve squad put 6 A letter from thr> old on murder In domestlo volunteers (Sj setting <«> 7 Architectural feature last 6 FixeT-lr>-<-hief, perhaps wen In Jetty <•> (6) 8 Try net that is different Act as
      302 words

  • 155 5 VC man who drowned: Open verdict- 1 A YOUNO man who said he was going to a party one Saturday night last March, was found mysteriously drowned the next morning, a coroner's court heard yesterday. Llm Teck Klang. 22 described as a quiet man who kept to himself, was found
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  • 248 5 Directive to govt depts: THK Finance Ministry has directed government departments and statutory boards to give preference to buying local lymanufactured products bearing the quality stamp of the Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIH). In a circular to all departments and
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  • 137 5 AP R I S O N warder, Hamzah btn Atln. yesterday claimed trial to two charges of corruption. He was alleged to have accepted bribes from Llm Tens Choo in return to showing favour to a prisoner, Albert Llm Chee Klcng. who was sentenced
    137 words
  • 252 5 -Why the US policy on Vietnam failed... A VIETNAMESE scholar said last nig-fat that the defeat of the I'nited State* pokey of intervention as represented by the fall of Salt on last week was not due to lack of either men or weapons. Or. llurnb Kirn Bha-nh, a senior research
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  • 109 5 Autofare but ride* on Sentofa rPHE Sentosa Develop- ment Corporation (SDC) has put Into operation a new fleet of buses using the autofare system on the tourist Island of Sentosa. Several visitors to the Island rode In these buses when the system became operational on Sunday. The buses, operated by
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  • 190 5 Housewife sends robber packing A PLUCKY housewife on Sunday morning put to flight a robber by merely ordering him out of her house though he was pressing a knife at her throat. Mrs. Marlene Meeks Philips, 42. so shocked the robber that he Jumped from the first-storey verandah to the
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  • 89 5 MP elected association president Mr. L.P. Rodrlgo. MP for Serangoon Oardens has been elected president of the Serangoon Oardens Constituency Bports Association. Other omclals. are: Mr. Lee Hee Kirn. chairman: Mr. Tau Hoay DJln. deputy chairman; Mr TA. Mugan, secretary Mrs. Daisy Tan. aast secretary; Mr. Makhan Singh, treasurer. Mr.
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  • 43 5 THE YMCA In Orchard Romd will conduct a sailing course for beginners from tomorrow The course win consist of six lecture* to be held on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 7 pjn. Fee* are ISO for members and $60 for others.
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  • 276 5 Kembong. selar prices dip by 20 cents r>RICES of horse mact kerel (selar) and mackerel (kembong) dipped by 20 cents a katl each to 11.40 and SI respectively over the weekend, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommend- ed price*: lUCK: China 10 per cent Tim i Cheok.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 331 5 Bringing Up >««fc«f »y BUI Kivin»|h «Jg Hal Cmmp ii [MRi.TmiS CANiT/ WAS WB**j I Iff WHAT DC MRS. TTTUe? INO A CM64P-LOO»ON9 R* f WHAT SOT j CANBV BORROW, MOTWa» I Jgßgafl bbbbbbbW H^t^U bH rs. V^ T3-K t B^^flt^^*^, ~ffW gaUH^ BlondU mmtmrw By Chic Young '!T> iMluvr
      331 words
    • 405 5 "NowlmakeaSl the decisions." An fou have to do s male the hrsl (Mason, start t Home Stutty programmt witt BW, CollK-Macmillin Schools aB BB II you want to Be a success. H s realty up to you rou re the one who htMo matt up your g^T^^^ 88. rmn<] about
      405 words

    • 328 6 Union serves strike notice on NEB KUALA LUMPUR. Monday ■J^E National Electricity Board, which accepted four of seven claims by its employees today, was served with strike notice by its industrial and manual group of workers. The Junior Officers Union, which represents mainly the board's clerks, said it will serve
      328 words
    • 92 6 Man held in bank drafts loss case KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. —Police have detained a man for questioning in connection the loss of 75 share application forms with bank drafts from a post box at the General Post Offlce The suspect was detained In Sungel Buloh. Police also seized some apDllcatlon
      92 words
    • 142 6 Business as usual at embassy KUALA LUMPUR. Mon —The South Vietnamese Embassy here 1» working as usual despite the order from the new government In Saigon to all diplomatic missions abroad to cease activities and close the offices. An agency report has stated that the new government gave the order
      142 words
    • 261 6 Couple who had sex before marriage —fined KOTA KIN ABA LI, Mon. Police constable James Kadai. 21. was fined MM, a buffalo and a sack of rice, in default four month* jail, and Bridget Ital 11, fined $30 or Hi days' jail by the Native I Court for indulging In
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    • 36 6 IFOH. Mon I A cowherd. Bhajun Singh. 31, who had earlier been beaten up during a brawL died on admission to the General Ho«--pttal here. Police have detained a labourer, aged about 77.
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    • 238 6 JOHORE BARU. Mon. Zalnl bin Abdullah, a member of the Botak gang which was smashed by Johore police recently, was jailed for four years and ordered to be given four strokes of the rotan for having 17 rounds of ammunition. He pleaded guilty to
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    • 37 6 KIALA LUMPUR. Mon. TV Malaysia will telecast the flght between George Foreman and five boxers Boone Klrknan. Terry Danirls. Alonio Johnson. Jerry Jndgr and Charlie Polite at 9.52 p.m. over Network One tomorrow.
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    • 58 6 IPOH. Mon Two teenkftx) Thai girls and three men were detained by police In a t «.m raid here yesterday A fully-loaded revolver was seized. It was the second revolvrr recovered In two days. On Saturday, a group of boy •coots found a revolver below a
      58 words
    • 51 6 KOALA LUMPUR. Mon. A blacksmith. Y*p Lin Yeen. a. was stabbed to death near the Srntul Cinema In Jalan Peihentlan here last night. Yap. who had stab wounds on his cheat anr< a slash wound in the back. Is beUeved to be a victim of gangland
      51 words
    • 175 6 Postmen set deadline for claims IPOH. Mon. The Union of Postal Uniformed Staff may resort to industrial action If the Pub...: Services DeDartment does not approve its claim for four different allowances, by September. The union wants the allowances to be backdated to May 1. 1969. Its general secretary, Enclk
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    • 77 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The Health Ministry has collected 178 sample* of food flavourings since the beginning of thu year to rind out ir they contained a dangerous Ingredient methyl alcohol Of U samples analysed. 34 were found to contain this prohibited Ingredient under the Sale of Food
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    • 23 6 IPOH. Mon A trader aged ts. and a labourer aged S2. were arrested here yesterday for selling Illegal character lottery ticket*.
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    • 274 6 Rubber buffer stock plan key topic at talks KUALA LUMPUR. Mon MALAYSIA'S proposal for an International rubber buffer stock will be the main topic of the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries expert group meetIng here from tomorrow The four-day meeting, to be held at the Natural Rubber Building, will
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    • 57 6 CHRiaTCHURCH. Mbn. A 27-member group of New Zealand manufacturer* will leave for Malaysia on May 19 to spend three weeks promoting New Zealand exports The visit will colnctd-j with a New Zealand trade fair In Kuala Lumpur from May 4 to SI. The mission has been
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 26 6 IPOH. Mon. A factory worker, aged about was arrested by police for having three tube* of heroin In the Sungel Senam area hart yesterday.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 686 6 >\VVaSVW»^.ArSSVaVVb".VaVaVi I *'iVWVVVaVS*aSSS i PTTTTT'U.hJL'JJIJIJI'IJ'JI ■HMHBtU ♦J3 t 4^BbbbbbbbbTJlllbbbbl NOW SHOWING! Daily At 7.00 9.30pm AtaitsiM: Miltr. S2.N CUMrw: 11.06 CHEN CHIN mm m chin hsiang lin 0M A Jm 7 THE CHOICE >H 1 ar^oFtovi tr* «*^'«.i»soa)-siajßiißßßi mm 13th Hilarious Day! ORCHARD 4 Shows At 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15
      686 words
    • 82 6 ■k -T \Va«T^aaaß« aaaaataaaaaaaaaaaal a>aaa>a>aaata>aaaVa>aaaaa>aaaVa A.A. A.^aaaA ■^■r «jbj? •iv *w «jv wWw W w Ww W w I iißVafl L "jaTHillJTrVr^^ I »^r -*^UajH3(lUil^i Lstt »ft aantsji 4<ho v /TTTF^Mm riiimiuc-iiwi •a«a«>. a 9 METROPOLE HOLLYWOOD VENUS Taatoy 1, 3 JO, 7 A *J0 IN MANDARIN COLORSCOPE WITH ENG
      82 words
    • 291 6 i LIDO -Opens TODAY S 5 SHOWS DAILY at 11am, 1.45, 4.00, 6.45 9.15pm B i C ALLAN! g*p\ doesn't make friends I J and all his enemies W&*jKsf an? dead! W W umrm^k^mmm fellw^ B "^EDWOT WOODWARD O J "^miC PORTER CARL MOHNER I -CATHERINE SCHELL P£T£R EGAN m
      291 words
    • 581 6 ORGANISATION OPfNS TODAY 1 1am. 1 45. 4 00. 45, •1 S ft Edword Woodword. Eric Portar Corharioa Schall P CALLAN" m Cm OB NEXT CHANGE' m. GCORGt C SCOTT "DAY O» TMI DOtPHIN Sc a| TODAY ONLY Ma Fr«« L..t 11am. IM. 4 OV. a 45 *30 TIMPIHAMINT at
      581 words

  • 240 7 Ministry to step up garbage collection rE Environment Mlnlstry yesterday ruled out the possibility of supplying bigger bins to solve garbage disposal problems In certain areas. A ministry spokesman said that they would instead step up the frequency of garbage removal and clamp down on Uttering In the affected areas.
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  • 41 7 A MECHANIC. Lin Keang Bin. 28. was Jailed foi a day and fined $300 for stealing a shaver and four batteries worth $32 from Yaohan departmental store. Un pleaded guilty to the offence at 320 pm last Sunday.
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  • 332 7 THE net premium secured by the NTUC Insurance Co-operative, Income, increased from $429,000 in 1971 to $14,048,000 last year. The co-operative's assets also grew from $1,560,000 to $9,109,--000 during the same period, says Mr. A.T. Shimpi, its general manager, in the NTUC May Day
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  • 25 7 8. AHMAD MusUffa. IS. was fined $100 In the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for speeding along Jalan Toa Payoh on May 11 last year.
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  • 25 7 JUDE Alphonsus De Mello. IT. was fined $30 yesterday for being drunk and Incapable In Queen Street on Sunday al 6.08 pjn.
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  • 134 7 Warrant off arrest out for Wilson A WARRANT of arrest was issaed yestrrday against Paul Robert Linfleld Wilson (above) for failing to turn HP in court to face four charges of defammatlon. His counsel, Mr. J.B. Jeyaretnam. told the court that his client was away in Australia on business. Wilson
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  • 113 7 SAF military exercises in 7 areas THE Singapore Armed Forces is conducting military exercises In seven areas from today to Sunday. The (.raining will be carried out In Sanmbun. from 8 am. on Friday to 8 a.m. on Sunday; Urn Chu Kang Chua Chu Kang. 8 am. to 6 p.m.
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  • 27 7 NINE people were fined a total of 53 .380 In the 10th Magistrate's court yesterday for various offences under the Destruction of Disease-Bear-ing Insects Act
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  • 31 7 A GOLD ring with the Inscription Jasmine was found at the foot of Block 22. Outram Park, last month. The owner can claim 11 at the Central police station.
    31 words
  • 27 7 THIRTY-FOUR people were fined a total of »5.930 in the 10th Magistrate's Court yesterday for various offences I under the Environmental I Public Health Act.
    27 words
  • 205 7 Watchdog 'patrol cars' for SBS fleet rE Singapore Bus Service will be using a fleet of patrol cart to help keep buses running on time. There are five cars in the fleet belonging to the company's enforcement tection. Each car Is fitted with a I radio in constant communication with
    205 words
  • 302 7  -  TAN HSIU LING By TOUR operators were optimistic yesterday that cheap European tours from Singapore would go on despite the eight per cent hike in excursion and group air fares to London and Europe by airlines from April 20. A similar Increase In
    302 words
  • 94 7 A 19-YEAR-OLD labourer who stole a pair of Jeans from a departmental store by wearing it underneath his trousers was yesterday tailed for a day and fined $200 by a magistrate's court. A sales girl at the Cortina departmental ■tore saw Noorshamsl bin
    94 words
  • 66 7 THE National MuNUffi will screen four colour Ainu on African art and paintings In Its lecture hall tomorrow at 7.30 p.m. Free admission ticket* can be obtained at the museum oOct during office hours. Union meet THE Oovernment School Employees Branch of th* Amalgamated Union of Public
    66 words
  • 86 7 GIRL DROWNS IN PICNIC AT SENTOSA A SUNDAY seaside picnic at Sentosa by a (roup of children ended in tragedy when one of them was drowned. Tan Sue LJnf, six, of Block Z». Tasek Itara. was frolicking In the swimming lagoon on the Island at about It a.m. when her
    86 words
  • 247 7  -  EDWARD UU From TONDON, Mon.— A Singapore Education Ministry advertisement in London's Sunday Telegraph on March 2 for graduate teachers has attracted only six applicants. They were interviewed last month by a Singapore High Commission panel comprising Counsellor Mr Carry Ong and the
    247 words
  • 28 7 YU Kin Chwee 38. was fined $3,000 yesterday for assisting In an Illegal four-digit lottery In Rowell Road on May }at 9.45 am He pleaded guilty.
    28 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 7 7 rFRE N C H DESIGNERS^ I laß
      7 words
    • 275 7 I^S^aIHHH IHV ilt-B^a^lllllH I BBaaad bbbbbbbbbbbW—l I i^^ I I M s mmsm CT k^a^r^J rjl*rl laaaaw W^m ¥*Mf£k*M Laaaaal V*AtsM EtTravKSf^aPKaa^aaaK Adler. <*SP!JINS* You act ssg»>r so much more /^^T™ 5P when you choose this x^^ world famous So much more in terms of quality. j4| K'galP^^ Xv/^ N
      275 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 411 8 MR. CHAN CHEE SENG was peeved on Sunday and understandably so by visiting Singaporeans who "make derogatory remarks" but do not stay long enough to help upgrade the standard of music here. But do we really need these people? Whether whistle-stop critics are Singaporean or foreign-born, their
      411 words
    • 216 8 IRONY wins again. Last week's election in Northern Ireland of a constitutional convention promises more violence, not the hoped-for political compromise. Hardline Protestant forces in the United Ulster Unionist Council coalition secured an overall majority and said they will use It to oppose any power -sharing with
      216 words
  • 4 8
    4 words
  • 248 8 Call to set up HDB 'doing I up' unit... EVERY time new Housing Board flats are balloted extensive renovation work has to be carried out. This Is because of the poor tlnlsh by contractors, undesirable mosaic floor tiles and "colourless" white glazed wall tiles in the kitchen and bathroom. More
    248 words
  • 138 8 ii/E refer to 00l Hock TT Khai s suggestion to in a gadget mat may reduce crime In luts (8.1, April 15). We wish to Inform that the emergency stop buttons in all Housing Board lilts have been de-actlvated. Any pressing of the
    138 words
  • 566 8  -  LAJOS LEDERER: By Moscow TCORMEB chief of the KGB secret police, Alexander Shelepin'* removal from the Politburo on April 16 heralds the beginning of a massive reorganisation of the Soviet higher leadership. According to Informed East European sources It is
    566 words
  • 822 8  -  JAMES RESTON BACKWASH FROM INDOCHINA reports fro* WASHINGTON HENRY Kissinger looks these days like a man who just got off the boat from Dunkirk: a little beat-up and defensive, but tough, Ha expected, and is getting, the backwash from the Indochina retreat, but he is not going to
    NYT  -  822 words
  • 569 8  - 'Hotline' to help rape victims' loved ones —cool off— E. McFALL: By Philadelphia A MAN'S loved one is raped or sexually assaulted and his first instinct often is to seek revenge. Seething with anger he may even prowl the streets, possibly armed with a weapon, looking for persons he thinks
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  • 757 8  - Unusual Nancy stands JOHN GRAHAM: New York Profile of US State Secretary's wife By IT is well lor Dr. Henry Kissinger that the spring of his discontent should b* in 1975. not 1974. As his policies fall or are thwarted in several parts of the globe, as the Middle East
    OFNS  -  757 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 22 8 r. k\ the futuristic ™|k I watch for ya WUl' P recise electronic it timekeeping 'S W a claw hy itself. LC-0555
      22 words
    • 219 8 one specialty fop jj"©u From Sanyo's extensive range of recorders. With just those features and Om^M'jst* combination of features you've been looking for. And more. Like one-touch review c~ s v2o^sr_y]^ button, memory rewind counter, fade-in fade-out mike-mixing, separate bass and treble control, auto-stop, sleep-timer and a host of fresh
      219 words

  • Business Times
    • 291 9  - Profits down 50.6 pc at United Overseas Land... MARTIN LIM By rpHE practice of reshuf--1 fling profit and loss accounts at United Overseas Land (formerly Faber Union) is being continued by the new management, as its latest preliminary statement on last years results Indicates. Thus, gauging UOL's performance from year
      291 words
    • 109 9 ASIAN International Acceptances and Capital, a Hutchison International merchant bank, raised after tax 1974 profits to HKS2I3 million from $1.94 million. Asahi Chemical Industry's net profits slumped to 1.851 million yen ln the six months ended March 1975 from 6.465 million yen previously. Turnover was slightly down from 221.000
      109 words
    • 770 9 Why sterling must continue to fall LONDON: It is logical that sterling should be floating down and the dollar floating up in the foreign exchanges. Both should have further to go. Britain has an annual inflation rate of over 21 per cent, and it is accelerating. America's inflation rate is
      770 words
    • 383 9 Gammon (HK): Jardines takeover terms KONO: Jardine Matheson said It will make an agreed bid for the whole of the issued capital of Gammon (Hongkong). Terms are nine shares of HK$6 nominal each ln Jardlnes for every 10 shares of HK$5 nominal In Gammon. The Jardlnes shares to be issued
      Reuter  -  383 words
    • 220 9 TON DON: Com fin Li Australia said It creed to buy the 19 per cent share stake In Malaysia Tile currently held by Consolidated Commercial. The deal, which Is for an undisclosed amount of cash. Is beinc completed slmultaneo«sly by Cons Commercial subscribing
      220 words
    • 318 9 IF it had not been for a huge foreign exchange gain of $5.7 million. Shell Refln 1 n g iF.O.M.) would have suffered a profits setback last year Instead of reporting a 68.1 per cent jump in net after-tax earnings to $9.9 million. Last
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    • 96 9 STRAITS Times Press (Singapore) yesterday reported group unaudited net pre-tax profits of $991 million for the half year ended February 1975. against $9.4 million previously. The latest results tpflect a 5.4 per cent advance. The corresponding period last time grew by 25.3 per cent. An Interim dividend
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 242 9 The Bank of Cantorv, Limited .^gl^sW^^ <^ >Ver V«S'S of banking in Asia Security Pacific National Bank BBHBBBBB^ Over 100 years of banking mUS A I E^BjF^ and around the world. I •^■■■■■■■B^gW^s^^ Over 160 years of banking experience you can bank on With combined assets exceeding US $15 billion,
      242 words
    • 337 9 m^ \i 8518 bT/ tr wP^ pUMtpdH al financing (over CAN $17.6 A shipowner in Hong Kong billion/SJ.W.7I billion have in mind. diacuM it (ml need* growth capital. A U.S. in assets). Service. And people. u .j,h l|s .v rospace firm needs product Our own Bank of Montreal A bankers.
      337 words

    • 888 10  -  SOH SIAM LOH By rjiALK about travel and chances are people will talk about the glorious vacation they've had In Europe or the States. As for those who haven't had the chance to travel, wishful thinking almost always
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    • 250 10 /CONSUMERS can look \j forward to a higher standard of advertising in future with the Singapore Advertisers Association stepping up its campaign against unethical advertising SAA will focus this year's activities on the elimination of fraudulent, untruthful, misleading or otherwise objectionable advertising, the newly elected
      250 words
    • 202 10 Mr. E. Lavelle ceased to be an alternate director to Mr. N. Farcy with effect from April 15 according to an announcement by Chemical Company of Malaysia Mr. w. N. Smith has been appointed alternate director In his place with effect from the same date. Messrs Satoshi
      202 words
    • 137 10  -  KINGSLEY WOOD By A MILLION people have flown In Qantas Boeing 7478s since the airline brought them Into commercial operation in September. 1971. The millionth passenger flew out of Sydney on March 20. The introduction of the Jumbo to the Qantas fleet coincided wltX the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 More Olympia j^MMwy^mmj typewriters qM p SSSSBSSfI^ are sold in tlpT Singapore and mm^^^^^^— Malaysia than 'Qf^ pftt any other brand m^^^ you can think of This has been so for more years than we can remember Olyrnpia International, one of the world's largest and most reputable manufacturers of office
      104 words
    • 74 10 Remember \vhaf vacatMwis leave behind. Work. It piles up every day your workers are vacationing. So, call Manpower Temporary Services. Well deliver quick, reliable, professional help. Anywhere you're short-handed and the work is knocking at your door. MANPOWER TCMPOMAftT MftVlCf 8 WHI b»* m all *r hHp «i nrtd. W«
      74 words
    • 144 10 Now you can keep your assets liquid and still achieve a handsome yield. Up until now, one of the few secure ways of achieving a good return on big investments has meant tying up valuable capital for extended periods... up until now. Introducing Negotiable Singapore Dollar Certificates oi ueposit* With
      144 words

    • 1567 11 THI last transacted ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore >esterdajr compared with Urn previous day's prices together with 1»75 high and low. ('Adjusted for •crtp/ rights issue). SICTIBM ONS INOUITaiALS warrior invest runo u.ra u.w CLOSING TON!: Industrials sttaay whil* Urn
      1,567 words
    • 1520 11 •nID and offer prices officially U&tcd and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In lou of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Tune Bargains or Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett."
      1,520 words
    • 1415 11 BID »nd offer price* officially listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In lot* of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIAL* AlHiemete (2.108 2208). MM <2«28 2 MS). Alii Meld. iI.OOB MM). A.M.
      1,415 words
    • 464 11 GENEVA: A United Nations conference renegotiating the International tin agree ment here later this month will probably concentrate on enlargement and financing of International bufter stocks, secret-ary-general of the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development Gamani Corea said. Negotiations on the mth nlve Year
      UPI  -  464 words
      • 20 11 iuw rv uit.oM Malayan Credit Sim* Darby M«.M« Faber Merlin >M.*M Total TVnorer: «.MM Total Vktac: II6.SCH
        20 words
      • 45 11 L.f.L uiiuu-im '.E. LKoa »rtob»rx I. Finance N «u Hotel Milk C. F««d. rnkot. I. Bkc i. Fcnln. Vcsraea 11.11 IIR 1434 SX.M fl.Sl JS.1O tt.74 W.W JJJO JJ.M 13 14 WS3 n.M •in .M +.M ■oi •M •04 •04 •4 .•3 .•3 .•3
        45 words
      • 22 11 MrnUl tcac I. Lronc t. Iron ardlnc 9 I V3 K .70 M.« ttJ« $i.OC 13.ZC .1* —.It »s .»s ©4
        22 words
      • 59 11 M«y t May 5 Indostriab: KM.43 Flaanec: 4*1.71 44».J» 5 HMtk: IM.OS ISS.ZJ PrvpciUn: 2*144 20J.« t Tim I*l.** l*\M t rabben: SZM4 SMJS O.C B.( U4.H 133.11 S.E.S. Ind.: t51.1l Dec. M, 1M« s I** f Dec. SI, IMS s 1M t Dfc t», IMt 1M
        59 words
    • 300 11 SHARKS closed with no discernible trend in barely steady conditions at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Light selling persisted throughout the day, mainly on contra account, and most counters were dealt below last Friday's close. The market opened (lightly higher but turned easier shortly after
      300 words
    • 381 11 STEADY but quiet conditions ruled on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with most shares ending only marginally changed. The continued with- drawal of operators and institutional buyers was quoted by most observers as the reason for the lacklustre trading yesterday. Their absence caused the opening
      381 words
      • 272 11 HONGKONG. Mon. Share prices showed net losses on the day despite a slight rally In the afternoon, brokers said. Trading was (airly active. The market was led lower by weakness In Jardine Matheson following publication of Its offer terms for Gammon. The terms opened up an arbitrage possibility via
        272 words
      • 15 11 ALL markets in Tokyo were closed yesterday for Children's Day. a national holiday.
        15 words
      • 335 11 SYDNEY. Mon. Prices Armed rrarglnally in quiet trading conditions at the Sydney Stock Exchange today. The Sydney All-Ordi-naries Index moved up 0.57 point to 354.13 Market leader. RHP. helped establish the firmer tone when the share rose to A 56.12 Other leading -ndus trials were mostly fteady. CSR fell
        335 words
      • 25 11 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday dropped $2 to $935 per picul on an official offering up 83 tons to 278 tons.
        25 words
      • 30 11 Robber: Mar 5. Sincapore May 118.50 cts. (down 0.25 ct.) Malaysia May 118.5* cts. (down •.50 ct.) Tin: $935 (down $2). Official ofTrrinr 278 tons (up 83 tons).
        30 words
      • 100 11 PP.OOUCI II CLOtIMO PPJICIt FIR PICUL VIITIB.OAV. Caaanut Oil: bulk $*2|N arllara. drum »67iN aallara. Capra: Mixrd lloo.fl UK/ Com S34N B Pappar: tlunlok AST* whlta I.Ob. 100<f NLW 1245 asßJan, Sarawak while fob 9*% NLW !232i irllara. Sarawak apeclal black f.o b. 9«<t NLW $180 Milan, Sarawak ABTA
        100 words
      • 73 11 SatunUy Friday US* UM B«lnit 1M.74 Cloa»d Mandar *antr«ar Hongkonf 163.94 164.40 port (2) 154.338 1*4. 118 *****8 167.418 Export prlcei IB aon-atrrhns araai In U.I. oollara par ouac*. (2) Averase price. Tallow NATIONAL Renderers Association reported that trading conditions In North America eased as a result of
        73 words
      • 93 11 form shipping firm HONGKONG: Saudi Arabia. Wallem and unspecified interests formed a Joint company to build up the Saudi Merchant fleet, a Wallem spokesman said. The company, Saudi Orient Maritime iSOMCOL). wl!l now act f s ship managers and operators using chartered vessels initially, but it may also
        Reuter  -  93 words
      • 348 11 rpHE Singapore rub- ber market ruled i very quiet yesterday morning and participation was thin. The undertone was a shade steadier as sellers were rather reserved for tomorrow's ANRPC meeting In Kuala Lumpur. Last day clearance of May took place uneventfully at a slightly large discount to June.
        348 words
      • 104 11 j-jAILY BUR and 86R price* lwued at noon yesterday May Int I Torrent Mthl (Forward Mthi MMftl.W Bayers Sellers Bayen Seller* I trnti per kf) .(cento per kf) BMR SCV (1-Ton Pallet) ***** 131 00N ***** 153.00N BMR »L (1-Ton Pallet) 136.50 127 SON 127 50 135.50N
        104 words
      • 75 11 Dunlop Malaysia Industries has won a $-1 million contract to supply earthmover tyres to Poland. This is its third International agreement signed this year. In February It secured a contract to supply a large volume of steel radial tyres to Austral'a. This was followed by its successful
        75 words
      • 102 11 npHE U.S. dollar opened L unchanged in the Singapore forex market yesterday from last week's closing level of $2.2705/15 The market was very quiet and trading thin. Dealers feel that the US unit is artincally depressed. The dollar closeed at $2.2710/ 15. Suggested 1n t c rbank
        102 words
      • 147 11 Suggested Interbank rates at 3 30 p.m. Ou-renctea Nominal raU» Smithsonian Percentage ■uetrd yesterday (rroas) parity chance US dollar 2.2705 2.2715 2 8196 —IB 47 Sterling pound 6.3030 5 3060 7.3469 —27.82 Hongkong dollar 46.05 46.10 50.31 (.83 Malaysian dollar 98 95 100.05 100 00 0.C 5 Aust
        147 words
      • 201 11 A SIAn currency deposit Interbank nl« a* at close on Monday. May 9: US Dollars (Spot) Offer BM 7 days S 1 2 5 3 8 1 mth 5 13 16 5 11 16 2 IDths 6 7 16 6 5 16 3 mths 6 7 8
        201 words
      • 34 11 Closing Interbank ratea in Singapore dollars for May 5: Offer Bid Overnight B>4 1 mth T» 7 2 roths 74 7H 3 mths 7H 1\ Prime rate So«re* P. Marra? -Jonas International
        34 words
      • 41 11 RANGE of nlti oearad by discount houiaa on May 4 Overnight jv. Call deposit 4 3-moata Buy Traaaury bllla 4 1 14/1* 1- month baaka bill. 7 6 15 14 Source National Dtaeount Co. ffer sJUrhtljr from thost quote*
        41 words

  • 447 12 /CANBERRA. The Arbitration and Conciliation Commission's decision to Introduce trial wage Indexation will almost certainly guarantee an Inflation of over 20 per cent here In the next year, according to a statement by Mr. Max Dillon, president of the Associated Chambers of Manufacturers. He
    Reuter  -  447 words
  • 129 12 Company news for the week ended May 2 PRELIMINARY RESULTS Companies Bata(M) Harlmau H. Merlin Spore Kuchai Tin OUT. Setron S Steamship U.E UM Works U v Land Yew to Dec 74 Dec. 74 Dec 74 Dec 74 Dec. 74 Dec. 74 Dec 74 Dec. 74 Dec. 74 Dec. 74
    129 words
  • 76 12 Asia Pacific soars ASIA Pacific Capital Corporation, the Asian merchant bank of First National City Bank and the Fuji Bank, made net profits of USSI 67 million in the year ended December 1974. a 122 per cent up over the comparable figure In 1973. Loans Increased to SlOBB million compared
    76 words
  • 36 12 Pr*-T«x Interim Company Half-year Profit/Lot. <L> Dividends* to C 000) National Industries Jan 75 SS3I6 (551.022) (Nil) Utd.lnd Corpn Jan. 75 812.834 (552.411) <») SCRIP ISSUES United Motor Works (M) Holding: One-for-four capitalising M 54.595.352
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  • 186 12 Malayiian Titanium Corporation has been incorporated In Malaysia with an Initial issued capital of MS2O million, of which Perbadanan Naslonal (Pernas) has subscribed 40 per cent of the equity with the remaining 60 per cent being shared equally by Empat Nombor Ekor and Malayan Tin Smelting Finance, a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 560 12 INCHCAPE BERHAD Invites opplicction to til; the following voconoes WAREHOUSEMEN (Several vacancies) o) Minimum GCE Ceftificote. b) Preferably mole ond have some itc«keeping or kordexmg experience. c) Not more than 27 years of oge CLAIMS AND SHIPPING CLERKS o) Minimum GCE Certificate b) Relevont experience is highly desirable in shipping
      560 words
    • 475 12 f I Due continued growth ond expansion, lAROID has openings for the following positions tor possible employment in certain North and Southeast Asio countries: DRILLING MUD ENGINEER MUD LOGGING ENGINEER Experience is preferred but troining moy be considered for the applicant with Chemistry, Engineering and/or Geology qualifications The ideal applicant
      475 words
    • 283 12 ■■^■■■■■■■■■■fl HACKSAW BLADES of world renown Stanley quality are now available throughout Singapore and Malaysia in the leading hardware stores. ASK FOR THEM! C'osmg premium cost in Molowon cents for three months. Call option on shares listed on the Stock Exchange tor sth Moy 1975 Stock Prem/Share Stock Prem/Share API
      283 words

  • 276 13  - Spore yard clinches $142 m order JACOB DANIEL By BIGGEST SINGLE CONTRACT TO BUILD 20 SHIPS SINGAPORE shipyard has beaten local and international competitors to win a $142 million contract to build 20 ships for a Norwegian firm. The contract awarded to Stratton Shipyard Limited by Frendo London Limited, is
    276 words
  • 473 13  - HUSBAND TELLS OF WEDDING NIGHT SHOCK ELENA CHONG By A RESEARCH assista High Court how h ed across a box full of 1 from her boyfriends oi in Londoa Koh Teng Lam. 32, who married Elsie Koh Chen Chee. also 32. In July. 1969. said that she tried to seize
    473 words
  • 76 13 Misadventure verdicts on 2 deaths THE coroner yesterday recorded misadventure verdicts on Mohd. YusofT bin Karim. a lorry attendent, and Suranl bin Ahmad, a labourer, who died In different mishaps In April Mohd Yuioff wu pinned down by a tractor at Mayflower worksite In Scmbawang Hill Drive on April 11
    76 words
  • 167 13 Robbers took victim for 'a walk' rl'O men armed with daffers, robbed a petrol kiosk employee of 54.300 as be was on his way to a bank In Serangoon Road yesterday. Before escaping in a taxi, they also forced the victim. Mr. Tay Jok Sent, 21, to take a walk
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  • 199 13 'Extend women's retirement age to 55' call rpHE United Workers i x has urged Shell oi the retirement age of 55. According to the union's president. Enclk Abdul Aziz Karim. Shell was asked to Increase the retirement age for women employees after the union had conducted a survey among women
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  • 138 13 Lifeguard unit to expand to 200 rpHE Vigilante Corps K. Lifeguard Unit of 105 qualified lifeguards will be Increased to 200 by the end of this year to provide wider coverage, according to Vigilante, the VC's official organ. In an interview. Assistant Commandant Keng Ban Poh. OC Central Base, said
    138 words
  • 42 13 THE syllabi for the lower primaries (one to three in all streams) have been reorganised under the restructured nrlnvirv •■(luritinn sys- tem The upper primary syllabi are also being i revised and schools wIU be told of the chances.
    42 words
  • 171 13 Mary's solo effort hits the top note \M USIC teacher Mary 1T1 Tan sang her way to $2,500 worth of gift vouchers at a song-writing competition on Sunday with her song, A Pretty Island. Mary. 25. composed, wrote the lyrics and sang the song at the competition, organised by the
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  • 58 13 NPB safety pourse THE National Productivity Bcaici will hold a course for building construction lafaty supervisors at the Singapore Contractors Association In Nell Road from May 16 to July 1 on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ihe fee to 1100 for National Productivity Association members and
    58 words
  • 66 13 LIM Chins. 38. was fined a total of »610 for three traf- I flc offences he committed along Rochore Canal Road yesterday at about 4.50 am LIM was fined $2M for taking and driving a car without the consent of the owner. $180 tor not having
    66 words
  • 248 13 Rapped -the foreigntrained music 'critics' THE Parliamentary Se- cretary (Social Affairs), Mr Chan Chee Seng has hit out at selfish overseas-trained S ngapore musicians who preferred to criticise local music standards rather than contribute to the development and appreciation of music here. Speakirlg at the Ya- maha children's charity concert
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 537 13 Highlights for today Muslim students urged to be forward looking and to set good example to others. Malay Teachers Union: Co-operation between teachers parents essential to impose discipline on students. The day former vice president Nguyen Cao K> cried like a little boy. Soccer: Singapore faces tough hurdle to reach
      537 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 876 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 J.M PM Opening and By Family Time (English— 7.15 Jim Thomas Outdoor Repeat) 7 30 Nnrs (Malay) 131 Diary of Events (English) J- 4 2an*"? r a^ la Or ama 1.41 Mtteai CHtr*— Tlm Prisners 3.35 Magazine Zero One (Repeat) 131 Mm an NewrrNl lEtfisi)
      876 words

  • 968 14  - THE NEW PIN-UPS WAN SENG YIP Pictures by Soccer stars and their fans AN the football field Singapore's soccer stars asually show plenty of confidence. Off jt, they are a bashful lot. Perhaps they were suspicious about the purpose of my visit to the Jalan. Besar Stadium where they were
    968 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 397 14 BftatJBBBBBBBBHHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM the first-aid dressing that stays on longer, to protect the wound K while it heals W cx\\\J\ y° u nee< P rotect on |t**»«» f^AX. x^\ I from infections, while V. It wont wash off and the WOllIUi llMlk ove \f aS'ge^T 1 wound neais. Elastoplast protects the wound,
      397 words
    • 56 14 iGeHJsi'M With Gelusil-M tablets Recommended by doctors because they're safe, effective and cause no side effects. Gelusil-M contains not one, but three antacids to promptly relieve pain and wind caused by indigestion, excessive stomach acids or ulcers. Gelusil-M also protects ulcers and allows healing to proceed. Gelusil-M Available at chemists,
      56 words
    • 132 14 Does the Vitamin lonic you give your children contain all these essential vitamins? 4pj II Check thh //st^ 1 I •.■w___i_i a lOrcvedi, i 1 1 VITAMIN IK \s^rt^cyes_\ is i -_^_i_roT\fo^o^^ 1 1 VITAMIN B2\de^^enl___\ I n\^^S? es j 1 1 T|^oT\NM*s^^ J JliniUITE v iHIIIWIIa contains Vitamins 1
      132 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1437 15 CONTAINEISNIP SEIVICE Tl W/CINTINENT: ii I'Mfl KiMikuri Man "*fg >,»£« g mil «a«tao« «at aam aMn u km amm 71 im* iimj L.X H lOINIJICN a Ma, HIM* ajaM 71 JM. H JM* k.INi MACII 11 Mn 7IM. ataM HIM* a IM. 11 laM 1,11 I'M* laiaM 1 1.1,
      1,437 words
    • 1219 15 Ben Ocean AicurtservK&afßenLimßhjeFhni&GtoLuieaiKJNSMO i Tl W caNTININT 0m fun PMm Pimi Ekom Ptrtt mi ai sim >s sj.nni 1/ au* 14 Ma* A tm. ftm. Hit M. L'pi 1.-NIITOX 7* 77 Mn 7S 17 Mn II MM H'H. •"<". Cat* I i (KWAIiaCN 71 7S Ml, 71 71 Ml, 71
      1,219 words
    • 1202 15 >. m ——--7 .Tii-Tw^l iv* 7 kr\i&^* fl IMKt: Ht.ii lim lv. ;u.pti. mm^ mm D*«urt Iraawl AatMt| All U 1 K«_.k_r« M*ra Vw» P «Ha*t Vm Antri> Hi»i O»PtIMHMTI Mm m, him, ltn it,,, tlm IM| lIWIION MT 71 Mi, M Mn II KM a .aM 71 IM. N
      1,202 words
    • 983 15 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE P MUi*- Ik > FM NED OEIH May 11 MUM mi, ii BottertJM, AnttirdM, Aatwcrv, Le Havre. mSTmnm T S,f Basle. HMtart Btmm. IrMerkavn. umiu. W J J <>H>ertJ|M. Gotha.M.l. MaMoa. ivtlamia M. it stoohoim. Oslo. Helsinki, Uniied m*jmm. CKi,m i«m Ul M Man FCI
      983 words
    • 985 15 Jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml »*****; P. K*«ii« 4341; K.L. 27J11; Pimmj ISJOI. THE RANK LINE LTD. IMK WEI! aFIICA. •avtaiM MM MM* r >„ i-( 7/ i im Shi I/llm* IMIIAM MM i LM«M) i ,-i HII lll| SOOTI 1/ IM| FMM lAST I tMtti AFIICA fM lIMIM MANILA iimum r Mi' a/ii
      985 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1176 16 Lam __A% A-^B m m |yL- KAWASAKI KJSEN KAJSHA LTD. UWASMI MMAI RISEN MJSM LTI. lAPAN. MMCKOM. STMITS SOVKL MM! r>M| I'tMl I 'rnatf P Mil tatatia mim SUM aHn I*l Japan Gulf *orvloo TITIUMA MAM 7 1?Mn M »««tt. Ottti. (MM. uttaiis Mtrsas 11 it Mn iNorratttiitar Mm7ni"Saii
      1,176 words
    • 1105 16 il rrvmmmm ICCIPTMC AU IMMI It Mm IMM MIT 111 PMTIAaAI. UMPIT UM#latVaMll*l tU IWtU) itUaUKMVi UMIIIIOmM TMmMmml MbUMM TIMATI. tIIOM WIST IMAti AM SAIAa MAM PIITJ IrttJ ITA [TO liatMtlltl I L.C T HIITT HTM 7MM I Mar Pataat lit tiaarr mia Ii part Ott««i is T tiatrr tattit
      1,105 words
    • 1164 16 fit EAST IMMt CMTAIMH/Ct)attNTrOMAl SEWKE LMJIM FM LONCON MTTEMAM. NAMMK Pttaat P Him t'Mrt iMtao t'daa Nt«n lIMK.I Kta 77/11 Mir 74/77 Mat M/M Mar It Mtl 14 Mt| IT I. Stan P uawa PttMl Itatan lik Ntar| IMPTMat nt>Al t/11 MM 111 l ItM My II MM 17 MM
      1,164 words
    • 895 16 ama some n v*m immn/umwan mn L I i| tut. hmattn «tit«i Ptaaaf laaftat tar ItNCA TIIJOtH It II Ml| tlill Mn I] 14 Mn LK»I 71 I te Mi,.. Vf. »».i 1 1. I'tati li < MMA MTA 7/ IMn M Part 11/ It Ml, II 17 tM| I.ilm
      895 words
    • 917 16 MT^l I I mmT^Mw DavH mm. V 3 K TR» X TFfUtWTT ANpHJUNLEU IHI /\»i» ln iZ ti^ewm art/I P«H POLtOWIMO MfMTHIMO AM- OUT- Kirn In Bart» •nrt P«dI MAMOIMtMTt POM. MAT t: 1 '"JJ^ K LAMO OUT: Palrorlui 12 Pro- Sot*! Port: Aut)» Cimrjrn Eat> mrlh»u« «T Fr»y bur«
      917 words

  • 43 17 LEWIS. RAME. Well loved Mother or Kuth Pouller. Maude Scott. Winifred Danaraj. Hilda Dant Jessie Leembruggen. Koyston. Hugh Called to Eternal R*st on 2nd May 1975 In London Aged tM Memorial Service. 17th May. 3 n m Rethesda Hall. Bras Baaah Road
    43 words
  • 163 17 THE FAMILY of the late Mrs Wong Chong Seng nee Mdm Thong Sing Sleng thank Rev H.H Wong Rev F N Ngoel all relatives and friends for their help, condolences, wreaths and donations Grateful thanks also to Doctors Sisters and Staff of Wards 5. 6. 10 bl l of
    163 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 17 S.O.S. SAMARITANS OF Singapore Troubled? Diicouraged' Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the telephone All smiles after the contest last night. From left: Kenneth Tan. (second) John Urn (first) and Alison Clarice (third).
    38 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1721 17 classified ads |g LATEST NEWSI Bernina Swiss Srwing Machines are famous throughout the world Top In performance and simple in operation Highly recommended Five years guaran lee Free catalogues' demonstrations at Oammeters Tel *****/*****2 PICK A COURSE FROM COLUMN (76) •PROFESSIONAL •COMMERCIAL •TECHNICAL •LANGUAGE •CRAFT ETC. ORATUTOR FROM (77) in
      1,721 words
    • 938 17 ACCOUNTS TYPIST. A public company with manufacturing and property development Interest requires Accounts Typist wl»h School Certificate. LCC Typewriting preferably higher stage and a few years experience In taping balance iheeu and other accounting schedules Reply P O Box 1068. Spore. with perst nal particulars, experience and qualifications BOOK-KEEPER r
      938 words
    • 766 17 EXPANDING COMPANY REQUIRES males and females. leavers and housewives lo work sdays a week Interview at 'st and 2nd floor 113-A. Blk 4 rarrer Road today and tomorrow RETRENCHED ROO SERVICE MEN. Security Is In your own hands See us about your future In a sales career Cull at 448-C.
      766 words
    • 831 17 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, (a) 2 Walters or Waitresses Salary $210 plus transport allowance $20 p.m. b) 1 Barman Salary $252 plus $20 transport allowance p m All applicants must be English speaking and have had previous experience Male applicants should hsve completed National Service, mature persons preferred Apply In person with
      831 words
    • 833 17 SECURITY GUARD; day-time dvi ties for small warehousing complex Must be proficient In Engi llsh. previous experience preferred Apply in writing or telephone for sn appointment to Arrow International Supply Pte. Ltd 28. (9»» ms Jurong Road Track 4. Spore 21 Tel *****4 WANTED BY AN Electrical company two storekeepers
      833 words
    • 791 17 WANTED PUMP ATTENDANTS. Call personally 373 Clemenceau Avenue Esso Sutlon from 9am 11 am or 4 pm. 5 p m HOTEL NEW HONGKONO Invites applications from suitably qualified Singapore citizens lo fill the positions of SECURITY GUARDS OmMßcallßin S Expartance a > Secondary education b i Completed National Service ci
      791 words
    • 794 17 DOUBLE-STOREY SEMIDETACHED dlst 16. furnished 2 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms sitting room, dining room, kit -hen balcony, store room, mosaic and tiled flooring Conuct Mr Chen. *****8 9am -4 pm *****1 7pm —9pm STRAITS HOUSING AGENCY *****31 /*****5/*****1 LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHEO DETACHED BUNGALOW IN DIST 11 4 bedrooms study servant.. large living
      794 words
    • 799 17 CITY TOWERS on higher floor 3 bedrooms 4 airconds furnished with telephone (1 800 Hill court 3 bedrooms with 5 alrconds S2 000 R N Associates MBOZ4 OIST OWNER OCCUPIIO I bedrooms, furnished apartment targe Hung' dining, fully air-on, telephone etc Reaionable r»nt:il Viewing *****09, *****41 OIST. 10 luxurious 3-hedroomed
      799 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 698 18 NEWLY ARRIVEO GERMAN couple with one child requires accommodstlon within 4 miles radius rrom Singapore University 91*373/ *****9 SEVERAL NEW ARRIVALS requiring accommodation at dlsU 10 11.21.5 Lai Housing *****6 TERRACE REOUIRED P.gSt_U. 12 IS 19 or 20 RenUl $400 Tel *****6 after 6pm FOREIGN/ LOCAL CLIENT* urgently require houses
      698 words
    • 866 18 DETACHED BUNGALOW In Chestnut Crescent B.OOC sq ft 6 bedrooms priced $340. U00 ono Call *****.11 *****1 *****6 CORNER TERRACE IN Eng Kong Crescent J bedrooms well furntshed parquet fli»'r throughout .1000 sq ft Price $140,000 Tel *****31 *****1 *****6 SERANGOON GARDEN Seletar Hills single -storey double-storey terrace price $69
      866 words
    • 668 18 GENUINE PRINCIPAL BUYER requires deUched bungalow districts 9. 10. 11 minimum ***** sq ft preferably elevated land must be good choice residential area Tel ***** *****8 young COUPLE NEEDS singlestorey terrace. Serangoon Oarden or dlst 28 Ring *****92 (morning or night). OUICK SALS, menu with ready cash to purchase properties
      668 words
    • 772 18 FOR SALE One block 4 -storey building on 3.800 sq ft of Freehold land in Kampong Bahru area Total buMi-up area IMM *q R ENQUIRIES Ring (16(11 during cMce hour*. THOMSON ROAD: sms Industrial land SulUble for flatted factories Area approx 30.000 sq ft $25'- psf DAVID PHOA ft SONS
      772 words
    • 695 18 4 day* Tanfen* Ptnang. (MetmeW* P*»*dl*a) $135 departure everyday 2 dey* 1 ntght* 0 silking Highland alrcon tour $65 departure every Friday 1 day Golden Mount Wetertaß $16 every Sunday and Vesak Day KINO'S TRAVEL SERVICE. 237-A. Eaet Coeet Reed. *.M (.M pm. INCLUSIVE TOURS BALI ISLAND PARAOISE 5 DAYB
      695 words
    • 851 18 BOOKKEEPING, TYPEWRITING. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRITINO. Commencing Ist week of May Please enquire' .enrol early SCS Centres (1) Singapore Commercial School 15A. Mackenzie Road (*****7/ *****8) or 768 D. Upper Serangoon Road (*****0/ *****0) (2) Regent Commercial Institute sth Floor. Wonderland Shopping Centre. 66. East Coast Road (*****01 (3) Sembawang Commercial
      851 words
    • 829 18 CORRESPONDENCE/ REPORT- WRITING SPECIALLY designed for clerks, stenos. secretaries, sales/ businessmen Saturdays 4TO 6 X pm (3.5 75V Thursdays 7 30 930 p m (8 5 75) Certificates Awarded On Successful Completion Singapore Institute of Commerce. 283 C Selegle Complex (*****9/ *****1) New Hoftsane tar The Secretary Stamtord Centre's neit
      829 words
    • 829 18 IMPORT/ EXPORT PROCEDURES and Cocumentatlon. establishing overseas contact, sales rlau.xv methods of payment, freight calculations, types ontracts. banking and shipping procedures. BTN coding customs procedures, transhipment, re-export, insurance and claims, etc Kvrry Mondays/ Wednesday 730 930 p m commencing tomorrow at 402 3rd floor. People's Park Cu..iplex COSMOPOLITAN offers NEW
      829 words
    • 920 18 LIBERTY AUTO DRIVING School 1 orry and Highway Code Couraet 24. Upper Serangoon Road. *****3 CHAMPION DRIVING SCHOOL. 45-A (hoon Guan Street. Dauun 1200 and Minor 1000 Tel *****. ROBERT'S DRIVING SCHOOL. Blk 23 20 l.lm Liak Street, opposite Tiong Bharu Market Tel *****9 IM7 TOYOTA w- Air conditioner Good
      920 words
    • 882 18 I*7l FORD ESCORT JOO XL 2 owners, very beautiful condition Owner leaving MKOO > n o Tel ***** Steven 0000 FOR EXPORT 1972 Ford Falrlane Automatl alrcund yiPs car. reasonaale offer secures Enquiries *****2 AIRCON. HONOA C( UPE 9. 1300 cr Model 1971 F.xc llenl ccndltion Tel *****4 aik for
      882 words

  • 60 19 THE fou~th biennial conference of the South-east Asian Muslim Students Organisation, which ended yesterday, resolved to formulate a programme to promote the Mv»Urn religion more effectively in the region. It m attended by 45 delegates from the University ot Ongapore Muslim Society. National AaodaUon of Muslim StudanU
    60 words
  • 28 19 THE French Bnbaasy in conjunction with the Alliance FYancaise will screen a film. Le Orcle Rouge, at the Regional Bifllah L*nguafe Ontre at 830 p.m today
    28 words
  • 258 19 fHREE -ROOM Housing and Development Board flats still remain the top choice of new applicants registering for HDB Hats. Unofficial statistics yesterday revealed that more than 50 per cent of the applicants opted for three-room flats. Only 20 to 30 per cent of
    258 words
  • 172 19 'Watch out for these cheating traders' CONSUMERS were last night warned against dishonest traders who cheated the public by adulterating commodities such as rice and giving short weights. Or Augustine H. H. Tan, MP for Whampoa and Political Secretary (Prime Minister's Office) said the people should beware of such dishonesty.
    172 words
  • 85 19 Boy badly hurt in two-car crash A 14-year-old boy was seriously injured in a collision between two cars along Oeylang Road on Sunday. Police said the collision occurred at about 2.45 p.m. when a car with the boy. Harris bin Sanan. crashed against an oncoming car. An ambulance took him
    85 words
  • 34 19 Moruuned Zaln Ma Uonamed. 31. wu yesterday jailed for a year for stealing 123 ball pens and three belt* belonging to Cxatm Pte. Ltd. on April ST. Be pleaded guilty.
    34 words
  • 241 19  - Speech contest with a dash of wit and humour SHEILA CHEONO 11/' T. humour and even TT playlng-acting by eight students last night marked the annual secondary schools' elocution contest at the Regional English Language Centre last night. The eight finalists, drawn from 35 schools, were each required to deliver
    241 words
  • 113 19 Inconsiderate drivers fined $700 CHOW Wai Fong. 35, was fined $350 by the Seventh Magistrates Court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to driving without reasonable consideration along Jalan Besar at about 1.25 p.m on Jan. 14. Chow admitted that he swerved to the left of the mad. cutting across the
    113 words
  • 95 19 A 24 -YEAR- OLD woman was jailed for «U months followed by one year police supervision for stealing ISSIM, Singapore MM and 18.0 M Indonesian raplahs from an Indonesian toarist. Tar Ah Hu»t alias Lily Tay, who pleaded guilty to committinf the offence in Tiirress departmental
    95 words
  • 224 19 Bumper to bumper -it's 960 km rail cars, lorries, buses and taxis in Singapore were lined up bumper to bumper, they wo'Jld cover a distance of not less than 960 km («00 miles). This was the picture Mr. Chai Chong Yil. Minister of State for Communications, painted yesterday of the
    224 words
  • 63 19 'Disorderly behaviour' charge A 27 YEAR OLD woman watt yesterday charged In the First Magistrate's Court for behaving In a disorderly manner and shouting In Sembawang Road at 1.50 p.m. on Sunday. Ng Oeok Neo was also charged with using Insulting words to a woman police constable, and a police
    63 words
  • 67 19 The Singapore Newspapers Distributors Association has called on all news vendors to Join the association In order to strengthen Its organisation. In a letter to members, the association stressed thst they should understand its baatc policy to rWNlatt a multi-racial newspaper distributors association It
    67 words
  • 40 19 KATONO community c*ntr* will hold a bird staffing contest for shainas. thniiha* and merbok Jambult at Tun Berl Lanang Secondary School on Mar IS at m Registrations clow on May 10 For detail*, Tel 4682 M.
    40 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 724 19 MARINE TRANSMISSIONS Have ir Borg-Warner velvet drive .nsmlssion serviced or re- rrd by the people who made It Ml work guaranteed For free k up and deliver) jervlce. phone Borg-Warner. *****6/ .1»4417 AVAILABLE prompt 800 B. HP twin screw tug »ith Kort nozzle fuel range 23 days bollard pull 12
      724 words
    • 734 19 I) SUB-CONTRACT voya twmblv II works to us. Immediate capacity JJJfJ"*" ror <*«»"» P l rtn« i IS YOUR TOILET out of order? For immediate service. Tel *****34. tIMBRO DAY/ MIOHT Service Any make TV/ Fixing colour antennae Moderate charges. Contact *****6 TROPICAL TV DAY/ Night repair Tel: *****2 All
      734 words
    • 640 19 AKAI CM-SID CARTMOOI deck with fast-forward and record lni Seldom used Offers to Klat M 2259 PORT able 10- 1 JO" Sleeper/ Bathroom for 4 lo 8 men New. unfurn. wttri elec It A/C Export quality Big *avinr at Principals 8 T Box ASOOO2 HOUSEHOLD SALE: Carpet, aircon N-faugc
      640 words
    • 139 19 NOTICE Estate of Nr Kirn Yon«. deceased Iste of No. 4SI t'onggol Road, Singapore, who died intestate on the 7th day of June 1974. Pursuant to Section 32 of the Trustees Act (Chapter 40) all persons Interested In or having claims against the estate of the deceased person abovementloned, whether
      139 words
    • 600 19 torn—, BEHN MrIEVSM G R OUP OF COMPANIES InvltM application* lor trw following positions In Ihsir Singspors offic* DYESTUFF JUNIOR SALES EXECUTIVE We are looking lor an energetic, hardworking man to distribute well-known German origin dyestuff and auxiliaries for textiles Applicants should have a good chem'cai background, preferably either at
      600 words

    • 869 20  -  EPSOM JEEP By THE old brigade may have to take a back seat in the richest sprint in the Malaysian Singapore racing circuit, the $40,000 Lion City Cop at Bukit Tlmah, this Sunday. That's the message from Dlllgent's shock flrst-up
      869 words
    • 265 20 Kanaya's race as pile-up foils favourites CALZBURO, (Austria), Mon Japan's Hideo Kanaya, riding a Yamaha, stole the show at the Austrian Motor Cycle Orand Prix yesterday, by winning both the 350 and 500 cc events. A mass pile-up in the second round of the 350 cc race deprived the 40,000
      265 words
    • 146 20 PSV keep lead •pHE HAOUE. Mon —Leaders PSV Eindhoven acored an easy 3-0 home win over PC Amsterdam la a Dutch First Division League aoocer match yesterday Eindhoven keep a onepotot lead over reyencord Rotterdam, who trounced Telatar Velsen 4-1 Eindhoven have 53 points after 33 matches. Al the results:
      146 words
    • 328 20 Rice shines with bat and ball in Notts victory LONDON. Mon.-South African all-rounder Cllve Rice topped the Nottinghamshire battln K and bowling performances In their eight wickets win over Glamorgan in the Sunday limitedover cricket league programme yesterday Rice. 25. took 4-23 as Glamorgan struggled to reach 119-8 in their
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 1033 20 SATURDAY YVEIOrTre for the Singapore races at Buklt Tlmah Uut weekend. Class 1 Dlv. I ltF Naval Base II 00 Yellow River II 9.00 Don alarkoa 5.13 Wlsnu 111 8 11 Big Time 8.08 Red Topper 8.04 Salut* 80S Strike Lucky 8 00 Developer II 7.U Oraduatlon
      1,033 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 586 20 I l^^J Ik. I nHk. I aK"j UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada mereka yang berkelayakan untuk menglsl Jawatan-Jawa-tan kosong dl Universiti ml. Permohonan-permo-honan yang dlpillh boleh dllantlk ke salah satu darlpada Jawatan-jawatan yang berlkut dan dlletakkan dlatas tangga gajl menglkut kelayakan dan pengalaman ProtoMOr A 6: $2275. 2650.
      586 words
    • 717 20 LEMBAGA PERANCANG KELUARGA NEGARA MALAYSIA jawaun-JawaUn scmentarm dl bawmh Projek Bantuan U.N.F.P.A. 1. Eiaaamaii (talawa 14 bwsan) Kaiayakan: Calun-calun untuk Jawaun Pr-ssman hendaklah tldak leblh darl 40 tahun dan mempunyal kelayakan dl bawah:--(a) Ijazah Am darl Universiti yang dllktlrafkan dengan mempunyal pengalaman sekurang-kurangnya selahun dalam bldang kewartawanan. MM Sljll Tlnggl
      717 words
    • 165 20 ■SHARP Mm lin iff ran can afford you the chance to enjoy Colour TV as soon as Model 18C-60 I 18 inch Deluxe Console Type with 3 speakers and 3 way HI Fl sound system Now! SHARP can help you to get the Colour console model right away.... and start
      165 words

    • 322 21 One name on selectors' lips— Brian RESERVE striker Brian Batchelor should find no difficulty in getting a place in Singapore's Malaysia Cup matches against Trengganu and Pahang at the National Stadium this weekend. He was on every selector's lips after his scientlllating performance against a strong Kluanft District side at
      322 words
    • 28 21 PARIS. Mon Mr Jacques Wenhelmer's Ivanjlca (Freddy Head) had an easy win yesterday In the Poule DTccal des Poullches, the French 1.000 guinea* race. Reuter. Mawar,
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 401 21  - SINGAPORE WILL BOYCOTT THE 'MR UNIVERSE' ALBERT JOHNSON By SINGAPORE Amateur Bodybuilders Federation will boycott this year's "Mr. Universe" World competition be cause it is being staged in South Africa. Malaysia and Sri Lanka will also boycott the World competition to be held in Pretoria from Oct 21 to Nov
      401 words
    • 61 21 ROME Mon. Italian motorcycle racer Tommaao Plcclnlli. who fractured hi* skull In a pile-up during a r»c* l»«t week at Imola, died in hospital early yesterday. Plcclrilll was one of four Italian riders hurt In multiple plie-up during the 350 cc event at the City
      Reuter  -  61 words
    • 416 21 BACK IN FORM Chla Chong Boon, 24. put himself In line for a treble when he advanced ioto the men's singles final of I the Singapore Table Tennis Association double knockout cham pionships at Tanjong Katong last night. The bespectacled Chong Boon, who had won,
      416 words
    • 375 21  - Another blow to M-Cup campaign... JOE DORAI THREE PLAYERS IN RESERVES SQUAD ON INJURED LIST By gINGAPORE'S hopes of reaching the Malaysia Cup semifinals suffered another big blow yesterday when three of eight players selected, as likelysubstitutes for the regulars injured on the China tour, were also found to be
      375 words
    • 472 21 FAM TO BE SEVERE ON TEAMS THAT STAGE WALKOUTS KUALA, LUMPUR, Mon. WITH immediate effect, teams which walk oat of Malaysia Cap soccer matches or refuse to continue play would be deemed to have automatically lost the match without the FAM competitions committee having to order a hearing. They are
      472 words
    • 282 21  - Special fund for a velodrome GOOFERY ROBERT By SINGAPORE Amateur Cycling Association will set up a Velodrome Fund In the hope of acquiring a piece of land either at Ang Mo Klo or Woodlands where a velodrome can be built. Enclk Shaarl Tadln, y/ho was re-elected president of the association,
      282 words
    • 33 21 PARIS. Mon Mr DanW Wtldensteln'* Allee Pranca. unbeaten In her five outings last year, yetterday won th» 900.000 franca (1477.000) PrU Oar.ay In a canter. four length* ahead of the field.
      33 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 665 21 F<^B "J §1 I I »^^B ~M B S^^l I KEMENTERIAN PKRTANIAX A well-establishea group of hotels with inter- «-««anocnan uja« national standard calls applications for the bandar post of an Assistant Engineer with the following JABATAN P BIT DAN qualifications:- TAUAI Supply and delireo of Spar* ParU for 5
      665 words
    • 620 21 MAJLIS AMANAH RAAYAT KENYATAAN TAWARAN Tawaran adalah dljemput dari pembo-rong-pemborong yang berdaftar dengan JKR/MARA dalam Kelas "D" keatas bagi menjalankan kerja saperti dlbawah:Kerja kerja membina Pagar. tempat letak kereta dan kerja kerja yang berkaitan dengannya di Maktab Rendah Sains. Mara di Seremban, Negerl Sembilan. Borang borang tawaran boleh di dapati
      620 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 45 21 SOCCER Int«r-Constl-tuency tournament (Jin. Be«ar and National Stadium 7 and 8 30 p.m.). ATHLETICS 8AP Tenlt»h Air Base <Toa Payoh 2 p.m. Presbyterian Boj V School (National Stadium 8.30 am>: 'SAAA trUls (National Stadium i TABLE TENNIS STTA champtonrfhlpa (Chung Chens High School 7.30 p.m.).
      45 words

  • 81 22 Amin warns: Don't use beauty aids LONDON. Mon. President Idl Amin of Uganda has warned his country's women folk against using beautifying and skin-toning creams and lotions, Radio Uganda reported today The radio, monitored here, quoted General Amin as saylni the creams would change Ugandan women's "natural beauty and make
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 30 22 MILAN. Mon NISO Aldo Viiisnl. M. execuUTe of a plastic bag company, was kidnapped last night a« he was parking his car on a downtown street, police said.— AP.
    AP  -  30 words
  • 36 22 MAOAH Stay (AMI* (fornwrly of Bamtwr MU*S Sakaoi) 4*fwr<•4 iMMOfuUjr on S/S/75 lN«ai l«*lal mm Bhnprmkuh Ral. rwiw »im *M Davprakaak. Oona«* mm 2»A. Block 13 Kin Kwl Anu> today at Ipm for Mia* crtmatonaa.
    36 words
  • 715 22 Lee: It'll inspire guerillas THE RED VICTORY IN SAIGON (X)MMUNIST victoVy ries in Vietnam must be an inspiration to guerilla insurgencies all over the world, not least in Southern Africa and the developing countries with oppressed ethnic mlnoriti c s, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said today. In an
    Reuter; AP  -  715 words
  • 78 22 CAPETOWN. Mon. The third person in the world to have a donor's heart implanted next to his ailing heart was In "excellent condition" today, hospital authorities said. The operation at Oroote Schuur Hospital here, where two other people have had similar heart transplants, started late
    AP  -  78 words
  • 41 22 QI'CTTA (Pakistan). Mon. Nlnteen coal miners were killed yesterday by an explosion In a mine In the Mar-war area of Khalat, about ISO Km (100 mile*) south of Wue-.U. the Associated Neva Agency of Pakistan reported today.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 442 22 !r ONDON. Mon The atock mar- kM eloMd lowtr today. Oloomy •oonomlc foraettta and cooctra about ntinc loteraat rain ■•Sanaa*** •*ntimn>t but m>at laiuo ck»«l abovr the day* lon Turnovrr wu amaJl At I p.m. Urn Plnaadal Tim— imu wu down 14. S to Sift.*. OovernmfM bondj let
    442 words
  • 229 22 Hussein: We'll be involved in any new M-E war WA 8 HINGTON, Mon.— King Hussein of Jordan says his country will be involved in any new Arab-Israeli war. Jordan, which stayed out of the 1973 Middle East conflict, will be Israel's main target, the King says. King Hussein spoke to
    AP; UPI  -  229 words
  • 251 22 IF AUSSIE TROOPS LEFT KIDS IN SAIGON... IfINGSTON, Mon.- Australian Prime Minister Gou g h Whitlam. in reply to a reported allegation by Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, said yesterday that if Australian troops had left children behind in South Vietnam, Australia would have evacuated them. He made the
    251 words
  • 193 22 FORD TO HOLD TALKS WITH 5 LEADERS WASHINGTON. Mon. President Ford will take a personal hand in meetings with alUes from Britain. Australia. New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia members of the five-power defence treaty in the coming weeks. Long scheduled meetings with leaders of these countries tske on new significance
    193 words
  • 53 22 IT'S back to NORMAL IN DANANG IFE in Danang has returned to normal as seen in this picture (left) of a bustling crowd in the city's main street after the communists took it over. The second largest city in South Vietnam, Danang was once the base of operations, of American
    AP  -  53 words
  • 237 22 Last of foreign refugees due this week BANGKOK. Mon— The last batch from about 800 foreigners who took refuge in the French Embassy when Phnoin Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge was expected In Tnailand this week. About 450 French nationals were expected to leave Bangkok at midnight tonight for
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 69 22 NEW YORK. Man. Federal, city and postal authorities were today searching for five armed men who stole 11 sacks of registered and Insured mail from a postal garage. Police aid so far It waj lmpoulble to estimate the amcuiu Involved, but It could run Into millions
    69 words
  • 30 22 GLASOOW. Mon The Scottish Dally News, the only major newspaper In Britain run by workers co-operative, rolled off the prows for the first time here last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 82 22 ■■t^ Writ *W^^^ GREAT ADVANTAGES modern engineering design ease of operation cuts accurately higher productivity material saving sole agents OPTORG COMPANY PTE.LTD. /f ,3*7 INCHCAPE HOUSE. 2ND FLOOR 450/452 ALEXANDRA ROAD SINGAPORE TEL 624 a U6 jH" .J**^*/ OPTORG COMPANY (M) SDN. BHD. L PETALING JAVA TEL *****8 IPOH TEL
      82 words