The Straits Times, 4 May 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Sunday Times No. 2033 MAY 4. 1975 30 CENTS M C. (Pi No. 493/75
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  • 497 1 It will take two or three years for Reds to consolidate their power in Indochina' KINGSTON, Saturday MR. LEE KUAN YEW has said it will take two or three years for the communists to consolidate their power over South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. There
    AP  -  497 words
  • 97 1 Analysis of the MCP insurgency campaign HIOHUOHT In the current Issue of Asia Magazine Is a historical analysis of the Insurgency campaign being conducted by the factionridden Malayan Communist Party in Peninsular Malaysia. Other reports include: BITTER lessons Thai students have learned following their toppling of the much-despised military government
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  • 59 1 KINGSTON. Sat. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew will hold talks with President Ford in Washington on Tuesday, immediately after the end of the Commonwealth summit conference here, an authoritative Singapore source said today. The Singapore Prime Minister will also meet is Secretary of State I Dr. Henry Kissinger
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 58 1 LONDON. Sat. Two second half goals by 31-year-old Alan Taylor enabled West Ham United to beat Pulham United 2-0 In the English Football Association Cup linal at the Wembley Stadium tonight. In the Scottish PA Cup final, favourites Celtic beat Airdrteonlans 3-1 at Hampdrn
    58 words
  • 86 1 GERONA Spain V Sat All five members of a family were killed In their horn* yesterday and a hand-written note from the father said he had shot his family and then commuted suicide, police said today. The killings took place at Cassa de la Selva village
    AP  -  86 words
  • 33 1 OENEVA. Sat SUmp collectors and dealers yettordajr paid a toul of 1.042.35S Swtu franc* (55»35.834) for a Election of th« Papal (Ute'i poctan* sumps at a world recordbreaking auction here. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 38 1 CANBERRA. Sat. The Japanese Foreign Minister. Mr Mljraxawa Kuchi. has denied reporu that Japan it likely to allow the United SUU* to deploy nuclear weapons Into hi* country should an emergency arise In South Korea— Reuter
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 48 1 TODAY'S B■n d a y Nation comes with a special COLOUR presentation of last Thursday's Make It Together talent quest grand finals Pius: A special feature on the most popular IV series In Singapore today Justice Fao; Footballer Qnih Kirn Song's report phoned from Peking.
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  • 900 1 In: Refugees from the embassy ARANYAPRATHET, (Thailand) Sat. 200 foreigners were left in the French Embassy in Phnom Penh today as some 580 others mostly French nationals reached Thailand after a gruelling four -day journey in open Looking tired but healthy and cheerful aa the 25-truck convoy rolled up to
    AP; UPI  -  900 words
  • 52 1 BANGKOK. Bat Ten Thai Government officials and border patrol police were killed In a clash with communist Insurgents on a new highway running through thick Jungle near the Burmese border, a military spokesman said here today. One official was still missing following the ambush yesterday, he
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 53 1 KANAZAWA (Central Japan). Sat. Soviet reconnaissance aircraft have steauily Increased activities this year over the Sea of Japan, military sources said today. The source* said Japanese fighters scrambled six time' during April from the fc'r force base at Komatsu near this coastal city to intercept
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 877 1 117,000 seek asylum in US WASHINGTON. Sat. THE number of Vietnamese seekinj asylum in the United States soarec to 117,000 yesterday, and the Ford Administration said it would seek Mitho ritv to admit all of them if necessary. 'The total, put at 80,000 yesterday passed the 100,000 mark with the
    Reuter  -  877 words
  • 35 1 lONDON Sat. Carl Mountbatten will head a fl*em*n British delegation to Moscow ceremonies commemorating the 30th annlversaiy of the end of World War II on May S and 9. the Foreign Office said. UPI.
    UPI  -  35 words
  • 40 1 Latest Bomb blasts at N-reactor S TR A SBOI R<i (France). Sat. Two bombs exploded today on a construction site at the Fessenheiru nuclear reactor and French ofticia said the attack was apparently the work of a revolutionary group. AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 275 1 mmmmom at m Madaig *noe morei or at our 1 a»owroom,Moifl^Jan/Bunan,Ktjaa» Lumpur. W*dmi^ il lll^f T What oth#r onwn My I HOW tO t# y Ur m n ««>n«ld« come* a AT LAST IT'S OVER THIS WEEK IN I liH^lVl III! R**"* W-te* 1 17 ls hBving an Pafl 18
      275 words
    • 82 1 ADVANCE SALES OF AREA LICENCES Page 7 SADAT to flnd out Ford's stand on occupied Arab land 2 TROOPS foil demo by Lisbon socialists 3 SPORTS contests on direct Inter-school basis by 1978 5 GIRL In police car case: 'Ample evidence' against accused 6 PRIVATE developers to build $300 m
      82 words
    • 33 1 m The oyster I K^ case I exc lusive I to Rolcx e^^Lj and Tudor I watches Tal Hong Hung (Pte.) Ltd. MA N,.n)i Hruigc Road, opposite t'e Odeon Cinema ft Hpi I^B^B^^^^^m
      33 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • MtinmfMifmmf Worldwide^
    • 413 2 CAIRO, Saturday PRESIDENT Sadat is certain to try to get President Ford to declare whether or not the United States is protecting Israel's occupation of Arab lands when the two leaders meet in Austria next month. The Egyptian leader made clear
      Reuter  -  413 words
    • 175 2 Rockets damage buildings in Jerusalem JERUSALEM. Sat.— Two Katyusha rockets hit Jerusalem early today, causing damage but no casualties, police said. One shell landed In the botanic garden of the Hebrew University, shattering windows In a nearly building. Fragments from the shell indicated It had been fired from a launcher
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 70 2 18 months for hoaxer CHRBSTCHURCH. Sat An 18-year-old labourer who telephoned a ChrlWchurch radio station and hinted thai there was to be an inns ml nation attempt on Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew during his tour of New Zealand last month was yesterday jailed for 18 months. Anthony John
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 65 2 13pc fall in HK exports HONOKONO. S»t Hongkong's export* lor Mirch totalled HKM 82 billion (*****.4 mllUon. a decrease of IS 3 ptr cent compared with the corresponding month In 1 J'-, the Census and Statistics Department said. Trade flgum rtlnsed by the department yesterday. Also ohowsa Import during the
      65 words
    • 53 2 WASHINOTON, Sat Senator Oeorge McOovcra 1« flying to Cuba on Monday as part of the broadening contacts between the Castro Government and Members of Conpresx The Bouth Dakota Democrat, his party's 1973 presidential nominee, will be the third member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 44 2 SEOUL. Sat The National Iranian OU Corporation in a joint venture with a local business partner will build sn oil refinery In South Korea to start operation In 197* with a dally production capacity of 100.000 barrels. It wa* reported today— UPI.
      UPI  -  44 words
    • 268 2 VIENNA. Sat. rjREEK and Turkish Cypriot leaders today ann o v n eed agreement In principle to reopen Nicosia airport, closed since last summer's fighting. A communique Issued after a week of talks here said the airport would be repaired by the United Nations as
      Reuter  -  268 words
    • 35 2 TORONTO, Sat. Charles Perrtn Johnston 61. of Toronto, one of the longest turviviru male heart transplant patients In the world, died in a hospital here yesterday, six-and-a-half year* after the operation —Renter
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 374 2 NEW YORK, Saturday i~»HARLES Hamilton, an authority on signatures, said yesterday he thinks former President Nixon did not sign the two letters sent to South Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu while the Paris peace accords were being negotiated. He thinks Mr. Nixon s
      AP  -  374 words
    • 103 2 Mirage crash kills seven •yECHTA, West Oer many Sat. Seven people. Including five children, were killed when a Belgian Miraee fighter Jet crashed Into a row of houses In this north German town today. The others killed were the pilot and an elderly woman, a spokesman for the rescue teams
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 185 2 S34m bid to boost Arab image in US KUWAIT. Sat. The Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) met here today with a busy agenda including a proposal to spend j ISJIS million (SS34 million) to improve the Arab image in the United States. Ministers from the OAPEC states will
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    • 73 2 Li falls from favour TOKYO. Sat. Peking has finally confirmed that Mr. Li Teh-aheng. once one of China's most powerful political and military leaders. Is no longer a vice-chairman of the Communist Party central committee. The confirmation came in publication by the New China News Agency, monitored here. of a
      AP  -  73 words
    • 40 2 PERTH. Bat. Tniee armed men stoic a tax office payroll of AJ165.000 (3*485 000) in Perth West Australia's biggest robbery. Police threw a cordon around the city after masked gunmen seised the money In a lift yesterday— Reutar.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 39 2 TOKYO, B>t.— President Kirn Ll-sung of North Korea, who toured China Irom April 18 to 2S. may vUlt the Soviet Union next month. Japan s Kyodo ncwi service reported from Moscow. quotlni: authoritative Russian sources AP
      AP  -  39 words
    • 246 3 T LISBON, Saturday ROOPS brandishing machine-guns stopped thousands of socialist demonstrators who defied a government ban to protest against communist policies in the streets of Lisbon last night. Hundreds of heavilyarmed security troops, gas-masks at the ready and backed by armoured cars, guarded the
      Reuter  -  246 words
    • 175 3 Queen of Zulus: King whipped me DI'RBAN. Sat. Queen Slbonfile Wlnnlfred of the Zulus has been (ranted interim custody of her two children ,fter allninc her husband, the kinc whipped her while she was pregnant. In affidavits presented this week to the Dur- ban Supreme Court. Queen Sibonrile. first wife
      Reuter  -  175 words
    • 111 3 5 more nations ratify 1970 anti-nuclear treaty T ONDON, Sat. Five Li European countriesWest Gcnany, Italy, the Netherlands. Belglum and Luxembourg yesterday adhered fully to the 1970 Nuclear NonProllferatlon Treaty by depositing instruments of ratification at the Foreign Office here They bnriK to 92 the nations who are now full
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 171 3 'Pommie' insult liable to court action? SYDNEY, Sat. English migrants fed up with being called "Pommfts" by Australians may soon be able to take their tormentors to court, where they will face heavr floes. At least, that's how one of the chief architects of the Australian Government's proposed Race Relations
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 24 3 SYDNEY. Bat QtnUi Airline has iet aside onethird of the ieaU on all flight* for normnokm double the previous designated area. Reuter
      Reuter  -  24 words
    • 367 3 "Panda play time that led to nothing WASHINGTON. Sat. Ah. those pandas. With spring in the air and whiffs of Chinese gingko trees no doubt tickling their Oriental fancies, they were at it again In the early mornIng hours. Romping and wrestling, preening their heavy coats, standing on their hands
      NYT  -  367 words
    • 104 3 BUDDHIST PYRE FOR QUEEN KGSSAMAK PEKING. Sat. Chinese workers were today preparing a Buddhist funeral pyre in Peking's Western Hills where Prince Norodom Sihanouk will tomorrow cremate his mother. Queen Kossamak. The ceremony will take place in the late afternoon in an area called the Fragrant Hill, about 50 minutes
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 25 3 BANOKOK. Sat Thai Prime Minister Kukrlt Pramoj amid yesterday that he had received several death threats since he took office In March.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 122 3 YOHANNESBI'RG. Sat. David Protter, the gunman who selied the Israeli consulate and 21 hostages here last week, made two attempt* to commit suicide In his prison cell last night, police said today. He first oat one of his wrists and then tried to hang
      Reuter  -  122 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 669 2 fc^ 1 International Ocean Exposition Okinawa Japan. 20."7."75-ISI "76 m QqocQ QqocQ QcacQ QoocQ HoocS BgKb-rfdHl HLV__^gfl HLw^HI LMk~-~^flHgaMMg)gV- H_B B. DAYS COST DATE OF DEPARTURE Bangkok Hongkoog, Taiwan^*, 2 $2520 21/ 4/8 M PS F 3 Japan, Okinawa. Korea. m 29-9. LgJ __2 I— mrw-Jfnlr Unnrilrnnn ai».« SAS 1
      669 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 192 3 PREPARE NOW FOR 1975/ 1976 EXAMINATIONS MCC FoX Chong Building. (Staond «nd Third Flooml Johoct Bahru Ttl 2171 2006 THE LEADING COLLEGE OF POSTAL EDUCATION IN S.E ASIA MCC GIVES POSTAL TUITION FOR THE FOLLOWING EXAMINATIONS 1 G. C.E.'A'.' Level/Higher School Cert. 2. Singapore G.C.E'OV Level/School Cert. /Malaysia Certificate of
      192 words
    • 296 3 ig QOAUTY FOODS FRIEMDLT SERVICE H a '^l^rr^SmS SUGAR sis £j Fin., Gronulo'.d 2kg 2.60 H THAI RICE JOC H 135 FESTIVAL Bast Quality 3kg 4.25 SI TOILET ROLLS "owy t «,o jj [cfeSoft, Strong, Lost «o Long 3 for .89 |gj |C1 I—————— igVIM CLEANSER eco 1.30^ TOMATO KETCHUP
      296 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 280 4 II m r\ aaaW <V aaaaaT 4u iiainiMuulii'i'i AJBk-ak-f f ftj». AC'IOSOMW 1 WCC LIWITA i Hurry! Hurry Bu y ten bottles of Livita today >k J and get one colourful beach-ball free. aaaw____^l Livita the effective and delicious health drink Mat* fights fatigue. ''T^* 5 0 Hurry while stocks
      280 words
    • 55 4 p& D»Hclou« f 7 Tarty! Pull of vitamin* ani protein <!•<«> eaaentlal fcr good health iucceaaful men and popular film atara' delight' ■V. 'jS^^BHavifl ai r SUCCESS CASSETTES LARGE RANGE INC. LOSE WEIGHT; STOP SMOKING, GAIN CONFIDENCE. STAMMERING; HOW TO SUCCEED, ETC Mil LIST IOUCATION SERVICES 18 POLARIS DRY.. DIPT
      55 words
    • 517 4 YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS through home study courses The School of Accountancy Business Studies with 60 years successful experience, offers you Courses for the examinations of: Aaaoc. Cert. Acctt. (A.C.A.) IwL Coet ft rift Acct*. (1.C.M.A.) Amoc. lataL Acctfc (AJ.A.) [K^~~~ Coat Acctt. Aa»c (CA.A.) *»-S»3sf 1 laat. Catd. Sees.
      517 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2413 4 Jif highlights fl BY BAILYNE SUNG ■j^p^p^pMpj^pjp^gpj. WEDNESDAY: enlists the aid of a crt- flying carpet. At 3.10 p.m. WWPWWPW p.pTiiu ovinjoriw mlnal to restore a duke on Ch. 3 ■»hh.ui.« ..SYSE, orSSS h X yi ThXfof FBIDAY: P .^^^^-M "I light two blazes In com- JS?™ d fH on
      2,413 words

  • 451 5 rIE new subordinate I law courts complex, now under construe- tlon in Havelock Road, will be the first govern m ent "fireproof" building in Singapore when it is completed in September this year. The $17.9 million right-storey building will be protected
    451 words
  • 487 5 Sports contests on direct inter school basis by '78 CTUDENT competitions in ALL sports and games will be on a direct inter school basis and no longer on a district level by 1978. Because of this move each secondary student will have to pay an extra 20 cents a year
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  • 39 5 THE National Muarum will screen two (Urns. Ploweri In Daily Life and the Art and Meaning of at lta lecture hail on May IT at 11 SO am Admission, for ctudenU only, Is free.
    39 words
  • 296 5 rpHE Government's proposed multimillion dollar incineration plant, to cope with the increasing volume of refuse, will be built on a elghthectare (20-acre) site at Ulu Pandan. Work on an access road to the site has begun Tenders for the dUM are exDected to be called before
    296 words
  • 141 5 APART-TIME temple medium was Jailed for six months with six strokes of the rotan In the Third District Court yesterday for unlawful possession of a 45 cm UB-lnch» sword. Tan Ah Leek. 40. an odd-job labourer, waa lound guilty of having the weapon In Jalan Eunos
    141 words
  • 156 5 Scientists urged: Work with other specialists QJCTENTISTB should *3 work with specialists in other fields to help solve common sociological problems, according to a lecturer from the Institute of Education yesterday. Mr. Cheah Chye Keat said In problems relating to population, resources and environment, solutions could be worked out Jointly
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  • 297 5 Break-in: Man gets 5 years on two charges A MAN who pleaded guilty to two chart es of housebreaklng was Jailed for a total of M months on Friday in the Fourth District Court. District Judge Mr. EC. Foenander also ordered Wong Tin Sum. 28, to undergo two years' police
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 593 5 H^9^Ki MANDARIN IS a^j, 1 Laermn* Mandarin IS aaty with Lmguaphona tfw l oomptota and fully guarantaad languaga courw HgV II Linouaphona utat tha famou» method of LISTEN Wm* WML WSSm UNDERSTAND SPEAK Gudad by languaga txpartt 1^! Cl VtHJ tO IpMk Mandar n correctly and con■g^ I aSS fKlently
      593 words

  • 153 6 lllegal to tamper with metric rules rr. Metrication Board has warned textile traders that it Is an offence to tamper with their metric rules by marking the yard length en them. The warning was contained In the boards latest bulletin. Our Metric Way, which said tampering with any measuring instrument
    153 words
  • 64 6 A COROKERB court yeeterday recorded v verdict of suicide on the death of a 74--year-old woman, Ram Wing, who was found hanged In her rented rcom In North Bridge Road en April 21 at 7.30 a.m. The court heard she was on social welfare dole and
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  • 144 6  - Driving home male supremacy with a roar MCI-LIN CHEW By rwas a battle of the sexes between Mandai Zoo's only lion. Sinfa, and his mate, Josephine, when they engaged in a domestic argument Tester day. Watched by his other mate. Joanne. Sinca and at least one keenlj increased cab sent
    Kok Ah Chong  -  144 words
  • 374 6 Senior SIA officers to get higher salary scales ]I|ORE than 200 sea nior officers of Singapore A 1 r lines are to have the maximum of their salary scales raised by $200. They are members of the Air-Transport Executive Staff Union (AEBU) which recently j signed a new collective agreement
    374 words
  • 449 6 npHE Fourth Dis- trict Court yesterday called on two policemen, accused of outraging the modesty of a drunken 19-year-old girl in a patrol car one morning last November, to make their defence. The policemen. Lim Eng Soon. 34. and Lim Eng Swee. 40, elected to
    449 words
  • 179 6 Wesley Church to get aircon sanctuary WESLEY Methodist Church will nave its first fully air-condi-tioned sanctuary at Fort Canning under a $1.2 million expansion programme. In a brochure to be released soon. Dr. Chen Chi Wei. chairman of the church building extension fund committee. says the expansion programme will Include
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 709 6 m EUROPE FOR $1220 The one low price covers all your |H|| uKb^ufl K^MuV fluMHufl) hotel accommodation, your transport W^W around Europe by air-conditioned Kbk* <g& JdtS^Q coach, all breakfasts In London and Km #V!bjißA. almost all meals on the Continent, rWm V3\ many fascinating sightseeing tours, 1 1 iK^^&m
      709 words

  • 925 7  -  S.M. MUTHU By ADVANCE sales of daily and monthly area licences for vehicles to enter the restricted zone from 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. daily under the area licensing sc h erne will begin on May 15 two weeks
    925 words
  • 224 7 HAVINO llstined to two Korean pianists. Nak Ho Palk and Tong II Han. with the latter making a tremendous Impression and the other none at all, I looked forward to last night's recital by Kyung Sook Lee at the DBS with much Interest. "The greatest
    224 words
  • 240 7 Man, 27, knifed to death in flat A COFFEE shop assistant waa found stabbed to death in his Hat at Yonc Loh Road In Jurong yesterday The body of Chua Hock Seng, 27, waa found lying on a canvas bed by his flatmate shortly after 2.3« p.m. Ha had a
    240 words
  • 54 7 C-centre to hold baby show QUEENSTOWN community centre's woman sub-committee will hold a baby show for constituency residents at the centre on July 0 at 2 pjn. The show aims to promote better health consciousness, understanding of chlldcare and motherhood. Entry forms are obtainable from the community centre. The closing
    54 words
  • 43 7 BONN. Sat. West Oerman Finance Minister Mr. Hans Apel left here yesterday for a five-day visit to Japan. Hongkong and Singapore. Mr. Apel will have talks In Tokyo with Prime Minister Tak«. Mlkl and Finance Minister Masayoshl Ohira Renter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 25 7 THE Nanymnf OtrU* High School Band will perform at the cable car station on Bantoaa Island today from 4 p.m. to S pjn.
    25 words
  • 190 7 LABOUR Minister and MP for Telok Ayer, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, spent about 90 minutes yesterday touring two hawker centres In his constituency as part of the national Better Food for Better Health camMr Ong visited a total of 132 stalls at the
    190 words
  • 132 7 Sports: 'Make it to world class' STUDENTS who have any particular talent in the sports field should strive to reach International standards, the Minister for Communication. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin said yesterday. "Of course, very few will become champions and reach the top. What matters most, however, is that everyone
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 TRAINED MEN EARN 6000 PAY! let us MSSD Y OU by AIRMAIL *i low cosi only £20 m C»sn OR S nstelmeotsoffSforeaxnpieieCours* composing T*it ßook iui of Instruction Booklets Stationery ••pertTu<t«n Model Answers, and British Ceitif K«te <n 6 months' We guarantee tuition until successful T ick the Courses m
      117 words
    • 687 7 //fl-l N, fi»pr»sent»tiom o^V aVXssCaW ~*W a k^sK L n r <'° d V'ncis\. WmW Drawings. I HOW CIO U rmeter\ ■U NawJa^BSSSSBT M***" r your increased strength from th« B1 »^B' vary lirsl day Chack the reading on ths as .w^a^k ajj ajkf iasßßßaasii I a#"aV aa** Powermeter scale
      687 words

  • Untitled
    • 120 8 Red Cross packs clothing for refugees KCALA LUMPUR, Sat Red Cr«« iUII and volnrtecra l*cr« today had a busy tint* packing clothing donated by the public for rrf uk* es in Cam bodia and Vietnam. The packing took place In the Red Croat headquarters in Jalan BelAeld. Datin Ruby Lee.
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    • 82 8 Surcharge on non-domestic power users KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. All non-domestic electricity consumers industrial and commercial esta b 1 1 shments and public utilities— will now hrwe to pay a surcharge of 3.5 cents per unit, some backdated to March IS. This was announced here this morning by the National Electricity
      82 words
    • 293 8 Easy to get hooked on 'Speed' drug KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Doctors in Peninsular Malaysia do not generally use amphetamines to treat depression although it produces excellent results. This is because amphetamines are habitforming and is very easy for patients to get addicted. Doctors said amphetamines were at one time used
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    • 49 8 PENANO. Sat A waterfront labourer. Loh Olam Chooti. 40, wa« today fined M.OOO. or six month's Jail In default, for possessing 3.400 pieces of uncustomed radio spares He pleaded guilty. Supt. of Customs Mr. Ch'nt Kang Lam. prosecuting, said he estimated the Custom duties at $348
      49 words
    • 330 8  - 3 lords for C'wealtb judges meet SHUKOR RAHMAN By LONDON, Sat— Th» Lord High Chancellor, Lord Elwyn-Jonr, the Master of the Rolls of England, Lord Denning, and Lord Cameron of the Court of Session of Scotland, and heads of Judiciary from ie other countries will bo among delegates from more
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    • 20 8 BUKTT MERTAJAM. Sat Fire partially oVstroyed s sago factory at ••Cuban? T'lu today, causing damuje estimated at $20,000
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    • 265 8 KUALA LUMPUR Sat. A private developer is to build a $300 million satellite town at Wardieburn Estate in Ulu Klang. Work will start this year. About 6,000 units of houses, flats and shophouses for people of all income 'groups
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    • 210 8 DAP call for probe into conditions at hospital BUKIT MERTAJAM, Saturday rvAP State Assemblyman for Buklt Mer- tajam, Mr. Oh Telk Aun, today called for a shake-up In the hospital administration here. "Things have now reached a highly deplorable state," he said in a statement. Operations. Mr. Oh pointed out.
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    • 128 8 3 youths caught with heroin KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Police arrested three youths and seized 12 tubes of heroin In separate cases here yesterday. According to a police spokesman. detective Sergeant Major Pa k Pon Seng saw a youth acting suspiciously In Lorong Tun Perak at about 12.15 pm On examining
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    • 60 8 TAXPINO. Sat. The Old Boys Associstton of the Hua Llan School here will organise an orchid festival to raise funds In aid of the school* development projects. The festival, to be held in Kwangtung Association on May lo and 11, has the support of orchid enthusiasts throughout
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    • 41 8 KUALA LUMPTIR, BatTun Abdul Rasak «1U return here tomorrow at 4.30 pm. at the Subang airport after attending the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' conference In Kingston, Jamaica. The Prime Minister also visited Britain. Sweden and France before the conference.
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    • 59 8 Wounded five 'cheerful' PKNANO Sat. The morale of five soldier* one officer *nd four other ranks lnlured In a communist terrorist ambush In Kedah last month, was today reported to be "very high "They are cheerful and the wnntt for them aooears to be over." Mrs. A. Anilpragaaam. wife of
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    • 48 8 KUCHINO. Sat. A total of 2.487 detainees have been released In Sarawak during the past live yean. It was announced here today. There are only SI detainees itlll In custody. It said About 60 have discarded their subversive Ideology and art awaiting release. Reuter
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 185 8 TFOH, Sat. Datnk 1 Harun Idri. said hrre today that he was confident that the schrduled fight between Muhammad All and Joe Burner in Kaala Lumpur on June 30. would be a profitable venture for Imno Youth after settling the guaranteed 57.5 million to the boxers
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    • 302 8 'All must pay the price of freedom' IPOH. Sat. Selangofs Mentrl Besar, Dato Harun Idrls. said here today that every Malaysian has to pay the price of freedom by Jealously protecting it. 'The fact that we are allowed to meet and move about without Interference, provided it is within the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 438 8 V Js^H Bs^t*^ I bB. BssssssssW. 1 sssssss^^^ '^W~-^^^h& V ■rS^^" ?24* K^sH BaY _.^^^^^^^^k^M >. .^^^lssssssssssssssssW^. v t k. By ia»" .^bsssssssb a^a^ a Cl a^Har^V >^r Jl»i >^*3r' Bali. The name itself jjfc^Hlr^ f s P e^ s magic. The kind of >-V"« i«^lss» tHe- t <• magic
      438 words

  • 270 9 Cooking oil price dips by 40 cents for a skg tin TH E price of cooking oil dipped by 40 cents for a 5 kg. tin to $11.80 yesterday. the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prices: RICK: China 10 per cent Ylm Cheok. 90 cents a katl or
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  • 36 9 THE National Museum will screen four colour fllnu on African art and paintings at 1U lecture hall on Weonesday at 7.30 pjn. Free admission tickets are obtainable from the museum during office hours.
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  • 22 9 THE Singapore American School choir will perform at the Queenstown library on Saturday from 730 p.m. to 8 30 p.m.
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  • 192 9 rvOLLED up to the very last detail in wedding finery kimono style little Miss j Kumi Morimoto, eight was not, however, awaiting the arrival of her groom. In fact, ihe would never have dreamed of putting on the Japanese bridal gown at
    192 words
  • 505 9 'J'HE Singapore Fire Brigade will provide a more efficient service when a network of the latest electronic equipment replaces the present set at its communication centre in Hill Street later this year. The new sooh'sticated equipment will be installed by the Telecommunication
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  • 137 9 RIVA Remo. 28. a Swiss architect, yesterday denied a chants in a magistrate's court cf possessing 136 gramme of cannabls in a flat in Orange Grove Road on April 7. His case will be heard in the Third Magistrate's Court on Sept 17. In other courts,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 458 9 M Jm t p A rare blending of lasting precision and a i [P modern, young handsome styling. ;"j w |x 1 That is Rado. From Switzerland. jft^ML Automatic. Waterproof. Shockproof. jAI /a I V And with the stamp of quality fashioned A /a fe JA by Swiss craftsmen at
      458 words
    • 243 9 EARN $40/ OR MORE MIRACLE k^H METHOD YOU NOW! J In a taw short hours you can be an axpart shorthand writer 1 Guaranteed Miracle Method Shorthand, the sensational home study system enables men and women ot all ages in all walks of lite to gam better positions and earn
      243 words

  • at the CINEMA
    • 818 10  - No break for Bronson— is he losing his touch? WALTER SEOW By •yHE super-hero conA cept takes a bit of bashing In Charles Bronson's latest film, Breakout (director: Tom Gries; Columbia) now at the Odeon. From his portrayals In previous 111 ms, we have come to look on him as
      818 words
    • 255 10  - Film shot in KL has successful London premiere HARRY MILLER; By London, Sat. PAPER Tiger, the 01m shot In Kuala Lumfur with David Nlven In the leading role, had a successful royal charity premiere at London's Ofleon Cinema last night. The Duke of Kent was present with a party, the
      255 words
    • 419 10  - It's far from a dolly of a show ROGER YUE By AFTER the high A gloss of the originals, the rough edges of this female Bond imitation are initially refreshing. But The Doll Squad (soon at the Golden' takes Itself so seriously that the determination of Its largely unknown cast
      419 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 450 10 i IH II 1 1 1 4iH'j 1 1 I B m 1 1 L l l r^L Ml 111 I I 12th BIG DAY! COLDEN: 11 AM, 1 30 4 00. 6.45 4 9 30pm PALACE 4 KONG CHIAN: 1 30, 3.30, 7.15 I *Job«i. i m ft |Bp
      450 words
    • 123 10 :PHJ.ti]'H,J:i[lj JIJIJI'U.'.H: jiNOW SHOWING! Daily At 7.00 9.300 m I •I Adnittiwh Adiltt: $2.00 Cbildni: SI. OO v > CHEN CHEN Hf CHIN HSIANG LIN 0M A i: V THE CHOICE M 1 ji JT*^ «M*lh IM««l#IM J[ |*3] j Uth Hilarious Day! ORCHARD 5 Shows Today: 11 m. 1.30.
      123 words
    • 609 10 ■■■■■■■■a H OWCAWISATION I llfh lie Day- Mini 30. 4 00. 445 »1J Albert Fmn«y, Lour»n Boco I Ingtid B^gmon Jocguvlmr a| Bisxt. Svon Coinefy. John Gi*lguo. Van«io R*dg>a«e f% m AGATHA. CHRISTIF S MURDf R ON THI ORItNT > IXPRISS" n COLOB COMING SOON V Edward Woodword Er< Porter.
      609 words

  • 641 11 By Second-Lt. Tang Hoong Kee IHAVE come to know and to like the life of a soldier, I know it because I rose through the ranks and I have seen it from different perspectives and I Uke it for what it has done to me.
    641 words
  • 81 11 Sunday people WINNER of the best essay competition in the April issue of Pioneer a magazine of the Singapore Armed Forces is a Recce commander at Mandai Camp 4, Second -Lieu tenant Tang Hoong Kee who began his national service in December 1972. "I wrote the essay not so much
    81 words
  • 591 11  -  IVOR KEY By PL PASO: Truth is often stranger than fiction particularly in America. Everyone knows about the exploits of Ironside, the TV detective in a wheelchair. But few apart from his clients and his enemies know much about the man they
    591 words
  • 551 11  -  MASIE KWEE By MIX a massive dose of determination with spoonfuls of merriment, then flavour with frisky flirtatiousness and you've whisked up the personality of Singapore's first woman to undergo a sex- change operation. The patient, a Chinese clerk, ls enforced with a User-like tenacity. She has
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 519 11 /UP€R BUY/ EVERY DfW 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREE PflßKine After spm Mon Sat All day Sunday SUGAR FINE GRANULATED Mcgorrett 2 Kgs 2.65 COFFEE MATE Co.nolion 4MG 2.30 PURE BLACKCURRANT JUICE Rib... 500 ML 3SO (Family Size) TOMATO KETCHUP tibby'i 340G FOR 1.75 1 "I had
      519 words

  • 546 12 The Sunday Times UNNECESSARY RUMPUS SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1975. NOW that the dust kicked up during the altercation over housemen's allowance has settled, it does seem so unnecessary to have it disturbed in the first place. Resorting to threats to force any issue is never the best way to win
    546 words
  • 3223 12 THE 30-YEAR WAR The pain of lost hopes, shattered families and grief burns on WAR and rebellion have shaped the major chapters of Vietnam's history ever since the first mention of the Viet people in the writings of Chinese historians some 2,200 years ago. It has been a history of
    NYT; UPI  -  3,223 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 27 12 4miS 5*H Quartz /A EL Ocean Star i fc3^^^ 1 1 for the man whc i) wants a stylish mm watch v claw fn itsiif. IT LC-0777
      27 words
    • 92 12 W -v m? I DRAMA OF THE I FA CUP FINAL The drama of the FA Cup Final between Fulham and West Ham in I pictures. These and other shots of your football heroes in action will be I brought to you in the New Nation on Monday I Other
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 45 12 I B |U IVAN FERNANDEZ /"ou'» O.,T.NUU.SMtO M?N DEMAND AN APOUX^ X RAJU Ml* MAMMKRS FOR TrfAT DtrACATORV I V AM NOT riT f»« J V REMAdK OR 1 SHAH- <^ A V^_ B£ FORCED W -y d^^b To TAKE I 3 t /\<sl £L Act.oM'^y
      45 words

  • Timescope
    • Article, Illustration
      2290 13  -  ALAN ROAD BB^^^^^i^^^p^Beaii^^^^^^^Bl WOODEN HORSE THAT TURNED TO GOLD By The number of successful escapes by British servicemen from Germany during World War II was curiously small. Only 50 of them made it all the way bick to Britain. Yet this small band has given rise to a whole
      2,290 words
    • 1402 14  -  CHRIS ROBBINS By_ ESCAPE! -< V ft THREE MEN in baggy trousers stood before a group of German officers. One drew a luger pistol, pointed it at each of the men In turn and asked where they were from Faibh a dlirein, one said helpfully.
      1,402 words
    • \corner7
      • 1132 15  -  Sri Delima By T»HE way to man's 1 heart, they say, Is through his stomach. I must confess I have had to take other routes, for my cooking Is strictly survival standard, and sometimes not even that. Occasionally, when the planets are in position and
        1,132 words
      • 381 15  - Pretty Things put S'pore on record in Silk Torpedo L JEFFREY LOW A records 1 by pRETTY THINGS: SILK TORPEDO (Swan Song). About 10 changes in personnel since 1964 have resulted in Pretty Things being a thoroughly refined group. Singer Phil May is the only survivor of the original Pretty
        381 words
    • 961 16  - How to tell if your man is having an affair sora lambert VANITY FAIR by A WELL KNOWN psychologist said recently a married man is on the lookout tor fresh women to conquer when he starts to wear bright, flashy ties after years of the same old styles. US Secretary
      961 words
    • 762 16  - BRING BACK THOSE GOOD OOKING ILM HEROES NANCY WARD: By London EVERY hardworking actor who falls to make it to the top on television or in the cinema these days because he is too handsome must be asking himself bitterly: "Why do the people want their stars to be so
      FWF  -  762 words
    • 726 16  -  MARY KOGAN Adventure Adventure in Food BY PLANTS of all kinds have been known to nourish man since the beginning of time. The tropics, however, have more than their share of flora and fauna, which are not only acceptable for human consumption, but
      726 words
    • 1227 17 i AM invited to 1 spend the afternoon at Raquel Welch's house in Beverly Hills. And since this may be the best offer I get all day, I say Yes. Anyway there is something I wish to verify. As I park my car
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    • 1021 17  - MEDAN: THE CITY OF SURPRISES time off CLARENCE FERNANDEZ By vt ANY friends have told me they found Medan drab, depressing and terribly expensive. And if they can bypass the city the next lime they travel to Danau Toba or to other North Sumatran resort towns, they will be only
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 30 13 Ksitoplierol Ksitural Vitamin i: HEALTH Products of ABBOTT w—— f^^ U.SA- B tS aa^^_ jlFll HEALTH CARE WORLD-WIDE IMatopherol Vitamin E a ABBOTT LABORATORIES (S) PTE. LTD. SINGAPORE 8. MALAYSIA
      30 words
    • 514 13 SKINNY? Look bigger, feel better with SUPER WATE-ON Super Wete-On V is a food supplement that can give pounds and inches of healthy solid flesh to skinny under weight men and women k Super Wate-On contains fruit flavoured nutrients fortified with a^^ B^sa^P^aa^ such essential vitamins as «_-M 81 32
      514 words
    • 648 13 Coma to London and tram as a Computer Operator Join the fastest growing industry in the world and help overcome the desperate world-wide shortage of trained computer personnel Start a career which leaves others far behind in pay. prospects and security Why London Because only LCOTC offers you the unique
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 434 14 I '[/I Abcautiful Pelangi home b yours W>' BUDGET 4: from $45,500 upwards! IT BREAKTHROUGH K you can afford it, tffISSEKw < ni\| m^w+Mt 4#% miff W^WKm mwmm W^^U vCll \Ci W#iVl \^o I mm ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF BOOKINGS FOR r PEL ANfSI ZONE 4 > CONSISTING OF 185
      434 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 862 15 PEPSI $38/100 WORTH OF SUPERMARKET SHOPPING! 16 WINNERS EVERY WEEK! Ji CONTEST N0.5 "Guess how much I've spent* 4 Test your skill! Show what a good shopper you are! J^hl H^^^^ zm >IA—A Here's all you have to do £"D VUrifiClG R J T>3S Just guess the total value of
      862 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 1055 15 Be careful what you Though furt h er People around you say or write this week, money may be delayed may be unusually You could find your- for the time being, you temperamental. You self In quarrelsome should have good news have a chance though .nood and on Tuesday about
      1,055 words
    • 12 15 a -^r "U'f out bomtdrn July lo tan tlraruny. Miss Fomshmt 1
      12 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 492 16 ENROLforWOLSEY HALL'S PROFESSIONAL, BUSINESS STUDIES and ACADEMIC COURSES NOW AVAILABLE from FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION Irnt. of Administrative Management An Introduction to Butinew Studies Institute of Bankers Business Management Institute of Chartered Secretaries Commercial Computing and Administrators 0 Institute of Statisticians Economics Company Law Management Mathematics Commerce Labour Law
      492 words
    • 572 16 Advertisement Restore a satiny smoothness to your complexion The exciting possibilities H#J«f open to all women with Opportunity for the development of fl woine#| remarkable tropically moist oil blend have is never too late nor made unique OH of Ulan too early to start gentle a most precious element car<>
      572 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 715 17 Pan Electric I Permadoors speak I for themselves ii IwSi I i c Pwmadoor 8 with i9§ /i^*^^^H* single door and 7kgs (16 lbs) I freezer food capacity aKaP? >' C nroj The door panel comes in a '<"' .'.>-'■ wide range of colourful H J^3fl^ '^f-':' designs to brighten
      715 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 287 17 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACBOSB DOWN l. Covered walk (6): ft. L HNtcd (6); 2 Fear Thread* (6): 9. Tumour (t); (3); 3. Depreatton (4); 4. 10. ttnptoy (3); 11 Rely Terminated (i) 5. F*aui Part of garment 19). 17. dlou* (S): 0. Alt (4): 7. Bird (3); IS. ConcUe i»).
      287 words

    • 478 20  -  SWEDEN'S trade with Singapore has been steadily increasing over the years. From $22 million in 1966 it rose to $141 million last year. Out of this total, $93 million was accounted for by Swedish exports to Singapore while Singapore's exports
      478 words
    • 113 20 rE general aim of the Swedish welfare system is to guarantee every Swede a minimum Mandard of living fvotl, housing, education, etc. and provide aid and support In certain emergencies such as illness and unemployment. It redistributes income more avenly over each individual's life
      113 words
    • 476 20 Keeping strong but taying out of war rrHE aim of Sweden's foreign policy Is keep the country out of war and safeguard peace and freedom for the nation. This policy Is based upon geographical and strategic factors, as Sweden Is situated at the Baltic Sea on the northern rim of
      476 words
    • 250 20 Union-management talks are well established pOLLECTIVE bargain\j Ing between management and labour is a well established practice in Sweden. The proportion of work days lost because of labour disputes is among the lowest in Europe. Both labour and management are highly organised. According to a Swedish Government source, individual firms
      250 words
    • 1035 21 An active administration of the Nobel capital been carried on since 1953 when changes were made In the regulations governing the Nobel Foundation. The value of the capital has been successfully preserved and Increased In spite of continuing Inflation. The Foundation's own capital
      1,035 words
    • 840 21 ty as well as extensive measures of social policy designed to prevent destruction of the en' vironment and, as far as possible, restore natural conditions. One might ask whether Sweden, with a population of about eight million distributed over an area comparable to that
      840 words
    • 1229 22 [)URING the past few decades the Swedish shipbuilding industry has undergone a vigorous and solidly base* growth. This development has brough Sweden into the first rank among the world's shipbuilding nations. !n fact. Sweden during the past seven years has ranked
      1,229 words
    • 239 22 SKEGA AB Is a world leading manufacturer of wear-resist-ant rubber for the mining, cement and quarry industry. Furthermore, the company Is specialised in bi an v f acturing high precision O rings and hydraulic seals. The Skeea lining for grinding mills and tumbling concrete
      239 words
    • 1078 23 f]LECTROLUX is today one of the world leaders in the cleaning and sanitation field despite a modest start. It is usually said that Klectrolux was born on the day in 1!M)8 when the young businessman Axel Wenner-Gren spotted an unwieldy appliance called a Saubsauger (vacuum
      1,078 words
    • 358 23 Events of history that placed firm in jeopardy EKMAN and Co. AB. a sound, well-reputed company. permanently established in many places throughout the world has a very long and interesting history behind It. The official starting year Is 1802 I.e. the year in which the company was registered and given
      358 words
    • 263 23 A world market for drills made in Spore SANDVIK AB established in 1862 Is a leading manufacturer of special steels, that has very much diversified its activities in other fields. It is the world's biggest supplier of tungsten carbide tools, such as cutting tools, rock drilling products and wear parts.
      263 words
    • 211 23 Funnel that is a common sight THE Salen Snipping Co. of Stockholm are the largest shipowners In Sweden, with a turnover last year of Ss2ooo mil. The Salen blue funnel with a white "S" on It Is quite a common sight In most of the world's ports. In addition to
      211 words
    • 203 23 COMPANY TO MAKE TEXTILE MACHINE PARTS IN STORE PRODUCTION of textile machinery components will be started by BKP In Singapore. For this purpose a new company. SKF Manufacturing Singapore (Pte) Ltd.. will be iormed. Approximately $20 million or about Skr36 million will be Invested In building; and equipment during the
      203 words
    • 826 24 VIOST industrial A countries, including Sweden* have experienced more than 100 years of economic progress and increased prosperity. Even though industria 1 i s a tion came fairly late to Sweden, the country has achieved a consistently high international record in
      826 words
    • 58 24 SWEDISH drama began its modern development 200 yean »(o when Kins Gustav 111. himM-lf talented actor both In the political and theatrical realms, founded the Royal Dramatic Theatre In Stockholm. The government (■baidised National Touring Theatre, founded in 1934, consists of a number of troupe* which
      58 words
    • 804 24 AM jE T ALWORKINO or engineering is Sweden's largest industry. In 1973 output was valued at about Skr 46,000 million i 5526,285.7 million) equivalent to more than one-third of Swedish industrial production. This manufacturing group has grown faster than any other in Sweden.
      804 words
    • 912 25  - SO MUCH TO OFFER THE VISITOR ON HOLIDAY P. M. RAMAN By (SWEDEN is one of Europe's virgin coun tries with vast areas where Mother Nature still reigns supreme an ideal holiday resort. From whichever vantage point one views Stockholm, the Swedish capital from the top of the 500 ft
      912 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 71 20 L^^i^^ -^sflfl I ffittJßJrSfcis^^Mtßp ■k'^fl fell sa> annH tm LaiW Lk*.H iJH&^Bai fpflaV BsV I ~^bb7 al§s% A aaa\ 1 Bhj ■l^bmj ■v^bmj pßk BB^^ssa a^L sshßm^f MM«^BBH^BBk^Bßß^^^Baa^^aß jMffigL^iHKF rTiiTiMLnLfl tM. k Lsi«s^^^^LsH«a^^aw_^^Lsi^. BftslilW Ls^ ILkttlßV^ w- +.^O-' ri'^l '"1 m Bm*:9 w^^ff^UßKKltfk 9PH MNP j# ,^rf* Ja\« '^S .^^aaßfll^Hksß^aa^k^
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 62 21 SKEGA Cylinder Seals for Hydraulic Systems The SKEGA seal have low starting and movement friction, long service life, simple building m properties, is easy to fit and capable of adaptation to existing rorms of seal grooves. Manufacturing programme also includes an expensive range of high quality O-Rings. SKEGA FAR EAST
      62 words
    • 380 21 t^vm ie Friendly (%A jjR Electrolux Man Sll Make a date with him. He'll I s -1 demonstrate in your home, at |^V 'I 'I your convenience, the versatility ij Jm'-^i --t Jfßl and cleaning power of Electrolux i)^^^*eP^x^~^ i^Fl 1\ vacuum cleaners. Because 1/ Wb^l/T n Electrolux is not
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 154 23 WE CONGRATULATE THE REPUBLIC OF SWEDEN FOR ITS NATIONAL DAY. BUT PHOTOGRAPHERS AROUND THE WORLD CONGRATULATE SWEDEN FOR PRODUCING A SUPERB CAMERA... HASSELBLAD. Hasselblad lets you get any photographic effect you want. Soft focus or ultra-sharp. Wide angle or telephoto Hasselblad accommodates a whole range of fine lenses by Carl
      154 words
    • 311 23 Xr <\ jm\ I Ife Mr tr~sifc*X -^^iMH WfJMr W\ B^^^r^^a Panel Production Lines have been delivered to more than 25 leading shipyards in the world. CO A D AN INTERNATIONAL Ly)MD LEADER IN WELDING M.nufacturing Programme ESAB tell« W* of iv production abro.d f| m rttpld OK welding electrodes
      311 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 408 24 IJ l II U WILL MAKE I MATERIALS HANDLING I linU| EASIER AND FASTER J JWLaLi a^^ andles la^aflaiiiß'BflKS&iß n eavy timber IUI i^ uge crates BY j^^B^By^p H igh tensile steel I^H H efty slabs H^ fttlftfl ollow concrete blocks m^^^^_ H ydrated lime and H ard-baked bricks I
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
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    • 428 25 It's plain sailing with our EGGS onboard Because EGGS represent /^^/^y^/X/ON GOTAVERKEN GLOBAL SHIPSERVICES-aworld <^(^L JT $fc specialising in marine We can provide repairs, cleaning and painting services in port or on voyage. V W V If wa We have trained service engineers /9^^V II §B^^* supervision in connection with
      428 words

  • Timescope . . .Money . . .Timescope . . .Money . . .Timescope . . .Money . . .Timescope . . .Money . . .Timescope . . .Money . . . Ti
    • 990 26  -  KENNETH WHITING: By Jakarta INTERNATIONAL efforts are underway 4o save one of the largest companies in Southeast Asia from its financial crisis. The firm is Pertamlna. a government-controlled conglomerate built upon Indoneila'i vast oil wealth. At stake are tens of thousands of
      AP  -  990 words
    • 1668 26 PETER SUTHERLAND Investment Beginners week I want to conclude our examination of the gearing concept. First we will look at operating (or profit and loss account) gearing which focusses attention on the distribution of earnings among the owners of the different classes of capital. Then we
      1,668 words
    • 88 26 North Sea oil for BP by end of year T ONDON, Sat. BrtLi tish Petroleum's chairman. Sir Eric Drake, has told shareholders that the company still hopes to be pumping North Bea oil ashore before the end of the year. He said BP hoped to pump 250.000 barrels a day
      88 words
    • 761 26  -  Martin Lim By npHE stock mark> appears pol s c c for an upsurge. All signs Indicate that shares will stage a strong rally in the coming week with price gains likely to match those seen during the bullish run-up in the first quarter
      761 words
    • 31 26 THE stralu tin prtea* In P*n»ng yesterday gained tl 50 to cloae the wtefc at »837 per plcul on an official offering of IN Urn, down M ton*.
      31 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 143 26 jfi£^}"9- >~^mSbsssWbssssssssssssssssssW the fixed deposits with a .^^k VYh«n you deposit a minimum of $100,000/ on the TifA .<^ <■•£*"*++'£*?* CDs Basis, you enjoy a high interest paid on fixed ""V I***1 v«* deposits without sacrificing liquidity. \j\ i CDs are receipts of funds deposited with the bank fo- a
      143 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 710 28 Now. Gracious living is before you. MM W E| m I aW Im/bB ~^vsJblb9 L \^H PJl^^^^^' *k f bßm p^blbW TiQ N L^L^^^^^ r L^BbVC^^ HPh^B^k^B^B^BUkaWi^ittt I HbY < .j r va *ajT \J bVlbk *k\ vfrs ««j9b^b^b^H SUBANG JAVA- city of the future. \jg\%-u i^aflf^ Oi lAt^rfl i
      710 words

  • 40 29 Deaths REFERENCE TO the advertl.ment appeared on 3.5 75 the Wong Chong Beng ■i".ild read as Mrs Wong Chong (J HAN CHOON HWEE passed away i 7ft leaving behind wife and hildren Funeral on 6/5/75 1.30 Jalan Tlga Rat us
    40 words
  • 69 29 Acknowledgement the FAMILY of the late Madam Van thank friends relatives for wivathv donations. visit?, assistance during their ient THE -AMILY OF the Mrs Chiang Saj Chuan Nee Mdm Quek Beng .fully thank pastors, relatives, and friends for their donations, wreaths. .ssistance and attenirlng their recent tx-rea Yemeni family Of
    69 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 497 29 classified ads |g PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINOA ird Hoad Pela) Service 9 00 OOp m Sunday School *ESIEY METHODIST CHURCH it i 30 am. 10 niday School for arTHESOA BOOK CENTRE has Irlfflths latest book jkitn Amnesia $4 20 s; in Tel *****1 -HOMSON ROAD BAPTIST IS. Thomson Road. I'htnese Worship
      497 words
    • 866 29 ENGLISH SPEAKING CHINESE fcenrr.ii ()o k amah for Australian family 2 young children 37 iT&SSr B'Pore II OBSHWJ MALE FIBRFGLASS WORKERS. Minimum qualification LCE. Write or call personally at No 1 Jalan Buktl. Larkln. Johore Bahru Only successful applicants will be inform »d International company has openings In Singapore foi
      866 words
    • 647 29 2 FURNISHEO ROOMS: 1 with bathroom attached $300: 1 without bathroom $200 Apply personally 63F. Jalan Daloh DIST. 9. 10, 11. 15 flats terrace houses, semi-detached or bungalows Please contact Mis* Oan *****3 WE NEED MORE bungalows, houses, apartments for our clients For courteous and efficient service please call International
      647 words
    • 843 29 NAM HO TRAVEL Service (Singapore' lie Limited Tour West Malaysia (Inclusive Oentlng. C'Hlghlands) by Deluxe airconditioned bus seven days 'SSI7S Departure Every Sunday. Monday, during school holidays. Departure everyday Cameron Highlands Pour days ss..s denting Highlands Four days SSI 15/- Departure Every Wednesday. Oentlng Highlands Two days by air SSI
      843 words
    • 808 29 LEARN AT YOUR HOME Business Correspondence and Report writing. Principles of Accounts. Commerce. HSC OCE 'A' Level SC OCE 'O' Level. MCE. LCE For more details please apply Systematic Home Education. P O. Box 308. Still Road Post Office, Singapore 15. BOOKKEEPINO. TYPEWRITING. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRITINO. Commencing Ist week of
      808 words
    • 941 29 BEOINNERS BOOK-KEEPING (Rapid/ Normal) Monday. Wednesday Friday 10 a.m. Mondays 7 30-930 pm. (5575). Wednesday. Friday 7 30 9 p.m. (7 5 75). Fridays 7 30 9 30 p m (2.5.75). Sundays II I p m 283 C Selefte Complex/ Wednesday. Friday 7 30 p m (75 Middle Road). Typewriting
      941 words
    • 951 29 FORD CORTINA GT registered 1966 with road tax/ Insurance till December Highest offer secures Tel *****1 View 644 Drive-ln Service Station B P Upper Changl 10 m s. DATSUN 1200 COUPE 1973 1 lady owner, ta* till 1976. stereo cassette, tape, automatic radio Vie* 58-A Lorong Patong 5. m s
      951 words
    • 1016 29 SHIN TZU BITCHES $300 each Boxer pupates Champion bloodline bookings accepted Telephone 5679 M SKC Approved GREAT DANE HARLEQUIN puppies female 6 weeks old. rriampion hloodllne SKC registered I^l BBfSBJ XXX LADIES FEELING A LITTLE off colour Come and Join Amy Wee of Michelle's Keep Fit Classes Cost $12'- per
      1,016 words

  • 2656 30  - Gudea scores a brilliant come-fr om-behind win E. Jeep D. Chia By and GOOD-PRICED DOUBLE FOR AGASAM QUDEA probably clinched a berth in the Lion City Cup field with a brilliant come-from-behind win in the Class 1 Div. 3 6f race at Bukit Timah yesterday. Well ridden by leading Jockey
    2,656 words
  • 45 30 BIG SWEEP Ist No *****1 ($4,347) 2nd No *****8 ($1,242) 3rd No *****5 621) STARTERS ($l5O each): Nos: *****1, *****4, *****2, *****5, *****0, *****3. *****7, *****9, *****2, *****8, *****4, *****5, *****9. CONSOLATION ($lOO each): Nos. *****2, *****0, *****4, *****0, *****8. *****5. *****3, *****8. *****6, *****1.
    45 words
  • 1010 30 ITNOLISH jockey Paul Tu* was fined S2OO by the stewards for careless riding on Tearway in Race Three at Buklt Tlmah yesterday. Ha was also told that he must salute the stewards before dismounting after winning the race. The Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's races at Buklt Tlmah.
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 733 30 CAN YOU FLY THESE AIRCRAFT? I •aHa^aa^a^*^*^^^^ To do so, you must be a member of a very select and singular group Fighter Pilots! Are you one of the few with the uncommon blend of exceptional physical fitness, mental alertness and an irrepressible passion for adventure? Do you possess these
      733 words
    • 93 30 SIEMENS COMPONENTS SENDIRIAN BERHAD MALACCA CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Experienced Qualified Engineers Wanted. Qualified Engineers with several years experience in Engineering positions are required for the setting up of a new organisation in the Seml-Conductor division of Siemens. Experience Is essential as the vacancies are for top-level management positions. In addition to
      93 words

  • 229 31  - Pontresina set for another win over pet distance EPSOM JEEP By pONTRESINA looks good for another win over his pet distance on his favourite course in Race Five at Bukit Timah today. The Idomeneo five-year-old has already won five races at Buklt Timah. He had a crack at the Tunku's
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  • 1938 31 Focus on form Race 1 CAMPANALOGIBT: Made Impressive debut at B. Tlmah Mar 9 finishing second with 8 3 to Brandlwyn Div 1 8f: saddled up well to finish fourth with 8.10 *4o Prelude Div 1 »f a week later; has ualned on; should get off mark In spite of
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  • 357 31 IT U ALA LUMPUR, Sat— The world heavyweight title fight between defending champion Muhammad Ali and Britain's Joe Bugner will definitely be held at Merdeka Stadium here on June 30, its promoter, Tinju Dunia Sendirian Berhad, confirmed today. Its chairman
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  • 1342 31 mmm 2.00 CLASS 4 DIV. 1- IP ■iUSUH (H1.500 $1,050 to wlnrw) 1 WCH|I llialllt(BtUtlTan4l«<«4<m» Ttfk II I mm tHili Uji a (Agmmn) Chom I 111 tt) *t la 11 4013 CJ.A. (HT Wm) DanMla (.10 <*7) M *•**■■> 1« 4 MOCtal CanaMlFtonUtr) Bou«ourt 4 141-1)11 t«t« 1
    1,342 words
  • 284 31  - Strong Robe is my fancy in Race 7 Dennis Chia By STRONG ROBE, winner of three of his last live starts, should pass hit first test In top class company In flying colours by taking Race Seven at Buklt Tlmah today. Rirong Robe Is In striking form and a win
    284 words
  • 68 31 NEW YORK, Sat Mario Andrew turned In toe fastest lap time of 1:21.833, In a practlc* eeaaton for tomorrow's opening of the Formula 9000 series at Pocono International Raceway yesterday. AndretU. wto heads for IndlanapoUs after the race to befin training amloni for the 500-mlle iSOn km)
    68 words
  • 695 31 SELECTIONS GOING FORECAST: Very Good 1 ««1« »ayal Ma* a (Luck;) Tulloh S II <dd*J> lOf 0 **>aaaa) II S till mmm Kaaa a (Stronf Boufoura 4 IT (pe-l) If S» *CH Tan 10 7 ttn In' fmm a( w BaltoT) Tulloh S«• (-1) *t Pa*aa*a II J472TJP**. llChtni! T«h
    695 words
  • 188 31 Striking stable boys black out TV coverage LONDON, Sat. Striking Newmarket stable lads, unbowed despite violent clashes with racegoers on Thursday, succeeded yesterday In blacking out national television coverage of the Guineas Race meeting here. Technicians of Independent television refused to crass the picket lines set up by the strikers
    Reuter  -  188 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 107 31 KOMPLEK KEWANGAN MALAYSIA BERHAD NOTICE OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND PREMISES With effect from sth May 1975, the following subsidiaries of Komplek Kewangan Malaysia Berhad will be operating at their new address and premises. AMANAH SAHAM MARA BERHAD 22, 24, LORONG MEDAN TUANKU SATU, JALAN TUANKU ABDUL RAHMAN, PETI SURAT
      107 words
    • 385 31 KPM KHIDMAT SDN. BHD. MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT CAREER OPPORTUNITY WITH A YOUNG AND EXPANDING ORGANISATION WHICH IS COMMITTED TO TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ITS PERSONNEL We seek dynamic and highly motivated personnel with leadership potential to Join our management team as:ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION) Qualifications: Good Honours Degree, preferably In Business Administration
      385 words

  • 463 32 FULHAM BEATEN BY TWO ALAN TAYLOR GOALS LONDON, Sat Two goals in five minutes by 21-year-old Alan Taylor swept West Ham to victory in the AllLondon English Football Association Cup Final here today after their Second Division opponents Fulham had held the edpe in a
    Reuter  -  463 words
  • 230 32 Top seed shows way to 3rd round rP SEED and favourite Ros Chantranlth. of Khmer, led the way Into the third round of this year's Singapore Clay courts tennis championships with an easy 6-0. 8-1 win over C. Casern at the TangUn Club courts yesterday. He was joined by American
    230 words
  • 835 32 rP schoolgirl athlete Angelina Yeo won all her track events to finish champion at the Victoria School's annual meet at the school ground She won the 100 m in a record 13 1 and took the 200 m, 400 m and 800
    835 words
  • 365 32 r«HUA Chu Kang and Calrnhill fought to a scoreless draw despite extra time in the winners' pool of the Inter-Constituency soccer tournament at Geylang Stadium yesterday, and will have to replay their tie. Referee 8. Kunallngam decided not to proceed with the penalty
    365 words
  • 99 32 NIW YORK. Sat. U« Trevino shot a three-under-par 68 yesterday for a 136 total to take a two-stroke lead after 36 holes of the Houston Open golf tournament. Veteran Dale Douglass and second-year pro Eddie Pearce each had a 70 and are tied for second
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 129 32 LONDON, Sat.-Ita-lian-bred race horse Bolkonskl today won the 2.000 Guineas —second classic of the 1975 English season to complete a dramatic afternoon at Newmarket's famous racecourse. Bolkonskl. ridden by Italian Jockey Gianfranco Dettori. landed odds of 33-1 after the race had been held up for
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 44 32 CHINESE Swimming Club yesterday beat the visiting Royal Bangkok Sports Club by 592 to 347 points In a friendly swimming match at Amber Road Formidable CSC swimmers collected 3» gold and 27 silver, against RBCS's seven gold and 19 sliver medals.
    44 words
  • 19 32 LONDON. Sat— Colchester edged Bury 3-2 In a home English League Division Three soccer match yesterday— AP
    AP  -  19 words
  • 169 32 Walkout: Tie to Penang If I ALA Ll'MPl'R. Sat. Title -holders Pefuui* were awarded their abandoned Malaysia Cap North aeoe soeeer Dutch against Anted Force* by the FA of Malayata today. The FA Com petition* Committee awarded Penang the match after they found Armed Forces fuiltv of walking out In
    169 words
  • 98 32 NEW YORK. BBt.—Results of yesterday's major league baseball games: American League: Cleveland Indians 4 Baltimore Onoles 3. Milwaukee Brewers 4 New York Yankees 2. Texas Rangers 4 California Angels 3. Minnesota TwtM 4 Kansas City Royals 1. Oakland Athletics 4 Chicago White Sox 3. Detroit Tliim v
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 38 32 TOKYO, Sat. Some 25.000 fans at Hanoi's Hang Day Stadium saw the Army Club team beat General Department of Posts and Telegraphs 3-1 in the Division A final of the AllNorth Vietnam Soccer Cham plonahlpa.
    38 words
  • 42 32 QUEENSTOWN B ye;teroay trounced Anglo-Chinese School B 8-0 in the Sa_;a^ organised Under-17 waterpolo tournament jt Toa Payoh pool Scorers were Ang Hock Benj (3), Choo Hong Llm (3) Llm Hup Sens (2). Ang Ban Teck and Llm Hup Hln.
    42 words
  • 236 32 Pahang stake claim for semifinal berth PAHANG 3 JOHORE 0 I^UANTAN, Sat. Pahang scored three goals in the second half to put themselves in a favourable position for a semifinal berth after this South zone Malaysia Cup soccer tie here last night. Pahang, however, were anything but authoritative In the
    236 words
  • 396 32  - Kim Tiong shines again in relay ERNEST FRIDA By QUAH Kirn Tlong, the new 400 m track star, yesterday gave another top performance In the 4x400m event of the Singapore AAA Open relay championship at Toa Payoh. Running the anchor leg for the formidable SAF team, he was unofficially clocked
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 12 32 HBI n^ls^ i ii 1 vi^kw Q PHiD Hr QfVdfr xCTM fll
      12 words
    • 90 32 wjfr LEASING THROUGH CCS FREES YOUR CAPITAL FOR BUSINESS EXPANSION Acquire your equipment from tractors to typewriters with no cash outlay by leasing it through CCS Your capital is freed from the burden of buying equipment r~~ZZZ~~V III^V and can be channeled to J more profitable avenues And your leasing
      90 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 109 32 BADMINTON F and N open finals (BBA hall 7 pm). BOCCM Malaysia Cup North tone: MAT v Belan*or (Meideka Stadium). Inter constituency; Paslr Panjanf V Jurong (3. 15). Kampong UH T Alexandra it pm) at National Stadium. CBKKET SCA League: SRC r Police (padangi. CSC v IA (BalesUer Road), SATSA
      109 words