The Straits Times, 4 March 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY. MARCH 4, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 877 1  -  CHIA POTEIK All-round hike in road tax By Budget also hits drinkers, smokers FINANCE MINISTER Mr. Hon Sui Sen dealt another blow at motorists yesterday, increasing the road tax on cars by five to eight cents per c.c. Tippling and smoking will also cost more.
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  • 266 1 ROAD TAX THE Increased road tax (per cr) for petrol driven, private Individual motorcars, including station wagons, at a fiance (current tax in brackets): Up to 1000 cc 20 cts (14 cts). 1001 to 1600 cc 25 eta (17 cts). 1601 to 2000 cc 30 Cts (22
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  • 383 1  -  CHRISTIKA CHEANG and MEI-LIN CHEW By £|AR dealers and motorists, though anticipating higher road taxes, were aghast at the tax hikes announced yesterday and likened them to a- "death knelr' for the already tottering car industry here. But smokers and tobacco companies, facing
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  • 107 1 President to get full pay PRLIAMENT yesterday approved a motion to pay President Sheares his fall salary of $12.»00 a month from April, with the entire amount subject to income-tax. Moving the motion, the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, recalled that In March, last year, the Prime MlnUter had
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  • 98 1 gunman kills 5 people SAM FRANCIBCO, Mon. w.,, T Plve P«>Pfc were killed and a sixth seriously wounded at Smith River, California yesterday by a man who opened fire from a hotel balcony with a rifle. A man was later taken into custody. Robert Paul Sander, 23, of Cincinnati. Ohio,
    AP  -  98 words
  • 78 1 BARASOTA (Florida), Mon. Some 1.200 apecUtatori watched in horror rerterday it a performance kite filer ran into trouble when he attempted to rales as his tow line and plunged 500(t Into BantsoU Bay to his death. The flier, OJenn divert, 35, was performing as part of the
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  • 60 1 HUTCHINSON, lion. A woman ikydlver plummeted more than 1,071 metres (10.000 feet) to her death In a muddy wneat field today when her parachute tailed to open. Ten other parachutists who jumped with Sara Klm. M. an Insurance agent, from a twin-engine plane ov. south central Kansas
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  • 111 1 pANBEKKA. Mon— v Tht Australian Government Is sending naval and air units to north Australia to Intensify patrols operating against Indonesia fishermen poaching In Australian waters. The Africa Iture Minister. Son. Ken Wriedt, announced today that an agreement had boon reached with the tad—
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  • 41 1 NCW YORK. Mon. Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, the nations third largest, and the First National Bank of Chicago today Joined other major banks In lowerIng their prune interest rate to 8i from Si per cent. OPL
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  • 38 1 OSAKA, Mon. Ponce said today they hare arrested 50 people on charges of smuggling 38 kilogramme* (57 tt» of drugi with a black market value of 10.400 Bullion yen (8*71.3 million) from South Korea,— AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 33 1 TOKYO. Mon. Japans external raaanm Increased by UBS4M million (SSBIJ million i during February to UBIIIJ6S million (8M1.14S million) at the end of the month, the Finance Ministry announced today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 134 1 US move to lift embargo on Cuba WASHINOTON, Mon Legislation will be Introduced In the Senate this week to end the 13--year-old US trade embargo against Cuba. The move, announced last night by Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy came as a swift response to a new Initiative by Secretary of State
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 73 1 ADDIS. ABABA. Mm. Tight seemrUv was In force at Addis Ababa airport today as elrtl aviation authorities •watted the arrival of Lufthansa Jet carrying five convicted anarchists flow* abroad in exchange for a promise for the release of a kidnapped West Berlin politician. Three trvekloads of
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  • 414 1 Seni to close down US bases OANGKOK, Mon. The new Government of Mr. Seni Pramoj wants to close down the Untied States bases in Thailand one of the largest concentrations of US forces in Asia within 18 months, ministers said today. Foreign Minister Pichal Rattakun said the Government had fixed
    Reuter  -  414 words
  • 191 1 20 pc CUT IN OILFIELDS' OUTPUT WASHINGTON, Monday DUSINESB is slowing down around the D world at such a rapid rate that It has forced the closing of 20 per cent tt the. world's producing oilfields, the Washington Post reported today. "The growing oil surplus is showing up In every
    AP  -  191 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 It takes 162 separate operations to make the Rolex oyster case Tal Hong Hung I Pte.l Ltd. 324 North Bfidsjt Road, opposite the Odeon Cinema
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    • 91 1 Stopover In paradise on your way to Sydney or Melbourne. It's not a cliche to call Bali the last paradise. Fly there with Garuda Indonesian Airways any day of the week. Let Bali enchant you for a few days before catching your flight to Sydney any Wednesday, Friday or Sunday,
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    • 224 1 MCTWUsVTW SIHANOUK« WE WONT HIT PHNOM PENH YET -Back Page 'EGYPT very sure of pullont accord' t OPEC: Oil 1 1 lit to end soon 3 US mission dash with Bed colonel 4 SPECIAL pass plan for shipyard workers 5 COURSE on new primary system I WHERE S"pores ■kills are
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World Nevus
    • 395 2 Mid-East lenders bypass the banks PARIS, Mon. Lenders from the Middle East an increasingly placing their money directly with borrowers, skirting the banking system while using the bankers as intermediary brokers, highly placed European bankers have reported In addition, the oilexporting nations have been diversifying the currencies In which they
      NYT  -  395 words
    • 27 2 JAKARTA. Mon. Mr. Ncrbert Segard. French Minister for Foreign Trade. talked today with Indonesian Trade Minister Radius Prawlro on ways to boost twoway trade. AP.
      AP  -  27 words
    • 154 2 TOKHERAN, Mon. An 1 Iraqi Airlines Boelng--737 commandeered to Iran on Saturday by supporters of Iraq's Kurdish rebels flew home yesterday, culminating a hijacking drama that left two dead Including one of the three air pirates. Left behind In a Teheran hospital were
      UPI  -  154 words
    • 266 2 BELLEVILLE (Illinois). Mon.— Heidi Biggs died yesterday leas than an hour after returning from a trip that the cancerstricken 14 year old had called the "last wish dream vacation" she wanted before her death. She died in the emergency room at Belleville Memorial
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    • 60 2 ROME. Mon More than 900.000 Italian transport workers wUI strike for four hours tomorrow, bringing bus. train, air and boat services to a halt, union spokesmen said today T*ie strike, which will start at S m local time, was called to press union demands for fundamental reforms in
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 70 2 Bomb threat stampede NAIROBI. Mon —New homb threats sent crowds hurrying from buildings In the Kenyan capital u<day In the wake of a weekend bus blast that kll'ed 27 people and Injured more than 100. Authorities received an anonymous telephone call saying bombs had been planted In the 13-storey Bruce
      Agencies  -  70 words
    • 534 2 Egypt very sure pullout accord can be reached 5 CAIRO. Monday 'pHE semi-official newspaper Al Ahram indicated today that Egypt was so sure of reaching agreement on a second stage Israeli withdrawal from Sinai that it is trying to secure international guarantees for an overall Middle East settlement. Egypt Initiated
      Reuter; AP  -  534 words
    • 216 2 Senators urge action on Arab ban WASHINGTON. Mon. Senators Harrison Williams (Democrat) and Jacob Javlts (Republican), urged the Justice Department yesterday to rile anti-trust charges against any American firm bowing to Arab demands by refusing to deal with businesses on an Arab blacklist. Sen. Frank Church (Democrat), last week released
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    • 76 2 TOKYO. Mon. Japan will follow the majority opinion on the question of lao km (MO-mUe) territorial waters at the forthcoming OKf*onference In Oeneva on The Law of Sea. Informed, source* said today. Japan opposed the proposed 300-mlle economic £one In the laaf conference in Caracas, Venezuela,
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    • 46 2 BBOUL. Mon. The South Kortmn Oovemment will tn»lU about 100 achotara and •sparta (ran 13 countrtaa Including fanner US Btcntaxy of SUtt Dem Ruak to atund a awnlnar on Koraan quaatuna her* In Septembtr. National UnlfJcaUon If lnlatcr Shin Oou-Sonc aald today Reutw.
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    • 37 2 TOKYO, lion. North Kotm tzpMto to be producing M billion kllcwail houn of ttoctrtcltj rwrlr by tb* •nd of 1U current flu >m •oonomlc plan In lft, Urn oMtatel KCNA newa acwey MM today.— OFL
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    • 103 2 CEASEFIRE ENDS DEMO BATTLE SIDON (Lebanon), Mon. A ceasefire ended 22 hours of flghtlnx between government troops and armed demonstrators here yesterday, but a poiitica, crisis still loomed before Lebanon. The ceasefire took effect at 4 pm. (1400 OMT). with the army moving out of this southern Lebanese port town,
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 59 2 LOMDOIf. Mon. Former Altoniey-Onerml Eliot Richardson and nig wife arrived at Heathrow airport from Miami to take over as US ambassador to Britain The new ambassador to the Court of St. James la replacing tir. Walter Annenberg who returned to the United Stales last October
      AP  -  59 words
    • 94 2 BANDUNG, Mon. The town of Bandnng. 192 km (120 miles) southeast of here, is to replace all Its Chinese street names and call them Instead after local community leaders. The armed forces bulletin PAB said the decision by Mayor Otje Djandjang was report-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 8 days in London $201* 15 days in Europe $812' And get there on a Superflight. 'London For You': 8 days from $20L 14 days you to many of Europe's most beautiful cities for from $307 Includes excellent hotel up to five only $812. theatre tickets, special sightseeing tour, a
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    • 121 2 Victory's owna Trinitron ocriwi is Sony Down 2nd to 12th 2nd to 18th Trinitron Payment Payment Payment Lowboy KV-.IBOIES $305.00 $114.00 $80.00 Lowboy KV-1802ES $295.00 $110.00 $77.50 Tallboy KVlBO3ES|$3l6.OO| $118.00 $8300 A simple chart shown above is the best price I I I to own a Trinitron Color TV You
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    • 206 3 BERLIN, Monday rIE Bonn Government today agreed to fly fire Imprisoned leftists to the Middle East to meet the demands of guerilla kidnappers holding the top vote-getter in West Berlin's mayoral election Police said a Lufthansa Boelng-707 would leave Frankfurt today with the five freed
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    • 122 3 Korean row over sea crash SEOUL. Men. South and North Korea were ea tike brink of an aerlal confrontation followinc the stnklnc of a colUaton with a south era naval boat la the Yellow Sea last week. I.S. Navy Rear Admiral Henry Morgan Jr., a INC spokrsman. charted at the
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    • 34 3 TOKYO, afon Chinese Ytoe-Premler Ten* EMaontof bad a "friendly oonveraation" with Irani new ftr- 1 to China. Ahmad AM Tfi t > nmi. in Peatnc yesterday, the official Hatohua news agency reported. AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 380 3 Ford puts off import fee hike WA3HINOTON. Mon. President Ford has decided to oostpone additional Increases In his oil Import fee as a step toward compromise with Congress over his proposals to help the economy and conserve energy. Sen. William Roth Jr. said yesterday that the White House had Informed
      AP; UPI  -  380 words
    • 238 3 TEHERAN, Monday IN a move heralding a major reorganisation of Iran's political system, Shah Mohammed Reza Pehlavi said yesterday he was merging the country's political factions Into one "Iran Resurgence" Party supervised by his Prime Minister. He also said that communists and other opponents of
      UPI  -  238 words
    • 133 3 RICE FOR REFUGEES IN PHNOM PENH CAMBODIAN ref Dgees r e c c i ving 4« kilos (1001 b) of rice for each family during a distribution period when the fact-finding Am c rican Congressional committee was visiting Phnom Penh. R 1 ci: disappeared from Phnom Penh markets today In
      UPI  -  133 words
    • 519 3 AtOIW, Mow.~| THE officials of major oil exporting countries, gathered here for a meeting this week of the 13-nation Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, see strong signs that the present world oil glut could be short-lived Demand for their oil has declined nearly 10
      Reuter  -  519 words
    • 189 3 CABINET FEUD OVER USE OF ONE WORD LONDON. Mon. -A bitter feud concerning the use of a single word In a Cabinet Minister's speech tonight raised the spectre of a serious split between right and left In the government of Prime Minister Hare Id Wilson. The ln-flghtlng began on TYlday
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 45 3 SYDKXT. Man. Actor John Wujrnc tv mobbed by aavaaujuaf f*as when he arrived at Sydney airport today. They crabbed him. hugged him. kissed him a* he strugrto att to his ear. Wayne. Is in Australia primarily W *na«« a thoe commercial. -UPL
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 414 3 A-fi March, 1975 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. I f Ringer I I Now^ |he complete I I I *tf Hll Nil U "111 Ale>L ndrU Vancouver, with Xt H |fjsH IIh) Bbblm rumple of uMOg the modular m* LaS J I iI sajL Incremental Comfort System Bf I■& MM^'n IniiT
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 244 3 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS s Doctor takes craft IHe makes meat float for round rulnad pier It's fishing (T). not so wet (S, 4). 6 Illness reaulu if from 6 I enter rare breed of Kadde dlsturbunc* (T). doc <«. 7). 9 Meanwhile, share income S Last rude variety U
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    • 630 4 US mission clashes colonel A FACT- finding Indo China visit by American Congressmen ended yesterday with an angry clash with a communist colonel and dismay at the number of political prisoners in South Vietnam's jails. The eight American* came here in advance of a vote in Congress on President Ford's
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  630 words
    • 86 4 BANGKOK. Mon.— A Thai military delegation led b/ acting supreme commander of the armed forces Gen. Kris Srtvara left far Rangoon today for a four-day goodwill visit to Barma at the invitation of the Ne Win Government Gon. Kris, who Is also commander inchief
      AP  -  86 words
    • 67 4 KANSAS CITY. Moo Sheriff Bert CantweU looked cloeely at a nude maptirxi pin-up parted on a wall of the Wyandotte Comty Jail yesterday. When he ■crapped it away with hu knife, he discovered a hole dug by inmates planning an escape. The nearly finished chert-high hole
      67 words
    • 74 4 MILAN. Mo-i Venetian anarchist OU.ifranco Bertoll haa betn wiUooad to Ufa t T rt.n»m»,t for killing four people and wounding 46 other, with a hand-frenade outalde Milan police headquarten in Uaj ins. The gren ide wai thrown only mtnuu« after the then Interior Ml lUter. ttgnor
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 37 4 IHW YORK, Moo. liar* than 28.000 work* o( •rt bar* been (toi«n In Italy lit Om l**t thr«* jraan with raoord hltfi of 10J63 durlnf 1914 Tim* mag»Mm reported In a gurrey puwutMd yeeterdajr. AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 283 4 LISBON TOLD: HEED MALIK WARNING JAKARTA, Monday fpHE semi-official Indonesian newspaper, A Suara Karya, today called on Portugal to heed the warning by Foreign Minister Adam Malik that Indonesia would not tolerate Portuguese Timor becoming a trouble spot. Indonesia has no Intention of meddling In other people's affairs bu*. when
      Reuter  -  283 words
    • 42 4 NTW YORK. MOD. A British doctor unnamed who accompanied British Prime Minister Harold Wilson to Moscow last month came away believing that the Soviet Communist Party chief. Mr. Leonid Breshnev. had recently undergone radiation treatment, according to Newsweek magaslne. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 224 4 TOKYO. Monday r OCAL banking sources said today the Finance Ministry had started to withdraw part of the dollars It deposited with Japanese banks last year to help them pay for the nations Increased crude oil Import bill. I__ The sources said
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 26 4 BONN. Mon. Canadian Prime Minuter Pierre Trudeau today sought Chancellor Helmut Schmidt'! support for stronger links between Canada and the European Economic Community. UPI.
      UPI  -  26 words
    • 148 4 Output of oil may double in Indonesia TULBA (Oklahoma), Mon. Indonesian crude oil production could double by 1980, from I.S million barrels to 3 million barrels a day. the president-direc-tor of the state-owned oil company, Pertamlna, said In today's Issue of the Oil and Oas Journal. Oen. Ibnu Sutowo said
      UPI  -  148 words
    • Briefs
      • 33 4 S HELTON iConnecticut), Mon. Several armed men wearing masks abducted three security guards at a rubber manufacturing plant here today and then returned and set off three explosions at the plant, police said.
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      • 33 4 PASADENA The president of the firm that has agreed to train Arabian oilfield guards for the Pentagon was burned In effigy at a Jewish Defence League demonstration at his California home yesterI day.
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      • 31 4 TOKYO: Three boys were found strangled in their home near the city of Osaka today, while In nearby Olfu province yesterday two young brothers suffocated in a warehouse refrigerator, police said.
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      • 23 4 NZ beef HONGKONG: Vietcong Foreign Minister Madame Gnyen Thi Binh left Peking today to visit other countries, the New China News Agency reported.
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      • 40 4 WASHINGTON A report by the U8 Agriculture Department said today that New Zealand wants to ship more of its higher quality grassfattened beef to the United States instead of so much of the traditional lower-grade meat used to make hamburgers.
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      • 28 4 BELFAST: A 22-year-old Roman Catholic was gunned down early yesterday in a Belfast social club, apparently in a continuing feud between factions of the illegal Irish Republican Army.
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      • 33 4 NEW YORK: Reported gonorrhea infections In the US climbed 8 per cent to a record In the year ending June 30. 1974, according to a survey of the American Social Health Association. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  33 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 156 4 j^pr"^* I^SbSeE^E^E^B^E^Eiiiiii^E' Iti ft* BsaEfsV^EflHsid eV^b^el E^EC f g^^^J*^s^B^j -^^^B^^^^^^^Js^^ M^ >^_^_ CHAMPION introduces: j^B spark plugs. Specifically designed Hi for Japanese cars. I _r If you drive a Japanese car, then new Ultra-Action Champions have been used Ultra-Action Champion spark plugs are enthusiastically by thousands of Japanese for you.
      156 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 145 4 stotaglng Op Vmthf sly »UI Kavnigh Camp *jg"ff* By Chic Young: rrs so hard to ser I^ihim out op sets, down '-^-f at the office i— > OWSWOOO SONS IN J I tffPVTO BREAKFAST, r >*J*>/i— V I TO W *<E the MoaNiNg f-^s^ [af *tr? anp oep to n
      145 words

  • 239 5 HARPIST and pianist Miss Tay Boon Yen (above) has been so engrossed coping with her two lives as a music educationist and performer—that she has no time to scout for Mr. Right. Looking still very much the sweet-faced, dimpled schoolgirl of years ago.
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  • 225 5 Putting brake on imported inflation SINGAPORE is doing its best to ensure that the problem of imported inflation Is not aggravated by manipulation and profiteering at home, according to Mr. Sia Kah Hui, the Minister of State (Labour). He made the point at the 31st plenary session of the Economic
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  • 147 5 T»HE Port of Singapore Authority is to convert the 17,000- ton tanker Halcyon Isle Into a mobue reception centre for the collection of slops from large tankers calling here for drydocking and repairs. The vessel would supplement the existing tacUitles at the
    147 words
  • 181 5 fiRECHES brought V* children Into contact with adults and other children and gave them an opportunity to learn new things. Mr. Chan Chee Seng. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs) said yesterday Older children in the creches were encouraged to read, write, count and develop
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  • 29 5 THE Cable Car System wiU be closed to the ■■bile f—now for servicing and maintenance. It will resume service on Thursday, according to a PSA spokesman.
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  • 233 5 IN HIS 29 yean as travel editor of Esquire magazine. Mr. Richard Joseph (above) has travelled an equivalent of five round trips to the moon. Looking very much the role of an experienced writer and Journalist, Mr. Joseph said In an
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  • 360 5 SAFETY MEASURE FOR WORK ON BOARD SHIPS SHIPYARDS may have to introduce a special work pass system later this year for employees who board ships to work, according to the New Worker, the Labour Ministry's monthly bulletin. This is one of the safety measures
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  • 125 5 Back to 5-day week at yard AMERICAN Marine x\ worker* In Jurong who have been <«olng a three-day week for the past few moiith* yesterday returned to a fireday week as the company secured new overseas orders for pleasure craft. A company spokesman said yesterday that the shipyard had secured
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  • 133 5 Military exercises for the week rB Singapore Armed Form will conduct military exercises in the following anas: fi»r!sißuii from 3 p.m. today to 11 p.m. tomorrow, and from 8 am to 11 p.m dally, on Wednesday and Friday; Llm Chu Kang-Chua Chu Kang from 8 cm. to 10 p.m. dally,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 816 6 HON: WHEN A BUDGET RESPONDS TO NEEDS AND CHANGES OF THE ECONOMY JHE Budget, besides being a .control document for the financial year, also plays an mc r e a singly important role as an instrument of economic policy. The Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, said
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  • 128 6 THE budget for the financial year April 1, 1975 to March SI, 1976, at a glance: Main estimates: Revenue Direct taxes, $1,287,950,000 Indirect taxes and taxes on outlay, $650,980,000 Reimbursements and sales of roods and services $339,561,000 Income from investments and property $214,954,000 Others $154,210,0wt $2.647,461J»0
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  • 773 6 permanent new lactorlet compared with 190 concerns employing 11,140 people In 1973. As a result, the unemployment rate remaned stable at four per cent. In the meantime, employers began to learn how to work equally well with less labour. In addition, there was
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  • 1460 6 Soon— 2 more promotion centres to lure capital... forts to promote Invest ment. The Economic Development Board has been reorganised to do this more vigorously. "Our efforts will now be concentrated where they should be. at the Investment centres. "In addition to the nine centres, already in operation, iwo more
    1,460 words
  • 257 6 NEW tax rates for beer, stoat, wines and llsjaor per decalitre with old rates in Brackets: Boer and ale MS Import duty (MI.M). exd» daty $1« <Sl4.*t); stoat aad Barter Import daty $26 (StlJt), excise daty $1« (Sl4Jt). Grass mast $Is 7
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 > DOMAID MOO« Sfß World CiMfiii*! 1 •Bnßsj *i 1 THURSOAV Th> witty toyM imebais •ma I o«k Nr»<o' pntic*. d^H I IVJNINo iIANOA* I »Wv« MOT Ml WctlOTtim 4H ITW pi»r-<* It atmitMm. jl I ■*■■<»< COT.MwM or dH ay ItMsJlsjsJ br ffMloAchoJ* ssßaaaaaw Mvttn J. Ufc m
      92 words

  • 22 7 THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce wul hold Its annual meeting at 1U Hill Street premise* thU Saturday at S p.s>
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  • 284 7 Green light for the new Highway Code DARIJAMENT yesterday approved the new Highway Code moved by Mr. Chal Chong Yll. the Minister of State i Communications) It Is designed to make the roads safer and serve as an instrument for civic education. In moving the motion, Mr. Chal said since
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  • 1297 7 TOP PRIORITY FOR HOUSING IN 1975 PROGRAMMES The lowest increase for Armed Forces bill HOUSING will again take top place in the Government's development programme for Financial Year 1975, with the Housing and Development Board being given a $718 million loan to build 30,200
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  • 102 7 PARLIAMENT yester- day approved $22,--068.400 for the first Supplementary Estimates of Expenditure for the financial year ending this month. Five Bills were Introduced. They were the Medicines BUI, Singa- pore Family Planning and Population Board (Amendment) Bill, Nurses and Mldwlves BUI, Supply BUI and Supplementary Supply The
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 425 7 THESE ARE THE BOOKS *y THAT CAUSED NIXON'S DOWNFALL s^x Nixon's downfall was the irony of SYNTOPICON makes these writings I IO M I I 11/^ *fl Br^* democracy. Free men have always and ideas easily available to anyone. >fl been allowed to question and think. The SYNTOPICON is a
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  • 355 8 Just legs but for See Cher it's no handicap OICKING up the 1 phone with his nimble legs, See Cher listens to congratulations from a friend on his success hi the Singapore Cambridge "O" level examinations yesterday. He scored a distinction in English and credits In five other subjects. Having
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  • 39 8 MR Ahmad Mattar. Parliamentary Secretary (Education), will open a two-day Safety Ptnt seminar and Road Safety exhibition organised by the Junior Safety First Council and sponsored by Bsso on March It at Oan ■kg Bang School auditorium.
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  • 31 8 NEEDY student* living In the MacPherson constituency may apply for bunarlaa offered by the MacPherson bursary committee at the community centre In Circuit Road from March 10 to March 31.
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  • 228 8 300 BUS JOBS FOR WOMEN T»HE gingapore Bus Service Is to recruit A only women as clippies for its fleet of buses this year and the company now has vacancies for 300 conductresses. Confirming this yesterday and explaining the reason for the move, a spokesman tor SBS said: "This is
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  • 87 8 Guide on home repairs HOME owners, who wish to repair or recon/uiict their homes but fire unsure of the laws controlling these activities or the proper authority to approach, can now refer to a handbook for guidance. The handbook, published by the Building Control Division, outlines the dos and don'ts
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  • 267 8 Course on new primary school system 'pHE Institute of Education will organise an evaluation course next month for primary school teachers to familiarise them with the implementation of the restructured primary education system. The objectives of the six to eight-month course are to: ENABLE primary school teachers to accept with
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  • 198 8  - Singapore man feared dead in London smash-up SHUKOR RAHMAN from LONDON. Mon. A 33-year-old Singaporean, Mr. Joseph Chan Hln Oon. 13 assistant anutr of Slngapore'r Overseas Union Bank branch here, has been missing from home since Friday and is believed to be among those killed in the Moor rate underground
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  • 261 8 THE price of Spanish mackerel (tengglrl bekah) roae by 30 centa a katl to $2.60 over the weekend, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended pricea: KICK.: China 10 par cent Ylm Chcok. 90 cent* a kaU or So6g: Thai 10 per cent. 75 eenta;
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 199 8 ji LAST 2 DM! 7.* j nj_. 1 MbHk $2JI-C«Birsw: SIM i BsWfc«msil"*J aai j; ■MBMM i CIWSOW will tBBUH ITUO j JtrNg Irtvf li CiMU: OfMt Tlirntoy! > ::rrs»sciEirFt€FUN-OMENON... t THE LAUGHS ARE |i Nit SIGHT! ikiaU IJwOwVWUI DONT Plu« Walt W«n«y'« Color Cartoon*: :!"CMzy oroomv'»w,"Ciowi n he jmble"
      199 words
    • 142 8 1 I I S WELLINGTON Q Vh^i l. COFFEE HOUSE XT^X A 'Brsakfast «S«t LufWh ••i_t?lv\ ,ac •Dinrwror Snacks atao T< 1 )0 Kalian Food at raaaonabta iff[ JT charges S 3.00 XTI \Q i 2nd floor \rVsMirtgton BuiWtng TMtt^. BrdsfOfdßd.OffOrchaftJßd •■■•^J IJSafcff (ir- KTIsVW IHIYWD l©A«Jmm\ bbWCT WHbIB PHUM
      142 words
    • 376 8 JL/ior introduces a beautiful new look a Ta? H^BsV BBBBBBBBBaI Lai BBBB> BBBfew a^Bßl HYDRA-DIOR skin-care Mrs. Lilian M«y«r Be>auticlan Christian Dior. Paris \Z*-~^ 1 will give free demonstrations and advice on latest make-up and jfm skin<are. .«^bl alaT*ls» sth March-16th March, 1975 OISETAI Xl J^ SINGAPORE •HONGKONG»TOKYO HAVELOCK/OUTRAM ROAO.
      376 words
    • 643 8 VQl^vLbj 11 mlf 11 i m i OWCillslf TIQW B I MOW SHOWIM6' Ham. 1.4 J. 4.SS, e.4S. Hatrnut Bar gar FroncrxM f al»on Fkvanca L«rema "BAMHM t*m LAC"' I's'.lslßa'lTtii'fll MOW SHOWING 11am 1 45. 4 SO 4 41 •JO Jo*>n Ryan Sharon fortjii P "IT'S ALIVI color ,WB
      643 words

    • 260 9 MAKING IT TOUGH TO CUT THE KNOT KUALA LUMPUR, Mop Gay VLTANITA Umno is to recommend stringent measures to make it tough for Muslim men to get a divorce, its leader Puan Hajjah Aishah Ohani said today. The movement, she said, would also suggest that approval for Muslim men to
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    • 257 9 KLUANO. Mon. A Police officer told a murder Inquiry yesterday he found a gold ring belonging to an expenghulu's daughter and a metal button from the trousers of her fiance in a burnt-out car In an estate. The charred remains or a
      257 words
    • 99 9 YPOH. Mon. A drug abuse rehabilitation expert from the Philippines, Mrs. Lourdes Vega, is here to help set up and administer Malaysia's first home for the therapeutic treatment of girl addicts. A psychologist and trained social worker specialising in drug rehabilitation work, she
      99 words
    • 271 9 $500,000 robbery: Search for wounded man KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Police have asked doctors and sinsehs to report at once any man seeking treataacat for glaw or ballet wounds. This is because one of the six gunmen who took part in the SSM,M* Jewel grab and killing of a policeman has
      271 words
    • 427 9 No plan to form rubber cartel PRICE STABILITY SOLE AIM: MUSA KUALA LUMPUR. Monday MALAYSIAN Pri niary Industries Minister Datuk Musa Hitam today dismissed suggestions that natural rubber producing countries were planning to set up a cartel. "The desire to achieve price stability on our part la not motivated by,
      Reuter; AP  -  427 words
    • 238 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Monday npAXIMEN here and in Petalipg Jaya start--1 ed their protest action to back their claim for a fare increase today, and three drivers were known to have had their windscreens smashed by angry commuters for not stopping. According to taxi sour- I ces,
      238 words
    • 40 9 JAKARTA, Mob. A preparatory conference for the formation of an Asean Journalists Association b scheduled to be held here from March 1* to 12, according to Indonesian jo«rnalisU Jmst back from a tour of the area.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 113 9 Student callgirls report angers parents TOHORE BAKU, Mon. J Batu Pahat residents are surprised and angry over a report alleging schoolgirl prostitution in the town. The report arising from a resolution tabled at an Umno branch meeting "is probably exaggerated," authorities here said today. 'Bad image' "It gives the town
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 51 9 r SILVERJMATCH Boris nroddSlMdqoosafelyhtertor theactionnran This is the one with a bt Id glve= dependable perfornnance adjustable f bnne rugged construction M visibie. fluid level choceofeght rainbow colours J Terrific value! m» <^ Allthese Em k features for only i S M H >; I m .^m V& I Available
      51 words
    • 594 9 /portH lr__ ii __k I fiUGU/T I/T-10TH 1975 -1.30Pm-9.30Pm SINGAPORE NATIONAL STADIUM KALLANG SnSAPOAE IflTEfiPfiTlOnßl EHHBITKXI Of /PORT/ EQUIPmEfIT SPOREX. '7S. n th« first txhioition davotad to tht promotion of tports Equipmtnt in South East Atit. SPOREX '75 could b« an idoal opportunity for you i) TO SEEK REPRESENTATION. If
      594 words

  • 754 10  -  JOHN ROGERS By Bangkok AFTER weeks of political turmoil,' and with Its future] stability still uncertain, Thailand has its first elected government since the overthrow of military rule 16 months ago. On Feb. 21. the country's minority coalition Including many opposition men new
    754 words
  • 1191 10  -  JACQUES LESLIE THE SLUM CLEARANCE PLAN THAT WENT AWRY By "EITHER. give us food or shoot us," an old man said sombrely in Demra camp. The sense of desperation is palpable at Demra, 12 km (about 14 miles) from Dacca, capital of Bangladesh. A month ago
    1,191 words
    • 339 10 nnHE decision has been made to axe history from the school curriculum. I believe that this la a decision based on considerations which lack proper undei standing of the subject Too often history has been regarded as nothing more than a study of
      339 words
    • 245 10 No agreement to employ foreign seamen I REFER to the report "Singapore ship held In Aussie port" (ST., Feb. 35). The National Maritime Board wishes to point out that In the report there Is allegedly an agreement between the NMB and Neptune Orient lines to allow the latter to employ
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • Business Times
    • 583 11  -  MARTIN. LIM FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECTION OF THE STRAITS TIMES rpHE dizzy price rises reL corded on the stock market In January were followed by a period of consolidation which lasted throughout February. This indicates that share operators have learned their lessons well. Now they treat
      583 words
    • 123 11 IN the first half-year ended December 1974. Copper Industries has Incurred a loss of $1.16 million against profits of $166 092 previously. This brings accumulated losses to $4.22 million against a paid-up capital of $10 million. The company blames the adverse performance to a further deterioration of
      123 words
    • 710 11  -  TSAI TAN TUESDAY MARCH 4. 1975 EDITED BY VEVV YORK: Dou-ble-digit inflation seems to be dead, and for now at least, gone in the United States. But double-digit unemployment may be the price of that victory. This is a view widely accepted
      710 words
    • 153 11 IF not for the contribution from subsidiary KemaJunoran Industry. Central Sugars would not have been able to limit its setback for the year ended May 1974 to just a drop of 30 per cent in pre tax profits to $3M,91«. At the parent level thr previous year's
      153 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 172 11 Australia takes the heat off with some really cool ideas Australia can cool it. Whatever the problem in refr geration and air conditioning, look to Australia for an advanced solution. It's hot in Australia, and cooling equipment just has to be good. That's why Australia has developed the newest designs
      172 words
    • 28 11 THOUSAND MILLION DOLLAM 111 GROSS DOMESTIC 12 PRODUCT AT FACTOR COST v 1 1968 Prices Current Prices 9 nil 5 ill 1968 68 70 71 72 73 74
      28 words
    • 299 11 rfow you ca n have Lunch 8 Dinner in Baron's Style V v St -»aks m^^^^^ at good old i rices Set Lunch J4 00 Steak Lunch $5.50 Steak Dinner $8.00 |Pf^^9HHHHHHM v i« miljmmmlmmms^miMttM In any game, to stand a winning chance, a lot depends on the players you
      299 words
    • 142 11 HH ijijf DBS FINANCE LIMITEdX (a wholly owned subsidiary ol W^^^^b The Development Bank ol Singapore Limited) MORTGAGE LOANS tfc, I For Houses and Flats at Attractiva Terms: Amount of Loan —Up to 80% I P [£ir^ Repayment Period —Upto 2C years r r==^Pßft^| Low Interest Rates Easy instalments fcfc~~j
      142 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 73 11 SINGAPORE'S QROBB DOMESTIC PRODUCT AT FACTOR COST "—"I jy ,gM lift) I*l INI Ml MM ArunimJA in ili iuw or OmS (»> Om.II— .hMWIMWHWH «Ht« I.MM MSV» U.IM-1 mi gtK.-MTwprr.lrTm I»J I*l 1»« l»-t -Si— JM-bi-DwiwiiPiiHrM iwlim urn* «.»n *.m.» >.hi« rnti rgu i.wij nn^miaium i*»iw i«i m v.« at
      73 words

  • 409 12 Mr. Joseph Nakhosteen has been appointed president and director of United Chase Merchant Bankers, a Joint venture of United Overseas Bank. Chase Manhattan Bank and Nlkko Securities. He replaces Mr. Charles P. Branch who has left Singapore to take up his new appointment in Hongkong as general
    409 words
  • 386 12  - Company news for the week ended feb 28 compiled by MAARTINLIM MARTIN LIM PRELIMINARY RESULTS #> VWrle PiWH/Leaa(L) Earmlaa** DtvMaaaa-t-A PlMUdlnd Dec 74 MSS.3IB (MJI.4U) 18 3 (1141 (BTE) CentnUSusmn May 74 MS3SI (MM9B) 3.0 4.3) NU (Nil) Keponf Plant Sept. 74 MSI7.9M (M57.X99) 211.1 (SS 9) 66 (86) Ye«HllpSen(
    386 words
  • 278 12  - Aussie Exchange may join Federation KINGSLEY WOOD SYDNEY: The Australian Associated Stock Exchanges are considering Joining the International Federation of Stock Exchanges. The federation is based in Paris and was created by the councils of the stock exchanges of Amsterdam, London. Brussels. Luxembourg, Madrid. Milan. Paris. Vienna and the Asoclatlon
    278 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 543 12 tiiai.viiukiKw.CKialily is a must! rtt^» ■a*k kte he FRACOMAB range of wood--^g^_J^^» v /j^ equipment high quality •j^r #^J|^l* J^iJa^^P^^H'*^sW v design*, spec IIT^^aa»w^/ -t^tafaA heavy Pi -uggeOr.ess and 0 -1J rfi engineering, manofacL*M |B^% FRACOMAB n^ aW I pantes. renown for their I > i long experience in the
      543 words
    • 35 12 IIIICJMIlllllllllCMIIIIUIIIrTJIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllMllltJIIIIIIIIIIIIClllllllllllll! FOR SALE TWO PRESTIGIOUS SITES AT BATTERY ROAD SINGAPORE close to banks, offices and shops. Apply: BRITISH MALAYAN TRUSTEES LTD., 7th Floor, Grand Building, 17G, Phillip Street, Singapore, 1. for Particulars Conditions of Sale.
      35 words
    • 664 12 The international bank with your interests at heart. Dai-lchi Kangyo Bank is Japan's largest bank. With assets of nearly thirty billion dollars. Bui our size doesn't make us impersona". A worldwide staff of financial experts ready to give your project their individual attention. And we have your interest' at heart.
      664 words

  • 1602 13 TKX last tranaarwia raadj aatealUttrkstof buatosas I on tha Sjtaefc tehana* of > SiDsapoffv yastarday oosaparad with th* pwvtuws oars ariess HajiMli with 1074/76 hajn and to- (•Afdjwslad lor ail new msum) O IM Ml iTiauaa auaaias I.SC LIT M U IST I.M 1.17 HikMl I.H tlm—in Tn»i
    1,602 words
  • 1841 13 BID and offer prlcea of finally listed and business In and reported to the Stock larh«n|i of Singapore yesterday with the number of aharat traded shown in brackeu in tou of 1.000 unlU unless otherwise specified All Tune Bargains or Settlement Contract* an quoted attar the word
    1,841 words
  • 1526 13 BID *nd offer prlcas of flclally lifted and bustneaa In and reported to the Kuala, Lumpur Stork Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackeu in loti o/ 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified. Dai (3 MB I.IW (62) I.M. (T7) I.M, (II) I.M. (M) I.M,
    1,526 words
  • 68 13 Two places have been reserved for Singapore business executives at a four week course to be held from June 20 by th* Oxford University Bust nest Summer Bchool. Nomination! from companies should be sent to Advanced Train Ing Techniques < S) whlcn Is processing the applications and
    68 words
  • 135 13 £lm M-East equipment order for Parolle nAROLLB or Britain i (a member of the Reyrolle Parsons Group) has been awarded a £1 million contract for electrical equipment for thft Initial stage of the 300mw Rat Abu Pontas Power Station In Qatar In the Middle last. The consultants .re Bwbank Partners,
    135 words
  • 54 13 DENVER: Forest OU Corporation bat announced lUhas closed the tale of all Its oil producing properties In Canada to Sun OIL The proceeds of the sale, effective from October 1, 1074. amounted to about $114,000,000. Forest retains all Its natural gas production, offshore oil production Interests and
    54 words
  • 133 13 RESULTS W imp pet, CliTir— a m Traaaar? twin aaas an Fa*. U for »«-«ay. IK-d» 7 t7>-«ay as* 144-dar Mils: Often*: SM iIIMib (»1day btlla U be lasawd from March I to 7) CM) mUßmm USZ-dajr BflM MBS** yiiir day); SM silMlls (t7»-«ay Mils to be mm!
    133 words
  • 162 13 Mttt HaWJ 63.75 +.77 OCBO StJ» B. L-atoa UM +.44 Jaiwta, HH +.40 m Caaaas* $2 90 M M. Baa* $7.30 +JO Traatara f J 06 +.30 UO» $473 +M Tfaar 6X30 +.30 8. Traaara ta.oo +JJ I'HW 5360 +.34 8. Darky 5356 t J4 PrMaa $3.00
    162 words
  • 370 13 STRONG bullish sentiment prevailed at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday as buyers dominated tradIng throughout the day. Buyers took to the trading floor from the opening bell In the wake of further advances by other world stock markets A feeble attempt at profit-taking towards noon
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  • 413 13 CHARES on the Stock Exchange of Singapore receh ed firm support frr m the first to the <Mt bell yesterday as buyers turned oat In force. In fact there appeared to be too much money chasing too few stocks both among the top and second liners
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    • 255 13 YTONOKONO, Mon. XI The market was firm following strong London advices on Friday, brokers said. It opened sharply higher and then held fairly steady in active two-way business. Slight profit-taking towards the close brought tome counters marginally off their best for the day. Blue-chips Including Hongkong Bank, Jardines and
      255 words
    • 407 13 SYDNEY, Mon. Good rises by banking and financier stocks highlighted an otherwise quiet but firm trading session at the Sydney Stock Exchange today. News that the ANZ was reducing Its borrowing and lending rates prompted good support for almost every banking Issue. The ANZ rote to A*s 20 while
      407 words
    • 432 13 Money and exchanges rthe Singapore forex raarket yesterday, the US dollar was traded steadily between $2 2275 and $2.2285 throughout the day with only minor fluctuations. Suggested Interbank forward rates at 3.30 p.m. 1 month 2 2287/2315. 2 months 2 2304/32. 3 months 2.2317/45. 6 months 2.2365/05. NOMINAL RATES BujgMUd
      432 words
    • 256 13 TOKYO, Mon. Share prices on the Tokyo stock market advanced today as selective buying circulated centring on latent assets issues. In the morning session, latent assets Issues such as shippings, spinnings, real estates and printings were purchased. A part of chemicals, non-ferrous metals and large capital Issues a'so firmed.
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    • 25 13 THE Straits tin price remained unchanged at $955 per picul in Penang yesterday on an official offering up 44 tons to 252 tons.
      25 words
    • 415 13 AFTER an about unchanged opening the Singapore rubber market held quietly steady with buying Interest centred on the second half of this year. Sellers were somewhat reserved in view of the buffer stock meeting presently taking place In Kuala Lumpur. Nearby came under some liquidation at wider discount.
      415 words
    • 27 13 Rubber: Mar. S. Singapore: 132.5* Ct*. (op 0.75 ct.) Malaysia 132.N eta. (op 2.0U eta.) Tin: $955 (unch Official offering 252 tons (up 44 tons).
      27 words
    • 103 13 /MIMSH PKOOUCI II CMAMCI, SIMOAMM MOON CLOIIHQ HIOII Pl* FICUL YIITIROAV Cliwat Oil: bulk SM aomtaal. drum MB nominal. Oeerai Ifuud (Mesa) UK/ Coat. S4S nominal. ■Win Muatok AST A waiu fob. 100% NLW IMS Milan. Sarawak whlta tM.t. M% NLW SMIt M11«... ■aiawak •pwlal buck lib. M%
      103 words
    • 41 13 THE Malaysian Minister of finance has fixed the following rates for the calculation of Customs duties from March 1 until further notice: Palm oil: Price $1,564 JO a ton. Duty payable: $511.34 a ton. Surcharge: $31.10 a tou.
      41 words
    • 56 13 aaaw«sv "**r UM VH ttetbearM (1) cieMd lUtl Lialia Ctaaai ISI.OOB CMeat IM.IOS ■atrat id.mi ■aaskaas ISaM IM.SOS laiKß CiMll Ml M Claees lst.M Parts Claaal iu.«T Mialy tatavaay S'tete (J) ISO. MB IM.MB IM.SM ISS.US Essart .mem v aea-iUrllas mv la U.S. aaUan aar aaaea. (I)
      56 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 722 14 laiSJWiiffM I Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to till the I I following positions: 1 ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER FOR MARKETING I The successful applicant will be responsible (or handling all I I administrative sales responsibilities including contracts, collections, I I budgets monthly financial analysis and reporting. I Applicants should
      722 words
    • 760 14 Bristow Helicopters Malaysia invite applications from Malaysian Citizens to becomeStudTrt Hollcopf r Pilot* Qualification* Malaysian Certificate of Education or equivalent, with credits in Additional Science and Mathematics and a pass in English. Higher Education To include above average results in English, Physics and Mathematics Ago. 18-25 years. Physical Fitnoss Candidates
      760 words
    • 1030 14 a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^a^ii^a^siiiiiiiiii^si^ Major American Manufacturer geeks: AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTOR for Singapore Malaysia. Our range covers entire line from the smallest air/ water cooled packaged/ split systems to large reciprocating and centrifugal chillers, fan coil units Air Handling Units. The distributor must have or be willing to establish an organization to design,
      1,030 words
    • 458 14 IN THE MATTE* OK THE (OMPANIES HOI*. CAP IU aad IN THE MATTER OF PROCKBB ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT PRIVATE LIMITED (la Vatuatary Liquidation NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN. persuant to section 272 of the Companies Act, Cap IBS. that a Final Meeting of the member* of the above-named company will be held
      458 words

  • 82 15 Supplement on Singapore in Australia THE Singapore Consulate In Sydney Is planning a supplement In the Australian national dally. The Australian, to coincide with the Republic's 10th National Day this year. The Trade Department here tut* called on manufacturer* and exporters to ad-wt-M in the supplement "to make a real
    82 words
  • 62 15 SECURITY tuard Pompayan Karruptan. 40. who la charted with the murder of Tan Pah Oak, 11. a wattrMß, In the flrt-tank room of the VIC Building in Shenton Way on Feb. 16, at about 10 JO am., was jaaUrtUy ordered to be remanded at the CID
    62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 15
    0 words
  • 144 15 Found in a box-this baby boy... rIS baby boy. found abandoned in a box opposite a nightclub at the Great World Amusement Park on Saturday night, la seen here safe and cosy in the arms of a none at the children's ward in Outram Hospital. A woman. Madam Mary LJm.
    144 words
  • 322 15 Paya Lebar runway to be resurfaced for $2.6 m TOO; entire 3353 metres A (11.000 ft) of runway at Paya Lebar airport Is to be resurfaced at a cost of $2.6 million. Work on the four-month long project, which began last Saturday, will be carried out from 11.30 p.m. to
    322 words
  • 105 15 r— HE Director of the InX dustrlal Training Board. Mr. Sng Yew Chong, died In Outram Hospital yesterday at about 10.40 a.m. He was ML He was hospitalised on Feb. 17 and, according to his family, he died of hepatitis. Besides being head of ITB,
    105 words
  • 29 15 LOCALLY milled Hour is now cheaper by $I.l* a 22.5 kg. bag following three price reductions this 7ear by Prlma Ltd. and Khong Guan Flow Milling Ltd.
    29 words
  • 209 15 WHERE SPORE SKILLS ARE NEEDED •VALUABLE SPUR TO INDONESIA'S GROWTH' gIN'GAPORE's entrepreneur-ship and skill can make valuable contribution to Indonesia's further development, according to Mr. Suhud, leader of an Indonesian Investment Board delegation. He said: "Indonesia still has many limitations and problems to overcome, and some may take time to
    209 words
  • 123 15 PUCE are investigating the mystery death of a man whose body was found In blukar at 11V, km (7V_ miles) South Buona Vista Road on Sunday. The man, believed to be either a Malay or an Indian, was clad only In a black sarong
    123 words
  • 11 15 THERE were 74 road accidents, four serious, on Sunday.
    11 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 291 15 Come to London and train at a Computer Operator Join the lattett growing induttry hi ihe world and help overcome the desperate world wde shortage of trained computer personnel Start a career which leaves othws far behind in pay prospects and se:unty Why London > Because only LCOTC offers you
      291 words
    • 399 15 JJSjF Viwitai Ijm^ Point'n Shoot pocket cameras. Complete and Compact. The pictures you want, you get. The 602 PoinrnShoot. With the baffl-in electronic flash. An^lauruor t »h»rp coTip'jl»r d»»ign»d4-»iem«rM •Super compact •Ear/ ihuttar nlmi yam- 14 VMtar »n« k Jutt I earn- X 60mm X 2Bnvn Built m atwlroruc ttaafi
      399 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 987 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 \M m Open*? and By Family Time 7 J9 Horn and Why Waves aid Tides S*** -RsfMQ (Last m Series) Ul Dory of Ewts -ikjfc*) IM m J m i nn» it y.ii ..j Tk__ IM itiwmi KMncaii Adm (Malay Drana) H! m 9t9U Ul
      987 words
    • 30 15 l_Mil-i_-/lf a PERSON "N I/'mf CAN 9M *THANtf /mUi(i£NfSS(M6X uny cqo jtfiiuc unit 7 i Aj_D -U-tT< c/_ucT____c I v^^ r tmutw t\^^ /AREN'T HOU 60H6 lj V^TO THANK ME
      30 words

  • Especially Women
    • 163 16 JUST A BREATH OF SPRIGN FROM PARIS rrHIS weekend, gtngmy 1 reans will, for the first lime, be aMc to tee the haute couture collection of Christian Dior. The French show, to be heM at the Oniwsii group of hotels, will feature N spring and summer outfits created by the
      163 words
    • 160 16 r buying a face mask means having to tug too hard at your slim Eat, you can try makyour own by using 1 formula given by local beautician Miss Terry Sng. Ingredients: Three parts magnesium carbonate; two parts powder Kaolin and one part fullers earth. Method: Mix
      160 words
    • 727 16  - it's better are around SARA LAMBERT By ALWAYS at each 'other's throats in your home? If your marriage goes into the category the experts describe as "a conflict relationship" could be that no matter how satisfied you are with the situation and many people it seems, prefer a "conflict relationship"
      727 words
    • 438 16 Dorothy has recipes for the busy housewife MRS. Dorothy Ng missed out on her pet love cooking in her younger days because her mother didn't want her to soil her hands. She was keen that I become a good piano teacher, so she wouldn't allow me near the kitchen. What
      438 words
    • 213 16 Official stamp for beauty care BEAUTY Is big boataeas In France. Wtaaea spend 7,* M million francs DM million sterling) in their battle against the ravages of time Bat disasters do occur. Until now there has keen no legislation covering cosmetics. In 1*72, 21 babies died after their mothers used
      213 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 307 16 sissißtssssssßSSßWfnHr^ssi bbsWMa^bsl ■MpMummk I !4^SSiS>fjeißavevSlrwvwveisnH g^s*^sss IM^^ 1^ e^sM^bi ■■■■■mm I ln^ M fljpsssfrjp mr 1 g^ j(^^ ■^b^bV^ME—3 SZsJ I J 3jk^ll Lt Wl m I I iVbsiHßvJr 2 iMETRD^o *s»*W VR^ gMSw a^BM Ihß^^ BBSB^r ***It^BßbV m Iff MFTIH) GOLDEN MILE pflf ||C iV^ I BlMm Setamat Datang!
      307 words
    • 57 16 Ar»u»o» 1 The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes. This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting comlort.
      57 words
    • 200 16 How can k you feel like M a woman... k if you shave like a manf^^ You shave your legs? How ghastly, how manly! To feel like a woman, take it off like a lady. With Immac. Immac creams away hair. Creams away hair like it never was there. No
      200 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1470 17 a It t f MvCajW fal^ »-4Mmm BMMM NtMl A"mm ■t-mmmmm EunvM f Tii. p L w)i mmmwrn fc*^ ImM 11 Wmi f Mf 4 mw I mw I mw tMtPM Mr It tat M aar a tpr 11 Apr II Apr 1 Apr MM Mata n aar 11*. ia
      1,470 words
    • 1028 17 Ben Ocean AiauilaernoecfßenLin&EmjeFUnnelCknUneandNSMO Ti M/ttHTIMMT 9Ipn P Paaaj Paaaaj lanp ParM il imimm MM V I Mar a Apr I'm*, m. I'paai. aaß. aMMTti tun BW V I Apr 1 Baj A*aa. IM raj, faan. PIBTftPM TV" Bar MVB Har 11/11 Mar a Aar laaaav IUtITM aVB Mar 11/ a
      1,028 words
    • 1026 17 MTTM i VT"T™F*Mi bjmbjhi mat taaa* raa n n oajaaVU% bVMjMM> MMMMnI _M IratMM Eipran «i-t; ft TZ TL TaIBUM MT 11 Har II Har I Apr 11 Apr 11 Apr TAB BMB MMt a Bar H Bar Nip a Apr n Apr It Apr CIMIIIi lAT 4 Apr lip
      1,026 words
    • 984 17 -———I I FULLY COWTAINIKIrtP StKVICi TO CUIOfI Ml. MUT MM MIM fcH-aaa AaatarM. Aataam UMam ffIJMSU m o H liPllliVraaaaL IMMMPfMaVa, IMMMMfffJ. IB mmbbjb;, IMIffTV MJImU Apr 1 Apr t IMBiMTI, |V«Mf>, IflaMniVM, Mr tl ABtM, Ca|llla|ll. flUHirt MtBM. •nTultM Mt i mC I StactMM. OM. IMmAL MtM Kitjjtaa. (Mmi
      984 words
    • 827 17 aa tIM 44; P>. blaaj «Ml| ILL. *****; Naaaw ISMi. TBB BANK LDfK LTD. LMMPH Lit Amu. Maaaaaa (aaaWlliWl HMWIi VtaaaMM, /aaUTajafr, Mtaap. tar*M. Cap Ma*) TH». Maaj IVtT MB rpan VI Har NTMM tmmnbm. laaM* a* I AJnoi P. Max 1/ I Apr raaatltkWlaJt MMaJ rpan BVM a. 'Maag
      827 words

  • 213 18 TM] PONT OP IWHAPOMI *v T»4OP«TV AMMOUNCIO TM POLLOWIM« •■NTNIMQ AMIAIMJfJMWTt PON MAMCM 4 OUT: Wlltomikvrk 1/1. ConUlntr SuccMi J*. HiMlmMtM tn. Anton Ctwko* 10/ IT. ItotMt Maru 15,11. South world It. PwlU 10 WtM. Blnunf Lima »/SO. Tallana 31/31. CanMur 45 IdooMfwu* 47. PntMrat Tjrtar SO
    213 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 888 18 mJL— KABHA LTD. MMM HM MB MMk Ul. kaWML Imml BaM, wmmm) buvja. mmmmi AomMMb Saal Maanrtoa i ||ini|-T MM MMM L. Im*. Ma MM.. MM. M. A SB*""" Imt'ipm ITU'mm! MMi' 1 Ma MMi. MM. MMm A MM-! HIMHI MOM "wPSTmT MMM PMt MMMMt A IMM/AMM Haara W*J UM
      888 words
    • 943 18 UMIM AU IMM M HAtT IMM MMI PM IWIMM, Mm. tmmti^mmim: m m mmmampmtT PiM HA no MaHaaMMi iC r OPMTT UTPM tm Part IMr MM*. I I C I. MMTT PMT N MM 11 HM i •MMHPi I TanM* IMr NMr mmm*. ill PMMMM M MUMmm It Mr II
      943 words
      907 words
    • 768 18 tXtQS HW II IMML \M»mX/tM]WU\ POTS 'CM llMMiit P.lmjm Pmmi imM Mn MMA Tl UTAI m Ptrt 1/ 1 MM MM* 1/4. Umi 10/4, rM 17/4. mmm a/4. ICMn MM N/I.MKNM RiSTL? H«»™ l/j. I'aaal 4/». n-mtj 10/ S. MMA MN VT Mr 1/14 Mr M/N Mr 11/11 Mr VmV
      768 words
      807 words

  • 127 19 CBNTBNARV SALE Trlft Shop Antiques, Curios and Ciothaa from 30 arr pm on Wedneeday sth March 1 (75 at Port Canning Hostel TNI JOAN BOOTY MODEL Academy iNumber One- In Singapore) preaentsd K shows in 1»74 Prospective models or charm pupMs please tel 3SOSS7 BWYMG A lIOMBI How does
    127 words
  • 297 19 k JOSEPH OOME2 pasted away suddenly on 3 3 75 leaving wife. ("s»tir_^ P— t_UFW _B_U^_FVfl COtT" tegc leaving residence 230-H. Mattar Road. Block 4. on 4 375 at 2p m f or St Joseph Church. Buklt Tlmah and thence to •netry lim kwang KHOON 11. passed sway peacefully
    297 words
  • 42 19 THE FAMILY OF THE late Madam Can Choo Neo thank the Yen Seek Kong Poh of the tuddhlst Union, doctors and m rses of ward 50 OROH frier ds and relatives for their dotations, wreaths and assistance during their recent bereavement
    42 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 362 19 classified ads (D to anna ANO DAVIO Neo a son. Jersld. brother to Jayson on 1 3 75 Sincere thanks to doctors *nd staff of Alexandra Hospital SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE Troubled' Dls uuraged l Ring 91-44-44 day Oi night Help U as near as trie telephone COURSES FOR INSTITUTE of
      362 words
    • 779 19 FBRBON«L SECRETARY (StTSt SSSSS) required urgently by Senior expatriate executive of reputable company cor.nected wfth oil industry 1 qualified and experienced Person— Secretary who It capable of working* with -——MN. supervision ThU position cam for one who have relevant secretarial Qualifications and experience Please apply Administrative Manager, P O Box
      779 words
    • 833 19 URGENTLY REQUIRED AN ACCOUNTS clerk Able to keep a complete set of books. Experience preferable Male or female Write with full particulars, salary expected and contact tl no ST Box ASSS37 A lo— o hilijiimiisl »i«»sw| taAMS S*»o.-H»— oStalitiatag Minimum School Certificate level Ability to type at 40 w.p.m. Ability
      833 words
    • 837 19 WB NMD PBRBONNBL for our promotion work (put or fulltime) Oood commission and training will be provided Those who are 18 and above may apply to 161 Rose Oarden bat Coast Road or ring 4*4581 P ARTIE S ORGANISERS Ladles who have 1 or 2 hours a day to spare
      837 words
    • 770 19 PAR BAST OXYGEN (S) PTB. LTD. tSSSi requires OPBRA TOR/PI 1 1 BR I Be holder of a Mechanical Craft Certificate from a Vocation— Institute plus 3 years post-qualifying experience, or 2. Have formally undergone 5 years apprenticeship, and have passed at least Secondary n and are willing to do
      770 words
    • 741 19 OEUVBRY BOYS ON BICYCLE/ motorcycle required Call personally at Overseas Courier Service c/o Snd fir. Apollo Hotel between 10 00 a.m. 11.38 a.m. WANTED PUMP ATTINOANT* Apply personally at Lucky Service Station (Shell) 148 Dunearn Road. s*i m.s. A leading Security Organisation requires matured Singapore cltlaens to nil the below
      741 words
    • 726 19 WANTBD DISPATCH CLERK. 1 Shipping Clerk, Lorry Drivers, and Wharf Delivery Clerk Apply personally 10-F. Jervol* Road S'poce 10. o TUB CHASE MANHATTAN BANK, NJL. BRANCMBS M SlrrttftPOßE In cot.'iecUon with our expansion, wt are looking tor young people ir, mi the following poslMALfI CLBRKS E "O" Level Certificate with
      726 words
    • 643 19 Aw A-irlm otaefr— ta n-psui Il> OA SUPBRVItOR Oraduate from Stngmpon Polyterhntc or at least a fall HBC/ OCX -A' level with one or two years of working experience In the field of LED In an electronic industry STORES CLERK School Certificate/ OCE O' level Must be prepared to work
      643 words
    • 869 19 EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW BSAVIBW PARK ii.soo Changi $1,300 Newly-completed double storey corner near "—*nf" Oarden B*6o. Realty Park MOO. groundfloor flat Tuijong Katonr $45* Furnished semi-de-tached Sembawang 84*0. *****56 VIRONIOUI. SPECIALIST In properties offer detached fningalowi Jalan Hlsaval. Namly drove. Chancery Hfll. Angul"a Park. Paslr Rls Road. Chesnut Drive. Lynwood Orove.
      869 words
    • 802 19 GOLO— I HH_ 2 s- storey terrace, 4 bedrooms, parquet and terrasso Unfurnished *750'- Mr Ua *****4/ *****3 BRAODILL HBIGHTS SINGLE STORtrY 3 Bedroo— d Detached Bungalow 1 Servant's Room. 3 Bathrooms. Fjrnlshsd with 2 Alrconditloners $1,300/- Phone NSW SGM-OSTACHSD DOUDLSSTONBY HOUM with 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms, living, dining and
      802 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 857 20 WBSTMOME INTERNATIONAL USMMNTLY requires detached semi -detached flats in dlst 0 IS. 11 IS. 21 and other district. Cotapanv lease Please call BSLSTTAR THOMSON HOLLANO FABSR irgently *eoutrod Several Units Company Lease iwmaßtate OceupaUon *****4 *****7 Anyime •> iMHiniiTli v asoiiiaal BAaTYV BUY rwNlr'M.nn lerrarr or fist within couple of
      857 words
    • 836 20 DMT W JALAN POKOK Bsnjssl renovated 2 storey luxurious seml-deurhed bungalow upstairs 4 maroons, wall to wall CeaTpaHlngJ. bJ FiMafWHOOf afrilt-lat- sUdtnt doors terras*) floaftnf*. Area MM sa ft Price $250 980 o no Tel r47M *****0 *****0 BMW DETACH— BUMOALOW AT dlst 14 3.SM sq ft 4 bedrooms, servant's,
      836 words
    • 757 20 HBWMDtATI SUVBR POR APARTMBMT at Uon Towers Will also consider 2-storey terrace In Buklt Tlmah Area Price must be reasonable Call ***** CLaaWT RCOAMWZS TO PURCHASE flat akmf Newton Road Ooodhomes. $oXW9/ *****0 SH i Mr aval when saSkaa your prepemee Consult STRAITS HOUSING AOSNCY 191 EeMrsM NM Rood TeL
      757 words
    • 875 20 NAM HO TRAVIL SERVICE (SINGAPORE) PTI. LNaTTSO. Tour West Malaysia (inclusive Oentlng C/Hlgnlands) by air -conditioned bus seven days *****/. Departure Every Sunday. Monday, Cameron Highlands Four days SSBO/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days SSI 10/-. Departure Every Wednesday Oentlng Highlands Two days by air Ssl3o Departure Everyday Lake Toba/ Medan
      875 words
    • 690 20 mOtA: XL SIIISAPORaV Madras return slr-fsre $800 plus Careways Oood-Tlme-Tour' Madras. Kerala. Mysore ConUct P T Chacko. Careways Travel. 7SA Jalan Maajtd India. K L *****0/ *****3 SHINTOURS PRESENT CHERRY BLOSSOM TOUR (There by Sea Return by Air) HONOKONO BANOKOK 10 Days $99*00 Extra fare for optional tours to Taiwan
      690 words
    • 768 20 PRJMCI ROOM RMTAURAHT (Saw Floor Bsteato Ciiitaliii) HONOKONO TIM-SUM FROM BAM CATERS FOR ALL FUNCTIONS TEL 3M814 STIAMSOAT GAROS.N •POH PI AH" STEAMBOAT BTEAMFOOD OPEN pajQBI 8 P Jl. TO 1 A.M. 'aI— Language ID Laboratory MANDARIN BEGINNERS Tuesday It Thursday 6 7.30 p m Commencing 1 April 75 MANOARIN
      768 words
    • 797 20 SUNOAV BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING CORRESPONDENCE Beginners Classes Commencing Sth March. t.ease enrol early (1) Slnapore Commercial School. I3A. Lckensle Road (*****7/ *****8) or 768 D. Upper Serangoon Road (*****0/ SIMM) (2) Ragent Commercial Institute. Katong District. *****80) (3) Sembawang Commercial School. 5958. Bembawang Road *****1 BEGINNERS RAPID (1-MONTNS COURSES) BOOK
      797 words
    • 698 20 PITMAN APRIL EXAMINATION REGISTRATION CLOSES 7.1.76 LCC/ PITMAN REVISION/ PWACTICI:. Typewriting. Shorthand. Book-keeping Institute of Commerce 283 C Selegle Complex (*****9/ *****1) COURSIS FOR INSTITUTI of Supervisory Management and Institute of Works Study can lead to better Jobs and* New classes commencing March Tel *****8/ *****7 or call BIM
      698 words
    • 867 20 INSTITUTE OF BOOKKIIPIRS AND International Association of Bookkeeper Examinations June 1973 Entries close 15 375 at V.M.C.A Orchard Road. PEOPLE'S PARK COMMERCIAL SCHOOL UNIT 410. MO "LOON, PEOPLE'S PARK I. MPLIX (NEAR HOUSE OP WAX) BWBAPORS 1. TEL: 9MM SECRETARIAL COURSE (parttime) commencing on 10.3.73 Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday 6 00
      867 words
    • 972 20 •74 MERCEDES IMS automatic alrcond.. '73 Mercedes 200 air cond '71 MasdaCapella 1600 alrcond 70 MorrU 1300 OT, '69 Mercedes 200 slrcond Nsm Choon Hang. 174. Albert Street Tel 32*205/ *****9 DATSUN ISSA REGISTERED DECEMBER 1971 9M re lady owner Accident free txcoflont condition, with cartridge, new tyres Road tax
      972 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 622 21 SOOO CONDITION, ECONO i.CAi ISS4 milman Imp at SI Interefd oanSact James ,•71 FOWO COWTwJA tSBS On* top condition (4 too 'SMI 18 31. SturO** Jalan Beaar S pore I ,«M VAUIHALL VIVA BUS. Ex ridmnn 82.260 ono indang Kerbau Police un Patrick Tan ,«M FIAT SSS SALOON. 3rd ,i«ner.
      622 words
    • 759 21 TICIAN* to altand u> your beauty needs, specially trained on treatment of troubled skin Professional and psnonal makeup courses available at Avon Beauty Satan. Telephone *****4 SALON 18 bath Saunahath Oent > Hair Stylist Business Hours- 10 00 am 900 p m Call 28 Kum Heng Court Tomllnson Ro»d Telephone
      759 words
    • 772 21 2't ton*, one road roller, on* air compretaor. 3 pellet trucks 2 torn hand operated Tel MOU3 fOn SAll HBIItAt BAROI enne IS torn bantam OM SO' boon 2 piecet 900 amp tlneoln wekSen and M kw SO cycle Ham ford wtth OM enttne tmsrator ■et Anchor and oootr wincnea
      772 words
    • 583 21 §v^; j»j f /.l q:iH GILLETTE I Require A SALES MANAGER! Up To $25,000 A Year Gillette is the largest manufacturer of razor blades in the world and has successfully diversified into men's and women's toiletries, writing instruments, cigarette lighters, electrical appliances, sunglasses, etc. The Singapore Sales Manager will have
      583 words
    • 648 21 A leading Group of Companies based In Petallng Jaya, Invites applicants for a position of CHIEF ACCOUNTANT/COMPANY SECRETARY THE MAN: The man we are looking for must be a suitably qualified Malaysian between 28-35 years old with a degree or professional qualification in accounting, A.C.I.S. or a M.B.A. He must
      648 words
    • 777 21 BANK PERTANIAN MALAYSIA JAWATAN KOBONQ Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa dart warganefara Malaysia untuk menflal Jawatan- jawatan dldalam Perkhldmatan BPM sepertl bertkut1. JAWATAN "'ogowal Komatuan nmemamn/litvmm KrwdN TANQQAQAJI $090 x 90 850/950 x 50 1150/1300 x 50 1500/1800 x 75 1825 kumpulan Kumpulan A UMUR (1) Calun-calun bagl lantlkan terus tldak meleblhl
      777 words

    • 462 22  - Keep Going should win his next run EPSOM JEEP By STABLE have been lucky with their Keep Goings. Keep Going the First (by Al cide) won the Tunku's Gold Cup. and the Singapore Derby in 1970; Keep Going II (by I domeno) was a useful money- spinner, winning: five races
      462 words
    • 40 22 EDINBURGH MOD. Scotland beat Walat 13-10 In Five NaUons Rubgy Union international at Murrayfleld here on Saturday. Scotland lad r-S at halfume. In Dublin. Ireland beat France J5-« In another match. Ireland led 10-8 at half-time lUuter
      40 words
    • 344 22 Duran sends Lampkin to hospital with savage blow PNAMA CITY, Mon Roberto Duran retained his World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight championship yesterday when he knocked out Ray Lampkin of the United States In the 14th round with a savage blow which sent the loser to the hospital. T.f mpifji^ remained
      344 words
    • 1167 22 SATURDAY OL7 ■I O HT S far ww Saturday, flnt day of the Singapore Turf Club's March meeting at Buklt nmah: CL 1. DIV. X— «F. Mann II 9.00 Prince Troy 8.10 Big Chris 8.10 Vlsnu 111 8.08 Strike Lucky 8 07 Naval Base II 8.01 Ten
      1,167 words
    • 104 22 NBW YORK. Man— American Bob Murphy nred a four-under-par M yesterday to win the Jackie OleaaanInverrary Oolf Clautc by one stroke over fellow countryman Sddle Pcarce Murphy finished with a four- round total of IS-under-par 71. edflnc Jack worth t'SSM.OOO i»ll«.000> Ha Urdled the lSth and
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 257 22 rE Stipendiary Steward* •port on Sunday* new at Penang RACE ONE: Seotoaa IBUppl«) and Fafcsr Chip (M. Bnc> wer both alow to move. Trainer H'T* and apprentice P. Lee were questlon•d aa to the riding Instructions and the riding on Danish Daa. The trainer explained that be wished the
      257 words
    • 676 22 reluctant to jump and began awkwardly. Thli was verified by the steward's observation and the patrol film. Approaching the If K»rac*l (M. Bng> who was pulling hard had to be eased away from the heel* of AuM L»n« Syne (P. Nglowi. Ml—ladppl BhM (MC Umi who
      676 words
    • 569 23  -  ERNEST FRIDA GERMANS IMPRESS IN 4-2 TRIUMPH My RUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Malaysia held European champions Spain to a goalless draw at Mindef Stadium here today and their chances of qualifying: for the semi-finals from Group "A" in the World Cup hockey championship hang:
      569 words
    • 586 23  - Malaysia Cup: FAS name squad for centralised training JOE DORAI By PA of Singapore selectors 1 last night announced a list of 20 players for a 10--day centralised training stint to select Singapore's team for the Malaysia Cup competition which will begin on March 16. Training will begin on Thursday
      586 words
    • 185 23 SINGAPORE Amateur Judo Association has begun Its Intensive trainIng of 30 Judokas for the Seap Games in Bangkok this year. The aim U to better Its four gold, one sliver and one bronze medals haul at the last Games held here. The judokas train twice
      185 words
    • 111 23 Ramli nets winner rtEFENDINO champions »J Printing Employees Union were yesterday knocked out of the NTUC Inter-Union soccer tournament when Singapore Air Transport-Workers Union beat them 1-0 at Farrer Park. The winning goal was scored by Ramll Sudl. In the Business Houses junior knockout, tournament. Metal Box beat Hyatt 4-2
      111 words
    • 27 23 81NOAPORI Amateur Swimming Association wtll hold IU annual meeting at Bports House today. Souvenir* will be presented to member* of the rand raising working sub-committee.
      27 words
    • 250 23 West Indians trail only by 87 runs |£ARACHI, Mon. An unbeaten 103 by All Kallicharran, a dashing 77 by opener Roy Fredericks and a solid 73 by Clive LJoyd took the West Indies to within 87 runs of Pakistan at the end of the third day In the second and
      250 words
    • 88 23 PAKISTAN Ist Inns 4M-S dw. (Waste Raja 1M not cut. Maild Khan 100. Waste Bar! M). WBIT INDUS Ist Inn* rtilirliai c Llaqat AU b inUkhab Tl Bataaaa c Waste Bart b InUkhab M KaßMunma not out 10J Bliiiitaaa lbw Moahtaq 10 Lh*ytf 0 Bkdba b AaU Masood 7>
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 39 23 TOKYO. Mon. Fullback ktath Werner scored 33 minute* into the second halt and the Swedish National soccer team held on to win 1-0. in IU Japan debut yesterday against th* All-Japan team, at Tokyo's National Stadium.— AP.
      AP  -  39 words
    • 299 23 CHRISTCHURCH. Mon. Openers DennU Anuai and Barry Wood made a confident lUrt as England art out in pursuit of New Zealand's first Inning* total of JO on the aecond playing day of the Second cricket Ta»t ban today. England war* 17 for no wicket
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 547 22 EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENT IN THE ORES DIVISION This important area of the Group's business, dealing with export of mineral ores and the handling of valuable nonferrous metals, has a vacancy for an executive appointment. The man selected will have a good standard of education, possibly to university level, and with several
      547 words
    • 886 22 QovfTHwnt of Sarawak Marina Dapartmant TarxJar Notice The Government of Sarawak Invites Tenders for the conversion of one Buoy Tender to Hydrographlc Survey Mother Ship. 2. Omarti Q— crtpHon of V«*ml: The existing vessel Is steel -constructed with flush main deck, and raised forecastle. 3. Conversion requirements In general:- The
      886 words
    • 568 22 PENANQ NILL RAILWAY TENDERS FOR CONTRACT NO. 1 RAILWAY CARRIAGES EQUIPMENTS AND ANCILLARY WORKS Tenders are Invited from Contractors who are suitably qualified for the execution of the above Works. The proposed Works Involves the dismantling of existing Carriages; manufacture, supply, assembly, erection, testing, commissioning etc. and maintenance of four
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 771 23 BATA (MALAYSIA) BERHAD (Incorporated In The Federation Of Malaya) I FINAL REPORT The Directors of Bata (Malaysia) Berhad have pleasure In announcing the audited results of the Company's operation for the foUows"- December, 1974 with comparative figures as Yearwadßd Yeaxraded SI. 12.71 31.11.74 (Audited) (Audited) Sale.: f Domestlc 26,973 x24
      771 words
    • 1041 23 INBTITIUT TEKNOLOJI MARA (MARA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) Permohonan -permohonan attalah dlpelawa dart calun-calun bumlputra yantf berkelayakan untuk menglkutl salah satu darlpada kursus dldalam ka-Jlan-kajtan berlkut dl Instltlut Teknolojl MARA A. SCHOOL OP ACCOUNTANCY: AC 10 Diploma In Accountancy AC 50 Institute of Cost Management Accountants (UK) AC 51 Association of
      1,041 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 97 23 BUOBT— Blacks 10-a-afcto: Brtdt—ton* v Sim* Darby C- Coy v Poses; V Oor PMsndty Jot Wangm v Blacks' (Parm Park): 'A' Joyful Tnrttana (Toa Payob). Coy WoodtaM* Support SQUASa-SSRA-s lnUr-chib coy c Blacks (Tanslln). status O" urada mmpXlUnn: JE?^ >•»£>: IsTMCA BAFT I Polic* BA. TTB HoaptUl (PaksisV Bd.)- PSA
      97 words

  • 72 24 WORKERS of Mat snshlU Electronic Industries, after leaving their factory In TakatsuaJ. central Japan, at noon, sweep Utter from the front of Srttiutonda railway station In Osaka Dye to saftini sales and bulginc inventorlea, MatMuhlta went on half-day work schedules. Its workers' union formed a voluntary
    AP  -  72 words
  • 260 24 INFLATION ON THE WAY OUT: SIMON WASH INOTON, Mon. Treasury Secretary Will lam Simon said in an interv 1 c w published yesterday that inflation was receding and wages were starting to catch up with prices "Just about now." Mr. Simon also said he hoped Congress would follow up Immediate
    260 words
  • 208 24 ALGIERS. Monday THE 13 major oil-producing nations are considering summit approval of two plans a special fund and an Inflation index to keep oil prices high, oil sources said today. The report came as leaders of the Organisation of Petroleum-Ex-porting Countries (Opec) begin arriving
    208 words
  • 116 24 mo vsw onewo. k«i dirwtor InJottnal Training Board r*aM4 away peacefully on J-J-7S uavinc behind btlovta wif. llaii. atuckttr OtMt tad aea Uaaau IfMrtt loavta No JR. SMl** Dnvt oa Witmliy VIM at 110p« far Mfvt«t at Urn Chant *f Our Laar of PtrpMuai —int. ajtat ana Una 1
    116 words
  • 20 24 BANDAR SOU MOAWAN. Moo Radio Television Brant! hu luccaatfxUly carried out 1U first colour televUion tan transmission. Reuter
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 419 24 LONDON. Mob. jUvwm traa QSSMAtBt Ml tat GCOQOny &A 4 a tinlmii an4»low mnrtjr pmapM praei-takinc At > p.m Urn Finucial Ttmaa Ma ni dawn T. 5 to sjaj, Tb« um^aiur point but t»U CM by amnUyi Bank nmlil rtM* Mu»U «at-h*lf pout m io» if— l bo«i«i
    419 words
  • 465 24 No plan for Phnom Penh attack Sihanouk: We'll draw out the troops NEW YORK, Monday pRINCE Norodom Sihanouk, exiled former Cambodian Head of State, was Suoted today as saying in an interview lat his forces did not plan to attack Phnom Penh immediately. The Prince was quoted by Newsweek as
    Reuter  -  465 words
  • 79 24 MANILA, Mon. President Marcos today ordered the armed forces to stop "aggressive operation*" against Muslim rebels in tbe southern Philippines at least until peace talks resume tn Saudi Arabia early next i lonta After a Drteft'Vt by bis High CosamanJ and field commanders from the
    AP  -  79 words
  • 56 24 LONDON. Mon. London dock worker* voted today to continue an unofficial work stoppage which ha* virtually doeed the port of London ■tnot last Thursday night. About 1.000 men. with only three dissident*, voud at a man meeting to continue the wildcat strike over who should handle
    AP  -  56 words
  • 28 24 AN unidentified housewife, got off unhurt when her car caught fin along Upper Thomson Road last night Her Ford Bacort was mniple tely burnt out.
    28 words
  • 54 24 THRJEB more cases of typhoid were reported in the Jurong Town area, bringing the total number of cases to 117, the Ministry of the Environment said yesterday. Meanwhile, no new cases of malaria were reported in the Whampoa/Kallang area. The total number of cases reported In the
    54 words
  • 60 24 BELFAST. Mon. Bombs exploded In a private house and a ftah and chlpa shop today in the predominantly Roman Catholic old park neighbourhood. wounding •even persona, some seriously. The bombs went off almost simultaneously during the morning rush hour in the came area where noun earlier a
    60 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 125 24 USTEN TO US SUPERSCOPE YOU NEVER HFARD IT SO GOOD CD-302A STEREO CASSETTE DECK with DOLBY' ond LOCKING PAUSE CONTROL Here i the perfect itereo cowette deck for your music *y»tem The Superscope CD-302A, with Dolby Noise Reduction System The 'Dolby' system is o record ond play process that virtually
      125 words
    • 124 24 \JfS%!J MnHer Refrigeration Unit Coolers For normal Temperature applications. Extremely Thin Efficient D Economical Sole Agents in Singapore/ Malaysia/ Brunei rHA? Ritrigintion (Pf) Ltd. 3. Kinta Road. Singapore B. Tel: ***** 12 52- A. Jin. Kebun Teh, Johore Bahru. Tel: 3524 42. Jin. San Peng. Kuala Lumpur. Tel. *****2 1.
      124 words