The Straits Times, 26 February 1975

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 638 1 Court orders ex-police chief! to return $12,500 bribe money HONGKONG, Tuesday FORMER Hongkong Police Chief Superintendent Peter Godber, extradited from Britain to stand trial for corruption, was today jailed for four years by a district court judge. Godber. 52, was found guilty of corroptlyaccepting HK#25,000
    Reuter  -  638 words
  • 285 1 SBS conies under fire again. gINGAPOBE's bus service the object of much criticism in the} past came under fire again in Parliament during the debate yesterday on the formal motion to thank the President for his speech on behalf of the Government at the ceremonial opening of Parliament last Friday.
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  • 31 1 JAKARTA. Tuei. Thirtytwo people, including a family of six. have died during the past few days after eating tempe bongkrek. a dish made from fermented coconut waste— Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 151 1 FRANKFURT, Tuesday THE dollar 3 plunged again on European foreign exchange markets today despite widespread central bank support Fears that members of the Organisation ot Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) will move funds out of dollars Into other currencies depressed the dollar as Opec ministers opened talks In
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 41 1 NEW YORK, Tues. DOW Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus 726.14. down 10.80; 20 transp 159.62. down 1.52; 15 utlls 80.07, down 0.86; 68 stocks 231.53, down 303. UPI.
    UPI  -  41 words
  • 107 1 A UCKLAND, Toes. A New Zealand cricketer, Ewen Chatfield, has regained consciousness and is in "complete control of his faculties" after being struck by a fast, rising delivery from English fast bowler Peter Lever on the final day of the cricket Test here. Chatfield was given mouth
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  • 69 1 LONDON. Tues. Five of Britain's most eminent physicians tfclay called for a big increase in tax on cigarettes to help foot the country's medical )ill. The piesldent of the Royal College of Physicians. Dr. Cyril Clarke, and four other top doctors said la a letter to
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 32 1 BEIRUT. Tues. A North Yemeni court today sentenced All Ben All Awadl. hijacker of a Yemeni airliner, to death, the Iraqi News Agency said In a despatch from Sanaa— UPl.
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  • 25 1 TAIPEH, Tues. Taiwan will build or buy 14 new ships totaling 110.000 tons this year, the Central news agency said today. Reuter.
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  • 197 1 Hijack ends after pardon pledge MANILA, Tuesday •pWO hijackers, promised Presidential pardon, released 11 hostages fr>>m their commandeered Philippines Air Lines (PAL) plane today and met with Defence Secretary John Ponce Enrile. The men, identified as Emilio Abarca Jr., about 30, and Cesar Malay, left the propellerdriven DC3 domestic airliner
    UPI  -  197 words
  • 280 1 Bulganin dies at 79 after long illness' TiyfOSCOW, Tues.—Marlrl shal Nikolai Bulganin, who once ruled the Soviet Union in tandem With Nlklta Khrushchev, died yesterday, aged 79, Tass news agency- said today. Tass said his death came after "a serious protracted Illness." Marshal Bulganin had not been mentioned in the
    Reuter  -  280 words
  • 63 1 LONDON. Tues. The former President of India. 81r Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. has won religions "Nobel prise" the Templeton prize for progress In religion It was announced here today. Sir Sarvepalli, 86. a Hindu, is the first non-Christian to win the annual prize, established three years ago "to stimulate
    Reuter  -  63 words
    • 29 1 LONDON, Tuei. The British Government today proposed a tax of 45 per cent on revenue from the Nation'! newly developed offshore oilfields. Renter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 Elite Centurion THE HNEST 4 GOLFING jjp T7 1 INSTRUMENTS LSSHSjU EVER CREATED^^^a^^f^^R DISTRIBUTORS: NAHAR COMPANY The Peninsula Shopping Complex Ground-F1oor(G-7),Coteman Street, Singapore 6. Tel: *****9 Toshiba the new experience iii sound. RT-333F Its ingenuity makes you a professional recording artiste. Multi-mixing is the ingenious feature Toshiba has built into
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    • 14 1 Weather outlook for today from 6 a.m. .o noon: Isolated shower* in late morning.
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    • 190 1 A 10-YEAR TAX BOON FOR QUALITY INDUSTRY -Page 11 OPEC: Freeze on oil price will continue 2 CAMBODIA running out of arms 3 US lifts arms embargo on India and Pak 4 CENTRAL bank: It's a good Idea 5 JOBLESS frads unless slump is checked 6 Pollution curbs will hit
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    • 49 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL lurnrnl N your wrist AUTOMATIC WRIST r^*^^\*. CHRONOGRAPH WITH B|k > PRECISION BEZEL 1 OL A SLIDE-RULE FOR 1 I ENGINEERS* BUSINESSMEN, W^H SCIENTISTS. PILOTS. A Available at UU CHUN CHONG W 62, South Bridge Road, p e f -j q 033 Singapore, 1. Tel: *****. Calculator
      49 words

  • Straits Times lAlorlld News
    • 128 2 $11.2 MIL HEROIN RACKET: TWO ARRESTED OARIS, Tues. Police last night arrested two Frenchmen suspected of smuggling heroin worth US$5 million (5511.2 million) into the United States, Interior Minister Michel Ponlatowskl said today. The two men were named as Urbaln Glome. 61, a cabaret restaurant owner In Nice, and Joseph
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 25 2 KETTLE PALLS (Washington). Tues. Archaeologists at the University of Idaho announced yesterday the unearthing of ancient Indian artifacts dating back 9.000 years.— UPl.
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    • 107 2 Request for more sugar rejected BRUSSELS, Thurs Six Commonwealth sugar producers have turned down a request by Common Market Farm Commissioner Pierre Lardinois to boost their sugar exports to the European community In the next four months. Informed sources said today. The sources said Mr. Lardinois made his request in
      Reuter  -  107 words
    • 55 2 TOKYO. Tue»— China last year recovered 6.25 million tonnes of usable waste materials valued at nearly 1.000 million yuan (about 8$ 1.200 million), according to Peking's Ksinhua News Agency. The total amount Is 10 per cent more than that recovered In 1973, Hatnhua said In a
      AP  -  55 words
    • 49 2 SKI COACH'S UPSIDE DOWN VIEW SKIERS on lifts and on the ground watch in afnaiement as Jeff Marr Jumps upsidedown, in the first freestyle open competition held at Saddleback Mountain in Maine. Murr, woo is a coach, still v wears a knee brace from an ea'lier injurf— UPl picture.
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    • 39 2 ipOTED NATIONS, Toes. Prance and Sweden have proposed that the Security Council entrust UN Secretary General Kurt Waldhelm with the task of reviving peace talks between the leaden of Greek and Turkish people in Cyprus.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  39 words
    • Briefs
      • 37 2 UNITEIf NATIONS: The United States said tody A1 would provide US$B5O million to USs9<» million (SSI3OO millioi to 552.000 million) worth of food in aid this year to developinf countries hardest hit by the world economic crisis.
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      • 29 2 WEST GERMANY: The Bade n-Wuerttemberg state government tonight called a temporait halt to building work on a nuclear power station project in Ayhl after 2,000 demonstrators occupied the site.
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      • 28 2 TOKYO: Takashite Otsuka, 48-year-old Washington bureau chief of Kyodp news arency, has won the 1975 Miles Vaufhn Prise for his outstanding reporting work from overseas to Japanese readers.
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      • 37 2 BRUSS:3LS: More than four minion people were out of work In the Common Market last month, an Increase of about a million over the same period in 1974, according to figures release* by the EEC commission today.
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      • 31 2 JAKARTA: The American Alcoa Company has plans to invest ISSI2O million (SS26B million) to l->|ld a bauxite plant in Tayam, West Borneo, the Director General for Sea Communications,. Haryono Nimpuno'said today.
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      • 39 2 QUEBEC CITY: A ship crewed by teenagers and run by a captain who set sail ,for international waters after his 2.500--ton vtssel was sold at a debtor's auction today was reported trapped in ttM ice-clogged St. Lawrence river. —Agencies.
        Agencies  -  39 words
    • 32 2 MANILA. Tues. President Marcos ordered today the reltase of 709 detainees, orlnginf to 2,166 the number of prisoners freed from military curtody within two months. the Government 6*ld.— j^P.
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    • 27 2 JAKARTA. Tues Japan has given Inconesia a Ilsherie» training Nrtilp worth U811.2 million (S6SB million), a Sea Communication department spokesman said today. Reuter.
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    • 256 2 JERUSALEM, Tun ISRAEL announced new austerity and tax measures yesterday to help pay for massive defence spending as a major part of its 1 £56,000 million (5521,600 million) 1975 Budget. Finance Minister Rehoshua Rabinowltz ran into immediate and strong opposition from both government supporters and opponents
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    • 76 2 ATHENS, Tues. Greek* military authorities are holding about 35 ajmy officers on charges of insurrection In connection with a planned coup, a Defence Ministry source said today. The source said the officers ue at tie disposal of military judicial authorities for interrogation. The I armed
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 228 2 Red bloc too hit by oil price hike BONN, Tues. Moscow's 150 per cent increase in oil prices is sending economic tremors through Eastern Europe and Western analysts anticipate the communist bloc will experience much the same problems faced by the West following the Middle East's oil hike. In total
      AP  -  228 words
    • 414 2 Opec: Freeze on oil price will continue VIEN.NA, Tuesday fHE price of oil will stay frozen for the near future, o fii cia 1 s in the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) said today. Oil ministers of the 13 Opec nations met today to discuss inflation and the decreasing
      Reuter; UPI  -  414 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 324 2 BRITAIN'S BEST SELLING HI-FI SPEAKERSWharfedale f* Pure Simple Wharfedale speakers are for those who want separation of brass from the woodwinds, the soloist from the chorus, the lead guitar from the backing group. For those who want definition, a smooth response over the whole frequency spectrum, in fact a sound
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    • 152 3 Britain to free another 80 IRA suspects BELFAST Tues. The British Government cade its first substantial response to the Irish Republican Army's two-week-old ceasefire by announcing tbe release yesterday of 80 suspected extremists jaiied without trial. Secretary Merlyn Rees said the first of the prisoners i be released this week
      AP; UPI  -  152 words
    • 457 3 WASHINGTON, Tuea >JR. Phillip Habib. IS Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs, said Cambodia is running out of ammunition and food and the Government will pr o b ably collapse without emergency aid from the I'nited States. "It's not Just the Government
      UPI; AP  -  457 words
    • 202 3 U.S. TROOPS IN THAILAND: 'IT'S UP TO HANOI BANGKOK. Toes Thailand responding to a recent North Vietnamese criticism of IS military presence in Thailand, said today that it was an to Hanoi to negotiate with Washington on whether the IS forces stationed here should be withdrawn from Thai soil "What
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    • 168 3 MELBOURNE. Tues. The body of a teenage girl with her left arm missing was found washed ashore on tbe holiday playground coast of Victoria yesterday and police believed that she might have been a victim of voodooism. The cause of tbe unidentified 18 year-ole girl's
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    • 33 3 BRVSSELS Tues Alpbonae Muosten. Brtgtimt* Uurd .heart trarwplam patient Tiled at Brugmann Boa- pit*, -esterday 2S dart after tbe operation, medical a»trx>- I 1 rftiea aaaooiaced today. I AP. I
      AP  -  33 words
    • 89 3 Trapped nine make it to safety PALAU (Mexico Tues. Using their own picks and shovels, nine Mexican miners removed 22 tonnes of debris and reached the surface yes terday after being trapped in a collapsed mine shaft for nearly 24 hours, autbonues said today. Tbe nine were allowed to go
      AP  -  89 words
    • 419 3 LOG AKGELES. Tuesday T»HE 47th annual Academy Award nominations tumec into a family affair yesterday for two of the film industry's most successful clans the Corleones and the Coppolas. The Godfather. Part 2 farther adventures of tbe racketeering Corleone family, scored 11 Ttfwnlnmtjsvn* tying
      AP  -  419 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 254 3 ttf^J fk f\'l 2000g 3400g Jjmijk rj[2£S ™<°'' 7JO 12.65 Whis "y 16.65 chicken Pie 0,60 *0 *Jl OC-.-***** Cornflakes 2,60 Liquei fi s 1^ 2185 Frwt Strudle 0.50 \J' •3*<feV 0+ JL Kellogg's 510g •••IFlr Peter Hemng ;75 Lit <fcr*«Ftr Irt^^^r 9M Crispbread s^. no WhiteR r^; 75L <^"
      254 words

    • 446 4 US lifts ban on arms sale to India and Pakistan JOY AND PROTEST OVER DECISION WASHINGTON, Tuesday United States liftecf a 10-year-old embargo on the sale of American weapons to India and Pakistan yesterday. The ban was a legacy of the 1965 IndoPakistan war over the yet unresolved Kashmir dispntc
      Reuter  -  446 words
    • 171 4 Work permits for aliens in Manila MANILA, Tues. The Labour Department has announced that all aliens working In the Philippines must apply for work permits except those belonging to International organisations and other people exempt under the country's lenient foreign investment law. The new guidelines published today require employers to
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    • 104 4 'Get-rich-quick baby dealer' charge LOS ANGELES, Tues. The name "SaveA Life Adoption Service" was enough to tug at the heartstrings. But its owner is accused of trying to get rich quick by selling babies for US$lO,OOO (5J23.000) a piece. Deputy restrict Attorney Richard Moss said In court yesterday Save-A-Life's operator.
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    • 31 4 JAKARTA. Tues. A former vice-chairman of the Indonesian Congress. Mr. Malanchton Siregar. died In hospital here yesterday after suffering a heart attack two days ago. He was 63— Reuter.
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    • 172 4 NEW DELHI, Tues.— Name boards outside political party offices in Dacca were palled down yesterday within hours of the announce merit by Bangladesh President Mujibur Rahman of a sole new party for his country, the Press Trust of India reported. The news agency,
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 97 4 LARK AN A (Pakistan), Tues. The Shah of Iran arrived here today for a threeday private visit at the invitation of Pakistan's Prime Minister Zalflkar All Bhutto. According to an official ann o v n cement here, it was the Shah's third visit in three
      Reuter  -  97 words
    • 281 4 TALKS ON SOVIET ARMS FOR INDIA NEW DELHI, Tuesday OOV[ET Defence Minister Andrei Grechko has begun top-level discussions here expected to centre on prospects for increased Soviet military supplies to India. Marshal Grechko's four-day visit has assumed special significance following the decision by the United States to lift the 10--year-old
      UPI  -  281 words
    • 59 4 TOKYO, Tud. Japans International Trade and Industry* Minister Toshlo Komoto ;aid today his ministry would hold regular consultations with commercial attaches of 12 Arab diplomatic missions here. Mr. Komoto told a press codfennce the meeting held monthly or bi-monthly, would discuss ways to promote Japan's frade
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 81 4 New Thai regime's crackdown on crime BANGKOK, Tues. Bangkok police In the first major crackdown on crime in the Thai capital have arrested 1,875 suspects in 1.255 criminal cases during their first two days of anti-crime campaign under the new Government of Prime Minister Seni Pramcj. Police said today that
      AP  -  81 words
    • 50 4 A 'JUMBO' RIDE FOR ROYALTY KING Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Dcv and Queen Aishwar ya riding on a painted elephant through the streets of Katmandu after his coronation on Monday. The coronation of the 29 year old Nepalese monarch was attended by royalty and statesmen from 58 countries. UPI radiophoto.
      UPI  -  50 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 416 4 AIR TICKET /f^j^k TOUR iw&W)) SUPERMARKET! N^QEp/ YOU CAN NOW REACH FOR THE SKY FOR 1 5.U fl m LAWAS/UMBANG 15.00 M UV^VfTHI m LABU AN /BRUNEI 21.00 m^f^Tmi V*\^H SINGAPORE/X. LUMPUR $42.00 Wm tilil 'SINGAPORE/BANGKOK $339.00 SINGAPORE/HONGKONG. $579.00 SINGAPORE/TAIPEI $749.00 (m Super Jet Comfort! Choose either a 8707 or
      416 words
    • 352 4 /OUI\IQE/Uil\l Soundesign "Value For Your Money" Contest Prizewinners Ist Mr«. Tan Hit Eng rile 89 -C, Balom Road Mock 31, Singapore 13 2nd Mr. Safuan B. Salam Mod#l 4482 Prixe 206Q, Blk 17, Lorong 7, Toa>oyoh 2 Model 5014 Mr. Ong Kok Him 65-H, Holland Avenue, Blk 14 3 Model
      352 words

  • 271 5 Belgians keen to set up factories in S'pore B>ELGIAN industrialists i are Interested in setting up factories here to manufacture heavy machinery used in the construction trades according to the leader of an 18-man Belgian trade mission now visiting Singapore. Mr. Jean-Pierre Rampelbergh. Mr. Rampelbergh. who is the deputy director
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  • 57 5 MR. Justice Chua has granted an Injunction restraining Hong Leong Holdings Ltd.. developers of Orange Height, from using a private road for the purpose of access from Grange Road. The injunction Is to continue till hearing of a civil Milt in the High Court by Collui Development Pte.
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  • 107 5 JAKARTA MEETING OF ASEAN NEWSMEN INDONESIA is to host a conference for Asean journalists in Jakarta from March 10 to 12. The roundtable conference is to discuss the formation of a Confederation of Asean Journalists Association a name suggested by Indonesia. Two officials from the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) arrived
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  • 61 5 MR. CHEONG Eng Han has been re-elected president of Gunong Sayang Association. Other officials are: Messrs. him Kirn Bock and Chua Teck Pew. vice-presidents; Mr. Koh Khek Guan, secretary: Mr. Scow Kway Chin, treasurer; Mr. Koh Olm Chiang, auditor. Committee. Messrs. Royston Tan. Yong Kirn Keat. Charles
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  • 101 5 Thai envoy to discuss Thanom 's future THE Thai Ambassador to Singapore. Mr. Chamnong Phahulrat, is now on a visit to Bangkok for consultation with his new Government on policy Issues, including the future of his house guest. Marshal Thanom Klttikachom. The continued stay of Marshal Thanom at the ambassador's
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  • 442 5 Central bank: 'It's a logical move...' gANKKRS and businessman believe the Government proposal to form a central bank by merging the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the Board of Commissioners of Currency as a logical, sensible and worthwhile" arrangement. The Government's statement of policy was contained in an addendum to
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  • 70 5 MR Ohazall Caffor. president of the Malay Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Mlcheal Yeo of the Singapore Manufacturers' Association will be Joint deputy leaders of the Singapore economic mission to Indonesia. The mission leader is Mr. K.C. Tan, president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. The
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  • 41 5 THE secretailes-genenl of Aaean and senior official* of the New Zealand Government will meet In Singapore from tomorrow to Friday to discuss economic co-operation between them. They will Identify projects common to Asean and which are easy to Implement.
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  • 24 5 OVERSEA-Chinese Banking Corporation will celebrate the bank chairman's 50th anniversary of service at laland Ballroom. Shangri-La Hotel, on Saturday at 7.30 p.m.
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  • 82 5 Mr. Chin Choon Ful has been re-elected chairman of the Telok Kurau East School Pa-rent-Teacher Association. Other officials are: Messrs K.T. Vaswanl and Bernard Fernandez, vice chairman Mr. Tang Mun Choon, secretary; Mr. Rahman Hamld. assistant secretary; Mrs. Teo Kit Lee, treasurer; Mrs. Yip Chong Long,
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  • 98 5 ACCIDENT VICTIM IN HOSPITAL A6O-year-ald man died in Outram Hospital on Monday, eight hours after he was Involved in an accident with a scooterlst. Police said Dollah bin Manam of Jalan Sembawang was walking along Upper Coast Road at about 6.45 a.m. when the accident happened. The scooterlst Ooh Lam
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  • 48 5 THE ninth Asia YMCA Leaders' Conference will be hotted by the Singapore National Council of YMCAs at the Mandarin Hotel from June 32 to 37. About 100 participants will gather to discuss mutual problems and points for further improvement of the YMCAS in Asto.
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  • 251 5 'S'poreans will continue to visit Europe' forecast THE number of Sin- gaporeans travelling to Europe vrfl] not drop this year, according to Mr. Robtn Cattermole. chief executive of Global of London (Tours and Travel), a leading British travel agency. Mr. Cattermole said although travel forecast for 1975 seemed gloomy in
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  • 145 5 CONTEST FOR RADIO JAPAN LISTENERS DADIO Japan Is orga- nisinK an essay contest for its overseas listeners to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its inauguration and the International Ocean Exposition on Okinawa in Jjly. Contestants can either write on The Sett We Would Like to Sec. which is the theme
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 291 5 "I had a job that paid more money than any of my friends." "When I left school I thought I was Ife^ smart But now I realise the truth. I had bJAI no future, and by the time I was 25 1 was IE ''a deadend." There are a lot
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    • 543 5 11 ll i VESTA INDONESIA' Starting this Friday! 2 weeks of the flavours, fashions, sights and sounds of Indonesia-right here in Singapore! fl H^ m.Mt^\ HyV^Nßy HWiP«kt^ ■jwJFtJr Singapore Airlines is flying in top jewellery pk TH Ejijp 'V fit V| jaJai I designer Judith Tumbelaka, two jewellery ■J Si*
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  • 286 6 Chye sim and long beans go up by 5 cents PICES of chye sim and long beans rose by five cents a kati to 65 cents and 50 "cents respectively, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following are the recommended prices RICE: China 10 per cent Vim Cheok. 90 cents a
    286 words
  • 42 6 TWO youths were fined 1800 each by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for taking methaqualone at Oeylang Road on Dec. 29 at about 8.35 pm. Abdul Latlff bin Amir. 30, and Sulalman rtn Wahab, 18. pleaded guilty.
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  • 40 6 TAN Wah Plow, who was sentenced to one year's Jail on Saturday for rioting, remains president of the University of Singapore Students' Union till his term of office ends in August, accordIng to a USSU statement yesterday;
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  • 33 6 THE Ministry of Culture will present the 14th Concerts for the Young at the National Library lecture hall on Saturday at 2 pm. Complimentary tickets are available at the library.
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  • 23 6 A OORONHI yesterday recorded a misadventure verdict on Mohamed Kamsan who was drowned while swimming near Changl Creek on Feb. 16.
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  • 171 6 Printing worker dies in crash A STRAITS Times compositor, Mr. Cannusamy Francis (above) 52, died In a road accident 15 minutes before he was due to report (or duty yesterday. The accident took place at 5.15 p.m., only a few metres from his Jalan Rumah Tinggi home. Police stid he
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  • 88 6 Two men who wore woman's clothes TWO men, who came to court in woman's clothes, were fined a total of $380 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for soliciting: for Immoral purposes at Bugls Street. Thomas D. Tito, 34, was fined $300 for kissing a European man at Bugls Street
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  • 42 6 THE Health Ministry has begun recruiting the first batch of dental therapy trainees for its new Institute of Dental Health In Alexandra Park. The trainees win undergo a three-year course at the Dental Health Education Unit In Hyderabad Road.
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  • 858 6 'Jobless grads unless 4 slump is checked' I THE Vice-Chancellor of the University of Singapore, Dr, Toh Chin Chye, yesterday warned of unemployment for graduates in the futare if there were no speedy solutions to recession problems. He said: "Up to now, university graduates have not experienced major difficulties in
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  • 46 6 Death leap of man with mania TAV Woo Ton*, 77 jumped to his death from Block 32, Jalan Baha?la on Feb. 17 at about 5.30 a.m. Tay, who was suffering from iwrsecution mania and lnsomria. had threatened to take his own life several times. Verdict: Suicide.
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  • 34 6 Whampoa 'awards APPLICATIONS are Invited from needy student* living in Whampoa consttttuenc; for a I lumber of scholarships offered by the Whastpoa Welfare Fund. Ponns are obtainable at the Consumers' club Mt Block| 81.
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  • 37 6 THJS caw against Philip Massi. lamany William*, 51, accuw-d of dangerous driving and driving under the Influence of alcohol along Jalan* Anak Buklt on Auk. 1. 1973, mas adtoumed to April 2 by a out yesterday.
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  • 106 6 AN earth-breaking ceremony for an $8.5 million cement factory complex was held at Jurong yesterday. The clinker grinding mill which has a maximum capacity of producing 000,000 metric tomes of cement a year, is a Joint venture between Ssangyong Cement Ind. Co. of Korea,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 439 6 to go shopping, .1 ,Ti I visit the tailor I meet your friend I and eat lunch? I Then rush right in for I It's the A W way to eat at the SIA Building, Robinson Road. Lunch is ready and wrapped to eat on the spot or to take
      439 words
    • 63 6 Horn-blower A taxlman, Tay Song Hal was fined $80 yesterday for sounding his horn longer than necessary at Tanglin Road on May 29. y.v.v.'.v.v.v.'.v^.v.v.vA'j'.w.v^^.'.VrV. 1 ji LAST DAY! T&Z'ktiM 930p« ;i MBiMior AdilU: 52.00-CMMTM: $1.00 < IN CAHTONtSI WITH INCUSM SU«TITHS IHTII A y\m "SPARKLING" DAY g«ri CHARLES GROoTn CANOICE
      63 words
    • 321 6 NOW SHOWING AT LIDO 8 SHOWS DAILY: 11 M. 1 *3. 4. 6.45 9.1 Spm For EU WALLACH this is lis LAST CHANCE at a ■fin-Mar rofcfcery! For URSULA ANDRESS this is her LAST CHANCE at toe wit^ojiier LAST CHANCE Alst ttamig FABIO TESTI COLOK CAPITOL -COMING SOON! From THE
      321 words
    • 159 6 GOLDEN/PALACE STH BIG DAY! GOLDEN: DAILY S SHOWS at 11.00 A.M., 130,4 00, 6 45 4 9 30 P.M. PALACE: DAILY 4 SHOWS 1 30, 3.30, 7° 15, 9 30 pm. They're Handicapped Against Modern Weapons But They Deliberate With Martial Art and Oppose Firmly With Their I Sword*! (in
      159 words
    • 583 6 I ORGANISATION' I NOW SHOWfMC! V 11« m, 1.4J, 4.00. **i Ml Eli Wolloch. Ursulo Andrew I "LAST^CHANCr^COLOfi f NIXT CHANGE! Helmut Berger. 'rowow Fobion 4 Florence Lotumo w "GAMBLER 4 H»e LADY R LAST DAY-NO FREE LIT 1 1 em. 1 JO. 4.00. 45. »JO "FOtMDOEN TALES OF TWO
      583 words

  • 180 7 Why the rough stuff is out for Daniel J7OR concert pianist F Daniel Adni (above), his fingers are his fortune, but it costs too much to insure them. And this is why the rough and tumble of outdoor pursuits is taboo for Daniel. He prefers to spend his spare time
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  • 66 7 FARRER Road and Sembawang post offices have been equipped with S on-line banking services. There are now 26 on- j line terminals available I at 22 POSB offices. A depositor may now present his passbook at any on-line office to update the Interest
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  • 54 7 3 men found dead in Chinatown THREE unidentified men were found dead In various parts of Chinatown yesterday. In the morning, one man was found lying on the roadside in Pagoda Street. Another man was also found In Sago Lane. At about 3.30 p.m.. the third man was found lying
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  • 66 7 JAKARTA. Tues. A Singapore seaman died early test week on board his ship Glory on its way from Jujungpandang to Ambon In the Mollucas Islands, Antara News Agency reported today. It said Let Tuan Keng, 52, a fireman aboard the tanker leased by the Indonesian oil
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 43 7 A, former car aprayer, Tan Yong Kirn, I*. yesterday admitted steallnK equipment worth $1,500 from his employer's motor repair shop at Sin Mln Road 00 FCb. 13. Sentence was portponed pending a Reformative Training Centre report on March 11.
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  • 22 7 8IA» fourUi ***** Jumbo airliner will arrive »t Paya Lebar airport at 9.1S ».m. tomorrow to Join the airline* fleet.
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  • 671 7 'SMALL PLANTS MAY CLOSE DOWN' WARNING MORE than half of the 100 sawmills here will be seriously hit by the Government's plan to curb noise and air pollution, Mr. Fong Pin Chee. president of the Singapore Sawmillers Association, said yesterday. "The Industry is just recovering
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  • 172 7 Display that'll boost FrenchS'pore ties fVHE coming French trade exhibition here x is Just the beginning of special commercial links between France and Singapore, said a French trade official yesterday. Mr. Louis Thierry Grail, 26, said that after the exhibition. French businessmen would be back again to work out final
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  • 35 7 A LORRY-DRIVER. Chew Chin Hoe. was fined $180 In the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for carrying goods which projected from the rear of his truck without a police permit on Sept. 24 at
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  • 153 7 ACCIDENT VICTIM GETS $2,400 ON APPEAL NO Yeow Huang, an electrician, who lost a road accident claim for damages last June, won his appeal yesterday and was awarded $2,446 damages. On, June 24, 1974 he had unsuccessfully sued Ng All Lek, a van driver, in the High Court for being
    153 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 245 7 S.S. MALAYSIA j (FULLY AIR-OONDITK»nED) WEEKEND CRUISE FOR ONLY $150.00 PLUS SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR FAMILY TRAVEL. (Hnd if faaily pays tta fill applicable rand trip fan. Accia ■aiyktg wife aid/ir ehildrai aver 12 yiara tat ■•dtr 19 yaars pay 25$ ten, eiiMrai aider 12 yitra pay 50$ tea) a Special
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
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    • 1793 8 Children of rich parents who waste money in coffee houses BIDS FOR CAR NUMBERS BY 'HIGH SOCIETY PEOPLE 9 RA C K-BENCH- ERS had a field day yeste r d a y when Parliament debated a motion to thank the President for his
      1,793 words
    • 155 8 MR. Hwang Soo Jin (Jalan Kayu) asked the Government to review the philosophy of government departments making profits. He said some of the departments performing traditional services had become so commertialised that they nought to show profits. Another point he made during the debate was that
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    • 702 8 T»HE Government 1 must now be specially watchful and Jealous in safeguarding the standards of service and achievement that had always characterised Its actions, Mr. J.F. Conceicao (Katong), said in Parliament yesterday. He said many people took for granted or had become over-accustomed
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    • 579 8 AN APPEAL to go slow with restructuring the education system was made by Dr. Chiang Hai Ding (Ulu Pandan) in Parliament yesterday. He also criticised the decision to scrap history from the curriculum. He said: "We have had so many changes in
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    • 275 8 saying: "Where else but In Singapore can we find an ethnic Indian, born In India, educated in Singapore, possessing a science oegree from the University of Singapore (a Master's degree in marine biology and writing beautiful love poems to hu ethnic Chinese wife in an
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    • 58 8 House gets 10 Bills TEN Bills were Introduced in Parliament yesterday. They were the Clean Air (Amendment) BUI Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Bill, Workmen's Compensation Bill, Broadcasting and Television (Amendment) Bill, Women's Charter (Amendment) Bill. The Local Government Integration (Amendment) Bill, Apportionment of Rents (Amendment) BUI. Hlre-Pur-chase (Amendment) BUI, Income Tax
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 191 8 MT. EMIIY TOWER "rtT~ ap -4— P= s*£ E& >^V IS. v An attractively designed luxurious apartment block with panoramic views built on elevated ground at Wilkie Road District 9. It is within 5-minute walking distance to the well known Mount Emily Swimming Pool and to the pulsating Selegie Road
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    • 13 8 PARLIAMENT will resume debate on the motion of thanks to the president today
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    • 105 8 ■jam n <C Vl\\ T 9 iJß^^^ m&j Ls^^^J? I I B^V m MlJklillil ▼t -^rq Furniture Dept. u»ual Now Garden seats with large sun shade attached lor 4 persons (Limited stock) $245.00 $150.00 New Arrival Vinyl portable wardrobes in 6 attractive designs Size 160 cm xSOcmx 75cm $45.00^ Ladies
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  • 327 9 We don't harass debtors, says official CECRETARY of the Singapore Moneylenders' Association, Mr. Tan Kok Huang, said yesterday strong arm tactics and harassment to recover money from borrowers were employed by unlicensed moneylenders and not his members. "If the borrower refused to pay up the loans and Interest on the
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  • 30 9 METROPOLITAN YMCA Is holding a canoeing course for beginners at Ponggol Point on March 22 from 2.30 to 530 p.m. and March 23 from 19 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
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  • 31 9 LEOW Chon Sens. 44. was fined *50 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for shouting at the top of his voice at Merdeka Bridge on Monday a 2.05 a.m.
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    • 59 9 PENANG. Tues. The Indonesian Consulate here has retained lawyer Mr. Lee Cheng Keat to represent two Indonesians in their appeal against conviction and sentence on drug charges. Ramll bin Balci. 21. and Tio Hole Km. 26. both fiom Sumatra. were jailed for three years each by the
      59 words
    • 183 9 Fitzpat building is certified sound KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A number of firms I which formerly occupied office space in Fitipatrick building here wi'l begin moving back into the building from tomorrow as it has been certified fit for reI occupation. So far Fitzpatri-k's and Dil a r a Advertiinjt have
      183 words
    • 237 9 Opec rivalry will force oil price down: Prof KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday /\IL prices are expected to fall within the next two years because of competition among members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec), a Japanese economist, Prof. Shinichi Ichimura said yesterday. Prof. Ichlmura, director of the Centre for
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    • 56 9 ALOR STAR. Tue». Neighbours helped to arrest a fleeing robber at the Perils border town of Padang Besar last night, but two accomplices, said to be armed with pistols, escaped. The three .nen had earlier tried to hold up a housewife. Madam Tan Teik Luan.
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    • 437 9 DISMISSED FAN'S BID TO STOP BYELECTION If U ALA LUMPUR, 1V Tues. The High Court dismissed today an application lor an interim injuction by Fan Yew Teng of the DAP to restrain the Election Commission from holding a byelection for the Menglembu parliamentary seat. Fan's counsel, Mr. Kirpal Singh had
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    • 131 9 Giant land scheme for Kelantan MACHANG. Tues. Tun Abdul Razak said today a mammoth land development scheme similar to the Pahang and Johore Tenggara land schemes was being considered for implementation in Ke lantan. World Bank officials were now carrying out a feasibility survey in Ke lantan Utara for crop
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  • 206 9 MICHAEL Goh (left) offering a "pow" to Lim Ah Juan after their Joint vintorv in eating 23 bans in a "char slew pow" contest held by the Cockpit Hotel for its staff yesterday. The contest, in which 20 men and 11 girls tried
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  • 57 9 KUANTAN, Tues.— The Pasir Kemudl bridge at the 18th mile Jalan Kuantan Sungai Lemblng is under 9ft of water and communication between the two towns has been cut off. The flood waters around the Pasir Kemr.di River rose after heavy rainfall for more than 12 hours
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  • 71 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. A company of 140 officers and men from the 6th battalion of the Royal Malay Regiment will leave for New Zealand on March 6 for a five weeks of training and exercise with units of the New Zealand Army. The exerche, tode-named Kris-Mere,
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  • 60 9 MALACCA. Tues. Police believe that a safe-cracking gang was responsible for yesterday's theft of $36,000 in cash and goodi> from the Emporium Melaka In Jalan Bunga Raya. The gang was believed to have been Involved in several break-ins in Malacca las' year. CID chief Asst. Supt. S.
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  • 621 9 JCHORE BARU, Tuesday •pHE prosecution amended today an obstruct ion charge against three people including an official of* the University of Malaya Students Union to illegal occupation of state land at Tasek Utara. "yie three are Mohamed Amln bin Ahmad, Johore
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  • 162 9 UMUT. Tues.— Stern Li' action will be taken against anyone condoning or assisting undesirable elements In anti-social acts in the Dir dings district, the District Officer, Enclk Abdul Jalll bin Ibrahim, warned here yesterday. 'fcAa chairman of the District Security Committee, I will not hesltatfe
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  • 120 9 Seminar on birth control T\R. Lee Chiaw Meng, MJ Minister for Education, will declare open a Family Planning and Population Education Seminar for teachers at the Singapore Conference Hall on March 14. The seminar, organised by the Singapore Family Planning and Population Board and the Ministry of Education, will be
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  • 261 9 The gallant act that cost him his life |N his gallant attempt to save his elster, school teacher Jew Poh j Hlng. 29. lost his life, a j coroner was told yesterday. The state coroner, Mr. Chee Wai Pong, reconJed a verdict of misadventure on Jew who received head injuries
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 London $930! And no one gjets you there faster Golden Service to London, virtually non-stop (only a short refuelling stop at Dubai). For 930 one way, you get all the^_^^ luxury of the latest MAS 707's; first class food; sincere /^"^^^X hospitality of Malaysia's Golden Girls; and most r~^m w^k
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 255 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS 1 Water an oil vessel and 1 rT h e° f B-'KiS 11 'n 'Sue, 9 .r^c'rols 9 a' good run- g-nt, <- ,0 U* insubstantia! note *"> without pur--8 Writer applying heat si 11 Satirical bird If). his clgar (6 8) 12 Judo practitioner not
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  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1975
    • 514 10 A PATTERN of conciliation seems to be emerging in the troubled Middle East after Dr. Henry Kissinger's visit earlier this month. Before he took off on anew round of shuttle diplomacy, the US Secretary of State said in Washington on Feb. 9 that he did not expect his
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    • 126 10 TtfODERN Western mythology considers ITI Athens the "cradle of democracy" despite the gap of seventf hundred years between Greek attempts to establish people's government in the fifth century BC and the growth of democracy as it is now known. But more recently Greece has been nurturing a less
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  • 501 10 MOSCOW, Tues. Mkolai Bulganin, Premier of the Soviet Union from 1955 until Vikita Khrushchev dumped him in 1958, died on Monday aftei a "protracted serious illness," Tass reported yesterday. He vas 79. tfisrory renumbers Mr. Bulginin as the figure who played straight man "to
    AP  -  501 words
  • 1154 10  - The MidEast tightrope W. LANDREY: PRESIDENT ASSAD'S SUPPORT VITAL BUT SYRIA STANDS TO GAIN LITTLE FROM* PEACE PLAN By New York JN the practice of diplomacy, things are not always what they seem to be, and therein lies the hope for Dr. Henry Kissinger's next step into the Middle East.
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    • 279 10 THOSE TAX EVADERS... REFER to Mr. K.N. Achary's proposal to stop tax-evasion by hawkers by imposing a 10 per cent sales tax on daily turnover (N.N., Feb. 10). I am sure that cash register manufacturers will nominate him "man of the year." Imagine
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    • 100 10 H/E wish to Inform TT "Furious" (ST.. Feb. 13) and other motorists who use the car park In front of the Welcome Supermarket In Toa Pavoh Town Centre that the machine which registers the time out at the exit point Is timed 10 minutes slower
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    • 89 10 mHE authorities have X rightly removed some of the bus stops between 51 miles and 7 miles Buklt Tlmah Road, and Dunearn Road because many of them were too close to one another. However within this stretch of road at least three bus stops with shelters have been discontinued and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 92 10 H I^SSSSI professbnol mcrophones "P. E." Series Each n uppliad ninth a Rugged. Jl Frnad Carrying Caaa. moulded lo cradle rh« mtcrophona arid TO -4*W Hf DtMeci .1 Irom damaga > 20-toot jMnjp Cable ninth Plug Sucp<»d Jpjtfr PC MS UruspharaA SI 75 00 /MaT PESM Urxtphafaß SISSOO JW^T PE6I6
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    • 425 10 pi ava^ tan |H||lHr*^Ks^HH^H^P^HßPl ml V I 13 WELLINGTON fV) gj COFFEEHOUSE \Y^\ Si A -Breakfast Set Lunch fe Sfr *<\1 -Dinner or Snacks also v»o,ii*rv-GJj gj jEj Italian Food at reasonable yjft JX nil v* charges $3.90 jj^ \\J Of TO 2nd floor Wellington Building £j Bideford Rd. Off
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  • 233 11 Wearnes Group to lay off 100 workers WEARNE Brothers Group, distributors and dealers in cars and other motor vehicles, is planning to retrench more than 100 workers by the end of this month. According to reliable sources, the retrenchment was necessary because the current economic situation had affected the demand
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  • 27 11 ARTHUR JOHN ElWn was fined $100 yesterday for driving a car with wheels extending beyond the mudguards along Thomson Road on Oct. 16 last year.
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  • 570 11  - 10-year tax incentive for quality industries NGIAM TONG HAI By Government is to amend the Incentive Act to r^ise the ceiling of pioneer status from five to 10 years to attract more sophisticated industries to help boost technology and skills in Singapore. Mr. P.Y. Hwang, a deputy chairman of the
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  • 232 11 When the taps ran dry for six hours... RESIDENTS of Pacific Mansion in River Valley Close had a "back-breaking" experience when their faucets ran dry for six hours yesterday. The dry taps were caused by a breakdown in the water pump. The breakdown lasted from 7 a.m. to about 1
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  • 103 11 Wei Ling tops exam at varsity MISS Lee Wei Line (above) topped the University of Singapore's first professional examination for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery held a week ago. Miss Lee, 19. the Prime Minister's daughter, who is a President Scholar and second year student
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  • 139 11 NEGOTIATIONS to secure the release o. the Singapore-registered vessel, Neptune Ruby, which is under detention in Australia were still going on yesterday. The 14,800-tonne vessel owned by Neptune Orient Lines, Singapore's national shipping line, was detained by the Waterside Workers' Federation in Melbourne last Saturday.
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  • 29 11 SINGAPORE'S population at the end of December last year stood at 2,236,000, an inctrase of 16.900 since June last year. The number of females totalled 1,094,500.
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  • 297 11 T^E Ministry of Social Affairs is considering setting up a special central unit lo co-ordinate different aspects of wofk to rehabilitate the disabled. The unit was recommended by a United Nations expert on vocational rehabilitation, Mr. Edgar Marland, who felt that
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  • 198 11 Robber (Don't jail me) gets 18 months A ROBBER, who plead- ed with a dUtrlct Judge to give him "any sort of punlshm ent except prison", was jailed for 18 months with seven strokes of the cane yesterday. Wong Se Fatt, 26, a contract labourer earning $200 a month, had
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  • 161 11 A FORMER printer, who in 1P73 was awarded $4,424 damages in tin industrial accident suit, had his award more than trebled to $15,060 by the Court of Civil Appeal yesterday. On Nov. 27, 1973. Cheng Mun Kee, 37, whose right hand was crushed in the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 382 11 Develop l S {Muscles IN JUST *°>iS>!& MINUTES fVICE-LIKE^^ /f^Oi, A DAY 4* GRl s|^« ll SHOULDERS^ BENEFITS WITH %#.CHEST W ANY OTHER METHOD Jfe* At last a dynamic way to build the body other men envy and women a dor c in just five minutes a day 1 No
      382 words
    • 315 11 <fflßantastique?li («p Oui! aL ErenchFbod <$> JT Festival <#k W> Feb 28th March 14th VLA JEsT) Linger in our sidewalk cafe and JtT nT enjoy damsels in traditional costume Cy /JjCn serving you a free glass of French jjS wine with your specially air-flown fc^ jD [Ij^ oysters. Then dine
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 57 11 THE TIDES TODAY: Siatatwre 10.47 a.m. (3.2 m), 11.46 p.m. (2.9 m). S*«li Keckil 9.01 a.m. (2.2 m), 10.19 p.m. (2.4 m). Part Diets** 6.47 a.m. (2.9 m). 7.05 p.m. (3.1 m). TOMORROW: Sugaftrt 11.33 a.m. (3.2 m). Scdili Keckil 10.00 a.m. (2.3 m), 10.51 p.m. (2.4 m). Part DicksM
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    • 1013 11 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.00 PM Opening followed by Tatapan M ngguan 6.35 Lmi if tke Lost (Malay) 7.05 Jnraey: TIN JMfli ati tfei feint** 3.30 Diary of Events (Malay) 7.30 News. Parliamentary Report and Colour 3.35 Love is a Many Splendoured Thing Newsreel (Malay) 4.00 Persembahan Ku featuring
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    • 21 11 WATER consumption for Monday was 128.6 million gallons (585,000 cubic metres), 15.5 million gallons (71,000 cubic metres) more than on Sunday.
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    • 1339 12 ID and offer prices officially lifted and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units, unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A. Tape IO.1UB) (1) 0 72. (2) 075. (3) o*o Alean I1.93B).
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    • 119 12 rE Export- Import Bank of the United Stat«s has announced approval of a US$3l.5 million term loan to John Lysaght Australia. In conjunction with this loan, Pittsburgh National Bank. Pennsylvania, is arranging a syndicate of eleven banks which will be providing a commercial bank loan of $31.5
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    • 285 12 Uncertain trend in KL market Shares on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday closed on a mixed, uncertain note. The closing tone was quiet and barely steady. Traders were generally cautious resulting ln turnover falling to 3.64 million units at $8.45 million compared to well over five million a few
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    • 80 12 I EUROPE and the US were re- latlvely quiet and eaaler but closed iteai.-/ on Monday accordIng to MPOPA. Quotioni USI/cents (Rotterdam) unleaa stated were: April S<i3s/(UK)iI9S/(U8) 2U cmtl sellers. 1430/ (US) 19.50 cenu buyers. J440/437 50/(U8) 20 cent! done; May $433/(UK)CI9S/(UB> 19.7S crnti sellers. $430/ (US) 19.25
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    • 46 12 NATIONAL. Rcndtrcra Assoclation reports that export interest i.i All* remained dull for the third week of February. FOB vmtli wer* done *t US$2BO for extra fancy. Bieaehable fancy was traded at 1240 and yellow Crease, wu Heady at »245. Edible Ullow wu ottered at 1389.
      46 words
      • 247 12 HONOKOSO, Tue*. The market tinned In reaction to recent losses, brokers said Investors )elt that selling ahead of omorrows budget had been overdone and the budget may not be as tough as originally feared, they ■aid. Business was largely concentrated en leading Issues which all «jlosed firmed. The Hang
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      • 216 12 "TOKYO. Tues.— Share prices moved Steady with active trading centring on blue-chips but became top-heavy with profit- taking. In the morning session, housings, trading firms and constructions were sought. But a segrient of light electrlcals. Pharmaceuticals and chemicals uch as Sony eased oh. Issues fi.voured by foreign Investors. Mich
        216 words
      • 342 12 SYDNFY. Tues. PUI» outnumbered rises by stock two-to-one on the Sydney exchange today, cut losses were mainly smalL Reflecting the overall lack cf interest ln the market, turnovers wre well down on the day. Market leader. BHP, continued on .U> downward path, falling further 10 cenu to close et
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      • 369 12 xjEW YORK. Mon Profit-taking interrupted a five-week stock market advance, driving prices sharply lower. Most analysts regarded the setback as strictly a technical adjustment to recent gains. However they believed selling of stocks may have resulted from the fifth consecutive monthly decline ln new orders for durable goods
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      • 302 12 Money and exchanges ■CXiLLOWINO the weaken- ing of the US dollar in Europe and New York it opened in the Singapore forex market at $2 2300 30 yesterday and was quickly bid up to 12.2390/00. Although it eased off to $2.2365 75 it held steady throughout the morning at that
        302 words
      • 90 12 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Menday 84.54 Friday 85.96 Week age 86.91 RUBBEBS I Monday 396.01 Friday 394.61 Week ago 385 42 OILS Monday 204 90 Friday 203.94 Week a«ro 197.31 INDUSTRIALS Monday 259.8 Friday 260.4 Week ago 758 0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 736.94 Friday 740.77 Week ago Closed
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      • 128 12 Suggested Interbank rates at 3.00 pm. Currencies Nominal rate* Smithsonian Percentage quoted jrrst* US dollar 2.2340 Sterling pound 5.4215 Hongkong dollar 48.45 Malaysian dollar 99.90 Aust. schilling 13.7165 Belg. franc (com) 6.5120 Danish kroner 40.8820 French franc 53.4815 Italian lire 0.3530 Neth. guilder 94.6095 Nor. kroner 45.1710 Swedish
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      • 35 12 Closing interbank rates ln Singapore dollars for Peb. 25. Oiler Bid Overnight 4i 4 1 mth 51 51 2 mths g 5| 3 mths 6i 6 Prime rate 8% Source: p. Mamy-Joars International.
        35 words
      • 39 12 RANOE of rates offered by discount boueee on Keb. 29 Overnight 3S to m< Call 4*. Average 3-mon.h I-ESS"* b U ln U/1 bank bllU c 1/16 Source: National Dlecouat Co. Her slightly from those quoted
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      • 172 12 ABIAN currency deposit rates as at close on Tuesday, Feb. 25: Offer Bid 7 days 6 3/8 6 1/4 1 mth 6 5/8 6 1/2 2 mths 7 1/16 6 15/16 3 mths 7 3 8 7 1/4 8 mths 7 5/8 7 1/2 9 mths 7
        172 words
      • 71 12 L Brrw. KG. i. Tape i. Ferak Omrnt sec Ind. i. Gnan ten. Ind. i. Hotel V. Jacks !BT IWW Sugar In. LC. A( Menr L Par (L) »5 50 $0.74 $0 80 $0.44 $3.42 $1.90 $0 90 $1.70 $185 $0.98 1208 13 10 $0 50 $061 $2 16
        71 words
      • 11 12 L*onj loinneac lunlop Ind. *Z.6» (3.44 $436 .10 —.08 .0«
        11 words
      • 22 12 Slme Darby 745,t4*» Haw Par 51J,m U. 0.8. 41J,m DBS. J45.W* Total Turnover: 4.SS M Total Valae: $11.»7 M
        22 words
      • 57 12 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 ladutrials: 22*.U 229.89 Finance: 428.58 427. JJ Hoteb: 17*.1< 17*.«1 Properties: '.84 .S9 187.56 f Tins: 98.8* MM f rabbers: 329.6* 529.1t 0.C.R.C.: ***** 214.59 S.E.S. Ind.: 226.7* 226.5 3 Uec. 3*, 1966 100 Dm. 31, 1968 1M t Dec. 29 1952 1M Dec. 31,
        57 words
    • 1625 12 "p-HE !ast transacted ready sale at the close of burfness on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the day's prices together with 1974/75 high and low. Adjusted for all new issues). CLOSING TONE: TURNOVER: Official figures supplied by the Stock Exchange of Singapore including odd
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    • 410 12 AFTER an initial setback accompanied by some sharp drops in prices, the Singapore stock market yesterday bounced back in moderate afternoon trading. Heavy speculative activity of the past week appeared to have slackened considerably as some broking houses were reportedly receiving more selling orders on contra
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    • 1503 12 DID and offer prices officially l'f.ted and business ln and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown ln brackets ln IoU of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word •'Sett."
      1,503 words
      • 29 12 Rubber: Feb. 25. Singapore: 129.50 cts. Mown 0.50 ct.) Malay* ia 129.00 cts. Mown 1.00 ct.) Tin: $960.50 (down $3). Official offering 224 tons (down 27 tons)
        29 words
      • 99 12 cthWc. :,:iVpIU «oVh CLOSING PRICU PER PICUL YEITIBD/Y Ceeenut Ml bulk $SS nominal, drum $90 nominal Cepra: Mixed (looee) LK/Cont. $46 nominal. Pepver: Muntok ASTA white fob. I<K>' NL.W 1263 aellere. Sarawak white fob «6<* NLW ***** •elltra, Sarawak special black t.o.k. 96<* NLW $215 lelli-ra, Sarawak ASTA black
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      • 57 12 Memtay Saturday U«S USS Melbourne 1) 138.28 Cloeed London 115.258 Cloaed 186.258 Cloeed Beirut 146.23 145.75 Honxkong- IS3 6O 183.80 Zurich 185.00 Cloaed 188.00 Cloeed Parts 186.21 Cloaed Tueeday Menday Snore (2) 183. 518 183.318 186.898 1K6.26S Export prtcea In noa-eterllns area* ln U.S. dollara per ounce. (1)
        57 words
      • 466 12 A VERY quiet morning session ruled in the Singapore rubber market yesterday with prices being marked down at the opening and losing further ground later on renewed stoploss selling. The market checked near the 128.00 cents per ki^o level for March and recovered marginally o% short-covering. 1975 forwards
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      • 108 12 |-vAU,Y SMR and BSR prices Issued at noon yesterday: Mar. Apr. ICvrut Mtk) (ronmrd Mth) MTKJE.L.B. Btryen Stlkis Bayers Sellers I (cents per kg) (eantepcrkg) BMRTCV (1 ton pallet) 139.00 141.00N ***** 143 OON SMR 5L (1 ton pallet) 133.00 135.00N ***** 137.00N SMR|b (1 ton pallet)
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      • 195 12 STRAITS TIN DOWN $3 THE Straits tin price fell another $3 to $960.50 per plcul ln Penang yesterday on an official offering down 27 tons to 224 tons. The overnight London market was barely steady with Its forward buyers shedding £35 to £3.090 per metric ton. LONDON: Tin prices finished
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      • 35 12 London copper prices on Monday (prevtoue .n bracketa). Wlrkar Spot b er £550 ({545) teller £551 <f5*J): Three Month buyer £588.50 I £563.50) •eller £569 50 (£564). Market tene: steady. Balee: 7.450 tonnee.
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    • 226 13 Slow-down again in U AC profits T«HE profits slowx down that hit United Asbestos Cement in the past two years has deteriorated. The continuation of this trend is discernible In the Interim results for the six months ended December 1974 Just released by the company. As In previous years no
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    • 339 13 DESPITE a sales Increase of 33.2 per cent to $14.88 million. Wilkinson Process Rubber has managed to lift consolidated pre tax profits by only 15 per cent to $3.69 million for the year ended September 1974. The latest advance does not compare well with the previous
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    • 72 13 AFTER chalking up a growth of 9.3 per cent at the half-way mark, Malaysia Building Society put up a better performance In the second six months to lift full year profits by 11.7 per cent to $9.99 million. The upturn In the second half of 1974 was 14.3 per
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    • 175 13 rpHINGS have Improved 1 at South-east Asia Corporation (SEAL), with the company reporting group pre-tax profits of $681,606 for the year ended June 1974. This compares with a group loss of $169,822 In the previous year. The chairman, Mr. Loh Kirn Foh, In his annual statement,
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    • 118 13 fiRINDLAYS Bank has ll bought one-third of the equity of General Bank and Trust of the Philippines (Genbank). The Pnlllpplnes Central Bank approved this investment last month and an agreement was signed by Grtndlays and Genbank in Manila on Monday. Genbank with Its head office
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    • 125 13 ZURICH. Mon The stock market showed a firmer trend although many stock holders especially the banks realised their profits. The market closed Irregularly. Bonds generally maintained their prices of last week. The Credit Sulsse Index shed 0.3 points to 188 7. ClMlnn prlcea la Bwlu fruca with the difference
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    • 162 13 A MSTERDAM. .'Joe.— Dutch Internationals closed narrowly mixed In quiet conditions with Akxo, PhiHps and Boyal Dutch somewhat lower and Hoocovens and Unilever gaining some ground. Firmness prevailed in the rest of the market, however, dealers said. Major gains were Amn, ICH. KNSM. Hrinrkrn and Luc am Bols. Van
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 580 13 MARKETING CAREER The Burroughs Division has vacancies for Marketing Representatives in the following fields: MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE BANKING SYSTEMS Two to three years previous experience in banking with a knowledge of Current Accounts, Foreign Department and Audit Depart, ment operations is required University degree or diploma in banking would be an
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    • 504 13 LABORATORY ASSISTANTS ICI Paints (Singapore) Pte Ltd invites applications for the posts of Laboratory Assistants. THE JOB To assist Development Chemist in evaluating raw materials and finished products. THE PERSON Must be a male Singapore citizen, between 20 to 26 years of age. Should possess at least a grade li
      504 words
    • 521 13 VO/PER THORNYCROFT PRIVATE LTD. INVENTORY/STOCK CONTROLLER Up to $20,000 p.a. The Marine Products Division of Vosper Thornycroft markets a complete ran£e of marine equipment throughout South East Asia. This includes I engines, transmission and sterngear, cathodic protection, navigational aids and a complete range of ancillaries. The Inventory/Stock Controller shall be
      521 words
    • 737 13 public wemcK Deepsea Ventures, Inc.. a Delaware corporation having its principal place of business in the County of Gloucester, The Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S.A., makes of record, by publication herein, a Notice of Discovery and Claim of Exclusive Mining Rights and Request for Diplomatic Protection and Protection of Investment, by
      737 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 849 14 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES IN THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT BRUNEI Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to till the following vacancies In the Education Department. Brunei. 1. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR, CARPENTARY AND JOINERY: Minimum Qualification*. Must have passed the City Si Guilds No. 80 or 608 examination or have a similar
      849 words
    • 612 14 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES A leading international organization operating in Malaysia offers career opportunities, within its marketing and manufacturing functions, to Bumiputra graduates in Economics, Business Administration and in Civil, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering. The successful candidates must be Malaysian citizens within the age range of 21-35 years. They must show signs
      612 words
    • 485 14 r-E*ON PRODUCTION-* PLATFORM PRODUCTION TECHNICIANA CAREER AND MORE EXXON PRODUCTION is on the move in Malaysia and now it is in Trengganu. I We need adventurous young Malaysians with technical potential to man our offshore platforms off Trengganu. Candidates will be taken in initially as Production Technician Trainees. Further courses
      485 words
    • 887 14 •p 3Py ITI3S ;J Vv *S malaysian airline system Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens to tew I' ll the following vacancies TECHNICAL SERVICFS ENGINEER ,jg^ Qualifications •»*>* teft? A degree In AeVonautlChl or Mechanical Engineering,^. >k preferably with 2 rears post-graduate experience In some field ,»*<** fej«fi of
      887 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1476 15 1 i mil 1 iiftfTirviCT^ OITiHERSNIP SEWICt TI W/C«WTIIrf,T. TOKIO tXMEIS «-j S «Hf»f o 1^? p—. htT." v hO«KO« EIPUSS ,ll 'nPart MMar 22 Mar 21 Mar II Mar #sf" §lifl•! fl 1 n,jlil» a c,rr,rE.,N.uKN fe S» H BB'-n| J"C dlo'lAN lAT S"S ""•NO MAM it 12 E"*
      1,476 words
    • 1214 15 Ben Ocean ApwtservxxcfßenLdneßhjeFUnnelGteLdneanclNSMC Ta OK CtNTINEUT 0M Spore P. Ke anf Penanf Ewope Parts IPPMtWH 1/ 1 Mar 7/ I Mar 21 lar I'dani. H'bf. L'pool Dub! loaisns 14,11 Mar 2/ I Apr 1 Map A'tan. Idain. H'bf. L'pw fumshue 11/il Mar U/H Mar a/a Mar a Aar londan. (LEmrnti
      1,214 words
    • 1065 15 I f7i73 TJJ^I^SSi 1 HJtarj tttana rtaa S'naaatan tgr«gs» is s ;S 55 *iz iz KOwIMN BAT 17 Mar IB tar t Aar 11 Atf 12 lar 7ur •HIM MAM H Mar r Mar II ajr Mapr Maar It Aar CAMIIAN lIT 4 Ipr lt> 715 717 Nt> ill* KiiiNt
      1,065 words
    • 1072 15 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE _p> P. Kalanf Spa-en NEI. 11l FT Mar 3 M v 4 UUMU Mar ii Rotterdam. Amsterdam, Antmrp, le Havre. wluiaa tfjiMA AaT 1 ST" H> vf t Bf»«. Iraatrrawtri, 31*1., JJ J »ara», Copenhagen, Gotktatajrg. MahMt. juruNti v, Im* Slocklwlm. Oslo. Heisntu, Unit*d rUPajaJsaa.
      1,072 words
    • 903 15 S»«ot>ora *****41 P. IMaa* *3«l; K.L. *****; P«bt*| ISJOI. THE BANK UNE LTD. LHK FW E. IIAHHCA. MIUUM (Maiirilia. »•»«< Menbisi. / Vijynfi. Durban, Cspet~«i) P. KiKof ISVII Mm Spore tVil Mr I tPfYtAM IMMr.t.m. lataman and S. Africa) P Kalani V I Apr Spore a Mr/1 api FtfM cut
      903 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1090 16 VyL KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KHHUI RIS£N MISHA LTI. UTAH, HOW UK, STRAITS SHViTL HMf Bliaill in|apore P Ktlan I Wtlli Msr Japan Arabian Gulf ■atnrl— SincapOf* Fit: TtttrUtH MAN 1 Mar Muscat, Outai. »bu Dwbi. CNDia t Kuwait Japan South Africa Waat Atrlaa ■afvl— Si|lPO't Ftl: NKIIAINA HAIU
      1,090 words
    • 1003 16 ICCIPTINC IU IlltlS BF MITT IMrtPtMItT Fit PMIIAUK. SAMfIT IHttllttMSlN lALKPAPAN. ttMAtIMH. SAHtIaLIUIK. TAIAJUN. MAMtM. temute. taasac. west :iian am uaaa main pom Fnaa nA ETO antJtatiaa: LCTi'AtTTiim Shi I Mar I Mar Moaei.a I.C r. KMTT MWT It) Msr tl Mar Indwet.a. ii.i pmuuki iHarf 1 Har I Mar
      1,003 words
    • 1169 16 FM UST tH**€ CaWMPn/CaiWNTrtMl SHVKt LDUIM FM LMpMH. ItTTTERtAM. UMMM. DILDAI Sport puiki Ptmnt Bilbao t'aa* Ntari NEPTUNE TtVAZ 4/ I Mar 1/ I Mar II Part 14 Apr II Aar 11 Aar II Apr NEPTUNE SAPPNIM 21/11 Mar 1/ 1 Asr 4/ I Apr 1 May 7 May II
      1,169 words
    • 879 16 ""wwwww^^mm% ■aaaaßaaaaa I Eggss aim to Low* tmrm/rnnan mn r T|. ttwi $>nt>pon) P. MNMf Pioinf ittHts far: •NMITEUTII I. urt I Mar I Mar 7 I Mir l.ltM I/I. Lsasta 10/4. Rdm 17/4, Irtmw 20/4. N'bw| 74/4. A'wrp M/ 4. Wtstl Mill 11/11 Mar 14/11 Har l.ltac 2>/4. Ll
      879 words
    • 866 16 THI *OtTT OF MNOAPOM AU- «HI»S IM JUPIOMQ P>O"T ON TNOMTV ANNOUNCED THE Ftt. 2S FOLLOWINO tenTHIMO A«. m centaur B/l. BurmsU B/I Yl PIANQEtttNTS FOB FCsV M. ctiun B/l. Laws-ndra B/l. OkeaOUT Tam*rlan« 3/4 Straat "Is B/3. ShlnEl Maju B/3. VlUym Cumberland M. Nedlloyd Kyplo *5 °?iT at .nrt
      866 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 755 17 classified ads g SPEEDOSwTmweaHorthefamJ ly Long/ Short Dresses Beat tlful colours. Cail at Shalom Associates. 260 Orchard Roat Singapore Tel: 377 >«2 LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS I Hotel Singapura for your latea hairstyles, expert perming an< gorgeous tinting Very moderat prices. Appointments: telephon 37U73(S'pore). OARSHEN SON TO CHANORAI and Thavam on
      755 words
    • 802 17 i UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA (PORT MORESBY) Applications are Invited for the post of n SENIOR LECTURER or It (b) LECTURER IN HUMAN BIOd LOOV. The Department of Human Biology is responsible for teaching of precllnlcal science subjects to I™ medical students during the second and third years of
      802 words
    • 814 17 FEMALE TYPIST CUM RECEPTIONIST wanted by established worldwide Insurance organisation as relief on permanent basis Minimum qualification Senior Cambridge with typing knowPlease write to PO Box 10 with full particulars and recent photograph (non-returnable). WANTED IMMEDIATELY BY FIRM of public accountants Chinese girl typist Able to type balance sheet, preferably
      814 words
    • 857 17 Manufacturing Company reoulree urgently c FEMALE ACCOUNTS CLERK Minimum qualification O C E O" Level or L.C C. Intermediate Bookkeeping certificate. Although expertence In the preparation of Accounts up to Trial Balance stage will be an advantage. It Is not essential as training will be provided for the successful candlate.
      857 words
    • 729 17 FEMALE SALES REPRESENTATIVE for Established Florist Company. Secondary education. Expertence not required. Training given $200 p.m. plus travelling allowance Please apply immediately In writing with photo (non-returnable) to S.T Box A ***** WANTED GIRLS who are not afraid of hard work for outdoor sales Salary $120 plus commission. Training provided.
      729 words
    • 737 17 SO.C Singapore OMeeal Co Pto. Lid. A subsidiary of a leading International Ollseals Manufacturing Company Invites applications for Its new factory In Jurong. MALE FACTORY OPERATIVES Minimum retsuaremento* a I Secondary 2 (preferable English stream). hi Completed full-time National Service c) Mufl be prepared to do shift duty. d) Age
      737 words
    • 711 17 REQUIRE 2 INTERIOR DECORATORS for furniture designers At leas' 2 years expertence. Apply S T Box A ***** stating remuneration required. LEADMM HI-FI COMPANY requires SALESMAN Must soeak both fluent English and Chinese languages, preferably wl h previous experience and driving licence HI-FI TECHNICIANS Must have basic knowledge of electronics
      711 words
    • 788 17 EXPERIENCED DRIVER over 30 required by company executive Knowledge of English, own scooter and references required Call Mr Ooh *****6 during business hours for appointment ANIMAL ATTENDANT The Animal Attendant Is responsible for the care and management of the laboratory animals He has to maintain holding and breeding rooms, test
      788 words
    • 822 17 CAPE ATAS IN FITZPATRICKS I Supermarket requires urgently I cook with minimum 3 years ex- I penence Also waiter. Tel' *****7 I for Interview i OFFICE BOY REOUIRED by es- i tabllshed firm Must be able to .ride scooter Ring *****1 for an latervlew REQUIRED ONE PEON WITH Frlmary education
      822 words
    • 832 17 BIST. 2* ORCHID RISE 1SEDROOMED *inele-<torey detached bungalow vrvints room, telephone, matured garden, furnished S7OO *****0 TAI HWAN GARDEN BRANO new double- storey semi-detached furnished $1000 unfurnished $800. rhuan Hoe Avenue <VMible-storey terrace furnisher! »soo Both beUde* Serangoon c.irden Meng Housing *****49 SELMONT ROAD S2.MO. Victoria Park $3,000 Namly $3
      832 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 836 18 b) Flats DIST. 10 VACANT UNFURNISHED luxurious flats available Immediately at Tamin Nakhoda 2 bedrooms, bathrooms attached, living/ dining rooms with mosaic tiles, servant's quarters provided Please contact *****9 DIST. 13 WOODSVILLE COURT 3 bedrooms, one servant's room, partly furnished $600 Tel: §*****4 Miss Wong. OFf ORCHARD ROAD Kumhlng Court
      836 words
    • 822 18 UP TO 6 MONTHS deposit negotiable Shipping company directly needs house/ flat Good residential area. *****9/ *****3. OIL REFINERY WITH 5 new arrivals in hotel require suitable accommodation In good districts Price $900 $2,800 PRO. Mrs. Maggie *****33 REQUIRED BY BANKERS $1 .000 $2,000 Apartment In dlst. 9. 10. 11
      822 words
    • 895 18 GOLDEN HILL 2H-STOREV i CORNER terrace 2.400 sq. ft.. I $145,000 Tal Hwan Garden double-storey comer terrace 2.800 sq. ft. $135,000 Meng Housing *****49/ *****59. DIST 17 LENOKOK MARIAM single-storey detached area 6.500 i sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, servant's, cen- tral alrcond.. $140,000 Ace Hous- ing *****29/ *****46. TREMENDOUSLY LUXURIOUS
      895 words
    • 801 18 REARING COMPLETION LUXURIOUS APARTMENT fully tiled for sale at Lorong 22. Geylang near to Badminton Hall. 3 bedrooms, approx. 1.500 sq. ft. Enquiries to *****41/ *****44/ *****40 CAIRNHILL MANSION 3 bedrooms, servant's room, wall to wall carpeting, fully furnished. Interested Phone *****. MUTUAL COURT FLAT off St. MichesT Roed, Spore
      801 words
    • 768 18 OFFICE TO SUB-LET about 700 sq.ft. Shenton Way. For details please ring *****65/ *****72. VACANT OFFICES AVAILABLE at dlst 1 Please contact Tel: ***** after 10 a.m. 6-C TELOK AVER STRSET. Area SOO sq. ft. whole floor own entrance Rental $500/-. Contact *****. WE HAVE A WTDE RANGE OF COMMERCIAL
      768 words
    • 844 18 PEOPLES PARK CENTRE. We have shops on lst/ 2nd floors for rent Details contact Practical Housing *****3/ ***** or call personally 722, 7th floor. People's Park Centre. SHOP AVAILABLE WITH WITHOUT residence 1 mile from Sembawang Shipyard from 1/5/75. Ring Sung *****7. IDEAL LOCATION Comer groundfloor shop. Fully alrcondltloned. take-over
      844 words
    • 655 18 AUSTRALIA TOUR SERVICE $623. Special f;ire London Europe $730 Also worldwide ticketing 142' Race Course Road. (*****/ *****9). 1 SPECIAL ONE-WAV TRIP Deluxe Al-cond Coach Dep. Every Tnes Thurs. Sat Spore to Ipoh $24. Butterworth $32. Haacyal $42 Two Way $80 (PRESIDENT TRAVEL SERVICES) 4*. Tanforg Pager Road. (2) Tel:
      655 words
    • 762 18 ife OIRLSI Jobs are becoming harder to get you need better qualifications now. ITC's Private Secretarial Diploma Is the region's leading qualification fo* a Private Secretary Our Next full-time 12 months course leading to the Private Secretarial Dipl.ima starts on 7 Apr.l, 1975. Take the first step towards a highly-paid
      762 words
    • 786 18 CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRITINQ Commencing 6th 9th March A five-month students to write good effective commercial letters and reports Please enrol early (1) Singapore Commercial School, ISA, Mackenzie Road. (*****7/ *****8) OR 768 D. Upper Serangoon Road (*****0/ *****0). (2) Regent Commercial Institute. Katong District. (*****0). (3) Sembawang Commercial School. 5968.
      786 words
    • 787 18 NEW COURSES FOR INSTITUTE of Supervisory Management and Insliluu of works study commencing in March Telephone for forms or call personally BIM Training Services. Room 324. New People's Park Centre, tel: *****8/ *****7 FRENCH AUDIO-VISUAL COURSE (BEQINNERS) Speak French. Read French. Write French. Learn French from ParU-traln-ed teacher Enrol now!!
      787 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 817 19 GRAPHIC ART COURSE drai naslr design, logos, colour mix--3T?95{ > h 3 O 7iSJ Phy DOLLY FLORAL CENTRE flower, dolly and soft toy making courses by Tokyo trained expert Chul Phul Ling, tel *****3. G C.E. MATHEMATICS. PHYSICAL SCIENCE. Group tuition Retired trained graduate teacher (18 years experience) *****2 (Qohj.
      817 words
    • 820 19 i*.IL It 7*' AIRCONOITIONED AUSTIN 1300OT Excellent. Accessories, Best Offer Above $8,000Secures Phone *****1 LATE I*7o FORO FALCON KW 500 T t w 2fnii tX)o<l condition 81,700 Tel 3«3931. after 3 pm 1*74 HONDA CIVIC SHOWROOM condition, alrcon. tip top condition. View: 102 Emerald Hill Roe/1. Tel. *****1 I*7l MAZDA
      820 words
    • 813 19 I*7o CORTINA IMOC alrcond new paint, excellent condition, asking $4,800 0.n.0. Ring *****9/ 7845* I*7l MAZDA PANEL VAN model FlOOO One owner, accident free Good condition. $3,600. Tel' *****3 during office hours. I*7o CORTINA I*OOE alrcond new paint, excellent condition, asking $4,800 o no Ring *****9/ ***** 1*73 HONDA CIVIC
      813 words
    • 793 19 IMPERIAL CANE FURNITURE, 328 River Valley Road. Spore. Telephone: *****3 Gives you the best li finest quality In Cane Furniture and Seagrass matting EUROPEAN RETURNING TO SINGAPORE would like to buy reasonably priced furniture and household goods from European leaving Telephone *****7 between 10 am to 12 noon. RENTAL. SALE
      793 words
    • 765 19 LOOKING FOR CHARMING VOr<K> ladles, Please call Mason Social, Services. Ist floor. Room I. Hotel New Hongkong. Tel. *****6/ *****4 HAVING SPRING CLEANING PROBLEMS. Call Space Cleaning Service.. Tel: *****5^_ GENERAL CLEANING. Carpet shampooing, polish all types of floor Highly trained operators i Moderate charges For a healthier and cleaner
      765 words
    • 777 19 WANTED 0000 UIEO HONDA portable AC/ DC generator set Other makes considered. Tel: *****40 or home MSTI9. FOR SALE 2 BOILERS 1(0 LB PCR SO. FT. ONE VULCANISE* PLEASE CONTACT 2SM7I). j AVAILABLE FULLY AUTOMATIC, twin-tub washing machines. dryers, refrigerators and TV Call Buklt Tlmah Electric Company Tel: 6A8280 FULL
      777 words
    • 651 19 r.t, 1 ItA Ik.BaW i A k. ij L^^B iaKAilafafafam^aMaMa.Maaaaaaaaaaai.BafttahafthaftV DO YOU HAVE THIS MUCH OPPORTUNITY? Eorn $370/- we«kly, if you meet our requirements! Talk to prospects with whom appointments have bex n made. Represent a company with over 200 years of selling experience offering rapid advancement to those with
      651 words
    • 631 19 Kekjng port authority port kelang matayM I HaTnHai LEMBAGA PELABUHAN KELANG JAWATAN KOSONG Permohonan -permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia untuk memenuhl jawatan -Jawatan kosong dl Lembaga Pelabuhan Kelang 1. Jawatan: PEMBANTU TEKNIK SIBILyMKKAMKAI.'I.KTRIk Kumpulan: Kumpulan Oajl B. Tangga Gail: (813-3) $940 X 40 040/880 x 40 920/1000 x 40
      631 words

    • 187 20 'Maggots' against apartheid rip up course CYDNEY, Tue». AnU- apartheid vandafe ytmtmUy ripped up a fairway and h»pd into the 14th green of the Auatraifaui Golf Clnb after pa inline > sign on the green routing "Player wont play here again." The Will* Qanbu-spon-•ored Australian Ladies Open begins at the
      187 words
    • 69 20 TAIPEI, Tues.— Taiwan's Ta Tung soccer team, winner of last year's Longevity Cup soccer tournament here, will leave for Manila today at the start of their 30-day Southeast Asian tou.-, the Central News Agency reported yesterday. The team will play 12 games In Manila, Saigon,
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 23 20 SINGAPORE Swimming Club will hold its third Junior swimming championships at Tan Jong Rhu on Saturday, March 8. at 2.30 p.m.
      23 words
    • 152 20 PRTH, Tues Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee is trying an orthopaedic attachment in his right shoe in an effort to overcome an injury which forced him out of the Sixth cricket Test agaiust Biglahd in Melbourne last month. Llll«* and Jeff Thomson former) n rievastat-
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 181 20 Radford's goal breaks the deadlock T ONDON, Tues.— Arsenal ended 5J hours of deadlock with Leicester City when a late goal gave them a 1-0 extra- time victory in their English Football Association Cup fifthround second replay at Leicester last night. A fourth clash between the clubs looked likely until
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 212 20 SINGAPORE INDIANS STILL HOPEFUL SINGAPORE, Indians were beaten 4-0 by Perak in the first-let semifinal match of the Bardhan Cap soccer tournament at Taiplne last Sunday. But officials are still hopeful of qualifying for the final. Team manager Sam Francis said yesterday: "We are capable of beatinf Perak 5-0 in
      212 words
    • 497 20  -  EPSOM JEEP MALAYSIAN-BRED EVER WINNER IS ONE TO NOTE FOR SUNDAY By TIBERTAD did a splendid workout at Pena^g today. With apprentice Peter Lee in the saddle, the five-year-old grey Australian gelding by Croft-What's Wanted was fever off his bit in a 3f run in
      497 words
    • 246 20 Ishimatsu, Buchanan declared to. fight TOKYO, Tues. Light- weight cham p i on Outs Ishimatsu, of Japan' and Scottish challenger Ken Buchanan passed their preflght medical ch.-ciup for their World Boxing Council Li ghtweight championship fight on Thursday night. The boxers, examined by a doctor of the Japan Boxing Commission,
      AP  -  246 words
    • 28 20 UPPER Thomson Secondary School created a major upset in the Schools soccer tournament when they beat SJI 2-1 In the Secondary division at Naval Base yesterday.
      28 words
    • 527 21  - Spain fail to find their feet in the heat ERNEST FRIDA EUROPEAN CHAMPS EDGE SINGAPORE By CPAIN, the European hockey champions scraped through to an unimpressive 2-1 win over Singapore in a friendly international match at Jalan Besar yesterday. The visitors, who had beaten hockey giants like India, Pakistan, West
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    • 291 21 Walker plans 'holiday' in Singapore FORMER National 1 coach Michael Waiker, now with Derby County, plans to visit Singapore during the English soccer League's offseason in May. He has in mind a "bosman's holiday." In exchange for his passages and expenses her 2, he is prepared to coach the National
      291 words
    • 133 21 WARSAW. Tues. Polish Football Association has passed stringent rules to combat violence in soccer. Under the new rules, which come into effect March 1. a player handed a yellow card in a League or Cup match will be admonished. A player, who receives another yellow card
      UPI  -  133 words
    • 105 21 Malay FC x A 1 scored a 14-10 (a goal and two tries to a goal and a try) win over Ulu Pandan 'A' in the SCC seven-a-side rugby tournament first round match at the padang yesterday. But the Malays 'B side were eliminated when they were
      105 words
    • 27 21 ROME. Tues.— The 1975 World University Football Championship will be held from June 25 to July IS in Uruguay, it was announced here yesterday. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 254 21 MAS ARE CHAMPS DESPITE SHOCK DEFEAT VfALAYSIAN Air--11 line System won the Business Houses League Division One title although they were beaten 2-1 by Hongkong Bank yesterday at Tanglin Barracks. With yesterday's shock win the Bankers and MAS have the same number of points. But MAS pipped the Bankers for
      254 words
    • 204 21 SINGAPORE Lawn Tenni* Association may send Natknal women's champion Lim Phi-lan to the Thailand Open tennis ihampio nships In Bangkok from Mar. 22-27, reports GODFREY POBEKT. The ;0 year old under cr iduate, who took pai-t in the Hongkong Or«n last November, is likely
      204 words
    • 513 21  -  PETER SIOW By I^DWARD VOW, who was unplaced at the half-way stage of the Singapore Yachting Associations' Dinghy series championships, pulled off a big surprise to win the Lark title at Changi last weekend. Edward scored two firsts and a second in the last
      513 words
    • 177 21 Pakistani fans halt final test KARACHI, Tues.—Australia's hockey team left here today for the World Cup In Kuala Lumpur after an unhappy end to their 10--day tour of Pakistan. The Fourth and Final Test against Pakistan yesterday In Hyderabad was abandoned 10 minutes before halftlme after spectators had repeatedly surged
      Reuter  -  177 words
    • 753 21 ENGLAND 1ST. INN8: 5M-« declared NEW ZEALAND 1ST. INNS: w NEW ZEALAND 2ND INN8: G. Turner c Knott b Lever 2 J. Morrison c Fletcher b Greig 58 a Concdoo b Underwood 18 B. Hastings c Amiss b Lever C
      Reuter  -  753 words
    • 65 21 PERTH, Tue«. Swimming stars Sonya Oray and Jenny Turrall will be among Australians competing at the London International Championships from March 29 to 31 and the Japanese Indoor Championships from April 4 to 6. Other members of the fiveswimmer squad will be Graham Windeatt. kJudy Hudson
      AP  -  65 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 676 20 Berjaya Kawat Berhad, a leading Steel Wire and Wire Rope Manufacturing Company at Shah Alam Industrial Estate, invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the position of ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Basic requirements are Qualification Qualified Accountant Experience Preferably a minimum of 1 year's experience in various aspects of accountancy. Applications giving
      676 words
    • 522 20 MsysY^s>|»JfJY»|yff^^ [l ?T s HssJ »«v^^ Could you be a Cathay Pacific flight steward? Continuing our expansion with new aircraft in 1975, we offer a fine career for young men with ability to help our passengers fly in comfort throughout our route system in Eastern Asia and Australia. We would
      522 words
    • 623 20 INSURANCE ACT (CHAPTER 193) NORTH BRITISH ft MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED OCEAN ACCIDENT ft GUARANTEE CORPORATION LIMITED hereby give notice that, from after 28tr. February, 1975, they will cease to Issue new policies or to renew existing policies and they have applied to the Insurance Commissioner, Singapore, to be dereglstered
      623 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 47 20 SOCCER: SBHFL KO Townsmen!: KLM v Seel (GlUman Brks); FE Livingstone v OCBC (Tanglln). SQUASH: SSRA InterClub Grade C (men)— PSRC V PSA (Royal Rd); RNZAF v SCC 11 (Woodland*); SASFA v HQNZP 1 (Holland Rd); Tanglln 3 v MTTMCA (Tanglln); BCC 3 v Changl (SCC Courtc).
      47 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 97 21 C xdt £U i!£^ 6!Ofl£Uft£SS Off* Just over half-a-pint of Guinness Stout is Now you can drink in ail the goodness of in this little Guinness bottle. We call it the 'nip' a strong, reviving glass of Guinness Stout And the nip is specially prepared for you and cn oy
      97 words

  • 90 22 Whitlam pledge on trade pacts /CANBERRA, Tues. v/ Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam pledged today that his Government would pass special laws, if necessary, to prevent trade commitments to Japan being broken by state government actions. Mr. Whitlam strongly attacked Queensland state Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen's plans to block a As
    UPI  -  90 words
  • 103 22 GUIDANCE FOR YOUTH EXHIBITION THESE are. some of the equipment at an exhibition put up in conjunction with the Guidance for Youth Convention starting at the Singapore Conference Hall from today. The six-day convention will be opened by Education Minister Dr. Lee Chiaw Meng. The exhibition, put up by 10
    103 words
  • 341 22 CANBERRA. Tues ■pHE Australian Government has told Indonesia it would be "very concerned," at any unilateral action to seize the 400 year-old colony of Portuguese Timor by military force, the Department of Forefgn Affairs said today At the same time ths Government has expressed its
    AP; UPI  -  341 words
  • 77 22 CANMUSAMV FRANCIS, S3. stall of straui Times Press Lid (Production Dept) Spore, brother of MM. Sooesi. In fatal accident 25-2-75 leaving behind beloved wife two daughter* and two sons to mourn his loss. Cortege leaves mortuary Outrarn General Hospital 2 p.m. to Church of Blessed Sacrament Queenstown 3 p.m.
    77 words
  • 173 22 'Arabs may buy into Slater Walker bank' LONDON, Tues. Arab oil sheikhs mar be secretly negotiating to buy a large part of the Slater-Walker Banking Organisation, tbe Guardian reported today. It said Jim Slater, head of the Slater-Walker Banking Organisation, was having discussions with the giant Lonhro Trading Group reported
    AP  -  173 words
  • 44 22 JAKARTA. Tues. Secre-taries-general of the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Aseani ended a twoday meeting here today. The meeting recommended the establishment of an Asean Journalists Confederation and another Asean conference In Jakarta on development planning. Reuter. (See Pace 51
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 45 22 LONDON. Tues.— Another of Britain's big four commercial banks today reported a sharp fall In pre-tax profits. National Westminster announced annual profits down by more than a third from £184 million to £130 million (S*9B4 million to ***** million). Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 457 22 LONDON, Tuej Trading on tbe nock market waa again at a low level today with lnveetora concerned about rlghu Uauee. but selective Interact made for a firmer blaa. At 3 p.m. the Financial Time* Index waa up 2.8 to 262 8 Gold producen softened towards the dose after
    457 words
  • 336 22 JAMMU, Tuesday CHEIKH Mohamed Abdullah took over the Government of Indian Kashmir today as police fired teargas to break up demonstrations by Hindu extremists protesting his return to power after 22 years. Police and cadre of the Hindu nationalist Jana Sangh Party clashed
    Reuter; AP  -  336 words
  • 67 22 8 HURT IN TWO -BUS CRASH EI G ti T passengers were injured after two bufes collided at Corporation Drive In Jurong yesterday. Them identities were not available last night. Police said that as a SBS bus came to a halt at a bus-stop outside thf Jurong Cinema at *ibout
    67 words
  • 88 22 'Driverless' car poser for cops CHICAGO, Tues. Police who chased and caught a "driverless" car found It was being controlled by two pintsized thieves boys aged seven and 11. Nelthert could reach the pedals am the wheel at the same tune. So while one steered 'standing up to peer through
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 60 22 N'DJAMENA (Chad). Tues. A woman accused of burying a shoep alive after cutting out its eyes In a black magic riaial aimed at overthrowing J Prudent N'Oarta Tombalbaye. went on trial here toda/ with 31 other people. All 32 are accused of "plotting to overthrow the
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 145 22 BRUNEI RULER'S BID TO KEEP GURKHAS LONDON, Tues. The Sultan of Brunei began talks with Foreign Office ministers here today on Britain's plan to withdraw a British Gurkha battalion from his South-east Asian state, British officials said. The Ruler. Sultan Muda Hassamal Bolklah Mu'lzzaddin Waddaulah. first paid a courtesy call
    Reuter  -  145 words
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