The Straits Times, 23 February 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Sunday Times No. 2023 FEBRUARY 23 1975 30 CENTS M. C. (P) No. 493/75
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  • 2460 1  -  BEN DAVIDSON Two former American Marine workers are also found guilty of rioting By Provocative words by Tan to show he was leader' UNIVERSITY of Singapore Students Union president, Tan Wah Piow. was jailed for a year by the First District Court yesterday after he was found
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  • 146 1 Indonesia plans to invade Timor? pANBERRA, Sat— The V/ Australian Government, which has supplied military aid and air force advisers to Indonesia, was closely following a report that Indonesia may be preparing an invasion of Portuguese Timor, a Foreign Affairs Department spokesman said in Canberra today. The spokesman described as
    Reuter  -  146 words
  • 37 1 MANILA, Bat Twelve people, .nostly women, returnIng home from a Lenten religious rite died last Monday when two boat* sank In a river 256 km (160 miles) south of Manila, newspaper reporto said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 814 1 BANGKOK. Sat FORMER Thai r Prime Minister Thanom Klttikachorn should not be allowed to remain in the Thai Embassy in Singapore where he has stayed since he left Thailand after a brief return last December, the new Foreign Minister Pichai Rattakul said today. "It Is
    AP  -  814 words
  • 48 1 TOKYO. Sat. A Japanese ferry with 157 people aboaid, reported missing earlier today, was reported safe tonlKit. the Maritime Safety Agency reported. Tip agency said tue 7.875--tonno Shiretoko Maru bad made contact with its owners In Takyo after a nearly 24--hour radio silence. Reuter
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 213 1 Saigon envoy missing with govt funds TONDON, Saturday. -A ♦J ormer s P°kesman of the South Vietnamese Government has disappeared from his diplomatic post in London along with his family and more than US$5O,OOO (SSI 12.500) In i government funds the South Vietnamese Embassy said today An embassy spokesman said
    UPI  -  213 words
  • 30 1 JAKARTA. Sat. Indonesia Is Importing nearly 800 000 tonnes of rice to meet Its shortage this year, head Of the National Logistics Board Bustanul Arlfln s»id today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 551 1 J^ SOCIAL revolution is now sweeping through Asean countries, according to Dr. Goh Keng Swee, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Controlling and managing it, he believes, will make extraordinary demands on the sagacity and resolution of the political leaderships of
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  • 154 1 Man with the million dollar kick JOHAN Cruyr undoubtedly has the "best lees in the business." And a business it is too. One that started with his mil-lion-dollar kick. Sunday Nation today profiles this superstar of soccer who, as part of his incredible skill on the field, has managed to
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  • 73 1 THE Singapore International Chamber of Commerce has been invited by the National Wages Council to submit views regarding recommendations for this year. In consequence, the Chamber hag act up a special committee to evaluate members' suggestion*. Meanwhile. Mr Tan Soo Chye. a former Controller of
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  • Latest
    • 49 1 CALCUTTA, Sat. Chinese Vice-Prime Minister Chen Hsllien today held oat hope (or a normalisation of relations, strained since IMS, between India and China. "This state of affairs cannot continue for lone," the Minister told nenmtn at Calcutta airport where he stopped en route to Katmandu. UPI.
      UPI  -  49 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 MiillNi ri DIAUANDLri VlWl PlrtlTlwilPP SEXTUS Dl SILVA fr HYDEPH LTD. JEWELLERS OF DISTINCTION COLD STORAGE ARCADE. TEL *****3 LESSONS ASEAN THK WFFIf IM BOND Don't be «n Strand* at th* altar f Musical chair. In tha car park NATIONS CAN W K N MIS flfc I Are LEARN: DR.
      230 words
    • 111 1 NEW UNIT LABOUR Ministry ISRAEL rejects defence pact with US or Russia 2 J2of BILLION badget the 'b^.u minimum' f>,, security* F«rd 3 NTLt reshnffles Segreuriat 6 ViVGER suy at Bt. John's for dry addicts 7 PLAN to give car poolers priority for. season parking tlck.ett 8 ANpTVER strike thrsat
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    • 24 1 twinlock ,**^w. winding Jo^ ■l^*' crown seals fl iglSwS*"" submarine hatch Tai Hong Hung (Pte.) Ltd. 324 North Bridge Road, opposite the Odeon Cinema
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  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 267 2 US to sel arms to Pakistan despite India's warnings WASHINGTON, Bat The United States is preparing to ro ahead with limited cash sales of defensive military equipment to Pakistan, ending a 10-year embargo on the sale of arms over the strong objections of India. Formal announcement of the relaxation of
      AP  -  267 words
    • 28 2 MILAN, Sat— Milan Industrialist Giuseppe Agrati. kidnapped here on Jan. 2*. was released last night after his lawyer handed over an undisclosed ransom, police said. Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 484 2 Israel rejects defence pact with US or Russia TEL AVIV, Sat. ISRAEL has rejected the idea of a formal defence treaty with the United States or the Soviet Union, saying its security I "must rest upon j Israel's shoulders alone." But the Cairo I newspaper Akhbar El Yom said US
      Reuter; UPI; AP  -  484 words
    • 67 2 HONGKONG. Sat. Oold .dropped the equivalent of r7S»l.7> (954.14) per ounce v>*tl)r vie l 3 dollar remained unchanged onf^jnfkong markets today. Gold closed at the equivalent of US$lBl.l4 middle rate 'Ss4o7 56i on the Hongkong > gold and silver excbuX*. 1 compared with yesterday's U*****.89
      AP  -  67 words
    • 24 2 MEXICO CITY. Sat —An earth tremor shook Mexico City yesterday, swaying tall buildings. Tkere were no Immediate reports of damage or casualties.
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    • 106 2 VIENNA, Sat. OU- exporting nation* may take action soon to safeguard their earnings against falling dollar values but are unlikely to replace the US currency as a vehicle for oil payments, informed sources said today. The dollar dilemma will be discussed by oil ministers
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 59 2 NEW YORK Sat. A record number of 903 entries has been submitted for the 1979 Pulitzer Prizes In Journalism. The entries will be submitted to the 90 journalism Jurors next month. Their reports will be considered by a board on the Pulitzer Prizes In April and
      AP  -  59 words
    • 27 2 NEW YORK. Sat. Federal offlcl.ils announced yesterday they had smashed multi-million dollar narcotics ring said to be the largest such operation serving America's black communtty.-pUPI.
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    • 176 2 THREEFOLD JUMP IN JAPANCHINA TRADE TOKYO, Sat. Japan's trade with China tre- bled in the past two j years and topped its trade with Taiwan for the first time in 1974, a K o v c rnment -financed trade organisation announced yesterday. The Japan External Trade Organisation (J etr o)
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    • 67 2 LONDON, Sat.— Thieves at London Airport have stolen £150,000 (8*810.000) worth of Krugerrand gold coins being sent from South Africa to North America, police said today. The South African coins, each containing one ounce of gold, are the most popular way for private Investors to buy
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 192 2 3 Nixon aides appeal against Jail terms WASHINGTON, Sat. Former President Nixon's t h re c most trusted aides have appealed against prison sentences ror their roles in the Watergate scandal. Federal Judge John Sirica yesterday senten ced the three men, former Attorney-General John Mitchell, former White House chief oi
      Reuter; UPI  -  192 words
    • 70 2 BELGRADE, Sat—Communist authorities have forced the closure of Praxis, a Marxist magazine which for the past 10 years was the only publication in Eastern Europe to debate communist issues with relative freedom Tlie closure, officially announced on Thursday night, marked the climax of a long verbal battle
      UPI  -  70 words
    • 177 2 VITAMIN E PROLONGS LIFE CLAIM BY RESEARCHERS JERUSALEM, Sat. Isratll researchers claim to have found proof that Vitamin E slows <f)wn ageing ln laboratory animals. The discovery was made by a research team at. Israel's Technlon Institute of Technology. The h ;ad of the team, Prof. David Oershon, said he
      AP  -  177 words
    • 315 2 Moscow call to China: Improve mutual ties now 'MOSCOW, Saturday THE Soviet Union today called on China to take genuinely constructive measures to improve its relations with Moscow If it was sincere in assertions that Ideological quarrels should not mar normal mutual ties. o t P? c cal il ln
      Reuter  -  315 words
    • 68 2 UNITED NATIONS. Sat. Sir Laurence Mclntyre. Australian Ambassador to th? United Nations for the pas. five years, will leave for home and ultimate retlreir.ent on March 6. Oi c of his country's most e\per*need diplomats, he was president of the Security Council during the October.
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 311 3 $209 b budget 'basic minimum' for security: Ford WASHINGTON, Saturday PRESIDENT Ford last night strongly defended his US$92.B billion (*****.8 billion) defence budget against threats of cots by Congress, calling it a "basic minimum" to assure American security. In a prepared speech to military reserve officers, he said that defence
      Reuter  -  311 words
    • 161 3 REFERENDUM IN PHILIPPINES: 'ONE VOTE 'LESS' rpHE Philippines elecX tions chairman. Mr. Leonardo Peres, today dismissed the defection of Mr. Primitivo Mijares i above), a newsman close to the martial law regime, as "one vote less" in the Feb. 27 referendum. Mr. Mijares, 43. columnist of the Manila Daily Express
      UPI  -  161 words
    • 105 3 ATLANTA, Sat. Police yesterday raided two "love wrestling" 1 salons that offer male patrons the chance to tussle with scantilyclad females. Three people were arrested at the Blue Pox, where a .ilgn advertises "love tussle," with "foxy ladles" and "service
      UPI  -  105 words
    • 48 3 JAKARTA. Sat. Indonesian Mining Minuter Mohammad Sadll left for Rai ,oon today for a week's visit to Burma. Accompanied by deputy manager of Pertamlna Oil Company. Mr. Anondo. Mr. Sadll will hold talks with Burmese officials on the possibility of co-operation In ol) exploration. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 41 3 KAMPALA, Sat. The Ugandan Government has officially banned 14 religious societies declaring them dangerous to peace and order In the country. The ban was announced last night by Internal Affairs Minister Oboth Ofumbl. Radio Uganda reported. AP.
      AP  -  41 words
    • 76 3 EAST BERLIN, Sat The Chinese ambassador to East Germany walked out of a gala ceremony marking the 57th anniversary of the Soviet Army here yesterday when an East German Defence Minister criticised Chinese Ideology. Ambassador Peng Kuangwel and his Interpreter left their seats In the diplomats box
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 147 3 LONDON, Sat. "You *****," yelled a duchess as she kicked and confronted a hand-bag-snatcher In London's bustling Piccadilly Circus, a Judge heard yesterday. The duchess Clare, Duchess of Sutherlandwas walking arm in arm with a friend, Mrs. Beatrice Cayzer, last November when
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 240 3 Security clamp dampens Nepal's festive mood KATMANDU, Sat The festive coronation j mood of the Nepalese j capital turned tense to- day as police clamped I a tight security net on the city. The brightly decorated main streets were cleared of people and vehicles for most of the day as
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    • 27 3 HONOKOKO. Sat. Eighteen people were Injured, one seriously, when a doubledecker bus collided with a lorry and overturned In the New Territories early today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 232 3 5,000 chant songs in Manila demo MANILA, Saturday ABOUT 5,000 Filipinos chanting revolu- tionary songs yesterday staged a religious procession in the first anti-government demonstration in the Philippines since martial law was proclaimed two-and-a-half years ago. I Thi: procession was organised by the Association of Major Religious Superiors, which announced
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    • 21 3 JAKARTA. Sat. Three Br ti;h oil technicians, escaped death when their helicopter crashed near Krawang. We*- Java, yesterday. Reukjr.
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    • 99 3 Singer sues magazine for $2 million LOS ANGELES. Sat Singer Bobble Gentry has filed a US$l million i 552.25 million) defamation suit against a movie fan magazine which reported she was expecting singer ElvisPresley's baby. Miss Gentry &ued Move Stars Magazine and lt» owners, saying the magazine had run a
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 59 3 DUKDALK, (Maryland), Sat Male go-go dancers performing; at the Merritt House Tavern In this Baltimore suburb will have to wear brassieres or pasties because of rules against persons dancing topless, the County Liquor Board has ruled. "We're going out and buy the men pasties." Mr.
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    • 60 3 BUENOS AIRES, Bfct A right-wing labour leader was slain yesterday and some branches of foreign banks were bombed In a flesh burst of violence In Argentina. A carload of gunmen shot dead Mr. TVodoro Ponce, a committee member of the powerful Steelworkers Union (UOM) as Roaarlo,
      AP  -  60 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 204 2 Imhmhl CREATED IN TRUE PIONEER HEREDITY GREATER POWER BETTER PERFORMANCE WIDER RANGE OF FEATURES The SX- 1010 offers distinctive refinements that measured at 20 20,000 Hz into 8 ohms can only be found in the more sophisticated impedance. Harmonic distortion measured at audio system. maximum power is less than 0.
      204 words
    • 222 2 sonXio Moon t ,twh 4^M DANIEL ADNI Fi<lf pvrfot "WH* ,n Singa- .1 por* by fta ottoniihing young lwo«li virtuoio. 'H "Pioniittcoll' thit 20~r*v- 4^H old k o rla« V *H hit 0wn. ..1t wot tht Chopi"4^^| that >«v«ol«d M, Adni'i 4^^B true towff'ing Itotwr.'* DAILY TtItOIAPM jM Songt
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 696 3 THE LOIN Vifflf TO j» FITNESS FOR AU^L THE FAMILY W Thick waistline? Bulging tummy? M w J Flabby arms legs? Rowmach 4 speeds a man to a man-shape, J a girl to a girl-shape. A jf JL £^>+± By submitting your body to aft jT ik*^e*^ punishing course of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 513 4 STAMFORD INSURES SUCCESS Win success with a batter educHion through spare time study with Stamiord College. Stamiord College home study courses 9j are scientifically devised to guarantee systematic and raptd VJfco learning. Qualily now in the sublect of yoir choice and Join the V; A^SsSsgli growing number of Stamford College
      513 words
    • 153 4 Girls! Boys! Show off your talent and win big, big prizes in for schools ye) For entry forms, apply to your School Principal or write to: The Organising Secretary, Talenti me for Schools '75. Boys' Town Old Boys' Association. Bukit Pan/ang P.O. Box 27. Singapore 23. Entries dose on Bth
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    • 149 4 as>^ Got a cold? Get quick relief! MENTHOLATUM SOOTHING.CCX)LING,HEAUNG BALM Mentholatum gives quick relief from colds, coughs and headaches. Mentholatum jg^k gently cools and soothes ■mSJ away skin irritations. **^m/^ Mpu insect bites, burns. Wk bruises, etc I Have some handy for %sJ3& all thp family! MENTHOLATUM The Great Reliever
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1489 4 ll'l ll I3h lights BY BAILYNE SUNG "Muslc of Vienna" on Ch. 5 at 11.20 p.m. WEDNESDAY WHEN TH£ SON of a prominent underworld figure blunders In a shooting Incident, his father is ordered by the organisation first to turn him over to the FBI and then to eliminate him.
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    • 676 4 but finds the marriage is In vim when she dies without leaving him a cent. This is the story of "A Point Of Law", another of Orson Welles' Great Mysteries. On Ch. 5 at 7.45 n.m. (Colour). TWE SIX Million Dollar Van tests his superpowers to the limit when an
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    • 345 4 naps the head of an underworld family In ••"n»e Chinatown Murders" <Pt. 1). (At 9.55 pjn. on Ch. 3). WHEN FELIX refuses to lend Oscar money to back a dubious invention, Oscar finds another way —he sells Gloria on the project, thereby forcing Felix to get Involved to protect his
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  • 645 5 Labour Ministry to set up new division to promote industrial peace PLAN FOR BETTER CONCILIATION SERVICES fO improve the quality of industrial relations, the Labour Ministry has decided to set up a new Industrial Relations Division which will provide conciliation services as well as preventive mediation to eliminate areas of
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  • 387 5 rrHE positive role that Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) can play in strengthening stability and peace in the region was emphasised in a statement on Singapore's foreign policy yesterday. The statement, con talned in the addendum to the Presidential address at the
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  • 417 5 Moves by police to check crime TWE rising crime A rate and new patterns of crime in Singapore will be fought by the police force with new techniques. An addendum to the Presidential address at the opening of Parliament, disclosing this yesterday, said a centralised Criminal Intelligence Unit had been
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  • 274 5 Law soon to provide facilities for new school system THE Government A will introduce a new Education Act to provide the supporting facilities for a gradual restructuring of Singapore's education system to reduce educational wastage, improve teaching and learning, and Increase the supply of trained manpower. This was stated yesterday
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  • 113 5 THE 14th Singapore Company Girls' Brigade attached to Faith Methodist Church in Queenstown received its Colours at a ceremonial parade at the church ground yesterday. The Colours, donated by Mrs. Goh Kok Kee, was presented by Mrs. Tay Fob Luan after it was
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  • 250 5 Goh to PAP branches: Set up kindergartens PEOPLE'S Action rarty branches were urged yesterday to set up kindergartens, for which there is a great demancf as well as to organise consumer clubs to sell good quality goods at the lowest, possible prices. Other branch activities would be technical Instruction if
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  • 143 5 8 triad suspects held in raids POLICE arrested eight suspected g a n gsters during raids on several houses in the Nee Soon, Upper Thomson Road and Peng Ghee Road areas on Friday. The arrests began just before 7 D.m. when a party of detectives from the ClD's Chinese Investigation
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  • 154 5 'Abundant Life' meetings by singing preacher QJ I NO INO evangelist Dr. Rev. Samuel Kamaleson of Madras, well known among Chrlstans throughout the world especially in Asia, will conduct a series of evangelistic revival meet'ngs at the National Theatre tonight, tomorrow and Tuesday night at 7.30. The meetings are a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 249 5 o—m FACOM M—^ FUJITSU LTD (S) BRANCH will be conducting the following COMPUTER SCIENCE COURSES:Elementary Courses (full-time) (IN ENGLISH) 10 days each Mon. to Fri. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (A) FORTRAN Programming Course (3rd Mar 14th Mar) (B) COBOL Programming Course (17th Mar 28th Mar) FEES $150 for each
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    • 73 5 This can be unhealthy... /I ...but new Lady's Choice Cooking Flour is pure, clean and hygienically packed At last, here's the cooking flour you've always wanted. Lady's Choice Cooking Flour. It's pure. Clean. Safe. Hygienically packed. And Lady's Choice Cooking Flour is ideal for all the different types of cooking
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  • 226 6  - Pat gets tip on the fun way to raise funds RANEE GOVINDRAM By RAISING money for charity can be fun and interesting if you know the rijht steps to take. This was one of several tips Patricia turn (left) received yesterday from veteran fund-raisers Annie Lim (centre) and Shirley Bok.
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  • 46 6 A woman was Jailed for one day and fined WSO yesterday for stealing four boxes of chocolates worth $344. Tan Khan Ens, 27. pleaded guilty to committing the offence at Metro OoMen Mile department atore, at about 6.90 p.m. on Friday.
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  • 65 6 Sng elected president of association Mr. Sng Tong Hal has been elected president of th; Old Siglaplan's Association. Other officials are Messrs. Thomas Khoo. (vice-presi-dent); Wong Kok Pov, (secretur) fiyas etetamat, (asslstiint secretary); Quak Kens 31anf, (treasurer), and David Wee (assistant treasurer). Coronttte* members are Messrs Wan Pong Poh, Harry
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  • 76 6 AN unidentified woman, believed to be In her 7fc, died Instantly on Friday when she was involved In a collision with a ear at Mountbatten Road. Police said the accident occurred at about 1.15 p.m. while she was walking. 8h j had no identification
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  • 475 6 J^ I^AJOR reshuffle in the NTUC secretariat is underway fc streamline the composition and administration of its eight departments and to give greater leadership roles to 57 \oung Industrial Relations Officers (IROs). Two departments the Industrial Dispotes Committee led by Mr. Chue Shui
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  • 220 6 Labourer found battered to death in his house A 74- YEAR-OLD casual labourer, Ng Lee Koon, was found murdered In his attap house at Jalan Ouan Choon, off Tamplnes Road, yesterday. He was found lying in a pool of blood In his canvas bed and had severe head injuries. It
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  • 283 6 Fairdeal book co-op plans to expand rE NTUC's book cooperative. Fairdral. which started operations in seven secondary schools last December, plans to expand Its activities to elcht other new schools. The new schools are expected to open in Jane this year, Mr. Ivan Baptist, Fairdeal's secretary to the board of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1161 6 jftft PAIRS OF ADIDAS fHST?! I KE-SK ATING BOOTS TO BE n~\ <yj GIVEN AWAY... PLUS V^/^^^^^^THERVALUABLE PRIZES!! WINNFPC" THE WW l IIIIEH 9 WRAPPER-PASTING Results of top three winners COMPETITION Ist Prize 26" Telef unken Colour TV Model 7435 MISS FAUZIAH BTE ABU BAKAR I/C No: *****62/ A 70
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    • 1 6 I
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  • 135 7 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Education) Mr. Ahmad Mattar yesterday predicted that It would not be long before Singapore's education system makes Its mark In the region. He said: "All Indicators show that Singaporeans have the specifications for the Job of turning Singapore into a
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  • 18 7 Thirty-one ra*n were fined a total of $3,400 yesterday for gambling In public. They pleaded guilty.
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  • 333 7  -  CHRISTINA CHEANG By ITtOR theatrical pro- ducer, Lincoln Adair, it was a lone and bumpy road from New York to New Zealand his birthplace which he had not seen for the Past 39 years. And with him
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  • 89 7 THE World in Woman Is the theme of an exhibition to be held at Victoria Memorial Hall from April 26 to 29. The exhibition, to be held under the auspices of the Singapore Association of Women Lawyers, is in conjunction with
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  • 219 7 80 who prefer lower pay to layoff ABOUT 80 emA ployees from two electronics firms hit by the recession have agreed to accept pay cuts to avoid retrenchment. In one firm, some 40 workers saved their jobs with this sacrifice. The personnel manager of the firm said almost all electronics
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  • 47 7 MR. Pathol Rahman, a lecturer at the Institute of Education, gave a talk In Malay on The Teenage World 1 Boy-Olrl Relationships at the National Library lecture hall, In Stamford Road yesterday. The talk was organised by the Library's Central Young People's Service.
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  • 671 7 BETTER AFTERCARE SERVICE AND... MENT-api>oint-ed committee has reco m m c nded a longer stay for drug addicts under treatment at St. John's Island Rehabilitation Centre and compulsory aftercare for discharged patients. The period of stay should be extended from three months
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  • 28 7 &IP for Telok Blangah. Mr. N. Govlndasamy, will open the- Telok Blangah East Post Office at BU«-k 22. Telok Blangah Crescent, on Friday at 8 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 608 7 jKMjLjiJ A^J^^^mC afj^ta^Bfc ikW 4kW L&nl "ifl iaß *t '.>t± /I La& V > Kw £^*ym m ~^*W^B m aa^^^^^B^LaV L^V^^^^^^ jA^Am La^kW Vjm ify 6^ >■ m^ i^^^a^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^n 4j^4dl Lbbhlb^Lt 1 vjf' J Oistir}pti^e A rare blending of lasting precision and a 4 V* .^Awk modern, young handsome styling.
      608 words
    • 35 7 /UPERBUV/EVEPVDfIV 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREEPfIRKine After spm Mon Sat All day Sunday AT COST Condensed Milk Princess 397g 0.75 Sugar Fine Granulated McGarrett 2kgs 2.65 Ovaltine with Honey Wander 397g 2.60
      35 words

  • 129 8 ALL Singapore citizens who moved into Perseverance Estate, bounded by Paya Lebar Road, Airport Road, Jalan Eunos and Changl Road, after 1971 anc before Jan. 1 this year, will be given alternative accommodation in HDB flats on rental. According to a Ministry
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  • 510 8  -  EDMUND TEO INCENTIVE TO MOTORISTS TO HELP EASE CONGESTION By £JAR owners who are members of car pools may be given priority in buying season parking tickets in g o vernment-built car parks within the restricted zone wh c n the
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  • 240 8 4 wreaths sent to travel firm as protest rX)UR wreaths have been sent to a travel agency as a protest against the management for retrenching 12 employees without consulting the union. The first two wreaths were sent to the agency's office in Collyer Quay last Wednesday. The management destroyed them
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  • 150 8 Boy, 12, missing from home A HOTEL lobby super- I 9' y est «'day appealed to the public for information on his 12-year-old missing JOn, Micky Ang Cheng Swee (above). M p ri An s o a ld Mlck Bedok Primary School. 'a*t seen playing with other children near his
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  • 44 8 A man who went to Bugis Street and befriended another man was later robbed by him, a Magistrate's court heard yesterday. Chin Ah Sum, 31. pleaded guilty to robbing Slow Watt Chye of $400 and was Jailed for three months
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  • 279 8 AS Thai 15 per d&nt "Chek Kia" and Taiwan 25 per cent white rice are now not easily available in shops, the price of Australia 10 per cent white rice 1 will be published dally Instead, the Trade Department said yesterday. Following
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    • 147 8 PAY CLAIM: RAILMEN TO DECIDE ON ACTION KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The executive council of the Railwaymen's Union of Malaya will meet on Thursday to decide on a course of action to back its wage claim. Amonf other things, the union is pressing for an adjustment In salaries for workers in
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    • 44 8 KUALA LUMPOR. Sat. Fire partly aestroyed a kitchen in Jalan Denting Klan«. Setapak today. Two fire engines from Jalan Shaw and Jalan Max*' 11 prevented the fire from spreading. It is believed the fire was due to leaking gas.
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    • 34 8 PENANO. Sat. A port labourer Athzmi bin Omar, 26. wiis today Jailed for one year lor having 0.1376 gramme of heroin which he raid he took to get rid of his depression.
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    • 30 8 IPOH. Sat. A 16-year-old boy was arrested by a policeman while stealing a crashhelmet from a parked scooter In the Kok Urn Oarden area here last night.
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    • 127 8 Villagers who don't care about Reds rapped f POH, Bat. The Men--1 tri Besar. Haji Ghazali Jawi, today accused villagers and other rural residents of being indifferent to the movements of communists and other subversives In their areas. "When we lnaulre or seek information from the people they deny any
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    • 79 8 30 for Pata workshop KOALA LUMPUR. Sat. A 30-member delegation from the North California chapter of the Pacific Area Travel Association (Pata) Is arriving for workshop sessions with the Tourist Development Corporation. The sessions will be conducted at Rasa Sayang Hotel in Penang on Monday and the Kuala Lumpur Hilton
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    • 291 8 ANOTHER STRIKE THREAT BY NEB WORKERS KUALA LUMPUR, ait. The National Electricity Board Employees Union 'issued strike ballots to its 5,000 members today lo obtain a mandate for industrial action to back their wage claims. The ballots will be returned by March 15. At a meeting tuday with the NEB
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    • 192 8 KOTA BARU, Sat. MCA acting president f Datuk. Lee San Choon said yesterday the narty.must be prepared to acftept those with different views, but who are prepared to work with the MCA. This, he said, would give ureater meaning to the
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    • 269 8 Move to stop polls: Hearing set for Tuesday KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The High Court will hear on Tuesday an expartc motion by Mr. Par. Yew Teng for an injunction order to restrain the Election Commission and the Returning Officer of the parliamentary constituency of Menglembu from holding a by-election for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 244 8 Sleepy Dreamy Beds superior quality at realistic prices r > i^**~r^. -dak. vXi^^^K >~-^ Efcj9r 12 w Built to look good and feel good from its deep divan base on castors through the coil spring, deep quilted CL mattress upholstered in jfi^VtS! attractive covers. You have the last word ffs
      244 words
    • 68 8 I now presents a new and unsurpassed I range of TAPE DECKS designed for the I ultimate in listening pleasure LSee them in action hear them in motion and you too will make AIWA Tape Decks your first choice. DUNN TRADING CO.,(PTE) LTD. 39-A.Pekin Street, Singapore I.Tel *****, *****, 731
      68 words

  • 126 9 rpHE world's largest X nuclear-p owe r e d aircraft carrier, the I'SS Enterprise, sailed into Singapore yesterday for a four -day visit. The carrier has a crew of more than 5.000 men and carries about 100 aircraft. It was accompanied by
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 645 9 Stephanie Bowman, Deaf LDI7 REMOVE STOMACH iM^qMi BULGE INSTANTLY Wr IN A FLASH YOUR FIGURE WILL {11 mk LOOK SLIM AND YOUR APPEARANCE «1 WILL BE TRANSFORMED |T\ HI Th« ugly stomach that has bothered you for so long, that has spoilt your figure and that M AB^ has mad*
      645 words
    • 815 9 Only Qantas gives you the big, beautiful 7478 every day to London. i '4/ B^ jmX a^B^BM eav* *v^ f^» *^Bj _^o>fs/'0 >f s 'x* k fiht. *'V s> > jMo&*'r£\. Ilk m I mm S/ -B^| L- 1 W, Vs? avn-«^^a»aaM /jT^^wHßm i 0 Lf M'/lfN ■rat W£*&P9*i I
      815 words

  • 505 10 The Sunday Times SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1975 Opinion IN SAFER HANDS IXtfi a proposal whose merits are so obvious, the Government's reported plan to introduce a law requiring compulsory registration of all driving instructors is long overdue. However late it is a mer^ure which will be applauded as a step
    505 words
  • 2164 10 DR. GOH: THE LESSONS ASEAN EATIONS CAN EARN FROM ECENT EVENTS |T SEEiMS prudent to preface my address by making clear the standpoint from which the observations are made. First, my training has been in economics but as any economist who has lieen involved in government will tell you, economic
    2,164 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 10
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  • 816 10  -  Ernest Corea by A HISTORIC non- event took place in Bangkok 20 years ago today: the first meeting of Seato's ministerial council, its major policymaking body. What made the occasion a farce was that only two South-east Asian nations, the Philippines and Thailand,
    816 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

    • 1886 11  -  VICTOR DAVIS I V^Br/^^ Jmf/r Adapted by Copyright Eon Productions Ltd. The film "The Man With The Golden Gun" is distributed by United Artists and stars Roger Moor*. SOMETHING was de- finitely up. Miss Moneypenny, far from her usual flirtatious self,
      1,886 words
    • 955 12  -  CLARENCE FERNANDEZ By time off rpHE small group of tourists waiting in the twilight shadows along the sandy shore of Summerland Beach on Phillip Island are all keyed up with suspense. Only the pounding of the surf on the long stretch of Knely beach and
      955 words
    • 878 12  -  PEDR DAVIS By rviD you know that a car can be killed with kindness? Perhaps not killed— but certainly harmed. Cars should be serviced but not fussed over; lubricated but not fed a diet of proprietary medicine. One man I know nearly wrecked his automatic transmission
      878 words
    • 552 13  - Of niceties and subtleties in France TAN LIAN CHOO H I IKE every other v working tour, my recent 10-day visit to France's leading industries with other Singapore journalists had its prized moments of clever snippets by various participants at different times. And of course, these often occurred at meal
      552 words
    • 847 13  -  Sri Delitna By \GORNBV DREAMT I went shopping and even as I dreamt I knew I was dreaming because there were lots of empty parking lots. The next day I went just in case, you know. And of course It turned out to be
      847 words
    • 429 13  -  JEFFREY LOW [records! WOLF: NIGHT MUSIC (Dream). The music of Wolf evolves lar gel y around their leader Darryl Way, former founder-member of Curved Air. Like in Curved Air. it Is mainly based on Way's classical exuberance in the electric violin. Formed in November 1372
      429 words
    • 194 14  -  MARY KOGAN BY IT ISN'T often that one comes across a restaurant proprietor with a whole set of lofty values. Whose principles, at times, are held even about that of profit. Ordinarily, restaurant owners who cater to family eating consider Sunday their biggest profit-making day. But Mr. Lira of
      194 words
    • 586 14  -  IAN BROWN: By London IT'S surprising Just how many things women can do better than men. For instance, they can see better in the dark, learn poetry quicker, speak more clearly, sing a tune more easily and remember faces better than the average ma'?
      FWF  -  586 words
    • 2167 14  -  wong lai wah VAN^Y FAIR by rpHE radiant bride stares with ■1 undisguised pleasure at the reflection of herself in the mirror as her beautician deftly adds the final touches to an immaculate make-up. The hour has come. She is ready to be "collected" from her
      2,167 words
    • 1839 15  -  PETER SUTHERLAND Investment Beginners FRASER NEAVE LIMITED as at March 31. 1974 .$m Issued capital and reserves shareholders funds assets belonging to the shareholders net assets 109,922,000 We have to adjust this figure as follows: deduct 7J% cumulative preference shares (481,790) net assets belonging to
      1,839 words
    • 1062 15  -  Martin Lim By rE erratic behaviour of the Singapore stock market in recent days may prove unnerving to the amateurs but it is a speculators' dream come true. For current trading conditions are a heavensent boon to the shorts and longs each of whom
      1,062 words
    • at the CINEMA
      • 721 18  -  ROGER YUE By rpWO stars who won 1 the Academy Award in their very first film Barbra Streisand, Best Actress in Funny Girl, and Estelle Parsons, Best Support ing Actress in Bonnie and Clyde are teamed in For Pete's Sake (now showing
        721 words
      • 260 18  - Audience asked to fill in those gaps BAILYNE SUNG By TH E PARADISE (soon at an Er.^ Wah cinema) attempts to show both the seamy and the good life on Hongkong, but it fails miserably on both counts. Although police cor ruption plays quite an important part in the film.
        260 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 70 11 I MOBSTERS I THE MOBSTERS is an exciting new series that traces the highlights of Singapore's fight against crime from the 1940s to the present day. THE MOBSTERS continues on Tuesday and will appear twice weekly in New Nation. THE MOBSTERS reads as excitingly as a spy thriller but the
      70 words
      2 words
    • 784 11 50,000 TRIAL HAIR TREATMENTS Te be sent absolutely FREE to all "SUNDAY i 1 y it* TIMES" readers! M Horn you eon taw n tor yount'f f I I LM^dar ony condition* you kka r c TfK~ and if it doatn't fully vaot fo'ling hoir relieve you of dan- -.Mm
      784 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 455 12 MUSK MAKER'S Make your own music. Or play your kindof music. D Mu On a cassette/ radio from Sanyo's widest range of l^l' ir^^ portables. No matter what feature or combination of I^mVJ A$ i features you are looking for, you'll find it here. Like yMt mJn fade-in /fade-out mike
      455 words
    • 14 12 NEXT SINDAI More motorinc myths NEXT SUNDAY: Face -to face with Scaramanca'i naked lady.
      14 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 127 13 Cathay Pacific's four daily flights toHongKong ~^mP NPvl^^. Four times a day, Cathay Pacific flies home to Hong Kong. And Cindy Yu isiooking forward to giving you a special welcome aboard. Departure times are convenient 1 p.m. and 6.50 p.m. for non-stop flights to Hong Kong and 9.45 a.m. and
      127 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 992 13 "This is not Mr. Martin. This is not even Mr. Martin's tape recorder. This is the machine that takes messages for Mr. Martin's tape recorder when it is broken, which it is." B CAPRICORN \<Jl XKII-S Pgß IMM K> 9 ARIfcS to J.n 20 to Krb. lS g| to March
      992 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 315 14 [philips! 1 J I Inplinrnt" T s Pm 11 EZ/ lkJl 1L \"lif) i 1 I f Lqkonyour km. mv I f Quckonttne KJkJ. HP 4118 Lightweight Hairdryer: SoLi^A Stylis' perfectly balanced, instant high drying performs™ < iightyveight I4Bogmor 17 07) Features 3 positions A '^f^^^^* switch, an attachment nozzle
      315 words
    • 479 14 Advertisement Bring Lasting Loveliness to Your Skin— /Jver the centuries women have tried countless skin beauty treatments in their search for feminine perfection. Some have proved highly effective and have become widely known and widely used throughout the world. Today modern science has made it possible for women in all
      479 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 106 15 when you come to kuala lumpur iiiii lliiiill m m^rm^M >»A^iM W J [L*mi J^mm mm Welcome to Malaysia's Newest International Hotel JayaPuri Most Convenient Hotel For You near the airport near D.J. Shah Alam industrial areas no traffic jam -Jf-25% discount in room rates JAVA PURI not just another
      106 words
    • 548 15 mm Straits \l ■Jtf Steamship Group 1 The Service Specialists Requires Management Trainees Our October recruitment campaign produced good results especially from ex-National Service Officers. We arc again in the market for dynamic young men seeking career prospects in a diversified and expanding Group of Companies. The men we want
      548 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 713 18 >Kd |»i;u T iail I rrfiHiHHijJiiiiJ^ NOW ill.* jji l 7*—^^^ iniHlliLMyilfilHii SHOWING! j! NOW SHOWING DaOy it 700 9.30pm GO lden: 6 shows .t 9.00 am. > 5 i^^ lamps Vi Lvi Irene Chan 1 1 .00 am, 1 .30. 4.00, 6^5 t 9.30 pm M^ Jame ,l isVi*i»
      713 words
      103 words
    • 155 18 LIDO-Weditsday 12th March 9.1 5pm J LIONS CLUB Of SINGAPORE WEST Jib"- I*A1 A CHARITY \W FILM PREMIERE Under the distinguished patronage of the Minister of State for Communications MR. CHAI CHONG Yll i in aid of MAM SAN SCHOOL REBUILDING FUND Mhm* $3/- $5/- $10/- Dooit-om AVAILABLE AT C.
      155 words
    • 648 18 iiiCftTHftV jiL 1 0..W 2 Sfco.. 7 t ♦30 »m I 5 "STUPID SAILOR. AH f OOK S Jomes V, Lvi Irene Cr.on > I Contonete Color Scope 2 1 1 with Englitr-i Subtitln *t II4»»r'sPARrLINGTAT^S Sj 11««. 1 JO, 4 00 30 t 30 > Fox's "11 HARROWMOUSI i
      648 words

  • 43 19 CHERISHED MEMORIES OP HESTON See Olm Hock departed 23 2.68. Deeply respected, fondly remembered by wife, children and grandchildren. IN CHERISHED MEMORY OF Tan Koon Jim called Home on 23rd February 1971. Dearly remembered by wife, family It loved ones
    43 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 648 19 classified ads g PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGAPORE Corner Orchard Road penang Road Sunday Service 9 00 am and 6 00pm Sunday School 900 aTn AM Welcome WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH Worship service at 7.30 a.m. IS am: 5.30 pm. Sunday School for all ages 8 45 a.m INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH of Singapore.
      648 words
    • 782 19 WANTED 2 STENOGRAPHERS. MUST BE able to type 60 w.p.m. shorthand 100 w.p.m. Knowledge of English and Mandarin preferably those who are familiar with building trade. Please apply to P.O Box 2439. Spore 1. WANTED 2 FEMALE SITE CLERKS. Knowledge of English and Chinese dialects Apply to P.O Box 2439.
      782 words
    • 746 19 SERVICE STATION In Jurong require pump attendants and motor vehicles wireman Tel: *****8 REQUIREO URGENTLY SWIMMING POOL SUPERVISOR Must have good knowledge of written and spoken English and be able to live safe Knowledge of pool maintenance is also essential Age above 24. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and
      746 words
    • 852 19 SELETAR MILLS SEMI-OETACHED newly renovated furnished $115 000. Unfurnished $105,000 o n o Tel: *****8. SELETAR HILLS single-storey semi-detached 2.830 5q. ft. mosaic flooring. $85,000. No brokers please Phone Singapore. *****3. SALE/ RENT DIST 11 2-storey brand new bungalow. 5 bedrooms, servant's room, parquet/ marble flooring Split-level separate living/ dining.
      852 words
    • 818 19 ARCHIPELAGO SPECIAL SUNOAVS/MONDAVS/HOLIOAYS Gentlng Highland* 2 days (air) SIM/- 2 days (coach) MO/- frlday Penang/ Gentlng 4 days 5 nights K.l_/Oentmg 3 days $7S/Malecca/K.L./C.H./Pen./ Ipoh (Oentlng Highlands) 5/7 days $100/ $13$/ $170 Haadyai/ SongkMa 7 days SIM/Matarelay Thailand 14 days $3*o/Kou Tlnggl $10 Malacca $20 Singapore Tour $6/ $10/ $15
      818 words
    • 842 19 INTERIOR DESIGN DIPLOMA. Comprehensive correspondence tuition leads to Interior design dipioma recognised for membership of professional body. Full colour prospectus sent by airmail by writing to the Principal. Thomas B Dwyer DHE. RIBA. Dept STM Rhodec International. BC'M/ Rhodec. London. WC.'.. England L.C.C. PRIVATE SECRETARY'S CERTIFICATES one year course commencing
      842 words
    • 991 19 WE BUY YOUR SCRAP cars. vans, lorries and any other scraps. Tel. *****7 Mr. Lee. OEC. 19*5 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE good londition. new paintwork and cushion, owner leaving Contact 63^441. *****2. Poh. 19*5 MOLDEN 2541 C.C, radio, alrcond.. automatic transmission. $250 0.n.0. Call Mr Fox *****0 weekdays 8 a.m —4 p.m.
      991 words
    • 827 19 COMPANY SEEKING 2ND HAND i car any of the following. Makes welcome Chevrolet Stingray Pontlac Firebird. Continental. Mercedes 300 »t an should* be J 1973 Model or newer Telephone Malacca 5773. WANTED FIAT 124 SPECIAL 1973 onwards by genuine buyer, phone Mike *****0 WANTED VESPA SPRING/ SUPER contact Hln *****7
      827 words
    • 746 19 BBSS v.ah' pots large and small Telephone *****8 armchairs t black lacquer iLETRODEX T.V. SERVICING with cushions Tel *****6 lEPAIRS any make of television ELECTRONIC COMPANY at S7O >ay night service Phone *****5 Queens* ay Japanese Oarden *****52 now on closing business sale All lEW STAR SERVICING all kinds of
      746 words

  • Special feature
    • 597 20 Funds help to revive activity in building sector By STAFF WRITER THE availability of more funds through normal commercial banking channels and other measures to relax tight money policy are stimulating the buildinv industry in Singapore. Mr. Ton Seng Sit, president af the Singapore Contractors Association, said that the move
      597 words
    • 353 20 PAINT is now in rood demand. About three months ago, there was a drop in sales of about 40 per cent. Now prices are fairly steady. This was stated by the spokesman of a leading paint manufacturing company. It was expected that business would pick
      353 words
    • 705 20 Prices of many materials stable PRICES of cement, steel, timber, paint and many other building materials which had been fluctuating until a few months ago are now stable, accordIng to manufacturers and suppliers in Singapore. And demand is growing, following renewed activity in the building industry. A spokesman for one
      705 words
    • 499 21 Homes: Demand up as curbs on foreign buyers ease By STAFF WRITER SOME private developers in Singapore are looking to foreign companies and overseas Investors to buy their flats, according to the managing director of a building development company. "And this is made easier through the Government's relaxed rules on
      499 words
    • 271 21 MORE FLATS FOR PUBLIC SECTOR building a $40 million housing In the Buklt Timah district. This project with 215 units of two storey split level, terrace, semi -de tached and detached houses covering an area of 30 acres on freehold land Is expected to be completed in 1978. The company
      271 words
    • 606 22 ■DESPONSE from "con tractors to Government's call for more and stricter safety measures to be taken at construction sites is "good," according to the Labour Ministry. A Labour Ministry official said that the Singapore Contractors Association and the Singapore Building Contractors Society
      606 words
    • 856 22 New forms of piling cut costs and save time... By* STAFF WRITER MANY ingenious methods have been devised to overcome difficulties met with in piling. And specialists are using more and more advanced techniques to speed up work. Research and development have paid dividends for an overseas piling company with
      856 words
    • 359 22 POSITIVE steps most 1 be taken to prevent fires in buildings, particularly in highrise structures, and also to provide facilities in the case of an emergency. The Building Control Division has prepared a code on fire prevention for new buildings. In the case of highrise flats,
      359 words
    • 892 23 FROM MOBILE CRANES TO CONCRETE PUMPS MANUFACTURERS iT have designed machinery and equipment for the building md v s try with the main aims of speeding up construction and saving costs. And most builders and contractors in Singapore use some of the latest
      892 words
    • 288 23 Latest process to treat wood for building VACUUM pressure 1 impregnation is one of the latest methods of treating timber for use in building construction. With thia process, timber that is used for piling scaffolding as well as for decorative purposes Is given a longer life, a spokesman lor a
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 645 20 PRESENTING jL 4t ti<k 5 I TAN EAN KIAM BUILDING 3KW f 10-STOREY OFFICE COMPLEX the directors STAFF OF I FOR RENTAL EAN LIAN (PTE) LTD. I W "XHB^HHHMfII FEATURES'- Cik £1 .A specially designed modern office block with WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 5 ]jg I wKk
      645 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 141 21 iPTMON MACHINERY MANUFACTURE INDUSTRIAL CO. (fE.) PTE. LTD. 1 10, NEYTHAL ROAD, JURONG TOWN, SINGAPORE 22. TEL: *****4 (3 LINES), CABLE ADDRESS: "TpMICO" !*»~KJI Jf Concrete Mixer with yfe j* /I j| Reversing Drum and Hydraulically 7 T 1 Winch with Steel Tower Operated Hopper SAFETY RELIABILITY rr^ DURABILITY Model:
      141 words
    • 321 21 We bund you Wi W enduring V foundations iJ^^ These pita shells and caps w^^^^^^ form «n integral part of the West's Shell Piling System. P^P^ jjfl Ttvs system of foundation-building was developed by our P^^ .Sjaj parent company in the United Kingdom, a half century ago. ios Today, it
      321 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 479 22 MARYLAND PARK (Opposite Kotong Shopping Centra) 1$ storey luxurious Mots situated at MOUNTtATTEN RD./AMIER RD TANJONG KATONC Rl Sinfapore 15. rJ3 9£- «1 READY FOR OCCUPATION SOON 4 bedrooms with built-in cupboard bathroom attached to each. Living/ Dining rooms (splitlevel) H mi t^ IX Sft U_. -«l<_ Hal I THAI
      479 words
    • 138 22 I alafl Baaaam'si H ■til "^Bq iW J aaaPe^vl KV^LallH BaPa«^^B»»»»»»»» I J^mW ■^|H J V^aaaaPV Oat l M^^aal V^laVw^P a^P "f V_ jB fl """j "^L\ GUARANTEED STRENGTH IFOR QUALITY AND RELIABILITY DEPEND ON THE MOST ESTABLISHED READY-MIXED COMPANY. TgLl M 5 25<l < SLINES > 885 253 (AFTER
      138 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 100 23 Construction Equipment is our business MITSUBISHI HEAVY NIPPON SHARYO INDUSTRIES. LTD. SEIZO K AISHA, LTD. ■HIM m" xx .^hl V^bV iV I fTB Hfe *jN ■■> it I fi L H I HV a d^EA^. tfm^^^^m. .^Hb K ill 1 H BBk 1 WiO |Bi^_ rf^/k \_Mtk Bmm \A ■>
      100 words

  • 2142 24  - Repulse Bay's $178 best in a day of good dividends EPSOM JEEP By 1st No. ***** ($2,907) 2nd No. ***** 726) 3rd No. ***** 363) STARTERS ($44 each) Nos: *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****. CONSOLATIONS ($36 each) Nos: *****, *****. *****, *****, *****, *****,
    2,142 words
  • 597 24 TOCffey David Kwong and apjirentice H.H. Chan were Yesterday reprimanded by the stewards and told to Know more care In their riding. Thej Stipendiary Steward's report'on yesterday's races al Penant RAW ONE: Gutul 111 iMC. I-ami and G»jl>uchtv> (8. Nithani were both slow Into 'stride Gustanl 111 trailed
    597 words
  • 171 24 AUCKLAND, Sat.-New Zealand batsman John Parker steered his side towards safety at the end of the third day of the First Test against England here today. New Zealand were 285 for five at stumps, still needing 109 runs to avoid the follow on to England's first
    171 words
  • 87 24 England Ist inns 593-5 dee New 7,f land Ist inn* G. Turner c Amiss b Arnold g J. Morrison c Amiss b Grelg 58 J. Parker not out IJI B. Congdon c Old b Orelg 2 B. Hastings c Knott b Old 13 G. Howarth c Wood b Orelg
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 622 24 A newly established rubber trading company In Kuala Lumpur Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens or Permanent Residents for the post of GENERAL MANAGER to take charge of the Technical ServicesDepartment and to supervise the Rubber Trading Department. Applicants should be txtween 35 and 45 years of age, have
      622 words
    • 331 24 TECHNICAL SALES PERSONNEL <J v3^ > Applicotions ore invited from suitable experienced persons for the following positions TWO SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVES (DDIESEL GENERATING SETS (2JWOODWORKING MACHINERY We require mature persons with sound engineering/ technical background and preferably sales experiencs in the related field. The successful candidate must have o good
      331 words
    • 433 24 IMPORT EXPORT ASSISTANT (BUMIPUTRA) We are an international Company engaged in the production of electrical HomeAppliances, Invites applications for the above post. Applicant should be below 30 years of age and possess SC/MCE certificate with at least 2 years' working experience in Customs procedures. Candidate should be willing to perform
      433 words

  • 204 25  -  EPSOM JEEP STRONG ROBE, CANDY DOLL AND PINGAT MAS TO SCORE AGAIN, BUT... By of two of his last three starts, Strong Robe should keep up his good work in Race Seven at Penang today. The up-and-com-ing four-year-old can overcome the disadvantage
    204 words
  • 1573 25 lIJJM 2.00 CLASS 6 DIV 2-6 F WUUI ($6,000 $4,200 to winner) I 9005 ararm CM* i <Kemo«be> Tan 5 9 0 (same) 6f a KM M* Faky a <w ii C) Mansor 6» 13(+4)6f f 1 TAT* J MOO Erl a (KW Kong) West 4 8 11
    1,573 words
  • 1767 25 Race l BRON/t (HIEK Still a maiden; flashed home close fifth with 90 Div 2 of Ipoh Jan. 11. looks well; worth each-way against form horses. JOLLY FAIRY: Speedy; on board three of last five start.*; good secc nd with 9.0 to Danish Don Div. 3 6(
    1,767 words
  • 229 25 Stones sets new high jump mark xjEW YORK. Sat. —Lanky Dwight Stones, taking no chances on an official's foulup, measured the bar him«lf at 7 feet, 5\ Inches and then cleared It In his second try to set his fourth world Indoor best of the 1975 season at the seventh
    UPI  -  229 words
  • 186 25 S. Korean Park is best boxer BANGKOK. Sat Sooth Korean light-welter-weight Park Tat Shlk today won Thailand's King's Cop for amateur boxing after a six-day tournament dominated by Thai and Korean fighters. Mr. Eddie Gray <A Sri Lanka, chairman of the tournament committee, said Park had been declared best boxer
    186 words
  • 164 25 ■qONN. Sat. A clg--13 arette a day can mean the difference between victory and defeat for a sportsman, according to a West German study. "Blood pressure ana puke rate rise measurably after only one dRarette." said the author of the study. Prof. ED. Leubs of
    164 words
  • 450 25 AUSTRALIA'S BALL HAS STROKE LEAD HONGKONG, Sat. Australian Ted Ball, a 35-year-old Perth prof c s s 1 onal, today snatched a one-stroke lead to give him a great chance of victory In tomorrow's final round of the HK$2OO.OOO ($98,000) Hongkong Open golf championship. The sandy-halrea golfer started and finished
    Reuter  -  450 words
  • 149 25 Going Forecast: Good MAC! IPMMJIIr TIT DINHIt CMIA IrwH CMar Imatflaa Jolly Fairy J^!y Fairy Imadna Borne Pint Jally Fairy Imagla* rirooit Chl«t Nsl Cuilty R*d Carpet Oanrroua Win Aitaauh K. RM Carptt Voluble W. DtlifM Not Oullty Oraaroua Win Thumai Up R Commumon Joyful AAair TIM Oamblir Natural
    149 words
  • 233 25 The Gambler can win on track form says DENNIS CHIA IMPROVING Pingat Mas can chalk ud his third successive win by taking Race Eight £.c Penang today. The Pcwer House gelding male a winning debut on this course last December when he wore down Urn tearaway Outrageous to win drawing
    233 words
  • 136 25 LAUSANNE. (Switierland). Sat Canadian organ^>eiv yes»;rday convinced the International Olympic Committee I lOC I executive board that the 1976 Montreal Games would open on schedule barring some unforeseen development. lOC president Lord Killanin said yesterday. He was aAdreasing a pro conference after the nine-mui executive board
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 36 25 NEW YOHK, Sat—Australian Rod Layer. winning his "Ruslan roulette" showdown, whipped Roscoe Tanner of Tennessee 7-6. 6-4. 7-6 yetterday to advance to the finals of the $135,000 Mlchelob Pro Celebrity tennis tournament. UPI.
    UPI  -  36 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 51 25 We ate moving orb John Lysaght (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd announce a change bf address as from February 24, 1975. Their new office and facto 7 premises are: John Lysaght (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 2/9 Jalan Gudang Sungei RengQam Selangor P.O. Box 51 Shah Alam Tel: Sungei Renggani *****1/2/3 Cable: JAYELM, SUNGEI
      51 words
    • 458 25 NGEE ANN TECHNICAL COLLEGE EXPANSION PROJECT (PHASE II) SITE CLEARANCE, EARTHWORKS ROADWORKS SINGAPORE INVITATION TO TENDER Contractors are invited to submit tenders for the above works. Tender documents and drawings may be obtained from Monday, 24th February, 1975, at the office of: SLH-HEAH HOCK HENG. Chartered Architect, 35-A, Tanglin Road,
      458 words

  • 444 26  -  JOE DOR AI ISA, SHAH AND ALI ARE DANGERMEN BUT... says gTRIKERS Isa Bakar and Shaharuddin Abdullah and schemer Ali Bakar were Penang's heroes in their Malaysia Cup triumph last year, and the question a pac k ed National Stadium will be asking tonight (kickoff
    444 words
  • 379 26 'Unknow' Teo and change share Sembawang lead rmANG Chung Fa and unknown Teo Kirn Seng shot splendid even-par 69s yesterday to wrest the lead from Lim Swee Chew after the second round of the Tiger Pro-Am Open golf championship at Sembawang course. They finished level on 143 two strokes in
    379 words
  • 863 26  -  PETER SIOW By OCHOOLBOYS Alan Koh, Jageet Singh and Khir Ramley Jenaton yes terday stole the thunder from the National athletes when they each broke a record in the SAAA AllComers Track and Field championships at the National Stadium. The 16-year-old Alan was
    863 words
  • 342 26 Burnley join Stoke at top of table ONDON, Sat. Burnley were the only one among the top five teams In the English Football League to win today. They beat Sheffield United 2-1 to Join Stoke, who were held to a goalless draw by lowly Luton, in the lead. Both have
    342 words
  • 65 26 BRAVO Company 1 RNZIR staged a magnificent rally to upset Support Company 14-12 In the SRU League division one rugby final at Terror yesterday. Bravo, who trailed 11-0, hit back in the second r.alf with a goal and two tries. Support's points came from 1 goal. dropped
    65 words
  • 606 26  - Rare feat by Tan, Lim and lan- they deadheat for first A. JOHNSON By' HHAN SECK YEW, lan Cre i g nton and Michael Lim yesterday achieved a rare feat In swimming* when they finished in a deadheat for first place in tie 100 metres freestyle for Boys Under- 14
    606 words
  • 511 26  -  ERNEST FRIDA By UOLLAND, the 11 World Cup hockey champions, played brilliant hockey to beat a gallant Singapore side 5-1 in a friendly international match at Jalan Besar yesterday. Make no mistake about It. Singapore did not disgrace themselves as the scoreline Indicates.
    511 words
  • 146 26 INDIA and Holland, the 1973 World Cup finalUsts, will clash again at Jalan Brsar Stadium today at 5 P.m. Singapore will meet New Zealand in the first match at 3.45 p.m. The 19-strong Indian team arrived last night from Bombay. Early this week, there were
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 8 26 a^a^a^a^L. I -S 'J J| ri PiSv^i If
      8 words
    • 113 26 1 DEPOSIT LEASING f^^^^^HlßE I ■T PURCHASE J Whether you want to buy a new or used car, acquire B equipment for business with no cash outlay or invest your money, CCS can offer constructive advise and assistance. With CCS, tm you have the security of dealing with a safe,
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 45 26 golf Tiger Pro-am tournament Semtoawang 8 am HOCKEY— Tour match»: N Zealand v Spore (3.46 p.mi, Holland v India (Jin. Beaar 5 p.m.i SOCCE* FrtendllM: Spore t Penang (National Stadium 7.30 p.m.). Tulip SC v Bmdemeer Utd. (Kallang 3 pjn.) SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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