The Straits Times, 20 February 1975

Total Pages: 22
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75 I
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  • 615 1  -  P. M. RAMAN Plan to separate traffic By IMMEDIATE steps are to be taken to establish a traffic separation scheme in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. This was decided by the Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore at their first meeting here on
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  • 117 1 BRUSSELS. Wed— The price of gold shot up almost US$5 (5511.30) In Zurich today and the US dollar declined on international exchanges, equalling its January alltim>» low in Amsterdam. Gold opened In Zurich at U*****.25 (*****.40). up U554.75 <5510.73> from yesterday's closing rate. In
    UPI  -  117 words
  • 52 1 SAIOON. Wed. The Mobil Oil Corp. announced today the tentative results of further testing of a well discovered last week off th« coast of South Vietnam. The company said' test results were encouraging but that the commercial viability of the well had not yet been
    AP  -  52 words
  • 50 1 A CAMBODIAN woman soldier removes cargo harness from a crate of ammunition airlifted to Phnom Penh on Tuesday in chartered US jets. Rebel forces control or contest land and river links to the Cambodian capital. The ammo airlift is the US government's response. AP photo.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 58 1 CANBERRA. Wed. Australian Government offices overseas had been given authority to approve entry of non-Europeans and also to approve assisted passage for some migrants, Labour tnd Immigration Minister Jlyde Cameron said today. In a statement issued ncre Mr. Cameron said that In the past many such casts
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 42 1 NEW YORK, Wed. DOW Jones averages, based on first hour of trading on the New York stock exchange: 30 Indus 730.13 down 1.17. 30 transp 150.74 down 0.70, 16 utlls 81 32 down 0.32. SS stocks 232.91 down 0.62.— UPI.
    UPI  -  42 words
  • 50 1 LONDON, Wed— The Government today rejected demands for a British commission to investigate police corruption in Hongkong. Minister of State Roy Hattersley told Conservative member Kenneth Warren in the House of Commons that the independent commission set up by the colony's Governor had achieved "distinct success." AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 80 1 LAHORE. Wf<». Former Test cricketer Syed Nazir All. who played for India against England in the *****, died of a heart attack here yesterday. He was 69. He played for Sussex in the English County League and following the partition of India and Pakistan In 1947
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 36 1 ANKARA. Wed. United Nations secretary general Kiirt Waldheim arrived here today for talks with Turkey's caretaker government on the Cyprus issue as the- Security Council In New York prepared to debate the crisis. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 111 1  -  Tsai Tan By SHARE prices stabilised on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, after an Initially weak opening which extended the overnight sharp reversals. The Straits Times Industrial ordinary Index closed the day down by only 0.78 point. Indicating some afternoon recovery as the Index
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  • 578 1 Officer wanted $240,000 to clear me SAYS JJUNT HONGKONG, Wednesday gRNEST "Taffy" Htnt, the former Hongkong police officer who admitted taking graft money for 18 years, told a court here today a top police anticorruption officer had offered to drop corruption investigations against him in return for £45,000 (Ssy4o,ooo). Hunt
    Reuter  -  578 words
  • 65 1 LISBON. Wed. The ruling armed forces movement said today it would uke acron against liberal politician who are predicting that Portugal will plunge into civil war. The threat appeared to be primarily aimed at Foreign Minister Mario Soares and Francisco Carnetro, who hei.d the two parties sharing
    UPI  -  65 words
  • 52 1 TOKYO. Wed. Prime Minister T»keo Mlki today called on Japanese labour unions and managements to hold down wage increases during the annual spring labour offensive which starts next month. He said, however, his government had no Intention of Intervening In the negotiations between management and
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 58 1 JAKARTA. Wed. Indonesia's Association of Automobile Agents and Assemblers have agreed to a Presidential request to lower car price* with immediate effect. accordIng to chairman P. H. Bman. He told newsmen yesterday that -price cuts would) range from 30.000 to J.J.000 rupiahs (SflOS to 1.833)
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 75 1 MIAMI BEACH, Wed. AFL-CIO president George Meany said yesterday that the big American labour federation will avoid »ny role lr the Internal affairs of political parties. Including the selection of delegates to the Democratic national convention. "We came to the unanimous conclusion that the AFL-CIO lias no
    AP  -  75 words
  • 452 1 Kahn Oil price will fa11. UNLESS THERE IS A CUTBACK KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday r\R. Herman Kahn, the futurologist. today envisaged that the price of oil ai 1 1 collapse unless there is a cutback n Middle East production in the next two to three months. This was because last year
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  • 240 1 IEA call for a US $4.50 oil floor price LONDON, Wed. Oil I consumer nations should set a floor price of US$4.5O (5510.05) a barrel less than half the current price to protect investment in alternative energy sources, the head of the International Energy Agency (lEA) said yesterday. The suggestion
    Reuter  -  240 words
    • 69 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. Mr. Richard Nixon's tax lawyer and a Chicago appraiser were indicted on criminal charges today in connection with the preparation of the former President's tax returns for the yean Utt through 1972. The Tax lawyer, Frank Demareo Jr.. 49. w charged with three count* of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 33 1 Design 09 Sizes 38- .^-C^b^bV /^"E'V. b safety^ W Ifootwear ESSO CARES FOR YOUR CAR CPANKCASE ADOfTTVE ANTI-SMOKE ADDTTTVE OLSA/ER ADDfTIVE FUEL SYSTEM ADDITIVE TOP LUBE (?SSO) Where you get al the Extras
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    • 10 1 Weather outlook today fro.n 6 a.m. to noon: No rain.
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    • 159 1 50U AXED AT TWO PLANTS AND TOUR FIRM PAGE 7 KISSINGER leaves after paving the war 2 JAPAN faces bit slump In shipping 3 200 stations keeping tabs on Singapore's atmosphere 4 FLEECING of tourists: Police act 6 NEW pay pact for S.T. newsmen 7 NEW CLUB FOR SAF RESERVISTS
      159 words
    • 59 1 Bj:siGmfl 200 mm F/4 Telephotolens I 3 poup>. 6 i!«ii»iih An*»e*Vtowir Diopfwsfpn Automatic down Focus: 87cm. Multicoalod SflrVP GOOD ALE PTE LTD Room 402. Floor. Olai Tow*. ISO-E CKmoncMu A»omM F O So« 104, Taoalln Fon Offlc*. HI 1 1 1 11 I». T»i 30*44 5 KliOla Lumpur F.O So.
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 354 2 LONDON. Wed ]MR. REGINALD Maudling, who suddenly iTI resigned from ministerial office three years ago, was recalled to front-line politics last night to serve alongside Britain's first woman party leader, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher. He takes over as the opposition Conservative Party's chief spokes ma.,
      Reuter  -  354 words
    • 37 2 JAKARTA. Wed. A Mustang P-51 of the Indonesian Air Force crashed at Brantl Hill, south Sumatra, yesterday, minutes after its take-off from Branti air base, killing the pilot, the Catholic daily Kompas reported today.— AP.
      AP  -  37 words
    • 69 2 HONGKONG. Wed— A I fiscal report. Issued torecord 4,937,196 people, day. also revealed a most of them tourists, crackdown on prostitutes entered Hongkong in the trying to enter Hongkong last fiscal year which and warned that econoended on March 31, 1974, ny c problems
      AP  -  69 words
    • 152 2 BIG OIL SPILL KILLS 40,000 BIRDS WASHINGTON, Wed. A mammoth oil solll in the Strait of Magellan -ast year has spoiled 65 km (40 miles) of coastline, killed 40,000 birds, destroyed marine life in two tidal estuaries and ruined fishing grounds for at least a year, according to a US
      Reuter  -  152 words
    • 60 2 TOKYO. Wed. Japan Air Lines today announced a sweeping change in its international service in fiscal 1875 to cope with recession. JAL. Japan's national flag carrier, said although the 1 okyo- Honolulu dally flights will be maintained all other trans-Pacific flights between Japan and the
      UPI  -  60 words
    • 454 2 Dr K leaves after paving Way for accord PARIS, Wednesday SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger left for home today after a mission to the Middle East and Europe that laid the groundwork for what he hopes will be a new step toward peace between Israel and the Arabs. In
      Reuter; UPI  -  454 words
    • 180 2 New Thai defence chief wants US troops to stay BANGKOK. Wed. Thailand's new defence minister-desig-nate, retired army General Thawit Seniwong, said today the military situation in Indo China requires continued US military presence in Thailand. "I don't agree to some critics who say the US forces should be totally withdrawn
      AP; UPI  -  180 words
    • 80 2 LONDON, Wed Asian diplomats reported yesterday that President Ford is planning to extend his Journey to China next autumn with state visits to at least three other Asian countries. They said Mr. Ford had accepted invitations to go to India. Pakistan and Iran
      AP  -  80 words
    • 32 2 RAWALPINDI. Wed. A leading Pakistani geologist said today a huge subsoil vacuum posed a new danger to the USSI.OOO million 1552.260 million) Tarbela Dam project over the River Indus. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 57 2 .^KARA, Wed. A Tur-klsh-Cypriot constituent assembly Is to nonver* on Feb. 24 to prepare the constitution of the newly-declar-ed separate Turklsh-Cypriot State, official sources aald here today. The Turklsh-Cypriot constituent assembly will consls* of $0 members. 2S from the Turklsh-Cyprtot House of Representatives and 25 from various unions
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 57 2 JAKARTA, Wed. Jakarta U to host this year's Southeast Asian guitar festival on Dec. 10. the Indonesian Music Foundation has announced Participants in the festival for both classical and folk guitar which is sponsored by the Yamaha Foundation In Tokyo will come from Indonesia, the Philippines,
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    • 181 2 SACKED PRINCESS LIZ TURNS UP IN KENYA KAMPALA, Wed— Miss Elizabeth Baga y a Uganda's former Foreign Minister who was dismissed by President Idl An- in for allegedly making love to an unknown European at Orly Airport, has arrived in Kenya, Radio Uganda reported yesterday. The radio said Miss Ba?aya
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 65 2 A JCKLAND, Wed. New Zealand's largest active volcano. Mount Ngauruhoe erupted today throwing boulders 40 metres wide 350 metres Into the air. and showering ash onto towns up :o 32 km away. A series of eruptions, more vlolimt than previously knoum by local residents, shook
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    • 27 2 ANKARA, Wed. United Na t. ons Secretary- General Kurt Waldhelm flew to Athens today after five hours of alka with Turkish Government ofiiclals. Reuter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 254 2 Govt troops fail to re-open Mekong PHNOM PENH, Wed The Mekong River to Ptinom Penh remained closed today for the 20th day and efforts by government troops to re- open the waterway failed, threatening the Cambodian regime itself, diplomatic and official sources said. Communist troops now control at least 60
      UPI  -  254 words
    • 349 2 N-arms: Soviets may gain upper hand... WASHINGTON, Wednesday SECRETARY of Defence James Schlesinger testified yesterday that the Soviets could gain military superiority over the United States by 1978 to 1980 if present trends continued. Mr. Schlesinger told a Congressional Danel that this could occur when the Soviets begin adding accuracy
      AP  -  349 words
    • 76 2 ADELAIDE, Wed— Drunks In South Australia will no longer be fined or put In Jail Instead, the police will take those Intoxicated to sober-* ing-up centres, under proposed legislation approved < by the state Cabinet yester- day. "We have people with long lists of convictions for drunkenness
      Reuter  -  76 words
    • 50 2 EGYPT'S First Lady, Mrs. Jehan Sadat deft) chatting with Mrs. Mildred Scheel (right), wife of President Walter Scheel of West Germany. The two wives met in Bonn Airport on Tuesday when Mrs. Sadat arrived for a five-day visit at the invitation of Mrs. Scheel— UPl picture.
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    • 242 2 'Mitchell hid secrets from wife' WASHINGTON. We-Jl.— Former AttorneyGeneral John Mitchell was fond of Martha to a degree." but "basically" kidnapped his wife to keep for ignorant of Watergate, convicted Watergate conspirator James McCord said yesterday. McCord told UPI in an interview that Mrs. Mitchell had not lied when she
      UPI  -  242 words
    • 67 2 TOKYO. Wed. Police today reported the arrest of a bar o»«rator In Chlchlbu north of Tokyo, who they said rmuggled three kilogrammes (6.6 lb) of heroin, worth about 900 million yen <S*6 7 million). Into Japan from Thailand Police sald Hlroo CLshlma, 38, told Investigators he
      UPI  -  67 words
    • 123 2 BANGKOK, Wed. Thai conservationists are worried about the import into Thailand of giant Australian cane toads, whos» poisonous secretions can spell death for other animate. They say the brown, grey or green toads have recently been brought in from New_ South Wales by Thais who apparently
      Reuter  -  123 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 91 2 > Electronic A J W Comet A man will always remember the person who gives him a Ronson, just as a Ronson user is a man to remember. Sfife Whether it's the luxurious, whisper-quiet Electronic or the WrM efficient, economical Comet, the Ronson in his pocket will keep you in
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    • 543 3 80 pc FALL IN ORDERS TOKYO, Wednesday JTOREIGN orders for new ships from Japanese yards fell by an unprecedented 80 per cent in 1974, threatening the industry with a depression by late 1976. The gloomy message, from the Japan Ship Exporters Association, came yesterday as
      Reuter; UPI  -  543 words
    • 142 3 INTEREST RATES ON ADB LOANS RAISED MANILA, Wed. The Asian Development Bank has raised Interest rates on loans from its ordinary capital resources from 8.25 to 8.75 per cent per annum for low per capita Income countries and 9.50 per cent for high per capita Income countries. The hike Is
      UPI  -  142 words
    • 158 3 Runaway MP can stay in Australia r<ANBERRA, Wed. v/ Runaway British MP John Stonehouse Is to be allowed to stay in Australia at least for the present. Immigration Minister Clyde Cameron told Britain's High Commissioner, Sir Morrlce James, yesterdayMr. Cameron, who contacted the High Commissioner U discuss the Stonebouse affair,
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • 75 3 TOKYO. Wed. Agrlcul-. ture-Forestry minister Shintaro Abe suggested In the Diet (parliament) yesterday that Japan might follow the United Stales and other big powers in recognising the 320 km (200-mile) economic zone claimed by developing countries. Speaking at a Lower House agricultural forestry committee
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    • Briefs
      • 24 3 BANGKOK. A medical group from China arrived here today for a three-week tour of Thailand's public health centres and to exchange medical science Information.
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      • 29 3 SAIGON: South Vietnamese legislators today called on the US Congress to approve US$3OO million ib*oiB million) in supplemental military aid to South 1 Vietnam, "to defend freedom and democracy."
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      • 28 3 MEXICO CITY: Mexican President Luis Echeverria has accused the United States of "intolerable" I n t c rvention in the 1973 overthrow of the Marxist regime in Chile.
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      • 20 3 MOSCOW: A leadinc Soviet newspaper today charged that China was trying to draw Japan into its "orbit of anti-Soviet policy."
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      • 28 3 BANGKOK: Tie United States is flying about Zi supply f Uints a day into tne isolated Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, US military sources said today.
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      • 29 3 BEIRUT: A Lebanese publisher Mr. Bassam Freiha, said yesterday his llrm was planning to buy a newspaper in the United States "to get our voice heard" in economic circles.
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      • 31 3 BOSTON: Dr. Kenneth Edelin, sentenced to one year's probation on a manslaughter conviction over the death of a foetus after a legal abortion, returns to work at Boston City Hospital today.
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      • 31 3 WASHINGTON: America's major private telephone company tape-recorded up to 1,800,000 conversations to halt the widespread use of tinkering devices to make free long-distance calls, a company official today told Congress. Agencies^
        Agencies  -  31 words
    • 60 3 MANILA, Wed. Government troops have seized a major Muslim secessionist fortress near Rio Grande de Mindanao In tne southern Philippines, reliably lnlormed sources said today. Pour government soldiers and an unknown member of rebels were killed In the recapture on Saturday of the Muslim stronghold ji Llbun-gan-Turlta,
      AP  -  60 words
    • 167 3 ALGIERS, Wed. Developing countries early today approved an action plan to boost their share of world industrial production to between 20 and 25 per cent by the year 2000. The 60 countries, members of the so-called Group of 77 developing nations Inside the United
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 184 3 Industry Bill clears first hurdle LONDON, Wed. The British Labour Government's controversial legislation to expand state ownership in industry last night overcame its first House of Commons hurdle when it was given a second reading agreement in principle by 313 votes to 299. But the Industry BUI. which has aroused
      Reuter  -  184 words
    • 72 3 JOHANNESBURG. Wed. —South Africa has Just produced the tint concrete, public evidence that Its current drive for detente with African states Is resulting in major diplomatic breakthroughs In West Africa as well as Southern Africa. The evidence came yesterday from Prime Minuter John Vorster, who confirmed
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 25 3 WASHINGTON, Wed. Little known Texas senator and millionaire Lloyd Bentsen has formally entered the race for the 1876 Democratic Party presidential nomination. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
    • 398 3 Worst will be over by end of year' U.S. CAN RIDE THE RECESSION WASHINGTON, Wednesday next few months won't be easy but the economy should "bottom out" and start recovery by the end of the year, President Ford's t< p economic advisers told a House committee yesterday. "Within the recession
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  398 words
    • 41 3 BONN, Wed. The number of unemployed in West Germany will probably rise by a further 100,--000 this month to 1,250.000 or 5.2 per cent of the national workforce, according to Central Labour Office President Josef Stlngl.— Reuter,
      Reuter  -  41 words
    • 113 3 China oil for Japan at reduced price TOKYO, Wed. The International Oil Trading Company of Japan announced today it had reached an agreement with China to buy 5.4 million tonnes of Chinese crude oil this year at US$l2.lO (5527.22) a barrel. Representatives of the company, which exclusively handles Imports of
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 208 3 Grand Old Lady of Russia dies at 139 [moscow. w«d. A WOMAN, ared 139, has died in the Soviet Caucasus Mountains but a man of 140 has just celebrated his birthday, according to reports reaching here yesterday. Tass news agency said the woman, Khfaf Lasuria (left), died In the Abkhazian
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 48 3 Oakland (California), Wed. Taking the morningafter pill Is like "taking 40 years of birth control pills at once" and may endanger the health and lives of women on the Pill who see the newly-approved medication as an "easy .option," an Oakland feminist group warned yesterday. UPI.
      UPI  -  48 words
    • 373 3 LONDON, Wad. QIL PRODUCING countries gav c liberally to developing nations in 1974, the first full year of swollen petro-earn-ings, and their generosity has landed at least two of them in financial trouble, reports here show. Production cutbacks forecast for 1975 could cause
      AP  -  373 words
    • 35 3 BANGKOK. Wed. Thailand's cost of living rose 16 per cent last year, the second biggest rise in the country's history, the director-general of the Business Economics Department said today. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 262 3 PROTECT YOUR CAR... WITH EVmUBIIV TREATMENT EVEBHIX MAJOR FEATURES: Unique car make-up of the highest standard. Water wash only to make yo r jr car shine like new. Excellent water-repellent property. Prevention of the painted surface from oxidization. All-weather property. Lower costs. -^L__ Cjutaae /7;/r»n Co jOttL J.P.-/ B^^~ y
      262 words

  • 270 4 QTUDENTS will con- tlnue to receive free medical treatment at the School Health Clinic In Outram Road despite the integration of the School Health Services' student clinics with the Government Outpatient clinics. This Is because the Bchool Health Clinic, which is a specialist clinic,
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  • 173 4 How port users can get that rapport THE Assistant Director (Port Promotion) of the Port of Singapore Authority, Mr. Kenneth Scan, yesterday called on port users to make use of the various channels of communication available to achieve greater understanding between them and port authorities. Mr. Seah said that port
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  • 263 4 rRY few people know it, bat Hongkong singer Irene Ryder almost got Angela Miao's fie opposite ex-star Bruce Lee in the film, Enter the Dragon. Irenv, the girl who features in a face cream advertisement was not rejected because she could
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  • 34 4 MEMBERS of the Metropolitan YMCA folk music club will sine at the Aloha fUiu In Chanel on IX>. 25. from 7.30 pm.. with the aim of promoting greater appreciation of folk music.
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  • 39 4 Photography course THE YMCA will conduct a 12-sesslon course on photogriphy for beginners on Saturdays and Sundays from M irch 8 between 2 pm. and 4 pm. at Its Orchard prePee la $12 for members ard fl6 for non-members.
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  • 187 4  - The civil servants who can earn $150 more PHILIP LEE ey CIVIL servants engaged In financial work will stand to gain an increment on their salary scales if they pass the London Chamber of Commerce Higher Stage Examination in Accounting. In addition, they will also receive the normal bonus payment
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  • 448 4 'High time to act against pollution' A GOVERNMENT landscape architect, Mr. Otto Fung Wai Chan, said yesterday that air pollution in Sin g a pore was within tolerable limits compared to other industrialised cities. But, he added, preventive measures should be taken now
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  • 30 4 THE Ministry of tbe Environment will lnaugur».e a Better Pood for Better Heath campaign on March 8 ar 10 a.m. at the exhibition r^im of the Singapore Commence
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  • 222 4 Watch on cabbies who refuse to flag down T»«E Registry of Vehicles is keeping a close ,L Wat t C v,V n UM drlvers who re^se to ?ag down their meters for hire, charge excess fares and persist In not wearing their vo?f tional badges. The ROY has often warned
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 345 4 f FREE offer 1 I One 8R enlargement with I I every roll of Fujicolor we I I process and print for you. I New, bigger and borderless. jflfr From now gntil 31 March, Rich gradation. Vibrant, natural every time we process a roll of colors. Because all our prints
      345 words
    • 193 4 THUdSDAY, February Mtt, JOANNE WOOOWAK) itt 41 Pout Ncwnan'i magnificat! EMCHa RACHEL^ Jfc "Joaraw Woodward int>ob '''Q^^ HfLC Auditorium 7.15 pr* i^M fIC fBIDAY, Fabruory M «f^| IROOEY SUIH)Rq| K trlroin'i leading douol. bou 2^H pl»y.i (Ir^lilti Choi*«i j^fl t OrcKwfrn and Acadvmy^of wßv .Sr Mortim) occomponilS *>r 4^J CLIFFOKD
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 255 4 Bringing Up Wmthmr By BUI Kavintgh tfc Hal Camp AlOWfe MV CHAMCE f Lit WAS JUST N/" COME BACK Ofi\ \TD SNEA* OUT/,' j oiNS OUT TV I I'LL BREAK J Blondto By Chic Young -C IIKM"" 1 O*XSWOOO,| [MR. OTHERS' SECRETARY] I WHY SMOULO THAT "pM I AU. DAY
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1173 5 ■fia^jl JUT ■^^\fAA^Ja^Ja^a^a^Bal KM You'll find the freedom where you find the sign QIMc^APORF PRESIDENT Kader Trading Co., Hong Kong Shoe Co., Arora Silk Store, International Co.. SABAH Oinv7nrvi\i. SHOPPING CENTRE Change Alley Aerial Plaza 70, Jalan Petaling, XL 23, Jalan Station, Kluang, 102, Hugh Low Street, Ipoh Sandakan METRO
      1,173 words

  • 152 6 Fleecing: Police to take action pOLICE are to investigate shopkeepers who fleece tourists, a police spokesman said yesterday. In addition, shops which are members of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board would, among other things, lose their membership if they were caught fleecing, said a STPB spokesman. A police spokesman said
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  • 241 6 Man stabbed woman for $10,000 AN unemplo yed man, who was desperate for money, agreed to stab a woman company director for $10,000 a magistrate's court yesterday. Lim AiK. Tua. 23, who admitted stabbing Miss Mona Yang, alias Yang Wai Pun 34. with a bearing scraper in Cuppage Road on
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  • 168 6 HPHE majority of new registrants who seek x jobs through the Ministry of Labour are from the unskilled and commercial groups. A minority comes from the semi-skilled, domestic and skilled groups. According to the Labour Ministry's report for last November, 63.4 per cent
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  • 39 6 4 courses for women THE Ulu Pandan community centre's women subcommittee will hold courses in cooking, dress-making, flower arrangement and beauty culture for women at its premises. Application forms may be obtained from the centre. For detail; telephone *****8.
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  • 68 6 Tanglin CC to hold 16 courses TANGLIN Community Centre is inviting applications for 16 courses to be held soon. The courses are t-ae-kwon-do. yoga (mixed). Jogging, photography, bridal make-up, men tailoring (mixed), cake making. flower arrangement, copper toollrur, ballet, organ, guitar. Chinese flute, Indian classical dance. Malay culture dance and
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  • 42 6 THE management committee and the citizens consultative committee of Xt Chal Chee community centre will hold a lunar New Year dinner and variety show on Saturday at 7.30 p.m. near Block 27 Chal Chee Estate, to raise funds for charity.
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  • 134 6 PORNO PEN CATCHES ON WITH CHILDREN A PEN with a viewer and five coloured pornographic photos (above) is fast becoming popular among schoolchildren and factory girls. They are sold for $10 to schoolchildren and $15 to factory girls and workers. Police sources said the pens, from Copenha- gen, were believed
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  • 36 6 THE Apex Club of Tanglin. the third In Singapore, wa; Inaugurated on Tuesday at the Hilton. Officials are: Mr. Neville E. Rieser, president; Mr. Francis Xavler, secretary; and Mr. Lim Boon Tan, treasurer
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  • 238 6 Shops get set for freak floods OHO PKEEPERS and residents in low-lying areas of Singapore, especially Chinatown, are getting ready to meet freak floods .wMch hit the island around this time last year. According to statistics, tne tide on Feb. 27 will be 3.2 metres at about 11.33 a.m. and
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  • 56 6 Commerce course THE Adult Education (Board will ogranlse courses n commercial English and look-keeping (Intermediate tage>, accounting, auditing, costing and economics i higher stage) to prepare students for next year's .ondon Chamber of Comnerce examinations. Clashes will be held at the Catholic High School centre luring weekdays from 7 p.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 373 6 1 OPENS ORCHARD TODAY! 4 Shows At 1 .30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15 pm. i > For Pete's Sake (CaBh Bookings On'y-No Free List) Don t Miss The Fun! 0^ &£^'<? i 1 rrr I M*t I I fel a* ■■^tH m ft <** ~^v^ G Pete's $akc^ i s —^^ON
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    • 2 6 In ("111
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    • 289 6 a J PALACE KONG CHUN W!^^FJ*mm mrmi,7 15,9 30pm B|,Pl fflfltii ot the Chine.c Acrobats I Kl^^vV^ $PI A7A CINEMA 'TEXTILE CENTRE. JALAN SULTAN, OFF NORTH IRIDGE ROAD* 13TH BIG DAY! 5 SHOWS DAILY at 1 1 .00 AM. 1 .30, 4.00 6.45 9.30 PM THAT "TRINITY" STAR IS
      289 words
    • 663 6 *OW6AIII»JmON I I 10* IIG DAT- ■II am. 1 .30, 4004 4 J 1 1 Wolttr Motthou Robert v T.k.ii« M Mm,. On. T.o Thf««' Scope Color oA P NEXT CHANGE W Reg Voroey, Dons Hot) Stephen Lew,* MUTINY m OH THC IUStS a lif.lJtHliP^mi B Lo»t 2 Dovs -Ne.
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  • 328 7 THE Group personnel manager of the Btralts Times Press, Mr. Chiam Heng Him (left) and the secretary-gene-ral of the Singapore National Union of Journalists. Mr. Chang Hin Chong. signing a new three year collective agreement for editorial employees at Times House yesterday. Under
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  • 713 7 SIN CHEW REALTY CASE A REALTY company director, accused of dishonestly disposing of 3,000 shares of a housing development company to three relatives, sold the shares with the approval of all three directors of the firm, the Second District Court heard yesterday. Mr.
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  • 113 7 21-year marriage ends in divorce TEACHER Wee Choon Kee, married 21 years ago, was granted a divorce yesterday because he and his wife, Nancy Yeo, have been living apart since May 1966. Wee, seeking the decree nisi, told the High Court that there was utterly no hope for a reconciliation.
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  • 37 7 AN assortment of article* Including bags. wallet* ■hoe*, blwif shirts and cassettes, were left behind by passengers In taxis and buses test month. Owners of these Items may collect them from the Registor of Vehicles.
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  • 124 7 WORKER HURT IN $40,000 FACTORY FIRE FiACTOBY worker Llm Mm Geok, 22. sustained burns on her right hand in a fire at a factory in Block 5, Loronr 3, Geylang yesterday. Seventeen other workers and a manager of Decorative Metals Produce Company escaped unhurt. A company spokesman estimated the damage
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  • 37 7 A MAN who kicked a food stall several times was fined $50 yesterday for disorderly behaviour. Tan Ah Poon. 33. pleaded guilty to committing the offence at Tras Street on Tuesday at about 9.40 p.m
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  • 142 7 Partner to pay up $6,300 balance A FORMER sawmill partner, who In July 1972 faced a civil claim with five others for $24,535, yesterday consented to Judgment for $6,337 plus Interest and costs In the High Court. The $6,337 consent Judgment award against Tay Ho Lian, of Mever Road, represented
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  • 22 7 THE Metropolitan YMCA win conduct a Japanese language beginners' bourse from Feb. 23 at 11.30 am. at its TangUn centre.
    22 words
  • 214 7 Neptune Orient to buy container vessels CINGAPO RE'S national shipping Hie, Neptune Orient Lines, is to order new container vessels for u«e in the Far EastE^irope service soon. The company is now inquiring from several o\ ers e a s shipyards which build container skips, said the managing d rector
    214 words
  • 276 7 'pHE prices of Spanish mackerel (tengsiiri) tell by 40 cents to $1.80 v kati; horse mackerel selar) and mackerel .kembong) by 20 cents to $1.30 and 80 cents respectively, and rerl :;napper (merah) by 10 rents to $1, according a the Trade Department yesterday. The following are the
    276 words
  • 521 7  -  Christina Cheang BUSINESS BAD, 50... by 'J'WO electronic factories in Boon Keng Road and a travel agency have ret re n ched more than 500 workers because of bad business. The are Litton Components Pte. Ltd., Electronics Memories and Magnetics Pte. Ltd.
    521 words
  • 68 7 Empress Place blood donor session THE Singapore Blood Transfusion Service received a total of 497 units of blood during the past week —an average of 71 a day. The total number of blood transfusions during the past week was 491. an average of 70 units a dhy. There will be
    68 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 253 7 v.u'Vv If you're not fat all over, don't slim all over! If it's just your hips, luxury of a private comwaist, thighs or midriff, partment. You can lose the House of Dawne's up to 12 inches in just 60 exclusive Thermaixim® minutes, and on your treatment will move very first
      253 words
    • 305 7 Wi I Jrlhff^^^^^^^liuELCOmE savings 1 "JnW'Jll 1 for budget -conscious L consumers A 20th February to 26th February, 1975 i^^s^ws^^^^^ft?^^ TA|_C POWDER CUTICURA 283g 2.10 Big-Power _<* YOUNG SWEET CORN RE^ G HT 25q .71 Cleanser CASHEWNUTS qle ioq° 1.35 <w%kWV^ NON-DAIRY CREAMER cremora usa 45«g 2.85 wlth refreshing A
      305 words

  • The Straits Times THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1975 TRYING AGAIN
    • 143 8 rpHE cut-price offered to schoolchildren x for a porno-pen is not to be mistaken for generosity. The pen is sold at $10 to children, $15 to others. The body of the pen contains a rotating series of obscene pictures which can be viewed through a peephole at the
      143 words
    • 356 8 Take them off before dismounting REFER to the decision to ban safety helmets (S.T., Feb. 15) which have an extension that covers, the chin. These are commonly known in Europe as full-face helmets. It is obvious that r.o consideration has been given to the merit of the full- face helmet.
      356 words
    • 52 8 I HAVE come across some "Primary Six pupils from certain Eng-lish-medium schools using Inquiry Science while others use Science Today. The content of these two books is different. Will It affect the pupils who will be taking the same Primary School Leaving Examination at the end of this year? PUZZLED,
      52 words
  • 1054 8  - Keeping foreign troops to deter surprise attack ERJEST COREA By TWENTY-FIVE years af o the Korean peninsula was embroiled in war. Fighting lasted three years and ended with an armistice agreement which set up a demarcation line and demilitarised sone between North (the Democratic People's Republic) and South (The Republic)
    1,054 words
  • 778 8  - Fading support for Israel on Capitol Hill LESLIE GELB: By Washington rvESPITE the soar-*-f ing prices growing out of the demonstration of Arab oil power, the charging Arab image and the threat of war hanging over the Middle East, there is still a strdng Congressional majority supporting Israel. That support
    NYT  -  778 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 37 8 Stylet cut to the latest trend by our most experienced crattiright to the buttonholes ensuring best workijienshlp. We ere also Importers A exporters of finest Cents textiles thereby 21. Chulla«t., Singapore. 1. Tel: ***** Hong Kong (Branch)
      37 words
    • 344 8 A new treatment forPILESN^ritan Tablets Orally taken to get rid of piles easily and effectively Simply take one tablet 3 times a day before meals Varitan Tablets provide a simple and effective way of htaling haemorrhoids. These oral tablets can be easily taken and there are no messy ointments, suppositories
      344 words

  • Business Times
    • 260 9 A plunge in profits for A lean Malaysia AFTER a rise of some 17 per cent in the first half, A 1 ca n Malaysia's performance faltered in the second part of 1974, sending pretax profits down 16.3 per cent to $3.52 million. If it had not been for the
      260 words
    • 800 9  - Money power of the Kuwaiti underwriters JUAN DE ONIS By KUWAIT: The three large Kuwaiti investment companies, which are enforcing an Arab boycott against banks that support Israel financially, are a powerful group in underwriting loans and promoting investments in Europe, Africa and Asia. During the last year, these Kuwaiti
      NYT  -  800 words
    • 395 9 Scrip and rights issues by HK Dock HONGKONG: Hong--11 kong and Whampoa Dock said it Intends shortly to offer a simultaneous scrip and rights issue, both in the ratio one-for-one. The rights issue shares will be at a premium of HK$2 above the nominal value of $1, the chairman. Sir
      Reuter  -  395 words
    • 718 9 New tin price reflects extent of goodwill ROM LONDON BUREAU ONDON: The real lesson to be learned from the latest Tin Council session Is that both sides continue to acknowledge the benefits of properly conducted negotiations on equal terms says the latest issue of Tin International.* "Co-ope ration not confrontation
      718 words
    • 125 9 Inchcape reduces A. Marine stake FCHCAPE has reduced its interests in subsidiary American Marine of the United States, turning it into an associate company. Inchcape voting rights in American Marine's common stock has been reduced from 550,088 to 490,000 while two of its four nominees on the boatbuilder's board have
      125 words
    • 268 9 NEW YORK: Major publishers of hardcover novels and nonfiction, peering into the gloom of a deepening recession, say they are facing the year with "caution and apprehension." They plan retrenchments that will reduce the number of books they will publish this year and In
      268 words
    • 297 9 /CANBERRA: The newly \j appointed attorneygeneral Kep Enderby has withdrawn the government's Corporations and Securities Industry bill for farther consideration. Manufacturing Industry Minister, Senator James McClelland, who represents Mr. Enderby In the senate, said the attorney general was prepared to take submission from those interested
      Reuter  -  297 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 173 9 _Your Indispensable Guide to Business, THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF INDUSTRY COMMERCE. ko mm »f» fK s s SIHCAPOHE v rlc». Ssso par copy. KOMPASS SINGAPORE llttt 5,000 laadlng companlat In Singapore complata with addrataat, taiaphona numbart, kav partonnal. man. afflllationt. ate. Computarltad croaa-refaranca tyanm to 16,000 productt and aarvlcat. Flva
      173 words
    • 17 9 |^«VV^H^|n9l^^9i!99l ■■■■t^^l KB} BE SB mSm BassW. .^aaßssflf 3 'aBBaaH L^A|gj^^ Hflß|M||MMJ||H|H9tfHr4 Ja^^ l Baßß^B^^V^e^Bft^^B^Baß^ BBBBBB^^^aP^^Bl BBB^^BBfaJß^^BVVtt^B^^BHß^B^ifl
      17 words

    • 513 10  - Giant crude oil carriers pose serious navigational threat in Straits HO MINFONG By rE rapid increase of VLCCs passing througn the Straits of Malacca is posing a serious threat to navigational safety. Japan aione, has about 35 tankers of 200,000--ton capacity currently using the Straits about 10 times a year
      513 words
    • 351 10 P O heads for lower profits LONDON: Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation cannot promise a repeat of last year's record profits, the chairman, Lord Inchcape, said in the annual report. In the year ended September 1974, the group raised Its taxable profits to £48.54 million from £34.16 million. P and
      Reuter  -  351 words
    • 76 10 INTEROCEANEAC Agencies (INTEAC) has set up a shipbrokering department to cater for the needs of charterera and shipowners In the region. The new department will be engaged in competitive chartering as well as in the sale and purchase of new and second hand tonnages on a regional and
      76 words
    • 94 10 SOUTHERN Sniping Lines (SSL) Is planning a major move Into contalnerlsatlon. on its StraitsAustralia route. Two 900 slot fully cellular container ships will be Introduced Into this service. The first one. to be named "Andros", Is expected to commence loading In Australia In early April and SSL will
      94 words
    • 152 10 Mobil's oil gas find SAIGON: Mobil Oil has found oil and gas In Its first exploratory well off the coast of South Vietnam according to Industry sources. The sources said a production test on the well found a "flow" of .1 and gas at a depth of "more than 9.000
      AP  -  152 words
      • 168 10 AMSTERDAM. Tuea.— Dutch Internationals were narrowly mixed, with Akae and Philip* slightly firmer, I nik-rer and Hoo-*-oren» easier and Royal Duteb unchanged, dealers said. Amsterdam rubber recovered slightly after yesterdays sharp decline, but shippings, banks and Investment fund* were all weaker, led by Van Ommercn. Bnnla firmed In mixed
        168 words
      • 122 10 ZURICH, Tues.— The friendly trend at tbe opening of today** stock market could not exM throughout the session. Half of the traded Mock cioeed below yeßtertUy» level. Banks, however, registered some remarkable gains. Bonds prices remained unchanged. The Credit Suiue index remained unchanged at 184 9 point*. Ck»tnc pnets
        122 words
      • 294 11 UONOKONO, Wed. The market closed weak after sustained selling presusre pullei shares lower throughout the day. dealers reported iPrc -budget selling and profl -taking accounted for men of the loss, but the announced rights Issue of HK )>•**. which ««11 60 cents to HK17.60. ana HK and Chin* Gas,
        294 words
      • 378 11 CYDNEY. Wed. Share prices ended on a mixed note on the Sydney stock exchange today after renewed buying support In the early sessions. Though many issues ended in the) rises column, sellers appeared to re-enter thi market In the last few minutes of trading. This was evident in shares
        378 words
      • 64 11 TuMday MMMUy US» UII Melbourne ill 134. A3 13«.«K London 110 7SB ISI.OOB 1-1 r-s lDz.ooa Rriru' I*2 25 IHi.fO Hongkong HIM 1D1.55 Zurich 1*0.30 IM.OO Itt.M 1-2 («1 Parln 1«!« 187.2T Wtdnnday Tixtday 8 porr il'i 179«» B 1-imkiß 112 3«a 1»2. 708 Export pnc« In non-ilrrhnc
        64 words
      • 189 11 fOICYO. Wed. Share prices on the Tokyo stock market moved lower folto'vlng newa of tougher conditions proposed for listIng stocks. Tre Dow Jones average fell Jl 40 points to 4,053.53 whiff the New Index slipped 1.17 points to 297.74. Vdume of shares traded wss 150 million. I Todays cloalnc
        189 words
    • 153 10 Shipping firms to revamp services AsiA Australia Ex■Sr press and Orient Overseas Container Line have decided to rationalise their shipping services between South-east Asia and Australia. AAE, which ta a joint service of China Navigation and Royal Intrrocean lines and OOCL are the two n am operators of the ti-ade
      153 words
    • 354 10 Neptune Agencies to handle sales and cargo VfEPTUNK Agencies, a j.l wholly-owned subsidiary of Neptur.e Orient Lines (NOD, was officially appointed the national shipping line's agent in Singapore earlier this week. "In a way the word 'Neptune' in the new agency's name Is misleading: it tags us automatically to NOL,
      354 words
    • 373 10 Mr. Robert Uan has be^-n appointed administrative assistant of American International Assurance. He holds a B.A. Honours degree in mathematics from the University of Singapore and a Masters degree In Actuarial Science from the Northeastern University. USA AIA also announced the appointment of Mr. William Lim as
      373 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 300 10 Ws are pleased to announce the formation of Chemical Asia Finance Corporation lid 3105 Comaught Centre, Hong Kong A wholly owned Finance Company specializing in medium term financing. to assist its international clients Chemical Bank's World Wide Network: Main Office: New York Beirut, Bermuda, Birmingham, Bogota, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Caracas,
      300 words
    • 125 10 IflH Al I n[nlfl '4 i pulLinu SuA^Sl* I I I I I 1 Engineers in the palm oil, timber and chemical industries are using the Maxitherm waste heat boiler for economical conversion of organic Plw»* wastes and waste heat into energy source. This Maxitherm Underfired Multi-tubular boiler is specially
      125 words

  • 3 11
    3 words
    • 43 11 SeL Prop. $1 90 i. M. tad. $1 85 Box S2 32 R Phßt. $3.00 lanlop Ect. $1 50 Misncrl-U $252 X-M $380 MW $1.82 I. Merita 50.97 H. Cwrt $1.35 l-opper $0.50 .17 .15 .U 12 .10 05 03 05 .03
      43 words
    • 40 11 Dim urr. H. Leon* G iitinrv. OCBC C. Prop Goodwood FAN M'w»l» Gentlng N. Iron M. Bank (1.00 f 260 $3 40 *7.30 $2.10 M2B $4.50 $206 $2.90 $3.70 $6.25 —.20 —.20 —.15 .12 —.12 —.11 —.10 —.10 —.10
      40 words
    • 22 11 oune uarojr I.IIS.*W Haw Par 54S.SM I 08. 4M.M4 D*S. SM.M* T»tal Turnorer: 5.77 M Total Value: $15.9*} M
      22 words
    • 57 11 Fek. II Feb. 19 InduttrUb: 215.J5 «4.47 Finance: 415.77 410.13 Hotrb: 164.53 Propertlei: 177.59 176.44 t Tin*: KM NJI rubbers: 317.44 317.74 i 0.C.8.C: 105.28 2*3.34 S.E.B. Ind.: 216.87 214.M Dec. .19. IMC 1M r Dec. 31, IM* 1M I Dec. J9 19C2 s 1M 0 Dec. 31.
      57 words
  • 1633 11 THE last transacted ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with *****5 high and low. i 'Adjusted for all new issues). CLOSING TONI: Hotel* and properties steady, while Industrial* fairly steady TURNOVER: Official (Inures
    1,633 words
  • 376 11 PRICES were cat back initially on all fronts at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Tr a d in however, slimed down considerably, suggesting the absence of concerted selling pressure by the snort 3. On the other hand, a smail premium was noted on settlement deal),
    376 words
  • 1734 11 DID and offer prices offl- ciaily listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown in brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word
    1,734 words
  • 301 11 Slight fall in KL prices PRICES on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange closed on an easier note yesterday. Trading was quieter than the past few days with the total turnover at the final bell at 4.84 million units valued at $11.97 million. Lower level support was again discernible. The day's
    301 words
  • 1336 11 I) ID ard offer prices offlcial listed and business in and r ported to the Kuala Lumpur 3tock Exchange yesterday Tlth the number of shares .raded shown in bracken In lots of 1.000 units, unless otherwise spedflX INDUSTRIALS A. Tape (I.'JOS) (2) O.M. A.M. un. O-.38 1.008) API
    1,336 words
  • 74 11 THE European market! wara 1 qulat on Tuc*6>y. according to MPOPA. Tha US waa alao quiet. UK aallara ware offenni at £202.50 while India Indicated a purchaae of 5.000 toni for July anlpmenl. Quotation* USf 'cent* (Rotterdam) un mi autad war*: Afloat *483 aellara: Fab. (US) J0.87/I 20.79
    74 words
  • 81 11 DRI'riSH-A m c r i c a n "obacco has announced group pre-tax profits of £249.44 million, up 8.49 per cent, for the year ended September 1974. Turnover amounted to £3,488 million, up 24.26 per cent, The company's ope- rating profits were £287.76 million Including investment Income
    81 words
    • 29 11 CLOSING prices 1 .Mftet. *eb. 19. Singapore: 133.00 its. (down 0.50 ct.) Malaysia 133.00 its. (down 1.00 ct.) Tin: $$980 (down 5J10.22}). Official ofTerinc m tons (up 51 ♦.ons).
      29 words
    • 106 11 rym produce ex. "hance. sinc\pore noon CLOiINO PRICEI PER PICUL YESTERDAY Cccemjt Oil: •Bulk 185 nominal. drun. 990 nominal Ctpra: Mixed i loose i UK/ Com. MS nominal Pipaer: Muntok AST A white fob. 100% NLW $286 sellers. Sarawak white f.o.b. &s«; NLW ■Ml sellers. Sarawak special b!ac< fo.b.
      106 words
    • 33 11 London copper prlcea on Tuesday (previous in bracket*). Mirakar Spot buyer (532 ((34 1) seller £533 (£542): Three lioajth buyer 1550 (£659.50) seller £531 (£3SO). Market tana: Eaaler. Siilet: 3.230 tonne*.
      33 words
    • 214 11 rE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday sagged further by another $10. 12" 2to $980 per plcul on an orrlciai offering up 51 tons to 193 tons. The overnlgiit London metal price was easier with forward buyers quoted at £3,125 per metric ton, down £24 on Monday's close.
      214 words
    • 555 11 OVERSEAS markets followed through fully on Tuesday's decline here ard after a slightly lower opening, the Singapore rubber market recorded only minor price movements In very quiet condUions. Turnover was small ard mainly on switch ard hedge basis. Physicals attracted no buying Interest. The morning session closed very
      555 words
    • 361 11 •KjEW YORK. Tues— The A market moved in both directions most ot the session but late selling, said to be chiefly caused by technical factors, turned prices slightly lower. The market was affected Initially by a reduction in the dividend of Dv Pont and by th: big lots
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    • 87 11 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Tuesday 86.48 Monday 86.91 Week ago 81.71 RUBBERS Tuesday 388.64 Monday 385.42 Week ago 371.67 OILS Tuesday 201.49 Monday 197.51 Week ago 196.54 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 261.7 Monday 258.0 Week ago 260.7 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 731.30 Monday Closed Week ago 707.60 LONDON DOLLAR PREMIUM Tuesday
      87 words
    • 218 11 "THE US dollar eased slightly from its overnight level in an extremely quiet and inactive Singapore forex market yesterday. Suggested interbank forward rates at 3.30 p.m. Forward 1 month 2.2630/ 2 2645 2 months 2 2650 2 2665 3 months 2 2675. 2 2695 6 months 2
      218 words
    • 147 11 Suggested Interbank rates at 3.00 pm. Currencies Nominal rates Smithsonian Percentage quoted yesterday (croa*) parity change US dollar J. 2610 2.2620 2.8196 —19 81 Sterling pound 5.4125 5.4195 7.3469 26.3J Hongkong dollar 48.75 48 95 50 51 —3 la Malaysian dollar 99.90 100.10 IPO 00 010 Aust. schilling
      147 words
    • 177 11 A SIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Wednesday. Feb 19. US Dollar. (Spot) Offer Bid 7 days 6 3/8 < 1/8 1 mth 6 9 16 6 7/16 2 mth* 6 13/16 6 11 16 3 mths 7 3/16 7 1/16 6 mths 7
      177 words
    • 36 11 Closing interbank rates In Singapore dollars lor Psb 18: Offer Bid >vernlght 3-1 a 3 1 mth «-fcB 8-1 '7 2 mUu 6-7/8 ft-3 4 3 mths 7 «-7/8 Prime rate Swuec: p. Hmy-Jna
      36 words
    • 111 11 v-vAILY SMR and SbR prices issued at noon yesterday: Mar. Apr. (Carrcnt Mth) (Forawd Mth) M.KI.LB. Bayers Stllen Bayers Sellers (cents per kg) I cents per kf I HMR SCV (1 ton pallet) 143.00 144 00N 145.00 147.006 HMR SL (1 ton pallet) 138.00 140.00N 139.00 141.00N
      111 words
    • 35 11 count hou»s on Feb. 19 Ovtrnifht as to Call deposit i%. v, Sill 3-month Treuury bllU 4 1/1* J', J- month bank bills 7 Source: NatlonAl Discount Co fer slightly from those quoted
      35 words

  • Especially Women
    • 806 12  -  SARA LAMBERT By jyjl'.MMY knows best. Or does she? Your own mother probably taught you a variety of facts and fallacies passed on from HER mother. You really ought to know which ones are true before passing than on to your children.
      806 words
    • 431 12 MR. KHOO SOO SENG is a man who is never jaded by his work. A former bank employee Mr. Khoo, 32, runs a gem of a business manufacturing Jade Items. And he finds that dealing in jade has more than its share
      431 words
    • 26 12 IMPROVISE a padding under your carpet by laying several layers of newspaper* under it. This will save wear and tear on the carpet.
      26 words
    • 564 12  -  MAUREEN CHUA By A NEW addition to the Pio t r owski Sisters, Singapore's wellknown dancing foursome, is waiting in the wings. Maggie Piotrowski, who is 13, will put on her dancing shoes next month and join her sisters at the Neptune Theatre. And like three of
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    • 141 12 CHOOSE A SCENT THAT ENHANCES YOUR OWN DO you wear your perfume, or does it wear you? This, according to Robert Rlcci, creator of Nina Rlccl perfumes, is the crucial factor In the scent game. Women, he says, should not wear a scent that masks their own individual body odour,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 451 12 Yomeishu BOTANICAL HEALTH u^,. TONIC BREWED FROM L Vom<>j hu A37OYEAR Wlshu ML OLD FORMULA m WITH MORE L^LmX THAN 10 w MEDICINAL PLANTS I^^ Vomeishu kwaScTco w Although Yomeishu has adopted advanced technological methods for its brew ing today, it still maintains the essence of its initial formula originated
      451 words
    • 58 12 For clean IfIHBM healthy Skin. mmm^ proper skin care I s£=^~~ hygiene Lr^r-r^ij are necessary. That includes getting rid of constipation which often results in problem skin. Agarol is a liquid laxative that restores normal bowel functions. It's mild, safe for all ages and helps to improve your complexion. Available
      58 words
    • 164 12 Add a little sparkle to your "home sweet home" by using Cannon's latest bedroom products MADE jjMjj IN US A CANNON® The bed-clothes include bed-sheets, pillow-cases and bolster-cases, all of which require no starching or ironing and are easy to wash. Also available are bath-towels, face-towels and wash-cloths. They are
      164 words

  • 389 13 Matched: 170 car pools for schools in CBD THE Car Pooling Management Unit has matched 170 car pools in its pilot project for 10 schools within the restricted zone of the Central Business District Of the 2,000 forms distributed to the schools, only 700 applicants turned up at the CPMU
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  • 25 13 A CHINESE new year cultural show will be held at the lecture hall of the National LJbray on Saturday at 4 p.m.
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  • 163 13 A SENIOR police officer is to face a departmental inquiry in connection with an alleged unauthorised shooting at a nature reserve last year. It is learnt that he has been served with three charges after investigations by the police and the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau.
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  • 315 13 SOUTH-EAST Asia will be the "new Middle East" in about 25 years' time when all development activities will be focused on countries in this region, according to the Port of London Authority chief, Mr. John Lunch. "Aaean countries have enormous potential which
    315 words
  • 56 13 Officials of insurance guild MR. S.M. Vasagar has been elected president of the Great Eastern Life Assurance field officers guild. Other officials are Mr. William Tay. vice-president; Mrs. Betty One, secretary. and Mr. B.K. Khoo. treasurer. Committee members are Messrs. T. Chalnanl, Danny Lim. Peter Tan, T.C. Johan, Sng Tong
    56 words
  • 392 13 Wellbeing of the SAF reservist and family... fHE wellbeing of the Singapore Armed Forces Reservist includes the well being of his family, and more centres will be established to provide facilities which will be available to them all. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew struck this note of concern for the SAF
    392 words
  • 178 13 Arabs investing in Asian Dollar Market ARABS have already > begun to invest in Singapore's Asian Dollar Ms rket, the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sul Seti, said here yesterday. However, their investments in industries was not substantial. But they might Increase them, he added. Mr. Hon said this at th.?
    178 words
  • 150 13 Mattar to open forum on home economics 4 MR. Ahmad Mattar. Parliamentary Secretary (Education) will open a forum on home economics at the Reg onal English Language Centre, Orange Grove Road, on Saturday at 9»30 a.m. The forum is organised by the Home Economics Unit ol tffe Ministry and the
    150 words
  • 116 13 rpHE South Korean A Foreign Minister, Dr. Kirn Dong Jo, left for Manila yesterday after a three-day goodwill visit here. At the airport to see him off was the Minister of State for Coirmunlcatlons, Mr. Chal Chong Yll. and other government officials. Dr. Kirn
    116 words
  • 171 13 $25,000 Collyer Quay break-in: Two men jailed r'O men were jailed In a district court yesterday for a total of •1 years Jail for breaking into a shop in Collyer Quay and stealing goods worth $25,000. Ng Chai Huat, 29. was Jailed for 30 months and Ong Bin Kirn. 34.
    171 words
  • 35 13 MR. P. Selvadurai. MP for Kuo Chuan. will open a twoday Chinese New Year carnival and talentlme at the Kuo Chuan community centre In Lorong 2, Toa Payoh. on Saturday at 10 a.m.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 161 13 f The small size, big hearted I portable electronic calculator Very capable, though small. Its 3 register. Floating Decimals and Constant system provides a full 8-digit calculation Really works like h big machine! Reliable Easy to use. Gives maximum performance at minimum cost with Beautiful Green Display y^v^' <^ e<V
      161 words
    • 326 13 TIME SAVE NOW! Special Introductory Offer for new subscribers only* 27 weeks for $18.90 For 27 weeks we'll mail you a copy of TIME at a great saving! 27 weeks of TIME costs $54.00 at the newsstands, $25.92 by regular subscription. Our special price? Just $18.90! The world's most respected
      326 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 916 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 Km Hu-lartf art Wan YMt-at (Maaferii Octn ,»< 5"" 1 0p 7! (lb#Mt) News <">"«», 4.05 General Hospital 7.45 classic Comedy Haunted Spooks i< n rmission Orson Welles Great Mysteries-Unseen Alibi CIO Opening and Adventures of Rupert Bear— 8.35 Six MiHiti Dtllar Mm Hittur Alert
      916 words
    • 110 13 THE TIDES TODAY SMfipm 7.40 p.m. (1.9 m) Setili Ktckil: 5.11 p.m. (1.9 m) Part Dick Mfc 11.25 a.m. (1.8 m). TOMOWOW: Stana** 4.54 a.m. (2.4 m), 8.26 p.m. (2m) SatiH Ktckil: 2.56 a.m. (2m), 6.39 p.m. (2m) Put Didua* 1.15 a.m. (2m), 1.27 p.m. (Umj. IM»WH/iTi*ePTPP€ TH&* IT 6OT
      110 words
    • 21 13 WATER consumption on Tuesday was 129.6 million (allons (589,000 cubic metres), 3. million (allons (17.000 cubic metres) more than on .Monday.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 523 14 REGIONAL SALES MANAGER Our International Group of Companies with Asio Regional Headquarters in Singapore, directing opero'tions in Singapore, Maloysia, Brunei, Hongkong, Japan, Indonesia and Taiwan are currently looking into marketing a New Brond of Wotch in this Region. Therefore, a new position of Regional Sales Manager has been created for
      523 words
    • 514 14 Mansfield Container \l Services Pte Ltd A Member of the Straits Steamship Group I invites applications from Polytechnic I graduates with diploma in Mechanical I Engineering or its equivalent for the post of CONTAINER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS SUPERVISOR The man we arc seeking should I be under 35 years and
      514 words
    • 668 14 requires a Sales Representative I to market a range of well-known, high quality I I industrial cleaning chemicols and equipment. I Qualification* I Experienced in industrial cleaning H chemicals and equipment I Completed secondary education I Has sound command of the English I Language and ability to speak main I
      668 words
    • 971 14 \cj O X E™ 2- i j \H American President Line 5 Barber Blue Sea Line i 22 |i Retla Steamship Co. £j s g i Scindia Line United States Line g| < i55 §2 I 1 1 s*y Containership Terminals 2 J Si LASH Ship Terminals N. J^ <
      971 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1453 15 CONTAINERSHIP SERVICE TO UK CONTINENT I TOKtO tXPRtSS *VJS'-Hl iS SZ. Hr rn'mji ssruisr is js vr; vir iz 5S HOKLOON MY 11 Mk II Mk I Afr II Afr II Apr I Afr RHINE MAIU 25 Mar 21 Mar II Ifr Afr 21 Afr It AfT CKCIICAN BAY 1
      1,453 words
    • 1231 15 Ben Ocean Afomt service of Ben Line Blue Fhnnei Glen Line and NSMO Ta UK CONTINENT Due Sport PKt ant. Ptunf Earoot Parti IaCMENEUS M 11 Fat 5, I Mar 22 Apr Ui». H Of. I pool. Oabl ItHlfOCa I il Mar l! ta Mar 15 II Mar 11 Apr
      1,231 words
    • 1205 15 Htwt riiavM Ida smarowi D*nm»rk Bftme" Afltwtrp All UK iuhiu urncn H ftt Hfrt „mX n** 2imk umk HtNCKONC EIPRESS I Mir 1 Mar 25 Mar llMar llMar 21 kUr BREMEN EIPRESS INK 11 MX 1 Apr I Apr 5 Apr I Ar KCWLOON BAY II Mar II Mar llp
      1,205 words
    • 1190 15 I W MM^^^^mV aW^fIMMT^MMMV^^^^ I iMMMP^aMIMIMIMIMBaMIMIMIBaBMIBIBIBIBIBBaaiBIBIBIBaaMIVa^IBIBIIIiaiaVtMIBIIMI FOLLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE p Kti."< sdo (OR Jln^K^BtLfT mi i f RotrertUan. AfntHrda*. Anhurp, le Navr;. "hoI"* I !£n B»s". N***!. tovima" i? arlMtti Co f* nto el1 Goi* I Mibme. MimcAN Afr 21 SlocKhoim. Oslo. Hersmki, United KingHom. thwi LCI
      1,190 words
    • 964 15 S.»*apor* *****4; •>. Kelamaj «]4I; K.L. *****; ••aMPHj *****. THE BANK LINE LTD. UAIS FM t t I AFIIU. HAUBANK U-. •.i a»v«.or. MoMafl I Muwni. OiirSm. Captlw- ■it Mm Spore 112 Mar iPEYiANi v*.- .j baataaMl >■ i > i s a*< si,•. n Mar 2h» FRaaa east t
      964 words

  • 210 16 THE PORT OF »INOAPOFIE AUTHORITY ANNOUNCED ARHANOEMENTS FOR FEB M. OUT: Kristin Bakke 1 2. Travanrorr 10/11. Kenlngau 20. Hay lin 24. Cull King 2S 26 Lion City. Cherry Blwuom and «}ueen Ellxabeth II 46 47 IN: Kirn« Star 0 7 Junyo Maru 10/11. Klmann 21 West.
    210 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 869 16 jyU-* 1 KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. UWASARI KINKAI RISEN UISHA LTD. JAPAN, HOMKONC STRAITS SttVICL Japar Ho"f«O"| S nfato't P K>lar>| I MSSEI Mar Japan Arabian Cull Sarvica SmfatO'* FBB: TEBUttwA MABU It Ft* Muscat PaM, Abu O'it Doha 1 Kuwait Japan South Alrlea Win Alrtea S«rvie« S.n|apce FBI NICABtCUA
      869 words
    • 1005 16 tCCIPTIM Alt Illli B< NIIHY EOUIPSKNT 101 rMMUU MMTIT UKBUatMSID BAUSPAPAN UMAIIM/, SiNtIIKIUNC TABtUN. UMN TEBNATE. S*«»«C. «ST SB *J*t UiM ItAln Froa FT* Elu BntaMiti: I c t a'ttrnr trrts s > bh» i Mm woti.i LC 1 BE4«TY lUOT IB Mtr II BaM IMoMSU. lsi p*M»INE I 'a>Kla
      1,005 words
    • 1201 16 BffWrTW|f!fWI!WS Fit EAST EWrOPE CONTAINEI CSNVENTIONAL SERVICE LOADINC FOB LONDON, lOTTEIOAM NAMMWC. BILBAO Soon P Krlarii Pfiinf Bilbao l-^ow R oam Ntwf NEPTUNE IOPA2 4 I Mar 1/ 1 Mar »II Itl II Aar 1 Mai 17 Aar It A*r NEPTUNE SAPPHIRE tt/11 Mar I IHr t/**fr J Mai 7
      1,201 words
    • 869 16 OWtSS SOUCt HI LOmOl, IWOWOt/CIWrKMT HITS 1| Mam S("«aporf P Relai>| "Mane I***** BUNCI ME ATI I* Nrl ll Ma.ri JO 3. A'««rt 11 I. H'tlir| 14 4. r*MI II I BUNCA TIIATAI 25 It lit 1/ 1 Hal 1/ I Mar I/It Mar Bilbao 74. r«M 114. (in 11/4.
      869 words
    • 792 16 AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Singapore Properties Tn be held at No. H Robinson Road. Singapore ON THURSDAY. 6 MARCH 1975 Al 2 30 P M FREEHOLD VACANT LANDS SITUATE AT JAI.AN MAT lAMBOL OFF 5 m s PASIR PAN JANG ROAD Lots 106-5. 106-9 to 106-13. 106-15. 106-17. 109-2 11-,,!.
      792 words

  • 96 17 LOUISE KLERK'S SALONS In Motel Slngapura for your latest hairstyles, expert perming and gorgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments: telephone 371 173 (Spore) CLOSING DOWN SALE Imported ladles clothes from bras to evening wear EVERYTHING MUST GO THE SHOW CASE 18 4 4» The Orchard (next to Fltipatrtck)
    96 words
  • 164 17 MOM. LIM LUAN CHENG aged 81. Director of Khlang Heng Co. I'te Ltd passed away peacefully on 18 2.75 leaving behind 3 daughters. 2 sons-in-law 2 daughters-in-law. 16 grandchildren. 2 granddaughters-ln-law and 4 great grandchildren Night visit on 21.2.75 Cortege leaving 34. Pheng Geek Avenue on Saturday 22nd
    164 words
  • 28 17 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mr Ang Teck Hock wishes to thank .md mends for Ihelr condolences, kind assistance. ajremUla and donations during their recent bereavement.
    28 words
  • 24 17 IN EVER LOVING MEMORY of Mdm Lee Yoke Ylng who passed away on 20 2.71 Fondly remembered by her loved ones
    24 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 422 17 classified ads (H HEAR CHANCELLOR 808 JONES preach nightly it 730 p.m on Slat, 22nd and 23rd February at institute of Education. Paterson AMBROSE TO JOE AND DAWN a daughter. Melanle Sincere thanks to Doctor and Staff of Mount Alvernla Hospital SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE Troubled? Discouraged? King 91-44-44 day or
      422 words
    • 811 17 F.A. ARTISTS required by well-es-tablished local advertising agency Applicants must have at least 3 to 5 years experience Written knowledge of English and Mandarin essential Salary to commensurate with experience and ability Apply with full particulars to PO Box 3131 Singapore. LOCUM REOUIRED FOR clinic on 26th and 27th February.
      811 words
    • 789 17 TYPIST CLERK TELEX operator required by foreign Company Preferably male applicants with previous experience In operating OKI teleprinter Interested candidates should submit comprehensive resume to: P.O. Box 3441. Maxwell Road Post Office. Spore 2. FEMALE CLERK. With without experience. Apply with nonreturnable photograph to Elite Manufacturing Company Pte Ltd. 5,
      789 words
    • 836 17 ADVERTISING COMPANY requires typist. Only those with experience need apply Preferably with ad. experience. S.T Box A ***** CLERICAL POSTS Applications for the above posts are Invited from holders of O.C.E. A' Level Certificates or O' Level with good results in Mathematics and English Preference will be given to male
      836 words
    • 789 17 WE REOU4RE 2 MALE and 2 female sales agents. Minimum qualifications Secondary school. An ability to converse local dialects No experience Is required Successful applicants will be tralnc' Allowance negotiable. Ap^iy personally with 2 photographs al Room 902. Inter- national Plaza. Anson Road Spore 2. SALESGIRL WANTED BY BOUTIQUE. Experience
      789 words
    • 831 17 IMMEDIATE VACANCIES: ELECTRICIANS 7 years working experience in electrical maintenance work In an Industrial firm and able to read electrical sequence diagrams, preferably with Trade Certificates. The appointees must prepared to work on shifts Interested applicants for the above post please call personally between 9.00 a.m. 3.30 p.m. to The
      831 words
    • 846 17 CLEVELAND TUNGSTEN, an expanding International Company mechanical fitter with good testimony 2 Hardworking personnel or Its tungsten rod manufacturing. Requirements: Physically strong, firm hand, dexterity mechanically Inclined and wl.ling. Commencing rernuner: Uon Including overtime exceeds* $300 00 Telephone: *****7. *****0 7 Lokwang Way. Jurong T >wn (22) COMMUNICATIONS ELECTRONIC PTE.
      846 words
    • 736 17 DELIVERY CUM GENERAL CLERK required for progress c Chinese company Oood salary and bonus Must have Class 3 driving licence preferably with own motorcycle Apply with photograph (non-retun.;Me) S T Box A ***** ROBIN GROUP Invites applications for the following positions 1) WELFARE INVESTIGATOR (MALE) 2) PERSONNEL CLERKS 3) SECURITY
      736 words
    • 726 17 EXPERIENCED DRIVER MESSENGER required for foreign given to applicants with scooter and residing in Queenstown area Please apply to PO Box 3441. Maxwell Road Post Office. Spore 2 WELL ESTABLISHED AMERICAN FIRM needs male female for various positions Interview 113A. Blk 4 Ist and 2nd floor. Queen's Road (off Farrer
      726 words
    • 767 17 Eh WIDEST POSSIBLE CHOICE OF BUNGALOWS. APARTMENTS. MAISONETTES ANO SEMIDETACHED In (list 9. 10. 11. 21 Some units with central alrcon and swimming pool Price range SlOOO $4000 NO OBLIGATIONS Call CONTINENTAL HOUSING AGENCY PTE. LTD. 15- A GoMNN Plaza Spore 11 Tel. SIS7M (S Hoes) BURNISHED: i urnhlll Mansion
      767 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 785 18 DIST. 19 OOLDEN HILL U Hwan Drive terrace. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one servant's room, one toilet, fully furnished $650 Carl Housing Agency *****/ ***** DIST. 11/ 21 SEMI-DETACHED 3 rooms/ 4 rooms, fully alrcon. fully furnished, nice garden. Rental (1.200/ $1,400 Call *****7 DIST. 2S HIM DRIVE 3-bedroomed 2-storey
      785 words
    • 743 18 I DIST 10, LUXURIOUS FLAT. $900 $2600 furnished Also new Avenue. Contact CMS 550(67/ *****54 HIGH FLOOR APARTMENTS:People's Park $750; Lock Cho $970; Serene House with swimming pool $1400 Ace Housing *****29/*****46 DIST. LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED 3-bedroomed apart--1 merit behind Hilton Hotel, servant's, telephone, alrcondlI t loners. $1,450 Equatorial Hous- ing
      743 words
    • 905 18 DOUBLE STOREY SEMIDETACHED bungalow (completion March 75 at Dragon Garden J.B. 3 bedrooms with bathrooms attached; dining and living rooms; servant's/ study room etc. Area: 3.600 sq ft. freehold Price: $65,000/-. Enquiries to *****7 (Spore) from 9 a.m. to 12 noon No brokers OPERA ESTATE SINGLE-STOREY TERRACE approx 1.800 sq
      905 words
    • 797 18 SINGLE-STOREY SEMI-DE-TACHED May fair Park $100.--000. Woodland $90,000, Seletar Hills $92,000: Luxurious Apartment Katong Park $100,000. *****55 ISLAND PARK doublestorey semi-detached, luxuriously furnished, unique. $235,000 a CLEMENTI PARK detached double-storey $340,000 OOLDHILL TOWERS lUTUrlous apartment $140,000 722. Peoples Park Centre. Teh Ml 223/ ***** CLEMENTI PARK. DETACHED. highest elevation, 9.000
      797 words
    • 836 18 PEOPLE'S PARK CENTRE, 4th floor, 364 sq. ft Rent $400 or sale $55,000. Tel: *****8 after 4.30 p.m. ORCHARD ROAD, AIRCONDITIONED. CARPETED, fully furnished room space $550. table space $160. telephone and services provided Call *****8 (1) STH FLOOR ANSON CENTRE (5516 sq. ft.) at $1.05 p.s.f. plus maintenance. (2)
      836 words
    • 879 18 INDIA: K.I KhOAPORC Madras return airfare $(50 plus Careways Good-Tlme-Tour Madras, Kerala. Mysore Contact P T Chacko. Careways Travel, 78A Jalan Masjld India. X.L *****0/*****3 TAIWAN/ ALISHAN/ HUALEIN/ HONGKONG/ BANGKOK TOUR 9/12/14 DAYS $1320/ 1440/ 1530 9/3 16/3, 23/3, 30/3, 3/4, 6/4 10/4. 14/4.'20/4. 27/4. BANGKOK/ HONOKOK/ MANILA 8 DAYS
      879 words
    • 693 18 EUROTOURS a TRAVELS offers BEST PARIS TO:Lowdon/Europs JJf-f* •law York/Montreal *USM° rrr.»ck»~/*e-Be OTWSydney/Melbourne 1 (Iteturn) *I,47*J* We also specialise In EUROPEAN. USA AND FAR I AST TOURS. Contact: Gl, Ool*en Mile Tower Beach lloed. Spore, 7. Teh 2515*51 25*5692 4a5 B*7/4M(30. GASI AGENCY (PTE) LTD (Air-broker Travel Agency) 3FFERS LOWIiST
      693 words
    • 735 18 TYPEWRITING. SHORTHAND. BOOKKEEPING. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRITINO. Dally (including Sunday) MornIng 8 00 a.m. 12.00 noon/ Afternoon 12.00 noon 5.00 p.m./ Evening 5.30 9.30 p.m Please enquire/ enrol early 1 Singapore Commercial School, ISA Mackenzie Road, (*****8/ *****7) or 768 D. Upper Serangoon Road. (*****0/ 810*90) (2) Reipnt Commercial Institute. 217,
      735 words
    • 898 18 YAMAHA MUSK COURSE available Children ages 3 6 years old Flute. «axcphone. Clarinet. Guitar and Piano LRSM Course also available. Morning, afternoon and evening session including Sdnday Enrol now at Yamaha Music School. 544-546. sth floor. Plaza Slngapura (same building of Yaohan Shopping Centre) 68. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel
      898 words
    • 951 18 1973 CITROEN 1220 C.C. OS Club with accessories Highest offer secures Tel: ***** Ng. VAUXHALL VIVA 1973 MILEAOE 17.000 good condition First owner leaving Singapore Tel *****8 HILLMAN HUNTER LATE I*** model Aircond radio. $2,500 Tel: *****9 -AUTOMACCAR AIR-CONDITIONER original Brackeu for all types of Japanese Cars We also undertake
      951 words

    • 261 19 TELLER (FATHER OF H-BOMB) SHOWS THE WAY... KI'ALA LIMPIE. Wed. Or. Edward Teller above i. father of the H-bomb, suggested five major waj» of overcoming tbe enerrr problem conservation of enerjy resources, exploitation of petroleoin resources exploitation of coal resoorees. exploitation of nat ml fuel resources aad Dae: ear energy.
      261 words
    • 17 19 KVALA LCMFUR Wed Tar. Sr. V Itar.ickavacafas: leans for Aostr».a ujuioiuw as :ro weeks bciidav.
      17 words
    • 346 19 L'UALA LUMPUR. Wed. Tourists from outside the Commonwealth can visit Malaysia up to a weefc without visas. Immigration Direc-tor-General Mohamed Kfcalil Haji Hussein said today. "Except for nationals of a few specified countries, a uon-Oommor.-wealth citizen is permitted to enter the country for a
      346 words
    • 224 19 Now DAP's Fan loses his seat in Parliament KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday p.-vN Yew Teng. the DAP MP lor Meng- lembu, has been disqualifietf from being a member of the Dewan Rakyat. it was anno onced here today. t te a result of his disqualification, the seat for the Parliamentary constituency
      224 words
    • 73 19 .FOB. Wed. Mi ±c U D/-P meaOen on the Pcnk •feu «M»mhft care caiied tot in .inertWT meeuac (tor SUU Atmh-y to deoa* lot expioem toots' fact»; ttae paople. Their leader Mr Urn Cbo Beck, satt that tbe mm were tt» quit noticea tertcd on M taiatbea in
      73 words
    • 551 19 r-OIL PROBLEM ONLY ICEBERG TIP K. Lumpur Wwd. \N INCREASING number of countries are shifting to nuclear power for their energy needs because of the limitations of oil, according t# American nuclear expert William Doub. He told the Fifth International Symposium on Energy.
      Reuter; AP  -  551 words
    • 84 19 K'CALA LUMPUR. Wed. DrlTers and conductor* of Toonf Pong Omnlbiu resumed work today after a one-day stoppage in protest against tbe alieged indifference of the management over an alleged Incident In Kampusg Pi.-.iir. Tney bad complained that a dnv«r was manhandled by three youths at Kampuiig
      84 words
    • 42 19 PENANG Wed. Taiwanese iann Hb Scow Pwoc and b Pin Pn raited »»JM throo«h requeac saoea tbey •aog at tbe Ctln Kane Hoay Kuaot annual dtaner laac Sa:unlaT Proceed! win go to tbe aaaaeaaUcof aebolanlilp fund (or ■—■rrr cbilrtrea.
      42 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 123 19 SE»C?DES»SSSISSrr i- tax UB Beptesiber ■»<>. 2 OWWEHS Ix- Mrt-itr) BMW MB3 One -ii; Pfton* Mlfl J62C" ■MM 'SU 1 2OC rtSJ :on and! ISTI CHRYSLEU ■I S8 SOO o n.O IBTI MEPCEOES 2OC V "A "OOC .A-E Hi MAZSA '2M Z.i UN fia- •i'J TOYOTA CROW* M M'wES -9-:
      123 words
    • 264 19 FOP ELEGANT CANE FURNI"URE BSMBMSt pssflßj r.rr^.-.-|Q| ff^ft^^ala STMBTafI MASttSg. Roaa Tei r;ST« rr»ro spor» <-•"* s- ;»C[ mjb> s -j m i BSSCSMBBB r-r.-.». •tnuaue L Ma* WPfTAM SALE WOOOEN FUR NfTUNt. Please contirt Londoc HAKE YOU* CHOICE Ba 5 Goidrjt Ltd Zli-2;. Soutt Bndar Road WAKE HtW Fa.
      264 words
    • 390 19 lOOHtt>m/ ACCOMNI, T»«»CV BUND ICaS NENBCmO for 'act Mr Lob 7£XTM after 2 I J IT. *>e»aajrs; leat tnaMe voor car wnr »--I-COOt ear alr-coodi-'.loner U neat is your pcuMem 'if a rtmt crwc»-op -.iri.' i-« a.. Mbi kam worwji uiuwbui CO. iMMKada. fO» SOCIABLE AMO CHAMtIMC Ng m Road
      390 words
    • 570 19 4-CNAMMCL DEMON BADIO•MM. 2 wnur* teaks typewriter dak. 2 esßutt** cbaks. to mm rnMrnm aoum $ItS WOPTN O* SOLf EOMMtMT MBBJ VOUXL STOP MTTwM UK! WUff AMO CHAMOC TO MAX-POWtm oumlop mAX-POwtm nnx S€* OFFC* EXCLUStVtLV AT PAN-WEST irTE) LTD. 4. L« Tmrv S4l Orcftarti tn if ii i Tat
      570 words
    • 424 19 I FELDA MARKETING CORPORATION Marketing Ex»cuttv« Felma, a rapidly expanding organisation dealing In commodity marketing in the international market, invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysian citizens to fill the post of Marketing Executive. The suitable candidate must possess a degree from a recognised University in Economics, Business Administration or Commerce
      424 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 257 19 Straits Times Crossword Acmoas tfractcd (7 j). t Bar fneod tun* out to 7 A may raj with nrtv. b» trouble-maker (.»> ooe vUd Aaaoc stMsp 10 Symbol of Vttntnc to 6 church oc the bill i 5;. s Deal rejy oc others to 11 Han of Luxe prwSucuj* pronde
      257 words

    • 395 20  - Put Candy Doll on your list EPSOM JEEP SHE SHOWS GOOD IMPROVEMENT IN A DASHING 3F WORKOUT E» r PENANG, Wednesday rjANDY DOLL has made further headway since her impressive win over the Bukit Timah 7f last month and is on my short list of horses to follow at Penang.
      395 words
    • 300 20 RECORD 667 HORSES IMPORTED A RECORD total of 6(7 horses, costing an estimated $13 million, were imported for the Malaysian Singapore circuit in 1974. reports EPSOM JEEP. Since the start of the season, no fewer than 63 nowcomers have been registered and classified by the MRA and another 60 new
      300 words
    • 297 20 OYDNEY, Wed. Australia's World Cup Koccer coach, Rale Rasic, said today he had been appointed National Director of Coaching and "Supremo" of Hongkong football. I Rasic said he would fly to Hongkong on Sunday xj finalise the terms of his contract, which U expected
      297 words
    • 100 20 LAGOS. Wed. Nigeria has turned down a South Africa Invitation to compete In an athletic meet in the white-ruled country, radio white-ruled country Radio Nigeria announced here. Quoting a Nigerian sports official, the Radio said the South African Invitation Orst ever to the African nation
      AP  -  100 words
    • 354 20 I STIPE'S REPORT rw\HE Stipendiary Ste--1 ward's report on last Sunday's races at Kuala Lumpur: RACE 1: Anuar replaced Arlffln on Jackpot. At approximately the 4if. Fine Print 'Lucas) was forced to ease when Margaret's Love (Wilaon) and Jackpot (Anuar) rolled
      354 words
    • 397 20 dARRIKR draw and scratching* for the Penanc races on Saturday: CL 2 DIV 3— SF: 7, »,'l. 12. 13. C, 11. lg, g, 2, 4 17. 10. 5. 3. 14, 15. Scratching: President* Advwr 11. Ovation 11. CL 3 DIV 3— 6 F: 5, 9, It, 8, 1.
      397 words
    • 214 20 Own goal by Nish puts Leeds in last 8 ONDON, Wed. v England defender David Nish last night handed Leeds United a place in the English Football Ass o c i a t i o n Cup quarter-finals. Leeds won their Fifth round tie against Derby 1-0 and the only
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 92 20 N. Koreans say 'yes' to Asian Cup HONOKONO. Wed —North Korea has accepted an Invitation to play in the Sixth Asian Football Cup tournament, the Hongkong Football Association said yesterday. HKFA secretary Tarn Sau Sum. said a letter was received from Pyongyang yesterday confirming that the North Koreans would come
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 55 20 NTUC affiliated unions can now submit their teams for the second May Day Workers Cup basketball tournament at the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation in Farmer Park. The tournament, organised by SXLO and the Pioneer Industries Bnptoyees Union, begins on April 1 and ends on May Day at
      55 words
    • 50 20 BANOKOK. Wed. Thailand's Saengsak Muangsurin scored a seventh-rourm technical knockout victory over Japan's world-ranked Junior welterweight contender Lion Fumyama. Referee Enrique Jlmtnez of the Philippines stopped the scheduled 10-round bout In 1 mm. 47 sees of the seventh as Saengsak cornered Puruyama with a double-fisted attack.
      50 words
    • 35 20 BUENOS AIRES. Wed. WBA light heavyweight champion Victor Oallndex. of Argentina, knocked out John Oriffin. of the United States in the sixth round of a scheduled 10-round non-title bout here— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 30 20 SANTIAOO. Wed. Chilean military authorities yesterday allowed resumption of karate, tudo and other martial sports that had been banned on Oct. 7 last year on national security grounds.
      30 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 929 20 irJtn^t ADHESIVE TAPE (ffy**2 INFORPORATED (M) *^^f BERHAD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of Adhesive Tape Incorporated (M) Berhad will be held at the Registered Office, No. 2, Station Road, Ist Floor Ipoh on 10th March, 1975 at 9.00 a.m. for the purpose
      929 words
    • 755 20 II aKnuasccußrt^o*o4JMNCs)«3biAD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting or the Members of Central Securities (Holdings) Berhad will be held at the Registered Office. No. 2, Station Road, Ist Floor, Ipoh on 10th March, 1975 at 9.30 a.m. for the purpose of considering and, If thought fit, passing
      755 words
    • 618 20 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCY FOR COMMERCIAL MANAGER Applications are Invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill thr post of Commercial Manager In the Radio and Television, Brunei. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have proven ability In an executive capacity in public relations or advertising and should preferably be university graduates or have
      618 words
      18 words

  • 310 21  -  GODFREY ROBERT 6 NATIONS AGREE ON MEET By ASIAN cycling circuit confined only to road races may take shape sometime in March or April next year. Officials of six Asian countries Indonesia, the Philippines, Hongkong. Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore discussed the issue at a meeting
    310 words
  • 326 21 LAHORE, Wed. Pakistan, helped by an invaluable 123 by Mushtaq Mohammad, today set the West Indies a formidable victory target of 359 on the fourth day of the First Test here. The West Indies had wiped off 15 runs without loss in three overs before
    326 words
  • 156 21 PAKISTAN Ist. Inns 199 W.I. Ist Inns 214 PAKISTAN 2nd Inns. lovernlgnt 103 for four) Majid Khan b Roberts 17 Agha Zahkl lbw Roberts 1 Zaheer lbw Holder 33 Mushtaq b Holder 123 MM Iqbal b Roberts 52 Wasim Raja b Holder 35 Aftab Baluch not out 60 Intikhab
    156 words
  • 177 21 Cj vice-president of the Singapore Amateur Cycling Association, passed with flying colours in the recent Commissaires course, conducted by the Inion Cycliste Internationale, the world cycling body, in Manila. Thompson scored an "A" trade, which qualifies him to officiate as a commissaire in any cycling event,
    177 words
  • 264 21  - Rajagopal may play against Penang JOE DORAI By ATTACKING full- back S. Rajagopal, who has been on the sidelines for the last three matches because of an ankle injury, is likely to play this Sunday against Penang in the friendly soccer match at the Na--7.30 p.m. The lanky, galloping fullback
    264 words
  • 581 21  - SEVERE TEST FOR STORE ERNEST FRIDA By T»HE Singapore A hockey team, fresh from their Indian tour, will be severely tested by the New Zealand World Cup team in a friendly game at Jalan Besar stadium today starting at 5.15pm. How much the team has benefltted from the Indian tour
    581 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 26 21 f I s' I I i^\ i I water cooled >^ packed unit a r cooled packaged unit «MM^'UMy fan coil units hermetic water cooled liquid chiller
      26 words
    • 508 21 BAYER (MALAYSIA) 3DN. BHD. Invites I Applications from qualified candidates I for the position of SALES MARKETING EXECUTIVE in the Industrial Chemical Department Retirements: Bachelor Degree ln Chemistry and some working experience. (PREFERENCE IS GIVEN TO BUMIPUTRA APPLICANTS) An attractive starting salary plus fringe benefits will be offered to the
      508 words
    • 989 21 w m m y jj mm i] San Holdings Berhad B> Cncorporatad In Malaysia) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of San Holdings Berhad will be held at the Registered Office. No. 2, Station Road, Ist Floor, Ipoh on 10th March. 1075 at 10.00
      989 words
  • Page 21 Miscellaneous

  • 81 22 New big N. Sea oil find? LONDON, Wed— The Texaco OH Company has made what it believes is another major oil strike in the North Sea, 175 km (109 miles) north-east of Aberdeen, Scotland. The company said yesterday the new discovery is in an area known as Block 14-20, 12
    81 words
  • 66 22 LEE AT SAFRA CLUBHOUSE PRIME Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew arriving to open the new SI. B million SAF Reservists' Association clubhouse in Toa Payoh last night. With him is Mr. Phua Bah Lee, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Defence) and president of SAFRA. Among the guests were Deputy Prime Minister and
    66 words
  • 397 22 I ONDON. Wed. The stock mar- kel closed quietly Arm today and at 3 p.m th. Financial Times Index was op 6.4 to 268.1. Interest among equities was small and selective, awaiting ICl'a fourth quartei figure* due tomorrow. Government bonds Armed, helped by a further fall In US
    397 words
  • 81 22 THOLAtINQAM CHARLES pass- I ed away peacefully on 19th February. 1875. leaving behind beloved wife Lottie, daughters Catherine. Theresa., Stella and France* to mourn hi* low. Funeral arranftment* will be announced later. Residence 25 Ernani Street. Opera Estate. Singapore 16. DMARAH father of Karunakaran. 1* Kant Cnoo Bin Road.
    81 words
  • 40 22 LONDON. Wed. 8, o 27.75 Settlement March 28.00. April 28. 05. April June 28 25. July Sept 25.43. Oct/Dec 30.30. Jan/March 30.M. April-June 31.40. July/Sept 31. 45. Oct/DK 31 75. General elf: March 27 25. April 28.23. Tout: Quiet.
    40 words
  • 32 22 LONDON. W«d. Spot buyers (3100 I— £lBl sciltn {3110 i— £l2l. Forward buyera (3112 £l3), sellers £3115 (—(IS). Settlement: £3110 £3s). Turnover a.m. 60S tons, p m. ITS ton*. Tone: Steady.
    32 words
  • 570 22 Egypt 'yes' to an open holy city CAIRO, Wed EGYPTIAN Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmi, in an apparent concession, voiced Egypt's acceptance for the first time that the Holy City of Jerusalem be internationalised, both, in its Arab and Israeli sectors. Mr. Fahmi also confirmed reports that the Soviet Union had
    Reuter; NYT; UPI  -  570 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 262 22 People remember us 1 by our little touches... I We've had our share of praise for our impeccable service and warmhearted hospitality. We're as well furnished «nn t v.a r a\ an< efficient as a modern cosmopolitan 300 furnished rooms and 1> < r suites. A 24-hour coffee shop,» hot
      262 words
    • 559 22 CONDOLENCE With deepest sympathy to the family of the late TUAN HAJEE M. ABUBACKER on his demise at the age of 59 at Penang on February 16, from The Management and Staff of BARKATH STORES (PTE) LTD., SINGAPORE BARKATH STORES (PTE) LTD.. PENANG BARKATH STORES (SUPERMARKET) PULAU TIKUS, PENANG BARKATH
      559 words