The Straits Times, 5 February 1975

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 952 1 4 Lower price or face ruin' WASHINGTON, Tuesday THE United States is confident of European support tomorrow when it proposes a challenge to the oil-producing states either accept a lower price for oil or risk ruin from solar and nuclear power. The US proposal, outlined yesterday
    Reuter  -  952 words
  • 116 1 JAKARTA, Tues. Leading Indonesian lourrallst and author Mochtar Lubls was arrested today for alleged subversive activities, sources close to his family said. The arrest, which was on the orders of Attor-ney-General All Said, came without warning and was totally unexpected, the sources said. Me was taken away
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 57 1 INTERIOR and exterior views of what is claimed to be the world's most expensive car, about £38,328 (*****,000) a Rolls Royce Landaulette, which was recently on show in London. The car has a 6750 cc engine, automatic gears and powerassisted steering. Only seven of
    AP  -  57 words
  • 167 1 PHNOM PENH. Tues. INSURGENT rockets and mines sank eight empty vessels returning to South Vietnam via the Mekong River after unloading supplies here, shipping sources said today. Four empty rocket shield barges, three tugboats and one tanker went down on Sunday In heaviest damage to a
    AP  -  167 words
  • 45 1 mHE Ministry of the Environment yesterday 1 confirmed six more cases of typhoid and on* more case of malaria. This brings the total number of typhoid eases to 88 with two carriers, and the total number of malaria eases to 61.
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  • 151 1 Brez is sick, Gromyko tells Sadat pAIRO, Tues. Soviet l^> Foreign Minister Andrei (yromyko said today Communist Party secre-tary-general Mr. Leonid Brezhnev was "sick," in the first official confirmation the Russian leader Is In 111-health, witnesses said. Newsmen overlie ard part cf conversation Mr. Oromjko had with Egyptian President Anwar
    AP; UPI  -  151 words
  • 57 1 ALGIERS. Tues. Reuters correspondent In Algeria, Mr. Rene Vlgie. a Frenchman. was expelled from the country yesterday. Mr. Vlirle was called in by the police In Algiers yesterday and questioned about a story which he sent last Saturday reporting the arrest of 6ft people from 11 countries
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 41 1 NEW YORK. Tues. DOW Jones avrrases, baaed on first hour of trading 09 'i>e New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus *****. down 10.56; 30 tnn«p 157.33. down 2.95: 15 utlli SO.6S, down 0.41; 65 stocks *****, down 3.25. UPL
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  • 29 1 LONDON, Tues. Mr. Edward Heath tonight announced his withdrawal from the opposition Conservative Party's leadership battle after polling behind Mrs. Margaret Thatcher in the first ballot. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 193 1 Mrs. T's shock Round One victory LONDON, Tuesday ]yjRS. Margaret Thatcher, 49 year-old blonde, won more votes than former Prime Minister Edward Heath today in a poll for leadership of the Conservative Party. But she narrowly failed to get the outright majority needed for a quick decision. A new poll
    AP  -  193 words
  • 502 1 'Buyers hold key to US economy' WASHINGTON, Tues.— President Ford's chief economic advisers said today recession and unemployment will worsen in the months ahead. They said "consumers hold the key" to freeing the nation from its economic doldrums. The three- mcuiber Council of Economic Advisers predicted an upturn in economic
    AP; UPI  -  502 words
  • 77 1 SEE THIS PAGE LONDON, Tues.— Mr. Heath issued a statement after the balloting: "It has been a treat privilege to serve my party as its leader and my country as its Prime Minister." Then he added: "A« a result of the first ballot today for the leadership of the
    Reuter; AP  -  77 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 90 1 Sr r V aW^!^aw**]«T^^B^aWiß ivO T/u/l JcD&Zff^af r b i \W* 'r The highly advanced mini -calculator developed foe icientirtv studentt, engineer and anyone who has scientific or mathematical problems to solve It can intermix repeat, provide a constant function and has an accumulating memory register. In short, it's a
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    • 5 1 Weather outlook: Isolated showers around
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    • 102 1 FUND FOR SHIP FIRE VICTIMS' CHILDREN Psgs 9 FORDS budget comes under heavy attack 2 DOLLAR is nnder-valned: US 3 GBOMYKO'S bid to woo Sadat 4 INDONESIAN peace feelers in Vietnam 5 CASE urges restraint In buying New Year goodies 6 $85 mil deal for special phone devices 7 TAN
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    • 46 1 CALCULATOR A MATH-MARVEL I u rural on your wrist AUTOMATIC WRIST f\^^^^*. CHRONOGRAPH WITH X> PRECISION BEZEL 1 <■ M SLIDERVLE FOR 1 ENGINEERS. HUSINESSMES W SCIENTISTS. PILOTS. \_^mt^r A Available at CHUN CHONG P 62, South Bridge Road Ref ,1 Q 633 Singapore, l.Td: *****. CalculatO.
      46 words

  • Straits Times World News
    • 223 2 VTEW YORK, Tues. 11 Spending for con •-ruction in 1974 declined for the second time on record, the Government said yesterday. The report of the depressed state of the construction Industry came as President Ford predicted an eight per cent unemployment rate for this
      Reuter; UPI  -  223 words
    • 29 2 ORESHAM (Wisconsin). Tues About 40 AmericanIndians surrendered to the authorities late yesterday after occupying a backwoods religious estate by force of arm* for 3« days. AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 514 2 Ford Budget under heavy attack WASHINGTON, Tuesday TEADERS of the Democratic majority in Congress attacked President Ford's Budget proposals yesterday as understating the deficit and peing short on compassion for Americans hurt most by recession. The barrage of criticisir was both Immediate and unusually ln:ense. Out of It emerged a
      Reuter; AP  -  514 words
    • 134 2 KARPOV: I'LL MEET FISCHER IN MILAN A MSTERDAM, Tues.— Soviet challenger for the world chtss title, Anatoly Karpov said he favoured Milan as venue for his clash against Bobby Fischer of the T7n*ted States, the International Chess Federation (Fide) said yesterday. Fischer earlier said he wanted to defend h's title
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 139 2 HAM ON JET MADE 114 SICK /COPENHAGEN, Tues. \j Ham served on board a Japan Airlines Jumbo-Jet was responsible for the food poisoning which sent 144 passengers from the plane to hospital here today, according to tests conducted by the Danish Serum Institute A general call was Issued to all
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    • 220 2 TTNITED NATIONS, \J Tues. Nearly 00 per cent of the earth's population lives In Asia, while Shanghai and Tokyo are the world's biggest cities, according to the latest edition of the UN demographic yearbook published yesterday. Of an estimated global population of
      Reuter  -  220 words
    • 220 2 Jumbo jet toilet fire: Indian held BANGKOK, Tue«. Police in Thailand detained a. resident of India today while an Investigation contouud Into a fire walcb fcnto out yesterlay iv a Pp»i America :i 747 jumbo j t k* it w"»s flying oveBurma. rhe fire .'orced the pile* to return to
      UPI  -  220 words
    • 114 2 HONGKONG, Tu«*. POLICE In this British colony today issued a warning to employers argtng them to take adequate precautions against payroll robbers now that the Chinese New Tear Is only a week away. The terse warning alsa carried a'Jt m c advice as to bow
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    • 160 2 Thai police chief and deputy resign BANGKOK. Tues. Thai police chief, Oeneral Prachuab Sun* tharangku, and his assistant, Lieutenant Oeneral Vltoon Yasawat, have resigned from their posts, an Interior Minister spokesman said today. He said acceptance of the letters of resignation would be discussed at a Cabinet meeting. Oen. Prachuab
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 61 2 WASHINGTON. Tue«. "Western Intelligence experts report that the Soviet Union U manoeuvring to bring ■bout the dismissal of President Sadat." U.S. News and World Report said yesterday The American news magatlne said "Kremlin leaders are laid to hope that by withholding military aid to Cairo,
      AP  -  61 words
    • 393 2 BANGKOK. Tue« UNCERTAINTY clouded the political situation in Thailand today, the day before the new-ly-elected National Assembly was to meet for the first time to vote a new government into office. The Democrat Party, which led 21 other parties in last week's elections
      UPI  -  393 words
    • 139 2 Japanese don drops a 'bombshell' TOKYO, Tues. A x Japanese physicist has said he had made a discovery which could relegate atomic energy to the history books. Prof. Klyoshi Nlu of Nagoya University said he had discovered a new elementary particle which could lead to a course of power 1,000
      Reuter  -  139 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 93 2 WATCH V R6F. 40-B3 I \v Automatic. Day /Date. Water Resistant. Buy your watches which are backed up by 100". efficient after-sales service FIICOH SHOWROOMS SERVICE CENTRES SINGAPORE 3B Chow House. Robinson Road Tel ***** PENANG- 92. Penang Road. lst Floor Tel ***** WENG HUNG WATCH CO.. 39. Jalan Petaling.
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    • 233 3 NEW YORK. Tuesday fHE United States gave notice yesterday that it considers the dollar to be undervalued in world foreign exchange markets and that it is acting to correct this. A statement Issued on behalf of Mr. Arthur Burns, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board,
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 152 3 OPEC TO DISCUSS OIL PRICES AGAIN? "ifIENNA, Tues. The issue of oU prices could he raised during a series of meetings Involving the Organsatlon of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) which will begin this weekend. Opec sources said yesterday. But they also said that Opec has no plans for n new
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    • 233 3 DETROIT Tues. A Saudi Arabian businessman signed an agreement yesterday to buy a major portion of the Bank of the Commonwealth, but a suit was filed in an attempt to block the purchase. The legal action was filed in Wayne County Circuit Court by Detroit attorney
      AP  -  233 words
    • 74 3 Face-to-face after 15 years MOSCOW, Tues. After resolutely Ignoring each other for 15 years, the trading blocs of Western and Eastern Europe the Common Market and Comecon today met formally for the first time to map out possible areas of future co-operation. Official* of the two organisations held talks in
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 178 3 Expel CIA chief in London call by MP f ONDON, Tues. A •L< member of the British Parliament claimed yesterday that the US Central Intelligence Agency was probably preparing to Intervene In Britain to try to block radical reforms by the Labour Government. Mr. Tom Lltterick. Labour MP for a
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 121 3 Giscard's bid for German support PARIS. Tues. West I German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt today met President Valery Glscard d'Estalng in the second day of a summit conference which the French hope will secure German support for a tripartite conference. It was the 24th FTancoOerman summit since leaders of the two
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    • 338 3 Ford: Fuel situation getting worse each day ATLANTA. Tues. PRESIDENT Ford sail yesterday the nations fuel "vulnerability is getting worse every day" and Congress must cooperate Instead of crltlc&lng his economic and energy programmes. "The facts of life In the United States are that the production of oil is .declining,"
      Reuter; UPI  -  338 words
    • 123 3 Makarios: Absolutely no progress NICOSIA, Tues— Presldtnt Makarios said yester lay there had been "absolutely no progress" in talcs between Greek Cypruts and TurklshCy prints and he saw no prosp< ct for a solution. He 'old a press conference: "I am sorry to say that t iere has been absolutely
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 U \Sv% Afl Free Mermaid -miniature A A\ Vf J%bs? Danish V UclllltGdl H V Mo4k W 4%4% Bl A A^Jv t> 9.? WB Fudge N Nut m W SV*f>£/* O.JO fT Lemon Chip JJS TT White Rum fj> fJtTTCherry Butter f#Afi Back Bacon J Jfi Savoury Snacks /jfc Scotch
      258 words
    • 74 3 tk SI i M BOM YOB UUUH UCSUt TUU NG HEONG YUEN ni .<f< Estate Ipoh. Tel: ***** What la*le# tike Lemon canriu and ttas lots \hHs ofltunnuis kMimiwht? VI DAYLIN-NT MeMwtl Did you know Hat? Y-w might haw to pmwdi nond for growm« ch.WW «wr to ttk. V.O^.n.M And
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    • 221 4 ftAFSTOWN, TUM. Vy South Afrlc&n Prime Minuter John Vorster and other African leaden agree that the alternative to detente In Southern Africa l* "too ghastly to contemplate," Foreign Affair* Minister Dr. HUnrd lluUer aald last night, HONGKONG: A •Chine* ■agaeine has reported the dteererr of Mf natural fas deposits
      Agencies  -  221 words
    • 68 4 DR. RUDY Sabbafha demonstrate* the uv of a sonar process to take photos of Infants before they sxe born at the Mafee Women's Hospital m Pittsburgh In the United States. The photo, called a B-Soan, appear* on an oscUlosoope. The process, the same a* used
      UPI  -  68 words
    • 349 4 Gromyko bid to win over Sadat. CAIRO, Tuesday gOV I E T Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko met Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in Cairo toaay to try to woo him away from U.S. efforts to arrange a step-by-step Middle East peace settlement. I The Soviet Union and Syria want a full-scale
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  349 words
    • 216 4 LOS ANGELES. Tues— A Hollywood man claimed on a television broadcast last night that he was kidnapped at gunpoint last Friday by missing newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst and two black women. Mr. Eddy Carr. 30, said he had been given a lie detector test
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 27 4 DAKAR (Senegal) Tuee The world's developing nations, following the lead of oil-producing states, yesterday began top-lerri talks on Increasing Income from all raw materials. UPI.
      UPI  -  27 words
    • 224 4 DEKING, Tues. The Chinese leadership has launched a nationwide campaign for a better deal for the army In a bid to improve Its dented public Image The appeal, In the form of a recent circular from the Commur Ist Party central commltvee and the
      Reuter  -  224 words
    • 355 4 CHICAGO, Tues ROBERT GRODEN. a New York photographer and optical special**, dUpUyed yesterday a film version of the John Kennedy assassination which he said proves that Lee Harvey Oswald "had nothinr to do with the assassination." "As many as four, possibly five" people were shooting
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    • 38 4 IXJNDON, Tu^s. A government review si Britain's steel industry today approved the closure of one big plant employing 3.300 men, but deferrethe shutdown of other steel plants where 13,500 jobs are at stake. Reuter.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 626 4 RARE OFFER! SANYO THREE-IN-ONE STEREO MUSIC CASE NOW ißfeMßM^^^ USUAL PRICE Mj| OFFER GOOD I WHILE STOCK /q-2607N Incredible? Yes. But it's happening. This popular SANYO three-ln-one, now going at a price that can never be repeated again. Radio MW, SW and FM In real live stereo with optional Stereocast.
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    • 274 5 Marcos to seek Asean aid to end Muslim rebellion ]i|ANILA, Tues. President Ferdinand Marcos will try to seek a solution to the Filipino Muslim revolt In a regional forum following the collapse of peace talks with rebel leaders In Saudi Arabia, highly placed sources said yesterday. The sources said Mr.
      Reuter; UPI  -  274 words
    • 98 5 REBELS DOWN ETHIOPIA JET ADDIS ABABA. Tues. Eritrea's Muslim rebels were reported today to have shot down a government Jet fighter with a Kround-to-air missile near Asmara, the capital of the tthioian province. The Government, meanwhile, asked the rebels to lay down their arms and open a "peaceful dialogue." It
      AP  -  98 words
    • 70 5 BANGKOK, Tues. The death toll In Thailand's worst flooding last month rose to 249 as relief workers found 10 more bodies buried In mud and pile; of logs, the southern Thailand flood relief centre reported today. Forty-nine people still are missing, and the relief centre In
      AP  -  70 words
    • 340 5 Indonesian peace feelers in Vietnam WASHINGTON, Tuesday DIPLOMATIC soui has been soundi and South Vietnam sion of the south th demarcation line bet Saigon Government fighting. Asked yesterday If such a division would be feasible, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told a National Press Club audience: 'The United States had
      Reuter; AP  -  340 words
    • 110 5 TEHERAN, Tues.— lran has hired 2,200 doctors from India and 2,000 engineers from the Philippines In order to meet Iran's acute shortage in these professions, the Labour Minister said yesterday. Minister Amir Oiuuaem Moelnl said Iran's booming economy and Industrial development plus a brain drain
      AP  -  110 words
    • 37 5 PARIS, Tues. Air Prance made a loss of 500 million francs (*****.6 million) last year due to rising fuel prices and a 10 per cent drop In Its European traffic, airline officials said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  37 words
    • 43 5 Unions tough stand TOKYO. Tues. The 4,450.000-member General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (Sohyo) today decided to stage major labour offensives late next month to back demands for wage Increases of more than 30 per cent for the second consecutive year Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 252 5 US arms embargo: Pakistan hopes dashed WASHINGTON, Tues.— Pakistan's hopes for an early end to the US arms embargo appear to have been dashed on the eve of Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto's first official meeting with President Ford. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger acknowledged that arms sales to Pakistan
      Reuter  -  252 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 153 5 >nKv/f\C W Electronic Lighter jgT Today's Number 1 Lighter in Europe Now Available in Singapore. a.^d* LIFE-TIME FREE SERVICE Auttio-iMd Dittnbutorr Yong Heng Co. Wr^ Soi As Fof Sl po M iwonm 526 North BfOge Hoad Sngaoore 7 Tel *****0 V. MURUS INTERNATIONAL SON. BHD. EVERFAIR (PTE.) LTD. B^^ \S3cU
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 234 5 Bringing Up Father By BUI Ktvinigh <t Hal Camp -v (l CDVLD LISTBN WILL S^6 EVER f (T'S I |x TDLP MM r^OT TO I Arc ytio sure >ou want a td voua snJaiN© J stop sin@\tiGjJi yxw vcw tub lawn kt I TC? M6AB AufcrfWEß SO*>3'?J ALL NlSrfT/ >/
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  • 114 6 Maude Road's milliondollar CC A NEW million-dollar community centre with a rooftop garden and an underground car park Is to replace the single-s tor c y Maude Road community centre. Announcing this at a press conference on Monday, Mr. Chan Chee Seng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs) and MP for
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  • 26 6 THE Metropolitan YMCA at Tanglin will organise a trip to the National Park In Pahang from March 17 to 23. For details telephone *****1.
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  • 269 6  - 'Sugar price will stabilise soon forecast By AHMAD OSMAN fFHE base price of sugar x w iil stabilise In the near future, said Mr Dudley Thompson' Minister of State In the Jamaican Prime Minister's Office, here yesterday. Mr. Thompson, who Is here on a four-day visit, said sugar was. one
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  • 461 6 'J'HE Consumers Association of Singapore has urged restraint in buying Chinese New Year gifts and traditional delicacies to stop price increases. It noted that prices of certain gift items had already risen "fantastically high", and if past experience was any guide, delicacies like
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  • 38 6 THE University of Singapore's Department of Extramural studies will hold a 60-eeeslon course on advanced Russian language at Room C, History Department, on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. The fee Is $80. Por details telephone *****6.
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  • 336 6 Court told of 'joke' about American School A UNION advocate yesterday told of a Joke among teachers in the Singapore American School that the school should put up a signboard warning students not to run into the schools' administrators. "There are too many doing too little." said Mr. K.A. Abraham,
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  • 172 6 rE president of the Singapore Building Contractors Society, Mr. Low Tuan Tee, yesterday supported the setting up of a building trade licensing board to license all building contractors. He said such a board would guarantee not only the rapid development of building techniques but the
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  • 98 6 'Release Juliet' petition mHE University of Sln--1 gapore Students Union yesterday handed a petition to the Malaysian High Commission seeking the "immediate and unconditional release" of Miss Juliet Chin on principle, humanitarian and academic grounds. The four paragraph petition was addressed to the Malaysian Minister for Home Affairs. Tan Sri
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  • 216 6 Love is French singer's only theme... DEBONAIR French singer Beds Tasle It a highly learned man who is on a world tour to sing songs of love. "I'm a Frenchman and love Is the only theme song I know," said this singer, who holds a degree In French literature, and
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  • 51 6 THE general manager ol Hong Leong Finance Ltd. Mr. Sim Mlah Klan. will present a cheque for 12,000 to the Balestler Hill West School Advisory Committee tomorrow. The donation is In conjunction with the school's Chinese New Year-cum-Com-munlty Project to raise funds for the Home for the
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  • 29 6 THE 113 th birthday tlthlpuja of Srlmat Swaml Vl7ekananda was celebrated at the Rama Krishna Mission, Bartley Road, on Saturday from 5.45 am to 8.30 pjn.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 217 6 NdtiOHdl fesHve offer W^ During the months of December 74, January and February 75, a NATIONAL Automatic Rice Cooker worth $121.50 will be given away with every purchase of any of the three NATIONAL All-Transistorised TV sets shown below. This offer is valid only in Singapore. ITR 24 DX with
      217 words
    • 224 6 CONTROLLER Hand-held Calculators Control Your Savings Automatically!* ~"~~"^gB IcJli^C accompltshw thai Wilier MOOOIS CONTROLLER 8S aA^ '8 digits) Scientific M^gai S9SIW Engineering, with gJPB H|_ Memory $166 25 fc^ CONTROLLER 8A SSflSSS'Wffl gV (8 d '9' ts) Algebraic. Slide-Rule Exchange Key, with Memory: s94.2s jgjruljffitffi™ |B CONTROLLER 8 SijA (8
      224 words

  • 211 7 Singapore rigbuilder's $9 mil expansion project A LOCAL rig-builder, Bethlehem Singapore Pte. Ltd., has embarked on a $S million expansion project in anticipation of a boom in the oil rig hu sinew The expansion programme, already underway In Sembawang, is expected to be completed by June. Disclosing this yesterday, the
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  • 59 7 THE Institute of International Affairs will hold a talk on New Zealand's Perception of South-east Asla.i Affairs by Prof. S. Hoadley at suite 80S. Mandarin Hotel, tomorrow at 8 p.m. Prof. Hoadley Is from the Department of Politics, University of Auckland, and is author of
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  • 25 7 THE Society of Licensed Aircraft Engineers and Technologists will hold ts annual meeting at the Bt-dok Rest House- tomorrow at 7 30 p.m.
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  • 127 7 MR. Chan Kok Kee, Intraco's manager of bulldliig Industries, will lead a three-man trade mission to promote Singapore products In Nigeria and the Arabian Gulf states. Mr. Chan, who will be accompanied by Intraco's senior marketing executives, Mr. Leslie Tan and Mr. Lam Kee Kong,
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  • 504 7 SOPHISTICATED time-saving equipment to provide special telephone services will be supplied to the Telecommunication Authority of Singapore (TAS) under an $85 million contract signed with Mitsui and Company of Japan yesterday. These are an automatic interception service to assist a caller to track
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  • 87 7 PHYSICS INSTITUTE PLANS MISSION TO CHINA TH E Institution of Physics. Singapore, plans to send a mission to China later this year to study research and teaching of physics there. It has formed a threeman committee headed by Its president. Professor Hsu Loke Soo. to organise the mission. Prof. Hsu
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  • 51 7 THE Henderson Post Office at Block 116. 219 Bukit Merah View, Singapore 3, will be open for business from tomorrow. Besides providing full postal counter services, It will offer for rent 90 P.O. Boxes The Post Office Savings Bank will have a counter at this post
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  • 50 7 FORMS to claim deduction from Income tax In respect of coats Incurred In maintaining private gardens for last year are now available at post offices and the Income Tax Department. A tax-payer may claim up to $300 for maintaining a garden at bis residential address.
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  • 23 7 THE Delta Community Centre In arranging to conduct cooking, beauty culture, men's tailoring, crochet and photography courses (or befinner* at its premise*.
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  • 75 7 Workshop for execs THE Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a workshop on Measuring Organisational Health and Implementing Changes on Feb. 19 and 30 at its conference room In Scotts Road for executives and managers responsible for the profitability and growth of their companies. The course will be conducted by
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  • 201 7 More important to care for the living: Wok ■FAMILIES should use r their money to care for their children rather than spend it on the dead, according to Social Affairs Minister, Enclk Othman Wok. For while there must be respect for the ckad It was more Important to care for
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  • 37 7 WHO dentistry courses THE World Health Organisation will conduct public health dentistry courses In Singapore and Malaysia from May 1 to June 30. The courses are organised to help develop manpower for national health services in member-countries.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 147 7 SPECIAL OFFER SILVAIMO 4-BANDS RADIO CASSETTE RECORDER USUAL PRICE \V PLUS 2 pcs. C6O CASSETTE TAPE '^■^^^25 (WHI LE STOCK LAST fe^lw 13 Transistors K&^lJI MWSWI SW2 SW3 Built-in Electret Condenser Microphone M Level Meter (Rec. Batt. Tun.) Pop up Auto stop Device AC/DC Operation W OCEAN RADIO CO. PTE.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 265 7 Straits Times Crossword r I is I is I H- I Ws~"|J| it i js, ACROSS In rough sea (7) 1 Victim threw clay at us 7 Keep on trying to obtain (8). stripes (7). 6 Drained of vitality, a page 8 Duke la Inclined to be hurried out (6).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 362 8 v V inrtTr4nrTTlnnnnr*T¥TTTT¥T» a LAST DAY! 2 Shows at 7.00 9.30 pa. Abblmlm. Adiltt: S2 00-Clittrw: SI.N (ODEON: Opens Tomorrow!) EH OOUMN NMMM PMMNT* I BAMES GAMBLERS W i > MICHAEL HUI PLfIY*AMU€LHmJR-L fj^ I 1 J •etlyTlngW LhM Lul V f Jfiß > I dbvded by Mkheel Mul h*~**
      362 words
    • 235 8 •J.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. > I AY A (JALAN SULTAN) PLAZA cinema .J fcßTlafcfl TEL: *****72 GRAND CHINESE NEW YEAR ATTRACTION ij THAT "TRINITY" STAR IS BACK! •j His Name Is Nobody j: j: Aid Nobody Knows The < > Trouble He's li < a B^<a\ *a2Si I C** m V aHBiIBBBBBBBBA «p5
      235 words
    • 184 8 LAST DAY! 1 S SHOWS at 11.00 AM. 1 JO. 440, 4 45 I 9 JO PM. gUANCASTtB. 'TI BPSf SUSAN OAHK CAMERON MnCM€U LAST 3 DAYS! S SHOWS at 11.00 AM, 1 JO, 4.00, 6 45 4 9.15 PM STARRING: PAUL NASCHY GABY FUCHS b4i L^. LAST DAY! 1.30,3.30,7.15,9.30
      184 words
    • 502 8 The festive season is just around the corner. Every home freshens-up with some new decorations. Cannon Bed-Clothes are suitable for giving away as gifts or simply for one's own use. BKHBE) MADE rtW IN USA CANNONo TB« ITS. A. Cannon Bed Stwrts, Pillow Case* and Bolster Cases are woven with
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    • 198 8 Malayan Th»atr»« (Pte) Ltd. announce that as from Monday 10th Fob. 1975 tfw REVISED admlwion prioM of GLOBE and GRAND will b* $2.00, $1.50 A $1.00 N.B. Patrons of GRAND THEATRE can purchase tickets from its box-offices from 9am to 6 pm. After 6pm the tickets are available at the
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    • 707 8 PaL^li II OW6AIIM ON LAST DAY!! 11am. 1.45. 4 00. 45 t II Dovk) Jomim, Jaor Sab«rg ond Dovk) Corrod'n* n MACHO CALLAMAN Ponovition Colo (FOX) Taayraw 4 Ma^^ ONLY: H.HiZ* 4 IfaHMHa* Raw "Tlw GRADUATI" cow (VM) OPENS SATURDAY' Jaon-Poul Balmondo M<o Forro. "KOUNMIL IM WMITt" COLOR LAIT DAY'
      707 words

  • 154 9 9 schools open doors for night studies NINE schools which made available their classrooms late last year to enable students living in housing estates to &> their homework in the evenings there, have started this service again. However, the number of students who turn up each night has been very
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  • 374 9 SffIPYARD FUND FOR CHILDREN TOO JURONG Shipyard, which has collected about $35,000 for distribution to families of 10 of the company's employees who perished in the fire on board the Iron Parkgate on Dec. 10, is, in addition, to donate a second
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  • 211 9 Student who wore long pants suspended A SECONDARY three student of Siglap Secondary School has been suspended from classes since Jan. 16 for wearing long pants to school. Kirul bin Sidak, 15, said he was informed of his suspension that day and on Jan. 23 received another letter from the
    211 words
  • 151 9 'THE popular 24-hour 1 roadside stalls in Jalan Sultan which catered for ma ay a late diner, will soon go the way of others. The 38 licensed stallholders are expected to be resettled at the new three-storey hawker centre in Beach Road next month or
    151 words
  • 114 9 A 33-YEAR-OLD man XX hanged himself two hours after returning home drunk, a coroner's court heard yesterday Peng Kok Lays body was found on the bedroom floor of his Aroozoo Lane house on Jan. 27 at about 6.25 a.m. Ng Ah Mvi, 31, Pengs wife,
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  • 67 9 Probe still on into slapping incident THE Education Ministry Is continuing »ls investigations into an incident in which a student of Thomson Secondary School is alleged to have slapped a woman teacher twice in the face. According to ministry sources, the school's principal has been Interviewed by Its Schools Unit,
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  • 336 9 STOCKBROKERS Lyall >J and Evatt (Pte) Ltd. yesterday obtained judgment for $9,949 and costs in its High Court civil suit ugalnst housewife Lee Slew Tin, of Clover Avenu-. Mr. Justice Wlnslow also granted an application by the company's counsel, Mr. R.
    336 words
  • 53 9 THE Singapore Musical Society yesterday handed a cheque of $2,165 48 to the Council of Social Service, which wIU forward the money to the Dragon Lotus Home for the Aged. The money ts from proceeds of a recent piano recital by Scow Ylt Kin who Is studying
    53 words
  • 296 9 npHE price of horse mac•l- kerel (selar) rose by 20 cents a katl to $1.80 yesterday while mackerel (kembong) went down by 20 cents to $1.40 a katl, the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prices: RICE: China 10 per cent Ylm Cheok. 95
    296 words
  • 39 9 808 services No 14 and S3 will travel along Burling Road and continue via normal routes without kjpbif around Mcl Chin Road and Mcl Ling Street from ajn. to 11 ».m on Sunday due to road work.
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  • 45 9 THE $100, $250 and $500 gold coins will be on sale on Aug. 4 and not from yesterday as reported in the Straits Times yesterday. Places where these coins can be bought apd the number minted will be announced later.
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  • 184 9 A JAPANESE chain IX oi shoe stores intends to make Singapore its main purchasing base for its 100 shops. Mr. EConlshl Fumlhlko. chairman of Amerlcay.i Japan, who is here with some of his chlbf executives for a survey of manufacturing faculties, said
    184 words
  • 52 9 THE Director-General of the fort of London Authority. Mr. John Lunch, will attenri the International Association of Ports and HarbiMirs Conference In Singapore next month. At the conference, he will present a report on the work of the Special Committee on International Port Development, of which
    52 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 453 9 OENTHOUSr^I hMAi IFT A VjJ^^^ th n 9 s arc livening up I^^3|Z\ jfß©a« Obeli's Penthouse Bar. K^TflP^^/ 'New Years Eve (10th FEB.) ■^S^t^Ro^^ which includes novelties, Ist drink is $12. Providing the I JWp^g^JD^®3Tj Thunderstorm. plus l**J iGTDpGfeIcDI kg/ Ay/ mm I hotel m SINGAPORE 9 TEL *****6 W^^
      453 words
      33 words
    • 875 9 Qpbn-Stop musk C& Songs jj tljat blend perfectly wittiyour J I pleasure... M X at lON Bflß MAGGIE TENG *Jf^ +T I THE BUDS *^mWZ* THE rt i^^gfk PEBBLES 1 *m*. fl m**W W£*~M a 'iw -J SaVCfaW a^w^ry? r* g4 H^iH SUNDAY JAZZ SESSION V»-i/ JbingXpoP«E Every Sunday 2pmto
      875 words

  • 189 10 'Victim' who helped plan robbery IWO swimming pool A attendants were robbed soon after collecting their pay of $214.50 each from the Central Manpower Base in Dempsey Road on Jan. 13, but one of them later turned out to be an accomplice of the robbers, a magistrate's court was told
    189 words
  • 95 10 THE FIRE THREAT AT TELOK AYER BASIN HPHE Port Authority Warns lighter operators that Telok Aver Easln Is a potential fire" hazard and that flames can spread quickly hi the area. The warning comes a;ter three lighters anchored next to each other in the area went up in flames on
    95 words
  • 108 10 Carpenter's death: It's murder THE 3tate Coroner yesterday recorded a verdict of "murder by persons unknown" at an inquiry into the death of carpenter Llm Lav Teck. 16, on D?c. 12. Llm's body with two stab wmnds, was found at the font of Block 8. Jalen Batu. of: Kampong Arang
    108 words
  • 45 10 PROFESSOR J.K O»l--bialth of University 11 give a public lecture on 3 obal Stagflation and Developing Economies at new Jeoture theatre one University of Singapore today at 6 p.m. The lecture is organised bj. the Faculty of Art* and Scclal Sciences 1
    45 words
  • 759 10 Tan Wah Piow trial CENUOR District Judge Mr. T.S Sinnathuray yesterday rejected University of Singapore Students Union president Tan Wah I'iow's application for an adjournment of his trial. Tan in his application said it was to allow him to contact one of his "prospective"
    759 words
  • 176 10 Trade team wins S'pore orders T»HE leader of a 10-man British trade dcx legation, Mr. William Miles, said yesterday its members were successful in securing local contracts despite the present world economic situation. 1 "When we arrived in Singapore we did not expect to achieve miracles, but many of out
    176 words
  • 108 10 KHONO Ouan Biscuit Factory chain will send two men to Australia early in March to study the technical know-how of a large Australian biscuit company. The move follows an agreement reached last December betw een Khong Guan Biscuit Factory and Arnotts Biscuits
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  • 106 10 Police: That airport bomb was home-made pOUCE believe that the suspected bomb found on a conveyor belt in the arrival hall of Pa y a Lebar Airport on Monday night was a home-made device. The suspected bomb which was spotted by a porter was later detonated by a Singapore Armed
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  • 601 10 SIN CHEW REALTY CASE A PROPERTY valuer, Mr. Lai Pang Fee. tcld the Second District Court yesterday that he w is aware the owners of the Imperial and Regency Hotels sites were 61 "some urgency" in August 1972 to realise tte assets. But
    601 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 269 10 M wrji Jr j ff J I Wit? S S >gH *Ifi M r j I jg Wayfoong MAF makes it easy to get what you want. Whatever the sum, Wayfoong help you get what you want now. MAF loans are available to let you S!^ FO °/v^V. lf you
      269 words
    • 241 10 Diamonds are forever: Make this New \ear memorable. Lee Onn Special Offer: Exquisite gems as a long term investment. A superb range of set and loose stones at special New Year prices. Your opportunity for real value for money. Item No. Weight List Price Special Item No. Weight LUt Price
      241 words

  • 950 11 COCKROACH AND CENTIPEDE 'INVASION' AT FLATS Heroin case: US action to extradite Singaporean COCKROACHES and y centipedes jester- day invaded the lower floors of Block 54 Tanjiin Halt Housing Board Estate. Residents said the invasion was the result of recent breakdowns in the septic and sewerage systems serving the block.
    950 words
  • 78 11 Engineering course THE National Productivity Board will conduct a course on elements of Industrial engineering at the Hotel and Catering School, Naadm Hill, from March 4 to April 4 on Mondays, Tuesday* and Thursdays between 7 and 9 pjn. Mr. Dougtaw Chu* and Mr. Kenny Lee, both Industrial engineers with
    78 words
  • 77 11 SIM course on corporate planning rE Bin g a p ore Institute of Management 1 SIM) will conduct a course on Corporate Planning at SIM conference room. Thong Teck Building. Scotts Road, from Feb. 18 to 21 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. dally. Mr. Tan Ban Keng. general manager
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  • 301 11 How the public can help beat crime COLLECTIVE community effort is necessary to prevent crime through "sure and early detection," according to a police public relations officer. Deputy Supt. Yeow Yew Toong. In a talk to undergraduates at Nanyang University's department of government and public administration on Monday, he said:
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  • 216 11 'Bakar tried to kill himself court told SHA Bakar bin Dawood was yesterday charged In the First Magistrate's Court with armed robbery and shooting. No plea 1 was taken. Inspector Amarjeet Singh, prosecuting, applied successfully for a week's custody at the Central Police Station for further Investigations. He said that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 566 11 I^^J JL I" SHARP Automatic loaster f _a.. hfUriT Trolley Tray N Radio Model '^m RFA2O2.FM AM Isa&w I t^M I TELEFUNKEN Iffi&SsS: »~'.f^ M^i I FutH Quick Heat ....only T«letunken I ,jp*H WW J is equipped with this device B fty;>:*X*; l^^^^l 'or instant picture and sound. SfeaMaa^^aE Big
      566 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 508 12 PRESIDENT FORD'S budget report to the US Congress on Monday painted a picture of gloom. The deficit, he warned, would be a whopping US$52 billion, some US$5 billion higher than even the White House had anticipated In recent predictions. Unemployment, which holds the nation in thrall, will maintain
      508 words
    • 115 12 has good reason to reconsider its options in the light of America's gloomy budget. President Thieu's "lough line" cannot be maintained without a flow of US arms-aid. But it can now almost be taken for granted that Congress will reject Mr. Ford's request for an extra US$3OO
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    • 332 12 IT IS significant that the report of the committee inquiring into the Iron Parkgate fire (Sun. Times, Feb. 3) made particular mention of the fact that the cause of the fire was not an ele c t r ical fault. This should
      332 words
    • 47 12 rPHE population of 1 Telok Blangah New Town has been Increasing lately, but only one bus service No. 125 goes there. I suggest that Service No. 145 and 146 should be diverted to this town to help ease residents' transport problem. H.C. LEOW, I Singapore 4. i
      47 words
    • 80 12 I REFER to the letter "Fix surrender and paid-up value rates for Insurance" (ST., Jan 30). For the Information of your readers who may not be familiar with the various provisions of the Insurance Act 1966, there are provisions in the Act which prescribe both the period during
      80 words
  • 903 12  -  r.mmtizi A WIDE, neatly- paved road runs out of the little Spanish coastal town of La Llnea, and stops short at a barricade fronting a closed iron gate. Two dumpy middleaged women and a teenaged boy alight from a baby Citroen and walk anxiously up to the gate, the
    903 words
  • 782 12  -  JANE ROSEN: By New York JOE FROMSEN is hardly typical of the unemployed. As an executive in a Wall Street brokerage firm he earned nearly U5546,000 ($110,000) a year for 10 years, which put him in America's upper income level. He and his wife
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  • 418 12  -  MIN THU: By Rangoon BURMESE factory workers are having: to hold down two or more jobs to make ends meet, according to an official report. The latest report of the People's Workers' Council of the Dagon area here said that as
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 5 12 iW^* J *^r t V^^^^lM
      5 words
    • 170 12 First in quality First in design Finest in fashion Lowest in price shoe co. 354/356, Norlh Bridge Road, Singapore 7. «newi SuppSumins MULTI-VITAMIN TABLETS Wl r' HION W ORIEimiL CARPET PHUCE 1 1 I proudly presents I I a multi-million dollar spectacular! I I DT TR'R'S I •Magnificent Supreme Persian
      170 words

  • 213 13 Forged papers: Indonesia seamen warned THE Indonesian Embassy here yesterday warned Indonesian seamen that strong action would be taken against them if they used forged seaman officer's certificates to gain employment on board Singapore-regis-tered vessels. The head of the Maritime Department of the Embassy. Capt. Khalruddln Raahid. said that every
    213 words
  • 57 13 LONDON. Tues. Pour ■MPs from the ruling Labour Party, In a letter published In the London Times, today called on the Singapore Government to release people detained under the Internal Security Act 12 years ago. The letter was signed by Mr. Christopher Price. Mr. Stan Newens. 'Mr.
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 42 13 THE Texlns Welfare Donation Draw In aid of the Encik Yusof Fund will be held at the Council of Social Services premises In Penan? Lane on Saturday at 10 a.m. So far. the sale of tickets has already netted *30.000.
    42 words
  • 35 13 DR. J.M.J. Supramanlam. medical superintendent of Tan Tock Seng Hospital, will speak on Certain Aspects of Cancer at the Lions Club of Singapore (North) dinner meeting at Hyatt Hotel tomorrow at 8 p.m.
    35 words
  • 184 13 ATOP American shipping official said yesterday that supertankers carrying crude oil mar become obsolete over the coming years and be replaced by smaller tankers carrying finished oil products. Mr. Robert Young. chairman of the American Bureau of Shippint, said the shift was bound to come as oil
    184 words
  • 231 13 'THE Official ReA ceiver has declared a first dividend for another eight chit fund companies and a first and final dividend for two chit fund companies. The payment of all dividends, ranging from 10 per cent to 100 per cent, will be sent
    231 words
  • 270 13 Jail for man who stabbed a cabbie A TAXI driver was fx stabbed In the face neck and head as he tried to resist two robbers, a district court heard yesterday. Chan Huan Peng, 27 a Malaysian construction worker, pleaded guilty to trying to rob and causing hurt to Ang
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  • 29 13 THE Port Clearance Section will be closed next Tuesday. Chinese New Year's Day. It will be open on Ftb. 12 between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
    29 words
  • 44 13 Administration course THE Department of Extramural Studies of the University of Singapore will hold a 15-lecture course on Introduction To Public Administration at Nlssen Hut 3 on Mondays and Wednesdays from Feb. IT at 7.30 p.m. The fee U MS. Ptor details telephone *****8.
    44 words
  • 329 13  - Computer for better SBS service... S.M. MUTHU By SINGAPORE Bus Service will soon computerise its administrative and operational services for better efficiency. Sources said that SBS would be hiring a transport-orientated computer for its waybill operations, personnel records and inventory control of spare parts. This project Is one of the
    329 words
  • 221 13 Murder ease gold bars returned to police rE Second magistrate, Mr. John Lee. yesterday ruled that his court did not have the Jurisdiction to hear the Inquiry Into the disposal of the gold bars and cash recovered In the Gold Bars Triple Murder Case. Mr. Lee reached his de clslon
    221 words
  • 109 13 Meeting on plan for Malay company THE M;ilay Chamber of Com nerce will decide whether it should set up a business firm at a meeting on Feb. 14. It Is understood that there are divided* opinions on the project. The natter has been discussed several times In p r e
    109 words
  • 57 13 CAIRN iILL community centre wi'l organise classes In drewmak ng. "tlm sum" making and tailoring at Its premises In Buyong Road starting next month The dressmaking class will be held every Thursday from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. starting on March 8, and the other two classes every
    57 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 115 13 "V Pultu Li. lA member of Federal Hotel Group) AMONG 99 UNSPOILT AND BEAUTIFUL LEGENDARY ISLAND (#£-> 100 Luxuriously furnished air con rooms with exotic restaurant. bar. swimming pool convention hall, etc I -•<*^ I I i.llioll .UKI ClR|Uir\ PuhuL««kMri ked .h Malaysia Trl T4'^> SCMt Ung< \u\, Sale* Office
      115 words
    • 176 13 did you know l that with just ONE DOLLAR I you can get a I hardcover s^a^^^ai B^T^H llb^T aVßaal^^*^H I WjZSIECI?! 1 I I Lam book 1 p I I campaign I \Js now on \J [Jil'jj Mere tVU tfoot/6e<ft& at Robina Now on till 9th Feb.! Hurry' Shop
      176 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 1024 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 300 (SlJyr'" 8 <o Wed T3tapan MnggUan 7 0 5 m HMr 1 ltUl> Sm Itm 3.30 Diary of Events (Malay) 3.35 Love is a Many Splendoured Thing 7-3* News and Colour Newsreel (Malay) 4.00 Persembahan Ku featuring Zaiman Sani 7.55 Dendang Samudra (Malay) (Malay-repeat)
      1,024 words
    • 13 13 Why dogs are superior to cats. S T\ that's all there is \™™l^y
      13 words
    • 71 13 THE TIDES TMftY: Siaiapart 7.49 p.m. (2m). Sttftli Kactil 6.12 p.m. (2.1 m). tot Dicta* 1.10 p.m. (1.6 m) TOMOnOW: Sapein 553 i.m. (2.4 m), 9.2S p.m. (2.1 m). Stsiß KmWI 4.04 a.m. (2m), 7.4S p.m. (2.1 m). Pirt Mckiw 2.50 a.m. (2m), 3.12 p.m. (1.7 m). WATER cor iumptl
      71 words

      • 30 14 Goodwood $3.20 +.40 B.M. lad. $140 +.28 M. Cont IIJO +.20 Oriental $2.06 +.19 M. md. $1.75 .18 Shuicrt-la $2 40 0J B. bna *1 +.05 Perils $1.07 +.02
        30 words
      • 52 14 M. Bulk $5 05 —25 N. Iron $3.42 —.24 Trtl W.aS —30 8. Finance $1.23 —18 B. Saab. $220 —.11 Gnthrle tl 96 —17 Cham. Ind. $1 60 —.15 J»rdlne $2.55 —.It C. Store $2i3 —.14 BJii. $2.55 —.IS Gentlnc $2.57 —.13 8.8.5. »133 —.12 Metre $1.04 —.11 O.U.E.
        52 words
      • 25 14 Faker Merttn 1.3 M.000 Stme Darty 966,000 V. O. B. 506.000 Haw Par 4«1.000 Total Twsovci: 6 49M Total Vatae: 113 SOM
        25 words
      • 64 14 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Industrial*: IM.K 1M.44 Finance: 375 Jl M 4.7* t HoUll: IM.M 151.08 FrofMrtlea: 161.49 154.41 t Tim: M.M MM t f robbers: 325.7* 325.13 t 0.C.8.C.: 177.M 174 U t S.E.S. Ind.: I§7.M IMJC4 Dee. 3*. 1M« m 1W 1 Dee. 31, IMS 1M t
        64 words
    • 1634 14 fHE last transacted ready sale at the close of business on the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday compared with the previous day's prices together with 1V74/75 high and low. ('Adjusted for all new Issues). SECTION ONB INDUSTRIALS Slniaper» Unit Truat CManaser-a prtaea far Fab. 5) The Oxnmerce 1.41
      1,634 words
    • 361 14 SHARES came under some selling pressure yesterday, resulting In slightly heavier losses at the Stock Exchange of Singapore. Dealing on settlement basis was stepped np considerably, indicating that short and stop-loss selling to on the rise. However, there to still a small premium on settlement deals oyer
      361 words
    • 243 14 Buying steam cools off in KL PROFIT taking and forced selling led to another easier day for shares on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. While buyers were still around at the lower levels, their presence were not good enough to maintain the steady opening. The buying steam which the
      243 words
    • 38 14 "^he story on the revision of the Straits Times industrial Index in yesterday's Business Times inadvertently omitted mention of Cycle and Carriage. Its share price IS included in the daily computation of the industrial Indicator.
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    • 1851 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business 10 and reported to the Stook Exchange of Singapore) yesterday with the number of shares traded shown Id brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word "Sett
      1,851 words
    • 1233 14 DID and offer prices officially mJ listed and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yerterday with the number of share* traded shown In bracket* In lota of 1.000 units, unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A. Tap* I0.48B). Alttn (2MB) (1) 2.00. A. Cnee (0.958). API.
      1,233 words
    • 85 14 DOTH Europe and the l>'B marken were relatively quiet and eaaier on Monday. According to MPOPA It waa reported that India purchased 4.000 tone of palm oil for July ahlpment. Quotatlona In L'Bl/onta (Rot-ttri-.m) unleae atated were: aflc: (U8)21 50 centa traded: March 1800/<US)2I centa aellera: April 1800/(U8)21
      85 words
    • 54 14 National Renderer* Aaaociatlon nporta that U» ««mj»nu»ry market in th« US waa generally Inactive with aellera offerlni fob veaaal waat pona at fstr 5 to 1300 per tonne for extra fancy Bltachable fancy waa traded at 1260 while yellow grata* with demand ruing waa offered at 1283 and
      54 words
    • 96 14 rE Indonesian P and T authorities have granted Philips an order for modernising and expanding the telephone network In Jakarta The project, worth 500 million Dutch guilders. win be financed by the Algemene Bank of the Netherlands. Philips will supply telephone exchange of the PRX type
      96 words
      • 249 14 HCNGKONO. Tues. The market closed slightly firmer In subdued trading ahead ol the HK Bank rtrulta which are expected later today, brokers said. Lei ding blue-chips ware gene -ally fairly steady on Lone on advices. HK Bank rose 20 cents to HK»I2.SO. HK -and. Hutchison, Jardine and Wheelaek were
        249 words
      • 396 14 SYDNEY. Tueav— The Sydney stock market rallied to close a generally firmer note In quiet trading today, following yesterday's sharp losses. Uranium stocks returned to favour, with Paa-ConUneoUl jumping 32 cents to As 4 12 after fluctuating between a high of $4 15 and a low of $3.75. Central
        396 words
      • 281 14 TVjEW YORK. Mon.— WaJ 4^ Street cloted higher helped by lower bank prime Interest rates. Analysts said the market i showed no reaction to the j record federal budget submitted by President Ford to congress. It calls for a record peacetime deficit if U5551,900 million for the I
        281 words
      • 65 14 Menday Saturday UU Utt Melbourne <1> 131.33 Cloaed London 17HO0B Cloaed ITT 508 Clo.fd Beirut ITT SO NA Honxkon* 1T« DO NA Zurich 175 50 CloMd ITT oo Clotrd Paru 181 M) Cloifd Tunday Mint., B'por* (2i ITS 2SB 1T4.338 17k MS ITT 458 Export prices In non-ater!inK
        65 words
      • 96 14 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Monday 73.87 Friday 74.01 Wee. ago 68.84 BIBBERS Monday 348 89 Friday 350.67 Week ago 329 69 OILB Monday 180 96 Friday 186.43 Week ago 170.83 IMll I HI \1 Monday 235.5 Friday 236 9 Week ago 223 9 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 711.44 Friday
        96 words
      • 246 14 I*o <YO. TUes. Share prices on the Tokyo stock market finned up today centrliiz on blue-chips reflected by the bullish tone on Wall Street. Prices, however, became dull towards closing due to profit-taking. The Dow-Jones average pene' rated the 4.000 level for the first time in four months to
        246 words
      • 29 14 Rubber: Feb. 4. Singapore: 132.50 cs. (down 2.00 cts). Malaysia: 132.00 c s. (down 2.50 cts). Tin: $1,041 (up $11). Official offering: 2.4 tons (down 67 tons).
        29 words
      • 96 14 £HIHESE PRODUCE IX CLOSING PRICIS PIR PICUL YIITIROAV. Coconut Oil: bulk SW nominal, drum $93 nominal. Capra: Mixed ilooat, UK'Cont. Peppar: Muntok ASTA white Job 100% NLW $257', aellera. Saravak white fob. *8% NLW (243 aellera, Sarawak apcclal black fob. NLW (2124 aellen. Sarawak ASTA black t o.b. 100%
        96 words
      • 32 14 Lordoc opper prlcea oa Mooday (prtvloua In brackets' Wi.ibar Spot buyer £313 U5O8&0) atller MM («OT>; Ttiret Month buyer £532 U523) aellir £333 US29.M). Market lane: Steady. tain 9.173 tonoea.
        32 words
      • 236 14 rE Straits tin price surged $41 to $1,041 per plcul in Penang yesterday on an official offering down 67 tons to 254 tons. The overnight London market was steady with Its forward buyers making an upturn of £20 to £3,160 per metric ton. LONDON: Tin prices showed only
        236 words
      • 543 14 HPHE Singapore rubber market ruled very quii t yesterday and price movements were contained within a half cent spread until after noon. Turnover was mainly confined to tidying operations and In the absence of fresh Incentive to open new commltmer.ts prior to the coming Chinese New Year holidays.
        543 words
      • 110 14 'H.Y BUR and BSR prfcaa lautd at noon yer«rday: Feb. Hit. (Dnwt MU>) (Forward Mthi M.R.8.1..W Bnjrcrs Bclltrs Buyer* Scllcn (eeata par kg) lomti per kg) I 6CV (1 too pallet) 133.50 136 SON 133 50 135 SON 5L (1 ton pallet) 13a.00 134.00N 132 00 134.00N
        110 words
    • 271 14 Money and exchanges TN the Singapore forex market yesterday the US dollar opened at $2.2950 90 with the first reported parcel of dollars being traded at $2.2960. Due to lark of buying support the dollar fell by mid-morning to $2.2900/20. Afternoon trading was thin I with definitely more offers than
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    • 257 14 I ASIAN cunency deposit rx Interbank rates a* at close on Tuesday. Feb. 4: US Dollar* Offer Bid 7 days 6 1/2 6 1/4 1 mth 6 7 8 6 3/4 3 mths 7 1/16 6 16/16 3 mths 7 5/16 7 3 16 6 mths 7
      257 words
    • 148 14 Suggested Interbank rate at 3.00 p.m. CWTencte* Nominal rate* Smithsonian Percentace quoted yesterday terott) parity chance US dollar 2.2900 2 2920 2.8196 —18 78 Sterling pound 5 4305 5.4385 7 3469 —26 09 Hongkong dollar 48.90 4P.10 50 51 —3 19 Malaysian dollar 99.85 100.05 100 00 —0
      148 words
    • 265 15 CAN Holdings is operating profitability at least in the first halfyear ended September 1974. It reported interim unaudited consolidated pretax profits of $71,226 against losses of $228,240 previously. Profits are struck before extraordinary gains of $11.93 million ($274,482 last time) arising from the sale
      Reuter  -  265 words
    • 301 15 Profits up at Utd Malacca but... ITNAUDITED group pre-tax profits of United Malacca Rubber Estates rose 21.3 per to $2.16 million in thr first six months ended October 1974. The profits growth comes on the back of a ■r cent rise in proceeds to $5 1 n lllion. primarily as
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    • 190 15 TiHE Malaysian Government has put a value of $12.9 million on the properties of Syartkat Eastern Smelting against the company's valuation of $32.8 million. As a result of this disparity, the Capital Issues Committee has not yet approved the listing and quotation of the 20 million $1
      190 words
    • 74 15 PR K- TAX profits for j the year ended Sept. 1974 at Hytex appear to have made great strides. After all j KKB7.OUO is 113 per cent above 5430.102 However, Hytex had already made $856,000 I In the first six months, so that the full year's
      74 words
    • 164 15 yURICH. Men— The up- s *-i ward trend at the Zurich J stock market continued. Bank J stocks could not quite main- ij tain their high opening l| prices but nevertheless closed s on a very firm tendency. Industrials were friendly. c Trading in finance companies stocks showed a
      164 words
    • 173 15 AMSTERDAM, Mon The I market rose sharply f virtually across the board. on Wal! Streets gain, led J b> Royal Dutch Philip* and Akio among internationals < Hnd Bcrgow, Heinekcn, Al- a grrarne Bank, OCE, Aokt, i Innia. ANZ. RSV Issues. dialers said. Losses against the trend Included Linuetevts
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 535 15 At TIIOKITY I Applications are invited for the appointments I (1) MECHANICAL ENGINEER I DUTIES: In charge of mechonicol controcts; design II supervision ond testing of mechanical installations, supervision, testing of oir-con-II ditioning, pumps, lifts and escalators ond installations in Authority's projects. I QUALIFICATIONS: Degree or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
      535 words
    • 501 15 Applications »re invited from suitably qualified candidates to lill Mm position of INVENTORY CONTROLLER RESPONSIBILITIES: Directs and controls the function of scheduling, ordering and purchasing of production materials. QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: 1 Bachelor's degree, preferably Industna' Engineering or Business Management 2 Experience in Materials Management is aevrable but not essential 3 Must
      501 words
    • 515 15 A LEADING MARINE I INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ORGANISATION INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM SUITABLY QUALIFIED SINGAPORE CITIZEN FOR THE POSITION OF: SALES EXECUTIVE candidates must possess a diploma in Marine/ mechanical engineering or pquivalfw, with minimum 5 years sales experience preference will be given to those who have good contacts with
      515 words
    • 193 15 established and expending Shipyard in^^B, m Jurong .-equ res ENGINEERS (CONSTRUCTION) SUPERVISORS (CONSTRUCTION) QUALIFICATIONS i EXPERIENCE o) Appropriate Diplomg/ Degree in Naval Architecture or Marine or Mechonicol Engineering is prefe'rec but not essentiol S b) Must have extensive working experience in o Shipyard especially in design, construction, repair and maint-»nance,
      193 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1685 16 "^^3T" "™~^"™lii JAWATAinroSONG Permohonan adalah dipelawa darlpada warganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk memenuhl Jawatan-Jawatan berlkut dl dalam perkhldmatan Lembaga Pelabuhan Johor. 1. PENOLONG PEGAWAI KESELAHATAN Tangga Gaji $440 x4O 520/560 X4O 1,000. Kelayakan Calun-calun mestllah memillkl salah satu darlpada kelulusan berlkut:— a) Diploma Pentadblran Awam (ITM) atau mempunyal Sljll Tlnggl
      1,685 words
    • 473 16 KUMPULAN KENDERAAN MARA BERHAD Jawatan Kosong. Permohonan-permohonan adalah dipe|awa darl Warfanegara Malaysia untuk memenuh! JawaUn-]aw»t*n noeong yan« tersebut dlbawah Inl dl 3yrrtkat-Syarlk»> Kumpulan Kenderaan MARA Berhad laltu sebuah SyarlkiU Induk dlbawah kelolaan MARA: A. PENOLONG PENGURUS. KELULUSAN: I) Memillkl Diploma dalam bldang Pernlagaan atau Pemasaran (Diploma in Business Studies or
      473 words
    • 607 16 Bestobell Malaysia Limited has vacancy for an experienced Technical Representative. Applicants should have at least 2 to 3 years technical selling experience preferably In the field of refractory anc Insulation linings. An attractive salary will be paid with fringe benefits and a company car. Applicants must give details of their
      607 words
    • 624 16 TENDER NOTICE On Erecting 15-Storey Office Building 1 Tenders are Invited from qualified contractors operating in Malaysia for the erection completion of the 15 storey Office Building (of 3,500 sq. feet per floor) on T. L. 844, Jalan Satu, Sandakan. 2 Documents are available at the authorized Architect Mr. Parker
      624 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1567 17 CONTAINERS*!? SERWCE TB W CONTINENT r4m Hturf A««rt LIILnrUU DHT ,IH ,r- i aja, ,Urn ,Wm H f -s lENivon tl Frt 14 Frt I Mar 11 Mar 11 Mk imm 'OHIO lIPIEII II Frt It Frt It Mk 22 Mar IJ Mar It Mk rONCniNt eifiess iHar lln IS
      1,567 words
    • 1197 17 PHOENIX CONTAINER UNE^ PCL COMTWNERSHIP SERVICES TO US. A. it as A. FtMtr V.twl Voy Spot. Motnt' Vmwl Vor Saattta I Bate* EMMA lIBUN 12 t Frt ATLANTIC PNBINII a II Mar II Mar EMMA lEISIN JJ O Frt PACIFIC PH4JINU M Mar 17 Mar FRBM II S A Motntt
      1,197 words
    • 1245 17 LlimwMMM U%dv7dJU+*wA MH l 11 1^ l 11 "*«^^^^^^^M IB EORtCt Htu>| rhrm\ rtaai STIUPMI i 'Oai—tni Brawn Aatw: LIVtRPUUL Ml u«> im Mar 4 Mtr J Htr a Frt iehivon 11 Frt 14 Frt a Mar 11 Mar 12 Mk I Mar TMII EirtfSS 14 Frt It Frt a
      1,245 words
    • 1166 17 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE P. uian* S pa-. FH rat ii RoTltfdttj, Aatsttrdtn, Aarr»tf». Leßaw;. NEOUO-OMUT M« Jjjrj t0,,, h,,^ »»rtW, HimtY, 8.H., „7 Wh b r I""' '•'ama ,J stocoolm, Oslo. Hersmki. Unitae Njtjdw. cvumi Imm vi a tttn Ftt J4 tttm FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE FROM EUROPE
      1,166 words
    • 1017 17 S««e|Mf* *****4; P. K«4eae &J4l; K.L. *****; Pwnaj IJJOI. THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK MdCl turllAku (Maritan. ttuHwi. Mja«a». Cwtaa. CaMtPM!) P. MlKif 7/ I Frt Sk. 111 I Frt MARAIIM (NkHt.t.M. BtWKM. M|,m|t. I Oartta. lapitoMi) P miaaf 11/11 Mir Span 11l Mr ratal iut a swra irtici.
      1,017 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1040 18 Z^L KAWASAKI KJSEN KAISHA LTD. I 11 KAWASAKI KINKAI KISEM MISHA LTI. 4 MPAJ. HOMGKONC. STMITS SOnKL IstSP MJttanf Siaesoor* P Kelar>| isal>l MAIU I Fa* 13 Frt Japan Arabian Colt Service fcaaaa" F*t TCNaiwi mho 75 Fat Co»»er «j Ma. out.. > Jiptnfourh Africa We»«t Alriaa Service S*mssar» F*t
      1,040 words
    • 1091 18 •cccpiiNC ill iini; f ncivt couiptHtrr foi PtjamiNai, sampit. SAMMMIASIN B.LWPAPIN SAMAtINtI SiNCItMiaAlaC "mm MSIIta lIIKIIt SOmSK WIST :114a IN* SitUN MIIN PWTS. I C T I'ltTT IITa BJ Psrt I FS* S4* ICT lI.IFTT INT It Fet 74 Ftl tadaonu. I S I pomiiini I la«»rta It Frt M
      1,091 words
    • 1121 18 UK -EUDPt CONTAINER CCNIftNTIBNAL SERYICt LOAIINt FOS LINOON WTTERIiM. NAJUMC lILIAI S port P wisaf Peasaf Ipaaa Isam h t«rj NCPTIFNI T**U 3 S Mar 71 7 Mar 74 77 FM IS Ist I Met 5 Mil I Mat ICPTtME SarVNltc 7) 71 Mar 31 Mar 7 lar Wl SBJ
      1,121 words
    • 904 18 rtmg sawct to umm. inarm >ummm mn «rar.| 'r^ai laaakai fsr (nsu mesial t fm ii ij fm ii/ts fm it rt Nt iw it J. I ten a J. •nawa r H lar| VI *saa> i a. AatMrt 1* 4 MNtl MCUTI II II FM 17 II FM II
      904 words
    • 1003 18 THE POUT OF tIHOAPORR Grace H-3. tok Prabha I AUTHORITY ANNOUNCED Rosebank B 4 sjxl Shan Tai B S TMf FOLLOWING «EiaTHINO Caaatel •erajr. v.riona LJ»hu-r> APrMANOCNatNT* FO« S. und Sinting Uarfe Ot/T: BrUjru Faith 18. Sri Maya OVt: CemUur Bl and Eufika 1». Nunak 20 Tapah 21 West. B?
      1,003 words

  • 44 19 ON KINO LEAR Was King Lear one of Shakespeare's greatest plays? Or was It Just a melodramatic one that did not reveal his genius? New Nation today concludes its three-part education broadsheet series on King Lear by focusing on the last act.
    44 words
  • 26 19 REQUIEM HIGH MASS will be held for the late Mr. Benjamin Perelra of Puthucruchy, India, at Our Lady of Lourdes In Ophlr Road tmsFridayat6p.m.
    26 words
  • 105 19 THE FAMILY OF THE late Mr Tan Kla Kit thank Professor of SurKey "A" Unit, Doctors and Staff of Wards 18. 148 and CCU Unit of OKOH. relatives, friends and members of Klung Chow Hwee Kuan Klung Jal Tan Clan Association. Khengngal Khoeyhak Association. Kheng Keow Coffee Merchants
    105 words
  • 20 19 SOS. SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE Troubled' Discouraged? King 91-44-44 day or night. Help is as near as the telephone
    20 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 547 19 classified ads g KEET: To Margaret and Alan a son. Denis. 8 lbs. 6 oz on 4th February 1975 at Mount Alvernla A brother to Annette. Oerald and Bernard Grateful thanks to doctor, nurses and hospital staff. TAN. To Valeric and Leonard, a son, Nicholas Chun Hur 2nd grandson for
      547 words
    • 679 19 WANTED STENOGRAPHER WITH OOOD personality possess Shorthand speed of 90 w.p m and typing 40 w.p.m Qualifications School Certificate with credit in English Experience at least 3 years. Conversant with personnel work and employment laws state present salary Please apply with photograph (nonreturnable) to P O Box 1168 before 22
      679 words
    • 774 19 FEMALE CLERICAL ASSISTANT REQUIRED with knowledge of typing, accounts and some previous working experience Immediate employment. Contact Yeo *****3 for Interview. WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL ASSISTANT. Apply giving leleRhone number lo P O Box 96, along. Spore 15. PHILIPS seeks s STOCK COORDINATOR The selected candidate must be able to work
      774 words
      725 words
    • 747 19 REQUIRED APPRENTICE, mechanics with driving licence, welders for shipbuilding/ piling works. Write 8 T Box A ***** ASSISTANT WORKS SUPERVISOR Applicants must possess School Certificate or any Diploma from Poly. Preference will be given to those with good English and holding a valid driving licence. SatanrDependent upon qualifications and experience.
      747 words
    • 780 19 NURSE DISPENSER DIST. 14 clinic. Apply stating dialects spoken and experience to S T Box A ***** Sun* ISI, Eng Cheong Tower. 5611. North Bridge Read. (7) Our expanding sales organisation has a product everybody has heard of and recognises as the best Everyone needs It and can afford It!
      780 words
    • 721 19 REOU-REO EXPERIENCED MALAY DRIVER. Malaysian citizen Applicants io apply personally at Room 304-306 Eng Cheong Tower. North Bridge Road. Spore 7 during office hours. EXPERIENCED MALE/ FEMALE TUTO* required morning for primary 3 and 5 all subjects including Malay near East Coast Road, Write with experience stating salary P.O. Box
      721 words
    • 773 19 DIST. IS near Orchard Road. Angullla Park detached bungalow furnished 3 alrcons. 3 bedrooms. $2000 *****0 SS2£!;*2. O> TACHEO, Full, furnished house 3 bedrooms, servant's. $450 Interested tel: *****9 HOE-TAN CO. PTE LTD. Tel: 3SIOM. *****1 OIST. 11 OETACHED 2-STOREY HOUSE 3 large bedrooms. 1 study 1 servant's room, mature
      773 words
    • 835 19 SS.SSS SS.SSS OETACMED buncalows (2) on large matured garden Swimming pool optional Phone *****7 '5 12*1 5. OIST. 21 VISTA GUtOSN reasonable rent, suitable for executive Immediate occupation Call MM, SFMI-DETACHED BUNGALOW FOR rent at Island Park 5 bedrooms with 2 attached bathrooms Call *****9 during office hours DIST. 10
      835 words
    • 823 19 A FAR EAST REPRESENTATIVE of Herman Company seeks 4-bed-roomed bungalow with 3 rooms, servant's, annex* and garat* or 7-bedroomed detached house Both in matured gardens. In bast residential areas of Singapore. Colonial style house in excellent condition in landscaped garden can be considered. Occupancy now or by the middle of
      823 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 627 20 •OLBsW HILL (U HwarTTerracel newlw-storey split-level semldetiiftnl with many extras. Call SELBAR HILLS attractive semldelafipd bungalow on twtn-level 4 4oGa. ft land at Kasal Road 4 bedjSns. 3 bathrooms. separaK llvinfj* dining rooms $159,000 Tel ■Sll4O after 2 pm Z-SBBRIY OEMI-OETACHEO BUNBKLOW 3.700 sq.ft $132,000 8 jA Chelagl B'pore 17
      627 words
    • 707 20 I URGENTLY REQUIRE TO PURCHASE single-storey bungalow or semi-detached in Katonsy Slglap area Below $150.000 Contact Unda *****7 *****2 OENUINE BUYER DESIRES FLAT terrace approximately 10 miles radius from city Principals only. Price approximately $65,000 Tel 1 *****0 2pm -5p m. I Probtom* with Property SoMng •"Hag RoMMg Consult DAVW
      707 words
    • 871 20 SHOP OFFICE TO LET 6 storey South Bridge Road Hong Kong Street shop office space to let Lift service. Areas 4.8. 403, 790. 790. 7»o. 790 sq ft respectively. Interested please write Kwong Tuck Cheong. 6 Hong Kong Street. B'pore 1. Viewing can be arranged. 0-C TELOK AVER OTREET. Area
      871 words
    • 826 20 SHENTOURS PRESENT CHERRY BLOSSOM TOUR (there by sea return by air) Hongkong Bangkok 10 Days -0009/ Extra Fare for optional tours to Taiwan 5 Days Tour -$570/ 7 Days tour -$730/ INCLUSIVE OF HOTEL ACCOMMODATION. MOST MEALS. TRANSFERS SIOHTSEEINO. SEA ft AIR PASSAGE Departure: 13 April 1070. BOOK EARLY TO
      826 words
    • 833 20 Chins* 1 New Year Special Tear* By deluxe air -con coaches to Heedyei. BunaldiH 5 days 6 nights $100/- alr-oon. room 10/2/75. Cameron (Genong WaHUni). K.I 4 days 5 nights SISB/- 10/2. 11/2 3 days 4 nights SSS/- 12/2/75 4 days *****- 13/2/75 7 a.m. Penang. Center en 4 days
      833 words
    • 676 20 FOR DELICIOUS INDIAN CUB•WES Bertram/ Murtabah. Visit Hasina's restaurant. 171 -A Farrer Road. Blk 3 Spore 10 Tel: *****5/*****9 ESCAPE TO SINGAPORE'S HAWAIIAN VILLAGE. Tanah Merah the !ush. lovely lighthearted land of Aloha for exotic seafood Cantonese cuisine, succulent Hawaiian Barbecued Steaks and soothing music No cover charge Reservation. *****4/
      676 words
    • 704 20 PRIVATE IICPIIMI«L bVWPI FOR OWLS: Starting February (Shorthand/ Typewriting' Bookkeeping/ Se< retarial Duties/ English/ Structure of Business) Preparing for UK/ Pitman. BSC Exams. Refl^ter early Raja's College. Clifford Centre. Raffles Place (*****/ *****0). Raja's. 218 D Changl *lad (*****8). Raja's College, ('resident Building. 3rd floor. Serangoon Road SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS TRAINING
      704 words
    • 826 20 ITKrHIVU V».Me»*oX*» I Bsvm**»li"Jf"«»**» l commencing 7 2 75 Monday/ Wednesday/ Friday book-keeping 700pm. 800pm. shorthand 8 00pm 9.00 pm Please enrol early. Royale School of Commerce. 6-B Kirn Tlan Road (near King's Theati Tlong Bahru Tel *****6/*****. I EASTERN COMMERCIAL TRAINING CENTRE 225-A. East I Coast Road Spore 15
      826 words
    • 778 20 197> Ford Capri 1600 OT, alrcor. Masda 1200 SW. 1909 Mini iOO Mk 2. Austin 1100 Mk 2. Datsun 1000. 1968 Mazda 1000 S/W. Forl Escort 1100. 1967 Masda 10OU. 1966 Mini 850. 1985 Mini 830 S/W. 1984 Mini 850. 1983 MO UOt 1962 Mini 850. 1957 Volkswagen 1200 HP
      778 words
    • 1001 20 LTD. showroom at 511. Buklt Tlmah Road. 4 1 m s S pore 10 tel *****1/ *****3/ *****4 offers 1974 Citroen OS Club. Honda Life 360. 1973 Volvo 1448 alrcond Toyota Carina 1800 alrcond.. Toyota Corolla Station wagon Ma*da FlOOO Station wagon. Honda Civic. 1972 Toyota Corona 2000 MXII alrcond
      1,001 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 712 21 classified ads ir SLOOP, SAILS, 7Vk H.P board, dinghy, stove Sleeps two *****/ Tel: *****8, TrevorTeeeh. il FOOT VAMAHA Catamaran special twin hull fitted 2 Chrysler mgines complete with alloy 4 wheeled trailer and cover As Is ocndltlon $4,500/-. Contact 5t3939 BRAND NEW FLAT TOP STEEL BARGES FOR SALE 150'
      712 words
    • 443 21 FOR BALE LOVELY PEDIGREED English cocker spaniel puppies. 7 weeks old 1306 1400. Tel: *****84 after 1 p.m. DOBSERMANN PINCHIR S MONTHS old 8300 Contact Mdm Loo 6 pm 10 pm Tel: *****16. MALE. YEAR OLD MINIATURE red Dachshund looking for female colour. Call *****7 after 5 p.m. SINOAPOM CHAMPIONSHIP
      443 words
    • 342 21 MANDARIN HEALTH CENTRE. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd floor, massage/ sauna/ steambath/ facial *****6. *****1 ext 750 Spore. MARTINA'S SALON 11 -A. C*lrnhlll Circle, masaage-saunabath/ barber, complete gentlemen grooming try trained lady attendants Ring (Spore) 3T7T81/ *****8 JEUNESM IT BEAUTS for TOUT scientific relaxing massage, sauna baths, spotrediiclng and physlotherapeutlc treatments with
      342 words
    • 333 21 AM ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS share for sale, well established and pronubie For further detail* please contact Mr. Chool *****3 (office hours) VALUABLE SHOP PROMT adjacent to proposed Johore Tower, J.B. available for rent or lease. Write S.T. Box A ***** with telephone number. Principals only. WANTIO INSURANCE AQfNTS. Please apply S
      333 words
    • 690 21 ONE OOTZE USED QIP.M AN piano asking 51. 460 0.n.0. Plerje contact Chou at *****0 1 USEO ACMA aiixjndiuoners 1 h.p. cash Call *****9 after 2.00 p.m. INSULATION CORKBOARO FOR •All. 264 cartons of 36" x 11" x 3" For further particulars phone ***** ext 19. OIAL-A-MAHPtR H eaftea yaw
      690 words
    • 314 21 ACMA AftVCONOmONM twincool rcfr'tarator special discount for cash Trade In tISO upward*. Sernclmi/ repair-rental Hl-Cool AireondlUonlni Rcfrtfaratlon (Pte Ld.. 234. Victoria Street. Spore 7 Tel 3233 M UilO CARHIIN ROOM AIRCOMOmONHM W to 3 h.p. under guaranty. Sales/ rental available. Tropical Engineering *****7 MMBI, BIONODfI Steel St -applng. Seals Edge-
      314 words
    • 264 21 NmNHL BeC UM* and Dlnlncstt. tie. U Roehort C»naj Road. Tel: ***** ***** ?INIATUM MLLIARD AMJM 10" X 3' to Clear at ttuacttv* prtet Rln» BUSTS/ tatrm. N9 HPOIITI, lA«T MTMOm, ail sorts of furnlturt an trallaMe We accent old fumiu-e a* first payment. Please cat! at: Style Furniture $40
      264 words
    • 673 21 SINGAPORE AIR DEFENCE COMMAND invite* opplicotions from young men for AIR ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS GCE O' Level or equivalent w th o pass in Fnglish and Science subjects preferably Physic* and Mathematics. AGE 1 7 —23 years old CONDITIONS OF SERVICE Successful applicants will be bonded to serve 8
      673 words

    • 475 22 PRICES UP 18.8 pc IN FIRST 9 MONTHS OF 1974 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Imports have been one of the major causes of inflation in Malaysia, according to Bank Negara in its latest quarterly economic bulletin. However, the bank noted that the general level of domestic
      475 words
    • 233 22 Joint war on crime that paid off JOHORE BARU, Tuesday THE Home Affairs Minister Tan Sri Ghazali Shane yesterday praised the police on both sides of the Causeway for co-operation on crime prevention and detection. The co-operation can be described as "better than good." he told a press conference after
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    • 140 22 JAIL FOR WOMEN WHO COULDN'T PAY FINES JOHOBE BARU, Tues. Three Thai women found working In a massage parlour here went to Jail today when they could not pay a $100 fine each for entering the country illegally. They pleaded fuUty to Ulegiil entry but claimed that they w«re brought
      140 words
    • 89 22 JOHORE BARU, Tues. A constable In the Police Volunteer Reserve, Othman bin Mujlb, was acquitted and discharged today on a charge of accepting a ilO br*be from an assistant manager of a company, Llm Seng, on July 2 last year In, Jalan Ah Fook as an
      89 words
    • 29 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Farmers co-operatives will get top priority In th? granting of licences for starting agro-based Industries. Agriculture and Rural Development Minister, Encik Ohafar Babe said yesterday.
      29 words
    • 121 22 BATU PAHAT, Tues.— A Malaysian delegation will be sent to Chins to study the Chinese nethod of controlling flies and mosquitoes, Healti Minister Tan Sri Lee .'3iok Yew said today. He said when Tun Razak went to China the Malaysian delegation was impressed by the
      121 words
    • 59 22 PEN AN O, Tues— The Oovernor, Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah. has conferred the state's highest award, the Darjah Yang Utama Pangkuan Negeri on Tun Abdul Razak. Tun Syed Sheh made this award on the eve of his reUremtnt In recognition of Tun Razak's ''outstanding contribution towards
      59 words
    • 32 22 KUj' LA LUMPUR. Tues. Former British Colonial Beccretary Lord Duncan Sandys arrlveil yesterday for a twoday private visit to meet "old frtendj;" and to see the country's t chlevemente.
      32 words
    • 270 22 Civil suit against polls man and paper put off MALACCA Tues A Civil suit against former Malacca Alliance supervisor of elections Encik Bulat bin Mohamed and the Utusan Melayu Press Ltd. was postponed in the High Court today to July 22 for a four-day hearing. Former Socialist Front president of
      270 words
    • 25 22 ALOR BTAR. Tues. >- Pour-year-old girl Zalton blnte Awanff was found drowned In a drain near her home at Kampung Tawar. Baling, yesterday evening.
      25 words
    • 346 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The Malayan Bar Council has asked the Government the reasons for the detention of lawyer Encik Abdul Razak Ahmad so that it can reassure members of the Bar about their right to fearlessly appear in court for anyone against anyone.
      346 words
    • 29 22 ALOR BTAR. Tu«s. An elderly woman hu been admitted into Kangar General Hospital with suspected cholera 8h» v from KamDong Bam. lliklm Sungel hSu Kubanf J«aBu dlstrlrt.
      29 words
    • 116 22 KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. The National Union of Telecoms Employees will go ahead with its industrial action scheduled to begin tomorrow to back its wage claims, despite a request for a meeting by the Ministry of Communications. A NUTE spokesman said today a meeting between the union
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 381 22 To Whom It May Concern This is to inform that our bill collector Mr. Jeremy Owee Chee Teck has left our services with effect from 31st January, 1975. Therefore he Is no longer authorised to transact business or collect monies on our behalf. Roxy (Spore) Pte. Ltd., Roxy Electric Industries
      381 words
    • 448 22 IN THE HIGH DOUBT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE j Companies Winding up > Petition No. 3 of 1975 In the Matter of Since Hang Trading Company (Pte.) Limited And In the Matter of the Companies Act (Chapter IV, 1970 Kditionl ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE is hereby given that a
      448 words
    • 825 22 NOTICE MALAYAN CONTAINERS BERHAD (In Voluntary Liquidation) Reconstruction With reference to the announcement made in the press on Ist February, 1975, we would point out that all references to Malayan Containers (1974) Berhad and Singapore Glass Manufacturers (1974) Limited should read as MALAYSIAN CONTAINERS (1974) BERHAD and SINGAPORE GLASS (1974)
      825 words

  • 751 23  -  HAL STEWARD -By San Diego A COMPUTER that A is r. early human ;s being developed here. When it has been perfected it could eliminate the guesswork in hospital c aerating theatre procedures. This revolutionary ayatem the first and only one of Its kind has
    751 words
  • 881 23  - Recreating a 165-year-old convict colony TERRY STAYTE: ONLY BAD WORKMANSHIP MISSING IN THIS REPLICA By Sydney A USTRALIA has marked a newlyfound interest In Its past by opening: a replica of early Sydney the brawling convict settlement that planted the first unwilling colonists on the edge of the continent. A
    Reuter  -  881 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 199 23 ;|VAI?I)£IMbW^\ fX\. METRO HIGH STREET D«t 5.30«. m. 6.00 p.m. (Cy&Kil V METRO ORCHARD Only 9 30m. 9.30 p.m. U^^Bs^siMV 1 METRO SUPREME 0.. i, 9 JOt m- 9 JOp m 111 W g^*A 1 M E TRO TO YIAWD» BARGAIN CENTRE jjß l^^H g^Lsw^l A o*<ly: 9.30 i m-
      199 words
    • 267 23 h n mm- >< "Mhsassi law. p^p^as^L^aiH Ba^aa^Ba^BflH Cujfodud The most talked about car in Europe "Its flat four 1,186 cc engine purrs iw.iy C* l^M^NC^ ELfeiiaY /i S. r&9wf beautifully in beY Alfa Jraditiom" Jf; *"*vjSMp~ BW il ia^SsASaV The Times iTnn Bar M m r^^B "Compact yet roomy"
      267 words

  • 808 24  - Walkout threat turns 'gala' KL meeting into a 'picnic' EPSOM JEEP By ALL is not well on the Malaysian Turf. A threatened walkout by syces (B table boys or handlers), employed by trainers based in peninsula Malaysia, has reduced what would have been a "gala" meet ing at Kuala Lumpur
    808 words
  • 217 24 vi exico crnr, Tues. Dr. Ramon Velasqusa, president of the World Boxing Council (W3.C), said yesterday that heavyweight champion Muhammad All's fight with Chuck Wepner could end In tragedy and predicted that his organisation would not recognise It. '1 saw the All-Foreman fight. All
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 405 24 Dashing 3f gallop on good track points to a win by Chye Chin KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Chye Chin, with Hassan Ahmad astride, did a dashing gallop on a good track here today. BreakIng from the 4f, the four-year-old reeled off the last 3f in 36 4/5 with ease, reports EPSOM
    405 words
  • 62 24 HONOLULU. Tuee Obscure pro Gary Oron! of Grand Bahama Island, fired a four-under-par 68 yesterday to win the Hawaiian Onen golf tournament by one stroke. Oroh finished with a 14--under-par total of 374. one stroke ahead of M Oelberger, who posted a 69 yesterday Arnold Palme-,
    62 words
  • 168 24 LAS VEGAS, Tues. Jimmy Connors' manager, BUI Rlordan, said today he had received a US$l5O,OOO (about *****,000> offer from Australia for a return match between Connors and Australia's Rod Layer, who met In a challenge match here on Sunday. "But it's too early to
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 327 24 Forest, Fulham stay tied after 210 minutes T ONDON, Tues. NotLd tlr.gham Forest and Fulham, battling for a place In the fifth round of the English Football Association Cup against favourites Everton, were still deadlocked last night after a total of 3i hours' Play. The Second Division clubs' fourth round
    Reuter  -  327 words
  • 309 24 Thomson in Robins' 16 to tour SA LONDON, Tues. —Jeff Thomson, the ©ace bowler who spearheadec Australia's destruction of England in the current Test cricket series In Australia, has been selected for the Derrick Robins team to visit South Africa this year. Ken Barrington, former Englar d cricketer who Is
    309 words
  • 110 24 SHOCK EXIT FOR CHAMP T ONDON. Tues. Qamar J Zaman. 22-year-old Pakistani amateur, brought off a •nock victory over World champion Ooeff Hunt of Australia. In the quarterfinal* of the British Open Squash Rackets championship here last night. Zaman. who had a palnkllUnc Injection for an Infected wisdom tooth before
    110 words
  • 215 24 KL races: Barrier draw BARRIES draw for this weekend*! races at Kuala Lumpur SATURDAY CLASS t DIV t »F: I. t, 1. It, X, S, 1. I. CLAM 6 DIV t »F: I. 11. f. 1, 7, I. t. 1», 4. CLASS DIV I tF: 1. 7, t, 1*. 11.
    215 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 27 24 I aVßa^kS^ t^~ ft ft JEW FTf) ;t ™**^pW?TTiTr^W!WP! ■i^Bal BMBl^aM I K^l Lw^^^L^^a^l I aw t)<salißF Rv^^^^3«aaßl «L^aV V *t TH^ i m i I '833
      27 words
    • 174 24 RIDGID Save time. manpower, make your jobs more profitable. The amazing Ridgid 300 Pipe and Bolt Threading Machine gives you replaceable Jaw Inserts, heavy-duty motor with extra large commutator and brushes; gives you really portable, time and money n saving power on 2" pipe of conduit. j^ Converts to
      174 words

  • 346 25  -  60DFREY ROBERT TOURISTS OVERSHADOWED IN SCRUMS AND TACTICS, BUT... By SINGAPORE Cricket Club literally threw away an easy late penalty and the match— as the visiting; Orange Emus from New South Wales held on to win 10-9 in their tour rugby match at
    346 words
  • 125 25 Dhillon stays— but as honorary secretary SS. DHILLON will stay as secretary- general of the Singapore National Olympic Council but on an honorary basis. SNOC president Mr. E.W. Barker said: "Dhlllon is still the SNOC secretary-general althoufh he has returned to the Ministry of Education. "The only difference is that
    125 words
  • 344 25 MILNE— THE MOST IMPROVED LOCAL PRO GOLFER ill Ipi 1 1 jj 1 1 pB i I r* B OINGAPORE Golf Association have spelt out three requlrements for amateurs to qualify for the Rolex Masters championship at Island Course from Feb 28 to Mar 1. The leading amateur of each
    344 words
  • 155 25 Singapore team off to Calcutta mHE Singapore team 1 left yesterday for the World table tennis meet In Calcutta from Feb. 6-16 with two alms: To gain more experience and Improve on their previous positions. Singapore Table Tennis Association secretary Sim Song Kol said yesterday: "We cannot expect to do
    155 words
  • 94 25 HONGKONO Bank moved up to take second spot in the Business Houses League Division One tournament when they beat KLM Airlines 3-1 at Qlllman Barracks yesterday. The Bankers with three wins, have six points the same as MAS who remain on top. hecauae of a better
    94 words
  • 174 25 We thought only on time: Venu SAAA went purely on times when they recommended the men s sprint quartet Instead or the women's I,Boom relay team for the Team of the Year award. SAAA secretary K-L. Venugopalan said: felt we had a better chance of winning the award with the
    174 words
  • 146 25 Test for T-Cup team SINGAPORE'S hopes of reaching the final round of the Thomas Cup badminton tournament will be known after their International match against Malaysia in August. SBA secretary Enclk Rashld Dural said: "This clash will be a good test for both teams." Singapore Is drawn to play their
    146 words
  • 401 25 JTO t*AS have come to the rescue of fans who want to wave j flags to support the national team at the National Stadium the Association's flag and scarf will be soon on sale. Recently tn c Police i pulled up two fans for waving
    401 words
  • 39 25 CHICAOO. Tuea. Rick WohlhuteT, the world's topranking half mller who has won 26 consecutive races, was yesterday named the 1574 Sillivan award winner as the Top Amateur Athlete of the Year in the United States— AP.
    AP  -  39 words
  • 262 25 Eindhoven held to goalless draw rE HAGUE, Tues— Lealer PSV Eindhoven were held to a scorelesi draw by Oo Ahead Eagles In a Dutch First Division soccer :natch here over the weekend. Results: At Ikt Haroe: RMUIU 0* Dutch first DlYi«ton soccer matchei Sparta Rotterdam Excelsior Rotterdam 1, MW Maastricht
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 256 25 I ill 111 ft I 'IMB' 3^S il The Big Cover-Up Dynasty's wide range of imported quality curtains, carpets and wallpapers in new colours and combinations A new discovery on the cover-up scene Call the creative team from Dynasty for a consultation O\nr N^r *TEMO«S SJNGAPOBt PTE LTD Shenton House
      256 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 57 25 SOCCER SBHFLDIv Hume v Hotel Equatorial (Farrei Park), Bank of Paris v Flat AIIU (Farrer Park). Brldgeuone v Jurong Shipbuilder-. (Farrer Park), Div 2: Serrbawang Shipbuilding v Rolirl < OHUnan Barracks). RUGBY— BRU League Dlv 3: SCC Tankards v Gordons (padarg). TABLE TENNIS Interconstlt jency Potong Paslr v Qeylarg East.
      57 words

  • 41 26 Bank's profit goes up HONGKONO. Tues One of Ada's leading banks, the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, today announced a net 1974 profit of HK1278 million (about S*lB9 million). This compared with HK1340.5 million (about *****.M million) toe previous war. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 90 26 THE display board in a London West End betting shop shows the Monday standings of the Tory Party leadership as far as the bettinc man is concerned. Those who pat their money on Mrs. Marcaret Thatcher narrowly missed winning the five-to-one odds offered by the
    AP  -  90 words
  • 125 26 LONDON. Tues— British industrialists today forecast a record slump in manufacturing investment and reported great pessimism over exports in one .of their gloomiest surveys of th? state of the country's industry. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) which reoresents 12,000 member firms, said in its
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 207 26 'M-E danger warning by Waldheim BRUSSELS, Tuesday ITN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim said today a dangerous situation will arise In the Middle East this spring, when the UN peace-keeping mandate expires. "When the UN force's mandate expires In the spring, It will be a dangerous moment for the Middle East," he
    207 words
  • 447 26 Japan to help in survey of straits TOKYO. Tv«« JAPAN will give technical assistance to Indonesia for a detailed survey of the Lombok and Macassar Straits starting on May 10, the Maritime Safety Agency said today. Eight Japanese experts will leave here for Jakarta in May to assist in a
    Reuter; AP  -  447 words
  • 44 26 MANILA, Tuts. Airline officials are expected to submit within three days a preliminary report on their investigations Into the crash of a Philippine Airlines (PAL) plane in which 32 people were killed and only one survived, a PAL spokesman said today. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 411 26 T ONDOH. Tut*. Tht itock msr- k« was Irrasular In quiet trading today, and at S p.m. the Financial Times lnd«x was off 5 4 to 230.1. Earlier, toe Index was down more than six points In anticipation of a gloomy lurvey on Industrial trends from the Confederation
    411 words
  • 285 26 European banks give US dollar a boost BFUSSELS, Tues. INTERVENTION by Central European banks, In the form of heavy dollar buying, drove the United States currency up sharply on European foreign exchanges xwiay. Oold opened unchanged In Zurich at U*****.75 '*****.52) and fell 50 US cents (551.15) in London, opening
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 57 26 CONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES to AMERICAYA SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. on the occasion of their opening ceremony from NEW BEAUTY SHOES MANUFACTURERS 47, Owen Road, Singapore 8 Telephone: *****7 TEXON SHOES MANUFACTURERS 11 43- A, Serangoon Road, Singapore 8. m^ irconlonßr^Jl tall us for an estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration Air
      57 words
    • 346 26 PffTWl 55f Ill 19 Vi urn *W£fst Ii imtU Now you don't hove to worry about f§ a large capital outlay costly breakdowns [jjj loss off continuity In viewing pleasure jpj depreciation, and loss In t rade-in-val ue IS) Low monthly rental Latest sots or reduced 13 r=i rates rates
      346 words