The Straits Times, 30 January 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 607 1 ISRAELI 'YES' TO PULLBACK We'll keep oilfields and vital passes: Peres TEL AViV, Wednesday DEFENCE Minister Shimon Peres said yesterday Israel would agree to pull its troops back to a new defence line 48 kilometres (30 miles) east of the Suez Canal but will insist on keeping captured oilfields and
    Reuter; UPI  -  607 words
  • 202 1 Egypt buys French jet fighters PARS, Wednesday EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat announced today that Cairo had purchased a number of France's supersonic jet fighters to make up for a lack of military supplies from the Soviet Union. Mr. Sadat said he could not reveal the number of Jets he had
    AP  -  202 words
  • 55 1 JAKARTA. Wed Indonesia plan* to buy 13 OVIO planes from Uie United BUUi next yen (or 1U air force, Vice Marabal A. Alamsrah. comma ndlnt generil of the Air Force Operations Command, said yesterday. The OVIO. aim called the Biunoo. I* a light armed rwnniMil— not plane
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  • 169 1 Yariv (no place for me) quits Cabinet JERUSALEM, Wed. Information Minister Aharon Yariv announced today he had resigned from the Government. Mr. Yariv. a former chief of military lntellUence and advisee, on antiterrorist tactics, said there was no place in the Government for a minister of information, and he was
    AP  -  169 words
  • 208 1 16 killed in toy shop mushroom cloud blast rpAIPEH, Wed. —At X least 16 people were killed and 22 others were missing after a b'g explosion ripped through a toy shop In the central Taiwan city of Taichung, police said today. They said the latest reports from the city put
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 48 1 JAKARTA, Wed— Fifteen people died and 74 were taken to hospital after eating cakes made of sormbean in Purballngga, central Java. the aemi-offlclsj newspaper Suara Karyo reported today. The paper quoted local health officials aa string that the cakes were believed to contain Insecticide. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 43 1 NSW YORK. Wed.— Dow Jones averages, baaed on first hour of trading on the Mew York Stock Exchange 10 Indus W3.M. down 2 19. 30 tranap 1M 87, down lit. 15 Utlll 80.14. down 045. 66 stocks 334.17. down 1.06. DPI.
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  • 374 1 LONDON, Wednesday J^ONDON went back on war footing against the Irish Republican Army yesterday with police launching a manhunt for bombers, clearing vast areas of central London in bomb scares and warning the public to watch out for hidI den explosives. The Government called
    Reuter  -  374 words
  • 168 1  -  TSAI TAN By PROFIT TAKING hit JT both the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur stock markets yesterday, after the hectic rise on Monday and Tuesday. The selling pressure appeared to be less acute across the causeway where trading volume on the Kuala Lumpur Stock
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  • 1198 1 A MAIDSERVANT Ais expected to be charred In court today with the murder of a 22--month-old ba b y girl, Eva Soh AlMcl, daughter of a financial journalist, who died on admission to Outran Hospital on Aur 26 last. Ng Char 800, 13, was
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  • 62 1 BRUSSELS. Wed. The US dollar made slight gains at the opening of European qurrency markets today but traders said they could not give any reason for the trend. In Zurich, the dollar fetched 2.4735 Swiss francs, a rise over yesterday's closing price of *****. The dollar in
    UPI  -  62 words
  • 123 1 Jakarta concern over new Filipino flare-up JAKARTA, Wed. Indonesia was concerned over the renewed fighting between Filipino Muslim rebels and government troops In the southern Philippines, offlicals said here today. They said Indonesia hoped tnat the fighting would not disrupt current peace talks between Presidential exec utive secretary Alejandro Melchnr
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 35 1 BONN. Wad Weat O«r--m*ny today reported a, record balance of trad* surpitM of 50.757 btllion marks (B*Bo 86 bulton) for lrX. up from Uie prewdtng year's record of 33 Milton marks (8*33.06 billion).
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  • 55 1 WASHINGTON, West The Soviet Union to cancelling orders for foreign wheat, In formed sources here said today. The bottom said that lHjm tonnes tee to have been aapptted by a eawntry other than tike United States was being diverted to another destination became the ftirntanf had
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 SiM» 1929, tht Nam. •i a t m i t DAH SIM OPTICAL CO. 'OUMDfO Id* h« bt«« synonymous with Q"fctv an** RdiaWttv in Sonrkt. to Htfmrnmd tfu» swr NEW ADDRESS* NOW at G 46. HIGH STREET CENTRE. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SINGAPORE. 6. Telephone) *****0 34C71 irMtMt door Easter Emporium).
      97 words
    • 73 1 OLYMPIC TOURNEY: $343,000 BID BY FAS PAGE 26 MORE say for Chou t NEW probe on sugar price- fixing 3 FORD clash with House averted 4 CALL for teats for building workers S TAN WAH MOW trial 50 CENTS a month plan to pay for mosque 11 JURONG shipyard's tighter
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    • 24 1 .betterbuy Our business schedules to Tokyo IMce daily 9:45 am 1:00pm Hong Kong's discovery airline V CATHAY PACIFIC m> The Swire Group n r
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 302 2 ANKARA, Wed. Turkey announced yesterday it Is withdrawing I.HO troops from the force that is holding one-third of Cyprus captured in last summer's war. Defence Minister Ilhami Ranear naid the first units of the I.M«-man brigade left the Mediterranean island over the weekend
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    • 89 2 BRIDGE: ITALY WIN AFTER HOLD-UP HAMILTON (Bermuda), Wed.— ltaly's world team bridge championship match with Brazil was halted after two hours of play here late last night The match was later restarted and ended today with Italy winning by 17 points to three. In the other match. France beat the
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 31 2 NARA (Japan). Wed. A leading member Df the Palestine Liberation Organisation win visit Japan In April at the invitation of a Japanese rightist organisation. Its president said today. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  31 words
    • 209 2 Going up -the $11 bil new Teheran NEW YORK. Wed. The Iranian Government has b-igun plans for a major development in Teheran that, if built in 1U entirety, will be one of the most extensiye new town projects of the 20th Century. The development, to be called Shahestan Pahlevl. or
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    • 80 2 Busmen strike over dead colleague LONDON, Wed.—London bus crews started a 24-hour strike today, leaving thousands of commuters to find other ways to get to work. The strike is In honour of a Ji ma tear, but conductor. Ronald Jonua, who died In an incident nine days ago after an
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 59 2 WASHINaTON, Wed.— Tbsn's a growing feeling amonf BUU Department oflelak that SacrvUry of Bute Henry riartinsr will resign after one more aU tempt at a Ifld-Kaat peaot aettkment,' my US News and World Report. The American new* magaatne aays •peculation about a anrirnaanr centra* on Mr.
      AP  -  59 words
    • 34 2 BYDNIY. Wad. K«w tout* WDat sUto pow«r weettrs roUd today to end 31-d»jr ctrls* tbat brought blmckouU to Or* million n■WanU a&d o»u—d temporary layoff* for hundred* of thousand* of worker*.— AP.
      AP  -  34 words
    • 57 2 JAKARTA. Wed. Four people are misting after a tugboat owned by the Indonesian oil company PwUmlna capdaed and sank Just ouuui. J>*karta harbour last weekend. The boat capslsed In rough waters while carrying employees to several tankers moored outside the harbour. Thlrty-eeren people were rescued.
      57 words
    • 468 2 More say for Chou New power shift puts Teng in top army post PEKING. Wednesday rHINA'S Premier Chou Kn-lai has apparently widened his power base with the reported selection of his protege and Deputy Premier, Teng Hsiao-ping, to be Chief of the Army's General Staff. Mr. Teng, 71, will serve
      Reuter; AP  -  468 words
    • 186 2 The day Haig's booze was labelled glassware BRISSELS. Wed. General Alexander Haig (above) brought along cases of vodka and wine Incorrectly labelled "glassware." in possible violstlon of US army rales, when be became Commander of Allied Faroes In Europe, army officials said today. Gen. Haig's executive officer. Brig. Gen. Joseph
      UPI  -  186 words
    • 38 2 CAP* TOWN. Wed South Africa .< tamrt bean surgeon. Professor Christian Barnard. wV vlatt the Philippines next monui arn»re. as guest of President Marco, he will attend the inauguration of a new heart centre In Manila. Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 221 2 Kirn: All-out drive against plebiscite SEOUL, Wed. The ODnosiUon. New Democratic Party Dresldent. Mr Kirn Youngaam, today pledged an all-out camoaign to boycott a naUonal referendum on South Korea's tough Constitution exnect* d to be held in mid- February. Mr. Kirn also said he would seek an early meeting with
      Reuter  -  221 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 463 2 I AJINOMOW ~1 CLASSIC CHINESE RECIPE 3 Lychee Chicken Steamed Soup a«r sod t^mom inasstine "o"» ch»c*sn ivttSZZtVZmr** <r> soiTd-e*-n H- K> «*d and don't aNo»» to coo* mm (3) Asfwe chtehan from wmm a place to a 1 tease Ajt-wO-MOTO steaming po» si. auM 14) Opan tin o« lycftea.
      463 words
    • 93 2 Closer and Sharper Image KOMURA TELEMORE the only multi-coated converter scored the highest performance "in a test report of 19 different teleconverters including some well-known makes from the 19/4 of June issue English 35mm SLR Camera magazine"^^ |N .^uuuW Mounts if < 'J available lor vtaW JL Pentax ES and
      93 words

    • 294 3 NEW YORK. Wednesday AUDKRAi. grand iary has keen •avewttgatlng alleged price axing by saajor •agar refiners daring IM4 when sagar prices «oar«d ahwat «M per cent, the Jastiee Deoartment disclosed re* terdmy. **VBpv9ataßal Wtft t*^•art** v have been ■crvetf la the part few daya to
      294 words
    • 164 3 Diabetes pills: Toll is 15,000 a year' pHICAOO. Wed Pills i yj taken to control dlaMl may be causing the deaths of between 10.000 and 15.000 Americans each year, according to an editorial In the Journal of the American Medical Association released yesterday. But a company manu- facturinc one of
      164 words
    • 422 3 LONDON, Wed. PRIME Minister Harold Wilson's Labour Government has been thrown into a tallspin by unauthorised publication of extracts from the diaries of a late Ca b 1 net minister who called his office "a padded cell" and said the Cabinet was kept
      UPI  -  422 words
    • 66 3 CANBERRA. Wed— Prime Minister Ooufth WhlUtuni Labour Government today announced It had acrapped plans to Introduce a capital gains tax to encourage Investment capital in industry. The move, following Cabinet meeting, came leas than 14 hours after the Government slashed sales taxes on cars by 1J.5 per
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    • 198 3 Select body to study case of runaway MP LONDON, Wed. The Government yesterday asked the House of Commons to form a select committee to Investigate the case of runaway Labour Party MP John Stonehouse. "I am very sad Indeed to have to do this," said Mr. Edward Short, leader of
      UPI  -  198 words
    • 35 3 BEOOL. W^" —Saudi Arabian Oil Tflnimr Ahmad Tamanl and Commerce and Industry Minister All Al Awadl will make separate visits her* to discuss economls co-operaUon with South Korea, the government announced today. AP.
      AP  -  35 words
    • 205 3 WASHINGTON. Wednesday A LEADING economist gave Congress en- couraglng news about oil today, saying the world's petroleum supplies are rising sharply and prices eventually are bound to fall. Harvard professor Hendrlk Houth akker. who served on the Council of w**w**t* Advlaer. ■aid the
      UPI  -  205 words
    • 115 3 SO BUSY, THOSE BIG JAPAN FIRMS NEW YORK. Wed. Japanese trading titinlii are Involved In to many badness ventures worldwide that even the Japanese have difficulty keeping track of all the activli ties, a spokesman for I one of the major companies said yesterday. Mr. N. Hayashi. representative In Seattle
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    • 179 3 pc-STON. Wed. The M 3 United States U revie ring Its policy to-wa.-d the United Nations in hope of finding new approaches to difficult problems raised by the emergent strength of the Third World, Mr. John Scall. US ambassador to the wcrld organisation,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 748 3 Kj;: Europe CONSIDER lb*W? THIS.... I|| (\m\ i&iQ*xJ 2 Exciting 1 r 4 and 6 Days why not do it s different w*y this time. Stop-over in Moscow A Leningard and enjoy s complete new world. Discover the many breath-taking historical monuments betides the famed Leningard, the domes of St.
      748 words

    • 382 4 Fears of FordHouse clash averted WASHINGTON. Wed PRESIDENT Ford and Congress today moved further away from a confrontation on economic and energy programmes, seeking a compromise and agreeing on the need for swift action. The changing mood in Washington was one of the factors responsible for a second successive day
      Reuter  -  382 words
    • 77 4 POLICE SUBDUE ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATOR AN anU- Vietnam war demonstrator, lookrx Ing very much like he is beinf beheaded, is draff ed by a policeman to a wagon. The demonstration, in San Francisco on Tuesday, underlines an agonising war that refuses to end as emotions boiled over
      UPI  -  77 words
    • 64 4 WASHINGTON. Wed. Senator Barry Ooldwater said yesterday former President Richard Nixon told him he would like to get back Into politics to help the Republican Party. Sen Ooldw.»ter said he met with Mr. Nixon In San Clemente. California last week and discussed the possibility of Mr. Nixon's
      64 words
    • 416 4 PARIS, Wednesday HTHE French Government decided yesterday A on a 10-year programme to reduce the country's dependence on Imported fuel from the present level of 75 per cent of energy used to 55 or 60 per cent. A special objective of the
      Reuter  -  416 words
    • 159 4 ONDON. W«l._. a gov- *-< eminent minlsw yp Wday accused i tlonal oil company's of conduction "a war of nerve* and propaganda against the Labour administration's taxation and takeover plans for Britain's offshore oil. The matter came up In a House of Commons discussion
      Reuter  -  159 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 701 4 Recently, we invited some stout drinkers to visit the ABC Brewery in Singapore. After the grand tour of the brewery, our guests sat chatting with Brewmaster Willem Dijkstra in the 'Tavern'; a little bar we keep specially for visitors. They talked about some enlightening discoveries they had made 1 |t_
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    • 112 4 COURAGE ft* t COMFIOENCE LEADERSHIP f^F. lOvayi Uk Dak Caraejk team ■dps aei ai4 wtaieo Acouir* poiM *nd COOtiotnc» S*Mk tMtct .««ly Sail rou'Mif »nd your tdan St M you' brtt xth «ny |mw« Think too t«Mk on your tad Control tear (no mm<i St kMUr convvrMdonj Ml D»«*l*a y«ur
      112 words

    • Briefs
      • 20 5 pANBKRRA. Wed The V Australian Cabinet decided today not to issue J^tetUniui Liberation Organisation delegation, j*™ne Minister Cough Whltlam announced.
        20 words
      • 36 5 TO*¥O: The JaMaea* fwwi wUI Sk A vt>aJlA to resjekstsl lmK^*—*— —ears, asm cse« aaaasuaejed yesterday part of a pMkage revtre the flagging Aastraliaii motor Indus the KUniMry of lntetnaUwnal Trade and Industry said here t«day.
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      • 33 5 JAKARTA: Foreign Minister Adam Malik plans to visit Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia in March or April to continue efforts to obtain more aid and Investment from the socialist bloc, the Foreign Office said today
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      • 49 5 BANGKOK: Passengers booked on Lufthansa Airlines here had to change flight* and the German planes "chedvlded to fly to Thailand had to switch route* after about 3M WMkers of the ground ■*rv*ee here went on strike for a pay rise and better welfare, an airline company spokesman aaid today
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      • 29 5 MUNICH: China Uspecially Interested In developing closer economic relations with West Germany. Bonn opposition politician Franz-Josef Strauss said here yesterday on his return from an official visit to Peking.
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      • 25 5 WASHINGTON: A summit meeting to conclude the conference en European security and co-oprrat ton "would contribute to deteate." Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said yesterday.
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      • 27 5 WASHINGTON: President Ford yesterday said he would nominate Robert McCloskey. now an "ambassador at-large." to assume the additional post of Assistant Secretary of State for Congressional Relations.
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      • 25 5 HONGKONG: The chairman of Hongkong's Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange plans to ask that overseas gold traders be allowed to participate on the exchange. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  25 words
    • 40 5 WABHINOTON. Wed— Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said yesterday that Latin America's year-long "new dialogue" with the United States was In Jeopardy as a result of the postponement of a hemisphere foreign ministers meeting In Buenos Aires— NYT
      NYT  -  40 words
    • 52 5 PARIB. Wed— French «n--anoe Minister Jean-Pierre Pouremde yesterday calked for a return to fixed parities In the International monetary s>-«t*m In an Interview with the financial daily Lea Bchoa he alao forecast that the United State* would revalue ite gold stocks before the end of this
      Reuter  -  52 words
    • 30 5 tnrrm> katk>n& wed. Secretary-general Or Kurt Waldhelm wUi pay brief visits to Ankara and Athens on PWj M to dlacuat the Cyprus situation, a ON spokesman annouzMvd. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 335 5 Congress may reject Sibil for Thieu WASHINGTON. Wed QLI) war wounds festered anew in Congress today with President Ford's request for new military aid to Indo-China of more than US$5OO million (551,150 million). There 1* a strong likelihood that his request will be
      Reuter; AP  -  335 words
    • 250 5 Another top HK police officer charged in court HONGKONG, Wed. Poice Superintendent Norman Temple, for yean considered one of Hongkong's top officers, appeared In court today on charges of possessing assets disproportionate to his official income. Temple. 4». appeared before magistrate Fatrick Flannery In a twomdnutto hearing alter which he
      UPI  -  250 words
    • 57 5 BOSTON. Wed. Boston University Students have voted "overwhelmingly" to rescind a U553.700 (SW,--110) speaking Invitation to former Presidential press secretary Ronald Zlegler. "Ron Zleglcr Is still welcome to speak, if he U willing to do it for free." said Peter Dlkann. president of the Student Government Association
      UPI  -  57 words
    • 227 5 Marcos 'no to rebel plan for own army MANILA, Wed. President Marcos today rejected proposals by Filipino Muslim rebels negotiating with a high government official In Jeddah to set up an autonomous state with Its own army In the troubled southern Philippines. On the battlefront. Mr. Marcos said government forces
      UPI  -  227 words
    • 151 5 LONDON. Wed.— A new pill to combat the distressing effects of the menopause on millions of middle-aged women was announced here yesterTne pUI, dubbed Tb* Happiness Pill" by some doctors, relieves depression. Insomnia and Irritability and stops hot flushes and sweating, all typical symptoms
      Reuter  -  151 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 178 5 KONG HEE FATT CHOY •!Mktttloo'xC«ttNsntlt(4MMrt) N0V55.50 Ladits' Nigitits, Dntirt, Pyjaaat 55.50 Children Stft PyjiMS (4 C«lmts) $5.50 HM*arehitftM»yCflNrt(OMDtztn) $3.50 Car Mi Kitebti Clttl (3 Ptoctt) $1.00 Chilartt'i Switttiiti (Frtttizt) $1.90 Latfita SwinaaKa Maty Calaari (Fratnizt) $9.00 BaUitawelt 100^ CtttH (Maty Calttra) $1.50 PiHtwcaaaa 100% CtttM %tM BadakMta Sia^lt Sizt 100%
      178 words
    • 530 5 A k BBSS fs^ajgjAg^^^g^^^^k^psr^ Bp^ HOOVER A CONVERTIBLE (1124 A) m ukr^g^k T wo cleaners in one brilliant design. Combines upright and cylinder methods. With Hoover's 'beats-as-it-sweeps- as it-cleans' action. Plus I 'height-right' control. Full k range of cleaning tools. t^tmmmmmawammamamamam^ I -"J— |v<| .^^sM ■HB^^. 7\ HOOVER HOOVER'S 0
      530 words

  • 257 6 Housewife stabbed in $2,400 hold-up HOUSEWIFE a Chan Slow §in, 25, was stabbed four times on her left shoulder when she screamed for help during a hold-up at her flat In Jurong on Tuesday by four robbers. They escaped with $2,100, a gold chain worth $50, a gold necklace valued
    257 words
  • 91 6 PKISTAN is to send a high-powered 12--member trade delegation to Singapore In March to Improve trade relations between the two countries. The team Is expected to stay In Singapore for four days and will be led by Mr. Shazada Manoo, president of Pakistan's
    91 words
  • 75 6 HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY? SEVENTEEN y a r ►J old Koh Boon Yong (above) has been reported missing by his father, Koh Mean Liang. of USB, Whampoa Drive, Block 82, sine* last week. Mr. Koh believes that his son Is under "bad influence." Anyone who knows the whereabouts of
    75 words
  • 42 6 THE UP for Kamponc Kapor. Mr. Yeo Toon Chi*, will open a three-day art exhibition at the Kamponf Kapor community centre tomorrow at S pjn The exhibition will be open dally from 2.30 pjn. to 10 pjn.
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  • 33 6 THE Educational Publications Bureau of the Education Ministry, not of Nanjmng Unlverrlty (as reported In yesterdays Straits Times) has appointed a five-member committee to advise on the publication of literary works.
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  • 586 6  -  Christina Cheang By PEOPLE in the building industry have called for trade tests by the Industrial Training Beard to upgrade the skills of construction workers and prevent slipshod work. They told the Straits Times yesterday the tests should be compulsory for all skilled
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  • 55 6 A SINGAPORE economic mission organised by the four chambers of commerce and the Singapore Manufacturers Association, will leave for Indonesia on Mar. 18 for an eight-day visit. The mission, consisting of 30 to 4* businessmen, industrialists and Government officials, will discuss the possibility of investments with Indonesian
    55 words
  • 210 6 Two lose plea to cut jail terms r'O men, under Jail sentences for a total of four years each in a vie« case, lost their appeals before Mr. Justir D'Cotta in the High Court yesterday. Yeo Hal Chew, 23. and Khoo Kirn Soo 24. a father of four, had pleaded
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  • 29 6 NAM Ho Travel Service (S< Pte. Ltd will hold Its annual dinner party at the Oasis Theatre Restaurant In Kallang Park on Monday at I p.m.
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  • 23 6 THE Vigilante Corps will hold a VC chlrdien's party 197S at toe Wonderland Amusement Park. Kalians on Sunday at 830 am
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 y GUY LAROCHE, Paris it! 'I Agents THE BOi-{NK(^ COMPANY (A Member of the Inchupc Bertiad Group) "We trust Mazola. it's pure corn 0i1... wholesome... and I poly-unsaturated "J Mazola is 1 00% pure corn oil, made only from the natural goodness of sun-ripened corn Mazole is light. Wholesome. So
      147 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 131 6 Bringing Op By BUI Kavnagh tfc Hal Camp IsortxA* BO»i««r\( km oficsß **fc! rrs positive Ii opsh eouewr J[ rr /woes •oMirnoea wq-J vxi!* l aw/tuinqV apobksbeo piont buy j Vrr up// j -this por/ \than i ooy BlondU By Chic Young r m *i > "^^^^T^S IT WASN'T LAMO
      131 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 292 8 m\ 11, 1.30. 4, 645. 9 30- Frw List k HIS NAME IS CAPTAIN PEG AND W HE WASN'T BORN TO DIE IN BED! MARK LESTER s SjOlf R^^^^^ ROBERT LOUS STEVFJSON gBjH %W tßat Directed by KIRK DOUGLAS t^r I F-J Hear the ■Wi f 1 SCALAWAG v^ FRANKIE
      292 words
    • 249 8 IHIIIIIUMH^MMJIM^I OPENS TODAY! > GOLDEN DAILY 5 SHOWS at 11 .00 AM. 1 .30, 4.00, 6.45, tJOpm *< KONG CHI AN DAILY 4 SHOWS ot 1 30. 3 30, 7.1 S, 9JO imii DON'T BETRAY THE KILLER! Keep The Surprise Ending A Secret! > a '*l Saw^ifl a ii J
      249 words
    • 210 8 i S^DRCHARBg^ i! 4 Shows Dally At 1.30, 4.00, 6.30 9.15pm. (SINPAY EXTRA SNOW AT 11 AM) I i| A MILT FOR EVERY SCHOOL CNIURENI WAS 600 AN THE AMAZING ASTRONAUT? J; STORY OF EARTM I f UNSOLVED fjpy rUARIOT^ MYSTERIES F| Un»HJH' i» I ISehaol Concession: SI .OO TO
      210 words
    • 154 8 ■■■■■■■■■■tel 4 j Jl« 4 I OPENS TODAY! Daily At 7.00 9.30pm Ad.itn.i: Milts: 52.00 Clildrta: SI. OO lU 2ND MIDNIGHT SATURDAY! 1^ ODEON CATHAY ORCHARD |i (Oaiapn: Sunday Mornirif Shew am.) j JURONG ODEON ORCHARD CATHAY > (Contona»a» (Mandarin) ,^B^B^^ SOLOES M««vt4T i jfSfc|[ SCOPC R^rJ Michael Hui Samuel
      154 words
    • 709 8 ORCABjisav ion* OHMS TODAY Ha «00 a«s j SANK SHOT OTfHS TOOAY Mo tt*. L.t 11 am. 1 K 4 00 a 4J f M I I Kirk Doogl.iv «SCALAWAC m COLOR I COMING SOON I WongSor. Yo Fono, Soku-o 2 IltUlHa* TM{ c. H IUMfKINS v.ou«< n CANTOSf aiii;i».-iin»>-»».T|jf*j
      709 words

  • 227 9  - $500,000 dispute: Pilots to see lawyers AHMAD OSMAN B, SEVERAL Singapore I Airlines pilots are seeking legal advice on whether BIA has a legal right to collect more than $500,000 In training expenses from them. According to Informed sources, the pilots hare consulted a lawyer over the Issue which involves
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  • 552 9 Witness: I saw man breaking door glass TAN WAH PIOW TRIAL WOMEN textile worker alleged in the First District Com t terday that she saw a "big-sized ma n" punching the glass of a door and ordering other people to overturn chairs and tables inside th c Corporation Drive premises
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  • 216 9 Tough SBS action on rude clippies A TOTAL of 73 conductors was suspended from the Singapore Bus Service between November 1973 and December last year. Nine others were prosecuted in court, 25 given verbal warnings and 98 written warnings by the 888. Disclosing these statistics. Mr. Chal Chong Yll. Minister
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  • 63 9 Couple fined for living together A MALAY couple was fined $100 each yesterday after they were found guilty of living together while the woman was married to another man. Hmu bin Sfcnmn. 60, a driver, and sfumts* Begum, 30. committed the offence In October. Iff*. A private »—t waa brought
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  • 180 9 Amateurs gang that kidnapped sisters pOLICr; believe that the I three armed men who kidnapped two sisters and their amah on Tuesday are amateurs. Their amateurism was proved from the way they conducted the kidnap. It was poorly done, and did not have the touch of professionalism. To begin with,
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  • 39 9 THE Department of Extramural Studies, University of Singapore. wlll hold s 12--lecture course on RcsponslbtlltlM and Liabilities of Company Director* at Nissan Hut 9 on Tuesdays and Thursday* from Feb. 4 at 7.30 pjn. Fe» la S4O
    39 words
  • 358 9 Singapore and KL to help set up rubber marts SINGAPORE and Mala ysia have agreed to provide technical assistance tc Indonesia and Thailand to help them set up their own well-regulated rubber markets to bring about price stability. This was one of several decisions reached by the Association of Natural
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 155 9 One mini pocket RADIO plus two prerecorded cassettes will be given FREE on every purchase, j I CASSETTE TAPE RECORDER ih 11 11^ i J WITH FM/AM 4 BAND RADIO Model TCR-777M ONLY $138/= W Model TCR-777H ONLY $140/= Timer controlled I I AM/SWI/SW2/SW3 Radio Cassette Recorder ONLY $160/= WrS^i
      155 words
    • 370 9 Latest Gourmet's t [Lj^ Paradise m H^P"t^ m Now Read^ [77 J To Serve You I BARBECUE GROVE. Step right I I into a cosy world of succulent Brills. BCi I II IJ ZM W SILVER COACH RESTAURANT I V The ultimate in a la carte Chinese |bh| and Western
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  • 28 10 A MOTORCYCLIST. Om Moot One, Si. tu flnad W» ycstitUy tor «jM*ulnc 11»-1JO km/h taiH tan/h ■oim to Wwmtyon Oarisn Way on June M laat ymi.
    28 words
  • 478 10 All set for Zion Rd one-way system T»HE new Zlon Road to Kirn Seng-Outram 1 Roads one-way system will be open to traffic on Sunday ai noon. The system will Incorporate the new $1.4 million Zlon Road extension from Tlong Bahru Road to Zlon Close and the $400,000 bridge across
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  • 45 10 THE Kamponf Kspor CiUMl Consultative Committee will distribute Chinese New Year *b< pows to Social Welfare recipients of the constituency at Its community centre on Sunday at 10 m The MP for Kampong Kspor. Mr. Yeo Toon Chla, will be present.
    45 words
  • 214 10 Indonesian Business Assn set up in Spore A GROUP of Indonesian businessmen has formed an Indonesian Business Association of Singapore to strengthen two-way trade between Indonesia and Singapore. At Its lnaug ceremony yesterday it Tunas Building in A:-.- a Road, the association's first president. Mr. Eddy Tan Bug Hong, said
    214 words
  • 46 10 THE nmnjumsni committee of Kuo Chusn community centre will hold a New Year carnival and tahnrttnr on Kid 33 and 33. Entry forms an available from the community centre at Lotting 3, Toa Pajmi between S pjn. and pjn. Cluing date U Feb.
    46 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 612 10 suvNS su^flsn^R One look at the new Lancia Beta and you know there's a world of difference between the "Italian styling other cars claim and the amazing flair Italians show when they're designing Lancias The Lancia Beta is a unique combination of gorgeous styling and new engineering that will carry
      612 words
    • 64 10 I WHEN YOU BUY I SHARP «*^bl ■/■^-■^LP^ I wmm colour tv now I Any one of these three items is yours free when you buy a Sharp colour TV now iMKßm™*^^ THIS OFFER ENDS ON FE8.10th,1975 I **L I I I etJMV SHARP POHV I Trolley Tray Automatic Toaster
      64 words

  • 217 11 -IfpHESE banner* depict 1. the story of a pact of loyalty and friendship between two secret societies In SingaThe names of the two Rants, An* Menc Tong Triad Society, operating In Upper Chanel Boad and Gi Hup Hoe Triad Society operating in Lorong 25.
    217 words
  • 115 11 PWD TO GIVE ROADS NEW SURFACES SIX roads will be resurfaced by the Public Works Department next month. They are: Upper Serangoon Road (Woodavtlle Circus to Bartley Road); Kampong Banru Road (Jalan Bukit Merah to Hospital Road); Jalan Bukit Merah (southern carriageway). Bendemeer Road, Upper Bukit Tlmah Road (10 milestone
    115 words
  • 27 11 THE Oeylang Serai Housing and Development Board Estate Flat Owners Association will hold a fund-raising dinner md dance at Ota View Hotel on April M.
    27 words
  • 69 11 npHREK police officers J- from Joo Chlat station leave for Kuala Lumpur today to bring back a 37-year-old wanted man in Singapore who was arrested by Malaysian, police on Monday. They are acting Deputy Supt. S3. Sundram, O.C. Crime, Insp. Dal] it Singh and a
    69 words
  • 386 11 50 cents a month plan to pay for mosques THE Government is planning to build a mosque in each new town, under a scheme whereby each working Muslim in Singapore will be asked to contribute 50. cents a month. Each Muslim would however have the right to opt out of
    386 words
  • 73 11 rS Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO) and the Pioneer Industries Employees Union (PEEU) have won the right to represent 300 workers In two companies. SILO won the right to represent employees of Singapore Fuji Corp. Ltd. at a secret ballot conducted by the Ministry of Labour on Tuesday.
    73 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 418 11 Save your figure now or pay later. It's much easier to M control a figure m problem if you catch it at the beginning. Ik It's easier to help B you. And it costs sj^^^% you less. At the House of Dawne /I upper j» we have heard all the
      418 words
    • 481 11 wMJM^ YOU WILL GET THIS FREE f WHEW YOU BUY THIS... STRD-7312 Bjajßjßß IC t FIT RECEIVER SYSTEM with I AM FM STEREO CASSETTE TAPE I RECORDER with MICROPHONE MIXING SYSTEM AUTaEJECT SYSTEM This ekgant itcr*o receiver, pro»t- I ded with *v*ry function including cassette tap* deck, will mak* your
      481 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 307 11 Straits Times Crossword ACBOBB 4 Tragic girl, hope shat--1 Help* child to cut every- tered, getting to be slckUiing that desperate de- ly on rising (7). fenders have (5. 2. J. 4). S Jostle* holy man. left In 8 Ways to compose a thou- shade on Sabbath <7>. sand poems
      307 words

  • 7 12 THURSDAY. JANUARY 30, 1975
    7 words
  • 482 12 UNEXPECTEDLY streaks of silver lining have appeared on the war-clouds looming over the Middle East. Last week— when the Israeli blitz on villages in Southern Lebanon was at its height the drift towards war appeared to be gathering momentum. The Egyptian warning that UN peacekeeping troops would have
    482 words
  • 126 12 rvEEPENING conflict between Portugal's Party and other components of the ruling coalition again raise the question whether communists and non-communists can co-exist In government. Attempting to topple a coalition from within is a classic communist tactic. But Portugal's communists are not trying to take over leadership of
    126 words
    • 132 12 /X>MMENTS by the chairman of the Singapore Insurance Training Centre, Mr. Lin. Kirn Kuay, about Hie undesirable and harmful features and practices afflicting life Insurance sales and services are timely IST, Jan. 20). Far too many laymen arc talked Into taking large
      132 words
    • 84 12 IN RESPONSE to ft reader's suggestion (BT, Not. 23. 1974). the Public Utilities Board said a locker system was being considered at Macßltchle Reservoir to enable loggers without cars to keep their clothing and other belongings. My friends and 7 are eagerly waiting for the locker* to be Installed so
      84 words
    • 111 12 IT 18 rather disheartening to note that though the month -long "Keep Singapore CrimeFree" campaign was held only last June, the spirit of the campaign seems to be fading fast. A note of caution is perhaps necessary. Speakers stressed during the campaign that to make our society crimefree was our
      111 words
    • 134 12 pLEASI refer to the re- port "Tripartite body to study Rasa SayanK grouses" '8.T., Jan. 21) in which It was stated that a tripartite committee comprising officers from the National Marltime Board, the Shlnplng Master's Office and the Seamen's Welfare Office had been, formed to look
      134 words
    • 76 12 I REFER to the letter headlined "Wrong bill sent out 3 times 7 IST.. Jan. 21). The correct account number for her telephone should be *****8K and not *****8 D. The error was detected but rectification was not made In time for inclusion in the computer processing of the January
      76 words
  • 1702 12  - What has become of yesterday's student rebels? hypocrisy TOMORROW: Troubled by STUDENT radicalism was the name of the fame In the United States 10 years ago. The country then had 300.000 "committed radicals" according to one stud/. Demonstrations, sit-ins, teachins were the order of the day. Over the years, however,
    1,702 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 48 12 m»n tine* ISM. Suit* completely hend teiiofed 4 Hitched right to me buttonholes enturing Ben workipanship. We mf ei»o importers ft exporters ot limit Gents te«tlle« thereby And <of our cuitcntu In a hurry, there* our eipreit tervica. 21. Chylia St Singapore. 1. Tel ***** Hang Keng (Branch)
      48 words
    • 214 12 ITrCHRSTANDOMy AUTHBJYIC rokUAW WESTWURAMT BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON (and Business Ladies too!) AdSr ITALIAN RESTAURANT I DINE WINE IN AN IL_ INTIMATE 4.TMOSPHERE r-J I DAILY 12 rtoon to 3 pm. 6pm to Midnight U, SUNDAYS Bpm to Mktnifrtt MONDAY $6 50 '--J!:^ TUESDAY $6.50 cr. iw v«m«»»» Mr** CeMee WEDNESDAY $6
      214 words

  • Business Times
    • 689 13 STOCKBROKERS are back in business again. The Singapore stock market has. with a little help from the author ities who hold the credit strings, at last pulled itself convincingly out of the long doldrun Following news that the Monetary Authority of Slnga pore
      689 words
    • 105 13 mOKYO: The Japanese 1 Ministry of International Trade and Industry denied local trade reports the Thai Government asked for Japanese government co-operation In a USJI .850 million protect to build an Integrated oil base In the Kra Isthmus In Southern Thailand. Marubeni Corp said
      105 words
    • 513 13 Shares rally despite 'not so bright' business prospects r>ARIS: The Western 1 wo r 1 d's battered stock markets have been rallying since Jan. 1 even while many experts were saying that prospects for business are not so bright as the rally would indicate. Measured by Capital International of Oeneva.
      513 words
    • 52 13 STOCKBROKING firm. George LJm. which had been under suspension for two years, it is understood, is now negotiating to sell its seat on the Exchange. The firm, which has been maintaining a staff of 24 on its payroll during Its suspension, retrenched 20 on Monday. CHAN
      52 words
    • 493 13 New Burmah chief criticises BP shares sale LONDON: Mr. Alastalr Down, new chairman and managing director of Burmah OU. said he did not like the price at which the company sold 77.8 million shares In British Petroleum to the Bank of England last week. He told a press conference at
      Reuter  -  493 words
    • 225 13  - OCBC still as glamorous as before MARTIN LIM By IN the two days of bullish activity at the local stock market. Oversea-Chinese BankIng Corporation proved that it is still as glamorous as it was in the almost forgotten bull rush of yesteryear. On Monday and Tuesday It led the pack
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 136 13 for us, the award To B&W UmiMili™ jgj the Queens Award to Industry QQw for outstanding achievement Go the way YOU want to go .nat Cnma Airlines' personalized service is all about. Make the happy m his own wav If he wants to eat. feed him. If he's let him
      136 words
    • 200 13 L v 9 eaaaV Air HOW EFFICIENT IS YOUR EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM I ITS EFFECTIVENESS REFLECTS THE VALUE YOU PLACE ON THE LIVES OF THE PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR YOU. Of course it* always possible to use candles or touchlights during a blackout. We provide the KEEPALITE emergency lighting system
      200 words

  • 597 14  - A scheme where workers share profit if completion date is met... HO MINFONG ABS chief to visit Singapore By of Singapore's shipyard workers are generally estimated to be one half to one third lower than those of yard workers in Japan. However, it is claimed that productivity here is also
    597 words
  • 144 14 OENANG: Central Gulf Lines has lnX troduced a new lighter and transportation service to shippers here. "This is our LASH (Lighter Aboard Ship) service which has started operating in this region between Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia." Mr. Lim Peng Kirn, manager of Orient Lloyds,
    144 words
  • 327 14 Mr. Al Lieboff has resigned from the board of Temenggong with effect from Dec. 31 and Mr. D. lain S. Me Lac h lan has been appointed a director or the same date, according to an announcement by the joint secretary, Mr. Loo Lit. Fat. Other members
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  • 138 14 e)MPAONIE Maritime Des Chargeurs Reunls operating the Far East French Services, and the Belgian Far Eastern Line, a joint venture between Compagnie Maritime Beige, Ahlers Lines and Boqimar, have decided to enter into a close co-operation In the liner trades between northern Europe and all Far
    138 words
  • 307 14 ONE of the fastest patrol vessels built in Singapore will be launched today at the Vosper Thornycroft's Kallang Basin Shipyard. The "Pemburu" (a Malay word meaning; "hunter") Is a 71-foot craft with a speed of over 32 knots. Its special features Includes an allglued
    307 words
  • 76 14 A Mffl KKDAM. Tues. The market again roar .'iarply virtually across the board, on the firmness el foreign markets, noubly V/all Street, declining Interest rates and Institutional demand, dealers Mid. Akae, on foreign demand, and Unilever led rises In Internationals, while Heineken. Asare Bnnk. Nations* NssVrHlif, Naarden, Oee i
    76 words
  • 58 14 ZURICH. Tues BqulUee Mj continued their strong advance In the Zurich stock market today. Profit-taking was easily absorbed and closing gains were substantial Leading Industrials and bank stock* were firm. Bond* were slightly better The Credit Sulsse Index Jumped 6 5 points to 171.6. Ctoainf prtoas In Swita francs
    58 words
  • 467 14 First crane of its kind in Far East THE first Sea Containers "Tango" container gantry crane to be installed in the Far East was handed over last Friday to the Port Authority of Singapore for use at Its Tanjong Pagar Terminal. A prime features of this crane is its fast
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  • 333 14 Special oil-probe electronic aid in Java Sea ANEW electronic positioning aid to oil exploration has entered service in the Java Sea the "Pulse/8" chain, "the surveyor's Loran C" started transmuting in the middle of December and Is now In full service In the area. This Java Sea chain will provid
    333 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 269 14 Tmm !i\\ Now, from Italy comes the great s^B| Bft Synthetic oil is widely used in jet italian motor 0i1... Agip. The oil ImV I a rcra^ engines because of its that's recommended bythe world's I A higher viscosity index, its lower great car manufacturers. The oil Uv'Y evaportion and
      269 words
    • 10 14 Teh 639-437 RENTA<2&& Worlds No. 1 air conditioning maker FROMS2S.OO
      10 words

      • 44 15 ■—-io, 84.M _Jt "■■O.nV SZM —M r* WM -JBB r c TiM -j« I.M. Wstas $140 —.18 »j» -i» F Baak u.«j Inrhr.p, K.IO —.17 M-wala 1 1.»» "t* 9uts .1, 8 Law) SIM —.14 rx Lalaa SIM -.14 S Tradlnc U.SO -H
        44 words
      • 29 15 '.uinnr» jxj, N. Iran Laaa 8140 ~M SJ. AmmL 80 M IS Won U» 81.14 1« H S |i 41 lt St-00 -.18 G.a\ Ufo Ban I
        29 words
      • 22 15 Sna> Darvy 1441.000 I OB C7&.80M D.8.8. 8«4,8«« Haw Far IBI4OQ Total Taraa*rr UIH TataJ \alar II TOO M
        22 words
      • 53 15 JaavtS Jaa.M lnaaiiNav ItS.M ltu: Fnwr J7J.21 MZJ4 t SMsas: 145.70 lUM riaasiltis 151.0J IMJ7 Tass: MJO MM f raaaara: 524.M M 4.0: OCsVC: ***** 185.4T t OKI. I«4L 181.JS 174.85 Dae. SO. 180)8 100 I Dec. SI. lOCS 180 Dec. I*. IMZ 100 Dec. 31. IB7S 100 Jan.
        53 words
    • 1412 15 -r-Hr M IMHHM MMk 1 Mile at the chat u« bu*lnt» en Uw Stock Exchanf* of ttncapore Teaterda> eoapvcd with the previous dart prtea* togcthtr -b r.i«h and M (•Adjurtad forallnvwlMMi) CLMINC TON!: AJI aaetlOM cloaad barri> itaady TURMOVIR oimcia' Ofuraa upplird by ihr Stock Excfeaas' of Bincapon
      1,412 words
    • 369 15 Vt'tLD fluctuations character ised trading at the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday, and the pace was hectic throughout. There was a scramble to buy at the first bell when prices jumped in some cases by as much as 18 per cent. After the llrst hour.
      369 words
    • 1760 15 BID and offer prices officially D llsud and business in and reported to tne Stork Exchange of Singapore Ttsserday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 unit* unlen otherwise specified t Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoied after the word "Sett
      1,760 words
    • 309 15 Turnover in KL hits new record TURNOVER on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange soared to an unprecedented 8.58 million units valued at $1592 million yesterday as trading activity mounted This Is a 27 per cent Improvement on Tuesday's 6.76 milion units and Monday s 5 58 million units the previous
      309 words
    • 1424 15 DID and offer prices officially 88 and business In anc reported to the Kuala l ■i»n HW stock Exchange ftteruav with the number of shares traded ihovn In brsvektu in lotn of 1.000 units unless otherwise specined INDUSTRIAL* lean 1.9081. 9SBI HIS) 150. (2i I.M. ,00 il. 1.43.
      1,424 words
    • 141 15 EUROPE was quite active on Tuesday, but slightly easier. MPOPA reported the US was fairly active and firm Quotation* In DM cent* 'Rotterdam) unless stated: March MM buyers. 1600 'US 22.50 cents sellers. (US. 20 lb 21 22 SO cents. April $490 iUK i 1210 (US'JC cenu buyers
      141 words
    • 68 15 _noLDFTELX)S of South ll Africa has failed in I Ml bid to acquire Union Corporation. Acceptances of its offer amounted to only 43.6 per cent of the Unlcorp share capital The company whose i efforts foiled the GF&* bid General Mining and Finance says It will now
      68 words
    • 237 15 rOLIOWINO the firming r of the UB dollar l:i the European and J*pw York markets. It opened In Singapore yes:erday at 82.3300 30 and held firm throughout the day with 1 only minor fluctuations. HMKgasTod interbank forward ratss at 300 prr. 1 month *****80 2 months 2 M7O
      237 words
    • 168 15 "^»>«e are suuwtod Interbank rate* at S.OO p.m (twTfocie. N— rates Smlthmtfen PerrraUcr %m*t4 y«*rrda; (eras) parity rhancr U8 dollar 2.3000 2.3020 2.8196 —18 43 Sterling pound 5 4805 6 4880 7 346P —25 40 Hongkong dollar 48.90 40.10 30 51 -3 19 Malaysian dollar 99.90 100 10
      168 words
      • 28 15 Rubber: Jan. 29. Singapore: ***** <ts down 2.50 > cts). Malaysia: 131.50 < cts (down 2.50 cts). Tin: 51.045 (down $4). Official offering: 272 tons (down 25 tons).
        28 words
      • 100 15 CMIMISC PRODUCE IXCMAMCt SINGAPORE NOON CLOSINC C.c.nut Oil: bulk I9ON aellen drum SOSN aallen Caara: Mixed ikwa*> L'K Oont S4BN B. P«a»er Muntok AJTA white fob 100. NLW 1257 aellen. ainaik white fob 04K NL.W 124:. aallen. Sarawak apecial black f Ob Ms NL.W 5215 acllen. Sarawak AST A
        100 words
      • 44 15 Uondin copper price* on Tuaaam) ir>e> > ou> in bracket. WiraOar Spot bu>er £514 00 ti.MXiOOI «e:ier i 515 00 I f 504 00 Three Month buyer i 433 SO ,C,KOD. aallar ISM 00 1 £522. 40. Miittt tarn me*d> Saiaa: 4.822 tonnaa
        44 words
      • 214 15 THE StralU tin price drop--1 mi to 81.045 per p:cul In Penang yesterday on an official oflt.-ihc down 25 tons to 272 tons. LONDON: Tin prices were basically steady on Tuesday and the standard com. act showed only minor kisses after a fair volume of hedge selling together
        214 words
    • 632 15 i AFTER opening unchanged the Singapore rubber market eased Initially on some profit-taking but then recovered 1 1| cenu on renewed short-covering and speculative Interest. Conditions became quiet later with freer offerings, of February RSS One widening Kj discount. The morning session closed uncertain. Long liquidation of February
      632 words
    • 109 15 tvAJLY BMR and 3SR price* Issued at noor. yesterday Feb. Mar. lOmt MUi) (Farward Mth Mim« Baytn Scllen Bayers Sethn (MM* per kf «miU per fez) I SCV rl ton pallet) ***** 134.50N 132 SO 1M SON i 6L (1 too paUeti 131.00 133.00N 131.00 133 OON
      109 words
      • 155 15 UONOKONO. Wed The market clamed mixed w.Ui most toadmc issues well below previous closing levels. dealers reported Ihe Bane Seng index shed 734 potuu to 212 19 aU:r sellers stepped In late In the morning and continued to dominate trading until )ust before the clear Haagaeag Bank dropped to
        UP  -  155 words
      • 309 15 I CYDNEY. Wed— Share J prices raced on to ckse at shu-ply higher levels In boom conditions for the I second conmcutlve day on the Sydney Stock. Exchange today. The All Odinarie» md»x soared again v 345 78 up 11.83 Tht effects of an Initial profit-taking round were virtually
        AP  -  309 words
      • 362 15 NEW YORK. Tues— The neck market rally, powered by the heaviest trading In history, moved Into lower gear today but mannrtd to finish with a moderate gam Prices en the New York Stock Exchange opened with sizable advances but Uieti gradually eused throughout mewl of irv wsslon a>
        362 words
      • 34 15 Closing interbank rates in Singapore dollars for Jan Offer BM Oernight 6 44 1 mth 14 IS 2 rntha 7% 1\ 3 mths 7\ Prune rate Sob re c: I". Msrray-JaCMS intrrnatknwX
        34 words
      • 37 15 RANOE at rstaa offand b> 4iaeaunr heuaw on Jan 2fc Ovarnithi 3S to 4.<* CUI Oas«Mt Avarat* Bur Sail 1 mnvn Traajury bUla 4 5 18 4. ••BJJBBOI hank bills 7 Boarca Nsttooal Dlaosiait 00.
        37 words
      • 118 15 rOKYO. Wed— Sharp price*, on the Tokyo stock today gained further ground as selectivr buying continued Thr Dow Jones averaftr jumped 44 11 to 3.M6.M and the New index gained ajS to 2 85 44 Trading volume totalled 180 million shares Today eioainc pncn la yn with thr dtflrrmcr
        118 words
      • 65 15 U II U Mrlbourw c i 1 32 w CI«m« Lwooti IT", SOB ITT SOB ITT HOB ITVOOS Bwrut i"W 111 00 mum it it:, te it« w Zurich 176 008 17* SOB ITT SOB IHOOW wmmdiy Tui.a.l 8 porr (2 K 177 008 Kxpon rncrr in nor
        65 words
      • 101 15 I 1^Tue*da< 70.34 Monday 68 84 Week tgo 65 90 SI'BBEBS TutJd* 334 05 Motida-. ***** Wt«k ago 305 M OILS Tveeday 171.36 Moncay 170 83 Week M 140 71 IMM STRIALS Tuesday 284.3 Monday 223 9 Week hjro 178 4 DO*V MM I NM.RAC.L IXDISTRI Tuesday 694 77
        101 words
      • 200 15 SS I ***** S4S3O 99 9t. 100.10 HK UB 4 6830 4.6960 IMb: These rates ms.y d'.Jler slightly from those quoted by banks to their customers. ASIAN cuneticy deposit Interbank rues as at Wednesday. Jar. 29 I I Dalian (Spot) Offer BM diy. 7 3 8 7
        200 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 798 16 KEKOSONQAN-KEKOSONOAN JAWATAN KERAJAAN BABAH SPA NOTIS NO. 9/75 Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa dari w arganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk menglsi jawatan bertkut dengan Jabatan Parlt dan Tallalr JAWATAN: (I) Ketua Pemeriksa Tallalr SPA NOTIS NO 9/75 II Jurutera Parlt dan Tallalr SPA NOTIS NO 11/75 TANQQA QAJI Untuk (I) diatas Skel
      798 words
    • 659 16 KEKOSONGAN JAWATAN KERAJAAN NEQERI SABAH Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada Warganegara Malaysia untuk menglslkan Jawatan-Ja-watan berlkut di Jabatan Penylaran Malaysia. Kota Kinabalu JAWATAN: (I) Pembantu Rancangan Tlngkatan I Hlburan (Penerbltan dan Perancangan) SPA NOTIS NO 1/75 (II) Pembantu Rancangan Tlngkatan I Derama Blru Penerbltan dan Perancangan) SPA NOTIS NO. 2/75 (lit)
      659 words
    • 649 16 KEKOSONGAN-KEKOSONQAN JAWATAN KERAJAAN SABAH SPA NOTIS N0.4/75 Permohonan adalah dlpelawa dari Warganegara Malaysia untuk menglsl Jawatan berlkut dengan Jabatan Pant dan Tallalr. Kota Klnabalu JAWATAN: Pembantu Penguasa Kerja TANQQA QAJI: Skel Cl, 2. 3 ($3OO x 25 400; 4<JO x 30 670; 740 X 40 900) UMUR: Blasanya tldak kurang
      649 words
    • 559 16 1 frffi Usaha bersama mendirikan kilang membuat rumah siap sedia DARA mempelawa p.ngusaha-pengusaha tempatan yang berpengalaman untui: mengemukakan cadangan usaha bersama mendirikan sebuah kilang dl kawasan Pahang Tenggara untuk membuat rumah siap sedla berharga murah. Projek lni adalah untuk memenuhi keperluan pembangunan di Pahang Tenggara. Jumlah rumah-rumah berharga murah yang
      559 words
    • 485 16 KENYATAAN TAWARAN LEMBAGA KEMAJUAN JOHOR TENGGARA Tawaran adalah dlpelawa daripada Pemborong yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Kerja Raya. Semenanjong Malaysia dalam Kelas BX ke atas dl bawah Kepala I Pecahan Kepala 1& 2 dan serentak dengan itu. berdafiar juga dengan Lembaga Kemajuan Johor Tenggara. untuk: Contract No. TK/15 Access Road to
      485 words
    • 665 16 requires A Higher Executive Officer ($935 x 40 1255 pm) Quol.ticar.on* Required Candidates should possess o good Honours Degree or equivalent qualification Those without Honours Degree but who possess considerable administrative/ manogement experience may be considered Preference will be given to bilingual candidates B Secretarial Assistant ($325 x 20 425/445
      665 words

  • 358 17 Car pool plan: 10 schools in restricted zone write in THE Car Pooling Management Unit has received over 7M applications from 1* schools, both primary and secondary, in the restricted tone for car pooling. The CPMU is now processing the applications and the results are expected to be ready in
    358 words
  • 173 17 MR. Justice Chua yesterday granted the divorce petitions of two husbands who said their marriages broke down while they were working In Borneo. Both the suits were iinconU»st«*d and allowed on grounds of desertion by the wives. DIVORCE NO. 1: Llm Kau Voon. 28, a turner,
    173 words
  • 361 17 JURONG Shipyard has set up a special committee to formulate programmes and tighten up safety measures at the shipyard. Part of the programme alms to intensify training of some 1,600 employees on using fire extinguishers and to be more safety conscious. Disclosing this yesterday,
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  • 163 17 SLOWER SE-ASIA GROWTH: BANK CHIEFS /GOVERNORS of Central UT Banks In South-east Asia said yesterday that countries In the region were likely to face a period of slower economic growth although Inflation was noticeably abating. They said while efforts to contain inflation had to be sustained, measures should also be
    163 words
  • 41 17 THE Ministry of Culture will organise a youth concert at the auditorium of the National Library, Toa Payoh branch. In Toa Payoh Centre, on Saturday at 2 pjn. Free tickets are available at the library branch office
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  • 13 17 THERE were 64 road accidents, four of them serious, on Tuesday.
    13 words
  • 111 17 Appeal court told of judge 'B oversight r| Appeal Coart yesterday heard of a district judge's oversight In Jailing drug trafficker Fok Poon, 61. for two years when the proper sentence should be at least three yean. DPP Mr. Alan Wong said this when he argued the Public Prosecutor's appeal
    111 words
  • 87 17 Woman fined for stealing pencils A HOUSEWIFE. Low Sok Cheng. 32. was Jall- Ed for one day and fined $250 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for stealing two dozen pencils worth $2 20 from the NTUC Supermarket at Lorong 4. Toa Pay oh, on Jan. 28 at about 510
    87 words
  • 57 17 A TOTAL SJ 2.600 nosdy old folks will receive ChlnoM New Tear g.fu and ang powi from cinema magnatM Mr. Runme IJhaw and Mr. Run Run Bhsw today. Tb* preatnUUon will be held kt Oranc Cinema In New World Park and Atlantic Cinema In Oraat World
    57 words
  • 28 17 THE 113 th birthday of Brlnut Swunl Vlrokananda will tw celebrated at tns ft^nnßTjfhns ICaston In Bartlsy Road on Sunday from 648 a-m. to BJO pan.
    28 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 152 17 I Approve Jby Lloyd's Register, f I U.K. Air Registration W I The work's finest wire jm y I rope splicing system Wr I 'Talurit' Splice la stronger j^Bi r MW I than the wire 1 ope as world wide^^ M^r I test have pro* *d \w^^C*\ 9 I 9waging
      152 words
    • 309 17 POSITIVE PROTECTION m m\ fIMJ BsTr^Br^BrJ Bsr/ V Lsssfjßßsssl sW -^»flp IZ^^ a Bsw Shunt inp/undw noHlgc me B^B W MAGNETIC STARTERS Lasl |TA f^ H I FUSE FREE MOLDED CASE AND CONTACTORS (AC) I I I I I I I CIRCUIT BREAKERS HITACHI'S extensive expertise in this field is
      309 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 830 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3M PM Bpaaaf fttmmi Sam taanatiaai I 7 M Wat if Ufa Tsa Lma< Lsaw [L«t af La«a-4jaa| Sk»aat aaa Cm T«c Eaaaia, Bapaat] tai (A Haaiaha Sanabsai Oaari. wrtk 7JB News {Malay) Ctaasa SaMttJH. lapaat] 7.49 Classic Comedy-Hs Royal Slyness 355 Mafazme Zero Om
      830 words
      54 words
    • 21 17 WATEB consumption on Taesda.7 was ltl* mUUsn gaitoaa <MM« cubic metres), J.l million fsJtens <IMM e«Me —ires) mort than on Monday.
      21 words

  • 437 18 MRS. C. WONO, says she Is not among the few women who are actively Involved In organising programmes for the year, but she supports their cause "For myself I am willing to accept women's position as a secondary one, because I don't think I c-n cope if I
    437 words
  • 39 18 OLD, hardened flue can be aoftcned and used aiain by adding a few drop* of vinegar to It. T» remove line from cemented, mosaic or tiled Boon, poor kerosene over the flue before scraping It out.
    39 words
  • 299 18 MRS. LIM, S3, fashion wholesaler, says: "If it's equality that it is all about, then IWY only proves that we are not equal. Why should there be a women's year, why not a men's year. It Just reflects on our inequality despite all that talk.
    299 words
  • 774 18 All are born equal, but is he more equal than she? THE United Nations has named 1975 International Women's Year. How significant is this to the average Singapore woman? Five women here give their views. have not got Involved with careers hitherto considered the domain of man It is because
    774 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1456 19 cmmmmmm* sang ti M/CMJTMnn rtm i VFRPOOL lAT L'icnrvvt. mi lt-) }-tI tmm |-tf n «»•■•< il fm 14 fm I hrn Mm tl mm I Mm •M.I EIPMIS II PM aFM a Mar It. Mtr 14 Mm II Mm HIM IaWMM IMr IMr aHm nMm NMm 11 Mm •ttana
      1,456 words
    • 1102 19 PHOENIX CONTAINEfI UHERS PCL CONTAINERSHa? SERVICES TO US A. Tt atx rtaar >ma vaf laart I Hot*- ixu vn> MMM L taad IHNA MtUa a tFM ITLAHTIC PaMMI M II MM tt Har fjnu NMta a a fm I pacific PM'au a m nm ii mm FMN 111 Maikar <tiM
      1,102 words
    • 1124 19 n laaaw waan rtaaa raaa n laaM twani aaaana aa ax UUIBAI UV Aaatnt Mam Dan. bNNMIbNN HI MM M Part aFM aFM It FM II FM irVfMMI MT I FM IFM 1 Mm I Mm IMrMFM TMIt IIINII NFM FM II Mr 14 Mar n Mar It Mm t«lMa
      1,124 words
    • 999 19 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICt TO EUKOfC p iMmj Satt FM TITMM Frt 1 Fat 2 MMttAa fm ii RatltraaN, tmXntm, Aatatrp, iiHam. iilum Mih imT i 2':>i iNNMart Ivmm. >NMiMiita, SSff 11 I Z n c-- 1 w 1 l- aiautn i«r i tar i StKkkoaa. Otlo. Habjafa. UaitM KutfUoa.
      999 words
    • 996 19 toaiam f *****; P. K«aaa« *J4i. K L. *****; Pa»«»a IJJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMaat FH F I 1 tfßfd aturtlAJM HaartWM. limi.m. OartM. CIIIMa P«. I IFM tft 1/ IPM NAIAtAM Hfim. Haiaaja. •araw. Caaataaa) *MMMJ 1114 Mr stf t a/NJ Mr arajaßMt ttaMTTTS »"mU A aTaaVl MAa^MBNMr
      996 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 950 20 j^^ KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTd! umasaki imui taa turn ire. ikm. mm. stuits swvet uaar "iT'l S.«*»**™ f Miaat "MMTI M*a» II Ma i i! *mmmlMm t3a*ai *a~*<viM S<*t»f Mb Ja»MM aTMiatki Af*_a-W«M AlfM •mrwimm hmfmn ■icjaatai MM at Nt M*tat>. fan >r" *'n" j*ipmm;»m m* a_»w_i urn .^f t
      950 words
    • 1007 20 _______I_____B__l icciptmic iv iiaas or atitrr (**»mi«t fm PMniAiu* satam. MMiltMina tuhvtpi* sAMtnaai UMCtiMAait, rtattAa. mamm. nntrT mnm Hit _m am saim maw Mm. tnm IT* (IU taMM»IiM: IC T I'ltTT tOTM MUli M Part IN* M*. I C T MMTT MT 11 IM II Nk I*. IS r PatU*NM
      1,007 words
    • 1162 20 IK- EIMPt CMTAINU/CWWtIITIWtU StWICE IMMM FM LMMN. MTTOKai. MMM. HUM. S'aar* P. MMaf P«aaa« »M*a lta**a rtm ntvt aiPTta* Ttfit n/n rat la. l* la* 11 it im 11 i*r Mr 1 Mar I*l <IPT*al sajvain n/M Mm M tkr/t a*r J t*r 1 Ma, 7 Ma, H Mt, '<
      1,162 words
    • 921 20 swtg sawct re vamm. imwmi/tmnwan mm T| »i". w."~. pit ."i MMU INMWa 1/ I I*l ta/11 la* aVfl rat IT/H M tin tM i aw a J Nta>i r«aaj t/i. MMU MUTT U/H Ft* IT/TI rtt fflCJt 'Sl'j. Lptol J I Ntarf 10,1. twau tiutii 1/ i Mar s
      921 words
    • 1175 20 T. Wakoto MS and wax pan aw Mirnapara *iMnnM> Klnf SUr a 5 «t ii TT^iiiiiiii fir fan tf Caaetal Marttr ParMunan and OUT: Jaiadharma 12. Pampa B/J D**_"" Ar«»Ptlna S/4. Prtma klnf *V». jiL^TltVlSrUnluU l~ru' IMB KapiUn FMto Vokta 15/16. K«- illJato _Ju B/*Maria h nintau 20. Our)aii n
      1,175 words

  • 31 21 m* k O PHILIP, formerly or i W D Mini pilwrt away In ■rr> Iiaonffll75 j*»»OMALL of Mean O. juiWiMil Bros. Djakarta exptrad Bombay i'Ttli January Deeply ntuuiiaxi by family
    31 words
  • 49 21 s EVER LOVING MEMORY of ways remember od by brothers, sisters, -natives and friends MRS SON CNSMO TUAN Helena -parted 30 1 71 I often dream of hi and call your name but I only tio'.i. In frame Sadly missed by Husband and family ReaaMcat In Pace
    49 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 555 21 classified ads If LOUrSS KLERKS SALONS In Hotel SUNjapura for your latest ygBJ Ng= n today contlnuaa IU KINO ()r THESINOA PURKAM. wKh a gUmpar of the lives of Uie colonials in the ISSSa ways, they atoo picked op Mint meal haUU. like wearing the sarong and eating ikan bills.
      555 words
    • 729 21 GENERAL CLERKS required by a construction company Applicants must have good command of both English and Chinese, must be reliable, and able to type Apply with full details in Chinese and English ST Bo» ASO3SI A well twlsMMnwl Company invite, female Singapore dtMatt to nil the vacancy of JUNIOR PRIVATE
      729 words
    • 658 21 EXPANDING REAL ESTATE COMPANY requires Sales Representallves with own car Experience preferable Tel 2SSSI33 for Interview TO ALL DIRECT-SELLING MEN ANO WOMEN Let your own talents work for yourself' Let our International Organisation with a very preatlgous product help you do so. ir you poaaaas a mature personality, preferably with
      658 words
    • 857 21 WANTED HELICOPTER MFCHANICS BRITISH or A/P License experience required on either BeU IMB or BeU 212 Send resume ts P T. Deraaona Air Service JL Subang No 11 Jakarta Pusat Indonesia OJf AP^RBBOJ^WBw EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN AMAH. English speaking, dlst 10. American family 4 adulU and dog References Starts February Ist.
      857 words
    • 765 21 K.F.C RESTAURANT R«OMNNIS WAITRMM6. Apply personally 90 Stevens Road CAN NINTAL ANO TOUN DEF ARTMCNT HMOS Sales Tour Receptionist* and English speaking Drivers Apply with particulars stating salary umiuod. contact telephone number, and non-returnable photograph to 8 T Box A ***** Applications are Invited for the positions of SECURITY GUARDS
      765 words
    • 869 21 ISLAND PARK (OIST. SSI luxurious new split-level doublestorey semi-detached 4 bedrooms, guest's, servant's, furnished/ unfurnished Ace Housing *****46- 2560 129 ROCMALU DRIVE (OIST. IS) luxurious double-storey bungalow 1400 sq.ft matured garden, separate living/ dining. 3 bedrooms, study, servant's 13.500 Ace Housing *****46/ *****29 OMJT. IS 1 BEDROOMS. 2 bathroom* existing
      869 words
    • 808 21 RIVER VALLS> ROAO/ KBLLOCK ROAD 3-bedr«omed flat partly furnished Rent/ sale Telephone *****3 PIMOIIIX COURT new penthouse with private roof garden. 3 bedrooms, servant's ***** unfurnished Ace Housing 2******/ *****46 DELUXE FUPJIISIIEO ROOM for rental Holland Road district 10. Contact *****7 DIST 9 FULLY FueWStSESB alrcond room, bathroom attached S3W
      808 words
    • 895 21 2 STOMY TSJMUUE In Thomson Oarden with 3 bedrooms Balling unfurnished with renovations at •65.000 Call *****8 for details 2-STOMY TERRACE: Sembawang 12S m s. 6 bedrooms. (2 units) 177.000. Macpherson Road 1120--60 S. Ylo Chu Kang Road (Nanyang Park) single-storey 567.0 M negotiable Ring ***** DJTACHED BUNGALOW Buckley Road
      895 words
    • 793 21 ACE HOUSING REOUIREI i MOUSES/ apartments in any real- I dentlal locality for Immediate I sale (SSO.OOO -8230.000) Please I call *****28/ *****46. J requires A BUNGALOW wRh/ wMkMI owtMMWJns poet. 1500 oSo 0 prOpWtl up I Please call CONTINENTAL HOUSING AGENCY PTE LTD Ml *****6 Mr. Ong WANTED SBMI-OBTACHSO
      793 words
    • 933 21 SOMPANV URGENTLY REOUHM 20.000 sq ft of industrial land in Upper Bukll Ttmaii. Paslr l'aniang. or nearby vicinity Phone 2UOST2 SSSSSII LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE PON rent 3.300 sq ft Spore 3 Phone g<2B47^^^^^^^^^^^ R^6xex^xM^B^sa«^Bs^xe»e»ex«* TAIWAN ALISHAN HUALEIN HONGKONG BANGKOK TOUN 9 12 14 DAYS ***** 1390 1460 9 2 122.
      933 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 609 22 Australia tour sctmcc. v ton 9746/ Europe A -141. Race Cmsrse Road (MSB/ «Wb>. TOWR The only Travel Service with special first eases deluxe air condVtftsaeoarn Inside the eoe,"h have T V Hi «BEJ neauUfuT BSSSM Thailand s girl to serve drink and rake to pimrum Places of Interest Haadyai
      609 words
    • 770 22 PRINC I ROOM «f 9T AURANT (Bad Pkwr. Eilisls Csiimlii) HONOKONO TIM-»0kl FROM 1 AM CATERS FOR ALL FUNCTIOrW TEL *****4 STtAMBOAT OAROEN POH-PIArr!rr«AMBOAT STCVMFOOD ortw norn p.m. to i a.m. I Language bjssjubw as a *eom__ LAN4WAGS BEO Wt Monday. Wednesday Friday 10 36 am 12 noon Commencing 3
      770 words
    • 674 22 FRENCH BEGINNERS 1-MONTN COURBB commencing 1 2.7S Every Saturday 2 30 pm 4.3* p m by eauenanwd Prance graduate People's Commercial SrhooliOpposlte Odeon Katong) BOOKKEEPING BEGINNERS 1MONTH COURSE commencing 1 2 79 Every Saturday 2 00pm 4 00 p m by experienced qualified Accountant People's Commercial School (Opposite Odeon K»tong!Tel
      674 words
    • 1798 22 B a |B a SBHBJBJfJB9HBJJB s SS9JBJE a B9H ONE OP THE MST JAOU AM 2 4 In I town Registered 1964 alrcon ■asmßßsmfaVesmmmmm^aamfß dltloned. new Upe. Mkrhelln X MATHEMATICS LAOY ORA- tyres Excellent all round Best DUATE ELEMENTARY, Addl- offer secures *****79 tlonal Modern Bookkeeping. MERCEDES 196 19*4) MODEL
      1,798 words
    • 746 22 WANTED 1/3 YEANS OLD Chevrolet Impala. Please ring 6630*6/ *****2 A SSSSS 91SSSS Saloon or Estate car. 12 18 months old Phone J***** 19*6/ SB MENCEDES MSO Must be good condition 536 Upper Serangoon Road. 4 m s. Spore 19. WE pay NOT CASH Top price for good used cars!
      746 words
    • 722 22 MANDARIN HEALTH CBNTHE. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd floor. mnisage' sauna/ stesmbath facial *****6 *****1 ext 750 Spore. MAftTtNA-B SALON 11-A. Calmhill Ctrele massace-saunabath/ barber, complete gentlemen grooming by trained lady attendants King I S'pore) *****1 *****8 AT VOUN PLACE well-trained and experienced Masseur' Masseuse. Phone ***** for appointment (11 00 a
      722 words
    • 620 22 CATHAY AIR-CONDITION I Xl Iteration co specialist In sales/ r-ntal 4 repair All kinds of air- I c mdiuoners. refrigerators It cold room Tel *****6 FRANK TRANSPORTATION ANO REMOVAL SERVICES. Datsun Pick-up or Lorry U> Shift your office household or cargoes Contact *****5 TRANSPORTATION/ «U0V«l '.FRVICB Datsun Pickup, Medium/ Big
      620 words
    • 435 22 NEW YEAR O""BW For every purchase refrigerator, gas cooker and washing machine you get a coffee percolator rret: Hurry whilst stock last' Call PreaUf* Electrical Company 37*911 ACMA AMI-CONDITIONER twin cool refrigerator special discount for cash Trade in 8120 upwards Servicing repair-rental Hl-Cool Alrcondltlonlng It Refrigeration (Pte Ltd 234. Victoria
      435 words
    • 238 22 rmrru THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CAP. It It 7« KD IN THE HIGH COI'RT OF ■NGAPORE IN BANKRUPTCY NO. SW OF «»74 Re ROf.ALIND QUEK (m w.) Ex part* FRASER It COMPANY (PTE a Creditor In the matter of a Bankruptcy Notice issued on the Sth day of November. 1074 To:
      238 words

  • Across The Causeway
    • 112 23 r i MKRLOH. Wed.— Fomr I lunmrn robfced a contractor of a US.wM payroll at Mayan settlement M km (43 miles) from here yesterday. Mr Teoh Boon sUan, ZS. was alone In office at 4 p m t siting the money for his 7* workers when the
      112 words
    • 147 23 KUALA '-UMPUR. Wed. Underground comagents ar* ..rig communist tnda through the post under the guise of I greetings anc New Year cards. Federal police spokesman. Mr. Robert Cheong, said today police believe that a number of people in some states had received
      147 words
    • 57 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. lAS wiU put on 24 extra erncm between Feb. 7 to 12 or the Chinese New Year sixteen will be on the dotvrsttc route. IS of them ■conomy night flights. >n the International route here will be eight extra lights. This will be between
      57 words
    • 25 23 SUtKMBAN. Wed. Two sen were arrested and Chtlese medicine worth about 30.000 believed to be stolen iropsrty was recovered in •o police raids.
      25 words
    • 479 23 K. LUMPUR, W«d M°ST of the strikin ft National icily Board workers in big districts refused to resume work today despite an ultimatum by the NEB general manager, Encik Abu Zarim Omar, yesterday. End t Abu Zarlm had warned yesterday that from
      479 words
    • 231 23 KL-PEKING TIES WILL GROW SAYS ENVOY ifUALA LUMPUR, Wed. China's first Ambassador to Malaysia, Mr. Wang Yu-plng, said today he was confident relations between the two countries would grow and prosper on the basis of peaceful co-existence. Presenting his credentials to the Yang Dipertuan Agung, Mr. Wang pledged to devote
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 206 23 'Egg glut will be over in a week' KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday THE Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said today the egg glut should be over in a week's time. The ministry's press liaison officer Hajl Khalld Yunus said the glut was caused by poultry farmers rearing more chickens In
      206 words
    • 59 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed TUntwr experLs of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines will meet here on Friday to discuss ways and means ox protecting the Industry In toe region. The third consultative session of the south-east Asian Lumber Producers Association (Selpa) will be opened bj the Deputy Primary
      59 words
    • 38 23 Request to Germany KUALA LUMPUR. Wad.— Malaysia baa aated Wart Germany tor two oonsultajiu to adviae the Oovernmant on ail upecu of pollution problems. The Environment Ministry may aend ita officer* to Wait Germany to Study pollution control.
      38 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 157 23 People remember us by our little touches... We've had our share of praise for our impeccable service and warmhearted hospitality. We're as well furnished and efficient as a modern cosmopolitan 300 furnished rooms and m. i n V. t«. A 24-houi coffer shop.»hotel has to be. People talk about our
      157 words
    • 926 23 >^^—^ vacanc es for I (A. EXECUTIVE fI^RESIDENT OFFICERS TECHNICIANS v (*or married mcitt (for Finance duties only) B. TECHNICIANS (for Quantity Surveying B. TECHNICAL SurVey duties) OFFICERS c RESETTLEMENT (for Engineering duties) INSPECTORS (for moles only) SALARY SCALE SALARY SCALE A $295 x A2O 335/ 385 x A2O 505/
      926 words
    • 451 23 Ocean Properties Pte Ltd A Member o f the Straits Steamship Group s looking for a dynamic and experienced electrical/mechanical engineer, preferably registered with the Singapore Professional Engineers Board for the post of Building Services Engineer The Building Services Engineer will be responsible for the installation, maintenance, servicing and repairing
      451 words
    • 339 23 I'IBLH ITII.ITIEB BOARD TENDERS ■LSCnUCITT DEPAHTMENT: (2nd Floor. City Hall) 1 l Disposal of one lot of 28 Items of ORT Switchgear Component Parts lying at Thomson Road Distribution Store. Tender deposit $100/Close at 2.15 p.m. on 6.2.75 (2) Supply and delivery of 3 nos of submersible electrlc water pumps.
      339 words

  • 110 24 Olympic to resume flights OLYMPIC Airways, the national flac-earrlrr of Greece, win mute it* twice-weekly service to Singapore on Feb. B*. The airline will also offer additional frequencies to varions destinations. including Singapore, when Its summer schedule comes into effect on March 21. Olympic suspended all Its international flights since
    110 words
  • 447 24 fHE Port Authority is to diversify its operations into new areas of activity and tap potential port users in a move to arrest the decline of cargo tonnage this year. The Authority anticipates a lower demand for PSA cargo handling facilities like
    447 words
  • 311 24 21 strokes for snatch thief who preyed on women A SUB-CONTRAC-A TOR who robbed only women was ordered to be given 21 strokes of the rotan plus six years in jail yesterday for robbery and possession of offensive weapons. District Judge. Mr. E C. Foenander. on passing sentence, told Teo
    311 words
  • 59 24 THE ministerial conrerence for the economic development of Southeast Asia a regional forum— will hold Its 10th session In Singapore later this year. The 12-natlon member* are Rurtna. Australia, Indonesia, Japan, the Khmer Republic (Cambodia), Laos. Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines. Thailand. South Vietnam,
    59 words
  • 275 24 rltHI price of duck dlp- ped by 10 cents to $1.90 a katl, the Trade Department reported y-sterday. Following u« the recommended prices: RICK: China 10 per cent Ylm Cheofc. 06 cent* kati or eOSg; Thai 10 per cent, •3 wnU; Thai IS per
    275 words
  • 122 24 HTHB People's Scholar- ship Fund Is a private charitable organisation and not sponsored by the Singapore Government, says the PBF. It was clarifying a Mandarin Hotel announcement which appeared In the Straits Times last Friday that the hotel's food and beverage ftrtmlnistratlve manager, Mr.
    122 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 148 24 <t*s^ *Wwf u^k NewSkg from UIC FOR BUDCET-CONSCHHIS HOUSEWIVES. U| c uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uic uifl UIC stands for &t>^^ the best quality Ai*v^^\ B B 888B uuuuMuuuffuuuuuuufuuuuuuuuar%s. detergent. Its c% rv a u u working power S M lUlCrhtmifflU and
      148 words
    • 16 24 M i OD I PI M i^Hi at 'J 1"^ I ccV MW m I j
      16 words

  • 773 25  - 250 horses a year are 'axed' EPSOM JEEP PIGGOTTS INQUIRY ABOUT JUMBO JET SPARKS WASTAGE POSER... By jPOH, Wed.— Ace English jockey Lester Pijfgott, who rode at Bukit Timah last weekend, was delighted V hear from trainer Ivan Allan that Jumbo Jet was alive and well. For the mighty Jumbo
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  • 785 25 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed —A total of 163 horses— comprising 25 In Class 1. 21 In Class 2 and 117 in Class s— have been entered for the Kuala Lumpur races on Feb. 8 and 9. and 15 and 16. There will be six races for
    785 words
  • 194 25 /-vRDER of running and scratching! for the amateur races at Ipoh on Saturday: RACE 1 Cl«a» 5 IP straight: t. 10. 6. 11, I. 6. i. a, r a. ia. RACE a Hurdles rmce sT 3. 6. 4, 1. 5, 7. 9. Scraaefalag: Love bug. RACK a Class a
    194 words
  • 92 25 AUCKLAND. Wed —New Zealander John Walker avenged his defeat at the hands of PUbert Bayl. of Tansanla. In the New Zealand Games 800 metres last Saturday, when he beat Bayl Into second place In the 800 j metres at an International Invitation athletic meeting here last night.
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 32 25 UPPER eXRANOOON Constituency will be organising a soccer tournament tor the Sla Kah Hul Cup. Entry forms are available from the Principal Serangoon Secondary Schcol. Entrie- close on Feb. 1.
    32 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1066 25 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD ts role in furthering econom.c development through industr.ol.sot.on in por*. EDB constontly seeks to rtcru.t well quohf.ed young men ond women in .anous techn.col, business ond professional disciplines Whilst coreer oppor exist for the right candidates at ony time, ED6 is seeking to fill the follow■.q
      1,066 words
      457 words

    • 71 26 -TOK annul "Mr. SfakjmP«t 1175" betfy MMla* eeateet win be h*U at th* Asabaaemdor H«td oa A»«.*. The Hi II I I tram for the -Mr. Aj*a" c— petl- hen, win be stlirtil oo the Mt night. Nine body MMen will be ■tfcwtod for ecoinlfcn*
      71 words
    • 601 26  -  JOB DOHAI GANESAN: WE HAVE OFFERED THE BEST TERMS TO AFC By fOOTBALL Association of Singapore has made a $343,000 bid to stage the eightnation Group Two p r e-Oly mpic soccer tournament at the National Stadium early next year. The
      601 words
    • 288 26 Wuvanich, Bajaj threats to English VJBLBOURN*. Wed— Inf" dla. Nlraj Bajaj and Thai -bom Australian Charlie Wuvanich are likely to be the strongest threat* to the fegUah domination of individual events of the Commonwealth Table Tennis championships starting here tonight England, who hold the top four seeds ln the men's
      Reuter  -  288 words
    • 84 26 midable for Tankards when they brc«wd throuch to a 34-4 win (atwn trie* and a goal to a try) In a SRU Dtritton Two rugtoy match at the padang ye»terday "A" coy. who Isd M-0 at half-time, put on the prea•ure after r—imp»on to forge ahead
      84 words
    • 454 26  -  ERNEST FRIDA By pHANO Chung Fa's rivals at the Shell golf Pro-Am Open championship starting at Bukit Chermin tomorrow, jvlll be the amateurs Talib Haron and Bill Bosley. The Kepp«l Golf Club captain Patrick Chan said: "I think Tallb and Bosley have a good
      454 words
    • 121 26  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By rpHE Singapore Amateur Swimming Ass o c i ation's comp c t i tion and training tours subcommittee has drawn up sound guidelines on the choice of tours for the national swimmin g, water-polo and diving teams this season. The committee have strewed
      121 words
    • 294 27 HAMMERS OUST SWINDON WITH LATE GOAL I oNDON, Wed —First Division West Lt Ham made hard work of eiect•ig swindon Town, a Third Division club, from the English Football Association Cup last night West Ham won the fourth round 2-1 to reach the last 16 but -ailing 0-1 at halftime
      Reuter  -  294 words
    • 331 27 f ONDOH, Wed. Real Li Madrid maintained thtlr six-point lead over Zaragoza In the Spanish First Division when they b*at Valencia 3-2 Real Madrid totalled 28 points from 18 matches, followed by Zaragoza with 22, Barcelona and Betls 21. Oranada 20 Real Socledad and Espanol
      Reuter  -  331 words
    • 44 27 Singapore Cricket Club thrashed Singapore American Eagles 4-0 In a hockey match played at Padanfl yesterday. SCC. who led 2-0 at half time, scored through Penny Kenison (3) and Joan Langlots They have so far won four matches and tost one.
      44 words
    • 191 27 Nee Soon upset champs NEE SOON pulled off a surprise 3-1 win over defending champions Kampong Olam to qualify for the semi-finals of the Inter-Contltuency Table Tennis tournament at Oay World Stadium last night Teo Poh Huat paved the way for Nee Boon's victory when he outplayed Nah 81ah Hua
      191 words
    • 335 27 Four-goal debut by girl soccer 'star' LIEGE (Bdgtam). Wed.— The Tear ef the Warns* has taken a avail stop farwara— lb feetbaU beets. Cars! Carr, a 17-year-eM Irish dri. has aaade her defeat for BeUftea't tof> _-^_«l|i. fMattaMW fca^hML. BWa>D~ aard Femlna, and she •cooed four geakv Just a few
      335 words
    • 336 27 Holder batters India to defeat with his pace BOMBAY, Wed.— West Indies defeated India by 201 runs in the Fifth cricket Test here today to win the series by three matches to two. India, resuming at 53-3 in the chase for 404 runs for victory, battled hard to save the
      336 words
    • 116 27 WEST INDIES 804-fl dec (Lloyd 242 no Fredericks 104. Kalllcnarran 98. Murray 01) ar.d 305-3 dec (Oreentdge Mi INDIA Ist Inns 408 (Solkar IJ2 Vlswanath 96. Oevaskar 86. Oaekwad 51). INDII 2nd Inns (Overnight &S-3) Gavaakar c Fredericks b Roberts 8 Engineer b Juliet) 0 Solkar Ibw Holder Viswanath
      116 words
    • 393 27 Lillee and Walker put Australia in sight of win ADELAIDE, We<i.— England were on the brink of defeat in the Fifth Test here today after Australian fast bowler Dennis Lillee found a new ally in Max Walker, in place of his injured regular partner Jeff Thor-n.-.on. Scores: Australia 304 and
      Reuter  -  393 words
    • 141 27 AUBTBAUA Ist Inna: 304 ENGLAND let Inna: 173 AUSTRALIA 2nd Inna (Overnight 111-2) Bfdpaui b Underwood 82 ■teCMkar c Knott b Arnold 11 I. Chapped c Knott b Underwood 41 G. happrtl c Orelg b Underwood IS WaMeri not out 71 R. Itanh c Orelg b Underwood AS Jrtincr
      141 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 472 26 1 s^s^s^s^sWM /If' 4m I Buy a Rank Arena colour tv at the cash price -pay over 9 easy installments. If you go to any GEC dealer from now And that's still not all until the end of February, you can get a The Rank Arena is built of modules,
      472 words
    • 77 26 *****3 I Living Room Suit> 0 1200- SI.4MJ§MBM 4 L....S Kuot. So. I. *****- tiJOOOO t«>-oafTt SuiM *1 240 00 locKjd.nt m«n« I'M ll "W f ISNtabomtZOOOO o— I E«*no*blt p«mn T«tol» «JT».OO li* umooTiKY >*— »c smooo f* -n urn il» >«-i-»— < mm m«c Hk V" n~ ■^P^
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    • 32 26 ■OCUT WotDMilt*«w: Awmhetn Sobooi Oorali XI (p*dßßf>. aoocam msOn.. v»y 1 rtumr Mid Nktrt t fIBBL (Ttnclln); Dlr lO— Hum* Clwrtand Bank; Flat Allia t flbnt Duty (Both -»f^-*itT at rarrer Part).
      32 words

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    • 369 27 The StraiUTimes the gift you'll wish to keep for yourself «^^BnC9aVnßn^atatt£i f^ftnl ObM J "»An* B JP'*fcj 1. Putting Borobudur together again all about '^.r J~*. 9B9bHS the reconstruction of this enormous stupa m 4^S i Central Java, one of the world's great works ■gfrij tana ofart 1 BSfß^m J«ft
      369 words
      442 words

  • 94 28 6 DIE IN TANKER BLAST LISBON, Wed A Danish tanker. 89,000 tonne Jacob Maersh, bringing crude oil to the Lelxoes refineries Just outside Oporto caught fire and exploded today. First reports said there were six dead. Because of the danger the firr could spread to other tankers ln the port
    AP  -  94 words
  • 169 28 WASHINGTON, Wed. The army has wceewfnlly "t*d UserC aided Uerr shell that defenc, officials believe will revolutionise the role of an. '»ry on the battlefield. With the new shell, whose course can be chai.xed In mid-flight to bring it down with high acru<-tcr on
    169 words
  • 31 28 WASHINGTON. Wed US New* and World Report •ays "Soviet leader Leonid Brexhnev Is Buffering from > congestive heart ooodltton which has put him out of action since Dec. 20." AP.
    AP  -  31 words
  • 485 28 BANGKOK, Wednesday THAILAND'S armed services chief pleaded with political factions today to compromise and form a coalition government. He declared the military has no intention of stepping in. The (ear of a military takeover, always latent In Thailand where the army has
    AP  -  485 words
  • 423 28 r ONDON, W«d Baultlaa eloMd L blsMr today la HUn two-day tradlac atdad by praaa eonunant Pnet mo»«matn mr* still vary volatile and at 3 p.m tlw Plnascui Tlmn lnd» wu up 111 to Z3t> 4 Net Haw uaai equity laadm ranod from 4p to 12p and banka
    423 words
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    • 297 28 Call us for an estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration Air Conditioning Co., 23^25, SAIBOO STREET, SINGAPORE 9. TEL: *****9/*****1 y a The Classical 9 ttblikun 400 Mm 9is back Km I m 1 a 9 ain film Transparent ink container for K ll fi^K fully vi*it>*« control of ink
      297 words
    • 129 28 Prepare for rainy days or hard times by opening a Savings Account with Malayan Banking. We're Malaysia's biggest bank with 124 branches to serve you. Save with us today and you'll have a stable and brighter future. Just like an umbrella, we'll protect you from the rain. MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD
      129 words