The Straits Times, 28 January 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
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  • 501 1 Pegging it to inflation index ALGIERS, Monday THE world's major oil exporting countries are framing a proposal which they hope will stabilise the world economy over the next five years. Their plan, details of which have yet to be worked out. is to freeze oil prices
    Reuter  -  501 words
  • 353 1 Printing error cause of power strike KUALA LUMPUR, Monday TYPOGRAPHICAL error in a salary scales draft prepared by a government commission appears to have triggered a strike by about 4,000 electricity workers in various parts of West Malaysia, it was stated here today. The workers downed their tools last Monday
    Reuter  -  353 words
  • 52 1 JAKARTA, Mon— The Foreign Office confirmed today that Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore had agreed to hold a ministerial meeting in Singapore to discuss safety of navigation in the Malacca Straits. The meeting will be held in Singapore later this month, he said. The precise date will be set
    AP  -  52 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Dow Jonas irenfM, baaed on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Btchans*: 30 tndiu ••3.67. up ISM: M tramp IM.U. up 1.48; 15 utUa 7» .91, up 0 95; W stocks win. up 4.34 upi.
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  • 243 1 LONDON, Mon. Mrs. Ma r g aret Thatcher (above) today starts serious campaigning to take the leadership of the Conservative Party away from Mr. Edward Heath and perhaps become Britain's first -ever woman Prime Minister. Mrs. Thatcher. 49. is a
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 166 1 Guerillas agree to pull out of Lebanon BEIRUT. Mob. Palestinian gaerilla leaders have agreed to withdraw their forces from populated areas •f soath Lebanon, and the forces have already left two border villages, Al BayTaa said today. The newspaper said the guerillas' decision was taken at a recent meeting between
    UPI  -  166 words
  • 30 1 MANILA. Moa. The death toil from troptoal storm Lola which hit tas Philippine Mo last wosk row to n today, the official Phlßpplnoj _Nsws Asoaey reported. Hsutsr.
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  • 210 1 End to cinema censors' snips in London? LONDON. Mon. Cinema censorship for adults In London may be ended altogether tomorrow, opening the way for what clean-up campaigners fear will be an unparalleled flood of screen sex and violence. The decision will go to a vote by the 107 members of
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 60 1 20 years for lynchings TOKYO, Man. A member of Uvr Japansst Rod Army Itft-wlnj guerilla group was Jailed for 30 years today for maw i jurder of his revolutionary comrade*. The Tokyo rutrtct Cburt eonvtotsd Mlkto Aoto. M. for •even of 14 lynch murder* In im and ltTl, and for
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 130 1 15 BORDER BANDITS KILLED IN NIGHT BATTLE BANGKOK, Mon Thai security forces killed 15 bandits in a nightlong battle for control of a mountaintop strong hold near the Malaysian border, newspapers reported today. About 100 police and troops attacked the stronghold on Saturday night after a tipoff that more than
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 67 1 NEW YORK. Mon. An 11 -year-old girl died in a Brooklyn hospital over the weekend from lnjurtei tux- fered when the fell from a raclr fire engine on which sbe had hitched a ride. official* reported. Dnmllda Badulo. had bidden on an Inact In front
    UPI  -  67 words
  • 114 1 10 YEARS FOR HOUSEWIFE KILLER SBK Joe Keow, 44. a mother of six (above), was Jailed for 1* years by the High Court yesterday for killing her ii»ter-tn-law, Qnek Lee Enc, 53, In circumstances not amounting to murder. She was also given a three-year concurrent jail sentence for "causing evidence
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  • 93 1 PORT MORESBY, Mon. Papua New Oulnea's Government today cancelled a US$lB5,OOO (8*425,500) order for 25 Mercedes Bens cars after Chief Minister Michael Somare over-ruled Cabinet approval. The cars were ordered by the Cabinet for Independence celebrations and subsequent use by ministers, though no date has
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 53 1 LUSAKA. Mon. Zambia U to curb the Import of luxury goods because of the continuing fall in the world price of copper, the country's major export, the Zambia Dally P. all said today. The Mail said Zamb.a would conserve its foreign exchange reserves by, revoking all private
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 340 1 Stocks: Best rise since Oct npHE Singapore stock market which has been displaying some of its old buoyant spirit in the past fortnight— in line with overseas markets and In anticipation of lower Interest rates yesterday greeted the Government's credit relaxation with the best index rise since last October. The
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  • 48 1 RANGOON. Mon. The Burmese Government haa devalued ita national currency by 30 per cent against major world monies, a Union Bank ot Burma official said today. The new exchange rat* would be 6.2391 ky»U to UStl. The prrrtoua rate was 4.1138 to the dollar. UPI.
    UPI  -  48 words
  • 41 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon Oaltex Ou la hotting 4Ucuartona with Pctronaa, the Malaysian Oowmunent nation*] petroleum corporation, on the Mttlnf up of an oil refinery In the country, a CaJtex ipofcsaman aald today He declined to elaborate. AP.
    AP  -  41 words
  • 58 1 (SEE BACK PAGE) BANGKOK, Moo. Final returns in the Thai general election showed the Democrats rndinr up with 7? aeata well short of a majority in the new IMseat National Assembly The Social Juttm Party, apparently suffering from identiflcation with the regime of s— tid stroncman
    AP  -  58 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 85 1 SUPERBLY |HRI DESIGNED K| DIAMOND &1 WA GEM SET TT&M G.CDESILVA bbbsl MO. THE GALLERY s%\ 'Ua> 9 BATTERY ROAD I JL J -JT--SINGAPORE 1 TEL 9158% >p/ cl SonyCF-420S A real sound buy Four radio channels and a cassette-corder 100. Exceptional 2.7 watt output •Automatic tape shut-off, plus sleep
      85 words
    • 84 1 JAPAN IS AGAIN TOP TRADING PARTNER -Pago 8 SADAT rejects war to solve crisis 2 EGYPT: Send back terrorists for trial S VIETNAM toll In two years of "peace" 4 "US BASE on Diego adds to tension" S OI*IUM pusher gets 10 years 13-DEATH SHIP FIRE PROBE Pag* 24 CENTRAL
      84 words
    • 116 1 For Clear Comfortable Consult: C.S. CHONG O.D. EVERBRIGHT OPTICAL CO. 19. CHULIA STREET. SINGAPORE 1. fSJiiiw] coonn?s Light on J your budget. vB m Quick! tM onthejob.^>wJr Start right here with these two fabulous lightweight, energy-saving Philips exclusives. HO ll 2O HP 4118 Lightweight Hairdryvr: Lightweight Iron Sty ushiy designed,
      116 words

  • Straits Times World News
    • 384 2 UNITCO NATIONS. Mon rE United States. which has attacked recent United Nations decisions and warned of erodinf American support, has begun a high-level review of its policies toward the world organisation and all its affiliates, according to a high-ranking American official. The review
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    • 250 2 'Pro-West Arab oilfields are in US hands' BEIRUT, Mon.— A Senior Palestinian guerilla leader has charged that oilfields In pro-Western Arab countries are already occupied by the United States. He also warned against an alleged US-backed conspiracy to merge Egypt, Syria and Jordan Into a unified state that would negotiate
      AP  -  250 words
    • 52 2 HQNGKONtr. Mon— Five toenagen robtod a man and woman In a park on Saturday and took the mini pants to prevent him from chasing them. The man w.-nt In pursuit anyway and they all slipped I hrough a pofire dragnet, UPI. MR. CROSSMAN Mm Li to disclose
      UPI  -  52 words
    • 189 2 LONDON, Men. Smoke gets in your eyes (and your blood and urine) even if you never touch a cigarette. This was the conclusion of two specialists reporting in the latest issue af the Lancet, one of Britain's most authoritative medical Journals. The doctors said
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    • 350 2 A FEDERAL report released yesterday warned 35,000 people living on the Island of Hawaii that they are in the path of an awakening volcano that has an awful potential. The report warned of hazards that include lava flows, falling rock, drifting gases, clouds of
      Reuter  -  350 words
    • 739 2 EGYPT AND SYRIA OFFER TO SET UP DMZ (JAIRO, Mon.— Egyptian President Sadat yesterday categorically ruled out war as a means of solving the Middle East crisis and Syrian President Hafez Assad joined Xiim in offering to set up a demilitarised zone on
      Reuter  -  739 words
    • 368 2 Row brews over the Crossman diaries Ar-^.r LONDON, Monday LEGAL row over keeping Britain's secrete brewed today following the decision of the Sunday Times to publish the first extract of the diaries of the late Laboia NMnCrossman without Cabinet Publication in book form of Mr. Crossman's "Diaries of a Cabinet
      Reuter  -  368 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 60 2 it i ik I sm J^H^B^^^^^l^K* m I '■-■^l^H't^i 5\ 1 I jf '^^^^SliH* '^^^''^Hin^n^n^n«n^i^nH^n^n^Bv^^<'* I V^^n^B^n^B ■V fl I K W, fl «1 Lsßn^L^nfl nHn^n^nW fl n^nHn^n^Hftflß I "Si»!^**A T^ I A»^L t '*ia T* rf.ll*- n^n^n^n^m^ft^n^H Ciajln£7r^n^n^n^n^nH illCj|L«(6^B *i oil HT^sfli^nWi Ml^*fl ol C^iCiJi <*w^F# I t%ll Il«4^^fl
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  • 269 3 ADDIS ABABA. Mon- f Automatic weapon fire was heard yesterday i from the airport area of I Asmara, capital of Ethiopia's troubled Erlt- rea province, amid Indications of unrest in air force and navy units stationed In the pro- vlnce Despite repeated appeals by the
    AP  -  269 words
  • 50 3 pENEKAL Idi Amia of Uganda receiving Soviet Ah- Force Lt.-Cot Alexander Medvedev, hero of the Soviet Union, in Kampala recently Col. Medvedev headed a Soviet delegation to Uganda for the fo■ r t h anniversary celebrations of the coup that brought Gen. Amin to power. UPI photo.
    UPI  -  50 words
  • 161 3 Forced landing after bomb scare SHANNON (Ireland), Mon— A Polish airliner made an emergency landing here yesterday after a telephone call warned of a bomb on board. But a police search failed to find one, airport sources said. The west of Ireland airport was put on full alert after the
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  • 142 3 LANDS END (Engtand), Mon. Eleven of the 13 crewmen of the I.OIC metric tonne (l,<*«-ton) British freighter Lovat died because the vessel's only llferaft was not big enough to hold them when they abandoned ship hi an Atlantic storm, one of the two survivors
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  • 25 3 MANILA. Mon. Tht Philippine* and Algeria hare osUblUhsd diplomatic relation* "on ambassadorial level cfftctlT* Immediately, the Foreign Office tin'wmyt* here today —AP
    AP  -  25 words
  • 384 3 PARIS, Mon. President Sadat of Egypt said yesterday Arab terrorists who commit outrages abroad and then seek sanctuary in Aral lands should be turned over to foreign authorities for tiial. Although Mr. Sadat has previously condemned terrorist acts most recently the raid at
    AP  -  384 words
  • 47 3 NAPLBB, Man. PottM trrwted Lulsl Albino. 40, today on t chart© of karptng hla wife locked In their houM for 48 days. Polio* Mid Albino atao kept Ma 14-year-oUI aon Maroello capUve In la* houae to .keep watch on AJbano'i, wlft, Carmela, 43 UPL
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  • 47 3 MELBOUIINB. Mon A 18-year-old Melbourne housewife was raped at kn!?e-polnt In a suburban telephone booth last night, police reported today. Tbe rapist took the woman* clothing and money, leaving her naked in the booth, while he escaped In bis ear. pooce said.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 179 3 pATANZARO (Italy), \j lion. Police forces hare been sent here for fear of violence when Italy's mo«t controversial post-war criminal trial opens today. Two groups, one Fascist and one anarcnist, are charged with the same crime causing a bomb explosion In a Milan
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 59 3 Holy and costly*. ITNITED NATIONS, Mon Meeea Is the wtrM'l U BKMt expensive elty for visitors and Lonfen to now as dear as New York, aeeerdtng to the United Nations. From this month the daily ttvinf allowance far UN official* on short-term ssJasions to Meeea Is UB$M <SSl».4t) and for
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 385 3 SENATE TEAM FOR SPY PROBE Wfle In hand a civilian guard runs from communist gunners in Tay Ninh UP! photo. WASHINGTON, Mon. —The Senate is expected to form a committee today to conduct a major investigation Into allegations of government spying within the United States Senators believed initially that such
    Reuter; UPI  -  385 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 NhlciClOikh v^jSßm fesHve offer tw^ During the months of December 74, January and February 75, a NATIONAL Automatic Rice Cooker worth $121.50 will be given away with every purchase of any of the three NATIONAL All-Transistorised TV sets shown below. This offer is valid only in Singapore. [JBL f\ I
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  • 183 4 Laotian refugees to be flown home VENTIANE. Men.— The first batch of more than three -quartern of a million people uprooted from their homes In the Laotian civil wars will leave here tomorrow on the first stage of their journey home, Pathet Lao sources said today The sources said an
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    • 441 4 272,901 dead, wounded in two years of 'peace' VIETNAM TOLL MOUNTS SAIGON, Monday fHE Saigon Command today reported another 306 casualties in South Vietnam's continuing war on the second anniversary of the much-quoted, but littleimplemented, Paris Peace Agreement. Latest reports of dead and wounded from both sides for the 24
      Reuter  -  441 words
    • 286 4 PHNOM PENH. Mon Insurgent gunners hit Pochentong military airbase with three rockets, while In the capital a two-ship convoy arrived at the port before dawn today with extensive damage .port authorities said. A barge and the Bayon Trader, a fuel tanker, were
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  286 words
    • 193 4 Japanese firms sign sugar pact with Thailand rKYO. Mon. A group of four Japanese trading firms has signed a contract to buy from Thai Sugar Trading Corp., of Thailand, a total of 1.210.000 metric tonnes of raw sugar over five years starting this year, Mitsui and Co. said today. Under
      Reuter  -  193 words
    • 224 4 Western Press 'waging antiUnesco drive' rE director general of Unesco today accused the United States and the Weste; ft. European Press of conducting a campaif i of misrepresentation over Israeli participation in the world body. Mr. Amadou- Mahtar M*Bow, who If on a six-day visit to China, said Israel bad
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    • 80 4 nORTO ALBORE (BraI til), sion. The military guard of honour in southern Brazil has hit the wrong note again, this time playlng the Ctarlst national anthem in honour of the Soviet Ambassador. Four months ago a band played the West O>r- man national anthem In honour
      Reuter  -  80 words
    • 356 4 Left riots in Portugal: 'Democracy in danger' OPORTO. Monday THE chairman of Portugal's Centre Democrat Party (CDS) said he feared for the future of democracy In the country after leftwings riots yesterday forced the party to abandon Its congress here. Observers raid the cancellation of the congress cast serious doubts
      UPI  -  356 words
    • 194 4 Court to decide on 'stop plebiscite' petition MANILA, Mon. The Philippine Supremr Court has set a hearing on Thursday to decide whether to consider a petition to stop the Feb 27 national referendum on martial law. At the same time, the 81 member Catholic Bishop's Conference in this nation of
      UPI  -  194 words
    • 73 4 OTCW YORK. Moo. The Port Foundation yesUrdar announced grants totalling almost US$4OO,OOO (SStaO.--000) to ieren universities (or research aimed at improving understanding of world economic relations Studies will be undertake:. an matters such at future world food supply and demand, the effect of tariff cut* on employment
      73 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 286 4 Meet the Rock<we« family of profess f~~ ■■"■I tonal hjnd-heW calculators a new H ss«n^ c*s lir>eof»txH:.*-porrx>secs»c*itsTt<>rs. the compteK operations of financial 0 202 Electronic Slide Ru*s for sewn analysis I 3 TOMwncConvwwr ttftc eogmeenng and student needs They're designed for the professional Q 3W'«*v« It does everything from square
      286 words

    • 469 5 RUSSIA POSES NO PROBLEM. INDIA faces enough difficulties without the added tension of a base in the Indian Ocean, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi said in an interview with Newsweek. Mrs. Gandhi said that while the establishment of a strategic base
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  469 words
    • 240 5 rpOKYO, Mon Japan's traffic toll In 1974 totalled 11,432 deaths down 3,143 or 21.0 per cent from 1973 It was the sharpest decline en i weort. People lnl ur-td totalled 400,452 from 651.430 traffic accidents that occurred last "ear This was 138.528 fewer than In 1973. TAIPEH: Taiwan's Traffic
      Agencies  -  240 words
    • 106 5 Concern over rise in political terror NEW DELHI, Mon. India's President Falchruddln All Ahmad has deplored the Increasing political terrorism In India. In a message broadcast on India's 25th anniversary. Mr Fakhruddln did not cite examples. But his address was his first to the country since Railway Minister Lallt Narayan
      AP  -  106 words
    • 81 5 DENVER, Mon— A US circuit court of appeal* haa reverted a UBS3MS million uS$594 25 million) Judgment against International Butiness Machine* Corporation (IBM), which had been charged with monopolising a part of the computer Industry. On Nov. 10. 1973, the Oklahoma district court found In
      Reuter  -  81 words
    • 57 5 NSW YORK Mon. Chase Manhattan Bank. Americas third largest. lowered IU prime Interest rat* today from 9.7» per cent to 9.S per cert The reduction brings Chase In line with ttie rate announced last Friday by the two largest banks of tne United State*. Bank of
      AP  -  57 words
    • Article, Illustration
      31 5 JAKARTA. Mon. Mr Both IT waty Laotian Economic and Planning Minister, arrived here lact night to aik for Indonesian aid In the development of Laos— AP. MR. THANOM
      AP  -  31 words
    • 29 5 TOKYO. Mon. Mr. Mlnoru YokoU. former directorgeneral of the Japan Newtpapers Publisher* and Editors Association, died of cancer today at a hnepltal here. He was SO UPI
      UPI  -  29 words
    • 163 5 -CANBERRA, Mon The V; Minister for Labour and Immigration, Mr. Clyde Cameron, said today some confusion had arisen among migrants seeking to have members of their family Join them In Australia. He said the term "family" tended to have a much narrower definition in Australia
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    • 164 5 N-blast: Bhutto takes India to task NEW YORK, Mon._lf India had devoted to factory production and agriculture the money It spent on exploding a nuclear device "its position today might have been much better and she would not have faced all those economic problems." This admonition comes from Mr. Zulflkar
      AP  -  164 words
    • 354 5 CEOUL, Mon. Government authorities today ordered tight crackdowns on all illegal campaigns for and against the forthcoming national referendum seeking a popular verdict on the nations current Constitution. The voting date has yet to be set officially. Informed government officials said It will be
      UPI  -  354 words
    • 188 5 BANGKOK, Mon. The Thai Cabinet has approved a proposal to return nearly UB*l 4,000 <5532.200) of about US$2 million (554.6 million) In confiscated assets to ex-strongman Thanom Klttlkachorn. It was announced yesterday. The Cabinet turned down Marshal Thanom's bid for the return of the remaining
      AP  -  188 words
    • 68 5 SYDNTY. lion. An U-jre»r-old woman iv killed when tne tdevUlon Mt sbt iv witching exploded and caught fir* in the bxlioom of h«r home In the Sydney wburt of Chlppa&dato last night PoUc« Mid today Mi* Prance McLachlan was blown Sm <10ft) out of her
      Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 330 5 COURAGE TLCONFIOENCE JjM LEADERSHIP zSSJE lOwtyi Ibe Dale CvKfk Cmtm kelps aen ai. woaen: c Acquit poit* »*<J confidanct c Sptck »ff» Sell rouruif i«d rout >d«*t a* rot" bt»l oilh tny |'oup R«m*mtw ntmat m Think *nd tpaak en your feet a Control tear »"d Kerry Ml better convertetiensiitt
      330 words
    • 245 5 Wj TH€ BR&ND IKW CNJBOMW^D DRIMK ROM MbGNOLIfc. TRYITTOD&Y. -f^ asS aa» m ,^K aBBt aW l>k j-^SHft 1 aB L>ft-*l<r afl I f J I m. 'i m IB M m W*^ 1 A^m mm B ■LI m VaV" mto^ *-N B^^^m^^^a^VaßP^^i^Bßßtl J A% J '^jQ»»j<^- i >' Q9&-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 482 6 Is your life complete now Do you arrive at work hot and tired after jostling It gives you the freedom to go wherever you want to with the crowds at the bus stop? whenever you want to. The joy of effortless, relaxed Do you visit your friends as often as
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    • 184 7 MILLION DOLLAR BORDER FLOUR RACKET CRIPPLED BUTTERWORTH. Mon A million -dollar flour smuggling jacket from Malaysia to Thailand has come to a "near standstill." Reliable sources disclosed today that the activities of the syndicates had virtually stopped. "At least 00 per cent of the flour that used to be smuggled
      184 words
    • 43 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The rVherles Department Is Intensifying its efforts to encourage fanners to rear fresh water fHh. The Deputy Dlrertor-Oene-ral of Fisheries, stoclk Abu Bakar Osman Merlcan. said yesterday that this was in line with the Oreen Book plan.
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    • 632 7 It's always done: Accused FALSE NAMES FOR SHARES... FORMER Malaysian r Industrial Development Finn cc Bhd (MIDF) offclal Chew Hln Slvong said today he hail no Intention of deceiving anyone when he submitted applications, under flctlMous bumlputra rnxnes. for New 8 1 r it t s Times Press si tares
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    • 65 7 IPOH. Mon. The Perak Poultry Farmers Association today appealed to the public to eat more em and save the Industry In the state from collapne. As an Incentive, the wholesale prices of eggs and poultry dropped today eggs by one cent to 15 cents each for grade
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    • 36 7 TOKYO. Moo. AraMan Oil Co. of Japan plans to build an oil retlntng plant In Malaysia Jointly with Caltez Oil Corp. of the United States, and Malaysian Interests, the Asahl Shlmbun skid yetterday.— AP.
      AP  -  36 words
    • 331 7 rIK strike by the Nat i o n a 1 Electricity Board workers entered 1U eighth day today with workers In Port Dlckson. Tampln and GemsLs Joining in the strike. However, some workers In Batu Pahat. Temerloh and Mentakab returned to work today. Ths Industrial
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    • 33 7 RIYADH. Mon. A Malaysian trade mission led by Premier Tun Abdul Razak arrived here today from Bahrain on the last stop of a six-state tour In the Oulf.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 144 7 AERIAL RIDE WITH A SUPER VIEW KUALA LUMPUR, Mon.— The $2.1 million cable car system at Genting Highlands, 51 km (32 miles) from the city, will be opened to the public soon. The system, stretching over a distance A 2.438 metres (8 j— feet) Unks the G ntlng Highlands Hotel
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    • 143 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Deputy Home Affairs Minister Datuk Abdul Samad Idrls said today Indonesian labourers were being smuggled into Malaysia and exploited by unscrupulous syndicates. He said his ministry was conducting Investigations to wipe out these syndicates because their I Illegal
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    • 271 7 JOHORE BARU. Mon. Mentrl Besar Datuk Hajl Othman Saat urged estate managers yesterday to retrench workers only as a last resort despite recession and the low price of rubber. At a meeting with rubber and oil palm estate managers here he asked
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    • 20 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. The Malaysian Trained Nursses Association has started a building fund drive for Its proposed headquarters.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 185 7 SONY 1975, we open 365 days to look alter your Trinitron color tv. Dial *****4 for our Service Manager ti 11 1 Mr. Heng ChinTeck, Weekdays :9a.m. to Bp.m 7 Im^rf Sundays and Public Holidays 10a.m. to sp.m. H~S"I Color TV is a very sophisticated and sensitive electronic equipment. good
      185 words

  • 371 8 Japan is again our top trading partner gl NGAPORE'S total foreign trade during the first nine months of last year showed an increase of $11,232 million, compared with the corresponding period for 1973, according to official statistics. Of the total trade of $26,360 million. Imports accounted for $15, 1 M
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  • 84 8 THB Ministry of Culture will hold 1U 13tn Concerts for Urn Young at Toa Pmyoh branch library lecture hall on Peb. 1 'at 3 p m The concert will feature Tan 81 Leng. Janice Ng and Tan Yl Mir. at the piano, bfdt Slew Ung and Ooh
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  • 134 8 PRINCESS TO LAUNCH PATROL BOAT PRINCESS Masna. sister I of the Sultan of Brunei, will launch a $2 ml lion patrol boat at the Vosper Thornycroft shipyard in TanJong Rhu at 11.20 a.m. on Thursday. The vessel the Pemburu Is one of three patrol boats costing a total of $6
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  • 28 8 fin assistant director of Lhc Singapore Science Centre. Dr RB. Bhatnal. will cpaak at the Rotary Club of Singapore lunch mmMng in Mandarin Hofi to— row.
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  • 135 8 IIHNNEB of a bride-of-the year vT contest, Mrs. Elizabeth Chan receiving her prise from the managing director of Kodak Singapore. Mr. F.B. Powers, at Roblna House. Bat Elisabeth and her husband. Raymond, will have to wait until September before they can enjoy the
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  • 271 8 rS Singapore Tourist Promotion Board will host the third travel conference of the international division, American Society of Travtl Agents (ASTA) at Mandarin Hotel from March 10 to 12. ASTA members from more than 110 countries are expected to take part in workshop sessions,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 592 8 where it counis te be very white, very caf e. very good looking... W m I "-1 Jr ir If J 1 BrtgJ^SSt" BBBBBBBBBBBsfIP' |^MH BSSSSSSta^^^BSSSSSSsi W A I M i r^ -i ■I '55 1 1 o^^ NETTLE offers the most renable sockets, switches I^^L I and accessories designed
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  • 162 9 SABAH ACTRESSES HERE TO PROMOTE FILM THOUGH Death has laid its icy fingers on Cji Rashid, 22, she does not retard it as a bad omen for her future. For It all happens in a Blm in which the Sabah actress plays .the role of a "vixen"
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  • 186 9 M/ORK on the fifth TV phase of the Bast Coast reclamation scheme has started near the Inner and Outer Roads. the Port of Singapore Authority announced yesterday A PSA statement said that the areas covered by the scheme would be prohibited to all
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  • 53 9 POLICE yesterday appealed to the relatives of Madam Chan Yoont Tai. 78. who died in Ward Nine of Woodbrldge Hospital last Wednesday at about 3.25 p.m.. to contact the Pays Lcbar police station. Madam Chan was admitted to the hospital In 1958 and her last known address was
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  • 282 9 CECURITAS Pte. Ltd., a maripe and commercial security agency, has been told by the Licensing Officer /that its licence would not be renewed after its expiry at the end of this month, the Straits Times learnt yesterday. It is understood that the flrm
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  • 51 9 THE Commonwealth Instltut* and tit* ff* t Vi-»' Book League are Inviting entries for the. Commonwealth Poetry PrlM 1975 before June M. The aae ttijerjo) pris* Is awarded annually for a first book of poster In English published by an author from a Commonwealth country other than
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  • 100 9 Cannabis pusher gets 3 years, whipping A CONTRACT labourer who brought 23 kartoos of cannabls across the Causeway in a bus was yesterday Jailed for three years with four strokes of the rotan. Buppayah Valllyappar. 23. who Is from Johore Baru, was checked by Customs officers when he reached Woodlands
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  • 52 9 LABOOia Minister Mr. Oas; Pans; Boon urged parents not to drive their children beyond the limit* of their abilities when he spoke at the t— ''"C of a Ttw> Payofa The word "not" waa missing In the report which appeared In the Straits Times yesterday. The error
    52 words
  • 268 9 OPIUM SMELL IN CAR A MALAYSIAN lorry driver was jailed for 10 years with 10 strokes of the rotan by the Fourth District Coart yesterday for trafficking in $52,800 worth of raw opium. Ngo Ah Hlng alias Ooh Kirn Hlng, 26, and Ng Eng, 25,
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  • 175 9 LORRY owner Ong Kok Leong, 24, Involved with nine others In the killing of lorry driver Lee Chee Chlm. 35, In Tamplnes area last June 20, was Jailed for eight years by the High Court yesterday. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter by causing Lee's death while
    175 words
  • 196 9 Student died in fight: Two jailed TWE Rich Court yester- day heart! that a fight between two groups of youths at a new hawkers' centre in Old Airport Road led to the death of an 18-year-old schoolboy. Tan Yew Teck was fatally stabbed In the upper adomen on Jan 29
    196 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 373 9 Introducing Singapore's most modern, beautiful and complete banking service. QaV*n9 S Acc OUnf S rt^.. tSk 1^ »JM s% A xv Computei terminals v^\. ■V K Ib^bH^^^^ i Cm! mm m /Sj n charge/ SBUsL kWLf i Q// X\ Loansand Sbbbbbl U H UI.K \c6n// \\O \overdrafts <J>BBH XX i
      373 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 290 9 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS swooning one (7). 1 Shskespeanan character •Oo baofc and conduct giving car to woman fresh negotiations (7). teacher (•.*>■ EmpKV delaying tactics I headed art revolution to fill stream, perhaps (S. initially but was toft t»- 3. 4i njnd (7). 10 Tried club set and found
      290 words

  • Especially Women
    • 197 10 When you are half a size too big DEING chubby at ten 0 can pose a problem when it comet to drewThe child usually find* heneH a little too big for the clothe* that are meant for the average (iris of her age. She may be able to slip into
      197 words
    • 818 10 Does your child take shoelace for lunch? By SARA LAMBERT 2^o ordinary diet is enough for babies. Most of them like to have a crack at swallowing buttons, marbles, crayons, safety pins, coins, and just about anything that will go in their mouths. A few, in fact, are quite prepared
      818 words
    • 58 10 y MT favoarlte facial is made from a mixture of one part eaf fee cream stirred into two parts of W slightly warmed honey alasee* Uamld After cleansing yaw akin thoroughly, —Bath thU a •n with you UngerUsM. lie down. If »c«Bibie,^ and let it dry for tt
      58 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 336 10 BB^^^ BB^BI I B PP PbWI LVvJaBBB UWP /fl al^fl aw a^Lm I liatr'ltSlm^ X bH bbß iFSjUmit J *ta Efc Vvlaaß* bb^bbW MM I J^ J^ J —^J Because Estee Lauder knows you can have dry skin even at twenty, she brings you her most intensive creme treatment in
      336 words
    • 586 10 f Bring Lasting Loveliness to Your Skin— Over the centuries women have tried countless skin beauty treatments in their search for feminine perfection. Some have proved highly effective and have become widely known and wideN used throughout the world. Today modern science has made it possible for vtu men in
      586 words

  • 55 11 A SELF-CONFESSED drug addict. Long Hin Quea. 28. was sentenced to four yean' Jail and four strokes of the cane on Saturday for dug trafficking. The Third District Court found him guilty of committing the offence in a backlane of Kitchener Road around 530 p.m.
    55 words
  • 139 11 Teachers interviewed for promotion TEACHERS shortlisted by the Ministry of Education for promotion arr being interviewed by the Public Service Commission. The interviews which began last week are expected to go on till March. The candidates for promotion are from all levels of staff in the Education Service and, if
    139 words
  • 186 11 A MAN, who stabbed his wife's "boy friend" to death after waylaying him, was jailed for 10 years by the High Court yesterday on an amended charge of manslaughter. 00l Ek Ouan, 27, originally accused of murder, p'eaded guilty to the amended
    186 words
  • 87 11 Post-graduate medical course THE University of Singapore has Invited applications from candidates who are Interested In pursuing postgraduate courses leading to the degrees of Master of Science In Public Health and Master of Science In Occupational Medicine. The one-year course* will start on July 7 and those interested In applying
    87 words
  • 41 11 LION cance* will be held at the Cbang* Alley aerial flaza In Co.'lyer Quay on Ptb. S at 4 JO p m The dances are organised by the Clifford Holdings Pte Ltd. for tourists and tbe public.
    41 words
  • 34 11 BUKTT llenh community centr* will toon conduct courMi In fMXb— ribbon flower making, firi i— itng and cake nuOdnf. Those who art Inlwtart ■My call at tbe offlc* lor furttMr detail*.
    34 words
  • 551 11 Woman cut sister-in-law's body after fatal fight 10 years' jail for mother of six MOTHER of six, who killed her sister -in law and chopped up her body, was jailed for 10 years by Mr. Justice Choor Singh in the High Court yesterday. •Sim Joo Keow. 44, of Upper Perak
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  • 240 11 Joint boost for S-E Asia as convention area SINGAPORE Airlines and six Asian hotels are to Jointly promote South-east Asia as a convention region. The six hotels are Mandarin Singapore. Borobodur Hotel In Jakarta, Philippine Village In Manila. Furama Hotel in Hongkong, Indra Re-K-'nt In Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur Regent
    240 words
  • 81 11 Bankrupt fined for acting as director AN undischarged bankrupt, Tan Plah Ouan. was fined $800 on Saturday for acting as a director of Choo Seng Goldsmiths and Jewellers Pte. Ltd. on Feb. 28, 1971. Mr. Otam Chin Teo. counsel for Tan, said In mitigation that his client was actIng as
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  • 30 11 KALLANO community centre will hold a debate In English on Saturday at B pm. on the Responsibility of Youth for the Solution of Problems of Modernisation In Singapore.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 62 11 K *S~ ___L P Borrcw babys bath secret f"] Johnson's Baby Soap. Only the mildest, g purest ingredients go into the soap to gently f clean as it protects. Johnson's Baby Soap (L&mtwi* gently removes dirt and excess oils to keep TC your skin clean and fresh. Take special >
      62 words
    • 417 11 KELVINATOR CHINESE t*EW YEAH OFFER? \3§**JPa»^ NEW CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE: Kelvinators "FOAMWALL" is made Kelvinators new "FOAMWALL" is a up of strong steel outer wall dense vW.v4|W -revolutionary new construction foamed insulation and a tough ABS J L> 4*4t^J'' technique. "FOAMWALL" inner wall which <s chip-proof and •^.packed construction is almost
      417 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 330 12 REFLATION seems to be the economic slogan for 1975. A number of governments have decided that recession is a greater evil than Inflation, and have announced measures to reflate their economies by stimulating consumption and production. West Germany and Canada led the way The US announced reflationary measures
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    • 258 12 OOME years ago, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew paid tribute to Singaporean craftsmanship by referring to the pride of workmanship of a mason meticuously laying mosaic tiles in Oxley Road. On Saturday Mr. Lee deplored the indifferent attitude of today's construction workers who are sloppy and inept. His
      258 words
    • 450 12 The continuing fight against typhoid, malaria I REFER to the letter by "Old G.P." on the outbreak of malaria and other diseases (ST., Jan. 22). Singapore has not been completely free from malaria in the 1960s and *****. Though malaria epidemic has been brought under control, between 200 and 400
      450 words
    • 71 12 I REFER to the letter by "Concerned" (ST., Jan. 3). It may Interest your correspondent to know that action Is being taken to ban parking on both sides of Farrer Road fronting the Housing and Development Board flat*. Residents can make
      71 words
  • 712 12  -  VERNON COLEMAN: London r»y |T IS by no means uncommon for people in positions of power and responsibility to run away from their commitments for a while. John Stonehouse, the Labour MP who recently disappeared to reappear ln Australia, if, by no menns the first
    712 words
  • 1133 12 [TTHEN Albert Schweitzer celebrated yy his 90th birthday on Jan. 14, 1965, he had been acclaimed as one of the greatest men in the world by Kennedy, Khrushchev, Churchill, Queen Elizabeth and Einstein; also by hnndreds of millions of lesser known people; and most of all by thousands
    1,133 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • Business Times
    • 673 13  -  SOH 17/ ING K£NG By JHi: Government's latest retaxation of the cre<lit .sqiiec/i- ■ppOaTI to be prompted by Iwo main objectives. They are: TO HEAD off recessionary trends by stimulating economic and manufacturing activity. TO FALL In line with the latest developments
      673 words
    • 497 13  - Mortgage market more liquid but growth still slow LEE MITGANG B> YEW YORK: American bankers say they have more mortgage money now than during last year's credit squeeze. But that does not mean they are anxious to lend it out yet. Nor does it mean consumers are flocking to borrow
      AP  -  497 words
    • 483 13  - Share offer by Philippine real estate company By A PHILIPPINE company. A Landoll Resources Corporation, v offering 1U Sharif to inrestors in Singapore, Hong kon« and the United Kingdom aa well as in the Philippines. Two classes of stocks are on offer A and B. Of the 1.250 million shares
      483 words
    • 398 13 MTC faces problem of maintaining profitability AFTER turning in bumper results lor the year Just ended Malayan Tobacco is now faced with the problem of maintaining profitability In the current 12 months because of the recent "severe" Increases In tobacco taxes in Malavs:a and continuing Inflation. In his annual statement,
      398 words
    • 150 13 Royal Bank of j Canada, which was I given an offshore 11- cence by the Monetary Authority of Singapore last October, opened its branch officially here yesterday. It is the fourth Canadian bank to be given an offshore licence by the MAS, the others being Bank of
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 525 13 SOLID BANK Royal Bank of Canada has tripled its assets in the past eight years. Today: over $21.6 Billion. Look at it this way Canada is a global Whether your business is in Canada, in any trader. Where Canada does business, we do of the other countries in which we
      525 words
    • 117 13 Hjpft liMMt on Mm CiMMM Card HBMHb^H BW w>*> our official flam* Canon i r nn l i| **^^W^ Pahntranic LCTOu Add, subtract, multiply, divide. AB ■MBDggjEJ li^i^^* perform mixed calculations, ■•!> m mm mm h| with a constant, and nth power D EJ I Paimtronic LE-83 is instant. B^^
      117 words

  • 72 14 FOREIGNERS controlled or owned 17.85 per cent of the total equity of United Overwas Bank, including the 7.22 million ordinary shares to be Issued upon the full conversion of Its 6v4 per cent convertible bonds 1988. at the end of the fourth quarter of 1974.
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  • 414 14  - Malays' share in tin industry to be raised TAW TtCK CHYC By rpHE Malaysian governJL ment aims to raise bumiputra participation In the tin mining industry from under two per cent to 30 per cent within 15 yean. This Is part o' a national policy to Increase Malay nationals' share
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  • 469 14 Mr. R. T. Shepherd has relinquished his position as chairman and managing director of Raleigh Cycles Malaysia with effect from Jan. 1, according to an announcement by the company. Also on Jan. 1, Mr. K.I. MacKay relinquished his position as commercial director of the company and became
    469 words
  • 35 14 '''.jjjfin*& IH Pra-Tas Interim, tUlf-ymr Profit/Lou <L> Dividends' to Saint Uran Sept. 74 CIM (CSS) a Spore Finance Oct 74 511.571 (SSI 040) k\ United Malacca Oct 74 M 52.182 (MSI 782)
    35 words
  • 208 14 Federal Cablet. Wire* Metal Mfg. has jeen given approval by the Foreign Investment Committee and the Capital Issues Committee of Malaysia for Its proposed acquisitions of (a) 4.2 million MSI shares or 70 per cent equity In Fujisach (M) Metal Industries and (b) two million MSI shares in
    208 words
  • 404 14 SOMETHING old and something new so goes that popular advice to brides on how to dress their best for their best of men. But things old and things new are not for a bride's wardrobe alone. Things old (and
    404 words
  • 111 14 WHILE the Adler calculator will go a to helping the consumer keep tract of i_ number of new products that tempt him everyday. Code 19, a new hair cream from Coltate-Palmolivr will certainly help him to keep his hair on battles against the temptation of
    111 words
  • 184 14 Sony faces business downturn in fiscal 1975 TOKYO Sony Corporations net sales in the 1975 fiscal year to October will be at worst little changed from the last fiscal year, managing director Noboru Yoshll sajd. Sony's business results for first quarter of fiscal 1974-75 would be very bad because the
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 97 14 YORK: Exxon Mr. Jamieson said the A Corporation's earn- rate return of assets ings in the fourth quarter of 1974 from oil and with 105 per cent, while gas operations dropped shareholder's equity rose to US$7O4 million, from to 21.3 per cent against $725
    97 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 576 14 After you fly TWV's Ambassador Service to America, you should fly TWfVs Ambassador Service all over America. V,^,.,^ toiumbu* J7^*"' mof n Director of Ground Ambassador I am i P* SSmmMm^m. Hes in every -iiT >W s w^h.t. M L u«i»viik V He son every 747 Ambassador SerS** W iw«
      576 words
    • 12 14 W m- J^ w A *-~X '*J Te1639-437 RENTA<^> m FROfejQO J
      12 words

    • 198 15 O.C.B.C. t 5 15 Ul. Life 6 00 M Banking CM W. lr»n 3 so 2 M 8. Thnc. 3 50 ILC. t 1 «5 Hoac Lw«« t 3.06 BJunUl ***** 8. Stcmouhlp 2 44 S. Darby 1 »7 lncbckpc t 2.00 '•"liin t 2.32 C.
      198 words
    • 1523 15 THE last transacted ready sale at the close ot business on th« Stock Exhang* of Singapore yesterlay compared with tha rrvtous day's prlcea together 75 high and low d tor all new Issues). SfCTION ONI INDUSTRIALS CLOSING TOMS: All sections cloaed very steady TUMNOVBR Official mures supplied by
      1,523 words
    • 1428 15 I)ID and offer prices officially IL-ted and buslneu In md reported to the Kuala. Stock Exchange with the number irat traded shown In in lots of 1.000 units. therwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aican l m ot>. lovoe. ».•>.!. i 0 S08) il) 0.80 Bm I 338 I 3TB> ll
      1,428 words
    • 380 15 rpHE Singapore stock market yesterday came alive In bullish tradlnf with very rood gains attending most equities. Interest once again centred on the banking and finance sector where appreciations ranged up to 50 cents in extreme cases. Trading was hectic throuchout the day and with the
      380 words
    • 1912 15 BID and offer prices officially 11.- ted and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore Trourday with the number or share* traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 unlU unless otherwise specified All Time Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoted after the word
      1,912 words
    • 221 15 MANILA: Hongkong b v s 1 n c ss Interests have taken a 40 per cent shareholding In a HK$l62 million luxury development In Manila. The Hongkong com- i panics are Swire Pacific. ng and Shanghai and Hongkong n Wharf ti each with a
      221 words
    • 13 15 T*OKYO: Toyota Motor 1 has produced 206,--23#> vehicles in Novem-j;
      13 words
    • 309 15 Equally strong advance in KL mart SHARE prices moved up strongly on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange n one of the most bullish trading sessions for a long time. The shot-ln-the-arm for the market was provided by Singapore s move to lift control on loans' growth and the Association of
      309 words
    • 117 15 SALES of National Iron and Steel Mills improved In the second half of the year ended December 1974. reducing the 168 per cent drop reported at mid-term to 13.9 per cent for the full year Volume of sales fell to 205.016 metric tons for the 12 months
      117 words
    • 95 15 WASHINGTON The Securities and Exchange Commission said it suspended trading In the stock of IBM. Telex Corp. and Telex Communications Product Inc. from the close of trading last Friday until tomorrow. The SEC said it was talcing the action because of a ruling by the US
      Reuter  -  95 words
      • 29 15 Rubber: Jan. 27. Singapore: 128.50 cts (up 2.25 cts). Malaysia: 128.00 cts (up I.M ct). Tin: $1,050 (up $38). Official of ferine 310 tons (down 20 tons).
        29 words
      • 58 15 Saturday Friday UtS UIB Melbourne (1) Closed 130.23 London Closed 177 008 Cloaed m.508 Beirut 150.2& ***** Honfkonc ITB.BO 178 30 Zurich Cloaed 17T.008 Ctostd 17H.508 Parts Cloaed 1*3.70 Malaga? Saturday Spore (2) 178.508 175.508 180.938 1D0.V38 Export prlcaa In non-aterllnc areas in V B. dollars per ounce.
        58 words
      • 25 15 THE Straits tin price in Penang yesterday surged $38 to $1,050 per picul on an official offering down 20 tons to 310 tons.
        25 words
      • 106 15 /■hiniss fhoouci ix V CHANCI. lINCArORI NOON closing rnicss »i« picul VISTIROAV. Casern* Oil: bulk S9ON sellers, drum 105.N sellers. •atwai Mined I loose) UK/ Cont. S4»N B. •>eaper: Muntok AST A white fob. 100* NLW 1257 i sellers. Srrawak white fob 98* NLW 1245 sellers. Sarawak special black
        106 words
  • 147 15 f ENEVA: A United Nations conference to nego\M tlate a new international tin agreement will be held In Geneva from next May 20 to June 20. the UN announced In a calendar of meetings published nere. The new agreement, fifth of Its
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 112 15 Tin producers cartel 'not feasible 5 JAKARTA: The time was not appropriate to set up a tin producers cartel on the lines of the oil exporters grouping, Opec, the head of Indonesia's state-owned tin company, PN Timah, said. Mr. A. Thajlb told a press conference that such a tin-producers cartel
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 376 15 'THE Singapore rubber ■I. market was a cent higher than Friday's close but Interest was at a low ebb and as a result conditions were Inactive. The ANRPC meeting due to start here today caused many operators to adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Some hedge buying Interest and shortcovering
    376 words
  • 105 15 Fefc. Mar. (Carrot MUi) ironrard MUO Baytr* Scllrn Bayers Seller* Icnli par kg) (eenU per kg) SCV (1 km pallet) 129 00 131 OON 129 00 131 OON I 5L (1 ton pallet ***** 129 SON 127 SO 129 SON IS (1 ton pallet) 127 00 129
    105 words
  • 67 15 WITH the general belief among dealers that the US dollar will not fall very much lower In Singapore it opened yesterday at $2 2850/90. By mid-morning It had firmed to $2 2910 20 to close In the afternoon at $2.2925/35. Suggested forward Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m. 1
    67 words
  • 193 15 The*., are suggested Interbank rates at 3 00 p m Currencies Noanlnal rates Smithsonian Percent*** quoted yesterday (cross) parity chance US dollar 2 2910 2 2030 2 8196 —18 75 Sterling pound 5 4700 5 4770 7 3469 —26 56 Hongkong dollar 48 65 48 75 So 51
    193 words
  • 205 15 ASIAN cunency deposit Interbank raUs as at close on Monday. Jan 27 IS Dollars Offer Bid 7 days 7 14 7 18 1 mth 7 3 4 7 5 8' 2 mths 7 3 4 7 5 8 3 mths f 1 8 8 6 mths t3
    205 words
  • 34 15 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Jan. 27. Offer BM Overnight 6 7 s 1 mth 2 mths B>. 7*. 3 mths 8S B>. Prime rate Source p. Murray- Jones International.
    34 words
  • 36 15 RANOK of rates offered by discount houses on Jan Ovrrnid Call depo- it i A>e»age Bur Sail TYstgij bins 14 4' a 3-month bank I,lllk 9 10 H 5 II Source National Ulacouni Co.
    36 words
    • 344 15 UONOKONO, Mon Th« t *marlcet closed on a verj' Ann note with substantial gains recorded In active trading, brokers said. The Hang Seng Index regained the 200 level lor the first time since Nov. 8 It soared to 209.62. up 23.05 points. The Arm trend was prompted by strong
      344 words
    • 233 15 fOKYO. Mon Share 1 prices on the Tokyo stock market today opened firm However, after softening In early afternoon trading, prices firmed towards closing In the morning session, govt loans and Investments Issues such as constructions and housing advanced. Although Incentive backed Issues were also bought selectively. pharmacrutlcab. pollution
      233 words
    • 16 15 ALL markets in Sydney were closed yesterday for Australia Day. a national public holiday.
      16 words
  • 171 15 Australia likely to impose car import quotas /CANBERRA: Australia \j may Impose Import quotas on motor vehlcles. government ofnclals said following the release of Statistics Bureau figures, which show auto Imports are •till Increasing especially in the case of .'apan—despite repeated requests from the Australlan Government for voluntary restraints. The
    AP  -  171 words
  • 110 15 JAKARTA: North Korea wants to buy Indonesian commodities such as natural rubber, tin and coconut oil, according to a Trade Ministry official. In return, Indonesia planned to buy North Korean steel, starting tbis year, the spokesman said. The Ministry declined to give details of
    110 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 767 16 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD For it* role m furthering economic development through industrial notion m Singapore. EDB comtontly seeks to recruit well qualified young men ond women m the vonous technical, business ond professional disciplines Whilst career opportunities exist tor the right candidates at ony time, EDB is seeking to fill
      767 words
    • 726 16 I THE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1 OF SINGAPORE PTE LTD INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING 1 PROJECT SALES MANAGER This is a senior staff appointment and the successful candidate is expected to co-ordinate the sales efforts of various departmental managers He should be wellknown in the Architectural and Consultancy fields
      726 words
    • 529 16 f SERVICE 1 I EXECUTIVE A large group of companies invites applications from male Singapore citizens oged 22 28 for the above position. Job Description The successful applicant will be responsible for the supervision of a production unit comprising over 30 employees. He will be required to implement policies laid
      529 words
    • 683 16 U UNIVERSITY rap SINGAPORE MEDICAL TRAINEESHIPS Applications are mv.ted from registered medical practitioners for oppomtment to Medical Traineeships in the rollowing ANAESTHETICS MEDICINE MICROBIOLOGY OBSTETRICS GYNAECOLOGY ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY PAEDIATRICS PATHOLOGY SOCIAL MEDICINE PUBLIC HEALTH SURGERY The University Scheme ot Medicol Troineeships is intended to provide on opportunity for eligible persons
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  • 22 17 DR KALkCAIv ltlS", pri-rrr_oolofl«t. will fire talk on PbannMolocr -nd Therapeutic Use of DtonMlca •t _b__STi-L_ Hotel at 8 pon*ht
    22 words
  • 403 17  -  EDWARD LIU By CENTRAL banks in South east Asia must operate soundly and efficiently, the Finance Minister, Mr. Hon Sui Sen, stressed yesterday. Addressing delegates of the 10th conference of Governors of South-east Asian Central Banks at Shangri-La Hotel, Mr. Hon said: "I believe It
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  • 227 17 'THE Singapore Port- workers Union has urged Its members to look out for a "phantom" briber who tried to bribe a port worker recently. According to reliable sources yesterday the unidentified person approached a workman while he was on wharf ditty
    227 words
  • 95 17 Yee is youth alumni chief again MR. YEE Weng Phel has been re-elected president of the National Youth leadership TrainIng Institute Alumni at its fourth annual meeting. Other officials art: Mr. I_i Wah Kee. vlce-p— ldent. Mr Hoh Cheng Ouew. aeeniarr (w tlsctsd); Khonf Sow Cheng and ML_ Kwok Kay
    95 words
  • 341 17 Developing nations less hit by inflation rpHE developing countries have shown to be less vulnerable than the developed nations to the effects of Inflation in view of their less complex financial structures. While Inflation now poses a deadly threat to the functioning and even the survival of the economies of
    341 words
  • 170 17 Showa Maru: Oil transfer still on SELCO Salvage teams are continuing to transfer oil from damaged tanks of the disabled Japanese super tanker. Show* Mam, in order to preient new leaks. Meanwhi'e. divers yesterday continued their Inspection of the supertanker Inspection has so far revealed that the damage caused by
    170 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 122 17 ___r J *J _p_l < _r NYAL. Ascorbic Add FIGHT FLU AND COLD Take Nysl Ascorbic Acid the vital Vitamin C for maintaining healthy bones, skin and body tissue, promoting growth and building resistance to respiratory infection. Vitamin C is particularly essential for infants and A^l growing children. For adequate
      122 words
    • 634 17 _t f9__l -__P^___ (//L _~___m______l OA i /X l /i A. y. j L /li ma THE \EM HICRO-MOtSTICS SOL \D EQLIRHEKT YOLR GLARAIVTEE OF MAXIMIM LISTENING PLEASURE INTERNATIONAL AUDIO MAGAZINES TESTED REPORTSSTEREO REVIEW Micro/Acoustics lint (FMM-1) r u ll P»nge speaker lysMm. it cerUinly orm of the best sounding
      634 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 983 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN PI Openmg Foitawd by In and Around US Leave it to Beawr-Wilty and the Fratar- mm I ,ZiLiS' m 2j« i nut it Mmm Tkuta N(WS (Hilly) MM a wry j,,,^ A ly,, On., Entitled Hutaa« 1* Our Music Makers Featur* Vivian Tan
      983 words
    • 17 17 /^^^J A^ J (OUK I'LL .MOVE IHE SAIP I _A 6 VIOLATIN6 V_ -_j HIS f3OPV SPACE
      17 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 231 18 vvs%\%VaVwvvaV.VaVys'A > aVVwv%vyvvvwvv l wy. TOOAY TOMORROW ONLY! 2 Stor* 7.M k 13#p*: AAihi: Sl-OHmm: $1 fp— uwpjwp wlx. Lovt rrr- > o^aTafA >flP9k STUNMNOI fAURK^ m irillianti -L, niMßi ..Mnooß niiafli I ODEON: Today Tomorrow Only! I; 5 SW.s: 11... 1.30. 406, 700 93Opa IOUM H»*Vt»T MMM The SH
      231 words
      312 words
    • 362 18 aaoa*oooo«*«oaaaoaaaoaoa i loaaaoooaoaoaaaaaaaaoooaaa^ GOLDEN THEATRE —;i TODAY i TOMORROW ONLY! S S Shawi at 11 .00 mm. 1 30, 4 00, *45, *JO pm REMEMBER "Tlm Girl in Your Arm*" CLIFF RICHARD'S Top-Tunet are coming back in M"V A (JALAN SULTAN) PI A/A cinema fcf»Pj-l»l TEL: *****72 If TEXTILE CENTRE.
      362 words
    • 199 18 aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa**** oVJBHiPjaiffIHIfI^VSTTTaH oaPJI pj)Ma*JaUila>a»Utafl OPENS THURSDAY! DONT BETRAY THE t KILLER! Ibtp Tlm SurpriM Ending A Sacrtrf! NO FKt! UST PBjoVl- PjWJoVb^. D^affljilv^ x > J jUHTIAN^TI liin SUSAN OAR* CAMERON MTTCMEU I LI nnminiii aaaaaßaiaaaßiaMpMtJJfJßJßl LAST 2 DAYS! 11 00 AM, 1 30. 4 00, 6 45 t
      199 words
    • 282 18 %wmsmmmmimWm%mmmmw^m»m Mertieka Film Prohctions proudly preseit 1 IHEIR FIRST FLM in SCOPE COLOR j REX -OPENS TODAY S 5 shows: 1 lam, 1.30, 4, 6.45 930-No Free List EXTRA! EXTRA! Tke STARSOF THf i FILM A'ilpff ML9PJM i plus COMEDY SKETCHES by WAiTO SATAY at TONIGHTS 5.45 9.30 pm SHOWS
      282 words
    • 651 18 OW6 AH DM LAST 2 DATS' Urn. 14$, 4.00, *.4S. Hywal Bannart. Nanart* Nawmoo Milo OSh«o TWt LOVI tAM" Colo* OPENS THURSDAY 1 GEORGE C SCOTT .n "■AMK «HOT" color lUAI LAST 2 OATS M* rV*» Ljat Itam 1 JO. '00 4 4S. JO Dovkl Ch.ona. Fu SKana "S
      651 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1282 19 C*aiMMM» %Wm M M/MiIMUII, ClMlkiil lAT "E" i— mH? 1 1 •mm mi ia mm art* ma aft* mm tiMPM MT 1•» ifm IMr IMr Ik iml MMMB 11 M MM Ik 11 Mm II Mr IMF TMM It) MM MM H FM a Mr a Mr M Mr II
      1,282 words
    • 893 19 PHOENIX CONTAINER UMERS PCL O3KIIUNERSHIP SERVICES TO USA. I* MJL FatMr imm< «m l*ptM I IMBar «MMI *tj MMM L Nrt mm imm n a m ptatFß pmnjhi a aM r fm imm mmm a •pm I uuanr kjim a nMr aMr Mii »aaaai «ar Mtß* I. laact FtMr »aaiai
      893 words
    • 1103 19 i» mwi. ni urn na in ii Daaaart MtM AaMtM AIHIJL eißalaUM MAY *P" **Mt Mkk taan tatt. WIIIWI MT aMa ana a m aM aM nm IITItPtm MT I FM IFM IMr 4Mr I Mr fM MaAMa 11 M MM I Mr II Mr 11 Mr IMr •am wmm
      1,103 words
    • 933 19 FULLY COHTAINIRIZEP SEKVICE TO CUKOfE ■> NB 1 Nft 1 I.Mm. a— MMMM -m PM tl "OntfOaW. WtffJM, fIKW*. Li lUml. MpTLaWK A Ftt fi M«.aaß^a*M Laau4ußaM M*U«Tt MITT Mr I Mr 4 aTMM, WMtrMIM. «f M.M IMTM. ClUlMllll. MWi MMM. aWnKT Hlfl Sa*clMal.(M. HeteMi. OtrtM lUaMta IMk| TkMt Ul
      933 words
    • 907 19 •*****; f. KalaaM atZ *****; *Wm< 2IJOI THE BANK LINE LTD. LMRNK. UMHL f«"». »■•»•> P.MaM hMMW tUftMM ItaaM*. MMM. far**.. CtfartM) P. akaj VIM tiara 1/ IFM J «T»»M P Mka| Sm MfMr KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A JC.) imh Mi tamcc lajMin P laM| FM). riaAAiSr 52 Si-
      907 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 822 20 njli "luT SAKI KISXN KAJSHA LTD. immsmd nm ma wm iti mm. kik. nwm sovkl May MaMaMj t UMI I P M*MJ IMNTI MMt" Tl IM IN) 11 Ml j**MM**- amMm em* Mm*. lIMI'' PM jTaifJfT-— Alwimm-Wmt AIHa- fcrrlM IMMMT* FM Rimtllf MaM tl Fat MatMV Part ajrcMrt. Imm Amm
      822 words
    • 1019 20 ■^■■■■MMtaftafatfJMLfllliLtllHHll ICCtPTIM IU INNS tr MITT ItMFMtNT PM PMTtAHH SAMP IAMMJMJkIt* aA4*V*#aN IMa**)*MA LMMRIHaM IAabKAM MMM TtMATC. Mm win mil ijm MM mam pans' I c T ••irrr ittM Jakarta kj Nrt I FM taa L C T MMTT KtT 11 M FM iMaMta. IS 1 MMMINt I JMarta H
      1,019 words
    • 1089 20 l^^rfTTlrTffrT-BnmSU-. V.K. niBOW SOVICI LOADING POI LONDON. BOTTrtDAM. HAMMJtO. SILIAO. SaM P. mimi Ptwif l>i»M laMat I'lmi N Vi ■I PIMM EMEIAia 1 1 Part B U II M I la iiptimi nrti nm rat iii* r*a hjvii m nih ai* Imm i*>, AItIVAU rtOM NOtTH-WIST tUIOTIAN POtTS AND LONDON
      1,089 words
    • 925 20 eggss somg t» I—, urnm/mmon wnn l| *la*i 1 mini i»'im IMaal **n ■HEW WUU I, I FM It 11 fa* 11-11 fa* IT/11 >M I Me I*/), I* a |)MMX 7' 3. M *W| 4 I'taa 1,4. Mrtvira 10 4 IMU EMUTI UU Ft* IMI Fa* II Nt.'l IM
      925 words
    • 736 20 MMMM^MJMMMJMJMM TNI »OMT OF »IMOAf Ofll JOFKHM "O«T AUTMOPHTY AMMOUNCCD M Turyu Mirii H I.EWlMltu TMt MNTVIMO AfMANOtaMNTt tjerp«j*,ym Bl Nanjrmni Ac« f OR JAM. M. B 2 XoßOrmcw tV3. Takari 1 1 OUT: TT.V..U 101 I^nsrulio. Ttf VeUojr^m B/4. lUr. Ponloon Hal Llan 10/11 OlaiK tawtPi Part North SMajmr.
      736 words

  • 26 21 THE CIA ibM to keep trek ■c world jes with nwn and gadjet* that (OU NEED exp. •ii your skin? Klerk. lined beauty < 'te! Slngapura
    26 words
  • 20 21 ,s JUNCING THE ENGAGF- s/o M. •imny to Sandy Ng Wai fee sir and Mrs Ng Ngai Mun to-
    20 words
  • 17 21 Ml MRS JOHN W M CARDOZA: Mum .md Dad on your -Kiing Anniversary Love Michael Eliza-
    17 words
  • 38 21 HOO KBE SENG passed away r. 26-1-1975 Leaving -tnnd Ms beloved wife Low Beng uugnter Kh.wpted son Scow Khoe f sinters- to mourn his flap HM SiliKauorr safest Company for Chua Chu King Cemetery on 3S-1-1975. 2
    38 words
  • 17 21 LV OF LATE MARY ANGELA HOEOSN thank retail I their condoendance and wreaths elr recent bereaveI
    17 words
  • 28 21 X EVER LOVING MEMORY ol I «mg tragically :ii. ■tor BCCMenI (ione I HERISHEO MEMORY OF Mrs .i dear mother and mdma gone three years today
    28 words
  • 13 21 10* SAMARITAN* OF Singapore Troubled' •in 91-44-44 day -is near as the
    13 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 323 21 classified ads j§gj •I Professional XPimiNCIO CIVIL/STRUC'.««i ENGINEER required In Teen firm fordeision of projects Please apply ST Box A ***** established company requires BAKER/ CONFECTIONER ■r more years of experience Please apply giving brief personal particulars, qualifications and contact telephone numr» The AdvsrWsar. S T Bei AM3S2 Singapore. JNEOUITAR
      323 words
    • 773 21 A T ™»*TI?«"«- •♦HTIBN «-*«HMiTIO*I require* a Female f nnfidenual Accounts Clerk »Ith knowledge of Book keeping md s-< ■iiunn Typing Candid ii*» mv« poue*. Higher School Cc? tlflcate and Intermediate Stage Book-keeping Diploma with Shorthand and Typing speeds of 80 w p m and 4* w p m respectively
      773 words
    • 823 21 THIS AD CAN CHANGE your life' Just call on us snd enquire about the growing concern of our organisation and how you can prepare for ar exciting high Income career Do It part fulUroe as you wish Oet all the tacts, training etc at no cost Call Miss Jennifer Wong
      823 words
    • 787 21 EUROPEAN COUPLE requires I amah working from SOO a m to 2.00 p.m dally Call C ***** for an interview Residence in Holland Road area GENERAL LIVE IN AMAH required for ~uropean family ability to cook and serve an advantage Phone ****** for an Interview LIVE-IN ENGLISH SPEAKING BAsTY amah
      787 words
    • 672 21 EXPERIENCED ENGLISH SPEAKING DRIVER fur company use Oood knowledge of Singapore routes, must be able to work overtime Apply with photograph (non-returnable) to S.T. invites sppMcaeion* lor tn* fleßowtn* peels:A) MACHINE OPERATOR This In a temporary position Applicants should be below 39 years of age: possess a O.C.K. or equivalent,
      672 words
    • 906 21 FURNISNEO: Eastern Mansion (Katong) $550 Chan* 1* m.t (110 Jalan Pelatoki ingle-storey serai-detached bungalow $370. unfurnished $300 CarUal* Road single-storey terrace house, unfurnished $320 cairrim Mansion, luxurious apartcent $1600 New Century Realty. W717», 3*2192 SIBII DETACHER/ APARTMENTS dlst. 9/ 10/ 11 3 rooms' 4 rooms, furnished/ unfurnished Rental 8800 $1,650
      906 words
    • 889 21 I HENRY PARK OMJT. 14k fully fur I nl«b«4 double-storey 4bedroorned house with refigeraior washing machine. TV. J.-ipes. etc. Near Junior American School Please call Comprehensive Housing *****1/ PUTT. 11 RAFFLE* PARK painted single-storey detached bungalow 3 alrcondltloned bedrooms, servant's, store-room, mature garden. 11.080 sq. ft. spacious patio for entertaining
      889 words
    • 826 21 DIST 1 1. NO 1 8 Rf AL T V AJML Loronf 7 couple or ssngte Rent •140 Tel 88*998 Johnny Koh FURNISHED ROOM to let at Jalan Korma. bachelor' working couple No cooking Ring 5502*8 ROOM IN SBMI-OBTACHED bungalow. 7 m s Buklt Timah Road, suitable for bachelor only
      826 words
    • 848 21 THOMSON MILLS SPUT-LBm IS-storey semi-bullt-li. area 3*oo sq ft 5 bedrooms Completion soon 80% loan ava'lahle Principals only For details call MUs Yang 3761 M TERRACE: HENRY PARK luxuriously furnished $143,000 Pa».r Panjang Oarden corner $128 000 Tal Hwan Oarden $123,000 For details contact Victor Chla 4 Partners ***** DIST.
      848 words
    • 679 21 DETACHED house Minimum I MX) sq ft within 6 miles from npn Send details and prtctto The Purchaser. P O Box 13* KtlUney Rnad Spore 9 require to purchase LUXURIOUS APARTMENT Please call •TRAITS HOUSINO AGENCY 3TKTOI/lft04)1 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE IN 21S. MAXWELL House area 272 sq ft Unfurnished $380
      679 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 426 22 3 STOP* v smOPMOUSE OROUNOFLOO« 'On sq ft .<-. i rut 1.50* S*Sl EAST SHOPPING CENTRE st .rtel^ll. 1..r P ...n. <!««.m VJ-S4BV N MILE SNOPPINO CENTRf .v shops large K»TO*G SHOPPINO CENTRE I-r-a 384 sq ft OOLDEN MILE Wori Hup r area3Ms<i ft tollable Please COUNTERS AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL PLAZA
      426 words
    • 721 22 aVa vac atioims f7 A Y UfNiLHVHTEQ TEL MIM3/7MSI Dap. PHaa 22 days Orand European A 31/S S2MO 2* days Grand European B HI 8 days H Kong Manila Dally $1340 9 days Indonesia Dally $12no days Manila/ i 07 2 UM 17 days OH SAY Seawing to long Kong.
      721 words
    • 743 22 ■IBBIB^BIBSaSBBBBBBBWsMBSasWSB ite REFRESHER COURSES 1 REFRESHER COURSES FOR PRIVATE SECRETARY'S 1 EXAMINATION. DUE lf» The-* refresher courses are Intended for those who have -»<! for the LC C PrlvaU Secreury s Examination In June 1*75 There are two courses, a day course. 15 3 15 dally. (23 periods a week)
      743 words
    • 741 22 i >E*RUARY TYPEWRITING SHORTHAND BEOINNERS I CLA3MS ummenclng 3rd 4th I Feriruarv Duration One Two Three Months Studenu are prepared for the School Pitman "lamination* School CerUitei will be awarded on successful completion Please enrol early (1> SINGAPORE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. ISA. Mackenzie Road (*****7 I *****8) OR76SD Upper Serangoon Road.
      741 words
    • 895 22 PRIVATE BHUm LESSOttS. Experienced American uacher StudenU. housewives, business persons or advanced university level 514*77. EXPERIENCED GRADUATE TUTOR gives tuition tn mathematics science for O C E 'O', 'A' Levels Sia-lap area Tel *****1 EXPERIENCED H.S.C./ UNIVERSITY GRADUATES offer home tuition All levels subjecU Tel *****2 O.C.E MATHEMATICS. PHYSICAL SCIENCE.
      895 words
    • 860 22 1*72 FORO CORTINA IBM OT, chauffeur maintained, alrrondltion. new battery, tyre* big car with road tax and fuel economy Tel 49*534 Asking $6,500 o n o MG TC 1*47 RECENTLY completely overhauled Very good condition, however, wheels not crlglnal. $9,000 reasonable counter offer considered Contact office *****8 for appointment YOLKSWAOON
      860 words
    • 732 22 I:ilftUal.WWi 2 UNITS .FL AT do 150 I 50 x 10' 1350 dwt tons departing for Manila within a few days Shippers Interested in booking cargo may contact *****69 ONE UNIT JOHNSON OUT BOARO motor 4 h p Model 4R74 2-month old for sale One unit Johnson outboard motor 125
      732 words
    • 697 22 SALON 26 for Manage Steambath. Saunabath Oent's Hair S'ylisr Business Hoe's- 10 00 am 900 pm Call 26. Kum Heng Court Tomllnson Road. Telephone *****4 t> ****** OUALIFIED MASSEUSE WILL be available to attend you at your places Ring 3*133 for appointment frcm 1 00 pxv 900 p m. ATTENTION
      697 words
    • 885 22 NO DEPOSITS. EASY PAYMENTS, all »ort» of furniture are available We accept old furniture as first payment Please call at ire 540 Queenatown Japanete Harden or Sweet Home 121 Blk 211 Lorong 4. Toa Payoh East Tel ****** BALDWIN. THE LIBERACE 8 piano m ide in America Sole agent Rohert
      885 words

  • 1182 23  -  BEN DAVIDSON By THK blank negatives in a roll of film used by a deportod final year itrhitecture sI v lint to photograph outside the < i)ij)oration Drive premises of the Pioneer Industries Employees Union on Oct. 30 could been caused by
    1,182 words
  • 320 23  - $10,000 haul in five armed hold-ups N.G. KUTTY By robbers got away with about $10,000 in five holdups on Sunday. Four of the robberies, according to police, were committed by the same gang which netted less than $2,000 during a 30--minute robbing rampage. In the biggest haul ol the day.
    320 words
  • 261 23 PRICES of tengg in beI kah and aelu dipped by 20 cents to $2.40 and SI 80 a katl respectively over the weekend, the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following art the rrcommraaad prtcaa. BICE: China 10 per cant vim Chaok. 96 eanta a kau or
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 511 23 An established Property Development and Management Company with business portfolios In the South East Asian region Invites applications from suitably qualified persons, preferably Bumlputras for the appointment of a DEVELOPMENT MANAGER This Is a senior management position The successful candidate will report to the Managing Director and his responsibilities will
      511 words
    • 595 23 I— SSI BIASISWA LEMBAGA PADI DAN BERAS NEGARA UNTUK LATIHAN PERAKAUNAN IKTISAS 1f75 Permohonan-permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada me oonk n yang layak untuk latlhan lanlutan dalam U&jn*. lktlsas dl United Kingdom. Hemohon-peir. r> hun mestllah mempunyai salah satu darlpada kelayakan-kelayakan dl bawah lnl(a) Lulus Pe.ingkat II (minima) atau Pertngkat HI
      595 words
    • 560 23 IH^X^JBLnX^IJLfII RADIOCOMMUNICATION OPERATORS' GENERAL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION The Authority will conduct the following examinations on the dates shown:a) Radio communications Operators' General Certificate (Part I) Date of Examination: 17th and 18th March 1975 Fees: $25.00 b) First and Second Class Certificate of Proficiency in Radio Telegraphy (Part II) Fees: $25.00 for
      560 words

  • 1579 24 IRON PARKGATE FIRE INQUIRY Safety rules weren't followed says report By EVELYN KG THK three man committee which conducted an inquiry into the tragic fire on board the bulk carrier Iron Paikgate on Dec. 10 lound the Jurong Shipyard (Pte) Ltd. and one of its machinery
    1,579 words
  • 185 24 rrmr. director or the 1 Finance Ministry's Trade Department. Mr Ridswan Dsafir, yesterday called on the shipping Industry to adapt to and cater for new developments which demand greater technical and managerial With rapid changes in technology, he said, such technical and managerial competence was
    185 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 819 24 till > cocco^c a* »r*^^^^© BE/T/OimGHOfllE EnTERTfIiniTIEnT/V/TEm COmPtEIELV VErVfITILE MOOEL LST/CA/2B MW/FM/FM-MPX Stereo Radio Csssette And Powerful High Wsttage Amplifier MOOEL LST/CA/4B MW/SWI/SW2/FM/FM-MPX Stereo Rsdio Csssette And Powerful High Wattage Amplifier. MOOEL LST/CA/F MW/FM/FM-MPX Stereo Radio Cassette And Powerful High Wattage Amplifier. Also available Cassette Deck, Radio/Cassette Recorder, Mint Recorder.
      819 words

  • 821 25 Piggott— a gold mine to Singapore club... says EPSOM JEEP JPOH, Mon.— Ace English jockey Lester I'iggott is a veritable gold mine to the Singapore Turf Club and the Government treasury at least. For each time he rides in Singapore his mounts carry a small fortune in bets. At Bukit
    821 words
  • 723 25 STIFE'S REPORT tOCKBTY a. »>««"'«« and J apprentice Manjor were each suspended two racing oays by the steward* for careless riding at Buklt Tlmah on 9unday. The Stipendiary steward's report on yesterday's races: BUte of going: Good. RACE 1: Pride W Galway (A. Hassan) stood and was
    723 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 231 25 ssßßßsnl BBmSsfl >*^^sHssnm US- MllTl\iWlg^i».'^// sn^^BBBW '3 ;^^Hsn^n«»' ntiin^ l^^SK' W HHH^il^Hl > |sßßnllll^ 'ih^^LnllHb '^JsnlllllK Bnll tlHli^''''] n€9^BUßsn>>>>l^Bßßn>>>>^^ IllTilrr^ I gß— flßßj Mk BJB. JBk Scania is from Sweden. Big in performance "sMBJ I M^L Bjml I &^L and low in operating costs, the Scania range of BBBJP "ssßJßJaT^^al
      231 words
  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 244 25 Bringing Up r«th»r By Bill K»vanMh tj. Hi Camp s* "OR PSUOOOS RBC»»eS, I"r TWoUOTT I X/" THAT Til SM6 LEFT Woft6\ WAT SOUNOS UKS MA«OC/ SEC My BOO«, MOW TD H6ABO AUNT V WAS **B I PO« XXI TD WAUM I TUaJ&tT SMC MAS AT J TsTMPT MDU* MUSSANO'S
      244 words

    • 551 26 Grim f ightback by Indians SOLKAR, 'VISHY', GAEKWAD DEFY WEST INDIES JJOMBAY, Mon.— India today lost two vital wickets in the last 25 minutes of the fourth day of the Fifth Test against the West Indies and at 373 for six still require another 32 to avoid the follow-on. The
      551 words
    • 165 26 WEST INDIES IK Inns •04-s (dec). INDIA Ist tons: (Saturday 171-1). 8. Gavasiar b Olbbs M r. Engineer c Richards b Jullrn 0 E. Solkar b Barrett 1U B. Praeanna c Murray b Olbbs 4 O. Vkvwanata c »odortcka b Olbbs N A. Qatftwaa- not out II B. rate!
      Reuter  -  165 words
    • 389 26 Lillee, Thomson again wreck England's batting A DELAIDE, Mon A Dennis Llllee and Jeff Thomson once again exposed England's weakness against fast bowling as they boosted Australia into a winning position on the third day of the Fifth cricket Test here today. At the dot* Australia were 111-2 In their
      Reuter  -  389 words
    • 158 26 AIBTEAUA Ist Inns; ENGLAND Ist. Inns (overnight two for no wicket): D. Amiss c I. Chappell b Llllee 0 D. Lloyd c Marsh b Llllee 4 M. Cowdrey c Walker b Thomson 96 M. Denness c Marsh b, Thomson Si K. Fletcher c L Chappell b Thomson 40 A.
      158 words
    • 328 26 fNTERLAOOS, Brazil, Mon. Carlos Pace, 1 of Brazil, scored his first Formula One victory and compatriot Emerson Flttllpaldl finished second to give their country a triumphant double In the Brazilian Grand Prix here yesterday. Pace, a 30-year-old from Sao Paulo who was racing on
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 129 26 Asian Games: 'No' to Lahore LAHORE. Mon. A mow to switch the venue of the 197S Asian Qames from Islamabad to Lahore has been reject* 3 by the Organising Commute* In Pakistan. Lahore Pakistan's second largest city with a population of over two million, argued that It already had •ports
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 219 26 LOS ANOELBB, Mon uene Littler, 44. won the 25th tournament of his career when he captured the UBslBs.oot (about $425,500) Blng Crosby National proamateur event at Pebble Beach. California, yesterday. Littler took first prise of U8537.000 ($85,100) by four strokes after a final round.
      Reuter  -  219 words
    • 318 26 ASUM decide on second placings KUALA LUMPUB, Mon. The Amateur Swimming Union of Malaysia will recommend that their qualifying marks for the Seap Games In Bangkok In December should be based on second placings of the last meet. ASUM secretary Slen K<A Chi Ml«l they would recommend Uih to the
      318 words
    • 189 26 World Cup hockey likely on TV KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. The World Cup hockey matches here (March 1-15) will come right to the living room If plans for live television coverage go through Organising secretary O. Vljayanathan said yesterday It was Dosalble that matches at the Mlndef complex would be televised
      189 words
    • 159 26 Kampong Glam advance YAEFENDINQ champions \j Kampong Glam moved closer to retaining their title when they easily smothered Whampoa 3-1 In the IntsrConstituency table tennis tournament at Oay World stadium last night. Kampong Glam. however, had an anxious moment when Nah Slak Hua lost the first match 21-12. 13-21. 17-21
      159 words
    • 835 27  - All FAS officials happy with the Cup draw JOE DORJU OPENING MATCH IS AGAINST NEGRI By Last year's results: Singapore beat Negri Sembllan 2-1, 2-1; beat Malacca 2-«. beat Johore 4-1 and lest l-« (away); beat Pahang 2-« and lost l-« (away); beat Trengganu Z-% and lost 2-1 (away) beat
      AP  -  835 words
    • 156 27 VTEWLY-PROMOTED 11 held Rollel to a 1Houses League Dlv. yesterday. In a Dlv 3 game at an adjacent ground. FlatAllis' edged Rank Xerox 3-2. all the goals being scored In the secondhalf. Selamat (2) and Richard Tan netted for Flat while Sanl scored for Xerox.
      156 words
    • 222 27 Olympic crisis: Killanin for talks LONDON. Mon. Lord KlUanln, president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Is going to Amsterdam tomorrow to talk with his three vice-president* on the crisis threatening the 1978 Olympic Qam»s In Montreal. But he denied yesterday a Canadian report that he had summoned the Organising
      AP  -  222 words
    • 355 27 By ALBERT JOHNSON U7OON Sui Kut, se- cretary general of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Association yesterday stressed: 'Coach Kee Soon Bee Is an amateur— not a professional." He made this comment to silence certain critics particularly the writer of
      355 words
    • 253 27 'Why make Rolex Masters a special tourney?' LOCAL amateurs currently competing In the local SOA circuit want the Rolex Masters to be treated Just like any local tournament. They said: "There shouldn't be any preferential treatment. "All single handicap amateur players should be eligible to participate In the Rolex Masters
      253 words
    • 103 27 Beckenbauer receives a warning DKRNX. Mon.— Prans Bee- kenbauer. captain of West Oermany'i World Cup winning team, has received a warning about his condwei from the European Football Union (UEPAi. The UKPA control and disciplinary committee announced after meeting here that the warning was 'for an Incorrect gesture made to
      Reuter  -  103 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 246 26 SI— I """^"""""""^^S l M^ MMM "^pßMnWsnlffßl CIBTT" 1 Sw-wiTl Lnl In* ksHMksnfl BBnK 2 Bn^n^^nl Call on us today at: PROGRESS MOTORS ft 46/48, Orchard Road, Singapore 9. Te1:*****7. *****1. t I^OfVßlph 45)% amssv I ■<■«*-*''> Ea I I LsnL-LlnL Wnfl la. m r~*&\- *Z3kM\ I 1 •^^■S f
      246 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 356 27 ■VsPtsh ii ■II I llssk HHssl ssHHssHHaHH mmmJCm wmmSJ^* ■■■w^^^ Js<QC2K I m jotCj^lX>69& r^Ksi& ASitV awWJ2TITJ!SWf2J2T!M Singapore turf club i 1 dgolden scissors dbeaute ascot co. (pte) ltd. aoSK? V»IKSrK ■v*l»J fl 1 M i [•^•^■l y.Timsi U r..T U M ..r. Ladies' Hairdressing Beauty Saloon Carpets Wallpapers /j¥H£&
      356 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 52 27 SOCCKK: SBHFX I*. D4r. 1: KLM AlrUnes v Seel (Tanglin > P anu N t Hongkong Bank (Olllman Barracks) Dl». I: Jurong Plywood v Straits Times (TangUni; SGSFL U Dtr. 1 Police Vigilante Corps (Thomson R4): Armed Forces r Part Authority < Oeylang- Stadium i Club HDB r TfMtk. TTBH
      52 words

  • 203 28 Hindu temple honours for President and First Lady PRESIDENT and Mrs. Sheares were accorded high temple honours at the Chettlar Hindu Temple In Ta.ik Road last night w aen they attended a reception to climax a •lay long Thaipasam ceremony. On their arrival at the temple, they were garlanded by
    203 words
  • 336 28 3 bombs found as Britain awaits IRA truce ¥>ELFAST. Mon. The British army discovered three bombs early today and another exploded near an armoured car shortly before the outlawed Irish Republican Army was expected to announce a permanent ceasefire in Britain and Northern Ireland. Two shooting incidents were reported. Troops
    UPI  -  336 words
  • 216 28 Labour Left demands shift to socialism LONDON, Monday A STRONG leltwing group in the ruling A Labour Party today rejected the Government's "conventional" attempts to cure Britain's economic troubles and demanded a fundamental shift towards socialism. A statement by the Tribune Group which Includes at least 80 of Labour's 319
    Reuter  -  216 words
  • 402 28 T ONDON. Mob Tk* stock m»rkM dOMd Ann today but »l»rHj Mtow urn (Uy bi(b«it Mm*. At Ip.m. U» naaaouu Tlaw Inda w«. up i.i to at.l sit«r a bisk M 340. S. Ujl (Mk'i tain waa ntandtd ■kuyly at Urn aotaat. A bant ac •—*a« la a
    402 words
  • 65 28 Paris. Mon. aiTpUan Prealdant Anwar Bhdat arrived nor* today on a threeday official vlatt to Franco during whMb he is expected to a»ak French military equipment for Ma army. Making hli nut vuU as head of itate to a Western country, Mr. Sadat vu .accompanied by his
    Reuter; AP  -  65 words
  • 25 28 COLOMBO. Moo. Z*mtaun PTMKMnt Kenneth Kaunde, arrived her* today from India, tor two-dar •tat* visit at U>e invitation of «i Lanka Oowsmnaot.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 25 28 KAMPALA, lion. m>. Amin Dad*. fUmr of Pr»aldent Amis. <JMd Mat nlfht in hoaptui. kMjd T». It was announced nor* today. Renter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 61 28 TOKYO. Mon. The X7S dollar declined heavily on the Tokyo foreign exchange market today aa foreign tailIng to rale* yen funds increased In anticipation ol more strength of the Japanese currency. Dollar* for overnight delivery opened at 2T7.50 yen, compared with 298 00 yen last Friday,
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 407 28 Coalition takes shape in Thailand Democrats lead in election BANGKOK, Monday (JOALITION government and a fragmented National Assembly emerged today as the only clear results so far from Thailand's general election. The moderate Democrat Party looked certain to be the largest single party In yesterday's poll, but had no hope
    Reuter  -  407 words
  • 243 28 Russians to hold first news interview in space jLtOSCOW, Mon. ITI Soviet space authorities said they have arranged the first news conference In space ever held by Russian cosmonauts But unlike news conferences conducted by American astronauts which have been televised live, Moscow Radio yesterday said questions drawn np by
    243 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 110 28 Jk SINGAPORE^ jSL WE'RE HERE l/fCW^ As we are in London, Frankfurt. New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Sao Paulo and Japan's Tokaido Megapolis where we main- «v tain over 200 branches almost anywhere in the world where international W^^^J financing happens. /m^^k With over I'SS 21. 000.000,000 l "^^r^J
      110 words
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