The Straits Times, 27 January 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75
    16 words
  • 1464 1  -  IRENE NGOO 'Standards must go up' By 'BEWARE OF OVERREACTING' THE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew has urged Singaporeans to return to the virtues of long and thorough training to acquire high skills and develop pride in work well done. tioning the people against overting
    1,464 words
  • 59 1 TOKYO. Sun— Angry Japanese parents have forced a South Korean religious group to modify plans for a mass wedding of 1 810 couple* In Seoul next month. Nine hundred Korean couples. 790 Japanese and 130 American couple* were due to take part In the ceremony conducted
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 JAKARTA. Sun—lndonesia Is to start a semi-electronic telephone network system next year, according to communications Minister Sallm Reuter. Firemen train hoses on the debris of the crash plane UPI picture
    Reuter; UPI  -  32 words
  • 436 1 ALGIERS, Sunday MINISTERS of the organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) said today they were ready to take part in a conference with consumer 1 nations. This was announced In a communique after a three-day conference j of foreign, oil, and finance ministers of
    Reuter; AP  -  436 words
  • 84 1 Bangla's new premier DACCA. Sun. Home Minister Mansoor All was sworn In as Prime Minister of Bangladesh, and Industries Minister Syed Nazrul Islam as VicePresident today. This followed yesterday's sweeping constitutional change which replaced the country's parliamentary system of government with an all-powerful presidential system three years after Bangladesh won
    AP  -  84 words
  • 103 1 BRITAIN'S ace Jockey. Lester Piggott, rode two winners at Buklt Ttmah yesterday but he failed In a great bid on Firebrand In the $36,000 Queen Elizabeth n Cup race. Firebrand, well supported, finished third to two rank outsiders Tropic Btorm (apprentice M.C Lam)
    103 words
  • 135 1 Plane crash at varsity: 6 killed IIMSHINOTON. Sun. A small, twinrn fined plane hit a radio transmission tower and crashed in flames at American I Diversity here yesterday, killinr all six people aboard. •Amoni the dead was Mr. Edcar Wolfe Jr.. 48. publisher of the Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch newspaper. He
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 89 1 MILAN. Sun -Potto* said they arrwted fcur people yesterday and discovered SO kilo* (176 lb.) of drugs worth 2.000 million 11-e (857.630.000) on the black Biarket following an underworld tip-off. The arrest* cam* after police starctMd a Zurichiwglitwcl eai and found 100 gramme* (J j os)
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 41 1 PARIS. Sun ltalian painter OluMppa Marguttt today revealed now he fooled the expert! st the Louvre and won one million lire < 8*3. 59 7 j bit by »»"t«»t one of his canvaass among the museum < prtralssi Impr— lonUti— KtuUr.
    41 words
  • 56 1 NICOSIA, Sun. Cl ?rus President Archbishop Makarios took a tough line today, declaring that the Greek Cyprlots will never accept Turkish occupation but will continue strug- gling for their physical and national survival. "We want peaceful coexistence and co-opera-tion with the Turkish Cyprlots and a peaceful settlement
    AP  -  56 words
  • 203 1 Smooth going at Thai election BANGKOK, Sunday yOTIXG ended tonight in a general election which could prove crucial for the future of democracy in Thailand. As counting started, all indications were that the nine hours of polling had gone smoothly. Only one shooting incident was reported, caretaker Interior Minis- I
    Reuter  -  203 words
  • 276 1 Kidnap charge on runaway ship's owner SINGAPORE police have filed a kidnapping charge against the owner of the run a*w^j freighter, Union Pacfflc, which slipped out of harbour here with a security guard on board while under arrest on Jan. 2. A police spokesman said yesterday that the police had
    276 words
    • 59 1 MANILA. Sun. A ♦•dal wave spawned by typhoon Lola hit a southern Philippines town yesterday, leaving some «H» people homeless, the Government's Social Welfare Department reported today. It said Lola destroyed 3M houses and SM.tO* pesos (BSIW,- worth of property in Tandag Town on Mindanson 8M km
      Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 126 1 sJfQbl f Safety Boots 7M KINGS J SAFETY SHOES <J^ W KING S ON EARTH RESISTANT KING'S SHOE MANUFACTORY 122. DAKOTA CRESCENT. BLOCK 36. OLD KAUANQ AMPORT ESTATE. SINGAPORE 14 —TEL *****1. *****7 l fm«KaMr' II A*Jak*V^P^^hssßsW a •aid ssks^BaCisP^^sW /9\ JslnMßsfe-^ 1 J Th* h*jNy whancad mwx-cstaulMor o*ov<top*d fof
      126 words
    • 81 1 $60,000 OPIUM HAUL AT WOODLANDS Back Pag* SADAT'S shopping list l WOMEN who spy for CIA abroad 3 DAT AN: War not Imminent 4 TWO nuns injured to antl-Thieu clashes 5 NPB plan to ret UN experts 6 THAT BLUE COLLAR PREJUDICE Pag* 7 TEACH pre-U students basic science concepts'
      81 words
    • 279 1 f^ENMARK'S STERUNG j^E& SLVERWARE M W STEEL MlM^ W JENSEN Jk4^HtfH at: K SENA (PTE) IJD. HCH CLASS JEWELLERS M ■a sbbbbV i- -^^Sv The Logos 50/60 models tre iesigned to increaie efficiency and reduce fatigue I m The Logos are designed so that i I \r-m_ I the tally
      279 words
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • Straits Times World News
    • 207 2 HONG KONG, San. China and Thailand have signed a contract for the salt of 75.M* tonnes of Chinese highspeed diesel oil to Thailand, the New Evening Post reported here today The communist paper quoted a spokesman of the Royal Thai Consulate General as
      Reuter  -  207 words
    • 36 2 TOKYO. Bun. Chinese Vice-Premier Teng Hslao-plng will visit Prance In May and he or Foreign Minister Chlao Kutn-hua will vtalt African nations In or after June. Japan's Kyodo newa news service reported— AP.
      Kyodo; AP  -  36 words
    • 516 2 Better ties visit to France PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat sets off tomorrow for a th r e e-day state visit to cement lies with France, lhe Western power most favourably inclined to the Arab cause. He also has. a military shopping list. Before his first state
      AP; UPI  -  516 words
    • 334 2 Egyptian spy for Israel to hang CAIRO, Sunday A 37-YEAR-OLD Egyptian will be hanged xx in the next few days for spying for Israel, Cairo newspapers said yesterday. i His 66-year-old father was sentenced to hard labour for IS yean on the same charge. The son. Samlr William Fartd Baslll,
      Reuter; AP  -  334 words
    • 22 2 ROME. Sun lUUsm employers and trade unions today agreed on a system of Identical co»t-of-Uvtng Increments for all workers. Reuter
      Reuter  -  22 words
    • 96 2 Chess: Tonr beats Aussie Jamieson MELBOURNE, Sun. Filipino grandmaster Eugene Torre recovered well In the ninth round of the Aslin-Paclflc Chess championships being held here to defeat Australian champion Rob Jamieson. after Torre had suffered a surprise loss to the low-ranked Japanese player Elnjo Hoshlno. Torre daf«tad Jamlaaon attar a
      96 words
    • 147 2 Major Sudan Cabinet shake-up i^AIRO. Sun. Sudanese \j President Jaafar El Nlmeiry last night hii nounced major changes In the Sudanese Government and ruling Socialist Union. The changes affec^d six ministers and two ministers of state. The slgnlflcance of the changes was not Immediately clear. Foreign Minister Man sour Khaled
      Reuter  -  147 words
    • 137 2 WASHINGTON, Sun.— A Con- gressional critic of the Defence Department said today the Pentagon apparently was still stockpiling germ warfare weapons even though President Ford said the entire supply had been destroyed. Wisconsin Democrat Le s Aspin said he had found that the Defence Department
      Reuter  -  137 words
    • 243 2 -Ford is shifting blame to Congress' WASHINGTON, Sunday CENATOR Henry Jackson (Democrat) criticised the Ford Administration yesterday for trying to shift blame from the Soviet Union to Congress for the breakdown in the Soviet-American tnn'e agreement. In a statement. Sen. Jackson gave vent to his Irritation over comments made recently
      NYT  -  243 words
    • 70 2 New Cabinet for North Yemen BEIRUT, Sun. North Yemen announced a 23--man Cabinet was formed under Prime Minister Abdel-Azlz Abdel-Ohanl. the Middle East news agency reported from Banaa yesterday. Ten ministers from the outgoing Cabinet retained their portfolios In the new one There were 13 new comen. A new portfolio,
      AP  -  70 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 115 2 GRAB nmucn toi Moini nouu! Jk Stocked with specially imported items. /J& Ready made garments, shoes, bags, IMWN accessories, materials, curtains and aav^^^^ PEKING V ceocrcnnenCDi J 60-62 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. W^ H^ Model No. 61-0763 ■V W M IK ft^^ K^ml^B^^ MM by I aaC^aal Citizen s World
      115 words
    • 211 2 THE CONTROLLER FAMIIY INTRODUCES TWO NEW MEMBERS Mfifiji op Moriil 8 a %A A mm star features airmoMtEO kaur km Positive key control f g*a^MTß^^f_l _FU Four basic arithmetic <urtctions. Look for thia Vr\afW I W\»#lb>»Wl all in algebraic mode wknlow/eountaw m ..j^jMfJOW* *J^ Constant in all four function sipi
      211 words

    • 436 3 WASHINGTON. Sunday \S organia ttiat claims to "countei tecurity has eh tluit j LeagM Voters' RUiate maintains M c on •i ills' w i t h the tral IntelliR£HCe Agency in Piinaiim and KoThe purpose, said the group, which calls
      Reuter; AP; NYT  -  436 words
    • 218 3 NEW YORK, Sunday DOLICE here are seeking two men, believ- ed to be members of a Puerto Rican terrorist group, who were seen running from a historic tavern in the financial district on Friday moments before bomb exploded leaving four lunchtime patrons dead and
      NYT  -  218 words
    • 134 3 Slim DRUG SUIT AGAINST HEFNER LOS ANGELES, Sun. A Los Angeles woman Is suinc Playboy publisher Hueh Hefner and four of h firms for ISSS million (SSU.S million) damates, charting that she was served drugged food and drink at a party given by the mieaiine publisher. i hrryl Kaltschnee also
      Reuter  -  134 words
    • 168 3 Rhodesia guerillas: Well fight despite ceasefire SALISBURY, Sun. A number of guerillas in North-east Rhodesia have said they do not intend to lay down their arms, despite last month's ceasefire agreement, a governmen < spokesman said here today. "Reports have come in of meetings between terronsu. and local Africans at
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 29 3 BELGRADE Sun Yugoslav and United States offlclals have agreed to expand media exchanges, and the US will welcome more Yugoslav journalists. an official statement said here.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 272 3 Heath: Wilson bleeding us to death LIVERPOOL, Sunday MR. Edward Heath, fighting for the leadiTl ership of the opposition Conservative Party, yesterday explained the sort of Britain he wanted to see and accused the Labour Government of bleeding the nation to death. Rd: "I want a that frightens lies, delights
      Reuter  -  272 words
    • 40 3 LO6 ANOELES. Sun— Paul Oatty m. l»— wboa* tight Mr wma cut off by kidnappers In 1973— »nd hU German wife Martin*. 35. bare had a m. Paul Oetty IV. a hospital spokesman laid her* yesterday Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 Br ng her this close withihe Minolta Pocket Autopak 70 >^ (26 x 58 k 130 mm) She ran come as close as the end of your cord. And you'll M get a good sharp picture of her in close-up You can't m\ make mistakes with the foolproof Minolta Pocket
      137 words
    • 549 3 fl BE WISE! Buy you;^ I SSSJini S mil fj favourite drinks NOW, scotch eye steak 445 thai rice festival |j fat REDUCED PRICES. bmeTe^ttoS^»7 2.55 mmk r^! 1 W Also available a ox tongk_ j°^_ jjo """L, 3 45 A URGE selection of HCtwt *ust 500 12 s 18
      549 words

    • 113 4 MOSCOW. Sun. Two Soviet cosmonauts began their third week aboard the Salyut 4 space station yesterday. They did scientific experiments, housekeeping chores and received radioed greetings from family and friends, Tass said. ISLAMABAD Pakist m and Poland signed an agreement here to promote merchant shipping between their two countries,
      113 words
    • 89 4 TOKYO: A 124-member government team left here for Rangoon to I collect the remains nf an estimate 167.000 Japanese servicemen who died on the Burmese front In World War Two. NEW DELHI: President Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia yesterday received India's Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International understanding;. DAR ES
      Agencies  -  89 words
    • 921 4 DON'T WANT IT TEL AVIV, Sunday QENERAL Moshe Dayan has never run with the crowd. Even today, when it is virtually taken for granted that another round of Middle East fighting will erupt in the spring or summer, Israel's most prominent iconoclast disagrees. "I don't think
      NYT  -  921 words
    • 197 4 SYDNEY, Sun. Runaway British MP John Stonehouse has written a second letter to Australia's Immigration Minister. Mr. Clyde Cameron, asking to be allowed to stay In Australia. Mr. Stonehouse also confirmed that he repeated a pledge made In a first letter to resign as Labour
      Reuter  -  197 words
    • 65 4 Italy trounces Indonesia at bridge HAMILTON <Bermudu, Sun. Italy beat Indonesia emphatically 20-0 yesterday to take the lead in the 25th World Bridge Team championships here. The United State* beat Brazil t§ 16 polnla to (our while Prance had a bye round. The standings after two round* of the five-nation
      Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 464 4 SIEMENS Breeding tells. SIEMENS is known for money, more enjoyment in your internationally as an electronics giant that viewing, super pleasure for the family. gives the world the best technology in SIEMENS means confidence. satellite communications. Its efforts have Confidence of reliability, durability and helped to bridge cultures, peoples, space-age
      464 words
  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 332 4 Straits Times Crossword ACROBB unhealthy flush (0) 1 Proof of my French, right 7 Not at home to go to in the office (13). the party and excel iS> 10 Aging and getting whiter 8 Two donkeys and only (9). one race it's murder 1 1 Pur which is wanner
      332 words

    • 465 5 2 nuns hurt in anti Thieu demo clashes SAIGON. Sunday X Wn '"''is ;,nd an I man i '"iured here today nfflei w i t h police follow i t in g fi<-ld In opposition ill for dent Nguyen Thieu'v signaUon. Fye-wltnesses said police used sticks to break up a
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  465 words
    • 108 5 SEOUL, Sun. Mr Kirn Dae Jung, the former opposition presidential candidate, attacked the leadership of President Park Chung Hee yesterday and demanded that the President halt the projected national referendum on the constitution. His declaration added a powerful new voice in the growing demand for
      NYT  -  108 words
    • 63 5 Better love life LONDON. Sun —Men who have vatectomlea m a method of contraception aUo find that their life Is greatly Improved, the director of a British population growth study said today. According to Mr Caspar Brook, the operation also increases the sexual drive of many men "It takes their
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 190 5 Convoy breaks through Red fire PHNOM PENH, Son.— A petroleum tanker and two ammunition barge* arrived here today after running the gauntlet of heavy insurgent fire from the banks of the Mekong River. It was the second river convoy to reach the beleaguered capital from South Vietnam since the communist
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 212 5 PKISTANI officials said yesterday that an agreement signed here this week resuming trade with India specifically excluded the handling of goods for Bangladesh. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the agree ment stipulated that goods must be of Pakistani or Indian origin and could not
      Reuter; UPI  -  212 words
    • 24 5 CARACAS. Sun. Prlnc* Bernard of the Netbtxlandi Mid fMttrday hi* country and V«emU will study a bilateral ahart-tenn iwnwwto co-operalioo programme. AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 63 5 BUFFALO (New York). San. Samuel Partee. 47, was walking along a street yesterday when a bathtub fell on him, grating bis head and crushing three toe* on his left fou!. He was hospitalised in fair condition. Police said the tub was dropped by accident from the second
      UPI  -  63 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 141 5 MALAYAN MfITOQC AUSTIi ISM WUtMMOTiatS (NIMH) UKuTO JEs£iy\jr FREE YOURSELF! B^BBj from hours of dishwashing! with revolutionary new GLO dishwashing liquid. Just a squirt of New Glo i^kmt jgaVaWMbmvaWaWsßmw gets all your dirty dishes, pots I I andpjnsspmW^ M JShjSjwS kZ" vT m 1^ oz Re 9 ular ■£jl|^is^^g^H If
      141 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 249 5 Bringing Up Fwhw ByBUl Kavinagh 6c Hal Camp V~P~ t rrn"TM/rrci<SAH Iwbu. it must N I mav«e rrg twosk '^VCOMSTHiMa BURNtJG/y j 1//*P^ L HGMTU) IIMAWNAriON// OF TOAST A. Bl dl By Chlc Youn I S~* CORA WANTS I A«E YOU SOMS ALON6 J\ I 'l!ip« OH, *"S] I "I
      249 words

  • 173 6 Engineers told: You're no 'backroom boys ENGINEERS have been told that they should change their "backroom boys" only attitude If they want to reach the top management level. The Singapore Institute of Engineer a, making this call In an editorial in the December tssoe of its Journal ■ays: The engineer's
    173 words
  • 67 6 Alf English expert on French wlnea, Mr. Patrick Ut Chene, win direct a wlneUsUng function et the Marco Polo Hotel on March 28 for the benefit of food and beverage managers, club manair.-s. Importer* and other buatoesMnen aiaodated with the wlite Industry. *n>a function will be held
    67 words
  • 37 6 DCncnVM from Malar* and Other* Branch of the CID hava arreeted a 19--yeex-old MaUralan youth wanted by the Malaysian Police for questioning In connection with the murder of a fisherman In Jobore on Jan. J.
    37 words
  • 499 6 Plan by NPB to get UN experts To meet needs of industry National Productivity Board is to engage United Nations experts for the next three years to undertake new activities to meet the needs of industry. Discussions are now under way with the I United Nations Develop- ment Fund and
    499 words
  • 389 6 MORE GOING FOR LIBRARY BOOKS SINGAPOREANS are now reading more books compared with 1973 and earlier years, according to the National Library. The library's total membership and book collection Increased last year compared with the previous year. The loan of children's books Increased by 48 per cent last year and
    389 words
  • 34 6 NO Tao Kin was fined 1100 on Saturday for spatdlng at 67 fcph (43 mph) >t t 41 kpb (SO mpti) rone in Ttaa Payoh In hi* pickup oo May 1. laat yaar.
    34 words
  • 91 6 WORLD OFFSHORE OIL MEETING IN STORE QJINOAPORE wIU host O next year the flrat International offshore oil conference and exhibition entitled Offshore South-east Asia. The project-, which vlll cover the region's rapidly developing offshore oil Industry, Is to be held In Shangri-La Hotel. Speakers and delegates attending the conference will
    91 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 310 6 Hume plastiline sewerage pipes carry away the wastes of Singapore. 4aa^a*|^^Bfl^ft I aVWDMBi 9^^ 4 Lia-ssi JV-^''! lIXW IM^Mi j; J f L^^^Sb^ #H B". k m BTa^v^ M '*^aw. Hnß "F»J^ m- nR| b^b^ '-<t^| Bk -rTN WZ*r: IE f P^ > Fm^S Salt? j^^| BkuA^^^^B^B^B^EßP^BP^hual f a^^ aV^V^P^^B^
      310 words
    • 349 6 Introducing the brothers m>ng from Hong Kong m B Aj Ht Jf W Wsv I c* I b^bk I i'fl B^B^ J |W Ha |Fr flfl V^ *^fIV -4p» jr Tr^ B^B^B^^a^a^ Pkf w ♦sC^-^^B^aTl t f\ g JB^^^^^^^J^^ '^■fIBBT^ Ikf' isw And a fabulous new dynasty of incredible dishes
      349 words

  • 35 7 THE National Library and the ExperuMßtal Theatre Club will Jointly hold a Drama Workahop at the library's lecture hall on Feb 20 and Feb 27 frcm 7 p.m to 2pm AdmlMton U free
    35 words
  • 105 7 THIEVBB stole $1500 Chua Wee How. 35 left Road nit at 6 30 am and returned the fro*'* l P m to fl "d v' nt doo and coland rooms ransacked ,^rf T had taken 1.3U0 and Jewellrrv worth $2,030 TrornhU drawers as well
    105 words
  • 86 7 $370,000 MICROWAVE STATION FOR AIRPORT THI Public Works ■I Department will build a new $37«,«M microwave station at Singapore International Airport to replace the existinr station at Airport Road. This la bocaie the land used by the present station Is required for airport expansion. The new building which will be
    86 words
  • 38 7 THE extramural Studies Department of the University of Singapore will hold a IS-tocture course In Basic Economics at the Economics Department on Wednesdays and Fridays from Feb. S at 7.30 ->m The fee Is MS.
    38 words
  • 491 7 That blue collar prejudice... IT'S HARMFUL TO NEW PRIMARY SYSTEM: ONG THK new seven year primary school system can only succeed if the prejudice against blue collar jobs is eradicited, Mr. Ong Pang Boon, the Minister for Labour said yesterday. He said this new system would not succeed in achieving
    491 words
  • 76 7 Showa Maru: The damage SELCO salvage divers have discovered from bottom surveys that the grounded Japanese supertan ker. Shown Mara, has been damaged more adversely than anticipated. According to Sclco. salvage operations will now continue beyond the point when all the supertanker's crude oil will have been discharged. The fifth
    76 words
  • 135 7 SAF to hold military exercises rE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises In the following places: Sarimbun: rrom 1 pm midnight on Jan. 31 and t ajn. noon on Feb. 1: Urn Ctau Rang Chua Chu Kang: (ram 8 «.m 10 pm. dally from today Prt> 1. Tuas/Joo Llm
    135 words
  • 28 7 THE National Library win bold a ChlnoM New Year show at Its lecture hall on Feb 21 bstwson 4 pjn. and S.SO pJB. Admission U frot-
    28 words
  • 262 7 'Mopeds may have problems fitting in TH E Introduction of small motor bicycles (mopeds) to fit In with tho park and ride scheme may pose problems which may result in poor sales of the vehicle. This Is the opinion of Mr. Milton Tan. chairman of the Automobile Association, on plans
    262 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 94 7 A new idea from *IWSSSSSS*?>IB»a»S»SSSBSB»SB|BI I I^6 ■**^^^^^^^blbblbblbbbbbbbbbbbl ■^^^^■ssslllllllM VCCirCcPPI »V' lAUTOSTAR X-126 GIFTSET I ONLY $2550 INCUJOINCX I26 CAMERAAGfACOLOR FILM »aASH« CUBE L -rtfl FREE AGFACOIOR r^¥i j^_ FIUW W RTH Autostar X 126 a great value- formoney camera that's easy to load (just drop <n the film cartridge),
      94 words
    • 227 7 Straits Radio Group offers no interest on block-payment plus trade-in for Trinitron SONY COLOR TV Straits Radio Group unique plan Come to tec us to-da> at any of STRAITS RADIO CO. (Branch) for people who likes to own a our shops at the following 685. Havelock Road. Singapore Sony Trinitron
      227 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 635 8 How your company can profit from The Hongkong Bank Group's extensive knowledge of international markets Although The Hongkong Bank interpret facts and figures into selling that often occur when you deal through Group originated in Asia, we have and buying opportunities abroad local or correspondent banks in counalways had a
      635 words

  • 187 9 I>' N I LOPE Morris was 1 "never ftaMT on brauty contests, especially those that required beauty and brains. ~ju( her husband thought otherwise 1 know that my »ifr had the potentials of a winner." said Paul Morris who submitted Penelope 'h name
    187 words
  • 64 9 SUPT. Leslie Wong Sze Ying and acting DSP A G Aerta no longer have the authority to compound offences under the Road Traffic Act. The latest issue of the Oovernment Gazette said the Ministry of Communications have cancelled the authorisation given to both police officers with effect from
    64 words
  • 224 9 2 gang chief suspects held in raids— SIX gang suspects—including two secret society headmen were arrested by detectives from the Chinese Investigations Branch of the CID in a series of raids on Saturday. The raids began at 1 a.m. when a police party swooped on the Mlramar Hotel coffee house
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  • 364 9 Call to Education Ministry: THE Edncation Ministry has been urged to introduce basic concepts of scientific and engineering methods in the pre-university school syllabus to foster greater interest and understanding in science and technology among students. The call came from the Singapore Institute
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  • 199 9 'Gotong royong' foreign policy spirit r[E yet-to-be-reglster-ed United People's Front has pledged to work with neighbouring countries In the "spirit of gotong royong" under Its foreign policy. Announcing its foreign policy during a press conference at its headquarters In Cross Street on Saturday, the party's "shadow" foreign minister. HaJl Darus
    199 words
  • 18 9 THE National Library will hold a photo exhibition at Its lecture hall on Feb. > and 9.
    18 words
  • 13 9 THERE ware 63 road accidents, four of Urn serious, on Saturday
    13 words
  • 210 9 'Stress dos and don'ts at road safety show' A ROAD safety exhibition can be more effective if It focuses on the dos and don'ts on the road rather than the consequencer of ignoring them, Mr. Ahmad Mattar. Parliamentary Secretary (Education), said on Saturday. Speaking at the opening of a Keep
    210 words
  • 145 9 A SET of three commemorative stamps went on sale at the Colombo Court post office and the Airport post office yesterday. Prom today, the stamps, in denominations of 15 cents. H cents and SI wiO be on sale at all past offices. Designed
    145 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 512 9 TRim lIICHES A OFF HIPS CJV nno thighs 7v Results guaranteed in just 7 %^^L f days or you pay nothing Trim unsightly bulges around hips, thighs, waists, buttocks, now with the world's first portable vibro-massage belt You must see and feel your improvement in /ust 7 days I IH^^^^
      512 words
    • 384 9 I. 1 1 111 M Iky W r '.^HHHHB P^P^P^l WE l^ftß JK '^§?fiir 1 :4 '"i' P^^HBl 1 1 1 IV W^ M A nt^ >^*^^T HI ii_\ i k^m r^^ D ick your oriental Chinese toapavoh Choice While emporium emponum emporium stocks last o^-* .«.t--*-. OlUOr\O ICIOL .Closed
      384 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
      437 words
    • 11 10 I |32. 23, 31, 34, 36 48 21, 9, 49 P^a^^B^»^p^Sf^B^»»Jf^»»»^S^»»^^P^^r»^S»^S^
      11 words
    • 152 10 With Gelusil-M tablets. Recommended by doctors because they're safe, effective and cause no side effects. Gelusil-M contains not one. but three antacids to promptly relieve pain and wind caused by indigestion, excessive stomach acids or ulcers Gelusil-M also protects ulcers and allows healing to proceed. Gelusil-M. Available at chemists, drug
      152 words
    • 173 10 •••••••a*** LAST DAY! GOLDtN 11.00 AM, IJO 4.00 6 45, 9 »0 pm KONG CHUN: 130 3 30, 7 15* 30. m "Fesl and tough! It's great entertainment" 6mm $Ko«t NKTV *sbk MiaviacAiK. V*YSTOAKMJjm LAST 3 DAYS! 11.00 AM. 1 30 4 00 6.45 9 15 pm 200 POLICEMEN CHASE
      173 words
    • 502 10 tl^¥j u^T DAY! 2ttin it 7.00 9.30b* ■■l^fl AMttiN: Mtlts: S2.N-CM*M: SI.N fft -l^.. Ejq (ODEON: OPEIS TOUOIIOf) £^LUUJUmSmH4ImHHm ay GOtOEN HARVEST prasants Lj| I wWjjjL ■■I BOXER k,T JiTMg Brivt li Climm: Obim Tttwrtwi J I■ M A "STUNNING! BRILLIANT EXCITING! J r Mm^4 Doot Miss 'DfllWCEß'. Or else...
      502 words
    • 644 10 B III •R6AMI! ATION MOW SHOWING' lion. 14$, 400. »4i 15 Hyw«J Bannatt. Nonatt* Nnmon A Milo O'Shao TMI LQVI lAN" Cote. COMING SOON' GEORGE C SCOTT ,n ■|»N« SHOT LAST J DAYS Na fr*« U<« 11o«. 1 JO. 400 4 45 «.M DovK 1 ChlOng Shtng SHAO-LIN MASTERi Mondorm
      644 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 665 11 VIDAYLINM I* 1 I ■111 111 Vitamin mlnerar Abbott's multivitamm A mineral syrup with its formula for lovely candy flavour and pleasant aroma Blowing children DOES HAVE A DELICIOUS TASTE MfK r"S ONE THAT ALL THE CHILDREN ADORE JAf \-C _J^. WOAVLM-M*contalna nineteen •■••niial vttarrMna and B^ mirfrf in every
      665 words
    • 270 11 National "-^OTK fesfive offer t£T During the months of December 74, January and February '75, a NATIONAL Automatic Rice Cooker worth $121.50 will be given away with every purchase of any of the three NATIONAL All-Transistorised TV sets shown below. This offer is valid only in Singapore. TR 24 DX
      270 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 280 12 ENGINEERS sole distributors in Malaysia, Singapore Brunei for construction equipment and motor trucks offers the most comprehensive range available EFFICIENCY I vHBsl crawler tractors ip* tml/' TD2SC -310 fwhp. -OPERATING WEIGHT ***** lbs. (***** kg.) l| IHHHB^ 7^* '^^^^^tf^VHTEWB^ TD2OC 1 90 fwhp. -OPERATING WEIGHT ***** lbs. (***** kg.) i
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • 759 14  - Ford can order US Iroops ack to ietnam if war gets out of hand rE Vietnam Peace Agreement, that brought Secretary of State Henry Kissinger a Nobel prize Is two years old today with as much blood being shed now in South Vietnam as at the peak of the war.
    Reuter  -  759 words
  • The Straits Times
    • 464 14 DID President Park Chung-hee and President Marcos make rash or "safe promises when each said last week that he would step down from office II the La of nationwide referendums next month are negative? The Philippines referendum, originally scheduled for Jan. 30 is now to take place on
      464 words
    • 118 14 SATURDAY'S decision by oil producing countries to hold a heads of state meeting socn takes producers and consumers one step closer to dialogue. True, OPEC's Foreign. Oil, and Finance Ministers who held a two-day meeting in Algiers did not work out a consensus as hoped for. but
      118 words
    • 387 14 I REFER to your editorials "Full-time cure" and "Part-time solution" (S. T. Jan. 21). The suggestion that national servicemen be directed to full-time police duties has been a subject of discussion for some time and is under consideration As pointed out by
      387 words
    • 140 14 iirE refer to your edltoTT rial "Swimmers at sea" (ST. Jan. B>. The provisions of the recently published Port of Singapore Authority (Pleasure Craft) Regulations 1974. are aimed at ensuring safety wlth- In port limits and to license and regulate all pleasure craft. The regulations make It an offence for
      140 words
  • 1316 14 TIMESMAN apologises to readers for his absence from this space. He was on leave. (Extracts from Tale* of an Itland in the Sui. a forthcoming publication by DoubUioy Inc. All characters are fictitious Any resemblance to real-life peovle. living or dead, is purely coincidental.) JT WAS the iirst-dry-weather
    1,316 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 10 14 'Ijihl c Disti.qctiv c ija"^f RADO DIASTAR^SI ELECTPOSONtC ?SES y
      10 words
    • 231 14 Top three from Staedtler i 3>ST/IEDTLER with Sanyo Washing -no more a back-breaking chore vKS-Sfe y^^gSgSJy Sanyo's SW-7500D or S/V-7001D/P, fully automatu vkwfe^^^ :2— washer/ spin dryer is a time-saving, fast-working. V_89!»j"" all-in-one unit. It washes clothes thoroughly with _^^^^^^j*^~ automatic reverse centrifugal action and then ___^Bl^fifiS W^ fe***^ i
      231 words

  • 69 15 Till Prop.--,-, l.mporium in Geylang Road was fined a total 3 150 by thr rir-t itrate's (Kurt lot rmploying right people without the consent of thr Director of Employmrnt. A reprrvrntative of the emporium admitted that between Feb. 20, 1972. and Jan. 18 last year, the
    69 words
  • 122 15 Shangri-La wins 2 world awards SHANGRI-LA Hotel has won two of the nine Si! Silver Spoon Awards for 1974, presented by Western International Hotels annually, for outstanding food menus. Shangri-La Hotel's submission, among the many received from all over the world, vu the Coffee Oarden Menu under the Coffee Shop
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  • 27 15 A 77-year-old man. Tan Bye Beow. was fined $3,000 In a magistrate's court for assisting In the running of chap Jt ki. a public lottery
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  • 239 15 WARNING TO YOUNG EXECUTIVES race to the top might well raise the heart disease potential of young executives, says the Singapore Anti Tul>ercul()sis Association Bulletin. •'For while the career development potential of the young executive is immediately apparent, his heart disease potential
    239 words
  • 236 15 5 years and rotan for 'fighter' A SECRET society "fighter," Tan Yeow Hwee, 27, was sentenced to a total of five years' jail and ordered to be given 12 strokes of the cane on two counts of extortion, on Saturday. District Judge, Mr. E. C. Foenander. in passing sentence, took
    236 words
  • 75 15 l^Ol'R soldiers were F injured when their army truck crashed and overturned at Upper East Coast Road early yesterday. The truck was returning to the nearby Brdok Camp at about 4 a.m. when the mishap occurred. PoUce said the injured soldiers, who were among
    75 words
  • 42 15 PARLIAMENTARY Secretary. (Education), Mr. Ahmad Matter, will open the fifth exhibition of the Young Penpks Oallery at the National Museum on Friday at 5 30 pjn. Mrs. Rugaiyah Mattar will present certificates to artists of the last exhibition.
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  • 189 15 Young set getting more vocal rE younger generation appears to be dominating the scene at RTS' new vocal group contest— held In place of the usual talentime— judging from the first audition held yesterday. Entries close on Friday, but from the response so far, many "oldtimers" to talentime seem to
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  • 45 15 SAF live firing exercises THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct Demolition Live Firing exercises at the Southern Islands Live Flrlnp. Range at Pulau Senang from Tuesday to Friday. Dally firing time will be 8 a.m. to midnight. The public Is advised not to be alarmed.
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  • 38 15 THE Extramural Studies Department of the University of Singapore will hold a seven-lecture, course on Introduction to radiation safety at the chemistry lecture theatre on Thursdays from Feb. 6 at 730 pm. The fee is $30.
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  • 24 15 THE Hello Support Oroup Club Is recruiting new members and volunteers. Those Interested should write to Katong PO Box 98. Singapore IS.
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  • 40 15 THE Bx;rmmursi Studies Department of the University of Slntr&pore will hold a IS-leclure murae on Finance of Imporb and Exports at Room 5. Chinese Studies Department, on Wednesdays from Feb. 5 at 7.30 p.m. The fee is $50.
    40 words
  • 40 15 Illustration course THE Rxtr&muraJ Studies Department of the University of ancapore will hold a lft-sesstoo practical course on Illustration (programme A drawing) at Nlssen Hut No. 1 on Fridays from Feb. 7 at 7.30 p m The fee U MO.
    40 words
  • 69 15 THE Prime MlnMer, Mr. Lea Kuu Yew, arriving at a dinner on Satorday to mark the return W Slngapera'i fsnasr <»»sssa«sr to Intonasls. Mr- Lac Whssn Choy, at Bong Urn Green. The dinner was oronivd by the clUirns' conulUUrr commute*, management li— ltli i« and elTie OrgsrisstlwM
    69 words
  • 170 15 /CANDIDATES for the \j Senior Cambridge "A" level examinations In 1977 must sit for the "O" level examination this year. If they do not possess certain entry qualifications. The entry qualifications for the "A" ln»el examination are any of the following: Government
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 138 15 4 CHAN .SOUND REPRODUCTION! Tht Btosystim 6000 is a multichsnn*) sound sytttm, fully compatible for quadraphonic CO4 discrete and matrix (SO or QS), ambio, stereo and mono. Beomaster 6000 4 x 40 watts RMS (300 watts total music), a highly advanced FM tuner-amplifier with a cordless remote control, forms the
      138 words
    • 360 15 THOUSANDS OF 0( EXAM SUCCESSES! Th/J^ng Metropolitan Collt«f horn* tlurfy ttudrnti Diploma havr wonderful record of luccau »t m«)or The Trustee Hankinf exam*, with an svrraff pan-record Diploma which, since 1946. Kat bwn higher than all i>th*r candidate We ran prepare you at homr. Language by fast worldwide airmail service
      360 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 747 15 SINGAPORE 5 iM SJ5 1 1 Vlt fr*"" I iJUhke Room for Daddy-The Practical Joke 1 1 "nil/ 7 yjtssMi WrM rtJßMmii Part 2 XS i? E SSL r. 7JI Km (H*») L £8™ ar H^' «-35 Km| Fi-TI. Canute if lap a 131 News and Colour Newsreel (English) IW
      747 words
      38 words

  • 1293 16 AS a arvie to readers. Basiass. Tjss««|il Miksi weefclv s detailed analysis of ih. Stock Kirhaftge Simgapsre. Tb» year h. h ami 1..* sre followed b> ll V»7* l^J^ i Si price, the turnover, tke dividend yield and the gross pnee earnings ratio. \()TK: (losing Price means
    1,293 words
  • 787 16 XHfc fottowiM > s list of (vstaussu for la. t» r'r»ds> Jaa. 24 for cvuaUn sM laclusM la taw nskl> rr aaalt las. Pnrr movtassM is based an s comparison on tk» last sak« on Jsn 24 sssiast Jan 17 as skowa in brsrkrts im)i sntiALS H<>TEUH/PROPE«TIEB
    787 words
  • 91 16 Companey meeting The following company meetings are due: The Ksutla Bldhn Rubber Co. Bha. Jan. 27, 3 p.m Registered Office. No. 50 Jalan Ampang. Kuala Lumpur. Malaya Glass fkeUiry Bhd.: Jan. noon. 72-A. Jalan Tampol. Johore Bahru. Johore. Cycle s% Carriage Ltd.: Feb. 1, noon, Suite 803, Conference Room. Mandarin
    91 words
  • 175 16 A MSTERDAM. Frl. The i A market generally firmed I under the leadership of Royal Dutch, up 4.20 guilders at 6870 and Unilever in Dutch Internationals Hooroven» was the sole loser, down nearly two guilders at 55 00 Galas In local Issues were headed by shippings. HrtnefciY. Algemene Bank,
    175 words
  • 67 16 Export prices IB non-sterling areas In I' 8. dollars per ounce. (li Australian dollars per ounce. (2) Average price tfrlboum* (1) XMXIOB l»iru( lomikonf lunch •am I port a Friday Thursday uit UM ***** 131 J3 ITT.OOB IT4OOB nt.nm its sos 1T» 00 ITS.M 176.30 1T5. 40 ITT
    67 words
  • 45 16 London copper prices on Friday 1 previous in bracket*). Wlrtoar Spot buyer (302 00 U 502 SO seller £403 00 i (103 00 i. Three Month buyer (521 00 (IS2I Ml seller (311 30 ((322 00. Market ten*: steady Sales: 1T. 500 tonnes
    45 words
  • 119 16 LAST wMk's tradins In commercial bills of nclunn op*n*4 at l\ p*r esnt. moved up illichtly to I If SS p*r MM toward! rald-wMk and down to IU optnmi l«»«l of t\ per ml towards tn« do**. Treasury bills eoatlnuetf to bs bousbt at 4S P»r cant while
    119 words
  • 360 16 TVJEW YORK. Frl Btocks A advanced strongly for the third consecutive session. spurred partly by a new round of reductions In bank prune Interest rates. Controversy surrounding President Ford's energy conservation programme mounted. But some other part* of his economic package, especially his tax rebate proposals, were regarded
    360 words
  • 95 16 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS £[?<»•* M.13 Thursday 66.93 Week ago 66 93 KIBBEKS Friday JIJ.7J Thursday 304 52 Week ago j0i.07 OILS Friday 161.97 Thursday 14tV30 W*«k ago ijg.Bl INDI'STUALS FVlday 217.0 Thursday 197 1 Week ago 175.2 OOW JUNKS AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS rTlday 666 61 Thursday 666.76 Week ago 644.63
    95 words
  • 56 16 Pn The trend at the stock market changed somewhat. Quotation* were generally below Thursday's level and volume of trading was also low. Bonds remained more or leas unchanged The Credit Swtsee Index fell 2 5 to 167 7 I'losmi prtess u> Swim franca with th» dilirno on Urn previous
    56 words
  • 257 16 -j«OKYO. Bat Share prices on the Tokyo stock market recovered after five consecutive days of decline. Government loans and Investment Issues, Pharmaceuticals and oil refineries all moved higher ax the close. Ught-electrlcala which firmed up in early trading were, however, trimmed. The DJ Index roe* 31.61 to *****3 while
    257 words
  • 279 16 World forex round-up THE US dollar ended last week at lowa not seen tor IVk years In France and West Germany while In Bmli*erland It hit an all time tow. Renewed easing of U.S. money and Euro-dollar rates following a cut In the minimum reserve requirements by the Federal Reserve
    279 words
  • 168 16 A SIAN currency average ix deposits rates for the week ended Friday, Jan. 24. 7 days 1 mth 2 mths 3 mllu 8 mths mths 12 mth* 1 mth 3 mths 8 mths 12 mths 1 mth 3 mths 8 mths 12 mths 1 mth 3 mths
    168 words
  • 166 16 ACU dsllars: Trading on world Ailadollar markets was qulst Isst week Tbe LI) Isaeral Raacrve announce'.. rnl early In th» (Hk of lower domestic reserve requirements U1 to lower rates Short covering s.-vj commercial loan Interest causei a moderate upward fraction on Thursday, but late New York lending
    166 words
  • 67 16 M 1.19 154.24 Banks, Insurance, d Trustees ZtBM HIM JH IM.II 92.J3 (hrmirals. Rubber Products SKJi^aSrSisr-^ita, HBM iitM «"i tm* ,mmEUSE7S3L«. mv IMM +iM m 45 m.7. ISLSSftL*. and Manufacturers 244 M lit la uui 1««.»5 73«4 Food. Drink and Tobacco f?.71 MM li* Textile and
    67 words
  • 107 16 filE following UM of Hocks gives the ten met dealt In last week. This lives the turnover In thousands of uniU etaring prices on Friday and hl«h and low for It7i 75: •her Merlin Ij JS W .*7H O UM U.JJ 8- IMi $2.1» "m Electric 1.«39
    107 words
  • 29 16 Carrent Date Total for Total for v. P"»J»t«"« payable the year prevtossyear Ayer Molek U% fee. IS I*% Bth. KJnta 44.71*t Mar. 14 44.71%t 1x1.4% t Interim
    29 words
  • 67 16 LOCAL STOCK INDICES SINGAPORE Industrials Finance: Hateto: Tins: 8 rubb^n 0.C.8.C.: 8.E.8. Ind.: Jan. 20 185.68 297.67 136.88 125.36 96.25 321.9* 138.00 HIM Jan. 21 166 69 301.43 136.73 123.83 M.25 322.21 13»94 139.29 Jan. 2 187 26 302.15 136.66 123.54 M.M 322.21 U0.28 139 15 Jan. S3 Jan. 2
    67 words
  • 71 16 Industrials: Finance: I Hotels: Properties: t Has: t t rubbers: Jan. 21 17S.M 237% IM.SI IZS.It »5.«7 llt.M Jan. 11 Jan. Jan. 13 Jan. 14 174.29 175.55 179.31 113.81 243.W 242.71 218.78 252.71 1M.71 156.66 157.13 ***** 118.22 128.46 13»32 Ui.63 •SJ» 95.6« 95.«6 M.M 312.45 312.54 312.M 313JZ*
    71 words
  • 294 16 '|*m* Singapore produce market passed another lack-lustre week last week. There was still Interest from traditional oversea* buyers to stimulate activity locally Dealers report that the high prices prevailing and the uncertain world economic situation had compelled them to adopt a wait-and-see" attitude. The pepper section of the
    294 words
  • 459 16 TVIE S 1 ni a pore x stock market enjoyed some hefty price fains in hectic trading last week. After opening the week on a quiet note marked by light profittaking, the market came back strongly. Trading activity was initially confined to the bank shares and a handful
    459 words
  • 695 16 SHARE prices made further headway under firm trading conditions on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last wee/ resulting in gains all round. Buying sentiment Improved on that of the week before, bolstered by a number of factors Including a better performance by major world stock markets which
    695 words
  • 42 16 /CONTINENTAL Illinois j \j Corporation of Chi- cago. holding company for Cont.-nental Illinois National Bank and Trust reports record net in- i come of U5595,680,000 or US$5.5l per share in 1974. 12 per cent more than the U5M5.470.000 or
    42 words
  • 54 16 I pOH the week ended Satur- j day, Jan. IS, the range of call rates received from Short Deposit* (M) Berhad 1 was as follows: BANK FIND 3 per cent 1 to 3', per cent. GKNERAL FINDS: tfc per cent to 3 per cent. MOVEMENT of
    54 words
  • 665 16 LONDON: Dealers last week saw or.* of the most staggering advances ever seen on the market, with double figure gains In the F. T. Index on several days bringing It up to 217.0 by the week's end a 19.9 point rise on Friday alone, 41.8 on
    Reuter  -  665 words
  • 147 16 LONDON: There was little feature on Friday to the tin market where prices for standard metal finished unchanged to £15 per tonne lower. The market disregarded the Eastern price which edged up to one dollar below the buffer stock's current celling price of M 51.050. at which
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 461 16 L ON DON: Terminal values workud higher throughout last Friday mostly on dealer shortcovering and scattered pre-weekend booksquarlng, traders said. The trend followed steadier closing in Eastern markets and was to a large extent a sympathetic reaction to the Malaysian government's support programme rather than a reflection
    Reuter  -  461 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1405 17 Mal^^^^^^^^a^B tMMMM MWU n aVtMMB U1 "rS'ST- «S iT- a? m b fV USS? IMM MI•••A»M II FM 14 FM IMm 11 Mm It Mm IMa M 75 f M It f M 71 MM .1 *Z «Z ItZ •"."1? fit !!S *t» T l.**_«*i— a> tMM ll ap, ll
      1,405 words
    • 1065 17 v»V PrMENIX COrHAINER UNERS PCL CONTAINERSHIP SERVICES TO US A Tt ISA >.otM uw S ton I Mataar Via SoattM I taaca > MMa) tt M Ma Pat*at PMM*II M M Frt n IM IMMA MM a IFM I ITUMTIC PMIHII M IS Mr II Mtr IMM ISA aunw'
      1,065 words
    • 1232 17 Tl IMMPt nan ttMM raaa naautM MIIUII Maw Saara P. ItMtaj ttM AMtna Haota Dm kftlMiMl MT n m m m -N< m n m Mm lintMM. MT IFM IFM I Mm AMM SMarMIM liurta It Frt MFrt la. it Mm ll Mr I mm tMM IMB MFrt IT IM
      1,232 words
    • 1116 17 FUU.Y CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUKOfE mmm spo-. aj TVYAHA Fa 1 FM f umicin pj,{ RotMtMM. Ajßttrari. Ajhatrt, UNwn. •mtSrVwin m 7 i SSl'"*- "■""I ■t—lMitß. ?im? U I n CaiiMMt, GotMM«r|. mjmm. allulri MIHU Aar 1 Apr i StOCIAoiM. Oclo. Httiinlu. UniM MM>MI. CtaMt laaM Ui M Man fCi
      1,116 words
    • 964 17 I la»Mpap» tIM 44; P. Kmmmj 4J41, K.L. *****; "i«n w IJJOI THE BANK LUTE LTD. IMK FH ft t t AFIICA MTMM ((aaa»M. MiMim. Maia-ja ta.« DwMa) P AMMI Its* MM Ma I HIHIM IHaar.t.n. ti.iiM. *I.i m Dartta. CapataMi P mia i, i»fm Saa» 1 JFM PMM I»ST
      964 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 896 18 MJU— "icAWAalaaiaKN kabha ltd. mmm m ma wm in. m*. imm. tmm sbhkl bmm BMMMaj ram tMaaj .torn j Jitu ApiMm OaM mmwmtm* ttftll'l IBB: |1 \M Hill; tl Ni taWMI BB%iBTaM*MMf Ja(> ..<l.«t> At^tast-WaMN AIM-* mmrr%m txtMtn PSar lUtanrr- atas mmm* *f w-co-i. lajn. amm A»4iai Isasa totMSi BMMPawsJt
      896 words
    • 928 18 aajMfaaa au attas m _bmvt ißßwta^ijaa^FaafTitatß.iAMPTT, 7 timmtT'sssmi!. mS*SSi «jaTuß4?^iB I *paatl l Fits ITA ITS BtaMMMMk It T B*AVTT IBVSB latartt M Ptrt It Ml SMB. ic r autrnr jsst Wfm mfm i imiiii It I PttMßtßt I MMrti n Ut MPM MMaMM 1S T SIM II BtIiMMM IFM
      928 words
    • 1072 18 U.K. mtow wvtq LOAOIN6 FOB. LONDON tOTTOOAM, HAMiUtC, BILBAO Spot P MU«a PtMta BiltM LaMH a'Ma Htan MrPTBM itrtaAia It Part nm tm a pm at PM I Mar BfPTMM TSMI H/B FM It/M) Ftt 14/1 1 FM 14 Aar a Aar laa 188 ARRIVALS FROM MOBTHWHT IUBtOTIAN PORTS ANO
      1,072 words
    • 865 18 cms sarct ti jjwbm, inmm/tMMBn mn i| Mn. Wtjtttra P Mlaaf Ptaaf LtMMt tan BBMSt IMMIMA lIM IS/11 Ft* 11/11 Pat IT/II FM B. tao It 1. I'taa a/I Mtarl 14 I It* t Ajrraari 10 4 B*asA miATi ivu m rt» it itwr^jß/J. h-mi itva, rat> is 4 BMBatTtBtTAI
      865 words
    • 693 18 "ONTAINEBS N»DTICB OT UVBIUJKAa^^ WIrVDINC-L'P ORDER "U«/a*»a.l Bay" Vay. 4a)t Jn Mttfr of Bwee Chin arrived M.1.7S Construction Company j ALLLCL«x«oh«b«nun- Prlvat* Limits packed from conU'n*rj and windlng-up Order made the is available for v mediate i 7lh January. 1975 delivery Delivery orders I should be presented at the Name
      693 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 536 19 Ingersoll-Rand ON THE MOVE IN CENTURY II! The following appointments, for Singapore citirens. ore necessitated by our expanding operations 1) ASSISTANT CONTRACTS ENGINEER Ag« 23—30 y«ors Class 111 Driving Licence essential Applicants should hoy« experience in supervising pipe fittings, welding ond mechonicul erection of rotating mochinery, pressure vessels and heat
      536 words
    • 530 19 benerol Electric (U.S.A.), the largest manufacture*- of electrical equipment in the world, invites applications for the position of:PRODUCT SAFETY ENGINEER Candidates should possess a diploma in electrical electronics engineering or have a physics degree with 2 3 years industrial experience in the electronics radio industry. Other than the technical aspect
      530 words
    • 602 19 Require a SALES REPRESENTATIVE I (Household Consumer Products) I with the following requirements. I Singapore Citizen who has comI pleted National Service or is exI empted from it. I Below 35 years ot oge. I Good secondary school education. I Fluent in English as well as Hokkien, I Teochew and
      602 words
    • 1341 19 dlstr^le CO m EXECUTIVES I?M— I Srtentcn Travel Associate OPTORG CO. (M) SDN. BHD. v«» (A member of the luchcope Berhod Group) I BJ P*k Benf for Heod Office in Petolmg Joyo Defendant I (1) For BUILDING MATERIALS DEPARTMENT I Auction a*, or R«nnnc,k,i»-, i ,1 Household Furniture, Kesponsibthties to
      1,341 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 654 20 We have the following vacancies in our Kuala Lumpur and Brunei Office:— (1) Senior Engineer (Brunei) P.— nonsllitr for the overall design and supervision of Civil and structural Engineering projects In Brunei Applicants should possess a decree, diploma or equivalent and be a corporate member of a recognised engineering institution
      654 words
    • 350 20 CITIBANK Invites applications to fill the following positions: (A) Executive Trains** The Executive Development Program (EDP) offers excellent opportunities to suitable candidates with initiative and aptitude for innovative work in the field of banking and finance. Applicants should possess a good academic record from a recognised University. Preference will be
      350 words
    • 586 20 An established Property Development and Management Company with business portfolios In the South East Asian region Invites applications from suitably qualified persons, preferably Bumiputras for the appointment of a DEVELOPMENT MANAGER This is a senior management position. The successful candidate will report to the Managing Director and his responsibilities will
      586 words
    • 647 20 The National Electricity Board require a caretaker/cook and amah for the proposed Holiday Bungalow at Johor Bahru. The salary scale will be as follows Caretaker cum Cook 9160 x 10 $230.00 Amah $115 15 $160.00 Previous experience In cooking Malaysian and European dishes Is necessary. Preference will be given to
      647 words
    • 1120 20 INSURANCE ACT (CHAPTER 193) OCEAN ACCIDENT A GUARANTEE CORPORATION LIMITED hereby give notice that, with effect from the D 28th February, 1975, they will cease to Issue new policies or to renew existing policies and they will apply to the Ketua Pengarah Insuran to be dereglstered with effect from Ist
      1,120 words

  • 52 21 (LERK S SALONS II -el Stncmpura for your aueat nting Very moderate 8 pore) THE CIA mv its eyes and ears on he inside stories that mertca New Nation tout begins a three part feature "NIBN MO4MLIS paper I UK* sir >■ sos ,ff 2 weeks oniy Psychedal Lu
    52 words
  • 37 21 -HE FAwNLY OF THE LATI Madam Neo thank relatives -aths anC kind assistance durnf tfWtoT ffCsfnt Mra*iwii k> i it HAUNT AND MULKIT thank I r kind act irrr BnM and gif>» ddlng on 29th Dec
    37 words
  • 13 21 HOCK 11 I 72 eternity Always missed by Kengs Blaus. •.esa'
    13 words
  • 16 21 SOS SAMARITANS OF I NCAPORE Troubled' ig 91-44-44 day Help is as near as the
    16 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1875 21 classified ads (jl FEMALE CLERK Knowledge Of rvok-keeping. correspondence typing essential QueJlftcaUons School Certificate L vance Level Hardworking and *B*p*na*nt worker Apply with photograph (non-returnable) and personal resume to S T Box A ***** Salary above S4SO negotiable SINGAPORE TOURIST PROMOTION BOARD Applications are invited for the ;«<st« of CLINICAL
      1,875 words
    • 725 21 /.^gswC bV*W OeMwMAL EUtCTNK (USA) HOUSEWARES PTE. LTD. Applications are invited from suitably qualified male Singaporean who have completed National Service for the post of MATERIALS TECHNICIAN Applicants should possess a ical Training diploma or HSC with formal Chemistry training of analytical nature Preference will be given to those who
      725 words
    • 724 21 EXPERIENCED BECURITY GUANOS WANTED for city area Those without experience must undergo training Apply In person wtth six photographs and relevant documents to Zohra. 3-C Mayo Street. Singapore 8 SERVICE STATION REQUIRES PUMP attendants and greasers Apply personally 115 Farrer Road. 8 pore 10 Textile Marfufacturtng Company requires FEMALI wCNCRAL
      724 words
    • 741 21 II) BtMMMTTACNaW HOUS* at Medway Drive. Serangoon Oarden (2) Terrace house at Lorong How Sun. Upper Pays Lebar FJnq Alk Slew Tong Ltd.. 27/29 Bencoolen Street. Singapore Tels *****5 b ***** NEW t-STORSV DETACHED BUNGALOW at Paslr-Rls Furn .hed Telephone Immediate occupation Principal Tel *****/ ***** BUCKLEY ROAO off Newton
      741 words
    • 791 21 BUNGALOW in the vicinity of Binjal Park 1 1.000 sq ft servant's $1,800 Enquiries *****7 -*****2 DMT 21 CLEMCNTI PARK singlestorey bungalow furnished 82.000 DM 10 near American School, double-storey semi-detached. unfurnished SHOO, furnished 11--400 0610*1 OOWT WOMtV ABOUT YOUR accommodation problem Roflno Housing will solve for you Contact *****3
      791 words
    • 802 21 ACE HOUSING URGENTLY RE OuiRE furnished accommo nation in any locality $000 82. 000 Please call *****29' *****46 WANTED FURNISHED HOUSES and apartments In all districts for our many foreign clients. Oood rants and deposits Phone ******/ 351*42 CARL HOUSING AGENCY We need more house*, apartments for foreign clients Oood
      802 words
    • 824 21 CLEMBNTI PARK StNOLESTORET bungalow I rudroumi. servant s room, attached baUtrooms. wel' renovated 7.000 sq ft Freehold 1230 non negotlaMe Contact *****7 *****3 HENRY PARK 2-STOREV split level newly renovated Uirac< fully furnished with 3 aircondltloners. lerrazEO' parquet throughout Area 2.400 sq ft Selling $145,000 Loan available Contact *****' *****
      824 words
    • 647 21 OFFICE SPACE ABOVE I (ion fi furnished 3 alrcorvi venlent free parking Rent $800 AvallaDle Immediately Tel *****2 i OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE IN 218. MAXWELL House ir-. 272 vj ft mersrt Road n- I Interested parties please contact Mr Anthony Mm *****1* FOR SALS DIST 8 Freehold office building, complete
      647 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 873 22 •K. T*IAV«B, SaWVKE. 1* Pnr atrpt-^s^/ j ssr4 aays 5 noftMa 3110 depart 10. 11 14 15.1 T? Cameron Ipoh 2 days 3 nsghta **5 depart 11 13 14?TS OMrttagr Panang/ Ipoh 4 days 5 ntgnu $125 depart 11 15/2/73 OMLCV TWAVW. (»Tg) IT* CMDrfJBg NEW YEAR SPECIAL 1 Taiwan/
      873 words
    • 898 22 NAM HO TRAVEL BIKVICI (Singapore, Pte limited Tour Wrst Malaysia Seven days Ssl3o aircondltloned bus Malaysia Oentlng Highlands by alrcondrUoned bus seven days R8175 Departure Kvery Sunday. Monday Came ron Highlands Four days BBSS/- Oentlnc Highlands Fosu days BSll*' Departure fcvery Wetfneaday OenUn-Hlatt lamia Two day* by air ftlJi/Departure Everyday
      898 words
    • 675 22 OILL TRAVEL Or^Eß* ArR/*EA U> London Europe. USA Canada. Australia Hongkong 29 The Arcade Ist Floor Raffles Place 8 pore 1 Trt ***** 97*14 MA* CHARTERS LOMOOM. $740Europe Tokyo Australia America Canada 3SK. Frtnsep Street (Opposite Cathay) Tel 383*1 333*27 WORLO CHARTERS CENTRE iftt-A Martial 81. Spar* 1. Tel tl**M
      675 words
    • 750 22 OKI OO *SC RET AR VS CO WWW a 3- month Intensive coursr for school leavers covering Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. Accounting. Secretarial Duties ft Buiiness English Morning. Afternoon and Evening sessions. in Tutorial Oroups of Tan Enrol today at OTi. 29*8 Selegle Complex (*****4) or 248C-7 Orchard Road *****1) Learn
      750 words
    • 775 22 •ONOAV BOOKKEEPING /*HORT HAND TVPEWRITrNO CLASSES Commencing 2nd February Studenu are prepared for School Pitman LCC Examinations School Certificates will be awarded on successful completion Please enrol early (1) SINOAPORE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 15A. Mackenzie Road (*****7 *****8) OR 768 D. Upper Serangoon Road. (*****0 810*90) (2) REOENT COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE. 217.
      775 words
    • 893 22 OUAUPY PON A BgTTPR job Britain's foremost correspondence school can help you qualify for a responsible w-llpald Job Wllti its •>uutandt:,g success record, thr school crters you tie best/ possible trt lnlng for a successful career Complete home-study courses In Pook- keeping. Accountancy. Secretaryship Banking. Commerce. Management Established 6b yean
      893 words
    • 783 22 IS7I AUSTIN 1308 OT one owner. alrcon showroom condition 88.--200 o n o Contact *****3 I»T3 TOYOTA ISM one owner. *ho»n«.>-T ••nrtlil. $7 9000 n o View 321 3rd floor Supreme House Penang Road Spore 9 I*M VOLKSWAGEN IM* C.C. 3rd •dit ion very good $3,200 ono View S-A Joo
      783 words
    • 769 22 SALON M for Massage Steambath. Saunabath Oents Hair Stylist Business Hours- 10 80 am »00 p m Call 26 Kum Hrna Court Tomllnson Road. Titephone *****4 It 63*08*. OUALIFIEO MASSEUSE WILL be available to attend you at your places Ring ***** for appointment from I 00 p.m 9.00 p m
      769 words
    • 652 22 J4 OIAMT CLAM. Cor»U. SeaihelU. ShHI Ornament*. I*rtona< and Home Use 11. Selegte Poad I mm 18.8 CO.FT deep freeie available Best price orer U» ■•cures Ring MUSI SgCURITV PRINTIKO INK. t» quires Chin Ann Trading Co PU Ltd ISB-A. Cecil Strrrt Tr. ***** ***** LATEST SMACKLOCK EIICTRIC COOKER »lth
      652 words
    • 572 22 DISTRICT AND MAGISTR 001 Kl> BINGAPORE DC Summons No 2715 of 1974 Between RE. MORRIS PRIVATE LTD Plaintiffs And YFO KIANG Si trading as DA'TUK RAJAH RESTAURANT Defendant To Yeo Klanß Slew trading as Da'tuk Rajah Restaurant. No M, Raffles Place. Clifford Centre. j Slng&pore TAKE NOTICE that an action
      572 words

  • 196 23 $3,000 gens left in taxi returned to wife ASKT of Jewellery worth $3,000 that was left In a taxi and then handed over to the Registry of Vehicles for safe keeping, has been returned to its owner, according to the ROY It was claimed by an Australian ship captain's wife
    196 words
  • 184 23 U'HKN two Ice-akat- Ine experts get (ocether. it Means rraoeful twirls on the *c* with a "there's really nothing to it" style. That's what happened when Lorraine Giles (rifht), Australian Inter Silver Ice-statin c Dance champion and Nancy Ackerman (left). the
    184 words
  • 136 23 MESSIAH'S CHORAL SINGING PLEASING HANDEL'S Messiah was presented at the Singapore Conference Hall last evening by the Singapore Chamber Ensemble together with choirs of St. Andrew's Cathedral. St. John's and St Margaret's. An ever-popular mas trrplece whose freshnes and appeal Is hard t> deny, no matter how many times we
    136 words
  • 107 23 rB Singapore Family Planning and Population Board la aiming for a total of 80,000 registrant* by the end of tbli year, with an annual rec r v 1 tment of 16.000, under the second five-year national family planning programme. In the first three yean of
    107 words
  • 34 23 TRX iwbeis picked In TMtertftys Toto Drmw 1/79 wwe a. a. 11. M iad M The tddfUonal number m S In Urn circlet drmw, tto numbers trwe 31, t *nd 48.
    34 words
  • 442 23 gREAST feetling is vital in the lower socio-econo-mic group as a greater proportion of the 20 to 25 per cent malnourished children under two years old in Singapore come from the lower income population. Prof. Wong Hock Boon, head of the
    442 words
  • 165 23 'lESC ready to do more to help S'pore trade' nnHE International Executive Service Corps, an American volunteer organisation, :ould play a more vital role as Singapore's businesses continued to develop and grow 'In the coming years, i According to an IBBC bulletin. lESC and Singapore, the organliatlon "stands ready to
    165 words
  • 47 23 DO YOU KNOW HER? ANYONE who knows* the woman (above) Is asked to telephone Miss Winnie Tang, a medical/social worker of Woodkrldge Hospital. *****1 ext. Ct. The patient, who was admitted to the hospital on Dec 13 last year, is unable to give any information about herself.
    47 words
  • 40 23 THB Alpha Oallery wUI hold an exhibition of 40 oU p.tott^j. by a arttstt from Ban from tomorrow to Feb. i The exhibition win be open to public from 10 am to pjn dally except Sundays.
    40 words
  • 53 23 THE prerident of the A*mtatfcn of certified Accountants In Britain, Mr. Oeorg* Rasa, will vltit «n--gapore tomorrow during his tour of the associations far eastern branches. Mr. Raw. a (Miner Mayor of Cbastarosld. wIU be accompanied by hi* wife and the ukcUUodi secretary for iim—i ralattnrn
    53 words
  • 46 23 POLICE TMterdar advtaed motorists not to w Smncoon Roed. Stete Road. Orchard Roed. CVmanoou Avenue. Tmnk Road and River Valley Road from 6 ajß. to I pjß. today. Thaipusam Day. Thorn who want to p> to flaraafoon Garden are adTtaed to ura mcotl Highway.
    46 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 532 23 A leading electronic manufcrturing firm in Kuala Lumpur requires the following personnel:PRODUCTION MANAGER FOR RADIO ASSEMBLY Candidate must possess an electronic engineering degree with minimum 3 yeors experience in radio production line and capable of setting a complete new assembly line including the design of radio circuitry, progressive assembly, training
      532 words
    • 1091 23 i f*njiV££B ass/ I SI A invite* applications for the following appointments in Singapore: jS APPOINTMENT RIQUIftEMENTS SALARY Wg Editor "Outlook" Must have three years' ex- Salary will commensurate r©s fkn perience in Journalism and some with qualifications and 6gr Jtjt experience in editing and experience within the f*% JroU
      1,091 words

  • 204 24 Opposition to see Razak over those arrests PETALTNO JAVA, Bun. M. Opposition party leaders plan to meet Tun Abdul Fwazak to discuss the recent arrest of people under the Internal Becurlty Act and other lawa. They hope to present to the Prime Minister two resolutions passed at a meeting of
    204 words
  • 59 24 IPOH. Sun.— Members of the Perak Chinese Association were urged today to give their full support In the formation of a Pan-Malaysian Chinese association. "The aim is to unite the Chinese as well as to help In building the nation." said Mr Ng Song Choon. president
    59 words
  • 337 24 Strike 's 7th day: NEB engineers mobilised KUALA LUMPUR, Sunday ENGINEERS and technicians of the National Electricity Board are attending to complaints of power breakdowns throughout the country as the "illegal strike" by some 4,000 board workers entered its seventh day today. The general situation in most of the states
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  • 56 24 KUALA LUMPUB. San. Television Malaysia may have to cat transmission time if the National Electricity Board strike continues. Deputy Minister of Information SharifT Ahmad said today. He said this was because the television service did not have enough generators to s a p p I j
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 179 24 Malaysia presses for higher tin floor price fPOH. Bun. Malaysia 1 is pressing Tor a higher tin buffer stock floor price at the International Tin Council meeting In London on Tuesday. A report on the increasing cost of tin production, compiled from data collected from the various types of mines,
    179 words
  • 68 24 KUALA LUMPUR Sun. The RMAP Dart Her»ld which made an emergency landing at Bubtng airport on Friday wni forced down by a malfunction In the strut of IU left undercarriage, an RMAP source said yesterday. The aircraft, which was carrying 30 RMAP officers and crew from Sarawak and
    68 words
  • 184 24 KL team in Bahrain after pacts withUAE BAHRAIN, Bun Malaysian Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today flew into Bahrain on the penultimate stage of a Gulf tour, atfer signing in Abu Dhabi agreements on co-opera-tion with the United Arab Emirate* (UAE) in economic and other fields. Tun Razak and his
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 35 24 TAIPING Sun About 2.500 eggs ready for sale in the market were missing when a dealer. Urn Ah Bah. woke up in his house In Tupal Lane and found the front door ajar.
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  • 28 24 ?ENANO. Sun. The Danish- registered vessel Anne Bravo win carry out a seismic survey off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia from Feb. 16 to 20.
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  • 44 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Bun. About 2.000 troops from 17 units of the armed forces took part in a 24 km (15 mile) endurance march In Selangor last night. A military spokesman said the exercise was to test the combat effectiveness of the troops.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 491 24 When you're sick or run down... refreshing Lucozade aids recovery LV. a*" 1 b^Bv/ ■Til i Lucozade is a delicious and appetising fl r*^E*>S tonic drink. Pleasantly citrus-flavoured, slightly 'mmp-. |IbJV sparkling, and really rich in pure liquid glucose a great natural source of concentrated energy. *>«# Liquid glucose assimilates
      491 words
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  • 633 25 AFTER THEIR 3-1 WIN OVER PLYMOUTH... LONDON, Sun.— English Football League leaders Kverton emerged as the new favourites for the Football Association Cap after yesterday's fourth -round matches and fifthround draw. After carving out a 3-1 win away to Plymouth. Everton were drawn at home
    Reuter  -  633 words
  • 1021 25 /-iHRISTCHURCH, Sun. V Australia's bubbly teenager Jenny Turral scored her third gold medal of the New Zealand Oames today, when she won the 300 metres freestyle sw:m. a mere 0 39 of a second outside the World record. The 14-year-old Sydney schoolgirl came
    1,021 words
  • 994 25 Results and tables ENGUBH V\ CUP 4TH ROUND Alton Villa 4 Sheffield United 1. Bury 1 Manifteld 2. Carlul* 3 Wwt Bromwtch 2. Crielie* 0 Birmingham I, Coventry 1 Anenal 1. Ipnneh 1 uverpool 0. Leaiherhetd 2 Utcwler 3 Leeds 0 Wimbledon 0. Middle*brouf h 3 Sunderland 1 Plymouth 1
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
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    • 218 25 .*sbPC^^s» v n_ S T R O** "-^^^bbbbl ,^L9'^BB#SsF W I «^^T^BBBBBST •aL 'till* IIsa^B^BBBBBBS^BBBB^^SQkBBI] Z jr44^fl g^g^MßßgEßf^'^SSlM^^^fMßßlßßßsiiZ^^^^^^i^C^l^^^^^Sßßßslßl •TlXZZ^^Bggl BBBSBTr-^ (cTlw. \B^ f»n r^ >\ m- ****"*VfM&BBBi BBB^a7~ SBT v<m>w w^ 1 r^lH^^Bsl BBBf i^^fj :?^£^S«^^^^B^^P^^%i^ i^j>^V TsT^fli B^^^r^T ,J* ***M«tt^S^L^BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSB~^P- Bsfl SSS**^ '^s^Xl—7^ 111^ ,7 BBlsi 9Bs9^^BSBB*«BB>^I^aBBfIg>'^BBBSSsU. BBBSW Of
      218 words

    • 182 26 The Aussies recover after devastating spell by Underwood ADELAIDE. Sun.— Late ■f* batting rests tance saved Australia here today after magnificent bowling by England's wet-w lc ke t specialist Derek Underwood who took seven wickets on the second day of the Fifth Test. Australia were all out for 304, having
      182 words
    • 118 26 AUSTRALIA Ist Inn: t. Bipath c Orelg b Underwood 31 B. BtcCa*er c Cowdrey b Underwood 35 1. Chappc* c Knott b Underwood 0 G. ChappaH lbw Underwood S D. Walter* c Wills b Underwood 55 R. Mann c Qrelg b Underwood 6 T. Jannec b Underwood 74 M
      Reuter  -  118 words
    • 94 26 MELBOURNE, Sun. Singapore's woman team •cored their first win In tha Commonwealth Table TennU champlonahlpe when they beat Nigeria 3-0 today. But in tha second gama against India, they war* edged 3-3. The man suffered two defeat* by 5-3 to Australia and 5-3 to Nigeria. Other
      94 words
    • 440 26  -  By MUSADEK AND YUSOF OUTWIT PONDEROUS DEFENCE JOE DCMI Mohammed Won who lammed the ball. It bounced oft a defender Into the net. In the 37th minute Wahid and Johore's Musadek Muaa collided and Wahid was replaced by Idros AJbar who was not tested until
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    • 459 26  - Chung Fa turns the tables on 15th green ERNEST FRIOA By 'THE brilliant TaiA wanese Chang Chung Fa settled the ICA Carrier golf ProAm Open championship with a birdie on the 15th hole in the final round at Warren Course yesterday. With a single stroke Chung Fa changed the course
      459 words
    • 113 26 JO H A N NESBI'RG, Sun. Black and white cricketers in the Transvaal province have decided to introduce racially mixed club cricket later this year although this i» against the South African government's apartheid ideology. A statement issued last night by the cricketers said the plan envisaged teams of
      113 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 496 26 I I I L IJ X* II I f\ Hal W\ 1 1 mm. V^^^^^^B^vjaSar a^r V HaY s sßjtfss!!*' >^^' ***** Keep the goodness mm in your food Super Cooker. 11 5 And reduce your electricity H 11 II II a and gas bills by one half. n **2J
      496 words
    • 209 26 J^ DOUBLE FORDIGRAPH^^ FFATI IPFQ COMPACT C^cT "CMIUritO.... SHPEQQgp r t. Up to six sham* of papar at a time, M att?^, A^mmm aw *Q9**hmr with staplm and pins, are I consumed and converted to unreadable 1 K<"''Pi The fine shreds are impossible fl to re assemble for reading •^^r
      209 words

  • 2831 27  -  EPSOM JEEP By and DENNIS CHIA TROPIC STORM, brilliantly ridden by apprentice MX. Lam, provided one of the biggest big race upsets when he won the $36,000 Queen Elizabeth II Cup over 1 If at Bukit Timah yesterday. Second was another rank
    2,831 words
  • 42 27 Ist No. 159M3 ($4,47*) 2nd. No. 1*7375 ($1,277) 3rd. No. IM4M CM) STARTERS (SIM) Noa: 1527*4 *****9 1*3454 1542*5 *****5 *****7 16**83 1*44*3 16*751 *****9 157M8 *****8. CONSOLATION (SIM) No*: 1*8*22 1577*7 1*5182 *****9 *****5 *****1 154*99 ****** *****5 163M1.
    42 words
  • 739 27 j STIPfS W>MT THB Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday's races at Buklk Tlmah: Stale of geiag: Oood RACE 1: Prtneely Reward app. CM Tan) and Mar efcte (app. P. Dourado) were both slow into stride. The Sport (app. M. Masruhen) anticipated the start and bun: through the
    739 words
  • 294 27 CLASS 3. DIV. 1 7F Tall Stable's (6) WALKING TALL 8.13 (*****-1755) Plexott 1 (4) SUversioae 7.9 (3639-953) McCkat 3 (3) PaaUloa 7J (7671-1174) Bag 3 (9) Beaaty Boaaty n 7.7 C 7J (IMB-773) Aaaar 4 (3) Te Waharoa 7.7 c7J (1298-567) Rasak 5
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 66 27 GREAT WALL EMPORIUM X^ "KongHee ($0 Tfl Cho i ef^ W VS) /^sVaVsVril\ stjl 111 9*l* ■^■V^awß j JlOj Special Fre* Gifts of Stamp Album (China made fine *t Silk) Money Clip (made in Thailand) and "Ang Pow" 1 *M for those who shop at GREAT WALL. HURRY! HURRYI while
      66 words
    • 80 27 Air Siam's DC 10; Hawaii/Los Angeles Air Siam have a great ks supcrdrinks.superfocxi new way to cross the Racific. andsuperwideccxTifortallt'ncwai The super luxurious DC-10. tOkHawaii and Los Angeles. IfyouTeheadingforthe PickusuDinßanakok goldenbeachesofV\faikiki nek us up in Bangkok. or the wiJd.wild west coast For furtter information, of America come along with us.
      80 words

  • 171 28 Mishaps in the Straits: Japan's $25.5 mil payout... rKYO. Sun. Insurance companies paid more than 3.300 million yen (8525.5 million) for 19 accidents Involving Japanese ships In the Straits of Malacca and Singapore In the four yean before the recent grounding of the Japanese tanker Showa Maru. the newspaper Asahl
    AP  -  171 words
  • 49 28 ■•Una baht aneiLA, t« mini awr pimfully M.lis Irann* t hh 4 diuihirn t •ena-ln-l»w. 1 teuchttra in law M puMlMn. IS gnat irandchild nm I* mourn kar loaa Ctortac* laana I*. Hlaeae Roa4 XT/I/T6 •i 00 p n »l Joarpbi Church iP M i thane* to C.CX
    49 words
  • 171 28 11 die as cargo ship sinks PVMOI'TH. Sun Eleven crewmen died when the 1.M3--ton British cargo »hlp Lovat sank in galefore* winds 4* km <S5 miles) off the tonthwest coast of England today. The second mate and steward, the only Mrvivors of the 13--man crew, were in hospital In Pensance,
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 54 28 NEW DELHI, Bun India today celebrates the 25th anniversary of Its becoming a Republic with a call from President Pakhrddin All Ahmed to put an end to political violence In the country Anyone with the country's Interest at heart could only be dismayed at the growing
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 280 28 GROMYKO TO HAVE TALKS IN CAIRO CiAIRO, Sun. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko will visit Egypt on Feb. S for consultations with government officials. Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy said yesterday. In a statement distributed by the Middle East news agency Men a Mr. Fahmy said President Sadat had received a
    Reuter; UPI  -  280 words
  • 246 28  - $60,000 OPIUM HAUL: 2 HELD PAUL WEE Y.K. LAI 33 SLABS FOUND IN CAPRrS SECRET PANELS By AND TWO men, suspected to be members of an 1 n t c rnational drug ring operating from the Golden Triangle, were arrested with $60,000 worth of opium at the Woodlands checkpoint early
    246 words
  • 28 28 LONDON. Bun. British Trade Sacrctor; Peter Shot* flew to Teheran today for three days of talks with the Iranian Oov«rnment on economic and trad* co-operation —Router.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 68 28 MANILA, Sun. The official Philippine Newt Agency (PNA) today reported foeur Mere deaths, bringing the overall toll from typhoon Lola to eight. Meat of the fatalities naro hit by flying ob- Jeets whipped up by LoU'i 1U km an hoar (85 mph) peak winds when it moved
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 259 28 r,/<Fg\ METROPOLITAN 1 VVvlsr// 70 PALMER RD. \>3(itC/ SINGAPORE 2. TEL: *****1 (5 LINES) Physical Education Continuing A re h.r,e<, imn A E M d s U E C n an,ca, Squash Beginners Examination Part 1 WfcT- Eg* B Family Kelong Airline Ticketing Trip ReservationPhillipines Tour Basic Electronics Brunei
      259 words
    • 584 28 SUMMERS CHOICE: "Slin witki little practical knowledge of GOOD HEALTH" Givt yourself more reasons as to why you are fat but there are only two reasons why you should SLIM, i.e. 1. YOUR HEALTH 2. YOUR BEAUTY We have more solutions to SLIMMING than th-re are reasons for being FAT.
      584 words