The Straits Times, 26 January 1975

Total Pages: 30
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2019 JANUARY 26, 1975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 493/75
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  • 538 1  -  CHIA POTEIK Move enables banks, finance firms to give loans to industry and other productive sectors By THE Government yesterday lifted all control of the credit expansion activities of banks and finance companies and announced that they may provide such loans as they think fit to
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  • 96 1 AN Injured woman beinf cared for In front of the Anjieri' Club In New York after a bomb blast that ripped the buUd Int in the Wall Street area on Friday. The adjoining boiMinf at the corner Is the historic Fraanees
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  • 26 1 JAKARTA. Bat Indonarian trooui hay* captured four ttunimml* gucrlllaa. tDdudinf a woman. In an opwatton In Wmt, Boraao wan n«wa afaney reporUd today. Reutar.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 805 1 [\R GOH Keng Swee, the Deputy Prime Minister ajid Minister for Defence, last night advised Singaporeans to stop worrying too much about when and how the world economic recession would end. This Is because nobody knows and because they are "matters entirely out- side our
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  • 221 1 Mujib heads one-party govt in Bangla T.ACCA. Sat. Sheikh U Mu]lbur Rahman became President of the Republic of Bangladesh by a sweeping majority today, after parliament replaced the country's constitution by a oneparty presidential form nf Government. Sheikh Mujlb. 54. In a valedictory speech to Parliament as Premier, described the
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 194 1  -  P. M. RAMAN By THE former Thai Prune Minister, Marshal Thanom Kittikachorn, who arrived here with an entourage of ten, including his father and wife, on Dec. 29, may stay on indefinitely unless the Thai Government decides otherwise. According to Informed sources, the
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  • 190 1 Seng Queer Why I'm not wanted by S'pore CHOO Seng Quee was the football coach responsible for tome of Singapore's r^re lctortes at International tcurr.aments. At various times in his 35-year Involvement with football, he was national coach for Malaya and Indonesia. But he has never made It to that
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  • 32 1 LONDON. B»t— Dr. Donald Comn. «rrtnftUat «nd th*oloec«l icholar. «v today mUiroMd m the lOlit ArebbMhop of CaoUrtouir In l Uturint emtuim-oU o»--r«raonr at th* graat catbadrml In Canterbury lUutar
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  • 40 1 ■BONN. Sat— lsrael would treat gauii— ly the taswe of handing back ©erupted territories to Egypt it the Egyptians would first sign ft ls-jeax agreement, Israeli Defence Minister Shimon Peres was today noted aa saytas.— Beater.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 188 1 mm f A WwWi IriniflwnPv SQmHMMAIIYIEPTIUI. JEWELLERS OF DISTINCTION COLD STORAGE ARCADE TEL 3748*3 M^^Kiß fCHEAPER TO SEEK LEGAL] -ruiC WBCIT IW [Hwr P««l Ctotty IM lesl Mt eer WH« in th« «h.dow of th« V 1 KING COP ADVICE BEFOftl THIS WEEK IN Pag* 13 P««cock Thron« Page 16
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    • 73 1 m The oyster A 1^ case I I exclusive j^^^ 'V Ito Rolex and Tudor I watches Tai Hong Hoi* (Ptc-) Ltd. 324 North Bruise Ra»A. oppmitc the Odeon Cinema i #H»»» W l«'«l»^» Pure vacuum fT liVßiKll dried salt ifjlifJlfUu] in an I easy*pourin& flN£ TABLE SAUI moisture proof
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 111 2 LONDON, Sat— Britain is to rule out police use of dum-dum bullets which expand on Impact and can cause savage injuries a Home Office spokesman said last night. The dum-dum bullets, which have a hollow nose, were reported to have been bought for
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 48 2 NEW DELHI. Sat Police opened fire on 4,000 protesting cotton-growers, killing one and Injuring 17 at Bahlram, 100 km (60 mllea) from Bombay, the Press Trust of India said. Police said the giuweis had been protesting' against a government monopoly cottoe purchase scheme. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 386 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday |JS SECRETARY of State Dr. Henry Kissinger -is reported to be willing to include Russia, if possible, in the next phase of Middle East negotiations. Dr. Kissinger reportedly told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, In effect, that it might be
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  386 words
    • 69 2 SEOUL, flat. A retired colonel and two civilians went on trial here yesterday for allegedly plotting to overthrow President Park last year. The group the Indictment ■aid. planned to form two s c v c n member armed teams to charge major government offices and hold
      UPI  -  69 words
    • 151 2 Malagasy govt dissolved after coup bid TANANARIVE. Sat A The Malagasy Republic Head of State. Gen. Gabriel Ramananfoa, today announced by radio the dissolution of the bland stale's government. Gen. Ramanantsoa yesterday proclaimed a state of emergency following reports that his military adviser bad attempted a coup against the arm
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 99 2 All it set for Thai polls today BANGKOK. Sat. Campaigning ended today for general elections that hope to firmly establish a fully democratic system of government in Thailand after more than 40 years of military domination of the country. Political analysts were predicting record turnouts in tomorrow's voting for a
      UPI  -  99 words
    • 34 2 DPI ROTT, Sat Ptard Motor said yesterday It will lay off 44.450 workers for one week starting on Monday while recalling 14.950 other employee* who were off the job this week. UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 182 2 Six homes destroyed in Sydney bushfires SYDNEY, Sat. Fierce winds sent bushflres roaring through Sydney's southern suburbs today, leaving at least six homes destroyed, three firemen in hospital with burns and thousands of acres of bushland blackened. Only an abrupt change in wind direction this afternoon averted more serious damage.
      Reuter  -  182 words
    • 31 2 WABHINOTON. Sat—Congress Is unlikely to approve the Ford Administration's plans to sell USI2M million (8*5344 million) worth of military equipment to Turkey. Congressional leaders said on Thursday —Reuter.
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    • 288 2 tckyo. Sat. PIME Minuter Takeo Mlki warned yesterday that the world is doomed if Individual national interest* ancarried out "In a narrow, short-term sense." Mr. Mlki said in a keynote speech delivered at the Diet (parliament) "The world Is becominß smaller and smaller and,
      Reuter; UPI  -  288 words
    • 394 2 US exposes Hanoi strategy in S. Vietnam SAIGON, Saturday T»HE US Embassy today released captured •L communist documents outlining North Vietnam's military strategy for 1975 which calls for communist forces to gain land and population in South Vietnam and recover zoses occupied by the Saigon Government. Main forces are to
      Reuter; AP  -  394 words
    • 111 2 Tanaka's tax. 'No errors' TOKYO, Sit. Thers are "no major trlsUkss" In the lncomt Ux reports wtamltUd by Uz Kskutl Tuaka, who rwagned ss Trias Minuter last year bscauss of controrsrsy otct his prtr»te wealth. Finance Mlniitm- Msssyoshl Ohlrm said. Mr. Ohlra made the statement to ths Upper Housa Audit
      AP  -  111 words
    • 151 3 MINERS WANT MIDDAY 'SEX BREAK' SUVA, Sat.— FIJI gold miners are seeking a 30-mlnute midday "sex break." They believe this is the best time for sex, their union secretary Navlta Raqona. said today. The demand comes ln a list of claims the 1,600--strong union is discussing with a mining company
      Reuter  -  151 words
    • 140 3 Brides to-be join the anti-Lin drive rKYO. Sat. The II m n h v i news agency reported today that 12 girls in a village in North China returned their betrothal presents to their fiances, and said thiaction "caused a great stir" in their hometown. ihe presents were returned. Hsinhua
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    • 432 3 WASHINGTON, Sat rIE Soviet Union has surpassed the United States to become the world's biggest o l producer, according to official figures published here today. Oil output last year rose to 459 million tonnes to put Moscow ln the lead among oil-producing
      Reuter  -  432 words
    • 58 3 MANILA. SU Ooverntrent forces killed six communist guerillas ln an encounter last week In Davao Del Norte province, 904 km (600 miles) southwest of •lan Us, military authorities said today. Authorities said among those slain was Alfredo L*nwna, alias Commander Banoy. described as the head of the
      UPI  -  58 words
    • 41 3 LAHORE. Sfet. Pakistan's ruling People's Pvty will bold its elections ln mid--1976, for the first time slnoe IU foundation by Premier Zulflkar All Bhutto In 1987. Federal Law and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Malik Men] Kfcalid announced here today. RevM.
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    • 328 3 DIALOGUE WITH CONSUMERS: OPEC TO STUDY PLAN ALGIERS, Saturday fHE world's oil exporting countries today consider Algerian proposals for starting a dialogue with their customers on future supplies and prices. The Foreign, Oil and Finance Ministers of the Organisation of Petroleum Exportlpg Countries (Opec) have been asked by Alge- rian
      Reuter  -  328 words
    • 30 3 JAKARTA. Sat Brlga-dttr-Oeneral Iman Munadax today took over from Brltra-dler-Ueneral KUrmd Sutrtano M the military commander ln Irian Jay a (formerly Weat Irian), an army spofcwman ■aid. Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 169 3 STONEHOUSE READY TO MEET ANY M.P. FROM BRITAIN MELBOURNE, Sat Runaway politician John yesterday made clear he would not return to Britain to give evidence ln any parliamentary Inquiry into his behaviour. In a radio interview, the 49-year-old Labour MP said he would give the "fullest possible Information." either
      Reuter  -  169 words
    • 106 3 WASHINGTON, B*l A former World Bank secretary has been awarded USSI.SM.OM (B**JM»*») dunun after safferlnr severe brain daauuje while being flyen an anaeathrtir for an obstetric operation. The award to Mrs, Bernadette Aaeher, M, was the tarcest riven by a jury here In a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 352 2 [ga SEKOLAH TINQQI IPOH Tr% I JALAN TOKONO, IPOM. PERAK. W.MALAYSIA \Jgm 'TIL: M-Sl4tt4/0»41IM4 HIAO OP MXTM POMS IOUCATtON: Mr Chan Ngor Choof B.A (Hons), MA (UrUverslty of MaUya), presant lecuuJ, tin HWooTt uSiJtslty Sains MalaysU ex-History tutor at VMrtniaot Malays I. Research Fellow in Oxford UnlTtrsUy. U.K. has bsui
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    • 239 2 dandruff free With SELSUN Selsun is medically proven to I i treat dandruff effectively. I I Stops itch Treats and cleans Mjjj~^^^^^l scalp while it washes away I P^ff^^^J unsightly dandruff flakes. ft^^^^^H Selsun treats even the most stubborn cases. It is packed\ lulfide in spill-proof bottles. wmi NT I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 491 3 iJy"' "5J r llt \i *^^R^9 V Rtfirnentttions of^^ HaT I V fc'lLb \Leorurdo da Vinci's B^a^LaßaSsa^BW \Cy^V VJnjfomirj/ Drawings. R^R^Rflflßaw R^^^ HOW QO r powermeterV v ply Maasu'* »our mcraasad ttr.ngth frjm ih« v»ry l.rtl day Ch«ck tha raadmg ->" tha V Bj Wr BB^I^I I 4f I AJB
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    • 404 3 1 "I had a job that paid more money than any of my friends." When I left school I thought I was smart But now I rut* the truth I had R^ no future and by me time I was 25 I was RA at a dead end There are
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    • 171 3 CORN OIL LADY'S CHOICE 3kg 12.50 COOKING OIL COCK BRAND 2kg 5.75 CORDIAL FESTIVAL 3 Flavours Jumbo 3.45 WTABEI 2Fl«vours 1,135 fl 12.15~ VIM CLEAUER Econ. 1.3t FACIAL Tittle* ORCHID 140x2 ply 1.11 WHISKY WHITE HORSE SCOTLAND Bot. 17.10 BABY POM WHITEWAYS Nip 6 for 5.65 MINCHINBURY CHAMPAGNE PENFOLDS Bot.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 309 4 K *o *^l Lit* .aaaaaaaWiaaaal LV Mi vwl *aY ■La^^^^^l -W "aaaay a^r^^^LS DISCOUNT on all men's, children's leather vibox shoes (SINGAPORE ONLY) BUY NOW SAVE GUARANTEE a^P^P^^ It you fail your tiamination. we JM guarjnttt 10 coach you frw of Vff 65,000 Fill in the coupon now and ensure
      309 words
    • 99 4 fijjJBIONELLES r^^ajjjjjaji mIL^LXI re °UCE The weight r^^^l MSfl ■aY AND REMOVF EXCESS i KldmWfUw BODY FAT IN ob ese 1\ JHaH WUr PERSONS 3 4 PASTILS l\ TO BE SWALLOWED VI Cil> EVERY DAY FOR WM *P SEVERAL WEEKS L _^^^^^^a^B FRANKFURT/MAIN Available At All |t<||| fcgjj^j**"^ Leading Chemists
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    • 209 4 1975 Admissions Recognised rull-tlme and part-time classes corr.mence on 3rd February. It7B. 1. A/XX)ITNTANCY a) AC. A. b) Diploma In Accounting c) Diploma In Costing d) Institute of Accounting Staff Qualification: Those waiting for M.C E results may enrol for (b), C and (d) 2. SECRETARYSHIP Private Secretary's Certificate/Diploma Qualification:
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1603 4 li'J highlights by bailyhe sung SW6AP0RE TOMORROW: INTERNATIONAL Zone rtiscvmset a United Nation* youth training programme that has become a model for other schemes on three continents In "To Think For Tomorrow" an Channel 8 at 7.45 p.m. (Colour). CAJNE opposes a r+negade Shao-lln priest who terrorises a railroad company
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    • 430 4 terprtsing woman leaves dues which Inspector Ersklne of the FBI uses successfully to track down the criminal In "Diamond Run" on Ch 5 at 835 p.m. (Colour) KVEN TODAYS highrise buildings are considered not sufficiently h*gh and massive problem* are created by demolishing concrete constructions. The Scientists examine three daunting
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    • 506 4 Rock Hudson, Rod Taylor and ***1.I**# iU r In the film A Gathering of Bag "i Ch 5 at 10.50 P-m. (Colour). MALAYSIA TOMORROW In MASH "Its Springtime" and a grateful patient devotei himself to Hawkeye while Kadar falls In lore and KUnger marries by short-wave radio. (At 9 50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 jw*""** i i^lDiktc.. H iiiiiiiiiiiiiil ■f^Wi^^flllllf 1 J^^^^^^^K HI BL ill I V fl^^l 1^011^91: Philippine Airlines :^H W *^B l '.MJtKl^^m W^Bf I "I THINK I WANT TO VISIT "I wßrnkM* yV^^H^ XI I: Fun Count vy -I HBHhj "*^^t^kl &J I I" CONVINCE ME. MAIL ME A Mi^Bß
      102 words

  • 2268 6  -  ERNEST HUNT By At told tt Aadrew Fyill It was all so easy my name was on the payroll, once on, always on King Cop —with money to burn... 11Y the middle of 1954, Ernest Hunt, now a subdivisional inspector in the Hongkong police,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 487 6 Warmest Teliritotums toM/SYERME MERCHANDISE for the Opening of their 3rd Branch at 821, ReoplesPark Centre. Extar2ooo IM-2322 I J2522 f rom this magnificent range of *L-| corona BP* Metal Leak-Pnxrf Tank lighters makes 1 the perfect gift this new year SHAKESPEARE s grand TREASURE CHEST' I Z~~'l.'»*' volume A musical
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  • 459 7 SINGAPORE employers, whose industries are hit onomic recession, are co-operat-ing with the Government by giving the Labour Ministry advance notice of any impending re trenchment exercise. They provide the ministry with, among other things, a list of workers to be retrenched and
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  • 54 7 A SAMPAN talkong ru fined $100 In a magistrate'! court yesterday for ualn« his veaaal to carry passengers when It was only licenced to transport cargo. Tay Lay Seng. (7, admitted that he had erven peaaengers In hia boat at tne mouth of the Singapore River at
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  • 117 7 105 drums of oil worth $42,000 stolen from Caltex ONE hundred and five drama of dl.-srl engine oil, worth H2.OM have been re- ported missing from Cartel (Asia) Lteiited at Tanjong Penjum. The theft was discovered in the first week of this month. .Mr. Ang Eng Kirn, 38, terminal manager
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  • 371 7 Man who slept 2 1/2 days awoke to find wife dead A N architect enly learnt A of bis wife's de»tta In the kitchen ef their hoove two-and-a-half days later when he woke from a dragged alee*, a e«re>ner J s eo«rt heard on Friday. The court also beard how
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  • 520 7  - Tax evasion charge will be strongly contested says counsel CHIA POTCIK By nnHE charge of lax evasion against the Straits Times Press (Malaya) Berhad carried an "unpleasant sme'l" and would be very strongly contested, Mr. David Marshall told Senior District Judge Mr. T.S. Slnnathuray yesterday. He said that the suggestion
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 620 7 /UPEftBUV/EVEftVDfIV 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREEPfIRKMG After spm Mon Sat All day Sunday RICE Thai. Best Quality 6Kgs $9.10 1 0% Thai 6Kgs $8.10 at cost (WHILE STOCKS LAST) r*T .2 fill s J^^^^^m Wtt^^^ ■■BBBT SSBBbI »h] BBBBBBBBB*. J^Ht^. 3 ?J- ■^^^B^^lllnl ■■BBBW^MeV J^F WU .^d^^
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    • 325 7 EARN S4O -OR MORE A WEEK CAMHELP^ -J YOU HOW! In a lew abort hours you can be en expert shorthand writer 1 Guarantee^ Miracle Method Shorthand the sensational home study system enable, men and women of all ages in all walks ol life to gei" better positions end earn
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  • 243 8 A NATIONS image Is vital to the reputation and welfare of Its people in International relations, Mr. Lee Khoon Choy, Senior Minister of State (Foreign Affairs) said yesterday At a dinner at Hong Llm Oreen to mark the successful completion
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  • 50 8 A 25-YEAR-OLD welder was Jailed for 3 t years with three strokes of the rotan In the Second District Court yesterday for trafficking in drugs at Jalan Eunos on Dec 12 last year at about 9.45 p.m. Jamil bin Tusof. who had one previous conviction, pleaded guilty.
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  • 147 8 Students told: Don't neglect studies q'ilt Labour Mints 1 ter. Mr. Ong Fang Boon, yesterday hit out at a handful of university undergraduates who had neglected iheir studies to the detriment of the nation He said this was inappropriate because the responsibility of students was to study so that they
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  • 193 8 Youth gets four months' jail for stealing A 19 YEAR OLD youth was Jailed for four months by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday for each of two counts of theft In Oeylang Road and Sims Avenue on Jan. 17 between 3 p.m. and 5.0S p.m. Chan Koh Heng. who had
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  • 84 8 JURONO Town Corporation will use nearly a third of its $204 million land development budget for this year to Improve various projects. A JTC spokesman disclosing this yesterday also said rising costs of materials and construction, and inflation had more than doubled the
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  • 59 8 Four fined for gambling TWO men and two women were fined 170 each by the Plrst Magistrate's Court yesterday for playing mahjong in a oommon gaming bouse in Kirn Keat Road on Friday at about 4.M p.m Tan Peng Ban. 3J, Tap YuA Khong. S«. and the women Wong fan
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  • 52 8 Education In medicine SIR John Arthur Stallworthy. Emeritus Proleaaor of OteUtrica and Gynaecology of Nuf field college, Oxford University, will talk on Continuing BducuUon in McdlCU*. At '.be Kandang Kerbau Hospital lecture room oa Thursday at 7SO p m v The Ulk v organised by toe Otatetrlca and Oynaeoologlcal Society
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  • 123 8 (VfE of three armed vf men, whe robbed a eoap> ol $Zf In cash and ralaaMea alone MeoU Highway last Bight, was caught by two Special Constabahu7 men after a chase. ■elk Mohamed Asaharm, It, was walklnt with ate girlfriend along Nicoil Highway at 7.15
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  • 241 8 npms is the aerial view ■a of the faculties of Engineering and Architecture of the new University of Singapore campus now under construction at Kent Ridge. According to Mr. Sect Chay Tuan, director of the university's development unit, the faculties building
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  • 72 8 Film show and talk on drug problems MR. .John Hanam. director of Central Narcotics Bureau, will talk about the drug problems in Singapore at Faith Methodist Church hall. 400 Common wealth Avenue, Queemtown, tomorrow at 8 p.m. It will be followed by a film •how of "Marco' lrs: The Answer"
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  • 37 8 PARLIAMENTARY BeOTtary (Social Attain) Mr. Chan Chee Sens will officiate at the swearing- in ceremony of new official* of the Singapore Pork Merchants' Ai.*, elation at lv premise* In Beach Road today at 2 pm.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 290 9 WORK AGAIN ONCPF BUILDING UNDER NEW CONTRACTOR T^buii^iL 1O Central Provident Fund Derti 1?iJ n K O6ll1 0 Road is now ex?h Jrf c t om P leted by June next year tractor. T"hl* U because the CPF Board has terminated Its agreement with the former contractor owing to a
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  • 188 9 Hon to open central banks meeting I**** Finance Minister Sir Hon Sul Sen will open the 10th conTeren^ v fniors of SouthTKpa^HK 1 °«ntral Banks H 8 0 *t ShangrKLa Hotel tomorrow at 10 a.m. Ten Asian countries ncludlng Singapore will take part In the conference hosted by the Monetary
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  • 25 9 THZ Chinese Clamber of Commerce will hold lte* monthly management cotn- mittee meeting it 1U Hill Street premlaes on Friday at S pa
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  • 261 9 Beecham to set up $15m plant in Jurong BEECH AM rharmaceuUeaJa (Pte.) Ltd. Is to set as a US million plant 1b Jaroni to manafacture penicillin naelem*. The plant will employ workers— half of them skilled. Production will start in June next year. Disclosing this at a press conference yesterday.
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  • 54 9 PROFESSOR Victor Wynn. Director of Alexander Simpson Laboratory for Metabolic Raaaarcn. St. Mary's Hospital. London, will give a talk on Metabolic Effects of Steroids.l Contraceptives at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital lecture room on Prt 7 at 1 pja. The talk la organised by the Obstetrics and
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  • 321 9 rrtHX prices of horse 1 mackerel (selar) and Spanish mackerel >tenggfn bekah) rose by 20 cents and 10 cents a katl yesterday to $2 and $2 GO respectively, the Trade Department said. However, the price of red snapper imerah) dropped by 10 cent* a kati to
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  • 200 9 'METRIC LABELS ONLY' ADVICE TO FACTORIES DUAL labelling In metric and Imperial units by manufacturers should be discouraged In favour of metric markings only the Metrication Board said yesterday. As there Is no legal enforcement at present. It may be necessary to Insist on markings to be In metric units
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  • 408 9 Foreign Ministers of Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia are expected to meet here early in March to discuss guidelines for safe navigation in the Straits of Malacca. They will also dlacuas the question of assured guarantee of compensation for loss and Injury In
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  • 82 9 BOH Ctuu UK*. M. WM fined MOO by the Pint ibgutrate'a Court jaatardsy |r>r making a fsJae decavavttonoo t PBA deilvery Uat at Oste Checkpoint, on Jan. S M about fl pm The court beard thai Bob declared SO eertone of ptaatle toy» whlcb were to
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  • 45 9 HAN Sing Kwsxig. 17. was charged In a magistrates court yesterday with two counts of extortion in Sungel Road on Jan IT and Jan. He wtta remanded for a week pending further Investigations The caae will be mentioned on Feb. 1.
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  • 36 9 ACTRBSSE9 of the visiting Hongtormg Teochew opera group >wlll pay a courtesy call on Mr. Jek Yuen Thorn Minister for Culture at the Minister's YIP room al City Hall tomorrow at 11 30 am
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  • 11 9 THERE were M road accldenU. eight sertoua, on Friday
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 675 9 Amazing Venus Skin Applied Directly to the Skin DOES WONDERS FOR THESE 11 SKIN PROBLEMS: Blemishes Brown age apott Roughness and flaking Wrinkles and line* Even body stretch marks! Surface scars Creases Depilatory bum Scales and drynea, Ac nr and pimples Sun and wind damage Turkey throat THRILL to clear
      675 words
    • 766 9 "FRANKLY, THIS WAS WRITTEN FOR LAZY PEOPLE WHO WANI TO GET SUi WHO DON'T WANT TO EXERCISE WHO DO LIKE TO EAT!" Sa^Si mmt\ BE INCHES SLIMMER! With the amesina Veke B»lt Instantly you leek Crs younger Give you en ettrective, tlim woitrknc testic feetures Teke inches oH weitt Vital
      766 words

  • 665 10  - at the CINEMA SIEGEL REFINES ART OF IMPLIED TERROR WALTER SEOW By f)ON Siegel again dwells on his pet theme a man besieged in Seven Days to a Killing (Universal), now at the Golden and Kong Chian. MaJ. John Tarrant (Michael Calne). a British Intelligence agent. Is the beleaguered hero.
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  • 194 10 Kurosawa's study of the relativity of truth rE Singapore Film Society 1»entation at the Cultural Centre today (three shows at 3. 6 and 9 p.m > la Aklra Kurosawas 1950 film, Rashomon. which won the Grand Prix at the Venice Film Festival that year. A samurai (Maaayukl Mori), hla
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  • 643 10  -  ROGER YUE By IVIRECTOR Steven Spielberg certainly has a dazzling way with the police cars in The Sprarland Express (now showing at the Plaza) stately, nononsense processions snaking through the Texas countryside in the wake of the pair of young fugitives, coloured roof-lights forming
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 209 10 I* LAST 2 DAYS! GOLDEN: S SHOWS at 11.00 AM. T. 30, 400 6 *****0pm .< KONG CHIAN at 130, 3.30,7.15, 930 pm "Fast and tough! It's great > enterrainment!" > I 9 M GENI SHALIT. MIC- TV a^Bxaxff xasaxaxl BxasaxvM Lxaxasaa I I evaV i ial wL A |r-"ft
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    • 229 10 rf.HViflriiHiM.-HlMd Grand Opening To- Day No Fee Lit Galaxy 1.15 3.30.7 9 30 Golden Gty 1 .45. 4,7 1 fJO A Super Mindonn Production with o theme of Patriotism Color Scope with Enatith ond Chinese «übtifk» Kong Khoi A Soon Quo Ling IQALAXTmtB To-day Morning (how at 10.30 o.m. Hundreds
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    • 677 10 < ■e^BxaxaV^p^aayv^KVVV^B^ki i LAST 2 DATS' J 1 Skawt: 700 t *J0 i > Golden Horveit prmn. < > THI SMAOUN aOXtl I J Jomo* Tian Tian M i Mondorin Color Scope J i with En^lnh Subtitlet i Open* TuevJoy Jl ■■WLLlNCtflrTColor J Worr.- Cote* Ban Johmor, i\ Michelle Ph,n,
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    • 105 11 rt Chinese Amb>» sador-dekicnate to Malaysia, Mr. Wang Yoa-pinc. beinj welcomed at Koala Lumpur airport on Friday by the Foreign Min.s try's protocol chief. Datuk Abdul Malek bin Hail Mohamed Mr. Wang spoke of the "time- honoured friendship" be tw c c n the peoples of China
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    • 68 11 ABU DHABI. Sat Malaysia's Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Hazak. arrived In Abu Dhabi today, for talks with Unlt- ••<) Arab Emirates <UAE> Government leaders on economic co-operation. This Is the fourth leg of a two -week mission by the Premier through the Gulf oil states,
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    • 128 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Texas Instruments Inc. today retrenched about 500 of its workers. They Include production operators, technicians and supervisors A compan) statement sa'.d the exercise was ptft uf a worldwide re.action of 9.000 employees to be made In the first quarter of 1075. Those
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    • 196 11 Dr. Tan: Malaysia needs a strong opposition I£UALA LUMPUR, 1V Sat. Pekemas chairman Dr. Tan Chee Khoon said today there can be no dispute that the country needs a strong and viable Opposition. Speaking at a lunch meeting of the Selangor Graduate Society, he added: "During the last election when
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    • 50 11 KOTA BHARU. Sat. The state Economic Development Cbrporailoo will gjvt priority to Industrial project* under the Third Ualajrala Plan, aaid the MenUi Besar Datuk Kaji Muhammad bin NaaJr He said lnduatrlal e*Utea would be prepared and tocaJ and foreign lnveaton wouid be invited to set up Industrie* there
      50 words
    • 28 11 KOALA LUMPUR. Sftt Police eh«Md a snatch thief tax busy Jaian ffiiiatman jmU\t'\») after he had »-rabbed 11.400 from a bank counter. A man was Jetalned
      28 words
    • 415 11 1 1 NEB workers held as strike enters 6th day KUALA LUMPUR, Sat CLEVEN National Klectricity Board workers have been detained as the strike by 4,000 NEB workers entered its sixth day today. They were picked up yesterday and today, a police spokesman confirmed here today. The spokesman said the
      415 words
    • 111 11 In BUTTEBWORTH a special unit has been formed to deal with any emergency ln the district. In AI.OR STAB, several parts of the town were without power for about seven hours last night because of a cable fault. In KI'ANTAN, several sawmills and
      111 words
    • 18 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Bat. Malaysia will donate material help worth 150.000 to the Thai flood victims— Rtuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 308 11 Sauna services subject to spc hotel tax rtpDm/w KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday CEF VICES provided in a hotel, including massage and sauna and turkish baths are subject to the proposed five per cent service tax. was stated by the Assistant Director-Gen-eral of Customs (Enforcement i. Enclk Abdul Rahim bin Datuk Tak.
      308 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 225 11 -^iMi Hai^^k^Mal jl "^THt STRAIT. T.MM f A I m\ V -^ai aaau aaal aaaaßoaaV K MBrMm 111 \'r«""* rs uf nc« l.i\ *'t| H MWi IfflW 1 v *m kniHkril ct H V MW I I -«w_JH 'aaak e«« l tliilll off tin can may t< up m< W
      225 words
    • 596 11 Female labourers In f \mt\ North Vietnam com- V LA V pensate for low skill MJI with zeal and Ingenul- vi^| I \^J I L— S I ll A still battered but confident North Vietnam rebuilding from the ashes of b^"**"" fj™*""**. m m war despite the problems of con-
      596 words

  • 494 12 The Sunday Times SUNDAY. JANUARY 26, 1975. MUM'S NOT THE WORD PERHAPS Home Economics should be a compulsory subject for all pupils girls AND boys-ln all our schools. Feathers and horseflies, as an American Congressman said in a different context this week? A feminist plot to tip man from his
    494 words
  • 808 12  -  Ernest Corea by The W RLD "Gentlemen do not read each other's mail." US Secretary of State Stimson, 1929. \f R. STIMSON made this obviously British-inspir-ed comment when he was about to close down America's first code-breaking unit, a predecessor several times removed of today's
    808 words
  • 1349 12 FIRST OF A TWO-PART SERIES ON THE COST OF LAW By gIXGAPOREANS tend to fight shy of consulting lawyers. Some will seek the services of a solicitor over routine matteis such as making a will or transferring the ownership of proj>erty. But
    1,349 words
  • 475 12  -  DAVID MARTIN By I: Lisbon WITH the recent TT agreement here that Portugal's Central African colony Of Angola will beco m c Independent on Nov 11 thp r W*T«7' J,i~*L luctant warriors of Lisbon have finally signed away their countrv's 500-vnnr nl J r»wJ.n
    OFNS  -  475 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • Timescoee
    • 4112 13  -  JOE ESZTERHAS CONCLUDING THE PAUL GETTY 111 KIDNAPPING By 'I WAS FULLY CONSCIOUS BUT I DID NOT SCREAM' P AI L■* intilaj the days in ">e am :,i)(i t nt i |q ignore the guard v Ik, now
      4,112 words
    • 969 14  -  CLARENCE FERNANDEZ By lime off A TWO HOUR drive south-east from the ultra-mo-dern luxuries of Manila in the picturesque rural province of Laguna is the Pagsanjan Gorge, long synonymous with excitement, thrills, and breathtaking beauty. Today, "shootlng-the rapids" at the Pagsanjan Waterfalls (pronounced Pak-san-han),
      969 words
    • 671 14  - Back come the 'bangers SIMON MARSH: By London JNTFBEST at a LonM. don specialist car auction quickened the other day when a car described as a "prime example of the Elitabethan vintage" was rolled into the auction room. Bidding was brisk and the car finally went for 1.500 (558.145) double
      671 words
      • 416 15  -  JEFFREY LOW by rEORGE HAR- RISON: DARK HORSE (EMI). A long overdue album by Harrison but certainly worth waiting for because of its ingenuity It had been quite a popular contention that Harrison was fast running out of ideas after his first solo effort,
        416 words
      • 879 15 AT the moment o f vet an other pi metal isal K >ut hurled at Ihc inoffensive planets its U>cn huilt <i. or h;is just been led, or is sit- !> a woodshed where in Hussu having stronger elattic fitted. Odd. that. I'm not really sure
        FWF  -  879 words
      • 491 15  -  WALTER SCHWARZ By YOGA can be easy. Anyone can do its and It does not need all the mumoo-Jumbo that usually obscures It. That Is the teaching of the sisters of raja yoga literally "the king ot yogas" whose world headquarters is on Mount Abu,
        OFNS  -  491 words
    • 898 16 Wife in the shadow of the Peucock Throne Katherine Scott reports from Teheran EMPRESS Farah of Iran it fast emerging as a force ro be reckoned with in the Middle East. At the Shah's immediate successor, she would take over a monarchy which has absolute power over the world's second-largest
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    • 784 16  -  ROGER LEWIN: London By *T LAST, the psy- cho 1 o g ists are waking up to the fact that new-born babies aren't as helpless and stupid as they look. The researchers are now discovering that, as every mother knows, very young infants really
      FWF  -  784 words
    • 498 16  -  CHRISTINE BROWN By LONDON: It's enough to break a woman's heart and it won't do much for the reputation of the chauvinist male pig, either. It's a book Just out cal'rd "Affair" by Edna Tromans and Rae Knight which offers more ammunition for women's
      FWF  -  498 words
    • 536 17  -  NANCY WARD By London IN recent weeks three sets of psy- hoiogists. after months of expenresearch. have omt up with conlu.ions which m my might find a rdiculous waste or lime and money. A baby," the first set of pundits informs us.
      FWF  -  536 words
    • 701 17  -  MARY KOGAN BY Adventure in Food T*HE French word "soupe" is used to describe not a liquid preparation, but ingredients put into a bouillon or broth. In the 17th Century the word 'potage" did not have the same meaning it has today, rather It meant great
      701 words
    • 1021 17  -  ta IT IS almost midnight the end of a long, drawn-out evening tog c t h er, and now he Is, rath%r predictably, getting romantic. Reaching out a practised arm, he touches your shoulder and purrs, "The dew is making the night air
      1,021 words
    • 565 18  - London Scene You may be smoking away your fingers Nancy Byramji By OTILL trying: to give up smoking, but not too successfully? If you don't want to «nd op in a wheelchair prematurely, you'd better try harder. An Italian surgeon, Dr Rosario Martino claims that h*avy smoking can make yuur
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    • 628 18 Ah •he say... PK: "I say. XT, apa kabar man?" XT: "OK. lah, PK, Just fetched back my boy from ECA at RI. PK: "Tnatsa stuff. XT! LKY would be proud of the boy when's the FAS going to select him, then?" XT: "Who. LKY?" PK: "No.
      628 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 186 13 ENROL for WOLSEY HALLS PROFESSIONAL,BUSINESS STUDIES and ACADEMIC COURSES NOW AVAILABLE from FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION Inst. of Administrative Management An Introduction to Business Studies Institute of Bankers Business Management nstitute of Chartered Secretariat Commercial Computing and Administrators a> Institute of Statisticians Economics Company Law Management Mathematics Commerce Labour
      186 words
    • 301 13 Congratulation* to YERME MERCHANDISE on the opening of their 3rd Branch at 821. People's Park Centre. NEW RANGE OF ELECTRONIC LIGHTERS Bronica combines artistic genius and forth the most sought after electronic hgh Based on a unique lighting concept and backeo -an a decade's experience and continued research, the Bronica
      301 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 573 14 El SPREADS HER AURA JADE LADY specialists in ladies fashion wear is now at ~~~^7^ shop 204. 2nd Floor Peoples Park Centre the third branch ma span of only 4 1 r years. In addition, JADE LADY is also s' associated with Island Supermarket Pte. Ltd., situated in Katong. f^^^
      573 words
    • 90 14 *Tl'].-sM3BliilrH With the British Automobile Association Replacing windscreen wipers Wrwn worn winrlm— 11 wijui Wad* nloM replaced mtk* To ttmovi d<rn*g*d <wip*' tmi 'ore* Mck in* »p'.r>g clip To '*im or lower tn* w*th*r i*t mun d"~ >n th* not* and tur* thai on* of in* correct to* and typa
      90 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 350 15 QUALIFY.. promotion through ICS SPECIALISM TMIIHM M MANA6EMEMT SUIIKTS Learn at home to improve your position and to earn what \ou are really worth. ICS honx-stikh courses have helped thousands ol ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pa> Moderate fees all books supplied lake the first step NOW and
      350 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 943 15 'run kh K>b|i) ■si >Urrh pnl w You must debate A crisis could arise Though you may You put a great the question of money In the life of someone feel a little confused, deal of energy Into and possible changes, dear to you. But Ve- you will be definitely
      943 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 491 16 Advcrtitement Don't let your complexion make you look 'older' than you really are in e> If you suspect Thls problem can the skin's surface, is that you have been now t>e readily over- able to provide the ideal unintentionally ne- however, thanks moist beauty climate In Klet-tful with your t<i
      491 words
    • 219 16 Mother! \bur daughter needs Brand's every month There are times in nons helps them feel a girl's life when sh« feels better quickly, tired and depressed. Brand's has helped There are Jj^ $0 many mothers before when she feels drained and after childbirth to 01 energy. restore lost energy and
      219 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 99 17 Formfit isn't just a brait's a whole new personality. M L w I h\ Fonmjk makes getting dressed easier. Comertible 3 v.ays. A 32-36, B C 32-38. Matching bikini 24-28. In White, Black and Skintone. You always knew you could look this good. It's Formfit, the bra that captures your
      99 words
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 138 18 B£"4 VDUH ACTION [1 W jlivita > mm Discover the baby-like sof tness^^^ that was born J m m^ mm^ in your hair^^HP^k il ii i -S A am ISi Itf1 tf A 1111 l "<!■» A I \\h ":\\W jdm Jp ml 1 ®mm *B 'ir^^rS mßk^w 1 Mf
      138 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

  • 353 19 India completes 25 years under Constitution Message from the Hig'i er /< r India in Siigapor*. Mr Thomns Abn on Indi< public Duy on J l T»HIS year, on Jan, 1 M, the Rrpu it of India will ;ilete tueni tJive under the on s titutiin which the people of
    353 words
  • 1218 19  - Nuclear power for peaceful purposes M.S. SODHA and A.K. GHATAK By Indian Institute if Technology. Ktw Dtlbi THE contained underground explosion of a nuclear device in Hajusthiin on May 18, 1974, marks a significant milestone in India's atomic energy programme. At this juncture it is both instructive and useful to
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 236 19 Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of India on the occasion of their Republic Day NATIONAL INSURANCE CO. LTD. ReffkmaJ Office Divisional Office Building 4-B. D'Almeida Street. Am pang. Singapore 1. XL. -01-17. inches At Penang. Ipoh. Malacaa Kuantan. THE NEW INDIA ASSURANCE CO. LTD. rial Office K.L. Office
      236 words
    • 320 19 Congratulations Best Wishes to the PEOPLE GOVERNMENT of INDIA on the occasion of their REPUBLIC DAY STRAITS SHIP SERVICES (PTE). LTD. FAR EASTERN SERVICES (PTE). LTD. STRAITS SHIP CHANDLERS. P.O. Box 1427, Ist. Floor, Winchester House, Singapore 1. Congratulations to THE GOVERNMENT PEOPLE or INDIA on the occasion of INDIA'S
      320 words

    • 1343 20 Yards to expand as shipbuilding makes great strides NEED TO DEVELOP ANCILLARY INDUSTRY INDIA'S shipbuilding industry has a tradi--1 tion reaching back to several centuries. There is evidence from Greek accounts of Alexander's campaign that shipbuilding in India was a flourishing activity in the 4th century BC. Subsequent historical data
      1,343 words
    • 1272 20 THE attainment of self-sufficiency in food grains in 1971. was one of India's major achievements since Independence. Agricultural production had marked a record growth rate of six and a half per cent in 1969-70 and seven per cent In 1970-71. However, it
      1,272 words
    • 637 21  -  D.P. CHATTOPAOHYAYA By PROF. 'I T»HE commerce of any country Is, obviously enough, both a result and :on of its productive system. In actual practice trade and commerce on the one hand, and production on the other, act and interact upon each other,
      637 words
    • 436 21 ports during the Plan .■mounted to Rs 89.730 million, showing thereby an Increase of eight per cent over their estimated level In the Plan document. A major objective of .irtn Plan was a Krowth rate In exports of About seven per cent. In fact,
      436 words
    • 128 21 y AINAKOT, a tiny La villacr. on the outski rt s of Srinagar, Kashnilr. is humming with activitj; IIMIS third watch factory is coming up there. Assembling of 53 000 wrist watches to date has surely made an excellent addition to the well-known traditional skills
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 145 20 Heartiest Congratulations to The People Government of India on their Republic Day From TUAN HAJEE M ABUBACKER I Staff of I BARKATH STORES (PTE.) LTD. I SINGAPORE 56. TANGLIN R0 (A^^^M R3> SINGAPORE H/M CONGRA TULA TIONS a BEST WISHES to THE GOVERNMENT a PEOPLE OF INDIA on their REPUBLIC
      145 words
    • 49 20 Heartiest Congratulations to the Government People of INDIA on the occasion of their REPUBLIC DAY (Sponsored by the Government of India) 85, SERANGOON ROAD, SINGAPORE 8. TEL: *****1. With Best Wishes from LIM KIM HAI ELECTRIC CO. (S) PTE. LTD. 580. Upper East Coast Road. Singapore 16 Tel: *****1
      49 words
    • 330 20 I Congratulations J to the X g People and the 8 Government t of INDIA I q on the occasion of their I 26th Republic Day y m from 5I TATA PRECISION t i INDUSTRIES PTE. LTD. 1, Liv Fang Road, Juro'ng, A J Singapore 22. 8 I X jllllltJHllllhlillCJimilllMlltJlMimillllCJllHlllHUlClHHHlllHltlllllllllllll^
      330 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 538 21 J.IIMil..lC)IMtll.llHIC}||IUIIIMII[}lll«limMC]IIIMIIIIIIICllllllllllMIC}llllll'b Congratulations to the REPUBLIC of INDIA f on its National Day I fll I GLENDAY INTERNATIONAL I I (F.E.) CORPN. 1 Agent for C.I. 5 Soil Pipes/ Fittings/ Spun Pipes/ Manhole Covers Tel *****8. ***** a ?IIIIIIII.IIIC]IIIIII.I.IIIC)IMIIIIIIIIIl]lll..lllll«(]lllinilllllt]IIIIII.HII.C]IIMIi? With Best Wishes from CHIN JOO HONG PTE. LTD. 22. Hone Kong
      538 words
    • 53 21 Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government and People of India on the occasion of their Republic Day from COOLING SYSTEMS and FLEXIBLES PTE. LTD. TAMAN JURONG SINGAPORE 22. Congratulations Best Wishes to the Government People of INDIA on their REPUBLIC DAY from A.M. ABDULLAH SAHIB CO. 107. MarKet .Street. Singapore
      53 words

  • Timescope . . .Money . .
    • 1489 24  -  Investment a IF there is one economic phenomenon with which every layman is familiar and of which he has some understanding, it is inflation. It Is at the centre of major economic and political Issues throughout the Western world today and affects our lives In one way
      1,489 words
    • 887 24  -  Martin Lim By |F the frenetic actix vlty together with the price rtees during the pst fortnight are anything to go by, It would appear that the local stock market has passed its nadir, touched on Dec. 18 last year when the Straits Times Industrial
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 658 24 ENSAIKELOPEOIA KEBANGSAAN Malaysia's first complete, most comprehensive and up-to-date Encyclopedia in Ejaan Baru Bahasa Malaysia jAh mhpm <b^^bh pq fse t c .^B^B^BBk V vj You <o yot M> """I lr«Mury ol know<«d(> into ItM hmk ol vout children rOr SCnOOIS, Th« tommi ha pinculu »mph»i» Libraries. Offices And Homes!
      658 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1592 25 classified ads gf »MV PERSON WHO KNOWS Rarfles mnflly requested to con--1 Manager, lei *****1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SINGA P>O«f m n? wITi ■S?"* 1 acho l WISLfT METHODIST CHURCH ip ir>rvlce al 7 30 !..■>! MSON ROAD BAPTIST tnson Koad ruaoat Worn. "l am English Worship •(NATIONAL BAPTIST Mngepore Tican
      1,592 words
    • 708 25 FEBRUARY CLASSES BoofeI keeping. Shorthand. Typewriting Japanese. French. Commercial Correspondence Please •nrol early Rojrale School ol Commerce. 6-B Kirn Tlan Rd (near King's Theatre) Tel *****6/ ***** BEGINNERS RAPID TVPEWRII TING book-keeping, shorthand, •orrespondences/ report-wrttlni starting 4th »th 7th Sth February Special Sunday Classes Spore Institute of Commerce. 283-C Selecie
      708 words
    • 1024 25 CASH'S WOVEN NAMt TAPES Colour fast 6 dozen airmailed for SSIOOO Please write name in 1 block letters stating red or blue 1 lettering enclosing cheque or P O RIM Boddtngton Hatfleld Broad Oak CM227JB England RADIO TV. AIR CONO electrtc motor course Starting 10/ 1 20/1 Enrol Marconi Institute.
      1,024 words
    • 780 25 LATE 1(73 HONDA CIVIC one owner, accident free condition Interested phone *****7 Michael IST! DATSUN IMS with tape Flayer excellent condition nterested please ring Mr Koh *****8 900 400 p m •71 MERCEDES 100 aircon 2 owners Price *****0 on o Tel •***** ISSS FIAT SOSO II 300 Blk 132
      780 words
    • 660 25 'OH CHAMMIMQ ANO SOCIABLE I I L*dy Escort* dlsJ 3TT061 JM6OS I ■JIMmT^B The Hlfti Society J4B-C3 Orchard JSBBBssVBBfi Ho.d.bppo^uM^ g^ ROO|- ■HBl*fsp I CONOITIOMINO to 3 h p under ~LXj I guarantee Sales, rental avail*B sble Tropiral Enflneerinf SMtaNO DAY/ NIOMT SfRVtCE. 4025 «J any make. T V Alrcondltionef
      660 words
    • 474 25 INSTITIUT TEKNOLOJI M*\RA (mart institute of technology) ADVERTISEMENT PROGRAMME FOR EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT Application are invited from s iitably qualified bumiputras v attend the Third Programme for Executive Development The course will be conducted by the MARA Institute of Technology and is tent i!i\e:> m tieduled to begin from the middle
      474 words

    • 1015 26  - Make early start to spring your home WONG LAI WAH By WTH the approach of the ar of (he Rabbit, many housewives will be busy spring cleaning their homes. If you haven't done so, it's advisable to make an early start and get the rest of the family to help
      1,015 words
    • 838 26 you needn't have to overspend to keep up with women's fashion trends, if you know how and where to shop for Inexpensive but stylish Items. The many department stores and dress shops offer a wide selection of ready to we a r
      838 words
    • 260 27 PNTERPRISING manufacturers of fashion goods offer eye- catching costume Jewellery which really does Justice to your clothes. And the layman may not readily make out the difference between the precious metal cr gems and the costume Jewellery sets. Often, the range of costume Jewellery
      260 words
    • 485 27 COON, housewives will be shopping for the traditional New Year "musts." Including oranges, olives, dried melon Reeds, sausages, preserved ducks and other foodstuff. Prices of mandarin oranges are likely to be lower than last year, according to trade sources. This Is because more oranges
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    • 336 27 New clothes and shoes for kids too rE Lunar New Year is a great time for children. On New Year's Eve, they look forward not only to receiving ang pows, but also to wearing new clothes and shoes during the festive season. With the varied range of lines available from
      336 words
    • 612 28 Bush jackets prove popular with men /CHANGES are contlnually seen in men's wear, though male fashions do not forge ahead as rapidly as women's. On the male fashlon scene this year are the bushjacket and the battle jacket. The stylish bushJacket and the smart looking tattle Jacket are especially popular
      612 words
    • 29 28 Give your home a brifht look with new liffhttnf. Here la a three-llfht pendant of dimpled flaw with amber gold crinkle and simulated wood grain.
      29 words
    • 497 29  -  STAFF WRITER BY VfANY hotels are iT1 planning traditional cuisine and programmes for the roming festive season. And niKhtclubs will be putting on special shows. Already, some hotels are putting up festive decorations*to add to the gay jVs main pillar wl a bright
      497 words
    • 697 29 Be selective when I planning cuisine or season IfHINESE New Yc parties are ti ditionally gay occt ions. So, you'll ha to be selective wh planning the cuisii If you want change from t usual fare, perha you'd like to t some spicy dish <J prepared the Tt way. ■I
      697 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 135 26 s^L^L^^l tuimrf ORIENTAL T jggjjjH Hi' Urii' niH 'ft "^SSff krr^ ealtern ß^^b Bi^a^L^L^l^B^L^L^L^l^L^Lri i.^L^ii^i^L^L^i^^!asl^ Katon9 ShoppmQ Centre^ emporium :-'jl||f W L^^^^i^S^S High Street y^mrtT-ppp^^^^ I 1 I II I I I Liw Vr^ 55-7^ •IJ lum^m'irtin'-t'^i"-- I1 L.^JL^. f^^Q r^J I CHINESE 1 v emporium J ™v"V^T^P^^^l L. emporium
      135 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 110 27 |m«ium| C001H75 Light on J your budget. VB d Quick I tzM on the job. *^>*JN Start right here with these two fabulous lightweight, energy-saving Philips exclusives. HDII2O HP 41 18 Lightweight Hairdryer: Lightweight Iron: Stylishly designed. Deriectty^^^ Qht champ oaianced. instant high *ith swi^e»op drying ptKicmance M cord conooction
      110 words
    • 439 27 I SHOP NOW FOR U3?k\ j Tl *'*I^B^ B^av '^Bl I B^kk_ Tl J ~~~^Zr£ I CHARLES JOURDAN^ 0| 12. The Orchard, 290, Orchard Rd.. V Spore 9. Tel: *****9 WS Pierre CARDIN J 1 10, The Orchard, 290, Orchard Rd.. HAW. Spore 9 Tel: *****4 <& Butterfly Cornflour will
      439 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
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    • 577 28 IirGRAND SPECIAL OFFER NOWl^ mt FOR THE CHINESE NEW YEAR «S W^ SHOPPERS jW FOODSTUFF* WINE USUAL NOW W Oewar's White Label Whisky with one miniature Wlncamis big bottle $10 X Babycham 100 ml S1 30 S 1.15 Chilly Sauce Red Heart 14 02 1 10 9Ot Dry Mushroom 100
      577 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 38 29 Sunbeam cooks up nice things for Chinese New Year. Sunbeam 8 speed Power Blender. Mlxmaster Sunbeam Deluxe* f| I f TTBMWiu^ i Electric Percolarar I Sunbeam 11 "and 12" S^ UlJv Stainless Steel Gourmet Frypai^ v*^ "S*- HRIROffiH
      38 words
    • 183 29 r^EHINESE lmnsß/Cj |I JI 300 cm. Sw«d«n Acrylic Motcriol $9.20 137 cm Duplex Florol Print Furnishing $3.70 120 cm. German Fancy Cotton Fabric* $3.50 FREE GIFTS PURCHASE OF 1 pc btfJuh Utpt 9 12-2 R»ft 27 SI" 1 p< EnflUh Carp^ Ru« 27" 51" 10-14 pet Wd. Cushion Cov.r. 1
      183 words

  • 2625 30  -  EPSOM JEEP and DENNIS CHIA By lit. No. IMM4 ($4,674) 2nd. No. 1*7424 ($1,335) 3rd. No. 16t788 M7> STARTERS <$1S«) No.: 1M444 *****7 15«153 *****8 159JKW 1588*7 1M258 15*916 IV. 185 1507*8 CONSOLATION (SIM) No*: 1545*1 1684*9 153*11 1*1*73 ******
    2,625 words
  • 281 30 fkRUMMOYNE DUtrlct U RFC, the Bydney First Division Rugby Union club, kept their promise of fast, open rugby when they cruised past BCC Invitation 25-4 in their tour match at the padang yesterday, reports GODFREY ROBERT. The tourists, who had Just completed a
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 586 30 I MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD I r«quirM TRAINEE BANK OFFICERS REQUIREMENTS: Must possess a recognised Degree/Diploma preferably In the field of Business Administration, Economics, Agriculture, Banking or Accountancy. Those who are sitting for their Final Year examinations are also eligible to apply. Malaysian citizen. Below 28 years of age REMUNERATION: Competitive
      586 words
    • 1044 30 WE BflK RAKYfIT GROUP Offers opportunities In the following companies to Intelligent, mature and dynamic Malaysian citizens, who are prepared to accept challenges which Its rapidly expanding and diversified activities can create for meaningful careers. PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRIES SDN. BERHAD represents the first Industrial venture of Its kind In
      1,044 words

  • 338 31  - RAZZMATAZZ CAN BEAT FANCIED RIVALS FOR CUP EPSOM JEEP atom JOHNNY WILSON, the jockey with the big-race temperament, will renew his partnership with Man of Co v rage 11, and •The Maestro" Lester Piggott will be astride Firebrand in the fourth running of the Queen Elizabeth II Cup over llf
    338 words
  • 2380 31 Race l 1 ESS: "Tintri h winner Dlv 8 13 Ft Dec 28 tmmt chance In tpie of unfavourable draw Utl GEJfEBAL: Smut winner Dlv Cf with 13 2 i Pg Dec 21, I scope \T Oood fifth DtT week; run previous P»,.ang Dec 31 won going
    2,380 words
  • 95 31 LONDON. Sat. Queens Park Rangers brushed off the challenge of Notts County and scored an easy 3-0 victory In an English Football Association Cup fourth round match here last night. Dave Thomas and Stan Bowles scored In the first half and Don Olvens added the third
    95 words
  • 18 31 LONDON. Sat Results of last night's Rugby League match: Dl» 1: SaJford 11 Castleford 11 Reuter
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 2211 31 J fj MM 130 CLASS 4 DIV 3 6f i ii i ($ll,OOO $7,700 to winner) 1 v>sl l«ac Succaaa (CLLP) Man»r 1 »0 (u2»l> *oAtw n «3I IlirilTQiwril a i Aladdin) Danttla i I 11 (us-2ir mmf s l MisPnaali (OoodMith) 4S 10 (-J) *MM Ckw 7
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  • 206 31 says Dennis Chia MAN of Courage n gets my vote to win the Queen Elisabeth II Cup in Race Five at Bukit Tlmah today. Winner of the Singapore Oold Cup last year, the strapping Henrys Choice gelding did not show up In the Penang Oold
    206 words
  • 152 31 n«ci tMOMJIIP OIHNII CMIA Fcravar *mn .-..1K1a.h ■ac-Oam«rml •Mtawii KT*r»uoe*-4 Prapat Vanllaa Ptral* An Ootracwu* A rant Oard« C.v*wi A.msm Aram Oar«a Ajrwtatloa o>Mwi Aimi AI—MMHU Braa4lwyn *l(iflm« Malatl B*th«lma( Romantic Mood Bombara Omala Viaclt I) Mara* an Jarum Mai FrlaeaaMir City Jarum Ma* Kleardlan rnandir en, Olemallo ronfronl
    152 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 199 31 TALASCO INSURANCE SDN. BERHAD (A MEMBER OF TALASCO GROUP) 1 1 applications for the following appointments: MANAGER GENERAL INSURANCE nti (preferably Bumiputra) should have obtained an ;ilp of the Chartered Insurance Institute (General eh with at least 3 years In all aspects of General Insurance at utive level Candidates with
      199 words
    • 273 31 International Engineering Company invites Applications for the following permanent positions 1. CIVIL/ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Candidate must have degree In Civil or Structural Engineering with at least two years experiences In engineering or construction field. 2. CIVIL/ STRUCTURAL DESIGNER Candidate must have diploma In Civil or Structural Engineering with at least
      273 words
    • 664 31 Permohonan-pennononan adalat) dip*la»a darl warganefaxa Malaysia yang berkelayakan bail m»nfUl Jawatanlawatan koaong yang berlkul dalam Perkh'.dmalan Bank Simpanan National Malaysia Nama latßdaM 1 PWavwa KewMwen Kaaafaaaa/Penaaiaanan Pemohon-pemo.'ion hendaklah terdiri dartpuda akauntanakauntan yang mempunyai kclulusan Iktlaas sepertl berlkul I (a) Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wale*. Institute of Chartered
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  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 67 31 SOCCER Business Houses League Dlv. 1: Outhrlr v Shell (Jalan Besar 6.15 p.m.) Telok Rlangah Constituency tournament semifinal: Telok Blangah Crescent v Everton (Bt. Chermln 6 pjn Sultans Oold Cup: Johoce v Singapore (Jalan Larkln 7.30 p.m.). GOLF Carrier Pro-Am Open championships (Dover Rd 8 ami 801 ASH BSRA graded
      67 words

  • 303 32 ROMBAY. Sat. India batted with grit and determination on the third day of the Fifth Test today, but still have a huge task ahead of them if they are to save the game, and the series. Facing the massive West Indies
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • 117 32 r<EYLANO WEST suffered VI a shock wlile other leading contenders won their second round matt bes easily In the Inter-Ccostltuency table tennis tournament »t Oay World sudiun. Buklt Ho Swee upeet Oejlang West 3-2 In a thrilling two-hour match. Oeylang West had previously beaten defending chsmploiu-
    117 words
  • 529 32 i^HANG Chung Fa, of Taiwan, ripped three strokes off par for a scorching 66 to share the lead with former World Cup player Llm Swee Chew after the second round of the I.C.A. Carrier ProAm Open golf championship at Warren course yesterday, reports ERNEST
    529 words
  • 29 32 PARIS. Bat Colombian middleweight Rodrlgo Vaides will defend hl» World Boxing Council (WBC) title -gBIM Frenchman Max Cohen In Orenoble on Feb. 33. organisers announced yesterday. DPI.
    29 words
  • 253 32  - Singapore Malays recall Idros Albar JOE DCRAI By IDROS ALBAR. 38. (above) who retired from competitive soccer six years ago, has been recalled by Singapore Malays In an attempt to solve their goalkeeplng problem. He will be tested against Johore Malays In the Bultans Gold Cup match at Larkln Stadium.
    253 words
  • 56 32 DUJ. VHU7LY has been elected new president of Slnrapore Business Houses Football League. Other officials: Vice presidents Chong Ouat Chin and C.J. Alphonso: secretary K.B m.^i^.— (re-elected tor 14th term); treasurer Michael Pang; Committee: Lee Ah Lett, Christopher Boey. Chan Beak Poo. A. Halim and Basil de
    56 words
  • 395 32 British sports hit by bad weather ¥ON DON, Sat.— Twenty-one English and Scottish soccer matches were called off and Two English race meetIngs were abandoned as bad weather played havoc with today's sports programme. First to feel the effects of the heavy overnight rain and gale force winds were the
    395 words
  • 846 32  -  ERNEST FREDA By r«HEE SWEE LEE. the Asian Games gold medallist, Godfrey Jalleh, Lee Tai Jong, Serjit Singh, Glory Barnabas and Ong Yoke Phee shared the honours at the First SAAA AllComers meet at the National Stadium yesterday. Their good performances
    846 words
  • 149 32 Singapore score two wins VfELBOURNE. Sat SiniT* gapore scored two win* and suffered a defeat In the mro'i team event of the Commonwealth Table TennU tournament here today. After beating Papua New Oulnea 5-0. the learn were edged (-4 by Canada. Later they trounced New Zealand Ml Singapore* women kwt
    149 words
  • 88 32 ADELAIDE. Sat Tbe opening- day or the Firth Test between Bartend and Australia was waahed out here today when the coven were blown away and the pitch became waterlogged. Umpire* Robin n«iS.. f t vt and Tom Brooks abandoned play without a ball being bowled after
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 134 32 W((— Vial, iV I Hi LMIaXyC^J .\Jt~jCM $M -\>. W% BSsVS^^ y <4Jm i r The GILT SHADOW a painstakingly crafted timepiece, enchanting ard dignified, overshadowed only by its amazing technicalities ike an oscillating weight submerged in the movement (patenti-d), a reversing device incorporating three ball bearings (pater ted) which
      134 words
    • 371 32 ?HBHsF*HrißrPflll i j8 Lei electronic jjk m ■m. MILLTRON 4g EleclronK hghlcf K vrull I cute 2 FOX DUET* MILLTRON LASSIE -DORIA All beautiful* and elegantly designed to jL go places with the owner. In chrome, silver and gold. W Have a word with WINOMILL, you'll discover what warmth is
      371 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous