The Straits Times, 23 January 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Eatd. 1845 FINAL EDITION THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 678 1 Ford versus Congress WASHINGTON, Wednesday PRESIDENT Ford is on a collision course with Congress over his plan to make the United States almost independent of imported oil. But behind the struggle is a much higher stake the power of the Presidency to lay down the main
    Reuter  -  678 words
  • 250 1 Godber: Court to review plea for bail HONOKONO, Wed. Magistrate Patrick Flannery, acting on a request from the prosecution, today agreed to reconsider his earlier bail ruling for former police superintendent Ernest Godber and ordered Oodber back into court tomorrow. The magistrate ruled earlier In the day that Godber could
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  • 149 1 42 die as fire sweeps building MANILA, Wednesday AT least 42 people, mostly girls and women, were killed when fire swept through a four-storey building in Manila's eastern suburb of Markina today, a Fire Department spokesman said. Most of the dead were women working for an American wig manufacturing firm
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 65 1 HONOKONO. Wed.— The Oownment today announced plans to set up a commission to look into the operations of the Hongkong Telephone Company following 1U recent application for higher rental chaise*. Financial Secretary Philip Haddon-Cave laid the application tor increases ranging from 71 to 76 per cent
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 257 1 Oil outgoUS reserves 'right to use force' WASHINGTON. Wed President Ford said yesterday the United States reserves the right to use force If subjected to oil supply strangulation, declaring that "a country has the right to protect ltsell against death." But he said If that extreme situation arose, he would
    UPI  -  257 words
  • 61 1 $1,900 royal hankie LONDON. Wed. A Unen handkerchief said to ha«e been carried by King Cnariss the mm to hii execution In 164* wat bought tor £M 7 >B»i.Mli at Christie's a firm of aucUooaara here yesterday. Tbe handkerchief U stained, according to unit collector*, with the Mood of tbe
    61 words
  • 43 1 NEW YORK. Wed— DOW Jones average*, based on first hour of trading on tbe New York Stock Exchange: 30 Indus «3767. down 423: 30 tramp 151 84. down 073: IS utila 7691. down o.lft; 65 stock* 310.57, down 1 15 —UPI.
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  • 103 1 PERTAMINA LOSES $2.3 MIL IN BLAZE JAKARTA, Wed— A fire, which raged for more than four hours at a storage Installation belonging to the state oil company, Pertamlna, In Surabaya yesterday cost the company close to US$l million (Ss2 3 million) in damage, company spokesmen said today. A company official,
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  • 41 1 TOKYO. W«d.— Japan h»s onreoms tht impact of tns oU crUU on 1U balance of paymtnU and U cow ready to tend monsy to thoM advanced Industrial nation* still In dsndt. Finance Minister Massr**'*' Ohlia aald today— lUuter
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  • 112 1 JAKARTA. Wed. Indonesia has presented a bill for US$l5 million (8*J4.5 million) to the owners of the Japanese tanker Show* Mars for cleaning up oil spillage after the vessel ran aground in the Malacca Strait* two weeks ago, It was announced today. Common
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    UP  -  11 words
  • 150 1 DOLLAR'S NEW LOW AS GOLD DROPS ZURICH, Wed. The American dollar dropped to a new low on the Zurich money market today, and gold also went down In both Zurich and London. The noon Interbank dollar rate was 2.4965 Swiss francs. 1.5 centimes below yesterday's closing and six-tenths of a
    UPI  -  150 words
  • 37 1 CANBERRA. Wed— Prime Ulnlttw Oough WhltUm tonight promised Australians a rich future and said the country wai likely to earn more from its natural resources, particularly uranium, than It had ever done from wool— Reuter.
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  • 196 1 LONDON, Wednesday gRITONS will vote in a referendum probably next June or jQly, on whether to stay in the European Common Market, the country's Labour Government is reported to have decided. Prime Minister Harold Wilson is expected to announce In Parliament tomorrow that a
    196 words
  • 70 1 40 pc tax on foreign funds BERNE (Switzerland), Wed.— SwUs antaorlUea, In the noil radical movr yet to halt the influ* of for«lgn funds, today boost td to a near prohibitive level the tax on all newly deposited money from abroad. A communique by tb* Swiss National Bank aaid that
    AP  -  70 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 Premier Store Bata Building 11* MOUTH BRIDGE RD SINGAPORE 6
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    • 109 1 OPERATION PDS: THE SERIOUS OFFENCES -Pag* 7 BIGGEST US price hike in U years I WELL strike a third time. say guerillas 3 REDS pound supply convoy 4 CHINA bid to isolate arch enemy S MINI boom at pawnshops 1974 sports honours the nominees -Page 27 MOST wanted Singapore ranman
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    • 9 1 Weather outlook from 6 a.m. to noon: No rain.
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    • 95 1 Efffiy \^L m M Hs^ She owes it all to her Hicee She knows the secret to a beautiful complexion. She knows she owes it tooMic*-*. The wonder tonic sweetlet that contains the Vitamin C content of 10 oranges. So essential for bouncing health with clear skin, bright eyes, shining
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  • 456 2 Buying power cut by 5.4 pc in 1974 WASHINGTON, Wed. Prices soared in the United States last year by more than 12 per cent the highest in 28 years and cut the buying power of American workers by 5.4 per cent. It was
    Reuter; UPI  -  456 words
  • 39 2 JAKARTA. Wed North Korea wants to buy Indonesian commodities such as natural rubber, tin and coconut oil. Trade Ministry official* said. In return. Indonesia planned to buy North Korean iiteel. starting this year, the stxiktsman said. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 43 2 GENEVA. Wed Cyprus urgently needs US$9 3 million (8*30.4 million) worth of food and cash aid (or the first four months of this year, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Prince Sadruddln Aga Kahn. said yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 147 2 11/ASHINOTON, Wed. JT —The US Defence Department last year j sold two destroyer-escort j vessels to Indonesia for U*****,800 (5W80,340i but spent U*****,000 iSSMO,IOO) getting them j ieady for transfer. Re- j preaentatWe Lea Aspln said yesterday. That works out to a net
    AP  -  147 words
  • 173 2 1/lENTIANE. Wed. T Somebody w 1t h a hacksaw and a grudge against Americans stole a US$3OO,OOO (5569U.000) American helicopter, sawed it up into little pieces and carried It away. And the US Embassy In Vientiane Is angry. Ti.e helicopter had made a forced
    AP  -  173 words
  • 187 2 FIREMEN remove one of IS bodies (left) recovered from the gutted ruins of a northend bar in Montreal in a gangland massacre on Tuesday. The bodies, 10 men and three women, were found in a locked, barricaded beer stockroom after fire swept the Club Gargantua,
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  • 153 2 Car bomb blast sparks new violence BELFAST. Wed. Northern Ireland today faced a renewal of violence following a car bomb blast In Belfast which killed two people, and other explosions In the province. A 24-hour escalation of trouble which began on Monday night when troops shot dead a gunman and
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 301 2 Hopes rise for M-East talks T«EL AVIV, Wed. Israel and Egypt have toned down talk of war and emphasised their willingness to negotiate, raising the possibility of a breakthrough in the deadlocked Middle East peace talks. Defence Minister Shimon Peres departed yesterday from previous statements and said he believed Israel
    UPI  -  301 words
  • 211 2 Joint team to study further US pullout BANGKOK. Wed. A Thai-American coordinating committee will review further withdrawal of United States forces from I Thailand as soon as possible, Foreign Minister Charunphan Isarangkun said today. He told a pre» conference he had met American ambassador WUllan Klntner to discuss the present
    Reuter  -  211 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 168 2 Isll9 bHHI^. tA '^tt mmM b(*********************************************1Hb*****^' P* s*^nM»W f iH I X.9 wwrnttt' m^m^mik &i'¥j ■ilfilJ! W H^M Wmm^r \i A t .^M I sUH lHill bW V VEwBSsl m^^ wtmA HJI *m V^HEF^' l^- m uuttlji <k /^m\ sHW 1 5% f A m I A mw ks%* m^
      168 words

    • 569 3 PARIS, Wed. Arab gueriltas who claimed responsibility for two ■ttacki this month at Paris air|>ort yesterday vowed to strike a third time as France tailed n international code of punishment for terrorists. A man describing himself as a member of the Mohammed Boudia Commando, the
      AP; UPI  -  569 words
    • 65 3 BERNE. Wed. The Swiss Government said yesterday It had received notification from the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) that It would adhere to the 26-year-old Geneva conventions on armed conflict. Under the terms of the 1949 conventions, which lay down humanitarian guidelines for conduct in times of war.
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 32 3 RAWALPINDI. Wed. A senior United States aid official. Mr Daniel Parker, said here yesterday Pakistan could become a significant surplus food producer in the next 10 to 30 year*. Reuter.
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    • 200 3 UNITED NATiONS. W*d. pYPRUS has charged v> that Britain's release of Turklsh-Cyprlol refugees to Turkey will promote partition of Cyprus and prejudice a peaceful settlement. In a protest letter Issued here yesterday, Cypriot Ambassador Zenon Rossides asked UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldhelm for "prompt
      Reuter; AP  -  200 words
    • 115 3 Time not ripe for tin cartel' JAKARTA. Wed— The time was not appropriate to set tin a tin producers cartel on the lines of the oil exporters grouping. Opec. the head of Indonesia's state-owned tin company. PN Timah, said today. Mr. A. Thajib told a press conference that such a
      Reuter  -  115 words
    • 249 3 Ford: Detente with Russia continues WASHINGTON, Wed. President Ford said yesterday that detente between the United States and Soviet Union would continue despite the breakdown last week of a proposed trade agreement between the two countries. "It's my Judgment that detente with the Soviet Union will be continued, broadened and
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    • 130 3 Moves to oust Burmah I Oil I ONDON, Wed.— Burmah Ld Oil. the troubled oil concern, was reported yesterday to be facing moves from other oil companies to have It removed as an operator In developing the Nlnlan field in the North Sea. Burmah has a 30 per cent stake
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 132 3 Cypriot tanker fire rages out of control MIAMI. Wed. An evacuated Cypriot tanker bnrnrd out of control at Ma yesterday after a fire and explosion left three crewmen Injured and two others missing and feared dead, the Coast Guard said. All efforts to fit ht the fire aboard the 550
      AP; UPI  -  132 words
    • 240 3 BANGKOK, WedAbout i.OOO demonstrators in the flood-stricken area of southern Thailand today burned the residence of the provincial governor to protest against alleged corruption in the distribution of flood relief goods, police reported. Police said relief operations in the provincial capital ot Nakhon SI
      AP; UPI  -  240 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 450 3 WTi^PMHlHs^^BrujELcomE sAviNGsyTTj^ Jill Jill for the Chinese New Year 4[ A r?T£?T?nfl?fl=il 'ffireK JUB 23rd January to 29th January, 1975 A UTDAniIPTADV ACCCD SHAMPUU vosene econ size Z.*HI mm \##*ixfc sorrento ltgg 7. rnur' DPANn VESOP (free canister) twin pack 2.25 PIGS' LIVER soog 1.45 'WELCOMI BRAND, hair cream vaseline
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    • 227 4 KAMPALA, Wed—President Idl Amin of Uganda said yesterday that because of him the British had lost their reputation as the world's most oatsUnding diplomats He said he was shocked by a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) report which he alleged said that aU means to
      Reuter  -  227 words
    • 95 4 STOCKPORT. Wed Mrs. Mary Adams slammed her front door yesterday and with a low rumble one side of her house collapsed Into the River Mersey. Mrs. Adams did not realise what had happened until neighbours ran after her and told her. She then explained.
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    • 469 4 Reds pound Phnom Penh supply convoy NAVAL convoy. carrying vital supplies of food, fuel and ammunition for beleaguered Phnom Penh, came under heavy insurgent attack soon after it moved up the Mekong River into Cambodia from South Vietnam, reliable military sources said here lodav. Several vessels in the convoy were
      Reuter; UPI  -  469 words
    • 115 4 WASHINGTON. Wed. President Ford I said yesterday he would ask Congress to appropriate another ISS3OO million <Ss69o million) in assistance to South Vietnam and Cambodia. But he told a news conference he contemplated no additional US action such as renewed US military involvement to
      Reuter; AP  -  115 words
    • 244 4 'Work towards breakthrough for cancer' R LONDON. Wednesday ESEARCH into genetic engineering It could lead to a cancer breakthrough or, conceivably, the growth of dangerous new bacteria should go on, a team of British scientists said* yesterday These experiments tinkering with the building blocks of life itself— have stirred much
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 32 4 NEW DELHI. Wed. The d*ath toll In thU week's earthquake in northern India has reached 51 and there could be more victims, including peopk> ''ifferlng from exposure— Reuter.
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  • 163 4 RUNAWAY MP: I'M NOT CIA AGENT MELBOURNE, Wed. Runaway British MP John Stonehouse last night denied he was a criminal, a CIA agent or a Czechoslovak spy. But he told a BBC television Interviewer there wax "a very deep story" behind the allegations of spying that had been made against
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 380 4 WESTON jy WIRELESS INTERCOIvI^TIS SYSTEMS miA NO WIRING BETWEEN JWH?^ ■fW^W^^^^p" s yUUH CONTROL fOR if PILOT LAMP gV\ S^ V lAHST AND MOOt RNDCSIGN M\ H)R DeSKOR WALL IMOUNT -'^L FOR OFFICtS. HOME. STOKES FbOfl IjOOng E lectronics Corpn i 170 17? G.H im) Floe Proplc i P»ik Shoi)p»i<)
      380 words
    • 53 4 1 11 PEACE CENTRE M COFFEEHOUSE M RESTAURANT I OPENING I I TODAY! 1 We specialise in gg| Hongkong Mcc prepared g§£ by our chef from Hongkong. We also gg serve western food all at £3&3 a very reasonable price. 3j£ 2nd Floor, Peace Centre p¥CT Sophia Road, Singapore h&n
      53 words

    • 218 5 PARIS Wed^A museum containing more than 300 works by Pablo Picasso will open In Part* at the end of next year. Secretary of State for Culture Michel Guy •aid here. Picasso died at his home In southern France In April 1973. WASHINGTON: An estimated 45 4M Americans died In
      Agencies  -  218 words
    • 155 5 BANGKOK. Wed. Prime Minister Sanya Dharmasakti has submitted to King Bhumipol AdulyadeJ names of 100 people to be ap- pointed to the Upper 1 House of the new Parliament, government officials said today. The officials said the nominees would be formally appointed by
      UPI  -  155 words
    • 632 5 China bid to isolate arch-enemy Move closer to US, Japan told PEKING, Wed. Chinese Premier Chou En-lai's advice to Japan to seek closer ties with the United States reflects a major aim of Chinese foreign policy to isolate its arch-enemy, the Soviet Union, observers here said today. Mr. Chou, who
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    • 74 5 MAI MI. Wed. A Cuban txile organisation has claimed credit for firing a rifle throach windows 01 the Soviet mission into the United Nations In New York on Sunday The Young Nationalist Cuba group sent a note to the Spanish language radio station WFAB In
      AP  -  74 words
    • 68 5 MORONI (Comoro Archipelago). Wed. Sleep may one day come more easily (or millions of coffee drinkers —thank* to a discovery by French scientists In this group of Islands In the ]n/ii»n Ocean. A team from France's Office for Overseas Scientific and Technical Research (Orstomi has found coffee bushes
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 38 5 PORT UORBBT, Wed.— The Papua New Oulnca OovenuMnt MM today It had Mnt two DfTxl*!* to to sLrou(OOla of Pftptifto rebel leader Simon Kauml to ■asew the situation on an occupied former European plantation. Reuter. 1
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 300 5 PARK: I'LL QUIT IF PEOPLE SAY 'NO' AT REFERENDUM- SEOUI, Wed. President Park Chung-nee said today that he would step down immediately if his controversial tough constitution failed to win approval at a national referendum, probably in mid- February. "If our people refuse to recognise the historical Justification of the
      Reuter  -  300 words
    • 31 5 TOKYO, wed. Two weak earthquakes originating in the Pacific, yesterday shook northern and central Japan but there were no reports of damage or casualties, the Metecrologlcsl Agency reported. UPI.
      UPI  -  31 words
    • 42 5 WASHINGTON. Wed. A Customs SerWce dot sniffing among a shipment of cricket bats from Pakistan aroused the cariosity of agents on the New York docks. They investigated and found the blades had been hollowed out and filled with hashish
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 249 5 kg^fe^l Bg^ a.^^Sl^H Bring her this close withihe Minolta Pocket Autopak 70 (26 x 58 x 130 mm) Weight 6; oz (195 gm) She can come as close as the end of your cord. And you'll A get a good sharp picture of her in close-up. You cant #1 make
      249 words
    • 446 5 CHINESE NEW YEAR SPECIAL OFFER W Enjoy 1 month free rental for all Colour TV sets you rent or hire W purchase from Rediffusion during this Chinese New Year Festive Season and take home an attractive seasonal gift. No heavy capital involvement low rental easy H.P. terms ranging from $1
      446 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 246 6 The Tim Sum principle gives Rank Xerox"an idea' The new 3100 on wheels. t i f bbß& ■T A. V* •Bl jIM BfJ wp BBjßv L -w- .-s i» iyfl iljJgT wfflCJr f J yv *B I lw+l-J^k v^BlBa I aubl blv w B »v-, ?O> m l Bl i^^^kr.
      246 words

  • 232 7 Looking at India in the proper light THJ High Commission er for India. Mr Thomas Abraham, yesterday called on Singaporeans to "cut through *ny stereotype form of thinking" and look at India without "blue spectacles" For both countries were close neighbours »nd It would be In the Interest of cltljens
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  • 33 7 THX YMCA wIU hold a 15--seeston course on Englu h and Correspondence for Junior Executives at Its Palraer Road premises on Saturdays starting Jan 25 from 230 p.m. to 4 p.m.
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  • 32 7 MR. ONO Pang Boon, the Minister for Labour, will officiate at the opening of the new Heng A VChe Bong School building at Toa Payoh on Sunday at 10 am
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  • 782 7  -  S M MUTHU By TRAFFIC offences such as speeding, traffic obstruction and illegal parking will carry one to three pen alty points under the Points Demerits System which will be enforced from March 1. Serious offences like careless driving, Inconsiderate driving, reckless driving, carrying passengers
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  • 160 7 Teenage girt held in gangland raids— A TEENAGE girl was among nine secret society suspects arrested by the police daring the last two days. The girl. Identified by police as a "17-year-old," was arrested with three other people by the ClD's Chinese Investigation Branch daring a series of raids in
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  • 155 7 Ben Line, Ocean to merge shipping services r'O Singapore shipping companies, Ben Line and the Ocean Oroup. are to merge their conventional snipping services from March to red. ze competition along the Far East Europe ■errlee. The companies affected are Ben Line and the component companies In the Ocean Group
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  • 97 7 SINGAPORE'S Navy per>3 sonnel yesterday appeared In their all-white ceremonial uniform at a ceremony at which the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Dr. Ooh Keng Swee. commissioned three new missile ships. It is understood that this Is the first time that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 411 7 ISA MS UI 5 5 lj 551 (50W) Sonsui engint«rt toke a personal pride in each audio component they design. That as true tor the moderately-priced 551 ttereo receiver at it it for our protettionaT-clots equipment. A new, Santui-developed conttruction technique called CIM (Crcuit Board Module) helped lower the cottt
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 331 7 Bringing Up Father By BUI Kavanagh cfc Hal Camp 7" mourn 1 1 mavb a X/^ twangs, I no, r oiont- "N I f no. my wipe T|AAS/ >v HtCHOLS! S EW BORIS/>OU NOT CVBM OME rOWNS IMB RACE-J tUt/BUT tTPI J y IMAftINS CJ&ARS, 1 WST HAVE WWN6R/ BUT
      331 words

  • 207 8 r>lfc was when the majority of clock* easily faded into the background as round dials on the wall. Today, most docks certainly merit more than Just a casual look to tell the timeThey come in such interesting shapes and colours, from the unusual to
    207 words
  • 723 8  - To love, honour, cherish —and forget! MAUREEN CHUA By 1)0 ANY of you married couples remember the words of your matrimonial vows? It will be a surprise to me If any of you do. Nine out of ten people I have asked admit to having only a vague Idea of
    723 words
  • 140 8 EMERYVILLE (California) Syntonic research, whicn claims the slow, rhythmic beating of a woman's heart Is "the perfect background sound for lovemaking," says it ■lane to release a new long playing record next week. The name of the record: The Ultimate Heartbeat "A lot of study
    AP  -  140 words
  • 335 8 VARIOUS studies of Hitler's Germany have Indicated that nearly all Nazi leaders suffered some sort of serious mistreatment or cruelty In childhood. This prompts two questions. Does ag- gressive treatment by parents and other adults make a child act more aggressively throughout life?
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 290 8 isnw dV^am^^d"^ «jb <v\ waT *\>^ .MM V. for that special tasty j^^fc dtf^HßaV^Ha flavour ma your cooking! Just a dash of VESOP makes all the difference! VESOP is super seasoning. >w FEDERAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES (S) PTE LTD J [v Beauty in the twenties E«4"v4 In the early twenties the
      290 words
    • 57 8 sdi^^^^Mp Anuaol S The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery. Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol. Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects against infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes. This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting
      57 words
    • 339 8 K Singapura 3 SA EMPORIUM *^m^f^ Tay Buan Guan Katong Shopping Centre. Ist Floor. 83-B. East Coast Road. Singapore 15 ,-ta^sW^^^ «a. PRESENTS^ Bedsheets 8, Towels UP Now 72" x 100 printed bedsheet (4 pcs in a set) $14.00 $9.50 63" x 1 00 Printed bedsheet (4 pcs in a
      339 words

  • 236 9 Bar death: Cisco guard shot man in selfdefence f TOH Ah Sim. 42, a police •uperwuee- tiU the end of lan year, was shot dead when he attempted to snatch a serJlce revolver from a Cisco guard on duty at a nightclub in Jalan Besar on Tuesday evening. Disclosing this
    236 words
  • 65 9 Two YMCA swimming courses METROPOLITAN YMCA Camping and Outdoor Educatlo l Department will mduct swimming cours' s at Farrer Park am- Toa Payoh swimming pools. The eight-session course for children will be hell at Toa Payoh on Sundays Ut rUn«r on Peb 2 The slx-Rsslon ccursr for girls only will
    65 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 9 THE Adult Education Board will hold a :2-aessk>n course on Fashion Designing at Its Kirn Keat Roid centre on Saturdays from Feb. 1, between 3 pm anc b p.m. The fee Is $20
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  • 73 9 Archives plea over Chinese surnames THE National Archives and Records Centre has appealed to Chinese surname associations to come forward with their records and documents for mircrofilming. The National Archive*, which partly aims to collect and preserve historical records far future scholarly research, says In a statement "These records (of
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  • 51 9 THE People's Association Youth Swimming Club raised about $30,000 for Its activities from a film premiere at the Odeon Theatre. Mr Chan Chee Seng, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs) and president of the Singapore Amateur Swimming Assoctatlon. and hU wife attended the film show entitled Games Gamblers
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  • 359 9  -  IRENE NGOO By gIN(i.\F ()RE pawnshops are enjoying a mini-boom because of the economic recession. Pawnbrokers yesterday said the soaring price of golc had also boosted their business. A Stialts Times inquiry showed that an average of about 5.000 clients turn U the 48
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  • 127 9 SCHOOLBOY S. Gnnasahar, 11, has been reported missing from home since Jan. 7. According to his mother, Mrs. Daisy ManUrn of Block E, 7-C. Marsiling A v c n n c. Woodlands Estate, Ganasahar left home at 7.3* p.m. that day saying he was
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  • 42 9 Folk dancing course THE youth group of Kuo Chuan community centre will organise a course on guitar, folk dancing and choir singing In Chinese on Sundays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays respectively. Those Interested may apply at the centre in Lorong 2. Toa Payoh.
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  • 55 9 MIDSHIPMAN TAN TOPS THEM ALL MIDSHIPMAN K. T. Tan from Singapore who is training with the Royal New Zealand Navy passed with flying colours in his category at the end of tern* examination*. Picture shows Tan receiving hlj pilse from the Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral E. C. Thorne,
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  • 27 9 METROPOLITAN YMCA will hold a 10-seesion practical course on Typography Part I from Jan. 38 at 7 p m. at its International Centre In Palmer Road.
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  • 21 9 THE Family Planning/ BterUlsatlon Telephone Information Service telephone number Is *****8 and not 6M776 as appeared In Tuesday's papers.
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  • 142 9 CASTILLO MAY HAVE ABSCONDED: DPP mRUMPETER Tony Cas--1 tlllo. convicted last September In a drug caae. probably absconded from Singapore while an appeal against his sentence was still pending. DPP Mr R Pala Krlsh nan told the High Court yesterday. On Bept. 4. a magls trate fined Castillo $1,000 or
    142 words
  • 36 9 THE Adult fcduoat'.on Board will hold a 11 isseirn course on Building Blueprint Reading and Drswinp at Its Mountbatten centre on Sundays from Feb 2 between 9 a.m. and noon. The fee Is $40.
    36 words
  • 396 9 A long way to go for Spore to become a jewels centre SINGAPORE Is un- likely to become a Jewellery and ornament centre for several years to come because It still lacks the necessary facilities and expertise. Be-.eral local jewellers ar.j goldsmiths expressed this opinion. while commenting on the call
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 190 9 Straits Times Crossword -cmoss (T). 1 On* of our forefathers g Mock food? (I). not of royal blood? 16. 7 whert the farmer get* his Rapalr to have a quiet Urmf m, t_a chat, perhaps hUM.— «T (J. S. 4). Pub openlnt In Wales fx,? 16 bMDd to well Ocnermi
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 295 10 j! GOLDEN THEATRE as MHi jj •I 1 1 00 AM. 1 30, 4.00. 645 A 9 30 PM. ■7_lVtJJl|fll| AN ACTION-PACKED ADVENTURE Wi\ t l_l t l > lllf.Ul IN DARK AFRICA! last day: IRAD HARRIS GEORGE MARTIN uo. JJtns.fjoPM SAL BORGES wanted o«A»ot alive TELLY SAVALAJ IN MIJ
      295 words
    • 366 10 j Hue Yoi Seei This Reaarfcable Filii Yet?... IF NOT, NIRRY! «T YOIR TICKETS NOW TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT!! J ORCHARD: SATURDAY at 11.00 m I _STAUi:snMacii:s2.Q# WAS 888 AN __>sW <No Free Ljst> f ASTRBNABT? I tmc amuzino «to«y __BbK^ml m I Of [AmH> ■■mums I RHHuS I UNSOLVED MYSTCRICS
      366 words
    • 208 10 I f [ri|]||]i' l l^|L 1 l f|J l |M^| SIMULTANEOUS SATURDAY MIDNIGHT DON'T BETRAY THE KILLER! Keep The Surprise Ending I A Setret! ~BURT LANCASTER m nieminnmiir ;j inn """color stating SUSAN CLARK > > CAMERON MITCHELL > A UNIVERSAL PICTURE > LJ DISTRIBUTED BY C I C (g?
      208 words
    • 435 10 l\l» if Ol -SATURDAY MIOWKJHT HERFS ANOTHER SUPER-ACTWN PICTURE i FROM SHAWS FOf WORLDWIDE I Bflßkw JrmSt\ ___^^_v^_*K3^__^_flwi__j B RKtl: Wsl 'U R|h_|rl«b> jt supewvuen against; the orient* LO LIEH, SHIH SZU, SALVATORE BORGHESE ANTONIO CANTAFORA-ln SCOPE COLOR I lIMI-OI'I \S TOMOHROW! Here's a question for all you husbands: If
      435 words
    • 739 10 1 rt^Hr*7nin^7" SORCA DN fl I LAST DAY" 11 am, 1 JO. 4.00. 445, 13 CHARLES BRONSON ,o MAJPTYK" color (UA) OPENS TOMORROW HywaJ Banncft Nonafta Nawmon NA.Io O'SrMO THE LOVI tAW Cotor ATURDAV MIDNIGHT ft Sundov Morning ihowt ol Tiwlm: LIDO. iURONC REX. SKY. ROXY MIJIDINT (olio Cop-tol Sundo>
      739 words

  • 160 11 MR Tan Keong Choon la likely to be re-elected president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for a second term on Feb. 15. Its two vice-presidents, Mr Chew Teng How and Mr Tan Eng Joo. are »l*o tipped to be re-elect-ed All the members
    160 words
  • 95 11 2 INJURED IN NIGHT ATTACK AW Tlan Tee, 42. was admitted to Outran Hospital in critical condition after he was attacked by 2» people in Telok Ayer Street on Tuesday night. An unidentified friend who was with him. suffered head injuries and was also sent to hospital. Police said Aw
    95 words
  • 601 11  - The 'most wanted' gunman... LAI WEE KONG and PAUL WEE By Pan-Malaysia hunt for trigger-happy Katong robber fHK Katong gunman \v-ho is beUevad to be involved in at least six armed robberies daring which he fired 22 shots is now on the ClD's "most wanted" list. Police, who know nls
    601 words
  • 265 11 Reinstated: 5 sacked hotel workers FIVE dismissed em--1 ployees of Oberoi Imperial Hotel returned to work last week following a settlement between their union and the hotel management. Mr. Tan Soon Yam. general secretary of the Food. Drink and Allied Workers' Union, confirmed yesterday that the five a room service
    265 words
  • 128 11 rpHE first emporium to be run by the NTUC opened Its doors to customers at Peace Centre yesterday morning. It claims that Its prices are 10 per cent cheaper than at other emporiums. Mr. T. Yzelman, operations manager of NTUC Welcome said the idea of
    128 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 294 11 Try and see yourself as others see you \bu look in the mirror at least once a day but you've probably never seen yourself as others see you... from the back! Overweight people seldom >our very first treatment, you can look good from the back. lose up to 12 inches,
      294 words
    • 103 11 Presenting nightly, fora limited period M k. only ....YANG YEN Don't miss this beautiful, H Taiwanese star of films, television, f^P^ radio and recordings. «W#^k ■■■■MISS WINNIE HO I Hongkong stop recording. I TV and radio personality I Indonesia's 1 ad **m top show- band! ■■^T HB^^H Also DIANA HOON
      103 words
    • 434 11 CONTROLLER Hand -held Calculators Subtract Your Costs Automatically! 5585.80 <«-**-**,) M I a SSIISJS g-^ 99 *5 *$«<Vr MMUfI I2M •IMb,,, 3 ''li Actual ihe AM models include the following star features: Positive Key control Overflow, low bdttery and mem or y Automatic constant in all four content indications a^^B^|
      434 words

  • The StmitsTimes
    • 606 12 rE dust has settled on China's fourth National People's Congress, held In secret from Jan. 13 to 17; now foreign observers take over. Post-conference communiques distributed by Hslnhua news agency are being devoured with relish their contents meticulously examined for doctrinal significance. China's new constitution of only 30
      606 words
    • 438 12 Why many boil water even though it's safe to drink from tap I REFER to the feature by Mr. William Campbell (S.T., Jan. 10) in which public health engineer Tan Te n g Huat said that many households Qrdlnarlly boiled their drinkIng water even while aware that It was safe
      438 words
    • 114 12 I REFER to the letter by "frustrated" (8.T.. Dec. 13). To date Traffic Police have taken action resulting In 25 cases being booked (for Illegal parking on Tamplnes Road). TEO HAN WUE. P«bUc OeUtkras Officer. Singapore Police force. I REFER to the letter by Urn
      114 words
  • 403 12 Soft words amidst sounds of —war JERUSALEM: CornpasJ saon stirs in the Middle Ea*t, even as the experts predict that Arab and Israeli belligerents are beading inexorably far war. Last year the Israeli magaslne New Outlook published a letter sent to Mrs. Gehan Anwar al Sadat, wife of Egypt's President,
    403 words
  • 903 12 'No holds barred' run up to the polls TURBULENT TIMES AHEAD FOR THE THAIS THE general elections on Sunday will be only the 10th nationwide balloting in the history of Thailand, which is experiencing its first taste of true democracy in more than two decades. Current politicaT activity here can
    UPI  -  903 words
  • 184 12 0 PARTIES: The Thai general election on Sonday will sec 2,193 candidates from 42 parties contesting 269 National Assembly seats. PERSONALITIES: Centre parties are led by former Prime Minister Senl Pramoj, former Assembly Speaker Kukrit Pramoj, Mr. Boonchu Rojanasathlen, a banker, and Mrs. Lekha Abhalwong, widow of
    184 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 59 12 •n*n tinea 1934. Suits cemplataly hand tanorad a ttltchad "»M lo tha buttonhola* ansurlng ba»l workgianship. v*. ara alto import*** a *«portart of tmtit Gants taxtlias tharaby <•• rta«a tha latast A oldatt ranga of matarials for talact on. And far our cusiomart In a hurry, thara't our •xpratt tarvica.
      59 words
    • 332 12 THE GUARANTEED FILTERS sbbbV I Z <TWBRD BBsß»taß»*^»iß»^*^^^^^s^^^22 AvtaMato at ytxr r*s»fjß» aarvtce swtton aria apare part ctootors ITIMEI I YEAR I Iharel THRIVE ON WELGRO PLANT NUTRIENT ll 1 METRO GOLOCN MIU I Merlin Hotel Complex* Nicoll Highway/ Beach Road •Tel: *****55. Mon to Sat: 10 am- 9 30
      332 words

  • Business Times
    • 232 13  -  HO MINfOHG By S\PORh Air Lines. it is understood, will apply again to the Australian DrpaMmrnt of Transport for permission to substitute Boeing 747 flights for its Boeing 707 flights on the route between Singapore and Sydney Melbourne When the airline first
      232 words
    • 799 13 LONDON: The Crown Agents tfre soon to make a statement on the extent of their Australian property interests. They are enormous. In 1971, they committed themselves to provide or procure the finance (or a number of projects whose projected completion cost is
      799 words
    • 156 13 IN Singapore, tbe Crown Agents are involved in tue proposed ae»eioputent oi &> acres of prime land in me Orcoard ttoad area. Orcnard Square Development Corporation was lormed in l»<w with thu Agents as the largest shareholder However, the tnree-phase development, valued variously between
      156 words
    • 696 13  -  ROBERT CRABBE By rKYO: Japan U facing what may be Its worst economic recession In 20 years. The new year offers a strange picture of boom In some Japanese Industries and bust In others. For textile makers and building contractors, a recession has
      696 words
    • 231 13 BANOKOK Mr. Waree Bhongsvej. chairman of the board of directors of the Thailand Stock Exchange iTBE>. said the Exchangewould be in operation In March. The Thailand Stock Exchange, a non-profit organisation, was being set up by the Flnarce Ministry to promote the mobilisation
      Reuter  -  231 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 372 13 We give you more than 747 service tfTlhe U.S. A. j Wjc jfc^ Take a break. When you fly from Singapore to the U.S.A.. enjoy an overnight in either Hong Kong or Tokyo at a first-class hotel*. Just tell a travel agent or the Northwest General Sales Agent to book
      372 words
    • 8 13 Bgs?Jzlslß WtKim i^g^Ag^gfe '£Tw m < *BL— ~J* -MM
      8 words
    • 88 13 Lb Br Tk i i ii I- A ii ASSOCIATED TECHNICAL MATSw SERVICES (PTE) LTD. Room 701 Maxwell Road. Maxwell House, Tel: *****77 (5 lines) We are pleased to announce the appointment by Matsushita Electric as their official Distributors in Singapore and Malaysia* for the i Pg National glLw^fl Electronic
      88 words

  • 511 14  -  LEO GONZAGA By MANILA: Reflecting the mixed effects of inflation and recession, 'economic growth was slower last year than in the preceding year based on 1967 prices, but faster based on ,974 prices. As shown by official data, the gross national product rose by
    511 words
  • 257 14  - Vital to develop personality of an employee By mHE development of the X right personality traits In an employee forms an essential part of his training and should be attended to be fore the provision of job Information and skills. Yet few employers rea Use this Important aspect of personnel
    257 words
  • 244 14 Mr. Krnji Nakaniahl, president of Takasago Perfumery. Japan, was In Singapore recently on a market study tour. He has talks with Mr. P. K. Wong, managing director of Wing Wan Enterprises, local agent for Takasago products In Singapore and Malaysia, and also studied future marketing expansion and
    244 words
  • 171 14 AMSTERDAM. Turn— Dutch lntematkonmis ruled narrowly mixed with Aka», Philips and Royal Dutch gaining some ground and Ha» t eum and Unilrrer easier, dealers said. Gains predominated elaewhere. led by "-^--d Amerlka Lijn, AhoM. Gieam and inru ranees Losses were led by Ao>-cterdaai-Rabber, while Van Q— urn eaaed againat
    171 words
  • 138 14 yLTUCH. Tues— Durtnf <v today's session many stockholders realised their profits. Most stocks maintained their prices and some even gained a few points. The tendency was Irregular but the market showed a steady trend. The bond market quotations were firm. The Credit Sulsse index gained 0.1 point to 174
    138 words
  • 488 14  - New rubber futures with unique features HO MINFOMG By ANEW rubber futures contract with unique features was Introduced yesterday on the New York Cocoa Exchange. It calls for delivery of International RSS 1 but also Incorporates the optional good tender of any of three Technically Specified Rubbers <TSR» namely, SCV,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 393 14 Th« Bank of Canton. Limited Security Pacific National Bank s_a_^V OV«f 100 ytwrt of banking in U.S.A. I WJ •nd around tha Morld. I BHBa^a^aW*^ Over 160 years of banking experience you can bank on With combined assets exceeding US $15 billion, our combined knowledge and expertise of international finance
      393 words
    • 193 14 V&4 kwFi t% D T D m^ II BmSv 'EfilrH s'W' W your machinery 5 I $&K *S W taisf*lrrr^r vA 2 «am aJ mm «hX 1 SILTAL Special festive Offer! a^a^a^T^s a^a^atf 4BHBB 4P W Model 2000-3 $660 nett kkAd o mMMvilm o fc IT*m tTsT*M^ Siltal Space age
      193 words

      • 42 15 lA.C I.K. K.N.E. Mm ccjc m. n. M BMfetec '.C.-ItF.H. Mem htrito Phuit i Ttaw. II TO •0.4» $1 90 13 00 $143 ii n $3.M not I 3« 13.H 10 7« torr 11.10 10 93 $3 12 0 w .0"
        42 words
      • 19 15 job \mn IntTKTO H*« Far K. *1 Wl tl It SI 47 $1 15 .110» 0» AH —.08
        19 words
      • 20 15 C. •mn llrrt irnrrmi LlTrttl 'otol Tantnr: ol*J Vihr 25«'000 2M.000 197.000 244 M I 3 87M
        20 words
      • 58 15 tndwtrUb: IHJI Ml.& PtaßDce: MI.U V H<,u|. 1M.71 131.H Praprrtln: JMJJ IMS. t TtM: MJi M.S< t t rabkera: mil ttXJt t O.Ci(.: 11IJ4 IMJCI t 5.1. 8. Ib 4 IM.M JJ».li Dec. M, IMC 1M t Dec. SI. 1M« 1M i Dw. 19. INt B 1M D»c.
        58 words
    • 1680 15 *r*HE tast transacted ready 1 sale at the close of business on the Stock fit..k: .t Bj SSJapaajaßß SBJ jtxday compared with the previous day's prices togcher with 1974 75 high and low ('Adjusted for all new lssi ts) CLOSING TOMS: Properllaa and hotela barely Heady while the
      1,680 words
    • 402 15 pONDITIONS were mixed with share prices fluctuating marginally above overnight levels in the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. Opening quietly, shares were generally traded, upwards, this trend being sustained throughout the morning session. The market turned Irregular as trading picked up further in the afternoon which also saw
      402 words
    • 1387 15 BID and offer prices officially I listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified All Time Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoted after tbe word
      1,387 words
    • 1177 15 DID and offer prices officially I lifted and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS A. Taaa (P 31B) Alaan it 6SB) A Chat. ,0 TSB)
      1,177 words
    • 252 15 LONDON The Malaysian Rubber Bureau (London) has produced a new film "Eglneerlng with rubber" which sets out to show how the same basic properties of rubber can be effectively exploited to cope with problems of movement, vibration and impact in many diverse branches of
      252 words
    • 292 15 Mixed trading pattern in XL mart NARROW price movements were seen yesterday at the Kuala rum pur Stock Exchange vhlch closed on a mixed tone. Shares showed a fairly steady trend In the morning but strong support was still missing. Trading slackened in the afternoon and the lack of support
      292 words
    • 129 15 Europe and US became active and firm following a higher Chcago complex and short-coveiing by dealers on Tuesday. Mpopa reported that values In UK were around £*****5 Quolati mis In USt- oents (Rotterdam) unless stated were: Jan. (US) 23 cents buyers, (US) 23.50 cents sellers. •520 52S traded;
      129 words
    • 287 15 ALTHOUGH tbe US dollar fell considerably in the Europe and New York market* .it opened al 82 2950 70 In Singapore yesterday ana was quickly bid up to 82 2995 05 with tbe first reported parcel of dollars being traded at »2 299 v. In the afternoon, the
      287 words
    • 168 15 These are suggested Interbank rates at 3.00 pm Currencies Nominal rates SirHthamiian Percentage qvoted yesterday (cress) parity change US dollar ***** 2 300J ***** —18 50 Sterling pound 5 4355 5.4410 7 i486 —26.00 Hongkong dollar 48.75 49 10 50 51 350 Malaysian dollar 99.85 100.00 100 00
      168 words
      • 29 15 Rubber: Jan. 22. Singapore: 129 50 cts (up 2.59 cts). Malaysia: 129.50 cts (up 250 cts). Tin: $1,942 (up S6.S7J). Official offering: 349 tons (up 2 tons).
        29 words
      • 109 15 (•■MIMStI PRODUCI IX CMAMGI. SIMCAPORI NOON CLOSING PRICIi PIR PICUL YIITCRDAY. Coconut Oil: Bulk $»3N aellera. drum tIOON aellera Caara: Mimed < loose) UK/Coot. »«•>•>• B. a>aaa*r: Muntok AST A white fob 100% NLW »2«S aellera. Sarawak white f o.b. »8% NLW $25:2 aellera. Sarawak apeclal black fob NLW
        109 words
      • 37 15 London eoppar piicea on Tu«aday (prcvloua In brackets Wlrakar Spot buyer {90S (C 510) aallcr (SOS (fSll): Thr»* Month buyer £523 50 H*****1 atller 112* (f52»50) Mar hat tana: Bartly ataady Salaa: S. ITS tonnaa
        37 words
      • 203 15 rpHE Straits tin price In Penang yesterday rose for :he 11th conse cutlve day with a $6.87 J rise to $1,042 per picul on an official offering up two tons to 349 tons. The overnight London metal price was steady with forward buyers quoted up £22 on Monday's
        203 words
      • 559 15 A QUIET but steady mornIng session ruled the Singapore rubber market yesterday with trade coverIng of nearby on switch and outright basis being evident Prices were about unchanged to slightly better than Tuesday night. Turnover was fair. The morning session closed very quiet More intensive covering demand for
        559 words
      • 125 15 DAILY BMR and SSR prices Usued at noon y««t*rd»y Feb. Mar. (Cvmit Mth) (forward Mthi M a X,I f ,y, Bayen Seller* Buyer* Seller* (cents par kg) (cento per fc*> BMR BCV (1 ton pallet) ***** 131 SON 129 50 131 SON SMR 5L (1 ton pallet)
        125 words
      • 264 15 jjONOKONO. Wed. Th« market dosed quietly steady today, with the Hang Seng Index up 2 83 points at *****. dealers reported. Price* moved up sharply at the opening following the uptrend in London, but activity slackened in the, afternoon and some profittaking pared gains. Hongkong Bank jumped to HWJ.7O.
        264 words
      • 197 15 •TOKYO. Wed. Share prices on the Tokyo stock market continued to drift downward today, reflecting Investors' concern over the current gloomy economic situation However, some issues were bought again and the downtrend was moderated towards closing. The Dow Jones average dropped 25 66 to 3.7«5 96 and the New
        197 words
      • 372 15 cYDNEY, Wed— The SydJ ney stock market closed on «n unsettled note In subdued trading conditions today The All Ordinaries index > dropped 2.41 points to 308 37 Aft«r a dismal opening session tome sections of the market showed a slight 1m- provement ai the end. under late selective
        372 words
      • 426 15 NEW YORK. Mon— A morning attempt at a modest upturn on the New York Stock Exchange today gave way by mid-day and the list closed mixed in L selective trading. President Ford's news con- ference this afternoon gave Investors little new to focus on. Indeed It appeared to
        426 words
      • 187 15 ASIAN currency deposit Interbank rates as at close on Wednesday. Jan. 22: US Dollar. (Spot) Offrr Bid 7 days 7 1/8 7 1 mth 7 8 7 8 2 mths 7 12 7 38 3 mthg 7 7/8 7 3/4 6 roths 8 7 7/8 mths 8
        187 words
      • 35 15 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Jan. 22 Offer Bid Overnight 7 6 ft 1 mth t% 7. 2 mths 8* 8* 3 mths 84 Prime rate 1014% Roarer P. Marraj-Jooea InUrnationsl.
        35 words
      • 36 15 RANGE of rrntaa offartd by dlacount houaca on Jan S3: Ovtrnlfht 4 to 45% Call Sapoait 45% A»araia Stay I. H 3-month Trauury bllla 4S 4% month bank bllla S% •bus*: National Diacount Co.
        36 words
      • 69 15 Tulldly M»nd>r Ull UU Melbourne II) 131 53 IJO.M Umttm 174 MB 174 SOB 17« 108 17« 008 B»lrut 17«2S 17« M Hongkong 177 SO 171 30 Zurich ITS 00 B 174 008 ITT 008 17*008 Parti 1U.70 1711 IS Spore (2) 174 008 1T2. 508 i7S2oe ln.oa
        69 words
      • 97 15 t i.2S FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Tuesday 65 90 Monday 64 M Week ago 62 57 RUBBERS Tuesday 305.54 Monday 305.47 Week ago 2*7.53 OILS Ti. aday 140.71 Monday 134.81 Week ago 130.73 INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 178.4 Monday 169 4 Week ago 167 3 DOW lOM.S AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Tuesday 041.90 Monday
        97 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 560 16 rAt<sv n /*f|xpußuc umrTwA I Applications ore i-iv.ted tor the vocont post ot EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Public Relations) ($295 x A2O 335/ 385 A 2O 505, 560 x I A 25 660 750 x A 35 890) possess Full GCE (Advanced Level) Higher School Certificate OR degree from a recognised University
      560 words
    • 1186 16 BS^^^^^^^ /btC^^l^^\ ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSI A well established Company invites [F^j J \A\ ■■bHß^B^BHßssssssVß^H applications for the following Y^^^^Jl vacancies JS^ (a) Store Superintendent Sime Darby Singapore Ltd. Prev.ous experience ,n store invites W^"" 1 from Singapore C.t.zens for the post of control and supervision of labour. QV% A kl/^l 1 Self-storter,
      1,186 words
    • 782 16 M\ POH <ST\R NKWsi UIALGAIIATID LIMITI H LOST SHARE CERTIFICATES is hereby given that the underment ioned share ocr ye been reported lost <>r mislaid CerHfua. 21 AwTokeNam 30 43 Aw Toke Nam 15 Aw Toke Yuet 30 37 Aw Toke Yuet 31 22 Aw May Vat 30 4
      782 words
    • 500 16 IN IMI \1 \l I hit OK Mil OMI'VNIKS I ich mm n \NT) IN Illh M N. II H H Of \l \N \N I'VIUfl h I hi OOK INDI SIHIKS (I'Kl\ \TKi I IMIIMI (Incorporutpd in thr Kcpublir of Sing^iHir. i IN I Kjl HMTION MKMBKRM VOI I
      500 words
    • 392 16 DISTRICT iWD >t mwii vm < OI HTS SI N(. WORK I) N. U24 of 1974 Between Ann NRtap Seng Hntlff And William Law Defendant To William Law of No 40 Jalan Kemh 'P°re TAKE NOTK I- U :i hM been comnn i In the PiCourt* in Summoi 4 hy
      392 words

  • 200 17 Sheares donates tapes library to college PRESIDENT Sheares 1 has donated his personal medical tapes library to the College of General Practitioners as a gesture of his appreciation of the college's educational activities. The President who officiated at the official opening of the college premises. with Mrs. Sheares on Sunday,
    200 words
  • 37 17 TEO Hock Hin was fined 11.000 by the First Magistrate's Court yesterday (or consuming 0.5 gram of heroin in Bungel Road on Jan. 7 at about 1 p.m.. and a further $750 for posatilng the drug.
    37 words
  • 984 17  - I didn't give fake photos: Witness BEN DAVIDSON Tan Wah Plow trial By DEPORTED final year architecture student of the University of Singapore yesterday denied in the First District Court that he had given fake photographic evidence to help USSL' president Tan Wah Mow in fabricating his alibi against a
    984 words
  • 26 17 THE UP for Kktong. Mr. J.P. Concelcao attended a cultural abow organised by the People 1 Aaaociatton at Katonc community centre Ust night.
    UP  -  26 words
  • 231 17 Monetary changes to figure at Citibank talks RECENT monetary developments In the financial world. Including the fluctuations of global currencies, are expected to figure largely at a conference of treasurers from major European and Asian branches of First Natlo»«l City Bank, America's second largest back. The four-day conference, which opened
    231 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 940 17 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IN PM Opnaf miUm Umutmn if im i US Mekar dan Segar (Malay-Repeat) iani Witt* O^r.-***) (|^t; US Magazine Zero One (Repeat) 7JI Hens (Malay) 411 General llnwiil 7 45 Classic Comedy— The Waiter's Ball Ml Tkwsia) HfM Mm A Trtt Qn»s li 4 M
      940 words
    • 21 17 WATER consumption on Monday m 127.7 million gallons (581.N0 cable metre*), 1.1 million cations (S,H9 cable metres) more than on Sunday.
      21 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1750 18 F I J 1»1 i§'lJ a imi feida Permohonan adalah dipelawa dart Warganegara 1 I Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk Jawatan-Jawa-SABAH SHIPBUILDING, REPAIRING ENGINEERING SDN. BHD. Kelayakan: Ijazah Ukur dart Universiu yang dill I AQIIAM lktlraf atau kelulusan yang setaraf rW«W> 4 LADUAW. dengannya ~lfl M\ Requires KeKyakan: IJazah Sains Pertanlan
      1,750 words
    • 758 18 is looking for a qualified person to fill the position of PERSONNEL OFFICER The post involves the functions of recruitment, salary administration. Job evaluation, Industrial relations and general welfare of personnel. OuaMcaUsM I nparisne*: (0 MIT Diploma ln related studies or Higher School Certificate or good Cambridge School Certificate ll
      758 words
      840 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1482 19 taMaaajr Tfta n wcsmwn\ t#(^ AHQICiI liV i««>*»'t P HllMf O'W< Iroa Haoro CI l*»aa*aß" aMa aim afm afm afm ahi >i*>im mt I fm I fm I Mm 4 mm j mm a i■••ii**J II FM II FM I MM 11 Mm II Mm I Mr o. it IIP*!
      1,482 words
    • 1027 19 <* r^BIX C«nMO UMERS PCL CONTAINERSHIP SERVICES TO US A. It ISA footor »*Mai «ai rtM* Manw «rwi W tMIMi I taac* IMMA IftSia II a MM PtMFIC PMINII a a PM 17 FM IMMI lIIMN O I FM 4TUHTIC PMINII M It MM II MM V*f SMtw I kaaca
      1,027 words
    • 1175 19 if £Tmmmm^m\ to im*>i i MMf n.,i, r«M riNaiMi OoaraarH I'aawo AMawra All 0 1. riBMICaa BAY "'aon P. Utaaf Sea* AMtna H*m *Mt CAMIMII MT aMa aM afm nfm nut it fm LIVItPMI Ml I FM I FM I Mar 4 MM I MM a FM li a (rta
      1,175 words
    • 1143 19 Ii it l^y 1 91 1^ ITM 3w* a^E ID* 'a anil ■MHMipM aaaaW«ULiaaV.^a*BNßHaßß>« MB! I FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUROPE ft. Ma tmm FM iniiui pm n ktfltitta, AjMttrMa. Mworp, Lt Hwn. I nihiiti Mm Ma 7 imm 4 S" 1 HaakNTt I»*«im, lnmUiu, I 1 £it Mmmwi. MataM.
      1,143 words
    • 969 19 •U444. f. K44M, M 4); Xl 27 f^^^ THE BANK UNE LTD. IMB FM( I VMUCL rpMiitwi*. *rtM. Cwlwi Wt^ t/ „m yMn w t fmm imt a turn ante*, tm uaum. tn nm m p Mi s pon 1/ |m, KUWAIT SHIPPING CO. (S.A.K.) mamaii kmr samcr. t-natMi p
      969 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1059 20 KAWASAKI USEN KASHA LTD. tmtttm tmui wm nm in. ■VM. M.RK STMITS SXIKL tmm mm tv I njimi Bataa] 1 tOMI "M»— PM: MIMMM MM* Itl M AM CeMaan unck. Mmat. Balei. ate OUa.. ■Mt. tMtKi t JupMiti/MlNil* AMM-WM AR*4«a Itryltl I nnin FM mtn-riT- mai» Bta ».'»t Pert
      1,059 words
    • 827 20 UCfPTIM IU (NWS m aim EMM WOT Ftt PtailtaM SAMPH MMMMMSMI lIIMPIPIN SAMAIMJM. SAJICUIItAM. TIMBM. MIMM. TIM.II MMM «IST :«Aa IMM IMMI PMTS. Lt T MMTT HIT M Me If AM TmMM. Ie I fieri 11TM IMtrta J i Part »Jm I p T M MiT •■■j^mmbmb, >Mf*f ||H1 W*"
      827 words
    • 1111 20 U.k. roiorc snvici LOADING rot LONDON ROTTIIDAM. HAMBURG. laaJMera P wine Peatag I aa> I oao Nteti MPTvaf IHHU la Pert It 17 &a tl Tit 21 Pea I Mar MPT«M TOPAi 1' fi tm lt.M FM 11/11 Fit II ler lt le> n AM ARRIVALS FROM NO«TH WEST EUROPEAN
      1,111 words
    • 837 20 owes snmg n vmm, iHatm/tmrwan mn Tl Him batatar* P «m«t Pt*K uaMl ten IHU UM It Pan I laic II 2. lit— liK«in 2 H'l«r| t *HOtr| 10 J turn Oft, mmv IMMM v 1 Pat mi Na H/M irt it,it NtaiitM in. I'M B trttwi rir). H'tarf 34.
      837 words
    • 852 20 m m^J^JgJ l J m %gmJ^^i m m^t m WmmmmmmmmmmmW TNB PORT OP tIMOAPOM Bartaajla Llcrilrri Sartaka Vivo aUTHODITT ANNOUNCID II No 1 and P«<lJonc« TNB POLIOWIMO BfINTNINO OUT: Eliaaßeth B/l and BaM--1 ARMAMOEMCNTt POtl JAM. M. »m Fortune BV2 CaaaM Maffk Maunanl Sanaka OUT: Taimyr 1/4. Durban Maru and
      852 words

  • 54 21 1 THE TOP FILMS >p films of a year is never an easy task But is cern« one New Ns--glni t 'wo pert that were overseas and locally last yt-r L OUrSS KLERKS SALONS 1 17 Hotel Slncapura for your tales hairstyle*, expert perming anr .rgeous tinting Very
    54 words
  • 171 21 MRS TAN KltM TW nee Urn Slok Nio aged 101 passed away pearel 75 leaving behind her in Sin Khlnf: sdagtMo 1 son Soen Thian. daugha See NIo Kirn Hlok 15.,,., v. i,„ si. tig San Van; iiughter May Hua: (ir»nd -daughters-in-law Hslu ■nerlne. and six greattTandcMMren Evening scrvtce
    171 words
  • 25 21 ■Mf family OF THE late Mr •ties thank Par British iff and friends for their c donations, atten•■aths and condolences .ring their recent bereavement
    25 words
  • 27 21 neo say kiat taparkMl 23 1 72 1 never repay the ■we Everlasting IN MEMORY OF RODNEY Neo call- Lord 23-1- 1 i- line I.oke
    27 words
  • 20 21 S OS SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE Troubled' Discouraged? King 91-44-44 day or night Help Is as near as the telephone
    20 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 362 21 NORBERT MUHREN to Susan Mr and Mrs Mong Kuan Khiam would like to anrmunff tiifMr cnffaageinont on m) Professional TIMBER EXPORTER REOUIRES EXPERIENCED Bapori Manager V>ie handle English rorrespon- H «>i'n Manlate qualifications exMalayslan clt'ien If I. Oood salary Reply Box A 3822 S T K I AMERICAN MARINE SERVICE
      362 words
    • 728 21 r b) iBM-Biari*,! ssbmJ CUritsl WANTEO FEMALE CORRE»PON DSNCE CLERK preferably School Certificate with accurate typing reasonable speed in shorthand good command of written English and experience In commercial correspondence for a leading business allege incentive provided Immediate employment Apply Box No 1508. Singapore (1) SECRETARIES (Fixate) (c) H.S.C er
      728 words
    • 800 21 hi 1 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbebbbl FOREIGN COMPANY REQUIRE A I STENOGRAPHER with at least 2 years working experience Accurate typing and shorthand essential Write with full particulars statlna salary expected to 8 T Box A*fO»3 Required Immediately ONE QENERAL CLERK with school certificate and a good I command of written English 1
      800 words
    • 682 21 EWAMONW T racing COef P any REOUIRES male/ female sales personnel lo promote eaay-to-aell household./ office products Attractive commission with earnings up to 81.800/- monthly Please ring *****80 for appoint menl SALES REPRESENTATIVES Minimum mnaatttliin: Secondary 2 Singapore citizen preferable with experience In telling of plastic bags Own transport We
      682 words
    • 765 21 LABORATORY ASSIBTANT WANTED POSSESS School Certificate Must be from Science Stream Experience advantageous Apply P O Box 3311. HUME WOUSTRMS WNQAPORE LIMITED requires urgently (1) FACTORY ELECTRICIANS (2) TURNERS (1) FITTERS Applicants should have either working experience In one of the above field or have a relevant Trade Certificate In
      765 words
    • 827 21 JURONQ CdMPANV INVITE* applications for general plant assistants odd lob nan. and office boy cum driver Please apply giving full personal details and salary expected lo 8 T Box A ***** before 3.2 75 Hardworking fectory werkert Attractive salary Apply In person or write to The Factory Manager MIOWAY SILICATE
      827 words
    • 761 21 BOOK-KEEPING SERVICES REN DEREO for Commercial firmKindly contact Mr Loh *****84 (after 2pm- Weekdays) 1 Orel 1* detached bungalow en elo»otad lend of man men an acre Beautiful interior exterior comprising 3 bedrooms, study, separate living and dining. Extended patio 2 servant's rooms and large kltchem Eioctrltoo apdments dMte 9.
      761 words
    • 839 21 TINT OETACHEO BUNOALOW LAR4M garden Ideal If you like animals and gardening Leave your name and phone number with Mrs OelUton 9*3633 Owner will phone you wtth details No agents DIST NSWVV BUILT INQUEST specification 2-storey semidetached, land area 6 000 sq ft bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, parqu' t. and servant's
      839 words
    • 808 21 gMMjLjI ROOMS WITH BATH ROOMS attached at Skilap Tele phone and other facilities Ring FURNISHED BEDROOMS FOR BTUOENT/ single couple In dtst 12 quiet environment Ring *****3 Spore FULLY AIRCONO. ROOMS with bathroom attached u> let Tel INTERNATIONAL HOUSINO AQCNCV Tefc*M*3l neede mere euneetiwt, houeee. apartment! In afl eWluti For
      808 words
    • 859 21 BM—.STON HILL (Ylo Chu Hang Road) Elevated luxurious bungalow semi detached and terrace houses Beet fittings spacious garden, private VMKfIH and aluminium main doors Low selling price «0H loan Contact Mr Qwnt Tel 7S*W or SUM. m Wk MOSBERT GROUP i I emenl Miwagmiem offers the following DISTRICT J ISTH
      859 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 799 22 j^MsHpprH| B)) aT*SJBJBI AT SERANBOON WOAB/BSSKBR ROAB 3 bedroom* towns* with vacant possosaton ana Alk Btrw Tonj Lid fr»/S*. BTKoalsn Strott. ftnga pore Tsl 301*9 I SI 11 1 CRBBCBNT 4 ROOM flat Beautifully renovated *****2 sftrr 139pm •P>NO NEW APARTMBNTS njar Poace Centre (120 000 Far East Mansion SM
      799 words
    • 812 22 bbbPVt RPyTgw^^^Psa Sjsp^m ■■■HMbIbS WAREHOUSE VACANT ABOUT I acre* open storage and covered area available for IoM and short term rant Tel tstasj/ .'SH2SJ2 URBBNTLY RBOUSRBB) 800 OWN RAMBNIB 5.850 20 o*o sq ft in dlsu 13 or 20 P O Box BS Geylang OROUNOFUOOO SHOP TO LET In President
      812 words
      906 words
    • 777 22 *I"SJA»TIH THAVCL SeSblM. FARES London. Europe. I Canada. U S A.. Australia. Indo- < Mat*. Hongkong. Tokyo 38 I Dhoby Ohaut (Near Cathay) TH: 1 3f72*. 3*752 j GASi AGENCY (PTS) LTD (Aar-arokor S Trovol Agancyi OFFERS < LOWEST PARS TO: LONDON. EUROPE. AUSTRALIA CANADA USA ANO PAR ■AST. FOR
      777 words
    • 680 22 INORTNAND BEGINNER* :IasSCS Commencing 3rd 4th February Duration One Two mree Months Students are prepared for the School Pitman I LCC examinations School OertlIlcaies will be awarded on luccessful completion Please en•ol early -(I) SINOAPORE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 15A. Mackenzie Road (*****7 *****5) 3R 768 D Upper Serantoon Road 805*00 llOBM)
      680 words
    • 818 22 made famous by the world's most powerful and wealthy man revealed lo you in a cassette and many more exciting subjects ConUct ISA. Amber Mansion. Orchard Road. Singapore 9 Tel *****5 O mMcmrm/tium INTERMEDIATE BOOK-KEEPING Saturdays 2 00 5 00 pm Commencing Ist February BOOK-KEEPWO FOR BSOINNERS Tuesdays t Thursdays
      818 words
    • 971 22 150 o no Interested new at Blk 140. 7S-D. Lorong IA Toa Payoh 1*74 HONOA CrVK alrcon. cassette/ radio sports Tim*/ tyres showroom condition Call Offk* *****1 home *****32 IM! REKORO IM* completely done up Taxed' Insured 34 Jalan Kelulut Tel *****1 IM7 OPEL KADBTT SS.MS View Blk 51 Lorong
      971 words
    • 948 22 beach buftles. 1.200 c c 35 m.p g Sporty ribreglass body Extremely suitable for rough and country ro«d Economical as work or pleasure vehicle. Enquiries to Pa'^ol Spore) Pte Ltd 207 Kallang llahru. Spore 12 Tel *****88 LATE IMS WMCA ISFB In ex I cellent condition New cushions, paintwork Low
      948 words
    • 706 22 YAMUNA ORGAN MOOCL S3 with mlnl-pop for sale Ring ***** Alan SWISSBCHO. SCHALLERECHO UNIT and Oultar Selling cheap Tel *****9 RENTAL. SALE WOODEN FURNI TURE. contact London Woodworking 2682. Ceylang Bahru. Blk 75 off Bendemeer Road Spore 13 New tel *****98 HOME FURNISHING. OPFICE PURNiTURE. Aluminium partition, shoj/ircoration. furniture
      706 words
    • 647 22 TRACTOR SERVICE We specialise in plumhlng sanltaty and electrical Reasonable charge works are guaranteed and satisfying For further information contact Ul *****S Wesrmghouse FOR AS LJ.TTLB AS $1'- A DAY YOU CAN RENT A BRAND NEW WrSTHINOHOUSE ROOM AIRCONnmONER ABSOLUTELY INCLUSIVE OF DAY It NIOHT MAINTENANCE SERVICE So* four toon*
      647 words

  • 224 23 A FIRM in Singapore Is planning to Introduce a motor bicycle (above) which It claims will ease traffic congestion and (It In with the park- and -ride scheme. Mr. M. Toorawa, Managing director of SUrflex Global Ltd., Its distributor, said the vehicle is
    224 words
  • 491 23  -  AHMAD OSMAN By Plans for a high technology industry HESPITE the economic recession, Japanese investors are keen to invest in Singapore and are planning to make it a regional centre for high technology industries, according to a Japanese industrial leader. An example
    491 words
  • 144 23 SHOWA MARU: SIXTH RELIEF -TAMKER rfiAIHEIYO Kalon Shlp- 11 ping of Tokyo, owners of the Japanese supertanker Showa Maru, are now making arrangements to bring a sixth relief tanker to lighten the vessel. The relief vessel Is expected to take about 55.000 tonnes of oil from the supertanker when it
    144 words
  • 146 23 Lawyer Redrup's divorce case put off THE divorce suit In which Mr. RE. Redrup, a lawyer, filed a cross petition alleging adultery, cruelty and desertion against his wife Jenny, has been adjourned to a later date. At the hearing yesterday before Mr. Justice T. Kulasekaram. the Judge said he would
    146 words
  • 126 23 400 back at work after month's lay-off About 400 employees of American Marine in Jurong returned to work yesterday after being laid off for four weeks. The employees, Including administrative staff and production workers, had to be laid off after Christmas because of the shipyard's poor business due to current
    126 words
  • 143 23 'Re-register for NS by March 31' reminder rpHOBE who are required 1 to re-reglster under the National Registration Regulations reminded that the last day for such re-registration is March 31. Thoce bom between May 6. 1955. and May S. 1856. inclusive, who have not yet reregistered, should do so
    143 words
  • 321 23 A NUMBER of airlines In Singapore have received "verbal approval" from the Singapore Government to operate a low excursion fare between the Republic and Australia. However, they are still awaiting an "official letter" from the Department of Civil Aviation to allow them
    321 words
  • 134 23 SINGAPORE Airlines has again postponed Its .er vices to Bali and now hopes to fly there by the end of the month. The delay is believed to be over a dispute •n a new fare structure and also lack of approval from the
    134 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 558 23 M FOOT M TOM UMi-TftAHm. I. MO gallon fuel tank 35 foot ports -emmp nt'i one *rt ntw pillar n-6C or 9TTH Ripom a e»lrrpl!lar D-( <nd Orouaer* Above it*m* new or In nod condition SEIMNO »VC lITRUI rt drawing rollers and air caaprtaaor Trt S'pofv MM CMCAF SAL! at
      558 words
    • 333 23 with Sanyo Washing -no more a back-breaking chore B^jjj^^jS^jjsisiSS- Sanyo's SW-7500D or SW-7001 DIP, fully automatic VM"?^^ £Ii— s^"^ washer/ spin dryer is a time-saving, fast-working, P V-^^ l l- > f^ m all-in-one unit. It washes clothes thoroughly with automatic reverse centrifugal action and then __^_^b^BbS 2>?9» I spin-dries
      333 words

    • 211 24 A LOR STAR, Wed Malaysian traders in the Perils frontier town of Padang Besar are cashing in on Imports of Thai sugar following the lifting of the duty on the commodity by the Central Government. They are reported to be making a profit of
      211 words
    • 91 24 TUN SIGNS TWO PACTS IN KUWAIT Xl KAIT, Wed— K«waJU Foreign Minister Sheikh gab»h Al-Aah-med and Prime Mlni- ster Tun Abdul Raiak of Malays'a sicned two agreements yesterday on economic, technical and cultural co-opera-tion. The first accord called for greater co-opera-tion between the two countries in the economy and technology.
      91 words
    • 69 24 KUALA LDMPDK. Wed. The counsellor at the Malaysian Embassy In Moscow, Enclk Ismail Ambl*. has been appointed the new Charge d Affaires to Phnom Penh. Enclk Ismail. 41. who succeeds Mr. R Sathlah. leaves on Sunday to take up his new post He previously served
      69 words
    • 59 24 BUTTSIWORTH, Wed An alert Custom* officer seised a new Toyota Corolla carrying 30 toaster*, two typewriters and one mlnttat. t at the vehicle check-point here yesterday The 23-year-old driver was detained. The gooda. worth more than f 1.000. were found concealed In the engine compartment, boot and
      59 words
    • 372 24 KUALA LUMPUR. Wednesday THE fall in the prices of most building materials appears to have had no effect on the sale prices of houses here. Almost every housing developer said pricing of the houses would not be affected but a few conceded that they might revise
      372 words
    • 130 24 Plan to capture wild elephants rSH, Wed. Eleven young wild elephants, which have been damaging oil palm holdings and other cropj In the Changkat Jorg area near Teluk Anson, are to be captured. "Those of the herd that that can be tamed will be trained to do some useful work,
      130 words
    • 203 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday T»HE majority of booksellers here and in Petaling Jaya are not displaying the maximum conversion rates for Imported books in their shops TY.ose In hotels, airports and shopping complexes are reqired by law to exhibit the rates. The rates should be:
      203 words
    • 287 24 Cashing in on the big rush for illegal —houses- IPOH, Wed. Unscrupulous contractors are cashing In on the "mad rush" by squatters to put up houses illegally In various sections of the Ipoh municipal area. The contractors are doing brisk business with their build- a-house overnight scheme, costing from $600
      287 words
    • 28 24 PETALINO JAVA. Wed Monsanto Par East Ltd. has reported the theft of 500 pounds of scrap gold strips worth $10,000 from it* factory at Sungel Wa>.
      28 words
    • 294 24 Tax relief for priority area companies KUAI.A LUMPUR, Wednesday piVE states and certain parts of three states have been declared "development priority" areas under the locatlonal incentive scheme. They are Kelantan, Trengganu, Perils, Sabah. Sarawak, Kedah (excluding Kuala Muda district), Pahang (excluding Kuantan), and the Johore Teng- grara area. Under
      294 words
    • 132 24 KUALA LUMPUR Wed. Another government clerical union— the PoUce Administrative and Clerical Services Union— has issued strike ballots to members. The Ani a I gamated Union of Employees In Government Clerical and Allied Services and thr Ktlantan Clerical Service Union sent out ballots earlier
      132 words
    • 53 24 BUTTERWORTH. Wed. Police raided a shop on Monday night and seized about $5,000 worth of goods. It la learnt that the shop owner could not produce a storage licence. Police carted away 15 sacks of rice. 89 tins of sardine three sacks of sugar and 17
      53 words
    • 37 24 KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. The Indonesian Amba&sadorde&lgnate to Malaysia. Police Oen. Mohamad Ha.isan. 54. is expected here tomorrow night. Mr. Hassan, a former police chief, succeeds MaJ.-Uen. Soepardjo Rustam, now Governor of Central Java.
      37 words
    • 35 24 TAIPINO. Wed. Two youths armed with pistols robbed four traders In a Kuala Lumpur-bound car near here on Monday and escaped with Jewellery worth about $6,000 and personal effects amounting to another $440.
      35 words
    • 70 24 BANTTNO, Wed. The defeated DAP candidate for Morlb state constituency. Idrus Idris, 33 waa charged In the magistrate's court today with committing an offence under the Election Offences Act 1954. He was alleged to have delivered a forged nomination paper for the Morlb seat to the
      70 words
    • 33 24 KUALA LUMr'T" Wed The South-east Asia.' Lumber Producers Assoi 1 ton council will hold Its third consultative meeting here starting Jan 31 to review the world demand for Umber product*.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  33 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 181 24 Newskg from UIC FOR BUDGET-CONSCIOUS HOUSEWIVES. UIC stands for J^u^ott^W #o*/^ the best quality fllirl^f— m.>»m*im»jm*Jß*Jß*Jß«i*Ji < detergent. Its |Mailuloctured by working power J X j*||y|f f |Mi|Bf-i|< and efficiency in f y IP IfJ cleaning dirt on I M MWk MWk, li^Fk!orUlC i_ kmmr m 'Olfl riUUf.Uli~» the clothing
      181 words
    • 202 24 V AJIHOMOTO I CLASSIC CHINESE RECIPE 2 Spare Ribs lngradl#nl». Msttiod: 1 kail pork (!om chop) (i) Clean and cut meat Into 8 pleca* about H" mW 2 teasp bi -carbonate o( soda thick 1 tbsp. ketchap (seasoning Use back of knife to tenderize meat over meat) (2) Rub over
      202 words

    8 words
  • 470 25 rpHE price of horse macJL kerei (selar) dipped by 20 cents a katl to $1.80 yesterday the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prices: China 10 per cent V.m Cheok. 95 cents a kati r 605 g. Thai 10 per cent. 85 cents, Thai
    470 words
  • 97 25 Uncirculated coins to go on sale THE 1975 mint set comprising six uncirculated coins will be sold by Chartered Industries of Singapore to the public at the Cultural Centre. Canning Rise, on Saturday from 9.30 am. to 2 p.m. The set, which Is packed In an attractive vinyl wallet, will
    97 words
  • 46 25 MR IVAN Baptist, executive secretary of CASE. and ail NTUC advisory member In the Singapore Quality Reliability Association (SQRA). will apeak on Quality and Reliability Consumers Views at the SQRA's third get-together at the Oxford Restarant, Orange Orove Road, tomorrow at 7. it pjn.
    46 words
  • 33 25 The Kampong Kapor community centre la holding an International Cheat and Chlneae Chess Championship from March Bto 23 Entry forma art available at tbt centra Tbt cloau* date U Feb 21
    33 words
  • 144 25 Sacked man who turned thief— J AS T O R E supervisor who was dismissed by his employer returned to the shop one night about a month later and stole goods worth $951 Kek Tsu Sim. 28. pleaded guilty in the First Magistrate's court yesterday and was sentenced to a
    144 words
  • 342 25 DENTAL SURGEON PRAISES THAT CHINESE HABIT fHE traditional Chinese practice of cleaning teeth with toothpicks after a meal has been highly commended by an Australian preventive dentistry surgeon. Dr. Oraham Craig, 36. of the University of Sydney, said the toothpick helped remove food particles
    342 words
  • 43 25 Labour law course THE University of Slngaporer Department of Extramural Studies wUI r- >ld a 15--lecture course on Labour Law and Labour Relations at Nliten Rut 10A on Tuesdays from Feb. 4 at 7.30 p.m. The M is $50. For details. telephone *****6.
    43 words
  • 51 25 THE South Korean trade delegation yesterday left Singapore (or Jakarta after a threeday visit. The delegation met leading businessmen, visited the Jurong Town Corporation and held discussions with Chinese Chamber of Commerce officials. The delegation will also visit Sydney and New Zealand before returning home next
    51 words
  • 26 25 A 30-MINUTE fire yesterday destroyed two unoccupied huts In Alexandra Road. No one was Injured The cause of the blaze has not been established
    26 words
  • 140 25 rpHE Singapore Malay m. National Organisation has decided to dissociate Itself from the proposed United Peoples Front In \lew ft recent statements made by officials o Its pro-tcm committee. In a statement yesterday signed by the secretary general. Enclk Selamftt Shamsur:. the SMNO
    140 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 8 25 aV^Wv*^ a^aa ks2P32^nTTTHTTnecsescs/ ITIMEI I YEAR I Iharel
      8 words
    • 258 25 Londons93o! Now,MASHK9HHNHHHB|£^^ mmm gets you m^ m^B a^ m^ m^ m^ m W ff^l^, there i^^^^^HF^H fast for just $930! i Golden Service to London! I And no one gets you there faster I m X its virtually non-stop! I I fli^B9i^Hl i^n (Only a short refuelling stop at Dubai)
      258 words

  • Untitled
    • 260 26 MONTREAL, Wed. ITI Work resumed yesterday at the 1967 Olympic Games site here with about half of the usual 500 men on the Job. Ironworkers, who had been on strike since Nov. 27, ended their walkout last Friday and were supposed
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 72 26 KUALA LUMPUR. Wed. The Malaysian Women's Hockey Association will send two officials to a tnree-day meeting of the Asian Women's Hockey Federation In Madras starting on Saturday, It was announced her* today. They are vice- president Miss Vivian Scares and the secretary, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey. The meeting
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 171 26 NAILS ON ROAD HOLD UP RALLY MONTI CARLO, We*. N»il» Mattered on the road ever parts of a •peeial speed ten held op the Monte Carte rany for almost two boars *ayeoHee refooed to allow rally ears to tackle the two the 45-kue«aetre (29-mlJe) Brat loop until the road had
      171 words
    • 741 26  - Thomas has 2-horse problem in QE Cur EPSOM JEEP IN PENANG GOLD CUP HE WAS RIGHT WITH SHADOWFAX, BUT... By gRITISH jockey Taffy Thomas, who was right on target when he elected to ride Shadowfax in the Penang Gold Cup last month, is faced with a problem at Bukit Timah
      741 words
    • 345 26 Amateurs only at one day Ipoh meeting fPOH, Wed.— The professional-amateur race 1 meeting, scheduled at the Perak Turf Club here on Feb. 1 and 2 has been cancelled. A one-day amateur meeting will be held on Feb. 1 instead. A statement by the Perak Turf Club today said: "The
      345 words
    • 21 26 LONDON. Wed Blfl»nd be«t Wales by 3-0 In as Under 2S'« International football match at Wrexham lait night R*uter
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 166 26 Thomson rally to edge Tampines THOMSON had a close call from Tamplnes before winning 3-2 to qualify for the second round of the Inter Constituency table tennis tournament at the National Stadium last night, reports PETER SIOW Thomson were trailing 2-1 but took the last two matches to edge gallant
      166 words
    • 481 26 WEEKEND RACES: BARRIER DRAW TrHE barrier draw for the 1 weekend races at Bukit Timah: SATURDAY CLASS 1 DIV. 3— 7 F: I. S. It. 11. t, J, 4. 1, 12, 7, S, IS. 9. 14. CLASS 3 DIV. I lin 1?. 7. S, 9, t. 6. I*. 1. 4.
      481 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 296 26 CLASSICS! Cffi NOW at our *j>^L CHARLES XXJRDANShop! yf v Stylish, quality shoes in the A V jl latest mode and fashionable accessories for the dashing jfi t exclusiveness.^^^^^^Va|^ Vi LJ 4M CHARLES JOURDAN 1 12. The Orchard. 290, Orchard Rd.. S pore 9. Ufa *****9. Europe's most famous shaver
      296 words
    • 6 26 iTIMEI I YEAR I HARE I
      6 words

    • 634 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA SPORTS AWARDS ON FEB 3 By CEVEN men and three women will vie for the national sportsman and sportswoman awards for 1974, which will be decided by a four-member panel on Feb. 3. The choice of Sportswoman of the Year
      634 words
    • 173 27 Stylish win then a bad defeat rIK Singapore Under--23 cricket team, at present touring New South Wales, won their second match In style but gave a disappointing display in the third. They scored 205 against Moree President's Xl— openers Altaff (56) and Lawrence Young (34) laying the foundation with a
      173 words
    • 242 27  - Plans for Thomas Cup team to meet the Chinese JOE IOMU iy SINGAPORE Badminton Association are planning to Invite China In August for a tew "sparring sessions in preparation (or the Thomas Cup series. It is hoped that the Chinese, who played here last year, will make a stopover here
      242 words
    • 236 27 Draw and starting times for the first round of the Carrier Pro-Am golf Open championship at Dover Road tomorrow: 7.00 m P. M. Samy, Karnanlthl. Tahlr Atan; 7.08 Philip Llm, Ong Ah Loh. Poo Seng Llan, 7.16 Kasaim Ahmad. W Bosley. 8. Vellasamy: 7.24 A.
      236 words
    • 328 27 rpOKYO. Wed. Crafty 1 Japanese challenger Kolchl Wajima last night buxed his way to a unanimous points victory to regain the World Junior middleweight crown from hard-slugging champion Oscar Albarado of the United States. There were no knockduwns In the bruising 15-round right.
      Reuter; UPI  -  328 words
    • 100 27 Jacklin enters PI Open MANILA. Wed. British professional* Peter Townaend, Tony Jacklln and Brian Jcnet have been entered In the USttO.OOO (193.000) Philippine Open, kick-off leg of the Asian 001 l Circuit, the organisers announced today. AUc Joining the tournament to be held at the Valley Golf Club outMde Manila
      UPI  -  100 words
    • 90 27 Sime Darby on a scoring spree 81me Darby trounced Rank Xerox 6-0 in the BuMneas Hcuses League Division Three match at Tang lln Barracks yesterday. Slme Darby scorers were Aziz Puteh (3). Porbreg (3). Ahmad Sayutl and Kasslm. Rheem Hume beat Jurong Shipyard 3-0 in another Division Thrre match at
      90 words
    • 258 27 FAM WARN JAPAN: SEND ONLY YOUR FIRST TEAM JAPAN, who have made it a practice of sending their second stringers to the Merdeka soccer series, have beeu served with a notice for this year's tournament on July 26Aug 17 bring your first team or else... The notice went out l»st
      258 words
    • 337 27 BOMBAY. Wed— India today made two changes In their team for tomorrow* vital Fifth Test nttcb acainst West Indies which will decide the series. The opening batsman. Sunil Gavaskar. returns after missing three matches through injury, and BrUesh Patel comes back after being dropoed
      337 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
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  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 38 27 SOCCBB: RBHFL U D* 1: MAS v P and N (OUlman B«rrßcUt; Dlr 3 Shanartl* Hotel y Rhccm Hume; Spore Shipbuilders y RoUet <Tan«lin Barrack* >; Dly. B"poi* Oxygen y Spore Automotive; Spore Tobacco r Jurong Plywoofl iFarrer Park).
      38 words

  • 79 28 mms oil tanker crash X ed more than five metres into a pit along Jalan Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, early yesterday. The driver's cabin was totally crashed, but the driver, Ranju Raman. 26. leapt to safety just before the crash. He was admitted to hospital with
    79 words
  • 58 28 TOKYO. Wed— The Nissan Motor Co said today that it will reduce its 1975 exports of motor vehicles to Australia to lass than half the 1974 level, at the request of the Australian Government. However, Toyota Motor Co.. Japan's largest vehicle manufacturer, said there wi 11 be
    58 words
  • 210 28 Thais to ensure it doesn't happen again BANGKOK, Wed. Thailand's Interim Cabinet today accepted recommendations for special care to prevent the return of exiled military leaders, but ordered no action against those who aided ex-strongman Thanom Klttlkachorn In his stormy three-day visit last month. The Cabinet, meeting for the last
    AP  -  210 words
  • 61 28 HONOKONO. Wed— Two teenager? allegedly threatened to blow up a bank In thai British crown colony yaatir day if the m»n»y did not (to th«m HKIMOO.OOO (*****.000). police Mid. After a cheque tor the required nun was given out. a bomt> contained in a small plastic
    UPI  -  61 words
  • 368 28 EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat has said he cannot exclude the possibility of his country abrogating the Soviet Egyptian friendship treaty. He made the comment in reply to a question raised by the newspaper Le Monde, which was published yesterday. Difficult "I cannot exclude such
    Reuter; AP  -  368 words
  • 149 28 tiNTTED NATIONS, Wad. The contest for the presloency of the 30th session of the General Assembly has widened. reducing the chances of Australian Foreign Minister Don WlUeaee. diplomatic sources said Ux'.y Mr. WlUeaee was once regarded as leading candidate for the UN's moat prestigious post, 'ccupled la
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 500 28 LONDON STOCKS ROME, Wed.—Journalists and printers staged a 24 -hour strike today that will leave Italy without newspapers tomorrow when a general strike against management and the Government Is scheduled. Tomorrow's strike has been called for four hodrs In the morning, except In Rome where
    500 words
  • 41 28 LONDON. Wat. SpM M BXlKnwnl: Ftb MM. March MM. April Junr 2« 10 July Sip*. n. 40. Oct /Dae. MM. Jan Mutl »«O April/ Jui* 20. July Sept ».M, Oct /Dae »SO O*n.r«l elf r*b an) March ISM Market: Inartlv*
    41 words
  • 36 28 uxvuun. wm am Dujrena (SMO (—(20) uIMn O» <— O»)l Forward buytn CStIS (—£7). aaMni am i— iin •rm»m»t ami £S6» Turnover am M 5 toaa.l p.m. M 0 too. Tom Spot ittUHr. t mtba etaadr
    36 words
  • 211 28 Move to bring back runaway ship hits a snag ARRANOEMENTB to f* bring the runaway freighter. Union Pacific back to Singapore from Manila has run Into troubled waters as no extradition treaty exists between Singapore and the Philippines. Three top police officers here who were originally scheduled to bring the
    211 words
  • 70 28 CAIRO. Wed— Seven people were killed and nine Injured when a goods train derailed and plunged Into a depression near Helwan, ■bout 28km (18 miles) south of Cairo, the official Middle East News Agency reported last night. The agency said the train was carrying Iron
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 36 28 RAWALPINDI, Wed. Pakistani Prime Minister Zulflkar All Bhutto said yesterday that India was In an expansionist mood and that there was "anxiety" In Pakistan about the Intentions of the new Delhi Govern ment.— NYT.
    NYT  -  36 words
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