The Straits Times, 20 January 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY. JANUARY 20, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 717 1 Congress rebuff for Chiang Ching PEKING, Sunday THE decisions taken by the long delayed National Peoples Congress (NPC) which met secretly last week represented a victory for ailing Premier Chou En-lai's moderate policy of detente at home and abroad and a rebuff to the radical wing
    Reuter; AP  -  717 words
  • 117 1 'Mob on wheels' attacks Japan police PUJISAWA, Sun.— r More than 700 Jeering motorcyclists and motorists attacked riot police last night with petrol bombs, stones and wooden swords, injuring one policeman and burning or damaging 16 patrol cars and motorcycles, police said today. Police said 22 members of the "Thunderbolt
    AP  -  117 words
  • 42 1 NSW YORK. Sun.— A city employee was in critical condition yesterday after setting himself afire with petrol. apparently in the mH*rfc"" belief that be had tost his Job and thus would be unable to care tor hU elderly mother.— AP.
    AP  -  42 words
  • 394 1 SECRET MEETING BELFAST. Sunday BRITISH officials met political front leaders of the outlawed Irish Republican Army today in a bid to win a renewed ceasefire in the IRA campaign to force Northern Ireland out of Britain. The time and place of the meeting were kept
    Reuter; AP  -  394 words
  • 83 1 TOKYO. Bun —An advance party of 14 members today left here by air for Burma rla Hongkong to make preparation for collecting the remain* of Japans— war dead In World War n A IM-membar government team will leave here on Jan. 16 to collect the remains of
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 48 1 BBRMt Bun About 1.200 dcmonstnton yacterdajr marohed silently to the Rumanian ttnbaacy tn Berne in prate* at*ln* Um knprlaooaMnt ot 11 RubmoImi elernrnm who. they Mid b*d bMo Mlaed for dlatrtbutlng maim tn their homeland Tb*. dafnonatrmton later dtapanKI without Incident, poUca avid. Rmiter.
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  • 46 1 WABHINOTON. Sun —The offlca of the OnlUd Nationi information Swvtos was TBnosnswi last night. The words. -There Is do Or, than U no PaksUnt" were written in white paint on tba outer door of the office in a downtown Washington building.— AP.
    AP  -  46 words
  • 58 1 CAIRO. Bun.— An sinnai train overturned 16 km (10 miles) north of Cairo yesterday, killing M iiaswiiiHis and Injuring 63 others. t>v Middle East News Agency eported. The train was travelling south to Cairo from the Nile Delta city of Damietta when it went off the
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 199 1 ANOTHER M-EAST PEACE BID BY DR K? TERU8A1.EM, Sun. Israel announced today it had Invited Dr Henry Kissinger to Jerusalem, indicating that the US Secretary of State might conduct a new round of shuttle diplomacy to bring Egypt and Israel closer to a peace settlement Reporting to the Cabinet, Premier
    AP  -  199 words
  • 103 1 THAI, INDONESIAN SHIPS IN JOINT EXERCISE BANGKOK. Sun. Indonesia and Thailand today began a weeklong joint sea exercise near Sattahip Naval Base In the Gulf of Thailand. A navy spokesman said the exercise was to strengthen mutual naval relations. Rear Admiral Kamnuan Punnasrl. chief of the Antl-Submarlne Com- mand, who
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 227 1 We'll be able to get the A-bomb soon: Gaddafi pARIS. Sun. Übyan 1 leader MuammarOaddafi In an Interview published here today said his country would soon be able to acquire the atom bomb. He told the weekly news magazine Le Point "Soon the atom will have no secrets for anybody.
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 58 1 Quake sparks panic XTCW DELHI, Son. 11 Earthquake tremors shook the towns of Srlnagar In Kashmir ana Chandigarh and Its surrounding areas in Punjab and Baryana today, although there were no Immediate report* of any damage. The Press Trust of India, reporting from both area* said the Chandigarh tremor was
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  • 54 1 SINGAPORE Malays last night qualified for the semifinal of this year's Sultans Oold Cap soccer tournament with a record 10-1 win over Malacca before 35,000 fans at the National Stadium last night. Another rare feat at the match was the* flveRoal salvo of striker Dollah Kasslm. Full
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  • 293 1 'Iran won't join any new oil boycott' HAMBURG, Sunday 'pHE Shah of Iran said in an interview released yesterday his country would not join any possible new oil embargo against the world's industrialised countries. I "I believe that In 1973. the gesture of a boycott was good In the first
    AP; UPI  -  293 words
  • 168 1 ylENTIANE, Sun.— All 12 people on board, including four Russian crew members, were killed when a Soviet-made aircraft belonging to the P a t h e t Lao crashed into a mountain in northern Laos last Thursday. The others on board the propellor-driven
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • 37 1 CANBERRA. Sun Au.v trallan Ptortlgn Mlnlitw Senator Don Wllteaee announc ed today that Aurtratta would fire 200.000 doMB of anUcholera vaccine, valued at about A*40,000 I8I1M0O0) to eombat the outbreak of cholera In Kenya.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  37 words
    • 72 1 PARIS. Son —Gunmen claimlm to be Palestinian guerillas were holding three hostages at Orly airport today after an attempted attack against an El Al Airlines Boeing 747, police sources said. Tha pmm hava aafced far a piaa* I* By thai fraaa Fn— Urn Mmre— I'MMAnW wpirtt
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 1 ■howroom,Mo<7,Jw.»ulUw,Kul« Lumpur. i i i IT v K I'r B *****1 I T 0 i O I I 1,1 I M «E jE II r B arenumvpeopuwno j i [a/uviy insiri on the mi ofevtrvlknfl. Sit <B\U tdev iont Have (o. J& Atrutygnat Indian- Jg Muskm r&stourant ißlbflLi 33<
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    • 81 1 SHEARES PRAISE FOR THE GPs 9 ANTI-BRITISH bombings In Cyprw I POPULAR Front threat to oust Arafat 3 RD8SIA: Why that pact with IS collapsed 4 HEAVY Red barrage on city near Saigon S SHANGHAIED guard tells of ship drama t PARENTS keen on new school methods 11 INSURANCE* 'REVAMP
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    • 267 1 I 4^% 4 _^a*«* i^3fifiP^ The Logos 50/60 models _^o^^ are designed to increase efficiency and reduce fatigue. I B The Logos are designed so that -> r~ i ir r~i fl <-> I.x Ir*. I j~l the tally roll is directly in Iront rfl fj r fJk TICIVI IO
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 330 2 New probe as Pueblo row hots up SAN DIEGO, Sunday AFTER six years of Increasingly bitter controversy growing out of North Korea's capture of the American spy ship UBS Pueblo, the nary Is preparing to open a new inquiry into the behaviour of the vessel's crew during nearly a year
      NYT  -  330 words
    • 168 2 MEMBERS of the National iTI Sidewalk Theatre performing for more than 1,000 people who marched to the Capitol in Sacramento asking for state assistance to ftfht unemployment. Carrying; hundreds of signs and banners in English and Spanish, the demonstrators shouted, "we demand jobs now." In
      UPI  -  168 words
    • 231 2 WASHINGTON, Sunday ORESIDENT Ford yesterday denied that he was planning to sack Treasury Secretary William Simon, declaring that he would play a principal role In presenting the Administration's economic and energy programme to Congress. The endorsement of Mr. 81mon followed Insistent reports that White House advisers
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    • 34 2 KATMANDU. Bun A Chines* economic delegation will arrive In Katmandu later this month to negotiate and possibly »11l sign sotne new aid project* with Nepal tne> Nepaleae Ptarelgn Mlnjjtey announced yesterday UPI.
      UPI  -  34 words
    • 29 2 PARIS, Bun— Retired Oeneral Paul Sly, a former army chief of «Uff and commander of French force* In Indo-Chlna In the 1050s, died Mcd 77— Renter.
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 160 2 STONEHOUSE ('I HAD A BREAKDOWN') HITS OUT AT WILSON LONDON, 8un. Runaway former British Oovernment minister John Storehouse yesterday taid he had suffered "some sort of breakdown." and attacked his fellow Labour Patty politicians for not trying to understand the background to his actions. Mr Stoneho'ise- was speaking In an
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 249 2 not dipping INTO WAR OIL: PENTAGON WASHINGTON. 8un. The Defence Department baa announced that. although there were local shortages of oil, it would not have to dip Into Its war reserves The Pentagon was replying to a statement by 8enator William Prox mire who earlier yesterday said a dispute with
      Reuter; NYT; Domei  -  249 words
    • 70 2 LONDON, Sun. Two popular British Sunday news•"iTl^ we S e no t 9rinU) a**". ">e latest reMtt of lndutrUl dUpate. that threaten to «fa B t Britain's national newspapers. A spokesman for the International P«bUahlnc Corporation (IFC). owner of the Snndsy Mirror and Sunday People, said they
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    • 373 2 NICOSIA. Sun.— Two bombs against British property in Cyprus went off last night and saboteurs damaged a water supply pump outside the Akrotiri sovereign base, police said today. No casualty was reported. Otherwise Cyprus was calm early today after yesterday's violent anti-British and American demonstrations when
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  373 words
    • 53 2 M iki extort bid suspect held TOKYO, Sun Police have arrested a 30-year-old former waitress on suspicion of irylnt to extort 3 million Jen (8*23.360) from Prime Ilnlster Takeo Mlkl. police aald yesterday. Her caae has been referred to the public prosecutor, who will decide whether or not she will
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 35 2 BAGHDAD. Sun Official talks becan here last nl«ht between Indian Prime Minister Indira Oandhl. who U on an official four-day visit and Ur Saddam Hussein! vice-president of Iraq's rullnc Revolutionary Command Council— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
    • 240 2 Lack of boats hinders flood relief HAADTAI, San.— Efforts to speed relief to one million flood victims in southern Thailand fell short during the weekend as miters slowly receded. A massive airlift of food, medicine and waterpurification supplies continued into the cities of the stricken south, bat there were too
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    • 38 2 MANILA, aun. President I yesterday that eight exploratory oil wells would be drilled this year in line with his policy requiring contractors to fulfil drilling commitments within the initial phaM of the service contract period. AP.
      AP  -  38 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 SINGAPORE/SYDNEY RETURN $1,518* •v Economy Clan Far* Subject to Government Approval Now! Air New Zealand offers New Low Excursion lares for visits of 14 to 28 days. The fares have changed but our famous DC- 10 service hasn't. air nEuuzEßLano WE ARE THE SOUTH PACIFIC Ocean BuMing. Co»ver Ou»y. Singapore
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    • 132 2 j Break the wind-trap that causes the pain Acidity is only partly thecsus* of indigestion I'Uuc m«! pain. Wind la the main culpnt. Wh.n your d*licat« Ma>( stomach balanc* is disturbed, small foamy •> 1 gas bubbles ditt.nd th. stomacn— sod as th« \}\^Jy/ pressure incraas«L so docs that 'tu>;'
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    • 606 3 policy' call to PLO BEIRUT, Sun MARXIST Pales tinian guerilla ituler George Ha bash has threatened to turn from passive to active resistance against I C i Arafat's moderate leadership of the Pales tine Liberation Organisation (PLO i. Dr. Ha bash, who heads the
      Reuter; AP  -  606 words
    • 285 3 THE Lebanese newspaper As-Saflr ■aid here today that the Soviet I'nlon had resumed shipments of military equipment to Efypt some time ago. The pro-Libyan newspaper said the shipments included the most modern and sophisticated weapons which President Sadat had been requesting, but did not say
      Reuter; AP  -  285 words
    • 30 3 NSW DELHI. Sun— lndld »nd the Soviet Union yesterday signed a shipping protocol envisaging an Increase In the tonnage carried by their national carrier* between their ports. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  30 words
    • 28 3 CHICAGO. Sun. The 5.500 pilots who work for United Airline, ratified a new 31-month contract yesterday, averting a strike threatened for next month, officials said. AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 132 3 KIDNAPPED NURSES WITH OUTLAWS XTARATHIWAT (Thalli land). Sun. Two missionary nurses who were kidnapped by outlaws last April are reported still In good condition and living with an outlaw band In the Jungles of far southern Thailand, according to officials here. They said a former member of the Insurgent band
      AP  -  132 words
    • 322 3 Iran-Iraq talks on brink of deadlock ISTANBUL, Sunday IRAN and Iraq reached the brink of deadlock yesterday in high-level negotiations here aimed at ending long-standing disputes between the quarrelsome Gulf neighbours, Informed Iranian sources said. 1 The foreign ministers of the two countries. Mr. Abbas Khalatbarl of Iran and Mr.
      Reuter; AP  -  322 words
    • 176 3 CAIRO PLOT ARRESTS LEGAL: COURT CAIRO. Sun. The Supreme Security Court here has dismissed defence allegations of false arrest in the trial of 92 men accused of plotting to overthrow President Anwar Sadat. The court yesterday ruled the arrest procedures had been legal and the hearing continued with a claim
      Reuter  -  176 words
    • 62 3 JAKARTA. Sun. Foreign tourists visiting €UU by ship will have their own special quay on the Island pott of Beno* In the near future, the Independent KNI news ■gency reported today. The agency «Ud a a?ecUJ quay with a Ballneae type of gat* and modern lounge costing
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 223 3 Son may bring together Nakamura and wife fTAIPEH, San. Teruo 1 Nakamura, a World War II soldier whose nappy homecotainx from M years' hiding In Indonesian Jangles was marred by marital compttcaUons, may be reconciled with his wife, an official ssid today. The go-between is their only son, Li Hung,
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    • 89 3 A GANA (Gaam), San A One of two men who captured Shoichi Yokoi, the Japanese Army sergeant who hid out in the Jungles of Gaam for 28 years, was charged today with involuntary manslsßghtPoUce Identified the man as Man c 1 Garcia, aged 42. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 133 3 Attention Residents at Marine Parade Estate Do you know that you don't have to pay interest on Block Payment? Here's your Easy Guide to our Exclusive BP Plan KV-1801ES KV-1602ES KV-1803ES cash price $1,593.00 $1,539.00 $1,861.50 down payment ?65.50 256.50 275.25 .nstaTments ***** 2565 275 25 And you also can
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    • 322 3 CHINESE NEW YEAR DELICACIES AVAILABLE NOW both local and imported Chinese Foods of the finest quality-waxed ducks, sausages, love-letters, dried vegetables, tit-bits, melon seeds, preserved fruits, dried meat, PLUS everything else you need for CHINESE NEW YEAR Rump Steak nz soog $3.45 FRYING STEAK adst. s«, 3.00 VEAL LOIN CHOPS
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    • 454 4 WASHINGTON. 8un.— F ormer high-level members of the Central Intelligence Agency have said In Interviews that, to thelf knowledge, the agency's supersecret counter Intelligence division never made written reports on Its sensitive activities to Richard Helms or other top agency officials.
      NYT  -  454 words
    • 32 4 LOS ANGELES. Sun. Police raided the home of Hollywood film producer Bert Schneider, 41, daring a party and arrested 33 people on various marijuana charges, authorities said yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  32 words
    • 144 4 'Agnew to be a tycoon soon' VJKW YORK. Bun. li Former Vlce-Preal-dent Splro Agnew's real estate partner said Mr. Agnew Is on his way to becoming a multl-mll-llonalre by bringing foreign money, mostly Arab. Into the business. Two deals in Kentucky made with Kuwait and Saudi Arabian money were cited
      AP  -  144 words
    • 105 4 Bangla kills 50 smugglers at border rtACCA, Snn.— The BanU tlMM> vmr killed M iMfltri and arrested 74M atom the India-Bangladesh border daring iU antipmnggnng drive lauehed recently bat intenslfled rinrc Dec 28. officials reported yesterday Substantial quanUUe* of food rraias, J«te and other contraband* were lenrttd recovered. The Govr
      AP  -  105 words
    • 21 4 PIKINO, Bun. China and Sweden yesterday signed an agreement oo maritime transport, the antdaJ Halnhua newt agency reported. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 427 4 WHY THAT PACT COLLAPSED MOSCOW, Sun. The Soviet Government asserted yesterday that the collapse of the trade agreement had damaged Soy i c t-American relations, but added that the Soviet Union is still interested in improving relations "in all spheres." between the two iv The Government, In an authoritative commentary
      AP; NYT  -  427 words
    • 46 4 RABAT. Sun —Morocco and Bangladesh have agreed to strengthen their relation! and promote economic cooperation, according to a joint ommunlque issued here yesterday. The communique followed a 36-hour visit by Dr. Kamal Hotssln. the Bangladesh foreign Minister, who has left for U by Reutex
      Reuter  -  46 words
    • 277 4 WASHINGTON. SunTwo former hJgh ran-clna officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation have told the Washington Post that the bureau, during the tenure of the late J. Edgtr F >over. kept files on tie personal lives of members of Congress. Trie two officials.
      UPI  -  277 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 86 4 AT LAST... A REALLY RELIABLE, COMPACT, ECONOMICAL PLAIN PAPER COPIER... the BD 702 from TOSHIBA TOBHIBAFAX Jgk _^k flt I m HA .HhA Uses plain paper Compact Easy maintenance cleaning Simple operation Perfect reproduction Solid state control Magnetic brush system Paper cassette Sheet bypass Copies on both sides Makes masters
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 316 4 $4*6 mil heroin haul BANGKOK, Son. Thai police arrested an American tourist Identified as Barry Meyer Grafman, 28, and seised five kilograms (more than two pounds) of white heroin worth about l'Ss2 million (554.6 million) at American street market prices In a raid at a hotel here yesterday.— UPl. Straits
      316 words

    • 418 5 Heavy Red barrage on city near Saigon SAIGON, Sunday THK major city of Tay Ninh, 95 km (UO miles) north-west of SaiKon, has come under day long commnnist rocket and artillery fire and latest reports said two civilians were killed and more than 10 wounded. Local officials In Tay Ninh
      Reuter  -  418 words
    • Briefs
      • 204 5 IBTANBUL. Bun. Leftwing youths battled riot police in the centre of the city yesterday at an illegal meeting protesting the killing of nine smugglers by government troops on Turkey's border with Syria. About 100 youths were arrested. MOSCOW: Gilad Freud. 2», of Brooklyn. New York, and Elie Yusof. 19, of
        Agencies  -  204 words
      • 2 5
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    • 261 5 pHNOM PENH, Sun. i Increased fuel rationing here went into effect over the past two days with electricity and water bring cut off during the day for many sections of the cltv. Phnom Penh has been choked off by road for more than a
      AP  -  261 words
    • 59 5 JAKARTA. Sun. The Philippines la willing to give up 1U claim over Malaysian Sabah, Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik said yesterday. "The problem ran now be easily solved because Manila la willliiK to give up Us claim over the territory, while Malaysia Is ready to
      AP  -  59 words
    • 29 5 KARACHI Sun. An earthquake of moderate Intensity In northern Kashmir yesterday was recorded by the Geophysical Centre at QuetU. in Pakistan's Baluchistan Province, the centre reported. -^AP
      AP  -  29 words
    • 114 5 RAWALPINDI, Bun. Australian prime Minister Gough Whitlam and his wife arrived for a brief official visit today on his way back to Australia after a monthlong tour of the Soviet Union and Western Europe. He was greeted at Islamabad International airport by Pakistan Pr'me Minister
      AP  -  114 words
    • 130 5 200,000 GO IDLE AS 4-DAY WEEK BEGINS SYDNEY. Sun. More than 200.0C0 workers will be Idle tomorrow as New South Wales Indus try goes on a four day week In a power shortage caused by a strike of 65 maintenance men. State Mines and Energy Minister Oeorge Freudensteln said today
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 251 5 Asia gets $48m to cut down population BANGKOK, Sunday HPHE United Nations has announced it will 1 give UUS$12 1 million (5548.5 million) for population aid in Asia and the Pacific this year. The sum Is the highest for any region, the Eco nomlc at d Social Com mission for
      Reuter  -  251 words
    • 151 5 Indians capture 63 'core Naga rebels NEW DELHI. Sun. Government troop* captured the core of i 100-strong group of arm ed rebels In India's troubled Nagaland State who were heading for China for Insurgency training, the Press Trust of India news agency reported yesterday. PTI, quoting official reports reaching Cal
      UPI  -  151 words
    • 56 5 SAN FRANCISCO, Sun. This city has come ■p with a novel way to help drunks a "booxer cruiser" patrol. The new patrol brings drunks to where they can get a shower, a hot meal and a bed at one of San Francisco's five detoxification centres financed by ISSI
      Reuter  -  56 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 219 5 New my family gees **Hmmm... delicious!** dfMfc A n tlklift tlitiiiffe die iiKJpe. m h r^^n < nl> < lumped die m kinc ell.— j^^ -Ji lyfl t^H s a nome science teacher, I take a lot of care _^4 m^^ p P f W over my cooking especially when
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 483 6 M W A i^B^"^^^^^^Z am. .^a^aW^^^^l^^^^'^^^^^B^Bi ■V Jar «V aw la}' ?4alH NEW MERCHANDISING Clientele rapport has been responsible for a great deal of Chanrai's success story whilst diligent research and development of merchandising techniques enable this outstanding organisation of retail stores to constantly keep abreast of the times. To
      483 words
    • 467 6 MHMi INNOVATIVE TAILORING j^^A This is the remarkable accomplishment of Chanrai's I Tailors Outfitters. A short period of 21 years W Ik A I tailoring history has produced the staggering figure of over 50,000 suits made, as well as countless safari wA m^Ut suits, trousers, and made- to measure shirts.
      467 words
    • 294 6 g W i Thmeoftrwmost I >f «NduBtve stytos in Baly >HO<>»... L- v Ostrich, Snrimfcin V <^^ xr id Crocodita. THE BALLY SPECIALISTS Bally shoes of Switzerland have always sold well at Chanrai's, and 1974 proved to be an exceptionally good year breaking all previous sales records. In fact, Chanrai's
      294 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 245 7 TOOTAL w:u s tian BALLY the finest suitings I Jjot* of Switzerland r- f j Xv^Aparis *ArrOW^ from England neckties.scarvesand FOC ?^^ss^^!f >lNlS "theio^ko/ the leader" F«VSH»N ACCESSORIES RonroeontaHuo. Sole Agent for S. E. Asia Taiwan THE vSI^ADERS ha^meyhr S.G.mKITft SON 39, THE ARCADE TRADING CO. t S J LTD.
      245 words

  • 265 8 in cabs... rE Registry of Vehicles has asked owners of article* left in taxis and buses last month to collect them from the registry In Middle Road These articles, which have been deposited at the registry by taxi drivers and bus conductors between Dec. 3 and
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  • 59 8 WORLD RENOWNED economist Professor J.K. Oalbralth will speak on Inflation and International Economic Instability at a two-day conference on Money. Trade, Inflation The Prospect for South-east Asia on Fsfa. 6 The conference, organised by the Associated Business Programme (APB) and oosponaored by the National Productivity Board and Singapore
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  • 236 8 Contest to change eating —habits— ABOUT 35 people, Including housewives, look part In a bean food cooking competition and exhibition organised by the Rochore community cen t r e's Management Committee In Selegie House concourse yesterday. Minister for Science and Technology Dr. Toh Chin Chye, who officiated at the Rochore
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  • 56 8 (third). $16 onecent coin A SARAWAK 1892—1897 one cent coin (etched the highest price of $16 at the 14th mini auction and coin exchange session organised by the Singapore Numismatic Association at the Singapore Cricket Club yesterday. A total of 111 coins ware auctioned while 13 were withdrawn. About 33
    56 words
  • 33 8 THE Singapore Pork Merchants' Anoclatlon will hold a dinner to mark its 41st anniversary and the Installation of new officials at It* pisinlses in Beach Road on Sunday at 7 pjn.
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  • 43 8 AN unidentified Chinese woman, iced about SO, ni found dead on Changl txmch ■t T.4S p.m. on Saturday Polios do not suspect any foul play Those rho know her are requested to pt la touch with Joo Chlat police
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  • 133 8 NTUC PARTY FOR 300 KIDS r(E NTUC Sports and QajßM* Conn ell beld Us third New Tear party for about 3M ■nderprivi'eged children on Saturday at the Singapore Conference Hall The children were frosr. the Singapore Association for the Dea', Singapore Association for the Blind. Singapore Association for Retarded Children
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  • 330 8  - SHANGHAIED IJuIjIjIS K. S. SIDHU TRICKED INTO SAILING ALONG' By A SHIP security guard, Enc i k Mispan bin Rusidee, who said he was tricked into sailing with the runaway cargo ship Union Pacific on Jan. 2, has returned to Singapore, still bewildered by it all. The 1,625-tor> Blanda Line
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  • 53 8 Another two typhoid cases TWO cases of typhoid from Jurong were admitted to Middleton hospital, bringing- the number of cases to 31 since the outbreak started on Dec. 29. All food handler* In Tainan Jnronf m-ir-ket-hawker centre are being screened. Two cases of dysentery from Juronc were also admitted to
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  • 33 8 THE Adult Education Board will conduct a 60-hour English language course at the Mountbatten AEB Centre In Dakota Crescent beginning tomorrow from 7.30 p.m to 9 pm. The fee U wo.
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  • 233 8 ORCHIDS: CALL TO EXPLOIT SWISS MARKET SINGAPORE orchid I growers have been urged to take advantage of the Swiss market for cut flowers which Is expanding rapidly The Trade Department. In its latest commercial bulletin, said that there were "good prospects" for Increasing Bwls.s purchases from Slnga pore. It said:
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  • 80 8 More mosquito breeding at building sites THE Ministry < Environment sal there was a rise < 3.3 per cent and a dro of 1.2 per cent in mos qulto breeding in con structlon, sites an houses respectively fror Jan. 1 14. It said mosquito breed:: was found In 116 (1.7
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 367 8 UEMIS mansion 22-xmwmmnmtßNß\mmmMm BUHT-UP AREA NETT 290 SO M.. /yfgg^^^j 3 lodrooms oil wirti lathroom ottochwd. fy'tf. wl| 4^ Large Lounge with Electrical Dimmer ■SSHss^t control 2 SynchroniMd 150 M. per minute C 5 Pri vote iwimffiino, pool Ist lnd# P» nil#nt 9*«««>teT, in th w nf of y^S^^Hf power
      367 words
    • 86 8 IJ M *<■ I^VSJVB «BH o U|l*. ni«p»yux. coww. mi taw* ni» 1M al Tfa WrU. MUt *l sn rfca tlnast pfiiwctlow v r^H mm ot r\<*e/Wi ho 1 1*, 4H Ctawwllt I* b, Hx graat So>*> tollwhs k> hat ip— Mh fain SlniMsHi «IC Aulitarlu. MVW AND, •> T«*«r,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 202 8 Bringing Op Vmt&mr By BUI Kavanagh Hal Camp 1 f t*llll oh. \/r"''tfffff "t.P" I I yoUNO LADy?TH*rs| I Me must mavc uo.ootrt--" >%^. m akU 0 1( V N W«ViT T»JCV IKNOWVOO, W RPST TIMt >( 'U MADG-A MIS~*KE/ THP/feC &>I*?HEW QLABSSS A*" 6 bOC Jj yOxi i O/Bli
      202 words

  • 611 9 PRAISE FOR RESEARCH WORK PRESIDENT Sli. lauded geiuTul pnictilioiKTs for their t-Horts lo develop family medicine and in underhikiiiK research projects. The President, speaking at the College of General Practitioners dinner at the Alumjii Medical Centre, said their activities during the past
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  • 262 9 Youth who tried to burn down his house k' 19- YEAR-OLD youth tried to burn down his house after a quarrel with his mother, and then slashed his neighbour with a parang when he intervened, a district court heard on Friday. Chua Hua Chew, unemployed, admitted voluntarily causing hurt to
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  • 41 9 THE Adult education Board will conduct a M-hour coune on Interior decoration and ty^nf furnishing fop houatwlvw and homaovnan at the Ahmad Ibrahim 8»eondarr School Oantr* In Upper Thomaon Road from tomouow at 7 P-m. Ttaa fee to m.
    41 words
  • 10 9 THXRS were M acctdacU, ■U tertou*, oo Batordaj.
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  • 147 9 SHOWA MARU OIL: 4 MORE DAYS OPERATIONS to transfer erode oil from the stricken Showa Mara Is expected to last another four days. The vessel which ran aground off Pulau Srbarok on Jan. 6 has been refloated and informed sources said yesterday that operations to transfer its 224, 5 M
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  • 36 9 The numbers picked in yesterday's Toto Draw No. 6/76 were 43. 7. 39. 35 and 13. The additional number was 43. In the circles draw, the numbers picked were 4. 17 and 33
    36 words
  • 315 9 'Iranians delighted at Lee's plan to visit Teheran' r;E forthcoming visit of Singapore's Prime Minister to Iran has created a lot of interest in Teheran, according to Mr. K. C. Lee, the Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs. >lr. Lee who returned yesterday after a week's visit to Iran
    315 words
  • 64 9 MR. Kenneth Bean was elected President of the Institute of Public Relations Singapore, at Its fourth annual general meeting recently. Other officials are Mr. Lawrence Loh (vice-presi-dent); mas Rosa Tham (secretary); Mr. David Chua Song Leng (treasurer); and members, Mr. C K Lee. Miss Ng Poh Chuen.
    64 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 63 9 Today's Best Calculator /.u Bargains KOVAG Mods* in Jopofi 1 yaar guarantaa ■W^^^^fs^r^^w^ bbbt < V^ Ss^^^^-J^a^^V Available at your favourite Alto tviiabit S *V^ Modal 808 MR-S«mi Scientific with BwmtJful Gr«*n Digit Display Price $115/For frM demonstration ring 3931 1-2 Sol* Ag«nt« Spore. Malaytia, Brunei A Indoneata. SMANKAR'S EMPORIUM
      63 words
    • 524 9 ty- my fc j wmߣJ r 'w vH saK^ saFi ii ■sJ U K aaVf^ sal esfl Hb^^ I I sat M M k&V X^^iaaßaaa! T ft II Oil T/asaVsal' J "oo€i«w.t69 W1BE: Ar kl Wfmtktmmx m LtUc V^bbbF 1 LLat M is^KaßafsflPVaW^ M M a^asaaal laLl^a^asaaaaaaaaal SBBBBBBi^IT^SBBB^I^T^aBB^IT^^SY^^^SBBT^TT^r^^9PP^BBP^9V9iV*F^SBBBBI^ SBBsl BBBBBBBBBbI
      524 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 202 10 j tWvs -lily: 11 1 3#. 4 M. 6 45 I 9 15 p. nc oponx «rVR id oc mivMi f /^^omJHT a^Je^^^B ol^BaiflHß^BW m^f THE MRSCH CORPORATX3N Prw«rts CHARLES BRONSON r A VoVTER MWrSCH-RCHAfIO FLE6CHER PnoOUCTON "MR. MAJESTYK" AIMSIomngALLETTIERI LiNOCWSTAL HMMfcfto*] LVecied&yßCHAflD FLEISCHER COLOR T«=='^— \OW AT CAPITOL S
      202 words
    • 90 10 r^B I «£jd^fl oKl^LoiH B^^^'^'^nl bV. at aßßai kHHI|HHkBHH| kHtBBBBaaBBM^BWiMBBBaVBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBI I J RV W V"5 111 ll^Jk— M«»«l bßVrt* a i j Jgg f 1 FAMILY PLANNING /STERILISATION TELEPHONE INFORMATION SERVICE RING: *****6 \T\ i I L_l LJ «««tt; B^ Doctors Nurses will answer questions on any aspect of Family
      90 words
    • 189 10 THE FRBTAM) ONUT MJTMBmC iDOJAM RESmURAMT BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON (and Business Ladies too!) i I /j«r ITALIAN I[_ RE3TAURA^fT J DIKE WINE IN AN Jf* INTIMATE ATMOSPHERE 17 DAILY: 12 noon to 3 pm. 6pm to Midnight J l^y SUNDAYS 6pm to MMnifht i// MONDAY $6.50 11/ Veol ana Mo* C«riet
      189 words
    • 231 10 aunnum LAST 3 DAYS! DAILY S SHOWS of 11.00 y am ;5 I M. 4.00. i*i. •30 f M SCHOOL CONCISSION °o >> TO ANY SEAT KM 11.00 << AM. 1 JO, 4.00 ».M. SHOWS THI KST OF R.L. STEVENSON S STOtY KIDNAPPED A YOUNG SOY'S y> ADVENTUROUS ESCAPADE A
      231 words
    • 239 10 j: OPENS TODAY!* W At 7.00 9.30p> UaiMiM: AMU: S2.M-CUUrM: l\M ■I Frtti Aj Eiperifjeit Oi life, .(jm A DeniUtiii Dettk; j PETER EDWARD GUSHING JUDO I j^L fistirnp. Colour J j; ODEON: Opens Today! j! 5 Shows Duly: Ham, 1.30, 4.00, 7.00 930pm C \^7 x^^bßi aßk^ki *WL loV^2»
      239 words
    • 723 10 Hi. K^^bPbL^ml I/ 11 m OWC >II! BN I Iltk DAY 1 11 om. I JO. 4.00, 645e ;s CHARLES BRONSON J "Mw. MAJMTYK" color (UAJ NEXT CHANGE' C Hy»el Bennett Nonetie Nwmon TMI LOVI aAM Color I ».BT.W.jßW.|*ti.lM NOW SHOWING' Hon. IN, 4 00 4 45 f JC a
      723 words

  • 296 11 Seminar to show traders best use of GSP LOCAL manufacturers and traders can learn how to turn the Oenerallsed System of Preferences (O8P) to best advantage In boosting export* from a special seminar to be held here next month. The seminar on the Q8P. being organised by the Trade Departments
    296 words
  • 38 11 THB Boon leek community centr* youth group wl'.l hold 1U talenUrne and variety •how on S»tird»y at S p.m. at the National Theaire and not Vlctorl i Theatre as reported In the MralU Ttntea on Saturday.
    38 words
  • 346 11  -  CHRISTINA CHEANG By SINGAPORE'S goldstilths and jewellers should become exportoriented Instead of remain, ng content with their own share of the local jewellery market. Making thli call, the Singapore Manufacturers Association chairman. Mr. Ong Leng Chuan. said a few jewellers had succosfully diversified
    346 words
  • 450 11 'Parents keen on new school methods' PARENTS of students in the Institute of Education's experimental schools are not opposing the so-called "new" teaching approaches. Dr. Ruth Wong, director of the Institute, Mid yesterday: "Parents are keen to see their children improve. "Anyway, the methods we use are not extremely fabulous
    450 words
  • 61 11 Festival at Seiwaen ends THE two-day Japanes* Garden fect!"iJ at Seiwaen, Jurjfig Town, opened by the Japanese Ambassador to Singapore. Mr. T. Uo:noto. on Saturday ende/i yesterday. th« fartml. to mark th* millionth TUltor to the Oantana >ome tune Ist* last year and tta Moond annim«ary, depicted Japaneec culture, art
    61 words
  • 39 11 THE National Museum will Mftstt four filzDA on omtttto ■vt and itptßM hawacrafto at 1U Lecture HaU on WtdBMdavy at 7 SO pa. Prw a«wntinn ttcktU can b* obtained tran the muMum oOee dwrtnc office hourm.
    39 words
  • 28 11 MR Choo Ping Ctoasn tram RTB win wpmk on How to Btudy XomUob at Urn n* aiabßianch library ktctun 1 on Prtdtr v S Admlaton v trw.
    28 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 86 11 Air Siam's DC 10; Hawaii/Los Angeles Air Siam have a great *M Its superdrinks superfood new way o cross the Racific. eundsupeTwidecorriibrtalltheway The super luxurious DC-10. to Hawaii and Los Angeles. Ifyou'reheadingforthe Pickiifiuninßanaknk golderbeachesofV^ikiki Fickusupinbangtok. or the jvild, wild west coast For further information, of America come along with us.
      86 words
    • 518 11 Scandinavian Health and Fitness Spa has separate facilities for men and women Look alive. Feel alive. Be alive. aaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaaaai m^^VW aaaaaT .W^ 1 eT afea^L* a^^l Two dtUghtfut and pUajmnl may, to achin* Plunge mto the delightfully refreihmg, IfwA mm new Spa concept U i paiuble that tmntrr firmer,
      518 words

    • 1125 12 THE offices and computerised centre of MTU Singapore Pte Ltd. will be officially opened this afternoon by the Member of Parliament for Jurong, Mr. Ho Kah Leong. The company is a Joint-venture between Motoren- Und Turbinen-Union MTU Friedrichshafen a leading West German
      1,125 words
    • 212 12 The Chairman of MTU Singapore Pte Ltd, Mr. Chua Boon Peng, who is also the Chairman of Cycle k Carriage Ltd, said yesterday that the formation of the computerised spare parts centre in Jurong was another step in CfcC's diverSi fie a
      212 words
    • 685 13 THE MTU GROUP'S PRODUCTS MTU Frledrichshafen holds a leading world position In motive power technology, considering the power-to-weight ratio that has been attained up to 1-HP per kilogramme and power-to-space ratio of up to 1,000-HP per cubic metre. MTU engines are offered as marine propulsion and auxiliary power systems for
      685 words
    • 428 13 TiHE MTU engine spares that are stocked at the Jurong centre are all precision-made and rigidly tested for quality control In the MTU Friedrichshafen factories before being sent to Singapore. And the MTU Friedrichshafen scientists, engineers and technicians who carry out these tests
      428 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 135 12 MTU -WE'RE NO STRANGERS TO THESE RARTS. V s v MTU. Motoren-und Turbinen-Union to be exact. We are a German group of companies With a hard-won reputation as a leader in the development and manufacture of high performance diesel engines. And we're now in Singapore. Initially, to act as spare
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    • 33 12 SINGAPORE DIESEL UNION (PTE.) LTD., sole agent for MTU in Singapore, wish MTU SINGAPORE FTE. LIMITED success in their efforts to provide more local facilities for after-sales service for MTU diesel engines. i
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • The StraitsTimes
    • 510 14 IYR KURT WALDHEIMS recent plea for JLT recommitment "by all parties" to the January 1973 Paris peace accords ignores the fact that much of the continuing chaos in Vietnam could be attributed to Infirmities and lmprecislons in the Kissinger-!* Due Tho ceasefire agreements. The North Vietnamese negotiator's rejection
      510 words
    • 87 14 SINGAPORE has good reason to feel complimented by the US Commerce Department's assessment of the Republic's economic performance and potential The American survey, prepared for hardheaded investors, indicated that Singapore had coped effectively with the fuel crisis which continues to bother the world, and that the outlook here
      87 words
    • 390 14 T»HE reply of the Ministry of Finance (ST., Jan. 8) appears to overlook the simple point of Libra's appeal for help (ST., Dec. 19). Libra v not asking for an explanation, but for sympathetic considers tlon of unfortunate circumstances. Pensions and allowances may
      390 words
    • 155 14 U7K refer to the letter "Security measures for arrested ships" (8.T.. Jan. 13). The function of port clearance is no longer with the Marine Department. The Port Clearance Section. Port Master's Department, Port of Singapore Authority which Is responsible for Issuing such clearances does not Issue port clerrance
      155 words
  • 638 14 fro« JERUSALEM TERENCE SMITH writes AFAR REACHING public debate is under way here among Cabinet ministers, lead ing int c 1 1 c ctuals and commentators over the best way for Israel to proceed with negotiations with its Arab neighbours. The debate, which had Intensified
    NYT  -  638 words
  • 1335 14  - Pulling the Middle East precipice MOHAMMED HEYKAL By MANY observers believe that the Middle East is heading inexorably towards another war with disastrous international consequences. A distinguished Egyptian author, a close associate of Presidents Nasser and Sadat, argrues that another war can be averted by a change in the basic
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 27 14 Be a SOLID t THINKER... U| Think safety Think security Think OCBC \'\^m eOCBC :f"^s Omni Chm— Bjntnoß Corpn Ltd THE SOLID- AS- A-ROCK BANK TC B»k
      27 words
    • 147 14 GET THE RIGHT r LOADER FOR r &SllI THE right *v\V\v JOB t B a^LsHsi UUij M BBBBBBbV *B bY m .w U 111 jk JOHN DEERE JO 6 44- B —^B^BBS^BBBBb!^^ VY U Can Hlt thC P l e r the tKJCket Hb**- B\i back, lift the load to
      147 words

  • 194 15 Go for cheaper Spore made goods: Othman rl Minister for Social Affairs, Encik Othman Wok. has urged Singaporeans to avoid expensive brands of imported products and to rely more on locally made goods to cut down on their expenses. He said Singaporeans could also enhance their earning power by working
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  • 45 15 PIRI yesterday destroyed some worth of property at a Singapore Bus Ssrvtoss depot In Chantn Road. Firemen put out Uk fire In an hour and prevented damage to oil tanks nearby Nobody was hurt. The cause of the fire Is not known.
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  • 30 15 THE Adult BducaUon Board will conduct a 60-hour French language (stage 1 > course at the Mountbatten ASS Centre from tomorrow at 6 30 p.m The fee U $60
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  • 433 15 A lot of bad features 9 'REVAMP THE INSURANCE SYSTEM' fHE Life Insurance Association has been urged to review the overall insurance agency management systems here and to introduce positive steps to improve the situation The call came from Mr. Llm Kirn Kuay, chairman of the Singapore Insurance Training Centre,
    433 words
  • 213 15 EXPWD MAN GETS 3 YEARS FOR GRAFT A FORMES Public Works Department technician who said he accepted bribes to meet his children's medical expenses, was jailed on Saturday for three years. Lock Thian Ching. 46, pleaded guilty to 15 charges of corruptly accepting bribes totalling $6,100 from a construction company.
    213 words
  • 76 15 Fund-raising film by club THE People's Association Youth Swimming Club Is holding a film premiere, "Games Gamblers Play," at the Odeon Cinema tomorrow at 9 30 p.m Proceeds from thr shoir will be used (or the promotion of swimming and related aquatic sporta for youths Tickets »t S2. M and
    76 words
  • 217 15 Another 3 years for robber KHOO Guan Tee, 21, who made an unsuccessful attempt to escape from a courtroom on Dec. 18 after being sentenced to seven years' Jail for theft, was on Saturday given another three years' prison and six strokes of the rotan for robbery. He pleaded guilty
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  • 139 15 Courtesy, service for 3,400 busmen ABOUT 3.400 conductors of the Singapore Bus Service (8BS) will attend a six day seminar on Service and Courtesy from Jan. 27. The seminar Is Jointly organised by the SBS and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation (SILO), which repre sents the busmen. The seminar, to
    139 words
  • 31 15 THE SAP will conduct demolition and live firing exercises at the Southern Islands Live Firing Range In Pulau Selang from today to Satuiday between 800 am and midnight daily.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 153 15 W' m. m a j>^ajB>WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB^BBa^BBBBBB>aBBBBBBBaBI bbbbbbbbT U mT^^M Wmm\ mt <m\ -w Hi i MffctaMr* I W iZmmmwrntU —Am I mm V* yCk\ -mwrnmrnrnv bbbbbbbbbbT* aaV y B^^Bwßt bbbbT c s w^m mmw i The Market Machine In getting merchandise to the marketplace, the machinery that counts is not just
      153 words
    • 374 15 *****0 EXAM SUCCESSES SSt Whichever you want rapid promotion in your prrttnt job. a bigger opportunity wuh ?^T* unothrr company or an independent mreer of "afaawat your own a Metropolitan (.'ollpce home liaert ■tudy training, direct from thr I K i> thr Netel a Cateflaa shortest route to your goal
      374 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 879 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 3.N m OotM* followed by Vatenm Payir US Make Room for Daddy-Gma .Tam.l} 7.M tataa* WwM CfciaiMm (Part 1) 3JI Diary of Events (TmnI 7JI News (Malay) US Lo*e is a Many Sptadourtd Thittj 745 PesU Rb 355 «,a- Ulagar* V ~^-y US Km| Fi-Tfce
      879 words

    • 1426 16 111—. W •mm. Th» w M«k •dlnm fcMi n« ■y aw was m^mmw pnn, imp ■^rw»*^, w «rv^^^^ ymtm IM IM CrCM pnttm MTlllfl rtllt s 6 NOTE: CtMtef Prte* n nr th* prie* *f tk* Uat ra*«rt*4 12 miHctiH oa AMay. Th* iimal oolawi (Ivm Ik*
      1,426 words
    • 595 16 T»JaTW YORK. Prl Th* stock market flnuhed lower today In slower trading as investors' concern over the widening recession depressed price*. Quotations on the New York Stock Exchange opened lower and losses Increased gradually throughout most of th* session At th* final bell, the Dow Jones Industrial average
      595 words
    • 88 16 FINANCIAL TUCKS TINS rTtdajr mM Thursday Week ago Sl.« aIBBCU Friday 101.07 Thursday 3MJS Week ago SM.SS MM Friday 13S 61 Thursday ISAM Week ago US.** DTDUITUAU Friday 17»J Thursday lla.a Week ago lst-.T DOW JOMXS AVOtAGK INDUSTaUALS Friday 044.03 Thursday 666.74 Week ago ***** LONDON DOLLAR rmnouM
      88 words
    • 699 16 XmMW^^to.HMrf, fcrH»— a^l.rrt- f *—> —tm m Ju 17 WM Jm I* M .tm I. DOHWnUALS itrvn h l IX OM A Tin mm 110 115 AleirHoM ii* 101 0 29V. Atncol Elect mat) B K.wmt Z1 IS 100 OT7 Bovli 040 OSO OJI 230 120 Carlrter,
      699 words
    • 133 16 The following- company meetings are due: Cat* Btwag* Illtaiap Ltd.: Jan. 30. noon. Bnptre Dock, angapore 4. t-heaakml C*. af Malaysia BM.: Jan. 18. 11J0 a.m. 4th Floor. Bangunan MTDF. 117 Jalan Am pang, Kuala Lumpur. DaMssl Malayan Flaw Mllto Bad.: Jan. 23. 10 JO am. Bangunan OsfßC.
      133 words
    • 132 16 AMSTERDAM. FttShares rose virtually across th* board In fairly actlre thoußh featurelaas conditions, deslers said. rbiUpa scored th* beat gain In Dutch Interns t tonsil Elsewhere Hdnrkea, Natlonalr Nedartaadcav, Laeaa Boat, me and Naaraesi headed rises. AkaM, Seas** vaartanJe and Kkjevter weakened again." t the trend. Shippings were mixed
      132 words
    • 61 16 Prtaay limn*** UU WSS M.lbourat ll> 13)51 IS4.SX imf— ITI SOB ITS SOB IT4SS* ITTOO* B*lrut ITS.H ITT.SS TTrr-i itb.*o SMtsak ITS.SBB ITS.MB 174 SOS ITT 008 Parts UI.OS la*.» 4 laawOay >ria*r Spot* (1) ITI SOB 1T4.U8 ITStSS ITSSM Bzport pr\cm la aoa-*t*rtlas ana* la US.
      61 words
    • 36 16 London napir prtoa. aa FrMay (jiiilea* la hraak«u> Wtnkar Spot boytr £512 00 («Sl7 JO. *«ll*r £81*00 (£S1»OO). Tkra* Month buyer £S3O 00 SO) nllar (aII .SO (tSST.OO) Maraot torn: steady tata*: S.SW Maao*.
      36 words
    • 93 16 LAST eomm.™ui Mil* of inbui* Us*** <m (ran H-ll<f Mat to IV. p«r Mat raOMtla* Urn auMr ooaaittaaa prvraUla* la th* HllrtM* Bau*« Tba ami** la traaawy MU« ni nMuM; ulln taiiasHat tk» w«t. UM mrui k«7ia« raw hatac 4% aait aaa tb* HUM Ftl«»H P" aa>t. Call
      93 words
    • 112 16 ZURICH. PrL— Th* stock market was more active today and th* Increasing demand caused prices to rise considerably 1* particular, >*«h caught in* tntarsat of Investors. Bank stocks closed firmer and <rawntn*»i enjoyed a good mark** days toMta !•»♦»*> The Credit Maw too** gaJne* 1 J points to 174.1
      112 words
    • 313 16 THB US dollar support pur--1 chases by the Swiss National Bank, receding interest rat«s In Europe and President Ford's outline of bis economic package led to a moderately firmer trend for the dollar earlier laat weak. Th* UB Presidents proposed tax cute of UBSI6 btlnon. of which
      313 words
    • 173 16 A SIAN currency average depoaiu rate* for the weak ended Friday Jan. 17. US S (Bld'Ftiees) High Low 7 days 714 7 1 mth 1% 7% 3 mths SS 1/16 S mths SS 3/16 8 mths SS S »16 mths 8S 7/16 13 mths SS 7/16 SwFr
      173 words
    • 125 16 But Year: Jma. 4. 1»71 1M 1974 1975 Knk'i Action MM Htfh Low 1Mb 17th Change 1M.17 H47 Autofnotire MM MAI Ml 441-*» 1MJ4 Banks, iMHKt, Finance and Tiitif IM.M 2MJ» +J4J1 1CX.1I HJI TTiMlcwh Mbtr ProdaeU, ■Htolng and 1—iHtm t7.«l 1*5.15 7J4 2M.17 11S.U C«nctoBMntc
      125 words
    • 102 16 -pHE following |M of docks gives the ten Boat dealt In hat x week. Thta ftvoa the taratm In ttiowmai of unHa. fl«rtni prlecs on FrMay aad hlgfa and tow for 1914 75: OnpMfca TvnoTcr Prtew m«h Lmt ••M ju. IT It7«/Tl Faber Mcrlto 2.1M MM $IM
      102 words
    • 143 16 SINGAPORE Jaa.ll Iad—trtate: lHJi Qnmci SU.U I H<*eto: MM rupuUw; 1M.7J t Ttm: t7.4» tfrafetan: J21.51 t O.CJ.C: 1SS.7S t U.8. 1M.78 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan 1« Jan. 17 1M.45 1C2.11 US.57 1UJM ZSS.M fl.11 Ml M MM* 1J4JJ ISSJt 1M.M 13*38 1IS.31 lUJtt ItiM 117.18
      143 words
    • 39 16 (Vt«l Eaala SUhm N.B. Tktiaau 4J%t Taasarla* aavskar U%t t Latsrh> Dais Total far Total f payaMs the year pin teas year Jam. 17 S% Fsw. M 4J%t *tS% re*, tl M%t U*% Salaam tar sertp lasaa.
      39 words
    • 205 16 r;BNSRALLT very quiet and VJ duU conditions prevailed In the Blngapors produc* market last weekThere was a complete lack of Interest from traditional ovtista* market* which was attributed to the continued Instability of the lnternatlonai economic situation. This f/y trade was a dampening In nuance on Urn local
      205 words
    • 120 16 CBIKESW Fiadaos Kx•haag*. ■lagspwi am ctoatag p.-leas par fatal ao Satmrdaj Omatt. OU: Bulk M6N sellers, d"urn SIOON seQen Cavra: Mixed (loose; UK. Cbnt $60N buyers. Fv^per Muntok ABTA whit* fojj. 100% trro seUen, ilarawak whit* f.o.b. M% M.W U67H svUers. Sarawak special black f o.b. M« HLW $xn^
      120 words
    • 398 16 T<HE Stock Ex- change of Singapore rave one of its best performances tn months last week with all round advance in prices. The market waa active throughout the week, especially the laat two days when trading waa beetle. Sentiment was strong with earing power gathering' Increasing monifntnai OaVfla*
      398 words
    • 633 16 nANKS and several In O dustrlal blue chips tcatured strongly and actively In last week's rally of share prices on the Kuaia Lumpur Stock Exchange. Sentiment was at Its best since late last year, and fairly substantial gains were recorded across the board to cause a 12.19
      633 words
    • 49 16 COB the week ended Saturday, Jaa. IS, the range of call rates received from Short Deaertts (SO Berhad was as follow*: BANK FUND: M| per cent to t l/(ptr ml GENSRAL FVNDS: t* per cent to 1% per rent MOVEMENT of raad* totaltod 1137 million
      49 words
    • 871 16 LONDON: The market moved Into higher ground last week, with the FT. Index closing 15.5 points up at 175.2, a level not seen since November. Chief Impetus came from the expectation of Improved trade figures and hope of a cut In the UK minimum lending rate, both
      Reuter  -  871 words
      • 197 16 ONDON: Tin prices war* ISO per tonne up for Cash and £40 higher for Three Months on Friday. lnfluentu 1 demand for Ca*h stsr.dvrd metsi met renewed tl»-i.tnaa» In nearby supplies and th* overall backwardation widened to around f 160. Borrowers of th* First Month found
        197 words
      • 414 16 ONDON Rubber v was barely maintained In thin conditions on Friday. CIF levels were relatively well held for much of the day, reflecting .small routine consumer Interest for Industrial grades but terminal prices lost ground largely on buyers reserve, dealers said. They said lack of fresh
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1226 17 CWrTHMI9IM> SffflCf Tt K'CtaTTMCIT tmm OSAKA BAY fc "ZZ 'ZZ -fS ft H ."nj r,r r»r ?«r ?-r ?s ss m. If I? if if it CMTM—P Samt 'MM M/CMTMKRT rii.n Lm. t aaa. Sau«^« f M»Rt J'»J2 SIE. SSS S A I is »rs *s -,B Is s »rni
      1,226 words
    • 1080 17 s^ PHOENIX CONTAINER UHERS PCL CONTAJNERSHIPSERNrTCESTOUSA II ISA. Faafar traaaai var I'm Mr,--, »,i-. it- laanw I aaacn IMM MMM M MM. PACtJIC PMHMU M fM IT FM IMM MMM a I FM inttrric PMfan a It Mar it Mar •MM tit MMM vatt.i var latRM I iaact i imi.
      1,080 words
    • 2002 17 Tl IMFI M-».r| liana ata T'Tim O.«r.i i t*v*«* AvJfv.rt All v K I |^P^ B^MBBjajjvajßßßßßßjtßajaaßaßHHHaaßß aaaaaßßßß BSaVIA liV s AMtra Nawa laat. If _/^B H^^^H ■T b |VVV^FT^ I ÜBIIHPi Bail „fm |4 f* tFM I "™aW UMttAR Itl aMI aMI aFM nFM nFM II FM IV *4f a^Yatl
      2,002 words
    • 970 17 »m fP— »U444. r. lUlaaM «J4l; 11 J7JII; Pmmm, MMI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMK NIL timu. •f tiam (iimiiii. iMra Miiap. •..ra. >**m p^^ S,«Mrv»M tu»IIAM Mamtiai. Ran h *T| -p. Oarkaa. Caattaa. 4 m t m FMM UIT IMm mica Mt mmmi. ri AUAM 'Mm s par.
      970 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 1000 18 M^ ILAWASAKJ KISEN KAISHA LTD. immsjmd imm na wm in. nm mm am, smm sovkl MJB- BBMtMtJ I BJMII 'tM nrir caM mmnrt— iMMaar. FM lIMIII mmnj II Ma -n* MMtat Bate.. Ml Data, tavio I «M»i jl^h.. ■••<» AM. *MM MaarritM (.■an fm ■KaaMM MaM 'at <"'*> p»'l
      1,000 words
    • 964 18 V r nmn^ZSm wrn mmtrn tawa aua paaw LC t MMrTT IH» M Ma MMi TaraMa. l^ T a>t*n lITM j M Part II Ma Ma MMTT MT B B Ma iMaaau Mian fiaaa Maa.ii at Ma *Ma ■»< lVthmtit a«aM n tti Ull M. .M. VMa II Ma Mwrta.
      964 words
    • 989 18 U.K. WMOM SCTVICI LOAWMG FOU LONDON HOTTWDAM. NAMIUIC hMßtan P M'Mf Ptnaa L'Ma ra« rw«| atpiaa* uhmui ii Part vis Ma M.r Ma a PM M M imm MPraat rapai r a PM H.M PM itvn PM n Mr M ajr a ajr AIftIVALS FROM NO«TM-WIST PJtOWAN PORTS AND LONDON
      989 words
    • 768 18 owes samct ra imtm, imurm/rnman run 1» »mi t-'Mii i P PMiat iraaai Mn ■"■•a »V» aja k Part ».mm ni. Imtrn 7 BTMMa X rtart J v •aaw aatuaa vI pm i/n fm ii/it fm i«.h mtmm'Tx I Ma B •pmw-M-taif 14, In. nmbm mun u/u fm \im tm
      768 words
      677 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 545 19 W> hoe the following vocant positions A) OUTDOOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES To seek potential furniture furnishing customers To promote the Sole of the Company's products To co-ordinote with production delivery departments m processing the orders. Q*»olifif limi We want someone who is enthusiastic obout selling ond wants to earn a comfortoble
      545 words
    • 616 19 PHILIPS require Manufacturing Engineer Candidates should possess a Degree or Diplomo in either Electrical or Electronics Engineering with several years experience in planning and development of facilities, equipment and tooling. A good working knowledge of manufacturing processes, time standards and efficient use of manpower and materials will be an odvantoge
      616 words
    • 556 19 THE SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES hns voconcies in the Regular Service for women in the following vocations: a. Library Assistant b. Clerk c. Telephone Switchboard Operator d. Language Instructor QUALIFICATIONS For posts a to c ot leost three GCE C Levels or equivalent For post d. applicants must possess at leost
      556 words
    • 499 19 MACLAINE WATSON (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. Invites application from suitably qualified candidates for the position of:Soles Manager, Helena Rubinstein Cosmetics The successful candidate will be a Singapore Citizen, aged between 28 and 38 years and should be presently employed in a similar position and should have intimate knowledge of the cosmetic
      499 words
    • 548 19 BRISTOL-MYERS (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD. MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVE MEAD JOHNSON, a Division of Bristol-Myers (S) Pte Ltd invites applications from Singapore citizens with the following qualifications 1) 24-30 years old 2) Possess sound knowledge of physiology 3) HS C qualification (Science stream with Biology) 4) 3 yeors minimum experience in detailing 5)
      548 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 501 20 LEMBAGA PASARAN DAN PELESEN GETAH MALAYSIA Jawatan Kosong Permohonan permohonan adalah dipelawa darlpada warganegara Malaysia bagl memenurii Jawatan-ja-watan kosong dMaiam perkhldmaUn Lembaga Pasaran dan Pelesen Cietah Malaysia seperti berikut: I l (i) NAMAJA- Ketua Bahaglan PenyellWATAN: dlkan Pemasaran. sUMPULAN: Kumpulan A. TANGGAGAJI: $1000. *****. $2050. $2125 TARAF Warganegara Malaysia KERAKYATAN:
      501 words
    • 602 20 (f Pengajar Oetah, atau (g) Pengajar PemeroMt, atau (h) Pembantu Oetah. dl Pusat Penyelldlkan Oetah dengan sekurang-kurang-nya dua-belas tahun pengalaman dalam bldang perusahaan Oetah; dan (11) Kelulusan Bahasa Malaysia pada perlngkat 81JU Pelajaran Malaysia atau pada perlngkat peperlksaan yang setaraf dengannya. Bagl calun-calun yang terdlrl darl pe-gawal-pegawal yang sedang berkhldmat
      602 words
    • 1062 20 TtiE BflIK RflKYftT GROUP Offers opportunities in the following companies to Intelligent, mature and dynamic Malaysian citizens, within the age range of 25 to 40 years, who are prepared to accept challenges which its rapidly expanding and diversified activities can create for meaningful careers. PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRIES SDN. BERHAD
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    • 761 20 HARGILI ENGINEERING SYAH ALAM Appointment of Material! Manager Harglll Engineering Sendirlan Berhad are manufacturers and assemblers of specialised road transport equipment Including aviation refuellers, bitumen petrol and bulk powder tankers, trailers, low loaders, container trucks and passenger buses. It Is Intended to appoint a Materials Manager at the earliest opportunity.
      761 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 731 21 classified ads jg ,u'Sf KLERKS SALONS "3 I^LT- I natrstykw "t^JPfJ"!***. on* ■orgeou* tinting Very moderate g v; BtONM telephone N cIU.II PERSONALLY Deportment coamtaw soon *»sj**TN» T ON EDUCATION Tnt Ministry tor Education has cssmrted out a new and netting qSI Raw < kMNf BOOJOB part feature tnat looks
      731 words
    • 792 21 REPUTABLE TRANSPORT 0 packing Company requires one experienced female documentation clerk and on* female telephone operator Apply P O Box IN S'sore I A reputable Sports Club In Singapore tnvtUt applications for fi ''.||n»mg BBBM 1 BOOKKEEPER 3 OPORTO ASSISTANT CUM QENIRAL CLERK 1 (a) Singapore citlsen (b) Preferably over
      792 words
    • 723 21 WANTED OUTDOOR SALESMAN CUM Delivery Clerk for children s wear Age not more than 39 years Salary $150 plus commission and transport Apply Manager Newton PO Box 43. Spore II WORKING LADIES ANO~" HOUSEWIVES can spare 6 hours a week are dissatisfied with your inI'HITlf Vaaaat) Start your own part-time
      723 words
    • 757 21 LIVE-IN BAROBNOMI/ SERVANT preferably Indian Starting salary 1100 monthly Apply T*l *****1; evening *****0 LIVE-IN BBMBRAL AMAN FOR an American and son. Malay Indian praforrod 81 Ming Teck Park. phone *****7 OTORE CLERK RBOWREO FOR Inlernatlonal company with warehousing at 5 miles Paair Paniang Road Applicant* must have previous experience
      757 words
    • 631 21 •ANTED LIAD. BASS •UrTARIOTO, Dance Rands. Pop Oroups Minimum salary guaranteed plus fro* supply coatumes. limriwwnlt studio for practice* Muot be apod charact*r reoable Apply VeO 36 A Jalan Korma S pore 11 0 a.m. 3 P m. immediately Experienced man (over SO yoarsi living In Buklt Tlmah area Tai.
      631 words
    • 880 21 DIST 10 BNtOKE-OTOstBY MTACHBO bungalow. 3 bedroom*, fully furnished separate servant* antranc* Rental 11.300 Call *****2 lor more details DHOT 10 DOUW B-oTONBV SEMI DETACHED house luxuriously furnished Newly painted. 3 bodrootßS. 2 alreonda. servant i own amtrwtW Immediate occupation gngOOIMO BLB-STONEY semi detached an spacious 4.000 sq ft Furnished
      880 words
    • 840 21 JUST COMPLETE O DETACHED Ut-levol Uvmg^SXig^'welf pSannod kitchen/ serving area Enormous den for large capacity entertainment Call Inter Home Management Service*. *****4/ *****0 MODERN SPLIT-LEVEL ;»OIOE with unique air-weil. wardrooaa and all cablneu built-in wiJi tinted glass throughout, vary raaHlsßtMl area Furnianed/ unfurnished considered at reasonable rent Call Mr Wong
      840 words
    • 878 21 WE NAM BtWUBSE ClttaTTS lor bungalows/ apartments In various district Sal*, rental Pleas* tai 2MISOO/ *****46 Mr Wong GENUINE BUYER WITH READY cash urgently requires ilnd* storey bungalow/ semi-de-tached in good district below $140.000 Contact David *****7 *****2 URGENTLY REQUIRED HOUSE*/ APARTMENT* dl'.U 9 10. 11. 21. 5. 19. 30.
      878 words
    • 884 21 DISTRICT 11 BRAND NIW 4bodroomed 2-ttorey «pllt-lav*l bungalow 6.000 aq ft Freehold site J L Chen Associate* *****7 Dior 10 SINGLE ITORIv TERRACE conveniently located (school, bus terminal markeu etc Only Interested oarllet photic ***** V *****3 «*_!_r 3-stoorty n^vrSsU-ss W affg^gg" WM Namly Katate 10.500 aq ft $430--000 Faber
      884 words
    • 829 21 04 TELOK AVER OIRBJEI ARBA 500 tq ft who** floor own en trance Rental $800/- Contact ***** OFFICE SPACE VACANT Olm Shew Building Jalari Arlffln First lo fifth floors Contaci 210$. J B (1) ITH FLOOR ANSON CENTRE ***** Sq ft at 11 05 ps f plus maintenance (1) 11TM
      829 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
      564 words
    • 609 22 NAM NO TRAVBL BBRVICB [Singapore* P«» Limited Tour WestMalaysla Seven days SBIM alrronditloned bus MIS* Malaysia Oentlng Hlgtuands by all i unoWlnnoil bus erven days 4*175 Departure Every Sunday Monday Ca—win Highlands Four dan SBSS/Oentmg Highlands Four days s».io departure Cvery Wed •aaday Oentlng Hlfhlands Two days by atrSSliV Departure
      609 words
    • 463 22 ■BMBH ANMBASTBR TRAVBL SPBCIAL FARE* London. Burope. Canada. V S A Australia lndoDhooy Ohaui ?3ear Calhay Tel 3*72*. 3*7*2 •J A* CHARTERS LONOON. r4O/Burope Tokyo I America Canada SBK Pnn astreet (Opposite Cathay I Tel •1/ 333*27/ 4*3311 WORLD CHARTER* CENTRE 168-A Markal BL *>OfS 1. Tsr 91*8*8 tl***l UUn
      463 words
    • 613 22 PRESBNT TOOAr* SPECIAL Braised Chicken Wing from 84 3* Fried Shredded Pork With Fungus k Scramble Bags 84 00 Steamed Fish Head In Pot 87 00 Fried Prawn Fritter 85 00 Dlcad Chicken With Walnut 84 .8* Fried Shredded Pork with aaechuan Cabbage 84 00 Braised Fish Maw 84 50
      613 words
    • 751 22 IESiNNtM TVPSWRITINCt/ SHORTHAND/ BOOKKEBPINSV CORRESPONDENCE AND reportwritinG Days Dally Z&SSTJSL iST- sm pa.. Cvenlnc sesshKiSja 9 30 p.m. atudssiis are prepared for School/ Pitman/ LCC examinations School certificate will be awarded on successful completion. Please enrol (1) BINOAPORC COMMERCIAL SCHOOL ISA. Mackensle Road (3277*7/ *****8) or 7MD. Upper Serangoon Road.
      751 words
    • 2863 22 tNGUSM. UTCRATURS. •■9SSRAL 1«T» MBPCBOBS SB* concealed HABBM S NBPERIAL (OBSROI CANADIAN BUSNSEM OPFORTU J*® o **P J E i 5 He rr OO 1 PAPER for Secondary 4 and Pre alrconj. Mlchelln tyres. SERIAL HOTEL). For ladles' pair- NITY for manufacturers Im- •*5SSr.Jf!Li?* University by experienced Engtuh ,t»wrora condition
      2,863 words

    • 260 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Sunday MALAYSIA would have suffered from a shortage of fish if the Japanese sujK-rtanker, Showa Maru, had spilled crude oil in the northern part of the Straits of Malacca. It Is tn this area where marine life Is abundant:
      260 words
    • 38 23 IPOH. Sun. WUd elephants have dtatiujtd more than 400 young oil palm plants In the new 3.000-acre City Plantation* In the Changkat Jong area. 19 km (12 miles) from Bidor on the way to Teluk Anson.
      38 words
    • 129 23 Razak in Kuwait for 3-day visit KUWAIT. Sun. Malaysia's Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak, arrived in Kuwait today at the start of a twoweek, six- state tour of Oulf oil states. He flew In from Kuala Lumpur this afternoon to an airport welcome from his counterpart here. Crown Prince Sheikh
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 62 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. A feasibility rtudy on the estimated *300 million Trenggym River Basin Project is eipected to be completed by October. The study, involving a multi-purpose dam for hydroelectric development, storage for dry season Irrigation and domestic water supplies and flood mitigation Is being undertaken
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    • 166 23 Call for board to tackle lay-offs KUAIA lUMPUR. Sun. The Government was urged today to set up a retrenchment board to tackle the problem of the retrenchment of workers by Industries hit by recession. Making the call In a statement here, the DAP MP for Kuala Lumpur Bandar Mr. Lee
      166 words
    • 144 23 17-LANO. 8\ The IV Sessions Court yesterday allowed a joint trial for Cycle and Carriage Industries and one of Its agents on two counts of evasion of duties on two Imported Mercedes E>nz 380 SB cars. The motor firm and Its agent. Swee Lee Auto
      144 words
    • 98 23 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun Motorists are advised not to pay more than the official retail prices for petrol. A SheU spsfcerain said this today when commenting on e— plstntt that a number of SheU stations la Ipoh were charging one cent more than the
      98 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 633 23 THE SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY u«M> LIMITED i Incorporated' fa tW HoamMir of Mtefaporo) NOTICE OP MEETING NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Tenth Annual Oeneral Meeting of THE SINGAPORE TRACTION COMPANY 1064) LIMITED will be held tn the Conference Room (2nd Floor). Hotel Negara. 10 Claymore, Drive. Singapore, on Saturday.
      633 words
    • 460 23 (M fi A M J HaOaP^ MICRO-LOK MICROLITE FIBERGLASS PIPE SECTIONS PATENT ENGINEERING CO. SDN. BHD. 39, LORONG LORNIE KIRI. KUALA LUMPUR. TELEPHONE NO: *****2 *****3. is pleased to accept the appointment as Sole Distributor in WEST MALAYSIA FOR |3] Johns-Manville Singapore Pte. Ltd. »wi i»i»iaii»]^mwr»vs»»»a.'w*a«ss» MICROLITE Fiberglass insulation (plain
      460 words
    • 488 23 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMPANIES WINDINGI P NO. 17 OF 1974 In the Matter of Daisy Rubber Co. Ltd.. 88, Jalan Tuba. Off Kampong Attap, Kuala Lumpur. And In the Matter of the Companies Act, 1985 ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION NOTICE Is hereby given that a
      488 words
    • 558 23 Factory in Perumf Invites applications from Malaysian ClUscns to flu the following positions: 1 g— cmM»s Dtrador Ten years experience in Oarment Industry, familiar with Marketing, Financing and Oarment Processing. 2. Oeasfnsng A Mar- Ten years experience In heeko) CantroMi supervisory position In Oarment factory, with knowledge Qf design creation,
      558 words
    • 492 23 a^sAaS^«Hal Miw Liew Poh Chood/olMr^r Mm. Liew Soo to Mr. Cheong Yew Lee of Klang at the Registry of Civil Marriages in Kuala Lumpur on 16.1.75. NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN tHIS IS TO ADVISE THAT MISS JENNY TAN SIEW HOON IS NO LONGER IN OUR EMPLOY WITH EFFECT
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    • 434 23 MM tTAAM TAWABAN I MVERSITI MALAYA PEMASANOAN LETRIK Pcmborong-ptmboronc letrlk yum dtdaiUrkan dengan JKR dalam Krias l Sub-Head Ha). 1 t I yang berpengalaman dalam bidang-bidang pemasangan letrlk yan« bersamaan dengan berlkut adalah dlpelawa untuk mrmbekalkan dan memasang alat-alat letrlk untuk "Proposed New Complex (or Oraduate Studies. Faculty °f Law.
      434 words

  • 296 24 fHE Education Ministry has asked parents of pupils studying in 10 schools in the Central Business District (CBD) to take part in car pools. This is the latest move In the Ministry's car pooling programme in support of the Government's campaign to reduce traffic
    296 words
  • 167 24 YUSOFF IS NEW kALAYSIAN ENVOY TO SPOKE ENCIK Mohamed Yu'off bin Zalnal. until lately Malaysian Ambassador to Iran, has been appointed Malaysian High Commissioner to Singapore. He will succeed Datuk Abdullah bin All. Enclk Yussof's appointment was announced by the Singapore Oovcrnment yesterday. Indk Yusaof, 50. is a graduate of
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  • 164 24 Remove payroll tax burden: Lecturer A UNIVERSITY lecturer has called on the Government to remove the two per cent payroll tax levied on employers. "The tax is a burden and Is unsuitable in the current period of recession." said Dr. aY. Lee of the University of Singapore's Department of Economics
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  • 35 24 SOMASL'NDRAM »/o M. Sinnayah, of Jotaore Bahru, has been permanently prohibited from enteritis Singapore under an order signed and facetted by the Minister for Health and Home Affairs, Mr. Ctaua Slan Chin.
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  • 206 24 Mong the mongoose gets Warspite crest— rpHE crest of British 1 nuclear submarine HMB Warsplte Is a badge of honour for Mong the mongoose as it commemorates his heroic role in chasing a snake out of the car of resident naval officer Cwpt. Tom Clack. The crest was delivered to
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  • 225 24 TH E penguin enclosure (above) at Juronr Bird Park is being expanded by two-and-a-half times to make room for at least eight more pengains. According to a Park official, the extensions to the (20 sq m) 228 so., ft. glass enclosure, now
    225 words
  • 126 24 2 more sites for urban renewal r'O sites one in Mnlay street and the oGxr In the area of Somen?; KUllney and Exeter Read* are to be acquired by the Crrernment for urban redevelopment. The area of the Malay Street site is ?09 sq. m. 3.326 sq.ft.) while that in
    126 words
  • 92 24 MELBOURNE. Sun. Philippines grandmaster Eugenio Torre and Singapore's international master, Tan Llan Ann. shared the lead yesterday after three rounds in the Asian Pacific chess champlon- ship New Zealand's Paul Garbett has an adjourned match to complete and Is the only player who can deprive
    AP  -  92 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 226 24 The Comsar 150 Special effects lighting Qf A mid-range protector of British metal construction and German /English optics, the COMSAR 150 takes a wide selection of 6" effects-wheels Amongst those currently available are the following hqutd wheel, multicoloured musical notes stars, arrows, group names, cartoon, smiles, outer space and SAREX
      226 words
    • 42 24 I I HI I GRAB irt ncm übd toi Mow nouui JA Stocked with specially-imported items. /^M Ready-made garments, shoes, bags, \MSf W*tCf Si accessor cs materials, curtains and y ft* y A V aeocrc yerca J 6T>62 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE.
      42 words

  • 777 25 McKenzie is steering Leeds back to the top THANKS TO BRIAN CLOUGH... LONDON, Sun L]N(iLISH Football League hampions Leeds I nited continue their steady climb up the First Division table and today stand just four points behind leaden Everton. After losing manager Don Revle during the close season, Leeds slumped
    Reuter  -  777 words
  • 381 25 IyJBLIN, Sun. Ireland beat England 12-9 in their five-nation Rugby Union championship match here "yesterday their fourth successive championship victory over the English. It Is the first time this century that Ireland have run up four victories In a row over England. A
    Reuter  -  381 words
  • 1274 25 niWT division Birmingham 0 Ererton 3. Burnley 1 Luton 0. Canute 2 Ipawlch 1. CheUea 0 Leads 2. LMcwur 1 Stok* I Liverpool 2 Coventry 1. Manchetter City 5 Newcastle 1. Mlddletbrouc n 0 Arsenal 0. Tottenham 1 Sheffield United 3 Weat Ham 2 Queeni Park Ranters 2.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 667 25 YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC SINGAPORE PTE LTD manufacturing V f^^Pf aUcUifl measuring •quiptmnt under l.cence from YOKOGAWA ELECTRIC TOKYO, the largest Japanese manufacturer of comprehensive measuring and control equipment with 60 years' experience Our fully integrated factory now under construction at Bedok New Town, will be completed in August and will start
      667 words
    • 132 25 SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC TENDER NOTICE Tenders are Invited for the following: -1) Tender (or the supply of Variable Inductive. Capacltlve ti Resistive Load Banks: E. 238/75 2) Tender for Uv supply of Sine/ RW Wave Osclllatjrs. Power Supplies. Double Beam Oscilloscopes L Wattmeter: X.239/75. 3) Tender for the supply of F.M.
      132 words
    • 771 25 Ted Bates Limited Singapore As from today our new address is 217 East Coast Road, Singapore 15. Telephone 466 822 J^frL ANNOUNCEMENT The Institute of Business Admlnstratlon of Australasia yesterday announced the results of its Diploma Examinations held last October 1974. SECTIONS 'A* AND 'B* SUBJECTS SUBJECT PASSES Principle* of
      771 words
    • 475 25 LA MAR DIAMANT (S.E.A.) PTE LTD. (suppliers of Marble. Terrazzo. Ceramics and Carpets) takes pleasure in announcing the opening of Its showroom at 195-A, Ist Fl, International Plaza, Anson Rd. Telephone: *****16/*****17 and cordially Invites all architects, developers and contractors to view its exhibits IIIICJIIIIIIIIIIIICJIIIIIMIIIIICH:illlllllllllC3llllllllllllt3llllllllllll§ I HOCK TONG BEE PTE.
      475 words
    • 196 25 Notice Is hereby given «that the owner or owners of the discarded building materials now lying within the compound of Urn land at Lewla Road, Slngapoi <> being lot 90--17 of T.S. x::V. which belongs to Mr. Ens Yong Keng of No. 24. Kee Choc Avenue Is or are requested
      196 words

    • 170 26 ARCADIA, California, Sun. Alvaro Pineda, 29, rated as one of the top Jockeys In the United States, died yesterday shortly after his mount reared and pinned him against the starting gate at Santa Anita racetrack here. More than 36.000 spectators saw the accident before the start of the
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 187 26 World record vault by Ripley LO6 ANGELES. SunDan Ripley, who had never done better than IS feet 3 laches before this season, pole vaulted 18 ft 1 for a World Indoor amateur record last night In the 10th Sunkist Invitational track meet. Ripley bettered the record of 18 ft 0'«
      187 words
    • 69 26 NTW YORK. Bun—Detmar Cramer, who quit last week as coach of the TJB. national soccer team, has returned to Oermany to Join Bayera Munich after D.B officials apparently failed In an effort to get him to reconsider his decision. As a result the US Soccer
      Reuter  -  69 words
    • 2702 26  -  EPSOM JEEP and DENNIS CHI* ST No. 1! 133* ($4,666) 2ND No. *****4 ($1433) 3RD No. 1*9*25 STARTERS (SIM each) Nos: 1667*4 *****7 *****7 *****5 *****8 ****** 1*3414 15*33* 154S53 15M41. CONSOLATION ($1** each) Noa: 167*21 *****5 *****7 15*383 153*12 *****4
      2,702 words
    • 822 26 STIPE'S REPORT Reprimand for apprentice V. Nathan APPRENTICE P. Vlsuenathan wu reprimanded by the stewards for not exercising greater c*r» when using the whip oi Count Carlo In the first race at Buklt TUnah y.sterday. The stipendiary steward's report on yesterday's races. But* of going: Good. RACK 1: Prior to
      822 words
    • 799 27  -  ERNEST FRIDA By LIM Klan Tlong, the diminutive World Cup representative played precision golf to snatch the CPA golf Open championship when he beat Chang Chung Fa of Taiwan in the second hole of the sudden death play-off at Changl Course yesterday. It
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    • 380 27  - Ah Ngo's record in SBA tourney is unblemished PETER SIOW By XTATIONAL champion ll Lee Ah Ngo underlined his chances of retaining his title this year when he outplayed former champion Yeo Ah Seng In the SBA national ranking competiconnrm his number one yesterday. Ah Ngo beat the tenacious Ah
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    • 135 27 /CANBERRA, Sun. An Opposition Senate leader today warned Australian Prime Minister Mr. Gough Whitlam not to intervene in a proposed tour of South Africa later this year by an Australian cricket team. "If the Whitlam government stops the cricket tour —and undoubtedly it
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    • 237 27 mEL AVIV, San. 1 Israel said last night its table tennis team would go to Calcutta for the World Championships nest month with or without the permission of the Indian government. Mr. Aharon Tofflrr president of the Israel Sports Federation's table tennis section,
      237 words
    • 327 27 Strike is off— but financial woes plague the Games ItIONTREAL, Sun. i'l Construction at the site of the 1976 Summer Olympic Oames Is scheduled to resume tomorrow following the govern-ment-imposed settlement of a six week strike by Quebec Iron workers. But. the end of the strike has not solved other
      AP  -  327 words
    • 132 27 LONDON. Bun. The Malaysian hockey team wound up their short tour of England by drawing 2-2 with Cambridge University. Rama Krishnan and Shanmuiranathan scored for Malaysia who dominated the first half. Malaysia finished without a victory, having drawn four matches and losing one. against England. The hockey correspondent
      Reuter  -  132 words
    • 208 27 WI boost their morale AHMETMBAD. Sun The touring West Indians, beaten by India in the last two Tests, hit up a morale-boosting 373 for four on the opening day of their three-day match against Karnataka. Karnataka are India's Ranjl Trophy champions and the team consists of four Test players batsmen
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    • 575 27  - Five-goal Dollah on rampage JOE DORAI STORE MALAYS SET NATIONAL STADIUM ABLAZE By T)OLLAH Kassim played himself back into the National team with a five-goal salvo last night as Singapore Malays clinched a semifinal berth in this yeer's Sultans' Gold Cup soccer tournament by routing Malacca 10-1 before more than
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    • 0 28
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 357 26 SIEMENS Breeding tells. SIEMENS is known for money, more enjoyment in your internationally as an electronics giant that viewing, super pleasure for the family. gives the world the best technology in SIEMENS means confidence. satellite communications. Its efforts have Confidence of reliability, durability and helped to bridge cultures, peoples, space-age
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 531 27 CONTROLLER Hand -held Calculators Subtract Tlbur Costs Automatically! 5585.80 <»«*.«**> I 1 SSIIJ.7J i~ ™**4S r» °'»'Mli|»i M J j 8l I <•<..«,„, Actual size AN models include the following star features: A A Positive key control Overflow, low battery and memory Automatic constant in <jll four content indications ■^Aj
      531 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 51 27 aoOCEK: SBHFL U Dlv 1; Outhrle Wau*h v Seel (OiUnMn Brtu) DW. 1: tJMW v S*pore Shipbuilding. 8hangrUa Hotel v MoWl (Tanglln): Dlr. t: Flat-Ellis v Chartered Bank; Botch v Spore Automatic; Cathay Organisation v Holiday Inn: trpor* Oxygen t Jurong Pulwood (All at Fairer Park); Hilton v OCBC (Oylang
      51 words

  • 61 28 Students burn US envoy's ear TIE ear ef aIS eeneaatefcaraa fmrloly after aelat act aUght hm r-ijjhTtaMle* E.E^bSXSThe rtid»nti tienaied the eMteaar ferdag the eracaUo* a*aa7 haaay B*raaa»eL Ther were evacated by l'nlt«4 Natlam araiTJe atta*k en the emfcaaay a»d the BrlUak High Cwinnlsalon wa* \nw*U* agalnat the Brltlah itcWtn
    61 words
  • 145 28 Attack on airport: 5 killed PHNOM PENH. Sun. Insurgent gunners flred 15 rockets Into Phnom Penh's airport and Tillages nearby, killing five people and wounding 18. police and villagers said today. One civilian plane, an Air Cambodge DCS parked on the airport apron. wu destroyed, accord Ing to a reporter
    AP  -  145 words
  • 70 28 AMMAN. Sun— King Fallal of Saudi Arabia has donated US$47 ml lUcn (B*loB million) to help Jordan build 1U military strength, a Joint communique covering the King's talks with the Jordanian monarch Hussein announced today. King Faisal also donated US$lO million T5433 million i to
    AP  -  70 words
  • 33 28 JAKARTA. Sun. The ■tate-ownrd {Vrtamlne, Otl Company ha* announced the dlaoovery of new oil miim In Bunyu IsUnd. But Borneo, capable of producing 1.000 barreta a day. Ranter.
    33 words
  • 59 28 PKRRARA (DUlyi. Sun. A magistrate here today ordered the seizure throughout Italy of all copies of the latest edition of Italy's topeeMiig political weekly ITvpreaao on charge* of obacenlty. The charge concerns a cover photograph of a nude, pregnant woman hanging on a cross The edition contains
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 242 28 TALKS TO END DOCK STRIKE NEW DELHI, Sunday JpRESH wage negotiations to end an almost total port strike in India will begin later today, Shipping Ministry sources said here. They said the talks between the Government and the All India Ports and Dock Workers Federation were to have begun last
    Reuter  -  242 words
  • 66 28 Ma*. MIIPHIMI RODIIIOUII. aft, Burto Amu aaad SS. ■saaai m> p*ac*rully on lt/1/TS. ruaarml anaafaßaata to b* aaurial latar. MTII WII TIU Ml, M«d «0. fml away p—ettultr aa I*/1/T». taaTtac bakted b«io»«d wlft. 1 aaaa. flaaa Caa*. aooa Taonc, ■iriif. aaa bratitar. twa aMan. eaiiei la-law, two brsUMn-ra-law.
    66 words
  • 170 28 DISSIDENTS SET UP REBEL GOVT IN PAPUA PORT MORESBY, Sunday DAPUAN separatists today declared Papua a republic with an interim rebel government, and vowed to wrest control of the region from both the Papua-New Guinea Central Government and Australia. The group was led by Papua separatist leader Josephine Abaljeh and
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 212 28 House fire kills 8 in family BALTIMORE, (Maryland), Sun. —Eight members of a family were kllleC yesterday when a pre-dawp fire swept through their threestorey brick row house. Authorities said a cigarette on a sofa started the blaze. The victims ranged In age from 1 to 24 and were all
    AP  -  212 words
  • 45 28 BARABOTA (Florida). Bun World champion kite flyer Will Yolen, M, manoeuvred 165 kites In the air on a single 160-pound test Une yesterday at the sixth annual International Kltefllers Association flyoff. But his line broke before he could set a new record AP.
    AP  -  45 words
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    • 19 28 V AIR-COWWTIONE". .^f^l-. REFRIGERATOR^ QAS COOKER FREEZER T WASHING I MACHINE v From MALAYSIA UNK)N (ROTTAL) PTf LTD. 475,Bteck30,OutramPark,Sangapof«lTa(:*****t7
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    • 344 28 mmW&k laV/^ aH^B^B^ka^H aaH^ada^aHH W £3 r HAPPINESS COMES 9N PAIRS SCHAUB-lORENZ EASTERN UNITED HAS AN OFFER TO MATCH MmmmW I m ff^ m %j^^ mm^ m^ mm^ mmm f mm^ mmm mjL m I a^a^'^^^^F^^^M'a^^^^a^^^H Now you can own a beautiful I 9w reliable ITT Schaub Loren/ colour I
      344 words