The Straits Times, 17 January 1975

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times I Ertd. 1845 FINAL EDITION FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492 75 I
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  • 328 1 CPM WARNS JAPAN Threat sent to envoy *Stop work on govt dam project near border 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday MALAYSIAN communist guerillas have warned Japan to dissociate itself from a government dam project in Temengor, below the Thai border, a Japanese Embassy spokesman said here today. In a letter to
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 52 1 BUDAPBBT. Tbura. Mint atrttne wnplnyeai were killed yeaterday In an accident mvolrlng a Hungarian atrtmar at Budapait rtrihagy airport, the official newt Agency frn said. Mb pa— ingan were aboard whan tha accident occurred m tha Swrtot-bullt Ilyuahin--1» landed on a night from Baat Berlin, tha
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  • 50 1 MBLBOtTftML Thurs. IntamaUonel ssaatar Tan Uan Ann of Singapore defeated taUow-eountrysMn CMam Choo Kwec in M moves on tha opening day of the AataoPhdflC dMBi f hfl BMTiTTfiahllP her* tonight. Mr. Tan o ..-cam* Mr. Oteaa'i Franca deCance to •Mamanm sk .I^o^^ eaa^^u^H OtWßmTffl TaCVOT/-
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  • 169 1 Malaria breaks out in Kallang, Whampoa THERE has been an outbreak of malaria in the Kallang Whampoa area, the Environment Ministry disclosed yesterA Ministry statement I said since late December. I a total of 31 cases have I been reported. The patlI enU hare been Isolated and are being treated
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  • 33 1 HONOKONO. Than.— Tha iint Malayaten Ambassador to n^fcif *yi* Haahn* baa Snltaa. pwasaart his eredantlali to Chlnw actta* Chairman, Tang Pl-wu in Fikk« today, tbs Hew China Mews Agency atid. OPT
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  • 273 1 Fading faith in Ford plan nits dollar BRUSSELS, Than. The US dollar showed Hens of settling ■wok In ene of Its went stomps today, depressed by lew IS interest rates, gloomy eosavMnic prospects and fad ng- faith la Preetdeit Ford's revival package field's price opened M US cents (8*1.15) 4own.
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  • 29 1 MBBBINA (SlcUy). Thuri At least two people were killed whan a powerful earthquake nil thl» 81clll»n city eari) today, official* uld No heavy damage was reported.—Renter
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 243 1 rjiHß Post Office Savings x Bank announced yesterday a further relaxation of lta rules for granting housing loans by raising tha present celling of kians for flats from $80,000 to $120,000. The myTitnnra Of l<^nj for houses, however, remains unchanged at $150,000. The
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  • 908 1 'Yes' to 3-nation talks on Straits From P.M. RAMAN: K. Lumpur, Thurs gINGAPORE has agreed to a ministerial meeting of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore to discuss navigational safety and pollution problems in the Straits of Malacca, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew said here today. The date and venue of the meeting,
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  • 50 1 BONN. Thura. West Germany and Cuba have tieelded to resume diplomatic relations and will exchange ambassadors v aoon as coastbie. the Bonn Oovemment announced today. Waat Oennany had awarea Uaa with Mr Fidel Castro* regime In IMI to protest Cuba* recognition of Cart Germany— AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 45 1 NEW YORK, Thurm.— Dow Jones average* baaad on flrat hour of trading on the New York stock exchange: M Indus 653 83 down 0 46. 30 transp 1M 03 up 1 80. Ift uUto 77.74 up 0.19. 66 flocks SUJt up 0.65. TJPL
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  • 612 1 Sadat sets terms for put lout CAIRO, Thursday PRESIDENT Sadat of Egypt set a three-menth deadline today for a simultaneous Israeli withdrawal from some of the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian territory it occupies. Otherwise^ he said, tie will abandon U8 Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger's attempts to advance Israel
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  612 words
  • 457 1 By PAUL WEI and LAI YEW KOM4I AOUNBOAT U reported to have hijacked two Singapore trawlers with 16 fishermen on board In International waters off Pengerang, Johore, last week. Ransom totalling $10,000 is said to have been paid for the release of the
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  • 66 1 Ford for. India W A SHINGTON, Than. US State Department officials said today talks have been held with India's a meases ilar Mr. T.M. Kanl on the dates for a visit by President Ford to India this year bet no definite time has yet been agreed. Indian diplomatic aemrcee said
    AP  -  66 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Straits Times World News
    • 104 2 Rhodesia accord? 'Chances slim SALISBURY, Than. Prime Minister lan Smith believe* the chance* for an early settlement of Rhodesia*! constitutional dispute are slim because, according to him, a yawning chasm separates the Government and Its black nationalist opponents. Opening a new factory near here yesterday, Mr. Smith said he hoped
      Reuter  -  104 words
    • 29 2 BANOKOK. Thum A minimum dally wag* of M bant (about U 73) came Into fore* In Thailand today for ail •acton exoapt farming and dcastks wortL B»utar.
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    • 568 2 WASHINGTON, Thurs. Congressional Democrats have made their first move towards blocking President Ford's reauest for tariffs on imported fuel, part of his effort to curb US use of foreign oil. The tariff request was Included In the economic Dackage Mr. Ford presented to Congress yesterday
      Reuter; AP; UPI  -  568 words
    • 290 2 TOKYO, Thursday DRIME Minister Takeo Mikl said today Japan must discard Its economic high growth rate for normal, stabilised growth at home and refrain from promoting excessive trade abroad. He also said he hopes talks will get under way soon for treaties of peace
      Reuter; AP  -  290 words
    • 89 2 Wholesale prices in US dip WASHINOTON. Thur*. —Wholesale prices ln the United State* fell In December foe the first time ln 14 months, by 0.5 per cent, but .rose over 1974 as a whole by more than 30 per cent. the Commerce Department said here yesterday. The "I—y.W daorea** Jart*ly
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    • 278 2 'USGovt trained foreign police to make bombs' WASHINGTON. Thurs The US Government has trained foreign policemen ln making and handling bombs, while the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has used cover organisations to obtain information from foreigners living ln the United States, according to documents made public yesterday. Son James Abourezk,
      Reuter; UPI  -  278 words
    • 68 2 $265 m Thai oil plant BANOKOK, Thmm.— flb*U of Thailand and a Thai eottpaay today pJana to sst up the oountry ftnt tubrtoattof oH plant at an iflniiliJ oo« of tm*i lß ■Uston (MM* I mtnioa) The praosal w M submitted to Thailand* Board of mvaataMnt on Tuaaday. mr>A also
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    • 62 2 BONN. Thura. West Qarmany Inland* to Impost legal controls on sal** to other countries of major •haraholdlnga In tna country* industry. Chanouior Hatanut Schmidt said on tak>ncton bar* last night. H* said b* beoevad thai Doited SUtaa. Vrmnoa, Britain, Holland and other oointrta* ooneomed about
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    • 43 2 NAIROBI. Thurr Investigators of tha eraah of a Lufthansa Jumbo )et here on Nov. M havt eooeludad that the leading edge wing flap warning system on the aircraft Is inadequate, and they have raoommoprtad that a modification be made mandatory lUutor
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    • 109 2 LONDON, Than. The pretty blonde *Morlaa,n really took off after she was Mot by her boy friend at Heathrow Airport. Their klsoeo grew torrid, he led her to an airport *ofa and a passing clergyman had to avert his eyes from what happened next •aid
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 549 2 FREE Festive Offer 15 6 7 8 9 10 111 1 1112 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 W 'ffOr li 9 20 21 22 23 24 251 W <^ [2627 *****0 31 1^ This elegant, adjustable, desk calendar with every quart bottle of Remy Martin the world's largest
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    • 468 3 Oil nations Shah warns Thurs. —The Shah of Iran said yesterday oil exporting natfons would be forced to react if consuming counwere starting a policy of confrontation against them. He told a press conference this would be the key topic at a meeting of senior ministers from the 13 members
      Reuter  -  468 words
    • 179 3 KUWAIT. Thur« KUWAIT wtll sell as much oU as cirtomers will bay at present price levels, as set by the Organisation of Prtroleum Exporting Cwantrles (Opec). and no mandatory redaction has been imposed for this year, according to highly placed oil officials. The
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    • 293 3 Poland: ICCS men forced to sign petition SAIGON, Thursday A POLISH delegation spokesman yesterday charged that an organised mob had forced International Control Commission (ICCS) delegates at a provincial site to sign a petition condemning communist military action. I The official Vietnam Press Agency reported that members of all four
      Reuter; AP  -  293 words
    • 26 3 JAKARTA. Ttun Bxpert* from nibtwr-producinc countrlM win nther in Med»n. North Sumatra, tnext month for wtnlnmr which will iowj rubber fsroctntoc Bttxtotlng and raptoitiDf
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    • 93 3 THE RAPIST WHO DOZED OFF IN THE ACT LAS VEGAS, Than. A man convicted of rape who fell asleep daring the crime has married his high school sweetheart although he faces a mandatory sentence of life Imprisonment. Derek McCall. 21, married Diane Chiles, 19, in the office of the Clark
      AP  -  93 words
    • 40 3 BANGKOK. Thurs.— King Hrtnrlch of Denmark Is expected to vuat Thailand from Feb. 26 to 28. official souroaa •aid. The source* said the King might stay at the Danish Embassy here during the visit. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  40 words
    • 168 3 Mindanao flare-up: Aussie families moved MANILA. Thurs.— Twelve wives and children of Australian roadbullders working In Mindanao on their country's largest aid project here have been evacuated to the central Philippines amid reports of steppedup fighting between government troops and secessionist Muslim rebels. The reports of increased fighting coincide with
      AP  -  168 words
    • 34 3 JERUSALEM. Thur». Pood prices In Ijrmel roM t<y 82 6 per cent during 1174 with the overall price Index tncreuinf by 66.3 per cent, the Central Bureau of BUUatlo* announced today. Reutsr.
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 246 3 No let-up in floods as toll rises to 205 BANGKOK. Thurs. Thailand's Interior Ministry today announced that 205 people were drowned, IS seriously Injured and 24 others missing In 10 southern provinces as floods continued for the fourteenth consecutive day. Relief workers battling cholera and influenza outbreaks In floodravaged southern
      AP  -  246 words
    • 109 3 Thai move f or Premier to pick senators BANGKOK, Thurs. Thailand's Interim National Assembly today voted to amend the Constitution to authorise the Prime Minister to name Senate members. The King names senators under the current Constitution. The rollcall vote was 199 to 28 with 12 Assemblymen abstaining. The Bill
      AP  -  109 words
    • 70 3 LUXEMBOURO. Thura. Senior Common Market officials yesterday assured Ois European Parliament that the EBC has no plans to make any trade or economic deals with South Africa. Socialist membwi of the ulne- nation ISC assembly had pressed the Community's decision -maklrg Council of Ministers and sfrscuUv
      Reuter  -  70 words
    • 27 3 Aurora, This*. To* Oraak Government Is takingover Olympic Airways following an agreement with Orwk shipping magnate Aristotle Onaasls kMt night. It vu officially announced her*. •jgflHT.
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    • 207 3 NEW DELHI. Thurs. rvOCKERS at eight mJ major Indian ports went on an Indefinite strike today after the Government failed to meet pay demands. After marathon talks last night with Transport and Shipping Minister KamlapaU Trtpathl. Mr B.R. Kulkanu. president of the All-India Port
      Reuter  -  207 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 417 3 CHINESE mW YEAR 1 d^^M^-^sM'gT^'Msssssssssssssssss.ssssl Fresh stocks of top quality Ki^i^^ppf^Sß^HHfflQH^H Chinese Foods are NOW avai- t^t^tH^M lable preservered ducks, Q gggggßDßß sausages, love-letters, dried vegetables, tit-bits, PLUS 3 fJjfSf/ft} VL [tffm L everything else you need for fijj MMmU F CHINESE NEW YEAR, i i m\wm*+^^^ *****5 EYE FISH
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    • 143 4 Unions face imminent lockout threat ONDON. Thurs. Two Ld British national newspapers lost a total of 2.5 million copies today as printers continued dUrupUve industrial action In support of pay claims, despite a threat of Imminent lockout. The mass circulation Dally Mirror. Europe's largest selling dally newspaper, lost over two
      Reuter  -  143 words
    • Article, Illustration
      107 4 SOME of the 1$ Irish Republican Army toapectt released from detention are seen in this I'PI picture being reunited with their families outside Mate Prison In Belfast. The release was a last-minute concession ordered by Northern Ireland Secretary Mer 1 y n Bees on Wednesday. Meanwhile a
      UPI  -  107 words
    • 231 4 WASHINGTON, Thurs. The United States might not be aole to protect Itself against a nuclear attack a few years from now. according to Fred Ikle, director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. SAIGON: Saigon baa severed diplomatic relations with Gabon following It* recognition of the Vleteoag's Provisional Revolutionary
      Agencies  -  231 words
    • 214 4 LONDON, Thursday JEWISH condemnation and Arab satisfaction yesterday greeted the Soviet Union's rejection of a trade agreement with the United States which would have bound the Rassians to easing Jewish emigration. In WASHINGTON, Israeli foreign Minister Ylgal Allon said any reduction In
      Reuter  -  214 words
    • 42 4 ANKARA, Thurr— Britain and Turkey appeared yatt«rday to be ready to call a truce In th*r row ovtr Turkish Cyprtot rerufMS on Brltlah Cyprua betes, prompting speculation that a mase exedu* from the refugee camps could soon begin lUuter.
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    • 212 4 Britain to take over aircraft industry LONDON. Thurs. The Labour Government outlined plans to nationalise the British aircraft Industry yesterday In a stormy House of Commons debate during which the young Winston Churchill denounced a government minister as a liar. The row broke out while Mr. Tony Benn, Secretary of
      Reuter  -  212 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 541 4 sw '/T^^ ssssw m^Jk^m ■^BJBh^T^P IsSSsIl tL^M Specialists' Shopping Centraii like a gigantic Jpty jCgp H^f^S tw^r^ssW store with everything. Scores of exclusive ar^ ssm^Bw I VJ^ shops, Robinson's department store, Great ways "^^^^^^BJ^bMbsmssWl'"^'b^^lP^Slß I *jPwtCbwl llS^t^S r^^w Supermarket, five specialty restaurants, &S^*^r^nFM m^nwjlwP*^wk ""Wa w fMSSS^ Pno ni Coffee
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    • 150 5 BRUSSELS, Than. The Common Market's long-drawn-oat attempts to have a special partnership with 4* developing countries —tied in deadlock here late last night. The only agreement after three days of tat— ln talks was to meet again In Brass sis on Jan. 3* and 31. The
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 194 5 Miyazawa begins talks with Gromyko ILfOeCOW, Thura 11 Japanese Foreign MlnUtcr Kllchl Mlyaxawa began talks today with hu Soviet counterpart, Mr. Andrei Oromyko, Taas news agency said. Mr. Mlyazawa arrived yesterday from Tokyo for a three-day visit. Foreign Office sources there said he would renew Japan's claim for the return
      UPI; UP  -  194 words
    • 70 5 JACKSON (MlMUUppl). Thurb. World train mervea are "too low now (or comfort" but the United SUU* ■bould not Mt up foTern-ment-owned rtockpUw to halp rebuild them. Agriculture SecreUry Carl BuU (aid TWterday. "For some n»Uon«. the best lyrtem wIU be > lUte ■ystem. Mr BuU tald.
      AP  -  70 words
    • 273 5 Chou braves cold for old comrade PEKING, Thun. China's »"i"g Premier Chou En-lal has braved Peking's key weather In a rare excursion from hospital to pay his respects to an old comrade. The official Hslnhua news agency reported that Mr. Chou, 76, presided yesterday over a memorial ceremony for Mr.
      Reuter  -  273 words
    • 116 5 f ONDON, Thurs. A JL sailor travelled sookm (200 miles) to tell a court how he piled a woman with rum to try to woo her into bed. The court at Manchester heard that this was why Margaret Hampaon. 26. failed a blood
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 333 5 Bid to halt n-station sale to Russians VS., BRITAIN AGAINST W. GERMAN EFFORTS PARIS, Thursday THE United States, with British support, is blocking West German efforts to sell nuciear power stations to the Soviet Union. The move is generating tensions between Bonn and WashAmerican «ffl«*<»i» who declined to be identified,
      NYT  -  333 words
    • 72 5 22 DIE IN HEAD-ON CRASH SAO PAULO, Than— Two bases from the same company crashed head-on along a mountain highway in southern Brazil yesterday, killing at least tt peopte and Injuring 55 others. Both buses fell down a ISS-metre (150-yard) slope, according to reports from the moantain area SS6 km
      UPI  -  72 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 iafl afsal W^^ WM aar sfl Xv BSSSS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^B^B^B^ssßSßSsssssssssssßßSsssssssssasaassassaaaaaaaa^^^^^ t^ teln Mendelssohn took over five years to :^Tperfect his I tolin Concerto in E minor. TVt V I The lomeno was tint performed in M Bfl If /AW.' />» Ferdinand David ard i.\ m k noH ledged as being one of
      166 words
    • 306 5 r^ZSk*%yb^m ll ***L> WIN Battery Electronic Lighter you buy-while stocks last I Sj^eSilert Action S Slim, Sieek Design BERT fl Th« super -ssnsrti/e, fußy eJsctronic ■V«em in the WIN Battery Electronic Lighter ■Bhts up without fsj up to 10,000 Hghts fr 3 m tiny bettery. So you'd never ever have
      306 words

  • 175 6 Textiles firm signs $35 mil contracts A TEXTILE" company hen has signed contracts totalling (35 million with aeveral countries which will buy up Its entire production for the year Overseas Textile Co. Ltd. will also double Its wotkiuice by recruiting an extra MM workers during this year and next. According
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  • 42 6 BINQAPOR* Itoctronlc and toCtaMring (PU) Ltd. ha» been rrg*g*il to erect machinery and equipment for a new oemeot plant of United Bnglneertnc Services Corporation (Pte) Ltd. The plant. In Jurong Industrial Estate. Is erpertert to start operations early this
    42 words
  • 478 6 By CHRISTINA CHEANG fHE Housing and Development Board was yesterday urged to station security guards at each block of Hats to prevent vandals and construction workers from misusing lifts. The call cams from residents of the new Marine Parade housing estate who blamed
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  • 74 6 TAS complex ready by October THE Telecommunication* Authority of Singapore's tl& million workshop complex In Kirn Chuan Road Is scheduled to be completed by October. There will be fire workshop* telephone, teleprinter, carpentry and electrical, electronic and VHT radio. Customer and maintenance serVices will be provided at the complex. A
    74 words
  • 80 6 The Mlnlrtry of Culture will preient Handel 1 MessUh In the Mr«lc for Everyone aeries at the Singapore Confeience Hail on Jan. 96 at 4 p jn. The canal wm famtm* atacapora Cbambar BtaaaMa, choir ptawnUrtowt by tb* St. Andnw^ CaOM*al Cbetr. Choir of at Jobn*
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  • 52 6 TO MaMar tor agatal AflUn md UP tot Paatr PaotMV. «odk OthmanWok. win opaa tt» PaoMal Mtta «wttiv atew at tfia Pm*t Mataag mnawinltr saota* tOBMnW at 7 DJK. ■HHMaHH •< Ma if lint wtnija tfrtaatrttßtton j: pnaa aad^tte jii iiiuliHn of tbolmfaUw to poor as> ivwwWrv
    52 words
  • 144 6 Muslims told: Do your bit for S'pore ra. sjnaHißt c* Magaper* Mbbelsb MtosteZry g«*4ety. sTstisk aMbI atasjak ftfad. 1 eaJtoel esk MsbMsbs to aaak* eeatfik*.tsasM fwarfc StagaSpeaktag at the) Maatun New fear sslsfcrarlssi at the society's preaaJsea in Lorong It, Geyranf on Taesday, Enett Kasak aald: "With Uu Maatiaa New
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  • 26 6 MR. Kochunnl Jajra Prakaah. a law graduate from toe University of Singapore, has been admitted as an advocate and solicitor of the High Court.
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  • 354 6 PSA calls off full alert in battle against oil slick rpHE Port Authority yesterday cil.'ed off the full alert In its battle against the giant oil slick caused by the grounding of the Japanese supertanker Showa Maru 10 days age The PSA withdrew all Its antt pollution craft and personnel
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  • 21 6 THE North Indian Hindu Association will celebrat* lv Mrd anniversary at the Victoria Theatre on Sunday at 7.00 pm
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 417 6 m FREE! r^E Silver Match Lighter h IVbrtb $11-80! ($15.30 in Malaysia) 1 With every bottle of A gg^ CAMUS Grand A rti* VSOP Cognac Mf -taj**** The one with the golden seal. It's your M assurance of true quality.. ..t.s Ma** 1 1 masterpiece in Cognacs. Smooth, A i
      417 words
    • 37 6 GRAB KJI MOi nOLJJ! JA S^ Stocked with specially-imported items. /j£ Ready-made garments, shoes, bags, \M3* K| accessories, materials, curtains and /W m/ home furnishings etc., V aeocrennertja J 6CK62 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. 4^ip I Klll.a.Zjl.-ir
      37 words

  • 495 7 'pHK Ministry- of Defence has introduced a new system of selection and training of national service officer cadets. A ministry statement yesterday said that under the system, launched last month, cadets would be selected before enlistment for continuous basic to officer training
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  • 143 7 RANOOON. Thurs. The owners of a Singapore based marine research vessel asked Burmese authorities today to release the ship, which was confiscated almost one year ago. The ship, Changl, was taken over by Burmese authorities on April 7 when It was found one-and-a-half miles
    UPI  -  143 words
  • 254 7 'Silicone to enhance female shape is safe' OIUCONE Implanted la a waiTs bosom to enhance IU beaaty Is unlikely to give rla* to any pathological risks or side-effects, according to the president of a leading American silleone products firm. Mr. Dave Sanders, 44, of Medical Engineering Corporation. United States, said
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  • 168 7 Grads may give $100,000 works of art to varsity WORKS of art to grace the new University of Singapore complex at Kent Ridge are expected to be donated by the University of Singapore Society. An Informed source said society officials were contemplating donating over $100,000 to commission local artists and
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  • 32 7 TWO Indonesians were Jailed (or a month each yesterday tjr entering Singapore without valid permit* Urn Ah Peng. and LJm Ah Beng. m. came here in December im.
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  • 20 7 A nine-member British Ptood Export Council trade mission left for Jakarta yesterday after a five-day visit to Singapore
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  • 87 7 7 GANG SUSPECTS HELD IN SWOOPS nOLICK arrested wren I suspected gangsters during raids In Oeylang and city on Wednesday. Several of the suspect* are believed to be Involved In various armed robberies, car thefts and ho- ise- breakings during the pat few months. According to a police spokesman, the
    87 words
  • 33 7 Winning Toto numbers THE number* picked In yesterday'! Toto Draw 6/7S were 4, 11. M and M The additional number tv 2. In the circle* draw, the numbers were M. 43 and 41.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 I^l g^^i I i L 0 vfti w M^K^SSg&l ssa s/ ff J 1/CANADA\| V J^ J' i Wft r\r»vr sV M '4sV A mVLtL^^j&mk w A mtt gest^£^3rd \-=tm*^(3M m W B^BBV^B^B BBBBBB^^^^^^ MUM .^Kft 91 t\ lis/ VsO%^%fl If d I 7^. J^ 1> 7 X" i "^"^^bsw
      95 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 306 7 Bringing Op Father By BUI Kavnagn <c Hal C— p <" 1 1 9O BAC< AK9 -"-But. \Oum I' I WOPS* WHO "V «<->SS ">-B I GuKS SHK'M** -JT.S* T MO«S NSW I Wiee SHB'u. HAVE TO OFT TWAT WOMAN J S^»ONS J&Y HIGHT- iLLSTr NW»M»OS» Nff)T- POOW A*B I—l
      306 words

  • 139 8 Murder Privy Council plea refused LONDON. Thurs. CtaeUlah BUvanathan waa yesterday refused leave to appeal to the Privy Council against his conviction for the murder In Singapore In October 1972 of Arumugan Jayamonl. BUvanathan was sentenced to death by the Singapore High Court and his appeal was dismissed in Singapore
    Reuter  -  139 words
  • 49 8 A EB course on knitwear TH* Adult ■ttueatfcn Board will hold a weakly oouna on modem crochet knitwear at the Beatty Beoondary School centre etarttnc on Sunday from IJO pjn. to pja. Detail* may be obtained from the AXB offices at Caimhin Road and the Cultural OuDtra, Canning awga
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  • 278 8 PETITIONS for clemency for and on behalf of five of the seven condemned men in the Gold Bars Triple Murder case have been sent to President Sheares. The five are Peter Llm Swee Ouan 25 Alex Yau Heang Th>e, 21, Richard James! 20,
    278 words
  • 82 8 M-cyclist in fatal crash: Plea for witnesses I>OLICE yesterdar ap- pealed (or cye^wltneean of a fatal traffic aeddent In which a motorcreU<t 'Ued after hi* m»ot»H«j. collided with an arm/ truck on Wednesday Paimmaa aialiiab, IT. at Wtot Loong Head, waa rkbna his motarcycJe aloof TamptoMs Road st about 10
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  • 48 8 Photography course THS Adult Wdvmtkm hmti *in bold ft «wkV eoIBM on pneOokl phototnpfcy tor b^tarxr. at (b« iMtty anaad«a —Hiißl C«Dtr« atwttnv on Sundty frota 1 M pjn. to tja v. Drtalk m»y b* i tif fciii from tbr AJB otttom at CHrohin Road and tt» OU-
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  • 38 8 A 77-YXAK-OLD man. Wood floon Clwmti. of aft. atnal Aveoua. waa drownad while nabsof near the beach off Marine Parade on Wednesday. Police who recoraiad hla body at about 10 ajn., ruled out foul play.
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  • 128 8 BELGIAN TRADE TEAM TO VISIT SINGAPORE TNDUBTRIALJSTB from 1 17 Belgian firms will arrive on Feb. 24 for a three-day trade promotion visit. During their stay, they win be briefed by the Economic Development Board on trade opportunities in Klngapore. They will also tour the Jurong lndustrla' complex and meet
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  • 29 8 TUB Singapore Boatneai and Profaaalonal Women* Association will ho.d a lunch at Karoo Polo Hotel on Jan. M to> dlaousa plans for actlTlUat In International Woman* Tsar.
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  • 299 8 rE "chips- relied in aad made these two Australian girls feel "chirpy"' because they ral».d more than S24JM iot an Anitrallan charity And they are new in Singapore as a reward. Miss Kent William* (left) and Miss Beverly
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 330 8 (fiC GREAT WALL EMPORIUM I Special Free Clfti &A ivVfcaw Special Free Gift of Stamp Album, (China :2^/\ /w* HbW ft**** fin€ Silk), and Money Clip (mada in WS Igy -A \k^k's{ Thailtnd f< >f those who shop at GREAT <2t Bs^^ \fMfli^m WALL, (while stock last only). vSStf h>*
      330 words
    • 210 8 a Arts Festival 1975 !a)\ 3rd February-lst March hut /^H Bbubw^ He i r mm HM L M hIS Wl |lle most exciting L ML i/ 1 V^J festival in the East One to rival H^^* VL I I any throughout the world And V T m "^Lj m k*^
      210 words

    • 127 9 PERAK PAWN SHOPS BACK IN BUSINESS IPOH. Thurs. It was "business as usual" at the 43 pawnshops In Perak from today with the issue of licences by the State Government to then. The State Secretary. Enctk Ishak Tadin. who is the chairman of the Tender Board, said the owners of
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    • 66 9 Farmers now earn more ALOR STAR. Thurs About 50.000 padi fanners In the Muda project area In Kedah and PtrUa e«m*d about $30 million more lakt year, the chairman of Muda Acricutural Development Authority. Date Syed Naiiar Shahabuddln said today. '"This increase In ncome has been due to the hlaner
      66 words
    • 135 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. Police are searching for two men who assaulted former soccer star. Inspector Yt p Eng Kok, and took away his gun In Jalan Duta here last night. Insp. Yap. who is with the Ouard Escort Division, was with a friend at about
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    • 328 9 We can't afford any disruptions' K. LUMPUR. Thura. developing countries could not afford disruptions in their programmes as such acts obstructed or distracted students and academics from pursuing their primary objective of teaching and doing research and were detrimental to
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    • 74 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs —The Ministry of Trade and Industry denled today that there was shortage of sugar here and in Petaling Jaya The Controller of Supplies. Nik Salleh bin Mat said: "There l> plenty of sugar In the market and there is no reason for any shortage."
      74 words
    • 49 9 PETALJNO JAVA. ThuTl. Monsanto Electronics today retrenched 300 of Its 1.400 worker* because of a slump In the world market for electronics components. The workers, mostly operators, were taken by surprise when they reported for work this morning and afternoon and were handed their notices.
      49 words
    • 110 9 KUALA LUMFUB. Than.— Tan Sri Bardon Jabir has been appointed Governor of Fenang In place of Tun Syed Sheh Barakbbah who U retiring on Peb. 5. A statement from the Frime Minister's Department says Tan Syed Sheh Barakhbah wishes to relinquish the governorship for health reasons.
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    • 208 9 19 union members lose case against PP KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. The High Court dismissed today an application for an Injunction to restrain two officials and the executive council of the National Union of Plantation Workers from holding office and exercising their powers as executive council members of the union. In
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    • 300 9 A festive gesture by F and N KUALA LUMPUR, Thursday P AND N today announced a special Chinese New Year offer, for four flavours of soft drinks sold by the company, effective from Jan. 24 to Feb. 11. 1 Daring the period, two bottles free will br given with every
      300 words
    • 29 9 TOKYO. Thun. Malaysia, and Japan today tlgnad a ■■MraJ acrtament In Tokyo for an l«. 000 million ym (8(334 mllltoo) kmn turn Japan's covemmcotaJ toononic Co-operation Fund.
      29 words
    • 32 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Thaw. About M unfin— n tram nine countries lncludtaf «n--capare. are to hold 10-4 ay rnecUoc hare man Monday to cttaeuM the UUct technlQuis of power tystajni esfi*
      32 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 273 9 m SSrS»WJiiI IBM bj ■I »^J JM| a flaV^P^Hfis^B¥^l 1 .^k CMuua The most talked about ear in Europe "IN fUt toor 118 b cc engine pum away l#faL.JWf^ II^H|H9M beautifulK .n be*t Alfa tradttiont" M < *WjHMP'' Vi 1 ir^H TVwTwtMS Al 7S mpk lh« tmoorti quiet eat** it
      273 words
    • 174 9 aS b/S |T^L *W \J'& \lfii I MILK POWDER 1 .7 c! LADIES r^r C.ocl I tskimmedlS^l /Jl BLOUSES— DfcO| |iillld;Iillt>g?BIFFI f rRTTirCOcTTAIL" T 7.05^ 1 JELLY CRYSTALS white wings .I^2 for 79c APPLE JUICE GOLDEN CIRCLE Hsoml 1.30 1 M ATUNNAISE best foods .m* 2.10 I I CORNED BEEF
      174 words

  • 235 10 'Tec opens fire to break up armed mob attack on youth A POLICE officer opened fire on a group of arm«d men as they were attacking an 18-yetfr-old youth in Bendemeer Road early yesterday. The thot mined the thugs but smashed a windscreen of the station wagon In which they
    235 words
  • 74 10 AKAWYEK, John Tan Chor Yong. yesterday claimed trial to a private summons brought against him by Mr. Scan Wee Tuan whom he was alleged to have threatened. Tan was alleged to have to»d Scan "111 fix you" during an Incident at the courts canteen In I
    74 words
  • 162 10 AN 18-year-old girl fell to her death from the top of this M-storey block of HDB flats la Tee, Payoh Central yesterday. Aaay Ling of Grove Drive, off Holland Bawd was found dead on the first floor ledge of Block 17* by resident*
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  • 265 10 PRICE OF TENGGIRI DIPS ANOTHER 10 CENTS TWE price of Spanish M. mackerel (tengglrl bekah) dipped by a further 10 cents a katl to 12.20 yesterday, the Trade Department reported. China 10 per cant Tim Cheok, 85 cents a katl f; TJ** 1 10 P* °«t. as nnU; Thai IS
    265 words
  • 523 10 THE HOLIDAY INN CASE JVfOST of the 400 Holiday Inns through out the world are run as offshore resort hotels and cannot be considered as firstclass town hotels like the one in Scotts Road, the High Court heard yesterday. Hence, Mr. PJ. Chen, managing
    523 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 319 10 "SOMETHING SPECIAL "FROM iv n B** **<*■** Singapore to MelbourneJ^^^^^T^ _muttt^ \^^y^^" Farts available on requetT^^^^^^^M afl B Oformy yA 17 Days Seawing to Bangkok, l)r^i I Hongkong, Keelung, Manila on 27/3/75 WMES29 Ns s s /V^| V 9 Days Seawing to Bangkok, IJtA \T/ k ■^mm SVt-t^^ ils from
      319 words
    • 116 10 /fe Golden WSf ltMH»lli.Y W. 10% CHMESE RESTAURANT Mi L?fiii?/ Uridoubtedfy the best m \\M A Szechuan Restaurant in vji |9 W Famous for its \m Diced Chicken with tv\\ 1 Dried Cnilbes B\V^ •Szechuan Duck l^^w Hot and Sour Szecivjan S3^ Soup and many others ■NVf to whet your
      116 words

  • 485 11 'There's room for more lawyers' PROFESSION WONT BE OVERCROWDED... nESIMTE inflation and low economic growth, some lawyers here say that there is still room for newcomers into the profession. Although the number of the 000 members In the profession has Just swelled with 20 new graduates, the consensus U that
    485 words
  • 308 11 SOS men board Rasa Sayang to settle row rpWO officials from the Seamen's Organlsa- tlon of Singapore and the Seamen's Welfare Office have Joined the cruise ship Rasa Sayang on the Journey to Penang to Investigate a dispute between the crew and the cap- The officials boarded the ship on
    308 words
  • 44 11 THE Quality Control Manager of Bcecnam Pharm*oeuucala PU. Ltd Dr. D. Wlalannaa. will five a talk on sjawl flrnthatlc Ffniciiltna In 111* World of MsdlUne to pra-unlTeraltjr students at tha f 'Tf I"" Sclanca Centre -on Jan. 11 »t 3 M p.m.
    44 words
  • 201 11 JENNIE (left) and Annie Chang are two Inseparable singing sisters from Hongkong who discovered that the fastest way to get to the top of their profession waa to "work closely together." "We ssed to sing Individually until we struck the right note one-and-a-half
    201 words
  • 120 11 pOMPANY director Sect Swee Lee, v, under sentence of a year's Jail for bigamy, was released on ball yesterday pendmih^urT^ ta Sect had been sentenced on Tuesday when he pleaded guilty to marrying a Taiwanese woman in Taipeh In 1073 while he was still married to
    120 words
  • 46 11 MR. IVAN Baptist. UP for Potong Paalr and executive secretary of CABK. wul address Ihe Singapore BreajtFeedlng Mothers' Group at 1U inaugural mating to toe NTUC conference room on Jan 36 at 2 M pjn. The group Is a sub-com-mittee of CASK.
    46 words
  • 90 11 Car tape players recovered POLICE have recovered 22 car tape players and an assortment of car accessories following the arrest of a man last month. The articles were stolen from cars In Commonwealth Avenue, Ganges Avenue, Bras Biuh Road. Lower Delta Road. Queensway, Parrer Road and Toa Payoh over the
    90 words
  • 22 11 THE anopora Numismatic AaaodattOD win hold a coin '"■g* aasatoo at the Stnnpore Cricket Club on Sunday at it ja.
    22 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1023 11 iL^a^An^ h. Portable Stereo Cassette Recorder OIII*HAI r V\ffH*i r l'l M W tJPPLv^T combined with 3-Band vru-t. ITCs|SVA3iiASX O P^lfWAt*^ (MW/SWI /SW2) Radio. 3-Speed COVinCAS CTmW7 '^prVA'l^ WW^ Record Playei, Stereo Speakers JOVUI^& gJLUW t^^ft WY HOW I WHILE STOCK LASTS The Ustosr of Lombard North Centra] goes r^w^v
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 146 11 Straits Times Crossword ACBOSS If» more emaoMvt— and ro^r wmtm of la- thai U rougbJr a f«« 7 P**** l V tT tin am 13 y^STU^Z?** "*°«*r ssots wtth a <° aaan it). %inm\m iui U SS2 rta, ran, 17 E*^ to mttß l. SStTTI-J? 1 Hk* u^^-SSsn. 7 (T,
      146 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 284 12 Hl>^Bß^^^l^7^_Js) fGAl^A^^i^B fin VN THFATRF owns j how S how,ng -uuLULri I null nE tomorrow^. > DAILY SHOWS ot 11 .00 AM, 1 .30. 4.00, 6.45 4 9.30 PM. fs^AC?*** SCHOOL CONCESSION $1/- TO ANY starring SEAT FOR 11.00 AM, 1.30, 4.00 PM mouy^untika^^ THE BEST OF R.L. STEVENSON'S >
      284 words
    • 224 12 2nd WEEK 1 AT THE LIDO S aW» aalr II aa, 1 4H, <iS I S.ISf. nc (Mini nam «D O« M IWU«. unn me fMy mcy < too tar. jWH S^&^P^ THE MMSCH CORPORATION Prweots CHARLES BRONSON n A WALTER MIWSCH-RCHAnO FLOSCHER PRCXXXITION "MR.MAJESTTK" AIso S)*nngAL LETT! ERI UNDACR6TAL
      224 words
    • 222 12 :»%V.V. t .VV»VtViV.V.V.V > I SIMULTANEOUS TOMORROW I* MIDNIGHT GOLMN «t 12.1S AM, KONG CHIAN: 1145 PM "Fast and tough! It's > great > entertainment!" CEHE SMAUT, MSCTV M NO FREE LIST I* I |fn*^lg >^- Mi OS I^P? JlflM IS\ Wy^^ T§d>nlco»or c AsiKfir*. *lMK*M<mfntL*m MKHAUCAttCw, > f&^KS TOA
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 161 13 B» I COME fAM# WITH US AT THE aa f Bk, Dancing on in* Bigo»«t -UJf 1 lIW D»nctFloo» >iiwyi MMUEbV >c n| m ""<: 'o m ri\ |Hk p Anxoranat »n0 Sj_. B^p^|Ai&*Ujo h,i Roy«i Ramadiana NigMly lton"0 30 p >n JCf "a^a^. 'o 2 00 ""> Eatanttontiii
      161 words
    • 86 13 Efeganl" I Fa MEAM OUAIITY UATMfR 6000S I Liimcl I //r Free Gift for K every purchase of over $200 An imported fcf leather J B 36-Q, Ground Fk., Pt«u Singspura, j^^^^^ OO UrCneTg ngiu 1 1 Lj/ lTi f 1 I Chinese Restaurant Lunch Dinner as usual I Happy
      86 words
      159 words
    • 535 13 BI Ij^^i^^j^ j ig Ps^ J Jbßs^ v mlbPs I y "pbw HlRmAmiMvMiv Bpmbrbl rHi I Bfl in m-ByTlTO'jS?!??! BED-SHEET fc{ lijl HHMHaMHaHHHHHfI I (Striped Design) 100% cotton. China 54" x 90"54. 30 pc ISsI Bl |g 01 PORK LUNCHEON MEAT PILLOWCASE 10 RSI MA-LING China. 397 gms. $1.35 (Assorted
      535 words

  • The Straits Times FRIDAY, JANUARY 17. 1975
    • 493 14 THE 'bisk and businesslike" character of post-separation Singapore-Malaysia relations was emphasised once again by agreement between Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and Tun Razak on two Issues of great immediacy: Navigational safety in the Straits of Malacca and price-stabilisation of rubber A l.ttle ov«r three years ago— on Nov
      493 words
    • 79 14 rpHE Angola independence agreement signed on Wednesday all but ends the process of Portuguese decolonisation which began with last Aprils military coup in Lisbon. Angola, potentially a prospering African state, will gain its independence on Nov 11 Power will then be shared by three rival freedom movements who
      79 words
  • 605 14 ANTWERP. Thursday -ITHE general econo- mlc downturn has brought a slump to the diamond business, and It Is a sombre period for the 16,000 diamond traders and cutters In this rich old port city. Retail prices for diamonds, which soared in the spring,
    NYT  -  605 words
    • 434 14 VLTE refer to the recent articles and letters In the Straits Times or lift breakdowns In Housing and Development Board buildings. To improve service to residents, the Uft rescue teams of the HDB's Essential Maintenance Service Unit (EMSU) have been substantially strengthened since the
      434 words
    • 96 14 1 REFER to the letter by HJt.Y. (8.T., Dec. 18). The proposed Medicines Act. which Is deslKned to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of medicines, will have appropriate measures Incorporated and corresponding heavier penalties provided. Included are provisions for the control of illegal drug peddling mentioned by your reader.
      96 words
    • 99 14 Caledonian. charter flights I REFER to your report "Caledonian talks on charter extension" (S.T., Jan. 4>. BCAL has been granted permits to operate exempt charters to and from Singapore since Dec. si. irrr Its present permit to ooerate one return flight per fortnight Is effective from Jan. 1 to March
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  • 1040 14  -  WILLIAM CAMPBELL By Using computers to ease traffic congestion in the city area IN THE computerised traffic control centre, the duty operators are alerted to unusual congestion at a major street junction by a light flashing on a large illuminated wall map. Remote-controlled television cameras
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 551 14 SEHICSH CORALARIUM Featuring a host of wonders from the deep! Nowhere in the world is there an> thing to rival the Seatosa Coralariun. It presents a fascinating glimpse into the magical, watery world of corals and shells. The magical rwrW of Coral. See coral as it was formed before the
      551 words

  • 841 15  -  BEN DAVIDSON TAN WAH PIOW TRIAL By WOMAN factory worker denied iv the First District Court yesterday that she had told a pack of lies in her evidence to save Tan Wah Piow and two industrial workers jointly
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  • 331 15 Four expelled students allowed to sit exams pOTR of the six foreign students ordered to be expelled from Singapore by the Government on Dec. 11 have been granted re-entry to sit their supplementary examinations. According to reliable sources yesterday, the Home Affairs Ministry wrote to the students Juliet Chin, Chi
    331 words
  • 172 15 HAWKER FINED $2,000 FOR LYING A HAWKER, Tan Gnan Hock, 37. was fined $2,1 M in a district court yesterday for making a false declaration before the Commissioner of Oath I. Tan admitted that In April 1972 he took an oath that he was a bachelor when in fact he
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  • 41 15 BUKIT Batok Bast School yesterday held a fun fair to raise funds for a new extra-curricula activity centre The fair was held under the patronage of Mr. Chal Chong YU. Minister of State (Communications) and MP for Buklt Batok.
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  • 41 15 MR Ong Tens; Cneonf MP for Kirn Keat. yesterday officiated at a balloting ceremony for the sale of M five-room HDB flats In Block 31S. Loronar a. Toa Payoh. Bach of the flats was sold at 130.000.
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  • 44 15 THE Adult Education Board will hold a weekly course on Interior decoration and home furnishing at the Beatty Secondary School centre from Sunday between 10 ».m and 1 Dm Par details, contact AES offices at CalmhUl Road aM the Cultural Centre.
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  • 210 15 Ex-PSA man's 'wrongful sacking suit dismissed MR. Justice Wlnslow has dismissed with costs a "wrongful dismissal" suit against the Port Authority by a former employee, Yeo Chong Lin. 40. This order, it is understood, was made In chambers when counsel for the parties saw the judge on Wednesday. It arose
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  • 86 15 POSB at the GPO opens Monday THE renovatljn of the Post Office Savings Bank, GPO branch at I" ullerton Building has o^en completed and It will open for business on Monday. Business hours for this branch will be from 830 a.m to 5.00 p.m dally from Monday to Saturday As
    86 words
  • 73 15 THE Association of Indone 4an Businessmen In Singapore <IBAS) Is to Increase Its membership. There at the moment 60 members. According to an aaaoclaUon spokesman, arrangements are being made to encourage more .ndoneatan businessmen to sign up. The association alms to Increaw trade ties between
    73 words
  • 44 15 Colour photo course THI Adult Education Board will bold a weekly count on colour pbotograahr at the Cultural Cenu* atarUng on Monday from 7 pjn. to 10 DeUlla may be obtained from Uw ABB office* at CalmhUl Road and the Cultural Centre, Canning RIM.
    44 words
  • 41 15 NPB course on effective leadership THE NaUonal Productivity Board will bold a 12 day course < n Effective Executive Leadership from Feb. 17 to 38. The fa* I* tISO tor National Productivity Aaodauon membm and »160 tor DOQ*HMOiMbTaV Par detail* fkphnna eusss.
    41 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 310 15 Coma to London and train ss s Computer Operator Join the fastest growing industry m the world and help overcome the desperate world wide shortage of trained computer personnel Start a career which leaves others far behind in pay prospects and security Why London Because only LCOTC offers you the
      310 words
    • 191 15 Does the Vitamin Tonic you give your children contain all these 4^ essential vitamins M Check this list VITAMIN A for clear, sparkling eyes VITAMIN B1 for extra strength and energy VITAMIN B 2 for correct blood development VITAMIN C for building resistance to illness VITAMIN D for strong, hard
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 403 15 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 Ul PM OpiMf wd For tto Family (Chinese) I 7.15 Tatapjti MkjpM Urtq Hi|iniD 135 Low I tony S*n*ured TMm 7JI Nm «d Cotar Newsreel fltotoy) mtmm Inn Klin H um-U» ttw- 7JI Sports Panda P* art Cta naj-Ta (laput) UI tel wtt SmmMk EUri
      403 words
    • 91 15 and Share Market Report 1.41 Lunch Date tM Always in My Heart 2.M English by Radio— Listen and Teach 2.45 Accent on Rhythm I.N Sixty Minute Theatre 4.N Tea Break. 5.N PM New: m Briet Pro gramme Summary 5.11 Musn the Move IM News in Brief followed by Today's Prices
      91 words
    • 480 15 1.11 Daily Digest US Musical Moments 1.4S Share Market Report 7.H News 7.1S International Affairs 7.31 RTS Concert Kill IN Does the Team Think? UI On State IM News 1.11 Str.ctly Instrumental UI Movie Magazine UN Smg Choir Sing 11 15 Sports famine 11.45 Only Folk 11.M Km 11.11 Early
      480 words
    • 21 15 "*glii"/PON'T ftviE ME I au I yAM AMR EVBttOKE <& IfoiwTMM-m^l "DKAVE PEACE. JOY ANPUJVE W A^^^EKE™ AT7 If *>. I THINK I'Vt
      21 words
    • 21 15 WATER enMVUM on Wednesday wu 1»5 mllilon fatten* <MMM cubic metres) 4 n>::Uon gallons (Sl.Mt e«We metres) more than on TmmUj.
      21 words

      • 71 16 I.E. U*» U» It. In*. tltO ■t tarn rjtatei »T» ft. M UM ftMVtaAd S3 10 h«M MM CCM tl.10 r m m Mm SI 12 l«ll— 011 M«C »4J« I J tmml. «0M ■y««» $1.00 PufiH II «0 I. CkM. M7f kOM IIM [■!*■■>« $1 71 llMl II
        71 words
      • 24 16 Faker Mariaa 4M.660 I. a B. 275.0*0 D. aY 8. 145,000 Haw Par 111.000 Tstal Taraarar: tilfcf Tseal Vaaaa: S3 *6af
        24 words
      • 58 16 Jan. II Ink. Iittattrtals UI 11 1UJ rhuN: m.n mi. f Hafete: ISSJt 1M.( fl»nrtti 1UJK 1MJ 1 TIm: »14$ »7J T I raMtrt: USJ1 Itt. O.CJ.C: 1MJ« 1WJ J 8.r8. M.: 1MJM 1M Dm. M. 1K4 1M D«e. SI. 1*M 1M t Dn. t» IMt 1M D**. SI.
        58 words
    • 1701 16 •v*BB last tranaactad ready 1 sals at tiki cJoat of Bitamrsi oa the Stock Exchange of Bangs urn vasterday compared with the previous day's prices together with in< it high and tow (•Adjusted for all new Issues) SICTIIH INS IHOUITMIALI CLOSINC TON!: Hotel! propartlaa staady whlla tba raat
      1,701 words
    • 1354 16 DID and offer price* officially luted and business In and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange ycwwrdajr with the number of (hare* traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 unlit unlaat otherwise specified. INOU(TM:«L( Aiwa it 1SB) •MM 1 1 TOB i a. cum. 10T4B otsa>
      1,354 words
    • 398 16 PKICES wn laterally 1 it«jady at alifhtly hither leveli at the Stock Exchange of SinSpore yesterday. Unlike c Mat three days, the trading pace was comparatively leas hectic. Interest on the industrial board reverted once again to lag* volatile counters. Bank shares, however, still dominated moat of
      398 words
    • 1598 16 BUSINESS DONE (SINGAPORE) n ID and offer prices officially D listed snd business in and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackeu In lot* of 1.000 unlu untew otherwise specified. All lime Bargains for Settlement ContracU are quoted after the
      1,598 words
    • 280 16 Further progress in KL Exchange SHARK prices closed higher after moving within narrow margins on the Kiala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Trading wag marked by Intermittent profittaking and scattered buying prompted slightly by the Oovernment's confirmation of a slowdown In Inflation rate Early trading took an easier bias on extended
      280 words
    • 179 16 A SIAN currency deposit Interbank rates a* at ctoee on Thursday. Jan 16: Offar BM 7 dayi 7 3 8 7 l 8 1 mth 7 IS 18 7 13 II 3 mth* I 1/3 t I/t 3 mthi 8 11/16 9 18 6 mth* 11 16
      179 words
    • 30 16 Closing interbank rates In Singapore Hollars for Jan 16 Ofwrtght 1% 1 mth 8V« 3 mtht t% 1 mthf Prime rmtc 10%% r— P. Mmmj 7 •H tat
      30 words
    • 34 16 RANOE or ratal affarad b> diaeount ham at oa Jam. it: Overnight 4 t» «S* Call dapoem BMBBBJ Bear lali S-maßta Traaaaiy bill* 414 S-aMaik baak Miv i/ii •torn NaUsaal Dtassaat C«.
      34 words
    • 211 16 rOLLOWINO the fail of r the US doilar In Europe and In the United Bute*. It opened easier In the Singapore forex market yesterday at $2.3140/70. The dollar was traded In a dull and listless market to close at $2.3120/30. Suggested forward Interbank rates at 3.00 p.m Forward
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    • 166 16 Theas an suggested Interbank rates st 3 00 pm. CarrtSMsss Nosaaaal rates fUslthaaalsii FereetUaf* tooted yesterday (eraH) parity ekaagt US dollar 2 31J5 2 3145 3 8196 —17 85 Sterling pound 5 4440 6.4495 7.3469 —3690 Hongkong dollar 48 34 «60 60 M 4 M Malaysian dollar 99.96
      166 words
      • 29 16 Rubber: Jan. 16 SingaTJbre: 129 00 eta. (up 2.50 eta.) Malaysia I».M eta. (up 3.N eta.) Tin: Sl.m (up $H.S7i>. Official offering 350 tons (down S tons).
        29 words
      • 63 16 rE Malaysian Minister of Finance has fixed these rates for calculating Customs duties from Jan. IS until farther notice: Rubber 571 cU a 1b Copra ISM a ton r. Kernel $235.25 a ton The rate* of duties payable are: Rubber 2} e ta alb (Total 7| eta a
        63 words
      • 106 16 /MIMfSI MODUCI g|. v CHAHOI. (INQAFORI NOON CLOIINO »RICI* MR PICUL VKTIROAY Ca««iul Oil: bulk SM nominal, dram 1100 nominal Caara: Mlird (looos) UK/ Oonl. |M r.omioal. ""llSlr: atunlok ABTA »Mta fob 100« NLW tziil acllrra. Sarawak whlla f.e.b. M% NLW |M 0 aallara. Huiwik aprcial black fob. M«
        106 words
      • 184 16 HPHZ Straits Un price In Penang yesterday pierced the 81.000 mark again by a further gain of $14,87 4 on Wednesday's close to 81.010 per picul on an offlclal offering down three tons to 350 tons. The last time the Straits Un price passed the $1,000 lewl was
        184 words
      • 29 16 Londr.n copper prlcaa on Tuaaaay iprwioua Is btmckats). Wiraaar Spot buyar £530 (fan) aallar IMI USW.SO) Thra* Month buyar iU» UM«I aallcr «&90 iIMt). Maraat tana: Btaady.
        29 words
      • 521 16 /-vPENINO quotations on sarUy reflect any worthwhile the Sbigapore rubber Inquiry for physical*. market yesterday were mark- The sources said mjch of ed up one cent following the early terminal support overseas advices but the mar- could be attributed to specuket wss uncertain at the latlve shoi tcoverlng
        521 words
      • 98 16 TVAJLY BMB and 88R urtoes Issued at noon yesterday (Carnal Mth) (Forwd MUD MEtI.K Bayan Sdbn Bqm Mhn ((Mil INT kg) (CMIU »er 3MR SCV (1-too pallet) IJtJO ISI.MH 1» 50 131 SON BUR 5L (l-t«n p^ltt) IM.OO ISO.OON 1M 00 ISO 00N BMR (1-ton paUK) U7JO
        98 words
      • 271 16 HONOKONO. Thu r The market managed to show some resilience despite the bearish new* of the shelving of the plans by Textile Alliance and Toa Oil of Japan to build a refinery and petrochemical plant, and the statement by Textile Alliance that It would have to pass both Interim
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      • 171 16 qiOKYO. Thurs Share X prices on the Tokyo stock market firmed today, mainly on gov- ernment loans and Investments issues. The Dow Jones average moved up 19.45 to 3.741.20 and the New Index gained 1.16 to 273.43. Trading volume totalled 120 million shares. Today cloains pneaa la yen with
        171 words
      • 221 16 TVfSLBOUBJfE. Thurs XT The upward spiral of the past three dsys wound down to a halt on the Melbourne stock market today, following sustained profittaking lorays. Although most sections of the market were able to close on balance steady to firm, several falls were seen elsewhere. Energy stocks managed
        221 words
      • 123 16 Wed Dutch Internationals were monly weaker led by Aksa and I'nllever, although Philips and Roral DuU-h firmed slightly, dealers said DELI edged higher against the weaker trend in plantations, as did Enala and AHN in generally weaker Insurances and banks. Omsaerssi led falls In shippings Inveatinant funds ruled generally
        123 words
      • 137 16 -/ORICH, Wed The recent decline In WaU Street Initially caused stock prices to fall During the Nsslon however, the majority of slocks recovered on an Increasing volume. The advance of the Industrials, especially Nestle and Hera, was strong. companies were Irregular. Bonds were again In great demand, this
        137 words
      • 364 16 V^BW YORK. Wed— The stock market moved In a narrow price ranee today but managed to finish with moderate gains In active trading The MMlon was marred by It* second trading interruption In eight days a* a computer malfunction halted trading for 21 mlnutw from 1:34 am. to
        364 words
      • 62 16 Cloalng pneaa la Dutch (uildan a« h |on h l JiST"* M»lbourn. <i> iJ3 m 1M HI London IT7 408 ITC2BB 2* lrut IT».T» lTn're ;««i>t it«.so m.w 1T7»O» 17..308 lrtuoa i7«.oo» IM4O ISI. M •»r. niioß m.M« iw.sob in am Export pncn in nor •trrilnt mt la
        62 words
      • 94 16 FINANCIAL TIMES TINS Wednesday 84.15 Tuesday W. 57 Week ago MM uaaou Wednesday M 7 40 ™r**9 irrjj We* mo M 7.17 OILS Wednesday IMH Tu«-da» 130.73 Week i|D 117.6* INDUSTRIAL* Wednesday iw.T Tuesday 187.S Week a«o m.i DOW JONKS AVOLAGE WDUBTWALB Wednesday «M Tueedv aU7O Week «ffo 6M.40
        94 words
    • 369 17 Sabah adopts timber export quota system KOTA KINABALU Sabah has adopted a quota system for timber exports with the volume for the first quarter of this year fixed at 27 million cubic feet, Sabah Chief Minister Tun Datuk Mustapha said on Wednesday. He said In a statement that the State
      369 words
    • 308 17 A R MONK (New York): International Business Machines Corp said the amount of data processing equipment purchased In the fourth quarter was "considerably lower" than the record level of outright purchases in the yearago period. Although the outright purchases of data processing equipment in the fully
      308 words
    • 189 17 LONDON: Profits of Plessey's US operations were lower In Its first half-year than in the same year ago period because of a decline in its Oarrard business and semi-conductor packaging activities. Mr. Erie Prye, director of finance and planning, said. He told a press
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 121 17 DOUYKD by high palm *> oil price*, unaudited pre-tax profit* of Buklt KatU Rubber Estates Jumped M.3 per cent to $*****3 In the first half-year ended October 1974, despite declining rubber prices. Net profits on sale of oil palm fruits took a near tint-fold Jump
      121 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 562 17 CHEMICALS SALES REPRESENTATIVE An International Chemical Company with well established marketing operations in Malaysia invites applications for the post of Chemical Sales Representative. The successful applicant will, after an Initial period of training, be responsible for the promotion and sales of the Company's diverse range of industrial chemicals In a
      562 words
    • 529 17 I Suitably qualified applicants are invited to rill the position of PRODUCTION MANAGER Th# Company: A Joint venture company with Th« Giltott* Company which is the leading maker of razors and blades and toiletries. Requirements: At least a Diploma In Mechanical Engineering from a recognised institution and with a minimum
      529 words
    • 566 17 FACTORY LAND AND BUILDING FOR SALE Valuable piece of property (Factory Land Buildings) with following specifications up for sale. Price: Negotiable. LAUD 1. Loolloh Tasek Industrial Es'ate Ipoh, Perak 2. Araa 3a Or OOp 130,680 aq. ft. 3. Land Urn Industrial purposes Type Leasehold -99 years expiring 30th Sept., 2084
      566 words
    • 820 17 MALAYSIA (PENINSULAR) TELEPHONE DIRECTORY JANUARY 1975 The Ministry of Telecommunications Is pleased to announce that the Malaysia (Peninsular) Telephone Directory January 1975 issue Is now available for collection at all Regional Telecommunications Offices, Telegraph Counters and Telephone Exchanges. Telephone subscribers in the Kuala Lumpur area may collect their directories at
      820 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 647 18 r«quir« TRAINING OFFICER m the following fields 1 dm* end Arc WeMinf 2 Metal Mochimnj A fitting 3 Academic (Inffcth Science, Math*) 4 Fae4 end Beveraae Service 5 Fae4l Preparation/ Cookery Pastry 4 Hotel 4 Catering Aontinistrotion IMTRY QUALIFICATIONS: A For rW 1 2 Condidotes with exceptionol skill m the
      647 words
    • 586 18 MARITIME COMMAND I Are you looking tor a career in The I I Singapore Navy? I If you are, apply now as: MARITIME ELECTRICAL MECHANIC MALE APPLICANTS MUST: I a Be physically fit I b Have passed at least Sec II or LCE Aor B I with credit in Matherrtotics
      586 words
    • 609 18 I SINGAPORE CABLE \()7 CAR (PTE) LTD mvites suitably qualified condidotes for the posts of A ASSISTANT SHIFT SUPERVISORS QUALIFICATION 1 EXPERIENCE 1 Recognised apprenticeship in reputoble engineering or industrial firms or large shipyards 2 C G Certificate In Electrical Engineering Proctice or Communication Engineering or Mechonicol Engineering. 3 I—
      609 words
    • 778 18 fljg ROBIN GROUP invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following positions: POSITION REQUIREMENTS 1) PRODUCTION At least Polytechnic Diploma m ENGINEER Production or Mechanical Engineering <■**.....:.»<. m.^Jk w h 2 years experience in oroduction (Planning and scheduling ond control, works study Control anC j pr .->|ects evaluation of
      778 words
    • 617 18 IMS Tender will be received in the Mlnist.y of Defence Klstlci Division), Tanglin Singapore 10 for the undermentioned itenu up to 11.00 am on date shown against the Items- -1 CANVAS BAO FOR C'ABLF DISPENSER PACK Tender MINDEF (LOO) U/75<3) Closing Date 77.1 73 2 PROVISION OF BOOTS AND SHOES
      617 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1410 19 •ap-MMMMMJMMMM| MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MaV^^ Ltv CMVMMMa* MMH Tt aVCMTaOT *mm •v BA W IMMM P MtM* t'MV* •'MI Mart I OSAnA DAT m nim ufa km »'i uaur mt a t k ma »'a > m h w uaaaa. mt Ira •ra tmm 4mm Imm afa HUM il tM It IM
      1,410 words
    • 1063 19 ■4> PHOEMIX CONTWNER LINERS PCL COHOUNERSHIP StBVICgS TO USA. tl lit IMf «n« Smm »u»i tMtllt I htrt MMtttaHiua a n w Ntixraxin a Mia vi* fMaW «i aMI I PK«tt PaMMI a MHt V frt •MM .Si i turr I r^ct- >«•• *w (ttlaM* tuiaric PtMaii tl tMM Btawiti
      1,063 words
    • 1214 19 aM^7r77<7^lMal t» IM»» »f| tan Im titatin Nantl litaia MMi| "An v I (tCIVI MAW -~f PWM i<.M AM1..1 HMtt taM U»*Ka Bail m IM him it ra tim ciMttia mt a Ma a ua ant ara mm urn mtafMx mt I frt t <m i mm 4Mm s mm
      1,214 words
    • 1056 19 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROfS P MMt Var. FM ■milTt MMM M 21 '•tmm M I Pa f atttafca. MUItMM. «Ma)ip. llHHrr. Hnuaati pm ti *aaaT|, Iream. IriairMiiei, •Hull Ml/T tar I Mm 4 |arta\ tMaaaMa ColiMMMa lbav» UllMil Mm 11 w «MM«aaß. •oitaawi. atax. mm n StoclMM. Olra. Heouwi,
      1,056 words
    • 935 19 1 f ***** P IWa, AMI. XL *****; Pmmm MMI THE BANK LINE LTD. IMM Milt tfMtt MTtAM 'Mart*. Mimiii. tMV mmmj P-aaal IMB Mil aa MITfIIM Rm Dwta CnHn. >t<M| All Ma Im •MMM RkMMa. *MB«i. tMI. arta. I Cm immj t tan It| frt r**M iui 1 ntra
      935 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1034 20 ""itr^SAiaKlaXN KABHA LTD. MNI, y MMX. SIMITS ff— f aaw mania, (raaaw* p w«m i MtMi Ml Jtaaa Amfciaa Gaal tarrlaa >«»>■ rtt 1.T.M.. aaat n a. %g»J£«; JJ»* tmpm»m*m*m A rwtaa W,« AMa AtorvttM S tatr. PW ataaaaaa* aiat a 't* a****> aaaaaart, ua*. tja AtaiaM Japaa/— *MMt aMMwak
      1,034 words
    • 1077 20 tcciPtiac in iiatt tr mivt itaiiaaaT rw PtaTiiaa. uapn atatMMMtw iuaw« SMMvaat ttawttiauK riaaiAa. ataata. naiuTi taaaai. anir imm mm MMa «via p«an lc i. MatTT mt at aa a aa rmaaa 1 1 r I'ttn urn a Pact it aa s*. I.C T *t.»rr aar Mm* M aa nattaatn.
      1,077 words
    • 1056 20 I^^ieTBIORBn IMS LTD. U.K. EUtOTt SCTVICI LOADINC KMI LONDON «OTTE«DAM HAMIUIG Srauawt P «tMt Pnata I. Ma raaa M-w atrraai natatu ti/ata nn a* UAilm n ra a ra 1 a anTMN. TtMi ttm ra m/m ra hit pa tt» m a* a a ARRIVAU FROM NOtTH WEST fVIOPEAN tOMTS
      1,056 words
    • 826 20 I a-t-aw-aa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaßaaaaaaaawaaßßßaaaaaaaßßßßßßßßßl tgfcs seme w ia»m iMßrm/mumi mn ri T«.ltjal Tii tat i i p. >Mtjaj Pwaaaj laaaar fwJ) aau tall ii Part «VM la M/M ka H/M la a.aac laaaa HI. |f»r». M N ">k| M. Mtnn aaau latuat ii ra avil ra u,ta rt* nm N* i.ii."" 1
      826 words
    • 857 20 BBBBBBBBBtaaBBiaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBaaBaajBBBBBBBBB I^tl LaS^^aM^ IObb! I tMi M •pit "OIIT OP UNOtPOai "^J B ?.r, n<l aSfl2ll Vanrl.lta AUTNOHirv ANMOUMCRO Caaalaj KtwWia: HtnfUtta T»H PCHLOWIMO ■IRTNIMa ni2liTsar* TrtMM II Ktatantt Waa*. Oreat n OuM* nm. PIM ihw* graw Pom klamo Vm. Napum* FMcyl M Hu«n •vartu 31 M. Uoyd Bakk* a>«^i
      857 words

  • 43 21 .CMC PSbTPLBS. OPEN POKES n tl ipSPbl MSWrbNa** 41 -igapura. telephone ii PRIVATf TWIItON beeom* p Ban ii: S»fr*i. >r* la i its regular feature. Friday raents the views of five O RBFRACTORV CBrn Mr •■►nguin In- v t Hrl'«. t..r> P\,
    43 words
  • 15 21 Religious Announcements /OUTH FOR CHRIST PRESENTS .ire Spectrum Singers Tonight <1 sui.-ti) ~3D(i Ml Welcome
    15 words
  • 107 21 m OON BE CHYB. aged 40. passaway peace fully on 15 175. .vine behind his beloveo wife, ok Ouat (Nya-Nya). four sons. ieng Leong. Cheng Mori Cheng heng Pew. daughter ary. son-in-law Keah Kirn Bee. Sup Moot -lyn and eight grandnldren 10 mourn hli loss irtege leaving 174-E. Block
    107 words
  • 13 21 WEE WEE THOMAS (nee Foo) wife and mother Reauueat In pace
    13 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 433 21 classified ads gg -MOONO Michelle and Ltong Uratrful thanks to (Ibsteincuii. md Staff of Mount SAMARITANS OF SINGA •ORE Troubled? Discouraged' l «<-44 day or night Help ■eHHI SKAOUATCS WITH 0000 noNOURS decrees wanted for But A ***** by 2" uftcates snd photograph UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA (Port ISoresby)
      433 words
    • 640 21 FOREIGN GOING OUALIFISO second Officer or Tin! aton ricate HoMer iiauMaa lnmoaUd pleas* contact tet *****44 Mr Lester BPaVa*. <■ BBSaSBI Assactotton af Bto«apore Pa»aMBM snafaßSM Aw with a memberihip of sii«Np*iili I.SSS I* a fecal pram tor th* welfare education, social and infoimation needs of toe British r
      640 words
    • 842 21 RBQWNE A FEMALE OPFKB assistant by a well established all cargo and transport firm Applicant* Bust have knowledge and and cuetosn awrmrwMow and attend to office work. She must tx conversant in English and Chun** (written and spoken). Excellent prospects (or the right applicants Please submit your handwritten applications wilt)
      842 words
    • 745 21 Only ilnajapor* cltlsens with Sc«i**l Oarttrtoau/ 8 OC« rresota. lyptrm abßSty need apply Apply ST Box ABSISS by 34 I T». enclosing mipporunc oocumeau and photograpb. MALE SALES CLERK i Senior Cambridge with credit in I English Relevant and/ or related experience In having handi led sales enquiries and orders
      745 words
    • 832 21 PUN*wTU*Sj aajee^SSPfT A I fVBS bSaIaj)MiTSJLY RSQ%JSBBO for new division by saSabkatiia manufacturer Sure **sful appßcanli will have record sales achlevtaenl. food eentacts and furniture experience Please apply with fun particulars and nonreturnable photograph to S.T Box ASCI** f j BSMJAJSsN S BOMS PTE LTD. FONBSFIT COUNTER SALIS4WSLB Must speak
      832 words
    • 862 21 SSMBAPOIsI MOULDNMS PTB. LTV. 88 KraaJ Laaa. has immediate vacancy for Applicants must have 1 S yean working experience la Mills i capacity Please apply personally ta The Personnel Danartment. during office hour*. 0)1 ssswaawaawaswa* WANTEO A TEAM OF 2 person! consisting of Cook and Housekeeper (Preferably Male and Femakc).
      862 words
    • 778 21 TIMBER COMPANY URBBNTLT RbVJSJSMS (A) Live-in Jaa* (B) Lady Assistant with knowledge of export documentation Apph Roem 1881 1882. Tunas BM-eang, Bpor* V Expanding trading company invites appifceUoruTror the fobow ingpeetr- with minimum School Certificate and 1 years aarkksg expe- rtence TECHNICAL SALES RBPRBBBNTATTVB with knowledge of semiconductors and preferably
      778 words
    • 809 21 WAJSIEO QUALIFIED HAIR and fseial Tel: *****8 Bam SBCUPaTTY BtHMIO4 For Town area. Oood salary rood pra«tsad Preference lo Ex /paste- arw^pe.-sannel Candi kEMAI MC'URITY INfBSTNsAnON AOENCY M4C 1 Orchard Rood bab Man 14.08 am ane 4 40 am DISH WASNSR RBQUIRBO SI XT C Restaurant Apply per sonalW 88
      809 words
    • 795 21 t SaTTOMS) BVOSaI PTB, LTD OFFER SPECIAL UTS TOURS 4 Dafa Medan/ Lake Toba IMB 8 Days FVwU Filipi nas 8888.00 5 Days Paradise Ball SSSS 80 4 Days Otorlou* Ball $546 60 Orient Dtocoswry Tours Prices on Application ContactI IS Hyatt Hetol Arcaa*. Seen* Raaa. jrjner* 6. Tel: *****1,
      795 words
    • 738 21 PAUa a. I CHARM 4 PERSONALITY COUWSE Tuesday I 38 I IS pm. Thursday. I 30 10 is am for 27 periods •"WsJflsJ Vpniv Ms* SMBIaV WTER»IAT>O44AL TRAIIMIIB CBNTRB Supram* Hauee, Panaaa Read Swiaipm 8. fat SSSfiT/S BEGINNERS TYPSWRITINB/ SHORTHAND/ BOOKKESPINO/ CORRESPONDENCE ANO RBPORTWRIT.NG Days Dally (including Sunday I Time
      738 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 794 22 eaMß*^gaj COUSfTwStI FXAMSNATNMM mat* staple with Model Answer* by Walter Leong Ot> UlnaMe from P O Box I*ll Hinfmp..r» INSAPORS INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE MS-A Serangoon iBBMM) tUltntl Malhe COMMERCIAL CORRSSPON BONCE MTN PRACTICAL COURSE Highly -appreciated practical course begin. 00 Saturday ltth January itn Paruruiarty useful to eset ■Uves. serretsrtes
      794 words
    • 829 22 VVTM l*Pfl TCawaTS Q*axß«aVt«MM9 Ofllffl tuition in gnguati Langnagi Set. 4 Oaneral Paper and b«ttah. Pre-U s T Box AMISI RAOtO 1 TV. AM-CONO electric motor course Starting 10 1 20/1 Enrol Marconi teaWate 213-C a NAVE NNMtLT BOWCA T BD experienced tutors to coheh 1 1 ibjects towards success
      829 words
    • 931 22 IBSS AUTOMATIC AIRCOND CHEVROLET Impel* excellent rMHttllnn $2,800 an o ConUct WMtee 3744*6 •raw. Taxed' iniunf Inurestsd eoßtacttßTMS MOO HUP COMPANY otter long or short terms Hire Purchase requiremenu Trade-in or buy your motorcycle/ scooter at high price 1-fi. Paya Laker Reed. (GretfteMoor) T*fc 4MS7S/ 4*7lM IMS TRIUMPH t.BSS. recent
      931 words
    • 803 22 n OATSUN 808 good condition. price SS.MS Tet 4*3136. 78. Lang sal Road IMPORTED -SB/ <M VAUXHALL Victor Tax June 197» price MM ono Tel *****9 I*7l MSNCSaMS SM aircoodi uoned. price: 514.2 M ono View 2* St MVnael* Road. Spore 12 ISM A NOLI A TAXED, insured. running condition
      803 words
    • 766 22 FOR SAUL LCT 128' x»' x 8 Tug boau 129/ 4f«) HP Pleas* write O P.O. Box 36*7 Spore. LIFT WANTED MONDAY to Saturday 7 am Farrer Road to Old Airport Road Tel ****** Tan CAR/ MINI BUS LIFT wanted Sennett EsUte arrive Jalan Tukang. Juront 6.45 am dally Tel
      766 words
    • 666 22 SALON OB LA GRANDE for maissgi sauna bath. Ladles and gentlemen Tanglln Shopping Centre. 2nd floor. Room 224/ S King *****6 MANDARIN HEALTH CSNTRa. Mandarin Hotel. 3rd floor. massage/ sauna/ steamoath 2036. *****1 ext 7SO Spore FLEMINOO MASSAGE STUOIO (Opposite Mandarin Hotel) Operate* from 10 am to 9 p.m Sundays
      666 words
    • 725 22 Befl H~i FOR SALE NEW FORO Powamarlne' dlesei with Bora Warner hydraulic gear box and control suit work or pleasure > boat. Fuli warranty $13,500 Tel. ***** or write P O Box 8 Batu Oaves 1 FOR SALE 2 UNITS NT7OK Yammer dlesei engine with water pump* at 8600 each
      725 words
    • 805 22 LATEST SMACKLOCK ELECTRIC COOKER with warming drawer now available at Singapore Refrigeration Company. IS/14. International Building Oround Floor. Orchard Road Tel STUBS/ I7J6M/ *****0/ *****2 MO IRON. ROy/NO BARS. OEFORMSD BARS. ANGLES. WIDE FLEW BE BEAMS. ETC Stona Huat Hatwaiat* C. Pta. LM. 71. KaMena Rood. S-paraS. Tet IMSSM. 2SS2TSS.
      805 words
    • 819 22 ACMA AM-CONOITIONER twincool rerngerator special discount for cash Trade In $120/- upwards Servicing/ repair-rental Hl-Cooi AircondlUoning L Refrl feratton (Pte Ltd 234 Victoria Street. Spore 7 Tel: *****6 Babies enamel cot from Australia 2-slded Inner spring mattress In perfect condition $75 White Cuphonrd hanging and drawer space 39" high 875
      819 words
    • 807 22 KIM UN PARK, MST. IBs fully for* 1 rushed wtth 3 bedrooms in central residential district off Opaaa chard Road $1,000 Please call Comprehensive Housing *****1/ ****** 04BT 1* APARTMENTS 1 AHTCOND ROOMS. TV washing machine, telephone sersytswawjal room, vacant Immediately C*£ OPPOSITE BOTANICAL OARDBN aaiiwimes 3 bedrooms, living' dining
      807 words

  • 180 23 Edible oils: Switch to metric rt. Singapore Metrication Hoard and the Association of Sintanore Edible Oil* Manufacturing Industry have agreed on a ranee of standard metric sises for edible oils to reolace the existing 30 odd sises. The sises are 6Mg. one. two. three, live and 17 ■I. The board
    180 words
  • 275 23 45 years at it, but museum job still fascinates Dr Morley TWK museum with its rnrsrty wealth of prehistoric and archaeological finds never falls to fascinate museologlst Dr Orace Morley not even after 45 years of working Pot Ban Franclscoborn Dr. Morley. 73 wo/klng with tangible t h r e
    275 words
  • 212 23 FOLLOWING THE LEAD SET BY SIA LEAST 10 international airlines aic keen to OpcrMe \om excursion lares to Australia through Singapore in line with those l>eing offered by Singapore Airlines and Qantas. SIA and Qantas Introduced the new fares offering a reduction ranging from
    212 words
  • 97 23 ITTA French Airlines U to include Bahrain •s a stopover in its six weekly flights between Paris and Singapore. But passengers joining in Singapore cannot disembark in Bahrain and vice versa due to traffic restrictions. Only two flights UT563 and UT564) will now stop over in
    97 words
  • 29 23 THE Ur(v«Mlly of Singapore Extramural Studies Depkrlment will hold course on food technolofy at Buklt Timah rumpus en Monday* and Friday*, starting tomorrow, at 7 16 p.m.
    29 words
  • 37 23 HOUSEWIFE Loh Kwee Fah, 35. was fined $2,000 yesterday for employing an Illegal immigrant She employed Tan Sect Moy In 1972 as a housekeeper at S3O a month in a house in MacPherson Lane.
    37 words
  • 165 23 Building plans for new Ponggol farmers TirfE Primary Produc1. Uon Department has Issued three new sets of building plans for rural dwelling houses to farmers who are required to live In Ponggol A National Development Ministry statement says this will give farmers a wider selection of designs when building their
    165 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1638 23 times friday properties i 5 bl WM» UIIBBHTLV StBBOSO POR NOMEutwmcy Bjirtiintt In Coart WUMng to pay (uoi Bwiism and rental In ad vmnce Company tease Please call Mr AM? SBflt/ *****3/ *****? IDB O*t Plea»e ring Jeanst *****11 aTssfSSSJ BfTsea now/a. SSDROOMBD CENTRALLY -ivf house in East ■mm London
      1,638 words
    • 822 23 P«O»irS PARK CCHTW O—ICI apaceluniuiaoiq ft a>chBl SS p > I. N» Conllrvtnt *****8 Smb. opwcb b»*cts availabci *o« rant MaJaran Bank Chamban. Puaarton ßquai* PromS9Biq.rt to SIS ri T Contact Tal. Tm\ Ext it omci spaci to t*r Rh floor 11 50 pi J (1) Piaali'i Parti Ciawa, *n*
      822 words
    • 511 23 River Valley Road S-'pore T*- colour you desire finest quality in Cane Pur- I* "f rfr 1 nlture and Roagraas matting p »w— r»» CAME PURtITTUIMU Imported fur- •■EM'" Cerpel MaaeMslaftrs ntahlng materiajt at Its best and r* "fv. Beagrass Matting Consult 1™ Adrian's 435 River Valley Road T >«•»>"/
      511 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
      559 words
    • 731 24 Separate tenders are invited for any one or all of the following: 1 ERECTION it COMPLETION of 3 Blocks of 25 Storey New 5- Room Flats (Total 288 Units) at Telok Blangah Town Centre, Contract I. 2) CONTRACT for the Construction of Large Diameter Bored Piles. 3)CONBTRUCTION OF ROADS. CARPARKS
      731 words
    • 741 24 TENDER NOTICE Separate tenders are Invited for--1) CONSTRUCTION of a Toilet Block for the PSA Towers at Jardine Steps. 2) ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION to Proposed Training Workshop at Pulau Branl. 3) PROPOSED Minor Sewers, Pump I Sump, Water Mains including Demolition and Clearance of Existing Buildings on Pulau Brani. 4) DESIGN,
      741 words
    • 541 24 JvACflflT OFFICE /PACE I immediately available at f*\ SHELL HOUSE! \^JT COLLYER QUAY From $140 per square foot inclusive of: Services Air-conditioning o Modern lifts FOR ENQUIRIES RING -*****/9 *****0 Managing agents CHEONG KOON SENG BCa [PTE] LTD. 58. MARKET STREET. SINGAPORE. 1. INVITATION TO BID Tender No. 16/IDA/N/I/75 P.N.
      541 words
    • 352 24 TENDER NOTICE Tenders are invited from P.W.D. registered Contractors In Building Works and unregistered contractors for THE REGULAR CLEANING OF THE AUDIT DEPARTMENT. 11 A. RAFFLES QUAY, SINGAPORE, I far Ike period Ist February 1*75 to 3ln July. 1975. Interested tenderers are requested to meet at the office of the
      352 words
    • 355 24 DISTRICT AND MAGISTRATES' COURTS SINGAPORE DC Summons No. 1459 of 1974 Between OENERAL DIESEL SUPPLIES (S) PTE LTD. Plaintiffs And CHEAH TEIK NEO ELLIS to ALICE CHEAH (trading as ANDRE AOENCY SUPPLY (S) COMPANY Defendant To: Cheah Telk Neo Ellis (a) Alice Cheah (trading as Andre Agency Supply (S) Company,
      355 words
    • 726 24 WIVIBTBY OF THE ENVIRONMENT WNGAPORE render* art invtud from PWD Rfftttortd contractors and from "Specially R«fiitered Contractors" for the following works •apply tad InaiallaUua of HP i 12" Prweaat Csastili PIIm at Pwnna Ste fcr EW% ilm oOTviev RtMrvoir M*r la* JMMStaa PwiJm fU*d aad Jala* Buroa (Co«--iract VI). All
      726 words

    • 961 25  - Lone Ranger on track looks a sound bet EPSOM JEEP HE DOES AN ATTRACTIVE GALLOP By f ONE RANGER II has made splendid headway since his promising first-up second over the Penan? 6f last month and should be a sound each way bet in Race Three at Bukit Timah tomorrow.
      961 words
    • 1008 25 RACE 1 IM CLASS 4. DIV. tW. 1 (uh Box II ».H 8. Nathan 5 S Banary Drmf on 14 S Artn* O3dll S.fS AU— I JIWT- £S A^r- I MrT M Rahman 1 II T*« Sport IM MeamM II S.M P. U* IX TeU» »-H Artffln It
      1,008 words
    • 73 25 TEKBT LUCAS, St. a 1 tenflhjM Hghtwatght Ansuattan teakey. aj 4a* nax* week and wfel rtns an the hut twa ears eg the Qsjssa Eanaheih II Cm Mil Mat at BnfcH Thanh. Lavas wan the Tinai lan 4 Derhy an Jack KjTß*. nui Amy's Ls*e a
      73 words
    • 20 25 TOKYO, Thurr Japan beat England 1-1 In the first match of the fuurth International badminton competition yesterday— AP.
      AP  -  20 words
    • 504 25 ILfADRAS, Thurs India gaid West Indies have won two Tests each and play the Deal and deciding lest at, Bombay on Jaii 22. Such a situation seemed Impossible after the West Indies won the Second Teat by an Innings and 17
      Reuter  -  504 words
    • 499 26 INDIA'S BAN ON ISRAEL, S. AFRICA CARDIFF, Thursday THE International Table Tennis Federation protested yesterday against India s ban on Israel and Sooth Africa from next month's World Table Tennis Championship in Calcutta. But ITTF president H. Roy Evans said the championships would fo
      AP  -  499 words
    • 208 26 Ted showers his 'hate' on Man U LONDON, Thurs. Ted MacDougall, once sold by Manchester United, wreaked his vengeance on his old club by sparking Norwich to a 2-2 draw at Old Trafford in the first leg of the League Cup semi-final in Manchester last night. MacDougall, who make* no
      Reuter  -  208 words
    • 254 26 Bhalindra: India has confirmed World Cup entry T^EW DELHI, Thurs. il India had confirmed In December Its entry In the World hockey Cup tournament In Kuala Lumpur, the president of the T ndlan Olympic Association. Bhallndra Singh, said here yes'erday. Mr. Bhallndra, referring to news reports from Kuala Lumpur that
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 42 26 CHRISTCHURCH. Thin* New Zealand'! Amateur Swtaunloc Assoctottow (tedded here lut night to withdraw its DM to sUs* the ltiS World swtmmlnc CharoThe aaoeiaUon found It could not raise Urn IfSSJO.--000 (Stt.OOO) ni-I—ry to support the hid. Renter
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 101 26 MCC WIN BY AN INNINGS LAUNCESTON, (Australia), Thurs. The touring English M.C.C. side won their third first-class game of the Australian four today when they beat Tasmania by an inninn and 72 runs. The tourists had Tasmania In trouble right from the start this morning with wickets falling regularly to
      UPI  -  101 words
    • 309 26 Connors forced to three sets by Feaver riREEPORT, (B a h ar mas), Thurs. VS. and Wimbledon champion Jimmy Connors was forced into a third set but won it with ease to oust Britain's John Feaver In ihe Bahamas International Open tennis championship yesterday. Connors, the top seed, won, 4-6,
      UPI  -  309 words
    • 48 26 LOKDOK. Thors. Oeoff Boycott, the England and Yorkshire cricketer. has received a record 00,639 (8S111.000) from hi* benefit last year, It »a* announced today. The turn la more than 17.000 (8137.800) hljher than the prevtou* Yorkahlre beat achieved by Tony sftcholaon in 1873 Reuter.
      Reuter  -  48 words
    • 297 26 MONTE CARLO. Thurs. Snow and rain in Morocco and fog and gale- force winds elsewhere faced competitors as they began their second day of non-stop driving in the Monte Carlo motor rally yesterday. Exactly 100 cars, hardly more than one-third of the usual number,
      Reuter  -  297 words
    • 493 27  - Swee Chew is the man to watch at Changi Open ERNEST FRIDA By COOL CHANG STRONGLY FANCIED BUT... TAIWANESE golf professional Chang (hung Fa, who registered a seven-stroke win at last week's JAL meet, may not have his own way at the CPA Pro-Am Open champio nship which starts at
      493 words
    • 389 27  - Record-breaking debut by dimunitive Chan PETER SIOW By rvIMUNTnVE Chan v Un-Ll made a successful debut In the SASA Age Group meet with a recordbreaking performance of the Girls Under-elght category at Tanjong Rhu yesterday. Chan clocked 51.8 sees. in .the 50m breasUtroke which bettered Junle Sng's three- year-old record
      389 words
    • 134 27 THE National team will warm up for this rnn,^ti 8 to tne Malaysia Cup competition with friendly matches against The programme for the team ii»: against Pcrak (Peb. 2), Pahang <Peb. 8), Selangor (Peb. W and Penang (Peb. 23). Singapore's first Malaysia Cup match
      134 words
    • 292 27 Tourney to rank badminton players QINOAPORTS 16 beat fcj men's singles badminton players will compete In a tournament, designed to give them competition experience and to rank them according to current form, at the BBA hall from tonight at 6 JO. Tba players are National champion Let Ah Ngo. Lai
      292 words
    • 104 27 POTONO Paalr opaoad their oaaapalgn for tba IntarCbaatttaeaoy Übk tan&u title with a M) win ora Rir«r Valley en Toaaday. MaauMsot other BMtehas: Saraagoan Oarden M Leng Km 8-1; Eaaapong OlaaaS Jalan lav II Ta&long ragar at Datta 8-3; lDai •anc M Boon Teek 4-1; Tetok
      104 words
    • 55 27 MANDARIN Hotel routed Rank Xerox 6-0 in the ButtMat Routes Laagua Drr. 8 match at Tanglln on Wednesday Mat Noor (8), Sallth IX) and Robert How toorad for Mandarin. In ether DIT. 8 garnet Cathay Organisation whipped Hyatt Hotel 4-0. Singapore Oxygen beat Botch 8-1 and
      55 words
    • 33 27 PUBLIC Utilities Board held ntwoomen Jet Rangera to a 1-1 draw In a friendly toccar match at Toa Payoh stadium yaatarday. Chandra ntttad for PUB while 8. Alpbooao aoored for Bangara.
      33 words
    • 298 27  - Shell XI fail to chase the blues away DENNIS CHIA By MALAYSIAN Airlines System overpowered a demoralised Shell team 5-0 In a Business Houses league division one soccer match at Tanglln yesterday. It was MAS's second straight victory (they beat SEEL 6-0 In the first) and Shell's second setback. A
      298 words
    • 243 27 S'pore badly need six goals ly JOE IMAI OIK GOALS— that la the target Singapore Malays have set themselves In their Sultans' Gold Cup clash against Malacca at the National Stadtum ou Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Singapore Malays FA secretary Eztclk Khalkl said yesterday: "fllngapore badly needs a six-goal win
      243 words
    • 284 27 SCHOOLBOY Leow Chang Bang and Henry Andanon are clear leaden in the Mirror Dinghy and Handicap classes reaHaOvafr after winning the flm two rase* a* the BYA Dinghy aertea ehasßptosMhtps n Setetar over the weak— i. Leow, the Jamie* Sailing CkaVa stadent
      284 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 1145 25 EXHUMATION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given to the following persons who have made their claims on graves on I 6-3. 41 pt and 41-2 pt Mukim IV (Known as the Fong Yun Thai Association Burial >inrl) to contact the Valuation Land Acquisition Section, Estates department, Port Authority at its site
      1,145 words
    • 545 25 Bake a cake with a iittie netp I* -30^^^^ Richards naaaf^lWmlfmi L v "ams>' mbtef.^_*^B Start the day right with crunchy 1 oolden brown toast j V from a Morphy Richardt i M ■>» \^y AoamM L Thla Morphy 19 X XI Richarta 3 DITI percolator makes V- I V
      545 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 231 26 Exchange yourtS^^ TIGER BALM wrappersr^P *or this interesting yr and decorative full colour I f Festival of Chinese Mythology I j^^^fl S^^-9 s^^ f e tner n English or CNnese) for wrappers totalling 4 points M^ A «t^£u 'f^^^i Points are awarded in this manner: fJm. mIM| 2^^. fl J|
      231 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 293 27 .^assll Lmr* l^iß^iasssßß^aßWaJ^" gaal d I SI fl ■BBBBB»B^g8^B^B^B|B^g0 gßH^gH^B^B^aV^pj NATIONAL HOME APPU AIMCES MUST BE WON in the National Home Appliances Contesf It's so easy! All you have $400 worth of National Home to do is answer a few simple M Appliances at net prices. questions relating to the
      293 words
  • Page 27 Miscellaneous
    • 158 27 •OJOAMI BSRA Junior (Depttord Rd). Frtondlj: tournament for bora' Und*r PARC v L*vtfoot (Bt Ch*r10 and flrU' Under II <RI mln). court*) TABU TENKU inUrSOCCIB Bu*n*ai Coottltu*ncy: Otrkn| WM Houaw laagu* Di» 1: KLU t t •arangoon Outei; Kg. f If (Tanglta) Dtv S: Otam v Lcng KM; Wbuvw B
      158 words

  • 26 28 BOKOKONO. Thurs China eleißM aevaral of tv "taiatoricaUy calaatJty-rtrtclun nfhni" in the north have produced marc surplus grain last year than In 1973. DPI
    26 words
  • 104 28 AGOVEBNMENT ■oldier walks past a devastated petrol station in the Cambodian town of Arey Khsat. Ut km (two miles) east of Phnom Penh Fighting both tn South Vietnam and Cambodia remained at a high level but most of the battles tn Cambodia were
    104 words
  • 40 28 MELBOURNE. Thura. The WoiW Chess Championship match between American title-holder Bobby Fischer and Soviet challenger Anatoly Karpov could begin in Manila on June 1. the Deputy president of the World Chess Federation. Woraacto Campomanes. said here today. Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 42 28 JVRXMALKU. Thure. rim Plane Minuter OoJda astir unsMwanl a, routine cataaus* npataHnn on her Ml «pa today and afterward* Sams daaarjhss bar condition The 7«-ro»r-old grandHNther waj oßpectod to tossasß at Martaasah Hospital bars tar another Hv« days. AT.
    42 words
  • 162 28 Plan for backf low of oil dollars WASHINGTON, Thursday WORLD financial leaders are today ex- pected to announce their complete scheme for ensuring that surplus revenues piled up by the oil states find their way back to consumer nations burdened with heavy oil bills. At a aeries of meeting* within
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 345 28 T ONDOM. Than Tfc* mtitit ilMia quMlr arm v* •t S p.m. ta* IT Ma waa ap tn potnu it IT4.T. Th» Mimir Dmatar traat «tftet an* h—m ol i M n ih bank mlnimin Iwnirn rat* umrrow h*lp*« «atlm mm. OU* tmtmni flrm on ftwiriw NSS«rt aa<
    345 words
  • 192 28 Computer secrets spy ring smashed KARLSRUHE. Thnrs West German police have smashed a network of spies that passed secrets about American computers to the communists, according to the Federal Prosecutor's office. Attorney- General Siegfried Buback said yesterday that police agents arrested 12 computer experts on charges of operating a five-city
    192 words
  • 69 28 UNITED NATIONS. Thurs. Balance of payments dellclu In poorest countries wont hit by waring price* of oil and other wawntlal commodities may total more than US$6,OOO million tSSU.--600 mil.) thU year. Dr. Raul Prebtsch, Secre-tary-General Kurt Waldhelm's special representative In charge of the UN Bnergency Aid Programme,
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 25 28 ATHENS. Thura. The Oovenunent today denied rumours that Oreace and Turkey had approached a «Ute of war over the Aegean oil dlaputa. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 115 28 rE Miiga»T« Turf Club la planning to Install two on line computers worth more than S2 million at the end of the year In v hid to lure lottery punters away from "booklee." According to the gTC secretary. Mr. Derrick Brown, the computers
    115 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 65 28 Keep fit with De Witt's Pills a Special medicines in De Witt's Pills stop MUSCLE PAINS, STIFFNESS BACKACHE and RHEUMATISM. They clesr out impurities which CBuat these troubles. So De Witt's Pills make you fit snd strong for ■■aiBBBaaBBBa everything you wsnt to do. Start °'~riy^~~Z- t>king DeWltts nowl timSft
      65 words
    • 305 28 L*l a' i*J r 4 fci ami r^ H I M uVmssuskM A-J -gf m K. gM^sß«sum^ta^mk-^mui The Sanyo M2420F brings in even those distant stations with the built-in 2-band AM/FM radio fo.- perfect recordings Everytime crystal clear reception Or simply Operates on AC or 4 dry cell slide in
      305 words