The Straits Times, 15 January 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times I Eftd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75 I
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  • 753 1 Ford boost for economy WASHINGTON. Tuesday RESIDENT Ford has offered W0 Americans sweeping tax re- bates coupled with higher prices for oil and petrol in a major effort to revive the US economy and avert a national energy crisis. Mr. Ford called for a 12 per
    Reuter; AP; UPI  -  753 words
  • 189 1 Lawyer held under Security Act JOHORI BAKU. Tuea. —Lawyer Abdul Rasak Ahmad, 31. Jonore chairman of the Partal SoslaUs Rakyat Malaysia, was detained at 3.30 a.m. today. Johore CbJef Police Officer Zamanl Abu Samah said that Bncik Raaak had been detained under the Internal Security Act. Knclk Rasak was picked
    189 words
  • 40 1 MOSOOW. Tuoj. Prim Minuter ■arold WUaoa of ■main will state a 10-day official vtatt to Urn aovttt Union •tartlnf P«b. 10. Turn ■nnounead today. Ttt» official news afoaey mid Ponlan secretary Jvbm Ollauhin wUI aeoompany Mr Wuiwi.-AP.
    AP  -  40 words
  • 69 1 JAKARTA. Tw Ovtr M meakm of tho la4aaaauufc navy husatlag imnl offloara> km eooa arroataa' deutag the la* two m» far allogodhr saataaaamtag with tea* evw sk« asvTT apOBSMUaaA today l»t»BNi and 4mb. ■Mat* they had with MkaWft fkggaJ tfcat OfcgW ■«4fUuM<s4sM»lMl to Ukt«*«r
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  • 421 1 LITTLE Shahanas Rofayah shakes hands with Mrs. Lee Kuan Tew alter prsosntamg her with a posy of orchid blooms on arrival In Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Looking en are the Prim* Minister and Ton AMil fUsak. the Malaysian Prime Minuter In the background Is Foreign
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  • 90 1 BELFAST. Tuea. A commander of the paramilitary Protestant Ulster Defence Association (UDA). Charles Harding Smith, was shot and wounded In his Belfact office today. The shooting cam* two days after a split within the UDA over the recent initiative by Protestant churchmen aimed at
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 184 1 Recycling of oil millions: Accord soon WABHINOTON, Tues Leading industrial countries are expected to reach agreement today on the central Issue at the International Monetary Fund conference here how best to recycle surplus revenues of the oil producing countries into the world economy. Informed sources said the way was now
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 33 1 VHNNA. TUMi The Shah of Iran mJ& in an interview feublUhtd bar* today his country would not Join any oil boycotts U Uwrt was another war in the Mtodlt But. lUutar
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  • 52 1 MALE <Maldl*e lilanda). Tus*. Maldlvt Prtmt Minister Ahmad Zakl a** yaaMrday that Britain had not ytt indicated whon It would withdraw from tt» mmbttel Can Island taw. But Britain had Informsd him that tht withdrawal would b» phaMd. No other details had b»m given, b*
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  • 371 1 Japan drops HK tube project HONGKOHG. Tuoday A JAPANESE consortium headed by the giant Mitsubishi Corporation has pulled out of negotiations to build a HK$5,OOO million (552,400 million) underground railway in this British colony, it was announced here today. Financial Secretary Mr. Philip HaddonCave said the Japanese group had been
    Reuter  -  371 words
  • 308 1 Ban on 'instant mask' sun visors? POLICE are considering proposing a ban on the use of tinted tun visors for crash helmets because of the frequent use of this accessory In armed robberies and thefts. A committee comprising officials from the Registry of Vehicles. Public Works Department and police Is
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    • 51 1 MANILA, Tuea. The US Navy list its second centre- 'ersial F-14 Tomcat Jet fighter within IS days Mas the aircraft cantor CSS Enterprise whoa one of the bow aircraft crashed today into the ladsaa Ocean, a Seventh Fleet apekeaataa at the navy base at Susie Bar reported.
      AP  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 HOUSE OF TANC SINGAPORE'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE BARGAIN COUNTER USUAL NOW Quilt Blankets 70" x 90" -*38 00 122.00 Bod Sheets (White) 70" x 108" 6.50 8.2S 67" x 108" 8.00 6.75 Ladies' Nylon T-Shlrts 2.00 upwards Smocking Pyjamas 6.50 sot Ladies' Flannette Blouses assorted colours 1.60 eocrt GentsXhecked Shirts
      97 words
    • 12 1 Woathar outlook today from 6 a.m. to noon: Isolated showars around midday
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    • 190 1 (MAUTY (.KimvvniKii those who appreciate ji^M beauty and precision. P -Ivfe- 1 Chun Chong Mj£& *JM 62 South Bridge Rd, jMßH^^k Singapore I. £auuuuuuuuuofl»\ Tel: *****/2 INTRACO PLAN TO PUSH EXPORTS Pago 21 AEAFAT raas Arabs who Invest in the West t WORLD facing 'serious' rise shortage S 11,166 TOKYO
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 276 2 LONDON. ?um A speech by left-wing Cabinet minister Michael Foot yesterday was taken as a warning that Bri- tain's Labour Govern I ment faces a possible split if It gets tough with i the powerful trade unions. The speech was made as
      Reuter  -  276 words
    • 101 2 Aston Martin: Consortium to the rescue LONDON. Tues. A consortium of American. Canadian and British businessmen hopes to have the collapsed Aston Martin sports car firm back In business soon. Aston Martin's marketing director. Mr. Fred Hart.ey. told newsmen after talks with an anonymous group of financiers, "me consortium hope*
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 276 2 Would-be hijacker ends up in plane's toilet WASHINGTON. Tnei. An unarmed man i waving a brown bag tried to force an Eastern Airlines Boring 727 to take him to Puerto Rico yesterday bat wai thwarted by another pasx-nger and a crewman who forced him Into a toilet. The jetliner was
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    • 105 2 Benz car firm shares sold to bank FRANKFURT, Tues. The West German Deutsche Bank will take over almost one-third of the shares of the Daim-ler-Benz car nrm to prevent them being sold abroad, a bank spokesman announced today. The bank agreed to take the (hares offered tor sale by the
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 58 2 WARSAW. Tues. Poland is to try about 700 managers and officials of retail and wholesale trading firms for bribery, a press report her* said. They are accused of taking bribes from private locksmiths in return for raw materials and apntracts (or the supply of finished goods,
      Reuter  -  58 words
    • 229 2 Swiss failure: Boston bank loses $21 m NEW YORK. Tues. First National Bank of Boston announced yesterday It would have a possible loss of US$9 1 million <5521.02 million) as a result of the closing I In Geneva of the last i bastion of the financial j empire of Michele
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    • 56 2 LONDON, Tues. The British Parliament was told last night that runaway Labour politician John Stonehouse. whose affairs are being investigated by Scotland Yard, has offered to resign. The news was announced to the House by Mr. Edward Short, deputy leader of the Labour rarty, who said: "I
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    • 445 2 Arafat raps Arabs who tvest West UHYaaier Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, has criticised Arab oil producing states for investing their riches in the I'nited Styles and Emtoot while his guerillas go without new boots for tin* winter. "I could not Rive them new boots. They have to
      AP  -  445 words
    • 277 2 Hussein: Let's avert new disaster AMMAN, Tuesday IfING Hussein said yesterday the next few months would be critical for the Middle East and the peace momentum had to be reRained to avert a fresh disaster for the whole world. "There Is so much at stake." he told a group of
      UPI  -  277 words
    • 35 2 BRUSSELS. Tues. Ministers of Caribbean and other developing sugar-pro-ducing countries broke off talks with Britain's Farm Minuter here today without agreeing on a price for sugar Imports for Britain this year. I Rcuter.
      Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 290 2 I Robina aBK Departmert Stare MRRV SBSVICES CONTEST Ist prize Mrs S. Von Cadolsbura 428 Goldhill Towers, Spore 11. 2nd prize Mrs Valeric Doris Lalwani 532 A JooChiat Road, Spore 15. 3rd prize Miss Linda Sng L.T. 11, Third Street, Spore 15. 4th prize Miss Juliana Low 201, JooChiat Place,
      290 words
    • 52 2 MM M\j \J AL fl B BRAND $ksm TOMATO fnm CATSUP am. ba Ltd Quommwmt t~ v i 't.Lic. Dipt. Slow SupnrmSuprms.vtPH.Ul aTBUN HOTCO ing Co. I ««*•<■ Pork iw «t~. J^/« o, 7^_ FAMILY PLANNING/STERILISATION TELEPHONE INFORMATION SERVICE QUESTIONS D r 4u H=j cV J (Xj RING *****6 VjTfj/
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  • m Mm
    • 247 3 TOKYO, Tues J. stricken 44 n tanker 1 Ambassador today sank In the Pacific Ing towed towar pan. the Japanese Marltime Safety Agency reported here No crew members were aboard WASHINGTON: rirsl Lady Betty Ford yesterday underwent her first maj r medical checkup after her breast surgrry and her
      Agencies  -  247 words
    • 411 3 World facing 'serious' rice shortage ROME, Tues. J)H. ADDEKE Boenna, director general of the IN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), said yesterday poor Asian rice CTOfM threaten critical shortiihl leave the world food situation "precariously balaiced" at l>est Warning that present supplies are bare 1 enough to feed the people
      UPI  -  411 words
    • 165 3 fkNE of Thailand's v 42 political parties, which are now moving into high gear for nationwide elections on Jan. 26, today asked for police protection from gunmen for its candidates. A spokesman for the Social Justice Party said the request for police protection was made after one
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    • 286 3 Students quizzed on bazooka attack on plane PA ft IS. Tues— Police rounded up t$ Arab* today in the Investigation of Monday's unsuccessful bazooka attack nalmt an Israeli airliner at Orly Airport. The Arabs, mostly Jordanians and Ira«i students known for their Palestinian sympathies, were released after their quarters were
      UPI  -  286 words
    • 376 3 INFLATION EASES TO 14.6 pc IN OECD NATIONS PARIS. Tv«» INFLATION eased slightly among the non-communist industrial nations in November to an annual average of 14.6 per cent, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and j Development (OECD) said yesterday. Japan still led the Inflation parade with an I annual rate
      Reuter; UPI  -  376 words
    • 55 3 PONTOISE (France). Tues. A man who tried to kiss a young girl in a street here today lost his tongue, police said. Police said the tongueless man was probably severely injured. The girl said the man suddenly approached her that she bit off his tongue when he
      Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 279 3 yff©@www®@ififfii@ffiki®'s I— i— l^l^— Business Hours 9.30 a.m. -7.00 p.m. Sun.Mon&Tues. LOOP, SPECIALISTS 1 CENTRE, ORCHARD ROAD/SOMERSET ROAD. TEL: *****4 Prime meat Value for cash makes* c ;*> >~ M To "°-7, 2 *m»m» rrrm^mmmmi "™£*°»< Fi9Ro Clean ci Na p ppf. b JfH^L^ rgs^^WEl s: 100 no a 0.95
      279 words

    • 371 4 Reds hint of new attack on Phnom Penh PHNOM PENH. Turn. ANTI-GOVERNMENT forces have dlstri- buted thousands of leaflets in Phnom Penh asking for military intelligence reports and hinting at a coming attack on the capital, officials said today Resident* of Phnom Penh's south side said the leaflets have been
      Reuter; UPI  -  371 words
    • 160 4 DAR ES SALAAM, Toes The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) has warned nationalist guerillas to ready themselves for intensified fighting if white minority regimes In Southern Africa remain inflexible over majority rule. The warning —as contained in a tough new policy
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 56 4 ISTANBUL. Tue*. At least 100 houses were badly damaged and minarets of two mosques collapsed when an earthquake shook Ottu. a town with a population of around 10.000 In eastern Turkey, early yesterday a local official said. In a telephone Interview. he said there were only
      AP  -  56 words
    • 48 4 WASHINGTON. Tu«* The Federal Oovemment has announced the selection of a tingle electronic system to warn dtlaens of nuclear attack, hurricanes, tornadoes and other disasters. The system, chosen from numerous ones now In operation or proposed, will be tied to the National Weather Service. AP.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 318 4 SEOUL, Tues. QOUTH Korean Presl»3 dent Park Chung-Hee said today the present Constitution which gives him broad extra powers would not be changed so long as the danger from North Korea to take over the South continued. He also told a New Year press
      Reuter; AP  -  318 words
    • 75 4 ALL-OUT BOOST FOR THE YFI6 WASHINGTON, Tues The IS Is Intensifying its sales pitch to four Nato nations, now that the Pentagon has Urcidrd on the 1.500 mph YKI6 Jet (above) as the air force's new lightweight plane. A 16-man team of Pentagon and State Department offl^iab is
      AP  -  75 words
    • 388 4 TOKYO. Tues. A record 11.186 Japanese companies went bankrupt in 1974 under the impact of the oil crisis and the ensuing recession, credit investigators reported yesterday. At the same time the Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Office said the number of Jobless in Japan
      AP; UPI  -  388 words
    • 194 4 BRUSSELS, Tuesday T»HE Secretary General of the North Atlanx tic Treaty Organisation says the West may use force to break a new Arab oil boycott. "I would say any nation. faced with strangulation. Is likely to consider the u?e of force Nato Secretary General
      AP; UPI  -  194 words
    • 130 4 EEC MAY END UP $140 bil IN THE RED BRUSSELS. Tues.— The European Common Market countries' payments deficit caused by high oil prices will reach US$6O to $90 billion <Ssl3B to $207 billion 1 for the 1974-78 period, an analysis of the market's economic situation said yesterday. The analysis by
      130 words
    • 62 4 CANBERRA. Tues Australian Minister for the Northern Territory. Dr. Rex Patterson said here yesterday the Indian Government had glren the people of cyclonedevasted Darwin 10.000 pounds of tea The tea would be shipped to Perth by Air India, and then forwarded to Darwin where distribution
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 46 4 KUWAIT. Tues. Kuwait has served formal notice It will cut back oU production rate In 1979 from 2.36 mllllon to 3 million barrels a day The decision was made In an effort to conserve the country's deposit*. OU Ministry Undersecretary Khaled Adassanl said AP.
      AP  -  46 words
    • 62 4 OOONAC (France). Tue«. This year's harvest of wines used to make cognac Is down 30 per cent In quantity but the quality v good, the Orowen' Association reported. The association said that the crop totalled 770 million litres (170 million gallons) and added "all the experts agree
      Reuter  -  62 words
    • 121 4 Marcos to get new queries MANILA. Tues Ph.llpplnes El. Commission icon i will shortly subir.i President Ferdinand Marcos re-phrased tlons for next moi referendum. A CoTielec spokesman said the commission studying suggestions on the amended quest! Including recomrm tlons from a ip study group create Mr. Marcos. The referendum have
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 28 4 PEKINO. Tues today denied recent a lions published In B journals that China claiming Soviet and Mongolian territory snd rtv sending border troo^, j Mongolia. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 131 4 JAKARTA. Tues -Pre- i sldent Suharto wir. have the right to replace leaders of political parties under a new BUI to be lnt-oduced shortly, according to Justice Minister Mochtar Kusumaatmaja. If a political party failed to mcc*, the requirements stipulated in the Bill the J
      Reuter  -  131 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 490 4 FREE! The 2-minute Search. M^P^ TO WRITE TO US I-^-^~-^^^->^-^-^-|mANUFACTURERS^^^^s>S^ ABOUT THE L^^^^^J WILL WRITE TO r^Ljt^^ y^M PRODUCTS YOU I YOU FROM I^^— J NEED FOR YOUR r^^^-^~^-^~^^W THE STATE of L^^ BUSINESS NEW YORK. USA. lisvHerc'f all you need to do: write to us oa jrow cosapany's letterhead,
      490 words
    • 81 4 Congratulations to KAMPOOLI JEWELLERS on the occasion of their official opening from Sterling Knight (Private) Limited Risk Managers and Insurance Brokers 219 Central Building. I*2 Mogozine Rood, Singapore 1, Tel: *****3. [bEra^a^ sfl a\ aWtW Bkusfl bm k A J y^^T \Tj \tij J j ipßui^isfjji P^^bJy p I Best
      81 words

  • 332 5 Talks on new primary system they could then clear up certain aspects of the restructuring which they found vague. In the meantime, principals and teachers were advised to carry out their curricula as usual. A Ministry source said that the Primary Three pupils, the first batch to be affected by
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  • 89 5 THE Singapore Blood Transfusion Service received a total of 925 units of blood last week an average cf 132 units a day. The largest group donation came from Portsdown Road Camp (172 donors) followed by Mowbray Camp (12S donors). The centre at the Outram
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  • 290 5 BREASTFEEDINO reduces the mortality rate of new-born babies as it prolongs the period of their natural Immunity to virus attacks. Mrs. Dona Helmholz. chairman of the newlyformed Singapore Breastfeeding Mothers" Group, says this in an article on The Advantages of Breastfeeding in the January Issue
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  • 84 5 3 fishermen home after 48-day detention rpHREE Singapore M- fishermen returned home last week after serving their sentences In Indonesia (or Illegal fishing In Indonesian waters. The fishermen were detained on Oct. 14 at Batu Belah. an Island off the Rlau Archipelago They are Lee Heng Cheng. Kok Hong Yap
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  • 59 5 THE Automobile Association Is now carrying out a second survey to find out how many of its 33.000 members favour car pooling. This Is because a first survey met with "poor response" and It was found that only 560 members felt that car pools
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  • 26 5 THE Tenants Compensation Board will hear three applications by the Kwangtung Provincial Bank In Cecil Street at the Industrial Arbitration Court today at 10
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  • 273 5 New look for Singapore Maritime Command personnel TWS will be the new A look of the Singapore Maritime Command personnel. Since this year, they are having their own ceremonial dre• c s. with new badges and caps added to their working blege uniform. On the extreme left is Captain Leong
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  • 202 5 Colour TV sets in S'pore: Radiation risk unlikely RADIATION nuisance from colour television sets, which has caused 400.000 sets to be recalled ln the United States, Is unlikely to pose a problem to viewers ln Singapore. This is because only older models of television sets, which have vacuum tubes of
    202 words
  • 77 5 NOL's first container ship NEPTUNE Orient Lines' first container ship, the 3.415-ton Weser Agent, has been renamed. Neptune Fisher. The owners of the vessel. Weser Schlffahrts Agentur Of West Germany, have decided to rename the vessel during the two years that the vessel will be chartered out to NOL. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 171 5 Straits Times Crossword ACROSS French cavalrymen (6). to include old 7 f^ty^S) 5 Sa-.^'U' M^ re- -12 %Zr t6 ht the U to demor.--u srn n^h^r ,u (^u« ta. v >^'°« u 7* nT huh lo msny s poUUcUi, crry up to a 16 li'tued crtmlnsl MH«r. m ney
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 145 6 The Tim Sum principle gives Rank Xerox"an idea" The new 3100 on wheels. til P^^v i iiil Pliii'' Everybody takes Tim Sum for granted these So when the Marketing Department want And like the great Tim Sum trolley, the new days. But think, how much more it would cost to
      145 words

  • 222 7 rURAN. Tves. The Sent** Minister of State (Foreign Affairs) Mr L*e Khoon Clw. said yesterday that Stegapore intends to farther develop eeonoMic ties with Iran He also wlact— ed that Singapore would soon send a trade mM*n h«re to explore areas •f
    222 words
  • 25 7 TAN TUn We«. M. of Havelock Rotd. wu found drowned In the Kallang Krnr an Monday Polio* do no* swpect foul pUy.
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  • 198 7 ROBBER WHO BLEW HIS SHARE IN A FORTNIGHT A HOTEL cook spent all $1,200 his share of a robbery witt-ln a fortnight by gambling and partonlslng cbarets. a district court heard yesterday. Ooh Meng Eng, 25. pleaded guilty to robbing the Uan Alk Company in UPPer Buk.'t Tlmah Road on
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  • 43 7 THE Minister lor Science and Technology and MP for Rochorr Dr T.h Chin Chye. will officiate a a bean food cooking competition and exhibition ortanued by the Rochore community centre at the Seleßle Hojse concourse on Sunday at l 00 a.m.
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  • 423 7  - Manpower shortage in building trade looms EDWARD LIU By THE threat of a labour shortage looms over the con struction industry at time when the Government is hop \n% to stimulate building activities to counter mes sion. But the supply of building materials Is expected to remain adequate for some
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  • 40 7 THE Adult Education Board will conduct courses In xx>kkeeplng (Stage 3) from Jan 36. photography (Stage 3) from Jan. 30 and crochet ami knit-wear from Feb. 33. All the course* will be hel-! a: the Beatty Secondary School
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  • 140 7 CUSTOMS SHOWS RECRUITS THE ROPES rpHE Customs Investi--1 gatkon Division has successfully completed an 11- day Island- wide operation to familiarise Its recruits with "prolonged and strenuous duties." During the operation, the recruits caught a teenage girl smuggler and handed her over to the police /or investigation. The recru'ts also
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 265 7 SMALL OR MEDIUM FORMAT LPL HIGH-PRECISION ENLARGERS. .offer You superb performance and speed of operation^ Also available a wide range vR VL of darkroom V LI •^"^^J equipments I from LPL 35 66 Compact Standard A^2>One Soecal PICTROL converts any lens to p^^^^^m a M>ft-focus lens for camera l or
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 244 7 Bringing Up Fath.r »y Mil KavtnMli —1 Cfp I y ILL (XT PKSSSSP Lf I I 3UC9S W*Cfc OP^'Hg TQ j It!. THANK M3U TO STOP J rmt* to,- «ou co^e >om c o« \s»* f ON'©« T pinnicr tt>ii©ht, psa*— jl listen**© in on My y.^ Bar ChU Yottng
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 897 8 KAMPOOLI PTE.LTD.(g^M& ***l*ftt A Special Official Opening Feature ruT,£TcJL, /t~l Kampooli Jewellers: MBSAMFR0M *=~*&L T^ Official opening today sBEr" 1 pore, the official opening f SINGAPORE f *r r. today of Kampooli Jewel- ky U ##*****110 Xlt2llf TOURIST PROMOTION H lers may be looked upon as ||W |f| a |\UIIIIIC
      897 words

    • 312 9 HIS 'TARGET: THE MAID PETAUNG JAVA, Timdn DOLICK have detained a man whom the\ described as a "Casanova Burglar. They have also seized about $8,000 worth of Jewellery believed to have been stolen from a commercial pilot at Jalan 18/16 A on i Friday Deputy OCPD
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    • 116 9 Dealers' plea to Govt KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. The Petroleum Dealers' Association which has failed to gain recognition from the oil companies will shortly ask the Oovernment to intervene on Its behalf. The association last month threatened that members would stop selllng petrol if It was not recognised by BP. Caltex.
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    • 54 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Twc youths robbed despatch clerk Abdul Rahman bin Suboh. 21. of $5,556 and a watch In front of the National Mosque here yesterday Encut Abdul Rahman, of Trengganu Development and Management Berhad. had earlier cashed a cheque for 15.500 at the Chartered
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    • 171 9 BUTTKRVVOBTH, Tues. Several factories here have reduced their working hours to avoid retrenchment. MTUC officer in charge of industrial relations in Province Wellesley, Mr. Hong Khay CbVi, •aid today this was a "considerate move" by the managements. "We appreciate the problems faced by
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    • 102 9 rpELUK ANSON. Tues. 1 About 60 barber shops in Lower Perak will "shut-down" on Thursday as a protest against the new licensing fee and additional regulations Imposed by the Town Council here. The barbers have also signed a petition appeal Ing to the Town Council
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    • 159 9 Move to counter 'Hate Malaysia' campaign ITU ALA LUMPUR. Tues. Government officials a be sent to Aust to counter the Malaysia" campaign being propagated by j Malaysian students there, according to Education JJbi Dr Mahathir Mohamed The mission would comprise officials of various ministries and government departments i who deal
      Reuter  -  159 words
    • 57 9 BUTTERWORTH Tues Six people have died on the roads here In )ust two weeks since the start of the new year This works out at nearly one death every two days. The latent victim was a housewife Lee Ah Tee. 54 who was knocked down
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    • 32 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuea I Diclk Alt bin Asis. 4«. who was attacked by a swarm of bees In Kampong Melayu Aimpang. died on the way to hospital here today
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    • 33 9 PENANO. Tues. Universal Sains student Khoo Dlk Aik was seriously hurt yesterday afternoon when her motorcycle was Involved In a collision with a school bus near Island Glades In Oreen Lane.
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    • 162 9 Central council for youth groups TH E People's Association will soon set up a Central Youth Council to co-ordinate activities of all youth groups at commjnity centres. According to the latest issue of The Citizen, a PA publication, there will also be five regional youth councils to liaise between the
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    • 217 9 Postal service to go metric from —Mondays KUALA LUMPUR, Tues— The Malaysian postal service will adopt the metric system of weights and measures from Monday. Communications, Minister. Tan Sri Datuk V. Manlckavasajram. said today the rxwtal administration, was poised to "no completely metric" throughout the country. Amendments to the postal
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    • 55 9 PETAUNO JAVA. Tues The daily-paid labourers of Sambu-Pemas Construction, who went on strike yesterday in support of a bonus claim have not returned to work. A spokesman for the company, which Is involved In the federal Highway reconstruction project, said today that the company hoped the workers
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    • 104 9 A 16- YEAR-OLD goldsmith's apprentice, Ng Chet 81m, who tried to remove some petrol he had spilled by setting it alight instead of mopping It. caused a fire which killed a fellow worker. The fire, which broke out in a flat at Block
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    • 191 9 Electronics firm gets $4m orders COMMUNICATIONS Electronics Pte. Ltd. in Jurong has secured orders worth $4 million, despite the current worldwide slump in the electronics Industry. Three of the largest of these Industries National Semi-conduc-tor, Oeneral Electric and Texas Instruments have so far retrenched more than 2.000 workers because of
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    • 51 9 IN TUBBDAVB Strait* Times report on wage Increases for 180 employees of Orchid Inn Hotel. Mr. Thomas Yap was named as acting general necretary of the Food. Drinks and Allied Workers Union. Mr. Yap. In fact. U the assistant general secretary of the FDAWU. Th* error Is
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    • 52 9 HUM Wee Hal. 11. ni charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with causing the death of Jamaluddln bin All In Jalan Oreta. off Bedofc Road, last Thursday at i p m. He was remanded In police custody for a week pending mention of the case
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    • 21 9 THE YMCA will hold a JOaesaion course In French for beginners at IU Orchard W«H nr»ml.« (mm Tan Ifc
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 104 9 HBrJoyHour?VH 3.00 p m. to 7.00 p.m. Onnk mwril» at thasa houn with a I Spacial Dtacount of 20% on all drmks 1 Th. Managamant «nll pay for you' parking f«* aaiiiiiitiiiii«iav-aa^B«a»aßaatitf irßwimav (tation Building. Ktppd Road Smgapor*. 2 Tai *****7 II Congratulations and Best Wishes to Kampooli Pte, Ltd.
      104 words
    • 91 9 Best Wishes I KAMPOOLI JEWELLERS jj I I 0 on the occasion of R I i their official opening I I from I MONOCRAFTS I 1 g 34. Kallang Place, Singapore, 12. Tel: *****88. W' sg;;»«;;»*;;*g:;»c»g:;»g:;*g:;»g;:*«: Pj| 'Caterer for Wedding W| 55tS5jj| #Ho °9 Kong Tim Sum £Mg£* JL 1
      91 words
    • 122 9 Best Wishes to KAMPOOLI JEWELLERS on the occasion of their official opening from KIM RENEE MR. MRS. YEO YONG SIONG C.C. LEE MR. MRS. TAN TAYE PENG HENRY GAN DR. MRS. TONY ONG ON"jfl SALE r I J f s n s^y NOW Umh X* T^^^*^^\ OUR NEW SERIE S
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  • 7 10 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1975
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  • 619 10 AT LAST, and none too soon at that, recession has replaced inflation as Publlr Enemy No 1 in America and the chances of an economic upturn in Singapore next year have improved as a result. For, by Its sheer size and weight, the American eco nomy has far-reaching
    619 words
    • 329 10 REFER to your report "CBD limit: 10,000 cars" (ST., Jan. 14). Your reporter quoted me as having said that there will be a quota of 10.000 licences to be Issued for entry into the restricted zone when the area licence scheme is
      329 words
    • 143 10 117E thank your reader. JT DA Baylls, for his suggestions regarding a railway system to ease (Singapore's transport problems (ST.. Jan. 9). A report on the Phase One Mass Transit Study prepared by consultants appointed by the Government and the World Bank was tabled in Parliament In
      143 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1027 10 His return to HK sparks off a new attack on graft MARTIN WOLLACOTT reports from London "ITS GOING to be a circus," said a Hongkong official. He was referring to what will inevitably be the show trial of Peter Godber, who returned to the colony on Jan. 6 to
    1,027 words
  • 1056 10  -  EDWIN DALE Jr. writes fro* WASHINGTON WHILE several im- j'ortant details of President Fiord's sweeping economic programme are still missing, It Is possible to assess the programme's ov c r-all Impact on the economy, at least in broad terms. The first and
    NYT  -  1,056 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 n*m a un bmm j mm g^JiPlkkj. IMM4I. ».m «MMfMJI IJj/nM^^fcMM I. XUH, TZIMMttNMI 'TsKk khmm niMMstMJi Hv Mrtur*. 4i tm, uokMM t mut ■Hr imm I. v up, mmmnvmut WM Ml 11, 37 Mil, 1Na.,;«l ■F MM 111, 41 toyt. 120 turn tiflUl A Nrti 4i itrt. 120 Urn*
      63 words
    • 603 10 BRITON'S FINEST INSULATED WARE Insulex is of great service when you are out Sailing out Camping at the Party at Home on a Picnic on the Beach SottMnbutor UAN HUP OIL REFINERY (PTE) LTD M-R. Lurong Mah»m. Snjaporc K> 1W 6613U 6634 M So*****. ALLIED INTERNATIONAL 103-106 dtt Fl.) EnqCh«ongTbw«f.
      603 words

  • 106 11 Lum moves over to Home Affairs MR. LUM Choong Wah. 36. formerly deputy secretary of the budget division. Finance Ministry, has been appointed acting Permanent Secretary of the Home Affairs Ministry. He succeeds Mr Tay Scow Huah, who recently took over from Mr Yap Neng Chew as one of the
    106 words
  • 46 11 A 31- YEAR-OLD salesgirl died In Outram Hospital on Monday after she was found lying unconscious at her home in Toa Pay oh. Police Identified her as Miss Ong Teik Klow of Lorong 7. Toa Payoh. Two empty bottles were found near her.
    46 words
  • 398 11 Goldsmith robbery bid: Seaman gets 10 years A SEAMAN was sentenced to 10 years' Jail and 10 strokes of the rotan for an abortive armed robbery in which a goldsmith assistant was shot dead and his employer's son wounded. Marrola Anwar. 23. of Indonesia, had pleaded unsuccessfully in the High
    398 words
  • 65 11 5 gang suspects held in swoops f-vETECTIVES from Or\j chard Road po»ce station arrested nve secret society suspects In a series of raids since Monday. The suspects were picked up from Paterson Road and Havelock Road Police said four of them are believed to be connected with a stabbing case
    65 words
  • 104 11 \TESTERDAVS SU»IU Times reported wrong I* thai a Mlnteirv of Defence clerk of works, Zehnder AiMtln. was Jailed a year far corrupUon. The reyert taid he pleaded fulltv to eorrnptlv accepting a total of S7M freea bolWinc contractor Lee Tack Beac between Amg■et and November IMS. Mr.
    104 words
  • 825 11  -  BEN DAVIDSON Tan Wah Piow trial By \S 18- YEAR-OLD woman factory worker told the First District Court yesterday how she allegedly met the Iniversity of Singapore Students Union president. Tan Wah Piow, on t side the Corporation Drive premises of the Pioneer Industries
    825 words
  • 54 11 THK Argentine Oovernmen t which ha* maintained a coruwlaie-general In SlngaUtdnct Nov 1. 1965. ha. faiied thti to the level of an embassy An embassy sUtement yeeterday said that In conaeouence the consulate-general has now been closed, and a consular section will function within the embassy to attend
    54 words
  • 136 11 FIRST AIR OFFICER TO COMMAND NZ FORCE AIR Commodore M.S. Gunton. the first Royal New Zealand Air Force officer to take command of the New Zealand Force Southeast Asia in Singapore has arrived to take up his new appointment. He succeeds Brigadier M. R. Kennedy who has been appointed Commander
    136 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 8 11 w M v m Jm sfl i»if^^^^^ ism
      8 words
    • 407 11 ucnui mansion 22-STOAPr UaiMOUS AfWTIOT COfTRALLT LDGATED ON H» 8«M BUILT-UP AREA NETT 290 SO M /fc^S. I FEATURES I /A K*tBSSSiI 3 Jroomi wi h Bo'*°°«" ottoch«d. Z»J£5; Family or T.V. doom. £w j^s S LWf Lar 9* Loung* with Electrical Dimmer WMt sS i Ample built-in cupboordt. ip'
      407 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 309 12 o »*»*a*«*»*a>% «*«)*a*a*«*a>*« PLAZA CINEMA I- BMM W^ Mm* A^m TEL: *****72 TEXTILE CENTRE, JALAN SULTAN, OFF NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. OPENS TOMORROW DAILY S SHOWS at 1 1 00 AM., 1 .30, 4.00, 645 A 9.1 5 PM. First it was "Friends" Now their love story continues •I with "Paul
      309 words
    • 160 12 A AtOL A)PEmT?OMORROW! 77ie Sheriff fought for peace. Now he wouki kill for vengeance. lrfcW. I LI t**i M LAt^^ iML m ißi^akß^Bj mT'^kw r^ 'ata bL.»4»^^ I ft^ E3^ iff^* +4Lr^^ BE BKr Jaw Oiß lU< lI\IU> HARRLS ROD TAYLOR the i h:\imi ntu iii ils .ALUmTEW NEVIIIXBRAND WUiJAM
      160 words
    • 262 12 Cockpit lot* I announces a unique eating experience. ttk Fresh succulent fish, crabs, Htt lobsters, mussels, prawns, «7&^^^^^^K cockles prepared Siamese style by our mm^v7 1 Siamese Chefs. Seafood "JKn|^ V^ M with a difference! Come and ■•■■w^ n "i f *J tKj^\ L un <~h:l2-3pm C if^^ Dinner: 7-
      262 words
      135 words
    • 339 12 SPECIAL MORNING SHOW! (A Must For Every Schoolchildren) Orchard: SATURDAY, 1 8th at 11 A.M. ADMISSION: Boi Plan N«w Opct STALLS: SI Oe-CttCLE. $2 00 Ca,i B««kiifs Oily WAS 60D AN fit No Free List ASTIONAHT? R tmc amazimc»to«y mZitumm fIMpKiS UNSOLVED MYSTERIES L jM? j^m rtruiwn I c^Sobsbt >
      339 words
    • 626 12 t &<ftTHfl Tv> p .organisation;: 111 i LASTOa^^^^^^ t 2 «>•»> at i M I $7.00««.Np M 70 o 1 i 7m 1, Gold^ Hor»«( s s I Don Wong O o r: J. .n "YILLOW «ACIO t'ish I with S^^- lij Ori»a-lii Crxtno I Op^» Tomor. J i
      626 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 921 13 L nTM*jnrtr* sorvtct rt c*»ti« nt rtm mm NtM| i.,^, O'«*rt t«r> HI.-I .SAKABAY VZ Jjj MMfIS i I S \Z tl OU. 111* IT MO> "HSS a* it Mar n Mar II Mar tl Mar «ol«* MPPISI 1Z IMr I•» S Atr IMr I—- „C 5 11 'If I
      921 words
    • 994 13 PHOENIX CONTAINER LWERS PCC COMPMNERSHIP SERVICES TO US A Tl «S y- JMttit I tMC* a»im< »o» r**ro «»r*__^ v **»_i_ Z M n IM NCMItKNIttMN M tt IM 2 5 Frt V Frt iMMi iiiun si li im p*ti»« rtmnn Hrrs «rm- 1 ti •iit ctisT am PMtau mime
      994 words
    • 1087 13 p" w*/ *y 1 7ti 1 1^ ■t*wtT^oJ^B Tt IMtPt S«a«Jt*o (Haul tMoit" Anwort «i u CSAKI I*Y B-_ m ST. »f m eld. i.T 2 aSS v^ i';* LiKcoptoi tat 1 Frt •fm 5; "J i* lINITtN It Frt 14 Frt •J* U II tU TMIt HPtfSS II Frt
      1,087 words
    • 1092 13 FULLY CONTAINERIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOPE p Mi»f s po-f FN NEHIITI DEIIMA tol 71 '•'•mi Frt i foi i Rotterdam Amstifdam. AatMr), Le Havre. !IrTiSJ?i I ',2 I! 3«it. HMtWrt tVt-w. frtMrt***. SiliSi: Hin r. Z .i ertMrttrc. MtMM. Mar n SiMkhohn. Oslo. Helsinki, v- ted Kmidoni i.lua| iCI
      1,092 words
    • 1018 13 Wfmmmmmmmmmmm Simoia^n ***** K«|mhj 4341; K.L. 3731 1; Pt«.», »Ml. THE BANK LINE LTD. lIAH FM f I AFIIU MTIAM IOM.M. MM*M*. MuMt* t*ra. tkjrtMl P MlMf Start it'll Im IlintAM PmMl Oa«*ar>. Ca»ot*o«i) P •>••« It im I Frt I **>• lllllM 0,.. c tt,,, turlor, t CoMtOM) P
      1,018 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1072 14 M 1 in i"" KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. ipmbmd mhu ma warn in. MTM. MKVMC. STt«rn SOTCL lafar Maajtaaaj fcaaaara f oia»i i HUH t.iaa*» fM: rinuaM Baal im CaMMta KarecV Moacat OMa. l*a Ota*,. DM*, lama." A iMO.t j_^ mull Atrtaa- Wat Afrtaa Mae-rtae SnfMO'l FM FM Maian fart
      1,072 words
    • 994 14 ■MffTMK iv «tnei er matt laawajftn fm fanuaai ua» n lianieaaiM iiimpvu umiiimm iMiailiamt. iimiu. iitnin. TIMUIt I I WftT :IHI ua HIM MAM ftant FfM> fta etu twaaMaM LC T MaoTT MT 14 Ma II Ml TlieMja. ICT IM-TTLITM laaata hj Part II Ma iSLT LC T MmTTT Mat
      994 words
    • 1042 14 U.K. tUWPt SPIVICI LOADING FOt LOMOOM HOTTWDAM. HAMIURC. LI HAVRE saam f MiMf <*Haj la Nam Vtm turn Htari MfTiM liKtn 'at I* FM n Fal I NIfTM« IHttaU 11/11 Ma t4/V JM I T M Fat 71 FM 1 Mar 1 MfTWt refil 11 JI fm bP MMrMMr Jj
      1,042 words
    • 841 14 mW QMESS SOfKE Tl IMM. IMMK/aaTaflT WITS Tg rw libmiii f fMaaaj laaOMj far- 1 MMA unjenc m fan 11 »i»i tn. im I 1/1 lattirtu* 11. > HamtH'l 14 1 j MMI UTI M fort 11/11 Aa n Mi H n Ma bao 10 2. laaaM ?4 Iraaaa »/2.
      841 words
    • 773 14 rm «/43. Klnrvu Maru 44 Uon M (i"rnllan« R i t.. Clly (B Btvp) 51 South. Barf» C Ma 7 u S r?i c5 nl 2 u V n k A"*° IX 47 SB* til (B Barae-rsi Park B J %uriSl B i South SBB I, R B»«,, 5. Sin^po^-B
      773 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 626 15 JAWATAN KOSONG Permohonan adalah dlpelawa darlpada wargaoefara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk me-jawatan-Jawatan berlkut dl dalam perkhtdLembaga Pelabuhan Johor. PEOAWAI BAHCAMQ Tango* M# MM x 50 MQ/M0 x 90 1150/ 1300 x 50 1500 1800 x 75 1625 MteyaMn (a) Calun-calun mettllah mempunyat Ijazah kepujlan dalam penjajian ekonoml atau perdagangan darlDada
      626 words
    • 582 15 a GEORGE KENT (M) BHD invite applications for the following posts: a) Manager Instrumentation and Process Control Division Applicants must be Malaysian citizens in possession of professional qualifications either in the field of mechanical or electrical engineering and preferably had at least 5 years experience in the field of industrial
      582 words
    • 432 15 r UNITATA SDN. BHD. A large vegetable processing and manufacturing organisation Invites applications from Malaysian citizens for a number of senior and Junior positions In our new organisation at Teluk Anson: Five Accounts A»«i»UnU responsible for implementing and administering financial and cost accounting system. Candidates should have basic accounts training
      432 words
    • 627 15 Suitably qualified applicants are invited to Till the position of PRODUCTION MANAGER Th« Company: A joint venture company with The Gillette Company which is the leading maker of razors and blades and toiletries. Requirements: At least a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised institution and with a minimum of
      627 words
    • 547 15 DREDGEMASTERS Applications are invited from suitably oualified and experienced Malaysian Citizens for appointment as dredgemasters in an Established Dredging Company. The successful candidate will possess Dredgemasters Certificates of Competency issued by the Chief Inspector of Machinery. Malaysia and will be directly responsible for the operations of electric dredges. Attractive salary
      547 words

      • 75 16 M. lUnk (MM Jftrdinr SM n^i 8. Ttm« N. Iraa r s 1.0.8. Vm. LC. A (Imc. B. tak Mor» L. Baat 8. B'rmr* F BajA Tmatan CtaL lad. MM »17» $17» t3l» tin MM trn MM $3 02 S3IS %2 15 tin tow »i sxos $100 $13«
        75 words
      • 21 16 F»hrr Mil Inrheape U. O. Stew OmV TM»1 T»— »w: T«tal Vata*: 40.000 907.000 JtB.OOO I.51M M41M
        21 words
      • 57 16 Jma. II Jan. 14 laiilhb: IM.M IM.W rtaajMe: tti.M MLW 1 Jtetek: HIM fft»n«»Nn: 1t1.7» IUJI t Tlm: »7 4S »7.4J t rabkrn: UI.SI SSIJA 0.M.C.: IM.7J IM.7* t BJ.B. Ist: 113.71 1U« Dm. M. IM» 1M 1 Drc. SI, IMS 1M 1>«. t». IN! 1M Dm. 11.
        57 words
    • 1587 16 THE last transacted ready salt at the cka* ot business on the Stock Ex change of Singapore yesterday coaapared «lth the t previous day's prices togethei with 1974 75 high and low 1 Adjusted for all new Issues) CLOSING TON!: All sections ck»*d very iieadry TURtauVIR: Official flfum.
      1,587 words
    • 371 16 Highest index rise for a long time T<HE Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday showed one of the »o«t convincing adJ*»e«B for a long time. Market observers believe this a tn reaction to some of the better economic news that has been heard here of late a tapertng-off of the inflation
      371 words
    • 1572 16 ■o ID and offer prices officially ted md business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with ihe number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified. All Time Bargains for Settlement Contracts are quoted after Ihe word
      1,572 words
    • 49 16 LONDON Sunday Telegraph City page market miscellaneous column notes the strength of London Tin share price In latter part of the last week and says that bid development could materialise soon. Haw Par Brothers International holds about 30 per cent of the London Tin equity. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 37 16 lONDON East Asiatic J Rubber Estates said the necessary steps have now been taken to comply nth the Bank of England requirement that the central management control of the company be transferred to Malaysia.
      37 words
    • 433 16 Slump in timber market hits NBT rpHE current year 1 ending May 1974 shows all signs of proving painful for Nortb Borneo Timbers' profits, which will be heavily felled by the slump in the timber market and escalating operating costs. These factors have already worked through to results for the
      433 words
    • 184 16 George Kent is confident of doing better riESPITE a turn- over increase of 19.5 per cent to $7--85 million. George Kent (Malaysia) suffered an unaudited group pre tax trading profits drop of 3.8 per cent to $528,000 in the first half year ended September 1974. Profits exclude foreign exchange gains
      184 words
    • 167 16 BETTER commodity prices for most part of last year helped boost Chin Teck Plantations pre-tax profits by 40.8 per cent to $3,174,994 in the year ended August 1974. However, the chairman. Mr. Ooh TJoel Kok. warns that the prospects for the current year are not
      167 words
    • 112 16 NEW YORK: Americans, many of whom lost heavily in Wall Street stocks last year, could have made money in only three places abroad with dollar Investments. All were In Europe, and the heaviest losses would have been mainly In the Far East. Statistics reported In
      AP  -  112 words
    • 184 16 ASIAN currency deposit interbank rates as at close on Tuesday. Jan. 14: US DOLLABS (Spat) Offer Bid 7 days 7 3/8 7 1/8 1 mth 7 7/8 7 S/4 2 mths 8 5/16 8 3 16 3 mttu 8 9/16 8 7/18 6 mth* 8 6 8
      184 words
    • 29 16 Closing Interbank rates In Singapore dollars for Tuesday. Jan. 14- Overnight 7H 7 1 mth 8S 3 mtha 84 3mth» tH Prime rmte 10H% B<mrc«: r. Hmj-taa
      29 words
    • 32 16 RANGE of nla offsrvd by ills count houMs on Jaa 14. Ov«rniiht 4 te 4<%% eu 4H«. •MM Trawunr bill* 4S 1-meatli Dank bilu ais/i« ■ourct: National Dtteeuat Co.
      32 words
    • 344 16 rpHE U.S. dollar 1 closed little changed from its opening level of $2.3080/3120 in the Singapore f orex market yesterday with activity in a quiet market confined mostly to commercial demand. Suggested forward Interbank rates »t 3 00 p.m.; Forward One Month 2.3125 2 3150. 2 Months: 2.3165/2
      344 words
    • 171 16 These are suggested interbank rates at 300 cm. Currencies Nomiaal rate* Smithsonian PwenU-e quoted yesterday (cross) parity chance US dollar 2.3095 2.3110 3.8196 —18.10 Sterling pound 5 4315 9.4380 7.3469 —26.07 Hongkong dollar 48.55 48 65 50 51 —3.88 Malaysian dollar 100 00 100 JO 100 00 Aust
      171 words
      • 24 16 Rubber: Jan. 14. Singapore: 125.50 cts. (down 3.00 cts.) Malaysia: Closed. Tin: $975 (up $18). Official offering 322 tons (up 7 tons).
        24 words
      • 107 16 CMIHISI PDODUCI II CHANOt. lIKCAPOM MOON CLOtINC FRICII FIR PICUL vcitihoav. Cm*m Oil: bulk 19ft nominal, drum (100 nominal. Csaws: Mliad (loos*) UK/Coot. too nominal. Pavswr Muntok ARTA BMH f O.b. 100«t NLW S3TT| sellers. Sarawak white fob. NLW 12« A Mllera. Sarawak special black f.o.b. M* NLW 1229
        107 words
      • 36 16 London copper prlcw on Mooday (pravMMi* in brackets) Wiraosr Spot buyer ISM U5l SO) seller JSJS 1 £51» SO) Three Mooth buyer &*3 (JS3TSO) •tiler IM4 USM). Market tene: Very steady. tales: 7.57S toonea.
        36 words
      • 223 16 Straits tin UP $18 rOLLOWINO ihe strong r overnight overseas metal prices the Straits tin price in Penang yesterday continued Its advance by another $18 to 1975 per plcul on an official offering up seven tons to 322 tons. The overnight London metal price was very steady with forward buyers
        223 words
      • 410 16 IN view of the holiday in Malaysia, activity was restricted and the Singapore rubber market yesterday ruled quiet within a narrow range at levels some two cents lower than Monday's close. Turnover was small. The morning session rioted Idle. The afternoon session was quiet and featureless. The market
        410 words
      • 47 16 SSR prices Issued at noon frfterday: Feb. Xv. (Carrcnt Mth) (Fonrmrt Mthl R. A. 8. Buyeri Sailer* Bayer* SeUnn (eenta per kf (eanta per kg\ SSR 30 (1 ton pallet) ***** *****N ***** *****N SSR N (1 too pallet) 114.00 116 00N U4 00 U6.00N
        47 words
      • 239 16 HONQKONO. Tues. The market closed weak after sellers appeared In the afternoon to push must prices below yesterdays closing levels, dealers said. After a firm opening, most leading issues lost ground with Jardlne Mathesaa shedding to HK*****. Heagfcong Baaa losing to $8 90. Hoc«keag Laad dropping to 53.8.V Hutehlason
        239 words
      • 202 16 -pOKYO Tues— Most share < I prices on the Tokyo stock market today moved higher I as Investors expected changes In government policy. In the morning session, i food stocks and pharmaceutical* firmed, while blue-chips were selectively bought. However, laige capital tsauas softened In the afternoon session. I government
        202 words
      • 332 16 WELBOURNE. Tues— Share prices advanced firmly ahead across a wide front on the Melbourne i Stock Exchange today. Energy stock; were actively stught throughout the day with I'tah, which has report- ed higher coking coal price agieement. breaking the < A*6 00 barrier with a strong < Jump to
        332 words
      • 70 16 aMBTERDAM. Mon— The market ruled firmer In active dealings aided by the trend on Wall Street Philip* eciged slightly easier In otherwise firmer Dutch internatlcnals led by Akao and Hoogovent. Amsterdam Rubber weakened against the trend in plantations but shippings, banks, insurances and Investment funds were all firmer. Heineken
        70 words
      • 51 16 ZURICH Mon Despite i reduced trading volume. the Zurich stock market continued Its uptrend. Stock* cloMd generally higher. i Bond prices were again I steady The Credit Su.'sae Index moved up 0.7 point to 168.8. CkMlng prim In 8wi«i frmn. »ilh (he diffrrrmr on the pnvloui I ■ruion i
        51 words
      • 307 16 YEW YORK, Mon Stock x^ prices flnUhed mixed today In active trading as late profit-taking erastd some of the earlier gains. At the end the Dow Jones Industrial average was off 4.61 points at 654.18. its low for the day. At 2 p.m. the kty barometer was ahead
        307 words
      • 321 16 a-M the ijirr r»nce on the previous sessions price Eajtman Kodak 6.V. IS Exxon Corp. Fairchlld Camera l»», Ford Motor M>, Om. EUetrtc MS J«n lutranmi Hi Moton 3; loodycar 14% \k Julf Oil I B.M. M nl Tf! T«l. 15. >4 <mt Aluminium I4S Litton 1 Uorkbwtl
        321 words
      • 102 16 lIHAnt,IAL lUU9 TINS Monday 61 SB Friday 61 85 Week ago 59 M XI HBtKs Monday 2M.17 Friday 284 65 Week ago 2*3.03 OILS Monday 122 76 Friday 118 89 Week ago 109.49 INDUSTRIALS Monday 165 5 Friday 159 7 Week ago 146.0 DOW JONES AVERAGE INDUSTRIALS Monday 654
        102 words

  • 17 17 PEPTIC ULCERS <>( peptlr -> S SALONS in ■derate ARRIVAL OF T-SHIRTS tra Bou- .se Pc-
    17 words
  • 10 17 lOK CENTRE Singapore 12. »«o oo I
    10 words
  • 3 17 s
    3 words
  • 7 17 rm FAMILY OF THE during
    7 words
  • 8 17 s MEMORY OF •ted hy
    8 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 185 17 nlft CCifto/i /7// C f^*l 'AN Patricia SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE araged 1 .'it Help g* a flg*t7 t* a >**vl^tg((i a) Professional EXPERIENCED AUDIT ASSISTANT REOUIRED Knowledge of *ard to a UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA INEW GUINEA (Port Moresby) for the I FESSOR/ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOO SENIOR LECTURER IN CEOI.OGV t ffer
      185 words
    • 694 17 MODERN MATHS/ SCIENCE/ Language tutors H S c quallfl- ephone reg Educational Department PO Box 31 Oeylang NURSERY MANAGER Vacancy exists In our organlsa- matured man with initiative and drive to organise and manage the Company's nur*erm. AppUcantv should have at Mast 9 yew* experience of supervisory capacity in an
      694 words
    • 723 17 FOR SUCCESSFUL COMMERCIAL training, join Raja t Your surcess job our responsibility New sessions ttarting February Details from Ra- >*» College *****/ *****0 THE SINGAPORE ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB requires (a) FEMALE RECEPTIONIST/ TELEPHONE OPERATOR wtth m» HMfliig i|u— lafli all (1) Cambridge School Certificate or It* equivalent (2) Must be
      723 words
    • 788 17 A leading industrial and commercial organisation urgently require* a SALARIES CLERK who mutt I have obtained aO C E with at least 3 O' level passes and a pas* In English have some experience In payroll administration be a Singapore Cltlsrn either have completed or be exempted from National Service
      788 words
    • 854 17 if you AR* AMBITIOUS. nerd~ working and would like to make sales as your career, why not loin our expanding sales force Experience unnecessary but trainIng provided Attractive Income (Part-timers are also welcome) For interview contact Mr Llm *****83/4 AN EXPANDING COMPANY require* TWO ENTERPRISING MALES to take charge of
      854 words
    • 829 17 EARN AIIRACTTVE COMMISSION part-time Training provided Housewives also welcome Ring Mia* Llm Tel *****3 MOUIRED 2 COUNTER SALESOMLS and 1 BUI Collector Interested please call for Interview 135 137 East Coast Road Spore SALES PERSONNEL REOUIREO BY established publishers. Salary 1 and commission negotiable Call *****30 for interview SALESMEN ARE
      829 words
    • 821 17 URGENTLY REOUIRED OFFICE BOY. Minimum Primary 6. able to speak English, possess a scooter licence Salary $200 per month Apply to Mechanical Handling Engineering Spore Pt« Ltd 10. Neythal Road. Jurong Industrial Estate Spore 22 inr"~" in sxgcTfac Oamral Elecwtc (USA) MoYfitaWMc Motor OfKtratievi P*» Lid Invites applications from suttablv
      821 words
    • 767 17 URGENTLY REQUIRED MESSENGER At least primary 6. able to apeak English, holding class 2 driving licence, familiar with Singapore roads Please apply Personnel Manager. 19 Kr»n)l Way 8 pore 25 THE GARDEN SUPPLIES CENTRE has vacancies for the following (1) MARKETING ASSISTANT Required to undertake the promotion of a wide
      767 words
    • 793 17 ONE EXPERIENCED FORKLIFT DRIVER Apply personally to 34 Viking Road Bit 143. Spore 3 CITIZEN. 00. NEEDS SURVIVAL Ex-acrountant renders service* part-time accounting, auditing. also prepares accounts for audits ST Box A ***** SALES /TRAINING MANAGER Available Immediately Part/ full-lime, reasonable terms Contact P O Bo* S7S. EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT
      793 words
    • 904 17 AGENCY bungalows Clementl Park Victoria Park King Albert Park $2000 11 000 Semidetached Coronation Road Wait, Vanda Drlw Mount Slnal $1.30* $2 000 Apart menu Serene House Surrey Court. Hlfhpotnt. Beverly Mai. West wood $1,300 $3 500 TH *****1 J73.138 DIST 10 OFF SMN9E ROAD slngle-siorey house. 3 bwliuoiw with
      904 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 793 18 b» rts*. wot i* cosy APARTStctrr luxuriously furnished 3 sirroa far rent In Jurong Boon Lay nar«en Tel *****81 Rashtd BtST »0 NCWLY KCMOVATCO 3 -.v .rpete.l new furniture ruruin* 4 alrcon MUanart. 81. SM Ring *****09 28M119 CAIR LL ROAO a) Furnished apartment. 2 bedroom*, with bathrooms attached Long'
      793 words
    • 847 18 I GERMAN/ JAPANEM iSSS)VSTRIALISTS urgently required detached terrace In diet. 9. 10 11. 19. 20. 21. Direct company lease *****4 WANTED HOUSES/ APART MINTS in dtst 9-11 for new arrival* Call Pan Asia AjiinH* *****56. ■AUK BUS/ NO CHaUMBM require luxurious apartment* or detach ej^dtot 9. 10. 11 82.080 $2
      847 words
    • 912 18 NSW PPKBHOLD HOUSE SJBB SO ft comer semi-detached 2-ttorey 8180.888 1 Bedok Rise Lucky Hill* Estate. Spore 16 *****0 12 SO 2 00 p m NEW SSMI-OCTACHSD DOUBLE STOREY bungalow 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms freehold split-level I J B Dragon Garden 800.000 Call ■MM HONG LEONG OAROCN READ* SOON type
      912 words
    • 779 18 OFFICE BPACB AT IST floor. Golden Mile Shopping Centre available immediately Area 330 sq ft. Monthly rent uv 8450/- nett excluding maintenance Those interested please call *****42 8.000 SQ. FT JUST OUTSIDE trafI He congestion area PABX and telex machine Insulted Easy carparking Phone Margaret ***** /to brokers (1) 9TH
      779 words
    • 860 18 katomo shoppw cmnm jnrr floor shop 330 sq ft for rent Wholly or partly with furniture Phone *****/ *****4 COLLVER QUAY Limited shops available at the prestlgeous Overseas Union Shopping Centre Oisundßur 400 eaJt ORCHARD ROAO Limited shops available at the pretlgeous Mandarin Shopping n 1-iiaTliii 400 1.100 seJL MitunkM
      860 words
    • 832 18 St SENT OURS PRESENT CHERRY BLOSSOM TOUR '.."fty b y.»«»_-. R turn t>y »jr) rer' '»>"*» tor »B4U»al tear* ta 5 day* tow -8570.00 7 day* tour $730.00 Inclu«lve of hotel accommodation, all meal*, transfers. rtyhtseelng. sea ft alrpassage giPHaßa. 11 April 18T4\^ Book early to avoid disappointment, limited seats
      832 words
    • 733 18 AMMASTER TRAVEL SPECIAL FARES London. Europe. Canada. USA, Australia. Indonesia. Hongkong. Tokyo 38 Dhoby Ghaut (Near Cathay) Tel *****. ***** JETAWAY TRAVEL CENTRE 140-8), Biklmni Mead. Spore 1 Tat 941*41 911SSS. Offers from $740/- to London Amin.aam Pane Hamaig FranMurt Roma rune* Cipinwaant Oato Also Special Offers To: ImiwiBi Tokyo
      733 words
    • 863 18 BEGINNERS TYPEWRITING/ SHORTHAND/ BOOKKEEPING/ CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTWRITINQ Days Dally (including Sunday) Time Morning session 8 00 12 00 noon Afternoon session 1.00 5.00 p.m.. Evening session 5 30 9 30 p m Students are prepared for School/ Pitman' LCC Examinations School certificate will be awarded on successful completion Please enrol
      863 words
    • 818 18 THREE MONTHS INTENSIVI CORRESPONDENCE/ report I writing commencing Thursday 7 30 9 30 p m Spore Institute of Commerce 283-C Selegle Complex (*****0/*****1/ *****5) inlngua NEW EVENING CLASSES JAPANEM INTERMEDIATE short course commencing 20 Jan Wednesdays. Fridays S 45 7 25 p m ENGLISH MfrS*a»EO4ATB II commenctne 27 Jan Mondays
      818 words
    • 751 18 FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED TUTORS <ffer home tuition Primary or Secondary levels Reasonable fee Ring Ong. *****8 PIANO TUITION FOR BEGINNERS ONLY Home tuition Maths Fngllsh Primary to Secondary levels Contact Miss Olgi ***** M. TUTOR REOUIRED FOR SECONDARY 2 bM MlV M-A. Lorong N Telok Kurau Phone ♦(WOO* OROAN LESSONS AVAILABLE
      751 words

  • Article, Illustration
    21 19 Departed: 15.1.1971 In memory of Sarala d/o P. M PlUal. Inserted by parents, brothers, sisters. and all at home.
    21 words
  • Article, Illustration
    85 19 In Affectionate Memory VIJAYARATNAM ROBERT RAJASINOAM Arrival Uth May 1911 Departure IMb January PENANG POST COMMISSION SECOND PILGRIM SHIP FROM JEDDAH EXPECTED DATE OF ARRIVAL 17TH JANUARY 1*75 It la notified for the Information of port users and 1 the general public that the second pilgrim ship returning
    85 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 272 19 CP.IOIT PTI *r.K>m at ill Bukit «W Datnrrond Masda 1500 n immaculate ::i: p m dally CKUANHIAHG r>WTORS(PTE.)LTO. -«xn» Hoad Stngaporv rm uiini»»J] noao Tal sisae Tay BusnGuan *r^ SrxwMnfl Car»ra Ml «STMB VHOAPOM USCO CAP. (PTI) LTD <\(»nagh Road >m 1973 p m .nn MX II rims tyres .pella
      272 words
    • 782 19 I*t OISTERED ISS4 PEUGEOT «S4 I very good engine Sl.sWono Registered 1962 Volkswsgen I Sports hardtop. 1200 i Tel SSS3S4 (IV«I8| LATE IS«S RENAULT RIS Ussj paint excellent 'Mndl'Jon 1 lady »1 WO Ring *****8 office HT3 COR IN A OT Oood condl--4 brand new tyres EnI-. *****20 2LASSBMCTTASISBC.C. 1962
      782 words
    • 727 19 ROSES available throughout the rrk Contact Princess Klower shop. 251 orchard Road. Spore. Trl *****4 1782*8 *****1 JAMES «O*M FURS PTE LTD. FANTASTIC OJTERB! 15% «0H DISCOUNT FOR ALL READY MADE FUR ITEMS IM. Tangata Shippl»4 CaMra. T nc. l r Tat: SrsSSI MAKE YOUR CHOICE for a life time
      727 words
    • 621 19 HAVIHO SPntNQ ClIAMINB) tftOBLCMS f>.r thf New Year' spare Clranlrj Service to si ampoo your arpr's and bring br'lli floors Trl SIZBIS CARPITED STAIRWAY UP HOLSTCRV md thampoo rarpet sale'y Using latest dry foam. I r an products Call Me 2201 IBS. LOOrfIMO «OS) CMA«*M»KJ YOU"O LADIES Please call Mason
      621 words
    • 532 19 CRAWUM CftANI SBBH WITH TS ft boom Year 1972. In good condition Please contact Miss l.irr Ml 342 HAVING A PILE OF CLOTHES wash? Why not hire a fully automatic washing machine from us? Moderate charges prompt free maintenance Also available clothes dryers. TV. Refrigerators, freeiers. cookers and brand new
      532 words
    • 466 19 Sanyo Window I'nlt and Package aTrconditioners Call ov.r to Singapore Refrigeration Comninv 12/14 International BullSH Tel 2198/ rnlM/ 373 m/ *****2 UMMOHT GARCIA PIANO for sale Bel7?onliuon possible I', years old Pally 9a m -6pm *****70 NURinTV FtMNTTUM Babies enamel col from Australia 2-slded inner spring mattress In perfect condition
      466 words
    • 622 19 ifetda KENYATAAN TAWARAN BP. NO: 24/75 MEMBEKAL, MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN BANQUNAN-BANQU-NAN DAN KERJA-KERJA KEJURUTERAAN AWAM DIKILANO PENYELI DIKAN SUNQEI TEKAM, SUNQEI TEKAM, PAHANQ. Tender-tender adalah dlpelawa darlpada Kontrekter-kontrekter yang berdaftar dalam Kelas C dan keatas dengan Jaba tan Kerja Raya atau pun Kontrekter-kontrekter yang dapat menunjukkan buk'.l ada melaksanakan kerja-kerja
      622 words
    • 634 19 THE TEMERLOH RUBBER ESTATES BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) NOTICE OF DIVIDEND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Interim dividend ot 3'»%. less Income tax at 40%, hsv* been declared In respect of the financial y*»r ending 30th April, 1975. payable on 21st February, 1975 to shareholders on the reglstei at
      634 words
    • 452 19 In Ibe Matter af The Cbcnpaalea Act IMS sal In the Matter af POH ONN COMPANY SON. BKHHAD (IN MEMBISS' VOLUNTARY LIQIIDAII At an Cxtra-Ordlna Oeneral Meeting of the Cot pany held at the Register,* Office at No. M. Jalan Pud Kuala Lumpur on Saturd. 4th January 1*76. the folia
      452 words

  • 147 20 Stabbed, but cabbie fought back rXI DRIVER Ang Chuan Bok, 44. was stabbed when he fought two men who tried to rob him at Marine Parade Road on Monday. Police said one of the two men had been detained. Ang. who was stabbed in the neck and head, was taken
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  • 424 20 Let deported six finish exams plea by 500 students ABOUT 500 undergraduates representing four societies in the University of Sngapore yesterday petitioned the Minister for iiume Affairs to allow the six foreign students deported last month to re-enter the Republic to complete their courses. They are from the Architecture. Medical,
    424 words
  • 145 20 A 63-YEAR-OLD man was manhandled, punched and then robbed m a lift Just as he was about to go for his early morning walk last Christmas Eve, a district court was told. Tan Ouak liens. 19. pleaded guilty on Monday to robbing Ong
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  • 46 20 THE Straits Times reported on Jan. 13 that Oberoi Imperial Ilotel required a deposit of $100 from guests, when they checked In. The hotel management has since pointed out that this would apply only to unknown guests who check In with no luggage.
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  • 401 20  -  S.M. MUTHU MARCH START FOR TRAFFIC PENALTY POINTS SYSTEM By 'pHK points demerit system, (PDS) under which a maximum of 12 penalty points will be meted out to offenders, will cover a total of 55 traffic violations when it is introduced in March. It Is believed
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  • 98 20 A COMPANY director was Jailed for a year for bigamy by a district court yesterday. Sect Swee Leng, 38, pleaded guilty to marrying a Taiwanese, Madam Shiao Lan Man, on Dec. 15. 1972. in Taipeh, whUe he was still married to Madam Chua Kwee
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  • 158 20 rIE new subordinate law courts complex In Havelock Road will open in September. According to a Public Works Department spokesman yesterday, all work on the building will be ready by June. By September, the present lower courts, traffic and civil courts should have
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  • 64 20 Balloting for five-room flats THE MP for Kirn Keat Mr. Ong Teng Cheong. will officiate at the balloting for the sale of 96 fiveroom flats in Block 215, Lorong 8, Toa Payoh tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. The balloting will be held at the car park In front of Block 213.
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  • 54 20 NEO Alk Hong, 34. was charged In a magistrate's court yesterday with causing hurt to his four-year-old step-son. Yeo Kirn Hock, with a lighted cigarette butt In a house In Jalan Ang Teng on Oct 11. Ball was allowed and the case will come up for
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  • 284 20 Snatch victim's 999 call leads to swift arrest QUICK police action led to the arrest of a suspect barely a quarterhour after a woman lost her gold chain to two snatch thieves in Lorong Limau, off Kirn Keat Road, yesterday. Madam OA. Nandasa, 47. dialled 999 immediately after the snatch,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 79 20 VwAl\+H tltim R6F *****ACG r f'"{ E. Automatic, Day/ Date, /j^|B Water Resist.. Iffja ttl bß^bSlw^-i <Mm ■r^^^l ■bbW^^bWl I wA W-it The Best Gift For Chinese New Year £q Ml bm£^\. HondboQ* ond sho*» with that e«tro H»«a< «oudi of elegance Mt ond tophittKOtion ky Pimtru CAPOIN /4U •ITS
      79 words
    • 145 20 I WING ON LIFE BUILDING J a bold and new landmark in Singapore bb^bbßbßS^^bb^b^ki^ mJLI- I S^H \,*lßg- IMB 88/ L B B^^^ i**s; in** »l m u u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ready for occupation NOW! Limited space still
      145 words

  • 158 21 L'VESS 4nd pro.irnw with her 18I *>n led a mo- t<> lumo to her death, a coroner ronrt yrstrrday. -d» of .Madam Tan 'i Knf. a trlrclrrk found at thr foot Klork 35. Loronc 5. >'i.Toh. on Jan. 6 Ml I I n m
    158 words
  • 359 21 Equity participation offer |NTRACO, lhe go v t v nmentbacked international trading com pa ny, will consider equity participation in I<k;i| manufactnring coin pa n ics to help them develop export markets It will also act as °xport agents for manufacturers. Mr. Loo Slew Poh.
    359 words
  • 281 21 Prices of most items stable PRICES of most essential commodities remained stable the Trade Department reported yesterday. Following ire th« recommended prices: RUE. China 10 per cent Ylm Cheok 95 centa a katl or 605 g, Thai 10 per cent, •5 centi: Thai 15 per cent Chek K'a. 85 cents;
    281 words
  • 46 21 CIX Kum bte Sam»t la trying to trace her husband, Mokthar bin Sharif. 53. who ha* been missing since October last year. Anyone who knows of his whereabouts should contact the Social Wellan Department, telephone 91IU1 ext. 330 or the Joo Chitt Police Station.
    46 words
  • 27 21 TABCWON-DO ciaiaea far beginners will be fetid from •JO p.m. to (.90 pjn. on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Canberra community centre starting early next month.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 48 21 A (BAYER] BAYER(M)SDN.BHD. ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF ram PERN AS Sime Darby Sdn. Bhd. AS DISTRIBUTOR IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA FOR THEIR HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS. Bayer Thinks of Tomorrow -today BEST WISHES i to KAMPOOLI JEWELLERS on the occasion of their Official Opening from A. CHINZEI l JSf^^^M •^N^"*# >^-^£ +^y*
      48 words
    • 583 21 Marketing Manager SIVEL (PTE) LTD. Salary Negotiable plus Bonus the distributor of the world's most famous jeans and denim casual wear invites applications for the appointment of Marketing Manager THE MARKETING MANAGER will report to the General Manager and be responsible for planning and coordinating all aspects of the marketing
      583 words
    • 478 21 FOREX DEALER SINGAPORE A well established foreign bank, with a branch in Singapore covering the full range of banking services, requires a foreign exchange deoler to work in the Asian Currency Unit. The selected candidate would, after a satisfactory probationary period, be confirmed as an Officer of the Bank. Opportunities
      478 words
    • 717 21 (eIl) AN INTERNATIONAL CMIMICAL COMPANY SALES REPRESENTATIVES tor it* exponsion progromme in fie Hotel Industry The company otters good prospect* to the right apphconts who meet the following requirements Compkt.d Secondary Education Computed National Service Sin 90 pore CHS ton Aft. 21 30 Pot msi a cor The successful oppliconts
      717 words

    • 1117 22  -  DENNIS CHI A ONE FOR YOUR SHORT LIST: AULD LANG SYNE By MARK DOWN Auld Lang Syne as a lively contender for the Class 3 Div 2 race over 6f on Sunday. The Sostenuto gelding has made good improvement since his only start
      1,117 words
    • 282 22 Malaysia's goalkeeper wins the hearts of British Press LONDON, Tues. The two inter national hockey matches between Malaysia and England over the weekend had British sports writers in rapture over the brilliance of Khalruddln In the Malaysian goal, writes HARRY MILLER. The Guardian's special correspondent wrote: "Certainly Malaysia has an
      282 words
    • 172 22 Bury and Fulham in Cup's 4th round LONDON, rue*. Third Division Bur> defeated Second Ulvlmlon last placed team Mlllwall 2-0 in their V\. Cap third round second replay last night. Bury now play Fourth Division leaden Mansfield Town in the Fourth round. In another third round second replay Fulham defeated
      Reuter  -  172 words
    • 43 22 SSC tennis courses SINGAPORE Sports Council will conduct 10 Learn to Play' tennis courses for beginners between 12 and 18 years throughout this year. Sach course consists of 12 lessons and costs 120 per person. Resist ration forma are obtainable from the SSC.
      43 words
    • 33 22 CARACAS. Tues— World Boxing Association featherweight champion Alexis Arguello of Nicaragua will meet Venezuela <i Leonel Hernandez In a title bout on Mar. I', Hemandezs manager Leon Pigueroa said here yesterday—Reuter
      33 words
    • 187 22 I ONDON, Tues Jamai- can-born Bunny Johnson captured the British and Commonwealth heavyweight boxing titles when he knocked out champion Danny McAlinden In the ninth round of their scheduled \bround bout at the World Sporting Club here last night It was the first defence for
      Reuter  -  187 words
    • 278 22 T AUNCESTON, (Tasmania), Tues. The Kent 'old firm' of Mike Denness and Brian Luckhurst rescued MCC from a rogue" wicket here which turned the first day of the three-day match against Tasmania into near-farce today. MCC were 109 for three f at the ciose In
      Reuter  -  278 words
    • 268 22 Organisers stumped at India's silence VUALA LUMPUR, Tues. India's complete silence over their participation in the World Cup hockey tournament in Kuala Lumpur (March 1-15, has stumped the Malaysian Hockey Federation, the organisers. India, drawn In Group B with Argentina. Australia England. West Germany and Ghana, have not replied to
      268 words
    • 7 22 to pl»y them ar? ajked ti
      7 words
    • 450 23  -  PETER Si OW TSIN WEN AND JUNIE SET MORE RECORDS BUT... By TSIN WEN and Junie Snif each ilked up their second record in >sive days at the SASA Age Group ming meet at Tanjong Rhu yesterhut the star of the day was little«n
      TAN WEE HIM  -  450 words
    • 32 23 TOKYO. Tues. Japans Kunlasu Shlbata. World Boxing Council junior light«right champion, will make hi' third title defence against Ould Makhloufi of Algeria in Japan on Mar. 27. Shibata manager said.
      32 words
    • 391 23 Asian Age Group: Qualifying marks will be stiff CINGAPORE Amateur Swim- mlng Association's swimming committee is expected to set stiff standards for the Asian Age Group meet in Seoul in July and the Seap Games at Bangkok in December when it meets at Sports House on Friday night. The qualifying
      391 words
    • 271 23 VADRAS. Tues. ably when the West India batted with Indies began vheir second great determination on Innings and the batsmen the third day of the were struggling Fourth crlck-t Test here Though the day betodav to set the West longed mainly to Indian Indies
      271 words
    • 105 23 ttEL AVIV. Tue». Israeli •s officials protested India's refusal to Lsas Tor an eight-man «m planning to take fir World table-tennis •nt in Calcutta next muel Lalkln. secreleral of the Israel »deratlon sent proties to the Indian Federation and CurdlM-baaed Inter-Table-Tennis AatoITTA). ilkln had been in- <- Uraei.
      105 words
    • 256 23 PATRICK SEOW of has set a rd that will iual by goif--3in§mpaß. Sales Cathay Aim-ays, won "'"rent eompetillfferent course/ utlve Sunday/. who plays to .dnditap of 15, •Singapore SeGolfers Society competition I up by winC monthly division bogey wth a score g»ht (equivalent By
      256 words
    • 150 23 INDIA Ist inns 190 WEST INDIES Ist inns 192 INDIA 2nd Inns (Sunday's close S5-4> F. ENGINEER b Holder 28 E. SOLKAK c Kalllcharran b Julien 16 A. MANKAD b Boyce 20 < mshanath c Murray b Roberts 46 M PATAI'DI lbw Roberts 4 E. PRABANNA lbw Boyce 0
      Reuter  -  150 words
    • 70 23 KUALA LUMPUR, Tue*.— Random dope tettt will be carried out on players ooenpcttaf in the World Cup hockey tournament to b» held her* In March, the secretary of the Malaysian Hockey Federation Mr O. Vljayanathan sale! today. In the preliminary matches one player from each
      70 words
    • 255 23  - JACK'S LATE GOAL BEATS INCHCAPE DENNIS CHIA By l ACK C H O N O J stood 10 feet tall yesterday as he slammed in a last minute goal which enabled Jur on g Shipyard to beat Inchcape 3-2 in a Business Houses Wt. Two soccer match at Tanglin. Jack's
      255 words
    • 68 23 LONDON. Tues. Result* of Sundays finals in the English Open Table Tennis championships at Brighton Mea's stactes: A. Strokator (Soviet Union) beat J. Secretln (Franceo 21-14. 17-21 10-21. 21-17. 21-19. Women's ■iaglra. E Antontan (Soviet Union) beat Liv Hsln-Yen (China) 21-12. 21-18. 21-13 Men's double* 8
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • 225 23 Penang, Perak to test National squad CINGAPO RE'S Malaysia Cup pre p a r ations will begin with two friendly matches against Malaysian states at the National stadium next month. The first match Is against Perak on Feb. 2, and the. second against Malaysia Cup holders PMiang on Feb 22
      225 words
    • 106 23 THOMSON beat Buklt Merah 4-1 in an InterConstituency table tennis match yesterday at the National Stadium. In the other matches. Serangoon Oardens bt Jalan Beaar 4-1; Oeylang West bt Kampong Olam 3-2; Whampoa bt Delta 3-1; Potong Paslr bt Tan jong Pagar 3-1; Boon Teck bt
      106 words
    • 193 23 *¥*OKYO. Tues. China denounced the Soviet Union today for saying It would invite all members of the International Olympic Committee to the 1960 Summer Olympic Oamea in Moscow. China's official Hslnhua News Agency noted that this would Include Taiwan, "which still illegally occupies China > scat
      AP  -  193 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 669 22 U ABU DHABI MARINE AREAS UMITED ADMA 1 We invite applications for the following appointments Drilling Representatives required as ADUA's Representatives on Offshore Drilling sites where they will be responsible for safeguarding the Company's interests and ensuring that drilling operations being carried out by Drilling Contractors are in accordance with
      669 words
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 38 22 SOCCER SBHFL Dtv. 3: 8-pore Oxygen v Bosch. Hyatt Hotel v Cathay Org iParrer Park); Hilton Hotel v But Asiatic (Oillmani. Mandarin Hotel v Rank Xerox (Tanglin 5.15 pm) SQUASH SSRA Junior tournament. Boys U-19 and Olrls U-IS.
      38 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 409 23 NOTICE WE, Bacon Brother Enterprise Co. Ltd. of Taipei, Taiwan, are glad to announce that the Bacon's Shine Pole which is developed on the principles of humidity inductance and controlling the mini-motor by electron, has been invented by us to provide convenience for sunning garment in daily life. The Bacon's
      409 words
    • 187 23 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT (CHAPTER IK. 1970 EDITION) NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND Bankruptcy Nos 151/71 Jalll bin Awang of No. 110-J. Block 10. Jalan Batu, Slngagapore 15 84 72 A Rahlm bin Endut of No. 32-M. Upper Jalan Eunos. Singapore NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a first and final dividend Is
      187 words
    • 254 23 IBINCAPOU POLYTBOi TENDER NOTICE Tenders are, invited for thifollowing 1) Tender lor the s lpply of Books: L 242/75 2) Tender for Cleaning of Buildings, etc. at Prince Edward Road Campus A 243 as* 3) Tender for denning of Buildings, etc. at Princess Mary Campus: A 244/75* 4) Tender for
      254 words

  • 85 24 pOVERNMENT solvV iers patrol a street In the destroyed district town of Hoai Due. 9€ km -60 miles) northwest of Saigon after a month -long siege by communist forces. The two men are from the 18th Division which fought Its way into the beleaguered town
    85 words
  • 439 24 T ONDON. Tim Tha stock market clocd narrowly hlftwr today on balancv la quiet trading At 3 p m tat Financial Timaa Indn waa up S.I to IM.I. Equity !aa4«rv aaw anall twoway intarwt and cloud with Bat rtaai of a panoy to Sp (nil aaaad HlKtitly and
    439 words
  • 386 24  - Bid to refloat Showa Maru today JACOB DANIEL By 237,000-ton Japanese supertanker, Showa Maru, which ran aground off Pulau Sebarok last Monday, is expected to be refloated today. Several tugs from the Port of Singapore Authority and Selco (S) Pte. Ltd., which Is handling salvage operations, will help in extricating
    386 words
  • 58 24 FOO CMII MHO. W. puMd »w^| Xmh K<* Hul. Kok HIM.. Kok TIB. Kok Jim. D.m«it« J*" "on an Tu«n. MF» CliJiß* Un. Loot Kw«nc l*r. "«J MciX umK mw-iB-law. f lUuchtfr* -in law and 20 (rantfchitdrai Corus* l«m 100. Ttmbnnu Road, ffpor*. IS BKturdmjr H/1/7S ».0» pn. No
    58 words
  • 143 24 POWER IN JALAN KAYU RESTORED P)WER was restored to the Jalan Kayu area at about 9.30 last night after residents there went without electricity from early morning. Engineers from the Public Utilities Board worked round the clock to restore power after the board received numerous complaints. Residents In the area
    143 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 90 24 Rainy days. Hard t it es. They happen to us all. The best sa e juard is to open a Savings Account. Regular saving means financial stability i n i a brighter future. It means protecti :>r for you and your loved ones. Save with Malayan Banking. We're Malaysia' t
      90 words
    • 46 24 Conjure up a paradise underfoot laW. Lk *m\ m% I I \W }mW- m S r-^ wB affeuh Z» mmw& Sbbblbbbb^blbbbbbbbbbbbVbVßH a. t*~~— A AMIR Wm SONS CESTD.I92I) (SPECIALISTS IN ORIENTAL CARPETS FROM PERSIA. PAKISTAN AFGHANISTAN) 276, ORCHARD ROAD, (OPP MANDARIN HOTEL) SINGAPORE 9 Tel: *****5
      46 words
    • 350 24 mmm r^^_~X ml All It Call us for an estimate No obligation. Malaysia Union Refrigeration Air Conditioning Co., 23^25. SAIBOO STREET. SINGAPORE 9 TEL: *****9/*****1 y ml YrMfJi lici 111 i k Aim V l /Jr 119I 19 VI ww^Sli m^ lI P Ox* w JVC m mf/£r4 VgS^aM ▼T
      350 words