The Straits Times, 12 January 1975

Total Pages: 20
1 22 The Straits Times
  • 73 1 The Sunday Times No. 2018 JANUARY 12, 1975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 493/75 where the THIS WEEK IN Ex-CIA agent tell, all pace r (ly relaxinfl 1 1 was r^ \i ptfl 13 I pag 12 L ,v/«^^ T .oe I lTYlPSPOnP A Almmakl Tools lor the handyman L;
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  • 602 1  -  EDWARD LIU and AHMAD OSMAN Bid to boost Singapore's economic growth By TWELVE to 18 months— that's the period the new Economic Activation Committee has set itself to implement 15 to 20 EDS projects in an effort to boostSingapore's economic growth and counteract recessionary
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  • 187 1 10,000 textile workers may lose jobs SOME 10.000 workers out of the 50,000 employed in Singapore's multl million garment and textile industry face retrenchment this year because of higher production costs and declining overseas sales. This was disclosed by Mr. Lam Thian, chairman of the Singapore Garment Manufacturers Association and
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  • 130 1 r DAY'S Isaac ef Asia Magasine highlights the -Shantytowns of Japan" unhappy places Inhabited by Koreans, victims of discrimination who have been locked oat of a elescd society aad are new seeking to improve their let. They are often called Tokyo's Korean ghetto, pockets of
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  • 220 1  -  By RANEE GOVINDRAM /CARRYING the name of \j Desak Nyoman Suarti meaning "third born warrior daughter and goddess of arts and music" may be a heavy burden for most girls. Bat for Ballnese dancer, Suarti Leflne (above), it Is a great challenge. "Ballnese Hindu
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  • 99 1 SINOAPORE soccer got off to a controversial start with the announcement last week of some strange choices for the Republic's third new-look team in six months. Today in SundayJlatlon, INSIDE TRACK the new sports column writes an open tetter to the Football Association of Singapore
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  • 261 1 That 37 tonne missile in Sahara? WASHINGTON, Saturday 'J'HE heart of a 42-tonne Skylab rocket used to launch America's first space station tore back into earth's atmosphere at 1 7,000 mph today in a fiery swath from the North Atlantic, possibly to the Sahara Desert, the space agency said. The
    UPI  -  261 words
  • 209 1 7 Spore seamen who had to beg in Saigon SEVEN Singapore seamen who returned home yesterday after p. year's detention in Saigon, spoke of how they had to beg for food and money In the streets of Saigon. Tne seven crew members, plus nine other Indonesian and Cambodian seamen, of
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  • 365 1  - Grounded tanker may break up fear JACOB DANIEL By OPERATIONS to transfer the remainv ing 213,000 tonnes of oil from the grounded supertanker, Showa Maru, are being speeded up because of fears that the vessel might break up due to the intense stresses and strains that she is now facing.
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  • 41 1 BZNOAPORI Sat. A OS naval taak force headed by the carrier Bntsrprtw paaaad through angapore to the Straits of Malacca, today on Us way to the Indian Ocean. It left the PfaUtpptna* earlier this weak a>
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  • 41 1 Gunman shoots three A fanaman last night shot three occupants of a house In Thlasn Mew Avenue after robbing them of cash and jewellery. While e»eapinc he dropped bis automatic pistol. The condition of the (lie was described as serious.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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  • 621 2 108 Reds killed in air strikes lear two embattled cities 9Lu^ W Ui***tA**AA** t\JL W ffOFKIWKIC Q 0 V E R NMENT air strikes near two embattled cities north and northeast of Saigon killed 108 communists and destroyed 195 military installations, the Saigon Command said today. The air s'-rikes were
    Reuter; UPI  -  621 words
  • 223 2 PNOM PENH. Sat. The main objective of the Insurgents' recent wave of attacks In Cambodia was not the capture of Phnom Penh but the throttling of the city's lifeline, the Mekong River, a high military sources said today. TtiU was revealed by document* taken
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  • 84 2 WASHINGTON. Sat. Financial expert* from some of the richest and some or the poorest countries meet today in separate sessions to lay tne groundwork for series of critical monetary conferences here next week. Both croups are esnecteri to look at the financial problems caused by the
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 27 2 MCCOMB. (sflsslsstppi). ■at. A tornado ripped a two-mile path through McOomb yesterday, isvtUtnt oOcm and bonus, ihrcddlng trots and Injuring more than 100 people AP
    AP  -  27 words
  • 473 2  - Women textile workers say no to higher pay NANCY BYRAMJI By LONDON, Sat It's the garment-* 1 1 1 c h Ing hands of petticoat workers that put up the first thumbs-up for striketorn Inflation plagued Britain this year. While newspapers are dally being filled with reports of sky-rocketing prices,
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  • 42 2 MANILA, Sat. A military court yesterday santsnead fire smd to death by firing squad lor t f tA m n ll "t a FlUpmo tmslua—inn. bis wife and drrvsr for a ransom of moos pesos (sftii.7ft) la urn. upx.
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  • 136 2 INDIA SAYS 'YES' TO PLO REQUEST NBW DELHI, Bat. The Indian Government has agreed to a request from the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) to set up an office here, an official government spokesman said today. The spokesman clarified earlier reports by official sources that India had recognised the PLO as
    Reuter  -  136 words
  • 255 2 Kung-fu craze hits the tiny tote f ONDON, Sat. KengLd fn hu hit the kindergarten and tiny tots are turning Into tiny toughs •ays one worried educator. The growing Kong -fa problem worried a London kindergarten headmistress bo much the aent oat an appeal to parents not to allow their
    AP  -  255 words
  • 46 2 TOKYO. Sat.— Tr» BrttUh tanker. British ■mha—rtor (TIM* torn), ■trmndad off Iwcrjtam In Urn Pacific since ymfmfaj. to is no dancar of Unklnc and win t» towsd to a it— ihj port by Wart O«r--ntn tut srtsr today. U» MartttßM Ba(«ty Agsccy rtportad. UPI
    UPI  -  46 words
  • 344 2 'Life won't be so good' warning to Britons LONDON, Saturday J^ JUNIOR Government Minister warned last night that Britons would not be able to maintain their current living standards in the immediate futore because of a threat of disastrous unemployment. I The comments from Mr. John Grant, Parliamentary Secretary for
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  • 219 2 Lay-off i threat as power strike worsens SIDNEY, Sat. Thousands of workers faced the threat of losing their jobs today as a power shortage caused by an electric power men's strike worsened. Large areas of New South Wales were without electricity and the NSW Electricity Commission said further rationing of
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  • 247 2 WASHINGTON. Sat. President Ford, who is under Increasing pressure to apply quick first aid to the US economy, may be planning to outline his proposals In advance of his Bute of the Union address to Congress later this month. His plan may include a proposal
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 THE SWANK SHOP INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE IS NOW ON. LsoW Lesj Houses 40% All Man Dresses 50% All Sleeveless Dresses 40% French/ Italian Slacks Suits 50% Day Dresses 40% Ladies Imported Slacks 40% Ladies Skirts 40% Imported Gowns 50% Man's taw Bond Street Italian/ Swiss Fabric Shirts 40% Unforo, Yves
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    • 524 3 gmm»f.mmL Vl%Jm w\M w^mf^Rp ISRAELI Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin says his mment is prepared to "give back large areas now under our control" but will not pull back to pre 1967 borders. "I don! buy the '11 make peace
      Reuter; AP  -  524 words
    • 319 3 rO Soviet cosmonauts were lifted into orbit today for a probable link-up with the Soviet Union's new space laboratory Salyut-4. and a flight that will last at least several days. Tass News Agency said the two men. flight commander Alexel Oubarev and
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    • 88 3 Brez: 'No serious illness of political trouble' MOSCOW. Sat. Communist leader Leonid Brezhnev has been seen several times in Moscow over the past few days and is not thought to have a serious illness. Western diplomatic sources said yesterday. They added that there are no obvious signs he is in
      UPI  -  88 words
    • 181 3 [fIAXA LUMFUft. Sat. The Belanger Education Department Is investigating an allegation by a sanaslboy. Ishak bin Bohamed SiraJ. 13, that he was -punched and slapped" by a teaanar at La Salle Secondary BahonL Sentnl, aa Thursday. shak's father. EneJk Mohamed SiraJ bin Haji Mohamed
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    • 99 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat Malaysian Airline System will host a two-day conference of DC- 10 Orient operator* on Monday and Tuesday at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton It will be attended by 33 officials from nine airlines which are uatng the DC- 10s In South-east Asia or have
      Reuter  -  99 words
    • 287 3 KEEN TO STABILISE RUBBER PRICE BUT... KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday MALAYSIA has no intention of forming an arrangement like the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) for its primary commodities such as rubber ana tin, Deputy Finance Minister Tan Sri Chong Hon S'van said today.
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    • 69 3 BUTTBRWORTH. Bat. The Customs Department have struck a hard blow at moonshiners with the seizure of S 10.000 worth of muh and a still The latest haul was made in two raids on Thursday at BuVlt Meraplt. In Buklt Mertajam district, and at Bldong in KedaU M
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    • 63 3 ALOR STAR. Sat. CUStoru orfl?ers seised 63kg (140 lb) of raw opium worth about 120.000 altar a ear chaae along Mata Ayar-Rangar road, near the Thai border yesterday The opium. In 30 alals, wm kept in two Hour atcks hidden under the car* back aaat. Two
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    • 170 3 Prices of oranges drop by 20 ets a kati KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Prices of Chinese oranges, mandarins and tangerines in the city dropped by 20 cents a katl today. Mandarins and tangerines are now selling at $1.80 a kau compared with $1.80 yesterday. The first shipment which arrived two week*
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    • 59 3 PTTALING JATA. Sat Building contractor Kong low Hwa. 40. waa subbed In tba abdomen by an unlndentlfied assailant in front of bis house In Jalan 17 2 last night. He waa admitted to the University Hospital vhere he was operated on. Ha waa in satisfactory condition today. Police
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    • 35 3 PEKANO. Sat Teoh Bak Big. M. waa today fined S7S. or two weeks Jail In default. (or attempting to reaeU 13 cinema ticket* In front of a Penang Roau coUee shop last night.
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    • 22 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. Malaysia's Ambassador-desig-nate to China. Enclk Baahlm Sultan, left today for Tokyo en route to Peking —Reuter
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    • 190 3 'F and N will not put off hikes in drinks prices' KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. The Fraser and Neave Group, manufacturers of local aerated waters will not bow to consumers' demand to put off price Increases until after the Chinese New Year, a spokesman for the company said today. He was
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    • 124 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. Tun Abdul Razak will make an official visit to Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states from Jan. 10 to Feb. 1. The Prime Minister leaves for Kuwait on Jan. 19. Other states on his Itinerary are Oman. Qatar, Abu
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    • 256 3 -Mahathiron what freedom is all —about— KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Democracy accords freedom to the people but, like any game, It also has Its own rules which empower the elected government to take action against dissension. "It would be folly on the part of the Qoverament and on Its elected MPs
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    • 43 3 BB3KMBAN. Sat. Red banners and poster* were found In town last night and early this morning. One iv found near the government offices near the Lake Gardens and another on the King George V School fenco In JaJan Boaa.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1115 3 The day humanity ifo lost its innocence^^P\ Oa a lonely island in the PacnV, one nay ia IS3S, isaiisltj last its innocence— for it was then ft /Q\ \w\^~~ A that Charles Darwhi's Theory of Evoasfion was bora. Ana wham, years niter, he nalrsshrs' H /M^£\ M!m I 0* V
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    • 104 3 ONE DAY I AND ILL PROVE IT No drugs or chemical aids, no withdrawal symptoms, cravmgs or conflicts between the subconscious and conscious mind. The success of this startling new method k based on scientific research teamed out by psychology professors at Yale University. Yoa simply stop tmolunc and NEVER
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    • 494 3 Join tfce kappy crowd at the FAIR6XC6wto*H buys, tree saMpMQs and special prices! Comeei\joy"delicioqs, quaUtjTtrgatsatthe BRITISH FOOD FAIR gig SIS WlftlY WHITE HORSE bot IMt MIV POM WHITEWAYS Small hoc for 5.15 STRAWBERRY BUCKCBRRAUT JAM MAWSOLEYS 454 g 1.15 CMIKMY JEUY TIPTRS 34(U M5~~ TVIIII6S COFFEE 2 tins for L3JT
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  • 324 4 BL'KIT MERTAJAM, Saturday J^ BOY friend told a coroner's inquiry today of the personal problems of a call-girl whose nude body was found in a hotel bathroom two years ago, with a nylon rope tied round her neck. "She told me that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 Beautiful Sunday begins with Trinitron SONY COLOR TV Get your family one to-day. It's very simple, like this: Trinitron $2r« monthly 6 months We open 7 days a week from 9a.m. to 10p.m. We would be very happy to see that everybody in Toa Payoh can enjoy the beautiful picture
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    • 69 4 I I Get i trained '■L n Export Tokc a crash course which prepares you for business or for a position in an export firm. Thei International Export Association's 20-lesson Certificate course is the cheapest home-study tuition available. The lEA course is the one which awards the Certificate of Associote
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    • 29 4 NON-CATHOLIC Friends, LEARN at HOME ■bout the CATHOLIC CHURCt ■V MAIL NO COST NO OMJGATION Fill la aalmiUU BXC. 24, Naatim Read, Slncapore It Nama I Address i i
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    • 358 4 jf^i CASHEWNUTS EissV T^ mMssl^— -m«t«jfew Don't fof««t your OLE jumbo-«izt cashew nutt"" D«liciou»ry browned over Nitrofltn packad for f ret hrtee* in can* and pouches J-, A JOTMCINIUHV IOOOSrMOOOCT V *L9j9^<SX_i OIS'*mUTIOBV IASTtHM MSENCKS I Take ME along with you yt LWI and get great pictures j^h^^^ Automatically I
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1903 4 11l highlights by bailyne sung SIIfiAPIIRF TUESDAY: try becomes a green and •mvhtwiu, DR BBf gujox pleasant land again in TOMORROW: treats an axed miner for "Th. R°*d Fran Wlgan INTERNATIONAL Zone heart condition and Ch. sat 9.45 opens its Narcotics File learns at first hand what Djn on Channel
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    • 416 4 TUESDAY: BLURP AND SLURP accidentally clobber Slgmund as they try to capture him and Slfmund gets knocked unconscious. In Slgmund and the Sea Monster, (at 5.06 on Channel 3). MYBTERY MOVIE stars McMillan and wife ln "Cross and DoubleCross." (at 10.10 pjn. on Channel 3). THE HOLIDAY BTORYBOOK of Fables
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  • 124 5 Ratna is confirmed in his post MB. TJf. RATNA Singam (above). 11, has been misiilisaig as the Deywty fnsHMleeinnsi of Police with effect freea last 1. wkese name still strikes terror la the ■■ifaiM. Mr. Eataa Slngam was ■pgraded frestt the rank of Asto acting Dwpaty Commissioner la ltTl when
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  • 430 5  -  K. S. SIOHU By MANY people from Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand are among those who frequent sex orgy parties in Penang. which has been described as the chief drug distribution centre for South-east Asia. Tte partial, eomolete with blue films,
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  • 74 5 Man charged with having samsu UM Ah Tuah. 40, a painter, was cleared in the first magistrate's court yesterday with having 234 litres (SI gallons) ■of dutiable samsu In a car at the Junction of Thomson Road and Newton Road on Friday at about 5.56 ajn. No plaa ni recorded.
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  • 276 5 DOCTORS wen warned by a paediatrician yesterday to be wary of prescribing antibiotic* for treating chlldren'i ailments. Prof. Wong Hock Boon head of the Department of Paediatrics. University of Singapore, said this was because antibiotics could prove wasteful and even harmful to growing children
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  • 237 5 Plan by mothers to set up milk bank at hospital rl Stntapore Bnaat- «-dlng Mothers' Oroup to to eet up a milk bank at Kaadanf Kctbau Maternity Hospital. The milk will be ttored In refrtfftraton and will only be used to feed premature, sick and unhealthy babies. The group, which
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  • 27 5 TH> Muallm aOaaaoftrr Bodst? of Singapore will bold celebration to comD»onu UM Mudlm N«w Tear »t tb* neMr'i pr»mlMi In Lorooc U. Oefkoc on Monday
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  • 26 5 THX Hydrotraphlc Dnvtnum of urn Port of Sin#»pore Authority will Uk* out publication or notices to marincn from the Uarint D«pailsasut from I%b. 1.
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  • 320 5 riNVIRONMENT Mini* £j ter Urn Kirn San yesterday expressed concern over frequent eases of government official* being assaulted while on dutyHe warned those who took the law Into their own hands to harm others, and added: 'Over the years there have always been
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 365 5 Now...a new Pan-Electric Permadoor can win $4000 cash and big prizes for you! From NOW until 1 lth February 1975, You can't lose with Pan-Electric, because Facw fft *n*»r every purchaser of a new Pan -Electric Permadoor All Permadoors have polyurethane foamed doors for casyiueruer has a chance to win
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    • 219 6 ■^HSl9lBfl.^lHpHHllll^^H I b^b^l^l^b^bl [^t^KH^ ib^Hb^b^b^bl Cl *y d I I ra^HHIMMMi I v yMBHj tf I? l UBBHB v IJHHHHH.IH j 2^|lHß SU^BBBHI^ c .^^Hlbmbbbl^^b^^^^ W A C iWfli B. BBBBBBbW I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBI— t BW /afl bP^bbl aVll bW Inn BR^ II WHAT QUALITY LOOKS LIKE. Sansui's line-up for '75.
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  • 235 7 $5,000 reward offer for ship on the run BLANDA Unss cf Singapore Is offering a IMN reward for lntstmsMw en the rnnpldsle. which atoapneared saystorlansry from the Singapore nsrissg last week. A snekesaaan of the Msnpsuy, the former I ■gli ji of the IJtt-ton war* wc«id he given to the
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  • 33 7 J apan films TH* MMtonal Mussum win acraso tour abas on Faatmte ef Japan and thrat othsr nbns of general mtaraat on Jaoac at lv lecture hall on Jan. IS at 7J» pa
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  • 26 7 CANBBUIA i ■uniinttT* wlB organist Mf waft on Pob i sUrUnt at jo ia. ApDlteattona ahoaM ba made at tat eantr* by Jan.
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  • 476 7  - ECA: Principals suggest focus where the talent is' approach MASIE KWEE By EDI' CATION ISTS yesterday suggested a "focus where the talent is" approach to raise standards of extra curricular activities in schools. They wanted schools to be given greater flexibility so that each Is allowed to devote more attention
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  • 384 7 rkOCTORS were yesteriJ day fighting to save the life of a 60- year-old worker who was critically Injured when a steam pipe exploded at the Bsso Pulau Ayer Chawan oil refinery on Friday. Police identified him as Vengadosalam Raju. a contract labourer living
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 408 7 BUFOI HNS EVERY OW 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREEFMdOK After spm Mon Sat AlUia^^Sunda^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SPECIAL Mon-Sat Strtvbarn 500g .80 iataß lattar Caakitt 454 g 4.65 Marto llwalU 200g ?70 ■■ttty NfcfßTt •bO-Cala 370 ml .50 Tirtx latttat U\ Ckii Mix 28 g pk» of io 1 .65
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    • 169 7 Wfehavea history of making ourdepositors^ savingsgrow The history of Lombard North Central goes back mere than 100 years. So it's really no surprise that our steady growth has made us an important name in British hanking and finance. Individuals and institutions the world over make their money grow by depositing
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  • 998 8  -  WALTER SEOW By ALL ROUND he- m a n Charles Bronson made his name playing the lone, underdog hero pitched in unequal combat against an enemy many times superior to him in number, resources and firepower. Yet he always manages to
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  • 250 8  -  BAILYNE SUNG By CARRY ON ABROAD (now at the Cathay) If there's any tell-tale sign to herald the near death of the Carry On series, this must surely be It Carry On Abroad clearly shows the drying up of funny-ink in the
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  • 481 8 Film on naval battle that changed -war course- IJOLLYWOOD: The first major war picture since The Longest Day will go into production this year when the Mlrlsch Company begins filming Midway, the naval battle which changed the course of World War II In the Pacific. The Mlrlsch Company consists of
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  • 114 8 Redford and Streisand most popular stars In 1974 HOLLYWOOD: Be» kert Bedford and Barfcra StreUand hare been named the wet POfMlar film stars la the world la ltT4 la a poll eendaoted for the Oeßywoed ForeUa Frees A— dattm by ■eaters news agency. It was the third time Mlaa Streisand
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    • 228 8 1975 1975 19? 11^^^^1975^1970 1975-1975-1975 1975 1975-1975-1975 1975 VSOSu^SOS^ 1975-197 v OPTICAL CO, 159. North Bridge Road. (Capitol Building) Singapore.6 Tel-*****6. WkWWWWW^ '*l BSS^ltftS IJZV* 1 THE SHERIFF FOUGHT FOR PEACE.. HOW WE WtWJ KHI FO* VEI6EMCE! I UCHARUHAII RODXWLOR THEIffiADUrTRAOfiERS I •—•ALUTmEW NEVIU£ BRAND WIIiJAM SMITH riw '"'_COLO« ■n.iii:>aniiina:imasi
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    • 662 8 llftJl ON" I 11 mm. IJS/4.SS. 445 M CHARLES BRONX LAST 2 DAYS! MUM 11 aa, 14S. 4.00. t jo Crwtttopar Laa. Pata> B CjHwifll fatly SO.OIO Mooaol pwpt Co. I OPENS TUESDAY 8 Bir«a Tova A C»»- Pirn B MINI SMUT GANG ■oCANTQNtSt DlAi I Todov 8 45 om
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  • 813 9  - The increasing workload on courts— by Chief Justice T. F. HWANG WHY IT'S VITAL TO HAVE THE FULLEST CO-OPERATION BETWEEN BENCH AND BAR By THE Chief Jusx tice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin, yesterday spoke of the increasing workload on the courts the result, he said, of inflation and recession in
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  • 172 9 Five-day week for Rollei companies ROLLEI Singapore will adopt a live -day week from tomorrow for two of iU subsidiary companies In IU latest move to avoid retrenchment. A company spokesman said the shorter work week would affect workers employed on certain product lon lines In Rollri Singapore Ptr Ltd
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  • 74 9 Girl's Mothball death: Misadventure ELENA Mary Koh Ouan Sim, 11. was in the habit of swallowing baby aspirins and cough mixtures. The retarded daughter of Madam Lee Hul Sim. 37, was seen by her brother searching drawers where some mothballs were found missing on Dec. 30. Elena died a week
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  • 42 9 PRUOTTOBrr Ornery Martin. 21. vm fined $600 or two months' Jail In the First Magistrate* Coon yesterday for having about OJ gramme of cannabls In a house at Robey Crescent in 3erangoon on Dec. 30. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 11 9 THERK were 74 road accident*, (our aerlous. on Frt<i»y.
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  • 76 9 secret society «u«- pecu were arrested by the CID In two raids on Friday. One was an 18-year-old youth believed to be a fighter of Sah Kong Long secret society of the 18 Group operating In Jalan Kttnlk and Jalan Buklt Ho OweA. The other
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  • 603 9  - 'A laughing stock' warning to nurses on bus claims JOSEPH YEO By SINGAPORE st u--0 dent nurses have beep warned that their claims for passes allowing them either free bus rides or concession SBS tickets would, If submitted to the Government, make them "a laughing stock." Mr. G. Kandasamy. general
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  • 158 9 OVERHEAD road signs are being erected by the PWD at 22 entry points the "Restricted Zone" demarcated under the area 1 1 cc n s ing scheme which will be Implemented In April or May. The signs will carry the words "Restricted Zone." The words
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 970 9 1 i Develop your PSYCHIC POWER OF ATTRACTION What strange forces pull you toward inner powers of self which everyone has. another? Why do you at times experience but few understand. Learn to master this uneasiness in the presence of some person phenomenon. The full application of your without any
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 466 10 rvRINKING and driving don't mix. as many have learnt to their cost which can sometimes be as high as life Itself. However, it appears even the fear of death is not deterrent enough to keep all drinkers off the road or drivers off the bottle, and
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  • 1401 10 FIRST OF A TWO-PART SERIES ON CLINICAL HYPNOSIS T WALKED into the Kwong Wai Shlu Hospital In Serangoon Road, feeling reluctapt, yet curious to explore the mysterious science of clinical hypnosis as a "guinea pig." I slowed down my pace as I neared the
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  • 637 10 MR. William FuliTl brig-tit ended 30 yean in the Senate on New Tear Day, convinced that industrial nations, including the United States, face economic and political collapse unless they can fain a substantial redaction In oil prices within the next few years. "It's very serious,
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  • Article, Illustration
    181 10  -  Nicholas Damloff By whatever la the ■■Brians. "Bat how do you get it? Do yon develop It by threats? No. Yoa do not. I think yoa get it by dfegetUtlons, by Batumi respect and understanding. 1 think Congress) has »ut extremely serious eb- isi Secretary State Henry)
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  • 529 10  -  WALTER SCHWARZ: By New Delhi INDIA'S latest protest about Diego Garcia— the tiny British Island In the Indian Ocean which is to become an American base attracted only passing attention, even In the Indian Press. The Deputy Foreign Minister.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • TimescoDe
    • 2675 11 A shout... then kidnappers struck THK Piazza kind of RoWashington re, a place ligh t ed by tountuins, the sit" M>al Ronu- ot ;ind i s v it on n ded _l»\ rhurdtes and 17th century palm i Colourfully dressed carabinieri patrol the Piazza di Spawhere seas of itiorial longhairs
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    • 618 11 bought some newspapers and a Mickey Mouse comic book. "I was walking down this road, drunk with the comic book under my arm, a road called Via de Mascarone. "At the end of the road there is a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 356 12  - Melbourne where the pace is really relaxing CLARENCE FERNANDEZ Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope T| By MELBOURNE Is an ATI absorbing study cf both the old and the new the gracious old-world setting in some quarters and Uie glamour of a throbbing city In others. But more than anything else,
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  • 664 12 of the first Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and Australia's ftest Ooverament House. Much of the original furnishing here is still preserved. The thought of going to jail might be a little discomforting, but you will find that a visit to the old Melbourne Jail well worth the effort.
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  • 281 12 mHOUGH It's always X handy to have some one in the family put things in order whenever there are any repairs to be done, the household handyman has never been a more valuable asset than In these times of spiralling labour costs. Time was when the services
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  • 76 12  -  MING nalia to perform the tasks. For unless you start of; with a sound working knowledge of what you are dealing with, chances are that even the beat intentions could have disastrous results. Which Is perhaps best Illustrated by the cartoon showing a flooded kitchen with
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  • 508 12 I HAVE been Insulted. American Express has rejected my application for a credit card. But wnat makes It worse (adding injury to insult) is that they asked me to "Join the club" I didn't ask. The thought had never even occurred to me! I already
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  • 311 12 Ah the say... KNOW YOUR CAR press letter checking me out. "Is this customer reliable?" asks the letter The manager's face purses up in painful thought: "Well, he did keep writing 1074 on h's cheques after New Year Day and he doesn't always come into the bank at the same
    311 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 475 12 FRE ESuave toilertil News In li«m «J CMs IfcAiL^ V Here's an offer you wil tow to wear. dk nS^ A showercap FREE for every 8-Oi Xi >pL\ of Suave shampoo you buy! Available A qi v) severa- deightful coloured patterns, S fe Suave showercaps are made of jj»£. durable
      475 words

  • 564 13 1 Timescope .Timescope .Tlmescope .Timescope .Timescope Tj POR this I peed dim lights and cobwebs it la the interior o! one of tho fe magnificent walnut panelled clubs, but there is a sense of opulence gone to dust. The rooms are empty. fnfttpt for
    NYT  -  564 words
  • 240 13  - SUNDAY CORNER Russell Baker By now that the law of supply and demand has been so lone repealed. Under the new law, prices go up as demand foes down, and they have gone so high that only these three consumsrs are left to keep the »reat engines of business t
    240 words
  • 311 13 ROGER McGUINN: PEACE ON YOU (CBS). Being the founder of the legendary Byrds and original exponent of "folk-rock" have made McGulnn a well respected singer song-writer His singing style alone •ells. It has a certain nteianehoue teach that rises above ethers because of Its natural delivery. But
    311 words
  • 129 13  -  JEFFREY LOW by rmltartst David Perry, whose presence here does not add any coloor deaaite the credits on the back cover. While one would expect this comeback album to be an Important crossroad for Moantain, the music of "Avalache" Is a far cry from what the title suggests. West's
    129 words
  • 721 13  - Former CIA agent tells all GREGORY JENSEN: London PHILIP Agee is a former «py who has given himself a new mission to attack the secret citadel of the CIA. Agee, who now lives In a village In Cornwall, worked for the US Central Intelligence Agency for 12 years. For a
    UPI  -  721 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 906 13 UJuS to Krb l« |u>Murk» BBHSsi Aprtl W This week will bring A mystery comes to This could be a very You begin some a new turn to your light this week. You good week where thing hew either a affairs. You should be will hear strange news money is
      906 words
    • 239 13 0 1M KYG ww» w>^^ w> w* m w*^ »> a> s> afc w> wV^<^ ■ata\ si s> t> ~s> p. m. m. i j.xxj.a ut a. J- «t a .-L^ m m m+ m m -m *■s> al asvuV^k^ a> *r~*u>-*ur p-~s> ~sa ~a> as al. si sL dL^
      239 words
    • 48 13 «J iiism A^fej iSjiP* look for M PAGODA BRAND M m MENGLEMBU GROUNDNUTS JssLj 9*lMi W NOW IN NEW EXCITING if COLOURFUL PACKING// Odicious A T«sty F u(l O> vt'.lftlins and proteins fistntm ,^^^"Sssjj| (Of good health at L? '\^^»W THE lIXAL Gtf"t TOR ALL OCCASIONS M ■LstMkSHftTffsafts^ifeafMkm
      48 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous

  • 705 14 Eh your hubby a wife-beater? Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Tinj rpHERE axe no grim statistics for this very private hus-band-wile affair: Wife-beating Yet the bar-room favourite "Have you stopped beating your wife yet?" Is no Joke. Few women and men would care to divulge the shameful truth. Shameful because in
    705 words
  • 59 14 HEN you let your hair down to get info the swing, don't gird yourself up tight. Let loose a bit, or even a lot like what Katie is doing here. You'll find it more comfortable and fun. No problem of showing unsightly bulges due to over-tucking in
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  • 592 14 LONDON: Dp to now it has always been assumed that the beautiful girl has few life problems and Is automatically a winner. "If only I looked like that, plain girls sigh as they watch some fabulous looking dolly bird gathering
    592 words
  • 390 14  -  wong lai wah by sugfrtng comments like: '^rVhy are you so late? Where have you been?" Few things seem to provoke a man more than to be Interrogated about his late-night activities, no matter how gentry you do It. Of course, refusal to comply to sexual demands particularly
    390 words
  • 583 14  -  SRUCE KEMBLE ■y ARE first-born children brighter than their brothers and sisters? Fond mothers have said it for centuries, child experts have suspected It for years, and today a report not only says that their beliefs are proven correct but spells out why. Ann
    583 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 730 14 Advertisement •■■■■■a^aaanaaawai Those growing older signs... who will be first to notice them? T*HE fin*, •oft-silken smooth complexion A of childhood is sustained through the early years by a ready supply of natural skin oils. As we grow older, however, surface fluids. This supplies of these vital fluids diminish and
      730 words
    • 503 14 Mother! Your daughtoneeds Brand's every month There are times in tions helps ihem feel s girl's life when she feels better Quickly, snd depressed. Brand's hss helped There are days so msny mothers before when she feels drsined snd sftcr childbirth to of energy. restore lost energy snd Thst«
      503 words

  • 693 15 Why women's must unite Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope Timescope ITNITY hu always U been one of the chief alms of women's groups in the West. Here In Singapore too, women have begun to realise that to be effective they must unite and speak with a single voice. Especially since
    693 words
  • 383 15  - I am Woman HSIN NO REN TO BE EFFECTIVE WE MUST SPEAK WITH A SINGLE VOICE... Or. Nalla Tan. while other outspoken women have voiced the need for a National Women's Council, or a central committee of women's rights, or some large umbrella organisation for the myriad of scattered women's
    383 words
  • 458 15 Chicken tandoori from India with love If ALF the fun in 11 eating oat a tasting foods you've never tried before. If you have visitors, or are thinking of spending a pleasant evening amid a tastefolly subdued decor with food that Is out of the ordinary, try the Shalimar Restaurant
    458 words
  • 318 15  - Adventure in Food MARY KOGAN y sv Its teeming streets are sold all the implement* required to produce a genuine chicken tandoori, the moat important of which Is the tandoori oven. Without it, this notable bird wooM not taste quite the same. Only 3* cm (one foot) la diameter and
    318 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 131 15 Fbnnfit isnt just a braifs a whole new personality. ZV Ssßßsyaai bbbbbW ■BBT k BBBBBW if. BBBBBk £t bbT JFaTJ bbbV bb> mr bsbt I P bsbsV. efj k V law T asßßsf 17^ Lsbbbbbbl Pfaß bbbbbb- «fl Ibbbl^bl aPWaVsafl el Form/it Undercurrents. A smooth new shape m the colours
      131 words
    • 295 15 ENROL for WOLSEY HALL'S PROFESSIONAL, BUSINESS STUDIES and ACADEMIC COURSES NOW AVAILABLE from FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION Inst of Administrative Msnagsmant An Introduction to Business Studies institute at tankers Businaai Management Institute of Chartered Secretaries Commarcial Computing and Administrators Institute of Statisticians Economics Company Law Management Marnamatfcs Commerce Labour
      295 words

  • 1430 18 iTlmescope .Money .Tlmescope .Money .Tlmescope .Money WHY are the financial columns always talking about price earnings ratios, dividend yields, earnings yields and so on? What do they mean and what la the Investor supposed to make of these figures? This week we art
    1,430 words
  • 196 18  -  PETER SUTHERLAND It is only when the market price of the share equal* the nominal price of the share that the dividend yield and the dividend rate are equal. In normal circumstances, therefore, the dividend rate has little nvt^n'pg until it is related to the share price. Indeed
    196 words
  • 67 18 JAPAN'S $16m SHARE IN PLANE DEAL npOKTO. Sat Japan -s- today set aside 2,100 million yen (about 8116.2 million) ln it* budget for the 1975 financial year to develop a commercial Jet passenger plane Jointly with the United State* and Italy. The development plan, tentatively called the "YX" project. U
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 728 18 New trading system: Will it bring back the speculators? AFTER the Initial A euphoric reaction to the new trading system, speculators appear to be taking a more cautious attitude in making deals as evidenced by the decline in turnover on the Stock Exchange last week. Turnover which hit a peak
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  • 303 18  - Martin Lim By Od the other hand if all took that course of action, one would expect activity to tall off towards the end of the month as everyone waits for the new month to begin before entering into any new deals. 8o far. settlement contracts have accounted for at
    303 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 630 18 Tokyo f Korean ghetto I a pocket ol uglineas. poverty and alienation •*a fc^^ whota unhappy H inhabitant* are victims ot discrimination l^gl Cl P^—^-^ Tney are unhappy places I gfl B4PJ BW gS A ir habited by Koreans, victims A^^P I^^^^lB^ I of discrimination who have Vi^a^fl been locked
      630 words
    • 198 18 I Motorola, a Multi-National American Electronics Corporation Is I H looking for qualified Malaysian Cltlsens who wish to contribute to I I our growth and expansion ln our Communications Division facility ln I H Pmang which manufactures communications equipment such as I I Micro- Electronics Systems, Communications Components and I
      198 words

  • 70 19 3. Religious Announcements •mDMsON ROAD BAPTIST -.uRCH 45 Thomson Road. mneae Worship Ut- f mi'iomi BAPTIST Singepore M Kings 'H the American h,*.li All services Ml EttgUah .ning worship aarvseaa a m Sunday School for all ages 1* a.m. evening *i**iip P m •ESBYTSRIAN CHURCH BNIBA irr Orchard Road. ISinday
    70 words
  • 24 19 home LEAVE car hire Latest Fitates Motor CaraFord Vauxhall .ude compree maintenance. 1 limited mMeage Delivery any Martins Selfdrtve Amchester. Bng-
    24 words
  • 72 19 _a mam KEB VONO passed away s leaving wife c;uan Kong. laughters daughter-in-law. 1 children Cortege M »es I* Chancery Lane at 1 15 p .1, Sunday 11/1/75 for Mount -•natorki Donations to .id People Home* pieaae MR Chia KENG POM passed away -i 1975 leaving -11s laughters,
    72 words
  • 27 19 >i) of the late MAO AM CHUA KWBE VIM inank all their friends and reiativos for their assistance, attenndolences. wreaths. d donations, during rnt bereavement
    27 words
  • 56 19 im EVER LOVING MBMORV of Bro 'ro who passed away peacefully at "Carltas Chrlstl" tor la. Australia, on What more can be said of ew in heaven dwells/ talked with Ood in iuls to Him' What niiher worth lo him are children 1 th And long lo follow
    56 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 447 19 classified ads g H#J!#fffrßßJ SAMARITANS OF Singapore Troubled Discouraged' 1 Ring fl -44-44 day DC night Help is as tear as the I M a) yataasa#*sl MODERN MATHS/ SCIENCE/ »ngu»ojs ttrton H S C qualiTelephor.e required Educational Department. P.O. »lang. CIFERIENCEO MECHANICS neouißED FOR marine itslde Singapore it of dlesel
      447 words
    • 608 19 Local manufacturUM companr .wishes to InvMe applicant* for the following poaHlon- <•> TBN^SALBS RSPROMftT* To market well accepted chemical products for induetrtos and workshops Sac Male/ Female •gar 21 35 Intelligent and hardworking Speak English and at least 3 Chineae dialect* Batle allowance of $150 S3M plus high rimmiiiuii Qualified
      608 words
    • 761 19 PHILIPS MM Private CeruTtoaU in Televiston Servicing Experience In servicing television receivers It es»enliul Candidates who are interested pieaae apply personally next week between 9 are 12 noon and 2 P m 4 p m Monday Friday •Mtoa *>ara Pto LM. (V«too Factory) Li rang 1. Taa Payoh Swigeatii 18.
      761 words
    • 858 19 N 9tm» auarr tn*ah hillcrsst estate apaclou* room Telephone available lOOtart 64*178. NfAH HILTON. NEAT friendly Male or female wanted 10 share lovely spacious flat Amah ptione uuilty SftOO Mr Abbey COBY O4BT. <• apartment 3 bedrooms, lasurully rurruhed Telephone swimming pool/ garden Available immediately Rental SI.4M Trt 534*33 office
      858 words
    • 913 19 NAM HO TRAVtn. BBWVICB «aur> gapore) Pto Limned Tow west < Malaysia Seven days SSISS/-. alrcondlUoned bus 8S1S«/-. Ma I layak* OenUng Highlands -b> t am anditioned bus seven day* c SSI7S. Departure Every Sunday i Monday cTmeron Highlands Kour da -»«*> amimtt With- landi Four days B*ll*/- depar- c
      913 words
    • 867 19 rYPBWNITINO I-WEBK RAPID :OUNSB. Ordinary course am p.m Coaching by expelenced instructress Sin Chew Ichooi of Commerce 171 -B Ben ooten Street *****6 1 Branch 28--4 Hongkong Street Spore 1 733*3) MPORT/ EXPORT PRACTICE* onducted by eaperlencod leeurers In Inward, outward dec la ■allon duly payment, air cargo. iranaMMßent. PSA
      867 words
    • 995 19 MM COOPBR B. Fully modified with 2 sets racing lyres and revolution rims Interested call Martin Yeo *****2 am 12) IMB COOPSR EXCELLENT CON DtTiON. sports runs, many tras Highest, offer Ring Victor *****3S OATBUN MBX. LATE I*7*. Immaculate, accident free, aircond. tape radio. Alloy runs, works/ standard suspension, attractive
      995 words
    • 880 19 I**4 MNM BBS SUFBH new paint. tyres, road tax. inauranc* and cushions 537. blk 12» Toa Payoh. Lorongl. HILLMAM BMPBW MNM IBS* IM3 Oood running order excellent bod> work No rust si.OOo 435*60 morning S3BW l afternoon. i*n holdsn *a*iß*wooo wth alr-cond good condition road tax month* Price negotiable Tel
      880 words
    • 597 19 PRINCESS ROYAL SALON OS SF.AUTt tirr* advanced scten- for normal dehyd*ated and problem -skins Gorgeous Hairstyilng Tinting/ Perming Experlemed Hair Stylists. Tel 323 MS FANNY HUEN. JAPAN TRAINSO working experience Australia I for Professional diploma course* in Beauty Culture/ Hair- dressing Per>onnel Make-up course day' night classes Inter national Salon.
      597 words
    • 283 19 WANTED SLEEPING PARTNERS. MNANCien* Lucftam* Write s T Box ASSO24 NSPORTEO MOUSTRIAL SNOBS uinllties available cheap I' O Boa 2303 R'pore ONE ANTKMJS, 4 POSTER hrj*. bed Tel 65*214 NOROE COOKER W natural gas. large oven price S7OO Call UPRIGHT SHANGHAI PIANO Prtrr 11.200 negotiable Contart Mr Tan2*S6342»am 6pm daily
      283 words

  • 400 20  -  DENNIS CHIA By HONGKONG, Sat Former champion jockey Jimmy Johnson ended his short but unhappy stint in Happy Valley here today. The three time Melbourne Cup winner will return to Singapore, where he was the top Jockey before coming here late last
    400 words
  • 391 20 MONTREAL, Sat. Lord Klllanin. president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), yesterday assured the omanislnt; committee of the 1970 Summer Oames that the lOC has no intention of pulling the Games out of Montreal because of a strike that
    Reuter  -  391 words
  • 144 20 LOS ANGELES, Sat. Mayor Thomas Bradley said Los Angeles could not host the 1970 Olympics If Montreal failed to prepare its facilities because of a strike. There U Just not enough time, Bradley said. Willy Daume, vice president of the International Olympic Committee. said in Munich,
    UPI  -  144 words
  • 175 20 S. Korea agree to stage Golf Open SEOUL. Sat —South Korea has reversed its earlier decision to drop out of the Asian Open golf championship, it wa* .stated here today. ihe Korean Oolf Association said it informed the Asian Oolf Confederation (AOCi in Manila yesterday that it would bold the
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 2 20
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  • 788 20 THE Stipendiary Steward's report on yesterday* race* at Ipoh; RACE 1 Jockey S. Lim replaced jockey Rajoo on Shopping Centre. Emergency acceptors No 17 (Braatagi II), No. 18 (them Nets*) and No. 19 (Chungking) could not get a place in the field. Prior, to the start, rsaang
    788 words
  • 2125 20  -  EPSOM JEEP THRASHING FOR PUNTERS My I<POH t Sat Punters took a thrashing here toda/ when two heavily backed favourites, Kampong Melayu II in Race Four and Prattler in Race Six failed to finish on board. Kampong Melayu 11, backed to win with 5,572 tickets, was
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 518 20 FOREX DEALER I SINGAPORE A well established foreign bank, I with a branch in Singapore covering I the full ror\Q* of banking services, I requires a foreign exenange dealer to I work in the Asian Currency Unit. I The selected candidate would, after I a satisfactory probationary period, I be
      518 words
    • 136 20 SALES REPRESENTATIVE ICI (Singapore) Pte Limited invites applications for the post of Sales Representative. THE JOB To promote the sales of Oyestuffs and allied chemicals to the textile and paper industry. THE PERSON Must be a Singapore Citizen aged between 20-30. Should possess a Higher School Cer tificate in Science
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 45 20 Stop swsying r u>a ■"■■p ww H.rr*. ~^T7~""""°~] f T u»B«Al»» MANY TlP#,l>lim, AMP ">j -*Sf 'i ftoOK WHAT Tut*^\ A-\?~)>\ /nMAmm\ ist wtmtaFrjeum mmm y V y V n ■«£f 1 !fi Mt gS! B 1 B yuT^*-^ TUATwiu. V Rv»«iiiiyiN(r i°k If Al
      45 words

    • 216 21  -  By EPSOM JEEP \JARAN 11, an impressive fourth over 9f last week, looks a sound eachway bet over a longer trip in Race Three at Ipoh today. An out and out stayer, this fiveyear- old gave Asian Envoy 4-lb and
      216 words
    • 646 21 f J JIM 2.00 CLASS 6 OIV 2 tf sssatsWlsssSsV ($6,000 $4,200 to wlnrwr) 1 ITMtaHMM N l [MOM)| R Bmitlm 7 13(-1) Una 7 I post Omn o» Tii <3— short) nnas«fi »IU Rkaas* 2 1 Ste» Ciii—i (Carrf-Annt) SHIwHUHI Thaws* *a*MI s»i 8 IKB Ahmad Tl7
      646 words
    • 514 21 Goiig forecast: Yieldiig 0 two Kan M I (Oood Mood) K Bnafesian 1 8.4 (-1) P Oal J 0 3003 Mr li|iil I ifniQu*) Ahmad 7 t 4 <*S> •JaaaMl 2 10 0007 nisi a (Rr Entry, Tulloh e»3 (-3) MaCsasa t 11 OOSO Wa«.a»» (Today) Ahmad iI 3
      514 words
    • 1464 21 CABBYANNE: Working well and appears to have regained form which enabled her to win Ipoh Sf with 8 1 Dlv 3 Aug. 34; good for flutter. ROLL OF HONOUR: By Cortnto; coming to hand, seventh Dtv. 3 S a f last week was encouraging run: worked exceptionally
      1,464 words
    • 385 21 Three Russians enter men's semifinals f ONDON, Sat The Li Soviet Union filled three of the four men's singles semi-final places In the English Open Table tennis championships at Brighton yesterday. Upset of the quarterfinals was the defeat of Chinese fourth seed Ll Chlng-Kwang by Russian Anatoly Strokatov. The Russian
      385 words
    • 195 21 Sakai puts Japan back in the fight 1 DEtAIDE. Sat. A Japan's Toahlro Bakal put his country right back In the Eastern zone semi-final of the Davis up today when be beat Australian* Phil Dent, 8-1, 4-6, 2-6, 6-4, t-4 at Memorial Drive Stadium. Australia ssti Jap. in now arc
      Agencies  -  195 words
    • 43 21 HOBART, Sat— The first day of MDCs three-day »»»V'»» against Tasmania was washed out here today. Heavy rain yesterday and overnight turned the Hotoart Oval into a quagmire, making play twpeesjbsi until tomorrow unless there kt more rain.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  43 words
    • 32 21 IPOH. Sat. As from the January masting at Ipoh. stake money for the fourth horse In all races at Ipoh. Kuala Lumpur and Penang will be »300 Instead of 8100.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 53 21 s^mj^ BHAW BROTHERS Wi*W have immediate VACANCIES FOR THE FOLLOWING: 1. PRODUCTION UNIT MANAGER 2. PRODUCTION SECRETARY 3. ASBIBTANT DIRECTOR 4. FILM EDITOR, 5. CAMERAMAN Applicants, preferably Bumiputra should have experience in film production Applications stating qualifications t experience should be addressed to Shaw Brothers (XL Sdn Bhd.. P. O.
      53 words
    • 502 21 PEGAWAI PERUBATAN DAN PERGIGIAN LAKILAKI ANGKATAN TENTERA MALAYSIA ANQKATAH TENTERA MALAYSIA MCMERLUKAN ANDA 1 Kaiau anda seorang doktor yang lngtnkan penghidupan yang penuh cabaran dan pengembaraan, anda adalah lavak untuk berkhidmat dldaiam Angkatan Tentera. Peng&laman mi Udak akan dlrasal oleh sartapa yang belum berkhidmat. Kelayakan memohon adalah. a. Pengamal-pengamal dan
      502 words
    • 626 21 npil Solid I llwl State YOU AND RCA II TOP MANAGERIAL ENGINEERING POSITIONS Two top managerial engineering positions need to be filled to support RCA's growth during the next M few years. As part of our Malayslanlsatlon policy we are inviting qualified and dedicated Malaysians to apply for these positions
      626 words

  • 621 22  - SINGAPORE AND SELAN6OR SHARE THE CUP MAURICE KHOO By Civilians watch Jagjit steal equalising try KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Singapore Civilians today literally stood and allowed Selangor to steal a goal during injury time and force a 10-10 draw in the Malaya Cup rugby championship final at the Victoria Institution ground
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  • 325 22 KUALA LUMFUK, Sat. Malaysian Rugby Union today decided to revise the Malaya Cap on a new format and introduce Use MRU Cap separating the stronger from the weaker teams next season. MRU secretary Ng Peng Kong said after a meeting that the MRU
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  • 134 22 Penang agree to play match in Spore PENANG, Sat. Penang, the Malaysia Cap soccer champions, have decided to meet Singapore, whom they beat 4-1 In the second leg of last year's Malaysia Cup final, In a friendly match In Singapore on Feb 22. This was announced by FAP Vice president
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  • 30 22 TEHERAN. Sat. Iran has denied reports by a West German magazine that It w,ou!d like to stage the 1976 Olympics if the Oamej were cancelled In Montreal. UPt
    30 words
  • 24 22 LONDON. Sat. Results of last night's English Rugby League Division 1 matches: Castkrford 20 Wixrington 6. Salford 6 Wakefleld Trinity 16. Reuter
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 605 22  -  PETER SIOW By COO-THO Kok Mun and Tay Ouat Kirn were the outstanding swimmers on the final day of the Chinese SwimIng Club Single Age Group swlrnm ing meet at Amber Road yesterday each broke two records. Soo-Tho's record* were for the
    605 words
  • 344 22 Roberts and Viswanath dominate Test MADRAS. Sat. The first day of the Fourth Test here today belonged to West Indian fast bowler Andy Roberts and Indian batsman Gundappa Vlswanath. Roberts took seven wickets for 64 and Vlswanath made a superb 97 not out In India's total of 190. West indies
    Reuter  -  344 words
  • 709 22  -  ERNEST FRIDA By r*HANG Chung -Fa the Taiwanese professional, fired a four over par 72 yesterday to take his lead to a commanding four strokes, after 36 holes, in the JAL Pro- Am Open cha m p 1 onship at
    709 words
  • 344 22 -Ipswich are clear Div 1 leaders LONDON, Sat Ipswich became clear leaders of the English Football League Dlv. One today when they beat Middlesbrough 2-0 in the top-of-the-table clash. Everton moved to second spot on their 3-0 thrashing of Leicester, and the (allure of their close rivals I.iverp xii and
    344 words
  • 123 22 MS). CNBW UNO TWAM »«««l TJ. proprietor of Maura B T Chaw Conpur. »im« away peacefully at «.M p.m. aa 11/1 Tl luvtac bahlad baknrad wif. Margate] Oos P*lk Sim only aoa Sob »i* Kane Hooi. dauchur-in law Bralyo. S daughters Baba. Mary. Dolly. Molly. Irma. May. Evelyn. Aoallna.
    123 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 23 22 35 S HI *BW**TS lift II 16^^^^sSaw^8is$5^i^a^^^^^^^5Ssi i I SBaHcJ^llaaaaaSll I sV WV SSBaVsK%allf *aH BffPMaß bbbbbL^*W S? j[A ■faaaaf aa^Ssaaal I BSsmsJ
      23 words
    • 115 22 M DEPOSIT H LEASING 1 ■r PURCHASE J Whether you want to buy a new or used car, acquue pV equipment for business with no cash outlay or invest your money, CCS can otter U aa»»»^^^ constructive advise and assistance. With CCS, you have the security of dealing with a
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 5 22 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
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    • 43 22 SOCCm Setnbawang Cbruautuency league Bethleham Pte Ltd. v Crtong Pang CC (Deptford Rd.): Friendly: Toto Invitation v Marble (Jin. Besar 5 15 pjn.). SOUASH aSRA Junior touniament: Boys* Under -19 and girls' Under- 18 (RI) YACHTING S7A Dinghy championships (Betetar 10 30 ajn.).
      43 words