The Straits Times, 6 January 1975

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times I Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1975 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 492/75
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  • 383 1  -  PAUL WEE Huge bets for '1975' send some syndicate bosses into hiding By SEVERAL illegal four-digit syndicates which accepted bets running to thousands of dollars on the winning 'hot favourite" number 1975 in the Perak races on Saturday »rt reported to have gone "bankrupt." Some of the
    383 words
  • 45 1 $164 b budget for Japan TOKYO. Sun. The Japanese Cabinet yesterday approved a draft national butlget for the ItTS fiscal Tear starting April totalling 21.--288.500 million yen (about *****.230 million) an increase of MS per cent over the budget tor the current fiscal year. Reuter
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 254 1 3 killed as ship rams a bridge HOBART, Sunday pKREE people died and more than 30 people were injured when part of the Tasman Bridge over the Derwent River collapsed after being hit by a ship, which then sank. At least '2 of the shlp'i crew are unaccounted for. The
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 187 1 $2,380 mil DROP IN BRITAIN'S RESERVES I ONDON, Sun. Britain's gold and foreign currency reserves fell by record U551,035 million (552,380 million) In December a month when the Bank of England had to give substantial backing to sterling on the foreign exchange markets. Announcing the figures on Saturday, The Exchequer
    Reuter  -  187 words
  • 62 1 Training to go on BANOKOK. OUn. Thailand to to continue training CamhodhHi air tore* aad •nay personnel this yea* a* requested far President Lou Nbi. a That mv pneml said today. Major-Oen. TbJancaai Slrtsanzatiaa, nranmawrtar of the ■pedal warfare training eantrt. said the ■Btetal tralnlnf ni pan of Thailand's aid
    AP  -  62 words
  • 32 1 WABtunu'iUH, sun. Nearly 1.000 tornadoes, floods. storms and other natural disasters caused U851.4 btllion (BM.I billion) worth of iisinagat in US conununitts* last year, the Federal Disaster Administration said. UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 76 1 QANGKOK. tan.— Afcr D and rail links In tfaern Thailand bars been eat as heavy rainstorms lashed several matktoes In the area, official sources said here today. They saM domestic TJuU Airways planes coaM not land at Hat Tal Airport since yesterday aad
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  • 223 1 'Ship in Indonesia cable from security guard rE 1,625-ton freighter Union Pacific which disappeared from Singapore is In Indonesia. according to a cable from lilspan bin Rusldee. the security guard who was on board. Mlspan, 23, cabled his employer. Pang's Security Service, to say that he was "safe" in Indonesia.
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  • 48 1 LONDON. Bun. Britain's •00,0*0 boy soooU have bean banned from aatiliii sheath snlvw on their Delta beaauw police (ear the atari t of them oould Invtt* trouble Bat the London headquarter* of the worldwide moremeat declared that aaouts could Mill carry pocket knives. lUuter.
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  • 37 1 NEW nUT, Bun. Polio* have arrested seven psopst wwpsctsd of tavolwoMßt In th* bomb blast last Thursday that kilted RaOvays Minister Lattt Karayan Mshra aad two others, a Bihar state imiiMmil spokesman said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  37 words
  • 125 1 DAWN CRASH PUTS VEHICLE OUT OF ACTION rre« day be*an badX ly yesterday tor kn conductor Mr. Tan Tten Bow. 4«, mad the unidentified «m of Sorrls. No. Thfcr were oo their way Wtkiba depot la C 0 m m o n wealth Avenne, Qsususlswn, at about
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 1 WASHINGTON. Bun. President Ford stated leglilatlon yesterday making permu«it the M kUametres per tour (55 mile per hour) speed limit oo ITS hafhway UPI. MIST AN "I mm mi*
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 196 1 JERUSALEM, San.— J Guerilla bombers attacked Jerusalem today with at least three explosive devices. Police said one bomb went off In a busy shopping street In the heart of the city but caused no serious casualties. Two j similar devices were dlscovered and safely de-
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 71 1 WASHDIOTON. Sun. Current East- Wen nesoUaUons on mutual force reductions In Europe would couapee if the United States unilaterally withdrew 1U troops from Nato. a special Congressional study mission said today. In a report to the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs nnanmtttee on Us recent visit to
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 36 1 MANILA, Bun. North Korea has rtprerted Interest In two-way trade tie* with the Philippines as part of lv plan to expand trade with South-east Asia. Philippine Trade Secretary Troadlo Qulaaon Jr. said today.— UPl.
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  • 70 1 Grenade kills 8 toldlers BANGKOK. San. Eight soldiers were fcjiwi and SS others wounded when a hand grenade was thrown Into a crowded fair In Northern Thailand. poUee said today. No arrests have bee* made and eottea said they eoald give no motive for the attack. The grenade was
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 MM PORTABin ■^B Pr
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    • 90 1 FURNITURE FACTORY GUTTED BY FIRE Back Pag* FBI fears new threats to use n-weapons on cities 1 US may boost food aid up to $3.5 biL S JORDAN and PLO to bold private talks 4 CUT In oil output aaa lead to war: Kuwait 5 GEARING ap for Women's Year
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    • 7 1 Wwather outlook: laolatwd *how«r» in late morning
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    • 260 1 FfelviAßKS A STcRLJNG >^P H SU/ERWRE W by QUOHO **e^^ WjEN*E« j^&Ho* at: K 984 A <PTE U£X mW^ rwGHC-ASS JEWELLERS BRANOfiK 1 BS9L L^B^B^aw Bach c&rtndov holds 300,000 characters aoo a prt-racor&ao program on its 14 track 13 maim tap* loop This cartridge controls the Olivetti automatic typing system,
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 260 2 WABNINOTOM. Sun. I PRESIDENT Ford signed a Bill yesterday to fight recession by spending U&14.5 billion (8110.35 oil) in unemployment benefits and new gove m m c n t Job programmes. With Saturday midnight the legal deadline for handling wu« passed by the last Congress,
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    • 282 2 Winds disrupt air drops for Pak quake victims BKESHAM (Pakistan). Sun. Relief organisers are anxious for a change of weather today so that helicopters can drop emergency supplies to Pakistan's homelees earthquake victims. Strong winds have seriously disrupted atr drops for the last four days, making it too risky for
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    • 32 2 PALM DBBKRT (CWlfornjt). Bua. Otn. William Wwtmoretand. 60, toraux commander of 08 Kmdw Li the Vietnam war, mi reported rwtlnc cemfortaMy vwurday after §uf fain* a mild heart attack. UPI
      UPI  -  32 words
    • 356 2 HIGH-LEVEL PANEL TO PROBE CIA WASHINGTON, Sun President Ford is to appoint a panel of distinguished Americans to lay bare some of the long-guarded secrets of the Central Intelligence Agency. The citizens' panel, whose members are yet to be named, will probe charges that the agency conducted Illegal Intelligence operations
      Reuter  -  356 words
    • 70 2 BOUTHAMFTON, B«sw— A West Indian steel baa* aßeral Martae hand, ist a heMes»*e7 eSSt part la a Mtsr farewell for the Canard Haer 2TT" y-««^»y ai ttleft kere Ie» a »da» werld ermiee. M««lia4«# aaseengers wen .n baard a. the U^« set off en Mi first-ever revnd-tlie-werM
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    • 359 2 FBI concern over new threats to n-blast cities WASHINGTON, fT Sun.-The FBI has expressed concern about a possible increase in the number of extortionists threatening to explode nuclear weapons in American cities. FBI officials said yesterday they believe the threats may Increase because of publicity about the possibility that radioactive
      AP  -  359 words
    • 40 2 Capetown, Sun. Prof. ChrUUaan Barnard la prepared to repeat the double heart operation be pioneered six wee** ago this time on a two-rear-old BrltUh baby Slrl born with only half a heart. Oroote Schuur Hoepltal source* Mid. UPL
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    • 230 2 HONGKONG, Sunday. npHE New China News Agency (NCNA) said yesterday that the United States and the Soviet Union have intensified their arms race and would inevitably become involved in an open war. Entitled "New mud of Soviet and US In Nuclear Race." the
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    • 34 2 KLAOENFUXT (Austria). Bua.— A bomb exploded la*t night In an apartment block wfisr* a prUon director ha* his bom* tbe ktert la a —rim of attacks again* law anfrtrt— ut oOrtaTt Rwter.
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    • 141 2 STOEL SEES CHOU IN HOSPITAL VISITING Ditch Foreign Minister Tan Der Stoel (right) shaking hands with Chinese Premier Chon Kn-lal at their meetin I in a Peking ho#Pltal on Saturday. The Director-General for Political Affairs of the Dutch Foreign Ministry, Mr. MH. J Kutt-n Chinese Foreirn Minister Chiao Kaanhna, and
      UPI  -  141 words
    • 27 2 .PHILADELPHIA. Bun. Three workman war* kt«d ywterday In an agplotion and fire on the ground* of a rubber plant In the K;aUngton section. UPL
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 i- 1 g^gk -^glg^gffl'^ W^r K^sV She owes it all to her Hicee She knows the secret to a beautiful complexion. She knows she owes it to aUicss The wonder tonic sweet let that contains the Vitamin C content of 10 oranges. So essential for bouncing health with clear skin,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 77 2 Straits Times Crossword 1 Word.^aUh^ U E&cn 0 »J*-r»nU«rnow*r. great* ad«lr*, for-gn Want produced by eseep- SnS* St**''* ts-p. of crfcttt mate*. MTtrnDAvT'Toumo* Si Part of flower concealed in r." .I. hiiurtant herbage. *Ti M«* oouid not be mated vTrTa? l IbV V H eun ncf Doil» 4) ■|ir" 1
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    • 180 3 LONDON, Sun— The British Department of Defence has taken off the secrets list a lethal nerve gas developed la the I»Ms and its formula is now readily available in the pabUc patents offlee la Tiaaes said today. The gas, radwumad -VX" liquid from a tiny drop
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    • 36 3 NTW YORK. Sun—Prenchborn Alfred Letouroer, who won scores of professional sU-day bicycle races hi the ino'i and IQMs when that endurance sport rated high, died yesterday at his home here. He was 67 —AP
      AP  -  36 words
    • 298 3 Like brushing teeth, says Liddy VTEW YORK. Sun. il Convicted Waterfate burglar Gordon Liddy today claimed that the 1972 break-In at the Democratic forty's national headquarters was a natural political act aa basic as brushing one's teeth. Breaking his silence about the crime which eventually toppled Mr. Nixon from the
      Reuter; UPI  -  298 words
    • 24 3 FTRNLIY (Nevada), Sun. About 20 people were Injured when two buna crashed on icy pavement and overturned east of here yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  24 words
    • 125 3 Storming outlaw post in Tripoli TRIPOLI. (Lebanon) Sun. Army and police forces stormed the market area of Tripoli, Lebanon's second largest city, today In an attempt to break an eight-month-old occupation of the area by a band of outlaws. The assault began at dawn. So far a few civilians and
      AP  -  125 words
    • 383 3 WASHINGTON, Sun. President Ford soon will select one of three new plans t)oosting the value of US food aid to between US$l.l and US$l.5 billion (552.53 and 553.45 billion) and sending much of it to the hungriest nations abroad, a Government source said yesterday.
      AP; UPI  -  383 words
    • 57 3 WASHINOTON. Bun— Ir»n ha* extended Its military Influence in the Oulf under a joint agreement with Oman to patrol Oulf waters, the Washington Fort aatd yesterday In a despatch from Beirut. Post correspondent Jim Hofcgland said that the agreement was disclosed recently In an interview in Muscat
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 309 3 Let Bangla and India starve' NEW YORK, Sunday. INDIA and other South Asian countrie such as Bangladesh do not deserve food aid, and should be left to starve to reduc world population and conserve food sup Thli Is the Import o a thesis which Is flndln supporters In the U
      309 words
    • 138 3 'Underpaid Filipino cook sent home pANBEUM. San.— AusV> tralian Forelfn Minister Dan WiUesee today said the British Consol-General In Melbourne was responsible for repatriate a FlUplno cook who claims she was paid only ASM <SSM> for workin f a 7»-hoor week at the consulate. He said the cook. Mrs. was
      Reuter  -  138 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 246 3 How to do business in \&r v^^ J^r*^ m 1 V mm. !x^\ -*tif i Ask the Bank of New South Wales Doing business with people thousands As the largest free -enterprise of miles away can be difficult at the best finance, investment and banking complex of times and in
      246 words
    • 460 3 Iml Lml ml^^ I Ox Tails 500 g $1.20 GOURMET MINCED BEEF stt, 1.75 GOURMET SLICED BACK BACON Pfa 2.00 GOURMET PORK SAUSAGES 230 LEG LAMB swEnd sw, 345 PORK SPARE RIBS sw, 130 CALVES LIVER sm 2.80 FRYING STEAK soo, 3.70 STRIPLOIN n.z. sooi 3.65 OX KIDNEY s«>, 148
      460 words

    • 263 4 MIAMI, Sunday. fgtwo men who robbed a dentist's office on Friday were apprehended when a patient in the office grabbed a gun and chased the men down the street Into the path of an off-duty policeman, authorities The pair manned to get Into their
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    • 142 4 Trapped by cargo of drugs GAINESVILLE (FlortVI aa), Sea. Two men arrived an alrpUne eraah yea tarday only to be trapped at the scene by their ear»o M garbage compactor hags Ml of marijuana, authorities said. County Sheriff's officers said Dennis James Conroy. and Michael Phillip TtmaMos, 26, were not
      AP  -  142 words
    • 42 4 ADDIS ABABA Sun. Two hand r renad* explosions last night rocked the centra of Asmara, capital or Ethiopia's troubled northern province of Brltrea. Within minutes of the blasts, streets in the city centre wars faaaitaii and shops dosed. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  42 words
    • 155 4 Angolan parties form united front «jfOMBABA (Kenya). iTI Sun. The three Angolan liberation movements today announced that they had formed a common political platform to go Into independence negotiations with Portugal on Jan. 10. After three days of discussions at President Jomo Kenyatta's state house here, the three movements the
      Reuter  -  155 words
    • 67 4 Maracaibo. (Venesueia). Sun. Six Indians ware killed and 20 Injured in an upsurge of lnter-trlbal violence over the Christmas holiday In a remote part of western Venezuela, according to police here. The trouble began with the UlUng of an Tpiif na T **ttlan by a member
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 66 4 DACCA. Sun. The Government of Prime Minister Sheikh Mujlbur Rahman, which last weekend declared a state of emergency said it was aimed at combating terrorism and staving off f^nn^tn^ crisis, will face Parliament on Jan. 30 The half dcaen or so opposition lawmakers In the Il>moanlwii body
      66 words
    • 59 4 BELFAST, Sun. Foar hundred -"initial phyatdans In Belfast have decided to Join UM* British doctors in a slowdown of medical services to enforce a demand for mart pay. A aaalrTomau for the Begtoaal PnmmlMan of Bospital Medical Services of Northern Ireland said it had rmoaamrndfd that Its
      59 words
    • 291 4 Jordan, PLO to hold talks CAIRO. Sunday JORDAN and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) agreed yesterday to hold bilateral talks for policy coordination and to stop hostile actions and propaganda attach on each other. The agreement mi announced In a communique at the end of a two-day ministerial conference grouping
      UPI  -  291 words
    • 108 4 SANTO DOMINGO Dominican Republic Sun. Siamese twins Clara and Alta Rodriguez who left several months ago joined to one another at the pelvla and abdomen, returned home yesterday as two healthy and separate little 16--month-old girls to a warm welcome by an enthusiastic crowd.
      Agencies  -  108 words
    • 259 4 CAIRO, Sun. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat will visit Jordan soon at the Invitation of King Hussein, Jordanian Premier and Foreign Minister Zeld Rlfal was quoted as saying today by the semi official newspaper Al Ahram A date will be fixed later, the paper said. HONGKONG: A Thai trade mission,
      Agencies  -  259 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 505 4 Uto a leadir g Real Estate Organization of Switzerland offers excellent investments In apartements apartment-buildings duplex-houses in Sergy near Geneva in the so called "Zone Franche", France. "MEbM .3 1 ff il *V^«'uurTmHßß! aaaßßj jsbj jOJ High quality, timeless architecture, wonderful country side with beautiful view of the Alps. Good
      505 words
    • 52 4 SSBSBO $$94.25 Controller 8M controller ba Co*"*" 1 I Bwnt«.uii m _^M Other Models EpPJ^SS'fi maw En 9"iewng L Modai 8S Ssl66 25 Modal 12M 12 Digits Qpp^fe with memory. SSflr percantage j^p and exchange P>k[ toy. etc Sslls 75 T!s^£ls!SS oM<>AlgY EXTRAORDINAIRE Irasasiisa an m*itad from SoU ntiiiMMtmi. rissnii
      52 words

  • 222 5 Reserves of 9 Opec nations rise to $90 bil WASHINGTON. Sun The official reserves of nine oil exporting countries rose by 9 8 per cent In November to U5539,361 .900.000 about SS9O billion), according to figures released today by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The nine countries are all members
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 170 5 FINANCE MINISTERS TO ATTEND OPEC MEET ALGIERS. San. Algeria's Finance Minister Ismail Mahroag said today th«.t finance ministers will tafc.- Dart In the ministerial conference of the Ocgad— Hew at Petroleum Exporting Cos n tries (Opee) to open here on Jan. 24. It was snaaancrii last month that only oU
    170 words
  • 198 5 MOSCOW, Sun. The Soviet Union said yesterday it had moved ahead of the United States as an oil producer with an output of 41.9 million tonnes last year, compared with a U8 total of 450 million tonnes. Commentator V v r y Zhukov
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 562 5 'WHY CREATE A CRISIS?* BEIRUT, Sunday JTUWAITI Petroleum Minister Abdel Rahman Al Atiqi said in an interview published yesterday that a sharp reduction of oil production could force the industrialised nations to wage war against the oil-producing states. In the interview
    Reuter; UPI  -  562 words
  • 82 5 TOKYO. Sun— Divers yesterday latovttad Urn last body of the M holiday skiers who died in Lake Aokl In Urn northern Japan mountain* afur their overloaded bus plunged Into chilly water* from a narrow mountain road on New Year s Day. police reported. Thirty-six other*.
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  • 359 5 LIBYA'S OIL OFFER TO TURKS ANKARA, Sunday. IBYA will invest In Turkey's petroche- mical industry and will give the Turks "all the gas and oil they need", Libyan Speaking flit a Press Libyan cuh for Turkey's defence, automotive and shipping Industries and said Libya would urge other Arab ok -producers
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  • 59 5 NIKKO. Sun. A searrh party today found the body of French Embassy press attache Madame Ifcchele Quelluy In mountainous country near here, two days after she became separated from a biking party aurlng a bUzrard. Police said Madame Ouelluy. U-yov-okl wife of the second secretary at the
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 23 5 ATHENS. Sun. The chief of the Greek Navy. Vlee-Admlral Petros Arapaki«. aubmltted his reatcnaUon today tt was officially announced here Reuter.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 146 5 W^ HALF A DOZEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD COME TO W REDIFFUSION FOR A COLOUR TV We ar« famous worldwide experts in TV Systems, particularly Colour TV. 24 hours free after-sales service for rental hire purchase and 1 year guarantee for Cash Sales. Easy rental payments, low H.P. terms,
      146 words
    • 36 5 Kew *ITH VITAMINS A AN j^l^^Ml|Jl J m^al ssiV^a^^^^^ssT^F^Bsr^TaT^ai^J "*m^^ssssssssi sarsV /^2 >v W9 Ev||B||S^fi^KUl3UHJ^^P w& ik >akv BSa^^^^BSBWSsT/W a 7 WF^Bm*Mf//''S/////// SBJassY SB. lla BBB"vSsssSsSS3»sjssi« bbF^^bbl I1 W _J_ ami X/-2-&W Bfe&Saa^sli^flmaf^^sftV^ W W sssT
      36 words

    • 170 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sun. Fruit sellers and Importers here want the Government to reduce the Import duty of «0 cents a pound on oranges and tangerines by 50 ncr cent to enable the peoole to buy cheaper fruit daring the Chinese New Tear.
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    • 29 6 BAOAN fIeSUU. aun— A gtai cyclist, Rafdah butt tamalmkWn. IX was killed Instantly whan a lorry knockad bar down at tba TsTtd mils Ipoh-Battarworth roau on
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    • 318 6 3,000 flee floods in 2 states QVER 3,000 people have been evacuated in Kelantan and Trengganu following Floods which hit several districts after 24 hours of continuous rain. Kota Baru has been cut off from the rest of Peninsular Malaysia, while several trunk roads In Trengganu remain closed. Tbe Jerteh
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    • 71 6 PENAIfO. Sun.— The Deputy Minister of Communication*, Datuk Wan Afcdul Kadlr bin lanuul today condemned the leuent demonstration* by university student*. •These acts. *jfcteh eulmlnated m the destruction of property in our National Moaque, are not condoned by the Islamic rsnglon. They are also lawless. be said
      71 words
    • 287 6 Women alone in highrise flats: We are quite sane KUALA LUMPUm, San. Wesson who stay alone en npper floors of hlgh-rlec flats lead norssal lives like their gtsnsinSesi counterparts, s awarding to hlfh-rtee Oat dwellers. •Mast beeaase single women live in top Seers of tall bntidtngs It does not ssean
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    • 85 6 3,000 screened in anti-crime drive PENANO. Sun.— Police carried out a "cleanlnguq" operation at two densely populated areas In the city early today. Mora than 3,000 psopte were screened In tba aavontaour operation. oodan*med "Operation Awal," at one of O>» 17- storey block* of flats at Rlfla Rang*, and at
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    • 272 6 'Industry code must apply equally to Go vt and firms' PKTALINO JAVA, Bun X The principles enunciated by the proposed Code of Industrial Practice to save jobs In the face of recession must be equally applicable to the trade unions, employers and Government, Malaysian Trades Union Congress president Mr. PJ>
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    • 55 6 KUALA LCMPTJR, Bun.— More than 100 workers of Century Atad Hotel nor* hare started ptrtating to demand tba reinstatement of two of their nonaaswaa who ware Itanlssart last month. A apntoaman of the National Onion of Hotel. Bar and Restaurant Workers claimed today tha two workers were
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    • 44 6 JOHOU BAKU. Sun. The MAS office on the siuuiatt floor of Bangunan Adam. Jslan Wong Ah Peak. Is open from Monday to Saturday from »-*O am.— 6.50 pjn^ and on Sunday from 10 sun. pja. The telephone number Is SMI and em
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    • 282 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. The Government will not waive the required doubleahousemanshlp tor medical gnduatea from countries whose degrees have not been fully recognised, Informed sources said. At present, medical graduates from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Taiwan are required to do at least
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    • 56 6 KUAKTAN. aim.—Twentytwo arnUia iiiiiiismhii vmabtn of the Mtsag Youth OboneU iaat nimbi. ananhmwsly sgwsd to tmigp. held at the Carul Makmur Bfrtfam. Tha fhaii—n of Ttit will Ins;, -todk Abdal Baanbl Mn Abdul ■shnwn. mad* tba daeMoa aXlor <ttaeuaatooa H brteftot ny ttk» ssowtary■snoml of Urn Mhkunnn
      56 words
    • 154 6 A LOB STAR, guftw— The 47th birthday t* the Sultan of aUdah, who Is also the Yamg Dlpcrtitn Aguag, wm k« oatefenttoiea Jam. tt en a ■eedeel scale because ef baftaCßam. "V we heM H ea a graM scats we wM <• spas* sMftj," a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 144 6 IrUrU'r^l ELECTRO FORGED I iYii i I PRESSURE WELDED Grid Decking-Steps-Gratings WEB products have superior strength, durability and complete freedom from rust pockets. In mdustras where occupational hazards demand aneosl ssfwty and anti-slip precaution*, WEB fnddecxmg*. Map* and grstinos mtnimtw possible industrial sctidanu. iC* Bbb! WyT fV sbbu\JE^^s Bbb^bbl LawV
      144 words
    • 25 6 s»sV^ P^*w*w*blblb>\ r ■PT A JM wKt^J*^ #1A VuMSBTiP^B> r^M BsAvP^HaH^ •a.X aVwV uVal ■kA ILM^ PCI \W ±M Hi Ebaafaa > U^r^BarJ I aaUJ A
      25 words

  • 172 7 SIA puts off again new Seoul service S^OAPORE Airlines has again postponed the inauguration oi a service to Seoul. The airline now hopes to fly to the SouthiErean capital in October, on, year behind schedule •weea said SIA had to re-think Its operattana schedule to paww wwanat of a drop
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  • 19 7 THK Singapore International School will hold It* fourth annual arts festival from Psb. 38 to March 14.
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  • 379 7 Gearing up for Women's Year... WOMEN in Singapore are working out plans to observe the International Women's Year 1975, aimed at promoting equality with men. Several women's asao clatlous are finalising lilans to set up a Na tional Council of V.omen to co-ordinate till activities. The idea of setting uu
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  • 222 7 THE Public Works Department plans to resurface another six roads this month. They are: Jalan Merah, Sims Avenue (Lorong 1 to Paya Lebar Road), Lavender Street (Kallang Road to King Georges Avenue), Moulmein Road, Tanjong Katong Road and Wing Loong Road. The PWD Is
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  • 47 7 THE Singapore JayceM wiU hold a «U wion course on Leadership In Action at th« Hotel Orand Central conference roan on Wednesdays iimistenrlm- Jan 8. The f ee to «J6 for member* and SM (or non-members Those interested are asked to Ulsphnm M4OH
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  • 158 7 Thai doctor for Thanom's father leaves A THAI army doctor, Coi. Slngk*. who has b*-n treating Mr. lain Sofjhit, the W-yemr-oJJ ailing father of former Thai rrime Mlal Marshal Ttaa nosn Kittlkseborn. has rttarncd to Bangkok. Informed soarces said tie colonel, who flew into Singapore together with Marshal Thanooi's nine-mem-ber
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  • 58 7 POLICE have detained a man In connection with the stabbing of a 59 ye&r old housewife, Madam Ow Jee Lyan, at her flat In Block 98, Lorong Four, Toa Payoh yester day. Ow was believed to have been stabbed during a quairel at about 10
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  • 270 7 S'pore Malaysia church splits into 2 bodies nnHE Presbyterian Church 1 In Singapore and Malaysia has split Into two autonomous churches the Presbyterian Church of West Malaysia and the Presbyterian Church of Singapore. At an Inaugural meeting and service at the Prtnsep Street Presbyterian Church yesterday. Rev. Stephen Tan was
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  • 200 7 DBS plan for full banking day on Saturday rt Oerelopment Bank of Singapore U studying the poulblllty of extending iv banking hour to 3 p m. on Saturdays. The more. If adopted, would probably make DBS the first local bank to operate full banking hours on Saturdays. DBS has seven
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  • 22 7 YAOHAN 81nf«pore Prtt«U Limited will bold staff banquet at the Crystal Ballroom. Hyatt Hotel, on Tuwday at 7 30 pjn.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 57 7 I Anuaol n The majority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery Itching. bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptomi, protects against irfection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly. Anusol for long lasting
      57 words
    • 148 7 SMBSMpSIBk 0* w— nmii ow MIKQMVW KmM IWH^M Bbß#JST^^ 1 ft Mi Ti I-*, 1 1 IKHBPBe j^Jfij j^T' l l jJjjL SSHWSWSWsfI I ilk smwstr vlfn w LA now a plain paper copier for only aw^^wawsw*' M m at Bwsmwi M W 'I mhlV^i^a( The Dry Ricopy PPC 900
      148 words
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 265 7 Bringing, Pp Fathwr By aUll af tfc Hal Cmaap I |i| THAT fIUV AIJST BC II- Bi6*T I'VS V BUT AREN'T YOU VHP -THAT'S WWy I ova >*w n»ombob icves /vtv tone pgap cm** that v<xw vvies to < txe ©cV wmcs i i wamt >oob VOCS" *SS 90i1*5
      265 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 766 8 i D wm m ~~~^^^m^M w -T^^^^^^M '■til j^^K%^ J^fc^T^^ "•'lf j^ Gf C />#s supplied runway lighting to more than 200 airports around the world. This is the recent installation we did at S»/etar In the box you see some of the VASI (Visual Approach Slope Indicator) equipment we
      766 words

  • 187 9 Cecilia elected vice president of USSU A FfNAL-TSAK arcbJ--fVtostw itiitnt, Mas Ossslta Urn Ai has a—a sii s< id •f the l ntventty of Singapore tfdsits V9tm (UtftUi. In SaMS of BflSmaT asssssC fitaTwho iwsgmd fd■Mriag Us exymlaion tnm Blngmfwr». ■Kg. one of «m ste '•reign -^mlmti of the Iniverrttv
    187 words
  • 117 9 MILITARY EXERCISES BY SAF rE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises In the following areas this week: Bartmbun- From 8 a.m. today to noon on Friday, Chua Chu Kang/ Ura Chu Kang: From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally from today to Friday, Tuas/ Lokyang: From 9 a.m. to
    117 words
  • 59 9 81NOAPORE OU Seal PU. Ltd 114 minion joint venture factory between the Japanese Nippon OU Seal and the locally-owned American International Industrie* of Jurong, will atari production in three month*' time Extra facllHlea are now being added to the factory which will manuf leture precision aaallns
    59 words
  • 44 9 Marketing course THE University of Singapore's Department of Extramural Studies will bold a M-lecture course on MarketIng Management at New Lecture Theatre S on Tuesdays and Thursdays alartlng Jan. 21 from 8 pjn to 930 p.m. The fee la tSS For details ring SJSt7«.
    44 words
  • 210 9 Traffic Police Dept gets a shake-up rpHE Traffic Police De--1 partment U being reorganised with Improved methods of law enforcement and traffic control, said the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of National Development. Mr. Ho Cheng Choon. Among the new methods were a new traffic ticketing system and points demerit
    210 words
  • 86 9 I* mlfranU were .mated hy »•*•«>• Ins raid* at two constriction worksites on Friday night and early ■teked np »y detectlre* fTSTth? CUK. Malay aad Other* Branch wark*. to Shahlot Lane, off North Boon* Vkrta iMi, «i lt.Np.rn. on Friday At aboat J^O a-ia.
    86 words
  • 316 9  - Make-do schedule only in some schools BAILYNE SUNG By WHILE the majority of schools are settling down to normal work since reopening on Thursday, others are in the process of working out regular teaching schedule This is so Li schools where there Is a (air number of teachers awaiting transfer
    316 words
  • 93 9 Did you see this fatal accident on flyover? nOLJCK yesterday I appealed for eyewitnesses of an accident which left a scooterlst dead and bis plllon rider seriously Injured at the flyover near Clemenceau Avenue on Saturday. Koh Teng Tarn. 21. of Block 40. Beo Crescent, was riding with Ng Kok
    93 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 532 9 /WgKKKm mu h^' m\. *mm*Bt^mmmmYbi*Kr ■■^B^kk^mmWmmmltmt^ Scandinavian Health and Fitness Spa has separate facilities for men and women a* e au, a b v ?e f cilitira Mo Look alive. Feel alive. Be alive. yjfc Swedish sauna. h 1 <: ssss^aW. jj^ Artie dip. i I gfla. 5jC Sub sauna.
      532 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 186 10 > GFENS TODAY! Duly at 7.10 1 9J0p» J ItaitsiM Matt* SIJI-CaMiw: tI.N aj-. oat aaaka k> kaaal bbbbbl bbbbbbbb* BJBbbblbl Bl OT RJIi Mai aanavr aaawv. mLt^ at^fl i v f^aV ORCHARD: Opens Today! i DALY 4 SHOWS: 1.30, 44)0. 7 A 9.15 pa j; F MMCTforriMM |0» K-.
      186 words
    • 60 10 ATMOSPHERE V 1 \j^*T 16 EMERALO HILL RO Sr>ORE 9 TEL *****7 MaXUtVSay -Mm i Ihhmi' <jtr*<» lO^an) rVMdi Easy PitonQmyngr (Jfwlaf i4WD4 rnytaji ir»<nt LA TAVERNA, HONG KONG LA TAVGRNA MOTEL. BALI B^^* KING'S JUBILEE TOA PA YOU NEW HAPPY NOW SHOWING DAILY 4 8H0W8! A COMEDY CANTONESE FILM
      60 words
    • 162 10 FAMILY PLANNING/STERJUSATiON TELEPHONE INFORMATKDN SERVICE RING *****6 [P\ Doctors Nurses will answer questions on any aspect of Family Planning during office hours COVERED SEASON-PARKING FACILITIES exist at a centrally located venue Just outside the new "park-and-rlde" city area. Very economical terms. Apply by ringing Tel: *****6 ext. 247 and ask
      162 words
    • 265 10 «Hi DAY! OAU.Y I atax at 11 J» AM IJO. 4*o A 4S *.•->••- -MOST COPS PLAY IT BY THE 800K... NEWMAN WROTE HIS OWN! i3SjSSu> jjjk no mi runrnnri i.«— —i ■ii. ni ""If aaa P nJafiYafU JALAN \mmkTmik\ sultan (TIL. M *****) LAST 2 DAYS! DAILY S SHOWS
      265 words
    • 150 10 'I 1W SrMltst $sT3firt»» 1 3th DAY K I jl. aWX Mm (I m\Jr jl a/ ;^L-^____ .■XHWBIfSTW* -WMOKMMNe VKNS SHMEfrMGHT lAN HOLM QFON JAMES ■RW a— ir nVTYnnT WBI I wm,mfmm**O*K>\*aa-mm*K»*Ki\£m LIDO IVEXTCHAN»fiE He dkJfrt want to be a two... f unUHhed*rythcy toofar. fi""l^ THE MRSCH CORPORATION Presents CHARLES
      150 words
    • 556 10 mi Tien J IStk M 6 DAT' 11 am. IJO. 4.00. »4) Richard Harm Omar Sharil JUOMMMAUt- colo. T CHANGE CHARLES BRONSO. "Mr MAjtSTYK- 3. tmMJMWm'MwrftEl MOW SHOWING 11 am. I**. 4.00, a 45 t jc Crtrrsropar L*«. P*t*> Cirthinc f« "MOtaok txw>m cotor MOW SHOWING' flt*. 11, 1 45,
      556 words

  • 230 11 US senators call on Lee at Istana TWO Republican senators from the US Senate Armed Services Committee yes t c rday called on the Prime Minister at the Istant annexe for talks on the political, military and economic situation in Southeast Asia Senator Strom Thurmond (South Carolina) and Senator William
    230 words
  • 91 11 Samsu: 57 fined $2,000 FFTT-SEVEN people arrested by the Customs Department during a two-week lslandwlde operation against samsu vendors and drinkers have been released after they j>ald fines totalling $2,000. More than 50 samsuden* we» raided during the operation, launched two weeks ago by officers of the Investigations Division. 4
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  • 139 11 Salesgirl loses $3,500 in roadside holdup A BOBBER, wearing a crash helmet and a pair of dark glasses, held op a bookstare salesgirl as she was on her way to deposit I3JM in a bank in North Bridge Koad on Saturday. Miss Teo Eng Hnay, 24. of the Shanghai Book
    139 words
  • 34 11 THE number* ptckad in rwtarday's Toto Draw 2 75 were 39. 36. 41. 44 and 47. The »rtrtlttor»l number iv 6. In the circles dr»w. the numbers were IS. 33 mod 28
    34 words
  • 332 11 'Make it 7 years for all' call 'THE Singapore Malay A Teachers' Union has suggested that the length of primary education be standardised to seven years for all students so as to prevent them from being "pressured" into securing good results. It Is understood this suggestion was among others listed
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  • 127 11 rl Port of Singapore Authority Is building a maritime library In the Maritime Museum at Sentosa to help students do research on the development of the port. The library, which will be open to all students, will have books tracing the historical development of the
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  • 17 11 THE New Legal Tew will beita on January 11, according U the GoTernsoent Gatette.
    17 words
  • 253 11 BID TO GET MORE CHINA SHIPS J^ TEAM from the Singapore National Shippers' Council will leave for Peking next month to get more China ships to call at Singapore and Malaysian ports. j Disclosing this yesterday, the council's president. Mr. Tan Eng Joo. who will also lead the delegation, said
    253 words
  • 120 11 THE Second District 1 Court has jailed a labourer for two yean and called for a Reformative Training Centre report on his accomplice on two housebreak lng charges Buang bin Noor. it, and hU Mioompac*, Mnhanwrt B*md Mn Hunlrtno. 17, pleaded guilty to bnaatef Into U»
    120 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 169 11 aMSuffi ill II HiiHiilH BK^%SSBI iiill SarflßßHsl I r t s MMM|MM|||flV||llPj i^HkflslßaK^Ba^S I bhßb^B I I k J 1 s» M HHH|BH|HIPMI I Hr^iirit Bst^B frTIVnMTrS^I I ifelsa pppvnMH I P^PlVHHHi^pLi^aHHplaljiUH^^^^BH ML^mtj B^m r UEnus mansion 22-SIWY UUMB HHITIBT CrJIMUy IMB MM BUILT-UP AREA NETT 290 SO. M.. FEATURES
      169 words
    • 312 11 Send a greeting ami that says much mmthmKongHeeFattChoy jf-^ V Xfla*iK.S«Qi Hbsl jomn tan s famkt *?ft A KODAK photo-greeting card captures the warmth of the festive season with a very personal touch. Receiving a card made from your favorite photograph is a delightful experience for relatives and friends. And
      312 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 433 12 AN AMERICAN newspaper yesterday accused some Americans of trying to play God. These are the men and women, many of them no doubt acting In what they believe to be good conscience, who believe that "no hoper countries such as India and Bangladesh should be left to starve,
      433 words
    • 207 12 DEBUKE was what an 11 -year -old pro1V bably least expected from the Housing and Development Board for freeing seven people trapped in a lift at Marine Crescent last Friday. But the HDB sternly warned ihe boy's family that he "must not tamper with lift mechanism under
      207 words
  • 454 12  - Lighter side of the sugar crisis NANCY BYRAMJI By LONDON: Britain 1 sagar crisis has its lighter side. Customs iJJsli'T at London's Heathrow Airport are ending that they now have a new kind of sAMgfer or nonsaraggler to eo»e with. Britain is desperately short of sugar. Sagar is being supplied
    454 words
  • 211 12 YOUR report beaded "Big bus stops move to ease traffic" (ST., Jan. 2) contains a number of Inaccuracies which need to be put right There Is a Bus Stops Committee charged with the responsibility for location of bus stops. This committee beaded by the Registrar of Vehicles
    211 words
    • 124 12 IRETOR to the letter by JSO (ST. Dec. 34). In respect of a new building, property tax Is payable with effect from the date of Its completion. In this Instance, the date of completion Is furnished by an architect Where a building is vacant, the tax for a vacant period
      124 words
    • 67 12 WITH reference to the letter by "SafetyConscious Citizen" (8.T., Dec. 90, 1 wish to inform the writer that reason- able security precautions do exist at post offices and are being kept under periodic review. The suggestion by the writer to employ Cisco guards will be looked Into. He Is thanked
      67 words
    • 142 12 IRKPKR to uic letter by "Hardup" (S.T Dec. 12). The Central Provident Fund Board cannot accept the proposal by "Hard ip" that members be allowed to withdraw their CPF savings to help what he called the "continually escalating cost of
      142 words
  • 698 12 THE Russians are on their way back to Indonesia. This is the outcome of the visit to Moscow by the Indonesian Foreign Minister Adam Malik, which ended on Dec. 36. The moat Important result of the visit Is an agreement on economic
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  • 661 12  - When pressure of competition forces scientists to c heat IT was perhaps testimony to the great respect accorded science today that the recent news of possible deceit In biochemistry experiments by a student at Harvard University was considered Page One news. A story about still more venal lawyers and policemen
    NYT  -  661 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 33 12 BeaSOLID J^m_ THINKER.., U| Think safety i, Ir Think security \L Think OCBC 6 OCBC Y^S Owr w Chw»— Bit* wj Corpw Lid ißu THE SOLID AS A ROCK BANK fjfl IMsV I
      33 words
    • 177 12 J^^Takehome nIV the most famous Courvoisier connoisseur of them all: Plus a free miniature bottle! i^EH^^^^^H We're giving away a free miniature bottle of Courvoisier V.S.O.P. Cognac, and a free miniature bust of its most famous drinker, in frosted brown, green or white. Both the miniatures come in an attractive
      177 words

  • 227 13 g I N O APOREBORN Choo Hoey. who made it good abroad as a conductor, Is home again for a holiday after being away lor more than 10 years. "I Intend to spend some time with my parents." he said while relaxing at
    227 words
  • 343 13 Call to allot farmers equal plots of land THE Singapore Livestock Fanners' Association has urged the Government to allocate equal sizes of land to farmers who had to vacate their farms under a recent resettlement scheme. It has also sought financial help and concessions for fanners to help them develop
    343 words
  • 68 13 THE Minister for Finance. Mr. Hon Sul Ben. will Inaugurate a Conference on Money. Trade and Inflation— The Prospect for South-east Asia at Shangri-La Hotel on Feb. 6. Tta* two-day coruerence li sponsored by Urn National Productivity Board (NPB; and the Singapore Institute of
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  • 769 13 SINGAPORE Air lines will pay more attention to the welfare of its employees this year in order to give them "an interesting and rewarding" career, according to SlA's chairman, Mr. J.Y.M. Pillay. In his New Year message to the staff of SIA and Its
    769 words
  • 46 13 FOUR Malaysians have been permanently banned from entering Singapore, according to the latest Govern men t gasette. They are Bng Sei Keow. 30, Chae Heng. 20. and Padsll bin Awan. 27. all of Johore and VasMdevan Plllal so K Raghavan Plllal, 17.
    46 words
  • 181 13 ORCHID GROWERS ASK FOR LAND rE general secretary of the Singapore Orchid Association has urged the Government to help orchid growers obtain more land to develop the industry. Mr. Low Siew Liap said yesterday that some members had been renting land from former farmers who are allowed to renew their
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  • 57 13 Techniques course for execs THE Singapore Institute of Management will conduct a course on industrial purchasing and material management techniques for purchasing and production executives from Jan. 9 to 23 at its conference room. The course leader is Mr. I A.B Eieklel Ripply manager of Rothman* The fee U SM
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  • 93 13 A FURIHBI revision hu been made of the estimates of recurrent and capital expenditure of the Public Utilities Board's water department to mast rising costs. according to Urn PUB's supplemental budget No. 3 for 1974 Just gasetted. White thm has been no ehang* is
    93 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 197 13 m m ■■^f* Baaeiwjaaajsjj W \m\\ /Mi aY \mmm\ m\\M The Market Machine In getting merchandise to the marketplace, the machinery that counts is not just the planes and pallets that fly from A to B, but the people behind the system. At Cathay Pacific, we have the most precisely
      197 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 23 13 W ATKB renaaaafftWn on Saturday was I*5 J milliem caUons (571,--•M cabic metres). 14 mlllloß galtesM (7,»M cable metres) Men than en Friday.
      23 words
    • 31 13 WuMftH IF I msw&artiKV I HBe V^H MAX A AOtMAM I MU»| JiTHAT ACU.T I I■■ A IT.' j |P«T,sMoorVfrAT»»OtU)cir] W CALL ME. uJh£NThT'B MEMAJCCA I MOKMIM£7 Ltsbb a^sfl^eT *Vsbbl Lar*^H
      31 words
    • 851 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 IM W Cpeninc FoKowed by Vairwt Piyir IUS fctoke Room for OaxWy-Otriny's B« Fan mm 7JB MMi WwM-Ysjmsju (Tart 1) «j> 3Jt Diary of Events (TaaiQ IM Ntws (Malay) US Love is Maw Splendoured Itaaj 7.4 Pesta RH <M*y) LM Ihyar Jbga* (Til *m«S Ut
      851 words
    • 17 13 FM STEREO an by wxatists Salbiah Samsuri, SuUiman Mr«s, and Aishah Abdul la* accowaaniad by the fta*,kaian
      17 words
    • 10 13 Irama Orchestra led by Ahmad Jaafar H.H Announcements 11.H Clou.
      10 words

    • 1258 14 AS a ssrviee to reader*. kVsstneas Thwas awMsena* •raakh s sWtaUsw analysis ef ssesctssl shares ea the Stack EieSMuasje ef Hawses. Tto year's nigh ana Urn are Mtosiaw by the week's sasiat In price, the turnover, the wlvisVsnd yiaM and the gran* ark* earnings ratio NOTE: Closing
      1,258 words
    • 693 14 rt Silliiilag to a UM auMaiMw far Ih* weak ao v Many. Jaa. 1 tar aavsrtan aat lacfooaa la uw waokb ■aaljsai. Prtaa am iiial >• lull oa a r«»»»n— a oa uw last aaka oa Jaa. I agataal Dot. *T aa ahewa la braensu. ■MM 138
      693 words
    • 100 14 Company meetings The following company meetings are due: Serraa lsktwstrlss BhsL: Jan. 7, 11 a.m.. Ist Floor, PVAM. House. M-a, Jalan Birch, Kuala Lumpur. Chan Teek Itaotatleae 8h4 Jan. It. 11 am.. Registered Office. No. S-J. Jalan Fatlmah, Batu Pahat. Jobore. CsM Storage HeWiagv L»s Jan. 30, noon, Bmplre Dock.
      100 words
    • 220 14 TOKYO, Bat Share prices on the Tokyo stock market today opened firm as Investors fsvoured the four days' continuous soaring on Wall Street, but later became top-heavy and eased towards closing. Non-ferrous metals, Pharmaceuticals and pulps eased. Light electricals. autos and so»ai numit loans and investment* Issues which were
      220 words
    • 153 14 A MCTERDAM. Pit— Stocks A firmed over a broad front under the- lead of IMinr and Bayal Date* In Dutch internationals. But no special new factors were diaoanUhla. dealers said. Leadtnc Urn trend m local Issues were Issrs Baa*. Fafcfcsr. ISC. AheU. Mjmkerf and ITaisw. Vaa OeWsr and Lavas
      153 words
    • 524 14 N«W YORK. PH.— The stock market brushed off some early adverse economic news today and registered Its third consecutive advance In moderate trading As In the previous two sstjtons. the gains were attributed mostly to bargainhunting. However, todays upswing was not as sharp or broadly-based as m the
      524 words
    • 105 14 7URICH. Prl The fluctu- ation In today's Zurich stoefc market was small On a low volume, most stocks snowed a steadier tendency The Credit SutsM index gained 1.4 potou to 1*1.4 Claaiki pnass la awta* fraasa ith urn eUNioax aa UM *i*»n— ■r*M« HUM 9. MM •wt* auk Oor*a
      105 words
    • 91 14 FINANCIAL TIMES ■H Pridsy SO 14 Thursday SO 4J Week ago to JU BUBBBBS Pridsy 253 SO Thunday 2*l M Week ago 3M.TI OIL* Priday 107.U Thursday 106. 53 Weak ago 117.41 DTDUSTBIALS Priday 1*0.5 Thunday IMS Weak ago IMJ DOW JONBS A VISAGE DTDUSTBIALS Priday lUM Thursday SJ2
      91 words
    • 57 14 Fr*»r -nmn4»r MM MlHw (1) IM.SO 14T.M Umtm in.Mi ITI.WB ITS.OW IT4.M IM IT»0O ITCW ■■■Hrnc ITT.W 1T» M M* ITO.MS IM.MB in.Mi rails ira.n im.m HM<r F^». F poc« (1) ITI.W* »M 17C.M1 M«. Export prl«M t. i« mrlfci •nu la U Wkn mt one*. (1)
      57 words
    • 306 14 World forex roundup yURICH: Tb* OB dollar Mj plummeted to lows on Friday around 1 60 Swiss francs In tha closing stag* of year-end liquidity preparation* in Urn Swiss market Bven after tum-of- the- year pressures subsided, thai dollar did not recover sueably. Reason: Tb* market fear* that repayment la
      306 words
    • 188 14 A BIAN currency t*era«* depo«iu rmtM tor the «Mk ended Friday Jmn. I. US I (BMrriM) HJ«h Lew 7 d»y« t 1/8 1 mth 10 5.11 IM 2 mth* 10 1/4 »7/8 3 mth» 10 1/4 10 1/1 6 mthi 10 6/U 101/16 8 mth» «T/t t
      188 words
    • 127 14 BAM YBAB: JAN. 4, 1»71 —IN 1174 I»7J Weack** Acttea High Low 17tk Sra Chaage 1»».17 M.S7 AwieeaeUve ts.e7 3.55 IS4J4 Baa**. Insurance. Finance and T raster* ]M.«Z HIM +I«.H UZ.II ttJU Ckcsateala, BsMer Predacta, BeHaiag ana tsaeMlag 53.4* MM +IM BMJ7 111 4S
      127 words
    • 46 14 Carres* Date TeUlfor Total far paysacnt payable the year prtviawj 1. Trart 1U% Ju. tS tiS% ltS< J» SMIa Jaa. I S JU Ttaes M% Fck. tS U% U riMC l»%t lu. >1 l*%t W l»»l»iw apectal M& AubtnMT DM I Mil «f M%
      46 words
    • 107 14 7*HE Mtowtaf m af atacha gfoa Um> tea aMat tall la hut week. TfcJa (traa the Untm la taniaii af aniU, Brtew rraUr aad h%B and Mm far 1t74. CMBfauMca Tunm rrien B%h Law ■•N Jma. I lt?4/7i Faker Merita 1.144 MM IIJJ M.TS* Man Darfcy 1414
      107 words
    • 105 14 SINGAPORE MALAYSIA Indartriate: riWUM*: Hrtih: Frapcriiaa: Tta»: t*M«n: O.CM.C: BJC.B. In 4-: IMJfI 17J.7S 117.1t »7JB U4J* U7JS U7JS ISMS X7IJS 1U.71 IW.7J t7M tU.ti IX7.U 1M.77 CImM CIMMI CkM« CtaMd CtoMd ISI.U I7V«# 11S.M t7M SSSJf IW.M IMJS IU.U nut IMJU lil.U »7JJ nuu
      105 words
    • 391 14 fURKENCTdUImnUaIi v again made for a dull trading week at the Singapore produce market last week. Dealer* were too reluctant to commit themselves teat they rlaked heavy losses through the drop In value of the settlement currencies the US dollar and sterling. The other dampening factor tv that
      391 words
    • 513 14  -  T«ADING se n 11- merit was not bad at all at the Sto«k Exchange of Singapore last week when a new system of trading was introduced with the new year. The new system allows settlement of up to one month and no doubt this had Its fair share
      513 words
    • 437 14 riHARE Prices staged a fairly significant rally during the turn of the year trading on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange last week with moderate gains in all sectors. However, confidence was still undermined by the bearish trend of the past year and the continuous forecast of tough
      437 words
    • 51 14 pOB tkw wmb mated Baior--4ay, Jan. 4, the range af call rates received from Sbart Pea salts <M) Brrhad wan as follow*: BANK FIND: gfj per cent to 14 per rtnt. GENERAL FUNDS: t per ctbl to t\ per cent MOVEMENTS of funds totalled SI 15
      51 words
    • 680 14 LONDON: A traumatic start was seen to the new year for the market, with the surprise news of Burmah Oil's cash problems causing a steep drop in share Drtces. At one time, the F.T. index fell below the 150--mark to touch new 20--year lows. On Friday, it
      680 words
      • 146 14 LONDON: A widening backwardation was again the main feature of an otherwise rather dull tin market on Friday. Cash standard metal rose £35 while Three Months was barely changed and the backwardatlon finished around £150. Borrowers and buyers of Cash and nearby metal found supplies tightly
        146 words
      • 25 14 I- sal— prteaa aa Friday (imlm la hnckrta) Thrat Moatk buyv 1544.M UMS.SO) sailor £S4*.at ***** SO >. Maratt MM I St«4k«r. !•>•• 10.475 MM
        25 words
      • 36 14 RANGE of raua offantf by dl«OSSa* kmti oa Ju. 4. OvomlaiM to «S Call 4«p0.1t Aaoraaa O«r MM 1 ■■nl> Tnasßry MIH 4% S% Imitti hash bttla *<4 1% •ouret: Ninons I DtaoMßt Co.
        36 words
      • 323 14 T ONDON: Terminal values continued to drift lower on Friday in line with the general overseas trend as small scale liquidation and scatter c d speculative short-selling were encouraged by the steadiness of sterling against the US dollar. A certain amount of book-squaring was also evident In
        323 words
      • 166 14 t M'sla s pore Dec. 31 1920.00 343 128.25 128.50 I ton* Jan. 1 Closed Closed Closed Closed Jan. Z Jan. 3 $***** SttlOOO 345 262 126.50 123.00 127.50 124.50 cents per kllc Jan. 4 1910.00 I 275 IE following are the average prices since 1950: rubber and
        166 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 959 15 I ll aawl (MnMMM* MMX II M/MMMMi r<t m ritllM "Mi P Mat Vwrf laaa. Mar* lU. |tMU« aalM na> ajM a|aa >aa tr UIMM MM II M IM IM IM MM Laal MT WMttMitMIIMMM IM ,bi4M mt aMaMapaaMatakWFM SmVM t<- im iFa mfa in* immm N MVW I Fa
      959 words
    • 760 15 J- PHOENIX COinWMEB IUNEIBI PCL COKPMNBgrM? SERVICES TO ULS.A. mkz w r -M sj.%m *s ss 78 MMMta MM W WMI IMMW PMUHI a MM »Fa Zol'vaai va, MttM I Mrt Nawvaai nAlfja Mattfu •Mini M bbmh MbM BmMhl Rm%M 9 tt im B||mm>'i MtMMßatMaaw a w m a^ga-g^f as
      760 words
    • 913 15 BaßßßaaaßßMil aM 1 TJ^T^]J^m\ n IMM «*apj naaa 1 MMt MM MMW AMIUI FlAim P. MMa laa. M*M far* OyM. ■CMMVaTSa f,^ tt Part 0M aM aM BM cm m iiiimuiu wm it m im im im 11 m IILVi iS iIM liHi «NI HN I M iMWAI MT aMMMBMBM
      913 words
    • 656 15 FULLY COWTAINHI2IP SIKVICI TO lUKOTC K.WMI rin FM MM Ja 11 iiiinii- ——■)•<«—■ Aaraan I.Man l •JURIMM M M Mn*MM. MMMMa. MML It mm*. WMA Nk 1 Ml ML HMMWt. kMM. BTMM-MM. mtlamia mm canM«a. amiMtrt Mtu.Ti.Min ..MlMi $tKM^ o^ h,,^!!. tt»tM lu-iMM, CMM Taa IKIM «MM FULLY COHTAINiKIZID SIKVICI
      656 words
    • 804 15 Bat-airi »1M44; P. ILmmm «Mli K.L. *****} Pmm« WML THK BANK UMB LTD. "TIS!! 23_T. ll rT*'. mm Tr-m Limw iMn.tMa,MMi r *mmm*m/im tun iiimw hmi tan apai KUWAIT SBCPPHfC CO. (S-A-K.) MMMMMLT StMKf l in FMn FMi 1 u-LWiAa MUM MM a* Maa LYKBS O-ÜBMT LDfE onm sana mkxi
      804 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 774 16 lVa*^"***^^ K A A^A M I aaaaaN a^ A. WaM A LTD. IMMI I imu Mi MMMMK MM M CMM, MMM. BMBOt. Baa. Ma MM. Ma. Mw 4 Mail jßßaa/aaaMß ARrtaa WaM ARMaa RorrMa MMMHM MMM aY MO Pat M IMK. IMB. M MHMJ ÜBM IMM MMM ■m I la
      774 words
    • 655 16 MMPTM Ml MM IT '22J"?' l JfiJLJJjyj"7aaaM^ """"rFMBWrMMi: MR MM M MM RIM MR Lt T MaTTT lAT MM H«M TaoMO. Zir SSariKa imm. ill I] Ul afnaa 8M a>M MMMM. araaT-M a l 5= g;* Mtamaß, MMM M. Ma fc B. 2atT CMa. tMaa" T* IMM Ma-aaaa am hTSmMbI
      655 words
    • 788 16 tOA»WaI P0» IQHOON ROTTBtOAM, HAMaVRft; U HAVtfl •mmm tMM PMMI lia I'M* row Ban MPTMR MM M 11/11 M NO II NO II fM tl T3 mttmm ißtauj am m n m am m m r«o iam > m ARIIVALS PfJOM MOCTN-WtST lUROMAH PORTS AH» LONOO* MRIM) *f 'l/*r-V tTSr
      788 words
    • 572 16 fjtm glfP W laaWa, IKBataVCBWaWT WaTO t, KM BMJMn P«M PMMI IMMt a. MM* niaM t4Vtl M B »al IVII M t»1a»^l/X ijJMI MMraa IS-J .M* 'If* ti/M M IVTf M MW* M MM. Wt. IMJHa 1/J. N-a.l •A Man* H'l MBM atun V* a/n Pa (jjjp.^lja*. tn mrmm i/im
      572 words
    • 799 16 AUSTRALIA SERVICE P IM*] MM 'I IMMJ tor ITaUI MM M 27/21 M 2V* M (AVI art Mit IVQ M»MM. SOUTH AFRICA SERVICE SNTIEM MMB If 27/21 M 2*ll Ja E. latfa, (MM* (TOO OWT Mil 1174) BAT OP BENGAL SERVICE P. KMaJ IMM Laaa( an mn MM f 2
      799 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 631 17 avv^pßv^Hv^aL^^^v^p^v^BV^^^^Bj^BaßapssaaafHßHßaamvjssßß Our client, distributors of international well Known heavy equipment and spare pent, having egtonai office in Singapore and branch offices I in Hong Kong and Indonesia, invitee applicants for the post of GROUP ACCOUNTANT Responsibilities The successful applicant though stationed in Singapore will be required to make short trips
      631 words
    • 512 17 I/" HI Hakuhodo {Singapore) Pte Ltd Advertising Suite 603 Ocean Building Col Iyer Quay Singapore 1 Request the pleasure of the company of Copywriter VisslMrlMrs J.Z Account Executive Adminstmtive Assistant to join them on the occasion of their expansion programme, to personally participate in campaign planning to launching and to
      512 words
    • 1282 17 MECHANICAL SUPERVISOR 171^ •iPj CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ■^■Dt-JCO I^TW. UTO. s^. f ■■*Ik*■ ■> T K>ioisct,nr.OH: m-~om SYSTEMS ANALYST To plon and control a preventitive motntenonee I Sfvia «n«t •9 1 programme for a large fleet of construction crones Fl FfTP If"* A I CuriuccD born rubber tyred ond crowter with
      1,282 words
    • 259 17 OFFICIAL NOTICE PROPOSAL TO CHANGS A SHIP'S NAME WE. SIM TEOW OOK b COMPANY Of Rooms No. 333 tt 334. 3rd Floor, Industrial L Commercial Bank Building, 2, Bhenton Way, Singapore, hereby give notice that In consequence of (he intended purchase of a motor tanker by our clients, Messrs. Loroma
      259 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 372 18 ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL E.E.P. (ITM) STUDENTS. The results of the November/December 1974 ITM diploma Examinations will be made available at the ITM campus, Jalan Othman, Petallng Jaya between 4.30 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. on the following days:— ftth, 9th and 10th of January, 1975. Re -registration of all senior students
      372 words
    • 780 18 I SfflU WATER BOARD SARAWAK, MALAYSIA TENDER NOTICE SUPPLY AND ERECTION OF WATER TREATMENT PLANT ft EQUIPMENT The 81 bu Water Board Is In vttlng sasiwJllst contracton from the Asian Dmlnawmt BankMataber countrle* and Luxembourg to under for the Supply, Delivery Breetion and Commissioning of a 4 mgd water treatment
      780 words
    • 550 18 I MONA^oW (>nM— ■IWATKHt) COMPANY MCttTAJtY AMMTAMT COMPANY MCRaTARY A leading development finance company invite* appttcattons from Malaysians, preferably Bumlputras. for the position* of: (A) avtfuaan (AUMMinTaAnot) Aa*> Not las* than M year* NoapeaoSjawao. To lead and tuponlso the Ad■salMnllii DHmon which tnrtwdp* general, psnonnsi and proparttss administration, staff welfare
      550 words
    • 586 18 sssssW v^Tama I I ■aw• mV GROUP MANAGjEMENT AUDITOR KUALA LUMPUR The Harpers group of companies is seeking the services of a Group Management Auditor to be based In Kuala Lumpur. This is a senior position within the organisation, and frequent travel between Singapore and West/East Malaysia U envisaged. The
      586 words
    • 596 18 s PIRKHIOMATAH KI'RAJAAN MALAYSIA KEMEMTEHIAN PRRDAQAMOAM OAN PERIMOUtTRIAM MALAYSIA JAWATAN KOBONO i p.l iiinimnmn Donnohnnsr' dan calun-calun yang ber-j-aJJir^a^^SSahdlpelawa dartpada Warrmegara Malaysia untuk menglsl ja«*tan bertkut 1. MOAWAI MMRSITAN. Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Ikhtlsas < Tetap dan berpencen) dl Bahagtan Perdagangan Antarabantra Kemenlerlan Perdagangan dan PerlndustrtarTaK $1 »0 x 50- 1.350/1
      596 words

  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 2045 19 classified ads (D i ihinm i Advance* riMfeart' Certificate Royal l£ZSu<* DMCN London) jlTilst'' ""I 'or MM -smSmm. All grada* and mjon a*o OnentaJ Jaaa awl haapnt Meaae SswiSS LOW aM KL«M'* SALONS in m AOOOtoUDMIU tMgtftffat^MgM tijfaftkw law Mr Qua* Mong Sl Mrt a w»y |MM* on JTjeSssiry in.
      2,045 words
    • 601 19 IMwCMAMCAL UJCTWCAU mid Diploma la MeebanteaJ Bn«to«tnnf with 2 inn suparvteory experiene* in Ml At taut five years supervisory experience In Engineering Wort* uaan OI»Iism tn Beetrteal tifcajueemg with two run praattaal wprtnci in PtdmoM will be given to tbaat who have Industrial deetrontes experience OH At least ftve years
      601 words
    • 806 19 hi iwmt wtiutt i—nrni tm Applicants abo«M taa»a electrical/ sMrtwilral baefcgre<u>4 and knswladsjs of oupmtir tar central ltiod;mtn work. AppUeants bum be Singapore ctt&sin. Write HuHtlT Ft) Boi ITU. Spore 1 Martin* education and wort esperteore, age. salary expected and give telephone number (or eulek coolact ftsttreas to f»d hMltt
      806 words
    • 804 19 COHALAaiWII ATTIHOAMTf MMMD Mtotmusn satery •*>» p m Both Mala and fill SitTH: mm/ mJom far inOCaWATCH CLBP* AFM.T p*raoeaUy3-a, Chow House f^TjtoWoß Spore 1 during Offse* bos**. FINAL! WIOOUCTIOH WORKIRS NtOUIRIO. Those In terestsd m handlcran may appiy U>B T BnAtlNl «ANTI» ••■AH LAS. AMWTAirr qu»Unc*Uon it least credit*
      804 words
    • 646 19 I) Tfce gross monthly salary I includes the MMuiun salary. NWC wag* psjll I menu, ten H»wnt< m 4 I 1 12 of the 13U) month an- 1 nual allowance (II) The salary shown within I brackets art tar canMaans who have cns»pH«s« thatr I years full-time NtUoMl SsWYIC* ft*—,
      646 words
    • 732 19 MM mCVTIVI MNtOAUMT CaMsssMl mihku,^ j caroled bedroom*. lI. TO* fur Filabsd. Sarasaßta *Mi double Moray 4 Mdroosns $1,200 lI. MO fur BBS APANTMarrt iwimming pool. $1,300 furnished MM MHta 3 bedrooms *lU> servant's imsnttlas $1,900 ■MMMfc CONTACT YUSSIN TIMS. TMM. MWI AMWCY nt-H. ni—n< im. me smbm PlUlfcH lnia
      732 words
    • 887 19 BtST t MAMONBTTS. CAMMMUL I COtMT. luxwtonalv furnished central tlrrondltlonid J btdroomi study sll with batorwsms attached Spitt-tovM BMdewl llrtng dining room* Parquet rioorlni Modern kitchen servant! own amenities Tel 3SI IIO No agents BAUTIPUL SPACIOUS BUNBALOWB Ml dlst 10, 11. V 4 Mdroorru. tort* dming and tone* int with/
      887 words
    • 762 19 DMT. I PSMTMOWM ully furnlahed Including alrcon HUontfs wttn *Mwtf MAdMfv >J2? dv» MM unfumlaned DOPV.KX ft-dSDHOOMSO Af AWT ■SNTS »ith swimming, pod/ mlured garden at Snelford Road, list 11 Apartments not MB. MD. *9E and ac Ai»o available KA. MMM Drive Contact Mies Wont Property Investment* Pte Ltd .*****16
      762 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 781 20 aTltsOsJ WANTEO URGCNTLY APART MCNTO IN Hilltops. Calrnhill teraM D 7Cs^rAiiff mont Willing to pay 6 month* rental in advance Tet Vorotj| *BBwnMC*sn¥ OOING CNCAP OWNCR LEAVING Singapore dementi Park 2- storey comer terrace area 5 400 sq ft freehold prerriEo/ *****2 Andrew Leong Housing Agency 9OLOCM HSLL U HWAN
      781 words
    • 790 20 rushed carpeted and centrally alrcondltloned. 1.400 sq r groundfloor 01. ajodern office oppm* oPAct to urr -i Peopi* s Park Centre, area 371/ 403/ 00) Ml. ft (slSOpsf including tarvle* charsje Tel *****0/ *****2 Andrew l-eong Housing Agency OPPtCC C4»ACC TO LaTT in town are* Ideal for all purposes Contact
      790 words
    • 769 20 Prtnsep Street. Singapore 7 Tel: SOJWTS Unot) Fantniul* OfWee. Cnl—n Street TM: *****4 ft *****6 Cockpit Ornce: Penang Road. Tel *****6 7 days Malaya t alrcon bus) $145 Every Sunday 7 days Haadjrai/Sonfknle (alrcon bu.) $180- Every Sunday 14 days Bangkok/ Chiengmal (alrcor bus) $370/- 12/1 20/ 115 7 days
      769 words
    • 628 20 london. Europ*. U.S.A. Ouad*. gpore I Tal: TM47/ ***** PLY HOW PAY LATCR CLJPMS* TRAVCLJ (PTB LTO, apeclansti in economical fares tomost destinations eg India. Australia. UK Europe. USA Far East All enquiries are welcome Suite C, 17/19 Battery Road. Tel *****4/ *****0. CQUATOR TRAVCL OPCCIAL FARCO London. Hongkong. Taiwan.
      628 words
    • 786 20 CLASSES FOR JANUARY commencing 9 l 75 Two months lntensive course morning; 1 1 a.m 12 30 Also three months rapid course afternoon 4 30 p.m. 5.30 p m Evening 8.30 p.m. 9.30 p m Tuesdays Thursdays Fee $10 Also special Sunday das* 11 a.m 12.30 commencing 12.1 75 Fee
      786 words
    • 829 20 monochrome). AlrcondlUo*unf and refrigeration Servicing Courses conducted by Experienced, qualified Instructors Enrol st Hong Kong Radio ft Television Institute it-B North Canal Road, ***** To cater for those who would like to Improve their reading and comprehensive skills through our i internationally proven course but who have limited Ustt* and
      829 words
    • 728 20 MONTH COURM riOßJßlllirllll 7 1 TS Every Tuaaday. Thursday. 6.30 7 30 p.m. by quailfled 4iparteiK*d Accountant People's Commercial School < Oppoalt* Odeon Kalong) Tel *****6 SHORTHAND BBOJMMOJRS NCW CLASSIC commencing TI.TI Tuesday. Thursday •30 p.m 9 30 p.m. by experienced uacher People's OnassnarrMl School (Opposite Odeon Katoac) Tel:
      728 words
    • 918 20 QUALIFIED TEACHERS fIUNOIHMN ANO CIBMBM) offer English. Maths (modem, traditional Bttsnc*. Chines* Plsno. AU levels. 24-O Klm Tlan Road *****7/***** HIGHLY QUALIFIEO/ tjrs**JB*SNCBO TUTORS offer tsjlUon. All subjecu Primary, Secondary. Pre-U. Contact Mr. Chan *****0. UNDERGRADUATES OFFERING HOME TUITION: Mathematics. Science. English Secondary Pre-U levels. Fees reasonable Phone Chin SJSOO
      918 words
    • 764 20 LIAN HOP SENG, s OTlve. Tel: *****1 *****0/ *****7 (next to Japanese Club). 1974 DaUun 120 V S/Vyaeen. 1973 Datsun 1300, Austin 1309 Mklll Masda FlOOO S/Was*n. Subaru 300 S/Wag*n. 1*72 Colt Oalant ML Oaient OS Oalant Hard-top. Ford Escort 1100. 1971 Austin Mini 1009. Flat 128. henault R-10 (sir-con).
      764 words
    • 771 20 Ol IBRAL SPRAYPAINTING. rep ar-refrtearators and awwsjfc dlUwteni rive hours Customs?** Hoise re-enamel longbath 256 362. *****43 Spore I CIIIIIBM PLEASANT WORKM*S> •ML seeks pleasant frtenda ak* 20 phone appreciated Tina S fsj 8Q8A***** CHINESE BACHELOR sincere friend see below tl Phone appreciated Replle* assured S.T Box A ***** OWVICWSTTV
      771 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 604 21 I classified ads gg) P4 C«i«O MMOVAL/ TKAMO)PiKTATIOH Leave your pt>•22 Malaysia Packing Ud ..nSPOHTATION/ RSMOVAL «VICI Dttsan Pickup. £num BW Lorry lo shin cargo net equipment 4003U Let, wa Company N nWM MOM wt otasttc resake and vartotai plastic untact C. Ktshor to. H..jse. CoUytr Qpay, 'lophone aC2OM or
      604 words
    • 588 21 SWl«* C'Wrtmuni from U K Ji»* Produce (Pie Umned SISB OoMan MM* Shop Sing Centre. Bftch Road JJMV <>rt 7 Ttl •TV9VBO Sasv vmm mount* standlnt: 81.500/- Blael PanUn. Saem ttc Vt»w IBS Km Coatt Road Phont *****6 msei SOOd condTJon 8wBln« 81 801 fjj* R«nt issue o^TckiS Milt Tower
      588 words
    • 580 21 r i^ws*"! wa. A I j B^wSwM v tfM?Wi5 J;ir j?£ I BBwsO l^JL^L^ L^wß^ws! '^^VsßS^^Bs^Bs^^^^— lwaw^Kwl I *«o#, I I Cruise East wishes to advise all I passengers that the Cruise Ship M.S. Rasa Say ang will be berthed I at Wharf 42/43. 9 I Entiance is through P.S.A.
      580 words
    • 762 21 NOTICB i NOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEN that I Tan Hun of No. 154, Lorong 27. Oeylang Road Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence In respect of premises No. 194, Lorong 37. Oeylang Road Singapore and thfct this application wilt be heard in the Court of Urn First
      762 words
    • 740 21 Norm NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVIN that I. Wong Seng CruU, m Worn Sent Kin of No. MB Kirn Tian Rd Kings Flat Sinimpore. have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence in respect of {mm ls— No. M. Trenttanu Bt. Singapore, and this application will be heard In the
      740 words
    • 407 21 We are pleased to announce that as from Ist January, 1975 Sealion Shipping (S) Pte. Ltd. has been appointed the following: 1) General Agents and Managers for White Star Line 2) Representatives of Edward Bates and Sons Ltd., London (Merchant Bankers). 3) Superintendent for World Food Program of Rome. 4)
      407 words
    • 691 21 OKFK'IAL NOTICB l»«OPO8AL TO CHANCiC A SHIP 8 NAMK We. Rody* Davidson or 24 Chartered Bank Cham bars, fttusjapore. hereby give notice that In consequence or the intended purchase of a ship by our client COM PAGNIE NEOAH ETABLIBSEMENT we have applted to the Registrar or Singapore Ship* under Section
      691 words

  • 1828 22  -  EPSOM JEEP By IPOH, Sun. Champion jockey George Podmore was in top riding form, making a clean sweep of the first four races here today. Podmore won on an outsider. Dynamic Action ($9l). in Race One. He then brought Precisely from last
    1,828 words
  • 49 22 TOTAL POOL: 9».4U IST: NO. ***** ($2447) 2ND: NO. 33« M ($1,173) 3RD: NO. 33« M CM) STARTERS ($M each) No*. 3S3U, J1520. 3«SM, 348*2, 338*7, 3MM, *****, 3Cl<% 3*199, *****, 3M». CONSOLATION ($49 each): Nos. 3*873. *****, 31«15. 3514«. 31M7, 3322 C, 3171*, 3«2*1, 38*74, 3*315.
    49 words
  • 643 22 1000-1 Wimbeldon have plenty to sing: They scalp Burnlely and draw Leeds for 4th round LONDON. Bun. Wimbledon, 1000-1 outsiders, had plenty to sing about yesterday when they ousted First Division giants Burnley in one of the biggest upsets in the 103--year history of the English Football Association Cup. Less
    Agencies  -  643 words
  • 885 22 ENGLISH PA. CUT iro MM Anenal L York au 1. Blackburn 1 Brutol Roven 1. Bolton 0 West Bromwlch 0. Burnley 0 Munbtedon 1. Bury t MUlwaU 2. BOjhlon 0 Leatherhaaa 1 Chetaa 1 ihafflsld Wedrweday 2. Oorentry 2 NonrK* 0. Evwton 1 Altnncbam 1. Pulham 1 Hull
    885 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 198 22 UDA-IHD Joint Venture Offers For Sale Houses in WOW IN ADVANCED STAGES OF CONSTRUCTION s~ "^^^~~i^™™B^^Bsnw^Bn^Bßnt\ f JMuifiVi 3 l/tfwM"^^ fam /^rr" 'ft V M^*^*^^^»y^Jr^^s»^^^aSw*lJiWhsn^sntts»»nf« 91 I Isn7 |[bf lk_ D '^^^^M^^?V^S^^HH|PRe^BW'e^ B^^^ J p ~Bna ns^r I Jfla^^SßSSesj l— *—^P*". T-^JS^S^tS^»w^^*^^^^^^^^ w^^^ .Sfl a 11 II Jim i t^^naasy^^A,
      198 words

    • 630 23  -  JOE DOR At By nOLLAH KASu SIM, who ia fiffhtinf to regain his place in the National team, did not score any goal last night. But he did the next best thing he paved the way for a goal in Singapore's 2-0 win
      630 words
    • 391 23 SYIIEY, Suiay TVDUR batting by v John Edrlch and Keith Fletcher kept England afloat In the Fourth cricket Teat here today after Australia had made 405 In their first Innings. Edrlcli and Fletcher batted together for most of the flnaJ session
      391 words
    • 392 23  -  ERNES T FRIDA By THE Singapore 1 Under-23 cricket team that left on Saturday night (or a 24-day tour of New South Wales, will be exposed to top-quality cricket Ranch-owner Jim White, who wul be looking after our cricketers during their stay in
      392 words
    • 101 23 WaXLDJOTON. Sun. O«off Howarth pressed his claims for a New Zealand Ten place when be scored his second successive Plunket Shield century today Howarth. the Northern District* Ulpper. who also plays for Surrey in the English County Championship. iv always In command during his inning* of
      101 words
    • 485 23 THE Stipendiary steward* 1 report on yesterday race* at Ipoh BACI 1: As jockey McCtune was tnltispoesn, he vu substituted by L. Johnson (taliHisjni VI). and by Masruben OB Ma»py Ctaae* In Race S. steam n In Race 4. and aw»kt U m Race ft. Jockey Tlhsmsw
      485 words
    • 315 23 SKA are tipped to sweep major titles SINGAPORE Karate Association's well-prepared pugilists are tipped to sweep the major honours when the SKA Fourth Annual Open Shitoryu Karate -do championships resume at the SBA Hall, Oulllemard Road, on Jan. 11 at 7 p.m., reports PETER SIOW. The tournament is now in
      315 words
    • 36 23 STRAITS TTJasV Btttortal confirmed their superiority over Adrerttatnt and Marketing when tbey beat them 6-4 in return friendly Inter department wooer matoh at Raffle* Institution ground yesterday. sKntorlal won toe flrtt match by J-0.
      36 words
    • 37 23 BOCKS beat SCC Tankardt IS-0 goal and three trlea) In a BRU League Division Two rugby match at Dover Road on Saturday. Trie* were scored by Waddell (1). Crotty and Oray. Plngelley converted a try.
      37 words
    • 181 23 NEW DELHI, Sun Off spinner Albert Padmore made a determined bid for a Test place when he took fire Bast zone wickets for only 44 on the first day of the West Indians' three-day match at Cuttack. Padmore, 38, from Barbados, was the main wlcket-taker as
      Reuter  -  181 words
    • 153 23 ACSTSAUA let mjm: L VDTATH b TlUnui tt MCCOmUB. c Knott b Orel* M L CHAmu o Xnott b Arnold H 0. CHAPFBU. c Orelg b Arnold M ft. KDWAJUM b Orelf II d. wumi mw atdou i A. MAB4H b Orel* M M. WALUB. c Orel* b Arnold
      Reuter  -  153 words
    • 133 23 Rowe will not join tour team viNoaroN. aim —a> maloan bataman Lawrence Row* will take no further part In the eumot tour of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, the We* Indies Cricket Board of Control •aid over the weekendRow* recently new from India to London where he was fitted -with
      133 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 209 23 These two parts may look exactly alike to you But only one of them is genuine. non-genuine Bedford genuine Bedford This connecting rod is intended. This connecting rod is made for a Bedford truck to keep its wheels specially for Bedford trucks, running smoothly It comes from General Motors. But
      209 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 57 23 lOCCII Business Houses Dlv 3: DMW v Jurong Shipyard tOillman Bks). Bhangrl-la v Rollel (TanfUn 1). Dtv. SA: Bosch v Jurong Ptywuud (Parrer Pk). StralU Times v argon Automotive (Oeyteng). arpore Oxygen v Spore Tobacco (Fmrrer Pk). Dlv. SB: Cathay v OCBC (Parrer Pk). Hilton Hotel v Holiday Inn (Parrer
      57 words

  • 218 24 'Reds behind Cairo riots over prices' CAIRO. Sun—Egyptian authorities have arrested members of an underground communist organisation working to instigate disturbances in the country, the official Middle East News Agency 'Mena) reported. Mci- -«Wi last night they were interrogated by state s> prosecutors on charges of subversion and Instigating disturbances
    Reuter  -  218 words
  • 63 24 PESHAWAR (Pakistan). Bun. Two Afghan nomad women were killed and an old man of the same family was seriously to lured yesterday when a bomb exploded In their tent near Charsadda. 25km (IT miles) north of bare. Official sources from Northwest Frontier Province ■aid the
    UPI  -  63 words
  • 78 24 MM- QUAM MONO CMAM BM In Pftalk BM imil away paaMfully «a 4tk January. 1875. act* M. taaviac bafeUrt S mm. T da^fctcn. mbi-ioUw. teuchtm-u-law, en* fosur dansaur, «m fo.t.r mb la- law tod many inricaiMna aa4 craat-cnaaafeuerMi la mourn ht torn Th« MftMJi Mara 4SO-A. Umot Bui OM
    78 words
  • 50 24 PAR'S. Sun. Only six of tne 1.300 tnmattt oi French priaona given threeday leave to visit their famlllet on Christina* or New Year have fnited to return, oflfclais aaid yesterday The 1.300. choaen from among 36.000 detainees In prtaon*. were atrvtnf short ■enter.ces. Reuter
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Article, Illustration
    313 24  -  K.S. SIDHU $200,000 LOSS FOR GEYLANG FURNITURE PLANT By TORE completely gattr ed the Nam Foong furniture factory in Jalan Kachang, Geylang. last night, causing damage estimated at ttM.tif. The are started at about 7.1S p.m. and within minutes the entire places was hi flames. The only occupant
    Christopher Loh  -  313 words
  • 243 24 Schmidt's stand on US bases BONN. Sunday /CHANCELLOR Helmut Schmidt said In an Interview published here today he would resist any American pressure to use US bases In West Germany to supply Israel with arms In tho event of a new Middle East war. Asked by the news weekly Der
    Reuter  -  243 words
  • 252 24 Marcos 'willing' to settle Muslim issue KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. —President Marcos has agreed to settle the grievances of Muslims In the Philippines, Mr. Mohamed Hassan BTohamy, secretary-gen-eral of the Islamic Secretariat, said here today. At an airport Interview, he said that Mr. Marcos had been "very willing and agreeable" to
    252 words
  • 21 24 BOMBAY. Sun. Toe Mauritius Prime Minister. Sir Sewooaacar Ramfoolam. arrived bare today for a 10-day official Tlalt to India.—Router.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 144 24 EX-PEPSI COLA CHIEF POUND SHOT DEAD XTEW YOU, San.— 11 The former heard chairman of rVpsiCoJa Co. was found shot dead yesterday evening to the bathroom of his loxarioos apartment oa Manhattan's fashionable Bast BUa. Poooe said he was either aaardered or took his own nf c. Details were sketchy,
    144 words
  • 384 24 100 still holding out against the Reds SAIGON, Sun. {X)MMUNIST troops and tanks occupied Phuoc Binh provincial capital in heavy attacks yesterday, but were unable to drive a boot 100 defenders from the town's main defence bunker, military sources said today. The Saigon Command denied that Phuoc Binh, 106 km
    Reuter  -  384 words
  • 89 24 Quake jolts New Zealand IITELLJNOTON, Sun A sharp earthquake Joited most of central New Zealand this morning, but there were no Immediate redotU of casualties, police said. Here, In the capital the )olt ihook gkMBM on ihelTes and tilted picture* on walls. In of flow burflar alarma ThU U the
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 27 24 MANILA. Sun. A group 1 of Filipino and M""f*""f day that they would oonstruct a 600-rootn luxury hoUl at the swank suburb of lUtett DPI
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    • 144 24 B»JP^ Kovo's Main Lines are Coated Abrasives. Buffing Polishing Compounds. Buffs and Rubbing Compounds. I irrrfO I l%s£^ Writ* today for particulars I KOYO-SHA CO., LTD. R_ c ales Dtv: Koyo-Sha Bldo. No. 48-5 Htgashi Nippon 5-chome A Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116, Japan Telex: 265-7015, A Cables: "KOYOKEMMA" TOKYO mk sffl
      144 words