The Straits Times, 5 January 1975

Total Pages: 18
1 18 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Sunday Times No. 2017 JANUARY 5. 1975 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 453/7S
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  • 421 1 A professor sees some silver linings in the dark clouds hovering over Singapore economy THE good newt for Singaporeans in the current year it that price rites will continue to moderate. Already Singapore hat tucceeded in halving the inflation rate from the peak in 1973
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  • 478 1 Thanom: Denial embassy THE Thai Embassy here yesterday J, denied a report from Bangkok that Its Government "would be concerned if former premier Marshal Thanom Kittikachom was allowed to continue to stay in Singapore." The statement wu ■aid to have been made by the Thai Deputy Prime Minister. Dr. Prakorb
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  • 68 1 WABHDfOTOIf. B^. Tlm Mnl It— rri Board t~A*Y .mnimiii a half par Mat entta UmDS bank rate to H par seat from T| par sent In a wm to tttiiwilaU tbe economy Thta to the raw at which bank* barrow temporarily from the redt when they
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  • 148 1 Super swimmer Elaine talks about swimming 11TE are all familiar with the recordmaking aehlsfomssits of Balne Sag, oar 1< year -old super swdamer. Bat what lies behind those laBameraMe atodsliT A quite tesnsgw who thinks her Bto la a Uttle lonely. la a forthright interview in Sunday Nation, the Sportswoman
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  • 304 1 Interpol alerted to look out for runaway ship THE Singapore Poll* have alerted Interpol to look out for a seized freighter. the Union Pacific, which disappeared mysteriously last week from Singapore with a local securltj guard on board. A radio message has been aent to all vessels in South-east Asian
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  • 57 1 RANOOON. Sat The martial law authorities have released 1.017 people, including 141 woman, detained after widespread rtou which broU out ben last month over the burial of the former United Nation. Secretary General U Thant. An official statement last night said the release was mad* over
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 39 1 DACCA. Sat. Sfcraj aikaoar, the leader of an underground Uaaat orga~ naatkn aocnatd of kUhngt and attack* on poßot %Utkw» and government office* has bean shot omd by police, U m of ndatty annswnnti her* yertwoay. Roatar.
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  • 32 1 CASABLANCA. Bat. Tbt Moroccan Omauiaait has deckled to take owr tbc operations of tb» saw Standard Oil Company and abut down tbatr oparatfans, an industry aflnatry ooaunmtqus said today. Olt
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  • 155 1 1975— the magic number rm many ttagaporeaas. Iff! Is not Jas* another New Yaw tt represents the mack number to a fortune. Yesterday. «1t75" came la as the tint arise In the" Btg Sweep at the las* races and provided a timely windfall to those who had placed beta on
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  • 75 1 Damascus blasts wreck two embassies rkAMASCUS. (Syria). MJ Sat. Two explosions rocked the Egyptian and Jordanian embassies here last night, causing extensive damage. Ambulances were seen rushing to the scene of the explosions. The explosions occurred 10 minutes apart, the first at the Egyptian embassy at 5.30 pm. Spokesmen at
    AP  -  75 words
  • 191 1 Use of force over oil: Dr. K explains WASHINGTON, Saturday SECRETARY of Slate Henry kissmge said today he did not foresee ai emergency over Middle East oil tha would cause the United States to con sider using force. He was responding to press questions about an Interview published yesterday in
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 32 1 TOKYO. Sat A Japanese plan to restore Japanese and Taiwanese flights between Japan and Taiwan has been presented sacrstly to tbc Nationalist Chines* government, the newspaper Asahl reported today. AP.
    AP  -  32 words
  • 52 1 JAKARTA. Sat. President Suharto today rllsnissf 1 Indonesia's relations with North Vietnam with his ambassador to Hanoi. Ut. Usep Ranumlhardja. who Is hare for consultations. Indonesia Is a member it the International Commission for Control and Supervision (ICC8) In Vietnam along with Iran. Poland and
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 65 1 VJTHNA. Bat. Thirtythree pa— sn«u and crew members died when a Tarom Alrilne jet crashed in the Lotru mountains on a domestic flight In Rumania six days ago. the Rumanian news agency Agerpres reported today. The plane was flying from Oradea to Bucharest. The agency
    AP  -  65 words
  • 28 1 JAKARTA. Bat. Ptve detainees suspected of involvement in last year's January rtou in Jakarta were nlaa— rt or. New Year's Eve. jovernment officials said yesterday UPI.
    UPI  -  28 words
  • 63 1 LIBYA LIFTS BAN BEISUT, Sat.— The Libyan Government has euletlj removed Its ban on oil shipments to the United States, the authoritative Middle East Ceon o m I c Sarvey weekly publication said today. Libya continued to apply the ban. which was Imposed after the October, 1973, ArablaraeU war,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 jraii The Rolex twinlock s^^m winding jftk crown seals "JJ like a F 4 submarine hatch ■-^■aM Tal Hmmg Hot |Pte.» Ltd. iJ* North Bndar Road, opposite the Odeon Osjesns tuic isVECir ill I I Wining and dining Wr»n your husband com- 1 TMIS WEEK IN tjff I I M
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    • 17 1 GEMS tt t^qmUitm JEWELLERY U.S. de SILVA SONS, JewtlUn •2, 24, RAFFLES PUCE, SINGAPORE 1 TtX: *****
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times Worldwide
    • 494 2 Honoured at last two self-imposed exiles... LONDON. Sat —If they had not managed to H>« to saeh a ript sM age, royal reSwfwJtftM woaM prehaMy sever have eatae to two of the greatest laughter meaors ever horn la Britain. roc Me fcatghthssas ssajarise on aatawr P. G. WeeVhOßse a■ 4
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    • 161 2 HUSSEIN UNDER PRESSURE FROM PLO CAIRO, Bat Kins Hussein of Jordan la coming under Increasing pressure from the Palestinians to allow their fpiw«tiAn to reoccupy their bases oc Jordanian territory. This emerged as ministers from Bgypt. Jordan, Syria and representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) today began their second
      Reuter; UPI  -  161 words
    • 170 2 MEETING ON HOW TO DEAL WITH RECESSION WASHINGTON, Sat President Ford meets senior economic aides today to try to find a way out of the nations deepening recession that has put 0,500,--000 Americans out of work the largest number of jobless since the •tart of World War II And there
      Reuter  -  170 words
    • 114 2 Trading in Burmah oil shares suspended WASHINGTON, Sat.— Trading in shares of Burmah Oil Company. Britain's second largest oil firm which appealed for British Government assistance in Its «n»tiM»i difficulties this week, was temporarily suspended today on orders from the Securities and Exchange Commission (BEC). The SEC. which regulates dealings
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    • 46 2 OAKLAND (California*. Bat. Activist Angel* DatU U taking on Urn dty of Oakland In a oatISO.OOO (SJ4O.0OO) lawsuit. •Oat Davis and a woman frtand haw tiled Urn nilt on fTounds of fala* arrest lor as Incident at Highland Hospital on Sept IX
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    • 33 2 SYDNEY. Sat. Mr. Tom Lewis was today sworn In v the Premier of New South Wales, ending the record 10--year Una of Sir Robert Aakln. who has retired from pnlltlf Ranter
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    • 27 2 Citroen CT saloon was today I^f 1 ope'« Car of the Tsar by a panel of motoring writers from 14 European countries.— Renter
      Reuter  -  27 words
    • 180 2 USSR gets most favoured status WASHINGTON. Sat President Ford yesterday signed with some regrets what he described as the most significant traue legislation In 40 years a long-delayed Bill giving the Soviet I Union most favoured nation trade status with the United States Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller, members of the Cabinet
      UPI  -  180 words
    • 112 2 LONDON, Sat. A ata armed with a pistol »v overpowered by itaff at the London branch of the National Bank of Kuwait yesterday after he threatened to blow ■p the building Follee said the man walked Into the bank In Portman B«aare with a shopping oaf
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    • 317 2 WASHINGTON, Saturday i THE FORD Administration has approved a US$95 billion (*****.5 billion) defence budget for the coming fiscal year, a US$ll billion (5525.3 billion) increase over military spending in the current budget, Pentagon officials said today. The argument to be
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    • 167 2 White House gate crasher held WASHINGTON. Sat. Police seized a man who attempted to drive a truck onto the White House grounds yesterday in the second such Incident In the past 10 days. The man was committed to Bt. Elizabeth's Hospital for mental observation after questioning by Bee re t
      AP  -  167 words
    • 66 2 SANTIAGO. Sat. U8 Secretary of State Henry KUatnger will visit Chile lur one or two day* In mid-Feb-ruary. Foreign Ministry spokesman Captain Claud i> Collado* said here yesterday He aald Dr Kissinger wUI come at the Invitation of the military government of President Auguslo Pinochet, who
      Reuter  -  66 words
    • 44 2 VALLETTA. 8»t. Maltese Prtme Minister Doro Mlntoff left here today on a 13-day tour of seven countries which will take him to Chin* and North Korea Other countries on hi* Itinerary art Iraq. Paklsur. Kuwait. Bahiain and Prance Reuter
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    • 26 2 TOKYO. S»t. Japan •> external reserves decreajed by DBI3JO million (8t50« million) la Novemorr to UBSIB--sis million (3tt!.04l million). Urn Finance Ministry aaaoaaced today.— lUuter.
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    • 286 3 SAIGON, Saturday (X)MMUNIST forces overran Phuoc Binh provincial capital today in < daylight assault supported by tanks am artillery, government military sources Government un lost all radio conta with the outside short after noon. Pilot* ove head said they appear ed
      Reuter  -  286 words
    • 155 3 4 escorts for Godber's return to HK LONDON, Bat Peter Godber, the former Hongkong police officer accused of corruption. Is to be returned to the colony next Monday to stand trial, his solicitor said here He will travel on a commercial airliner escorted by four officials of the Hongkong Antl-corrup-tlon
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    • 49 3 BANOKOK. Sat PanAmerican Airways flights to and from Bangkok had to be cancelled because of a strike by airline workers at Don Muang airport here, an airline spokesman said today. The strike, which began yesterday la over demands for better pay ana working conditions Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 85 3 RUNAWAY MP PROBE IS 'SECRET' MELBOURNE, Sat.— A Scotland Yard detective who flew here to look into the affairs of runaway British MP John Stonehouse said today he could rive mo details of his inquiries and refused to aay whether ha p armed to interview Detective Chief Superintendent Kenneth Etheridre
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 204 3 LONDON. Bat. Prime Minister Harold Wilson last night gave a stern warning to his Labour Party stalwarts against the dangers of strikes while Britain's economy Is in Its present weakened state. He said his Government was Intervening in industry to fight the threat
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 Cathay Pacific takes Singapore's attractions to Hong Kongfour times a day. laP 1 Laß B-Jbß. s^aaVaak I bb^Lbb^LbH "^S(^S^st«4 Patricia Scet is one of the many Singaporean hostesses you will meet if you take one of Cathay Pacific's four-a-day flights to Hong Kong. There are two non-stop flights at 1
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    • 241 3 Clerks' strike ballot this week V U ALA LUMPUR. Sat. The 20.000 government cle r ks In Peninsular Malaysia are expected to take a strike ballot within the week. Alread). 8,000 ballot papers have gone out to members of the Amalgamated Union of Qnployees In Government Clerical and Allied Services
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    • 57 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. The Industrial Court ordered United Patanl Arumugam PUlal Estate In Kedah today to reinstate 46 out of the 80 workers it sacked last year. The estate was also ordered to pay all toe worken back pay from the expiry of the notices terminating
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    • 45 3 BUTTERWORTH. Sat. The two riders, Romlee bin Ahmad and Ong Ltan Bee, were lulled last night when their motorcycles crashed head on at the mile Sungel Puyu/SUngei Dua road. A pillion rider. Ibrahim bin Mat All. was Injured and admitted to h~pttiT
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    • 35 3 PORT DICKBON, Sat Ten members of a liquor smuggling syndicate fled a police fmiMMti near Paalr Panjang last night, lecvlnc 117 cartons of whisky and brandy, a motor boat and a car.
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    • 330 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Saturday Government will only recognise the parliamentary means of seekin redress by the people, the Deputy Minis ter in the Prime Minister's departmen Datuk Abdullah Ahmad, said today. This was why the recent student demon stratlop did not succeed, he told
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    • 164 3 Razak to women: Play your role in food output KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. —Tun Abdul Razak today called on women In the country to play their role in making the Oreen Book Plan a massive production of food and dally essentials a success. The plan was very important for the people
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    • 49 3 KUALA LUMPUR. Sat. A 14-member delegation from Thailand arrived here today for the IMb Thai-Malaysia general border committee talks to be held on Tuesday The delegation was led by the Deputy Chief cf Staff of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, Oen. Chareon pongpanlch. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  49 words
    • 31 3 TAPAH. Sat. a car belonging to a businessman, Mr. Lee Loh Fob. which was stolen at Sungkal yesterday. wa» found abandoned along Oopeng Road. In Ipoh this morning.
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    • 230 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. A Ms 2 billion petro- chemical complex Is to be set up In Port Dlckson by the end of the year. The Negrl aembilan Mentrl Basar. Datuk Mansor Othman told a press conference that the project to be completed by 1978 would
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    • 50 3 PTTALINO JAVA. Sat Police yesterday arrested a suspect and letuxted a stolen diamond ring hours after a housewife reported the loss from her borne here. 9he Mahanl bint* Idris. of Settlor 13. bad told police she mlmd the rmf. valued at tt.JOO. from her bedroom cupboard.
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    • 52 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Bat There were many red faces at the police tosoectori' mess In Jalan How this morning Thieves entered the compound and took ■everal car ca.'aette-recordera and ihlrts brlontlnc to the officers. But the culprits were aoon caught by the crew of a pessmg
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    • 192 3 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat— Pernas is to intensify its effort* axd Increase ito business capacity to realise ita investment, management and trading targets sat far I*l9, its chairman. Tonka Datak Shahriman bin Tonka Salaiman, said today. The corporation is expected to pluck it* frulU
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 625 3 Rl ONLY WHERE YOU WANT TO! I J Vaut n«W^^^^^ a7^ im i H nanV BOnanl r Sum il Ml I naT nanV l J s W9m awarJ nan V.1V .1 3t Mmvr aT^V anananananT bV. i M Bnm Ml HI A 'i^aW JHz Mb an BrSbbl MB i t
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    • 538 3 .U LwfcL PALMOLIVE TOILET SOAP Boiw6 1.80 TOOTHPASTE closhjp ec 2.45 CORN OIL CORNETTA U.K. 4-546 Uras 15.5J EVfUMATII MILK CARNATION USA. 411 <j .71 HOT COCOA MIX CARNATION U.S.A. 16 pkts. for I.H COCA COU 3 Cans for 1.40 fiIAVA JIICE SWEET BRAND 268 2/3 g 3 for 1.00
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  • 259 4 Plan for building to house NTUC affiliates npRADE union* In Singapore affiliated to the NTUC may soon have a Union House of their own. For the NTUC has Plans to put up a new building to house them, the Sunday Times learned yesterday. ThU means that most of Its 48
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  • 347 4  - AA conducts second survey on car pooling scheme JOSEPH YCO By THE Automobile Association of Singapore is conducting a second survey to find out if car pools are a feasible "alternative" to the G o v ernment's proposed par k-and-ride scheme. munlcatlon's computer facilities to match members for car-pool-ing purposes
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  • 392 4 Mobil workers get pay hike under new pact A BOUT 259 employees A of Mobil »m get pay increases ranting from $15 to $45 s month higher than those pre 1 ionsly given to all salary groans under a new three-year collective agreement between the company and the United Workers
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 452 4 STAMFORD CENTRE FiiH- Time and Part -Time courses leading t j Recognised Professional Qualificaiiorts ADtVMSSK)NSI97S ACCOUNTANCY S^5S5 AL The onty raeograsad lee. Stamtord Camra cenwe In Singapore lor ACa Ml-ttma ont v#-r coune Students Intarna'ionally vaiidaiad inlarnal O.pK>ma awaroarj >n collaboration Mith aitarnai amarmnan m London trails (ha a RacognMad'uM
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 2208 4 JA1 1 highlights] H fl| BY BAILYNE SUNG eiacADAftr MAI IVfU husband and friends go 305 on Channel 3). SIHbArUK_ ■MJIT9M the country for a reit THE MALAY film but find a bank robber "Raden Mat" (At 7.36 TOMOSBOW: TOMORROW: Instead Campers are pjn. on Channel 3). CAINE CONTINUES An
      2,208 words
    • 67 4 [swimming times TtMT: UsjMra 4.15 p.*. (2.400; Urn IstiH 3.21 p.m. QmV. Nrt Mdajs 11.26 i.m. (2n). TtMsajsv. Sapasrt 4.47 i.m. (2.6 m), 548 p.m. (2.2 m); Sett IstM 3 14 ml (2.3*4 <» M>. Qmh Nrt Must 12.20 i.m. (2.4 a), 12.39 p.m. (1.8 a). WATER consumption an Friday
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  • 322 5 JJKHOIN addicts in Singapore are now resorting to electro acupuncture to help kick their dependence on the drug. In the last three months the Chinese Acupuncture and Cautertaation Centre In Serangoon Road has treated more than 30 young addict*
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  • 128 5 rB Metrication Board will launch a number of Intensive metric education programmes to prepare the public for the metric change In the retail sector by the end of the year. According to the latest issue of Our Metric Way, the board's
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  • 254 5 SBS to add 11 more buses by Wednesday SINOAPORK Bus Service Ltd. will master 11 new buses by Wednesday, maklnjr total of 96« new vehicle, registered since November 1973 at a cost of about $20 3 inUlion. The 11 new Albion buses, costing $600,000. can carry over 800 passengers. The
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  • 19 5 MR. Oerraac Kearney, a DNIDO opart on low co«t automation, hu joined tbe NattonaJ ProductlTtty Board
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  • 324 5 THE National Maritime Board has raised the age limit of trainee seamen from 26 years to 35 years so that retrench ed workers from factories can be trained for alternative em p 1 oyment at sea. It has also drawn up
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  • 254 5 $31,000 graft: Intraco man gets two years VTEE Kok Choon, 47, a former executive of Intraco, was Jailed for two years by the First District Court yesterday on two charges of receiving bribes totalling $31,419. He was also ordered to pay a penalty of $18,166. He pleaded guilty to taking
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  • 242 5 Woman head of tontine group jailed A TIP-OFT to »o ice fraan a woman saemker of an i legal tontine croup led to tike volantary surrender of the tontine head, a district e««rt heard yesterday. T»n Seok Tin alias Bee Cheng, a 37-year-old seamstress, pleaded »ullty to seven charges •f
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  • 292 5 Price of Spanish mackerel down 10 cents a kati rl price of Spanish mackerel U en g girl bekah) dropped by i 0 cents a katl to $2.40 yesterday, the Trade De partment reported. Following are the re commended prices RICE: China 10 per cent Ylm Cheok. 98 cents a
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  • 40 5 THS Canberra Community Oantre will conduct a Yotta claas for beslnnen at 1U Narml B*m premise* on TiMadan from Jan. 7 between 7.00 pjn. and 8.00 p.m. Application form* may be ohlatnad from the centre's osfee.
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  • 56 5 TOT transfer of the Communication* Iflnttrjr headquarters from City Hall to PSA Towers In Blancah Bay. due to hare taken place last weak baa been postponed to Feb. M. Tbla is because of delays In bulldlnc the offlra uncompleted clearing of debris and the lifts
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 202 5 jr *>P/\ tPa^Baa^Bß aM I ■f^'^MSLm —^a-— iiafc 'A/^^b^ Of BaY 6 K^aJaWafl Jafcl jl^jl j, mm mm^ Put it all together the right ideas, materials, people; M 1 SRa^l fe^ ilifite^i Singer manufactured for the ultimate in comfort and luxury. It doesn't \t Ba^Ll lilWf-'^ *'^r" I matter which
      202 words
    • 363 5 MDYOUDOWEU IN YOUR A LAST A [I >EXAM? wrwrn Too late now to worry about marks not bemg aa h«jh aa you had hoped or .peeled Th« is the time tor a complete overhaul ol your study iwatHoda. H you d«d not do too waM last year decide now that
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  • 717 6  -  ROGER YUE By at the CINEMA PLOT WISE, Horror Express (now showing at the Capitol) bears a striking parallel to Dracula Versus Frankenstein (reviewed last week) in that creatures from another solar system find their way to Earth and wreak havoc
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  • Article, Illustration
    59 6 INAME the fallowing as the It best films seen in Singapore last year: 2. The Stag J. Walking Tan 4. Maim 5. The Golden Voyage at Shibad a. Man af La Maneha 7. The Exorcist The Last Met b re Show 9. The Neptune Factor It. Frsnsy Peter
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  • 498 6  -  By WALTER SEOW pEAR Chamber (director: Juan Ibanez), now at the Cathay, was one of the last films made by Boris Karloff before he died In 1969. This was one of four he filmed In Mexico In 1968 the other three
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  • 383 6  -  BAILYNE SUNG By TORONE Of Blood (Kumonosu-Jo): Unmistakably a production stamped with director Akira Kurosawa's brand surprisingly little hard action but belting out a powerful me— age. Basically a samurai version of the Shakespearean Macbeth. Its centre-point Is the destructive repercussions of Man's uncontrolled ambitions on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 306 6 LAST DAY! I Shtw At 7.00 I WM A**** amu turn tmm. ti.oo ''< UtCIMf Opens Tomorrow) I TOO itifc i| young J L owcnotrMsalßsVl I| Sflll HBMH MSIHtH J^LIJ i j Jirwg Orivt-li CtilaM ~l \i v i U- OPENS TOMORROW!—?;: saji stlM te layy mM| I SB OJ
      306 words
    • 244 6 a_«--•oo•oa o a o sth MC DAY! Ba.LY$ .a»ll.SS A** MOST COPS PLAY IT V THE BOOK NEWMAN WROTE HIS OWN! rSfSSm •Jfk. no FRCE •aaafcasiak. UST t "JfSS?T?M»l'lTTiri»!SimH 9 [■TiVafH JALAN \MiJmk\ SULTAN I (TfL. 2******) I NOW SHOWING! DAILY S SHOWS I 1 1 00 AM. 1 JO.
      244 words
    • 352 6 aaaafl aai^^^P^^^^BT^rV^^^^^^^^ "^^^^bbbbl Ths IOOOftOfaM Of B SWIMMING STAR: I Elaine Sng, Singa- I I pore's golden girl A of the pool, talks JM frankly about her Ufa in a special I Sunday Nation intarviaw. BEAUTY: A model's guide to lovely looks. I A feature with colour illustration. Now that
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    • 667 6 biCRTHRV >••» laaaaaaa— aaaa— a— —o^ I^^^^LAlTOAY^^^if I 1 t*m—: 1 M t JSa« <!. _Atan Tono Tian N "TOO YOWWB" Mantform Ji J CotorScap* Engkah Sutn |>* S Opans TomonW J l Cotumbio Picturai pratanti i 1 THI MUTATIOM** in Coto. <! Tom Bcfcar Brod Hor.. t j >
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  • 179 7 r\NLT a few aamtfcs U ago. taus 4—o— ft rite la Alexandra sU*4 was stacked with pile* of ariawi. Today, one finds a sea sf a*w ve_ri>s there Instead. T— M Hto IMMIiy -cm»sed by the Alexandra Brickworks factory ss now an osen air parking
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  • 207 7 WAREHOUSE FACILITIES AT PSA MERGED j TO HELP PORT USERS TWE Port of Singapore Authority has integrated It* warehousing faculties within and outside the port area In a more to provide a more efficient and effective service to port users. The integration of over 106.000 aq. metres of storage space
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  • 67 7 Man jailed for having false I-card KOH Ah Long. 44, of Indonesia, was Jailed for three months yesterday for having another man's ldendlty card without lawful authority. Koh, a labourer, pleaded guilty to having it at a house in Lorong 25, Oeylanc. last Dec SO. Be was Jailed for another
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  • 512 7 When vandals set ablaze lift in HDB in HDB flats 'BREAKDOWNS DUE TO MISUSE AND MISCHIEF' ALIFT In a block of flats at Marine Parade Estate was net on fire recently, causing $25,000 damage, the Housing and Development Board disclosed yesterday. This was among several acts of vandalism committed at
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  • 214 7 Nantah accounts grads urged to work harder rpHE Minister of State J. C 0m m unlca tlons Mr. Chal Chong Yll. last night urged Nanyang University accountancy graduates to work harder if they wanted to suc-cet-1 In their profession. Nantah's accountancy degrees, awarded under a new system were recognised by
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  • 51 7 TAN Kok Hong. 11. iv jailed for a day and fined $750. or four months' Jail at the Fir* Maglatrate'i Court yertardar for shopumng. He admitted stealing two bundle* of envelopes worth $2 20 from Metro Bupreme departmenUl store at 10J0 ajn on Dec. 30 last
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  • 149 7 pIOHT people were Mli fined a total of 1905 at the First Magistrate's court yesterday for gambling. All eight, who committed the offence on Friday, pleaded guilty. Llm Huat Keow, 20, was fined $70 for playIng cards In Lorong Klnchlr at 12.45 p.m. Soh Tevk
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  • 237 7 Call to curb rising cost of building materials rnHE Government has been urged to take A steps to prevent prices of building materials from rising further In view of Its plan to reactivate Singapore's housing development Droeramme thin veax The call was made by the president of in? Singapore Building
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  • 54 7 BSVKRAL employees of Neptune Orient Unee nuhed out of their offlce In Trafalgar Street on Thursday when are broke out In a rubbuh dump nearby. The minor fire wa» put out by the company* port captain who uMd a fire extinguisher The cauae of the
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  • 11 7 THKRK were M road %cdtati, three aerious. on Friday.
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  • 102 7 $1 00 ROOM DEPOSIT FOR LOCAL HOTEL GUESTS QXNQAPORSANB. who book rooms at Hotel New Hongkong In Victoria Street now have to nay a $100 deposit The deposit will be refunded after they have settled their room blUs. Foreign guest* are exempted from paying such a deposit It U believed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 117 7 SUPER m EVERY DAY 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat 10am 6.30pm Sunday FREEWRKING After spm Mon Sat A_da__Sunday^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SPECIAL Mon -Sat v.g on i iitr« 2.70 Pigeti Special litrtfccttry Off* Uuhf -^itailinS Tki* BT6O Cock Braid Ptwitrt. wfetlt Mift 2268 9 10.70 Ditch laky Toilet paper rail 3 rolls for
      117 words
    • 683 7 Fluent French -secret of Ann's success! Fashion importer. Miss proved co.nmunication and Ann Wee who recently business relationship treopened her own garments mendously. Knowing factory, reveals the secret fl fl French has alto helped in of her success. "I learnt I Vf| I th fashion design courses French with a
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 496 8 FWAS about time someone spoke up for the little man the chap Mr. C. V. Devan Nair calls "the average Singaporean." And what better man than he to provide the kudos to take away the sting, at least partially, of all the knocks that the poor
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  • 399 8 Holidays around the world in 1975 WAS HINOTON: tt you are planning to negotiate a business deal In another country next year, make sure your timing Is right. "There are only a few days In 18 IS when there will be no commercial holiday somewhere in the world that will
    AP  -  399 words
  • 1009 8  -  Eugene Carlson The W RLD By I IKE a team of medical specialists In white coats, economiiti have been examining the sick U.S. economy in recent weeks, thumping here, probing there. The patient b listless. and the vital signs are faltering. The economist!' prescription: Major surgery
    UPI  -  1,009 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1726 8  -  LEE SOO ANN By A FRIEND of mine on New Year's Eve wished that we could order 1975 cancelled so that we can enter 1976 Immediately, since that is supposed to be the recovery year for the economy. Such is the pessimistic view for the immediate future that
    1,726 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 50 8 tiro -sum h^i^h^q^^ f PCOPtfc WHO Sf>€ AK /^J; J A wM T o SSI orT) \^^™£<?*r^y /'-'WITH OUR ASIAM I HMP MB APlMfe I cu«.tu«*s» J txe IZtsi X IMIMK tVeRVOHfc /*S iunt. AS MV MAMC J V SHOUU>Bt WdUDOFf I ,5 CATMEHINt M V HIS \i&flilHit^^J^^L V^SUOA D«UZ/
      50 words
    • 146 8 fni mmtmh N #^v. BbbsT r" 1 Bf^^ sY Tf V J J jSI bb^^Cb^B I 11 1 I slbb it 1 T LbGbViS wßtfl bbl X^bbbl BBBaVl^a^^^^T^^^SVv I ■bB I I 111 ÜbbCtT^i vwiJwufl 4 H|/ > I r I 1 1 VL^^bbK I^*^o4 1 mTtw I I^^' 1
      146 words

  • Timescope
    • 3340 9 THE PAUL GETTY KIDNAPPING JT U a story told moat starkly by a boys ear. A boys severed right ear but no, "severed" is too sterile a world; "sliced off" is the truth. A prominent and delicately formed ear sliced from the head of a terrified and fully conscious 16--year-old
      3,340 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
      7 words
    • 591 9 ENROL for WOLSEY HALTS PROFESShONAL,BUSINESS STUDIES and ACADEMIC COURSES NOW AVAILABLE from FEDERAL PUBLICATIONS HOME STUDIES DIVISION lost, of Administrative Managsmant An Introduction to Butineai Studies institute of Banker* S) Business Management I nctitutaof Chartered Secretariat Computing and Administrators Institute of Statisticians Economic* Company Law Management Mathematics Commerce Labour
      591 words

  • 1029 10  -  CLARENCE FERNANDEZ iTimescooe .Timescope .Timescope Timescope .Tir^ JOURNEY TO THE LONGHOUSES OF SARAWAK By VISITORS to Sarawak re- member the festive nights spent as guests In longhouses, the exhilarating experience of riding the rapids, and the tradition and culture of the people in
    1,029 words
  • 626 10 (\SE good thing v about the univ c rsi ty students' activities right now their lack of fear. POaHlcal motivations apart, this is a commend a b I c quality which we la Singapore do not always exhibit la abundance The next worst thing
    626 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 386 10 Mppjf days with Sanyo Washing -no more a back-breaking chore Sf^S Sanyo's SW-*****orSW- 7001 0/P. fully automatic \%V washer/ spin dryer is a time-saving, fast-working, I^^*' "^^^^g, all-in-one unit. It washes clothes thoroughly with V^Ga*^^^ S— automatic reverse centrifugal action and then spins' V^*^» dries them in the same tub
      386 words
    • 60 10 !^l2;[l)K47MYl)llJa»f.wf3g| with the British Automobile Association coming K road itmtxrm and tm m r»» o# it<« band Cfioo— k»»»r gum apßrorjnXt to rh« ■ptadbafan rtm BBS mtmew. poaWan u>a ear was «n lalt Oacfc »a comar raacnad H it» band Wind tow* *m hom m naarakla alZml^H T^lr^ 1^ mirror*
      60 words

    • 935 11  -  Cliff Hanley Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Timescope .Ti WHY I .SYMPATHISE WITH PRESIDENT GISCARD By CO it seems as If a lot of sturdy up- right Frenchmen are cooling off towards their President, who is being accused of having a dark and murky secret
      FWF  -  935 words
    • 439 11  - A change of tune by former Savoy musicians JEFFREY LOW frecordsl i rX)GHAT: ROCK AND ROLL OUTLAWS (Bearsville). The name Fojhat may be new but its members certainly have the requisite credentials. Remember the bluesy Savoy Brown? Yes, three Savoy musicians have left to form Foghat, bringing hack a more
      439 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 272 11 _r~^vfl_i_____vr"~- M P__f NYAL PLURAVIT ONE A DAY CAPSULE _fl_E___P_--FEEL GOOD! FEEL NEW! like PLURAVIT MULTIVITAMINS on*_-diy capsule Plufjvil provides all the essential vitarrMiK and -minerals f »r thr maintenance of healthy body process. No meal is rtelv vitamin sufficient Therefore it _<*_—-—-. is necessary to supplement your daily diet
      272 words
    • 493 11 1 1_^ if "OPEN] levery SUND/UT 10am- 5-30 pm SMETRD HIGH ST. on, Sunday shopping at other Metro Stores: I METRO Orchard: 9 30am- 6pm METRO Supreme/METROToyland Bargain Centre: 10am-5 30pm 1 METRO Golden Mile: 10am-6 30pm Get rid of ugly witi WIWfT flabbiness ±L k r TheQUlCKand Rp# ffl^fl
      493 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 1261 12  - When yo urr husband comes from i different social class wong lai wah Ttmescope .Timescope .Timescope -Tlmescope .Timescope Timescope .Timescope .Timescope Tlmesco| OBJECTIONS FROM PARENTS AND CLOSE RELATIVES by |N AN age in which mass education has made us all part of the educated class, there is still pressure against
    1,261 words
  • 582 12 PRIS: Paris in spring \Wh ls pregnant with possibilities and Inflation. Quite literally the sell-out of the winter season the loose tent shape is a winner for next spring and summer in crisp cotton. Rails and rails of them
    FWF  -  582 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 927 12 Advertisement Care for your skin and enjoy smooth youthful £gL complexion beauty By learning more about your skin you will soon be able to considerably add to your complexion beauty. A little understan- ding and a conscientious approach to skin care can be invaluable in making the most of your
      927 words

  • I am Woman
    • 1231 13 Tlmescope .Tlmescope .Tlmescope .Timescope Tlmescope .Timescope .Timescope THIS is my year. 1 Th. said 107.J will be the International Women's Year," it td. and pro ceeded to send me ill sorts of leaflets and pamphlets and bulletins telling me this in countless different wa\
      1,231 words
    • 809 13  -  MARY KOGAM <ZE THE old year has slipped away Into the nlfht Even to the end undisciplined— leaving in its wake, here in Singapore, a bevy of little floods just enough to irk the man behind the wheel. Echoes of "good riddance, it
      809 words
    • 634 13  - Are you born lucky or do you make your luck? SARA LAMBERT A quiz by ARE some people Just born lucky? Or do we make our own luck? You might not consider yourself born under a lucky star. But It could be you're not trying hard enough. Answer these questions
      634 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 266 13 ROXY Furniture Sale bsuup^ Recommended Retail Price $324/* Free Gift <§> Special Discounts A chance to win Valuable Prizes including Television (§X§) We give free preliminary drawings and quotations for your interior works. Backed by our own modern factory, you can be always sure of our quality and service. rmmnmsmmum
      266 words
    • 286 13 wT'Tx that J*^ hectic' f^2«g**U^ JO. After a hectic day of shoDpmg, it's nice to just Kick off your shoes and collapse on the first handy chair. Clearance sales and bargain basements can really wear you out. But at least you didn't have to worry about your monthly period. You
      286 words

  • 1659 14 I I Timescope Money Timescope Money Timescope I HAD not originally intended to write on the subject of bonus issues so early in this series, but several readers have asked me if I would digress from my charted course and cover certain topics
    1,659 words
  • 1246 14  -  Martin Lim By rpHE stock market picked ud a bit of steam last week with the introduction of settlement contracts on Thursday. Though activity was not as heavy as had been expected, some confidence was displayed by market operators who, If they
    1,246 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 798 14 fmrViOTTt Hip— TIIITIHII) cosJPMfr Mcurrajnr AMMTAMT COMPANY HCMT AHY A leading SereleMsent finance company Invites sMSkMtten* from Makfessn*. preferaMr B— tjatraa. lor Ut* positions or (A) MaSl«— S <Ae*B*MSTIIATtO*I) A«st Hot leas than It yean fteea*«a*>*»ea: T* lead and supervise the Ad■awlsliau** PliHsn whtefc sartwdaa gvrMftJ ptnootttt «%no praßwtus vi
      798 words
    • 710 14 t OUTSTANDING CARRR OPPORTUNITIES AS MACHINE TOOLS SALES MANAGER AND TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVES SALES MANAGER wooowokklnc t industrial machihiry For this very chollenging position ws nssd a parson wr» thinks sky is the limit He will further expand our established sole* activ rtm on MULTICO ond EMCO Woodworking Mochinery and
      710 words

  • 38 15 MRS. MARTHA KAO nee Wong Poh •i k) passed away peacefully 3 l 75 Cortage leaving 64. Uoyd H ooxl(*) to Sacred Heart Church, thence Chua Cr.u Kan* Catholic Cemetery 7 1 75 r 00 p m
    38 words
  • 39 15 DISSOLUTION OF ENOAOIMINT Mr Steven Let an! Miss Dora Beh mutually *«reed to dlswive our engagement on Ist Jan 1*79 BOS SAMARI'ANS OF Sing*por« Ttoubled? Dtscouraged^ Ring 91-44-44 day or night Help I* a* near a* the telephone
    39 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 622 15 classified ads 6S -MY PAM LADY- June 1 ratrt Rehearsal* p m V MCA SisiiisMrW A Crcnard Road co»t*a»ttetn*; Jan, Hh New WIESBIfSBJAN CHURCH SNtOAFORE Corner Orchard Road, «..*ng Road Sunday Service 00 m and 6 00 p m Sunday School 4 06 am. AU Welcome WESLEY MSTNOO4ST CHURCH woraMp
      622 words
    • 721 15 WANTSB SIMMB.B CLBWK WITH knowledge of crew recruiting, port clearance custom I ft» tericg.M'iß^ ■W.CRBTTARY Wanted by Oeneral Manager of w*n-ettabiithed company Appllcante should be Singapore cttfcem, aged about 32 -aTHave had a good education and a few yean similar experience preferably in a marketing or a t»d»ng company Fast
      721 words
    • 805 15 •#t ss^vw*w*sw*w*w/ BSMSRAL UVS-NI AMAH 39 -M wanted by American eotssst with small baby living in colonial bungalow fenglatti speaking. *xpertcne*? rvfcrancN iMOMM*Ty. Tel *****1 ext 533 GENERAL AMAH PRIFIRABLY Lnrs-Nl wanted for (mail European family 3 Canterbury Road S pore 5 Tel *****8. WANTIO EXPERIENCED AMAH POR family of
      805 words
    • 891 15 WANTBO MALI CfTOSM RSStU MM at dlst 8/14. abtt to drive Willing to work a* directed Pleas* apply 8 T Box A*l*ls PLIIMTT MNSAPORS PTI LTD roquires a Female Printer cum Oeneral Clerk Apply In writing to The Personnel Executive Pay* Lebar P O Box 50. Spore 19. IRANSfOBJT AND
      891 words
    • 824 15 jfti f^ff TAM PtSNMO BNHBLa-4ti>' rey 3-bodroomod terrace houat '.850 so, ft. Hongkong Park comer semi detached 2-dorey 4.000 sa. ft. Details phone Wong ******. DOUBLE-STOREY SEMI. DETACHED HOUSE In Bedok area 4.600 *q ft. leasehold $7*.--000 o n.o, T*t. 4101*1 CLEMENT! PARK DETACHEO BUNGALOW WITH SWIMMING POOL OWNER LEAVING
      824 words
    • 694 15 r —CjNPILASU BffvCUL OVIRBIA TOURS k l-*» Toa* »*s*an Days $44* Watt* FBajil s* 6 DaytlhM 881 Inclusive Pagsanjan Tagaytay Baguio > raways 7 days MB* I Bi»B*ia/ptli Bm.nday.SSM UmMm I TajaJ Hoaatag I Stßtgkt* SIS34V- Saturday 7 SunfSay* *14M bVbm*""" F I S'.V». day* BBSS/ SBT* I Ball/ Jakarta/
      694 words
    • 849 15 SNOejTHASH} RAPID/ tH#4NBA Afternoon Evening Sessions available A Two/ Pour Month Course m urtng the entire Pitman Shorthand Theory Student* are guaranteed to attain a spaed of so to w p.m On successful completion School Certificate will be awarded. Commencing 6th Sth January 1*79 Please enrol early (1) Singapore Commercial
      849 words
    • 860 15 Cour** Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening sessions Starting OcUage. Clifford Otnse kamei Place (M*S*/ 9*l-70). Raja*. ll»Caai»aßoad(4*7*3B). ENGLISH HONS (2NO UPPERi Oraduate often tuition at secondary university levels Ring ENGLISH CONVERSATION FOR *sJftJ»\»uleke*t method: Caifano^lfSon. JSn""*" 1 ■325R4SNJCSO TUTOR* OFFER TUTnON at student's home. All subjects for primary school Call Mr Cheah
      860 words
    • 1040 15 —MACULATE COHSITIOII IST* Dauun 888 aircond sports rim*, metallic paint Tax inaured MJSO or part exchange *****1 REGISTERED FEBRUARY 1871 MORMS ***** Vary good condition. 2nd owner 84.700 Phone 5120*1 1 NOVMSBIR ISM RBJtAIAT Rt* LADY owner $2,250 0.n.0. IT Dalvey Estate. Spore 10 Tel. 536*2 IM* VIC TON I*BB
      1,040 words
    • 730 15 ehi 1 nr C< s*X t g "chTb i tmSm Serious Inqulrtos only FANTASTIC BARSAIN GRAND BANKS 38 Pan Ocwan Fibreflats twtn engirt* with Dacca 101 Radar Auto- pilot radio D.F marine alrcondiUoner eHetrlc winch, new AvorT dinghy outboard and many other ■rrataorte*. Fust over 1 year old wjthengine. run
      730 words

  • 206 16  -  EPSOM JEEP NEVER OUT OF FIRST FOUR IN EIGHT STARTS LAST YEAR... By fONSISTENT Naval Base 11, who was never out of the first four in eight starts in his first season last year, can start his second season of campaigning, with
    206 words
  • 1347 16 Race 1 UNO MESSENGER: Did not snow up over 8f In Dtv 2 b Tlmah Dec. 7; run previous Ipoh Nov. 10 was second with 8.7 to Real Natural Div t 6f; came from behind to win Div 3 6f with 7.13 In lm 13 4/6 XL
    1,347 words
  • 289 16 KINGSTON, (Jamaica) Sat. American boxing promoter Don King has plans for a US$3.5 million ($8.05 million twin promotion featuring World heavyweight champion Muhammad All and three leading title contenders, It was announced here yesterday. The double header would feature former champion George Foreman against fifth-rank-ed
    Reuter  -  289 words
  • 43 16 PARIS, Sat. World middleweight boxing champion Rodrtgo Valdez of Colombia and French title holder Max Cohen are likely to meet In Lyons or Orenobi* for a World Boxing Council (WBC) title fight on F«b. M. boxing sources said her* yesterday. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 36 16 UALIKIB, (Belgium). Sat.— Mac* PUs of Belgium beat Balkan Botevgrad of Bulgaria by US points to 77 in their European BaeksVball CUp quarter-final firstleg match bar* last night. PUs led 63-fl at halfOm*.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 167 16 Connors is top prize money winner for 1974 pARIS. Sat. American Jimmy Connors oollected uapa&.iM (scmjoo) to become top tennis prtsemoney winner In 1814. the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) said her* yesterday. Connors just edged out Argentinian OuUtarmo Vila*, the winner of the Tennis Orand Prix Masters championship, who
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 34 16 Notts 3- 1 LONDON. B*t Result* of football matohs* played last niant war*: Bad** F*atbafl Aasaetstt— Gay: Third round: NotU County I Portsmouth 1. KacHa* Mr. 4: Stocfcport Countr 0 Torquay United o— neuter
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 49 16 •aaa l»wSei T«T *WA 1 T^ T <MiaJar »>■■■■*■ ■iilim** m. ewaat m. ew> FMMhOMit rrmmomtt Wa«T»—« r l/Afa l'«« asu jg£& sax ggf.ffT. EMU. S^^Manna KaaMaa Mma SRatraatar P. AstaX S*— a rawat S until SaaiSWi a IMIII fAHC L'ABtf map MewrutKC wAVAt ease sw*wfl>k» Going forecast: Soft
    49 words
  • 1078 16 rftejejsfl 2 00 CLABB 2 DIV 3 SWF STR miUmMM ($10,500 $7,350 to winn«o 1 OSM eaMßhwr VI a (Shaw) TuUoh 7t IS (HI »M bf > tWf SlCfi 12 lUOOllillii a [Philanthropic, K Nocfdln ill nanniW B»— a. c I SHS Ti*jM (ClMn*) Tultoti 1 1 «n
    1,078 words
  • 204 16 Manager Brown fired by Notts Forest LONDON. Sat. Nottingham Forest soccer club manager Allan Brown was fired yesterday by the club committee. Chairman Jim Wlllmer said the decision was taken after a committee meeting to discuss policy. He hoped a successor would be appointed shortly. Brown, a former Blackpool player
    UPI  -  204 words
  • 85 16 BAACHiOMA. Bat Results in the 27ti Inttr-na-tional toumam-nt stiiged by Urn R**J Club d* Pos> of Barottooa hsr» yesteiday HoUrnod a KsJeitto 1 <unofflcUJ Test) Pednfces (flpeJn) l Ortrd University (Britain) 1, ftuthgaU (.intern) a j^ QaacJots (Prance). CariaUons (Sruth African Universal**) 3 Spain Uader-ii 0,
    85 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 737 16 NOTICE NOTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN that I. Tay Huang Klat of No. 4*l. Urn Chu Kang Rd. 18* m s Singapore, have applied for a Retail Itoer Shop licence In respect of premises No 451. Urn Chu Kang Rd 18H m.s. nUafipnri and that this applkiiunri wUI be heard in
      737 words
    • 725 16 NOTICB NOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEN that I. Mdm. Urn Char Bor of No 08 Jin Cheng Hwa Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence In respect of premises No 68. Jin Cheng Hwa Singapore, and that I this application will be heard ln the Court of the First
      725 words
    • 728 16 NOTICE TICE IS HEREBY Olvbn that I, Kothubutheen s/o A. Noor Mohamed of No. 433. Bast Coast Rd Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence In I respect of premises No. 433. East Coast Rd.. Singapore. and that this application will be heard In the Court of the
      728 words
    • 730 16 NOTICB NOTICE 18 HEREBYGIVEN that I, Varughese Thomas of No. 217, Thomson Rd. Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence In respect of premises No. 217 Thomson Road Singapore, and that this application will be heard In the Court of the First District Judge. District Court No. 1.
      730 words
    • 121 16 NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that I. Pay Kirn Slew of No. 2-B, Jurong Rd. (Track 2) Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence in respect of premises No. 2-B Jurortg Rd (Track 2) Singapore, and that this application will be heard In the Court of the First
      121 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • 1957 17  - Imagine is first winner of the new season EPSOM JEEP Bjr |POH, Sat. A Malaysian-bred three-year-old, Imagine had the distinction of winning the first race in the 1975 teason here today. Well ridden by M. C. Lam, Imagine came with a nlcely-tlmed run to beat hot favourite Border Dandy In
    1,957 words
  • 46 17 18T: NO. ***** ($2345) 2ND: NO. ***** (*****) 3RD: NO. M 34« 5M> STARTERS (SM each) Noa. *****, *****, *****. 3«7«7. *****, 3«349. *****. *****, *****, *****. *****. 3X334, *****. CONSOLATION ($45 each): Nos. 3*935, 3MM. *****. SMM, *****. 324*9, *****. 3325», 3C725, 3SSM.
    46 words
  • 102 17 LONDON. Sat. England scored a surprise 6-3 victory over China In a table tennis international at Thomaby last night. Remits (E&gbsh names first): Men* singles: M. Jsrvte lost to Wang Chla-Ltn 14-21. 15-21; D. Douglas bt U Chlng-Kuang 21-19. 21-13: D. Neale bt Ku Yao-Hua 12-21 21-16. 31-17;
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 20 17 LONDON, Sat. Barrow beat Whltehaven 30-10 in a Rugby League division two match at Barrow last night.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 519 17 STIPE'S REPORT yHE SUpandlary Stewards report on yesterdays race*: RACC 1: Kah-Led (PK. Yeap) was a little fractious in the stalls prior to the race. In the straight Beat Gat! (8. Nathan) hung out under pressure. ■■*">«■»# to the 84 'urlonga. CJUiratlm (T. L. Wan) hung out
    519 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 721 17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that I, Tan Ah Kow ol No. 297, Woodlands Rd., im m 8. Singapore 23, have applied for a Retail Beet shop licence In respect ol premises No. 297, Woodlands Rd., livt m.s. Singapore, and that this application will be heard In the Court of
      721 words
    • 738 17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that I, Jayaraman s/o Ramasamy or No. Blk. 701. SAF Seletar Air Base Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence In respect or premises No. Blk. 701 BAF Seletar Air Base Singapore, and that this appUcaUon will be heard in the Court or
      738 words
    • 734 17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that I. Yap Kow Chua Yap Kow of No 92, Lor Tal Seng, Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer Shop licence in respect of premises No. 92, Lor Tal Seng. Singapore, and that this application will be heard In the Court of the First
      734 words
    • 719 17 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that I. Ur Kay San or No. 52 Slglap Drive. Singapore, have applied for a Retail Beer shop licence In reaped of premises No. 52 Slglap Drive, Singapore, and that this application win be heard in the Court of the First District Judge. District Court
      719 words
    • 718 17 NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that I. Tan Leng Chu of No 484-A Chua Chu Kang Road Singapore, have •Applied for a Retail Beer shop licence in respect of premises No. 484-A Chua Chu Kang Rd Singapore, and that this application will be heard In the Court or the First
      718 words
    • 740 17 NOTICE NOTIC* IS HEREBY OIVEN that I. Ng Huv Kla Of No. 1004-O Woodland Road Singapore, have applied for 1 Retail Beer Shop licence In respect or premises No IW4O Woodland Road, Singapore, and that this application win be heard in the Court or the First District Judge, District Court
      740 words

  • 385 18  -  JOE DOR AI By CTRIKER Dollah Kassiin aims to celebrate hi* return to the National soccer squad with a food performance in the Sultans Gold Cup match against Johore at Jalan Besor Stadium tonight at 7.30. Dollah told me:
    385 words
  • 115 18 O. C. BUPFIAH (on lead- er's tart), Singapore's main leag tsstSTi medal ■risairt m the Seas Games at Hamgtefc In December, sorgo* to the frtmt after the fttetare waa taken aad heM the lead to win the firs* SAAA cowtry race for 1*75 at MacBttchse Bseei
    115 words
  • 69 18 TOKYO. Bat. Bayero Munich of Wat Oermany 1974 European Cup aoccer champion*, arrived in Tokyo today for two goodwill ma tehee against All-Japan team* tomorrow and on Tuesday. The IS players included such stars a» Oerd Mueller. Frans Bockenbauer and goalkeeper Sepp Malar. Japan Soccer AsartrtaOon
    AP  -  69 words
  • 36 18 A LATB coal by Samuel Fernandea anaWod Brorfreen to edge Chaagi Priaon J-l In a friendly aoccer match at Changl yesterday Paul *>*nanolea gave Kmgioau the toad, but Ra)oo seond to make It 1-1.
    36 words
  • 651 18 NO LUCK ALSO FOR ENGLAND'S NEW CAPTAIN Sat. New captain John Edrlch brought England no change of luck In the Fourth cricket Test today as Australia scored 251 for four. Edrlch lost the toss, making it four times In a row that Australian skipper lan Chappell has had the say
    Reuter  -  651 words
  • 307 18  - STTA expect better result by team PETER SIOW By SINGAPORE, who finished sixth in both the men and women team events In 1973, are confident of doing better In the Third Commonwea lth Table Tennis championships at Melbourne from Jan. 25 to 31. Their confidence stems from the fact that
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  • 428 18 Wimbledon brings off feat of the day in FA Cup LONDON. Sat. Wimbledon and Leatherhead tasted glory when they bundled their English soccer league rivals out of the Football Association Cup. as all five non-league clubs survived today's third-round matches. Wimbledon brought off the feat of the day with a
    428 words
  • 39 18 NEW YORK. Sat— Former National Collegiate Athletic Association singles champion Dick Stockton and partner Betty Stove upset Australia's Bod Layer and Lesley Bunt. j-«. t-s. 7-«. last rid* in the Spaldlng mixed doubles tournament at Delia*.— OPL
    39 words
  • 28 18 MANILA, Sat. The Philippine will aand a team to the Asian Youth Football tournament In Kuwait next April, the Football Aaaodatton here announced today. Reutc
    28 words
  • 68 18 POLY TURN TABLES ON SYSTEM ALAR coal by eatsMeleft Prakaak aaaMos PotyteWlheS&C to) MaY Cooling Sjrrtoa 1-t la the ■ail flash ot the BHA Jaatar kaeekaot coaaacttOao at Dover Road ytmIt waa tweet iit— gs fee Pslvtothafc. who toatay l-» to Ceeftav 8y»uo» laet year la the awtck to «e>
    68 words
  • 220 18  - Osman leaves for coaching course in Rome E. FRIDA By IjiORMER Singapore sprinter and high hurdles specialist Osman Ahman Mertcan left last night to attend the International Olympic Council's coaching course In Rome starting tomorrow. Osman said: I will certainly return rich In experience as I expect to be taught
    220 words
  • 84 18 NSW YORK. Sat—Orlando* Mike Quarry. Mo. 4 ranked light heaYjrwvJgnt in the United States, won an unanlmom 10-round rtortrton last night over Joe "King Roman, ot San Juan, dsapjte being cut In two peaeee on hj. face. Quarry, who weighed 11*\ pcundi iv cut In toe
    84 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 74 18 ssP^^glssssTml '^Hema* Jsmlssssssmlsssi LsV*Vsssssssm^ssssssl sssssss^^am^sss^^sssssV^sssssssssssLwL ROCKSHELL jssssl MARK II ■^^^TfV Mod: 523-9120.621 g a*, i«**« tor d^J*uh a m/m __,«i fecstv Stool hoTHOma 11 ejgaj wM tK f to thaca*# «B M^ mmm Zjm ROAMER ROCKSHELL RUGGED ROBUST RELIABLE ROAMER ROAMER iatg— t cotectionof wateipioof outomtica yglf^jt^gfm^i^^B aH gfc^W Smasssssa
      74 words
    • 304 18 "VgflsslHHpß^^^^M^H a^aJ»^»J THTs CAN BE YOUR UNIVERSITY Our modern home study courses have already helped thousands of ordinary men and women all over the world to pass their exams quickly and easily and to start on a wonderful career. With our specialised tuition you too can get the vital qualifications
      304 words
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 5 18 SPORTING SAM by Reg Wootton
      5 words
    • 49 18 OOLV 8100 Captain's v Vtce-Captauna team (Is> laod 1 pjn.) aOOGsK Frtandliee Oreen Lodi v OBC (Parrer Park pjrO. Wtaampoa XI t Whampoa Did (Ifbampoa, ft pjn). Bembawang Const League Bsmanpt Ayer PU. Ltd. 'B- BaJa«ar fl*»rta CMb (DepUord Rd p.m.). rrteodly: r»Xi Hampshire 8C (Rlw Valley Rd < P-m
      49 words