The Straits Times, 18 December 1974

Total Pages: 34
1 34 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. Efttd. 1845 FINAL EDITION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 603 1 Modern complex up by 1976 By LESLIE FONG and WEE-LIAN CHONG TANJONC PAGAR is to b« given a $26 million facelift under Hie first major redevelopment project in the constituency. Tin project, to be undertaken by the Housing and Development Board, will provide
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  • 48 1 UWDON TIMS. Priakt John Stcaabouea a tasasr ad a^sssrtsajetjr on a nartaa beach had bsan aw/tag. •Khar for the UnftM States <V tfcM OOHMMBaISIft Mr WUn Utd the Howe truth at all to Praaa fwaorw. which lad baan pwMMtee -tejfaa Hona of aJßkjed fact
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  • 204 1 Gold jumps as hits new low BRUSSELS, Tues.— The price of gold jumped today to near the L'SflM (SS4M.M) an ounce record It first bit one month ago. The US dollar declined and bit a new low against the Swiss franc in Zurich. Gold gained I'SM.7S (SSIS.BS) overnight In Zurich
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  • 38 1 LONDON, Tuaa. Abu Dhabi's Oil MinfrtTT Mala Saaad Al-Ouba tald yastaroar the Perrtan Oulf sheikhdom wUI start nagotlaUons next month to taka o*wr on eoncttatom that are owned tor American. Brltlah. Franch and Japaneae tntsrasU AP.
    AP  -  38 words
  • 267 1 Cost of cakes to go up CINGAPOREANS with a sweet tooth will have to pay more for their cakes and other confectionery in the next few weeks now that the price of sugar has gone up by 20 cents to 75 cents a kati. But their daily cup of coffee
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  • 62 1 LONDON. Tues.-Jack Trevor Story, author of Live Now Pay Later, has been made a bankrupt the second time jrtth debts amounting to £21.992 (8*1 10.000). Including UablUUes of £8.772 $36,500 > under a 1967 bankruptcy, from which he had not bean discharged. Mr. Story, 57, father of
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  • 35 1 MANILA. TMS. Marie Yvonne Jurat. M, Preach K>um»Hjt, drowned whan her canoe upsst yeatarday at Pifmnjan F»lk tourist raaort «4 kaa («0 atitas) aouth of Manila, s Franeto nnhaaty eource «ald today. AP.
    AP  -  35 words
  • 30 1 BUKNO6 ADUS. Toe*. Bgbt paopta. Including two ranking in aw haw of th« Oommunlat Party, dlaappaarad during the a—aiurT and nan Hill aalsatßg yesterday. potto! source* said.— UFL
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  • 38 1 ItKW YORK. TUB*— Dow Jonas annga*. baaed on first boor of trading on the Haw York stack afrrhatigs: It IndMS HUI, op 041: M traocp IUM down *M: It uUle, uach; m stocks 1»1JT. down
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  • 105 1 •kjrw YORK. Tues. ii Newspaper heiress Patty Hearst, kidnapped last February by a revolutionary group, baa Inherited part of a ÜBCLS million <855J75.000) fortune, it was disclosed la court bare today. The will of her grandmother, the late MUllcent Hearst, wife of newspaper
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 95 1 AUSSIE BANK HOLD-UP DRAMA... AN armed bandit holding up the Bank of Mew South Wales In the Melkemroe suburb ef WatsemU on Monday. The unnamed bank manager c o nf r onted the robber with a gun but the robber get the gun from bias and hit him with the
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  • 61 1 HONOKOHO. TtMS. A jJSi-ton trdghtar ran aground last night In the South China Baa. 170 km ,290 m*-.) wast tootn-wast of Homsnng. ttoa Marine Deparf>in> raportad A marine apntaaman amid the tmgbtar Tong Btog. flytag the Somali flag, waa due to arrH* at Chan Slang port In
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 95 1 MANILA, Tues.—Government forces have destroyed a Muslim tebel headquarters and five ammunition dumps In the southern Philippines, m;..tary authorities announced today. The government forces also scuttled 16 boats during a two-week military operation In Zamboan*> Del Sur province, 800 km (500 miles) south-east of Manila
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  • 50 1 WAfIHINOTON TUsa US Secretary of State Henry KUdncer ha* orderad major manpower ehifta In tha State Department. Including the naming of aOaa Carol Lalae aa director nsnaral of tha United State* Ftoraign Strvtea Mm Lalaa currently Asristant Sacirtarjr of Mala for Pwblle Affair* AP.
    AP  -  50 words
  • 318 1 Israel calls for a new accord rnEL AVIV, Tues. Israel hu proposed a new disengagement accord with Egypt calling for a pullback of its troops up to 50 km <31 miles) In the 81--nal Desert, retention of the Slnal oil fields and Israeli-controll-ed mountain passes, an Israeli newspaper said today.
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  • 64 1 HONOKONO. TM *aw>gaoug police today launched a manhunt for tha kilter, of a girt wboas naked body iv Itound atuf fad la a cardboard box tn tha uotonf'a Happy VaUay district A poUce apntaanan aid tha rtcUm. agad about SO. wu found la tha bos
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  • 27 1 FAUBtMO (Stelljr). Tuaa. Tha aass Ctoal will b» srsr 1 £af us? .r s: lataat. U» Canal Ansborttr <Jlrac«or-i«nanil. Mr. Skaa* Adsi. skid today. Heaur.
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    • 44 1 TEHKBAN, Taws. Ceaflnasaf the sheeting dewa ef twe Iraei MiGs by Iraaiaa aatl alreraft arttOery. Iraalaa Oeiemaamt ••> ■igbt waned seortag Iraj tl. O-« Ine/Air Ferea "Wat face severe reaettesT if their sir f eree rWlatas Iranlaa air sfses agala^-AF.
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    • 29 1 UNITB> NATIOMS, Taea. The ■iiiM/ Cssamll destded wmaaiii—ly tedar Is a>•aksjsa^t a (sj^CflsM #sfJsM* sifiiat fresa Mash Afrtea is withdraw Craas Naaslsia (eawjih Weat lirtea.)-lTt
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 125 1 H>2%* rWWii^lsssi HMHKSSdSB The Sanyo M2420F brings >n even those distant stations with the built-in 2-band AM/ FM radio lor crystal clear recaption Or simply slide in your cassette tor distortion tree sound Sit back. And relax For when the tape reaches the end. it will automatically disengage itself and
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    • 13 1 IH. whether outlook from 6 to noon today: Isolated afcosif ie late) isxxnlnaj
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    • 262 1 (m:\uti fiEIULWdiMIi those who tpprecmte jt^M bernt ty and precaum Im^-I ChunChong Wjl^ JM 62 South Bridge Rd, A W Singapore I EwaTasTsTsTl U.S. FIRM LAYS OFF 97 WORKERS P»a f a 9 EEC hails USFrench accord* S THAT elld-East bomb" -by Sadat S STONEHOIBK mystery deepens 4 AUSBIE-Japan sagar
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 188 2 "Inner circle' draws up energy policy WABHIKOTON. Tues— An Inner circle of planners beaded by Mr Frank Zarb drafted the blueprint of a 08 energy policy yesterday for presentation to President Ford later this week Mr. Zarb said in an Interview that he believed the plan would go to the
      AP  -  188 words
    • 509 2 C-Mart hails US- France accord on oil and gold BRUSSELS, Tuoa. (X)MMON Market officials have welcomed the agreements on oil and gold reached by Presidents Gerald Ford and Valery Giscard d'Estaing of France at their summit meeting in Martinique. The decision to start preparing a world energy conference of 011-con-sumlnf.
      Reuter; UPI  -  509 words
    • 166 2 GISCARD RAISES ISSUE OF JET SALES PARIS, Tuee. French 1 President Valery Olscard d'Kstalng said today ha had discussed with President Ford at the summit conference in Martinique the sharo US-French rivalry over the sale of let fighters to European countries. But the outcome of Urn talks on this issue
      AP  -  166 words
    • 59 2 UswCsT, Tuea. Ow of two twTOfWtDWU POftVyUaw* tatNa-Mn sought by mxhfcwy wftvwur urns hart tar aIMMd "tOQDCaata aaaOtAM'* "JtaaTOfjd ftWB a^aftsl VaVtaT" d^aadjaaw^awtt ay OUntzw. dferaeva- of ills Ciadtto Pradtal ywrtsyaws ■auk. told ssportsss at wjs slrpon that he ted baa ssrprawrf to haar of the
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    • 56 2 MKJIIXA. TwM. fISM *9V BUflNi W#* rakj ef efl catty a 11 ywar# Isjm. Msaistc Mtetstet Mehasasaad ■acS aaM lean yeaterlaiiaili ewtwaUy barrels dally. ■riiisjsllssi frea eff-sbere flelda will ■sreasi while that fresa laad wefts wfl eVessae." Mr MM a seeatear ea areeaeets
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    • 53 2 CAMBBUU.IW -A» Mbm weeps la WMrU War n war* sasd as "gnat* BSjs- B pota gas opartSMBto. a fsdoml mlnMsr nriflr— rl tosay. A Hil—iiit by gwMior John WbotUoQ. tfliawi lor Bspstrtsdoß sod Onasonav Uon. aid vuttaw apsrtaoati with wiitird and oihtr saoN had taaa paws
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    • 36 2 Aawrtcaa voomo sal en hneß torn *iw wera kflM cad U ether i—im of an rtwin TTIUHi tarn at 1b» Holy Uo« im tojurtd wtMB ttMfc 1 bw cad lanr eaiMM near Bathiaban. af
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    • 16 2 W«W TOMX. Twa Pfea ferteaa Wortd Alrwaf mH •sjreed w> betp o«t ear e»es>-
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    • 184 2 Tokyo plan to cut down on oil mOKYO, Toes. Japan X plans to reduce Its oil consumption by IM.Ht barrels a day or about 5.3 per cent of Its total national consumption next year, Mr. Toahlo Komoto, Minister of International Trade and Industry, said today. Mr. Komofo told a news
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    • 78 2 •oMBr of Thai ewuilti ruanu at Thai-US baasa wno ortanlatd a sMkstost was shot in the head whfls Msodattnv with rankiog Thai military of news njar Kom air baa* mS (IM biUm) nortbsaot of asrs said ywrUnlay.^^^ Banktt Thonc-Ouaa the •tf-sppotatea laadtrof th. XX* teurttjr WWJ
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    • 112 2 Shooting spree that left 5 dead rvENNARD (Arkansas). V Tues. Fire people were killed yesterday In a shooting spree near here, authorities said today. Darrell Samuel Davis, believed to be In his 30s, was held In connection with the deaths. Police said no charges had been filed ret. Four of
      AP  -  112 words
    • 82 2 Haemorrhage from fly bite BRASILIA. Tues. A new disease has apparently been discovered In BrasU's Amaaon jungle, according to the newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo. Tbt new diasasi, called the -altamti* tiaamw ilian ayndrooM," produeaa Mac* ipou ant Urn body aad lost of blood tbroustt th« gym. the eyes
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    • 61 2 WASHWOTOW. Tuea. Tb* U8 Supram* Court 'graad today to consider th* validity at Urn Federal Aviation Administration policy of kwpinc *MNt its safety resorts on airline*. The PAA had aatad tb* court to rniaVliT th* matter after th* Tinni orxanl•sUon baad*d by Ralph Wader had auecawrfully wed
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    • 180 2 Banker to be named Greek President ATBZNB, Tuea. Pre. m1 c r Oonstantlne Caramanlls la expected to nominate banker Xenophon ZoJota* today MOireeoe'i prortatonal President Mr. Zolotaa. Ooreroor of the Bank of Oreeee. li only expected to hold the largely ceremonial port until Parliament orerhauls the Oonstttutton to build op
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 waW <aai W\ V T I j W \r V She owes it all to her Hicee She knows the secret to a beautiful complexion. She knows she owes it to cMiegm The wonder tonic sweetlet that contains the Vitamin C content of 10 oranges. So essential for bouncing health
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    • 242 2 Toshiba the new experience in sound. Experience a new standard ol sound in radio cassettn tt cassette recorders with Toshiba a new consistency. You'll find it only with Toshiba. Because Toshiba experts make it possible by designing, engineering and producing even single component that goes into their products Toshiba offers
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    • 349 3 VITAL TO DEFUSE 'BOMB': SADAT CAIRO. Tuesday PRESIDENT Sadat said yesterday that "one of the most pressing and important questions at present is to try to defuse the bomb which is about to explode here in the Middle fjeeause of the Arab Israeli conflict." But the newspaper Al Akhbar said
      AP  -  349 words
    • 145 3 ISRAEL GUERILLA RAWS 'PURE FICTION' rptL AVIV, Tues —An IsX raell Army spokesman last night described as "puie fiction" Palestinian guerilla claims to have carried out two military operations against Israeli forces on Sunday. "Nothing of the sort happened," the spokesman said. He was commenting on a guerilla spokesman's statement
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 138 3 'US may seize Arab oil Held*' WASHINGTON. Tues. Cssimnlal Jack said today there has been talk Inside the Pentagon of a US military intervention against the Arab nations If a new oil emhart o U Imposed Mr. Anderson In his nationally syndicated eotasaa noted that ■Ms an Intervention would he
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 33 3 NDJAMANA (Chad). TIM*. A coup d'etat against Oen. Betel Bokaam. president of the Central African Republic, failed last month and the chief plotters wert arrested. reliable Informant* reported her* yesterday. AP.
      AP  -  33 words
    • 124 3 SAIOON. Tues —South Korea has agreed to grant South Vietnam a loan of UBIS million (5111.7 million). The anno v n c ement was contained In a Joint communique Issued at the end the sixth ministerial conference here on economic cooperation. It said the
      Reuter  -  124 words
    • 216 3 US, Russia stepping up arms race: Teng PEKING. Tuesday (CHINESE Vlce-Premlei Te;.g Hsiao-plng last night accused thj United Statea and soviet Union of engaging In "Intensified arms expansion and war preparations" Talk about "detente" between the "two superpowers Mr. Tent said. Is only "camouflage Mr. Teng speaking on behalf of
      AP  -  216 words
    • 167 3 Mao bid to unite army and party PEKING. Tues. Chairman Mao Tsetung has given personal backing to a drive to resolve political differences between th* Communist Party and China's armed forces, diplomatic sources said here today. A recent directive Issued by the party's central committee quoted the Chairman as saying
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 31 3 BERLIN Tuea. Indonesian Ptorelgn Minister Mr. Adam Malik flew into But Berlin today on an official visit to But Oermanv, Uw East Oarmin newg agency ADM said. —xm.
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    • 219 3 80,000 from five Bonn car firms axed BONN. Tues Five West Oerman car companies complaining of slumping nnimtlt and foreign sales have laid off 80.000 woftaca. Volkwagen. the nations largest Industry, sent home 30.000 workers yesterday In four of Its six domestic plants until Dee. 20 It was Volkswagen's ninth
      UPI  -  219 words
    • 56 3 To»rrO, Tue». Tbi 3.6M-ton Japanase trttfbUt Klho Mara, with a crew of 23 aboard, was feared tc have sunk In rou«h asaa aast of Taiwan. The freighter. carrying Umber from Borneo to Hlme)l. western Japan, radioed a dldreat ibmal but no oontact with her had
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 609 3 MRS. LEES COOKBOOK NONYA RECIPES By MRS. LEE CHIN KOON I M HktA* 'Q I I K d rVrf **"*MlW<l ■> I Mlkr .uh» janana^k^Saallw l\^^kav. By em tl.i ,m illuxratwn* harpi < Oar-of-a-Wim. 'yvr of rooh-baaa" Siraiu Time* NOW ABLE at all leading bookstores *<>lr DIM K HI ,<>K.
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    • 166 4 Death penalty on Mud to stay SEOUL, Tsms.— The Sapreswe Court today upheld the death senteaee aa the saaa ewnTtswad of auraerlag President Park CkaagHee's wife in an attempt to assassinate the arsaHiat here In Auga*. Supresae Court judge Bast. Sewa-Tup rejected an appeal by Man SeKwang. a Korean resident
      Reuter  -  166 words
    • 52 4 BANGKOK. Tuca. About M.OOO Thai children under five years old died of malnutrition In I»7J. according to a government *odal agency. In a statement yesterday. the Nsttonsl Economic Social Development Board said, when final ctaUsUoa are fathered for this year, the annual death toll would probably be
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    • 227 4 Reds capture town in the Mekong SAIGON, Tuesday A DISTRICT town deep In the Mekong Delta fell last night to communist forces after coming under sporadic attack for 11 days, the Saigon Command announced. Long, some 210 (130 miles) south of Saigon, had been a target throughout the current upsurge
      Reuter; UPI  -  227 words
    • 89 4 on US CANBERRA, Toss. Japan U quickly g*'"'*^ on the United States as the major exporter to Australia, according to figures released here yesterday tar the Department of Overseas Trade. Per the four months to October, import* from Japaa mat to total vsJar of AM7I) million
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    • 57 4 TOKYO. TMs. Deposed Ossasodlan Pvtaoe Korodosi ft'T'"* hM and Oil •ecrstary Ownlte. Kurt Wkldbatn "not to play the game of us ttsnajlsTfisi- ay VtSttSBC PISMSB FIB*. P»MfJsTl sssstlsM BaYSJaI BbSMSV "RES a£ sat—l to frsktea: on •unsay si oooosctJoa with Pie* sMsnt Us Moil tnvttsOoa
      AP  -  57 words
    • 348 4 MISSING MP A SPY SAYS CZECH As Stonehouse mystery deepens... LONDON. Tuesday ]y|R. John Stone house, the former Labour Cabinet minister who vanish ed mysteriously in Florida last month, was named as a spy by a Czechosli intelligence officer who defected to the West, two London newspapers reported today. The
      Reuter  -  348 words
    • 28 4 NEW YORK. Tues.—Employee* of the United Nation* Organisation are our paid and should be facing salary cut* Instead of increase*, said the New York Dally news.— AP
      AP  -  28 words
    • 129 4 Sect members 9 threat to burn themselves MANILA, Tues—Filipino followers of an Indian-based relic teas organisation satd yesterday five members will burn themselves to death if the Indian Government does not stop what they called brutalities against their spiritual master. A statement by the Ananda Marga. which claims JSJ«O Filipino
      AP  -  129 words
    • Briefs
      • 40 4 MASSA (Italy): One prisoner was killed and one wounded In an attempt to escape from m )atl here today, police ■aid. One of the prt•ontn died after falling from a wall, and the other was shot by nurds
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      • 66 4 TOKYO: A Japanese cement carrier collided with a Russian freighter today In the Pacific about six km (3.8 miles) south-east of Shloyalakl Cape In northern Japan but the two vessels had only minor damage ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister All Bhutto said last night his Government was committed to a political
        Agencies  -  66 words
      • 44 4 WABHINOTON. Tuss. After nearly SO year* of controversy, the Senate hu swiftly and unanimously ratified the 1035 Qeneva protocol banning chemical and biological warfare. In the same action, the SenaU- also ratified the Geneva Convention ouUkWlng biological and toxin weapons. The vote was 90-0.
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      • 24 4 BANGKOK: Prlaon warden Udaj fired warning shots aa about M eaavicts at a pram mm here attempted to bre.v* down the jail's Inn, gate*.
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      • 26 4 MOSCOW Dissident leader Andrei Bakharov charged today that money transfers Irom abroad, intended for relatives of Soviet dissidents, were being blocked by the KGB security police.
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    • 244 4 Britain opens talks on defence cuts with allies LONDON. Tues Defence Secretary Hoy Mason said yesterda. that consultations had already begun with Nat. and Britain's Australasian allies about tb' slashing defence cut* DroDoeed by the Labour Government Mr. Mason told thHouse of Commons thai some talks at official leve. had
      Reuter  -  244 words
    • 31 4 NEW YORK. TUOS. A suspected would-be raptat Measd the wrong apartment for a bmk-ln His Intended victim* roommate wu a policewoman and he found htaueU in hu puiUeas right
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 153 4 The DunhillShop eJliis Ck/iistmas SomGtteg Special i/tom Make this Christmas special for someone with a gift from Dunhill. The Dunhill Shop in Orchard Road has a unique range of fine gifts in gold, silver, onyx, hand -cut crystal and the region's finest collection of hand -made English leather. Mr. Patrick
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    • 231 5 Majorityrule the only basis for talks: Bishop SU<U*U*r. Tues. Bishop Abel law! of ftfaowound! <AMC>. said to-«-tttoUonsJ talks with matt Minister lan Smith could take place We Africans have gat H clear in our »Kf£ *hat we want aad what we will ask for Aadat (majority rule) Is what we
      Reuter  -  231 words
    • 31 5 VMNTIAIf*. Tues Thailand today presented the Laotian ooalltlon Oovenuneot wttta a cheque for five nUtton baht '•SMS.OOOi In the first Instalment of Its aid progranune to Laaa PPL
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    • 245 5 BMUSSCLS. Tues. AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister Geugu Whitlam opened his European tour here yesterday with a meeting with his Belgian counterpart, Mr. Leo Tindemans. Mr. Tlndemans told n ••amen they discussed a wide range of international and bilateral Issues, Including tke energy crisis Inflation
      UPI  -  245 words
    • 54 5 iflW YORK, Turn. Jamet Austin. ths aUsgad kingpin of a USS3S million (BSM.S mUUcn) a year cocaine unuggilnf rtnf waa arraigned an drug charge* yesterday and held on ÜBsa million (SSI 1.8 million) bail. Austin. 44. appearing in court here, pleaded not tullty to charges of conspiracy
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    • 218 5 'Profitable 1975 for deflated HK' forecast HONOKONO, Tues.— The head of a leading British firm said here today that Hongkong had deflated more rapidly tnan Its neighbours, and he envisaged bigger profit margins for local Industries next year. Mr. Henry Keswlck. chairman of the Hongkongbased Jardlne. Matheson and Company, also
      Reuter  -  218 words
    • 35 5 HONOKONO. Tues.— A 17--year-old Australian. Robert O«orge Kemp of Sydney. was arrested at Kaltak Airport yesterday when mare tb*n HKtI.MQ (8*742) worth of haahlih was foind In bis bactace. PoUe* said today— UPT
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    • 221 5 Speaker's move sparks off a scuffle SEOUL. Tues. Oov--1 ernment and Opposl- 11 o n partiamcntaiUns scuffled In the National Assembly today for the second time In four days after a surprise move by the BpeaJcer to declare a continental shelf agreement with Japan ratified. As Opposition New Democratic Party
      Reuter  -  221 words
    • 28 5 PADUA (IUlj). TIM. Italian Polk* haw annul (tan. Ufo Wed a sank* msmbsr sf the Anmy Omni Staff, on chart** of political oanspiracy B>fMnt« said yisuay.
      28 words
    • 90 5 lAMaW***, Tass, J flaws' new /ear tayacTs el Stta* MM ear w«rken by tke Aastrsaaa swftattttwy •I Osastal IMan a»i sat an am** tsaay wttk Dsaaty Mas* Ulsilßln ttm CaariM ■aiatag tke l sawy mi t* tawaUa the Cams, Ike Man] Tuasarar wke la
      90 words
    • 384 5 TOKYO, TiiMday •pHK month-old Japan Australia sugar talks appeared to be in danger of breaking down because of Australian irritation over Japanese negotiating tatties, informed sources said today. The sources said the Australian negotiators made a new pricing proposal this week under a proposed
      Reuter  -  384 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 85 5 10 Disprin headache tablets free when you buy N0.4 size Dettol < i Ssa^W laT MsrtlSwftSSL^B saT saw*^^** yW '****^*»*^*a»aaa«-| You now jijet 10 Disprin tablets free children safe from the unseen germs every time you buy size No. 4 Dettol. that bring infection and illness. (Offer linited to specially
      85 words
    • 365 5 GIFTS USBW. KMT NIAt AND PEA! Msaks^lll^eattMMafli(4CslSßri) ■tWSS.SI I AsltAsl* Hlafffc#4^Bt ftsißrf«Br« s^wl^aSt^ ME %M CUbHs) Ssfl fytsmi (4 Cstssre) SS.M ■niarHlili iisi Cilisri |isilsrs> UM Ctf Hi tto»M ClStfe (3 PtSMt) SI.M CtMns'i tilinHi (frsssto) SIM Lsist' tisiiamj MH| Csissn (f rsstn) St.M ftstsitvtls IM% CtttH (Haty Csssart) St.M
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 138 6 ffiffimiijiijnn™ Cut-Price Australia! New low Qantas Fares are up to $650 cheaper. It's as though Australia has moved even closer to Singapore. New, lowprice Qantas Excursion Fares (for visits of 14 to 28 days) start from the Ist January, making uncrowded, unspoilt Australia more attractive than ever before. What's more,
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  • 266 7 A festive win out of the blue for Siew Luan... A WINDFALL of a brand new car for the festive season and all for a dollar. With arms fally gatstretched, an excited and Jubilant Poh Hew Loan. 16, (rlfht) flashes a "top of the world" smile as she lean* over
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  • 203 7 Theinilk' that knocked a cabbie out for 6 days A TAXI-DRTVKR who A accepted chocolate milk last Tuesday from hit fare was knocked out and warded In hospital where he remained unconscious for six days Mr Vat Thlan Chin. 44. told police on Monday that hit fare also robbed him
    203 words
  • 86 7 RTZON Wn Mustafte. 17 waa Jailed fcr one month yesterday (or entering Stngarre without a valid paas at *m on Dec. 11. Tay Kay T»l. is. Lee Kok Choy. 23. and Hamldon Wn Ahmad. 18. vcrc ate each Jailed for a month for o»trs2oo fine
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  • 320 7  -  EDWARD LIU By YRADE among Asean countries can be further increased if there is closer contact between their various chambers of commerce. And one way of maintaining this close contact, according to Dr. Sumardl Reksopu- tranto. Director of External Trade Relations. Department of Trade
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  • 217 7 All set for the big holiday crowds rC big annual yearend holiday rush Into and out of Singapore Is about to begin and the Malayan Railway, airlines and an express bus company have geared themselves to meet the demand for extra seat* The Malayan Railway administration will add more coaches
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  • 101 7 AN Iron factory owner died pinned uder a l«-foot leaf steel Pipe In a amißUr, haae in Changl on S«a4aj Tan Peng Eag, 47. of JeJUooe Boftd. UveaeVr Street. Is htMsvtd U have been *e«stteg m 9 mm aid tnctec wstk aa electric saw
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 Agfacolor CTIB the colour slide film with mirror- true colours. What you see is what you II get w 'J^^^^^^^ fc^ Agfacolor CTI B. Now you can have slides with all the .^^£2 W^^SSmJ^ colour, just the wa V^f-Mfc^^k««w gaawf?^^ you saw it in (#fl JL s^A^ the viewfinder. Agfacolor
      152 words
    • 479 7 ill LANVIN •OF.J.g«r^aArV-Na»aw3r>«RT«.lJn. iaail MFk»r*erHoiK(>d«rta^&iw«w«aUMß ■tt t i^ Model 12M (12 dion sS^66.» SSHS 75 MQO«^ r r~ tt% 1 Mode* SA SS94 ?b -T^-tw»»«* ml oa«ia«u« m f m m ce»t^ m ft i j,^, tA b^^^^- Actual Size j£SIL CONTROLLER handheld I i calculators add up to 1
      479 words

  • 238 8 Projects that can boost industry I*HE chairman of the Economic Development Board. Mr. Chan Chin Bock, said yesterday that individual companies could undertake projects to raise an industry to a higher level of technology. Such compantat, he said, need sot be multinationals. Mr. Chan, who spoke at the earth-breaking ceremony
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  • 88 8 $7m JOB FOR STORE SHIPYARD A SINGAPORE skipyard, Fremei Private Limited, has wen a if million contract to buUd two tracts* tags fee the Qatar Government la West Ajta. The tags, to be ased in the Pert ef Debar, will have a beilaxd rl of aboa t M tons. It
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  • 36 8 MR. Jek Yeun Thong. Minuter tor Culture, will nfflrtalty open the Ist anppore International Salon of Colour Sides at the Chinese Cham her of Commerce Auditorium. Hill Street, on Jan. I 10TO at p.m.
    36 words
  • 38 8 MR. John Young managing director of Hytex United. will speak on NumUmatloe as a Hobby at a lunch mattlr* of the Uon» club of "irf"*t (Host) at the Cambaluc Room. Marco Polo Motat. today at 11.46 pm
    38 words
  • 74 8 Youth who stole wallet fined rN Choon Meng. 18. was fined $400 yesterday for stealing a wallet In Johore Road at about 12.10 ajn. the same day THT oourt heard that •none All Kuan to* ISO aad coma doeumanU after bt mat Tan. Thing and a potioa ofltsar Urn contracted
    74 words
  • 77 8 PEK gtr> community centre will hold a thrseday study camp at Kampong Tengah holiday camp, off Sembawang, from Dec. 20 to 33. TIM annual sbjd* camp U to develop aad test maroban .la leadership guaUUas aad aautttas. ■daoaUoa m> ajstsr aad HP for Parnr Pmi*. Dr.
    77 words
  • 48 8 TH» PttbUe Worts D«partmant will npsiat traaV Cms aians Mcon Hietow»T todajr umtnvm aod Friday bom S pm to ia. dally MotorUu an advtass to •low down aad ototy road slgas when aporoachmg tat bfidnray. TtwSe apHciai MU bt f mutt to gold* Wdgfc.
    48 words
  • 38 8 THE gtagapcrt AnU-Tubar-eatoata AawsOta i**nt*t**n «fay «U to tetd at Its *m sad bsatt ettnie to •hantoa Way on Satwday at 4 pja. Tha ranlto will ba aobBBV ad In taa atratta Vmm em Dae «T.
    38 words
  • 30 8 KJf BAgni sf Jateß BWaaan aaad IS* natar a ti»me *d DchTaCaaJ as Bat kjBsHBB eTfiay* LSaw as* OulißM Hasaw so MM IT as— t >Jt am
    30 words
  • 8 8 OH ti wit lit tad twtfst
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  • 66 8 Blood stocks above average THKRK were SM blood *>non lut week. Total raatrre stocks were above mnn i«vel. •pMtol blood donor matoos win be has* till Mod. o*j at soteota, army eaaap* •ad rmnuiMot sod ptirmW tnetttettons. The donation centre »t Outrun Boapttal will be open from Mn ajn. to
    66 words
  • 11 8 THBtB were 101 road accldenu one serious, on Monday-
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  • 123 8 The girl who didn't turn up Atl-TEAB OLD MlMtfMl who had in ■■■alaiWMi wMk prfto* to MMUfy bar 4—4 friend at the ■irtMiy «M f««nd *m4 at the fMt «f Mm* *f hu la MftrlM CrwMat mi Saariltoe tetter. JamJtaa hMl Mm liMt, «f Ovylaas Bkkn, Jaa«> •4 turn the
    123 words
  • 28 8 MOHAMMMD Aas bin Madah. was Jailed for six months by a maaistreU'i ooart yetrairta/ for conausalng morphine at Tlwmry Street oa Xov. 1. Ho pleaded gollty
    28 words
  • 204 8 New transport allowance scheme for civil servants rE Government has revised the transport allowance for civil servants following representation by 10 unions and staff associations, affiliate* of tho Amalgamated Jnlon of Public finployees (AUPCV The new rates, according to the latest issue of The Public Employee, organ of the AUn
    204 words
  • 52 8 POLICE are investigating a report that more than t3I.»M ketongtng to the Off -Shore Land Clab in Thomson load has keen mimtat liner Uat Friday It to understood that the low was reported by the office Manager of the clab. which eaten to wmm worMag »a board
    52 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 163 8 SP^^^B^\J^ WTTH A DIFFERENCE! hC "^JpA POSB Gift Voucher is drffwrwn S J^"^ Ipaakßaaw^ from ail other gifts as it lays ML Bk the foundation for a more fj |^k Vvfl A prosperous year ahead With a POSB Gift Voucher, you I may open a POSB Savings Account which affords
      163 words
    • 83 8 National \%yr fesfive offer During The months of December 74, January and February 75, a NATIONAL Automatic Ric« Cooker wort* $121.50 will be given away with every purchase of any of the three NATIONAL All-Transistorised TV <cts shown below. This offer is valid only in Singapore. TR 24 DX with
      83 words

  • 225 9 Crash helmet gang pulls off another holdup rX crash helmet gang struck again yeater day for the second time la two days Two man wearing balme*a held up Mr Ong Chee Sing, rf owner of (be Lam Ann Oquor dealers In Sago Street and robbed him of M.OOO and a
    225 words
  • 48 9 A CmUSTaU* party lamsad br the i— n— mant of People i Park Complex and aponaored by Highland Choaokto Products Fte Ltd for so children treat the Btoflapon Chlldrea's Society and the Chen Bu Lan Methealat Children. Home. •U be beid at the oompleri -Jt ess—
    48 words
  • 24 9 •UMBERS of the notary Ch* ef ni^aiKMi West wul CMrlbute toy* to more than 1 jsee utilttjau tax it hoasataai e»T.
    24 words
  • 234 9 Joint action to stop illegal signing up of crow rwmi -Hiaa? Martttase 1 Bemrd. lamlgisnaw aad^ Marine DepartaWMl 111 DeVW W#aTmsat laattam te peeves* Mf»gts<af»el aaabbm atgaJsw m ships la Singapore. The Board warned that II matt pa-aaaearte any sJUnstee; company wklek reeraited anreglsaaresi aaaaaesi ceilside the Board's seiaettee) ayatesa
    234 words
  • 62 9 With the purchase, Univac took over Its own marketing operations and support services for users of Its computers and peripheral equipment In Singapore and Hongkong The move waa aimed at broadening the scope of Its products and services In Southeast Asia. Sperry Univac markets computers and associated equipment
    62 words
  • 43 9 Art show at Kalian? THS UP for "•'""if BUclk Abdul Ails Karta. wfli open an exhibition br local •rUabj it the Kallmw oommunltgr centre on Friday at pjn. The three-da? exhibition v Jointly ortinucd by the aOnletry of Culture sad the People's Association.
    43 words
  • 260 9  -  PHILIP LIE By CPERRY I'nivac, a division of the giant American Sperry Rand Corporation, retrenched 97 of its production line workers at its Singapore branch last week. A company official said yesterday that the cut-down of Its factory workforce. Involved In the production of
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  • 310 9 TTOB Dos and Donta tor 1 land and housing ddfeaopTS In applying for approval to carry oat chances on their property will be spelt out in a special government handbook expected to be ready within three to six months. A reliable source
    310 words
  • 148 9 TWO men were A fined a total of $2,300 yesterday after they pleaded guilty to a number of traffic offences. Tan Hal Chua, 37, admitted (our charges including one of dangerous driving. He was fined a total of $1,050. Tan's car hit a man while he
    148 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 496 9 Weightlifting Champion reveals how these 7 exercises cm build you a power-packed bod} io exactly 43 secoids a day! fc. FREE BROCHURE The brocbara on Bullworker 2 gives pictures of the exercises as wall as facts, figures and full documentation To obtain your frae __^3Rl___ej I^v brochure, which shows you
      496 words
    • 524 9 KELVINATOR CELEBRATES 60th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL OFFER jgf, m •^m»T^fl|r4S#(|^^ NEW CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE: Kelvinator's "FOAMWALL is made *llla^ Kelvinators new "FOAMWALL" is a up of strong steel outer wall dense vKm\tt!f revolutionary new construction foamed insulation and a tough ABS •^•JJMSI^ technique. "FOAMWALL" inner wall which is chip-proof and packed construction
      524 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 224 9 Straits Times Crossword ACBOM S PievMt support lor a 1 1* nommandlny SSf <T). Bttia «lrt (4). i. M down A coat far ie T Aaswei to raraain with (7-4). wether that ts slntiar 0 Wan-feaswa n or B (4-4). it feassahas ft acroas (I) TrsveOar aaaaoa to a» te
      224 words

  • 396 10 Barnard sees 'double' on his arrival AUSTRALIAN Defence Minls- ter. Mr. Lance Barnard, saw "double" when he flew into Singapore yesterday. Travelling with him was F/O Peter West, the flight engineer of the plane. Ani standing on the airport tarmac with a group of Australian airmen was the engineer's Identical
    396 words
  • 56 10 THX Minister for Social Affairs and UP for Pa»lr Panjang. ghdk Othman Wok will not hold hi* weekly meet-the-people session on Monday The Madons will return* from Dec. 30 He will be gueat-of-honour at a dinner and dance. Sporti NIU. organised by the Inter-OU Companies at Shangri-La
    56 words
  • 147 10 HUNT FOR 10- YEAR OLD PUSHER POLICE are on the 1 lookout for an rlutive 11/rar old boy who Is brllrvrd to be rapprrlnc dm en to Kaiwn In a row of bar* alone Sembawang Road According to •oarees. he has so far frustrated filet effort* to catch him. It
    147 words
  • 489 10 I found water in car engine: Witness Service station sued by executive A HKTIHIiD motor firm ■ervioe manager found water in the engine of a car he dismantled for checking after he had i\pted water ejecting from the exhaust, the Sixth (Civil) District Court heard yesterday. Mr. David McCully, formerly
    489 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 233 10 SONY Trinitron is NOW in TOA PAYOH to OFFER YOU... Sp PAYING PLAN KV-1801ES KV-1802ES KV-1803ES Cash :S$ 1,525. 00 Cash: S$ 1,475. 00 Cash: 551, 580.00 'SPLIT PAYMENT means you can work out an easy paying deal with us, your way. For example, you can split the cash price
      233 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 309 10 Bringing Op Wmthmr My BUI atavanagh tf> Hal Camp HSV MAN THS/tSS A SNftVXK I rVfY rVtONaTV /^vC\ u*nc \n jb* 1 tt-v-i 1 Bloa<M») By ChU Young f W I ANO TO SWOW YOU WHAT 1 h( ASCNY YOU MAPPY T I |WELL,ITS fgOTEXACTLV THE BLOMWE- A SPORT I
      309 words

  • 236 11 - THE DAY THE CANNONS BOOMED ON SENTOSA AFTER 32 YEARS' SILENCE CANNONS tolktlrft, rnwii t* Urn right -vi th«y ttnlml la makmn tight tinea Uwar B-fiar sitooee. tat tke akMte im They irara ured U nmrk the offlelai haadln< •rer »f the U-»lill-•r ImwMmii
    236 words
  • 460 11 Professor: Watch for ties with India £HINA'i relationship with India would bean indication of Chinese foreign policy in South-east Asia, according to an Indian political science lecturer. However. Prof. Ashoka Kapur of the Political Science Department, University of Waterloo, Canada, said South-east
    460 words
  • 94 11 ONLY one out of 17 people in two lorries was injured »hen the vehicles eollldttd near a traffic circus at 7th mile. Buklt Road latt "vfrSeo So Bans. ot. of Eat Keat Road. *****01 minor tnjuriw The impact threw on* of Uj' lorriM eft
    94 words
  • 250 11 rt prx» of apanlah maek'trel itergglrl btkah) uppod 0) eenu uU to th« Trade Lopartmeni reported y««terday PtoUowinM are ths reoonv ■an(l art pitoM' BKB: tfctno It xmt oaat TUB Cbaov* osnti a toy nrMl Thai W M couV M oanu. Thai li aer ooot Chek
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  • 55 11 $200 fine for *zig zagging' A MOTORIST tv TWtard«y found (ullty of driving "in a itf| manner without r«Mon*bte conaidanUon" •tone Buklt Tlm»h Road on B«pt 10 at about 105 am. wont Cnoon Suortf who waj than driving an Alia Romao. caustd other motoruu to brake In order to avoid
    55 words
  • 19 11 MANILA. Tue» Stafßpor* painter John Tan Chor-Tonc will bold a thr»e-day art eshlMttoo hart from Thunday. UFL
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 521 11 O ISI KYO T??iHiinsntiiiint-** > "**<^***»»***»>ggv^^*»»*^»»»»»wa>»»'»*»».ew^»taa«tw»w^w' T~a v v i m i m >£ai iiXSi TT^t TT-rT^*** w^w ww*m>^iaiaimka m^ +m a* t%9%v^a\%^mmomtmm/k\UfmymiapamUfawmimoa\ ♦a>e» o) ■e>^ ag, *y A fl* <w>*taaaf)dlei m alalal all ♦•oa o>«*^ «> ♦-•»>•--♦ v>^ «> #>• rrr 999 f*^^^^*» ay* lxi»^ a>u*m a*a\ ♦♦♦Som iI
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  • The Straits Times
    • 453 12 TODAY S university student* are apt to be confused by conflicting demands. If they gpend their time on campus like pallid silver fish between the pages of their books they are likely to be derided for perpetuating the Ivory tower attitude If they take a delirious Interest In
      453 words
    • 161 12 TWE price hike anticipated by rumour last x month was introduced on Monday when the Sugar Industry of Singapore announced a 20- cent Increase In the retail price for a katl of sugar. The rising cost of raw sugar compelled the hike, said SIS, but the new
      161 words
    • 295 12 VOOR report (ST. Dec •> of my speech at the opening of the National Stamp Exhibition. Btagpei 71 was beaded -Stamp More Stable Than Odd- in quotes, which was not nan of what I said. Bssldis. you left out Urn operative phrase "a* an object of
      295 words
    • 182 12 Get tough with 'under counter' drug sellers paln-klllers containing morphine and codeine. It appears that most of these shops arc adopting the practice with Unpu nlty. Fines Imposed as penalty under the existing law In the few cases prosecuted In court are not deterrent enough. The new Act should Incorporate
      182 words
    • 56 12 THE corridor lighting fttßtoeka Four, five, flu, OltM atlltt aamfelit Marine Terrace has not been put aa amw we moved In five months the blocks nave oeen ruuy oobbphs. no action has been taken by the 808 to ngai \Dm oorndoff. Could the) HDB ptaaae tnform as when will they
      56 words
  • 958 12  - On the alert to keep S'pore healthy WILLIAM CAMPBELL By A BUKIT Timah A family telephoned the Ministry of Envlronjnent the other day to complain about the sudden profusion of mosquitoes around their home in Prince of Wales Road. The locality was Immediately pinpointed on the wall-slse map in the
    958 words
  • 727 12  - CAMBODIA 'S LIFELINES LIE IN RUINS SYDNEY SCHAKBERG: By PHNOM PENH EVERY time you go down a road In Cambodia, you think you've seen the worst destruction of this nearly five-year-old war. But then you try another road and you find devastation Just as grim or even grimmer. All the
    727 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 62 12 BammmmVLmml pdesscn^i nricophones ■r sbj» venee i«^* Mm^ nm> _S Mm*Ciii>hC— ii, ill! Ji Ml' 1 K>*Ul co*. I— in erne* tees immm.ii simm *esi* ukmv** siteM m\m «eiae anaes JMMk wesVr u~*«.'v saw as M 2 Mf MM u~*jft». SMOM if Mm \*mom, utn W 'iii—. s saee icasm
      62 words
    • 163 12 Romance i^^ Christmas «s giving Baaw it v Ti' B 9 W J Mr v o«rc*wwH* JA THE LEQCNDARV Bl FRAGRANCE M^ 1m the mood rm ■<&* «nth W^, > tarfnnM fificttv *of m«n aa^r tfW cOnss ot »od ttvyv on PJMCti out tar •<• ukmM w* wmn pooinmt and
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  • 313 13 'Boycott lectures' drive by ussu officials ABOUT MO students yesterday went roand the Baklt tlaiati campus to canvass support for a 48 hour boycott of iectures aad tutorials. Led by University of Singapore Students Union officials, they used megaphones to urge stu dents attending lectures to join In the protest
    313 words
  • 45 13 :"WO ••invni were fkiwl »100 each to onMntoi court raatarday for aottetttng (or immoral puipci at Bogls Strati at 140 ajn. TMtarday. Pottoa found Hannah MnU Ahmad, se. and Jamllah binu H> astern. U. altunc on the laps of two European*
    45 words
  • 19 13 sgvurrr pmbi* war* fined a total of |7.M>O ye«t*rday for faulnc to saaaat their toooaM tax reiurna
    19 words
  • 208 13 GANG SUSPECT WHO DID NOT GET AWAY AO AN G leader trapped In a peMee raid reoeatlr tried to escape try tcsilni down rresm has nlae-storcy flat near i*anjon« Fatar Road. It was learnt yesterday. Bat police earnest him before he co«ld escape. Informed aearces ■aid yesterday that detectives from
    208 words
  • 1258 13  -  BEN DAVIDSON By THE assistant general secretary of the Pioneer Industries Employees Union (PIEC) denied in the First District Court yesterday that his eyewitness account of the alleged rioting at the PIEU premises on Oct. 30 was "imaginary." Mr. Lawrence Kwek was denying the
    1,258 words
  • 132 13 STUDENT DROWNS IN SWIM ACROSS LAKE ANANTANG Latlvcreety aeaaaat who trlea te stow his trtesiaa Uat ac ceaM «o« tat* tlfieaMhe sale- way and at a weal, a eerauer-s eeart heard yaateraay. Er Jes> Wang. SI. a •rat year strain— a4mlni»4rati«a staaent. eHed ta Alexandra Hospital ea Dee. 11 at
    132 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 4 13 A. -ia\^ -Mr 9
      4 words
    • 70 13 The Management Staff of MODERN OPTICS CENTRE express their heartfelt thanks to lr. Chok Chai Mm President of the Singapore Optical Trade Association and all well-wishers for their congratulatory messages and kind attendance at their Opening Ceremony yesterday. n (fModerqOpticsCentn a part of the fashionable life. Stockist of most leadlnf
      70 words
    • 311 13 II INTERNATIONAL I Ii AIR FREIGHT SPECIALIST require* Manager Developer for I new 3ingapore Compsu*. Exciting I opportunity with poeaibte equity I participation later. Aeje group I about 25-35. Singaporean I preferred. Apply in writing giving tome mdi- I cation of salary range to: S.T. Box NBO5lO Spore. START AN
      311 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 848 13 On your TV SINGAPORE 5 1 Ul M Ope** and Ta tap* tftejpM Qa*y) Ul Acoat M Ytudi (repeaU Ul Low 8 a Bja, sSdoare. TMsj 7 M Newi art Cotoar Ntemal (Majje) Ul Plniajejuii Kh ajajty-reaaat) 7 M Mmj Samdra (Malay-f epeeO Ul Genera. HNaftaj LM faVb The Betrayal
      848 words
    • 15 13 [HB«r!HWTOH.ON ~~V I TMHeXHE Ihe S4*s*rwst»A*arr 1 WENT OVT9tf)C J HW HUI IT aMS WAUON6
      15 words
    • 58 13 THE TIDES ifJsV: Shaaan lJßeja.CJa). Safl leekiir» a* CM fM ■ckaaa 117 a*. OM. 9.11 »jl TtaWßaW: Savaara LB OM Ul njLBM. Sssjß bskl L 8 SJB. OSsi 12.17 M(l.sai Pat Macs 1» aja. (Mai l«a* tSa). WATER raasiian Meea aa Una it, was llatl asnfllSaWfJ ffaVllWtM (fiMM eahae aashse).
      58 words

    • 174 14 Bus firm gives in to workers' demands KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. —A dispute In the Toong Fong Bus Company, which lad to the workers refuslnt to drive 94 of the company's SO buses, waa resolved In the Labour Ministry today The busmen, whose dispute with the company concerns special relief allowance,
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    • 106 14 Soft drink price hike put off KUALA LCMPU«, Taea. Few soft drink companies here have agreed to defer their decision to Increase the price of their drinks tin after the Chinese New Tear. The foar companies Amoy Canning, White Spot, Cold Storage and Tea Hlap Sang mad* the decision af
      106 words
    • 20 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuae Pensioners wUI ba paid then December allowance tomorrow to enable them to celebrate 1 Christmas.
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    • 388 14 K LUMPUR. T^M. RATIONAL University students who have been boycotting lectures and tutorials were urged today to return to their studies on Monday. The university's student* council and Interim Consultative Body (ICB) made the call following a meeting today. A spokesman for the
      388 words
    • 425 14 190 more join the brave 60 at exams IPOH, Tuesday rjiHE number of the first year boys and girls of the Ungku Omar Polytechnic here who yesterday braved the wrath of the. demonstrating students and sat for the examinations snowballed today Delighted lecturers led by the principal. Enclk Mohamed Nawawl
      425 words
    • 59 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tues. Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia Mr. Yusup Abubakar was today honoured by the Egyptian Government for his "outstanding, distinguished and meritorious service" during his four-year tour of duty In Cairo. Mr. Abubakar was presented the Al Ooumhoureya decoration, normally conferred on government ministers, by the
      Reuter  -  59 words
    • 20 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Tuts Malay alas King and Queen left here today (or a 19-day pilgrimage to Mecca.— lUuttr
      20 words
    • 294 14 Manager shot by robber in $6,700 holdup fEMAS, Tues A v petrol station manager, Mr. Llm Kee Thye, 42. was shot In the leg when he fought an armed robber who held him up yesterday mornlng. The robber, however, escaped with his paper bag containing $6 700 cash and $4.
      294 words
    • 60 14 IPOH. Tvm-A aMowtrCA Yip Lai Yin. 1« auecumbad to her Injuries in hospital hart about JO »m today following a road accident lact nlsht She was riding pullon on a motorcycle ridden by a relative. Poons Ah Scone. 21 when the machine went off the road
      60 words
    • 82 14 BUTTER WORTH Taes.— PoUee failed another attempt to hold a "il er cycle race afcrag Jalan Bara in Prai last night. Five machine* were ariaed and M picked up. Several hundred spectators had gatfaartd te watch the start of the race when rtlice arrived
      82 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 754 14 A DAZZLING NEW LOOK komM/Ca/ieJbo J Ksnrbo'i dusMat new look is •ptcWly created lo pal you in ihe festive mood' Diara*«r ate etfvery Mood of FESTIVE SPARKLE Sport il Prscnac aug* with it For lh* i omini frur»e atesoa. come and lei yewmtf be —a»w» groovy by Mw* Shizuko Aoki.
      754 words
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    • 1390 15 Kuala LMmetir. Tuea piTZ PATRICKS l Malaysia i ob tuined another ex interim injunction from the High Court t< train Belmont Pro pertia from interfering with the sup Ix nt of iheir land urth«*r cv tion or engaging in mv work liable to
      1,390 words
    • 141 15 JOHORI BABU. Taes. Mentri Beear Datak Hajl (Hainan Saat today rejected a eaU by an aaaemMyman to Increase the price of water sold to Singapore. The price had keen Axed In a peraaaent agreement with Singapore and the State Government wu not going to break the
      141 words
    • 129 15 Talks on border Reds JAKARTA, Tues. Indonesia and Malaysia today began a threeday meeting to discuss ways of speeding up the elimination of communist rebels along their border In Borneo. The Indonesian delegation was led by Defence Minister General Maraden Panggabean and the Malaysian side by Interior Minister Tan Sri
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 53 15 JAKARTA. Tass Malayatan Minister tor Primary Iniawlit— Datnk atsse Bttaei today held talks with Indonastan Vtoa PresWaal Haoaeagku Bowono oa the aav t±*m op of an latsmattonal rubber boffar stock to lUbtfsa Prtesa. Data*. Muaa. who arrives hart ysatcrday for a fotsfin cettsflg rttbaer production to counter
      53 words
    • 55 15 1.11 UIU B3OHLAJSDA Teas. Oeattng Ws»lia<i ■ntaat la befldsng a aew staessa of road, oesa sse raa4ta.hara.ta amfea ft aaatar for BMCorlsta to* drive la sse next. Tha new atratcfa of reed, ny» ssOss taw aad eoatsag ekeet Waoasa, wtt atiilea the oManae Bees Oeaftsst ■reapab
      55 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 320 15 i isllm^ai BP*^-aO bbW \^Bsl h^^^^H Bsr MB^Bb^Bb^Bßw. Lw a" .X* Now own a 66 cm (26") Rank Arena colour tv for only $100 a month. Another fabulous hire purchase offer from GEC. And that s still not all Go to a GEC dealer who knows you and, The Rank
      320 words
    • 73 15 L^B^B^^^B^B^B^aaaaßaS^ f LB^V* '1 W^i I LbLF^^^bs! L^aaaf am Bin Ml BB^i I in EL if~~^ \am \«t W J JsMkj wfS A W i. 1 I afol -Wii'aa»Baßaa'a >t1 1 «*1 H^^H aW*#s —/IP .sßssssflK bbt bbf^ mmi gja 1 &uamiillJLl|allXJj BBBs^* I Bs«^^^^^ sfl bbbbß 'X =!5::!B c
      73 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 22 16 B^^ f*^ I I B^^SJ^Ba^ik fifi^^L I b^ /J 1 1 tap* .bS afl Bf "^BB t. jbS ■^■^■b^ .^1 BB^Bbbb^b^Bbl BL^JbW
      22 words
      497 words
    • 122 16 W m\ bW* A^ B^BB^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^Ra^Rf^B^Rf^Rf^R9^B^Bi GEC«G JENSEN (§i SINGAPORE l_^_ DOPS INTERNATIONAL Ml -5 Mezzanine Floor Mandarin Shopping Arcade Mandarin Hotel Orchard Road Singapore 9 Tel: *****8 OPEN FROM 10 »m to 8 pm ADELPHI CONFECTIONERY (EX. ADELPHI HOTEL) X'MAS SEASON OFFER Minced Pie, X'Mos Loa Coke, X'Mos Almond Ring,
      122 words
    • 238 16 cASHwoKiH*» m*j niVf MOPtll only LAjI HAT; ust JHIMfi IaWE-ll dIEHA Bkifai I«m ffUfBJl *fafjfinfj VWBJ*MBaM BBW^IJBWW f ■a^BHl f> 2 SNOWS 700 9JO PM. Aafcttt J 2 CMMma Jl t— OOIONi > t OWCKARO-n S BMOWt AT 4 »M©W» AT J| |ll*». IX AM. »J0 «X am IJB. 4
      238 words
    • 558 16 t I, CATHAY i c*»»< 6ni* j, No Fr«« L»t J Juronf Mondorwi V*rwon J >liinMlt«N«> I' I Od*or\Orthor4 Er«*<»h Varbona i OMON I %mm% m > 11m, I M 4M *M «*0 "I OKCHAIO 4 lja. 4M. ».M Itllf. Ji Ror'«on4 Chow p>n*n» i Concord toduction wuci m trrw*M
      558 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
      215 words
    • 204 17 I TOP FESTIVE ENTERTAINMENT lCofltmwiil neetavrant) X Get into the awing with BABYAGUILAR r V L'« and Her Lowe Machine I y Another Senaational V| I^bf All Girl Band k direct from ttit Phihpptn#s > •< I «> SPECIAL FESTIVE PROGRAMME •> A X'mai Eve Gala Dinner $35/ ea. mcl.
      204 words
    • 625 17 CJmatmafl I for all pour E^IjSSS lot)ti) onts(r ftonompanb Mttdii guflranttrti. > ■> bt IMa^aT a^H bbWMHI li/i UCI |»tamNo Port.culor, lit >tk« Spac«l 3MUC 7354 DiomofxJ Solitaire 223 ct 8.400 00 5.040 00 I 364/366. NORTH BRIDGE RD. SINGAPORE 7. 379 I 20ct $3.***** tl.tao.OO I 7469 184 ct
      625 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 592 18 An American Electronic Company situated the Bayan Lepas Free Trade Zone. Penang. requires QMUTY MMIftICE neilEßtt Ail metis emiieers Applicants must be 1 MaUyvan Gt.iem 2 Oaduates «n Electrical/Elect ronics/MecSanical Engineering or Physics from a recognised Unrversity Preference will be given to Bumiputra* and Applicants having relevant experience m the
      592 words
    • 91 18 A. SITE ENGINEER Degree In Civil Engineering with minimum 3 years experience. Diploma holders with minimum of 5 years experience will also be considered. B. CLERK OF WORKS. Minimum 5 years experience In building works. Applicants must be Malaysian Citizens and will reside In J.B. for a period of 2
      91 words
    • 683 18 Following on the recently announced reconstruction of the Company SYARIKAT EASTERN SMELTING BERHAD Invites applications from suitably qualified Malaysians for the following SfNIOR MAMAOCMtMT POSITIONS In the Oroup -(1) FINANCIAL ANALYIT/COR'ORATI PtANNfR (1) INTERN AL AUDITOR In addition to having at least 2 yean relevant post qualifying experience In a
      683 words
    • 362 18 IBM Applications are invited from Malaysian citizens to pursue the following careers: 1. Technical Service nepfeeesHaUte (male) Candidates must have a Technical Institute Diploma, or equivalent qualifications. In Electrical or Mechanical Engineering. 1. Administrmtio. Clerk (male) Candidates must have a Higher School Certificate or Malaysian Certificate of Education, or equivalent.
      362 words
    • 465 18 An estabUabad local finance company Invites simmaHnfn from Malaystaa saates. pref>raMj JtaSßfcvtras to nil the positions as SUPERVISORS (a) must nave at least 3-4 years" refers*! esperteace in a •apervtsary position <b> applicants should be tt-B yesrs of ««e <c relevant academic/professional qusllncations will be an advantage <d> the selected
      465 words

  • 65 19 ft vfO MOOIL Cl«'«l rnptie trminln. nail l £Z m* Oiinlil Owsra.. S <-»m M# OwiksV^ Mss4L iOUIM *U.«W« lAIOM In i|ij|gx| fIMMiMMft Ma* MV laVtssWt .•rstylaa expan psrnung and ?-11TJ(b t P»»») oamAsmrr HaoiMt has bMnnprM by ...t'romrovrrssaJ play todsvr baftoa a ihre*-pavt fdytaMan MawMsaal on
    65 words
  • 36 19 3 Religious Announcements •rtCtAL MIC marnisnt 10* to Tamil Msiayalam Chlnaa* I i«Hstl Bibles Uterature Com- and Dictionaries Logos Ship. Living HiMe (UM MUI >t Apostolic B.«* Cntr. 4-A Jrrjw«J<«» Hnad Mug" |lW 12 Tel &J0717
    36 words
  • 25 19 *f OiMIM MAM for lav Peccl I Anthony NMto will be held at 8t ignatMs Church on 11 12 74 at t P"
    25 words
  • 72 19 THf Mim.l of the lav Mr Koh .if 137 Joo Chsat place 4i«n lo thank the ventrabl** Mahawaara and DnammaraUna rnrras and the membrrs ol the Msngala Vlhara (Buddhist Temple I. and all relatives and trMidt for the aadaUncc and romfortlhtyrte«l»»d during 1 r»#*if recent btrvtvtsMnt. The ramlly
    72 words
  • 32 19 M (VW LOVW»») MMKMT of Mrs lumodaram Nsir departed 18-12--m Fondly i»iuambir«d for the vannnearud person you ware by ir loving husband, sons. •minim sons-in-law uughurs-ln-law and grand- iidryn
    32 words
  • 24 19 O •AMAmTANt Of t4N«A-->o— Troubled natouraged 1 King »l -44-44 or MM4 day or nujhi Help Is as naar as Urn •.•K-pnone
    24 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1708 19 classified ads g) AJ ISTAsKlattwS) CIVtL CON "'"VJS!^. yj—i la- 1 ijais^y^ean- t£l M t a _|_a tettjaMiaMSMMM •M^^'^ssslTMwaM of mm* «Wi IbSmiT Ckir^nr?J^LfsirJ at'Ssm i yaata ijßr7ni7t7S aal Matwaß»r*t T°Baa tJnixt" A well tttabllthtd firsn of Chartered Accountants and Patlßt Arr— niantt. Susgapias I S6)CtMrrajMAL ASSIST ANTS 1 a
      1,708 words
    • 770 19 6SNOAPONI FOLYTECMNtC cm ££J£22? m 1 AppßeaUons are invited from suitably qualified person* for the following post. 1 lABORATORY STEWARD B 4 TNI POWER PLANT LABO BATOtTY Aaptsrantt muat have espertance tn working titt dtaaal as wan as petrol engine* and It would be an advantage If the applicant hat
      770 words
    • 753 19 rgenlly requires security of catV guard* Candidatat ausat N t Bteatain etuara. have soaae m sars eapwMssue m saaarni and ■oat not mind shift Fraatnt tlary MM Ftaaat contact Par ■mcl Section SMS44 by Dae sth to arrange for inunies HOLIBH SPIAKIWa MjsTTW*slB»*»4mw rffJUITVO flf aWEayB ax Apply personaily 3sTT
      753 words
    • 768 19 NY aatlaaialtty for Half Way k oaat Nightclub Apply per a mally Sff Uppar Iwa* Ttsaak r oad. TH miiaatons ft ii— £j LAsKXIATOSrV lAMPLIR WANTED he candldal* win he laaasTtd to d unpst raw materials ana rmlah- d products ta maintara oar g BBbBSF standard* 6BMs*ajßB atsosud at Btngapore
      768 words
    • 808 19 bbjt va I BBUMj semi-oetarTMa sSrsssis fuUj rjrnlehed riM. llfllMßll TTTT DM 16 3-etr-ej detached bungalow J tjsSrooaM. 4 bathraaaw lISM Mat r anahawang single storey raw-detacaad. 3 bedrooms. I saraatH room fawiMßsi MM aad aanv other ißatiKte houasa tar ea*. Contact aSTIM Raaaw cosa- Mj«AMr«TVSr^^ nth Mngbath srparate kltrnen/
      808 words
    • 825 19 1 javrs APAITTMBWT on oranara Roaj 1 ttaw-aeasa. faßy rjrnlihed al h«g»i ftoor r^tn salsa min t pool 41 Ma Enqalrtes 3MTME/MMl>3_ B*ST 6 IXBCOTVE A*»*MTT6MBfT near Amencai Ctut> 1 bedrooms servant s fu.ry caieatatV alrcondltloaad. swiauaing pool RflqaUMl METTI 66M6T CAVwliAßli enwarr dra 6 Mto rumished 3 beslraaaa Mgh
      825 words
    • 885 19 sale F»w aawly soaMaanad 3atorey terrace houasa naar saaslde many evtraa marble noon teak parquet floors to all ■adraaais hum m rupaaards and kitchenette Land area S.6M sa A and above Prlras are attractive Loans available PrtnagiTiU^"" 1 ocTACtsao VICTORIA PARK 3 usdrociim gMM^wtUi patio ,3.666 at) ft BIOOKVILLE 4
      885 words
    • 741 19 a 1 1 ii»« iv i.»> Wl 5^" Road Area trt sa ft Raasawakl. rental AaawMßMonil Im melts te occupation Tal ***** BPPIOB 6PAOMJ AVASLABLI for rent M.i»»\ in Bank ctkajßtjars. rullerton Sauare From 976 sari to IMS asTToositaet Tal *Ml Ext 16 PBOPXrS PARK C6MTRE au flaar orllre 436
      741 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 712 20 IMCMJSTRIAL LAMA FOR BALI soomi arre* toraud *< Raad faring Toa Payah wtth SSI*, in imms&mHl Sot aatit induouy BUM <*S*l> Mr Cttan NAM N (•wMAPoax, >-i» ltd Tour Watt Matoytta Irven dayt Ml 3* bus t)*l9*. MatoyMß Oanttn* Highland. I»ttuo*d bus arven dayt ss ur lw* MM Oentlng Hifhlands
      712 words
    • 712 20 •TRAIT* *flAMBI»)F MOLMAVB *fO«»l< MUAJU (Port at BnweV' rr^M.MM) t)AJAM BROOKS Ball* SS/11. 7/1/7*, 17/1. IF/I. NVS FOMPOtTT KBLAMdVS-POM I day* <*>sadw*> tst SM B'P OMj'KIW.INMB,i B P OM da** i»i d* It aw BH4 liw Ptmiit BaS* tS/18. M/IS7 l/i. V1 S FORE/ LANAO OATU/ TAft^tCTwSdwts to. SM* MM
      712 words
    • 730 20 "SBCAPt TO IBIBIPORTI NAWARAM Vill*d» Tanah Maraii the lush loVtly light hearted land of Aloha »«r Matte Mafood Cantooeat culaln* sacrulent Hawaiian Barbecued Stoaks and toothing mv**- No cover ch*rg* Retervatlon 4*13*4 ****** < %t«OKONO I T*IM SUM PTtOMI AM CATBM FOB! ALL FUNCTIOMJ TEL S3MI4 ITIAtfOAT BAROBN C WrI^AH^ftTAaU»OAT
      730 words
    • 689 20 ABTIRN COMMERCIAL TRANMoB CSMTM. 229 A But Coaat PMad S'por* 19 MMM Shorthand Blnntri and M 7* wp as ■■■kkispln* Typt>wrtunß (Morning afternoon or evening sessions spocuily for arnaal Wavers and thot* wtthtng to profll fro** their ton* tchool r>*Jday») E»*rol now raffing all arhool Kavare aad those Utlng around
      689 words
    • 836 20 wUI tun soon al The Ailtonc* rjanaasat Laara French with rTVflCfl I fJtaVChsjrS RbIBMbV MOW. TM 51 1* M 14 SratU Road Office hour* 10 a ai to 1 p at 8 p.m to p tn VACANCIES BOOel-tiMPPMMI. BHOtTTHAMO. TyorwrlUn*. Ac roununc LCC Revtaton -Mnaa pore InatltuM of Coaitaarci SMC
      836 words
    • 880 20 94 Albert Street Span ***** 133X74 or 44 Cavcntwh Road Spore STMßV 37*l7* oftart 1*73 lltrciat 3MB air -con) I*7l Alfa Ratal o SBM OT V (air-con) Ford •acort ISM Mm«(ltt MS (air-oo..) I*7l Maada Oapatta IBM Maada ISM SVW I*7* Plat IM Renault RlO Dattun 12*0 Volkswagen 13M Toyou
      880 words
    • 797 20 VAMINALL VIVA IST* IN- BURAMCB/ tax Octooar T$ Ooau condtuon Tal MTMS I tarn Jpm M 74 MBRCMBB SM toatat modal M«rh*lln tvr*i ilrcond w*H i maintained b» SM Tw) SMI9S OCBJLLMIT MtSBSS* T*Tl rial 12* 4* m pj 1 ix insurance December lM MMO n o Tal BMtMMr
      797 words
    • 593 20 ROMS BvaMaM* thrautjiawl the weak Contact Piinceat Ptowar Mot 111 Orchard Road. S'por* TW TWJI34 1782 M 17BM1 ONLY OMB OF ITS RJMM That s r»w your gin should be Sat us at rLEVRroIE 4M Shaw Centre Srd Floor tar Ideas or gift* unloa* m *»ary way a good tost
      593 words
    • 416 20 tMivTBJMVS SALON 11-A. CUBJblll CVctt maatatje-taunabath* barber omplete B*atl*tß*n grootntng By trained lady aljtriaants Ring (S'por*) ITTMI/ S'por* SALON BE LA •HANOI for massage sauna bath Ladles and gentlemen Tanglln Shopping CVwitra, ted floor Rouen H4TJS RtniSTMM UUIIIStI MABBEWM *NU. be availabtt to atteod *wu at your placat Ring 3BISS
      416 words
    • 601 20 f RBFRr. BaWATtOM CO.. autaorMed deaklt far aM brands cototjr Mack tnti .Mi* T V refitatratori air cond radiogram wathini machine. ga*co«k*r hont appnanca* etc Hire purchas* ■Trans***** Special discount fo. cash and trade-in accapiabt* Ptoue call at m East Coaat Road Spare 4BMM PM IRON. ROUMO BARB. M PORMEB
      601 words

  • 239 21  - THE SECRET BEHIND THAT BEARD AND MERRY LAUGH RANEE GOVINDRAM VOW YUN WON Rwport by Photos by rpHEsU Is a Father 1 CkrssUMts In tewa who wehlAd the beard, twinkMag eyes aa4 saairj Uagh. hides a Mg secret. As ■IsiiMitiws Ewh Ban Caing. 11. who ihwaght he wwnM have mm
    239 words
  • 54 21 A 55-year-old quarry worker died after he fell into a pre-mlx plant a. a Public Works Department rural depot In Buklt Timah early yes- terday. Police said Qovlnda Naicker Ramasamy. of HM Naval Base quarters, was working on the top of the plant at 8
    54 words
  • 41 21 THE central adult and Tounf people* rectlona of the National Library will JCnUy hold matic «how. to be presented by the National Theatrei Magic Club, at th* library lecture haU on Saturday at pja. AdmMalon v bm.
    41 words
  • 385 21 Doubts over plan to raise output ALTHOUGH employers generally welcome the setting up of productivity committees and the introduction of incentive schemes to boost output, they they are sceptical of their efficacy. Trade unions, which have often been urged to set up such committees In their work places. have also
    385 words
  • 66 21 MRS. Banna Msrlint. an arttt. and Un Rente Ftatb. mann. a enow will dtmonstnw tastr wort* at roflte mcrninc i hiiilmil by tte OH IB Mi Women's Am6elation at Un Thlo Kaa tfoh« rmtdtnM. 16. Bin Toot Park, today at 10 am TMwto at M art
    66 words
  • 47 21 MM. Lm Cttm Shan wtß pUr "fnnmitin," at a ChrtoV mte party 'or about Mt ctUMrtn at the Oufrsm BamttaT» mtUht Md rife nil iitir Mil* today, at i am. The party la bates* «rfantatd b» tbt Bum Andanoa Oub and Oood Ntttttbourt cim>.
    47 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 94 21 For Auld Lane... At Hogmanay, when your spirits run high, charge M ty a^S your glasses and drink to auld Lang himself. J[ R^ He it was that discovered the great Highland whisky from the Glengoyne distillery in Stirlingshire. He it is £55i^' v should thank for the privilege of
      94 words
    • 1444 21 W-^ 'jjjjlliLL^ Ei BEAT INFLATION -I PICK A BARGAIN ATA A leading Development Company aeelu a PUBLIC AUCTION MANAGER CHAMPION IWOTOrS <M> SDN BHD. offer for sale for the first time an end of year sale In conjunction with their official for a factory In Penang. Qpenlng Qf CH AMpION
      1,444 words

  • 1342 22  -  AHTHONY HCWETT From In EOYPT AFTER seven very lfca\n years, life Is Anally flooding back Into the communities along the Sue* Canal. Following the dredgers, the cranes and all the equipment of reconstruction, the people of Suez, Port BaW and Lsmalla are now coming
    1,342 words
  • 636 22  - ARTERIES HARDEN IN FLEET STREET MICHAEL HUGHES From In LONDON fjUn Street, battling home of Britain i mwimv Indaatry. h deeply worried about Ha fatare kmiN of soaring newsprint prices, th« utlts'i economic •M and troubled labour ralatJsaa, Th» gloomy outlook IHM eaased national Diwmui that wore ee»ee regarded m
    636 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 496 22 I M®bil take mat pleasure to announce theappointtnentof <§Em oros*&<x>.,if*ig. as their sole a^nt for Mobil Insecticide in Singflpore riai^avir MODH wasJSCTICIW ssaSmßSaf" aajUjeOt IwlVaV** H LauauaSSaßß^Buil Mwirit MaHjhl <^ rTX bros.*vco m inc. A" Twfw I ht' lnternational Marketing Specialists afli Ik WITH THAT CERTAIN ROBINSON'S \M lL V
      496 words

    • 263 23 Kuwait will now be invited to M-soccer KUALA LUMPVR. I Tues —Kuwait wIU be •v.ted to compete in nest year's Merdeka soccer touraament scheduled for July 2«-Aug. 17 The decision to reinstate Kuwait on the guest list was taken at a PA Council aMwttakg here on Sunday. The meeting, chaired
      263 words
    • 146 23 It's final: Argentina remains Cup host BUBNOS AXftES. Tses—The peartiesit ol the Internal!*— l FewtbaJl FederatsM (Flfa). Mr Jmm Havaiang*. *T«MflsjngflM# MtC V£«M+F•lay that Argentina wowJd hast the 1971 World Soccer Cap. Referring to an efTer last week »r Belgian and Holland U h«M the Cap ahovld Argentina ■coMic their
      146 words
    • 254 23 VIW YORK. TUM. 1^ rereg*. winner of eight races In 13 aUrta while usually carrying high weight*. today waa acclaimed America* "Hone of the Year" for MM Mri Martha. Ocrry's four-year-old gelding also waa voted handicap champion and aprtnt champion In a con—tisus of
      254 words
    • 43 23 TAIPEI. Tue» I'.it Tktww Protection*) OoUen' Aaoelatton wUl bold iu flxat Optn championship* hert tomorrow with a total prtat money of US$12,310 <!».- MO) Sixty prof«a4on*l folfen from J»p»n. Singapore and Taiwan have entered for Um four-day competition —ReuUr.
      43 words
    • 559 23  - Sincerely Yours impressive EPSOM JEEP B* pENANG, Tut*.— Sincerely Yours did a pleasing workout here today. With a riding boy in the saddle, the five year old by Super Sam, strode out fluently over 3f in 39 3/5 seconds. The nre-year-old grey showed a return to form at Buklt Tlmah
      559 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 482 23 The Straits Tim^s the gift you* 11 wisb to keep for yourself ■pita I Putting Borooodur together aae>n an about £sjß 4 the reconstruction of this enormous stupa m .jM Central Java, one of the world s great works ftkJJK Turning Sentosa from a military backwater BsS L*~ a^_ te^a^g^*w
      482 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 34 23 HOCKEY SHA 8r to. a finals: Spore University v janaealtea (Padang S p.m Jr to innate SATSA 'A' v BAPBA B Dover M S I m I SWIMMING PATSC IndoneaU (Toa Payoh i pj»).
      34 words

  • 218 24 Sweden's teenagw ■"n* star BJorn fWfha* been barred >r o m prof ncknai tournaments In Au»tralia John Brown manager °«oBt Australia big--2* twnla DTomoten •*M today that Borg wruld not be Invited to play msji In Australia "He U of no value to as
    UPI  -  218 words
  • 124 24 MANILA. Tues Indo- i iTI nesia beat Hongkong 3-0 today while South Vietnam trtmmsd aSSaysla i-i iti Qw. <tmrt\rt BMtdsM of ttkt M-na-tion AaUn Junior Ttennts 01 *n.Dionir c v Inln«ig» powered lv way into the quarter ftnala In Oroup "A" com- Pattttoo by +H-««"«""I Hnngliuuc In
    UPI  -  124 words
  • 593 24  -  ALBERT JOHNSON By FOURTEEN year oW Joanne Clark, an Australian, representing the Tirta Taruna Swimming Club of Indonesia, caused a bif stir when she beat Asian Games swimmer Yeo Su-Ming of People's Association Youth Swimming: Club on the first day of the friendly
    593 words
  • 420 24 TWTEW YORK. Tues. ±1 Muhammad Alt was named by the Boxing Writers' Association yesterday as fighter of the year for 1974, during which he outpointed Joe Frazler and then knocked out Oeorfce Foreman to retrain the World heavyweight championship. Ali will receive the Edward J.
    Agencies; UPI  -  420 words
  • 230 24  -  PETER SIOW By MANILA, Tues. The Philippines defended their title successfully for the second straight time when they outstayed South Korea 89-79 to bag the third ABC Youth Championships title in the final at the Araneta Stadium on Sunday night. In the consolation round, Hongkong
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 51 24 Kuala Lumpur's most prestigious shopping, office and apartment complex. Ptvlopf t IJcswcsj No. 374/7X Wmniin No, (14> dhn. WCL 1290/71 DON'T TAKE RISKS. ■Han carefully for r ssS-fK^k the future. -^mm Choose property in J^^J ■Siii^^B a prime location ZHS to reap rich rewards. l^g^^^B STEPHENS W^ l^'^^^^^B I 1"1
      51 words
    • 103 24 Cm* enquiries concerning Marine Industrial Diesel Engines; Generator and Welding Nets; Pumps; etc. Call Tel. £*****2 or (KXJ *****7 MmmiME a tea el embimeb ft all »wr tW mmrtd &*Q fm-rellMMlltyagMlclgirabllitv Vfi2 L^^^^ MAWtNC DIEtgL ENGINE COMPRESSOR UNIT INDUSTRIAL GENERATOR WELDING SET ■ttn^Lt nilaiflh fi& HAND Doted PUMP« fOU MARINE
      103 words

    • 257 25  - Golf exhibition event at Seap Games JOE DORAI THIS TRIAL WILL DRAW MUCH ATTENTION By ROLF has been included in next yew's SEAP Games in Baagkok as an exhibition event And if the exhibition Is a success, the chances of It being included In the main program me looks good.
      257 words
    • 121 25 Thailand beat Malaysia BANGKOK, Tues. The seventh King's Cup football tournament (tops into Its semi- final round here tomorrow with defending champions South Korea meetIng Malaysia and Thailand playing Cambodia The semi-finals, which were originally set for today and tomorrow, were rescheduled to Rive the teams a day of rest
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 33 25 TAN TOOK SKNO Hoqjital retain* th« flfatith Chaitenm Trophy by bMUnf Dep«rtsMDt of Pfetholocy Sporta and Itocnatton Club S-J In th» Mfeuttry of Bsalth badminton championship final •t staju Siooodary SMioot.
      33 words
    • 321 25 I LOCAL golf proteMtonals IJm Klan Tlooc and Urn Bwee Chew will make their debut In the Philippines Open golf champtanihlp the flrtt lee of the Allan circuit BOA secretary Low Km Powsald "ThePnlllpplnaa Ootf AjaoclaUon invited two of our colfert to an
      321 words
    • 265 25  - Anne to add punch to Alfas DENNIS CHIA By r*TTY Motors, the powerv/ ful (table of the Alfa Romeos which pulled out of the Selangor Orand Prix In protest earlier this year, has returned with a vengeance for the National Open championships at Batu Tlga this weekend. In an ail
      265 words
    • 522 25 Australia lead 2-0 after a blitz by Jeff Thomson PERTH, Tuesday ENGLAND: 1* inn* 206. AimULU: 1* Inn* Ul. ENGLAND: tad HUM. U»y* c O Chappell b Walker M Ccwdrty lbw Thomson 41 Dwm c Redpath b Thomson JO Grafe c O Ch»pp«ll b Tbomaon SI FMakar c Manh b
      Reuter  -  522 words
    • 47 25 LOMDOM. T— If of last nlgtt* sfeaflsto netball AMoekuon OM moooA rand np*n Maae&sM Town S WWi Athtotie 1. (MaaetsM Tm an warn at bow le OsaMMge OBitod tm ttotod nmd> Tissmhm Boma 1 Bad Ml* t (ittaoMf* jhi'Wi nt nu 10 MMffecratSh UnitsO.— -M»isr.
      47 words
    • 397 25 Like lambs to the slaughter... YEW DELHI, Tues. 11 Indian cricket writers had some harsh things to say yesterday about their team's defeat by West Indies by an innings and 17 rune In the second Test here. West Indies also won the first Test They agreed that the rain which
      397 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 271 25 Bulova excellence is not only electronic accuracy. People thmk of as as rhe tuning fork watch people hi a price we p iy for poneenog the world's "rst -tlectrontc «vatch But astctrooic essence m only pan of th« Bulova story Excellence in daaign is another dfcne. For each Bulova timepiece
      271 words

  • 140 26 BRITONS MORE FRIENDLY NOW TO DRUMKLB Tues PuMte offttaVm in W uerio the awmnieaii S^BaSe?^ rj^ h ju^ Eu'r 555S put to a^rrTrVo'f'nSfi Britons in October and aaaVßßaaVftss—MP «»■>«>■■ aiil >*vv«bott, rvpurwu will M par cent consider the Common Market a good thing for Britain and 35 P«r cent consider
    AP  -  140 words
  • 244 26 THE Senate, in a turnabout, yesterday cut out funds for enlarging the US facility at the Indian Ocean island >]<K<> '<;inia in approving the US$3 billion <Ss7.a") billion) Military Construction Appropriation Bill. Th# Senate adonted the recommendation of the Senate Appropriations Committee In deleting the
    244 words
  • 55 26 ANKARA. rue*.— Former Turkish Premier Bulant Bee▼tt won an overwhelming vote of confidence yesterday from hi* Republican Peoples Party (RPPi congress here The 1 500 delegates of Turkey* largest party voted almost unanimously to maintain Mr Ectvlt as chairman of the RPP. Informed source* said. There
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 25 26 TOKYO. Tues—China and Gambia have decided to attaMlih diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level. the official New China News Agency said today. Al\
    25 words
  • 270 26 Talks, not force, in securing oil, says Miki rKTO. Tmea. Japan would continue its policy of avowing oil ■pMn throagb nrjo- tUtions with oil-pro-dnelng cosntrlti, Prtme Minister Takeo Mlki teed the Diet (Parttaaaent) today Answering opposition «aecUons. Mr. MJkiwho took ofllec on Dec. t said the United States waa urging
    AP  -  270 words
  • 50 26 TOKYO, TUea. Japan la expected to produce !20 million tonne* of crude atec! la the 1976 financial year (tartIng next April, the Japes Miron and Su«l Federation •aid today. The full capacity of the nation* atatl Industry la batween 130 and 140 million tonnes. It said. Rauter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 39 26 Moscow tun.— The new Sorlst Minuter of Culture. MY. Pyotr Demlchev. waa removed yesterday from hie post of national party ateretary as the central commlttiw of the Soviet Oommunlat Party con»a»»d a two-day plenum hare. HYT.
    39 words
  • 43 26 MANILA. Tus* W»HT will supply the Philippine, with crude oil at the rate of 10.008 barrala telly, aocorxttnc to Mm Dnalda Marcos, wilt of President Marcos, who •turned home tonight from > dz-WMk foratcn trip which included a rlatt to Mexico
    43 words
  • 256 26 I ONDOSf. Tw*. Tlm Baikal >"clom* Htmlr talalMr. «tui r»--•••tiB* toebsf**! fMien Tmbww wm •m+u ixui tmi, urn n«*mi«i Tibms la*m vm* «a t.« W O^^W»»w#wsß l t iMHMS Will fTttttC i* irnlirm ia>wvv ud SbumS ■c >k«M polat hi(b*r la ISM ■MeMui aa4 H«lir toua IMM BeaKy
    256 words
  • 22 26 LONDON. TM*. SMt kom ye (»■»*>■ ts—s i iSj. iMlmi flees fset SMtlaaMat: <S«M <-*!*> T— SM tea* ml^ Ml im T— Saat
    22 words
  • 22 26 London, tw mm mi» tiniMT ju n im m u. Ju/ilw* KU. Aartt/MM n M. M)«D OM^M MB/ Mm* M.M. «|<V>M
    22 words
  • 65 26 mrw YORK. TtoBS. A Mps yesurtaj ordered taw FBI not to snoop on the aauonaJ oomveoUon of a poUtktai group itbUkm is sfs*xist sad bent on toppUag tto* us n Msal In what w— tudetwt to se isiiihartMi PMermi Onen Jodg* Ttassas Qrtssa bexred Ibaertee Ogtatlag
    65 words
  • 190 26 New drug joins anti-cancer armoury WASHINGTON, Tuesday AN expensive Italian drug called adriamy- cln Is a significant addition to the growln_Mlst of anti-cancer weapons available to American doctors, a National Cancer Institute official said yesterday. "I would call It on* of the most active drugs we hare, bat It's not
    UPI  -  190 words
  • 134 26 Call for creation of Asean airline MANILA, Tues Airline representatives of the Association of South-east Asian Nations (Asean) have proposed the creation of an Asean airline, a Joint statement said today. Tbe proposal will be submitted to Asean's Permanent Committee on Civil Air Transport for consideration, the statement added. It
    AP  -  134 words
  • 28 26 TOKYO. Tud. Sevan Japanese trading home* would Import about SO. OOO tonnes of steaming coal from China later this month. It was announced here today. -R*uKr
    28 words
  • 26 26 WtXLINOTON. Tues.- A major change In the organisation of New Zealand's health services was outlined In a government White Paper released fcere today— UPI.
    UPI  -  26 words
  • 20 26 CARACAS. Tues Venezuela has ■gTwifl to use lta boccnlrr oil wealth to help sane at its needier
    20 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 314 26 DYNA-A25 from DENMARK.... Now with improved Eye Appeal The A 25 is acclaimed the "BEST BUY" over and over again by HI Fl Magazine Reviewers and Music Critics. MNMSTIC OFFER NEVER TO BE REPEMED^GWN at. O per pair (while stocks last). You cannot beat this price anywhere else in the
      314 words
    • 635 26 'Hoarding GllllS Opel. Up warning plane i'JSr^-" over Seoul "Apart from Increasing Urn demand for sosmr QSOUL, Tues. The I The Ministry said Seoul and condensed. mOk. O South Korean i v three-minutes hoarding would const- rw# flying time from North quently Itorce nrtces Mr- Defence Ministry Korea and iU
      635 words

  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 488 27 What do you give to the man who gives everything? Ask Mrs. Santa. We think you know the answer. MM the seamless Oyster case and Twinlock This is just to remind you all the ways CroW k P> ySKT Pcr P ctual Rolex is so special. movement safe under trying
      488 words

  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 607 28 n CORONA MANUFACTURERS (PTE) LTD SENIOR POSITIONS IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT W« a fast expanding typewriter manufacturing plant at Bedok New Town. W« hove the lote«t production equipment for the fabrication ot typewriter ports, and the assembly of electric portable typewriter*. Owing to rapid growth and expanding program*, we ore
      607 words
    • 486 28 Established International Engineering Troding ond Controcting Company have the following voconcies (1) CONTRACTS MANAGER (DESIGNATE) (2) EXPORT TECHNICAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Applicants must be Singapore Citizen betweerajthe age of 28 and 35 and have at least 3 yeors proctical experience m related fields (1) CONTRACTS MANAGER DESIGNATE) Only oppliconts with experience
      486 words
    • 446 28 f Ja***s; 11 ATTENTION II I aH awffatk. young man who era mtarartad in profraaama. ft I I rJavalop»r»Q with our Shipyard. Hya«: »ara aafaaw #m aaaa mt 17 22 yaaw ♦haw ramalatad Sacondary Two I bbbbl B aaaam uwata aaßßtßa M laaaMiaßi at t>a4a aa. av-^a^^^.- i^ H VftvV
      446 words
    • 808 28 f STORE MANAGER We require a dynamic man of a strong charocter between the oge of 30 40 years to organise ond manog* our stores at the various locations in Singapore involving a wide range of products from household appl onces to engineering products and moehtnt tools. Appliccnts must have
      808 words

  • 1144 29 No signs of peace to come among the guerillas A THREE-MAN reporting team has returned from the jungles of the southern Philippine! with an exclusive report on th« secessionist rebellion there. The team, which travelled secretly between rebel areas by boat and on jungle trails, lived with the guerillas for
    1,144 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 122 29 SECRETARIAL HONOURS LIST 1974 Ist place Stamford Centre 2nd place Stamford Centre sth place Stamford Centre 6th place Stamford Centre Stamford secretaries epitomising excellence in secretarial skills have maintained traditional standards in external examinations. Proof of SUPERIOR TRAINING backed by 25 years of expertise and unsurpassed facilities for study and
      122 words
    • 471 29 The new IC9 Setron is special. I show you how to get the J AM miL SJ^T^ Special because it gives you best from it MAnr toi m h Lim^t sharp, brilliant life like pictures instantJy ||*A fully tropicalised set that WjFn Touch thcchannel I §■1 jflfe'* And special because
      471 words

      • 31 30 >. T«*Mm t %Mf I. IfW i ■■inii«ii MM M MM —J» tl M I* 1141 J» OJ4 jM MU jM tl M J« tl» jM II 41 M 11.44 M
        31 words
      • 11 30 DJI Mm ferfcy TMal Tmw. T*tal Vatm 14*4
        11 words
      • 58 30 Dm. l« Dm. IT MfcMllllh: MM I«N F1 *M«« Mt.44 1 M*: UtJS INJt rtipwilll 11S.M 1I4.U tim: t: ii nil t l UtM ttTJt ><><■.< 1IJJ1 114 11 IU. lad 1M.1I 1U.11 Da. M. 1M4 B 1M I Dm. II. IMS IM t D« W, 1M1 IM Dm
        58 words
      • 18 30 Mm* PlM* •u :i. ihrW mi •< II 41 +.M »1 KM MM *M<, HM -M 11*4 M«ll
        18 words
    • 1623 30 T« last transacted sal* at ttW eta**.* Of tßMaaTMaa> oa Is* aioek atecnange of ■tapaoc* yesterday compared wtth Oaf prevtou* oay'i prices liiillm wist 1974 high aad tow 1 Adjusted for a;i new closing Tang: canumditm idla wall* Uw rest aaalae. TUBNOVI* Official total lurcovar oa tba smaaßora
      1,623 words
    • 364 30 pWCES continued their downward drift In quiet tradta( en the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday. There was Jast a* Interest or Incentive to trade, as srecalators aad Investors kept we I away from a market which apparently had itiU to Bnd IU trae k*tteta. News wk
      364 words
    • 291 30 '["Further erosion of KL prices 11/KAK conditions per listed on the Kuala Lumpur Btock Exchange yesterday and shares suffered further erosion In dull trading. Declines, in general were marginal, although there were bigger losses spotted here and there. With the market undermined by the continuous fall in share prices. even
      291 words
    • 1117 30 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the numbe. of share* traded shown In brackeU In lot* of 1.000 un!ts unleas otherwise specified INDL'STRIALS lou (10« B) A.T.L (0588) AJaiwsH (2 06B) A. HoMIM (1138)
      1,117 words
    • 986 30 Bn> snd offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to trie Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange jastsYday with the number of shares traded shown In braeaeU In lot* of 1.000 unit* miISM otherwise specified IMDUtTBIAL* «IMMU 1 1 IM) Al«.« il UB 1 TM) AM IX,. ,0
      986 words
    • 98 30 THS ruropaan pabn oil market was Braer on Monday Mtowtaf a strocg Chlcs#o. aeeordsßf to MPOPA Till US market waa active awKatton* US* cent* (Botlnisßil nnlsM stated ware Jan MM atDsr* Pvb MM (U8)» »JJ ocnu asHara. Ei US)*. 71 cento buyers (OB) M caoU traded. •m mm
      98 words
    • 121 30 HONOKONO Electricity consumption by China Light and Power's Industrial customers fell 10 per cent In the first two months of the company's current financial year, largely due to the slowdown In the textile sector, a company spokesman said. Consumption by prtraU households did not fall so
      121 words
    • 101 30 LONDON Albright and Wilson raid It has received a request from Tenneco International for the conversion of 16 9 million of IU 1 75 million convertible loan Into ordinary stock of Albright and Wilson The conversion rate U at 32 Sp per ordinary •hare and will
      Reuter  -  101 words
    • 247 30 ASIAN currency deposit lntsrtank rates a* at clom on Tuesday. Ok. IT: l» DOLUUU (teat) <Mhr BM 7 days It 1/4 1* it I Bib 10 3 8 1* 1 4 > mtb€ 10 SI 1* 1/4 I mth* 1* II 19 1/4 I mth* 10 1
      247 words
    • 253 30 T&LLOWTHO the sharp drop in Buropa the U8 dollar opened weaker at JIM 7j u> the ■otapore forex Market yesteroay coav Wio'l? Mond y Year-cod eomaktrcMl demand* appeared at tbls level and the aollar was flraUy Md up to UUM34OC by noon. in the allemooo. further comsaemal immsiius
      253 words
    • 183 30 The following are natssstad Interbank rales at S pm aureacles Neessaal rale* Nasltaaanlan ISrernlag* saeled j sin iay (rraarl aarUy Caaage US dollar 2 33*0 3*410 3 IIM —17.06 Sterling pound J 447J 1 4W4 ***** —25 15 Hongkong dollar 49 10 41.35 50 51 3Tt Malaysian dollar
      183 words
      • 29 30 Rubber: Dec. 17. Singapore: 131 75 eta (up ».J5 ct). Malaysia: ***** cts (op I.M ct). Tin: $94* (down $2.lZi). Official offering: 254 tons (down 9 tons).
        29 words
      • 105 30 C minus raoo v c 1 I* CMANCI. lIMOAPOm NOAM CLOSING PNICIt Pia FICUL rIITIKOAT C««»~t 041: bulk IM nominal. drum 1100 nominal Caera: Mixaa dooot) UK/Ooal |M nominal •a*oor: Munto* AST A whin f.*.b 100% NL.V «77» Mlltra. Sarawßk wblla <o b NL.W |2*i aallcra. Sarawak apeeul buck
        105 words
      • 28 30 London oos>p*r pricai on Monday ipnviotu in braekau) Wlrtaar Spot buytr 1&U ll!>it) MlUr 15M KUI) Thra* Month tmyr i»6* i»570) «»ll«r ISM SO i £571)
        28 words
      • 188 30 Straits tin DOWN 52.12 -pHE Straits tin prtre In Penang yesterday dropped 83.134 to 1940 per plcul on an offlcUl offering down nine tens to 364 tons. The overnight London metal price was barely steady with forward buyers quoted 110 lower on Friday's close to £3.040 per metric ton. LONDON:
        188 words
      • 575 30 tip until noon the Slngapore niDber market yesterday moved within a half cent range at slightly lower levels than the previous ni»nt Short-covering and long liquidation were about balanced. Thereafter the market steadied as better buying waa found and closed only slightly off bast. The afternoon session was
        575 words
      • 92 30 rytJLY BMB and SOt prioM laud at boob ymtm&y: IClrmi Mlm (Farwßftf Mtfcl MHH B^oti Mn B«7«n Mtan BMR icy (luaMhti irrjo imjon lrrao wmn MM 5L (1 ion (ilkli IMM MJ«N IMM I»WN BMI II ton p^M) IMM ir«N IMSO InJOK ■tt M (1 too p*OK>
        92 words
      • 160 30 > UOCKWONO Tuee— The i I *marfc*t dosed nrm. with opening tore**, dealer* said No specuV raaaan was gimn for the upturn, and dealer* ware cauUou* of attarhlng importance to the I Soane traders, however thought the new low Interest rate structure wss Uimlng investor* towards the market agate
        160 words
      • 146 30 •TOKYO, TUB*. Share 1 prices on the Tokyo stock market were mixed today on small kit scUlng and buying as Investors »U«hl Mce;:i'.e<l In the morning seaalon pharmaceuucals firmed. Ot. the other hand, a segment of government loan* and investment* eaaed In the afternoon session, some trading firms, automation
        146 words
      • 259 30 MELBOURNE. Tue* —Oold stocks featured prominently in an otherwise lacklustre market on the Melbourne Stock exchange today. Late buying support lifted Emperor. GMK. and kUlfoorile »»aU«m to substani Ually higher ground, follow- Ing a day of uninspired trading activity Ursnlr:r stock P»nee«Uiwntal was another blight performer, closing with a
        259 words
      • 134 30 AMSTERDAM. Mon Stocks generally retreated with Beyal Datch hardest hit in Dutch international! and Amsterdam Banner, banks. Natienale NederUui*>n. and Bljenkor In local Issue* Eania and Boer led rises uralnrt the trend Insurances were mind State loan* weakened. Owing prleaa IB IJUtch sulMtl witn tha dinVrwc* on tb* previous
        134 words
      • 111 30 ZURICH. Mon— Today's performance oi the Zurich Stock Exchange showed no teal Interest In buying stocks. On a .'mall volume, price* tended to fluctuate Banks »ere well maintained Industrials. lnsvrance companies and the bond market closed Irregular The Credit Sulsse Index eased 0.1 point to 1524 Cluain« '..riea. IB
        111 words
      • 382 30 I^CW YORK. Uon— D% x^ prosing economic new* continued to weaken stock price* today In accelerated trading Prtcts on the New York Stock Exchange moved narrowly lower until noon, when Increased telling preaeure expanded the earlier loses* At the conclusion of trading, the Dow Jones Industrial average was
        382 words
      • 64 30, lu ,a., uu u»« M.ihourn* < 1 IM)| C\o~4 teuton mtSW CIom« i<4 ooa a— 4 Beirut IM M M— »»0«« I*o 70 IT* TO Zurich HUM CIOM4 IM 00 CIOM4 PUW 1-7 17 Ocrt Tuotflr M.nd., DOT* 13) 111 MB 174 MB C>pon pneM iii Boniirrliiw
        64 words
      • 72 30 FINANCIAL TIMEH TINS Montfiy 6052 Friday MM Wat* *r> HIS *****1 Monday 212 18 FrkUy ***** Weak »fo 100 M Ml Monday HIM Fnd»y 111 a Witk mo 117 61 INDISTKIALS >Jon<l«> IJ6 2 fj«ay 1522 «fo 161 i DOH JONES AVEKAO. INDISTBIALH Mooday IMU FTMay M 3 77
        72 words
    • 259 31 San moves into minus territory SAN Holdings has incurred a group pre-tax loss of $78,878 in the year ended March 1974 compared with pronts of $60,406 the last time The latest accounts txihe performtnee nr subsidiaries j which were told after the year ckioad. Aj the mid-term low of $238,240
      259 words
    • 169 31 issue: 53½ per cent taken up ONLY S3 4 per cent of the one for one rights Issue oiTered by Pahang Consolidated at par to raise £2 million has been taken up by the shareholders Of the total offer, major shareholder. Faber Union (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Faber Merlin Malaysia)
      169 words
    • 454 31 AS a result of the dlfflcult trading conditions encountered by Its detergent and textiles divisions. United Industrial Corporation expects there will be .1 "dampening effect" on its profits advance. However, the chairman. Mr Pang Tee Pow. says that some of these difficulties "can be checked with
      454 words
    • 293 31 NEOOTIATIONB are In progress to settle a claim against subsidiary Veneer Products iUSA> by Puget Sound Plywood of the US. Veneer Product* told the Stock Exchange of Singapore In reply to an SES query. The query arose over the provision of $750,000 as contingent liability
      293 words

  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 961 31 1 &/Af£s*\A*c?/*A=jßmr> <A/f*LJJVm=S SIA invites applications for the positions of 1 FLIGHT STEWARD AND I STEWARDESS REQUIREMENTS Flight Steward jaß GCE passes in 5 subiects including English of which J b|S 2 should be at 'O' level. Candidates must have com'■A pleted National Service, or not be liable for it.
      961 words
    • 350 31 j No matter what the I subject,angleoflqhtinq I ortne eisyxi use, I SpotmaticFsfull I apertureTTLexposure meter I OBatesideal exposure readings I rorpenectpictureseveytime! p Battery-saving exposure meter turns on and off automaticaly L Vtorte with wide range of film speeds Hot-shoe' flash connection E makes for easy cordtess connection ■Shutter-lock prevents
      350 words

  • 1043 32  -  CHRISTOPHER ASHTON From In BOROKO •pHK world at large has an image of Papua New (iuinea encapsulated by the titles of the bestknown books about it; in history ("The Last I'nknown"), exploration ("The Land That Time Forgot"), travel ("Adam in Plumes" and politics
    1,043 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 151 32 L^^Bw^HlMv sharp J^^^2^^B Automatic Toaster 3 a 9 ft~s j BOHY Trolley Tray Aw^tl Dfil-rV Radio Model i^. RFA2O2.FM AM jtaV^fl frM 1"] I Model 26DC 7437 I L^i* I PTm7»I I Quick Heal only Teiefunken Wm I is equipped with this device J for instant picture and sound. HH^~~H
      151 words
    • 281 32 BrWH| /jjn\ lOi j Fmt «»lch»» tine* 1791 Brahms, Europe's most acclaimed composer, in his own life-time dedicated his Viitlin Concerto in D -«CW major to his close friend and con- jty fidente. the Hungarian violinist s,£. Joseph Joachim. The piece was first performed on New Year 's .<* Day
      281 words

  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1263 33 aaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaHBMMMMIHBSaMBVJ I aa^— a— a tar| Aaj» ■aMfkaaf EUVaW M ta. -Ma H aa MM -M ua aaM Mtaa Mtaa «Pa 'Pa «pa UaajlT 4M UM MM MM BU. EjrT" 14 14 5 as i JsJ£ ts w j r 7-r TT" ra. tiaaaaa P lauaj Vaj. t^aa) bbabi BUM
      1,263 words
    • 1042 33 pHooixainaUniJNDtS| PCL CONTAINERSHiP SERVICES TO US A MM MMM a MMa ITUSTB I MWII M N M MM raM mmm a aMt pa*aa pmmbb m mm mm a aaaaaM CaHaMaaa ■•aßßaßaaaaal A f LfMMkMMf fM^MML LaMM bbbbbbb. ufaaaTaaMt 'm'Sm** T. J ■VaMaVI HtMI MH SCteS MattaaaTjMMi^MMaMßMM) aU#«aMaMHI nb>M |TaM ■mm.
      1,042 words
    • 1826 33 ***** E'f >'?i?3B 1 JtHWIHfBBHI I IMMPt i^aaj liana laaa t>aaaaa R^Bbbbb I l C taara P Watt tua lalli I 'Mara taci IMflM{ Uprcu H(M a tac MM il a Baa nua r^Bk^Bal bbbT^^bbl aaßT^Haßr^ 1 1 IM aaM Bmm tPM I»M I'M >7 <m I %aMMMMMMBB 7™^ IBHMI
      1,826 words
    • 871 33 ti VII4VM Maaj >)«! XL VTIII. »«tiaaa UMI THE SAJTK LINE LTD. IMH-Mr hi HIM. aTTMM «a. laa laaaaa A t MM "a.aaj lam Mti Ma PMM lUT I IMIt Wtau PM BMM BMaU P MMaj lIP. Illla MiMiaaa u^, t n tat lan a B tai MTtABi a t^aat
      871 words

  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 932 34 rVI '^ILAWi^AiaKaMTN EAMatA LTD. aPU. MM Mat HMOS 9WKL Baa ai am mmm pwm «tatl Ma m I BM aaaaM aaa m cmbbm UMra> MMtat bm>. mm pm> AA—Ma a*aM ABvaaß mmwvmmt I ipn Ma MUM mam t M la nn mm attaa. Part •attar* lmm Amm «a.«TM aataaM mmb
      932 words
    • 810 34 MMIIM AU MMI or MMT IMapapßT PM IMIIIBa. BVn aaaaataa oaiaiapai mmbmm. tAaaaaaM, taßaai mmm «MMn aaaa am mm am mbm bam pam m in Bmbmmbj IC T MMTT lAT MMI IMI MMBM. itr'ainioTa aMa aMi Mart. icia mm mn npm aMa '<■ i mun (Ml mm.l. H Pm a
      810 words
    • 890 34 uji— wort sovici LOAWMC POt LOMOON ■OTTMtOAM. pUUmMMC. LI MAVtI I P *~m\ Paaaap n Baaa I at* rat >an MPTMB BMM »l MO M 41m riM IM INaI4IM II 'tl mrvm ibMu m a m n a m n m ma im im AI«IVAU «BOM MOtTMWOT IVaOP>IAN POtTS AMD
      890 words
    • 767 34 j wmstsma n iaam iaBWaV/aP^aart mn i| Vm. loi P. a*MMj Pmmi taMp tar mmm him m Part nn Mi mmm 11 1 laaa. '.11. t-mwm N I tan 1 tits JT. A«»ait t MBM 1 lI IMI IT tt M 1 11 M till M It Ma»a. lIM. ■pibm.
      767 words
    • 855 34 KIAi'SII BMt»B M—mm a«PIT o*l AtrntoPMTT AMtouacßS tm mc SBa^^iaVi ESggr %a2SK Mara V Marl KmbMb la-H "?7 aJrtt* Kola MMja Ra|ah Broo»- tl Watt Kxc *2?T afMaOaJati LMJNPn Barajai II lomUi Tfrranna »'< T «i-A«tO Howl Mam (Car Carnarl tt. p..m a>ati Na* Ocnn TuiaMl4 Daapaaanal. Kinlaaaii llattw BJk
      855 words