The Straits Times, 31 August 1974

Total Pages: 40
1 40 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 FINAL EDITION SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 666 1 SEVEN DIE IN BOMB HORROR TOKYO, Friday SEVEN people were killed and 236 injured here today by a massive bomb explosion outside the headquarters of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), Japan's largest industrial and armaments manufacturer. Police said the blast was caused by a time bomb apparently planted by v left
    Reuter  -  666 words
  • 160 1 DR. Oeorge L. Klrkham. for several years assistant professor at the School of Criminology, Florida State University, in Tallahassee. Florida, gave up his academic career to Join his state police His action was prompted by the haunting fear that members of the
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  • 45 1 MW YORK. Fri. Dow Jonet averagea. based on first hour of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. SO Indus *****. up 11 10. JO transp 137 88, up 2 01; IS utlkt 6068. up 019 65 stocks 303.56. up 2 90. UPI.
    UPI  -  45 words
  • 325 1 'Yes' to China in Games swim events TEHERAN, Frl. x China today won permission to compete In swimming events at the Asian Games her first appearance in inter- national competition In the sport since 1958. j International Swimming Federation (FTNA) president Harold Hennlng announced that he had taken a personal
    Reuter  -  325 words
  • 44 1 MILAN. FH. West Oersaan ChaaceDar Helmut Schmidt arrived in lULj today for two dan of talka with lUUan Prime Minister Mariano Rumor. The dlacuMlona art expected to oentre on ways of helpmg Italy overcome liar currant economic crisis. llautar.
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  • 77 1 'Blow up embassy' hoax rpOKYO. Frl. Tokye X police dismissed as a hoax a series of telephone calls to the South Korean embassy here, threatening to blow up the embassy at 8 o'clock tonight. The embassy announced that It had received tape-recorded threats In six consecutive phone calls between 3.1S
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 105 1 ANGKLUNG MUSIC PLEASES THE PRESIDENT A dent Suharto beaming with pleasure at the show given by Indonesian schoolchildren at Wlsma Duta. the Indonesian Ambassador's residence, yesterday second day of his three -day State visit to Singapore. The children sang patriotic songs in praise of the President and their
    JsusU Junl  -  105 words
  • 237 1 COLOMBUB, (Ohio), Friday PRESIDENT Ford, pointing to Chlpa's giant economic strides, told Americans today that Increased productivity was the only way to Improve wages without Inflation. Mr Ford said that China, which he visited in 1072. was making fast progress, growing at the
    Reuter  -  237 words
  • 75 1 BAHOKOK. Frt. US military strength In Thailand dropped by 1.000 men In August to about 28.000, military spokesmen Mid today The new total I* the lowest the Vietnam war build-up In IMa. A reduction schedule worked out between Thai atid US authorities call* for
    AP  -  75 words
  • 64 1 BANGKOK, Frl. The management of one ol Bangkok f laadtag hotels prepared to ctoae 1U door* to gueat* tonight after failing to resolve a labour dispute A spofcaaman for the 525--room Duet Thanl hotel said no new gueau were admitted and ttooae already there would probably be
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  • 36 1 REYKJAVIK. Prl Icelands coalition government today announced urgent plan* for devaluation of the krona and purchase tax Increase*—and extension of the country's *ea fishing limit* from SO to M 0 mile* In 1975. Reuter
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 36 1 LONDON Frt —The govern-ment-owned Rolls Royce Company's profits for ItTS will be higher than the previous year and 'his year's profit* should be higher still. the firm's deputy chairman. Blr WUUan MWd. Mid yesterday—Reuter
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  • 65 1 WASHINGTON, Frl. ITae Sort* Union yesterday mnducted a major wtdcrgToaiid nadMtr tee* wtth a mad three BMgmaacw, the US itaritlMHr C— tart— rep arts sT The test im aarrted •at at Ik* Nerajra Zeaarjra island tea* are* bm the Arette Oaaaa, a apea-a— aai II m tht fifth
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  • 132 1 KUALA LUMPUR. Frt. Malaysia and China are expected to set up diplomatic missions In each other's capital next month. Government sources said today that an advance party of Malaysian officials would leave for Peking in early September to make preparations. At the same time, a "team
    AP  -  132 words
  • 58 1 MELBOURNE Frl The south western New South Wales town of Wagga Wiri reeled today under the Impact of the wont floods to bit the town In 130 yean The northern and westam parts of the town are already Inundated, with flood waters up to three metres
    Reuter  -  58 words
    • 63 1 PARIS, Fri— France has pledged to sell Egypt about M Mirage F-l Jet aircraft and to supply Syria with a modern radar network, well -informed aaurcea said hare teday. The agreement U» supply the planes and auipment was discloaJust two days after the French Government announced
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 T When the FEELING it such that you went it to last forever, buy a diamond ring to symbolist this mafic moment. jrfSA^- CHIONC SHING'a CH^Mj 666. North Br.dg* Ro«d. IT* *****4 a 3*2207 •odLAUS ARCADIA 21 7 Ewt Comi Road. $*oaepofe. Tel: *****1 Certificate of oriein will be issued.
      120 words
    • 247 1 c abermain Regittered Trade Mark DBB^ssr^esTf I'M UiaV ■BBBBBBBst fAI JIM BSK^ .aBBBBBk. J A The Magic Cameras Yaahica'i new Electro 'LD' movie carnot at are not enchanted. But they perform magic! They create professional fades, dissolves and slow motion effects. Automatically! They'll transform anyone into an "instant Pro!" Say
      247 words
    • 111 1 Profile of young adult offenders F*age 14 CALL to hel9 2M.00* refag ees In Cyprus 2 PAEK'S concern over worsenlnc ties with Japan 3 i FORD asks Conrress for $2.1 million for Nixon 4 LAST words of a (unman caught In ambush g PRESIDENT Suharto's visit: Day Two Reports and
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  • Straits Times World News
    • 92 2 WASHINGTON, Fri. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will conduct an informal investigation into the reported disappearance of a substantial amount of American arms supplied to the former Greek military junta, committee sources said. The committee will question senior Defence Department officials about a press report that
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 488 2 Call to help 200,000 refugees in Cyprus THREE-NATION MOVE IN UN- UNITED NATIONS, Frl THE Security Council was today expected to adopt a resolution calling for action to help the estimated 200,000 refugees on Cyprus and a new effort to resume peace talks. The draft, sponsored by Austria, Britain and
      Reuter; UPI  -  488 words
    • 160 2 UPPER VOLTA, m— Cattle wade through a flooded area of this African country recently hit by torrential rains, which eased drought co n d 1 tlons but caused flooding. Upper Volta is one of six countries along the southern edge of the Sahara which has suffered
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 73 2 BELFAST, Frl. A woman In her 50s was In serious condition In hospital this morning after being found Impaled on iron railings outside a school In central Belfast, police said. She was found outside Methodist College. A police spokesman said she had severe wounds In the abdomen. Police
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 139 2 Big oil and gas find in Norway OSLO, Frl —Official* announced yesterday the discovery of the biggest oil and gas Aeld in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. The Industry Ministry said the Held contains reserves of at least two billion barrels of .ill and M billion cubic metres
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    • 346 2 NEW DELHI. Frl rE Independent Hindustan Times today sharply criticised the Indian Government decision to grant tne H'malay an kingdom of Slkklm seats in the Parliament in New Delhi. "If It Is not outright annexation. It comes close to It, the paper said in an editorial.
      UPI  -  346 words
    • 205 2 50 hurt, 200 held in pop festival battle LONDON. Frl. More than 50 people were Injured when police fought an eight-hour running battle with 2.000 fans at a pop festival near London yesterday. Another 220 youths were arrested and the Home Secretary. Mr. Roy Jenkins, had to Intervene personally. The
      Reuter  -  205 words
    • 52 2 TOKYO, m Japan Air Lines (JALi tald today tt ha* concluded a commercial agreement with China's Civil Aviation Administration on regular air aenrtce between Japan and China. It said under th« agreement the ont-way economy class far* betwen Tokyo and Peking- waa rued at 63.400 yen
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 313 2 i mmm^T^\ Here's greater bin ing pewer for ycu !"H W^ CORTINA'S I I DOUBLE-YOUR-DOLLAR J I^^^ I I sam^st l\ We nave a mill on dollars worth of fabulous ■a^aV f *4^ As#%wPl.9^B 11 fashion goods to clear in our Ladies' Department. B^A Im 9fK »^aT -1 Man V
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    • 398 3 SEOUL, Friday PRESIDENT Park Chung Hee called the Japanese Ambassador here, Mr. Torao Ushlroku, today and expressed concern over worsening relations between the two countries, an authoritative Government source said. The unusual meetIng lasted about 40 minutes at the* Presidential mansion. The Government source
      Reuter  -  398 words
    • 111 3 WOMEN SEEK TOP POSTS A GROUP of Presidential appointees all women met President Ford in Washington on Thursday to offer ideas on how women could assume a larcer role in government. The President is flanked by bis wife Betty (right) and Mrs. Anne Arm strong. counsellor to the Cabinet room
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    • 529 3 Recess for sea law meet and no pact is in sight WARNING OF WORLD TENSION CARACAS. Frl. I THE United Nations law of the sea conference recessed for six months today with a clear warning fiom its president Shirley Amerasinghe that there is little hope of concluding a new world
      Reuter; AP  -  529 words
    • Briefs
      • 34 3 LONDON: Britain's Liberals may gain an important publicity advantage for the sjajpsjctoi October general elee- j tlon uy being the only I major party to have the I springboard of aa annual party conference.
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      • 27 3 WASHINGTON White House Chief of Staff Alexander Hag has denied reports of friction between President Ford's top staff and the Nixon administration holdovers In the White House.
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      • 27 3 PARIS: France received more bad economic news today with the an- I nouncement that consumer prices rose in July at an annual rate of 15.6 per cent.
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      • 48 3 NEW YORK: The newsstand price of the New York Times on weekdays will be Increased on Monday to 20 cents from 15 cents In New York city and In suburban areas within a 50-mile radius of the city, as well as on all of Long Island.
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      • 23 3 WASHINGTON: The United States and East Germany will formally announce the establishment of diplomatic re- lations next Wednesday, State Department officials said today.
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      • 35 3 NEW DELHI: A new political grouping created from the merger of seven Opposition parties was launched yesterday to offer what was described as "the national alternative" to the ruling Congress" of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
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      • 35 3 TAIPEI: Pop singer U Yafang said yesterday she could not scream when ahe was abducted and forced to pose for nude pictures because her abductors threatened to disfigure her with acid and eat her face.
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      • 33 3 WASHINGTON: Foreign Minister Emlllo Rabasa of Mexico asked the United States today to support moves In the Organisation of American States to lift the 10-year-old trade and diplomatic sanctions against Cuba.
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      • 20 3 TOKYO: Japan today threatened retaliation if Britain did not rescind her decision banning Japan Airlines from taking passengers in Hongkong.
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      • 32 3 WASHINGTON: Secretary of Defence James Sch- leslnger and Attorney Oeneral William Saxbe met today to work out i details of their joint report to President Ford on the question of amnesty. Agencies.
        Agencies  -  32 words
    • 219 3 FIRM 'NO' TO GUNMEN BY ECHEVERRIA pUADALAJARA, Fri. \J President Luis Echeverrla. refuted today to negotiate with the kidnappers of his sick and aged father-in-law, sticking to his year-old policy of "no deals" with terrorists. "By joint decision, the family has decided to leave the matter entirely In the hands
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 444 3 FENDER AMPUHERS [U.S.A.) &£s&**>** KQ( M I (A member of Federal Hotel Group) P aa ams-Nf I^^ Luxurioualy furnished air -con rooms with ■^smuaaa^ar s^sa«a^a»a¥aW^awjmj^B s »^smmm^B^ exotic restaurants, bar and swimming pool GIVE YOURSELVES TO A SPECIAL SjfcONLY AT FIRST FLOOR*fc HOLIDAY AT LANGKAWI COUNTRY ladies sale price CLUB
      444 words
    • 663 3 I GENERAL SALES I MANAGER Around 545.000 plus car and chauffeur Our client is a large industrial concern with extensive business interests in Singapore and Malaysia. The company manufactures and markets a wide range of paper products throughout the area, and has recently embarked upon its plans for further expansion.
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    • 325 4 $15 bil deficit in 1975 for Britain forecast LONDON, rri. The British balance of payments deficit will be £2,750 million (5515.812.5 million) next year on current account, a major economic review predicted today. The quarterly document, published by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, expects the deficit to
      Reuter  -  325 words
    • 60 4 BANGKOK Pri. South Koreas Lee Byung Hee was unanimously reelected president of the Asian Basketball Confederation during the organisation's congress here yeuerday. Cho Tong Jae, also of South Korea, was rs sisctsd secretary-general at the congress, which was attended by representatives from south Vietnam. Singapore. Philippines. Malaysia..
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 214 4 AGNEW:I'M HARASSED BY NEWS MEDIA WASHINGTON. Fit— Former Vice-Pre-sident Soiro Af new today repeated his denial of bribery and extortion charges which led to his resignation from office, and said he has been "harassed by the news media" since leaving office. Mr. Agnew wrote a letter to the Wash n<ton
      214 words
    • 492 4 Ford asks House for $2,1 mil for Nixon EXPENSES AND PENSION FOR EX-PRESIDENT TILL NEXT JUNE WASHINGTON, Friday PRESIDENT Ford yesterday asked Congress to provide US$B5O,OOO ($2,125,000) in expenses and pension for ex-President Nixon ontil the end of next June. The full amount Is already authorised by law U*****,000 (SSI,
      Reuter; UPI  -  492 words
    • 221 4 Quiet welcome for Soyuz-15 spacemen MOSCOW, Friday THE two Soviet Boyuz-15 cosmonauts got an unusually low-key reception after their return from a 48-hour flight In earth orbit, strengthening speculation that their puzzling mission had failed in its main purpose. In their two-day flight, cosmonauts Oenn a d y Sarafanov. 32,
      221 words
    • 148 4 HARD TIMES AHEAD FORD WARNS WABHINOTON. Frt. President Ford yesterday warned Americana to be ready for sacrifices In the fight against Inflation, but his press spokesman said there were no plans yet for a tax Increase. In announcing appointments to his new Cabi-net-level council on wage and price stability. Mr
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 23 4 HOUSTON (T«M> Fri A froup of Roman Oathoi!c nun* h*« adopted a resolution calling for the ordln*Uon of woman v |«Imli w.
      23 words
    • 31 4 tucson Pri—Reprmsnttlv« Pet* MrClatkey an un■uceaasful paaot car.dtdmf for the Republican Presidential nomination In ItTI. or*dicted je*terd»y President Ford muht grant uuM'y (or draft dodgers and Witergate figures by Chrtatmas.
      31 words
    • 72 4 TEL AVIV, rrt. brad expccU to draft t«aa of thou Midi of mw NMton Into IU ana? by taking a frcah look at Men prmrtoMly eiemplf d from eaU-a». Col. Tltthak Eomb, head of the Amy MobUluUmn Centre, said people aced between It and M who are
      72 words
    • 46 4 UNITED NATIONS. Fri The United States. Britain. Portugal and South Africa were severely condemned yesterdsy by the UN Special Committee or. Colonialism on grounds thst '.hey use military might to suppress the people of Angjla. Mozambique Ouam. Pacific islands Bermuda and ther territories—Af
      46 words
    • 271 4 Communist gunners step up their shelling attacks SAIOON, Fri. Heavy fighting has erupted near a government camp under intermittent pressure for the past month in South Vietnam's central highlands, the Saigon command said today. Communist gunners pumped some 1,000 shells at government infantrymen in protective positions around the camp yesterday
      Reuter; UPI  -  271 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 443 4 Bj^L w As^g^L^ftg^a SB W BBM^KjaAfl^^^^Ba^^X^^^^^as^^^Bv^^^^^XX^J^^^Bg^^Bß| sjr G 3^ C GROUND FLOOR 3 r LADIES ACCESSORIES- <^lh\ p— GENTS DEFT— nlfr V COSTUME JEWELLERY /V Al lafcNlbUtK I «y «r» Necklac««. choker, ring«, i-e-OfH/ fc 7 fg*=3 l/a3t\««L»#Wo^-^ J SOfl Ml J? bracelets, pendants LBSs£U* T -Jf^ I MWHltmOtl 4^24.9o
      443 words
    • 250 4 THE WOLLONGONG AID PORT KEMBLA HOSPITALS N.S.W. VACANCIES FOR RESIDENT MEDICAL STAFF FOR 1975 The Wollongong Hospital (450 beds) and Port Kembla Hospital (150 beds) are sister hospitals catering for the needs of a population of about 270.000. Both are general and midwifery hospitals. THE REGION Is situated 50 miles
      250 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 198 5 »jjL_ JhML iVttu-fii b? iJH Bf rTt^l I" dfTiJ ■^sb^bb^bb^bb^bb^bl FVX^h HE BBJBWWBPHBJBBJBbBbBbBbBBbBj HMF? l witfß h^^Wwp& j > I al^> -?fl HI Iv ""-^l *Bf*" 1— i i wiw** «<fc<fc <^n iw^ii. <gMMBBBBt^^^BBVi I I ft 9 -fl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BßH^^^^^^^'-* I iTTIj Wi^tmwrm^wtilw i'l 1 4 I BB^^^^^^T^^B^ "S l'll''t/ BB^BB^K
      198 words

    • 388 6 House 'no' to that special power King cant override Parliameiit BANGKOK. Friday CONTROVERSIAL clause in the original draft of Thailand's new Constitution which would have given the King the power to override Parliament was deleted in the National Legislative Assembly today. By a margin of only 119 votes to 104,
      Reuter  -  388 words
    • 102 6 JAPAN LIFTS OIL CURBS npOKYO, m A state M. of emergency Imposed eight months ago following the worldwide) oil crisis last autumn will be lifted from tomorrow. International Trade and Industry Ministry Yasuhlro Nakasone announced today. But be told a press conference that a government w»r»«<gn to save oil and
      Reuter  -  102 words
    • 43 6 TOKYO. Fri Japainie sue) mills are pusilng ai cad with plans to tulU n araBsotß blast turaaaea to prepare for an increased demand for steel In J«pac and over seas in the e> ming years, industry sour ts sad toda* Reutc.
      43 words
    • 79 6 $7.5 m for-PoWs BANGKOK, M. Ike US Central totstlgssm Agea«7 has swsMsMe* ■early V9U mUMmTmi* mUMmm) I. Tkal banks to ewver *mll essk pay of TsuU -vwJuteer" swkuers mm to isle ass i ft— ea»ttrKy la Ues, a Gw rermsa**. saw** mwrtoi yeetorway. Tto ratkei La* are reverted ready to
      79 words
    • 59 6 ANKARA. Prl Turkey will seek long-term crwUt for arm* purchases and clomo- economic and military co-operation during a vWt tc Libya by Turfcuh Finance MlnUtor Denis Baykal. Informed source* said here today Mr Baykal. on* of the ekMMt sdvlsm to Turfclah Prune Minister Butaot BMVIt. leove*
      59 words
    • 29 6 BUKMOS AUtB FA A retired army tauniftf officer w»j murdstvd jnHidftjr and a local parttainantarian narrowly sseaped with hU Ufe a* politic*, vlotsnc* continued tat Argentina,. Reuter
      Reuter  -  29 words
    • 189 6 Tlan of action' to deal with birth rate BUCHAREST, Friday rE two-week United Nations population conference ends here today with the issuing of a "plan of action" that could have a major effect on the problems of a world threatened with disastrous overcrowding. Birth rates, life expectancy, family planting and
      Reuter  -  189 words
    • 287 6 Ford has his first brush with France WASHINOTON. m After only three weeks In the Whlt« House. President Ford has had his first brush with America's most prickly ally. France. In an unusual statement the White .House took Issue with criticism by French President Valery Olscard d'Estaing that Mr Ford
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 36 6 STOCKHOLM, Ptt North Korea, through tte embassy In Stockholm has ordered five super-luxury saunas complete with stereo*. carpets and padded furniture for U8523.000 (8*87.000) an official of the Tyloe Sauna Company said today. UFI
      36 words
    • 25 6 LISBON, Fri rtirtiuesi were yesterday granted a limited right to hold public rallies, demonstrations and mtrches under a new law published here. Reuter.
      Reuter  -  25 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 693 6 VI ga^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^sa* I f^ Ra^sW ga^J laSsagwai M^' s£~ Tflll TRIPQ a«aa^_al m£- *"31j'> Devon Violet Gift sets containing one I j tR*-' PL ■B^"" Igj^ toilet soap, talcum and toilet water. JM I Sf' gar^^^m 9 (m If II aw^^^C waW laV mm UNBEATABLE VALUE AT 54.76 PER SET^
      693 words
    • 172 6 K gwanwn t¥m most lf)ltH jt MASSED atoms w of the 9 cermanJ Diuwii ftmm Germany. fj«- WS m* m»4«-votc« cho'r%, tto v^H > •0-uron, MASMO r HOIS I Of THI Of (MAN «MtNI- LAND Mni tnm «wic rival Mnat )s "iehty fmm* turn rktn*m, m- )KWI r AoHoIVH>. I
      172 words

  • 138 7 Sisters win the top two prizes rpWO sisters won the first X and second prizes of the food festival competition organised by NTUC Welcome supermarkets. The prize presentation ceremony took place on Thursday. Sharon Phua. IS. a Secondary Three student who won first prize received an Acma table model refrigerator,
    138 words
  • 63 7 Mosquito breeding up A RECENT mosquito survey showed that that out of 3379 residential houses and 251 construction sites, ISI houses and 12 sites were found breeding mosquitoes. The flfaree for the week ending Aug. tl Indicate an increase of l.«t and t.l* In moeaufto breeding In Bremlae* and conatrucUon
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  • 268 7  -  K.S. SIDHU WORKERS GET PAY A DAY LATE By §OME 200 people working in the offices housed in the KPM Building in Parsi Road, Tanjong Pagar, got their pay a (lav late yesterday. On Thursday the workers saw the whole building ablaze when they
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  • 43 7 WBK LONO dradgtaf operation* in the Eastern Approach channel to Jurong to remove high ipou In the are* have lUrted. Martnan an advised to five the craft In attendance a wide berth and to proceed •lowly while paotof the are*.
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  • 20 7 THK ChrUtlan Brother! OU Boy* A—ortatlon will hold a barbecue at the HoUdar Inn poolsMU at 730 tonight
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  • 295 7 Call for life ban. on guilty killer NEGLIGENT driven found guilty in fatal accidents cases should be barred from driving for life, according to Mr. C.K. Lee, a member of the board of directors of the National Safety First Council And Pedestrians found not using the facilities provided for them
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  • 55 7 DETECTTVE8 h»*« supped ap patrols In mm leading hotels here to ckeck gangland actirtUcs. This U the romdt of the latMt atUek m tour hotel f*e«U, hi- eMtag twe ■•afkonc norie ttan, last weekend far no arrest ha« •Ma aa4e Tke C*Jneae acctlon *f
    55 words
  • 234 7  - Models display new batik styles CHRISTINE CHEW By fHESE new styles are a revolution in Indonesian batik wear. Specially flown In from Jakarta for the weekend Indonesian Festival at Goodwood Park Hotel, they are the creations of former Indonesian actress Baby Huwae. The models showing off the new fashions are
    Mazlan Badron  -  234 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 A special offer frorn^-. Minolta M I Electroflash P j worth $60 IbPWWJJI W when you buy the |B3Ba|g]|W r Minolta Hi-matic E, Hi-matic F or Hi-matic 7S an extremely compact electronic flash unit specially designed for use on Minolta Hi-matic cameras. Cordless, hot-shoe convenience. Switches on automatically when attached
      74 words
    • 234 7 I \l\ *V^itt a^Bu -J S^B^B^B^L^B^B^Hwa^B^B^B^B^B^B^HBiB^B^BIBWSB^K J« H 1,. -wrrfrtX a^l L^L^ L^^ w > _^j»l^ a^LI BW*W*^L^Bm 'wB Lmisfl *S»*^S«»^^B ■^LV a*B%^BT* w^^^^B r^B^^4 1 SM- ■~~~'lL~^\ for less than $2 a day you can have this magnificent copier Rent a Ricoh BS2 and say good-bye to savings in
      234 words

  • 154 8 JAILED SIX MONTHS FOR CHEATING A MAN was Jailed for six months by the First Magistrate's court yesterday for cheating a woman of $300 on July 9. Tan Soon Lai admitted cheating Thung Chow Neo, 31 by promising her she could arrange with an employee of the HDB to place
    154 words
  • 41 8 THE Chief Cotnmlsdoner of the Singapore Scout A*aoclatlon Mr. Soh Teow Seng, will open Scout Patrol Leaden' Council meetIng at Ngee Ann Technical College. Clemen u Road. «t 9SO a.m. tomorrow. About ISO participant* wiL attend the function
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  • 530 8  - Prophetic last words of gunman about to die SHEILA CHEONG By J^ GUNMAN was shot dead by a detective in an ambush minutes after telling the detective "Today will be my day or yours," a coroner's court was told yesterday. Det. Sgt. Anthony Low Boon Eng, fired three shots at
    530 words
  • 101 8 ACCIDENT VICTIM ACCEPTS $9,500 OFFER rpHE High C•■ r t X yesterday approved »jM settlement offer in a road accident salt by Miss Ong Slew Leng, ZZ, an accountancy student with the University of Singapore. She will got thai mm. plus costs, from contractor Taa Tok Kin, M, driver of
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  • 73 8 Songs, dances at Conference Hall THE Ministry of Culture will present the Liangollen Echoes In the Music of Everyone series at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sept. 8. at 5 p.m. Pel tinmen are members of The Singapore Youth Choir. Singapore Youth Chinese Biaemble and Nan Hwa Olrls High School
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  • 66 8 Cemetery to make way for park Exhumation of graves at the Old Port Canning Christian Cemetery Is expected to start any time after Sept. 27. A spokesman for tha Parks and Recreation Depart mm t said vasurdaj the ic'ual date had not baen fixed as oeUUs were still being flnauad.
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  • 56 8 THS society for Aid to tha Paraiyaad of tha Singapore ArsMd Forces RaamlsU Asaodatton will bold a grand Charity Cultural Show under the patronage of Mrs. Yong Nyuk Un wife of the COanmunlcaUon* ifhiHai on •sot. 1 at I p m Tickets at 110. St. and M each
    56 words
  • 72 8 PDLJCE were yesterday Investigating a report by a 15-year-old girl that the was raped by two men. The girl alleged that the men, In their mldthlrtles. seduced her frr m her Tiong Bahru flat and forced her to stay with them In a house In
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  • 277 8 SINGAPORE 1 latest cornea graft patients. Mr Munsha Singh, 65, a watchman, and Mr. Noel de Souza. 48, a storekeeper, sparkle with Joy with the return of sight Both of them underwent a cornea transplant each at the Outram hospital last month. Mr.
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  • 32 8 THE Music Unit of the Mlnlatry of Education will hold lta 4th Inter Primary School Instrumental Knaemble Competition at the Singapore Conference Hail on Sept 4 at 7 p m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 355 8 PESTARIA =INDONESIA= <^k f!^m: 0 BALI -ISLE OF PARADISE 4 DAYS 8525. ($665 Kuu I BALI YOGYAKARTA JAKARTA 6 DAYS $695.(3835 KUL) Have a Festival Of A Time In Indonesia We Mean It! Super Jet Comfort First Class Hotel Accommodation the 350 room Hotel Sanur Beach Bali and Kartika Plaza
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 170 8 Brixtslna Up 'atxtes* By BUI fCtf^wnaajh els ti»l Camp By CUf T— Mil ■*TMRBOMST»>qj iTWCPfiS O*_Y ONE THING I fjjTT^ llir^^l IPT HOW TO TLXM THEST 1 VICCXA-OBf- 1 HAYS TO PkSUQe OUT 1 II 'I 52£Ir I N WA«ajPP*N««M^ToI *f->v A V|WV ft<M s 7A—^«_^- yTMATTy I <yiSOLJHr. I^l
      170 words

  • 26 9 TH* winners of baby contests In the community centres will compete in a grand baby show at the Singapore Conference Hall on Sept. IS.
    26 words
  • 142 9 Jail and caning for robbing taximan A 20-YBAR-OLD wlrex» man was Jailed for 3 ar ■>* strokes of the cane by a District Court yesterday when he admitted robbing a tajl driver of $33 together with four accomplices. The court heard that Han Joon Toon and his companions got Into
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  • 78 9 rE public's response to the week-long Bangladesh relief project has been overwhelming. The Singapore Council of Social Services has Juyt despatched the first load for shipment. The rest of the parcels will be sent shortly. Another project, organised by the University of Singapore Students'
    78 words
  • 41 9 A PORUM on You-h ir, Perspective will be held bi the Regional English Language Centre on Sept. 11 i\ 9 ajn. It is organised by ths ci>n structlve Use of Leisure Tlnu Award Scheme Com.w of the YWCA.
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  • 145 9 Housebreaker gets five years A 28-YEAR-OLD man who pleaded guilty to seven charges of housebreaklng was Jailed for five years by the Fourth al agl s t r ate's Court yesterday. The court oniy dealt with two of the charges against Abdul Kader bin AMu'lah. He was Jailed for three
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  • 532 9 Don points to a way out... ]y|ORE round-the-clock facilities should be made available for the increasing number of shift workers in Singapore, a university don said yesterday. This would help solve mental health problems faced by some shift workers, said Professor Phoon Wal-On. head of
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  • 43 9 THX managing director of Sembawang Shipyard, Mr. C N Wataon. will be the guast-of-honour at the ninth annual dinner and dance of the Old Fnglrmerlng Apprentices AaoclaUon of Naval Dockyard at the Royal Palace. Hotel Royal Ramada. at 7 30 tonight.
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  • 194 9 Upgrading for 24 varsity lecturers TEN senior lecturers In the University of Singapore have been promoted to associate professors. And 14 lecturers were promoted to senior lecturers. The new associate professors Include Dr. Augustine H. H. Tan of the Economics and Statistics Department of the University who Is also the
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  • 360 9 TEACHING THE STUDENT HOWTODECWE PUPILS In school* must be taught to make choices In mock-up or contrived situations, the director of the Institute of Education, Dr. Ruth Wong, said yesterday. They should also learn to follow these through with reasoned arguments for and against such choices. Speaking on making of
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  • 39 9 MaY AT aayoa of »lrmtrntia.l Mint in BrttaiD win talk on "Metrtoataon: Us Sff ecte Ob Tiistallen Buyers and Knd-Ussn of Pipe PltUnts sod Reialod PioiHsßf" at the HrtUeh aTJfb Cammleßton ctnena. on Srpt 11 at PJn.
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  • 91 9 Better work discipline at SBS rl police officers, seconded to the Singapore Baa Serrice Ltd. recently, have helped institute work discipline and the srooota rvnninf of BBS. The efficerm, who took ap see to as exeeaUves, are alaw maklnf iare thai the workers are not harassed by langsters. ment, there
    91 words
  • 41 9 COLOUR telerlslon Mto will be Installed In the People's Park Complex tomorrow for the "live" colour telecast of the opening ceremony of the 7th Asian Oames In Teheran. The telecast Is on Channel 5 at about 8 pm
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  • 140 9 $370,000 Ponggol workshop ready in October pONOOOL Vocational Institute's $370,000 one-storey workshop blocks for the building and construction be ready by October, an Industrial Training Board spokesman said yesterday. This protect is part of the board's expansion and renovation programme for Its vocational Institutes Jurong Vocational Institute Is also building
    140 words
  • 70 9 HONO Leong Finance la sorting out about SO .000 entries received for Us Ouaaa the Weight of the Pot of Cotna" contest held during the National Exposition at the National Htadium earlier this month Contestants had to estimate in metric the weight of a rrmtalnsr of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 106 9 ||j invites you to a FREE DEMONSTRATION (UON IrWERNATIONAL BEAUTY CONSULTANT >jH})) /J^F) MISS YVLERIE GRINSTEAD WILL GIVE |fg< ivKa FREE DEMONSTRATIONS AND ADVICE [Z))j £>N ON MAKEUP AND SKIN CARE M<£ fi^r Sept 2nd- 4 th Cold Storage Tr S sth -7th QMlfflOwMMi W@ 9th-!Oth O G Dept Store
      106 words
    • 471 9 *^B^BWaWaW A W A W A^a^S^S^B^B^S^B^B^pr r^B|^ WtFws^Ksts^^Mr^als^Ka^a^a9a^a^L^m a^a^ Special English language course. This course is designed to help students reach a satisfactory level in as short a time as possible. Courses are 3, 6 or 9 months in length, according to the ability in English of the individual student
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    • 246 10  - Suharto gets inside story of Jurong success P.M. RAMAN By THE success story of Jurong excited the interest of President Suharto when he was told yesterday that the estate which started from nothing in 1961 now houses 520 factories with 60,000 workers. He nodded his head approvingly several times when
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    • 630 10 From the Town Hall, the motorcade proceeded to the Singapore Shipbuilding and Engineering Corporation, where President Suharto Inspected the Sea Dragon, a missile gunboat of the Singapore Maritime Command. The Sea Dragon which was commissioned In 1972 had
      630 words
    • 350 10 'Indonesia can learn from Singapore on two vital fronts' INDONESIA can learn a lot from Singapore's success In Industrialisation and economic development. President Suharto said here yesterday. The Indonesian Head of Btate said this in a speech to more than 1,000 Indonesian nationals at Wlsma Duta. the residence of the
      350 words
    • 150 10 FAREWELL CALL ON SHEARES AT ISTANA SINGAPORE bids farewell to President Baharto and Madamr Tien Suharto today after their three -day state visit to the ReP«Mlc. Today's departure ceremony starts at 9.1* a.m. when President Suharto and Madame Tien Suharto will pay a farewell call on President Sheares and Mrs.
      150 words
    • 414 11 LEMON-HUED HYBRID OF SINGAPORE AND INDONESIAN PARENTAGE By MASIE KWEE STANDING in an orchid arch of friendship, Indonesia's First Lady, Madame Tien Suharto, yes t c rday picked this lemonhued hybrid of Ind o n c sian and Singapore parentage to bear
      414 words
    • 27 11 PRESIDENT Suharto watering the tembusu he planted in Jurong Hill. Looking on is Mr. Woon \V?h Siang, chairman of the JsVong Town Corporation.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 108 10 /FPEE I^MYOJO I ifc^^^^sfcsM Enj y the deliC OUS taSte aPCI convenience of MYOJO Instant ml *m Noodles toda y and Q et eitn e r an J\^^2**^fc|**. A unbreakable Tumbler or Sandwich Box -**^^^^rktito*^MWmi^^ FREE with every 1 0 packets of the w^ .ntfJP lA^'i* following you buy mfM^
      108 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 202 11 THE WOLLONGONG HOSPITAL H.S.W. VACANCIES FOR RESIOENT MEDICAL STAFF FOR 1975 THE HOSPITAL a 450 bed general midwifery hospital and is the major hospital catering for the needs of a population of about 270.000 people. THE REGION Wollongong Is situated 50 miles 1 2 hours) south of Sydney and Is
      202 words
    • 416 11 To help you come up smiling the morning-after the night before \^B^ifiiss9^^<ss«ssssss> I m ISBlL^^^X "^fr 1 Too much drink and too little sleep, and you might wake up feeling awful. Be smart. Take one or two Alka-Seltzer tablets dissolved in water before you go to bed. Or after you
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
      460 words
    • 411 12 "J thilk"tbJ "uJTblii" wm sometkmf WAIT TUX YOU SEE THE "SUPER BUG" NOW AT LIDO 1 1 am. 1 48. 4 00. Blf /SJXiP^B^V ITS HEADLAMPS oS*^*!^^ Wj" PUNCH! *^x w/rrs bumpers «ir-V^ S STRANGLE THROW YOU! IN COLOR and WIOESCREEN I jMckiai Ftck»Wn«r, t»Wt M«fi littfji Of*-*' Tonight M'nite
      411 words
    • 155 12 ar^fafT^fafT^rar^ifaf^jfgrj^raffjiraffSifc] ANNIVERSARY 3 \a/:*i% E With BIG DISCOUNTS! I NEVER BEFORE! up to I IOX-4OX I giving you BIG BIG SAVINGS! I aPaB ORIENTAL EMPORIUM (PTE) LTD 9 Raffia* Place, Singapore 1 IS Daily Butinan Hourt: 9.00 am. to 6.00pm. E SLM»a4fSCtO(fO EJe] [3Je] [aja EJe] [aTeIEMI EJe] @Jbl (Of
      155 words
    • 486 12 t; ■■■■■■■■■TfIL 6JJB aBMil-ialsiaßsfjßW J NOW SHOWING Dailyit7.oOA9.3Op. •I Adaiuioa: Adilti. $2.00 CkiidrM: $1.00 ■I EIJOYED BY MILLIONS IN SGflfi KOI6 kU COILECTEI OVER SI, 000. 001.00! a Ck>Man Haryaali ia»ai NAUGHTY f NAO6HTY* |J |M SAMUEL HUI NORA MIAO Wk m B^^^ B>a«cT«»r L» MM a^BJ Bj<HPUim FILM 111
      486 words
    • 766 12 OW6>\lllS*TloW a NOW SHOWING' 11 am 1 «S 400 64S !l» Jo^l«m fuch*o*fO»' Robert Vlark Kalhnn 00-nU. BJ Tha SUP€«BOO ««»aa Agam a IN WiOESCWIt^^OLOW LAST 2 DAYS' I BJ 11 am. 130. 400 648 930 OUSTIN HOffMAN THE BJ BIOWOOM QWADUATt ColoOPENS MONDAY 1 TOP SH \W STARS and
      766 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 207 13 Indonesian •a Weekend Jl at the Oriental Garden 1 featuring Indonesian Pop Music Batik Fashion Show from Jakarta Exhibition of Indonesian arts crafts antiques. LUNCH: 1 p.m. DINNER: 8 p.m. Rijstaffel Buffet Barbecue, a la carte $12 per person Indonesian specialities (inclusive of 3% Govt. Tax) $15 per person SHOW
      207 words
    • 266 13 1 At the Oberoi M ]B Imperial Hotel, 9 C 7 Patio Poolside. Steamboat and Barbecue from 7.30 p.m. Wltn Entertainment 1 Daily Lunchtime B Barbecue from 11.30 a.m. bT II Dine wine I to the exciting, I swinging music songs of HXPRHBSIMB BK BH BBS Lh I HhMnHHFTIIPI j
      266 words
    • 337 13 /UUah Tok CPte) UdA 1 111 P I H I \l I\l 1 1 s I (111 I Maaßd O*>kC* 2 !*Xt»I#*^BB».PiWBR>Mif^B^^B>jC«»»»JR^BLC«<BW^ fe^WMt, BOTfBP«B* •> V jao* nun O#- F 11- J*- Q*Rft#*a) tarwaM C«M*« ftaMajap*** .SOLS ACCNT £7 R hand-bag V>kto*iat mooE rihoneHonG 0000 MEWS! MU.LIES LATEST FASHIONABLE 1
      337 words
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  • The Straits Times
    • 453 14 ORESIDENT SUHARTO leaves for home today, his historic visit to Singapore completed, the bonds of unity between the two countries that much stronger. Mr. Suharto said at Thursday's state banquet that he brought "greetings of friendship from the 130 million people of Indonesia to their neighbours, the people
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    • 104 14 'THE change of command at the White House has not grounded US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. He will be on diDlomatic missions again in October and November in the Middle East, the Soviet Union and South Asia. Dr. Kissinger's Middle East tour will be both the
      104 words
  • 453 14 T.F. Hwang takes you down memory lane GIVE a willing ear to tales of an old Singapore by older Singaporeans but not to rumourmongers without firm roots here. For one thing, you can never go wrong by being good listeners to once upon a time stories by folks, who have
    453 words
  • 829 14 Excerpts of editorial comment from the New Straits Times, Malaysia. /\NE hundred and \J twenty seats out of 123, 283 State wins out of 312 make a historic victory for the National Front, a massive personal triumph for Tun Abdul Rasak. The National Front victory of 1974
    829 words
  • 3472 14 Dropouts form majority of the delinquents PROFILE OF YOUNG OFFENDERS THE report of the eight-member committee on Crime and Delinquency Included profiles of two young adult offenders (in the 16 to 21 age group), a Juvenile offender (seven to 16) and a school dropout. These profiles were drawn from special
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 29 14 4dLO&tYOUR HAPPINESS L^ OUR BUSINESS fi^B°VWSEAS PfVsL A JF^fV J7 ASSURANCE CORPN UTD BNsnh uuDept Hl\& /VMji\ J SINCE 1920 [Various Life Insurance Plans for all Big or Small.
      29 words
    • 444 14 HOW DO YOU FEEL AT THE START OF THE DAY? Tired depressed? D Reluctant to get out of bed in the morning? D Facing the day an effort? On circumstances like this, you need NATOPHEROL natural Vitamin E capsules NATOPHEROL retards old age, and is needed by every cell and
      444 words

  • Business Times
    • 1113 15  - Short-circuit for the electronics industry HO MINFONG BUSINESS SUBJECTED TO THREE YEARLY DOWNTURNS By fHE electronics industry in Singapore is currently suffering from its once every three years downturn which forms part of the triennial business cycle of the industry. This time, however, the slump Is likely to leave a
      1,113 words
    • 282 15 ISLAND and Peninsular Development Is expected to chalk up record results again In the current year. If the forecast of the chairman. Datuk Yeap Hock Hoe. Is met. In his annual statement, he says: "Present Indications are that with the relatively high commodity prices, particularly for
      282 words
    • 225 15  - Rate of jobless in Australia up KINOBLEY WOOD By SYDNEY: Australian workers are losing their Jobs at the rate of aboat I.HO a month »e«a«se of Increased Import competition caused by tariff cuts. Government officials expect this level to be maintained for some months at least. Until recently most displaced
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    • 442 15  -  TSAI TAN By rp H E substantially increased profits which Hume Industries (Malaysia) talked about at halftime have come to pass. Consolidated pre tax profits for the year ended June 1974 stand at $7,456 million while sales come to a massive $40.55 million. Both sets
      442 words
    • 354 15 WASHINGTON: More than half the US's major corporations say they are caught In the grip of shortages of basic commodities that could take years If ever —to overcome, and are likely to cost consumers billions of dollars. What's more, they place much of the blame tor
      NYT  -  354 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 121 15 Service exclusively for Mercedes-Benz owners. 0 Accedes Benz H^ Service ll !HI i P* Even though you'll rarely Just ring *****6. need it, there's a service just You may never need it, but for you If ever your Mercedes- isn't it comforting to know that Benz needs emergency repair there
      121 words
    • 187 15 L lfiffM Isiß "My Cat Engine works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week... that's the kind of reliability I need! 7 Reliability that also translates into remarkable Mr. Chan has had long experience in the mining performance from his Caterpillar Engines. Mr. Chan industry and his confidence in
      187 words

  • 978 16 By CLYDE FARNSWOfITH PARIS: The economic gloom is deepening in Western nations as stock mark c ts decline, bankruptcies rise, inflation rages and v n c mployment climbs towards what many feel will be anacceptably high levels by the end of this year. For
    NYT  -  978 words
  • 107 16 Bristol-Myers has appointed Mr. Francis Chia Leone Oon as sales manager and Mr. Peter Tan Sin Onn as sales supervisor of its consumer products division. Mr. Chia, 31, Joined Bristol-Myers, ,ln IMS and was promoted to sales supervisor in 1973. Mr. Tan, 33, Joined the company in
    107 words
  • 222 16 NEW YORK. Thura— The summer-long stock market decline deepened, and mora analykU joined the tmnka of those aaylng the Uat haa reached Ita wont overaold condiuon In four yean The gkom lias been attributed largely to concern about Inflation, high Interest rates and disappointment that President POrd did
    222 words
  • 78 16 FINANCIAL T1MIS TIN! Thurwtay »U1 Wcdnr aday 73 Jl WMk mo 72.02 BUM** ThurKUy I36.t7 W«lneaday lltJT W««k ago SM-M OILS Thuriday ImJ" Wed««Uy 1»TJ» WMk ««o i»7ar IND18TB1AU Thurtday »J« WwUmday «J 3 Week «fo 11* DOW JONES AVCKAGE INDUSTMAU Thumtay tUM WedMMUy MM1 WMk ar> (1 LONDON
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  • 17 16 All IS. mmd t uMUaJi I market* wM mifi I cl«Md MmuUt 'I Labour Day. Beater.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 329 16 OUR FULL RANGE OF FIRE FIGHTING AND PROTECTION EQUIPMENT IS ON DISPLA V AT THE FIRE BRIGADE WEEK EXHIBITION PEOPLE'S PARK COMPLEX FROM MST AUGUST— .7 TH SEPTEMBER 1974 BHfSVHK Split s^cowj resraer! The Kidde HALON 1301 is designed to put fires out fast. But is harmless to man and
      329 words
    • 312 16 SANKYO The cine projector that accepts all types of Bmm film I qj L^MaVaaHafl w^aj Lv a M Standard 8 Super 8 Single 8 Just select the gauge you want at the flick of a switch. That's versatility. Now you can show your own films, your friend's films and rented
      312 words

      • 8 17 Low MerlU si.m $1 57 .04 .01
        8 words
      • 83 17 M. Bank kutnd M.A.A. VI Br«w JCBC <■ Tnd. SE8 Eho ■we (M) V. Jack* S Iron f N uinnrm SJunUU B. Sec Kern pas Prims Inehcape f 3 00 5 80 4.04 f 1.46 f 4 60 f 5.00 4.00 t 2.00 I 2 18 M5 »185 2
        83 words
      • 23 17 Star Darby t*MH Gn. Uatar tS4.t— Faker MerHn SM.M* D.BJ tM.M* Total Tiimci; l.M M Total Valae: M 11 M
        23 words
      • 63 17 A I* t» A Of I* Indtutriais: 1»5.«S 1*1.14 i Flnmace: 133. »7 SS7.7* r Hotoh: 146.13 145J5 Properties: U4.7J t Tiaa: l«5.1t t rubber*: JJI.J1 JJ1. 71 i O.C.B.C.: 177.M 11I.O i 8.E.8. Ind.: 1M.<S 1MJ4 Dm. M. ltM 1M 11 Dec. SI. IMS 1M t
        63 words
    • 1685 17 THr >ast Iran; acted sale at the close of business 'n the Stock Exchange of Singapore ye&terciay comparrd with the previous day's prices together with 1*74 high and low. Adjusted r-ir all new Issues). INDUSTRIALS CIOSIHO TOMS: All lection* eloaed *a*l*r TURNOVER Official total turnover oa the Sincapore
      1,685 words
    • 376 17 rwas another bad day at the stock market yesterday with buying confidence seriously undermined by the recent spate of selling which has brought most leading market indicators to their lowest points for nearly three yean. Buyers' market conditions remained as sellers were apparently confused by the
      376 words
    • 1561 17 ntD and offer prices officially v listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lots of 1,000 unit* unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Arm* iITBSi AJM. (0 958 0.978) (1) ON. A.T.I. (0.778
      1,561 words
    • 1418 17 ■RID and offer prices offi- dally listed and business in and reported to the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of ihares traded shown In bracket* In lot* of 1.000 unit* uiUe*» otherwise specified. INOUITRIALi A T.a* (0.791) ll) 07» iI.SM) it, 2 70. Alei
      1,418 words
    • 98 17 THE European palm oil market waa Inactive aa) Tbunday. according to tbe alalayalan Palm "■I crodueer. Aaaoclatlon Trad- »>( la Ik* US waa extremely 'iv rt «itb «ll*n around MM/11 wnn and bu>era 1* M oaau far poaltlan from S.titeeakar to March Wuotattoa. in UM/aanu (Rottrnumi ua>e« .tatad
      98 words
    • 284 17 Selling wave hits KL market A SELLING wave in the afternoon sent share prices reeling downwards at the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday. Sentiment took a sharp turn (or the worse shortly after trading resumed In the afternoon. Trading was heavier than In the past few days. Tbe heaviest losses
      284 words
    • 53 17 RESULTS of tender held on Auc 30 for 91-day Bills to be issued from Sept. I to 6: Offered: SM million Applied for: $M.24 million. Alloted: |M million Accepted bids 5M.75 approximately 45 per cent; higher bids In ML Average rate of discount on allotment: 4.995 per
      53 words
    • 195 17 a STAN cuirancy deposit Interbank rate* m at ckwe on Friday. Aug. 30 IB DOLLARS OMar BU T day* 11 1/4 11 1/1 t mth 13 7 1 IS 1/4 3 mtha IS 11 16 IS 9 16 5 mtha 14 IS 7/S 6 mths 14 It
      195 words
    • 33 17 ■ngapof* dotlan tor Auf W: CMNr BM >vernl«hl 10-7 10-3 4 1 mth io-i J io-3 2 mths io-s.« 10-1 3 mtha 10-1/4 10-5 Prtme rate n%% Mwt»: P. Hurt; Jmm
      33 words
    • 331 17 N a generally thin market condition tne US dollar firmed marginally in Ux tarry session yesterday to the »*****-86 level on buying support from commercial demand. A sustained demand for the currency held it steady at $2 477J-86 In mldaeasion trading. A lack of Interest to open up
      331 words
    • 164 17 The following are the non-vial average cloalng Interbank rates In Singapore: •w>t«4 jfitrtMj lcr«M| parity ckti|f [78 Dollar 2.4780 3 4790 2 8196 —12.11 Sterling pound 5 7430 6 7470 7.3469 -2183 Hongkong dollar 48JS 48 91 M.61 9.13 Malaysian dollar 103 OS 103 30 100 00 3.05
      164 words
      • 281 17 mHE Straits tin price in L Pen a n g yesterday took a leap of 5M.75 tv $1,216.50 per plcul on an official offering up 83 tons to 348 tons. The overnight London metal price was firm with forward buyers quc.ted at £3,750 per metric ton, up £75
        281 words
      • 25 17 Rubber: Aug. M. Singapore: 157 M cts (asveh). Malaysia: IS7.M cts (unch) Tin: J1.216.50 (up $14.75). Official offering: $48 tons (up 83 tons).
        25 words
      • 104 17 CMINISI MIDtICI S» CMAMQI, llHO**«aj( MOON CLOSING »aj|GIS ■>■*! r>ICUL VIITISIOAV. C***ratt OM: bulk SI SO nominal. drum IIM nominal laawa: Mixed itooaei UK/Cool SSS nominal naair Sfuntok ASTA wait* fob. 100", NLW S2«Tt —>\m. Sarawak white fo b S*A NL.W S>7S .ellera. Sarawak ipeeial black fob. NLW SMS
        104 words
      • 32 17 London eopaetr artoaa oa Waiaaaday i>r.»laaa la bracken WlraSar Spot buyer f7S4 iITSO) a*ll«r I7SS liTSl): Thra* ■loath buyer {7SS (I7S0) aallar rrss (<7Ui. at. met Steady Sal*.: S.SSO taaa.
        32 words
      • 20 17 RANOI of rate* offered by dl* count homaa oa Aug. M: Call deposit SV Overnight SS to 1
        20 words
      • 503 17 AFTER an unchanged opening, the Singapore rubber market yesterday ruled very quiet but with a steady undertone derived from some hedge buying Interest and short-covering. The morning session closed very quiet. Afternoon trading was flat with the market barely disturbed. The market closed very quiet with September RSS
        503 words
      • 118 17 rjAILY SMIt tad 8«R prto« towd »t noon TwUnUy inn« Htki (r«rwmx« Mtk) HB.LLJ. Wmsm% Mm Ba;an Mtan imMi pm Mi pw M 1 ■a ICY (1 ton palM) IMOO IM.OON 153 00 155 OON ■MR 5L (1 toe p«lltt) 153 00 IMOON IS3 00 155 00N
        118 words
      • 261 17 UONOKONO. Frl Share price* closed slightly higher today on the Hongkong Stock Exchange In decreased trading The Hang Seng index rose 1 33 point* to 259 99 ■sagtJia-g Bank gained 20 cent* to HKaMS.4O oa Its local register and rose 30 cents to $13.30 oa Its London regirter. Other
        261 words
      • 202 17 TOKYO, m. Prices en 1 the Tokyo Slock Exchange trained ground sharply with the Dow Jones average recovering the 4.000 level after a iwo-day lapse Almost all blue-chips were brought on bargain hunting by Investment trust* aad Individual Investors. Oains were widespread among majot slocks In the steel. heavy
        202 words
      • 454 17 wELBOURNB. Frl. Prices w«nt both ways across the board in light trading on the Melbourne Stock Exchange today, with the Bank* recovering slightly from their recent trough. Even tbe CBA. a sharp leser In recent sessions, managed a two cent recovery to ABl 72. while the ANZ Bank put
        454 words
      • 164 17 A MSTERDAM. Thurs The market again fell sharply, led by AZO. Hdvroreta* and KLM In Dutch Internationals. Losses elsewhere were headed by KNIM. SeSMS**aartautl*. Hsjimsii Bank Nederianal. OCR. BoaaaJta and Ghrseea. IHI fell sharply following yesterday's explanation of its US units ■owes. Fakker and Amfaa were emong the few
        164 words
      • 131 17 Thurs— After 16 days of non-stop decline the stock market In Zurich cicred again en a new low with bank stocks In particular Industrials tended more or Ims resistant while the total volume contracted Bonds al-o had a weaker trend today. The Credit Sulsae Index fell 2 5 points
        131 words
      • 65 17 Ttmrtaay WMwHK UM UM kUlbounttUI 101 M 103 London IM 0OB 113 SOB luooa iuow Beirut 1M0S IM *6 Hon kon< 152 77 IMIf ZurlCB IM 00B IM SOB 153 OW IStM* Pmrta 1ST U IMM •orad) 153 SOB 153 (OB liS IM SM nipert prWM la non-itcrlini
        65 words
      • 355 17 T\I*PITT poor overaeu adviea. tha market maaiil a aieadler trend at tka outaet aaatatad by weak-cad akailaa».ila* la tka faaa ar aaatlawia* aaaiirt acttoa by tka atelayaa Rubber Dud Board for JIM 3 aad SMR aad later for RSt) 1 la botb ajarkeu Bom. fiv» cent,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 987 18 I MEDICAL Hi lij I iffi|Hs33B IRtl ntOul^l I I■ V I sap^rokat will opart for business in October An expanding American based multi-national K-too »*>**"• <*"".. I nharmaceutical company requires two ad- if you progr«s*-ori*mat«d and inwwtad jm «n C medical representatives to promote m+*Z}m4~—m <*•*• to I and
      987 words
      906 words
    • 627 18 K Keppßl Shipyard (Prtaiite) United. get ahead with Keppel (A) SHIPREPAIR MANAGERS Candidates should be between 28-40 yea.s of age and possess a degree or diploma of a recogn «d tertiary institution in Naval Architec ture Marine Engineering or Mechanical Engineering have at 3 y.ars experience in similar position in
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 97 19 DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING SHE SAYS Our talking crystal ball talks too much. She keeps predicting fun and fantasy for all who enter the Singapore House of Wax. She speaks of tall, dark strangers, excitement, glamour and never-before experiences. Don't just stand at our door listening and believing everything she says.
      97 words
    • 329 19 Bulova excellence is not only electronic accuracy. People think of us as the tuning fork watch people It's a price we pay for pioneering the world's first electronic watch But electronic excellence is only part of the Bulova story Excellence in design is another dimension. Fof each Bulova timepiece is
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 1091 19 TV SINGAPORE (5) TV MALAYSIA (3) ncrw Opening and Sesame Z ?A PM News in Brief US 7 3A Summary JJJ Upicin IL« Vcgav— By the sea *M Show tft I^.JJ street 1.59 Saturday vJ.OU Wrestling 1M News »«Jv Perbansan ijn Perara Cologne i.M Summary S.H Ptsti Mitinee— £jst Side
      1,091 words

  • 289 20 Radiation workers to get annual medical check-up ALL. radiation workers who are likely to get more than the permitted level of radiation dote would have to be sent for medical examination once a year by the employer under the Radiation Protection Regulations 1974 which c|me into operation tomorrow. The regulations
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  • 249 20 WHEN YOUR DAD IS 'THE OLD MAN' AN Education Ministry official yesterday expressed shock at some of the terms used by modern children to call their parents. Dr. Lav Wai Har, a Deputy Director In the Development Division of the Ministry, said a son referring to his father as "The
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  • 23 20 THE fourth tnter-prlmary school Instrumental ensemble competition will be held at the Singapore Conference Hall on Wednesday at T p m
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  • 25 20 THE Metropolitan YIICA will run a day camp (or children of Ove to nine at Ita Twig lin Centre from Wadneaday to Saturday
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  • 130 20 SPECIFIC parking spaces for places of entertainment, hotels, department stores, multi-storey block of flats, factories and other places are provided for in the Urban Redevelopment Authority (Provision of Car Parks) Regulations 1974 gazetted yesterday. The space allocated for cinemas, will be at
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  • 64 20 CHAMBER AWARDS FOR 9 THE Chinese Chamber of Commerce president. Mr. Tan Keong Choon presented Tan Kah Kee scholarships to nine tertiary students yesterday. Three were from Nanyang University. one from University of Singapore, another three from Singapore Polytechnic and two from Ngee Ann Technical College. The scholarship for university
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  • 51 20 Music lovers' course THE Uini«anmt committee of Slglap Community Centre will start a 12-leuon course on Music Appreciation Clmaaw will be held every Friday from 7.10 p m to 9 p.m. at the centre. The fee la 110 each. Application forma are available from the centre at No. 6 Palm
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  • 138 20 T»HE Chinese Chamber of Commerce yes- terday unanimously endorsed the recent statements made by Its president, Mr. Tan Keong Choon, criticising the general attitude and behaviour of the Japanese merchants In Singapore. At their monthly management committee meeting members discussed Mr. Tan's statements In detail and
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  • 320 20 Injured pilot: I'll return pay if... MAS paid full $37,121 salary AN airline pilot, injured in a car accident, was paid his full salary for eight months, totalling $37,121, while he was on medical leave, Mr. Justice Chua heard yesterday. Enclk Hassan bin Ahmad, of Malaysia Airline System, told the
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  • 103 20 'How to step up exports' memo mHE Chinese Chamber X of Commerce yesterday decided to set up a threeman sub-committee to prepare a memorandum to the Government on how to step up exports of Its members' products The decision was taken at Its monthly management committee meeting at 1U Hill
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  • 165 20 Payout on seven chit funds PYMENTS of dividends ranging from 10 to 50 per cent on seven chit fund companies, now belns; wound up by the Official Receiver, will be made to subscribers at the People's Park Complex from tomorrow to March 1 next year. The companies (with the commencement
    165 words
  • 56 20 A 17-Y EAR-OLD youth waa fined $100 by the first Magistrates Court for soliciting for Immoral purposes at Bugla Street at 150 am. yesterday T»n Choon Meng admitted being In woman's dress and hugging and kissing a man at the place. He waa charged under section
    56 words
  • 45 20 fromeE man armed A with kniT«a. held ■p a eoapie at Mt. tyMr and robbed taMm of ll.Mf yeeUr- Mr. Kb«o Hack Saw, XS anal Mlaa Chan Wai Yw, M, told the iwUce that Us* raManaßkM took their watcbafand a g*M chain.
    45 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 867 20 fl' im Rn i I IV fIJ rill I v nMm J I i PeW^>9 I V3eeflF9|gi 'iff sßttMm.ll «S 1 i fliw enjoy FANTA DISNEYLAND CONTEST —WINNERS— I PDN^UMFR TRAnF ti) Own Say Fang 7«| LaoKaHaa VAjnOUIVICn InMUC M-iCJalanNagaaari. Marryn Avanue. H IST PRIZE: IST PRIZE: m VZTIL I
      867 words
    • 218 20 COMFORT IN LUXURY From highly sophisticated moulding techniques, this Hille Polypropylene 4-4000 Easy Chair is accurately proportioned for exceptional com tort. White or buffalo brown chair shells are matched with disc swivel or with five chromium plated prong bases, together with a wide range of textiles lor the upholstered cushions
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 618 21 Placement Advisory Services for Clients Our client is an International Company in volved in the marketing of various engineering products, such as pumps, airxompreeaors and construction equipment, which are supplied by its overseas factories located in dif erent parts of I tha world. Due to the expansion of its business
      618 words
    • 657 21 PRISONS DEPARTMENT, SPORE requires (A) Building Instructor; Special Grade (B) Instructors. Grade I in: c Laundry Timber Grading Metalwork Timber Kiln Footwear Carpentry (C) Instructors. Grade II in: General Purpose a) Laundry Tailoring Rattan Applications are invited from MALE citizens and permanent residents of Singapore/Malaysia, preferably below 35 years of
      657 words
    • 846 21 BOSCH invites applications from suitably qualified Singapore Citizens for the post of ASSISTANT TO MARKETING MANAGER AUTOMOTIVE DIVISION QUALIFICATIONS Degree in Business Administration preferably in marketing DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES To assist the Marketing Manager, of the Automotive Division in Market surveys and studies Analysis of statistical sales data of
      846 words
    • 502 21 INSTRUMENT fi A M TECHNICIAN If^^N BRUNEI SHELL Petroleum Company Limited, under the terms of their con- ■aaaaßßßßVaßßßahafl tract with BRUNEI LNG Limited, wish to recruit Instrument Technicians for WANTFD their newly constructed Liquefied w/\l it Natural Gas Plant at Lumut. State of PRODUCTION Brunei WORKERS Successful candidates will work
      502 words

  • Obituary, Illustration
    34 22 twasured memory of ou' 2f °TSW.2U lat N sut£? w£2£ i£\ <^*tf'° *£Xn^l fou^J^™ thu day (jig7oiThous you have (one but your preaenoe is always felt (r '^ZS™ 3?. Sf riSnC ".H-!
    34 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 532 22 I Invites applications from suitably auallfled I MALAYSIAN CITIZENS for the following I positions I PROCESS ENGINEER Responsible for I establishing and maintaining manufacturI ing process, writing manufacturing and I material specification, production yields I and solving production problems. Applicants must possess a Bachelor of I Engineering Degree (with Electronic.
      532 words
    • 695 22 N. I. S. I. R. INBTITIVT PENYELIDIRAN SAINS DAN PEKLBAHAAN NBOABA (Natlaaal inaUtal* tm Scientific aa* ind—UUU Baamrck) MajlU laatlUut Penyelldlkan Sains dan Psrmahaan Negara < National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research) sabuah Badan Berkanun adalah mempelawa permotvnan-permohonan dart warganegara Malaysia baft jawatan dlbawah lnl 1. rcgawml PsayssH* (Kajvateiaaa
      695 words
    • 1210 22 KUMPULAN GUTHRIE SDN. BERNAO hu the following vacancies within Its Ehglneering Services Dept. at Wlsma Damansara Kuala Lumpur. 1. Mechanical Engineer Malaysian with a mechanical engineering degree lrom a recognised University and be eligible for registration under the Professional Engineer's Act Preferably have at least 2 yean post graduate experience
      1,210 words
    • 710 22 /(Ov HUME INDUSTRIES Wy (MAUYSIA) BHD. ANNOUNCEMENT PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE FINANCIAL RESULT FOR THE YEAR ENDED MTH Jl NE 1974 1. HUME MALAYSIA GROUP Following the acquisition of FEDERAL PAPER PRODUCTS BERHAD as a whollyowned subsidiary from l»t July 1973. this Group presents Its first consolidated financial results as
      710 words
    • 13 22 ■VllL'^^^V^^LVV^ti lIMMlim! luHiTlinfrTl /u_ p|ace your oH* order with the Circulation D«pt. *****1
      13 words

  • 50 23 -S^SB-B^^"^^^^^~«»"""»» 00 YOU NBBO expert and juilified advice on your ttln? Then consult Louise Klerk. -x^r,v^^T^ PAPERBACKS Fvery Saturday New Nation f h t.reU"uWt^eCk,y1 O of SHi\4rS .ontemporary thrlilerr Read our paperback* column today. to niomt FASHION OBBMN by sedryln Leong at Shangri-la. Malte-up by Coty International *****3
    50 words
  • 123 23 FAITH METHODIST CHURCH, OUEBNSTOWN Sunday Service ,F.iigli*h) 730 am SMpm >,mese) 10 00 a.m.. 7 30 p m '<y*School (English) 830 S-aP::;:sr.t OB 300 pm My/rh,l__. p-m n (Engli»h)7 30p.m (Cmn*»»)7 30 pm weekdays W 8 C_B_ c»kemaking, cook)"*. S n" quiries Tel *****8 during ornce hmrv
    123 words
  • 115 23 M^nSpSSSf "»V yr^acefullyon3o 8 74leavlng behind 5 sons Tan Klah Chew Tan Kirn Chew Tan Teng Chew Tan Ysm Chew TanNgo Chew. 2 daughters Tan Lee Choo. Tan Lee Boon. 2 sons-in-law Chng Nguan Slew Lee Han Tlpng. 5 hns^"ror"t^. SXLLUFS^ hildren coruge leaves 23 Poh fr«-SSW-K JurOnißO*d
    115 words
  • 51 23 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mr grateful thanks to relatives and friends for their assistance. wivaths. condolences, donauons .i..J attendance during their reTHE FAMILY OF THB LATE Mdm Anns Chai Ah Choy thank all relatives and friend* for assistance, attendance*, condolences. donations, wreaths and srrolls during their recent
    51 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 1517 23 ■sWßs—i—^—s— i —™—h—l——h—■*~^M^—__i__|Bß^B____HßaßlHß_B_l___Bi _I classified ads gg MSsss~BEßss«sss~Bsss~Bs~s~s~s^ I OOCTOR URaSNTLY RSOUIMO for medical practice central Apply ln confidence to S T Box A ***** PROMINENT 7or the senior pVwSo^f! 1"" 01 "ACCOuarTAiiT Mfc_»_- Z^ '•■"-■nsiiM ar«- _2' cr *bly m« of •BsgarmSßt Certificate with credits im En,,,,h n(1 MatCn7
      1,517 words
    • 581 23 Bounoua iladibo wear) rbQtNM experienced ninnagsress and sllesgirls Oood proepecU We offer hallenging sales careen to two young people (male or female) wh will Join us a* J'iNlOR CANVASSERS w« leaders ln our field and c °"er excellent prospecu «w.^.'ff.Sffi preferably have had some sale* experience Salary wUI be dependant
      581 words
    • 1526 23 FITTER POR LORRIBS and WANTED BAR WAITRESS hydraulic cranes Panel beater. PANT/PULL THW. Pood lodging helpers and trainee* High pay provided High pay/ Commto? offered for allied sppllcanu Uon Apply personally at 171-A Write to 816 112. Aua Ouan SerangootT R^-dbetween 6-9 Aye Spore 21 or call *****0 afUr P^TRingSieST
      1,526 words
    • 1229 23 CHRISTIAN OPPKB/ DOMESTIC/ JURONG FACTORY RBOUIRBS PtRBONAL Helpen Interview to- male workers Chinese/ Malay day: 4 spm Room 301. 3rd Attractive remuneration plus Floor Bible House. 7 Armenian allowance* Call personslly Street, or particulars to: OPO Singapore Folex Corporation Pte Boa 3010. Singapore Ltd 35/36 Pni_p Street. sth floor. Leong
      1,229 words
    • 1666 23 ROOM WITH ACCESS to kitchen DIST 11 TASTBPULLV FURliving room, telephone and gar- NIBHBD 3-bedroomed apart den available for rorelgner in menu rent $360 $1000. SemlDUt 21 Call *****0 between 8 detached bungalow 8000/ bunga-pm-7pm low $1000 *****9/ J6IT2S UNFURNISHBD ROOM with OBN-PLAVROOM QUIITI private longbath. built-in cup- ROOM and
      1,666 words

  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 1559 24 f^ajVXflßja^pxafjßjVa^K^B^l lIDOK 1-BTORBV BBMIWPW*fIIfM^f^PrSVBBVV DETACHED, t bedrooms Elevated land. 3.500 sq ft 8122.000 ono 1 ■I Tel *****5 No brokers WATTIN EBTATE CALIFORNIA W^K^^^^PW^^^ type 3-storey bungalow 6 bedB* rooms with 1 servant's room At ■> present tenanted to American £J Family Interested buyers please quick SALE OP Property J
      1,559 words
    • 1566 24 "international chartbr MA f?!?* LO "?*|JL l [l* 0/ FLIGHTS CBNTRB offers com- ~<*F> vMn^i t J' petltlve low fares to London. America Canada S6K. Paris. Montreal. Toronto. P n *E* r e MOp« >o c lh v America. Europe. Hongkong. Tel 3*2361/ *****7- *****1 Tokyo. Sydney, Jakarta n n
      1,566 words
    • 1492 24 6EPTBMBER BEO4NNBR6 BOOK. TAMANA CNILDRBN MUSIC KEEPINO. SHORTHANO. TYPE- COURSB Children age 3 6. aWTBSfc Studenu are prepared Vacancies available Monday 4 for School. Pitman and LCC Ex- p m Thursday 2 pm Friday 2 ruinations On successful com- pm 3 p.m.. 4 pm Yamaha pletlon School Certincatee will be
      1,492 words
    • 1855 24 THNMIMO OF PMSBNTSt Think a||BHaHß= 1 CIRCUIT V«»rT *nllln« ma" in. orchids' Long-lasting, beauttl- I A JTCk model 281 220 volt single phase fully boxed, to Europe. Austra- ■Mg^MgggfSjtMMtMaH J\ *J 1 fltled wlln v-7000 fibre optlr Or'chr^c'o'mp^y.^^y TUt IHpoHTaNC. OF UV-. L/flH=*J J^^MST^STZk Lee Ping Quee he say faCKINO/REMOVAL/
      1,855 words

  • 378 25 Suharto visit will bind us closer together' THE president of x the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Tan Keong Choon, said yesterday that President Suharto's visit to Singapore would 1 m m c a s urably strengthen the ties and friendship between the peoples of the two countries. It would
    378 words
  • 976 25 Big jump in the import of sardines THE Department of irade yuteraay reported a big upsurge in me quantity oi sardines imported, it rose irom U»u,4M kg last year to 0.711.242 kg tor tue rirst naii oi tnis year. A surrey Dy tne department snowed that i 4 brands ol
    976 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    40 25 Teo < hens B*n«. ag«d 05 passed away peacefully on 27.8 74 leaving behind wife. 6 children. 2 sons-in-law. 2 daughters-in-law and 9 grandchildren Family thanks all relatives and friends for their concern and "*'P Funeral on 29 874 ■BBBBBBa»M»a»a»aBBB»BBBW,
    40 words
  • 33 25 K ARIJ MuGAM wno departed on 30/8/73 Oon bat not for*ollen Fondly remembered by 5 sons. 2 daughters and son lnlaw (Block 33. T.6-A. Prince Pn,,lp Avenue Spore 3,
    33 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 768 25 XXX OOtNO CHtAP Rattan Barcounter with Stool Slltlniroom Sen Roomdlvtderv Cheit-of-Dr«««r>. Wardrobe*. Bookcaiei. Metal Desks. Dretslnttablei. Kltfhen Cabinet*. Double Deckt*<u Bedroom SeU. Sitting L rvninrroom SeU and many other useful Household Furrtture OCC junk Store Pte Ltd 23. Newton Koad.Tel MIM/*****7 ONI MMMOfItATOR. ONI TV, dishwasher, washing machine All selling
      768 words
    • 782 25 j BAST COAST TV REFRIOI- RATION CO., authorised dealer for all brands colour, black and white T V refrigerators, air-con., radiogram, washing machine, feat-cooker, home appliances etc Hire purchase arrangeable Special discount for cash and trade-in accepuble Please call at 378. East Coast Road. Spore I EVERYONE KNOWS BY NOW
      782 words
    • 728 25 POR SALE DATBUN S4SZ 1971 model, very low mileage, excellent mechanical condition. Magnesium wheels Very fast $10,500/- Tel *****4 VAUXHALL VIVA 1000 Beautiful condition $2,700 ono Tel: *****52 Block 8. 4112-M Beach Road. Spore 7 1971 MORRIS MARINA 1100 Up top condition, one owner, road Ux with insurance Ull Oct
      728 words
    • 739 25 LATI 1001 MCRCBDM 2MS. Very good condition with alrcon- < dltloner and new tyres $4,000. i contact Mr Lee *****8 1972 MAZOA 1000 one expatriate owner, excellent condition Owner leaving soon Price $7,300 Tel *****3 YAMAHA 7$ CC 72 regn excellent condition Owner leaving $700 0.n.0 Tel *****8 10 6
      739 words
    • 599 25 1970 MOOCL MCRCIOCO MS one owner, good condition with road tax and Insurance with alrcon Selling at $***** ono Phone *****6 1074 MARCH BMW TN in metallic turquoise MX IV alrcondltioner. minllite rims and other accessories, together worth 2SISL ''•*">« Sacrifice sale 125. 000 on o View 11. T.o Hot*
      599 words
    • 326 25 EASP COLT OALANT OTO 1700 I* owners View OT Enterprise. 84. Bencoolen Street OOOD CONDITION 1900 OPCL Rekord 1700 with radio, new shape, white, selling cr.eap Tel: rrva\ 1071 ALFA ROMIO M 0 Herllna Saloon up top condition 6. Perak Road. Tel *****0. S'por- LATI 1070 VAUIHALL VICTOR Oood conoltlon.
      326 words
      572 words

    • 230 26 ■STIFLING OF INQUIRING MINDS IN SCHOOL' I AM touched by the letter from "Pre-U Student" on the ctlfllng of Inquiring minds In our schools (ST.. Auk. 22). This stifling process extends beyond the schools, even to professions which are supposed to be dedicated to
      230 words
    • 389 26 BEFORE a decision on the "model" household refuse-bin Is made, the Ministry of the Environment should take cognisance of the following related factors: Metal is a preclou» commodity and where possible, the recycling of metal con t a 1 ners or drums as substitutes for refuse- bins should be encouraged.
      389 words
    • 339 26 Social work hand youths I AGREE with the statement by tbe MP for Anson. Mr. P. Govindaswamy <S.T., Aug 13) that the majority of young Singaporeans are unwilling to do voluntary work In the social, recreational and cultural fields. During this period of nation -building, employers, trade unions and the
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    • 136 26 I REFER to the letter by Lee Kok Lin (ST., Aug. 10) about the zebra crossing In front of block 53. Tlong Bahru Road. We could trace only two minor traffic accidents at this spit from Jan. 1, to Aug. 13. this year. Police are looking Into the
      136 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 273 26 DR. WEST'S ss, DESTOS THE GERMS BEFORE THEY DESTROY YOUR TEETH \^k It's the only toothpaste V that contains GFX... mmV L CS* C%^ -<*C^ M Sot* OMribulor 9'CMMI't (m.)ITI. Smgapore 80 PH> Pmung r**a «3T»44 khtoyM W7JmnBMi(Kl)« IMO ■flV^fc am I^*7^ l^\ J*ll ■/v/% mf\. J-a. sT aa> r\
      273 words
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  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 218 26 Straits Times Crossword 1 rasatsr at work in helfryt 7 Bars fitted with key a J 1 l^turt of Uie ooUara (»> Jf^?" MB^-«»«> apace traveOar osssrU lar ptayersf <7). allow (or upset (7). M Vwtl gives transport to nattord? U that on the retired soldier (4). rallwar? (t-S) 11
      218 words

    • 55 27 KUALA LUMPUR. Frl Mast of the 40 Egyptian doctors who** three year contracts with the Oovernment end this week had them renewed (or another two rears. ''This will help to prevent a further shortage of doctor* In the country." the Direc-tnr-Oeneral of Health Services. Tan Sri Dr.
      55 words
    • 57 27 KOALA LUMPUR Prl A four-man technical team from the Manlla-baaed AaUn Development Bank la here for a preliminary eurvey en fuhenea development In Trengganu. Pahang and Johore The surrey, estimated to cost $400,000, U the first to be undertaken In MalayaU and would start next month, team leader
      Reuter  -  57 words
    • 44 27 PSNANO. PH.— A man who robbed a housewife of 111.000 worth of Jewellery and two wet s later held up a lawyer, waa today aenteneed to a total of nine rears Jail. Thar Ouan Huat 31. pleaded guilty to both
      44 words
    • 357 27 KICHING. Pri. Sarawak will not hold National Day celebrations tomorrow. State Secretary Tan Sri Gerunsin Lembat said today that State-level celebrations might be held next month after the completion of staggered elections to the Federal Parliament and State Ass emblies. Kcttr
      357 words
    • 201 27 Riddle of shot massage parlour girl KLANG, Fri. A massage parlour girl, Ang Poh Snay, 22, was shot outside a house in Jalan Teluk Gadong here last night, after seeing a cowboy film entitled "A Gunflght Miss Ang waa found sprawled on the ground with a gunshot wound in her
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    • 62 27 Deputy CM: Razak's views sought PENANO, Fri— Penang State Umno has decided to seek Tun Abdul Razak's views on the appointment of a Deputy Chief Minuter. Umno circles here urge that an Umno nominee be. chosen. "Thla la because Umno has the tecond largest number of representative (nine) ln the
      62 words
    • 130 27 KUALA LUMPUR, Frt Am early morninr Mas* fevtUlly UutimfA textile factory In Balakong TtlUre, off the lltto mile JalaA Ctaeras near bar*. Damage was eettmiteal at aboot $1 mUlion. Twe fir* enfinea, one from Kajaac and the other from Petallnf Jaya, foafht the blaae
      130 words
    • 314 27 'Join us to fight N-Front' call by DAP MALACCA. Frt. The DAP called on Peke mas and other Opposition parties and groups today to Join forces to promote the development of a t we. party system ln the country. Party secretary general and MP for Kota Melacca, Mr. Llm Kit
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    • 162 27 'Yes 9 to bonus for 300,000 Govt men KUALA LUMPUR, Friday rrHE government has decided to pay civil x servants an annual bonus of a month's salary, it was learnt here today. However, no other details. Including when payment Is to be made are Immediately available There has been speculation
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    • 93 27 5 hurt in police van crash SUM RIVER, Prl. A Special Brunei police Inspector and four policemen were Injured when their Land Rover plunged Into a ravine and overturned near here this morning. They are Insp. Bahadum bin Baharum, Cpl 8haart bin Untung, Detectives N o r d 1 n
      93 words
    • 49 27 LONDON. Frl— Two MalayaUn foreatry expert*. Dr. Lee Peng Chortf of the Economic Planning Unit. Prime Mlnlater'i Department and ■ngku Abdul Rahman bin Chlk Deputy Director of R anarch. Poreatry Department, will preeent paper* at the loth Oommonwealth Poreatry Conference In Oxford from Sept. I to SI.
      49 words
    • 32 27 KOALA LUMPUR. Ptl The Ulamic Seeretarlat baa agreed ln principle to «a»ut niipino MubUuu UutMajti iv ■pacUl idler and welfare fund. BeereUiT-eenerml Baatan ai-Tohamy of Cajpt aaid here today ReuUr
      32 words
    • 32 27 KUAKTAN. m Date Mohamad Mn Jianto wUi be •worn In aa Patent MentH Beaar at the Dalai Rone Sari of lataoa Abu Bafcar In Pakaa. at 930 am on Sunday
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 379 27 ■Hi t^ w^bJ^^^m aaV bbV^ Th- u| t |n *t« m aTBBBB> B "two n Aiom "■-^^^■■Sa^a^ ■^■V' ctunntl ilvao But if CS LI 3U «S 14 I I wl "«~o <•*•'■■ »~«*lr».."o<»ip M(l „,M, ()m vow e»..i,«, chmnt ii«h nconk. /^J^ #> &Jk«* 4f rwmw) SEN 6 HENG RADIO
      379 words
    • 913 27 1^ Dear friends, to m~* a,,,.- like you to know the followin<J that from September 1 st, quantity surveyor cwrtclephoiie number Duties: Related to architectural and civil engineering \I/1 I I r\f» r*M '1 11 Cff^f I works of development proiects Will UV K,l ICXI I L\, U ELECTRICAL
      913 words

  • 198 28 Call for wider range of books rl Minister for the Environment, Mr. Urn Kirn San, yesterday urged book publishers and distributors to give the public a wider range of books to encourage reading In the Republic. At the opening of the Sixth Book Fair at the Orand Ballroom, Hilton Hotel,
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  • 161 28 'WONDER BOY' PAN HON DUE BACK NEXT WEEK SINGAPORE'S "won- der boy" violinist, Lee Pan Hon (above) now a sub-leader with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, will return here from London in the next few days to give a solo performance in the Goh Soon Tioe String Orchestra's Concert on Sept
    161 words
  • 31 28 the Education Mmtatry U looking Into the acts of vandalism ccmmlUed by outsiders st the Jalan Eunos Primary School and the Jalan Daud Primary School, a ministry 6pokeaman said yesterday.
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  • 166 28 Call for some to register again RE- REGISTRATION of people born between May 6, 1955 and May 5, 1956 Is now being conducted at the National Registration Office In Empress Place. Those who have not reregistered are advised to do so weekdays from 8 am to 4 p.m.. and on
    166 words
  • 122 28 40 to compete in first aid contest finals FRTY members of St. John Ambulance Brigade's Wes* Area and West Central Area will compete for the Harldas Trophy at the 23rd first aid competition (finals) at Its headquarters In Beach Road tomorrow at 4 p.m. The Pint Lady. Mn B.H. Sheares.
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  • 25 28 THB Sbigmpore Leprosy Hell* Aawciatton will organise a Ptog Day on Bapt 14. Proceed* wul go to leprosy pmtlenU and the Old People's
    25 words
  • 286 28 PARENTS TOO MUST PLAY A ROLE f>ARENTS should not I expect the teacher to provide their children with the basic emotional security which should rightly come from the home. Mr. Chan Chee Seng. Senkv Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs) said yesterday. "They should also not expect the teacher and the four
    286 words
  • 74 28 DOUCE are Imblm far Urn reUUrea ef a U- rcar-oM Cklatew man wk* nlhuiii an 4 died at the fo* of Bteefc Unai T»s Payaku r--terdar In hi* pane waa UTS aad a key There were no Identification •apwi ea hia>. waa tads aad was wearing a
    74 words
  • 394 28 The need for a new breed of citizens PARLIAMENTARY Secretary (Foreign Affairs), Mr. Ong Soo Chuan, yesterday stressed the vital role of moral education in bringing up a new breed of Singaporeans. Mr. Ong, who was addressing a gathering at the Ahmad Ibrahim Secondary School to mark Teachers Day tomorrow
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  • 108 28 SALESMAN DENIES TAKING $23,000' CHARGE A BALM representative ■f* of a Jurong floor tiles factory was charged In the First Magistrates Court yesterday with misappropriating $23,221 Tan Chak Phuan. of Plastlfab Pte. Ltd., denied taking the money which he was alleged to have received from various people as proceeds of
    108 words
  • 28 28 THE Slncapor* Cardiac Society wul hold a two-part symposium on hypertension •t Urn Academy Lecture Tbeatmte. Medical Centre. 4-A College Road, on Sept M and Oct 1.
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 178 28 Jouncl/cene announce/ huge reduction/ fof Ihc month of September LP's from $2.00 Cassettes from $4.00 |IHEWJro£MEB|fIH r ,~|SSn la* go-go nn \F\ m BH>\l I-» m A MM ■w t^B^B Ifafl BaSaßßTaTfK^lraTaTaTaTaTc^H J f mw- j 7 j4^bj flaw You cannot afford to miss this fabulous offer limited duration is
      178 words
    • 286 28 S •^Jr j F I M mXtttWßLmmW-mmMVmi K9 I Inf pi mLXmmL. i SM Jml [HI I UP IT m7^m\ 1 1 m% f rv I [I v* f HfeSßt^ilrV i Pub*** A m Hl& laSgV^-MMLSa^a^tt :g^ i The raging 12 hour fire at Mistri/Parsi Road last Wednesday was devastating
      286 words

    • 401 29  -  PERCY SENEVIRATNE By THE touring Emus cricket team bludgeoned the Singapore attack for 270-6 (dec) and then grabbed three quick wickets on the first day of the three-day match on the padang yesterday. After a sedate start, the Emu batting machine revved Into top
      401 words
    • 132 29 EMU lrt Una. L MULLIGAN c Booceleraj b Patel 11 U. RAWLINO run out 49 W. CRANE tt Prltam b Balakrlahnan 34 J. HOGG c Neethlanathan b Booceleraj 34 G. WOOD b* 41 D. TRIGG low Patel 22 t. HUAJtTON not out 76 T. HOOBTER not out EXTRAS
      132 words
    • 54 29 TWENTY five veteran cyclists from Australia, led by Kent Stewart, will hold a tralntng-ciun-talk session en cycling at Ptrrer Park tomoncw at 8 am The cyclist* sre on their way home after taking part In several competitions In Europe. All local cyclist i and officials are Invited
      54 words
    • 32 29 KERANOOON Oarden will meet Ponggol United In the SOSC Cup final at Scrangoon Oarden this evening at 5. Kovanltes will take en Newton Private Limited In the third placing match.
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    • 20 29 ICB held Singapore Malays to a 1-1 draw In a friendly scorer match at Jalan Pi— r ytsterday.
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    • 546 29 Junie lowers 100 metres freestyle mark By JOE DORAI JUNIE SNO of Kel- lock Convent scored a splendid double In the National Schools Primary swimming meet at Toa Payoh pool yesterday. She clocked an impressive 1:12.0 for the IOOm freestyle to break the old mark of 1:12.4 set by Ang
      546 words
    • 121 29 S'pore bowler Samai in top spot" BANGKOK. M. Samai Stone of Singapore last night captured the top spot of the women's open singles of the Bangkok International Invitational bowling tournament. Mrs. Stone, a leading Island Kegler who flew Into Bangkok only yesterday afternoon, motored directly to Bangkok's 24 lane Atoke
      Reuter  -  121 words
    • 30 29 PARIS Prl. Finland's Zett with Max Petrellus at the helm. won yesterdays fourth stage of the Half-Ton Cup. the World Championship of off-shore racing for medium-sued yachts Rev-
      30 words
    • 319 29 Zaheer stars in Paks' fightback LONDON, Prl. Pakistani cricketers recovered from their disastrous overnight posrtlon to share the honours with Sussex on the second day of their tl* ree-day match at Hove yesterday. At the close. Sussex were 94 for one In their second Innings, holding a lead of 90
      Reuter  -  319 words
    • 60 29 BOGOTA. PH.— The WBC World mtddJeweight boxing champion. Rodrlgo Valdei. said yesterday that he would ttght American Cat Jackson over '0 or 12 rounds If the bout was a non-title one. Valdei was commenting on reports from Mexico that the World Boxing Council (WBC) would take
      60 words
    • 252 29 Ipswich look set for full points I ONDON, Fri. Ipswich Town will be looking for their third away win of the season when they defend their top spot In the English Football League First Division tomorrow. Ipswich, who have gained a reputation for playing uninhibited, attacking football, are the only
      Reuter  -  252 words
    • 168 29 Nicholson quits as manager after 4th defeat LONDON. Frl. Bill Nicholson, yesterday resigned after 15 years as manager of English First Division football club Tottenham Hotspur. The Football League's longest serving manager handed In his notice after the club on Wednesday night suffered their fourth consecutive league defeat of the
      Reuter  -  168 words
    • 23 29 NATIONAL Bank of Paris held Singapore Cricket Club to a 1-1 draw In a friendly soccer match at the padang yesterday
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    • 86 29 NEWPORT, (Rhode Island), Frl. Intrepid defeated Courageous yesterday by 54 seconds, to even tbelr final trial series at four victories apiece in competition to determine who will defend the America's Cap yacht race for the United States. The start of the race was delayed 1) hoars
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 175 29 JmWWmV .^giHg^Hglg^g^gHHHF We s P ecia|ise m the packaging of mini packs |k and are happy to announce that our brand Instanco fc^| >s currently being used by leading Hotels, Airlines, and Catering Institutions. Our packaging services have been extended to several International Companies which are JKK^. marketing well known
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  • Page 29 Miscellaneous
    • 101 29 SOL' ASH SSRA Cham- spn>> Div. 1: Blacks v Vlu ptoruhlpa (all finals): Men's Pandan (Tanglln 5pm open Plate championship Plienoly: St. Andrew's Past (4 15pm), women and men v Present (Wcodsvlile spm). open champs. (6pm and CRICKET Tour *-ir.e 546 respectively— all match- Spore v Emu (padang 11 en
      101 words

  • 271 30 rpEHERAN, Fri. 1 The trai n i n f schedule of the Singapore Track and Field team to the Asian Games here has been thrown out of rear because of a hitch in the selection of the practice venue, athletic team manager K.L. Venujropalan said yesterday.
    Reuter  -  271 words
  • 303 30 25 nations battle for 1,300 medals J»EHERAN, Frl. Competitors In most of the 16 sports on the Asian Games programme trained towards ttelr peaks today with only two working days left before the traditional opening ceremony on Sun- The arrival yesterday of four tennis players from Laos and the firstever
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • 133 30 IAAF decision befitting says Rassouli TEHERAN. Frl Tl*— ail Homoull, secretary general of the Asian Games Organlalng committee. today welcomed the IntematloiuJ Amateur Athletic Federation's decision to allow China to ntum to the International track and field arena. Commenting on the decision, approved unanimously at todays lAAF Congress inr«ting In
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 75 30 team official* confirmed there had been «me accusations here that four of their boxers for the Allan Oamea were professional Thai Style boxer*. "But Thai Style boxing le an art." Mr. Tern HomaeUee. the chief of the Thai delegation, aald in an interview at the Oames
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 33 30 TTHERAN. FYI South Korea and South Vietnam today welcomed the opportunity to compete for the first tune against athlete* from rrmmurust countries In the Seventh Asian Oames beginnlnc here on Sunday.
    33 words
  • 24 30 TKHXRAN. Frl. AaUn Games official* are expected tc make a new draw for the bfuketball tournament followIn* the withdrawal of India Heuter.
    Reuter  -  24 words
  • 23 30 TKHERAN. PTI Chinee* •port* officials today reiterated China* refuaai to Join the International Olympic Committee (lOC > until Taiwan Is expelled.
    23 words
  • 334 30 fpEHERAN. Frl. Top 1 badminton nations China and Indonesia were drawn today In different groups of the Allan Games competition, but officials here are certain that they will meet In the final In an unprecendented clash for the world badminton supremacy. Badminton players from both
    Reuter  -  334 words
  • 580 30  - Henning gives consent after talks with Games officials ERNEST FRIDA By TEHERAN, Fn. International Swimming Federation (Ffna) president Dr. Harold Henning today gave China the green light to take part in the Asian Games swimming competition here. Dr. Henning made the announcement this afternoon after discussions with the leaders of
    UPI  -  580 words
  • 203 30 Athletes are on light training Jaffar- rnEHERAN, Fri. Man--1 fred Loecken, the West German athletics coach who served for two years in Malaysia till April, said here today that the Malaysians should have come much earlier to prepare for the Asian Games which begins on Sunday. Loecken said he wrote
    203 words
  • 76 30 TEfORAN. Frl. Goto Roudl Piymanl, former Iranian decathlon champion wa» named today «j the first of the CO runner* who will carry the Asian Oames torch on Its route to the Aryamehr Stadium Paymanl, now a flight i .pUln with inn's national airline wUI receive the
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 62 30 TCHKRAN, Prt Mamnara of the larfe Japanese detention to the Seventh Aakn Ounes are havtn? difficulty In buying aouvenlrs for their friend* in Japan, a, delegation fpokeaman mid today The Tfmm U the security at the Aalan Villas* and athletes are not permitted freely to
    62 words
  • 331 30 pOME, Frl. The The International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) Congress voted unanimously today to allow China to return to the international track and field arena. The Congress accepted, with two amendments, a council recommendation which for the first time will allow IAAF member
    331 words
  • 296 30 Taiwan's Olympic body denounce AGF ban T»AIPEI, Fri. TaiA wan's Olympic Committee today denounced the Asiap Oames Federation (AOF) decision to bar Taiwan from the Seventh Asian Games as a flagrant violation of Olympic spirit and principles. In a strongly- worded statement Issued at a Press conference, the committee urged
    Reuter  -  296 words
  • 61 30 TEHERAN. Frl China's membership of the Asian I Shooting Confederation 1 (ASC) will be the main agenda In the ASC executive committee and general assembly here tomorrow and Sunday. China has applied for membership, and the decision will be taken In the assembly i Iraq.
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 292 30 Texas A Instruments E I ;m li Sshijlslcrs Where your business takes you, we have a calculator to suit your needs V A mis^akaaaaam Texas Vs^^S^^TfT y^ Instruments 1J «fST\^>csw Vv\\ electronic iK^ \t'.^ XiVj^^ calculator \^^o^^^^^^^^ TI-500 The TI-500 combines full 12-digit Designed with solid state MOS/LSI display, a
      292 words
    • 397 30 f VICTOR MENDEZ >> AUCTIONEERS 4 APPRAISERS 4 proudly present CHOICE PERSIAN CARPETS RUGS 72 ra-r pieces of accomplished excellence and beauty for the discerning collector, including BW^^^TH| Saturday, August 31, 1974. Consignment Ont H^bs^jß Lot Nos. 1-57. Fint Quality Pfrsian Cirptti& Rugs. 2 fine Caucasian Shu-van Carpets 5' x
      397 words

  • 179 31  -  EPSOM JEEP pRELUDE, a strong stable fancy, can give punters a flying start by winning the opening race at Bukit Timah today. This Sovereign Edition grey has trained on splendidly since his third to Po Po over the Kuala Lumpur 6f three weeks ago,
    179 words
  • 219 31 Man of Courage can justify promotion MAN OF COURAOB II can Justify his double promotion by winning the Class 2, Dlv. 2 Race over Sf In Race rive at Bukit Timah today, writes DENNIS CHIA The Henry's Choice gelding, already a winner of three races this year, la In terrific
    219 words
  • 705 31  - Snow Mist excels on yielding track DENNIS CHIA By CNOW MIST, with Jim Johnson up, showed striking form on a yielding track at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. With Melrwaa II for company, the pair clapPed on the pace from the naif mile to run the last 3f In 40 4/5.
    705 words
  • 94 31 NEW YORK. Tri. Vie Belxa t and Hugh SUwart led the United Mates to a ■ucoanfut defence of U>» SWvena Cup yesterday with a 2-1 victory over Australia In the flnaJa of the aerennatton imnu competition for players 45 and over SeUas. former US. and Wimbledon
    94 words
  • 56 31 PSC beat Aussies PUBLIC Swimming Club beat the touring TrldlUon Club of West Australia 10-1 In a friendly water-polo match at Van Kit swimming pool on Thursday PSC* scorers were Richard Chew (I), Richard Leong (J), Simon Leong (I), Robert Leong and Tan Hun Bag, while SUn HHman (I) Tnd
    56 words
  • 1323 31 Race 1 PULUDE: Has come right; third with 8 8 to Po Po Dlv 6 Of XL Au«- 10 was good showing; has made good headway since; bright each-way proapect MAURITANIA: Fifth In Claas 3 Div 6 7f B Tlmah July 27; (has trained on; down In
    1,323 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 76 31 I Slide open I rBM i <^^PH and Sharp Magic I* ■Hs i^ gives instant I I Hfeß sharp pictures II j^Hlj 1 and sound Ii U L J .II HH Ibib^bibU B^bib^b^bib^bibH b^LbH BSBr^MßiMMriHMliNptHtMilrfMlMpHlßjWW II j f re<^ BBBrCi a^^^^w i r^^^sTi iNlBt^M *^M1 [KliTtK^cH fi| (iftTlß 1 1
      76 words
    • 178 31 aV^ Ss3 V^k BpBBB*B ■BVaTajryajßWjßwjßMak. wS QHT it I LVfiiftKalßsW awaawawjf I FWlstslJ -■■■■l '^fcj^^W GO PLaCES WITH BOOKS A. m f L mIF SINGAPORE HILTON\ GRAND BALLROOM jL 31st AUG.- 8 th SEPT. 'W Hghx^ 11am -9pm Daily Vj GO TO THE 6TH FESTIVAL OF BOOKS. W THE BOOK
      178 words
  • Page 31 Miscellaneous
    • 1424 31 ffJ MM 21 5 CLASS 4 DIV. 5- 6F I $,^4 Ml OC^fCfl iSn'lLl ($9,500 $6,650 to winner) M^i*lZL£*3EUßdAß^ 1 »3 mtyd* a IDmni) Tulloh «1 0 (ud «r S* MeCtaw 7 Ao> I ■*»<«■ <■■> I TIT OSWMIS CMIA I 70S MmrMili Maun I Ur i 12 (dc It)
      1,424 words

  • 88 32 SINGAPORE GIRL GUIDES HONOUR VISITING FIRST LADY MBS. Lien Ting Chow, president of the Girl Guide* Association, pinning a Girl Guide Friendship Badge on Madasne Tien Suharto, Indonesia's First Lady, during her visit to the association's headquarters at Clemenceau Avenue yesterday. At right are Mrs. Lee Kuan Yew
    88 words
  • 372 32 MANILA, Friday A JESUIT priest ordered released from A detention by President Marcos refused today to leave until all 20 of the young people arrested with him were freed, church sources said. i^ The sources said the Rev. Jose Blanco, Assistant Director
    AP  -  372 words
  • 122 32 BID TO KILL CYPRIOT LEADER NICOSIA, Frl. Qunmen today ambushed Greek Cyprtot socialist leader vassos Ly.'sarldes a leading opponent of the Eoka-B guerillas when they raked his car with sub-ma-chine fire. Dr. Lyssarldes' 30-year-old driver, Doros Lolzou, was killed In the attack The driver's Americanborn wife was Injured, and Dr.
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 40 32 TOKYO, m Japan.:*, businessmen are reported to be considering whether they should go aiong with Ihn Soviet Union in develoolng the Tuymen oil nelds In Siberia or give more consideration to other supply sour. <■» «*ch as Chin*.— AP
    AP  -  40 words
  • 31 32 MANILA. Prl. The \M\*\ Development Bank has approved the provision of technical assistance to south Vietnam for a national vxatlonal training centre project, it was announced todiy. Re lite.
    31 words
  • 35 32 8T AlfNB i Illinois). PM.— The wife of the St. Anne police chief watched her husband gunned down today. then opened fire with his revolver and killed two of his three attackers CFI.
    35 words
  • 381 32 I ONDON. m. Th. market *-> cio*«l aaalar after a dull waaioo '^V"" 1»««l*l Tim*. In4a »v down J.T la 114 J Volum« wu low. D~l.r* uld Urn gloomy rn>ort 00 Urn aeonomle situation by th* National lutltut* of economic Boetal lUMarcb l*d to .bar. prtcM •Mac ton
    381 words
  • 61 32 SHBTPTKLX) (England). Fti -Prof DOUglaa cMVIa. M. *rho aVoundad Urn madteal world with hi* timniiiwe ■MM kaat BOOth U»t Mattuba bbMm had baan born and were alive and wan. oolUpaad tn his home UM night He ni ru»hed to hospital naar hert and hi* doctors later
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 438 32 HOW A SPY GOT INTO BONN GOVERNMENT BONN, rriday rpHE chief of West Germany's security serA vice, Dr. Guenter Nollau, admitted to a Parliamentary Commission here today that his office cleared a communist spy for an official post at the heart of the Bonn Government despite "a certain uneasiness" about
    Reuter  -  438 words
  • 133 32 DOME, Pri. Italy staggered from one "Rreat pasta crisis" to another one today aa the nations staple food disappeared from foodstore shelves The Government retreated from the brink of one crisis by calling off planned price rises of macaroni tagliatelle I soaßhetti and dozens
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 236 32 CABPET SALE of CHOICEST PERSIAN, BOKHARA 6 PAKISTAN CARPETS 6 RUGS A Very Wide Selection To Choose From F s Of Very Fine Quality. Most exotic old K ASHANS QUMS in Pure Silk Super fine ISPHANS on Silk Base, Nam in Silk Wbol Super fne old Shah Abbas K ASHANS,
      236 words
    • 33 32 MM MM. itTMia KkASMH, a«aa SS. [■■■■< away paaMTaliy K I T« Oartac* Ma*«* M aartawt* Drtv* 1 T4 IN far St. Praacai Xaviar Caana taaaat la Caaa Caa Kaas Oktav tiaa Cwur)
      33 words
    • 162 32 \X GO EAST OR WEST SINGAPORE MADE W_ »>> PERFUMES OF THE ORIENT 7^ f ARE THE BEST. at\ mZSSsSSft o IP mm w sbbbbbbbbl aaaaaaP^^^aaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaal aaaaw^ aaaa^^^^H mmmmr^mm^^SmT^^ *^^0^ mmSj^M mm* I K^3 asalr -*bbbW FEATURE JADE ITEMS ANTIQUE JADE ITEMS. Old-work, finely csrved-througr. JMnn piece*. Pendents, buckles, pi,
      162 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous

    • 70 33 Faces and places PICTURES thaf turn up Sarawak past, present and future. Clockwise from top right: Chief Minister Daruk Rahman Yakub and ex-guerilla leader Bong Kee Chok sign the rhe memorandum of understanding that andad the war in the jungles an Iban chieftain and a Sarawak beauty in traditional dress
      70 words
    • 962 33 NG POH TIP writes on the land of romance and adventure, culture and beauty CARAWAK Is often sold to the tourist as a land of romance and adventure, where the people are friendly and where much of the natural scenic beauty remains unspoilt. There's history, there's culture,
      962 words
    • 2505 33 14-day wait for polls results pL'NINSULAR Malaysia has got its new list of MPs and State Assemblymen but the people of Sarawak will have to wait till after Sept 14 to know who all their 24 parliamentary representatives and 48 State Assemblymen will be for the next five years. Many
      2,505 words
    • 505 34 I\ATTK Hajl Abdul v rUhman Yakub became Chief Minister of Sarawak In July 1970, leading a coalition Government consisting of the Party Bumlputra, Sarawak Chinese Association, and the Sarawak United People's Party. He had reigned as the Federal
      505 words
    • 565 35 Building up the sinews of an economy TWO project* that will help build, up Sarawak the Kuching industrial estate at Pending peninsula (top), and the Satok Bridge (above) across the Sarawak River. THE Sarawak Economic Development Corporation, established in March 1972, is playing an increasingly important role in the State's
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  • Page 33 Advertisements
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  • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 268 34 I BEST WISHES I I to the I I STATE GOVERNMENT I I and the I I PEOPLE of SARAWAK I I on the occasion of the I I 11th Anniversary of I I Independence within Malaysia I I KONG THAI (1 963) SON. BHD. I P. O. BOX 297,
      268 words
    • 130 34 Our best wishes to the Ir SARAWAK Government From SARAWAK ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CORPORATION For your industrial *nd commercial power needs in Sarawak, contact us at: flAdAf* MjMAesA m -i- lt i ***w*ei *vwWf rywfT JffTojojr, Racking. Telegrams: "SESCO". KwcMng. Tel: *****. P.O. to. 149. Kicking. Our Compliments Best Wishesto SARAWAK
      130 words

  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 99 35 r CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF SARAWAK ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR 11* ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. real ihut drinkij^ij^ BMat^al Baa^^K J9 B^BB 1 jH^i I BB 881 sJIM GREEN SPOT (BORNEO) BERHAD Batu Kltang Road, Kuchint, Sarawak, Malaysia. L Cable: "Green spot" Code* Bentley's ft private. J
      99 words
    • 27 35 Best WUhes NIRIAI TIMKI SIR 111. lICTDRY TIMEI SIR. Nl. No. 11, Ramlnway (Ist Floor) P. O. Bra tSS, Slbu, Sarawak. Managing Partner Henry Wong Nal Swiff
      27 words
    • 144 35 bNIv ft i r -r- r i rHMBsfeP 3^ B^HbUS tW^S^BBBBBBsVBa I 1 Blflftlßnifti^L Ms^i^!> Ibb ii f^B^s^^^^ a^aßf h 1 KBBHw§mHP^ißi' fijJrJSuie' .^ukß^sss) >- ifctlll K ill' I**1 F* t^m m V^BBBBBBBBBBL 1 l lHiilDt*t'_'w BBBBBBBBBBBBBT__^ L>^»^aap Bmß^B^hmH Bm wfnsißiiiiiaßßW BHkw^^B^ bus>naußuuhasjß*^ D J^b^b^b^b^b^bl B^BSjbbbb! B^H^B^bßk^l B^sav^wsa^ B^l I
      144 words

  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 476 36 THIS YEAR'S celebrations are centred in Sibu and began on Aug. 16. Th« programme includes a rhr««-w«*k trade fair, a two-day regatta, a procession, land and rivar floats, sports and gamas, a firaworks display, a P©lic« tattoo, cultural shows and a community dinner. Here is the programme for today, tomorrow
      476 words
    • 98 36 E m anniversary Our Heartiest Congratulations and Best Wishes to the STATE GOVERNMENT and the PEOPLE OF SARA WAX We are proud to have contributed towards the progress of Sarawak SARAWAK UNITED SAWMILL SDN. BHD. 13 Island Road, P.O. Box 143, Sibu, Sarawak, East Malaysia. J j FELICITATIONS and BEST
      98 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 193 37 OYAMA LINE From 31-8-74 Our Telephone numbers are *****88/9 and *****15 OYAMA AGENCY PTE. LTD. Suite 1613-1616 16th Floor, International Plaza Anson Road, Singapore 2. j j CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS UNITED INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION LTD., UIC CHEMICALS PTE. LTD., I.TTH FLOOR, UIC BUILDING, NO. 5, SHENTON WAY, SINGAPORE I, will
      193 words
    • 281 37 f ROBIN GROUP Change of Telephone Numbers W.e.f. September Ist 1974 our telephone numbers will be Robin Group of Companies Robina House. Singapore 1 TEL NO *****22 Robina Department Store Robina House, Singapore 1. TEL NO *****88 Robina Advertising Pte Ltd. Robina House Singapore 1 TEL NO *****86 CHANGE OF
      281 words
      554 words
    • 298 37 f NEW I I TELEPHONE I I NUMBERS I The Straits Steamship Group wish to announce the following new telephone numbers at their Phoenix Building offices, Singapore EFFECTIVE IST SEPTEMBER 1974 Straits Steamship Co Ltd *****66 Straits Shipping Pte Ltd *****22 Mansfield Travel Pte Ltd *****66 Mansfield Container Services Pte
      298 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 761 38 PHILIPS There is o bright future in electronics. Philips Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. offers outstanding opportunities for senior administrative and technical personnel. Philips Singapore exports Production Managers Qualifications directly responsible to the Production electrical products and equip- Reduction Managers' duties include Polytechnic Diploma in Mechanical Manager. ment to 72 countries throughout
      761 words

  • Page 39 Advertisements
    • 811 39 omhm j>yy""^p"^"j I L '^L t^ cwT.mEirsiif soviet ti M/CMTmon: r** OSAKA BAY «-fB -S Jm S u ij K ISililllH cwunmswp soviet nw«j m/tmmm 1 Sill H.'l lit" 11'tMI I'MMjtOH P MIM CIHIUR BIT MM MM UM MM IM* S'S' as i- cb is si^. 1 1 1 1
      811 words
    • 715 39 kS. BLUE SEA UNE Ijji Express States to Straits Service pTK" b»S 3= M- mS pTlimib mm vm *Z mm\ "r 4 A(Mn -WSFIEII SIMPPIM SOVKB PTt -O^SL f" l 51 U atunita imiMtTißtuu. imppim cmpbmtmii, I W IK: P M»M Till,!. MMI IM9» *****. PMMB pj, A i r-r-r^nm^S
      715 words
    • 556 39 5 EUROPE to rwj n»* r*. n««o. DmnwI Btmmi Aptwtff AH U.H 'total icm AMtrit Km Out ***J*L 4I ai n mm am ns«*t Him M (M (M M »s*pt us* km mm mm ok MMM MS* tt to TIM &M MM M»l« MS* j id MM n k
      556 words
    • 646 39 FULLY CONTAINEKIZED SEKVICE TO EUKOfI iMiua gm mm, hm»x frM****. ffiSr^-:::::::::::: S c-«*.. toW KmT* SS o*. "*•<*. u** MaM. nan: ici Mi m B tan. FULLY CONTAINEKtZED SERVICE FKOM EUROPE Mim ran "fit!™ !Jn MM*, A-****. MN|, Uww. ■mmm m« BnM, S»uSn mn' a«m, cann-ia, goom**!. nmmm. "ij?" aw
      646 words
    • 799 39 I w *****4; P. MM* 4341; U. *****; Pmmimj JJJOI THE BANK LIME LTD. LMK WLIS tflKi mUM :w>it«, Bnn B 1 Mrict) P. MtMS 4/ I M* Ift 1/ IMB ITBMI A MMt P MMJ Skki 1/14 Mt ItfUBMB (MMrit>«. BIMiW B I Afnct) P MtMf B/M M !'M»
      799 words

  • Page 40 Advertisements
    • 762 40 M-V-"' KAWASAKI KISEN KAISHA LTD. KAWASAKI KIHMI RISEN KAISMA LTD JAPAN. HWSROK. STUITS ttWKL I iww «««>»« s.«jn*» r «*Wf t VI SHI Japan Arabian CuU MrvlM aittiuiPf i hum 1 j^l^i'J^'^JSm, Japan loath Afrlaa Wa«1 Atr.M SarvlM IU mw»»i<ii MM UP". —l Japan Sabata Sarawak Um •Wartf llOaM ■>
      762 words
    • 865 40 ICCIPTIM »ll lIMg B» MAH IttIPoHNT FM PtaTlAatf. SAMTIT. UMUMUIIN tUIKPAPU. SAMAIIMA. lIMtgIIMM TtßagM. ~n"nf*. tlOOitl StMM. WIST IgIAN AM taBM MAI* PgBTV tnm ETA (TO ttXMMMO: ICT MAtTT HIT i Seat ISeat leeeaeiit. ICT iiAft' leias Seoenoii t tan eaoot imomm. ICT MAin JMT S*eMa 4 Sept I Sept
      865 words
    • 1098 40 ocictit unt/ J.K. lU«O*t SWVICI LOADING FOt LONOCN. ROTTIRDAM. HAMBURG BILBAO. U HAVRI s.«e»or« P MiMf Paaaag Leaeeo teox Mtari lIPTUNI SAPPmtf 11 Seat V Soot I Bet I Brt 1 ■tact auit M laat 1 tet 1/ I ttt 1/ I get a tct 4 Hot 1■» Irtgeaara P.
      1,098 words
    • 762 40 sma snwtt n iomji immm/trnnan mn Ig. K4. tiagaoarc P «alo»g P««i«g laaaMg len ggONATABISM l/lleot tt/lllott 14/itloU L PVM 4/11. n aji| •/11, reaai i4/u. ggtMAUTA It/tliett VtJlott It/Jileet al4 lott I.**) ear, a/nor. U> Hlnfc 3 11 A/it.«r| 11 11 aejtu AagtAM 1/ 1 get I tet Vlt
      762 words
    • 1443 40 ri'Mß KOUT O* g.NOAMOFtg O«l: Full Tug B/l Union Parif.r 1 AUTHORITY ANNOUNCIO B/3 •<"!"'■. union rmm\c TMf FOLIOW'NQ BfFtTHIMO »naT KLANO' I AFMANOaiMNTS FO* AIM. ti. 1 OUT: rfowrll Lyke* 1/2. CrytUl B vt i' I Moon g/». rreytjurg 10/11. Koieam J? N«go Vlctorlm Ke-nlng.u 1 Mall IJ/M. 6lory
      1,443 words