The Straits Times, 28 August 1974

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times Estd. 1845 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28,, 1974 25 CENTS M.C.(P) 21/74
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  • 1733 1  -  R. CHANDRAN Call for return of the cane in classrooms By FIGHTTNC TEEN-AGE CRIME Troubled times and the need for frank talks THE Committee on Crime and Delinquency has recommended the return of the cane in classrooms and pre National Service jobs at military establishments for idle
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  • 24 1 KUALA LUMPUR, TUSS. eighteen Thai fishermen detained for opsraUng In Malaysian waters yesterday «m rail ill after their catch waa auctioned off.
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  • 120 1 KUWAIT TO PUMP $4,350 M INTO BRITAIN KUWAIT, Tues. Kuwait plans to Invest £750 million (554.350 mil.) In high-quality British Government security bonds, Finance Ministry sources disclosed today. They said the Imminent deal was expect td to help stabilise the sterling rate tr\ world money markets and offnet British fears
    AP  -  120 words
  • 51 1 Easing the squeeze SYDNEY, Tues." The Reserve Bank of Australia announced tonight that it will release almost ASS 7 million (***** minion) to ease the credit squeese. The Bank will release the money by lowering Its statutory reserve deposit ratio for major trading banks from 5.5 to five per cent.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 38 1 FRANKFURT. Tubs. A small private Wast Oeraaan bank, the Frankfurt Hanrtala bank, ctoeed down today, the fifth to go out of business in the last eight weeks, the Federal Bank Supervisory Office said. Rrutar.
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  • 49 1 NXWRY (N. Ireland) TUSS. On* woman waa killed and a baby flrl Injured today whan a nous* was Masted by an pinion in Uu» mainly Catholic town. Police sources said they were worklnc on Urn theory that tbt arptasson was eaussd by a bosah.— Kauur
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  • 35 1 TAIPBH. TUSB. A -year-oid taxi driver waa today executed for kUUng a friend of Ma. a nmldHrraot and tort* children. The esecutlonar find pfcatol aboto at to* back of Ms bead. JUuttr
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  • 111 1 A LEXANDROUFOAL I S (Greece), Tues. Turkish troops fired machlnefon bar i against Greek positions across the Greek-Turkish border in Thrace at noon yesterday, according: to local press reports; here. Sources here said the Incident took place In the area of Telemani. "The Turks fired
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 265 1 UN peace troops may stay on ATHENS, Tuesday I TNITED NATIONB peacekeeping troops will apparently be allowed to remain In the Turkish-controlled part of Cyprus, »UN Sec-retary-General Kurt Waldhelm Indicated today. Arriving here from talks with Turkish leaders In Ankara, Mr. Waldheim told newsmen: "I have discussed this problem with
    AP  -  265 words
  • 41 1 XbTW TORS, Tubs. Dow Jonas stubs' based on first bow of trading on the Hew Tort Stock Bwchant*: M Indus StS.ll. down Ml; M transp 141 down ».4t: ulila 6J n up ON; stoat) MS.U. down 1 M. UPX.
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  • 160 1 BANGKOK. Tim* INTERIOR Minister Luang Atthasith Stthlsoonthom has announced measures aimed at reducing labour unrest In Thailand. The move*, announced last night In a radio broadcast, reduce the negotiating period for employers and workers from over one month to eight days and reemphasise that
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 595 1 Riddle of 'Laju hijacker caught in Paris [S this man (above), who last February tried to blow up the Shell refinery on Bukom, the same man now being held by French police in Paris? A Japanese, the man arrested In Paris had four passports on him. We have three possible
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  • 34 1 lack* (Nigeria). Tues. A representative of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Khader Mansour, was ordered yesterday to return to Cairo after fallIng to win authorisation to open an office In Nigeria AP.
    AP  -  34 words
  • 412 1 HERO OF EPIC FLIGHT Secret burial aviation pioneer Lindbergh HONOLULU, Tues. Aviation pioneer Charles Lindbergh, who died yesterday at the age of 72, was secretly buried on the island of Maul three hours after his death, it was learned today. The first person to fly solo across the Atlantic, Mr.
    Reuter; NYT  -  412 words
  • 60 1 38 arms agents held MANILA. Tues. The Oovernment announced tonight it bad uncovered an arms smuggling network of the Philippine Communist Party working with an unidentified foreign source and arrested 38 people. Including 13 ranking communist officials. Three vessels and four light seacraft, used in ferrying the firearms to the
    UPI  -  60 words
  • 262 1 British poll moves in top gear I ONDON, Tues. v Britain's political parties began moving their election preparations into top gear today in the expectation that polling day will be Thursday, Oct. 3. The announcement of the election date is thought likely to come from Prime Minister Harold Wilson in
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 68 1 SHARKS took a beating on the Singapore Stock Exchange yesterday, with sellers out from the first bell. At close the Straus Times Index for Industrials was down S *i points to Jol.ll a new as year tow. Sharp falh were also ifcorded on the Kuala
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  • 67 1 JAKARTA. TUM. The energy crlsts haa csustd nearly two-third* of the hotel accommodation In Bail to bo empty during the flnt half of this year, a hotels aafociation spntoasmsn said. The apntsssnan said last nl«ht that only 16 par cent of the I.7J* major hotel
    Reuter  -  67 words
    • 62 1 W A 8H ING TON. Tues Turkey will begin to withdraw its forces tress Cyprus •awe negotiations begin on the Islands constitution ttrictare. Turkish Foreign Ministry counsellor Nwi Eren said today Bat be rmled eat a Soviet p* appeal far an 11- nation conference el UN
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    • 39 1 MANILA. Twes. Muslim rebeli killed at least 29 civilians and soldiers in an ambash of a passenger bus in a tsarist spot in Zamboanga city, in southwest Mindanao, travellers from the area said today.— AT
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 108 1 (MLIWJTY (sKlUl.\\rMM'li those who appreciate ftjdn >€aut y an d precision. y-J^pt-'W Chun Chong [j^^ 62 South Bridge Rd, MfM Singapore I. $400,000 SWINDLE: POLICE SEEK THREE Page 11 SAIGON alarm over eat In US aid 2 FORDS five-point plan to fight Inflation S WORLD food sapply Ne caaae for
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  • Straits Times World Nevus
    • 202 2 Pravda hits at US move on Diego Garcia ILf 08COW, Tues The Soviet Commune' Party newspaper Pravda charged today that the recent U8 Senate Armed Forces Commission approval of plans to expand the Indian Ocean base of Diego Oarcla would undermine peace and stability in the region. Pravda commentator (Meg
      Reuter  -  202 words
    • 470 2 MEMPHIS (Tennessee), Tuesday. FORMER President Richard Nixon, In a r brief telephone call yesterday to Rep. Dan Kuykendall, (Republican), said he has problems with special Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworskl. "Do you think the peojle want to pick the car:ass?" Mr. Kuykendall luoted Mr.
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    • 48 2 &ASHINOTON. TINS. A Congressman said American yacnta are being hijacked for us* in ocean drug-run-ning operations and that their owners and crews are duappearlng Repreernuuve John Murphy Mid a panel of the Merchant Marine-Coast Guard Bub(.ommlttee would begin hearings on the matter tomorrow. AP.
      AP  -  48 words
    • 37 2 BEALE AIR PORCB BASK (California). Turn. Tbe D 6 Air Ftorct said yesterday it would attempt to tot a New York to London spaad record on Sept. 1 in a superionic BR7I }rt AJ».
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    • 283 2 WASHINGTON.. Tuea AOROUP of Democratic and Republican Congressmen will make a two-week visit to China from Sept S at the Invitation of the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, the White House said yesterday Spokesman J r a 1 d terHorst, In making the announcement,
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    • 363 2 Govt tanks drive back Red attacks SAIGON. Tuesday /GOVERNMENT troops, supported by armour, have driven back communist attacks from two directions 16 km (10 miles) from Tay Nlnh provincial capital, near the Cambodian border, the Saigon Command reported today. It Mid 18 communist troops were killed in clashes yesterday southwest
      Reuter  -  363 words
    • 135 2 GAS PROBE BANK AWAITS NEW LAW AM ANILA, Tues—The US Export Bank will make no decision on financing nataral fas exploration in Siberia until the US Congraes passes the neeeasary legislation, the bank's president said today. In a news conference before bis departure for Hongkong from a two-day visit in
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    • 429 2 Fears, too, over possible Red offensive WASHINGTON, Tuesday JJNITED States Congressional cuts in military expenditure for South Vietnam plus indications of a general communist offensive, perhaps within the next nine months, are causing apprenhension among South Vietnamese officials and Western diplomats here.
      NYT  -  429 words
    • 206 2 Trapeze star hurt in 40 ft plunge /XJLUMBUS (Ohio; Tues. \J A trapeze artist, described as one of the best, lost her grip during a circus tent performance at the Ohio State Fair here on Monday and fell 12 2 metres (40 feet) to the ground be'ore a capacity crowd
      UPI  -  206 words
    • 58 2 AUCKLAND. Tut* Opposition Uader Robert MuJdooni flrtlcuffa with dAßMMtratora who hit him with a flour bomb brought htan rap from Deputy Prime Minuter HUgfa Watt J**«r<lar. "Street brawllnr U not In keeping with the dignity of one who hold* hi* present position and on* who •sptoee
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    • 136 2 A good Soviet harvest likely MOSCOW, Tues— The Soviet grain harvest has reached the halfway mark and despite capricious weather and lagging field work, signs point to a crop in the range of 2CO million tons. Western experts see no likelihood the Soviet Union will reach last year's record harvest
      AP  -  136 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 271 2 OF COLOUR TV ASA (owunpiG) /y{ yk 0 hitachi OGENERnL sbbbBBBB W&^TT\^j I I I bbb^^^^t^bbl TRADE-IN FOR A COLOUR TV > The trade-in value of your Mack white TV set is *****.00. We will accept any brand of TV set that has a 20 screen or above and within
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    • 64 2 MEN'S WEEK SPECIAL SIZES 5-10 detlan^n 5-10 SIZES S.M.L.^^j^^ j PLUS M«n s Neckt.e* NOW $2.00 Men Socks NOW $1.00 (In ••l«ct«d stores only) And many, many, more attractive bargains! Also see the latest fashion innovation from Italy, Australia, England and Hongkong. AND FEATURING: Joans that walk the world-LEVI'S Showtime
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    • 484 3 Ford outlines 5-point plan to fight inflation MEETINGS TO PRECEDE SUMMIT WASHINGTON. Tue«. PRESIDENT Ford's "summit conference" on inflation will be held here on Sept. 27 and 28 and will be preceded by a series of preliminary meetings between the Administration and leaders of individual sectors of the nations economy.
      NYT  -  484 words
    • 119 3 WASHINGTON, Toes.— President Ford said yesterday through his spokesman that "no measures were actually undertaken" during the crisis over President Nixon's resii nation to prevent the military chain of command from being subverted by illegal orders from the White House or elsewhere. However Presidential
      UP  -  119 words
    • 51 3 SEATTLE. TUC«. Cocaine valued at US$3 million <Bs3 million) was -smuggled inside hollowed out water skis Into the United Slates, the US Drug enforcement Administration aai<l yesterday Three top officials of a Seattle-baaed company that manufacture* the *1» and thr«e other suspacte have been arr— ted
      UPI  -  51 words
    • Briefs
      • 55 3 rpEHERAN, Tues—lraqi 1 heavy artillery today shelled Iranian territory near the Nafte-Shah oil town In a continuing border dispute between the two countries, the Government Pars news agency said. The report said the Iraqis shelled the area. 435 miles west of Teheran, all day yesterday and continued the flre through
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      • 40 3 VIENTIANE: The Laotian Mint Pea-e Committee, cet up to Implement last year's peace accord, today agreed on four sites for the first exchange of prisoners of war between the pro communist Pathet Lao and the Vientiane side next Sept. 12.
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      • 32 3 NEW YORK: The Arabian American Oil Company said yesterday that weather conditions In the Persian Oulf have been the main cause of a decrease In its August oil production In Saudi Arabia.
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      • 31 3 BELGRADE: Philippine Foreign Minister Carlo* Romulo yesterday wound up his four-day official I visit to Yugoslavia and expressed satisfaction i with development of 1 frlendlr relations be- tween the two countries.
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      • 34 3 MANILA: The martial law government announced yesterday charges of rebellion had been lodged against a Filipino Roman Catholic priest and a dissident leader who were arrested in a raid on a seminary on Saturday.
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      • 38 3 BI'ENOS AIRES: About 50 people were injured and more than 40 others arrested yesterday In a football riot here. Soccer fans clashed a ter the Buenos Aires Ant division team Boca Juniors defeated arch rival River Plate l-«.
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      • 44 3 PORT MEAD An army private, Robert Preston. 20, who crash-landed a helicopter on the White House lawn last Febuary said yesterday he did it because he was despondent over falling his pilot's training and because his girlfriend did not turn up for a date.
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      • 26 3 MELBOURNE: Some Urge retailers in Australia are "pirating" designs from local clothing manufacturers and having them made up overseas, the Industrie* Assistance Commission was told yesterday.
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      • 21 3 BONN: The Volkswagen car combine Is certain to lose several hundred million marks this year, according to chairman I Rudolf Leldlng.
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      • 28 3 TOKYO: Japan and China today completed technical arrangements for the opening of direct 1 commercial air service between the two countries, the Transport I Ministry announced. 1 Agencies
        Agencies  -  28 words
    • 72 3 ISLAMABAD. Tues. PbkKUn today initialled an avieement with the American flim Texas Oulf Incorporated giving It a concMsion to prospect for oil and gas on ***** aq. km (11.000 aquare mile*) of three provtocea Slnd, BaluchMan and the Punjab Under the agreement Pakistan will have the
      Reuter  -  72 words
    • 34 3 MOSCOW. Toss. The Soviet Government evening paper IsveaUa ywUrday styled the Chines* Government the "dlcutonhip or Mao Tae-tung's millUryburwuiratle clique." and railed the cultural revolution of the IMO* "a reactionary political coup."— R«uter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 59 3 AMERICAN-born pop singer Josephine Baker (right) yesterday paid former Israeli Prime Minister Mrs. Golda Meir a visit in Tel Aviv. Sitting between the two women is Miss Baker's 10-year-old, Moroccanborn adopted daughter Estellina. Miss Baker was in Israel to give thanks at Jerusalem s Wailing Wall
      UPI  -  59 words
    • 306 3 ADDIS ABABA, Tues. EMPEROR Halle Selassie, until six months ago the all-powerful ruler of Ethiopia, has been ordered to be stripped of most of his palaces and wealth and told not to leave the capital, diplomats said today. They said the Armed Forces' Committee that
      UPI  -  306 words
    • 139 3 JAL URGED TO HIT BACK AT CURBS CkSAKA. Tues. Mr. Shixuo Asada, president of the Japan Airlines (JAL) has said Japan should take retaliatory measures against a British decision to place restrictions on JAL flights to Hongkong. He told a Press conference here yesterday that one of the Hong-kong-based Cathay
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    • 241 3 Britain gets tough on soccer thugs LONDON, Tues. British courts yesterday cracked down hard on soccer hooligans arrested during a weekend of violence which on Saturday saw Britain's first football killing. In Manchester, an 18--year-old youth was fined £100 (SssBo) for carrying a carving knife and using threatening behaviour before
      Reuter  -  241 words
    • 31 3 BBOUL. Tues. The Seoul dUtr'.ct prosecutor's office today demanded the death penalty for two South Koreans and life Imprisonment for another person for allegedly spying for North Korea UPL
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 198 3 c m^SS^SISSS^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^SS^Sr Business Hours: 9.30 a.m- "7.00 p.m. Mon.thru Sun. LOWER GROUMD FLOOR, SPECIALISTS' CEMTRE, ORCHARD ROAD/SOMERSET ROAD, TEL: 3SO6aq A fwttys o better HI^IHIHIjSZkZSIH^^HI (Oven fresh v 1 1 MBM IKHRhm^ *>*"***** 150 ««c»it» m 0, QSS JM/tßtt^W^ I I S WYSXfPKf!BSSS TJ% Evaporated Milk*?^""/ OS Mixed Nuts aw.
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    • 236 4 Paving the way for talks on N-arms treaty GENEVA, Tues.—Delegations from 26 nations, yesterday resumed preparations lor a conference to review the effectiveness of a 1970 treaty banning tbe spread of nuclear weapons with prospects clouded by India's recent entry into the "Atom Club." The preparatory committee held its first
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    • 160 4 Japan shows big recovery TOKYO, Tues— japans M. balance of payments for July showed a marked Improvement as a result of active exoanslon of exports and a cut In direct oversea! capital Investments by Japanese industry, the Finance Ministry announced today. The July balance of payments had a deficit of
      Reuter  -  160 words
    • 125 4 Lisbon gives GuineaBissau freedom LISBON, Twee. PorUfitM Foreign Misdate* Mario leans arrived back her* early tetlay after atgalag aa hastefie 4eeaa»eat granting his will's iweegaitlea of OaiaaaBaasau as aa taataaeaaaat stato freai Sea. M. ■seen he Ml Algtan, whet» the signing leek alaee. he sad:-!} I* a Uralag point la
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    • 48 4 SAWTOat TU«i. Tl» meninfltlj eptdnuc In ta* •UU of Brno Paulo has forced Catholic prkwu In aantoa to modify tha "Trvinfrfn DtuaJ. To avoid coataxton. prlast* are handina; Uw waiara of tha aucharist to ooaxnximeanU Inataad of paactng them directly on tha tongua.— XJW.
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    • 30 4 Jakarta. Tu««.-autr-flv« tKMUM. aU ctourctiw aad oat achool *m ll— liujiJ wmbUj wtMn a ■torn «Mpt Urn vtOM* of r in wmi ajuMtn. Anurm nm •goer nportad today
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    • 589 4 Population talks: Haggling takes its toll •PLAN OF ACTION' ON LAST LAP BUCHAREST, Tues. EXHAUSTED, frustrated delegates today headed into the last lap of their marathon race to produce a "world population plan of action." But deadline pressure may dictate the final outcome. A week of behind-the-scenes hag fling and
      Reuter  -  589 words
    • 206 4 Illegal dykes are blown up MANILA. Tues Oovernment demolition teams today began blasting Illegal]" constructed fishpond dykes partly b.~med for last weeks disastrous floods in the Philippines. The dykes, blown up with dynamite, cover about 37 acres ot flshponds and stretch about a mile and a half along: the Miranda
      Reuter; UPI  -  206 words
    • 301 4 World food: cause for panic WASHINGTON. Tuesday ALTHOUGH food prices are moving higher than his department had forecast. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz said today that there is "no basis for panic" over shortages in the nations or the world's food supply. Mr. Butz announced that he will continue to
      NYT  -  301 words
    • 287 4 Another price hike by General Motors rvSTROIT, Tues. OenMJ eral Motors Corporation disclosed yesterday that It was raising prices of some of its 1975 models by hundreds of dollars more than the average US$42B I 551. 005 > increase It announced last week for Its new cars and trucks. In
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 245 4 giwafcWa^^w^^^^^^^gjawfcJ f£l 5^5 |L|g m Jh*^fl asw^aw 'I I jfch. Spill Be* m ■Jg^^^m^^g^n J-fl awNw EE3B 'itswawaH tewJaasW^^JkS gswTA BjWpWWfWWIM BBr*as«BMMt l %sjsVHlbßH Wf H[|itf|jpfillp&fl .-m ar-^^a»»-«*"^^£^ >^^B^^SBWBBSBC^»»*' r g«if|g<ffr?l BwaH |3aßMßw2^^''^BwaiL^aiaw>»sj^gia^Bßas***^^ «siH gwa^gwa^^^^^^Ssß^^h^agwawßSSßS introducing a new lighter cooking oil at a lower price Noheavy.oiy taste: Easy to digest:
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  • 2794 5  - Flying Lindbergh, farm boy to celebrity ALDEM WHITMAN HIS DAREDEVTL SPIRIT WILL LIVE ON —By Charles Lindbergh the man who electrified the world with the first solo flight across the Atlantic In the tiny plane be I called Spirit of St. i Lonis In 19t7, died I on Monday at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 190 5 bbbV n bbbV wbV <- Bs\ m bbb. Jft r i cm*© A\ Sp^ bbbW bbbbVv HP ss Tiir3^^B for less than $2 a day you can have this tnacjnif icent copier Rent a Ricoh BS2 and say good-bye to savings in copy cost. No special wiring worries about obsolescence,
      190 words
    • 336 5 1 jfi*V^^ 1 ML/ V From dawn to dawn, the pleasures flow, the gaieties never end. ■s^Hfl fsV\sW*iH m bbW ss^HHßk I I T^r ~%S\ m IHI Vtr^P P M m HL*j^ sFwsP 17 c b^b^_ S^M^H Hi m-- IF**- vi mmJ* l* jmm mm n BBM^BsTlliJßßfl WAUM Wh C^rH
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  • 327 6 Fish and egg prices down 10 to 20 cents DRICIB of nab and egas fell between 10 and 20 cents yesterday, according to the Trade Department. Prices of Spanish mackerel (tengglrl bekah) and red snapper (merah) dropped by 10 cents a katl to $2.10 and $1.00 while that of mackerel
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  • 234 6 Jek raps 'cashing in and abuse or martial arts THE Minister for Cat- 1 tswe, Mr. Jek Tea Thong, yesterday e*iUsed the akaaa af martial arU ky awne of 1U expooenU, Speaking at the fourth is—ail Tw coanell swearing-in eeras— y ef the Singapore National PmgfiMte Fade- ration, Mr. Jek
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  • 394 6  -  EDWARD LIU By EMPLOYERS yesterday welcomed the NTUC's call for productivity committees and said they were "the only solution. to the present high wage costs." "These committees can provide management and workers productivity targets to offset the heavy b'Tden of implementing the National Wages
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  • 29 6 THX SAF n—vliU' Association and Urn Society (or Aid to Urn P»rmlvMd will Jointly preaent a charity cultural show at the National TbamUc on Sunday at PJB
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  • 182 6 Search abandoned for 31 in lost S'pore ship MANILA, Tue«. Three Filipino survivors from the Singapore freighter Toulouse, which tank east A Taiwan la«t Wednesday arrived here today. An air and tea search has been abandoned (or the other 31 seamen of the 7, 188- ton ship, according to the
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 244 6 Man who poured hot water on his children A COOK who poured hot water on bis two children at their Tba Payoh flat, was Riven a year's conditional discharge by a magistrate s court yesterday. Allapltchay s/o Kader Hussaln, 28. employed at the University of Singapore, pleaded guilty to two
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  • 78 6 EIGHT final year undergraduates from the University of Singapore were awarded Easo Scholarships, valued at 12.500 each, by Esaos general manager. Mr T J Oelser. on Saturday They are Mr Aaaan Hi aood (accountancy), Mut Chan Kheng Chee (butlneas administration), Mr. Qoh Yeow Tin (mechanical engineering). Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 314 6 Name the job, 0 HITACHI has an electric motor 0 to match it. SINGLE-PHASE. THREE-PHASE, DRIP-PROOF. TOTALLY ENCLOSED FAN COOLED. GEAR MOTORS. ADJUSTABLE SPEED H C MOTORS OPTOR6 COMPANY PTE. LTD. P.taling Jaya Ipoh A member of the Inchcape Berhad Group Tel *****6 3501 ***** P O Box 440,
      314 words
    • 150 6 I Anusol The maiority of haemorrhoids or piles require no surgery Itching, bleeding, pain and general discomfort can be easily treated with Anusol Fast acting Anusol reduces these symptoms, protects again st infection, shrinks piles, and generally soothes This encourages healing to proceed naturally and quickly Anusol for long lasting
      150 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 215 6 Srttafjlsaf Pg> Wmthmr »y aWtl u\*vmM*m§h «k Umt fsipsip i kTlfl^M ANQ Aa^sajsaa R hA A fM Mfß DOsfT f ktf MUfIAAND AMP X Alw^vJJ J AMB VBRV AbbtH YOU 'rtDU MBAff J f f »y Cttla Y»«an IU^H _^J t vi B«b>I~~| SUBS BCEW WUWT MC(«] f^ NJ"T SMCS
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    • 233 7 My name not in voters list, says Asri KOTA BARU. Tues Land Development Minister Datuk Hajl Mohamed Asrl said today that many voters were struck off the electoral rolls In Kelantan due to the "carelessness and negative attitude" of Elections Commission officers. Among those who were struck off the rolls
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    • 177 7 UNLAWFUL ASSEMBLY: 43 WOMEN FINED KUALA LUMPUR, Tues. Fifty people 43 of them women, were fined $25 or four days' Jail by a magistrate's court today for taking part In an unlawful assembly. They failed to give their defence and were found guilty of committing the offence on Jan. 17
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    • 33 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. Welfare Service* Mlnirttr Haijah Aluhah Ohanl aald yesterday that the National Front women candidates have proved their capability oy capturing all the seat* they conceited In Peninsular Malaysia
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    • 190 7 N-FRONT WINS 123rd SEAT IN PARLIAMENT SIBU, Tun NATIONAL Front won Its 123 rd Parliamentary seat when Its candidate took the Bandar Slbu constituency last night. Mr. Wee Ho Soon won by a majority of 1.131 votes. He obtained 0.881 votes to beat SNAP'S Mr. Jo&eph Tang who polled 5.730
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    • 170 7 UNLICENSED RICE: JAIL TERMS OF 5 QUASHED 2 KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday. FIVE business partners, who were each fined m r $10,000 and sentenced to three months Jail 1 by a lower courts last September for having 723 bags of rice without a valid licence to sell 2 it wholesale, had
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    • 57 7 Bad apples hawker jailed r-IALA LUMP HE. AVTnea. Hawker rbrah Teh Kheow. 37, was Jailed for fear months by the Sessions Court today for cheatIng a customer of •even apples. Cheah was found nitty of dishonestly Inducing Lam Kin Soon Into baying seven rotlen apples from him. He committed the
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    • 27 7 I ALOR STAR. TUea. Police have detained 11 men In connection with several 1 motorcycle theft* In Alar BUr. CH> Chief S. Oopal •id today.
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    • 65 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon China will attend the World Health Organnattona >6th Regional Committee MeetIng to be held here next month, an organldng committee apokeaman aaid today He laid China's threemember delegation to the week-long meeting from Sept. a would be led by Dr Chan Hal Peng,
      Reuter  -  65 words
    • 56 7 PBTAMO. Tuaa. Tw«tv« wanhlpa, togathar with a»varal Indonadan ctrtk* aircraft and heUoopUrs. ar* taklnir part In a one-waek combined naval excrdar ending tooorrow. Tills bi-annual opermtlon. code-named Mmlindo Jaya in. la being held in the Malacca Strait* 1M kllomatras (130 miles > from Penanit. under the
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    • 60 7 PBNANO, TUM A •hoe wlltr. Bo Stov KtM, M. was ilMhad to death m Urn bmn of PMtMif Chinatown t*ily thta mornlnc Bo «v Ufttag to a earptntor. Lm Bsn« Trtk. ami the Ctntn Street nr park »t about 1 15 »m wh«t a taaf of
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    • 320 7 Yeoh: A new stance in politics KUALA LUMPUR, Tuesday MTUC president and defeated Pekemas candidate in the general election, Mr. Yeoh Teck Chye plans to bring a change in the MTUC's policy on politics. The MTUC's decision this year to stay out completely by way of public support for prolabour
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    • 65 7 KUALA LUMFUK, Taea. The OesasaeaweaMh P grata awat Cw>eia4l.u (CDC) la U provMe a WSJ aaOttaa loan «c the Natteaai BeetricMy Iteerd le aaaet part of the eeet ef lh« awM-wliM darter Tiamir hj«r»•toetrte svejeet km Perak. Th. leaa win cc repayable U Ike CDC
      65 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 417 7 Dtymm^ q■■ a p ay takes the headaches out T^J^*F"llaP^^l o f yoy,. copying problems JpjMJ^MJpJpWlk CESSEIES333 bd 25A IMI Compactly designed for easy operation and foolproof electronic control. Ib-bjb^Hl fapjgjr I I Automatic Multiple Copying with Constant Developer Density. Automatically cuts copies to size. Low price copier which gives
      417 words

  • 186 8 Display centre to be set up at Outram Park THE Singapore Institute of Architects' display centre to provide laformaoon on buildlnsr mi}«s»al» will bTset urTlt the Outram Park complex. Disclosing this vesteroav. the InstltuteVpre•kfcnt, Mr. Albert HoS. MM the centre might open early next yeaT "Plans for the centre have
    186 words
  • 49 8 THE educational section of tae PAP Ccawtsrd branch will areaaias a -QoameOrs Beauty Oattur*" course at 1U premiaas In Bomb sload. The three-month course, to be bald twtee weekly, will be conducted In English and Mandarin by Miss Veronica Usa Ai Una: a beauty consultant
    49 words
  • 23 8 The Pint Lady. Mrs BM Hhaaras. will open an erhlhlUoo on MetrtcaUan ana You at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday.
    23 words
  • 207 8 ABOUT 10,000 book* on a variety of subjects will be displayed durinx the forthcoming 19T4 Festival of Books exhibition to be bald at the Hilton Ballroom. The book selections come from various local publishers and their publishing agent* abroad. The 10-day exhibition will be opened
    207 words
  • 284 8 A SOCIAL breakthrough in 90 to 50 years from now will cause industrial societies to become obsolete and more diversified and individualistic ones will take their place. This was the prediction of Mr. Alvln Toffler, 39, philosopher, futurologlst and author when he
    284 words
  • 120 8 Death in lorry: Plea for witnesses POLICE yosterdaf ap- pealed to eye-wit-nesses to help Inmstlis tlon* Into the death of a labourer, Ang Kirn Heng. 31. who was killed when a steel ptpe struck him on the chest on board a lorry traTelllng along Jalan Buroh, Jurong, at about noon
    120 words
  • 79 8 Plea to kin of crash victim POLICE yesterday appealed to relative* of an unidentified mi n. who died In a road accident at North Bridge Road on Aug. 17, tr. contact them. Tht asan. aged between and «0 was daacrlbad 1* •Hat bum Pottcc said be ha.l two tattoos on
    79 words
  • 147 8 ACOUPLB wars roehoi of their ear at a lorers' haant on Maadar night the awsMbawsmaf tnawteV ■ka a^pT^stawfJ •wB TWWWGtJ this week. PoUre saM the latest ease happtnU at Tanah Merata Park at aaoat 1* a.m Mr. Tee Keo Nang. M, of ■■■!>■■ Koad,
    147 words
  • 206 8 HDB flat owners must keep eye on renovation Men ff FUSING Board flat s warns who ha permtaeian to iraovate their flats, are issaaasJMe for sapurvfaag their reservation contractor*, the H said yostorday. Aa HIM sUtesßOut said that laiiasHiriite arts swot iswwaisw alt law II *a"MiI-r Wf bTvßß*sTw/Mwolß*U tars had
    206 words
  • 25 8 Mr. O.V. Drran Natr. ■erstarjr asoaral of the i*TDC. wUJ open the Sinpapore Part Warksrs' Onion (SFWU) rrwaiisjiars' Club today at 12 oood
    25 words
  • 186 8 Bangla ship to collect aid for flood victims DANOLADBSH-S 40 mUu lion flood victims will receive the bulk of Singapore's aid In food clothing, medicine and other Items by the end of next month. A Bangladesh ship Fangiar Tmranl, expected here next week from Japan, will sail for Chlttagong with
    186 words
  • 60 8 Mg Sung Meng. of Lorong Marawan. Jurong Road, was drownad after she fell into a veil at her home on Monday Ng was behaved to have bean drawing water from the well whan the mishap occurred at about 610 pn Neighbours Usscinaid Into the wstf ana
    60 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 396 8 -otty This popular w\ Black Decker Electric Lawnmower V usually costs $125/ D 484 Weirds 1 1 %lb, as easy to use as a vacuum cleaner, yet efficient and hardworking It has rotary action, which means you can cut damp and long grass. Easily adjusted to your choice of three
      396 words
    • 171 8 Our fine products A Result of Research Expertise! The first firebrick Works m MaUysis to Kave s modem tunnel-k.ln with s production capacity of 1000 tons per month. We manufacture a wide range o« refractories ro ester to the needs of the stee4. glass. fXywood. t.n-im^ung and oil paim industriei
      171 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 133 8 Straits Times Crossword ACBjOwS I m wave Ike nteke as tht fjeessy (•>. '£r^*wlsli teatT at tnon asssßM (Ml. "B.fv'sr -11 Pkß wIUMMt pte fallowed v Pwh losruMssbli from M Abie to read endless rwV It SwtLsi^asatad 1 1 <g> M««N _TJB>Bwe SBSSBMj ■oLwT^Zb*^! Bj Bnacalad. bataa not e»--m eBBBJ
      133 words

  • 217 9  - Two caned for not having mugs at tooth brush-up IRENE NGOO By TWO pupils of May A South School were caned by the senior master last Tuesday for not having their mugs during a teeth brushing session. According to pupils, this was the third time this month that pupils were
    217 words
  • 27 9 MR Chan Chee Seng, senior Parliamentary Secretary (Social Affairs), will attend Beatty Secondary School's annual speech and prtaa giving day on Friday at It a.m.
    27 words
  • 83 9 A DIVER with a fishing vessel died shortly after he plunged into the South China Sea to "retrieve" the vessel* anchor. The Incident took place on Friday at about 5 p.m. when the vessel* anchor got entangled with some rocks. Mr. Tay Chwee Klat. 36.
    83 words
  • 175 9 SMUGGLING: 'JAKARTA NOT TOO WORRIED NOW JAKARTA. Toes. The Indonesian armed forces newspaper Angkatan Bersenjata said today smufgling activities between Singapore and Indonesia was no longer significant In aa article about Singapore In connection with the qpming official visit there by President Suharto, the paper said the fact that Singapore
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 24 9 TOURS assistant Haatl Maison 27. has basn granted divorce on ground* of cruelty by bar husband, Melvyn Oeorge Hotdcn. 11. of Katong.
    24 words
  • 230 9 Suharto visit: A new chapter in ties' PRESIDENT Suharto's three-day visit, beginning tomorrow, woold create "a new chapter of profound understanding and co-operation between the two countries in the true Asean spirit," according to the Indonesian Ambassador here, Mr. Rukmito Hendraningrat. The Indonesian President, accompanied by Madam Tien Suharto and
    230 words
  • 60 9 Museum to screen films on Britain THE National Museum will screen The Changing of the Ouard and four other colour films on Britain In Its lecture hall tonight at 7.30 The other film* are: Journey, Chrstmma In Britain, Speaking of Britain and A City for All Seaaona. Free achnlaion Udut*
    60 words
  • 95 9 117 held for illegal entry pOLJCE arrested 117 I Illegal immigrant*, Including four girls. In surprise raids at various construction worksites In the Joo Chiat area on Monday. More than 70 police officers from the Joo Chlat station swooped on the worksites at t am Three hours later. 117 people
    95 words
  • 36 9 UNrWtSTTT of Wnfi pom's mttumml atu&s DtnaiUusut win conduct a II Msw.n»i ooutm on ihUnaw Finance— Q in Qulld Houm on B*pt I it T pjn Th« to* tar m> oourw v mo
    36 words
  • 26 9 IH* CommoowMith Off topoMnt Ovpontton win •tuft ito ragtaa hwtnirtw far iHt Aaton and Pidftc Ukndt to Ooaan Bulldlnc, C«Uy«r Quay, tram B*%H 1.
    26 words
  • 172 9 M-cyclist who ignored police officer fined AMOTOR CYCLIST wbo Ignored a police officer's signal to stop iv fined a total of 1810 by the Tenth Magistrate's Court yesterday for three traffic offences. Tan Seong Urn, who holds a provisional driver* licence, pleaded guilty to riding dangerously, not showing his L
    172 words
  • 11 9 THERE were 10* road accidents. six serious, on asondar
    11 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 179 9 LANCER It is an economical, safety packed five -seater sedan. With its long and low sporty styling, and its brilliant performance in the prestigeous international rally, people might take it for a "sport buff" model. But in real life the Colt Lancer is an economy car. It has a vigorously
      179 words
    • 281 9 BJ VJnW<*!£al 1 BSSSSsffff /^H 1 2ERO-KMSB now the world's most advanced Hi-Fi deck as a single player Automatic single player. One of the world's most soph sticated transcription turntables, with unique tangential tracking arm prvoting head reduces tracking error and consequent harmonic distortion. New beft drive system. Record counter
      281 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 238 10 BJaajsJUsJUßi^j^ f LAST DAY! 7.00 930pm j: MrnhsiM: Wirti: 52.00 Childrw: SI .OO I /MENG LI JENNY HU dgt^l fj CHIN HSItvNG LIN F^B f L Love Is A i^ >6TTer fforoj Jt IK d*racta)d ay P-&3X M yjW CHfUNGSUM Qg^ jßjJfc^ VMtHtISM HIM IN CllllSClft WITN (NtllSl JMTITUst J.
      238 words
    • 192 10 inm.ij'inri To Oay a To Morrow onry 2 ahevnat 2 00 a 7 JO p m "Atolaanul Trto" piua Tha thortaat Wadding' •tatrriOfl i Cn#o Cn#n fcaiiai taaaiiw fnlna mmnm ■VlaWvOßjr*** V>O*v' SCOfpej Last Day! 4 SKowi 1 18. S.JO. 7 a 9 JO An Indonaaian Drama Ftm ColorScopa afarrMg
      192 words
    • 122 10 ANNIVERSARY BIG DISCOUNTS! I NEVER BEFORE! I 10X-40X I giving you fL BIG BIG SAVINGS! I ORIENTAL I EMPORIUM I (PTE) LTD I Raffles Place, Singapore 1 H Daily Business Hours: 9 00am to 6.00pm. suhoa ys cl oseo WE'VE ADDED ANOTHER FLOOR FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE COME AND SEE
      122 words
    • 323 10 <A^b lll^P^ j Sinqaport's top antertainan -X-OUWTET back a«tar a luccajatul tour from Bangkok Kuala Lumpurs Timt TunnaJ" d.*colhaqua Also appearing TBrwanßßß A local TV recording stars. International Roorahow Ntgrr»y Taiwan Niteclub 11th Floor Maxwell House, Mexwell Roed. Singapore 2. Tel: *****5 ft *****9 PART-TIME TECHNICAL TRAINING j A. City
      323 words
    • 315 10 IJIIO-OI't.VS TOMORROW jj If yot think tie 'live Bu|" wu toMthaf j; WAJTTT[lYO^^ffi_jSUP^)r f aa |li ft! Ki.R^.y Bar B aP^BIW B^B Eft BBBBBbBBBb\ m BBBT^BbI I BsXaiefla^ B am: Y*fc» af bbV I •aBBta^^BBBBBBBBSSa*!? BBBBBBBT IHb\l^ j \j v ixw m r *j k*&m FactsWiaT, sUeWt Mtti aJtfcril o|Mlki
      315 words
    • 697 10 yVVWWJWVAVW.', CATHAY i WCAMISATIBN LAST OAVII 2 SKowa 700 a BJO p m LOVf IS A BETTER WO«D Manfl v Janny Hu Mantf-rin CotorScap* with Engkati Sutmtiai OfENS TOM0««OW' Ootoan Harvaal praaann a B "NAUOHTV I NAUGHTY' Co. Samuat Mvi Nora Miao a > Mand Scopa Englnfi Subt a" liliiMilThMii
      697 words

  • 253 11 Moral uplift: The role of Christian schools jPHRISTIAN schools have an Important role to play in moral education in Singapore, •the Parliamentary Secretary (Education). Mr Ahmad Mattar said yesterday.. Bpeaklng at the combined Diamond Jubilee celebration of Presbyterian Boys' School and Kuo Chuan Olrls' School at the NTUC Conference Hall,
    253 words
  • 41 11 The finals of the Tafl-a-Polk-Tale" competition for primary achool studenu will be held on Monday at th« Toa Pajroh branch library hall at 10 30 > m. and at the Queanatown branch library children 1 reading room at 3 pjn.
    41 words
  • 456 11 Robbed executive: I was ordered to strip rZ chief liaison officer of a bank was robbed and forced to strip off all his clothes at knifepoint minutes after be emerged from a coffee house, a district court heard yesterday. "To save my life I took off my trousers, standing In
    456 words
  • 102 11 Reckless driver fined and banned MOTORIBT Ng Tlan Tlnf of North Buona Vista Road vaa fined a total of $680 by the Tenth Magistrate yesterday for dangerous driving and falling to conform to traffic light rules. He pleaded guilty to committing both traffic offences at .2.4.5 a.m. on July 5,
    102 words
  • 90 11 Ballet classes for children at National Theatre mHE National Theatre 1 Trust will conduct ballet classes for children between six and 12 at iv Practice Room B starting next month. Ttaa Imb «x» SM (baclnneri) and »M (lnUr— dtitt) a month. It will tiao bold Bndkjp climm on Chin— tulip
    90 words
  • 189 11 POLICE are looking for two men and a woman who rould help them in a $400,000 steel plates swindle. The steel plates were ordered through four local dealers from a Japanese firm who are agents here tor a large steel factory In Japan. The consignment
    189 words
  • 168 11 rIS six-year old girl watched In horror on Monday as her deaf-mute mother was hit by an express train near their home in Lorong Terigu, off Holland Bead. Her mother, Madam Ng Uan Toh, U. died Instantly. Being
    168 words
  • 286 11 more of six similar charges which were taken Into consideration. Pressing for a deterrent sentence. Senior Inspector Hardlal Singh, prosecuting, said that all the charges Involved robbery In the Upper Seranjoon Tamptnes area. They were a menace In the area and a
    286 words
  • 194 11 rS nine-day seminar for trade commlssloners and attaches from Asean countries ended here yesterday with the presentation of certificates to Its 25 participants. The closing ceremony was attended by Mr. Rldswan Dxaflr. Director of Singapore's Department of Trade. Mr. JB Sunder, project manager
    194 words
  • 270 11 Row over bread roll: 'Other guests not involved' r r o men Involved In a brawl at Hilton Hotel coffee house last Saturday denied yesterday that other guests In the coffee house Intervened because of a misunderstanding over a "bread roll." They were Mr. P. H. Han, 40. and Mr.
    270 words
  • 60 11 MR. Chan Che* Stag. Parliamentary Secretary (Soda. AfSalrs). will open the fun fair at YWCA Houw. Yung An Road. Juront. on B«pt T at 10 m The fair la orgmnlatd br the YWCA In Jurong. The aim of the fair Is to ralst funds for their
    60 words
  • 57 11 DELXOATXB {Ton IS member countrUa of the World Health Organisation (WHO) will take part in to* 16th teuton at its lUflooal Committee at Oewan Tunku Abdul p^Hr«n in Kumla Tj TT from Sept 2 to 10. The meeting will rvvtew WHO'S workm the WwUrn Pacific bstwMn
    57 words
  • 310 11 Mission leaden When inflation can help... SINGAPORE businessmen would have Increased opportunities to set up Joint ventures with Japanese manufacturers In major Industries because of the current Inflation, according to a Japanese trade mission leader, Mr. Darry Salim. He said rising Inflation and high wage rates were driving small and
    310 words
  • 182 11 Jail for clerk who took firm's money A MOTOR company clerk was Jailed for five months by a magistrate's court yesterday for misappropriating $500 from the firm. Law Hock Bee, 21. who pleaded guilty, said be spent the money buying shirts and trousers. He unsuccessfully asked the court to allow
    182 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      66 words
    • 350 11 HWT SINGAPORE HOTEL YOU SHKLL HNE MUSC WHEREVER YOU G0... k^ll^^£ i ~^^J Mam PETE'S PIZZERIA Open from 1 1 .30 am till 1 1 .00 pm Serve yourself again and again and again from our Italian evening buffet at Pete's Pu/erio starting at 7.00pm. Only 1 7. SO per
      350 words

  • The Straits Times WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1974
    • 408 12 DO NOT marry young, Social Affairs Minister Othman Wok urged Singaporeans on Sunday. The chorus of reported agreement to this admonition would carry more weight If it came from those for whom Encik Othman's advice was intended, but the ayes were sounded mainly by older marrieds. Younger Singaporeans
      408 words
    • 184 12 COUTH KOREANS apparently cannot de- clde who should actually be blamed for the tragic assassination of Mrs. Park Chung-hee. Hardly 24 hours after the fell deed the Seoul Prosecution Office announced that the assassin had confessed to acting on the orders of two North Korean agents. Apti-Japanese protests
      184 words
    • 201 12 Ihave a warning for Singaporeans who board taxis at hotels. As we were coming out of the Shangri-la hotel at around 3.40 p.m.. last Thursday, a taxi (number given) happened to stop In front of us. We boarded and Informed the taxi -driver of our destination—Orchard Road—
      201 words
    • 135 12 I REFER to the report on the registration of children for admission to primary one classes next year (8.T., July 22) Three phases of registration are adopted by the Education Ministry The Ministry statement further added: "As In the case of last year, priority for registration under phases one and
      135 words
    • 97 12 rl R sub editor. In his attempt to he helpful, amended the text of my speech last night anfortanately for the worse (8.T., fig. *7). In paragraph 23. I said "we had to resort to swgery to excise this influence." Your sab editor changed It to "exorcise." You
      97 words
    • 88 12 TWERE has been much m. comment recently on a general decline in the standard of Ingush taught In Singapore schools This situation places an extra responsibility upon the media to maintain a high standard of English <x>uld radio and television newscasters and editorial staff of English language newspapers, therefore, set
      88 words
    • Govt replies
      • 85 12 Noise in library IN reply to the letter by "Dumb" (S.T. Aug 1?), we are sorry that the writer was Inconvenienced by a ttm unruly boys In the Toa Payoh branch library Library staff generally caution readers who engage In loud conversation or offensive behaviour to the annoyance or disturbance
        85 words
      • 67 12 nrE refer tn the letter TV by "Safety Conscious" iS.T. Aug 1). The writer is advised to send his request for additional street lamps In the vicinity of Old Jurong Road. (13 m.s together with a site plan to the Honorary Secretary. Jurong Citizens' Consul tatlve Crrnmlttee. c/o Nanyang University.
        67 words
  • 833 12 WITH all that talk about rumours, let me tell you another one. I am In no position to confirm or deny this rumour, but in passing It on I am not indulging In Irresponsible rumourmongerlng. I hope lam doing a public service. The story circulating among some of my
    833 words
  • 1037 12  - Anarchy or an army takeover in UK? LORD CHALFONT By Signs of growing social tension LONDON: For the first time In recent British history, the possibility nf a military takeover is being openly discussed. How seriously should it be taken? Only the most myopic observer could have failed to foresee
    FWF  -  1,037 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 24 12 f ftcfrfc QmHmt Tolssasisr, Wotamj, fftxfrfc tost** JM* ftislHW I.IHUN> Btll, MUIMBI I w4Bf& Immediate Delivery. (jrk\ TJUL (Pto) W., L HMt Street, Spore.
      24 words
    • 168 12 m* LatmmmV. A r HIGHLY DEPENDABLEf Around the world where dependable power is a prerequisite BROOK MOTORS fulfill this demand. Built with high technical specifications BROOK jmmmmmmm^ MOTORS can be found ffFPff) where the going is tough, I•! ill] Ilkl from commercial projects PeIECTRICI tO military requirements. S9Ew Asr~ kf
      168 words

  • 209 13 Siglap fish industry faces twin threats rpHE fishing indus--1 try fn Siglap is being threatened by land reclamation and "brain drain" as local people find better Jobs in other fields, according to a youth worker, Mr Edwin Pereira. Mr Pereira, 27. said: "Pew people know that there are fishermen in
    209 words
  • 133 13 HHHE Singapore Shlp■l ping Association, whose members have agreed in principle to the revised seamen's salaries recommended by the board of Inquiry, has asked for certain clarifications before implementing them. Some of the members feel that the board .has not defined the status
    133 words
  • 157 13 4 kidney swop patients doing well ALL four kidney transplant patients at the Outram Hospital are reported to be making good progress. Doctors at the renal unit said yesterday: "All of them are doing well.' The donor kidneys of the latest renal patients. Mr. Wong Tuck King. 26 a shipping
    157 words
  • 312 13 rESE young dancers have fallen under the spell of modern ballet It had been traditional ballet all along for them at the Singapore Ballet Academy. Then came Josephine Teng, an advanced scholarship student of the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance
    312 words
  • 43 13 A motorcyclist who did not put on a protective hairnet while riding was fined 125 by the Tenth Magistrate yesterday. Tao Mong Beog of Jonorw Road admitted commit ting the offence at Newton Circus on night of June IS.
    43 words
  • 349 13 Press Bill for final reading today PARLIAMENT has a comparatively short meeting today, with two Bills due for second and third reading, and the Newspaper and Printing Presses Bill up for final reading and passage. The newspaper BUI went to Select Committee after the second reading In March, and the
    Agencies  -  349 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 51 13 protect your iMlallaftfl from infection regularly with Optrex Eye Lotion is the best and most effective Uf B protection against I jMI eye infection Sore, irritated j^^kß^sa and inflamed m e y e Bre »oothed -^assf^Bsl an< relieved SreviT Optrex I "eye lotion Protect your eyes with Optrex the eye
      51 words
    • 208 13 m ffXaaw Haw .^bbbbM *^P ssa^^aßF .A* JsW BSSSSSSr^ksT BBBBBBI^^ BSSSSsVW Jt V gV^assWassssssl H^^^^ mr aLßaM^^assss! Za assssssT^^^asß 4n^^allaa Estee Lauder has a fabulous bonus for you at Cortina Department Store As a special introductory offer, Estee Lauder will present you with a surprise gift set with any purchase
      208 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 593 13 WATER consumption on Monday waa 115 ml lion gallons (523.0 M cable metres). 1.5 million gallons (7,000 cubic metres) more than on Sunday. I TV SINGAPORE (5) ■3 AA PM Opening and Lena Morninf After 7.MJ What's My List O.W Ktiuaua (Malay) JJ$ 1M %ntt p, f limtfltFy Report Diary
      593 words
    • 420 13 TV MALAYSIA (3) CAAn Summary SJ7 Majsllak QAZ PI Summary 111 Tha J.UU Wamti SM Oikir Barat O.UO Pirtnaje Family IJI 5 M Weather IJI News 1.11 Bela Pemtiwa IJI New Ul Dmaa larlan Bahau Anda 1.11 Catch Cmdy MJI Mannu MM Him Perry -Tha Prince 1.42 Make Room for
      420 words

      • 7 14 Choc $084 11 IS 0 .0
        7 words
      • 83 14 ljg «A*M f 5.05 Uitmi. t 3 20 FUnt. > 3 54 HBC t 5 50 I. Ti»4. 4 30 n- I. C. f 2 20 Unpu 1 »7 i. Tlaca 1.00 f. Iron 3 54 r. Harbour 2.70 A N 3.76 >.M. Cement t 3.3* rgMC f 1
        83 words
      • 21 14 F. Met** OMN 17.03. S. Darky tUjm a. r-T— iu,hi ToUl Tinwnr: 5.4 II ToUI V»hK: fit If
        21 words
      • 56 14 tm Al| I Indastrlab: M7.M MIJI FtMUMc: M 1.47 M 7.41 HoUU: IU.II ***** hl|»Mll: 1-iM IHM Ttn»: 1*7.71 IMJC t ißfcbcn: J34.45 USJS 0.1J.C; lltH 1M.41 BJCS. lad.: 1M »S 1(1. U Dte. M, IMC 1M t Dm. tl. IM> 1M t Dm. M. IMS 1M D«t 11.
        56 words
    • 1593 14 THE last transacted sal* at the ckMO of business In the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday oom- pared with the previous day's prices together with ICI4 high and low. ('Adjusted 1 for all now Issue*). IMOUITP.IALS CLOSING TOMS: All llWlOas eloaad aaaicr TUKNOVIH official total turnover oa tbe
      1,593 words
    • 405 14 rE Singapore stock market yesterday suffered one of Its worst setbacks In many weeks with numerous shares declining to new lowsla extreme cases drops In prices were up to It per cent, but these were Instances In which new business was recorded only after a long
      405 words
    • 1365 14 BID and offer prices officially listed and business In and reported to the Stock Exchange of Singapore yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In bracket* In lot* of 1.000 unit* unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS ACMA (1.826) A.PJ. (OMB) (1) OM4. (1) ."O.M. A.T.I. (0 838).
      1,365 words
    • 1218 14 810 and offer prices officially luted and business tn and reported to tne Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange yesterday with the number of shares traded shown In brackets In lota of 1.000 unit* unlMl otherwise specified INOUITNIALS aiiiwimu ll.MB). A. Tim HOB OtM) Alaaa (I.MB S.TMI. A. Oka*. (l.ltß
      1,218 words
    • 195 14 A ONE- for- two scrip Issue will be made by Malayan Cement capitalising $9072 million out of Its asset revaluation reserves. The reserve has been swelled by $10 45 million being surplus credited to tt as a result of the revaluation of Malayan Cement's Investment
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 284 14 Many shares hit new lows in KL RENEWED selling at the Kuala Lumpur Btock Exchange yesterday forced prices in many counters down to recent new lows. The opening was relatively better with prices barely steady. Trading was slow and cautious. However, as the Initial weak attempt at holdIng the overnight
      284 words
    • 155 14 a SIAN currency deposit InUrteak ratta m at clow en TtMM^kj. Aw- V: Mate: Thaw r*taa may dtffcr rilchUy from thoaa 4WM4 by banks to thatr cuatouara. 1.O30 Mil INN J47M 1.40*0 MM* i.orri 6 MM 1.OU Mia a mm 1.4771 1.4 1M neio IjMM I MM
      155 words
    • 29 14 Clotfng interbank rate* In Mnfpoo doDara tor Aog. IT: >eral*ht 10-1/3 i»-ll 1 mth lo-M M-S/t a mtiM io-»/i i»-i/i I mttM 10-4-t 10-1/1 Prtrn* rate 11H%
      29 words
    • 313 14 rjlHB US dollar opened nmalaT from it* overnight level at 82 4750-65 following the release of tbe UB July trad* data showing a deficit of 172* 4 million against a June deficit of 8365 I million Oommerclal demand In the morning saw the US dollar being traded at
      313 words
    • 158 14 Tb* following are the normal average ckntn* lnterbevik rate* In Singapore Note: Theee rate* may differ sllnhtly from those quoted by bank* to their customen. JS aollar Aerllnf pound -{ongkong dollar UalaysUn dollar tuat. schilling Bel franc (com) ianlah kroner 'ranch franc tallan lire (eth guilder (or. kroner
      158 words
      • 28 14 CLOSING PRICES Rubber Aug 27 Singapore: 1*54 25 •is (down *25 cts). Malaysia: 1C4.5* cts (up $I.H ct). Ho: $1,215 (uncta). Official offering: tm tons (up 7 tons).
        28 words
      • 107 14 C MINUS MIDUtI IX CMAWOI. IIHO*»OHS MOON cloiiho mica* ran ncoL YBtTSBOAV. tmial OH: balk |ISO aooilnal. Omni HIS natnlaal. Caara: Mtxai (loaat) UK/Coat SM aimlasl. Pepper' afuatak A*TA wall* f o a. 100% IfLW 1187 Milan. ■arawaa whit* I 0 b o*% NL.W 1275 sallafs. Sarawak apaelal ahMk
        107 words
      • 81 14 rpHE Straits tin price In ■a pen a n g yesterday finished unchanged at $1,215 per plcul on an official offering up seven tons to 208 tons. NEW YORK: Most tin traders held prices at Friday's levels yesterday. They reported little or no business passing. Spot and prompt
        81 words
      • 131 14 TnX ■uropaan pain) all narkat was qulttly steady oa MocmUv aeaardlag to tba aTalsyita P»im Oil Producer* Aaeoclattoa. Tba tm waa easier owls* to weaker aoya bean prtcaa qaautlaM ITSt/aaata (Rotterdam) anlaaa etated were Aits. itj*) SI eaata aallars: Sept 1725' TS*/T**/(UBt) SI eaau aallan. ITJO/(U»> SOTS aaau
        131 words
      • 24 14 RAjeOßof rataa aaTered by dia Overataat 1% to I-*/ It Call lis nit I-*, is ta 1% tmrai 1 natliaal Damal Oa.
        24 words
      • 56 14 OM UM Mtlbotirrx (1) 103 IM.M I nnlll CVoMtf ClO—4 mill cto—4 BMnit ItSM IMM» nna«%na« Claul isi ao ZurMk IHMB CM im t4> Ctmtt Part. 147 CtaM« pan (1) lUIU 1H mm 154 X» IUM BlUll pilm In Don-ittrltnf imi in r aaltan p*r ounct (1) Auatnllan
        56 words
      • 473 14 rXE Singapore rubber market yesterday was dull and Idle for the best part of the morning following the absence of a lead from overseas markets and lnsuflclent buying Interest. The morning session closed Idle. The afternoon market was quiet but slightly steadier assisted by MRJ.B. Interest for sheet*
        473 words
      • 99 14 f^AILT SUE and SSR prtMß laMtd at noon yesterday MtlH BUR »CV I Ml IL mm s an m M.A.I. am. m i (CWtJIjH Ifinnrf NU> ImMi par kc> par k«> (1 ton ptJM* 1M 00 IUMH IM.M IMOON (1 ton paUM) IMM IMWN IM.OO IMOON (1
        99 words
      • 293 14 IXONOKONO. Til**.— Shar* "pric clo*ed low*, today on tn* Hongkong Stock Exchange In light trading Tb* Hang Seng Index closed down 6.44 pjtnU to 378 71 th* towett sine* June 34. 1971. Hongkong Bank lost 40 cents to HK»)4 70 OO IU local rsgmtsr and declined •0 cents to
        293 words
      • 282 14 •fOKYO. Tue*. Price* on 1 tb* Tokyo Stock Exchange rallied towards the close to reveree earlier looses The market opened with another heavy setback with the Dow Jonee average plunging to a two-year low. The market improved slightly a* major securities house* stepped In to buy blue chips But
        282 words
      • 388 14 MELBOURNB. Tue*. Trading on the Melbourne Stock Market was uncertain today with no major I fluctuations as brokers adopted a cautious tone until a I Arm trend emerge* on what will be the economic direction of tb* Australian Government. Market leader BHF dropped 10 cent* to A 55.70. while
        388 words
      • 170 14 A MSTERDAM. Mon— The market weakened virtually across the board under the decline In Wall Slrett on Friday, with Royal Datrh. Akie, Philrps and Unilever aU lower In Internationals. Leaden to decline elsewhere where Van Onuneren. KNSM, nans, DeU. FakhaW, Gieeaen and among foods Mrnefce and Albert Bel**. HVA.
        170 words
      • 127 14 7DRICH, Mon Th* great looaea In Wall Street of last Friday Influenced todays market The Credit Sulase Index reached Its year's low when It went down 3.0 points to IM 4. Th* stock market closed on a weaker level OlaalßK prtcae la Swum fraaca with the «firiaae aa taa
        127 words
      • 337 14 XJBW YORK. Moo.— A •j late rally among PooenUyhlt glamour ana blue-chip share* left the stock market mixed despite a new warning from the Whit* Bouse that inflation i, a long-term problem that wUI not be easily solved The news climate wa* uninspiring. but analysts suggested the market
        337 words
      • 78 14 FINANCIAL TIMU UNI "****r ciowd Friday 71J6 W««k ago 70 M tituu mm »j ««O Ml 04 OILS JE**r oia»d W *SS INDUSTKIALt »«oo<l»^ CkiMd »i.i W««k uo INI DOWJONU AVUAGC INDUCTKIALS *Jood»» Mil •«*> W»* MO itlM LONDON DOLLAK Monday HA. M0*» MS4toMH% a K. KAN O UNO
        78 words
    • 339 15 AFTER suffering a four per cent dip In full year's profits In 1973, Hong Leong Finance appears to have recovered sufficiently, achieving a 22.9 per cent rise In unaudited consolidated net pre-tax profits to $2.34 million for the firs*, six months ended June 1974.
      339 words
    • 422 15 IT HAS been a very buoyant first half for the two Dunlop companies listed on the Stock Exchange with both Dunlop Malaysian Industries and Dunlop Estates reporting Impressive profit advances. Dunlop Malaysian Industries has turned In a 59.3 per cent Increase In pre-tax profits to
      422 words
    • 117 15 TH E profit margins mentioned In yesterday's City Desk report on National Iron and Steel Mills interim results were inadvertently based on volume figures, and not value figures. No sales figures in value terms were in fact given by the company. However, based on the average price for steel
      117 words
    • 277 15 rpHOUOH growth at 1 United Motor Works (Malaysia) Holdings continued to be strong In the first six months with a 106 per cent Jump In group pre-tax profits to $8.73 million. It does not not appear that the Impetus would be carried Into the second
      277 words
    • 43 15 rftDINQ In the ordinary and preference shares of Hume Industries (Far East) on the Stock Exchange of Singapore will continue to be suspended until further notice, the SES said yesterday. Trading was to have resumed today, according to an earlier SES announcement.
      43 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1294 15 (Sristartj CARLSBER6 BREWERY MALAYSIA BERHAD •nvitet applications from Malaysian Citizen* for the following positions (1) OTFICI MANACIR: Keotniwti: (aft A University degree m Business Administration preferred but not essential. (b) Work mn knowledge of Bahasa Malaysia. (c) Minimum 2 years' experience in similar position. (d) Ag« 25 35. (2) EXPORT
      1,294 words
    • 563 15 m BANK BUMIPUTRA MALATUA BERHAD We are one of the fastest growing Banks m the country and to meet this expansion, we require the following to fill various vacancies in our Banking Operations Department IXICUTIVI TRAINIB The CamJMaraa: Applicants must be graduates m either one of trie following: Economics (n)
      563 words
    • 589 15 IN THE HIGH COURT IN MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR COMPANIES (WINDING IP) NO. 9 OF 1974 In the Matter of Le Baron Sdn. Berhad: And In the Matter of the Companies Act. 1965. ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Notice Is hereby given that a Petition for the Wlndlng-Up of the auovenamed Company
      589 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 638 16 [m/ffr\ PUBLIC UTILITIES^\ (cOl) BOARD ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT (A) POWER STATION SUPERINTENDENT, JURONG SENOKO POWER STATIONS ($2.--500) Must be Corporate Member of the Institu tion of Engineers. S.igapore or equivalent and be registered wun the Professional Engineers Board Must possess Local Engineer s Certificate of Competency First Grade (Steam) or equivalent
      638 words
    • 636 16 SINGAPORE CIVIL SERVICE FIREMEN Spore Fire Brigade Civil Aviation Dept Applications are invited from Singapore Citizens or permanent residents of Singapore wun the following qualifications Between 17-26 years of age Passed Primary 6 in a Government or Government Aided School Minimum Height 163 cm (5' 4") f: Minimum Weight 57
      636 words
    • 696 16 STATE OF BRUNEI VACANCIES FOR ARABIC SCHOOL TEACHER Application are invited from suitably qualified candidates for the appointment of Arabic School Teacher in the Religious Affairs Department. Brunei. Qualifications and Experience: a) Applicants must have passed at least the Cambridge School Certificate examination or equivalent. b) Have at least five
      696 words
    • 712 16 SINGAPORE'S NEWEST INTERNATIONAL SUPERMARKET/ DEPARTMENT STORE I OPENING SOON I i i 1 e^^ 1 if y dg \f WE HAVE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES A I FOR 200 SALES ASSISTANTS (FEMALE) Yaohan Singapore, a member of the Yaohan International chain of Supermarkets and Department Stores will soon open for business on
      712 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 920 17 CtIWAMBSW* SBWWt Tl M/MATMCTT: mUW TC .°m? nTU mS a m .IMMIIPMU lIM MMM IM IM IMI IM HUM HI BM MIM NM MM MM lIM UMMM Mtan ItMrMBMNM .•MMMMT aM !M MM MM UM KM Tjrjmmm. .S S a!S S "l C gft&Miw.JMVw.tim"- U. I h-Wri rMM ItMltll P
      920 words
    • 805 17 I MjkjJ JMej\ BbTBi%TB»> v aB T MBaBM^M MMMI J. S. Eest Coast Gull Im P. mmmj Pmm CraMM I lIBJBTII tan I topi I M* 1 w I pmmm M*t Man umjM Mmm twmm I PMM B taM M W *M* W "^a^. I MIUMM* «k M 4 U
      805 words
    • 925 17 Ti UMN I !>»..« IMB IMMM 'mmi Mmm MM* a«ii» MUKM maw t'atrt P. MMM km. AMtnt mm M. IP WAAA BAT lUft „5 alaH ntan ataJ t n Mi IMtTI (IWU UM 14M Ittl IMt Ik irw'PMM, mi amm m tan ii ett ii m ii m ii Mt
      925 words
    • 784 17 MMMMMMMMMMMMJMJMMMMMMMMMJMJMM I r r^MiMiTirHn^ MM-MM-MMMM-aj--M-a-MMM-MM-JM FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE TO EUROPE MMMMmIbmI ■OUra HMM Sjjt 1 1,1^,^ /MttrMM. Mtatfp, liHewt. mmmm Mn I*),, HtaawL »<mml miujti mut m ii Amm, CetMMM, MmWi mmm. mimm m st«kMM, ono, neiim«, umim ****>* Cmimj Tmmi ici a Man PM. M Mm. FULLY CONTAINERIZED SERVICE
      784 words
    • 724 17 ■■■mmmmmmmMMMMmMMMMM SMmmm t«M4M> P. lUmmj 4J41, «.L *****; rMi ISMI THE BANK LIME LTD. UMI Vtll AfWCA. MINM (MM>it>M. M<i* 1 Arnci) P MUM I/IMP) I'MnXMj/lhM MTMM (1 Africa) P MIM| I/U M* BU'IIMM (MwritiM t 1 <fnc<) P. UM| 111 Ml twi 1/ I M tiauam t Miwt lVHtaat
      724 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 812 18 Wi ™i»lr Vfl BhMMMHßMMmmmmmmmmmmmSmMmmmM ILi-l'l A! *H I ISI 'I I Mill*. LTD. UWASi.HI (MMI USER UISM ITS. IA/AN, mm mi. stmjts smwl Mm* Klf l«J liMjlin l*lt*| i mm J.ptn-AMbIM OMM MMTVttMJ S.nawo't Ml miis ruiMWif 'I** S^'JSJ'JSS, MjrmJMMMMMmT. muu l M CtlMMt.MMtr.tato. MJ* DM*. UMIIMRTI mm m tm,,tmn-tmft
      812 words
      858 words
    • 872 18 UK «WO»t StRVKI LOAOINC «O« LONDON. ROTIIRDAAA. HAMRURG. RILRAO. U HAVRI lH«Han PMMM PaMM LaMta IMb M'mti mptvm imam m Part 1/ 1 tar ntar J M I M rMact Mtn Mtaritci > I*' itMiitaci 4*^ taa. j.aaac. P. Mian P*u«f Haw l» Mm Uw Imea. MPTMM TWAT Vrttor "I*
      872 words
    • 755 18 amss sana. n iwm iwiMt^m/ciamMtMT pwn 1| BS l<ipin «*l«»l >IM«I UMM| »M1 MM4TMMM VIMI til. I'M* It'll MMM UTI M/Itta* 11/11 MM M/MMM M/B MM I.IM. Itm ric. 7v'lo ■M* .w. law* «wi 1/11. wwi Ml. MMA AMMAM 1/ I Ml 1/ t atl 1/11 act 11/11 «t I.«JM.
      755 words
    • 680 18 m-. M 4 iMOAPOM *v- OUT. Kou Malonur. Ti»o« I WBKagg TSSLSub OWT: B<r i. l i?' K Ti^f?ii^n. Kemunlnt »«1 Herta Mitrtt OMnc Anr i) Wett ""VSL'Sw Mml tM« Mtr Kantau 23 J»).-rmm 42/43 «nd Lion ui> »jmi jati,: TMI o«mm. 51 North MattJi Mrt Vlinva Rtru. TourSs»3g>£ '^'tm-stwrk.
      680 words

  • 27 19 LOUIS! KLERK'S SALONS In Hotel Slngapura for your latest hairstyles, expert perming and (orgeous tinting Very moderate prices Appointments telephone I hi 173 (Spore). I
    27 words
  • 229 19 CHUA MM YONO age 78. passed .way peacefully on 26 8 74 leaving behind wife Lav Sin Lai and 4 «n, Chua Kla Plau. Chua Kee piau Chua Ah Bak and Chua Kla Ming 4 daughters Chua Blan kee Chua Ming Kee, Chua Meng Hiang and Kho Lee
    229 words
  • 51 19 IN MEMORY OF OUR beloved colleague, late Lilian Ng Yang Hlah departed 28-8-71 Oone but not forgotten, with fondeit memories chertihed by PT.B 61. ORO H T. 6. 6HANMUOAM. departed this day 1972 In remembrance of the life you lived for us Remembered by wife, children and
    51 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 1977 19 CIUSSifWu UuS (m FEMALE CLERK/ TYPIST Abie to rtn simple account* Apply Colombo Court PO Box 480 Spore 6 FEMALE TYPIST/ TELEPHONE OPERATOR required by Australian company at Jurong. Pteate apply giving full partitulars and non-returnable photograph to S.T. Baa A6ISS3 Gar flflsaJsaJxl WELL ESTABLISHED COMPANY require* Customer Relation* Of
      1,977 words
    • 623 19 SALES OINLS WANTS* for prestigious boutique in Orchard Road. Mutt have good command of spoken EngUsh Apply with telephone number and nonreturnable photograph to S.T. Box A ***** BMITRD GROUP Of DEPARTMENT STOW S has vacancies for SB SALBS ASSISTANTS (Mato PimMi) REQUIREMENTS: 1 Dstwosn 17-23 yean of age. 2)
      623 words
    • 725 19 VINYL COAT9J9M (S) PRIVATE Limited An Internationally satabilshed organ IsaUon requires per aonnel for Its factory In Jurong (1) High Calibre Supervisor Male (a) Technician Diploma Oraduate* In Rubber and Plastics Technology or equivalent (b) Practical experience in Plastic Industry would bt an advantage but not essential (3) Colour Matcher
      725 words
    • 707 19 URSBNTLV RBOUINEO ACCOUNTS CLERK. Mutt have knowledge of account*, filing, bookkeeping and previous expertence Bt able to start immediately Reply stating personal particulars and recent photograph (non-returnable) to P O Box 108. Sarangoon Road. Spore 13 URSSNTLY NEEDED OBNBRAL DRIVER preferably Malay Must have knowledge of Singapore road*, be able
      707 words
    • 688 19 TUTOR REOUNHO POR Primary n OUI Student on English. Maths and Chlnase Please contact Sport *****63 HOLDER SRITISN F.O. CHIBF OFFICER. Panama Masters, experienced master, supply vessels, ocean towing. 12 years, cargo, log vessel* available. PO Box 3401 Spore. BXPBRIBNCBD ACCOUNTANT WILL HELP solve your Business Account* and Income Tax
      688 words
    • 830 19 NBWLY COMPLETED SPLITLEVEL Jurong Kschll/ Paslr Rls Beach semi-detached $500 Furnished house Realty Park/ Unfurnished Double Katong 6606; Fumlshed semi-detached Buklt Timah 8700. Changl 8660 *****56 LUXURIOUS PURMISIIED MODERN DOUSIE-STORsTY, semi -detached Thomson Hills $1,500/-; Bedokvllle $45C/-. Doublestorey terrace Realty Park/ Katong/ Frankel Estate 9480' onwards *****12. DETAC lIP SUWALOWS
      830 words
    • 903 19 POR TENANCY PROM 1 October I 1974. an aireondltioned office, i comprising I 080 sq ft adjoining 1 the offices of the Singapore Inter- 1 national Chamber of Commerce, i 4th floor. Denmark Home, i Raffles Quay. Singapore 1 Ran- i tal inclusive of service charges Is 81.680 per month
      903 words
    • 813 19 INTBRNATIONAL BANKING BROUP Director require* bungalow/ apartment for 3 years Furnished/ unfurnished accommodation with rental not exceeding $3,600 1 year advanced rental Principals telephone *****5/ *****3 ACS MOUSING RSOUIRBS fully furnlihed or partly furnished houses/ apartment* In any locality for Immediate lease Pleaat call *****29/ *****46 APARTMENTB BUNGALOWS *****/- ONWARDS
      813 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 832 20 OUCHISS GARDEN. DUCHESS AVBJNUI double -storey semi -detached 3 bedrooms, study room, servant's room. 3 bathroom* split -level dining f lounge, parquet terrazso flooring aluminium sliding doors windows ready soon Tel ***** 10 Minutes To Town VENUS MANSION 33-STOREV LUXURIOUS APARTMENT (Peck Hay Road. OB Ctomenceau Avenue) Centrally Leceled On
      832 words
    • 786 20 INTERNATIONAL BWUNNO 2 IoU of 5.000 so, ft and 850 sq. ft available Ist December 1974 Low renUl Inclusive of maintenance Well partitioned with cabinets etc (optional purchase) Please call T***** t *****1 INTERNATIONAL PLAZA OFFICE SPACE facing harbour from 900 sq ft to 22.000 sq fl for Immediate or
      786 words
    • 838 20 NAMHO TRAVBL SSRVICE (SINGAPORE) PTB. LIMITED. Tour West Malaysia seven days Sll3O/. alr-condltloned bus ssi 50 Malaysia Oentlng Highlands by alr-condltloned bus seven days *****/-. Departure: Every Sunday. Monday Cameron Highlands Four days 8880/-. Oentlng Highlands Four days SBllO/-. Departure- Every Wednesday Malaysia. Haadyal Songkhla seven days (alrcondlUoned bus/room). *****/.
      838 words
    • 768 20 LONDON 8724V-. AUSTRALIA 8846/-. Europe/ Ai.iertca/ Tokyo/ Hongkong/ Indonesia Call Australia Tours Service. 142, Race Course Road (*****/ *****9) LEISURE TOURS PRESENT 6 Days Lake Toba. Medan 8440.00 4 Days Ball $525 00 8 Day' Ball $912 00 6 Days Bangkok $680 00 6 Days riesU Fillplnas 8890 00 6
      768 words
    • 691 20 SMS CHARTERS LOMOON. $740/Europe Tokyo Australia, Amerlcs Canada 36K. Prtnsep Street Opposite Cathay Tel *****1/ *****7/ *****1 BMSNTOURS 6 OAVB PSNANO/ OENTINO HIGHLANDS TOUR By deluxe Alrcon-Coach For $136 00 all Inclusive Dep 3 Biplimki) 1974 1 DAYS TO BAST COAST TURTLE BEACH See the giant turtles at RanUu Abang
      691 words
    • 940 20 CORRBBPONDBNCE AND I RBPORTWRITINO: A Five- Month practical course preparing stu- oents to write good, effective < commercial letter and reports. On I successful completion School Certificates will be awarded Days. Times Saturdays 4 8 p.m.. Sundays 11 12.30 p.m i Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.30 j 3.30 p.m Commencing 5th
      940 words
    • 845 20 MANDARIN BEGINNERS 3-et6NTM~~ COURSE commencing 39.8.74 Tuesday. Thursday 730 pm 1.30 p m. by Nanyang University graduate People's Commercial School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel *****& BUARANTEBD BIX MONTHS' SECRETARIAL COURSE: Starting September (Morning/ After noon Sessions) Register early i Subjects: Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Correspondence. SecreUrlal Duties English. Office Practice) Raja's
      845 words
    • 893 20 SINGAPORE USED CAR (PTE) LTD 154 Albert Street Spore *****4/ *****4 or 44 Cavenagh Road Spore *****4/ *****9 offers 1973 Austin 1300 MX 111 1972 Ford Escort 1300 XL Alfa Romeo 2000 OTN (air-con) Escort 1100 Flat 850 Sport Jaguar XJ6 Morris Marina 1971 Honda Coupe 98 (air-con) Masda 1500
      893 words
    • 1064 20 PACIFIC MOTOR CRBDIT PTE. LTD showroom at 311. Buklt Tim ih Road. 4S m s Spore 10 Tel '***** *****4/ *****3 offers 1974 Mlnlca 360. 1973 Volvo 144 aim nd Peugeot 304. Maada 808 Cou(«. 1972 Volvo 144S alrcond ToycU Cellca alrcond Austin 1300 OT. Austin Mint Clubman Statlonwagon. 1971
      1,064 words
    • 751 20 NO KBONO CAR TRADBRB PRIVATE LIMITED -Home of □uallty used cars 313-A. Buklt Tlmah Road. 3 ms (OpppslU Anglo-Chinese School) *****3. *****7 offers: 1973: Toyota/ Pubiica/ 1000. Fiat/ IXI. Honda/ Civic. DaUun/ 1200. run/ Escort/ 1300 XL. Subaru/ MOOD' Subaru/ OSR/ Coupe 1972: Pord/ Escort/ Deluxe. Subaru/ OSR/ Coupe 1971
      751 words

  • 35 21 The family of the late Mr Mah Yew Heck wish to express their deep appreciation and grateful thanks to relatives and friends for their assistance, wreaths, condolences, donations and attendance during their recent bereavement.
    35 words
  • 178 21 rt Government has yet to accept the recommendations of the Committee on Crime and DettnejMney whoae report was published recently. A statement laaoed by th« Ministry of Home Affairs said the GoTcrnmcnt needed a farther period tor consideration and review, to satisfy Iteelf that specific
    178 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    38 21 In loving memory of MR. LIM THYE KANO departed on 28.8.72 Oone but not forgotten Your love and memories will always be treasured In our hearts Inserted by loving wife. children, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, and grand children
    38 words
  • Obituary, Illustration
    41 21 Mr. Kmoayo G. Ka— age 25. passed away in car accldfnt on 15th August, 1*74, tn Fogor. near Jakarta. Bhog Ceremony will be held on Wednesday 28th August, from 4-30 p.m to 5-30 at 73, Blglap Road. Singapore 15.
    41 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 734 21 OININAL aPRAVPAINTINO. rrpalr-rtfrlferators and airconditioners five hours Customers House re-enamtl lonKbath 2M7M2. 2MMI2 B 'pore jINOAPOM FRIINDtNIP PROMOTION SERVICE hAlps you make friends straightaway Alexandra p O Box IM. B 'pore 3 SINGAPORE MARRIAOI BUREAU confidentially Introduces life partners to you Write to 0.P.0 U4t. Spore Enclose Poataajc MEKINO IDEAL
      734 words
    • 598 21 ACMA AIP SS cool refrigerator special discount for cash Trade in 1120/- upwards. Servicing/ repair-rental Hl-Cool Alr-condltloning a RefrlK ration (Pte) Ltd 334, Victoria reet. Spore 7. Tel: TO3M JH-JJi* *'«CONQITIONINO ■""••■■ATION Service specialist in sale, repairing respraying and rental Tel ***** servicing and repairing all brand* «jr airconditioners Call
      598 words
    • 593 21 CARRIER AIRCONDmONERB For Rental. Sale and Prompt Service Call Kool-alr (8) Pte Ltd BSI. Burnt Tlmah Road. Tel: *****7 CLEARANCE SALE. Hail settee 8230: double-decker with mattresses 8120: room suite 8308: kitchen cabinet 895 Teak divider 8159: dining set 8189: lamp stand and shade 812 868: rubber matiresses 812 upwards:
      593 words
    • 446 21 SUPPLY PLANNING ANALYSTS MARINE AND SUPPLY DEPARTMENT W« require qualified peopl* to wumi rMponsioU management positions in our supply planning division. Responsibilities include tht dtvtlopmant of refinery production plans and supply distribution programs mitti emphasis on planning and •conomic evaluation Successful applicants must be self starters with demonstrated problem solving
      446 words
    • 222 21 CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER MALDIVES SHIPPING (S) PTE LTD. 1607, ROBINA HOUSE SHENTON WAY SINQAPORE 1 FROM AUGUST 31ST OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER WILL BE *****77 *****76 *****78 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in Singapore) The Directors have declared in respect of the financial year ending 31st
      222 words

    • 737 22  -  DENNIS CHI A By CPEEDY libertad showed his liking for a good track with a sparkling gallop at Bukit Timah yesterday morning. Ridden by Peter Lee the six-year-old grey reeled off 3f In 35 4/5. finishing strongly. It was a morning of good gallops with
      737 words
    • 32 22 TOKYO. Tuea World Boxing AaaorUUon (WBA) Junior welterweight champion Antonio OnranUa of Colombia will defend hia title agmlnet Japan's Yaauak! Kadou on October Mln Tokyo, Japanee* prommar* announced today. lUutsr.
      32 words
    • 503 22 Borg bounces back to beat Okker for title V T EW YORK, Tues. Swedish teenager 11 Bjorn Borg started slowly but built up a momentum that carried him to defeat Holland's Tom Okker 7-6, 6-1, 6-1 last night to capture the US$lOO,OOO ($250,000) U.S. Professional tennis championships at Brookline, Massachusetts.
      503 words
    • 260 22 Greenidge, Graves slam centuries for Sussex LONDON. Tues. West Indian Test cricketer Oeoff Oreenidge laboured his way to a century for middle of the table Sussex on the second day of their county championship match against Middlesex yesterday. Oreenidge batted 312 minutes for his 133 which Included 18 fours Although
      Reuter  -  260 words
    • 138 22 Villas opens up 44 points lead LONDON. Tats. OuUlenno VU1»». the 23-year-old Argentinian No. 1, who bu won 34 of (Us M matches stnoc Wimbledon, taking the Bwla*. Dutch and Canadian Open Chemptoiuiilpe in the prociaa, haa opened up a 44 point Wad over Sweden 'a B|om Borg In the
      138 words
    • 80 22 TAIPV2. Tua* Taipei today gaw* a hero* welcome to the vtotorioua Taiwan national little, league-big league baaabaO team and the Mat Bo santor little league baaeball team on their return from the Unttad State* The Taiwan— aqua4> captured the UUi* laagas Big League World Bertae title
      80 words
    • 201 22 Gunsynd's first progeny worth $115,500 MELBOURNE, Tues.— Australia's most publicised thoroughbred foal was borr. last night. The bay filly U the first progeny of Ounsynd, Aust r a 1 la's highest stake winner who retired to stud last year after winning 29 of hla I 54 races and Aus. $280,455
      Reuter  -  201 words
    • 85 22 J ONDOH. Tues. Oary So- bm the great Weat Indian ail-rounder. was presented with two gifta tcday from hi* EngtUh club Nottinghamshire, to mark hla Impending retirement from first -claa* cricket. Nottinghamshire president Mr Prank Oregory presented Sober* with a aUver tankard on behalf of the
      Reuter  -  85 words
    • 63 22 COLOMBO. Tusa. Brl Lanka, will support Chin* tn all her attacapta to gain world wide aportlng recognition and to get Taiwan expeUad from various World and AaUn aportlng bodies, the manager of the country's Aatan Oamea team atld today Mr. Julian Orcro amid art Lanka waa parUcuauiy
      Reuter  -  63 words
    • 23 22 TOKYO, Tuea.— The Visiting Australian High School Selection waUrpolo taam defeated the Kyoto Otaki man School aquad IS-S here today. Reuter
      Reuter; Kyodo  -  23 words
    • 186 22 By A. JOHNSON INDONESIA, who have ,J- been selected to stage the Schools International i w i m m i n r championships in Jakarta next year, is likely to agree to be hosts. Indonesia's chef-de-mis-sion to the recent Schools international held in Singapore,
      186 words
    • 44 22 N*W YORK. Tuea Re•"JU of yesterday* major £gue bassoall gani.!"^ "f"* 1 L*U*t New York 5 a. Philadelphia 7 Cincinnati S American Learue Cleveland 4 Kan«, («tyl Detroit 6 California J. Milwaukee 2 Ooakiand l Mta. neeota 7 New York S Reuter.
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 307 22 T»JaTW YORK. Tuea. This weekend's face-to-face competition between swimming teams from East Germany and the United States is billed as a dual meet, but it probably will turn out to be a world record bustinx fet-together in Concord, California. Prom performances last week at opposite
      UPI  -  307 words
    • 283 22 VEWPORT. (Rhode Is- land). Tues—Courageous and Intrepid resumed their Americas cup trial today but the sailing was overshadowed by an Australian claim that Courageous had Introduced fouling tactics which will degrade the Cup. Australia's Sou them Cross la regarded as certain to be the challenger it
      UPI  -  283 words
    • 242 22 Miller is clear leader by $200,000 NEW YORK, Tues. Johnny Miller, winner of the Westchester Golf Classic last weekend his sixth 1974 Professional Golfers Association <POA) tour victory increased his 1974 earnings by US$5O,OOO ($125--000) to take an US$BO--000 $200.000 1 lead over Lee Trevlno In the weekly money winning
      UPI  -  242 words
    • 240 23  - Ah Suan nets winner for Hampshire JOE DORAI By HAMPSHIRE won the Dr. Lee .Chiaw Meng Cup by beating Darul Allah 1-0 In the soccer final at Farrer Park yesterday. Hampshire will play their second soccer final tonight when they meet Stable Boys In the PAS League Division Two at
      240 words
    • 77 23 HAVANA. TIMS. Lightweight Luis Bchaid* last night gava Cute lv ruth bronat modal In the First World Amateur boxing chunptotiahlp whan he rapidly dUpoaad of RaUhlro Okhubo of Japan. ■chaldc. the youngest boxer In an UnntOMhrt Cuban •quad, stoppad the Japan*** In the first round of a
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 126 23  - BAS to send team to Manilar PETER SIOW By BASKETBALL Association of Singapore will send a boys team te the Asian Basketball Confederation Youth championships In Manila, from Dee. l-ia. The girts have been left oat as BAS feel that they have not attained the required standard. Potential BAS secretary
      126 words
    • 109 23 PAKISTAN Ist Inn* 999-T te. ENGLAND Ist Inns (overnight 4M for six) Aaatas c Maftd b Intlkhab ill Ltoya c aadlq b flartrax 4 UilmiiH lbw b Waatm Raja it Barteh c Waalm Bart b Intlkhab 3ft Dnuw c Imran Khan b Anil Maaood 19 FMehar run out 123
      Reuter  -  109 words
    • 601 23  -  TEOH EMG TATT ON THE SIDELINES ...wWi /\N the day Singapore's VJ contingent Jetted off to Teheran to compete In the Asian Oames, six members of the swimming team stayed behind to help Singapore Schools win 24 gold, 14 sliver and four bronse
      601 words
    • 527 23  - Superstar Ni has only golden ambitions ERNEST FRIDA By TEHERAN, Tues. China's superstar Ni Chin -Chin, who leapt to fame in November 1970 when he beat the world high jump record of 2.28 metres held by Valery Brumel, of the Soviet Union, was glowing with golden confidence when I spoke
      527 words
    • 223 23 Painstaking century by Fletcher LONDON. Tues. The Third and Final Test match between England and Pakistan ground slowly towards an Inevitable draw as England were all out for 545 shortly before tea In reply to Pakistan's first Innings score of 600-7 declared on the last day at the Oval here
      223 words
    • 271 23  -  A. JOHNSON By rpoP-SEED Qamar ZaX man of Pakistan and team-mate Mohlbullah Khan yesterday cruised to the quarter-finals with easy third round victories In Singapore Squash Rackets Association Open men's championships at Tanglin court*. Zaman, 23, an <r l TVf traffic clerk packed
      271 words
    • 29 23 VUMTIAXB. TUM. -Pour Uotkn tannU players will Imw Vtantiaas fiw to tak* part to KM Bmmtlb Asian Oisii s» Tiber—, fast miiuf* Suwsy Patfaouwtt mm today AP.
      AP  -  29 words
    • 94 23 Big demand for swimming, soccer- tickets TEHERAN Tues Ticket Mia* for the Aatan Oamea arc reported to be highly encouraging, particularly for (octball and iwlmmlng. Light; per cent of tickets for aoccar matches have been told with the Mejsst demand for match involving the Iranian team The Chtnaaa, Japaneae and
      Reuter  -  94 words
    • 169 23 fPEHERAN, Tues. Offi--1 clals for the Seventh Asian Oames :n Teheran shortened the swimming pool today after It was discovered more than an Inch too long. Workmen Inst a 1 1 ed lightweight boards along the finish end of the pool to make it the official 26-metre
      AP  -  169 words
    • 400 23 FAS keen to engage Trautmann as coach OERT TRAUTMANN, the former Burmese national coach and one of Manchester City's great pre-war goalkeepers. Is among the few candidates FAS has in mind for the na 1 1 onal coach's job Trautmann, who played for City for It years, was one of
      400 words
    • 122 23 THEHRAN, Tues.— Twelve X teams have been divided into four groups for the Asian Oames men's basketball competition starting on Monday, with South Korea seeking to defend the title they won against Israel. South Korea plays against newcomers China expected to field a powerful team
      122 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 494 22 ■Hfl OCEAN m^mU building Tenders are Invited for the tenancy of two ground floor shops with a prime shopping frontage onto busy Collyer Quay, at the new Ocean Building Shopping Centre. You have a unique opportunity of becoming tenants of one or two of the most exclusive shops in the
      494 words
    • 600 22 SIGMA METAL COMPANY LIMITED (Incorporated in the Rtpubiic of Singapore) NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that mi Extraordinary General Meeting of the Com petty will be held at 32 A South ■ndf* Read. Smaaper*. 1 on Thursday the 19th day of September. 1974 *t 12 noon
      600 words

  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 97 23 ■■^B^BBBBSB^. s^EHAstf^flfc^Mfe Is^aM s^r^^ks^s^™ mi^. sts^r Borderless KODACOLOR Enlargements All 5" x 5" (SS), 5" x 7" (SR), 8" x 8" (8S) and print»d onto silk surfaot paper, your photographs 8" x 10" (8R) KODACOLOR Enlargements made from have a deep, rich, professional looking finish. KODACOLOR negatives now oome without
      97 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 26 23 SQUASH Fttta Sukan Championships Woman's Open quarter-finals (BICC 6pm i Ucn'i Open quarterfinals (Tanglin 6 p.m.). SWIMMING Primary Schools mwt (Toa Payoh). gQCCKB TAB Dlv. 1
      26 words
    • 40 23 final: Stable Boys v Hampshlr* (T pni; Dlv. 3 final: ICB v BIP. (Jin Bcaar 5.30 pjn.). AUPB tournament: Cutvoma v Woodlnidg*. Fir* Brigade v University (Parrer Park 5 15 p.m.). Friendly Straits Brprmwiy v Inter ocaan KAC (Toa Payoh).
      40 words

  • 54 24 Jatti is VicePresident NCW DELHI. Tues. Mr. Basappa Daamppa Jam. 61 the candidate of the ruling Congress Party, was today fleeted Vice- President of India. In the noil by member* of the two Houses of Parliament. Mr jattl. former Oorernor of Orlssa state defeated Mr. Nlral Eneni Horo by 531
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 32 24 BEODL, Tues. The number of foreign tourists vuning South Korea since the Aug. 16 assassination attempt on President Park Chung-hee has decreased 70 per cent. tourist official* said today. UPI.
    UPI  -  32 words
  • 126 24 DHARMAPALA, LILY SLIZA BiTH, aitd 61. paaaad away paaeafully on IT-S-T4. laavlng bahlnd balovad huaband Cyril and only daaihtrr Jvaif aon-18-law Kinin aad (wo «r«nd ehlldran Cortasa Itavn M Jalaa KalumMt. S pm on 7« tor Catholic camalary. Chua Chu Kam 111 TSOMO KOK a«ad M. paaard away paacafully
    126 words
  • 151 24 SEOUL, Toe*. About 15*, M» people attended a mass rally today to critic 1 c North Korea and Japan for alleged Involvement in the Aug. 15 assassination attempt against President Park Chungnee, which resulted In the death of Mrs. Park. An efflgy of North Korean President
    UPI  -  151 words
  • 109 24 granddad MOSCOW. Tues. Two ifl Soviet cosmonaut! one a 4«-year-old grandfather were blasted Into earth orbit and today headed for a possible docking of their Soyui-15 space craft with the Salyut-3 space station launched last June. The official Soviet newt •fency Taas, announcing the launch laat
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 181 24 Suharto: Work together for survival OANOOON, Tues. President Suharto has called on all countries to work together for common survival. The President, who arrived here yesterday for a three-day official visit, was sneaking last night at a dinner given in his honour by Burmese President Ne Win. Present world crises
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 389 24 I ONDON. Tw S^ultlaa elaaad •IKktly tan" la vary «ut»t tradias ta*ar vi tl 1 p m tM ruwui TUaaa l»4a» wa* oo»a LaM wxti ralljr waa balta« lollawtac aMOilatiaa about aa OctaMr ataauea. LMdlni nock. tu« tuata* aajrawty to clom a paaay or two aowa la placaa
    389 words
  • 89 24 A MAN, believed to be a Palestinian commando, was picked up by Singapore police at Paya Lebar Airport about two months ago following a tip-off from Interpol. The Internal Sarurtty Department. It was learnt >c tertay had baan laid (hat the commando would
    89 words
  • 62 24 LONDON. Tueß. Tha JO--yaaj-oW grandson of Khar Otav V of Norway waa attackad In a bar in Wsaails 00-Tjma ftad bad k» ham SI ■titctaai for a race wound, police wid today. Potto* amid Bftftkou Kannta*a, a taJex operator on ft Norwegian navy frlfala, waa in a
    62 words
  • 42 24 DAMASCUS. Tuaa Mr. Richard Murphy. the first United State* envoy in Danaacui ataoa IM7. arrhrad bar* but nkjnt to taka 19 hi* dutlea aa sailw—aor. Syria broke itljannnHr rctattona with the 08 foltowtng the Juna IM7 war. Reutar.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 168 24 Sadat: New warplanes on way to Cairo CAIRO. Tues. PreUd- ent Sadat has rerealed that new warplanes are on their way to Egypt to replace 130 Soviet Jet* lost In last October's war with Israel, the semi-official dally A) Ahram said today. The newspaper ouoted the President as saylnn In
    Reuter  -  168 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
      209 words
    • 214 24 Relieve Skin Irritations Immediately with (mardian Skin Ointment. GUARDIAN SkTr^ '^B* a fSa B a"Aaw Ointmant n formu Lafcc^aad^" lated mitt* actva m^rHßL*nlP^BL^^Q <n«r«],.nti Ntiich MHITIll'' wH kill bactane end l^^^Bajt IW.. funojut quickly 1 1-. <a^ %w>S«W* aTaafaWllSaßM and •Kectiveiy --^^V?S1 i M_**™" CooU tkm and ZV^~ .^flVVw^Hj inttantly
      214 words
    • 265 24 CAB2HMU If LHOICEST PERSIAN, BOKHARA 6 PAKISTAN CARPETS ft RUBS A Very Wide Selection To Choose From Of Very Fine Quality. Most exotic old KASHANS &QUMS m PureSlk Super fine ISPHANS on Sic Base, Nan nSwk&Wool Super fne old Shah Abbas KASHANS, Germans gums n s-k wool PERSIAN TRIBAL AFSHARS,
      265 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous