The Straits Times, 25 August 1974

Total Pages: 23
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 24 1 The Sunday Times Largest sales in S. E. Asia No. 1998 SINGAPORE EDITION SUNDAY, AUGUST 25. 1 974 30 CENTS M.C. (P) No. 17/7-
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  • 478 1 Greece accepts Soviet plan on Cyprus ATHENS, Sat QHKKK Foreign Minister George Mavros said heie today that Greece accepted the Soviet plan for the solution of the Cyprus crisis. The Soviet plan calls for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from the island and a big international conference on the
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  • 58 1 TOKYO. Sat— Transportation Minister Masatosht Tokunaga yest erday approved fare hikes for the Japan national railway averaging 23 per cent, effective Oct. 1. ThU is the latest in a series of government-Kgulat-ed utility and. other fare Increase! which are expected to boost the consumer price
    AP  -  58 words
  • 54 1 CAIRO Sat —A man burst Into a funeral yesterday. opened fire with a submachine gun. killed etght people and wounded six. then fled, police said The Incident occurred at El Moumadta. 60 miles north of Cairo Police said thr motive »a* not clear, but family feud* are common
    AP  -  54 words
  • 219 1  -  ERNEST COREA: KUALA I PRIME MINISTER'S SECRETARY ABDULLAH MAJID BEATS DAP CANDIDATE BY 5,040 VOTES IN RAUB From LUMPUR. Sun Stephen Yong loses state seat to SNAP AT 1.30 a.m. the ruling National Front had won 50 out of 154 Parliamentary seats in 1 Malaysia's fifth general election.
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  • 173 1 Rift worsens as Egypt jams Libya radio r»AIRO, Sat. The crisis between Egypt and Libya showed signs of deteriorating today amid reports that Egyptian authorities have begun Jamming Tripoli radio broadcasts. Sources close to the Cairo Oovernment reported the jamming even as new efforts were launched to restore relations between
    UPI  -  173 words
  • 64 1 BANGKOK, Sat— A 37-year-old stalest leader involved In a demonstration last yeax at the Basakhaavhaeng University here was shot dead yesterday as he waited at a bus-stop. Mr. iaeng Rangnirandornknl, one of nine students whose •""-'ttj' from the university 1* Jane 1973 sparked off a demonstration ending
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  • 133 1 Moves to attract US dollars fOKTO. Sat Tbl X Finance Ministry today announced a series of measures effective on Monday to ease foreign exchange controls and facilitate* an Inflow of US dollars Into the Tokyo foreign exchange market. The Ministry said nonresidents would now be permitted to acquire short-term Government
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 2
    • 93 1 At 2 a.m. today, the National Front had won 52 Parliamentary seats and the Opposition parties none. In the election for the Pahang State Assembly, the National Front captured 22 of the 32 seats and was well on the war to winning the other It. The
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  • 57 1 KUALA LUMPIR. Sat. At least two people were reported to have died while voting In Malaysia's General Election today. Tarn Enf. an 12--year-old woman, collapsed and died of a heart attack and Abdul Asii Mohamed Baki. 76. died of high blood complications soon after they cast
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 99 1 WASHINGTON, Sat. Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger and Syrian Foreign Minister Mr. Abd AlHalim Khaddam apparently failed to make appreciable progress toward a solution of. the problem of Palestinian refagees In their three days of meetings which ended at the White House today In marked contrast
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  • 74 1 GENEVA, Sat Passenger fares on tbe North Atlantic rouU will go up by an average of II per cent from Nov. 1 under a package agreement announced today by the InUmatlonal Air Transport Association (LATA). The hikes still subject to government approval, will be the
    AP  -  74 words
  • 23 1 Amiss not oat If*. Deftness c Imran b A. Masood 11. Fletcher not out 12. Extras 23. (Saa rage 24).
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 299 1 Available at all leading shoe stores or at our ahowroom. N097. Jin. Sultan, Kuala Lumpur. NEW $50m POLY FOR 10,000 STUDENTS Pug* 15 WE WILL strike first says Israel 2 GOOD response for "spare a room' call for the distressed 4 CALL by NTI'C to boost skills, output 5 DESPITE
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    • 53 1 ROLEX SALES SERVICE is at 73 Robinson Road ia i_^_^^-_^^n^_ a i_^__ B^__s NATIONAL FRONT 50 DAP 0 PEKEMAS 0 SNAP 0 KITA 0 PATAI RAKYAT 0 INDEPENDENTS 0 ifatmm^- 7/ml^ I 8 i*~^ m# Htf- ~-2F Smli ftrt- TRCBOOO B ue»^*'^^^^^^^^^^^^uel ua^a^T* biiV* us^3usr'9^lP9*rV lsjaejuss|sVs4BsVßsV>jl usPPwWK l*^«i BWWWHriBBIBaI S
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • The Sunday Times WORLD WIDE
    • 223 2 Lon Nol palace guns fire at plane OHNOM PENH. Sat. I OoTernment antiaircraft batteries stationed around President Lon Nol's palace fired at a fOTCrnment military DC3 plane today aa It flew In the restricted airspace above the palace grounds. Military sources said the plane was nr.t hit, and the aircraft
      UPI  -  223 words
    • 171 2 SEIZED— PLANELOAD OF MARIJUANA IIMNDER (Georgia), Sat. A huge haul of marijuana was seised from an aircraft at Winder- Barrow airport here on Thursday, and state, federal and local agents later Impounded the plane. The crew walked away and disappeared, leaving their cargo of some 5,0*0 kilos (11.000 pounds) of
      UPI  -  171 words
    • 65 2 WASHINOTON. Sat A Jet plane used by fugitive financier Robert Vosco has been seised by Federal agents Investigating a gun-running scheme, according to an Informed source. The Lear Jet confiscated on Wednesday In San AnI tonlo. Texas, may have been used to ferry weapons to Costa Rica
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    • 204 2 Profiteering: 37 held in Manila MANIL4, Saturday pOVERNMENT agents have arrested 37 people found overpricing basic commodities in flood-devastated central Luzon, military authorities said today. Agents have been sent to the metropolitan Manila area and 13 provinces hard hit by the worst floods In two years In an attempt to
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    • 31 2 BO6TON. Sat Dr Antorie Oaudln. 74. professor emeritus of the Massachusetts mstltute of Technology and a primary researcher who helped develop the US uranium processing industry, died yesterday —AP
      AP  -  31 words
    • 251 2 Ahmed sworn in as India's new head of estate NEW DELHI, Sat— Mr. Pakhruddln All Ahmed was today Inaugurated as India's fifth President since Independence In a resplendent ceremony. Mr. Ahmed. 69. took the oath of office from Indian Chief Justice A. N. Ray and pledged to devote himself to
      UPI  -  251 words
    • 105 2 Row over Indian spies in Pakistan ISLAMABAD. Sat —The head of an Indian spy ring In Pakistan escaped to London because of the Incompetence of Pakistani Intelligence, an Opposition senator claimed today Senator Khawaja .Mohammad Bafdar accused the Oovemment of falling to find and arrest Indian spies. Minister of State
      Reuter  -  105 words
    • 54 2 Laos team In China HONOKONO. Sat. A four-member civil aviation delegation from Laos arrived in Peking tonight for a friendly visit to China, the New Chlr*. news agency reported. The delegation, led by the director general of the Laos Civil Aviation Administration. Prince Staouphanouvong. is expected to negotiate an air
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 28 2 LOS ANOELSS. Sat. Comedian Oeorge Bums. 7g has recovered sufficiently from open heart surgery to be able to go home today, a hospital spokesman said AP.
      AP  -  28 words
    • 27 2 WASHINOTON Sat. Washington correspondent Sarah McClendon of the Me Clendon News Service was elected vice-president of the National Press Club yesterday. defeating three men— UPl
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    • 358 2 BUCHAREST. Sat IIfORLD aid giving TT agencies have come under fire for operating at too great a distance from the "Third World" and perpetuating a degrading donor -recipient relationship In funding family planning projects Their critics, Asian and African health officials In charge of
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    • 115 2 Thief switched ring of dying woman NASHVILLE .Tennessee), Sat. a young wom £2, Btole a US$3OOO (5»7.500) diamond ring off the finger of an 89--year-old convalescent home resident and then replaced It with a fake before leaving, police report. Mrs. Katherlne Perm. who relatives said U dying of cancer, told
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    • 404 2 TEL AVIV, Saturday DEFENCE Minister Shimon Peres warned the Arabs yesterday that Israel was ready to strike first if threatened with the outbreak of a new Middle East war and urged a boost in size for the Israeli Army. "I do not
      UPI  -  404 words
    • 250 2 HASSAN PROPOSES NEW DATE FOR ARAB SUMMIT CAIRO. Sat. King Hassan of Morocco proposed today that an Arab summit meeting to draw up a unified plan for the Middle East peace talk In Geneva be convened on Oct. 20 In his capital. The summit had been scheduled for Sept. 1
      Reuter  -  250 words
    • 45 2 TOKYO. Bat. Fishermen la the Northern Japan city of MuUu today held a protost dsmonstraUon against the planned tost run of Japan's first nuclear-powered ship. About ITO &shin« boat*. displaying posters criticising the trial run. took part in tb« demonstration lUuter
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    • 36 2 SOUTHAMPTON. S*t The Cunard Liner Qwcn Btoabeth 3 is to be sent Rotterdam tor iv annual overhaul this year becaiuc British shipyard* have tun ed down the work the shiF' owners aald today Ist
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 311 2 Explore Australia for just $104 more. -a, ~,.n. jj^^ haw tor just >iVrtmore tt ll woiKa than OUr recrular •*< For 14 days you can explore JPw^ Australia by car, rail, coach or air retUrn eCOnOnty dHfIHpT Tour includes top class motel faro M CinlNMr W F- -^^t?--" accommodation and
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  • 159 3 Couple's murder: $5,000 reward offer HONGKONG. Sat. Police today announced a HK$lO.OOO (> reward for Information leading to the arrest and convlc tlon of the murderer of a Swedish couple, whose bodies were t< ,-ind lying on the bloodstained floor of their house here. The announcement came as police continued
    Reuter; UPI  -  159 words
  • 268 3 SEOUL. Sat ABOUT 15,000 South Koreans today staged anti-Japanese demonstrations while police tightened security around the Japanese embassy and business firms after receiving bombing threats. Angry crowds turned out In Seoul and two provincial towns, Taegu and Taejon. denouncing what they
    Reuter  -  268 words
  • 69 3 PRETORIA, Sat. A book about Ufe inside a South African prison has been banned by the censors here. The book, Ban diet: Seven Tears In a South African Prison, was written by a former South African Journalist, Mr. Hugh Lewln, who was Jailed after being convicted
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  • 236 3 Officer: framed three innocent people LONDON, Sat— A London policeman has confessed that he "framed" three innocent people by plant > Ing drag* and a knife in their clothing to gain conviction and en- hance his promotion prospects, Scotland Yard sources said toI day. Sgt Grant Smith. 32, made a
    Reuter  -  236 words
  • 65 3 CHICAOO. Sat. Chicago Today, one of th* city* two main evening newspapers, will cease publication on Friday. Sept. 13. and it* lister publication, the Chicago Tribune, will become a 34-hour newspaper. the publishers announced here today. Afternoon editions will be added to the Tribune, with fresh
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 493 3 JAKARTA. Sat. A 11--member Dutch parliamentary mission will arrive here on Aug. 11 for an eight-day visit to Indonesia, a parliamentary spokesman aaid today. The minion. led by the Speaker of the second chamber Dr. I Vondellng. will be received by President Suharto, Reuter. vitality will
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  • 135 3 WASHINGTON, Sat Fan American Airway*, plagued by mounting debts, today urged the Civil Aeronautics Board to approve an emergency l'Ssl« million (SSSS million) a month subsidy to avoid an imminent financial crisis. "Inless prompt action Is received, the airline may soon experience a cash shortage
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  • 47 3 TAIPKH 8»t Taiwan* export* of dehjrdrmlad *•§•> üblw arc e*pert«d to top USttS million (SUTt mllltooi thU ymr. Urn oantrml Newt Agency reported today Taiwan exported UMII million (M 37 mUllon) worth of dehydrated vaatUbtaa ia*t year, mainly to Japan and the United BUtn-fcwUr.
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  • 267 3 Ford's first move in inflation fight WASHINGTON, Saturday THE nations economic troubles mounted on several fronts yesterday, and aides say President Ford is trying to construct a strategy to fight back. He took his first step by signing the Bill he requested to set up a wageprice task force It
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  • 505 3 ROCKY SAYS IT: DO NOT PROSECUTE NIXON SEAL HARBOUR (Maine). Bat— VicePresidential nominee Nelson Rockefeller said yesterday he opposed the prosecution of former President Richard Nixon for his role In the Watergate scandal At a brief news conference at his summer estate here, Mr. Rockefeller told reporters he agreed with
    Reuter; AP  -  505 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 295 3 Eumig Movie Cameras Projectors... A Great Pair of Prestige tBODOOOBcB OtJoG r 3 »arvokxx« K'.^ BT^^^^BX Thr Lumig Mini 3 the easy mo«K inner 4 H/^B f is wtuU light, handy md compact with 3 i>B^ "pH H limes zoom lenv One feature of this camera n S^fl thr srsotixus
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  • 335 4 A CALL for "temporary shelter" (or the lonely, homeless and Jobless has met with good response though some thought priority should be given to the very old, the young and girls In distress. At least one organisation, the Stedfast Club. representing old
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  • 166 4 TtHE Environ ment •L Ministry Is worklns: on a plan to streamline the basic essentials of household dustbins. It hopes that this plan. when put Into effect In a few months, will end the Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish and waste
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  • 225 4 Ministry keeps an eye on that mud pool rt Environment Ministry it keeping strict surveillance on the mod pool at tbe site of the former Robinson Store in Raffles I Place. The ministry said it had been doing so ever since the store was razed by fire in November 1972
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 365 4 Yes, 65.000 reasons why you'll pass the HSC/MCE,GCE'O/A' level examinations this year. Since 1952, Stamford College has had an outstanding record of 65,000 examination successes in the Cambridge course alone. This high record has remained constant because the Stamford College home study course we offer is backed by invaluable years
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    • 138 4 teachers who ensure that you receive every educational advantage possible. Also available courses leading to Business careers-Book-keeping; Accountancy; Business Administration; Secretaryship; etc. and technical qualifications. B K you tati vow aummatMn. «a fJJ tuarana*) la coach you Ire* o( I c*»e» mwW you m auccontMl Stamford x*fa College Correspondence X*
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    • 158 4 SaBB^aBBBB^^aBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM^BBBBBBBBBS^V^K^'^B^ I I bjvS^^bbKbbbbmbbbbblVs^bb^bbbbbbYSF B v^H^H^H&mT'9^jßK* i I ■BBHal^^T^^V ■s^^^M aßtaCF***^* T V^^H B> ■bT»i ■L l^kmWm m^^^^ J ■P^*-^ai Ba.^ato(^-Na« Al 1!_ Mmmmmw^ J A^^.^ HB KiaE= Of course he is. Because an important part of his convalescent treatment is Sustagen. v^^^^ Sustagen is used in hospitals, dirties I^^^
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 853 4 TV SINGAPORE (5) 10(K Opt-ini, and Ham AAC W Mas-tas. Saw IKJ.XJD my Hamttr: Airmail t.iD ajsjt (Part 1. tstar) IIJI Pwta Ria (Malay, repeat) "f*' 1 »w ('•Pjf)** A TT Adam 12: Routine Patrol IJI Mm 11JI Star Soccer: Le.cester Crty iB gjj HteWl Md n Tottenham Hotspur UJf
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    • 608 4 SINGAPORE TODAY: A SCIENTIST perfects the process of making synthetic diamonds ana. as expected, lnviu* tne attention of get-nch- I quick criminals. He Is kidnapped and his twin brother takes his place In the action nim. "Date with the Falcon" on Channel 5 at 1.15 pm. The film stars George
      608 words
    • 187 4 Robbers" when she does her bit for preventing crime In the neighbourhood. She cries wolf each time she thinks there's something runny going on around her house on Ch. 5 at 8 30 pjn. SATIRDA. "EAST BIDE BOYS, on Ch. 5 at 2 p.m. is a rum about city boys
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    • 241 4 MALAYSIA TODAY: LKCES TE R CITY play Tottenham Hotspurs on Star Soccer (4.15 p.m. Ch. 3). A "PARADISE island turns Into the set for a nightmare In Prime IV feature "Haunts of the Very Rich." It stars Anne j Francis and Lloyd Bridges <10 10 p.m Ch. 3 > A
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    • 227 4 no cost to bring him to book. They hire Joe Mannlx on "A Matter of Principle" (9.50 p.m. Ch. 3). THE NEW Perry Mason »:acks down the real criminal In a murder committed four yean ago In "The Case of the Talltale Trunk" (10.40 p.m. Ch. 3> THURSDAY: BILLY JIM
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    • 21 4 WATER consumption on Friday was 124.8 million gallons (567.000 cubic metres), 0.8 million gallons (1,000 cubic metres) more than on Thursday.
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  • 166 5 Skull find: CID quiz trader rpHE ciDs Special InM. vestlgatlon Section detained a businessman from a Toa Payoh Hat yesterday. He Is being questioned In connection with the recovery of a skull, believed to be that of schoolgirl 81m Lay Hwa, trom the Upper Thomson Road secondary Jungle earlier last
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  • 114 5 Workers and unions must respond positively and support all measures to upgrade skills, promote productivity and quality consciousness through educational programmes. Employers, on their part, should likewise seek and adopt all means to Improve production efficiency through workers' trainIng, full and efficient utilisation of equipment and re-orlentatlon of
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  • 10 5 THKRK ware 101 accidents. three serious, on Friday.
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  • 393 5 fHE XTUC yesterday called for the sett ing up of productivity committees in all relevant establishments to help realise the concept of partnership in production. "If properly organised and correctly motivated, these committees could help to realise the concept of partnership between managements
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  • 120 5 AN eight-man Japanese trade team will fly n today to promote mutual trade and Investment between Japan and Singapore. Led by Mr. Darry SalUm. the mission consisting of two teams will spend four days here. Mr. BalHm U the chief officer. Investment and Trade
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  • 297 5 Othman hits at bosses opposed to sports by staff »pHE Minister for Boclal Affairs. Enclk Othman Wok yesterday criticised certain employers for being reluctant to release their workers to take part In sporting activities. Some bosses, he said had even been obstructive and adopted various means such as threats of
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  • 77 5 Anti-bigotry bomb 1 film today THE Singapore Film Society will screen Luis Bunueft Vlridlana at the Cultural Centre today at 5.30. 7.30 and 9 30 p.m The film htthltfhta Bunuel's paradox that pssty Cfcn corrupt corruption and ha* been described as a bomb on aU bigotry and obsolete social and
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  • 37 5 Quality control course TUX Department of Extramural StudJee, Uniwtty of Singapore, win conduct a 10-lecture oouiat on Fundamentals of Quality Cbntrol in Nissan Hut. 7B beginning Sept a at 7 SO p m course Ist U 140
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  • 214 5 Animals are sure to find a home at the Urns rE Urn family of Fon got have a soo and aviary right in their backyard. The family has three dogs, a cat, seven Malaysian mouaedecrs, a wild civet cat, a flying fox, a rare tortoise front Sri Lanka, and, of
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  • 51 5 Colour film screening at Museum THE National Museum will screen colour films at Its lecture hal'. on Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. They are The Chancing of th* Quart. Christmas in Britain. Journey (Intercity). Speaking of Britain and A City for all Seasons Free admission tickets ar* available at the ntni—
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  • 286 5 A school leaver's first job: 'Don't ask too much' SCHOOL leavers have been advised to be prepared to take on useful jobs cheerfully and not demand status or good financial returns from the beginning. The school leaver's first Job was essentially a training for further work and a test of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 194 5 y£2cS&v for mEn /VPfJiV WHO ÜBLUE TIIIIE 5 i automa tic, day date models gf^sC with instant date changer mSSl^^^^BSm, Wlth lr »cabloc" World Famous > i Shock Absorber Vfl fcr>s?i'^^2B^B^Br Sr'^Om \~y /s^Bn Jmm\ */m flr >V /fl^Baa ■SW B^V y^%vß^^ t^^F J^M -^^^^^KF^^ BBsfl^^^JUa^eßßhsl^^'ej w BT 1 Hbjt
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    • 182 5 L ombird North Ctntnl OH K Cut ion Stint. L oodon Subsidiary and Associate Banks and Financt House*: Lombard Australia Limited Canberra. Sydney. Melbourne. Adelaide. Perth. Brisbane. Hobart. Newcastle. Wollongong. Liverpool. Geelong. Parramana. Bankttown. Chatswood. Pennth, Rockdale. Ringwood. Devonporr Lombard New Zealand Limited Auckland, Wellington. Chnstchurch. Hamilton. Dunedin. Masterton.
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  • 632 6 Possibly one of the most extraordinary advances in the search for means to promote complexion beauty has evolved from the scientific development of a tropically moist oil blend. Has your complexion ever looked lovelier than it did in your late teens? Today the scientific
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    • 90 6 I©! A GLASS of tea r that will really wake j— up anal send tinkle down your throat, try finger tea. Torn will need three taMossjoons powdered NesUa. four table—is am sugar to taste, water, a ootu« of gingw ale Icy cold, roar organge sUeoa. Method Dissolve Ncate*
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    • 947 6 Showing off in style WHY FOREIGN FASHION PRESENTATIONS ARE BETTER SO we've feasted our eyes on the latest creations of Pierre Balmain, the Parisian master coutourler whose visit here was heralded by months of publicity. Hla clothe*, as he puts It, are simple and elegant. His presentation, the same. He
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    • Article, Illustration
      101 6 YOU know how I things are when you travel, even if it is only a threeday trip to Kuala Lumpur The number of Uttle tbinis that add up to some bulk. Unless you want to string along half a down paper bags the best bet Is to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 7r\Jb ml '?^sS&r^^Kr am J^pi M^^B 'w^sW.^^ Tlh» aict ixv one On- the active you. You perspire a lot. Quite naturally. Because you are extremely active. You work hard. You go out more. You dance a lot. And the weather is warm. You need a good, effective 'smell' protection. Quik
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    • 159 6 Now by Formfit makes getting dressed easier. ft ,3Mfc2N^,# 'Nou.'. From the moment you put it on The straps are com ertiblc can be you'll feel prettier. The easy to concealed under any fashion. A high-cut use front closure does auay uith hard bikini too, in matching lace. Bra svde
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  • 1039 7 IN the 18 months since the bubble of our stock market boom burst, share values have been slashed by a sum equivalent to 150 per cent of Singapore's Gross Domestic Product In 1973. The fall between Feb. 12 1973 and
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  • 29 7 TOWKKR School advisory rommltteee will hold a Jumble atle in lta pnmlaaa in McNalr Road on Ataf. 61 from S.SO a.m to IJ6 pm. to raise fund*
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  • 349 7 Stars in free-for-all and all over bread r011... TWO liongkong movie stars were among four people who were hurt in a brawl at the Hilton Hotel coffee house early yesterday. The incident was said to have been sparked off by a misunderstanding over a "bread roll The stars, both sisters
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  • 105 7 SAF military exercises in 6 areas THE Singapore Armed Forces will conduct military exercises in six areas from tomorrow to Saturday. The areas are: Llm Chu Kaag Chua. Chu Kang. 6 am to 530 pm dally, from tomorrow till Saturday; Tuas Joo Urn Estate. 6 a.m to 730 pm dally,
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  • 50 7 MINIBTTR for the Environment Mr. Ud Kirn Ban will open a book fair called Oo Places with Books at the Singapore Hilton on Friday at T pm The fair Is being organised by the National Book Development Council of Singapore and Singapore Book Publishers Association
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  • 254 7 Call to community leaders to counter rumours MP for Alexandra, Prof Wong Lin Ken, yesterday called on community leaders to counter tbe many rumours that were now making the rounds in Singapore. Speaking at a credential cards presentation ceremony at the Alexandra community centre, be said: "In the last analysis,
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  • 282 7 PRICES of most essential commodltlej remained stable yeaterday. the Trade Department reported. Following are the recommended prices: RICE: American IS per rent. B 0 cent* a kail or 60&«. China 10 per cent YUn Check 1100. Thai 10 per cent. 90
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  • 158 7 Gifts pour in for flood —victims- DONATIONS in cash and kind are still streaming into the Council of Social Services for tbe Bangladesh flood victims. A rough count yesterday showed that there were two huge lorry loads of clothing, several boxes of tinned feed and tome cash. A spokesman for
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  • 150 7 Ex-society chief gets jail for assault EB Ouan Leng, 23. former preslaent of the Accountancy Society of tbe University of Singapore, was sentenced to two weeks Jail and fined $900 by a magistrate's court yesterday for assaulting one of his committee members. Be was found guilty on a summons charge
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  • 24 7 MONK'S HIU Secondary School will hold 1U eighth annual speech and prlaaglYlng day at the school hall on Wednesday at 16 am.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 865 7 Many men sn« wemen he»t fottnd yl I T better iobi m mduitry with the help o» (^/{'WT W JPn iM Collier Macmillan hem* study counei n* 'lII* They an now emeyini tht security of food iobi betttr pay snd hey* i fotl .n hto They hew never looktd back
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    • 530 8  -  waltcm scow a» 1 dn&te (director Pietro Germl). now at the Capitol, will no doubt pull In the customers largely on the strength of Its suggestjve title The onfmai UUe iv Aifrado AJtraaa and one rur understand and
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    • 267 8 More S'pore HK flights by CPA soon pATHAY Pacific Airways will increase its Singapore-Hongkong fligtu from next mopth when Japan Air Lines suspends its services on this route on Sept 15 JAL la atopptnf iv aerricas bacaaae of the BrtUab Oovscnaant s restriction on the alrkat pi>-k-iT>j m paaaengen between
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    • 98 8 FIRST BUSMEN. COLLECT INCENTIVE PAYMENT i*|Vß fint groop of bos 1 workers yeaterday collected ttaav mcenu«e payment voochen from their union, tbe Singapore Industrial Labour Organ taat.wn The diltws and conductors from the Toa Payoh depot aaed the vouchees to paxchaae the union's mmT^uperkct hi Upper nn ftoad. Under the
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    • 41 8 New courses at C-centre CM Kami eoßßßßanat* aa>tra win boM aatluuais is— at ajaaar. ia iiir Taa Ina aiaiaai and k*«■liiliaj dassatwm at oao*M*al at 1M pjb and T P« Faajatamht troas todmr Wafls ttH aaaatf ca^a wffl •an tt OOpaar
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    • 12 8 a anms of ataataaai s mn m apora <or
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 309 8 f B N«»W Slw#wi >C AT LIB* J P S SHOWS at it am I Mm, 00. 645 ft aVlSawi. f I *Up Ik Cbstity Bdl". IJa PmpoT Wi 1 BBSkSMalrsA Qiwnakawi a ITIIULst DCmtni ■j ai hwr avawai Ibbbw; ftaar CaaryS aj I ZsaZsaGabor f W 1 CAPITOL-XOW i
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    • 282 8 aaat aT^^w^^^»at I Treat tHe family to a meal at thie I f&» lwl» watch Singapore goby. HriCOS aar^W as avaar^^a^B TT"orr» opm ossify Opsn from Tlaam to rnksraigNt TaH. 37TI33^^^saa^ I Ta-Oav Saanwaj Saaw at 11 ant Cixdai. Cnv V4k 47at JO I <^ -^'c»«r UaTt M» Vcan IJC
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    • 22 8 fMAaNiaft LIMITEO I SEASON TWO OAVS OSJLV Oa Taaaaa* a WH na r» aWM MANTHRAKODI MALAY ALAM tj „a.i ti i i
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    • 49 8 WIU BRIGHTEN UP J| YOUR WHOLE LIFE !j WILL MAKE YOU I GLOW WITH WARMTH J AND HAPPINESS j! WILL MCY 1 WHAT S THIS CHARACTER DOING W^rWSrVWWSrWrNrWWrC •WJM 30 PHrsjoal Eaarcasa ft %m awlsncs t»art WaS a H. aw«gM ipaiai HaM at U »■»»»> aaaa. t* UI2M taflwa Muni
      49 words
    • 278 8 VArVVV I^WVVW^rVWAVVWrV^rV^WiAW/^«V'« > t |o«EIWTOMr^-7Ji4Ww»i J IMbbk aaate BM-Mmm SIJI J >»9BIOIJ«JwMNVHU B tf^ > fl-aam CHM J 6LM l^^B |2a^BBBBV/aar oas/acst** H a« «:HBa HUI a *fl— F— aTTtI aaaVM al ORCHARD-COMING 1 fcw-TW Cnzy Of Tk Aleutire L>-a»^ f B |awaw|-,wat AirttaTf' < Hr LES 4 CNARLOTS i
      278 words
    • 210 8 lajsawMWavM mm >■>■■ »*Tja a J f a Jt *C 3 4) *rU» HXMTIk'. a* m 9 ~'.i;ZJ?-. E a i kSa)a>i ■cnamn «j«c g aßßMnngi *saiaa»«ai*KiKAA»j s fc— ia i«t a MM I k'j* axjavMK. as I I I a bj a■ g S" .--j» Cmio* t«nr Mtk AMI
      210 words

    • 67 9 First time voting for cripple Tahir, 120 JOHORE BARU. Sat Enclk Tahtr Khamid. 120. was the country's I oldest voter when he cast his ballot in the general election today. What is more, it was the first time he had voted in his life. Enclk Tahir. paralysed from the waist
      Reuter  -  67 words
    • 469 9 The National Front has won 80 State seats and has gained control of the state assemblies In Pahang and Johore. Datuk Stephen Yong. Deputy Chief Minister of Sarawak, lost his state seat. His opponent Lo Foot Kee of SNAP won the seat. None of the
      469 words
    • 240 9 Malaysian soccer learn for Teheran stranded at Subang KUALA LUMPUR, Sat Twenty passengers, including the 18-mem-ber Malaysian soccer squad to the Asian Oames In Teheran, were stranded here last night after a Sabena Airlines plane left without them from Subang airport. In all, 41 passengers were turned back as the
      240 words
    • 97 9 200 FROM MALAYSIA TO VISIT CANTON FAIR KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. More than 200 Malaysian traders are expected to attend a month- long trade fair In China scheduled to be held In Canton from Oct. 15. A spokesman from Pemas said today irore than 100 traders from Selangor had stated their
      97 words
    • 54 9 IPOH. Sat Fifty trmde union leaders from Malaysia. Including Sabah and Sarawak will attend a six-day ceminax on collective bargaining here from Monday The seminar la organised by the Permk dlvMon of the Malaysian Trades Union Congreet In co-operation with the FYledrtch Ebert SUftung. the German
      54 words
    • 57 9 PENANO. 8»t The Penang branch of the National Union of Telecoms Employees will resort to Industrial action If the Government laila to settle their wage claims by Aug. 31. Branch chairman JAE Pedley said the union wae seeking salary revisions for telephone operators and supervisors, teleprinter
      57 words
    • 32 9 PENANO. Bat. Utano branches In Penang will observe National Day on modest scale this year. "We are not holding any special celebrations because of Inflation." a ctate Umno spokesman said.
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    • 190 9 K LUMPUR, Sat MALAYSIA'S 923 rural credit co-operative societies have outlived their usefulness and will gradually be dissolved, said Encik Ahmad Sarjl bin Abdul Hamid. direc-tor-general of the Farmers' Organisation Authority. "These credit societies originated during the colonial time to enable farmers to
      190 words
    • 56 9 PENANG, Sat. There will be no moon lifhtlm in this year to determine the start of the Muslim fast. According to the calender, the fasting month will begin on Sept. 17, depending on the new moon If it is sighted on Sept. 15. the
      56 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 562 9 INSTANT MEMORY THE AUTOMATIC MEMORY SYSTEM INSTANT MEMORY is th« only AUTOMATIC Mtwnorv syitem in existence It is based upon the i»voluyonarv new concept that MEMORY and higher powers of the MIND are not brain- centered but are the normal and natural result of a "different way of thinking" about
      562 words
    • 759 9 Jline especially created (or new home-makers m^^W^^ SUPER BUYS [VERY MY B^^^t fcl^') 10am 9.30pm Mon Sat ■^'^1 B*^ lOdm 6 3 °P m Sunday -Tr- f FREEPARKIN6 eaflaVP After spm Mon Sat -^\^^o W 3* J Ajj_dax_ L _Sunda^_ JBW tl^ BBBB* _^BT W i M aPVafV £^KbJ*C^bbbbbC \^B
      759 words

  • The Sunday Times Sunday. Aug. 25. 1974 OPINION
    • 346 10 IDENTIFICATION last week by the Samaritans of Singapore director of a needy section of the community surprised some who had always thought grown men could look after themselves. But there are men of a mature age. generally regarded as in the prime of life though no
      346 words
    • 105 10 HPHE collapse over" a week ago of Court Line. Britain's biggest package holiday group, spotlights some of the dangers for intending travellers. When it crashed, over 40.000 tourists were left high and dry «U over the world The company blames "last year's oil crisis and the
      105 words
  • 762 10  -  TERRY RYAN: New York By IN the spring of 1720, Johann PeUr Rockefeller left his home in the German Rhjneland and settled in the then wilderness of New Jersey. He was a man of little wealth and his name meant nothing. Seven
    NYT  -  762 words
  • 639 10 NEW DELHI, Saturday THE tall, bearded, turbaned figure of a Sikh has long been a faml.;ar sight In the Indian Army. In fact, about one In every 10 Indian soldiers Is a Sikh, whose tradition as a martial community was shown during the wars
    Reuter  -  639 words
  • 1512 10  - WATCH YOUR WALLET WILLIAM CAMPBELL PICKPOCKET GANGS OPERATE ON THE BUSES I* A BUS commuter recently watched a pickpocket gang at work right in front of him without knowing at first just what they were up to. He was unable anyway to do much about it. It was only after
    1,512 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • leisure
    • 4365 11 How Patricia became an urban guerilla YfOST revolutionary groups IT take their names from their politics, iheir leaders, their race, their country or a combination of these things. From the beginning, it was typical of the Madison Avenue flavour of the Symbionese Liberation Army that they should find theirs in
      4,365 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 210 11 fortheslyle annan n/ants MADE IN l\ ENGLAND _^^^B^^ DESERT t **oolo BOOTE 1 EASY, NEW, MODERN HOME STUDY SYSTEM FOR 1974/1975 EXAMINATIONS Unique system designed to ensure more effective study, better service and reduced fees. I Courses ;vf itten by experts, incorporating the most modern development* in Home Study Techniques
      210 words
      6 words
    • 353 11 TODAY'S BUSINESS HOURS 9. 30 A M 700 P M f I BUTCHERY m 2 Chickens Ox Tails so 170 Pork Rib Beef Loin Cutlets S K£D 3 90 TENDER 9 Qt% Stewing Minced Beef Beef ™>3.59 ™°2.90 U.S.T-Bone 3 Spring Steak Chickens c :6.50 455 A GROCERIES ISO 2
      353 words

  • leisure 2
    • 667 12  - Girl Friday to a boss who does not exist HELEN HOWARD: By London npHE letters stream in at the rate of almost 1,000 a year addressed to a man who has never existed, except in the minds of millions of admirers. Yet replying to them on his behalf is virtually
      667 words
    • 1232 12  - Cut the sugar and keep your sweet smile MASIE KWEE HOW TO PREVENT DENTAL PROBLEMS By Secoid m i series TOOTH-BRUSHING twice a x day will keep the dentist away. At least, to the unenlightened, this smug motto neatly cocoons the definition of proper dental care. Is it any wonder,
      1,232 words
    • 753 12 nnne uuonG at the wheel Erie 00l and Kenny Lee to get the feel of singleseater driving. They rill be holding more practice sessions In future with other locals In the driving seats. How does this affect Singaporeans who do not now have a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 574 12 This funny old soap works like mad on your skin problems. Skin problems can be caused Then Wrights powerful by many things Bui if you've got germicidal action works on the problems, we've got the soap, harmful bacteria beneath the skin. Wright's Coal Tar Soap is clearing the greasy secretions
      574 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 122 12 LiA.LtITi!M7 §1 1 J.:M With the British Automobile Association a \fenable-Jet Carburettor Warm tha angina to normal working Scraw up tha j*t *d|utting nut. which Un«g tha lifting ptn or tcranvdrivwf With tha angina running rataa tha lifting tamparatura and twitch off Undo tha control* tna haight of tna
      122 words

  • leisure 3
    • 425 13  - Search for resting place of Noah's Ark BYRON ROGERS By LONDON: Many a tired old heart must have beat faster in the presbyteries of the world rece n t ly when it was announced that an expedition was en route for Mount Ararat in Turkey where the Book of Genesis,
      FWF  -  425 words
    • Article, Illustration
      997 13  -  MICHAEL PHILUPS By Last ii a tferta-part strits CAN man control his mind by mechanical means? Will he be able to make himself feel happy, optimistic, serious or loving simply by fuming a switch? Scientists working on an astonishing new project in San Francisco think that the
      997 words
    • 278 13 Clapton at his mellowest in Ocean Boulevard m^Am t>RIC CLAPTON 461 OCEAN BOULEVARD (RSO). Yes, old "Slowhand" is back with his first record in three years and you had better be prepared for the shock ahead. If you are expecting the Clapton of Mayall's Bluesbreakers. Cream. Blind Faith or even
      278 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 692 13 QUALIFY,. promotion through ICS SPECIALIZED TRAIfCNtt IN MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Learn at home to improve >our position and to earn *hat \ou arc really worth. ICS home-study courses ha\e helped thousand-, of ambitious men to achieve promotion and better pay Moderate tecs all book^ supplied. Take the first slep
      692 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 245 13 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD ACROSS: 1 Compunction DOWN: 1 Transfer <6> 2 ■6. S Attack (6i Float Mild <6> 3 Brink 4 Nrll 10 Handle <«> 11 gotiate is> 6 Later <5> 6 Special Oilt t> 12 Ardent Asterisk < 4 > 7 Roadway <6> (S> 14 Dell 141 17 Sailor
      245 words

  • leisure 4
    • 587 14 CARING FOR OTHERS" writes: "I am very interested in working in any orphanage or home for the aged during weekends or holidays. "I would like to know the requirements and where I can register for such work. "I can work only parttime
      587 words
    • 339 14 Figuring out cost of business letter lIAS any businessman in Singapore ever worked out the precise cost of preparing a business letter? A writer in the London Daily Mail has made an effort. For what it's worth, hereby his findings: Average wage of shorthand typist in Britain V 25 $145)
      339 words
    • 262 14 LONDON SCENE whisky. CiOLF and squash are I the two lames that have taken younger people by storm in Britain. Links and courts abound. Where golf is concerned, more and more balls are brine lost every day, practice as well as perfect ones. Now a driving range in Welwjrn Garden
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 228 14 W LINTAS I J^~| The AEG pomina F washing j n| Those Germans never bluff. i JH§ I j y M^^^aaas^^^^^^^^^^^MWUf^^' m i" The Domina Fis quit* versatile. You just stainless steet. And it's very clever, it treats ail shbhbjjbhsjjsjjsjsjjbjjsjjbhbmbjjbjbj^bj^pj^^ choose one of its 1 1 programmes, turn a knot),
      228 words
    • 233 14 TOO SKINNY to eniow life? Revitalise your energy and vitality with SUPER WATE ON Super Wate On is a food supplement that can give pounds and inches of healthy solid flesh to shinny under weight men and women. Super Wate On 9^ contains fruit flavoured nutrients fortified with i /I
      233 words

  • 297 15 Singapore navy started with one wooden ship A WOODEN training Ashlp only no feet long and armed with two sh ort ra > nge Kuns was all that Singapore had when it started building HP 1 navy more than half a decade ago. B" 1 now Singapore's Maritime Defence Command
    297 words
  • 21 15 AAVANI Moolam" fMUval ill be celebrated at Sn Srnpaga Vinayagar Temple C'jrlun Road. Katong. on Tuesday at 6 p.m
    21 words
  • 615 15 Govt to build new $50m Poly for 1 0,000 students YHE Government will spend about $50 million to build a new Polytechnic campus at Dover Road, Mr. Teh Cheang Wan, chief executive officer of the Housing Board, announced yesterday. It is expected to be ready by 1977 and can accommodate
    615 words
  • 44 15 A TOTAL of 4N.M* silver- rivet! worth over $44.* M have been reported missing from the stores of General Electric Housewares (Pte.) Ltd., at Pioneer Road, Juronc The rivets were miaaed on Aug. 21. Police were told about it oa Friday.
    44 words
  • 159 15 1 45 gangster suspects rounded up SOME 145 secret society suspects were rounded ur> by police from four divisions In a twohour operation on Frldav night. The operation, codenamed Eagle, was simultaneously launched by the CID and police from Central. Kandang Ker- bau. Beach Road and Joo Chiat divisions, shortly
    159 words
  • 311 15 Yoga is Pamela's way of keeping fit at 56 AT M. Mrs. Pamela Hickley. Is fitter and brimming with more vitality and life than ■be was years younger And her secret 'elixir" is yoga. Whether standing on her head, doubling over or folding up into an intricate a "lotus pose.
    311 words
  • 284 15 rE Singapore Chinese Middle School Teachers' Union has called on the Government to step up Its sea. land and air patrols to prevent smuggling of drugs Into the Republic. In a memorandum to the Committee on Drug Abuse Among Youths In Singapore, the
    284 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 372 15 With You! r Ny Life is good. Wherever you go, whatever you're doing make it even better with the new stereo sound from outer space! i^. The sun glinting on the sea. Bee £j thoven's Sixth in full-bodied stereo. If Jr ~i^^^ you've never put therfi both together f^M Wltn
      372 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 206 17 Mf— Wl M I l§ II This new SHARP TV 24R -350 clears the way for I ii »il /iAM^I Ibk I flr better home entertainment. With absolutely stable and cry I l| *h /mAM^I Ik Iff stal clear pictures that come alive on its 24 inch screen. Plus ™™^™*^™j™
      206 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 197 17 However, the year as a whole is fortunate and you will ret a food deal of quiet happiness in the course of the 12 months. Ton will find you have food friends and that they will rally round you whatever you may do. There could be arfu- IF it's your
      197 words
    • 289 17 merits about money chiefly about spending. If you have in a partnership of any kind, then your ideas and those of your partner may clash a little. Don't five way. If you are patient until March, you will recoup what you fancy you may have lost. Also you are going
      289 words
    • 328 17 THIS WEEK FOR YOU CAPRICORN (Dec 21 —Jan. It): Before the week is over you will have made Important decisions about money. Something good could come your way but possibly not till Wednesday. You won't find all the family are with you in what you intend to do: You will
      328 words
    • 238 17 Umlstlc about the fu}ure. You can plan now or some months ahead. Don't worry if a travel project Is held up though, fou are better somewhere near home this week. GEMINI (May 21 June W): You could indulge your romantic lancies and make a very useful link this week. You
      238 words
    • 238 17 this week. You cannot afford to waste time. You should however be able to entertain with some success in your usual background over the weekend. From Tuesday onward you must organise both your social lite and your job. You have a good deal on hand and you must keep alert.
      238 words

  • 208 18 Religius Announcements INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH of Singapore. 90 Kings Road (near the American School 1 All services In English Morning worship serrtees am and 11 a m Sunday School for all age* 10 a m Evening worship 6pm LIFE BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 9 mislead Road, worship 10 am Jesus Christ
    208 words
  • 34 18 HOME LEAVE car hire uaiesi ■akMBN Esta«« Mou>rc»™,»n> fri.m Ford Vauxhall MLMC Chrysler Realistic longterm rales Include comprehensive insurance, maintenance, unlimited mlleag' Delivery anywhere Write ,»*rtlns Self-drive. High Stree' Winchester. England
    34 words
  • 30 18 FAMILY OF THE LATE Mr M Ramasamy wish to thank friends relatives, catering staff Mess HQ NZ Forces "Dieppe for their donations, condolences, wreaths on their recent bereavement
    30 words
  • 23 18 S 0.1 SAMARITANS OF SINGAPORE Troubled 1 Discouraged"" Ring 91-44-44 or ***** day or night Help ts as near as the telephone
    23 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 18 Mr. Ho Seng Hee age 01. passed away peacefully, on 23-8-74 leaving behind beloved wife. Mdm Tan Hwee Koon, son Henry, daughters Helen Hilda, son-in-law. Johnny Wee Ood son Joseph Mendls. Cortege will leave 25 Mohamed Sultan Road, on Tuesday. 27/8/74 at 10.00 a.m. for cremation at Kong Meng
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 447 18 classified ads H m) FrofaslosssJ U S COMPANY HAS IMMEDIATE need for contract administrator non US cltlxen. for long lerm employment in Vietnam Prior experience on U 8 Oovernment Contracts or commercial training in the I' S a requirement Attorney preferred Send resume and telephone contact to 8 T Box
      447 words
    • 743 18 DRIVER* CUM DELIVERY and Factory Assistants wanted Immediately Apply Speedlform Cn Pte Ltd 1-D off Lorong Tukang Lima. Jurong. Spore 22 Trl *****4 SOCIAL ESCORTS RBOUIRBO. Must be sociable Apply personally to Rose Oarden Social Escort. S2SOF Oolden Mile Shopping Centre. Spore 7 (Opposite Oolden Mile Restaurant And Nlte Club).
      743 words
    • 728 18 WORLD CNARTERS CENTRE Offers Low Fare* To Europe. London. Bangkok. Hongkong. Japan USA Tel *****7 OILL TRAVEL OFFERS low cost flights to London. Europe. U.S.A.. Australia. Hongkong. Tokyo Tel: *****5 ARCNNNJLAOO SPECIAL West Matey*** 7 days SI SB/- Sun K.L./PENANO/C.N. 5 days SIB* Monday Hssiliat'SsiMjMiH days 81 is Baal Ceaet
      728 words
    • 859 18 THAI BBQINNERS 3-MONTN COURSE commencing 26 8 74 Monday Wedneaday. 8 30 p m 30 p m by Thai lady experienced teacher Peoples Commercial School (Opposite Odeon Katong) Tel *****5 BOOKKEEPINQ INTERMEDIATE SMONTN cour»e commencing 27.8 74 Tuesday. Thursday. 7 30 p m 8 30 p m by experienced Accountant
      859 words
    • 1009 18 71 FORO CAPRI IMB t.c white colour 1 owner 22.000 miles B*4.SOOono Tal *****8 Mr Lee 1*73 VOLKSWAGEN IM* Tip Top condition Owner leaving Contact 92 Carpmael Road Tel *****4 after 9 00 a m IST* REGISTERED MORRIS 1100 Oood condition Highest offer secured Mrs Soh. 382. North Bridge Road
      1,009 words
    • 693 18 RENTAL. SALE WOODEN I FURNITURE, refrigerators trade- In arrangeable. Please conuet 18 Tlverton Lane. S pore i FOR QUALITY CANE FURNITURE furnishing materials of dlsUnctlons Visit Adrian's 423 River Valley Road. *****4. *****0. Singapore. SKfflTßsxi I gggggggggTWMiaggggafafl I ■ggggafexasssMMSxtassTMßxHsxaxV FOR THAT JEWELLERY The Epitome of elegance and fine craftsmanship that
      693 words
    • 513 18 JVC NIVICO 4-CHANNBL amplifier. 4 Pioneer speaker* and Pioneer turn-table Owner leaving Phone *****7 ALUMINUM, STAINLESS BTEEL STEEL, sheets High quality, polyurethane paint Steel shafting High quality fire proof fabric aircraft seat use. Call *****4 CORN TMEATRETTE ELECTRONIC Organ with Rhythem Box. built in Leslie Speakers Condition Oood For. lnquiry
      513 words
    • 28 18 FOR COLLECTOR SILVER BRITISH medals, pre- World War One. also metal soldiers (not modern), or other similar interesting Items Phone *****5. 8 10 30 am or after 6pm
      28 words
    • 377 18 ■VI, tip* aim S^CANIONESE PtKIWO FOOO: Lei Wan ReMeurant "•«•> RlsMurewl 37T-C, Jalan Besar NNe-Club S Tel *****03/*****94 mh 3,. Vifw Hotel 55 Block 44. 1436 Bendemeer Road WIZZ 30 30Z Tel *****60/25A4461 gM pOQO CMICMSI CURRY/ AM*e R^ ila^Han VMtoae CHILI CRAM: f 'J°» Dr lve S Bedea Real
      377 words

  • MODERN OFFICES.. Sunday Times Feature
    • 968 19  -  STAFF WRITER By gOME of the latest brands of typewriters, calculators, copying machines and other office equipment in the market have been designed to take the drudgery oat of a secretary's life, make her more efficient and save her boss time and money.
      968 words
    • 958 20 How you can improve your job prospects pLASSIFIED advertisements in the Straits Times and Sunday Times five you some Idea of the many opportunities awaiting; trained, qualified and talented executives and secretaries. A person, determined to improve, will find ample opportunities but Httlr can be achieved without conscious effort and
      958 words
    • 832 21 The man who started the office copying revolution By STAFF WRITER BUSY secretary presses a button of a telecopier facsimile transreceiver on her desk to transmit a document to her counterpart some thousands of miles away. The document, In the language In which it Is written— be It English, Malay,
      832 words
    • 227 21 AUTOMATIC DISPATCH OF ARTICLES AN automatic container system for distribution of articles and documents In multistorey office has been developed by an Internationally known office equipment man v f aeturer. The manufacturers say that the system requires little space because narrow-band conveyors are used throughout. The motor for the vertical
      227 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 155 19 ELECTRONIC COPYSTAR /\-PfAUTOI NOW AVAILABLE ROLL- FED COPYSTAR MODEL A2-AUTO is a very mh.ill machine for its large size reproduction up to 16 V 2 inch 4 20mm in v ulth h\ any length up to 120 m roll paper. g STEEL WOOD CORPORATION 82 Killmey Road Singapore 9 Tel
      155 words
    • 408 19 V&^sssW Lsajf^^ sst*" To d»count 4/,Kss\ v aLjgß 7^^g»^ P^^BBBsa^ $220 by 13* '//VStISSY J ■aaaaaaak v w **7 »i\^'/*\* ■■^^■H MWMJWM *lst Bgissssssssr^K I I £t I sß^ssMsssissMr I n«> a\ mi Qgaajßgaaaasaask > j >*■> i w# jgeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pwcf S lOO I s AK-FfCjaMng- DeciiTial Syrtsvn 1 b^^^^
      408 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 596 20 Texas Instruments llimii ii i*«l :i l-.ii is Where your business takes you, we have a calculator to suit your needs Instruments M \^^f\ electronic v& XiVj^-.^ calculator Ya^LflL^V TI-500 The Tl 500 combines full 1 2-digit Designed with solid state MOS/LSI display, a rapid printing system, selectable integrated circuitry,
      596 words
    • 75 20 FROM LOWEST PRICE! HIGHEST PERFORMANCE! I •■■BO J mmmm 80 M AC DC 1?1 W AC DC V 80 KF AC DC w i>aVaW/ NUl i" M >* '< w£k m I "^^HP^I fr^ BaaataaHßaaaal -W W^y W B^^ _l i- ■t^^hj Uvliluin THE ANSWER TO MODERN OFFICE EFFICIENCY ©So«
      75 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 179 21 Office Furniture stopped being just functional when Diethelm created the DE 211 Executive Range. \Z] Diethelm added prestigious good looks and --n comfort to functional, practical office furniture and came up with the DE 21 1 Executive Range. Comprising a suite with a single unit desk, the —^O^ Range includes
      179 words
    • 371 21 19 ASK FOR Q] H lllion] IS KING IN THE FIELD OF OFFICE FURNITURE EQUIPMENT n Hi r. *&jfi l=J iVI: I Ml W^ [51 Wl™ TsTrn "j |H I Unrivalled In Design [j]] l=J I 'JBFCfIHi Elegance. Finish And fiji Durability Exclusive rjjj I— I Prices.Why Not Start From
      371 words

  • 163 22 P«DINBVRGH Sat—Blg- land, sparked by a great rally from captain Peter Oonterhula, defeated Ireland two matches to one with one hrlved and maintained their unbeaten record at the top of the International Team golf tournament at Gleneaglea yesterday. Oosterhuls was two down with three to play
    Reuter  -  163 words
  • 34 22 JAKARTA. Sat.— An Indonesian soccer team will leave for Europe on Monday to play several matches In Denmark. Britain Caechoslovakla and West Oermany. an Indonesian Football Federation spokesman said today Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 204 22 England pick Denness as captain of Australia tour V ONDON, Sat. Mike Denness was appolnt- ed yesterday, as expected, to lead the M.C..C on their five-month tour of Australia and New Zealand starting In October. The selectors' decision was announced just before the close of the second day's play in
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 92 22 Nakamura still ahead TOKYO. Sat. First and second round leader Tom Nakamura. Japan's 1973 World Cup player, today fired a two- under- par 7o for a three-stroke lead In the third round of the 23.000.000 yen (8182.400) KBC Augusta Oolf tournament. Nakamura. 23. had a 14--under-par 203 for 54 holes
    UPI  -  92 words
  • 90 22 Overath quits big-time soccer ftOLOGNE, Sat. Vj Mldfleld player Wolfgang Overath yesterday became the second member of West Germany's victorious World Cup team to announce his retirement from International soccer. Overath, 30, had been capped 74 times In 11 years, a In the recent World Cup finals, he kept superstar
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 37 22 PORT-AU-PRINCX Bat.— The Haitian women's national soccer team were beaten 3-1 by a women's aide from the French City of Rhetms In front of 20.000 spectators at the Sylvio Cator stadium here last night. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 1895 22 TOTAL POOL: $9,453. FIRST: No. 3002* <52.34«) SECOND: No. ***** (slJ7t>* THIRD: No. 3*828 583) STARTERS ($53 each) Nos. 3947* ***** ***** 3*244 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 34SM. CONSOLATION ($45 each) Nos: ***** ***** 3*593 36M7 ***** 316*8 *****
    1,895 words
  • 437 22 Borg beats Prajoux in battle of the teenagers NEW YORK, Sat—Czechoslovakia's Jan Kodes and Bjorn Borg of Sweden advanced to the quarterfinals of the US. Professional tennis championships at Longwood Cricket Club, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, last night. Kodes, Czechoslovakia's premier player since 1966, offset the determined and stubborn play of
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 46 22 NEW YORK. Bat Pat Cramer of South Africa and Tom Krless of the United) States upset top-seeded Americana Jim Delaney and John Whltllnger. 7.6. 6-3. In the second round of the 77th annual Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Doubles championship yesterday at Merlon Cricket Club Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
    • 565 22 I"HE stipendiary steward 'a report on yesterday's races at Ipoh: RACK 1: At the aUrt ■aaalsi Ft* jumped outwtrds approximately 3 horses before hta rider, L. Johnson. could «traighi*n him. Soon after tr.e start Glertfy II (Rajooi. who was being ridden along. forced Ches Neas
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 552 22 (tsso) ESSO Borneo Sendinan farlud seeks re fill the position of: SALES REPRESENTATIVE in irs Sales Department Kuchmg. Sarawak. The man should be East Malaysian. His duties involves in providing assistance and technical service to dealers, direct consumers and government; and the promotion of good company and product image to
      552 words
    • 375 22 J■ I LEVER BROTHERS] |fc H (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD J Has a vacancy in the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT for a I j MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Applicants must be male Malaysian Citizens and must hold I I a good degree from a recognised University in any one of the following I ECONOMICS COMMERCE
      375 words
  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 43 22 Cut your losses >? >? K pk j H r I^MmjaTir.-V" afcMgy^coMPig-nt) "I MHf^f hr 9AC*O*ANO' 1 HaV^aW' (r > ''4 ka^Hßajßf-VJwr Vx, a^aV w la^fl AN*P I ae^kj^ufi^ ah*» AaV >- m p, y^^^j^. i i w way **w o*nu i jaas f^a^TJ'T-. i ,*Ef**aH a»K^.^T
      43 words

  • 186 23  -  EPSOM JEEP By DECISIVE, with Jim Johnson astride, has a first rate winning ch«nce in the $30,000 Sultan's Gold Vase over 5f f straight (Race 4) at Ipoh today. JJ won the Vase on Achilles II ln his first try in
    186 words
  • 1682 23 Race 1 MENTAKAB: Won Dlv. 1 BSI last week; 8-lb penalty should not trouble him. OLD AND BOLD: Led all the way Dlv 2 BSf with 8.3 lut week, can get 9f easily; sure to make bold bid for double. NAGOYA PRIDE: Finished fast second by neck
    1,682 words
  • 235 23 MONTREAL, Sat—Belgian Eddy Merckx did a lap of the World Cycling Championships road circuit here yesterday, pulled up and said: "It's murderous." Merckx. the 29-year-old world number one from Belgium, will again be the man most tipped to take the professional road race title here tomorrow.
    Reuter  -  235 words
  • 155 23 Kpw YORK. Sat Former world heavyweight boxlnf champion UuhtmiMd All arrived with hu family yesterday to take a look at UMtr new apartment at Cherry HU. about 100 mile» from his training camp in Deer Lake. Pennsylvania All. hu wife. Belinda, and their four mall children emited
    AP  -  155 words
  • 562 23 World records fall again to Ba bash off and Shaw YEW YORK, Sat 11 Two California teenagers Tom Shaw of Long Beach and Shirley BabashofT of Mission Viejo set their second world records in another spectacular show at the National Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Long Course swimming championships at Concord
    Agencies  -  562 words
  • 957 23 MJ M 2.00 CLABB DIV 1- 9F ($6,000 $4,200 tO whlMf) i 7SS« CM***** m (Ctiaftajrm) Jsafar (to I mint) *arifJk» t MSI Omj (Rojr») CuM Buan« 7S 13 (tarn*) SaM 1 23 M ft*r« Pantw t < c Tulloh Owner 6 i i mint StaCfcaa t I
    957 words
  • 254 23 «rm SW Prmt4 a< B at P) R Bmikekn 5I 5 (lam*) OTsaiTT ***** Tan Tlraaa Tan (AOacuui Manaor 7I <*>♦ 11 1 t M lama* 12 I 2OM Itaat who— a(B tianeia) K Woordln 5« 4 (aamt bf) WT, v— 4 f 4200 Uraa a (Lucky) Buani S
    254 words
  • 159 23 LONDON. Sat. Worcestershire cut Hampshire's lead at the top of the English County cricket championship to three points when they edged home to a thrilling five runs victory over Nottinghamshire at Newark yesterday. If Worcestershire, who have two matches left one less than Hampshire, end
    Reuter  -  159 words
  • 92 23 NEW YORK. Sat Results of yesterday's major league baseball games: Aneriaui Leagve: Kansas City 6 Milwaukee 4 (Ist game). Milwaukee 1 Kansas City 0 1 2nd game). Baltimore 4 Minnesota 1. Boston 3 Oakland 0. Texas 5 Detroit 2. Chicago 2 Cleveland 1. New York 10 California
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 138 23 T«EHERAN Sat A If x cord 1.293 gold, silver and bronae medals will be awarded to winners of the 16 sports contests as the Seventh Asian Oames openIng In Teheran on September 1. The largest number of medals will be presented to the swimmers who
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 344 23  - Sincerely Yours— my Vase choice DENNIS CHIA By IN an open race for top sprinters, I am goIng for Sincerely Yours to win the Sultan's Oold Vase over sif straight at Ipoh today. A spe«dy grey by Super Sam. he came to hand quickly, finishing second to Persian Pete in
    344 words
  • 217 23 Easy, but not a popular win for Kenty MEXICO CITY. Sat US lightweight James Kenty scored an easy victory over Jamaican Errol Johnson yesterday to advance to the quarter finals in the World Amateur Boxing championships in Havana, the Cuban News Agency Prensa Latlna i reported. Prensa Latlna said spectators
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 112 23 ESTABLISHED SHIPPING FIRM requires ACCOUNTANT LC C Higher State Certificate in Accounting Essential. At least 3 years working experience. Preferably with L.C.C. Certificate in costing, good command of English and Shipping Knowledge. Salary commensurate with experience ability. Please apply in handwriting with details of qualifications, experience and personal particulars to
      112 words
    • 83 23 Bsssissa ssss^^^^Ll sssPy I ssW^^Ql tssS^^^ssW^sssssssil iAXs^^^J h W JOHAN CRUYFF M| > BHBH^^W^l/*GERD MUELLER f^^^^^^ '< STARS OF CHASE' L/'AtI I i ..s^J KAREN CARPENTER Itfjj^jl mWm MICHAELYORK lOt^^Sm^m. Js^B *ROBIN THROWER J AM ES STEWART *GARY GRANT |^^^3M| *MAMA CASS ELLIOTT JOHAN CRUYFF -suu»^**^^T^ 4 V^ H si*
      83 words
  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 41 23 ATHLETICS— Onam meet (Parrer Park 930 a.m (KU'KET BCA Premier League: SRC v SCC (padang) BOHI.ING— Pesu Sukan championships (Orchard) tOOCOI TAB Youth tournament: BUble Boys v Junior AA: Boon Teck CC v Kam pong Kembangan. Buklt Timah PC v Hampshire;
      41 words
    • 62 23 BAPSA A v Kranjl SC: Bakat Baru v Chinese Athletics (matches at 3.16 pm). Actlonltes v Darul Allah Red: MFA v Peru SC; Tampines Rovers v Liomtes. Schools Red v Jalan Pajak, Schools Oreen v Paslr Panjang (matches at 446 pm— all to be played at Parrer Park i Friendly
      62 words

  • 685 24  -  JOE DORAI By MALAYSIA yesterday broke The Philippines' 12-year grip on the Southeast Asian amateur golf championship when they won the Putra Cup at the Bukit Course. It was great golf by former Thomas Cupper Tan Yee Khan and Ish a k Bluah, both of whom
    685 words
  • 548 24 ONLX>N, Sat— Zaheer Abbas sc >red 240 as Pakistan mercilessly rammed home their ad van tag against England on the second day of the Third and final crlc :et Test at The Oval, here, yesterday. With The Oval pitch as benign as
    Reuter  -  548 words
  • 39 24 tan Meno aeon, m sssni awar pwwfallr 14/I/T4 10 item Iwrtiw Mtfarf wlf*. mm. 1 •Mfkura. S Ma«-la-la*. 8 aansaim-la-law. S sraati— S sraaea«ntnnri Osrtos* Mm Block tea. S4E. CemaMawwitk Ciwcnt sfsMar M/t/74 3 00pm for CCX etmttry
    39 words
  • 336 24 Century by Amiss features England's fight-back T ONDON. Sat. A Ld second-wicket partnership of 129 between Dennis Amiss, wbo hit a century, and "night watchman" Derek t'nderwood led a dour England nght-bark against Pakistan on the third day of the Third cricket Test at The Oval here. At tea. England
    Reuter  -  336 words
  • 128 24 PAKISTAN Ist Inns: 600-7 den (overnight 317-2) Sadlq c Old b Willis 31 Majld b "Underwood M Zaheer b Underwood 340 MuLhtaq b Arnold 76 A Iqbal c and b Orelg 3* Waslm c Denneas b Orelg 28 Imran c Knott b Willis 34 Intlkhab not out 33 Sarfrax
    128 words
  • 254 24 Five sacked and five warned in Youth meet FVE players were sent off and five others warned by referees In FAS Youth soccer tournament matches at Farrer Park yesterday, reports ALBERT JOHNSON. Left half Anuar of Kampong Dbl CC Hamaah of Ulu Pandan C. left back Rahlm Ismail of Tamil
    254 words
  • 474 24 Carlisle, Ipswich score 3rd straight win LONDON, Sat Carlisle United, fresh to the English First Division, kept their surprise place at the top of the table today with a 1-0 triumph over experienced Tottenham Hotspur. Only Ipswich Town, with a 2-0 win at home to Burnley, could match their feat
    474 words
  • 24 24 VIENNA, flat. Hungary won today the European waterpoto title defeating Rus-ia 7-5 In their one but la.«t r»me of the tournament DPI
    24 words
  • 339 24  - Hectic pace has put swimmers right for Teheran: Woon SIX swimmers, who stayed behind to help Singapore win 24 gold, 14 silver and four bronze medals In the flve-nation Schools international championships, left yesterday with teammanager Woon Sui Kut to compete In next month's Asian Oames at Teheran. They were
    Reuter  -  339 words
  • 576 24  - JESSE WINS SINGLES IN COMEBACK JESSE DV shrugged aside his two-year lay-off to win the men's singles title in the Singapore International bowling eh a mpionsh ips at Jckle's Bowl Orchard yesterday. Jesse, who was Master's champion In 1065 and 1968. rolled a sr.-ch-ing 677 for three games, averaging 225.
    576 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 310 24 fixed deposit investment CCS offer a sound dependable investment savings opportunity FIXED DEPOSITS. security CCS is owned by The J^\ Chartered Bank, Australian j*~l M^ *Yk n Guarantee Corporation Ltd, V-* "1 and Sharikat Permodalan J Kebangsaan and has been t \\^S established for over 10 years. -^N interest 7.4
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